April 15, 2009 - Online Edition
April 15, 2009 - Online Edition
Online Edition WILSHIRE BOULEVARD TEMPLE BULLETIN Please call to obtain a full printed copy. Volume 96, Number 8 • April 15, 2009 Ambassador Martin Indyk Celebrates Israel with Wilshire Boulevard Temple W hat a year of possibilities. New political leadership in America brings new vision to the relationships with Israel and her neighbors. Few understand this issue better than Ambassador Martin Indyk, Director of the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institute and former U.S. Ambassador to Israel, who will be our special guest speaker at the upcoming Rabbi Alfred Wolf Memorial lecture. His years of analysis will create a powerful, engaging dialogue on the subject of “Renewing Diplomacy in the Middle East: Options for the New Administration.” Indyk’s words and energy will propel us to a thorough understanding of Israel’s potential opportunities and challenges in our time. Israel is a dynamic country, dedicated to creativity, innovation and history. The ancient city of Jerusalem is installing a speed train to Tel Aviv. The drip irrigation that Israel has developed over these 60 years is being shared with Jordan. The dirty waters of the Yarkon River are being repurposed at water plants in Ashdod and Tel Aviv. And the highway—smooth, clear, wide and clean all the way from Tiberias to Jerusalem, even down to Eilat—makes the transport of people and goods possible. In 2009 when we celebrate Israel’s 61st year, we’re grateful to those who created the possibility for its presence as well as its technological advances. The resources come from many places, but Israel Bonds have made sure that the basics are in place to allow Israel to dream and find its way into an even better future. Purchase an Israel Bond as an investment in that future—Israel’s and yours. Join us at the Irmas Campus on Thursday, April 30 at 7 p.m. for the Rabbi Alfred Wolf Memorial lecture in which we celebrate Israel’s 61st year and her ongoing relationship with Israel Bonds. Coffee and dessert will follow the ambassador’s presentation. We especially want to thank Susan Ehrlich, Ph.D., for chairing the event. Rabbi Karen L. Fox Israel Independence Day Celebration; An Israel Bonds Event Thursday, April 30, 2009 • 7:00 p.m. www.wbtla.org/events/item/225/adult_events In This Issue A “Green Light” Forever and Ever Passover in the Rain Forest BRAWERMAN special THANKS This Week’s Torah Portion Do NOT Play with Fire! Parshat Shimini, Lev. 9:1–11:47 A mid a litany of laws, our Torah authors gave us a phenomenal narrative in which Aaron’s sons, Nadav and Avihu, chose to make a sacrificial offering to God. Presumably following in the footsteps of their father (as the first High Priest), “…each took his fire pan, put fire in it and laid incense on it; and they offered before the Lord alien fire, which He had not enjoined upon them. And fire came forth from the Lord and consumed them; thus they died at the instance of the Lord.” Yikes! What caused these boys to do what they did and, moreover, for God to respond in such a swift, unequivocal and cruel manner? This is a tale where “two Jews, three opinions” really makes its case. We can imagine that rather than following prescribed ritual, the sons thought their way was better, thus subverting the community. Perhaps by the text’s noting “each took his fire pan,” we learn that the boys, more than as a team, were competing to offer God the “supersize sacrifice” each thought would be his reward. Another option lets us imagine that the “alien fire” the sons tried to offer was a material that really was outside the bounds of Israelite beliefs. We can derive powerful lessons from this tale. What would each of us offer God if given the chance? Would it be a “thing,” and if so, how consistent might that be with our tradition as we experience it? When the opportunity to lead comes, do we lead with consideration of others and their habits, customs and needs, or simply “grab the reins” and go? In the Mishnah, the rabbis taught hafoch ba u’d’chola vah—“turn it and turn it [Torah], for all you need to know is in it.” Let’s keep turning—but don’t play with fire. Rabbi Stephen Julius Stein Tikkun Olam TI OLA LD EP AI R “Green Light” UN M A KK RIN G T HE WO R Forever and Ever E very ark around the world has, somewhere above, a ner tamid, or “eternal light,” to remind us of God’s abiding presence in our lives and in our sanctuaries. At both the Temple and Irmas campuses, our nerot tamid are beautiful and, of course, illuminate our hearts as well as our gorgeous arks. By the time you read this, the light above the ark in the Marcia Israel Chapel-Auditorium at the Irmas campus will be as bright as ever—but for the first time, it will be off the power grid, thanks to sponsorship from the Board of Rabbis, our tikkun olam programming and the inspiration of a rare Jewish event occurring just once every 28 years: Birkat ha-Chamah, a celebration of the return of the sun, moon, constellations and planets to their starting positions, as noted by our sages in the Talmud. This ... green is not just the light to indicate “go,” but a sacred reminder to keep moving toward harnessing natural energy to power our sacred spaces. year, the observance fell on April 8, the day on which we began Pesach, our Festival of Freedom, that evening. Anytime we can diminish our individual and communal carbon footprint is a moment to rejoice (and repeat!), yet it is beschert—“meant to be”— that this year, as we free ourselves from the electrical grid, at least for one night, we recall the timeless legend of the Israelites’ freedom from bondage and oppression. As our community works to restore and develop the Temple Campus and improve our facilities at the Irmas Campus, green is not just the light to indicate “go,” but a sacred reminder to keep moving toward harnessing natural energy to power our sacred spaces. Early Childhood Centers Passover in the Rain Forest E ver wonder how you would celebrate Passover if you lived in the rain forest? Acting on their interests, the children in the Harim class and their teachers started to investigate the world’s rain forests. They researched the trees, bushes, shrubs and vines that protect the understory of the rain forest from the rains. They learned about the crawling and flying animals, insects and huge tropical plants that are indigenous to the region. The students even plotted the equator and the rain forests of the world on a giant map in their classroom. But as the weeks passed, matzah suddenly began to appear at the supermarket. People started talking about King Pharaoh, frogs and The Red Sea. What was the Harim class going to do? They wanted to celebrate Passover, but they didn’t want to stop their extensive study of the rain forest. In keeping with the Reggio Emilia philosophy, the students and teachers worked together to come up with the perfect solution: They would celebrate Passover in the rain forest! They made charoset from bananas, pineapples and cinnamon. Their seder plate had a roasted egg, ginger root, fresh spring flowers and beet greens. The entire Harim class sat on the floor and ate their seder meal on woven placemats, combining the holiday of Passover with the study of the rain forest. Wilshire Boulevard Temple Camps The ABC’s of Golf L AtheSspirit and joy felt throughout camp every hour, every day. C Ruach: F S curves Birdie: getting the ball in the hole in four strokes. Slice: a shot that sharply away from the golfer. L I Campers: kids who benefit from funds raised at theO golf tournament. Tiger Woods: first golfer to hold all four major titles simultaneously. Albatross: the coveted three under par. G C U.S. Open: the American golf championship. Eagle: two strokes under par. Vardon: trophy for the professional golfer with the lowest average score. • • Divot: hunk of grass that flies in the air when a wedge is used. Water hazard: obstacle that makes play more difficult. E C AMPS Fore: duck or cover your head! X: marks the spot where the ball lands on the green. Hole in one: every golfer’s dream. Yips: term describing difficulty golfer may have in sinking short putts. WILSHIR Gallery: spectators at a golf tournament. Israel program: an incredible opportunity for our Jewish youth. Zinger: where the ball sails high through the air for a great distance. Jack Nicklaus: the “Golden Bear.” Knock down: shot that doesn’t fly very high in the air. Mulligan: a do-over. Out of bounds: a one-stroke penalty. BO Putter: the most important club in a player’s bag. Quiet round: what every player desires. 6th Annual Wilshire Boulevard Temple Camps Golf Tournament E Niblick: original name of the 9-iron. PL Links: golf course near the ocean. UL M E T Funds raised will provide scholarships for Jewish youth to experience a summer in Israel, participate in teen leadership programs or attend Wilshire Boulevard Temple Camps. EVARD Monday, May 4, 2009 www.wbtla.org/events/item/299/youth_events Developments BRAWERMAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SPECIAL THANKS TO THOSE WHO CONTRIBUTED TO OUR 10TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION town & country distinctive event rentals & services john bard, executive chef wilshire boulevard temple CAMPS Thank you to our Sponsors Bunny Wasser and Howard Bernstein Geri and Richard Brawerman Dorothy and Sherman Broidy Deborah and Jonathan Davidson Susan and Bill Ehrlich Marni and Ron Eshel Elizabeth and Philippe Faraut Rabbi Harvey and Sybil Fields nathanson’s photography who’s that dj? PSAV Presentation services Debra Fields and Jonathan Silberman; Jessica and Joel Fields; Rachel and Hanan Prishkolnik The Fogelman Family Leanne and Steve Frankel Julie Monkarsh Gadinsky Alexandra and Ryan Gagerman Gloria and Peter Gold Lauryn Harris and Greg Pimstone The Handelsman Family The Audrey and Sydney Irmas Charitable Foundation Susan and Marty Jannol Bruce Karatz Family Foundation Leichtman – Levine Family Foundation Norma and David Lefkowitz Wendy and David Marcus Jennifer and Barnet Malin Lauri and David Martin The Reisz Family Angie and Adam Rosen Michelle and Marc Rosenbach The Pachulski Family Anthony and Jeanne Pritzker Family Foundation Nina and Martin Rosenzweig Sari and Joshua Schecter Leah, Alexis and Todd Sherman Leeni and Michael Siegel Susan and Alan Tivoli supporters Robin and Bijan Armandpour Nancy and Rick Freeman Elinor and Jonathan Lewis Sharon Sandler and William Thein Bonnie Tucker and Scott Tommey Hope Wintner and Ted Meisel Brawerman Decade of Blessings: Rabbi Harvey J. & Sybil A. Fields Educational Scholarship Fund IN HONOR OF: Gabriela Becher by Gila Michael Rabbi Elissa Ben-Naim by Diane and Mark Rudolph Dean Berkowitz’s 6th Grade Graduation by Karen and Adam Berkowitz Brawerman Administrative Team by Susan and Michael Isaacson Brawerman Faculty and Staff by Sharon Sandler and William Thein Our Amazing Brawerman Teachers by Jacob Davidson Our Amazing Brawerman Teachers by Zach Davidson Geri and Richard Brawerman by Diane and Mark Rudolph Geri and Richard Brawerman by The Class of 2009 Celebrating 10 Years of Success With Love From Debra Fields and Jonathan Silberman and Rebecca; Joel, Jessica and Dora Fields; and Rachel, Noa, Amit and Hanan Prishkolnik Geri and Richard Brawerman by Lisa and Brad Mindlin Brawerman Elementary School by Cheri Lauterbach and Gina Lobaco Brawerman Students by Nadine and Steve Breuer Brawerman Faculty by Nadine and Steve Breuer Brawerman Parents by Nadine and Steve Breuer Brawerman First Graders by Yona Cohen Nadine Breuer by June Weiss Nadine Breuer by Geri and Richard Brawerman Nadine Bendit Breuer by May Bendit Nadine Breuer by Lizzie and Gil Harari Nadine Breuer’s Tireless Dedication by Lauren and Anton Schiff Nadine Breuer by Becca and Dan Nudel Nadine Breuer by Michelle and Marc Rosenbach Nadine Breuer - Thank You for Our School by the Schirn Family Nadine Breuer by Nancy Levine Nadine Breuer by Diane and Mark Rudolph Maxine Keith and Nadine Breuer by Orit Nissan-Greenfield Robin and Elliott Broidy by Peyman and Shirin Yadegar Robin and Elliott Broidy by Marcia and Doug Mankoff Robin and Elliott Broidy by Beth and Michael Moskowitz Robin and Elliott Broidy by Nancy and Robert Lurie Robin and Elliott Broidy by Diane and Mark Rudolph Robin and Elliott Broidy by The Class of 2009 Robin and Elliott Broidy by Lisa and Brad Mindlin Robin and Elliott Broidy by Michele Ruiz and Barry Edwards Robin and Elliott Broidy by Ivy and Peter Greene Robin and Elliott Broidy, our son and his wife by Dorothy and Sherman Broidy Robin and Elliott Broidy by the family of Nina and Martin Rosenzweig Brent Carmichael by Dee and Gavin Shenker Ilse Clauss by Gudrun and Daniel Brock Yona Cohen by Carolyn and Rob Becher Sam Cooper by Janet Cooper Olivia Diamond by Tali and Scott Diamond Jack Diamond by Tali and Scott Diamond Henry Diamond by Tali and Scott Diamond Raphael Eidelman by Robin Eidelman Ryan Eshel by Marni and Ron Eshel Chloe Eshel by Marni and Ron Eshel Evan Eshel by Marni and Ron Eshel Juliette Faraut by Bruce Karatz Thomas Faraut by Bruce Karatz Clara Faraut by Bruce Karatz The Wedding of Jennifer Fenton and Ryan Smily by Randy and Danny Lee Rabbi Harvey Fields by Geri and Richard Brawerman Rabbi Harvey and Sybil Fields by Diane and Mark Rudolph Rabbi Harvey and Sybil Fields by The Class of 2009 Rabbi Harvey and Sybil Fields by Lisa and Brad Mindlin Ava Freeman by Izydor Wilchfort Talia Gandin by Mindy Gandin Cantor Don Gurney by Diane and Mark Rudolph Samara and Mia Handelsman by Leslie Handelsman My Gratitude to Current PA Vice Presidents: Lauryn Harris, Angie Rosen and Jodie Schroeder by Nancy Lurie Susan Isaacson by Diane and Mark Rudolph Abe Kaye by Betty J. Reiser Maxine Keith and all the staff with great appreciation by Lauren and Anton Schiff Maxine Keith by Michelle and Marc Rosenbach Maxine Keith by Diane and Mark Rudolph Our Grandson Tyler J. Klein by Julie and Sam Pakula Our Grandson Joshua I. Klein by Julie and Sam Pakula Our Grandson Gabriel M. Klein by Julie and Sam Pakula The Klein Boys by Rina and Gary Klein Cheri Lauterbach by Jill Gorman Rabbi Steven Leder by Geri and Richard Brawerman Rabbi Steve Leder by Diane and Mark Rudolph Mr. Peter Levenson - A Teacher with a Smile by Robin and Bijan Armandpour Emily’s Upcoming Graduation from Brawerman by Nancy and Robert Lurie Morah Melissa by Lauri and David Martin Elan Molko by Philip Gershater Julie and Sam Pakula by Rina and Gary Klein Shirley Pegler (“Nana”) by Dee and Gavin Shenker In Memory of the Preston and Colton Families by Polly and Monty Preston Mrs. Gail Robillard - Especially Gifted and Perceptive by Robin and Bijan Armandpour Our Daughter Lauren Sackler by Jenifer and Gregory Sackler Our Son David Sackler by Jenifer and Gregory Sackler Jessica and Sam Schiff’s Love of Learning by Lauren and Anton Schiff Marcus Shenker by Dee and Gavin Shenker The Shrager Family by Nelson Shrager Traci Siegel by Leeni and Michael Siegel Leah Ticker by Carolyn and Rob Becher Ryan and Michael Toomin by Jill Toomin Ms. Julie Tracht - A Teacher with Mid-Western Kindness by Robin and Bijan Armandpour Zachary Weiss by Julie Weiss Zachary Weiss by Linda and Gene Weiss Ella Weiss by Linda and Gene Weiss Marcia Weiss by Karen and Adam Berkowitz Mrs. Wiessbrod by Lauri and David Martin Tracy Weissbrod by Karen and Adam Berkowitz Upcoming Events big sunday Sunday, May 3, 2009 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Temple and Irmas Campuses Instead of training for a marathon, flex your mitzvah muscles at the CLE for a day of making a difference! Gindling Hilltop Camp 40th Anniversary Celebration Sunday, May 31, 2009 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Gindling Hilltop Camp Forty years of campers, songs and overnights... forty years of friendships, Shabbat and Havdalah... forty years of ruach. Join us in celebration of the 40th anniversary of Gindling Hilltop Camp. Return to camp for an afternoon of reconnecting and reminiscing. www.wbtla.org/events/item/295/tikkun_events ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING GOLF classic SI Join us as we honor outgoing Board Members at our Annual Congregational Meeting and celebrate Shabbat with our wonderful Soul Sounds Shabbat Service. www.wbtla.org/events/item/313/events B PL E Funds raised will benefit Jewish youth by providing camperships to Wilshire OU M Boulevard Temple Camps and scholarships E LEV ARD T for the NFTY Israel Program and summer teen Leadership programs. Sponsorships, four-somes and individual golf spots are available. Friday, May 15, 2009 6:00 p.m. Temple Campus UN OLA R EP AI M www.wbtla.org/events/item/299/youth_events KK santa monica pier family “fun-raiser” Tuesday, May 12, 2009 4:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Pacific Park on the Santa Monica Pier Brawerman Elementary School and Mann Family and Erika J. Glazer Early Childhood Centers will hold their annual Santa Monica Pier Family “Fun-raiser.” Sunday, April 12, 2009 FOOD PANTRIES Sunday, April 26, 2009 Underwritten by Banky LaRocque Foundation LD WILSHIR Monday, May 4, 2009 El Caballero Country Club www.wbtla.org/events/item/297/youth_events TI CLAS E C AMPS LF • • O C G At each of our campuses, participants and parents will help build part of someone’s new home, donate blood for a local blood drive, create baskets of hominess for those who are homeless and bake goodies for those who aren’t lucky enough to have an oven. We will have many different types of mitzvot you can perform that will help heal our city and our world by thinking beyond ourselves. R Thank you to those individuals and families who have chosen either to underwrite ($1,000) or sponsor ($500) a week of food. If you are interested in joining this effort, please contact Gina Lobaco at (213) 388-2401 or globaco@wbtla.org. RIN G T HE WO Mitzvah Goreret mitzvah - Doing a mitzvah leads to doing more.ds to more. Bring your kids and enjoy rides, games and more. Pacific Park will be closed to the general public during the event. www.wbtla.org/events/item/296/youth_events It’s ALL online at www.wbtla.org/events. Check it out! Our B’nei Mitzvah Temple Family Welcome to new Temple members... John and Laura Abruscato and their son, Jared…Myles and Jessica Bowman and their son, Harrison…Christopher Angel and Katherine Farkas and their daughter, Naomi…Jonathan and Elana Gimbel and their daughters, Lily and Sophie…Mark and Shana Goldman and their son, Alexander…Paul Hargrave and Diane Levin and their daughter, Hannah…Dr. Farhad and Rebecca Houriani and their son, Noah… Dr. Brian and Anne Kessler and their daughter, Julia…Kory and Loris Lunsford and their daughter, Shayna…Josh Passman and Lindsey Rosin… Jonathan and Jennifer Schechter…Steph and Leslie Sebbag and their daughters, Anabelle and Sophia…Joshua and Angela Tepper and their daughter, Molly… Congratulations to… Linda Daly and Mike Alexander on their wedding…Robert Mattox and Lisa Smith on their wedding… Congratulations to… Stephanie and Oren Goldman on the birth of their son, Luca Ray Goldman and to big sisters, Adrianna and Vanessa and to aunt and uncle, Jody and Juan Ramirez and cousins, Alyssa, Noah and Taylor…Maxine Keith on the birth of her grandson, Gavin Jason Ellis Greene…Tanya and Farshad Moftakar on the birth of their daughter, Madeline Moftakar and to big brother, Sebastian and big sister, Julian…Orit and Nadav Ravid on the birth of their daughter, Gefen Ravid and to big sisters, Netanya and Shylee…Lauren and Kevin Scher on the birth of their son, Holden Paul Scher and to big sister, Milly… Condolences to… Judy and Bob Wunsch on the death of their brother in law, Peter J. Cohen and to niece, Maggie and John Scott and their children, James, Katherine and Samuel…Florence Robbins on the death of her husband, Ralph Robbins…Cynthia, Charles, Jason, Nicole and Adam Hirschhorn on the death of their cousin, Dr. Constance Whitney… Schedule of Shabbat Worship & Study thursday, april 16 Yizkor Service Rabbi Leder, Cantor Don Gurney, and Cantor Susan Caro Irmas Campus - 9:00 a.m. friday, april 17 Shabbat Services Rabbi Stein and Cantorial Soloist Elisa Waltzman Irmas Campus - 6:00 p.m. Rabbi Fox and Cantorial Soloist Jacqueline Rafii Irmas Campus - 6:00 p.m. saturday, april 18 Torah Study LEVITICUS Shemini 9:1 - 11:47 Rabbi Sara Goodman Temple Campus - 9:00 a.m. Shabbat Services Rabbi Eshel and Cantor Gurney Temple Campus - 10:30 a.m. Rabbi Fox and Cantorial Soloist Pam Simmons Irmas Campus - 10:30 a.m. Rabbi Stein and Cantorial Soloist Ellen Sugerman Temple Campus - 10:30 a.m. friday, april 24 Rabbi Eshel and Cantor Gurney Irmas Campus - 10:30 a.m. Soul Sounds Shabbat Rabbi Stein, Cantor Gurney and the Band Temple Campus - 6:00 p.m. Shabbat Service Rabbi Eshel and Cantorial Soloist Jacqueline Rafii Irmas Campus - 6:00 p.m. saturday, april 25 Torah Study LEVITICUS Tazria/Metzora 12:1 - 15:33 Avi Cohen Temple Campus - 9:00 a.m. Tot Shabbat Rabbinic Intern Erin Mason Irmas Campus - 9:00 a.m. Shabbat Services Wilshire Boulevard Temple 3663 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90010 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Clergy Rabbi Steven Z. Leder, Pritzker Chair of Senior Rabbinics Rabbi Karen L. Fox, M.F.T. Rabbi Elissa Ben-Naim Rabbi Stephen Julius Stein Rabbi David Eshel Cantor Don Gurney Rabbi Harvey J. Fields, Ph.D., Emeritus Board of Trustees Julie Miller, President Lauren Leichtman, Vice President Richard Pachulski, Vice President John Schulman, Vice President Mary Brussell, Secretary Steven Romick, Treasurer Stephen Davis, Alyce de Toledo, Alan J. Epstein, Michael Flesch, Jami Gertz, Andrew E. Haas, Teri Hertz, Susan Adler Jannol, Richard Kurtzman, Donald Levy, Richard Powell, Steve Sugerman Bruce A. Friedman, Immediate Past President Barry Edwards, Counsel Honorary Board Members Lionel Bell, Howard M. Bernstein, Audrey Irmas Administration Howard G. Kaplan, Executive Director Carol Bovill, Director, Early Childhood Centers Nadine Bendit Breuer, Head of Elementary School Vinny Green, Interim Director, Center for Learning & Engagement Douglas F. Lynn, Director, Camps & Conference Center Gina Lobaco, Director of Development Jessica Accamando, Director of Communications Rebecca Sills Nudel, Membership Director The Wilshire Boulevard Temple Bulletin is published semi-monthly by Wilshire Boulevard Temple www.wbtla.org (213) 388-2401 FIRST-CLASS MAIL PRESORTED U.S. POSTAGE PAID LOS ANGELES, CA PERMIT NO. 785 Contributions RABBI EDGAR F. MAGNIN FUND In Loving Memory Of: Nate Adlen, Adolph Hoffman and Ruth Hoffman by Paula Hoffman Muriel Berman by Nancy Berman Father, Julius Brodie by Betty & Ross Winn Minnie Ceazan by Anne & Bernard Ceazan Edna Drabkin by Robert Drabkin George Epstein by Gertrude Kline Anna Factor by Barbara Bentley Ettu Fulop by Ruth & Jim Stern Patricia Gale by David Gale Hyman Glasberg by Ilene & Stanley Gold Audree Goldfine by Heidi Steinberg Elaine Gordon by Brian Gadinsky Lawrence Graf by Cathy Graf & Roger Scadron Minna Grodin by Mary Lynn & Howard Gottfried James Gumbiner by Ruth Gumbiner Joseph Hecht by Diane & Dr. Ralph Frankel Dear father, Hyman Hoffman by Rachael & Dr. Norman Hoffman Thomas Hofheimer by Stacie & Marc Moss Flora Israel by Dr. Robert J. Kositchek Ruth Kaplan by Frances Creamer Evelyn Kozberg by Lindsey Kozberg Evelyn Kozberg by Barbara & Martin Kozberg Edythe Lenard by Marlene White Lenard, Brian Lenard & Erica Lenard Dear mother, Clara Lichtenstein by Rachael & Dr. Norman Hoffman Thelma Marshall by Allan Africk Helen Mayers by Darrelle & Donald Hirsch Dorothy Miller by Jamie & Ken Rosenblood Myrtle Pfaelzer by Gordon Bodek Edith Schneiderman by Alan Schneiderman Enayat Shenassa by Shaun Shenassa Ruth Coper Stern by James Stern Jack Weisman by Elaine Lipton WILSHIRE BOULEVARD TEMPLE REDEVELOPMENT FUND Mordo Attabet, Regina Tarica, Philip & Lillian Ginsburg by Rochelle & Eli Ginsburg SUSAN SRERE MEMORIAL LIBRARY FUND RABBI ALFRED WOLF CAMP FUND TIKKUN OLAM SOCIAL ACTION FUND FOOD PANTRY In Loving Memory Of: The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation Peggy Pashkow MUSIC PUBLICATION FUND Rabbi Eshel on the occasion of the b’rit milah of grandson, Sascha Alexander Hilman by Elayne & Leon Bryn Rabbi Eshel on the occasion of Carly Nasch’s Bat Mitzvah by Donna & Ronald Nasch Mike Roberts’s 80th Birthday by Toni & Bruce Corwin Mike Roberts’s 80th Birthday by Carol & Larry Lindman Mike Roberts’s 80th Birthday by Maxine & Arthur Barens Mike Roberts’s 80th Birthday by Les Bronte & Family Mike Roberts’s 80th Birthday by Stephanie & Sherman Gardner Mike Roberts’s 80th Birthday by Anneli & Barry Roth Mike Roberts’s 80th Birthday by Milan Weiss In Honor Of: Hannah Berookhim by Gabi Freund Rabbi Eshel for officiating at our grandson Noah Horner’s baby naming by Bernd & Ann Labe-Givon Rabbi Stein on the occasion of Noah Landry’s Bar Mitzvah by Judith Boasberg, Mark and Noah Landry Grandson, Nicholas Fordis 4th Birthday by Francine Sanders Carol Vernon & Robert Turbin by Francine Sanders Arden Williams’s Bat Mitzvah by Gabi Freund In Loving Memory Of: Lottie Cohen and Minnie Levinson by Richard Eisendrath & Family My beloved father, Jacob Becker by Jane Hirsch Dear brother, George Epstein by Marian & Stanley Brown & Family Beloved husband, father and grandfather, George Epstein by Lucille Epstein Sophia Gray Goldman by Ann Rubin Beloved mother & grandmother, Sophia Gray Goldman by Suzanne Rubin & Family Minna Grodin by Dorothy Royce Beloved sister, Anne Kanner by Helen Samples Frank Krevin by Helen Lewis & Marvin Meyer Freda Kuchuk by Esther Keller Beloved mother and grandmother, Ida Liberman by Rita & Marcy Norton Arnie Luster by Flo & Mayo Stark Beloved husband, Siego Nathan by Anneliese Nathan Beloved parents by Anneliese Nathan Norma Wachtman by Lori Pollack LILI AND JON BOSSE LIBRARY FUND In Loving Memory Of: In Loving Memory Of: My friend, Martin Eli Weil by Nancy Senter Annie & Bernard Greenwald by Lynda & William Leisner CLERGY FUND PRAYER BOOK DEDICATION FUND In Honor Of: Rabbi Steve Leder by Joan Katz Rabbi Leder on the occasion of our son, Noah Greenspan’s Bar Mitzvah by Daena Title & Jay Greenspan Rabbi Steve Leder for officiating at the service of our beloved grandfather, Nate Spilberg by Claudia & Brandon Levin Rabbi Leder for officiating at the wedding of our daughter, Julie Reisman & Scott Feldman by Joanie & Louis Reisman In Loving Memory Of: Moses Armel by Merle Galindo Seymour Finkelstein by Diane & Mark Rudolph Morris Ginsberg by Gladys Ginsberg Mary Kaye by Alan, Doreen, Hilary, Matthew & Michelle Kaye Siegfried Nathan by Lisl Nathan Dear husband and daughter, Carl and Susan Nathan by Lisl Nathan Bernard Schiff by Robbi & Thomas Schiff Olga Stock by Rose & Al Finci Cesia Ullman by Laura Ullman Epstein Benno Weimer by Trudi Weimer & Family In Loving Memory Of: Edith Kahn by Ruth Hochberg Greta Solomon by Ali Mandelbaum GERI AND RICHARD BRAWERMAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL In Loving Memory Of: Raymond Fine by Muriel Sherman Justin Strawgate by Diane & Mark Rudolph ANNE AND NATHAN SPILBERG ANNUAL LECTURE ON JEWISH LIFE In Loving Memory Of: My dear friend, Nate Spilberg by Eleanor Baker Nate Spilberg by Joanne & Jeffrey Grant Our beloved grandfather, Nate Spilberg by Claudia & Brandon Levin Nathan Spilberg by Bobbi & John Nastro Dear uncle, Nate Spilberg by Irene Saltzman & Family Nate Spilberg by Sandra Spiegel SISTERHOOD PULPIT FLOWER FUND ANAT BEN-ISHAI SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Loving Memory Of: In Loving Memory Of: Betty Levy by Shirley Haiman & Family Cousin, Susan Srere by Betty & Ben Srere In Honor Of: Cantor Don Gurney by Judy Frank Cantor Don Gurney on the occasion of our son, Noah Greenspan’s Bar Mitzvah by Daena Title & Jay Greenspan In Loving Memory Of: Raymond Feldman by Carol & Rand April Ed Raskin by Jared, Sydnee, Jordan & Samantha Breuer Hannah Zahler by Eileen Seidlin THE DR. JEROME TOBER FUND FOR ARTISTIC EXPRESSION In Loving Memory Of: Jerome Tober by Susan Tober THE DARFUR PROJECT Amy & Matthew Baer Rosamund & Robert Berson Robert Canter Judith & Harvey Flax Jeanne Gerson Glusker Family Marcia Harrow Marla & Michael Kantor Maryam Lieberman Elaine Lipton Jamie & Douglas Lynn Dete & Paul Meserve Lori Nafshun Becca & Dan Nudel Peggy & Fred Pashkow Rabbi Karen Fox & Mickey Rosen Mr. & Mrs. Stanford Rubin Francine Sanders Singer Family Rabbi Stephen Julius Stein & Stephen Ariel Miller In Honor Of: Dr. Barnett Bergman’s 85th Birthday by Gina & Philip Amoils Dr. Barnett Bergman’s 85th Birthday by Anna Benatar WILSHIRE BOULEVARD TEMPLE CAMPS In Loving Memory Of: Nate Adlen by Sheri & Allen Tuchman Grandmother & great grandmother, Rose Bernstein by Laurie & Steven Kend The most wonderful father, Sam Cooper by Marcia Markowitz Hyman Hoffman by Andrea, Steven, Chloe & Matthew Gardner Adolph & Ruth Hoffman by Sheri & Allen Tuchman Alfred Levin by Brenda Levin, David & Eliot Abel Dr. Milton Rowen by Fay & Cary Constantine Dr. Milton Rowen by Barbara & Fred Gaines Dr. Milton Rowen by Jenn & Ken Greenstadt Dr. Milton Rowen by Janice & Gregory Morimoto Dr. Milton Rowen by Sharon & Charles Rosen Dr. Milton Rowen by Susan & Bob Schwartz Dr. Milton Rowen by The Susskind Family Dr. Milton Rowen by Diane Wokasch In Honor Of: In Loving Memory Of: Maurice Creamer by Frances Creamer Genevieve Polep by Charles Polep Boris Porter by Myra & Jack Porter Dr. Milton Rowen by Linda & Myron Roberts Nate Spilberg by Linda & Myron Roberts BEARMAN AND LANCET CAMPERSHIP FUND In Loving Memory Of: Charles Morris by G. Jane Lancet ALLAN CHATKIN CAMPERSHIP FUND In Loving Memory Of: Andy Cantor by Sandi Chatkin AL GOODMAN MEMORIAL CAMPERSHIP FUND In Honor Of: Ruth Coleman for a speedy recovery by Rhoda Goodman Grandson, Max Goodman’s 4th Birthday by Rhoda Goodman David Williams’s 80th Birthday by Rhoda Goodman EVELYN K. KRAMER MEMORIAL CAMP FUND In Loving Memory Of: Arnie Luster by Phyllis Wolf & Gary Fox ALAN A. SIENER MEMORIAL SPORTS CENTER In Loving Memory Of: Alan Siener by Paul Siener Ann Siener by Paul Siener CHARLES BENDIT CAMPERSHIP FUND In Loving Memory Of: Nancy Colton by Nadine & Stephen Breuer Nate Spilberg by May Bendit MARK GREENSTEIN CAMP FUND In Loving Memory Of: My son, Mark Greenstein by Pauline Greenstein RICHARD BARASCH BBQ/PICNIC AREA FUND In Loving Memory Of: Richard Barasch by Nancy Barasch Alice Price by Barbara & Arnold Price We appreciate your generous donations. An $18 minimum donation is required for each acknowledgment card.
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