Touchdown Club, Washington, DC, January 11, 1969
Touchdown Club, Washington, DC, January 11, 1969
Touchdown Club Award Washington, D. C. January 11, 1969 I noticed in this morning 1 s Washington POST that the distinguished sports columnist, Bob Addie, seemed puzzled over why I was selected for the 11 11;r. Sam" award for 1968. Frankly, so am I. I don't think it had anything to do with my friend, Bob Short's purchase of the Washington Senators. Most of you know that Bob also serves as Treasurer of the Democratic - I r National Committee( Bu~ · 7 is only coincidence -- mere co1nc1·d ence -2- oooo' \ debt of around $ 7 - 8 million is surprisingly close to the sale price of the Senators;.LBob would never do anything like that. l Or would he? ).;; doubt I received the awa~d for the=ce I gave General I~ Eckert on how to modernize the major leagues ••• or to Ed Williams . on what makes a winning football team . . . . : . . . . ,~ ~ s a' A In fact, 1968 has been a hard year all across it comes to Minnesotans Twins to the Vikings. ~ ssc(u »~ '• "'~·· ,. . the boara when sJtau from McCarthy to Humphrey -- from the WII~Jif., ooo0\2 ----;;,I would hope the award might reflec!my deep interest and concern for reaching disadvantaged inner- city youngsters with a meaningful sports and recreation program, especially Council on Physical Fitness ~a summer sports and recreation program under the direction of Eddie LeBaron, one of Washington's most distinguished sports . personalities, and assisted by Joe Scudero ) I another former ' -4- 0000\3 J Washington Redskin and, if I am not mistaken, a member of the Touchdown Club. "__.. --- And Jim Lovell of Apollo 8. \ • J Eddie and Joe recruited a team of outstanding sports figures -- amateur and professional -- and worked tirelessly this past summer in forty-three of our major cities. Other participants included football stars such as Bob Hayes, Emerson Boozer, Willie Wood, Rickie Harris, John Mackey, Herb Adderly, - Don Perkins; swimmers such as Donna de Varona and Chris Von Saltza; track stars such as Elias Gilbert, John Thomas 4 0000 14 -5- Edith McGuir e, Richmo nd Flower s, Lacey O'Neal, Brooks Johnson , Ira Murchis on, Ralph Boston, Mel Pendert basketb all stars ~ L... _, - such as Ray Scott, Elgin Baylor and the Harlem Globetr otters; all the major league basebal l clubs; skiers such as Suzanne ,, Chaffe~ Mike Jacobso n in gyrnnast~cs; and Ke~eth Santiago in - judo. ~ Many others also particip ated in these special program s ] through out the summe r. hese stars worked directly with the youngs ters in each city • hey also spent conside rable time helping the local recreat ion staff design program s which truly reached the disadvanta ged young people in each city.l Too often in the , our 0000 15 inner cities have been totally overloo ked in the regular summe r • ef\ sports program s. This pattern is now althoug h we have a long way to go.. L:)her e is so much that canbe ~r beginnin g to change, .,f-l.l_._ ~ ,..,,.,.,~:= do~e for our young people ~ through the medium of sports and team competi tion._ We have only made the barest of beginnin gs with sports program s of the past several summe rs. But I am proud of what we have accomp lished. And I earnest ly hope such efforts will be continu ed -- and expand e d -- in the years ahead. ### ' oooo\S NOTES TOUCHDOWN CLUB AWARD WASHINGTON, D.C. JANUARY 11, 1969 I noticed in this morning's Washington POST that the distinguished sports columnist, Bob Addie, seemed puzzled over why I was selected for the "Mr. Sam" award for 1968. Frankly, so am I. I don't think it had anything to do with my friend, Bob Short's purchase of the Washington Senators. Most of you know that Bob also serves as treasurer of the Democratic National Committee. But it is only coincidence -- mere coincidence -- that the Committee's debt of around $7 - 8 million is surprisingly 000017 -2- close to the sale price of the Senators. anything like that. Bob would never do Or would he? I doubt I received the award for the advice I gave General Eckert on how to modernize the major leagues . . . or to Ed Williams on what makes a winning.; football team. t.. I would hope the award might reflect my deep interest and concern for reaching disadvantaged inner -city youngsters with a meaningful sports and recreation program, especially during the summer. chairman of the President 1 s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, an assignment I received last March, I organized such a summer sports and recreation program under the direction oooo\8 -3- of Eddie LeBar on, one of Washin gton's most disting uished sports person alities , and assiste d by Joe Scuder o, anothe r former Washin gton Reds kin and, if I am not mistak en, a memb er of the Touchd own Club. e d d i e and Joe recrui ted a team of outstan ding sports figures --ama teur and profes sional -- and worked tireles sly this past summ er in forty-t hree of our major ~ities , ~ Other partici pants include d footba ll stars such as Bob Hayes , Emers on - Booze r, Willie Wood, Rickie Harris , John Macke y, Herb Adderl y, Don Perkin s; swimm ers such as Donna de Varona and Chris Von Saltza; track stars such as Elias Gilber t, John Thoma s, Edith McGui re, Richm ond Flowe rs, Lacey O'Neal , Brooks Johnso n, 0000 19 -4- Ira Murchiso n, Ralph Boston, Mel Pender; basketba ll stars such as Ray Scott, Elgin Baylor and the Harlem Globetro tters; all the major league baseball clubs; skiers such as Suzanne Chaffee; Mike Jacobs on in gymnasti cs; and Kenneth Santiago in judo. Many others also participa ted in these special program s througho ut the summer. These stars worked directly with the youngste rs in each city. They also spent considera ble time helping the local recreatio n staff design program s which truly reached the dis- advantag ed young people in each city. Too often in the past our inner cities have been totally overlooke d in the regular summer sports program s. This pattern is now slowly beginning to change. although we have a long way to go. 000020 -5- There is so much that can be done for our young people through the medium of sports and team competition. We have only made the barest of beginnings wfu sports programs of the past several sum~ rs. But I am proud of what we have accomplished. And I earnestly hope such efforts will be continued -- and expanded -- in the years ahead. # # # Minnesota Historical Society Copyright in this digital version belongs to the Minnesota Historical Society and its content may not be copied without the copyright holder's express written permission. Users may print, download, link to, or email content, however, for individual use. To req uest permission for com mercial or ed uca tional use, please contact the Minnesota Historical Society. 1~ W'W'