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Halifax October 3, 2013
Public Safety 411 is offering
this professional
development opportunity
twice - Oct 1 in Kingston
and Oct 3 in Halifax
“The Mental Health of Public Safety”
On October 3, 2013 a unique opportunity will be offered in Halifax to the public safety community
including police, fire, EMS, public health, mental health, military, emergency planners, municipal,
provincial & federal managers.
The opportunity surrounds hearing from world renowned keynote speakers on the subject of mental health
– not just discussing what it is but what is arguably more important, identifying the next steps that need to
be taken to allow all professional disciplines to meet the ongoing needs of their staff.
Attendees will have an opportunity to learn from and speak directly with individuals who have been
working to move this subject to the forefront of every workplace.
In addition there will be plenty of time set aside to network with colleagues from different disciplines, as
well as with our supporting partners, each of whom bring their own unique experience and expertise to the
The Issue & The Speakers
This professional development day will
focus on dealing with PTSD and other
mental health issues faced by public safety
and public health organizations as well as
our military personnel. Lt Col Oliver Barbour - Director,
Personnel Support Service at Defence
Forces of Ireland who reportedly are at
the forefront in supporting their members
with mental health issues including PTSD.
Lt. Col Barbour will discuss the Irish
Four world-renowned keynote speakers will experience in creating a highly successful
be presenting in a unique networking- coordinated multi-agency approach to
centric forum and they include: CISM throughout Ireland.
Mr. Stephen Gregory of the New York
City Fire/EMS Department: as a
Deputy Commissioner on 9/11 he oversaw
on site communications at ground zero and
survived the fall of the South Tower. Mr.
Gregory will share the very personal story
of his experiences during and since that
catastrophic event, as he struggled in a work
environment unfamiliar with how to deal
with the immediate and post effects of an
occurrence of such magnitude. This one day event offers a unique
conference experience as it provides an
informal and intimate setting to hear from
these speakers and colleagues with the
opportunity to not only ask questions
during the presentations but also during
extended breaks following each
presentation. Dr. Bill McDermott, New Orleans
Police Department Crisis Unit, who
will share how PTSD should be approached
based upon the lessons lear ned at
the Lucasville Prison uprising, the Great
Hanshin Earthquake, the highway 401
disaster, the Salt Lake City shootings, airline
crashes and the World Trade Center
terrorist attacks.
Mr Adam Orfanakos - Lead
I n v e s t i g a t o r, O n t a r i o S p e c i a l
Ombudsman Response Team, who
will share recommendations from reports
on the handling of PTSD and mental
illness in the Ontario Provincial Police and
the Canadian Military, specifically how all
employers of public safety personnel should
ensure that they can adequately support the
mental health of their employees/members; 2
We recognize and are thankful for the contributions
of Dr. Lori Gray who took on the role of advisor
for this event. Her work as a registered psychologist
practicing in the areas of clinical, counseling,
forensic, and rehabilitation psychology made her the
perfect fit to assist in the development of this forum.
Ted Harris, Executive Director PS411
Added Bonus:
VIP Evening at Royal Artillery Park Officers
Mess October 2
Royal Artillery Park Officers Mess is the oldest Mess
in Canada, serving officers in the Halifax garrison
since 1816. The site was acquired in 1799 from
John & Richard Cleary for £150 to provide soldiers
quarters, stores, officers’ accommodations and a
headquarters for the Royal Artillery personnel
stationed in Halifax. Delegates adding this VIP
event to their conference experience (for a small fee)
will have the opportunity to meet with our keynote
speakers, our partners and supporters. A portion of
the VIP event fee will be treated as a group
donation to the Canadian Military Families Fund
“Public Safety 411 has fast become one of the go-to
events for emergency service providers, offering
unparalleled networking & learning opportunities”
Michael Nolan Past President
Canadian Paramedic Association
information about the event
seating limits, cost, registration & a reminder
We are able to maximize our delegate
experience and the success of the
event by balancing the learning &
sharing power of the presentations &
the networking opportunities with a
reasonable audience size. Because of
this we limit the audience size at PS
411 events. Registrations are available
on a first-come-first-served basis.
Once subjective optimal capacity has
been reached registration will be
closed. These stipulations equally
apply to the VIP Reception.
until Sept 30. After Sept 30 the cost is such notice if a valid cancellation is
300$ (+ 50$ for the optional VIP
received via email to the
Administrator at by
midnight September 15, 2013. No
Registrants can choose to book onrefund will result if such notification
line by using a valid credit card or by is received after midnight September
using a PayPal account. Your
15, 2013. Registrants may substitute
statement will reflect a single
another person in their place as the
registration for the PS411 October 3, attendee at any time up to and
2013 event plus applicable HST.
including October 3, 2013 so long as
the original registrant has a valid
registration and notification is made
Registrants can also choose to be
to the Administrator.
directly invoiced for attendance by
There are two ways to register for the emailing “admin@publicsafety411.” TWO EVENTS – TWO LOCALES
We are holding the themed event “Resilient Steps
OCTOBER 3 event plus the optional Please note a PO number should be
Forward: The Mental Health of Public Safety”
VIP reception on October 2: ONincluded in the email along with all
in two locations the first week of October. We are
LINE or by being directly
contact details of the registrant.
in Kingston on October 1 & in Halifax on
October 3. Each event is preceded by its own
optional VIP reception. Attendees are wholly
responsible for registering for the location of their
Registration cost for the October 3
Registrants who wish to cancel their
choice. Book early!
conference is 250$ (+ 50$ for the
attendance will be refunded 90% of
optional VIP Reception) and applies registration costs within sixty days of
With our PARTNERS we proudly present:
With our Partners we present:
Steps Forward:
The Economics of Public Safety
The Mental Health
Public Safety
May 3, of