Happy New Year! - Edwardsville Public Library
Happy New Year! - Edwardsville Public Library
Winter-Spring 2016 Board of Trustees: Robert LaRose, President Gary Denue Pete Fornof Emily Gates Kim Harrison JoAnn Nabe Francie Powell Sharon Whittaker Gloria Zupanci Susan Carr, Librarian-Director Cary Harvengt, Assistant Director Gwen Bumpers, Head of Technical Services Anne Low, Youth Services Librarian Jacob Del Rio, Head of Research and Adult Services Important Library Information at a Glance: Address: 112 South Kansas Street Hours: 9 am-9 pm Mon. thru Thurs. 9 am-5 pm Fri. and Sat. 1 pm-5 pm Sunday Bookdrop Locations: Cloverleaf Bank 2143 S. State Route 157 Kansas Street (in front of Library) Montclaire Avenue (behind Fire Station #2) YMCA Esic Center Goshen Road Phone: 618-692-7556 Fax: 618-692-9566 Dial-A-Story: 618-656-5317 Web Site: www.edwardsvillelibrary.org E-mail: info@edwardsvillelibrary.org Reference Department: edereference@ edwardsvillelibrary.org In need of a quick fact, date or statistic? E-mail our reference staff. Vol. IX, No. 4 Happy New Year! We hope you’re as excited for 2016 as we are. There are several cool new things at the library to get excited about. Let’s start with ComicsPlus—you can read thousands of issues of new comic books on any web-connected device. Also, the library now lends telescopes that are easy to transport and easy to use. All you need for these services is your Edwardsville Public Library card (telescope lending limited to patrons 18 & older). The library now has a self-checkout machine for your convenience. There are other exciting things coming to the library very soon so stay tuned! We are happy to be able to offer free income tax preparation again this year for people filing with an income of less than $53,000. The Library is partnering with the Gateway EITC Community Coalition to make these tax services available. Certified volunteer tax preparers will be at the Library from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Saturdays from January 30 through March 26. They will prepare and electronically submit federal income tax returns as well as returns for most states. Volunteers serve a limited number of people each week, so arrive early. Travels in Africa Thursday, January 28 from 7:00 to 8:30 PM Dallas Browne has traveled to several African countries for decades. He will share photos of his travels and will relay his experiences with various cultures and countries spanning his 30 years of travels in Africa. From Morocco to Tanzania to South Africa—Dallas has seen these countries change and develop over time. Take in the rich culture of Africa! No registration is required. Chair Yoga The Heroin Project: A Documentary Monday, February 15 at 7:00 PM This documentary addresses the growing problem of heroin addiction in Madison County. Film director Ashley Seering set out to educate the community and raise awareness about heroin. Join us in welcoming Ashley Seering to this special screening and stay for questions and answers. This program is free and no registration is required. Making Social Media Work for Your Business Thursday, February 25 from 7:00 to 8:30 PM With the help of social media guru Barry Coziahr, learn the right way to use social media and how you can create social media that people want to follow. Become a master of social media and create a following that really listens. This program is free and no registration is required. Social Security & Income Allocation in Retirement Wednesday, March 9 from 6:00 to 8:00 P.M. Everything you need to know to maximize your lifetime income is covered in this class. A comprehensive look into Social Security teaches how to not only get the most out of Social Security, but how to coordinate benefits with other assets to create the income that’s right for you. The class offers a Maximized Benefits Report that will consider all scenarios and define the best plan for claiming your benefits. Registration is required. Contact the library on or after January 20 to register. How Swede It Is: When Travel Meets Genealogy Sunday, April 10 from 2:00 to 3:30 PM Wednesdays: February 10, March 9, April 13, and In 1912, Hilda Lehtonen and her family left the remote May 11 from 12:00 to 1:00 Åland Islands for the United States of America. 102 years Registered yoga teacher Julie Hamilton will lead these classes using modifications of many common yoga poses that can be done from a seated position without fear or injury or strain. These exercises are perfect for seniors and for others with disabilities or challenges such as chronic illness, pain, or stiffness. Attend any or all of the three sessions. These classes are free, and no registration is required. later, Hilda’s son, Gene Smallman, and granddaughter, Lora Smallman, traveled to the Åland Islands. Gene and Lora will share their experiences in tracking down Hilda’s childhood cottage. Come to enjoy pictures, maps, stories, and Swedish treats! No registration is required. Winter-Spring 2016 Activities For programs requiring registration, please visit us online or call the Library’s Youth Department. Books for Babies Story Time For 0-11 month olds REGISTRATION REQUIRED Mondays, Jan. 25-Mar. 28 10-10:20 am Share simple books, songs, and bubbles with your baby, including an introduction to baby sign language. Fun for Ones Story Time For 1 year olds REGISTRATION REQUIRED Mondays, Jan. 25-Mar. 28 11-11:20 am Simple stories, songs and bubbles for 1 year olds and caregivers. Time for Twos Story Times For 2 year olds REGISTRATION REQUIRED Session 1 – Tuesdays, Jan. 26-Mar. 29* 10-10:30 am Session 2 - Tuesdays, Jan. 26-Mar. 29* 11-11:30 am Enjoy stories, songs, crafts and bubbles with your tot. *Please note: Time for Twos Story Times will not be held on March 15. Preschool and Parent Story Times For ages 3-5 REGISTRATION REQUIRED Session 1 – Tuesdays, Jan. 26-Mar. 29* 7-7:45 pm Session 2 – Wednesdays, Jan. 27-Mar. 30 10-10:45 am Session 3 – Thursdays, Jan. 28-Mar. 31 10-10:45 am Session 4 – Thursdays, Jan. 28-Mar. 31 1-1:45 pm Share stories, crafts and bubbles with friends. Please note: Preschool and Parent Story Time will not be held on March 15. Valentine’s Preschool Dance Party For ages 3-5 REGISTRATION REQUIRED Saturday, Feb. 13 10-11 am Dance to your heart’s content at the Valentine’s Preschool Dance Party! Join us for singing, dancing and stories! School’s Out Movie Matinee In the Library Meeting Room on Monday, Feb. 15 1-3 pm Feature film shown and snacks provided. Contact the library for movie title. Children under age 5 must be accompanied by an adult. Lego Club For ages 5-12 Tuesdays, Feb. 23, Mar. 29 & Apr. 26 4-5 pm Bring your imagination and we’ll supply the LEGOs. No registration required. Minecraft Madness For grades 1-5 REGISTRATION REQUIRED Session 1: Thursday, Mar. 3 6-7 pm Session 2: Thursday, Mar. 3 7-8 pm Session 3: Thursday, Apr. 7 6-7 pm Session 4: Thursday, Apr. 7 7-8 pm Play Minecraft with friends on the Library’s server. Registration is limited. Kindermusik’s “ABC Music and Me” For ages 2-5 REGISTRATION REQUIRED Join certified Kindermusik instructor, Ellen Singh, for a preschool music class. The class will meet select Monday evenings from 7-7:30 pm in April and May. Dates: April 11, April 25, May 9, May 23 After-School Adventure: LEGO Zip Line Racers For grades 3-5 REGISTRATION REQUIRED Wednesday, Apr. 13 4-5 pm Make your own LEGO zip line racers and try it out on zip lines at the library! Children’s Book Week May 2-8 Stuffed Animal Sleepover Drop off your stuffed animal or doll anytime before 5 pm on Friday, May 6, for a fun-filled sleepover at the Library, and then join us at 10 am on Saturday, May 7, for a light breakfast and a photo slideshow of the slumber party fun! Teen Activities Easter Egg Hunt Grades 6-12 REGISTRATION REQUIRED Friday, Mar. 18 8-9:30 Bring a flashlight and search the Library for hidden eggs that contain candy or lottery numbers for awesome prizes! (Please note: This is a Library After-Hours Event. Doors will open for admission at 7:45 pm and will be locked at 8:15 pm). Poetry Slam Grades 6-12 Thursday, April 21 7-8 pm Get the word out… read original poems, song or rap lyrics, or a favorite selection written by another poet or lyricist. Enter to win a Starbucks gift card. Refreshments provided. Teen Advisory Board (TAB) Meetings Grades 6-12 Thursdays, Feb. 18, Mar. 17, Apr. 14 7-8 pm Board members share ideas for future teen activities, hold fundraisers, and have opportunities to volunteer at children’s programs. Please pick up an application at the Youth Desk or print one online at www.edwardsvillelibrary.org. Check out the events calendar on the library website to register for library programs online, receive email reminders, and learn more about library activities! MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 17 18 19 2021 2223 Library Closed Books for Babies Time for Twos Preschool Preschool ST 2425 2627 282930 10am 10am & 11am Fun for Ones - 11 am ST 10am Preschool ST 7pm 10am & 1pm 31 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Fun for Ones - 11 am Preschool ST 7pm THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Books for Babies Time for Twos 1 2 3 45 6 Preschool ST 10am 10am & 11am Preschool ST 10am 10am & 1pm Books for Babies Time for Twos 7 8 9 10 1112 13 Valentine’s Preschool Preschool ST 10am 10am & 11am Preschool ST 10am Fun for Ones - 11 am 10am & 1pm Preschool ST 7pm Dance Party 10am Time for Twos Books for Babies -10am 16 Preschool ST 1415 17 1819 20 10am & 11am Preschool ST 10am 10am & 1pm Fun for Ones - 11 am Movie Matinee 1 pm Teen Advisory Board 7pm Preschool ST 7pm Time for Twos 10am & 11am Lego Club 4pm Preschool ST 7pm Books for Babies 21 22 23 24 2526 27 Preschool ST 10am Fun for Ones - 11 am Preschool ST 10am 10am & 1pm 2829Books for Babies - 10am Fun for Ones - 11 am SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 10am & 11am Preschool ST 7pm Preschool ST 10am Minecraft Madness 6pm & 7pm Preschool ST FRIDAY FEBRUARY JANUARY SUNDAY SATURDAY MARCH Time for Twos 10am & 1pm 1 2 34 5 Books for Babies - Time for Twos Preschool ST 6 7 8 9 1011 12 10am Fun for Ones - 11 am Books for Babies 1314 -10am Fun for Ones - 11 am Books for Babies 2021 10am Fun for Ones - 11 am 10am & 11am Preschool ST 7pm 10am & 1pm Preschool ST 10am Preschool ST 15 16 1718 19 10am & 1pm Teen Easter Egg Hunt No Story Times Preschool ST 10am Teen Advisory Board 7pm Time for Twos 22 23 2425 26 Preschool ST Preschool ST 10am 10am & 11am Preschool ST 7pm Time for Twos 10am & 11am Lego Club 4pm Preschool ST 7pm 10am & 1pm Books for Babies 272829 3031 10am Fun for Ones - 11 am SUNDAY MONDAY 8pm TUESDAY Preschool ST 10am WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Preschool ST 10am & 1pm FRIDAY SATURDAY Minecraft Madness 34 5 6 78 9 6pm & 7pm Lego Teen 4pm 7pm 1011 12 13 1415 16 Zip Line Racers Advisory Board Kindermusik 7pm 17 18 19 20 2122 23 Teen Poetry Slam 7pm APRIL 12 Lego Club 2425 26 27 2829 30 Kindermusik 7pm SUNDAY 4pm MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY MAY 1 2 3 4 THURSDAY FRIDAY Stuffed Animal 56 Sleepover Drop-off by 5pm SATURDAY Stuffed Animal 7 Sleepover Breakfast 10am 8 9 10 11 1213 14 Kindermusik 7pm 15161718192021 2223 24 25 2627 28 Kindermusik 7pm 2930 31 Library Closed noon in our meeting room. Bring a brown bag lunch, and we’ll provide drinks and popcorn. Check with the Library for movie titles; we are unable to publish them due to our licensing agreement. Monday, January 11—Two tigers that are separated as cubs endure hardship on their journey back to each other and their family. Monday, February 8 —The sequel to the 2012 hit. Residents at an Indian hotel traverse the tribulations of love and the possible addition of another hotel. Monday, March 14—Set in Ireland, a father matches wits with the king of the leprechauns while playing match maker to his daughter and a young Sean Connery. Monday, April 11— Helen Mirren stars as the owner of a Michelin-starred restaurant. When an Indian family opens a restaurant across the street, a rivalry ensues. Monday, May 9—Kirk Douglas plays a cowboy who arranges to have himself put in jail so that he can help an old friend escape. Documentary Club for adults meets at 6:30 p.m. in our meeting room. Resident film buff, David Rigsbey, will share some of his encyclopedic film knowledge before each screening. Popcorn and drinks will be provided. Check with the library for movie titles. Wednesday, Jan 20—A behind the scenes look at the band behind Motown’s hits. Wednesday, February 17—This close-up look at the life of insects is a visual marvel. Wednesday, March 16—An examination of the legal battle over the largest and most complete Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton found to date. Wednesday, April 20—Director Sarah Polley journeys through her family’s history in search of the truth. Wednesday, May 18—Two South African fans set out to discover the fate of their favorite musician, Rodriguez. Winter Computer Classes Below is the schedule of computer classes being offered this winter and spring. Classes are free, but space is limited and registration is required. Please stop by or call the library (692-7556) starting at 9:00 a.m. beginning Wednesday, January 20. We will not accept registrations prior to January 20 and we are not able to take registration requests from messages left on our answering machine. Facebook Fundamentals – We will demonstrate how to navigate the home page layout and the profile page, post updates, find and add friends, add and tag photos, and manage privacy settings. Tuesday, February 16 2:00-3:00 p.m. OR Saturday, May 7 1:00-2:00 p.m. Pinterest – If you like the idea of organizing your Internet discoveries and sharing your interests, join us for this class. Coventry Crafters Enjoy crafts, snacks, and lively conversation! Coventry Crafters meet on Monday evenings from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Adult crafters bring portable crafts – needlework, quilting, scrapbooking, knitting, etc. Mondays—January 4, February 1, March 7, April 4, May 2 We also have a daytime edition of Coventry Crafters on the first Friday of each month from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Bring a portable craft and a sandwich. We’ll provide cookies and a drink. Fridays— February 5, March 4, April 1, May 6 We will explore Pinterest, the popular online phenomenon. It is a way to organize, describe, and share your interests on a virtual pinboard (i.e, bulletin board). We will cover the basics of setting up and maintaining an account. Tuesday, March 8 2:00-3:00 p.m. OR Saturday, May 21 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Instagram and Twitter – Please join us for a class on two different, but correlated, social media websites. Editing and posting photos has never been easier thanks to Instagram. Use it to upload pictures to your favorite social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Flickr. Connect with friends and celebrities through Twitter, where you have only 140 characters to express your thoughts. We will demonstrate the basics of setting up an account and using each website. Saturday, April 30 1:00-2:00 p.m. Book Discussion Group Join us for lively conversation and refreshments on the fourth Tuesday of each month from 7-8 pm. January 26 My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She’s Sorry by Fredrik Backman February 23Sula by Toni Morrison March 22 Tsar of Love and Techno by Anthony Marra April 26 H is for Hawk by Helen Macdonald May 24 Dog Stars by Peter Heller Winter-Spring 2016 Newsletter Movie Matinees for adults start at See us on Facebook and visit our blog from our website edwardsvillelibrary.org to find book reviews, peeks behind the scenes, news events and so much more. 112 South Kansas Street Edwardsville, IL 62025 Edwardsville, IL 62025 Permit No. 2 PAID NON-PROFIT U.S. POSTAGE