City of Los Angeles - Neighborhood Services Directory
City of Los Angeles - Neighborhood Services Directory
12 6 3 11 Popu lation Area Founded Incorporated Elevation 3,694,820 + 465.9 sqare miles 178 1 1850 330 ft City of Los Angeles Council district map N A MOTTO 8CALI: TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ 3 The Cily of Los Angeles ..................................... ......................................... ....................................... .................. .4 Members of The City Council ................... .......... ............................ .. .....................................................................5 Los Angeles City Council District Map .................. ... ......................................... ........................ ... ...... .. .... ..... .... ....6 About Los Angeles ... .... .. " ......... .... ..... ........ ..... .. .... .... .... ........ ........ ., .., ..... .... . ,.......................... ..... .... ... ...... ... ... ... ..7 General Information ..............................................................................................................................................8 m Aging ............... ....................................... .......... .................................... .............................................................. 10 Airport .................................................................. ................................................................................................12 Animal Services ..................................................................................................................................................13 m Building & Safely......... .... ........ ....... .... ...... .. ......................................................................................................... 14 II Cable Television . ............................................................................................................................ .................... 15 Cily Attorney........................................................................................................................................................16 Cily Clerk ................ ........................................ ...... ... ............................................................................................ 16 Cily Conlrolter......................................................................................................................................................17 City Counci l ............ ... .................................................................................................. ................ ........ ................ 18 John Ferraro Council Chamber.... ..... ........ .......................................................................................................... 19 Council Di strict 1 • Ed Reyes ..................... ..... ... ..... ........ .. ............... ...... .............................................. .... ..... .. ... ..20 Cou ncil District 2 . Wendy Greuel ....... .... .... ........................................... ............................................................. 21 Council District 3 • Dennis P. Zine .......................... ............................................................................................. 22 Cou ncil District 4 . Tom LaBonge ...... ...... ...... ....... ................................. ..... ...................... ........ ... .... ....... ............. 23 Council District 5 - Jack Weiss ............................................................................................................................24 Council District 6 . Tony Cardenas ............... ...... ........................... ...... .......... ......................... ... .......................... 25 Council District 7 - Richard Alarcon ............ .............................. .. ........................................................................26 Council District 8 . Bernard Parks................... ................................. ....................................................... ............ 27 Council District 9 • Jan Perry................. ..............................................................................................................28 Council District 10 - Herb J. Wesson , Jr........ ........ .... ... .. ... .......................... ......................................... ...... .... ... ..29 Council District 11 - Bill Rosendahl. .................................................................................................................... 30 Cou ncil District 12 - Greig Smith .................. ......... .............................................. ... ........................ ... ... ... ............ 31 Council District 13 - Eric Garcetti ............... ... ... ............................................................................ ....................... 32 Council District 14 - Jose Huizar........................ ................................................................................................. 33 Council District 15 - Janice Hahn ........................................................................................................................ 34 Community Development Department. ................. .. ........... , ........ , .. .., .. ... ,., ..... , .. , .. , .... , .... , .. , .. ,., .. , .. ,.,." .. , .. , ...... , .. ,.35 Community Redevelopment Agency., ............... ..... , .... ,., .. " ..... , ............. .. , .... , .. , .... , ..... , .. ,., .... .......... ....... , .. , ... , .. , .. , .37 Convention Center.... ....... .............. , ... "., ........ ...,., .. , ... .... .. ..... , .. .... , .. ,., .. , ............................................................... 37 Cultural Affairs ........ .. ....................................... .................................. ......... ......................... .... .. ..... ... ............... ...38 m Di sabilily.................................................................... ............. ............................................................................. 39 D EI Pueblo De Los Angeles ..................................................................................................................................40 Emergency Preparedness ......................... .. ....................................... ... ......................................... ..................... 41 Ethics Commission ..............................................................................................................................................41 II Fire Department. ........................................................................ ..... ....... ..................................... .... ... ... ..... ....... .42 m Harbor Department · Port of Los Angeles .............................. ..... ..... ........................... ... ..... ............................... 42 Housi ng Authority of the City of Los Angeles .................................... ..... ................................. ........................... .43 Housing Department ...........................................................................................................................................43 Human Services Department. ........ ... .... ........................ .......... ............. ...... ..... .. ... ... .. .... ... ......... ....................... .48 II Library.... ...... .......... ............................... .. ..... ........... ................................................................ ...... ..................... 48 II Mayor........................................................................................... .................................... .................................. 52 m Neighborhood Empowerment .............................................................................................................................52 III Personnel. , ..... .... ....... .. .... ... ............. ... ..... .. ..... ............................... ... ....................................... .. ........................ 53 Planning .................................................................................... ,...., ... ,.... " ........... ,.... ,.. , ........................... .... , ...... 53 Police ............. ........ ................................ .............................................................................................................55 Public Works ............................... ........................... .......... ............................................................................. ..... 57 13 Recreation and Parks .......................................................................................................................................... 60 D Transportation ........................... , ........... ............................ ... " .... .... .... .... ... .... ............. ....... .... .. .................. .... .. ...7 1 II Water and Power.................................................................................................................................................72 B Zoo ................ ................................. ..... ..... ..... ............................ .......................................................................... 73 Appendix -A (How a Proposal Becomes City Law) ..............................................................................................74 Appendix - B (Organization of the City of Los Angeles) .......... ...... .. .... ............... ........................... ...................... 75 Quick Reference Numbers ........................................................... .., .................................................................... 76 2 INTRODUCTION This community directory was prepared to provide you with valuable Informalion about the services available 10 you in the City of los Angeles. Inside, you will find important telephone numbers for you to call when you need assistanca. You'll find telephone numbers and addresses for the City Council representative for your community as wall as maps of the 15 Council Districts and listings of available services from the City departments. In addition, there is information on how you can become more involved in your community through your participation in the citywide network of independent Neighborhood Councils now being established or by reaching oul as a volunteer in one of the many opportunities available through City departments. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this directory. which is an update of the Fall. 2007 edition. This new edition was designed to be a helpful resource for you and make it easier for you to access the broad range of services and programs available to the residents of the City. 2011 3 THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES ANTONIO R. VILLARAIGOSA Mayor ERIC GARCETII Council President City Attorney Controller 4 MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL TONY CARDENAS 1sl District 6 th District PAUL KREKORIAN 2 nd District ih District DENNIS P. ZINE 3 rd District BERNARD C. PARKS 8th District TOM lABONGE 4 th Oisirict JAN PERRY 9th District PAUL KORETZ HERB J. WESSON, JR. 10lh 0 islricl 5th District BilL ROSENDAHL 11th District RICHARD ALARCON 5 ERIC GARCETII 13 th District JANICE HAHN 15th District LOS ANGELES CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT MAP J ABOUT LOS ANGELES los Angeles began as a farming community, a Spanish pueblo on the west bank of the Los Angeles River. Ceremonies founding the village 01 just over 40 settlers look place on September 4, 1781 , and were part of Ihe Spanish plans for the colonization of California. Don Felipe de Neve, California's Spanish Governor, joined Father Junipero Serra in founding Ihe pueblo for Ihe King of Spain. They gave it Ihe name EI Pueblo de Nueslra Senora la Reina de Los Angeles de Porciuncula (lhe City of Our lady the Queen of Ihe Angels of Porciuncula). Over lime, Ihe area became known as the eiudad de Los Aflgeles, City of Angels. By April 4, 1850, when the City of Los Angeles was incorporated, it had grown to a population of over 1,600 people, and an area of 28 square miles. There were no sidewalks, no streetlights, and no graded slreets. Today, the City of Los Angeles encompasses 469 square miles and, with a population of more than 3.6 million people, it Is the second largest City in the nation. The City's boundaries extend from Sylmar on the north to San Pedro on the south, and from Pacific Palisades to EI Sereno. THE CITY SEAL The lion of Leon and ttle casUe of Castile are from the Arms of Spain and represent Los Angeles under Spanish control, from 1542 to 1821 . The eagle holding a serpent is from the Arms of Mexico and represents the period of Mexican sovereignty from 1822 to 1846. The Bear Flag typifies the California Republic of 1846. The Stars and Stripes indicate the present status of Los Angeles as an American city. The sprays of Olives, Grapes & Oranges suggest the City's garden location. The beaded circle surrounding the shield represents a Rosary, suggesting the part played by the Mission Padres in founding the City. THE CITY FLAG The original nag of the City of Los Angeles, known as the Fiesta Flag, was designed in 1931 for Ihe City's 1501h birthday. The banner has a taffeta background of notched stripes of green (for olive trees), yellow (for orange groves) and red (for the vineyards). The colors of the flag are also found In the flags of Spain and Mexico, whose past is very important in the early history of los Angeles. A replica of the City Seal is shown in the center of the banner. DeSigned by Roy E. Silent and E.S. Jones of Los Angeles, the flag was presented to Mayor Frank E. Shaw by Isadore B. Dockweller, President of the La Fiesta Association, Visitors 10 Ihe 3rd noor of Los Angeles City Hall may view a City Flag on display which has the inscription: ~This flag was flown aboard Ihe Space Shuttle 'Challenger' which carried the first crew of 7 astronauts Into space Oct. 5 - 13. 1984.~ The inscription is signed by Or.Sally Ride, Mission Specialist. A native of Encino, she became the first American woman in space in 1983 on the shuttle Challenger, made a second Challenger space fligh t in 1984, and was preparing for her third mission when the Challenger was destroyed in a tragic explosion in 1986. 7 GENERAL INFORMATION Contact City of los Angeles You can contact your City government by phone. mail, or electronically via email or online fo rm. The easiest way to contac! us is by calling 3- 1-1 for non-emergency city services: If you have Internet access, the City Home Page a\ can be a wonderful source for information about City government, including agendas and meetings of the City Council and Council Committees. If you go to the home page, locate "My Neighborhood" and type in your home address, you'll get a wealth of information lailored to your location, including the names of your city. county, slate, and federal representatives. your cable tv provider, recreation and parks district, planning area, census Iract and the nearest fire and police stations. A number of City departments have detailed information and customer service programs available online, including applica tion and service request documents thai can be downloaded. Dial 3-1-1 (866) 4LA-C ity or (866) 452-2489 (213) 473-3231 (213) 473-5990 TID NO COMPUTER? Each of the City's branch libraries has computers for the public to use to access the Internet. Check the LIBRARY listing In thi s directory to find the closest branch library. City Hall and Neighborhood City Halls Los Angeles City Hall Sa n Ferna ndo Valley San Pedro Westside 200 North Spring St. Los Angeles, CA 90012 Van Nuys Civic Center San Pedro Municipal Building West l.A. Municipal Building 14410 Sylvan Street Van Nuys, CA 91401 638 South Beacon Street 1828 Sawtelle San Pedro, CA 90731 (818) 756-8121 (310) 548-7721 Room 102 Los Angeles, CA 90025 (213) 485-21 21 Blvd. (310) 575 - 8888 COMING TO CITY HALL? Los Angeles City Hall is located at 200 N. Spring Street in the Civic Center area of downtown los Angeles. T here are a number of street level and underground parking lots in the Vicinity and car pools are encouraged. Because of security screening, the public entrance of City Hall is on the Main Street side of the building - through the lobby at street level or on the third floor bridge from City Hall East. Important City Hall Locations: City Clerk Public Counter for Council information: Room 395, 3rd Floor John Ferraro Council Chamber: Room 340, 3rd Floor City Councilmembers' Offices: 4th Floor Council Committee Hearing Rooms: 1mh Floor Mayor's Office: Room 303, 3rd Floor CITY COUNCIL Regular meetings of the Los Angeles City Council are held at 10 a.m. each Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday in the John Ferraro Council Chamber, Room 340, City Hall. Members of the public are welcome to attend these sessions and may speak on agenda topics, For information about specific Council agenda items, call the City Clerk at (213) 978-1043. To encourage greater public participation , the Council also holds a number of special meetings in various communities throughout the City each year. , COUNCIL MEETING VIDEO You can tune in to Channel 35 CilyView. carried by cable operators in the City. CouncillTleetings are broadcasl live and repealed later in the day and on weekends on Channel 35 and are broadcast On the internet at http://www.lacity.ora/YourGovernmenVCilyCQunciIlCQunciIMeetiogs live on Demand Vidoes of City Council meetings. other committee / commission meeling, and non-council, board of public works meetfngs. COUNCIL PHONES Another option is to monitor the Council and Committee proceedings by telephone. Call the following: Harbor Metro (3'0) 547·CITYor (3'0) 547·2489 (2'3) 62'·CITY or (2'3) 62'·2489 San Fernando Valley (818) 904-9450 Westside (3'0) 47, -C ITY or (3'0) 47, ·2489 Los Angeles Municipa l Buildings A variety of City departments have offices and public counters in the municipal buildings listed below los Angeles City Hall 200 North Spring 51. John 5. Gibson , Jr. Van Nuys, CA91401 Watts Civic Center Los Angeles, CA 90012 San Pedro Municipal Building 10221 Compton Ave. 638 South Beacon SI. Watts, CA 90002 City Hall East San Pedro, CA 90731 Westchester Municipal Building 200 North Main SI. Los Angeles, CA 90012 City Hall South Hollywood Municipal Building 7166 West Manchester Ave. 6501 Fountain Ave. Westchester CA 90045 Los Angeles , CA 90028 West Los Angeles Municipal Bu ilding 111 East First SI. Los Angeles, CA 90012 Mark Ridley·Thomas Constituent Service Center Marvin Braude San Fernando Valley 84755. Vermont Ave. Constituent Service Center Los Angeles, CA 90044 1645 Corinth Ave. Los Angeles , CA 90025 West Valley Municipal Building '19040 Vanowen SI. 6262 Van Nuys Blvd. Van Nuys, CA 91401 Sunland-Tujunga Municipal Building Eagle Rock Municipal Building Tujunga, CA 91042 Reseda , CA 91335 7747 Foothill Blvd . 544 N. Avalon Blvd. 2035 Colorado Blvd . Eagle Rock, CA 90041 Wilmington Municipal Building Van Nuys City Hall 14410 Sylvan SI. Wilmington, CA 90744 County, State and Federal Governments Telephone numbers for other government offices and services are listed in the white pages of your telephone directory under ~los Angeles County,· "State of CaUfornia," and "Uniled States Government." If you need additional help finding the offices or services you wan t, can one of the following numbers. Have a pencil and paper handy to make a note of telephone numbers and web site information. Los Angeles County Information: California State Information: United State Federal Information: 211 or (800) 339·6993 (2'3) 620-3030 (800) 688-9889 9 ABANDONED VEH ICLES see Transportation AGING Department of Aging Los Angeles Department of Aging 3580 Wilshire Blvd .• Suite 300 Los Angeles, CA 90010 (2 13) 252-4000 (800) 510-2020 (With in L.A. City Only) (213) 252·4030 Information and Assistance 3·1-1 Non-emergency City services (213) 252-4020 FAX age .webin Provides comprehensive sefYices for seniors inClUding nutritional, recreational, social, transportation, and health care programs. Offers case management to assess social and health needs and In-home programs to assist fralt seniors in maintaining independent living. Provides support programs for family caregivers. Please note that services may have eligibility requirements and limits. A wide variety of elder adult & family caregiver programs are offered by the City through its system of multipurpose senior centers, including counseling, nutrition programs , financial advice. recrea tional and social activities, legal aid, health care screening, housing inform ation and work opportunities. The Centers are usually the best place to start if you have a questron or a problem. See below for the Center near you and information regarding services. Seniors are served nutritious hot meals five days a week through the City's Senior Lunch Program. More than 3, 500 meals are served daily at 100 community dining centers in Ihe city, .. , ....... , .... ,............. ........................ ... ... .. ......... .. ............. ,....... ... , ................. ....................... , -.-. , ......................,......... .. Adult Day Support Centers Provides free health screening and exams heavy household tasks. cooking, shopping , (800) 510.2020 for seniors in a variety of community or light housekeeping. as needed, and (2 13) 252-4030 seltings. friendly visitors. .. Provides health, social and support services lor older adults who have phYSical, emotional. or mental Impairments and require assistance and supervision in a protective setting during daytime hours. Offers relief for caregivers. Alzheim er 's Day Care and Resource Centers (800) 510-2020 (2 13) 252-4030 Specialized day care and support services for individuals with Alzheimer's Disease and other dementia-related disorders and support for their families and caregivers. Care Management (800) 510-2020 (2 13) 252-4030 Program designed to assess social and health needs of frait seniors, develop a care plan to meelthese needs and ensure thai the plan works as designed. Elder Abuse Hotline Legal Services (800) 992-1660 (323) 939-0506 Call to report physical. emotional and/or financial abuse of seniors. Citywide legal services are available to seniors 55 years of age and older with economic or social need. Emergency Alert Response System (EARS) (213) 252-4072 Provides telecommunication equipment 10 frail. medically needy seniors so they may maintain Independence. Home Secure (800) 510-2020 (213) 252-4030 Provides renters and homeowners of limited income with free grab bars, handheld shower hoses, shower chairs. door and window locks, peepholes and gas shut-off valves, installed as needed at no cost. In Home Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Services (800) 510-2020 (213) 252-4030 (800) 510-2020 (213) 252-4030 Assists frail seniors In maintaining independent living by providing help with 10 Linkages and Respite Purchase of Service Programs (800) 510-2020 (2 13) 252-4030 Provides resources to maintain frail. elderly and functionally impaired adults in their homes and provides relief for their caregivers . Older Adult Parenting (kidship Care) (800) 510-2020 (2 13) 252-4030 Community-based program provides services for older adults caring for grandchildren or other family members. Services Include counseling. case management and supportive services, information and management, referrals for legal matters, financial assistance. educational inquiries, child care, housing needs . transportation and employment assistance. Older Adult Services and Information System (OASIS) (800) 510·2020 (213) 252-4030 OASIS is a recreational , educational, cultural arts and information program for seniors . Call for site information Ombudsman WISE Adult Day Services 1510 Pico Blvd . Santa Monica , CA 90405 (BOO) 334·9473 (310) 452-7802 (3 10) 45Z-7653 FAX Provides residents of long-term care faciliti~s with independent, objective help in resolving problems within each facility. Senior Employment Training Program (BOO) 510·2020 (213) 252·4030 Provides pari-lime, on-the-job training for seniors within federal low-income The goal of the program guidelines. is unsubsidized employment for older workers. Senior Lunch Program CONGRAGATE PROGRAM (2 13) 252-4030 Seniors are served nutritious hot meals five days a week through the City's Senior Lunch Program. More than 3,500 meals are served daily at 100 community dining centers in the city. Donations are requested , but no one is turned away. Call the Multipurpose Senior Cenler near you for the nearest dining center location . Multipurpose Senior Centers (MPC) CENTRAL Theresa Lindsay MPC 429 E. 42nd Place Los Angeles, CA 900 11 (323) 846-1920 (323) 846- 1930 FAX CENTRAL BUSINESS Single Room Occupancy Housing Corporation, Inc. 517 S. San Julian St Los Angeles , CA 90013 (213) 229-9672 (2 13) 229-9679 (213) 229-9677 FAX CITY St. Barnabas MPC 675 S. Carondelet St. Los Angeles, CA 90057 (2 13) 388·4444 (2 13) 739-2972 FAX EAST VALLEY Sherman Oaks I East Valley Adult Center 5056 Van Nuys Blvd , Sherman Oaks 91403 (818) 766-5165 (818) 766-1629 FAX EASTSIDE International Institute MPC 435 S. Boyle Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90033 (323) 264-6210 (323) 264-4623 FAX HOME DELIVERED PROGRAM Meals are home delivered each weekday to eligible seniors in over 100 communities. Any homebound senior who because 01 a physical or mental disability is unable 10 get to a dining center may be eligible. Donations are requesled . Calilha nearest Multipurpose Center or the Information number to get more details. NORTHEAST VALLEY Northeast Valley MPC 11300 Gtenoaks Blvd. Pacoima, CA 91331 (818) 834·6100 (8 18) 834·6108 FAX NORTHSIDE Hollywood MPC 1360 N. SI. Andrews PI. Los Angeles, CA 90028 (323) 957-3900 (323) 462-6164 FAX NORTHWEST VALLEY Robert M. Wilkinson MPC 8956 Vanalden Ave. Northridge, CA 91324 (818) 756·774 1 (818) 756·9747 FAX SOUTH CENTRAL Bradley MPC 10957 S. Central Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90059 (323) 563· 5639 (323) 923-1474 FAX SOUTHWEST VALLEY Valley Senior Service and Resource Center 18255 Victory Blvd. Reseda, CA 91335 (818) 705·2345 (818) 705·2592 FAX SOUTHWESTERN People Coordinated SelVices MPC 5133 S. Crenshaw Blvd . Los Angeles, CA 90043 HARBOR Wilmington Jaycees Foundation Inc. 1371 Eubank Ave. Wilmington , CA 90744 (310) 518·4533 (310) 518·9912 FAX MID VALLEY Bernardi MPC 65 14 Sylmar Ave. Van Nuys, CA 91406 (8 18) 781 -1101 (818) 909-7547 FAX 11 (323) 294·5226 (323) 735·123 1 (323) 735·7054 FAX WEST WI LSHIRE Freda Mohr MPC 330 N. Fairfax Ave. los Angeles, CA 90036 (323) 937-5900 (323) 857·1872 FAX WEST ADAMS WESTSIDE Transportationl City Ride 2526 West Blvd. Felicia Mal100d MPC Los Angeles. CA 90016 11338 Santa Monica Blvd (213) 808-7433 The Department (323) 735-5799 Los Angeles, CA 90025 (323) 735-6306 FAX (310) 479-4 11 9 of Transportation sponsors a transportation subsidy program for seniors 65 years and older and disabled people of any age. (310) 231-0160 FAX AIRPORT Los Angeles World Airports 1 World Way Los Angeles, CA 90045 (310) 646-5252 (310) 644-0370 TDD www.lawa,org Los Angeles World Airports is governed by a seven-member Board of Airport Commissioners. The Board is composed of business and civic leaders who are appoInted by the Mayor and approved by the City Council. Airports In the system: Los Angeles International (LAX), Ontario International (ONT), Van Nuys Airport (VNY) and Palmdale Regional Airport (PM D). Los Angeles International Airport LAX 1 Wand Way Los Angeles, CA 90045 (310) 646-5252 (310) 644-0370 TDD LAX Flyaway WEST LOS ANGELES Location: Westwood (866) I-FLY-LAX (866) 4 35-9529 www.l lyaway Convenient Non-Stop Bus Service to LAX from ; a Union Station (Downtown L.A.) • Van Nuys (San Fernando Valley) • Westwood (Wesl Los Angeles) Ontario International Airport aNT 1923 East Avian St. Ontario, CA 91761 (909) 937-2700 (909) 937-2163 FAX Palmdale Regional Ai rport All FlyAway buses drop-off passengers on the Upper/Departures Level of each terminal at lAX. Passengers board buses on the Lower/ Arrivals Level in front of each terminal under the green "FlyAway. Buses and Long Oistance Vans" signs. Each bus is marked with its service location. PMD 4 1000 20th SI. DOWNTOWN LA Palmdale, CA 93559 Location: Union Station The LAX FlyAway service operates from Bus Stop 9 althe Patsaouras Transit Plaza at Union Station .Passengers should enter on the Vignes Street side of Union Station. (661) 266-7602 (661) 266-7604 TDD Van Nuys Airport VNY 16461 Sherman Way Van Nuys, CA 91406 (818) 785-8838 (818) 756-9386 TDD The LAX FlyAway bus stop is located adjacent to Westwood Village, outside of UCLA Parking Structure 32 on the north side of Kinross Avenue, one block west of Gayley Avenue, LAX Ground Public Transportation Free shuWe bus service is provided from the Metro Green Line Aviation Station. Passengers wishing to use this shuttle bus service should wait under the LAX Shuttle & Airl ine Connections sign on the Lower/Arrival Level islands in front of each terminal, and board the ' G~ Shuttle. Passengers also can take the "C· Shuttle from the same pick-up point to get to the Metro 8us Center. where they can board city buses serving the Los Angeles area. Information on city bus services is available by telephone on the Information Display Board in the baggage claim area in each terminal. In addition , passengers can obtain local transit Information by calling (800) 266·6883. SAN FERNANDO VALL EY Location: Van N uys Airport Other public bus authorities serving LAX are Culver City Bus lines, Santa MonIca The LAX FlyAway service operates from the FlyAway Bus Terminallceated at 7610 Woodley Avenue, Van Nuys. Big Blue Bus, and Torrance Transit. Passengers can pick up these buses at the Metro Bus Cenler in Lot C . 12 ANIMAL SERVICES Animal Servlces Department 22 1 N. Figueroa S1. 5th Floor Los Angeles, CA900 12 (888)452-7381 (2 13)482-9511 FAX LA. Animal Services. one of the largest rescue organizations in the nation, rescues, houses and cares for more than 70,000 lost and abandoned animals annually, enforces animal·related taws and acl s to prevent cruelty to animals. Adopt a Pet (888)452-7381 Please visit one of LA Animal Services Animal Care Centers where a variety of animals, from purebred to mixed breeds, are available for adoption. Also visi t www. where you can try the Matchmaker feature to find the perfect pel for you or search the database of adoptable animals. You can also localo Mobile Pel Adoptions in your area. Adoption costs vary and include rabies vaccination, microchlpping and sterilization. Animal Care Centers EAST VALLEY 14409 Vanowen S1. Va n Nuys, CA 91405 (888)452-7381 (8 18)756-91 10 FAX HARBOR 957 North Gaffe y San Pedro, CA 90731 (888)452-7381 (310)548-7428 FAX WEST VALLEY 20655 Plummer SI. Chatsworth, CA 91311 (888) 452-7381 (8 18)756-91 11 FAX In the possession of LA Animal Services. Also, as part of Ihe new law requiring spay or neuter of dogs and cats, any dog or cat that is exempt from the requirement and remains intact must be microchiped. The cost to microchip an animal is $25. Spay and Neuter Vaccin ate a Pet (888)452-7381 (888)452-7381 All dogs and cats residing in the City of Los Angeles must be spayed or neutered unless they meet certain medical criteria, are active show or service dogs, or afe licensed for breeding purposes. Stiff fines and penalties can be assessed for persistent failure to comply. For those who cannot afford the cost of altering their pets, LA. Animal Services provides .several programs; including low cost and free spay/neuter coupons for City residents for use at participating veterinarians. More infomlation about low cost spay/neuter programs and applications for coupons can be obtained al any LAAnimal Services Animat Care Cenlor or online at www. Low-cost vaccination clinics are offered year·round at various locations. Any dog over four (4) months of age is required to have a current rabies vaccination and dog owners stlOuld retain the vaccination documentation. Visil V/WW , for a Jist of low-cost vaccination clinics. Licensing (888)452-7381 NORTH CENTRAL 320 1 Lacy St. Los Angeles, CA 90031 (888)452-7381 (2 13)847-0555 FAX SO UTH LOS ANGELES 36 1211thAve. Los Angeles , CA 90018 (888) 452-7381 (213)847-0554 FAX WEST LOS ANGELES 11 361 W. Pico Blvd . Los Angeles, CA 90064 (888)452-7381 (310)207-4965 FAX All dogs residing In the City must be licensed. Dogs are required to wear license tags on their conars or halters at aU limes. Horses must also have a license, which costs $14 per year. A license for a spayed or neutered dog costs $ 15 per year, while a license for an unaltered dog costs $100 per year. Seniors aged (62+) and disabled Individuals living in the City of Los Angeles may qualify to receive a free dog license (must show proof of current rabies vaccination) if they meet low income requirements. Dog licenses may be purchased at any LA Animal Services Animal Care Center or renewed online at Microchip a Pet (888) 452-7381 Make an appointment with your local Animal Care Center and microchip your animal. Getting your dog micro-chipped makes identification and re turn of a lost pel quick and easy if he or she ends up 13 Find a Lost Pet (888)452-7381 Please visil your nearest Animal Care Cenler or visil to search our database of found animals. You also can register your missing animal with our Iosl pet registra\fon service on the Find A Lost Pet page on the website. You wilt be emailed automatically when an animal matching the description you provide is registered as FOUND or shows up at one the Los Angeles Animal Care Centers. Emails are sent once per day and registra tion Is valid for 30 days. In addition, if an animal is found with a microchip, dog license, or other traceable identification, LA Animal Services will notify the owner. Found or Stray Animal s (888)452-7381 Anyone who has found a lost pet or stray animal should take it to the nearest Anima\ Care Center. Owners usually check Iheir local Animal Care Center first when they are looking for a lost pel. Found pets may also be regislered on the Find A Lost Pel page at Dead Anim al Pickup (800) 773-2489 The City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Sanitalion is responsible for picking up dead animals. L.A. Animal Services does not pick up dead animals. If any animals In the City of Los Angeles have died and need \0 be collected for sanitary reasons , the Bureau of Sanitation will come to your location and pick the animal up for proper disposal. To make a request for Oead Animal Collection, you must provide: (1) Address or Localion of Animal , and (2) Your Telephone Number. Collectors may enter the home, garage or backyard to re trieve animals, but will not climb or crawl into tight places. Dead animals are not to be buried except in established cemeteries. Report Anima l Abuse and Cruelty (213)847-1417 Abusing or failing to properly care for any animal is against the law and is punishable with fines and possible jail time. This includes participation in dog and cock fighting. LA Animal Services Is constantly on the lookout for evidence of abuse. and the Animal Cruelty Task Force works with the City Attorney and Dislrict Attorney to investigate and prosecute abuse and cruelty cases. You can call to report abuse and cruelty at (213) 847~ 1417 . Complain A bout a Barking Dog (888) 452-7381 If you are experiencing a problem with a barking dog, you must submit a written complaint directly to the Animal Care Center serving your area. Your leller must include the following information: (1) Your Name, (2) Your Address, (3) Your Phone Number, (4) Address of the barking dog, (5)Description of the Problem, and (6)Your Signature. Please visit www. for more detailed InformatIon Report a Dangerou s Animal (888) 452-7381 An animal may be considered dangerous if it has attacked a person or another animal. Report All dangerous animals to your nearest Animal Care Center. An Animal Control Officer will go out and investigate If found dangerous, the animal may be impounded for further observation. l eas h l aw (888) 452-7381 If you take or allow your dog off your property or place of reSidence, you must have him or her on a leash. Failure to do so could result in a stiff fine. There are a number of dog parks in the City where it is legal to let your dog off~leash, but no beaches at present. Clean Up After Your Dog (888) 452-7381 Dog owners are required to clean up after their dogs when taking them out in public. Failure to do so could lead to stiff fines. Bring a bag when you lake your dog for a walk! LAMC Section 53.49. Wildlife (888) 452-7381 LA Animal Services has a Wildlife Division to aid residents in rectifying problems and some of Ihe uneasiness that many people may face with wildlife. This program allows for a Department representaUve to provide on~site evaluations. education on methods of exclusion, deterrents and discouragement of wildlife forays into our city neighborhoods. II is not the intention of Ihe Department of Animal Services to remove wildlife from residential areas. You may not feed "non-domesticated mammalian predators" (for example, coyotes. faxes, possums, raccoons and skunks). Violating this lawis a misdemeanor and can subject you to fines. Selling Animals (888) 452-7381 There are laws restricting the selling of animals within the City of Los Angeles on all streets, sidewalks, and other public places. Selling animals usually requires obtaining a Business Tax Registration Certificate (BTRC) from the City of los Angeles. Pel shops and kennels must also obtain permits for public sales from LA Animal Services. Make a Donation or Purcha se a Pet Gift Certificat e (888) 452-7381 Help a sheiler animal! Gift certificates and girt donations to the Department of Animal Services are the perfect way to honor aU Ihe animal lovers in your life . Whether it is for a birthday, wedding. holiday. or other special occasion, making a donation or giving a Department of Animal Services' Gift Certificate enriches the lives of both people and animals. Visi t www.laanimalservlces. com or contact an Animal Care Center near you for more information. BRUSH CLEARANCE . s e e Fire D e partment BUILDING & SAFETY De partme nt of Building & Saf ety 201 N, Figueroa Street Los Angeles. CA 900 12 Protects public safety and discourages urban blighllhrough code enforcement of zoning, building , plumbing, mechanical, and electrical codes, as well as engineering, energy, and disabled access regulations. Through inspections. ensures that tocal and state laws for construction and maintenance of commercial, industrial, and residential buildings are followed . Issues permits required ror virtually all construction citywide, including building, grading. plumbing , mechanlcat, electrical and elevators. Construction Service Centers New Construction Inspection Residential Property Reports DOWNTOWN After obtaining the required permits for the work to be performed, call 311 to schedule one or more inspections as the work progresses. For automated inspection requests, call Prior to the sale or exchange of residential property, a report is issued to advise purchasers of the authorized use, occupancy, zoning classifICation and other InformatIon of City record regarding the property. Also included is information regarding inslallalionof metal bars, security roll-down shutters, smoke detectors, Impact hazard glazing. water conservation devices, seismic gas shut- off valves and certificates of occupancy. Figueroa Plaza 201/221 N. Figueroa SI 1s1 Floor, 4th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 482-0077 San Pedro 638 S. Beacon St. Room 276 San Pedro, CA 90731 (3 10) 732-4545 SOUTH LA 8475 S . Vermont Ave. 2nd Floor Los Ange les, CA 90044 (323) 789-2782 VA N NUYS 6262 Van Nuys Blvd . 2nd Floor, Room 251 Van Nuys, CA 91401 (818) 374-4300 WEST LOS ANGELES 1828 Sawtelle Blvd . 2nd Floor West Los Angeles, CA 90025 (888) 524-2845 (Inside LA. County) (2 13)482-0000 (Outside LA. County) You'll need to provide the permit number, site address and type of inspection needed. Permits A plan review by a Department plan check engineer may be required before Building and Safety can issue a permit . Express building, plumbing, mechanical and electrical permits that do not require plan check may be obtained at any Express Permit coUnter located in the Construction Service Centers, via facsimile, or online using the department's e-permit program on the LADBS website. Zoning Information Zoning information for most parcels In the City of Los Angeles is available Ihrough 311 . You may also obtain zoning Information via fax by using the form available through Ihe LADBS web sHe and In person at the district offices. Property Complaints Call 311 10 file complaints regarding code violalions on e.:isting single-family residential buildings, condominiums, townhouses, hotels, motels, and other commercial buildings. For complaints regarding buildings with two or more residen tial units and apartment buildings, contact the Housing Department at 866- 557-7368. (310) 575-8181 CABLE TELEVISION Information Technology Agency (ITA) ITA monitors the performance of the City's cable television franchise holders and assists in resolving cable related consumer complaints. Each of the 14 franchise areas is served by a privately-owned company. The City permits the company to use the City's rights-of-way to install cable and provide cable services to residents. In turn, the City exercises regulatory powers thai are limited by stale and federal laws. Please call jf you need information concerning your cable operator or if you are experiencing problems with cable services. You can find out who your cable provider is by accessing the Internet at and typing in your address under "My .~.e:~~~~.~~~:~............................... _............................ _............... _...................... Cable TV General Information Council Phone City Han East 1400 200 N. Main Street Los Angeles, CA 900 12 (213) 978-331 1 (3 10) 547-2489 Harbor (2 13) 621-2489 Metro (818) 904-9450 Valley (310)471-2489 Weslside ........... _............ ................................................................. You may lislen to the live proceedings of the Council and COmmittee meetings. 15 LA Cityview 35 Programm ing and General Information (213) 485-7561 (213) 847-4329 FAX (213) 473-3978 Viewer Comment Hotline CITY ATTORNEY City Attorney 200 N. Main 51. Room 800 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-8100 (213) 978-7000 Civil (213) 978-7640 Criminal (213) 978-8312 FAX (213) 978-8310 TOD www.attv. lacitY·Qrg The City Attorney Is elected by the people of Los Angeles to represent the City and serves as the legal advisor to the Mayor, City Council , and all City boards, departments, officers and entities. The City Attorney prosecutes misdemeanor criminal offenses and infractions occurring in the City, including domestic violence, child abuse. driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, theft, and assaults. The City Attorney's Office also provides resources for victims of crime and administers a number of citywide crime prevention iniha\ives focused on preserving the quality of Ule throughout OUf neighborhoods. Anima l Protection Section (213) 978-7829 Oversees the prosecution of animal abuse and neglect cases in the City and works closely with taw enforcement, the City's Department of Animal Services. the Human Society of Ihe United States, the SPCALA and other local and national humane organizations. Environmental Justicel er Section Cosum~ (2 13) 978-8070 Prosecutes consumer fraud, such as deceptive advertiSing, miracle medical cures and get-rich-quick schemes, as well as the dumping of hazardous wastes into streets and storm drains. Also addresses a range of environmental crimes affecting the quality of life of Los Angeles residents. Family Violence Section (213) 485-2352 Prosecutes cases of domestic violence, child physical abuse, child sexual abuse, elder abuse, and internet crimes against children. This Section also works 10 prevent family violence, support domestic violence victims, and protect chHdren from becoming victims of crime. Safe Neighborhoods and Gang Division Anti~ Tobacco Enforcement Program (2 13) 978-7970 The City Allorney's Office works closely with businesses and community organizations to ensure compliance with local, stale and federal tobacco control laws. Victim Witness Program (213) 978-2097 Provides support for victims and witnesses in cases prosecuted by Ihe Cily Attorney's Office through a network of offices located throoghout the City. (213) 978-4090 The Safe Neighborhoods and Anti-Gang Division empowers the residents of Los Angeles to improve the quality of life in their communities by creating a proactive, coordinated and tailored response to reduce crime, and eliminate blight and gal1g violence. CITY CLERK City Clerk 200 N. Main St. . Room 395 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-1133 cityderk.laclty,ocg ....... . Council Committees Council Phone There are 15, three to five member standing commltlees appointed by the President of the Council. Each Cooncilmember chairs one commillee, and is a member of two or three others. Special committees are crealed as needed . Committees make recommendations to the full City Council. (310) 547-2489 Harbor (2 13) 621-2489 Metro (818) 904-9450 Valley (310) 471-2489 Westside You may tisten 10 the live proceedings of the Council and commIttee meetings. Information Numbers COUNCIL & PUBLIC SERVICES FRONT COUNTER (213) 978-11 33 For a copy of an ordinance How to file a claim against the City CALENDAR SECTION (213) 978-1059 To check Ihe date an Issue will be In CoUncil " INDEX SECTION Tape Recordings (2 13) 978- 1043 (2 13) 978-1047 (213) 978-1048 Video of Council meetings and audio of both City Council and Committee meetings may be played for free and without appointment In the City Clerk's Office, Room 395. City Hall during business hours. Monday· Friday B a,m.· 4:30 p.m. or may be accessed online from any computer at'acityfYQurGovernmenV CltyCou Dci ICoy neil Meetingsfindex , To check the status of Council mailers GOVERNMENTAL & LIAISON COMMUNITY (2 13) 978- 1073 Municipal Elect ions (800) 873-1000 (213) 978-0444 (213) 978-0376 FAX The Los Angeles City Clerk's Election Division conducts elections for the City of los Angeles. Board of Education, and Community College Board of Trustees, regularly scheduled in March and May of odd-numbered years. Additionally, the City Clerk conducts Neighborhood Council elections in the Spring of even-numbered years. Subscriber Service Subscribe to Council and committee agendas at lacjtY,Q(g/lacity/SubMenul ENSEarlyNotificationSyslem/EarlyNQUficationSystem/jndex,htm. Council documents can also be found on the Internet at lacily.orglclk. Subscribe to and view all Council file activity via the Council File Management System al cil yclerk.lacity.orq/lacityclerk· connectlindex.cfm lllrn· Videotapes may be purchased for $25. audiotapes for $10, and DVDs for $20. Te levised Meetings Channel 35 LA City View City Council meetings are broadcast live and replayed in the evening and on weekends on Channel 35 by all the cable television operators in the City. Websites ORDINANCE SEARCH Online access to Ordinances cjtvclerk.lacjty.orq/ordinaocel LIVE AND ON-DEMAND COUNCIL MEETINGS Online access to Council video and Council! Committee audio lacjty.orq/lacityNourGoyernmen VCityCouncil!CQuncjlMeelingsliodex.htm COUNCIL FILE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Online access to Council files and contracts cityclerk.lacity.orgllacityclerkconnecV index.cfm Voter Reg istration Information (800) 481-8683 (213) 978-0444 Voter registration is handled by the Los Angeles County Registrar. Recorder. Voler regislralion forms are available al most government agencies and at the Department of Motor Vehicles. You may also register via the mart . Call the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder and ask to be sent a registration card. Postage is free. CITY CONTROLLER City Contro ller 200 N . Main St., Room 300 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-7200 (213) 978-7211 FAX http://controUer, lacity.orq The City Controller. elected by the people of Los Angeles, serves as the Chief Auditor and General Accountant of the City. The Controller regularly conducts financial and performance audits of City departments and publicly reports problems with the goal of achieving cost-effective solutions and increasing government efficiency. 17 , CITY COUNCIL City Cou ncil 200 N. Spring St. 4th Floor los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978·1133 http·Uwww·council. The City of los Angeles is divided into 15 districts, approximately equal in population. Each district Is represented by a Councilmember who is elected 10 serve a full·time, four·year term. The Council has authority to pass ordInances, resolutions and other actions affecting a broad range of issues and services. It approves contracts, adopts traffic regulations and land use controls, levies taxes and authorizes public improvements. The Council also has authority 10 modify and approve the City budget as proposed by the Mayor. The Council elects one of its members as President of the City Council and one as President Pro Tempore. who acts as presiding officer whenever the President is unavailable. An Assistant President Pro Tempore, appointed by the President, serves in a similar fashion. The President of the Council acts as Mayor of the City whenever the Mayor is unavailable because of illness, disability, or absence from Ihe state. The City Council works to determine solutions to an array of problems that affecllhe lives and welfare of millions of City residents, provide for public safety and Improve the quality of life in the community. CO UNCIL DISTRICT This directory includes maps of the 15 Council Districts. If you want 10 double check Ihe district information for a particular address, you can do so online . Go 10 www.lacity.ofg/council, click on "My Neighborhood" and type in your address. Or you can call the Ejection Division of the City Clerk's Office (213) 978·0444. COUNCIL MEETINGS Held on Tuesdays. WedneSdays, and Fridays, at 10:00 a.m. in the John Ferraro Council Chamber, Room 340, City Hall, 200 N. Spring St. (entrance on Main SI.), Los Angeles, 90012. On the first Friday of every month, the Council meeting is hetd at 10:00 8 .m., a\ the Van Nuys City Hall , 14410 Sylvan St., Van Nuys. 91401. To view the calendar of Council meeting dates and times, please visitlhe following website: http://parcl ,lacitY.QrgJaooldepVcaJendarme/filedocs!all!counciJcalendar,cfm Occasionally the City Council is in recess or meets al a differenl time. Please visit the website above to confirm the meeting time and that Council is in session, or ca t! the Council and Public Services Division at (213) 978-1133 COUNCIL PHONES (310) (213) (818) (3 10) 547·2489 Harbor 62 1·2489 Melro 904·9450 Valley 471·2489 WestsIde You may listen to the live proceedings of the Council and committee meetings. JOHN FERRARO COUNCIL CHAMBER (See ne,1 page) The President of Ihe Council (1) sits at the center of the chamber, faCing the Councilmembers (2), who sit in alphabetical order, starting with the first desk to the President's left, al desks arranged in a hOl"Seshoe shape. The City Clerk (3), City Attomey (4) and Chief Legislative Analyst (5) assist in the conduct of meetings, which are broadcast live on cable television Channet 35. Viewing screens (6) on each side of the chamber carry Ihe Channel 35 broadcast and electronic screens (7) on the front wall display item summaries and the results of the Council vote on the Items. A speakers podium (8) for the public stands at the cen ter of Ihe public sealing area. 16 JOHN FERRARO COUNCIL CHAMBER 8 0 0 § 0 D 0 § Council Seating L I 0 ~ 0 10 1 iii I ~II ' ===;;:II I F=I::==J: c : : : : : : : : Public Seatl" ing = ====:J I C ~ I I I C:::::::::==JIO Oc:: II H 19 1 Ed P. Reyes 10 City Hall Office 200 N. Spring St., Room 410 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 473-7001 (213) 485-8907 FAX htlp:Ucd1 ,lacjtY,Qrg cQuncilmember,reyes@council ,lacjly,Qrq 8 lincoln Heights 9 163 S. Ave 24, Room 202 Los Angeles, CA 9003 1 (213) 485-0763 (213) 485-8908 FAX 20 COUNCIL DISTRICT 2 • PAUL KREKORIAN Paul Krekorian 6 City Hall Office 200 N. Spring St. , Room 425 Los Angeles , CA90012 (213) 473-7002 (213) 978-3092 FAX http://cd2 ,lacity,org GOuncilmember.Krekorian@lacitY,Qrg North Hollywood 6350 Laurel Canyon Blvd. , Suite 201 5 North Hollywood, CA 91606 (818) 755-7676 (818) 755-7862 FAX Sunland-Tujunga 7747 Foothill Blvd. Tujunga, CA 91042 (818) 352-3287 (818) 352-8563 FAX COUNCIL DISTRICT 3 - DENNIS P. ZINE 12 ROSCOE '"o HERMAN VANOW N co z z o z u 01 3 5 City Hall Office Reseda 200 N. Spring St., Room 450 Los Angeles, CA 90012 19040 Vanowen Street (2 13) 473-7003 (213) 485·8988 FAX Dennis P. Zin e Reseda , CA 91335 (8 18) 756·8848 (8 18) 756·9179 FAX http://cd3.1acity,org CQu ncilmember,zine@lacity,org 22 11 City Hall Office Valley 200 N. Spring 51. 10116 Riverside Drive, Roo #200 Los Angeles, CA 91602 (818) 755-7630 (818) 755-7637 FAX Room 480 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 485-3337 (213) 624-7810 FAX www.tomlabonge.cooo j 2 4 ",r ", " JI 10 Tom LaBonge 23 8 6 w 3 !:: J: ;: 5 11 City Hall Office 200 N. Spring SI., Room 440 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 473-7005 (213) 978-2250 FAX http://cd5.Jacily,org West Los Angeles 822 S. Robertson Boulevard, Suite 102 Los Angeles, CA 90035 (310) 289-0353 (3 10) 289-0365 FAX Valley 15760 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 1020 Encino, CA 91436 (818) 971-3088 (818) 788-9210 FAX 10 City Hall Office 200 N. Spring St., Room 455 Los Angeles, CA90012 (213) 473-7006 (213) 847-0549 FAX hltp:/lcd6.JacitY,Qrg councilmember,cardenas@]acily. QUl Van Nuys 14410 Sylvan $1. , Suite 215 Van Nuys, CA 91401 (8 18) 778-4999 (818) 778-4998 FAX Sun Valley 9300 Laurel Canyon . 2nd Floor Sun Valley, CA 91331 (818) 711-0236 (818) 756-8155 FAX 5 Tony Cardenas 25 COUNCIL DISTRICT 7 - RICHARD ALARCON City Hall Office Pacoima Sylmar 200 N. Spring SL Room 425 13630 Van Nuys Blvd. Pacoima, CA 91331 (818) 756-9115 (818) 756-9270 FAX 13517 Hubbard St. Sylmar, CA 91342 (8 18) 756-8409 (818) 362-4857 FAX Los Angeles, CA 90012 (2 13) 473-7007 (213) 847-0707 FAX http://cd7.lacity.o(g 12 2 Richard Al arcon 26 10 8 Bernard Parks City Hall Office 200 N. Spring St., Room 460 Los Angeles, CA90012 (213) 473-7008 (213) 485-7683 FAX council mem ber. Crenshaw 3847 S. Crenshaw Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90008 (323) 293-9467 (323) 293-3696 FAX Constituent Service Center 15 8475 South Vermont Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90044 (213)485-7616 (213)485-8156 FAX 27 14 Ja n Perry 8 City Hall Office 200 N. Spring St. , Room 420 Los Angeles, CA90012 (2 13)473-7009 jan Los Angeles 4301 S. Central Ave. Los Angeles, CA 900 11 (323) 846-2651 (323) 846-2656 FAX City Hall Office 200 N. Spring St., Room 430 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213)473-7010 (213) 485-9829 FAX hUp:ljcd 1O.lacity.orq Los Angeles (Western ) 1819 S. Western Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90006 (323) 733-8233 (323) 733-5833 FAX o Herb J. Wesson, JR. 3 City Hall Office 200 N. Spring SI. , Room 415 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 473-7011 (213) 473-6926 FAX http://cd11 ,lacily,crg cQuncilrnao ,rosendahl@lacitY,Qrg Westchester 7166 W. Manchester Blvd . Westchester, CA 90045 (310) 568-8772 (310) 41 0-3946 FAX West Los Angeles 1645 Corinth Avenue, Room 20 1 West Los Angeles, CA 90025 (310) 575-8461 (310) 575-8305 FAX 30 City Hall Office 200 N. Spring St., Room 405 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 473-7012 (213) 473-6925 FAX Chatsworth 10044 Old Depot Plaza Rd. Chatsworth, CA91311 (818) 701-5253 Northridge 18917 Nordhoff St., Suite 18 Los Angeles, CA 91324 (818) 756-8501 (818) 756-9122 FAX Greig Smith 31 City Hall Office 200 N. Spring St., Room 475 Los Angeles, CA 900 12 (2 13) 473-7013 (213) 613-0819 FAX http://cd13 cQuncilmembe[, Hollywood 5500 Hollywood Blvd., 4th Floor Hollywood , CA 90028 (323) 957-4500 Glassell Park 3750 Verdugo Road. Los Angeles, CA 90065 (323) 478-9002 (323) 478-1296 FAX Eric Garcetti 32 City Hall Office 200 N. Spring St. , Room 465 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (2 13) 473-7014 (2 13) 847-0680 FAX http:Ucd1 Boyle Heights 1870 E. 1st. Street Los Angeles, CA 90033 (323) 526-3059 (323) 266-7511 FAX EI Sereno 4927 East Huntington Dr. North. Suite 100 Los Angeles, CA 90032 (323) 226- 1646 (323) 226- 1644 FAX 1 Eagle Rock/Highland Park 2035 Colorado Boulevard 14 Los Angeles, CA 90041 (323) 254-5295 (213) 485-8788 FAX 9 Jose Huizar 33 11 El U-lii!t< [) a City Hall Office 200 N. Spring St., Room 435 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 473-70 15 (213) 626-5431 FAX http:Ucd 15.lacitY,Qrq cQuQcilmembe[,haho@lacity.orq San Pedro 638 S. Beacon St., Suite 552 San Pedro, CA 90731 (310) 732-4515 (310) 732-4500 FAX Watts 10221 Compton Ave., Suite 200 Los Angeles, CA 90002 (2 13) 473-5128 (213) 473-5132 FAX Wilmington 544 N. Avalon Blvd . Wilmington , CA 90744 (310) 233-7201 Janice Hahn COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Community Development Department 1200 W. 7th SI. 4th & 7th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90017 (2 13) 744-7333 http://cdd, Mission: To improve the qualily of life in the City by creating economic, social and employment opponunilies for individuals, famities and neighborhoods;n need. Vision: The City of Los Angeles Community Development Department wilt be a leader in developing and delivering workforce, economic development and family services programs thai improve the lives of the socially and economically ai-risk population . • ............. II 1_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " ............................. _.. . ..... . ............. Administrative Services Divi sion •• • ...... "_, See Target Area I FSC location below: NORTH VALLEY ALISO PI CO/BOYLE HEIGHTS SOUTH EI Nido Family Centers 13460 Van Nuys Blvd. Pacoima, CA91331 Lucille Beserra Roybal FSC (818) 896-7776 1505 E. First Street LA, CA 90033 (323) 526-3033 NORTH VALLEY (213) 744- 7100 Board s & Commissions COMMISSION FOR COMMUN ITY AN D FAMILY SERVICES COMMISSION Deborah M. Wood, Executive Director (213) 744-9047 BOYLE HEIGHTS COMM ISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN (213)473-7063 HU MAN RELATIONS COMM ISS ION (2 13) 978-1664 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (213) 744-9360 WORKFORCE INVESTMENT BOARD (213) 744-7211 Financia l Management Division (2 13) 744-9000 EI Centro de Ayuda Corp. 3467 W hittier Blvd. LA, CA 90023 (323) 265-9228 CANOGA PARK New Economics for Women 21400 Saticoy St. Canoga Park, CA 91305 (818) 887-3872 CYPRESS PARK/GLASS ELL PARK Cypress Park FSC services to city residents in areas of highest need. Each center offers a set of core parenting, tutoring. employment assistance and access to a myriad of support programs can receive services. PACOIMA, CA 91331 (818) 834-5179 PICOWEST Tom Bradley FSC 5213 W. Pico Blvd. LA, CA 90019 (323) 692-0669 SOUTH VALLEY New Economics for Women 693 1 Van Nuys Blvd. , Ste. 201 Van Nuys, CA 91406 (818) 786-4098 LA, CA90065 (323) 226-1682 SOUTHEAST I ECHO PARK LA, CA 90007 (2 13) 747-4046 The Children's COllective, Inc. 3655 S. Grand Ave. EI Centro del Pueblo 1157 Lemoyne St. LA, CA90026 (213) 483-6335 SO UTHEAST " CM HP, Inc. 9219 S. Broadway Ave. services through partnerships with a diverse group of agencies. Families with children under the age of 17 that need help with 11243 GLENOAKS BLVD. , STE . 3 929 Cypress Avenue. Fam ilySource System (2 13) 744-9700 The FamilySource System is comprised of a network of 21 community centers that deliver coordinated, outcome-driven Pacoima FSC HOLLYWOOD Youth Policy Institute 5500 Hollywood Blvd., 2nd Floor Hollywood , CA 90028 (323) 836-0055 LINCOLN HEIGHTS BarriO Action FSC 4927 Huntington Dr. , Ste. 200, LA , CA 90032 (323) 221-0779 35 LA, CA 90003 (323) 777-3120 SOUTHWEST I 1736 Family Crisis Center 211 6 Arlington Ave., Ste. 220. LA, CA 90018 (323) 737-3900 SOUTHWEST II Community Build 8730 S. Vermont Ave , LA, CA 90044 (323) 789-9950 Neighborhood Development Division SOUTH LA (213) 744-9017 7518-26 S. VERMONT AVE_ LA, CA90044 (323) 752-2115 Workforce Development System Community Centers Inc. (213)744-7333 WATTS Bradley Milken FSC 1773 E. Century Blvd. LA, CA 90002 (213)473-3607 WATTS WLCAC 958 E. 108th SI. LA, CA90059 (323) 249-7552 WESTLA Community Care at Home/Mar Vista 5075 S. Slauson Ave. Culver City, CA 90230 (310) 391-3457 WESTLAKE/PICO UNION CCNP 501 S. Bixel St. LA, CA 90017 (213) 482-8618 WILMINGTON/ SAN PEDRO Toberman Neighborhood Center 131 N. GRAND AVE. SAN PEDRO, CA 90731 (310) 832-1145 x 106 WILSHIRE Oakwood Family Resource Center 3910 OAKWOOD AVE. LA, CA 90004 (323) 953-7356 DOWNTOWN WorkSource Centers Services provided: For Job seekers: access to job listings. phone banks, fax machines, Internet access, job referral information, and employment workshops. For individuals who need more intensive services, career counseling, vocational training, on-the-job-training and other services are also available. For businesses: provide a full range of services including business plan development, hosling a business event, developing job descriptions, customized training. employee recruitment, labor market information, lay-off aversion assistance. and business tax credit information . WorkSource Target Area/AgenO-j Work Source Location Chicana Service Action Center, Inc. 315 W. 9TH STREET. #101 LA, CA 90015 (213)629-5800 CH INATOWN Chinatown Service Center 767 N. HILL STREET, #400 LA. CA 90012 (213) 808-1700 HARBOR Cay of long Beach 1851 N. GAFFEY ST, #F San Pedro, CA 90731 (310) 732-5700 CANOGA PARK - WEST HILLS Arbor E&T, LLC SUN VALLEY 21010 VANOWEN ST" #116 Canoga Park, CA 91303 (818) 596-4448 EI Proyecto del Barrio 9024 Laurel Canyon Blvd , Sun Valley, CA 91352 (818) 504-0334 NORTHEAST LA Arbor E&T. LlC METRO NORTH LA 3825 N. Mission Rd . LA, CA 90031 (323) 352-5100 Goodwill Industries of Southern California VAN NUYS-NORTH SHERMAN OAKS Arbor E& T, lLC 15400 SHERMAN WAY, #140 Van Nuys, CA 911406 (818) 781-2522 342 San Fernando Road LA, CA 90031 (323) 539-2000 HOUSING AUTHORITY WORKSOURCE PORTAL Housing Authority of the City of L. A. 2101 E, 101st SI. LA, CA 90002 (323) 249-7751 Human Resources (Community Development Department Jobs) (213) 744-9300 Economic Development Division For information on the Business Assistance Program. Empowerment Zone. lending Programs or the Slate Enterprise Zones, please call (213) 744-7111 CHATSWORTH - NORTHRIDGE Build Industries, Inc. 9207 ETON AVE. Chatsworth, CA 91311 (818) 701-9800 MARINA DEL REY - MAR VISTA Jewish Vocalional Services 13160 Mindanao Way, #240 Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 (310) 309-6000 WILSH IRE - METRO WEST ADAMS - BALDWIN HILLS Community Career Development, Inc. los Angeles Urban League 5681 W. Jefferson Blvd . 3550 WILSHIRE BLVD" #500 LA. CA 90010 (2 13) 365-9829 36 LA, CA 90016 (323) 525-3740 HOLLYWOOD SOUTHEAST LA - CRENSHAW Rapid Response Managed Career Solutions, Inc. UAW - labor Employment and Training (213) 744-7205 855 N. Vermont Ave. Bungalow B~ 10, LA, CA 90029 (323) 960-1300 3965 S. Vermont Ave. LA, CA 90037 (323) 730-7900 WEsnAKE SOUTHEAST LA - WAD S Pacific Asian Consortium in Employment Watts l abor Community AcHon Committee 1055 Wilsh ire Blvd., #900A LA, CA 900 17 (213) 353-1677 10950 S. Central Avenue LA, CA 90059 (323) 563-4702 Youth Opportunity Movement Boyle Heights (323) 526-0146 Valley (818) 361-7486 Watts (323) 971-7641 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Community Redevelopment Agency 354 S. Spring Street Suite 800 Los Angeles, CA 90013 (2 13) 977-1600 (213) 977-1665 FAX The Community Redevelopment Agency of Los Angeles (eRA/LA) is a public agency established to accomplish the following goals: • Attract private investment inlo economically depressed communities Eliminate slums, abandoned or unsafe properties and blight throughout the ci ty Build housing for aU income levels Revitalize older neighborhoods through historic preservation and new development Encourage economic development Create and retain employment opportunities Support the best in urban design, architecture and Ihe arts Ensure the broadest possible citizen participation In ils activities. CONVENTION CENTER Convention and Exhibition Center Auth ority 1201 South Figueroa St. Los Angeles, CA 90015 (800) 448-7775 (213) 741-1151 (213) 765-4266 FAX EMAIL The Los Angeles Convention Center stimulates the local economy by hosting conventions, trade shows, and special events Ihat attract attendance from outside the City and serves the local communi ty by hosting consumer events, meetings, and community-based events. The Los Angeles Convention Cenler Is a full service, superbly-equipped facility that features 720,000 square feet of exhibition space, 179,000 square feet of meeting rooms, and parking for 5,600 vehicles. Exhibitor Services Sales Office LAce Security (213)741-1151 ext 5470 (213) 74 1-115 1 ext 5340 (213) 765-4605 Exhibitor Service Orders and Verification Convention Center Booking Information Non-Emergency and Lost and Found Event Services Public Relations (213) 741 -1151 ext 5360 (213) 741 - 1151 ext 53 19 Event Coordination and Operations 37 CULTURAL AFFAIRS Depa rtment of Cultural Affairs 20 1 North Figueroa St., Suite 1400 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 202-5500 (213) 202-5517 FAX www.culturela .Qrg The goal of the Cullural Affairs Department is to enhance the quality of life for the more than 3.7 million people who live in Los Angeles and the 25.1 million people who visit our City each year. To accomplish this goal. the department generales and supports high quality arts and cultural experiences and ensures access to those experiences through grant making , marketing, development. communication, and building relationships with community partners. The department's challenge is to be a catalyst for the delivery of art. culture, and heritage to every neighborhood in the City of l os Angeles. Cultural Centers ARROYO SECO ART IN THE PARK 5568 Via Marisol Los Angeles, CA 90042 (323) 259-0861 (253) 369-2476 FAX BANN ING'S LANDING COMM UNITY CENTER 100 East Water Street Wilmington, CA 90748 (310) 522-2015 (310) 522-2003 FAX BARNSDALL ART PARK CROATIAN CULTURAL CENTER OF GREATER LOS ANGELES 510 West 71h Street SAN PEDRO, CA 90731 (310) 548-7630 PERFORMING ARTS FIREHOUSE 438 North Mesa Street San Pedro, CA 90731 (310) 548-2496 WATTS TOWERS ARTS CENTER EAGLE ROCK COMMUNITY CULTURAL CENTER 2225 Colorado Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90041 (323) 226-1617 (323) 226-0949 FAX GALLERY THEATRE (323) 644-6272 1727 East 1071h Street Los Angeles, CA 90002 (213) 847-4646 WI LLIAM GRANT STI LL ARTS CENTER 2520 South West View Street Los Angeles , CA 90016 (213)847-1540 (2 13) 485-16 10 FAX 4800 Hollywood Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90027 (323) 644-6295 (323) 644-6295 HOLLYHOCK HO USE (323) 644-6269 (323) 644-6269 FAX BAR NSDALL ARTS CENTER JU NIOR ARTS CENTER (323) 644-6275 2332 West Fourth Street Los Angeles, CA 90057 (213) 382-8 133 (213) 639-1573 FAX LANKERSHIM ARTS CENTER 5108 Lankershlm Boulevard North Hollywood, CA 91602 (818) 752-7568 (818) 761-1378 FAX THEATERS BARNSDALL GALLERY THEATER MCGROARTY ARTS CENTER 7570 McGroarty Terrace Tujunga , CA 91042 (8 18) 352-5285 (818) 961-5348 FAX LOS ANGELES THEATRE CENTER (323) 644-6275 CALIFORNIA TRADITIONAL MUSIC SOC IETY 16953 Ventura Boulevard Encino, CA913 16 (8 18) 817-7756 (818) 817-7734 FAX CANOGA PARK YOUTH ARTS CENTER 7222 Remmel Avenue Canoga Park, CA 91303 (8 18) 346-7099 (818) 346-7232 FAX CRAFT AND FOLK ART MUSEUM 5814 Wilshire Boulevard LOS ANGELES, CA 90036 (323) 937-4230 MUNICIPAL ART GALLERY (323) 644-6269 (323) 644-6271 FAX WILLIAM REAGH LOS ANGELES PHOTOGRAPHY CENTER 4800 Hollywood Blvd. Hollywood, CA 90027 (323) 644-6272 (323) 644-627 1 FAX 514 South Spring Street Los Angeles. CA 90013 (213)473-0636 (213)473-0660 (213) 473-0620 FAX MADRID THEATRE 21622 Sherman Way VISION TH EATRE 3341 West 43rd Place Canoga Park , CA 91303 (818) 347-9419 (8 18) 347-9938 Los Angeles, CA 90008 (323) 290-4843 (818) 347-9841 FAX WARNER GRAND TH EATRE 478 West 6th Street NATE HOLDEN PE RFORMING ARTS CENTER 4718 West Washington Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90016 (323) 964-9592 (323) 964-9768 (323) 964-9766 Box Office San Pedro, CA 90731 (310) 548-2493 (310) 548-7672 (310) 548-2498 FAX DISABILITY Department on Disability 201 North Figueroa Street , Suite 100 los Angeles, California 90012 (213) 202-2764 Voice (213) 202-2755 TTY (213) 202-2715 FAX The Department of Disability Is responsible for: Proposing. developing and implementing policies, programs, services, and activities thai will improve the quality of life for persons with disabilities; and Development and implementation of the City's federally mandated ADA Transition Plan, which is designed to guide the City into full ADA Compliance: and Providing ADA Compliance training for City Departments and private entities. The target audience for Department programs, services, and activities include: " All persons with disabilities within the City of Los Angeles • Adults, Youth and Children • Persons with HIV!AIDS • Immigrants " Persons in crisis • Survivors of violence " City employees and their families " Families and caregivers of persons with disabilities .. City departments (supervisors and co-workers) • Private Employers " Schools (public and private) • Human services delivery systems " Commission on Disability • Policymakers (elected and appointed) Reasonable Accommodations: Upon request, Sign Language Interpreters and materials in alternatlve formats are available 10 Ihe public for City sponsored meetings and events. All requests for reasonable accommodations must be made at least three working days, or 72 hours in advance of the event or meeting date. Office of the AIDS Coo rdinator 201 North Figueroa Street, Suite 100 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 202-2750 (213) 202-2755 TTY (213) 202-2715 FAX Promotes HIV/AIDS prevention through media campaigns and community-based programs . 39 EL PUEBLO DE LOS ANGELES EI Pueblo De Los Angeles 125 Paseo de la Plaza, Suite 400 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213)485-6855 (213)485-8437 (213)485-0428 FAX www.elpueblo,lacity,Qrq EI Pueblo de Los Angeles Historical Monument is the historic core of Los Angeles. It Is located near the site where 44 seWers who came from the northwestern region of Mexico established the original pueblo on September 4 , 1781. The present Plaza was established between 1825 and 1830. EI Pueblo is located in the northeast section of downtown los Angeles, bordered by the Civic Center and Little Tokyo on the south , Chinatown on the north , Union Station on the east, and Hill Street and Fort Moore on the west. Of the 27 historic buildings. 11 are now restored and open as museums or business. The buildings represent architectural styles of the Spanish, Mexican and early American period (19th through the early 20th Century). In addition, 29 small merchant puestos (booths) which began to develop when Olvera Street was founded in 1930 line the center of the street and 20 line the street's east and west side. The exhibits atlhe museums renect heritage of many elhinic groups who con tributed to the early history ortha City. Active Ch urches Art Galleries METHODIST CHURCH (2 13)628-5773 (213)485-8437 OUR LADY QUEEN OF ANGELS , PLAZA CATHOLIC CHURCH (213)629-3101 Archival Collections (213)485-8437 http ://www, lapl.Qrg/resQyrces/e n/el ~ pueblo,hlml EI Pueblo Monument has over ten thousand divided photographs in its collection , into three hundred separate ca tegories. About 80% of the collection are 8"xl0' black and whi te prints. of which 50% are copies that were obtained from other historical repositories, such as the Seaver Center for Western History Research. The Huntington library, the Chinese Historical Society of Southern California, and UCLA and USC Special Collections. Most of these photographs concern the early history of l os Angeles. which was cen tered at the Plaza, beginning with the earliest known photographs of the city in the early 1860s. The majority of the photographs owned by EI Pueblo Monument concern the history of Olvera Street, the Mexican marketplace that was founded in 1930. and lIstradi\ional· yearly events. such as the Blessing of the Animals. Cinco de Mayo, las Posadas, and Mexican Independence Day. The collection also contains photographs of various communities who were located at the Plaza during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. OLD PLAZA FIREHOUSE 1884 (213)628-1274 featuring permanent and traveling art and historical exhibits. Free Guided Tours The City's first firehouse later served as a saloon. lodging house. and store. It now displays firefighting memorabilia from the nineteenth century. Open daily except Mondays. (213)680- 1274 http://www.lasangetilas.ora Free docent-guided tours of EI Pueblo are conducted every Tuesday through Saturday at 10:00 a.m .. 11:00 a.m., and 12 Noon. Historic Statues, Plaques and Markers············-·-···.. --.... -..... -... -. (213) 485-8437 SEPULVEDA HOUSE 1887 (213)628-1274 The Sepulveda house represents, both arChitecturally and socially, the transformation of los Angeles from purely Mexican traditions to a combination of Mexican and Anglo cullure. Open daily. Ol vera Street (213)485-1274 Museums AVI LA ADOBE 1818 (213)628- 1274 Built by the Avila family and restored after the 1971 Sylmar earthquake, it now reneets the Mexican ranchero lifestyle of California in the 1840s. Open daily. CHINESE AMERICAN MUSEUM (2 13)485-8567 located in the historic Garnier building features exhibits, lectures, workshops and events. ITALIAN HALL MUSEUM (213)485-8437 Italian American Museum of los Angeles to be opened inthe historic Italian Hall will showcase the history of italians in Soulh~ ern California. 40 This world· famous street was made into a Mexican marketplace through the efforts of Christine Sterling and the Olvera Street merchant founding families in 1930. There are curio shops. Mexican restaurants. artisans, and snack bars. Sites for Filming (213)485-8372 Vi sitors' Center (213)628-1274 A free 1O·minute film, EI Pueblo: Birth Place of los Angeles. on \.he earty histo!), of los Angeles, is shown upon request. The Cenler also offers gifts, books, postcards, mementos and many other items for sale that renect the Pueblo's rJeh history. Open daily except Sundays. Volunteer Opportunity (213)628-1274 Yearly Special Events (213) 485-6855 l as Angeutas del Pueblo is a volunteer docent organization for EI Pueblo de los Angeles Historical Monument. TraIning classes are offered twice a year. (i.e. Blessing of the Animals, Cinco de Mayo, Lantern Festival, Las Posadas, City's Birthday, Mexican Independence Celebration, Dia de Los Muertos). EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS Emergency Management Department 200 N. Spring St. , Room 1533 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-2222 (213) 978-0517 FAX EMAIL http://emergency,lacitY·Qrg Coordinates the City's emergency preparedness and operations. Call for Emergency/Disaster preparedness information or speakers. Disaster Prepare ness Information Links ETHICS COMMISSION Ethics Commiss ion 200 N, Spring Street. 24th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-1960 (213)978-1988 FAX (213) 978-2609 TDO htlo:l/eth ics. A confidential, 24-hour a day. toll-free hoUlne for the public to report violations of campaign finance, lobbying or ethics laws such as fraUd , misuse of public resources, abuse of authority or conflicts of interest. The five-member, citizen volunteer Ethics Commission and its full time staff administer mandated ethics, campaign finance, and lobbying programs. introduce new ethics refOfm s, conduct investigations, monitor campaign activities, analyze and summarize disclosure reports, and provide education, training and advice to City officials and the public about the law. The City Ethics Commission provides training and information for candidates and lobbyists and administers a public matching funds program in City elections. It investigates complaInts and allegations of violations of City law relating to campaign financing, governmental ethics, and lobbying: and audits campaign statements filed by City candidates. You can call the Ethics Commission or check online for a variety of documents and information including campaign statements, lobbying reports, and guides and brochures that explain City and slate campaign law, such as Candidate's Guide to Running for Office and the Information for Campaign Contributors. 41 FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Department 200 Norttl Main St. Los Angeles. CA 90012 311 (213) 485-5971 www.lafd.otg From 106 fire stations across the City, Los Angeles firefighters work around the clock to protect our homes, businesses and lives. The Fire Department has specialized units trained in such areas as hazardous materials, urban search and rescue, swift water rescue and helicopter firefighling and rescue and in emergency responses provides medical life support and transportation to appropriate medical facilities. Air Operations & Crash Rescue Fire Station 114 8060 Balboa Place Van Nuys, CA 91406 (213) 485-5971 Aircraft Crash Rescue service at LAX fire fighting and rescue and in emergency responses provides medical life support and transportation to appropriate medical facilities. Community Emergency Response Team Training (818) 756-9674 The team teaches business and community organizations emergency response training, including disaster fire suppression techniques , medical operations and simulation exercises. Fire Station 80 6911 World Way West Los Angeles, CA 90045' (213) 485-6280 Business and Information (213) 485-5971 (213) 485-6026 TDD Fire and Safety Education Section From 103 fire stations across the City, Offers fire safely programs, including Remembering When for older aduUs, Risk Watch for preschool through 8th grade students, and fire safety training for owners of High Rises and Health Care Facilities. Los Angeles firefighters work around the clock to protect our homes, businesses and lives. The Fire Department has specialized units trained in such areas as hazardous materials, urban search and rescue, swift water rescue and helicopter Fire Prevention Bureau Fire Prevention Office (818) 374-111 0 Brush Clearance Unit (818) 374-111 1 Hazardous Materials Section (213) 978-0891 Administers business plans, disclosures and the Risk-Management Prevention Program. (818) 756-9671 HARBOR DEPARTMENT - PORT OF LOS ANGELES Harbor Department· Port of los Angeles 425 South Palos Verdes San Pedro, CA 9073 1 (310) 732-7678 www.portoflosaogeles.ow The Harbor Department operates the Port of Los Angeles, one of Ihe largest and busiest ports in the world. Loca ted in San Pedro Bay, the Port complex occupies 7,500 acres of land and water. with 43 mfles of waterfront and 27 major facililies. A major West Coast U.S. port of entry. the Port is governed by Ihe Board of Harbor Commissioners. The Port sponsors a number of community outreach programs and speCial events each year, including free port tours during World Trade Week each May a(ld the Los Angeles Lobster Festival. Ca!l the Pub!icAffairs office to book a presentation by the Port Speakers Bu reau. Commission Information Public Affairs Special Event Lin e (310) 732-3444 (310) 732-3508 (800) 831-7678 (310) 732-351 4 www.portoUa.orq 42 2600 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90057 (213) 252-2500 (213) 252-5313 TOO One of the largest Public Housing Authorities in Ihe nation that provIdes the largest stock of permanenl affordable housing in the Los Angeles Area. Housing Authority has two major housing programs throughioul the City of Los Angeles; Convenlional Public Housing, Section Housing Assistance.funded by U.S. Dept of Housing & Urban Developemnt (HUO) a Fraud Reporting www· Procurement and Contracts SECTI ON 8 PROGRAM PUBLIC HOUSING PROGRAM Section 8 Administration Housing Services Administration (213) 252-1820 (213) 252-5309 TOO (213) 252-2570 24 Hour Bid Hotline (213) 252-1 890 Media Relations (2 13) 252-1864 Section 8 Applications and Processing (213) 252-1290 Home Ownership Program (213) 252- 1255 Issuance & Contracting (2 13) 252-3 124 6th Sireet) Resident Services 24 Hour Job Hot Line Owner Services (2 13) 252-5396 (213) 252-2657 Accessibility Coordinator Property listing (213) 252- 1879 (2 13) 252-5313 TOO (213) 252-4227 General Services (2 13) 353- 1000 (between Wilmer and Valencia, north of HUman Resources (2 13) 252-5400 (213) 252-0116 TOO Public Housing Application Center 515 S. Columbia Avenue Los Angeles , CA., 90017 Inspections (2 13) 252-6 100 (213) 252-5483 TDO NON-PUBLIC HOUSING SUBSIDIZED AND MARKET RATE PROPERTIES Asset Management (2 13) 252-1802 (213) 252-8840 (2 13) 252-8854 FAX (2 13) 252-1879 Public Safety (2 13) 252-5400 HOUSING DEPARTMENT Housing Department (866) 577-RENT (7368) (2 13) 808-8888 (213) 473-323 1 TOO The l os Angeles Housing Department is charged with the development of citywide housing policy and supporting safe and livable neighborhoods through the promotion, development and preservation of decent and affOf'dabte housing. 43 Affordable Hous ing Commiss ion (213) 808-8636 Advisory Commission to the Mayor and Council; responsible for reviewing the policies and programs of the Los Angeles Housing Department including the departmental budgets of the Housing Department and other City housing-related agencies. All Affordable Housing Commission (AHC) meetings are open to the public. Regular AHC meetings are scheduled on the sec~ ond and fourth Thursdays of each month at Garland Center, Conference Room 912, 9th Floor, 1200 West 7th Street, Los Ange~ las, CA90017. Affordabl e Housing Trust Fund (213) 922-9694 The Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AHTF) finances affordable renlal housing for low~ Income households by making long-term loans to build new housing developments or to rehabilitate existing structures. It was established by Ihe Mayor and City Council in June 2000 pursuant to a set of recom~ mendations from the Housing Crisis Task Force. Developers apply for funds twice a year through a Notice of Funding Availabil ~ ity (NOFA), Projects funded by the AHTF must leverage the City's funds With other public and private funding sources, and remain affordable for a minimum of 55 years. Affordable Occupancy Compliance Monitoring (213) 808-8806 Monitors property owner compliance with recorded regulatory agreements setting aside affordable units in multi-family properties: 1) funded with tax-exempt revenue bonds: 2) funded by the LAHD utilizing federal funds; andlor, 3) developed In conJunction with a planning land use benefit. Affordable units must be ren ted or sold to income qualified Individuals or families at a restricted rent or purchase price over the period of time specified in the agreement. Asset Control Area (EHOP) Program (213) 922-9672 In cooperation with HUD and the En ~ terprise Foundation , this program helps rehabilitate HUD-foreclOsed homes for sate to low-Income first-time home buyers. The los Angeles Housing Department (LAHD) has set-aside funds to provide Purchase Assistance deferred loans of up to $90,000 for these homes. Billing and Collection Section (877) 614-6873 [213) 473-3231 TOO The Los Angeles Housing Department's Billing and CoUection Section collects fees and charges related to the Systematic Gode Enforcement Program (SCEP) and the Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO), including multi-family rental unit registration fees, Systematic Code Enforcement Program fees, and inspection fees. In additlon, the Billing Section provides information to constituents regarding the applicability of the various fees and charges to a particular mum-family property, as codified In Ihe RSO and SCEP Ordinances. Community Housing Development Organization Program (213) 808-8953 A Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) is a private non-profit, communi ty-based service organization whose primary purpose Is to provide and develop decent, affordable housing for the community it serves. Approved CHDOs receive certification from LAHD indicating that they meet certain requirements of the federal HOME Program. LAHO is mandat~ ed by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to expend 15% of HOME funds on CHDO'sponsored projects. Complaints, Comments and Commendations Regarding the Housing Oept. (213) 808-8808 Complaints regarding landlord/tenant issues should be directed to the Department's Customer Service and Information Section (866) 557·7368 or (2 13) 473-3231 TTY, Monday through Friday, from 9AM to 4PM. General complaints, concern s, commenls, or commendations regarding the services or staff of the Los Angeles Housing Department may be directed to the Office of the General Manager at (213) 808·8808, or by U.S. mail to: los Angeles Housing Depart~ ment, Office of the General Manager, 1200 W. 7th Street, 9th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90017. Compreh ensive Singl e-Family Rehabilitation Program (213) 808-8802 This program provides 3%, no-payment (deferred) loans for low-income, owneroccupied, single-family homeowners who want to rehabilita telrenovate their homes. There is a grant of up 10 $10,000 available for lead paint hazard removal and/orexterior improvements for eligible owners. Eligible improvements are focused on making plumbing, roofing, heal ing, electrical, and other repairs thai extend the life of the 44 structure. Fair Housin g (Hous in g Di scri mi· nation) (800) 477-5977 (213) 387-8400 Counseling on fair housing righls and responsibilities; investigation of housing discrimination complaints (renters and homebuyers); enforcement of fair hOUSing laws; and multi~ljngual outreach and education. Property owner and manager training. lender training & real estate fair housing training; landlord-Ienant and general housing righ ts & responsibilities. Predatory lendjng counseling and referrals. Services available in: English , SpaniSh and other languages. Grants Management (213) 808-8486 The los Angeles Housing Department's Grants Management Unit prepares parts of the U.S . Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) Housing & Community DevelopmenlConsolidated Plan (Con Plan) which pertain to housing activities funded by one or more of the following programs: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Home Investment Partnership (HOME), Housing Opportunities for Persons wi thAIOS (HOPWA)and Emergency Sheller Grant (ESG). This unil is also responsible for researching housing grant and award opportunities and preparing applications, handling grant agreements and other documenls related to that effort. Other functions include executive management support, preparing analyses and reports of program expenditures, monthly financial status, and HUD's Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER). THE GRANTS MANAGEMENT UNIT DOES NOT HAVE INFORMATION ON GRANTS AVAILABLE FOR THE PUBLIC. Handyworker Program (213) 808-8981 The··[os··}Xng·eles· Housirig···Depa"ifmeint's· Handyworker Program provides free minor home repairs 10 low-income senior (62 years and older) or disabled resident homeowners or homeowners with disabled relatives residing with them. Emergency repairs that directly affect the health and safety of occupants are also provided to other low·income homeowners, Eligible repairs ara limited to work that does not require a City building permit or formal inspection . Typical services include repair or replacement of broken doors and windows; accessibility improvements for Ihe physically challenged such as access ramps and hand railings; correction of safety hazards such as repairs to porches, sleps, and sidewalks; home security improvements such as fences. security doors, and smoke detectors; habitability improvements such as replacement of sinks, toilets, and floor tiles; exterior and interior painting. Through a partnership with Million Trees LA, up to seven free trees will be planted on Handyworker-serviced properties upon request. Home Secure Program (213) 808-8803 (213) 808-8874 (Spanish language) The Home Secure Program provides free installation of home secufity and safety devices 10 low-income seniors, 62 years or older, or disabled homeowners or renters In Ihe City of Los Angeles. Free installation includes labor and materials for eligible beneficiaries. Services are provided only once per year, Typical services include Installation of smoke detectors. carbon monoxide detectors, grab bars , peepholes, handrails, hand showers, shower/bathtUb no-slip safety treads, dead bolts, patio door locks, window locks, window dowels, and nighUights_ Homelessness Prevention & Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP) (213) 808-8941 Starting in October 2009, the Los Angeles Housing Department (LAHD) win Implement a new 3-year grant from the U_S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for $29.4 million, funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009. The purpose of the HPRP is to offer financial assistance and services to prevent very low income individuals and families from becoming homeless or to help those who are currently experiencing homelessness to be quickly re-housed and stabilized. The HPRP regulations state that funds must to be "prioritized to serve households that are most in need of this lemporary assistance and are most likely to achieve stable housing, either subsidized or unsubsidized, outside of HPRP, after the program concludes." The program will be implemented by third-party contractors selected via a competitive process by the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA), and by the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles. (213) 473-3231 TOO The Los Angeles Housing Department's Customer Service & Information Section provides and distributes to the public Information about LAHD's programs relating to the Los Angeles City Rent Stabilization Ordinance (Iandlordi tenant issues and registration of rental units). Referrals are made to the other lAHD divisions and units to respond to questions retating to fair housing, home ownership programs, multi-family housing rehabilitation and development, single-family housing rehabilitation and development, and rental unit inspection . Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) (213) 922-9663 Provides housing and supportive services and renlal assistance for elJgible lowincome persons living with HIV/AIDS. Assistance provided includes: emergency shelter, transitional housing, emergency housing (motels) and meal vouchers, housing information and referrals , tenantbased rental assistance (similar 10 Section 8), rent, mortgage, utility assistance, move-in grant (towards a security deposit), legal services. food delivery and food bank services. companion animal assistance and the development of housing projects dedicated for this population. Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Program (213) 808-8842 Federally funded program which provides lead-based paint hazard remediation grants to pre-1 978 low-income residential housing units. Program also provides lead certification training for contractors! workers. Low- and Moderate-Income Homebuyer Purc hase Assistance Loans an d Purchase with Rehab Loans (213) 808-8800 (213) 808-8925 Purchase Assistance deferred loans for low-- and moderate-income buyers who need assistance in purchasing and rehabili tation of certain types of homes in the City of Los Angeles. Mom & Pop Program (213) 808-8802 Housing Information (866) 557·RENT (7368) (213) 808-8888 This loan program provides 3%, nopayment (deferred) loans for low-income, owner-occupied. small rental buildings (2-4 units). A grant of up to $10,000 per unit is 45 also available for lead paint hazard removal andlor exterior improvements. The goa\ of this program Is to provide funds to owners to correct Systematic Code Enforcement Program (SCEP) citations and to make olher habitability improvements. Mortgage Credit Certificate Program (213) 808-8591 (213) 922-9650 Mortgage Credit Certificates allow qualified homebuyers to purchase their first home by reducing theIr income tax obligations. Use this tax credit to help you qualify for a larger mortgage or lower your monthly payment. Mortgage Revenue Bond Pro gram (213) 808-8935 Below-market first mortgage interest rates and purchase assistance for qualified firsttime homebuyers. Multi-Family Bond Program (213) 808-8951 LAHD's Affordable Housing Bond Program (AHBP) issues tax-exempt mortgage revenue bonds allocated by the California Debt limit Allocation Committee (CDLAC) to build new housing developments or to rehabilitate existing structures. The bonds are a source of funding available to developers of qualified residential rental housing projects located within the City of Los Angeles. To access this taxexempt finanCing, projects must restrict a minimum of 20% of their units to affordable levels: but projects are more often made 100% affordable by the developers in the effort to attain the maximum benefit of this resource. Multi-Family Complaint-Based Inspections Program (866) 557-RENT (7368) (213) 808-8888 (213) 473-3231 TDO Multi-Family Complaint-Based Inspections Program (Complaints) responds to habitability complaints regarding heating: plumbing : hot and cold running water; eleclrical lightlng and wiring: waterproofing: unsafe floors, stairways and ceilings in muttl-family residential buildings. Most of the complaints are filed by tenants tiving in apartment buildings. The program attempts to respond to complaints within 72 hours, however, most response times are within 24 hours. Neighborhood Stabilization Program (213) 808-8800 (2 13) 808-8973 This program provides deferred payment second mortgages to first-time homebuyers seeking to acquire a foreclosed or abandoned nome. The program also provides deferred payment loans to repair blighted properties after they have been purchased. Permanent Supportive Housing Program (213)922-9694 lAHO serves as the Program Administrator for the Permanent Supportive Housing Program (PSHP). The PSHP was created in 2006 to finance permanent supportive housing and provide ongoing rental subsidies for adults, transition-age youth (ages 18-24), and families who are homeless or chronically homeless, many of whom have disabilities andfor drugf alcohol dependency. The program provides gap financing for the development of affordable rental housing that features onsite tenant-based services, such as case management, financial management, and job training. The developments may consist of new construction or rehabilitation of existing structures. Developers apply for funds at least once a year through a Notice of Funding Availabili ty (NOFA). As Program Administrator of the PSHP, the los Angeles Housing Department is a member of Ihe City Collaborative, an interagency COllaboration between the follOWing agencies: - The Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Los Angeles (CRNLA) - The Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HAClA) - The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) - The los Angeles Housing Department (LAHO) The goals and purpose of the PSHP are to: - Increase the supply of supportive housing for the City of los Angeles's homeless population - Leverage new and underutilized funding available Cit the State and County levels for housing homeless people Portfolio Management (Loan Servicing) (213) 808-8801 Portfolio Management is the palm of contact for borrowers whose loans have been fully disbursed. Portfolio Management includes: proceSSing of loan payments, Payoff Statements or Payoff Demands, Mortgage Verincalion, Assumption , Amendment, Subordination, Reconveyance, etc. Por1folia Management also services loans originally made by the Housing Preservation and Production Department, Community Development Department. Department of Building and Safety. and City of Los Angeles. A Municipal Corporation. NOTE: For prompt processing, loan documents and payments should be mailed to Post Office BoX 532729, los Angeles, CA 90053-2729. If you require a payoff statement or payoff demand, fax your request to (213) 808-8606. Rent Adjustm ent Commissi on (RAe) (213) 808-8546 The RAC consists of seven members appointed by the Mayor. who are neither landlords nor tenants of residential rental property, and is authorized by the Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO) to Issue orders and promulgate policies, rules, and regulations Which carry out the purposes of the RSO. In addition, the RAC convenes as an Appeals Board to hear appeals of certain types of cases authorized by the RSO, the LA Housing Code, and the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP) Ordinance. Issues for consideration should be submiUed to the RAC in care of LAHD. While RAC does not handle individllal landlord/tenant complaints. public comments are heard on issues affecting the mailers within the RAC's jurisdiction at aU RAC meetings. Meeting Times: First and Third Thursday of each month at 12:00 noon. Agendas are posted 72 hours before each meeting. Uninhabitable conditions may include tack of healing, plumbing, hoi and cold running water, etectricat lighting and wiring , waterproofing; unsafe floors. stairways and ceilings. Rent Stabilization Ordin ance (RSO) (866) 557-RENT (7368) (213) 808-8888 (213) 473-3231 TDD The Los Angeles Housing Department administers the Renl Stabilization Ordinance of the City of los Angetes through its Rent Siabilizalion Program, which protects tenants from excessive rent increases, while at the same time allowing apartment owners a reasonable return on their investments. The RSO covers ren tal properties built before 1978 when there are two or more units on a 101. Information by telephone regarding tandlord and tenants rights in relatian to this Ordinance may be obtained through the Rent Stabilization holline (see contact info). This phone number may also be used to reques t LAHD forms or informational materials by U.S. mail. General information regarding the rights of landlords and tenants under the RSO inclUding details on which rental units in th~ City are subject to the Rent Stabilization Ordinance, can be found at the main RSO webpage at htlp:f/ la hdinternetlRentStabilizationltabidf24 7f Default.aspx Rental Unit Registration Rent Control/Stabilization Viol ation Investigation/Enforcement (866) 557-RENT (7368) The los Angeles Housing Department's Rent Investigations Section handles complaints concerning non-registration of rental units urKIer the City's Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO), noltces to evict based on false and deceptive grounds, illegal rent increases. illegal reductJon of housing services, and non-receipt of relocation assistance when dUe. Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP) (866) 557 -RENT (7368) (213) 808-8500 (213) 473-3231 TDD The Renl Escrow Account Program (REAP) encourages the maintenance and repair of residential buildings. Buildings cited as uninhabitable are placed into REAP which allows tenants to pay their rent into an escrow account until the building is repaired. 46 (866) 557-RENT (7368) The Housing Department's BlUing and Collection Unit processes fee payments for annual rental unit registration for properties subject to the City's Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO). In addition to fee payment processing, the unit provides information relaling to the registration of reotal properties subject to the RSO, provides annual rental unit registration certificates. and reviews applications for exemption from the RSO. Small Renta l Rehabilitation Program (213) 808-8802 This program provides 3%, fully amortized loans to owners of primarily low-income occupied rental properties of up to 28 units to correct Systematic Code Enforcement Program (SCEP) citations and to make other habitability improvements. Grants of up to $5,000 per unit for lead paint hazard removal and/or visible exterior improvements are also available. Subsidized Affordable Housing Preservation Program (213) 808·8651 The Program proactively manages the City's affordable housing inventory in order to identify aU at-risk affordable housing. II also monitors and enforces wriUen notification to the City when afford ability restrictions are expiring or being terminated. Program staff have developed lools to provide outreaCh, education and options for owners. developers. managers and residents of affordable housing. The program also monitors the effeclive application of the Clty's RSO to affordable housing and analyzes preservation-related legislation. Systematic Code Enforcement Program (SCEP) (866) SS7·RENT (7 368) (213) 808·8888 (213) 473·3231 TOO Systematic Code Enforcement Program (SCEP) ensures that rental housing units are kepi safe and livable through routine periodic housing inspections. Housing inspectOfs actively survey residential multifamily buildings in the City of Los Angeles and identify code and safety problems that need corrections such as lack of heating, plumbing. hot and cold running water-. electrical lighting and wiring. waterproofing: unsafe floors. stairways and ceilings. Urgent Repair Program (URP) (866) S57 ·RENT (7368) (213) 808·8888 (213) 473·3231 TOO Owners of buildings identified with lifethreatening conditions must comply with orders to repair the condition within 48 hours. If the owner does nol comply, lAHD makes Ihe repairs and places the building into Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP) I Urgent Repair Program (URP) which allows the City 10 collect rents and place them into an escrow accounl Utility Maintenance Program (UMP) (866) SS7· RENT (7368) (213) 808·8500 (213) 473·3231 TOO This program ensures that utilities are not shut off in buildings where the owners have not paid their utility bills. Delinquent utility bills tha t remain unpaid can result in a propert y to be placed into the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP). The REAP Program will allow the City to collect ren ts and place them in an escrow account to ensure payment of utility bjlls and prevent shut-off of utilities and displacement of tenants. PUBLI C COUNTERS Location: On Knox St. , east of Vermont Ave" southwest of the Harbor (1-110) and San Diego (t-405) Freeway interchange Parking: Free Transit: The following buses stop nearby: Melro Local 205: Malro Local/Express 550; Torrance Transit Route 1 Hours: Open Monday through Friday. 9 am 104 pm Central Regional Office 3550 Wils hire B lv d., Ste. 1500 Los Angel es , CA 90010 (866) SS7·RENT (7368) Location: On Wilshire Blvd. west of Normandie Ave. Parking: Pay parking structure: enter flom Ardmore Ave. (Sorry. validations are not available.) Also available are adjacent parking lots, as well as metered street parking. Transit: The office is located 1 block west of Wilshire/Normandie Station (Metro Rail Purple line). The following buses stop nearby: Metro Rapid 720: Metro local 20, 206 Hours: Open Monday through Friday. 9 am 104 pm We st Region al Office 3415 S . Sepulveda Blvd ., Suite 150 Los Angeles, CA 90034 Location: On Sepulveda Blvd., north of Palms Blvd. & east of the San Diego (1-405) Freeway Parking: Pay parking structure (Sorry, validations are not available.) Transit: The following buses stop nearby: Culver City Bus line 6: Sanla Monica Big Blue Bus Une 12 Hours: Open Monday through Friday. 9 am t04 pm Mark Ridley-Thoma s Con stitu ent Service Center 8475 S . Vermont Ave. , 2nd Floor East Reg ional Office 2215 N. Broadway Los Angel es, CA 90031 (866) SS7·RENT (7368) Location; On Broadway between Avenue 22 and Avenue 24 in lincoln Heights Parking: Metered street parking and metered lot on Avenue 24 Transit: Tne following buses slop nearby: Metro Rapid 751 : Metro Local 45, 83. 251; LADOT DASH Lincoln Heights/Chinatown Route Hours: Open Monday through Friday, 9 am 104 pm North Region al Office 6640 Van Nuys Blvd. Van Nuys, CA 91405 (866) SS7·RENT (7368) Location: On Van Nuys Blvd .. south of Vanowen St. Parking: Free lot adjacent to building Transit The following buses stop nearby: Metro Rapid 76 1; Metro Local 233 Hours: Open Monday through Friday, 9 am t04 pm South Regional Office 690 Knox St.. Suite 125 Torran ce, CA 90502 (located in the City o f Los Angeles wi tn a Torrance m ailing address) 47 Los Angeles, CA 90044 Location: On Vermont Ave. , one block north of Manchester Ave. Parking: Small metered lot adjacent to building Transit: The following buses stop nearby: Metro RapId 715, 754; Metro Local 115. 204; Metro Local/Express 442; LADOT DASH Vermonl/Main ROtJle Hours: Open Monday, Wednesday. and Friday, 9 am to 4 pm - Closed daily from Noon to 1 pm THIS COUNTER ACCEPTS CREDIT CARD AND CHECK PAYMENTS ONLY; NO CASH . San Pedro Satellite Office 638 S. Beacon St.. Suite 601 San Pedro, CA 90731 location: On 71h SI. between Beacon SI. & Harbor Blvd. Par1<ing: Metered street parking only Transit: The foHowing buses stop nearby: Metro LocallExpress~ 447; LADOT DASH San Pedro Route: LADOT Commuter Express 142 Hours: Open Tuesday and Thursday. 9 am to 4 pm - Closed daily from Noon to 1 pm THIS COUNTER ACCEPTS CREDIT CARD AND CHECK PAYMENTS ONLY; NO CASH. HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT Hum an Relations Commission 200 N. Spring Street, Room 1625 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (2 13) 978-1660 (213) 978-1668 FAX www.!acity.Qrg/hra The Commission is committed to reducing community connlel and tension and to building strong inter-group relations across the lines of raca, religion, sexual orientation, alhnicily. language , and disability. The Commission provides direct services to the community through its collaborations with other city departments. agencies, and officials. Callers requesting assistance and information that lhe Commission does not offer will be referred to the appropriate agencies. On July 1, 2009, history was made with the consolidation of three similar but very unique departments. The staffs of the Commission for Children, Youth and Their Families (CCYF), Commission on th e Status of Women (CSW), and Human Relations Commission (HRC) were combined 10 support the work of the Human Services Department. For the last year the three commissions successfully shared their administrative departments but still remained separate. With the consolida tion, each of the three boards will remain intact. Commission for Children Youth and Their Families' coordinates the City's efforts to serve children , youth and their families and advocate for these constituent groups both within the City structure and the community. Commission on the Status of Women assists in assuring to all women the opportunity for full and equal participation in the affairs of City government and promotes the general welfare of women In the Los Angeles community through policy advocacy and education , Human Relations Commission assists in assuring 10 aU people the opportunity for full and equat welfare and safety of aU residents In the Los Angeles community through activities and programs designed to reduce discrimination, tension, and violence, and to advance improved inter-group relation s. You may contacllhe Human Services Department at (2 13) 976-1840 LIBRARY Li brary Department (Central Libary) 630 W. Fifth 5t. Los Angeles, CA 90071 (213) 228-7000 (213) 228-7069 FAX www,lapl ,org The Los Angeles Public Library provides the public with free access to a wealth of information. The Cenlral library and 72 Branch Libraries offer programs for the whole famUy alld access to computers and database resources crea ted by the Library. - ..................................... ... , .. _.... ... .............................................. ,............. ..... ,..... ,................ ....................... -.......... Adult Literacy To help battle illiteracy, which affects nearly one million peopte in the City of Los Angeles, the library offers free programs, tutoring and materials to help adults improve their reading, writing, math and other functional literacy skills. literacy centers with tutors are located in the Central Library and 20 branch libraries throughou t the City. After Sc hool Programs & Children's Services (213)228-7250 CaU for information on a wide range of free, educational aclivilies for children, including a year-round reading club, story times, pre-school story hours, puppet shows, craft activities, after-schoo! educational programs, homework assistance and state-of-the-art technology. Borrower Services (213) 228-7272 (213)228-7000 Wi th an LAPL library card, you may borrow books, videos, magazines, CD's and other materials free of charge and place holds and renew materials In person, over the phone or via Ihe Internet. You can also view your personal library record over th e Web. With a library card, you may access over 100 electronic databases through the Library's website. .s ............. -...._...... _... ._..... . Branch Libraries ANGELES MESA 2700 W. 52nd. 51. Los Angeles, CA 90043 (323) 292-4328 ARROYO SECO REGIONAL 6145 N. Figueroa St. Los Angeles, CA 90042 (323) 255-0537 ASCOT 120 W. Florence Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90003 (323) 759-4817 ATWATER VILLAGE 3379 Glendale Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90039 (323) 664-1353 BALDWIN HILLS (Adult Literacy Services) 2906 S. La Brea Ave. Los Angeles. CA 90016 (323) 733-1196 Benjamin Franklin (Adult Literacy Services) 2200 E. First St. Los Angeles , CA 90033 (323) 263-6901 CAH UENGA (Adult Literacy Services) 4591 Santa Monica Blvd . Los Angeles , CA 90029 (323) 664-6418 DONALD BRUCE KAUFMAN BRENTWOOD Los Angeles, CA 90049 (310) 575-8273 FRANCES HOWARD GOLDWYN - HOLLYWOOD REGIONAL 1623 N. Ivar Ave. Hollywood, CA 90028 (323) 856-8260 EAG LE ROCK 5027 Caspar Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90041 (323) 258-8078 GRANADA HILLS 10640 Petit Ave . Granada Hills, CA 91344 (818) 368-5687 ECHO PARK (Adult Literacy Services) 1410 W. Temple St. Los Angeles . CA 90026 (213) 250-7808 HARBOR GATEWAY - HARBOR CITY 24000 S. Western Los Angeles, CA 9071 0 (310) 534-9520 EDENDALE HYDE PARK - MIRIAM MATTHEWS 2205 Florence Ave. Los Angeles , CA 90043 (323) 750-7241 11820 San Vicente Blvd. 2011 W. Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles. CA 90026 (213)207-3000 EL SERENO CANOGA PARK 20939 Sherman Way Canoga Park, CA 91303 (818) 887-0320 CENTRAL LIBRARY (Adult literacy Services) 630 W. 5th SI. Los Angeles , CA 90071 (2 13) 228-7000 5226 S, Huntington Drive Los Angeles, CA 90032 (323) 225-9201 ENCINO - TARZANA 18231 Ventura Blvd. Tarzana , CA 91356 (818) 343-1983 CHATSWORTH 21052 Devonshire St. Chatsworth, CA 9131 1 (818)341 ·4276 EXPOSITION PARK - DR. MARY MCLEOD BETHUNE REGIONAL (Adult Literacy Services) 3900 S. Western Ave. Los Angeles. CA 90062 (323) 290-3113 CHINATOWN 639 N. Hill 51. Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 620-0925 FAIRFAX 161 S. Gardner S1. Los Angeles, CA 90036 (323) 936-6191 CYPRESS PARK 1150 Cypress Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90065 (323) 224-0039 FELIPE DE NEVE 2820 W. 6th. 51. Los Angeles, CA 90057 (213) 384-7676 49 JEFFERSON (Adult Literacy Services) 22 11 W. Jefferson Blvd. Los Angeles , CA 90019 (323) 734-8573 JOHN C. FREMONT 6121 Melrose Ave . Los Angeles, CA 90038 (323) 962-3521 JOHN MUIR 1005 W. 64th . 51. Los Angeles, CA 90044 (323) 789-4800 JUNIPERO SERRA (Adult Literacy Services) 4607 S. Main St. los Angeles , CA 90037 (323) 234-1685 LAKE VI EW TERRACE 12002 Osborne St. Lake View Terrace, CA 91342 (818) 890-7404 LINCOLN HEIGHTS PACOIMA ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON (Adu lt literacy Services) (Adult Literacy Services) (Adult literacy Services) 2530 Workman 51. Los Angeles, CA 90031 (323) 226-1692 13605 Van Nuys Blvd. 803 Spence 51. Pacoima , CA 91331 Los Angeles, CA 90023 (818) 899-5203 (323) 268-4710 LITTLE TOKYO 203 S. Los Angeles 5t. PALI SADES 861 Alma Real Dr. ROBERTSON Los Angeles, CA 900 12 Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 (213) 612-0525 (310) 459-2754 (Adult Literacy Services) 1719 S. Robertson Blvd . Los Angeles, CA 90035 (310) 840-2147 LOS FELIZ PALMS - RANCHO PARK 1874 Hill hurst Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90027 2920 Overland Ave . Los Angeles, CA 90064 SAN PEDRO REGIONAL 931 S. Gaffey S1. (323) 913-4710 (310) 840-2142 San Pedro , CA 90731 (310) 548-7779 MALABA R PANORAMA CITY 2801 Wabash Ave. (Adult Literacy Services) 14345 Roscoe BlVd. Panorama City, CA 91402 SHERMAN OAKS (818) 894-4071 (818) 205-9716 PICO UN ION SILVER LAKE 2411 Glendale Blvd . Los Angeles, CA 90033 (323) 263-1497 MAR VISTA 12006 Venice Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90066 (310) 390-3454 MARK TWAIN 9621 S. Figueroa 51. Los Angeles, CA 90003 (323) 755-4088 MEMORIAL (Adult Literacy Services) 1030 S. Alvarado St. Los Angeles, CA 90006 MID-VALLEY REGIONAL (Adult Literacy Services) 16244 Nordhoff St. North Hills, CA 91343 (818) 895-3650 NORTH HOLLYWOOD REG IONAL PIO PICO - KOREATOWN (Adult Literacy Services) 694 S. Oxford Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90005 (213) 368 -7647 Northridge 9051 Darby Ave Northridge, CA 91325 (818) 886-364 0 (323) 913-7451 STUDIO CITY 12511 Moorpark 5t. Studio City, CA 91604 (818) 755-7873 SUN VALLEY 7935 Vi neland Ave. Sun Valley, CA 91352 (818)764-1338 PLATT (Adult Literacy Services) 23600 Victory BlVd. Woodland Hill s, CA 91367 (818) 340-9386 SUNLAND - TUJUNGA 7771 Foothill Blvd . Tujunga , CA 91042 (818) 352-4481 PLAYA VISTA 6400 Playa Vista Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90094 SYLMAR 14561 Polk S1. (310) 437-6680 Sylmar, CA 9 1342 5211 Tujunga Ave. North Hollywood , CA 91 601 (818) 766-7185 Los Angeles , CA 90039 (213) 368 -7545 4625 W. Olympic Blvd . Los Angeles, CA 90019 (323) 938-2732 14245 Moorpark St. Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 (818) 367-6102 PORTER RANCH 11371 Tampa Ave. Porter Ranch , CA 91326 VALLEY PLAZA 1231 1 Vanowen St. North Hollywood. CA 91605 (818) 360-5706 (818) 765-9251 50 VAN NUYS WESTWOOD Historic Photo Collection 6250 Syl mar Ave. (Mall ) Van Nuys, CA 91401 (818) 756-8453 1246 Glendon Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90024 (3 10) 474-1739 (213) 228·7274 (213) 228·7419 FAX More than 2.5 million photographs related to Southern California history are being digitized and are available for viewing at the Central library and on the Library's website. VE NICE -ABBOT KINNEY MEMORIAL (Adult Literacy Services) 50 1 S. Venice Blvd . Venice, CA 90291 (310) 82 1-1769 VERMONT SQUARE 1201 W. 48th SI. Los Angeles, CA 90037 (323) 290·7405 WILL ANDAR IEL DURANT 7140 W. Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90046 (323) 876-2741 WILM INGTON (Adult Literacy Services) 1300 N. Avalon Blvd. Wilmington , CA 90744 (310) 834-1082 WILSHIRE VERNON - LEON H. WASHINGTON JR. MEMORIAL 4504 S. Cenlral Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90011 (323) 234·9 106 (323) 231-4291 FAX WASHINGTON IRVING (Adult Literacy Services ) 4117 W. Washington Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90016 (323) 734-6303 ALMA REAVES WOODS - WATTS (Adult Literacy Services) 10205 Compton Ave Los Angeles, CA 90002 (323) 789-2850 WEST LOS ANG ELES REGIONAL 11360 Santa Monica Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90025 (31 0 ) 575-8323 WEST VALLEY REGIONAL 19036 Vanowen St. Reseda, CA 91335 (818 ) 345·9806 WESTCHESTER - LOYOLA VILLAGE 7114 W. Manchester Ave. 149 N. St. Andrews PI. Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 957-4550 WOODLAND HILLS 22200 Ventura Blvd . Woodland Hills, CA 91364 (8 18) 226-00 17 Computers For Public Use (213) 228-7000 Each l APL library has computers for the public to use to access the Internet, commercial databases, induding full-text magazine and newspaper articles, business directories and many unique resources created by Ihe Library. InfoNow (2 13) 228-7272 (213) 228-7369 FAX infaNow provides quiCk. answers to commonly asked questions about the library and many other topics. Business addresses and phone numbers Associalions Manufacturers Spelling, definitions or grammar Sports information Math or science formulas Historical or biographical facts Government officials' names and addresses Los Angeles . CA 90045 (310) 348· 1096 51 Onlin e Catalog hltp;Uwww,!oa/ The Library's computerized catalog of more than 6 million items is available at the Central library, all 72 branch libraries and through the Internet. Support the Library (213) 228-7500 The Library Foundation of Los Angeles and 70 other Friends of the Library groups raise funds for a wide variety of projects that enhance library services, materials and programs at all LAPL libraries. Youth Services (213) 228-7290 Every branch library has an area of books. magazines and resources targeted for children and teens, including videos and CD's. Public computers can be used 10 do homework. Virtual Library The Central Library and the 72 branch libraries provide computer access to the electronic resources contained in the Central library and to global electronic resources, The Virtual Library offers users access to the Internet, commercial databases, and many unique re sources created by the Library. Using a Virtual library workstation , people can: search the Library's online catalog; place a hold on materials; view digitized photographs from the library's collecllon ; search specialized databases including full -Iext magazine and newspaper articles and business directories: access library created databases of songs, obituaries, local history and others; and explore multimedia software designed to improve math and reading skills. among others, Volunteer Programs (213) 228-7540 Volunteer opportunities in the Library include structured programs such as Grandparents and Books (GAB), the Library's literacy program and the Cenlral library Docents. Volunteers can also shetve books, assist children in using the Homework Centers, work with the librarians in programs or provide clerical assistance, MAYOR Mayor - Antonio R. Villaraigosa 200 North Spring st., Room 303 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978·0600 (213) 978·0750 FAX (213) 978-0721 Constituent Services (2 13) 978-081 1 Volunteer Bureau Elected by Ihe people of Los Angeles, the Mayor is the executive officer of the City. The Mayor recommends and submits the annual budget and other proposals to the City Council, approves or vetoes ordinances passed by the Council. appoints and may remove certain City officials and commissioners, manages and oversees City departments and coordinates visits of foreign and domestic dignitaries. The Mayor's TeamWork lA program brings together key city departments to identify and solve neighborhood problems and the new 3-1~1 phone system provides all City residents an easy-Io-remember phone number to access all non-emergency City services. Central Area City Hall Hollywood Community Center 6501 Fountain Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90028 (323) 957·6332 (323) 957·6333 FAX Harbor Area Neighborhood City Hall San Pedro Municipal Building 638 South Beacon Sireet San Pedro , CA 90731 (310) 732·4630 (310) 732·4647 FAX North Valley Neighborhood City Hall South Valley Neighborhood City Hall Tujunga Municipal Building (currently under construction] 7747 Foothill BouleVard Tujunga , CA 91402 Marvin Braude Constituent Center 6262 Van Nuys Blvd. Van Nuys, CA 91401 South Los Angeles Neighborhood City Hall Mark Ridley Thomas Constituent Service Center 8475 South Vermont Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90044 (323) 789·1 405 (818) 778-4990 (818) 778-4995 FAX West Los Angeles City Hall West Los Angeles Municipal Building 7166 West Manchester Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90045 (310) 410· 1749 NEIGHBORHOOD EMPOWERMENT Neighborhood Empowerment Department (Neighborhood Councils) 334·8 E. 2nd SI. Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213)485·1360 (213) 485-4608 FAX www.lacitynejghborhood Promotes public participation in govemment through creation of independent. grass-roots, participatory Neighborhood Councils, which have the potential to influence citywide and local decision-making. The department helps people form a neighborhood council and provides them wi th training and fi nancial support to get officially certified and to begin work. Eventually, everyone in the City could be inside a neighborhood council area. The Department maintains a number of neighborhood access centers and sateUite offices ci tywide. Contact the department to locate the closest center or for information on forming a neighborhood counCil , participation in One or being on the department's newsletter list. 52 PERSONNEL Personnel Department 700 E. Temple SI. Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213)473-9311 (213) 473-9324 TDD The City of Los Angeles employs thousands of people in hundreds of different types of Jobs. The Personnel Department recruits. tests, and provides aUCity Departments with high-quality individuals for employment, following principles of merit , fairne ss and equal employment opportunities. Many City jobs are geared toward career and promotional growth opportunities for currenl employees who have acquired qualifying experience with the City. Other jobs are entry level or those where recruitment for "open" applicants from outside the City's employee workforce has been permitted. The City uses a civil service system of employment and promotion, Typically a job applicant will be reque sted to pass an eXamination in order to be placed on an eligibte list and considered for employment. Certain Jobs are exempt from civil service examinations and civil service provisions. At the Personnel Department building, at satellite offices, on the Internet, oron the 24-hour Job Holline, the public may receive information on how to obtain lislings of current Job openings, Job applications, job notifica tion cardS, and other required forrTls. Service Center Locations MAIN OFFICE 700 E. Temple Street Los Angeles , CA 90012 CONSTITUENT SERVICE CENTER 8475 South Vermont Avenue los Angeles, CA 90044 MARVIN BRAUDE CONSTITUENT CENTER 6262 Van Nuys Blvd., Room 200 Van Nuys, CA 91406 CYPRESS PARK COMMUN ITY CENTER 929 Cypress Avenue los Angeles, CA 90065 PLANNING City Planning 201 N. Figueroa St., 4th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90012 (2 13) 482-7077 (213) 482-7080 FAX cjtyplannlng.lacitY,Qra The Department of City Planning prepares and maintains a general plan which is a comprehensive declaration of purposes. poliCies and programs for the development of the City including such elements as land use, conservation. circUlation , service systems, highways, public works facilities, branch administrative centers, schools, recreational facilities and airports. The Department regulates the use of privately-owned property through zoning regulation specific plan ordinances and Slate laws and through the approval of proposed subdivisions. The Department Investigates and reports on applications for amendments to zoning regulations, and passes upon zone variance and conditional use applications. The acquisition of land by the City ror public use and the dIsposition of surplus land must be submitted to the Commission for report and recommendation. The Department conducts studies relating to environmental quality, and provldes advice and assistance relative to environmental matters. 53 Area Planning Commiss ions (APCs) As a result of City Charter changes, seven Area Planning Commissions were established to handle appeals of Zoning Administrator decisions on local zoning cases, such as conditional uses and variances. W EST LOS ANGE LES AREA COM MISSION Department of Transportation Western Parking Enforcement Conference Room 11214 Wesl Exposition Blvd. Los Angeles , CA (2 13) 978-1293 CENTRAL AREA COMMISSION City Hall 200 North Spring SI., 10th Floor EAST LOS ANGE LES AREA COMMISSION Ramona Hall Community Center Main Hall 4850 N. Figueroa St. Los Angeles, CA 90065 (213) 978-1247 HAR BOR AREA CO MMISSION Harbor Commission Board Room 425 South Palos Verdes St. 2nd Floor San Pedro, CA 90731 (213) 978-1247 N ORTH VALLEY AREA COMMISSION Marvi n Braude - San Fernando VALLEY Constituent Service Center 6262 Van Nuys Blvd. , 3rd Floor Van Nuys , CA 9140 1 (8 18) 374-5074 (818) 374-5075 FAX Constituent Service Center 8475 South Vermont Ave. Los Angeles, CA (213) 978-1295 Appeal Case On ly SOUTH VALL EY A REA COMMI SSION Public Counter (213) 978-1318 City Planning Commi ssion (213)978-1259 (2 13)978-1263 FAX Case Management Section (CPC) Central Publications Unit CITY HALL (213) 978-1255 (2 13) 978-1263 FAX Conference Center 200 North Spring SI. , 10th Floor Los Angeles, CA MARVIN BRA UDE - SAN FERNA NDO VALLEY Constituent Service Center 6262 Van Nuys Blvd., 1st Floor Van Nuys , CA 91401 (818) 374-5074 (818)374-5075 FAX City Planning Commission Office 200 North Spring St., Room 532 Los Angeles , CA (2 13) 978-1247 Hears legislative matters and makes recommendations to the Mayor and City Council regarding the General Plan, del{elopment permits and olher ordinance recommendations. Call for InfonTialion about meetings and agendas. Under the City Charter. has expanded role to hear cases of Citywide significance. 200 North Spring Street. , 7th Floor Los Angeles, CA 900 12 (213) 978-1375 (2 13) 978-1373 FAX Community Planning Bureaus METRO/EAST/SOUTH BUREAU (2 13)978- 11 79 Marvin Braude • San Fernando W EST/COASTAUBUREA U Valley 200 North Spring Street, Room 621 Los Angeles, CA 900 12-2601 Constituent Service Center (8 18) 374-5050 CITY HALL OFFIC E Citywide Planning Division SOUTH LOS ANG ELES AR EA COMMI SSION 1 Stop Counter 6262 Van Nuys Blvd . Van Nuys, CA 9140 1 200 N. Spring St. , 5th Floor Los Angeles, CA 80012 Automated Records & File Unit Los Angeles, CA 90012 (2 13) 978-1294 VALLEY BUREAU (213) 978-1171 54 Division of Land (213) 978-1362 (21 3) 978-1343 FAX DOWNTOWN L.A. 1-STOP 201 N. Figueroa St. , 4th Floor Los Angeles, CA90012 (213)482-7077 (213 ) 482-7080 FAX Construction Service Center provides information about General and Community Plans, Planning and Zoning Code. Furnishes discretionary zoning and land use applications and appeals. SAN FERNANDO VALLEY Constituent Service Center 6262 Van Nuys Blvd. Van Nuys, CA 91401 (8 18) 374-5050 (818) 374-5051 (818) 374-5075 FAX Zon in g Administration City Hall 200 North Spring Street. Room 763 Los Angeles , CA 90012-2601 (213) 978-1 318 (2 13)978-1334 FAX POLICE Police Department 100 Wesl1 sl Sireet Room Los Angeles. CA 90012 (877) 275-5273 (213) 485~3265 AntiMOrug Hotline (800)662·2818 Accepts anonymous reports of suspected drug dealing in the community, Burgl ar Al arm s (213) 485·2931 Anyone with a burglar alarm system, residential or commercial, is required to file a permit with the City. For permit information, caU the Office of Finance. The review by a hearing officer. Call the ._. ~s tha downtown business district, Eagle Parking Violations Bureau for details. Roc!<, the Garment District, MacArthur Park, Dodger Stadium and Griffith Park. It borders Burbank , Glendale, Pasadena Police Job Oppo rtunities and South Pasadena. Central Bureau 's (213) 473·9331 population is Ihe most ethnically and For information on how to apply to be cul turally diverse in the City, a police officer, and testing and job requirements Central Bureau Community Po lice Stat ion s Prog ra ms for Yout h Commission Investigation Division of the (213) 473-4530 LAPO handles the investigation of false A variety of programs seek \0 involve the young peopte of the community in educational, athletic and recrea tional activities that instill community pride, self discipline, character and leadership. These include Deputy Auxiliary Police, Police Explorer Program, and Ihe Police Activity league , Call Ihe community retal10ns office of your local police station for information. alarms. Community Impact Teams Area residents work closely with operations learns to identify problems and solutions to gang-related crime and Qualilyoflife issues. Contact the Operations Support Divisions at Devonshire, Foothlll, Newton. Northeast and Pacific Areas for more information . Community Involvement Programs Community involvement is an effective way to reduce crime and protect property. Contact Ihe Community Relations office at your local police station to get information on the varie ty of programs available and how you can become involved . These include: -Community/Police Advisory Boards (CP~Bs) -Neighborhood and Business Walch Groups -Community Police Academies. St. 90033 (323) 342·4101 (213) 485·2942 NEWTON COMMUN ITY POLICE STATtON 3400 South Central Ave. Los Angeles , CA 90011 Enables communi ty residents to make their home or business a place where children may go for safety or assistance when they encounter a threat or emergency while enroute to or from any LAUSD school. NORTHEAST COMMU NITY POLICE STATION 3353 San Fernando Rd . Los Angeles, CA 90065 Towed Vehicles If your car is lowed, catl the Department of Transportation, Parking Enforcement Division. You will be directed to the official police garage where your vehicle has been taken. Central Bureau (213) 485-4 101 251 E. 6th SI. Call to request crime prevention and crime awareness materials. Los A ngeles, CA 90014 Parking violations fall under the responsibility of the City's Department of Transportation (DOT). People who receive parking citations issued in the ci ty may not contest their citations in court, but, w ithin 21 days, mCly request an administrative First (213) 846·6547 Community Relations Section Office of the Chief of Police (2 13) 485·41 84 2111 E. Los Angeles, CA Safe House Community Program Police Stations Parking Violations BUreau HOLLENBECK COMMUN ITY POLICE STATION Centra l Commu nity Police Station (213) 485-3101 Central Bureau (213) 972-1289 Central Division (2 13) 847·5299 TOO The Central Bureau oversees operations in the following Areas: Central. Hollenbeck, Newton, Northeast and Rampart, as well as the Central Traffic Division, Central Bureau has a population of roughly 900,000 people, encompasses 65 square miles, and includes such diverse communi ties 55 (2 13) 485·2563 RAMPART COMMUNITY POLI CE STAT ION 1401 W 6th SI. Los Angeles, CA 90017 (213) 484·3400 Central Substation CHI NATOWN SUBSTATION 823 N. Hill SI. Los A n geles, CA 90012 (213) 62 1·2344 LITTLE TOKYO DROP IN CENTER 307 E. First St. Los Angeles, CA (213) 613· 1911 90012 Central Traffic Division South Substation CENTRAL FACILITIES BUILDING 251 E. 61h SI. Los Angeles, CA 90014 (213) 972-2445 The Central Traffic Division is staffed by 180 sworn and civilian members of (he police department. 1\ is responsible for traffic enforcement and collision investigation for all of Central Bureau, which includes Central, Northeast, Hollenbeck, Newlon, and Rampart Areas a total of 1,139 street miles. VAN METER CENTER 606 E. 76 SI. Los Angeles , CA 90001 (323) 778-9733 South Bureau 77TH STREET COMMUN ITY POLICE STATION 7600 S. Broadway Los Angeles, CA 90003 (2 13) 485-4251 (2 13)485-4164 (213) 485-6409 TOO The South Bureau oversees operations in the following Areas: Harbor, 77th Street, Southeast and Southwest, as well as tile South Traffic Division. South Bureau has a population of roughly 640,000 people, encompasses 57.6 square miles, and includes such wert known Los Angeles landmarks as USC, Walls Towers, the Harbor Gateway, the Port of Los Angeles and the Exposition Park Museums. South Bureau Community Police Station HARBOR COMMUNITY POLICE STATION 2175 John S. Gibson Blvd . San Pedro, CA 90732 (310) 726-7700 (310) 5 18-6387 TOO SOUTH EAST COMMUN ITY POLICE STATION 145 W 108TH ST. Los Angeles, CA 90061 (2 13) 972-7828 (213) 485-9934 TOO SOUTHWEST COMM UNITY POLICE STATION 1546 West Martin Luther King Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90062 (213) 485-2582 (2 13) 485- 1015 TOO MARK RIDLEY THOMAS BU ILDING 6475 S. Vermont Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90062 (2 13) 485-76 16 CRENSHAW SHOPPING CENTER 3400 Slauson Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90043 VERMONT SQUARE LIBRARY 1201 W. 46th Street l os Angeles , CA 90064 South Traffic Division 4125 South Crenshaw Blvd . Los Angeles, CA 90006 (213) 485-7336 The South Traffic Division is responsible for Ihe investigation 01 traffic collisions and traffic related crimes for all of South Bureau, and encompasses the area south of the Santa Monica freeway to San Pedro and between Central Avenue and LaBrea Avenue, over 1,000 street miles. The Communities of San Pedro and Harbor City are also served. Valley Bureau MISSION COMMUNITY POLICE STATION 11121 N. Sepulveda Blvd. , Mission Hilts, CA 91345 (818) 838-9980 The Valley Bureau (VB) oversees operalions in the following areas: Devonshire, Foothill. Mission, North HOllywood, Van Nuys, and West Valley, as well as Valley Traffic Division. Valley Bureau has a population of roughly 1.27 million people and encompasses 221.8 square miles. Valley Bureau Community Police Station DEVONSH IRE COMMUN ITY POLICE STATION 10250 Etiwanda Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 (8 18) 832-0633 56 FOOTH ILL COMMUN ITY POLICE STATION 12760 Osborne Street Pacoima , CA (818) 756-8861 NORTH HOLLYWOOD COMMUNITY POLICE STATION 11640 Burbank Blvd . North Hollywood, CA 91601 (818) 623-40 16 VAN NUYS COMMUNITY POLICE STATION 6240 Sylmar Avenue Van Nuys, CA 91401 (818) 374-1970 WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY POLICE STATION 19020 VANOWEN STREET Reseda, CA 91335 (818) 374-7611 TOPANGA COMMUNITY POLICE STATION 21501 Schoenborn SI. Canoga Park, CA 91 304 (818) 756-4800 Valley Traffic Division 6240 Sylmar Avenue Van Nuys, CA 91401 (818) 644-8016 The Valley Traffic Division (VTD) is responsible for the investigation of traffic collisions and traffic-related crimes for aU of Valley Bureau . VTD provides aggressive traffic enforcement in local areas where serious collisions have resulled in injury or death, West Bureau Hollywood , Pacific, West LA, Wilshire, West Trartic 4849 West Venice Suite 213 Los Angeles, CA 90019 (2 13) 473-0277 West Bureau (WB) is comprised of a 124 square mile territory with a population of apPf"oximately 840,400 residents The border of WB to (he North is Forest Lawn Drive, to the East is Normandie Boulevard, to the South is EI Segundo Boulevard, and to the West is the Pacific Ocean . The Bureau overseesopetations in the following communllies: Hollywood , Wilshire, Pacifi c and West Los Angeles, as well as the Wes t Traffic Division, which includes the neighborhOods of Pacific Palisades, Westwood, Century City, Venice, Hancock Park, and the Miracle Mile. In the 1980s, West Bureau hosted Ihe pilot program for the K9 Platoon. West Bureau Community Police Station HOLLYWOOD COMMUNITY POLICE STATION 1358 N. WILCOX AVENUE HOllywood, CA 90028 (213) 972-2971 (213) 485-9899 TOO PACIFI C COM MU NITY POLICE STATION 12312 CULVER BLVD. Los Angeles , CA 90066 (310) 482-6334 (2 13) 847-5299 WEST LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY POLICE STATION 1663 Buller Avenue Los Angeles , CA 90025 (310) 444-0701 (310) 575-87 19 TOO West Traffic Division 4849 Venice Blvd . Los Angeles, CA 90019 (213) 473-0222 The West Traffic Division is responsible for the investigation of traffic collisions and traffic related crimes for all of OperationsWest Bureau, which Includes the patrol divisions of: Hollywood , Pacific, West los Angeles and Wilshire. OLYMPIC COMMUN ITY POLICE STATION 1130 S. Vermo nt Los Angeles, CA 90006 (213) 382-9102 WILSHIRE COMMUNITY POLICE STATION 4861 West Venice Los Angeles, CA 90019 (213) 473-0476 (213) 485-2112 TOO PUBLIC WORKS Public Works hUP:l/dpw.lacily.ofQ The Department of Public Works, the City's third largest Department , Is responsible for construction, renovation, and the operation of City facilities and infrastructure. The Department builds the City streets, installs its sewers. conslructs storm drains as well as public buildings and service facilities. The Department is comprlsed of a staff of over 5000 employees who design and execute public projects from sidewalks and bridges to wastewa ter treatment plants and libraries. Throughout its history, the Department of Public Works has been responsible for construction, renovation and Improvement programs involving such projects as the Los Angeles lnlernational Airport, City Hall, Hyperian and Tillman Treatment Plants, Hyperion and North Spring Street Bridges. plus hundreds of major public fac;!ilies and systems Ihroughout the City of los Angeles. The Department of Public Works is managed by five full time commissioners to serve as the voice of the People, and to maintain the quality of life in the City of Los Angeles with the resources and delivery of services by the Department's Bureaus of ContractAdministration, Engineering, Sanitation, Street Lighting and Street Services. ·Bureau"o(coniraci ·A(rmin i·stra·~"·""·· Enrorces 'MinoriiY· Women·an<foihElr .... ·- tion Business Enlerprise Subcontractor 11 49 S. Broadway Street , Suite 300 Los Angeles, CA 90015 3-1 -1 City Service Directory (213) 847-1922 outreach programs. Certifies Minority, Women and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises for aJi City departments. Enforces federal and slate prevailing wage and labor laws on public works projects. The Bureau of Contract Administration administers contracts and permits for public works construction and improvement projects (streets, sewers, storm drains, streetlighting and all other public improvements), Inspects projects daily to ensure work constructed on public property is the highest possible quality, meets specifications, and is completed on schedule. Reviews and approves construction and non-construction affirmative action plans. Bureau of Engineering 1149 S. Broadway Street, Suite 700 Los Angeles, CA 90015 3-1-1 City Service Directory (213) 485-5400 http://eno, The Bureau of Engineering prepares preliminary designs, speCifications and estimates of major public improvement projects. Responsible for subdivision requirements 57 and checking public improvement plans of private developers . Prepares construction cost estimates and provides construction contract management. Responsible for Capital Improvement Projects for Ihe City, including stor~nwater, sewer systems. street and other infrastructures. including planning and design. Customer Service and Permits (including Construction, Revocable, and Sewer) Excavation, CENTRAL DI STRICT (213) 482-7030 (213) 482-7007 FAX 201 N. Figureoa Street. 3rd Floor Los Angeles, CA 90012 HARBOR DISTRICT (3 10) 732-4677 (310) 732-4670 FAX 638 Beacon Street, Suite 402 San Pedro, CA 90731 VALLEY DISTR ICT (8 18) 374-5090 (8 18) 374-4615 FAX 6262 Van Nuys Boulevard , Suite 25 1 Van Nuys, CA 91401 WEST LOS ANGELES D ISTR ICT (310) 575-8384 (310)575-8631 FAX 1828 Sawtelle Boulevard , 3rd Floor l os Angeles, CA 90025 Land Development Group (2 13) 202-3480 (2 13) 202-5520 FAX 201 N. Figureoa Street. Suile 200 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Mapping Division (2 13)482-7111 (2 13) 482-7 110 FAX 201 N. Figureoa Street, Suite 11 50 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Burea u of Sanitation 1149 S. Broadway Street. Suite 900 Los Angeles. CA 90015 3-1-1 City Service Directory (800) 773-CITY or (800) 773-2489 (213) 473-4112 TTY hUp;l/ The Bureau of Sanitation provides refuse, recyclables and yard trimmings collection, sewer and storm drain maintenance and repair, wastewater collection and treatment, and many other related services to the residents of Los Angeles. Curbside Collection (Black, Blue, Green Containers) (800) 773-2489 (2 13) 374-4112 TTY -Trash-Recycling -Bulky Item Pickup -Dead Anima! Pickup Disposal of Used Motor Oil (800) 98-TOXIC or (800) 773-2489 -ResidenUal and -Small Business -Special materials Free Mulch Di strib ution giveaway,htm Instructions: Bring your own shovel, bag or pick-up! load up your own containers and take as much as you need. localions BOYLE HEI G HTS 850 N Mission Rd. Los Angeles. CA 90033 Mulch Delivered to this locaUon : Thursdays (compost) and Fridays (mulch) Hours of operation: Tue/Thu 9:00 A,M, 12:00 P,M, & 1:00 P,M. - 4:00 P,M. EAST L.A. (N EAR BOYLE HEIGHTS) 2649 E Washington Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90023 Mulch Delivered to this Location: Wednesdays Hours of operation: Frl-Sun 9;00 A,M. - 3:00 P.M. (800) 773-CITY or (800) 773-2489 (213) 473-4112 TTY Another curbside service is the collection of such bulky items as cast-off furniture and appliances that are too big to fit into the containers. The Bureau also operate s a permanent center where residents can bring bulky items, and SAFE Centers where residents can drop off residen tial special materials and electronic waste Mulch Delivered to this l ocation: Wednesdays and Fridays Hours of operation: Everyday 7:00 A.M. 6:00 P.M, NORTH HO LLYWOOD (NEAR BURBANK) 5344 Vineland Ave , San Fernando Valley, CA 91601 Mulch Delivered to Ihis location: Mondays and Thursdays Hours of operation: Everyday 7;00 A,M , 5:00 P.M. SAN PEDRO 1400 N Gaffey SI. San Pedro, CA 90731 Mulch Delivered to this Location: Fridays HOllrs of operation: Everyday 7:00 A,M. 5:00 P.M. S UN VALLEY (NEAR S HELDONARLETA PARK) 12455 Wicks SI. San Fernando Valley. CA 91352 Mulch Delivered to this location: Tuesdays and Thursdays Hours of operation: Everyday 7:00 A.M. 5:00 P.M. VAN NUYS (NEAR D .C. TILLMAN PLANT) 15800 Victory Blvd , San Fernando Valley, CA 91406 Entrance South of Densmore Ave. Intersection Mulch Delivered to this Location: Mondays Hours o( operation: Mon-Fri 7:00 A. M. + ELYSIAN VALLEY 3000 G ilroy SI. Los Angeles, CA 90039 Mulch Delivered to this Location: Mondays and Thursdays Hours of operation: Everyday 7:00 A.M, • 5:00 P.M , Bulky Item Collection 3-1-1 City Service Directory NORTH HI LLS (NEAR VAN NUYS A IRPORT) 16600 Roscoe PI. North Hills, CA91343 LAKE V IEW TERRACE (NEAR SY LMAR) 11950 Lopez Canyon Rd. San Fernando Valley, CA 91342 Mulch Delivered to this location: Everyday (except weekend) Hours of operation: Everyday 7:00 A,M , 5:00 P.M. ,. 3:30 P,M, WEST L.A. 6001 Bowcroft SI. Los Angeles, CA 90016 Mulch Delivered to this Location: Thursdays Hours of operation: Everyday 7 :00 A.M. 5:00 P.M. Horse Manure Collection (800) 773·2489 (213) 473-5663 TTY S,A,F.E Centers Permanent Collection Centers (electronic waste; computers, televisions 1 VCRs, telephones) SAN PEDRO: GAFFEY STREET Sewer Service Charge Hotline 1400 N. Gaffey St. San Pedro, CA 99731 Saturdays and Sundays 9:00 am - 3;00 (800) 540 -0952 (213)473-841 3 (213) 847-8622 TTY pm Available for business on 151 Wednesday of the month by appointment only_ LOS ANGELES: LOS ANGELESGLENDALE TREATMENT PLANT 4600 Colorado Blvd. los Angeles, CA 90039 Saturdays and Sundays 9;00 am - 3:00 pm Special Mate rials : Hazardou s Waste (800) 98-TOXIC 0' (800) 988-6942 (213) 485-2260 (213) 485-3666 TTY Storm Drain Maintenance and Repair 7660 West Imperial Highway, Gate B Playa Del Rey, CA 90293 Stormwater Hotline Available for business on 3rd Wednesday of the month by appointment only. SUN VALLEY, RANDALL STREET 11025 Randall 5t. Sun Valley, CA 91352 Saturdays and Sundays 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Available for business on 4th Wednesday of the month by appointment only. WEST LOS ANGELES: UCLA 550 Charles E. Young Dr. West. Los Angeles, CA 90095 Thursdays and Fridays and Saturdays 8:00 (800) 974-9794 -OVerflow Catch Basin . lIlegal Dumping Trash, Pollutants and Debris into the catch basins Bureau of Street Lighting 1149 S. Broadway Street, 2nd Floor Los Angeles, CA 90015 3-1-1 City Service Directory (213)473-3231 http://bsl, The Bureau 01 Street lighting designs, constnJcts, operates, maintains and repairs the City's street tights. It is also responsible lor the financial administration of Ine lighting District. am - 2:00 pm LOS ANGELES: WAS HINGTON BLVD. 2649 E. Washington Boulevard. Los Angeles, CA 90021 Saturdays and Sundays 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Available for business on 2nd Wednesday of the month by appointment only. Sewer Hotline (24 hours, in English and Spanish) (866) 44-SEWER 0' (866) 447-3937 Sewer Spills and Odors 3-1-1- City Service Directory (213)473-3231 (800) DIAL-DWP 0' (800) 342-5397 Street Bann er Information (213) 847-1458 http://baooerpermitsJacity,org Online permit applicalion available. PLAYA DEL REY: HYPERION TREATMENT PLANT pm (213) 847- 1891 Emergency Calls After Hours (323) 342-6006 between 6:30 am - 4;00 pm (213) 485-7575 between 3:30 pm - 1:00 am Saturdays and Sundays 9:00 am - 3:00 LED Street Lighting En ergy Efficiency Program The City's streetligh t system: Has more than 230,000 streellights incorporating over 400 different varieties of lights. Covers 4,500 of the City's 7,000 mile area. Provides quality, timely, cost effective and courteou s service to the community of los Angeles in meeting the needs for lighting of streets and public ways wi thin established authorities. Encourages residents to report damaged or out-ai-service street-lights in their neighborhoods. Request for new or improved street lighting (2 13) 847-1459 Street Lights Out or Damaged 3-1-1 City Service Directory 59 Bureau of Street Services 1149 S . Broadway Street, Suite 400 Los Angeles , CA 90015 3-1-1 City Serv ice Directory (800) 996-CITY (800) 996-2489 TIY (213) 473-3231 http://bss.facity.oro After Hours Emergency Request 3-1-1 City Service Directory (213) 473-3231 TTY The Bureau 01 Street Services provides roadway maintenance, improvement, resurfacing and reconstruction of streets and related structures and engineering design of streets and streetscapes in the City of los Angeles. and Provides maintenance, repair improvement 01 approximately 7,300 miles of public streets, alleys and related structures, making about 200,000 repairs per year and resurfacing and reconstructing 150 to 200 miles 01streets annually. Cleans public streets and alleys using a variety of methods Including machine sweeping over 600,000 curb miles per year. Trims, plants and maintains the City's 680,000 tree urban forest, trimming approximately 90,000 trees annually, maintains over 290 acres of landscaped median islands and enforces street tree and oak tree ordinances. Enforces the Annual Weed Aba tement Ordinance, Including the removal of illegally deposited debris from approximately 5,000 private and public lots. Enforces the Los Angeles Municipal Code governing the use of public ri ghts of way to correct defective and hazardous conditions affecting the public health and safety. Office of Community Beautification 200 N. Spring Street. Room 356 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Ca ll 3-1·1 (213) 978-0228 hUp://www.bpw,Iacily.orq/OCB/ Requesl lools and supplies Education Outreach Request presentation This long term beaulificalion programs are designed to encourage communi ty participation in neighborhood based Improvement projects. Graffiti Removal Report graffil Request recycled paint Volunteer Clean Events Project Restore 200 North Spring Street. Room 1633 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-0283 http://projeclrestore,lacj\ Established in 1986. Project Restore is a non-profit organization committed to the restoration and preservation of Los Angeles City Hall and other munIcipal buildings which serve the public as civic. cultural. architectural and historic resources. RECREATION AND PARKS Department of Recreation and Parks 1200 West 7th SI., Suite 700 Los Angeles, CA 90017 (888) LA-PARKS or (888) 527-2757 www.Japarks.o rg The first Municipal Playground and Recreation Department in the United States was established in Los Angeles in 1904. Today, Ihe Recreation and Parks Department manages over 15,600 acres of municipally-owned and operated recreation and parks facilities. The departmenl is con trolled by the Board of RecreCition and Park Commissioners, a five-member board appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. The Board sets policy, establishes fees and Clpproves license agreements for concessions. Important Recreation and Park Number OPERATIONS EAST BALDWIN HI LLS CHILD CARE CENTER (AC) 5401 Highlight Place Los Angeles, CA 90016 (323) 934-8422 EVERGREEN CHILD CARE CENTER (AC) 222 E. 2ND ST. (213)485-1310 BANNING CHILD CARE CENTER (BC & AC) 1331 Eubank Ave Wilmington, CA 90744 OPERATIONS WEST (310) 548-7726 GLASSELL PARK CHIL D CARE CENTER (AIC AND ALL-DAY OFFTRACK) 2727 Crestmore Place Los Angeles, CA 90065 METRO , PACIFIC AND GRIFFTH REGION 3900 Chevy Chase Drive, los Angeles, CA 90039 VALLEY AND WEST LOS ANGELES REGION 6335 Woodley Ave. Van Nuys, CA 91406 (818) 756-8060 (323) 341-5682 BRANFORD CHILD CARE CENTER (BC &AC) 13306 Branford SI. Arleta, CA 91331 (818) 891-6205 Child Ca re Centers PS"'Preschoot BC"Belore care AC"'Aller Care SS"'SChoo!s Serviced ALGIN SUDON CHILD CARE CENTER (BC & AC) 8800 S. HOOVER los Angeles, CA 90044 (323) 565-254 1 Los Angeles. CA 90033 (323) 266-3805 EAGLE ROCK CHILD CARE CENTER (BC & AC) 1102 Eagle Vista Dr, los Angeles, CA 90041 (323) 341-5659 ECHO PARK CHI LD CARE CENTER (AC) 515 Laveta Terrace los Angeles, CA 90026 (2 13) 240-3006 60 HARBOR CITY CHILD CARE CENTER (BC & AC) 24901 Frampton Ave Harbor City, CA 90710 (310) 548-2676 HUBERT HUMPHREY CHILD CARE CENTER (BC & AC) 12467 Osborne Street Pacoima, CA 91331 (818) 896-6215 IRA C. MASSEY CHI LD CARE CENTER (AC & SS) 5001 Rodeo Rd. Los Angeles, CA 90016 (323) 290-2330 JIM GILLIAM CHILD CARE CENTER (PS) 4000 S. La Brea Ave Los Angeles, CA 90008 (323) 291-5929 LOREN MILLER CHILD CARE CENTER (AC) 1550 W. 35th Place Los Angeles, CA 9001 B (323) 733-8367 MASON CH ILD CARE Coming Soon 10500 Mason Ave Chatsworth, CA 91311 (8 18) 998-6377 NORTHRIDGE CHILD CARE CENTER (AC) 18300 Lemarsh 5t. Northridge , CA 91325 (818) 349-0535 PALMS CHILD CARE CENTER (BC &AC) 2577 Overland Ave Los Angeles, CA 90064 (310) 202-4531 PECK PARK CHILD CARE CENTER (BC & AC) 560 N. Western Ave San Pedro, CA 90732 (310) 548-2650 PEN MAR CHILD CARE CENTER (AC) 1341 Lake Street Venice, CA 90291 (310) 202-4564 (310) 202-4555 FAX T H E EPICC CENTER RALPH M, PARSONS PRESCHOOL 841 Martin Luther King Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90037 (213) 763-5119 (213) 765-8330 FAX ROBERTSON CHILD CARE CENTER (BC & AC) 1641 Pruess Rd. Los Angeles, CA 90035 (3 10) 202-4565 SOUTH PARK CHILD CARE CENTER • (BC &AC) 345 E. 51 sl Street Los Angeles, CA90011 (2 13)847-6744 TARZANA CHILD CARE CENTER 5700 Beckford Ave. Tarzana , CA 91356 (8 18) 343-4721 VAN NESS CHILD CARE CENTER (BC & AC) 5720 2nd Ave Los Angeles. CA 90043 (323) 290-3130 VICTORY VALLEY CHILD CARE CENTER (BC & AC) SOUTH VALLEY LAUREL CANYON PARK 8260 Mulholland Drive Studio City. CA 90046 (818) 769-4415 CENTRAL RUNYON CANYON PARK 2000 N. Fuller Los Angeles, CA 90046 (323) 913-7390 SOUTH VALLEY SEPULVEDA BASIN OFF-LEASH DOG PARK 17400 Victory Blvd. Encino , CA 91406 (818) 756-7667 EAST LOS ANGELES SILVERLAKE DOG PARK 1850 W. Silver Lake Drive Los Angeles , CA 90026 (323) 644-3946 6451 5t. Claire Street North Hollywood, CA 91606 (818) 764-1679 WINNETKA CHILD CARE CENTER (BC & AC) 8361 Winnetka Ave. Winnetka, CA 91306 (818) 717- 8348 Dog Parks The Department of Recreation and Parks maintains park facilities where dogs are permitted to be off a leash to run free. within the confines of the park. See the list below for the Dog Park nearest you, Most are WEST LOS ANGELES WESTMINSTER DOG PARK 1234 Pacific Ave. Venice. CA 90291 (323) 913-7390 SOUTH VALLEY WHITNALL OFF LEASH DOG PARK 5801 1/2 Whitnatl Hwy. North Hollywood, CA 91601 (818) 756-8190 Golf Courses open seven days a week. FOR ALL INQUIRIES ABOUT GOLF RESERVAT IONS CENTRAL GOLF RESERVATIONS OFFICE 3900 Chevy Chase Drive GR IFF ITH PARK DOG PARK North End of the John Ferraro Soccer Field on North Zoo Drive Los Angeles, CA 90027 (323) 644-666 1 6' Los Angeles. CA 90039 (818) 29 1-9980 ARMAND HAMMER PITCH AND PUTT WOODLEY LAKES 6331 Woodley Ave. SHADOW RANCH/ALBERT WORKMAN RESIDENCE 22633 Vanowen Street Canoga Park. CA 9 1307 (818) 883 -3637 601 Club View Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90024 (310) 276-1604 Van Nuys, CA 91406 SEPULVEDA GOLF COMPLEX 16821 Burbank Blvd. Encino, CA91436 (818) 995-1170 ANDRES PICO ADOBE 10940 Sepulveda Blvd. Mission Hills, CA 91346 (818) 365-7810 WATTLES MANSION 1824 N. Cursen Ave, Los Angeles. CA 90046·2206 (323) 874-4005 HANSEN DAM Museums 10400 Glenoaks Blvd. Pacoima, CA 91331 (818) 899-2200 BARNSDALL ART PARK 4800 Hollywood Blvd Hollywood, CA 90027-5390 AUTRY NATIONAL CENTER 4700 Western Heritage Drive Los Angeles, CA 90027-1462 (323) 667-2000 BOLTON HALL HISTORICAL MUSEUM 10110 Commerce Ave Tujunga, CA 91 042-2313 (8 18) 352-3420 BANNING RESIDENCE MUSEUM 401 East M Street Wilmington , CA 90744 (310) 548-7777 (818) 780-6886 Historic Sites HARBOR PARK 1235 N. Figueroa PI. Wilmington, CA 90744 (310) 549-4953 HARDING f WILSON 4730 Crystal Springs Dr. Los Angeles , CA 90027 (323) 663-2555 LOS FELIZ 3207 Los Feliz Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90039 (323) 663-7758 PENMAR 1233 Rose Ave. Venice, CA 90291 (310) 396-6228 RANCHO PARK 18- HOLE 10460 W. Pice Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90064 (310) 838-7373 RANCHO PARK 3-PAR 10460 W. Pica Blvd . Los Angeles. CA 90064 (3 10) 838-7561 ROOSEVELT 2650 N. Vermont Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90027 (323) 665-2011 THE CAMPO DE CAHUENGA 3919 Lankershim Boulevard North Hollywood, CA 91604 (818) 763-7651 DRUM BARRACKS CIVIL WAR MUSEUM 1052 Banning Blvd . Wilmington , CA 90744 (310) 548-7509 GRIFFITH OBSERVATORY 2800 East Observatory Road Los Angeles , CA 90027-1255 (323) 664-1191 (323) 663-8171 FORT MACARTHUR MUSEUM 3601 Gaffey Street San Pedro . CA 90731 (310) 548·2631 LOS ANGELES MARITIME MUSEUM Berth 84 , Fool of 6th Slreet San Pedro, CA 90731 (310) 548-7618 THE HOMESTEAD ACRElHILL PALMER HOUSE 10385 Shadow Oak Drive Chatsworth, CA 91311 POINT FERM IN LIGHTHOUSE S. Gaffey St. at 807 Paseo Del Mar San Pedro, CA 90731 TRAVEL TOWN MUSEUM 5200 Zoo Dr Los Angeles, CA 90027 (323) 662-5874 Recreation Centers & Pools SOUTH SEAS HOUSE 2301 West 24th Street (24th Street & Arlington Avenue) Los Angeles, CA 90018 (323) 373-9483 62 109TH STREET RECREATION CENTER & SEASONAL POOL 1464 E. 1091h Street Los Angeles , CA 90059 (323) 566-4561 ALGIN SUTTON RECREATION CENTER & SEASONAL POOL BARNSDALL ART PARK RECREATION CENTER 8800 S. Hoover 51. Los Angeles, CA 90044 4800 Hollywood Blvd . Los Angeles, CA 90027 Los Angeles. CA 90011 (323) 753-5808 (323) 660-4254 (213) 485-4435 ALISO PI CO RECREATION CENTER 370 S. Clarence 51. BARRINGTON RECREATION CEN TER CHATSWORTH RECREATION CENTER Los Angeles, CA 90033 333 S. Barrington Ave Los Angeles, CA 90049 22360 Devonshire Street Chatsworth , CA 91311 (310) 476-4866 (818) 341-6595 BEEMAN PARK 12621 Rye Street Studio City, CA 91604 CHEVIOT HILLS RECREATION CENTER & SEASONAL POOL (323) 264-5261 CENTRAL PARK RECREATION CENTER & SEASONAL POOL 1357 E. 22nd SI. ALPINE RECREATION CENTER 817 Yale 51. Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 485-5448 (8 18) 769-4415 2551 Motor Ave Los Angeles. CA 90064 (310) 837-5186 ANGELS GATE RECREATION CENTER 3701 S. Gaffey Street San Pedro, CA 90731 826 Lucile Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90026 CHEVY CHASE RECREATION CENTER (3 10) 548-7705 (323) 664-2468 4165 Chevy Chase Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90039 ARDMORE RECREATION CENTER 3250 San Marino 51 (2 13) 485-4867 Los Angeles, CA 90006 BERNARDI CENTER 65 14 Sylmar Ave. Van Nuys, CA 91401 (213) 383-7549 (8 18) 756-8727 3141 E. Olympic BlVd. Los Angeles, CA 90023 BOGDANOVICH (MARTIN J.) RECREATION CENTER (213) 485-9111 1920 Cumbre Drive CRESTWOOD HILLS RECREATION CENTER & SEASONAL POOL BELLEVUE RECREATION CENTER (213) 637-0017 FAX AUGUSTUS F_HAWKIN S NATURE PARK 5790 Compton Avenue Los Angeles. CA 90011 San Pedro, CA 90732 (310) 548-7590 1000 Hanley Ave Los Angeles, CA 90049 BOYLE HEIGHTS SPORTS CENTER (310) 472-5233 (323) 581-4753 BALBOA SPORTS COMPLEX 17015 Burbank Blvd 933 S. Mott Street Los Angeles. CA 90023 Encino, CA 91316 (323) 264-5136 (818) 756-9642 BALDWIN HILLS RECREATION CENTER COSTELLO RECREATION CENTER BRANFORD RECREATION CENTER 13310 Branford Street CULVER-SLAUSON RECREATION CENTER 5070 Slauson Ave Culver City, CA 90230 (310) 398-2591 FAX Arleta , CA 9133 1 CYPRESS RECREATION CENTER 540 1 Highlight Place Los Angeles. CA90016 (818) 893-4923 (323) 934-0746 CARLIN G. SMITH RECREATION CENTER (213) 485-5384 BANN ING RECREATION CENTER 1331 Eubank Street 511 W. Ave. 46 Los Angeles, CA 90065 DAN IELS FIELD Wilmington , CA 90744 (323) 225-4960 2630 Pepper Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90065 845 West 12th Street San Pedro. CA 90731 (3 10) 548-7776 (3 10) 548-7728 63 NORTH HOLLYWOOD RECREATION CENTER & SEASONAL POOL 11430 Chandler Blvd . N. Hollywood, CA 91601 (818) 763-7651 ELYSIAN VALLEY RECREATION CENTER 1B11 Ripple 51. Los Angeles, CA 90039 (323) 666-5058 GARCIA (MSGR. RAMON) RECREATION CENTER 1016 S. Fresno St. Los Angeles, CA 90023 (323) 265-4755 DELANO RECREATION CENTER 15100 Erwin Street Van Nuys. CA91411 ENCINO COMMUN ITY CENTER 4935 Balboa Blvd. Encino, CA 91316 (8 18) 995-1690 GILBERT LI NDSAY RECREACTION CENTER 429 E. 42nd Place Los Angeles, CA 90011 (818) 756-8529 (323) 233-0552 DENKER RECREATION CENTER 1550 W. 35th PI. Los Angeles, CA 900 18 (323) 733-8367 NORTHRIDGE PARK - DEVONSHIRE HOUSE 18300 Lemarsh St. Northridge, CA 91324 (818) 349-7341 DOWNEY RECREATION CENTER & SEASONAL POOL 1772 N. Spring SI. Los Angeles, CA 90031 (323) 225-7100 EAGLE ROCK RECREATION CENTER 1100 Eagle Vista Or. Los Angeles, CA 90041 (323) 257-6948 ECHO PARK RECREATION CENTER & SEASONAL POOL 1632 Bellevue Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90026 (2 13) 250-3578 EVERGREEN RECREATION CENTER 2844 E. 2nd SL Los Angeles, CA 90033 (323) 262-0397 EXPOSITION PARK INTER GENERATIONAL COMMUNITY CENTER 3980 S. Menlo Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90037 (213) 763-0114 (818) 899-1950 FELICIA MAHOOD SENIOR MULTIPURPOSE CENTER 11338 Santa Monica Blvd , Los Angeles, CA 90025 (310) 479-4119 GRANADA HILLS RECREATION CENTER & SEASONAL POOL 16730 Chalworth Street Granada Hills, CA 91344 (818) 363-3556 FERNANGELES RECREATION CENTER & SEASONAL POOL 8851 Laurel Ca nyon GREEN MEADOWS RECREATION CENTER & SEASONAL POOL 431 E. 89th Street Los Angeles , CA 90003 (323) 750-4820 Sun Valley, CA 91352 (8 18) 767-4 171 FRED ROBERTS RECREATION CENTER 4700 Honduras Los Angeles, CA 900 11 (323) 234-8650 EL SERENO RECREATION CENTER 4721 Klamath Street Los Angeles. CA 90032 (323) 225-3517 ELYSIAN PARK THERAPEUTIC RECREATION CENTER 929 Academy Rd . Los Angeles, CA 90012 (323) 226- 1402 GLASSELL PARK RECREATION CENTER 3650 Verdugo Rd. Los Angeles, CA 90065 (323) 257-1863 FRESNO PARK RECREATION CENTER 1016 S. Fresno St. Los Angeles, CA 90023 (323) 265-4755 64 GONZALES (DAVID M.) RECREATION CENTER 10943 Herrick Ave Pacoima, CA91331 GRIFFITH PARK COMPLEX & SEASONAL POOL 340 1 Riverside Dr. Los Angeles , CA 90027 (323) 906-7953 HANSEN DAM RECREATION AREA 11770 Foothill Blvd. lake View Terrace , CA 91040 (818) 896-6215 HARBOR CITY RECREATION CENTER & SEASONAL POOL 24901 Frampton Ave Harbor City. CA 90710 (310) 548-7729 HARBOR SPORTS CENTER JIM GILLIAM RECREATION CENTER 1221 N. Figueroa Place Wilmington, CA 90744 4000 S. La Brea Ave Los Angeles , CA 90008 (310) 548-7728 (323) 291-5928 LINCOLN HEIGHTS RECREATION CENTER 2303 Workman S1. Los Angeles, CA 9003 1 (323) 225-2838 HARVARD RECREATION CENTER 1535 W. 62nd Street Los Angeles , CA 90047 JORDAN DOWNS RECREATION CENTER 9900 Grape Street (323) 778-2579 Los Angeles , CA 90002 (2 13) 485- 1835 350 1 Valley Blvd Los Angeles. CA 9003 1 LACES 5931 Wesl18th Street LOREN MILLER RECREATION CENTER (213) 847- 1726 HAZARD RECREATION CENTER 2230 Norfolk 51. Los Angeles , CA 90033 (213) 485-6839 Los Angeles, CA 90008 (323) 291-5969 HIGHLAND PARK RECREATION CENTER & SEASONAL POOL 6 150 Piedmont Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90042 (2 13) 847-4875 HJ ELTE SPORTS CE NTER 16200 Burbank Blvd. Encino, CA 91436 LI NCOLN PARK RECREATION CENTER & SEASONAL POOL 2717 Halldale Ave. Los Angeles. CA 90018 (323) 734-1302 LAFAYETIE MULT IPURPOSE COMMUNITY CENTER 625 S. Lafayette Park PI. Los Angeles, CA 90057 LOS ANGELES YOUTH ATHLETIC CLUB 401 N. Ave 19 (213) 387-9426 Los Angeles, CA9003 1 (213) 485-32 17 LAKE STREET COMMUN ITY CENTER (8 18) 765-0284 227 N. Lake Street Los Angeles, CA 90026 LOU COSTELLO RECREATION CENTER 3141 E. Olympic Blvd . HOLLENBECK RECREATION CENTER (213) 207-2 196 Los Angeles, CA 90023 415 S. 51. Louis 51. Los Angeles, CA 90033 (323) 261-0113 HOLLYWOOD RECREATION CENTER & SEASONAL POOL 1122 Cole Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90036 (323) 467-6847 HOOVER RECREATION CENTER 1010 W. 25th SI. (2 13) 485-9111 LAKEVIEW TERRACE RECREATION CENTER 11075 Foothill Blvd. Lakeview Terrace, CA 91342 MACARTHUR GEN. DOUGLAS PARK RECREATION CENTER 2230 W. 6th SI. (818) 899-8087 Los Angeles, CA 90057 (310) 397-8290 LANARK RECREATION CENTER 21816 Lanark Street Canoga Park, CA 91304 (8 18) 883-1503 Los Angeles, CA 90027 (213) 749-8896 LELAND RECREATION CENTER 863 S. Herbert Ave HUBERT H. HUMPHREY RECREATION CENTER 12560 Filmore St. San Pedro. CA 90731 Pacoima, CA 91331 (213) 896-65 10 IMPERIAL COURTS RECREATION CENTER 2250 E. 114th Street (310) 548-7706 MAR VISTA GARDENS RECREATION CENTER 4901 Marionwood Drive Culver City, CA 90230 (310) 397-8290 MAR VISTA RECREATION CENTER 11430 Woodbine Ave Los Angeles, CA 90066 (3 10) 398-5982 LEMON GROVE RECREATION CENTER 4959 Lemon Grove. Los Angeles, CA 90029 (323) 666-4144 Los Angeles, CA 90059 (323) 566-4247 65 MARK TAPER INTERGENERATIONAL CENTER 17400 Victory Blvd . Van Nuys. CA91406 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. THERAPEUTIC RECREATION CENTER 3916 South Western Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90062 (213) 847-0878 MASON RECREATION CENTER 10500 Mason Ave Chatsworth. CA 91311 (818) 998-6377 MONTECITO HEIGHTS RECREATION CENTER OAKWOOD RECREATION CENTER 767 Calirornia Ave Venice, CA 90291 (310) 452-7479 ORCUTT RANCH 23600 Roscoe Blvd . West Hills, CA 91304 Los Angeles, CA 90031 PACOIMA RECREATION CENTER 10943 Herrick Ave Pacoima, CA91331 (818) 899-1950 PALISADES RECREATION CENTER MOUNT CARMEL RECREATION CENTER 830 W. 70th Street PALMS RECREATION CENTER 2950 Overland Ave 22400 S. Halldale Torrance. CA 90501 (310) 328-3689 los Angeles. CA 90064 (310) 838-3838 PAN PACIFIC RECREATION CENTER 7600 Beverly Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90036 (323) 939-8874 NORMANDIE RECREATION CENTER Los Angeles, CA 90006 PANORAMA RECREATION CENTER 8600 Hazeltine Ave Panorama City, CA 91402 (323) 737-1181 (818) 893-3401 1550 S. NormandieAve. QUEEN ANNE RECREATION CENTER 1240 West Blvd. Los Angeles , CA 90019 (323) 857-1180 851 Alma Real Drive (310)454-1412 NORMANDALE RECREATION CENTER PUEBLO DEL RIO RECREATION CENTER 5350 Alba Street (323) 587-6953 Pacific Palisades. CA 90272 los Angeles , CA 90044 (323) 789-2756 (323) 876-5014 Los Angeles, CA 90058 (818) 883-6641 4545 Homer St. (213)485-5148 POINSETTIA RECREATION CENTER 7341 Willoughby Ave Los Angeles, CA 90046 RAMONA GARDENS RECREATION CENTER 2830 Lancaster Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90033 (213) 847-2961 RAMONA HALL COMMUNITY CENTER 4580 No. Figueroa Sf. Los Angeles, CA 90065 (323) 276-3021 RANCHO CIENEGA SPORT COMPLEX CENTER 5001 Rodeo Road Los Angeles, CA 90016 (323) 290-3141 8756 Parthenia Place Los Angeles, CA 90033 RESEDA RECREATION CENTER & SEASONAL POOL 18411 Victory Blvd Reseda , CA91335 North Hills, CA 91343 (323) 262-7322 (818) 881-3882 PECK PARK COMMUNITY CENTER & YEAR ROUND POOL 560 N. Western Ave San Pedro. CA 90732 (310) 548-7580 RITCHIE VALENS RECREATION CENTER & SEASONAL POOL 10736 Laurel Cyn. Blvd . Pacoima , CA 91331 PENMAR RECREATION CENTER 1341 Lake Street Venice, CA 90291 ROBERTSON RECREATION CENTER 1641 Preuss Road PECAN RECREATION CENTER NORTH HILLS COMMUN ITY PARK 127 S. Pecan 51. (818) 895-9863 NORTH WEDDINGTON RECREATION CENTER 10844 Acama S1. North Hollywood , CA 91601 (818) 834-5172 (818) 506-1467 NORTHRIDGE RECREATION CENTER 18300 Lemarsh Street (310) 396-8735 Los Angeles, CA 90035 (310) 278-5383 Northridge, CA 91325 (818) 349-7342 (818) 349-7341 66 ROGER JESSUP RECREATION CENTER 1'2467 Osborne 8t. Pacoima. CA 91331 (818) 896-6215 SHADOW RANCH RECREATION CENTER 22633 Vanowen Street West Hills , CA 91307 (818) 883-3637 STONEHURST RECREATION CENTER & SEASONAL POOL ROSE HILL RECREATION CENTER 4530 Mercury Ave . Los Angeles, CA 90032 (323) 225-0340 SHATTO RECREATION CENTER 3191 W. 4th 81. Los Angeles, CA 90020 (21 3) 386-8877 STONER RECREATION CENTER Los Angeles, CA 90025 (310) 479-7200 ROSECRANS RECREATION CENTER 840 W, 149th Street WOODLAND HILLS RECREATION CENTER 5858 Shoup Ave STUDIO CITY RECREATION CENTER 12621 Rye Street Gardena. CA90247 (310) 327-3653 Woodland Hills, CA91367 (818) 883-9370 Studio City, CA 91604 (818) 769-4415 ROSS SNYDER RECREATION CENTER & SEASONAL POOL 1501 E. 41st 8t.0 SILVER LAKE RECREATION CENTER 1850 W. Silverlake Dr. SUN VALLEY RECREATION CENTER 81 33 Vineland Ave Los Angeles, CA 90026 Sun Valley, CA 91252 Los Angeles , CA 90011 (323) 644-3946 (818) 767-6151 SLAUSON MULTIPURPOSE CENTER & RECREATION CENTER SUNLAND RECREATION CENTER & SEASONAL POOL 5306 S. Compton Los Angeles, CA 90011 8651 Foothill Blvd Sunland, CA 91040 (323) 233-1174 (818) 352-5282 SAN PEDRO PARK 1920 Cumbre Drive SOUTH PARK RECREATION CENTER & SEASONAL POOL 345 E. 61st Street SYLMAR RECREATION CENTER & SEASONAL POOL 13109 Borden San Pedro, CA 90732 (310) 548-7590 Los Angeles , CA 90011 Sylmar, CA 91342 (213) 847-6746 (818) 367-5656 SOUTH SEAS HOUSE 2301 West 24th Street Los Angeles, CA 90018 (323) 373-9483 TARZANA RECREATION CENTER 5655 Vanalden Ave ST. ANDREWS RECREATION CENTER TOBERMAN RECREATION CENTER 9901 Dronfield Street Sun Vaney, CA 91352 (818) 767-0314 1835 Stoner Ave (213) 231-3964 RUSTIC CANYON RECREATION CENTER & SEASONAL POOL 601 Latimer Road Pacific Palisades , CA 90402 (310) 454-5734 SEOUL INTERNATIONAL PARK 3250 San Marino SI Los Angeles , CA 90006 (213) 383-7549 SEPULVEDA DAM RECREATION AREA 6335 Woodley Ave. Encino, CA 91406 8701 S1. Andrews Place Los Angeles, CA 90011 (818) 756-8060 (213) 485-1751 NORTH HILLS COMMUNITY PARK 8756 Parthenia Place STATE STREET RECREATION North Hills, CA 91343 (818) 895-9863 CENTER 716 N. State st. Los Angeles , CA 90033 (213) 847-2790 SEPULVEDA RECREATION CENTER 8801 Kester Ave . "8825 KesterAve.) Panorama City, CA 91402 Tarzana, CA 91356 (818) 343-5946 1725 Toberman St. los Angeles, CA 90015 (213) 485-6896 TRIN ITY RECREATION CENTER 2415 Trinity S1. Los Angeles, CA 90011 (213) 485-4195 VALLEY PLAZA RECREATION CENTER 12240 Archwood St North Hollywood , CA 91605 (818) 765-5885 (818) 893-3700 67 VALLEY THERAPEUTIC RECREATION CENTER 11430 Chandler Blvd North Hollywood, CA 91601 (818) 756-9757 VAN NESS RECREATION CENTER & SEASONAL POOL THE VALLEY MUNICIPAL PARK 6911 West Hills , CA 91605 (818) 765-0284 WESTCHESTER RECREATION CENTER 7000 W. Manchester Ave Year Round Pool Facility BANNING POOL 1450 N. Avalon Blvd. Wilmington, CA 90744 (310) 548-7420 CABRILLO BEACH 3720 Stephen M. White Dr. 5720 2nd Ave Los Angeles. CA 90045 Los Angeles, CA 90043 (323) 296-1559 (310) 670-7473 Los Angeles, CA 90731 (310) 548-2909 WESTWOOD RECREATION CENTER & YEAR ROUND POOL 1350 Sepulveda Los Angeles, CA 90025 (310) 473-3610 CELES KING ill INDOOR POOL 5001 Rodeo Rd. Los Angeles, CA 90016 (213) 847-3406 VAN NUYS MULTIPURPOSE CENTER & YEAR ROUND POOL 6514 Sylmar Ave. Van Nuys, CA 91401 (818) 756-8727 VAN NUYS RECREATION CENTER 14301 Vanowen St. Van Nuys, CA 91405 (8 18) 756-8 131 VAN NUYS-SHERMAN OAKS RECREATION CENTER 14201 Huston Street Van Nuys, CA 91423 (818) 783-5121 VENICE RECREATION CENTER 1531 Ocean Front Walk Venice, CA 90291 (310) 399-2775 VICTORY-VINELAND RECREATION CENTER 11117 Victory Blvd . North Hollywood, CA 91606 (818) 985-9516 VINEYARD RECREATION CENTER 2942 Vineyard Ave Los Angeles, CA 90016 (323) 732-2469 WABASH RECREATION CENTER 2765 Wabash Ave Los Angeles, CA 90033 (323) 262-6534 WILLIAM NI CKERSON RECREATION CENTER 11251 Compton Ave Los Angeles, CA 90059 (323)566-1416 WILMINGTON RECREATION CENTER 325 Neptune Ave Wilmington , CA 90744 (310) 548-7645 WINNETKA RECREATION CENTER 8401 Winnetka Ave Winnetka, CA 91306 (818) 756-7876 LEVELAND HIGH SCHOOL INDOOR POOL 8120 Vanalden Ave. RESEDA, CA 91335 (818) 756-9798 E.G. ROBERTS INDOOR POOL 4526 W. Pice Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90019 (323) 936-8483 ECHO DEEP POOL (AKA. ECHO PARK POOL) 1419 Colton Street Los Angeles, CA 90026 Closed for EC HO PARK LAKE 751 Echo Park Ave. WOODLAND HILLS RECREATION CENTER & SEASONAL POOL 5858 Shoup Ave Woodland Hills, CA 91367 LOS ANGELES, CA 90026 (2 13) 847-8524 (818) 883-9370 FREMONT INDOOR POOL 7630 S. Towne Ave . YOSEMITE RECREATION CENTER & SEASONAL POOL Los Angeles. CA 90003 (213) 847-3401 1840 Yosemite Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90041 (323) 257-1644 YUCCA COMMUNITY CENTER 6671 Yucca Street Los Angeles, CA 90028 (323) 957-6339 GlASSELL PARK POOL 3704 Verdugo Rd. LOS ANGELES , CA 90065 (323) 226-1670 HANSEN DAM AQ UATIC CENTER 11798 Foothill Blvd. LAKE VIEW TERRACE, CA 91342 (818) 899-3779 68 HUBERT HUMPHREY POOL 12560 Filmore 51. HARBOR PARK LAKE POOL 25820 Vermont Ave. Pacoima, CA 9133 1 (8 18) 896-0067 Harbor City, CA 90710 (310) 548-7515 JOH N C. ARGUE SW IM STAD IUM FORMERLY KNOWN AS L. A. SW IM STADIUM (EPICC) 3980 S. Menlo Ave . MAR VISTA POOL 11655 Palms Blvd . BIRD SANCTUARY Vermont Canyon Road Los Angeles, CA CABRILLO BEACH 3720 Stephen White Drive. LOS ANGELES , CA 90066 (310) 390-2016 Los Angeles, CA 90037 LAKE BALBOA 6300 Balboa Blvd. Van Nuys, CA 91406 (818) 756-9743 MAC ARTHUR PARK LAKE 653 S. Alvarado 5t. Los Angeles, CA 90057 (213) 368-4160 PECK PARK POOL 560 N. Western Ave. Los Angeles. CA 90732 (3 10) 548-2434 RICHARD ALATORRE INDOOR POOL 4721 Klamath St. LOS ANGELES, CA 90032 (323) 276-3042 ROOSEVELT POOL 456 S. Mathews se Los Angeles, CA 90033 (213) 485-739 1 VAN NUYS SHERMAN OAKS POOL 14201 Huston St. Van Nuys, CA 91403 (818) 783-6721 VENICE H IG H SCHOOL INDOOR POOL 2490 Walgrove Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90066 (310) 575-8260 Seasonal Pool Facility WESTWOOD INDOOR POOL 1350 Sepulveda Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90025 (310) 478-7019 PAN PACIFIC POOL 141 S. Gardner 5t. Los Angeles , CA 90036 (323) 975-4524 PECAN POOL 120 S. Gless SL Los Angeles, CA 90033 (323) 526-3042 SEPULVEDA POOL 8737 Kester Ave. Panorama City, CA 91402 (818) 894-0144 VALLEY PLAZA POOL 6715 Laurelgrove Ave. North Hollywood , CA 91606 (818) 756-9362 VERDUGO HILLS POOL 10654 Irma Ave . Tujunga, CA 91042 (818) 353- 1365 San Pedro, CA 90731 (310) 548-2909 (310) 832· 1130 Surf conditions Cabrillo Beach. located in San Pedro, ovenooks the Los Angeles Harbor and Catalina Island. It is a haven for boaters, windsurfers and other water enthusiasts. The beach is open seven days a week. The parking fee entilles patrons to free admission to Ihe Aquarium and unlimited use of the enlire facility. Please call for information regarding boaUng. picnic reservations or CABRILLO MARINE AQUARIUM (310) 548-7562 Situated al Cabrillo Beaell. with a view of the Port of Los Angeles. the Aquarium and its active volunteers offer museum tours, whale watching trips. grunion observation programs. tours of adjacent tidepools, marine biology classes and study projects. The Aquarium has many seawaler aquaria and Interpretive exhibits on Southern California sealife and laboratories. A 40 foot outdoor louch tank houses over 2,000 tldepool plants and animals where visitors can touch tidepool sea life. Open every day except Mondays, Thanksgiving and Christmas. EQUESTRIAN CENTER 480 Riverside Drive WEST CHEST ER POOL 9100 lincoln Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045 (310) 342-3164 Recreational Services AQUATICS CITYWIDE AQUATICS 3401 Riverside Drive Los Angeles, CA 90027 (323) 906-7953 FOR ALL INQUIRIES ABOUT AUQTICS RESERVATIONS The Aquatic Section operales 59 swimming pools, 45 outdoor summer pools, 14 year round pools and five camp pools. Services Include swimming lessons, individual and team sports, junior lifeguard training, fitness and small cra ft (basic canoeing and kayaking) classes. 69 Los Angeles, CA (818) 840-9063 GREEK THEATER (323) 665-1927 The outdoor amphitheater has a seating capacity of over 6.000 and is leased by the City for presentations of concerts, light operas and other cultural entertainment programs. GR IFFITH OBSERVATORY 2800 East Observatory Road Los Angeles, CA 90027 (213)473·0800 GRIFFITH PARK 4730 Crystal Spri ngs Drive Los Angeles. CA 90027 (323) 913-4688 HANSEN DAM RECREATION AREA This 1,400 acre park In the northeast San Fernando Valley offers horse rentals and equestrian trails; sports fields, a wildlife refuge and picnic areas, a golf course and swimming and fishing lakes. MUNICIPAL SPORTS Angeles from 1869 to 1940. Open daily except Christmas. Free. EL SERENO SEN IOR CENTER 4818 Klamath Street TENNIS COURT RESERVATIONS (323) 222-2040 Los Angeles, CA 90032 (AUTOMATED) (213)625-1010 FAIRFAX SENIOR CENTER 7929 Melrose Ave. (213) 485-7611 Provides sports programs for the adult citizens of los Angeles. Programs include soccer, softball and volleyball. Individual competition is offered in tennis and long distance running. NATURAL PROTECTIVE CORRIDORS MulhoUand Scenic Parkway l os Angeles , CA This unique 50·mile roadway stretches from Griffith Park to leo Carrillo Stale Beach. A "protective corridor" has been created around the road so view sites, hiking, bicycling Clnd equestrian trails can be established. RANCHO PARK THERAPEUTIC RECREATION Los Angeles, CA 90046 (818) 756-9757 (818) 756-7602 TDD (323) 653-1824 Provides quality programs and classes to persons with disabilities. Services include recreation . leiSUre, education and treatment. Los Angeles, CA 90025 VENICE OCEAN FRONT WALK Restaurants. street performers and vendors line the Ocean Front Walk. Paddle tennis. basketball courts and Muscle BeaCh. Senior Citizen Centers AHMANSON SENIOR CENTER 3990 S . Menlo Ave. Los Angeles. CA 90037 (213) 763-0118 10460 West Pica Blvd. Los Angeles, CA FELICIA MAHOOD SEN IOR MULTIPURPOSE CENTER 11338 Santa Monica Blvd . (310) 479-4119 HIGHLAND PARK SENIOR CENTER 6152 N. Figueroa Street Los Angeles, CA 90042 (323) 256-6866 JIM GILLIAM SEN IOR CENTER 4000 S. La Brea Ave ._ Los Angeles, CA 90008 (3 10) 838-7561 ANDERSON SENIOR CENTER 828 S . Mesa Street 18·hole. par 71 9-hole , par 3 (5,200 total yards) (pitch and putt) San Pedro , CA 90731 (310) 548-7596 (323) 291-5969 LAS PALMAS SEN IOR CENTER 1820 N. Las Palmas Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90028 SEPULVEDA BASIN RECREATION AREA Owned by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers , this recreational area includes more than 2,000 acres in the EncinoNan Nuys area. The Recreation and Parks Department leases more than 1,500 acres for recreatron use and offers golf courses, a 1DO-acre major sports field, baseball diamonds. tennis courts, soccer fields, bike paths. model airplane fields, cricket fields. an archery range, an indoor and outdoor gym and picnic area. located along Balboa Boulevard is lake Balboa Park, a 60-acre park which features a 26-acre boating lake as well as picniC areas and a chndren's play area. BETTY HILL SENIOR CENTER 3570 S. Denker Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90018 (323) 733-1946 BOYLE HEIG HTS SEN IOR CENTER 2839 E. 3rd Street Los Angeles, CA 90033 (323) 264-5757 CANOGA PARK SENIOR CENTER 7326 Jordan Ave. Canoga Park. CA 91303 (323) 465-7787 LINCOLN HEIGHTS SEN IOR CENTER 2323 Workman Street Los Angeles, CA 90031 (323) 225-9339 LINCOLN PARK SENIOR CENTER 3501 Valley Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90031 (213) 847-1727 (8 18) 340-2633 MID-VALLEY SENIOR CENTER 14450 Valerio Street 5200 West Zoo Drive CLAUDE PEPPER SENIOR CENTER 1762 S. La Cienega Blvd. (8 18) 785-8488 Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles, CA 90035 (323) 662-5874 (310) 559-9677 Open seven days a week. Specializing in pre-World War II railroad equipment. the exhibits include fourteen steam Jocomollves, passenger and freight cars, cabooses, two operating diesel locomotives, and an historic exhibit on fire fighling in los COSTELLO SENIOR CENTER 3121 E. Olympic Blvd. TRAVEL TOWN Los Al)geles, CA 90023 (213) 485-9143 70 Van Nuys , CA 91406 MONTECITO HEIGHTS SENIOR CENTER 4545 Homer Street Los Angeles , CA 90031 (213) 485-8550 MT. CARME L SENIOR CENTE R 830 W. 70th Street WATTS SENI OR CENTER 1657 East Century Blvd . DEVONSHIRE HOUSEl 18300 Lemarsh Stree t Los Angeles, CA 90044 (323) 789-282 1 Los Angeles, CA 90002 (323) 564-9440 Northridge , CA 91325 (818) 349-7341 NORTH HOLLYWOOD SEN IOR CENTER 11430 C handler Blvd . WEST W ILSHIR E SE NI OR CENTER 141 S Gardner Ave. Los Angeles , CA 90036 (323) 939-0263 FR IEN DSHIP AUDITOR IUM 3201 Riverside Drive No rth Ho llywood , CA 91601 (818) 763-5361 SLAUSON SEN IOR CENTER 5306 S. Compton Los Angeles, CA 90011 (323) 233-1174 WESTC HESTER SENIOR CENTER 8740 Lincoln Blvd . Los Angeles. CA 90045 (310) 649-3317 SUN LAND SENI OR CENTER 8640 Fenwick Ave. Sunland, CA 91040 (818) 353-957 1 WESTMI NSTER SENI OR CE NTER VAN NUYS MU LT I-PURPOSE SEN IOR CENTER 65 14 Sylmar Ave. Va n Nuys, CA 9 140 1 (818) 756-8727 VAN NUYS-SHERMAN OAKS SENIOR CE NTE R 14201 Huston Children's Recreation Center Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 (8 18) 783-5122 VINEYARD RECREATION CENTER 2942 Vineyard Ave . Los Angeles , CA 90016 (213) 847-67 18 Los Angeles , CA 90027 (323) 665-11 54 GRACE . E. SIMONI 1025 Elysian Park DrIve Los Angeles, CA 90012 (323) 665-1155 1234 Pacific Ave. ANGEL'S GATE PARK 3601 Gaffey Street Venice , CA 9029 1 (310) 392-5566 San Pedro, CA 90731 (3 10) 548-7705 WILKINSON MULTI PURPOS E SENIOR CENTER 8956 Vanalden Ave. Northridge, CA 91324 (818) 756-7741 W ILMINGTON SE NIOR CENTER 1371 Eubank Ave. Wilmington , CA 90744 (310) 518-4533 Wedding Sites ORCUTT RANCH 23600 Roscoe Blvd . West Hills, CA 91 304 (8 18) 346-7449 AVER ILL PARK 1300 Dodson Avenue San Pedro, CA 9073 1 (3 10) 832-7328 EXPOS ITI ON ROSE GARDEN 70 1 State Drive Los Angeles, CA 90037 (213) 765-5397 POINT FER MIN PARK 807 Paseo Del Mar San Pedro, CA 90731 (3 10) 548-7705 TRANSPORTATION Department of Transportation 100 S. Main St.. 10th Floor los Angeles, CA9OO 12 (213) 972-8470 (2 13) 977-7032 TOO Responsible for the installation and maintenance of traffic signals, signs, parking meters, street name signs and other traffic con trol devices. Oversees taxicabs, ambulances, parking, intersection control and crossing guard services Operates local transit programs, including DASH commuter express and CITY RIDE for seniors. ............._.... ........................................................_................, _.................................. , .. .. , .... LADOT Di strict Offices EAST VALLEY CE NTRA L Council D istricts 1. 9 , 14 (213) 972-4990 COU NCIL DISTRI CTS 2, 6, 7 (8 18) 374-4688 71 H O LLYW OOD W ILS H IRE Council Districts 4 ,1 0 , 13 (323) 845-9835 SOUTHERN Metrolink Street I Alley Dumping Council Districts 8, 15 (310) 732-4599 (800) COMMUTE (800) 996-2489 Traffic Management Services Street Alignment WESTERN Contact LADOT Distrct Offices . (800) 996-2489 Council Districts 5, 11 (310) 575-8 138 Parking Citations Street Construction (213) 847- 1922 WEST VALLEY (866) 561-9742 To obtain Information about a ticket Bf1d Council Districts 3, 12 (818) 756-8784 how to request an administrative To obtain information about a ticket and how to request an administrative hearing. Abandoned Vehicles Parking Enforcement (800) ABANDON (213)485-4184 (818) 752-5100 Bikeways To report illegally parked vehicles (213) 972-4959 Car Sharing Program Parking Meter Hotline To report broken meters Pipeline Permits (213) 928-97 14 (213) 485-2298 Requires Four Working Days Notice (800) 996-2489 Regional Buses (800) COMMUTE (213,310,323,818) 808-2273 Metro Ra il (800) COMMUTE Call M-F, 5 AM ·1 PM only Towed Vehicles (2 13) 897-3656 (213) 482-7077 (800) 501-0999 Temporary Parking Restriction Signs Pot Hole Repair Land Development (213) 982-9600 (877) 215-3958 311 LADOT Transit Inform ation Taxicab Information Taxicab Service Issues (213,310,323,8 18) 808-RIDE Freeways, State Highways Taxicab and Ambulance Permit Office Public Counter (877) 215-3958 Parking Meter Repair Oamaged Stop Signs IDamaged Traffic Signals 311 (213 ) 928-9732 (213) 473-8285 City Transit Service CITYRIDE Street Lighting (866) TOW-AWAY If your vehicle is towed , call for information regarding Ihe official pollee garage where it was taken. Regional Planning Traffic Enforcement (2 13)236-1800 311 Sidewalk Repair (800) 996-2489 Tree Trimming (800) 996-2489 WATER AND POWER Department of Water and Power 111 North Hope SI. Los Angeles, CA 90012 (800) 342-5397 or DIAL-DWP (800) 432-7397 or HEAR-DWP TOO The DWP offers a variety of services and handles aU questions and complaints concerning power failures, down electrical lines, water trouble, tree trimming near power lines and your utility bill. The OW? is an independent department. and is not under the direct operational or budgetary control of the City Council or the Mayor. 72 Alternative Cooling Information (800) 342·5397 Call for brochures on potential measures for residential cus tomers to use in place of their traditional mechanical air-conditioning systems. Energy Conservation Program (800) 473·3652 or GREEN·LA Information on DWP conservation tips, programs, and energy audits that wlll help reduce your uti!ity bill. Electric Trouble (800) 342·5397 For power outages replacement. and street with plans and regulations for electric and water services. (213) 367·1361 For your next community fair, DWP offers a wide variety of exhibit topics. including earthquake preparedness, water and energy conservation, and child eleclrical safety. Literature offering additional Information on a variety of water and powerrelated issues are provided with Ihe exhibits (B8B) 376·3314 !nformation on the various rebate programs offered by the DWP, Water Trouble Rebate Information (BOO) 342·5397 Sewer and Sanitation Service Charges (BOO) 540·0952 If you have questions about the Sewer or Sanitation Equipment Charge billing. please call the Bureau of Sanitatron at the above number. If you see a water teak from a city watermain, service connection or meter, the DWP will repair it. If the leak is from a pipe on private property. the owner will be notified and will be responsible for repairing II. Economic Development (BOO) 864-4409 Shoe Removal (BOO) 342·5397 Call to have tennis shoes removed from DWP power lines. Street Light Maintenance (BOO) 342·5397 Call for street light lamp replacements or globe washing. Tree Trimming New Business Information (BOO) 342·5397 (800) 342·5397 The DWP is responSible for trimming trees that grow into power lines to ensure safety. This Is done on a regular basis. but if any safety concerns In your area should arise. call the above number. Offers information on temporary service, engineering, meter service. Building and Safety releases. Interpretation of rules for new and modified electric and water services, and inspeclion for compliance (2 13) 367·3182 Call for inquiries, complaints or technical questions regarding water quality and tesling . light Exhibits + Events + Specials Water Quality Offers programs to attract 'lew businesses and encourage expansion and retention of small and medium-sized businesses in the City of Los Angeles, such as new community redevelopment and beautification programs. utility infrastructure loans, training and outreach programs, and business expansion and retention Iniliatives. Conducts outreach to promote opportunities for minority-and owned business enterprises to compete for and participate in contracts that provide services and materials to the LADWP. Zoo Department 5333 Zoo Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90027 www,lazoo,org Located in Griffith Park. this 115-acre zoo and botanical garden is home to more than 1,100 rare and endangered mammals, birds and reptiles from around the world. The new Campo Gorilla Reserve is home to seven western lowland gorillas. Zoo visitors walk along a forested pathway for views of two separate troops of gorillas living among waterfalls and lush plants. Glassed viewing areas and planted moats are all that separates Zoo guests from the largest primate in the world. Other outstanding exhibits include Dragons of Komodo, Chimpanzees of Mahale Mountains, and Red Ape Rain Forest. Animal highlights include koala, giraffe. zebra. flamingo. lion. tiger and many more. The Zoo is open every day from 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.rn ., except Christmas. Visitor Information (323)644-4200 For general information about visiting the Los Angeles Zoo visi t or call (323) 644-4200 elation Membership Department at (323) 644-4759 (Monday through Friday. 9:00am - 5:00pm) or visit the Membership section on L A. Zoo website. Volunteer Opportunities Membership Information (323) 644-4759 For information about zoo memberships. call the Greater Los Angeles Zoo Asso- (323) 644·4703 If you're interested in becoming a volunteer or docent, cali (323) 644-4703. 73 Group Tickets & Reservations (323) 644-421 1 For information about school lours, group tickets. and educational programs, call (323) 644-4211, 8:30am to 4:00pm, Monday through Friday to speak directly to a reservations coordinator. APPENDIX· A (HOW A PROPOSAL BECOMES CITY LAW) Los Angeles City Council L 0 (motion, report, communicat ion) Proposa l to Council • Referred to approp riate committee. Committee holds hea rin gs. e Comm ittee brings back to Counci l w ith recommendation: approve, modify, reject, or no recommendation. Council votes on committee recommendat ion. f) Approves: Prepare ord ina nce Ordinance presented to Counci l. Un less approved with unanimous vo te of at least 12 members, it is held a week for a second vote. Rejects or Returns to commitlee for morc hearings and mod ificat ions e The Mayol" Signs bill-becomes law Takes no action for 10 days - becomes law. If vetoed, Counci I must override with Veto- returns to Council speci fled vote within 45 day~,,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, 8 Once approved, a City Ord inance is either published in a daily newspaper and takes effect 3 1 days later, or is posted and takes effect 4 1 days later. 74 Elected Officials Charter Offices and Charter Departments Headed by Commissions .. -,,- Charter Departments with Citizen Commissions rl """""'" -:) ,.... """" Ordinance Departments 1 0"""",00" ... ....." -C T--~ :::Y Independent Charter Departments Headed by Citizen Ordinance Departments with Citizen Commissions l 8\01ff"'l & s.r.ty -- I lot. ArQeIas 1 "~"- 1 I 8uruu 01 ColIna Admlniltralion Com""''''ty """'" Redevelcpmenl """" L( ~~ ) Electorate ""'" Chief El<ecIJtIve C'IyAltomey Controller ~ ~ ~ City Clerk K Neoghbol'hood Empowerment -( 'R:a m,.,.. '\ ~ / -{ """'" rl General Finloce -1 EI Pueblo Environmental Allah I -" Water & Power I LiM.y -1 -1 - ,- ~ [Conwnission) Y CIty Treasurer .... H ~ I -- H '-o.q A$ Of JUly Iy 1, " 2009 Y Disabil,ty Sat\J\iltion Burl"" 01 SI1MI s.rvJQO!$ .,_. ) re"~, KEY FIle_ & Pok:Io P_ Syslem "" } W. . . HT._",,"~ I'--<; -" H """'" ORGAN IZATION OF THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES Boardof I H<-- I -, ,.- ( \ BUrla u 01 Street UghUr,g 1 ...... Kc"'~''''... JH-~·"·'I (C<mm_) Buruucf Eng,-,"\! Aulhonly H ~rtmeflI Fir, Charter Department with Full-lime Commission Charter Departments with Citizen Commissions I I I I "'""'"' I c::=) ( ~~~ '0_ & ) QUICK REFERENCE NUMBERS DIAL 9·1· 1 FOR EMERGENCY· POLICE· FIRE · PARAMEDIC For AU City Wide Information and Non-Emergency Services 3·1·1 (866) 4·LA·CITY (213) 473-3231 Outside Greater Los Angeles Area (800) 252·4613 (800) ABANDON or (800) 222·6366 (800) 367·AIDS or (800) 367·2437 (310) 646·5252 (909) 937·2700 (818) 785·8838 (661 ) 266·7602 (323) 9364343 Los Angeles (818) 988-3001 San Fernando Valley (888) 452·7381 (800) 662·2878 Abandoned Shopping Cart Pick Up Abandoned Vehicles AIDS Airport-LAX (Los Angeles International Airport) Airport-ONT (Ontario International Airport) Airport-VNY (Van Nuys Airport) Airport-PMD (Palmdale Regional Airport) Alcoholics Anonymous Animal Services Anti-Drug Hotline (LAPD) Battered Women Hotline (818) 887·6589 (888) 524·2845 (562) 462·2137 (800) 773·2489 Billboard Complaints Birth Certificate (County) Bulky Item Pick Up Burglar alarm ringing/to report (877) ASK·LAPD or (877) 275·5273 (800) 974·9794 (213) 485·2352 (213) 351 · 5602 (213) 978·7000 Civil (213) 978·7840 Crimina l (213) 978·1133 (213) 978·7200 (213) 473·7001 (213) 473·7002 (213) 473·7003 (213) 425·3337 (213) 473·7005 (213) 473·7006 (213) 473·7007 (213) 473·7008 (213) 473-7009 (213) 473·7010 (213) 473·7011 (213) 473·7012 (213) 473·7013 (213) 473·7014 (213) 473·7015 Catch Basin Cleaning Child Abuse Holline Children & Family Services (County) City Attorney City Clerk City Controller Council District 1 Council District 2 Council District 3 Council District 4 Council District 5 Council District 6 Council District 7 Council District 6 Council District 9 Council District 10 Council District 11 Council District 12 Council Districl13 Council Districl14 Council District 15 76 Council Meeting - Council Phone (Live Audio Coverage) -Harbor (310) 547-CITY (547-2489) -Metro (213) 621-C ITY (62 1-2489) -Valley (818) 904-9450 -Westside (310) 471-CITY (471-2489) Crisis Intervention - Suicide Prevention (877) 727-4747 Convention Center (213) 741 -1151 County Board of Supervisors Dead Animal Pick-up (213) 974-1411 Death Certificate (County) (562) 462-2137 Domestic Violence 24 HR Hotline (National) (800) 799-7233 Domestic Violence County Hotline DPSS (County) Dept. of Social Services (800) 978-3600 Drug Tip (Anonymous) OWP Hotline (Water and Power Problems) (800) 662-BUST or (800) 622-2878 (800) DIAL-DWP or (800) 3425-397 Elder Abuse Hotline (800) 992-1660 (877) 477-3646 Counly Ethics Commission Hotline (800) 824-4825 Food Stamp Information (2 13) 744-5611 Gas Leaks Health Services (County) (800) 427-2200 Homeless Services Referral (Info Line) 211 Homework Hotline (800) 527-8839 Household Hazardous Waste Hotline (800) 98-TOXIC or (800) 98-86942 LAPD NON-Emergency Police Services (24HR, Toll Free) (877) ASK-LAPD or (877) 275-5273 LAUSD (Board of Education) www.lausd .net (2 13) 241-1000 library Mayor (213) 228-7000 Marriage license (County) (562) 462-2137 Neighborhood Councils (213) 485-1360 Passport (Federal) (877) 487-2778 Post Office Information (Federal) (800) 275-8777 Pothole repair Safely Surrendered Baby Hotline (County) (800) 540-0952 (800) 773-2489 (877) 481-1044 (800) 427-8700 (213) 978-0600 (877) 222-9723 Senior Lunch Program (213) 252-4030 Social Security Administration (Federal) (800) 772-1213 TAXES INFORMATION -Business Taxes and Permits (City) (213)473-5901 -franchise Tax Board (State) -Internal Revenue Service (Federal) (800) 852-5711 -Property Tax Information line (County) (213) 974-2111 (800) 829-1040 Taxi Services - Comment & Complaint (800) 501-0999 TRANSPORTATION -City Ride (213,310,818) 808-RIDE or 808-7433 -LADOT (Dash , Commuter Express) (213,310,818) 808-2273 -MetroHnk (800) COMMUTE or (800) 266-6883 -Parking Trckets Information (866) 561-9742 77 -Towed Vehicle tnformation (866) TOW-AWAY or (866) 869-2929 -Transit Service tnformation (MTA - Metro Bus, Metro Rail) (800) COMMUTE or (800) 266-6883 Trash Pickup - missed - (800) 773-2489 Vector Control-Santa Fe Spring - District Headquarter (County) (562) 944-9656 Vector Control·Sylmar - Branch Office (County) (818) 364-9589 Voter Registration Information (800) 481-VOTE or (800) 481-8683 Winter Shelter Holline (County) (800) 548-6047 Zoo (323) 644-4200 78 NOTES 79 INDEX A Code Violations 15 Abandoned Vehicles 72 Community Development Department 35 Community Emergency Response Team Training 42 Community Police Stations 55 Adopt A Pet 13 Adult Literacy 48 After School Programs & Children's Service 48 Aging , Department of 10-12 Community Redevelopment Agency 37 Commuter Express 69 AIDS Prevention ProgramsfServices 39 Airports 12 Alarms 55 Alley Cleaning 60 Alternative Cooling Information 73 Contract Compliance 57 Conservation Program 73 Construction Services Centers 15 Consumer Protection 16 Alzheimer's Resources 10 Ambulance Complaints 72 Animal Cruelty 14 Animal Protection Unil16 Animal Services, Department of 13-14 Animal Shellers 14 Council Council Council Council Anti Drug Holline 55 Aquarium 69 Aquatics 69 Area Planning Commissions 54 County Government Information Number 9 Cultural Affairs Department 38-39 Convention Center 37 District Maps, Office Information 20-34 Meetings By Telephone 15 Phone 9, 17, 18 Subscriber Service 17 Council Tape Recordings 17 County Board of Supervisors 77 Curbside Coliection 58 o Art Center 38 DASH 72 B Oay Care - Adults 10 Day Care - Children 35 Barking Dog Complaints 14 Bicycle Program 72 Branch Libraries 48-51 Brush Clearance 42 Building And Safety. Department of (LADBS) 14-15 Building Permits (Plumbing, Electrical) 15 Bulky Item Pick-up 58 Dead Animal Pick-up 13 Disability, Department on 39 District Maps, Council 20-34 Burglar Alarms 55 DWP 72-73 C E Cable TV Consumer Complaints 15 Cable TV General Information 15 EARS 10 Dog Parks 61 Dogs 13-14 Domestic Violence 16 EI Pueblo de Los Angeles 40 Elder Abuse Holline 10 Erection Information 17 Electric Trouble 73 Emergency Preparedness Department 41 CabriUo Beach 69 Cabrillo Marine Aquarium 69 Catch Basins 59 Cats 13 Child Abuse 16 Emergency/Disaster Preparedness Information or Speaker 41 Empowerment Zones 52 Enterprise Zones 36 Equestrian Center 69 Ethics Commission 41 City Attorney 16 City Clerk 16-17 City Controller 17 City Council 18-34 Cityride 72 Cityview Ch. 35 (cable) 15 Code Enforcement 44 F 80 Fair Housing and Anti-Predatory Lending 44 Federal Government Information Number 9 Municipal Election Information 17 Fire Department 42 Fire Prevention - General Information 42 Museums (Cultural Affairs 38, Et Pueblo 40, Rec. & Parks 62) Fire Safety Education Programs 42 N Flyaway Service 12 Neighborhood Art Centers 38 G Neighborhood and Business Watch Groups 55 Golf Course Reservations 61-62 Neighborhood Councils 52 Graffiti Removal 60 Neighborhood Empowerment, Department of 52 Griffith Observatory 69 Neighborhood Networks 4 Kids 35 Griffith Park Neighborhood Prosecutor Program 16 69 Nuisance Alley Conversion 60 H Handicapped Placards and Parking Spaces Abuse 71 o Handyworker Program 44 Olvera Street 40 Hansen Dam Recreation Area 64 Online library Catalog 51 Harbor Department 42 Operation Clean Sweep 60 Hazardous Materials Section 42 Ordinances 17 Historical sites 62 p Home Secure program 10 Parking Meter Hotline 72 Housing Authority 43 Par1<ing Violations (citations) 72 Housing Department 44 Parks 69 Human Relations Commission 35 Permits 15 Personnel Department 53 Illegal Dumping 58 Planning Department 53 In Home Care 10 Police & Fire Employment Opportunities 53 Info Now library Service 51 Police Department (LAPDl 55 Information Technology Agency 15 Police Stations (Community & Bureaus) 55-57 Internet Access - library service 51 Police Youth Programs 55 J Property Complaints 15 John Ferraro Council Chamber Port of Los Angeles (Harbor) 42 18 ~ 19 Pothole Repair 72 L Power Lines Down 73 LA Youth at Work 37 Power Outage 73 LAX Flyaway 12 Plumbing Inspector 15 Landlord-Tenant Services 43 Public Counter 47, 54 Library (Los Angeles) Public 48 Public Housing 43 Lost Pets 13 Public Works, Department of 57 Low-Flush Toilets 73 R Lunch For Seniors Program 11 Rebates (utility) 73 M Recreation And Parks Department 60 Mayor 52 Recreational Services 60-71 Metrolink 72 Recreation Area Microchip A Pet 13 Recycling 58 Missed Trash Pick-up 58 Rent Stabilization services 46 Motor Oil Disposal 58 Rent Investigations 46 MTA - Bus And Rail Info 72 Rental Housing Code Compliance 47 Mulcll Distribution 58 Rubbish MuniCipal Buildings 9 81 5 Pick~up 62 ~70 58 SAFE Centers 58·59 Whistieblower Hotline (Campaign Finance) 41 Safe House Community Program 55 Workforce Development 36 Senior Citizen Center 70 y Sen ior Lunch program 11 Youth Council 36 Senior Multipurpose Centers 11·12 Youth Opportunity Movement 37 Sepulveda Basin Recreation Area 70 Youth Program 51 Sewer Service Charge information 73 Sexual Harassment 35 Z Sidewalk Repair 59 Zoning Information 15, 54 Zoo 73 Spaying And Neuterin9 13 State Government Information Number 9 Status of Women, Commission 35 Stop Signs 72 Storm Drain Spilt 59 Stray Animals 13 Street Banners 59 Street Cleaning 59 Street Light Maintenance 59 Street Lighting Repair 59 Street Resurfacing 59 Swimming Pools 69 T Taxi Complaints 72 Tennis Reservations 70 Tlleatre 38, 69 Toll-free Catting to City Hall 8 Towed Vehicles 55 Transportation, Department of 71 Trash Pickup 58 Trees Under Power Lines - Trimm ing 72 U Union Station Flyaway 12 Used Motor 011 Disposal 58 Utility rebate information 73 v Vaccinate A Pet 13 Van Nuys Flyaway 12 Vehicles Abandoned 72 Victim·Witness Assistance 16 Volunteer Bureau 52 Volunteer Program 41 , 51 Voler Registration Information 17 w Water & Power. Dept. of 72 Water Quality 73 Water Trouble 73 Wedding Site Reservations 71 B2 Council District 8 - Bernard Parks Los Angeles City Hall, Room 460 Crenshaw Constituent Service Center (2 13) 473-7008 (323) 293-9467 (213) 485-7616 Council District 1 - Ed Reyes Council District 9 - Jan Perry Los Angeles City Hall, Room 410 Lincoln Heights Los Angeles City Hall, Room 420 Los Angeles (213) 473-700 1 (213) 485-0763 (2 13) 473-7009 (323) 846-265 1 Council District 2 - Paul Krekorian Council District 10- Herb J. Wesson, Jr. Los Angeles City Hall, Room 425 North Hollywood Sunland-Tuj unga Los Angeles City Hall, Room 430 Los Angeles (213) 473-7002 (8 18) 755-7676 (818) 352-3287 (2 13) 473-70 10 (323) 733-8233 Council District 3 - Dennis P. Zine Council District 11 - Bill Rosendahl Los Angeles City Hall, Room 450 Reseda Los Angeles City Hall, Room 415 Westchester Weat LA (2 13) 473-7003 (818) 756-8848 (213) 473-70 11 (3 10) 568-8772 (3 10) 575-846 1 Council District 4 - Tom LaBonge Council District 12 - Greig Smith Los Angeles City Hall, Room 480 Valley Los Angeles City Hall, Room 405 Chatsworth Northridge (323) 485-3337 (818) 755-7630 (213) 473-7012 (8 18) 70 1-5253 (8 18) 756-8501 Council District 5 - Paul Koretz Council District 13 - Eric Garcetti Los Angeles City Hall, Room 440 West Los Angeles Valley Los Angeles City Hall, Room 475 Hollywood Glassell Park (213) 473-7005 (310) 289-0353 (818) 756-8083 (213) 473-701 3 (323) 957-45oo (323) 478-9002 Council District 6 - Tony Cardenas Council District 14 - Jose Huizar Los Angeles City Hall, Room 455 Van Nuys Sun Valley Los Angeles City Hall, Room 465 Boyle Heights EI Sereno Eagle Rock/Highland Park (2 13) 473-7006 (8 18) 778-4999 (8 18) 771 -0236 (213) 473-7014 (323) 526-3059 (323) 226-1646 (323) 254-5295 Council District 7 - Richard Alarcon Council District 15 - Janice Hahn Los Angeles City Hall, Room 470 Pacoima Sylmar Los Angeles City Hall, Room 435 San Pedro Watts Wilmington (213) 473-7007 (8 18) 756-91 15 (8 18) 756-8409 (213) 473-701 5 (310) 732-4515 (213) 473-5128 (310) 233-7201 l. 2 C l..,; >fU IF. EI Pueblo de Los Angeles Historical Monument "' <JJ (J Z « <Jl o ,..J The Birthplace of Los Angeles and Home of the WorldFamous Olvera Street EI Pueblo de Los Angeles Historical Monument traces the history of the city from its origins as a small agricultural community founded by44 settlers from New Spain (presentday Mexico) to its growth as a modern metropolis. The 4~acre site includes 27 historic buildings, four of which have been converted into muserums. The Monument also hosts a variety of cultural events during the year, such as Dia de los Muertos and the Lantern Festival,as well as art and historical exhibitions. EI Pueb lo exist s as a living t estament to the diver- sity of l os Angeles. highlighting the earliest communities that contributed to the city's development. >co o<JJ o > oor: 0- >- or: of- ~ or: For more information visit: o