Leisure West - Senior Publishing
Leisure West - Senior Publishing
Leisure VillageWest News 55 Plus: “It’s the time of your life to have the time of your life” Volume 23, Number 10 The Official Magazine of Leisure Village West Association October, 2016 Cha Phon nges to th eD e see p irectory, age 9 **********ECRWSS********** POSTAL CUSTOMER PRST STD US POSTAGE PAID Lakewood, NJ 08701 PERMIT NO. 211 EDDM Page 2 Leisure Village West News October, 2016 ADVERTISEMENT IN HEALTH AND WELLNESS Brought to you by Northeast Spine and Sports Medicine Get rid of irritating numbness and pain in your legs and feet with FDA-cleared treatment Do you suffer from any of the following conditions? Get in on the relief! “I was diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy in 2006. My neurologist prescribed Neurotin, which didn’t help. After treatment of MicroVas, • Numbness • Pain when you walk • Sharp, electrical-like pain • Burning or tingling • Difficulty sleeping from leg or foot discomfort • Muscle weakness • Sensitivity to touch Peripheral Neuropathy is a condition that affects millions of Americans, commonly resulting in pain, tingling, numbness, and other painful symptoms in the hands, legs and feet. This pain changes your life and affects how you work, how you play and how you live. What does Peripheral Neuropathy look like? Healthy Nerve Cell Properly processes sensory information to the brain: How do you know if YOU have Peripheral Nerve Damage? New FDA-cleared treatments provide hope Northeast Spine and Sports Medicine is pleased to announce thir new program for treatming Peripheral Neuropathy, which includes a combination of advanced FDA-cleared treatments with breakthrough technology that aids in healing the damaged nerves. I sleep better and have better balance. The environment at Northeast Spine is nurturing and caring.” - Vicki M. The effects of this program can be felt on the first few visits. This treatment restores, stabilizes, and rebuilds the nerves in your extremities. Treatment has also been effective in addressing painful symptoms of arthritis, MS, and other forms of chronic pain, Patients generally feel relief physically throughout the treatment period and even feel better emotionally after experiencing a reduction in pain. Why Northeast Spine & Sports Medicine? Peripheral neuropathy is the consequence of damage to your peripheral nerves. There are over 100 different kinds of peripheral nerve disorders or neuropathies – some are the result of a disease like diabetes, while others can be triggered by a viral infection. Still others are the result of an injury or compression on the nerves. No matter where the problems begin, it is imperative nerve disorders are resolved as soon as possible to prevent permenant damage. Many people suffer with pain for years, not realizing that thir symptoms may be due to Peripheral Neuropathy. Symptoms start gradually, then get worse, including numbness, burning or tingling sensations and sharp, electrical-like pain. Treatment options have been limited to a small assortment of pain medications, which can lead to futher issues. Ignoring the problem or masking the symptoms has never been a viable solution. If you suffer from any of the aforementioned symptoms, we can help. the burning sensation in my legs is gone. Northeast Spine and Sports Medicine offers some of the most advanced, non-surgical, FDAcleared procedures for relieving chronic pain. Our multidisciplinary approach utilizes the latest medical technology. We offer programs and procedures that will improve your health with the utmost safety and precision. We will provide you with an accurate diagnosis and recommend a program that best fits your needs. Damaged Nerve Cell Sends incorrect signals to the brain, from phantom pain to tingling and numbness: Treatment is covered by most major insurances, including Medicare We are confident that you will find healing and relief at Northeast Spine and Sports Medicine. You will have a one-on-one consultation with one of our trained staff who will evaluate your condition and determine if you would be a candidate for this treatment. Due to the demand, we have opened an additional 30 appointments this week. Time slots fill quickly, so CALL TODAY to secure your appointment! –The Northeast Spine and Sports Medicine Team Dr. Kevin Hsu, M.D., Dr. Stacey Franz, D.O., Dr. Robert Lambrou, D.C., Dr. Dimitrios Lambrou, D.C. and Dr. James T. Kirk, D.C. SPACE IS LIMITED TO THE FIRST 30 CALLERS! CALL TODAY! JACKSON, NJ: 728 Bennetts Mills Rd • 732.276.1313 POINT PLEASANT, NJ: 1104 Arnold Ave • 732.722.5953 BARNEGAT TWP, NJ: 175 Gunning River Rd • 609.488.4189 MONROE TWP, NJ: 350 Forsgate Dr • 732.561.8118 MANCHESTER, NJ: 60 Lacey Rd • 732.408.4492 www.northeastspineandsports.com COMING SOON: ABERDEEN, NJ Disclaimer: Due to Federal Law some exclusions may apply. ad-5241 INTERVENTIONAL PAIN MANAGEMENT | SPORTS MEDICINE | ACUPUNCTURE | PHYSICAL THERAPY | CHIROPRACTIC SERVICES | POST-SURGICAL REHABILITATION October, 2016 Leisure Village West News Page 3 Inside This Month’s Leisure Village West News ..................................................................................Page ..................................................................................Page ..................................................................................Page Trustees’ Corner........................................................ 4-6 Manager’s Corner...........................................................9 Arts & Crafts...................................................................51 Baby Boomers................................................................41 Boating Ruls....................................................................23 Bocce Club....................................................................... 65 Book Discussion Club............................................. 50 Bowling...............................................................................57 Bridge Club (Duplicate)......................................... 49 CALENDAR...............................36-37 (Centerfold) Caritas Guild......................................................................11 Classified Ads........................................................58-59 Computer Club...............................................................55 Crossword.................................................................20-21 Crossword Solution...................................................52 Current Events..............................................................52 Deer Sighting.................................................................70 Emergency Notification Comm...........................6 Financial Info Club..................................................... 54 First Aid Auxiliary.........................................................8 Fishing Club.................................................................... 56 Garden Club.................................................................... 48 Golf & Social Club......................................................53 Hadassah.............................................................................12 Holiday Decorations..................................................21 Irish American Club...................................................52 Italian American Club............................................. 42 KLVW-TV.............................................................................10 Manchester Library....................................................17 Manchester Firehouse............................................ 68 Manchester Township............................................ 69 Meeting Schedule.............................................. 28-30 Memorable Moments..............................................7-8 ORT.........................................................................................55 Pet Club.............................................................................. 46 Ping-Pong Club............................................................. 44 RECREATION Events..................................... 26-40 Recycling Club.............................................................. 46 Service Club.....................................................................67 Sociables Club............................................................... 43 Submission Guidelines..................................... 13-14 Tennis Club...................................................................... 56 Thank You..........................................................................15 Travel Club....................................................................... 45 Viston.....................................................................................12 Welcome New Neighbors.......................................10 West Village Players................................................ 54 Westernaires...................................................................47 Yiddish Club................................................................... 66 Yoga........................................................................................16 Association office Mon-Fri 8 a.m.-4p.m. 732-657-9595 Service/Emergency Calls 24 hour coverage 732-657-8878 LVW Maintenance 8 a.m-4 p.m. 732-657-8878 Accounting Office: Mon-Fri 8 a.m.-4 p.m. 732-657-5881 Leisure Village West News 732-657-0181 Helping Hands – 732-657-2842 VISTON – 732-657-1818 (Mon., Wed., Fri., 9-11 a.m.) Recreation Building hours: 9 a.m.-10 p.m. daily Office hours: Willow Hall 8 a.m.-4 p.m. 732-657-9109 Club Encore, daily, 8 a.m.- 12 p.m., 1 - 4 p.m. 732-657-7789 Nautilus Room Only, 6 a.m. M-F 7 a.m. Sat. Sun. & Holidays Greenhouse Hours October to April Mon, Wed, Fri 9:30-11:30 a.m. Gatehouses Gate #1 – 732-657-4334 (Route 70) 24 Hours-Visitors/Vendors Pre-Call 732-657-4335 Gate #2 – (Huntington Drive) 24 hours, Residents Only Gate #3 – 732-657-1658 (Route 37) Visitors, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Residents, 24 hours Leisure Village West News Volume 23, Number 10 October, 2016 This publication is owned and published by Leisure Village West Association 959 Buckingham Drive, Manchester, NJ 08759, Leisure Village West News Telephone Number 732-657-0181 Joe Schultz, Community Manager LVW Board of Trustees: Sandra Kaufman President Russ Steenweg Vice President Sal Tozzi Treasurer Sue Nordell Secretary Marge King Assistant Treasurer Charles Lupo Assistant Secretary Lou Maiocco Trustee Editor, Ayme Friggle E-mail Address: news@lvwa.net Volunteer staff: Assistant Editor: Mary Ann Earlman Proofreading: Emily Beck, Harriet Sussman, Helen Epstein, Betty Maguire, Lorraine Wirths,Sally Pollack, Judy Langreich, Marge King, Rita Ellard, and Sandy Pogers Archives: Rose Brotzky Typist: Ayme Friggle Photography: Volunteer photographers Production by Senior Publishing For Advertising Information call: 888-637-3200 Fax 877-536-5153 Leisure Village West News is published by the Leisure Village West Association. This publication is for the prime purpose of the enjoyment of the community. The deadline for submissions is BY or BEFORE the FIRST of each month for the following month’s publication. The LVW Board of Trustees and/or the Editor reserve the right to refuse any and all advertisements and editorial material not suitable or in the best interest of its readers. LVW also reserves the right to refuse any controversial or political material, maintaining an upbeat, light reading experience in accordance with the Board of Trustees. All copy is subject to editing. Leisure Village West News and advertisers are not responsible for typographical errors. All rights are reserved. Anyone wishing to reprint any part of this publication may do so with the written consent of the publisher. Page 4 TRUSTEES’ Leisure Village West News October, 2016 CORNER Leisure Village West Association Board of Trustees Meeting – September 7, 2016 Present were Susan Nordell, Louis Maiocco, Russ Steenweg, Sandra Kaufman, Sal Tozzi, Marge King and Charles Lupo. Also present were Community Manager Joseph Schultz, Accounting Administrator Michelle Lampard, Recreation Director Mary Lighthipe and Karen Miller from McGovern Legal Services. The meeting commenced at approximately 1 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. S. Nordell moved to approve the August 3, 2016 and August 24, 2016 minutes. C. Lupo seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. R. Steenweg moved to approve Specification 1_9A - Handrails for Driveways. C. Lupo seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. L. Maiocco moved to amend the motion of May 4, 2016 to authorize the Association to contract with C.J Hesse to replace the outside roads of Thornbury Lane and the side roads of Huntington Drive & Buckingham Drive from a total cost of $329,776.00 to a total cost of $348,277.00 for an additional cost of $18,501.00. The funds to meet this expense were provided by account #3290 – Capital Replacement – Roads. S. Nordell seconded; C. Lupo, Yes; L. Maiocco, Yes; S. Nordell, Yes; S. Tozzi, Yes; M. King, No; R. Steenweg, Yes; S. Kaufman,Yes. Motion carried. S. Tozzi moved to memorialize the replacement of electrical panels from Curry Electric at 819C Liverpool, 31B Edinburgh, 803A Westminster, 15D Yorkshire, 3A Sterling and 1193B Thornbury for a total cost of $4,656.00. The funds to meet this expense were provided by account # 3295 – Capital Replacement – Exterior Restoration and Unit Infrastructure. R. Steenweg seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. S. Tozzi moved to approve the Bylaws for the Dance Club. C. Lupo seconded. S. Tozzi, Yes; L. Maiocco,Yes; S. Nordell, Yes; M. King, No; R. Steenweg, Yes; C. Lupo, Yes; S. Kaufman, Yes. Motion carried. Roberta Klotz, Chairperson from the Election Committee, made a statement regarding Ballot errors made and notified residents how this was being rectified. Community Manager Report J. Schultz notified residents again in regards to the “Shredding Party” that is being hosted by U.S Security on October 7, 2016 at Club Encore from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. He mentioned that he published an article in the September LVW news in regards to Overnight Parking. He asked if residents had any feedback to please submit this to the BOT via email at bot @lvwa. net or regular mail to the Association office. He also mentioned that the Grounds Department is inspecting all units’ five foot areas condo by condo. Residents will be notified with a thirty day notice via a door hanger to comply with the LVW rules and regulations for those units that have overgrown shrubbery. He stated that the Grounds Department has begun seeding lawns and will continue until fall. S. Kaufman thanked the Service Club on behalf of the Association and the Board of Trustees for donating benches to the Village. Recreation Report M. Lighthipe mentioned that Bingo games will be held at 7 p.m. on September 7, 2016 at Willow Hall. She stated both pools will close for the season Continued on page 5 October, 2016 Leisure Village West News Page 5 Board Meeting Minutes of September 7, 2016 Continued from page 4 on Sunday, September 11, 2016. She thanked Volunteers for monitoring the pools. The Recreation department welcomes back line dancing on Tuesday, September 13, 2016 at 7 p.m. in Willow Hall with resident instructors Rose Jenik and Linda Labita. She mentioned that the monthly movies return evenings in the fall and winter months. “Hologram for the King” starring Tom Hanks will be played on Saturday, September 17, 2016 at 7 p.m. in Willow Hall. Unfinished Business J. Schultz stated there is no update in regards to Hotwire. J. Schultz mentioned that he published an article in the September LVW news magazine in an effort to help residents understand the amendment for Fee Shifting prior to it being sent out. He also included the language to solicit feedback from residents to allow the BOT time to address any concerns. He again asks that this feedback be sent to the BOT via email at bot @lvwa.net or regular mail to the Association office. There was no new business. Audience Comments S. Zitelli asked who is monitoring the parking spaces at the Club Encore Overflow Parking Lot and how it was determined who pays a parking fee. P. Brown submitted a petition with 150 LVW resident signatures asking the Board of Trustees to re-visit the Vinyl Fence Replacement project. M. L Ruggerio submitted a petition with additional resident signatures asking the Board of Trustees to re-visit the Vinyl Fence Replacement project. G. Jenik explained the proposed changes for the Dance Club Bylaws. He asked why it was tabled at the last Board meeting since everything was handled properly within the Club. The Board moved to approve the Bylaws for the Dance Club. A.Pedowitz stated that the Vinyl Fence project was approved by several committees before the Board approved the project. He believes the Board should pass a policy in regards to where solicitation can take place for those seeking signatures for a petition. L. Riley stated she is in support with moving forward with the new vinyl fences based on the financial aspect. R. Jenik stated the Dance Club fees will remain the same until the new bylaws take effect on November 1. S. Baillie submitted another petition asking the Board to re-visit the Vinyl Fence project. She believes that this is an optional item and that residents were not notified in a timely manner. She stated that it should be posted in the monthly magazine with an explanation. She asked when there is a new board if they can form a committee that will take into account the opinions of residents for projects. M. Lamberti made a recommendation that one of the Dance Club members audit its own books. L. Nellegar feels she is a member of the silent majority and is for the Vinyl fence replacement. She urges everyone who is in favor to notify the Board via email or mail. W. Dylewski spoke about the cost of replacement for the wood trim and mentioned there are no reserves to fund this project. He suggested that the deferred maintenance be used to jump start this project. M. L Doner stated the Finance Division studied the vinyl fence and wood trim replacement projects and felt they were both long term projects over a ten year period so this would not deplete the deferred property maintenance account all at once. The vinyl fence project was moved up due to the negotiations with the fencing contract. They also feel the vinyl fence project will save the village considerable amount of funds and free up employees. M. Clark stated she is in support of the Board re-visiting the replacement of fences in the Greenery section at one time. She believes the current money that has been dispensed for the Vinyl fences are to be put in an escrow account. She also believes a section of the Greenery should be done with basket weave similar to the design and quality that were installed by the developer. K. Maiocco disagrees but understands concerns from residents regarding the vinyl fence replacement project. She believes there was ample time for residents to address or give their opinions regarding this fencing project and that everyone did there due diligence. She also addressed a previous comment made by a resident. M. Lamberti asked why the Vinyl Fence project was brought down to a one year project and if it was Page 6 Leisure Village West News Board Meeting Minutes of Sept 7, 2016 Continued from page 4 re-visited by two committees. She also asked where the funds were for this project. E. Baumeister asked that the Board give some consideration to the replacement of fences one more time and at least have a discussion regarding the petitions. C. Lupo asked M. Lampard how much the Association collects each month in maintenance fees. F. Weinstein feels the Board was being disrespectful when a resident was speaking. She does not believe that it is just a small group of residents that are being vocally opposed to the Vinyl fence replacement due to the amount of signatures on the petitions that were turned in. She is opposed to the look and the financial part of the replacement for the fences. M. Lamberti stated members were laughing while she was asking a question and thanks a resident for responding the way that she did. S. Benigno stated he receives phone calls daily from people soliciting installing solar panels on his roof. He feels it would be beneficial to residents to have a field of solar panels to provide electricity for the Village. K. Maiocco spoke in defense of a comment made in reference to a Trustee. K. Hooyer feels the Board could have tried harder to work with both sides of residents views for the Vinyl fence replacement project. She provided a picture that shows the look of the white fences on a brown house. V. Williams asked when the policy changed to allow placards on benches. C. Kelly asked if the property manager was allowed to refuse to acknowledge him as an owner. No further discussion, this meeting ended at approximately 2:45 p.m. October, 2016 Emergency Notification Committee (ENC) By Anne Niebergall Changing of the Guard On September 23 the Emergency Notification Committee held their third annual General Meeting. Chairperson, Elaine Baumeister, opened the meeting by welcoming all Reveres, along with our 20 new members. An excellent power point presentation created by Coordinator and Revere, Linda Holzbaur, followed detailing our Mission Statement, notification process, role of a Revere and current structure. Elaine introduced our new chairperson, Skip Kern, as well as the seven core members along with their individual responsibilities. All Reveres and Coordinators then convened into their individual teams to review and confirm areas to be covered and to update their packet information. The event ended on a social note as everyone enjoyed our celebratory cake and coffee. Thank you to our Chairperson, core group, coordinators and all Reveres for making our meeting a big success. To remain on the Revere list, if anyone was unable to make the meeting, a make up session will be conducted on October 11 in the Willow Hall Ceramic Room. Did You Miss the Board of Trustees Meeting? If you missed the Board of Trustees meeting on Wednesday, you can view the meeting on KLVW-TV Channel 15 at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Friday and at 10 a.m. on the Saturday following the meeting. Board of Trustees meetings can also be viewed at www.lvwcreeper.com. After login, click “Board Meeting Video.” Thank you to Jasim Zenj-Ra for this great picture of our Core Group. Pictured, from left to right are Leslie Zenj-Ra, Dennis Lech, Anne Niebergall, Elaine Baumeister, Roseann Walters, Skip Kern and Phyllis Brown. Not pictured: Carolyn Thompson and Peter Freem. October, 2016 Leisure Village West News Page 7 LVW Residents Share Their Memorable Moments Going into her first state level Special Olympics, Erica Dillon, granddaughter of Phyllis and Dave Dillon, had two goals in mind; have fun and try to be competitive. Between the opening ceremonies, athlete parade, sponsored parties and athlete workshops, the fun part was easy. As for being competitive, she could not have been better! By the end of the weekend-long event held at Towson University in June, Dillon, a competitor in Bocce Ball, had gone undefeated and came away with two gold medals after wins in both singles and doubles competition. Dillon, a 2012 graduate of Severna Park High School, competed in bocce and bowling on the school’s Allied Sports team and was on hand to help her team win County honors in bocce in 2011 and a State Championship in 2012. Every Picture Tells A Story and we’d like to share yours! Submit a photo of your grandchildren, great-grandchildren, or a photo with special significance to you. Show them off! Olivia Souza, LVW’s own mermaid, enjoying the water. She is the granddaughter of Lisa and Gary Souza. Submit an original photo to Ayme at the Leisure Village West News, 959 Buckingham Drive or e-mail to news@lvwa. net in jpeg format and identify the “who, what, when and where” of the photo, along with your name, for our “Memorable Moments” column. Space is limited. We will print photos on an ongoing basis, as space allows. Please do not submit heirloom, one-of-a-kind photos. Although we will make every effort to return your photo, we cannot guarantee return. Please submit a quality COPY with your name on all material submitted. Page 8 Leisure Village West News October, 2016 LVW Residents Share Their Memorable Moments Our very own MaryLou Donor has done it again! She ran 19.3 miles to complete the Dumbo Double Dare in Disneyland, California. She also placed second in her age division for females 65-75 for both races. MaryLou also completed the Coast to Coast Challenge, which is running two half marathons in the same calendar year, one on the West Coast and one on the East Coast. MaryLou has shown that Senior Woman who stay fit and healthy rock! Congratulations to her. October, 2016 Leisure Village West News Manager’s Corner Page 9 by Joe Schultz U.S. Security to host “Shredding Party” October 7 U.S. Security will be hosting a “Shredding Party” on October 7 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Encore parking lot. All residents are urged to come by, meet their gate attendants and destroy unneeded sensitive documents in a safe and secure manner. A mobile shredding unit will be provided for community use. Millions of people are affected by identity theft each year. It might start with a mysterious credit card charge, a bill you don’t recognize, or a letter from the IRS that says you already got your refund even though you didn’t. No matter what your specific identity theft situation is, IdentityTheft.gov can help. The website has information and recovery plans for more than 30 types of identity theft, including child identity theft and tax-related identity theft. Some examples of documents you might no longer need are old bank statements, medical forms, investment statements, credit card statements, old tax returns, junk mail, pay stubs, and ATM receipts. (Make sure to check with your financial adviser, banking institution, or Credit Card Company to explain the retention periods of these documents.) Staples, paperclips, binders and hardcover books are able to be shredded with this equipment. Cardboard, plastic bags, x-rays, metal, liquids and computer disks are not permitted. You will be able to pull up in your vehicle and someone will be available to take the documents out of your car and put them in the shredder. Enjoy refreshments and mingle with the management team of U.S. Security while they provide information on how to deter, detect and defend against identity theft. Big Changes to the Telephone Directory About this time every year, I ask for you to update your listing in our annual telephone directory. This year, we’re introducing an online version of the book to be posted on our lvwcreeper.com allowing for faster updates, quick searches and more. We realize that this might not be for everyone, so we want to give you ample opportunity to opt-out. Just as you can opt-out of being in our printed version, you will now have another choice to appear in the printed version with an option to be published online as well. This will be posted on our private website www.lvwcreeper.com, however as most web savvy residents know, we cannot absolutely ensure your information won’t be available to the public at large. Taking this into consideration, one should know this data is easily obtainable from other online sources. Nevertheless, we want to be clear about it. In any event, we still need you to update our database if you wish to appear correctly, if it’s not already, or you’ve changed your number or such. Don’t forget you can add another number for another occupant or you wish to list a cell number too. Is That Your Dog Barking? Barking dogs are sometime a good thing if there’s a suspicious person around, but frequent barking can be a nuisance for your neighbors. Please be aware that your dog may be causing your roof-mates and others undue stress, especially if they can’t get a good night’s sleep, watch TV or are in pain from an illness. Do you know that your dog may be barking when you leave for the day? Many times this is the case, so please be aware that this condition does happen and can occur without your knowledge and you should take steps to alleviate it from happening. Keeping windows closed and the shades drawn when going out may help as I’ve read online, but you should consult with the veterinarian for more help with this issue. Page 10 Leisure Village West News KLVW Spotlight Broadcast Schedule Welcome New Neighbors by Roberta Klotz Anzalone, Antoinette & Salvatore West Milford, NJ Anzalone, Nancy Brick, NJ Bauer, Sharon Jackson, NJ Bauer, Walter Jackson, NJ Beltempo, Vivian & Anthony Long Branch, NJ Blumetti, Lee Little Egg Harbor, NJ Cass, Julie Leisure Village West Dennis, Laura Toms River, NJ Haslach, Joyce Sayreville, NJ Ju, James & Ho Somerset, NJ Koch, Nedianne Swedesboro, NJ Mock, Kathy Edison, NJ Nitko, Vera Little Egg Harbor, NJ Perez, Luis Little Egg Harbor, NJ Petrucelli, Cathy Hopatcong, NJ Schwartz, John Swedesboro, NJ Spagna, Robert Hopatcong, NJ Spahr, Loretta Jackson, NJ Sutherland, Richard & Sara Hawthorne, NJ Terrizzi, Anthony Bayville, NJ Thrash,Robert & Debra Manchester, NJ Waltz, Jacqueline Palm Coast, FL Willis, Elizabeth Staten Island, NY October 3Ombudsman for the Elderly, Linda Holzbauer October 10 Columbus Day October 17 Caregiver Volunteers of Ocean County, Mary Malagiere October 24 Kean University Professor, Richard Trimble (Civil War) October 31 LVW Pet Parade Literacy Volunteers Need Your Help Help tutor adults in basic literacy skills. For info, call Literacy Volunteers of Ocean County at 732-864-9646. Thomas A. Van Dort Need To Sell Your Car? Attorney at Law Your Elder-Law Specialist NJ Bar • FL Bar Free Consultations/House Calls Professional and courteous service. Manchester Area • Trusts • Wills • POA • Guardianships • Living Wills • Medicaid • Special Needs Planning ad-118 Comprehensive Estate and Financial Legal Services Expert advice from the attorney you can talk to. 057 LEISURE KNOLL, LVW Real Estate Asset Protection Best Prices Paid For Any Car, Truck or Van. Period. Call 732-995-0509 October, 2016 675 Route 70, Lakehurst/Manchester (next to Goodyear) 732-657-5551 email: vandortlaw@att.net LEISuRE KNoLL October, 2016 Leisure Village West News Page 11 OLSZAK AND OLSZAK Attorneys at Law Daniel D. olszak, Jr., Esq. Certified Elder Law Attorney* Christopher D. olszak, Esq. Certified Elder Law Attorney* ESTATE PLANNING & ADMINISTRATION TAX PLANNING MEDICAID PLANNING GUARDIANSHIPS SMALL BUSINESS LEGAL ADVICE I.R.S. ISSUES By Pat Kinane Beware Beware! That is the theme of the October 18 Caritas Guild meeting. Dave Willis of the Asbury Park Press will be speaking on various scams that we should all be made aware of. I recently heard of a new one where scammers make you think they have kidnapped your grandchild and want ransom money. This should be a very interesting and informative talk. Featured at this meeting will be the Birthright Baby Shower. Members are asked to donate diapers, toiletries, blankets, etc., which will be distributed to area mothers-to-be in need. Caritas members are always so generous and shopping for baby items is so much fun. So you can plan ahead, we will be collecting winter clothing for Kevin’s Kids at the November 15 meeting. I wish you all a Happy Halloween. You know something? I really miss the little ones Trick or Treating. Some of the magic has left this holiday for me. Now I have no excuse to buy all that candy. A family-owned elder law and estate planning firm that has assisted families since 1983 1000 ROUTE 70, LAKEWOOD LOCATED IN THE LEISURE SQUARE MALL (732) 367-7775 • Home Appointments Available • * by the American Bar Association approved National Elder Law Foundation. ads-516 With Coupon NEW PATIENTS ONLY 50% OFF CLEANING, COMPLETE EXAM, FULL MOUTH X-RAYS FREE DENTURE AND/OR IMPLANT CONSULTATION Happy Rosh Hashanah Includes BW X-Rays, Oral Cancer Screen - Reg. Fee $250 Expires 10/31/16 With Coupon ECONOMY DENTURE SPECIAL 899 00 EACH $ or $100 OFF any other denture or partial. Lab. Reline Special $295 Each Expires 10/31/16 CELEBRATING 32 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE WHITING TOWN CENTER 108 LACEY ROAD • SUITE #28 SPC-583C Dr. Barry Perlman, P.A. Page 12 Leisure Village West News October, 2016 Hadassah By Adele Shuldman Hadassah’s 98th National Convention was held in Atlanta, Ga. July 25 to 28. Thousands of women from all the chapters throughout the nation from all the states attended to work, to study and enjoy. The theme of the convention was “The Power of Our Dreams’ because Hadassah members have always been “dared to dream and when you dream, dream big.” Cutting-edge research continues in such fields as stem cell therapy, complex surgeries, intrauterine procedures, organ transplants, orthopedic and opthalmology surgeries. Hadassah is involved in the future health systems of other countries. The hospital is currently involved with clinical trials to inject stem cells into the eyes of patients with macular degeneration with the goal of helping them, dramatically, improve their sight. In addition, The Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School has approved a new doctoral program in nursing. At the Convention, Gwyneth Paltrow, Oscar-award winning actress was presented with Hadassah’s first Power of Our Dreams Award. Paltrow, the daughter of Blythe Danner and the descendant of 33 rabbis from Eastern and Central Europe, was honored as an advocate for women’s health, medical research who honors her Jewish roots. As the year 5776 concludes, Hadassah has a supply of calendars for 5777. Please call Hanna at 732-3231776 for your full-size and pocket calendars for pickup October 13 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Hadassah wishes all our members and families and all our friends in Leisure Village West a Happy and Sweet year. May you all have health and happiness. Reminder: Drain and remove hoses from outside faucets and store. Assure good shut-off to prevent freezing. Volunteers in Service to Our Neighbors by Sandy Bermel “Now is the Time” Actions speak volumes, So I write these columns, To show what VISTON needs greatly. In VISTON we strive, To help requesters to arrive, At their doctors’ office safely. Our best is done, For everyone. Have you volunteered lately? If you need help or want to help, VISTON’s office is in Willow Hall and is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 to 11 a.m. You can stop in or call 732-657-1818 during these hours. Notice to All Dog Owners All pets must be on leashes when outside the home and are not permitted in recreation areas, golf course or pool areas. Dog droppings must be picked up and placed in a suitable bag in the owners garbage receptacle. Please curb your dog and do not walk dogs on lawns. Dogs and cats running loose will be reported to Manchester Township Animal Control. Please register all pets at the Association Office. October, 2016 Leisure Village West News How to Submit Club News Page 13 Following is a ‘Style Sheet’ and tips on how to submit an article for your club or organization for publication in the Leisure Village West News. This is an updated guide for all publicity chairpersons who submit their club news to our publication. Please keep this for your reference. Printed copies can be found in the News office and online for download. Submission Guidelines 1. Submit by the deadline date, which is BY or BEFORE the FIRST of each month for the following month’s publication. (ex. June publication deadline is May 1st) 2. Submit your item by email to news@lvwa.net. Articles and photos can be emailed and if you currently type your article, I ask that you email it. E-mailed articles should be in WORD format (.doc, .docx, .txt, .rtf) and photos attached in JPEG format. Important Email Note: Please put the name of your club and month for publication in your subject line of the email and note if there are photos and an article or exactly what is attached. Filenames of your articles should include the club name and month for submission! 3. Do not submit handwritten articles. There is no one on staff to type them for the publisher. Articles must be typed and emailed to us. 4. DO NOT TYPE ANY PART OF YOUR ARTICLE IN ALL CAPS. This includes the title, byline and article. We will NOT print it if you submit it this way. Also, please do not underline. We will bold your upcoming event dates. All articles submitted must be typed in upper and lower case. Please indent paragraphs. 5. Keep your article short, except for special events/occasions. Club articles should be approx. 350 words or fewer. 6. Photographs: You can submit up to 4 photos via email in JPEG format. DO NOT SUBMIT COLLAGES! We will print as many as space allows. There is no guarantee they will all be printed. Photos should be CLEAR. Generally, close-ups of groups of people are better than distant shots. Please DO NOT submit blurry photos. They will not be printed. Label them properly so we know what club they are for and be sure to include captions. Digital photos are ideal. Do not submit photos printed from the computer on paper. Please email them. 7. Upcoming events: List the day, date, time and location. For past events, just the date should be used. Example: On April 15, the board finalized nominations. In setting dates, leave out the year except in December for January. (It is assumed you are speaking about the current year.) For upcoming events, avoid using will be held on, will be held at. Instead, just state it simply. For example: Our next meeting will be April 17. Please join us on May 5 for our general meeting. 8. Include a Byline! Articles must have the name of the writer below title so we know who submitted it! By Author’s Name. 9. Please check spellings of all names carefully in your articles and photo captions! We may not always be familiar with the person you are mentioning and we’d really hate to spell their name wrong! Thank you! Formatting & Editing Guidelines: Club News: Start with the Name of your Club. Then add a “headline” that calls attention to something the club is doing, did, or is planning. (Study local newspapers to see how clever some reporters are – you too can be catchy!) a. As far as zeroes and times go, use $5 instead of $5.00, and use 10 p.m. (or a.m.) rather than 10:00 PM (or A.M.) b. When posting information about a club, please remember, dates are never “5th, 1st, 2nd, or 3rd.” ExampleCorrect: the meeting July 2, or November 3. Incorrect: the meeting of July 2nd or November 3rd. c. For consistency, please indicate telephone numbers as follows. Example: Call Jane at 732-123-4567. (No parentheses around area codes or phone numbers please!) d.One exclamation point ! or question mark ? will do – don’t use three or four. Page 14 Leisure Village West News October, 2016 e. Avoid apostrophes that are not possessive. Example--Incorrect: The 50’s. Correct: The 50s. Apostrophes are for the possessives in life – George’s dog; Anne’s dessert. Exception: “Its” which is always possessive-Correct: “The dog ate its dinner.” f. “It’s” means it is – Example – It’s time to leave for work. g. Do not use “etc.” If there is something more to the list, please finish the sentence. h. Avoid abbreviations: “Pres.” looks like you didn’t have the time to spell it out. It won’t take up that much space. The same goes for Mon., Feb. 2—spell it out: Monday, February 2. i. When using the name of one of the 50 United States: Eight state names are never abbreviated in text: Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Maine, Ohio, Texas and Utah. State abbreviations may be used for the remaining 42 states. Spell out the name of a state when it stands alone—Example: We went to Delaware on vacation. When in doubt, spell it out! j. Please note: U.S. has periods; USA does not; Washington, D.C. has periods. You may not need to use a state reference – we all know where Brooklyn, Toms River, Freehold and Chicago are. k. When listing a dinner/lunch event to come, you may wish to list the main menu items, but if the event has passed, suffice to say, “We enjoyed a hot buffet.” (Chicken Murphy, potatoes, rice, carrots, green beans, rolls, coffee, tea, soda, and dessert – is not necessary, especially when speaking of an event held two months ago!) l. To sharpen your message and give it ‘punch,’ leave out ‘that’ as often as possible and cut loose each and every “the” in your article. Try it with and without – see which version reads best. “Very” is very overused! Example – Everyone was very pleased with the very entertaining performance. Incorrect: We had a very, very, very good time and a very good meal. Correct: We had a great time and a delicious meal. m. Type commas and periods before closed quotes. Example: in a list of titles, it is: “Lorna Doone,” “Tom Sawyer,” and “The Avengers.” Note: titles must be italicized. Magazine names, reference books, dictionaries and newspaper names are typed in italics only: Leisure West News. Book titles, movies, plays, songs, television programs and works of art are typed in “quotes and italics” – “The Star Spangled Banner,” “Gone with the Wind,” “The Mary Tyler Moore Show.” n. Spell out Leisure Village West News (in italics) – it is not LWN or LW News. o. LVW has no periods (Please spell out Leisure Village West). Capitalize the first letter in ‘Bulletin,’ ‘Creeper,’ and ‘Village.’ The names of the clubhouses are always either Willow Hall or Club Encore. p. Tell it like it is! Be positive, not redundant! For example-- Incorrect: Go up to the computer terminal before you and make sure you turn the On button on. Correct: Face the computer screen and push the on button. q. When listing people or items: Commas generally between each one except for before the last listed. Correct Example: Joe, Mary and Chris went to the show. NOT: Joe, Mary, and Chris went to the show. Try not to overuse commas. r.Use the grammar feature on your toolbar on the computer. It will tell you if what you just wrote needs a quick rewrite. s. Please write your articles from the standpoint of the month in which the newspaper is issued (rather than the date you are actually writing the article.) For example, you may be writing in May about an event that took place in April and will appear in the June magazine. When announcing upcoming events, take notice that they are still “upcoming” when the next Leisure Village West News comes out. (We often have to change wording from, ‘We look forward to our May 28 luncheon’ to ‘We enjoyed the May 28 luncheon.’) If you have any question, please feel free to email me at news@lvwa.net and I will return your email as quickly as possible. You can also call the Leisure Village West News office at 732-657-0181 and leave a message. A member of our staff will return your call as soon as possible. (Our office is staffed part time so please be patient). Please note that all submissions are subject to review and editing by the editor and volunteer staff. We reserve the right to edit or refuse publication based on the criteria listed within this guideline. We will not accept items that promote negativity, politically charged items, etc. Not everything submitted is guaranteed publication. We make every effort to include all club news we receive and give the Village readers a great publication! Thank you for your anticipated cooperation! Leisure Village West News (732) 657-3859 (732) 657-3859 Powerwashing & Housewashing Fall Clean-up Lawn Care Plantings & Designs Drainage - underground Drain Lines Installed Paving Stones - Patio - Walkways & More Mulch - Top Soil - Stone Shrubs & Hedges - Easy Care Protection Dear Ballroom and Freestyle Dance Friends, Many thanks to everyone in the Ballroom Dance Class for the thoughtful card and the very generous gift! Richard is so glad that you enjoy the lessons. You ousewashing all have made teaching in LVW a totally rewarding experience. Richard looks forward to the class each and every week! We have developed strong friendships and a comradery on and off the dance floor. s Best wishes for another fabulous year of dancing! ound Drain Lines Karen wouldInstalled like to thank everyone for the incredible surprise birthday celebration and gifts! io - Walkways & More What a joy to have such great dance friends! Much Stone love to all of you! SeeProtection you on the dance floor and keep on dancing! Easy Care Karen and Richard THE ELEMENTS OF DESIGN No matter what garden style appeals to you, a successful landscape requires the use of basic design principles. Knowing these principles and how to use them well will enable you to create the look and feeling you want. For over 14 years, we’ve built our family business on relationships and continue to lead the Landscape Industry in innovation and quality. Owner - John Applegate Dr. Scott A. Amoss, DPM, CWS ’ve built our family • Diabetic Foot Care ps and continue • Heel Pain &to Bonelead Spurs the innovation• Diabetic andShoes quality. & Insoles • Foot & Ankle Injuries Owner - John Applegate Medicare & Podiatrist/Surgeon Certified Wound Specialist spc-1083c ENTS OF DESIGN den style appeals to you, e requires the use of basic owing these principles and will enable you to create you want. Page 15 SPC-758C SPC-758C October, 2016 New Patients & Emergencies Welcome Same Day Appointments Available • Wound Care • Ingrown & Fungal Nails • Corns & Calluses • Bunions & Hammertoes Most Insurance Accepted 400 Lacey Road, Suite 9B Manchester/Whiting 732-350-0100 Lakehurst Circle - 5 miles • Digital X-rays • Vascular Testing • Laser Treatments Available • Skin Cancer Call Now! NEW PATIENT OFFER Complimentary Foot & Ankle Examination* A $135 Value Expires 10/31/16 *Ad must be presented before services rendered. Treatment & X-ray, if necessary, are additional. Not applicable with insurance. Page 16 Leisure Village West News Attention Snowbirds! October, 2016 Ethical Precepts of Yoga By Linda Kay If you wish to receive your Leisure Village West News while you are away, please do the following: • Purchase 9” x 12” or 10” x 13” manila envelopes. • Address the envelopes with your name and out-of-town address. Please print clearly. • In the lower left corner, print the month of the issue you want sent; one for each month that you will be away, i.e., one envelope for December, another for January, February, etc. • Affix $2.24 in stamps on each envelope. • Bring your envelopes to the Leisure Village West News office in the Association building.The staff will do the mailing for you. *Please note: The Leisure Village West News is also available on-line @ www. lvwcreeper.com. After login, simply click “Downloads” and Leisure Village West News Magazine. Volunteers Make A Difference The deadline for the Leisure Village West News is BY or BEFORE the FIRST of EACH MONTH for the following month’s publication “You, who are on the road, must have a code that you can live by.” (“Teach Your Children,” music and lyrics by Graham Nash.) When yoga practitioners are looking for a set of guidelines for living, they turn to Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. There are five Yamas, which are expressed in the negative, as things to refrain from doing. They are: • Ahimsa: non-violence • Satya: non-falsehood, truthfulness. • Asteya: non-stealing. • Brahmacārya: non-promiscuousness, sexual restraint, marital fidelity, chastity. • Aparigraha: non-greediness, non-possessiveness. The other side of the coin are the five Niyamas, things to do. They are: • Śauca: be pure and clear of mind, speech and body. • Santoṣa: be content, accept others and your own circumstances, be hopeful for yourself. • Tapas: be self-disciplined, persist in meditation, and persevere. • Svādhyāya: reflect carefully on your thoughts, speech and actions. • Īśvarapraṇidhāna: contemplate God/Supreme Being, Brahman, True Self, Unchanging Reality. By way of comparison, briefly, the Ten Commandments have these prohibitions: • Don’t worship false gods; make graven images; or take God’s name in vain • Don’t kill; commit adultery, steal; lie; or covet And these prescriptions: • Keep God’s day holy • Honor your father and mother There are some interesting comparisons to be made here, which I leave to you. Beginners are more than welcome at our yoga classes. You will need comfortable, unrestricting clothing and a yoga mat; some also bring water bottles. If you’ve ever wondered if yoga is for you, why not give it a try? We’d be happy to have you join us. Our free volunteer-led yoga classes are at Leisure Fair on Wednesdays from 10 to 11 a.m. and Saturdays from 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. See the Creeper for paid classes. October, 2016 Leisure Village West News Page 17 The following are programs offered at the Manchester Library, 21 Colonial Drive (next to town hall). For registration/information, call 732-657-7600 or visit www.theoceancountylibrary.org. October 13 & 27 at 2 p.m., Chicks with Sticks- A Knitting and Crocheting Group. Also Wednesdays at 6 p.m. Computer classes are offered on various dates and times. Classes include, mouse, internet, website creation, Microsoft Word and Google. October 18 at 2 p.m., Living an Active Life with Parkinson Disease. Please register. Appointments are available for E-Reader/Tablet/ iPad/Kindle assistance; borrowing library books with your electronic devices, as well as assistance with genealogy research. Tuesdays at 6 p.m., Mahjong Club. Fridays at noon, Chess Club. October 1 – 22: The works of Joan Weiss will be displayed in the meeting room. Reception, October 1 at 2 p.m. October 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31 at 2 p.m., Why We Fight Film Series. A seven week series of films directed by Frank Capra and commissioned by the U.S. government during WWII. Please register. October 4 at 9 a.m., Free Wellness Screenings. Ocean Medical Center will provide screenings for blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose, stroke risk, and pulse and body max index, no fasting required, timed slots. Please register. October 4 at 10:15 a.m., Book Discussion. “Call the Midwife: A Memoir” by Jennifer Worth At 2 p.m., Writer’s Circle. October 6 at 10 a.m., Using Hoopla to Download Multimedia onto Your Mobile Device. Please register. At 1 p.m., Throwback Thursday – The Maltese Falcon (1941). At 2 p.m., Get Ready for Baseball. Discuss all things baseball. Please register. October 7 at 2 p.m., Five Wishes. Presented by an expert in hospice care the five wishes document states how you are to be treated if you become seriously ill. Please register. October 14 & 28 at 1 p.m., Quilting Bee. October 20 at 10 a.m., Using Hoopla to Download Multimedia onto Your Mobile Device. Please register. At 2 p.m., Book Chat. October 21 at 10 a.m., 10/21, Career Guidance and Job Search Assistance Using the Career Connections Website. Please register. At 2 p.m., Calming Coloring. Please register. October 22 at 10 a.m., Digital Media: A Fundraiser by the Friends of the Manchester Library. Bring in your older VHS family films to be converted to DVD for a fee. October 24 at 6 p.m., Beginner Ballet for Adults. Please register. October 25 at 2 p.m., Dining Etiquette Workshop. Learn proper dining etiquette for your next dinner or holiday party, alert staff of food allergies. Please register. October 27 at 10 a.m., Spotlight On: Windows™ 10. Please register. Feature Films are shown on Wednesdays at 2:30 and 6 p.m. as follows: October 5, “Money Monster” October 12, “Me Before You” October 19, Foreign Film, “Sea Fog” Korean with English subtitles. October 26, “Genius” Page 18 Leisure Village West News October, 2016 ads-161 October, 2016 Leisure Village West News Page 19 O’MALLEY, SURMAN & MICHELINI Attorneys at Law Will be closing their offices at: Leisure Village West 3-B Buckingham Drive Manchester, NJ 08759 (732) 657-6499 and Cedarcrest Professional Building 75 Lacey Road Whiting, NJ 08759 (732) 350-7210 as of September 30, 2016 They will continue in the general practice of law at their main office: 17 Beaverson Boulevard Brick, NJ 08723 (732) 477-4200 All client files are being maintained at the Brick office Edwin J. o’Malley, Jr. Gregory A. Surman Joseph Michelini Jill L. Thiemann Susan E. DiMaria Ad - spc-1017 Page 20 Leisure Village West News October, 2016 Crossword Puzzle Solution on page 56 Across 1. Surname of A Beautiful Mind actor 6. Actress, Cameron ___ 10. Bivouac 14. Invigorate 15. Land measure 16. Finished 17. Rewrite 18. Chow ___ 19. Show excessive affection 20. Fertile plain 21. Expensive 23. Anger 24. Writing fluid 27. Highest mountain in Wales 29. Surname of Rocky actor 34. Volcanic debris 35. Earth has a north and south 36. Opening 38. TV serials 42. Golfclub 43. Type of tree 45. Fiend 46. Adolescent years 48. Trot 49. Bow of a ship 50. Belonging to us 52. Surname of Oscar-winning Good WIll Hunting actor 54. Wander 58. Coloring material 59. Nightmare street 60. Disparaging remark 62. Accumulate 67. Gemstone 69. Part of the eye 71. Personal attendant 72. Notion October, 2016 Leisure Village West News Page 21 Crossword Puzzle 73. Simplicity 74. Composition 75. Limited period of time 76. Leaping insect 77. Laurel Hedare in the 2004 movie, Catwoman, Sharon ___ Down 1. Clothed 2. First American woman in space, Sally ___ 3. English cricket ground, sounds geometric 4. Cried 5. Imply 6. Water barrier 7. Frozen 8. Star sign 9. Light quilted fabric 10. Fish 11. Obviate 12. French Underground railway 13. Clean with a bill 22. Surname of Lady Sings the Blues star 25. Kind of star 26. Sound of a bell 28. First name of Sister Act actress 29. Skewer 30. Ripped 31. Succulent plant 32. Surname of ex-Beatle 33. Empower 37. Lukewarm 39. Site of the Taj Mahal 40. School dance 41. Darns 44. Depend 47. Foam 51. Respite 53. Departs 54. Virtue 55. Evade 56. Translucent fossil resin 57. Pertaining to country life 61. Ascent 63. Vertical spar 64. As well as 65. Former Bond actor, ___ Connery 66. Eye infection 68. Edible tuber 70. Expanse of water 2016 Guidelines for Holiday Decorations In recognizing residents’ desires to celebrate generally recognized holidays with decorations, the following guidelines are issued to allow community spirit. • The display of decorations should be limited to 4 weeks prior to the holiday and be removed within 2 weeks after the holiday • For safety reasons decorations are to be limited to the planting area (5’ area) associated with each unit • No decorations can be placed on gutters or the roof • Decorations should be in good taste and not be so overbearing to annoy neighbors • Decorations should not be distracting to drivers, i.e. flashing lights • Decorations cannot be placed where they may hamper maintenance operations Page 22 Leisure Village West News October, 2016 Trips & Tours Travel & Cruise Center ! ! ! r a e Y th 8 2 r u O g Celebratin Certified Cruise Disney Vacation Planner Specialists We Specialize in Groups, European River Cruises Family Reunions and Escorted & Independent Destination Weddings Tours Also voted Best of the Best Travel Agency 2007 through 2015 Business Hours Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm Saturday & Evenings By Appointment Come Visit Our Office !! Call Toll Free: 877-758-0235 ads-3696 304 Union Ave / Hwy 71 Brielle 732-223-5565 October, 2016 Leisure Village West News Page 23 Willow Lake Boating Rules Leisure Village West Association boats are available for use under the following conditions. Boats are available for use from April 15 through October 15. 1. Each boat must be restricted to four passengers, of which not more than two are adults. 2. Each boat occupant must wear a life jacket when in a boat. Life jackets are kept in the Gazebo on the pier. 3. Boats must be docked and entered from the shore line, not from the dock. 4. Boating is restricted to daylight hours. 5.Upon return, boats are to be pulled out of the water onto shore. Oars are to be placed Dispose of Flags Properly! inside boat. Life jackets are to be returned to specified area of Gazebo. 6. Guests under 6 years of age are not permitted in the boats. Guests from 6 to 16 years of age must be accompanied by an adult. 7. All guests must be accompanied by a resident. 8. No swimming or wading in any body of water other than the Village pools. 9. No standing in boats. 10.No one shall go out in a boat alone. Reminder: Willow Hall Parking Thirty minute parking spaces at Willow Hall are reserved for residents conducting limited transactions within the clubhouse. We ask that all residents comply with this regulation. JACK OF ALL TRADES Please see the receptionists at Willow Hall and Club Encore to dispose of worn American Flags properly. They will collect the flags for proper disposal. Thank you, VFW Post 7904 AND MASTER OF MOST No job too big or too small Over 25 years in business Painting, Paper Hanging, Carpentry, Repairs, Landscaping, etc. Eugene J Steinhilber LLC 732-349-5174 HIC Reg# 13VH05551400 Bulletin Size Papers spc-899c Ad 468 Not valid on after hours or weekend services. Expires 10/31/2016 Ad 468 but have trouble HEAT Are you constantly Do people seem to mumble? asking (with repair) VILLAGE WEST people to repeat themselves? Does your family complain Page 24 Leisure Village West News October, 2016 CONTRACT nderstanding the words? you play TV too loud? Are you struggling to hear at family Call for Details ple seem to mumble? Are you constantly gatherings, meetings or at church? Do you avoid social 891 Route 37 west, Toms River, NJ 08755 WHITING situations that were once enjoyable? WE CAN HELP! people to repeat themselves? Does your 1-800-688-TEMP offer the CARE complain732-349-1448 youFOOT play TV toowww.caretemp.com loud? Are you 732-657-8367 We$150 OFFfollowing $150 OFF services available to GASall! BOILER/ CENTRAL AIR √ CERTIFIED & TECHNICALLY TRAINED ing to hear at family gatherings, meetings or Central Air Conditioning • Boilers • Furnaces DR. B. MEYERBERG ■ Complimentary Hearing Test & Consultation PROFESSIONALS FURNACE CONDITIONING ch? Do you avoid social situations Heatthat Pumpswere • Hot Water Heaters ■ Free 2 Week Trial on all Hearing Aids -PodiatristPayment Required REPLACEMENT √ SAME DAYCAN SERVICEHELP! / REPLACEMENTS FansNo Upfront REPLACEMENT njoyable? WE Gentle CareTankless In AWater Heaters • Attic ■ ■ No Restocking Fees if you're not satisfied Oil/Gas/Propane Conversions √ FULLY LICENSED / FULLY INSURED Warm Atmosphere ■ Free Lifetime Service & Free Batteries for 3 years Air Cleaners • Dryer Vents • Humidifi ersInterest and Low Interest Financing Serving The Community for 20 Years ■ No √ SERVICE & INSTALL ALL MAKES & Tune-Ups • Service Plans TANKLESS GAS MODELS NEW INSTALL OF AIR NEW LOCATION HOT WATER SYSTEM We offer the following services available to- all! 413 Lakehurst Rd. Suite 300 √ FREE ESTIMATES ONToms REPLACEMENTS River, &N.J. 08755 $100 OFF $250 OFF Whiting Hearing Aid Center CONDITIONING OR1985. We provide the absolute best in hearing aid dispensing and service since FREE 2nd Opinion NEWHearing INSTALLATIONS plimentary Test & Consultation HOUSE 1-888-763-FOOT 2 Week TrialCALLS on all Hearing Aids (3668) AVAILABLE NJ HIC #13VH02253000 pfront Payment Required Laser Treatments forFINANCING AVAILABLE Michael J. Belanger, NJ Master Plumbing LIC# 9465 Fungal Toe Nails RT Fees Brown, NJ estocking if Electrical you're LIC# not 10584 satisfied ads-1101E spc-395B Whiting Hearing Aid Center 732-350-7733 400 Lacey Rd., Unit 2, Whiting OUR OTHER LOCATIONS: MEDFORD • COLUMBUS • BRIDGETON Senior scottwilsonhearingaids.com 732-657-8367 eive $500 732-349-1448 OFF with 1-800-688-TEMP www.caretemp.com tase Wilson,of Owner, NJ Lic #484&•TECHNICALLY W. C. “Chuck”TRAINED Hannold, NJ Central Lic #990Air• Conditioning Hearing Aid Dispensers a√ CERTIFIED complete CVS • Boilers • Furnaces PROFESSIONALS Heat Pumps • Hot Water Heaters Fitter ®√ SAME system. DAY SERVICE / REPLACEMENTS Tankless Water Heaters • Attic Fans 891 Route 37 west, Toms River, NJ 08755 Publishing HEATING SYSTEM OR 732-350-7733 $50 OFF GAS2,CONVERSION 400 Lacey Rd., Unit Whiting GAS HOT WATER HEATER OUR OTHER LOCATIONS: COUPONS MUST BE PRESENT WHEN SIGNING CONTRACT MEDFORD • COLUMBUS • BRIDGETON and may not be used for prior services/installations. Coupons do not scottwilsonhearingaids.com expire, except service call coupon. Scott Wilson, Owner, NJ Lic #484 • W. C. “Chuck” Hannold, NJ Lic #990 • Hearing Aid Dispensers KNOLL oCEAN WEST NEWS Call NOW for a FREE in-home 1-855-560-8710 consulation 1-855-560-8710 Mention Senior Publishing and receive $500 OFF with a purchase of a complete Bath Fitter ® system. On complete tub or shower, wall and valve.Coupon must be presented at time of consultation only. Offer applied to same day purchase. SANDPIPER • WEDGEWOOD WESTWORD • WOODLAKE HORI COUNTRY CALLER • COUNT CRESTWOOD SUN • ECHOES O SouTH PAPERS RESTWOOD SUN Crestwood $150 OFF Greenbriar $250 OFF Leisure Knoll $150 OFF Leisure Village East Leisure Village ori √ FULLY LICENSED / FULLY INSURED e tub or shower, wall and SERVICE & INSTALL ALL MAKES & on must be√ presented at MODELS ultation only. Offer applied √ FREE ESTIMATES ON REPLACEMENTS y purchase. & NEW INSTALLATIONS CoDE SP Oil/Gas/Propane Conversions Air Cleaners • Dryer Vents • Humidifiers Tune-Ups • Service Plans FINANCING AVAILABLE FREE 2nd Opinion FREE FREE HEAT CONTRACT Call for Details SERVICE CALL (with repair) Not valid on after hours or weekend services. Expires 10/31/2016 $100 OFF GAS BOILER/ FURNACE REPLACEMENT TANKLESS GAS HOT WATER SYSTEM OR $50 OFF GAS HOT WATER HEATER CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING REPLACEMENT NEW INSTALL OF AIR CONDITIONING OR HEATING SYSTEM OR GAS CONVERSION COUPONS MUST BE PRESENT wHEN SIGNING CONTRACT and may not be used for prior services/installations. Coupons do not expire, except service call coupon. NJ HIC #13VH02253000 RT Brown, NJ Electrical LIC# 10584 Michael J. Belanger, NJ Master Plumbing LIC# 9465 ads-1101E KN CoDE SP Ingrown Toenails Burning Feet Lifetime Service & Free Batteries for 3 years Heel Pain Diabetic Foot Care Corns nterest and Low Interest FinancingFoot Pain Fungal Nails Callouses Provider of Diabetic Wound Care Shoes and Insoles Vascular & Nerve Radiograph Testing e the absolute best in hearing aid dispensing and service since 1985. Examination OR GREENBRIAR TIMES • HC BULLE LAKE RIDGE VIEWS • LEISU LION HEADLINES • L MASS AVE VALUE CO METEDECONK MOMENTS • MIR OUTLOOK • PARK ECHO • PO SOUTHWIND • BERKELEY REPO LVW THE October, 2016 Leisure Village West News Page 25 Street Photography There are many nice photo opportunities around us every day. If you take the time to look, you’ll find some interesting shots in your own neighborhood. Things to look for are leading lines, repeating patterns, reflections, and colorful subjects. Walkways and flower beds make great leading lines. Stairs and fences are samples of repeating patterns. Flowers and street art are often colorful, and bodies of water are good for reflections. That’s it for this month. You can email me with any questions at bill@KirmsPhotography.com. If you’d like to see more of my images you can visit my site at www.KirmsPhotography.com. Remember to keep shooting and trying to improve your images, but most importantly, have fun with your camera. Page 26 Leisure Village West News October, 2016 Recreation Mary Lighthipe, Director The delightful season of autumn is upon us, as memories of busy summer days fade away. Scarlet maple trees decorate the landscape as amber leaves softly drift to the ground. Pumpkins, scarecrows and goblins appear everywhere. Enjoy the colors and warmth of this wonderful time of year. The Recreation Department extends best wishes for a Happy New Year to those residents celebrating Rosh Hashanah. As fall approaches, our thoughts turn to social gatherings, club meetings and the many exciting events planned by the Recreation Department. Our beautiful Greenhouse will open for the season. Last, but not least, remember to get your annual flu shot!! Maxim Health System will administer Flu and Pneumonia vaccines at Club Encore on Thursday, October 6 and Friday, October 7 from 9 a.m. to 3p.m. Medicare participants Part B Medical requires no charge, while the Non-Medicare participants rate is $30 per person. Maxim will bill Medicare Part B or contracted HMO’s for recipients who have coverage and who provide proper documentation as proof of such coverage. Please remember to wear short sleeves. As part of their commitment to the community, U. S. Security will be hosting a “Shredding Event” on October 7 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Encore back parking lot. All residents are urged to come by, meet your gate attendants who will assist in destroying unneeded sensitive material in a safe and secure manner. A mobile shredding unit will be provided for community use. See ad in this issue for compete details. Fred Miller will present his much awaited Lecturesin-Song program at our Friday Social on October 14 at 1:30 p.m. in Club Encore. Singer/pianist/narrator, Fred Miller presents “Try to Remember,” the youth culture takes over the music scene. He covers 1957 through 1964, seven years presented almanac style year by year. Follow American popular song from the Eisenhower years to the British Invasion. The Baby Boomers witnessed the rise of Motown, the California Sound and the Beatles arrival in 1964. Don’t miss this outstanding musical program. The Greenhouse will open for the season on Friday, October 14. Greenhouse hours are 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Any changes to the schedule will be posted on the creeper. Showtime! Join us on Saturday, October 22 at 8 p.m. in Club Encore for a spectacular show “The Piano Man Tribute Band” starring Robert Eric. Regarded as one the of best Billy Joel tribute acts in the business, they had the privilege of a warm up for Billy Joel at the Wachovia Center. Robert Eric’s Piano Man Tribute Band performs regularly throughout the New York metropolitan area beginning their career playing on Long Island. The act is well known at Atlantic City casinos and along the Jersey Coast. This will be the last Showtime of 2016 and sure to be a sell-out performance! Tickets will be sold at both clubhouses. Our Sunday dinner will take us to the popular Jack Baker’s Wharfside Restaurant located in Point Pleasant on October 16. Treat yourself to a day out while leaving the driving to us. Tickets are $4 per person for the bus only and dinner will be on your own. Our monthly movie will be shown in the afternoon for the fall and winter months. Plan to join us for this month’s feature “Nice Guys” starring Russell Crowe and Ryan Gosling on Saturday, October 15 at 2 p.m. at Willow Hall. A mismatched pair of private eyes investigate a missing girl in this comedy/thriller. Mark your calendars for our Annual Senior Expo, which will take place at our Encore Clubhouse on Saturday, November 12 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. This informational day is a favorite with residents. Admission is free and prizes are awarded throughout the day. Look for details in the flyer included in this issue. Continued on page 27 October, 2016 Leisure Village West News Recreation Continued from page 26 Our celebration of the season continues when we depart for the Radio City Music Hall on Tuesday, December 13. A very special “Stage Door Tour” is included as we go behind the scenes of the legendary music hall. Our guided tour will reveal the fascinating history, exquisite décor and secrets of the “Great Stage.” Following the tour, sit back and enjoy the spectacular show featuring the world famous Rockettes. This blockbuster show continues to be a favorite holiday event for millions. After the show we will depart for the award winning Stage Door Deli to enjoy dinner on your own. Plans are underway for our New Year’s Eve Dance at Willow Hall sponsored by the Recreation Department. A deluxe buffet dinner will be served by Tuscany Restaurant of Brick featuring a delicious assortment of hot entrées as well as a carving station. Live entertainment by “Wild Rose” will complete the evening. We hope you will choose to stay close to home and ring in 2017 with us. Details will follow next month. Page 27 CLOSED. The Village bus will run and follow the normal Monday schedule. Township Recycling dates are October 12 and 26. LVW Newspaper Recycling: Recycling will be held at the Encore parking lot on the following days: Wednesday October 5 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday: October 6 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday: October 7 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. We collect magazines and phone books. No glass, no plastic, no aluminum and no garbage please! The container will be open at all other times for deposit of paper products. Reminder: Election Day is November 8. Districts 21, 22 and 23 vote at Leisure Fair. Districts 28 and 29 vote at Encore. Polls are open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Recreation Notices Monday, October 10 is Columbus Day. All Association Offices and Departments will be Leisure Village West Red Cross Blood Drive Sponsored by the Service Club Tuesday, October 18 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. * * WILLOW HALL * * Looking for a few good men and women willing to donate blood. Blood draws will be conducted in the Willow Hall auditorium. For an appointment please call Judy Langreich at 732-657-6109 Page 28 Leisure Village West News October Meeting Schedule October, 2016 October, 2016 Leisure Village West News October Meeting Schedule (Continued) Page 29 Page 30 Leisure Village West News October Meeting Schedule (Continued) October, 2016 October, 2016 Leisure Village West News Page 31 Page 32 Leisure Village West News October, 2016 VILLAGE BUS - SPECIAL TRIPS The date for CHRISTMAS TREE SHOP/COSTCO/TARGET is Tuesday, October 4 MARQUEE/WALGREENS is Tuesday, October 11 & October 25 The date for the FREEHOLD MALL trip is Thursday, October 13 The date for the LACEY MALL trip is Tuesday, October 18 Riders may board the bus at their usual bus stops as per the bus schedule. QIGONG Qigong class is offered on Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. in Willow Hall Rooms A&B for a fee of $10 pay as you go. Qigong is a practice of aligning breathing, movement and awareness for exercise, healing and meditation. It involves rhythmic breathing coordinated with slow stylized repetition of fluid movement. Class is taught by Darren Orr, Doctor of Chinese Medicine in Medical QiGong, Therapy, Massage Therapist, Reiki and QiGong Master, Meditation teacher, Sound Healer. All residents are welcome. SUNDAY DINNER “Jack Baker’s Wharfside” Point Pleasant October 16 at 1 p.m. $4 per person (BUS ONLY) Note: This trip is taken on the Village bus, which begins at Willow Hall and circles the Village following its regular route. Purchase tickets at the office. Tickets are not sold on the bus. KITCHEN OPEN WITH COFFEE AND DONUTS ADMISSION $2 WITH DOUBLE CARD REGULAR BINGO PRIZE - $25 MINIMUM SPECIAL BINGO PRIZE - $25 MINIMUM LAST GAME - $25 – REGULAR BINGO $50 – ROUND ROBIN AND $100 – FULL CARD WITH SUPER JACKPOT STARTING AT $250 CONSOLATION PRIZE $50 JOIN US AT WILLOW HALL October 5 and October 19 DOORS OPEN 6:15 p.m. GAMES START 7 p.m. October, 2016 Leisure Village West News Page 33 Recreation Department Sponsored Dance Classes Social Ballroom Dance class is held in Willow Hall on Mondays from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. with instructor Richard Horblit. The Line Dance class on Tuesdays, except the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. in Willow Hall with instructors Rosemarie Jenik and Linda Labita. Social Free Style Dance class is held in Leisure Fair on Wednesdays from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. with instructor Richard Horblit. Classes are free of charge and all residents are welcome to attend. GENERAL ELECTION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8 Polls are open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Please note: Districts 21, 22 and 23 vote at Leisure Fair Districts 28 and 29 vote at Club Encore LEISURE FAIR WILL BE CLOSED TO ALL ACTIVITIES DUE TO THE ELECTION. A N EVENING AT T H E M O V I E S “The Nice Guys” Starring Russell Crowe, Ryan Gosling, Angourie Rice. A mismatched pair of private eyes investigate the apparent suicide of an adult film star in 1970s Los Angeles. R 116 minutes Saturday, October 15 Willow Hall Auditorium at 2 p.m. No tickets required. Seating will be on a first come basis. Page 34 Leisure Village West News October, 2016 MAXIM HEALTH SYSTEM FLU VACCINES AT CLUB ENCORE TWO DATES ARE AVAILABLE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6TH FROM 9 A.M. TO 3 P.M. AND FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7TH FROM 9 A.M. TO 3 P.M. Take a shot at Good Health this winter. Maxim Health Systems, America's leading immunization and wellness provider, will administer Flu vaccines. Medicare participants Part B Medical requires no charge, while the Non-Medicare participants rate is $30.pp for Influenza. Maxim will bill Medicare Part B or contracted HMO's for recipients that have coverage and who provide proper documentation as proof of such coverage. Convenient, hassle-free clinic operations will be offered with extended hours on TWO dates. “REMEMBER TO WEAR SHORT SLEEVES PLEASE” Singer/pianist/narrator, Fred Miller presents a unique program “Try to Remember” 1957 through 1964, seven years presented almanac style year by year. Follow American popular song from the Eisenhower years to the British invasion. The Baby Boomer’s witnessed the rise of Motown, the California sound and the Beatles arrival in 1964. Don’t miss this outstanding musical program as we walk down memory lane. October 14 Encore at 1:30 p.m. $5 per person No refunds – If you are unable to attend, the Recreation Office will attempt to re-sell your ticket if there is a waiting list. October, 2016 Leisure Village West News Page 35 Featuring the Incredible Robert Eric “The Piano Man Tribute Band” starring Robert Eric is regarded as one the of best Billy Joel tribute acts in the business. They had the privilege of a warm up for Billy Joel at the Wachovia Center. An evening of entertainment not to be missed! Saturday, October 22 8 p.m. at Encore Tickets: $15 per person TICKETS ON SALE DAILY AT WILLOW & ENCORE TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AT WILLOW HALL AND CLUB ENCORE. WATCH CREEPER FOR DATE AND TIME OF TICKET SALE. NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN. IF YOU CANNOT ATTEND, WE WILL ATTEMPT TO RE-SELL YOUR TICKET IF THERE IS A WAITING LIST. Page 36 Leisure Village West News October, 2016 Octobe Sunday Monday Tuesday Wedne October 1 - Deadline for November Leisure Village West News 2 Happy Rosh Hashanah 3 4 10am Helping Hands (LF) 1pm & 6pm KLVTW-TV (W) 6:30pm Bocce Club (E) 9 10 Bocce Club AC Trip 11 2pm Columbiettes (E) 2pm Current Events (W) 7pm Knights of Columbus (E) 7pm LVW Veterans Club (W) 17 24 1st Aid Bus Trip Dover Downs (overnight) 1pm & 6pm KLVW-TV (W) 2pm Current Events (W) 7pm Nature Club (W) 7pm Model Railroad Club (W) 7:30pm K of C (E) 30 Sunday 11am-2pm Table Shuffleboard (LF) 2:30-4:30 pm Ping-Pong (LF) Township R 1:30pm 1st Aid Aux 5:30pm ORT Break 7pm Golf Club (W) 7pm Book Discussio 1pm Cooking Club (W) 6pm ENC Core Group (W) 6:30pm Line Dance (W) 19 8am-1pm Red Cross Blood Dr (W) 10am Financial Club (E) 1pm & 6pm KLVW-TV (W) 2pm Caritas Guild (E) 6:30pm Line Dance (W) 25 31 Happy Halloween EVERY EVERY Monday 8:30am Yoga (LF) 9-11 am VISTON (W) 10 am Ladies Exercise (W) 11am & 2 pm Ceramics (W) 11am-12pm Zumba (W) 12 pm Bridge (LF) 1 pm Model Railroad (W) 1:30-3 pm Ballroom Dance-“Variety” (W) 7 pm 99Cards (LF) 1pm Trustee Meetin 7pm Bingo (W) 26 Township R 1:30pm Studio C (W 9:30am Service Club (W) 1pm & 6pm KLVW0-TV (W) 1:30pm Garden Club (W) 7pm Players Club (W) 1pm & 6pm KLVW-TV (W) EVERY 12 18 Travelers Club - Woodloch Pines 1pm & 6pm KLVW-TV (W) 6:30pm Hadassah (W) 6:30pm Italian American Club (E) 23 Your Grand 1pm Trustee Meeting ( 7pm Bingo (W) 1pm & 6pm KLVW-TV (W) 2pm Farmers Club (LF) 6:30pm Line Dance (W) Columbus Day - All Offices Closed 10am Breast Cancer Support Grp (E) 16 1pm Sunday Dinner Bus 5 Tuesday Recurring EVERY Wedn 8-11 am (Monmouth Med. So.) Blood Draw Service (W) 9am-12 pm Ping-Pong (LF) 9:30am Westernaires (LF) 10:30 am QiGong (W) 1-3pm Balance Class (W) 2-4 pm Ping-Pong (LF) 6 pm Duplicate Bridge (LF) 7 pm Card Games (E) 9-11 am VISTON ( 9:30 am Stained Gl 8:30am & 10 am Y 10am Low Impact 10am & 1 pm Cera 11:30am-12:30pm (LF) 1 pm Chess (E) 1 pm Quilters (E) 6 pm Briscola (LF) October, 2016 Leisure Village West News Page 37 er 2016 Friday esday Thursday 3pm Irish American Club Murder Mystery (W) Deadline for Leisure Village West News November Edition 6 Rec Hudson River Cruise Trip dmother’s Cupboard 9am-3pm Flu Shots (E) (W) 1pm Arts & Crafts (LF) 1pm & 6pm KLVW-TV (W) 2pm Fishing Club (W) 7:30pm ORT (E) Recycling x. (W) the Fast (E) on (W) 13 Recycling W) K of C AC Trip 2pm Fishing Club Clinic (W) 2pm Travel Club (LF) 2:30pm Writers Group (E) 7pm Tennis Club (E) 1pm & 6pm KLVW-TV (W) 1pm Arts & Crafts (LF) 1pm Irish American Club (W) 2pm Mahjong (E) 6:30pm Farmers Club Cheese & Crackers (E) 7:30pm RV Club (W) 27 nesday (W) lass (E) Yoga (LF) (E) amics (W) Free Style Dance EVERY Thursday 10 am Art Class (W) 10 am Stress Management Class (W) 10 am Computer Lessons (E) 10am-12 pm Table Shuffleboard (LF) 10:30am Minyonettes (LF) 2pm-4pm Ping-Pong (LF) 6 pm Bridge (LF) 6 pm Duplicate Bridge (LF) 8 7pm Dance Club (W) 15 Greenhouse Opens 1:30pm Friday Social (E) 21 Rec. Trip Lancaster 28 12pm Viston Luncheon (E) 1pm & 6pm KLVW-TV (W) 2:30pm Writers Group (E) 7:30pm Yiddish Club (W) Activities 7 9am-3pm Flu Shots (E) 11:00am - 2pm Shredding Truck (E) 14 20 ng (W) ) Saturday 1 22 Friday 9am-11am VISTON (W) 9-12 Ping-Pong (LF) 9am Low Impact (E) 9:30am TV Crew (W) 9:30am Westernaires (LF) 10 am Art Group (E) 10 am Model Railroad Club(W) 2-4 pm Ping-Pong (LF) 6:30 pm Rummy-Q (LF) 7-9 pm Ping Pong (LF) 8am K of C Breakfast (W) 8pm Showtime (E) 29 10am Blood Pressure Screening (W) 10am Glucose Screening (W) EVERY 2pm Movie (W) 7pm Boomers Masquerade Party (W) EVERYSaturday 9:45am & 11:15 am Yoga (LF) 2-4 pm Ping-Pong (LF) Page 38 Leisure Village West News October, 2016 Presents A perfect program for people who love to have fun and sing the “Good Old Songs.” Come elevate your spirit and enjoy a memorable musical journey. All residents welcome. Willow Hall Auditorium Wednesday, October 26 1:30 p.m. Refreshments Served The show will also be broadcast live on Channel 15. U. S. Security will provide a mobile shredding unit for our residents on Friday, October 7 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Encore back parking lot. Come by, meet your gate attendants and destroy unneeded sensitive documents in a safe and secure manner. Staples, paper clips, binders, and hardcover books can be shredded with this equipment. Cardboard, plastic bags, x-rays, metal, liquids and computer disks are NOT permitted. You will be able to pull up in your vehicle and someone will be available to take the documents out of your car and put them in the shredder. Enjoy refreshments and mingle with the management team of U.S. Security while they provide information on how to deter, detect and defend against identity theft. October, 2016 Leisure Village West News Page 39 Thursday, November 10 Depart Encore: 8 a.m. Cost: $89 per person 9:30-11:45 a.m.: Upon arrival into Philadelphia, our nation’s “City of Brotherly Love” and founded in 1692, admission has been reserved at the National Constitution Center. The 160,000 square foot NCC is devoted to explaining the United States Constitution and what it represents with a variety of special exhibits. Upon arrival we will first visit “Freedom Rising” a multi-media experience taking us on a whirlwind journey from America’s founding to present day, then you will be on your own for exploration of their main exhibit “The Story of We the People” where visitors are guided through the milestones in American history and the relevance of the U.S. Constitution. Next we visit “Signers’ Hall” an iconic attraction featuring 42 life size, bronze statues of the Founding Fathers present at the signing on September 17, 1787 and last, but not least, a guided tour has been reserved at 11 a. m. for their featured exhibit “Headed to the White House.” So relevant to our election season time this exhibit is designed to take all from the campaign trail to Inauguration Day while exploring all aspects of a presidential election. 12 -1:30 p.m.: A hearty family style feast has is waiting at Famous Dave’s BBQ. Known as the “All American BBQ” the included lunch will feature St. Louis Style Spareribs, Country Roasted Chicken, Texas Beef Brisket, Creamy Coleslaw, Wilbur Beans, Potato Salad, Sweet Corn, Corn bread and Bread Pudding bites for dessert as well as soft drinks. 2-4 p.m.: Our final stop on this interesting day will be the Penn Museum, formally known as the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. This fascinating museum features three floors of gallery space featuring artifacts and materials from the ancient Mediterranean World, Egypt, the Near East, Mesopotamia, South and East Asia, Africa and Native America. Upon arrival our group will be divided into two groups with alternating times of the tour and museum visit with a docent led one hour guided tour of their spectacular feature exhibit, The Golden Age of King Midas. This world exclusive exhibition is a chance to view more than 120 dazzling objects, including those from the royal tomb, on special loan from Turkish museums. One hour is also reserved for a self-guided tour through the museum. NO REFUNDS GIVEN – If you are unable to go on this trip, the Recreation Office will attempt to resell your ticket. Expo Productions Ltd. and Leisure Village West Present THE JERSEY SHORE FALL EXPO at Club Encore on Saturday, November 12 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. ***Free Admission***Giveaways Galore*** All residents and their families are invited. Prizes every 15 minutes House Gifts, Travel Gifts, Surprise Gifts, Goodie Baskets, Dinners for Two, Gift Certificates and much more! Come to Club Encore and meet….. Health Care Professionals, Store Representatives, Travel Consultants, Home Improvement, Financial Advisors, Care Givers, Assisted Living Page 40 Leisure Village West News October, 2016 October, 2016 Leisure Village West News Boomers Club By Phyllis Brown By all accounts, the August Boomers party was our best one ever. Two tables plus of ‘newcomers’ was just the beginning of the night. We danced, laughed and really enjoyed the music. People shared their snacks, sampled drinks from their buddies and took lots of pictures that were quickly posted on ‘the Unofficial LVW Face Book Page’ for everyone to enjoy. Many thanks to Lois Marino and Chrissy Giglio for getting such great shots. Our leaders, Rose and George Jenik had not just one, but two surprises for our group. First came Dave Sneddon who, without the white jeweled jumpsuit, channeled his inner Elvis and treated us to some of Elvis’s favorite songs. The next surprise was “Redbird.” Danielle and John Rozinski are new to the Village and the singing duo brought the house down with their rendition of “Bobby McGee.” Danielle and John perform at Albert Hall in Waretown and hopefully we will hear them at some of the clubs here in LVW. Thank you Rose and George for continuing to make the Boomers the super group it has become. Our 5th Annual Masquerade is on Saturday, October 29 in Willow Hall. You must wear a mask to get in, but don’t stop there, costumes are the way to go! There will be prizes for the most original, funny, and sexy outfits! As always, there were free door prizes donated by members and if you wish to contribute please email boomerslvw@gmail.com. Thanks to everyone for such a wonderful night. Page 41 Page 42 Leisure Village West News October, 2016 Italian-American Social Club By Kathy Maiocco The Italian American Social Club extends its deepest sympathies to the fmily and friends of Joe Lambro who passed away on August 16. Joe was instrumental in organizing the Executive Committee of the current Italian American Social Club. He was working on a mini vacation package as a club trip. We will make every effort to see this trip come to fruition. He will be missed! Our August 15 fundraiser was a huge success. Thank you to Fran Maresca, who beautifully gift wrapped every piece of cake and to all who supported this fundraiser and baked/donated items. Each piece of cake was delicious. Thanks to Fran Ginsburg, Serena Valenti and Jan Polonoli for their help in selling. Thank you Camille Cecora for your suggestion of an atmosphere of an Italian Trattoria while enjoying cheese and crackers and the smell of baked goods! Thank you to Chrissy Giglio for her great pictures and our hospitality ladies, Grace Asaro, Kay Realmuto and Eileen Krynicki. Dedication such as this is what makes a club succeed. Please submit your suggestions in writing for events you would like to have. Place them in the club’s mailbox in Club Encore. The committee will review to ensure its validity. On Thursday, November 3 our Luncheon and Card Party, which we plan to host annually, will be held in Club Encore at 11:30 a.m. Contact information will be given at our October 17 meeting. Bakers Needed! On Wednesday, November 9 we will host an Atlantic City trip to Resorts Casino and show featuring Karen Grainger, “Lasting Impressions with some Holiday Cheer.” Call Eleanor for availability at 732408-6174. Ticket price is $23 with a return slot play of $10 and show ticket. A very important meeting on Monday, November 21 is our Election and Installation for the Executive Committee for the year 2017. Your vote counts! Our Christmas Party is Monday, December 19. Details to follow at our October meeting. Looking forward to seeing more new members on Monday, October 17. Come join! Club members purchasing the cakes at our sale, which was under the direction of Secretary Fran Maresa. Beautifully wrapped cakes on display during the sale. Fran Ginsberg, Fran Maresca, Janice Polonoli and Serena Valenti working hard at the bake sale. October, 2016 Leisure Village West News Page 43 The Sociables Club You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet! By Seymour Brotman If you thought that our recently completed 9th season that presented multiple singers in all styles, a Broadway Cabaret with New York theatre artists, poetry, musical instrumentals including piano, drums and accordion, dancing, lip syncing and comedy was great, just wait and see what we have in store for our residents in 2017 when we celebrate our Gala 10th Anniversary. Plans are already being made for two major musical productions and two SongFests with some of our Village’s finest performers. The four nights of showtime will be ones you definitely want to attend so make certain to mark your calendars now for our Sunday night dates next year: June 25, July 30, August 27 and September 24. The time and place remain the same, Club Encore Auditorium at 6:55 p.m. with doors open at 6:30 p.m. Admission limited to residents and their visiting guests. Although our schedule is pretty well set we know that cancellations often occur due to various issues so if you are a resident who has never entertained at The Sociables or it’s been a long time since you have please call me at 732-657-4237. Below are photos by Allan Goldberg of our August show and more in the next issue. Page 44 Leisure Village West News October, 2016 Ping-Pong Club A Club Where Everyone Knows Your Name Farewell Summer, Hello Autumn By Marie Lamberti At the last meeting of the Ping Pong Club, President Howie Topchik thanked the following members who were responsible for a delightful picnic: Barbara Corrigan, Millie Agostino, Marie Lamberti Greg Prelich, Don McGuire, Bill Corrigan, Phyllis Brown, Liz Koppel, Phyllis Gudewitz and Charlotte Bonilla. He also introduced new members Frank Artuoro and Jerry Finlayson. They were welcomed with a round of applause. At the September 16 meeting, the Nominating Committee presented the first reading of the slate of officers for the 2017 term. Election of officers will take place at the November 18 meeting. Tournament director Greg Prelich spoke on how he prepares the ranking of players for the tournament. He then presented trophies to the following Doubles Tournament winners: Division A & B – Bob Nucci and Sully Sullivan and Division B & C – Bob Hoch and Bob Porter. Thank you Greg for another competitive tournament. The Singles Tournament will take place in October. Check the Ping Pong room blackboard for dates and also to sign in for play. Member Walton Hathaway was applauded for receiving a Platinum Pin at the Volunteer Day Recognition Luncheon. New members are always welcome. See you at the tables. Pictured, from left to right are the Nominating Committee members Bob Hoch, Marie Lamberti and Laura Fischer. Millie Agostino, the Ping Pong Club Poet Laureate. From left to right are Robert Porter, Bob Hoch, Sully Sullivan and Tournament Director Greg Prelich. Leisure Village West News Travel Club By Carole Brown Woodloch Pines: Those going please be sure you have your room number, red tags for your luggage and the information written on them. We leave the village at 8 a.m. and arrive at Woodloch for lunch. Punta Cana: Those who have registered, please note we will have a final meeting on October 24 at 4 p.m. in rooms A & B in Willow Hall. All necessary documents will be handed out at this time. February 27-March 1: Dover Downs Casino and Hotel. Includes bus, 2 nights’ accommodations, tax, resort fee and baggage handling. Daily buffet breakfasts, 1 buffet dinner, $50 per day slot play and optional trip to Dover Mall. Deposit of $50 is due now to hold our rooms. Cost is $230 per person. March/April: Washington D.C. We are still working on this trip. We will be there for the Cherry Blossoms and are trying to have sightseeing tours that all will enjoy. Hopefully our trip will be ready by the November meeting. May 1-5: Rocking Horse Ranch. This trip includes round trip transportation, 4 nights at the ranch, 3 meals daily and snack bar 24/7. Lots of activities that all can enjoy. Cost is $630 per person. June 4-9: Niagara Falls with a stop in Watkins Glen, Finger Lakes. Package includes: Transportation, 1 night at Watkins Glen Harbor Hotel, dinner cruise, breakfast. Three nights Embassy Suites Fallsview Hotel (on Canadian side). Guaranteed view of falls from every room. Includes 3 breakfasts and dinners. This trip is filled with excursions with a step on guide. You can do all, some, or none. Excellent price--$875pp October 16-20: Woodloch Pines. More to follow on this trip. If anyone has suggestions for trips for the Travel Club please let us know. We are working to bring interesting, fun filled trips for the Travel Club members. We look forward to suggestions. Please call Carole at 404-944-9833 with questions, concerns or suggestions. Page 45 Kitchen Refacing or New Kitchen? You know us as the best kitchen Cabinet Refacers in the area... Now, Classic Kitchens also carries new kitchens designed for your community! Come visit our showroom today! LV • Family Owned and Operated • • Quality Work with that Personal Touch! • Countertops Our Specialty! spc-595 October, 2016 3315 Route 37 East, Toms River WE HANDLE IT ALL! 732-831-1999 Serving Leisure Village West ads-555 Just Minutes from Leisure Village West in Manchester Plaza Page 46 Leisure Village West News Paper Recycling Club We need your help when leaving paper, etc. October, 2016 Recycling Club News by Joe Ercolino YES Paper Books Magazines Shredded paper in a paper bag *** Newspapers--tied or in a paper bag *** NO No plastic No Styrofoam No CARDBOARD ***No plastic bags--however if using a plastic bag is more convenient, leave the filled plastic bag just inside the entrance to the truck. Later, a volunteer will empty it. Thank you for your help. What a great summer this has been. It seems everyone has been donating their recycling papers to us. Thank you. Remember, keeping paper products out of our landfills saves us tax dollars and benefits our village. The club has purchased, among other things, the TVs, computers, and defibrillators in the club houses. The paper you donate is turned into useful items we all can use and enjoy. We accept bundled newspapers, magazines, junk mail and soft/hard cover books. We again thank everyone for reducing the amount of shredded paper. Remember, only tax forms, checks and credit card statements need to be shredded. The volunteers are cutting back their presence at the trailer during the cold months. In November we will be at the trailer only on November 10 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. We will happily assist you to lift your bundles out of your car. Also, on the 10th, the truck will pick up papers from our shut-ins. Please, have your papers ready for pick up by 8 a.m. Please, shut-ins, if you will be going away for the winter months call Joe at 732-988-3980 to have your name temporarily removed from our list. Your cooperation is appreciated. l his nd Pet Club By Irene Dissis These Days... I need a doctor who makes House Calls. Visiting Physician Services has provided trusted medical care at home for 20 years. This means fewer hospital visits and more quality time. 732-571-1000 Medicare accepted www.visiting-physician.com Member of VNA Health Group Important notice: The Pet Club will have no meeting this month due to the Jewish holidays. We wish all members who celebrate a Happy, Healthy New Year. May your names be written in the book of Life! In November we will have elections for the 2017 board, a guest speaker from Petsmart and review our spectacular Dog Day Afternoon. Thank you to the many helpful volunteers. You are so appreciated. You made Dog Day a fabulous success! Entertainment & Door Prizes! October, 2016Free Refreshments! Leisure Village West News 732- Page 47 Westernaires www.Hovn Like Us On Facebook: Hovnanian Senior Housing By Kathy Hubany and Barbara Corrigan Ready, set, let’s rehearse. The music is distributed and rehearsals are off to a great start. Welcome to all our new members and we wish you a wonderful, melodious experience with the Westernaires. It was such fun being together with all our members and enjoying the delicious “Welcome Back” Breakfast and sharing our summer stories. We have another enjoyable Holiday Concert planned and our director, Dennis Rittenhouse, is ready to get things started with his usual upbeat enthusiasm. Sarah Hoey is limbering up her talented fingers to play the piano and keep us on key. John Zangara will keep the beat on his drum. Everyone and everything is set to go with all the usual times and places to rehearse. Mark your calendars for the sectional rehearsals which are on Tuesdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. for Bass and Tenors and 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. for Altos and Sopranos. These are held at Leisure Fair. On Fridays we rehearse as a group at Willow Hall from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Please watch for our announcements on our only fundraiser “Trick or Treat Trivia” on Friday, October 28 at Willow Hall from 1 to 4 p.m. Delicious donuts, cider, tea and coffee will be served and prizes will be won. All this for $5 equals a fun afternoon. It is not too soon to mark your calendars for our Holiday Concert which will be Friday, December 2 at 7 p.m.; Saturday, December 3 and Sunday, December 4 at 3 p.m. at Willow Hall. Ticket price is $5 for each show. All Westernaires will have tickets by November or the tickets can be purchased at the door for each performance. You can also consider being a patron in our program for $10 by calling Marie Kearney at 732-600-8053 by early November. Sing a Joyful Song – Sing it out and Sing it Strong. Octoberfest! Where Arbors Care Center 1750 Route 37 West Toms River, NJ When c Authenatni Germ ! Food Thursday, October 14th 1:30PM until 3:00PM ARBORS C A R E C E N T E R In your neighborhood. There when you need us. For over 50 years the Hovnanian Family has been serving the housing needs of our active adults. For two decades we have been serving the same community’s long-term, respite, and post-hospital needs at Arbors Care Center. Arbors Care Center has passed the 2016 New Jersey annual license survey with a PERFECT SCORECARD! The survey’s team leader said, “All the staff treat the residents like family.” Make Arbors Care Center your first choice for your nursing and subacute care needs. The event is FREE, but seats are limited. Please RSVP by 10/12 to reserve your seat: ARBORS CARE CENTER RECEIVES PERFECT REPORT CARD! 732-914-0090 2016 Entertainment & Door Prizes! Free Refreshments! 732-914-0090 Like Us On Facebook: Hovnanian Senior Housing www.HovnanianSeniorHousing.com Ads-217 225 Washington Street Toms River, NJ Leisure Village West News October, 2016 Conveniently located near the Courthouse 732-349-0006 To learn more about our office, visit us at drtoddmanela.com Page 48 Garden Club Bringing Your Plants Inside for the Winter By Yvonne T Huacuja In the flush of spring you had a lot of energy and great ideas for your outside areas. Many of your indoor potted plants found themselves enjoying the outdoors and the plants you had delivered to the greenhouse in the fall were ready to go home. Most of these plants are tropical and they can tolerate up to 45° F and a light frost. The cooler temperature, lower light levels and shorter days trigger the plant into a rest period or dormant phase. Now it is time to prepare to bring these plants back to the refuge of the greenhouse or into your home. There are three kinds of storage spots for plants. Bulbs and tubers like cannas, elephant ears and dahlias need a cool and consistently dark area such as a shed or garage. Citrus, figs, orchids and most succulents can be kept in a cool bright area like an enclosed porch and houseplants need a bright, warm spot. Here are some tips to prepare for this move: Clean up the pots by scrubbing off mold and dirt; remove all the dead leaves and spray the plants with a steady stream of water to knock off pests; finish off the process by spraying the plants with insecticidal soap. After a light frost, bring your tropical plants in to the garage to acclimate them to even lower light, check them again for pests. You may want to put the houseplants that go back in your sunroom or windowsill inside the garage or laundry area for a few days and recheck for pests before bringing them into the house itself. Think Halloween for our October 25 meeting at 1:30 p.m. in Willow Hall. We will distribute flyers announcing the program and please check the creeper. “You’ll want to go to the dentist…..Not have to go” WASHINGTON STREET FAMILY DENTISTRY DR. TODD MANELA, D.D.S. • Preventive Dentistry • Tooth Colored Fillings • Crowns & Bridges • Dentures & Partial Dentures • Extractions • Implant Restorations • Smile Makeover • Root Canal Therapy WHAT OUR PATIENTS SAY……”I want to say with pride that you have done an unbelievable job on everything relating to my teeth and I feel like a newer and younger person.” - Peter G., Toms River PATIENTS WITH INSURANCE WASHINGTON STREET FAMILY DENTISTRY’S FREE CLEANING! INCLUDES EXAM, CLEANING & 4 X-RAYS NON-INSURED PATIENTS EXAM, CLEANING & 4 X—RAYS $150 (REGuLARLY $276) WASHINGTON STREET FAMILY DENTISTRY 225 Washington Street Toms River, NJ Conveniently located near the Courthouse 732-349-0006 To learn more about our office, visit us at drtoddmanela.com Lifetime Warranty October, 2016 Leisure Village West News Page 49 Ove • FREE ESTIMATES • 24 HR SERVICE • PRIVATE DUTY • LIVE-IN • HOUR EXCELLENT CARE NURSE’SLif • FREE LOW-E • Bridge Club – Duplicate Senior Citizen Discounts! RN’S • LPN’S • CERTIFIED AIDES Better Business Bureau® COMPANIONS • DOMESTIC SERVICES Insurance Claims Processed by Sid Klotz spc-226h REGISTRY “Free Nursing Evaluation” All Personnel Thoroughly Screened 1/8 tabloid BONDED, INSURED, NJ STATE LICENSED It’s summer! What can I say? People are wearing sweaters at the evening bridge games. Guess the AC is turned a little high. We’ve been having a regular game of 4 to 7 tables every Tuesday and Thursday. Nothing Serving Monmouth & Ocean Counties unusual, except quarterly club championships on August 11 and 16. Marge DeLucia is the big winner, finishing Phone: 732-928-3805 first both evenings, partnering with Russ Hecht on Augustads-4605 11 and with George August 16. POPetritsch Box 921 on Jackson, N.J. 08527 LEISURE TIMES Make sure you mark your calendar for big events coming up: STaC (Silver Tournament at Clubs) games we will be hosting on October 27 and on November 1; ACBL wide Charity Game will take place on November 22. The Club’s Masterpoint Leaders as of August 31, 2016 are: Year of 2016 through August 31 For the month of August 2016 1. Sid Klotz 26.25 Marge DeLucia 6.00 2. Ann Cottone 24.13 Sid Klotz 4.76 3. William Beuka 19.97 Ann Cottone 3.75 4. Barbara Schpok 17.79 Russ Hecht 3.53 5. Madalyn Crackel 15.96 Barbara Schpok 3.12 6. Adele Shuldman 15.54 Alice Werner 3.09 7. Rita Ellard 15.79 Carol Pedersen 2.84 8. Alice Werner 13.30 George Petritsch 2.79 9. Marge DeLucia 12.74 Adele Shuldman 2.78 10. Mel Traum 12.61 Florence Mintzer 2.75 spc-226h Although the Club is sanctioned by the ACBL, you do not have to join ACBL to belong to the LVW Duplicate Bridge Club. Anyone interested in joining or with questions about the Duplicate Bridge Club, contact Sid Klotz at 732-408-7451; Barbara Schpok at 732-657-2174 or Jackie McGinnis at 732-657-1842. 1/8 bulletin Energy Wise WINDOWS, LLC Since 1984 Lic#13VH03068400 732-349-9595 Better Business Bureau® Patio Doors, Prime Doors EXCELLENT CARE NURSE’S REGISTRY FULL TIME * PART TIME SERVICES SKILLED NURSING/RN’S * LPN’S HOME HEALTH AIDES Ideal Window Over 100,000 Windows Installed HOURLY * LIVE-INS * COMPANIONS Lifetime Warranty • FREE ESTIMATES • • FREE LOW-E • spc-226h Senior Citizen Discounts! E ads-4605 COMPETITIVE RATES All Personnel Thoroughly Screened FULLY INSURED, BONDED NEW JERSEY STATE LICENSED 24 HOUR SERVICE - 7 DAYS A WEEK Monmouth & Ocean County - 732-928-3805 V O Page 50 Leisure Village West News Tool Time Auto Service, LLC If you’re fortunate enough to be able to head south for the winter months or like the rest of us stuck here for the winter plan to stop in to have your vehicle checked out. Proper vehicle maintenance is essential to reducing vehicle expenses. Mention this ad and receive $15 off your next service. when you stop in please check to make sure we have up to date information for you like address phone numbers and e-mail. Tool Time Auto Service 2109 whitesville Road Toms River NJ 08755 732.886.6678 October, 2016 Book Discussion Club By Lorraine Wirths Our first discussion of the season will be at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, October 12. We will be meeting in Rooms A and B of Willow Hall. Our first selection is “Buddy: How a Rooster Made Me a Family Man” by Brian McGory. Brian McGrory thought he had it all figured out: a great job, a condo in Back Bay and his beloved golden retriever Harry by his side. Brian was almost 50 years old and had lived most of his life in large cities. After Harry’s death, McGrory’s life as a bachelor takes quite a turn. He falls in love with Harry’s veterinarian Pam and leaves the city for life in the suburbs with Pam’s two daughters, two dogs, two cats, two rabbits and a snow white, red crested rooster who had been IfBuddy, you’re fortunate enough to be able to head raised from a chick. Buddy is the undisputed chicken forofthe months or like the king the winter house. He is very affectionate withrest Pamof us s andhere the girls to see Harry a rival for but theseems winter plan to asstop in and to have potential Buddyout. would charge and lunge mainten at vehiclethreat. checked Proper vehicle Brian to try to drive him away. Brian went about the is essential to reducing M house with a rolled up newspapervehicle to defendexpenses. himself. this ad and receive $15devotion off your next serv Eventually, Brian sees Buddy’s to Pam and her two girls as a in roleplease model, helping to when you stop checkBrian to make su evolve as a true family man. The book has much huhave up to date information for you like add mor but it is also a look at the challenge in blending phone into an established family.numbers and e-mail. We continue to have more new members, making for lively discussions. Tool Time Auto Service, L Ad 4690 COLBYE732.886.6678 COMMONS ROUTES 70 & 571• MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP ads-1661A Tool Time Auto Service 2109 whitesville Road Toms River NJ 08755 Support Your Local Merchants • $7 Mr. Cuts • New-Tek Nails • Expressive U Gifts • The Vape Spot • Donovan’s Bar & Restaurant • Charles Edwards - A. Salon • Caballero & Sons Pizzeria • Farmers Insurance • On-Call Health Professionals Welcome our newest tenant, On-Call Health Professionals! BELOW: PAPER 01 > LVW Leisure Village West News Page 51 October, 2016 Arts & Crafts We Overlook Nothing But The Harbor... by Phyllis Clemente Teddy Bear Sweater Back and Front (Make 2). Using worsted, with size 7 or 8 needles, cast on 38 sts. Rib 4 rows. Work stockinette st for 5 inches. Bind off. Sleeves (Make 2). Cast on 27 sts, Rib 4 Rows. Stockinette st for 2 inches. Assembly: Sew shoulder seams for ½ inch. Center sleeve at shoulder seam and sew sleeve top to side edge of front and back. Sew side and sleeve seams. To gather the neck, thread 2 strands of yarn on yarn needle. Start at center front and lace through top row of knitting. Leave loose ends, but knot both ends of yarn. The yarn will be tied in a bow when the sweater is on. Double Moss Stitch Baby Hat Cast on 52 sts on size 6 needles. Kl, Pl, Kl to end. Pl, K, P1 to end. Same as 2nd row. Same as 1st row. Repeat these four rows. Happy Crafting! LIC# 13VH06590400 Ad 4775 CONTRACTING General Contractor kitchens/Bathrooms Renovated Hardwood/ Laminate Flooring Installed and Repaired windows/Entry and Storm Doors Installed Call For FREE Estimate For All Your Home Repair Needs Fully Insured (732) 255-2638 Owner Operated: www.tb-contracting.com Thomas Bartschat 732-899-1637 BanquetFacilitiesAvailable www.shrimpbox.com Open Everyday Early Bird Sunset Dinners Daily noon-6pm • Sat. noon-5pm • Sun. noon-6pm Includes:SaladorSoup,Entree,Potato& Vegetable,Beverage&Dessert Buy ONE Dinner and get 2nd Dinner Half Price* *(1/2 price discount will be applied to the least expensive selection) *Not valid on holidays or with any other coupons or promotional offers. Coupon good Monday-Thursday. Valid 10/3/16-10/27/16 SPC-01 SPC-236k I hate to see the summer leave us. I could have done without the extreme heat, but then I think about the changing colors of autumn and I am happy. Not too early to start our Teddy Bear Sweaters for Christmas giving, so here’s the pattern: 75 Inlet Drive, Pt. Pleasant, NJ WE ARE OPEN NEWLY RENOVATED BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS OF OCEAN COUNTY NEEDS YOUR USED CLOTHING, BEDDING, FOOTWEAR, ETC. CALL KENN 908-278-1906 732-408-6363 When making your fall Season wardrobe changes...please call me, your neighbor, for a pickup at your home. Your donation is tax deductible and provides income to help to the needy children of Ocean County. BBBSOC, which I helped start, has provided quali�ied, trained, adult, positive role models as mentors (“Bigs”) for children (“Littles”) for nearly the past 20 years. Your help in helping the children is truly appreciated. Thanks. Kenn Kerr LVW RESIDENT ads-5219 Page 52 Leisure Village West News Irish American Club By Frances Perry I wish you lots of good luck, No matter what the day. I wish you lots of sunshine, And not a bit of gray. I wish you lots of laughter, And never one wee sigh, And I hope no gift of fortune May ever pass you by. I too wish you well and good luck and I know a place we can all share a day with no bad sighs and lots of laughter. You guessed it: the Irish Club meetings! We had our first annual fundraiser and it was a blast. Keep the first weekend in October open for next year’s surprise. It will be just as great as this one was. Our meeting this month is October 20. There will be lots of talk about the murder mystery and our speaker will be talking about the days when the Irish was working on the railroads. Remember to pay your dues of $5 and join us at the meeting for fun and laughter. Please download the latest Submission Guidelines online at http://lvwcreeper.com October, 2016 Current Events Group By Adele Shuldman If discussion is your ‘thing’ come and joins us. If you want to share your ideas about the happenings in the world around us, come and join us. Last month we covered such a diversity of subjects: Turkey and the coup; Trump and Putin; vinyl fences in LVW; the Space Program; driverless cars; Israel building walls 37 miles underground for protection; Verizon replacing Hotwire in LVW; trouble in the S. China Seas; computer scams; the Democratic and Republican conventions; the coming Bridgegate trial and it implications; the Olympic happenings; the ‘ham sandwich’ bill; pumping your own gas; and much more. So why not join us? No dues, no coffee. Please note our change in meeting dates for October. We will be meeting the second and fourth Mondays, October 10 and 24 at 2 p.m. in Room A&B. All residents are welcome. Each time we meet there is such a variety of topics for us to discuss. Our world is so exciting. Crossword Solution 1300 Vermont Ave - Lakewood, NJ 08701 2130 Hwy. 35 - Ocean, NJ 07712 44 Wilson Ave - Manalapan, NJ 07726 800-247-5235 Mark R. Harris Mgr. NJ Lic No. 3284 This is a paid advertisement 1300 Vermont Ave - Lakewood, NJ 08701 2130 Hwy. 35 - Ocean, NJ 07712 October, 2016 Leisure Village West News Page 53 Golf & Social Club Fore Fun by Susan Comeau Like to see if you can compete with a Pro Golfer? Ed Walls, PGA Professional, is up to the challenge at our October 12 meeting. If you were unable to sign up to play one hole with Ed at the September meeting, contact Carl Ferrante at 732-323-0217. Where do you get a 400% return on your investment? At the Leisure Village West Golf & Social Club 50/50. The winning ticket will be drawn at the October 12 meeting. You don’t have to be present to win. Tickets are being sold for $5 each. Contact Tom Gnizdowski at 732-740-4682. Come one, come all! You don’t have to be a Golf Club member to celebrate the Holidays with us! The Holiday Party will be held at the Clarion on December 8 from 6 to 10 p.m. Tickets are $25 and include dinner, dancing and entertainment by Donny Pesce. Tickets will be available at the September 14 meeting or contact Fran Siddons at 908-330-2341. It’s not too early to think about spending some time in Florida. Harvey Bardell is arranging another get-together at the Inn on the Lake in Sebring, Florida. He has arranged for us to stay at the Inn; prices include room, golf (or not) and breakfast daily, from Wednes- day, February 8 through Friday, February 10. Harvey arranges dinners in our own private room for the two nights. Some members and guests choose to come a few days early or stay a few days longer. Tee times are set up for Wednesday and Friday and Thursday is open for shopping, sightseeing, visiting the casino, or just relaxing at the pool. Golfers and non-golfers give this getaway a four star rating. Harvey will give more specific information (pricing, etc.) soon. Before fun: The Holiday Mixer was great. The weather was perfect and we had more than 60 golfers competing (in a very friendly way). The September 14 meeting, billed as fun and games, saw the members competing in teams of four in various challenges. It wasn’t exactly the Olympic Games, but we had a great time. Pizza and ice cream were the treats and the winners received gift certificates. The Club Picnic was a huge success. The putting, chipping and closest-to-the-pin contests were challenging and the food and company were the best. Sponsored by LVW Golf & Social Club 50/50 Drawing October 12 Win up to $2,000! $5 per ticket Call Tom Gnizdowski for tickets at 732-740-4682. Page 54 Leisure Village West News October, 2016 West Village Players Financial Information Club Music, Mystery, Comedy, Suspense By Walter Dylewski TRADITIONAL FUNERALS By Jan Berry Affordably Priced Entombments, Burial and Memorial Services In the last two monthly articles, • No Cost Consultation I included the Mission Statement of DR. LESLIE S. AUFSEESER Trusts and Insurance Options Music,• Pre-arrangements Mystery, Comedy, Suspense! Find it all the club and topicsAND professionals have PODIATRIC PHYSICIAN SURGEON OF THE FOOT• Assistance with VA Benefits / Medicaid in our village at All theFaiths West Village Players Club. We • Serving PODIATRIC PHYSI presented. This month I would like to meet every fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. in BOARD CERTIFIED mention who those speakers rep- Willow DeGRAFF CREMATION Hall. Come join us anytime. AmericanBoardofPodiatricSurgery resent. Nowhere else can you • Dignifi ed Services at a Low Cost October’s entertainment is Anthony LaGruth from BO Affiliated with Monmouth Medical Center – Southern Campus • Arrangements in Your Home meet such a broad spectrum the New Jersey Philharmonic. His presentation will • Memorial Services of professionals presenting • Venous • Diabetic Foot Care • Ingrown Toenails Cremation Urns be Ulcers on the• music and his experiences as a musician.America financial topics. Footcare Affiliated with Monm • Foot & Ankle Injuries • Emergency • Diabetic Ulcers Come out be entertained, meet and greet old friends 732-657-7868 the last •2Non years weUlcers haveof had • Problematic • Warts &In Bunions Healing Wounds and make some new ones. the Foot, Ankle & LegMu- • Painless Injections 119 Union Avenue ~ Lakehurst, N.J. representatives Wells Fargo; Northwestern •from Hammertoes New Patients & November’s play is in the works and will prove to Heel Spurs • Hospital & Office Surgery Therapy www.degraff funeralhome.com tualEmergencies Insurance; •Manchester Senior Services; Health • JointbeReplacement very interesting. We will present Radio Suspense • LaserDavid Surgery Lerner • Sports Medicine Ocean WelcomeAgency; Insurance Associates; Theatre. Directing will be done by Kate Spontak, Judy First Wealth Management; Prudential Insurance; Mer- Carelli-Stout and Florence Markowitz. Kate’s piece rill Lynch Wealth Management; Home Energy Conser- will be the suspenseful “The Hitchhiker” written by 1700 Madison Ave 56 A Schoolhouse Rd. vation Group; PNC Bank; Elder Law Attorney; Bank Louise Fletcher. With Kate’s outstanding direction, Lakewood Plaza, Lakewood Santander; Home Mortgage Agency; Morgan Stanley; Whiting the cast will be able to transport us to places less 732-367-5151 732-657-5533 Harrogate Life Care Community; RBC Wealth Mantraveled in recent years. Starting a summer theater agement andMinimally Garden State Community New Invasive TenexBank. Procedure for group Heel Pain in a barn when she was only in High School, to spc-280 There will be more topics and professionals in the have it become part of the summer recreation program • Diabetic Foot Car future, as we meet the third Tuesday of each month which continued 45 years, you can realize the amount 1/8 tabloid • Foot & Ankle Inju throughout the year. of talent here. We are pleased to have her. Our next meeting is Tuesday, October 18 at 10 Warts & Bunions So mark your calendars for our• November a.m. in the Encore Auditorium. Our guest speakers presentation to experience some of her work. LVW • Hammertoes are from Investors Bank. The topic will be “Efficient Players Club presents “Old Time Radio Shows Method of Transferring Wealth to Heirs and Loved Suspense Theater” on November 4, 5 and• 6Heel Spurs at Willow Ones.” Hall. Evening performances start at 7 p.m. andSurgery our • Laser “An investment in knowledge pays the best inter- Sunday matinee at 2 p.m. Tickets may be purchased est,” Benjamin Franklin. • Ingrown Toenails through Marion Manocchio at 732-657-5996. For further information, call Walter Dylewski at • Emergency Footc 732-323-0998. 1/8 bulletin DR. LES #23/ #03 #19/#01 DR. LESLIE S. AUFSEESER 1700 Madison Lakewood Plaza, L 732-367-5 PODIATRIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OF THE FOOT BOARD CERTIFIED AmericanBoardofPodiatricSurgery Affiliated with Monmouth Medical Center – Southern Campus • Ingrown Toenails • Venous Ulcers • Foot & Ankle Injuries • Emergency Footcare • Diabetic Ulcers • Warts & Bunions • Problematic Wounds • Hammertoes • Non Healing Ulcers of the Foot, Ankle & Leg • Heel Spurs • Hospital & Office Surgery • Joint Replacement Therapy • Laser Surgery • Sports Medicine 1700 Madison Ave Lakewood Plaza, Lakewood 732-367-5151 • Painless Injections Affordably Priced Entombments, Burial and Memorial Services • No Cost Consultation • Pre-arrangements Trusts and Insurance Options • Assistance with VA Benefits / Medicaid • Serving All Faiths New Minimally Inva DeGRAFF CREMATION 56 A Schoolhouse Rd. Whiting 732-657-5533 New Minimally Invasive Tenex Procedure for Heel Pain spc-280 New Patients & Emergencies Welcome TRADITIONAL FUNERALS • Diabetic Foot Care • Dignified Services at a Low Cost • Arrangements in Your Home • Memorial Services • Cremation Urns 1/4 732-657-7868 119 Union Avenue ~ Lakehurst, N.J. www.degrafffuneralhome.com ads-496B October, 2016 Leisure Village West News Page 55 Computer Club By Arthur Weiner The Computer Club Board will meet on Wednesday, October 5 (due to Tuesday being the Jewish New Year Holiday) at 10 a.m. in Club Encore. Visitors are always welcome and you will have an opportunity to meet our board members and officers. The next general meeting of the Computer Club is Tuesday, October 11 at the Club Encore auditorium. Coffee will be served at 9:30 a.m. so come a little early to reminisce with family, friends and neighbors. Our experts will be available during this time at the “Help Desk” located in the back of the auditorium to answer any questions and listen to suggestions. We encourage both. Feel free to bring a friend to the meeting which is always an exciting learning experience. The meeting will begin at 10 a.m. At our October meeting we have the Ocean County Senior Services organization presenting why and how to review your Medicare Part D coverage. She will be demonstrating how to use the Medicare web site www.medicare.gov and the potential cost savings it can present to you. There are workshops on the second and third Thursdays at 10 a.m. in Club Encore. Any changes or cancellations will be shown on the Creeper (as well as on lvwcreeper.com), so please watch for them. Workshops are free to members. Non- members can attend one courtesy workshop to see how it could benefit them. We will send out e-mail notices of sessions and topics. Joining the Computer Club is easy. It’s $25 for a lifetime membership and $35 for a couple. Keep checking the LVW Creeper and the online www. lvwcreeper.com for updates. Gregory Zitzner Cell: (609) 377-9225 Jay Woytanowski Cell: (609) 847-5155 Ad 5306 Custom Home Builder Insurance Restoration Contracting Home Improvement Contractors 808N.MainSt. LanokaHarbor,NJ08734 Office:(609)242-8200 jsgconstructioninc@gmail.com HIC Lic. #13VH06532600 Builders Lic. # 46031 By Roberta Klotz ORT would like to wish everyone a Sweet New Year. We are again sponsoring the annual Breakthe-Fast dinner on October 12 at Club Encore. This non-fundraiser community dinner is open to everyone. For reservations please contact Sandy Kaufman at 732-408-0306. Did you know that ORT sponsors the Kadoorie Technological College, specializing in automotive systems? Students receive practical engineer diplomas and many go on to study at programs such as one in Germany where they study advanced automotive subjects and receive a certificate from the European Union for a certain car specialty. It’s programs like these which make ORT such a unique educational institution. Through ORT’s network of schools, colleges, training centers and programs in Israel, Europe, Africa, North America, Latin America and Asia, more than 300,000 people receive knowledge and skills to make them economically self-sufficient. As a student at Kadoorie said prior to embarking on this training path, he was not a particularly studious individual, but the program manager encouraged him to learn and gave him a lot of support to advance. “This college gave me selfworth.” And it gave him a future! When you support Village West ORT’s fund raising events, you help students of all ages be ready for the future. We also sell ShopRite Gift Cards. They may be used at any ShopRite for food shopping or in the pharmacy and they make the perfect gift. Contact Penny Peters at 732-408-9099 or Janice McDonnell at 973-408-9696. Please contact ORT President Renee Schertzer or membership chair Donna Weiner at 973-625-0832 if you’d like to learn more. Our general programs are interesting, informative, free and open to all LVW residents and guests. Watch the Creeper for more information. Page 56 Leisure Village West News October, 2016 Tennis and Social Club By Ellie Kravetz Fishing Club News Leisure Village West has many clubs and offers something for everyone. If you want to spend a relaxing evening once a month on the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. in Club Encore, join us. You will meet and make new friends. It’s only $5 per person for annual dues. You don’t have to be a tennis player. Most of our members are not. Our August meeting featured a DVD entitled “The World of Music & Dance” put together by Helen and Hal. It was delightful and brought back many fond memories and was enjoyed by all who were in attendance. As always, we ended the evening with delicious refreshments and lucky 50/50 winners. Our September meeting featured a video quiz of TV and movie personalities. One group won our famous “cheap” prize. We also had our Installation of Officers. At our meeting on Thursday, October 13 there will be entertainment by “Wild Rose” sponsored by Regency Memory Care, who will provide refreshments in addition to a delightful evening of music. All are welcome, so please join us! To find out more about our Club, check the Leisure Village West News, LVWcreeper.com and the announcements on “Spotlight” on Channel 15 on Mondays. Come on down on the second Thursday from April through November. We’d love to meet you! By Jim Larsen I hate to break the myth but there are times when I don’t always write the articles. Bill Delahoyde thought it might be a good idea to let you know about the little devil that might end up on your hook this season. The original article was written by Dan Radel for the Asbury Park Press. This season smooth puffer fish are being caught in New Jersey bays and rivers. The best advice as to what to do with it after you catch it is throw it back. Experts from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration who have seen photos of the fish believe it to be the Lagocephalus laevigatus. The fish has a fairly significant range in the western Atlantic Ocean from New England and Bermuda to Argentina, though it’s more common in southern waters. It inhabits inshore and near-shore areas, over sand or mud bottoms. The Food and Drug Administration warns that this fish may contain the potent and deadly toxins tetrodotoxin and/or saxitoxin, which can cause severe illness and death. These are central nervous system toxins and are more deadly than cyanide. Symptoms, such as tingling, weakness, loss of balance, vomiting, diarrhea and paralysis can start within 20 minutes to 2 hours after eating the toxic fish. In severe intoxication, death can result from respiratory paralysis. I guess that means that if you are out on a fishing trip and you get severely intoxicated don’t eat this fish. On a different note, I’m sure most of you know by now that I will be stepping down as president. I wish to thank all of you for making this an interesting and enjoyable 3 years. In particular I would like to thank Vice President Russ Murray, Secretary Linda Labita and last but not least Treasurer Joanne Laudicino for all the work they did to ensure that each and every one of you could enjoy our meetings and social events. Both Linda and Joanne plan to stay on with the new president so I hope you will continue to help them in the future. Insulated Installed regularly $849 October, 2016 Leisure Village West News Page 57 S Rebels Bowling League NO SUBCONTRACTORS SALE DOOR 8x7 NJ Cert #13VH01882000 Fast, Professional Service “Family Owned and Operated” spc-882c 732-269-9667 • 609-693-804 by Mary Ann Earlman The Rebels Bowling League started their 2016-2017 season at Lakewood Lanes on Thursday, September 8. The league consists of ten teams with four bowlers each. Weekly results are posted at both clubhouses. This season's officers are President Jerry Mascuch, Vice President Jackie Dobler, Secretary Mary Ann Earlman and Treasurer, Pat Kinane. If anyone would like to be put on our substitute or reserve list, please contact me. www.GuardianGarageDoors.com • Fully In Men’s Tuesday Bowling League Thursday Mixed Bowling by Sid Klotz by Sid Klotz The new season began on Tuesday, September 6. We opened with 22 full teams. For information on joining this league as either a full-time player or a substitute, please call Norman Katz or Sid Klotz. The new season began on Thursday, September 8. To have fun and meet people, join this 100% Handicapped league. Please call Sandy Montaigne at 732408-9556 for information on how to join full-time or as a substitute. HALF BuLLETIN GARAGE DOOR REPAIRS DONE RIGHT! The Best Service, Parts, and WarrantyThat’s The Guardian Advantage Senior Discount (Excludes Sale Items) Service • Repair • Sales • Installation Get Your NEW Insulated Door Today SERVICING ALL BRANDS OF GARAGE DOORS & OPENERS Broken Springs Replaced • Rollers & Cables Replaced Transmitters & Receivers ONLY $649 Carriage House Doors Insulated Installed STARTING AT regularly $849 SALE DOOR 8x7 NJ Cert #13VH01882000 $769Ea. Installed NO SUBCONTRACTORS spc-882c Fast, Professional Service “Family Owned and Operated” 732-269-9667 • 609-693-8040 www.GuardianGarageDoors.com • Fully Insured Page 58 Leisure Village West News October, 2016 Volunteers Wanted Dispose of Unwanted Medications Properly Manchester Police Dept. has a prescription drop-off box at Police Headquarters at 1 Colonial Drive. For info, call 732-657-6111. What is the mentoring program at the Manchester Elementary School? We are looking for mature adults to meet with a child once a week and be a mentor to that special child. It is easy and fun! All you have to do is talk, listen and maybe play games. For more details, please call Barry Steinmetz 732-288-7723. Leisure Village West News – Classified Ads Classified advertisements appear in the Leisure Village West News monthly magazine only. This magazine reaches 2,692 homes each month. Classified ads are accepted under the categories of Services, Real Estate Rentals & Sales, Merchandise for Sale and Merchandise Wanted. Cost is $15 for up to 15 words (published one time) or $40 for 15 words (published three months) (and 75 cents for each additional word.) Deadline for Classified Ads is the first of each month for the following month’s publication. All submissions must be in writing (no phone calls). Your telephone number counts as one word. Payment by check to LVWA, is payable at the LVW Recreation Office at Willow Hall, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays. No refunds. No photos. Or Mail to: LVW Recreation Office, Willow Hall, 1 Buckingham Drive, Manchester, NJ 08759 Category:_____________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ (Paid thru___) For our file: Name_ ______________________ Address_ ________________________ Phone_____________ Email__________________ Please check your ad for accuracy when it runs the first time to be sure it is correct. No Refunds. Merchandise For Sale FOR SALE Futon – NEVER USED $300 Great Condition Call 732-408-6817 or 908-442-0372 (cell) FOR SALE 12/16 Ladies Schwinn Bicycle Needs one tire. $100. Helmet $10. Call 732-323-0782 FOR SALE Heritage Porcelain Dolls Never out of box. $50 each or best offer. Call Liz 732-941-7203 10/16 10/16 October, 2016 Leisure Village West News Page 59 Classified Ads Deadline: First of each month for the following month’s publication. Services Driver Call Bert All Airports, All Boros in NYC. Cruise terminals. Excellent driving record. Please call for appointments. Cell 732-674-9833 or Home 732-408-1123 12/16 Madona and Friends Home Healthcare Group Caregivers will help you hourly or 24/7. Call Madona at 732-300-7652 12/16 Driver Assistance Airports, NY, etc. Experienced in GPS navigation. Excellent driving record. Also available, out of state pick-up and drop-off. Your vehicle or mine. Contact John Salerno 732-213-0166. 10/16 Handyman Bill Reasonable Rates Home Repairs, Painting, Landscaping. LVW Resident Call 848-221-6045 10/16 A Helpful Hand Caring, experienced and dependable Grocery shopping, companionship, meal preparation. Call Barbara 732-323-9058 10/16 Driver Serving LVW for 18 years. Experienced, Reliable, Courteous. All area airports, NYC, other destinations. Call Ernie 732-323-9058 10/16 AVON REPRESENTATIVE Call, and I’ll deliver the newest catalog. Merrill Lindeman Aptsiauri available for parties! Cell: 908-432-9345 11/16 Caregivers I help you find the right live-in assistant or other support options to fit your independent needs, while living in your own home. No Fees! Call Merrill 908-432-9345 cell 11/16 Driver Call Jerry for rides to airports, Cruise terminals, all boroughs. Home 732-323-8712 or Cell 908-814-0972 11/16 Need a Handyman? One honest and reliable God-fearing man, with Integrity. No job too big. Call Lester at 732-664-5013. You won’t be dissapointed! 10/16 Village Handyman For your handyman needs. General Handyman services of most types Call Bob at 732-966-2301. 2/17 I transfer your family memories from video and film to DVD I am Transfer Depo. Call Peter 732-861-5397 10/16 Reliable Cleanouts Removal of unwanted items. FREE Estimates. Owner /Operator Robert Ziemkiewicz DEP 30540 Cell 908-902-2550 12/16 Caregiver Super Helper, Caring, Shopping, Driving, Cleaning, Meal Preparing, Former Health Aid. Call Mary 732-267-9825 12/16 Real Estate Rentals & Sales For Sale West Palm Beach Condo Convertible two bedrooms, two baths Upstairs end unit Great location Call Fran 908-330-2341 10/16 Page 60 Leisure Village West News October, 2016 Directory ALL PETS PETSITTING SERVICES HELPING You To CARE FoR YouR FuRRY FRIENDS NEEDS CALL HEIDI K 732-914-9117 LoCAL 908-910-7526 CELL SERVICING ToMS RIVER & SuRRouNDING AREAS INSuRED AND BoNDED BoARDING AVAILABLE Bruce's Painting Powerwashing, Deck Staining Licensed and Insured NJ License # 13VH03239800 732-779-8343 Free Estimates • Reasonable Rates HOUSE CLEANING Will clean your home as if it is my own. Reliable and Reasonable Call Georgette at 848-333-3865 This Space Available ••• Call 1-888-637-3200 Premier Refinishers, Inc. Kitchen Cabinet Refinishing Fine Paint and Decorative Finishes Expert Wallpaper Removal and Installation All Calls Returned (732)908-4084 BBB A+ Rating GAF Master Elite $75 Gutter Cleaning (Includes Roof inspection) American Custom Roofing LLC (609) 242- 8180 Americancustomrs.com A Plus Handyman Service We Do It All!! Tiles • Crown Moulding • Bathrooms • Kitchens Floors • Painting • Sheetrock • Carpentry Powerwashing • etc. Free Estimates, Fully Insured and Great Local References Call Walter - Office 609-698-0105 • Cell 732-580-0217 License # 13VH03221700 Uniquefavors Unique Creations for Every Occasion Embroidery & Personalization • Signs & Banners Invitations & Announcements • Promotional Items Team & Coporate Gear • Business Cards Free Local Delivery! www.uniquefavors.net This Space Available ••• Call 1-888-637-3200 A Private Car Service All Airports, Cruises, NYC- All Boros, Upstate & Local. Serving Seniors since ‘03 Reliable • Dependable • Reasonable Senior Discounts “We Drive with Care” Stan Levine: 732.822.0344 • 732-657-2967 October, 2016 Leisure Village West News Page 61 Directory ATTIC STAIRS Shore Area Since 1972 Call ken Lic#13VH00615400 732-341-8063 Housecleaning Spotless cleaning service Go home to a nice clean house! I work on my own - Good References Free Estimate - Please Call 732-674-4185 Major Appliance Service Curry Electrical Contracting Refrigerators • Freezers • Ranges Washers • Dryers • Dishwashers “Electrical Service You Can Trust” NJ LIC # 17767 Factory Authorized 732-892-8508 All work fully guaranteed 732-267-4061 Insured Bulletin HOME CARE SERVICES Licensed, bonded and insured agency. Certified Home Health Aides know someone who needs help? Give us a Call TODAY at 732-730-2273 for your FREE CONSULTATION. Visit www.CareStreetNJ.com Major Appliance Service Factory Authorized PQ PAINTING SERVICE Family Owned/Operated Since 1967 *Free Estimates* CHRIS-TINA’S SALON Wash & Hair Cut $14 and up Blow Dry $14 and up Wash & Set $14 and up Foils/Highlights Walk-Ins Welcome Quantum Wash and Wear Perms or Body Wave with Haircut - New Customers only $29.50 564 Lakehurst Rd., TR (across from M&T Bank) (732) 341-5454 Open Mon.-Sat. DURA - PLEX Refrigerators • Freezers • Ranges NJ HIC. REG. #13VH06752800 Washers • Dryers Int./Ext. Painting & More• •Dishwashers Powerwashing WINDOWS - SIDING - DOORS 732-892-8508 www.dura-plex.com Spackling & Taping • Handyman Work Fully Insured • Free Estimates • Reasonable Rates Angie’s List Super Service Award Winner Senior Discounts All work fully guaranteed Call us 7 days a week Insured 732-500-3063 • 609-356-2444 www.pqpaintingservice.com Tabloid CARPET Dr. “We Bring Your Carpet Back To Life!” 3 ROOMS CARPET CLEANED $119 FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1972 732-458-4061 COMPUTER 100% Money Back Guarantee 732-295-1212 www.carpetdrnj.com PC SERVICES Call: Tom 73 MAC 2 503.9866 AudioVideo www.CompuTomNJ.com Page 62 Leisure Village West News October, 2016 Directory Nice Guy Car Service 24 Hour Service CALL JoHN for Reasonable Rates Cell: (732) 779-8366 - Highly Recommended - NYC, Newark, Atlantic City, Philadelphia Airports, Cruise Ships, (Groups up to 16) THE EXPERT TOUCH LLC ALL HOME REPAIRS AND REMODELING CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED • ALL BATH & KITCHEN REPAIRS • NEW KITCHENS, BATHROOMS & GRANITE TOPS • SHEETROCK, SPACKLE, PAINTING, WALLPAPER REMOVAL • CERAMIC TILE and BACK SPLASH • MOLDINGS and TRIM, DOORS, DECKS, • WINDoW REPLACEMENT/ CARPET & FLooRING DON GEMMA #732-832-1211 FAX 732-593-6929 LICENSED & INSURED Free Estimates Call Today LIC. #13VH06197100 GUARDIAN GARAGE DOOR SERVICE Repairs ~ Sales ~ Installation Repairs Done Right! 732-269-9667 HAIR SALON SERVICES InTheComfortOfYourOwnHome Haircuts/Styles, perms, colors Manicures Will Make You Look and Feel Better! Call Deanne 732-948-3805 Licensed EXPERIENCED HOME HEALTH AIDE Experienced Caregiver to help you stay in your own home. Medication Management, wound Care, Light Housework and more Phone (848) 525-4476 (732) 685-2796 Qualifications & References Available Willie & Julie Professional Interior Painting Over 30 Years Experience CG PAINTING I also live in the village 732-986-6809 - “Chuck” 10% discount with this ad $ Save $ Cardinal Landscape & Powerwashing LLC 732-657-8478 Call Today Fully Insured NJ Landscape Contractor Lic. # 13VH03057200 NJ Pesticide Lic. # 29194B directory bulletin East Coast General Contracting LLC YOu DreaM it..We MaKe it reaLitY Commercial/Residential • Interior & Exterior Flooring, Drywall, Painting, Kitchens & Bath, Decks and Patios, Fence Sales & Installation Electrical, Heating & Air, Plumbing We Do It All, No Project Too Small 609-968-6993 NJ13VH08450800 www.eastcoastgeneralcontracting.com Hometowne Plumbing No Job Too Small 732-270-3232 FORMER MARINE Lic. 9452 10% OFF LIC.# 13VH07423600 FREE ESTIMATES John Pettit & Son Decorator INTERIOR * EXTERIOR PAINTING PAPER HANGING * POwER wASH 732-350-2050 Insured October, 2016 Leisure Village West News Page 63 Directory REDI MANAGEMENT SERVICES Call 732-256-9844 DRYER VENT CLEANING GUTTER CLEANING - POWER WASHING PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Lic# 13VH082081000 www.redi-ms.com Senior Discounts redimanage@optimum.net Congregation B’nai Israel Memorial Park w. whitty Road, Toms River, NJ 732-349-1244 MemorialPark@CBITR.org Ocean County has been a great home Now make it your eternal home Peace of mind for all who love you Ready To Sell Your Car?? Village Resident looking to purchase your vehicle! Quick Appraisal, No Hassel 732-300-0039 Handyman Services by Joseph Honest • Dependable Carpentry Work • Repairs • Painting Plumbing Fixtures • Flooring (all types) • Kitchens • Ceramic Bcksplashes • General Cleaning and Housecleaning • Free Estimates Call Today 848-333-2249 Energy Wise WINDOWS 732-350-0303 FREE ESTIMATES Vinyl Windows, Patio Doors SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT 30 year Anniversary SALE State Lic.#13VH03068400 / Insured HOUSE CLEANING WHITING PAPERS: HI MY NAME IS DENISE. ECHOES I Am AbleCVS To Come•over At Your Convenience. I Am Pleasant and Not Expensive. I Will Make Your House Sparkle. So How About Giving Me A Try! CALL DENISE (732) 300-3004 Energy Wise WINDOWS 732-349-9595 Gary Koch Remodeling, LLC Kitchens and Baths, Tile and Flooring, Household Repairs, Replace Doors, Drywall, Painting, House Power Washing Free Estimates Lic#13VH08935900 Call 732-642-0529 Firstclean NJ’s #1 Carpet Cleaning Company FREE 1 Room with cleaning of 4 rooms or more FREE 1 Chair with cleaning of sofa or love seat 10% OFF ANY oriental rug cleaning (Any size) Call for our 2 Room Special! Brick 732-899-4455 Toms River 732-279-0500 FREE ESTIMATES Veteran, Senior Citizen, Referral, Repeat Vinyl Windows, Patio Doors Business Discounts! Buscemi Remodeling LLC, Veteran Owned SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT Kitchens, Bathrooms, Power-washing, 30 year Anniversary Handyman Services SALE State Lic.#13VH03068400 / Insured Flooring, Trim, Tile, and Much More Free Estimates! 732-693-8793 ALLLIC#13VH08688400 OTHER PAPERS bremodelingnj.com BULLETIN ^ A&N’s Galaxy Painting Interior/Exterior Wallpaper Removal Laminate Flooring • Crown Molding Free Estimates, Fully Insured Veteran, Senior Citizen, Referral, Repeat Call Nick 732-600-4322 Business Discounts! Buscemi Remodeling LLC, Veteran Owned Kitchens, Bathrooms, Power-washing, Handyman Services Page 64 Leisure Village West News October, 2016 Directory Home Improvements & Renovations Lustre Clean Pro Dry Carpet Cleaning PQ Painting Service an Angie’s list Award Winner Imagine being able to walk on your carpets immediately! A DIVISION OF PQ PAINTING SERVICE SINCE 1967 NJ HIC REG#13VH06752800 All Carpentry, (Framing, Crown Molding, Trim Etc.) Flooring (Laminates, & Hardwoods), Siding, Kitchens and Baths, Decks, Sheetrock, Spackling & Taping, Int./Ext. Painting, Staining, Windows Installed or Replaced. See our website for a full list of services 732-500-3063/609-356-2444 Voted Best of the Best by Asbury Park Press our price includes everything: Soil Retardant, Deodorizing, Spot Cleaning 3 Areas $99, 4 Areas $129, Add’l Areas $29 732-918-8035 Visit us online at http://pqpaintingservice.com Kirby Vacuum • Factory Authorized Sales • Service • Bags • Parts • Shampoo Serving Ocean/Monmouth Counties for over 40 years 24-point tune-up special $25 Call 732-534-6351 Planet Plumbing & Heating, LLC Brick, NJ 08723 • NJ Lic.# 12396 • HIC# 13VH03776600 “OurServiceIsOutOfThisWorld!” 34 Years of Professional, Commercial and Residential Experience 732.859.6290 NEED A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL HOME REPAIRMAN ? JUST CALL FRANK IF I CAN‛T FIX IT ?...IT CAN‛T BE FIXED ! 732-341-0936 LIC. # VHO7632800 SHOWER DOORS • Written Guarantee • Resident of Leisure Village • Ron Eremita - 917-697-9439 • Free Estimates - Lic. Ins. Larry’s Chauffeur Service Serving the Tri-State Area • All Airports • Theaters • Sporting Events • All Special Occasions With Drop-off or Wait and Return - Located in Brick Larry Levy - Owner/Driver Fully Insured with CDL Lic. Reservations: 732-278-3104 Cell: 201-207-3973 CRYSTAL WINDOW CLEANING & POWERWASHING LET US MAKE YOUR WINDOWS CRYSTAL CLEAR Over 40 years Experience • Insured CALL (732) 841-3341 October, 2016 Leisure Village West News Page 65 by Ellen Jenkin Throughout the summer Bocce members participated in the Harry Nagel Mixed League. Exciting competition and camaraderie was enjoyed by all involved. After five weeks of play, one team emerged victorious in each of the four divisions. The four first place teams met on August 16 in a round robin match. The Tuesday evening team comprised of Captain Paul Nickerson, Rose Foglea, Jan Rafferty, Joseph Tumbarella and Eleanor Berardis emerged the first place winners. The Tuesday morning first place team of Captain Gene Cecora, Ciro Maresca, Gladys Monarque, Margaret DeLucia and Charlie Blund captured second place. The Thursday morning team Captain Janette Mohr, Dennis Carbley, John Svenningsen, Grace Asaro, Bill Bouford and Fred Woods ended in third place. Rounding out the quadrilateral was the Thursday evening team of Captain Carol Jones, Jan Stubbs, Phyllis Brown, Louis Maiocco, Tom Gnizdowski and Paul Mazza. A special thanks to Bill Bouford for chairing the entire summer season and the four individual Harry Nagel coordinators for all their time and effort. Bill Bouford, Gene Cecora, AI Carnegie, Andy Moran and Karen McGinley created a wonderful summer bocce season. On August 8, the Bocce Club held the Dime on the Polina event. Many members participated. The evening was coordinated by Gene Cecora. Beverly Amazing bocce singers in action. Bouford and Dee Staugaitis emerged as the victorious winners. Landing in second place were Anita Marchetti and Rico Guerriero. Everyone had a great time. Ladies Night took place on August 23. This event was coordinated by Nettie Martino. Ellen Daubner was crowned Queen of the Bocce League, finishing in first place. Sis Peluso was a close second. All the women who participated had a very enjoyable evening. Once again, Phil Cenicole provided wonderful entertainment at the August general meeting. He interacted and had fun with the audience. Phil selected several volunteers as background singers to harmonize during his performance. The songs covered the music of the Duprees as well as many other rock and roll groups. The audience spent the entire musical hour singing along, a few dancing in the aisles, while others just enjoyed listening to the music. The fall Bocce season is underway with the Men’s League on Monday morning, the Ladies League on Friday morning and the Twilight League on Wednesday evening. Please remember that the Bocce Holiday Party and Installation Dinner Dance will be held Monday, December 5 from 6 to 10 p.m. at the Clarion Hotel in Toms River. Entertainment will be provided by the D-CEES. The cost is $28 per person. Tickets will be sold at the general meeting. Have a wonderful fall season. Our talented back up bocce singers. Page 66 Leisure Village West News October, 2016 The Yiddish Club By Seymour Brotman An evening of good humor, wonderful musical and comedy memories of the 1950s took the stage on August 25 to the great applause and delight of a very large and happy audience. The evening began with the pledge to the flag and singing of our national anthem by Murray Peters followed by well received jokes by the President Ruth Benenson. Program Chairman Judy Leibowitz announced that the Anniversary Gala would take place on October 27, featuring songstress Naomi Miller. She then welcomed back for the second time this year the cast of LT Productions, produced and directed by Linda Turash. Wonderful memories of the music, TV shows, characters and comedy of the Fabulous ‘50s had a spirited cast alternating their presentations with different costumes and themes. This creative and delightful evening concluded with the calling of raffle ticket winners and an ice cream reception. Since a picture is worth a thousand words let us share with you some of the evening’s “Happy Times.” Linda Turash as Lucy P P P ads-5356 P P The Loveable Pink Ladies Linda Turash, Arlene Finlay, Janice Saylor and Comedienne Angie Wall Cast Bow to Great Applause October, 2016 Leisure Village West News Page 67 Service Club By Kathleen Robinson Welcome autumn! I know lots of people like the summer but the changing of the leaves and the crisp breeze is a nice change. If you missed our August and September meetings you missed a lot! In August we had the pleasure of hosting Arthur Weiner from the Computer Club. It was very interesting and sometimes got heated but all in all a very informative meeting. We thank him from the bottom of our hearts for taking the time and trouble to keep us informed on technology at LVW. September’s meeting was just as interesting with Al Della Fave. More on that in next month’s article. Remember to join us for breakfast on October 25 when we will be entertained by Ron Hyland. Dues are only $5. Selling or buying a home, work with a winner! Call me for a Free Comparative Market Analysis. Alfred “Al” Carnegie, Realtor Associate LVW Resident Pictured during are August meeting are Arthur Weiner, President Marilyn Walters and First Vice President Marie Pereira. LEISuRE VILLAGE WEST oFFICE 3-A BuCKINGHAM DRIVE MANCHESTER, NJ 08759 Patronize Our Advertisers ads-3735B off: 732-323-9007 Cell: 732-407-1544 Res: 732-657-2247 E-mail: acarnegie@ridge-realty.com New Jersey Association of Realtors Circle of Excellence 2005, 2006, 2007, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 Page 68 Leisure Village West News October, 2016 FEMA Grant for Manchester Firehouse $455K Grant to Aid Volunteer Firefighters Congressman Chris Smith (NJ-04) announced in August that the Ridgeway Volunteer Fire Department of Manchester Township has been awarded a Federal Emergency Management (FEMA) Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) award of $455,910 to purchase a replacement pumper. "This federal grant will help improve fire protection in Manchester Township for many years,” said Smith, a long-time member of the Congressional Fire Services Caucus, who wrote to FEMA to support the grant. “Ridgeway members have been getting by on a three-decade old truck, which they bought used and have certainly gotten a lot of use from. Unfortunately, it costs thousands of dollars to maintain every year. A new pumper will serve the residents of Manchester for years to come. Ridgeway is an-all volunteer firehouse on a limited budget and purchasing a major apparatus is difficult if not impossible without some federal assistance.” In 2014, Ridgeway, with Smith’s support, was awarded a $210,455 grant to replace low-pressure SCBA gear with new face pieces and high-pressure bottles. The new equipment replaced older sets that were out of compliance and unreliable. The turn-out gear, comprised of the fire suits, boots and helmets, was over 20 years old when it was replaced. “I was pleased to work with Chief Trimarchi and reach out to FEMA to support both grant applications and help bring updated equipment to Ridgeway volunteer firefighters,” Smith said. The award comes through the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Assistance to Firefighters Grants Operations and Safety Grant Program. It is administered by FEMA in cooperation with the U.S. Fire Administration. The purpose of AFG is to award grants directly to fire departments and non-affiliated Emergency Medical Services organizations (EMS) to protect both the health and safety of the public, and first-responder personnel as well. A competitive process overseen by fire service subject matter experts awards grants to applicants whose requests are aligned with the priorities of the AFG Program. For more about the FY 2015 AFG Program visit http://www. fema.gov/assistance-firefighters-grant. The new pumper will be similar to the pumper shown and will be purchased from the Ohio-based company Sutphen. According to Chief Michael Trimarchi, the company’s existing 1987 pumper costs as much as $20,000 to maintain every year. October, 2016 Leisure Village West News Page 69 Manchester Accepts Donation of Senior Motion Wellness System Manchester Township was pleased to accept the generous donation of a Senior Motion Wellness System from Pfizer and the Wakefern Food Corporation that will serve as a fitness and meeting space for seniors at Harry Wright Lake. The Township Council accepted the donation through a resolution passed at their July 25 meeting. Representatives said that the equipment ties into an initiative to encourage seniors to eat well, socialize, and challenge their minds. “It’s going to be a great benefit to the town,” said Director of Public Works Al Yodakis, who worked with representatives from Pfizer and Wakefern to select a location for the equipment at Harry Wright Lake beyond the band shell and adjacent to the outdoor fitness center and walking trail. The entire process of manufacturing to installation is expected to take approximately six weeks. Because of our sizeable senior citizen population, Manchester Township is the first site selected by Pfizer and Wakefern to receive a donation of this wellness system. The equipment will serve as a neighborhood destination where senior residents can meet, exercise, and connect with one another. In addition to the exercise center, benches are planned at the site. “On behalf of the Council, I’d like to thank Pfizer and Wakefern for their generous contribution to Manchester Township,” said Council President James A. Vaccaro. Mayor Kenneth Palmer also offered his appreciation to the companies for their donation. The Township Council is committed to keeping costs down and creating opportunities for our senior population with no impact to the taxpayers, and is thankful for the assistance of our neighboring businesses in a “spirit of mutual cooperation.” Please email submissions to news@lvwa.net Page 70 Leisure Village West News October, 2016 Early Deer Sighting in the Village Both male and female deer have made an early season appearance in our village this year. Photos by Ralph G. Waclawicz Bicycle Traffic Bicycle traffic is governed by traffic regulations similar to those of Motor Vehicles. Bicycles must be ridden in the direction of traffic and close to the curb. Riding is NOT permitted on sidewalks. Children on bicycles must be accompanied by an adult. y October, 2016 Leisure Village West News “Committed to Integrity and Legendary Customer Service” “Committed to Integrity and Legendary Customer Service” Doug Wong Master HVACR contractor Lic. #19HC00356000 NJ HIC # 13VH00752500 DONNA P. WEYGANT DONNA P. WEYGANT GARY WEYGANT, GARY WEYGANT, MPH, SRES, ASP, CRS Realtor Associates MPH, SRES, ASP, CRS Realtor Associates ngham Drive North hester, NJ 08759 32-657-6800 Your Leisure Village West Resident Neighbors 147 Route 70 Toms River, NJ 08755 732-942-9950 Donna 908-910-9336 cell Gary 908-910-9921 cell Knoll New Jersey’s Cle the New Jersey Bo Page 71 an 3A Buckingham Drive North Manchester, NJ 08759 732-323-9007 Donna 908-910-9336 cell Gary 908-910-9921 cell AD 3899 www.bcexpressinc.com 147 Route 70 Toms River, NJ 08755 732-942-9950 Leisure Village West (732) 240-2828 Comfort is easy as Pinecone ABC Express “Committed to Integrity and Rebates up toService” $4,000* Legendary Customer 0% Financing up to 7 Years PLUS Lennox Rebates up to $1,600 DONNA P. WEYGANT Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® – GARY WEYGANT, helping you ASP, save CRS up to 30% on MPH, SRES, your energy costs. Realtor Associates NJ HIC # 13VH00752500 Doug Wong Master HVACR contractor Lic. #19HC00356000 New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program™ is brought to you by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities and does not endorse any one particular contractor. The current promotion is available for a limited time . All promotions are for qualified customers only. Rebates are liable to change without notice. 1 Kensington Circle Toms River, NJ 08755 732-349-4464 147 Route 70 Toms River, NJ 08755 732-942-9950 The current *All promo Rebates Page 72 Leisure Village West News October, 2016 Leisure Village West On-Site Sales Office Monday-Saturday 9am-5pm 3A Buckingham Dr. Manchester, NJ 08759 Sunday 10am-5pm (732) 323-9007 Professional Service, Exceptional Results Stop in for a chance to win our Monthly Gift Basket! Blair Offered at $132,000 Nantucket Offered at $72,000 Regency Offered at $110,000 Savoy **Under Contract** St. Tropez **Under Contract** Winfield **Under Contract** Hastings Closed at $140,000 Roxy Closed at $142,000 Oxford Closed at $90,000 Copies and Faxes made Free of Charge • Notary Services by Appointment ads-146 Ridge Realty does not represent that this Agency has listed and/or sold all of the homes listed above. If your home is currently listed for sale, this is not meant as a solicitation. All information is taken directly from The Monmouth Ocean Multiple Listing Service and is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.