Brochure of presentation of Life program
Brochure of presentation of Life program
Orsini’s viper french populatio n preservation M A GR O 1 PR 201 6FE 1 LI 200 RY SUMMA ? rogram P e f i L sa ion What i esentat r p s e i c iper Spe s rsini’s v O e v Threat r e to pres Actions in the program d Involve 2 What is a life program ? The Life Nature program projects aim at restoring and preserving natural habitat and protecting endangered species in the European Union and Romania. Launched by the European Commission in 1992, the Life program (environmental financial instrument) is one of the spearheads of environmental policy of European Union. Natura 2000 00 tura 20 The Na ork netw C et ZPS Special Areas of Preservation Special Protection Areas ● Limits of department " It is a protected natural areas Pan-European network which aims at ensuring long term survival of the most valuable habitats of the most threatened species. It consists of Special Areas of Preservation, appointed to states-members, under “Habitats Directive” (92/43/CEE) and Special Protection Areas appointed to “Birds Directive” of 1979. The Community Directives on the protection of nature indicate that preservation aims have to be achieved, taking into account the different economic, social, cultural, regional and entertaining needs. States-members shall define their own methods and intruments to implement the Directives. " R Mer Méditerranée " " te : CARTO Æ Mer Méditerranée Data map sources : Diren Paca Background map : IGN - BD CARTO Achievement : ARPE PACA - November 2007 3 4 4 , Species presentation A little bit of history ● Antonio ORSINI. Born in Ascoli Picano in 1798, he dies in his city in 1870. A Pharm and politician, he is particularly famous for a major work devoted to the geology of Central Italy. He collected a specimen in Abruzzo. Thanks to this specimen, Carlo Lucianno, naturalist, Napoleon’s nephew, described the viper that is called after his discoverer. Morphological rounded Head not very triangular Pupil vertical slot Tail short Body stocky Size up to 50 cm Aspect scaly (careened scales) Dorsal coloration usually grey-beige with continuous dark brown to black zig-zag Characteristics Original description by Bonaparte “iconografia della fauna d’italica” (1832-1841) Snout 5 6 Reproduction and activity ● Immediately after Fall, depending on temperature, the species hibernates under ground in the crevices between rocks or roots juniper to reappear later during Spring. ● The Orsini’s viper is ovoviviparous. ● Pairing take place in May, dropping at the end of August and early September. J F M A M IMMATURE VIPERS J J A S O N D ACTIVITY PERIOD FEMALE DROPPING MALE PAIRING Nutrition ● It’s one of the very few snakes (one of a kind) to feed almost exclusively on grasshoppers and locusts. So that, Orsini’s viper has to eat regularly, unlike other snakes that can fast for several days after eating a prey. Predators ● Jean-le-blanc Circaète : fearsome predator of Orsini’s viper, wide wingspread bird of prey (170 cm), it feeds mostly on reptiles, which is a fairly rare characteristic among birds of prey. Green and yellow worm Boar ● Badger ● Smooth coronelle ● ● Toxicity ● Bites listed up today (to date) never required hospitalization. Its venom is three or four times less toxic than the aspic viper. 7 Alectoris grae ca Lanius collurio apra rupicapra Chamois - Rupic Saga pedo Mountain or mediterranean, those species are struggling to choose their camp... Lilium pomponium ifolia Lavandula lat Paeonia officinalis s Pelodytes punctatu Parnassius apollo Sempervivum montanum Tulipa australis ix Prionotropis hystr French habitats of Orsini’s viper ● ● It’s mostly moors or lawns located at an altitude between 900 and 2150 meters at alpine and subalpine floors. These are fragile and remarkable areas, recognized for their unique biological originality. On 13 habitats encountered, 10 are enrolled int the “flora and fauna Habitats Directive” and 3 considered as a priority. Located on the border between Mediterranean and Alpine area, these ecosystems exhibit (have) characteristics of the two biological zones. The result is a rich fauna, in a varied number of zoological groups and remarkably diversified flora with a quite original plant species blend. Human activities ● Today, few people frequent Orsini’s viper territories except shepherds, hunters and hikers. However, some areas are the subject of sports activities such as skiing, paragliding and some motorized sports. Its distribution in France and Europe Observations before 1990 Observations since 1990 SHF : Atlas of amphibians and reptiles in France USM Inventory and monitoring of biodiversity DEGB MNHN Paris June 2005 Today populations Extinct populations Atlas of amphibians and reptiles in Europe, 1997 Collection Patrimoines Naturels, 29, SPN / IEGB / MNHN 9 Threats Closed areas ● Tourism development and mountain urbanization Since the late 19th century, there has been a decrease and a significant change in human activities (pastoralism, forestry, cultivation) on the altitude moors and lawns. The extension of forest cover and brushwood moorland leads to a reduction and fragmentation of the habitats occupied by Orsini’s viper. ● Frequent or extensive use of controlled burning ● Controlled burning over wide areas represents a potential risk to the species. In fact, this kind of practice destroys most of the plants shelters of Orsini’s viper and significantly reduces the abundance of prey (grasshoppers, locusts). However, this practice can be advantageous to the maintenance of its habitats under certain conditions : especially winter fires on small areas. 10 Since the mid-20th century, Mediterranean mountains have seen the development of many tourism practices (skiing, hiking, cycling, paragliding, all-terrain vehicles). They are now increasingly popular due to the development of roads. This development leads to an excessive summer frequenting on these areas, which can be a factor of disturbance. In addition, the tourism infrastructure facilities contribute to durably affecting Orsini’s viper habitat. Wilful destructions d species Prot ect e and illegal sampling ● Lack of knowledge about species’ biology of the biology of the species ● Our knowledge is still too insufficient to act effectively for the species or for its habitats. Its discretion makes the reference statement’s establishment difficult especially for small populations. Its habitats’ objective characterization based on plants or animals indicators still remains to be established. Species ability to colonize news areas is still unknown. This lack of knowledge can lead to inadequate implementy of management measures. Snakes are considered as dangerous animals. In our region, this reputation is unjustified apart from the aspic viper whose bite can lead to serious complications and sometimes hospitalization. Although Orsini’s viper is harmless, it is victim of systematic (automatic) extermination due to a lack of knowledge from ramblers, shepherds, hunters and others mountain’s users. In addition, Orsini’s viper is coveted by collectors because of its scarceness. The importance of all those collects is hard to estimate but remains worrying especially for the most accessible populations. ● Endangered species on the world scale, Orsini’s viper is now protected by numerous Directives and Conventions. • International Conventions The “Nature Conservation International Union” has listed this species as “endangered” and it appears in the red list. • Appendix I of the “Washington Convention”. • European Conventions • Appendix II and IV of the “Habitats Directive”. • Appendix II of the “Berne Convention”. • French Conventions Listed as “vulnerable” in the “threatened fauna inventory in France”. Red book, 1994. Totally protected by the December 16th 2004 Order, modifying the July 22nd 1993 Order. 11 Logging Demographic inventory logical inventory Populations’ eco specting (monitoring) : pro Habitat’s restorati on by logging Day prospecting Populations’ ecological inventory (monitoring) International collaboration Habitat’s study 12 Populations’ ecological inventory (monitoring) : GPS Field workers training ents ing heap of reman Forested work : sett , Actions (acts) to safeguerd Orsini’s viper KNOWING 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Sampling and genetic analysis Implementation of a population monitoring protocol Nature e f i L A program Achieving a pastoral diagnosis Studies on logging and mechanical clearing of land to realize (achieve) Accurate inventory of controlled burns ● The Orsini’s viper status has now become so worrying that in 2006, Europe, France and local authorities have granted credits for its protection. The five years lasting Life Nature program is led by the Environment Regional Agency, in collaboration with Provence and Southern Alps Ecosystem’s Study Conservatory, The National Forestry Office, the National Hunting and Wildlife Office, The High Study School of Practices (College), the joint Union of developments of Mont-Ventoux. ● It covers 8 Natura 2000 areas and 4 departments of the Provence-Alps-French Riviera region. In those areas, an action program was developped to reverse the species’ decline trend and to ensure the preservation of the populations on a long term basis. Lawns access opportunities inventory Logging and clearing of land achievement ACTING Restored areas monitoring Field prospecting Reinforced monitoring on small populations Increased information and supervision COMMUNICATING Establishment of an experimental controlled burning Concerted actions by local participants for a sustainable management of the environment Field workers and local participants training Commununication tools (booklet, website,...) Media coverage Territory heritage’s meant to increase public awareness (slide show and exhibition) International collaborations development Technical quide management and population monitoring 13 Life program’s expected outcomes ● Management tools implemented and populations monitoring methods are assessed as well as options for their transfer to other European populations. ● Surfaces conducive to the species are maintained, and even expanded, on the areas. Connections between sub-populations are restored. ● Favourable conditions for the sustainability of management and conservation actions are created : • The species and its habitats are identified as greater (major) components of regional natural heritage. This issue is intregrated in the development and management of local policies. • Breeders, owners, farmers and tourism professionnals are involved in the areas management. • A management and populations monitoring technical guide (booklet) is distributed in France and abroad to public and private agencies involved in species conservation. The aim for 2010 is to know exactly populations status and the risks for the most endangered species. 14 ● Beyond the species preservation, we want this program to have a positive impact on these territories’ future. Indeed, it has to be reflected in increased pastoral lands on several areas, owing to cuts and clearing of lands which will be done. ● Concertation meetings will help to find the best compromise for a territory’s harmonious development. Program’s participants Environment Regional Agency (ARPE) ● Joint union gathering (composed of) the Provence-Alps-French Riviera region and six departments. The ARPE is involved in environment integration in every project on regional territory. Joint Union of developments of Mont-Ventoux (SMAEMV) ● Function in the program : Administrative and financial coordination. In charge of communication projects. Provence and Southern Alps Ecosystem’s Study Conservatory (CEEP) ● Non-profit organization approved for the Protection of Nature on a regional scale (in a regional framework). CEEP is a regional conservatory of natural spaces (areas) founded in 1975. It aims at preserving natural heritage. Function in the program : technical coordination and conservation actions implementation. National Forestry Office (ONF) ● French public institution which manages communal and national (state) forests. Beyond its statutory missions, in collaboration with other institutional or technical partners, the ONF develops some other specific nature protection actions. For instance : the Orsini’s viper and its habitats preservation. This Joint Union gathers County council of Vaucluse and 34 municipalities of the department. Its mission, among other things, is the Biosphere Reserve management. Function in the program : In charge of concertation and awareness in Mont-Ventoux area. National Hunting and Wildlife Office (ONCFS) ● Administrative and scientific public institution. The main tasks of the AlpineMediterranean-Corsican delegation are : - The environment police : wildlife environment and hunting supervising. Forest fires preventing. - Research : heritage and wildlife health monitoring, in collaboration with local partners, punctual operations studies about wildlife and habitat. - Development : technical support and expertise to government services and various regional partners, species and habitats experimentation of management models, protected areas management, training. Function in the program : in charge of supervision and campaigns of awareness in areas. Function in the program : in charge of forestry (forested works). High Study School of Practices (College) (EPHE) ● Scientific, cultural and professional public institution founded in 1968. The institution’s mission is to contribute to education and the progress of science in applied and basic research. Function in the program : Scientific expertise 15 Contacts ARPE : Thomas Fourest Tél. : 04 42 90 90 55 CEEP : Arnaud Lyet Tél. : 06 88 28 74 68 Financed by (funding) Implemented by (implementation)) Pictures Copyright : CEEP - ARPE - Frédéric Larrey - Thomas ROGER - Erwan LAGADEC - Christophe BAUDOIN - Marc CHEYLAN - Olivier LARREY / Biotope. Illustrations - pictures : Cyril GIRARD. Design : Azoé [Solution graphique] December 2007. Printing : SVI Publicep – Imprim’vert label - Document printed with vegetals inks on recycled paper plant, meeting the European eco-label standards.