GIACOMINI U.K. LTD PRODUCT PRICE LIST 2013 KEY: g EX - STOCK UK c EX- STOCK ITALY* PAGE 1 Ball Valves GIACOMINI PRICE LIST 2013 BALL VALVES .... * Please send enquiries to: if the items you are interested in are currently not stocked in the UK. T: 01454 311012 E: W: PAGE: 1 GIACOMINI U.K. LTD PRODUCT PRICE LIST 2013 KEY: g EX - STOCK UK c EX- STOCK ITALY* PAGE 2 Radiator Valves R258CX022, R258CX025, R258CX026. This communication has an indicative value. Giacomini U.K Ltd reserves the right to make at any time, without notice, changes for technical or business reasons to the articles in this communication. * Please send enquiries to: if the items you are interested in are currently not stocked in the UK. PAGE: 2 T: 01454 311012 E: W: GIACOMINI U.K. LTD PRODUCT PRICE LIST 2013 KEY: g EX - STOCK UK c EX- STOCK ITALY* PAGE 3 Ball Valves Brass Plug & Chain for R608 c c Product Code Dimensions List Price (£) P23FY003 P23FY004 1/2” 3/4” 1.13 1.21 Description: Brass finish female plug and red plastic chain for R608 ball valves. Standard Chrome Ball Valve with Red Lever (F x F) Product Code Dimensions List Price (£) c c c R250X001 (42 bar) c R250X002 c R250X003 c R250X004 (42 bar) 1/4” 3.11 3/8” 4.21 1/2” 4.59 3/4” 6.85 R250X006 c 10.34 1” 1/4 (35 bar) R250X007 1” 1/2 15.76 22.74 (35 bar) c c R250X009 (28 bar) c R250X010 (28 bar) c R250X011 2” 1/2 78.57 3” 113.16 4” 219.20 (28 bar) R250X008 2” (35 bar) (42 bar) (42 bar) 1” R250X005 (42 bar) 39.02 Description: Standard port ball valve with female threads and red lever. For water, gas, hydro-carbons or dry saturated steam. Nickel and chrome plated brass body, diamond finish brass ball (before plating). PTFE seal gaskets on ball. Internally assembled stem for tamper prevention. BSP Chrome Plated Ball Valve with Red Lever (F x F) g g g g g g Product Code Dimensions List Price (£) R250ZX001 R250ZX002 R250ZX003 R250ZX004 R250ZX005 R250ZX006 1/4” 3/8” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1” 1/4 3.11 4.21 4.59 6.85 10.34 15.76 R250ZX007 g R250ZX008 g R250ZX009 1” 1/2 2” 2” 1/2 g 22.74 39.02 78.57 Description: Standard port ball valve with BSP female thread and red lever. For water, gas, hydro-carbons or dry saturated steam. Nickel and chrome plated brass body, diamond finish brass ball (before plating). Internally assembled stem for tamper prevention. Brass Ball Valve for Meters (F x F) c Product Code Dimensions List Price (£) R251PY004 3/4” x 3/4” 8.20 Description: 3/4” brass ball valve for meters. Used to shut off the flow of fluids to flow rate measuring devices, water meters, hydrocarbon meters and heat meters. These valves have a fixed cap equipped with small circumferential holes for the connection of any type of meter with flat seat connections. Chrome Plated Ball Valve with Red T-Handle (F x F) c c c c c c Product Code Dimensions List Price (£) R251X001 R251X002 R251X003 R251X004 R251X005 R251X006 1/4” 3/8” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1” 1/4 3.11 4.21 4.59 6.85 10.34 15.76 Description: Standard port ball valve with red T-handle. Chrome plated with female connections. * Please send enquiries to: if the items you are interested in are currently not stocked in the UK. T: 01454 311012 E: W: PAGE: 3 GIACOMINI U.K. LTD PRODUCT PRICE LIST 2013 KEY: g EX - STOCK UK c EX- STOCK ITALY* PAGE 4 Ball Valves Chrome Plated Ball Valve with Yellow T-Handle (M x M) c Product Code Dimensions List Price (£) R253X025 1” 13.37 Description: 1” standard port ball valve with yellow T-handle. Chrome plated with male to male connections. Chrome Plated Ball Valve with Red T-Handle (M x F) c c c g c c Product Code Dimensions List Price (£) R254X001 R254X002 R254X003 R254X004 R254X005 R254X006 1/4” 3/8” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1” 1/4 3.58 4.79 5.09 7.67 11.94 17.77 Description: WRAS approved standard port ball valve with red T-handle. Chrome plated with male to female connections. Chrome Plated Ball Valve - Compression Fitting - Red Lever Product Code Dimensions List Price (£) g R258CX002 5.28 g R258CX005 g R258CX006 15 mm x 15 mm 22 mm x 22 mm 28 mm x 28 mm 8.55 13.48 Description: Standard port ball valve with compression fitting ends and red lever. For water, gas, fluid hydro-carbons or dry saturated steam. Chrome plated brass body, diamond finish brass ball (before plating). Chrome Plated Ball Valve - Compression Fitting - Yellow Lever Product Code Dimensions List Price (£) g R258CX022 5.28 g R258CX025 g R258CX026 15 mm x 15 mm 22 mm x 22 mm 28 mm x 28 mm 8.55 13.48 Description: Standard port ball valve with compression fitting ends and yellow lever. For water, gas, fluid hydro-carbons or dry saturated steam. Chrome plated brass body, diamond finish brass ball (before plating). Chrome Ball Valve with Tail Piece Product Code c R259X006 3/4” x 1” (chrome - red) c 11.69 R259X009 1” 1/4 x 1” 1/4 22.36 3/4” x 3/4” 10.31 R259Y025 3/4” x 3/4” 10.31 (brass - red) c List Price (£) R259Y005 (chrome - red) c Dimensions (brass - blue) Description: Chrome & Brass plated isolation ball valve with tail piece and red or blue T-handle. For use with water or dry saturated steam. * Please send enquiries to: if the items you are interested in are currently not stocked in the UK. T: 01454 311012 E: W: PAGE: 4 GIACOMINI U.K. LTD PRODUCT PRICE LIST 2013 KEY: g EX - STOCK UK c EX- STOCK ITALY* PAGE 5 Ball Valves Chrome Ball Valve with Tail Piece and Drain Tap Product Code c c c c g c R259SX003 R259SX004 R259SX005 R259SX006 R259SX007 R259SX008 Dimensions 1/2” x 1/2” 1/2” x 3/4” 3/4” x 3/4” 3/4” x 1” 1” x 1” 1” x 1” 1/4 List Price (£) 10.29 13.75 14.36 15.65 19.58 21.89 c R259SX009 1” 1/4 x 1” 1/4 28.19 Description: Standard chrome plated port ball valve with tail piece, drain tap, and red T-handle. Without Seal. BSP Isolation Ball Valve with Tail Piece g g g g g Product Code Dimensions R259ZX003 R259ZX005 R259ZX006 R259ZX007 R259ZX009 1/2” x 1/2” 3/4” x 3/4” 3/4” x 1” 1” x 1” 1” 1/4 x 1” 1/4 List Price (£) 7.37 11.33 12.05 15.92 23.68 Description: Chrome plated isolation ball valve with BSP thread, tail piece and red T-handle. For use with water or dry saturated steam. Two Way Motor-driven Zone Ball Valve (M x M) g Product Code Dimensions List Price (£) R277Y004 3/4” 17.13 Description: 3/4” zone ball valve, with 2-way male connections and tail-pieces. These zone valves use a suitably shaped ball and are controlled by K270 and K272 motors. This solution allows to set the valve operation free from differential pressures acting on it. Three Way Motor-driven Deflector Ball Valve (F x F x F) c c Product Code Dimensions List Price (£) R279DY024 R279DY025 3/4” 1” 19.22 24.59 Description: Three way deflector valve with motor option. Female threaded connections. These zone valves use a suitably shaped ball and are controlled by K270 and K272 motors. This solution allows to set the valve operation free from differential pressures acting on it. Three Way Motor-driven Diverter Ball Valve (F x F x F) c Product Code Dimensions List Price (£) R279Y024 3/4” 16.86 Description: 3/4” three way diverter valve with motor option. Female threaded connections. These zone valves use a suitably shaped ball and are controlled by K270 and K272 motors. This solution allows to set the valve operation free from differential pressures acting on it. * Please send enquiries to: if the items you are interested in are currently not stocked in the UK. T: 01454 311012 E: W: PAGE: 5 GIACOMINI U.K. LTD PRODUCT PRICE LIST 2013 KEY: g EX - STOCK UK c EX- STOCK ITALY* PAGE 6 Ball Valves Gas Ball Valve (F x F) c Product Code Dimensions List Price (£) R602Y002 3/8” 4.95 (Red Handle) c R602Y003 1/2” 5.06 c c (Red Handle) c R602Y004 (Red Handle) R602Y005 (Red Handle) R602Y013 (Yellow Handle) 3/4” 7.40 c R602Y014 1” 14.93 1/2” 5.06 3/4” 7.40 Description: Gas ball valve, female x female connections. Brass finish. (Yellow Handle) Bib Cock with Hose Connection g g Product Code Dimensions List Price (£) R620X003 R620X004 1/2” 3/4” 7.56 9.08 Description: Chrome plated bib cock with hose connection and T-handle. Male thread. Bib Cock with Hose Connection g Product Code Dimensions List Price (£) R621X004 3/4” 8.09 Description: 3/4” chrome plated bib cock with hose connection, red lever handle, and rubber socket. Square Air Vent Key c Product Code Dimensions List Price (£) R74Y001 - 0.61 Description: Square air vent key for R64 and R91. Gear for Ball Valves c Product Code Dimensions List Price (£) R746X002 3/4” - 1” 1” 1/4 14.30 Description: Gear for 3/4”-1”-1”1/4 ball valves, including models R250, R910, R950, R850. * Please send enquiries to: if the items you are interested in are currently not stocked in the UK. T: 01454 311012 E: W: PAGE: 6 GIACOMINI U.K. LTD PRODUCT PRICE LIST 2013 KEY: g EX - STOCK UK c EX- STOCK ITALY* PAGE 7 Ball Valves Locking Device for Ball Valves Product Code g g g R747Y001 R747Y002 R747Y003 Dimensions List Price (£) Description: Locking device for ball valves. Placing this locking device under the handle allows the valve to be locked in either the open or closed position. 3/8” - 1/2” 0.52 3/4” - 1” - 1” 1/4 0.41 1”1/2 - 2” 0.99 Memory Stop for Ball Valves Product Code c c c R748Y001 R748Y002 R748Y003 Dimensions List Price (£) Description: Memory stop for ball valves. Placing this two piece memory stop under the lever, allows the lever to return to the same open position every time. Completely adjustable to choose the degree of flow required. 3/8” - 1/2” 0.77 3/4” - 1” - 1” 1/4 0.91 1” 1/2 - 2” 1.16 Cylinder Extension for Ball Valves Product Code Dimensions List Price (£) g R749TX101 5.31 g R749TX102 3/8” - 1/2” x 50 mm 3/4” - 1” 1”1/4 x 61.5 mm g R749TX103 1” 1/2 - 2” x 81 mm 4.68 9.98 Description: Cylinder extension for extending ball valve handles. Chrome plated for valves with guarantee seal and hologram. Ball Valve with Adjustable Connection (F x F) c c Product Code Dimensions List Price (£) R752X003 R752X005 1/2” x 3/4” 3/4” x 1” 10.67 15.02 Description: Standard port chrome plated ball valve for meters. Female-female connections with telescopic pipe union and fixed cap. Red T-handle. Angled Ball Valve with Red T-Handle (M x F) g Product Code Dimensions List Price (£) R789X005 3/4” 12.95 Description: 3/4” chrome plated angled ball valve, with red T handle and male-female connections. * Please send enquiries to: if the items you are interested in are currently not stocked in the UK. T: 01454 311012 E: W: PAGE: 7 GIACOMINI U.K. LTD PRODUCT PRICE LIST 2013 KEY: g EX - STOCK UK c EX- STOCK ITALY* PAGE 8 Ball Valves Full Port Ball Valve with Red T-Handle ( F x F) c Product Code Dimensions List Price (£) R850X024 3/4” 6.33 Description: 3/4” full port, chrome plated ball valve with red T-handle and female connections. Full Port Brass Ball Valve with Press Fittings c Product Code Dimensions List Price (£) R850VY137 1” 1/2 46.67 2” 66.44 (TR42) c R850VY138 (TR54) Description: Full port, brass finished ball valve with press-fitting connections and black O-ring according to EN 681-1 (standard for water distribution systems, drinking and heating water). Green lever handle. Full Port Brass Ball Valve with Press Fittings c c c c c Product Code Dimensions List Price (£) R851VY102 R851VY103 R851VY104 R851VY105 R851VY106 18mm 15mm 22mm 28mm 35mm 13.70 12.87 17.71 22.83 29.95 Description: Full port, brass finished ball valve with press-fitting connections and black O-ring according to EN 681-1 (standard for water distribution systems, drinking and heating water). Plastic extended T-handle for pipes with high insulating thickness. The package includes: 1 red plate, 1 blue plate, 1 green plate. Full Port Ball Valve with Red T-Handle (F x F) c Product Code Dimensions List Price (£) R851X022 3/8” 3.71 Description: 3/8” full port, chrome plated ball valve with red T-handle and female connections. Full Port Brass Ball Valve with Press Fitting Product Code c c R859VY103 R859VY104 Dimensions List Price (£) 1/2” M X TR15 10.73 3/4” M X TR22 14.91 Description: Full port brass finish ball valve, with male pressconnections, tail piece and black O-ring in compliance with EN681-1 (for potable and heating water distribution systems). Plastic extended T-handle for pipes having high insulating thickness. The package includes: 1 red plate, 1 blue plate, 1 green plate. * Please send enquiries to: if the items you are interested in are currently not stocked in the UK. T: 01454 311012 E: W: PAGE: 8 GIACOMINI U.K. LTD PRODUCT PRICE LIST 2013 KEY: g EX - STOCK UK c EX- STOCK ITALY* PAGE 9 Ball Valves Full Port Ball Valve with Drain-off c c c c c Product Code Dimensions List Price (£) R910SX004 R910SX005 R910SX006 R910SX007 R910SX008 3/4” 1” 1” 1/4 1” 1/2 2” 11.19 14.49 20.16 30.31 42.57 Description: Full port ball valve with drain-off tap and red handle. Female to female. Meets ISO 228. Full Port Chrome Ball Valve c c c c c c Product Code Dimensions List Price (£) R910UX163 R910UX164 R910UX165 R910UX166 R910UX167 R910UX168 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1” 1/4 1” 1/2 2” 6.02 8.42 12.27 21.23 26.57 37.29 Description: Full port ball valve in chrome. Female to female. Nickel Plated Dado Ball Valve Product Code Dimensions List Price (£) c c c R910X001 (Yellow Handle) c R910X002 (Yellow Handle) c R910X003 (Yellow Handle) c R910X004 (Yellow Handle) c R910X005 (Yellow Handle) c R910X006 R910X007 1” 1/2 (Yellow Handle) 2” R910X008 (Yellow Handle) 42.76 66.61 c R910X026 (Red Handle) c R910X027 (Red Handle) 1” 1/4 16.75 1” 1/2 25.77 2” 41.97 2” 1/2 114.76 3” 154.30 4” 305.86 1/4” 4.46 3/8” 6.57 1/2” 8.42 3/4” 12.51 1” 19.25 (Red Handle) 1” 1/4 28.79 Description: WRAS approved full port Dado ball valve. Nickel plated. Suitable for water, gas, hydro-carbons and dry saturated steam. Diamond brass ball seated in PTFE. EN311/98 Standard. (Yellow Handle) c 3/8” R910X022 (Red Handle) c 1/2” R910X023 (Red Handle) c 3/4” R910X024 (Red Handle) c 1” R910X025 4.65 5.20 8.03 11.61 c R910X028 (Red Handle) c R910X029 (Red Handle) c R910X030 (Red Handle) c R910X031 (Red Handle) Nickel Plated Dado Ball Valve with Yellow Handle g g g g g g Product Code Dimensions List Price (£) R910ZX003 R910ZX004 R910ZX005 R910ZX006 R910ZX007 R910ZX008 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1” 1/4 1” 1/2 2” 5.20 8.03 11.61 16.75 25.77 41.97 Description: WRAS approved full port Dado ball valve with yellow handle. Nickel plated with BSP thread. Suitable for water, gas, hydro-carbons and dry saturated steam. Diamond brass ball seated in PTFE. EN311/98 Standard. * Please send enquiries to: if the items you are interested in are currently not stocked in the UK. T: 01454 311012 E: W: PAGE: 9 GIACOMINI U.K. LTD PRODUCT PRICE LIST 2013 KEY: g EX - STOCK UK c EX- STOCK ITALY* PAGE 10 Ball Valves Nickel Plated Dado Ball Valve with Yellow Handle c g g g g g Product Code Dimensions List Price (£) R950ZX001 R950ZX002 R950ZX003 R950ZX004 R950ZX005 R950ZX006 1/4” 3/8” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1” 1/4 4.46 6.57 8.14 13.01 19.20 29.37 R950ZX007 g R950ZX008 g 1” 1/2 2” 41.91 65.78 Description: WRAS approved full port Dado ball valve with yellow handle. Nickel plated. Suitable for water, gas, hydrocarbons and dry saturated steam. Diamond brass ball which is nickel then chrome plated, seated in PTFE. EN311/98 Standard. Full Port Ball Valve with Yellow T-Handle g Product Code Dimensions List Price (£) R951X025 1” 13.01 Description: 1” heavy pattern full port ball valve, nickel plated with yellow T-handle. Compliant with European Standard EN 331. * Please send enquiries to: if the items you are interested in are currently not stocked in the UK. T: 01454 311012 E: W: PAGE: 10 GIACOMINI U.K. LTD PRODUCT PRICE LIST 2013 PAGE 11 Quality. Reliability. Innovation As one of the world’s largest valve manufacturers, Giacomini has established a global reputation for the quality and reliability of its products. Considerable investment in research and development over many years and stringent testing procedures at every stage of the production process enables us to deliver products that are not only at the forefront of cutting edge technology but also guaranteed to give years of trouble free service. First established by Alberto Giacomini in 1951 on the western side of Lake Orta, Italy, Giacomini first made its name in the brassware sector with its highly innovative lever ball, gate and radiator valves. With the success of these products Giacomini has grown from a small manufacturing unit into world leader, continuing to create state-of-theart products for the brassware and commercial heating sectors. Now with 4 production plants, Giacomini is in the privileged position to be able to produce the majority of its items, without the need to sub-contact. This means we can keep a close eye on all of our products ensuring excellence throughout design & manufacturing process. Product Ranges: The Giacomini range is comprehensive and includes: • Underfloor Heating Components • Underfloor Heating Design • Underfloor Heating Installation • Radiator Valves • Gate Valves • Lever Ball Valves • Fire Protection Valves • Automatic Air Vents • Filling & Safety Valves • Heat Interface Units • Hydrogen Boilers Contact ContactUs: Us: For further information about Giacomini’s products and services please contact us: Tel: 01454 - 311012 Email: Fax: 01454 - 316345 Web: T: 01454 311012 E: Giacomini U.K. Ltd Unit 2, Goodrich Close, Westerleigh Business Park, Yate, South Gloucestershire, BS37 5YT. W: PAGE: 11 GIACOMINI U.K. LTD PRODUCT PRICE LIST 2013 KEY: g EX - STOCK UK c EX- STOCK ITALY* PAGE 12 Ball Valves GIACOMINI PRICE LIST 2013 BALL VALVES Unit 2, Goodrich Close, Westerleigh Business Park * Please send enquiries to: South Gloucestershire, BS37 5YT. if the items you are interested in are currently notYate, stocked in the UK. Tel: 01454 - 311012 - Fax : 01454 - 316345 - T: 01454 311012 E: W: PAGE: 12