Recommendation to investigate the legality of Airbnb and
Recommendation to investigate the legality of Airbnb and
Item5.a.(f) Rent StabilizationBoard Date: February 23,2015 To: BoardCommissioners RentStabilization From: JesseTownley, Chair Commissioner Vice-Chair Alejandro Soto-Vigil, Commissioner AsaDodsworlh Commissioner Commissioner JamesChang Subject: RentControlled Units Investigate the legalityof AirbnbandTraditional Recommendation: The Boardrequeststhe Rent Boardlegalstaffto investigatewhethercurrentand futurerent websiteviolateBerkeleyMunicipalCode 13.76and controlledunitsmarketedon the regulations. subsequent Jurisdictional Statement: on this matterbecausein June of 1980Berkeleyresidents The RentBoardhasjurisdiction and passedthe City'scomprehensiverent stabilization law, knownas the Rent Stabilization Evictionfor GoodCauseOrdinance.(BerkeleyMunicipalCode Chapter13.76.)The Ordinance regulatesmost residentialrents in Berkeley,providestenantswith increasedprotectionagainst unwarrantedevictionsand is intendedto maintainaffordablehousingand preservecommunity diversity. Backqround: ln 2008,Air Bed and Breakfast(Airbnb)was createdto offer"short-termlivingquarters, breakfastand a uniquebusinessnetworkingoppodunityfor attendeeswho were unableto book "expandedfrom air bedsand shared In 2009, a hotelin the saturatedmarket."1 spacesto a varietyof propertiesincludingentirehomesand apartments,private"2 to allowfor internetrentals. 1 ia.orq/wiki/Airbn b wikipedia see http://en.wikiped ' l d . p g .1 2125Milvia Street,Berkeley,California94704 (981-RENT)¡ TDD: (510)981-6903¡ FAX: (510)981-4940 TEL: (510)981-7368 E-MAIL: Severaltenantshaveindicated thattraditional rentcontrolled unitshavebeenplacedon the website. The mostrecentnoticecamefromDanielandYenliMoorewhowrotea letterto Commissioners Dodsworth indicating andSoto-Vigil thatthe landlord at 3100College Avenuehavelistedandrentedseveralrentcontrolled unitson the website. Berkeley Municipal Code23C.060.020 and23C.060.030 requires thatbedandbreakfast businesses comport to a varietyof regulations including: ownersmustlivein thebuilding and payalltransient license 2014, occupant andbusiness tax.OnApril29, Berkeley City KrissWorthington sponsored a council itemthat"Referto the CityManager Councilmember Tax,as creation of a policyfor companies suchas Airbnbto paytheTransient Occupancy paidby othersmalllocalbusinesses." currently Thisitempassedunanimously bythe Berkeley CityCouncil. To date,theCityhasnotproduced an analysis on thisitem. The RentBoardis awarethatthe rentalhousingstockin Berkeley hasskyrocketed. lf it is true websitereduces thenumberof rentalunitsavailable to tenants, thenrents willcontinueto riseat an is imperative for the RentBoardto investigate how effects tenanthousino. TheRentBoardhasa dutyandobligation whetheror notthetraditional to reviewanddetermine rentcontrolled unitsareadversely affectedby shorttermrentalsunderservicesprovided by Further, theRentBoardlegalstaffmustdetermine whether traditional rent (BMC units listed on website violate the Rent controlled the Stabilization Ordinace 13.76)anditsprogeny regulations. Conclusion: TheRentBoardmustrequestthe RentBoardlegalstaffto determine whetherthe currentand futurerentcontrolled unitsmarketed on websiteviolateBerkeley Municipal regulations. Code13.76andsubsequent Attachments: 1. 2. 3. 4. Wikipedia websitehttp://en.wi kipedia. ki/Airbn oro/wi b LetterfromDanielandYenliMoore Margaret Phillips Airbnbprofilepage 9 rentalunitsby JackandMargaret Phillips in Berkeley 2125Milv ia Street,Berkeley,Califor nia 94704 (981-RENT)¡ TDD: (510)981-6903o FAX: (sl0) 981-4940 TEL: (510)981-7368 ¡IINTERNET: E-MAIL: Airbnb - Wikipedia,the free encyclopedia P a g eI o f 2 1 Airbnb FrornWikipedia, thefreeencyclopedia Airbnb is a websitefor peopleto rent out lodging.ill It hasover 800,000listingsin 33,000citiesand 192 poun¿"¿in August2008 and countries.[2Jtlì _êIgr headquartered in SanFrancisco,California,the companyis privately owned and operatedby Airbnb, ÑmNwNNruW Inc.[a] Type Usersof the site must registerand createa personal online profile beforeusing the site. Every propertyis associatedwith a host whoseprofile includes recommendations by other users,reviewsby previous guests,as well as a responserating and private Industry Socialnetworkingservice Founded 2008 California,U.S. Headquarters SanFrancisco, Key people BrianChesky,CEO JoeGebbia,CPO NathanBlecharczyk,CTO Website ( messaging system.[5] As of July 2011,the companyhad raised$119.8 million in venturefunding from Y Combinator, GreylockPartners,SequoiaCapital,Andreessen Private Horowitz, DST Global Solutions,GeneralCatalystPartners[6] and undisclosedamountsfrom YouniversityVentures'partners,JawedKarim, Keith Rabois,and Kevin Hartz,[1]and from A Grade Investments'partners,Ashton Kutcher and Guy Oseary. In April 2074,the companyclosedon an investmentof $450 million by TPG Capitalat a valuationof approximately $10 billion.tsl ¡Contents I i l I History r 1.1Internationalexpansion 2 Company t 2.7 Locationand revenue t 2.2 Growth T 3 Mergersand acquisitions t 4 Businessmodel and disruption r 5 Operation r 5.1 Signupand reservations t 5.2Mobile http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Airbnb 2/r8/2015 Airbnb - Wikipedia,the free encyclopedia Page2 of21 r 5.3 Security t 5.4 Wish lists r 5.5Neighborhoods r 6lmpact r 6.1 Criticalreception t 6.2 Cultural impact r 7 Criticism and controversies t 7.1Useof spam t 7.2lncidents and renters'security t 7.3 Financial,tax, and legalliabilities t 7.4 Privacy and terms of use t 7.5 Etiquette t 7.6 CustomerService r 8 Partiallist of competitors r 9 Seealso r l0 References r llExternallinks History Shortlyaftermoving to SanFranciscoin October2007,Brian Cheskyand Joe Gebbiacreatedthe initial conceptfor AirBed & Breakfastduring the IndustrialDesignConferenceheld by IndustrialDesigners Societyof America.telThe original site offeredshort-termliving quarters,breakfastand aunique businessnetworkingopportunityfor attendeeswho were unableto book a hotel in the saturatedmarket. ll 0l At the time, roommatesCheskyand Gebbiacould not afford the rent for their loft in SanFrancisco. and They madetheir living room into a bed and breakfast,accommodatingthree guestson air mattresses I ll t providinghomemadebreakfast. In February2008, Harvardgraduateand technicalarchitectNathanBlecharczykjoined as the third cofounderof AirBed & Breakfast.tl2lDuring the company'sinitial stages,the foundersfocusedon highprofile eventswherealternativelodging was scarce.tt3l The site officially launchedon Ausust 11. 2008.tr41 2^8t20ts Airbnb - Wikipedia,the free encyclopedra Page3of21 To help fund the site,the founderscreatedspecialedition breakfastcereals,with presidentialcandidates BarackObamaandJohnMcCain as the inspirationfor "ObamaO's" and "Cap'n McCains".[15] In two months,800 boxesof cerealwere sold at $40 each,which generatedmore than $30,000for the company'sincubationtl6land attractedY Combinator'sPaul Graham.tlTl After its inauguration,the site expandedto include propertiesin the market betweenhotels and CouchSurfing.ttsl In January2009,Y Combinatorinvited Chesky,Gebbiaand Blecharczyktojoin the incubator'swinter sessionfor threemonthsof training.t'nlV/ith the websitealreadybuilt, they usedthe They $20,000Y-Combinatorinvestmentto fly to New York to meet usersand promotethe site.t20l 'West returnedto SanFranciscowith a prof,rtablebusinessmodelto presentto Coastinvestors. was shortenedto,and the site's content In March 2009,the had expandedfrom air bedsand sharedspacesto a variety of propertiesincluding entirehomesand apartments,privaterooms,castles,boats,manors,treehouses,tipis, igloos, private islandsand other properties.t2ll One year later,therewere 15 peopleworking from Cheskyand Gebbia'sloft apartmenton Rausch Streetin SanFrancisco.To make room for employees,Brian Cheskygaveup his bedroomand lived through the Airbnb serviceuntil the companymoved into its first office spacs.[22ì The companycontinuedto experiencerapid growth throughthe year and in November2010 raised$7.2 million in SeriesA funding from Greylock Partnersand SequoiaCapital,and announcedthat out of 700,000nightsbooked,80% had occurredin the pastsix months.[23] On May 25,2011, actor and partnerat A-Grade Investments,Ashton Kutcher,announceda signifrcant investmentin the companyand his role as a strategicbrandadvisorfor the company.[24] In July 2014,Airbnb revealeddesignrevisionsto their site and mobile app, and introduceda new logo. ["] Sont" consideredthe new icon to be visually similar to genitalia,[26] but a consumersurveyby Survatashowedonly a minority of respondentsthoughtthis was the case.[27] Internationalexpansion In May 2011,Airbnb acquireda Germancompetitor,Accoleo.This acquisitionlaunchedthe first internationalAirbnb office in Hamburg.['8]Then, in October20lI,Airbnb establishedits second internationaloffice in London.t2el Given the growth of internationalusers,Airbnb opened6 additionalintemationaloffices in early 2012. Moscow, and SãoPaulo.t30l Theseare in Thesecities includeParis,Milan, Barcelona,Copenhagen, additionto existingoffices in SanFrancisco,London,Hamburg,and Berlin whereAirbnb maintainsits Airbnb announcedin internationalpresencefor the EMEA marketswithin a Germanincubatorspace.[31] September2013 thatits Europeanheadquarterswould be locatedin Dublin.t32l 2t18/20r5 Airbnb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Page4 of27 At the beginningof November2012, Cheskyannouncedhis focus on Australia,the secondlargest Airbnb marketbehind the United States,as well as Thailandand Indonesia.To supportthis effort, Airbnb openedits l lth office in Sydney.t'31 Th" Australianconsumeraccountsfor one-tenthof the Airbnb userbase.[34] Weeksafter announcingthe focus on Australia,Airbnb announcedits strategyto move more aggressivelyinto the Asian marketwith the launchof their newestheadquarters in Singapore.The company'sgoal is to acquirean additional2 million propertieswithin the continent.t35l Company Locationand revenue The Airbnb founding team actsas the key managerialstaff for Airbnb: Brian Chesky,Co-Founderand Chief ExecutiveOff,rcer;Joe Gebbia,Co-Founderand Chief ProductOfficer; and NathanBlecharczyk, Co-Founderand Chief TechnicalOfficer.t36l Airbnb hasits twelve offices in Barcelona(Spain),Berlin (Germany),Copenhagen(Denmark),Dublin (Ireland),London (UK), Milan, (Italy), Moscow (Russia),Paris(France),SanFrancisco(US), SãoPaulo (Brazil), Singapore,and Sydney(Australia¡.t:zJ Airbnb's primary sourceof revenuecomesfrom servicefeesfrom bookings.t3slFees rangebetween60lo and I2o/odependingon the price of the booking.Airbnb also chargesthe host 3o/ofrom eachguest booking for credit card processing.t3el In March 2014,the companyannouncedplansto opena new "operationalheadquarters"for North America in Portland,Oregon,in summer2014,but indicatedthat its main North Americanheadquarters would remainin San Francisco.[a0] Growth In February2011,Airbnb announcedits 1 millionth bookingsinceits inceptionin Augus1296g.t+tlt+zì Then, in January2072, Airbnb announcedits 5 millionth night bookedinternationallythroughthe service.[43] Of thesebookings,75o/oof thebusinesscamefrom marketsoutsideof the continentalUnited States.In June2072,the companyannounced10 million nights booked,doubling businessin 5 months. [441 By October2013,Airbnb had servednine million guestssinceits foundingin August2008.ta51 In December2013,the companyreportedit had over six million new guestsin20I3, and nearly250,000 propertieswere added in2013.ta6l Mergers and acquisitions http:II en.wikipedia. orglwiki/Airbnb 2l18l20r5 Airbnb - Wikinedia.the free encvclooedia P a g e5 o f 2 l Sincemid-2011, Airbnb has acquiredseveralof its competitors.The first of which was Accoleo based out of Hamburg.This becamethe company'sfirst intemationaloffice.taTl Prior to the 2012 SummerOlympics, Airbnb acquiredLondon-basedrival CrashPadder, subsequently addingsix thousandinternationallistingsto its existinginventory.tosl This acquisitionmadeAirbnb the Iargestpeer-to-peeraccommodationswebsitein the United Kingdom.laeJ Airbnb acquiredNabeWise,a city guide that aggregates curatedinformationfor specifiedlocations,in November2012.ts0) This acquisitionshiftedthe companyfocus toward offering hyperlocal l] recommendations to travelers.[5 In December 2072,Airbnb announcedthe acquisitionof Localmind.t52l Localmind is a location-based questionand answerplatform that allows usersto post questionsabout specificlocationsonline.These questionsare then answeredin real-timeby expertson the specifiedterritories.ts3l Businessmodeland disruption Airbnb runs on a marketplaceplatform model whereit connectshostsand travelersand enables transactionswithout owning any rooms itself.t5alSuchplatformsdisrupttraditionalindustriesby creating new sourcesof supply and relying on curationfor developingquality.tttl Unlik. traditionalhotels, Airbnb scalesnot by scalinginventorybut by increasingthe hostsand travelersand matchingthem with eachother.ts6l Operation Airbnb is an online marketplacefor vacationrentalsthat connectsuserswith propertyto rent with users looking to rent the space.Usersare categorizedas "Hosts" and "Guests;" both of which must register with Airbnb using a variety of means.A valid email addressand valid telephonewere initially the only requirementsto build a unique userprofile on the website,howeveras of April 2013,a scanof a governmentissuedID is now required.[s7] Profilesincludedetailssuchas userreviews and sharedsocialconnectionsto build a reputationand trust amongusersof the marketplace.ttsl Other elementsof the Airbnb profile include userrecommendations and a privatemessagingsystem.t5el In additionto providing personalinformation,hostsdisplaylisting detailsincluding price, amenities, houserules,imagery,and detailedinformationabouttheir neighborhood.Due to the natureof the business,a merit systemis in placeto allow guestsand hoststo leavereferencesand ratingswhich are displayedto the public in order to provide an evaluationmethod.t60l Since2008,the websitehas developedto include socialconnectionspulling data from socialnetworking servicessuchas Facebook.As of May 2011,the site uncoveredover 300 million connectionsbetween Airbnb and the Facebookuser groups.[61] http:II en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Airbnb 211812015 Airbnb - Wikipedia,the free encyclopedia Page6 of21 Signup and reservations It is free to createa listing using Airbnb. Usersfill out form with initial details.Changescan be madeat a later date.The listing will not go live until the useris readyto publish.Pricing can be determinedby the user.User can chargedifferent prices for nightly, weekly, and monthly staysas well as seasonal pricing. Userscan usethe Titles and Descriptionssectionto advertisetheir space.They can outline houserules or other descriptionsregardingthe residence.Airbnb allows usersto publish up to 24 photographsof the place.Airbnb, on a limited basis,is offering free professionalphotographyin most of Profile is a place wherethe guestscan researchmore aboutthe users.This sectionis the listed areas.[6t] often usedfor usersto display who they are as well as their philosophieson hosting.t63l Guestsare requiredto messagethe user directly throughAirbnb to ask questionsregardingthe property. Usershave 100%control over who books their place.When a potentialguestputs in a reservation request,the host has at least24 hoursto acceptor declinethe request.[63] After the useracceptsa reservation,they can coordinatemeetingtimes and contactinformationwith guests.After the reservationis complete,usersare encouragedto leavea review. Reviewshelp build validity and referencesboth for the guestsand the host.t63l Mobile In additionto the Airbnb website,the companyoffers mobile applicationsfor iOS and Android customers.As of September2012,usershad downloadedthe mobile applicationover 1 million times which accountsfor over 260/oof the company'soveralltraffic.t6al Throughthe mobile channelusershave all functionalityof the websitewhich includesprivatemessaging The applicationalso allows usersto f,rnd making communicationthreetimes fasterbetweenusers.[6t] listingsbasedon what is availableusinggeolocation. In December2012,Apple honoredAirbnb with the Editor'sChoiceaward for the Best Mobile Airbnb was also awardedMost Disruptive Serviceof 20I2.t671 Application of 2012in the UK market.t66l addingthe ability for In November 2073Airbnb launchednew versionsof its iOS and Android apps,[68] guest messages. hoststo communicatewith guestsand responddirectly to Security reviews,and ratingsto build credibleonline reputations Airbnb userprofiles containrecommendations, within the platform.Additionally, the site providesa privatemessagingsystemas a channelfor usersto Hostsare neverrequiredto messageone anotherprivately beforebooking and acceptingreservations.t6el After the guesthas checkedout, the partiesreview one anotherto build website accepta reservation.ttOl like eBay. credibilitysimilarto onlinemarketplaces org/wiki/Airbnb http://en.wikipedia. 2l18l20t5 Airbnb - Wikipedia,the free encyclopedia PageTof21 Airbnb facilitatesonline paymentsfrom guestto host throughits SecurityPaymentsfeaturewhich processespaymenttransactions24 hoursafter checkin.tTllThis protocol offers a guaranteefor guests and helps to uphold host cancellationspolicies beforeprocessingpayments.Additionally, the Airbnb websitefacilitatessecuritydepositsand cleaningfees,the former of which is held until the propertyis vacated.The company'srevenuecomesfrom a 6%oto 12o/ocommissionof the guestpaymentand 3Yoof what the host receiv.r.[t'] Any Airbnb host can now requiretheir prospectivegueststo obtainVerified IDs beforebooking. Initially trust was tit-for-tat so any host who requeststhis conditionmust also get verified. Howeverthis hasbeenchangedsuchthat all guestsmust have a verified ID beforebooking.tT3l Wish lists In June2012, Airbnb launcheda wish list featureoffering usersthe ability to createa curatedcatalogof desiredlisting they would like to visit.tTalCo-Founderand Chief ProductOfficer, Joe Gebbiaand his team conceivedthe idea of changingthe websitefrom an online marketplaceto a sourcefor aspiration. Userscan curatetheir favorite destinationsinto organizedlists and sharethesewith otherusers.[tt]Since the launchof the Wish List functionality in June2012,engagementwith the Airbnb websiteincreased by 30%.45o/oof usersengagewith Wish Lists and had addedover 1 million accommodations to personalizedlists.t76l In creatingWish Lists, the product team designeda proprietary"info scrolling system"which allows usersto engagewith theselists without the websiteslowing down the userexperience.Additionally, Airbnb open sourcedthe code,Infinity.js to the softwaredevelopercommunity.tTTl Neighborhoods In November 2012,Airbnb launchedthe Neighborhoodsproduct.[78] This travel guide helpstravelers chooseto the ideal neighborhoodmatchbasedon a seriesof collaborativefilters and attributessuchas GreatTransit,Dining, Peace& Quiet, Nightlife, Touristy, and Shopping.tTel Currently,the Neighborhoodsproductis enabledfor SanFrancisco,New York, London, Paris,Berlin, Washington, D.C., and Rio de Janeirogiving in-depthinformationfor selectedneighborhoodsin thesecities through photos,essays,maps,tagsfrom locals,and assessments of public transportation.tsOl The Airbnb productteamhand-mapped300 neighborhoodswithin thesesevencities and had local editorscuratecontentfor eachneighborhood.Airbnb also added70 streetphotographerswho generated for the project.tsrl 40,000photographs Impact Critical reception The foundersof Airbnb havebeenpraisedfor tenacityand creativityby Paul Graham(co-founderof Y- http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Airbnb 2/18t20r5 Airbnb - Wikipedia,the free encyclopedia P a g e8 o f 2 1 Combinator,Airbnb's incubator)t821 and The Walt StreetJournal.Í831 Airbnb hasbeencomparedto Craigslist,HomeAway,Flip Key, WorldEscape,Uproost,and Groupon, Airbnb won the "breakoutapp" awardat the 2011 other sitesthat offer spur-of-the-momentrentals.l8a] Southby Southwestconferen...[tt] Along with Quoraand Dropbox, TheNew York Timeslisted Airbnb Following Airbnb, other servicessuchas amongthe next generationof multibillion dollar start-ups.[86] Getaround,Vayable,Guidehop,myTaskAngeland Task Rabbit launchedwith a similar model.tsTl New York's statelegislaturepasseda law in July 2010 making it illegal to rent out ClassA residential spacefor lessthan 30 days.However,the bill's sponsor,StateSenatorLiz Krueger saidAirbnb and its In Quebec,the governmenthasspecificallytargetedindividuals competitorsare not the law's target.tssl rentingout their homesand apartmentsthroughAirbnb.tsel Cultural impact In July 2010,the companyreceivedmore than 300 emails from peoplewho were on the brink of losing their homesthroughforeclosuredue to financialhardshipfrom the economicrecession;thesepeople Non saidthat they dependedon their continuedability to subletroomsin their residences.le0l homeowningusersalso frequentlysublettheir homesto rentersfor prolongedperiods- often a breachof tenancy.[el]Yet a July 2014 ruling nixed a landlord'seviction plansafter his New York City tenant sublether unit throughAirbnb. The judge found that local laws prohibiting short-termsubletsonly apply to landlords,potentiallyopeningthe doorsto many more subletsthrough Airbnb in the coming months and years.Thoughthis ruling setsa pro-subletprecedent,landlordswho ask tenantsto stoptheir practiceswill still expectcompliance.te2l Airbnb is als6 appealingto luxury homeowners.While most wealthy homeownerswould havenever consideredrenting out their propertiesover traditionalbulletin boards,classifiedads,or Internetsites like Craigslist,Airbnb offers a much more reliableservicefor affluent usersto earnrevenuefrom their This phenomenonhas causedmuch discoursefor the American Hotel & Lodging secondhomes.[e3] Associationas short-termprivate rentalscontinueto disrupt the hospitalityindustry.teal In November2012,Airbnb commissionedHR&A Advisors to conducta study which measuredthe marketimpactof collaborativeconsumptionby userswithin urbanpopulations.Specifically,the study The study found that measuredthe impact thesecompanieshad on the economyof SanFrancisco.les] from April 2011 to }i4ay2012,guestsand hostsutilizing the servicecontributed$56 million in spending Over 90% of within the SanFranciscoeconomy,$43.1million of which supportedlocal busin"sses.[e6] hostssurveyedrentedtheir primary residencesto visitors on an occasionalbasis,and spentnearly half the incomethey make on living expenses.The study also found the averagegueststaywas 5.5 days, comparedto 3.5 daysfor hotel guests,and the averageguestspent$1,045during their stay,comparedto the $840spentby hotel guests.teTl 2n8t2015 Airbnb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedta Page9 of21 In the aftermathof HurricaneSandy,Airbnb partneredwith New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg Airbnb built a micrositefor this effort alone to offer fi'eehousingfor personsdisplacedby the storm.[e8] Additionally, Airbnb wherevictims registerfor housingand meetpropertyownerswith free housing.teel waivedall servicefeesassociatedwith theselistinss while maintaininethe Host Guaranteefor all propertieslisted.tIool Criticism and controversies Usc of spam In June2011,bloggerand competitorDave Goodenclaimedthat questionablesalespracticesincluding sendingmass,automatedemails to propertyownerson Craigslistled to Airbnb's successas an Internet startupcompany.t'0llThis user acquisitiontactic was usedalong with severalotherswhen building the companybusinessin2009. However, the companyfound the practicelargely ineffective.tr02l lncidentsand rentersfsecurity In July 2011,therewere first reportsfrom a host, "EJ", who had her apartmentburglarizedand Aft". 14 hoursof no response,Airbnb initially indicatedthat they vandalizedby an Airbnb guest.tr03l[t0o] Th.y laterreversedthis decisionamidst would not compensate the host for damages.t'03ltlOslll06l[l0t] public backlash.tl03l After three days of helping the victim, sheclaimsAirbnb encouragedher to remove her cornplaintnoting the "potentially negativeimpact" it could have on the company,and stopped po11o*ingthe incident,more hostscameforward expressing contactingher completely.tl03Ìtlo0ltt07J similar experiences,including a man whosehomehad beenrentedthrough Airbnb to a meth addictwho later stolethe host'sbirth certificate,went through "everythinghe owned," and causedthousandsof He expressedsimilar dissatisfactionwith Airbnb's responseto the situation. dollarsin damage.[107][108] lrOsllrOel Airbnb recommendshostsobtain insurancewhich coversdamagescausedby guests.tll0lAirbnb offers calling it a hostguarantee.[lll] secondaryinsurance, In responseto the propertydamagesclaims,Airbnb launchedits "The Airbnb Host Guarantee"property protectionprogramin August 2011 which coveredpropertyloss or damagedue to vandalismand theft the companyinitiateda24-hourcustomerservicehotline, for up to $50,000.tll2lAdditionally, establisheda taskforceto review suspiciousactivity, and implementeda suite of securityfeatures.['13] In2012, two prostitutesrentedan apartmentwhich the police raided.tlral In March 2014,comedianand entrepreneur,Ari Teman,leasedhis New York apartment.Under the guiseof using the spacefor relatives,it was rentedfor the purposesof an orgy. Teman saidthat $87,000 in damageswere causedand that the building is consideringhis eviction.The guestshad referencesand I5] verifiedtheir account.Il http:II 2il8t2015 Airbnb - Wikipedia,the free encyclopedia P a g e1 0 o f 2 1 In New York, a numberof cooperativesand condominiumsnow scanAirBnb seekingto determineif any apartmentsin their buildings are listed for rent.Irl6] Financialotax, and legalliabilities In January2013,Airbnb userNigel Warren facedthe prospectof paying fines to New York City for renting his room on Airbnb. The casewas madethat certainlanguagein New York's administrativecode allowed temporaryrentersto lawfully stay for periodsunder30 days.On 20 May 2013 a New York City administrativelaw judge, Clive Morrick, disagreedwith this interpretationciting Mr. Warrena $2,400 fine.[ll7]This new ruling doesnot makeusingthe service"illegal",as long as staysare for more than29 tal days.If not, usersdo standthe chanceof facing fines per New York In January2014 the FederalCourt of Germanyruled that a transferof residenceto touristsis not covered by a permissionto sublet.In this casethe tenantwas previouslywarnedby the landlords.A pendingnew casecentersaroundthe questionif even a terminationwithout notice is possibleif no explicit permission from the landlordis obtained.tllel by Airbnb itself,in fiscal year20ll-2072, Airbnb shouldhave Accordingto a studycommissioned collectedandremitted$ 1.9million to the City of SanFrancisco,but they haveyet to do so as of 2014. lr20l whetheryou rent or own your In SanFrancisco,Airbnb hostingis illegal undermost circumstances property.Airbnb hostshave beenfined by the city and receivedeviction noticesfrom landlords.I12l] Airbnb hostingis also illegal in New York City undermany circumstances.[122] Privacy and terms of use is perceived The new identity verification system"Verified ID" (initially announcedin April 20131123\ Jt requiresthree layersof by customersas excessivelyintrusiveand "creepy."[124)Ít2slu26][r27]tl28l customeridentification:telephone,photo of ID (suchas passportor driver'slicense),and verificationof Facebook,Linkedin or Google* account.It is impossibleto usethe systemif one of thesedatais not provided. New userswho do not have a suitablesocialmediaaccountor one that Airbnb considerunacceptable (suchas a Facebookaccountwith fewer than 100 friends)are requiredto submit a webcamvideo recordingof themselvesto Airbnb as an alternativeform of i¿. ttzelttr0ì Linguist Mark Libermanhas criticizedthe extremelengthof the legal agreementsthat Airbnb members are requiredto accept,with the site'sterms of service,privacy policy and other policies amountingto "55081words,or aboutthe size of a shortnovel, thoughmuch lessreadable",requiring severalhoursof readingtime.tl3ll org/wiki/Airbnb http://en.wikipedia. 2t18/2015 Airbnb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Page1I ofZl Despitehaving no explicit ban on hostsfilming guests,Airbnb updatedits terms of use in November 2014to requirehoststo fully disclosethe useto surveillanceequipmentand securitycamerasto guests. [132] Previously,no suchdisclosurewas requirs¿.tI33ì Etiquette The etiquetteof Airbnb hostshas also come under criticism, citing unreasonablecheckoutduties,long wait times for hosts' keys and unkemptrentalproperties.[l3a] CustomerService Airbnb scoresbad on TrustPilotwith a scoreof 2.9 out of 10tl3slandhasover 130complaintslistedon PissedConsu.".."o*.[''u] Partial list of competitors r 9flats r Alterkeys ¡ BeWelcome r CouchSurfing r Flat-Club r HomeAway r Hospitality Club r Hospitalityservice r HouseTrip r PasportaServo r Roomorama r ServasOpen Doors r r Travelmob r Tripping r VacationRentalsBy Owner r Wimdu Seealso r Online platforms for collaborativeconsumption 2t18t201s D a n i eal n dY e n lM i oore 3100College ave.#6 Berkeley, CA94705 To the membersof the CityCouncil: apartment I'mwritingto requestyourattentionto the growingthreatfrom Airbnbandothershort-term rental market in Berkeley. rentalbusinesses to the My wife and I havelivedin Berkeleyfor elevenyearsin the samebuilding.Our landlords, Jackand MargaretPhillips, Services, currentlyhavenine Airbnblistingsamongseveral dba Trust Management Asof today,threeof the twelveunitsin our buildingarebeing apartment buildings theyown in Berkeley. offeredas Airbnbrentals.Thesewere oncerent-controlled apartments and are no longeravailable to thoseseeking long-term tenancy. Citiessuchas NewYorkandSanFrancisco haverecognized the seriousthreatthat the lossof apartment rentalhousingto rentalsposeand haveenactedstrictnew lawsto ensurethe availability of affordable theirresidents. Avenuewas builtin 1920and I wishto adda morepersonalpointas well.Our buildingat 3L00College has very poor sound has been professionally tested and found not to meet modern standards. Onlywhen all our building's occupants are awareof the challenges of livingquietlytogether canit remaina placeof quietenjoyment, to whichwe areall entitled. Airbnbhasreplacedour quiet environment with noise,anxietyand the nuisance of a steadyflow of who haveno investment in livinghere.Thelandlordhassetthe minimumstayon Airbnbunits transients to onlythreedays.Thatmeansthat in aslittleaseverythreedayswe couldbe facedwith the impactfrom yet anothernewsetof transients with no stakein our homeenvironment. The introduction of Airbnbto the buildinghasturnedthe home of a quiet and respectfulgroupof -professionalswith the knowledgeand understanding of what it takesto live comfortably with each other-- into an unpredictable, sometimes chaotic"anythinggoes"environment. As lwrite, there is a familyof fivefloppingin the one-bedroom unitaboveus,andit'sbeen,an unpleasant experience, to put it kindly.Theseintolerable newconditions aredrivingusout of the apartmentwe'veenjoyedfor so many years.We are lookingfor a new placeto live,but that'sgettinghardereverydaydueto the incentive of guests,but if we'resuccessful, rakingin muchhigherprofitsvia suchshort-term it will leaveone more vacantapartment to be filledwith high-paying vagabonds. The Berkeley Department of Planning & Development hasinformedus that underBerkeley Municipal CodeSection 23C.06.O2O and23C.06.030, whatour landlordis doingis illegal. P l e a sceo n s i d e r t hdea m a g e t h i sp o p u l a r t r e nidsd o i n g t oB e r k e l e yp' sr e s e nat n df u t u r er e s i d e n tasn di t s shrinking rentalmarketand adoptand enforcerestrictive measures suchas havebeenimposedby the citiesof 5anFrancisco and NewYorkto reduceor eliminate thissignificant andgrowingthreat. Sihcerely, i oore D a n i eal n dY e n lM ffin 5Êâri¡ rlii¡r Gtr)çti.j Ë¡ ¿$ u*rhnb l.J!.a:rÊ éiÈ yoù Sili UF 4lol_,-.t s LDg !ñ tlelp H*yoI'm Margaretl Sån Cárlos. CI + Californla, United Stâtês . Member sirìce Augüs: 2013 Borñ irì :nglaÊd, ùcv! llv¡tìgìn CEliforniÈfor mañ't yea¡Ð. Tvro {i} gradunte degrees frúm iJC Eerkeley. Frequew lravel - l¡red rí chain hôîels. I håÌÊ beeÐ ån A¡rhih g{Áesl in thÈ lls erri sê,!,eíalcll€r ccullries ånd have àtÞreci3led the erperieÐce oi âi6y¡ng ;n a reFl â9mÉ, ô pls!ìÊ'iJith vJårñ1thêrd Êhãrñcle¡, iã ðn inlårestinU r"¡elkabìe ìe¡qhhorhood, ThâÌ's \abet my co'hðsr (mt, hushand Jâck) Énd I Õfip,f ydtr, fôr, in BÊ.kgiÊry - ã vil)ráot iÕ'¡r'n vJilh ên :ôlertrat¡oÐaliy r;nowned uÐìversitt, distirìcii\.e :rclriteqt$Íe, irrevñiive resl¡urêsts. sÈríèur cofies hsrsçs. bookstores, Farks, musÐurìlsr thêatÐr, a lively nusìc scena * and carvsÌrîenlly clcsp lc Sar Fra¡cÍscc, Verified ¡P ffi ;;'i; :,;:,i iV, EmêllAdd.ess Review5 Vi)fìi1È(l Revlewsrsl îeview.:d \"r ./-;., ¡tj iì¡::ri.:,;;l Revlews From Guests iltflÌrìE ìO i , a r ' s a t Ì ai : ' l W Greêt st¡rdio spåc,e. ñot â1 âlÌ sniâll-iÊÉ¡1Ð9, âîd rc,ally nifrel./ T[r!ì:shÊd: I .¡¡ã5 the tirst qüesi to eler stãy herÉ énd I hrdi't e-vë* reeÐ pholDs bËfsie I bookedihoug¡ I'm reùlv glõ,:lI did. ThËrË $ere issres with 119 \.ñìÊr hÊater tiìrt rÊs$ltÉd îr,.colal shg'ô.,¿fs far a Terv dê).s, nilt MFrGârpl ,About Me School l:e:r:r+ary 2'i15 tJC Berkeley jì uiiiè ^ Lè Work l'lt.i fì'i"r llü\lùçC ijlì;dìq Freclaåce À,1srEèrai'shouse was thè kêy to my sùccesstul lr:p'ie Eerkål€ylli On thè i.( al lie( I åfl'Jq¿ !p goìng to tiìê ËR, sÌlir ÇoilsequeilGsu lhíìL I aru slilì lõr:ìr:9,yel. îll 1liß l¡ail been oveiçur¡e bf tht¡ M à r g¡ r€l's A¡r bn b $Ì,mbol wcndÊrfü? hÐusp. Ðr6ep:ional localigl v¿av¿are il, ârìd âow well !.JÐ*.ÈaÉ tsking cerê cl, TiÞ l¡{,ql11ã * Êrlc¡e í*9:ruary f Qli; {i' liaÌi.di:Ìii:ì {i;:r;ii;sile ìiiil ùrtiüi;+ * FI i/ìsit crÉiÉte.alìb9[,crÊì We slayed lor Ltìiee day3, vîsÌfing our 9oâ !"ho ¡s stud./ìng å1 ûetlaÐ|"y. LÐte;ly áç4lErtment. Niti Þ v{oÞdËF flocrs, hiçh c":lir'qs and fa:lefqlly decciåted¡ ãs ehov{r in the phètos. 10 ñiñs rÊlk Ìo tha Êèmpil5, ånd íust r iÞu nínu1Ês yralk arla). Irom ihe Eeíglibúurhoùrd erÈa oi Ëimroc.d. i¿lê w EJ i ?,4ar. 0 ,j¡,Ìsê+. i)diil, + + :iiy:ítii û,:t {ji-¡fij.r:lì, li.iiv/)c,j W rrÈij Our slay âi Margar€t's liace wås Épdeci: \Sp rsêll)' íeli si home, T!ìÉ splrtm€ni was sÞãc¡ous, clFlÐ aÐd cmtortêb:e, The neÌghborhrcd is qulet aîd rÊaìly iiÉsDtifü!, close to UC 8ârkelÊ!, üÐpus. Margarcl Ii an ÐrcellÐnt húrl. ghe wa€ ¡vailtn:c. fsÞiled t" eut nìessíOsâ cu¡cklt, !ild s'âower.l súppoÉr sllìenp-vÊr wÉ reeded lt^ | hlghly recÐmmerd fhis plecp- for a sboñ or iorgpr etay- Thankå [4årgaretl ,ia?>,.iÃïl '?1.J1í 'i1 Í:tiiiriiì :lr¡rA ¡ÍÉ.jit.,ifr¡Ìirisü iri!,,íiiiíir.l -fhc À4årqaret's f)lace wáç i.le;i. aÞaf,se$t is is 6Ê-sc.;llâd í¡ the flrst åÐd íi r.'.s Feú"911{:r ne. ! êtien,led a tra¡rinc gÊ tbe UC Bel:eley c;nprs and it r"/as ã short 15 Ðinule l,r'nlk. l,,largãrÈÍ W was 50 thoug¡rtiul to providÉ lrÊsiì lrdit, iu¡ce, à¡d ñilk. I hÉ sFace !va3 clean ard beautijul- f h" cireck-in p.oçeFs'dJa5ð breeze, as I w¿s nìel;mme{,iêlefy by Binyõñ, tularqaíel's ploperty nìanagcr. Shaüld | ûlake my lvây to Berkeiey egair, l.¡1ould rÐs¡ d9f¡¡;tely sley at cne cf Margðrct's lìsti!ìgâ. ,iatw¿:! 2ûiii 'ì ti'jii-sh ôrç h..ti((3,)..'. i:r:ülaii ilea Vi':1,.;¡ìJiÌst¡iì!5 Mirgãret is rn excellent hcst, ThÉ BFãFreql .:ommu1¡¡g Îc t?,rk?ip,y u,røts- Vitçri\:z i9 Ðom{crtðblg ãid lccãtÞC i5 yDU a¡È "rell | really e.¡ay my -stîy. Tharks lúla.g¿ret .i¿¡:r¡ery 2üi5 l> ç>f,aßri&rJ ¡i Spàcictir lilrì-;wñcrj lilJi:,) & @g ö-¡ilb s';ä':d.iffiN \ * + Ð : . . ! ! f l "\NN.]'- iSìW rrìjrrr ñ3 -.- : å-trusteA:¿¡i 111:lll:l::lll ... .. ...11111111 t g ;-\ .-,---, Çir3iìì: /(.\\. !&, ì'ri;j.+' ir.. / r: it.,iItì' B 9 llentel5 t¡ o + C l a s s î c& S p a c i o u s1 B R - 8 1 . . , liûtir{Ì iÐrr;+¡'ãt)Ì . ¡i í.Ì!r'lÈ1 . iì+;'aeì":y C u t e 2 n d F l o o rE l m w o o CS t u . . . i::ûiÌro ììöûiùáili E l c g a n t & S p e c i o u s1 E R i n E | . . . ìÌ :il :':!l::rrí l]-l:ì:')":' ltìt;l(ì 1ì{)rri'i,.'t . i reví#¡¡. flofkeìLi'/ Charming & Spacìous Elmw'o., [ûtirí) iìâqi",/ri)i',2 t:1.¿1rr*"5èiìi)l¿!í C o l o r fu l 1 B Ra p a r t m e n ti n E l . . Lrìi;i+ Ìrn,Ììíj/iìtii . lJi,,ílol+)' i-?cl9iie^lals