2 - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
2 - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Content Life at URJC 1 • About URJC • The university and its campuses • Information for foreign students at URJC • Contacts 2 Living in Madrid 2 • Accommodation • Medical Insurance • What is the weather like? • Cost of living Congratulations on • Cultural and Touristic information accepted to Rey Juan Carlos URJC Welcome Handbook being University! We realize that studying abroad Academic life for Mobility Students at URJC 3 can r e present challenges • Arrival • Enrolment and changes of Erasmus period both a variety of academically and personally. We will do our best to help you • Exams make your experience at URJC • Departure and in Madrid the best one! • Attached documents 3 About URJC Rey Juan Carlos U n i v e r s i t y is the y o u n g e s t a n d Rey Juan Carlos University is in close contact and most m o d e r n of all public universities in Madrid. It has collaborates with t h e i n t e r n a t i o n a l scientific community four campuses, located in Móstoles, Alcorcón, Fuenlabrada and participates in exchange programs for both teachers and and Vicálvaro (Madrid), as well as its Foundation in the city students. center. It was created in 1996 with the objective of offering all-round preparation for its students, combining theoretical Research and technological teaching with training in laboratories and companies, thus most important mainstays, as well as its commitment and facilitating rapid access to the labour market. The university connection with business sectors in a free-flowing university- has, at present (course 2014/15), more than 40.000 students business relationship, making it a university prepared to enrolled, including 4.212 international students (11%) from confront the challenges of the 21st Century. innovation are one of its over a hundred countries from all over the World, and a staff of more than 1.900 members, including both teachers and Where is Rey Juan Carlos University? Rey Juan Carlos University is located in the East and Southern parts of Madrid and i t is very accessible by public transport, (underground, bus and railway.) How to reach the campuses? Barajas Airport: Is only 12 km. away from the city center. Public Transport to the city center: Metro (price 5 €) and bus (price 5 €.) Taxi Service: Price from 25 € to 35 € depending on the kilometers and the taximeter. Shuttle service: Reservations are required. The current price: from 45 € for 3 people to 75 € for 7 people. (Airport- city centre-Vicálvaro). Life at URJC administrative personnel. 2 Rey Juan Carlos University offers a large variety of official degrees in Spanish, double degrees, online degrees and 8 degrees in English, as well as Masters, PhDs, special degrees and continuing education programmes taught in Spanish. Courses Offered http://www.urjc.es/estudios/ http://www.urjc.es/version_ingles/Degrees/index.html FIELDS OF KNOWLEDGE DEGREES IN ENGLISH Engineering Business Administration and Management Experimental and Environmental Sciences Tourism Health Sciences Pre-School Education Communication Sciences Primary School Education Tourism Sciences International Relations Legal and Social Sciences Marketing Arts Academic calendar 2014/15 1ST SEMESTER: August 26th – 5th September Intensive Spanish course (Mornings) Vicalvaro Campus. Buddy Program Activities (Afternoons.) 2st September Welcome Session. 12:00 a.m. Vicalvaro Campus, Library Conference Hall. December 19th Classes end. Christmas Holidays. December 12th – January 10th Evaluation. 2ND SEMESTER (Check in the web*) 12th January Welcome Session 12:00 am. Vicálvaro: Library Conference Hall. 12th January Classes begin. April Easter Holidays. 17th May Classes end. May / June Examination period. Further information http://www.urjc.es/relaciones_internacionales/erasmus_munde/archivos/incoming/calendario_academico_2014-15.pdf 4 The university and its Campuses CAMPUS ALCORCÓN Madrid CAMPUS FUENLABRADA Alcorcón Móstoles CAMPUS MÓSTOLES Fundación Pza. Manuel Becerra Vicálvaro Fuenlabrada CAMPUS VICÁLVARO URJC • Fundación Plaza de Manuel Becerra 14, 28028 Madrid. Tel.: 0034 91 488 83 33 www.fundacionurjc.es - email: fundacion@urjc.es Metro lines 2 and 6 Campus Alcorcón Avda de Atenas s/n, 28922 Alcorcón. Tel: 91 488 88 17 www.cs.urjc.es - email: alcorcon.info@urjc.es Metrosur (Parque Oeste) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Faculty of Health Science - Department Building II: University Clinic - Department Building I - Restaurant - Library - Multipurpose Laboratory Building - Lecture Room I 7 - Lecture Room II 8 - Administration Building 9 - Control Building 10 - Car Park 11 - Car Park II 12 - Sports Area 12 1 2 10 4 3 5 9 6 Life at URJC 8 7 11 http://www.urjc.es/version_ingles/Information/How_to_Get/alcorcon/cll_alcorcon.html 5 Campus Fuenlabrada Camino del Molino s/n, 28943 Fuenlabrada. Tel: 91 488 72 62 www.fccom.urjc.es, www.etsit.urjc.es, www.fct.urjc.es, www.isdaa.urjc.es Metrosur (Hospital de Fuenlabrada) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Faculty of Communication Sciences Faculty of Tourism Sciences Telecommunication Engineering School Dance College “Alicia Alonso” - Department Building - Lecture Room I - Laboratory I - Control Building - Restaurant - Laboratory II - Lecture Room II - Library - Administration Building - Sports Facilities - Stadium - Conference Hall - Car Park - Car Park - Car Park - Coffee Shop 15 1 2 3 4 13 6 5 7 16 11 8 9 12 10 14 http://www.urjc.es/version_ingles/Information/How_to_Get/fuenlabrada/cll_fuenlabrada.html Campus Móstoles C/Tulipán s/n, 28933 Móstoles. Tel: 91 665 50 61 www.mostoles.urjc.es, www.escet.urjc.es, www.etsit.urjc.es Metrosur (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos) School of Experimental Sciences School of Informatics 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 6 - Rectorate Building I - Rectorate Building II - Library - Department Building I - Department Building II - Administration Building - Lecture Room and Laboratory I - Lecture Room and Laboratory II - Lecture Room and Laboratory III - Technological Support Centre - Sports Facilities - Conference Halls - Coffee Shop I - Coffee Shop II - Reprography - Bank - Car Park - Car Park 10 9 5 8 17 16 15 13 7 4 18 1 3 14 6 12 2 11 http://www.urjc.es/version_ingles/Information/How_to_Get/mostoles/cll_mostoles.html Campus Vicálvaro Paseo de los Artilleros s/n, 28032 Madrid. Tel: 91 488 78 00 www.fcjs.urjc.es Line 9 (Vicálvaro) Faculty of Social Sciences and Law 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 - Department Building - Library - Lecture Room - Administration Building - Communication Laboratories - Conference Hall - Gym 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 - Coffee Shop - Reprography - Bookshop - Bank - Car Park - Hall of Residence - Car Park - Car Park 2 6 1 7 5 12 8 10 11 3 15 13 9 4 14 http://www.urjc.es/version_ingles/Information/How_to_Get/vicalvaro/cll_vicalvaro.html Admission letter. Passport. Visa (if required.) Life at URJC “ CHECK LIST (BEFORE LEAVING HOME): Airline Ticket (booked and confirmed.) Medical Insurance. Housing Information. 7 Information for foreign students at URJC Depending on the a c a d e m i c w o r k students will be doing, different information shall be needed: A) Students of Spanish Intensive Course for Foreigners. Visiting students of t h e Language and Culture Immersion Course. There is a WI-FI network in all campuses Information: Promotion and Reception Office, office 41- Administration Building - Campus Vicálvaro. ACCES TO INTERNET: during the first week of each semester, until all students have their own user’s password, Internet can be used in any computer on campus, using the following data: B) Students of Degree or Master. Academic Information: At Students Secretary’s Office in each campus. General Information: Promotion and Reception Office. C) Mobility Students (ERASMUS / MUNDE). Information: ORI (International Relations Office) of each campus. USER: erasmus PASSWORD: munde DOMAIN: ALUMNOS Vicálvaro Campus: during the welcome session various computer tutorials will take place in a room to be confirmed. Further INFORMATION: General information Vicálvaro Campus: Administration Building. Office 51. 1º) Degrees and courses at URJC: http://www.urjc.es/estudios http://miportal.urjc.es/guiasdocentes/ 2º) Degrees and courses taught in English at URJC: http://www.urjc.es/version_ingles/Degrees/ Bilingual_Degrees/index.html 3º) List of courses: http://www.urjc.es/alumnos/matriculacion/ archivos/libro_asignaturas.pdf 4º) Schedule: http://www.urjc.es/alumnos/horarios 5º) Academic Calendar: http://www.urjc.es/alumnos/matriculacion/archivos/calenda rio%20academico_2014-2015.pdf Academic Calendar Degrees and Master (Bologna Process.) Academic Calendar 1st. and 2nd cycle degrees and Engineering. 8 Bank service There is a Bank of Santander branch office in each campus. Opening hours: 9:00 to 14:00 and 16:00 to 19:00 (Mondays to Fridays.) WHAT IS THE WEATHER LIKE IN MADRID? Weather in Madrid is very different in each season. During Fall (September, October and November) and Spring (March, April and May), temperatures are moderate and conditions generally pleasant. Winter (December, January and February) can be intensely cold, and snow is possible. Summer (June, July and August) is hot and dry. Spanish Courses for Erasmus – Munde Students Erasmus and Munde students can attend a 34-hour intensive Spanish course that will take place between August 26th and 5th September 2014. Language courses can be validated for free election credits (a 34-hour course equals 2 free election credits.) This course costs 185€. The course code is: 1500394. Further information: internacional.in@urjc.es Erasmus and Munde students can also attend a 45-hour Spanish course that will take place during one semester (October – December or January – April.) Language courses can be validated for free election credits (a 45-hour course equals 4,5 free election credits.) This course costs 245€. The first semester course code is 1500492 and the second semester course code is 1500493. Further information: University Languages Center. Parking Building Vicálvaro Campus. centro.cui@urjc.es http://miportal.urjc.es/cui/ Tel..: + 34 91 488 75 35 / 36 Information about the courses Courses will become available depending on the number of students enrolled. Minimum students required is 14. Language courses available are taught under the “Common European Framework for Languages” guidelines. After completing the course students will receive a certificate stating the course done, the level, duration and marks obtained. How to get a URJC Student Card? Intelligent University Card (TUI): • Students belonging to the University Language Centre and visitors should ask for the TUI at the Promotion and Reception Office. Administration Building, office 41, Campus Vicalvaro. • Erasmus and Munde students should ask for TUI at the RRII (International Relations Office) of their respective campus. Life at URJC In order to request your Student Card, enter your service portal: http://miportal.urjc.es/ and click “Mi solicitud de carné de estudiante”, upload a digital photo and confirm it. ATTENTION: if at any time you change your address, you must communicate it to the Students Secretary’s Office of y o u r corresponding campus. 9 Telephone Numbers and Contacts at URJC VICERECTORATE for International Relations: http://www.urjc.es/relaciones_internacionales/contactos/index.html e-mail Phone number - Fax VICERECTORATE SECRETARY’S OFFICE: Laura del Peso González vice.relacionesinternacionales@urjc.es + 34 91 488 93 11 HEAD OF SERVICE: Pablo Tomás Salvadores Alonso pablo.salvadores@urjc.es + 34 91 488 82 89 Promotion and Reception of International Students´ office e-mail Phone number - Fax HEAD OF THE OFFICE: Raquel Galán Segui raquel.galan@urjc.es +34 91 488 75 43 chen.wang@urjc.es + 34 91 488 75 48 RECEPTION AND CHINESE AGREEMENTS: Cheng Wang INTERNATIONAL PROMOTION and NIE Almudena Usera internacional.welcome@urjc.es +34 91 488 77 2 2 BUDDY PROGRAM: Ignacio Otamendi internacional.buddy_program@urjc.es + 34 91 488 76 6 6 10 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (Móstoles) e-mail Phone number INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS: Victoria Martínez Vallarín internacional.agreements@urjc.es + 34 91 488 82 73 ERASMUS / MUNDE INCOMING: MªTeresa Chavarri Caro internacional.in@urjc.es + 34 91 488 83 08 internacional.out@urjc.es + 34 91 488 93 56 internacional.practicas@urjc.es + 34 91 488 93 49 felipeangel.madrid@urjc.es + 34 91 488 73 73 ERASMUS / MUNDE OUTGOING: Elisa Gómez-Luengo ERASMUS PLACEMENT: Raquel Gutiérrez del Río Felipe Ángel Madrid Miranda Life at URJC VISITING STUDENTS: 11 Living in Madrid THE ADVANTAGES of studying in Spanish • Spanish is a language in expansion. • Spanish is spoken by around 500 million people in the World. • It is the official language of 21 countries. • It is the most studied language as a second language: currently more than 46 million people study Spanish in the World. • It is currently considered the second language for international communication. • The UNESCO estimates that in the 21st Century, Spanish will be more important than English and there will be more speakers of Spanish than English. WHY STUDY IN SPAIN? AND WHY MADRID? • The best way to become familiar with a culture and to learn a language is to study in the country because it will be quicker, easier and more efficient. • The Spanish educational system is internationally recognized for its excellent quality and outstanding organization. • Spain currently ranks third as a European destination for international students, following England and Ireland. • Due to its geostrategic location and its historical roots, Spain is the economic and cultural bridge to Latin America. • Spain, along with France, United States and China, is among the t o p four tourist world powers. 12 madrid ACCOMMODATION ALUNI University Accommodation Vicálvaro Office: Paseo de los Artilleros, 29 Bajo E, 28032 Madrid Moncloa Office: C/ Hilarión Eslava 12, Sótano A, 28015 Madrid + 34 91 775 29 48; + 34 91 543 20 31; + 34 91 543 19 06 www.aluni.net - www.aluni.es RESIDENCIA UNIVERSITARIA (VICALVARO) Available 917753042 http://www.residenciavicalvarourjc.es/ SALYVEN C/ Cochabamba, 17, Escalera Derecha, Bajo C 28016 Madrid. España + 34 91 457 47 79; + 34 91 457 47 77 http://www.salyven.net/ madrid@salyven.net info@salyven.net - reservas@salyven.net IDEALISTA www.idealista.es SEGUNDA MANO www.segundamano.es EASYFLAT +34 91 444 18 94 madrid@easyflat.eu.com - www.easyflat.eu.com HEALTH INSURANCE 1º) European Union Countries: Those students who have the health card from country of origin can be assisted in any public Healthcare centre. http://www.libreeleccion.sanidadmadrid.org/ Buscador/Centros.aspx 2º) If you don´t have the European Health Insurance Card, you should sign-up for a private medical insurance (Mapfre, Sanitas, etc,.) Emergencies number: 112 COST OF LIVING • Single room in shared flat: From 300 to 500 € monthly. • Menu of the day at the campus’ restaurants: 5,90 € (2 main courses, dessert, bread, water). • Eating at home: From 150 € to 200 € monthly. • Breakfast: 2 € (Coffee shop). • Public Transport: Metrobus – 10 trips, 12,20 € (1 trip: 1,5 € ). • Travelcard Season Tickets: There are special fares for different areas in Madrid. INFORMATION / CONTACT Promotion and Reception of International Students Office organizes different activities and visits for URJC students. Department nº41 (vicalvaro) EASYWORLD www.easyworldmadrid.com Facebook: ESN (Erasmus Student Network): http://www.esnurjc.org/ CULTURAL AND TOURIST ACTIVITIES TOURIST INFORMATION: Plaza Mayor 27. Phone number: 00 34 917012210 http://www.facebook.com/urjcwelcomeoffice EMAIL: urjcwelcomeoffice@gmail.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/urjcwelcome www.esmadrid.com/es/ www.turismomadrid.es • Colon Tourism Centre: Learn Spanish in Madrid. Address: Plaza de qq: 2574529030 Colon s/n (located in the former subterranean walkway between Genova Street and Goya Street, under Paseo de la Castellana). • Madrid Art and Culture CARD (Activities ad discounts for foreign Living in Madrid WANNAROOM +0034 622036977 Info@wannaroomadrid.com weibo: 胡安卡洛斯国王大学 students in Madrid). http://disfrutamadridmas.com/ info@disfrutamadridmas.co 13 Academic life for Mobility Students at URJC index 1. Arrival 1.1 Where should I go when arriving at URJC? 1.2 How do I know which is my campus/faculty? 1.3 What should I do when arriving at the International Relations Office? 2. Enrolment and changes of Erasmus period 2.1 Documents to fill out 2.2 Where can I find information to complete the Learning Agreement and Enrolment Sheet? 2.3 Assistant /Coordinator: Who is going to help me? 2.4 Deadlines: When should I hand them in? 2.5 URJC Services: Virtual Campus and Directory 3. Exams 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4. Dates Use of Service Portal Information about retaking tests Transcript of Records Departure 4.1 What should I do before leaving? (Certificate of Attendance) 4.2 Check- list or documents to take when returning (Information about Transcript of Records) 5. Attached documents 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 14 Enrolment Certificate Registration Form List of Courses (Hoja de Matricula) Learning Agreement Learning Agreement Munde Form to notify incidents Changes to Erasmus / Munde period Certificate of Attendance 1. Arrival 1.1 Where should i go when arriving at URJC? Welcome sessions: Intensive Spanish course: August 26th. 10:00 am. Vicálvaro Campus (library conference hall.) First semester and full academic course: 2nd September. 10:00 am. Vicálvaro Campus (library conference hall) Second semester: 12th January. 10:00 am. Vicalvaro Campus (library conference hall) If a student arrives later than the Welcome session day, he should go directly to the International Relations Office of his respective campus, where he will receive the information needed to start his university stay. MÓSTOLES CAMPUS ESCET (Experimental Sciences and Technology School) ETSII (Computer Engineering School) ORI Head of Office: Teresa Chavarrí Address: Tulipán Street Rectorate Building 4th Floor, Office 414 28933 Móstoles (Madrid) SPAIN Phone number: + 34 91 488 83 08 e-mail: internacional.in@urjc.es ORI Head of Office: Ricardo de la Fuente Address: Atenas Avenue Administration Building, 1st. Floor, Office 13 28922 Alcorcón (Madrid) SPAIN Phone number: + 34 91 488 86 12 e-mail: ricardocarlos.delafuente@urjc.es VICÁLVARO CAMPUS Legal and Social Sciences Faculty ORI Head of Office: María Fernández de Casadevante/ Socorro Vera Address: Artilleros Street Administration Building, 1st. Floor, Office 051 28032 Vicálvaro (Madrid) SPAIN Phone number: +34 91 495 92 76/ +34 91 495 92 70 e-mail: internacional.vicalvaro@urjc.es FUENLABRADA CAMPUS CCC (Communication Sciences Faculty) CCT (Tourism Sciences) ETSIT (Telecommunication Engineering School) Dance College “ALICIA ALONSO” ORI Head of Office: Oscar Prieto Address: Camino del Molino Administration Building, Office 011 28021 Fuenlabrada (Madrid) SPAIN Phone number: +34 91 488 81 89 e-mail: oscar.prieto@urjc.es Academic life for Mobility Students at URJC ALCORCÓN CAMPUS Health Sciences Faculty 15 1.2 How do I know which is my campus? Each academic field of studies is taught in a different campus. These fields and the corresponding campuses where the students will stay are detailed below: VICÁLVARO CAMPUS Faculty of Social Sciences and Law Business Administration (Spanish and English) Economics (Spanish) Law (Spanish) Labour Relations and Human Resources (Spanish) Political Science and Public Administration (Spanish) Marketing (Spanish and English) Sociology (Spanish) (Not offered for new students) International Relations (English) Education (English) History (Spanish) Accounting and Finance( Spanish) Criminology ( Spanish) Financial and Actuarial Economics ( Spanish)l Igualdad de Género (no se oferta para alumnos de nuevo ingreso) MÓSTOLES CAMPUS School of Experimental Sciences Environmental Science (Spanish) Chemistry (Spanish) Biology (Spanish) Materials Engineering (Spanish) Energy Engineering (Spanish) Industrial Technology Engineering Science and Technology of Food Experimental Sciences ( Spanish) Faculty of Social Sciences and Law Education (Spanish) School of Informatics Computer Engineering (Spanish) Video Game Design and Development ( Spanish) 16 Software Engineering ( Spanish) ALCORCÓN CAMPUS Faculty of Health Science Nursing (Spanish) Dentistry (Spanish) Medicine (Spanish) Psychology (Spanish) Physiotherapy (Spanish) Occupational Therapy (Spanish) FUENLABRADA CAMPUS Faculty of Communication Sciences Journalism (Spanish) Communication Audiovisual Communication (Spanish) Advertising and Public Relations (Spanish) Faculty of Tourism Sciences Tourism (Spanish) ETSIT (School of Telecommunications Engineering) Telecommunications Engineering (Spanish) Aerospace Engineering in Air Navigation (Spanish/english ( not for new students)) Dance College “ALICIA ALONSO” Arts and Dance (Spanish) Faculty of Social Sciences and Law International Relations (Spanish) Integral Design and Image Management ( Spanish) Fine Arts ( Spanish) Visual Arts and Dance Pedagogy ( Spanish) 17 1.3 What should I do when arriving at the International Relations Office? First of all, students must register and, to do so, they need to fill out the following documents: Registration Form: It is a document containing student personal data in order to access the university computer services. NROLMENT CERTIFICATE We hereby confirm the enrolment of (name of student) from as Erasmus Exchange (sending Institution) Enrolment Certificate: It is a document in which the University certifies that the Eramus / Munde student has enrolled in the University while also stating the duration of the stay. This document will be signed by the International Relations Office on the day of the student’s arrival. Student at UNIVERSIDAD REY JUAN CARLOS (EMADRID26) on the (receiving Institution) and will finish, approximately on the (Arrival date) (Departure date) Date…………… Erasmus Co-ordinator or Officer of International Relations (Receiving Institution) ………………………………………………….. (Receiving Institution) 18 Academic life for Mobility Students at URJC (Signature and stamp) 2. Enrolment and changes of erasmus period 2.1 Documents to fill out List of Courses The “List of Courses” is processed by the International Relations Office (just for URJC). In order to do this you need to complete the following document: The first part of the document to fill out is personal information about the student. I t is important that both phone number and email address are those normally used by the students, and both should appear on the enrolment form clearly so that contacting the student. The second part of the document refers to information about the student’s receiving (host) University. The third part of the document refers to the student’s sending (home) University. This person named here as contact will be sent all the aforesaid information. HOJA DE MATRICULA: PROGRAMA LLP ERASMUS-MUNDE PASAPORTE Nº: APELLIDOS: NOMBRE: E-MAIL: TELEFONO: TELEFONO “ESPAÑOL”: DIRECCIÓN: UNIVERSIDAD DE DESTINO: CÓDIGO ERASMUS: FACULTAD/CAMPUS: TITULACIÓN/ ESTUDIOS: COORDINADOR: E-MAIL COORDINADOR: FOTOGRAFIA UNIVERSIDAD REY JUAN CARLOS EMADRID26 PAIS: UNIVERSIDAD DE ORIGEN: CÓDIGO ERASMUS: COORDINADOR: E-MAIL COORDINADOR: TELEFONO/ FAX: DIRECCIÓN: Observaciones de la Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales 19 List of Courses in which to enroll: • Degree. • Course’s code (make sure the code is the correct one for the course desired). • Name of Courses. • The group class the student will attend, that is, Morning Group, Afternoon Group, (Group A, B, C, D) • The schedule assigned to each course. • Teacher’s name. NOTE: the subjects included in the registration form will be final without possibility of change. LISTADO DE ASIGN ATURAS DE LAS QUE SE MATRICULA CURSO 20_ _ / 20 _ _ TITULACION CÓDIGO ASIGNATURA SEMESTRE GRUPO HORA RIO PROFESOR/A Firma de l Alumno Firma y Sello del Coordinador LLP ER ASMUS Fecha: Fecha: Este docume nto es vinculante ya que no se incluirán en la matricula del alumno las asignaturas que no figuren en e l mismo. 20 Vida académica para la movilidad de estudiantes en URJC The last part to complete is the MOST IMPORTANT one since this information is what the student will see on his Virtual Campus. Therefore, to gain access to the courses, it is necessary to complete correctly: Learning Agreement Is one of the most important Erasmus documents since it has a validity of contract signed by three different parts: (Student, Departmental and Institutional Coordinators from home University and Coordinators from host University). This document is deemed invalid if it lacks any of these three signatures needed to formalize the contract. These representative signatures must go with the corresponding stamps. Obligatory Fields of Completion Academic Year 20…/20….: Indicate the academic year when the student participates in Erasmus Program. Field of Study: Specify the area of knowledge and the code of area of the studies desired (Ex: Business Studies, 04.0) Name of student: Write clearly and in capital letters the complete name of the student. Sending Institution: Name of the sending (home) institution and its Erasmus Code (Ex: F RENNES 27). Country: Sending institution country Receiving Institution: Name of the receiving (host) institution with its Erasmus code. In case o f the IN students, it is always Rey Juan Carlos University (E MADRID26). Country: Receiving institution country. In case of the IN students, it will be SPAIN. Course unit title: Name of every course the student will attend at the host university, and w h i c h will be recognized by his home university should a passing grade be obtained. Course unit code: Course code. Particularly for the IN students it is important to specify the course unit code, since it determines the enrolment. Number of ECTS credits: Number of ECTS credits of each course in accordance with the total o f credits allowed. It is important to approach the Erasmus Program convention: 20 credits ECTS a term/trimester 30 credits ECTS a semester 60 credits ECTS a complete year If necessary, continue the list on a separate sheet: In case of lack of space, students can fill out several sheet templates, although it is extremely important to indicate again in every page all the student personal data and university data with the appropriate dates and signatures, indicating also in every page the number of pages contained in the document (1/2 or 2/2). Student’s signature: Erasmus student’s signature. Date: Date of Erasmus student’s signature. Sending Institution: Signature, stamp and date of Erasmus Departmental Coordinator from home university and signature, stamp and date of Erasmus Institutional Coordinator from home university. Receiving institution: Signature, stamp and date of Erasmus Departmental Coordinator from host university and signature, stamp and date of Erasmus Institutional Coordinator from host university. A “Learning Agreement” sheet, with all the required data, is a valid studies contract. If, at any time, you want to change your choice of courses, you must use the “Changes to Learning Agreement” where you can add all new courses and respectively delete all old courses, regarding the previous approved learning agreement document. If the proposed changes are accepted by the three corresponding parties, the new contract i n p l a c e will be the one with all the considered changes on the “Changes to Learning Agreement”. Therefore, the grades obtained by the student, or Transcript of Records, must coincide exactly with the Learning Agreement in place, taking into account the possible changes done regarding the original Learning Agreement. 21 Changes to the Original Learning Agreement Academic Year 20…/20….: Indicate the academic year in which the student participates in the Erasmus Program. ACADEMIC YEAR 20..../20.... - FIELD OF STUDY: ..................................... CHANGES TO ORIGINAL PROPOSED STUDY PROGRAMME/LEARNING AGREEMENT (to be filled in ONLY if appropriate) Name of student::................................................................................................................................................................................. Sending institution:........................................................... Country: ........................................................................................... Course unit code (if any) and page no. of the information package� Course unit title (as indicated in the information package) Field of Study: Indicate the area of knowledge and the code of area of the studies (Ex: Business Studies, 04.0). Name of student: Write the complete name of the student in capital letters. Sending Institution: Name of the home institution and its Erasmus Code. Country: Home institution country. Course unit title: Name of every course the student will add t o or delete f r o m the original approved Learning Agreement. Deleted course unit Added course unit Number of ECTS credits if necessary, continue this list on a separate sheet Student’s signature ............................................................................................. Date: ....................................................................................... SENDING INSTITUTION� We confirm that the above-listed changes to the initially agreed programme of study/learning agreement are approved. Departmental coordinator’s signature Institutional coordinator’s signature ................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... Date: ................................................................................. Date: ................................................................................... RECEIVING INSTITUTION� We confirm bye the above-listed changes to the initially agreed programme of study/learning agreement are approved. Departmental coordinator’s signature ........................................................................................... Date: ............................................................................ Institutional coordinator’s signature ..................................................................................................... Date: ................................................................................... Course unit code: Course unit code to add t o or delete from the original approved Learning Agreement. Mark with an X if it is a deleted course “Deleted Course Unit”, or, if it is an added course, “Added Course Unit”. Number of ECTS credits: Number of ECTS credits of each added or deleted course unit. If necessary, continue the list on a separate sheet: In case of lack of space, students must fill out several sheet templates, taking into account the IMPORTANCE of indicating again in every sheet all the student personal data and university data with the appropriate dates and signatures, indicating in every sheet the number of pages contained in the document (1/2 or 2/2). Student’s signature: Erasmus student’s signature. Date: Date of Erasmus student’s signature. Sending Institution: Erasmus Departmental and signature, stamp Coordinator from home Signature, stamp and date of Coordinator from home university and date of Erasmus Institutional university. Receiving Institution: Signature, stamp and date of Erasmus Departmental Coordinator from host university and signature, stamp and date of Erasmus Institutional Coordinator from host university. If students would like to extend their stay, the following document will have to be filled out. It will have to be signed both by the host and home universities and it will show both the original and the new durations of stay requested by the student, according to the official dates of t h e academic calendar. Name of student: Write the complete name of the student in capital letters. Sending Institution: Name of the home institution with its Erasmus Code (Ex: F RENNES 27). Receiving Institution: Name of the receiving institution with its Erasmus code. In case the IN students, it is always Rey Juan Carlos University (E MADRID26). Field of Study: Indicate the area of knowledge and the code of area of the studies to do (Ex: Business Studies, 04.0). Student’s signature: Erasmus student’s signature. Date: Date of Erasmus student’s signature. Original Period: Original stay period. Requested additional Period: Study period demanded by the student according to the official dates of academic calendar. 22 Sending Institution: Erasmus Departmental and signature, stamp Coordinator from home Signature, stamp and date of Coordinator from home university and date of Erasmus Institutional university. Receiving Institution: Signature, stamp and date of Erasmus Departmental Coordinator from host university and signature, stamp and date of Erasmus Institutional Coordinator from host university. Academic life for Mobility Students at URJC Changes to the duration of stay 2.2 Where can I find the information to complete the learning agreement and enrolment sheet? The information concerning the Degree, Codes, Courses, Semesters and Number of Credits is on Libro de Asignaturas (http://www.urjc.es/alumnos/matriculacion/index. html). The student should verify that those course units he would like to do belong to the campus where he is going to study. • • • • Alcorcón Campus: pages 12 – 55. Móstoles Campus: pages 46 – 145. Fuenlabrada Campus: pages 146 – 275. Vicálvaro Campus: pages 276 -439. By clicking h e r e , we can download L I B R O DE ASIGNATURAS. It is a file w h e r e there is important information for Erasmus/Munde students. Here we can find all the offered courses in the academic year 2013/2014. If students choose any course units from Double Degrees, be careful with the Course Unit CODE, as the same course unit can be studied in different Degrees, for instance we can find “Financial Mathematics” in the following Degrees: - Degree in Business Administration Online: (2047002) Financial Mathematics. - Double degree in Business Administration and Law: (2075006) Financial Mathematics. - Degree in Marketing: (2024003) Financial Mathematics. - Degree in Business Administration: (2012002) Financial Mathematics. In addition, you can choose the course unit in any of the Degrees (according to your schedule), but it is essential to write the correct course unit code in the enrolment form, on the contrary it won’t be possible to access to the information about the course unit through the Virtual Campus and neither you can have your mark in the Service Portal, since the teacher won’t consider you as one of his enrolled students. The student can choose betwe en the different groups and schedules; to that end, he has to access http://www.urjc.es/alumnos/horarios/. There he can find some information about schedules and exams. When the student clicks in schedules, he must select the faculty where he is going to study (Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences – Vicálvaro -, Faculty of Tourism Sciences – Fuenlabrada -, etc.). After that, he has to click in the Degree (Degree in Law, Degree in Journalism, Degree in Economics….) and choose the semester. Next the different academic years will appear and within it the student will see the possible schedules. The group is indicated on the right top part. 23 If the coordinator doesn’t have enough information about the codes or groups, the student will have to consult the course’s teacher about the course unit code. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure the data appearing on the enrolment form are correct i n o r d e r to avoid subsequent problems. Sport Activities Students can do any sports activities in the diverse sports facilities available at t h e University. In some cases these activities can be transferred with credits. The student who takes part in any of these activities must get the certificate achieved at the end of the sport activity and hand it to the International Relations Office in order to include it in his Transcript of Records, so that he can get the appropriate Transfer of Credits. It is essential to add those credits in the Learning Agreement for which any code is needed. Certificates will be collected at the Sport Office of the campus where the student does the activity (ask the person responsible for the activity.) 24 USAC Courses (University Studies Abroad Consortium) USAC programmes offer a wide range of courses, among them Arts, Business Administration, History, Political Science and Anthropology. Every exchange student can take part in these courses which can be transferred with 4.5 ECTS credits. Those students who are interested in them can contact the USAC Centre. Those students who participate in any of these courses must collect the certificate that certifies their attendance, and hand it at t h e International R e l a t i o n s Office in order to include it in their Transcripts of Records and, thus, get the corresponding transfer of credits. It will be necessary to add these courses in the Learning Agreement for which the CODE is the word “USAC” *Note: It is essential to include in the Learning Agreement the Spanish Courses as well as any sport activity or USAC Courses involving recognition of ECTS credits, in order to be able to add them in the Transcript of Records later on. Academic life for Mobility Students at URJC In case of problems to find this information or to fill out the required documents, the student can ask for help to his coordinator. It is very important for the International Relations Office t h a t the documents are properly and fully completed and signed, otherwise they cannot be collected and the student will not be able to enroll. 2.3 Academic Coordinators: The Academic Coordinator is the person responsible of the student’s academic area during his university stay. He is in charge of accepting and signing the below mentioned documents: • Learning Agreement • Changes on Learning Agreement • Create and organize together with the student the Enrolment Form. The academic coordinator can provide information about schedules and course unit codes. It is the figure to assess and advise about the available academic offer for the student. Everything concerning the academic information must be consulted with the academic coordinator. From the beginning of the lessons, the student can get in contact with his coordinator to concrete courses units he is going to study (please, look up documents deadline.) The most common way to contact with the student’s coordinator and arrange an appointment is via email. The academic coordinators assigned to study areas are listed below: VICÁLVARO CAMPUS Faculty of Social Sciences and Law Prof. Rocío Gallego Losada (rocío.gallego@urjc.es) . Prof. Ana Belén Rabadán Gómez (ana.rabadan@urjc.es) Prof. Diana Pérez Bustamante (diana.perezbustamante@urjc.es) 34. Business Administration (Spanish and English) Prof. Eva Pelechano (eva.pelechano@urjc.es) . Prof: Juan Jose Rienda (juanjose.rienda@urjc.es) Prof. María Luisa Medrano (marialuisa.medrano@urjc.es) 314. Economics 38. Law Prof. Miguel Angel Alonso Neira (miguelangel.alonso@urjc.es) Erasmus Students (all countries except for Italy). Prof. David Guinea Fernández (david.guinea@urjc.es) Erasmus student from Italy and Munde Students. Prof. Ana Muñoz Pérez (anafelicitas.munoz@urjc.es) 347. Labour Relations Prof. Emilia Conde (emilia.conde@urjc.es) 313. Public Administration / Political Science Prof. Mercedes Alda Fernández (mercedes.alda@urjc.es) 342. Marketing Prof. Begoña Pontes Rodríguez (begona.pontes@urjc.es) 311. Sociology Prof. Eduardo Díaz Cano (eduardo.díaz@urjc.es) 38. International Relations Prof. Cristina Figueroa (cristina.figueroa@urjc.es) 1. Education Prof. Fernando Dominguez (Fernando.dominguez@urjc.es) 224. History Prof. Isabel Pascual (isabel.pascual.urjc.es) Faculty of Tourism Sciences 811. Tourism (English) Prof. Marco Landeta (marco.landeta@urjc.es) 25 MÓSTOLES CAMPUS School of Experimental Sciences 422. Environmental Sciences Prof. Jovita Moreno Vozmediano (jovita.moreno@urjc.es) 442. Chemistry Prof. Gemma Vicente Crespo (gemma.vicente@urjc.es) 421. Biology Prof. Marcos Méndez Iglesias (marcos.mendez@urjc.es) 543. Materials Engineering Prof. Dolores Escalera (dolores.escalera@urjc.es) 529. Industrial Organizatión Engineering Prof. Alberto Jiménez Suarez (alberto.jimenez@urjc.es) 529. Industrial Technology Engineering Prof. Juan José Espada (juanjose.espada@urjc.es) 522. Energy Engineering Prof. Juan José Espada (juanjose.espada.urjc.es) 541. Food Science and Technology Prof. Santiago Gómez (santiago.gomez@urjc.es) School of Informatics 481. Computer / Hardware Engineering Prof. Rafael Capilla (rafael.capilla@urjc.es) Prof. Raquel Hijón (raquel.hijon@urjc.es) Legal and Social Sciences Faculty 1.Education Prof. Fernando Domínguez (fernando.dominguez@urjc.es) ALCORCÓN CAMPUS 723. Nursing Prof. Natividad Vázquez (natividad.vazquez@urjc.es) 724. Dentistry Prof. Nuria Escribano (nuria.escribano@urjc.es) 721. Medicine Prof. María Teresa de Jesús Gómez (mariateresa.dejesus@urjc.es) 312. Psychology Prof. Andrés Losada (andres.losada@urjc.es) 723. Physiotherapy Prof. Isabel Galcerán Montaña (isabel.galceran@urjc.es) 726. Occupational Therapy Prof. Nuria Trugeda (nuria.trugeda@urjc.es) FUENLABRADA CAMPUS Faculty of Communication Sciences 32. Journalism Communication 213. Audiovisual Communication 342. Advertising and Public Relations Prof. Daniel Sánchez Salas (daniel.sanchez@urjc.es) Prof. María Cruz López de Ayala (mariacruz.lopezdeayala@urjc.es) Prof. Jesus olmo Barbero (jesus.delolmo@urjc.es) Prof. Ricardo Roncero Palomar (ricardo.roncero@urjc.es) Prof. Maria Rosario Jímenez Morales (rosario.jimenez@urjc.es) Prof. Mario Rajas Fernández (mario.rajas@urjc.es) Faculty of Tourism Sciences 811. Tourism (Spanish) Prof. Nuria Elisa Morére Molinero (nuria.morere@urjc.es) 811. Máster en Dirección Internacional de Turismo Prof. Blanca Kraljevic Mujic (blanca.kraljevic@urjc.es) ETSIT (School of Telecommunications Engineering) 523. Telecommunications 26 Prof. Felipe Alonso Atienza (felipe.alonso@urjc.es) Academic life for Mobility Students at URJC Faculty of Health Science Dance College “Alicia Alonso” 212. Arts and Dance Prof. Celia Fernández Consuegra (celia.fernandez@urjc.es) Faculty of Social Sciences and Law 58. Architecture Prof. Ignacio Vicente Sandoval(ignacio.vicentesandoval@urjc.es) 27 2.4 Deadline: When should I hand in the forms? Once the student has met with his coordinator and the Enrolment Form, Learning Agreement and, if necessary, Changes to Learning Agreement have been made correctly, the student must hand in these documents at the International Relations Office of his corresponding campus. The deadlines to hand in these documents are as follows: • Enrolment of Unit Courses for the 1st semester: September 30th 2014. • Enrolment of Unit Courses for the 2nd semester: January 31st 2015. In no instance can these documents (Enrolment Form, Learning Agreement and, if necessary, Changes to Learning Agreement), be collected separately and have to be handed in at the same time. Once the student is enrolled, he has to check w h e t h e r the information about the course units (codes, schedules, teachers, etc.) is correct within the following fifteen days. Otherwise, he must contact the International Relations Office to solve any enrolment errors as soon as possible. It is really IMPORTANT to make sure the enrolment has been done correctly, since Erasmus/Munde students can have serious problems subsequently with the Transcript of Records. 2.5 URJC Services: Virtual campus and directory At the top of the University website (www.urjc.es), we can find several important applications for the student such as Directory, Virtual Campus, Services Portal and WI-FI network. In order to access the Virtual Campus. As well as the University WI-FI network, it is necessary to have a USERNAME and PASSWORD. The student will receive them in the email address indicated in his Enrolment Form. The first time the student accesses the computer services with the assigned password, the system will prompt him to replace said password with a new o n e including numbers and letters. This new password will be the one to use in the future. 28 Virtual Campus Through this application, the student will see the enrolled course units and their contents. As we have already said before, it is essential the student enroll in the right course units, on the contrary he cannot attend the classes (IMPORTANT TO ASK HIS COORDINATOR OR TEACHER THE RIGHT CODE AND THE RIGHT GROUP OF THE COURSE UNIT HE IS ATTENDING). The information in Virtual Campus can vary depending on the teacher. There are some teachers who use this tool very much publishing notes, practical work, etc. However, there are some other teachers who don’t use it so much (in this case the name of the unit course will appear as XXXX). Directory What can I do if my Virtual Campus doesn’t work properly? FORMULARIO DE INCIDENCIAS DEL CAMPUS VIRTUAL/PORTAL DE SERVICIOS ALUMNO/STUDENT: DNI / ID OR PASSPORT Nº: El C.A.T.A. (Call Centre to the Students) takes care of arranging the incidences the students have regarding the different services at University. To that end, the student must fill in a form which will be posted to his email address with the following data: alumnos@urjc.es TELEFONO/TELEPHONE: FECHA DE NACIMIENTO/DATE OF BIRTH: DOMICILIO/ ADDRESS: MUNICIPIO/PROVINCIA/CITY: CÓDIGO POSTAL/POSTCODE: TITULACION/FIELD OF STUDIES: CAMPUS: CORREO PERSONAL/EMAIL: CORREO URJC/ URJC EMAIL: ERROR DETALLADO DE LO QUE OCURRE/ WHAT IS THE PROBLEM? To be sent to: C.A.T.A Centro de Atención Telefónico al Alumno. Tlfno: 91.488.93.93 e-mail:alumnos@urjc.es C/ Tulipan S/N 28933 Rectorado Móstoles Academic life for Mobility Students at URJC Through Directory the student can have the necessary information to get in contact with teachers or University staff. He only has to write the name of the person and then phone number, address and email will appear on the website. 29 3. Exams 3.1 Dates of exams Through this link http://www.urjc.es/alumnos/examenes/ the student can check dates of exams of Rey Juan Carlos University, taking into account the provisional character when it is indicated. It is responsibility of the students to be informed about dates and possible changes either through the website, or through the teacher and as a last resort by GEAP. GEAP establishes the dates of exams, schedules, teachers and classrooms. If the student has any doubt about one of these matters and he wouldn’t have been able to solve through the website or with the teacher, he could check it with them directly (not English spoken). EQUIPO GEAP Administration Building Office 052, VICÁLVARO CAMPUS Email: vicalvaro.geap@urjc.es Teléfonos: (91) 495 92 78 / (91) 488 78 55 / (91) 488 78 54 30 3.2 Service Portal Once the students have taken the exams, they can access to their marks through the Service Portal. 3.3 Information About Retaking Exams All Rey Juan Carlos University students will have the in two attempts: possibility to take their exams FIRST TERM SECOND TERM REGULAR EXAM RESIT EXAM 12/12/2014 –09/01/2015 13/06/2015 – 02/07/2015 04/05/2015 – 15/05/2015 13/06/2015 – 02/07/2015 3.4 Transcript of Records The Transcript of Records certifies the marks of the course units obtained by the student during his stay. This document will be mailed to the sending university by the International Relations Office in the weeks f o l l o w i n g after the o f f i c i a l i s s u e o f grade reports.. Grade reports are issued two weeks after the end of the period of exams. As such, the Transcript of Records will be delayed a few weeks after the end of the university stay of the student. The Transcript of Records will include the same subjects and credits displayed in the Learning Agreement. Thus, the student should include in his Learning Agreement all subjects taken during your stay so that they are included in your Transcript of Records. ECTS - European Credit Transfer System Transcript of Records NAME OF RECEIVING INSTITUTION Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain) Erasmus code: ES MADRID26 Faculty / Department ECTS departmental coordinator Name of student prueba prueba Date and place of birth 11.11.2011, Period of stay 11.11.2011 - 11.11.2011 Matriculation number NAME OF SENDING INSTITUTION Université d'Angers (France) Erasmus code: F ANGERS Faculty / Department ECTS departmental coordinator DETAILS OF THE STUDY PROGRAMME ABROAD AND GRADES Course unit code Course unit title Duration of course unit Local grade ECTS ECTS grade credits TOTAL SIGNATURE OF THE REGISTRAR / DEAN / ADMINISTRATION OFFICER Name: Date: Signature and stamp: Academic life for Mobility Students at URJC Students which have been unable to pass their courses in the regular January and May exam seasons may retake those exams in June. 31 4. Leaving 4.1 What should I do before leaving? (Certificate of attendance) Students should turn up at the International Relations Office to fill out the “Certificate of Attendance” before completing their stay. The “Certificate of Attendance” is a document by which Rey Juan Carlos University certifies the period of stay of the students. Students have to collect this certificate in person, so it is not possible to send this document via mail. The period of stay will be always certified according to the established dates in the official academic year, that is to say: • Full academic year: from 8-9-2014 to 17-5-2015. • First semester: from 08-09-2014 to 11-1-2015. • Second semester: from 12-1-2015 to 17-5-2015. The student who wants to take a resit exam in the June attempt, and therefore stays longer at the host university, should present the respective exam certificate of attendance at the International Relations Office when collecting his “Certificate of Attendance”. This way the date of taking the last exam will be included in his final date of stay. It is therefore important to ask for an exam certificate of attendance to the corresponding teacher in June´s exams. 4.2 Check list of documents to take when returning (information about transcript of records) Enrolment Certificate (first days of the stay.) Learning Agreement: It should be signed and stamped by both Universities (first weeks of the stay.) Certificate of Attendance (end of the stay.) Transcript of Records (after having finished the stay.) 32
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