Parent Newsletter - Archbishop Wood High School


Parent Newsletter - Archbishop Wood High School
Archbishop Wood High School
Parents’ Newsletter
Volume XVII, Number 1
Summer 2016
From THE PRESIDENT, Mr. Gary V. Zimmaro:
Dear Viking Parents and Guardians:
I hope that everyone is having a relaxing and enjoyable summer. I look forward to the
return of our students as we grow nearer to the start of the 2016/2017 school year.
Our summer projects are moving along smoothly with the help of Mr. Denny and our
student summer workers, Matt Suder, Nate Klein, and John O’Hara. Some of our projects are as
 Areas of the facility are being painted.
 The Science Lab on the second floor south building is being renovated.
 Mr. Mangin’s office, Student Services, is being completely renovated
 Thanks to the Archdiocese, our boilers are being switched over to natural gas; as a
result, oil will be our back up. This should be a savings on our Operations account.
I hope that these improvements and additions to our school will enable us to continue to
grow well into the future. I would like to thank all of you for the support that you give to
Catholic Education and Archbishop Wood High School; without you we would not be what we
are today.
A special welcome to our new “Viking Families” and the Class of 2020. You will find
Archbishop Wood to be a place with a wonderful tradition and a school with a faith-based
education that will prepare your child for a rapidly moving world.
Congratulations once again to the Class of 2016 who received over thirty-one million
dollars in scholarships and grants, the highest monetary amount in the Archdiocese. Enjoy the
rest of the summer and May God bless you and your families.
Gary V. Zimmaro
Important Information in this Newsletter:
* Opening Days of School Schedules, page 5
* Bus and Roster Information, pages 5 - 8
* Underclass Awards, 2015-2016, pages 9 - 10
* Class of 2020 Picnic Information, page 11
* Special Calendar Events, pages 12 - 14
* Parents Association Information, pages 15 – 16
* Performing Arts Department information, pages 29 - 31
* Fall Sports Starting Dates, pages 33 - 35
From the PRINCIPAL, Mrs. Mary Harkins:
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Summer is never a dull time at Wood. While we miss the presence of the students
within the building, you don’t have to go far to find current and future students participating in
summer camps. Within the building there is always lots of work in upgrading the facility. And
in the offices we are working to prepare a rigorous and challenging roster for each student. We
are open, so don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions or need information for the
coming year.
Throughout the spring we wrote to you on a number of occasions asking you to
complete a variety of surveys. Your participation was exceptional and has helped us prepare
for the new year. In this newsletter, please look for two articles with information from: The
Parent Satisfaction Survey and from the Middle States Survey. Both surveys have given us
valuable information.
A suggestion from the surveys was to provide more service opportunities for our
students. While there are many service projects sponsored by a number of organizations
throughout the school, we will look for additional opportunities and will work to publicize the
existing ones so that more students will be encouraged to participate.
Parent Satisfaction Survey/Parent Focus Group
Results from the Parent Satisfaction Survey completed in the late winter showed an overall high
rate of satisfaction among our parents. However, one issue in particular elicited many
comments: Communication and Responsiveness. Under this topic a number of issues were
The school website: there was general dissatisfaction with the web site. Plans are underway
for a new website. Suggestions from the Parent Focus Group will be incorporated. Specific
areas of concern were: too hard to navigate, keeping information specific and current.
Improving communication about school events, policies and updates: The Parent Focus Group
suggested and we will implement a weekly update about what is happening at Wood. This will
be emailed and posted on the website.
Improving communication between parents and teachers: Improved teacher use of
Grade Connect was felt to be the best method for this. All parents should sign up for
Grade Connect and include an email address so teachers have an efficient method to
contact parents with academic concerns. Parents contacting teachers must be assured
of a response within 48 hours. If no response is received, the parent should contact
There were a number of other issues discussed and wonderful suggestions to improve
Archbishop Wood. Improving communication should help to address many of the areas
touched upon both in the survey and the focus group. These are challenges that we as
the administration take very seriously and we pray that 2016-2017 will be a very
successful year for all.
In December, Archbishop Wood will be visited by a Middle States Evaluation Team. The
Middle States Commission on Secondary Schools accredits schools that fulfill all the academic
and organizational requirements set forth for all schools of secondary education. Wood was
last accredited in 2009. Accreditation lasts for seven years. Our Middle States Planning Team
led by Mr. Mark Mullelly has been working for many months reviewing all of our programs.
Look for an update from Mr. Mullelly in this newsletter (page 14) and updates throughout the
fall as we prepare for the visit.
June is always a time of good-byes, to the class of 2016 who earned over $31 million in
scholarships (the highest of any diocesan school) and to retiring faculty. Mr. Steve Peters has
spent the last 46 years teaching in the science department and coaching at Wood. Mr. John
Zoccola has retired from the ELA department after 47 years at Wood. In addition, Mr. Albin
Dixon has retired. Mr. Dixon started his career at North Catholic and has been at Wood the last
6 years. We thank each of these dedicated teachers for their service. Their presence at Wood
will be missed.
Our Summer Reading program for this summer does not have a required assignment nor
will there be a test in the fall. After much discussion, the decision was made that the most
important aspect of summer reading is to read! So the burden of an assignment was removed
so that reading can be seen as a pleasure. Please encourage your child to read, read, and then
read some more. Reading is the best preparation for Standardized Testing. See page 32 for an
introduction to the summer reading suggestions. The suggested summer reading choices are
located on the website under Quick Links.
Throughout the upcoming school year our faculty will engage in a series of Staff
Development sessions geared to improving Critical Reading skills. The goal of this program is to
increase and improve the ability of our students to understand and analyze what they read.
Success in college and beyond requires these skills. As always we are committed to preparing
our students for life after Wood.
I hope that the remainder of your summer will be full of family time together and lots of
relaxation. The 2016-2017 school year promises to be an exciting and full year on all levels:
academics, activities, athletics, performing arts, robotics and most importantly, spiritually. So
rest up for a great new year!
Mary Harkins
All students need an email address in order to log-on to our online grading
system, GradeConnect. All Freshmen will be given an Archbishop Wood email
address and then Freshmen will be given the opportunity to log-on on the first
day of school, September 7. Upper Classmen will be given an Archbishop Wood
email address and will complete the process during the first days of school.
GradeConnect is the program that allows parents to check their child’s
grades and assignments. All teachers are required to post grades and homework
on GradeConnect.
AFFAIRS, Mrs. Cloe O'Grady:
New and returning students are to report to school at 7:30 AM according to the following
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7—Freshmen report to the Auditorium by 7:30 AM.
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8—Sophomores & Juniors report to Homeroom by 7:30.
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9—Freshmen & Seniors report to homeroom by 7:30 AM.
Students should bring rosters with them for these Orientation Days. Homeroom assignments
are printed on the roster. In addition, on Wednesday, Freshmen will be treated to lunch and
special activities. See specific information in the section from the Principal and the Assistant
Principal for Student Affairs in this newsletter. NOTE: On these Orientation Days, Tech School
students are to be here at Wood for the whole day. Dismissal on these opening days will be at
2:15 PM and busing will be provided. Tech School transportation will officially begin on
Monday, September 12.
State Aid textbooks will be issued during the opening days of classes. Parents and students are
reminded that State Aid books must be covered at all times and maintained in good condition.
When textbooks are issued, students sign a textbook acknowledgement form. This form is
returned to the students when the textbooks are handed in at the end of the year. This form is
the only proof accepted regarding the status of a textbook. If the textbook is not returned or it
is returned in a damaged condition, the student will be responsible to pay for the book at the
rate of 100% of the full retail price if the book was new and 50% of the full retail price if the
book was used. All penalty fees would have to be paid before end of the year report cards are
issued or records forwarded.
Parents are encouraged to contact their public school district's Transportation Office to
determine what your child’s bus information is for the new school year.
the summer with Centennial busing arrangements. You may access their website for your
specific busing information (
RIDERS: Under the authority of Sections 1301 and 1302 of the Pennsylvania School Code,
Council Rock School District requires the parents or legal guardian of a student to provide proof
that they are legal residents of the school district. If you are the guardian or foster parent of a
student you must also show proof of the guardianship or foster parenting arrangement. This
requirement applies to siblings of students we may already be transporting.
If a student is new to our school or changes residency (even within the school district boundary)
they must provide 4 proofs of residency to the Transportation Office of Council Rock School
District. The proofs of residency must be provided before any transportation arrangements will
be made.
The ownership of property and the payment of property taxes within the Council Rock School
District does not automatically fulfill the residency clause as stated in the Pennsylvania School
You may show these proofs at Council Rock School District, Administration & Business
Offices, The Chancellor Center, 30 North Chancellor Street, Newtown, PA, between
the hours of 9 AM and 4:00 PM. You may also fax these 4 proofs to their office at:
215-944-1011, but make sure you put it to the attention of the TRANSPORTATION
DEPARTMENT. You may also e-mail them at If you have any
questions, call 215-944-1010.
Examples of acceptable proofs are:
Internal Revenue Statement
Property Deed
Insurance Statement
Bank Statement
Driver’s License
Vehicle Registration Card
Utility Statement
Billing Statement
Voter Registration Card
Council Rock Joint Custody Transportation Policy: Council Rock recognizes only one address as
the official address for a student’s residency. They will transport a student only to the official
address of the student. If a student alternates living with their parents, it is the responsibility of
the parents to arrange for the movement between residencies. The school bus will pick up and
drop off students only at the official residence.
Buses will be available on all regular school days from Public School Districts that bus for the
7:30 AM delivery and the 2:15 PM dismissal. Buses are scheduled to leave our driveways at
If you ever have any concerns regarding your child’s pick up or drop off time or the location of
their bus stop, please call your school district directly.
Activities buses from districts providing the service will begin on September 12. The districts
that provide late bus service are:
Bensalem: Every day at 5:00 but only as needed. Students must request this bus every day
that they need it by signing the request form in Room 230 before 8:15 AM.
Hatboro-Horsham: ONLY ON TUESDAY AND THURSDAY at 5:00 and only as needed. Students
must request this bus every day that they need it by signing the request form in Room 230
before 8:15 AM. This service is available only when Hatboro-Horsham is open and it is not
available when Hatboro-Horsham has early dismissal.
Neshaminy: Every day at 5:00 but only as needed. Students must request this bus every day
that they need it by signing the request form in Room 230 before 8:15 AM.
ROSTER INFORMATION: This summer, rosters will be mailed the latter part of the week of
August 15, 2016 to all students with June, July, and August tuition paid. Students with any
outstanding tuition, fees or books owed will not receive a roster. (Please note: August 15
tuition on-line, debit, or credit are posted immediately. Please be aware that check payments
could take 7 days to post and may delay roster mailing. Tuition questions are to be directed to
the Business Office.) Questions regarding rosters can be addressed at any time before August
26 via email to Mrs. Cloe O’Grady ( If a meeting is preferred,
questions can be addressed on August 25 and August 26 between 9 AM and 2 PM. ROSTER
Gym Uniforms will be sold the opening week of school. They are $10.00 for the shirt and
$20.00 for the shorts. Gym bags are $12.00. Cash or check (made payable to Aramark) will be
The school store will be open extended hours on Wednesday, September 7, from 7:00 AM to
3:00 PM. The store will also be open Wednesday night from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM.
The school store will be open during all the lunches on Thursday and Friday, September 8 and 9,
and everyday beginning on Monday, September 12.
The store will also be open the night of the first parents meeting from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM.
Science Department Goggles Requirement
All Science classes REQUIRE goggles. Current students can use their goggles from
last year. If you do not have your goggles from last year, then you MUST
purchase another pair of goggles from Follett. If you are a new student to
Archbishop Wood, then you MUST purchase your goggles from Follett. The
goggles purchased from Follett are chemical-resistant, impact-resistant, and
vented to fog-free. They have been approved for use in high school Science labs.
Goggles purchased from Home Depot, Lowes, etc. do not meet the criteria
required for high school Science lab safety and will not be acceptable. Follett is
the online provider of the required workbooks and supplies that our students use.
Students/Parents order the required items, which are shipped to them.
All math students are required to use Texas Instruments graphing calculators.
Acceptable models are the following:
TI-84 Plus-Recommended
TI-83 Plus and TI-83 (acceptable)
Check out summer sales at Staples, Target, and Office Max.
Congratulations to our academic award winners for the 2015-2016
school year. These students will be recognized at our Honors Dinner
in the Fall:
AP Language/Composition
Connor Ford
Emma Foley
Julie Dwyer
Erin Lalli
World History I
American Government & Politics
American History
AP U. S. History
AP American Government &
Haley Nguyen
Colin Moore
Skylar Tabita
Anastasia Ballasy
Alyssa Wolk
Algebra 1
Algebra 2
Sean Kearney
Haley Nguyen
Emma Foley
Erin Lalli
Exploration 21
Medical Careers
Forensic Science
AP Physics (Algebra)
James Mahon
Kim-Leigh Tursi
Danielle Kobulsky
Colin Moore
Brianna Dellavecchia
Brianna Dellavecchia
Erin Lalli
Shane McArdle
Chinese 1
French 1
Italian 1
Spanish 1
Ellen Fleming
Katrina Becker
Nicholas Romano
Savannah Mueller
Chinese 2
French 2
Italian 2
Spanish 2
Zachary Shaffer
Kyle Hussey
Arianna DiPalma
Samantha Link
Chinese 3
French 3
Italian 3
Spanish 3
Colin Weeks
Joshua Cyphers
Emma Craparo
Erin Lalli
Art Appreciation
Art 1
Arianna DiPalma
Michael Snyder
Freshman Band
Christopher Leonard
Sophomore Band
John Swift
Junior Band
Joshua Cyphers
Tech Communications
Personal Finance
Adobe Multimedia
Matthew Buonomo
Rhiannon Brodbine
Alicia Skinner
Harry Davis
Theology 1
Theology 2
Theology 3
Kim-Leigh Tursi
Shauna Matthews
Erin Lalli
Book Sale
The purchase of Theology textbooks, workbooks, and other required items will be
handled through Follett Virtual Bookstores. Click on the Follett tab on the bottom
left of the Archbishop Wood website. The list of required materials will be listed
on the site by course number. The site will not be live until the rosters are sent
out and there will be free shipping dates that will be listed on the roster
newsletter. Theology Textbooks can be rented from Follett. Please note that it is
the responsibility of the student/family to return the books to Follett at the end of
the school year. Theology rental books are NOT returned in school.
AFFAIRS, Mrs. Mary McDonald:
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Summer months seem to go so quicker than the rest, especially the vacation months. I
hope that your summer has been filled with some well-deserved rest, relaxation and fun. As
always, the year will be filled with many exciting events, so when you look over the calendar,
please keep these dates open. The tentative calendar will be on the website. Some dates will be
changed due to conditions beyond our control, but we do strive to as stay close to the original
date as possible. It is my hope that each student will become more involved in the Activities
and Athletic programs at Archbishop Wood. Below you will find some of the important events
and changes that will take place during the upcoming academic year.
Sincerely yours,
Mary McDonald
Class of 2020, New Students, and their Parents:
Come to the Picnic for new students
on August 31 from 6 PM to 8:30 PM
Food, Fun, and New Friends!
RSVP: by August 24, 2016
Medical forms for the athletic card may be picked up in the Business Office during the
hours of 8:30 AM to 2:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Forms may also be obtained on the
website for the PIAA physical. Students who wish to try out for or be a member of any Wood
team during the school year must first get their PIAA form filled out by their doctor. The form
must be signed by the doctor and the parent and turned into the business office. The student
will be given an athletic participation card, good for that sport. Once the student has made the
team, they will be assessed $250 through smart tuition.
The Graduation Fee of $150.00 is due by MONDAY, APRIL 3, 2017.
Baccalaureate will be Friday, June 2, 2017 at 7:00 PM, at Archbishop Wood.
Graduation will be held Arcadia University on Monday, June 5, 2017.
The procession will begin at 10:50 AM. Ceremony begins at 11:00 AM.
The Graduation Packet will be distributed to the students.
All graduation and prom requirements will be included in the packet.
The packet will be signed and returned to the Activities Office before a student may
purchase a prom ticket or attend graduation.
• Seniors receive their yearbook as part of the graduation fee. Yearbook orders are due
by December. Extra yearbooks will not be ordered with payment. Details on the
yearbook will be posted and announced in September.
Please keep the handbook you received last year as a reference for all school policies.
Only the incoming freshman class and students new to Wood will be receiving a copy of the
Student Handbook. The handbook is updated every year, so you will have to check the
website for changes if you are not an incoming freshman.
• The Academic and Sports Calendar, as well as the Student Handbook, are currently
online at Please visit the website frequently for updates and
changes to the calendar. The calendar posted in July is a tentative calendar and subject
to scheduling and weather changes as the school year begins and goes forward. We will
not be sending a calendar home with the students.
Stuff the Bus!
Calling all members of the class of 2020! Plan to take part in your first service project of
the year. All Freshmen are invited to help “Stuff the Bus” to provide school supplies for
children in a Philadelphia parish school who begin the school year lacking the necessary tools to
be successful. Bring these items to the Freshmen Family Barbeque on Wednesday, August 31.
Items needed include:
Colored Pencils
Pencil Case
Assignment Book/Planner
Glue Sticks
Loose-leaf Paper
Pencil Sharpener
Subject Dividers
White Glue
N.B.: Any other students who would like to contribute to “Stuff the Bus” are welcome to do so.
Donations will be collected only on August 31 at the picnic.
August 31:
 Freshman and New Family Picnic Dinner and meeting, August 31, 2016. RSVP to by August 24, 2016
o Dinner at 6 PM, back campus, weather permitting (South Gym/Cafeteria if
o Parent meeting at 7 PM – Auditorium; Student Activities at 7 PM - South Gym
7 Wednesday – Freshmen Full Day of School with Dismissal at 2:15 PM
(Full school uniform: Yearbook pictures will be taken and lunch will be provided.)
8 Thursday – Class of 2018, 2019 report – Special Schedule: Dismissal @ 2:15pm
9 Friday – Classes of 2017, 2020 Report – Special Schedule: Dismissal @2:15 pm
18 Sunday – Freshman & New Student Family Communion Breakfast, 9:00 AM
20 Tuesday - Student Council Nominations, 8 AM
20 Tuesday - Performing Arts General Meeting, 7:00 PM, Auditorium
21 Wednesday – Sports/Activities Preview, 7 PM to 8:30 PM, Open House
28 Wednesday – Student Council Liturgy, 8 AM
28 Wednesday – Back to School Night, 7 PM to 9 PM
29 Thursday – Professional Development Day – No School
1 Saturday - SATs at Wood
2 Sunday - Open House – 10 AM Mass followed by an Open House
9 Sunday – Kairos leaves
12 Wednesday – Kairos returns
12 Senior College and Informational night
11 Tuesday - Parent Association Meeting 7:00 PM
15 Saturday – Scholarship Test for 8th grade – 8 AM
17 Monday – Sophomore Retreat @ La Salle University, all students report to school
19 Wednesday - PSAT 9th to 11th grades - 11:00 AM dismissal, No Seniors
21 Friday - Homecoming Dance, 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM
22 Saturday – Homecoming Game – 1:00 PM
28 Friday – Memorial Liturgy – 8:00 AM
28 Friday – AHA (Athletes Helping Athletes) Halloween Party
29 Saturday – 8th Grade Scholarship Test 8 AM
31 Monday – Senior Costume Day
1 All Saints Day – No School
5 SATs at Wood
8 Tuesday – Parents Association Meeting 7:00 PM
11 Father/ Daughter Dance
18 Senior Retreat – no school for other students – Christmas Craft Show
19 Saturday – Christmas Craft Show
23 Wednesday – Dismissal 11:00 AM, following Liturgy Service
28 Monday – Classes resume
2 – Friday – Fall Show 7:00 PM
3 – Saturday – Fall Show 7:00 PM
4 – Sunday – Fall Show 2:00 PM
8 - Monday – Immaculate Conception – Holy Day of Obligation – No School
10 – Saturday - ACT’s @ Wood
14 – Wednesday – Parent Teacher Conferences 7 PM to 9 PM
15 – Thursday – Professional Development Day NO School
18 – Christmas Family Mass 12:00 PM – Christmas Concert 2:00 PM
22 - Christmas Holiday begins at end of school day.
Please check our website – – regularly for updates and changes
to the school calendar and the student handbook. Please plan to attend the
scheduled Back-To-School Night on Thursday, September 28, at 7 PM.
Middle States Review
First and foremost, on behalf of the Middle States Planning Team I would like to give
you, the Archbishop Wood community, our sincere gratitude for filling out the Middle States
surveys. We know that your time is valuable and we appreciate your input and your support.
Currently, the Middle States Planning team is working on improving Archbishop Wood in
a number of ways. The input from the surveys was invaluable in deciding where to focus our
attention and improvement efforts. The Planning Team, which consists of parents, alumni,
faculty, and administration, were made aware of a number of areas that need improvement at
Archbishop Wood. I want to let you, the community, know that every effort is being made to
improve Archbishop Wood High School.
This summer we are looking at improving the instructional strategies at the school as
well as the organizational capacities. Under the heading of organizational capacities, special
attention is being paid to school security, including drills, ingress and egress, and overall safety.
We will be developing a seven-year plan for each objective that is set. An action plan will then
be formulated to ensure that each objective is met accordingly. I can assure you that the
Planning Team has earnestly reviewed the information from the surveys and that you will see
changes for the 2016-17 Academic Year as well as changes for the future.
--Mr. Mark Mullelly, Social Studies Teacher and Middle States Coordinator
From the Business & Tuition Offices:
Parents are asked to keep the Business Office notified of any changes related to their
child’s account – address, telephone numbers, parish, and school district.
All tuition payments and fees are to be paid to SMART TUITION. Please remember to
write your family ID on every check. You can also pay on the web, or have your payments
electronically taken from your account on the 15th of each month. SMART TUITION will bill your
account one month before the payment is due. Please be aware that all fees are subject to a
$30.00 late fee if not paid on time.
In addition to SCRIP, the school can provide tuition assistance through schooladministered EITC/OSTC funding. You must apply through SMART Aid, but you must qualify to
receive this funding. Tuition loans can be arranged through SLM Financial (a Sallie May
Company). Apply at:
To apply for the family rate discount (three or more students in an Archdiocesan High
School), you must complete the Family Rate Discount form, which is available in the
Business/Tuition Office. Staff waivers are available to full-time employees of Archdiocesan
high schools. A Staff Waiver form is available from the Tuition Office.
Should you have any questions or need additional information on any of the
above, contact Mrs. Carol Lester at 215-672-5050, x 224.
From the Parents' Association:
On behalf of the Archbishop Wood Parents' Association Board, thank you very much to
all the parents, board members, and administration who have made the Parents’ Association
successful! It is truly because of the united effort of so many great people that the Parents’
Association is able to increase the number of events, awards, and programs each year. We
appreciate your enthusiasm, energy, and most importantly, your time and commitment.
Mark your calendars for the second Tuesday night of each month at 7:00 PM for our
Parents’ Association meetings! We understand and respect everyone’s time, so we promise to
try to keep all meetings to one hour. The meetings are held in the Learning Commons (airconditioned) on the 2nd Floor, South Building. Our first meeting will be Tuesday, September
13. These meetings are a great way for parents, especially new parents, to stay connected and
updated with the Administration, school, and activities. In addition, all parents who join the
Parents' Association will receive a directory of all Wood families.
Representatives from the Parents Association will be available at the Freshmen Parent
Meeting on August 31 at 6:00 PM and at Back to School Night to welcome you and answer any
questions. Families of freshmen and new students are encouraged to attend the New Family
Mass and Communion Breakfast on September 18 at 9 AM. Invitations will be sent in August.
As if a night out with fellow high school parents isn’t enough motivation, we are
continuing with the meeting raffles. At every meeting, each parent will have the opportunity to
win the raffle and receive a $50.00 check. Regular attendance and participation also enables
your child to apply for the Archbishop Wood Parents' Association Scholarship.
Our Parents' Mentoring Program is available for new and returning parents who may
have questions about the school, uniform, calendars, etc. For more information about this
program as well as the Student Ambassador Program, please send an email to
For more information about the Wood Parents' Association, please visit our site at Plan on marking your calendar for this year’s events: Uniform
Sale (July 26 from 6:30 PM-9:00 PM), Communion Breakfast (September 18), Father & Daughter
Dance (November 11), Christmas Concert Mass and Reception (December 18), Mother & Son
Dance (February 11), Mother & Daughter Luncheon (March 26), Mr. Viking, Viking Night, and
many other events that are sponsored by the many organizations, sports teams and clubs here
at Wood. We hope that you will take the lead and invite your children to attend the many
events and catch the Viking Spirit. Look for our weekly emails and “Save the Date” notices.
The Parents' Association Board Officers for 2016-2017 are:
President ~ Michelle Rich
Vice President ~ Karen Foedisch
Secretary ~ Regina Buonomo
Treasurer ~ Debbie Skinner
Freshman Parents and Parents of New Students:
One of the many excellent suggestions that came from the Parent Focus Group was a Freshman
and New Parent Handbook. Please check our web site for this publication. With lots of input
from our Parents Group we think we have covered everything you need for a successful first
year at Wood. If there is something we missed or you would like more information on any
topic, contact Mrs. Harkins,
SERVICES, Mr. Donald B. Mangin:
Greetings from the Student Services Office! We hope you are enjoying your summer
vacation. In order to have a smooth transition to the new school year, we would like to
remind you of a few of our policies. Please be sure to read this important information, as
there have been some changes made for the 2015/2016 school year. With everyone's
cooperation, we can look forward to a fun and rewarding school year. All school policies and
important information can be found on the website at under the
student services tab.
I want to take this opportunity to address with you an important matter that is of
concern to the administration, faculty, and staff of our school, namely, the personal appearance
of our students. This concern has been expressed not only within the school community but
has been a source of conversation by the public who interact with our students.
As a school community, according to our handbook: “We firmly believe that attention to
personal appearance is an important part of the maturation process for Catholic young men
and women. The uniform expresses not only traditional values of economy, neatness, and
practicality, but also our unity as a community of learners.
A person’s appearance is a
reflection of self-image and indication of respect for oneself and others.”
I am sure you can agree that this is no small task. That is why I am soliciting your
cooperation once again to become familiar with and to assist in overseeing the dress code as it
applies to your child who attends our school. The personal appearance of our students reflects
not only the school’s values but the family’s values as well. We want nothing but the best for
our students and, at the same time, want them to reflect the wholesomeness of their family,
their church, and their school.
As the Assistant Principal for Student Services, I pledge that I will do everything
necessary to help instill the values of proper dress in our students. I will enforce all the policies
with regard to personal appearance and dress code. I am asking you to assist me in ensuring
that your child reflects the Christian virtue of respect for self and others by his or her dress and
Please know that I depend on your cooperation and assistance in this important
concern. If you need clarification on the dress code requirements, please consult the student
handbook or contact my office for information.
I can be reached at 215-672-5050, x256, or by email at
I look forward to seeing your child, properly dressed and groomed in September.
Helpful Tips for our School Uniform
Our school uniform policy if found on-line in our handbook.
For the 2016-2017 school year there will be a few changes:
1. Beginning with the class of 2020, the summer polo shirt will be black. All incoming
9th grade students must purchase a black school polo shirt. Students in 10 th, 11th or
12th grade may purchase a black school polo shirt but the white shirt is still
2. Sweatshirts may NOT be worn at any time EXCEPT for the new Wood sweatshirt
purchased from Flynn and O’Hara with the school logo. This sweatshirt may be worn
in place of the school sweater in the winter or along with the sweater if the student
is cold.
3. Ladies can wear knee socks or tights. During cold weather black leggings are also
acceptable. Sweatpants are never acceptable.
4. USED UNIFORM SALE: Each year the Parent Association sponsors a gently used
uniform sale. This year the sale will be on July 26 from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM in the
cafeteria. Please note that there will be white school polo shirts for sale but only for
10th, 11th and 12th grade students.
The Assistant Principal for Student Services is the sole and final judge of what
constitutes proper dress. Thus the school reserves the right to establish standards of dress for
school time and its extra-curricular activities.
Flynn & O'Hara (215-637-4600, 1-800-441-4122) is the official uniform supplier for Archbishop
Wood High School. Please visit for summer special free shipping details.
The regulation school shoe may be purchased at Trevose Family Shoe Store (215-3570209). The school shoe is a black, oxford-style shoe with a guaranteed non-marking sole
(Dr. Martens or Skechers brand).
When school opens in September, the optional summer uniform code will be in effect. This
uniform code and the official uniform policy can be found on the website. Students are
expected to report to school in full uniform code, including the regulation school shoes and
school ID card worn with a lanyard.
The uniform code will be strictly enforced. Full compliance with the uniform code is
mandatory. Students may be suspended or sent home for non-compliance.
Please make the opening day one where we make the right choices and follow
all school policies from the start!
Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors are reminded to bring their school locks on the first
day of school. If the lock has been lost, a new one may be purchased from the Student Services
Office. Only locks issued by the Student Services Office may be used in school. All other locks
will be removed.
New locks can be purchased starting August 22 in the Student Services Office for $10.00.
Parking spaces are available for seniors and juniors with valid driver's licenses. The
parking fee is 75.00, payable by check or cash. Forms are available on the website under the
Student Services tab. The completed form must include a parent's signature, copies of the
student's valid driver's license, current registration and insurance information, and is to be
returned along with the parking fee to the Student Services Office. Reminder: there will be no
exchange of parking spaces without permission from the Student Services Office. For more
information, please refer to the student handbook. The Student Services Office will be open on
August 22 for purchases of parking spaces.
School Messenger
If your child is absent and Archbishop Wood has not received a phone call from
you by 7:30 AM, you will receive an automated phone call via School Messenger.
This call will be made to the first number you have listed for your family. This call
will notify you that your child is absent, and that a phone call from a parent is
required. Please respond promptly.
On each day of a student's absence, the parent/guardian must call the school (215-6725050, ext. 255) before 8 AM on the day of absence. In the event the Attendance Office does
not receive a call by 7:30 AM, the parent or guardian will receive a phone call from School
Messenger indicating we did not receive a phone call about the absence. The parent or
guardian should identify him or herself; report the student's name, student number,
homeroom section, and the reason for the absence. Calls may be accepted only from a parent
or guardian of the absent student. Students may NOT call themselves in as absent. PLEASE
NOTE: There is an answering machine available to receive a parent or guardian phone call at
any time before 7:30 AM or the night before.
On returning to school, the student must bring in the official absence form found on the
website under the Student Services tab. This form is to be brought into the Student Services
Office on the day of return.
Family Trips
Family vacations are discouraged during the school year. However, we understand that
there are circumstances that make it impossible to arrange for a family trip at another time.
Academic difficulties/missed assignments/missed tests are the responsibility of the students.
Parents and students must understand that make-up work for the time missed is the
responsibility of the student. Any student who plans to take a trip during the school year must
complete a Family Travel form found on the web site under the Students Services tab.
Please note: If a student misses twenty-two (22) or more school days, he or she will
be required to attend summer school.
For further information regarding absence, please refer to our Student Handbook on the
LATENESS: The warning bell rings at 7:20 AM. At 7:25 AM all students must report to
homeroom. Students are not admitted to homeroom after 7:30 AM without a LATE PASS from
the Student Services Office. A student is late to school when he or she arrives to homeroom
after the 7:30 AM bell to start the day. Such lateness will warrant 3 demerits and after a
student is late 3 times, he or she will receive a Saturday detention. A note or phone call from a
parent or guardian does not automatically excuse lateness. The note or phone call indicates a
parent's or guardian's awareness of the lateness.
Excused lates are given only for emergency medical or dental appointments, legal
proceedings, and unexpected critical family emergencies. All others (car trouble, traffic,
oversleeping, for example) are not acceptable and will warrant demerits. Excused lates require
the proper medical or legal verifications. Saturday detention is given after each occurrence a
student is late 3 times.
EARLY DISMISSAL: Early dismissal forms can be found on the web site under the Student
Services tab. Please use this form when your student needs to be dismissed from school early.
This form must be turned into SSO no later than homeroom on the day of the early dismissal
and must be filled out by a parent/guardian only. Phone calls may not be received in time to
get the student out for the dismissal time requested. A phone call from a student to a parent
does not constitute permission to leave school. Please refer to our Student Handbook for
further information regarding lateness and early dismissal.
Mobile Device Technology:
In conjunction with the BYOD Initiative, the use of any mobile device, one that can access the
internet, during the school day from 7:30 AM to 2:15 PM (please understand, it is the end of
the school day and not the specific student’s school day), is not allowed without the expressed
permission of the student’s moderator or teacher. This policy will be reviewed by the
administration quarterly. The administration has the right to change this policy at any time. It
is imperative that this policy be followed at all times. A phone call or text from a parent or
guardian at any time during the school day is not an acceptable excuse and will not be tolerated
for any reason.
Every student is required (as part of our dress code) to wear the student ID/security
card on and is to be worn at all times while in school. The ID /security card will be attached to a
school lanyard. This requirement is for the security of the school and the safety of each
student. Failure to comply with these regulations will result in a dress code violation, and the
student may be liable for demerits and detention.
At the beginning of the school year, all Freshmen and new incoming students will be
issued an Archbishop Wood student ID/security card with a school lanyard. Returning
Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors will continue to use their ID/security card from the previous
Replacement ID/security cards can be purchased in the Student Services Office (Room
100) for $45.00. This ID/security card serves as a key that will open certain doors during school
hours, as well as an admission card for all home football, basketball, and volleyball games, and
wrestling matches (playoff, championship, and Thanksgiving Day games are not included). The
security card is also needed for entrance into dances, proms, and similar events.
The school lanyards can be purchased in either the Student Services Office (Room 100)
or in the school store (located in the cafeteria). The cost for the lanyard is $3.00.
All policies regarding Student Services are enforced at the discretion of the Assistant
Principal for Student Services. The above topics are a brief summary of a few of our policies.
They can be found in their entirety in the Student Handbook, which is given to each student at
the beginning of each school year. Both the student and parents/guardians are responsible for
reading the student handbook to familiarize themselves with the rules and regulations of the
school. The handbook includes a signature card that is to be signed by the parents/guardians
and the student, stating that they have read the handbook. The signature card MUST be
returned or demerits will be warranted. It will be collected by the homeroom teacher during
the first full week of school.
We look forward to seeing you in September and hope that the rest of the summer is
enjoyable and safe!
All policies and forms can be found on the website,, under the
Student Services tab.
Patricia Roschetz:
Welcome back to the most wonderful time of the year! Yes, the start of a new school
year is upon us, and we are eager to welcome the Class of 2020 to the Viking Family!
My name is Patricia Roschetz ‘82 and I am the Director of Admissions here at
Archbishop Wood High School. One of my responsibilities is mailing the Northeast Philadelphia,
New Hope/Solebury, and Lower Bucks School District transportation letters. Letters and forms
are mailed the second week in July to sign up for transportation from these areas. Please
remember that there is a fee for these transportation services. The fee will remain at $752 for
the year. Tuition accounts will be billed through Smart Tuition. Questions regarding payments
are to be directed to the Tuition Officer at All other questions are to
be directed to the president, Mr. Zimmaro, at, or at extension 225
(this includes the bus being late). Septa Student Passes are available in the Activities Office,
room 101, for students who reside in Philadelphia.
Another one of my duties is the Shadowing Program. Shadowing will begin September
26, 2016, so our current students can get adjusted to their new schedules. If you know
someone interested in shadowing or in a tour of our school, please direct them to the Shadow
Request Form on the Quick Links section of our website,
Student Council and National Honor Society students are asked to keep open Sunday,
October 2, for our Fall Open House. The details are:
Fall Open House
Sunday, October 2, 2016
10:00 AM - Mass followed by a continental breakfast
11:00 AM - meet the teachers, tours, and activities fair
Rev. Paul O'Donnell (Fr. Paul)
Dear Parents and Guardians,
On an almost cool June evening, before the night falls, a summer ritual begins. Flashes
of green and yellow lights appear across the yard. These blinking lights quietly and slowly float
through the night air. Young childrens’ imagination and wonderment are stirred. The lightning
bugs have arrived. Let us praise almighty God; indeed, what a great God we have, who has
created the stars and the moon and the sun and can give us such joy in a bug. A simple little
firefly spreading his light to the world amid the summer darkness – A sight I will never forget.
These little bugs slowly flying, lightening up their way. We are not afraid of them. No, we love
them. We catch them in our hands and look closely at them and rejoice. ‘Little lighting bug I
thank you for your light, and the kind way you fly. You bring a smile to my face’. We need not
ask from where he gets his light or his gentle disposition, for he is a gift from our God.
O Jesus, you are the light of the world, you are the light shining in the darkness (cf. Jn
1:4-5). O how great and humble is our God who shares his light with a bug! How gentle and
clever you are who knows what makes me happy and can draw me closer to himself through a
bug. Praised be Jesus Christ!
I hope the summer months finds you well with some time to rest. I know your lives are
very busy, for we all know a parent’s work is never done. Hopefully, during these months you
will get some time to rest with your families, perhaps with a little vacation. But alas, vacation
too, can be very tiring. It reminds me of a plaque that hung in my mother’s kitchen that read
“most good things done in this world are done by tired people.” Indeed, I wish you well and I
pray you will find the time to rest and do nothing – that is very important. However, the most
important rest we can find is the quiet reflection of our of life with God. It is not easy, but try
to make the time to rest with God and pray each day because Jesus is the one who really
refreshes us. Take a few moments each day to reflect quietly on your life with God, and may I
even suggest sitting outside at dusk; perhaps you may find God in something even smaller than
a lightning bug.
I look forward to the coming year. This year I will attempt, with a new initiative, to
assist our students in their prayer life. Also, the 1st Kairos retreat is early, October 9-12. If your
child is thinking about going, this is a good retreat, for the other retreats are usually very
crowded. If possible, have your child ready to sign-up immediately upon returning to school. If
your child is interested in community service this year, we will be visiting nursing homes,
making dinners for shut inns, and volunteering at the afterschool Cares program at Nativity.
These programs will be advertised during the first full week of school. Lastly, I wish you all the
very best this summer. If you have any question for me or if there is anything you would like
me to help with, please do not hesitate to contact me. I ask for your prayers and thank you for
all your support, and know that you are in my prayers. May God bless you and your families.
Thank you and God bless you!
Fr. Paul
School Minister
I hope everyone is having a nice and relaxing summer. I would like to take this time to go over
some of the scholarships/grants that will be available to our students in the fall of the 2016/17
school year.
The Alumni Classic Scholarship is a $1,000, one-time scholarship available to freshman,
sophomores and juniors. Six students will be selected for this award.
The Hirschmann Family Scholarship is a $1,200 per year renewable scholarship and is available
to freshman, sophomores and juniors.
The Henry J. Schneider Second Generation Scholarship is a $1,000, one-time scholarship and is
available to freshman, sophomores and juniors who have a parent who is an alum of
Archbishop Wood.
The Louise Rose Scholarship is a $2,000 one-time scholarship available to freshman,
sophomores and juniors.
There will be announcements made in homeroom a few months before the due date for
applying for these scholarships. Applications will be available in the Advancement Office, Room
237 or online under the Alumni Tab at
If you have a business in Pennsylvania and would like to help students in financial need, please
consider the Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC). This program allows the state taxes
you pay to be funneled to our school for tuition assistance. Why pay Harrisburg if you can help
our students? For further information, please contact me at 215-672-5050, ext. 227, or
Ms. Samantha Mancusco Williams, '08:
School’s out for summer!
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the students and volunteers who have helped in
the Alumni Office this school year. Without you, our events and mailings would not have been
a success.
Class of 2016 inductees to the Archbishop Wood Hall of Fame:
Dr. Patrick Kenny ’71 - Arts/Education/Entertainment
Salena Lynn Barone ’94 - Athletics
Sister Mary DePaul ’77 - Religious
Pennsylvania State Representative Thomas Murt ’78 - Business/Military
Herbert Hopkins ’70 - Service
Joseph Callaghan ’82 - The Viking Award
Archbishop Wood’s Hall of Fame is dedicated to those outstanding Wood graduates
who, through their accomplishments and involvement, have brought honor to themselves and
the Archbishop Wood community. The induction ceremony brought together over 150 alumni,
parents, and friends on April 16, 2016. Celebrating the school’s long legacy of excellence, each
inductee was formally recognized for his or her distinguished accomplishments in one of six
categories. The evening included an induction ceremony in the auditorium and cocktails and
dinner in the gym, which had been transformed into a lovely reception space.
Archbishop Wood is very excited to announce that the 2017 Hall of Fame will be held at
The Fuge in Warminster, Pennsylvania. The Fuge is a unique event venue located at the former
Johnsville Naval Air Development Center. The Fuge is where the 1949 centrifuge is held. The
centrifuge is s a machine that swings a capsule or "gondola" around in a circle on the end of a
long arm. It was built to test the limits of the human body. This particular centrifuge is where all
of America’s early astronauts, including Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, received centrifuge
training. Read more about this exceptional venue in the 2016 Viking Magazine. We can’t wait to
see you at the 2017 Hall of Fame!
Nominations are being accepted NOW for 2017 Hall of Fame! All nominations are due
November 1, 2016. Please put your thinking caps on! The nomination ballot can be found on
the Archbishop Wood website. You will also receive a ballot in the Viking Magazine. Please
spread the word and encourage others to nominate former classmates/teammates!
Nominations can be mailed to Archbishop Wood High School, 655 York Road, Warminster, PA
18974, or emailed to
I continue to encourage alums to update their information on our school website to
ensure they receive information about alumni events and news. We hope you enjoy our Viking
Magazine, which will be mailed to you in Fall.
Last, but not least, I would like to congratulate the Class of 2016! I wish you the best of luck in
all of your future endeavors. You are now officially Alumni! But remember… “Once a Viking,
Always a Viking”!
As Eddie Cochran sang,” Sometimes I wonder what I'm a gonna do
But there ain't no cure for the summertime blues.”
We know the cure…. Getting back to school!
We want to help you to hit the ground running when you return.
Seniors: hopefully you have been researching and visiting colleges so when you return you will
have at least 3-5 schools to which you will apply. You may begin your applications anytime in
August and be sure to work on the admissions essay. Many admissions counselors in recent
years are stating that applications are coming to them full of spelling errors, grammar mistakes,
and inappropriate abbreviations (like “ur” instead of “your”). Your counselor will be happy to
look it over for you. Your counselor will meet with you to review the application process and if
you would like an appointment sooner rather than later, be sure to fill out an appointment slip.
Have you finished your resume and asked teachers for recommendations? Many colleges
require a teacher recommendation and you don’t want to wait until the last minute to ask.
Teachers are doing this as a favor, so be sure to give them plenty of time. Oh, and please
remember to thank them!
Once you apply to a college you will need to fill out the transcript request form, found in
the Counseling Center/Guidance Office, and hand that in along with $5; the rest is up to your
counselor. We need approximately 7 – 14 days to process the requests, so keep a close eye on
deadlines. If you are using the Common Application (, be sure to ‘match’
your application in Naviance. Just click the Colleges tab and go to “Colleges I am Applying to”
and complete the information in the light blue box. The essay prompts for the Common App
1. Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they
believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please
share your story.
2. The lessons we take from failure can be fundamental to later success. Recount an incident
or time when you experienced failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the
3. Reflect on a time when you challenged a belief or idea. What prompted you to act? Would
you make the same decision again?
4. Describe a problem you've solved or a problem you'd like to solve. It can be an intellectual
challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma—anything that is of personal importance, no
matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to
identify a solution.
5. Discuss an accomplishment or event, formal or informal that marked your transition from
childhood to adulthood within your culture, community, or family.
As you learned last year Naviance has a wealth of resources for college and career.
Need your GPA? Check Naviance. Not sure of your rank? Check Naviance. You can even find
your standardized test scores and track the progress of your transcript!
Scholarships -Many students put off applying for scholarships thinking they can do that after
they apply to colleges. You may miss deadlines if you wait. You can find scholarships on
Naviance and we will begin getting Scholarship Bulletins out to all seniors in the fall. You can
also search on your own as there are a number of scholarship search site.
and are two that students have used and Scholly is an app that will allow you
to do your searches from your mobile device. College is expensive, so don’t neglect this!
Parents – if you have not already done so, please complete a ‘Brag Sheet’ and send it in. These
forms give you an opportunity to tell us things about your son or daughter we might not know
and they are a big help to the counselors in our effort to make each student’s letter of
recommendation for schools as unique as possible! If you do not have one, let me know and I
will email it to you. (
SAT/ACT Testing - The SAT Reasoning and Subject tests will be administered at Archbishop
Wood on October 1 (registration deadline 9/1/16), November 5 (registration deadline 10/7/16),
and March 11 (SAT Reasoning only - registration deadline 2/10/17). The ACT will be offered
here at Archbishop Wood on December 10 (registration deadline 11/4/16), and April 8
(registration deadline 3/17/16). Other dates are available throughout the year but are at other
schools. For a complete list of dates and deadlines and to register, go to
for the SAT and for the ACT.
PSAT Testing: The PSAT or PSAT 8/9 will be administered to ALL students in grades 9, 10 and
11 on Wednesday, October 19. The PSAT serves as a practice test for the College Board exams
needed for college admission. For our juniors, it is also a qualifying test for over 6,500
scholarships that the Merit Scholarship Corporation expects to offer in the upcoming years.
Prepare for the PSAT/SAT - Dr. Pace is offering an SAT Prep class in July
( ) Khan Academy is the official prep for the SAT although there are
other sites and apps available for both the SAT and ACT. All students created an account last
fall. The website is
Seniors and Parents - For your pre-planning – On Wednesday evening, October 12, our
Counseling Department will present a College Information Night for parents at Archbishop
Wood High School. We will present all of the essential information that parents and students
need to know as they work through the college application process. This will start at 6:30 PM.
Following this presentation, at 7 PM, there will also be a Financial Aid Information session.
Because you can begin the FAFSA in October, we thought it would be helpful to have this
refresher. Please plan to attend. Juniors and their parents will have a College Information and
Financial Aid night in the spring – details to follow.
Attention Student Athletes: NCAA Clearinghouse application process should be done online.
The website for the Clearinghouse is: Any senior athlete expecting
to attend a Division I/II college/university will need to fill out this form online and meet the
qualifications set forth by the NCAA. The above website will also allow you to find the status of
your application. Please notify your counselor as your transcript will need to be sent.
No Child Left Behind Act
The No Child Left Behind Act requires that all high schools release the names,
addresses and phone numbers of all junior and senior students to all Military
Recruiters. Archbishop Wood will be complying with the No Child Left Behind
Act. Any parent or guardian who does not wish to have his or her child’s
information released to the Military should notify our school. If notification is
not received by September 30, your child’s information will be released. Please
contact the Guidance Office before this date for further information.
You’re invited to be part of:
Archbishop Wood High School
Performing Arts
Theater • Choir
Concert Band • Jazz Lab Band
String Ensemble • Music Classes
At Archbishop Wood, we produce 2 full-scale
musicals each year. Our audition process is
user-friendly and open to students at all
experience levels. We provide a challenging
experience for students who wish to pursue a
future in theater—and an entertaining, inviting
atmosphere for those who want to participate
just because it’s fun!
How can you get involved?
• Acting & Singing
• Dancing & Choreography
• Stage Crew & Set Construction
Contact: Sister Joanne Mongelli, Music
Director -
Sing with the Choir:
Fabulous music… warm, friendly, enriching environment! Choir helps students learn the
power of ensemble singing as a catalyst to personal growth, cultural understanding, and
Rehearsals – Tuesdays after school.
Performances – Christmas Concert, Spring Concert, Mass, and other school events.
Contact: Choir Director Ann Odland,
Instrumental Music:
Music classes are offered for credit during the school day in the following:
Piano – Piano lessons in a classroom
Concert Band – Lessons for all
instruments and experience levels,
with performances at Christmas
Concert, Spring Concert, and school
String Ensemble – Lessons in string
instruments with performances at
Christmas Concert and Spring
Participation in lessons enables you to join the Concert Band, Jazz Lab Band, and/or
the String Ensemble.
Contact: Sister Joanne Mongelli, Music Director –
Jazz Lab Band:
Jazz Lab Band is open to any student who takes part in a Wood instrumental music
class. All students and all instruments are welcome. Students audition in early fall to
demonstrate their skills in musicality, tone, reading ability, and improvisation. Music is
composed specifically for the Jazz Band each year.
Rehearsals – 1.5 hours after school each week.
Performances – Christmas Concert, Spring Concert, and Jazz Festivals.
Contact: Mr. Dan Myers, or check for updates at
Viking Spirit Drum Line:
The Archbishop Wood Spirit Drum
Line helps to add enthusiasm and fun
to school celebrations!
All interested students are welcome
to be part of this fun way to get our
students pumped up at assemblies
and pep rallies!
Contact: Mr. Brown,
Get involved!
The Performing Arts Parents Information Meeting
will be held Tuesday, September 20
7:00 p.m. in the auditorium
Don’t miss it!
You are an IMPORTANT PART of helping your child
MAKE THE MOST of Performing Arts at Archbishop Wood!
Super Summer Reading!
Summer’s here! Finally, you’re free from the stresses and
pressure of classes and homework, projects and papers, tests and
quizzes and assessments; now you can relax, lay back, and actually
enjoy some time reading for fun, for pleasure, or to explore
something new.
Your English Teachers
at Archbishop Wood have
come up with some great
suggestions for awesome
books you’ll enjoy digging
into during the less-hectic
weeks of summer.
absorbed in a fascinating
summer, guess what? You’ll
also be strengthening your critical reading skills and acquiring a
richer vocabulary for reading and writing at your next grade level! In
fact, after a summer in which you read some books for fun, you’ll be
better prepared to tackle those new subjects on your roster when
you get back to school in September. It’s truly a win-win situation:
while reading for pleasure this summer, you’ll have fun and get
Head for the Wood website——
for a complete list of suggested summer reading
titles for all 4 grade levels.
Mr. Joseph D. Sette
The Athletic Department of Archbishop Wood High School and the entire school
community would like to congratulate all of the following All-Catholics from their
respective teams.
First Team-Joseph Lancellotti, Ryan Logan; Second Team-Sean
Kelly; Third Team-Robert Heck
Boys Lacrosse-
Third Team-Brian Kent, Eric Bauer, Joseph McHugh; Honorable
Mention-Benjamin McCloskey, Christian Sentman, Joseph Davis,
Rhys Vaughn
Girls Lacrosse-
First Team-Brenna Lynch, Sarah Welsh; Second Team-Erin Eckert,
Erin Welsh; Honorable Mention-Bridget Neiley Softball- First
Team-Marisa Browne, Taylor Carter; Second Team-Andria Narisi;
Third Team-Katelyn Barrett
Girls Spring Track-
First Team-Erin Nguyen; Second Team-Anne Fleming, Bailey
Greenberg, Erin Young, Jessica Nangle, Kasey McCormick, Leah
Meyers, Natalie Cornely, Rhiannon Brodbine; Honorable MentionErin Boruta, Erin Nguyen, Erin Young, Jessica Nangle, Kasey
McCormick, Marlena Pristas, Paige McGhee
Boys Tennis-
First Team-Peter Nessel
Boys Spring Track- Second Team-Ryan Miller; Honorable Mention-Conor McGrath,
Thomas Sweeney
Boys Volleyball-
First Team-John Fleming; Second Team-Brian Pierkarski
** IMPORTANT REMINDER- Starting June 1, 2016 - No student shall be eligible to
participate in Practices, Inter-School Practices, Scrimmages, and/or Contests unless the
student has first completed a pre-participation physical evaluation (“PPE”) performed by
an Authorized Medical Examiner. This pre-participation physical evaluation form (PIAA
Physical Evaluation Form) can be obtained from Archbishop Wood’s website, found under activities/sports – athletics or stopping by the
Business Office, Rm. 245. Once the physical form packet is complete (note: physicals
must be dated after June 1, 2016), the student-athlete must present the completed
packet to obtain an Athletic Card in order to be eligible to participate in a Fall Sport.
Cards will be given out the week of August 8, 2016, in the Learning Commons;
Monday, August 8 thru Friday August 12, 9am – 2pm and Monday, August 8 and
Thursday, August 11, 3pm – 7pm.
The boys’ cross-country team begins regular team practice on Monday, August 15. The crosscountry team does not make any cuts. If you want to be on the team, show up and run. For
more information, call Coach Mark Mullelly @ 215-970-4137.
Girls’ cross-country will begin formal practices on Monday, August 15. Anyone is welcome to
join the team. The girls’ cross-country team does not make any cuts. Anyone who wants to be
on the team makes the squad. For further information, call Coach Mark Mullelly @ 215-9704137.
The field hockey team’s regular practices and tryouts will begin on Monday, August 15 at
Archbishop Wood. Tryouts will be held on the girls’ field hockey field, located behind the south
building, adjacent to the rear driveway. All girls should have their sticks, mouth guards, shin
guards, water bottles, cleats and running shoes. For further details concerning practices and
tryouts, please contact Coach Dipi Bhaya at
The football team will begin practice on Monday, August 15 on the football field behind the
north building. All players, including FRESHMEN, should report at this time. For specific times
and dates check the football team’s website or call Coach Steve Devlin at 267-767-0033.
Girls’ soccer tryouts for all varsity, junior varsity and freshmen will begin on Monday, August 15.
Tryouts will be Monday, August 15 through Friday, August 19. Each player should bring a soccer
ball and a water bottle to these tryouts. Practice will be on the girls’ soccer field, at the south
end of the campus near Street Road. For more info, call Coach Bill Cappo at 215-219-7842.
Girls’ volleyball tryouts and practice will begin on Monday, August 15 in the South Gym at
Wood. Announcement of New Varsity coach is still pending.
Boys’ soccer tryouts and practice dates begin on Monday, August 15 through Wednesday,
August 17, from 4 PM through 7 PM. All freshmen, sophomore, junior and senior players are
expected to attend these sessions. All sessions will be held RAIN OR SHINE on the boys’ soccer
field located behind the football field. Any questions, call Coach Hugh Kelly at 267-312-6368.
Girls’ tennis tryouts and practice will begin on Monday, August 15, 10am -12pm at Jamison
Hunts Courts until school begins in which it will be moved to 2:30-4:30pm. For further
information, call Coach Bob Salembier at 267-784-2907.
Golf tryouts will begin on Monday, August 15. Anyone interested should contact Coach Bob
Schmalbach at 610-324-2398.
Cheerleading practices will begin on Thursday, August 18. Camp will be August 19 and 20. For
further information, call Coach Jackie Britton at 267-247-6271.
Archbishop Wood Ice Hockey Club
The Archbishop Wood Ice Hockey Club would like to welcome the incoming class
of 2020! If any of the new or returning Vikings would like information on the Ice
Leslie Danig
at Our season begins in September and runs through
February, with once-weekly practices and once-weekly games. All skill levels are
welcome, and we look forward to a great 2016/2017 season!
Archbishop Wood’s Web Site is an excellent source for
updated information. Be sure to check the site
frequently for changes in schedules or important
The Parent's Newsletter
is edited by Joseph L. Velten Jr.