
Volume 16, Number 12
September 2008
MEETING DATE — Thursday, September 11, 2008
HAPPY (HALF) HOUR — 6:30 to 7:00 P.M.
BUSINESS — 7:00 to 9:30 P.M.
Hollis Chatelain was born and raised in the United
States, but lived for twelve years in Africa. Her art
evokes the images of life in Africa. She wants people
to know more about the joy, harmony, and pride of
the African people, rather than only hearing of the
suffering and turmoil. She dreams in color, and these
dreams provide inspiration for her quilts. Since 2000,
much of her work has reflected her feelings on worldwide issues. Her art is a representation of the people she admires and
respects. She is internationally famous for her whole cloth portraits,
landscapes, and botanical images. Her quilts express something that the
camera cannot, and strike a chord with people’s emotions.
Please join us for dinner with Hollis at Sarducci’s restaurant, in the San
Juan Capistrano Depot, at 5:00 p.m. prior to the Guild meeting. Please
call or email Marian Mapes to reserve your spot for dinner.
October—President’s Quilt Presentation
November—Diane Gaudynski,
December—Holiday Program
January 2009—Rami Kim,
February—Mickey Lawler,
March—Yvonne Porcella,
The Beach Cities Quilters Guild was established to promote quilting and other fabric arts in the South Orange County area. Membership is $30 per year, October
through September. Guests are welcome at meetings for a $5 guest fee (free in December). For membership information, contact Nancy McBride at 22751 Via Tercero, Mission Viejo, CA. 92691. Web Site: Listed email and phone numbers are for BCQG business only please.
Beach Cities Quilters Guild
Board Committee Chairpersons
Marco Forster Middle School
Meetings are held the second Thursday of
each month in the Cafetorium of
Marco Forster Middle School
25601 Camino del Avion
San Juan Capistrano
Joint Board Meeting
September 18 @ 6:00 P.M.
At Dana Bluffs Club House
Pot Luck - hosted by the
outgoing Board Members
Please bring you turnover files
More information will be
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Stitches in the Sand—September 2008
One last message from your President!
Being President of BCQG this year has been such an honor! One of the reasons that it has been
such a great year for me is all of the women that served on the Board. They are just a fabulous group
of women. We accomplished so much this year and they held strong and completed every task they
were given. Now, was it always easy? No, there were occasional situations that took special care to
resolve but they marched forward each time.
I could not be more proud of any group of women that I have ever worked with than this group:
Block Party—they came up each month with such cute ideas!
Door Prizes—each month was like a holiday with presents!
Friendship Circle—had teas and encouraged new members to seek a friendship group.
Historian—Ann was so busy with her camera all year, I will treasure the book that she is putting together.
Hospitality—they always served so many smiles along with all of the goodies!
Internet—we found a new webmaster, and had a new website created that BCQG can be very proud to have.
Library—how many books they brought in each month, Yikes! In addition, they listed each book on our
Mail Crew—what would we do without these gals? Each month they folded, and mailed over 200 copies of our
Monthly Mini—they have brought in so much money with their monthly raffle and we all appreciate those that
donated their wonderful quilted items.
Newsletter—Leonor, the newsletter is just FABULOUS!
Philanthropy—Monica and Company have successfully organized the making of so many quilts, cancer caps,
and mastectomy pillows to donate.
Publicity—we actually have a waiting list of advertisers that want to advertise in our newsletter. Now that is a
nice place to be!
Quilt Show—BCQG can be so very proud of the results of this show as it was wonderful!
Secret Sisters—I do not know about you, but those packages that wait for their owners on the table each month
are very, very pretty.
Show and Tell—it is our favorite!
SCCQG—Stacy and Maggie are quietly going to their meetings and reporting news from the Council. Thanks
for giving up all of those Saturdays.
Ways and Means— I am so grateful to Julie Greenspan, Nancy Ota and Marianne Cunningham for stepping up
and managing the Christmas Event. Such a fun evening and it was so successful.
Welcoming—new members are treated so nice and encouraged to join BCQG. Along with this job at each
meeting, these gals also wrote many cards to cheer up our members.
Workshops—this is a big job!! Speakers love to come to BCQG as we treat them so nice! These women did
such a great job managing a very big job, thank you!
The Executive Board—what can I say? You are all so wonderful to work with; you did not give up on me any
time during the year, and, believe me, that was not easy as I kept coming up with bright ideas!!
Not one member of the team could I have done without and I sincerely want to thank each
of you for giving me such a wonderful year!
Thanks to all the members for voting me into this position and allowing me the
honor of being the 2007-2008 President of BCQG.
Marsha Burns, President
Stitches in the Sand—September 2008
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Marian Mapes—President
Marian joined BCQG in 2001 and dumped her yarn stash for fabric. She has been on the Board
ever since then, including the positions of VP Programs, VP Membership, Spring Event Chair,
and Spring Event Treasurer. She lives in Dana Point with her feline friends, known as ―the boys‖.
She works full time in Orange, and part time at A Time to Sew.
Sherry Glidden—1st Vice President, Programs
I started quilting and joined BCQG in 2004. In 20062007 I served as Secretary and was in charge of Layout for the Spring Event. Currently I’m Treasurer and
also was in charge of Acquisitions for the 2008 Quilt
Show. I live in Ladera Ranch with my husband, stepson and three dogs where I have a home office where
I tend to all office/financial matters for a property
management firm.
Leonor Tucker—2nd Vice President, Membership
I made my first quilt in 1972 and still have it for
laughs. In 2004 when my first grandchild was born
I decided it was time to seriously learn how to quilt
and thus another fabricholic/quilting fanatic was
born. I joined BCQG in February 2006 and was so
fortunate to discover a high school friend, Polly
Hada, who invited me to join the Stitchers of the
Night Friendship Circle, a fantastic group of ladies.
I was on the 2007 Spring Event Committee and
chaired the Data Entry/Program Committee for the
2008 Quilt Show. It has been my privilege to be the
BCQG Newsletter Editor this past year. BCQG is the
best and I am honored to have been nominated for
Vice President of Membership.
Regina Moore—3rd Vice President, Facilities
I have always been addicted to anything to do with
sewing. I have had a lifelong goal to learn to quilt
because of my mother’s two sisters. They would sit
for hours and hand cut pieces of material, then hand
sew them together and make such wonderful quilts.
Quilting has come a long way since then! My husband David and I live in Mission Viejo with our dog
―Sailordog‖. I joined Beach Cities in the summer of
2007, just in time to help with the quilt for Bettie! I
also volunteered to work on the Set-up and Takedown committee for this year’s quilt show, which
was a great experience for a new-comer.
I look forward to many happy years as a
member of this wonderful guild.
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Marianne Cunningham—Secretary
After being forced to medically retire in 1999, the
only thing I wanted to do was learn to QUILT!!! I’ve
been a member of BCQG for four years and love the
guild. I’ve co-chaired the Holiday event for two
years and this year the Quilt Show. I live in Mission
Viejo with my husband of 29 years, my daughter Rebecca, a cat and Hudson ―the granddog‖. Two grandsons live with my daughter Amanda in Tucson. I
look forward to being the Secretary on the Executive
Board for 2008-2009.
Sara Slygh—Treasurer
Started quilting in 2000 and joined BCQG in 2006
after moving from Pennsylvania, where she belonged
to the Heart & Home Quilters Guild and was the corresponding secretary. Sara is currently chair for Library and participated in the 2008 Quilt Show. She
lives in Mission Viejo with her husband Mike and has
one grown child, Nathan, still living in Pennsylvania.
Sara works in Newport Beach as an Accounting Manager and is studying to become a certified internal
Starting in
November 2008
our monthly meetings
are going to be held at the
Norman P. Murray Center
located in Mission Viejo
The address is
24932 Veteran’s Way
Mission Viejo
Stitches in the Sand—September 2008
Membership Application/Renewal Form
Check one:
I wish to receive my Newsletter via e-mail YES ___ No ___
Check one:
__ RENEWAL - $30. Annually from Oct. 1st through Sept. 30th
__ The information in the current roster is complete and correct
(No need to enter any other information)
__ The information has changed (Note changes below)
__ NEW MEMBER - $30 - Please complete the information below
__ NEWSLETTER ONLY - $17 - Annually for out-of-area members
Amount Enclosed: $______________ Check#__________ Cash__________
_____ I would like to purchase a BCQG Pin for $5.00—Include with your membership check
Name:___________________________________________ #_____________
City:__________________________________ State:_______ Zip:_________
E-Mail Address:__________________________________________________
Home Ph#:_______________________ Work Ph#:______________________
Cell Ph#:_________________________ Birthday MM/DD:_______________
Meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of each month. Social time begins at 6:30 pm, with the general meeting and program from 7 pm to approximately 9:30 pm. The September and October meetings will be
held at Marco Forster Middle School, 25601 Camino Del Avion, San Juan Capistrano.
Starting in November 2008 the Norman P. Murray Center at 24932 Veteran’s Way in Mission Viejo will
be our new meeting location. Any changes to this schedule will be announced in the monthly BCQG
Dues are payable prior to the start of each membership year. Please bring this completed form and your
dues check, payable to BCQG, to the Membership Table at the next general meeting, or mail it to:
Leonor Tucker 25865 Greenhill, Lake Forest, CA 92630
As a member of the BCQG photographs of you and/or your quilts may appear in the
Newsletter and Website.
Please read and complete the reverse side of this form . . . Thank YOU!
BCQG—Opportunities for Involvement
It takes the combined effort of all the members to provide quality programs, fun and informative meetings,
workshops, quilt shows, and special events. Would you be willing to share your skills and talents and some
of your time with the Guild? Please indicate your areas of interest below. An indication of interest is not a
commitment, however your participation is encouraged and essential to the continued success of the Guild.
Descriptions of the Board and Committee functions are listed in the Membership Roster, in the Bylaws. Volunteering even a small amount of your time and/or talents is a great way to become involved, meet new
friends, and have fun!
Please circle your areas of interest:
Block Party
Friendship Circles
Monthly Mini
Secret Sisters
Ways and Means
Door Prizes
Mail Crew
Show and Tell
Southern California Council of Quilt Guilds
Help at Meetings:
Membership Table
Speaker Set-up/Sales
Hand out Door Prizes
Call me if you need help
Hospitality Set-up
Show and Tell Set-up
Ticket Sales/Mo. Mini
Quilt Show
Opportunity Quilt
Call me if you need help
Spring Tea & Tour
Challenge Quilts
Sewing Room Tour
Library Table
Stagehand/Show & Tell
Welcome new members and guests
Special Events:
Holiday Rummage Sale
Holiday Live Auction
Mini Workshops
Other Skills:
Event Planning
Computer Skills
If you have any questions, thoughts, ideas, or suggestions that might help to improve our Guild, please write
your comments below, or contact any of our Board members.
Please indicate your changed information only and either bring the form along with your check to the next
meeting, or mail them to Leonor Tucker at the address on the form. Remember to review and complete the
backside of the form as well.
Annual dues are $30, for the membership year October 1st through September 30th. If you wish to order a
BCQG pin, please add $5 to your check.
WELCOME new member: Sondra Gray
Remember to have your name badge made within 3 months of joining.
A special thanks to Lynn Blackburn and Soley Wendell who are always
there to greet you and check you in for the meetings each month.
August Total Attendance: 250
Total Members: 528
August Door Prize Donors
Nancy McBride, Vice President, Membership
Thank You to Our Door Prize Donors
A Time to Sew
Cozy Cottage Fabrics
Flying Geese Fabrics
Material Possessions Quilt Shop
Moore's Sewing & Fabric
Piecemakers Country Store
Q's Longarm Quilting
Tall Mouse
**New Library Books**
Creative Quilting with Kids by Maggie Ball
Quilt Savvy: Machine Quilting Guidebook by Diane Gaudynski
Mariner's Medallion by M'Liss Rae Hawley
Heavenly Patchwork II by Judy Howard
Folded Fabric Elegance by Rami Kim
Skydyes by Mickey Lawler
Nickel Club
Our exchanges for the next month are:
Turned in
August—Kids (Novelty) and
September—Off white/white backgrounds
(no other colors)
and Dark Batiks
Stitches in the Sand—September 2008
Welcoming was THRILLED to
greet 24 guests at our August
meeting! WOW!
Hope many of them chose to
attend the Meet and Greet at
Sue Peter's house for new members that was held on August 23.
Welcome to you all,
guests and new members!
Barbara Green for
Sue Peters, Welcoming
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Thanks to everyone who participated in the August Block
Party. Seventeen blocks were turned in; we had 3 winners
of 5 blocks each. Congratulations to Jean Carr, Roxanne
Segroves, and Sandy Jones for winning! Please check out
the fun and easy to make September block ―Apples for
my Teacher‖. We hope to have bushels of apples at the
general meeting!
Please come visit us at the Block Party Table during the
general meeting.
Note: The September Block should measure 8½‖ x 8½‖
square and not 9½‖ x 9½‖ as stated in the pattern. Please
accept our sincere apology for any confusion that this error may have caused.
Megan Lord and Lupe Maher
Chaundra Gomer
Jackie Lewisstack
Del Thomas
Delane Turner
Sue Clark
Liz Isom
Leslye Stringfellow
Linda Effertz
Nancy Hyde
Karen Hanway
Michael Qualls
Barbara Redick
Margo Hayes
Odette Osantowski
Martha Hurlburt
Sharron Keck
Karen Richesin
Janice Dove
Susan Staebell
Wendy Price
Janet Pugh
Beverly Buell
Glenda Razor
Johanne Gibson
Joyce Conyers
Paisley Greenspan
Sondra Gray
Dorothy Snyder
Judy Nunn
Joann Bishop
Peggy Dilzer-Whitehead
Eva Dundas
Martha Partin
Gayle Dains
Nancy Miller
Betty Ames
Gayle Graham
Margo Grube
Sue Richardson
Leonor Tucker
Janet Cook
Nancy McKinney
Wilma Bosch
Emily Montanari
Birthday Girls—please bring something for the September
Hospitality Table! August was awesome - thank you to
everyone who brought treats!
Hospitality—Eileen Campbell, Sharon Gilmore and Sandy Jones
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Stitches in the Sand—September 2008
Places to Go — Quilts To See
September 13 - 14 Almond Country Quilt Guild Quilt Show IX- A Gathering of Quilters to be held at the Paso Robles
Event Center, 2198 Riverside Ave, Paso Robles, CA 93446, Saturday Sept 13, 2008, 10 to 5 and Sunday, Sept 14, 2008
10 to 4. Join us! Email Contact: Website:
October 3 – 4 Old Town Temecula Quilt Show. Friday, October 3rd – USO Show with Eleanor Burns as Rosie the Riveter - Tickets available through PayPal. Saturday, October 4th – 10th Anniversary Quilt Show, free admission, Eleanor
Burns is the featured quilter. Detailed information available at .
October 14 Flying Geese Quilters Guild Auction Trinity United Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall 13922 Prospect
Santa Ana, CA Email Contact: Website:
October 18 - 19 Simi Valley Quilt Guild Show Vendor mall, boutique, guest artist: Rita Verroca, AQS appraiser: Violet
Vaughnes, Hoffman Challenge, live auction Sat 1P, Kingdom Sewing Center machine drawing Sun. 3PM, door prizes,
kid's treasure hunt, "Look at Me" challenge, food on site, opportunity quilt drawing 3:30P Sun. New, bigger location,
free parking. See website for details Email Contact: Website:
October 25 WFQG Sewing Room Tour, Luncheon, & Holiday Boutique On Saturday, October 25th, The Wandering
Foot Quilt Guild in Arcadia is having a Sewing Room Tour, Luncheon, and Holiday Boutique at the Arcadia First Presbyterian Church. Your ticket includes a tour of five delightful sewing rooms, a luncheon and holiday boutique at the
Church, 121 Alice Street, Arcadia, CA 91006. Quilts, Wall hangings, Table Runners, Place Mats, Antique Lace, and
other items will be for sale. Email Contact: Website:
November 14 – 15 High County Quilters Guild. The guild is sponsoring a quilt show on November 14 & 15. There will
be vendors, a mini quilt auction, basket bonanza, and an opportunity quilt drawing. The location is the Larry Chimbole
Cultural Center, 38350 Sierra Hwy., Palmdale, CA 93551. The contact person is Wendy Fullmer at (661) 533-0140.
December 6 Pine Needles Quilt Guild Holiday Home Tour 15th Annual Wrightwood Holiday Home Tour and Boutique.
11:00 a.m. to 4p.m. Ticket prices: Advance: $12.00 – available after November 1. Day of tour: $15.00 – available at
boutique and homes. By mail send SASE to: Pine Needles Quilt Guild P.O. Box 2800 Wrightwood, CA 92397 call 760
Many thanks to Beach Cities Quilters Guild for such a warm welcome (as always). It's a pleasure to come and
visit with your Guild. I wanted to personally thank you for your support of the Komen quilt "Tribute to Courage". It is very much appreciated. Orange Grove Quilters Guild has been supporting Orange County Komen
since 1993 and we deem it a most worthy cause. It's basically a women's issue and we definitely want to see an
end to breast cancer. Your support will help make that a reality. The OC Komen Race for the Cure is Sunday,
September 28th at Fashion Island, Newport Beach. Our Quilt Guild has a team this year!
Barbara Purks, Orange Grove Quilters Guild
Monthly Mini
Delane Turner started making her own
clothes at a young age. After sewing for
her home and crafts she started serious
quilting 8 years ago when she retired and
joined BCQG. She enjoys sewing for her
children and grandchildren, friends and
family. Among her other interests are
embroidery, wool felt and scrapbooking.
She loves the Anaheim Angels and traveling with her husband.
Jhone Hardesty happily took home the
bright tote bag that Delane made.
Janet Cook, Wendy Price, Mary Arntz
Stitches in the Sand—September 2008
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BCQG Members made this quilt in
memory of Helen Brassaw.
Quilted by Marianne Cunningham.
Pattern: Quilter’s Angel
The owner will be the bidder at
―Make A Wish‖ Auction.
Lynn Mann - My Sassy Heart
Quilted by Jan Stupin
Diane Brewer
Nicole Radu
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Stitches in the Sand—September 2008
Designing Women Friendship Group made
for Nafsi Martin’s granddaughter Kiki.
Titled - Kiki’s Beach Quilt
Quilted by Lillian Gordon
Jean Impey, Gwen Marston Style - quilted by Nana’s
Sharon Pembrook - Owner: John Pembrook - Kim Diehl Design
Marilyn Egler - Owner: Aunt Fran - Shake It Up by Pincushion
Thimbleberries Group - Owner: Karen Kowalchuk - Quilted by Karen - A++ Thimbleberries Garden
Karen Kowalchuk - Jousting Stars
Walli Skrocki - Owner: Alexandra Dillworth - Graduation Quilt
Maggie Bell - Owner: Daughter - Patriotic Star by Judi Hasselkus
Maggie Bell - Name Tag
Judi Hasselkus - Olympic Triangles
Pat Pardoen - Coffee Classics by McKenna Ryan
Maggie Ezell - Owner: Bidder at San Clemente Senior Center Auction
Nancy Gilman - Simply Unbelievable
Nancy Ota - Gingko with Gabrielle Swain
Jeanne Tavasci - Owner: Nathan - Bulls Eye
Betty Koskinen - French Rose from Kathleen Walker Class
Betty Koskinen - Table Topper from Mickey Charleston Class
Jean Impey - Le Blue
Jean Impey - Owner: Norah McMeeking - Venetian Floor Tiles
Jean Impey - Sunflowers by Phil Beaver
Ruth Nahas - Once Upon the Nile
Stitches in the Sand—September 2008
Monika and Lillian Grant - Horse Quilts
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Stitches in the Sand—September 2008
Stitches in the Sand—September 2008
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Stitches in the Sand—September 2008
Stitches in the Sand—September 2008
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U.S. Postage
Mission Viejo,
Permit No. 949
Beach Cities Quilters Guild
P. O. Box 322
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92693-0322
Dated Material
Please Deliver By September 1
Goodbye Newsletter
it has been a fun ride!
Thank you to everyone
who allowed me to
take photographs of
your beautiful quilts
and faces—you rock!
Leonor Tucker
All cards are original designs – Each card comes
with its own display stand.
Contact Sharon at 949-582-2239 or