5/22/16 - St. Ignatius of Antioch Parish


5/22/16 - St. Ignatius of Antioch Parish
The Roman Catholic Church of
Saint Ignatius of Antioch
22, 2016
“I am the wheat of God. I must become the pure bread of Christ.” St. Ignatius of Antioch
Msgr. Joseph A. Pellegrino, Pastor
715 E Orange Street
Tarpon Springs, Florida 34689
Mass Schedule:
Saturday…….4:00 and 6:30 p.m.
(Fulfills Sunday Obligation)
Sunday……...7:30, 9:00, 11:30 a.m.
and 6:00 p.m. Life Teen
Weekdays…..7:30 a.m. and 9:00 a.m.
Saturday…….9:00 a.m.
Schedule of Confessions:
Saturday…….3:00– 3:45 p.m.
and after the 6:30 p.m. Mass
Main Office ext. 201
Msgr. Joseph A. Pellegrino, Pastor
ext. 209
Rev. Brian Fabiszewski, Parochial Vicar ext.207
Rev. Kevin Molloy, in Residence
ext. 208
Deacon Samuel Moschetto
ext. 210
Deacon John Edgerton
ext. 222
Dan Angel, Seminarian
ext. 242
Ron Appel, Parish Manager
ext. 215
Katherine Creamer, Office Manager
ext. 201
Lorna Moffitt, Parish Mgr. Assistant
ext. 203
Eldean Jenkins, Facilities Manager
ext. 201
Anne Harman, Music Director
ext. 206
Rev. Brian Fabiszewski, - Director
Fran Morin, Pre-K—8th Grade
Katie Napolitano
Evangelization and Spirituality
Laura Margarella, Caritas
ext. 207
ext. 220
ext. 224
ext. 221
Bart Kovacic, Life Teen
High School Ministry
Jen McIlveen, Edge
Middle School Ministry
ext. 246
ext. 210
Sharon Stokely, Director
ext. 225
Mrs. Cindy Malinski, Principal
Mary Caesar
The Trinity is a model for the Christian lifestyle.
We are called to be in the world, intimate,
yet not of the world, transcendent.
We are called to bring Mystery amid the mayhem.
Miraculous Medal Devotion:
Before 9 a.m. Mass each Wednesday
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:
Thursdays after 9 a.m. Mass until 10:15 a.m.
First Friday of the Month 9:30 a.m. until 9 p.m.
Baptism: Please call the Parish Office
Marriage: Please call the Parish Office
at least 6 months in advance.
Holy Orders: Please call
Rev. Carl Melchior at 345-3338
Page 2
MAY 22, 2016
Mystery Amid Mayhem
We live in the information age. When in doubt, go to your smart phone or
computer and Google your question.
The Age of Information has provided us with whatever facts we need at our
finger tips, but it has also assaulted the very concept of faith. Because explanations
can be found for most of the questions we may have, we feel cheated when we
come upon unanswerable questions, questions like: “Why do good people die?
What happens after death? Does God exist? What is God like? Who, really, is Jesus
Christ? How has the past become the present and the future? How is it that the
Christ can be with the Father yet still with us?”
People of faith realize that mystery can be found throughout life. Instead of
questioning the unknowable, people of faith see in the very presence of mystery the
presence of God, the Holy One. Holy, by the way means completely separate from
the material world.
Sadly, many people refuse to recognize the existence of Mystery. Their
lives revolve around the here and now, the physical. They have led our society into
mayhem. “If it feels good do it,” is the modern expression of ancient Hedonism.
It has resulted in a total lack of responsibility for actions, a total rejection of the
greater good of society, a total assault against the concept that we are accountable
to God for our lives. It has produced the insanity that really reached a new low
in the arguments supporting partial birth abortion that refuse to consider the
possibility that the child feels pain and suffers.
The rejection of the spiritual, the rejection of Mystery, has led to chaos in
our society.
In the middle of this, we come to Church this week and are confronted with
the Doctrine of the Trinity. I suggest that for us in 2016, it is not the details of the
dogma that are important. What is important is the fact that the unknowable exists.
More than that, the Holy, that which is completely separate from physical life, has
infused the life of the believer with the spiritual, with the Life of God.
The Eternal Creator of the universe shocked us by establishing an intimate
relationship with us. At baptism we receive His life. Our bodies are sacred, holy,
because we are the dwelling place of God. He has bestowed infinite dignity upon
us to such an extent that we have been given the right to call the Second Person
of the Trinity, Jesus the Christ, our brother.
As Christians we have been called to restore Mystery
amid the mayhem of our society. We do this by focusing our
lives on the One who is both transcendent and intimate, Jesus
Christ. He is one of us, with us always. He is the eternal Son
of the Father, present at the dawn of Creation, sitting at the
Right Hand of the Father, sending His Spirit, the Holy Spirit to
empower us to make sense out of the irrationality of life, to put
the Order of God into the chaos of materialism.
Every action of our lives must be grounded in our union
with Jesus Christ. You folks who come to church this weekend
are serious Catholics. You come to church for more than the
sentiments of Christmas and Easter. You do not attend Mass
to keep other people happy. You attend Mass because you
need the Lord in your lives and in the lives of your families.
Perhaps you are attending to ask God to help you make Him
real for your children. Perhaps you are here asking Him to help
you experience His Presence in others and provide others with
an experience of His presence. Perhaps you are here asking
God to help you draw closer to Him every day of life that you
have left. Probably you are here for all these reasons. You are
here to bring the Holy Order of Mystery into a world of chaos.
You and I are Christian because the world desperately
needs us to be Christian. The world needs us to establish a
close relationship with others, while at the same time, live for
the Lord. The world needs us to provide others with an
experience of the spiritual. This is the mission, the command,
that Jesus gave before His Ascension: “Go, therefore, and make
disciples of all nations.”
The mystery of the Trinity is more than an esoteric
doctrine of faith. It is a model for the Christian lifestyle. We
are called to be in the world, intimate, yet not of the world,
We are called to bring Mystery amid the mayhem.
Yours in Christ,
This week’s
Altar Flowers
Angie Bronson
in loving memory of
Bill Bronson
distributed this
week at
Florida Hospital
North Pinellas
by Caritas
Volunteers were
donated by
Jean Boehne
in loving memory of the
deceased members of the
Paterson and Wilkie families.
Page 4
First Friday of Adoration & Benediction
The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus has been a Solemnity in the
Roman Catholic Church since 1856 and is celebrated 19 days after
Pentecost. This year it is on June 3rd. which is also the First Friday of the month.
The most significant source of devotion to the Sacred Heart in its form
today was through the acknowledged visions of our Divine Lord to a
Visitation nun, St. Margaret Mary of Alaque in the 17th century in France.
St. Margaret Mary claimed that the risen Jesus Christ requested to be honored under the
figure of His Heart of Flesh showing the radiance of His Love. He asked for a devotion
of expiatory love with frequent reception of Holy Communion, especially on the First
Friday of each month and the observance of a Holy Hour. It is noteworthy to quote the words
of Jesus as reported by St. Margaret Mary; “Behold the Heart that has so loved people.
Instead of gratitude, I receive from the greater part of mankind only ingratitude.
In this Year of Mercy, Pope Francis teaches that “God never tires of forgiving.”
Included in the Twelve Promises of Jesus for those who make the nine First Fridays were:
“I will give peace to their families, sinners will find my Heart the source and infinite
ocean of mercy; I will give priests the power to touch the most hardened hearts,
those who receive Holy Communion on the First Fridays, for nine consecutive
months, will receive the grace of final repentance and will not die in my displeasure
without the Sacraments….”
As Mother Teresa said: “When you look at the Cross you know how much Jesus loved you then;
when you gaze upon the Sacred Host, you know how much God loves you now.”
June 3rd is the First Friday. We will have Exposition of Jesus in the
Living Eucharist in the Chapel following the 9 a.m. Mass in the Church and
ending with the Blessing of Jesus in Benediction at 9 p.m.
Did you know that the largest group of Christians in the United States, after Catholics,
are inactive or non-worshiping Catholics? Some of them are in our own families.
Spending a Holy Hour is a wonderful act of sacrifice offered for those
who need to know the mercy of the Sacred Heart.
Page 5
Help Your Knights of Columbus—
Help Wounded Veterans!
There are a great number of wounded veterans recuperating
at the
James A. Haley Medical Center in Tampa.
These wounded heroes (both Male & Female) are in need
of some basic supplies. Please donate from the list below
on May 28th or 29th in the front of the Church before the Masses.
Thank you for all your anticipated co-operation.
God Bless You!
After Shave
Canned meat products
In the Wildflowers Retreat
A 10-week private retreat.
Orientation on July 9th and series continues
on the following Saturdays, July 16th
through September 17th.
10 am to 2 pm at the Bethany Center
(18150 Bethany Center Drive in Lutz).
Space is limited to 7 participants.
If interested, contact Cathy at 813-843-8969
or wildflowersretreats@gmail.com.
Flip-Flops (shower shoes)
Pens & Pencils
Note Paper
DVDs Video Games Stereo/TV Headsets.
Books: Word Search Sudoku
“In the
Wildflowers Retreat”
for women who have
suffered childhood
sexual abuse.
Razor Blades Nail Clippers
Combs Hair Brushes
Crossword puzzle
Post Abortion Healing
Project Rachel allows you,
in a caring and hopeful context,
to move toward
reconciliation -with yourself,
your unborn child, your family,
your Church and God.
The next Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat
is June 24-26 in English and
August 19-21, in Spanish.
Contact Fr. Brian in the parish office at ext. 207
or call Project Rachel at 813-924-4173.
Monthly support groups take place around the
diocese for both men and women who have been
impacted by an abortion decision.
E-mail projectrachel@ccdosp.org to register.
Page 6
St. Ignatius Summer Vacation Bible School
Coming June 20th through June 24th
9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Open to all Children going into
Kindergarten – 5th grades
Contact the Children’s Faith Formation Office
for more information.
Fran Morin 727-937-4050 ext.220
Marie Day 727-937-4050 ext.223
from our
Early Childhood Center to
who helped make this
year’s fundraiser,
Under the Tropical Moon
a success!
St. Ignatius Early Childhood Center…
Ages 2-5 & Free VPK
Call 937-5427
Pick up applications in the parish office and/or schedule a tour.
Stop by the school and see what makes our early childhood center outstanding!
Page 7
Ministry Spotlight
Liturgical Ministries!
This choir ministers at the 11:30 a.m.
Sunday Mass and
is responsible for leading the music at
most special occasions throughout the year.
Contact Anne Harman ext. 206
St. Ignatius Altar Servers is open to all
girls and boys from the fourth grade
and up who have made their first
Holy Communion.
Contact Jen McIlveen at ext. 210
Open to all children of the parish in grades
2 – 8. The children sing at the 9 a.m. Mass.
Contact Anne Harman ext. 206
Our Lectors serve the parish by
proclaiming the Word of God in the
Christian assembly. Children in the fourth
grade or older are welcome to be lectors at
the 9 a.m. Children Mass.
Adult Lectors serve at all other Masses.
Contact the Parish Office at ext. 201
Ministers of Hospitality serve by
welcoming, seating people, taking collection,
and handing out the bulletin. Children in the
fourth grade or older are welcome to be
ushers at the 9 a.m. Children Mass.
Adult Ushers serve at all other Masses.
Contact the Parish Office at ext. 201
...Not Catholics Apologizing
What Catholics believe and why!
May 3rd through June 15th.
We meet Tuesdays from 7 to 8 p.m. and
Wednesday mornings at 9:45 to 10:45 a.m.
(There will be no evening session on May 17th.)
Deacon John will present these “open sessions”
in room 2 of the Life Center. There are no books
to be studied, only an opportunity for anyone to
ask questions they always wanted to ask but for
some reason didn’t. Questions, like “What must
I do to be saved?” “If God is such a loving God,
how could He ever send anyone to Hell for all
Questions may be emailed to Deacon John at
jedgerton@ignatius.net, may be written on a piece
of paper and placed in the Question Box in the
Life Center’s hallway or you can ask them from the
floor; whatever makes you feel comfortable.
Resource books will be available for anyone
who wants to further their knowledge of God,
Scripture, the Church and the challenges of
modern society. No Registration required.
Welcome Inactive Catholics
In declaring this
Jubilee Year of Mercy,
Pope Francis said:
“Jesus of Nazareth reveals the
mercy of God by His words,
actions and person.”
In that spirit, we welcome any Catholics
who have been inactive in the practice
of their Faith, for any reason,
to open-end meetings on
Wednesdays at 7 p.m. in classroom 6.
Plenty of opportunities for discussions.
If you know someone you think might be
interested in coming, just invite them.
Page 8
Invest in YOUTH STOCK!
depend on it!
The teens of St. Ignatius are embarking on journeys this summer
to strengthen and challenge themselves in their relationship with Jesus. All this costs money. This is an
opportunity for you to help the young people directly in their faith experience. Maybe you wanted to
sponsor a teen, but couldn’t do it alone, or you wanted to give, but didn’t know how, then this
is for you. St. Ignatius Youth Stock are available at only $10 a share.
You can purchase as many shares as you would like.
The money goes directly to offsetting the cost for the teens journeys.
Fill out request form below and place it in the collection basket or drop off at the Parish Office.
Get in on this life changing opportunity.
Don’t think twice.
This is an opportunity to invest and influence the church not just of today, but for tomorrow.
Prayerfully consider this simple way of being a part of the youth of St. Ignatius.
For questions contact Bart Kovacic at 727-251-2476 or Jennifer McIlveen at 727-492-8652.
If you prefer to mail this form please remit to: St. Ignatius Catholic Church, Attn: Bart Kovacic
715 E Orange St Tarpon Springs FL 34689.
St. Ignatius Youth Stock – 2016
Name: _________________________________ Address:_______________________________
City____________________ Zip:__________ Phone: ________________________
Email:_______________________________ Number of Shares___________
Name of Youth or "any" you would like to sponsor
Summer Camp
Good Counsel Camp
is a co-ed camp
for ages 7-15,
owned and operated by
the Diocese of
St. Petersburg.
1 and 2 week sessions available.
Visit goodcounselcamp.org.
Don’t Miss an Event!
Keep in Touch!
and on Facebook
Saturday, May 21
Sunday, May 22
Most Holy Trinity
Proverbs 8:22-31
John 16:12-15
4:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m..
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m..
11:30 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
Monday, May 23
1 Peter 1:3-9
Mark 10:17-27
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
Tuesday, May 24
1 Peter 1:10-16
Mark 10:28-31
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
Wednesday, May 25
St. Bede, St. Gregory VII,
St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi
1 Peter 1:18-25
Mark 10:32-45
+ Lucas Cinisomo
+ Janina Grudzinska
7:00 p.m.
Boy Scouts Court of Honor - h
Food Pantry Drive this Weekend
+ Olive Opal Waugh
For the People of Our Parish
+ David Mangusso
+ Richard Kelley
6:00 p.m.
Life Teen Night in the hall
+ Myles Hollowed
+ Milton Grosz
9:30 a.m.
Rosary Makers & Crafts in the hall
+ David Sokolowski
+ Peter Zarakas
+ William Mulligan
10:30 a.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
33 Days to Morning Glory c2-4
33 Days to Morning Glory c2-4
Apologetics c6
9:00 a.m.
Vocations to the Priesthood &
Religious Life
+ Kathy Phillips
6:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
9:45 a.m.
2:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Brothers in Christ in the hall
Mother’s Morning Out c8
Apologetics c6
Women’s Council Brd Meeting c2
Inactive Catholics Meeting c6
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
+ Jeremy Denton
+ Robert Tellone
9:30 a.m.
Mother’s Morning Out c8
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
+ Blanche Zielinski
& Emma Barszczewski
For An End to Abortions
6:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Girl Scout Troop 1142 c7
Girl Scout Troop 1124 c6
Boy Scouts c2-4
Saturday, May 28
Jude 17, 20-25
Mark 11:27-33
9:00 a.m.
+ Scott Allan Green
Saturday, May 28
4:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m..
+ Theresa Schill
+ Therese Page
6:00 p.m.
Life Teen Night in the hall
Thursday, May 26
St. Philip Neri
1 Peter 2:2-12
Mark 10:46-52
Friday, May 27
St. Augustine
1 Peter 4:7-13
Mark 11:11-26
Sunday, May 29
Most Holy Body and
Blood of Christ
Genesis 14:18-20
1 Corinthians 11:23-26
Luke 9:11-17
7:30 a.m.
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m..
11:30 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
+ Karol Bil
For the People of Our Parish
+ Eleanor Boyland
Anniversary of
Larry & Becky O’Neill
If you wish to have a Mass said for special intentions or for deceased family members or friends
please stop by the parish office between 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. weekdays.