2014 Annual Report - Urology Care Foundation
2014 Annual Report - Urology Care Foundation
Advancing urologic research and education to improve patients’ lives. Letter from the Executive Director Dear Friend of the Foundation, Mission As we reflect on this past year, we are pleased to present to you our 2014-2015 annual report calendar. This annual report represents an entire year of growth and accomplishments. This past year has been exceptional in terms of boosting our sustainability and impact as we announced our new Urology Care Foundation Board of Directors. We have received 13 new endowments to support our commitment to advance urologic research. Our website, UrologyHealth.org, has garnered 4.5 million visitors this past year, an increase of more than 2.5 million from the previous year. The Foundation, supported by the loyalty of our committed partners and donors, remains a leading advocate for patients, researchers, health care professionals and caregivers. In 2015, we are celebrating our 40-year history of funding urologic research early career investigators. Since 1975, we have supported and ignited the careers of nearly 600 researchers, totaling over $20 million in awards and scholarships. Our early career investigator training programs and awards are a highly regarded and much-desired opportunity for young scientists to begin a strong career in urologic research. We are incredibly grateful for your continued support, which has not only sustained this program, but driven its success. We look forward to the bright future of the Foundation, with a positive outlook for many years to come. The Urology Care Foundation is raising awareness through a series of national public health campaigns to address some common urologic concerns: Overactive Bladder (It’s Time to Talk about OAB), Stress Urinary Incontinence (It’s Time to Talk about SUI ) and Prostate Cancer (Know Your Stats About Prostate Cancer ® ). Since its inception in 2008, our Know Your Stats® campaign has garnered more than 600 million media impressions, allowing us to reach a vast audience with critical messages and resources. The Urology Care Foundation is the world’s leading nonprofit urological health foundation — and the official foundation of the American Urological Association. We partner with physicians, researchers, health care professionals, patients, caregivers, families and the public to support and improve the prevention, detection and treatment of urological diseases through research and education. Vision To support urological research, and to be the premier provider and resource for the most current, comprehensive and reliable urologic health information for patients and the public. This annual report reflects our accomplishments as a dedicated leader in advancing urologic research and education to improve patients’ lives, as well as our vision and goals for the future. Generous supporters like you are vital to sustaining the progress our organization has made in the field of urology and our commitment to ensuring a better future for those who suffer from urologic diseases. We thank you again for your support, commitment and dedication. Together, we are ensuring the future of urologic health. Gratefully, Michael T. Sheppard, CPA, CAE Executive Director 2014-2015 Research Scholars Awarded Research Scholars at major institutions throughout the United States and Canada are highlighted on this map. Peter Chang, MD Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (Boston, MA) Saunders Ching, PhD University of California, San Francisco (San Francisco, CA) Shu Lin, PhD University of California Los Angeles (Los Angeles, CA) Timothy Daskivich, MD University of California, Los Angeles (Los Angeles, CA) Arindam Ghosh, PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham (Birmingham, AL) Tomasz Owczarek, PhD Columbia University Medical Center (New York, NY) Shankar Parajuli, PhD University of South Carolina (Columbia, SC) Johanna Hannan, PhD Johns Hopkins Medical Institutes (Baltimore, MD) Bharathi Rajaganapathy, PhD Beaumont Health System (Troy, MI) Sargurunathan Subashchandrabose, PhD University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI) Flaminia Talos, MD, PhD Columbia University Medical Center (New York, NY) Dan Wang, PhD University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, PA) Christopher Barbieri, MD, PhD Weill Cornell Medical College (New York, NY) Christopher Filson, MD University of California, Los Angeles (Los Angeles, CA) Philip Ho, MD University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (Houston, TX) Mark Preston, MD Harvard School of Public Health/Massachusetts General Hospital (Boston, MA) Matthew Resnick, MD Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN) Neal Rowe, MD University of Western Ontario (London, Canada) Anthony Schaeffer, MD Boston Children’s Hospital (Boston, MA) Dana Weiss, MD Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (Philadelphia, PA) Jennifer Bishop, PhD University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada) Mahendra Kashyap, PhD University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, PA) Dirk Lange, PhD University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada) Philip Abbosh, MD, PhD Fox Chase Cancer Center (Philadelphia, PA) Judy Choi, MD University of California Los Angeles (Los Angeles, CA) Catherine Gordon, PhD Stanford University (Palo Alto, California) Chinedu Mmeje, MD University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center (Houston, TX) Irina Debnath, PhD New York University School of Medicine (New York, NY) Sonia Fargue, MD, PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham (Birmingham, AL) Chunming Guo, PhD Children’s Hospital (Boston, MA) Andrew Hau, PhD University of California, San Diego (San Diego, CA) Zhu Juan (Sue) Li, PhD Princess Margaret Cancer Centre – Ontario (Toronto, Canada) Sungyong You, PhD Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (Los Angeles, CA) Education Urology Care Foundation materials are timely, well-written and excellent resources for my patients. PAUL TUREK, MD, FACS, FRSM The Turek Clinic Los Angeles The Turek Clinic San Francisco The Urology Care Foundation provides reliable, easy-to-understand patient education materials on a variety of urologic conditions and treatments, based on American Urological Association (AUA) Clinical Guidelines. These resources are regularly reviewed and updated, and available free of charge. Patient Education Materials and Resources: • A n online Find-A-Urologist tool that connects patients with urologists in their area •Information about more than 140 urologic conditions and treatments on UrologyHealth.org •Free printed patient guides, fact sheets, brochures and tools • UrologyHealth extra® , a free patient magazine with the latest news in urologic health The Urology Care Foundation gave me the information I needed to talk to my doctor. Order free patient information UrologyHealth.org/Order or call 1-800-828-7866 JANUARY 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri New Year’s Day Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 18 25 Martin Luther King Jr. Day Education Highlights UrologyHealth.org UrologyHealth extra® Patient Education Resources - Over 4.5 million visitors in the past year - Quarterly print magazine with an annual circulation of more than 280,000 copies - More than 675,000 resources distributed in the past year - Free resource available to patients and health care providers - Our robust catalog is updated and accurate - Provides compelling, deeply researched feature stories - Visit UrologyHealth.org/order or call 800-828-7866 to order - A dynamic hub for urologic patient education - Accurate, updated information - Easy-to-understand resources on urologic health issues - Features an eye-catching design, perfect for waiting rooms A PATIENT’S GUIDE P U RO T R IC E D IA LOG Y 1 in 3 women experience Stress Urinary Incontinence. n hildreow C n i UTIs d to Kn ent t Par Wha s Ne e A publicatio althextra Urolo n of the Ur ology Care UrologyHe gyHeextra alth althex tra U U QuroiclkogSyrnoHipleoagShoyuld YeouxtGra : a VlatseH hctomey?aetlt extra h Urolo gyHea extra lth Foundatio n EE FR KE A SE TA PLEA ITH YOU W COPY licatio n of th e Uro logy C W in te are Fo r 2014 undati on Recent B rea Offer Hop kthroughs e for Men with Adv anced Prostate Cancer IT’S TIME TO TALK ABOUT SUI e s hav f boy 5 ent o y are 2 perc time the urinary ract f National d e d1e n th th a o ary T an T ng irls I) by ore A ti g T c st f H , o (U fe Urin vided courtesanyd Digestiuvetes of W ake a in ent tion s, ri m c rc y t e te e fe a c p ro n etes Instit ep t8 ct in y ba e kid ody th Imag te of Diab National Abou rinary tra caused b our b e up of th ally s, itu se u in st re s In ea a d a e is TIs tub had ey D t norm t is ma Kidn old. 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Babies a ect urine spot a T u g th e b SIGN o U to n t Y y r ti a u p e typ db bo coll asie rina st for sterile cu e) to ntaminate cteria. Th t are e can talk a te, hen u to te UTIs r (tub ea ba in a urina d on w co e to nsati nate ed an athete m being tested for drug to tr to ri rg c se u u a g d train : d d in ase nee best le fro n be r chil sting re incre may samp e will the ecide the t for you , or a UTI a od g an s the rning rin in blo lp d rtan feelin e keep in, bu The u d may he It is impo conta n or n • pa skin. natio n g uri dy or s. ri e u u c in u ti c th fo lo t u c ok quen prod cteria lly antibio ay lo • fre without a of ba at m TI, usu r even rine th the U ladde ing u .org the b smell f lHealth o u a rology • fo e are th ww.U in in g• w r a e or p v n. r o 0 atio • fe 2109 pain eFound , MD back gyCar hicum Urolo • low rd, Lint info@ I? UrologyHe A pub s Babie fever. If the be a orly. may o s p ore ie d bab t is m d fee UTI in vomit an infan back or of a d or ssy, sign e chil ain in the fu t st th c , re a o on lea ,p The c Is may als ney infecti ing chills k UT kid h sha with es a er wit ecom a fev e UTI b v a to h g. likely mitin or vo side, UT IS A - Based on AUA Clinical Guidelines S umm URIN SPOT A RY I N FE TR AC T C TIO THEM NS AND TREA T THE CO M PL M IM EN TA RY va 6• Boule 8-786 porate 00-82 0 Cor • 1-8 : 100 -3878 rters 9 a 8 u -6 q 10 ead Fax: 4 nal H 90 • Natio 89-39 410-6 Phone: FEBRUARY 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Valentine’s Day 14 15 Presidents’ Day 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Super Bowl XLIX at University of Phoenix Stadium Glendale, AZ e r 20 14 THIRTEEN New Research Scholar Endowments The Urology Care Foundation is proud to announce that we’ve received 13 new endowments for our Research Scholars Program. Our endowments represent our sustainability and growth as an organization as they ensure that our programs will be in existence for many generations. Each of these endowments provides $1.5 million to support a one-year or two-year Research Scholar Award in perpetuity. We would like to recognize our new endowment donors. Through their contributions, they are establishing a legacy for the next generation of early career investigators, supporting the innovative discoveries of the future. Please join us in thanking our donors for their impactful contributions for mentored research training in urology. •E ndourological Society – two awards were endowed; the Endourological Society Research Scholar Award and the Endourological Society/Raju Thomas, MD Award. www.endourology.org. • Western Section of the AUA (WSAUA) – this is the second award endowed by the WSAUA. www.wsaua.org. • Society for Urodynamics, Female Pelvic Medicine and Urogenital Reconstruction (SUFU) – endowed the Society for Urodynamics, Female Pelvic Medicine and Urogenital Reconstruction/Hari Badlani Research Scholar Award. www.sufuorg.com. • North Central Section of the AUA (NCSAUA) – endowed their second Research Scholar Award. www.ncsaua.org. • Sexual Medicine Society of North • Southeastern Section of the AUA (SESAUA) – this is the third award endowed by the SESAUA. www.sesaua.org. • Society of Urologic Oncology (SUO) America (SMSNA) – this is the first award endowed by the SMSNA. www.smsna.org. • Indian American Urological Association (IAUA) – two awards were endowed: the IAUA/Sakti Das, MD Research Scholar Award and the IAUA/Kalish Kedia, MD Research Scholar Award. www.iauanet.org. – two awards in urologic oncology were endowed by SUO. www.suonet.org. • Northeastern Section of the AUA (NSAUA) – This is the second award endowed by the Northeastern Section of the AUA. www.nsaua.org • Society for Pediatric Urology – started the Society for Pediatric Urology/Sushil Lacy, MD Research Scholar Endowment Fund. www.spuonline.org. • South Central Section of the AUA (SCSAUA) – this is the second Research Scholar Award endowed by the SCSAUA. www.scsauanet.org. National Kidney Month MARCH 2015 Sun Mon World Kidney Day March 12 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Daylight Savings 8 Time Begins 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 22 29 St. Patrick’s Day Advancing Urology Care through Research The AUA and the Urology Care Foundation are paving the way for advancements in urological research and patient care through scholarly exchange. Each year we host scientific meetings and workshops to educate researchers on state-of-the-art science and novel research techniques. In addition to the educational value of the science presented at the meetings, researchers and surgeon-scientists greatly benefit from the opportunities to network with other investigators to discuss techniques, exchange information on resources such as data and tissue registries, and build future collaborations to advance urologic research and find cures. Our research conferences include the following: • Basic Science Symposium • Urologic Oncology Symposium • Research Forum • Early Career Investigator Workshop • Summer Research Conference World Health Day April 7 National Public Health Week April 6-12 APRIL 2015 Sun Easter Sunday Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 2 8 3 4 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 24 25 5 6 7 12 13 14 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 Tax Day Sat Passover Good Friday 40 Anniversary th In 2015, the Urology Care Foundation and the AUA will celebrate our 40-year history of supporting urology research. In that time, over $20 million has been invested to fund and educate more than 600 of the best urologist-scientists and basic scientists. The combined effort has allowed the AUA and Urology Care Foundation to lead the way in urologic research and education to improve patients’ lives. Many of the key advances in research that are improving treatment options for patients today have resulted from the work of individuals trained in research through Foundation scholarships. For each dollar invested, Foundation scholars received $19.75 in subsequent federal and other grant monies—nearly a 20:1 return! We are projected to fund 64 projects and awards totaling over $1.2 million in 2015. Thank you for your continued support as we reach this monumental accomplishment. Without you, this wouldn’t be possible. Advancing Urology through Research for 40 Years National Nurses Day May 6 Women’s Health Week May 10-16 MAY 2015 Sun AUA Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA May 15-19 Mon 3 Tue 4 10 Through 5 11 Mother’s Day 12 ROUGH H T 40 2 0 1 4 17 of h Researc 24 31 Memorial Day Observed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 40 YEARS 1 9 7 4 Wed YEARS 18 25 O 1974 2014 19 H F RESEARC 26 Research Scholars: Why Your Support is So Vital Each year, the Urology Care Foundation receives many more applications for Research Scholars Awards than can be supported through current funding sources (see bar chart). Therefore, the Foundation remains diligent and dedicated to fostering partnerships with both current and new donors to increase support for urologic research and continue to make a positive impact for all patients suffering from urologic conditions. 2012-2014 Research Scholar Applications and Awards by Classification 50 Number of Applications 40 Number of New Awards Funded 30 20 10 0 l r r s s s y on sis ma ce lit de tia ea lie on cti an rti Ar hia ad sti me cti ino n l ma t r e C i c e h u f B o l e f r e n rc sf n t n d ro An Ca de h ro nic t In dI tat ea Hy Dy s/I tal ell ep ge es an lad ic al ra c iti n Sy ro s n t C o R B N t T u n P r e a l a x o t u t Pai ty ry na Se pm cti os Ne ro s ori ina Re du elo /Pr dder er/ nP Pri Ur o v n d r i g e i d A p D n Pa /Bla Re UR Bla Be ic s n-N ale ive elv stiti t o P M c N ic Cy ra ve ro n /O Ch e nc ne nti o Inc ary n i Ur rp pe las ia a rC nc er Men’s Health Month National Cancer Survivors Day June 7 Men’s Health Week June 15-21 JUNE 2015 Sun World Continence Week June 22-28 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Flag Day 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Father’s Day 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Raising Awareness Patients don’t have to suffer in silence. Many patients, especially those who are older or female, are reluctant to talk about their urologic symptoms. The Urology Care Foundation is raising awareness through a series of national public health campaigns to let patients know they are not alone, and there is help. In addition to reaching recently diagnosed patients, these campaigns are aimed at people dealing with symptoms in silence and those most at risk. We help patients take an active role in their care. IT’S TIME TO TALK ABOUT OAB • E ducates millions on the facts of overactive bladder (OAB) IT’S TIME TO TALK • Helps patients manage symptoms • O ver 1.2 million OAB educational resources distributed to patients and health care providers ABOUT SUI •P rovides resources for stress urinary incontinence (SUI) •E ncourages men to learn their risks for prostate cancer • E ncourages conversations with health care providers •R eaches out to men and their loved ones (600 million media placements) •H elps patients better understand their condition •T argeted messages for men at high risk (African-Americans/men with a family history) www.UrologyHealth.org/SUI www.UrologyHealth.org/OAB www.KnowYourStats.org The Urology Care Foundation provides me with the resources I need to educate my patients. Kathleen C. Kobashi, MD UROLOGIST Order free patient information UrologyHealth.org/Order or call 1-800-828-7866 JULY 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 Independence Day 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Patient Advocacy Highlights Last May, the Urology Care Foundation launched its inaugural Patient Advocacy Hub in collaboration with 16 different patient advocacy organizations. Each organization, who raise awareness and provide support for those with urologic conditions, were given booth space as part of the Foundation’s dynamic 2014 AUA Annual Meeting presence in Orlando. In addition to connecting with meeting attendees, patient advocates had an opportunity to meet face-to-face with key leaders of legislative priorities in urology. This initiative was made possible through the generous support from Allergan and Astellas. The Urology Care Foundation thanks 2014 Patient Advocacy Hub Participants: • Association for Pelvic Organ Prolapse Support • Association of Peyronie’s Disease Advocates • Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network • Caregiver Action Network • FrankTalk.org—Erectile Dysfunction Foundation • Interstitial Cystitis Association • Kidney Cancer Association • Men’s Health Network • National Alliance of State Prostate Cancer Coalitions • National Association for Continence • Prostate Conditions Education Council • Prostate Health Education Network • Simon Foundation for Continence • United Spinal Association • Us TOO International Prostate Cancer Education and Support Network • ZERO—The End of Prostate Cancer Save the Date: Prostate Cancer Awareness Month and kickoff of the Know Your Stats® campaign AUGUST 2015 Sun Mon September 1 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Community Spotlight Special Thanks to for their sustained support and commitment to the Urology Care Foundation’s research scholar awards program! Chesapeake Urology Associates’ annual fundraising efforts through the Baltimore ZERO Prostate Cancer Challenge have raised more than $1 million over the past few years. It’s led to establishing the Chesapeake Urology Prostate Cancer Fund, a permanent research scholar award at the Urology Care Foundation. Thank you to Dr. Sanford Siegel, Chesapeake Urology Associates and the ZERO Prostate Cancer Challenge for helping to make an impact on the present and future of urologic research. Prostate Cancer Awareness Month SEPTEMBER 2015 Sun Mon Towson, Maryland, event to benefit the Urology Care Foundation Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 6 Rosh Hashanah ZERO Prostate Cancer Run Labor Day Yom Kippur Prostate Cancer and Know Your Stats ® For the past six years, the Urology Care Foundation has teamed up with the NFL to raise awareness through the Know Your Stats About Prostate Cancer ® campaign. Visit KnowYourStats.org to learn more. The Know Your Stats® campaign is a rallying force to connect, educate and inspire men across the country to know their risk and talk to their doctor about whether prostate cancer testing is right for them. Now entering its sixth season, the campaign has been seen by more than 100 million Americans since its inception in 2009. MIKE HAYNES Member e ll Hall of Fam Pro Footba prostate - Diagnosed with 08 cancer in 20 person for the - Official spokes ® YS) campaign s (K Know Your Stat ns of men to - Educates millio tate health risks know their pros r doctor and talk to thei us ess through vario - Raises awaren n io ill m 0 60 over media outlets— s have been on si es pr media im the program’s garnered since inception! Stay connected UrologyHealth.org /UrologyCareFoundation OCTOBER 2015 Sun Mon 4 /UrologyCareFdn Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 11 Columbus Day Halloween 31 Bladder Health Month Urologists treat a number of conditions associated with the bladder, including incontinence, Interstitial Cystitis, Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections, and bladder cancer. The Urology Care Foundation supports critical research and research education in these conditions. In just the past two years, the Foundation has committed more than $1 million in research grants to support 17 projects associated with bladder health! In addition, the Foundation has provided support to the AUA Office of Research to host workshops and symposia covering bladder-related topics. Nearly 500 urologists and researchers have attended these educational forums to learn about innovative research from the world’s top scientists. D r. B onne y & D r. V ie weg Phot o was ta ke n at the 2014 Su m mer R esea rc Pa tient Phenot h C on ference. yping: Advanci ng Treat ment of Uri na ry Tra ct L ower D ysfu nction an d was suppor te dona tion from d in pa rt by a the Nor man G . Aeh le C ha rita ble Tru st . The Office of Research also advocates for additional federal funding for bladder health research a key priority in urology research. OVERACTIVE BLADDER PATIENT ADVOCACY ROUNDTABLE Eighteen groups participated in a 2014 roundtable held at AUA headquarters to help identify needs and gaps of overactive bladder (OAB) patients. OAB is a common health concern, affecting 30 percent of men and 40 percent of women in the United States, making this roundtable a vital contribution to women and men’s urologic health. OAB symptoms can get in the way of your work, social life, exercise and sleep, and can often lead to feelings of embarrassment. Through these roundtable discussions and collaborations with patient advocates, we are helping OAB patients take control of their life by managing their symptoms. Bladder Health Month Testicular Cancer Awareness Month NOVEMBER 2015 Sun Mon National Family Caregivers Month Tue Wed Daylight Savings 1 Time Ends 2 3 8 9 10 15 16 23 22 29 30 Thu Fri Sat 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 Veterans Day Thanksgiving Day Thank You Support the Urology Care Foundation While Doing Your Holiday Shopping! With your support, we are advancing urologic research and education to improve patients’ lives. Purchase any Brix varieties or gift set and receive 10% off AND 10% will be donated to the Urology Care Foundation! Visit UrologyHealth.org/Tribute to send an e-card today! We hope we can count on you to continue to support our impactful programs and services. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those suffering with urologic diseases. This holiday season, consider giving the gift of urologic health to ensure future discoveries and treatment options to continue to improve urologic patients’ quality of life. You may make a donation online in memory of a loved one or to honor someone you love and care about. You may also send a holiday e-card! www.brixchocolate.com Promo Code: UCF10 Chris Davies stands in solidarity with the Urology Care Foundation. CDchris davies Shop online with us to support the Urology Care Foundation! CD 20% of your purchase will be donated in your name to the Urology Care Foundation! www.chrisdaviesnewyork.com/urology Giving Tuesday! December 1 DECEMBER 2015 Sun Hanukkah Mon Last day to make your 2015 tax deductible gift! December 31 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 New Year’s Eve 31 Christmas Day Formation of a NEW Board of Directors The Urology Care Foundation announced the formation of its new, multidisciplinary, diverse and dynamic Board of Directors in March 2014. The organization’s governance structure includes three public directors, two AUA member urologists, the AUA’s treasurer and a chair. The extensive knowledge of this group will be invaluable as the Foundation forges ahead in its efforts to pave a way for advancements in urologic research and patient care. Chair Richard A. Memo, MD, FACS Secretary/Treasurer Steven M. Schlossberg, MD, MBA AUA UROLOGIST MEMBERS-AT-LARGE Martin Dineen, MD, FACS John B. Forrest, MD, FACS PUBLIC MEMBERS-AT-LARGE Thomas Cavalier Sam Covelli John Hirschbeck Leave a Legacy The Urology Care Foundation offers a wide range of vehicles to invest in our mission and leave a legacy to impact the future of urology. With a planned or legacy gift, you will make a difference in urologic patients’ lives, present and future. If you are considering a planned or legacy gift, there are several options for you that offer substantial tax benefits and include, but are not limited to, the following: • Making a bequest by Will. • Donating real estate. •D onating appreciated assets, including stocks, bonds, or making the Foundation the beneficiary of a qualified retirement plan. • E stablishing a charitable trust. • Giving a gift of life insurance, trusts and other deferred gifts. For more information, please contact our Major Gifts and Planned Giving Manager Wendy Taylor at 410-689-4034 or wtaylor@UrologyCareFoundation.org. Urology Care Foundations Research Scholars We present to you our 2014–2015 Research Scholars! Thanks to your generosity, these talented, early career investigators are advancing the field of urology through the exploration of cures and treatments. Judy Choi, MD, Philip Abbash, MD, PhD, Irina Debnath, PhD, Chunming Guo, PhD, Sonia Fargue, MD, PhD, Andrew Hau, PhD, Catherine Gordon, PhD, Chinedu Mmeje, MD, Zhu Juan (Sue) Li, PhD, Tomasz Owczarek, PhD, Shu Lin, PhD, Bharathi Rajaganapathy, PhD, Sungyong You, PhD Financial Highlights Reflects Fiscal Year 2013 (January 1, 2013, to December 31, 2013) 14 % 6 % Management and General Fundraising Financial Highlights 31% Education and Outreach Campaigns 49 % Research and Scholarship Programs A copy of the most recent audited financials is available by contacting the Urology Care Foundation. Documents submitted under the Maryland Charitable Solicitations Act are also available from the Maryland Secretary of State, State House, Annapolis, MD 21401 (410-974-5534). Partnering Institutions Since its inception, the Foundation has provided more than 600 grants and awards totaling over $20 million in support of researchers at leading medical institutions across the country. Albany Medical College Albany, New York Barnes – Jewish Hospital St. Louis, Missouri Baylor College of Medicine Houston, Texas Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Boston, Massachusetts Boston Children’s Hospital Boston, Massachusetts Boston University School of Medicine Boston, Massachusetts Brigham and Women’s Hospital Boston, Massachusetts Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Los Angeles, California Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Los Angeles, California Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Cleveland Clinic Cleveland, Ohio Columbia University Medical Center New York, New York Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Boston, Massachusetts Duke University Medical Center Durham, North Carolina Emory University Atlanta, Georgia Fox Chase Cancer Center Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Seattle, Washington Georgetown University Washington, District of Columbia Harvard Medical School Boston, Massachusetts Henry Ford Hospital Detroit, Michigan Hospital for Sick Children University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario, Canada Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana Institute for Regenerative Medicine Wake Forest University Winston Salem, North Carolina The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, North Carolina The Prostate Center at Vancouver General Hospital Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Tufts University Boston, Massachusetts Tulane University New Orleans, Louisiana Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, Maryland University of Alabama at Birmingham Birmingham, Alabama Long Island Jewish Medical Center New York, New York University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Fayetteville, Arkansas Louisiana State University, New Orleans Shreveport, Louisiana University of British Columbia Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Loyola University Medical Center Chicago, Illinois University of California, Irvine Irvine, California Massachusetts General Hospital Boston, Massachusetts University of California, Davis Davis, California Mayo Clinic Rochester, Minnesota University of California, Los Angeles Los Angeles, California Medical College of Georgia Augusta, Georgia University of California, San Diego San Diego, California Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center New York, New York University of Colorado School of Medicine Aurora, Colorado Mount Sinai Medical Center New York, New York University of Illinois Chicago, Illinois New York University Medical Center New York, New York University of Iowa Iowa City, Indiana Northwestern University Chicago, Illinois University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine Royal Oak, Michigan University of Maryland School of Medicine Baltimore, Maryland Princess Margaret Cancer Centre Toronto, Canada University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Newark, New Jersey South Florida VA Foundation for Research and Education, Inc. Miami, Florida University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania University of Rochester Rochester, New York University of South Carolina Columbia, South Carolina University of Southern California Los Angeles, California University of Texas – MD Anderson Cancer Center Houston, Texas University of Texas Health Sciences Center at San Antonio San Antonio, Texas University of Virginia Charlottesville, Virginia University of Washington Seattle, Washington University of Western Ontario/Lawson Health Research Institute London, Ontario, Canada University of Wisconsin Madison Madison, Wisconsin University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Dallas, Texas Vanderbilt University Medical Center Nashville, Tennessee Washington University – St. Louis St. Louis, Missouri Weill Cornell Medical College New York, New York University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan Stanford University Medical Center Stanford, California University of Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota Corporate Champions CORPORATE SUPPORTERS This past year, dozens of corporate, foundation and association donors helped to make a significant difference in the lives of millions of Americans diagnosed with urologic diseases through their support of the Urology Care Foundation’s research and education programs. We are grateful for their continued generosity and commitment to urology. 1 Education This past year, dozens of corporate, foundation and association donors helped to make a significant difference in the lives of millions of Americans diagnosed with urologic diseases through their support of the Urology Care Foundation’s research and education programs. We are grateful for their continued generosity and commitment to urology. The Urology Care Foundation provides me with the resources I need to educate my patients. Abbvie Dayton Physicans LLC Urology Division Adult Pediatric Urology & Urogynecology, P.C. Donier MedTech Allergan Dr. and Mrs. Paul Schellhammer Fund The Allergan Foundation The Endourological Society/Raju Thomas, MD Research American Urological Association Scholar Fund Amgen, Inc. Ferring Pharmaceuticals AMS, an Endo Health The “Friends of Joe” KATHLEEN C.Solution KOBASHI, MD Arkansas Urologic Society Chief, Division of Urology and Renal Transplantation Glassybaby LLC AstellasDirector, Pharma US, Inc.Floor Medicine/Reconstructive Surgery Harris Family Foundation Pelvic AUA Mid-Atlantic Section Henry M. Jackson Foundation and the Center for Prostate Virginia Mason Medical Center AUA New England Section Disease Research AUA New York Section Herbert Brendler, MD Urology Research Fund TheCentral Urology Care Foundation is a leading advocate patients, AUA North Section Indianfor American Urological Association (IAUA)/ Kalish Kedia, health care professionals and caregivers. We work to provide the Fund AUA Northeastern Section MD Research Scholar mostCentral accurate and current urologic information and The AUA South Section Indianeducation. American Urological Association (IAUA)/ Sakti Das, MD Foundation is committed to offering free patient education materials AUA Southeastern Section Research Scholar Fund on a variety of urologic conditions and treatments. Developed from AUA Western Section Jackson Urological Associates, P.C. the evidence-based AUA Clinical Guidelines, the Foundation’s patient Bavarian Nordic/BN Immuno Therapeutics Jewish Communal Fund information helps patients understand their symptoms, treatment Belle Jaroptions Foundation John Duckett, and strategies for maintaining good urologic health. MD Urology Research Fund Berger Patient Family Foundation Judith and Peter T. Scardino Family Fund Education Materials and Resources: Boston Scientific Justgive • A n online Find-A-Urologist tool that connects patients with Burr & Forman LLP Kidney Cancer Association urologists in their area Cancer Treatment Centers of America Kimberly-Clark Corporation •Information about more than 140 urologic conditions Chesapeake Urology Associates Maryland and Health Care Resources treatments on UrologyHealth.org Columbus Jewish Foundation Members Give •Free printed patient guides, fact sheets, brochures tools Cook Medical Mullerand Marine Inc ® David and Regina Weinberg Family Foundation, Myriad Genetic Laboratories, Inc. • UrologyHealth extra , a free patientInc. magazine with the latest news in urologic health National Cancer Institute (NCI) National Football League National Institute of Diabetes and Kidney Disorders (NIDDK) NeoTract, Inc. Network For Good New England Patriots Charitable Foundation NFL Foundation Peter Singer Charitable Fund Planet Abacus Charter School Protect the Nuts Robert J. Krane, MD Urology Research Scholar Fund Russell Scott, Jr., MD Urology Research Fund Schiller & Company Sexual Medicine Society of North America (SMSNA) Simmon Foundation Society for Basic Urologic Research (SBUR) Society for Pediatric Oncology The Society for Pediatric Urology (SPU)/Sushil Lacy, MD Research Scholar Fund Society of Urodynamics, Female Pelvic Medicine & Urogenital Reconstruction (SUFU) /Hari Badlani The Society of Urologic Oncology (SUO) Union Savings Bank Urology Associates Of Central Texas Pa Wyland F. Leadbetter, MD Urology Research Fund ZERO - The End of Prostate Cancer Zimmerman Family Foundation The work of the Urology Care Foundation in urologic research and education is made possible through the generous support of the following individuals. We are most grateful for your commitment to urology and your generosity. (Recognizes gifts from June 1, 2013, to May 31, 2014) VISION FOR LEGACY The Estate of Norman G. Aehle The Estate of Sylvia Arenson The Estate of Toby Greene The Estate of Frank Hinman, Jr. and Marion Hinman The Estate of Adam Orsatti The Estate of David Papier The Estate of Sandra Syms FOUNDATION CHAMPIONS $5,000+ Richard K. Babaian, MD and Sonya Nersessian Gopal Badlani, MD and Dr. Charculata Badlani Sarah Brendler Sam Covelli Sakti Das, MD David Eisner Kalish R. Kedia, MD Diane Krane Christopher Kennerly Payne, MD and Jeannette Potts Sushil S. Lacy, MD and Jane G. Lacy Richard A. Memo, MD and Rose Memo Aida Politano Sanford Siegel, MD Raju Thomas, MD FOUNDATION PATRONS $1,000-$4,999 Dean George Assimos, MD John M. Barry, MD and Toni Enger-Barry, DMD Arthur Louis Burnett II, MD Thomas J. Cavalier Martin Dineen, MD James and Nancy Dougherty David F. Green, MD and Kathleen Green Cornelia Haag-Molkenteller,MD, PhD Jonathan and Gina Krane Larry I. Lipshultz, MD John H. Lynch, MD Carl A. Olsson, Jr., MD, and Mary D. Olsson Hossein Sadeghi-Nejad, MD Paul F. Schellhammer, MD Myles J. Slosberg Pramod C. Sogani, MD and Lalita Sogani E. Darracott Vaughan, Jr., MD and Anne Vaughan FOUNDATION FRIENDS $250-$999 Daniel Ari Barocas, MD Timothy Paul Bukowski, MD Peter Robert Carroll, MD Octavio Augusto Castillo, MD Jonathan Andrew Coleman, MD George Francis Daniels Jr., MD and Kathleen Daniels Ronald Lee Davis III, MD John D. Denstedt, MD Chris Desantis Robert F. D’Esposito, MD Sherri Machele Donat, MD George W. Drach, MD Felipe Dubourcq de Barras, MD Peggy Duckett Cynthia M. Duncan James Van Eaton, MD Robert James Evans, MD, FACS Robert Sherburne Figenshau, MD John B. Forrest, MD Brendan M. Fox, MD, and Maureen Fox Inderbir Singh Gill, MD, MCh Peter J. Gilling, MD Robert E. Glesne, MD Marc Goldstein, MD Henry Goode E. Ann Gormley, MD Heather Gottlieb, DO Robert T. Grissom, MD William Gruber Jerold Grubman, MD John F. Hirschbeck J. Parks Hitch Jr., MD James Honohan Sharon K. Isbell Javid Javidan-Nejad, MD Jean Volny Joseph, MD Robert L. Kilburn Badrinath R. Konety, MD Rhonda Kotarinos, PT, DPT Amy Elizabeth Krambeck, MD John Kryger, MD Yegappan Lakshmanan, MD Vincent P. Laudone, MD John Paul Lavelle, MD Daniel Wei Lin, MD Mark Lisa Kevin R. Loughlin, MD, MBA Leonard Maldonado, MD Lavrenti Managadze, MD, PhD Sheldon H.F. Marks, MD Thomas C. McLaughlin, MD Laura E. Morgan William Morrison Todd Nerlinger Robert C. Newman, MD Craig Stuart Niederberger, MD Patrick Sean O’Hollaren, MD George and JoAnne Pappas Preston S. Parish Dennis A. Pessis, MD and Amy Pessis Randall F. Randazzo, MD Thomas Michael Rashid, MD Art R. Rastinehad, DO Robert Evan Reiter, MD Lawrence S. Ross, MD Douglas S. Scherr, MD Steven M. Schlossberg, MD, MBA and Nancy Schlossberg Vincenzo Serretta, MD Jose Heriberto Amon Sesmero Michael T. Sheppard, CPA, CAE Mark Sigman, MD Janet V. Skorepa William Donald Steers, MD and Amy Steers Wendy Taylor Lance Edward Templeton, MD Raju Thomas, MD Teasa E. Thompson, MPH Landon Trost, MD Willie Underwood, MD Dennis D. Venable, MD Andrew Von Eschenbach, MD Yoshihiro Wada, MD Anne Walters John Thomas Wei, MD Kevin A. Wohlfort Kwok-Kee Wong, MD Wen T. Yap, MD Michael T. Sheppard, CPA, CAE Urology Care Foundation Executive Director Development Kevin A. Wohlfort Associate Executive Director, Development & Publications Cynthia M. Duncan Director of Development AUA Office of Research Carolyn J.M. Best, PhD Director of Research Rodney D. Cotten, MBA, PMP Research Programs and Events Manager Jessica Ames, MS Research Grants Coordinator Idrissa Macklin Research Associate Wendy Taylor, MAT Major Gifts and Planned Giving Manager David DeLorenzo Associate Executive Director, Information & Communications Claire Saxton, MBA Senior Manager of Outreach Kim Miller, MFS Outreach Programs Manager Casey Callanan Outreach Specialist Research Council Outreach Council Johannes Vieweg, MD Chair Allen D. Seftel, MD Chair Darius J. Bagli, MD Jodi Antonelli, MD George Christ, PhD Peter E. Clark, MD Donald Bodner, MD T. Ernesto Figueroa, MD Kathleen C. Kobashi, MD Alexander Kutikov, MD Steven A. Kaplan, MD Franklin C. Lowe, MD, MPH Natasha Kyprianou, PhD Martin M. Miner, MD Jill A. Macoska, PhD Ajay Nehra, MD Aria F. Olumi, MD Kathryn L. Taylor, PhD Gail S. Prins, PhD Paul J. Turek, MD Robert E. Reiter, MD Larissa V. Rodriguez, MD Marianne D. Sadar, PhD Daniel A. Shoskes, MD Brian Walsh John T. Wei, MD Martin Dineen, MD, FACS AUA Urologist Member-at-Large John B. Forrest, MD, FACS AUA Urologist Member-at-Large John F. Hirschbeck Public Member-at-Large Outreach and Education Arthur L. Burnett II, MD Steven Schlossberg, MD, MBA Secretary/Treasurer Sam Covelli Public Member-at-Large Sarah Kramer Individual Giving Specialist Timothy B. Boone, MD Richard A. Memo, MD Chair Thomas J. Cavalier Public Member-at-Large Kristin Lolmaugh Development Specialist Linda A. Baker, MD Urology Care Foundation Board of Directors Robert E. Weiss, MD Daniela Wittman, PhD, LMSW Notes Notes National Headquarters: 1000 Corporate Boulevard, Linthicum, MD 21090 Phone: 410-689-3990 • Fax: 410-689-3998 • 1-800-828-7866 info@UrologyCareFoundation.org • www.UrologyHealth.org
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