June - Desert Harbor AZ
June - Desert Harbor AZ
DESERT HARBOR—A 55+ COMMUNITY—APACHE JUNCTION, AZ—JUNE 2012 IS IT REALLY JUNE ? by Connie Riter Here it is….June already! The Christmas holidays are long gone, New Year’s resolutions mostly forgotten, the Easter bunny has hopped away, income taxes are filed, graduations are mostly over -and now we can look forward in June to only one major holiday -- Father’s Day (and we all know that it merits less “pizzazz” than Mother’s Day.) Now is a good time to visit one or several of our unique museums here in Phoenix. The Heard Museum has a wonderful collection of Indian Art and history. The Arizona Science Center has interactive exhibits, a 5 story tall movie screen, and a great planetarium. The Hall of Flame is a wonderful tribute to the history and heroes of firefighting. And, if you have not seen Cirque du Soleil, they have an exciting new show called Kooza coming to the valley in early July. All their shows are marvelous combinations of acrobatic talent and ballet. Once you see one show, you want to see them all!! Many of our residents have gone to cooler climates for the summer, and even many of us “diehards” who brave the Arizona desert heat are leaving on small trips. So….we would like to offer a challenge (and a request) from your newsletter staff. Take a picture or two of your trips this summer and write a brief article indicating where you are and what you are doing. You can send them to me at crcards@q.com and we will publish them in future issues and/or display your pictures on our photo board in the Clubhouse. Now that summer vacation is here, we can start a “show and tell” like we did when we were still in school. We’d love to hear from you!! TABLE OF CONTENTS: Birthdays & Anniversaries 6 President’s Message 2 Recipes 8 Activity Organization 2 Who Am I 11 Activity Coordinators 3 Resident Services 15 Phone Book Updates 4 Calendar 16 harbor lights newsletter From the President’s Desk by Dick Smith Hope everyone enjoyed our Memorial Day picnic. Don't forget we will have a picnic for the fourth of July also. There will be hamburgers, hot dogs, etc. supplied by the activities group. Come one; come all for a good time. You may even consider getting in the pool if it is really hot. You can watch the Apache Junction fireworks from almost any place in our park. There will be a charge of $3 if you buy a ticket and $5 at the door. The tickets will go on sale in June. Watch for an email to let you know when. To those who are taking a few weeks to be away from the heat, have a wonderful time Don't forget the food bank bins, and remember, they can always use cash donations as well. But if you wish to donate cash, you need to hand deliver it to their office at the food bank which is located on Idaho near the drivers’ license bureau. Have a wonderful summer! ACTIVITIES ORGANIZATION President Dick Smith Lot #74 480-983-5819 Vice President Sharon Schupbach Lot #93 480-857-4629 Secretary Alice Johnson Lot #5 480-982-1224 Treasurer Art Roberts Lot #81 480-641-7753 Board Member Midge Drouin Lot #203 602-459-9039 Board Member Mike Bauschard Lot #99 480-288-4332 Board Member Tim Chrissis Lot #34 602-459-9236 2 harbor lights newsletter DESERT HARBOR ACTIVITIES ACTIVITY COORDINATOR TELEPHONE APPLIQUE RENI DIEBALL 983-0578 CASINO TRIPS CONNIE RITER 641-7753 CLOSET QUILTERS RENI DIEBALL 983-0578 GENEALOGY ESTHER LOUGH 288-8579 GOLF DON WALKER 288-5686 LADIES OUT OF THE PARK LUNCHEONS AGNES MILLER 982-6063 LADIES SOUP & SALAD LUNCHEON JOANN HANKISON 641-0975 LINE DANCING MARY PAT SUMMERS 983-4227 MAH JONGG TBA PINOCHLE ELAINE KERELUK 987-8587 POKER MIKE BAUSCHARD 288-4332 STITCH & CHAT RENI DIEBALL 983-0578 TAI CHI DICK SMITH 983-5819 WEB MASTER, DICK SMITH 480-983-5819 MARTA ALEGRIA, DESERT HARBOR MANAGER, 480-288-8876 3 harbor lights newsletter PHONE BOOK UPDATES by Dick Smith NEW NUMBER: Diane & Richard Hoskinson Gary & Connie Clayton Lot 182 Lot 143 480-983-0870 480-375-5250 NEW RESIDENTS We want to welcome our new residents into the park: Lot #184 Lot #53 Lot #7 Lot #175 Colleen Feland Delmar & Mary Ann Stephans James Scasny Rollin & Margaret Farmer ELMO’S DAY AT THE ARBORETUM by Margo Crawford Miss Elmo went to the Boyce Thompson Arboretum today, May 8, 2012. She had to be in a cage or tethered. I carried her in her transport cage that I use to take her to the vet's. Of course she had no idea what was happening. Usually she is taken out of the car and in to the vet's office. So when we took off through the pathways and trees and she could hear all kinds of birds, she was definitely interested. She made many friends while there. Okay, they were all in passing but people stopped and chatted with her. We saw many Gold Finches, a beautiful male Cardinal and many Hummingbirds. Elmo posed for pictures and chatted with the wild birds. We sat on the wall bench by the serenity fountain and just let nature come to us. The finches came to the fountain to drink and a hummingbird flew right up by my face as if to say, "Welcome". We talked with two very nice ladies who were bird watchers and were sitting and listening to the sounds of the chats. The arboretum is a wonderful place to go and just enjoy nature. I'm not saying that I will take Miss Elmo every time I go, but I will definitely take her again. Boyce Thompson Arboretum 37615 Hwy. 60 Superior, AZ 85173-5100 4 520-689-2723 harbor lights newsletter harbor lights newsletter BOOK REVIEW by Art Roberts Whatever happened to the Chicago Cubs in 1973? Like every year, Cub fans wish for that fantastic season--the one where they win the pennant. 1973 started off like every season since 1946, but in early June their first baseman got injured and the Cubs went down to their minor league team and brought up this phenomenal rookie--Joe Castle from Castle Rock, Arkansas. (later to be called Calico Joe). His heroics throughout the season inspired the Cubs and their biggest fan, Paul Tracy. Paul Tracy’s father, Warren Tracy pitched for the New York Mets. Everything was going fine until mid-August when the Cubs were in New York to face the Mets -- and Warren Tracy. For the conclusion of this story, you have to read John Grisham’s new book, Calico Joe. I found it very entertaining and quick reading. Hope you enjoy it too. JUNE’S CASINO BUS TRIP by Connie Riter On Thursday, June 21st, we have a scheduled bus trip to Harrah’s Ak Chin Casino. Check in is at 8:15 AM and departure around 8:45 am. This is a free bus and everyone who goes gets $10 in slot play. We need to have 40 or more people going (between our 2 parks), so if you’d like to go, please sign up early. We will be cancelling the trip if we don’t have enough people. Next month’s trip scheduled for July 19th, has been changed to Fort McDowell with departure at 10 am. Mazatzal Casino in Payson has changed their free bus policy and is no longer providing transportation from individual Parks. You can still call the casino and sign up individually to be picked up at one of their valley locations. If you wish to have a unique 4th of July celebration and “beat the heat” of the valley, you may want to consider making reservations for the bus trip to Pinetop (July 3 - 5). This includes 3 days and 2 nights accommodations at the Hon-Dah Resort and Casino, 4 free meals, a fun book, arts and crafts and food booths in the area, fireworks, and live music. The cost of the trip is $185 pp dbl. (Call me for reservations.) And finally, here are some “slot machine fun facts.” There are almost 900,000 slot machines in the U.S. alone. On the average there are 1200 individual parts in any slot machine. The approximate weight of a slot machine is 275 pounds. It takes 12 to 18 months, on average, to produce a new slot machine game! (from AZ Gaming Magazine). SAVE THE DATE! by Kay McKersie Tue. June 5th/12:00p Ladies Soup 'N Salad Luncheon Sat. June 16th/4:30p Potluck Tue. June 19th/11:00a Ladies Luncheon Thu. July 21st/8:15a Harrah's Ak Chin Casino Bus Trip 5 harbor lights newsletter harbor lights newsletter BIRTHDAYS - ANNIVERSARIES JUNE BIRTHDAYS JUNE ANNIVERSARIES Date Name Lot Date Name Lot 3 3 16 7 18 20 20 25 28 LeRoy Ague Jim Wagner Sheryl Nagy Margaret Crump Robert Roy Jackie Justus Larry Luby Harry Davis Dick Smith 126 33 105 127 130 24 86 94 74 10 14 15 28 29 29 Ron & Deanna Fisher John & Cathleen Smartt Bob & Jane Berberian Jim & Kitty Hutson Bob & Sheila Galli Rich & Sandy Schwiezer 78 20 188 56 95 89 If you wish to add your birthday and/or anniversary or make any corrections to the list, please call: Kay McKersie at 480-288-9531 RESIDENTS’ MEETING by Bob Mayo The monthly residents’ meeting was called to order May 5 th by Activities Organization President Dick Smith. Following the Pledge of Allegiance the minutes of the April meeting were presented and approved as amended. The Treasurer’s report was given by Art Roberts and included a breakdown of the expenditures and receipts in the petty cash account. Connie Riter mentioned upcoming casino trips and also stated that future trips to Payson had been cancelled by the people up in Payson. The Bingo Committee donated $100 to the Activities organization from the proceeds received from bingo. Entertainment Committee chairperson Renee Spears provided some information on planned entertainment for the upcoming year beginning in October. Dick Smith advised that the annual fee for the printing of the newsletter will be coming due soon. Approval was given to continue having this company print our monthly newsletter. Another upcoming expense which was approved was to authorize the expenditure of up to $500 to purchase Coyote Coupon books for the upcoming year. These coupon books are very popular and the organization has made money from the sale of the books each year they have been offered. Residents are reminded that this was the last meeting until October. We hope everyone has a great summer and hope to see you all in October. 6 harbor lights newsletter harbor lights newsletter CHURCH GROUP CELEBRATES by Dave Borchardt Our Desert Harbor Community Church will celebrate their one year anniversary on Sunday, June 3, 2011. The first Church Service was held on Sunday June 5, 2011 with a total of 7 people in attendance. The first Bible Study was held on April 5, 2011 with 8 total people in attendance. Since then the Church Service has had a high attendance of 32 people and the Bible Study had a high attendance of 16. Bible Study is held every Tuesday in the clubhouse at 2:00pm and Church Service is every Sunday in the clubhouse at 10:30am with Holy Communion given on the first Sunday of each month. Dick Smith plays the keyboard for us and Midge Drouin leads the singing. The Community Church is at all times a non-denominational service so that “whosoever will may come” and we always encourage all residents to attend. Our Pastor is Terrance Watkins and our Associate Pastor is Juanita Watkins. There is an advisory board appointed by the Pastor and currently consists of Dick Smith, Mike Kereluk as Treasurer and Elaine Kereluk as Secretary. Terry and Nita (as we call them) have been in the ministry since 1970 and have been pastors in Indiana, Nevada, Alaska, Florida, Arkansas and Arizona. Currently, the church is making monthly donations to the Mesa United Food Bank as well as Sunshine Acres. First church group June 5, 2011 GOLF LEAGUE ENDS SEASON by Dave Borchardt Another golf season has come to a close for the Desert Harbor Golf League. The last day of regular season play was on Thursday March 29, 2012 and after golf we had a season ending party at the homes of Don Walker and Jerry Murphy. There were a total of about 50 people attending the party which included all the golfers as well as some guests. There were hot dogs and hamburgers, beer and soda pop and a wide array of pot luck dishes brought by many people. The golf group also chipped in and gave Don a thank you card and some cash for all his hard work in coordinating our golf schedule that always has many last minute changes. We had anywhere from 20 to 36 golfers show up each Thursday at Sunland Springs for nine holes of golf, then usually it was off to the American Legion for a beer and a sandwich. All of us who participated had a very enjoyable season of play and those of us who live here year round are looking forward to great golf rates this coming summer. If there are new people in the park that would like to join the golf group, please contact Don Walker. We will be starting up again in November of 2012. 7 harbor lights newsletter RECIPES A Simple Summer Supper by Connie Riter As the temperatures are increasing, a simple supper of soup and sandwiches sounds very inviting. Here is a recipe for a special soup which I brought to a Ladies S & S luncheon earlier and several people asked for the recipe. It’s a combination of meatballs, vegetables, and pasta. Try it…Hopefully, you’ll like it as much as we do. Italian Wedding Soup Recipe 2 eggs lightly beaten ½ cup seasoned bread crumbs 1 pound each ground beef and bulk Italian sausage. 3 medium carrots, sliced 3 celery ribs, diced 1 large onion, chopped 4 ½ teaspoons olive oil. 3 garlic cloves, minced 4 cans reduced sodium chicken broth (14.5 oz size) 2 cans beef broth (14.5 oz. size) 1 package (10 oz.) frozen chopped spinach, thawed and squeezed dry ¼ cup minced fresh basil 1 envelope onion soup mix 4 ½ teaspoons ketchup ½ teaspoon dried thyme 3 bay leaves 1 ½ cups uncooked penne pasta In a large bowl, combine eggs and bread crumbs. Crumble beef and sausage over mixture and mix well. Shape into ¾ in. balls. Place meatballs in a foil lined 15 x 10 in. baking pan. Bake at 350 for 15-18 min. or until no longer pink. Meanwhile, in a Dutch oven, sauté the carrots, celery, and onion in oil until tender. Add garlic, cook 1 minute longer. Stir in the broth, spinach, basil, soup mix, ketchup, thyme, and bay leaves. Drain the meatballs on paper towels. Bring soup to a boil add meatballs. Reduce heat, simmer, uncovered for 30 min. Add pasta. Cook 13-15 min. longer or until pasta is tender, stirring occasionally. Discard bay leaves. RECYCLED GREETING CARDS WANTED Do you have leftover greeting cards? There is a basket in the clubhouse that you can put them in. Connie Riter will be sure the cards are sent to St. Jude’s in Nevada. Thank you. 8 harbor lights newsletter GOLFERS WIN TOURNAMENT by Dave Borchardt Desert Harbor golfers Rich Blake, Dave Borchardt, Jerry Murphy and Don Walker entered the Sons of American Legion Post #27 Golf Tournament on Sunday April 29, 2012 at the Queen Valley Golf Course in Queen Valley AZ. They took First Place in the Men’s Second Flight Division and were awarded a golf shirt, sleeve of golf balls and a check for $100.00 to split. There were a total of 109 golfers in the tournament and they had a Men’s First Flight, Men’s Second Flight and Ladies Flight. After the tournament everyone headed back to the American Legion Post for additional prizes and lunch. It was a terrific event and the four are looking forward to entering the November 2012 tournament. TEXAS HOLD ‘EM TOURNAMENT by Dave Borchardt The 2012 Desert Harbor Texas Hold ‘Em Spring Poker Tournament began on Friday, April 13, 2012 and concluded on Monday April 16 with Dick Lazarri and Bob Galli tying for 1 st Place. Michael Bauschard took 3rd Place and Cyndi Smith took 4th Place. There were a total of 17 residents who participated. The Spring and Fall tournaments are limited to residents only. Thank you to all who participated and we all look forward to the Fall tournament that will probably be sometime in October 2012. 9 harbor lights newsletter harbor lights newsletter CHIT CHAT AROUND THE PARK LADIES’ GET ACQUAINTED SOUP-N-SALAD LUNCHEON by Jane Boudreau On May 1, 2012 twenty-one ladies met for lunch and good fellowship. The group included two new residents and attending for the first time were two residents who have been in the community for twelve years! Ladies, it’s never too late to join us for good food, conversation and a few laughs. Bring your dollar if you would like to participate in the 50/50 drawing. In addition please bring your table service including bowl(s). A sign-up sheet is posted on the Activities Organization Bulletin Board for you to indicate what you want to contribute to the luncheon. The luncheons will continue throughout the summer months. It’s an excellent opportunity to select a new cool summer salad or soup to share with the group. APRIL 21, 2012 POTLUCK Hosted by the Thursday Nite Euchre Group -the Blakes, the Kereluks and the Schupbachs The post dinner entertainment was provided by Emily Catellier, Jeff Mortenson and Aalyiah Bancod from Corona Del Sol, High School in Chandler. They are juniors and seniors who entertained us with guitar music and singing. Their Humanities Instructor is taking a group of students to Europe this summer and their goal is to be among those in the group. They use the opportunity to perform in the community for stage experience as well as a means to obtain contributions toward their trip, The very generous donations from the residents of Desert Harbor and the club portion of the 50/50 pot provided the teens with $260.000 A good time was had by all.. 10 harbor lights newsletter harbor lights newsletter WHO AM I ? Our very own Anne Eubank, Lot #169 Thank you to everyone who submitted an entry. We had a total of six written entries with only one winner and the correct guess was submitted by Jerry Miller, Lot #170 on 5-1-12 at 5:03pm. Thank you everyone so much for putting the date and time on the written entries. Be sure to put your first and last name, lot number, date and time. Be sure to watch for the next resident in the July issue. 11 harbor lights newsletter harbor lights newsletter RECYCLING MADE EASIER by Nancy Pavkov Judy and I are dedicated recyclers. A few weeks ago, we took our bags of plastic, metal cans, and water bottles over to the new RAD station. It is located on Baseline Road, just past the emissions testing station. It is a 14,000 square foot building at 3755 S. Royal Palm Drive. It is about half way between Idaho and Tomahawk and there is a large sign on a truck indicating that you have arrived at the area. It is very clean and only a couple of miles from here. We pulled into the yard and found big blue bins for mixed recyclables and electronics. In another area there is a larger bin clearly marked “Metal”. We have bins here in the park for newspapers and clean cardboard, and aluminum cans. Please continue to use these because our Activities Organization receives the money for these recyclables. But for the other cans, (steel ones), glass, and plastics, consider visiting the new RAD station. (Right Away Disposal). They do our Park trash hauling and they do a good job! “We really feel good about helping Mother Nature with our efforts -- and it really wasn’t much of an effort.” Their hours of operation are: Monday thru Friday 6:00am to 4:00pm Saturday 6:00am to 2:00pm Sunday CLOSED SOUTHWEST SURFERS BEACH BOYS TRIBUTE SHOW by Jane Boudreau Over sixty residents and guests enjoyed the sound of the SOUTHWEST SURFERS presented by Solstice on April 17. The SOUTHWEST SURFERS performed primarily Beach Boys’ songs for over an hour. The audience sang along to the tunes possibly bringing back memories of high school or young adult years. Dancing and swaying to the music took place during the evening with a full dance floor for the last song of the night. Thank you to the Solstice activities organizer for providing a very enjoyable evening. 12 harbor lights newsletter harbor lights newsletter HEALTH ARTICLE Understanding Peripheral Neuropathy -- the Basics by Midge Drouin What Is Peripheral Neuropathy? The name of the condition tells you a bit about what it is: Peripheral: Beyond (in this case, beyond the brain and the spinal cord.) Neuro-: Related to the nerves -pathy: Disease Peripheral neuropathy refers to the conditions that result when nerves that connect to the brain and spinal cord from the rest of the body are damaged or diseased. The peripheral nerves make up an intricate network that connects the brain and spinal cord to the muscles, skin, and internal organs. Peripheral nerves come out of the spinal cord and are arranged along lines in the body called dermatomes. Typically, damage to a nerve will affect one or more dermatomes, which can be tracked to specific areas of the body. Damage to these nerves interrupts communication between the brain and other parts of the body and can impair muscle movement, prevent normal sensation in the arms and legs, and cause pain. Types of Peripheral Neuropathy There are several kinds of peripheral neuropathy that stem from a variety of causes. They range from carpal tunnel syndrome (an injury common after chronic repetitive use of the hands and wrists, such as computer use) to Guillain-Barre syndrome (a rare, sudden paralysis). As a group, peripheral neuropathies are common, especially among people over the age of 55. All together, the conditions affect 3% to 4% of people in this group. Neuropathies are typically classified according to the problems they cause or what is at the root of the damage. There also are terms that express how extensively the nerves have been damaged. Mononeuropathy Damage to a single peripheral nerve is called mononeuropathy. Physical injury or trauma such as from an accident is the most common cause. Prolonged pressure on a nerve, caused by extended periods of being sedentary (such as sitting in a wheelchair or lying in bed), or continuous, repetitive motions, can trigger mononeuropathy. If the fibrous, shock-absorbing discs that lie between the bones in the back are damaged, they could press on a nerve and cause this type of neuropathy. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common type of mononeuropathy. It is called an overuse strain injury, which occurs when the nerve that extends through the wrist is compressed. People whose work requires repeated motions with the wrist extended (such as assembly-line workers, physical laborers, and those who use computer keyboards for prolonged periods) are at greater risk. The damage to the nerve can result in numbness, tingling, unusual sensations, and pain in the first three fingers on the thumb side of the hand, particularly while sleeping. In time, carpal tunnel injuries can weaken the muscles in the hand. You may also feel pain, tingling, or burning in your arm and shoulder. 13 harbor lights newsletter harbor lights newsletter BRAGGING RIGHTS by Dick and Cyndi Smith Our granddaughter Alysha Gates, who lives in Alaska, was one of the chosen participants in this endeavor. We are very proud of her. Alysha Gates, of Eagle River, Alaska, is a first year mathematics teacher at Polaris K-12 and Steller Secondary School in the Anchorage School District. She received a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Mathematics Education from Corban University in Salem, OR. She plans on pursuing a Masters in Secondary Mathematics Education in the near future. “Each year the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math institute accepts 50 people to participate in one week educational learning in Washington DC. You had to have letters of reference and send in a video of what you do and why you feel you should attend this all-expense paid training.” From their web page…“A diverse group of fifty educators will be selected as STEM Fellows to attend this allexpenses-paid*, week-long professional development experience, hosted at the world headquarters of Discovery Communications, located just outside of Washington D.C. Fellows will be exposed to leading scientists, thought-leaders, personalities and innovators whose work across STEM disciplines shape and define our world today.” “The week will be filled with guest speakers at the forefront of STEM, field trips to leading institutions where Fellows will observe real-world applications of STEM subject matter, and opportunities for networking and collaborating with peers from across the nation. In addition to broad-based STEM applications, each Fellow will be assigned to a thematic working group that will provide additional deep-dive exposure.” Basically it’s an honor because its nationwide and only 50 were chosen. All the study goes towards her college credits. Her mom thinks it is just an excuse for a “nerd vacation.” E-MAIL ADDRESS UP TO DATE? Please be sure to let us know if you change your e-mail address. We usually are working a month in advance on the newsletter, so many times there is last minute information that we like to send out. So if you want your e-mail address to be included, please send any corrections or updates to: desertharboraz@aol.com. Also, be sure to add desertharboraz@aol.com to your contact list. HELP OUR WEBSITE We need your help with the website. Dick is looking for interesting stories from you about your trips, families or whatever is going on in your life. We like to keep up with what is going on in our neighbors lives. Please send anything you have to Dick Smith. RLCKSMITH@MSN.COM. Thank you! 14 harbor lights newsletter harbor lights newsletter DESERT HARBOR RESIDENTS OFFER SERVICES NAME LOT SERVICE PHONE Philicia Hightower 6 Cleaning & Errands 480-374-4570 Margo Crawford 104 Photo restoration, scanning-slides 623-910-2713 Dorothy Mueller 155 Avon Products, Free Boxes 480-984-9780 Esther Lough 123 Puppy Sitting 480-288-8579 Connie Riter 81 Travel, Trips 480-641-7753 Renee Spears 57 Reiki Sessions 480-215-8328 Jean Myers 44 Pet & House Sitting, Drive to Store, Doctors Office, 480-671-4481 Airport, House Cleaning Bob Myers 44 Yard work, odd jobs 480-671-4481 John Williams 162 Handyman 602-561-4562 Rich Blake 197 Therapist, reasonable cash rates, individual, couples, PTSD, most issues addressed 317-966-5740 ITEMS FOR SALE BY RESIDENTS If you have an item you would like to sell or give away, you can place your ad here Just let someone on the newsletter committee know. 15 JUNE 2012 Sun 3 10:30am Church 1pm Texas Hold’em Poker 10 10:30am Church 1pm Texas Hold’em Poker 2pm Pinochle 17 10:30am Church 1pm Texas Hold’em Poker 24 10:30am Church 1pm Texas Hold’em Poker 2pm Pinochle Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 7:30 Water Aerobics 9am Get Fit 4pm Happy Hour 7pm Cards 2 8am Coffee/ Donuts 5:30pm Texas Hold’em Poker 4 7:30am Water Aerobics 1pm Mah Jongg 6:30pm Billiards 7pm Shuffleboard 5 7:30am Water Aerobics 12pm Ladies Soup/Salad Luncheon 2pm Bible Study 6:30 NDQ Poker 7pm Cards 6 7:30am Water Aerobics 9am Line Dancing 8am Get Fit 1pm Quilting 1pm Mahjongg 6pm Bingo 6:30 Quilting 7 7:30 Water Aerobics 6:30pm Billiards 6:30pm Euchre 8 7:30 Water Aerobics 9am Get Fit 4pm Happy Hour 7pm Cards 9 8am Coffee/ Donuts 5:30pm Texas Hold’em Poker 11 7:30am Water Aerobics 1pm Mah Jongg 6:30pm Billiards 7pm Shuffleboard 12 7:30am Water Aerobics 2pm Bible Study 6:30 NDQ Poker 7pm Cards 13 7:30am Water Aerobics 9am Line Dancing 8am Get Fit 1pm Mahjongg 6pm Bingo 6:30 Quilting 14 7:30 Water Aerobics 1pm Quilting 6:30pm Billiards 6:30pm Euchre 15 7:30 Water Aerobics 9am Get Fit 4pm Happy Hour 5:30pm Texas Hold’em Poker 7pm Cards 16 8am Coffee/ Donuts 4:30pm Happy Hour 5pm Pot Luck 18 7:30am Water Aerobics 1pm Mah Jongg 6:30pm Billiards 7pm Shuffleboard 19 7:30am Water Aerobics 11pm Ladies Luncheon (outside Park) 2pm Bible Study 6:30 NDQ Poker 7pm Cards 20 7:30am Water Aerobics 8am Get Fit 9am Line Dancing 1pm Quilting 1pm Mahjongg 6pm Bingo 6:30 Quilting 21 7:30 Water Aerobics 8:15am Casino Trip (Harrahs) 6:30pm Billiards 6:30pm Euchre 22 7:30 Water Aerobics 9am Get Fit 4pm Happy Hour 7pm Cards 23 8am Coffee/ Donuts 5:30pm Texas Hold’em Poker 25 7:30am Water Aerobics 1pm Mah Jongg 6:30pm Billiards 7pm Shuffleboard 26 7:30am Water Aerobics 2pm Bible Study 6:30 NDQ Poker 7pm Cards 27 7:30am Water Aerobics 9am Line Dancing 8am Get Fit 1pm Mahjongg 6pm Bingo 6:30 Quilting 28 7:30 Water Aerobics 1pm Quilting 6:30pm Billiards 6:30pm Euchre 29 7:30 Water Aerobics 9am Get Fit 4pm Happy Hour 7pm Cards 30 8am Coffee/ Donuts 5:30pm Texas Hold’em Poker 16
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