Examiner - pnwdiai


Examiner - pnwdiai
Fall 2011 Newsletter
Pacific Northwest Division IAI
Idaho State Police
700 South Stratford, Ste. 125
Meridian, ID 83642
(208) 884-7278
First Vice President
Bellevue Police Department
450 110th Ave. NE
Bellevue, WA 98004
(425) 890-4419
Second Vice President
Spokane Sheriff’s Office
1100 W. Mallon
Spokane, WA 99260
(509) 477-2334
Marion County Sheriff’s Office
PO Box 14500
Salem, OR 97309
(503) 792-5519
King County Sheriff’s Office
516 3rd Ave.
Seattle, WA 98104-2312
Sgt. At Arms
Seattle Police Department
PO Box 34986
Seattle, WA 98124-4986
(206) 233-2187
From the desk of Aaron Koning
2011-2012 PNWD/IAI President
As the new President of the PNWDIAI, I would like to take a
moment to thank the membership for your continuing support
of our organization and also to introduce myself. I am currently a Forensic Scientist with the Idaho State Police Forensic
Services in Meridian, ID. I have been with the Idaho State
Police for 3 years. Prior to this I was a Forensic Specialist with
the Sioux Falls Police Department in South Dakota for 5 years.
I am currently certified as a latent print examiner (CLPE) and
as a Crime Scene Investigator (CCSI).
During the fall board meeting which was held in Boise, ID on
October 21, we talked extensively about what benefit the
PNWDIAI brings to our membership. In our present economy where every agency has dramatically tightened their budgets, what value does being a member of our organization bring
to Forensic Scientists living in the Pacific Northwest? I believe there are several reasons
why every practicing Forensic Scientist in the Pacific Northwest should be a member or our
organization. First, we will be making a renewed effort to publish our newsletter, “The Examiner”, on a quarterly basis. Natalie Hernandez, our new Editor, is dedicated to publishing
valuable and exciting new information in each issue. Second, we are dedicated to providing
valuable and affordable training and networking opportunities during each annual educational conference. The 2012 PNWDIAI Annual Educational Conference will be held at The
Grove Hotel in Boise, ID from May 1-4. The board is working hard to attract the most renowned and knowledgeable speakers from around the country. Members of the PNWDIAI
receive a large discount on the registration fee for the conference. Thirdly, networking is an
invaluable benefit of PNWDIAI membership. With membership currently over 150, being
part of this organization gives members the benefit of interacting and sharing ideas with
many other individuals in our field across our region. Finally, I believe that being part of
this organization brings more credence in court. The ability to claim membership in our
organization gives the jury the perception and assurance that you are very active and current
in your particular science. I hope you will agree that membership in the PNWDIAI in very
valuable and beneficial, and that you will encourage other colleagues to join as well.
I would also encourage you to visit our website often. It has undergone some exciting
changes the last couple of years, and is much more informational and user friendly. Some of
these changes include the ability to pay your membership dues online, register for the annual
educational conference online, and read the minutes from past board meetings. The URL for
the website is http://www.pnwdiai.org/. In addition, if your agency has a job or a training
seminar that you would like posted on the website, send an email to Vice President Brian
Orr at brianpnwd@gmail.com. Finally, we will soon be posting more information about the
2012 Annual Educational Conference, including speaker and workshop information.
Thank you for your support, and for allowing me to serve as the President of the
PNWDIAI. I look forward to meeting many of you throughout the upcoming year,
and I hope to see all of you in Boise next May for the 2012 PNWDIAI Conference!
Aaron Koning
Board Members
Montana Office of Public Defender
610 Woody Street
Missoula, MT 59802
(406) 523-5178
Spokane County Sheriff’s Office
1100 West Mallon
Spokane, WA 99260
(509) 477-2334
Idaho State Police
700 South Stratford, Ste 125.
Meridian, ID 83642
(208) 884-7148
King County Sheriff’s Office
516 3rd Ave. Rm 1A04
(206) 205-8461
Washington State Patrol
PO BOX 42608
Olympia, WA 98504-2608
(360) 705-5994
Oregon State Police
20355 Poe Sholes Drive Ste. 200
Bend, OR 97701
(541) 388-6150
Boise City Police Department
333 N. Mark Stall Place
Boise, ID 83704
(208) 570-6212
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Meet the new Board Members!
Alan Christensen is a Certified Tenprint Examiner and Technical
Lead with the King County Sherriff’s Office, Regional AFIS Program. He was one of the first in the agency to pass the IAI Tenprint Certification test. He has been with the County since 1986
and an examiner since 1990. Alan has also been the Technical
Lead for the Tenprint Unit for many years and his knowledge and
service in this area is invaluable. He is the “go to guy” for anything with a technical reference; including Live scan and AFIS
Jim Luthy is an IAI Certified Latent Print Examiner who started
his career with Washington State Patrol in 1988 as Fingerprint
Technician. Jim was first assigned to the Missing/Unidentified
Persons Unit in 1992, spent two years as a Latent Print Examiner
before leaving in 1996 to do ministry work. Jim returned in May
of 2005 as a Forensic Scientist, assigned to Latent Prints Laboratory in Olympia, WA and is a current member of the Crime Scene
Response Team. Recognized as an expert witness in several
Washington courts, Jim has provided several training courses directly to user agencies and through the Criminal Justice Training
Center. He has also been a guest lecturer at the University of
Washington, South Puget Sound Community College, and several
conferences. Outside of his career, Jim is married and fathers five
Tori Dickerson is a forensic scientist with the Oregon State Police stationed in the Bend Forensic Laboratory. Her primary duties include latent print and crime scene examination. She received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Forensic Science from
the University of North Dakota. She is an editorial reviewer for
Identification News and serves on the latent print technical core
group for the Oregon State Police Forensic Services Division.
Recap from Pacific NW Division/I.A.I. Conference held in Vancouver, Washington at the
Heathman Hotel.
By Sgt. At Arms, Connie Toda
Special Thanks…
Betty Newlin was an outstanding emcee and her expertise as a past president was invaluable. Debra Goodfellow assisted with the vendor coordinator duties, door prizes, and registration desk. I served on the Audit Committee in addition to Melissa Lyman, OSP, and the treasurer, Lori Moore, King County Sheriff’s Office, to go over the organization’s financial records for the year. Jennifer Delaney, President, did an amazing job with the assistance of a volunteer from her agency, Kim McDaid.
The conference itself...was very successful in educational content, fantastic speakers, interesting topics, and a great
venue. What I am really excited about is that we are now hearing about well- researched responses from people in
our profession to the NAS report and the critics who seem to get all the attention. There are actual scientific studies
being conducted by research scientists that support what we’ve always known. Our science is valid and they do have
the data to back it up. We heard from two speakers from different parts of the country who basically said the same
thing in a different way. They both had good responses to the attacks we’ve been receiving and both are practitioners. I would feel comfortable quoting from them if I am ever challenged on validity. It was refreshing to hear another perspective from people who are defending our science in a rational, productive manner. Darla Shaver, past
president from 2010, took care of the speaker gifts and served as a very resourceful advisor and ambassador from
Oregon State. Her advice throughout the entire year has been a big plus. Outgoing board member and newly retired
officer from Edmonds Police Dept., L. Paul Miller, was re-commissioned as our conference photographer, A/V
equipment guy, handy man, you name it. He really stepped up. And Lori Moore was our behind the scenes person
who took care of registrations, certificates, guest speaker’s needs, lots of details we aren’t even aware of. I know are
others that I can’t recall at the moment, but many people worked hard to make the conference a success.
Vendors – We had a very good representation of vendors, seven in attendance who purchased booths AFIX Technologies, 3M Cogent, Foster & Freeman USA, Ideal Innovations, Mideo Systems, the Peavey Corporation and Sirchie Fingerprint Labs., and five that contributed with donations and sample packets. Sirchie Fingerprint Labs donated $500 which paid for a wine tasting social event that was organized by Board Member L. Paul Miller. They
also donated some fantastic door prizes of their products which I very happily was the recipient of (a magnifier and
crime scene backpack filled with brushes, powders, lifts, markers, etc.).
Board Elections:
A new slate of directors and officers were voted in that I am very pleased to be associated with. We have more representation from people that are well known and highly respected. They are:
President: Aaron Koning, Idaho State Police
1st Vice President: Brian Orr, Bellevue Police Dept.
2nd Vice President: Julie Brownfield, Spokane County Sheriff’s Office
Secretary: Kathy Saviers, Marion County Sheriff’s Office
Treasurer: Lori Moore, King County Sheriff’s Office
Sgt. at Arms: Connie Toda, Seattle Police
Board Member: Mark Beck, Montana Dept. of Justice
Board Member: Carrie Johnson, Spokane County Sheriff’s Office
Board Member: Natasha Wheatley, Idaho State Police
Board Member: Alan Christensen, King County Sheriff
Board Member: Jim Luthy, Washington State Patrol
Board Member: Tori Dickerson, Oregon State Police
Past President: Jennifer Delaney, Boise City Police Dept.
With that being said, our next board meeting will be on October 21, 2011, Friday, at 10:00 a.m. in Boise, Idaho.
2012 Conference will be held in the “city
of trees”….Boise, Idaho!!!
May 1, 2012 through May 4, 2012
Held at the Grove Hotel
245 S. Capitol Blvd
Boise, Idaho 83702
(208) 333-8000
Stay tuned for registration info!
Next year’s conference will be held May 1-4, 2012
n Boise at the Grove Hotel….
If you are preparing to take a certification test in your field of specialization,
you can arrange to take the test at the
2012 PNWDIAI Educational Conference in Boise. Certification testing is
tentatively scheduled for Monday, April
30, 2012.
Please contact Alan Christensen
(contact info below) before March 31,
2012 to arrange for testing, and I will
arrange for a room as well as someone
to proctor your test. Be sure to let me
know the area you need to be certified
Alan Christensen
King County Sheriff’s Office
516 3rd Ave., Rm. 1A04
Seattle, WA 98104
Phone (206) 205-8461
Fax (206) 296-0898
The Pacific Northwest Division of the IAI is now accepting nominations for The 2012
Outstanding Achievement
Award. Nominees shall be an
active member in good standing who have been a valuable
contributor, or one who has provided outstanding
service to the Pacific Northwest Division. Nominations are presently being accepted now through
the deadline of February 29th, 2012. Nominations
may be submitted to the PNDIAI President, Aaron
Koning at aaron.koning@isp.idaho.gov. The
board will be reviewing submission at the Spring
2012 board meeting shortly after, so don’t delay
as the end of this year is just around the corner!
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PWNDIAI Website quarterly FYI...
PNWDIAI website log-in now available!
User name: Member
Password: m3mber!
Membership dues can now be paid on our website
through paypal!
Upcoming Training:
Newest Job Announcements:
Advanced Palm Print Comparison Techniques
New Jersey State Police Troop “C” Headquarters
Hamilton, New Jersey
Jamie Bush, CLPE, CSCSA
December 5-7, 2011
Latent Print Examiner– City of Miami, Florida
Closing Date: December 16, 2011
Examination of Simultaneous Impressions
Escondido Police & Fire Headquarters
Escondido, CA
January 17-19, 2012
Essential Ridegeology Concepts
San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Office
San Bernardino, CA
February 27– March 2, 2012
Latent Fingerprint Examiner– St. Louis
Metro Police Department
Fingerprint Service Technician- St. Louis
Metro Police Department
Latent Print Examiner I -San Diego, CA
Closing Date: November 28, 2011
Latent Print Examiner II -San Diego, CA
Complex Latent Print Examination
Missouri State Highway Patrol
Law Enforcement Academy
Jefferson City, MO
Debbie Benningfield, CLPE
Closing Date: November 28, 2011
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FBI Latent Hit of the year:
The FBI Latent Hit of the Year award was created in response to a
request from the local and state law enforcement community for
more details on major violent crime cases solved with the assistance of our Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS). The award, which goes to an outstanding latent examiner or officer who worked the case, is presented annually at the
International Association for Identification conference. If you
are interested in submitting a success story for consideration as
a Latent Hit of the Year, contact the FBI Criminal Justice Information Services Division at FBILatentHit@leo.gov. (source http://
As the new editor of The Examiner, I am open to any topics, items of interest, latest
casework/case law, or articles members would like to see published in the quarterly
newsletter. If you are aware of members who are not receiving the newsletter, please
let me know. Also, e-mail systems may not be able to receive large distribution lists
so please make arrangements with me if this is the case so that you are not missing the
quarterly postings. Please feel free to contact me at any time to share your thoughts
for The Examiner!
Natalie Hernandez
Idaho State Police
700 South Stratford
Meridian, ID 83642
(208) 884-7174
DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in articles contained in this publication do not necessarily represent the views of the Pacific Northwest Division of the
International Association for Identification. The Association neither guarantees, warrants, nor endorses these views or techniques but offers these articles
as information to the membership. Some articles may contain descriptions of processes utilizing chemicals or combinations of chemicals that may be hazardous to the user's health. It is strongly recommended that proper precautions be taken when using known hazardous chemicals or a combination thereof.
The Association assumes no responsibility for the use of chemicals or combinations thereof as set forth in any article.
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Pacific Northwest Division
International Association for Identification
According to the bylaws of our division,
MEMBERS [Article II, Sec. 1.]: The annual dues shall be $25.00 payable in advance, on the first day of January of each
and every year. [Article II, Sec. 4.] A member who is delinquent as of May 1st in the payment of dues as of the opening
of the annual general membership business meeting is not deemed in good standing.
NEW APPLICANTS [Article II, Sec. 2.]: Dues paid to the association between January 1 and September 30 shall be applied to the dues for that calendar year only; dues paid between September 30 and December 31 shall apply to the following calendar year.
You may pay your 2011 dues now. In order to receive the member registration rate for the annual conference, you must pay your dues by May 1st.
The majority of our correspondence will be sent via email. Please make sure this information is up to
2011 PNWD/IAI DUES……………………………………….. $25.00
My address and phone number are correct in the last roster:
Yes ________ No _________
(If NO, please highlight changes above)
Mail dues to PNWD/IAI Treasurer:
PNWD-IAI Treasurer
c/o Lorene Moore
7505 34th Ave SW
Seattle, WA 98126
If you have any questions, contact Lori at: Lorene.Moore@METROKC.GOV
2011 Fall edition of The Examiner
brought to you by
SIRCHIE Fingerprint Laboratories, INC.
Air Science Forensic Laboratory Products
AFIXTechnologies Inc.
Future sponsor/advertisement to be published in The Examiner,
please contact Natalie Hernandez at Natalie.hernandez@isp.idaho.gov
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