Restoration Of The Messiah`s Name
Restoration Of The Messiah`s Name
Restoration Of The Messiah's Name Compiled by: Yeremyah – Yahweh's House Ministries About Yeremyah Shalom, my name is Yeremyah, and at age of 33, I invited Jesus into my heart and became a Christian. Yet it was not until 20 years later, that I awoken out of slumber and realised that I had been lied to and deceived for so many decades, and that Christianity and the messiah “Jesus” is a lie and deception! I realised the Bible doesn't even teach to invite “Jesus” into my heart, I realised that the earliest most credible texts we have does not teach we should call ourselves “Christians”. I realised that learning the one and only true name of the Messiah matters, especially seeing Acts 4:12 says there is only ONE NAME that saves us! I realised I needed to start challenging and questioning EVERYTHING Christianity had taught me! I have compiled the following from decades of growth and understanding, and what I have learned from speaking with Scholars, Theologians, and people who study the Holy Scriptures, and from studying the Holy Scripture for myself. I hope you enjoy what you learn and I pray it wakes you up, raised your awareness and helps you realise how Christian Pastors and Christianity have been feeding you lies! Introduction Most of us have been raised, conditioned and brainwashed to believe that Jesus was the Name the Messiah was given at birth. If we open the Webster's Dictionary from the 1800's unabridged, and looked at the name 'Jesus.' It says; A supplanted name for the Hebrew name 'Yahoshua.' If we look up the word "supplanted.", it means; To replace by force, to take the place of another through means of force, to replace one thing for something else. Now, WHY would anyone replace the Name of Yahweh's Messiah, for another name? Most people when they learn that the true Messiah's Name was replaced with another false name, usually experience mixed emotions such as anger, disappointment, and disgust that they have been deceived and lied to all these years. Yet others seem very apathetic, they do not care and say it doesn't matter what name we call him! But does it matter? YES it does! If any genuine and sincere truth seeker sets out to study the original tongues and languages more thorough, and to really understand WHY 'someone' had replaced our Messiah's Name, they will be horrified how Satan has deceived the WHOLE WORLD, Revelation 12:9, and replacing the true Name of our Messiah with a false name! And the Name matters, as Acts 4:12 teaches us there is only ONE NAME that saves us, it never says multiple different names saves us. Origin of Jesus People are told that 'Jesus' came from the Bible and from the name 'Jehovah.' But how can this be, when the name 'Jehovah' didn't exist until a Jesuit monk (Raymundo Martini) invented it in 1200AD? People are also told the name 'Jesus' comes from Iesus, yet there was no name Iesus in the Messiah's day either! The Masoretes wrote הוהיas the Name of Yahweh. The J wasn't used until around 1700AD in the English language. It did not officially take on the 'G' sound until the mid 1700's. Even in the first original 1611AD KJV version of the Bible, there were no J letters, it says IESUS. So again, how could this be? How could we use the name 'Jesus' as the ONLY NAME under heaven to save us, when the 'J' wasn't in common use until the middle 1700's? Before that time nobody ever heard of or used the name 'Jesus', so it's impossible the Messiah's true One and Only name is “Jesus”! Nobody in the Messiah's day called Him “Jesus”! So if we start digging deeper, we learn that The Ancient Greeks, when speaking of 'the god of the Hebrews' called Him iaw, (see image below) and the early church father Jerome called Him IAUE. In fact, Josephus the famous Jewish Historian spoke of the 'Four Vowels of His Name ()הוהי that were written in the Mitre of the High Priest. Both the Greeks and Josephus testify to Yahweh's Name being 'four vowels.' Now, we must identify these four vowels. The fact that the Greeks and Josephus state that the first two vowels of His Name are 'iaw (Yah, IA),' we can conclude that Yah is the correct pronunciation. Since Yah ( )היis the first two vowels, we can also see that the Messiah's Name also starts with Yah ( )היbecause of the same Hebrew vowels in His Name. "αυτου ιν αυτοϲϲ̣ ̣γαρ ϲωϲι τον λαον αυτου απο των ἁ μαρτιῶν ἁυτων" - Mattithyah (Matthew) 1:21 CS (Codex Sinaiticus). Translation into English: "His Name shall be called Savior of His People." Please observe the above verse carefully, as we are using the The CS (Codex Sinaiticus) New Testament Text here, because it is one of the most important books in the world. Handwritten well over 1600 years ago, the manuscript contains the Bible in Greek, including the oldest most credible complete copy of the New Testament we have today! Its heavily corrected text is of outstanding importance for the history of the Bible and the manuscript – the oldest substantial book to survive Antiquity – is of supreme importance for the history of the book. Within this verse alone we are given a clue. It's important to understand that even though English translations indicate that Angel Gabriyl (Gabriel) gave the Messiah a name, the CS text does NOT say that. That was only added into English translations, but doesn't align with the CS text which is the oldest most credible New Testament text we have! In the Hebrew language, every Name meant something and had a meaning. So in Mattithyah (Matthew) 1:21 we are shown that His Name would mean "Savior of His People." The word Salvation in the Hebrew is 'Yahshua.' It contains the EXACT same Hebrew vowels and letters of Joshua the son of Nun. When we look at the Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, we find that English Scholars added an 'O' in between Yah-Shua. Yet the Hebrew name of Joshua does not contain an 'O' in the middle of his Hebrew name. In the Hebrew name we find עושוהי. If we do a correct Transliteration of this Name into English, it is 'Yahshua.' If you speak with some "professed scholars," they will try to claim that this name is 'Yeshua', which is an Aramaic, not a Hebrew Name. Yet from antiquity, we do not find the name 'Yeshua' in any of the Hebrew names, but we find that in fact היis rendered as iaw, Yah, or IA. The Angel Gabriyl (Gabriel), Yoseph (Joseph) and Miriam (Mary) and the Disciples such as Saul (Paul) all spoke Hebrew only, Acts 22:2, Acts 21:40, so why would the Messiah be given an Aramaic name and not Hebrew, it makes no logical sense! What Language Did The Messiah Speak? The truth is, Yahshua was a Hebrew, and He spoke Hebrew, so therefore His name has Hebrew origins. He was not Aramaic and he did not have an Aramaic Name, and he did not have an English name such as Jesus either. And many today are claiming He spoke Aramaic, but He didn't. The proof lies in His Stake. Pilate only put three languages above the Stake, Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, and NOT Aramaic, as Aramaic was already phased out at this point. The same is said for the fairly new 'Yahuah' erroneous theory, where people have tried to combine 'Judah (Yahudah)' to render the Martini transliteration as 'Yahovah.' Yet the early church fathers all agree that in Greek, His Name was pronounced IAUE (Yah-Weh). So Why So Much Confusion? Many people get confused by the 'U' which does not exist in the original Hebrew tongue. When we look at an Encyclopedia, U (or Upsilon) comes from the Greek, and NOT from the Hebrew. Hebrew had a vowel 'waw.' When English adopted the Latin into its language, this became known as the 'vav,' but that is incorrect. Now even a simpleton can recognize this simple little fact. If those believing His Name is 'Yeshua', as stated earlier being an Aramaic Name, want to search hard enough, they will honestly admit that we do not find any Aramaic original version of the New Testament. If anyone claims otherwise, ask them to provide the proof, which they will fail doing! When Jerome translated the Latin Vulgate for Constantine, he had a copy of the Hebrew New Testament copied for him, so he could translate it from the Hebrew. In fact, we can still find some of the Hebrew fragments he wrote about in his commentaries of the New Testament. So, if the New Testament was originally written in Aramaic, why do we find in the Greek texts, Hebrew Names, and not Aramaic? Miriam, (Moses' sister), and Yahshua's mother has a Hebrew name (Miriam, Mosheh , and His father is named 'Yoseph,' same as the Patriarch. Yaaqob (James) His brother, and Yahchanon (John) his other brother.' Why would his entire family have Hebrew names, yet He is the ONLY ONE with a Greek, or an Aramaic name? This again, brings us back to the word "supplanted." His Name has been 'replaced through force.' In fact, if anyone diligently researches and studies this, they will come across many obstacles, including how the 'Jews of Yahshua's day purposely tried to hide the Name of Yahweh, so the common people could not be Saved.' Also, the corrupted Jews tried to replace the true Name because they claimed it was 'too holy' to pronounce and worried if they pronounce it wrong, they will violate the third Commandment. This is why Saul explained in Romans 11, that Yahweh being preached to the Gentiles, was to provoke Israel to Jealousy, to make them stop what they were doing, and come back to Yahweh, as it was written in the Prophets; “They have moved me to jealousy with that which is not Elohim; they have provoked me to anger with their vanities: and I will move them to jealousy with those which are not a people; I will provoke them to anger with foolish Gentiles.” Deuteronomy 32:21 “Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured nor numbered; and it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people, there it shall be said unto them, the sons of the living El.” Hosea 1:10 If they did this with the Name of Yahweh ()הוהי, they would also do it for His Son ( )עושוהי which has His Name in Him, Yahchanan (John) 5:43. Why Do Some People Call Him Yeshua? The name 'Yeshua' has been a Rabbinical tradition dating back to the time of Yahshua, because they are trying to hide His Name ()הי, because of Jealousy and fear of pronouncing it wrong. In fact, many scholars have tried to claim that the name 'Yeshua' is recorded in the New Testament, yet we find zero evidence of this, and no scholar or theologian can backup their claims and none of them can provide any evidence for it! It's only a theory, nothing more! The name Yeshua only appears 29 times in the Aleppo (Hebrew Masoretic documents), which is only found in the Aramaic Ezra, and Nehemiah texts. However, we cannot rely on that because the Aramaic texts was the language of the Chaldenas (Babylonia), which cannot be used. The Masoretes didn't 'translate' their 'copy' to Hebrew, they only copied the documents that existed. Three of those letters were Aramaic, with a chapter from Daniel, and the rest were Hebrew. Nowhere else in the Holy Scripture does Yeshua appear, and Yeshua doesn't appear in the Hebrew text of Holy Scripture at all, not even once!!! To even make this claim that Yeshua appears in any original New Testament text is to rely on assumed work. Even the Oldest New Testament Greek document (Codex Sinaiticus) does not contain the Name of the Messiah. Instead, they wrote His Name as 'I X.' in Mattithyah (Matthew) 1:21. I is the Greek letter for the Hebrew Yodh. X (or chi = K) is the Greek letter for the Hebrew word ( דרולAdonai). Even the name Iesous, was not used in any Greek Document (besides the LXX) until 400AD. So Iesous, and Yeshua could NOT be the Messiah's Name in the original Bible texts! Yahshua Mashiyach (Messiah), and Yahweh are the correct Names of our Creator, and His Messiah. In addition, Yeshua is a Rabbinical usage, to prevent people from speaking the Name of "Yahweh", because the Jews believe that pronouncing the name of "Yahweh" is too risky in case they pronounce it wrong and break the third Commandment which says we should not take Yahweh's Name in vain. This leads people to call Him by false names such as Yehovah, Yahuwah, Yahovah, Yahuah, Jesus, Jehovah and Yeshua and not Yahweh. Some important things to consider: People should accept Josephus' witness of the Name (it was in his era) before ever accepting a 'modern scholars *opinion*.' Those that hold to "Yeshua" are taking Jesus back to the Aramaic, but not back to the Hebrew. The LXX used "Iesous" because "Yeshua" was a common name among the Aramaic speakers, which was during Cyrus and Darius' rule in Babel. When we do a study of transliteration, most only touch language, but never search the history, and Geology/Geography which are keys to understanding the language which one is studying. What are Scholars Not Telling Us? Something Scholars are hesitant to tell you, is that Yeshua is only found in the Babylonian captivity records, nothing past this date. So to even try to use this as His Name, is unfounded, and a useless argument! Scholars know these truths, yet they won't renounce the error in fear of losing their credentials. However, many Scholars have admitted that Yeshua is not the accurate name for the Messiah and as a result lost their credentials as a Scholar. Do We Have Any Evidence For The Name Yeshua? There is absolutely zero evidence that His Name was *Yeshua* when the earliest texts do not even give Him a Name, but initials, and even many Hebrew scholars ADMIT that Yahshua the son of Nun has the same Name as the Messiah. However, as mentioned, if Scholars openly and publicly claim the Name 'Yahshua' is the true Name for our Messiah, they *risk* getting their credentials withdrawn for not teaching what their schools teach, and being shunned by the *professed Jewish community.*' And as previously mentioned, many have done it and admitted that the Messiah's true Name is Yahshua and not Yeshua, and as a result they have had their credentials and names smeared. I repeat, NONE of the oldest most credible Greek texts even mention His Name, and the CS (Codex Sinaiticus) in Mattithyah (Matthew) 1:21 does NOT say the Messiah's birth name would be Yeshua or Jesus. So as you can see, your Christian Pastors have LIED TO YOU! Archaeology has actually proven that the CS (Codex Sinaiticus) New Testament Greek text actually predates ALL of the Greek texts. In my opinion, it is, because they do not call Him by Name in Mattithyah (Matthew) 1:21, which the latter editions added in. What About the Names of The Messiah's Earthly Family? James the brother of Yahshua is named Yaaqob (Hebrew) in the Greek texts (see G2385 Iakobos, from H3290 Yaaqob). Same name as the Patriarch. And as has been discussed, and important to understand, is that the Messiah's parents, Mary and Joseph had Hebrew names not Aramaic. So it stands to reason that the Messiah would have a Hebrew name Yahshua and not an Aramaic name like Yeshua! Acts 26:14 shows us that Hebrew was spoken back then, not Aramaic, so the Messiah would have had a Hebrew Name Yahshua. So as we have learned, there is NO Yeshua or Jesus in the transliteration process. The name 'Jesus' came about because of a 'lazy translation of the texts,' where they refused to 'properly take the time to study the linguistics, languages, etc.' but chose rather to add a 'J' to Iesous, which later 'Christian Theologians' shortened the form of Iesous (Yahshua) by dropping the 'o' and changing the name to 'Jesus.' Jesus and Yeshua could NEVER be transliterations for 'Yahshua/Joshua.' The Name Yahshua appears in the DSS (Dead Sea Scrolls), please see below: But Surely All Scholars and Pastors Know The True Name For Our Messiah? Something to be aware of, it's imperative you seek truth and understanding for yourself, as many Theologians, Scholars, Pastors and other believers do not properly understand these issues. And the ones that do understand, are usually very hesitant to renounce the Names Yeshua or Jesus, because all their credentials, reputation and money is invested into these names. And be aware, there is NOBODY in Israel today that is fluent in Ancient Biblical Hebrew, not even in America, fluent means "still spoken." The Ancient Biblical Hebrew language hasn't been spoken in almost 1600 years. What they are speaking in today is a “form of Hebrew”, but not the Ancient Biblical Hebrew. Also, Jews in Israel today are NOT descendants of Israel, they are Khazarians which are of German and Russian descent, and only practice the "Jewish religion." They do not fully follow Holy Scripture, they adhere to Rabbinical Judaism of the first century, which Yahshua and the apostles condemned! A Challenge To You! I challenge anyone to provide this letter to any Bible Scholar or Theologian and ask them to disprove it! A Scholar I studied with, has studied Linguistics, and translation/transliteration for decades, and he has been studying the Greek and Hebrew for 25 years, and he has challenged numerous Theologians and Scholars to refute the information in this letter, and not a single Theologian or Scholar have been able to do so! In addition, look up the Name Joshua in any Concordance. Yeshua CANNOT TRANSLITERATE to English as Joshua, neither can Yehoshua. This is also a false transliteration. Jo for "Joshua" comes from the Hebrew Yah. Hebrews never used 'yeh' in ALL of their language, as it's Aramaic. The Hebrews pronounced "Yah," and Called Him "Yah," and as we have shown, even the son of Nun was called "Yahshua," because Yahweh told Israel to obey Him, because His Name (Yahweh) was Yahshua's. And remember, it's HalleluYAH, it's NOT pronounced 'HalleluYEH or HalleluJES. And unfortunately HalleluYAH has been translated into HalleluJAH, yet the proper way to spell it is HalleluYAH. The best you can do to find the Hebrew name of the Almighty Heavenly Father is look in any credible Bible dictionaries, and even in any ordinary dictionaries, it's all there for anyone who seeks proper understand and truth.. You can never find or see Yuah, Yahuwah, or Yehova etc in any credible dictionary! I challenge you to think for yourself, and consider this, what if, just what if Satan, who deceives the whole world, Revelation 12:9, has indeed been behind changing the Messiah's Name to a false Name such as Yeshua or Jesus, in an attempt to deceive people away from His true Name? His Name matters, and Satan knows this, so it would be reasonable to consider that attacking and changing the true Name for the Messiah is something that Satan and corrupted people have done! CONCLUSION As you have been shown, The true Name for our Father is Yahweh and the true Name for our Messiah is Yahshua. Any other names simply cannot be defended accurately or truthfully. Many people in history have diligently studied the Scriptures, and yet have taught error, Yahchanan (John) 5:39. So just because some “learned” people tell you that you should call the Messiah Yeshua or Jesus doesn't make it true! I hope and pray that I have raised your awareness, and awoken you to start questioning and challenging everything you have been taught by Christianity, and start studying for yourself! NOTE: If you google the name “Yahshua”, you will find some people claiming that it's not the correct name for the Messiah, they claim it never appears in the Hebrew or Greek text, they claim it didn't exist in biblical times etc. These people want to forbid the name Yahshua being spoken, they want to silence the YAH and replace it with YE, because they have been brought up to believe that we should never use the name YAH because of concerns of taking the name of Yahweh in vain, so they also removed the YAH in the Son's name also. Shalom, and may Yahweh bless you and bring you into understanding and all truth. Yeremyah Yahweh's House Ministries LINKS For further reading and study, please refer to these links: 1. 2.