Playbill - Jazz at Lincoln Center


Playbill - Jazz at Lincoln Center
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Friday and Saturday Evenings, October 24 and 25, 2014, at 7:00 and 9:30
Wynton Marsalis, Managing and Artistic Director
Greg Scholl, Executive Director
Spokfrevo Orquestra
SPOK, Alto and Soprano Saxophones
GILBERTO PONTES, Tenor Saxophone
RAFAEL SANTOS, Tenor Saxophone
ELCI RAMOS, Trombone
MELISSA ALDANA, Tenor Saxophone
Please turn off your cell phones and other electronic devices.
Jazz at Lincoln Center’s Brazilian Festival is supported in part by the
New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.
Jazz at Lincoln Center thanks its season sponsors: Bloomberg, Brooks Brothers,
The Coca-Cola Company, Con Edison, Entergy, HSBC Premier,
The Shops at Columbus Circle at Time Warner Center, and SiriusXM.
Jazz at Lincoln Center’s
The Appel Room
Frederick P. Rose Hall
Please make certain your cellular phone,
pager, or watch alarm is switched off.
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Jazz at Lincoln Center
Notes on the Program
by Ernesto Lechner
If you have never experienced the percolating magic of Brazilian frevo, have no fear.
You are about to discover a sumptuous
instrumental genre that emerged a good
100 years ago from the annual carnivals
held in the Brazilian state of Pernambuco.
Our guide tonight will be saxophonist Inaldo
Cavalcante de Albuquerque—better known
as Maestro Spok—leader of the internationally acclaimed SpokFrevo Orquestra.
“What the audience can expect to see
tonight is a big band in its traditional
format,” Spok says from his home in Brazil.
“Our orchestra includes brass instruments—saxophones, trumpets, and trombones—as well as percussion, guitar, and
bass. However, since we come from the
Northeastern area of Brazil, we bring with
us a number of different musical influences
and traditions that American audiences
have never heard before. Our goal is to
showcase the soul of Pernambuco.”
And what a beautiful soul it is. In 1907, a
man known as Zuzinha, who acted as
director of the Pernambuco Military
Brigade band, experimented with the
format of polka-marcha. The result was a
more feverish, faster, and syncopated
genre that borrowed its name from the
Portuguese verb “ferver”—to boil. Frevo
was exuberant dance music, meant to be
performed by elaborate orchestras in night
clubs during the months that built up the
anticipation for the almighty carnival, and
then on the streets during the carnival
itself. Initially, its Pernambuco fans paid
little attention to the actual bands or the
orchestrations of the songs. Slowly, frevo
was recognized as the sophisticated art
form that it actually is.
“Frevo can easily touch people from all
over the world,” adds Spok. “Even though
some of the songs have lyrics, it’s mostly
instrumental music, so there’s not a linguistic
barrier that prevents you from enjoying it
fully. Frevo is vibrant, rich, and energetic.”
Spok knows what he’s talking about. He
grew up surrounded by this music in the
city of Abreu e Lima in Pernambuco. “As a
little kid, I listened to lots of traditional frevo
tunes on the radio with my father,” he
recalls. “My father was passionate about
the music of Pernambuco, and I became
acquainted with great frevo masters like
Nelson Ferreira, Expedito Baracho, and
Levino Ferreira. I was also listening to the
songs of Luiz Gonzaga—pioneer of the
baião genre—and the popular poets known
as repentistas who became my idols. The
masters of frevo, Gonzaga, and the repentistas are the three different elements that
make up my soul as an artist.”
Since the release of SpokFrevo Orquestra’s
debut album, Passo de Anjo, in 2004, Spok
has kept the project alive both in the
recording studios and on the international
concert circuit. He also achieved his initial
dream of making frevo popular in Brazil
throughout the year—free from the seasonal limits of the annual carnival.
Maintaining a 17-piece big band, however,
is no easy task.
“Most of us can’t afford to make a living
just by playing frevo,” admits Spok. “As a
result, many musicians in the band are
forced to play with other groups. But
there’s one thing that has kept us all
playing together after all these years: being
able to take our traditions to places where
they have never been experienced before.
To be recognized as frevo musicians, specialists in a genre that’s completely our
own. We may not be as popular as
[Brazilian pop stars] Roberto Carlos or Ivete
Sangalo, but we are proud of a tradition
that we love. And as long as we keep
dreaming about it, the SpokFrevo Orquestra
will always keep going.”
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Jazz at Lincoln Center
Notas sobre o Programa
por Ernesto Lechner
Traduzido por Nadia Granadeiro
Se você nunca sentiu a magia penetrante do
frevo brasileiro, não tenha receio. Você está
prestes a descobrir um gênero instrumental
suntuoso que surgiu há uns bons 100 anos,
proveniente dos carnavais anuais celebrados
no estado brasileiro do Pernambuco. Esta
noite, o seu guia será o saxofonista Inaldo
Cavalcante de Albuquerque–mais conhecido
como Maestro Spok–líder da internacionalmente aclamada SpokFrevo Orquestra.
“O que o público pode esperar ver esta
noite é uma orquestra no seu formato tradicional,” Spok diz, de sua casa no Brasil. “A
nossa orquestra inclui instrumentos de
sopro–saxofones, trombetas e trombones–
assim como percussão, guitarra e baixo. No
entanto, como somos do Nordeste brasileiro,
trazemos conosco várias influências e
tradições musicais diferentes nunca antes
ouvidas pelo público americano. Nosso objetivo é mostrar a alma do Pernambuco.”
E como é bela essa alma. Em 1907, um
homem conhecido como Zuzinha, então
diretor da Banda da Polícia Militar de
Pernambuco, experimentou com o formato
da polca-marcha. O resultado foi um gênero
mais febril, mais rápido e sincopado que
deve seu nome ao verbo “ferver”–entrar
em ebulição. Frevo era música de dança
exuberante, concebida para ser interpretada por orquestras complexas em clubes
noturnos durante os meses que precediam
o tão antecipado e grandioso carnaval. De
início, os seus fãs pernambucanos deram
pouca atenção às bandas elas mesmas e às
orquestrações das músicas. Aos poucos, o
frevo foi reconhecido como a forma de arte
sofisticada de que se trata.
“O frevo pode facilmente tocar pessoas de
todas as partes do mundo,” acrescenta Spok.
“Embora algumas das músicas tenham letras,
o frevo é sobretudo música instrumental e
então não tem barreira linguística que impeça
o público de desfrutar completamente. Frevo
é vibrante, rico e energético.”
Spok sabe do que está falando. Ele cresceu
rodeado por essa música, na cidade de
Abreu e Lima no Pernambuco. “Quando era
pequeno, escutava muito frevo tradicional
na rádio com o meu pai,” lembra ele. “O
meu pai era apaixonado pela música do
Pernambuco e eu me familiarizei com os
grandes nomes do frevo, tais como Nelson
Ferreira, Expedito Baracho e Levino Ferreira.
Também estava ouvindo as músicas de Luiz
Gonzaga–pioneiro do gênero baião–e dos
poetas populares conhecidos como repentistas, que viraram meus ídolos. Os mestres
do frevo, Gonzaga e os repentistas são os
três elementos diferentes que compõem a
minha alma de artista.”
Desde o lançamento do álbum de estreia
da SpokFrevo Orquestra, Passo de Anjo,
em 2004, Spok tem mantido esse projeto
vivo tanto nos estúdios de gravação como
na cena internacional. Ele realizou também
o seu sonho inicial de fazer com que o
frevo se tornasse popular no Brasil durante
todo o ano–livre dos limites sazonais do
carnaval anual. Sustentar uma banda de 17
integrantes, porém, não é tarefa fácil.
“A maioria de nós não consegue viver de
tocar o frevo,” admite Spok. “Como resultado, muitos dos músicos da banda se
veem obrigados a tocar com outros grupos.
No entanto, existe algo que nos tem mantido juntos ao longo de todos esses anos:
poder levar as nossas tradições a lugares
onde não se tinham ouvido antes. Sermos
reconhecidos enquanto músicos de frevo,
especialistas de um gênero que é completamente nosso. Podemos não ser tão populares quanto o Roberto Carlos ou a Ivete
Sangalo, mas é com orgulho que amamos
essa tradição. E se continuamos sonhando
com ela, a SpokFrevo Orquestra sempre
continuará a existir.”
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Jazz at Lincoln Center
Meet the Artists
SpokFrevo Orquestra
SpokFrevo Orquestra draws inspiration
from frevo, a vibrant music of elaborate
arrangements and deep roots. SpokFrevo
takes the tradition to the center stage, but
does not renounce allegiance to freedom; it
relies on what jazz is all about—improvisation.
SpokFrevo Orquestra arose in 2003 from
musical experiences that date back to the
late 1990s, led by the virtuous Inaldo
Cavalcante de Albuquerque (Maestro Spok),
who serves as saxophonist, arranger, and
musical director. Spok fronts a 17-piece big
band with saxophone, trumpet, trombone,
rhythm sections, bass, and guitar. In the
state of Pernambuco, Brazil, where centenary frevo was birthed, carnival bonds constrict the genre to street festivals. SpokFrevo
Orquestra takes frevo from its supporting
role and presents it as the leading actor,
shedding light on its original texture and
complex playing technique. Based on musical excellence and speaking with propriety,
they break patterns and reinvent tradition
without subverting it.
Inaldo Cavalcante de Albequerque, A.K.A.
Spok, is considered to be the youngest of
Pernambuco’s greatest frevo maestros. He
began playing at age 12 by influence of his
cousin, saxophonist Gilberto Pontes, the
Orquestra’s musical director. In Recife he
finished his musical studies and started
working with the masters of the frevo
scene, such as Ademir Araújo, Clóvis Pereira,
Duda, Édson Rodrigues, and Guedes Peixoto.
During the 1990s the city experienced a
cultural rebirth, and Spok started looking at
new horizons. “I used to watch those
musicians improvising and asked myself
why couldn’t we do the same to frevo,
which I used to play so traditionally following the musical score…whereas those
musicians were playing jazz.” He makes it
clear: “I am interested in musical freedom.
In fact, the Orquestra plays raw frevo, just
like it is. We are 17 Pernambuco-born musicians on the stage, we all grew up listening
to this music, and there is no way for us to
not play it properly. The difference is the
arrangements, which are created for improvising, for playing with the heart.”
A turning point for the band occurred in
2003. From early experiences as Banda
Pernambucana and Orquestra de Frevo do
Recife, the group re-emerged as SpokFrevo
Orquestra (a name proposed by the band’s
agent Wellington Lima) by invitation and in
partnership with musical producer Zé da
Flauta, who had joined the group two years
before. In 2004 the band put out its first
CD. Released independently, Passo de
Anjo combines frevo classics with new
compositions, demonstrating the inexhaustibleness of the genre.
Spok’s boldness, although condemned by
purists, is endorsed by many critics, who
recognize his music as the harbinger of a
new school. In an article for Jornal do Brasil
(July 17, 2009), Tárik de Souza writes that
the time has come for frevo-jazz, pointing
to SpokFrevo as “a big band that has synthesized frevo and jazz in a blazing way.” In
2005 O Globo newspaper ranked SpokFrevo’s
performance at TIM Festival as one of the
ten best gigs of the year in Rio de Janeiro.
O Estado de São Paulo rated Passo de Anjo
as one of the best three Brazilian albums of
the year. SpokFrevo’s debut CD was rereleased in 2006, this time by the Biscoito
Fino record label, which also released the
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Jazz at Lincoln Center
DVD and CD Passo de Anjo–Live (2007)
from a concert recorded at Santa Isabel
Theatre in Recife. With few changes to the
repertoire, it features special guests
Armandinho (Bahia guitar), Genaro (accordion, an ex-Trio Nordestino member), and
Leo Gandelman (alto saxophone). Passo de
Anjo–Live was awarded the Prêmio da
Música Brasileira (one of the most important in Brazilian music) as the best CD
of instrumental music of the year, and
SpokFrevo was elected the best group in
the same category.
SpokFrevo’s international career received a
definite boost in 2008 with its first largescale European tour. When in France, the
Orquestra was invited to perform at the
closing ceremony of the World Music Day
(Fête de la Musique). It played the final gig
of the event at the Palais de l’Elysee, the
official residence of President Nicolas
Sarkozy, who attended the performance
accompanied by First Lady Carla Bruni.
SpokFrevo had a strong presence in the
European circuit of summer festivals, presenting the frevo as a unique musical language and properly introducing it to the jazz
and world music scenes.
Melissa Aldana
Melissa Aldana (Tenor Saxophone ) began
alto saxophone under her father’s tutelage
at age six. By 16, Aldana was headlining at
the Club de Jazz de Santiago, the main
hub of the Chilean jazz community.
Around the same time, in 2005, she was
invited to play with Danilo Perez at the
Panama Jazz Festival. Perez helped
arrange her auditions at Berklee College
of Music and the New England Conservatory. She was accepted at both and
decided to attend Berklee.
After graduating, Aldana moved to New
York. She played for legendary saxophonist George Coleman over the phone
(through a friend’s introduction), and he
invited her over for saxophone lessons.
Coleman continued to mentor Aldana
over the years and invited her to sit in on
his concerts.
Aldana recorded her first record, Free Fall,
for Greg Osby’s label Inner Circle Music. In
2012 she released her sophomore album,
Second Cycle. Aldana’s first big break
onstage came when Osby invited her to
play a weeklong residency at the Village
Vanguard. She has since performed in such
prestigious venues as Dizzy’s Club CocaCola, Blue Note, Jazz Standard, Museum of
Modern Art, Small’s, and Jazz Gallery, and
her band has performed at such prestigious
festivals as Monterey Jazz Festival and
Providencia Jazz Festival in Chile. She has
performed with artists such as Christian
McBride, Peter Bernstein, Jeff “Tain”
Watts, and Kevin Hays.
Aldana now plays with bassist Pablo
Menares and drummer Francisco Mela,
known together as the Crash Trio. In
September 2013, at age 24, Aldana won
the illustrious Thelonious Monk International Jazz Saxophone Competition. In
addition to winning a Monk Institute scholarship and a Concord Music Group recording contract, she became the first
female instrumentalist to ever win the
competition. Aldana also won the National
Arts Award “Altazor” in Chile for Best
Album and recently received the Lincoln
Center Martin E. Segal Award. The Crash
Trio recently released their self-titled debut
album for Concord.
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Jazz at Lincoln Center
Wycliffe Gordon
Musical ambassador and interpreter of America’s music, Wycliffe Gordon (Trombone )
enjoys a career of touring the world, performing hard-swinging, straight-ahead jazz
to great acclaim. He is recognized for his
modern mastery of the plunger mute,
exceptional technique, and signature
sound. Gordon was named “Best in
Trombone” by the DownBeat Critics Poll
for the last three years, and the Jazz
Journalists Association named him
“Trombonist of the Year” in 2013 (for the
eighth time since 2001). He is a past
recipient of the ASCAP Foundation Vanguard Award.
In addition to an extremely successful solo
career, Gordon regularly tours the world
with the Wycliffe Gordon Quartet. Gordon
is a former member of the Wynton
Marsalis Septet and the Jazz at Lincoln
Center Orchestra and has been a featured
guest artist on Billy Taylor’s Jazz at the
Kennedy Center series. His “Jazz a la
Carte” show, which debuted at the Apollo
Theater, was named one of the “top five
best moments in jazz” of 2011 by the Wall
Street Journal.
Gordon has released 16 solo CDs and
seven co-leader CDs. His most recent
releases, Hello Pops, A Tribute to Louis
Armstrong, and Dreams of New Orleans,
continue to receive rave reviews. In 2013
Criss Cross Jazz released The Intimate
Ellington: Ballads and Blues, showcasing
Gordon’s knowledge of Ellington and
Strayhorn techniques. Gordon is also a
gifted (and frequently commissioned) composer and arranger, with an extensive catalog of original compositions that spans
jazz and chamber music. His music is performed throughout the world, and his
arrangement of the theme song to NPR’s
All Things Considered is heard daily.
Gordon is a committed music educator,
and he serves as artist-in-residence at
Georgia Regents University. He also
serves on the jazz arts program faculty at
Manhattan School of Music and as Music
Director for the Louis Armstrong Legacy
Project in Chicago. His songbook and
accompanying CD, This Rhythm on my
Mind, was released in 2012, and Sing it
First, covering Gordon’s unique approach
to playing, was released in 2011. His lead
sheets, trombone music, and big band
charts are all available on his website.
Across the world, he works with musicians and audiences, from elementary
schools to universities, through master
classes, clinics, workshops, children’s concerts, and lectures.
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Jazz at Lincoln Center
Jazz at Lincoln Center
Jazz at Lincoln Center is dedicated to
inspiring and growing audiences for jazz.
With the world-renowned Jazz at Lincoln
Center Orchestra and a comprehensive
array of guest artists, Jazz at Lincoln Center
advances a unique vision for the continued
development of the art of jazz by producing
a year-round schedule of performance, education, and broadcast events for audiences
of all ages. These productions include concerts, national and international tours, residencies, weekly national radio programs,
television broadcasts, recordings, publications,
an annual high school jazz band competition
and festival, a band director academy, jazz
appreciation curriculum for students, music
publishing, children’s concerts and classes,
lectures, adult education courses, student
and educator workshops, and interactive
websites. Under the leadership of Managing
and Artistic Director Wynton Marsalis,
Chairman Robert J. Appel, and Executive
Director Greg Scholl, Jazz at Lincoln Center
produces thousands of events each season
in its home in New York City, Frederick P.
Rose Hall, and around the world. For more
information, visit
Jazz at Lincoln Center 2014–15 Concert Season
Jazz In the Americas
Jazz has both integrated and influenced a diverse array of musical traditions from the
Caribbean and North, Central, and South America. During our season-long journey through the
Americas, we proudly showcase virtuosos of these rich musical styles, featuring fresh new
jazz works, as well as interpretations of foundational composers led by today’s living masters.
Anchored by the renowned Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra with Managing and Artistic Director
Wynton Marsalis, we kicked off the 2014-15 season with the debut of a new collaboration by
Cuban jazz legend Chucho Valdés, fellow Cuban percussionist Pedrito Martinez, and Mr.
Marsalis. Native Brazilian ensemble SpokFrevo Orquestra makes its JALC debut, and musical
polymath Bill Frisell returns to curate our Roots of Americana series. We honor legendary
baritone saxophonist Joe Temperley, a beloved member of Duke Ellington’s band and our own,
and showcase jazz’s varied cultural interpretations with Elio Villafranca’s ‘Music of the Caribbean’
and Sherman Irby’s ‘Journey Through Swing.’ We welcome visionaries like Michael Feinstein,
Wayne Shorter, Rubén Blades, and Dianne Reeves, and honor the timeless music of Count
Basie, Betty Carter, Billie Holiday, Muddy Waters, Frank Sinatra, and more.
Our 27th concert season presents jazz in all its depth, beauty, diversity, relevance, and
continuity. Join us and we promise you’ll leave feelin’ good.
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Jazz at Lincoln Center’s annual artistic, educational, and archival programs are supported
by the following generous contributors:
Shahara Ahmad-Llewellyn
The Ammon Foundation
Helen and Robert J. Appel
The Arnhold Family
Henry Arnhold
Jody and John Arnhold
Siris Capital, LLC /
Robin and Peter Berger
Lisa and Dick Cashin
The City of New York
Betsy and Alan D. Cohn
Dalio Foundation
The Argus Fund
Jessica and Natan
Brooks Brothers
Valentino D. Carlotti
The Coca-Cola Company
Diana and Joe DiMenna
Adam R. Rose and
Gail and Al Engelberg
Peter R. McQuillan
Mica Ertegun
The Andrew W. Mellon
Melanie A. Shorin and
Greg S. Feldman
National Endowment for
The Ford Foundation
the Arts
The Hearst Foundation
Jennifer and Michael Price
Joan and George Hornig Karen Pritzker/
Mady Hornig
Seedlings Foundation
The Kresge Foundation
Rockefeller Foundation
Ann Tenenbaum and
Lisa Roumell and
Thomas H. Lee
Mark Rosenthal
Mary Beth and Stephen S. New York City Department
of Cultural Affairs in
Peggy Cooper Davis and
partnership with the
Gordon J. Davis
City Council
Donna J. Astion and
Jacqueline L. Bradley and
Michael D. Fricklas
Clarence Otis
Larry Gagosian
Karen and Charles Phillips
HSBC Premier
The Fan Fox & Leslie R.
Wynton Marsalis
Samuels Foundation, Inc.
Altman Foundation
Bank of America
Carnegie Corporation of
New York
Con Edison
Jennifer and Viet Dinh/
The Ambrose Monell
Bancroft PLLC
John S. and James L.
Knight Foundation
Prudential Financial/
Kari Gronberg and
Mary Kay and John
Little Johnny Koerber
Donna and William
The Jeffrey Altman
Jolynn Schmidt and
Scott Anderson
AT&T Foundation
Augustine Foundation
Norman Benzaquen
Patricia Blanchet
CBRE, Inc.
Diane M. Coffey
Judith and Jamie Dimon
Annette and Oscar
de la Renta
Holly and Barry Feirstein
Hugh Fierce
First Eagle Investment
Management, LLC
The Ella Fitzgerald
Charitable Foundation
Fribourg Family Foundation Sara Miller McCune
Anne Welsh McNulty
Buzzy Geduld
Mericos Foundation
The David Geffen
Lester Weingarten
Susan C. Gordon
CPA, Partner
The Charles Evans Hughes
New York State Council
Memorial Foundation,
on the Arts with the
support of Governor
Hughes Hubbard & Reed
Andrew Cuomo and the
New York State
Caroline and Ed Hyman
M. Billie Lim and
Palladium Capital
Stephen M. Ifshin
Management, LLC
Iridian Asset
Peter J. Solomon
Management, LLC
Company LLP
Jurate Kazickas
Ashley and Mike Ramos
Lear Family Foundation
Lincoln Center Corporate Johanna Judah and
Lief Rosenblatt
Fiona and Eric C. Rudin
Lostand Foundation
May and Samuel Rudin
Lauder Foundation
Bridget and John Macaskill Family Foundation, Inc.
The Jack and Susan
Rudin Educational and
Scholarship Fund
Rebecca and Arthur
Lisa and David Schiff
Burwell and Chip Schorr
Barry F. Schwartz
Dianne and David J. Stern
Steward Family
Marlene Hess and
James D. Zirin
The Shops at Columbus
Circle at Time Warner
Kimberly and Viqar Shariff
Surdna Foundation
Faye Wattleton
Therese S. Rosenblatt and
H. Marshall Sonenshine
The Harold and Mimi
Steinberg Charitable
Vosshall Family
World Stage
The Shubert Foundation,
Shearman & Sterling LLP
Daniel Rozzi and
Todd Yanuzzi/
Morgan Stanley
Adam Silver/National
Basketball Association
Stavros Niarchos
Fredric E. Steck
Laurie M. Tisch
Illumination Fund
World Wide Technology,
Barbara and John
Viacom, Inc.
Linda Wachner
George T. Wein
World Wide Technology,
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Amy and David Abrams
Simi Ahuja and
Kumar Mahadeva
Judy and John Angelo
Angelson Family
Anonymous (2)
Rose M. Badgeley
Charitable Trust
Leslie and Harrison Bains
Judy and Ron Baron
Norman Benzaquen
Brook and Roger Berlind
Barbara and Timothy
Broadway Across America
Ambassador and Mrs.
W. L. Lyons Brown
Valerie S. Brown
Betty and Philippe Camus
Kathryn and Kenneth I.
Emilie Roy Corey and
Michael Corey
Anthony Corso
Lise Scott and
D. Ronald Daniel
Brenda Earl
Cheryl and Blair Effron
Empirical Research
Partners, LLC
Irith Federmann-Landeau
Find to Fund
Steve and Nicole Frankel
Carolyn Surgent and
Jacques Friedman
Arlyn and Edward Gardner Julia and David Koch
Jennifer and Gregory
Sandra and Eric Krasnoff
M. Robin Krasny
Barbara Langaro and
David B. Kriser Foundation
Darin S. Goldstein
Laurie and Pierre LaPeyre
Ms. Carolyn Katz and
Toby Devan Lewis
Mr. Michael Goldstein
Robin and Jay L. Lewis
Elizabeth M. Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D.
Roberta Campbell and
Lindsay and Family
Richard N. Gray
Casey Lipscomb
Myrna and Stephen
Fern and Steven Loeb
The Louis Armstrong
Robin and Danny
Educational Foundation
James Lyle
Amy and John Griffin
Virginia Mancini
Christiane and
Susan and Stephen
Jean-Claude Gruffat
Louise and Henry A.
Nancy and Peter Meinig
Cindy and Chip Murphy
The Marc Haas Foundation Judith E. Neisser
Arnetta and Eddie
Alice K. Netter
Bette Kim and
Lisa Meulbroek and
Steven J. Niemczyk
Brent R. Harris
Cynthia and D. Jeffrey
Dina Merrill and
Ted Hartley
Brian J. Ratner
Liliane and Christian
Philanthropic Fund
W.E. Haub
Rose-Lee and Keith
Julia Perry and
Wolf Hengst
Aileen and Robert Rendine
Amabel and Tony James Marcus V. Ribeiro
Susan and J. Alan Kahn
Mrs. Frederick P. Rose
Sandy and D. Jeffrey
Patricia and Edward John
Craig Kallman
Esther and Steve Rotella
Keiko Matsuyama and
Richard Roth
David S. Katz
Ophelia and William Rudin
Virginia and Andrew
Danny Altschul
AMC Networks
Angelo, Gordon & Co.
The Angelson Family
Anonymous (4)
American Express
AREA Property Partners
Atlantic Records
Robin and Arthur Aufses
The David Berg
Foundation, Inc.
Sol and Margaret Berger
Arthur M. Blank Family
Dr. William and Laurie
Tina and Jeffrey Bolton
Maria and Mark Boonie
Rhoda Bressler
Mildred Brinn
Del Bryant/BMI
Caroline’s on Broadway
Celadon Creative
Simona and Jerome
Haynes and Boone, LLP.
Sandra Guenther Clark
Ther Arthur and Janet
Ann Colley
Hershaft Foundation
Geoffrey and Marcia
The DuBose and Dorothy
Heyward Memorial Fund
Patricia Cook
Peter D. and Julie Fisher Jennifer and Cameron
Cummings Family
H.L. Brown Jr. Family
Sylvia Botero and
Norman Cuttler
Home Box Office, Inc.
Susan and Mark Dalton
Jane and Michael Horvitz
Danske Capital
Joan and John Jakobson
Deusche Asset and
Jewish Communal Fund
Wealth Management
Diga Diga Doo NYC, LLC James E. Johnson
Discovery Communications Johnson & Johnson
Christopher S. Jones
Ebony Magazine
Kaltura Inc.
Eminence Capital
Richard and Lisa Kendall
Anna and James Fantaci Key Brand Theatrical
Group Inc.
FedEx Corporation
Robert Kissane
Hughlyn F. Fierce
Sally and Wynn Kramarsky
Aura Teixeria and
Diane Forrest and
Lywal Salles Filho
Nicholas J. LaHowchic
First Republic Bank
Jeffrey and Nancy Lane
Forbes Media LLC
Betty and John A. Levin
Marilyn and Sam Fox
General Motors Company Mr. and Mrs. A. Andrew
Great Performances
Carolyn and Ed Lewis
Bruce Greenwald
Robert C. Lieber
Harlem’s Fashion Row
Amanda and Peter Low
Stanley and Alice Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Safra
Diane and Leo Schlinkert
Adolph and Ruth
Foundation, Inc
Scholastic, Inc.
Chloe Breyer and
Greg J. Scholl
Peter Schub Foundation
Gil Shiva
Sydney and Stanley
Riva Arielle Ritvo Slifka/
Alan B. Slifka
The Jennifer and
Jonathan Allan Soros
Robert and Melissa Soros
Katherine Farley and
Jerry Speyer
Tames Music Group
Kimberley and Paul Tanico
Nicki and Harold Tanner
Eboni Marshall and
Rossie E. Turman
Reginald Van Lee
Tania and Mark Walker
David Weiner
Lester Weingarten
The Weininger Foundation
Lola C. West
Carol and Bernard
Lorraine Machiz
Macquarie Holdings
(USA) Inc.
Vincent Mai
Main Street Advisors
Jacko Maree
Molly McGowan
The MCJ Amelior
Sonnet and Ian Mckinnon
Robert and Bethany
Scott and Jennifer Miller
Cheryl and Philip Milstein
Joan Weinberg and
Alan Mirken
Adriana and Robert
Wendy Rothman and
Andrew Monness
Frosty Montgomery
Sharon Morris
Jeremy Moss
National Football League
NBC Universal, Inc.
Nancy Kuhn and
Bernie Nussbaum
Amelia and Adebayo
Mary Ann Oklesson
Rebecca and Daniel
10-24 Spokfrevo_GP 10/16/14 11:50 AM Page 10
Gabrielle and Michael
Paul Weiss Rifkind
Wharton & Garrison LLP
Paulson & Co., Inc.
Catherine and Malcolm
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Picket
Paulson & Co., Inc.
Christine and Jerome Ponz
Posternak Bauer
Associates, Inc.
Power Elite, LLC
Ellen B. Randall
Carol and Don Randel
Random House
Children’s books
Jill and Alan Rappaport
Aileen Ghee and
Robert Rendine
Clara and Walter Ricciardi
Mary Ann Rich
Avis and Bruce Richards
The Riverside Company
Ropes & Gray LLP
Dr. Michael Rosen and
Ms. Heather Bandur
Eugene and Maxine
Daryl and Steven Roth
Safra National Bank of
New York
Barbara Saltzman
Samsung Electronis
Shackman Associates
New York
Pam and Scott Schafler
Jane Hartley and
Ralph Schlosstein
Frances and Glen Schor
Donald Schupak
Irene and Bernard
Gregg G. Seibert
Katherine Seligman
Michael H. Seligman
Monica Seligman
Lee Rhodes and
Peter Seligman
Helen Sogoloff and
Alexander Shaknovich
John Shapiro
Glenn Close and
David Shaw
Susan Moldow and
William M. Shinker
Skadden, Arps, Slate,
Meagher and Flom LLP
Laura J. Sloate/
Hermione Foundation
Tracy and Jay Snyder
Sony Electronics
Deidre Stanley
Barbara Carroll and
Mark Stroock
Studio PAV M&C
Summit Productions, Inc.
Dhuanne and Doug Tansil
Judy and Alfred Taubman
Barbara and Andy Taylor
Kendall Thomas
Maggie and Amor Towles
Barbara Walters
Time Magazine
Turner Broadcasting
System Latin America,
The Value Investing
Viacom Media Networks
Jeanette and Paul Wagner
Warburg Pincus
Woman’s Day
Diane and Geoffrey Ward
Larry Satterfield and
Michael S. Ward
Cindy and Kenneth West
Patricia and Alfred Zollar
Tara Kelleher and
Roy J. Zuckerberg
Diane and Arthur Abbey
Donna and Greg Amato
Anonymous (3)
The ASCAP Foundation
Lillian Barbash
Brook and Roger Berlind
David Berman
Theresa and Gerry Bernaz
Arlene and Mark Bernstein
Keith Best
The Black Alumni of Pratt
Madeline and Alan Blinder
Barbara and James Block
Les Bluestone
Meg and Owen Boger
Marcia and Kenneth
Amsale Aberra and
Neil Brown
Ambassador and
Mrs. W.L. Lyons Brown
Noreen and Kenneth
Capital One Bank
Marian and James Cohen
David Cole
The Aaron Copland Fund
for Music, Inc
Larry Corio
Dana Cranmer
Alice and Daniel
Joan and John D’Addario
Ellen and Gary Davis
Elizabeth de Cuevas
Marilyn and Anthony
De Nicola
Chris and Jim Drost
Jacqueline Moline and
Antoine Drye
Cheryl and Blair Effron
Marsha and James
Evelyn and Arthur Estey
Elizabeth and Jean-Marie
Judy and Tony Evnin
Sanjeanetta Harris
Dolores Eyler
Laurie Hawkes
Joseph Fazio
Ken and Caryl Field Fund Anne Farley and
Peter C. Hein
of the Princeton Area
Community Foundation Alexandra Herzan
Tania Higgin
Alfred and Harriet
Alan D. Holtz
Feinman Foundation
Audrey Sokoloff and
Christine Ferer
Timothy Hosking
Christine and John
Margie and Edward Imo
Adam Inselbuch
Susan and Arthur
Andrea Montalbano and
Fleischer, Jr.
Diron Jebejian
Charlotte Moss and
Jeffrey Kallenberg
Barry Friedberg
Marnee and Eric Kaltman
Erin A. Pond and
Clarence Kam
Peter H. Friedland
Katherine and Jerome
Fredrica and Stephen
Linda and William Kaye
Ian Fuller
Ginny and Richard Keim
Roy L. Furman
Risa Schifter and
Alice and Nathan
Edward A. Kirtman
Pat and John Klingenstein
Henry Louise Gates, Jr.
Theresa Knight
Linda Gelfond
Chikako and Tomo Kodama
Stuart Gelfond
David L. Komar
Michael Gellert
Ronald and Isobel Konecky
June and John Gibson
Family Foundation
Gladstein Family
Eric Korman
Charlene and Keith Goggin Diane Kranz
Lynn and Jules Kroll
Linda Silberman and
Wendy and Jerry Labowitz
Victor Goldberg
Jill and Barry Lafer
Arlene Goldman
Eric Lax
Patricia and Bernard
Geraldine Laybourne
Elizabeth and Gavin Leckie
Rob Goldstein/
Laurie Zucker Lederman
Alter Trading
and David Lederman
Robert S. Goldstein
Sandra Shahinian Leitner
Nancy and Gary
Denise and David Levine
Barbara and Harry Gould Karen Collias and
Geoffrey Levitt
Green-wood Cemetery
Ira Levy
Terry and Michael Groll
Loida Nicolas Lewis
Lori E. Gross
Rita Fishman and
Rhoda and Edwin
Leonard Lichter
Agnes Gund
Sharon Horn and
Jeffrey Lichtman
Lynn Staley and
Marty Linsky
Tina and Michael Lobel
Madeleine Long
Lynn Davidson and
Jon Lukomnik
Ninah and Michael Lynne
James Manges
Katina and Ken Manne
Justin Mannus
Monty March
Susan and Morris Mark
Mark Family Foundation
Tracy Stein and
Marco Masotti
Joan Lee and
Robert Matloff
Joanne and Norman
Lady Va and Sir Deryck
Merridith and Robert
Rich McClure/Unigroup
Irene Weiss Miller and
Jeffrey D. Miller
Courtney Lee and
Marcus Mitchell
Kimberly and Nicholas
Susan and Alan Morris
Lisa Caputo and
Rick Morris
Kimberly and David Morse
Richard Moylan
Gaya Vinay and Vinay Nair
Kishwer Nehal
Judith E. Neisser
Josiane and Thierry
Nora Ann Wallace and
Jack Nusbaum
Harry O’Mealia
Jason Olaine
10-24 Spokfrevo_GP 10/16/14 11:50 AM Page 11
Lisbeth and Augustus
Judy and Steve Orich
Gideon Panter
Margot Bridger and
Joseph G. Paul
Michael Peffer
Albert Penick Fund
James Penrose
Joseph Perella
Paula and Dominic Petito
Caroline Wamsler and
DeWayne Phillips
Joel Picket
Mark G. Prentiss
Dr. Robert Press
Judy and Harold Prince
Cheryl and Louis Raspino
Caryl Ratner
Richard Reitknecht
Rodney Reid
Megan and William Ried
Barbara J. Riley
Nancy and Marc Roberts
Alicia and William
Margaret Robson
Donna and Benjamin M.
Carla and H. David
Lila Ross
Laura and James Ross
Steven and Daryl Roth
Ethel Rubinstein
Susan Cluff and
Neil Rudolph
Laura Sachar
George H. Sands, MD
Phyllis W. Bertin and
Anthony M. Saytanides
Steven F. Schankman
Mark Scharfman
Amy Katz and
Irving Scher
Marcia and Irwin Schloss
Shari and Jay Schuster
Deborah and Phillip Scott
Kathy and Joel Segall
Lynn Povich and
Stephen Shepard
Robert B. Shepler
Gil Shiva
Stephanie and Alfred
Randall Eron Shy
Angelia and George Siber
Ruth and Jerome Siegel
Nancy and Andrew
Carra Sleight
Dana Anderson and
Aaron Smidt
Helena and Steve Sokoloff
Yuriko and Leonard
Jimmie E. Spears
Denise Spillane
Louise A. Springer
Deirdre Stanley
Barbara and Mitchell
Joan and Michael
Leonore and Walter Stern
James Stevens
Sabin C. Streeter
Barbra Streisand
Foundation Inc.
Joe Sullivan
Gloria and Phillip Talkow
Jay Tanenbaum
Lynne Tarnopol
Aulston Taylor
Tiffany and Co.
The Wilma S. and
Laurence A. Tisch
Barbara and Donald Tober
Michael Tuch Foundation,
Ann and Thomas
Jacqueline T. Uter
Cheryl Vollweiler
Margaret and George
George H. Walker, III.
Ellen and Barry
Jane L. Overman and
Paul Weltchek
Joan and Howard
Mildred Weissman
Robert C. Wesley, Jr.
Western Oil & Gas J.V. Inc
Naida S. Wharton
Katherine C. Wickham
Michael E. Wiles
Shelley and Robert
Audrey Strauss and
John Wing
Richard M. Winn III
Benjamin Winter
The Craig E. Wishman
Wolfensohn Family
As of September 1, 2014
Jazz at Lincoln Center’s Live in Cuba Exhibit
On View Now
Free and open to the public during scheduled performances
In celebration of Jazz at Lincoln Center’s Jazz In the Americas season, our current
exhibit—Live in Cuba—tells the story of the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra’s
week-long residency in Cuba in October, 2010. This historic tour included five
performances at the Teatro Mella in Havana, Cuba, in addition to educational
workshops throughout the country. The exhibit, located on the fifth floor of
Frederick P. Rose Hall, features the photography of Frank Stewart and Ayano Hisa,
plus rare video footage from the tour. In addition to an illustrious and international
career as a professional photographer, Frank Stewart serves as senior staff
photographer for Jazz at Lincoln Center. Ayano Hisa, a 2013 fellow of the New York
Foundation for the Arts, is a freelance photographer whose clients include Jazz at
Lincoln Center, Newport Jazz Festival, and Savannah Music Festival. Please stop by
the free exhibit to learn more!
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Jazz at Lincoln Center’s
Frederick P. Rose Hall
October 2014
Brazilian Festival
The Brazilian Duke Ellington
October 24–25 at 8pm
The Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra with Wynton
Marsalis performs the music of the late Moacir
Santos, one of Brazil’s most important musicians and
prolific composers. Melding Afro-Latin influences
with improvisation and jazz harmony helped make
Santos a genuinely original voice in Brazilian music.
As a respected educator, Santos mentored some of
Brazil's most respected artists. Also joining the Jazz
at Lincoln Center Orchestra for this performance is
acclaimed Brazilian percussionist Cyro Baptista.
Free pre-concert discussion nightly, 7pm
November 2014
Celebrating Bobby Hutcherson:
Life of a Legend
November 8 at 7pm & 9:30pm
In the first installment of the Life of a Legend series,
JALC honored “jazz impresario” George Wein. This
year’s honoree is master vibraphonist and veteran
bandleader Bobby Hutcherson. Known for his originative
four-mallet approach to the vibes, Hutcherson is one of
the pioneers of his instrument along with greats Lionel
Hampton and Milt Jackson. Though Hutcherson cannot
be here to perform, the concert will span his noteworthy
ensembles, which throughout the last five decades
included Eric Dolphy, Andrew Hill, Herbie Hancock, and
Harold Land. Likewise, performances from Renee
Rosnes, Ray Drummond, and veterans of Hutcherson’s
prolific 1960s era, Stanley Cowell and Joe Chambers,
will represent the various incarnations of Hutcherson’s
lineups, along with handpicked protégés Steve Nelson
and Warren Wolf.
Free pre-concert discussions at 6pm & 8:30pm.
Rubén Blades
music director Carlos Henriquez, these performances
will showcase Blades’ resonant repertoire as well as
iconic jazz standards. His illustrious recording career
with over 30 albums as a leader and collaborations
with Fania and legends Ray Barretto and Willie Colón
are matched by his remarkable strides in the political
arena of his native Panama. Blades is well-known for
his socially conscious music and activism, which
culminated in a Panamanian presidential run and a
five-year term as Minister of Tourism. Joining Blades
and the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra will be
vocalist Eddie Rosado and percussionists Bobby
Allende, Marc Quiñones, and Carlos Padron.
Free pre-concert discussion nightly, 7pm.
Family Concert: Who is Tito Puente?
November 22 at 1pm & 3pm
The Jazz in the Americas motif continues as the Jazz
for Young People® series honors master musician,
composer, arranger, and “King of the Timbales” Tito
Puente. Join JLCO bassist Carlos Henriquez and the
Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra with Wynton Marsalis
in an enthusiastic exploration of Puente’s legacy. From
big band to bossa nova, Puente, a five-time GRAMMY®
Award winner and Lifetime Achievement Award
recipient, covered an extensive range of music over
the course of his 50-year career. Puente created one
of the most important hybridizations in jazz. These
hour-long, interactive concerts spark curiosity and
imagination through vivid conversation and lively
performances that will have your entire family dancing
in their seats.
Free pre-concert activities at 12:15pm & 2:15pm.
Swing University
Jazz at Lincoln Center’s jazz education program,
Swing University, offers students of all ages a chance
to learn about jazz from musicians and scholars. JALC
curator and WKCR personality Phil Schaap and friends
share insights, expertise, and stories as they lead
classes through jazz’s storied past and vibrant present. Winter Term classes include Jazz 101, Jazz 201,
Sydney Bechet, Charlie Parker, and Jelly Roll Morton.
Please visit, call 212-258-9922, or email for more information. Single tickets
are available. Begins January 5.
November 13–15 at 8pm
Salsa giant Rubén Blades makes his Jazz at Lincoln
Center debut with the Jazz at Lincoln Center
Orchestra with Wynton Marsalis. Led by bassist and
Except where noted, all venues are located in Jazz at Lincoln Center’s Frederick P. Rose Hall,
Time Warner Center, 5th floor
Tickets starting at $10
To purchase tickets call CenterCharge: 212-721-6500 or visit: The Jazz at Lincoln Center Box Office
is located on Broadway at 60th Street, Ground Floor. Hours: Monday-Saturday, 10am-6pm; Sunday, 12pm-6pm.
For groups of 15 or more: 212-258-9875 or
For more information about our education programs, visit
For Swing University and WeBop enrollment: 212-258-9922.
Find us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram.
10-24 Spokfrevo_GP 10/16/14 11:50 AM Page 13
Jazz at Lincoln Center’s
Frederick P. Rose Hall
October 2014
Crescent City Samba:
Featuring Joe Saylor & Friends
with Russell Hall, Gabe Schneider, Eddie Ray
Barbash, Sam Reider, Alphonso Horne, Ze Mauricio,
Fernando Saci, and Alex Brown
October 24–26
7:30pm & 9:30pm
The Fraternal Order of the Society Blues and
Jeremiah Lockwood Record Release Show
A Tribute to the Music and Legacy of Carolina Slim
with Ricky “Dirty Red” Gordon and Ernesto Gomez
October 27
7:00pm & 9:30pm
Ramptones’ Organic Roots Octet
with Kenny Rampton, Bill Sims, Donny McCaslin,
Elliot Mason, Bruce Williams, Brian Charette,
Dan Stein, and Tony Mason
October 28–29
7:30pm & 9:30pm
65th Anniversary Tribute to Prestige Records
Helen Sung Trio & Special Guests
Music of Miles, Coltrane, Sonny Rollins,
and Red Garland
with Helen Sung, Boris Kozlov, Willie Jones III, and
special guests Mike Rodriguez and Seamus Blake
October 30
7:30pm & 9:30pm
65th Anniversary Tribute to Prestige Records
Helen Sung Trio & Special Guests
Music of: Monk, MJQ, Milt Jackson,
and Eric Dolphy
with Helen Sung, Boris Kozlov, Dennis Mackrel, and
special guests Dr. Eddie Henderson, John Ellis, and
Steve Nelson
October 31
7:30pm & 9:30pm
November 2014
65th Anniversary Tribute to Prestige Records
Jamison Ross Trio and Special Guests
Music of: Roy Haynes, Miles “cookin,” Monk,
Kenny Dorham
with Jamison Ross, Yasushi Nakamura, Chris Pattishall,
and Special Guests Mike Rodriguez and Melissa Aldana
November 1
7:30pm & 9:30pm
65th Anniversary Tribute to Prestige Records and
Rudy Van Gelder Birthday Salute
Jamison Ross Trio, Special Guests and
Host Bob Porter
with Jamison Ross, Yasushi Nakamura, Chris Pattishall,
and Special Guests Mike Rodriguez and Melissa Aldana
November 2
7:30pm & 9:30pm
Rudy Van Gelder presentation at 7pm
Matthew Shipp Trio: Tribute to Duke Ellington
with Michael Bisio and Newman Taylor Baker
November 3
7:30pm & 9:30pm
Yuval Cohen’s Chamber Jazz Quintet
Israeli Jazz Festival
November 4
7:30pm & 9:30pm
In deference to the artists, patrons of Dizzy’s Club Coca-Cola
are encouraged to keep conversations to a whisper during the performance.
Artists and schedule subject to change.
Dizzy’s Club Coca-Cola is located in Jazz at Lincoln Center’s Frederick P. Rose Hall,
Time Warner Center, 5th floor New York.
Reservations: 212-258-9595 or; Group Reservations: 212-258-9595 or
Nightly Artist sets at 7:30pm & 9:30pm.
Late Night Session sets Tuesday through Saturday at 11:30 pm.
Cover Charge: $20–45. Special rates for students with valid student ID. Full dinner available at each artist set.
Rose Theater and The Appel Room concert attendees, present your ticket stub to get
50% off the late-night cover charge at Dizzy’s Club Coca-Cola Fridays and Saturdays.
Jazz at Lincoln Center merchandise is now available at the concession stands during performances in Rose Theater
and The Appel Room. Items also available in Dizzy’s Club Coca-Cola during evening operating hours.
Dizzy’s Club Coca-Cola gift cards now available.
Find us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram.
10-24 Spokfrevo_GP 10/16/14 11:50 AM Page 14
jazz at lincoln center
bobby hutcherson
NOV 8 • 7PM, 9:30PM
Renee Rosnes, Stanley Cowell, Joe Chambers,
Ray Drummond, Steve Nelson, and Warren Wolf
celebrate Bobby Hutcherson’s life and music
rubén blades
NOV 13–15 • 8PM
Rubén Blades and the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra
with Wynton Marsalis
jazz for young people
family concert:
who is tito puente?
NOV 22 • 1PM, 3PM
Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra with Wynton Marsalis.
Make sure to arrive early for free pre-concert family
activities at 12pm and 2pm.
frederick p. rose hall
broadway at 60th street
box office ground floor
centercharge 212-721-6500
10-24 Spokfrevo_GP 10/16/14 11:50 AM Page 15
jazz at lincoln center
jazz for young people series
family concert:
who is tito puente?
NOV 22 • 1PM, 3PM
Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra with
Wynton Marsalis
family concert:
who is billie holiday?
FEB 7 • 1PM, 3PM
Aaron Diehl and Charenee Wade celebrate
the music of Lady Day
Tickets start at $10!
Venue Frederick P. Rose Hall
Box Office Broadway at 60th St., Ground Fl.
CenterCharge: 212-721-6500
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7:30pm & 9:30pm sets
Jazz at Lincoln Center Broadway at 60th Street, 5th Floor, NYC
Photo by Marylene Mey and Whit Lane