March/April Bulletin - Association of the Miraculous Medal


March/April Bulletin - Association of the Miraculous Medal
From the Spiritual Director
Dear Members,
Greetings from the Association
of the Miraculous Medal, and
welcome to the first Bulletin in this
extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy!
Since the very first Jubilee declared by Pope
Boniface XIII in the year 1300, the Church has
called a total of twenty-nine Jubilees, including
this Year of Mercy given us by Holy Father Pope
Francis. Each of these has been a year of special
emphasis on the sacrament of Penance and
Reconciliation, a sacrament vital for the forgiveness
of sins.
“Christ instituted the sacrament of Penance
for all sinful members of his Church: above all for
those who, since Baptism, have fallen into grave
sin, and have thus lost their baptismal grace and
wounded ecclesial communion. It is to them that
the sacrament of Penance offers a new possibility
to convert and to recover the grace of justification.”
(Paragraph 1446, Catechism of the Catholic Church)
When a penitent receives absolution in this
beautiful sacrament, he or she is freed from “eternal
punishment,” which is the loss of communion
with God. “Temporal punishment,” however,
remains in the form of unhealthy attachment to
worldly things, and requires purification here on
earth or after death, in the state called purgatory.
This purification is a lifelong process of
conversion to holiness, and it proceeds
from fervent charity, works of mercy, prayer,
and various practices of penance.
Temporal punishment for one’s sins can
also be remitted or wiped away through the
Church’s doctrine and practice of indulgences.
For the Jubilee Year of Mercy, Pope Francis
has extended a very special plenary indulgence,
which is the full remission of all temporal
punishment due to sin. This plenary indulgence
can be applied to oneself or to the souls of
the deceased, and can be obtained by fulfilling
the conditions listed on the next page.
I pray that you will avail yourself of this
very special occasion to grow closer to Jesus.
Answer his call. Receive his mercy. And go
forth to be a beautiful instrument of mercy
to others in need of God’s saving love.
Thank you for your continued prayers and
support of our Lady’s Association. May Mary,
the Mother of Mercy, obtain for you and your
loved ones the grace and mercy of her Son
Jesus in this extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy!
Sincerely yours in Jesus and Mary,
Fr. Mike Joyce, C.M.
Interim Spiritual Director
Conditions for Receiving the Jubilee Year Indulgence
• Perform the indulgenced work, which is either passing through a designated Holy Door
such as the one here at our Lady’s National Shrine, or performing one of the Corporal or
Spiritual Works of Mercy.
• Be in the state of grace by sacramentally confessing your sins within 20 days of performing the
indulgenced act.
• Have the interior disposition of complete detachment from sin, even venial sin.
• Receive Holy Eucharist (Holy Communion is sufficient if participating in Holy Mass is not possible).
• Pray for the intentions of the Pope. An Our Father and a Hail Mary are suggested.
Seven Corporal Works of Mercy
Seven Spiritual Works of Mercy
1. Feed the hungry
1. Instruct the ignorant
2. Give drink to the thirsty
2. Counsel the doubtful
3. Clothe the naked
3. Admonish the sinner
4. Shelter the homeless
4. Bear wrongs patiently
5. Visit the sick
5. Forgive offenses willingly
6. Visit the imprisoned
6. Comfort the afflicted
7. Bury the dead
7. Pray for the living and the dead
Announcing the Association’s
New Spiritual Director
Dear Members,
It has been such an honor serving
you these past six months as Interim
Spiritual Director of our Lady’s Association.
I am grateful for all your support, for
your prayers, and for your important
work in bringing Jesus to the world through
our Lady of the Miraculous Medal.
It is my privilege to inform you that the Provincial Visitor
has named Father Kevin Paul McCracken, C.M., as the
Association’s new Spiritual Director. Father “Kevin” was
Association of the Miraculous Medal
born March 8, 1955, in Montebello,
California. The third of seven
children, he grew up in a devoutly
Catholic household, receiving
religious instruction not only
from his parents, but also from
both sets of grandparents. He received
his sacraments of Initiation at Saint
Benedict Church in Montebello,
where he and his brothers assisted
in Mass as altar servers.
His dad was very active in the
Knights of Columbus (recently
receiving his 50-year pin), and
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would regularly visit Saint Vincent High
School Seminary just a mile and a half from
their home, to help with the annual
bar-b-que and other charity events. Father
Kevin accompanied his dad on a number of
these service projects, which is how he came
to know the Vincentian priests and brothers
of the faculty.
It was a natural progression then for
Father Kevin to enter Saint Vincent High
School Seminary in 1969. During his time
there, he was introduced to the Miraculous
Medal and even occasionally attended Our
Lady of the Miraculous Medal Parish in
Montebello. After graduating in 1973, Father
Kevin was admitted to the Congregation of the
Mission and entered Internal Seminary
(Novitiate) at Saint Mary’s Seminary in
Santa Barbara for a one-year program of
Vincentian spiritual development.
In August of 1974, he flew to Saint Louis,
Missouri, and traveled here to Perryville to
begin college at Saint Mary’s of the Barrens
Seminary. Here, on the grounds of our
Lady’s Association, Father Kevin gained a
deeper appreciation of the mission of the
Association of the Miraculous Medal. He
celebrated the Liturgy, participated in devotions in the Church of the Assumption, and
gave tours of the church and grounds to
pilgrims who came to visit the Shrine.
Father Kevin reflects fondly on his time
here, recalling that Father Charles Rice,
C.M., was the President of the Association
during those years, and that Father Charles
Shelby, C.M., (AMM Director and President
from ’83-’05), was one of his professors.
Father Kevin also reminisces about regularly
walking to the grotto, praying the rosary
alone or with other seminarians, spending
time in reflection and meditation, and
making the annual May Procession during
his four years of college here in Perryville.
In April of 1978, Father Kevin graduated
from Saint Mary’s Seminary College, professed his vows, and was incorporated into
the Congregation of the Mission. He and
his classmates then moved to Lemont,
Illinois, to continue their priestly formation
at De Andreis Institute of Theology. On
June 18, 1982, he was ordained as a member
of the Province of the West at Our Lady of
the Miraculous Medal in his hometown of
Montebello, California. The next day, he
presided over his first Mass in the Edward
and Estelle Doheny Memorial Chapel of
Saint Vincent High School Seminary where
he began his journey to the priesthood
thirteen years earlier. And on June 20, he
celebrated a Mass of thanksgiving at his
home parish of Saint Benedict.
Father Kevin’s first pastoral assignment
was as Associate Pastor of Saint Vincent de
Paul Parish in Phoenix, Arizona. During his
three years there, he discerned a growing
desire to assist in the formation of priests.
This led him to apply and be accepted into
the graduate school at the University of
Notre Dame. In January of 1987, Father
Kevin received his Master of Arts in Theology
in the area of liturgical studies and joined
the faculty of Saint John’s Seminary College
in Camarillo, California. He was on faculty
there from 1987 to 1996, at which time he
was invited to teach at the major seminary of
Saint John’s, as the chair of the Liturgy and
Homiletics Program.
Since July of 2013, Father Kevin has been
the Provincial Treasurer of the Western
Province of the Congregation of the Mission.
He also serves as local superior of Lazarist
Association of the Miraculous Medal
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Residence, the primary Vincentian House in
Saint Louis. And on most Sundays, he
assists Father Edward Murphy, C.M., in
celebrating Mass at Saint Vincent Parish in
the heart of Saint Louis.
During the early 1990s, Father Kevin
made his first visit to the Mother House of
the Congregation of the Mission in Paris,
France. While there, he celebrated Mass in
the Chapel where our Lady appeared to
Saint Catherine Labouré in 1830. He also
enjoyed a visit to the farmhouse in
Fain-lès-Moutiers where Saint Catherine
was born. Since then, he has returned to
Paris and to the Chapel of the Miraculous
Medal several times because of the inspiration
he receives from the serenity of the Chapel
and the prayerfulness of the many pilgrims
who visit this holy place.
We are blessed to have Father Kevin
accept his new role as Spiritual Director of
our Lady’s Association. Please join me in
extending him a very warm “welcome back”
to Perryville and welcome home to the
Association of the Miraculous Medal.
Greetings from the C.E.O.
I went to the eye doctor
recently and he let me know
that my eyes are just getting
older and I would need stronger
glasses. It wasn’t long ago I
could see just fine without glasses, but today I
hesitate to head to the store without something
to help me read the fine print. It also reminds
me of a conversation I had years ago with a
friend of mine.
He asked me what I thought was a simple
question, “Don, how far can you see?” I must
have rambled on for ten minutes about
seeing for miles on a clear day while visiting
the Empire State Building. Or maybe, I
questioned, it was standing on the edge of
the Grand Canyon, or perhaps watching the
sunset staring out into the ocean. I was
fortunate to have such good memories of
bright sunny days looking across different
landscapes just enjoying the view.
My friend then pointed out very factually,
because the earth is round, we can only see
about 10 miles. He added that when we
watch the weather on the news, the maximum
a weatherman will write for visibility is 10
miles because it’s as far as we can see on a
picture perfect day. I thought this was pretty
interesting, but wondered where he was
going with his question and facts.
He finished by stating that what most
people, including myself and weather reporters,
don’t realize is that we can see the furthest
when it is dark out. When we see the moon
and the stars we are actually seeing millions
of miles….the darker it is, the more stars we
can see…. and in the daytime we can see just ten.
I knew then what point he was trying to
make in my life. It is truly in our darkest
hour that we realize what kind of people we
are. We stretch ourselves, face our fears, find
strength within and pray for guidance. We
turn to family and friends for help, or a
helping hand of hope as we look for life in
the darkness. Being alone in the dark is one
of the hardest things we will face in our lives.
Last January, a small airplane carrying a
family home from vaction, crash landed in
the middle of western Kentucky. The crash
killed everyone on board except a seven-yearold girl. The plane was upside down, in the
deep woods, and she was alone in the dark.
She walked alone nearly a mile in the January
Association of the Miraculous Medal
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cold, wearing shorts, a t-shirt, and one sock.
She followed a single light walking through
mud, ditches, briars and a creek before finding
help from someone she didn’t know. She
never gave up hope—a miracle she survived
the crash, a miracle she knew to keep moving
forward, and a miracle she is still alive.
Here at the Association of the Miraculous
Medal, we get hundreds of thousands of
requests each year to light a Votive Light as
we or someone we love faces their darkest
hours looking for a miracle. We pray, we
listen, and rejoice when the light shines
again. Like this little girl, we each face our
own journey and find hope in a small light.
We encourage each of you to continue your
journey and have faith as you search in the
darkness for light. We also encourage all of
you to reach out and help those people who
are walking alone in the darkness. Whether
the small light is a prayer, an open heart, or
a warm hand, it is important we walk alongside
those in need.
Don Fulford
“Holy Door ” at the Shrine of Our
Lady of the Miraculous Medal
It was warm and
sunny when the ceremony to unseal the
“Holy Door” took place
here at our Lady’s Shrine
on December 8.
The Association’s staff along with 250 other
people attended this special event which symbolically
allows pilgrims who enter through the doors to
religiously gain the indulgences or lessening of
the consequences attached to a sin with the
duration of the Jubilee Year. The Shrine Church
became one of only nine designated pilgrimage
sites in the Archdiocese
of Saint Louis for the
Jubilee Year of Mercy.
Following the
ceremony, Mass was
celebrated by Father Mike Joyce, C.M. He
explained how local Church leaders decided
which door would be designated as the Holy
Door. It seemed to make sense to designate the
main doors of the Church, however, these
doors are not handicap accessible, and leadership
wanted everyone to be able to pass through the
Holy Door. Staff and administration decided to
use the side door of the Church which leads to
the newly renovated Votive Light Sanctuary.
It’s a door everyone can use, which is the purpose of all the Holy Doors around the world.
You are cordially invited to the National
Shrine of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal so
you can pass through our “Holy Door” which
symbolically represents
Jesus, who said, “I am
the door” (John 10:7).
Therefore, to pass through
the door, is to pass from this world into the
presence of God. The Church and “Holy Door”
are open seven days a week from dawn to dusk.
Free tours of the Church are also available each
day. For more information about visiting the
Shrine, call our office at 1-800-264-MARY
(6279), or visit our website: We
look forward to having you make this spiritual
pilgrimage to Perryville.
Association of the Miraculous Medal
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Dear Fellow Pilgrim,
Since announcing the Association’s
Year of Mercy pilgrimage in our last Bulletin
issue, we hope you’ve had time to consider
what it would mean to join us on this
spiritual journey as we follow the footsteps of the saints of mercy.
During this trip, you will come to know Saint Faustina, Saint Maximilian Kolbe, and Saint
John Paul II more thoroughly while also visiting Poland’s greatest pilgrimage shrine, Our Lady
of Czestochowa (also known as the Black Madonna). The highlight of the tour will be sites
connected to Saint John Paul’s life in Krakow.
Celebrate the Year of Mercy.
Attend the Association’s 2016
Fall Pilgrimage to Poland.
We will also be visiting Prague, a city with centuries of history,
holy shrines, and fine art. We worked hard on this pilgrimage to
offer you the best places to visit, excellent restaurants, and good hotels. You will join other members
of our Miraculous Medal family and strengthen your faith as you walk, pray, and reflect on your
own journey during this Jubilee Year of Mercy.
To receive a full color itinerary brochure or for more details, call our office at 1-800-264-MARY(6279),
or visit our website at We look forward to seeing you on this pilgrimage.
By now you should have received my Lenten Mission letter in
which I mentioned the Association’s goal of distributing one million
Miraculous Medals by the feast of our Blessed Mother’s birthday,
September 8. If every member gives out just 10 medals, we will
hit our goal of one million! I hope you’ve prayerfully considered how you will help us with this
mission as a present to Mary. To request medals to hand out, call our office at 1-800-264-MARY (6279). If
you aren’t able to hand out or mail out medals, perhaps you will consider making a donation to
our Lady’s Association. Your offering will help us meet the needs of all our members who long
to know more about Mary and her Miraculous Medal.
Million Medals
Association of the Miraculous Medal
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Our Lady of Grace Statue
This beautiful statue is a
traditional remembrance
for you to keep in your
home. The statue will be
your daily reminder to
pray to Jesus through our
Blessed Mother. It is made
of resin and is 10-1/4” tall.
14kt Gold Filled Miraculous Medal and Chain
The medium sized medal is 1” tall and 5/8“ wide,
14kt gold filled with bright cuts surrounding
Mary, 20” gold filled chain, deluxe box.
14kt Gold Miraculous Medal
Call for pricing on our exquisite 14kt gold
Miraculous Medal. 3/4" tall x 3/8" wide, in
presentation box.
Sterling Silver Miraculous Medal and Chain
The traditional medal is 1” tall with bright
cuts for brilliance on a 20” stainless steel
chain, boxed.
Sterling Silver Fancy Miraculous Medal
and Chain
This medal is 1” tall and has bright cuts to enhance
the design surrounding our Blessed Mother.
It comes on a 20” chain and in a deluxe box.
Petition Rosary
The rosary has gray
speckled beads and the centerpiece
is a silver finished heart locket which
opens to hold your petition. The large crucifix is
silver and the rosary is 23” long, in a deluxe box.
Prayer Card is
3 1/2” wide
6 1/2” tall.
Jubilee Year of Mercy Decade Rosary
The Decade Rosary has aurora borealis beads with a red Our Father bead and silver
Pope Francis Pectoral Cross. The centerpiece has Pope Francis on one side and
the Jubilee Year of Mercy Logo on the other side. The Decade Rosary is 5-1/4” long.
Made in Italy. A Pope Francis Jubilee Year of Mercy Prayer Card is included.
Association of the Miraculous Medal
1811 West Saint Joseph Street Perryville, MO 63775-1598
1.800.264.MARY (6279) 573.547.2508
Purple Enamel Miraculous Medal
Large silver plated medal, made in Italy.
3-1/2” high. Made to hang on a door.
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Mother of Pearl Miraculous Medal and Chain
Sterling Silver Miraculous Medal with Mother
of Pearl background. It is 1” high on an 18” stainless
steel chain. Comes in a presentation box.
Pewter Miraculous Medal and Chain
Oval medal with bright cuts. 1” high on an
18” stainless steel chain.
Miraculous Medal Cuff Bracelet
The bracelet is fashioned of alternating front
and back Miraculous Medals. It is 8” long,
adjustable, and constructed of stainless steel.
Ornate Miraculous Medal and Chain
The medal is made of sterling silver and has
eight light sapphire stones surrounding Mary.
It is 1” tall and on a 20” stainless steel rhodium
plated chain, in a deluxe box.
Dark Blue Miraculous Medal and Chain
The medal is sterling silver, has a dark blue
epoxy background, sterling Mary, and three
small blue rhinestones at the top. It is 1” high,
on an 18” stainless steel chain, and in a deluxe box.
Cruciform Medal and Chain
A sterling silver medal depicts the Sacred Heart
of Jesus, Dove, Miraculous Medal, St. Joseph, and
St. Christopher.“I am a Catholic - please call a
priest” is on the back. It is 1-1/4” high, on a 24”
stainless steel chain, and boxed.
Gold Miraculous Medal and Chain
Gold plated brass medal. It is 7/8” high and
on an 18” brass and nickel plated chain.
Gold Ornate Miraculous Medal and Chain
The medal is 24kt gold over sterling silver and
highlighted in blue enamel with an ornate gold
edge and tiny flowers. It is 1” tall and 5/8“ wide
on an 18” gold plated chain.
Miraculous Medal Rosary
This unique rosary has miniature Miraculous
Medal beads with blue epoxy on the Our Father
beads. The centerpiece is a traditional Miraculous
Medal. The rosary is 22” long and comes boxed.
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Association of the Miraculous Medal
1811 West Saint Joseph Street Perryville, MO 63775-1598
1.800.264.MARY (6279) 573.547.2508
Miraculous Medal Ring
Our Blessed Mother and stars laid out in a cross
design are featured on every other oval of this
hand antiqued stretch ring. It is silver plated.
One size fits all. It comes in a gift box.
Large Miraculous Medal and Chain
This traditional large oval Miraculous Medal is
fashioned of sterling silver and is 1-1/2” tall. It
features Mary with diamond cut highlights to
add brilliance and is on a 27” brass chain that is
rhodium plated. It is gift boxed.
Gold Filled Miraculous Medal and Chain
This large medal is 12kt gold filled with black
lettering that surrounds Mary. It is 1-1/4” tall
and 3/4“ wide, on a 24” gold plated brass chain,
and comes in a deluxe box.
Madonna Rosary Holder
Show your devotion
to our Blessed Mother
by laying a rosary over
her hands for display.
This beautiful statue is
8” tall and is made of
resin.(rosary not included)
Pink Pearl Rosary
This rosary has tinted pink
pearl beads, the Our Father beads are pink crystal,
and the centerpiece is a pink enamel traditional
Miraculous Medal. It is 22” long.
Holy Spirit Cruciform Medal and Chain
This medal has an antique silver finish with red
enamel behind the centered dove. It is1” tall and
comes on a 24” rhodium plated chain. It shows
the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Dove, Miraculous Medal,
St. Joseph, and St.Christopher. “I am Catholic - please
call a priest”on back. Comes in a presentation box.
Gold Heart Miraculous Medal and Chain
This medal is 14kt gold on sterling silver and has
a pierced heart shape. It is 3/4” tall, 5/8” wide and
comes on a 20” gold plated chain. Boxed for
gift giving.
St. Joseph Home Seller Kit
Sterling Silver Miraculous Medal
This traditional medal has bright cut edges for
brilliance that surrounds the Blessed Mother.
The medal is 1” tall.
St. Joseph,“Patron of Happy
Homes,” includes a 4-3/4” tall
resin St. Joseph statue, story,
saint card, and suggested
step-by-step instructions to
sell your home. Boxed for
gift giving.
Association of the Miraculous Medal
1811 West Saint Joseph Street Perryville, MO 63775-1598
1.800.264.MARY (6279) 573.547.2508
Sterling Silver Earrings
The pierced earrings are fashioned from sterling
silver and are 1/2” tall. They are small Miraculous
Medals surrounded with an ornate design.
Comes in a deluxe gift box.
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Blessed Mother
Night Light
Pearl Miraculous Medal Rosary
This rosary has imitation pearl beads with an
image of Our Lady of Grace for the centerpiece.
The Our Father beads are small Miraculous
Medals. The rosary is 18” long and made in Italy.
This statue is a white
night light made of
porcelain with delicate
pink roses. It comes
with a light that can
be turned on at night
as a prayerful reminder.
The statue is 12” tall
and boxed.
Satin Silver Miraculous Medal and Chain
This pewter medal features a pattern of open
scrollwork surrounding Mary. The medal is 1”
tall and comes on an 18” rhodium plated chain.
Rose Bracelet
This bracelet has ten silver
rosebuds with the Blessed
Mother on the back. It has an
attached crucifix and
Miraculous Medal. It is 8”
long and comes in a
presentation box.
Medium Miraculous Medal and Chain
This medal is 1-1/4” tall and is made of zinc
and aluminum. It comes on a 24” stainless
steel chain and is made in Italy. It comes boxed.
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Brass Miraculous Medal
This medal is 1-3/4” tall and made of brass. It
is easy to carry with you in your pocket or purse.
Gold Plated Miraculous Medal and Chain
This medal has a traditional design and has
diamond cut highlights to accent the quality.
It is 7/8”tall and comes on an 18”gold plated chain.
Brown Wood Bead Rosary
This rosary has a silver cross and Miraculous
Medal centerpiece. It is 22” long and boxed.
Blessed Mother Healing Oil
This oil has been Blessed at the Shrine and touched
to a First Class Relic of St. Catherine Laboure. Comes
in a 1/2 ounce glass bottle. It can be used to bless
yourself or your loved ones. Healing prayer included.
Association of the Miraculous Medal
1811 West Saint Joseph Street Perryville, MO 63775-1598
1.800.264.MARY (6279) 573.547.2508
to Mary’s grotto,
recited the rosary,
prayed, and listened
to speakers about
the preservation of
Circle the date on your calendar to attend
life.Those attending
our annual May Procession here on the shrine had the opportunity to sign their name on the
grounds, May 1, 2016, beginning at 3:30 p.m., CT. Association’s banner which was then carried
It’s a special afternoon,
by local youth in the annual “March for Life”
especially when the
in Washington, D.C., on January 22. By signing
sun shines brightly.
the banner, the participants in our “Walk for
Hundreds of people
Life” were spiritually represented in Washington
of all ages take part
to show their support for pro-life choices. All
as we process in prayer and song from the Shrine
those who participated in the walk in Perryville
Church to the grotto to honor our Blessed Mother
were grateful to have the opportunity to honor
and crown her with flowers. And with this being
our Blessed Mother and to pray for the preservation
a Jubilee Year of
of life as a united group.
Mercy, the sacrament
of Reconciliation
Christmas Country
will be available in
Church Tour Update
the Shrine Church
from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m.
On December 17 and 18, the National Shrine of
prior to the start of the procession.
Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Church was
A May Procession will also be held at the
among more than 27 churches and chapels that
Saint Vincent De Paul Evangelization Center in participated in the 11th annual Christmas Country
Montebello, California, following a bilingual
Church Tour. This was the second year the National
Mass at 12:00 p.m., PT. I hope you will join us Shrine participated, and it was
in person for this joyful event, either on the
a huge success! More than
shrine grounds in Perryville or in Montebello. 500 people from all parts of
Both processions are a wonderful way to walk the region, along with some
together as we give witness to Mary, our Blessed from Illinois, Colorado, and
Mother. Watch your mailbox for more details Texas, toured the Shrine and
Church on those two days.
and let us know if you need help making
For many in the area, it was the first time they
arrangements for attending by emailing us at
visited the church. This year live music was
performed on one of the nights. Donations were
collected and given to a local food pantry. The
“Walk for Life” Update
church tour was a wonderful way to share the beauty
of our Shrine and Church at Christmastime.
The second annual “Walk for Life” event
Perhaps this year you will make plans to visit us
was held here on the shrine grounds on January 16. in December when the tour is held.Watch for
Adults and children processed in a silent walk more information in a later Bulletin issue.
Plan Now for Our
Annual May Procession
Association of the Miraculous Medal
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in your parish. Share the medal
with your family members and
friends. Become a “promoter” of the
medal. Call the Association and
learn more about becoming a Promoter.
From the Mission
Advancement Team
Mary Gail
Dear Members,
This new year is off to a great start! We
have added two new staff members, Sherry
Clark and Pat Vetter, to our Mission Advancement
team. I am excited to welcome them and we look
forward to visiting members over the next year.
We will be hosting functions in various areas,
please watch for details. If we are in your area,
we hope that we will have the opportunity to meet
you personally.
Lent is a wonderful time to do something
extra, especially as you are reminded that
through membership in the Association of the
Miraculous Medal you are called to action.
Everyone can play a role in helping our mission.
Remember that Pope Francis calls 2016 the
Year of Mercy. This is a great time to participate
the corporal and spiritual works of mercy.
Some ways you can help as a member:
• Pray--We need your prayers. Pray for
the Association, its mission, and
the members.
• Distribute Miraculous Medals, but also
explain the medal. You will be amazed
how many people have not heard about
our Lady’s medal. Consider visiting a
school, nursing home, and the homebound
• Visit our Lady’s Shrine here in Perryville.
The Shrine is designated as a
pilgrimage site for the Year of
Mercy. As many of you know, there
are special graces you can receive
when making a pilgrimage to a site
with a Holy Door. Also, Pope Francis
has bestowed special graces for
those encouraging others to participate in the Year of Mercy. What a
great time to encourage others to
take advantage of the sacraments of
Reconciliation and Anointing of the
Sick. Those that are homebound
can call their local priest for these
sacraments and you can also call
your friends to participate in this
gift of mercy.
• Almsgiving. During Lent consider
making a gift to the Association of
the Miraculous Medal to help our
mission. Your continued financial
support will help us to sustain our
Lady’s mission. Your help can be
through a one-time donation, a
monthly gift, or through estate
planning. Please consider helping
us with our many needs at the
Shrine. Call me at 573-768-7015 and
I will be happy to share specific ways
that we can use your help.
Association of the Miraculous Medal
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Mary ’s Legacy Society Update
Web News
Our Charitable Giving web page is now
updated regularly. There are many good
articles posted as you discern giving and
estate planning.
Thank you for your continued spiritual
and financial support.
To Jesus through Mary,
Mary Gail Reding
Director of Mission Advancement
When you remember the Association of the
Miraculous Medal in your will or trust and let
us know that you have done so, you automatically
become a member of Mary’s Legacy Society.
Mary’s Legacy Society members receive:
A remembrance on the first Monday of
each month at the Novena Mass offered
at the National Shrine of Our Lady of
the Miraculous Medal
A certificate of membership
(suitable for framing)
A special gift
An invitation to the annual Mary’s Legacy
Society Mass on the first Monday of
October which includes an investiture in
the Miraculous Medal
Enrollment as a Perpetual Member of
our Lady’s Association
Remembrance in your will brings Mary’s
graces to future generations!
For more information, contact our Mission
Advancement team at 1-800-264-6279.
Association of the Miraculous Medal
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In Memory Of:
The Virgin Mary
By: Mr. Paul Latina, Sr.
Edward Achrem
By: Mrs. Janette Achrem
Mr. Bob Alms
By: Mrs. Robert J. Alms, Sr.
Marvin and Jeanne Bauman
By: Barbara Sellers
Vernice Borowicz
By: Mr. Rudolph T. Borowicz
Wallace E. Brazie
By: Mrs. Lois Brazie
Georgann Byrd
By: Mr. Cliff Byrd
Ron E. Cantrell
By: Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Laliberte
Dario Cipriani
By: Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Steyer
Joseph A. Cleary, Jr.
By: Mr. Michael Cleary
Charles M. David, Jr.
By: Miss Ann David
Jaime de Asis
By: Ms. Elizabeth de Asis
Renato de Asis
By: Ms. Elizabeth de Asis
Mary Ellen Deisher
By: Davis Family
Mr. Thomas J. Devine
By: Mrs. Louise M. Devine
Francisco and Romana Diadula
By: Ms. Elizabeth de Asis
Don Dolan
By: Mrs. Judy Dolan
Claire Dunphy
By: Mr. Paul Dunphy
Anne M. Fellmer
By: Mr. Richard Fellmer
Harold Fiala, Jr.
By: Shirley Fiala
Madison Firriolo
By: Iannuzzi Family
Rebecca A. Fisher
By: Ms. Elizabeth de Asis
Dorothy Petry Gagliano
By: Mr. Ross Gagliano
John F. Galasso
By: Mrs. Joseph C. Galasso
Joseph C. Galasso
By: Mrs. Joseph C. Galasso
Kristen Garcia
By: Mr. J. Donald Garcia
Gregory Alexander Gartside
By: Ms. Maureen Gartside
Patricia Giganti
By: Mr. and Mrs. John Giganti
Eva Marie Glueck
By: Eva Glueck Family
Dorothy E. Grady
By: Mr. Stephen M. Grady
Philomena F. Greco
By: Miss Marie Greco
Mary Bernadette Hannan
By: Catherine Aldrich
William R. Heaslip, Jr.
By: Karen and William Heaslip, Sr.
Linda Hernandez
By: Mr. Genaro Ortiz, Jr.
Marie Hess
By: Mr. Frederick Hess
Ellen Holowaty
By: Mrs. Jennifer Meyer
Father Andrew Ingrund, C.M.
By: Dr. and Mrs. J. Donald Persich, M.D.
Elizabeth Klemm
By: Miss Kristine Klemm
Gert Kneeskern
By: Mr. Wayne Kneeskern
Barbara Kolcun
By: Mr. Gabriel Kolcun
Carla J. Latina
By: Mr. Paul Latina, Sr.
Margie Laytos
By: Helen Bailey
Father Oscar J. Lukefahr, C.M.
By: Mrs. Dorothy De Fiori
Father Oscar J. Lukefahr, C.M.
By: Al Frances Glicksman
Father Oscar J. Lukefahr, C.M.
By: Mrs. Ann Marie Hegland
Father Oscar 'Luke' Lukefahr, C.M.
By: Greg Kokoskie
Father Oscar J. Lukefahr, C.M.
By: Guy and Debbi Huelat
Father Oscar J. Lukefahr, C.M.
By: Veronica and Ruben Escobedo
Jeanette A. Markey
By: Joyce and Richard Bartz
Association of the Miraculous Medal
Father Robert Mason
By: Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Lawrence
Dr. Thomas Matter
By: Ms. Diane M. Knitowski
Gloria F. Mehrmann
By: Mr. Louis W. Mehrmann, Sr.
Claude Mitchell
By: Dr. Anita Mitchell, M.D.
Jeanine Mitchell
By: Dr. Anita Mitchell, M.D.
Thomas Mulligan
By: Patti and Danny Latham
Marian Nowakowski
By: Lorrie De Lange
Father John O'Regan, C.M.
By: Dr. and Mrs. J. Donald Persich, M.D.
Frank J. Pasta
By: Ms. Rosalie G. Maurer
Ross Hall Pettigrew
By: Mrs. Frances Pettigrew
Bernadean Rice
By: Mr. James Rice
Felicitas Robles
By: Felicitas Nave
Marian Verna Hacker Roebke
By: Bill and Dee Schaefer and Angie Adams
Mary Alice Caire Romero
By: Mrs. Roland Caire
Betty Rooney
By: Trena H. Burger Plavan
Joseph Ross
By: Sandra Dion
Harry Sawers
By: John and Margaret Orlando
Mrs. Lori Simmons
By: Margaret Bice
Elizabeth Stawiasz
By: Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Stawiasz
David Taylor
By: Murnest and Lorena Taylor
Shirley Taylor
By: Mr. Darrell Dale Taylor
Ronald Thomas
By: Dorothy Bardroff
Richard Amsey Thompson
By: Gladys Plossay
Edward C. Walsh
By: Mrs. Marianne Brady
John Walsh, Jr.
By: Mr. John Walsh, Sr.
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Charles E. Whitten
By: Mr. Paul W. Leible
Ralph A. Wilke, Sr.
By: Mrs. Olive N. Wilke
Ryan Michael Williams
By: Victoria L. Spallone
Linda Andrys
By: Pam Yglesias
Roberto and Anthony Cortopassi
By: Luisella Ekbom
Gary Garcia
By: Mr. J. Donald Garcia
Marie and Joe Garcia, Jr.
By: Mr. J. Donald Garcia
Nancy Garcia
By: Mr. J. Donald Garcia
Lily S. Hernandez
By: Mr. Don Hernandez
Louis W. Mehrmann, Jr.
By: Mr. Louis W. Mehrmann, Sr.
Julian G. Mercado, Jr.
By: Virginia G. Mercado
Charles and Ruth Nichols
By: Mr. J. Donald Garcia
Mr. Rene Santa Maria
By: Greg and Beverly Tindall
Mrs. Rene Santa Maria
By: Greg and Beverly Tindall
Doc and Noma Stanley
By: Mr. J. Donald Garcia
From the Mail
Dear Father,
I prayed to our Blessed Mother to cure my brotherin-law and a cousin from very serious illnesses. Both
fought and struggled, but now they have either overcome
their illness or have seen it go into remission. I know
this happened because of the intercession of our Blessed
Mother with her son, Jesus.
R.C. – NY
Dear Father,
I have been a member of the Association of the
Miraculous Medal for a number of years. About 15 years
ago, I became a Knight of the Immaculata. I pondered
on what our Lady wanted me to do. I was asked to lead
the rosary prior to the evening Mass in our parish. I
gladly accepted. I have been leading the rosary ever
since. When I approach the steps to the altar, I stop and
ask Jesus and Mary for the help needed to speak clearly
and forcefully. They have obliged spectacularly. I thank
Jesus and Mary from the bottom of my heart for all they
do for me. I remain a member of the Association.
Thanks again Mary, my Mother.
A.C. – TX
Dear Father,
I write to thank our Lady of the Miraculous Medal for saving my life and another driver in
September. Shortly after Mass, I was involved in a car accident. Neither I nor the other driver
were harmed in any way. I thank Mother Mary and our Lord Jesus Christ for keeping us both
safe from any injuries. I know very well that the Miraculous Medal I wear around my neck saved
both of us. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. Amen!
E.N. – CT
Dear Father,
I have been praying to our Blessed Virgin for my daughter to become pregnant. I feel that I
am not worthy of such favors, but I asked that she hear the prayers I know my daughter must
be saying. A couple of weeks ago, my daughter told me that she is indeed pregnant! She must
be very careful during these first few weeks, but I feel that our Blessed Mary has answered both
of us and will take care of her.
G.C. – TX
Association of the Miraculous Medal
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The Association of the Miraculous Medal brings Jesus Christ to the world by inspiring devotion to Mary, Our
Lady of the Miraculous Medal, through whom we unite ourselves in prayer to grow in holiness while supporting the apostolic mission and charitable works of our
Vincentian priests and brothers.
The National Shrine of the Miraculous Medal is our center of prayer.
We appreciate any support you can offer to help offset the cost of our quarterly Bulletin. Please use the enclosed
reply envelope to send your support and your prayer requests. As always, you are remembered in the Masses and
prayers offered at our Lady’s Shrine.
Our Board Members welcome your emails at
Sr. Helen Brewer, D.C. Patrick Carron Connie Eichhorn Mary Lou Frank
Fr. John Gagnepain, C.M. Debbie Gahan Deacon Tom Schumer Roger Steinbecker
Fr. Ray Van Dorpe, C.M. Gary Welker
The first phase of renovating the Votive Light Sanctuary has been completed. Ten thousand
new flickering lights have been installed.The lights are burning so brightly that the beautiful
stained glass windows in the room are illuminated at night and can
be seen from outside the building. When you step into the Votive Light
room, the view of the flickering lights is breathtaking. The flames dance
along the wall and leave you with a feeling of peace. Each light
represents a request from a member for their intentions to be remembered.
We are grateful to the many members who are helping us restore the
Votive Light Sanctuary to a peaceful, spiritual place where one can offer their intentions to Jesus and
Mary. The second and third phases of renovation will be to install a total of 20,000 more lights
in the room. If you would like to help us complete these renovations, please indicate this on the
enclosed reply form or call our office at 1-800-264-6279.
Association of the Miraculous Medal
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