Jayhawk Talk - KU School of Medicine-Wichita
Jayhawk Talk - KU School of Medicine-Wichita
Jayhawk Talk Online The Tar Wars program is operated by the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) and teaches fourth- and fifth-grade students about the dangers of tobacco. Created in 1988, the program takes place in classrooms across the U.S. and is run completely by volunteer educators. Here in Wichita, our medical students are those volunteers. In particular, the students in the Family Medicine Interest Group (FMIG). Third-year medical student Whitney Weixelman, FMIG secretary, serves on the national Tar Wars Medical Advisory committee, which advises AAFP Health of the Public and Science staff on administration and development of the Tar Wars activities and programs. These panel members serve a one-year term and the panel includes only one medical student representative. The FMIG students recently held an educational session at Magdalen Elementary where they were able to use pig and human lungs to demonstrate how tobacco affects them. First-year student Kurtis Klecan shows the effects of tobacco smoke on a pig’s lung at Magdalen Elementary. Reports are that the presentations are going great and the kids are being interactive (especially when it comes to feeling the lungs). Their goal is to present to all Wichita-area elementary schools before April 2015. If you’re interested in learning more about Tar Wars, visit their website. They also presented a session to Washington Elementary fourth-graders just this week. There’s still room for you in the Riverfest Parade! Don’t miss out on this fun event. Call me at 293-3534 or email me at jeaton2@kumc.edu to reserve a spot. Remember, it’s a walking entry and you’ll be required to wear a costume consisting of a T-shirt and Jayhawk mask. J Public AFFAIRS Join the next KU Pride casual day for the KU Cares campaign Wednesday, May 21. With supervisor’s approval, you may wear jeans to work if you purchased a year pass or by purchasing a sticker for $2.50 in human resources. All proceeds benefit KU Cares organizations. For more information, contact Jennica King at 293-3535 or jking11@kumc.edu. Noon to 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 13 Roberts Amphitheater Connie Marsh, M.D. Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences clinical associate professor KU School of Medicine–Wichita Did you miss the April 8 lecture about suicide prevention with Dr. Susan Carr? FREE audio recordings and notes are available online within a week after each lecture. Is there a special event happening in your department? Do you know a student who has an interesting hobby, or who has made a significant accomplishment? Are you involved in community outreach? An educational program? A hands-on workshop or training session? Public affairs wants to know about any and all of these events. There are a variety of ways we can publicize events and accomplishments in the school, but we can’t promote them if we don’t know they’re happening. Though not every event is going to catch the attention of the media, we can still promote your event through one of our social media accounts, our monthly community newsletter, or by writing our own feature story for the school’s website. Keep us informed. Drop us an email and tell us what’s happening. We’ll share the good news. Appreciation at Work 10 a.m. to noon OR 2 to 4 p.m. Tuesday, May 13 According to a recent study, 65 percent of North Americans report that they received no recognition or appreciation at their workplace in the past year. Join us for a special two-hour version of “Appreciation at Work” training, based on the best-selling book, “The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace.” You will quickly learn how to effectively communicate appreciation and encouragement to others at any level of the organization. Contact Crystal Nevins at cnevins@kumc.edu to sign up. Need to renew your Sam’s Club membership? Take advantage of the state employee discount through the STAR program. Learn more on the discount flier. We are excited to announce the State Employee Health Plan transition to providing your open enrollment materials exclusively on the KDHE website beginning with Plan Year 2015. Not only is the online material conveniently accessible 24/7, this move will positively impact our environment by reducing our carbon footprint. For Plan Year 2015, members that would like to receive printed materials can simply go to www.surveymonkey.com/s/OEmaterials and complete the required fields by Friday, May 2. Success Academy is a professional development program developed specifically for KU and covers topics such as goal setting, dealing with difficult situations, and effective communication skills. Participants will attend one all-day session each month for three months. This program has been very successful on the KUMC campus and will be offered here on the Wichita campus beginning in September 2014. Get more information. Supervisors/managers should email a list of their employees who want to attend to Crystal Nevins in HR by June 30. HUMAN RESOURCES The next KU Pride is Tuesday, May 13. Join us at 9 a.m. in the Sunflower Room to learn more about public affairs. Breakfast will be provided. Family & Community Medicine FM residency faculty Geriatrician (2 FTEs) Instructor Research faculty Residency pediatrician Internal Medicine Ambulatory care/general internal medicine (3 FTEs) Clerkship director/neurologist Gastroenterologist (2 FTEs) Hospitalist (4 FTEs) Medical Sciences Assistant/associate professor of anatomy Staff PMPH Clinician investigator ASA Standardized Patient pool Student services coordinator Psychiatry Chair Child and adolescent psychiatrist IT Services Support specialist Office of Research Senior scientist/director of Mid-Continent Center for Outcomes and Health Services Research HR Faculty Psychiatry Fellow Research assistant/clinical research coordinator For more information, contact Stacey Hawkins, human resources, 293-1868, or shawkins6@kumc.edu. For a complete and up-to-date listing, click on JOB VACANCIES. New exhibit coming soon. For more information about the William J. Reals Gallery of Art, contact Jennifer Eaton at 293-3534 or jeaton2@kumc.edu. Art Galleries “Mother and Son” An exhibit by Linda Jordan and Howard Levy Photographs and paintings April 10 to May 30 Birthdays May 1 Michael Scheve Mary Spachek May 2 Charese Dakhil Nam Dinh Yolanda Lewis May 3 Sheldon Preskorn Stephanie Shields May 4 Janna Chibry Jill Longstaff May 5 Jennifer Baas Sean Jahansooz Marty Runge May 6 Keith Brewer Christopher Hubener Lance Larson Michael Lemon Christa Morgan Ronald Nold, Jr. Peds May 7 Gerald Drocton, III Scott Moser Donnita Pelser David Smith May 8 Dawn Boender Emily Lawson Meggan Linck Jeffrey Shepherd Darcie Spresser May 9 Vanessa Montano Maddisen Moutray-Means Kyle Renner Justin Walden May 10 Michael Cowan Julie Slade Dixie Thomas May 11 Nicholas Cahoj Anthony Downs Michael Haden Clive Lusk May 12 Thomas Greaves Lisa Longhofer Hasmet Uner May 13 Linda Jordan Sue Kennedy Sapna Shah-Haque Donnita Pelser, medical student education administrator, received the Excellence in Clerkship Administration award from the Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics (COMSEP) on March 27 at their annual meeting in Ottawa, Canada. Donnita, along with co-director Gretchen Shawver of Stanford School of Medicine, is also now leading the Medical Education and Clerkship Administrator Certification Program for the Association of American Medical Colleges’ (AAMC) Central Group on Educational Affairs (CGEA). They have held workshops for the AAMC Western Group on Educational Affairs, COMSEP, KU Medical Center, and KU School of Medicine– Wichita. They have additional workshops scheduled for CGEA, University of Arizona, Creighton University, University of Virginia, and Johns Hopkins University in the next year. The study will focus on those within the African-American community with low levels of activity and who experience pain and discomfort when walking. Participants will be compensated. For more information, call 316-293-3567 or 913-588-4009. We are looking for African-American women 60 and older to participate in a research study about how diet and exercise affects peripheral arterial disease. If you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, diabetes, and/or high cholesterol, and/or you are a current or former smoker, you may qualify for the study. Recruits should call Michelle Redmond, Ph.D., at 316-293-1813 or email mredmond@kumc.edu. PMPH holds a monthly noon series titled Research in Progress (RiP). This series is part of an effort to engage faculty throughout the school and locally in research ideas originating from PMPH faculty. It offers an opportunity for collaboration and development of research ideas. RiP is held the 4th Tuesday of every month at noon. The next session is May 27 in the Roberts Conference Center. If you are faculty interested in research, please join RiP. You are welcome to bring your lunch. LaVonda Cash, accountant I, recently won several ribbons from the Wichita Daffodil Society for her garden flowers. Prizes included first, second, and third place. PMPH The KU School of Medicine–Wichita is looking for persons with Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) to participate in a study examining poor leg circulation. ASA Help us welcome the Class of 2016 to Wichita by attending the Introphase picnic at Eberly Farm. Introphase has been moved to May due to changes in the academic calendar. Also, the picnic will start earlier this year to allow attendees more time to enjoy the fun activities such as the petting zoo and hayrack rides. Doors will open at 4 p.m., dinner will be served at 5 p.m., the presentation will begin at 6 p.m., and the doors will close at 8:30 p.m. In addition to a delicious meal, we’ll have our annual presentation by Dr. Minns to introduce each medical student in the Class of 2016. There is indoor seating with AC or outdoor seating available for dinner. This fun, annual event is open to all faculty, staff, residents, and medical students and their families, and it is FREE. 4 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 28 Eberly Farm, 13111 W. 21st North Facilities Please RSVP before May 14. Facilities management will host a closed bid public surplus auction from 10 a.m. Monday, May 5, through noon Wednesday, May 7. Things up for auction include an assortment of desks, shelves, filing cabinets, and other miscellaneous office furniture. The items will be located in the basement hallway leading to the storage area under Roberts Amphitheater. The auction items will be assigned an item tag number by 3 p.m. Friday, May 2, for those who would like to preview what is available for bidding. Facilities reserves the right to reassign tag numbers and/or remove or add items to the auction inventory prior to the start of the auction at 10 a.m. Monday, May 5. There will be a minimum bid of $2 on all items unless otherwise posted. All bids must be sealed and include your name, auction tag number, offering price for each item(s), department, daytime phone number, and email address. Envelopes and bid sheets will be provided at the facilities front desk for your convenience. Please deliver or send your sealed bid to the facilities front office by noon Wednesday, May 7. If bids are sent via interoffice mail and not received before the deadline, they will be considered void. Open, verbal, or emailed bids will not be accepted. Notification to the winning bidder will be completed by phone or email no later than 10 a.m. Thursday, May 8. All items sold in the auction must be paid for and removed from the facility by noon Tuesday, May 13. Items removed are the responsibility of the purchaser, and maintenance personnel will only be available to assist on a limited basis with prior arrangements with facilities. Please submit payment to the facilities office. If paying in cash, please have the exact amount. Checks should be made out to KUSM–W. Credit card payments are also accepted. When removing auction items from the building please be ready to present your paid receipt for the tagged item if requested. If you have any questions, contact facilities management at wicfac@kumc.edu or 293-2625. Please see our research website for more details. The Kansas Health Foundation issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) that will support implementation of evidence-based strategies related to healthy eating, active living, and tobacco prevention. For additional information, including the RFP, visit http://kansashealth.org/ healthylivinggrants. Janice Koster April 30 Susan Carr May 1 Sid Sivamurthy May 1 Steve Chavez May 1 McKellia Dawson May 1 Gretchen Dickson May 2 Towanda Dobbs May 4 Paul Callaway May 5 Deborah Loewen May 13 Tonya Charles May 13 MPA Congrats to the following for your yearly anniversary of employment. We’re glad you’re here. Research The WCGME Research Council has made changes to the grant program “KUSM–W WCGMEKBA Bioscience Matching Fund.” This funding mechanism supports collaborative relationships between KUSM–W faculty (volunteer and full-time) and other researchers/faculty located in businesses, health care systems, or other universities. The program is designed to further collaborative research efforts that have formed (or are in early formation, i.e. beyond the planning stage), to provide preliminary data which can be used for further larger grants. psychiatry Grand Rounds are held in the McNamara Center at Via Christi Hospital on Harry, 3600 E. Harry Lunch is served at 11 a.m. and the speaker is from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Get more information about May presentations. “Recent Data on Neuromodution Therapies in the Clinical Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders” Tuesday, May 13 William McDonald, M.D. Vice-chair for education, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta “Mapping the Neural Systems Supporting Food Motivation and Food Reward Inferences in Healthy and Depressed Adults” Tuesday, May 27 Kyle Simmons, Ph.D. Assistant professor, Laureate Institute for Brain Research, Tulsa KU Wichita Clinical Trial Unit needs participants with Alzheimer’s disease for a research study. Volunteers may be able to participate in this study if he or she is 50-90 years old and has been diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment due to Alzheimer’s disease or mild Alzheimer’s disease. Those who qualify will be provided with all study medication or placebo and procedures at no cost. You will receive an MRI and amyloid PET imaging. Study participation consists of 43 visits over 90 weeks. Study participants will be compensated for their travel. For more information, call 316-293-1833. KU School of Medicine–Wichita researchers are looking for volunteers (age 18-55) who are generally healthy and not suffering from any medical or psychiatric illness. Volunteers should not be experiencing any inflammation and, other than contraception, should not be taking any medications. Those who qualify will have two visits that occur seven weeks apart. During each visit, volunteers will undergo a brief history, physical examination, and provide a urine sample (to test for inflammation). Each visit will last 20-30 minutes and participants will be compensated for their time and effort. There is no risk if you participate other than the risks associated with undergoing a physical examination and providing a urine sample; participants are not required to take any experimental drugs or undergo any additional testing. If you are interested or want more information please call 316-293-1833. The KU Wichita Clinical Trial Unit is supporting the 2014 Walk to End Alzheimer’s. Show your support of Alzheimer’s research by joining the team or by making a donation via our team page. Help advance research to treat and prevent Alzheimer's and provide programs and support to improve the lives of millions of affected Americans. The walk is Saturday, Sept. 13. April 8 Cherokee County News-Advocate Gaines promoted to Associate Professor of Internal Medicine April 8 Winfield Daily Courier Winfield HOSA students attend state competitions April 1 The Wichita Eagle Kallail named to new post at KU’s Wichita campus March 31 The Wichita Eagle Suicide prevention is topic of upcoming KU-Wichita lecture March 26 Kansas City infoZine Members Appointed to Kansas Governor’s Council on Fitness For all the latest news stories and press releases about KUSM–W, visit our news page. In the News April 9 The Wichita Eagle Sedgwick County honors dietitian with public health award FCM Endnotes KMUW is a regional Edward R. Murrow Award winner in the Investigative Reporting small market radio category for the story "Primary Care Doctors," which included interviews with Dr. Rick Kellerman, KUSM–W student Rachael Svaty, and KUSM–W graduate Dr. Cayle Goertzen of Belleville, Kansas. KU Today is the official publication from the Office of Public Affairs at the University of Kansas in Lawrence. Read the current edition. Advances contains news from the University of Kansas Medical Center in Kansas City. Read the current edition. If you have a classified ad you’d like listed in JTO, review the guidelines and submit the online form. The deadline for the next issue of JTO is noon Monday, May 5. Please send items of interest to wicpa@kumc.edu. Like us on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter. Follow us on LinkedIn. The University of Kansas Medical Center prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, national origin, age, ancestry, disability, status as a veteran, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, gender identity, gender expression, and genetic information in the University's programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Executive Director of the Office of Institutional Opportunity and Access, IOA@ku.edu, 1054 Wesco, 3901 Rainbow Blvd., K.C., KS 66160, 913-588-5048.