Call to Conference - Sierra Nevada Region
Call to Conference - Sierra Nevada Region
2016 SNR Call to Conference SOROPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL OF THE AMERICAS SIERRA NEVADA REGION Atlantis Casino Resort Spa Reno Nevada 1 Page 1 CALL TO CONFERENCE 40th Annual Conference April 28-May 1, 2016 2016 SNR Call to Conference hearing from SIA Past President Poco Davis about her experiences with Soroptimist beyond the region level. Saturday night let’s dress up, recognize our Powerful Presidents, our Great Past Governors, say thank you to our outstanding out going Board, install and welcome our excited 2016-2018 SNR Board which will be lead by our fabulous new Governor Vicki. Letter from Governor Jackie Greetings Fellow Soroptimists, Friends and Guests, Conference is fast approaching and our Sierra Nevada Region is now 40! On behalf of your SNR Board of Directors, Committee Chairs, Committee Coordinators and the Conference Committee it is with great pleasure to invite you to join us for our 40th Annual Sierra Nevada Region Spring Conference. Conference will be held April 29th, 30th and May 1st, 2016 at the lovely Atlantis Casino Resort Spa in Reno Nevada. Sunday I am asking everyone to wear PINK! Yes PINK for breast cancer awareness. We looked great in our red last year, so this year let’s look fabulous in PINK as we will be hearing from Oncology Nurse Navigator, Ellen Carlson from Sutter Auburn Faith Hospital. She will be speaking on women’s health issues including breast cancer. We will start Sunday remembering those that have passed this last year. Then it is our day to recognize and honor the women and girls we all work so hard to help at our Making a Difference Brunch. I am pleased to announce that Soroptimist International of the Americas Director Dona Gaddis-Wolf, a member of S.I. Pittsburg in Founder Region from Pittsburg, California will be our official federation visitor this year. She will be bringing us the latest news from S.I.A., as well as help us celebrate our award winners, clubs and members. Please plan to attend, renew friendships, make new friends and get inspired about our great Soroptimist programs and mission. Encourage members to learn more about our larger organization and be sure to invite our newest members to come and join the fun. Conference is not just for just long standing members, but for ALL members! Friday, we start the afternoon with some great workshops! Plan to arrive in time to “Come visit THE person!” to be put on by Past Board members or hear from the Candidates at 2:15 followed at 3:30 with the Delegates briefing or Hear how clubs in the region are doing with the “Dream, It Be It” program. So be sure to check them out. Friday night, we party and share in celebrating each other’s accomplishments. Help us celebrate 40 years of our Sierra Nevada Region, the friendships we’ve made and the joy of our achievements, come celebrate being a Soroptimist! Saturday we will be getting the business of the Sierra Nevada Region taken care of and at lunch Jackie DeMartini Page 2 I look forward to seeing you at Conference! Sincerely, Governor Jackie Sierra Nevada Region Governor 2014-2016 th WHEN: WHERE: OFFICIAL CALL 2016 SNR Call to Conference 40 Annual Region Conference CANCELLATIONS: The cancellation REFUND deadline is April 7, 2016. There are no refunds for cancellations received after the April 7, 2016 deadline. Qualified refunds will be paid by June 2016. April 29 - 30 and May 1, 2016 Atlantis Casino Resort Spa 3800 S. Virginia Street Reno, Nevada HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS: Deluxe Tower Queen or King Single / Double $ 169 / night* REGISTRATION: Each person who attends MUST complete online registration to provide a count for meals, meeting rooms, printed materials, etc. Please register and pay online by March 21, 2016 to qualify for the early bird drawing. The registration deadline is March 31, 2016. There will be a $35.00 late fee for all registration payments after March 31, 2016. CONFERENCE ONLINE RESERVATIONS Please note: If you would like to attend and do not have access to online registration, your club president (or her designee) will assist you in registering. Add $10 per person for Triple or Quad per night* *Plus taxes and room resort fee. Additional room options are available on the SNR Atlantis reservation page. Each attendee is responsible for all room charges. Deadline for Atlantis SNR Special Group Rate is March 31, 2016. Use link below for online hotel reservation: ATLANTIS HOTEL ONLINE RESERVATIONS For hotel questions, contact the Atlantis; toll free 800-723-6500 reference SSNVR16 DELEGATES: FEES: Each club has paid an annual conference fee of $160.00. This fee covers attendance of all members – as many as want to attend. All Soroptimists are invited to attend. Guests are welcome at all meal functions. MEALS: Full conference meal cost is $170.00. Individual meal cost as follows: Friday Dinner $42.00 Saturday Breakfast $24.00 Saturday Lunch $26.00 Saturday dinner $53.00 Sunday Brunch $25.00 The delegates of each club shall be the president and two regular members elected / appointed at the time club officers are elected or their alternates. All delegates must be registered for the conference as voting delegates in order to have their votes counted and be in good standing with both SIA and SNR. Delegates must register online and indicate status as a delegate so credentials can be verified and appropriate materials distributed at time of conference check-in. NON-DELEGATES: Meals registration deadline is March 31, 2016. All Soroptimists are invited to attend and will register as members. Guests are welcome at all meal functions and will register as guests. Page 3 TENTATIVE AGENDA Thursday Morning 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Friday Afternoon 8:00 am to Noon Noon to 7:00 pm Noon to 7:00 pm Noon to 5:45 pm Noon to 2:00 p.m. Noon to 6:15 pm 2:15 pm to 3:15 pm 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm Friday Evening 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm 2016 SNR Call to Conference April 28, 2016 Region Board Meeting Region Board Dinner (Business Casual Attire) April 29, 2016 (Casual Attire) Set-up Market Place (aka Sales) Conference Registration Open Credentials Registration Open Hospitality / Information table Past Board Lunch Set-up Club Displays Market Place open Candidates Forum, Coordinator Trudy Come visit THE person !, Past Board Members Delegates Briefing, Parliamentarian Jacque Dream It, Be It: Career Support for Girls, Coordinator Sharon & Governor-Elect Vicki (Casual Attire) No Host Cocktail Reception Dinner seating Opening Session and Dinner Welcome Presentation of Colors Introductions Thought for the day, Director Noel Soroptimist Greetings, Secretary Lane First Time Attendees, Director Noel Life Members, Director Sherry Blanche Edgar Award for Extension, Treasurer Pam Evelyn Holland Recognition for SOLT, Coordinator Jerri Soroptimist Celebrating Success, Coordinator Maureen Five Star Public Awareness Award, Innovative program, Public Awareness Chair Linda Newsletter, Coordinator Sharon Website, Coordinator Tanya Social Media, Coordinator Mary Laurel Legacy Society Members, Director Veronica Monthly Giving Members, Director Tania Laurel Society Members, Director Barbara Announcements, Governor-Elect Vicki Early Bird Drawing, Governor Jackie Page 4 TENTATIVE AGENDA Saturday Morning 7:00 am to 6:30 pm 7:00 am to 4:00 pm 8:00 am to 5:45 pm 8:00 am to 11:15 am 11:15 am to 11:45 Saturday Afternoon 12:15 pm to 4:00 pm 2016 SNR Call to Conference April 30, 2016 (Business Casual Attire) Conference Registration Open Credentials Registration Open Market Place open Breakfast seating BUSINESS SESSION Call To Order Introductions Thought for the Day, Treasurer Pam Credentials Report #1, Coordinator Norma Adoption of Standing Rules, Parliamentarian Jacque Adoption of the Program Approval of 2015 Conference Minutes, Secretary Lane Treasurer’s Financial Report, Treasurer Pam Finance Committee Report, Coordinator Jenny BREAK Report of the Nominating Committee, Coordinator Trudy Nominations from the Floor Instruction, Parliamentarian Jacque Presentation of Candidates, Coordinator Trudy Laws and Resolutions Committee, Proposed Bylaw Revision, Coordinator Ellen Credentials Report #2, Coordinator Norma Voting Instructions, Elections Coordinator Linda Announcements, Governor-Elect Vicki Recess Polls Open for Voting Luncheon Seating BUSINESS SESSION RECONVENES Introductions KEYNOTE SPEAKER, SIA Past President Poco Davis Credentials Report #3, Coordinator Norma BREAK and Re-balloting (if necessary) Election Results (if no re-balloting), Election Coordinator Linda SIA Federation Report, SIA Director Dona Federation Membership Report, Secretary Lane Federation Public Awareness Report,Public Awareness Chair Linda Federation Program Report, Governor-Elect Vicki Dream It, Be It Career Support for Girls, Coordinator Sharon Page 5 TENTATIVE AGENDA Saturday Afternoon (cont.) Saturday Evening 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm 6:15 pm SNR Soroptimist Stop Trafficking Task Force Report, Coordinator Joanne Federation Fundraising Report, Fundraising Chair Linda Endowment Club Grants, Coordinator Cathie Soroptimist Development Retreat, Secretary Lane Credentials Report #4 (if necessary), Coordinator Norma Election Results (if re-balloting), Election Coordinator Linda Announcements Recess (Cocktail, Dressy or Business Attire) No Host Cocktails Social Reception Grand March line up Dinner seating Grand March Powerful Club Presidents Past Governors 2014-2016 Region Board of Directors 2016-2018 Region Board of Directors Dinner Installation of 2016-2018 Region Board of Directors Reception for Governor Vicki Sunday Morning - wear PINK Sunday 7:30 am to 10:00 am 7:30 am to 10:15 am 7:30 am to 10:00 am 8:00 am to 10:00 am 8:15 am to 9:30 am 9:45 am to 2:00 pm 2016 SNR Call to Conference May 1, 2016 (Business Casual Attire) Early Check Out, Bloody Mary & Coffee Conference Registration Open Hospitality / Information table Market Place open Celebration of Life Making a Difference Brunch Welcome Introductions Thought for the Day, Director Sherry Live Your Dream Award, Coordinator Jackie assisted by SIA Director Dona Outstanding “S” Club Award, Coordinator Shirley Fellowship Grant, Coordinator Sarah Ruby Award, Coordinator Didi Page 6 TENTATIVE AGENDA Sunday Morning (cont.) 2:00 pm 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm 2016 SNR Call to Conference Invitation to 2016 Soroptimist Development Retreat, Governor-Elect Vicki Invitation to 2016 SIA Convention, SIA Director Dona Invitation to 2017 SNR Conference, Secretary Lane Final Credentials Report, Coordinator Norma 50/50 Drawing Basket Raffle Drawing Closing Remarks ADJOURNMENT Soroptimist Pledge, Governor-Elect Vicki Club Displays Tear down Joint 2014-2016 and 2016-2018 Region Board Meeting _____________________________________________________________________ EARLY BIRD DRAWING Register online by MARCH 21st to win This is your chance to win a One night stay and a Swedish Message at the beautiful Atlantis Casino Resort Spa Winner will be drawn Friday night of Conference. Compliments of Atlantis Casino Resort Spa _____________________________________________________________________ ARE YOU READY TO TAKE A VACATION? Bring your cash, we will be holding a silent auction to go to one or all five of these following resorts: Los Establos Boutique Inn in Panama; St. James Club Morgan Bay on Saint Lucia; Palm Island Resort in the Grenadines; St. James's Club & Villas on Antigua and The Verandah Resort & Spa on Antigua. They are for seven nights each and includes all dining, beverages, resort activities, service charges and gratuities. There is a charge of $115-$140 (depending on resort) per person per day additionally and you will need to get yourself there, but what beautiful locations to vacation! Page 7 CLUB RAFFLE BASKETS 2 WAYS TO BUY TICKETS: 2016 SNR Call to Conference In your Club and at Conference Tickets will be sold at your Club prior to Conference. This opportunity will allow all members to participate in winning one of the Gift Baskets without attending Conference Proceeds of the Gift Baskets go directly to SNR Endowment Fund For further information contact Fundraising Chair Linda McDoniels email: _____________________________________________________________________ BASKET RAFFLE DONATIONS All Clubs Encouraged to Participate Be big hearted and have fun with this donation and make a difference in the lives of women and girls. Don’t miss the opportunity to have your club contribute to the SNR Conference Annual Fundraiser by creating a unique basket, tub, bag, box—whatever sparks your imagination—to be raffled at the Conference. * All proceeds benefit the SNR Endowment (Club Grants). Buy tickets at your Club and at Conference. For further information: Endowment Coordinator Cathie - Email: * Please keep raffle items to a size that can be boxed and checked as luggage for those traveling by air. Page 8 2016 SNR Call to Conference DEADLINES DELEGATE INFORMATION CLUB MEMBERS & CLUB PRESIDENTS Your commitment to Soroptimist at both the Region and club level is commendable. Following is a Delegate’s guide to help you understand the process and get the most for your participation in this important role. o March 21, 2016, Early Bird Register for conference online. o March 31, 2016, ALL Members, Register for conference online. o March 31, 2016, Register for your Market Place sales tables online. o March 31, 2016, Make your hotel reservation online at the Atlantis before the rooms and special rates are gone. The delegates should have a working knowledge of Soroptimist Laws, Region Procedures, the objectives and ideals of the organization and experience as a member of club committees or of the board. Understanding of parliamentary procedure, ability to work with others and a spirit of good will and understanding will help the delegate, the club and the Conference Body. The club president, as a delegate and who serves as the leader of the club’s delegation, should: o March 31, 2016, Register for club displays online. o Allocate time at a business meeting to discuss topics in this agenda so that a majority opinion expressed by the club will serve as a guide to delegates. o March 31, 2016, Register and pay for your Program Ads online. o APRIL 1, 2016, Send in Program ads with digital-ready artwork. o Ensure the club understands that the delegates will endeavour to follow the club guidance, but if during the course of the Conference new information is presented, the delegates will vote for what best represents the club and region interests. o April 1, 2016, Send in your Celebration of Life form and photo. o Assemble club raffle basket. o April 29, 2016, Leave for Conference! o Arrange with other delegates for dividing topics of the report on Conference to be given to club. o Schedule time at a post-Conference club meeting as soon as possible after Conference for delegates to present their reports. Page 9 DELEGATE RESPONSIBILITIES BEFORE CONFERENCE 2016 SNR Call to Conference o Be prepared to write down important business proceedings and background information to report to the club. o Register Promptly! o Encourage all members to attend. o Vote with the club viewpoint in mind. If instructed by the club to vote a certain way, vote that way. If not instructed, use your best judgment considering the best interests of your club and of all clubs in the Region. o Study the Call. o Share 2016 Call to Conference with ALL of the club members – let them know how to register and print the call for them if necessary. o Be willing to accept an assignment from the Governor if asked. o Discuss with members the slate of candidates for the Region Board of Directors and the proposed revision to the bylaws and obtain club majority opinion on voting as guidance for you. o Complete the evaluation form before leaving. o Have a GREAT time. o Clarify financial responsibilities according to club procedures. AFTER CONFERENCE o Collect materials to take to Conference including the Region Handbook (which includes the Region Bylaws and Procedures). o Pack – Conference Attire: Friday – Casual Saturday - Business Casual Saturday – Business Casual Saturday Night – Cocktail, Dressy or Business Attire Sunday – is wear PINK day o Don’t forget your Soroptimist member pin. o Prepare a report as instructed by the club president. The following outline may be helpful: 1. Action by Conference regarding the changes in the bylaws, the budget or other matters to the voting body and the reason for each action. 2. Ideas for increasing club interest and support in attaining Soroptimist goals. 3. Summary of the workshops and committee presentations. 4. A summary of the presentations. 5. A summary of proposals not approved by the Conference and the reason for disapproval. DURING CONFERENCE o Register at Conference upon arrival. o Be on time for all sessions. 6. Awards: who won them and why. Hints for helping your club win next year. o Attend all sessions. o Be familiar with and observe the Conference Standing Rules. 7. Your personal evaluation of the Conference. o Participate in discussion and debate. Page 10 CONFERENCE STANDING RULES VOTING BODY: 2016 SNR Call to Conference the corridors adjoining it. The voting body of the Conference shall be the Sierra Nevada Region Board of Directors and the three accredited delegates of each club in good standing. A club is in good standing if all requirements of Soroptimist bylaws and procedures are met. REGISTRATION: All persons attending Conference sessions shall be registered and shall wear their registration badges at all official functions. CREDENTIALS: Ringers on cell phones shall not be allowed during business sessions, workshops or meals. MOTIONS: Each motion shall be submitted in writing to the Region Secretary at the time it is made. ONLY ACCREDITED DELEGATES MAY MAKE MOTIONS AND VOTE. Motion forms will be available on the delegates' tables. DEBATE: Any Soroptimist may ask her questions and take part in debate, but precedence shall be given to delegates. Delegates shall wear their delegate badge at all meetings and during business sessions. All delegates shall be seated in the section reserved for voting delegates. During a debate, a member may speak for two minutes and once only to a question, unless no other member wants the floor and consent to speak twice is granted by the voting body. If an emergency requires that an alternate be certified as the delegate, both the delegate and the alternate shall report to the Credentials desk and sign the registration sheet. If the delegate is not available, a letter from the Club can designate the alternate as the official delegate to Conference. Once certified as the delegate, she shall serve as the delegate for the remainder of the Conference. All applicable items relating to the delegate position shall be transferred to the alternate. ORDERS OF THE DAY: The official Conference program shall constitute the Orders of the Day. REPORTS: A written copy of each report shall be handed to the Region Secretary at the time the report is presented to the Conference body. MINUTES: DECORUM: The Region Governor shall appoint a committee of three delegates to approve the Conference Minutes. Delegates shall be seated before the sessions are called to order. A delegate or other member who wishes to speak shall rise, address the presiding officer and having been recognized, shall state her name and the name of her club. SUSPENSION: These rules may be suspended by a twothirds vote of the delegates. PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE: During business meetings, members are requested to refrain from speaking unless entitled to the floor and to suppress unnecessary noise in the meeting room and Where not inconsistent with the Soroptimist laws, Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern. Page 11 2016 SNR Call to Conference PROGRAM ADS CELEBRATION OF LIFE Advertise your business or club, celebrate an anniversary, a birthday or send a congratulation. Whatever your reason, here is your chance to share with the Region in your ad in the Conference program! ‘Don’t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.’ Dr. Seuss The same GREAT rates: Join us Sunday Morning, May 1, 2016, to share anecdotes and achievements through Soroptimism of our members who have recently passed. And be prepared to leave with their smiles on your heart. $25 $45 $85 $125 Business Card size ¼ page Ad ½ page Ad Full page Ad Please be inspired to celebrate the lives of the Soroptimists in the Sierra Nevada Region who have passed away since March 1, 2015. 2x3½ 3½x4½ 7x4½ 7x9 To include any SNR Soroptimist in this observance: SIGN UP AND PAY USING THE CONFERENCE REGISTRATION ONLINE. 1) Complete the Celebration of Life form DEADLINE MARCH 31, 2016 2) Submit form and photos by April 1st, to Peggy Ursin via e-mail at Email your artwork (jpg or pdf format) by APRIL 1st to Please write “SNR Ad” in subject line. Forms are available on the SNR registration website. For questions contact Peggy Ursin at _____________________________________________________________________ RESERVED TABLE ANYONE? We are trying something new again this year. How would you like a reserved table for dinner on Friday night or Saturday night or maybe for brunch on Sunday? You could have a reserved table almost anywhere in the room without worrying about getting there early, waiting in line or saving seats for your fellow Soroptimists. For only $80 (8 seats) per meal or $200 for both dinners and Sunday’s Brunch, this table will be reserved for you and your club/friends to enjoy the program from one of the best tables in the house. You will get to pick from available spots in personal or in the back, it's up to you. the room rather it be up close and Space is limited, so if you want to reserve, you must act quickly. To reserve your table, contact Conference Coordinator/Governor-Elect Vicki Watson at or call at (530) 383-3604. Page 12 2016 SNR Call to Conference CLUB DISPLAY INFORMATION FRIDAY WORKSHOPS If your club would like to highlight some of its activities and accomplishments, we have a place for you and at no cost to the club! That’s right it’s FREE for a club to display, either on an easel or a table, your club’s notable accomplishments! 2:15 pm to 3:15 pm The display can either be in the form of a trifold, poster board or whatever you come up with. They will be displayed near registration to get the maximum exposure with your fellow Soroptimist and the public. Due to the number of clubs in SNR, space is limited Set up Friday 12:00 noon Tear Down: Sunday 2:00 pm All materials must be removed at the end of conference Space includes: a portion of a 6’ table to be shared with other clubs. Displays will be set up in an unsecured area. No electrical outlets will be available. Candidates Forum Coordinator Trudy Don’t miss hearing from all the candidates and learn what they bring to serving at the Region level. Come and support them as they share with all of us their Soroptimist accomplishments and goals for the future. Come visit THE person ! Past Board Members How did SNR become it's own Region? Why did this happen? What was the impact? How are our communities better served? How did we communicate? How can we communicate going forward? Women Count! You are the future. What's in your future? 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm Delegates Briefing Parliamentarian Jacque If you are a delegate, learn what your responsibilities are and the procedures for voting on Saturday. Useful information for all Soroptimist to know, feel free to attend, even if you are not a delegate. Register FREE online by March 31, 2016. Questions contact: District 3 Director Barbara Email: Dream It Be It: Career Support for Girls Governor-Elect Vicki and Coordinator Sharon During the last year, many clubs through out the Sierra Nevada Region have implemented the Dream It, Be Program in their clubs. This session will have a panel of representatives from clubs who are actively participating in the program. Attend this session to hear how they got started, how it is going and what has been the outcome. Page 13 2016 SNR Call to Conference THE MARKET PLACE Back by popular demand, The Market Place will be located in Treasurers ABCD this year! Thank you for your participation and patience as we tried something new last year, but we are now going back to a separate room this year for the Market Place. As always everyone working a table MUST register for conference and have a name badge. Reserve your sales table early, space will be limited as always. Opens: Friday Noon until Saturday 8:00 am until Sunday 8:00 am until Close: 5:45 pm when evening session starts 5:45 pm when evening session starts 9:45 am when session starts Set up can start anytime after 8:00 am until Noon, Friday when doors open Tear down can start anytime after 10:15 am, Sunday morning, but must be completed by 3 pm SNR Clubs $ 50.00 SNR Member $ 100.00 Extra Table / Floor Space $ 20.00 Extra Table/ Floor Space $ 35.00 The space will include one 6-foot table and 2 chairs (additional 6 foot tables are discounted – see details above). Note, if you remove a table(s) and replace it with other items, you will be charged for additional space if the items take up more than the table equivalent. SIGN UP AND PAY ONLINE. DEADLINE MARCH 31, 2016 Questions? Contact Penney Leezy at or Barbara Atwell at ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ SIA SALES ITEMS NEW SIA ITEMS AT CONFERENCE CLUB ADVANCE ORDERS Plan to shop early for the new items from SIA including pins, window clings and more that will be available for purchase at conference. As always we will have items available to purchase to any club member on a first come first serve basis. Be sure to stop at the SNR sales table to see the selection. Does your club need several member pins? How about a Past-Presidents pin? Would you like to order Folders? Cards? Bookmarks? Help us to help you, if you have a request or need to order several items from the SIA store, let us know so we can have it/them available for you at Conference. E-mail Treasurer Pam, by March 31 with your pre order. Page 14 2016 SNR Call to Conference CONFERENCE MENU All Meals are served with Coffee, Decaf Coffee, Tea and Water. Breakfast and Brunch includes Orange Juice *************************** FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 2016 DINNER Atlantis Caesar - Heart of Romaine Lettuce, Shaved Parmesan, Focaccia Croutons and Caesar Dressing Rolls and Butter Chocolate Suicide Cake Choice of Entrée: Chicken Parmigiano – Parmesan Cheese, OR Roasted Vegetable Ravioli – Marinara Sauce, Herbed Pasta and Fresh Tri-colored Pasta with Tomato Basil Sauce vegetables ************************** SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 2016 BREAKFAST: Fresh Scrambled Eggs, 2 Bacon strips & 2 Sausage Links, Homestyle Potatoes with Fruit Garnish Basket of Assorted Freshly Baked Muffins and Breads *************************** LUNCH: Kahlua Cheesecake Choice of Entrée: Roasted Turkey Cobb Salad – Oven-Roasted OR Veggie Cobb Salad - Avocado, Tomatoes, Turkey, Applewood Smoked Bacon, Avocado, Tomatoes, Bleu Cheese, Hard-Boiled Egg, Romaine Lettuce with Ranch Dressing Bleu Cheese, Hard-Boiled Egg, Romaine Lettuce with Ranch Dressing *************************** DINNER: Spinach & More Salad- Spinach, Romaine, Cucumber, Strawberries, Mandarin Oranges, Candied Walnuts with Balsamic Vinaigrette Rolls and Butter Chocolate Cups with Raspberry Mousse Choice of Entrée: Shrimp Scampi – Sauteed OR Fire Roasted Beef Tenderloin OR Vegetarian Strudel – Jumbo Prawns in Butter, Mediterranean Vegetables Baked - With Wasabi Mashed Potato, White Wine, Shallots and Sweet Vermouth, Seasonal Vegetables, and Seasoned Rice Asian Pear Compote, Kona Coffee Demi Glace and Seasonal Vegetables in Phyllo Dough, Jasmine Rice and Fresh Rosemary, Roasted Red Pepper Sauce ************************** SUNDAY, MAY 1, 2016 BRUNCH Eggs Benedict – Poached Eggs, Grilled Canadian Bacon, Toasted English Muffin and Hollandaise Sauce With Home-Style Potatoes Basket of Assorted Freshly Baked Muffins and Bread Page 15 2016 SNR Call to Conference NOMINATING COMMITTEE REPORT OFFICIAL LIST OF NOMINATIONS In accordance with provisions of the Sierra Nevada Region bylaws, Article VI: Nominations and Elections, the Region Nominating Committee received the following nominees for the Region Nominating Committee. At the time indicated on the Conference agenda, the report of the Nominating Committee will be heard, placing these names in nomination. At that time, nominations may also be made from the floor. Candidates thus nominated must have given their consent to serve, if elected, and the nominator must have on hand printed material listing the candidate’s Soroptimist background and experience for distribution to the delegates (200 words maximum). OF THE 2016-2018 REGION NOMINATING COMMITTEE GOVERNOR-ELECT CANDIDATE Lane Parks S.I. Citrus Heights SECRETARY CANDIDATE Susan Strople S.I. Smith Valley TREASURER CANDIDATES Danielle Dows S.I. Smith Valley Pam Greever S.I. Placerville At the close of nominations, all candidates will be introduced and given two minutes to speak. DISTRICT 1 DIRECTOR CANDIDATE Maureen Mason S.I. Yreka In accordance with Federation Laws and policy, no circularization on behalf of candidates, distribution of campaign type articles or items is permitted. DISTRICT 2 DIRECTOR CANDIDATE Liesl Schmidt S.I. Marysville-Yuba City DISTRICT 3 DIRECTOR CANDIDATE Peggy Ursin S.I. Elk Grove DISTRICT 4 DIRECTOR CANDIDATE Jerri Curradi S.I. Lincoln DISTRICT 5 DIRECTOR CANDIDATE Sarah V. Carrasco S.I. Reno DISTRICT 6 DIRECTOR CANDIDATE Sarah Walker S.I. Greater Las Vegas Valley Page 16 CANDIDATE RESUMES 2016 SNR Call to Conference _________________________________ As member of SI Citrus Heights, chartered two clubs: SI Rancho Cordova-Gold River, 2009; SI Folsom El Dorado Hills, 2013 GOVERNOR-ELECT CANDIDATE Name: Lane Parks Club Experience: President 1996-97,1997-98, 2000-01; Vice President 1995-96; Treasurer 2004-05, 2005-06, 2006-07; Secretary 1994-95; Newsletter Editor 1994-95,1995-96; Chaired and/or served on most committees Club Name: Soroptimist International of Citrus Heights Name of Company and Position: Dick’s Rancho Glass at San Juan, Inc., President International and Federation Experience: International: March 2015: Attended CSW 59 (Commission on the Status of Women) at the United Nations as one of 30 delegates of Soroptimist International Federation: 2014-16 Federation Membership Chair, 2012-14 Federation Public Awareness Chair, 2014, 2012,2010,1996 Attended SIA Conventions as a delegate 2011 Attended Federation Leadership Conference, Honolulu Region Experience: 2014-16 Region Secretary 2015 SDR Coordinator 2010-12, 2008-10 District 4 Director 2010-12 Laws and Resolutions Committee, Member 2007-09 Nominating Committee Coordinator 2002-04 Ceec Abrahams Memorial Scholarship Coordinator 2000-02 Endowment Coordinator 1998-2000 Celebrating Success Coordinator 2012 Sacramento Theatre Company Fundraiser, Chair 2011 District 4 Stop Trafficking Symposium, Co-Chair Page 17 Education: BS Degree in Marketing, California State University, Chico Other Experience: Treasurer-Cub Scout Pack 281, 2000-02; Committee Chairman-Boy Scout Troop 281, 2006-08; Member Fair Oaks Chamber of Commerce; Volunteer American Cancer Society Relay for Life 2016 SNR Call to Conference CANDIDATE RESUMES (cont.) _________________________________ _________________________________ SECRETARY CANDIDATE TREASURER CANDIDATE Name: Susan Strople Name: Pam Greever Club Name: Soroptimist International of Smith Valley Club name: Soroptimist International of Cameron Park – El Dorado Hills Name of Company and Position: Douglas County School District as a Financial Reporting/Data Analyst Name of Company and Position: Roving Bookie, Owner International and Federation experience: None International and Federation experience: 2010-2011 Fundraising Liaison 2011-2012 Public Awareness Liaison Attended SIA conventions, July 2010 in San Francisco and July 2012 in Hawaii Regional and District experience: 2014-2016 District 6 Director Coordinate SDR registration by creating and maintaining the event registration website. Regional and District experience: 2012-2014 District IV Director 2014-2016 SNR Treasurer I have attended SNR April conferences and July COTR/SDR from 2005 thru 2015 Club experience: I joined Soroptimist International of Smith Valley in 2007 and served as club secretary, treasurer, and president. Club experience: 2004-2007 Treasurer 2007-2008 President Elect 2008-2009 President 2009-2012 Treasurer Education: I obtained my Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology in 2002, and my Master’s Degree in Education in 2013. I also hold an international certification in Project Management (PMP). Education: HS grad & 1 year Jr College plus 2 years of accounting courses at business college 10 years working in a CPA office. Work Experience: I worked for AT&T as a Program/Project Manager and Programmer for 28 years, and retired in 2008. In April of last year I started a new career with Douglas County School District. Other experiences outside Soroptimist that you feel are important: 40+ years as a Roving Bookkeeper for clients at their businesses NBROA (road assn.) treasurer for 13 years Girl Scout Service Unit Manager for 14 years Girl Scout Region Cookie Manager for 18 years Girl Scout Day Camp Director for 12 years Hobbies: I love to enjoy nature by hiking, and 4wheeling. We have 40 Acres in Wellington, Nevada where I split wood (with a log splitter), raise chickens, and attempt to garden as the weather permits. Page 18 2016 SNR Call to Conference CANDIDATE RESUMES (cont.) _________________________________ TREASURER CANDIDATE Name: Danielle Dows Club Name: Soroptimist International of Smith Valley Name of Company and Position: KEMET Blue Powder; IT Coordinator International and Federation Experience: None Regional and District experience: 2013‐2014 Live Your Dream Committee member; 2014 SNR SDR Technology Support; 2014 SNR SDR Conference Presenter; I have attended most SNR Conferences and SNR SDR since becoming a member. QuickBooks for non‐profits. My current position interfaces with accounting in the areas of cost accounting, budgeting, and inaccuracy resolution. I also have many years of experience in combining disparate programs into functionally commingled systems. I like to learn new applications and keep current with most IT innovations and enjoy sharing my knowledge with others. My hobbies include skiing, yarn and needle crafts, computers and gaming. My passions are dogs, my home and husband, and reading, whether that be by paper or audio. _________________________________ DISTRICT 1 DIRECTOR CANDIDATE Name: Maureen Mason Club Experience: I have served my club as Secretary and Treasurer and have served as Live Your Dream (WOA) Committee Chair for the past three years. Member and chair of other committees. Education: Bachelor of Arts, emphasis in Paralegal from Kaplan University. Club Name: Soroptimist International of Yreka Name of Company and Position: Retired, State of California, Department of Insurance; Deputy Insurance Commissioner International and Federation Experience: International: none Federation: Attended the following Soroptimist International of the Americas Biennial Conventions 2014 Vancouver; 2012 Hawaii and 2010 San Francisco – club delegate Other experiences outside Soroptimist that you feel are important: I received my bachelors’ degree in 2006 while continuing to work full time. I have many years of experience in Information Technology related support, including software installation, desktop support and end‐user instruction in systems such as: Oracle and MES systems in the corporate world; Microsoft Office, Google Docs, and all forms of web technology; and Region and District Experience: 2013-2014 Represented District VI, member of SNR Women Honoring Women Who Served Project. 2015-2016 Region Soroptimist Celebrating Success, coordinator 2008-2015 SNR conferences Page 19 2016 SNR Call to Conference 2008-2015 SNR SDR CANDIDATE RESUMES (cont.) _________________________________ DISTRICT 1 DIRECTOR CANDIDATE Maureen Mason – cont. DISTRICT 2 DIRECTOR CANDIDATE Club Experience: I have served as club President twice, President –elect, chair of Membership, Awards & Scholarships, Laws & Resolutions, Service, Budget & Finance and Public Awareness. For the past two years I have chaired the Ways & Means committee, chaired the “I’m Special” for 8th Grade Girls Program 2014 & 2015 and chaired the club’s primary fundraiser the Italian Dinner Dance 2014 & 2015. My current position is club treasurer. I have been active on our club board of directors in various capacities since 2008. Education: Bachelor of Science, University of California, Davis Other experiences outside Soroptimist that you feel are important: As Deputy Insurance Commissioner I was responsible for managing over 100 staff members; appearing before the California State Legislature; and participating on various nationwide insurance committees. All of these afforded me the opportunity to develop strong listening skills and collaborative operational skills both of which I believe would be useful as District Director. Name: Liesl Schmidt Club name: Soroptimist International Marysville-Yuba City Name of Company and Position: U S Bank, Regional President International and Federation experience: None Regional and District experience: Currently serving as District 2 Nominating Committee. Attended many SNR Conferences, Leadership Conferences and District Meetings. Assist during the District elections at conference. Club experience: Soroptimist Member for 18 years, Club President, President-Elect, Secretary and Delegate. Laurel Society Member, Sutter County Girls on the Run Founder and Club Member. Education: University Of Maryland Business Management, B.S., and Pacific Coast Banking School-University of Washington Other experiences outside Soroptimist that you feel are important: Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Treasurer and Vice-Chairman. I am active in many volunteer organizations which include GOTR and Turtle Bay Exploratory. I am passionate about helping women and girls to achieve their dreams and aspirations both in the work place and society Page 20 2016 SNR Call to Conference CANDIDATE RESUMES (cont.) _________________________________ DISTRICT 3 DIRECTOR CANDIDATE Other experiences outside Soroptimist that you feel are important: My experience at the local community college includes nine years in Accounting, six years as Development Director, and ten years in Student Services/Outreach working in Sacramento, El Dorado, Amador and San Joaquin counties informing and helping high school students and other populations prepare for college. Since 2009 I have worked as a Soroptimist with the Rotary Club of Elk Grove in their Youth Mentor Program. I am currently with my third mentee in a program that mentors youth beginning as early as 8th grade and follows the student through completion of high school. Rotary honored my involvement with a Paul Harris Fellow award. Name: Peggy Ursin Club Name: Soroptimist International of Elk Grove Name of Company and Position: Cosumnes River College; Outreach Specialist International and Federation experience: International: None Federation: Attended 2007 Emerging Leaders Forum in Philadelphia; Club delegate to the 2014 SIA Biennial Convention in Vancouver, B.C. _________________________________ Regional and District experience: 2012-2014 SNR Women’s Opportunity Award (now LYD) Coordinator; attended many SNR Conferences, several COTR/SDR retreats. DISTRICT 4 DIRECTOR CANDIDATE Name: Jerri Curradi Club name: Soroptimist International of Club experience: I have served my club as Assistant Treasurer, Treasurer (4 terms), Recording Secretary, President (2 terms) and multiple terms on the Finance Committee and Operations Committee. I edited the club newsletter for three years, and have chaired or co-chaired multiple committees for fundraisers, District Meetings, Soroptimist in the City gathering, and Salute to Women events. Lincoln Name of Company and Position: Supreme Lending Residential Mortgage Loan Officer International and Federation experience: International: Attended SI Convention 2012 in Montreal Canada - Federation: Attended SIA Convention 2010 San Francisco and 2014 Vancouver British Colombia. Education: A.A. Ventura College; BA in Management, St. Mary’s College; MS in School Counseling, University of La Verne Regional and District experience: 2010- 2012 Renaissance Program Chair 2012-2014 District VII Director. During that time there were 14 clubs in District VII, Page 21 2016 SNR Call to Conference more clubs than any of the other districts in the region during that time period. CANDIDATE RESUMES (cont.) DISTRICT 4 DIRECTOR CANDIDATE Jerri Curradi – cont. Club experience: I am a charter member of Soroptimist International of Lincoln. I joined Soroptimist in July 2005. At the club level I have served in the position of correspondence secretary, one and a half years as club treasurer. I also have served as vice president, as well as two years as president. I am currently servicing as the club vice president. I have served several terms as our club delegate representing our club at conference. Education: Bachelor of Arts from the University of Pacific in Stockton California in Inter American Studies and Spanish Regional and District Experience: Have attended most of the SNR Conferences in 2002 through 2004 and 2014 through 2015 as well as SNR SDR/COTRs as a member. Club Experience: I have served my club as President and Vice President, member of the Finance Committee and Education Committee. Education: Bachelor of Science from the University of Nevada, Reno, 1999. Juri e from s D octorat the William S. Boyd School of Law Las Vegas, 2001. Other Experiences Outside Soroptimist That You Feel are Important: Through my practice I serve as a panel mediator, State of Nevada Real Estate Division, to resolve disputes between homeowners and homeowner associations which requires great communication skills, making sure all sides have documentation and information. I believe this experience will serve me well in making sure the clubs of District 5 are well informed and keep an open line of communication between the clubs and the Sierra Nevada Region. I serve on the board of Step 2, a private nonprofit addiction treatment program that accommodates women with children. I sit on a committee organized by the Nevada Attorney General’s Office which raises funds to assist victims of Human Trafficking Other experiences outside Soroptimist that you feel are important: I was active in my children’s sports activities and I worked with the Booster Club at their high school. _________________________________ DISTRICT 5 DIRECTOR CANDIDATE Name: Sarah V. Carrasco Club Name: Soroptimist International of Reno Name of Company and Position: Carrasco Law Practice, LLC; Managing Member International and Federation Experience: None Page 22 2016 SNR Call to Conference CANDIDATE RESUMES (cont.) _________________________________ DISTRICT 6 DIRECTOR CANDIDATE Other Experiences Outside Soroptimist That You Feel are Important: I have served on several positions for Financial Women International which included secretary; I was the secretary for Friends of the Fort Historical, and President of the Preservation society of Southern Nevada. Membership Chairman & helped with fundraising for March of Dimes, Multiple Sclerosis Society, American Cancer, and Girl Scouts of America. I served as a board of Director for Public Television for 7 years 1998-2007 I am very proficient with various software programs. Name: Sarah K Walker Club name: Soroptimist International of Las Vegas Valley Name of Company and Position: Elite Realty, Realtor & Avon Sales Representative International and Federation experience: International: Attended International convention in Glasgow Scotland Aug 2007 Federation: SIA Convention in San Francisco 2010 Vancouver Canada 2014 Regional and District experience: District I Director 2006-2010 ( two biennium) Facilitator of the Secretary session for COTR – 2008 & 2009, 2010 SNR Region Secretary 2012-2014 SNR Fellowship Coordinator 2014-2016 Club experience: Member 2002-current, Membership chairman, secretary, & Treasurer, president two terms 2-2004-2006, Club webmaster, Delegate 2014-2015-2016, and club director 2013-2015 Education: Graduate Real Estate School of Nevada March 2004 University of North Carolina – Cannon Financial School of Trust 1998- Personal Trust Administration Course work at UNLV, UNR, and Community College Page 23 LAWS & RESOLUTIONS REPORT 2016 SNR Call to Conference INTRODUCTION to the REVISION The Soroptimist International of the Americas Sierra Nevada Region (SNR) bylaws has become encumbered by years of additions and edits leaving the region with a long document containing procedural detail and redundancies. In light of all the activity at the federation level as well the current state of the SNR bylaws and procedures Governor Jackie asked the Laws and Resolutions Committee and the parliamentarian to perform an in-depth review to create more focused and up to date documents. The committee members met via internet and open meetings at Governor Jackie’s office as well as presenting a draft of the revision and receiving input from the region board. It is important for clubs to recognize the importance of this proposed revision and discuss it with members and delegates as well as with any of the committee members or Governor Jackie. Following are additional supporting facts as to the decision to complete and present revised bylaws vs. creating numerous amendments: Soroptimist International of the Americas (SIA) has brought about some changes to the ideology of Soroptimism including the concept of membership and objectives. Soroptimist is now open to anyone over the age of 18 years who agree and support the goals of Soroptimist. These objectives of the organization are spelled out in the bylaws. Women and girls are the priority of Soroptimist and SIA has presented the programs that represent these endeavors and direct the individual regions and clubs to support and participate in maintaining these goals. Lisa Mangiafico, Senior Director of Information Services at SIA, has reminded us that the “new governing documents for Soroptimist International (SI) do not in any way carry any authority over SIA’s bylaws/procedures for any club or region”. At the November, 2015 SIA Board Meeting, all references to the SI Constitution and all other governing SI documents have been deleted. Upon initial review the committee indicated that simple amendments would not suffice due to the amount of changes required to the bylaws. Thus, Governor Jackie directed the committee to work towards a revision to be presented at the 2016 region conference. The committee consists of Ellen Songer, SI Burney Falls, Coordinator and members Laura Moskwa, SI American River, Jacque Brown SI Grass Valley, Region Parliamentarian and advisor Governor Jackie. A revision is defined in Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised as “changes that are so extensive and general that they are scattered throughout the bylaws should be effected through the substitution of an entirely new set of bylaws (p. 593). The page further goes on to say that “notice of such a revision is notice that a new document will be submitted that will be open to amendment as fully as if the society were adopting bylaws for the first time. The old document is not pending; and therefore, while the revision can be rejected altogether, leaving the old bylaws intact, the old document cannot be altered with a view to retaining it in a changed form.” Page 24 PROPOSED 2016 SNR Call to Conference BYLAWS REVISION ARTICLE I Name and Territorial Limits Section 1 The name of the region shall be Sierra Nevada Region, Soroptimist International of the Americas, Inc. Section 2 The territorial limits of this region are established by Soroptimist International of the Americas, Inc. (SIA)and consist of the counties of Alpine, Butte, Colusa, El Dorado, Glenn, Inyo, Lassen, Modoc, Mono, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Sacramento, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Sutter, Tehama, Trinity, Yolo and Yuba in California; and all of Nevada. Section 3 Districts. The region shall be divided into a minimum of eight (8) clubs and a maximum of twelve (12) clubs; or 125 members per district. The Board shall be responsible for presenting any realignment plan for conference action. ARTICLE II Objects Section 1 To pursue the vision that women and girls have the resources to reach their full potential and live their dreams. Section 2 To improve the lives of women and girls through programs leading to social and economic empowerment. ARTICLE III Members Soroptimist International clubs and their members residing within the territorial limits of the region shall be considered members of the region. ARTICLE IV Officers Section 1 The officers of this region shall be a governor, a governor-elect, a secretary, and a treasurer. The elected officers of a district shall be a district director. The elected officers and district directors shall constitute the Board. Section 2 Eligibility A. To be eligible for the office of governor or governor-elect, the member shall have served a term as club president and served on the region board prior to the term for which being nominated. B. To be eligible for the office of secretary, treasurer or district director, the member shall have served a term as club president. C. If no candidate meeting these eligibility requirements will accept the nomination another member may be selected as a nominee. Page 25 2016 SNR Call to Conference Section 3 Term of Office. Beginning on July 1, following their election, all officers shall hold office for two (2) years or until their successors take office. No officer is eligible for more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office. Section 4 Vacancies. Section 5 A. In the event of a vacancy in the office of governor, the governor-elect shall hold office for the balance of the biennium and be entitled to continue in the governorship for the following biennium. B. In the event of a vacancy in the office of governor-elect, the board shall fill the vacancy. The member so appointed may not succeed automatically to the office of governor but shall be eligible for election as governor-elect or as governor, if a vacancy still exists. C. A vacancy in the office of district director shall be filled by a vote of the club delegates within that district at a region conference or district meeting. If neither meeting is to be held within sixty (60) days after the vacancy occurs, it shall be appointed by the region board. D. Other vacancies shall be appointed by the region board. Duties of Officers. A. The Governor shall: 1. be the chief executive officer of the region. 2. be ex officio a member of all committees, except the Nominating Committee. 3. appoint a parliamentarian as needed for board meetings and conference. 4. appoint all committees and ad hoc committees. 5. be the region representative at the International Board Meeting held at the time of the Soroptimist International Convention. 6. perform such other duties as pertain to the office or as directed by the region board or SIA. B. The Governor-elect shall: 1. preside over meetings in the absence or at the request of the governor. 2. coordinate the program committees of the region. 3. serve as alternate to the Governor for the International Board Meeting held at the time of the Soroptimist International Convention. 4. perform such other duties as pertain to the office or as directed by the governor or region board. 5. Be authorized to begin work on committee appointments in the second year of the biennium. Page 26 C. 2016 SNR Call to Conference The Secretary shall: 1. keep a record of the proceedings of the region and region board. 2. be custodian of the current official records. 3. perform such other duties as pertain to the office or as directed by the governor or region board. D. The Treasurer shall: 1. receive the funds of the region and deposit them in the financial 2. institutions as authorized by the region board. 3. pay authorized bills. 4. prepare financial reports as are required or requested by the governor or region board. 5. be ex officio a member of the Finance Committee. 6. perform such other duties as pertain to the office or as directed by the 7. governor or region board. E. The District Directors shall: 1. plan the district meeting. 2. Report conditions and concerns within the district to the governor. 3. perform such other duties as pertain to the office or as directed by the governor or region board. Section 6 Discipline. The Region board shall have authority to remove from office any elected officer or board member for failure to perform the duties of office or for conduct which adversely reflects upon the Soroptimist organization. ARTICLE V Nominations and Elections Section 1 Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall be composed of a coordinator appointed by the governor at the first conference of the biennium and one (1) member elected from each district at the first conference of the biennium. Section 2 Term of Office. Members of the Nominating Committee shall serve for two (2) years or until their successors are appointed or elected. Section 3 Vacancies. Any vacancy shall be appointed by the region board from the district where the vacancy occurs. A vacancy in the position of coordinator shall be appointed by the governor. Page 27 Section 4 2016 SNR Call to Conference Elections. A. Voting shall be by ballot. A majority vote shall elect. If no one receives a majority of the cast, balloting shall continue on the two (2) candidates receiving the largest number of votes. B. In the event there is only one (1) candidate for office, election shall be by voice vote. C. All elected officers shall be elected at the second year of the biennium and shall take office July 1. Only delegates, region and district officers from clubs within each district may vote for the district director of their respective districts. ARTICLE VI Meetings Section 1 The Annual Meeting aka Conference of the region shall be held in the spring and shall be held prior to May 15 of each biennium. A. The Location and Date of the conference shall be determined by the region board five (5) years in advance of the conference when feasible. B. Call to Conference. The call to Conference shall be issued to all members at least forty-five (45) days prior to the Conference. C. Voting Body. The voting members of the Conference shall be the region board members and the accredited delegates of each club in good standing. 1. A club shall be deemed in good standing if all requirements of these bylaws and those established by the Conference, region board, and SIA bylaws and procedures have been met at the time its delegates register. 2. A delegate may represent only the club in which the delegate's membership is held. 3. The delegates of each club shall be the president and two (2) members. D. Quorum. Delegates representing a majority of the clubs in the region shall constitute a quorum. E. Emergencies. In an emergency the region board shall determine the means of voting if necessary. Section 2 Soroptimist Development Retreat (SDR). The region shall hold one (1) or more annual Soroptimist orientation, development and training meetings in the spring or summer. Section 3 District Meetings. Each district shall hold an annual meeting in September or October. A. The governor shall approve the dates for district meetings upon the recommendation of the district directors. Page 28 2016 SNR Call to Conference B. Each district may hold an additional district meeting and/or function at the discretion of the Governor. C. The voting members of the district are the region delegates of the clubs within the district, and the district and region officers from clubs within the district. ARTICLE VII Board of Directors Section 1 The Board of Directors shall consist of the elected officers and district directors. The parliamentarian shall attend board meetings in an advisory capacity. Section 2 Duties. The board of directors shall: A. have administrative authority over the affairs of the region except that of modifying any action taken by the region conference or SIA. B be responsible for implementing SIA programs. C. be responsible for region monetary awards. Sections 3 Meetings. The board of directors shall hold open meetings at least semi-annually. One of these meetings shall be immediately prior to the conference and at such other times at a place and time determined by the governor. Section 4 Special Meetings. The governor or a majority of the board members may call a special meeting to be attended simultaneously by telephone or attended by electronic/internet technology with at least seven (7) days notice. Section 5 Emergency Meetings may be conducted via telephone or electronic/ internet technology with twenty-four (24) hours notice. Section 6 Quorum. A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum. Section 7 A Mail Ballot may be initiated by the governor or region board except when a conference is held within fifteen (15) days. Section 8 Limitation of Liability of Board Members. A region board member shall not be personally liable for monetary damages for any action taken, or any failure to take any action in the performance of their duties unless the board member has engaged in willful misconduct or recklessness in the performance of their duties. ARTICLE VIII Committees Section 1 Standing Committees. Standing committees include: Archives, Communications, Conference, Finance, Bylaws and Procedures and Soroptimist Development Retreat. Page 29 2016 SNR Call to Conference Section 2 Federation Goals Committees. The region shall have committees that execute the SIA goal in the areas of fundraising, membership, program and public awareness. Subcommittees will be formed to implement the Soroptimist identifying projects: a) Live Your Dream: Education and Training Awards for Women b) Dream It, Be It: Career Support for Girls and c) Soroptimist Celebrating Success!. All the coordinators of these committees shall be the region representatives to SIA. Section 3 Program Committees include, Endowment Fund, Evelyn Holland Award, Fellowship, Youth Clubs and Ruby Award: For Women Helping Women. Section 4 The governor shall determine the size of the committee and have the option to combine the committees. Section 5 The term of office for committee chairs, coordinators and members shall be two (2) years or until their successors are appointed. ARTICLE IX Fiscal Matters Section 1 The Fiscal Year shall be July 1 through June 30. Section 2 Dues. Each club shall pay annually $25 per Member. Section 3 Financial Review. The treasurer's books shall be subject to a financial examination by the Finance Committee using procedures comparable with a financial review under generally accepted accounting principles together with random sampling substantiation and verification procedures at the close of each biennium, and at such other times as the region board may authorize or upon the recommendation of the treasurer or the Finance Committee. A summary of the biennial examination shall be available to clubs. Section 4 Insurance. The treasurer and, at the discretion of the region board any other member responsible for funds shall be insured. Section 5 Solicitation of Funds. Monetary or in-kind donations shall not be solicited by the region from members or clubs, except when action authorizing such solicitation has been specifically approved by the region conference or, if the conference will not be held within three (3) months, by the region board. ARTICLE X Parliamentary Authority The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be the parliamentary authority for all matters not specifically covered in these Bylaws, Sierra Nevada Region Procedures and Policies or Soroptimist International of the Americas Bylaws and Procedures. ARTICLE XI Amendment Section 1 These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3's) vote at conference provided such amendment has been submitted by a club, a region committee, or the region board or any of the board's individual members according to the procedures established. All proposed amendments properly filed shall be included with the Call to Conference. Page 30 Section 2 2016 SNR Call to Conference Amendment to these bylaws without a vote of the membership shall occur when bringing the bylaws into conformance with directives from SIA. Such amendments shall be distributed to the membership in a timely manner. ARTICLE XII Dedication and Dissolution Section 1 The property of Sierra Nevada Region is irrevocably dedicated to special welfare purposes and no part of the net income or assets of this organization shall ever inure to the benefit of any officer or member thereof or to the benefit of any private persons. Section 2 Upon the dissolution or winding up of Sierra Nevada Region, all assets remaining after payment, or provision for payment, of all debts and liabilities of this organization shall be distributed to a non-profit fund, foundation or corporation which is organized and operated exclusively for social welfare purposes and which has established its tax exempt status under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The SNR Board of Directors and the Laws and Resolutions Committee recommends adoption of these revised bylaws. Page 31