stock length details
stock length details
S T O C K LENGTH D E T A I L S REBCO'S IN FRONT!!! Flush Glazing, Pressure Wall, Division Bar, Tubes, Angles, Channels, Bars, Sheets & Panels NOT TO SCALE 1171 - 1225 Madison Avenue, P.O. Box 2248, Paterson, NJ 07509 - 2248 1 NJ 973 - 684 - 0200 • NY 212 - 736 - 6435 1171NY/NJ - 1225 Madison P.O. Box •2248, NJ 07509 Outside 800 -Avenue, 777 - 0787 FAXPaterson, 973 - 684 - 0118- 2248 Outside NY/NJ 800 - 777 - 0787 • NJ 973-684 - 0200 • NY 212 - 736 - 6435 • FAX 973-684 - 0118 REBCO'S IN FRONT!!! © 8/2015 GENERAL INFORMATION & SPECIFICATIONS WAIVER: Rebco’s aluminum products and systems are sold and used over a wide geographic area. Due to the many different local, municipal, state, and Federal laws and building codes, which regulate the use of these architectural aluminum products, it is the responsibility of the architect, installer, and owner to use products which are in compliance with all the applicable building codes and laws. FOR EXTERIOR GLAZING OF THE T-45 AND A-45 FLUSH GLAZING SYSTEMS: 1. Cut EPDM glazing gaskets to size. Gaskets should be longer than the aluminum member to allow for shrinkage. Cut the gaskets 2% longer than the aluminum member at the interior and exterior. Same gaskets are used for interior and exterior. Rebco Inc. does not control the selection of products and therefore assumes no responsibility for their misuse. 2. Install interior gasket. Vertical gasket runs through. Start at corners and work towards center. Tight-butt joined corners are critical to avoid leakage. Seal ends of horizontal gaskets with silicone prior to abutting to vertical gaskets. PRE-INSTALLATION: Pre–visit job site before aluminum product installation to determine if conditions are acceptable for receiving your fabricated aluminum system. Verify that substrate conditions are acceptable for aluminum product installation. The opening to receive product must be clean, dry, and protected from water, spray, cement, plaster, and other materials which may damage the aluminum finish. PREPARATION: Make sure that the aluminum product is protected from damaged by any other trades working in the adjacent area. Protect adjacent work areas and finish surfaces from damage during installation of the aluminum framing. Make certain that the structure which will receive your aluminum product is in accordance with your contract documents and architectural drawing. Remember aluminum architectural products must be protected from jobsite damage before and after installation. Other building trades must be warned about protecting the aluminum finish. Additionally the aluminum product can be protected by covering with kraft paper, plastic film, and grease. INSTALLATION: Check shop drawings to become thoroughly familiar with job. Inspect all of the aluminum product, making sure that it is as ordered, is free of defects, and is able to be installed in the opening provided. Protect all aluminum to be placed in direct contact with masonry, steel or any other incompatible material with a luminous coating or a zinc chro-mate primer. Shim and brace the aluminum product before anchoring it to the structure. All aluminum glazing systems are to be set in their proper location and shall be level, plumb, and square. Provide sill flashing at exterior aluminum glazing systems. All joints between framing and the building structure shall be sealed with continuous beads of sealant to secure water-tight installation. See sealant manufacturer's instruction for proper sealant to use and for application directions. Seal metal to metal aluminum glazing system joints using sealant. See sealant manufacturer's instructions for proper sealant to use and for application directions. On longer runs of aluminum glaz-ing systems (18ft or longer) expansion mullions may be required. Check with the manufacturer for their recommendation. 3. Locate setting blocks in horizontal/sill member. Rest glass on setting blocks pressed against installed gaskets. 4. Set glass in place following the three step procedure. Be careful not to disturb interior gasket while installing glass. Center glass in the opening. 5. Snap-in glazing beads. After installation, the General Contractor shall adequately protect the exposed sections of aluminum from damage from other trades, and from plaster, lime, acid, cement, and other contaminants. Please see “Care of Aluminum" booklet published by the Aluminum Association. If Cleaning of aluminum glazing system is required: 1. Use mild soaps and detergents and non-etching cleaners. Spot test to be sure it does not affect the finish. 2. Care should be taken in cleaning finished surfaces. Grit, sand, metal pieces, etc., should be removed from all cleaning tools. Do not use wire brushes, steel wool, metal spatulas, etc., for cleaning. 3. The use of acidic or alkaline detergents should be avoided, since they cause corrosion or color change. 4. After using water soluble detergents, wash the extrusions thoroughly with water, and wipe off the water using a dry cloth. NOTE: Due to possible changes and refinements in its Aluminum Glazing Systems, Rebco’s specifications are subject to change without notice. Not responsible for typographical errors or errors of omission. Exact sizes may be altered during printing process. Call for CAD drawings if needed. NOT TO SCALE 2 © 8/2015 1171 - 1225 Madison Avenue, P.O. Box 2248, Paterson, NJ 07509 - 2248 REBCO'S IN FRONT!!! Outside NY/NJ 800 - 777 - 0787 • NJ 973-684 - 0200 • NY 212 - 736 - 6435 • FAX 973-684 - 0118 1", 1-1/2" & 3" TUBE SECTIONS 4010 All lengths 24' 0" except as noted 1010 2010 1" x 1" 2" x 1" 4" x 1" 3010 3" x 1" 3015L 3" x 1-1/2" (.094 wall) 1515 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" 3030 3" x 3" 5030 5" x 3" NOT TO SCALE 3 1171 - 1225 Madison Avenue, P.O. Box 2248, Paterson, NJ 07509 - 2248 Outside NY/NJ 800 - 777 - 0787 • NJ 973-684 - 0200 • NY 212 - 736 - 6435 • FAX 973-684 - 0118 REBCO'S IN FRONT!!! © 8/2015 1- 3/4" TUBE SECTIONS 1717L 1- 3/4" x 1- 3/4" 6017 6" x 1- 3/4" 3017 3" x 1- 3/4" 5017 5" x 1- 3/4" 4017L 4" x 1- 3/4" (.094 wall) 4517L 4-1/2" x 1- 3/4" NOT TO SCALE 4 © 8/2015 1171 - 1225 Madison Avenue, P.O. Box 2248, Paterson, NJ 07509 - 2248 REBCO'S IN FRONT!!! Outside NY/NJ 800 - 777 - 0787 • NJ 973-684 - 0200 • NY 212 - 736 - 6435 • FAX 973-684 - 0118 2" TUBE SECTIONS 2020 3020 6020 5020 2" x 2" 6" x 2" 3" x 2" 5" x 2" 4020 4" x 2" 4520 4 -1/2" x 2" NOT TO SCALE 5 1171 - 1225 Madison Avenue, P.O. Box 2248, Paterson, NJ 07509 - 2248 Outside NY/NJ 800 - 777 - 0787 • NJ 973-684 - 0200 • NY 212 - 736 - 6435 • FAX 973-684 - 0118 REBCO'S IN FRONT!!! © 8/2015 LARGE TUBE SECTIONS 8020L 8" x 2" 4040L 4" x 4" 4545L 4 -1/2" x 4 -1/2" NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE 6 © 8/2015 1171 - 1225 Madison Avenue, P.O. Box 2248, Paterson, NJ 07509 - 2248 REBCO'S IN FRONT!!! Outside NY/NJ 800 - 777 - 0787 • NJ 973-684 - 0200 • NY 212 - 736 - 6435 • FAX 973-684 - 0118 T CHANNELS ANGLES B A T B A PART NUMBER DIMENSIONS A B 22 - 023 1/2" 1/2" T PART NUMBER A B T 1/16" 7 2 -1 0 0 1/2" 1/2" 1 / 1 6" 74 - 404 1/2" 1/2" 1/8" 7 2 -1 0 4 1/2" 1/2" 1 / 8" 74 - 406 1/2" 3/ 4" 1/16" 7 2 -1 1 2 3/4" 3/4" 1 / 1 6" 74 - 414 5/8" 3/ 4" 3/32" 7 2 -1 1 6 3/4" 3/4" 1 / 8" 74 - 430 3/4" 3/ 4" .0 7 8 7 2 -1 2 0 1" 1" 1 / 1 6" 74 - 4 34 3/4" 3/4" 1/8" 7 2 -1 2 4 1" 1" 1 / 8" 7 4 - 4 38 1" 1/2" 1/8" 7 2 -1 2 8 1 -1 / 4 " 1 -1 / 4 " 1 / 8" 7 4 - 4 42 1" 3/4" 1/8" 7 2 -1 3 2 1 -1 / 2 " 1 -1 / 2 " 1 / 8" 7 4 - 4 46 1" 1" 1/8" 7 2 -1 3 6 1- 3/4" 1- 3/4" 1 / 8" 1 / 8" 7 4 - 4 48 1" 2" 1/8" 7 2 -1 4 0 2" 2" 7 4 - 4 62 1- 1/4" 1- 1/ 4" 1/8" 7 3 -1 1 3 1/2" 1 -1 / 2 " 1 / 8" 7 4 - 4 66 1- 1/2" 3/ 4" 1/8" 7 3 -1 1 7 3/4" 1" 1 / 8" 7 4 - 4 70 1- 1/ 2" 1" 1/8" 7 3 -1 2 5 3/4" 1 -1 / 2 " 1 / 8" 7 4 - 4 74 1- 1/ 2" 1- 1/ 2" 1/8" 7 3 -1 2 9 1" 1 -1 / 2 " 1 / 8" 7 4 - 4 78 1- 3/ 4" 3/ 4" 1/8" 7 3 -1 3 3 1" 2" 1 / 8" 7 4 - 4 84 2" 1" 1/8" 7 3 -1 3 7 1" 3" 1 / 8" All lengths 24' – 0" except as noted. BARS All lengths 24' – 0" except as noted. RECTANGULAR TUBE A A SQUARE TUBE A B B PART NUMBER A B PART NUMBER A B PART NUMBER A B 7 0 - 1 00 1/ 8" 1" 201 0 1" 2" 1010 1" 1" 7 0 - 1 50 1/ 8" 1- 1/ 2" 301 0 1" 3" 70 - 1 75 1/ 8" 1- 3/4" 301 5 L 1 -1 / 2 " 3" 1515 1 -1 / 2 " 1 - 1 /2 " 70 - 2 00 1/ 8" 2" 301 7 1- 3/4" 3" 1717L 1- 3/4" 1 - 3 /4 " 7 0 - 2 10 3/1 6" 3/4" 302 0 2" 3" 2020 2" 2" 70 - 3 10 1/ 4" 1- 1/ 2" 401 0 1" 4" 70 - 3 20 1/ 4" 2" 401 7 L 1- 3/4" 4" 3030 3" 3" 7 0 - 3 75 1/ 2" 1- 1/ 2" 402 0 2" 4" 451 7 L 1- 3/4" 452 0 2" 501 7 1- 3/4" 5" 502 0 2" 5" 503 0 3" 5" 601 7 1- 3/4" 6" 602 0 2" 6" 802 0 L 2" 8" 70 - 3 80 51 - 2 01 DIMENSIONS DIMENSIONS Ra di u s C o r n er s 1/2" 2" 15' - 0" Push Bar Stock All bar stock 16'' – 0" except as noted. NOT TO SCALE DIMENSIONS DIMENSIONS 4040L 4" 4" 4 -1 / 2 " 4545L 4 -1 / 2 " 4 - 1 /2 " 4 -1 / 2 " All lengths 24' – 0" except as noted. All lengths 24' – 0" except as noted. 7 1171 - 1225 Madison Avenue, P.O. Box 2248, Paterson, NJ 07509 - 2248 Outside NY/NJ 800 - 777 - 0787 • NJ 973-684 - 0200 • NY 212 - 736 - 6435 • FAX 973-684 - 0118 REBCO'S IN FRONT!!! © 8/2015 FASCIA 48 -106L 4 -1/2" Fascia C.O.C. HEADER SASH 22 - 841 22 - 620T 22 - 842 T NOT TO SCALE 8 © 8/2015 1171 - 1225 Madison Avenue, P.O. Box 2248, Paterson, NJ 07509 - 2248 REBCO'S IN FRONT!!! Outside NY/NJ 800 - 777 - 0787 • NJ 973-684 - 0200 • NY 212 - 736 - 6435 • FAX 973-684 - 0118 SHEETS - smooth 4 10 PART NUMBER GAUGE SIZE DESCRIPTION FINISHES 80- 325 . 032 4' x 10' S in g l e F a c e C l e a r, Br o n z e , Br o w n P a in t / W h ite Pa in t 80- 425 . 040 4' x 10' S in g l e F a c e C l e a r, Br o n z e , Bl a c k 80- 625 . 063 4' x 10' S in g l e F a c e C l e a r, Br o n z e 80- 925 . 125 4' x 10' S in g l e F a c e C a l l f o r a va il a b il it y PANELS - textured 4 8 PART NUMBER THICKNESS SIZE DESCRIPTION FINISHES QPE- 2T- 9 1/4" 4' x 8 ' Double Face G r e y P a in t QPE- 2T- 3 1/4" 4' x 8 ' Double Face Br o n z e P a in t QPE- 2T- 4 1/4" 4' x 8 ' Double Face W h it e P a in t O PE- 2T- 9 1" 4' x 8 ' Double Face G r e y P a in t O PE- 2T- 3 1" 4' x 8 ' Double Face Br o n z e P a in t O PE- 2T- 4 1" 4' x 8 ' Double Face W h it e P a in t PANELS - textured 4 10 PART NUMBER THICKNESS SIZE DESCRIPTION FINISHES QPT- 2 T- 9 1/4" 4' x 1 0 ' Double Face G r e y P a in t QPT- 2 T- 3 1/4" 4' x 1 0 ' Double Face Br o n z e P a in t NOT TO SCALE 9 1171 - 1225 Madison Avenue, P.O. Box 2248, Paterson, NJ 07509 - 2248 Outside NY/NJ 800 - 777 - 0787 • NJ 973-684 - 0200 • NY 212 - 736 - 6435 • FAX 973-684 - 0118 REBCO'S IN FRONT!!! © 8/2015 1-3/4" x 4" FLUSH GLAZING T4017- R 1 Pocket Tube T4017- RR 2 Pocket Tube T4 - SS - SQ Snap-on Glazing Bead T4017- SR Sill Tube NOT TO SCALE 10 © 8/2015 1171 - 1225 Madison Avenue, P.O. Box 2248, Paterson, NJ 07509 - 2248 REBCO'S IN FRONT!!! Outside NY/NJ 800 - 777 - 0787 • NJ 973-684 - 0200 • NY 212 - 736 - 6435 • FAX 973-684 - 0118 1-3/4" x 4" FLUSH GLAZING T4040M Male Half Corner Tube 1/4" Glazing T4x4 - RRM Pocket can be located at 90° or 180° T4040F Female Half Corner Tube 1/4" Glazing T450 - PF T- 40RR - C Pocket Filler Clip for single or double pocket tube T- 40SR - C Clip for sill tube T40 - DS Snap-in Door Stop NOT TO SCALE 11 1171 - 1225 Madison Avenue, P.O. Box 2248, Paterson, NJ 07509 - 2248 Outside NY/NJ 800 - 777 - 0787 • NJ 973-684 - 0200 • NY 212 - 736 - 6435 • FAX 973-684 - 0118 REBCO'S IN FRONT!!! © 8/2015 C EB R O EB C R EB R O C EB O C EB EB R O C O C EB C EB R O 10 x 1 3/4" Screws O C C O O C EB R O C EB R O C EB R O O C B R T 45 - RF C E B O R E O R C EB O R C O R C O C EB B O C E R O C EB B R O C E B R C E B O R E OT 4517 - RBO R EB R C EB O R C B O R C E O C EB B R O C E R O C EB B R O C E B R C E B O R E O R C EB O R C B O R C O C EB T SS - SQ B O C E R O C EB B R O C E B R C E B O R 42 -O 3585 VINYL E R EB O R C E O R C O R C EB B O C E B R T 4517 O C B R - SB RE O C E B C E B R C E O R EB B O R C E O R C O R C EB T 45E- RF B O C B O C E B R O C E B R O C E B R C E B O R E O R C EB O R C O R C O R C EBT 4517 -E B O C SB B R O C E B R O C E B R 45 - SUS C E B R E B O R ERB O R T4517C EB O R C B O R C E O C EB B R O LOAD C TOP E B R O C E B R O C E B R C E x 4 -1/2" B 13/4" F.G. O R E B R C T 45 - FFCO E O R B System for 1/4" Glazing O R C O C EB B O C E B R O C E B R C E B R E B NOT TO SCALE R E R 12 R O O C O C B C E B R EB C 1171 - 1225 Madison Avenue, P.O. Box 2248, Paterson, NJ 07509 - 2248 © 8/2015 REBCO'S IN FRONT!!! Outside NY/NJ 800 - 777 - 0787 • NJ 973-684 - 0200 • NY 212 - 736 - 6435 • FAX 973-684 - 0118 1- 3/4" x 4 -1/2" FLUSH GLAZING T 4517- R 1 Pocket Tube T 4517- RX 1 Pocket Tube with Screw Spline T4517- RR 2 Pocket Tube T SS - SQ Snap-on Glazing Bead T4517- SR Sill Tube with Screw Spline 45-SUS Sub Sill NOT TO SCALE 13 1171 - 1225 Madison Avenue, P.O. Box 2248, Paterson, NJ 07509 - 2248 Outside NY/NJ 800 - 777 - 0787 • NJ 973-684 - 0200 • NY 212 - 736 - 6435 • FAX 973-684 - 0118 REBCO'S IN FRONT!!! © 8/2015 1- 3/4" x 4 -1/2" FLUSH GLAZING NOT TO SCALE 14 © 8/2015 1171 - 1225 Madison Avenue, P.O. Box 2248, Paterson, NJ 07509 - 2248 REBCO'S IN FRONT!!! Outside NY/NJ 800 - 777 - 0787 • NJ 973-684 - 0200 • NY 212 - 736 - 6435 • FAX 973-684 - 0118 1- 3/4" x 4 -1/2" FLUSH GLAZING T4545- M Male Half Corner Tube 1/4" Glazing T 4545- RM Pocket can be located at 90° or 180° T 4545- F Female Half Corner Tube 1/4" Glazing T 450 - PF T- RR - C Pocket Filler Clip for single or double pocket tube T- SR - C Clip for sill tube T 450 - DS Snap-in Door Stop NOT TO SCALE 15 1171 - 1225 Madison Avenue, P.O. Box 2248, Paterson, NJ 07509 - 2248 Outside NY/NJ 800 - 777 - 0787 • NJ 973-684 - 0200 • NY 212 - 736 - 6435 • FAX 973-684 - 0118 REBCO'S IN FRONT!!! © 8/2015 T4521-R TOP LOAD T 4521 - RR 2" x 4 -1/2" F.G. System for 1" Glazing #10 X 1-3/4" CLIP SCREW TI RR - C CLIP T 4521 - R TI SR - C CLIP #12 - 24 x 3/4" SCREWS (BRZ or CLEAR) 42 - 3585 VINYL T - 4521 SR TI RR - C CLIP T LSS T 4545 - SB #12 - 24 x 3/8" SCREWS 45-SUS NOT TO SCALE 16 © 8/2015 1171 - 1225 Madison Avenue, P.O. Box 2248, Paterson, NJ 07509 - 2248 REBCO'S IN FRONT!!! Outside NY/NJ 800 - 777 - 0787 • NJ 973-684 - 0200 • NY 212 - 736 - 6435 • FAX 973-684 - 0118 2" x 4 -1/2" FLUSH GLAZING T 4521- R 1 Pocket Tube T 4521- RX 1 Pocket Tube T4521- RR 2 Pocket Tube T LSS Snap-on Glazing Bead T4521- SR Sill Tube with Screw Spline 45-SUS Sub Sill NOT TO SCALE 17 1171 - 1225 Madison Avenue, P.O. Box 2248, Paterson, NJ 07509 - 2248 Outside NY/NJ 800 - 777 - 0787 • NJ 973-684 - 0200 • NY 212 - 736 - 6435 • FAX 973-684 - 0118 REBCO'S IN FRONT!!! © 8/2015 2" x 4 -1/2" FLUSH GLAZING T4521- RB T 451- RF Open Back Pocket Tube with Screw Spline Snap-in Back with Pocket T LSS Snap-on Glazing Bead T 4521- SB Open Back Sill Tube with Screw Spline T 45 - FF Snap-in Flat Back T 4545 - SB Open Back 4 -1/2" Sill Tube with Screw Spline NOT TO SCALE 18 © 8/2015 1171 - 1225 Madison Avenue, P.O. Box 2248, Paterson, NJ 07509 - 2248 REBCO'S IN FRONT!!! Outside NY/NJ 800 - 777 - 0787 • NJ 973-684 - 0200 • NY 212 - 736 - 6435 • FAX 973-684 - 0118 2" x 4 -1/2" FLUSH GLAZING T 4521 - RM Male Half Corner Tube 1" Glazing T 14545 - M Pocket can be located at 90° or 180° T 4521 - RF Female Half Corner Tube 1" Glazing T1- RR - C Clip for single or double pocket tube T 451- PF Pocket Filler T 451- DS Snap-in Door Stop T1- SR - C Clip for sill tube T 451- PR Pocket Reducer NOT TO SCALE 19 1171 - 1225 Madison Avenue, P.O. Box 2248, Paterson, NJ 07509 - 2248 Outside NY/NJ 800 - 777 - 0787 • NJ 973-684 - 0200 • NY 212 - 736 - 6435 • FAX 973-684 - 0118 REBCO'S IN FRONT!!! © 8/2015 4-1/2" THERMALLY BROKEN SILLS T LSS Snap-on Glazing Bead A4545-SB High Thermally-Broken Sill A451- RF Snap-in Back with Thermal Break & Pocket A4521- SR Sill Tube with Screw Spline A451-SUS Sub Sill NOT TO SCALE 20 © 8/2015 1171 - 1225 Madison Avenue, P.O. Box 2248, Paterson, NJ 07509 - 2248 REBCO'S IN FRONT!!! Outside NY/NJ 800 - 777 - 0787 • NJ 973-684 - 0200 • NY 212 - 736 - 6435 • FAX 973-684 - 0118 2" x 4 -1/2" THERMALLY BROKEN FLUSH GLAZING A4521- RM Male Half Corner Tube 1" Glazing A4545- RM Assembly A4521- RF Female Half Corner Tube 1" Glazing A4521- RBH Open Back Heavy Pocket Tube A451- RF Snap-in Back with Thermal Break & Pocket A4521- RB Open Back Pocket Tube with Screw Spline NOT TO SCALE 21 1171 - 1225 Madison Avenue, P.O. Box 2248, Paterson, NJ 07509 - 2248 Outside NY/NJ 800 - 777 - 0787 • NJ 973-684 - 0200 • NY 212 - 736 - 6435 • FAX 973-684 - 0118 REBCO'S IN FRONT!!! © 8/2015 2" PRESSURE WALL SYSTEM 1 4 5 2 3 5 4 40 - 206 40 - 206 40 - 210 Filler 40 - 229 Snap on Cover 40 - 205 Pressure Plate 40 - 229 Snap on Cover 40 - 205 Pressure Plate NOT TO SCALE 22 © 8/2015 1171 - 1225 Madison Avenue, P.O. Box 2248, Paterson, NJ 07509 - 2248 REBCO'S IN FRONT!!! Outside NY/NJ 800 - 777 - 0787 • NJ 973-684 - 0200 • NY 212 - 736 - 6435 • FAX 973-684 - 0118 2" PRESSURE WALL SYSTEM 40-210 Filler 1 40-205 Pressure Plate 40-229 Snap on Cover 40-206 6 -3/8" 2 2" 40-205 Pressure Plate 40-207 40-203 Pocket Reducer 4 -3/8" 40-229 Snap on Cover 3 40-205 Pressure Plate 40-206 NOT TO SCALE 23 1171 - 1225 Madison Avenue, P.O. Box 2248, Paterson, NJ 07509 - 2248 Outside NY/NJ 800 - 777 - 0787 • NJ 973-684 - 0200 • NY 212 - 736 - 6435 • FAX 973-684 - 0118 REBCO'S IN FRONT!!! © 8/2015 2" PRESSURE WALL SYSTEM 40 - 204 40 - 209 Clip To be applied to any 2" Tube (add 40 - 205 & 40 - 229 to complete this assembly). 2 -1/2" 40 - 212 Perimeter Clip 2" 40 - 207 40 - 210 Pocket Filler 40 - 203 Pocket Reducer for 1/4” Glazing 4 -1/2" 2" 40 - 206 40 - 229 40 - 205 Snap on Cover Pressure Plate NOT TO SCALE 24 © 8/2015 1171 - 1225 Madison Avenue, P.O. Box 2248, Paterson, NJ 07509 - 2248 REBCO'S IN FRONT!!! Outside NY/NJ 800 - 777 - 0787 • NJ 973-684 - 0200 • NY 212 - 736 - 6435 • FAX 973-684 - 0118 4 -1/2" 5 -1/2" 2-1/2" PRESSURE WALL SYSTEM 40 - 257 40 - 254 2 -1/2" 2 -1/2" NOT TO SCALE 25 1171 - 1225 Madison Avenue, P.O. Box 2248, Paterson, NJ 07509 - 2248 Outside NY/NJ 800 - 777 - 0787 • NJ 973-684 - 0200 • NY 212 - 736 - 6435 • FAX 973-684 - 0118 REBCO'S IN FRONT!!! © 8/2015 2-1/2" PRESSURE WALL SYSTEM 40 - 258 Pocket Reducer for 1/4" glazing 40 - 261 Snap on Cover 40 - 260 Pressure Plate 40 - 259 Pocket Filler 40 - 212 Perimeter Clip 74 - 486A Clip NOT TO SCALE 26 © 8/2015 1171 - 1225 Madison Avenue, P.O. Box 2248, Paterson, NJ 07509 - 2248 REBCO'S IN FRONT!!! Outside NY/NJ 800 - 777 - 0787 • NJ 973-684 - 0200 • NY 212 - 736 - 6435 • FAX 973-684 - 0118 1- 3/4" DIVISION BAR PARTS 26 -172 1- 3/4" 26 - 985 Division Bar Back 1" 26 - 977 Snap on Face 1- 3/4" 26 - 905 Divider Bar Receiver 26 - 987 Division Bar Back 1 - 3/4" DIVISION BAR ASSEMBLIES 26 - 515 26 - 525 1" Assembly 1-3/4" Assembly 26 - 553 Light Assembly NOT TO SCALE 27 1171 - 1225 Madison Avenue, P.O. Box 2248, Paterson, NJ 07509 - 2248 Outside NY/NJ 800 - 777 - 0787 • NJ 973-684 - 0200 • NY 212 - 736 - 6435 • FAX 973-684 - 0118 REBCO'S IN FRONT!!! © 8/2015 THRESHOLDS 4" x 1/2" 62 - 040 4 -1/2" x 1/2" 62 - 058W 5" x 1/2" 62 - 050 62 - 057P Panic Thresholds 62 - 060 7" x 1/2" 62 - 070 62 - 010 shown 50% scale 10" x 1/2" NOT TO SCALE 28 © 11/2015 1171 - 1225 Madison Avenue, P.O. Box 2248, Paterson, NJ 07509 - 2248 REBCO'S IN FRONT!!! Outside NY/NJ 800 - 777 - 0787 • NJ 973-684 - 0200 • NY 212 - 736 - 6435 • FAX 973-684 - 0118 MISCELLANEOUS DOOR PARTS 5/8" Glass 41-265F 41-165 41-265G 1/4" Glass 41-165 41-161 41-165 41-161 41-161 GLAZING BEADS 1" Glass 1" Glass Special 1" Glazing Available at additional cost LOUVER DOOR STOPS 1-1/2" 42 - 017 2" 42 - 018 28 - 400 16'0" Louver Extrusion 1-1/4" Deep 2" 42 - 019 NOT TO SCALE 29 1171 - 1225 Madison Avenue, P.O. Box 2248, Paterson, NJ 07509 - 2248 Outside NY/NJ 800 - 777 - 0787 • NJ 973-684 - 0200 • NY 212 - 736 - 6435 • FAX 973-684 - 0118 REBCO'S IN FRONT!!! © 8/2015 GASKETS 41 - 060 42 - 800 42 - 256 Used with 42 - 018 Door Stop Comes in gray only Used with Pressure Wall System 40 - 206, 40 - 207, 40 - 254, 40 - 257 and 40 - 209 Used with 22 - 841 Sash and 26-955 Corner Bar Face 41 - 061 42 - 258A Used with T450-DS, T 451-DS, and 42 - 017 Door Stop Can be used in Panic Thresholds Comes in gray only 42 - 801 Used with 41 - 161, and 42-265 Glass Bead 41 - 063 Used with 2" Pressure Wall System 40 - 206 and 40 - 207 42 - 258 Used with 41 - 002 Door Nosing Comes in gray or black Used with 42 - 017, 41 - 165, T450 - DS and T451 - DS 42 - 260 42 - 3585 42 - 802 Used with 2-1/2" Pressure Wall System 40 - 254 and 40 - 257 Used with Storefront Systems for 1/4" Glazing T-Vinyl for Division Bar 42 - 840 Used with Pressure Wall System 40 - 254 and 40 - 257 42 - 3587 Used with Storefront Systems for 3/8" Glazing Q - LON Used with all Window Series 42 - 273 Used with 11000 and 25000 Series Window Interior NOT TO SCALE 30 © 8/2015 1171 - 1225 Madison Avenue, P.O. Box 2248, Paterson, NJ 07509 - 2248 REBCO'S IN FRONT!!! Outside NY/NJ 800 - 777 - 0787 • NJ 973-684 - 0200 • NY 212 - 736 - 6435 • FAX 973-684 - 0118
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