NIKOLAEVA PATERA IN ASTERIA REGIO ON VENUS: A SMALL CORONA AT JUNCTION OF TWO REGIONAL FAULT BELTS. G. A. Burba, Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Russia’s Academy of Sciences, 19 Kosygin St., Moscow 119991, Russia <>. Introduction: A rimmed depression in Asteria Regio on Venus have been named Nikolaeva Patera. The naming was done in 2005 by the International Astronomical Union in commemoration of Dr. Olga Nikolaeva, Russian planetologist and geochemist. The feature is located within the area of ancient terrains, but possess clear signs of younger geologic activity. It is located at the intersection of the two long, regional-scale fault belts, one of which is connected with the formation of Beta Regio upland. The name origin: Nikolaeva Patera is named after Olga Vladimirovna Nikolaeva (1941–2000), who was a planetologist-geochemist at the Laboratory of Comparative Planetology, Vernadsky Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences. During 26 years she was involved in the planetary research. Her main field was geology and geochemistry of Venus, including both atmosphere and surface of this planet. Her main results in planetology include: ► development of the engineering model of lunar soil for the spacecraft design and landing (1974); ► discovering (with Venera 8–14 landers data) the diurnal variation process of the cloud cover of Venus – the geochemical cycle and day-to-night change in thickness of the cloud layer (1976); ► the first (and still the only) in situ measurements of the chemical data within the near-surface layer of Venus atmosphere, done with “Contrast” geochemical indicator designed and built by Olga (two patents for invention obtained); this indicator provided the unique data on the redox (reductionoxidation) conditions in the layer as close as 15 cm from the planet’s superheated surface (Venera-13 and Venera-14 landers, 1982); ► estimations of terrestrial counterparts for the types of Venus rocks after their natural radioactive elements K, U and Th content (1982, 1997); ► development of geochemical aspects of Venus geology in application for the layered rocks origin (lava emplacement vs. sedimentation) – after the Venera landers’ close-up panoramic images (1983); ► definition of arachnoids as the specific class of endogenic geologic structures after the Venera-15 and Venera-16 SAR images (1986); ► definition of geochemical uniqueness of the rock type at Venera-8 landing site as Na-alkaline syenites (1983), which proposed as evidence of a continental crust on Venus (1990), and pancake domes suggested as source of such rocks (1992). The naming of feature on Venus after Olga Nikolaeva have been done on the proposal of Prof. V.I. Feldman (Geological Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University). Fig. 1. Side-looking radar image of Nikolaeva Patera area on Venus. Area size is 400 x 480 km. SAR image: Magellan/NASA. Fig. 2. Interpretation of Nikolaeva Patera area. Segments of fault belts (A, B) divide tessera terrain into separate patches (T). Lobate flows (L) run SE outwards the Patera rim (black line). White sinuous lines are narrow trenches within the fault belts. Lines with black dots – wide trenches with flat bottom. White circles – “pancake” domes (volcanoes). NIKOLAEVA PATERA ON VENUS: G. A. Burba Geographic description: Nikolaeva Patera is located NW of Beta Regio within the northern part of Asteria Regio. The center of patera is at 33.8°N latitude and 267.5°E longitude. As a whole this patera have an elongated shape with long axis 100 km and short axis 60 km. The feature consists of three oval-shaped depressions, which are nested within the joint rim (Fig. 1). Elongation is in NE – SW direction, which is along the same way as the narrow trenches of Agrona Linea fault belt (labeled A on Fig. 2). Nikolaeva Patera marks the SW end of this belt. Agrona Linea fault belt could be clearly traced from Nikolaeva Patera for 2300 km to the NE, then to E and SE around the northern outhills of Beta Regio upland. Patches of Sudenitsa Tesserae surround Nikolaeva Patera from every quarter. Geological setting: Most ancient terrains in the vicinity of Nikolaeva Patera are patches of tessera – bright rugged areas located higher than dark plain terrains (Fig. 3). The latter are next in age. Dark plains fill the areas between tessara patches, embaying tessera. These plains in some areas undergone a tectonic reworking with numerous narrow sinuous trenches, which form elongated fault belts. The belts are younger in age than the dark plain areas. There are two main fault belts in the area. One of them have NE–SW direction and its segment located NE from Nikolaeva Patera belongs to Agrona Linea, which is circum-Northern Beta Regio fractute zone. Another fault belt in the area have NW–SE direction with further changing its running to E (Fig. 4). There are clear evidences of volcanic activity within Nikolaeva Patera and in the area adjusent to its rim. Small domes, both conical and flat-topped (“pancake”), are on patera bottom and on its rim. To the SE of patera there is a plain area with lobate flows running radial outwards the patera (Fig. 2). They looks to be originated from the patera’s rim. Interpretation: Nikolaeva Patera sits at the junction of the two regional fault belts. Such position reflects the origin of the patera, which occupies most disturbed and so a weak spot of a crust in the area, being at the intersection of the two zones of disturbation, marked on the surface with numerous trenches. These trenches should resulted from the extension of the planetary crust. The NE – SW belt position is concentric to Beta Regio. So, the uprising of Beta Regio upland could be a cause for the formation of this belt. The weak spot of a crust provided a channel for the interior material upwelling, which resulted in volcanic activity and formation of the rimmed depression of Nikolaeva Patera. As a whole Nikolaeva Patera looks like a small corona-type feature. Fig. 3. Asteria Regio area radar image. Area size is 1500 x 1700 km. SAR image: Magellan/NASA. Fig. 4. Interpretation of regional linear features in Asteria Regio. Nikolaeva Patera is located at the junction of the two regional fault belts. The borders of these belts are outlined with white lines.