vanson announces economic stimulus package
vanson announces economic stimulus package
2009 Vol. 1. No.1 VANSON TIMES VANSONLEATHERS . com The Road Ahead Life’s pleasurable road trip has been upgraded to the most incredible adventure in history that we are all on together. Endure the challenge and win over life’s longest distances with the ‘no compromise’ hand-made garments by VANSON Leathers. Get TERM LONG- eturns ment R Invest is known n Vanso r. fo VANSON ANNOUNCES ECONOMIC STIMULUS PACKAGE Vanson’s top management unveil plan to assist motorcycle riders impacted by the ailing economy with unprecedented release of VANBUCK$ currency in increments of $250, $100, $75 and $50 * *. The Vanson plan would reach individual riders on the main streets and motor-ways of the world. Vanson’s minister of long-range forecasting, Ivan Godowntheroad, stated ‘while Wall Street and Motor City see billions of tax payer relief heading their way, the Vanson economic stimulus package offers relief to save the hides of our customers. Not only are we practically printing money and giving it away but, we are distributing it equally and without bias across Vanson’s entire community of dealers and riders be they the rich, poor, seasoned veterans, permit holders, or purely fashionistas. 951 Broadway, Fall River, MA Additionally, this plan will deliver the historically high, long-term investment returns every Vanson is known for.’ Ivan went on to say, “had Vanson’s motorcycling lobby been more successful with congress, riders could have seen an across the board stimulus package where every man woman and child in the U.S. would have received $500,000, enough for most folks to pay off their mortgages, car and school Redefining uses for the Dollar. loans, and buy a new car, Not completely useless as naya bike or two, and a few sayers claim. Vanson Leathers and their dealers still welcome custom Vanson garments. get things moving again and fast ! continued . . . and accept all U.S. currency. 508.678.2000 / USA Comet y Appl $ K C U BT N A V $ 75 OME ily. tC In times like these, its not about counting how many things you can buy that matters. It is about buying things that truly matter. Just ask anyone wearing a Vanson if what they wear matters to them. “. . . the world righting itself by eliminating the glut of inferior products. “ fam elec on s The Vanson Plan sure would have stimulated the economy. Maybe we are watching the world righting itself by eliminating of the glut of inferior products or we all better learn the art of outdoor living and cooking with wood. Either way, Vanson’s original plan would have had us all on the same road, heading in the same direction, doing it debt free, in a new wardrobe, with a few new bikes parked next to your yurt.” AR2, W201, M201, COMT, COM2, LSRR, CSRR, BL, 101 leather pants. cob2 y A ppl $ $ K C U B IDER N A V 100 RT R ily. fam SPO t elec n o s Black only COB2, COBL, CSR2, CSRL, CSV2, CSVL, CAV2, CANL, C3A2, C3AL, C3L2, LC3L, C3S2, LC3S, C3H2, LC3H, AZ2. odyssey model-A y Appl $ K C U BY N A V $ 50 SSE Y il fam t OD c e l e s on ODYS, ODYP, ODLS, ODLP, ACE, LACE, C101 Cordura Overpant. y. Short of these ideals on the redistribution of wealth, the distribution of VANBUCK$ currency is available at on-line portal and participating Vanson retailer through June 30, 2009. VANBUCK$ is like printing your own money and what you can buy with it will not only save your hide but, like most Vanson products it will deliver a high-return on investment and maintain its value for years to come. For features and details of these garments visit: BUILT TO LAST FREEOR ARM ADE R UPG Purchase any Armor compatible men's or women's Vanson jacket or pants and receive Vantech CE Armor FREE! VANBUCK$ also applies to purchases made through Vanson Leathers Web-store. Valid is U.S. and CanadaONLY through June 30, 2009. Eric WOOD pilots the NCR DUCATI 848 in Formula Extreme. U.S. Sales Only VANBUCK $ Disclaimer Valid - June 2009 WINNERS WEAR VANSON LEATHERS y Appl $ K C U B TOM N A V 250 & CUS S. $ on IT CK SU STO RACE #1 Jeff WOOD 2008 National Champion in ASRA (Sportbike, Superbike, and Superstock) 2008 CCS and WERA National For 34-years Vanson has been handcrafting their heirloom quality leathers that are recognized and much beloved around the world. WInner. Thanks to the many privateer road racers and factory teams who trust no other brand but Vanson, we are able to learn and continually develop and improve every garment we make. ROAD RACE SUITS Apply $250 VANBUCK$ toward your next purchase of any new: Protect your hide with the strongest motorcycle riding apparel made by one of the world’s most respected designers and manufacturers. * Standard Size Suits * Semi Custom Suits * Custom Vanson Suits * * The VANBUCK$ Program is not currency, nor is it to be used in lieu of US or Foreign currency. VANBUCK$ are money savings coupons with an equivalent face value of US currency – whatever that may be this week. VANBUCK$ can be used at point of sale through any of the 350 Vanson Retailers in the U.S., or at the on-line store at You can also visit the Vanson Leathers extensive showroom, factory, and global design headquarters in Fall River, Massachusetts, USA. Call for directions and to schedule custom sizing appointment 508.678.2000. Plan a trip. Bring a friend. The names and quotes in the Vanson Times are mostly of fictitious people conceived purely for entertainment and good humor, although the sentiments and statements are not far from reality behind the scenes at Vanson’s World Headquarters. If you would like to write to Vanson, express an opinion, or comment on any of the views written in the Vanson Times, be they real, imagined, or hallucinogenic visions of a more perfect world where everyone rode Norton twins with more reliable electronics, along scenic coastal roads, please write to: VO93, VE93, SMO2, RR1, RR12, RR22, DR2, DRL2. Your $250 VANBUCK$ cannot be combined with other specials except the FREE Armor Upgrade program. NO COMPROMISES The Vanson team thanks you for choosing our handcrafted, heirloom quality garments for you and the ones you love. 951 Broadway Fall River, MA U.S.A. 02724 DON’T EVEN THINK OF MAILING THIS WITHOUT AFFIXING THE PROPER POSTAGE RIGHT HERE. VANSONLEATHERS . com Please deliver to Addressee, Occupant, or Current Resident. C I M O N O C E S U L U STIM AGE PACK VANBUCK$ 250 VANBUCK$ $ VANBUCK $ son n a V elect USTOM s n C S. yo Appl OCK & E SUIT ST RAC VANBUCK$ 100 $ VANBUCK $ son n a V lect family. e s R y on Appl RT RIDE SPO Photocopy this page and pass it along to your friends. VANBUCK$ 50 75 $ -$ VANBUCK $ son n a V elect f $300 s n o g yo Appl rments includin T Ga Value OMEly. C & 0 i $40 SSEY fam Y OD VANSON ECONOMIC STIMULUS PACKAGE Valid in the U.S. only through June 30, 2009 Cash-in BIG with Vanbuck$. It’s EASY . . . like printing money! To be eligible for VANBUCK$, please complete This Form and your Vanson Product Warranty/Registration at point of sale. If you purchase from an authorized Vanson Dealer, they will help process this for you. Is this your first garment from Vanson Leathers? Y[ ] If no, how many Vanson garments do you presently own? N[ ] ___________________________ VANSONLEATHERS. com Are you purchasing this Vanson for yourself? Y[ ] or, if N[ ] for whom? ______________________________ How did you hear about Vanson Leathers? Magazine[ ] Internet[ ] Friend[ ] Mailing[ ] Event[ ] Other[ ] Do you plan to by a complementing Vanson garment (Streamliner Vest or Pants)? Y[ ] What is your age? ________ / # of Years Riding ________ / are you Male[ ] N[ ] Female[ ] Type of riding you do and number of bikes owned in each category? Sport[ ] #___, Sport/Touring[ ] #___, Touring[ ] #___, Cruising[ ] #___, Track-Days[ ] #___, Race[ ] #___, Vintage[ ] #___, Other[ ] #___. On average, how many total miles do you ride motorcycles in a year? ________ When buying motorcycle riding apparel, please number in order of importance the points you consider? Quality[ ] Price[ ] Protection[ ] US-made[ ] Style Function/Fit[ ] Ventilation[ ] Armor Compatible[ ] Would you recommend Vanson Leathers garments to friends and other riders? Y[ ] N[ ]
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