f.4. florf rra r THE LAKE PONTCHARTRAIN- LAKE MA_IJREPAS ESTUARINE COMPLEX: A BIBLIOG RA PHY BY M A R YC . C U R R Y J U N E , T9 8 q - LAKE MAUREPAS THE LAKE PONTCHARTRAIN ESTUARINECOMPLEX: A BIBLIOGRAPHY by Dr. Mary G. C urry EnvironmentalJmpact Off icer Parlsh of Jefferson Metairie, Loulilana 70002 1 3 G-GqLlO 3'\ SoP?t{n<{N-i June, | 984 ,f'' |l./ /',; l,oil1,',,,,., This document is dissemlnated by the Regional Plannlng Commilsion for Jefferson, Orleans. Si. Bernard .nd St. Tammany Parlshes in the interest of information exchange. This document should be referenced as: Curry, M. G. 1984. The Lake Pontchartrain - Lake A Bibliography. Maurepas Estuarine Complex: Regional Planning Commission for Jefferson, Orleans, St. Eernard and St. Tammany Parishes, New Orleans, Louisiana. Copiesof this document can be obtained by $riting to the following address: Regional PlanningCommissionfor Jefferson, Orleans,St. Bernard and st. Tammany Parishes 333 St. Charles Ave., Ste, 900 New Orleans,LA 70130 I INTRODUCTION The Lake Pontchartrain - Lake Maurepat E3tuarine complex is tocated north of the Citv of New Orleans in the Missis3ippi River Deltaac Plain in Southcastern Louisiana (Figure l). The complex includes Lake Pontchartrain,which occupies approximately 630 sqiare miles, and Lake Maurepas,which occupiesapprorima,tely streams from 9! sqr.raremiles (Saucier, | 963). Those lakes are fed by .numerousthe north and by natural and man-madeconduits on the south (Figure 2). 'rEnvironmental Analysis of Lake The most comprehensive study of the area. Pontchartrain, Louisiana. lts Surrounding Wetlands, and Selected Land Usesrr, was prepared by the Louiliana State Universlty, Center for Wetland Resources (Stone, 1980) under contracl to the U. 5. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District. That two volume study, as well as over 400 other st{rdie3 and selected newspaperaccounts 0n various asPectsof the Lake Pontchartrain - Lake Maurepas Estuirine complex. are listed in the following bibliography. Newspaper articles were included only when they introduced or sumrnarired major items or presented informalion on studies. committees or Proiects which were not completed at thir June, 1984writing. Entries span a period of over elghty years. I I T T I I I I This bibliography was completed ln responseto the ren€wed Intere3t in the lakcs in the last iive years, during which tlme several decislve events occurred' Bcalnning in October, r9L0, the Stale's Coastal Resources Program (U. S. Department of Commerce and Louisiana D€partment of Natural Regources,1980) went into effect. Activities in and around ths lakes such a3 oll and ga3 operatioN, rhell drcdging urban runoff, sewerage effluent, shorelhe development, developmcnt rlong thc tributaries and navigation and ftood Protectlon Project3 had already begun to draw attention from State and Federal agencles, environmental groups and the general public. In the early eighties, for the flrst time, local governments around the lakes were beginning io take a 'tunited'r lnterest in what was happenlng to rrtheirrr lakes (Osborne, 1981). In 1980, Jefferson Parlsh Councilman Willie Hof formed the rrlake Pontchartrain Basin Menagement Area lk[ Hoc Committcc", which wls assisted by a Technical Advisory Committee. The Ad Hoc Committce consisted of elected officials repres€nting each of the seiren parichessurrounding the lakes. That Ad Hoc committee and two south shore civic a3sociations(c ivic Council of East Jefferson and Pontchartrain Shores Civic Assoclation, 1982) independently evaluated the merite of establlshing the lakes as Part of a 'rspecial management area" and communicatedtheir Interestg and efforts directly to the State. With this resurgence of interest in the lakes, the Regional Planning Commission for Jefferson, Orteans,St. Bernard and St. Tammany Parishesreceived a techdacal planning grant from the Louisiana DePertment of Natur.l Resourccsto summarizc and asgimilate a basin-wide data base, to €ollect the b€st evailable information concerning the multiple f€atures and functions of the lakes and to identify the probtems and issues and the legal iurisdictions and agencies concerned with the lakes. That study yielded several rePorts (Regional Plannlng Commission for Jefferson, Orleans,St. Bernard and St. Tammany Parishes,undated,1982a,1982b, | 9 8 2 ca n d 1 9 82 d ) . 900 I I LOU ISIANA l)" - M ISSISSIPPl \o € I]ATON ROUCE o! ?3 - !0e : AN7 o "rt/ o/f 44"*rro I 90. I 92" Figure l. Locationof Lake Pontchartrain-Lake MaurepasErtuarine Complex. -2- Two att-day conferenceswere sponsoredby private, Statc and loeal gevernmen!el agencies in the interest of information erchange. The first conference, I'The Changing Environment of the Lake Pontchartraln Baglnrr,was sponsored by the Coastal Zone Advisory Committees of TangipahoaParish and Livingston Parish on 29 Octotrer 19El in Hammond. The second conference, "The Lake Pontchartrain/ Lake Maurepas Estuarine Complex: Perspectiveson lts Futurert, was sponsoredby the American Planning Association, the University of New Orleans (Schoot of Urban and Regional Studies), the Louisiana DePartment of Natural Resources (Coastat tr{anagement Section), the City of New Orleans, the Parish of St. Charles and the Parish of Jefferson on 6 Aprll 1983 in New Orleans. Proceedingsfrom the latter conference were pubtished(Wagnerand Monteferrante, r984). In response to all of these events, as well as 3everal bilts antroduced into the Louisiana tegislative sessionr over the last thre€ years, the Louisiane Dep.rtment of Natural Resources hired Coaital Environmenls, lnc. of Eaton Rouge 'rto helP evaluate the Lake Pontchartrain-Lake MaurepasBasin as a special coastal zone management area" {Capital Bureau, 1983). Shortly thereafter, in February, 1984. Covernor David Treen appointed an advisory grouP to evaluate the rrspecial managementarea" designation(Lafourcade. 1984). At this June, 1984 writing, the Coastal Environments,lnc. study i9 incomPlete and no new advisory group has been appointedby Governor Edwin Edwards. ACKNOYYLEDGMENTS I I I I I I I Ms. Laura J. Swilley, U. S. Army Corpsof Engineers,l'lew Orleans Disrict, is acknowledgedfor her inestimable assistance. BIBLIOGRAPHY A. B. Zabbia € Associates,Inc. 1981. TengipahoaParish Coastal Zone Management Program. A. B. Zabbia 6 Associates,lnc., Pontchatoula,Louisiana. | . *"{r"/ | "t ,:..--.i-- Alex Theriot, Jr. € Associates, tnc. f9gl. LivingBlon parish .Coastal Zone ' Management. Alex Theriot 6 Associates,Inc., Denham Springs,Louisiana. Adkins, G. 1972. A Study of the Blue Crab Flsheryin Louisiana. LouisianaWildlife./ and FisheriesCommissionTechnicalBulletin No. l. tl 41:\ Alexander, L. ]!!3.- 18 Years afrer Betsy, levee plan is stilt full of gaps. The Times-Picayune/TheStates-ltem, 9 Septembir 1983. o Anderson, E. 1980. LSU Scientist Urges Safeguards to protect Times-Picayune/The States-ltem. 29 November1980. . I Anderson, E. and M. Schleifstein. 198q. Times-Picayune/TheStates-ltem, I May 1984. I. 1 Anonymous' ^198.2. Lake- compared to polluted Erie. States-ltem,9 February| 982. J rr Anonvmous. 1982. Lake Pontchartrain -i De_ad - Zone Study Underway. Water Currents I 98z iMav): 5. ,f nnony-ou..^ ^tg-82. Natural Rerources contlnues Lake Pontchartrain Stucty. water Currents t 982 (Octob€r)r 6 and O. Dredge Anonymous. 1984. Lake Pontchartrain not d€a4 Times-Picayune/TheStates-ltem. 6 February 1984. { Anonymous. t984. Corps Propois3 Fresh Water prolect. The Total Port 1984 (January): 19. Lake. The Leases Blocked. The The Times-picayune/The txrt sick, study saysr The Record - Ncw Orleans: Bahr, L. lyl., Jr. anO'O. W. ioberts. 1981.' A partlal carbon budget for Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana. Estuaries4(3): 264. I I I I L. M., Jr., J. P. Sikora and W. B. Sikora. 1980. Macrobenthic survev of Lake $Bahr. / Pontchartrain, Louisiana, 1978. w.559-7t0. r J. H. stone (editor). Environmentat Analysis of Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana. lts surrounding wettands and setected Land Uses. CEL, CWR, LSU, 8R, LA 70803. Prepared fbr U. S. Army Engineer District, New Orleans. Contract No. D ACW29-27-C-025 3. of the Ecology and Biology Baker, L. and H. Beckert. 1972. A Partiat Bibliography on the Louisiana Coast' The C."tt of the Culf of Mexico with Emphasis .i'ii. 15' Lafayette' Louisiana' No' University of Southwesterniouisiana ResearchSeries 6 B a r r e t t , B . l 9 T 6 . P h a s e | V - S e d i m e n t o l o g y : G r a i n S i z e A n a | y s e s o f B o t t o m . s eand diments f.A"rrepas and pontctrartrain]' pp. 145-159. -lo Louisiana Wildlifei"'L"[ir and S!u!y -of !h:. . L"k" An inventory' Commission (edltor). iirfr-..f"r pontchartrain-Lake lvlaurepasErtuarine complex.. Louisiana wildlife and Fisheries No. co-mission, oyster, water Bottoms and se;foo& Division Technical Bulletin 19. 6. B. Adkins, .Barrett, B. 8., J. W. Tarver, W. R. Lataple, J'.F' Pollard, W. R. lvlock, Inventory rEituarine of Mexico and C. J. lVhite. 1971. CooperativeGutf W. J. Gaidry -Louisiana. Fisheries and Life Wild Phase tll, Sedimentology' Louislana and Study, Commission,New Orleans,Louisiana. W' R' Mock' G-'B' Adkins' Barrett. B' 8., J. W. Tarver, W. R. LataPie, J' F' P-o-llard, Gutf . of Mexico ;" Cooperative 1971' i." i. biidrV, c. J. whito and J. S. Mathis' Louisiana Wild Hydrology' ll' Estuarine lnventory anu ltuay, Louisiana. . Phase Life and FishoriesCommission,New Orleans, Louisiana' vl 'r' Variation of Beckham, E. C. 1983. Systematlca, Redascriptlon, and Geogr-aphlc Dissertation' (PiscLs: Ph'D' Percidael the Blackside Darter, PeJclna maculata Loulsiant' LouisianaState University. Baton Rouge, Berger,R.C.,Jr.andR.A.Bo|and.Jr.l976.HydrauI|ccharrcteristicsofRigo|ets P a s s , L o u i s i a n a , H u r r i c a n e S u r g e C o n t r o | s t r u c t u r o s' : H y d r a u | | c M o d e | l n v e s t i g a t i o n . , H-75-15, U, S. Army Engineer Wat-eiw'ays:.ExperimentStat ion Technlcal Report Vicksburg. MissisriPPi. t- Bianchi,P,andL.Watkins.lg83.ShelldredgtnginpersPective'LouisianaCoastal Law No. 48, l-4. ,1" Coastal Lew Bohrer, P. 1983. PurPoser of special management areas' Louisiana No.47,7-8. and Bordelon, B. R. 1973. EnvironmentalFactols Affecting -the. Propefties unlversity Aqratic Habitats. M.5. Thesis, -,1, precipitationor cororin! colloiils In Louisiana' of New Orleans,New Orleans, ,f Louisiana: 'Phases Eottin, R. R . , J r . ' . 1 9 8 0 .S e a of Design for Wave Pibtectldn' Waterways Army S' -Engineer Lock-Conslructlon: HydraullcModetlnvertigatlon'.U' MississiPPi. Mississippi. Vicksburg, Vicksburq, E-^6,i-ahr crrri^6 Ta.lrrrr.el Reoort'HL-80-8, HL Report , Technlcal Station Experiment ComPlex, Lake Bottin. R. R., Jr. and K. A. Turner. 1980. Seabrook Lock Hydraulic Entrance, Lock Pontchartrain, Louisiana: Design fol Wave Protectlon at Technical Station Model lnvestigation. U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Report H L-80-7, Vicksburg.MississiPpi' rnd Clay Mineralogy of ^L^11!','--'M. Brooks, R. A. | 969. Sedlmentaryceoclremirtry. S. Thesis. Louisianastate pontchartrainand Lake rvraur"pul,Loulsiana. Univerrity,BatonRouge,Louisiana. Brooks,R. A. and R. E. Ferrell, Jr. 1970. The lateral distributionof clay minerals in Lake Pontchartrainand Lake Maurepas,Louisiana.J. Sed.Petrol.40(3): 855-863. {8rown, S. A. 1980. A Comparative Ecological Study of the SeasonalVariation in the Interstitial Fauna of Flve Lake Pontchartrain Beaches. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of SouthernMississippi,Hattisburg, Mlssissippi. 195 p. Bupuy,A. J. and N. P. Couvillion. 1979. Analysesof Native Weter, Bottom Material, and Elutriate Samples of Southern Loulsiana Waterways, 1977-1978. Louisiana GeologicalSurveyOpenFile Report 79-1484. 414 p. Burk and Associates, Inc. 1973. Lake Pontchartrain Easin Water Qua,lty Management Plan. Volumes I and 2. Burk and Associates, lnc., New Orleans. Louisiana. Burk and Associates, Inc. 1974. Lake Pontchartrain Basin Water Quality ManagementPlan. Revised. Burk and Associates,lnc., New Orleans,Louisiana. Burk and Associates, Inc. | 974. Lower Mlssissippi Rlver Basin Water Quallty .' ManagomentPlan. Revised. Burk and Associates,Inc., New Orleans, Louisiana. , <t Burk and Associates, lnc. 1975. Environmental Investigation of Eden lsles. Burk and Associates,Inc., New Orleans,Louisiana. Burk and Associates. lnc. 1978. Lakefront Boat Mooring Harbor. Associates,Inc., New Orleans, Louisiana. Burk and r- Burk and Associates,Inc. 1979. Lincoln Beach Redevelopment. Burk rnd Associatcs, ',/ l" Inc., New Orleans,Louisiana. .v Burk and Associates, Inc. and Charles Caplinger Planners. Inc. 1980. Devclopment Plan for Lakefront Airport Marina. Board of Commissioners,Orleans Levee District, New Orleans,Louisiana. Burk and Associates, Inc. and Harza Engineering Company. 1969. Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana and Vlcinity: Deslgn Memorandum No. 2, Supplement No.3, Chef M€nteur Pass Complex. U.5. Army Engincer District, Ncw Orlcans, Louisiana. ,f )d I I I Burk and Associat€s, Inc., Pepper and Associates, lnc. and Charles Caplinger Planners, Inc. Undated (circa' 1980). Environmentif lmpict Assessment jnd Supplement for Lakefront Alrport Marina. Board of Commissioners,Orleans Levee District, New Orleans,Louisiana. Burks, E. and l. Gilyard. 1975. Study of Pontchartraln lal,e water and some soil samples for environmental analysis. Proc. La. Acld. Sci. 38: 139. Butler, H. L., R. C. Eerger, L. L. Daggert and T. F. Berninghausen. 1982. Lake Pontchartrain and Vicinity Hurricane Protection Plan: Report 2: Physlcal and Numerical Model lnvestigation of Control Structures and the Seabrook Lock: Hydraulic and lr'lathematical Model Investigation. U. S. Army Engineer Waterways ExperimentStation TechnicalReport ll L-82-2, Vicksburg,Mississippi. '.i';f =f,^'^'?1":"*:[:i*l?*]liliifiil[:'*''i?'i'trt '', l:^Yilif,.TL.h,l""H;fr'll'11' p-Durour' :ff:,'1":''l:.:: Swimming.""o"'"t"jgastroenteritisandwater ,/ L''r' Y*?X.?"a*,lf '*'l'#'""'"'"'"t;*o"il"""li :::;t'v' Ir" A' P'Durour' u' ,' i"Ji*lion? ..yi':'*: ['J",ili';::1",!iliii'i'to."' ;:;;lgil"::,:lffiffii$i :,,iih Manacement' PP' 4 Proceldings of the Estuarine comPlex: Resources'Coastal 'rI j'^il*'l,*,ll*'{ i'i*lhiiiiruq rhe lil:tt::*:l,.*i'#:,"r',fl Ba3in' Evaruate ll - Environmental lmPdsr "''"0 ila;""'*r,,1'r',1,",',lJilllT"J:ii*t"ffi1' T i m e s - P i c a Y u n e /l l /f - to L-,it,ll,:ii"J,iitit",iliti,-{fi#it*t fi,ri'T l#H,l,*r.,.#mr*-*-*it[d*i:ii-# '*::;;;;' BulretinNo' 12' ro5 P' v€setatron"w-al:'1:li,::l'':::i1"is;iffi"{':T'iiii""T"" R'H' 1e72' chabreck. stateuniversrtv' Louisiana n:::tlj,.l[i coastalMarsh chabreck'*'lt"t""ill',Ll",l"i;;?i'?""Tiis"t'11ff:;li''gf'j Egtuarv ' and .M"T^q::'l:,,t.iil.'-"Louisiana' lli'cat ion' Iiaton Rolge' c ando" Y:'i*T'iilni'':t:hT'm::*'i':"tJff'S"i' R' H" r' roanen' chabreck' Loutr Marshes' Coastal of the Louislana' New Orleans' Louisiana' 'chachereAg"{:i,':"fi"'fi"1:fi"y}i"1"t"":"f'?tl'*':}Ji!l*Ii:lH S Orleanc-South + -8- v of. I chew, D. L. and F. J. cafi.. r98r. Biorogrcar conslderations Reiaiedto Fiaihwitei Introductionin coastar Louisiena-pp. 3t6-3s8. lo R. D. cross and o. r_.wll"., (editors)._Pro_ceedings of the NationaisymposrumTn Freshwaterrnrt*" to Eiiri.i"r. 'office vorume | . coastar Ecosvstemsprojeit. of Biorogicatservices-,;i'J ano WitdlifeService,U. S. Depirtment of the lnterior, Washington, DC. Childers, G. W., K. Bancroft and E. T. Nelson. 1984. prellmlnary -ir,. physical and Chemlcal'. Data on Water QuaJity in Lqkg Maurepas: f_ouiii"n" .L. EnvironmentalProfessional t(f ): in-press. Childers, C. W., K. Bancroft, E. T. Nelson and O. M. Heintz. 1984. Pretiminarv .Oata on Water euatity in Lake Maurepas: ll. Microbial Parameters. The LouisianiF EnvironmentalProfessionall(l): In press. Childers, G. W., J. Culbertsonand E. T. Nelson. 19g4. pretiminary selectedsedimentmicrobiarpopurationsand sedimentchemistry in Lakestudies on Maurepas. Proc. La. Acad.Sci.rl7: in press. childers, o. w., o. M. Herntz, E. T. Netson.K. Bancroft and J. cutb€rtson. 1984. Preliminarystudieson microbiar,physicarand chsmicarp"."."tlri ,"t", quality in LakeMaurepasand its tributaries. proc. La. Acia. Scl. 47: "ri"iiiig in pr.rri Childers,C. W., E. T. Nelson,T. B. Millican and A. V. Friedrichs. 19g4. study of the. water quatity and serectedfaunar comrhunitresin Lake A baseline Maurepas, -ici. its maior tribularies and pass Manchac- An overview. proc. r-". e"au. +2, in press. Chuang,W., E. M. Swensonand S. p.- Murray. .19g0. Chapterlt. ln Recommended SamplingProsram for an Arratyrisof- phygical,Chemidat'anaaiofricai;;;;;p-, at the lnner Harbor Navigationcanar, ci6f A,ienteur -* pass, and ir,.-iiigorli!"iia"r Pass, Lake-Pontchartra in,-,Louisiana,withr"p".tt preriminary passes..CEL, CWR,LSU, BR, LA 20803. preparedfor U. S. e..y' studies of these en!in"* O-iriri"t, New Orleans,Louisiana. + Chuang, W. 5. and E. M. Swenlon. 1980. Subtidal sea level varlatlons in Lake Pontchartrain. Trans. Am. Geophys.Union,6l07): 26g. 4i chuang, w. s. and E. ft4. swenson. rggt. subtidar water rever variations in Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana. J. Geophys.Res. g6(C5): 4t9E-4204. "tj civic council of East Jefferson and pontchartrain shores civic As3ociation. r982. A Proposal for rhe Nominatron of Lake pontchartrain to ue od.igi"l-eJl-a' speciat Area. submittedto Louisran'coastarcommrssion.c rvrcco'acit -- - ieiiirron --"' and Pontchartrain ShoresCivic Association,Metairle. Loulslana. lS "rl"ri p. Coastal Environments,Inc. 1981. As3essmentof Extent and lmpact of Saltwater of ransipahoa i"irsr,:u"riJ"i":"-c;;;ifi;;;i;;."il 4t, l::.,';:l^l:.-.l1 Inc., Eaton Rouge,lv:t!?lds Louisiana. -, c-K Associates,rnc. 1993. Livrn-$tonparish coastar zone Management(Revision rgsl): c-K etioii"t"., rnc..Baronnoig", fouiri"n.. {' of Alex Theriot6 Associates, Combs,P. c. andE. P. Russo.1973.WaterQutllty Alpcctt of the 1973gpcnlq of the Mississippi River Diversion Spitlway at Bonte Carre, Louisiana, USA. Proc. First World Congr. Water Resources(Sept. 24-28) 4: 548-557, lnternational Water ResourcesAssociation,Chainpaign,lllinois. Conner, W. H.. C. W. Cramer and J. W. Oay, Jr. t980. Vegetation of the north shore marshes and west shore iwamps of Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana. Proc. La. Acad. Sci. 43: 139-145. * tl Copeland, B. J., K. R. Tenore and D. B. Horton. 1974. Oligohaline Regime. pp. It5-357. l11 Coastal Ecological Systems of the United States ll, Part V, C-Natural Temperate Ecosystems wlth Seasbnal Programming. Conservation Foundation, Washington,DC. Cramer, G. W. 1978. A nutrient study in the St. Charles Parish Wetlands Adiacent to Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana. M. 5. Thesis, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 70 p. Cramer. G. W. and J. W. Day, Jr. 1980. Productivlty of the swamps and marshes surroundingLake Pontchartraln. pp. 593-645. ,|l1J. H. Stone (editor). Environmentat Analysis of Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana, lts Surrounding Wetland3, and Setected Land Uses. CEL, CWR, LSU, BR, LA 70803. Prepared for U. S. Army Engineer District, New orleans. contract No. DAc w29-77-c-0253. Cramer, G. W., J. W. Day, Jr. and W. H. Conner. 1981. Productivity of four meruh sites surroundingLake Pontchartrain, Louislana. Am. Mldl. Nat. 106(1)r 65-72. Crawford, K. C. 1979. Hurrlcane surge potentials over southeast Loul3iana as revealed by a storm-surge fore5ast model: .A prellminary study. 8ull. Am. .. : MeteorologicalSoc.60{5): 422-429. Cronin. L. E. 1967. The Role of Man In Estuarlne Proc€sse3, pp. 657-639. -lg G. H. Lauff (edltor). Estuarles. Amer. Assn. Adv.ncement Sclence Publication No. 83, Washington,DC. , Cross, R. D. and D. L. Witliams (edlton). 1981. Proceedings of the National Symposiumon Freshwater tiflow to Estuaries. Volumes t and 2. Coastal Ecoystems Proiect, Office of Elological Services, Flsh'and Wildllfe Service, U. S. Department Crowell, S. and R. Darnell., t 955;..rOg,currence. lnd ecotogy of the hydrold Bimerria franciscana in Lake Pontchartraln" Loulslans. Ecology'i36(31: 5I6-518. ii 1' Cuffy, M. G. 1983. Lake Pontchartraln-Lake , Maurepas Estuarine Complexl A ManagementPerspective. Proc. La. Acad. Sci. 45: 137-138. C urry, l!'t. C. t984. Goals and,GuiOetines'tOrittlng'Mud and Crassbeds). pp. 42-43. 'Selected -!s F. Wagner and F. J. Monteferrante (editors). Proceedings of the Conference Entitled The Lake Pontchartrain/Lake Maurepas Estuarine Complexr Perspectives on lts Future. Loulsiana Departm€nt'of Natural Resources, Coastal ManagementDivision. Baton Roug6, Louisiana. -10- Cuty, M. C., S. H. H1!11,..t1.anCB. D_.. Burglas3-. 1982. Jeffersonparfsh,Louisiana, (FinaL"s€prembr, Prosnam fr:i:l:,'.,tiff,rfianasement tssili, iari;'oi ierre.son, Dardis, J. 1984, Coals and Guidetines (Shell Dredging and Herbicides). pp. zr+_+S. , -ln F. Wagnet and F.. J. ,Monteferr"nt" i.ailo..). proceedinis of the Selected i' conferenceEntitredrhe Lake pont"r,iit.i-rnli"k_. yil+;; i.iJlii"n"'rto-pr"r, Perspectives on rts Future. Louisianao""nt of Natur.t Resources, coastat Management Division, BatonRouge,f_"riri"I".'"' Darnelr' R' M' i:lTffi:," 1958. Food habits of fishes and rarger invertebratesof Lake Louisiana, anesruarine .o.runity. puol.inst.iair. s.i.i,nir. r"r", Darnet, R. M- 1959. studies of the rife history of the^bluecr€b (catinecrcs 3apidus Rathbun) in Louisianawaters. Trans. em. f isfr.toc. S8{4): 294_304. Darnell, R' M. t96r- Trophic spectrum of an estuarin€ community, basedon stucries of Lake pontchartrain, Louisianj. e"ofogy'a2(fi'553_5Gg. Darnell, R. M. 19G2. Ecological history of community. Amer. Midl. Nat. 6B(2h 434_444. Lake Pontchartrain, an estuarine Darnelt, t': R. M. 1967. Organic detritus ih relation to the estu.rine ecosystem. pp. "rrer. 376-t82' ln c' H' Laurf (editorl irt"iri"i. 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General .hydrographyof Lake pontchartrain,Louisiana. pp. s7-156. lo J. H. Stone (editor).' En;ir;n;e;ial-enalysis_ of Lake pontchartrain, Louisiana,tts Surroundinq_ W.t r"iai' f_""C Use:. CEL. CWn. iSU, i.,-' . "rj"i"f"i,i"J- .. u.i.-i.ifefriiiii'oi.,'l",,N"*o-JJj"J.ijnt.""t Rl: "iriljf';r_f_"ff;;: Swenson,E. M. 1980. Generathyirqfafhy Louisiana' pp' ls7-2rs' rtr J: ir. siotb o.-'thetidat passesof ponrch.rtratn, EnvrronmentatAnarvsisof Lake Pontchartrain,Louisiana.lts Surroundin;t"aiio.i. it;ii;ft,;"d. Se,ccrcdL.nd Uscs. CEL, cWR, LsU, an, Le zogoi. rrr-u. '-' -- -' s. 'rr erii Engineer I _prepared Dlstrict,Neworteans. "'t ContractNo. DACWl9-72-C-oZif. ,?/. mea3uremenrs of tldattransporrs inestuarier. !L.;11?1 ii#. ,lir_l;ri,ectromaenetic {- Swenson,E. M. and W. S. Chuang. 1983. Tidal an in an estuarine system. Estuari nccoasta r r*, volumc crchansc r r",.0#iir'l"id_1,.T. Tatant, l' c. and H- B. simmons. 1963. 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M. Darnoll and J. R. Bond. t9g0. Changesin the Submerg€d Macrophytesof Lake Pontchartrain(Loulsiana): l954-1973. pp. 647-65t. h J. H. stone (editor). EnvironmentalAnatysir of Lake pontcharirain, Louisiar6, lts SurroundingWetlandi, and SetectedLand Uses. Cef_, CWn, LSU, BR, ie ZtiAOf. Prepared for U. S. Army Engineer District, New Oileans. C;ntfact No. D ACW29-77-C-0253, Turner, R. 8., R. M. Darnell and J. Bond. 1960. Changes in the submerg€d macrophytes of Lake Pontchartrain (Louitiana): 1954-t973. Northeast Gutf Sci. 4(t): 44-49. and Sedlrn€ntLOadAffeeied Tuttte, J. R. and A. J. Conbe, ttl. t98t. Flow'Reqime pp.' 33{:34S'' ln R' D' Cross ari' D' L' .r il* if itJJpfi,nlt"'.. -(eairors). bv Altorations lnflorY p".l;j'-"d-of the Nit ional Sympdriumon_Fresh'water ii"., . , ilif 'irir".rli"vtlilln.'i. co"ti"r EcosystemsProjeit, office of Biologicalservic€s' {" i" of lhe Interior' wa3hlngton'Dc' Fish and Wildlife service,t:':-;"t;;"nt Ertuarlne Complex - Regional Uht, J. J. 1984. 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