Colibri - Saratoga Soaring Association
Colibri - Saratoga Soaring Association
Colibri IGCFLIGHTRECORDER Pleasereadthis manualbeforeoperatingthe unit Feb. 2001 Version3.0 itE2rn; Page:1 :.{rd'L/'. ;vp4et14!7+7rak ' Si/l*f, d.<rCs lnz'2'vt'acs' P.9f-= CONTROLKEYSGPS STATUSMEI\U...-.... 4 NAVTGATION MEFIUS... 4.1 TP 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1-3 Po{Nrs) AvrcAr OURNTNG ENTERINGA NEW TURNPOINT-ftorn the aimort data base. ENTERINGa NEW TURNPOINT EDTTING AN EXTSTTNG TURNPOTNT ....,...............6 ....,.-....,.,,...,......7 .,...,.....,.....7 4.3 SETLIPMENU.......... 5.'1.3 oBSERVATTON ZONEBEEP..-...,,.,.. 5.1.5 5.1.6 16 ............,.... J-RECORO FLIGHTlNFO.....L:i.i,?....,:1.:,:i:,:..:;.i VIEW LOGGER....-..-... L7 PRE-FLIGHT PROCEDI'RES 20 8.1 WIRING DETAILS AND POWERSTJPPLVCOI{I\ECTION. 10 COLIBRI- MENU STR.UCTURE 11 ADDITIONAL II{FORMA'TrON.-.-'-.._ ...............21 22 _.....--........23 11.1 A LowBATTERywARNTNGTS DrsprayEDwrrENTrrEBATTERyvoLTAGEDRopsro 10.0Y REGARDT-ESSoFwHrcH SCREEN YOUAREUSINGATTTIETn.G. PRESSTHEENTER BI-T'IoN To RESUMECONTROLoF TIG COLBRI'S FTINCTIONS. .WTGN LOGGn.IGDOESNoT STOPDURINGTHF TIME, TIIE UNTTwLL CONTINUETo oPERATEDOS.NTffi 9.0V, TTn saTIEny TS DCIAUSTEDTHECOI.BRI wtrr BEEP coNm'ruously: AND Lo{icING WILL cEAsE. Tm BATTERYvot-TAGE IS CONTINUOUSLY DISPIAYEDoN A PAGE]N TIIE GPS STATUS MENUIF YoU w]sH To CHECKT}IE CURRENTSTATEoF YOUR 12 TMFORTANTNOTES.-...-- 13 GLOSSARY .....*-..........23 24 GEI\IERAL IFTF'ORMATION: Thank you for purchasingthe LX Colibri Data Logger. You willfind the unit an accurate, reliable and a valuable aid to your gliding pursuits.The LX Colibri Logger is an FAI approvedflight loggerlrecorder.The unit is extremely small and practical(55x100:t32mm).The Colibri is oprated via seven keys idendfiedby symbols. All the data and flight informationis displayedon a kB character LCD matrix display.A BNC Page:2 oarector is usedto mnnectthe GPSantennato the unit.The instrumentis tumedon by insertingthe porer lead{telephonetypemnnetor) intotte appropriatesocketon the Colibri. - 16 channelGPS receiver - NMEA and Winpilotou$ut 10-15 V DC 1 0 0m A l ' l 2 V --'--'= - Dimensions....,....-...-. 55x100x32mm - w e i g h t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . : . . . . . . . . : . . : :D. .o: :g: . - Enginenoisesensoris standardequipment -Zsmfeature - DataRetention.-. lnternalLithiumBattery 2 CONTROLKEYS All necessarydatainputand manipulation can be doneusingthe sevenkep as shownbelow: r r . o e r . DOWN anow UP arrow RIGHT arrow LEFT arrow ENTER ESCAPE EVENT EVENT The unit has four main menus. On polver up the GPS STATUS page is displayed. Pressing mnsecutively the right anow key displays the NAVIGATIONpage,then the SETUP menu ENTER ESC and finallythe VIEW LOGGERmenu. Pressing the left arrow returns to the previrrusmenu. When power is applied the Colibri will display the program version followed by the serial number of the unit and the oamer/pilotsname for 2Oseconds. GPS STATUS menu - After the initial start up procedurethe logger automaticallyswitches to this menu and commencesacquiring satellitefixes. lf the aerial is not connected or the aerial is covered by obstacles,such as buildings,then GPS BAD, SAT = 0 will be displayed.Satellite acquisitiontlme fom a cold start is under 60 seconds.A wann start is typicalty3&seconds. r-X 3 NAVIGATIONmenus- Fromthe GPSST4ZOSmenupressingthe rightanow bringsup the 3 NAVIGATION menus ( TP, TSKandAPT)./his shors haring, track,distanceandthe firstfour letters of the selecfedtumpointor airport.PressingESCAPEwill causethe glider'sgroundspeedto be -displayedin place of the turnpointsname.Turnpoints, whichare storedin the databasecan be selected and alsoeditedas requiredfromthis screen.Pressingthe rightanow againtakesyouto the; SETUP rr€Ilu- This page is not used during flight. lt is normally used prior to the flight to ffine the togger and task parameterc.All pilot and glider data are defined in this menu, From this menu pressing the LEFT arrowwill retum to the Navigationscreen orthe RIGHT anornrwill lead to the VIEW LOGGER menu. VlHnt LOGGER menu - This is selectedfor flight analyrsisafter landing. Flights made with the logger are stored in the unit (up to 100hrcdeperding on logging parameters)and the information is retained even when the power is switched off. Flights can be analysedvia the Colibri's screen (after landing)without the need to transferftight data to a PC. This menu will not be displayed if there are no flights stored in the logger. Page: 3 ilF All four mainmenushavesubmenus . To entera sub menuusethe vertical arows. A detailed descriptionof the sub.menusis containedfurtheron in the is remmmendedyou readthis manualpAjlst refeningto the menustructurediagramat the backof this manual. r.!v startsthe edit proedure andconfinnsoptionsselectedor the dataentered' Tne ENFJ key alwayrs L7-1 \ . i f ne ESL{PE key hastwofunctions;go backa step in the menuandto acceptthewholerow in the screensin tte navigation the threenav(Tation editingprocedure.Alsothe ESCAPEkey ryclesbetr.veen pressed procedure in the navigationpage. wlren menu.Duringflight this keystartsthe windcalculation 3 GPS STATUS menu This menuis activewhenthe instrumentis switchedon. Thereis no edit function,as this menucontains tl'tgU?gl{ no userdefinabledata.This meansthe datacanonly be readtromthe display.EV-U:'ttg st-Alps.11e-nqary-dlsp-lqved: DowNqno-rrys-!Le_!9!!oY{ttg i.qgg?_of !!te-G-P_s GPS status and number of satellitesacquired I I LAr N4s I I I LoNEor6I I rs.ts I Coordinatesof lour qrrent position Altitude referenoedto the ISA 1013 Hpa pressure lavel ! lT] r2.0s.e8 I * I nar=u.r | poP=33 I -.,n | CurrentTime/Date , ' 4 a . , , 4 / ' e t y't, / ' t ' 1 v ,a +'^' | Battery voltage and DOP (Dilution of Position.Whicfl is a measure of the accuracy of lhe GPS bvrer the number tfie better) Recordingstiatus;STOPor RUNis ttisplayedard the Logg€rRecordingCapacityin hours. Do not *itctr off the loggor at the enO of a flight until LOG:STOP is disptayed. ='-.._:-.-.-=.- NOTE: The lqger capacityfrgure displayedon the above screen doesn't indicatethe remaining portion sf unused-menrory! lt displays the tohl memorlr availablefor flight recording,which depends upon the logging time interval and additionaldata options selectedfor recording.As old data isautomatically overwrmen by ngw data (ie. the cunent flight) you don't need to dear the memory prior to flight. Hence, after a flight pu will find the logger memory number displayed has remained unchanged. However, changingthe remrding interval or selecting additionaldata recordingoptions (see section 5.1.d of the manual) will change the amount of memory availableand change the value displayed. Page:4 4 NAVTGATION MEIIUS Therc are 3 navig&n rrefius anaiftrbb;Trr,rpsirt, T4, ad Aspott ffP,TSK and APT) whichalloruinflightnavigationto the selectedtumpc$ntor airfield.Eachmstu is explainedbelow.Alsoeditingof the tumpoint and task data is possible.The navigationsseen in each of the three menus looks like this; /': tP'vtt -;:.-:ta::.a: ;i,:, ,l![rr'o ::::';: ii ?''" F';/!,::i<'.:..--' ')'t;L:';.i :i t;. -ri ':t'':: N i€it'r-' -iC' !:::';'--*t:-'a.''?-- 2-3$tni-s=the-di-s!aOq-t 123iislh-ecuneLlu_qqry{-lhp=airerafr*130=1js:the-b9qnlg-tq-t[g--J=f, =-th.-TP-:-inO ttre CotiUricounb downthe distanceto a of tlre.tumpp=int{designator} tr-e firs-=i6fi:i_LeEeE is -" Tpliilkmlncrfnients, eicepivr*ien-*thinrOkmof the TP. Thenthe Colibridisplaysthe distanceto the as you approachthe tumpointandoftenloosesightof it This is veryuseift.rl TP in 100metreincrements. 'left/righfantrrrkeys.Fromthe Status underthe noseof the aircraft.To selectthe navigationmenususe 'Righf anow 'R(7ht'anow bringsup the Tumpointnavigationscreen.Pressingthe Menu,pressingthe 'Right arrowagainto the Airportmenu. againbringsthe TaskNavigationff€nu, TSK: TKF CEIJE A/I) TP: AACHEF{M for Task ForTumpoints APT: MT]ENCHEN for Airport When you have reached the menu you require,wait 2 seconds, the Colibri will display the following data, as perfigure1. 23{I"t AACH rz30 b 1iz9lfr lv 'ESC' keyto replacethe TP namewiththe aircraft'sgroundspee d, rf Fromthe abovescreen,pressthe 'ESC' 'ESC'again to returnto the beginning. again to displaythe wind calarlation. 239pt 134h 1230 b 23 h 'ESC' wbd 234" 24}}, _ Theryild qalqlqtionlg €ctrle onlygg1qgglrnllllqg. Aftertwo tumsthewind directionand speedwill be :presenteO. Eba5etl upongrou-rdsped changesduringthe dimb. lt is The vrdnd@lcdationthatyou keepthe aircraft'sspeedconstantwhilstthermallingto ensurethe mostaccurate recommended pssible. windmeasurement Page:5 4,1 TP (Turning points) Navigationmenu 'up' tqqlqlqldqtaQ? -e,usethe and'down'arows,thetumpoints Toselecta tUmpointfron-thq@!!bri's speedthroughthe thescrolling UplOown'keywillincrease hdcting-clown-the are-fOrt&--apnl6etica.ny, Tp dahbase. When the desired TP is displayed release the armw key, and after a short pause, the The navigation navigationdata, i,e. kack, bearing and disbne to the selected TP wilt be clisplayred. display will be shown as above (fig 1.). lf requiredTP data, i.e, mqdinates and name can be edited anytime. The procedure is started by pr*sing 'ENTER, whilst in the TP navigationscreen. The screen will display; TP ^ MENU V 'Up/Down' arrow keys, the pilot can select from the following options; NEW PCllNT,EDIT Using the TPCTINT,DELETE TPOINT and EDITTASK. The tuming point capacig of Colibri is 600 tuming points in the well-known DA.4 format. This is fully compatiblewith LX 5000, LX 2O and other LX instruments' from the airport data baseA NEWTURNPOINT4.1.1 ENTERING 'CopyAPT'is shorun,pressthe'Down' press'Enter'when'NEW on thescreen, TPOINT'isdisplayed procedure willfollow.T@q-o!q-j!fteq$-gq! to selectY'for yes,thenpress'Enter'.The copying arrcm/, ReplacetFeToursiarswith database. this a e!4,tiorrettq4ptnts_canne ".oni6Oirom Oes$-atoryol-requlre, ICAO airp<irtode (up /down arrows and Enter)' |t ""r .... I l l-"* "D"t I l*" I 'Ente/ and a nanrturnpointwill be added to the TP databasefOrfurther use. With an Confirm by pressing unknown IGAO cde, simply press'Escape' and select the country. l t""*nn" *t* I I I Replacethe fourstarswith the firstfour tettersof the airportlsname.Youcan enterless letters,say the firsi tetteronly,thenpressESCAPE.Nowthe displaywilljump to thefirst airportwhosenamestartswith that lefter(usethe UP or DOWNanoun to makeyourselection). I^* -... I _ Page:6 |'u | 'Escap' key, wttich will show you all the airports of the selected Confirmationwith all four sbrs wisr the 'Ented the airfield will be definitivelybe copied to the TP database and country (or State-).After pressing ready for navigation.NOTE an APT database has not yet been mmpiled forAusfalia. 4.1.2 ENTERIHGA NEW TURNPOINT Manualentryof a newTumpointsdatais pmsible,selectthe 1 | | 'N' optionfromthe CopyAPT menu. , .{AME ****""** I | 1 lnputa maximumof I Charactersfor the turnpoint'sname.Afterthe inputof all the characters,the coordinates(LAT,LON)andthe altitudethefollowingmessageappears. l-"*" loxv I I Seleci 'Y' using the UP or Down arTowsif thp data is onec*. tf you selec*'N' the input procedurewill re@mmence. 4.I.3 ED|T|NG AN EXTSTTNGTURNPOINT 'EDITTPOINT'option and press Selectthe 'ENTER', t"*l I rPonm I I Enter l NAME * l I I Selectthe TP by enteringthe firstfour lettersof the TP's nameandchangethe dataas required.You (or throughfre TP's usingthe 'Upl Down'keysby enteringjust thefirst letter can cyclealphabetically 'right'arrow 'Up/Down' keysto entera characterwherethe cursoris flashingand usethe none).Usethe 'Right arrowkey will bring you to the start key to rnoveacrossto the next character,Four pressesof the of the TP database,i.e.thefirst hrmpoint. 4.1.4 DELETII.IGA TURNPOINT Selectthe TP andconfirmthe deleteprocedurewith Page:7 'Y'. .\ (II T EE IN lF 7e'tt rlizq tx lt' 4.1.5 EDITINGATASK K T rt z / t t E l e t t , 75a ftl flEn* /E/2,+lrttttf f'#t-Y Etti's Eitf rt f49rc okcpeE lttl'n€P- t--f ) f/*si< fi"t7 trE{f TttnE V{:b/ this menu' Up to 100taskscan be storedintothe cotibri'smemory.To edit a stored task use 6:n u. t--7, | *t T? u fry.18:ta:.' ! The{irststored pressthe'Enteckeyand'thetaskdabbase'isacmssed. fiirn',-r'ciiilnsr disptayed stopwhen numerically, tasks the you through cyde il. L31ngtdu"rtiot ano$ 'Enter'key' numbers(q with dssig44tgd is the tneiSf you wishtoedit is shoryn'Press $e; ]jtr9-a1Xse ls fisure below, JG iij, ffi#ffii6;*fri"s -.,rL^.a Cy'tt-, fl]4r I f FE r*E / p"i"i"t tn"-aqtlt*. rolandfr-eioistance, /'t54 tutaL. y .ORUtu4 r/;n t Era>, r.J TSK OO 5pt 3?6km 'NOTPROG"willappear,hourever, the task mn be tf no tasksare storedin the colibri,he mesage prqrammed as per editinga storedtask' point.You can usethe press,Enter'againto displaythe ftrstTP of the trask,TPO,whichis the start 'UpiDorn' anow keysto tyOe throrrghthe turnpoinE-{!1!":k Press'Enter'whenthe desiredTP is ' TP one position with the INSERTProll{T'optionanadditiona.l thennavetnreeoption-s. 'DELETE selected the delete will POINT option toqrerthanthe one selectedwillbe entered-The optionwill POINT The'SELEGT task. turnpointand hence,"0u". the numberof Tumpointsof the procedure is the same selection tumpoint The one. a new with ou"*rit" (replace)tne Gecteo tumpcrint 'ESG' until you press procedure the To close charac*ers. with stars as describedabove,i.e. replacing reachnavigationmenu. -'= =- :-': _ ..''compile , rufrg: inEtaststrOm'tnismenucan be trinsfenedto yourPC, howeverit is mucheasierto per tumpoints pC as .. iaskson your firstthen uploadthemto yourColibri, 4.1.6 EVENTBUTTON theeventfunqtpnwhlch duringtheflight.{q-ulckfr-ellwillactivate Thisspeciatkeyhastwotunctions pressof Fitntrpf{otqer LqgnlasoeinefiTn'drEf,@samprirg-i-ate-interv,a-! clraqges_lhe nee@ntOuEonh"f4!t"'qgl4[nppearonlhe--{|ep]gy t,,.:'i:l 'AP'standsfor actualposition, lnd 19q1s name'AP:1 19:43is the cunent positionis stored .r):;; ::!: , j-'ia'- with the youto distinguish esof these'AP'tumpoints9al e n-a-.1r 34eE=a!€.-Ih anoutlanded gtgq o' bechangedusingtheedittunctionir t"quit dri-*ieq!t{.*-qq1@ F-P+5:{Pte; T markedpositions EV-EFI one anotherin o tnF-tuEpoi*-deEqcqpq itr)etc. nyover A+,iG:@glEqaniss6-Fd ff.Tffiilt;il'X*"fr ' pqiltt HIVIG-EE tile in one of the nrir{ar /h^nafi,llv e. \rrxr fiv over itl} etc. As the mCrtGO-iiositionis-siored-in tht-tu-I4plin!-dqEqCge'pq can select marr."o Ln".re"ionebttqlryraneqp.intrl!@4-vF-Ar.|Qtricreelsdl 't0 ''naYJtrl Tft9k flAPx' 6.xr€'t'2 'L E Ff tt T*i (rrrtr"*) flrik e c Pl {A9-rc 06.1't7-{E Page:8 ,tL6.rrt,i< (r"*'rn) 4.2 TSK NAVIGATK'N MENU Thismenuhastwo importantfunctions. 1. Navigation- lt allowsin-flightnavigationusingonlythe tumpointsof the task.This prevents manuallycyclingthroughthe entireTP databasewhenon a task.Pleasenoteafterthe task hasstarted, haveenteredthe start pointcylinderor sector,there is an automaticchangeover to the next Turnpoint of Uretask afur rounding the current TP, -.-_l*'-=--. -==-_ '-- ._----' .'' 2. Task declamtiontor tire logge,- ater tarc oF theselectetfEakia-trit6; into the loggei I ---- -and-willrenqjqllglqll[AtCbgJlg lglected task is automatically declared after take off. onryonersKcanbememorized,"if,,-t**;;;=;;;;",""";"*;;*-o,*J"0", Pressthe 'Enter'key andthe 'EDITTASK'optionis displayed,Press'Entef againandyou cancycle throughthe TP'ssf the task,changingtre TP'sas rquired. Thatis, press'Enier'whenthe old TP is displayedandyou thenhavethe SELECT,INSERT,DELETE TPOINTopfnns. o :;:/;',.,! ':'2' R i Pressthe 'Enter'key and the 'EDITTASK'optionis disptayed,pressthe 'D.own' arrowkey andthe 'COPYTASK'optionis displayed.Press'Entei againandthe 100(O-99)'task databaSe,stored in the : {-', : : : i ! : . ? t , : . .s . i \-7 r! ..--.-' -1. -:;- .: i- -:, / \-' Colibriis accessed. NOTE: How to fly the TSK Prepare the task using copy or edit method as describedabove. The task stored into the IGC logger must have folloutingstructure: -TAKE OFF -START POINT -TURNPOINTS -FINISHPOINT -LANDING TAKE OFF and LANDING are classed as tumpoints as well. Which means they should be entered using , theTP library.The storedtasksin_!!re_aP_ rnb_ Iqlqtr Sg,eEetrrAy4g = START point arqlleflN copied4 taq! to1q ! and the FINISH r9lfqill = d the TAKE OFF point_=!I4BIpqLn LANDINGpoin!.__Ugng EDITproedure it is possibleto thesetrc pints matchesthe th Fints so the taskmatches FAlstruAurestiourfiabove.TASKdeclarationis easierto do usingnie UFR| pr€ram and uploadingthe task via the WRITE FLIGHT INFO' menu option. -:=:-* IN FLIGHT lmmediately#ter takeoff the TASKnav$ationsc{eenwiltcfiangeautomatically fromthe TAKEOFF pointto the STARTPoINT fisK:sTA). Thatis the navigationscfeenwill automatically displaydatato guideyou to the startpointof the task. . Onceyou reachthe STARTpoint(photosector, cylinder.-.) an acastic alarmis activatedanda manual change.overto thefirst tumingpointis necessary(U-se$q!qrvn_Artp!t_bqy). Oftenyoufly throqghthe startpointsectormanytimesbeforerctuallycommencingyourtask ( competitions). You must manuallyselecfthe firstTumpointof the taskto tell the Cdibri you haveactuatlystartedthe task. i.-:i. Page:9 t V. nextturnpoint Whenyou reachthe firstTp of the task,the Colibriwill automaticallychangeoverto the necessary. is datato this tumpoint.No manipulation of tre iask anddisptaynav{Tation hportant Note; as declared Taskeditingduringthe flightis possiblewithoutany limitations(i.e.for POST),butthe task FAI the you destroy Gan Thereforethere is no chance in the loggdrWffrernainu"nctrairgeddecelerationin the logger during the flight task (d:eslafalr-qrlb4c{e4F=gq' Do it simplvbv pressing ----ttts bighlllre@-Elgeoderlttralv-qq-all$&e,Down, TheTakeoff,Start,Turnpoints,Finishand r.tJvigatifi-J*een. "no*f"f*n"n-tri'inFiar. the has no influenceon the FAI declaration. menu of this out Frgig in order. points #disptayed wln Landing 'Dourn'arrorrkey or editthe taskas describedabove. To jumi overa Tp not reictieo in flightuseinJ 4.3 APT NAYTGATION MEI{U possibleto The Colibriis abteto nemorizeapprox.5000airfieldpoints.Fromthis Colibridatabaseit is an building the airporBare separatedby distance, selectairportsand navigateto thim. Additionally, TPs' into them as coping near aiqio* table.Theietectionof an airput iscornpletelythe same 'up pressing the The nearfuncfion is active pennanently,the nearest airport is to be found by arow' SETUP MEhIU 5 'Right'arrowkeyfromthe APT All the importantloggerparametersaredefinedin this menu.Pressthe navigationscreento displaythe SETUPMENU. SETI}P ^ MEIru - Using the 'Up/Down'arrowsthe followingsub menuscan be selected- ."" I i-*r*."* 1 f--""*. l l ,*, l l-*, l i .."* ]illSPEED I snr up zo w n I s e t try l l 5.I ll llour Pur LOGGER SETI'P 'LOGGERSETUP'displayed press are definedin this menu.With All importantloggerparamefiers th;REcoRD INTERVALmenuoptionwill be displaved'FPI!19 FE9gFD INTERVAL :EtllEBt ;d ,Dgrynl *lfl Oi"pt"yin orderadditionalmenus,trey are;OBSERV-ZONE,OBS-ZONE the menu ry gEEF,lnftdREEEiA, J-RECORD DATA,FLtcHTlNFo. Pressthe'Entei keyto selectthe displayedmenu.Varbus setrir€scan be afteredas requiredand detailedbelow' Page:10 r \\ llr:'r'' '" "'t"'lti':nt p,;t)" ,;i,',r:';; "' (' t:'') ., 7- -^71 , ,, I ' - T i - I A f t e r o r e s s i n q . E N T E R ' t h e c , u r s o r i s a c t i v a t e d , t h e r e c o f d i n 9 ( @ s i n s ) i n t e n , a | i s s e t . r ' , , .,^ ij .Ntff*' E:i 7 H,s 25 rh-FG;h;wnlhtheGPSSrArusmenu.:r:,,)r", memory. |I 3ilf,t$ffi'*,nl",ni"r*o rduoerecoftrins i . ; , t " o ,:ii .r,'uu1 "" |I rtl' - * Tp: I NEAR | glider nears the Turnooint. I fn15 see the recording (loSSinS)interval, which is used as the | {(r" Insidethis radiusarurrd the TP, the loggir€ interval(as set above)is used.Radiuscan be from 0.1- 2 km. -I Dimensionscan be set by the user. _,\ . t . o lI * l.Ol<m * *",.l ?< >a va I fnV nfl', is usd afterthe EVENTkey is pressed' I fnis seningdefinesthe loggingintervalwhich | I 2s I frv 1 3 is presed. I fnis Oetmninesthe nurnberof fixes stord afis the fYENT kry fm, 0 . 1 For example:lf PEVINT2s, PEVFIX30 is set,then afterthe EVENTkey is pressd 30 fixes,2secondsapartwill be recorded 5.1.2 oBSERVATpNZONE 1, \..,t''.- ' Usingthe Cotibri,the pilotis ableto definepracticallyall knownstart,tumingpointandfinishprocedures sectors,cylinders,or as dt by the FAIor mmpetitiondirectors.Thatis the Golibrihas programmable the secfiorthat entered The€g{!EIUUUlBleep:ghS.U9_19]KJg!"9 particular mordinate. arcsarounda 'ENTER'in the OBSERV.ZONEmGnulffefollowingsub menuswill be has beendefined.Afterpressing available. Use the 'UpiOown' aioirs to Cyde through the menu listSTART ZONE r <-.a!* & 6l POINT ZONE F'II{ISH ZONE t:::l :.'a OBS. ZONE TEIiPLATE - turnpoint rounding confirmation selestion 500mcylindergr^F-41tElgsecfor This optionallowsyou to selectquicklyand easilyeitherthe 'Enter'with OBS.ZONETEMPLATEdisplayed for start,finishand tLrrnpohtro.rndiqg.Pr6s confirmation 'TEMPLATEPHOTOiwill thenbe seenwitr a ffmhingcursornextto 'PHOTO',press on the screen, 'Down'anow key.'Cylinder'willnowbe 'Enter'againto setectme E_Alllgqgg9!_qfqplon,or pressthe 'Entef methodd turnpointroundingmnfirmation.Pleasenote' to displayei,press start,finishor hrmpointsectorsettingswill b lostand ovenrriftenwifil either anypieviouslyprogrammed photo sector or 500mcylindertemplates. Page:11 ' -=. STARTZOHE 'STARTZONE'.Press 'Dcnnn' anow key to reachthe Fromthe OBS.ZONETEMPLATEmenu,pressthe 'Entei, whichwill openup this menuoptionand allowthe pilotto programthe startzoneas required'A numberof variablescan be set, and the meaningof eaclrexplainedbelow.Startzonedefinesthe start the zones procedureby departure.The zoneconsistsof two angles(A1,A2) two radii(Rl and R2) and 'HDG'setting. is the this orientatron, the define to appear, setting The first of iymmetry(a12)direction --'l n r o J'lt'f t ft z t '. l+ i _,. i!u:. fi t HDG: A2l'. R1: M: R2: Means orientationof the symmetry axis of the sector' Direction of the symmetry axis (in most of the cases AUTO) Radius of the sector, e-g' 3km for the FAI Sroto sector. -LikeA1,usedforcreatingcombinedsectors. Like Rl, also used for combined sectors > '/ -..,!--,'-''--/ 'ii' 'r" Tfre!9qre-betov:s.horirsjl'!.e-se$oss-g ar:E4lp-!rgFEeds-q-sl?4 4oqe,.!!-oJE:=T!t+q€1. 4g!0-auellvif -j"' hear for explanatory lt i5 shown youseleaqe_pIo_rQltrqpl?te_?gleg_cqEqjnQe_ga1q:ip_rlq@ve. purposes. : . - ! STHRTZOHE -: =:rmro=Elllrilll,., '.t'*, { -iJ \... Hl: El: R?: 45" s6gft E. EH.' a ' .r.'=t--? lt0 #'. t)"'Y:'3 * il ; E : .:: +:-=r -= i:-F i: ,3 F: - g: : .i Thethreestartzoneorientation(HDG)opfonsare; . . STARTHdg=1r1Ep-definesastartorientatirrndirectedtothenexttumingpoint.Thatisthe ' __"11T11_1':9df:1"19,h_"_1T'"*ryil]Tjg:1Y1"T:"1n:t'l_oo_":1':-_ point. point . START Hdg=11pp - defines a circularsegment (arc) from first tuming Turn point radius [FPR) zone. through the start r START Hdg-FlX - defines a fixed value set by tre pilot. The symmefy axis can be adjusted to any direction.This is the only optbn for which A21 is not set to AUTO. NOTE: - H NEXT and ITPR are selected,then a12 setting is set to auto, and cannot be changed by the pilot. At first, this sounds very complicabd, but a few examples will help ydi to understand the meaning of these settings. Example1: t d 'l'/ a start zone as shown below.The HDG sector sector-Qets 90-.F_A!:p,ltoto settingd setting the default As stated statedabove, above,the_default _-:i-'.---:::^ d-g0'fAlPhoto s-:-r----+-. ---* a-ioiindthe bearingto the next turn is set to.To NEXTP6lN-r. l-h.ed-orethe ilrt-tone is symm-m:ca1 point. A21 is set to AUTO, which is clear because the direc{ionof the symmetryaxis of the start zone is identical to the bearirg b the first turn point. lf A2l is set to AUTO,ifs impossibleto selectthis item and change its value. Page:12 41 is 45", becausethe half angle is entered. R1 is 3km. A2 and R2 are both set to O, i.e. not programmed. STHRTZOHE Example 2: A 180"-startzone with 20km diameter is programmedthe following way: Nofe.' Accc,ldingto the IGC competition rules of May 2A0Othe sfarl secfor for intemational championsftrpsls tfle classical start line. Because the Colibri can't deal with a simple staft line buf needs a staft secfor, you use the 1ffi"-sec'tor. The only disadvantage: with the Calibi it's sufficientto fly at last once into the secforso thatthe device acepts your start as valid^lt makes na differene in which direction you leave the sector, but for tle sporfs @mmiftee, rf doesl You definitdy need to cross fhe line to get a valid staft! (see pfcfure below) INVALID START VALID START Example3 Page:13 { (3 km radius)and cylinder(1 of 90ophotosector The picturebekrwshowsthe settingsfor a combination = km).The inputof anglesfiom the symmeticataxisshouldahraysbe %.of the realangleie 2t 45" 90"' STHRT3f}HE HFE: i-F iFt . r ! t , d l f ; l r_f Example4 - Radius Start Zone STHETEOHE 1 .T F 1: RUTO : 450 $:r#il RZI 2. EHn The aboveshowsa startzoneusingHclg=1TPnwhichdefinea circularsegment(10 km long)and 2 km deep.The centreof the radiusfor the arc is takenfrsn the firsttumpoint.Bothanglevalues_are not important.This sort of start sector was used for the world gliding championships1999 in Bayreuth.A radiusis drawnaroundthe first turnpointthroughthe startpointand a radialsegmentof aroundthe startpoint.The advantageof this syrstemis that a certaintengthis cut out symmetrically line hasto fly the samedistanceto the first tumpointas of that end pilot ai the startingfar outside a shrt linewherethe distanceto thefirst a pilotstar$n!in the "middle".This is contraryto the clas.sical turnpointis increasingthe moreone startsat the edgesof that line. TURNPOINTZONES the turnpointzonesare the sameas for the StartZone,with a few The basicprinciplescf programming the item POINTZONEfrqn the OBS.ZONEmenu.You willget select tUow available. options additional basicallythe sameoptionsas for the STARTZONE.The only differenceis that you get moreoptionsfor theseftingsof HDG.Theseareshownbelow; ..,t-_ -{. harings and outgoing incomiqg I POINTHdg=SynaMSymmebicalbetrrveen previous TP e POINTHdg=ppgy orientationto the o POINTHdg=pgp orientationto the nextTP r POINTHdg=51p. alwaysqientatedto startpoint e POINTHdg=Pg definedbyPilot and A12 arethe sameas usedin deftningthe startzone. Thedefinitionsof A'1,A2,R1,R2 Page:14 Example5: We want to adjust the currenflyvalid sector 900phdo.sector for the German ds'centralised gliding mmpetition rules(DMSt).This is the g0%photosectq combined with a 500rn'cylinder: IHL HFE: 5VI,IETR \-J HRlf1::: HUTtl 45" 3.Eh H?! I E E O R2tEtrtil Nole; The combined photo secfors have to be programmed with the smaller radius for 42 and R2 I(R1>R2!l). tt's thercfore mpossrbte to program the example above in the reverse order. For recard flights, FAI badges, IAffi210A,ffit4idama and for the Banw-Hifton4up only the 90'Zphoto sector is valid, not the SAhn-cylinder!! FINISH ZONE The finish zone is simpler and has fewer variables.Selectthe item FINISH ZONE from the OBS-ZONE 'ENTER. You get principallythe sarne screen as for the previous items. But there are menu confirm with only two optionsfor HDG here: r o FINISH Hdg=pqg1 FINISH Hcb=FlX axis of symrnetry9O' to fie last leg fix value defined by the $lot andset to any direction (see example below). A suggested settingfor the finish would be: 1.i?L: :.t+;r: E o' z: /*.:: i n'I . '1f !i r : W+ ?. Hdg IAST, Al 45", Rl 500m Example6: j-4r-dn ;:*{ i''; In a competitionthe finish line has to be orientatedrectangularto the runway'sdirection, independent from the bearingto the last tumpoint. The airfield's runuay has the direction sl/24. "FIXED VALUE" and can enter either 060" or 24O'tor A21, dependingon the direction We select HDG: "flat side" of the final glide. E.g. for a final glide in tk direction 270" we have to enter A21: 060". Now the of the sector is directed back to lhe last leg (see picture),the glider will enter the sector crossingthe line. FIHI5H ZOHE HDE: FIHEF UHLUE ,4. t:t-'1 \--} ETld; Et= B'EE Er" R?: abye are interdedto explainthe programmittgproedures llofe,- pleasebe awarethatatl tlr- exampte.s and thereforecanrpt claim absoluteaccuracyaN co*npfefenessFor everykind of competitiontlP'rc are differenttypesof secforsand rulesfor thearrect dacumentationof fhesesectors-ln caseof danbt,the Page:15 rules are defined in the FAI sputing cde sction 3. E-g- For ma# of the national deentntised championshipsfhe sfart scfor consisfsof the 9d-fdosector iombircd with the5(frm-cytifler, for FAIbadgeg lO0aza@km-dricomasand Banon-Hilton-Cuponly the 9Oo-foforseclor is attowed.For record fligtrtsa 100On startlineis used fitr faking ttre staft time, 5.1.3 OBSERVATPHZONEBEEP tu,ir,,I f 3 ''';€i.t J B Afterthe gliderhasreachedthe observationzonean acousticalarmwill be activatedto informtrrepilot. Threeparameterscanbe defined;time{durationof the alarm),intervaland period.The intervaland perioddefinethe wavepaftemof the alarm.Aftersetting,it is recommended to use .BEEpERTEST" optionto listento the alarm. . ,,-'E.1.4 t-REcoRDDATA ; i i i . -4. . --'a:.',t'. ' -' Additional data recording optkrns are avaitablewith the Colibri if required.This menu exfends togging ..// d*{s if the yes 'Y'option is selected.Thesesettings are not essentiatforftight recording but if usll frey ,,./ will rduce the memory capacity availableforflight recording.The memoriavailable f6rflight recording willbe displayedon the GPS STATUS menu screen afterselectirq the op*ons required. See section 3. GSP TRM TRT TEN wDl groundspeed magnetictrack truetrack totalenergy winddirection windvelocity enginenoiselevelobligatoryY by motor gliders wvE ENL 5.1.5 K- t"e-c?,:,'1= J-RECORD The 'J-Record' has the same oplional seftings as the'l-Record' and again are will reduce the memory capacity available if used. 5.1;6 FLIGHTIHFO \ '.-.--=:.- r, fnformationabouttheq]19t,glldgrard bbserver. are enteredusingthis menu.This can be doneon a pC .,.." runninglJ(FAl,thefl(tht (tas$ can be deela-red at the sametime. PILOT: GLIDER: REG.NUII: CMP.NUH: CIIP.CLS: OBSERVER: - 5.2 Pilot's name aircraft type, eg Nimbus 3 Regbfafion numberof theaircraft Canpetition number Conpetition c-tass Name of officiatohserver TIME ZOI\TE The UniversalTime(GreenwichMeanTim*GMT) to locattimeoiffuetis enteredin this menu.For EastemStandardTimein Australiathe offsetis +1ohrs(+l tnrs duringttaylightsaving). Page:16 The prefened units of distiance,height and speed are selected in this menu. 5.4 NMEA OIITPUT The Colibri can transmit GPS data to a final glidefflight computer or palmtop computervia the NMEA 0183protoco|.obviouslytheflightmmputermusthavethefacihtytroacceptGPSinput.TheNMEA outpui data shirgs transmittd by the Colibri are selected in this menu. The sentencesyou select for transmissionwilidepend upon the requirementsof your flight omputer, and you are referredto your flight compute/s manualfor guidance. The wiring &taits for NMEA output are contained at the end of this manual. Pay particular attentionto the wiring details when making this connectionyourself. You will have to connecf the appropriateplug for the flight computer to the Colibri's power cable. Your dealer can help you with this. lf you do not connect the Golibrito a flight computer then you can ignore this menu. =Y. No1p; Vlhen using the &tibri with the gYinpilot apflicadion use the NMEA senfence I)(WPx the NMEA and use To connect Cotibiwith tX 5000, lX 60A0 and D( 20 spedal cables are available COM sped of 4800. 5.5 COMM SPEED The baud rate or communicationspeed with which the Gotibrisends and receivesdata is set in this menu. For reliable and last transfer of data to and from your PC set this speed to 19200.The new Windous PC program Lxe is able to adapt the c,omm.speed autornaticallyto that of the Golibri. 5.6 PASSWORT) Sefting the passwordto S999 in this menu cleals all the flight recorded dab in the Colibri's memory. 6 \rIEW LOGGER All flights stored in the inshument can be evaluated using this menu. Downloadingflight data to a PG will not delete the ftight Fom memory. lf the mernory is fulf, the oldest flQhF wilf be lo_st,that means an zutomatic overwriteprocedure is used. Hence you will never run out of memory for the flpht in progress. Only entering ggggg in the Password menu will delete allfllghE stored in the Colibri's memory. To evaiuate a plrtiortar flight in the memuy, select the VIEW LOGGER Inenu: Note, this menu will not be accessibleif here are no flights stord h the logger. Page:L7 Usearrows(up,down)to selectthe flight E.g. this is the semnd ftight recorded and was flovm on 30.07.98. Press ENTER and the statisticswill be displayed l- t^"roFF I tz:rs:ss I I t LANDnrcI ts:ls:tt I I I uunarron I 03:12:00 I | I J3IB,I If the flight was not declared tfiis eds the display flight statistics by the Colibri' Flying a declared tasli, then additionel task shtiSics will be prescnt I rAsK I I I srAr. Pressing ENTER in this page vyillstart the task statistics cdanlation (lf task was declared) l*^*l 1 2 3 % l Colibri calculates flight statistics for the derlared task. T:rne to @rnplete tre iob rlepends upon flight length t rsrcdi't I I sro.sxnI Task distance I FtrrIsEt I I v: st.t k/h I Taskfinished srrccessfully,task average speed = 88.1kmlh Vario arrerage, percentage of time spent climbing t-r*"kd I I sso,6h I Flown Distance Page:18 To start tle bg statistics ptcss ttte right arrow. l-L,,ct, s6.7hn I I I Using the down anow more informationis displayed F"-' 1 I cErrEAp I I l *rz:ss:ss . I I I l BRpcE * lI I I I soo- I n:M.22 | || ",r-r* I| 2:44:45 I I sp""d I I 'p*d I I xc ?e"r I td I XG speed is the corrected speed on tr's leg, where both altitudes (overheact Tp) are considered. Average dimb rab and percen@+ of time spent c-limbing t-rmffi-l Tekm I I Flown distanc-e using the right anow witl allow Jtet lqg of the task to be evatuateg,N9b, comprehensiveftight statisticswill only be displayedlhe by the colilri if the task *i" aecLoo beforeftight and actuallyflown as declared'-.lfthe flight vnm not dedared then cornpehemive ffight statisticscan 6nly be viewed after downloadingthe flight data to a PC and enteringthe actual tait< Rown using the pC,s tumpoint database, For a non-dec=lar{ flQht only the take-off time, Ianding time, flght duration, and date of the fli,ghtwill be displayedon the Colibri's screen. Page:19 7 PRE.FLIGHTPROCEDURES as soonas the GPSOK meqage qpqgrrsfor tlighJ TiaC.,olibriis re4lyto_beusedas a flig!! r_ecorder dedarea task.Wrft {qhF &r hgg993qq reoonls-lt datraloggingonly,it is-nq14ec€ssarylo -is essential meru-tfrre tak; off. to-at6lar=AfrtE6i{and enerE Bibt i#onn-[onEaa:fi6e-ffUP The procedure is as follons: I Define departure,TP and finish procedures Declarethe taskon the ground Switchste ColibriON appx.5 minutesbefioretakeoff (thiswillnot reducethe memory) | AfterlandingDO NOT$vitchoff tre instrumentimmediately. Wait untilthe message'security I check' appears,or LOG:$TOPappearsin the GPSSTATUSmenu.Nowyou can switchoff the t .) unit. Flight recording {logging} automaticallvstarts when the aircraffs ground speed exoe€ds 20 kmlh and logging will automaticallyceaseappnoximately4Oseconds after the glider has stoppedmoving(ie landed). A short powerbrakeduring the flight will not produce two flights. 8 PC CONITECTION The Colibri cornmunicateswith a PC via the RS232 port and the cable supplied. D-ataan then be transfened behryeenthe PC and the Colibri. The folloring functbns are availablewhen the unit is linked to a PC. o Read logger r Write TP and TSK (DA4) r ReadTPandTSK(DA4) 7 e Write APT (database update possi$e only after input of update code) *. .. Read Flight info r Write Flight info r ReadLoggersettings r Write Logger senings i.'."-i g.t : I -rt-;\)!t!-'7't7':'.:'-:a+=::"" at.ti'=--1 7,;,,:-;. ;.':.:i'-'.':.,/ PROCEDUREFOR P'CCOIINECTION: lnstallthe IJGAI programorto )mr FC usingtle suppliedCD. Run he LXFAIprogram.The Golibriwill givingan acousticsignalanda message'CONNECT connectautomatically will be shownon the display. The connectmessageis pr*ent as longas the Colibriand PC areconnected.All commandsare sent fromthe PC,that meansthe Colibriis a dave unit. Page:20 For instance after selec{ingwrite f,ight info, data regardirg tre pilot and gliderwill be transfered from the PC into the Colibri. The 'Read' command will transfer data from the Colibri to the PC. WIRING DETAILS and PO\\rER SUPPLY COII{FIECTION The Colibri is immediatety'ON' when power is apptied to the connecior (there is no separate 'ON' switeh as such). Each unit is supplied with tuo cables; 1. 2. Porer supply cable for installationin the aircraft. PC cable with power supply and RS232 plug fu mnnection to your personal computer. The Power Supolv Cable in addition to supplying power to the unit also has; a. OuQut for an LED to enable GPS monitoring if the Cdibri is mounted out of view of the pilot. b. I\MEA output for conneetion to final gHdflight computerg palmtop computers etc. The user can make both connectisrs, howeversome electronicsexperienceis required, particularly solderingskills. lt is recommendedthat you consult your dealer for advice if you do not feel competentto make these connections.The olour oding of the flat, btack 6-wire cable used for connectionto the Colibri is shown below. Note this applies to the thin wires inside the black tebphone type cable. For convention,that is, so that red and black wires are used for connectbn to a battery or power supply, thick red and black wires are soldered onto the appropriateinner wires of the telephone type cable. Blue for the red(+) and yellowlwhitefor the black (-) respectively.This is important if you wish to splice open the cable to effect NMEA outp.rt connectionto a flight comgrter or use the LED output monitoringoption. the balgry rld_the black wire to . Jf_!9!: just _ggyqlthe thick red wire to the recl!9sxti,y9j'J9l!!!$L9f tlG=ff eC:k_ negiltive'-'teminal-oThEb-atteryr lnsert the telephone type connector into the Ccrlibi ard the unit is now switched ON! lt is recomnended * t€3l Tg19a comoonent wires- of the cable mnnected to the colibri via a telephonetype plug. -yellow/s,hib ....-..-......GND( negativeof batbry) -black -..-..-.Rx ( Note, this is not to be connectedto the negativeterminal of the battery) -red .......... Tx ( NMEAOuput) -green ...-.. LED Anode -white --.-....LED Cahode -blue ......... +12V wifr the suppliedpd{vercable a thid<red wire is connectedto this. Note: the unit must be connec{edto a1A-24YDGporer source =-=-:=.. Page:21 v.: \: F- { t ?-l ,"> \ nL _ t ()i L', 3 1 3 t) li o 1) = = I r- e. .\' i\: tr l-t Fl A U o r \3 a.l c.l b0 1I AI}DITIONAL II\,FORMATION 11.1 A Low Battery warning is displayedwhen the battery voltage drops to 10.0v regardless of which screenyou 8re using at the time. Pressthe ENTER button fo resu-e control of the Cofibri's funetig|s. Loging dms not stop during this timq The unit will continue to operate down the 9.0Y. When the battery is exhaustedthe Colibri will BEEP continuouslv.and logging will cease.fhe battery vollaEeis continuouslydfuptayedon a pagein tne bpS Iz STATUS menu if you wish to chc|< the current stateof your battery'i oitt g". t2 IMPORTANT NOTES 1. It is recommendedthg! Vou yourself with theCotibri'soperationby connecting the unit ta the PC cabteandlamilianse mainspowerpack. Thiswill enableybu to praciieetne opention of the unit. tf yut wish to obtainGPS/ixes ensurctheAeriatis connected.Note: no harm will cometo the unit if poweris appliedwithoutthe >,--' themanualwiththe Co;libri in handand its operatianwilt becemeclearand simpte. 2. The Cotibriuses an intemal lithium Oattefiretain thememoryofsfored data.After severalyearsthisbafterywill needto be reptace4.Retumthe unitto the ptaceaf purchaseto effectre$acefient. Thisis nd coveredunderwaffanty. 3. DonotdisassembletheColibri,ffiafrs undothecasescrerrys. Thiswiltdestroythe unit'ssecud'f1# sealaN theloggerwillno longerfunction.Thereareno userseruiceable componentsthsrdethe Colibri.If you disassembletheunit it witthav{to be rctumedto the factoryfor reassembly.Thiswittats void thewarnnty. tt is recommendedyouseekassrsfance with tfre electricatconnedionsforthe Cotibriif you are not experiened with electronicwod<.Aftematiwly contactyour local agentto seek assrbiancewith yourin stallation. tf you intendto annect theCotibrito a flightcomputerthe requiredNMEAoutput senfences(as perthefright computefsnranual)arc setecredin the sErup menu. 6. -_ . Tumpoirrts are besf enteredintoa PC usingtheDGAI program(decimatminuteformat). -'/ Onceall the TP'sare entercdinto1lourPC yan can downtoadthemto theCotibri. Contict -' your dealerle may b.9 Sbleto supplythe tumpints you requireon ftoppydiskforinput intoyourPC or in#allthem priorto shippingyour oder. 7- The Qalibri'spressuretransduceriscalibratedwith referenceto tfie l7l1Hpa lntemationalStandardAtmosphere(JSAJmeansea teyel fMStJ pressuredatum. 8: very rarelyexcesslve'G'loadingand unusualftrmeuvers,ie. qpins,may causea shutdcltrnof the Calibridue to cutfusingd?ta supptiedby the GPSunii. Here dpS OaOsrgnal will be displayed.Yauan reseltthe Mibri in flightby s;iffiring theunrtffi ttreur agaifi.THIS WU NATD'SRUPTTHE FLIGHTLAG,ANDTHE-COLIBRI WIU COUNXUTNECOROIruE WHEREtT LEFTOFFTSAyEFORTHEDELAyDURING?OWERUp)-A VALTDrGCFILE WILLSTILLBE PRODUCEDANDTHE PERIODDUR"VGPOWERUP ANDSATELLITE ACQUI$T'ONWIA BE SHOWNON FLIGHTANALYSISSOFTWAREASAGPS DROPOUT. Page:23 GLOSSARY PC - PersonalComputer DC- Direct Current LED- Light emittingdiode GND- Ground Rx - Receive Tx - Transmit TSK - Task Vario-Variometer INT- Interval RAD- Radius APT - Airport LAT - Latitude LON- Longitude V - Volts