Conference Proceedings
Conference Proceedings
NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS September 8 – 11, 2014 Ostrava Czech Republic NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS Book of Abstracts 6th International Conference September 8 – 11, 2014 Ostrava edited by Prof. Ing. Bohumír Strnadel, DrSc. VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava 17. listopadu 15/2172 708 33 Ostrava Czech Republic Vydavatelství Vysoká škola báňská – Technická univerzita Ostrava Published in cooperation with the project Regional Materials Science and Technology Centre, CZ.1.05/2.1.00/01.0040. i Book of Abstracts 6th International Conference on NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS. VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic 8 - 11 September 2014 Published by Vydavatelství VŠB – TU Ostrava 17. listopadu 15, 708 33 Ostrava Czech Republic Cover image: Corrosion products on fracture surface of steel AISI 304 after stress corrosion cracking test, by Doc. Ing. Jan Siegl, CSc., image magnification of 1000x. Proceedings were designed by Ing. Pavel Židlík Ing. Daniela Vedrová ISBN 978-80-248-3488-7 ii CONTENTS Proposal of Proximity Rule on Transformation from Subsurface to Surface Flaw .................. 1 K. HASEGAWA, Y. LI, R. SERIZAWA, M. KIKUCHI Improvement of the Herbert Pendulum Hardness Tester .......................................................... 3 T. KABURAGI, R. SUZUKI, M. MATSUBARA, T. KOYAMA, T. TASHIRO Decreasing Thermal Stresses in Steam Generator Collector Weld’s Area Using External Cooling ....................................................................................................................... 5 R. KRAUTSCHNEIDER, L. JOCH Collapse Mechanism of Rectangular Tubes Subjected to Pure Bending .................................. 7 K. MASUDA The Evaluation of Actual Material Properties of Low Alloy CrMoV Steel from the Results of Small Punch Tests .................................................................................................... 9 K. MATOCHA, L. KANDER, O. DORAZIL, K. GUAN, Y. XU Extra High Strength Steel Plates. Production, Possibilities and Limits .................................. 11 I. MIKA Precision Evaluation for Realiability of Power Module Using Coupled ElectricalThermal-Mechanical-Analysis ................................................................................................ 13 H. MORITA, Q. YU Comparative Strain Analysis of 34CrMo4 Steel and Inconel 738LC ..................................... 15 M. ŠTAMBORSKÁ, M. LOSERTOVÁ, K. KONEČNÁ, V. MAREŠ, L. HORSÁK, R. GALACZ Internal Crack Growth Simulation Using S-version FEM ...................................................... 17 M. KIKUCHI, R. SERIZAWA, S. YAMADA Collapse Evaluation of Double Notched Stainless Pipes Subjected to Combined Tension and Bending ............................................................................................................... 19 R. SUZUKI, M. MATSUBARA, S. YANAGIHARA, M. MORIJIRI, A. OMORI, T. WAKAI Development of a Crack Opening Displacement Assessment Procedure Considering Change of Compliance at a Crack Part in Thin Wall Pipes Made of Modified 9Cr-1Mo Steel ......................................................................................................................... 21 T. WAKAI, H. MACHIDA, M. ARAKAWA, S. YOSHIDA, S. YANAGIHARA, R. SUZUKI, M. MATSUBARA, Y. ENUMA Stress Relaxation Small Punch Testing of P92 Steel .............................................................. 23 P. DYMÁČEK, F. DOBEŠ, M. JEČMÍNKA ABI Testing of Reactor Pressure Vessel Steel ........................................................................ 25 P. HAUŠILD, J. SIEGL, A. MATERNA Characterization of Heterogeneous Weldments ...................................................................... 27 V. ŠEFL, R. NOVÁKOVÁ, J. BYSTRIANSKÝ iii Resistance to Corrosion Cracking of Steel 100Cr6 in Humid Air under Higher Tensile Stresses .................................................................................................................................... 29 S. LASEK, V. ČÍHAL, M. BLAHETOVÁ, E. KALABISOVÁ Relationships between KIC and CVN at Temperatures Lower than NDT............................... 31 M. HABASHI, M. TVRDY Biomechanics - Probabilistic Reliability Assessment of Femoral Screws .............................. 33 K. FRYDRÝŠEK Finite Element Human Model for Crash safety Assessment of Automobile in Frontal Collision .................................................................................................................................. 35 Y. ZAMA Biomechanics – Problematic Loosening of Locking Screws from Plates .............................. 37 R. ČADA, K. FRYDRÝŠEK Biomechanics – Safety Factor Evaluation of Anterolateral Plates for Distal Tibia Fractures .................................................................................................................................. 39 G. THEISZ, K. FRYDRÝŠEK Cyclic Bending Deformation and Fracture of Al and Al-1.0mass%Mg Alloy ....................... 41 H. IKEYA, H. FUKUTOMI Cyclic Instability of Steel-Titanium Bimetallic Composite Obtained by Explosive Welding ................................................................................................................................... 43 A. KAROLCZUK, T. ŁAGODA Including of Ratio of Fatigue Limits from Bending and Torsion for Estimation Fatigue Life under Cyclic Loading ......................................................................................... 45 M. KUREK, T. ŁAGODA Evaluation of Fatigue Crack Growth in Alpha Titanium Alloys ............................................ 47 O. UMEZAWA, M. HAMADA, T. TATSUMI The Current Status of New Czech Corrosion Fatigue Evaluation Proposal for WWER Nuclear Power Plants .............................................................................................................. 49 L. VLČEK Effect of Repeated Heating on One-Point Rolling Contact Fatigue of High-Carbon High-Chromium Steel Bar ...................................................................................................... 51 K. MIZOBE, R. SEGAWA, T. SHIBUKAWA, K. KIDA Statistical Analysis of Accidents Due to Fatigue and Corrosion at Facilities Producing High Pressure Gas ................................................................................................................... 53 T. SHIBUTANI, N. KASAI, H. KOBAYASHI, H. AKATSUKA, T. TAKAHASHI, T. YAMADA Influence of Inductive Hardening on Wear Resistance in Case of Rolling Contact ............... 55 M. ŠOFER, R. FAJKOŠ, R. HALAMA Effect of Surface Quality of Machined Railway Wheels on Fatigue Strength ....................... 57 R. FAJKOŠ, T. TKÁČ iv Application of Ultrasonic Impact Treatment (UIT) for Improvement of Fatigue Life ........... 59 T. ISHIKAWA, K. HAYASHI Cyclic Plastic Properties of Class C Steel Including Ratcheting: Testing and Modelling ................................................................................................................................ 61 R. HALAMA, A. MARKOPOULOS, M. ŠOFER, P. MATUŠEK Characterization of Vermiculite Particles after Mechanical Treatment .................................. 63 K. ČECH BARABASZOVÁ, G. SIMHA MARTYNKOVÁ Advanced Numerical Modelling Methods for 1D Periodic Plasmonic Structure Simmulations........................................................................................................................... 65 L. HALAGAČKA, K. POSTAVA, M. VANWOLLEGHEM, B. DAGENS, J. BEN YOUSSEF, J. PIŠTORA Molecular Modeling of Antimicrobial Nanocomposites ........................................................ 67 D. HLAVÁČ, J. TOKARSKÝ Antimicrobial Kaolinite Based Nanocomposites .................................................................... 69 S. HOLEŠOVÁ, M. HUNDÁKOVÁ, E. PAZDZIORA Volatile Organic Molecules Sorption onto Carbon Nanotubes ............................................... 71 G. SIMHA MARTYNKOVÁ, D. PLACHÁ, L. ROZUMOVÁ, E. PLEVOVÁ Optical Modelling of Microcrystalline Silicon Deposited by Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposition on Low-Cost Iron-Nickel Substrate for Photo-Voltaic Applications ............................................................................................................................ 73 Z. MRÁZKOVÁ, K. POSTAVA, A. TORRES-RIOS, M. FOLDYNA, P. ROCA I CABARROCAS, V. VODÁREK, J. HOLEŠÍNSKÝ, J. PIŠTORA Submicron Calcium Phosphate Particles Study Anchored on Clay Supports ......................... 75 L. PAZOURKOVÁ, G.SIMHA MARTYNKOVÁ, M. HUNDÁKOVÁ, M. VALÁŠKOVÁ Preparation of Submicron Particles of Biologically Active Substances Using Supercritical Fluids ................................................................................................................. 77 D. PLACHÁ, T. SOSNA, E. VACULÍKOVÁ, M. MIKESKA, R. DVORSKÝ Preparation of Carbon Nano Fillers for Metalic Composites .................................................. 79 L. ROZUMOVÁ, G. SIMHA MARTYNKOVÁ TiO2 – Based Sorbent for Lead Ions Removal ........................................................................ 81 J. SEIDLEROVÁ, M. ŠAFAŘÍKOVÁ, L. ROZUMOVÁ, I. ŠAFAŘÍK, O. MOTYKA Properties of Kaolinite Treated by Different Temperatures.................................................... 83 M. TOKARČÍKOVÁ, K. MAMULOVÁ KUTLÁKOVÁ, J. SEIDLEROVÁ Influence of Void on the Mechanical Property of Nanomaterial ............................................ 85 K. YODEN, Y. SAITO, Q. YU Determination of Anisotropic Crystal Optical Properties Using Mueller Matrix Spectroscopic Ellipsometry ..................................................................................................... 87 K. POSTAVA, R. SÝKORA, D. LEGUT, J. PIŠTORA v Observation of Magnetic Fields around Plastic Deformation Area in Low Carbon Alloy Steel ............................................................................................................................... 89 K. KIDA, M. ISHIDA, K. MIZOBE Magneto-Plasmonic Properties of Au/Fe/Au Planar Nanostructures: Theory and Experiments ............................................................................................................................. 91 J. VLČEK, M. LESŇÁK, P. OTIPKA Image Analysys via Reaction Diffusion System for Edge Detection ..................................... 93 K. NAKANE, H. MAHARA, K. KIDA Effects of Inclusion on the In-Plane Mechanical Performance of Micro-Lattice Plate .......... 95 K. USHIJIMA, W. J. CANTWELL, D. H. CHEN Assessment of Structures Loaded at Creep ............................................................................. 97 S. VEJVODA, P. POPPELKA, P. RYŠAVÝ Diffusion of Hydrogen in the TRIP 800 Steel......................................................................... 99 J. SOJKA, P. VÁŇOVÁ, V. VODÁREK, M. SOZANSKA Precipitation Reactions in a Copper - Bearing GOES........................................................... 101 V. VODÁREK, A. VOLODARSKAJA, Š. MIKLUŠOVÁ, J. HOLEŠINSKÝ, O. ŽÁČEK Concept of Damage Monitoring after Grinding for Components of Variable Hardness ...... 103 A. MIČIETOVÁ, J. PIŠTORA, Z. DURSTOVÁ, M. NESLUŠAN Study on Reliability Evaluation Method ofAdhesion Strength of Resin .............................. 105 O. HONDA, Q. YU Direct Bonding of Ti/Al by Metal Salt Generation Bonding Technique with Formic Acid ....................................................................................................................................... 107 T. AKIYAMA, S. KOYAMA Direct Bonding of SUS304 Stainless Steel by Metal Salt Generation Bonding Technique with Formic Acid................................................................................................. 109 T. TSUNETO, S. KOYAMA Direct Bonding of A6061 Aluminum Alloy by Metal Salt Generation Bonding Technique with Formic Acid................................................................................................. 111 Y. TOMIKAWA, S. KOYAMA Effect of Surface Modification by Aqueous NaOH Solution on Bond Strength of A5052 Aluminum Alloy/Al and Cu/Al ................................................................................. 113 X. MA, S. KOYAMA Direct Bonding of Cu/Cu by Metal Salt Generation Bonding Technique with Formic Acid and Acetic Acid ............................................................................................................ 115 S. KOYAMA, N. HAGIWARA, I. SHOHJI Delamination Property of Modelled Air Plasma Sprayed Therma Barriear Coatings: Effect of Difference in Chemical Composition of Bond Coat .............................................. 117 M. HASEGAWA, S. YAMAOKA vi Microstructure Modification of CGDS and HVOF Sprayed CoNiCrAlY Bond Coat Remelted by Electron Beam .................................................................................................. 119 P. GAVENDOVÁ, J. ČÍŽEK, J. ČUPERA, M. HASEGAWA, I. DLOUHÝ Response of Alumina Foam to Tensile Mechanical Loading Including Stress Concentrator Effect ............................................................................................................... 121 I. DLOUHÝ, Z. CHLUP, H. HADRABA, L. ŘEHOŘEK Nondestructive Magnetic Monitoring of Grinding Damage ................................................. 123 M. ČILLIKOVÁ, B. MIČIETA, M. NESLUŠAN, D. BLAŽEK vii viii NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC PROPOSAL OF PROXIMITY RULE ON TRANSFORMATION FROM SUBSURFACE TO SURFACE FLAW K. HASEGAWA1*, Y. LI1, R. SERIZAWA2, M. KIKUCHI2 1 Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai-mura, Ibaraki-ken, 319-1195, Japan; email: 2 Tokyo University of Science, Yamazaki, Noda-shi, Chiba-ken, 278-8510, Japan KEY WORDS: proximity rule, subsurface flaw, fatigue crack growth, stress intensity factor If subsurface flaws are detected that are close to the component free surfaces, flaw-tosurface proximity rule is used to determine whether the flaws should be treated as subsurface flaws as is, or transformed to surface flaws. However, the criteria for the rules on transforming subsurface to surface flaws differ among fitness-for-service codes. A subsurface flaw located near a component surface is illustrated in Fig. 1, where a is the half flaw depth, the length, and S the distance from subsurface flaw to component surface. When S is short, the subsurface flaw is transformed to be a surface flaw with the depth of 2a+S. ASME [1], JSME [2], and Swedish SSM[3] provide the proximity rules as follow; Y S / a 0.4 . (1) When S and a satisfy Eq. (1), the subsurface flaw is treated as a surface flaw, where Y is the flaw-to-surface proximity factor. It is reported that, from fatigue crack growth experiments, the proximity factor is not constant, as shown in Eq. (1). It is suggested that the Y should be the function of the flaw aspect ratio of a/ based on the experimental data [4]. This is because the stress intensity factor (SIF) at point 1 in Fig. 1 increases with decreasing the aspect ratio a/ under constant S. Large interaction between the crack tip at point 1 and component free surface occurs for small aspect ratio of a/. 2a Point 1, K1 S Fig. 1 Subsurface flaw near component surface. 1.4 a/=0.125 a/=0.250 1.3 a/=0.375 K1/K2 The SIFs at points 1 and 2 for subsurface flaws with various shapes in plates were calculated by FEM analysis. The applied load was membrane stress. The relationship between the ratio of SIF at points 1 and 2, K1/K2, and the distance S is shown in Fig. 2, as a parameter of a/. The K1/K2 increases with decreasing the distance S and a/. When looking at the same value of K1/K2, interaction of flaw with small aspect ratio occurs at long distance. For example, in case of K1/K2 =1.1, flaw with a/ = 0.125 occurs at S =2.3 mm, and flaw with a/ = 0.65 occurs at S =1.0 mm. That is, smaller the aspect ratio, longer the distance. Point 2, K2 a/=0.500 1.2 a/=0.625 1.1 1 0 3 4 5 S, mm Fig. 2 Stress intencity factor ratio for the distance of subsurface flaw. 1 1 2 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC Figure 3 shows the constant interaction for distance and flaw aspect ratio. The exponent of 4.83 for K1/K2 came from fatigue crack growth rates [4]. The fatigue crack growth rate da/dN =2.01×10-14K4.83 was obtained by 0.5CT (compact tension) specimens, where K is the SIF range. To compare the behaviour of subsurface to surface flaw by fatigue growth, equivalent interaction of (K1/K2 )4.83 is shown between the distance S/a and the aspect ratio a/. Again, interaction for small a/ occurs at long distance. The fatigue test data on abrupt changes from subsurface to surface flaw depths are shown as open circles in Fig. 3 [4]. It can be seen that the test data are close to the curve of (K1/K2 )4.83 =1.3. Subsurface crack begins to penetrate free surface when the crack growth rate at point 1 is 30% higher than that at point 2. 1 1 Experiment 0.8 0.8 4.83 =1.2 4.83 0.6 0.4 S/a (=Y) S/a (=Y) (K1/K2) 1.3 0.2 (K1/K2) 0.6 0.4 1.3 Y = 0.8-(a/) 0.2 1.5 =1.3 2.0 0 0 0.2 0.4 Aspect ratio, a/ 0.6 0.8 Fig. 3. Stress intencity factor ratios for subsurface flaw. 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Aspect ratio, a/ 0.8 Fig. 4. Proposal of proximity rule. From the view point of codification, it is desired to be a simple expression. Based on the curve of (K1/K2 )4.83 =1.3 and experimental data, a new proposal of proximity rule is given by; Y = 0.8 – (a/) for 0 < a/ 0.6, and Y = 0.2 for 0.6 < a/. (2) It is concluded that the new proximity factor Y based on SIF interaction can be developed as a function of aspect ratio. Acknowledgement: The authors gratefully acknowledge the support by K. Saito, Hitachi GE, and K. Miyazaki, Hitachi Ltd. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Section XI: Rules for In-service Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant, 2013 Edition. The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers S NA1: Rules on Fitness-for-Service for Nuclear Power Plants (in Japanese), 2008. Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM): A Combined Deterministic and Probabilistic Procedure for Safety Assessment of Components with Cracks-Handbook, 2008. HASEGAWA, K., LI, Y., MIYAZAKI, K. SAITO, K.: Fatigue Crack Growth for Subsurface Flaws near Component Surface and Proximity Rules, ASME PVP2013-97559, Paris, 2013. 2 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC IMPROVEMENT OF THE HERBERT PENDULUM HARDNESS TESTER T. KABURAGI1, R. SUZUKI2*, M. MATSUBARA2, T. KOYAMA2, T. TASHIRO3 1 Gunma Industrial Technology Center, 884-1 Kamesato-machi, Maebashi, Gunma 379-2147, Japan Faculty of Science and Technology, Gunma University, 1-5-1 Tenjin-cho, Kiryu, Gunma 376-8515, Japan; email: 3 Department of mechanical system engineering, Faculy of engineering, Gunma University, 1-5-1 Tenjin-cho, Kiryu, Gunma 376-8515, Japan 2 KEY WORDS: hardness, damping property, pendulum, measurement system The Herbert hardness tester [1-3] is a typical pendulum-type hardness tester. Hardness of materials is measured based on the swing angle of the pendulum in relation to the specimen. In the present study, hardness is measured using a Habara-type Herbert pendulum hardness tester [4] with a modified measurement system. We investigate the effect of each condition such as the indenter tip radius of the Herbert pendulum, the swing cycle and the surface roughness of the specimens on Herbert hardness. Moreover, we discuss the relationship between damping hardness and conventional Brinell hardness. Fig. 1 shows the measurement system for Herbert hardness. The Herbert pendulum swings on a specimen and its swing angle is measured continuously with the two laser displacement meters which are installed independent from the Herbert pendulum. Laser displacement meter Weight S (t ) S0et 3 S1 S2 Swing angle [degrees] Fig. 2 shows the swing angle of the Weight Indenter Herbert pendulum as a function of time. The Weight Specimen angular amplitude of the Herbert pendulum decreases exponentially with time. The original definitions of Herbert hardness is evaluated by initial swing angle, S1, and the Fig. 1. Measurement system. time it takes for 10 swings, T, because the swing time is measured using a stopwatch 40X S t S 0 e t S0 and the swing angle is measured using a spirit level by the visual evaluation. Therefore Herbert hardness evaluated by original definitions has a large variation. So we 0 improved the measurement system in order to 0 120t measure the swing angle accurately more than original measurement system. In addition, in place of the original definitions, T damping hardness is proposed as an -40 Time [s] indication of hardness. Since damping Fig. 2. Characteristics of the swing angle of the tester as hardness is determined by the damping factor a function of time obtained by Herbert hardness tester. obtained from the free damped vibration waveform of the Herbert pendulum, its method of hardness evaluation more reasonable than the original definitions. The following equation shows the envelope line connecting successive local maximum amplitudes S(t). (1) NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC The exponent α of Equation (1) is referred to as the damping factor and indicates the amount of damping in the testing system. Fig. 3 shows the relationship between the damping hardness and conventional Brinell hardness. The dashed line is predicted value of the Brinall hardness from the damping hardness and the indenter radius. For all indenter radii, the damping hardness increases with the decrease in the Brinell hardness number. For a sample of the same Brinell hardness number, the damping hardness increased with increasing indenter radius. The difference in the damping hardness associated with the indenter radius increases as the Brinell hardness number decreases. The increase in the contact area between the indenter and the specimen associated with the increase in the indenter radius and the decrease in the hardness of the specimen, the resistance to swinging of the pendulum tester increased, resulting in large damping. Damping hardness 0.004 R1 R2 R4 累乗 (R2) value Predicted 0.003 0.002 0.001 0 0 200 400 Brinell hardness 600 800 Fig. 3. Brinell hardness predicted based on the damping hardness. Here, in order to predict the Brinell hardness number the multivariate analysis is conducted using the damping hardness. As a result, we obtained the following expression: HBW R 0.448 1.131 e 0.946 , (2) where HBW is Brinell hardness number, α is the damping hardness and R is the indenter radius. The correlation coefficient exceeds 0.98. Therefore, it may be possible to accurately predict the Brinell hardness based on the damping hardness, and this measurement system may be used practically. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] HERBERT, E.G.: "Some Recent Developments in Hardness Testing," The Engineer 135:686-68 (1923). BENEDICKS, C., CHRISTIANSEN: "Investigations on the Herbert Pendulum Hardness Tester," Journal Iron and Steel Institute 110; 219-248 (1924). WILLIAMS, S.R.: Hardness and Hardness Measurements, American Society for Metals, Cleveland (1942). HABARA, H., KAWAMITSU, T., HARIMOTO, K., AND INOUE, H.: "Restration of the Herbert Pendulum Hardness Tester and its application (in Japanese)," Journal of Material Testing Research Association of Japan, 43(4):248-254 (1998). 4 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC DECREASING THERMAL STRESSES IN STEAM GENERATOR COLLECTOR WELD’S AREA USING EXTERNAL COOLING R. KRAUTSCHNEIDER1*, L. JOCH1 1 Institute of Applied Mechanics Brno, Ltd., Resslova 972/3, 602 00 Brno; email: KEY WORDS: steam generator, thermal stresses, external cooling, stress corrosion cracking, dissimilar metal weld Presented paper deals with possibility of external cooling of steam generator weld’s area to decrease internal tensile thermal stresses which are one of the causes of cracking in this area. On various WWER-440 nuclear power plants (NPP) steam generators (SG) occurred quite serious problem of cracking in weld joints connecting primary collectors to the SG vessel’s nozzle (Fig. 1). The cause of this cracking is stress corrosion cracking (SCC) mechanism. The crack rises and grows on the interface between different kinds of material, austenitic steel 08CH18N10T on one side and carbon steel 22K on the other (Fig. 1). On the SG secondary side there is a space between the SG nozzle and the primary collector, which is also called “pocket”. In this pocket, due to poor possibilities of effective blowdown, exist the secondary media of higher corrosive potential. The existence of corrosive media together with existing stresses can cause intergranular corrosion and cracking in this area. Existing stresses are combination of thermal stresses from different thermal expansion properties of austenitic and carbon steel, and external stresses on the SG nozzle from the primary circuit. Thermal stresses are higher and thus more important. So there are two approaches how to decrease the possibility of crack occurrence and growth. The first one is to try keeping the pocket as clean as possible, it means to try to improve the effectiveness of the pocket’s blowdown. And the second one is to try to decrease existing (thermal) stresses. Of course both approaches can be combined. SG vessel (22K) SG nozzle (22K) 22K SG collector (08CH18N10 T) Dissimilar metal weld Fig. 1. PGV-440 steam generator collector’s weld area. Recently there were presented some studies of external cooling of this area from Russia. Those studies were done on WWER-1000 steam generators, but from similar reason. And 5 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC because the SG primary collector’s joint is similar on WWER-440, we tried to make similar analyses here. The external cooling of the SG primary collector weld joint is done by placing external cooing sleeve around it, with inlet and outlet nozzle and with flowing air cooling media of higher velocities. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analyses and subsequent finite element analyses (FEM) were done, with the objective to compare stresses in the weld area with and without external cooling. Results of these analyses showed that by proper external cooling of the weld area it is possible not just to decrease significantly existing tensile stresses, but to change them into compressive ones. This of course would have great impact on crack occurrence and growth. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] JOCH, L.: Influence of thermal fields on dissimilar weld DN1105 of NPP Dukovany steam generator’s collector (in Czech language), IAM Brno Report, 5071/13, Brno, 2013. LICKA, A.: Determination of residual life of SG primary collectors with graphite gasket. The evaluation of the measurement results after running the second block and in steady state operation at nominal power, including recommendations for further operation (in Czech language), IAM Brno Report, 2643/98, Brno, 1998. KUTDUSOV, YU.F. et al.: Innovation of devices for stress reduction in welding joint 111 of welding unit of “hot” heat-transfer manifold and socket DN1200 of PGV-1000 by air blowing method on Rostov and Balakovo nuclear power plants (in Russian language), 8-th International scientific and technical conference "safety assurance of NPP with WWER", OKB Gidropress, ISBN: 978-5-94883-130-5, Podolsk, 2013. LYAKISHEV, S.L. et al.: Development and justification of measures on assurance of reliable and safe operation of welded joints no. 111 of steam generator PGV-1000M (in Russian language), 6-th International scientific and technical conference "safety assurance of NPP with WWER", OKB Gidropress, Podolsk, 2009. TRUNOV N.B. et al.: Results of studies of metal fracture causes in the area of primary collector-to-steam generator vessel welding and development of corrective measures (in Russian language), 8th International Seminar on Horizontal Steam Generators, OKB Gidropress, Podolsk, 2010. 6 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC COLLAPSE MECHANISM OF RECTANGULAR TUBES SUBJECTED TO PURE BENDING K. MASUDA1* 1 University of Toyama, Japan; email: KEY WORDS: FEM, pure bending, rectangular tube, buckling, effective width Rectangular and square section tubes are widely used in mechanical equipment. Therefore, a study of the collapse behaviour is important for both the design and analysis of weightefficient safety structures. In the present paper, the collapse behaviours of rectangular tubes subjected to pure bending are investigated using the finite element method. Such bending collapse has been investigated extensively [1], [2]. These studies have revealed the existence of two types of collapse. The first type is a collapse due to buckling at the compression flange, and the second type is a collapse due to plastic yielding at the flanges. Moreover, another type of collapse exists. For a rectangular tube in which the web is wider than the flange, collapse due to buckling occurs at the compression web [3]. In the present paper, previous evaluation method of the maximum moment is refined, and systemized evaluation method is proposed. The validity of this method is verified through comparison with the numerical results obtained by FEM under various conditions. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] KECMAN, D.: Bending collapse of rectangular and square section tubes, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 25, 1983, pp. 623-36. LU, G., YU, T. X.: Energy absorption of structures and materials, CRC Press, Section 5, 2003. MASUDA, K., CHEN, D.H.: Prediction of Maximum Moment of Rectangular Tubes Subjected to Pure Bending, Journal of Environment and Engineering, Vol. 6(3), 2011, pp. 554-566. 7 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC 8 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC THE EVALUATION OF ACTUAL MATERIAL PROPERTIES OF LOW ALLOY CrMoV STEEL FROM THE RESULTS OF SMALL PUNCH TESTS K. MATOCHA1*, L. KANDER1, O. DORAZIL1, K. GUAN2, Y. XU2 1 MATERIAL & METALLURGICAL RESEARCH, Ltd., Ostrava, Czech Republic; email: 2 East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China KEY WORDS: small punch test technique, actual mechanical properties, CEN workshop agreement, residual lifetime The Small Punch Test Technique is used, at the present time, to obtain actual tensile, fracture and creep characteristics necessary for estimation and monitoring of residual lifetime of critical components of industrial plants [1-3]. CWA 15627 “Small Punch Test Method for Metallic Materials” was developed in Europe in 2007 [4]. Part B: A Code of Practice for Small Punch Testing for Tensile and Fracture Behaviour is used for determination of yield and tensile strength, Ductile Brittle Transition Temperature (DBTT) and fracture toughness of the metallic materials. The present paper summarizes the results of the bilateral project in the frame of CzechChinese Scientific and Technological Cooperation focused on the determination and comparison of the empirical correlations for estimation of FATT and yield strength, tensile strength and JIC at laboratory temperature from the results of Small Punch Tests for low alloy 14MoV6-3 steel. The participants of the project were MATERIAL & METALLURGICAL RESEARCH, Ltd. Ostrava, Czech Rep. and East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China. Both tensile tests, Charpy impact tests and fracture toughness tests using standardized test specimens and Small punch tests were carried out in both laboratories according to national standards. Results of standardized tensile tests and impact tests obtained in both laboratories are in very good agreement. However the empirical correlations for determination of yield stress, tensile strength and FATT from the results of Small punch tests are significantly different. Factors affecting this experimentally proved fact are discussed. Acknowledgement: The paper has originated during the solution of the project LH 12199 „The Comparison of Codes of Practice for Determination of Mechanical Properties by SP Tests between EU and China“ in the frame of the programme of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports KONTAKT II. REFERENCES [1] [2] MATOCHA, K.: Determination of Actual Tensile and Fracture Characteristics of Critical Components of Industrial Plants under Long term Operation by SPT. Proceedings of the ASME 2012 Pressure & Piping Division Conference PVP 2012, July 15-19, 2012, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (CD-ROMM). FOULDS, J.R., JEWETT, C.W., BISBEE, L.H., WHICKER, G.A., VISWANATHAN, R.: Miniature Sample Removal and Small Punch Testing for In-Service Component FATT. Proceedings of the Robert I. Jaffee memorial Symposium on Clean Materials Technology. ASM/TMS Materials Week, 2-5 November 1992, Chicago, Illinois, USA. 9 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC [3] [4] ABENDROTH, M.: Identification of Creep properties for P91 Steels at High Temperatures Using the Small Punch Test. In: Proc. of 1st International Conference “Determination of Mechanical Properties of Materials by Small Punch and other Miniature Testing Techniques”. Ostrava, Czech Rep., August 31 to September 2, 2010, pp. 39-43, ISBN 978-80-254-7994-0. CEN WORKSHOP AGREEMENT “Small Punch Test method for Metallic Materials” CWA 15627:2007 D/E/F, December 2007. 10 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC EXTRA HIGH STRENGTH STEEL PLATES. PRODUCTION, POSSIBILITIES AND LIMITS I. MIKA1* 1 SSAB Swedish Steel s.r.o., Spartakovců 3, 70800 Ostrava, Czech Republic; email: KEY WORDS: high strength steel, welding, cutting, fatigue, buckling The present limit in mass produced, high strength, low alloyed steels is approximately 1300 MPa of yield strength, or 650 HBW of hardness respectively. In principle there is not so big problem to reach needed high strength of the steel. The biggest challenge now, is to assure the toughness and technological properties in combination with high strength. The technological properties especially mean welding and thermal cutting. To assure good balance between strength/hardness, toughness and weldability of steel means to heat treat the steel to optimal microstructure. This involves reaching martensitic structure with low possible content of carbon and alloying elements, the same way as to guarantee extremely clean steel. Therefore it is important, as to quenching process proceeds very fast. Right metallurgical treatment and proper selection of raw materials has to assure extremely low contents of the elements like S, P, Sn, Zn. Deep vacuum treatment is subsequently responsible for decreasing especially hydrogen in liquid steel, which improves thermal cuttability of ready plates. Nevertheless, practically always, when strength of the steel is increasing, namely more than 700 MPa of yield point, the steel has to be more alloyed and technological properties are decreasing. Further, there are mechanical properties, like fatigue strength and stability of steel construction which are practically not increasing with increasing of steel strength. There is necessary to apply new technological procedures and constructional principles to overcome these limitations. Very hard steels are also substantially more sensitive to steel corrosion cracking which make a challenge in some kinds of structures made from these steels. 11 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC 12 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC PRECISION EVALUATION FOR REALIABILITY OF POWER MODULE USING COUPLED ELECTRICAL-THERMAL-MECHANICAL-ANALYSIS H. MORITA1*, Q. YU1 1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Yokohama National University; Tokiwadai 79-5, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama, Japan; KEY WORDS: power-modules, electrical-thermal-mechanical-analysis, reliability In recent years, with the development of power electronics technology, the power modules have been used extensively. The problem of the power module is thermal fatigue of the junction area between Si chip and substrate caused by cyclic temperature change. It is necessary to evaluate the thermal fatigue life of the power module under the power cycle using coupled electrical-thermal-mechanical analysis. Power cycle test fixed current and sets up fixed on-off time. This conditions done regularly. However, irregular the electric load imposed at the time of an actual vehicle running. A gap exists between the thermal fatigues added by a power cycle test. It is thought that the reliance valuation basis of a power module is a very high standard compared with real usage environment. Then, if the evaluation technique in the conditions near real usage environment is establishable. It will be thought that it becomes possible to cancel the over-spec of a product and to make the product whose cost was cut down. In this research, analysis in the conditions near real usage environment is conducted. It aims at establishment of the reliability assessment method of the power module near a real operating condition. Analysis model is shown in Fig. 1. Electrical-Thermal-Mechanical-Analysis tried two pattern as follow. 1st pattern, 200 A current was impressed on DC IN shown in Fig. 1. The changing time of the electrical current is 2.0 s. The cooling time is 18 s. This 1st pattern named is REGULAR LOAD TEST. 2st pattern, direct current was impressed on DC IN shown in Fig. 1. The current conditions impressed on DC IN shown in Table 1. This 2st pattern named is IRREGULARITY LOAD TEST. The result of coupled electrical-thermal analysis is shown in Fig. 2. Temperature distribution changes by changing a setup of a current value or On-Off time. This understands that it sees Fig. 2. This temperature distribution is applied to Thermal-Mechanical analysis. The result obtained by Thermal-Mechanical analysis is creep and plastic strain. Based on Manson-Coffin’s Law, the thermal figue life of solder joints is often evaluated by the inelastic strain range, which is the sum of the creep and plastic strain [1]. 13 Fig. 1. Analysis model of power module. Table 1 Analysis condition for coupled Thermal-Electrical Analysis. Step 1 2 3 4 5 On [s] 4 6 3 2 5 Off [s] 3 20 18 15 10 Current [A] 50 100 200 150 60 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC One creep and plasitc strain comes out in a regular load test, and Manson-Coffin’s Law, fatigue lives solder joint is one solution. But two or more solutions come out in an irregular load test, and Manson-Coffin’s Law, fatigue lives solder joint are tow or more solutions.Applyin this strain range to Manson-Coffin’s Law shown as following N 1328 0.01 1.43 (1) , means strain range [1]. Miner’s Law was applied to irregular load test result. Miner’s Law shown as following, n D i , Ni (2) ni means actual number of cycles, Ni means fatigue lives of cycles [2]. Strain, arranged randamly, rearrranged in each pattern.Arranging for each pattern, each pattern of fatigue life was known. The sum of adding fatigue life of each pattern is fatigue life of irregular load. 140 50000 120 40000 Fatigue life[cycle] temperature[°C] The result of fatigue life of regular load test and irredular load are shown in Fig. 3. Examining Fig. 3, fatigue life of irregular load test was 4 times of the fatigue life of regular load test. This result of analysis was shown that, Load on a power cycle test is over-spac so than the load applied at the time of actual running. 100 80 60 40 regular load 20 irregularity load 0 0 20 40 time[s] Fig. 2. Temperature date. 30000 20000 10000 0 60 regular load irregular load Fig. 3. Fatigue life. In this research, analysis in the conditions near real usage environment of thermal fatigue life of power-modules. The rearranged by classifying each pattern, an irregular condition, to apply the Manson-Coffin’s Law to each and apply Miner’s Law. By using method of this research, it is possible by using the simulation also in operation in various patterns, to evaluate the fatigue life. And in this research, precisione valuation for reality of power module using coupled electrical-thermal-mechanical-analysis. REFERENCES [1] [2] YU, Q., SHIRATORI, M.: Fatigue-Stremgh Prediction of Microelectronics Solder Joints Under Thermal Cyclic Loading, IEEE Trans.Compon.,Packag.Manuf.Techol.,Part A 20(3), pp. 266-273, 1997. MINER, M. A.: Cumulative Damage in Fatigue, Journal of Applied Mechanics, v01.12 pp. 159-164, 1945. 14 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC COMPARATIVE STRAIN ANALYSIS OF 34CrMo4 STEEL AND INCONEL 738LC M. ŠTAMBORSKÁ1*, M. LOSERTOVÁ1, K. KONEČNÁ2, V. MAREŠ3, L. HORSÁK3, R. GALACZ2 1 Department of Non-ferrous Metals, Refining and Recycling, Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic; email: 2 Department of Material Engineering, Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic 3 Center of Advanced Innovation Technologies (CAIT), VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic KEY WORDS: 34CrMo4, IN 738 LC, stress analysis The article was focused on strain analysis of 34CrMo4 steel and IN 738 LC superalloy. The 34CrMo4 steel grade is a low-carbon steel with medium through-hardening for medium-duty machine parts [1]. The INCONEL 738 LC alloy is Ni-based low carbon superalloy hardened by fine precipitates and carbides and used for high temperature applications, as gas turbine engines [2, 3]. Experimental analysis of plastic deformation on the surface of specimens using contactless displacement sensing methods is advantageous to obtain deformation fields in pre-selected areas. The digital image correlation (DIC) is one of the most advanced optical methods of displacement sensing and subsequent determination of strains on the surface of examined objects [4, 5]. The strain fields were calculated from the displacement fields by the Vic 2D program for both above mentioned materials. Tensile test was carried out on the Zwick / Roel Z150 device with deformation rate of 2.5 x10-3 s-1 on cylindrical specimens having the gauge length of 28 mm and the diameter of 5 mm. Evaluation and compilation of the true stress –strain diagrams for all six specimens were carried out using image correlation software Vic 2D and scanning was performed using Canon 5D MARK II. Material characteristics and stress – strain diagrams obtained for 34CrMo4 steel and IN 738 LC superalloy from standard uniaxial tensile test are listed in Table 1 and shown in the Fig. 1, respectively. Table 1 The values of the measured mechanical properties for 34CrMo4 steel and IN 738 LC superalloy. 34CrMo4 IN 738 LC Specimens 1 2 3 Average value 1 2 3 Average value Y.S. [MPA] 937 958 941 94528 725 721 722 723 4 U.T.S. [MPA] 1040 1041 1041 10411 945 864 914 908 79 εx [-] 0.446 0.436 0.390 0.4410.020 0.184 0.139 0.177 0.167 0.024 Fig. 2 shows the results of strain field εx [-] obtained by the VIC 2D software for 34CrMo4 steel. The values of strains for 34CrMo4 steel obtained by Vic 2D, shown in red in the necking of the specimens, reach maximum values from 39 to 45%. The average values of tensile characteristics of 34CrMo4 steel reached of 945 MPa and 1041 MPa for the yield strength and ultimate tensile stress, respectively. The values of strains for IN738LC superalloy obtained by Vic 2D, reach maximum values from 14 to 18%. In the case of IN 738LC, the average tensile characteristics reached of 723 MPa and 908 MPa for the yield strength and ultimate tensile stress, respectively. 15 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC a) b) Fig. 1. The stress-strain diagram for a) 34CrMo4 steel and b) IN 738 LC superalloy. a) b) Fig. 2. The strain fields obtained by Vic 2D for a) 34CrMo4 steel and b) IN 738 LC superalloy. Based on the results of comparative strain analysis the DIC method is suitable for applying to both alloys with good plasticity and with higher fragility. The method allows very well determining the magnitude of the strain fields and localization of the deformation area as well as to detect the casting defects in the material affecting mechanical behaviour. Acknowledgement: This article has been elaborated in the framework of the projects: "Opportunity for young researchers", reg. Nr. CZ.1.07/2.3.00/30.0016, supported by Operational Programme Education for Competitiveness and co-financed by the European Social Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic and "Regional Materials Science and Technology Centre - Feasibility Program", reg. Nr. LO1203 funded by Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] HENDRYCH, A., KVÍČALA, M., MATOLIN, V., ŽIVOTSKÝ, O., JANDAČKA, P.: International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 168, 2011, No. 2, pp. 259-266, DOI: 10.1007/s10704-010-9573-7. BALIKCI, E., MIRSHAMS, R.A., RAMAN, A.: Tensile Strengthening in the Nickel-Base Superalloy IN738LC. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 9(3), June 2000, pp. 324-329. LOSERTOVÁ, M., KONEČNÁ, K., JUŘICA, J., JONŠTA, P.: Hydrogen Effect on Mechanical Properties of IN738LC Superalloy, In: 20th Anniversary International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials: METAL 2011 Metal 2011, pp. 1039-1043. ISBN 978-80-87294-24-6. ROSSI, M., PIERRON, F., ŠTAMBORSKÁ, M., ŠIMČÁK, F.: Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Vol. 4, 2013, pp. 229-235, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-4226-4_27. ŠIMČÁK, F., ŠTAMBORSKÁ, M., HUŇADY, R.: Deformation of materials by using digital image correlation, CHEMICKE LISTY, Vol. 105, 2011, No. 4, pp. 564-567, ISSN 0009-2770. 16 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC INTERNAL CRACK GROWTH SIMULATION USING S-VERSION FEM M. KIKUCHI1*, R. SERIZAWA2, S. YAMADA2 1 2 Tokyo University of Science, 2641 Yamazaki, Noda, Chiba, 278-8510, Japan; email: Graduation School of Tokyo University of Science, 2641 Yamazaki, Noda, Chiba, 278-8510, Japan KEY WORDS: fatigue, inner crack, slant crack, fully automatic crack growth simulation system, S-version FEM In nuclear power plant, there is a proximity rule to evaluate multiple inner cracks [1]. Inner cracks are generated inside of the structure in different manners. There are many parameters which affects the growing processes of inner cracks. They are; locations, slant angles, aspect ratio of each inner crack and distances between adjacent inner cracks. When multiple inner cracks are detected, proximity rules are proposed. But due to the complexity of the problem, it is necessary to verify proposed proximity rules. But experimental study is very difficult due to existence of many parameters, and crack growth occurs inside of the structure. Numerical simulation is needed for this purpose. This problem is simulated using S-version FEM, which is fully automatic crack growth simulation system developed by authors [2]. Using S-FEM, inner crack is modeled independently from global structure, and crack growth is easily simulated. In maintenance code of nuclear power plant, initial defects are modeled as elliptical cracks in a normal plane to tension loading direction, and growth rate is estimated on this plane. But by using S-FEM, realistic defect shape is modeled, and crack growth by fatigue is simulated. Usually, such small defects are subjected to multi-axial loading, and crack growth behaviors are very complicated. Parametric studies are conducted for this problem, and proximity rules are verified with numerical results. Three problems are simulated. One is effect of initial defect shape, second is crack growth of slant inner crack and the last one is interaction effect of multiple inner crakcs. (1) Effect of initial defect shape. Four initial defects shapes are assumed, as shown in Fig. 1 (a)-(d). Aspect ratios and initial areas are same for all models. By the proximity rule by JSME [1], all initial defects should be modeled as an elliptical shape, which is case (d) in these figures. Figure 2 (a)-(b) shows changes of crack shape of star shape model. Number of cyclic loading is shown. At first, crack growth occurs mainly at the smaller part along the crack front, and finally, crack shape becomes circular. Figure 8 shows relations of crack area and number of cycles for all cases. It shows that all results are very similar to each other. This results show that JSME code gives good estimation on crack growth prediction. (a) Star shape (b) Diamond shape (c) Arbitrary shape Fig. 1. Four different initial defects shapes. 17 (d) Ellipse NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC (a) 2.2x107 (b) 9.3x107 Fig. 2. Changes of crack shape for star shape model. Fig. 3. Comparison of crack growth rates. (2) Effect of slant angle of inner crack. Inner crack is initially generated from inclusions, inhomogeneities or some other initial defects. At first, it may not grow in a perpendicular plane to principal stresses, and has some slant angle to principal stress axis. Then initial slant inner crack is assumed and crack growth process is simulated. By the JSME code, this slant crack is evaluated after it is mapped on a plane perpendicular to the principal stress axis. In this case, pure mode I crack growth is assumed. Simulation results verified this modeling is reasonable. Crack growth rate of slant inner crack is compared with that of JSME code, and it is again verified that modeling by JSME code is reasonable. (3) Evaluation of interaction effect of multiple inner cracks. Growing processes of multiple inner cracks are simulated. Figure 4 (a) and (b) shows overlapping processes of two parallel inner cracks. Results are compared with JSME code. Again it is verified that JSME code gives conservative evaluation for the effect of interaction between multiple cracks. (a) 1.3 x 107 (b) 2.3 x 107 Fig. 4. Crack growth processes. REFERENCES [1] [2] JSME S NAl-2004: Codes for Nuclear Power Generation Facilities – Rules on Fitness-forService for Nuclear Power Plants -, (2004), (In Japanese) KIKUCHI, M., WADA, Y., SHIMIZU, Y., LI, Y.: Crack Growth Analysis in a Weld-heataffected Zone Using S-version FEM, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 90-91, (2011), pp. 2-8. 18 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC COLLAPSE EVALUATION OF DOUBLE NOTCHED STAINLESS PIPES SUBJECTED TO COMBINED TENSION AND BENDING R. SUZUKI1*, M. MATSUBARA1, S. YANAGIHARA2, M. MORIJIRI1, A. OMORI2, T. WAKAI3 1* Faculty of Science and Technology, Gunma University, 1-5-1 Tenjin-cho, Kiryu, Gunma 376-8515, Japan; email: 2 Department of Mechanical System Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Gunma University, 1-5-1 Tenjin-cho, Kiryu, Gunma 376-8515, Japan 3 4002 Narita-cho O-arai Ibaraki 3111393, JAEA, Japan KEY WORDS: combined load, integrity assessment, plastic collapse, stainless steel, piping The stainless steel piping is widely used in light water nuclear reactor plants and chemical plants. By the end of 2011, approximately 30 percent of nuclear power plants in Japan had been in operation for more than 40 years [1]. Aging of piping in old nuclear power plants is significant concern to the safe operation of old nuclear power plants. In order to safely operate old nuclear power plants, integrity assessment of aging piping is important and maintenance has to be performed as necessary. Structural integrity assessment procedures for reactor equipment are specified by the Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME) and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) [2, 3]. The structural integrity evaluation of stainless steel pipes cracked due to aging is generally performed using plastic collapse as a failure criterion because large plastic deformation occurs in the ligament before the plastic collapse. The plastic collapse point is obtained by the double elastic slope (DES) method and the double elastic deformation (DED) method. A cracked pipe is typically subjected to combined axial tension and bending in structural integrity evaluations. A circumferential crack located in pipe cross section is more detrimental for guillotine break than an axial crack. In many cases, circumferential cracked pipe can be treated as a single-edge cracked pipe. In this study, the plastic collapse strength of asymmetry multiple circumferential notched stainless steel pipes subjected to combined axial tension and bending is 90° investigated experimentally and is compared with the theoretical plastic collapse strength. In addition, the potential is discussed for ° 27°25 38 the simplification of structural integrity evaluation of multiple ° cracked piping. Schematic illustration of a pipe with asymmetry multiple circumferential notches is shown in Fig. 1 (a). The notch angles of the two circumferential notches are 38 and 25 degrees, respectively. The notch separation angle between the two notches is 27 degree. The total notch angle that included the notch separation angle is 90 degrees. Schematic illustration of a single notched pipe with notch angle of 90 degree is shown in Fig. 1 (b). Theoretical plastic collapse limit curves were calculated based on elastic-perfectly plastic body to compare with the experimental collapse strength of the pipe with asymmetry multiple circumferential notches subjected to combined axial tension and bending. t (a) Multiple notches 90° t A specimen with 200 mm length was machined from SUS304 steel pipe with 32 mm diameter and 1.5 mm thickness. Two through (b) Single noth wall circumferential notches with notch angle 38 and 25 degrees Fig. 1. Cross sections of the were cut in the specimen by a wire saw with 320 m diameter. The (a) multiple and (b) single notch tip radius was 160 m. A schematic illustration of the notched pipes. 19 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC Horizontal potention meter Gonimeter Hydraulic cylinder for tensile load Specimen Displacement gauge Load cell Hydraulic cylinder for bending load Vartical potention meter Fig. 2. Statically indeterminate fracture mechanics experimental equipment. Corrected bending stress, b/y statically indeterminate fracture mechanics testing equipment is shown in Fig. 2. This equipment can apply arbitrary combined axial tensile and bending loads to the structural member [4]. The bending moment is applied to the specimen using four point bending method. A spring and two steel round bars (SS400) were placed inside the pipe in order to prevent local buckling at transverse load points. The experiments were carried out for the various load patterns. The experimental plastic collapse points were obtained by DES and DED methods. 3 2.5 The corrected bending stress, b/y, at 2 plastic collapse point is plotted as a function 1.5 of the corrected membrane stress, m/y, in Fig. 3. Here, b, m and y are bending 1 stress, membrane stress and yield stress of 0.5 Ccollapse limit for multiple pipe material, respectively. Theoretical Collapse limit for single plastic collapse limit curves calculated for 0 DES the pipes with multiple notches (Fig. 1. (a)) DED -0.5 and the single notch (Fig. 1. (b)) are also -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 plotted in Fig. 3. All experimental plastic Corrected membrane stress, m/v collapse points are over the theoretical Fig. 3. Statically indeterminate fracture mechanics collapse limit curve for the pipe with experimental equipment. multiple notches. The theoretical plastic collapse limit curve for the pipe with multiple notches is similar to the single notch. The integrity of the asymmetry multiple circumferential notched stainless steel pipes subjected to combined axial tension and bending can be evaluated conservatively using the theoretical plastic collapse strength for the pipe with multiple notches calculated based on the elasticperfectly plastic model. Moreover, the integrity assessment of the pipe with multiple notches with total notch angle 90 degree subjected to combined load can be performed more easily and conservatively using the theoretical plastic collapse strength for the pipe with single notch with notch angle 90 degree. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] Nuclear Safety Review for the Year 2012, IAEA, 2012, pp. 32. SME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI: Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components, 2011 edition, July 1. MATSUBARA, M., IZAWA, S., HIRAO, N., BUSUJIMA, K., KOYAMA, T., MACHIDA. K., KAWADA, D., SAKAMOTO, K., NEZU, K.: Development of Testing Equipment for Studying Statically Indeterminate Fracture Mechanics, Proceedings ICPVT-10, 2003, pp. 481-486. 20 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC DEVELOPMENT OF A CRACK OPENING DISPLACEMENT ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE CONSIDERING CHANGE OF COMPLIANCE AT A CRACK PART IN THIN WALL PIPES MADE OF MODIFIED 9Cr-1Mo STEEL T. WAKAI1*, H. MACHIDA2, M. ARAKAWA2, S. YOSHIDA2, S. YANAGIHARA3, R. SUZUKI3, M. MATSUBARA3, Y. ENUMA4 1 4002 Narita-cho O-arai Ibaraki 3111393, JAEA, Japan; email: 2-37-28 Eitai Koto-ku Tokyo 1350034, TEPCO Systems Corporation, Japan 3 1-5-1 Tenjin-cho Kiryu 3768515, Gunma University, Japan 4 2-34-17 Jingumae shibuya-ku Tokyo 1500001, Mitsubishi FBR Systems Inc., Japan 2 KEY WORDS: leak-before-break, crack opening displacement, Mod.9Cr-1Mo steel This paper describes a crack opening displacement (COD) assessment procedure used in Leak-Before-Break (LBB) assessment of sodium pipes of the Japan Sodium cooled Fast Reactor (JSFR). For sodium pipes of JSFR, the continuous leak monitoring will be adopted as an alternative to a volumetric test of the weld joints under conditions that satisfy LBB. The sodium pipes are made of ASME Gr.91 (modified 9Cr-1Mo steel). Thickness of the pipes is small, because the internal pressure is very low. Modified 9Cr-1Mo steel has a relatively large yield stress and small work hardening coefficient comparing to the austenitic stainless steels which are currently used in the conventional plants. In order to assess the LBB behavior of the sodium pipes made of modified 9Cr-1Mo steel, the coolant leak rate from a through wall crack must be estimated properly. Since the leak rate is strongly related to the crack opening displacement (COD), an appropriate COD assessment method must be established to perform LBB assessment. However, COD assessment method applicable for JSFR sodium pipes - thin wall and small work hardening material - has not been proposed yet. Taking non-linearity of the material and the geometry of JSFR pipes, a series of finite element analyses (FEA) for the pipe containing a circumferential through-wall crack was conducted. Based on the parametric FEA results, engineering formulae for COD evaluation were established [1]. In this method, total elasto-plastic COD, EP, was calculated by classifying the components of COD; elastic, EE, local plastic, LP, and fully plastic, FP, as follows, EP EE LP FP . (1) In order to estimate these COD components, elastic, elasto-plastic and plastic FEA were performed. The elastic COD, EE, was formulated based on the formulae of the GE/EPRI method [3] with minor corrections. In accordance with the GE/EPRI methods [2], the COD corresponding to small scale yielding condition is evaluated using an effective crack angle, eff, in the elastic COD. The effective crack angle expresses the effect of increasing the COD due to local plastic deformation around the crack tip as the crack length increases. For large work hardening materials, such as austenitic stainless steels, the relationship between stress and COD can be described from elastic to plastic regions smoothly. However, for small work hardening materials, such as modified 9Cr-1Mo steel, the COD increased sharply. Therefore, in the proposed method, local plastic COD, LP, is calculated separating from elastic COD, EE, by using the following equations. 21 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC LP 0.2 qX R V , 4 X 0 D p (2) VD exp m1 m2 X m3 X 2 m4 X 3 , (3) where is the crack half angle, X is the ratio of primary load to plastic collapse load, R is the radius of the pipe and 0 is strain at proportional limit. p, q are material constants. The coefficients m1, m2, m3 and m4 are given in tabular form based on the parametric FEA results. Based on the plastic FEA results, the COD produced after reaching fully plastic conditions, FP, was formulated as follows; FP 0 Rh2 X n , (4) where and n are coefficient and exponent of Ramberg-Osgood stress-strain relation of the material, respectively. h2 are given in tabular form based on the plastic FEA results. Fig. 1. Statically indeterminate fracture mechanics test machine. Fig. 2. Comparison between calcurations and observations. For the verification of the COD assessment method, a series of tests was conducted under displacement controlled condition. The experimental apparatus is shown in Fig. 1. The specimen was a tube with 31.8 mm in outer diameter and 1.5 mm in thickness. A circumferential through wall crack was machined by electric discharging. The specimen was subjected to tensile load and bending moment sequentially or concurrently. Figure 2 show an example of the comparison between calculations and experimental results. In this case, as far as the load was small, the calculated COD was in a good agreement with observations. Acknowledgement: This paper includes results of “Technical development program on a commercialized FBR plant” entrusted to JAEA by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan (METI). REFERENCES [1] [2] WAKAI, T. et al.: Development of LBB Assessment Method for Japanese Sodium Cooled Fast Reactors (JSFR) Pipes (2) -Crack Opening Displacement Assessment of Thin Wall Pipes Made of Modified 9Cr-1Mo Steel-, ASME PVP 2010-25249. Electric Power Research Institute: Crack-Opening Area Calculations for Circumferential Through-Wall Pipe Cracks, NP-5959-SR. 22 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC STRESS RELAXATION SMALL PUNCH TESTING OF P92 STEEL P. DYMÁČEK1*, F. DOBEŠ2, M. JEČMÍNKA3 CEITEC-IPM, Žižkova 22, 61662 Brno, Czech Republic; email: Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, Žižkova 22, 61662 Brno, Czech Republic 3 CAIT-VŠB-TU Ostrava, 17. listopadu 15, 708 33 Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic 1 2 KEY WORDS: small punch test, stress relaxation, P92 steel Small punch tests (SPT) are using specimens of a thin disc shape prepared from a small amount of material that can be extracted directly from the surface of exposed parts without their damage. In these tests, a puncher penetrates through the disc specimen into a hole [1]. Two variations of this test type seem to have a good potential for use at elevated temperatures. First, the test in which the puncher penetrates through the disc at a given constant rate of deflection (i.e., central deflection measured in a direction perpendicular to the disc) and the necessary force is measured; this test is marked as CDR (constant deflection rate). It has certain analogy with the conventional tensile test. Second, the CF test (constant force) is a test in which the puncher penetrates under constant load and the time dependence of the deflection is measured. This test is similar to a conventional creep test. Both tests are run up to the rupture of the disc. As a rule, the puncher is a ceramic ball or a bar with a hemispherical tip. In application within the field of power- or thermal-generation industry, these tests should be performed at elevated temperatures and they should be conducted in a protective atmosphere (usually Argon). Recently, two other types of the small punch test have emerged: (i) the tested discs are furnished with a precisely machined groove and their testing can then be compared with Charpy impact tests [2, 3] and (ii) the loading mechanism is adjusted and the acting force is oscillating [4]. In this way, the fatigue mechanisms and fatigue crack propagation can be studied. New application of SPT could be employed as the stress relaxation testing at elevated temperatures. Basically, the specimen has to be loaded at a given deflection rate to a specific central deflection that conforms conditions of the membrane-stretching regime. The deflection of the disc is then held constant and the force relaxes as the elastic strain is replaced with inelastic creep strain. The force vs. time response during relaxation can be recalculated to stress vs. time response, differentiated and divided by elastic modulus to give the creep rate and finally its dependence on the stress. As an experimental material for the study was chosen the ferritic-martensitic 9% chromium steel P92, that was taken from a pipe with outer radius 800 mm and wall thickness 78 mm. The relaxation small punch test SPT-R was done at temperature 600°C. The specimen was deformed at constant rate of 0.25 mm/min to a deflection uR = 1.53 mm that produced the initial force FR = 921 N and the recording provided force-time relation. Analogous dependence was obtained from uniaxial tensile relaxation test at initial rate of 0.8 mm/min at 600°C. In both tests was the maximum load reached at time of about 120 s. It is possible to determine the initial relaxation force FR, residual force FRZ and the force drop ΔF during the time that is needed for stabilization of the force. The conversion of force to stress in uniaxial test is done by dividing the force by specimen cross section. In small punch relaxation test we can use the parameter Ψ that was found from relation of creep tests on standard specimens vs. small punch specimens: F , 23 (1) NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC where F is applied force, is applied stress and Ψ is parameter that relates the force with stress for the same time to rupture in both types of creep tests. For steel P92 and stress 300 MPa the factor Ψ 3.1 [5]. Table 1 Stress characteristics of SPT-R and uniaxial stress relaxation test of P92 steel at 600°C. Relaxation test SPT-R Uniaxial R RZ [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] 297 136 161 298 137 162 [%] 54 54 tR [h] 5.1 4.9 The relaxation curves converted to stress shown in Fig. 1 show very good agreement. The values of forces converted to stress values of initial stress R, residual stress RZ and stress drop are summarized in Table 1. The research will continue on SPT relaxation testing of other materials to verify the initial promising results. Fig. 1. Stress relaxation diagram of P92 steel at 600 °C for uniaxial tensile test and SPT-R. Acknowledgement: This work was partly realised in CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology with research infrastructure supported by the project CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0068 financed from European Regional Development Fund. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] CEN Workshop Agreement CWA 15627:2007, Small Punch Test Method for Metallic Materials, Dec. 2007. CUESTA, I. I., RODRIQUEZ, C., BELZUNCE, F. J., ALEGRE, J. M.: Analysis of different techniques for obtaining pre-cracked/notched small punch test specimens. Engineering Failure Analysis, Volume 18, Issue 8, (2011), pp. 2282-2287. TURBA, K., GULCIMEN, B., LI, Y. Z.; et al.: Introduction of a new notched specimen geometry to determine fracture properties by small punch testing. Engineering Fracture Mechanics Vol.: 78 Issue: 16 (2011), pp. 2826-2833. VILLARRAGA, M. L., EDIDIN, A. A., HERR, M., KURTZ, S. M.: Multiaxial Fatigue Behavior of Oxidized and Unoxidized UHMWPE During Cyclic Small Punch Testing at Body Temperature. Crosslinked and Thermally Treated Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene for Joint Replacements, ASTM STP 1445, S.M. Kurtz, R.Gsell, and J. Martell, Eds., ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2003. DYMÁČEK, P., MILIČKA, K., DOBEŠ, F.: Analysis of potential factors influencing the relation between small punch and conventional creep tests. Hunické listy (Metallurgical Journal) 2010, vol. LXIII, pp. 50-53. 24 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC ABI TESTING OF REACTOR PRESSURE VESSEL STEEL P. HAUŠILD1*, J. SIEGL1, A. MATERNA1 1 Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Department of Materials, Trojanova 13, 120 00 Praha 2, Czech Republic; email: KEY WORDS: instrumented indentation, automated ball indentation, reactor pressure vessel steel The reactor pressure vessel is one of the key safety components in the complex safety assessments of nuclear power plants. The reactor pressure vessel cannot be replaced (from both technical and economical reasons) so it often becomes the component determining the operational safety of the nuclear power plants. WWER 440 nuclear reactor pressure vessel is fabricated by welding of thick walled ring-type components [1]. The reactor wall contains the base metal (chromium-molybdenum-vanadium low alloy 15Ch2MFA steel), the multilayer welding seam (10ChMFT steel) and the two-layer cladding (25 chromium/13 nickel nonstabilized austenitic stainless steel Sv 07Ch25N13 and at least 2 passes of 18 chromium/10 nickel niobium stabilized Sv 08Ch18N10G2B austenitic stainless steel). Mechanical properties can present a gradient through the wall thickness, which can hardly be assessed by conventional testing such as tensile or Charpy tests. The elastic-plastic material properties of WWER 440 nuclear reactor pressure vessel steels were therefore assessed by instrumented indentation tests carried out across the wall thickness (Fig. 1). The Automated Ball Indentation (ABI) test [2] is based on multiple instrumented indentation cycles (at the same penetration location) on a polished metallic surface by a spherical indenter. Each cycle consists of indentation, unload and reload sequences. Fig. 1. Microstructure through wall-thickness of WWER 440 pressure vessel with position of indents in base metal (15CH2MFA), weld (10ChMFT) and cladding. 25 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC Fig. 2. Estimated yield stress determined by the ABI test in the different positions of the weld, base metal and cladding of WWER 440 pressure vessel wall. The representative (true) stress and (plastic) strain curves were determined by the ABI test and the yield stress was estimated in the different positions through the wall thickness in the weld, base metal and cladding as shown in Fig. 2. True stress – plastic strain curves presented well defined power law hardening in the base metal, weld and cladding, which proves the robustness of the method. Estimated yield stress (as well as the whole true stress – plastic strain curves) is lower in the cladding (around 400 MPa) than in the base metal (around 500 MPa). The results obtained by ABI were in a good agreement with results obtained by tensile test. Although the ABI test is a macroscopic technique, it estimates the properties on a small volume of material (few grains), which is particularly useful in testing e.g. welds and irregularly shaped heat affected zones. Especially a multilayer welding seam presented a large scatter which can hardly be assessed by conventional tensile testing. Acknowledgement: This work was carried out with the financial support of Technology Agency of the Czech Republic in the frame of the research project TA03011266. REFERENCES [1] [2] TIMOFEEV, B., BRUMOVSKÝ, M., VON ESTORFF, U.: The certification of 15Kh2MFA/15Cr2MoVA steel and its welds for WWER reactor pressure vessels, European Commission, EUR 24581 EN, 2010. HAGGAG, F.M., NANSTAD, R.K., HUTTON, J.T., THOMAS, D. L., SWAIN R.L.: Use of automated ball indentation to measure flow properties and estimate fracture toughness in metallic materials, Applications of automation technology to fatigue and fracture testing, ASTM 1092, A.A. Braun, N.E. Ashbaugh, and F.M. Smith, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1990, pp. 188-208. 26 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC CHARACTERIZATION OF HETEROGENEOUS WELDMENTS V. ŠEFL1*, R. NOVÁKOVÁ1, J. BYSTRIANSKÝ2 1 2 Institute of Chemical Technology, Technická 5 Praha 6, Czech Republic; email: Department of Metals and Corrosion Engineering; Institute of Chemical Technology; Prague, Czech Republic KEY WORDS: heterogeneous weld, austenitic steel, carbon steel, steam, structure Temperature (°C) Peak temperature Tp Heterogeneous welds are basically two or more dissimilar metals connected together by welding. Dissimilar welds are often required in power plant engineering as different parts of the water circuit are made of different materials. Other application is production of surface with specific composition for specific environments or repair of damaged parts of components. Major concern comes from the welding process - the material is annealed during the process thus affecting the former structure of material. These changes correspond to the recrystallization, precipitation and also diffusion of elements from two adjacent metals, mainly chromium and carbon. All of these phenomena have strong effect on mechanical and corrosion properties; carbides segregated on grain boundaries and grain coarsening strongly affect the ductility of the material, diffusing carbon and chromium change the corrosion behaviour. Even when the diffusion is low, dissimilar metals in the weld can form a galvanic cell due to the different corrosion resistance. This can, combined with the effect of some precipitates, result in attack of the fussion layer between the two metals, eventually leading to failure of the component. Incorrect material selection, welding process and subsequent thermal treatment can also lead to formation of microcracs providing another failure mechanism. Solidified weld Solid-liquid transition zone Coarse prior austenite grains + fine prior delta ferrite grains L 1400 L L L CGHAZ 1200 Grain growth zone Grain refined zone 1000 FGHAZ Intercritical zone Over-tempered region 800 Unaffected BM 600 Heat affected zone 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Carbon (wt %) 0.8 1 Fig. 1. Structure of heterogeneous weld. In this work, we used model samples of carbon 22K steel welded with various austenitic materials and samples of heterogeneous welds cut from steam generator of VVER 440 nuclear power plant after 20 years of exposure. Model samples were thermally treated in order to simulate different welding conditions and aging during exposure. Structure of all heterogeneous weldments was studied using standard metallographical methods, their chemical composition was verified using scanning electron microscope Tescan VEGA 3 equipped with EDS probe, the carbon distribution was studied with microanalyzer 27 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC COMEBAX equipped with WDS probe. The corrosion behaviour was mostly studied by DL-EPR method (dual-loop electrochemical potentiodynamic reactivation); portion of the model samples were placed in an autoclave and exposed to model environment at elevated temperature. Kinetics of oxide layer growth and their composition across the weld was studied by the techniques described above. Vicker´s hardness test, as the only method viable for measurements in small-areas of the weld, was used to study mechanical properties. Possibility of galvanic coupling between the two metals with different corrosion resistance was verified. Acknowledgement: The authors gratefully acknowledge the support by (the Institution). 28 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC RESISTANCE TO CORROSION CRACKING OF STEEL 100Cr6 IN HUMID AIR UNDER HIGHER TENSILE STRESSES S. LASEK1*, V. ČÍHAL1, M. BLAHETOVÁ1, E. KALABISOVÁ2 VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, 17. listopadu 15/2172, Ostrava-Poruba, 70833, Czech Republic; email: 2 SRIMT, Prague 1 KEY WORDS: steel 100Cr6, stress corrosion cracking, humid air, deformation In the automotive industry are introduced and applied high-strength steels for reducing of weight and overall costs. Under specific conditions and environments the components made of high-strength steels can be sensitive to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) or corrosion fatigue. Cracks and failures of unknown origin have occurred on the parts made of high-carbon chrome 100Cr6 steel. The aim of the contribution is comparison and evaluation the resistance to SCC of selected steel under atmospheric conditions with relative humidity 40-80% at room temperature. For SCC testing were used the tensile type of samples (working part Ø5.0 x 33 mm) made of 100Cr6 steel (EN 1.3505) in two steelworks (A, B). Standard chemical composition of steel (wt. %): 0.95 - 1.05% C, 1.35-1.65% Cr, 0.25-0.45% Mn, 0.15 to 0.35% Si, Ni ≤ 0.3%, Cu ≤ 0.3%, P ≤ 0.03%, S ≤ 0.025%. This steel can be treated by soft annealing and/or quenching. The values of yield stress of A steel were Rp = 360-380 MPa, and B one Rp = 490-520 MPa. The stress corrosion tests were conducted on the samples under constant tensile stress in the range 600-610 MPa (true stress 612–642 MPa) at room temperature in laboratory atmosphere (35-50% rel. humidity, first test series) and in humid air at 80% r.h. (second tests). Stereomicroscopy and scanning electron microscopy were used for the surface and corrosion study. The microscopic valleys (grooves and lines after tooling, like a stress concentrators) were observed on samples surface after preparation. Under test conditions, locally rusty spots or stains were observed, while some of them appeared as cracks at macroscopic observation, Fig. 1. During test time (3700 h) the fracture has not occurred. +σ 1mm (a) (b) Fig. 1. a) Surface of sample (A3) after exposition in humid atmosphere (3700 h, 25°C, 80% r.h.). Non-uniform corrosion, rust stains and areas. b) Detail of surface attack, microscopic pits and microcracks. Microscopic grooves and pits were formed probably during non-uniform local corrosion under rust spots, see Fig. 1, where possible initiation of microcracks (SCC) is also shown. Differences between A and B steel with respect to SCC resistance were not found out. The initiation of microcracks is caused probably by carbide particles and microscopic pits. 29 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC Small plastic deformations (3.5-5.0% for A steel and 1.6-2.5% for B one) and low temperature logarithmic creep was detected and measured on the samples, Fig. 2. Registered creep deformation was smaller in average for steel with higher yield stress (B). 0,7 A4 B3 A3 B4 deformation [%] 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 time t [h] Fig. 2. Low temperature creep registered on the samples (second series). The mean slow strain rate ἑ = ∆ε/∆t was calculated in the range (5-9).10-10s-1. The recommended initial strain rate that promoted cracking of ferritic or tempered steels in water is 10-6 s-1. The resistance of tested 100Cr6 steel to SCC is relatively high under tested conditions. Acknowledgement: This paper was created in the project No. L01203 “Regional Materials Science and Technology Centre” – Feasibility Program. Founded by Ministry of Education, Young and Sports of Czech Republic. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] ASTM G 49: Standard Practice for Preparation and Use of Direct Tension Stress-Corrosion Test Specimens. 2000, 5 p. ISO 7539-4: Corrosion of metals and alloys. Stress corrosion testing. Part 4: Preparation and use of uniaxially loaded tension specimens. 1989. LASEK, S., BLAHETOVÁ, M., ČÍHAL, V.: Stress Corrosion Cracking Study of Steam Generator Bolt Steel. In Workshop: Fracture Damage of Structural Parts, VŠB-TU Ostrava, 2004, pp. 103-111. 30 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN KIC AND CVN AT TEMPERATURES LOWER THAN NDT M. HABASHI1*, M. TVRDY2 1 2 Research advisor at C.N.R.S. France; email: Professor at VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic KEY WORDS: fracture toughness KA or KIC, impact energy CVN, spink's model, internal hydrogen, mild steel, metastable austenitic 2404 alloyed steel, fracture features In the upper shelf and lower shelf of the transition curves CVN-T, several results have shown the existence of different relationships between mechanical toughness KIC measured either by linear elastic fracture mechanisms (LFEM) or by applying J-integral JIC and impact energy CVN (Charpy-V notch). In the upper shelf the most commonly used relationship is that of Barsom-Rolfe: (KIC /σy )2 = 5(CVN/σy – 0.05). (1) However, two analytical equations have been derived respectively by: a) Rithie, Francise and Server and b) Rithie and Horn: KA = 2.9 σy [exp ( σf /σy - 1)]1/2 ρ1/2, (2) KA = (3/2 σy E σf )1/2 ρ1/2, (3) where KA the apparent mechanical toughness and ρ the notch root radius. Applying Spink's model, and thus plotting the variation of (KA/KIC)[1+(ρ/C)1/2] against (ρ/C)1/2 with C the notch length, the results issued from literature and obtained at the upper shelf, have shown that all the relations are linear with slopes which increase as the fracture stress σf or the yield strength σy is higher. Furthermore; the characteristic distance ρ0 or the effective notch root radius can be deduced from these slopes. The objective of this work is to verify the validity of these relations at temperatures lower than the nil ductile temperature (NDT). Knowing that in this field of temperatures, previous results have shown that CVN is sensitive to the addition of elements in steel, heat treatments and eventually the existence of defects such as those caused by internal hydrogen. Mild steel, with and without internal hydrogen and a metastable austenitic 2404 alloyed steel are studied at -196°C (liquid nitrogen). Standard Charpy specimens with different notch root radii varying from 0 to 0.7 mm are used to measure KIC by applying J-integral and also to measure the impact energy CVN. For all; bending tests, with high strain rate to measure the impact energy or with very slow strain rate, were performed and the tests temperature was -196°C. For mild steel without internal hydrogen, the changes in (KA/KIC)[1+(ρ/C)1/2] = Θ(ρ/C)1/2 and [CVN/(CVN)0 [1+(ρ/C)1/2 ] = Φ (ρ/C)1/2 are in good agreement with those obtained, in the upper sheld, by Ritchie et al in AISI 4340 steel in two different heat treatments, figure 1. However; in the case of mild steel severely charged with internal hydrogen and containing more than 10 ppm H2, which promotes high density of defects in the grain boundaries (hydrogen attack), the two linear relations are not similar. The bi-phases 2404 alloyed steel (80% acicular martensite + 20% austenite) shows that the slopes and the critical notch root radii of the linear relations are fairly the same. The isothermal transformation of the residual austenite γ to the martensite α' during the measurements of KIC with low strain rate (1.6710-5 m / s) is assumed to be responsible for this difference. However; for all three cases studied here, in the lower shelf or from the results, in the upper shelf, obtained by Rithie et al, the effective notch root radii whether measured by fracture toughness or by impact energy tests are about the same, figure 2. The fracture type in 31 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC mild steel free from internal hydrogen is by micro-cleavage while in the presence of internal hydrogen, micro-cleavage and inter-granular features, with large cracks are observed. After fracture toughness tests, the fracture surface of the metastable 2404 alloyed steel shows a mixture of cleavage-inter-granular features. The main conclusion is that by applying, from now on, the Spink's model described and used above, large dimension specimens satisfying the standard LFEM criterion are now not necessary. In homogeneous micro-structure steels, KA or KIC could be deduced by measuring (CVN)o. 0 .2 0. 4 0. 6 0. 8 5 Mild Steel T= -196°C 4 3 2 2 0 3 A IC (K /K )[1+( r/C) C 1/2] 4 [(CVN)/(CVN) )] 1/2 [1+( r/C) C 1/2] 0. 0 5 1 1 (K /K )[1+( r /C) C 1/2] A IC [(CV N)/(CV N) ] 1/2 [1+( r /C) C 1/2] 0 0 0 .0 0 .2 0,4 0 0. 8 0. 6 ( r/C) C 1/2 Fig. 1. (KA/KIC) and CVN/(CVN)0 against (ρ/C)1/2. Mild Steel. 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 180 180 160 160 140 140 AI SI 4340 St eel(1200-800°C) 200 60 2 40 20 Mild St eel 80 ' 2404 Al loy 100 AI SI 4340 S teel(870°C) 120 Mil d St eel (H ) r0 from (KA/KIC), µmm 0 200 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 r0 from [(CVN)/(CVN)0)]1/2, µm 120 140 Fig. 2. ρ0 measured from (KA/KIC) and from CVN/(CVN)0 for different steels in the upper and lower shelds. 32 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC BIOMECHANICS - PROBABILISTIC RELIABILITY ASSESSMENT OF FEMORAL SCREWS K. FRYDRÝŠEK1* 1 VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanics of Materials, Czech Republic; email: KEY WORDS: biomechanics, traumatology, orthopaedics, femoral neck fracture, femoral screw, strength analyses, beam, elastic foundation, probability, Monte Carlo Method, reliability assessment Proximal femoral neck fractures, see Fig. 1, remain a vexing clinical problem in traumatology and are one of the common types of trauma, see [1], [2]. One possible treatment method for femoral neck fractures, is the application of femoral screws made of Ti6Al4V or stainless steel material. This paper therefore aims to present a numerical model (i.e. strength analysis) of femoral screws together with a probabilistic reliability assessment (i.e. an application of the Simulation-Based Reliability Assessment (SBRA) Method, Anthill SW, Monte Carlo Method, see [3], [4] and [5]), which is a modern and innovative stochastic trend. The analytical model is based on the theory of beams on an elastic foundation, see [4], where the bone is approximated by the elastic foundation. Fig. 1. Femoral screws in femur as beams on elastic foundation and their loading. Fig. 2. Examples of histogram for input parameter Re /MPa/. Hence, the femoral screw is resting on an elastic foundation prescribed by stiffness k /Pa/. Three screws of length L = 90 mm are applied in parallel positions on the elastic foundation, see Fig. 1a. The force F188.3;2129.2 N acting in one beam (screw) can be defined via total loading force Fm /N/, see Fig. 1b, by the equation F = Fm/n=mkmkdyng/n. The variables are as follows: m70;145 kg is the entire mass of a patient; km0.72;0.82 is the coefficient of mass reduction (i.e. the mass of one lower limb is not acting, see Fig. 1b); kdyn1;4 is the dynamic force coefficient; g = 9.81 ms-2 is the Fig. 3. Example of bending moment distribution for gravitational acceleration; and n2;3 is the cannulated femoral screw (result of 1 Monte Carlo simulation). coefficient of inequality in the division of force Fm into three screws. These variables are defined via truncated histograms (stochastic approach); see Fig. 2 for examples. The force F can be decomposed into forces F1=Fcos and F2=Fsin ; see Fig. 3. The femoral screw angle 5;80 deg, which is defined by the limiting angles of adduction and abduction, and the yield limit of material Re /MPa/, are 33 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC likewise defined via histograms; see Fig. 2. According to the 2nd order theory and the theory of beams on an elastic foundation, three linear differential equations for the intervals x1,2,3, can be d 4v d 2v written as EJ ZT 4i F2 2i kvi 0 together with 12 boundary conditions. EJZT /Nm2/ is dxi dxi flexural stiffness, i /m/ is displacement and xi /m/ are coordinates. For more information, see 5 and 6. Hence, bending moments Moi /Nmm/, see Fig. 3, and maximum stresses MAX–1129.2; –35.5 MPa, see Fig. 4, can be calculated. Probabilistic reliability assessment can be carried out via the SBRA Method by means of the reliability function RF=Re–MAX /MPa/ (depending on load capacity, compared to the extreme stress values with yield limit, see Fig. 4). It is then obvious that if RF < 0, plastic deformation occurs in the beam (i.e. the yield limit of the material is overcome; see the 2D histogram in Fig. 4. The probability that plastic deformation will occur in the beam is PRF<0=2.5110–5=0.00251%. According the theory of beams on elastic Fig. 4. 2D histogram of output parameter RF /MPa/. foundation in connection with SBRA Method, own stochastic model for strength analyses of femoral screws intended for treatment of femoral neck fractures was derived. The probability that yield limit is exceeded is 0.00251% and it is acceptable. Hence, the femoral screws are safe and suitable for patient treatment. The presented results were compared with 3D FE model with adequate results (deterministic approach). Acknowledgements: Supported by the Czech projects TA03010804 and SP2014/17. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] FRYDRÝŠEK, K., JOŘENEK J., UČEŇ, O., KUBÍN, T., ŽILKA, L., PLEVA, L.: Design of External Fixators Used in Traumatology and Orthopaedics – Treatment of Fractures of Pelvis and its Acetabulum, Procedia Engineering, vol. 48, 2012, pp. 164-173. FARHAD, N., BRADLEY, E.J., HODGSON, S.: Comparison of Two Tools for the Measurement of Interfragmentary Movement in Femoral Neck Fractures Stabilised by Cannulated Screws, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, vol. 26, issue 6, 2010, pp. 610-615. FRYDRYŠEK, K.: Probabilistic Calculations in Mechanics 1, Department of Mechanics of Materials, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic, 2010, ISBN 978-80-248-2314-0, p. 1-149, written in Czech language. FRYDRÝŠEK. K., TVRDÁ, K., JANČO, R. et al: Handbook of Structures on Elastic Foundation. VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic, 2013, ISBN 978-80-248-3238-8, p. 1-1691. FRYDRÝŠEK. K.: Strength Analyses of Full and Cannulated Femoral Screws Made up from Stainless Steel and Ti6Al4V, Calculation report, FME VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic, 2014, pp. 1-43. 34 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC FINITE ELEMENT HUMAN MODEL FOR CRASH SAFETY ASSESSMENT OF AUTOMOBILE IN FRONTAL COLLISION Y. ZAMA1* 1 1-5-1, Tenjin-cho, Kiryu, Gunma, Japan; email: KEY WORDS: crash safety, frontal collision, injury mechanism, FEM In the assessment for crash safety of automobile, crash test dummies such as Hybrid III and THOR are utilized commonly. However, injury assessment by the dummy is only for specific parts, which are head, neck chest and so on. Recently, finite element human model (FE human model) for crash safety assessment has been developed in the world. The FE human model can mimic human structure and kinetic characteristics of human body precisely as compared with the crash test dummy. Moreover, cost of the crash safety assessment by using the model can be reduced more than the crash test with the dummy. Therefore, crash test simulation by the model have been carried out in order to clarify injury mechanism and evaluate crashworthiness of automobiles. Since 2004, the FE human model have been developed in the project of Japan automobile manufacture association (JAMA) in order to use the model as common tool for crash safety assessment. In this study, FE human model of occupant in the event of frontal collision was developed as shown in Fig. 1. The model consisted of 90,000 elements with finite element. A physique of the model was 50%tile of American male, and UMTRI posture was Fig. 1. FE human model of occupant for frontal applied as occupant posture. This development collision. was performed in Japan automobile research institute (JARI) as the previous work of author. The contents of this report already have been presented and published in a journal [1]. As for the frontal collision of automobile, chest injury frequently occurred. Bio-fidelity of chest part in the model is important in order to investigate injury mechanism in the real world. Bending characteristics of ribs and clavicles in the model was validated with the experiment results of bending test of the ribs and clavicles extracted from post mortem human subject (PMHS)[2][3]. Force-displacement curve of the rib and clavicle in the current model was far different from that of the PMHS ribs and clavicles, and material properties of the ribs and clavicles in the model were estimated with force-displacement curve of the experiments. Rib and clavicle models with the estimated material properties showed the similar forcedisplacement curve of the experiment. As for compression characteristics of chest part in the model, the characteristics of the model was validated with experiment results of table top test by using only chest of PMHS. In the table top test [4], the chest of PMHS was compressed with seat belt, and compression ratio derived from chest displacement was evaluated. Figure 2(a) shows relationship between chest compression ratio and force loading to the chest with seat belt for the model and PMHS. The compression characteristics of the model was also far different from that of PMHS. The material properties of organs and fresh in the model were modified. As the result, the compression characteristics of the model showed good agreement with that of PMHS as shown in Fig. 2(b). 35 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC 2000 belt Avg (PMHS) 1500 +σ Model 1000 -σ Avg (PMHS) +σ Model Force [N] Force [N] 1500 table 2000 -σ 1000 500 500 0 0 0 5 10 15 Compression [%] 20 0 5 10 15 20 Compression [%] (a) Current model (b) Improved model Fig. 2. Compression charavteristics of chest for the model and PMHS. Finally, kinematics of the model in the event of frontal impact was validated with the result of PMHS frontal sled experiment [5]. In this experiment, trajectories of head, thoracic spine, pelvis, greater trochanter, patella and malleolus during frontal impact were measured by the three dimensional motion capture system. From the comparison of the trajectories with the model and PMHS, forward and upward motions of the model did not coincide with those of PMHS. In order to solve the issue, geometry and tensile property of the fresh around the pelvis in the model were optimized by considering of PMHS experiment results. Fig. 3 shows trajectories of the improved model and PMHSs. As the results, forward and upward motions of the improved model were similar to those of PMHS. However, rotational motions after 100 ms from the collision in the model was different from those in the PMHS. (a) Side view Acknowledgement: The author would like to express special thanks for Dr. Ejima and Mr. Mikami in JARI. (b) Top view Fig. 3. Trajectories of the model and PMHS. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] ZAMA, Y., ANTONA, J., MIKAMI, K., EJIMA, S., KAMIJI, K., YASUKI, T.: Development of Finite Element Human Model for Events of Frontal Impact, Transactions of JSAE 41, 2010, pp. 1243-1248. KINDIG, M.: Tolerance to failure and geometric influence on the stiffness of human ribs under anterior-posterior loading, Master thesis, University of Virginia, 2009. DUPREY, S.: Biomechanical response of the clavicle under bending, Proc. 34th Cong. French Society of biomechanics, 2009. KENT, R.: Frontal thoracic response to dynamic loading: the role of superficial tissues, viscera, and the rib cage, Proc. IRCOBI Conf., 2005. SHAW, C. G, PARENT, D., PURTSEZOV, S., KERRIGAN, J. R., SHIN, J., CRANDALL, J. R.: Frontal impact PMHS sled tests for FE torso model development, Proc. IRCOBI Conf., 2009. 36 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC BIOMECHANICS – PROBLEMATIC LOOSENING OF LOCKING SCREWS FROM PLATES R. ČADA1*, K. FRYDRÝŠEK1 1 VŠB Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Technology, Czech Republic; email: KEY WORDS: biomechanics, traumatology, orthopaedics, locking bone screw, angularly stable plate, osteosynthesis, titanium alloy Angularly stable plates (Fig. 1) have been used in medical and veterinary practice for the treatment of unstable fractures for several years. The principle is based on the fixation of a screw in the plate by means of the screw thread. The thread on the screw head must have the same gradient as the thread on the shank; often the thread on the screw head is finer and has multiple starts. Angularly stable plates are produced either as straight plates or as anatomically shaped plates. Plates and bone screws (Fig. 2) are produced from austenitic steel W. Nr. 1.4441 according to ISO 5832-1 and titanium alloy Ti6Al4V according to ISO 5832-3. For both these materials the tensile strength is almost identical, at Fig. 1. Angularly stable plate with locking bone screws and their application (photos a, b Čada). 860 - 1050 MPa. The modulus of tensile elasticity is 1.135 GPa for titanium alloy and 2.1 GPa for stainless steel. Titanium alloy is thus 145 % more elastic and can be surfacetreated by anodizing, creating titanium oxide Fig. 2. Locking self-tapping bone screw and detail on the implant surface. of screw head (photos Čada). In the operating procedure, locking bone screws in the angularly stable plate (Fig. 3) are manually tightened using a torque clutch with torque 1.5 Nm. Even if this procedure is complied with, when extracting the titanium alloy implant it is difficult (and sometimes impossible) to loosen some locking bone Fig. 3. Locking bone screw and locking hole in angularly stable plate (photo b Čada). screws from the locking holes in the angularly stable plate (Fig. 3). Often the extraction causes wear of the internal hexagon in the screw head (Fig. 4), leading to stripping. This then necessitates a complex process of drilling off the screw heads and removing the screw shanks from Fig. 4. Internal hexagon in the head of a locking selfthe bone using an extraction set, which tapping bone screw (a – before, b – after using a prolongs the length of time spent by the screwdriver), (photos Čada). patient in the operating theatre. In order to solve the above-described problem, the self-locking properties of the thread connection were verified by calculation, and the effect of the gradient angle of the screw head on its self-locking properties was evaluated. The experiments were carried out using a KRAFTWERK torque screwdriver, model 2039, 1-4 Nm (±6.0 %) according to ISO 6789 (Fig. 5), which was supplied with a calibration certificate. 37 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC The distances between the opposite walls of the 2.5 mm hexagonal bit used in the experiments were measured 10× during rotation of the bit using a Mitutoyo digital micrometer: 0-25 mm, 0.001 mm. Subsequently the mean value and the absolute measurement error were calculated. The torque required to strip the internal hexagon of a 3.5 mm locking bone screw made of titanium alloy Ti6Al4V was determined experimentally. It was also determined whether the rotation-slippage of the end Fig. 5. Torque screwdriver with 2.5 mm bit and of a hexagonal-bit screwdriver inside the bone angularly stable plate with locking bone screw screw head when stripping the internal hexagon (photo Čada). (Fig. 6a) causes deformation in the circumference of the screw head and thus increases friction in the thread. A comparison was made of the measured values of the mean bone screw head diameter both before and after the stripping of the internal screw head hexagon; absolute measurement errors were also coampared. It was found that twisting of the shank did not lead to the loosening of the screw head from the angularly stable plate, but instead caused the shank to fracture, creating a level fracture surface (Fig. 6b). Experiments were performed to determine the effect of the torque and the influence of the duration of tightening on the ability to unscrew the bone screw from the hole in the angularly stable plate. The suitability of using hexagonal forms in screw heads was assessed from the perspective of the active stresses. The results of the experiments led to the following recommendations: the torque should be reduced from 1.5 Nm to a lower value; conical (self-holding) screwdrivers should be used when inserting screws and cylindrical (non-self-holding) screwdrivers should be used for extracting screws; instead of the internal hexagon, the Fig. 6. Locking self-tapping bone screw in plate screw head should use the TORX system, (a – stripped internal hexagon in screw head after using which gives better torque transfer even screwdriver, b – fracture surface after fracture of the screw shank), (photos Čada). when the screwdriver is not fully inserted into the aperture. Acknowledgements: The authors gratefully acknowledge the funding from the projects TA03010804 “Osteosynthesis of leg and arm fractures”, SP2014/193 “Research and Optimization of Technologies for Higher Utility Properties of New Materials and Mechanical Engineering Products” and SP2014/17 “Application of numerical and experimental methods in the field of mechanics and biomechanics”. REFERENCES [1] [2] ANTOSZEWSKI, B., EVIN, E., AUDY, J.: A study of the effect of type (Cu+Ti) and (Mo+Ti) electro-spark coatings on fricion in pin-on-disc testing, Journal of Tribology, Vol. 130, No. 1 (2008), pp. 26-31, ISSN 0742-4787. FRYDRÝŠEK, K., JOŘENEK J., UČEŇ, O., KUBÍN, T., ŽILKA, L. and PLEVA, L.: Design of External Fixators Used in Traumatology and Orthopaedics – Treatment of Fractures of Pelvis and its Acetabulum, Procedia Engineering, Vol. 48, 2012, pp. 164-173, ISSN 1877-7058. 38 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC BIOMECHANICS – SAFETY FACTOR EVALUATION OF ANTEROLATERAL PLATES FOR DISTAL TIBIA FRACTURES G. THEISZ1*, K. FRYDRÝŠEK1 1 Department of Mechanics of Materials, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, 17. listopadu 15/2172, 708 33 Ostrava, Czech Republic; email: KEY WORDS: biomechanics, traumatology, safety factor, internal fixation, anterolateral plate, strength analysis Two types of fracture osteosynthesis are used in medical practice – external and internal fixation. This paper analyzes anterolateral plates; see Fig. 1 (producer: Medin, a.s.). The plate is used for the internal fixation of distal tibia fractures. Fig. 1. Anterolateral plate. The material properties of bone can be described with sufficient accuracy for individual bone parts using a homogeneous isotropic material model. This model can be used Fig. 2. Parts of the tibia to describe tissue using the modulus of tensile elasticity E /MPa/ including modulus of elasticity. and the Poisson number μ /1/ for individual bone parts. In order to provide an adequate description of reality, the bone model was divided into cortical and spongy (cancellous) tissues. These individual parts were each divided into 4 areas (giving a total of 8 areas displaying different material properties); see Fig. 2. In the condyle areas the bone tissue is considerably harder and stronger than in other parts of the bone, and so it shows a higher modulus of tensile elasticity in the model of cancellous bone. The analysis was performed on a selected simple intra-articular fracture of the metaphysis and joint surface defined according to the AO classification 43-C1.1; see Fig. 3. Coulomb friction between the non-fused bone fragments is defined with friction coefficient 0.4. It is very difficult to determine the force acting upon the tibia during walking. For this reason the force F was selected, corresponding with the entire weight of the patient mp = 100 kg, taking into account the dynamic loading of the bone by applying the dynamic coefficient kDyn = 1.6. F k Dyn .m p .g 15691.1N (1) The contact between the tibia and the talus is replaced by the boundary condition of elastic support; this boundary condition is a suitable replacement for the cartilage and mechanical contact with the talus. 39 Fig. 3. Stress distribution according to HMH theory. NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC Fig. 3 shows the distribution of reduced stress red according to von Mises theory for a plate consisting of material Ti6Al4V. This calculation is performed for non-fused bone. The maximum stress reaches the value of 641.24 MPa at the hole for the K-wire. Fig. 4 shows the detail of the maximum stress in the hole. Variant calculations were carried out for fused bone Fig. 4. Detail of distribution of reduced stress in K-wire hole. (successful treatment) and nonfused bone (unsuccessful treatment); see Tab. 1. With regard to the minimum yield strength of the material, the safety factor is calculated using the following equation: ky redMAX , y (2) where redMAX is the maximum reduced stress according to von Mises theory and y is the minimum yield strength of the given material. The situation of maximum loading on non-fused bone is an extreme state in which the fracture fails to heal and the patient places excessive stress on the limb (with loading even exceeding yield strength – see Tab. 1 – causing plastic deformation). In cases of successful treatment the safety factor kσy > 10. From this perspective the analyzed anterolateral plate can be considered safe. In cases of unsuccessful treatment, the safety factor may be kσy < 1. In such cases the plate is unsafe and the fracture must be re-operated. Table 1 Safety factor. Minimum material yield strength σy /MPa/ Maximum calculated stress σred MAX /MPa/ Non-fused bone (unsuccessful treatment) Safety factor kσy /1/ Maximum calculated stress σred MAX /MPa/ Fused bone (successful treatment) Safety factor kσy /1/ Material Stainless Titanium steel (Ti6Al4V) (1.4441) 758 690 641.24 728.61 1.18 0.95 45.76 63.74 16.5 10.82 Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the Czech projects TA03010804 and SP2014/17. REFERENCES [1] [2] FRYDRÝŠEK, K., JOŘENEK J., UČEŇ, O., KUBÍN, T., ŽILKA, L., PLEVA, L.: Design of External Fixators Used in Traumatology and Orthopaedics – Treatment of Fractures of Pelvis and its Acetabulum, Procedia Engineering, vol. 48, 2012, pp. 164-173. COWIN, C. S.: Bone Mechanics Handbook. CRC Press, Florida, USA, 2001. 40 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC CYCLIC BENDING DEFORMATION AND FRACTURE OF Al AND Al-1.0MASS%Mg ALLOY H. IKEYA1*, H. FUKUTOMI1 1 Yokohama National University, Japan; email: KEY WORDS: aluminum, cyclic bending, grain size, work hardening Reduction in weight is an urgent issue for automobiles in order to improve the fuel efficiency for the decrease of CO2 gas emission. Replacement with light materials has been challenged on every assembly of vehicles. Aluminum alloys are light-weight high strength materials with relatively high electric conductivity and hence much attention has been paid by automobile and its related industries. As a structural material, the application of aluminum alloys to car body panels has been examined. In order to use the high electric conductivity together with the weight advantage, application of aluminum alloys to the electric wires has been expected. The replacement of electric wires made of copper with aluminum alloys gives also one of the solutions for the exhaustion of copper resources at the same time. Application of aluminum wires in vehicles, however, is quite limited at present, because that strength, toughness, and electrical conductivity of aluminum are not enough in comparison with copper wires. In order to extend the application area of aluminum wires, it is necessary to develop aluminum alloys with mechanical properties, especially fatigue characteristics, better than the present aluminum wires without losing high electrical conductivity. Although many studies have been conducted on the fatigue of aluminum and aluminum alloys (see e.g., [1]), studies on cyclic bending fatigue in the circumstances close to the actual vehicle-fitted condition are limited and hence the fatigue process at the cyclic bending is not clarified experimentally enough. In this study, deformation and fracture behavior at the cyclic bending are investigated on aluminum and Al-1.0mass%Mg specimens with well defined microstructures, as it is known that grain size and crystal orientation distribution give strong effects on the deformation behavior of polycrystalline materials. In addition, pure copper is examined for comparison. Al-1.0mass%Mg alloy was produced by melting 99.99mass% pure Al and 99.9mass% pure Mg in a high-frequency induction furnace. The purity of aluminum and copper used for cyclic bending tests is 99.99mass% and 99.9mass%, respectively. Wire-shaped flat plates with the dimensions of 0.6 mm in thickness and 0.8 mm in width were produced by drawing and used for the cyclic bending test. The cyclic bending tests were carried out using a cyclic bending machine at room temperature. Bending angle, bending rate and the maximum bending strain are 90°, 50 rpm, and 0.02, respectively. Grain size was controlled by heat treatments. Table 1 shows the characteristic of three materials in this study. Al-1.0mass%Mg Pure-Al Pure-Cu Table 1 Characteristic of three specimens. Yield strength Tensile strength Elongation (MPa) (MPa) (%) 74 – 102 30 – 42 8 – 15 31 – 51 17 – 24 7 – 19 35 – 60 179 – 229 24 – 40 Grain size (µm) 60 - 210 140 – 300 25 – 85 Figure 1a shows the relationship between grain size and cycles to failure. The maximum number of cycles to failure is less than 5000 cycles in the present deformation conditions. It is seen that the number of cycles to failure increases with a decrease in grain size. Thompson et al. [2] reported that the concentration of dislocation sources increased with an increase in grain 41 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC size. If the slip activity is enhanced by an increase in grain size, it is expected that the specimens with large grain size may form a long slip line, and dislocation density becomes high. It seems that the failure at the cyclic bending is affected by the grain size through these microstructure changes. Effect of microstructure on the failure can be also seen in the difference of the cycles to failure for the same grain size. In Fig. 1a, distinct difference of the cycles to failure is seen for pure Al and Al-1.0mass%Mg with a grain size of about 150 μm and Al-1.0mass%Mg and Cu with a grain size of about 60 μm. This suggests that the slip line formation as well as the dislocation microstructure plays an important role for the bending fatigue behavior. According to the result in Fig. 1a it seems that lower stacking fault energy results in the higher cycles to failure. Figure 1b shows the relationship between work hardening exponent and cycles to failure. Work hardening exponent is evaluated by the stress-strain curve up to a fracture strain. It is seen that an increase in work hardening exponent results in an increase in cycles to failure. However, the experimental results given in Fig. 1b suggest that cycles to failure vary independently of the work hardening exponent in the same material. This indicates that work hardening exponent might dominate the basic number of cycles to failure and microstructure can contribute to the improvement in the failure resistance. b 400 :Al-1.0mass%Mg : Pure-Al : Pure-Cu Grain Size, m 300 Work Hardening Exponent,n a 200 100 0 0.8 :Al-1.0mass%Mg : Pure-Al : Pure-Cu 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 102 103 104 102 Cycles to failure, Cycle 103 104 Cycles to failure, Cycle Fig. 1. Relationship between the cycles to failure and grainsize (a), and the cycles to failure and work hardening exponent (b). REFERENCES [1] [2] KAMP, N., GAO, N., STARINK, M. J., SINCLAIR, I.: Influence of Grain Structure and Slip Planarity on Fatigue Crack Growth in Low Alloying Artificially Aged 2xxx Aluminum Alloys, International Journal of Fatigue 29 (2007) 869-878. THOMPSON, A. W., BACKOFEN, W. A.: The Effect of Grain Size on Fatigue, Acta Met. Vol. 19 (1971) 597-605. 42 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC CYCLIC INSTABILITY OF STEEL-TITANIUM BIMETALLIC COMPOSITE OBTAINED BY EXPLOSIVE WELDING A. KAROLCZUK1*, T. ŁAGODA1 1 Opole University of Technology, ul. Mikołajczyka 5, 45-271 Opole, Poland; email: KEY WORDS: explosive welding, cyclic instability, fatigue In an explosive welding process the energy of detonation is used to join metals. Using this unique technology metals with highly dissimilar crystal structure can be welded. This advantage is used for example in the following industry areas: chemical manufacturing, power generation, shipbuilding, cryogenic gas production. The bonded metals during manufacture process absorb large portion of kinetic energy and undergo large deformation that results in high hardened thin joint zone. Fatigue resistance and fatigue phenomena of bimetal manufactured by explosive welding are purely recognized. According to the experimental fatigue analysis of bimetallic composite (S355J2+N – Titanium Grade 1) performed under push-pull loading with force controlled amplitude the bimetallic specimens exhibit ratcheting phenomena and cyclic instability (softening) [1]. The example changes in the total strain amplitude a in the function of damage degree n=N/Nexp (where: Nexp is the final fatigue life, N is current number of cycles) are shown in Fig. 1. The observed cyclic instability can be the result of instability of titanium grade 1 or existence of residual stresses [2]. The aim of the present article is to propose fatigue characteristic in the form of relation between strain amplitude and number of cycles associated with the given damage degree n. The basic mechanical properties of parent materials are given in Table 1. Since the mechanical properties of parent materials are different the stress amplitudes generated under push-pull loading are not equal. Material S355J2+N Tytanium Grade 1 6 x 10 -3 Nexp = 22980 Nexp = 26570 5 Nexp =104820 Nexp =895970 4 3 2 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Fig. 1. The cyclic instability of investigated bimetallic composite. Table 1 Basic mechanical materials properties. ReH, MPa Rm, MPa E, GPa 382-395 598-605 204-220 189-215 (Rp02) 308-324 100-104 , 0.27-0.30 0.37 A5, % 24-34 43-56 As a result the stress based fatigue characteristic for the investigated bimetal cannot be created. Only the strain based fatigue characteristic is reasonable because the elongations of both materials under push-pull loading are equal. However, the standard Manson-Coffin characteristic cannot be applied since it is based on separation of the total strain into elastic and plastic parts and these parts are different in both materials. Based on the mentioned reasons the new strain based fatigue characteristic is proposed in the following form a p1 2 N f p p3 2 N f p , 2 43 4 (1) NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC where p1, p2, p3, p4 are parameters to be determined experimentally. The form of equation 1 is very similar to the Manson-Coffin equation but without division into elastic and plastic parts. The parameters of equation 1 are calculated using experimental data, i.e. total strain amplitudes a and number of cycles N to the given damage degree n. The identification of parameters has been done based on the following aim functions: er n, i a n, i p1 2 N n, i 2 p3 2 N n, i 4 , (2) Er n i 1 er n, i , (3) p k p 2 where: i it is the subsequent specimen, k is the total number of specimen (k=12). Minimization of function (3) was performed using the Quasi-Newton line search method. The obtained fatigue curves for three damage degrees n=[0.1; 0.5; 0.9] are presented in Fig. 2. For comparison purpose the Manson-Coffin curve for S355J2+N steel is also presented in Fig. 2. Fig. 2. Identified fatigue curves for three damage degrees n=[0.1; 0.2; 0.3] with the Manson-Coffin curve for S355J2+N steel. Based on the perforemed analysis the following conclusion are drawn: (i) The strain based fatigue characteristic of S355J2+N-Titanium Gr. 1clad for n = 0.5 differes in large degree when compared to steel characteristic; (ii) The proposed characteristic allows to estimate the number of cycles to the given damage degree of S355J2+N-Titanium Gr. 1 clad under push-pull loading Acknowledgement: The Project was financed from a Grant by National Science Centre (Decision No. DEC-2011/03/B/ST8/05855). REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] KAROLCZUK A., KOWALSKI M., BAŃSKI R., ŻOK F.: Fatigue phenomena in explosively welded steel–titanium clad components subjected to push–pull loading, Int. J. Fatigue 48, 2013, pp. 101–108. KAROLCZUK A., KLUGER K., KOWALSKI M., ŻOK F., ROBAK G.: Residual stresses in steel-titanium composite manufactured by explosive welding, Materials Science Forum 726, 2012, pp. 125-132. KAROLCZUK A., KOWALSKI M., ROBAK G., Modelling of titanium-steel bimetallic composite behaviour under mechanical cyclic loading, Solid State Phenomena 199, 2013, pp. 460-465. 44 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC INCLUDING OF RATIO OF FATIGUE LIMITS FROM BENDING AND TORSION FOR ESTIMATION FATIGUE LIFE UNDER CYCLIC LOADING M. KUREK1*, T. ŁAGODA1 1 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanics and Machines Design, Opole University of Technology, ul. Mikołajczyka 5, 45-271 Opole, Poland; e-mail: KEY WORDS: fatigue life, multiaxial criteria In the literature, there are many criteria of multiaxial fatigue. They are based on various assumptions and parameters describing the process of fatigue. Among them, there is a special group of criteria based on the concept of critical plane. Some of them in their equations take into account the ratio of fatigue limits for bending and torsion. The paper presents the estimation of the fatigue life under multiaxial cyclic loading of selected construction materials: two aluminum alloys PA4 (6068) and PA6 (2017A), alloy steel S355JOWP (in past called 10HNAP) and cast iron GGG 40. For the analysis authors used three different criteria, which are based on the concept of a critical plane. Coefficients used in the expressions for the equivalent stresses are calculated on the basis of classical fatigue limits. These are the criteria: the maximum normal and shear stresses proposed by Macha [1] and the criterion of Carpintieri and Spagnoli [2], where the critical angle of the plane is increased by the angle 3 af 1 2 af 2 45 , (1) relative to the angle defined by the maximum normal stress. General form of the equivalent stress according to the proposed criteria can be written as eq (t ) B s (t ) K (t ), (2) where K and B are constants used to select a particular form of criteria. Acknowledgement: The project financed from the funds of the National Centre of Science – decision number 2011/01/B/ST8/06850. REFERENCES [1] [2] MACHA E.: Generalization of fatigue fracture criteria for multiaxial sinusoidal loadings in the range of random loadings, in: Biaxial and Multiaxial Fatigue, EGF 3 (Edited by M.W. Brown and K.J. Miller), Mechanical Engineering Publications, London 1989, pp. 425–436. CARPINTERI A., SPAGNOLI A.: Multiaxial high–cycle fatigue criterion for hard metals, Int J Fatigue 23, 2001, pp. 135–145. 45 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC 46 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC EVALUATION OF FATIGUE CRACK GROWTH IN ALPHA TITANIUM ALLOYS O. UMEZAWA1*, M. HAMADA2, T. TATSUMI2 1 Faculty of Engineering, Yokohama National University, Hodogaya, Yokohama, 240-8501, Japan; email: 2 Graduate School of Engineering, Yokohama National University, Hodogaya, Yokohama, 240-8501, Japan KEY WORDS: subsurface crack, fatigue crack propagation, titanium alloy Subsurface crack generation in the high-cycle fatigue of -titanium alloys is dominant at lower stress regime and lower temperature [1]. The crack initiation sites appear at crystallographic facets such as the (0001) transgranular cracking [2]. The fatigue crack growth modelling that based on linear fracture mechanics under the Mode I condition provided a good estimate of the stress intensity range of subsurface or surface and fatigue crack growth, enabling the estimation of the crack propagation life for Ti-6Al-4V alloys [3]. The fatigue crack growth rate calculated using the Paris rule, da/dN=C(KI)m, almost corresponded to the one obtained from the analysis of the striation on the fracture surface. The calculated crack propagation life was less than a tenth of the number of cycles to failure over 106. As a result, the subsurface crack initiation (Stage I crack generation) process consumed a large number of cycles to failure. In the present study, this evaluation was applied to or near -type titanium alloys with various morphologies. Three kinds of commercially pure titanium, i.e. CPTi JIS type 1 (O: 0.10 mass%), 2 (O: 0.13 mass%) and 3 (0.20 mass%), and four kinds of near α-type Ti-Fe-O (Fe: 0.994, O: 0.386 mass%) materials, i.e. T specimen (parallel to transverse direction (TD)), L specimen (parallel to rolling direction (RD)), CR specimen (cross-rolling) and CS specimen (groovedrolling) were used. Each material was hot-rolled and annealed. The L, T and CR materials showed the pancaked grains elongated in both RD and TD, which were aligned in prior grain. The CR showed equiaxed grains with {hkl}<110> fibre texture. Force-controlling tests were done at 77 K and 293 K using a servo-hydraulic fatigue machine. The sinusoidal waveform forcing was uniaxial with a minimum-to-maximum stress ratio, R (σmin/σmax), of 0.01. The fractured specimens showing subsurface fatigue crack initiation were chosen for. Fatigue crack initiation sites and fracture surfaces were analysed by scanning electron microscopy. In Ti-Fe-O materials, the planes of aligned facets in an initiation site showed almost the same inclination against the principal stress axis and microcracking and/or its growth [4]. Then the initiation site was approximated for an ellipse as initial crack [3]. The crack length, 2a, crack width, 2c, and distance from specimen surface to centre of ellipse, d, were determined, where the direction of crack length was parallel to the initial crack propagating direction. Maximum fatigue crack size in Stage II was taken from the ripple mark on fracture surface. Striation marks on propagating plane were characterized experimentally to examine crack growth rate, da/dN. A software system “SCAN” based on linear fracture mechanics was adopted in the system for investigating subsurface crack [5], and then the crack size resulted from its position gave the stress intensity factor range, KImax = KImax-KImin, using the SCAN. Figure 1 shows da/dN-KImax relationship for Ti-Fe-O alloy failed at 293 K. Although the crack growth rate of the L, T and CR were scattered because of their aligned grain microstructure, their crack growth rates were approximately the same. The CS showed higher the crack growth rate than the others. The crack growth rates among three CPTi alloys were also almost the same where no influence of strength on the rate was detected. 47 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC Based on the da/dN-KI relationship, fatigue propagation cycle, Np, was calculated. The Np was a smaller from a tenth to a hundredth than the number of cycle to failure, Nf. As a result, the subsurface crack initiation process also consumed a large number of cycles to failure in titanium alloys as well as Ti-6Al-4V alloys. 10 -2 CS da/dN (mm/cycle) L CR T CR CS 10 -3 L T 10 -4 10 100 KI max (MPa m) Fig. 1. Relationship between da/dN and ΔKImax for Ti-Fe-O alloys failed at 293 K. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] UMEZAWA, O., NAGAI, K.: Subsurface Crack Generation in High-cycle Fatigue for High Strength Alloys, ISIJ International 37, 1997, pp. 1170-1179. YOKOYAMA, H., UMEZAWA, O., NAGAI, K., SUZUKI, T., KOKUBO, K.: Finite Element Analysis of Composite Materials, Boca Raton: CRC Press 2008. Cyclic Deformation, Dislocation Structure and Internal Fatigue Crack Generation in Ti-Fe-O Alloy at Liquid Nitrogen Temperature, Metallurgical Materials Transactions A 31A, 2000, pp. 2793-2805. HAMADA, M., UMEZAWA, O.: Evaluation of Subsurface Fatigue Crack Life in Forged Ti6Al-4V Alloys at Cryogenic Temperatures, ISIJ International 49, 2009, pp. 124-131. MORITA, M., UMEZAWA, O.: Slip Deformation Analysis Based on Full Constraints Model for -Titanium Alloy at Low Temperature, Materials Transactions 52, 2011, pp. 1595-1602. NAKANISHI, S., IWAMATSU, F., SHIRATORI, M., MATSUSHITA, H.: Estimation of Fatigue Crack Propagation of Subsurface Cracks by SCAN, Proceedings of the 2006 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference PVP2006-ICPVT-11-93248, 2006. 48 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC THE CURRENT STATUS OF NEW CZECH CORROSION FATIGUE EVALUATION PROPOSAL FOR WWER NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS L. VLČEK1* 1 Institute of Applied Mechanics Brno, Ltd., Resslova 972/3, Veveří, 602 00 Brno; email: KEY WORDS: low-cycle fatigue (LCF), Czech NTD A.M.E. standard, air and primary water environment, nuclear power plant, WWER Presented paper introduces an innovative principle of fatigue life assessment suggested for WWER nuclear power plants. The subject of this work is to take into account the corrosion environment influence in actual methodology of low-cycle fatigue assessment and prediction. Due to Czech nuclear power plants operator requirement the project focused on base steel materials, which are used in primary circuit of WWER-440, started in 2010. The basic idea of Czech environmental fatigue correction factor has been introduced on international PVP conference in 2013 [1]. The new project linked to the previous one is focused on the additional area of welding joints. The aim of this paper is to summarize the current status of the Czech proposal of corrosion fatigue assessment and prediction. Assessment procedures used for fatigue life evaluation are stated in NTD A.M.E. standard [2]. The purpose is to take into account the influence of primary water corrosion environment on fatigue life of components and piping. The decrease of fatigue life due to primary water environment is generally realized by so called fatigue life environmental correction factor. Such correction factor was originally introduced in NUREG documents [e.g. 3] as a ratio of fatigue life in air at reference temperature conditions to fatigue life in water at operating temperature conditions (FEN = Nair, RT / Nwater). Such way defined environmental correction factor can’t be directly used for fatigue life assessment and prediction under operating conditions of WWER nuclear power plants. Reasons are lying on the side of different way of fatigue life assessment and prediction, which is used on the WWER power plants. Therefore the redefinition of environmental correction factor FPR was introduced as a ratio of total strain amplitude in air at operating temperature condition to total strain amplitude in water at operating temperature condition [4]: FPR at air at water , (1) where at air is total strain amplitude in air at operating temperature, at water is total strain amplitude in water at the same operating temperature as at air. Based on the new definition there were constructed dependencies of total strain amplitude vs. environmental correction factor FPR. Environmental correction factor is related to the total strain coming not from fatigue design curve, but from fatigue curve without the application of safety factors on stress n = 2 and number of cycles nN =10. Dependencies at air vs. FPR were constructed for the case of minimal (theoretical) influence and maximal (theoretical) influence of primary water environment on fatigue life. Theoretical minimal and maximal influence of corrosion environment on fatigue life is covered by design fatigue curves (so called S-N curves) proposed by Russian authors [5]. With the aim of direct application in the frame of actual mathematical description, which describe relations of S-N design curves, the coefficient for water corrosion environment PR can be defined as the reciprocal value of FPR (PR = 1/FPR). The project is completed by experimental verifications of proposed environmental correction factor. Experimental work is based on LCF strain-controlled tests in primary water environment of WWER-440. In the frame of finished project the dependency at air vs. FPR was verified for base material, which is austenitic stainless steel 08CH18N10T (AISI 321). LCF 49 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC tests done in corrosion environment of primary water demonstrated that the use of theoretical maximal correction proposed for austenitic stainless steel seems to be unfounded. Much closer to the reality of fatigue life reduction due to effect of corrosion environment for base metal 08CH18N10T is the minimal theoretical proposal of correction. General proposal of fatigue life assessment and prediction in water environment covers not only the base steel materials, but also their welding joints. The subject of actually running theoretical-experimental program covers similar metal welds of austenitic stainless steel 08CH18N10T. Moreover LCF tests in corrosion environment of dissimilar metal welds are under preparation. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] VLČEK, L.: Corrosion Fatigue Evaluation of Austenitic Stainless Steels: the New Proposal to the Czech Standard in the Area of Nuclear Power Plants Type WWER, PVP 2013, July 14-18, Paris, France. NTD A.M.E. standard: Normatively Technical Documentation of Association of Mechanical Engineers, Section III, Strength assessment of equipment and piping of nuclear power plant type WWER, NTD_ASI_Sekce_III_2013, č. 1 (in Czech). Effect of LWR Coolant Environments on the Fatigue Life of Reactor Materials, Final Report, Argonne National Laboratory, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Washington, DC 20555-0001, NUREG/CR-6909, ANL-06/08, February 2007. VLČEK, L.: Fatigue life assessment of equipment under corrosion environment conditions, stage I: Analysis of Russian Environmental fatigue Correction of Fatigue Design Curves and Comparison with American Approach, Proposal of Environmental Correction Factor, IAM Brno report No. 4736/10, Brno, 2010. (in Czech). FILATOV, V. M., EVROPIN, S. V., Strength calculation of NPP equipment and pipelines during operation. Low- and high-cycle corrosion fatigue, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, Vol. 81, 2004. 50 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC EFFECT OF REPEATED HEATING ON ONE-POINT ROLLING CONTACT FATIGUE OF HIGH-CARBON HIGH-CHROMIUM STEEL BAR K. MIZOBE1*, R. SEGAWA1, T. SHIBUKAWA2, K. KIDA1 1 2 University of Toyama, Gofuku 3190, Toyama, 930-8555, Japan; email: YSK Co., Ltd. 3103-6 Kitanokawachi-Otsu Nishimatsuura-gun Arita-Chou Saga 849-4166 Japan KEY WORDS: single-ball rolling contact fatigue, repeated heating, SUJ2, grain refinement Bearings are used under severe loadings. Flacking failure which is one of the bearing fractures occur under contact stress. It is difficult to calculate the driving stress of crack tip because the subsurface crack propagated under compressed stress field. Lumdberg and Palmgren [1] found that the lifetime of bearings depended on the subsurface crack initiation process and crack initiation occurred in late stages of bearing lifetime (106, 107 cycles). The present design criteria of the bearings is based on their concept. However, in 1999, Nélias’ research group [2] discovered that some cracks appeared during the early stages of bearing lifetime (104, 105 cycles). According to their research, we need to focus on the two bearing lifetime groups, one is the crack initiation at the low cycle stage (104, 105 cycles) and the other was the crack propagation at the high cycle stage (106, 107 cycles). Our research groups [3-4] developed the single-ball rolling contact fatigue (RCF) testing machine in order to directly observe the crack initiation and propagation under contact stress. This method has many advantages, such as, the single-ball contact stress, the simple shape of the specimen and the large observation area. Generally, a bearing specimen of the RCF consists of a retainer and two races. The retainer which includes three balls is sandwiched with the two races. Fig. 1 shows the subsurface observation process of the RCF test. The balls rotate along the upper race groove. The small contact area can be observed by straight cutting line. In the single-ball RCF, we performed rolling contact fatigue between one ball and one shaft bar. Single-ball RCF enables to observe the large contact area by sectioning the specimen. In our previous work, we focused on the effect of repeated quenching on the rolling contact fatigue. Repeated heating was widely used as the refinement method since Grange [6-7], who investigated the relation between repeated heating and material strength of low carbon steel. In the case of high-carbon high-chromium steel (JIS-SUJ2), refining the prior austenite grain size improves material strength. We have investigated the prior austenite grain refinement of SUJ2 material by repeated heating [8-9]. In this study, we performed the single-ball RCF test of repeatedly-heated SUJ2 bar and observed cracks originating from the non-metallic inclusions. Fig. 2 is a schematic illustration showing the single-ball RCF mechanism. Fig. 3 is a photograph of the device. All tests were performed using 17 mm diameter and 300 mm length SUJ2 shafts, and 3/8 inch diameter SUJ2 balls. RCF tests were performed at 3000 rpm and maximum Hertzian contact stress of 5.3 GPa. We prepared once-quenched samples and three-timesquenched samples. After the single-ball RCF tests, cracks originating from the non-metallic inclusions on the specimen’s cross section were observed by using a KeyenceVK9700 laser confocal microscope. Because the ball always run on the same line, the inner stress was analysed by Sackfield and Hills’s method [5]. 51 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC Rotation Sectioning Observation Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of subsurface observation under RCF. Fig. 2. Schematic illustration of single-ball RCF mechanism and specimen sectioning for subsurface observation. Fig. 3. Single-ball RCF testing apparatus. Acknowledgement: This work was supported by Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows 25-4761. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] LUNDBERG, G., PALMGREN, A.: Dynamic Capacity of Roller Bearings (Generalstabens litografiska anstalts förlag, Sweden 1947). NÉLIAS, D., DUMONT, M. L., CHAMPIOT, F., VINCENT, A., GIRODIN, D., FOUGERES, R. FLAMAND, L.: Journal of Tribology, Vol. 121, No. 2, (1999), pp. 240-251. ROZWADOWSKA, J., KIDA, K., SANTOS, E. C., HONDA, T., KANEMASU, K., HASHIMOTO, K.: Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 418-420, (2011), pp. 1613-1617. HAZEYAMA, S., ROZWADOWSKA, J., KIDA, K., SANTOS, E. C., HONDA, T., KANEMASU, K., SHIBUKAWA, T.: Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 566, (2012), pp. 182-186. SACKFIELD, A., HILLS, D. A.: The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, Vol. 18, No. 2, (1983), pp. 101-105. GRANGE, R. A., SHACKELFORD, E. R.: Method of Producing Fine Grained Steel, 1966, US patent 3, 278, 345. GRANGE, R. A.: Effect of microstructural banding in steel, Metallurgical and Materials Trans. A 2, 1971, pp. 417-426. MIZOBE, K., SANTOS, E. C., HONDA, T., KOIKE, H., KIDA, K.: Observation of nonmetallic inclusions on repeatedly quenched SAE 52100 bearing steel fracture surfaces, International journal of materials and product technology 44(3/4), 2012, pp. 227-239. MIZOBE, K., HONDA, T., KOIKE, H., SANTOS, E. C., SHIBUKAWA, T., KIDA, K.: Relationship between repeatedly quenching and fisheye cracks around TiN and Al2O3 inclusions in high carbon bearing steel, Material Research Innovations 18, S1, 2014, pp. S60-S65. 52 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF ACCIDENTS DUE TO FATIGUE AND CORROSION AT FACILITIES PRODUCING HIGH PRESSURE GAS T. SHIBUTANI1*, N. KASAI1, H. KOBAYASHI2, H. AKATSUKA2, T. TAKAHASHI2, T. YAMADA2 1 Yokohama National University, 79-5 Tokiwadai, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama, 240-8501, Japan; email: 2 Institute of High Pressure Gas Safety, Hulic Kamiyacho Building, 3-13, Toranomon 4-Chome, Minato-Ku, Tokyo 105-8447, Japan KEY WORDS: failure mode analysis, high pressure gas safety act, fatigue, corrosion Industrial plants, such as chemical plants, oil refinery use large amount of high pressure gas to produce the product. However, facilities to use high pressure gas generally require high safety level because they become the deterioration by high pressure or low temperature of the gas. Moreover, the chemical composition of high pressure gas might cause explosion, fire accident and corrosion. In Japan, handling high pressure gas is restricted by High Pressure Gas Safety Act. When an accident has taken place with respect to the high pressure gas, all who handle high pressure gas shall submit a notification report of the accident to the government. The database of accidents has been constructed by Institute of High Pressure Gas Safety. This study provides a statistical analysis of notification reports of accidents from 2008 to 2011. The focus of the analysis is put on accidents at the facilities producing high pressure gas. Authors have developed a method for classifying accidents of high pressure gas by using a tree diagram. Accidental events are classified into explosion, fire, leakage, rupture without the leakage, and others. Most accidental events are the leakage. The leakage of high pressure gas is classified into three types: the leakage from the pressurized component, the small leakage from looseness of bolts, flanges, and valves, and the leakage from other factors such as human factors. As a result of failure mode analysis, major failure modes of the leakage from the pressurized component are fatigue and corrosion. Accidents due to fatigue occur at cold evaporator (CE), compressed natural gas (CNG) stand, and refrigeration equipment. Detail analysis revealed that fatigue cracking takes place at brazing joints of pure copper (C1220) tubes at CE and refrigeration equipment. Copper tubes are often used since copper has an excellent thermal conductivity. However, no fatigue design is considered for brazing joints on those heat exchangers. Temperature changing or vibration from a compressor may cause fatigue cracking at brazing joints of copper tubes. At CNG stands, fatigue accidents occur around the compressor. In particular, some accidents are related to flexible tubes. The flexible tube is used for an imperfect alignment of pipes or absorbing displacements. If the flexible tube is used to absorb the vibration of compressor, it shall be designed to prevent the fatigue cracking. However, many flexible tubes at CNG stands are used without the fatigue design. As for corrosion, large number of corrosion of carbon steel under insulator were caused by the high temperature and wet environment, and the existence of chloride ion. The increased number of corrosion on nozzles and the pipes in small diameter has been brought because the parts are generally not paid attention at all. 53 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC Since many facilities are old, it has been misunderstood that many accidents are caused by aging. However, the detail analysis in this study pointed out that fatigue accidents are caused by design error (the lack of fatigue design). Also, corrosion accidents shall be prevented by appropriate inspection plan (the lack of corrosion management). Acknowledgement: The authors would like to thank T. SANO, and Y. Ueda for their support for accident data arrangement. 54 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC INFLUENCE OF INDUCTIVE HARDENING ON WEAR RESISTANCE IN CASE OF ROLLING CONTACT M. ŠOFER1*, R. FAJKOŠ1, R. HALAMA1 1 VŠB-TU Ostrava, 17. listopadu 15/2127, 708 33 Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic; email: KEY WORDS: rolling contact fatigue, wear, ratcheting, R8T The main aim of presented paper is to show how heat treatment, in our case inductive hardening, will affect the wear rates as well as the ratcheting evolution process below contact surface in the field of line rolling contact. Used wear model is based on shear band cracking mechanism [1] and non-linear kinematic and isotropic hardening rule of Chaboche and Lemaitre. The entire numerical simulations have been realized in C# program. Results from numerical simulations are subsequently compared with experimental data and metallographic analysis. All rolling contact wear tests were performed in the Rolling Contact Fatigue Laboratory at the Department of Mechanics of Materials of VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava on TUORS testing device [2]. All eight samples of wheel specimen were made of R8T steel, whereas the rail specimens were made of class C steel. The wheel specimens were organized into four sets according to the location of sample´s collection from railway wheel rim and application of mentioned heat treatment. The Hertzian contact pressure and the Fig. 1. TUORS testing device. creepage were 1200 MPa and 0.75% respectively. All the wheel specimens realized 105 cycles in total. After each wear test, the weight and diameter loss of the wheel specimen have been measured. The findings from metallographic analysis of wheel specimen after realized 105 cycles were subsequently used in the evaluation process of performed numerical study. Exploited wear model uses shear band cracking mechanism, which is capable of predicting the wear process according to the accumulation of plastic shear strain below contact surface. For ratcheting prediction in particular depths below contact surface and in case of rolling/sliding two-dimensional contact, the authors have used a non-linear kinematic hardening rule, introduced by Lemaitre and Chaboche [3]. The authors in the numerical simulations also took into account the variability of friction coefficient, which significantly influences the evolution of ratcheting in early stage of the experiment. The main aim was to compare experimentally and numerically obtained results with respect to plastic shear deformation profile in the active material layer and the values of wear rates after specified number of cycles. Relatively good conformity was found between these two approaches. Acknowledgement: This work has been elaborated in the framework of the project Opportunity for young researchers, reg. no. CZ.1.07/2.3.00/30.0016, supported by Operational 55 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC Programme Education for Competitiveness and co-financed by the European Social Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic and in the framework of the IT4Innovations Centre of Excellence project, reg. no. CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0070, supported by Operational Programme Research and Development for Innovations and funded from the Structural Funds of the European Union. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] MAZZU, A.: A simplified non-linear kinematic hardening model for ratcheting and wear assessment in rolling contact, Journal of Strain Analysis 43, 2008, pp. 349–360. HALAMA, R., FAJKOŠ, R., MATUŠEK, P., BÁBKOVÁ, P., FOJTÍK, F., VÁCLAVEK, L.: Contact defects initiation in railroad wheels – Experience, experiments and modelling, Wear 271, 2011, pp. 174-185. LEMAITRE, J., CHABOCHE, J., L.: Mechanics of solid materials, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994. 56 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC EFFECT OF SURFACE QUALITY OF MACHINED RAILWAY WHEELS ON FATIGUE STRENGTH R. FAJKOŠ1*, T. TKÁČ2 VŠB-TU Ostrava, 17. listopadu 15/2127, 708 33 Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic; email: 2 BONATRANS GROUP a.s., Revoluční 1234, 735 94 Bohumín, Czech Republic 1 KEY WORDS: fatigue strength, surface layers, machining technologies, shot peening Railway transport capacities all over the world have been growing, a phenomenon which is accompanied by the requirement to increase axle loads of freight rolling stock. Apart from new wheel designs for higher axle loads, growing have been also the requirements on their safety and reliability, since these wheels are often used in extreme climactic conditions. Cruising speeds of passenger trains have also been increasing, which likewise brings more stringent requirements concerning the quality and safety of the supplied railway wheels. This paper describes methods of evaluating fatigue strength of railway wheel webs and methods of evaluating the quality of machined railway wheel webs. Results of fatigue tests performed on wheels machined in a standard way are compared with wheels which have been treated by shot peening, a treatment frequently used to increase the fatigue strength of wheel webs of railway wheelset. The principle of a fatigue test of railway wheels is checking whether the supplied wheels meet the parameters defined in standard EN 13 262, i.e. whether they can withstand 10 million cycles with the test level of radial stress amplitude set to 240 MPa at the critical point. Schematically, this type of test is carried out at BONATRANS GROUP a.s., preferably on the electro-hydraulic test equipment illustrated on 3D model in Fig. 1 below. In order for us to be able to qualify the effect of shot peening and machining quality on the resultant fatigue strength of railway wheels on real scale, the following experiment was devised. In total four wheel variants were tested, namely a wheel with an unmachined web, a wheel with a Fig. 1. A 3D model of the electro-hydraulic test equipment used for fatigue strength tests of railway wheels. Fig. 2. Comparison of stress levels of railway wheels with different final finishing of the wheel web. 57 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC machined web, a wheel with an unmachined but shot peened web, and a wheel with a machined and shot peened web. The results of the tests for each of the above wheels with different machining technologies and shot peening are for comparison purposes presented in Fig. 2. All the tests were carried out on an Inova electro-hydraulic fatigue strength test machine at BONATRANS GROUP a.s. The fatigue strength of wheels manufactured by BONATRANS GROUP a.s. is around 300 MPa, which provides an adequate spare strength capacity when conducting fatigue strength tests at the stress amplitude level of 240 MPa required by the standard. Wheels made from steel grades with a higher content of C (grades ER8, Class B and other), are basically even better off because of the higher strength of their normalised structure which develop in wheel web with higher content of C. However, this at least a 25% spare strength capacity is not enough if the quality of the surface machining is substandard. If because of tool post vibrations, or because of using a blunt cutting tool, or because of similar technological shortcomings, fissures develop in the cut surface, the fatigue strength of such product decreases rapidly. To test the real fatigue strength of wheels machined using different technologies, designed were flat bars. The designed shape of the test bodies allowed us to better capture the character of stresses in the given part of the wheel, and at the same time enabled us to collect such bars from the surface of a wheel with straight or only gently sloping fixed web. The width of the test bar in the area of the fatigue failure was 24 mm, and the thickness of the sample was 12 mm. Three variants of final surface treatment of the test samples collected from a wheel web were selected for the experiment which will be described on full article. Acknowledgement: This article has been elaborated in the framework of the project Opportunity for young researchers, reg. no. CZ.1.07/2.3.00/30.0016, supported by Operational Programme Education for competitiveness and co-financed by the European Social Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] ČSN EN 13262+A1: Railway applications–Wheelsets and bogies–Wheels–Product requirements, May 2009. AAR M-107/M208.: AAR Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices, Wheels and Axles, 2011. OKAGATA, Y., KIRIYAMA, K., KOAT, T.: Fatigue strength evaluation of the Japanese railway Wheel, Fatigue Fact. Engng. Mater Struct 30, 356-371. STRNADEL, B.: Material Science II, Material degradation processes and design, Mining Academy–Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava 2008. MORAVEC, V.: Hardness and durability of dynamically loaded machine parts, Mining Academy–Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava 2007. KLESNIL, M., LUKÁŠ, P.: Fatigue at metal materials, Academia, Prague 1975, 222. BERETTA, S., CARBONI, M., LO CONTE, A., REGAZZI, D., TRASATTI, S., RIZZI, M.: Crack Growth Studies in Railway Axles under Corrosion. BERETTA, S., CARBONI, M., FIORE, G., LO CONTE, A.: Corrosion–fatigue of A1N railway axle steel exposed to rainwater, International Journal of Fatigue 32 (2010) 952–961. LUKÁŠ, P., KUNZ, L., WEISS, B., STICKLER, R.: Impact of short cracks and minor notches on fatigue strength, Metal materials 5, 26, Bratislava 1988. 58 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC APPLICATION OF ULTRASONIC IMPACT TREATMENT (UIT) FOR IMPROVEMENT OF FATIGUE LIFE T. ISHIKAWA1*, K. HAYASHI2 1 Nippon Steel & Sumikin Technology Co., LTD., 1-7-1 Yurakucho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-0006, Japan; email: 2 Nippon Steel & Sumikin Technology Co., LTD., KSP A101, 3-2-1 Sakado, Takatsu-ku, Kawasaki, Kanagawa, 213-0021, Japan KEY WORDS: fatigue, residual stress, S-N curve, fatigue crack, repair, stress, welded joint It is an important subject to prevent fatigue crack initiation for the structural integrity of welded structural parts especially under cyclic loading. Post-weld treatment methods, such as grinding, tungsten inert-gas (TIG) dressing, hammer peening, ultrasonic impact treatment (UIT) etc., are applied to welded-toes as improving procedures against the fatigue of weld joints. The UIT is one of the most powerful solutions for this subject, because of high improved fatigue performance with high productivity and high durability in construction stage. The UIT equipment consists of vibration exciter and transducer & horn, as shown in Fig. 1. The procedure of UIT application to the welded-toe is shown in Fig. 2. The pins impact the welded-toe with 25-30 m amplitude of 25-27 kHz vibration. The welded-toe is locally deformed and reformed to the continuously smooth toe which can be confirmed to the eye. Pin amp: 25–30 impact by ultrasonic welded toe Vibration exciter (25–27 kHz) Transducer & Horn Fig. 1. Tool of Ultrasonic Impact Treatment. weld base plate metal Before Continuously smooth Welded toe formed pin Applying UIT After Fig. 2. Process of UIT application to welded toe. Figure 3 shows the example of S-N (stress versus number of loading cycles to failure) curves of cruciform welded joint of as-welded, toe grinding, and UIT applied conditions [1]. As shown in Fig. 3, UIT can extend fatigue life ten times or more than the as-welded condition. The mechanism of fatigue initiation property improvement by UIT is summarized in Fig. 4. Root radius of welded toe increases from naturally formed shape (0.5-1 mm) to 3 mm as same as pin head radius. It gives smaller stress concentration at the welded-toe. UIT also induces compressive residual stress up to the yield strength level of steel, as shown in Fig. 5. Furthermore, the microstructure near the welded-toe becomes ultra-fine grains by local heavy plastic deformation. UIT has been widely utilized in ships, bridges, earth moving equipment, crane garters, and so on. Welded-toe grinding is well-known as improvement methods of fatigue life. For the shipbuilding use, UIT has been certified by ship classifications societies as the alternative method without any dust and less noise. As the superior improved fatigue performance with UIT application [1, 2, 3], new S-N curve with UIT in design codes or standards has been strongly demanded. Current guidance on 59 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC improved fatigue life prediction with hammer-peened welds, together with a modification to the S-N curves is recently published in RP-C203 Residual Stress ahead of welded toe, MPa 600.0 as welded UIT treated 400.0 200.0 UIT treated 0.0 0 2 8 4 10 12 14 16 6 -200.0 Distance from welded toe [mm] -400.0 -600.0 Fig. 3. Example of S-N curves of Welded joint [1]. Fig. 4. Residual stress distribution ahead of welded toe. Fatigue Design of Offshore Steel Structures (2011) published by DNV ship classification society. The S-N curve with UIT application can be referred as equivalent as ones with hammerpeened welds, and may be expected more benefit in near future. In Japan, UIT has been widely used for the bridge construction, and listed as recommended new technology of NEITES authorized by Land, Infrastructure and Transportation Ministry. Before Radius ~0.5mm After WM Radius 3mm Ultra-fine region Tensile R.S. BM HAZ ・Root radius: sharp (0.5~1.0mm) ⇒ Stress concentration ・Residual Stress: Large tensile Res. Stress ⇒ increase appl,stress ・Microstructures: Coarse grains( 20-50 μm) ⇒ Locally low strength BM Comparison of 溶接金属 Comp.Res.Stress HAZ 1mm Increase to 3.0mm(as same as pin-tip) ⇒ Decrease Stress Concentration Compressive Res.Stress by Plastic flow ⇒ Decrease appl.stress fatigue crack Initiation properties improving effect UIT Grinder LTT TIG ○ ◎ - ◎ - ◎ Ultra-fine grains (1μm) △ - - ⇒ increase strength (LTT is Low Temperature Transformation welding consumables) Fig. 5. Mechanisms of improvement of fatigue crack initiation properties by UIT. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] NOSE, T., OKAWA, T.: Approaches for Fundamental Principles 2: Total Solution for Fatigue of Steel, Nippon Steel Technical Report, No.391, 2011, pp. 156-161. SHIMANUKI, H., NOSE, T.: Effect of Ultrasonic Impact Treatment on Fatigue Properties of Structural Model, Proceeding of Japan Welding Society Vol. 81, 2007, No. 342. KAYAMORI,Y., Applicability of fatigue solutions to floating wind turbine structures, International Symp. on Marine and Offshore Renewable Energy, 2013. 60 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC CYCLIC PLASTIC PROPERTIES OF CLASS C STEEL INCLUDING RATCHETING: TESTING AND MODELLING R. HALAMA1*, A. MARKOPOULOS1, M. ŠOFER1, P. MATUŠEK2 VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, Department of Mechanics of Materials, Centre of Excellence IT4Innovations, 17.listopadu 15, Ostrava, Czech Republic; email: 2 Bonatrans Group, Bohumín, Revoluční 1234, 735 94, Czech Republic 1 KEY WORDS: cyclic plasticity, ratcheting, FEM, low-cycle fatigue Cyclic plasticity modelling of metals needs individual approach. There are specific theories for various metallic materials including mainly phenomenological models useful for practical applications [1]. This paper is focused on the stress-strain behavior of the Class C steel in cyclic plastic domain and its FE simulation. An experimental study on the wheel steel specimens including uniaxial as well as multiaxial tests has been realized in the laboratory at Department of mechanics of materials of VŠB-TU Ostrava. The main attention in this study was paid to study ratcheting under nonproportional loading. The specimens were subjected to tension-torsion tests on the reconstructed test machine INOVA 100 kN/1000 Nm (Fig. 1) as in the previous study performed on ST52 steel [2]. The extensometer EPSILON 3550 with 25.4 mm gauge length was used to measure axial strain and shear strain simultaneously. The testing specimen has tubular testing part with outer diameter of 12.5 mm and with inner diameter of 10 mm. The specimen was used also for the case of uniaxial loading. The uniaxial multistep test was performed under strain rate of 0.01 s-1. A cyclically stable behavior of the steel under higher amplitude loading was observed in the uniaxial multistep test, see Fig. 2. Fig. 1. Biaxial fatigue testing machine. The load path in the tension/compression-torsion tests was applied in accordance with McDowell’s experiments [3] to obtain similar stress-strain history as in a point on the surface under rolling-sliding line contact case. All multiaxial force controlled tests were realized under sinusoidal wave loading with frequency of 0.1 Hz. As a sample, results from the multiaxial ratcheting test, which was obtained by the symmetric tension/compression and by repeated torsion, are presented at the Fig. 3. The case with axial stress magnitude of 700 MPa and shear stress magnitude of 400 MPa was realized for the wheel steel Class C. As the consequence of the repeated torsion applied to the 61 Fig. 2. Results of push-pull multistep test. NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC specimen the increase of the shear strain occurs cycle by cycle in the same direction as the torque is applied. The MAKOC model [4], which is based on AbdelKarim-Ohno kinematic hardening rule and Calloch isotropic hardening rule, has been applied in subsequent finite element simulations. The numerical results show very good prediction of stress-strain behaviour of the wheel steel. 3 xy 3 a a x Fig. 3. Results of multiaxial ratcheting test. Acknowledgement: This work was supported by the European Regional Development Fund in the IT4Innovations Centre of Excellence project (CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0070) and by the OPVK project Opportunity for young researchers (CZ.1.07/2.3.00/30.0016) co-financed by the ESF. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] HALAMA, R., SEDLÁK, J., ŠOFER, M.: Phenomenological Modelling of Cyclic Plasticity, Chapter in: P. Miidla (Ed.), Numerical Modelling, InTech, Rijeka, 2012, pp. 329-354. HALAMA, R., FOJTÍK, F., MARKOPOULOS, A.: Memorization and Other Transient Effects of ST52 Steel and Its FE Description, Applied Mechanics and Materials 486, 2013, pp. 48-53. MCDOWELL, D.L.: Stress state dependence of cyclic ratchetting behaviour of two rail steels. International Journal of Plasticity 11, 1995, pp. 397-421. HALAMA, R., ŠOFER, M., FOJTÍK, F.: Choice and Calibration of Cyclic Plasticity Model with Regard to Subsequent Fatigue Analysis. Engineering Mechanics 19, 2012, pp. 87-97. 62 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC CHARACTERIZATION OF VERMICULITE PARTICLES AFTER MECHANICAL TREATMENT K. ČECH BARABASZOVÁ1,2*, G. SIMHA MARTYNKOVÁ1,2 Nanotechnology Centre, VŠB-TU of Ostrava, 17. listopadu 15/2172, Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic; email: 2 IT4 Innovations Centre of Excellence, VŠB-TU of Ostrava, 17. listopadu 15/2172, Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic 1 KEY WORDS: vermiculite, atomic force microscopy, particles morphology, surface and size The vermiculite particles are used increasingly for new functional materials. They are strong contenders for use in polymer nanocomposites. There are many applications of vermiculite particles as fillers (such as biopolymers nanocomposites [1, 2], lightweight additive [3], catalyst [4], isolation, ceramics [5] etc.) since the material is natural, inexpensive and relatively non-harmful for surrounding. For many of applications is very important the input processing of vermiculite particles. The vermiculite particles are normally carried out in energy intensive grinding mills such as planetary mill, oscillating mill and jet mill. Short-time grinding of vermiculite particles requires to the particle size reduction. But extended grinding lead to an intense structural degradation of the lamellar shape, lateral size and particle thickness reduction and progressive amorphization accompanied with formation of hard agglomerates. The changes of the structure and vermiculite particle size has an influence on the properties of new nanocomposite materials. Fig. 1. SEM images of the vermiculite particles after ball (VBb) and jet (VBj) milling. The natural vermiculite particles from Brazil were grinding in jet (VBj) and ball (VBb) mills. The shape of vermiculite particles has been studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The particles size (PS) changes were characterized by the median particle size (d50), volume-weighted mean diameter (d43), mode diameter (dm) and span value. In Fig. 1 we can see that the VBb particles have the form of platelets with smooth surfaces with the fact that individual particles showed sharp edges. After jet milling particles (VBj) showed rounded and corrugated edges. The scanned data from AFM pictures were used for description of size and thickness of the individual vermiculite particles. With the help of topographic profiles were measured on the particles parameters of major length and width as perpendicular profiles (Fig. 2). 63 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC Fig. 2. 3D AFM images of the vermiculite particles after ball (VBb) and jet (VBj) milling. From PS parameters was found that grinding of original samples caused reduction of particles (from 40 µm) after ball milling (VBb), d50 and d43 to values approx. 12 µm together with the span value to the 1.5. The PS distribution curves had modal character. Acknowledgement: This work was supported by the project No. SP2014/39 - Functional nanostructured materials and CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0070 - IT for Innovations Centre of Excellence project. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] ZHANG, K., XU, J., WANG, K.Y., CHENG, L., WANG, J., LIU, B.: Preparation and characterization of chitosan nanocomposites with vermiculite of different modification. Polymer Degradation and Stability 94, 2009, pp. 2121-2127. GRYČOVÁ, E., ČECH BARABASZOVÁ, K.: Antibacterial properties of nanostructured materials. Journal of Nanocomposites and Nanoceramics 3(1), 2012, pp. 7-13. LING, J., DAI, B.: TiO2 activation using acid-treated vermiculite as a support: characteristics and photoreactivity. Applied Surface Science 258, 2012, pp. 3386-3392. QIUQIANG, CH., WU, P. DANG, Z., ZHU, N., LI, P., WU, J., WANG, X.: Iron pillared vermiculite as a heterogeneous photo-Fenton catalyst for photocatalytic degradation of azo dye reactive brilliant orange X-GN. Separation and Purification Technology 71, 2010, pp. 315-323. VALÁŠKOVÁ, M., SIMHA MARTYNKOVÁ, G., SMETANA, B., ŠTUDENTOVÁ, S.: Influence of vermiculite on the formation of porous cordierites. Applied Clay Science 46, 2009, pp. 196-201. 64 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC ADVANCED NUMERICAL MODELLING METHODS FOR 1D PERIODIC PLASMONIC STRUCTURE SIMMULATIONS L. HALAGAČKA1,2*, K. POSTAVA1, M. VANWOLLEGHEM3, B. DAGENS2, J. BEN YOUSSEF4, J. PIŠTORA1 1 Department of Physics and Nanotechnology Centre, Technical University of Ostrava, 17. listopadu 15, 708 33 Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic; email: 2 Institut d'Electronique Fondamentale, UMR CNRS 8622, Universite Paris-Sud XI, Orsay, France 3 Institut d'Electronique, Microelectronique et Nanotechnologie, CNRS UMR 8520, Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France 4 Laboratoire de Magnétisme de Bretagne, Universit de Bretagne Occidentale, EA 4522/CNRS, Brest, France KEY WORDS: plasmonics, RCWA, magnetooptics, modeling The RCWA method is well known approach for simulation of optical response of periodic structures [1]. Depending on a type of simulated structure and required precision, the spectral simulations could be time consuming. The reduction of computing time is than essential issue in advanced simulations like a parameter sweep, simulations of thickness inhomogenity, depolarization effects, etc. Moreover, the reduction is crucial point in data fitting with a model where a model is recalculated over optimization algorithm. In this paper we present our implementation of parallel RCWA method in MATLAB for 1D gratings. Our parallel RCWA split an initial spectral problem into series of individual and independent problems. Those are solved in parallel by slaves and results are collected back by master. The parallelization is shown on left subplot of Fig. 1 schematically. The Right subplot shows comparison between ideal linear scaling and measured scaling of our code. A linear scaling was achieved up to 256 CPUs. Scalability of spectral problem 250 O(n) 200 parRCWA Problem definition: geometry, materials, spectral domain,... distribution to workers subproblem #1 subproblem #2 ....... 1/ 150 100 results collection 50 subproblem # ii 0 Parallel execution 50 100 150 number of CPUs 200 250 Fig. 1. Parallelization of single spectral problem is shown schematically (left). Measured scalability of implementation is compared with theoretical linear scaling (right). The performance of the code is demonstrated by fitting of the optical data measured on real sample with a developed model. The fabricated sample is the 1D periodic gold grating. The benefit of the gold grating is, that it can support effect of excitation of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs). In study of p-reflectivity the excitation of the SPPs appears as a deep sharp minima [2]. The excitation of SPPs is strongly dependent on the of incidence a beam, therefore the structure is ideal for study of effect when the incident beam is focused; the angle of incidence varies around central angle of incidence φ0 over certain interval <φ0-φs ,φ0+φs> . Since the fabricated structure is not perfect the fitting of the data with model is needed in order to determine geometry of the structure. In the numerical simulations the focused beam can be 65 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC approximated with series of plane waves weighted over Gaussian distribution function. Assumption of 10 partial plane waves is enough for stable numerical simulations. On the other hand it increases amount of eigenvalue decomposition by factor 10. Moreover, if the bandwidth of the monochromator is too broad, depolarization occurs due to the wavelength dependence of the optical properties of a sample. The normalized Gaussian distribution of the wavelengths around chosen spectral point λ0 with standard deviation σw is assumed [1]. Modeling of the final spectral resolution requires discretization of the spectral range around λ0 and calculation of the optical response at all specific wavelengths weighted by corresponding distribution function. For tabulated optical functions of used material we have used linear spline to obtain proper values at any wavelength. By numerical test we found, that the use of of only three spectral points is sufficient to describe depolarization effect from the finite bandwidth. The use of only three spectral points, namely λ0 - σw, λ0, and λ0 + σw significantly reduces calculation time. Acknowledgement: Partial support from the projects CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0070, CZ.1.05/2.1.00/01.0040 (RMTVC), CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0074 (Nanobase), Czech Science Foundation 205/11/2137 and SP2013/129 is acknowledged. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] LI, L.: Use of Fourier series in the analysis of discontinuous periodic structures, Journal of Optical Society of America: A, 13, 1996, pp. 1870-1876. HALAGAČKA, L., et. al.: Coupled mode enhanced giant magnetoplasmonics transverse Kerr effect, Optics Express, 21 2013, pp. 21741-21755. GARCIA CAUREL, E., et. al.: Advanced Mueller ellipsometry instrumentation data analysis. In Ellipsometry at the nanoscale, Springer, 2013, Engineering, p. 31. 66 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC MOLECULAR MODELING OF ANTIMICROBIAL NANOCOMPOSITES D. HLAVÁČ1,2*, J. TOKARSKÝ1,2 IT4Innovations, Centre of Excellence, VŠB-TU Ostrava, 17. listopadu 15/2172, Czech Republic; email: 2 Nanotechnology Centre, VŠB-TU Ostrava, 17. listopadu 15/2172, Czech Republic 1 KEY WORDS: natural minerals, antimicrobial agents, molecular modeling, adhesion Nowadays, growing demand of more effective antimicrobial agents is observed in many areas involving food processing and packaging, water cleaning, hygiene or medicine. Therefore, except finding new ones, various ways of improvements of existing agents are searched. One of the most promising ways is the modification of administration (i.e. pure solution, incorporation into composite material, etc.) especially by their docking on suitable matrix because controlled release and, therefore, prolonged and more environmentally friendly activity may be achieved. Wide range of possible matrices varying in effectivity, cost as well as stability may be used. Natural minerals represent a reasonable choice since they are low-cost environmentally stable materials. However, because docking capabilities of every mineral differ from each other (in dependence on the surface area, the host-guest interaction and the method of preparation), in the first step the selection of best ones may be done according to knowledge of host-guest interaction. Therefore, docking capabilities of various natural minerals were investigated using molecular mechanics and dynamics in Materials Studio modeling environment. Various host matrices were compared according to calculated values of interaction energies between antimicrobial agents and mineral surfaces. Obtained results were compared to available experimental data in order to evaluate the possibility of prediction based on knowledge of host-guest interaction. Fig. 1. Model structures of antimicrobial agents and natural minerals: a) chlorhexidine, b) nystatin, c) kaolinite, d) montmorillonite, e) vermiculite. Acknowledgement: The authors gratefully acknowledge the support by the European Regional Development Fund in the IT4Innovations Centre of Excellence project (CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0070). 67 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC 68 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC ANTIMICROBIAL KAOLINITE BASED NANOCOMPOSITES S. HOLEŠOVÁ1,2*, M. HUNDÁKOVÁ1,2, E. PAZDZIORA3 Nanotechnology centre, VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, 17. listopadu 15/2172, 708 33 OstravaPoruba, Czech Republic; email: 2 IT4Innovations Centre of Excellence, VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, 17. listopadu 15/2172, 708 33 Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic 3 Institute of Public Health Ostrava, Centre of Clinical Laboratories, Partyzánské náměstí 7, 702 00 Ostrava, Czech Republic 1 KEY WORDS: kaolinite, chlorhexidine, antimicrobial activity The development of suitable materials with the ability to inhibit the growth of microbes is one of the current topics of material and medical research. As far as treatment of oral infections is concerned, the current market lacks any curative form for a local long-acting application that would enable therapy without need to use systemic treatment. A solution might be offered by anchoring the drug to a suitable carrier that can provide transport to the designated place in the body, gradual release and hence suppression of side effects. Recently, increased attention is paid to so-called inorganic carriers, often based on clay minerals. The use of clay minerals as excipients in pharmaceutical formulations has been described by many authors [1, 2]. The antimicrobial nanocomposites based on clay mineral montmorillonite are the most studied systems. Our team mainly deals with investigation of antimicrobial nanocomposites, when clay mineral vermiculite is used as a drug carrier [3, 4]. In this study we focused on antimicrobial nanocomposites based on kaolinite, which aren’t much explored in past. Two series of nanocomposites were prepared. In the first case, kaolinite (KAO) was used as the carrier for antibacterial drug and in the second case, kaolinite modified with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) was used. In both series, chlorhexidine dihydrochloride (CH) acts as an active antimicrobial component. The resultant samples were characterized by X – ray diffraction (XRD), infrared spectroscopy (IR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) (Fig. 1). Fig. 1. SEM pictures of KAO (left side) and KAO/DMSO (right side). The antimicrobial activity of prepared composites against bacteria strains Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and against yeast Candida albicans were evaluated by finding minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). The dilution and cultivation were performed on the microtitration plate. Starting dispersion contained 10% (w/v) of nanocomposites and than this dispersion was diluted by a threefold diluting method to concentrations 3.33%, 1.11%, 0.37%, 0.12%, 0.04% and 0.01%. A volume of 1 µl of glucose suspensions of bacterial strain was 69 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC added. Antimicrobial activity was monitored after the elapse of 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240 and 300 min, and then during 5 days, always in 24 h intervals. The MIC values in selected time intervals for two bacteria strains and yeast are shown in Table 1. Table 1 MIC (%) (w/v) values of prepared antimicrobial nanocomposites in selected time intervals (90 min, 300 min, 1 day, 5 days). Sample Staphylococcus aureus Escherichia coli Candida albicans 90 300 1 5 90 300 1 5 90 300 1 5 KAO_CH (1:1) 1.11 1.11 0.01 0.01 1.11 1.11 0.01 0.01 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 KAO_CH (2:1) 1.11 1.11 0.01 0.01 1.11 1.11 0.01 0.01 0.37 0.12 0.12 0.12 KAO_CH (4:1) 1.11 1.11 0.01 0.01 1.11 1.11 0.01 0.01 0.12 0.04 0.12 0.12 KAO/DMSO_CH (1:1) 0.37 0.37 0.01 0.01 1.11 0.37 0.01 0.01 0.12 0.04 0.12 0.12 KAO/DMSO_CH (2:1) 0.37 0.37 0.01 0.01 1.11 1.11 0.04 0.04 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 KAO/DMSO_CH (1:1) 3.33 1.11 0.01 0.01 3.33 1.11 0.01 0.01 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 It was found that prepared nanocomposites were very effective and they had different effect against bacteria strains and yeast. In the case of gram-positive S. aureus we observed very good efficiency in exposition after 24 h and longer. The MIC values decreased to the lowest concentration 0.01% w/v. We obtained almost the same results against E. coli. All prepared samples showed very good efficiency against yeast Candida albicans. We could observe not only good activity in longer time intervals but the prepared samples, especially with higher CH concentration, were already very effective at earlier time intervals. Important information was that treatment with DMSO had not significant effect on antimicrobial activity. These nanocomposites can be in future used for preparation of drugs for local treatment of oral cavity with long-acting antimicrobial activity. Acknowledgement: The authors gratefully acknowledge the support by the project IT4Innovations Centre of Excellence, reg. no. CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0070. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] CARRETERO, M.I., POZO, M., Clay and non-clay minerals in the pharmaceutical industry Part I. Excipients and medical applications, Appl. Clay Sci. 46, 2009, pp. 73-80. AGGUZI, C., CEREZO, P., VISERAS, C., CARAMELLA, C., Use of clays as drug delivery systems: possibilities and limitations, Appl. Clay Sci. 36, 2007, pp. 22-36. HOLEŠOVÁ, S., VALÁŠKOVÁ, M., PLEVOVÁ, E., PAZDZIORA, E., MATĚJOVÁ, K., Preparation of novel organovermiculites with antibacterial activity using chlorhexidine diacetate, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 342, 2010, pp. 593-597. HOLEŠOVÁ, S., SAMLÍKOVÁ, M., VALÁŠKOVÁ, M., PAZDZIORA, E., Antibacterial activity of organomontmorillonites and organovermiculites prepared using chlorhexidine diacetate, Appl. Clay Sci. 83-84, 2013, pp. 17-23. 70 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC VOLATILE ORGANIC MOLECULES SORPTION ONTO CARBON NANOTUBES G. SIMHA MARTYNKOVÁ1,2*, D. PLACHÁ2, L. ROZUMOVÁ1,2, E. PLEVOVÁ3 Nanotechnology Centre, VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, 17. listopadu 15, 708 33 Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic; e-mail: 2 IT4Innovations Centre of Excellence, VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, 17. listopadu 15, 708 33 Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic 3 Institute of Geonics AS CR,v.v.i. Ostrava, Studentska 1768, 708 00 Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic 1 KEY WORDS: carbon nanotubes, organics, adsorption, X-ray diffraction, molecular modelling Studying of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in ambient air and water sample is an important analytical task because of VOCs’ great contribution to environmental pollution and their potential threat to human health. The VOCs adsorbed on the adsorbent can be desorbed by the methods of thermal desorption or solvent extraction, and then analysed using gas chromatography (GC), or analysed for weight change at temperature using mass spectroscopy (MS) and thermal gravimetric analysis [1]. Two types of fibrous carbons were studied: carbon nanofibers and carbon nanotubes. Both types were purified using acid treatment to remove non-carbonaceous substances. The adsorption of formaldehyde, dichlormethane and naphthalene on the carbons was studied by experimental and theoretical (molecular simulation) approaches. Adsorption of organic molecules is the most intensive at edges, places of defects or doping atoms sites. Therefore 2 cases of doping were studied theoretically and so phosphor and boron atoms using molecular modelling environment of software Accelerys. Fig. 1. Molecular model of H2 sorption onto single wall carbon nanotubes doped with P. Molecular models and experiment data are in good agreement proving that higher adsorption has happened in case of doped nanotubes. Average amount of organic matter was 8wt.% . Structural changes for full system were observed using analytical methods: X-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy. Acknowledgement: We are grateful to project CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0070 – IT4Innovations Centre of Excellence for financial support of this work. REFERENCES [1] LI, Q.L., YUAN, D.X., LIN, Q.M.: Evaluation of multi-walled carbon nanotubes as an adsorbent for trapping volatile organic compounds from environmental samples, Journal of Chromatography A, 1026 (2004) 283–288. 71 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC 72 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC OPTICAL MODELLING OF MICROCRYSTALLINE SILICON DEPOSITED BY PLASMA-ENHANCED CHEMICAL VAPOUR DEPOSITION ON LOW-COST IRON-NICKEL SUBSTRATE FOR PHOTO-VOLTAIC APPLICATIONS Z. MRÁZKOVÁ1,3*, K. POSTAVA2, A. TORRES-RIOS3, M. FOLDYNA3, P. ROCA I CABARROCAS3, V. VODÁREK4, J. HOLEŠÍNSKÝ4, J. PIŠTORA1 1 Nanotechnology Centre, Technical University of Ostrava, 708 33 Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic; email: 2 Department of Physics, Technical University of Ostrava, 708 33 Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic 3 LPICM-CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau, France 4 Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Technical University of Ostrava, 708 33 Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic KEY WORDS: in-situ ellipsometry, plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition, thin films, crystalline silicon, solar cells The ultimate goal of photovoltaic industry is to reduce the price per watt of generated solar energy to achieve the grid parity. Research in photovoltaics is thus aimed to achieve low-cost high-efficiency solar cells. The fabrication cost can be reduced by using less expensive substrates, by deposition of thin silicon layers with good crystallinity, and by using economically convenient methods of the deposition. In this work we study thin microcrystalline silicon (μc-Si) films grown on a flexible low-cost Fe-Ni alloy substrate by a low-temperature (175°) plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) [1, 2]. Since the crystallinity and material quality of the microcrystalline silicon change during its growth, the deposition results in an inhomogeneous material with a rather complicated structure. In order to analyse the changing composition of this complex material the real time spectroscopic ellipsometry has been used. In-situ ellipsometric data taken at the photon energy from 2.8 to 4.5 eV every 50 seconds enabled us to study the evolution of crystallinity of the microcrystalline silicon as it grows (shown in Fig. 1). 80 70 Volume fraction (%) 60 50 40 30 void 20 c-Si c-Si a-Si 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Measurement number Fig. 1. Time evolution (each step correspond to 50 s) of the material composition acquired from the optical modeling of measured in-situ data. The void, the microcrystalline silicon matrix, the crystalline and the amorphous silicon fractions are marked in the figure, respectively. 73 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC The transmission electron microscopy has been used to verify the conclusions from optical modelling, confirming that (i) there is a thin nucleation layer formed at the beginning of the material deposition on the substrate, from which silicon crystals start to grow, (ii) the volume fraction of the crystalline silicon gradually increases as the cone crystals become larger in size, forming a rough surface after their collisions and subsequent high crystalline fraction material growth. Acknowledgement: The authors acknowledge the financial support from projects SP2014/86 and IT4Inovations CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0070. REFERENCES [1] [2] TORRES RIOS, A., DJERIDANE, Y., NATH, M., REYDET, P. L., REYAL, J. P., ROCA I CABARROCAS, P.: Epitaxial Growth of Crystalline Silicon on N42 Alloys by PECVD at 175°C for Low Cost and High Efficiency Solar Cells, EU PVSEC Proceedings, 2011, p. 2435. MRÁZKOVÁ, Z., TORRES-RIOS, A., RUGGERI, R., FOLDYNA, M., POSTAVA, K., PIŠTORA, J., ROCA I CABARROCAS, P.: In-situ spectroscopic ellipsometry of microcrystalline silicon deposited by PECVD on flexible Fe-Ni alloy substrate for photovoltaic applications, under review in Thin Solid Films. 74 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC SUBMICRON CALCIUM PHOSPHATE PARTICLES STUDY ANCHORED ON CLAY SUPPORTS L. PAZOURKOVÁ1*, G.SIMHA MARTYNKOVÁ1,2, M. HUNDÁKOVÁ1,2, M. VALÁŠKOVÁ1,2 Nanotechnology Centre, VŠB – Technical university of Ostrava, 17. listopadu 15, 70833, Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic; email: 2 IT4 Innovations Centre of Excellence, VŠB – Technical university of Ostrava, 17. listopadu 15, 70833, Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic 1 KEY WORDS: calcium phosphate, clay mineral, wet precipitation In recent years the synthetic calcium phosphates (mainly hydroxyapatite) are widely studied due to their similarities to minerals occurring in human body [1]. The preparation techniques include lot of methods [2], but utilization of clay minerals as support for calcium phosphate is very spare [3, 4]. The aim of this study is to compare in-situ preparation of calcium phosphate with the main component of hydroxyapatite (CPH) on pure clay minerals and sodium form of clay minerals, to further usages and applications as biomaterial. The final samples were characterized using X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The CPH particles of different size and morphology were formed depending on the type of clay mineral and chemistry of the montmorillonite (Mt) and vermiculite (Ver). Fig. 1. Schematic for A) mixing and B) sonication preparation of calcium phosphate supported clay mineral. The samples of CPH supported on clay minerals were prepared by wet precipitation, more precisely by mixing and sonication. We used vermiculite and montmorillonite as supporting clay minerals. Fig. 1 shows schema of preparation procedure. X-ray diffraction patterns of CPH-NaMt composite (Fig. 2c, 3c) and sodium form of montmorillonite (NaMt) were compared with CPH-Mt prepared in our previous study (Fig. 2b, 3b) [5]. It was observed that main intensive reflections (d = 0.282 nm) of calcium phosphate (with majority of hydroxyapatite) are present in both samples of pure and sodium form of montmorillonite. In the case of vermiculite samples prepared by mixing method, the 75 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC samples with CPH show absence of d(001) reflection of pure vermiculite [5] and monoionic sodium vermiculite (NaVer), respectively. The d(002) reflection of monoionic NaVer is shifted from 1.225 nm to 1.471 nm of CPH-NaVer. This indicates that CPH influences clay structure in the way of altering interlayer space of clays. Fig. 2. XRD patterns of samples prepared using mixing: a) CPH, b) CPH-Mt, c) CPH-NaMt. Fig. 3. XRD patterns of samples prepared by sonication: a) CPH2, b) CPH-Mt2, c) CPH-NaMt2. From the SEM micrographs is evident that CPH is anchored on the surface of both clay minerals in state of submicron particles. The CPH particles show different size and morphology in dependence on type of clay mineral and preparation method. Acknowledgement: The authors gratefully acknowledge the support by projects: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of Czech Republic SP2014/82 and IT4 Innovations Centre of Excellence project Authors thank M. Heliová for SEM micrographs. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] ZHANG, J., LIU, W., SCHNITZLER, V., TANCRET, F., BOULER, J-M.: Calcium phosphate cements for bone substitution: Chemistry, handling and mechanical properties, Acta Biomaterialia 10, 2014, pp. 1035-1049. SADAT-SHOJAI, M., KHORASANI, M-T., DINPANAH-KHOSHDARGI, E., JAMSHIDI, A.: Synthesis methods for nanosized hydroxyapatite with diverse structures, Acta Biomaterialia 9, 2013, pp. 7591-7621. AMBRE, A., KATTI, K.S., KATTI, D. R.: In situ mineralized hydroxyapatite on amino acid modified nanoclays as novel bone biomaterials, Materials Science and Engineering C 31, 2011, pp. 1017-1029. ROUL, J., MOHAPATRA, R., SAHOO, S.K., TRIBHUVAL, N.: Design and characterization of novel biodegradable polymer-clay-hydroxyapatite nanocomposites for drug delivery applications, Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2, 2012, pp. 19-23. PAZOURKOVÁ, L., ČECH BARABASZOVÁ, K., HUNDÁKOVÁ, M.: Preparation of hydroxyapatite/clay mineral nanocomposite, In NANOCON 2013 5th international conference October 16th – 18th 2013, 2013 Hotel Voroněž I Brno, Czech Republic, Tanger Ltd. Ostrava 2014, pp. 83-88. ISBN: 978-80-87294-47-5. In Press. 76 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC PREPARATION OF SUBMICRON PARTICLES OF BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE SUBSTANCES USING SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS D. PLACHÁ1*, T. SOSNA1, E. VACULÍKOVÁ1, M. MIKESKA1, R. DVORSKÝ2 VŠB-Technical university of Ostrava, Nanotechnology Centre, 17. listopadu 15, 708 33 Ostrava Poruba, Czech Republic; email: 2 VŠB-Technical university of Ostrava, Faculty of Mining and Geology, 17. listopadu 15, 708 33 Ostrava Poruba, Czech Republic 1 KEY WORDS: nanoparticles, caffeine, aspirin, supercritical fluids, Spe-ed SFE-4 Numerous conventional methods are used to reduce the particle size, for example milling, spray drying, re-crystallization using solvent evaporation, sieving and grinding. However, these methods are characterized by the many disadvantages such as poor control on size, unsuitable morphology, wide particle size distribution, exposure of particles to the locally high temperature and loss of particles in spray drying and milling techniques [1]. Supercritical fluids have wide range of industrial applications. Using of supercritical fluids for particle size decrease seems to be a very effective method for many reasons, especially for working in mild temperatures and for an ability of particle size reductions to nanometric levels. The technique of particles micronization using supercritical fluids is convenient especially for preparations of pharmaceuticals and other biologically active substances. Most of pharmaceuticals are poorly soluble or insoluble in aqueous body fluid systems; this fact limits their bioavaibility. The dissolution rate can be positively influenced by increase of particle surface area through reduction of their size. Next prerequisites are suitable and uniform morphology and narrow particle size distribution [1, 2]. Several supercritical fluid techniques for particles size reduction are known, such as RESS – Rapid Expansion of Supercritical Solution, PGSS – Particles from Gas-Saturated Solution/Suspension, GAS – Gas Anti Solvent, SAS – Supercritical Anti Solvent, SEDS – Solution Enhanced Dispersion by Supercritical Fluid [1, 2]. The RESS technique using pure supercritical CO2 is an alternative how to quickly and naturally reduce the particle size of various materials. Principle of the technique is: A treated compound is dissolved in a supercritical fluid; consequently the solution is suddenly depressurized through a nozzle and expands inside a chamber with much lower pressure. The rapid depressurization of the supercritical phase causes decreased solubility of the solute which precipitates as a powder in a gas phase [3]. The laboratory extraction system Spe-ed SFE-4 (Applied Separations) was used for size reducing of biologically active substances such as caffeine (Fig. 1), aspirin and cimetidine with application of RESS technique and supercritical CO2. This device is primarily determined to be used as an extractor of non-polar organic compounds from solids; however the producer admits that a nanoparticle production is possible. The working pressure was set to 150 bar and several temperatures were applied (45, 50, 80 and 100°C). The CO2 flow was maintained at 5 l.h-1. The resulted particles of treated substances (formed caffeine particles are presented on Fig. 2) were evaluated by using SEM, FTIR, XRD and particle size distribution methods. Volumetric particle size distribution confirmed an influence of the working temperatures on the particle size. The SEM evaluation is necessary to observe morphology of formed particles (Fig. 1 and 2). No significant changes were observed in chemical structure as confirmed by FTIR and XRD. 77 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC Fig. 1. Caffeine particles before treatment with supercritical CO2. Fig. 2. Caffeine particles after treatment with supercritical CO2. Acknowledgement: The authors gratefully acknowledge the support by the European Regional Development Fund in the IT4Innovations Centre of Excellence (CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0070), in the ENET Centre (CZ. 1.05/2.1.00/03.0069). REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] KESHAVARZ, A., KARIMI-SABET, J., FATTAHI, A., GOLZARY, A., RAFIEE-TEHRANI, M., DORKOOSH, F. A.: Preparation and characterization of raloxifene nanoparticles using Rapid Expansion of Supercritical Solution (RESS), The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 63, 2012, pp. 169-179. SAMEI, M., VATANARA, A., FATEMI, S., NAJAFABADI A. R.: Process variables in the formation of nanoparticles of megestrol acetate through rapid expansion of supercritical CO2. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 70, 2012, pp. 1-7. SFC 526, The Micronization of Drug Particles by the Rapid Expansion of a Supercritical Solution. Application Note. Applied Separations. 78 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC PREPARATION OF CARBON NANO FILLERS FOR METALIC COMPOSITES L. ROZUMOVÁ1*, G. SIMHA MARTYNKOVÁ1 1 Nanotechnology Centre, IT4Innovations Centre of Excellence, VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, 17. listopadu 15, 708 33 Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic; email: KEY WORDS: carbon nanotubes, silver This paper summarises the research work carried out in the field of carbon nanotube (CNT) metal matrix composites (MMCs). Much research has been undertaken in utilising CNTs as reinforcement for composite material. However, CNT-reinforced MMCs have received the least attention. These composites are being projected for use in structural applications for their high specific strength as well as functional materials for their exciting thermal and electrical characteristics [1]. The present paper focuses on preparation of metal matrix nanocarbon composites (MMNCs) that include processing technique. Metal matrix nanocarbon composite (MMNCs) was prepared high energy ball milling. Time of milling was set on 120 hours. Fig. 1. XRD pattern of GAg100/120- enriched graphite with Ag (GAg-original sample). Acknowledgement: We are grateful to project CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0070 – IT4Innovations Centre of Excellence for financial support of this work. This paper has been elaborated in the framework of the Nanotechnology – the basis for international cooperation project, reg. no. CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0074 supported by Operational Programme 'Education for competitiveness' funded by Structural Funds of the European Union and state budget of the Czech Republic. 79 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC REFERENCES [1] BAKSHI, S. R., LAHIRI, D., AGARWAL, A.: Carbon nanotube reinforced metal matrix composites – a review. International Materials Reviews 55, 2010, pp. 1-24. 80 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC TiO2 – BASED SORBENT FOR LEAD IONS REMOVAL J. SEIDLEROVÁ1, M. ŠAFAŘÍKOVÁ2, L. ROZUMOVÁ1*, I. ŠAFAŘÍK2, O. MOTYKA1 Nanotechnology Centre, VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, 17. listopadu 15, 708 33 Ostrava; email: 2 Institute of Nanobiology and Structural Biology of GCR, Na Sadkach 7, 370 05, Ceske Budejovice 1 KEY WORDS: TiO2, sorption, lead ions The search of new technologies for removal of toxic metals from wastewaters has focused the attention to sorption technologies which are based on metal adsorption on biological materials (for example nut shells [1], maize leaves [2], tree ferns [3], grape stalk wastes [4]), various composites or clay minerals. TiO2 is widely used in industry as the white pigment in paints, as the filler and additive in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, as photocatalyst, and also as a sorbent [5]. The present study is focused on the sorption of Pb ions. Batch adsorption experiments were carried out, aiming to remove lead ions from aqueous solutions using nanopowder of TiO2. Non-magnetic nanopowder of TiO2 and magnetically modified nanopowder of TiO2 were employed for the sorption experiments. FeSO4 .7 H2O was used for synthesis of magnetically responsive TiO2. The suspension of non-magnetic TiO2 and FeSO4 .7 H2O (at pH 12) was treated by microwave irradiation for 10 min. The formed magnetically responsive composite was captured using an appropriate magnetic separator or NdFeB magnet. Then magnetic TiO2 formed was air dried at ca 60°C [6]. A detailed study of the process was performed using various concentrations of lead ions. Non-magnetic and prepared magnetic material were characterized by using scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction methods and AFM. The particle size and specific surface area were determined. The changes of Fe content in magnetically modified material after sorption experiments were observed as well. A flame atomic absorption spectrometer was used for determination the Pb and Fe concentration. Adsorption process has been modelled by various sorption isotherms. Acknowledgement: Authors thank to the financial support of Projects: GAČR No. 13 13709S/P503. This paper has been elaborated in the framework of the project New creative teams in priorities of scientific research, reg. no. CZ.1.07/2.3.00/30.0055, supported by Operational Programme Education for Competitiveness and co-financed by the European Social Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic and in the framework of the Nanotechnology – the basis for international cooperation project, reg. no. CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0074 supported by Operational Programme 'Education for competitiveness' funded by Structural Funds of the European Union and state budget of the Czech Republic. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] ORHAN, Y., BUYUKGUNGOR, H.: The removal of heavy metals by using agricultural wastes. Water Sci. Technology, 1993, vol. 28, pp. 247-255. BABARINDE, N. A. A., BABALOLA, J. O., SANNI, R. A.: Biosorption of lead ions from aqueous solution by maize leaf. Int. J. Phys. Science, 2006, vol. 1, pp. 23-26. HO, Y.S., CHIUB, W. T., HSUB, C. S., HUANGA, C. T.: Sorption of lead ions from aqueous solution using tree fern as a sorbent. Hydrometallurgy, 2004, vol. 73, pp. 55-61. 81 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC [4] [5] [6] VILLAESCUSA, I., FIOL, N., MARTÍNEZ, M., MIRALLES, N., POCJ, J., SERAROLS, J.: Removal of copper and nickel ions from aqueous solutions by grape stalks wastes. Water Researcher, 2004, vol. 38, pp. 992-1002. PEHLIVAN, E., ALTUN, T., CETIN, S., BHANGER, M. I.: Lead sorption by waste biomass of hazelnut and almond shell. J. Hazard. Mater. 167, 2009, pp. 1203-1208. SAFARIK, I., HORSKA, K., POSPISKOVA, K., MADEROVA, Z., SAFARIKOVA, M.: Microwave assisted synthesis of magnetically responsive composite materials. IEEE Trans. Magn. 49, 2013, pp. 213-218. 82 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC PROPERTIES OF KAOLINITE TREATED BY DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES M. TOKARČÍKOVÁ1*, K. MAMULOVÁ KUTLÁKOVÁ1, J. SEIDLEROVÁ1 1 Nanotechnology Centre, VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, 17. listopadu 15/2172, 708 33 Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic; email: KEY WORDS: kaolinite, calcination, leaching test This article deals with the influence of calcination on stability of kaolinite. Clay mineral kaolinite Al2Si2O5(OH)4 is a suitable material for prepare photoactive composite with TiO2 nanoparticles (NPs). The composite was prepared by hydrolysis of kaolinite (SAK47) and TiOSO4 (Precheza a.s.) as a TiO2 precursor. Prepared composite was dried at 105°C or calcination at 600°C. Not only photoactive properties of prepared composite are important but the stability and possible impact on the environment are important as well. Therefore, composite stability was studied by leaching test in demineralization water and extraction agents with different pH. However, determined concentration of leached aluminum was high, particularly in extract obtained by leaching of calcined composite. Therefore, kaolinite calcination was studied for deep understanding of the influence of method preparation on photoactive composite properties and its stability. Kaolinite was calcined at different temperatures (100°C, 200°C, 300°C, 400°C, 500°C, 600°C, 700°C and 800°C). After the calcination of kaolinite at 400 – 650°C, the process of kaolinite dehydroxylation results in formation of metakaolinite: Al2Si2O5(OH)4 → Al2Si2O5(OH)xO2-x + (2-x/2) H2O (1) K K K Q M M Q M M Q M K K with a low value of x (about 10% of residual hydroxyl groups in metakaolinite). Disordered structure of metakaolinite possesses a huge reactive potential. X-ray powder diffraction patterns of kaolinite calcined at 100°C (KA1) and 600°C (KA6) shows Fig. 1. KA1 KA6 5 10 20 30 40 50 2-Theta - Scale Fig. 1. XRPD patterns of kaolinite calcined at 100 °C (KA1) and 600 °C (KA6). Legend: K - kaolinite, M - muscovite, Q - quartz. Kaolinite treatment by different temperatures was leached in demineralization water and extraction agent simulated acid rains. Leaching test was prepared in accordance with European 83 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC technical standard EN 12457-2. The influence of calcination was evaluated by determination of aluminum, silicon and other elements in final extracts. Atomic emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (SPECTRO CIROS VISION) was used for determined of elements concentration. Structure changes of calcined kaolinite were determined by rtg. diffraction (Bruker D8 Advance diffractometer). 84 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC INFLUENCE OF VOID ON THE MECHANICAL PROPERTY OF NANOMATERIAL K. YODEN1*, Y. SAITO1, Q. YU1 1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Engneering, Yokohama National University Tokiwadai 79-5, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama, Japan; email: KEY WORDS: Ag-nano, SiC-chip, void, nanomaterial, high-temperature power device In recent years, many engineers develop electric vehicles. The power device are required high performance, miniaturization and weight saving. Previous power device use Si-chip, so the upper limit of the operating temperature is 150C. It enlarge cooler and prevent power device to be smaller. Now SiC-chip are developed as an alternative to Si chip. SiC-chip can work 250C or more. It is expected that SiC chip enable power device to become smaller. However previous soldering melts high operating temperature. It is expected that bonding technology using nanoparticles solve this problem. Sintering mechanism of nanoparticle is complex and unexplained. It is known that sintered material of nanoparticle possesses many micro voids. We have two tasks to use this nano-particle effectively. One is to clarify relation void and sintering conditions. And two is to clarify the effect void give nanoparticle material. In this study, I study influence that voids give the mechanical property of nanomaterial. Fig. 1. Section having the void of a uniform shape. Fig. 2. Section having the void of a heterogeneous shape. Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 are SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) images of a cross-section of Ag-nano sintered material which are sintered under same condition. The images show that void shape, size, place and rate are various. To clear relation these elements and mechanical property, I simulated some model using FEM analyse. Fig. 3 is model.1 and model.2 which are given by Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. Model.1 have voids which are uniform shape, and model.2 have voids which are heterogeneous shape. These models are unified by 9.5% void rate. Size of these models are one side of the square 80 m. I cut these models in mesh one side is 1 m, and vertical and horizontal strained force of 1% in models.1 and 2. We investigated the effects of void. Fig. 3. model.1 (left) and model.2 (right). 85 25 25 20 20 Stress[MPa] Stress[MPa] NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC 15 Vartical 10 Horizontal 5 0 15 Vertical 10 Horizintal 5 0 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 0 Strain[%] Fig. 4. S-S diagram (model.1). 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 Strain[%] 1 Fig. 5. S-S diagram (model.2). Yong's modulus [GPa] Fig. 4 shows that when the strain is 1%, 68,0 68,0 vertical stress is higher than horizontal stress by 70,0 3.9% in model.1. Fig. 5 shows that when the 60,0 strain is 1%, vertical stress is higher than 50,0 model.1 36,4 36,0 34,9 horizontal stress by 18.5% in model.2. From 40,0 30,0 model.2 these results, I understood the heterogeneous 30,0 Al(bulk) shape of void bring about anisotropy. Fig. 6 is 20,0 Young’s modulus which are calculated by 10,0 degree of leaning of the s-s diagram. Fig. 6 0,0 show that Young’s modulus in model.1 are Horizontal Vertical hardly a difference in vertical direction and a Fig. 6. Young’s modulus. horizontal direction. And the difference in the case of bulk is approximately 46%. In model.2, horizontal Young’s modulus is higher than vertical Young’s modulus by 14.3%. It means model.2 have anisotropy. And the difference in the case of bulk is approximately 56%. Thus, the approximately 10% of void lower 45-55% of Young's moduluses. And the influence of void is depend on shape of void. And heterogeneous shape of voids make anisotropy. So when metal nanoparticles materials are used, it is necessary to control a not only rate of void but also shape of void by sintering condition. REFERENCES [1] YAMAGIWA, M., YU, Q., FUJITA, M., SHINOHARA, M., MURAKAMI, Y.: ”ReliabilityStudy of Mouting Structure for HighTemperature Power Semiconductor Device Chip Using High Purity Aluminium”, Proceedings of Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems (ITherm2008), Orlando Florida, 2008. 86 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC DETERMINATION OF ANISOTROPIC CRYSTAL OPTICAL PROPERTIES USING MUELLER MATRIX SPECTROSCOPIC ELLIPSOMETRY K. POSTAVA1,2, R. SÝKORA2*, D. LEGUT2, J. PIŠTORA2 Department of Physics, Technical University of Ostrava, 17. listopadu 15, 708 33 Ostrava – Poruba, Czech Republic 2 Nanotechnology centre, Technical University of Ostrava, 17. listopadu 15, 708 33 Ostrava – Poruba, Czech Republic; email: 1 KEY WORDS: spectroscopic ellipsometry, anisotropic crystal, Mueller matrix, permittivity tensor Recent development in spectroscopic ellipsometry and ellipsometric instrumentation triggers wide applications of the technique to characterize anisotropic nanostructures, periodic systems, and also crystals with reduced symmetry. Moreover, the Mueller matrix ellipsometry, i.e. measurement of all 15 reduced Mueller matrix elements, enables a complete characterization of reflection properties of the samples, including phenomena as mode conversion and depolarization [1]. The main task is usually to determine spectra of all components of the permittivity tensor. The number of independent components depends on crystal symmetry. In this paper the Mueller matrix ellipsometry in the spectral range from 0.73 to 6.4 eV measured using dual rotating compensator ellipsometer RC2 (Woollam company) is applied to study anisotropic crystals with tetragonal and monoclinic symmetry. As a typical uniaxial sample we have characterized a rutile (TiO2) tetragonal crystal. The optical axis of the sample is parallel to its surface. The sample is characterized at variable angle of incidence and variable azimuthal rotation angle. Figure 1 shows typical Mueller matrix spectra compared with data fit obtained using the matrix model based on light propagation in anisotropic stratified media. The angle of incidence of 45° and the azimuthal angle of approximately 45° were chosen. The non-zero off-diagonal blocks of the matrix show mode conversion due to the optical anisotropy. We discuss the sensitivity to determine ordinary and extraordinary optical functions for various directions of the optical axis. We also discuss application of Mueller matrix ellipsometry to determine optical functions of crystals with monoclinic symmetry. The crystal is characterized by four independent permittivity tensor elements (three diagonal and one off-diagonal) [2]. The crystals of Cu(H2O)(C2H8N2)SO4 attract strong interest due to their magnetic properties. The crystal exhibits monoclinic symmetry with the axis inclination of 105.5 degree. Obtained spectra from Mueller matrix ellipsometry are compared with ab-initio models based on density function theory (DFT). 87 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC Mueller matrix components –0.3 0.08 0.1 –0.4 0 –0.5 –0.1 –0.3 0.98 –0.5 0.1 –0.1 0.08 0 –0.04 2 4 6 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 –0.9 0 –0.1 –0.2 –0.3 0.1 0 –0.1 –0.2 0.04 0.1 0 –0.1 –0.2 –0.8 0.02 0 –0.02 0 0 0.02 0 –0.02 –0.04 1 –0.4 0.04 2 4 6 –0.8 –0.85 –0.9 2 4 6 2 4 6 Photon energy(eV) Fig. 1. Spetra of Mueller matrix elements of the rutile crystal. The measured data (blue dots) are compared with the model (red lines). Acknowledgement: Partial support from the projects CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0070 (IT4Innovations), CZ.1.05/2.1.00/01.0040 (RMTVC), IRP 167/2014, and Czech Science Foundation 13-30397S is acknowledged. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] GARCIA-CAUREL, E., OSSIKOVSKI, R., FOLDYNA, M., PIERANGELO, A., DRÉVILLON, B., DE MARTINO IN A.: LOSURDO, M., HINGERL, K. (EDS.): Ellipsometry at the Nanoscale, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013. JELLISON JR., G. E., MCGUIRE, M. A., BOATNER, L. A., BUDAI, J. D., SPECHT, E. D., SINGH, D. J., Phys. Rev. B 84 (2011) 195439. SYKORA, R., LEGUT, D.: J. Appl. Phys. 115, (2014) 17B305. 88 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC OBSERVATION OF MAGNETIC FIELDS AROUND PLASTIC DEFORMATION AREA IN LOW CARBON ALLOY STEEL K. KIDA1*, M. ISHIDA1, K. MIZOBE1 1 University of Toyama, 3190, Gofuku, Toyama City, Toyama Prefecture, 930-8555, Japan; email: KEY WORDS: magnetic flux density, plastic deformation, scanning hall probe microscopy Failure of machine elements is mainly caused by fatigue crack growth occurring as results of cyclic stress concentration. Following the pioneering studies by Orowan and Irwin many investigations have been carried out in order to understand the fatigue crack growth in steels. One of the important topics in this field is plastic deformation occurring around the crack tip. Non-destructive methods that can be related to the plastic deformation around small crack tip area are necessary to study the crack growth. For our previous works, we developed a scanning Hall probe microscope (SHPM) equipped with GaAs films and observed fatigue cracks growing from artificial slits in steels (JIS, SUJ2 [1,2], S45C [3]). Furthermore, we applied this SHPM technique to contact problem of tool steel (SKS93) [4], fatigue of welding part (SS400) [5], tensile loading of thin plate (SKS93) [6] and plastic deformation around a Vickers indentation (SKS93) [7]. A one-dimensional sensor was used in the first research. From the second research, three-dimensional observations were carried out using three 10 µm-sized Hall films in order to study the features of magnetic fields under various loadings. Fig. 1. Vertical component of three-dimensional magnetic flux density (Bz) in a specimen. Observation covers the area of (x, y) = (6.0 mm, 12.0 mm). The observations of magnetic flux density were done after magnetization, before the tests (a), and after the second indentation test (b). Plastic deformation area expands as the crack grows. In the present research we induced two Vickers indentations along the center line on a low carbon alloy steel plate (JIS, S45C) and observed the relation between magnetic field and plastic deformation. Demagnetization was done by using a coil in order to normalize the initial magnetic field of the specimen. After the demagnetization, a permanent magnet block was slid along the center line area of the specimen. The size and residual magnetic flux density of the block were 1 – 10 – 10 mm3 and 99 mT, respectively. Three components of the magnetic field, Bx, By and Bz were compared before and after the indentation tests. 89 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC Magnetic component, Bz [mT] Fig. 1 is an example of the magnetic fields Initial distribution 1.0 before and after the tests. After the first and second Vickers indentations were induced on the specimen surface, they were observed. The load 0.9 and diagonal length of the indentations were 20 kgf and 300 μm. Fig. 1(a) shows a magnetic field component (Bz) in a direction vertical to the 1st indentation 0.8 specimen surface before the test, and (b) is after the second indentation test. The distance between 2nd indentation 5.7 mm 6.6 mm 0.7 these indentations was 900 µm. The positions of 0 4 8 12 the first and second indentations were y = 5.7 mm y [mm] and 6.6 mm, respectively. We can see clearly the Fig. 2. Change in magnetic field component, Bz, due to Vickers indentations. changes in magnetic fields in a circle of Fig. 1(b). Observation area was divided into 10 µm-width segments whose longitude axes are parallel to the x-axis, and all of the magnetic components in the segments were compared to their initial values observed before testing. The segment coordinates are numbered along the y-axis. The peak to bottom value in each segment was calculated with the maximum and minimum values in it. After the calculation, distributions of the peak to bottom values of Bx, By and Bz in all segments were arranged along the y-axis. Fig. 2 shows the changes in the peak to bottom values of Bz before and after the indentation tests. When comparing the magnetic components after the first and second indentations, it is found that the bottom peak area expands toward the second indentation area along the center line (y-axis). The left part of the curve measured after the first indentation test corresponds to that after the second test. This means the magnetic fields record the change in plastic deformation. Acknowledgement: A part of this research was supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, JSPS (KAKENHI, Scientific Research (c), No. 23560089). REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] KIDA, K., TANABE, H., OKANO, K.: Changes in magnetic flux density around fatigue crack tips, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 32, 3, 2009, pp. 180-188. KIDA, K., SANTOS, E. C., HONDA, T., KOIKE, H., ROZWADOWSKA, J.: Observation of magnetic flux density around fatigue crack tips in bearing steel using a SHPM with a threedimensional small-gap probe, Int. J. Fatigue, 39, 2012, pp. 38-43. KIDA, K., SANTOS, E. C., URYU, M., HONDA, T., ROZWADOWSKA, J., SARUWATARI, K.: Changes in magnetic field intensities around fatigue crack tips of medium carbon low alloy steel (S45C, JIS), Int. J. Fatigue, 56, 2013, pp. 33-41. KIDA, K., URYU, M., HONDA, T., SANTOS, E. C., SARUWATARI, K.: Three-Dimensional Observation of Magnetic Fields in Alloy Tool Steel under Spherical Hertzian Contact, Materials Research Innovations, 18, Supplement1, 2014, pp. 71-75. KIDA, K., HONDA, T., SANTOS, E. C., SARUWATARI, K., URYU, M., HOURI, K., TANABE, T., KANEMASU, K.: Three-dimensional Magnetic Microscopy of Early Stage Fatigue in WMZ of Low Carbon Steel Plates (JIS-SS400), Materials Research Innovations, 18, Supplement1, 2014, pp. 66-70. KIDA, K., URYU, M., HONDA, T., SANTOS, E. C.: Changes in Three-dimensional Magnetic Fields of Star shaped JIS-SKS93 Plates Embedded in Clear Acrylic Cold Mounting Resin under Tensile Loads, Materials Research Innovations, 18, Supplement1, 2014, pp. 89-93. HONDA, T., SANTOS, E. C., KIDA, K.: Scanning Hall probe microscopy of residual magnetic fields around plastic deformation of Vickers indentations in carbon tool steel (JIS, SKS93), Mechanics of Material, 69, 2014, pp. 262–269. 90 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC MAGNETO-PLASMONIC PROPERTIES OF Au/Fe/Au PLANAR NANOSTRUCTURES: THEORY AND EXPERIMENTS J. VLČEK1,3*, M. LESŇÁK2, P. OTIPKA3 National Supercomputing Centre IT4Innovations, VŠB-TU Ostrava, Czech Republic; email: 2 Regional Materials Science and Technology Centre, VŠB-TU Ostrava, Czech Republic 3 Dept. of Mathematics and Descriptive Geometry, VŠB-TU Ostrava, Czech Republic 1 KEY WORDS: magneto-plasmonics; response factors; sensitivity criteria The non-reciprocity of magnetooptical reflection response by surface plasmon excitation in the planar Au/Fe/Au/glass nano-systems with prism coupling is studied. These structures are intended as magnetic field sensor units combining magneto-optical and surface-plasmonresonance effects. In order to simulate the diffraction response of discussed structures to external magnetic field theoretical model based on matrix algorithm is applied. The ability of MO-SPR systems to sensing of magnetic field is analysed using the response factor 0.3 Au 7 nm, Fe 8 nm, Au 14 nm 0.25 0.2 0.15 K = tan 0.1 r F 0.05 0 -0.05 -0.1 -0.15 -0.2 45 45.5 46 46.5 incidence angle [deg] 47 Fig. 1. Sensitivity criteria F and K. r() R pp Rpp R pp Rpp , (1) where Rpp denotes the reflectance of p-polarized beam; and, the sign in upper index relates to the orientation of external magnetic field. Unlike our previous work [1] the newly proposed sensitivity criteria F and K are applied (see Fig. 1). Obtained theoretical results are compared with experiments realized using the measuring device Multiskop (Optrel GbR, Germany). In particular, the intensity of reflected light is detected in dependence to the angle of incidence at the wavelength 632.8 nm. We completed this equipment by digitally controlled electro-magnet, which enables production of a predefined magnetic field in transversal configuration. REFERENCES [1] VLČEK, J., LESŇÁK, M., PIŠTORA, J., ŽIVOTSKÝ, O.: Magneto-optical sensing of magnetic field, Optics Communications 286, 2013, pp. 372-377. 91 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC 92 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC IMAGE ANALYSYS VIA REACTION DIFFUSION SYSTEM FOR EDGE DETECTION K. NAKANE1*, H. MAHARA2, K. KIDA3 1 Osaka University, Faculty of medicine, 1-7, Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka, Japan; email: 2 Chiba University Hospital, 1-8-1, Inohana, Chuo-ku, Chiba-shi, 260-8677, Japan 3 University of Toyama, Gofuku 3190, Toyama1-8-1, Inohana, Chuo-ku, Chiba-shi, 260-8677, Japan KEY WORDS: reaction diffusion, edge detection, homology To measure the particle size of the material and to analyze the images of the structure, we need to detect the edge of the particle. Since the grain boundaries are not so clear, it takes a lot of time to detect them, manually. Here, we will present a support method to detect the edge from material images. By solving non-linear partial differential equations numerically, we make blurry images clear. Combining ordinary image analysis method, we will take the edge of grain. In this talk, we introduce the results of our method, and discuss the possibility of this method. (a) (b) (c) Fig. 1. (a) The image of SUJ2 (Q3T1). (b) The numerical result of reaction diffusion equation. (c) The superimposed images of (a) and (b). This method is developed for edge detection and figure-ground separation [1]. This method can realize a high quality processing on noisy image compared with the Median filter [2]. Nomura et al. extended this algorithm in order to detect edge from a gray-scale image [3]. This algorithm was applied, recently, for detection of blood vessels in fingertips [4]. The reaction-diffusion equations consist of three variables with diffusion terms. Two of them are the FitzHugh-Nagumo equations that are a model of nerve membrane [5, 6]. Another 93 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC one is a variable for averaging threshold that is introduced by Nomura et al.. Precise equations are described in the reference therein. Fig. 1 shows the result of the edge detection with this method. (d) (e) Fig. 2. (d) Noise reduction result of (c). (e) The image that (d) is superimposed on (b). By adding a manual correction (noise reduction and so on), we can detect the edge easily. For this purpose, we need useful GUI system. To make a GUI that suits the purpose of the engineer, it would be necessary to devise in each scene. We are very glad, if we could discuss the direction of development. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] NOMURA, A., ICHIKAWA M., MIIKE H., EBIHARA M., MAHARA H., SAKURAI T.: Ralizing Visual Functions with Reaction-Diffusion Mechanism: Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 72, 2003, pp. 2385-2395. EBIHARA M., MAHARA H., SAKURAI T., NOMURA A., MIIKE H., Image processing by a discrete Reaction-Diffusion System: Proceeding of Visualization, Imaging and Image Processing 396, 2003, pp. 145-150. NOMURA, A., ICHIKAWA M., SIANIPAR R. H., MIIKE H.: Edge Detection with ReactionDiffusion Equations Having a Local Average Threshold: Pattern Recognision and Image Analysis 10, 2008, pp. 289-299. NAKANE, K. AND MAHARA, H: A numrical method to detect the edge of vessels, in preparation. FITZHUGH R.: Impulses and Physiological States in Theoretical Models of Nerve Menbrene: Biophysical Journal 1, 1961, pp. 445-466. NAGUMO J., ARIMOTO S., YOSHIZAWA S.: An Active Pulse Transmission Line Simulationg Nerve Axon: Proceeding of the IRE 50, 1962, pp. 2061-2070. 94 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC EFFECTS OF INCLUSION ON THE IN-PLANE MECHANICAL PERFORMANCE OF MICRO-LATTICE PLATE K. USHIJIMA1*, W. J. CANTWELL2, D. H. CHEN3 1 Tokyo University of Science, 6-3-1 Niijyuku, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo, Japan; email: Khalifa University of Science, PO Box 12778, Abu Dhabi, UAE 3 Jiangsu University, 301 Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, P.R. China 2 KEY WORDS: micro-lattice structure, initial stiffness, yield strength, finite element method Cellular structures, such as honeycombs, lattices and foams have been taken attention and used for many structural applications owing to their superior mechanical performance per unit mass. For decades, many researchers have been investigated the mechanical properties of cellular structures with regular and irregular cells by using numerical, theoretical and experimental approaches. One of our authors have developed the selective laser melting (SLM) technique for manufacturing microlattice structures at length scales of microns. The micro-lattice structure can be produced by using CAD data, so the micro-architecture of the structure can be changed easily to enhance the overall (b) with non-uniform cells mechanical properties such as initial (a) with uniform cells Fig. 1. Photos of micro-lattice structure by SLM technique. stiffness, plastic collapse or buckling strength and impact energy absorption capacity. Figure 1 shows the example of micro-lattice block with two types of inner cells. The effects of hole and inclusions on the mechanical performance of honeycomb structures have been investigated by other researchers. However, the micro-lattice structure investigated has much potential for improving the mechanical properties by changing the strand’s length, angles between adjacent strands. In this study, the in-plane mechanical properties of the micto-lattice plate with inclusion is analysed by using numerical analysis, Finite Element Method. The inclusion is centred in the plate, and subjected to in-plane tension load. In our discussion, the effects of inclusions on the initial stiffness and plastic collapse strength are discussed. The inclusions investigated here are modelled by holes, softer (coarser) cells and harder (finer) cells. Figure 2 shows analytical models investigated in this study. Also, Figures 3 shows variations of initial stiffness E* and plastic collapse strength σ*pl with the defect width w. It can be understood that the initial stiffness depends strongly on the shape of holes, and decreases nonlinearly as the width w increases. On the contrary, the plastic collapse strength for each plate is almost coincident under the same width w, and decreases linearly as w increases. That is because the plastic collapse strength is mainly governed by the weakest point of the plate, and the weakest point can be observed at the edge of the hole. 95 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC (a) Defect-w (b) Defect-s (c) Defect-d (d) Nu-1_2 Fig. 2. Examples of lattice plates with holes or inclusion. (e) Nu-2_1 (a) for initial stiffness (b) for plastic collapse strength Fig. 3. Variations of defect width w on material properties. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] GIBSON, L. J., ASHBY, M. F.: Cellular Solids: Structure and Properties, 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge Press 1997. SILVA, M. J., GIBSON, L. J.: The Effects of Non-periodic Microstructure and Defects on the Compressive Strength of Two-dimensional Cellular Solids, International Journal of Mechanical Science 39, 1997, pp. 549-563. GUO, X. E., GIBSON, L. J.: Behavior of Intact and Damaged Honeycombs: a Finite Element Study, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 41, 1999, pp. 85-105. CHEN, C., LU, T. J., FLECK, N. A.: Effect of Imperfections on the Yielding of TwoDimensional Foams, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 47, 1999, pp. 2235-2272. CHEN, C., LU, T. J., FLECK, N. A.: Effects of Inclusions and Holes on the Stiffness and Strength of Honeycombs, International Journal of the Mechanical Sciences 43, 2001, pp. 487-504. 96 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC ASSESSMENT OF STRUCTURES LOADED AT CREEP S. VEJVODA1*, P. POPPELKA2, P. RYŠAVÝ1 1 2 VÍTKOVICE ÚAM a.s., Mezírka 775/1, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic; email: SES Tlmače, a.s., Továrenská 210, 935 28 Tlmače, Slovak Republic KEY WORDS: oxide layer (scale), tube, strain, stress, crack, exfoliation, delamination, fracture toughness, stress intensity factor, creep strain, membrane stress, stress concentration, metal The operational parameters of classical power plants are continually increased. Many times there was not respected that used material has the limit of usability for reliable service at lower operational temperatures than an increased operation temperature only upon 30°C. Parameters effecting the damage from the oxide layer Fe3O4 (magnetite) on the tube head transfer surface were analyzed for head resisting steel Cr-Mo-V, specification 15 128.5. A study was made in accordance with [1] and [2]. The oxide layer continually arose on the inside tube surface 38x6.1 mm made from steel 15 128.5. For the oxide layer Fe3O4 the following were used: i = 4.5 [J.m-2]; EOX = 208000 [MPa]; KIc = 1.4 [MPa.m0.5] and Poisson number = 0.262 [3]. The study was carried out for following parameters: thickness of the oxide layer d = 0.01 mm ÷ 1.0 mm; half-axis of the defect in the oxide layer c = 0.01 mm ÷ 1.0 mm; asperity of the tube inside surface r = 1.6 m; 3.2 m and 6.3 m; radius of the delaminated area of the oxide layer created on the tube metal R = 0.025 mm ÷ 20.0 mm; - wave length of the rough interface on the boundary oxide/metal = 0.025 mm ÷ 20.0 mm; - coefficient f related with geometry, for real defect f =1. - Some results of the analysis: - oxide layer (scale) with the defect of c =10 μm would crack at the limit strain ct = 0.12 %; - interfacial defect of c = 10 m on the boundary oxide layer/metal would be begin growth under compressive stresses when the critical strain reaches the value of ci = - 0.1%; - buckling of the oxide layer under compressive stresses would arrive at the critical strain cb -1.0 [%], when its thickness is d 1 mm and the radius of the delaminated area is R 10 mm; - circumferential shearing under compressive stresses on the bulging oxide layer d 1 mm of the delaminated area R = 20 mm located on the boundary oxide layer/metal would not occur at strain cbf -0.01 [-]; - critical value of strain cs Fig. 1. Exfoliation of the delaminated oxide layer Fe3O4 on the inside surface of the tube necessary for exfoliation of the oxide layer does not fall under 1.90 [%] when the thickness of the oxide layer is d 1.0 mm, the length wave is 20 mm, and roughness of r = 1.6 m. 97 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC Exfoliation of the delaminated oxide layer Fe3O4 on the inside surface of the tube was analyzed by program ANSYS for nominal operation conditions of the boiler (p = 22.1 MPa, T = 625°C, t = 30 years). The calculated value of the stress intensity factor KI = 4.07 MPa.m0.5 is greater than the fracture toughness of the oxide layer KIc= 1.4 MPa.m0.5. The calculated strains of the oxide layer were greater than their critical values for damage of the oxide layer as well. When creep strain limits for given steels are not know, it is possible to use limits given in [4]. It means 1% for membrane stresses, 2% for bending stresses and 5% for the stress concentration area. Creep strains are usually calculated in areas of membrane stresses. The FEM programs enable calculation of the whole structure, in which geometrical notches are present. Compressive stresses and strains were calculated at these geometrical notches. The big “compressive creep deformation” was calculated by the FEM in the small area of these notches and until after stress relaxation the character of creep deformation was changed to tension. This problem was discussed with creep specialists in the Czech Republic. Fig. 2. Detail of analyzed structure; points A, B, H – stress concentration. Fig. 3. Point A, 2nd principle strain; compressive stress, relaxation and growth of c. Fig. 4. Creep strain intensity c at area of membrane stresses. Fig. 5. Creep strain intensity c at the stress concentration area; boundary c =5 % is in red. Acknowledgment: The authors gratefully acknowledge the support by Technological agency of the Czech Republic for project No. TA02011179. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] SCHÜTZE, M.: Modelling oxide scale fracture. Materials at High Temperatures, Volume 22, Numbers 1-2, February 2005, pp. 147-154. SCHÜTZE, M, TORTORELLI, P.F., WRIGHT, I.G.: Development of a Comprehensive Oxide Scale Failure Diagram. Oxid Met (2010) 73: pp. 389-418 Gercek: Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. 44 (2007) Cases of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Case N-47-29, Class 1. Components in Elevated Temperature Service. Section III, Div. 1, 1990. 98 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC DIFFUSION OF HYDROGEN IN THE TRIP 800 STEEL J. SOJKA1*, P. VÁŇOVÁ1, V. VODÁREK1, M. SOZANSKA2 Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic; email: 2 Faculty of Materials Engineering and Metallurgy, Silesian University of Technology, Katowice, Poland 1 KEY WORDS: hydrogen electrochemical permeation, TRIP 800 steel, hydrogen embrittlement The presented paper is devoted to the study of hydrogen diffusion in the C-Mn-Si TRIP 800 steel containing 0.2 wt. % of C, 1.5% of Mn and 1.5% of Si. The steel was tested in three different states: in as-received state after hot and cold rolling and subsequent heat treatment; and furthermore after 5% and 10% tensile deformation. The tensile deformation resulted in an increase of mechanical properties (Re, Rm) and in a decrease of retained austenite content from 11.0% in as-received state to 2.2% after 10% tensile deformation. Hydrogen diffusion characteristics were studied by means of electrochemical permeation method. Electrochemical hydrogen permeation 9E-07 tests were carried out using a Devanathan8E-07 Stachurski two-component cell separated 7E-07 first build up transient by a steel membrane – working electrode. 6E-07 The exit side of the working electrode was 5E-07 second build up transient palladium coated to prevent from 4E-07 3E-07 hydrogen atom recombination during decay transient 2E-07 permeation experiments. Hydrogen 1E-07 charging cell was filled with 0.05M 0E+00 H2SO4, while the exit cell was filled with without 5% tensile 10% tensile 0.1 M NaOH solution. The exit cell was deformation deformation deformation de-aerated by argon bubbling before and Fig. 1. Hydrogen diffusion coefficients Deff for all studied states. during experiments. Firstly, the entry side of the specimen was polarized anodically at a current density of + 35 At the end of this period (5 minutes), H2SO4 charging solution was renewed continuously to eliminate metallic ions from the solution. After that, two build-up transients (BUT) were recorded, the first one at the charging current density of -20, the second one at the charging current density of -35 Before ending the experiment hydrogen charging was stopped and a decay transient (DT) was also recorded. Hydrogen diffusion coefficients were calculated using the time-lag method according to Eq. 1: D L2 , 6t L (1) where L represents the membrane thickness and tL corresponds to the time where the permeation current reaches 63% of its steady-state value. Sub-surface hydrogen concentration was calculated using Eq. 2: i L C H0 , DF where i is a steady-state current density and F is Faraday’s constant. 99 (2) NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC The results of hydrogen diffusion coefficients are presented in Fig. 1. It is obvious that the lowest values of hydrogen diffusion coefficient were always obtained for the first BUT. It can be related to hydrogen trapping in both reversible and irreversible traps. The hydrogen diffusion coefficient corresponding to the first BUT was higher for the state after 10% tensile deformation. This behaviour confirms the hypothesis that formation of martensite facilitates hydrogen diffusion in the TRIP steel. Hydrogen diffusion coefficients corresponding to the second BUT were markedly higher and confirmed that most of traps were filled by hydrogen during the first BUT. Nevertheless, values of hydrogen diffusion coefficients still remained lower in comparison with conventional steels having bcc lattice. For decay transients hydrogen diffusion coefficients were usually situated between values obtained for the 1st and 2nd BUT. It confirms that during the first BUT hydrogen trapping can be expected and during DT hydrogen detrapping can be expected, influencing thus values of hydrogen diffusion coefficient. Measured data were also fitted with the theoretical curves of normalized hydrogen flux Jt/J. Measured data fitted very well with the theoretical curves for the second BUT in all studied states. However, for the first BUT and for the DT, the measured data were shifted to longer time in comparison with the theoretical curves confirming thus the important role of hydrogen trapping and detrapping. Hydrogen sub-surface concentration was calculated for the first BUT using Eq. 2. The obtained results showed that the sub-surface concentration of hydrogen was rather high mainly if the amount of retained austenite in the structure was not too low. In the as-received state, hydrogen sub-surface concentration reached 12.6 ppm, while after 10% tensile deformation, hydrogen concentration was 5.4 ppm. In this way the role of retained hydrogen as an important and very probably irreversible hydrogen trap was confirmed. The high sub-surface concentration of hydrogen in the studied TRIP steel can, at least partially, explain its rather high susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement [1]. The obtained results can be summarised as follows: - The values of hydrogen diffusion coefficients in the TRIP 800 steel were rather low and lay between 1.10-7 cm2.s-1 and 7.8.10-7 cm2.s-1; - The highest values of hydrogen diffusion coefficient were observed during the 2nd build up transient where the role of hydrogen trapping was limited; - A decrease of retained austenite content resulted in an increase of hydrogen diffusion coefficient; - The comparison of experimental data with the theoretical model showed a good fitting for the 2nd build up transient, while during the 1st build up transient and during the decay transient a shift of experimental data to longer time was observed. - Rather high sub-surface concentration of hydrogen was determined in the studied steel especially for states with higher retained austenite content. Acknowledgement: The authors are grateful to the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic for the financial support of the project No. LE13011 “Creation of a PROGRES 3 Consortium Office to Support Cross-Border Co-operation” and the project No. LO1203 "Regional Materials Science and Technology Centre - Feasibility Program". REFERENCES [1] SOJKA, J. at al.: Effect of hydrogen on the properties and fracture characteristics of TRIP 800 steels, Corrosion Science 53, 2011, pp. 2575-2581. 100 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC PRECIPITATION REACTIONS IN A COPPER - BEARING GOES V. VODÁREK1*, A. VOLODARSKAJA1, Š. MIKLUŠOVÁ2, J. HOLEŠINSKÝ1, O. ŽÁČEK2 VŠB – TU Ostrava, Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Ostrava, Czech Republic; email: 2 ArcelorMittal Frýdek-Místek, Czech Republic 1 KEY WORDS: GOES, precipitation processes, sulphides, nitrides, TEM Magnetic properties of grain oriented electrical steels (GOES) depend strongly on the sharpness of the Goss texture. It is believed that the perfection of the final texture is significantly affected by structural inheritance during a complex processing route of GOES 1. Factors which are considered to be very important for the formation of the Goss texture during high temperature annealing include the size of the initial grains with the Goss orientation, their orientation with respect to the other grains and the role of minor phases in grain boundary pinning 2, 3. The processing technology of Cu – bearing GOES comprises of following production steps: slab reheating – hot rolling and coiling – 1st cold rolling – decarburization annealing – 2nd cold rolling – high temperature annealing – thermal flattening. The effect of copper in GOES is not well understood. Copper is believed to play several roles 2: 1. Increase the volume fraction and stability of austenite during hot rolling in the two phase ( + ) region. 2. Small copper rich sulphides could inhibit grain growth during recrystallization processes (decarburization annealing and high temperature annealing). 3. Precipitation of - Cu could positively affect distribution of AlN particles, which are expected to be the most important inhibition phase 2. Ideal conditions for the precipitation of - Cu represents a slow heating rate during the initial stages of the high temperature annealing (less than 30°C/h) combined with the presence of many lattice defects after the 2nd cold rolling. At temperatures of normal grain growth - Cu precipitates are expected to dissolve. 4. Segregation of copper atoms at grain boundaries can modify their mobility. This paper deals with minor phase evolution in a Cu-bearing GOES during the following production steps of the AlN + Cu processing technology: hot rolling of slabs, 1st cold rolling + decarburization annealing and a slow heating to the temperature of primary recrystalization (620°C). Minor phases were investigated in TEM using carbon extraction replicas. Chemical composition of the strip after hot rolling is shown in Table 1. Decarburization annealing after the 1st cold rolling reduced the carbon content in the steel to 0.0029 wt.%. Table 1 Chemical composition of the steel investigated (after hot rolling), wt.%. C 0.03 Mn 0.25 Si 3.16 S 0.004 Cr 0.024 Cu 0.50 Altot. 0.014 Ti 0.004 N 0.009 In the state after hot rolling, ferrite grain boundaries were decorated by thin films of iron carbides. This precipitation took place after coiling. Intragranular particles were mostly formed by sulphides of manganese or complex sulphides of manganese and copper (up to 12 wt.%Cu). The size of these particles reached up to several hundreds of nanometres. Copper rich sulphides dissolved during hot rolling (Cu2S: Tsol = ca 950°C). A small number of precipitates consisted of TiN or AlN particles. No Cu rich metallic particles were detected. 101 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC Parameters of hot rolling and 1st cold rolling + decarburization annealing are stated in Table 2. Precipitation after decarburization annealing was much more pronounced. Grain boundaries were decorated by both AlN and Si3N4 particles. In the GOES Si3N4 nitrides represent a metastable phase, which is in the temperature interval of 700 – 900°C gradually replaced by AlN phase. Intragranular precipitation of AlN was very variable. Local differences in precipitation could be related to chemical heterogeneity of the strip inherited from hot rolling in the two phase field. Re-precipitation of copper sulphides (Cu2S) and copper rich complex sulphides of manganese and copper took place during decarburization annealing. The typical size of these particles was several tens of nanometres. In many cases nucleation of AlN particles on sulphides was observed. No copper rich metallic particles were detected. TiN particles were not affected by decarburization annealing. Table 2 Parameters of hot rolling and cold rolling + decarburization annealing (DCA). Thickness mm 2.5 Hot Rolling Tmax °C Tmin °C 1250 970 Tcoil. °C 600 Cold Rolling + DCA Thickness mm Tdecarb.°C 0.65 840 Laboratory simulation of a slow heating rate to the temperature of the primary recrystallization start (620°C) was carried out on the specimen after the 2nd cold rolling to the final thickness of 0.3 mm. Heating rate in a protective nitrogen atmosphere was v = 25°C/h. TEM analysis revealed identical minor phases as in the state after decarburization annealing, no - Cu particles were observed. However, a number density of minor phase particles decreased. It indicates that coarsening of precipitates occurred during the slow heating to the temperature of primary recrystallization. Results of investigations suggest that in the 0.5 wt.%Cu – bearing GOES precipitation of - Cu does not play a crucial role. Copper atoms dissolve in sulphides exhibiting significantly lower thermal stability than sulphides of manganese. Copper rich sulphides dissolve during hot rolling and re-precipitation of copper rich sulphides takes place during decarburization annealing. The most important inhibition phase in Cu – bearing GOES is AlN. Some nitrogen is also bound in a metastable Si3N4 phase. Intensive precipitation of these nitrides occurs during decarburization annealing. Slow heating to the temperature of primary recrystallization was accompanied by coarsening of nitrides, no - Cu particles were detected. Acknowledgement: This paper was created in the projects FR-TI3-053 and the project No. LO1203 “Regional Materials Science and Technology Centre – Feasibility Program” funded by Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] BERNIER, N., LEUNIS, E., FURTADO, C., VAN DE PUTTE, T. V., BAN, G.: EBSD Study of Angular Deviations from the Goss Component in Grain-oriented Electrical Steel. Micron, Vol. 54, 2013, p. 43. LOBANOV, M.L.: Upravlenije strukturoj i teksturoj eletrotechničeskoj anisotropnoj stali, Abstract of Doctoral Thesis, Jekaterinburg 2010, pp. 48 (in Russian). HUMPHREYS, F. J., HATHERLY, M.: Recrystallization and Related Phenomena, Elsevier, Amsterdam 2004. 102 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC CONCEPT OF DAMAGE MONITORING AFTER GRINDING FOR COMPONENTS OF VARIABLE HARDNESS A. MIČIETOVÁ1*, J. PIŠTORA2, Z. DURSTOVÁ1, M. NESLUŠAN1 University of Žilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Univerzitná 1, 010 26 Žilina, Slovak Republic; email: 2 Nanotechnology Centre, VŠB TU Ostrava, 17. listopadu 15, 70833 Ostrava, Czech Republic 1 KEY WORDS: heat treatment, grinding, Barkhausen noise Roll bearings are routinely heat treated in a variety of manners. Except induction or casehardening, conventional heat treatment is carried out to impart the high hardness and the corresponding high resistance against friction and contact wear. Annealing process is always performed after hardening to reduce the high internal stresses induced during rapid cooling. Further heat treatment is sometimes required to enhance the toughness of hardened parts. These parts are exposed to the elevated temperatures for a certain period within hardness of parts decreases as a result of carbides coarsening, decrease of dislocation density and stress relaxation. Hardness of such parts can vary in the range 38 to 62 HRC. Grinding operations are usually involved in production of bearings to achieve the required surface roughness, shape and dimension accuracy. Nowadays, additional requirements such as surface structure, hardness or stress state are needed to be fully filled due to its substantial influence on functionality of parts in operation. Non-destructive monitoring of critical surfaces has to be carried out to reveal the parts containing the unacceptable surface integrity. Magnetic method based on Barkhausen noise (BN) is very often employed for such purpose, especially ground surfaces due to the high sensitivity of BN emission to the thermally induced surface overtempering. BN originates from irreversible Bloch Walls (BW) motion during cyclic magnetization due to existence of pinning sites such as grain boundaries, dislocations, precipitates, other phases, etc. Ground parts can suffer from thermally induced burn as a result of excessive heat generation in the wheel – workpiece contact. Being so, BN emission increases in magnitude due to decreased pinning strength of thermally softened layer produced by improper grinding as a result of carbides coarsening and decrease of dislocation density (stress state is also altered) [1]. Thermally softened layer contributing to the more enhanced BN signal received on the frees surface layer can be easily contrasted and recognized when compared with untouched deeper regions in an optical image due to reduced resistance against etching. Concept for monitoring surface damage after grinding is based on the contrast between poor BN emission of untouched structure and enhanced BN response (its rms value) of the surface undergoing the elevated temperatures. This surface appears dark under optical observation [2]. On the other hand, such concept can fail when the hardness of a component decrease. Then the overtempering effect induced by grinding is shadowed by the previous heat treatment regime since the both processes can represent nearly the same thermal load of the surface. BN emission and its evolution (for instance, along with the progressive grinding wheel wear) depends on the annealing temperature and the temperature in wheel – workpiece contact. The higher annealing temperature is, the less pronounced contribution of the surface overtempering induced by grinding itself would be expected which in turn correspond to the less remarkable contrast between the deeper untouched and the near surface thermally softened layer. This study demonstrates that the evolution of BN and the BN features versus progressive grinding wheel wear for components of low hardness differ from those of high hardness. 103 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC 250 18 16 200 14 BN, mV 10 8 100 6 rms Peak Position 50 Peak Position, ma 12 150 4 2 0 0 20 25 30 35 40 ring n. Fig. 1. BN (rms) and Peak Position versus number of ground rings, 40 HRC. 0 5 10 15 Fig. 1 illustrates that the evolution of BN in grinding bearing steel 100Cr6 of hardness 40 HRC opposes to the progressive increase of BN emission usually obtained when parts of hardness 62 HRC are ground. Fig. 1 shows that BN values decrease when grinding wheel wear is more developed. It means that the surface altered by grinding process is composed of structure of high pinning strength considering BW motion. Increasing Peak Position indicates that effect of surface hardening dominates as a result surface heating (induced by grinding process) followed by self-cooling. This mechanism causes increasing hardness of near surface regions when compared to the deeper regions. Being so, the concept for monitoring surface integrity of such surfaces via BN technique should be reconsidered. This paper discusses the specific aspects of the surfaces heat treated to variable hardness. Surface characterization is determined by BN technique as well as the conventional ones such as metallographic observation, residual stresses measurement and microhardness readings. Acknowledgement: The authors gratefully acknowledge the support by Vega project n. 1/0097/12 and Regional Centre of Excellence reg. no. CZ.1.05/2.1.00/01.0040. REFERENCES [1] [2] MOORTHY, V. et. all.: Evaluation of heat treatment and deformation induced changes in material properties in gear steels using magnetic Barkhausen noise analysis, Conference ICBN 03, Tampere, Finland 2001. ČILLIKOVÁ, M., MIČÚCH, M., NESLUŠAN, M., MIČIETOVÁ, A.: Nondestructrive micromagnetic evaluation of surface damage after grinding, Manufacturing technology 2013, Vol. 13, No.2, pp. 152-157. 104 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC STUDY ON RELIABILITY EVALUATION METHOD OF ADHESION STRENGTH OF RESIN O. HONDA1*, Q. YU1 1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Yokohama National University Tokiwadai 79-5, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama, Japan; email: KEY WORDS: resin, young’s modulus, reliability evaluation method, adhesion The recent spread of hybrid cars and electric cars has been supported by downsizing and technological advance of the power modules. The power modules are composed by different materials. Thus, the mismatch by the expansion difference between materials occurs because of temperature increase in use. In this way, delamination occurs in the interface of encapsulant (resin) and other parts, and it becomes the reliability issue of the product. Therefore the establishment of the high heat-resistant resin packagfing technology is in demand. This study is aimed for proposed of the adhesion reliability evaluation method of the resin packaging. Specifically, it was intended to establish more quantitative method by improving previous adhesion evaluation method The delamination load in the conventional resin adhesion evaluation method is found by pushing with a tool, and destroying the resin part of specimen which bonded resin to the substrate. The delamination stress is provided by inputting the load into analysis. The test like that is called "pudding-cup test" because of form of specimen. The specimen and state of the examination are shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 1. Pudding-cup test. However, the conventional pudding cup test can evaluate only limited stress ratio of vertical direction and shear direction. Therefore, a new method that can evaluate a ratio of various stress was examined by improving a conventional test method. Specifically, Torsion occur in the Fig. 2. New pudding-cup test. adhesion interface of the specimen by attaching a jig on the specimen like a cantilever and pushing it. The flat knob district is prepared into the specimen to attach this jig. This test method is called "a new pudding cup test" as follows, and the state is shown in Fig. 2. The strength of the torsion can be controlled by adjusting the load point on a cantilever. If the test is reproduced on analysis, an interfacial stress state at the time of the fracture becomes clear. The result of preliminary analysis is shown in Fig. 3. From a Fig. 3, the shear stress in 105 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC the aspect (xz, yz plane) takes the maximum on the edge lap of the adhesion side, and the normal stress also takes the maximum in one point in the edge lap. Thus, the delamination occurs in an edge lap at a maximum point of the normal stress. A fracture condition is found by plotting the normal and shear stress at the starting point of delamination. Room temperature (25 degrees), a ceramic substrate, epoxy resin were used as an examination condition in this time. Three points 0[mm], 40[mm] and Fig. 3. Result of preliminary analysis. 100[mm] from the center of the pudding cup were chosen as a load point. The universal Pulling-bending testing equipment was used. The plot of the delamination stress that is found from the experiment and analysis is shown in Fig. 4. Only the case that normal stress was dominant was found out in the conventional examination, but, by the new pudding cup test, the delamination condition that the shear stress is dominant became available to be found out. As overall tendency, the graph is like a flat oval. Therefore, the normal stress gives the bigger contribution to the delamination compared to the shear stress. Fig. 4. Delamination condition of resin. Thus, the packaging resin adhesion reliability evaluation method that could cover a wider case was developed. In this time, it was carried out with room temperature, a ceramic substrate, but the evaluation in wider condition will be possible in the future, because even if these conditions are changed, the method of the examination does not change. If graphs such as Fig. 4 from various cases are found, it can be easily checked where delamination occurs in comparison with a true product. Therefore, it will be able to contribute to the reliability evaluation of the future product. REFERENCES [1] [2] MIYOSHI, T., SHIRATORI, M., ODA, J.: Daigakukiso Zairyourikigaku, Zikkyou Shuppan: 2006. Technical Information Institute Co.,Ltd.: Jushi to Kinzoku no settyaku setsugou gijutsu, Nihoninsatsu, 2012. 106 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC DIRECT BONDING OF Ti/Al BY METAL SALT GENERATION BONDING TECHNIQUE WITH FORMIC ACID T. AKIYAMA1*, S. KOYAMA2 1 2 Graduate School of Science and Technology, Gunma University, Japan; email: Faculty of Science and Technology, Gunma University, Japan KEY WORDS: surface modification, fracture, bonding strength, Ti, Al, formic acid In the past, methods such as brazing, friction stir welding and laser welding have been used for bonding titanium alloy and aluminum alloy. However, these techniques have some shortcomings: (1) microcracks are developed owing to the softening of the weld zone; (2) the gap in the weld zone results in corrosion; and (3) a high heat input is required to compensate for high heat radiation from titanium and aluminum. Moreover, the adverse effect of halogens present in the flux on the environment is also a cause of concern. In addition, tools used for friction stir welding have a short lifespan and this translates to higher running costs. Furthermore, aluminum is an excellent heat radiating and electricity conducting element; therefore, it is difficult to bond titanium and aluminum using other welding methods. Because of these limitations, solid-state bonding is considered to the most suitable method for bonding materials at low temperatures. In recent years, as an alternative to fusion bonding, solid-state bonding to assemble electronic parts have been proposed as packaging technologies for miniaturizing medical equipment, and some progress has been made in their practical application. Such components (low heat resistance and little mechanical strength) require a bonding method of low bonding temperature and pressure. The problem is that at an actual bonding surface, there is an oxide film and a machined layer. Therefore, the adhesion between surfaces at the bond interface is the removal of the oxide film is needed to obtain high strength. Recently, ultrasonic vibration or plasma processing has been studied as a method for breaking and cleaning a superficial oxide film. Indeed, in an earlier study, we showed that modification of an oxide film with formic acid greatly improves the strength of bonding between tins and tin and copper [1, 2]. In this paper, the effect of metal salt generation processing on the bond strength of the solidstate bonded interface of titanium and aluminum has been investigated by SEM observation of the interfacial microstructures and fractured surfaces. A cylindrical Ti specimen (Table 1) with dimensions of φ10 mm × 20 mm and cylindrical Al specimen (99.9% purity) with dimensions of φ20 mm × 20 mm was used in this experiment. Titanium surfaces were modified by boiling in formic acid (FA) for predetermined time. The faying surface of the aluminum was finished by electrolytic polishing. Solid-state bonding was performed in N2 gas at Table 1 Chemical composition of Titanium used in this study. C Ti H O N Fe bonding temperature of 733-773 K Elements wt% 0.0012 0.109 0.004 0.034 0.004 Bal. under a pressure of 12 MPa (bonding time of 900 s). Fig. 1 represents the relationship between metal salt generation processing time and tensile strength. As shown in Fig. 1, the optimum value of metal salt generation processing time was observed. It is inferred that the processing time is long; excessive metal salt were generated and the processing time is short; an oxide film were remained on the bonding surface. Fig. 2 shows the relationship between the bonding temperature and tensile strength of the joint. In order to illustrate the effect of metal salt generation processing, the corresponding relationship for a non-modified joint are also shown. As shown in Fig. 1, the tensile strength 107 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC Fig. 2. Effect of surface modification on the relation between tensile strength of joint and bonding temperature. σ = 11.8 MPa T = 733 K Ti σ = 23.7 MPa T = 753 K To examine the factors determining fracture at the bond interface, the area of the fractured surface was observed. As shown in Fig. 3, when the surface modification was not applied and the bonding temperature of 733 K, substances are not found to adhere to either surface. With a rise in bonding temperature, substances came to be observed in a pair in the fractured surfaces. When the metal salt generation processing was applied (bonding temperature of 733 K), the fractured surface started to show ductile fracture characteristics, although it was not observed when the metal salt generation processing was not applied. Thus, it was hypothesized that high-tensile strength joints were obtained at a lower bonding temperature with metal salt generation processing because the contact are between atomic plane was increased in the bonding process. non-modified Ti modified (FA) σ = 21.9 MPa T = 733 K increased with bonding temperature irrespective of metal salt generation processing and approached about 50 MPa at a bonding temperature approximately 25 K or more lower than that for the non-modified joint. σ = 58.3 MPa T = 753 K Fig. 1. Modification time vs. tensile strength. 10 μm Acknowledgement: This study was supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (c) Fig. 3. SEM images and EDX analysis results of the fractured surfaces (Ti side). (26820124) from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). REFERENCES [1] [2] KOYAMA, S., AOKI, Y., SHOHJI, I.: Effect of Formic Acid Surface Modification on Bond Strength of Solid-State Bonded Interface of Tin and Copper, Materials Transactions 51: 2010, pp. 1759-1763. KOYAMA, S., OYA, I.: Effect of Formic Acid Surface Modification on Bond Strength of SolidState Bonded Interface of Tin, J. Japan Inst. Metals 73: 2009, pp. 809-815. 108 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC DIRECT BONDING OF SUS304 STAINLESS STEEL BY METAL SALT GENERATION BONDING TECHNIQUE WITH FORMIC ACID T. TSUNETO1*, S. KOYAMA2 1 2 Graduate School of Science and Technology, Gunma University, Japan; email: Faculty of Science and Technology, Gunma University, Japan KEY WORDS: metal salt generation bonding, fracture, bonding strength, SUS304, formic acid In recent years, the demand for energy-efficient devices are increasing as societies around the world are becoming more environmentally conscious. Efforts to address this demand are being made in various fields including the medical equipment (automated bio chemical analyser and artificial heart-lung machine). Therefore, SUS304 stainless steel which is excellent in corrosion resistance, toughness and workability is widely used for manufacturing medical devices. We propose assembling medical devices using solid-state bonding rather than the fusion bonding method; this method is suitable for miniaturized medical equipment. Earlier research showed that surface modification decreased the bonding temperature required to obtain a high-bond-strength joint in the solid-state bonding of Cu/Sn [1]. In this investigation, we aimed to obtain a deeper understanding of the effect of metal salt generation bonding process on the performance of a solid-state bonded joint of SUS304 stainless steel by SEM observation of interfacial microstructure and fractured surfaces. The specimen to be bonded was a block 20 mm × 15 mm × 5 mm and a 5 mm × 100 mm × 0.178 mm sheet cut from SUS304 stainless steel plate. SUS304 stainless steel surfaces were modified by boiling in formic acid (50%) for 660 s. Solid-state bonding was performed in N2 gas at bonding temperature of 1023-1123 K under a pressure of 147 N (bonding time of 1800 s). In addition, the specimen was readied for solid-state bonding within 180 s after metal salt generation processing to avoid oxidation or changes in the bonding surface due to moisture absorption. After solid-state bonding, the peel strength was evaluated using universal testing machine at room temperature and a displacement speed of 0.017 mm/s. Fig. 1 represents the relationship between the bonding temperature and peel strength of the joint. In order to illustrate the effect of metal salt generation processing, the corresponding relationship for an unmodified joint and metal salt generation processing with formic acid is also shown. As shown in Fig. 1, the peel strength increase with bonding temperature irrespective of metal salt generation processing and approached 600 N at a bonding temperature approximately 100 K Fig. 1. Bonding temperature vs Peel strength. lower than that for the unmodified joint. At a bonding temperature of 1073 K or more, the peel strength was higher about 300 N than that of the non-modified joints. Therefore, it is inferred that the effect of metal salt generation processing were exerted at about 1073 K. Moreover, in the case of the surface were modified and a bonding temperature of 1123 K, fractures of the base metal a part in the joint occurred. To examine the factors determine fracture at the bond interface, the area of the fractured surface was observed with SEM. The results are shown in Fig. 2. As shown in Fig. 2, when the 109 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC Absorbance(a.u.) T = 1123 K T = 1073 K T = 1023 K surface was not modified and the bonding modified as polished temperature of 1023 K, substances are not found to adhere to either the surface. With a rise in bonding temperature, substances came to be observed in a part in the fractured surfaces. When the surface was modified and the bonding temperature of 1023 K, the fractured surface started to show ductile fracture characteristics, although it was not observed when the surface modification was not applied. Thus, it is hypothesized that highpeel-strength joints were obtained at a lower bonding temperature with metal salt generation processing because the contact area between SUS304 stainless steel was increased. It is generally thought that SUS304 stainless steel exposed to the atmosphere are immediately 10 μm covered with an oxide film. It is also well known that these oxides are factors that Fig. 2. SEM micrographs of fractured surfaces of joints after peel test: as polished and modified. obstruct the increase in bond strength. It is known that nickel (II) formate are formed by 1650 boiling or exposing these oxide film and base metal with formic acid. The GIRAS-IR 1350 spectrum are shown in Fig. 3. Whereas the IR modified spectrum of the non-modified sample shows only spectra characteristic to siloxane compounds as contaminations during the as polished polishing process, the IR spectrum of modified sample shows IR absorption bands 700 1100 1500 1900 characteristic to carboxylate at 1350 and -1 1650 cm-1, which indicates the existence of Wavenumbers, cm nickel (II) formate at the surface. It is known Fig. 3. GIRAS-IR analysis of Ni surface : as polished and modified. that at about 403 K, nickel (II) formate undergoes an endothermic decomposition reaction, as shown by following formula, to generate metallic nickel: Ni(HCOO)2 → Ni + H2↑ + 2CO2↑. (1) It is therefore thought that a high-peel-strength joint was obtained at a lower bonding temperature with metal salt generation process because metal salt such as nickel (II) formate at the bond interface underwent a decomposition reaction during bonding. Acknowledgement: This study was supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (c) (26820124) from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). REFERENCES [1] KOYAMA, S., AOKI, Y., SHOHJI, I.: Effect of Formic Acid Surface Modification on Bond Strength of Solid-State Bonded Interface of Tin and Copper, Materials Transactions 51: 2010, pp. 1759-1763. 110 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC DIRECT BONDING OF A6061 ALUMINUM ALLOY BY METAL SALT GENERATION BONDING TECHNIQUE WITH FORMIC ACID Y. TOMIKAWA1*, S. KOYAMA2 1 2 Graduate School of Science and Technology, Gunma University, Japan; email: Faculty of Science and Technology, Gunma University, Japan KEY WORDS: metal salt generation bonding, fracture, bonding strength, A6061, formic acid In recent years, the ease of recycling material and the demand for energy-efficient devices are increasing as societies around the world are becoming more environmentally conscious. Efforts to address this demand are being made in various fields including the automotive industry where attempts have been made to reduce the weight of cars and vessel. In particular, A6061 aluminum alloy have high strength, extrudability and are easily recyclable owing their low melting point. Therefore, A6061 aluminum alloy is widely used for manufacturing various structures. In solid-state bonding, materials are bonded together by applying heat and pressure to promote interdiffusion without any significant deformation of the materials. Moreover, since solid-state bonding involves only low bonding temperatures, the damage to a component is lesser than that in other methods, thus making this method suitable for bonding precision assemblies. However, in reality, a bonding surface has various defects such as surface irregularities, an oxide film and processing layer, which act as inhibitors to successful bonding [1]. During the early stages of solid-state bonding, surface irregularities on the bonding surfaces from closing properly. Later, as these gaps close, the oxide films on the bonding surfaces prevent the surface atoms from coming into contact with each other, thus lowering the bonding strength. Therefore, it is necessary to pre-treat a bonding surface before solid-sate bonding to remove any oxide film present on the surface. In this paper, we examine the effect of acetic acid surface modification on the bond strength of the solid-state bonded interface of A6061 aluminum alloy was investigated by SEM observations of interfacial microstructures and fractured surfaces. A cylindrical Al alloy specimen (Table 1) with dimensions of φ10 mm × 10 mm was used in this study. Before undergoing metal salt generation, the bonding surface was polished using electrolytic polishing method. The metal salt generation processing is carried out by boiling the aluminum alloy surface in a 5% NaOH solution for predetermined time and in a fixed at around 373 K. Solid-state bonding was performed in the atmosphere under the following conditions: bonding pressure, 18 MPa; bonding time, 900 s; and bonding temperature, 693-733 K. After solid-state bonding, the interfacial strength was evaluated using the tensile test. The tensile test was performed using a universal testing machine at room temperature and a displacement speed 0.167 mm/s. To specify the kind of compound formed on the surface after metal salt generation processing, the aluminum surface was identified by FT-IR. Fig. 1 represents the Table 1 Chemical composition of A6061 aluminum alloy. relationship between the Elements Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Zn Ti Al bonding temperature and mass% 0.68 0.30 0.31 0.11 1.00 0.16 0.05 0.02 Bal. tensile strength of the joint. In order to illustrate the effect of metal salt generation processing, the corresponding relationship for unmodified joints, modified by aqueous NaOH solution joint and metal salt generation processing with acetic acid is also shown. As shown in Fig. 1, the interfacial strength increased with bonding temperature irrespective of metal salt generation processing and approached a target interfacial strength (40 MPa) at a bonding temperature approximately 20 K lower than that for the unmodified joint and modified by aqueous NaOH solution joint. 111 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC Moreover, at a bonding temperature of 693 K, the modified joint had interfacial strength approximately 3 times as large as the unmodified joint and modified by aqueous NaOH solution joint. Therefore, it is inferred that the effect of metal salt generation processing were exerted at about 693 K. To examine the factors determine fracture at the bond interface, the area of the fractured surface was observed with SEM. The results were shown in Fig. 2. As shown in Fig. 2, when the surface was not modified and the bonding temperature of 693 K, substances are not found to adhere to either the surface. With a rise in bonding temperature, substances came to be observed in a pair in the fractured surfaces. When the surface was modified by aqueous NaOH solution and metal salt generation processing were applied (bonding temperature of 713 K), the fractured surface started to show ductile fracture characteristics, although it was not observed when the surface modification was not applied. Thus, it is hypothesized that high-interfacial strength joints were obtained at a lower bonding temperature with metal salt generation processing because the contact area between bonding surface was increased. Fig. 1. Effect of surface modification of the relation between interfacial strength and bonding temperature. Fig. 3 shows the FT-IR results of aluminum surface that is modified by acetic acid for metal salt Fig. 2. SEM micrographs of the fractured surfaces of joint after tensile test. generation after modifying the surface with aqueous NaOH solution. As shown in Fig. 3, the difference in the amount of aluminum oxide between non-metal salt generated and metal salt generated aluminum can also be observed. It is known that aluminum and aluminum oxide are changed into aluminum acetate by boiling the surface in acetic acid after boiling the surface in aqueous NaOH solution. As for the thermal decomposition of aluminum acetate, literature review shows that the compound thermally decomposed into Al2O3 granules, H2O, CO and CO2 at temperature ranging from 473-723 K. It is therefore thought that a high-interfacial-strength Fig. 3. FT-IR analysis results. joint was obtained at a lower bonding temperature with metal salt generation process because aluminum acetate at the bond interface underwent a decomposition reaction during bonding. Acknowledgement: This study was supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (c) (26820124) from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). REFERENCES [1] KOYAMA, S., KEAT, T. S., AMARI, S., MATSUBARA, K., SHOHJI, I.: Effect of Surface Modification by Aqueous NaOH Solution on Bond Strength of Solid-State Bonded Interface of Al, Materials Transactions 54: 2013, pp. 1975-1980. 112 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC EFFECT OF SURFACE MODIFICATION BY AQUEOUS NaOH SOLUTION ON BOND STRENGTH OF A5052 ALUMINUM ALLOY/Al AND Cu/Al X. MA1*, S. KOYAMA2 1 2 Graduate School of Science and Technology, Gunma University, Japan; email: Faculty of Science and Technology, Gunma University, Japan KEY WORDS: surface modification, fracture, bonding strength, A5052, Al, Cu, NaOH solution Aluminum is widely used for manufacturing cars and electronic devices. Currently, the most common method for bonding aluminum surfaces is brazing. However, brazing requires positional accuracy and results in the formation of voids by the flux residue; therefore, to avoid these problems, solid-state bonding methods are considered as a possible alternative. However, solid-state bonding also suffers from some problems that need to be overcome. One of these problems is the presence of an oxide film on aluminum surfaces, necessitating the need to remove or destroy the oxide film without applying high temperature and high load. Moreover, these techniques have some shortcomings: (1) microcracks are developed owing to the softening of the weld zone; (2) the gap in the weld zone results in corrosion; and (3) a high heat input is required to compensate for high heat radiation from aluminum. Furthermore, aluminum is an excellent heat radiating and electricity conducting element; therefore, it is difficult to bond aluminum using other welding methods. Because of these limitations, solid-state bonding is considered to be the most suitable method for bonding materials at low temperatures [1]. In this study, a bonding Table 1 Chemical composition of A5052 aluminum. Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Zn Ti Al surface was treated with Elements Si mass% 0.11 0.21 0.04 0.05 2.60 0.18 0.02 0.00 Bal. NaOH (aq) for removing the oxide film; moreover, the effectiveness of this treatment was determined by observing the bonding interfaces and fractured surfaces of specimens. A cylindrical Al specimen (99.9% purity) with dimensions of φ20 mm × 15 mm, a cylindrical A5052 aluminum alloy (Table 1) with dimensions of φ10 mm × 15 mm and cylindrical Cu specimen (99.9% purity) with dimensions of φ10 mm × 15 mm was used in this experiments. Before surface modification, the bonding surface was polished with a #800 emery paper. Surface modification was carried out by boiling the aluminum specimen in a 5% NaOH solution for Fig. 1. The effect of surface modification on tensile 20 s with the solution temperature fixed at strength of joints. around 373 K. The bonding surface was then washed with methyl alcohol. Solid-state bonding was performed in N2 gas at bonding temperature of 753 K under a pressure of 12 MPa (bonding time of 900 s). Furthermore, grazing-angle incidence reflection-absorption infrared (GIRAS-IR) spectroscopy was employed to obtain IR spectra for the modified aluminum surface at nanometer-scale depth. The spectra were obtained using a Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer (Thermo Fisher Inc., Magna-750) equipped with a mercury-cadmium-telluride (MCT) detector using a single reflection accessory (Harrick Inc., Seagull) at an incidence angle of 80°. An Au-coated mirror surface was used as the reflecting surface and measurements were carried out at a 113 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC wavenumber resolution of 8 cm-1. Moreover, the modifying actions of NaOH (aq) on the aluminum surface, after boiling a 10-µm-thick aluminum foil in NaOH (aq) for 30 s, we immediately subjected the specimen to differential scanning calorimetry (DSC, SII Seiko Instruments, DSC6200). Fig. 1 shows the effect of surface modification on the bond strength of joint. As shown in Fig. 1, the tensile strength increased with the surface modification irrespective of bonding material. However, when surface modification was applied for the joint between A5052 aluminum alloy and aluminum, the A5052/Al joint had a bigger ratio of rise in strength than the Cu/Al joint. On the basis of these results, it was inferred that the Cu/Al joint had low tensile strength because of the formation of an oxide film between the bonding surfaces, inhibiting intimate contact between the atomic planes of Cu and Al. It can be explained from difference in volume of deformation of the joint after solid-state bonding. Fig. 2. FT-IR analysis results of the aluminum surfaces with/without surface modification. The GIRAS-IR spectra are shown in Fig. 2. The IR absorption bands at about 3400 cm-1 correspond to a hydroxyl group, those at 1600 cm-1 correspond to hydrogen carbonate and those at less than 950 cm-1 correspond to aluminum oxide. The results shown in Fig. 2 revealed that the oxide formation was decreased and Al(OH)3 was generated upon surface modification. From this, it can be inferred that the bonding surface of the specimen used in this study is also covered with Al(OH)3 when it was washed with methanol after NaOH (aq) surface modification. Moreover, it is also known from other studies that Al(OH)3 decomposed into particles of Al2O3 and H2O by an Fig. 3. DSC analysis results of the aluminum sheet with surface modification. endothermic and dehydration reaction at about 573 K. Actually, as shown in Fig. 3, the generation and thermolysis of Al(OH)3 were supported by a bigger endothermic peak as recognized by a gentle endothermic peak. Because the temperature used in solid-state bonding in this study was at least 573 K or more, it can be inferred that the thermal decomposition of Al(OH)3 to H2O (gas) and particles of Al2O3 occurred during the bonding process, thus resulting in the exposure of atomic planes of aluminum. This caused the tensile strength of the joint that undergone surface modification to increase. Acknowledgement: This study was supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (c) (26820124) from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). REFERENCES [1] KOYAMA, S., KEAT, T. S., AMARI, S., MATSUBARA, K., SHOHJI, I.: Effect of Surface Modification by Aqueous NaOH Solution on Bond Strength of Solid-State Bonded Interface of Al, Materials Transactions 54: 2013, pp. 1975-1980. 114 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC DIRECT BONDING OF Cu/Cu BY METAL SALT GENERATION BONDING TECHNIQUE WITH FORMIC ACID AND ACETIC ACID S. KOYAMA1*, N. HAGIWARA2, I. SHOHJI1 1 2 Faculty of Science and Technology, Gunma University, Japan; email: Gracuate School of Engineering, Gunma University, Japan KEY WORDS: metal salt generation bonding, fracture, bonding strength, copper, organic acid As an alternative to fusion bonding, solid-state bonding to mount electronic parts have been proposed as packaging technologies for miniaturizing electronic devices. Meanwhile, a number of mounting parts made of resin have low heat resistance and little mechanical strength. Such components require a bonding method of low bonding temperature and pressure. The problem is that at an actual bonding surface, there is an oxide film and a machined layer [1]. Therefore, the removal of the oxide film is needed to obtain high bond strength. Recently, ultrasonic vibration or plasma processing has been studied as a method for breaking and cleaning a superficial oxide film. Indeed, in an earlier study, we showed that modification of an oxide film with formic acid greatly improves the strength of bonding of tin and copper [2]. In this paper, we examine the effect of organic acid surface modification on the bonding strength of the solid-state bonded interface of copper was investigated by SEM observations of interfacial microstructures and fractured surfaces. The specimen to be bonded was a block 15 mm × 15 mm × 5 mm cut from 99.9% ingot and a wire (99.9% purity) dimension of φ1.2 mm. Copper surfaces were modified by boiling in formic acid and acetic acid for predetermined time. Solid-state bonding was performed in a vacuum chamber at bonding temperature of 423-673 K under a pressure of 588 N (bonding time of 0.9 ks). Fig. 1 represents the relationship between the bonding temperature and peel strength of the joint. In order to illustrate the effect of metal salt generation processing, the corresponding relationship for a non-modified joint are also shown. As shown in Fig. 1, the peel strength increased with bonding temperature irrespective of metal salt generation processing and approached about 30 N at a bonding temperature approximately 150 K (with formic acid) and 100 K (with acetic acid) or more lower than that for the non-modified joint. To examine the factors determining fracture at the bond interface, the area of the fractured surface was observed. As shown in Fig. 2, when the surface was not modified, approximately 0.5 µm-diameter copper oxides were observed at the fractured surfaces. In addition, ductile fracture characteristics such as tear ridges were not observed. When the surface was modified with formic acid and acetic acid, the fractured surface started to shown ductile fracture mode, although it was not observed when the Fig. 1. Effect of surface treatment: relation between surface modification was not applied. At the bonding temperature and peel strength. same time, copper oxide was not observed at the fractured surfaces. From these results, it was inferred that the joints bonded at low bonding temperatures had high peel strength because of the removal of oxide film, thus allowing intimate contact between the atomic planes of copper. 115 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC It is generally thought that copper exposed to the atmosphere are immediately covered with an oxide film. It is known that copper (II) formate and copper (II) acetate are formed by boiling the oxide film and the base metal with formic acid and acetic acid for a long time. Therefore, it is thought that at least Cu(HCOO)2 and Cu2(CH3COO)4 were formed on the surface layer when metal salt generation process was applied. Moreover, it is known that copper (II) formate and copper (II) acetate undergoes an exothermic decomposition reaction and metallic copper is generated at a temperature using this study. It is therefore thought that a high tensile-strength joint was obtained at lower bonding temperature with surface modification because copper (II) formate and copper (II) acetate at the bond interface underwent a decomposition reaction after close contact between Cu/Cu was achieved. Fig. 3 represents the relationship between the shelf time of the modified surface and peel strength of the joint. In case the surface is modified by formic acid, the peel strength was decreased in several hours, but the case the surface is modified by citric acid, the peel strength was not decreased even for 168 hours. Generally, it was understood that copper formate is easy to dissolve in water but copper acetate is hard to dissolve in water. Thus, it can be inferred that a bonding surface modified with acetic acid is also protected from reoxidation. Fig. 2. SEM micrographs of the fractured surfaces of joints after tensile test with or without surface modification. Fig. 3. Effect of surface treatment: relation between shelf time and peel strength. Acknowledgement: This study was supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (c) (26820124) from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). REFERENCES [1] [2] KOYAMA, S., KEAT, T. S., AMARI, S., MATSUBARA, K., SHOHJI, I.: Effect of Surface Modification by Aqueous NaOH Solution on Bond Strength of Solid-State Bonded Interface of Al, Materials Transactions 54: 2013, pp. 1975-1980. KOYAMA, S., AOKI, Y., SHOHJI, I.: Effect of Formic Acid Surface Modification on Bond Strength of Solid-State Bonded Interface of Tin and Copper, Materials Transactions 51: 2010, pp. 1759-1763. 116 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC DELAMINATION PROPERTY OF MODELLED AIR PLASMA SPRAYED THERMA BARRIEAR COATINGS: EFFECT OF DIFFERENCE IN CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF BOND COAT M. HASEGAWA1*, S. YAMAOKA1 1 79-5 Tokiwadai, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama, 240-8501, Kanagawa, Division of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Yokohama National University, Japan; email: KEY WORDS: microstructure, yield stress, delamination toughness Thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) have been widely used in order to increase the operating temperature of hot section components in gas turbine blades and vanes [1]. TBCs are usually composed of outer ceramics thermal barrier coating (TBC) layer and inner intermetallic bond coat (BC) layer to protect the nickel base superalloy from high temperature and oxidation. During the service, formation and growth of thermally grown oxide (TGO) occurs between TBC and BC layer. This growth increases the thermal stress of TBCs, and finally, the increased thermal stress results in the delamination of the coating. In order to understand the effect of the difference in chemical composition and microstructure of BC layer on delamination properties, mechanical properties are examined on modelled TBCs. Nickel-platinum-aluminides (Ni-Pt-Al) and NiCoCrAlY alloy were selected as BC alloy. Chemical compositions of BC alloys were Ni-43Al-9Pt, Ni-42Al-9Pt-0.3Hf and Ni-25Al-19Co-16Cr-0.4Y (mol%). BC alloys were heat treated in a vacuum at 1413 K for 1 hour. After the treatment, modelled TBCs have been formed by air plasma-spraying process. TBC layer of an 8 mass% Y2O3 partially stabilized ZrO2 was coated on the BC alloy in 250 m thick. After the process, the TBCs were heat exposed in an air at 1323 K from 10 to 100 hours. Changes in microstructure during heat exposure were characterized on the polished transverse section of the TBCs by SEM and EBSD. Yield stresses of BC alloys were decided from the result of Vickers hardness measurement. To evaluate the delamination toughness of the TBCs under shear loading condition, pushout tests were performed [2, 3]. Ni-Pt-Al and NiCoCrAlY BC alloys are consist of single phase and (’) two phases, respectively. phase of NiCoCrAlY BC alloy near the TGO/BC interface disappears during heat exposure, due to the formation and growth of the TGO. In case of the TBCs with NiCoCrAlY BC alloy, yield stress of the BC alloy decreases with the increase in heat exposure time. However, as for the TBCs with Ni-Pt-Al BC alloy, yield stress was almost constant independent of the heat exposure time. TGO thickness increases with the increase in heat exposure time. TBCs with Ni-Pt-Al alloy shows thinner TGO thickness than that of the TBC with NiCoCrAlY alloy in a same heat exposure time. Fracture of the TBCs occurs mainly at TBC/TGO interface. TBCs having Ni-Pt-Al BC alloy shows higher shear strength and delamination toughness than that of the TBCs with NiCoCrAlY BC alloy. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] PADTURE, N. J., GELL, M., JORDAN, E. H.: Finite Thermal Barreir Coatings for GasTurbine Engine Applications, Science 296, 2002, pp. 280-284. KIM, S. S., LIU, Y. F., KAGAWA, Y.: Evaluation of Interfacial Mechanical Properties under Shear Loading in EB-PVD TBCs by the Pushout Method, Acta Mater. 55, 2007, pp. 3771-3781. HASEGAWA, M., ENDO, T., FUKUTOMI, H.: The Effect of Microstructure Change of Bond Coat Layer in Air Plasma-Sprayed Thermal Barrier Coating System on Interfacial Mechanical Property under Shear Loading, J. Japan Inst. Metals 73, 2009, pp. 802-808. 117 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC 118 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC MICROSTRUCTURE MODIFICATION OF CGDS AND HVOF SPRAYED CoNiCrAlY BOND COAT REMELTED BY ELECTRON BEAM P. GAVENDOVÁ1*, J. ČÍŽEK1, J. ČUPERA1, M. HASEGAWA2, I. DLOUHÝ1 1 Brno University of Technology, Institute of Materials Science and Engineering, NETME centre, Technická 2, Brno, Czech Republic; email: 2 Yokohama National University Faculty of Engineering, Division of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, Yokohama, 240-8501, Japan KEY WORDS: CoNiCrAlY, bond coat, thermal spray, cold kinetic deposition, electron beam remelting, thermal barrier coating The efficiency of gas turbine engines can be significantly improved by increasing their operating temperatures. The engine components, especially the hot-end components, should maintain their mechanical integrity at high-temperatures. The complex environment of the gas turbine engine makes it extremely difficult for one material to meet all the different requirements imposed on the various engine components. Coatings are thus required to provide increased corrosion (and oxidation) protection at high temperatures in order to assure durability and field performance of the base alloys. Ni-base turbine blades are generally protected by a CoNiCrAlY overlay and a ceramic thermal barrier top layer, both thermally sprayed. The method used for these coatings is usually high-velocity oxygen-fuel (HVOF) spraying, other methods can be also applied however. Promising results can be obtained with cold kinetic deposition method and/or cold gas dynamic spraying (CGDS) [1]. It is a method that enables to get coatings with lower porosity, higher relative density and better adhesion of the (bond) coating to substrate. From that point of view it seems that this technique possesses a better potential of for bond coat fabrication comparing to HVOF etc. A subsequent remelting of the HVOF by electron beam (EB) irradiation opens another opportunity to minimize the oxide content (because of vacuum condition needed for EB technology) and the porosity (thanks to remelting and the melt rapid cooling) of the thermally sprayed CoNiCrAlY bond coatings. The electron beam remelting process appears to be one of the most convenient processes to reduce or fully remove the disadvantages of thermal spray coatings. The bond coats remelted by electron beam produce modifications in the morphology and phase composition [2] that could be further exploited for TBC performance optimisation. In the present work two techniques are combined to optimise bond coat properties before TBC application, the cold gas dynamic spraying (CGDS) and electron beam remelting (EB). Results of the work focused on comparison of HVOF and CGDS CoNiCrAlY bond coats are firstly presented. Than the effect of the electron beam remelting of the CoNiCrAlY coating manufactured by HVOF and CGDS deposition techniques is deeply investigated. Scanning electron microscopy, light microscopy, and, in addition, X-Ray diffraction techniques were performed to characterize the phase modification and microstructure composition changes before and after the treatment. The microstructural and phase analyses have been supported by microhardness and nanohardness investigation and other necessary supporting techniques. The bond coat having thickness of about 70 m prepared by both HVOF and CGDS technique displayed the lower porosity for the CGDS microstructure. The CoNiCrAlY bond coat to Inconel substrate interface displayed locations with very poor bonding, in larger extent for the states prepared by HVOF comparing to CGDS. The bond coats prepared by both ways being EB remelted up to depth of about 90 m are typical by removal of the defects on the 119 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC substrate to bond coat interface. The microstructure of the bond coat after this treatment has been is formed by Inconel fine grain layer in depth of 50 m being followed by the surface layer consisting of elongated dendritic microstructure. The longitudinal axis of dendrites has been oriented predominantly perpendicularly to the Inconel surface. An increased porosity has been observed in interdendritical space in larger extent for CGDS samples. The results obtained thus showed that using the pulsed electron beam surface modification technique produced positive changes in the bond coat layer as a necessary step for the thermal barrier coating fabrication. In addition the EB treatment provided a smooth surface, low porosity level comparing to bond coat surface without this modification. Although the technology parameters window for successful application of the CGDS BC application and subsequent EB remelting has been shown to be relatively narrow this procedure supplied good basis for TBC application when compared to standard HVOF technique and subsequent vacuum ageing. From the results, it appeared also that there is a potential for improvements of the bond coat deposition process when applying low-temperature processing methods such as CGDS. Thermal barrier coatings (TBC) that have been applied on the Inconel substrate with modified bond coat surface suppose an effective engineering solution for the improvement of in service performance of gas turbines components. The quality and further performance of TBC, likewise all thermally sprayed coatings is strongly dependent on the adhesion between the coating and the substrate as well as the adhesion between the metallic bond coat and the ceramic top coat layer. The debonding of the ceramic layer or the bond coat layer will lead to the collapse of the overall thermal barrier system. Though several possible problems can occur in coating applications like residual stresses, local or net defects (like pores and cracks), one could say that a satisfactory adhesion is the first and intrinsic need for a good coating. The coating adhesion is also dependent on the pair substrate-coating materials, substrate cleaning and blasting, coating application process, coating application parameters and environmental conditions. Acknowledgement: The works have been supported by the financial support from the Operational Programme Education for Competitiveness No. CZ.1.07./2.3.00/30.0005 and within the project NETME plus centre (Lo1202), project of Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports under the “national sustainability programme”. Support of Czech Science Foundation project GACR 13/35890S is further acknowledged. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] UTU, D., MARGINEAN, G., BRANDL, W., CARTIS, I.: Improvement of the oxidation behaviour of electron beam remelted MCrAlY coatings, Solid State Sciences 7, 2005, pp. 459-464. UTU, D., BRANDL, W., MARGINEAN, G CARTIS, I., SERBAN, V.A.: Morphology and phase modification of HVOF-sprayed MCrAlY-coatings remelted by electron beam irradiation, Vacuum 77, 2005, pp. 451-455. LIMA, C.R.C., GUILEMANY, J. M.: Adhesion improvements of Thermal Barrier Coatings with HVOF thermally sprayed bond coats, Surface & Coatings Technology 201, 2007, pp. 4694-4701. RICHER, P., YANDOUZI, M., BEAUVAIS, L., JODOIN, B.: Oxidation behaviour, of CoNiCrAlY bond coats produced by plasma, HVOF and cold gas dynamic sprayings, Surface & Coatings Technology 204, 2010, pp. 3962-3974. 120 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC RESPONSE OF ALUMINA FOAM TO TENSILE MECHANICAL LOADING INCLUDING STRESS CONCENTRATOR EFFECT I. DLOUHÝ1*, Z. CHLUP1, H. HADRABA1, L. ŘEHOŘEK2 1 Institute of Physics of Materials, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, CEITEC IPM, Zizkova 22, 61662 Brno, Czech Republic; email: 2 Military Research Institute, Division of Materials Engineering, Brno KEY WORDS: tensile test, ceramics foam, open porosity, tensile strength, compression strength Ceramic foams with open cell porosity are of technological interest because of their potential use in a number of industrial fields. Applications like catalytic substrates [1], high temperature filters for melted alloys [2], in tissue engineering as a bone replacement material [3, 4], insulation materials [5] etc. require high permeability, high surface area and good insulation characteristics, but also a good response to different types of mechanical loading typical for given applications. For ceramic foams, mechanical behaviour including the fracture resistance of thus plays an important role in their potential applications. At present, it is common to estimate the mechanical performance of ceramic foams by compressive tests only [5]. The most frequently used mechanical parameter is a compressive/crushing strength that is evaluated from the compression test curve either as maximum force at the first relevant peak or as average force of plateau observed on the curve. Very limited number of works has attempted also a modified bending test [6]. The most complication supposes the measures to avoid to the crushing between the rollers and the tested ceramics foam. Suitable thin sheet must be applied into interface between the roller and specimen surface. It must be rigid and tough but not too much to assure load transfer [7]. Data of tensile tests of the ceramic foams are completely missing in the literature. For interpretation of the mechanical behaviour and modelling the ceramic foam response [8] in the given applications some material data are needed however. The aim of the paper thus can be seen in summarisation of the knowledge obtained with the tensile test of ceramics foams of different samples geometry, interpretation of data obtained and possible consequences relating to foam material mechanical behaviour. Tensile loading of ceramic specimens brings difficulties. It is necessary to solve efficient load transfer and ensure alignment of the specimen with loading axis of the system which is not simple task. Brittleness of this material brings difficulties with fixation of material into claws. It is impossible to use any fixing methods using compression, friction, threaded joint and their combinations. Only one possibility is to employ adhesion evoked by some kind of adhesive or resin. Material used in the investigation was alumina based foam (85 vol. % Al 2O3, 14 vol. % SiO2, 1 vol. % MgO) commercially produced (Vukopor®A) by company Lanik typically used e.g. for aluminium alloys melt filtration. The foam structure was produced by replication technique consisting in slurry coating of polyurethane foam. Two types of cell sizes were applied for investigations, 2.2 (±1.2) mm and 0.8 (±0.3 mm), respectively. The dimensions of test specimens with both porosity types (10 and 60 PPI) were 10x10x30 mm3 and 15x15x40 mm3 respectively. Samples containing central internal sharp notch located in 10x30 mm cross-section have been also included in investigation. Special fixture and testing rig was developed to assure transfer of the load to the ceramic foam specimen. Tensile strength values were determined as maximum force from the loading diagram related to cross-sectional area of the specimen at fracture. 121 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC As expected, the scatter of apparent tensile strength values is affected by specimen size. Specimens with cross section of 15x15 mm2 showed noticeable lower data scatter because of larger sampling volume averaging the structural heterogeneity. As shown also elsewhere [7, 9] noticeable scatter of apparent tensile strength is caused (i) by the heterogeneity in distribution characteristics of the cell sizes in the given sample and, in addition, (ii) by fatal macroscopic material defects typical for this kind of material and fabrication technology applied. The observed relations between the ceramic foam microstructure and measured apparent tensile strength confirm very good susceptibility of the measurements to microstructural differences however. The specimen size (in the range of dimensions applied in this investigation) does not affect substantially the average values of tensile strength as it has been shown based on the Weibull statistical analysis. From the data sets for the specimen sizes applied and for both cell sizes, having 10 and 60 PPI, it is obvious that there are no substantial differences in the quality of data obtained from smaller and larger specimens. Both specimen geometries, having larger and smaller cross-section exhibit the same slope in Weibull distribution. Specimens with higher PPI have lower apparent tensile strength comparing to those with lower PPI. The higher cell size the higher apparent tensile strength is. This is given mainly by strut thickness of the cell which is significantly lower in samples with 60 PPI comparing to the 10 PPI ones. The samples with central crack (sharp notch) have included into investigation experimentally to determine the possible stress concentration effects in open cell porosity structures. Data from pre-cracked samples were compared with results of samples having the same cross-section as remaining part of section in the pre-cracked samples. For the pre-cracked samples, the strength values have been found lower comparing to samples without crack. Independently of quite large open porosity there is still certain stress concentration effect in these structures. This must be taken into account in the most critical structural applications. The quantitative data from the tests supported well the corresponding fractography observations. Based on the analyses carried out and supporting finite element modelling critical condition for the struts fracture have been established. Acknowledgement: The works have been realised in CEITEC centre - infrastructure supported by the project CZ.1.05/1.1.002/02.0068 financed from Europepan Regional Development Fund. Support of Czech Science Foundation project GACR 14-11234S is further acknowledged. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] GARRIDO G. I., PATCAS F.C., UPPER G. ET AL.: Applied Catalysis A: General 338 (2008) 58. PATCAS F.C., GARRIDO G.I., KRAUSHAAR-CZARNETZKI B., Chemical Engineering Science 62 (2007) 3984. MIAO X., TAN L.P., TAN L.S., HUANG X.: Materials Science and Engineering C 27 (2007) 274. REHOREK L. CHLUP Z., MENG D., et al.: Ceramics International 39 (2013) 8015–8020. GIBSON L. J., ASHBY M.F.: Cellular Solids, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1999. BREZNY R., GREEN D.J., Acta Metall. Mater. 38 (1990) 2517. REHOREK L., DLOUHY I., CHLUP Z. et al.: Ceramics – Silikáty 53 (4) (2009) 237-241. MARCIAN P. MAJER Z., DLOUHY I., FLORIAN Z.: Chem. Listy Vol. 106 (2012), pp. 476-477. DLOUHY, I., REHOREK L., CHLUP Z.: Key Eng. Mat. Vol. 409 (2009), pp. 168-175. 122 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC NONDESTRUCTIVE MAGNETIC MONITORING OF GRINDING DAMAGE M. ČILLIKOVÁ1*, B. MIČIETA1, M. NESLUŠAN1, D. BLAŽEK2 University of Žilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Univerzitná 1, 010 26 Žilina, Slovak Republic; email: 2 Nanotechnology Centre, VŠB TU Ostrava, 17. listopadu 15, 70833 Ostrava, Czech Republic 1 KEY WORDS: grinding, Barkhausen noise, surface damage, wear, white layer Ground surface can suffer from over tempering or overheating due to elevated temperatures in the wheel – workpiece contact. For this reason, thermally softener or/and re-hardened layers can occur in the near or sub surface regions. Surface containing the untempered brittle martensite or thermally softened structure are assumed detrimental to components life due to early crack initiation and premature failure. Surface integrity expressed in such term as residual stresses, hardness and the corresponding structure alteration can varies in spite of the cutting conditions are kept constant. Thus implementation of reliable monitoring concept should be proposed for the real industrial applications. Production of large bearing for wind power station involves grinding cycles as the final operation substantially contributing to the functionality of bearings. Bearings undergo very rigorous monitoring procedures to reveal unfavourable stress state, structure modifications or crack initiation originating from grinding cycles or heat treatment. Manufacturer guarantees at least 20 years failure – free operation of bearing. Monitoring of bearings (mainly raceways) of diameter in the range 600 to 4000 mm after grinding does not allow implementation of chemical activation to reveal the unfavourable surface alterations induced by grinding. Magnetic Barkhausen noise (BN) has found the high industrial relevance for characterization of ferromagnetic materials. BN originates from irreversible domain and mainly Bloch Wall (BW) motion during cyclic magnetization. Pulsating magnetization on hysteresis loop occurs as a result of BW interaction with stress fields and microstructure features such as dislocations, secondary phases or grain boundaries hindering the smooth BW motion [1]. BW jumps occur as soon as the strength magnetic field exceed the critical value equal the pinning strength of the abovementioned pinning sites. BN is the stress and microstructure sensitive technique. However, while the stress state affects mainly domain and the corresponding BW alignment, microstructure features affect the free path of BW motion [2]. Although variety of BN applications were reported, monitoring of grinding burn still dominates as a reliable method to reveal surface over tempering. While untouched surface emits low BN value, enhanced BN emission in thermally softened layers is due to thermally induced decrease of dislocation density, precipitates coarsening and tensile stresses [2]. This paper reports about adoption of BN technique for surfaces of large diameter (for wind power stations) after grinding. The paper researches the factors taking a key role in grinding cycles based on BN technique and the corresponding conventional techniques for surface inspection. To explain the significance of such approach the two main factors of grinding operations are discussed as follows: grinding wheel wear and the lack of coolant. First aspect is associated with higher BN values obtained after grinding of bearings of higher diameter, while the second one represent the unexpected lack of coolant supply randomly occurring in production. 123 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC Fig. 1. Influence of grinding wheel wear and lack of coolant on BN and the corresponding micrographs. Fig. 1 demonstrates the influence grinding wheel wear and lack of coolant on BN. Progressive grinding wheel wear enhances thermal load of ground surfaces. Higher temperatures penetrate deeper beneath the surface; thickness of heat affected zone (HAZ) contributing to the BN emission more than untouched structures values is increasing. Moreover, compressive stresses induced in the earlier grinding cycles are shifted to the tensile ones. Effect of grinding wheel wear takes the main role considering higher BN values indicated for bearings of higher diameters due to higher volume material removed and higher allowances for the finishing grinding operations, both contributing to the more developed grinding wheel wear in the final phases of grinding cycles. On the other hand, effect of coolant supply is more remarkable than that associated with grinding wheel wear. Lack of coolant is more risky when the grinding wheel is more developed (during grinding rings of higher diameter - see the red and blue lines in Fig. 1) than the absence of coolant in the early phases of grinding cycle or grinding smaller rings (see the black line in Fig. 1). The abrupt increase of BN values in dry grinding is due to accumulation of heat in the ground surface which in turn corresponds with quite thick HAZ. The following steep decrease of BN values is attributed to the surface over tempering when austenitizing temperature is exceeded. The following self-cooling effect results in formation white layer. Surface cracking which occurs together with white layers is due to high internal stresses induced by rapid cooling. Implementation of BN technique in the abovementioned production has found the high relevance serving the technologist and grinding staff to modify the grinding cycles and eliminates the risky factors of grinding operations. Acknowledgement: The authors gratefully acknowledge the support by Vega project n. 1/0701/12 and Regional Centre of Excellence reg. no. CZ.1.05/2.1.00/01.0040. REFERENCES [1] [2] GATELIER-ROTHEA, C., CHICOIS, J., FOUGERES, R., FLEISCHMANN, P.: Characterization of pure iron and carbon-iron binary alloy by Barkhausen noise measurements: study of the influence of stress and microstructure, Acta Mater. 46/14, 1998, pp. 4873-4882. MOORTHY, V. et all.: Evaluation of heat treatment and deformation induced changes in material properties in gear steels using magnetic Barkhausen noise analysis, ICBN 03, Tampere, Finland 2001. 124 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS 8 – 11, SEPTEMBER, 2014, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC Autor Katedra, institut: Název: Místo, rok, vydání: Počet stran: Vydala: Tisk: Náklad: Neprodejné ISBN 978-80-248-3488-7 Prof. Ing. Bohumír Strnadel, DrSc. Katedra materiálového inženýrství 636 NEW METHODS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL PARTS Ostrava, 2014, VI. 124 VŠB-TECHNICKÁ UNIVERZITA OSTRAVA Printo spol. s r.o. 150
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