March Madness at CYC - Clearwater Yacht Club


March Madness at CYC - Clearwater Yacht Club
April 2015
March Madness at CYC
Those of us CYC members who
stay in town through the long, hot summer
always want to make sure that our snowbird
friends fly home after Easter with a whole
lotta good memories. And this March, we
really outdid ourselves. We had a gloriously
happy St. Patrick’s Day party (see all the
photos on pages 10 and 11), a beee-yoootiful Commodores Ball (see those pics on
pages 6 and 7), a bunch of regattas – some
more serious than others – not to mention all the other fun we had every time we
turned around.
April Compass
Commodore’s Corner
Spring has begun with our
great weather and Tiki Bar activities.
The Commodores Ball was a great
success and a lot of fun. We all enjoyed another great meal from Chef
John and team, excellent service from
Danielle and team, and all managed
by Tom. Thanks to my wife Kathy and
friends for the beautiful centerpieces
that gave the dining room a nice glow.
We danced to a new band, Wade and Company, with
great sounds, especially the sax.
Bingo continues to be a big hit, and it is so nice to see
the club with so many members having fun, plus members bringing visitors.
Yachting hosted the 77th Snipes Regatta, the oldest
ongoing regatta in our club history. Thanks go to the Bow
Chasers, who once again sponsored the traditional grapefruit
party for the Snipes. Most recently, the Clark Mills Regatta
was held at CYC with the aid of the Clearwater Community
Sailing Center; this regatta is another part of CYC history.
The Cruisers are busy finishing the plans for the summer
extended cruise. More info on that to come. Cruise Chairman Ray Cutro and the Cruisers have selected a Cruisers
logo as a standard for the organization. Great job, Ray.
The Gulls have continued their investment in the
club by awarding the CYC Board of Directors a check to
complete the retaining wall around our memorial garden.
Thanks to Joyce Jenkyn, President, and Lynne Shackelford, Treasurer, who presented the check on behalf of all
the Gulls. THANKS!
Our membership continues to grow as a result of all of
you who have brought new members in, as well as the
efforts of our Membership Committee. Thanks, Collin
– keep working on new programs…they always bring in
new members.
The marina is full, thanks to Skip Moore, Fleet Captain. Fr. Bob and his young sailors are all around the club;
CYC Board Highlights
At the Board of Directors Meeting March 19, 2015,
the following actions were taken:
l Minutes of the February meeting were approved.
l Tim Walsh was approved as a member of the Board
of Directors for the rest of the year.
l New membership applications were approved.
l Gulls presented a check for $2,200 to CYC for completion of the retaining wall for the Memory Garden.
The next meeting will be held on April 16, 2015.
Gulls’ Treasurer Lynne Shackelford and President Joyce
Jenkyn present Commodore Rowland Milam with a
check for $2,200.
looks great to see so many young folks. The summer camp
program is quickly filling up, so register soon or be left out.
Our House and Grounds chair VC Johnny Cardosi is
very busy with all of the projects they are completing.
Looking good, Johnny.
Our membership is growing; our member spending is
increasing; our member attendance at our club activities
continues to grow…this is not a repeat from last month,
it is just a fun and exciting FACT. Come to your club and
enjoy great food and fun with the best folks around…your
friends and fellow members.
Have a great month!
2015 Officers, Directors,
Appointments & Trustees
CYC Officers
Rowland MilamCommodore
Johnny Cardosi
Vice Commodore
Ed Proefke Jr.
Rear Commodore
Greg GarnerTreasurer
Skip Moore
Fleet Captain
Dorothy Connor
Tish Wold
Immediate Past Commodore
Board of Directors
Jim Coats
Mike Jansen
Collin Heimensen
Chuck Sajeski
Linda Humphers
Tim Walsh
Board of Trustees
P/C David Billing
Wayne Huneke
P/C Dick Boblenz
Harry Jamieson
James Eaton
P/C Gary Strohauer
Fr. Bob Wagenseil
Fleet Chaplain
Dr. Don Collins
Fleet Surgeon
Peggy Powell
FCYC Director
P/C Robert de Vos
FCYC Alternate Director
April Compass
By Skip Moore
Fleet Captain
Spring is here so come on
down to where the fun is! All is well
on the docks. All slips are leased and
with the improved weather we will
be increasing our maintenance on
the docks.
Not All Hose Clamps Are Created Equal
If you’re like the rest of us boat crazies, you’ve
probably got a bunch of hose clamps installed in
various spots onboard your pride and joy. Indeed,
you’ll find the humble little devices doing duty on
virtually every system you’ve got, be it related to
exhaust, water, fuel, air-conditioning, or whatever.
And what’s more, it’s close to a sure bet that not
all of the little devils are of equal quality or in
equal condition.
A broken hose clamp, of course, can prove problematic or even downright disastrous, depending
upon which system is affected. Leaks in raw-water,
fuel and exhaust hoses can be
especially dangerous.
So how do you make sure your
hose clamps are okay or, better yet,
in tip-top condition? First, go well beyond an occasional visual inspection
and manually tug on each and every
clamp every couple of months—now
and then, a given clamp may look
perfectly fine but a tug will reveal
that it’s rusted through (or almost
rusted through) in an area that is
not easy, or even impossible, to see.
Better your chances of finding damaged goods by tossing a small flashlight and/or inspection mirror into
your detective kit.
Second, when a clamp appears
to be seriously corroded, replace
it with a premium model from a
manufacturer like ABA or Ideal—
unperforated band surfaces,
rounded band edges and precisely
crafted threads make some clamps
much better and safer than others. Moreover, while
many clamps are advertised as type-316 stainless
steel, not all actually are. A magnet may not always
help you determine which is which—it’s better to
simply buy top-quality clamps, usually meaning
comparatively expensive ones.
And finally, once you’ve got your new clamp in
place, tighten it to the max using either a screw driver or a nut driver—you may very well overdo things,
thereby damaging your hose, if you use a ratchet
and apply too much pressure.
Please feel free to contact me at Skip_Moore@ with any questions or concerns.
By Peggy Powell, FCYC Director
The FCYC 2015 Change of Watch was held
March 13th – 15th at the Isles Yacht Club. Thirty-five
yacht clubs were represented as Tom Smith of the
Isles Yacht Club took the helm as Commodore.
Did you know that the Florida Council employs a
lobbyist firm (Johnson and Blanton) to follow Florida
House and Senate bills that affect Florida boating and waterways? There are several House and
Senate bills being considered relating to: 1) PFD requirements for skiing, parasailing and similar activities, 2) boating under the influence, and, 3) vessel
safety, specifying how vessels may be anchored or
moored and restricting anchoring within 200’ of a
The National Boating Federation is requesting that
all members take action to outlaw E-15 fuel which
can cause boat damage. Go to
and take action.
Pelican Isles Yacht Club announced it will close for
expansion of its clubhouse beginning June 1st. The
marina will be open. The Tampa Yacht Club marina
has closed for renovation, but the dining facilities
remain open.
The next general meeting will be May 16th at the
Captiva Yacht Club.
April Compass
By Fr. Bob Wagenseil, Youth Activities Director
We are now enjoying (and hoping for the continu-
ation of) the arrival of warm weather. Our after-school
and Saturday programs have been very successful and will
continue thru early May. As you can see from the photos,
the weather has been a bit erratic, but the enthusiasm of
our sailors (youth and adult) has remained constant.
Six of our youth sailors served as crew members at
the inaugural “Beer Can” Regatta Sunday 8 March, and
also participated in the Clark Mills youth regatta 28-29
March.With all Youth Summer Camp sessions full (and
a small wait list), our Junior Leadership team will soon
be preparing for lots of work and lots of fun as we
continue to enjoy our time under sail and make new
friends along the way.
Saturday Opti practice
Beer Can Regatta -“Tehani” crew
Michael & Mary Kay Delk - Intrepid adult sailors
Capsize drills in the pool (85 deg)
April Compass
By Johnny Cardosi, Vice Commodore
The House and Grounds Committee met March 3rd. We discussed the
new retaining wall that had just been
completed or so we thought. We decided
to add stone to the top of the wall so
that more soil could be added to the
Memorial Garden to level the planting
area. We will be landscaping the garden
in the coming weeks. We also voted to
approve extending the stone around the west end of the
wall to meet the curb at the edge of the front driveway.
This will give a more complete look to the project.
We also voted to accept a $2,200 gift from the Gulls
to pay for the wall project. This was a pleasant surprise! The H & G Committee and the club extend a
heartfelt thanks to the Gulls for this very generous
monetary gift.
Speaking of monetary gifts, a club member, who wishes
to remain anonymous, presented to the H & G Committee a substantial check to help pay for the new bar glass
washer and sink. Thank you so much Mr. Anonymous!
location for now, but will still be open for business. Pardon
our mess while this repair is being done.
On March 11th Chef John and his team rolled out a
new menu featuring loads of new and wonderful appetizers, entrees, and handhelds. Everyone who has tried
these new items has had nothing but kudos to give to the
kitchen team. Check out the new items, which are easy
to spot on the menu as they are marked with a “new” red
symbol. You will not be disappointed.
Also watch for a small tri-fold menu coming in your
next club mailing. Not only will it introduce you to the
new menu, but it will allow you to easily order take-out
from the club. We will also put this tri-fold in our new
member package and hand it to visiting boaters to introduce them to our awesome cuisine.
I would appreciate your feedback on the new items
and the new menu. You can reach me through our new
easy-to-fill-out comment card in your check folder. The
comment card may be left in the check folder or dropped
in the comment box in the entry way by the office. We
read each and every one of these.
Danielle and her team continue to give us excellent
service as noted on many of the comment cards. Danielle
has hired several new wait staff. While many are experienced, they must be CYC indoctrinated. Danielle has
been holding several training classes. Please let Danielle
know how her staff is performing.
On your next visit to the club you will notice some
construction going on in the entry hall. The stained glass
burgee round window is being replaced with a new window
and stained glass art work. The old window and stained
glass was badly in need of repair. We plan to repair the
old stained glass and find an appropriate use for it at the
club. The old window has had an unnoticeable leak and
damaged the inside of the wall and sheet rock behind the
Ship’s Store case. The Ship’s Store will move to a new
The Board of Directors has approved the
following for membership:
Joseph & Marcia Colwell
Brandon & Brittany Malatino
CYC welcomes back the following who have rejoined:
Ed & Mary O’Connor
If you see the pineapple flag on their tables, please
introduce yourself and give them a warm CYC welcome!
The Commodores Ball was a huge success! We had a
great turnout and our wait staff and kitchen team did a
superb job. Chef John prepared a meal to remember. For
those who weren’t able to be there, the salad was very
special. Commodore Milam, besides being an excellent
commodore, is a farmer, and all the ingredients in our
salad, including the watermelon radishes, came from his
farm in Clearwater. Yum good!
Spring is here and the weather is wonderful. Come out
and enjoy your club.
New CYC Members
April Compass
CYC Commodores had a ball
The Commodores Ball is all
about the commodores, past and present, but let’s get real: The Commodores’
spouses are equal partners in their
years of commitment to the Club. And
this year’s Commodores Ball, a total
blast from start to finish, was all the
better thanks to the elegantly tropical
centerpieces created by the marvelous
Kathy Milam. Her husband, Commodore
Rowland, didn’t exactly slack off, either.
All the goodies in the scrumptious dinner salad came from Rowland’s prideand-joy farm. Thank you both! April Compass
April Compass
Sonar sailors watch while one of their two boats is unloaded at CYC docks. The sailors will be practicing out of
CYC to compete in the Paralympic Games being held in Rio de Janeiro in August 2016. CYC member Brad Kendell is on the team. See page 16 for details on a fundraiser being held Saturday, April 25 on the team’s behalf.
By Ed Proefke, Jr., Rear Commodore
The Book Club meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month
at 6 p.m. in the Board Room.
All members and their guests are welcome to join.
After our book discussion, many of us stay for dinner.
We’d love for you to join us. Please call Virginia at
447-6000 for reservations. You do not have to read the
book to join and listen. Our discussions are stimulating
and fun. If you enjoy reading, this is the place to be!
All books are predetermined by the members prior
to discussion. Our upcoming meetings will feature the
following selections:
April 21*
Crazy Love You
By Lisa Unger
*Please be sure to join us this evening as Lisa Unger will
be at CYC to discuss her book. Lisa is a Clearwater resident
and this will mark her 12th presentation to the CYC Book
Club. She is an internationally famous author and has
graciously accepted our yearly invitations to attend our
meetings to discuss her latest book. Bring in the book and
Lisa will sign it. Invite your friends to join us to hear this
charming lady speak of how she develops her ideas into
exciting novels.
Peggy Morris and 2 Close
entertained for the Jazz Night crowd on
Wednesday, March 11th.
We held the St. Patrick’s Day celebration on Saturday, March 14th. I
hope everyone enjoyed corned beef and
cabbage as well as some Irish coffee.
We had a full house for the elegant Commodores Ball
March 21, honoring the club’s commodores, past and
April brings Easter with Chef John and crew’s
fabulous Easter Buffet. April 11th is the date for the
Blessing of the Fleet, one of our most honored traditions. Sponsored by Blue Gavel, the ceremonies begin
in the morning and are followed by a cookout in the
afternoon. And don’t forget, the weekend kicks off
with the Burning of the Socks on Friday evening, April
10th. This is the club’s official start to the summer
Rumor has it that there will be a dock party on April
25th. Watch Constant Contact for details.
I look forward to seeing everyone at these fun and
enjoyable events coming up in April. See you around
the club.
April Compass
Beer Can Racing
Beer Can racing has taken off at
CYC. We have had two races, each with
eight or nine sailboats participating, ranging
from 27 to 39 ft. We have seen crews of as
few as one and as many as seven, but most of
all, everyone seems to be having fun!
Our races for April are scheduled for
Saturday, April 4 at 1:30, and Sunday, April
19 at 2:30. And we kick off May’s races on
Saturday, May 2 at 1:30.
If you want to learn more, ask a club
member who has participated! To date, that
includes the following: Stacey and Nick
Bridenback (with Lanning and Clara), Tom
and Brenda Buonasera, Anita Cafferty,
Bill and Buzzy Cheadle, Dick Crowl,
Al Humphers, Brad Kendell, Tim
Lewis, Pierre Maneri, Jeff Marks
and Melissa, Ed Proefke and Nancy,
Tim and Terri Roberts, Father Bob
Wagenseil, and Curt and Tish Wold.
We even had one boat, not a member of the club, see us out on the
water and track us down to come
sail with us on the next race! What
a great opportunity to introduce the
club to our neighbors that may not
have known about us!
We hope to see other club members come out and join us for more
beer can racing! Or, come by the tiki
after our race and talk to the sailors.
We are having fun out there!
April Compass
Erin Go Bragh!
Erin Go Bragh – which means?
Adrian Jenkyn, who was a member of CYC from
2005 to 2013, died in Wales on March 14. Mr.
Jenkyn, who was born in Milford Haven, Wales,
came to the U.S. in 1998 after a career in IT engineering that spanned England, Germany, Russia,
Egypt and Japan. He was active on CYC’s House
& Grounds, Finance and Membership committees and a popular fixture at CYC events. He is
survived by two sons and two grandchildren, as
well as his former wife Joyce Jenkyn.
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Ireland forever, of course! In Chicago, St.
Patrick’s Day is bigger than New Year’s Eve.
In Buenos Aires, it’s the third most important parade of the year. It’s a public holiday
in the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland,
the Canadian province of Newfoundland and
Labrador, and the British Overseas Territory
of Montserrat. And at CYC, it’s when everybody becomes a little Irish and lot intoxicated. Bring on the corned beef!
April Compass
April Compass
By Ray and Arline Cutro, Cruising Chairs
The month of March brought ten Cruisers
to the De Soto Seafood Fest in Bradenton; great
food, live music and a good old-fashioned Friday
docktail party. Last year’s hosts Connie and Merle
Steele are doing it again so I guess this will become
a CYC Cruisers tradition. The new Cruiser logo
shirts can be purchased by calling Sandy at Uniform
Nametape: 813-839-6737.
2015 CRUISERS SCHEDULE April 17-19
May 15-17
June 12-14
July 10-12
Aug. 14-16
Sept. 18-20
Oct. 9-11
Venice YC
Sarasota (Field Club)
St Pete Yacht Club (Rays game)
Location? TBD
Bradenton Yacht Club Riviera Dunes
Little Harbor Resort “Annual Cruise”
– Ruskin
Nov. 13-15 CYC Cruise-in theme; fresh catch
fish fry Dec. 9
Cruiser Holiday Party
Dec. 30-31; Jan. 1-2 New Year’s Cruise to CYC,
dry dock party
Let’s keep on cruising!
Ray & Arline Cutro 727-365-9653
If you enjoy:
l Dining
l Telling sea stories
l Cruising in company with other sailboats
We’re gathering in the Grill on the 4th Wednesday of each
month 6:30 p.m. for drinks and blather, 7 p.m. for dinner.
Next Sailors’ Table will be Wed., APRIL 29
By Mary Kay Delk, Bow Chasers Publicity
Yikes…Great Snipes!
Yes, the Ladies with the Itty Bitty Boats did host another great big party!
In true Bow Chaser fashion, the club co-hosted
its annual Snipes Regatta Grapefruit Party with CYC
March 16. More than 80 sailors, race committee
members, family, and friends came in off the water
to enjoy a super spring evening at the Tiki Bar while
sipping delicious beverages and enjoying appetizers,
snacks, and lots of pizza. Many thanks to all who
Not “Just Another Monday, Monday.”
Bow Chasers’ own Anita Cafferty tickled the ivories as
she accompanied outstanding local musicians at Mako’s
on Walsingham at the March 23 afternoon jam. What
great entertainment!
April Compass
Fun and Fruity Drinks
Members gathered at Terry Williams’ lovely home in
true Spring Fling fashion the evening of April 2, relaxing
poolside with great food and cool cocktails.
Bunny Tails and Tales
The Bow Chasers are once again helping CYC host the
annual Breakfast with the Bunny Saturday, April 4. Bring
your family for the egg hunt, a hoppin’ good breakfast
(complete with bunny pancakes), games and prizes.
Off to the Races
Look for emails about an afternoon of thoroughbred
fun at Tampa Bay Downs.
Join the Fun
Bow Chasers have a lively table or two or three at
most CYC parties—and we welcome more. Be sure
to check when you make a reservation and share the
good times.
A New Tradition?
Bow Chasers competed in our first Mad Hatter Race
and shone in their spring hats at lunch on March 24. It
was great fun to see how creative our ladies are.
Upcoming Race Events
April 7 is the Bunny Race, a team relay event. The
Bitter Ends in Venice host the Interclub Race on April 8
and the Rainbow Regatta is at Davis Island on April 21.
The Bow Chasers Sailors Award Luncheon and Race 6 of
the Spring Series are on April 14.
May brings two fun sails, on the 5th and 26th. Our
Change of Watch luncheon
is May 19. We will venture
out in kayaks on May 12.
A warm Bow Chasers welcome to our newest member, Cathy McNally!
April Compass
Gulls Tracks
By Joyce Jenkyn
Gulls President
We learned a great deal from our February
luncheon guest, Officer Julie Williams of the Largo
Police Department. Did you know that you should
have a contact in your cell phone for whom to call
in an emergency? Of course you did! But did you
know that you should have that phone number listed
under “Husband – John Doe,” or “Daughter – Mary
Smith,” etc.? Our local area police agencies look for
that type of contact information first thing in case
of an emergency. In some areas they also look for
a contact listed as “ICE” (In Case of Emergency).
Wouldn’t hurt to have both, would it? Did you also
know that you should have your local area police or
sheriff’s office non-emergency number listed on your
phone? If you see something a little suspicious, you
shouldn’t call 911 – call the non-emergency number
instead. Or you can use it to anonymously report a
crime. Do you know what number to use for your
area? You do if you attended the February luncheon!
The March 25th luncheon featured Intuitive
Counselor and Certified Spiritual Medium, Rev. Janet
Reynolds, calling on her spirit guide Blue Feather.
This is the second time she’s joined us for a luncheon and everyone said she was extremely accurate!
Mark your calendar for April 22nd, which will bring
our Spring Fashion Show and Luncheon, featuring
clothes this year from The Sign of the Dolphin. You
definitely don’t want to miss this – they’ve got some
great resort clothes and unique jewelry. I’ve already
picked out what I want to wear!!
The Gulls continue to meet at 10:30am each
Wednesday in the Gulls Nest for chatting, game
playing, and staying on for lunch, so please come
and join us! The second Wednesday of the month,
through May, is our Board of Directors meeting
which everyone is welcome to attend, and the fourth
Wednesday is usually the ladies luncheon. We really
spend the other Wednesdays playing, so come out
and have fun with us! There are no ladies luncheons
or Board of Directors meetings June through August
– just casual social gatherings in the Nest followed by
We are always looking for new ideas for programs –
either for a luncheon or in the evening, so please give
some thought to the kinds of things you would enjoy,
and let me or Terri Freiberg (
know! The Gulls continue their investment in CYC by donating $2,200 to complete the retaining wall around our
memorial garden.
Don’t forget – the Gulls dues are now $15 and are
for the January through December fiscal year. At
present two thirds of our members have paid their
2015 dues and we are waiting for the others. All
funds received by the Gulls are used to provide the
monthly ladies luncheon programs and to help CYC
with gifts that benefit the club. We’ve donated the
piano, the sound system, computers, and much more,
and this year we’ve donated the funds to pay for the
new Memorial Garden retaining wall.
Hope to see everyone soon, but if I don’t get a chance
in the next week or two – enjoy this lovely weather!
CYC committees and organizations
Entertainment, Ed Proefke Jr.
Finance, Chuck Sajeski
House & Grounds, Johnny Cardosi
Junior Activities, Fr. Bob Wagenseil
Membership, Collin Heimensen
Nominating Committee, Tish Wold
Policy, Rowland Milam
Waterside, Skip Moore
Yachting, Tim Walsh
CYC Organizations
Bow Chasers, Theresa Haverkamp
Cruising, Ray and Arline Cutro
Gulls, Joyce Jenkyn
Ship’s Store, April Hoaglin
Co-Editors Tina Fitzgerald, Linda Humphers
Photo contributors: Tom Brusini, Carol Cronin,
Linda Humphers, Joyce Jenkyn, Fr. Bob Wagenseil,
Terry Williams, Tish Wold
The deadline for all copy, ads and photos is the Friday
following the Board of Directors’ meeting each month.
April Compass
General Manager’s Letter
By Tom Brusini, General Manager
April Compass
Clearwater Yacht Club
830 S. Bayway Blvd.
Clearwater, FL 33767
Phone: 727 447 6000
CYC Staff
Tom Brusini
General Manager
John Yingling
Executive Chef
Virginia Vollenweider Office Manager
Michelle Geis Accounting Manager
Lori HortonDockmaster
Danielle Largent
Dining Manager