S emper P aratus - James Sheahan Catholic High School


S emper P aratus - James Sheahan Catholic High School
Semper Paratus
Newsletter of
James Sheahan Catholic
High School
Volume 30 Number 12
7 August 2015
27 July to 10 August
Year 12 HSC Trial Exams
8 August
Sri Lanka Mission – High Tea
11 August
ICAS English Competition
5 August
2016ear 8 and 9 online electives
13 - 14 August
Year 11 SoR Excursion
12 August
2016 Year 8 and 9 online electives
21 August
Youth Mission Team Retreat
23 August
Tournament of the Mind - Bathurst
19 August now 25 August
School Disco
28 August
Sheahan Day
3 September
Year 11 Preliminary Exams
18 September
Year 12 Graduation Assembly
School Clothing Pool
By appointment only.
Please phone: Lisa on 63626399
or Gemma 0488924170.
Donations are always welcome.
Matthew 25:35-40
'I was hungry and you fed me, thirsty, and you gave me a drink; I was a stranger and
you received me in your homes, naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you took
care of me, in prison and you visited me.’ The righteous will then answer him, ‘When,
Lord, did we ever see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you a drink? When
did we ever see you a stranger and welcome you in our homes, or naked and clothe
you? When did we ever see you sick or in prison, and visit you?’ The King will reply,
“I tell you, whenever you did this for one of the least important of these brother of
mine, you did it for me!’
In a gathering of over 300, 000 students, their families and teachers in St. Peter’s
Square in Rome in 2014, Pope Francis spoke about the role of Catholic Schools in the
world today. He emphasised the importance of the teacher in building relationships
with students that encouraged a love of learning and positive life-long memories of
schooling. He spoke about the lasting impact that one of his teachers, a female
teacher who he communicated with up until her death at 98 years of age, had on his
own life.
Pope Francis spoke of schools as the place where young people learnt about truth,
good and beauty. He referred to an African proverb, “It takes a village to raise a
child” to emphasise that the education of a child was a collaborative effort between
many people and groups – parents, grandparents, relatives, friends, teachers,
schools, Church and community. This proverb highlights the complexity of raising
children to be happy, involved and compassionate members of our communities and
our world, and reinforces the responsibility of parents, schools and communities.
Pope Francis then made reference to the three “languages” or attributes that he
strongly believed a mature person needed to know. He described these as, “the
language of the mind, the language of the heart and the language of the hands”. He
emphasised these needed to be in harmony for a human to achieve their potential
and to follow in the footsteps of Christ.
This week, posters will begin appearing in all of our classrooms that summarise what
we aim for in Catholic education in our school and in the Bathurst Diocese, as
expressed in a model of “Christ Centred Education”. This model encapsulates Pope
Francis’s vision, as well as reflecting the skills that we wish all students to grow and
which we commonly refer to as 21st Century skills or attributes.
We want our students to use their minds to learn about their God and their world in
a collaborative, exploratory and personalised way (“the language of the mind”), we
want them to add emotion, compassion and care to this learning so that it is not
simply seen as facts and figures, but rather knowledge that affects for both good
and bad our world, our environment and the human family (“the language of the
heart”), and finally, we want them to use the knowledge and skills learnt at school
to confront real issues in our society, to nurture a sustainable and healthy
environment, to build stronger, resilient communities, to recognise the challenge to
opening their hearts to others, including strangers, the poor, the dispossessed, the
lonely, the refugee (“the language of the hands”).
Mr Peter Meers
Relieving Principal
2015 has been a busy year thus far for the Music Department. Mrs Denford, Mrs Keep and I feel very
lucky to work with such a fabulous group of students. Following are some of the co-curricular activities
our students have been involved with this year.
Mrs Shields
Music Coordinator
On Thursday July 30, the music students of James Sheahan were lucky enough to be a part
of a workshop with four members of the amazing Sydney jazz band ‘The World According to
James’. We had a lot of fun and appreciated those members for coming down to help us with
our musical skills including: timing, rhythm and improvisation skills. The members were all
really great and strengthened our music skills. All the music students would like to thank Mrs.
Shields and Mrs. Denford for this amazing opportunity.
Noah Bartlett
Year 8
On June 20 and 21, students of James Sheahan and feeder schools, St Mary’s and Catherine McAuley,
participated in the annual Music Manifesto. These nights are designed to showcase the talents and
abilities of our students and provide entertainment to the Orange community. This year we raised just over
$7000, which will go towards a new piano for the Music Department and also help to fund a bursary for
private music lessons.
There were a range of different ensembles, which include stage band, concert band orchestra, choir, drum
corp, string quartet and flute ensemble, as well as a range of talented soloists.
We would like to thank the parents of the Music Support Team, ably led
by Mrs Carolyn Stansfield, whom helped run both evenings. The
concerts wouldn’t happen without all of their help.
Music Manifesto is always lots of fun. We thank the school community
for their continued support of James Sheahan’s Music Department.
Jack Daintith, Michelle Lindsay and Tegan Mackay
Year 10
In March this year, members from the concert band,
orchestra, stage band choir and other musicians travelled to
Bathurst and then Forbes to participate in the Diocesan Music
Festival. We were joined by students from other schools in the
Bathurst Diocese.
It was a great opportunity to perform
and work with other musicians.
These workshops help us develop
new musical skills and meet like
minded people from other schools.
Maddyson Cain and Annalise Livermore
Year 10
During Term 2, young and thriving primary school students from St Mary’s and Catherine
McAuley came to James Sheahan to continue their musical adventure. They were able to
play music with more experienced instrumentalists to gain more technique and knowledge
about music.
Personally, I very much enjoyed teaching and working with these intelligent young minds. It
was a really good experience for everyone and we hope it can happen next year.
Yolanda Wu
Year 10
In June, Years 11 and 12 elective music classes were given the wonderful opportunity to
attend a workshop at the Orange Conservatorium with the incredibly talented Mr Craig
Wattam. He taught us a lot of useful skills for our exams and we got to watch his incredible
mind at work while he helped us with a viva voce, some compositions and performances. It
was an amazing experience and we all got so much out of the day.
Jessica Carman
Year 11
The senior Music students of James Sheahan Catholic High School left early on a Monday morning, midMarch to watch a concert of exemplary HSC
performances from 2014. Held at the Sydney
Opera House, it included Music 1, Music 2 and
Extension Music student’s
performances and compositions.
Accompanied by Mrs Denford and
Mr Hannelly, Encore was a great
insight into performance skills
required for success in the HSC.
Caleb Hewitt
Year 11
In May Years 9 and 10 elective students travelled to Parramatta to watch a performance by the Sydney
Symphony Orchestra. It was really good to be able to see a full orchestra working together and to learn
about different instruments. A very enjoyable day.
Sri Lanka Mission Team Fund Raising
Available at
the door
The Sri Lanka Mission Team continue to be
busy raising funds to buy educational
resources for children in Sri Lanka, reflecting
the School’s Social Justice value. The funds
and purchased resources will be presented to
De La Salle schools when the students visit
Sri Lanka in September/ October this year.
The De La Salle Catholic Order provide
schooling to many of the poorest and socially
disadvantaged families in Sri Lanka.
The students will be busy in Term 3, planning a series of lessons
to be delivered in the host school in Mannar during their week-long
stay in this northern Sri Lankan town. There is also fund raising
with a raffle and High Tea in the CWA Rooms on August 8,
2016 Mission Team will use resources awarded from the current
earn and learn sticker program. If you have any of these stickers
please send to the school. There is a box outside the “Corner
Office”, thank you.
Amy Denford, Peter Meers and Robyn Stevens
2015 Sri Lanka Mission Team
Year 11 - 2015
There are some amazing things that are happening in Year 11 this year. Below is a snapshot of some great
achievements and some exciting events that are coming up for our students. Hopefully all students are busy
preparing for their preliminary exams which begin on the 3rd of September.
Year 11 Retreat
The annual Year 11 Retreat took place in the last week of term 2. It was held at Murrumbateman at a fantastic camp
with lots of room and great views. The aim of the retreat was to allow students the
chance to bond as a year group before their HSC year starts. It also allowed them
the chance to reflect on themselves as people and set some goals for the coming
The theme of the Retreat was the gifts of the Holy
Spirit. These were; Wisdom, Understanding,
Courage, Wonder and Awe, Knowledge Reverence
and Right Judgement. Through working in small
groups these themes were further explored. There were also whole year group
There was also plenty of time to burn off some energy with a sports afternoon held.
Of course the famous (or in some cases, the infamous) James Sheahan variety night brought about some excellent
group performances.
“A particular highlight of the Year 11 retreat for me was the last night of
the trip where all students took part in a ceremony of reconciliation and
affirmation. It was a very special time as it allowed for all students to
reflect on their own actions and to make a conscious decision to forgive
and affirm others. It allowed students the opportunity to move on from the
past and become closer as a year group. This experience has enabled me to
create new relationships and strengthen others and I'm sure that it will
become one of the great memories I have from my time at James Sheahan.
Claudia Kay, Year 11 student.
Thanks to Mrs Calleja and the 12 staff that attended for all their hard work which made the retreat such a
worthwhile experience.
“A clear highlight of the trip was the last night’s reconciliation and affirmation ceremony where students came
together to forgive each other for their mistakes and affirm one another. However special mention must go to Alex
Mastronardi’s heartbreaking portrayal of Nathan Short in “Footy”. This role has Alex nominated for the next Oscars
award ceremony despite his group placing second in the talent show. The trip was a real highlight of my time at
James Sheahan”
Joshua Fahy, Year 11 student.
Drama Class Success
On July 25, the Year 11 Drama class entered into the Stage West Festival of One Act Plays competition. They
performed a fantastic murder mystery and despite being the only school they were successful in 3 of the 7
categories. Congratulations to the whole class- Amelia Bennetts, Hannah Mobbs, Eloise Beath, Tim Dalton, Jade
Fogarty, Robi Tag, Jacob Cunningham James Gartrell, Lauren Mitchell and Taylor Theobald. Special Congratulations
on the following awards to;
Best New Work; Amelia Bennetts and Hannah Mobbs (both girls
wrote and directed the play).
Best Female Actor in a Supporting Role; Eloise Beath
Best Male Actor in a supporting Role; James Gartrell.
The students worked extremely hard on the play. They organised and
produced this all by themselves. A fantastic achievement. Well done
to all involved
Breakfast Club
As part of the year 11 community service program students run a breakfast club. They provide toasted sandwiches
for the small cost of $1.50 or juice for 50 cents. It has proven to be very popular, especially during these cold winter
months. We have had almost half the year group volunteer to run this service, some enjoy it so much that they keep
coming back!
New Zealand Rugby Tour
In the term 3 holidays, 25 year 11 students are embarking on a 10
day rugby tour of New Zealand. They will be billeted for 4 of the
nights with host families to experience the New Zealand culture.
The tour is playing matches against St Thomas’ in Christchurch and
Timaru Boys High School. Timaru is our New Zealand sister city and
as such we have been invited by their mayor to attend a civic
reception with the local council. They are currently training hard
each Thursday morning to prepare for what will be a great
experience. Good luck.
Sri Lanka Mission Team
On September 23rd we are (finally) departing Orange to make
our way, (by every mode of transport: car, bus, train, plane and
foot) to Sri Lanka. Whilst in Sri Lanka, our team will have the
opportunity to work for a week with children in the Lasallian
schools in and around Mannar, in the north of the country. Over
the past year, our team has conducted our own fundraising and
all the money raised will go towards buying supplies for the
classrooms in Mannar. However, we are still fundraising and
have a High Tea coming up on August 8th. Tickets are still
available for only $20 (shameless promotion). At a delicious Sri
Lankan dinner our team had recently (courtesy of Mrs Stevens),
we were each given a unique bible passage to take along with us
on the trip, mine, from Hebrews 6:10 “God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown
him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.” When considering poverty in the developing world,
we all feel a sense of deep sorrow and helplessness, but within this team, I think we all agree that we will get far more
from this trip than cultural experience. Brooke Tilston (Sri Lanka Mission Team)
This fundraising over the last year and continuous support from students has significantly encouraged the Sri Lanka
Mission Team. We hope to travel with the school's values in mind, carrying them throughout the 17 days, and
applying them to the people we meet. We will travel to the northern Tamil region of Sri Lanka, in Mannar, for a week
of our time over there. As well as this, we will visit other cities in Sri Lanka, including Galle, Colombo, and Kandy.
Rianna Ruming (Sri Lanka Mission Team)
2016 Senior Leadership team
The Leadership Camp was held during week 2.
This was a chance for our future leaders to
showcase their leadership credentials and
different skills. The camp was attended by 36
students whom were all amazing for the 2 days.
Unfortunately not all of them can be on the
leadership team but they are all seen as leaders
in many different ways.
Announcement of the 2016 Senior Leaders
Mr Nathan Short
Yr 11 Coordinator
for Year 8 and Year 9 2016
Elective subject booklets were distributed to Year 7 and 8 students this week. Parents and students are to
consider the information about the subjects on offer and then enter preferences for subjects online. Details
for logging onto the subject selection site (www.selectmysubjects.com.au) are provided in the booklet.
Alternatively, an email was sent to the student’s email accounts this week with a link that will take them
straight to the site without the need to login.
Subject selections need to be completed by 4pm Wednesday August 12th. If you do not have the internet at
home, have the students meet their year coordinator to arrange a time to do the selections here at school.
Mr Michael Tilston
Relieving Assistant Principal
The school is offering students the opportunity to attend a Homework Centre to be held in the Library from
3:05 to 4:00pm every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons.
The centre will be run by Mrs Gordon. If your child is struggling in one or
more areas, please make contact with the class teacher to have your child
booked in to attend and complete homework or to brush up on skills.
So, if you find it more and more difficult to get time to do homework with your
son or daughter, why not try the homework centre?
Ms Narelle Gordon
Homework Centre Teacher
Mr Phil Kirkwood
Support Coordinator
As residents of Orange I think we would all agree that Winter can be
very long and very cold and this Winter has certainly tested out even
those of us who claim to not feel the cold. The Wellbeing of our
students is of primary importance to us and hence we are introducing
an optional Winter Anorak to be added to the uniform for all our
students. The Anorak can be worn over the top of the school uniform
by all students from Year 7 to 12. It is not a replacement to the senior
school blazer but may be worn in addition to it.
The cost of the Anorak will be $95.00 and can be purchased through
the Orange Clothing Company. To assist in ordering the Anorak, I will
have a number of sizes available for students to try on at school this
week. I will advertise in the Morning Notices and via email when this
will occur. We are hoping to have the Anorak available in the next
couple of weeks so students can receive them while it is still Winter.
Having said that, Winter will continue for a few more months I am
Mrs Michelle Whiteley
Student Wellbeing Coordinator
Brainstorm Productions will be performing two stage shows to students in Years
7 – 10 on August 18th and 20th. Years 7 and 8 will be audience to “Sticks and
Stones”, which targets issues such as bullying, conflict resolution, anger
management, assertiveness and empathy for others. Years 9 and 10 will be
audience to “Cheap Thrills”, a show which is about teenagers making split second
decisions and choices that can possibly change their lives for ever. It
demonstrates to them the impact that drugs, alcohol and risky behaviours can
have on their lives.
The shows will be performed at school on the Mezzanine level of the Hall.
Mrs Michelle Whiteley
Student Wellbeing Coordinator
Youth Mission Team Report
Faith Article- Our Pope
On the 13 March 2013, Jorge Mario Bergiglio became Pope Francis
and the 266th pope of the Roman Catholic Church. Pope Francis
brought new hope to the Roman Catholic Church as he was the
first pope from the Americas. He
didn't like the thought of living the
glamorous life of a wealthy pope,
he wanted the simplest form of life possible whilst being a pope.
Whilst trying not to live a glamorous life, the thought of the poor
arose, Pope Francis now visits groups of the poor regularly to help
create a better lifestyle for them finding, shelter, sustainable foods
and water as well as educating the children and creating stronger
communities with love and friendships.
(Written by Laura Marriott- Year 8 Youth Mission Team student)
University Early Entry Information. Please keep regular checks on the schools website as we update
information for students and their pursuits beyond school. http://jschs.nsw.edu.au/careers.html
UNIVERSITY applications for 2015–16 are now open through the Universities Admissions Centre
(UAC). UAC handles applications for 31 participating institutions, mainly in NSW and the ACT,
offering more than 1,900 courses. Applicants can choose up to nine course preferences in the online
application available at www.uac.edu.au. On-time applications close on Wednesday 30 September
2015, with final applications for semester 1 start closing on Monday 15 February 2016.
To help with the decision-making process, applicants can consult UAC’s website at www.uac.edu.au or the UAC
2015–16 Guide. Both provide comprehensive information on university courses and how to apply through UAC.
Early Entry for Charles Sturt University (CSU) courses for 2016 will be through the University
Admissions Centre (UAC) Schools Recommendation Scheme (SRS) only. CSU will not be
accepting direct early entry applications through the Principal Recommendation Entry Program
(PREP). Information referring to CSU's PREP scheme in the UAC Guide 2015-16 is incorrect.
Year 12 students wishing to apply for 2016 early entry intake must apply through the Schools Recommendation Scheme (SRS) by
30 September 2015.
Les Quick
Careers Advisor
Orange Little Athletics
Our season commences Friday 9th October.
You must register online at
Cost is $90 per child, uniform cost
Registering and paying online is the only
way to register. Once registered you need
to attend one of our collection days to pick
up your competition number and information
about Little Athletics.
Collection days are on Sunday the 6th and
13th of September, 2015 at Waratah Sports
Club between 2pm and 4pm.
For more information go to our website
First time athletes please note:
You will need to provide proof of
age when you collect your
competition number
Athletics requires parent
assistance to run the competition
Junior age 4-16 Male & Female.
Registrations close 4th September 2015
Cost $60per person
Season Commences Wednesday 7th October 2015
Season Concludes 24th February 2016
For all info visit: www.orangetouch.com.au
If you have any questions please contact Tracee Honeyman on 0431 393 240 or email
Please Note: All registrations and Payments are now online so there will NOT be a sign-on
day held for juniors.
Gap Year & Individual Volunteer Experience
For those students interested in a Gap Year experience, there is a large amount
of information on our website. In addition, we have a 20 page brochure on our
file server at – ACE Brochure for you to access at your convenience.