Descendants of Joseph Dunlap and Nancy Agnes Gory 1. Joseph1 Dunlap , born 5 Oct 1783 in Washington County, Pennsylvania; died 1 Jan 1872 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Row 8, Grave 10), son of Robert Dunlap and Sarah Hood. He married on 15 Jul 1804 in St. Clairsville, Belmont County, Ohio Nancy Agnes Gory , born Apr 1783 in Pennsylvania; died 9 May 1867 in Putnam County, Ohio, daughter of Robert Gory and Margaret Unknown. Other events for Joseph Dunlap Occupation: Farmer, carpenter, and millwright. Notes for Joseph Dunlap Per Portrait and Biographical Record of Putnam County, published in 1896, page 153: "In 1817, Joseph came to Ohio and located in the woods of Guernsey county, where he farmed and followed his trade of carpenter and millwright until 1851, when he came to Putnam County, Ohio. He died at the home of his son, Robert, in Jennings Township, Ohio, at the age of eighty-eight years." The Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site indicates Joseph was born 5 Oct 1783, and died 1 Jan, 1872. Becky Geiser has death date as 2 Jan, 1872 (may be from Dunlap Biography by Grace I. Dunlap, published by Biography Press, Aransas Pass, Texas, 78336). FTM disk #400, Selected Counties of Ohio, 1789-1850, Marriage Index, indicates Joseph Dunlap married Agness Goreley, 15 Jul 1804, Belmont County, Ohio. Becky Geiser has marriage date as 12 Aug 1804 in St. Clairsville, Belmont, Ohio. Sources for Joseph Dunlap Life: Portrait & Biographical Record Putnam County, published in 1896 . Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth: Census, 1850, Allen Township, Union County, Ohio , page 114 middle. Marriage: Ohio Marriage CD #400, 1789-1850 . Occupation: Portrait & Biographical Record Putnam County, published in 1896 . Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Notes for Nancy Agnes Gory LDS indicates her name is Agnes Gory, and that she was born about 1787, died 9 May 1867. Sources for Nancy Agnes Gory Birth: Census, 1850, Allen Township, Union County, Ohio , page 114 middle. Marriage: Ohio Marriage CD #400, 1789-1850 . Children of Joseph Dunlap and Nancy Agnes Gory were as follows: 2 i Jane (or Jennie)2 Dunlap, born 1808; died 3 Sep 1894 in Near Rushmore, Ohio; buried 4 Sep 1894 in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Row 8, Grave 10). Notes: Never married. The Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site doesn't show any dates for birth or death. The obituary, Delphos Herald, 3 Sep 1894, reads: DEATH NEAR RUSHMORE: Miss Jennie Dunlap, an aged maiden lady who has been making her home with her brother Jos. Dunlap, near Rushmore, died this morning at the advanced age of 86 years. The funeral will be tomorrow morning from Bethel Church, near Rushmore. The remains will be interned in Hartshorn cemetery. Birth Source: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio , page 114 middle. Birth Source: Census, 1850, Allen Township, Union County, Ohio . Death Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 3 Sep 1894. Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 6 Sep 1894, Thursday. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 3 Sep 1894. Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 6 Sep 1894,Thursday. 3 ii Martha2 Dunlap, born 1810 in Washington Township, Pennsylvania. She married on 10 Jul 1834 in Logan County, Ohio Hamilton Epps. Notes: FTM disk #400, Selected Counties of Ohio, 1789-1850, Marriage Index, indicates Martha Dunlap married Hamblin Epps, on 10 Jul 1834, Logan County, Ohio. + 4 iii + 5 iv + 6 v Robert2 Dunlap , born 29 Oct 1811 in Washington County, Pennsylvania; died 30 Aug 1886 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Row 14, Grave 6). He married Louisa Spain. Birth Source: Portrait & Biographical Record Putnam County, published in 1896 , Page 154 and 155. Birth Source: History of Putnam County, Ohio, 1915, by George Kinder . Birth Source: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Birth Source: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Marriage Source: Portrait & Biographical Record Putnam County, published in 1896 , Page 154 and 155. Marriage Source: History of Putnam County, Ohio, 1915, by George Kinder . Marriage Source: Ohio Marriages, The Genealogy Guide . web site: http://usgenealogyguide.com/ohio/ohmarriages.htm. Death Source: Death Records in Putnam County, Ohio , Death Record 1, Vol 2, page 44. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Hester (or Ester) Ann2 Dunlap, born 25 Jun 1813 in Pennsylvania; died 25 Feb 1892 in Union County, Ohio. She married Abraham Holycross. Joseph "Jos"2 Dunlap, born 26 Mar 1815 in Washington or Guernsey County, Pennsylvania; died 17 Jan 1908 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Row 7, Grave 15). He married (1) Elizabeth Jane Jenkings; (2) Mary A Chamberlain; (3) Elizabeth Catherine Chamberlain. Birth Source: Portrait & Biographical Record Putnam County, published in 1896 , Page 153 and 154. Birth Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth Source: Census, 1860, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Fort Jennings, Ohio . Birth Source: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Birth Source: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth Source: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth Source: Census, 1850, Allen Township, Union County, Ohio , page 114B. Marriage Source: Portrait & Biographical Record Putnam County, published in 1896 , Page 153 and 154. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 1, page 57, Marriage Record 4. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 1, page 473, Marriage Record 4. Death Source: Death Records in Putnam County, Ohio , Death Record 1, Vol 3 , page 51. Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 24 Jan 1908, Friday. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web + + 7 vi 8 vii 9 viii 10 ix site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Nancy2 Dunlap, born Mar 1820 in Guernsey County, Ohio; died 1904; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. She married Samuel Wells. Birth Source: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. William H2 Dunlap, born 1821. Birth Source: Census, 1850, Allen Township, Union County, Ohio , page 114 middle. Thomas2 Dunlap, born 1822 in Ohio; died 1909 in Allen County, Ohio; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Row 11, Grave 10). He married (1) Cynthia Jenkins; (2) Miriah (or Maria) "Mina" Curtis. Birth Source: Census, 1860, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Fort Jennings, Ohio . Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Mary2 Dunlap, born abt 1824. She married on 21 Jun 1827 in Belmont, Ohio Isaac (or Israel) Vany (or Van Wey), died 7 May 1905. Notes: LDS indicates Mary was born about 1824 in Washington, PA. Generation 2 4. Robert2 Dunlap (Joseph1), born 29 Oct 1811 in Washington County, Pennsylvania; died 30 Aug 1886 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Row 14, Grave 6). He married on 8 Aug 1840 in Union County, Allen Township, Ohio Louisa Spain, born 18 Mar 1815 in Dinwiddie County, Petersburg, Virginia; died 2 Aug 1896 in Putnam County, Ohio; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Row 14, Grave 6), daughter of William Spain and Mary Cole. Other events for Robert Dunlap Occupation: Farmer. Other events for Louisa Spain Occupation: Keeping House. Notes for Robert Dunlap Per Portrait and Biographical Record of Putnam County, published 1896, page 154: "Robert Dunlap was born in Pennsylvania October 29, 1811, was reared a farmer and came to Ohio with his father, who settled in Guernsey county,. He married in his twentyninth year, August 8, 1840, Miss Louisa Spain, who was about twenty-five years of age, and to this union were born three children. After marriage, Mr. Dunlap settled in Allen township, Union county, Ohio, on forty-three acres of land that he reclaimed from the woods, and in 1861 removed to Sugar Creek township, Putnam county. In 1864 he bought forty acres of land that he reclaimed from the woods in Jennings township, Putnam county; in 1864 he bought forty acres of the farm on which his son Lester now resides, and with the assistance of the latter converted it into a fertile and beautiful farm. His death occurred in 1884 at the age of about seventy-five years." Becky Geiser has Robert's birth date as 30 Oct 1811 (may be from Dunlap Biography by Grace I. Dunlap, published by Biography Press, Aransas Pass, Texas 78336). LDS info indicates Robert's birth date 29 Oct 1811. Per the Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio, Robert's value of real estate was $660, and value of personal estate was $300. The Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site indicates Robert's death as 30 Aug 1886 at 74y, 10m. LDS info indicates his death at 10 Aug 1886. FTM disk #400, Selected Counties of Ohio, 1789-1850, Marriage Index, indicates Robert Dunlap married Louisa Spain, on 8 Aug 1840, Union County, Ohio. Union OHGenExchange Marriage records indicate Robert married Louisa Spain on 8 Aug 1840. Per Will Record 4, Vol D, page 341, Robert Dunlap, found in his probate packet, Putnam County, Ohio, (this will is very hard to read), Robert Dunlap of Rushmore Putnam County Ohio, do make and publish this my last will and testament. 1) I give and devised to my beloved wife Louisa Dunlap in lieu of her d?, the farm on which we will reside Situate in Jennings Township, Putnam County Ohio, containing about Thirty nine (39) acres of land during her natural life & all the s? Household goods furniture, Provisions and ? goods and shattles which may be ?, at the time of any decease, I give and bequeath to her absolutely; at the death of my said wife, the real estate aforesaid being the North East of the North East quarter, Section fifteen (15) Forthy two?, South's ? five (5) ? Jennings Township Putnam County Ohio, containing about Thirty Nine (39) acres of land, I give and ? to my son Lester Dunlap, and his heirs. Something to the effect that $125.00 will go to his youngest daughter Almeity? Jane Barnes, and $125 to his eldest daughter Sibel? Wade. The Putnam County Sentinel, 2 Sep 1886, reads: Robert Dunlap, one of the pioneers of this locality, is very low with cancer of the stomach, and at present writing, no hopes are entertained of his recovery. Sources for Robert Dunlap Birth: Portrait & Biographical Record Putnam County, published in 1896 , Page 154 and 155. Birth: History of Putnam County, Ohio, 1915, by George Kinder . Birth: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Birth: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Marriage: Portrait & Biographical Record Putnam County, published in 1896 , Page 154 and 155. Marriage: History of Putnam County, Ohio, 1915, by George Kinder . Marriage: Ohio Marriages, The Genealogy Guide . web site: http://usgenealogyguide.com/ohio/ohmarriages.htm. Occupation: Death Records in Putnam County, Ohio , Death Record 1, Vol 2, page 44. Occupation: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Occupation: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Death: Death Records in Putnam County, Ohio , Death Record 1, Vol 2, page 44. Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Notes for Louisa Spain The Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site indicates that Louise died 2 Aug 1896, at 81y, 4m, 22d. Per Portrait & Biographical Record Putnam County, published in 1896, Louisa's birth date is 8 Mar 1815; whereas, The History of Putnam County, 1915, by George Kinder indicates the 18 Mar 1815. The obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, 6 Sep 1896, reads: Mrs. Dunlap, an aged lady of Rushmore, died at the residence of her son, Lester Dunlap, August 2, and the funeral will take place at the Bethel. Mrs. Dunlap was almost eighty-five years old. Sources for Louisa Spain Birth: Portrait & Biographical Record Putnam County, published in 1896 , Page 154 and 155. Birth: History of Putnam County, Ohio, 1915, by George Kinder . Birth: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Marriage: Portrait & Biographical Record Putnam County, published in 1896 , Page 154 and 155. Marriage: History of Putnam County, Ohio, 1915, by George Kinder . Marriage: Ohio Marriages, The Genealogy Guide . web site: http://usgenealogyguide.com/ohio/ohmarriages.htm. Occupation: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Occupation: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 6 Sep 1896 and 6 Aug 1896, Thursday. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. + + + Children of Robert Dunlap and Louisa Spain were as follows: 11 i Sybil3 Dunlap, born 22 Sep 1840 in Union County, Ohio; died 5 Jun 1907 in Putnam County, Ohio; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section Five). She married Edward Hampton Sr. Wade. Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. 12 13 ii iii Lester Adam3 Dunlap , born 16 May 1842 in Union County, Ohio; died 1 May 1925 in Putnam County, Rushmore, Ohio; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section E). He married (1) Mary Young; (2) Rebecca Huffer . Birth Source: Portrait & Biographical Record Putnam County, published in 1896 , Page 154. Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth Source: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Birth Source: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth Source: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 1, page 125, Marriage Record 4. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 2, page 93, Marriage Record 4. Death Source: Will of Lester Dunlap, found in his probate packet, Putnam County, Ohio (pages 366 - 369, signed 7 May 1925). Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Almeda (or Amelia) Jane "Jane"3 Dunlap, born Apr 1845 in Union County, Ohio; died 1928 in Putnam County, Rushmore, Ohio; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section F). She married Isaac Hoopman Barnes . Birth Source: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Marriage Source: History of Putnam County, Ohio, 1915, by George Kinder . Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. 5. Hester (or Ester) Ann2 Dunlap (Joseph1), born 25 Jun 1813 in Pennsylvania; died 25 Feb 1892 in Union County, Ohio. She married on 30 Jan 1833 in Logan County, Ohio Abraham Holycross, born 10 Jul 1805 in Virginia; died 22 Sep 1880 in North Lewisburg, Ohio. Notes for Hester (or Ester) Ann Dunlap FTM disk #400, Selected Counties of Ohio, 1789-1850, Marriage Index, Hester Ann Dunlap married Abraham Holycross, on 30 Jan 1833, Logan County, Ohio. + + + + + + Children of Hester (or Ester) Ann Dunlap and Abraham Holycross were as follows: 14 i Martha3 Holycross, born in Union County, Ohio. She married Lawrence M Crary. 15 ii Pearson F3 Holycross, born 26 Jan 1834 in Union County, Ohio; died 15 Jan 1927 in Montgomery County, Dayton, Ohio. He married Jane S Wilson. 16 iii Lucinda Walker3 Holycross, born 21 Aug 1836 in Muskinghum County, Ohio; died 31 Jul 1900 in Ohio. She married William Jenkins. 17 iv Tabitha Jane3 Holycross, born 8 Apr 1840 in Ohio; died 27 Jun 1920 in Union County, Ohio. She married Allen Albert Burroughs. 18 v Nancy C3 Holycross, born 8 Sep 1842 in Union County, Ohio; died 16 Feb 1928 in North Lewisburg, Ohio. She married George I Jordan. 19 vi Clement (or Clemens) Beamer3 Holycross, born 13 Mar 1845 in Union County, Ohio; died 31 May 1896 in Ohio. He married Rosetta (or Rosella) Epps. Marriage Source: Union County Chapter, O.G.S., Union Echoes Newsletter , Vol XXII. 20 vii Robert C3 Holycross, born 5 Dec 1854 in Union County, Ohio; died 25 Dec 1925 in Logan County, Ohio; buried in East Liberty Cemetery, Logan County, Perry Township, Ohio. He married Mary Estella Cooksey. 6. Joseph "Jos"2 Dunlap (Joseph1), born 26 Mar 1815 in Washington or Guernsey County, Pennsylvania; died 17 Jan 1908 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Row 7, Grave 15). He married (1) 15 Jun or Jul 1842 in Muskingum County, Ohio Elizabeth Jane Jenkings, born 1821 or 1826 in Virginia; died 10 Dec 1861 in Rushmore, Ohio; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Row 7, Grave 13 or 15), daughter of Presley Jenkings and Unknown Unknown; (2) on 28 Sep 1862 in Putnam County, Ohio Mary A Chamberlain, born 1821 or 1827 or 1834 in Ohio; died 8 Oct 1870; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Row 7, Grave 15), daughter of Godfrey Chamberlain and Margaret Weller; (3) on 23 Feb 1871 in Putnam County, Ohio Elizabeth Catherine Chamberlain, born 4 May 1834 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 9 Sep 1914 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Row 7, Grave 15), daughter of Godfrey Chamberlain and Margaret Weller. Other events for Joseph "Jos" Dunlap Religion: Presbyterian. Occupation: Farmer. Other events for Mary A Chamberlain Occupation: Keeping House. Other events for Elizabeth Catherine Chamberlain Occupation: Housewife. Notes for Joseph "Jos" Dunlap Per Portrait and Biographical Record of Putnam County, published in 1896: " Joseph Dunlap was a child of two years when brought to Guernsey County, Ohio, by his father. He grew to manhood among the pioneers, devoting his chief attention to farming. He attended school, in all, about six weeks, and that attendance was after he had reached his twenty-first year of age; but he afterward acquired a good education by self-teaching. July 15, 1842, he was married, in Muskingum County, Ohio, to Miss Jane Jenkings, who was born September 9, 1826, a daughter of Resley Jenkins, and to this union were born ten children, seven of whom reached maturity. After marriage, Mr Dunlap lived on his eighty acre farm in the woods until November, 1851, when he came to Putnam County, Ohio, and bought eighty acres in the woods, now near Rushmore, Ohio. The land he cleared and lived on until 1877, when he settled on his present farm of 102 acres, which was partially improved, but which Mr Dunlap further cleared up and transformed into one of the most productive farms in the township. Mrs. Jane (Jenkings) Dunlap, having died at Rushmore, Ohio, Mr Dunlap married, September 28, 1862, Mary Chamberlain, who was born May 30,1834, daughter of Godfrey and Margaret Chamberlain, and to this union were born three children. The second Dunlap was also called away, and the third marriage of Mr Dunlap took place, February 28, 1870, to Elizabeth Catherine Chamberland, who was born May 4, 1835, in Putnam County, Ohio." Had 17 children by 3 wives. LDS indicates Joseph married Elizabeth Jane Jenkings on 15 Jun 1842, versus Dunlap Biography by Grace I. Dunlap, published by Biography Press, Aransas Pass, Texas 78336, indicating 15 Jul 1842, daughter of Presley Jenkings. The Hartshorn Cemetery website indicates Joseph was born in 1815, and died in 1908. Per Portrait and Biographical Record of Putnam County, published in 1896, page 153 and 154, Joseph married Elizabeth Chamberlain on 28 Feb 1870; however, the Marriage Record 4, Vol 1, page 473, Putnam County, Ohio indicates they were married 23 Feb 1871. Per the 1860 Census in Putnam County, Ohio, Joseph's value of real estate was $1,000, and his value of personal estate was $500. Per his Obituary in the Putnam County Sentinel, 24 Jan 1908, Friday, it indicates he was born in Guernsey County, Ohio. The obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, 24 Jan 1908, reads: Joseph Dunlap died at his home east of town Friday, Jan 17. He was almost 93 years of age and leaves a wife, eleven children, 37 grandchildren, and a host of relatives and friends to mourn his loss. Funeral services were held at the U.B. Church at Rushmore Sunday, and burial at Hartshorn cemetery. Another obit (same paper, same date) reads: Mr. Joseph Dunlap, age 93 years old, died at his home near Rushmore, this county, last Friday. Mr. Dunlap was possibly the oldest man in this county at the time of his death. Sources for Joseph "Jos" Dunlap Birth: Portrait & Biographical Record Putnam County, published in 1896 , Page 153 and 154. Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth: Census, 1860, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Fort Jennings, Ohio . Birth: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Birth: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth: Census, 1850, Allen Township, Union County, Ohio , page 114B. Marriage: Portrait & Biographical Record Putnam County, published in 1896 , Page 153 and 154. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 1, page 57, Marriage Record 4. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 1, page 473, Marriage Record 4. Religion: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Occupation: Death Records in Putnam County, Ohio , Death Record 1, Vol 3, page 51. Occupation: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Occupation: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Occupation: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Death: Death Records in Putnam County, Ohio , Death Record 1, Vol 3 , page 51. Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 24 Jan 1908, Friday. Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Notes for Elizabeth Jane Jenkings The Hartshorn Cemetery website indicates Elizabeth was born 1821, died 1861 (with Joseph), Row 7, Grave 13, and another Elizabeth died 10 Dec 1861, at 40y 3m 3d (with Mary, Robert and Infant), Row 7, Grave 15. Per Portrait and Biographical Record of Putnam County, Ohio, published in 1896, page 153, Elizabeth's birth date is 9 Sep 1826, a daughter of Resley Jenkins. LDS indicates the birth date as 9 Sep 1826, and death date as 23 Oct 1861. Becky Geiser has Elizabeth Jane Jenkings birth date as 7 Sep 1821, in Virginia (may be from death date calculation). The Dunlap Biography by Grace I. Dunlap, published by Biography Press, Aransas Pass, Texas 78336, indicates a death date for Jane Dunlap on 23 Oct 1861. The 1860 Census for Jennings Township, Fort Jennings, has her age listed as 38 yrs old, which would make her birth date around 1822. Sources for Elizabeth Jane Jenkings Birth: Census, 1860, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Fort Jennings, Ohio . Birth: Census, 1850, Allen Township, Union County, Ohio , page 114B. Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Notes for Mary A Chamberlain The Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site indicates Mary was born 1827, and died 1870 (with Joseph), Row 7, Grave 15, and another Mary died 8 Oct 1870, at 49y, 5m (with Robert, Elizabeth, and Infant), Row 7, Grave 11, which interns calculates her birth date to be 1821. Per Portrait and Biographical Record of Putnam County, Ohio, published in 1896, page 153, Mary Chamberlain was born 30 May 1834, daughter of Godfrey and Margaret Chamberlain. LDS indicates her birth date as 30 May 1834. Per the Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio, Mary was 43 years old, which would make her birth date about 1827, and she was born in Pennsylvania. Sources for Mary A Chamberlain Birth: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Marriage: Portrait & Biographical Record Putnam County, published in 1896 , Page 153 and 154. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 1, page 57, Marriage Record 4. Occupation: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Notes for Elizabeth Catherine Chamberlain The Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site indicates Elizabeth C. Dunlap was born 1834, and died 1914. Per Portrait and Biographical Record of Putnam County, published in 1896, page 153, Elizabeth Catherine Chamberland was born 4 May 1835, in Putnam County, Ohio. Certificate of Death, Putnam County, certificate number 52226, volume number 1464. Sources for Elizabeth Catherine Chamberlain Birth: Portrait & Biographical Record Putnam County, published in 1896 , Page 153 and 154. Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 1, page 473, Marriage Record 4. Occupation: Death Records in Putnam County, Ohio , Death Record 1, Vol 3, page 52. Occupation: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Death: Death Records in Putnam County, Ohio , Death Record 1, Vol 3, page 52. Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Children of Joseph "Jos" Dunlap and Elizabeth Jane Jenkings were as follows: 21 i Joseph Oscar3 Dunlap, died 27 May 1858, buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Row 7, Grave 14). Notes: Per the Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, there is a "Infant" Dunlap buried in the Hartshorn cemetery. There is only one Joseph on the 1860 Census for Putnam County, Ohio, that was 16 years old, making the birth date about 1844, so I assume this child is Joseph Presley, and the infant is Joseph Oscar Dunlap. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: 22 ii + 23 iii + 24 iv 25 v 26 vi 27 vii + Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Joseph Presley3 Dunlap, born 1844. Birth Source: Census, 1860, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Fort Jennings, Ohio . Birth Source: Census, 1850, Allen Township, Union County, Ohio , page 114B. John Will3 Dunlap, born Feb 1847 in Ohio; died 1941; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Row 10, Grave 3). He married Margaret F Ferguson. Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth Source: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Kalida, Ohio . Birth Source: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio . Birth Source: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth Source: Census, 1860, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Fort Jennings, Ohio . Birth Source: Census, 1850, Allen Township, Union County, Ohio , page 114B. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 1, page 359, Marriage Record 4. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Samuel "Sam"3 Dunlap, born 1849 in Union County, Ohio; died 1924; buried in Carmen Cemetery, Allen County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio. He married Abigail Susan Carmen. Birth Source: Liberty Chapel Cemetery (Carmen Cemetery, Sugar Creek Twsp), Ohio . Birth Source: Census, 1860, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Fort Jennings, Ohio . Birth Source: Census, 1850, Allen Township, Union County, Ohio , page 114B. Death Source: Liberty Chapel Cemetery (Carmen Cemetery, Sugar Creek Twsp), Ohio . Thomas3 Dunlap, born 10 Dec 1850 in Ohio; died 14 May 1873; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Row 8, Grave 13). Other events: Occupation: Farmer, Laborer. Notes: The Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site indicates Thomas Dunlap died 14 May 1873 at 22y, 5m, 4d. Birth Source: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Birth Source: Census, 1860, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Fort Jennings, Ohio . Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Robert3 Dunlap, born 22 May 1853; died 23 Aug 1856; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Row 7, Grave 12). Notes: The Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site indicates that Robert died 23 Aug 1856 at 3y, 1m, 1d. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. James Henry3 Dunlap, born 1855 in Ohio; died 5 May 1924 in Miller + 28 viii 29 ix City, Ohio; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Row 15, Grave 4). He married Josephine Morrison. Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth Source: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Birth Source: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth Source: Census, 1860, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Fort Jennings, Ohio . Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 3, page 397, Marriage Record 4. Death Source: Will of James Dunlap, found in his probate packet, Putnam County, Ohio (pages 199 - 202, signed 12 May 1924). Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 9 May 1924, Friday. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Alfred "Alf or Alph"3 Dunlap, born 24 Mar 1860 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 27 Jan 1916 in Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio; buried 30 Jan 1916 in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section B, Row 10). He married Lydia A "Liddie" Jenkins (see 97). Birth Source: Certificate of Death . Birth Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth Source: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Birth Source: Census, 1860, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Fort Jennings, Ohio . Marriage Source: Ohio Marriages, The Genealogy Guide . web site: http://usgenealogyguide.com/ohio/ohmarriages.htm. Death Source: Certificate of Death . Death Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death Source: Will of Alfred Dunlap, found in his probate packet, Putnam County, Ohio (pages 419 - 423, signed 7 Feb 1916). Burial Source: Certificate of Death . Burial Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Nancy Jane3 Dunlap, born 23 Oct 1861 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died 1 Oct 1879 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Row 8, Grave 14). Notes: The Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Ohio indicates the death date is 30 Sep 1879; whereas, the Death Record 1, Vol 1, page 50, Putnam County, Ohio, indicates the death date is 1 Oct 1879. Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth Source: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Death Source: Death Records in Putnam County, Ohio , Death Record 1, Vol 1, page 50. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Children of Joseph "Jos" Dunlap and Mary A Chamberlain were as follows: + 30 i + 31 ii 32 iii Godfrey Chamberlain3 Dunlap , born Aug 1863 in Ohio; died 1950; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section I). He married Mary E Myers. Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth Source: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Birth Source: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 3, page 225, Marriage Record 5. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Mary Agnes "Aggie"3 Dunlap, born 1866 in Ohio; died 1932; buried in Ridge Township Cemetery, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio. She married James C Pangle. Birth Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Van Wert County, Ohio, Volume 4 . Birth Source: Census, 1910Population, Thirteenth Census of the United States, Van Wert County, Washington Township, Ohio . Birth Source: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Birth Source: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 3, page 366, Marriage Record 5. Marriage Source: Newspaper, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 15 Oct 1885, Thursday. Death Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Van Wert County, Ohio, Volume 4 . Burial Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Van Wert County, Ohio, Volume 4 . Margaret M3 Dunlap, born 1868 in Ohio. She married Unknown Pangle. Birth Source: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Birth Source: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Children of Joseph "Jos" Dunlap and Elizabeth Catherine Chamberlain were as follows: + 33 i Alexander "Alex"3 Dunlap , born 5 Jan 1872 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died 4 Aug 1929 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section R). He married Katie Ellen "Kate" Hetrick + . Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth Source: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth Source: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Wesley3 Dunlap, born Sep 1873 in Ohio; died 4 Aug 1923 in Allen County, Ohio. He married Florence Ginnette "Nettie" Stemen. Birth Source: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth Source: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 5, page 497, Marriage Record 6. Eliz Ann3 Dunlap, born 28 Apr 1874 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio. Notes: This child, per the birth record was born to Joseph Dunlap and Elizabeth Dunlap. This may be another Joseph and Elizabeth Dunlap (not Chamberlain). Or the child could of been born and died right away, stillborn, since the age is very close to the previous child. Per the Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio, she was not listed as a child of Joseph and Elizabeth Chamberlain. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 1, page 70, Birth Record 2. 34 ii 35 iii + 36 iv Martha3 Dunlap , born 12 Sep 1875 in Ohio; died 10 Jan 1958. She married Samuel Schindler. Birth Source: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 5, page 297, Marriage Record 6. + 37 v Edward3 Dunlap , born 24 Aug 1878 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died 1956; buried in Carmen Cemetery, Allen County, Sugar Creek Township, near Gomer, Ohio. He married Mary Ann Hetrick. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 2, page 11, Birth Record 2. Birth Source: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth Source: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Death Source: Liberty Chapel Cemetery (Carmen Cemetery, Sugar Creek Twsp), Ohio . 7. Nancy2 Dunlap (Joseph1), born Mar 1820 in Guernsey County, Ohio; died 1904; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. She married on 26 Sep 1844 in Union County, Ohio Samuel Wells, born May 1820 in Ohio; died 1909; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio, son of Unknown Wells and Susanna Unknown. Other events for Nancy Dunlap Occupation: Keeping House. Other events for Samuel Wells Occupation: Farmer. Notes for Nancy Dunlap LDS indicates Nancy was born in Washington County, Pennsylvania, whereas Dunlap Biography by Grace I. Dunlap published by Biography Press, Aransas Pass, Texas 78336, indicates she was born Mar 1820 in Gernsey County, Ohio. FTM disk #400, Selected Counties of Ohio, 1789-1850, Marriage Index, indicates Nancy Dunlap married Samuel Wells, on 26 Sep 1844, Union County, Ohio. Sources for Nancy Dunlap Birth: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Occupation: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Notes for Samuel Wells Seen name as Welsh on Census. Per the Census, 1860, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio, Samuel's value of real estate was $1,000, and value of personal estate was $500. Per the Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio, Samuel's value of real estate was $450, and value of personal estate was $300. Sources for Samuel Wells Birth: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Occupation: Census, 1860, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Fort Jennings, Ohio . Occupation: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. + Children of Nancy Dunlap and Samuel Wells were as follows: 38 i Simeon3 Wells, born Feb 1845 in Ohio; died 1 Sep 1905; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Row 8, Grave 1). He married abt 1868 Elizabeth Unknown, born Dec 1843 in Ohio. Other events: Military Service: Company A-151 O.V.I., Civil War. Occupation: Farmer, Laborer. Notes: The Delphos Ohio History cemetery web site, Hartshorn cemetery, indicates Simeon died at 78y 9m 10d. Birth Source: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Birth Source: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. 39 ii Mary Elizabeth "Elizabeth"3 Wells, born 1850 in Ohio. Birth Source: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . 40 iii Susanah3 Wells, born abt 1852 in Ohio. Birth Source: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . 41 iv Samuel3 Wells, born 10 Jan 1852; died 25 Mar 1930. He married Elizabeth Casner. 9. Thomas2 Dunlap (Joseph1), born 1822 in Ohio; died 1909 in Allen County, Ohio; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Row 11, Grave 10). He married (1) on 25 Dec 1847 in Union County, Ohio Cynthia Jenkins, born 1824 in Muskingum County, Ohio; died 1874; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Row 11, Grave 10); (2) on 29 Mar 1876 in Van Wert County, Ohio Miriah (or Maria) "Mina" Curtis, born 13 May 1844 in Allen County, Ohio; died 17 Jan 1914 in Albion, Michigan, daughter of Chauncey Adams Curtis and Anna Unknown. Other events for Thomas Dunlap Occupation: Laborer. Other events for Cynthia Jenkins Occupation: Keeping House. Notes for Thomas Dunlap FTM disk #400, Selected Counties of Ohio, 1789-1850, Marriage Index, indicates Thomas Dunlap married Cynthia Jenkins, on 25 Dec 1847, Union County, Ohio. Union OHGenExchange Marriage records indicate Thomas married Cynthia Jenkins on 23 Dec 1847. The Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site indicates Thomas was born 182?, and died in 1909. Per the 1860 Census, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Thomas's value of real estate was $400, and his value of personal estate was $250; and his age was 42, which would make his birth date about 1818. Per the Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio, Thomas's value of real estate was $350, and value of personal estate was $140, and he was 46 years old, which would make his birth date about 1824. Sources for Thomas Dunlap Birth: Census, 1860, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Fort Jennings, Ohio . Occupation: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Notes for Cynthia Jenkins Per the 1860 Census, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio, Cynthia was born in Virginia. Per the Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio, Cynthia was born in Virginia. Sources for Cynthia Jenkins Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth: Census, 1860, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Fort Jennings, Ohio . Occupation: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Notes for Miriah (or Maria) "Mina" Curtis Her daughter, Emma's, marriage record, appears to list her name as Sarah (hard to read) Curtis. + Children of Thomas Dunlap and Cynthia Jenkins were as follows: 42 i Ira Charles3 Dunlap, born Mar 1851 in Ohio; died 22 Jul 1925; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. He married Emmaline E "Emma" Bryan. Birth Source: Census, 1860, Putnam + 43 ii + 44 iii + 45 iv + 46 v + 47 vi 48 vii County, Jennings Township, Fort Jennings, Ohio . Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. William Heron3 Dunlap, born abt 25 Dec 1855 in Putnam County, Jackson Township, Ohio; died 23 Jan 1914 in Putnam County, Jackson Township, Ohio; buried in Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, near Ottoville, Ohio (Old Part - West Side, Row 24, Grave 3). He married Cassie (or Cassiah) Semer. Birth Source: Death Records in Putnam County, Ohio , Death Record 1, Vol 3, page 52. Birth Source: Census, 1860, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Fort Jennings, Ohio . Birth Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Death Source: Death Records in Putnam County, Ohio , Death Record 1, Vol 3, page 52. Burial Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . John Wesley3 Dunlap, born 31 Jan 1857 in Ohio; died 13 May 1931. He married Catherine Adams. Birth Source: Census, 1860, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Fort Jennings, Ohio . Robert F3 Dunlap, born 6 Dec 1860 in Ohio; died 16 Apr 1939. He married Sarah Adam. Birth Source: Census, 1860, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Fort Jennings, Ohio . Joseph Presley "Jos or Presley"3 Dunlap, born 10 Mar 1862 in Putnam County, Rushmore, Ohio; died 21 Mar 1941 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried in Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, near Ottoville, Ohio (Old Part - West Side, Row 14, Grave 16). He married Evaline "Eva" Harris. Birth Source: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Birth Source: Obituary . Birth Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 3, page 184, Marriage Record 5. Death Source: Obituary . Death Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Burial Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Nancy Jane3 Dunlap, born 17 Nov 1863; died 6 Dec 1953 in Jackson, Michigan; buried in Monroe Cemetery, Continental, Ohio. She married Robert A. Walls. William Henry3 Dunlap, born 17 Jan 1864 in Ohio; died 23 Jan 1913 in Putnam County, Jackson Township, Ohio; buried 26 Jan 1913 in Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Ohio. Other events: Occupation: Laborer. Notes: Per the Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio, only one William shows up on the Census, at age 15, which would make his birth date about 1855. Death Source: Death Records in Putnam County, Ohio , Death Record 1, Vol 3, page 54. Death Source: Certificate of Death , Death Record 2, Roll 145, Section 1, page 45. Burial Source: Certificate of Death . 49 + + viii Emma Jane3 Dunlap, born abt 1864 in Ohio; died 30 Apr 1873; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Row 8, Grave 13). Birth Source: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Children of Thomas Dunlap and Miriah (or Maria) "Mina" Curtis were as follows: 50 i Cynthia3 Dunlap. She married on 28 Jul 1897 in Putnam County, Ohio Frank Calhoun. Marriage Source: Marriage License, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio , Marriage Record 6, Vol 5, page 431. 51 ii Simeon3 Dunlap, born 16 Jan 1880. 52 iii Thomas3 Dunlap, born 3 Sep 1878 or 1879 in Van Wert County, Ohio. He married on 16 Aug 1901 in Putnam County, Ohio Myrtle S Castle, born 26 Aug 1881 in Paulding County, Washington Township, Ohio, daughter of Robert "Dick" Castle and Elizabeth (or Rebecca) Patterson. Other events: Occupation: Laborer. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 6, page 317, Marriage Record 6. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 6, page 317, Marriage Record 6. 53 iv Emma3 Dunlap, born 13 Jan 1880 in Van Wert County, Ohio. She married on 9 Sep 1900 in Putnam County, Ohio Oscar Titler, born 19 Apr 1880 in Ohio, son of George W Titler and Sarah E. Unknown. Other events: Occupation: Housekeeper. Birth Source: Marriage License, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio , Marriage Record 6, Vol 6, page 206. Marriage Source: Marriage License, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio , Marriage Record 6, Vol 6, page 206. 54 v Oscar C3 Dunlap, born Jul 1882. 55 vi George W3 Dunlap, born Jul 1884. He married Unknown Unknown. 56 vii Julia3 Dunlap, born 17 Jan 1886 in Van Wert County, Ohio. She married on 21 Apr 1902 in Putnam County, Ohio J. Wesley Maurer, born 22 Mar 1881 in Sandusky County, Ohio, son of Noah Maurer and Anna Hiueline?. Other events: Occupation: Domestic. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 6, page 404, Marriage Record 6. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 6, page 404, Marriage Record 6. 57 viii Simon3 Dunlap, born 16 Jan 1880 in Van Wert County, Ohio. He married Effie G Leach. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 6, page 166, Marriage Record 6. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 6, page 166, Marriage Record 6. 58 ix Archie S3 Dunlap, born 16 Jul 1900; died 14 May 1994 in San Diego County, Chula Vista, California. Other events: Social Security Number: 378-09-2921, Michigan (bef 1951). Residence San Diego County, Chula Vista, California 91913 (14 May 1994). Birth Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . 59 x Beulah Fay3 Dunlap, born 2 Jan 1904; died 26 Mar 1908 in Albion 60 xi Michigan; buried in Riverside Cemetery. Elmer3 Dunlap. Generation 3 11. Sybil3 Dunlap (Robert2, Joseph1), born 22 Sep 1840 in Union County, Ohio; died 5 Jun 1907 in Putnam County, Ohio; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section Five). She married on 18 Feb 1858 in Union County, Ohio Edward Hampton Sr. Wade, born 15 Oct 1836 in Belmont County, Armstrong Hills, Ohio; died 1 Jun 1918 in Lucas County, Toledo, Ohio; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section Five), son of William Wade and Elizabeth Taylor. Other events for Edward Hampton Sr. Wade Military Service Civil War. Notes for Sybil Dunlap LDS indicate Sybil's birth date is 18 Feb 1858, and a second entry for Sybil born 22 Sep 1840. Sources for Sybil Dunlap Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Notes for Edward Hampton Sr. Wade Certificate of Death, Lucas County, certificate number 38598, volume number 2620. Sources for Edward Hampton Sr. Wade Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Military Service: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. + Children of Sybil Dunlap and Edward Hampton Sr. Wade were as follows: 61 i Aaron Robert4 Wade. 62 ii Emma Jane4 Wade. She married Lewis Carpenter. + + + 63 64 65 66 67 iii iv v vi vii William Sylvester4 Wade. He married Unknown Unknown. Cassius4 Wade. Mary Florence4 Wade. She married Asa (or Ace ?) Culp. Edward Hampton Jr.4 Wade. He married Bertha Unknown. Elizabeth Ann4 Wade, born 12 Dec 1860 in Union County, Ohio; died 1937 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section Five). She married James Henry Hunt. Birth Source: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. 12. Lester Adam3 Dunlap (Robert2, Joseph1), born 16 May 1842 in Union County, Ohio; died 1 May 1925 in Putnam County, Rushmore, Ohio; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section E). He married (1) on 15 Nov 1864 in Putnam County, Ohio Mary Young, born 24 Jul 1842 in Muskinghum County, Ohio; died 20 Apr 1871 in Putnam County, Rushmore, Ohio, daughter of David Young and Susannah "Susan" Beery; (2) on 3 Jul 1873 in Putnam County, Ohio Rebecca Huffer , born 8 Apr 1852 in Union County, Ohio; died 18 Aug 1909 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section E), daughter of George Huffer Neihizer. and Keziah Other events for Lester Adam Dunlap Occupation: Farmer, Laborer. Military Service: One Hundred and Fifty First Ohio Infantry, Company F, Guard duty, Honorably Discharged, 2 May 1864 to 27 Aug 1864. Other events for Rebecca Huffer Occupation: Housewife. Notes for Lester Adam Dunlap Per Portrait and Biographical Record of Putnam County, published 1896, page 154: "Lester Dunlap, a substantial farmer of Jennings township, Putnam county, Ohio, was born in Union county May 16, 1842, a son of Robert and Louisa (Spain) Dunlap, of Irish ancestry. He was reared to farming, and in 1861 came to Putnam county with his father, who located in Sugar Creek township, and assisted in the clearing up of the farm until 1864, when he enlisted, May 2, at Gomer, under Capt. I. W. Patrick, in Company F, One Hundred and Fifty-first Ohio infantry, 100-day service, and served until he was honorably discharged at Camp Chase, Ohio, August 27, 1864, having been on guard and patrol duty in Maryland and the District of Columbia. On his return home, he resumed farming, and in December 1864, married Mary Young, who was born in July, 1842, a daughter of David and Susan (Beery) Young, the union resulting in the birth of three children. April 20, 1871, Mrs. Mary Dunlap passed from earth, and Mr. Dunlap chose for his second helpmate Rebecca Huffer, who was born April 8, 1852, a daughter of George and Keziah (Neihizer) Huffer, and to this marriage have been born eight children. Mr. Dunlap has always been a hard-working industrious man, and by his thrift has been able to add to his farm until he now owns 100 acres, all well improved and cultivated. In politics he is a republican and is the present township trustee. He is a public spirited and popular, liberal and charitable, and one whose integrity has never been questioned. He is a skillful farmer, and has won the respect of all with whom he has ever come in contact. He is a friend of education, and gives an earnest support to both schools and churches." LDS indicates Lester married Mary on 15 Nov 1864, whereas above notes indicate Dec 1864. Per the 1870 Census, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio, Lester Dunlap's value of real estate was $4,000, and the value of his personal estate was $515. The Will Record 9, Vol N, page 366, Lester Dunlap, found in his probate packet, Putnam County, Ohio, wills his Property both real and Personal be equaly divided between all of his children, except his daughter Mary Friend (Dunlap). It is my will that five Hundred dollars ($500.00) be taken from her share and divided qually between Hubert Dunlap and Eugene Dunlap, being Two hundred and fifty dollars a piece. I appoint Anna Wells (Dunlap) to handle and control Eugenes share as in her Judgement she thinks it will do him the most good and I hereby appoint Charles Dunlap to be Executor of my Estate. Certificate of Death, Putnam County, Ohio, certificate number 3113, volume number 4751. Sources for Lester Adam Dunlap Birth: Portrait & Biographical Record Putnam County, published in 1896 , Page 154. Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Birth: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 1, page 125, Marriage Record 4. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 2, page 93, Marriage Record 4. Occupation: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Occupation: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Occupation: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Military Service: History of Putnam County, Ohio, 1915, by George Kinder . Death: Will of Lester Dunlap, found in his probate packet, Putnam County, Ohio (pages 366 - 369, signed 7 May 1925). Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Notes for Mary Young Per the Portrait & Biographical Record Putnam County, published in 1896, Mary died 20 Apr, 1871; whereas, The History of Putnam County, 1915, by George Kinder indicates she died 28 Apr 1871. Sources for Mary Young Birth: Portrait & Biographical Record Putnam County, published in 1896 , Page 154. Birth: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 1, page 125, Marriage Record 4. Death: Portrait & Biographical Record Putnam County, published in 1896 , Page 154. Notes for Rebecca Huffer Dunlap Biography by Grace I. Dunlap, published by Biography Press, Aransas Pass, Texas 78336, indicates Rebecca was born 6 Apr 1852. LDS indicates birth date as 6 Apr 1852. Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site indicates she was born 1852, died 1909. Per the History of Putnam County, Ohio, 1915, by George Kinder, their marriage date is 23 Jun 1873; however, the Marriage Record 4, Vol 2, page 93, of Putnam County, Ohio indicates that they were issued a license on 23 Jun 1873, but they were married on 3 Jul 1873. Sources for Rebecca Huffer Birth: Portrait & Biographical Record Putnam County, published in 1896 , Page 154. Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 2, page 93, Marriage Record 4. Occupation: Death Records in Putnam County, Ohio , Death Record 1, Vol 3, page 51. Occupation: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Death: History of Putnam County, Ohio, 1915, by George Kinder . Death: Death Records in Putnam County, Ohio , Death Record 1, Vol 3, page 51. Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. + + + Children of Lester Adam Dunlap and Mary Young were as follows: 68 i William Edward "Ed"4 Dunlap, born 12 Sep 1863 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died 13 Jan 1932 in Ann Arbor Hospital, Washtenaw County, Ann Arbor, Michigan; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section Creek). He married Tabitha Jane "Jane or Jennie" Jenkins (see 99). Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth Source: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Birth Source: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 3, page 410, Marriage Record 5. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 22 Jan 1932, Friday. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . 69 ii Emma Jeanette "Nettie or Net"4 Dunlap, born 4 Nov 1866 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 25 Mar 1966. She married Lewis "Lew or Doc" Gordon. Birth Source: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Birth Source: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 3, page 397, Marriage Record 5. 70 iii Rachel Jane "Jane or Jennie"4 Dunlap, born 21 Aug 1869 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died 6 Mar 1958 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried in Pomeroy Cemetery, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio. She married John Cowan . Birth Source: The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988 . Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 1, page 20, Birth Record 2. Birth Source: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Marriage Source: Atlas of Putnam County, Ohio 1895 . Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 4, page 202, Marriage Record 5. Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 14 Mar 1958, Friday. Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Children of Lester Adam Dunlap and Rebecca Huffer were as follows: 71 i Anna "Ann"4 Dunlap, born 28 Apr 1874 in Putnam County, Rushmore, Ohio; died 11 Aug 1962 in At home, Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio; buried 14 Aug 1962 in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section D). She married on 24 May 1899 in Putnam County, Ohio Daniel W "Dan" Wells, born 1 Aug 1872 in Putnam County, Rushmore, Ohio; died 7 Apr 1955 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried 9 Apr 1955 in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section D), son of Simeon (or Samuel) Wells and Elizabeth Bryan. Other events: Occupation: Domestic, Housekeeper. Residence RFD #2, Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio (11 Aug 1962). Notes: Per the Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio her name is listed as Anne Dunlap. Per the 1900 census, her name is listed as Eliza A., born Apr 1874. The marriage record for Daniel Wells and Anna Dunlap, daughter of Lester Dunlap and Rebecca Huffer, indicates she was 25 years old on the 24th day of June 1898...which would calculate her birth date to be 24 Jun 1873. The death certificate of Daniel W Wells indicates that the informant of death was Ann Wells. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 6, page 51, Marriage Record 6. Birth Source: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth Source: Certificate of Death . Birth Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 6, page 51, Marriage Record 6. Death Source: Certificate of Death , Death Record 3, Vol 2, page 449. Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 17 Aug 1962, Friday. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Certificate of Death . Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . + 72 ii 73 iii 74 iv http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Robert Wesley "Rob"4 Dunlap, born 24 Aug 1875 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died 23 Nov 1915 in Alaska; buried in Seattle, Washington. He married on 7 Nov 1914 in Kentucky Alphor Bowlings, born in Kentucky; died in Seattle, Washington. Notes: Left home at an early age, the family never saw him after he left, buried in Seattle, Washington, and had no children. The Dunlap Biography by Grace I. Dunlap, published by Biography Press, Aransas Pass, Texas 78336, indicates there was a letter written by Robert in 1905 from Globe Arizona, but he died in Alaska, where he had gone to hunt gold. Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Ford, in 1988, Rob was killed while gold-hunting in Alaska; and that there were no children born to him. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 1, page 84, Birth Record 2. Birth Source: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . George Elzey4 Dunlap , born 19 Mar 1877 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 2 Oct 1953 in Nickles Clinic, Bluffton, Indiana; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section E). He married abt 1916 Alphor Bowlings, born in Kentucky; died in Seattle, Washington. Notes: The Dunlap Biography by Grace I. Dunlap, published by Biography Press, Aransas Pass, Texas 78336, indicates George's middle name is Fizey, and that they had no children. Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Ford, in 1988, George married Alphor Bowlings, his brother wife, after his brother Robert Wesley Dunlap died, and lived in Seattle, Washington until after her death, when he returned to Rushmore, Ohio. Per the Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio, George's birth date is Mar 1878, 22 years old, and he was single at the time of this census. Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth Source: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth Source: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Mary Alice4 Dunlap, born 15 Nov 1878 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died 13 Jan 1968 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section Two). She married (1) Charles Friend; (2) Glenwood Marshall. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 2, page 11, Birth Record 2. Birth Source: The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988 . Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 8, page 104, Marriage Record 7. Birth Source: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth Source: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Marriage Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 8, page 104, Marriage Record 7. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. + 75 v 76 vi Louis (or Lewis) W "Lew"4 Dunlap , born 29 May 1880 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Rushmore, Ohio; died 1963; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section Three). He married (1) on 26 Jun 1912 in Putnam County, Ohio Catherine Alice "Alice" John, born 29 Aug 1878 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio; died 4 Apr 1918 in Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Cloverdale, Ohio; buried 15 Apr 1918 in St. Joseph's Cemetery, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio (Section B, Row 10), daughter of Peter John and Magdalena Leininger; (2) About 1920 or 1930 Effie Mae Evans, born 27 Dec 1886; died 27 Mar 1982 in Bellefonaine, Ohio; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section Three). Other events: Occupation: Farmer, Laborer. Notes: The Marriage Record 8, Vol 9, page 340, indicates his name is Lewis and birth date would be 29 Apr 1883; whereas the Birth Record 2, Vol 2, page 43, indicates his name is Louis and birth date 29 May 1880. The Walnut Grove cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio, has a Lewis W. Dunlap born 1880, died 1963, buried in Section 3, wife Effie May Dunlap. Per the Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio, his name is Lewis Dunlap. His wife's obituary (burial announcement) lists her name as Mrs. Louis Dunlap. The Delphos Herald newspaper, 7 Mar 1901, reads: Lewis Dunlap returned from Montpelier, Ind., Saturday, where he had been spending a few weeks with his sister Mrs. D. W. Wells. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 2, page 43, Birth Record 2. Birth Source: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth Source: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 9, page 340, Marriage Record 8. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Marion Clark "Clark"4 Dunlap, born 25 Mar 1882 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died 15 Dec 1978 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section K). He married (1) Jennie Luciell Parsons; (2) Nancy Amanda Bryan. Birth Source: Birth + 77 vii 78 viii Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 2, page 60, Birth Record 2. Birth Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth Source: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 20 Dec 1978, Wednesday. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Burial Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Charles "Charl"4 Dunlap, born 19 Jan 1885 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died 21 Feb 1970 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried 24 Feb 1970 in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section E). Other events: Occupation: Farmer. Social Security Number: 296-34-0019, Ohio (1955/57). Residence RFD #2, Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio 45844 (21 Feb 1970). Notes: Lived his entire life on his father's farm, never married. Per the Birth Record 2, Vol 2, page 110, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio indicates that his name is Charley Dunlap. The Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio, has his name listed as Charles Dunlap. His death certificate indicates his name is Charles Dunlap. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 2, page 110, Birth Record 2. Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth Source: Certificate of Death . Birth Source: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death Source: Ohio Deaths 1970-1988 , Volume 19963, Certificate 008023. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death Source: Certificate of Death . Death Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death Source: Ohio Deaths 19582000 , Vol 19963, Cert 008023. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Certificate of Death . Huldah4 Dunlap , born 25 Dec 1886 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Rushmore, Ohio; died 14 Nov 1972 in Warren, Ohio; buried in Lordstown Cemetery, Lordstown, Ohio. She married Grover C Ford. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 2, page 139, Birth Record 2. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 295, Marriage Record 7. Birth Source: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 295, Marriage Record 7. 13. Almeda (or Amelia) Jane "Jane"3 Dunlap (Robert2, Joseph1), born Apr 1845 in Union County, Ohio; died 1928 in Putnam County, Rushmore, Ohio; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section F). She married on 19 Mar 1861 in Allen Center, Union County, Ohio Isaac Hoopman Barnes , born 7 Oct 1840 in Guernsey County, Jackson Township, Ohio; died 20 Feb 1922 in At home, Putnam County, Rushmore, Ohio; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section F), son of Levi Barnes and Susanna Rogers. Other events for Almeda (or Amelia) Jane "Jane" Dunlap Occupation: Keeping House. Other events for Isaac Hoopman Barnes Military Service: Served in Company K of the 96th Regiment of the Ohio Infantry Volunteers., Civil War. Occupation: Farmer. Notes for Almeda (or Amelia) Jane "Jane" Dunlap LDS indicates Almeda's birth date is about 1860. Seen name as Almeda, Amelia, Almedia, Almeta, and Meady. Per the Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio, her name is Meda. The Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Walnut Grove cemetery, indicates her name is Almeda F. Sources for Almeda (or Amelia) Jane "Jane" Dunlap Birth: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Marriage: History of Putnam County, Ohio, 1915, by George Kinder . Occupation: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Notes for Isaac Hoopman Barnes Moved from Guernsey County, Ohio, to Union County, Ohio, in 1855. Moved to Putnam County, Ohio, in Dec 1869, and settled on Redd Road, Rushmore, Ohio. He enlisted and served in the Company K, 96 Regiment, Ohio Volunteers and was mustered out in Mobile, Alabama, 7 Jun 1865. He was paid off at Columbus, Ohio, 29 Jul 1865. Per The History of Putnam County, 1915, by George Kinder, Isaac H Barnes was a wellknown farmer of Jennings township. As a man, Mr. Barnes has been characterized by industry and a patience which overcomes all obstacles, and thus insures success in whatever undertaking one may choose to follow. Putnam County has been honored by many successful and enterprising farmers, but none of them is more honored or more highly respected than Mr. Barnes, who served his country faithfully during the dark days of the Civil War, and afterward won a comfortable competence for his old age by dint of hard work and persistent labor. Per the Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio, Isaac's value of real estate was $300, and value of personal estate was $100. Certificate of Death, Putnam County, certificate number 12675, volume number 3816. Sources for Isaac Hoopman Barnes Birth: History of Putnam County, Ohio, 1915, by George Kinder . Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Birth: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Marriage: History of Putnam County, Ohio, 1915, by George Kinder . Military Service: History of Putnam County, Ohio, 1915, by George Kinder . Military Service: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Military Service: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Occupation: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Occupation: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 20 Feb 1922, Friday. Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Children of Almeda (or Amelia) Jane "Jane" Dunlap and Isaac Hoopman Barnes were as follows: + 79 i Louisa Rachel "Rachel"4 Barnes, born 23 Aug 1861 in Union County, Union Township, Ohio. She married Ebenezer Chamberlain. Birth Source: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . + 80 ii Robert Lester "Lester"4 Barnes, born 31 Aug 1865 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 22 Apr 1895 in Putnam County, Ohio; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Row 14, Grave 3). He married Augusta Geneva Thurston. Birth Source: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death Source: History of Putnam County, Ohio, 1915, by George Kinder . Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. + 81 iii Lola Laura "Laura"4 Barnes, born 8 Aug 1867 in Union County, Union Township, Ohio; died 13 May 1895. She married (1) Samuel "Sam" Swihart; (2) Valandingham Rower. Birth Source: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Death Source: History of Putnam County, Ohio, 1915, by George Kinder . + 82 iv William E4 Barnes, born 19 Oct 1869 in Ohio; died 17 Sep 1915; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section F). He married Dora E "Birdie" McOwen. Birth Source: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. + 83 v Harriett "Hattie"4 Barnes, born 23 Dec 1872 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 1942; buried in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section A, Row 11). She married Asa D Westenbarger. Marriage Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 29 Apr 1932, Friday\. Death Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . + 84 vi Cora4 Barnes, born 3 Mar 1874 in Putnam County, Ohio. She married Samuel "Sam" Swihart. 85 vii John Wesley4 Barnes, born 9 Feb 1877 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 21 Jun 1964 in Putnam County, Rushmore, Ohio; buried 24 Jun 1964 in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section D). He married Matilda D "Tillie" Hedrick, born 16 Dec 1880; died 23 Feb 1965; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section D). Other events: Occupation: + 86 viii + 87 ix 88 x Farmer, Retired. Residence RFD #1, Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio (21 Jun 1964). Notes: Per Dunlap Biography by Grace I. Dunlap, published by Biography Press, Aransas, Texas 78336, John Wesley Barnes birth date as 9 Feb 1877, and death date is 20 Jun 1963. Per the Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio, John's birth date is 9 Feb 1878. Per the Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Walnut Grove cemetery, his birth date is 1877, and death date is 1964. Had no children. Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth Source: Certificate of Death . Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death Source: Certificate of Death , Death Record 3, Vol 3, page 187. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Certificate of Death . Enoch Lorenzo4 Barnes, born 24 Mar 1880 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Rushmore, Ohio; died 14 Nov 1946 in At home, Putnam County, north of Rimer, Ohio; buried in Reynolds Family Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio (Section B, Row 1). He married Oral B or R or E Reynolds. Birth Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth Source: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Birth Record 2, Vol 2, page 30. Death Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 22 Nov 1946, Friday. Burial Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Otto N4 Barnes, born 4 Apr 1882 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died 31 Aug 1950. He married Jemieviola Ann "Jennie" Derickson. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Birth Record 2, Vol 2, page 65. Aaron L4 Barnes, born 26 Oct 1884 in Ohio; died 1960 in Fostoria, Ohio; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section D). He married Maude Ida Unknown, born 28 Mar 1894; died 11 May 1961 in Fostoria, Ohio; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section D). Other events: Occupation: Farmer. Notes: Had no children, but adopted a daughter. Birth Source: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio + 89 xi 90 xii . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Cinderella B "Rella or Stella"4 Barnes, born 2 Jul 1887 in Ohio; died Apr 1968; buried in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section B, Row 4). She married Jessie C "Jess or Jeffe" Jenkins. Birth Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth Source: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Burial Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Arnold4 Barnes, born May 1889 in Ohio. Birth Source: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . 15. Pearson F3 Holycross (Hester (or Ester) Ann2 Dunlap, Joseph1), born 26 Jan 1834 in Union County, Ohio; died 15 Jan 1927 in Montgomery County, Dayton, Ohio. He married Jane S Wilson, born Feb 1841 in Canada; died 1907. Children of Pearson F Holycross and Jane S Wilson were as follows: 91 i Eliza W4 Holycross. She married Luther A Wood. 92 ii Hester A4 Holycross. 93 iii Harmon4 Holycross. 94 iv Elbert R4 Holycross, born 1856; died 1871. 95 v Emma Jeanette4 Holycross, born 1856. 16. Lucinda Walker3 Holycross (Hester (or Ester) Ann2 Dunlap, Joseph1), born 21 Aug 1836 in Muskinghum County, Ohio; died 31 Jul 1900 in Ohio. She married William Jenkins, born 25 Dec 1836 in Muskinghum County, Ohio; died 23 Sep 1905 in Paulding, Ohio. Children of Lucinda Walker Holycross and William Jenkins were as follows: 96 i Abraham M4 Jenkins, born 1857. 97 ii Lydia A "Liddie"4 Jenkins, born 15 Dec 1858 in Union County, Ohio; died 10 May 1950 in Putnam County, Vaughnsville, Ohio; buried 12 May 1950 in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section B, Row 10). She married on 24 Apr 1880 in Union County, Ohio Alfred "Alf or Alph" Dunlap (see 28), born 24 Mar 1860 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 27 Jan 1916 in Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio; buried 30 Jan 1916 in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section B, Row 10), son of Joseph "Jos" Dunlap and Elizabeth Jane Jenkings. Other events: Occupation: Domestic. Religion: Vaughnsville Union Church, Putnam County, Vaughnsville, Ohio. Residence Putnam County, Vaughnsville, Ohio (10 May 1950). Notes: Per the Obituary in the Putnam County Sentinel, Lydia died in the home of her granddaughter, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pitney. Seen name as Lida. Birth Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek 98 iii 99 iv 100 101 102 103 104 105 v vi vii viii ix x 106 xi Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth Source: Certificate of Death . Birth Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth Source: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Marriage Source: Ohio Marriages, The Genealogy Guide . web site: http://usgenealogyguide.com/ohio/ohmarriages.htm. Death Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 , Death Record 2, Roll 145, Section 3, page 7. Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Burial Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial Source: Certificate of Death . Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . William Lawrence4 Jenkins, born 1861 in Union County, Ohio. He married Mary Alberta. Tabitha Jane "Jane or Jennie"4 Jenkins, born 4 Oct 1862 in Union County, Allen Township, Ohio; died 20 May 1943 in Allen County, Fort Wayne, Indiana; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section Creek). She married on 14 Mar 1886 in Putnam County, Ohio William Edward "Ed" Dunlap (see 68), born 12 Sep 1863 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died 13 Jan 1932 in Ann Arbor Hospital, Washtenaw County, Ann Arbor, Michigan; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section Creek), son of Lester Adam Dunlap and Mary Young. Notes: Per the Marriage Record 5, Vol 3, page 410, for Putnam County, Ohio, her name is listed as Jennie Jenkins. Tombstone lists her name as Jane. Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 3, page 410, Marriage Record 5. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. John A4 Jenkins, born 1864. Lillie B4 Jenkins, born 1867. She married Unknown Smith. Eli Clemens4 Jenkins, born Sep 1869. Earl P4 Jenkins, born 1872. Mattie Belle4 Jenkins, born Jul 1873. She married John A Girod. Nellie W4 Jenkins, born 1876 in Union County, Ohio. She married William Gensel or Gansle. Cassie Maud4 Jenkins, born Jul 1879 in Union County, Ohio. She married William "Will" Klinger. 17. Tabitha Jane3 Holycross (Hester (or Ester) Ann2 Dunlap, Joseph1), born 8 Apr 1840 in Ohio; died 27 Jun 1920 in Union County, Ohio. She married Allen Albert Burroughs, born 11 Jun 1835 in Ravenna, Ohio; died 9 Nov 1921 in Pottersburg, Ohio. Notes for Tabitha Jane Holycross Union County Death Certificate, volume number 3396, certificate number 61525. Children of Tabitha Jane Holycross and Allen Albert Burroughs were as follows: 107 i Ira Clement4 Burroughs, born 25 Jul 1858 in Pottersburg, Ohio; died 18 Jun 1909 in Logan County, Ohio. He married Phoebe Ellen Spain, born 19 Mar 1862 in Union County, Allen Township, Ohio; died 7 Dec 1935 in Marion, Ohio. 108 ii Clara Ann4 Burroughs, born 29 Sep 1861 in Union County, Ohio; died 7 Aug 1944 in Payne, Ohio. She married John Wesley Cline, born 28 Jul 1856 in Union County, Ohio; died 28 May 1912 in Paulding County, Ohio. 109 iii Ezra McHugh4 Burroughs, born 22 Dec 1867; died 18 Feb 1962. He married Rosetta Epps, born 22 Dec 1871; died 12 Jan 1951 in Marion, Ohio. 110 iv Nancy Elizabeth4 Burroughs, born 20 Jul 1874. She married Unknown Leonhart. 111 v Infant Male4 Burroughs, born 1 Mar 1877 in Union County, Ohio; died 1 Mar 1877 in Union County, Ohio. 112 vi Florence Myrtle4 Burroughs, born 24 Aug 1878 in Union County, Ohio; died 10 Jun 1956 in Marysville, Ohio. She married Jesse Bergandine, born 12 Sep 1870 in Marysville, Ohio; died 27 Mar 1930 in Marysville, Ohio, son of Calbert Bergandine and Mary Ann Jordan. 113 vii George Bay4 Burroughs, born 3 Sep 1881 in Union County, Ohio; died 21 Feb 1943 in Marion, Ohio. He married Bertha Blanche Yeazle, born 28 Dec 1882 in Mechanicsburg, Ohio; died 20 May 1920 in Marion County, Marion, Ohio. 114 viii Eddie Ward4 Burroughs, born 4 Jan 1884. He married Mary Draper. 18. Nancy C3 Holycross (Hester (or Ester) Ann2 Dunlap, Joseph1), born 8 Sep 1842 in Union County, Ohio; died 16 Feb 1928 in North Lewisburg, Ohio. She married George I Jordan, born 14 Mar 1843; died 25 Dec 1919 in Champaigne County, North Lewisburg, Ohio. Notes for George I Jordan Champaigne County Death Certificate, volume number 3123, certificate number 67180. Children of Nancy C Holycross and George I Jordan were as follows: 115 i Delmar Norton4 Jordan, born 13 Feb 1866 in Union County, Ohio; died 18 Dec 1950 in Union County, Ohio. He married Clara Braun. 116 ii Samuel W4 Jordan, born 10 Nov 1867 in Union County, Ohio; died 10 Apr 1958 in Bellefontaine, Ohio. He married Edith Ballinger. 117 iii 118 iv Frank A4 Jordan, born 27 May 1871 in Pottersburg, Ohio; died 18 Nov 1976 in Lakeview, Ohio. He married Gertrude Rebecca Ballinger. William Forest4 Jordan, born 17 Feb 1879 in Ohio; died 5 Mar 1956 in Urbana, Ohio. 19. Clement (or Clemens) Beamer3 Holycross (Hester (or Ester) Ann2 Dunlap, Joseph1), born 13 Mar 1845 in Union County, Ohio; died 31 May 1896 in Ohio. He married on 12 Sep 1866 in Union County, Ohio Rosetta (or Rosella) Epps, born 11 May 1846 in Champaign County, Ohio; died 27 Aug 1908 in Champaign County, Ohio. Notes for Clement (or Clemens) Beamer Holycross The Union County Chapter, O.G.S., Union Echnoes Newsletter, Volume XXII, Union County, Ohio, indicates that Clemens Holycross was married to Rosella (Rosetta) Epps on 12 Sep, 1866, by Josiah Knight, MG. Sources for Clement (or Clemens) Beamer Holycross Marriage: Union County Chapter, O.G.S., Union Echoes Newsletter , Vol XXII. Sources for Rosetta (or Rosella) Epps Marriage: Union County Chapter, O.G.S., Union Echoes Newsletter , Vol XXII. Children of Clement (or Clemens) Beamer Holycross and Rosetta (or Rosella) Epps were as follows: 119 i Orrie B4 Holycross, born 5 Apr 1873 in Champaign County, Ohio; died 20 Jul 1891 in Champaign County, Ohio. 20. Robert C3 Holycross (Hester (or Ester) Ann2 Dunlap, Joseph1), born 5 Dec 1854 in Union County, Ohio; died 25 Dec 1925 in Logan County, Ohio; buried in East Liberty Cemetery, Logan County, Perry Township, Ohio. He married Mary Estella Cooksey, born 21 May 1856 in Union County, Ohio; died 30 Oct 1945 in East Liberty, Ohio; buried in East Liberty Cemetery, Logan County, Perry Township, Ohio. + Children of Robert C Holycross and Mary Estella Cooksey were as follows: 120 i Arthur L4 Holycross, born 18 Nov 1875; died 7 Apr 1963. He married Emma Krouskop. 121 ii Edgar Abraham4 Holycross, born 5 Nov 1878 in Union County, Ohio; died Oct 1973 in Port Charlotte, Florida. He married Evah R McAllister, born 28 Apr 1887 in Union County, Ohio; died May 1978 in Marysville, Ohio. Other events: Social Security Number: 283-340669, Ohio. 122 iii Grace B4 Holycross, born 14 Dec 1880; died 1963; buried in East Liberty Cemetery, Logan County, Perry Township, Ohio. She married Chester E Wooley, born 1882; died 1943; buried in East Liberty Cemetery, Logan County, Perry Township, Ohio. 123 iv Norris Blaine4 Holycross, born 1884; died 1966; buried in 124 v 125 vi 126 vii Middleburg Cemetery, Logan County, Zane Township, Ohio. He married Irma Hazel Sidesinger. Frank Roy4 Holycross, born Jan 1888. He married Alice Gertrude Yeazle. Ralph A4 Holycross, born 13 Jan 1894; died Jun 1982 in Medway, Ohio. He married Hazel Marie Dixon. Other events: Social Security Number: 275-01-7253, Ohio. Dale C4 Holycross, born 22 Jul 1895; died 19 Apr 1971 in West Mansfield, Ohio. He married Anna Lucille Patten, born 11 Mar 1897; died May 1972 in West Mansfield, Ohio. Other events: Social Security Number: 283-18-4316, Ohio. 23. John Will3 Dunlap (Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born Feb 1847 in Ohio; died 1941; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Row 10, Grave 3). He married on 17 Dec 1868 in Putnam County, Ohio Margaret F Ferguson, born 5 Sep 1850 in Rockport, Ohio; died 28 Jan 1929 in Allen County, Ohio; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Row 10, Grave 3). Other events for John Will Dunlap Occupation: Farmer. Other events for Margaret F Ferguson Occupation: Keeping House. Sources for John Will Dunlap Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Kalida, Ohio . Birth: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio . Birth: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth: Census, 1860, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Fort Jennings, Ohio . Birth: Census, 1850, Allen Township, Union County, Ohio , page 114B. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 1, page 359, Marriage Record 4. Occupation: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Kalida, Ohio . Occupation: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Notes for Margaret F Ferguson Seen name as Martha. Allen County Death Certificate, volume number 5856, certificate number 121. Sources for Margaret F Ferguson Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Kalida, Ohio . Birth: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio . Birth: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 1, page 359, Marriage Record 4. Occupation: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Kalida, Ohio . Occupation: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio . Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Children of John Will Dunlap and Margaret F Ferguson were as follows: 127 i Joseph H4 Dunlap, born 20 Aug 1869 in Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 1, page 17, Birth Record 2. Birth Source: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Kalida, Ohio . Birth Source: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio . 128 ii William V4 Dunlap, born 28 or 29 Dec 1870 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died 7 May 1890; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Row 10, Grave 4). Notes: Dunlap Biography by Grace I. Dunlap, published by Biography Press, Aransas Pass, Texas 78336, indicates his birth date is 1879. LDS indicates William's birth year is 1879. The Hartshorn Cemetery website indicates William V. Dunlap died 7 May 1890, at 19y, 5m, 9d; of which, then calculates his birth year to be 29 Dec 1870. Per the 1880 Census of Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio, his name is William A. Dunlap. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 1, page 30, Birth Record 2. Birth Source: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio . Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio 129 iii 130 iv 131 v 132 vi 133 vii . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Sara G4 Dunlap, born 11 Dec 1872 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio. Notes: Per the 1880 Census of Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio, her name is Sarah H. Dunlap. Birth Source: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio . James A4 Dunlap, born 5 May 1875 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died 18 Sep 1876; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Row 10, Grave 5). Notes: Dunlap Biography by Grace I. Dunlap, published by Biography Press, Aransas Pass, Texas 78336, indicates his birth date is 15 Jun 1865. LDS indicates his birth date to be 15 Jun 1865. The Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site indicates James A. Dunlap died 18 Sep 1876, at 1y, 4m, 13d; of which, then calculates his birth date to be 5 May 1875. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 1, page 84, Birth Record 2. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Jonas M4 Dunlap, born 12 Sep 1877; died 28 Apr 1890; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Row 10, Grave 4). Notes: Dunlap Biography by Grace I. Dunlap, published by Biography Press, Aransas Pass, Texas 78336, indicates the birth date is 12 Sep 1878. The Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site indicates Jonas M. Dunlap died 28 Apr 1890, at 12y, 7m, 16d; of which, then calculates the birth date to be 12 Sep 1877. Birth Source: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio . Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Albertis4 Dunlap, born 3 Oct 1879 in Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio; died 15 Jun 1882; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Row 10, Grave 5). Notes: Dunlap Biography by Grace I. Dunlap, published by Biography Press, Aransas Pass, Texas 78336, indicates the birth date is Apr 1880. LDS indicates the birth date is Apr 1880. The Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site indicates Albutes Dunlap died 15 Jun 1882, at 2y, 9m, 12d; of which, then calculates the birth date to be 3 Sep 1879. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 2, page 31, Birth Record 2. Birth Source: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio . Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Vinora M4 Dunlap, born May 1886 in Ohio. Birth Source: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . 24. Samuel "Sam"3 Dunlap (Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 1849 in Union County, Ohio; died 1924; buried in Carmen Cemetery, Allen County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio. He married Abigail Susan Carmen, born 1851 in Allen County, Ohio; died 1941; buried in Carmen Cemetery, Allen County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio. Other events for Samuel "Sam" Dunlap Occupation: Farmer. Other events for Abigail Susan Carmen Occupation: Housewife. Sources for Samuel "Sam" Dunlap Birth: Liberty Chapel Cemetery (Carmen Cemetery, Sugar Creek Twsp), Ohio . Birth: Census, 1860, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Fort Jennings, Ohio . Birth: Census, 1850, Allen Township, Union County, Ohio , page 114B. Death: Liberty Chapel Cemetery (Carmen Cemetery, Sugar Creek Twsp), Ohio . Notes for Abigail Susan Carmen Seen name spelled as Abagail, and Abigal. + Children of Samuel "Sam" Dunlap and Abigail Susan Carmen were as follows: 134 i William B4 Dunlap, born 5 Sep 1869; died 17 Aug 1891; buried in Carmen Cemetery, Allen County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio. Notes: Dunlap Biography by Grace I. Dunlap, published by Biography Press, Aransas Pass, Texas 78336, indicates his birth date is 1891. Carmen Cemtery indicates he died on 17 Aug, 1891, at 21 yrs, 11 mos, 2 days old; of which, then calculates his birth date to be 5 Sep 1869. Death Source: Liberty Chapel Cemetery (Carmen Cemetery, Sugar Creek Twsp), Ohio . 135 ii E. C.4 Dunlap, born 12 Mar 1871 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 20 Aug 1963 in Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio; buried 23 Aug 1963 in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section A, Row 25). He married Mary Ann "Annie" Kelly. Birth Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth Source: Certificate of Death . Birth Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Death Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death Source: Burials, Permit Stubs, 1028-1959 to 9-25-1993, Putnam County, Ohio , Book 12, Permit 95. Death Source: Certificate of Death , Death Record 3, Roll 146, Section 3, page 71. Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 22 Aug 1963, Thursday. Burial Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery + 136 iii + 137 iv 138 v + 139 vi + 140 vii 141 142 viii ix Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial Source: Certificate of Death . Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Joseph P "Joe"4 Dunlap, born 12 Oct 1873 in Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, near Rimer, Ohio; died 16 Jul 1959 in At home, Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio; buried in Carmen Cemetery, Allen County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio. He married Iona Hunt. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 1, page 49, Birth Record 2. Birth Source: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 5, page 286, Marriage Record 6. Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 17 Jul 1959, Friday. Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . John James4 Dunlap, born 11 Jul 1874 in Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio; died 4 Jul 1951 in At home, near Gomer, Ohio; buried in Carmen Cemetery, Allen County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio. He married Huldah M "Hulda" Baber. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 1, page 73, Birth Record 2. Death Source: Liberty Chapel Cemetery (Carmen Cemetery, Sugar Creek Twsp), Ohio . Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 13 Jul 1951, Friday, Section Two. Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Mary E "Minnie"4 Dunlap, born 7 Dec 1876 in Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio; died 1966. She married Amos Kelley, born 1872. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 1, page 101, Birth Record 2. Richard Edward4 Dunlap, born 15 Nov 1878 in Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Near Rimer, Ohio; died 1950; buried in Carmen Cemetery, Allen County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio. He married (1) Minnie Holmes or Whirley; (2) Cora Rager. Birth Source: Birth Registration or Correction of Birth Record Application, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 16, page 117, Birth Registration 8, Case No 3045. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 468, Marriage Record 7. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 468, Marriage Record 7. Death Source: Liberty Chapel Cemetery (Carmen Cemetery, Sugar Creek Twsp), Ohio . Thomas Asa "Asa"4 Dunlap, born 29 Nov 1880 in Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio; died 1974. She married Claudie MaGill. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 2, page 42, Birth Record 2. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 199, Marriage Record 7. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 199, Marriage Record 7. Cora4 Dunlap, born 1880; died 1905. Jennie Myrtle4 Dunlap, born 6 Nov 1882 in At home, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio; died Jun 1973. She married Jonathan M "John" Ford, died 1953. Other events: Social Security Number: + 143 x + 144 xi 145 xii 146 147 xiii xiv + 265-20-5204, Michigan. Birth Source: Birth Registration or Correction of Birth Record Application, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 16, page 110, Birth Registration 8, Case No 3038. Samuel C "Sam"4 Dunlap, born 2 Oct 1885 in Allen County, Ohio. He married Rosa Belle Jones. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 374, Marriage Record 7. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 374, Marriage Record 7. Arthur Lee "Artie"4 Dunlap, born 11 Dec 1889 in Ohio; died 7 Feb 1970 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried 10 Feb 1970 in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section A, Row 24). He married Clara M VanDemark. Birth Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth Source: Certificate of Death . Death Source: Ohio Deaths 1970-1988 , Volume 19962, Certificate 007984. Death Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death Source: Certificate of Death . Burial Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial Source: Certificate of Death . Leota B4 Dunlap, born 9 Jan 1891; died 9 Feb 1892; buried in Carmen Cemetery, Allen County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio. Notes: Carmen Cemetery indicates that Leota died at 1yr, 1mo. Death Source: Liberty Chapel Cemetery (Carmen Cemetery, Sugar Creek Twsp), Ohio . Ida Viole4 Dunlap, born 6 Sep 1894. She married Forest Baber. Allen Jo4 Dunlap. 27. James Henry3 Dunlap (Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 1855 in Ohio; died 5 May 1924 in Miller City, Ohio; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Row 15, Grave 4). He married on 19 Jun 1878 in Putnam County, Ohio Josephine Morrison, born 1860; died Jan 1920; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. Other events for James Henry Dunlap Occupation: Farmer, Laborer. Other events for Josephine Morrison Occupation: Keeping House. Notes for James Henry Dunlap Per the Will Record 9, Vol N, page 199, James Dunlap, found in his probate packet, Putnam County, Ohio, James Henry Dunlap of Miller City Putnam County Ohio, being of sound mind and memory, do make and publish this my last will and testament. 1) I devised and bequeath to my son Clark R Dunlap the full equal one half of my estate, of whatever kind. 2) I devised and bequeath to my other sons Alfred F Dunlap, Clinton S Dunlap, Ora R Dunlap, and Edward Earl Dunlap each the full equal (1/12) one twelfth of my estate. 3) I devised to the heirs of my son Harry R Dunlap the full equal one twelfth of my estate. 4) I devised to the heirs of my Daughter Bertha J (Redman) Dunlap the full equal one twelfth of my estate, and I further request that Robert A Walls act as Administrator of my estate. Per the obituary in the Putnam County Sentinel, Mr. Dunlap had his foot crushed by a train at Continental last winter making it necessary to have his leg amputated the next day which was successfully done at the City Hospital, Lima, Ohio. The leg healed up quickly, but Mr Dunlap was never able to be up, due to his advanced age and to stomach trouble. Sources for James Henry Dunlap Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Birth: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth: Census, 1860, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Fort Jennings, Ohio . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 3, page 397, Marriage Record 4. Occupation: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Occupation: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Death: Will of James Dunlap, found in his probate packet, Putnam County, Ohio (pages 199 - 202, signed 12 May 1924). Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 9 May 1924, Friday. Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Sources for Josephine Morrison Birth: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 3, page 397, Marriage Record 4. Occupation: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. + + + + + Children of James Henry Dunlap and Josephine Morrison were as follows: 148 i Alfred Frederick "Albert or Frederick"4 Dunlap, born 4 Nov 1879 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died 1 Nov 1948 in Morenci, Michigan. He married Elizabeth "Lizzie" Boberg. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 2, page 30, Birth Record 2. Birth Source: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 33, Marriage Record 7. 149 ii Clinton Sylvester "Clint"4 Dunlap, born 1 Jan 1882 in Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio; died 22 Nov 1958 in Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio. He married Thresia M "Teresa or Tracy" Boberg. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 234, Marriage Record 7. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 234, Marriage Record 7. 150 iii Bertha4 Dunlap, born 9 Dec 1884 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died bef 1924. She married Will Redman. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 2, page 110, Birth Record 2. Death Source: Will of James Dunlap, found in his probate packet, Putnam County, Ohio (pages 199 - 202, signed 12 May 1924). 151 iv Elmer L4 Dunlap, born 28 Dec 1884; died 9 Sep 1885; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Row 9, Grave 20). Notes: LDS indicates death date as 1905. The Hartshorn Cemetery website indicates Elmer L. Dunlap died 9 Sep 1885, at 8m, 27d. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. 152 v Sarah Ann4 Dunlap, born 16 Aug 1887; died 28 Mar 1888; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Row 9, Grave 20). Notes: LDS indicates death date as 9 Mar 1883. The Hartshorn Cemetery website indicates Sara Ann Dunlap died 28 Mar 1888, at 8m, 12d. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. 153 vi Harry Russell "Russell"4 Dunlap, born 8 Feb 1890 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 25 Jul 1921 in At home, Putnam County, east of Ottoville, Ohio. He married Edith Matilda Miller. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 10, page 192, Marriage Record 8. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 10, page 192, Marriage Record 8. Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 29 Jul 1921, Friday. 154 vii Clark R4 Dunlap, born 23 Dec 1892 in Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio; died 7 May 1965 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Ohio. He married (1) Emma Jane Robey; (2) Unknown Unknown. Birth Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, 155 viii 156 ix 157 x + 158 xi + 159 xii 160 xiii Ottawa, Ohio , 13 May 1965, Thursday. Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Burrett H4 Dunlap, born 29 Jun 1895; died 10 Jul 1895; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Row 9, Grave 20). Notes: Twin to Ezra H Dunlap. The Delphos Ohio History Cemetery website indicates Burrett only lived 12 days. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Ezra H4 Dunlap, born 29 Jun 1895; died 10 Jul 1895; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Row 9, Grave 20). Notes: Twin to Burrett H Dunlap. The Delphos Ohio History Cemetery website indicates Burrett only lived 12 days. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Cora M4 Dunlap, born 23 Aug 1897 in Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio; died 26 Aug 1899; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Row 9, Grave 20). Notes: The Hartshorn Cemetery website indicates Cora M Dunlap died 26 Aug 1899, at 2y, 3d. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Ora Ray4 Dunlap, born 23 Aug 1897 in Van Wert County, Centinental, Ohio; died 1 Jun 1965 in Defiance Hospital, Defiance County, Defiance, Ohio; buried in East Monroe Cemetery, Putnam County, Continental, Ohio (124, 4). He married Ella Arleen Byrd. Birth Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, East Monroe Cemetery, Putnam County, Monroe Township, Continental, Ohio . Birth Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 3 June 1965, Thursday. Death Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death Source: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 , Vol 18097, Cert 44012. Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Burial Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, East Monroe Cemetery, Putnam County, Monroe Township, Continental, Ohio . Edward Earl "Earl"4 Dunlap, born 11 Sep 1901 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 18 May 1936 in Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio; buried in Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Ottoville, Ohio. He married Hazel Mason. Birth Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 22 May 1936, Friday. Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Margaret4 Dunlap. 161 xiv Russel4 Dunlap, died bef 1924. Death Source: Will of James Dunlap, found in his probate packet, Putnam County, Ohio (pages 199 - 202, signed 12 May 1924). 28. Alfred "Alf or Alph"3 Dunlap (Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 24 Mar 1860 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 27 Jan 1916 in Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio; buried 30 Jan 1916 in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section B, Row 10). He married on 24 Apr 1880 in Union County, Ohio Lydia A "Liddie" Jenkins (see 97), born 15 Dec 1858 in Union County, Ohio; died 10 May 1950 in Putnam County, Vaughnsville, Ohio; buried 12 May 1950 in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section B, Row 10), daughter of William Jenkins and Lucinda Walker Holycross. Other events for Alfred "Alf or Alph" Dunlap Occupation: Farmer. Other events for Lydia A "Liddie" Jenkins Occupation: Domestic. Religion: Vaughnsville Union Church, Putnam County, Vaughnsville, Ohio. Residence Putnam County, Vaughnsville, Ohio (10 May 1950). Notes for Alfred "Alf or Alph" Dunlap Ohio Death Certificate Index, Putnam County, volume 1846, certificate 6645. FTM disk #400, Selected Counties of Ohio, 1789-1850, Marriage Index, indicates marriage date as 24 Apr 1880. Union, Ohio GenExchange Marriage Records, indicates Alfred Dunlap married Lydia Jenkins, 24 Apr 1880. Certificate of death inidcates Alfred was born 1860; whereas, the Cemetery Inscriptions by the Putnam Genealogy Society, Ohio indicates 1859. Per Will Record 8, Vol K, page 419, Alfred Dunlap, found in his probate packet, Putnam County, Ohio, Alfred Dunlap of Sugar Creek Township Putnam County Ohio, being of sound and disposing mind and memory and being mindful of the uncertainty of Life and the Certainity of death, do hereby make , Publish and declare this my last Will and testament to wit: 1) I hereby direct that all my Just debts, the expense of my last sickness and my funeral expense be paid out of my estate. 2) I hereby give devise and bequeath to my beloved wife Lydia A Dunlap All of my property both personal and real, for and during her natural Life or so long as she remains my Widow. 3) After the death of my said wife or after her marriage, is she should remarry, I herby direct that all of my property then remaining shall be devided equally between my children, Lawrence Dunlap, Bessie Clevenger, and Wilber Dunlap, Share and Share alike. 4) I hereby naminate and appoint my said wife Lydia A Dunlap Executrix of this my last will and testament, she to act alone if my son Wilber Dunlap is not of legal age at the time of my decease then and in that case, I herby mainate and appoint my said wife Lydia A Dunlap and my said Son Wilber Dunlap as Co-Executors of this my last will and Testament. Per the Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio, Alford Dunlap was born Mar 1859, and was 41 years old. Sources for Alfred "Alf or Alph" Dunlap Birth: Certificate of Death . Birth: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Birth: Census, 1860, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Fort Jennings, Ohio . Marriage: Ohio Marriages, The Genealogy Guide . web site: http://usgenealogyguide.com/ohio/ohmarriages.htm. Occupation: Certificate of Death . Occupation: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Death: Certificate of Death . Death: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death: Will of Alfred Dunlap, found in his probate packet, Putnam County, Ohio (pages 419 - 423, signed 7 Feb 1916). Burial: Certificate of Death . Burial: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Notes for Lydia A "Liddie" Jenkins Per the Obituary in the Putnam County Sentinel, Lydia died in the home of her granddaughter, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pitney. Seen name as Lida. Sources for Lydia A "Liddie" Jenkins Birth: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth: Certificate of Death . Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Marriage: Ohio Marriages, The Genealogy Guide . web site: http://usgenealogyguide.com/ohio/ohmarriages.htm. Occupation: Certificate of Death . Religion: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Residence: Certificate of Death . Death: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 , Death Record 2, Roll 145, Section 3, page 7. Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Burial: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial: Certificate of Death . Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . + + Children of Alfred "Alf or Alph" Dunlap and Lydia A "Liddie" Jenkins were as follows: 162 i Lawrence W4 Dunlap, born 8 May 1883 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio; died 1 Feb 1953 in Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio; buried 4 Feb 1953 in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section B, Row 10). He married Frances Elnor Rohrer. Birth Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 191, Marriage Record 7. Birth Source: Certificate of Death . Birth Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 2, page 95, Birth Record 2. Birth Source: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 191, Marriage Record 7. Death Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 , Death Record 2, Roll 145, Section 3, page 267. Death Source: Certificate of Death . Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 6 Feb 1953, Friday. Burial Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial Source: Certificate of Death . Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . 163 ii Bessie L4 Dunlap, born 3 May 1888 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died 1978 in Lima Manor Nursing Home, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried in Vaughnsville Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio (Section A, Row 80). She married William J "Will" Clevenger. Birth Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 3, page 52, Birth Record 3. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 8, page 81, Marriage Record 7. Birth Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth Source: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 8, page 81, Marriage Record 7. Death Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 21 Jun 1978 Wednesday. Burial Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . + 164 iii Wilbur E4 Dunlap , born 13 Jul 1895 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died 21 Apr 1940; buried in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section B, Row 10). He married Dottie "Dot" Miley. Birth Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 3, page 57, Birth Record 3. Birth Source: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 12, page 367. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 12, page 367. Death Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . 30. Godfrey Chamberlain3 Dunlap (Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born Aug 1863 in Ohio; died 1950; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section I). He married on 25 Oct 1883 in Putnam County, Ohio Mary E Myers, born Aug 1868 in Ohio; died 1955; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section I). Other events for Godfrey Chamberlain Dunlap Occupation: Laborer. Sources for Godfrey Chamberlain Dunlap Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Birth: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 3, page 225, Marriage Record 5. Occupation: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Sources for Mary E Myers Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 3, page 225, Marriage Record 5. Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. + Children of Godfrey Chamberlain Dunlap and Mary E Myers were as follows: 165 i Ellia "Ella" B4 Dunlap, born Mar 1890; died 1922; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section I). She married Harvey A Claypool. Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. 166 ii Clarence4 Dunlap, born 5 Aug 1884 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died 3 Jul 1885; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Row 8, Grave 12). Notes: Had this birth date listed, Abt 30 Jun 1874, but his birth record 2, vol 2, page 110, in Putnam County, indicates his birth date as 5 Aug 1884. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Birth Record 2, Vol 2, page 110. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. 31. Mary Agnes "Aggie"3 Dunlap (Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 1866 in Ohio; died 1932; buried in Ridge Township Cemetery, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio. She married on 11 Oct 1885 in Putnam County, Ohio James C Pangle, born 1857 in Ohio; died 1934; buried in Ridge Township Cemetery, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio. Notes for Mary Agnes "Aggie" Dunlap Seen name as Meary Dunlap. Sources for Mary Agnes "Aggie" Dunlap Birth: Cemetery Inscriptions, Van Wert County, Ohio, Volume 4 . Birth: Census, 1910-Population, Thirteenth Census of the United States, Van Wert County, Washington Township, Ohio . Birth: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Birth: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 3, page 366, Marriage Record 5. Marriage: Newspaper, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 15 Oct 1885, Thursday. Death: Cemetery Inscriptions, Van Wert County, Ohio, Volume 4 . Burial: Cemetery Inscriptions, Van Wert County, Ohio, Volume 4 . Sources for James C Pangle Birth: Cemetery Inscriptions, Van Wert County, Ohio, Volume 4 . Birth: Census, 1910-Population, Thirteenth Census of the United States, Van Wert County, Washington Township, Ohio . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 3, page 366, Marriage Record 5. Marriage: Newspaper, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 15 Oct 1885, Thursday. Death: Cemetery Inscriptions, Van Wert County, Ohio, Volume 4 . Burial: Cemetery Inscriptions, Van Wert County, Ohio, Volume 4 . Children of Mary Agnes "Aggie" Dunlap and James C Pangle were as follows: 167 i George4 Pangle, born abt 1889 in Ohio. Notes: I think his middle initial is a G, per Census 1910-Population. 168 ii William V4 Pangle, born 1890 in Ohio; died 1924; buried in Ridge Township Cemetery, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio. Birth Source: Census, 1910-Population, Thirteenth Census of the United States, Van Wert County, Washington Township, Ohio . Birth Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Van Wert County, Ohio, Volume 4 . Death Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Van Wert County, Ohio, Volume 4 . Burial Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Van Wert County, Ohio, Volume 4 . + + 169 iii 170 iv 171 172 v vi 173 vii 174 viii Earl (Carl) B4 Pangle, born 24 Oct 1892 in Ohio; died 16 Feb 1915; buried in Ridge Township Cemetery, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio. Birth Source: Census, 1910-Population, Thirteenth Census of the United States, Van Wert County, Washington Township, Ohio . Birth Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Van Wert County, Ohio, Volume 4 . Death Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Van Wert County, Ohio, Volume 4 . Burial Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Van Wert County, Ohio, Volume 4 . Velma4 Pangle, born abt 1895 in Ohio. She married Unknown Allemeier. Birth Source: Census, 1910-Population, Thirteenth Census of the United States, Van Wert County, Washington Township, Ohio . Lee P4 Pangle, born abt 1897 in Ohio. Bessie J4 Pangle, born abt 1900 in Ohio. Birth Source: Census, 1910-Population, Thirteenth Census of the United States, Van Wert County, Washington Township, Ohio . Alva A4 Pangle, born abt 1903 in Ohio. Birth Source: Census, 1910Population, Thirteenth Census of the United States, Van Wert County, Washington Township, Ohio . Alta P4 Pangle, born 5 Aug 1910 in Washington Township, Ohio; died 15 Oct 2007 in Vancrest Health Care Center, Lima, Ohio; buried 18 Oct 2007 in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section Highway). She married Guy H Matson. Birth Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 17 Oct 2007, Wednesday. Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 17 Oct 2007, Wednesday. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 17 Oct 2007, Wednesday. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. 33. Alexander "Alex"3 Dunlap (Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 5 Jan 1872 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died 4 Aug 1929 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section R). He married in 1904 Katie Ellen "Kate" Hetrick , born 26 May 1887 in Paulding County, Paulding Township, Ohio; died 23 Feb 1959 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section R), daughter of George Hetrick Semer and Emaline Elizabeth "Emma" . Other events for Alexander "Alex" Dunlap Occupation: Farmer. Other events for Katie Ellen "Kate" Hetrick Occupation: Housewife. Notes for Alexander "Alex" Dunlap Allen County Ohio Death Certificate, volume number 6057, certificate number 50480. Sources for Alexander "Alex" Dunlap Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Occupation: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Notes for Katie Ellen "Kate" Hetrick When Katie married Alex Dunlap, Iona was a small baby. Shortly after the marriage, Alex's father had a stroke and Kate and Alex had to move in with them to care for the farm and for the father-in-law. Iona went to live with her grandparents, George and Emma Semer Hetrick. After her marriage she lived in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. LDS has her name listed as Katheryn D. Hetrick. Per her obituary in the Putnam County Sentinel, she died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lee Vogt. Per her marriage record, Putnam County, Vol 15, page 554, to John Keller, Katie was born in Putnam County. Sources for Katie Ellen "Kate" Hetrick Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 15, page 554. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 15, page 554. Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 27 Feb 1959, Friday. Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Children of Alexander "Alex" Dunlap and Katie Ellen "Kate" Hetrick were as follows: + 175 i Emma Iona "Iona"4 Hetrick , born 18 Feb 1903; died 10 Mar 1959. She married Robert B Hole. 176 ii Gertrude Bell "Gert"4 Dunlap , born 21 Apr 1908 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Rimer, Ohio; died 26 Mar 1976 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section Dienstberger). She married on 16 Apr 1946 Harold Justin "Ki" Fetzer , born 2 Jan 1916 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio; died 10 Nov 1985 in Veterans Administration Hospital, Fort Wayne, Indiana; buried 13 Nov 1985 in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section Dienstberger), son of William Peter "Peter" Fetzer and Anna Mary Veronica "Veronica" Krebs. Other events: Social Security Number: 290-01-2029, Ohio. Occupation Retired from DWG Cigar Factory. Notes: Her birth certificate has her name as Gerchie, her social security information and tombstone say Gertrude. The Birth Registration or Correction of Birth Record Application, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio, Case No 4498, on 11 Aug 1961, indicates that she corrected her name to be Gertrude Belle, instead of Girchie Bell, as incorrectly recorded in Birth Record 3, Vol 4, page 56, number 246 of the birth records of Putnam County, Ohio. Never had children. Birth Source: Birth Registration or Correction of Birth Record Application, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 25, page 62, Birth Registration 12, Case No 4498. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 4, page 56, Birth Record 3. Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth Source: Funeral Prayer Card . Marriage Source: Obituary . Harold (Ki) Fetzer obiturary. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death Source: Funeral Prayer Card . Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Funeral Prayer Card . 177 iii Lillie Mae "Lil"4 Dunlap , born 19 Jul 1910 in On a farm in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Rimer, Ohio; died 19 Mar 1994 in At home, Allen County, Ft. Wayne, Indiana; buried 22 Mar 1994 in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section R). She married on 14 Jun 1933 in St. John's Catholic Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio, divorced Carl Leo Berry , son of Claude Berry and Mame Murray. Other events: Religion United Brothern Church, then converted to Catholic in 1933. Occupation: Retired Waitress, Carousel and Southside Gardens, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Baptism St. Jude's Catholic Church, Ft. Wayne, Indiana (Jun 1933). Divorce (20 Jan 1940). Notes: Per the Birth Record 3, Vol 4, Page 58, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio, her name appears to be spelled Lilla May Dunlap. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 4, page 58, Birth Record 3. Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth Source: Obituary . Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death Source: Obituary . Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Obituary . + 178 iv Patricia (was Zella) Alberta "Pat"4 Dunlap , born 7 Jun 1912 in On a farm in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Rimer, Ohio; died 28 May 1970 in Ft. Wayne, Indiana; buried 30 May 1970 in Catholic Cemetery, Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio. She married (1) Vernon Mumaw; (2) Meletus Henry "Dick" Dickman . Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 4, page 59, Birth Record 3. Birth Source: Funeral Prayer Card . Death Source: Funeral Prayer Card . Burial Source: Funeral Prayer Card . + 179 v Ruth Vatula "Tula"4 Dunlap , born 2 Sep 1914 in Putnam County, West of Rimer, Ohio. She married (1) Gilbert John "Gyp" Schulte ; (2) Charles Louis "Chuck" Kleman . Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Birth Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Immaculate Conception Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Marriage Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . + 180 vi Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie"4 Dunlap , born 15 Mar 1917 in Allen County, Monroe Township, Ohio; died 1 Sep 1984 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried in St. John's Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section V). She married Alfred John "Pat" Fetzer. Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . Birth Source: Funeral Prayer Card . Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . Death Source: Funeral Prayer Card . Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . Burial Source: Funeral Prayer Card . + 181 vii , born 25 May 1919 in At Nellie Erma "Nell"4 Dunlap home, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio; died 2 May 2002 in Defiance County, Defiance, Ohio; buried 8 May 2002 in St. John's Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section V). She married (1) Leon Theodore "Lee" Vogt ; (2) Meletus Henry "Dick" Dickman . Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth Source: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death Source: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . + 182 viii Robert Herbert Isadore "Herb or Bud"4 Dunlap , born 7 Jun 1921 in At Home, Putnam County, Delphos, Ohio; died 11 Aug 1986 in Delphos Memorial Nursing Home, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio; buried 14 Aug 1986 in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section U). He married Edith Mildred Ditto . Birth Source: Ohio Deaths 1970-1988 . Birth Source: Certificate of Death . Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth Source: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 12 Aug 1986, Tuesday. Birth Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Birth Source: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 . Birth Source: Funeral Prayer Card . Death Source: Ohio Deaths 1970-1988 , Volume 26541, Certificate 057159. Death Source: Certificate of Death . Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 13 Aug 1986, Wednesday. Death Source: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 12 Aug 1986, Tuesday. Death Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death Source: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 , Vol 26541, Cert 057159. Death Source: Funeral Prayer Card . Burial Source: Certificate of Death . Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Burial Source: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 12 Aug 1986, Tuesday. Burial Source: Funeral Prayer Card . + 183 ix Leah Catherine4 Dunlap , born 1 Feb 1923 in Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio; died 5 Nov 2006 in Lutheran Hospital, Fort Wayne, Indiana; buried 8 Nov 2006 in Covington Memorial Gardens, Fort Wayne, Indiana. She married Robert Louis "Bob" Fetzer . Birth Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 6 Nov 2006, Monday. Birth Source: Funeral Prayer Card . Death Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 6 Nov 2006, Monday. Death Source: Funeral Prayer Card . Burial Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 6 Nov 2006, Monday. + 184 x Paul Lavern "Bill"4 Dunlap , born 23 Dec 1926 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. He married Beatrice Kathryn "Bea" Benson . Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. + 185 xi , born 5 Aug 1928 Kenneth Alexander "Kenny"4 Dunlap in Delphos, Ohio; died 4 Jun 2005 in James Cancer Center, Community Hospital, Springfield, Ohio; buried 8 Jun 2005 in Ferncliff Cemetery, Springfield, Ohio. He married Joyceann Martin . Birth Source: Obituary, Springfield News-Sun, Clark County, Springfield, Ohio , 5 Jun 2005 - 7 Jun 2005. Birth Source: Funeral Prayer Card . Death Source: Obituary, Springfield News-Sun, Clark County, Springfield, Ohio , 5 Jun 2005 - 7 Jun 2005. Death Source: Funeral Prayer Card . Burial Source: Obituary, Springfield News-Sun, Clark County, Springfield, Ohio , 5 Jun 2005 - 7 Jun 2005. Burial Source: Funeral Prayer Card . 34. Wesley3 Dunlap (Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born Sep 1873 in Ohio; died 4 Aug 1923 in Allen County, Ohio. He married on 24 Mar 1898 in Putnam County, Ohio Florence Ginnette "Nettie" Stemen, born 28 Aug 1875 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died 15 Dec 1962 in Castle Convalescent Home, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio; buried in Salem Cemetery, north of Elida, Allen County, Ohio, daughter of David Stemen and Sarah Elizabeth "Elizabeth" Cox?. Other events for Wesley Dunlap Occupation: Farmer. Other events for Florence Ginnette "Nettie" Stemen Religion: Trinity Methodist Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. Notes for Wesley Dunlap Per the Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio, his name is listed as Walter? Dunlap. Allen County Ohio Death Certificate volume number 4230, certificate number 47084. Sources for Wesley Dunlap Birth: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 5, page 497, Marriage Record 6. Occupation: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Notes for Florence Ginnette "Nettie" Stemen Per the obituary in the Putnam County Sentinel, Nettie married Wesley Dunlap on 27 Mar 1875; however their marriage record indicates 24 Mar 1898. Sources for Florence Ginnette "Nettie" Stemen Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Birth Record 2, Vol 1, page 84. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 5, page 497, Marriage Record 6. Religion: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 21 Dec 1962, Friday. Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Children of Wesley Dunlap and Florence Ginnette "Nettie" Stemen were as follows: 186 i Goldie G4 Dunlap, born 18 Oct 1898 in Jennings Township, Ohio; died 23 Dec 1978. She married Clark Forest Van Meter, born 1896. Other events: Social Security Number: 275-22-7568, Ohio. Notes: Per the Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio, her name is listed as Goldy G. Dunlap. Per the Putnam County Birth Record 3, Vol 3, page 60, her name is listed as Viola Gertrude Dunlap. Birth Source: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Birth Record 3, Vol 3, page 60. 187 ii Hazel A4 Dunlap, born 30 Sep 1901; died 29 Oct 1989 in Montpelier, Ohio; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section Highway). She married Oris Zeal Sawmiller, born 6 Oct 1903; died 18 Apr 1994; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section Highway). Other events: Social Security Number: 299-20-5565, Ohio. Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. 36. Martha3 Dunlap (Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 12 Sep 1875 in Ohio; died 10 Jan 1958. She married on 29 Jan 1896 in Putnam County, Ohio Samuel Schindler, born 7 Aug 1874; died 28 Dec 1963. Sources for Martha Dunlap Birth: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 5, page 297, Marriage Record 6. Sources for Samuel Schindler Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 5, page 297, Marriage Record 6. + + + + Children of Martha Dunlap and Samuel Schindler were as follows: 188 i Hiram Leroy "Lee"4 Schindler, born 20 Jun 1896; died 4 Jun 1972. He married Leah Unknown. 189 ii Joseph Elmer "Elmer"4 Schindler, born 23 Sep 1899; died 21 Oct 1932. He married Cora Unknown. 190 iii Harold Gilson4 Schindler, born 27 Feb 1904; died 3 Jun 1980. Other events: Social Security Number: 269-24-4837, Ohio. Notes: Never married. 191 iv Sarah Lucille "Lucille"4 Schindler, born 31 Aug 1906; died 22 Jun 1940. She married Unknown Unknown. 192 v Infant4 Schindler, born 5 Jan 1911; died 5 Jan 1911. 193 vi Nellie Loretta4 Schindler, born 4 Apr 1912; died 3 Jan 2002 in Columbus Grove, Putnam County, Ohio. Other events: Religion United Brothern Church, Columbus Grove, Ohio. Notes: Never Married. 194 vii Floyd Edgar4 Schindler, born 26 May 1913; died Apr 1972. Other events: Social Security Number: 297-18-2837, Ohio. Notes: Never married. 195 viii Lloyd Edwin "Buss"4 Schindler, born 26 May 1913; died Mar 1984. He married Mildred Unknown. 196 ix Johnie Eugene4 Schindler, born 26 Mar 1915; died 5 Nov 1918. + 197 x Albert Ronnel "Ronnel"4 Schindler, born 11 Mar 1918; died 5 Nov 1918. 198 xi , born 28 Jun 1919 in Lulu Geraldine "Jerry"4 Schindler Saline, Michigan; died 27 Apr 2004 in Weaverville, North Carolina; buried 1 May 2004 in Truro Cemetery, Columbus Grove, Ohio. She married Carlyle "Slim" Kundert. Birth Source: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 29 Apr 2004, Thursday. Birth Source: Funeral Prayer Card . Death Source: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 29 Apr 2004, Thursday. Death Source: Funeral Prayer Card . Burial Source: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 29 Apr 2004, Thursday. Burial Source: Funeral Prayer Card . 37. Edward3 Dunlap (Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 24 Aug 1878 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died 1956; buried in Carmen Cemetery, Allen County, Sugar Creek Township, near Gomer, Ohio. He married on 23 Mar 1901 in Paulding County, Ohio Mary Ann Hetrick, born 1885 in Ohio; died 10 Jun 1960 in At home, Putnam County, Rockport, Ohio; buried in Carmen Cemetery, Allen County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio, daughter of George Hetrick Elizabeth "Emma" Semer and Emaline . Other events for Edward Dunlap Occupation: Farmer, Laborer. Other events for Mary Ann Hetrick Occupation: Housewife. Notes for Edward Dunlap Dunlap Biography by Grace I. Dunlap, published by Biography Press, Aransas Pass, Texas 78336, indicates the birth year as 1885. LDS indicates birth year as 1885. Sources for Edward Dunlap Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 2, page 11, Birth Record 2. Birth: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Occupation: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Death: Liberty Chapel Cemetery (Carmen Cemetery, Sugar Creek Twsp), Ohio . Notes for Mary Ann Hetrick Dunlap Biography by Grace I. Dunlap, published by Biography Press, Aransas Pass, Texas 78336, indicates the birth year as 1895. Seen name spelled as Sterrieck and Hedrick. Sources for Mary Ann Hetrick Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 10 Jun 1960, Friday. + + Children of Edward Dunlap and Mary Ann Hetrick were as follows: 199 i Laura May4 Dunlap, born 20 May 1902 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Rushmore, Ohio. She married Charles M Hunt. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 4, page 51, Birth Record 3. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 11, page 527. 200 ii Florence4 Dunlap, born 26 May 1904 in Putnam County, Ohio. She married on 25 Jan 1923 in Putnam County, Ohio William M Kies, born 10 May 1900 in Auglaize County, Ohio, son of Adam Kies and Emma Harter. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 13, page 15. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 13, page 15. 201 iii Opal Helena4 Dunlap, born 12 Nov 1905 in Allen County, Beaverdam, Ohio. She married Edward Hale Buettner. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 13, page 579. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 13, page 579. 202 iv Emma4 Dunlap , born 24 Dec 1906 in Allen County, Ohio. She married on 5 May 1928 in Putnam County, Ohio Carl Johnson, born 3 Jun 1906 in Van Wert, Ohio, son of Willard Johnson and Ethel Sours. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol + 203 v + 204 vi 205 vii 206 207 viii ix 14, page 76. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 14, page 76. Wava P4 Dunlap, born 6 May 1909 in Allen County, Ohio; died 13 Nov 1978. She married (1) Carl Hayes; (2) Herschell "Curly" Buettner. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 14, page 329. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 14, page 329. Carl Edward4 Dunlap, born 21 Apr 1915 in Beaverdam, Ohio; died 2 May 1968 in St. Rita's Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried in Carmen Cemetery, Allen County, Sugar Creek Township, near Gomer, Ohio. He married Olive Fruchey. Birth Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death Source: Liberty Chapel Cemetery (Carmen Cemetery, Sugar Creek Twsp), Ohio . Death Source: Burials, Permit Stubs, 10-28-1959 to 9-25-1993, Putnam County, Ohio , Book 34, Permit 106. Death Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Infant4 Dunlap, born 23 Nov 1917 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died 24 Nov 1917 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Birth Record 3, Vol 4, page 63. Death Source: Death Records in Putnam County, Ohio , Death Record 1, Vol 3, page 53. Martha4 Dunlap. She married Morris Lewis. Betty Lou4 Dunlap, born 23 Apr 1927 in Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio. She married Donald Fruchey. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 5, page 50, Birth Record 4. 41. Samuel3 Wells (Nancy2 Dunlap, Joseph1), born 10 Jan 1852; died 25 Mar 1930. He married Elizabeth Casner. Notes for Samuel Wells Per the Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio, Samuel was 2 years old, so that would make his birth date about 1868. + Children of Samuel Wells and Elizabeth Casner were as follows: 208 i Simeon (or Samuel)4 Wells, born abt 1878. He married Elizabeth Bryan. 42. Ira Charles3 Dunlap (Thomas2, Joseph1), born Mar 1851 in Ohio; died 22 Jul 1925; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. He married Emmaline E "Emma" Bryan, born 1852; died 1 Jan 1919 in Van Wert County, Ohio; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. Other events for Ira Charles Dunlap Occupation: Farmer, Laborer. Notes for Ira Charles Dunlap The Delphos Daily Herald, 6 Jan 1902, reads: Ira Dunlap, who has been living near Rushmore, has moved to a farm near Ottoville where he intends making his future home. Sources for Ira Charles Dunlap Birth: Census, 1860, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Fort Jennings, Ohio . Occupation: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Notes for Emmaline E "Emma" Bryan Van Wert County Ohio Death Certificate, volume number 2884, certificate number 7412. Seen name as Emeline. Children of Ira Charles Dunlap and Emmaline E "Emma" Bryan were as follows: 209 i Infant4 Dunlap, died 23 May 1873, buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. 210 ii John W4 Dunlap, born 16 Sep 1874 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died 5 Sep 1892 in Putnam County, Jackson Township, Ohio; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Row 12, Grave 2). Notes: The Hartshorn Cemetery website indicates John W. Dunlap (son of Ira and Emeline) died 6 Sep 1892, at 17y, 11m, 20d. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 1, page 69, Birth Record 2. Death Source: Death Records in Putnam County, Ohio , Death Record 1, Vol 2, page 46. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. 43. William Heron3 Dunlap (Thomas2, Joseph1), born abt 25 Dec 1855 in Putnam County, Jackson Township, Ohio; died 23 Jan 1914 in Putnam County, Jackson Township, Ohio; buried in Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, near Ottoville, Ohio (Old Part - West Side, Row 24, Grave 3). He married 1876 or 1 Feb 1877 in Van Wert County, Ohio Cassie (or Cassiah) Semer, born 21 Jun 1859 in Ohio; died 19 or 24? Apr 1925 in Allen County, Ohio; buried in Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, near Ottoville, Ohio (New Part - East Side, Row 5, Grave 6), daughter of John Henry Semer (or Ziemer) and Catherine (or Cassie or Kassiah?) Matz. Notes for William Heron Dunlap Per the Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio, only one William shows up on the Census, at age 15, which would make his birth date about 1855. The Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Antioch Cemetery, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14, indicate that William H Dunlap was born 1855, died 1913. Sources for William Heron Dunlap Birth: Death Records in Putnam County, Ohio , Death Record 1, Vol 3, page 52. Birth: Census, 1860, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Fort Jennings, Ohio . Birth: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Death: Death Records in Putnam County, Ohio , Death Record 1, Vol 3, page 52. Burial: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Notes for Cassie (or Cassiah) Semer See name as Kassiah Seymore (over 18 years of age) and William H Dunlap (over 21 years of age) on marriage record, Van Wert County, 26 Jan 1877, with Ira C Dunlap as witness. Per the Birth Record, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio, Vol 3, page 57, Birth Record 3, for Stella B Dunlap, it indicates her mother's name is Sarah Semer. Per the Birth Record, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio, Vol 3, page 55, Birth Record 3, for Nelly Bly Dunlap, it indicates her mother's name is Kesiah Semer. Per Marriage Record 8, Vol 9, page 368, of Nellie Dunlap, her mother's name is listed as Cassie Semer. Certificate of Death, Allen County, certificate number 19824, Volume number 4706....Cassie Osenga Semer ??? The Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Antioch Cemetery, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14, indicates Cassie Dunlap was born in 1860, died in 1925. Sources for Cassie (or Cassiah) Semer Death: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Burial: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . + + Children of William Heron Dunlap and Cassie (or Cassiah) Semer were as follows: 211 i Cora Lucinda4 Dunlap, born 1 Aug 1877 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 24 Mar 1957. She married Albert Sybert. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 5, page 361, Marriage Record 6. 212 ii Clara J4 Dunlap, born 16 Sep 1879; died 13 Jun 1927 in Putnam County, Ohio; buried in Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, Ottoville, Ohio (Row 14, Grave 8). She married John M Keller . Birth Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch + 213 iii 214 iv + 215 v + 216 vi Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 5, page 451, Marriage Record 6. Death Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Burial Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Charles Ray4 Dunlap, born 16 Jan 1882; died 23 Oct 1932 in Paulding County, Jackson Township, Ohio; buried in Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, near Ottoville, Ohio (Old Part - West Side, Row 24, Grave 3). He married Rebecca "Becky" Walker. Birth Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Death Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Burial Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Thomas4 Dunlap, born 30 Aug 1886; died 12 Mar 1950 in Van Wert County, Ohio; buried 26 Mar 1950 in St. Joseph's Cemetery, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio. He married Catherine Alice "Alice" John, born 29 Aug 1878 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio; died 4 Apr 1918 in Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Cloverdale, Ohio; buried 15 Apr 1918 in St. Joseph's Cemetery, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio (Section B, Row 10), daughter of Peter John and Magdalena Leininger. Other events: Baptism Fort Jennings Catholic Church, Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio (12 Mar 1950). Notes: Per Lindsey Sue Kennedy, the 1920 census has them living in Lucas County, Toledo, Ohio. No children. Death Source: Death Records, Fort Jennings Catholic Church, Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio , Church Record 23. Burial Source: Death Records, Fort Jennings Catholic Church, Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio , Church Record 23. Nelly Edna Bly4 Dunlap, born 9 Mar 1893 in Putnam County, Jackson Township, Ohio; died 11 Apr 1972 in Lucas County, Ohio; buried in Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, Ottoville, Ohio (New Part - East Side, Row 5, Grave 5). She married Leroy "Roy" Windle. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 3, page 55, Birth Record 3. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 9, page 368, Marriage Record 8. Birth Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 9, page 368, Marriage Record 8. Death Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Burial Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Stella Bell4 Dunlap, born 15 Feb 1895 in Putnam County, Jackson Township, Ohio; died 3 Jul 1980 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio; 217 vii buried in Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, Ottoville, Ohio (New Part - East Side, Row 2, Grave 7). She married Miller Kennedy. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 3, page 57, Birth Record 3. Birth Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Death Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Burial Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Verda Alma4 Dunlap, born 21 May 1897 in Putnam County, Jackson Township, Ohio; died 29 Aug 1898 in Putnam County, Jackson Township, Ohio; buried in Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, Ottoville, Ohio (Row 25, Grave 5). Notes: Per Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14, Virda A Dunlap died 15 Aug 1898, aged 1 yr, 2m, 24d. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 3, page 59, Birth Record 3. Death Source: Death Records in Putnam County, Ohio , Death Record 1, Vol 2, page 48. Burial Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . 44. John Wesley3 Dunlap (Thomas2, Joseph1), born 31 Jan 1857 in Ohio; died 13 May 1931. He married Catherine Adams. Sources for John Wesley Dunlap Birth: Census, 1860, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Fort Jennings, Ohio . + + Children of John Wesley Dunlap and Catherine Adams were as follows: 218 i James Franklin "Frank"4 Dunlap, born 7 Jun 1879 in Van Wert County, Ohio; died 2 Aug 1959. He married (1) Delta Belle Thatcher; (2) Grace M Hammons; (3) Daisy M Wisher. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 6, page 265, Marriage Record 6. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 6, page 265, Marriage Record 6. 219 ii John4 Dunlap. He married Delta Belle Thatcher, born 18 Nov 1891 in Van Wert County, Ohio; died 7 Sep 1981 in Van Wert Manor, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio; buried 10 Sep 1981 in Ridge Cemetery, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio, daughter of Perry Thatcher and Jane Stricker. 220 iii Sarah4 Dunlap. She married Al Hammons. 221 iv Emmet4 Dunlap, born 18 Aug 1892. He married Alta M Kohn. 45. Robert F3 Dunlap (Thomas2, Joseph1), born 6 Dec 1860 in Ohio; died 16 Apr 1939. He married on 11 Aug 1883 Sarah Adam. Sources for Robert F Dunlap Birth: Census, 1860, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Fort Jennings, Ohio . Notes for Sarah Adam Seen name as Adams. + + + + Children of Robert F Dunlap and Sarah Adam were as follows: 222 i Myrtle4 Dunlap, born 6 Sep 1884; died 27 Nov 1964. She married Lemuel Mosier. 223 ii William A4 Dunlap, born 5 Jan 1890 in Van Wert County, Ohio; died 3 Mar 1965 in Paulding County, Ohio. He married Agnes Ellen Dotson. Birth Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death Source: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 , Vol 18014, Cert 23342. 224 iii Fred Lawrence4 Dunlap, born 30 Sep 1894; died May 1982 in Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio. He married Loma Kohn. Birth Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . 225 iv Delbert F4 Dunlap, born 23 Jun 1899 in Ohio; died 10 Apr 1979 in Van Wert County Hospital, Van Wert, Ohio; buried 12 Apr 1979 in Ridge Cemetery, Van Wert County, Ohio. He married Mary C Ferris. Birth Source: Ohio Deaths 1970-1988 . Birth Source: Certificate of Death . Birth Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Birth Source: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 . Death Source: Ohio Deaths 19701988 , Volume 23644, Certificate 029517. Death Source: Certificate of Death . Death Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death Source: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 , Vol 23644, Cert 029517. Burial Source: Certificate of Death . 226 v Mammie A4 Dunlap, died 10 Mar 1901, buried in Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, Ottoville, Ohio (Row 23, Grave 10). Notes: Per Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14, Mammie was 1y, 11m, 23d old when she died. Death Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Burial Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . 46. Joseph Presley "Jos or Presley"3 Dunlap (Thomas2, Joseph1), born 10 Mar 1862 in Putnam County, Rushmore, Ohio; died 21 Mar 1941 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried in Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, near Ottoville, Ohio (Old Part - West Side, Row 14, Grave 16). He married on 14 Mar 1883 in Putnam County, Ohio Evaline "Eva" Harris, born 1 Jan 1864 in Ottoville, Ohio; died 29 Mar 1947 in Allen County, Ohio; buried in Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, near Ottoville, Ohio (Old Part - West Side, Row 14, Grave 16), daughter of Arthur Harris and Mary Unknown. Other events for Joseph Presley "Jos or Presley" Dunlap Religion: Mt. Zion United Brethren Church, Pleasant Branch, Christian Church, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio. Sources for Joseph Presley "Jos or Presley" Dunlap Birth: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Birth: Obituary . Birth: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 3, page 184, Marriage Record 5. Religion: Obituary . Death: Obituary . Death: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Burial: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Notes for Evaline "Eva" Harris Eva died at the home of her daughter, Mrs Billy Harpster (Lilly Viola Dunlap). Sources for Evaline "Eva" Harris Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 3, page 184, Marriage Record 5. Death: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Burial: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Children of Joseph Presley "Jos or Presley" Dunlap and Evaline "Eva" Harris were as follows: 227 i Lilly Viola "Billy"4 Dunlap, born 23 Jun 1884 in Putnam County, Monterey Township, Ohio. She married on 24 Sep 1903 in Putnam County, Ohio George Cleve "Cleve" Harpster, born 4 Oct 1884 in Putnam County, Monterey Township, Ohio; died 1925; buried in Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, Ottoville, Ohio (Row 9, Grave 12). Other events: Occupation: Housekeeper. Notes: Per the Birth Record 2, Vol 2, page 105, Probate Court, + 228 ii 229 iii 230 iv 231 v 232 vi Putnam County, Ohio indicates her name is Lilly B. Dunlap, and she was born in Monterey Township. Per Marriage Record 7, Vol 7, page 51, Putnam County, Ohio, her name is listed as Lilla Viola Dunlap, and she was born in Jackson Township. Per her mother's, Eva Harris, obituary, she is listed as Mrs. Billy Harpster. Seen her name as Lillie. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 2, page 105, Birth Record 2. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 51, Marriage Record 7. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 51, Marriage Record 7. Mary Ella4 Dunlap, born 17 Nov 1886 in Van Wert, Ohio. She married on 24 Sep 1904 in Putnam County, Ohio Harvey E Hammons, born 20 Feb 1881 in Putnam County, Monterey Township, Ohio, son of Frank Hammons and Mena Henry. Other events: Occupation: Housekeeper. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 157, Marriage Record 7. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 157, Marriage Record 7. Nancy Belle4 Dunlap, born 16 Nov 1889 in Putnam County, Jackson Township, Ohio; died Apr 1985 in DelRay Beach, Florida. She married on 13 Jun 1908 in Putnam County, Ohio John F Stirn, born 23 Nov 1888 in Putnam County, Ohio, son of Philip Stirn and Julia Loy. Other events: Social Security Number: 302-18-1269, Ohio. Occupation: Housekeeper. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 3, page 53, Birth Record 3. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 8, page 83, Marriage Record 7. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 8, page 83, Marriage Record 7. Laura Elvira4 Dunlap, born 12 Jan 1892 in Putnam County, Jackson Township, Ohio; died 19 Nov 1892 in Putnam County, Jackson Township, Ohio; buried in Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, near Ottoville, Ohio (Old Part - West Side, Row 14, Grave 14). Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 3, page 54, Birth Record 3. Death Source: Death Records in Putnam County, Ohio , Death Record 1, Vol 2, page 46. Death Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Burial Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Ida Diana4 Dunlap, born 2 Jul 1896 in Putnam County, Jackson Township, Ohio; died 11 Nov 1985 in Putnam County, Cloverdale, Ohio. She married Roy Spitnale. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 3, page 58, Birth Record 3. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 11, page 130. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 11, page 130. Glenn Harvey4 Dunlap, born 6 Oct 1898 in Putnam County, Jackson Township, Ohio; died 17 Oct 1935 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio; buried in Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, near Ottoville, Ohio (Old Part - West Side, Row 14, Grave 15). He + 233 vii married Ruth Barth. Other events: Military Service: Spanish War Vet, Pvt 5 Rect USMC Ohio 2 Div. Notes: Allen County Ohio Death Certificate, volume number 5921, certificate number 5921. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 3, page 60, Birth Record 3. Death Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Burial Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Alta L4 Dunlap, born 3 May 1904 in Putnam County, Montana, Ohio. She married Floyd H Salisbury. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 12, page 295. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 12, page 295. 47. Nancy Jane3 Dunlap (Thomas2, Joseph1), born 17 Nov 1863; died 6 Dec 1953 in Jackson, Michigan; buried in Monroe Cemetery, Continental, Ohio. She married on 4 Jun 1882 Robert A. Walls, born 23 Sep 1861 in Allen County, Cairo, Ohio; died 10 Jul 1952 in At home of son T.J. Walls; buried 20 Jul 1952 in Putnam County, Monroe Cemetery, Ohio, son of Jacob Walls and Angeline Unknown. Other events for Robert A. Walls Occupation: R.A. Walls and son funeral home, R.A.Walls and son furniture store. Notes for Robert A. Walls His obiturary says he came to Putnam County, Continental, Ohio in 1894 where he operated an undertaking and furniture business for a number of years. He retired in 1938. Per the Continental History, Continental, Ohio, 1886-1986, Robert purchased the business in 1894, from Eli Fifer. The building at that time stood on today's sites of the Lutheran Church and two residences. It faced what then was the public square on Continental. After fire destroyed the building, Mr Walls, the Odd Fellows fraternal order, and W.C. Veach built today's brick building on North Main Street. Walls Funeral Home & Furniture Store occupied the north side of the building; Veach's Hardware occupied the south half, and the Odd Fellows Hall was upstairs. Embalming was taken care of in the rear of the funeral home, where caskets and other supplies were kept. In those days, bodies were taken to their homes for calling hours, and local churches conducted all funeral services. When new state regulations came into effect, Walls built an embalming room near the rear of his residence (207 West Rice St.), moved the funeral business to that address, and later, remodelled (1947) the entire location into a modern funeral parlor downstairs - with living quarters upstairs. Robert Wall's two sons, Ira and Jacob, helped him with the business. Ira took over the management and operated the business 20 years until his father's death at age 91. Sources for Robert A. Walls Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 18 Jul 1952, Friday. Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 18 Jul 1952, Friday. + Children of Nancy Jane Dunlap and Robert A. Walls were as follows: 234 i Thomas J. "T.J."4 Walls, born 28 Feb 1885 in Putnam County, near Delphos, Ohio. He married on 16 Oct 1904 in Putnam County, Continental, Ohio Zella Mull, born 10 Jul 1885 in Belmore, Ohio, daughter of H. E. Mull and Ella Miller. Other events: Occupation: Clerk. Birth Source: Marriage License, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio , Marriage Record 7, Vol 7, page 163. Marriage Source: Marriage License, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio , Marriage Record 7, Vol 7, page 163. 235 ii Ira Robert4 Walls, born 28 Aug 1888 in Putnam County, Monterey Township, Ohio; died abt 24 Apr 1952 in Defiance County, Defiance City Hospital, Defiance, Ohio; buried in Putnam County, Monroe Cemetery, Ohio. He married Mary Evalyn Frankart. Birth Source: Marriage License, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio , Marriage Record 8, Vol 10, page 108. Birth Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 2 May 1952, Friday. Marriage Source: Marriage License, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio , Marriage Record 8, Vol 10, page 108. Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 2 May 1952, Friday. Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 2 May 1952, Friday. 236 iii Maude B "Maudie"4 Walls, born 24 May 1890 in Ottoville, Ohio. She married on 12 May 1907 in Putnam County, Continental, Ohio Charles R Allen, born 4 Aug 1884 in Columbus Grove, Ohio, son of Albert M Allen and Lydia Mericle. Other events: Occupation: Housekeeper. Notes: Her marriage record indicates her name is Maudie B Walls. Birth Source: Marriage License, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio , Marriage Record 7, Vol 7, page 440. Marriage Source: Marriage License, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio , Marriage Record 7, Vol 7, page 440. 237 iv Edna4 Walls, died bef May 1952. She married Edward Vernier. 55. George W3 Dunlap (Thomas2, Joseph1), born Jul 1884. He married Unknown Unknown. Children of George W Dunlap and Unknown Unknown were as follows: 238 i Leora May4 Dunlap. 57. Simon3 Dunlap (Thomas2, Joseph1), born 16 Jan 1880 in Van Wert County, Ohio. He married on 4 Apr 1900 in Putnam County, Ohio Effie G Leach, born 27 Mar 1882 in Henry County, Ohio, daughter of Walter James Leach and Matilda Knapp. Other events for Simon Dunlap Occupation: Laborer. Other events for Effie G Leach Occupation: Domestic. Sources for Simon Dunlap Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 6, page 166, Marriage Record 6. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 6, page 166, Marriage Record 6. Occupation: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 6, page 166, Marriage Record 6. Sources for Effie G Leach Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 6, page 166, Marriage Record 6. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 6, page 166, Marriage Record 6. Occupation: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 6, page 166, Marriage Record 6. Children of Simon Dunlap and Effie G Leach were as follows: 239 i Archie4 Dunlap, born 16 Jul 1900 in Putnam County, Greensburg Township, Ohio. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 3, page 62, Birth Record 3. Generation 4 62. Emma Jane4 Wade (Sybil3 Dunlap, Robert2, Joseph1). She married Lewis Carpenter. Children of Emma Jane Wade and Lewis Carpenter were as follows: 240 i Zoe5 Carpenter. 241 ii Coral5 Carpenter. 242 iii Roy5 Carpenter. 243 iv Charlie5 Carpenter. 63. William Sylvester4 Wade (Sybil3 Dunlap, Robert2, Joseph1). He married Unknown Unknown. Children of William Sylvester Wade and Unknown Unknown were as follows: 244 i Edward5 Wade. 65. Mary Florence4 Wade (Sybil3 Dunlap, Robert2, Joseph1). She married Asa (or Ace ?) Culp. + Children of Mary Florence Wade and Asa (or Ace ?) Culp were as follows: 245 i Cyril5 Culp. He married Mabel ? Unknown. 67. Elizabeth Ann4 Wade (Sybil3 Dunlap, Robert2, Joseph1), born 12 Dec 1860 in Union County, Ohio; died 1937 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section Five). She married abt 1879 James Henry Hunt, born 1 Apr 1852 in Muskinghum County, Ohio; died 7 Mar 1932 in Putnam County, Rushmore, Ohio; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section Five). Other events for James Henry Hunt Military Service Civil War. Occupation: Farmer. Sources for Elizabeth Ann Wade Birth: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Sources for James Henry Hunt Birth: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Military Service: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Occupation: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 11 Mar 1932, Friday. Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Children of Elizabeth Ann Wade and James Henry Hunt were as follows: 246 i Emma5 Hunt. She married Mark Evans. + 247 248 ii iii 249 iv 250 v 251 vi Ned5 Hunt, died bef 1932. He married Alpha Mayberry. Winfred Lewis5 Hunt, born 1882; died 1939; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section Five). Other events: Military Service WWI. Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Hattie M5 Hunt, born 1883; died 1906; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section Five). Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Effie E5 Hunt, born 1886; died 1936; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section Five). Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Arthur Hampton5 Hunt, born 11 Feb 1891. He married Gladys Finicle. 68. William Edward "Ed"4 Dunlap (Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 12 Sep 1863 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died 13 Jan 1932 in Ann Arbor Hospital, Washtenaw County, Ann Arbor, Michigan; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section Creek). He married on 14 Mar 1886 in Putnam County, Ohio Tabitha Jane "Jane or Jennie" Jenkins (see 99), born 4 Oct 1862 in Union County, Allen Township, Ohio; died 20 May 1943 in Allen County, Fort Wayne, Indiana; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section Creek), daughter of William Jenkins and Lucinda Walker Holycross. Other events for William Edward "Ed" Dunlap Occupation: Laborer, Postmaster. Residence Fort Wayne, Indiana (Jan 1932). Notes for William Edward "Ed" Dunlap Dunlap Biography by Grace I. Dunlap, published by Biography Press, Aransas Pass, Texas 78336, indicates William was born 1864. LDS indicates birth date as 14 Sep 1864, and death date as 16 Jan 1932. Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988, William's middle name is Edwin, born 14 Sept 1864, and died about 1935. The Putnam County Sentinel indicates Edward died on the 14 Jan 1932 at Ann Arbor Hospital, where he had been a patient for several weeks; and his remains were taken to Fort Wayne, Indiana, his residence, where funeral services were held; and that he was buried in Walnut Grove Cemtery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. Sources for William Edward "Ed" Dunlap Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Birth: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 3, page 410, Marriage Record 5. Occupation: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Occupation: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Residence: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 22 Jan 1932, Friday. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Notes for Tabitha Jane "Jane or Jennie" Jenkins Per the Marriage Record 5, Vol 3, page 410, for Putnam County, Ohio, her name is listed as Jennie Jenkins. Tombstone lists her name as Jane. Sources for Tabitha Jane "Jane or Jennie" Jenkins Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 3, page 410, Marriage Record 5. Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Children of William Edward "Ed" Dunlap and Tabitha Jane "Jane or Jennie" Jenkins were as follows: 252 i Sondra5 Dunlap, died 22 Oct 1888, buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, + 253 ii + 254 iii + 255 iv + 256 v + 257 vi 258 vii 259 viii + Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Row 14, Grave 5). Notes: Per the Delphos Ohio History Cemetery website, there is an Infant, Dunlap died 22 Oct 1888. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Edna C5 Dunlap, born 3 Mar 1883 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 31 Oct 1948 in Washtenaw County, Ann Arbor, Michigan. She married A. Ross Caris. Golda Mae "Goldie"5 Dunlap, born 9 Nov 1886 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died 9 Feb 1956 in Allen County, Fort Wayne, Indiana. She married Chance Beck. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 2, page 139, Birth Record 2. Harry Lester5 Dunlap, born 18 Dec 1889; died 15 Feb 1957; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section E). He married Etta O Miller. Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Forest William5 Dunlap, born 29 Sep 1890 in Paulding County, Grover Hill, Ohio; died 13 Jul 1973 in Allen County, Fort Wayne, Indiana. He married Mabel Unknown. Birth Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Clarence Glen "Glen"5 Dunlap, born 2 Apr 1892 in Ohio; died 15 Apr 1959 in Allen County, Indiana. He married Myrtle Unknown. Roy5 Dunlap, born 14 Jul 1893; died 5 Aug 1894; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Row 14, Grave 5). Notes: The Hartshorn Cemetery website indicates Roy Dunlap died 5 Aug 1894, at 1y, 22d. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Ralph W5 Dunlap, born 15 Oct 1903 in Paulding County, Grover Hill, Ohio; died 19 Jul 1966 in Allen County, Fort Wayne, Indiana. He married Alice King. Birth Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . 69. Emma Jeanette "Nettie or Net"4 Dunlap (Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 4 Nov 1866 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 25 Mar 1966. She married on 10 Jan 1886 in Putnam County, Ohio Lewis "Lew or Doc" Gordon, born 1862; died 1938; buried in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section A, Row 17), son of Levi W Gordon and Jane Houston. Notes for Emma Jeanette "Nettie or Net" Dunlap LDS lists her name as Emma Geanette Dunlap. Per the Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio her name is listed as F. Emma Dunlap. Sources for Emma Jeanette "Nettie or Net" Dunlap Birth: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Birth: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 3, page 397, Marriage Record 5. Sources for Lewis "Lew or Doc" Gordon Birth: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 3, page 397, Marriage Record 5. Death: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Children of Emma Jeanette "Nettie or Net" Dunlap and Lewis "Lew or Doc" Gordon were as follows: + 260 i Margaret5 Gordon, born 22 Mar 1887; died 1 Feb 1983. She married John W Lofquist. + 261 ii Fred5 Gordon, born 3 Sep 1888. He married Blanche Unknown. + 262 iii Edward5 Gordon, born 25 Jun 1890. He married Edith Unknown. + 263 iv Dello "Bake"5 Gordon, born 15 Oct 1892. He married Flossie Unknown. + 264 v Charles R "Bob"5 Gordon, born 2 Feb 1895. He married (1) Mary Unknown; (2) Carrie Unknown. 265 vi Virgil "Jake"5 Gordon, born 16 Oct 1897. He married Vivian Lucile "Bee" Colton, born 20 Nov 1900; died 8 May 1974. Other events: Military Service: U.S. Armed Forces, including overseas duty, 20 Jun 1916 to 11 Jun 1920. + 266 vii Lester5 Gordon, born 26 May 1903. He married Sue Unknown. 70. Rachel Jane "Jane or Jennie"4 Dunlap (Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 21 Aug 1869 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died 6 Mar 1958 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried in Pomeroy Cemetery, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio. She married on 15 Aug 1889 in Putnam County, Ohio John Cowan , born 18 Mar 1861 in Allen County, Marion, Ohio; died 18 Aug 1936 in At home, Putnam County, Ohio; buried 20 Aug 1936 in Pomeroy Cemetery, Putnam County, Ohio, son of Moses C Cowan and Wotrema Kortier. Other events for Rachel Jane "Jane or Jennie" Dunlap Illness: Glaucoma. Other events for John Cowan Occupation: Teacher, poet, and politician, County representative to the general assembly, Justice of the Peace for Ottawa township. Religion: Ottawa Presbyterian Church, Putnam County, Ohio. Notes for Rachel Jane "Jane or Jennie" Dunlap Her obit indicates she was married in 1888. Sources for Rachel Jane "Jane or Jennie" Dunlap Birth: The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988 . Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 1, page 20, Birth Record 2. Birth: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Marriage: Atlas of Putnam County, Ohio 1895 . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 4, page 202, Marriage Record 5. Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 14 Mar 1958, Friday. Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Notes for John Cowan Per the 1895 Atlas of Putnam County, Ohio, John is one of nine children, of whom only three survived. He was left an orphan at the age of twelve, and after the death of his parent, which occurred in 1874, he was taken to Jennings township, Putnam County, and there worked on a farm until the age of twenty years. In 1882 he attended the Normal University at Lebanon, Ohio, and while there fitted himself for the vocation of teacher, and subsequently taught eleven years in the schools of Jennings township. In 1884, he was appointed guard at the Ohio penitentiary and served two years, he being the youngest guard then in that institution. He took a course in surveying and civil engineering at Lebanon, Ohio, and has done considerable surverying and township ditch engineering in his vicinity. He has served two terms as Assessor, one as Supervisor adn one as Justice of the Peace. At the primary election in the spring of 1895, he was nominated for County Recorder on the Democratic ticket, and in the following November was elected almost without opposition. Per the Putnam County Sentinel, 21 Aug 1936, Friday, John was born on a farm east of Delphos. When a child of eight or ten years, his parents died at which time he went to Fort Jennings to make his home with Mr. and Mrs. Christ Bach. He attended the schools of Fort Jennings and by working on the farm he saved enough of his earning to take a course in Civil Engineering at the Lebanon normal school; also his obituary indicates he was married in 1888. Sources for John Cowan Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 21 Aug 1936, Friday. Marriage: Atlas of Putnam County, Ohio 1895 . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 4, page 202, Marriage Record 5. Occupation: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 21 Aug 1936, Friday. Religion: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 21 Aug 1936, Friday. Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 21 Aug 1936, Friday. Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 21 Aug 1936, Friday. Children of Rachel Jane "Jane or Jennie" Dunlap and John Cowan were as follows: 267 i Watreena M "Treena"5 Cowan, born 11 Nov 1889; died 13 Sep 1974. 268 ii Chloe J5 Cowan, born 19 May 1891; died 2 Feb 1978 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married Robert Henes. Other events: Residence Ottawa, Ohio (24 Mar 1959). Notes: Had no children. 269 iii Grace C5 Cowan, born 2 Sep 1895; died 19 Oct 1900. 270 iv Helen Marie5 Cowan, born 5 Aug 1899; died 8 Feb 1987 in Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio. She married in 1923 Carl Borneman, died 1959. Notes: Had no children. 271 v Raymond Moses "Jack"5 Cowan, died 2 Oct 1970. He married Marie Sourwine, born 2 Sep 1898. 272 vi Jack5 Cowan. 74. Mary Alice4 Dunlap (Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 15 Nov 1878 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died 13 Jan 1968 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section Two). She married (1) on 4 Jul 1908 in Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio Charles Friend, born 1 Aug 1871 in Allen County, Scotts Crossing, Ohio; died Mar 1941 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section Two), son of Daniel Friend and Ravina Faustnaught; (2) Glenwood Marshall. Other events for Mary Alice Dunlap Occupation: Housekeeper. Other events for Charles Friend Occupation: Laborer. Sources for Mary Alice Dunlap Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 2, page 11, Birth Record 2. Birth: The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988 . Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 8, page 104, Marriage Record 7. Birth: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Marriage: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 8, page 104, Marriage Record 7. Occupation: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 8, page 104, Marriage Record 7. Occupation: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Notes for Charles Friend Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988, his death date is 8 Apr 1914. Sources for Charles Friend Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 8, page 104, Marriage Record 7. Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Marriage: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 8, page 104, Marriage Record 7. Occupation: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 8, page 104, Marriage Record 7. Death: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. + + Children of Mary Alice Dunlap and Charles Friend were as follows: 273 i Hubert5 Dunlap, born 25 Sep 1899 in Putnam County, Rimer, Ohio; died 15 Aug 1981 in At home, Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio; buried 20 Aug 1981 in Covington Memorial Gardens, Fort Wayne, Indiana. He married Grace Irene Baker. Birth Source: Birth Registration or Correction of Birth Record Application, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 24, page 106, Birth Registration 12, Case No 4341. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 3, page 61, Birth Record 3. Birth Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Birth Source: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 . Death Source: Ohio Deaths 1970-1988 , Volume 24548, Certificate 060594. Death Source: Certificate of Death . Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 19 Aug 1981, Wedsnesday. Death Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death Source: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 , Vol 24548, Cert 060594. Burial Source: Certificate of Death . Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . 274 ii Eugene "Gene"5 Dunlap, born 16 Aug 1902; died Apr 1970. He married Helen Unknown. Other events: Social Security Number: 29001-2333, Ohio (bef 1951). Residence Allen County, Lima, Ohio 45805 (Apr 1970). Notes: Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988, Eugene's last name may be Dunlap, not Friend. Birth Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . 275 iii Charles C Jr.5 Friend, born 21 Apr 1910; died 1 Jul 1986 in Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio. He married Eileen Kemper. 276 iv Ruth5 Friend, born 1912; died 8 Apr 1914; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section Two). Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. 76. Marion Clark "Clark"4 Dunlap (Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 25 Mar 1882 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died 15 Dec 1978 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section K). He married (1) Jennie Luciell Parsons, born 1895 in Paulding County, Ohio; died Feb 1923; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section K); (2) on 16 Apr 1927 Nancy Amanda Bryan, born 12 Jun 1890 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio; died 1 Jun 1976 in St. Rita's Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried 5 Jun 1976 in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section K), daughter of Nelson Bryan and Josephine Patton. Other events for Marion Clark "Clark" Dunlap Occupation: Farmer. Social Security Number: 273-34-1491, Ohio (1954/55). Residence RFD #2, Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio 45844 (21 Feb 1970). Other events for Jennie Luciell Parsons Occupation: Housewife. Other events for Nancy Amanda Bryan Occupation: Housekeeping. Social Security Number: 277-62-3366, Ohio (1973). Residence RFD #1, Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio 45844 (1 Jun 1976). Notes for Marion Clark "Clark" Dunlap Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988, he died Dec 1981. Sources for Marion Clark "Clark" Dunlap Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 2, page 60, Birth Record 2. Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Occupation: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . Occupation: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 20 Dec 1978, Wednesday. Occupation: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Social Security Number: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 20 Dec 1978, Wednesday. Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Burial: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Notes for Jennie Luciell Parsons Seen name as Parson. Sources for Jennie Luciell Parsons Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Notes for Nancy Amanda Bryan Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988, Marion married May Bryan Hiller on Easter Sunday of April 1926 or 1927, had some children by her first marriage, and died June 1976. Per Marion Dunlap's obituary in the Putnam County Sentinel, it indicates he was married to Jennie Parsons and Nancy A. Hiller, and they both preceeded him in death. The U.S. Social Security Index indicates that Nancy was born 12 Jun 1891. Sources for Nancy Amanda Bryan Birth: Certificate of Death . Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Occupation: Certificate of Death . Social Security Number: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Residence: Certificate of Death . Residence: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Residence: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death: Certificate of Death . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 9 Jun 1976, Wednesday. Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Burial: Certificate of Death . Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Children of Marion Clark "Clark" Dunlap and Jennie Luciell Parsons were as follows: 277 i Ruth Musette5 Dunlap, born 10 Mar 1920 in Putnam County, Rushmore, Ohio; died 4 Jul 2000 in Paradise Oaks, Cloverdale, OHio; buried in Memorial Park Cemetery, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married (1) in 1953 Ralph Roberts; (2) on 7 Jul 1940 in Putnam County, Ohio Lawrence Pavel, born 6 Apr 1920 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio, son of Frank Pavel and Ellen Niel. Notes: Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988, there were no children. Birth Source: Birth Registration or Correction of Birth Record Application, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 17, page 13, Birth Registration 9, Case No 3136. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 16, page 565. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 16, page 565. Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 12 Jul 2000, Wednesday. Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Children of Marion Clark "Clark" Dunlap and Nancy Amanda Bryan were as follows: 278 i Lagora5 Bryan. Other events: Residence Delphos, Ohio (16 May 1949). Notes: Lagora is listed as a step-daughter on Marion Dunlap's obituary, as Mrs. Don (Legora) Bryan. Don't know why her last name is Bryan ? 279 ii Everett G5 Hillard. Notes: Everett is listed as a son to Nancy Dunlap, on her obituary. Don't know why his last name is Hillard ? 78. Huldah4 Dunlap (Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 25 Dec 1886 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Rushmore, Ohio; died 14 Nov 1972 in Warren, Ohio; buried in Lordstown Cemetery, Lordstown, Ohio. She married on 18 Nov 1905 in Putnam County, Ohio Grover C Ford, born 16 Nov 1884 in Putnam County, Rushmore, Ohio, son of Jonathan G Ford and Sarah Anna Rohrer. Other events for Huldah Dunlap Occupation: Housekeeper. Other events for Grover C Ford Occupation: Farmer. Notes for Huldah Dunlap Per the Birth Record 2, Vol 2, page 139, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio, her name is spelled Huldy Dunlap. Per Marriage Record 7, Vol 7, page 295, Putnam County, Ohio, indicates her name is Hulda. Per the Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio, her name is Hulda Dunlap. Sources for Huldah Dunlap Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 2, page 139, Birth Record 2. Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 295, Marriage Record 7. Birth: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 295, Marriage Record 7. Occupation: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 295, Marriage Record 7. Notes for Grover C Ford Was from a large pioneer family in Putnam County, Ohio. Sources for Grover C Ford Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 295, Marriage Record 7. Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Birth Record 2, Vol 2, page 110. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 295, Marriage Record 7. Occupation: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 295, Marriage Record 7. + + + + + + + + Children of Huldah Dunlap and Grover C Ford were as follows: 280 i Robert Raymond5 Ford, born 30 Mar 1906 in Rushmore, Ohio; died 21 May 1982 in Canada; buried in Lordstown Cemetery, Lordstown, Ohio. Notes: Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988, Robert never married. 281 ii Ethel Pauline "Pauline"5 Ford, born 22 Jan 1908 in Rushmore, Ohio. She married George Seymour McKibben. 282 iii Enola5 Ford, born 7 May 1912 in Painesville, Ohio. She married James McKibben Wilson. 283 iv Aldyth Irene5 Ford, born 16 Jul 1914 in Painesville, Ohio. She married Lyle Raymond Graham. 284 v Gladys Leota5 Ford, born 7 Jul 1916 in Thompson, Ohio; died 10 Jul 1916; buried in Thompson, Ohio. 285 vi Dorotha Ardena5 Ford, born 1 Oct 1918 in Leetonia, Ohio; died 15 Oct 1970 in Washington, D.C.; buried in Lordstown Cemetery, Lordstown, Ohio. She married on 1 Jun 1940 John C Airhart. Notes: Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988, Dorotha was cremated and a memorial stone was placed on the grave site of Grover and Huldah Ford, in the Lordstown Cemetery, Lordstown, Ohio; and there were no children. 286 vii Jonathan Lester "Lester"5 Ford, born 4 Jun 1921 in Bazetta, Ohio. He married (1) Glenrose Boucher; (2) Kathleen Hannon. 287 viii Marion Louise5 Ford, born 19 Sep 1922 in Champion, Ohio. She married Regis Floyd Lutz. 288 ix Henry Edsel5 Ford, born 12 Jan 1924 in Champion, Ohio. He married Ida Mae Sipe. 289 x Richard Wayne5 Ford, born 15 Jul 1925 in Lordstown, Ohio. He married Hazel Marie Lutz. 290 xi Virginia Mae5 Ford, born 21 Nov 1926 in Lordstown, Ohio. She married Clyde Elmo Lutz. 79. Louisa Rachel "Rachel"4 Barnes (Almeda (or Amelia) Jane "Jane"3 Dunlap, Robert2, Joseph1), born 23 Aug 1861 in Union County, Union Township, Ohio. She married Ebenezer Chamberlain. Sources for Louisa Rachel "Rachel" Barnes Birth: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Children of Louisa Rachel "Rachel" Barnes and Ebenezer Chamberlain were as follows: 291 i Jessie5 Chamberlain. 292 ii Harley V5 Chamberlain, born 27 Sep 1891; died 16 Dec 1938; buried in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section A, Row 17). Birth Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death Source: 2002 293 294 iii iv Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Mary5 Chamberlain. Marie5 Chamberlain. 80. Robert Lester "Lester"4 Barnes (Almeda (or Amelia) Jane "Jane"3 Dunlap, Robert2, Joseph1), born 31 Aug 1865 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 22 Apr 1895 in Putnam County, Ohio; buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Row 14, Grave 3). He married on 6 Oct 1886 in Putnam County, Ohio Augusta Geneva Thurston, born 7 Oct 1870 in Ohio; died 12 Jan 1901 in Ohio. Sources for Robert Lester "Lester" Barnes Birth: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death: History of Putnam County, Ohio, 1915, by George Kinder . Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Children of Robert Lester "Lester" Barnes and Augusta Geneva Thurston were as follows: 295 i Delsa (or Delca) Glenora5 Barnes, born 30 Jul 1893 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died 31 Aug 1988 in Lucas County, Toledo, Ohio. She married on 24 Dec 1912 in Putnam County, Ohio Harry Tallman Reynolds, born 11 Jan 1892 in Route 1, Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio; died 24 Nov 1971 in At home, Lucas County, Toledo, Ohio, son of Richard Reynolds and Sarah Rower. Notes: Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988, her name is spelled Dilcie Barnes. Hard to read her name on her birth record, something like Dilcua ? Seen her name as Delca Barnes on her husband's obituary. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Birth Record 3, Vol 3, page 20. 81. Lola Laura "Laura"4 Barnes (Almeda (or Amelia) Jane "Jane"3 Dunlap, Robert2, Joseph1), born 8 Aug 1867 in Union County, Union Township, Ohio; died 13 May 1895. She married (1) Samuel "Sam" Swihart; (2) Valandingham Rower. Notes for Lola Laura "Laura" Barnes Per Dunlap Biography by Grace I. Dunlap, published by Biography Press, Aransas, Texas 78336, Lola Barnes birth year is 1865. Sources for Lola Laura "Laura" Barnes Birth: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Death: History of Putnam County, Ohio, 1915, by George Kinder . Children of Lola Laura "Laura" Barnes and Samuel "Sam" Swihart were as follows: 296 i Arnold5 Swihart. 297 ii Doyt A5 Swihart. 82. William E4 Barnes (Almeda (or Amelia) Jane "Jane"3 Dunlap, Robert2, Joseph1), born 19 Oct 1869 in Ohio; died 17 Sep 1915; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section F). He married Dora E "Birdie" McOwen, born 1872; died 1954; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section F). Notes for William E Barnes Per Dunlap Biography by Grace I. Dunlap, published by Biography Press, Aransas, Texas 78336, William E Barnes birth year is 1870. Sources for William E Barnes Birth: Census, 1870, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio . Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Sources for Dora E "Birdie" McOwen Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. + Children of William E Barnes and Dora E "Birdie" McOwen were as follows: 298 i Russell Elsley5 Barnes, born 9 May 1897; died 7 Sep 1982; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section F). He married Viola Persis "Persis" Ford. Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History + 299 ii 300 iii Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Ellis Ray5 Barnes, born 14 Nov 1898; died 6 Aug 1987; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section D). He married Eunice E Unknown, born 30 Nov 1900; died 30 Jun 1989; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section D). Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Mervin5 Barnes, born 6 Dec 1907. He married Unknown Unknown. 83. Harriett "Hattie"4 Barnes (Almeda (or Amelia) Jane "Jane"3 Dunlap, Robert2, Joseph1), born 23 Dec 1872 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 1942; buried in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section A, Row 11). She married in Jun 1892 Asa D Westenbarger, born 11 Jan 1871 in Putnam County, near Rushmore, Ohio; died abt 21 Apr 1932 in Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio; buried in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section A, Row 11). Notes for Harriett "Hattie" Barnes The Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12, indicates that Hattie was born in 1871. Sources for Harriett "Hattie" Barnes Marriage: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 29 Apr 1932, Friday\. Death: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Notes for Asa D Westenbarger Seen name as Wessenbarger. Sources for Asa D Westenbarger Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 29 Apr 1932, Friday. Birth: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Marriage: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 29 Apr 1932, Friday\. Death: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 29 Apr 1932. Burial: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . + Children of Harriett "Hattie" Barnes and Asa D Westenbarger were as follows: 301 i Leo Bennet5 Westenbarger, born 14 Jul 1893 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, near Fort Jennings, Rushmore, Ohio; died 16 Feb 1957 in At home, Putnam County, near Vaughnsville, Ohio; buried in Reynolds Family Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio (Section C, Row 2). He married Arrah Doris Reynolds. Birth Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Birth Record 3, Vol 3, page 294. Death Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 22 Feb 1957, Friday. Burial Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . 302 ii Myrtle5 Westenbarger, born 25 Nov 1895. She married Fred Smith. 84. Cora4 Barnes (Almeda (or Amelia) Jane "Jane"3 Dunlap, Robert2, Joseph1), born 3 Mar 1874 in Putnam County, Ohio. She married abt 1895 Samuel "Sam" Swihart. Children of Cora Barnes and Samuel "Sam" Swihart were as follows: 303 i Buelah5 Swihart, born 21 Jun 1897. 304 ii Almeda5 Swihart, born 11 Oct 1900 in Virginia. 86. Enoch Lorenzo4 Barnes (Almeda (or Amelia) Jane "Jane"3 Dunlap, Robert2, Joseph1), born 24 Mar 1880 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Rushmore, Ohio; died 14 Nov 1946 in At home, Putnam County, north of Rimer, Ohio; buried in Reynolds Family Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio (Section B, Row 1). He married on 28 Nov 1906 Oral B or R or E Reynolds, born 25 Nov 1884 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 24 Feb 1960 in At home, Putnam County, Vaughnsville, Ohio; buried in Reynolds Family Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio (Section B, Row 1), daughter of David S Reynolds and Lucetta Kr?affer. Other events for Enoch Lorenzo Barnes Occupation: Farmer. Residence Two and one-half miles north of Rimer, Ohio (14 Nov 1946). Other events for Oral B or R or E Reynolds Religion: Rushmore Methodist Church, Putnam County, Rushmore, Ohio. Sources for Enoch Lorenzo Barnes Birth: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Birth Record 2, Vol 2, page 30. Occupation: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Residence: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Death: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 22 Nov 1946, Friday. Burial: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Sources for Oral B or R or E Reynolds Birth: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Birth Record 2, Vol 2, page 119. Religion: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Death: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 4 Mar 1960, Friday. Burial: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . + Children of Enoch Lorenzo Barnes and Oral B or R or E Reynolds were as follows: 305 i Kenneth L5 Barnes, born 1908; died 1968; buried in Vaughnsville Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio (Section A, Row 72). Birth Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . 306 ii Francis Reed "Reed"5 Barnes, born 21 Aug 1910 in Putnam County, Jackson Township, Ohio; died 21 Dec 1986 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried in Vaughnsville Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio (Section A, Row 78). He married Jean M McElfresh. Birth Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Birth Record 3, Vol 4, page 24. Death Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 24 Dec 1986, Wednesday. Burial Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . 307 iii David Bernard5 Barnes, born 28 Mar 1916. 87. Otto N4 Barnes (Almeda (or Amelia) Jane "Jane"3 Dunlap, Robert2, Joseph1), born 4 Apr 1882 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died 31 Aug 1950. He married abt 1907 Jemieviola Ann "Jennie" Derickson. Notes for Otto N Barnes Per Dunlap Biography by Grace I. Dunlap, published by Biography Press, Aransas, Texas 78336, Otto Barnes birth date is 4 Apr 1878. Sources for Otto N Barnes Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Birth Record 2, Vol 2, page 65. Children of Otto N Barnes and Jemieviola Ann "Jennie" Derickson were as follows: 308 i Anna Almeda5 Barnes, born 5 Jan 1908. 309 ii Catherine Vatula "Vatula"5 Barnes, born 1 Apr 1909. 310 iii Isaac Howard "Howard"5 Barnes, born 31 Jul 1915. 311 iv Emaline5 Barnes, born 13 Mar 1918. Notes: Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988, her name is spelled Ellaline Barnes. 89. Cinderella B "Rella or Stella"4 Barnes (Almeda (or Amelia) Jane "Jane"3 Dunlap, Robert2, Joseph1), born 2 Jul 1887 in Ohio; died Apr 1968; buried in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section B, Row 4). She married on 11 Nov 1905 Jessie C "Jess or Jeffe" Jenkins, born 17 Sep 1885 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 13 Jun 1964 in St. Rita's Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section B, Row 4), son of Henry Jenkins and Susan Unknown. Other events for Jessie C "Jess or Jeffe" Jenkins Occupation: Farmer and Grain elevator operator. Religion: Rushmore Methodist Chuch, Putnam County, Rushmore, Ohio. Residence Route 1, Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio (13 Jun 1964). Notes for Cinderella B "Rella or Stella" Barnes Per Dunlap Biography by Grace I. Dunlap, published by Biography Press, Aransas, Texas 78336, Cinderella Barnes birth date is Apr 1882. The Cemetery Inscriptions by Putnam County Genealogy Society, Ohio; for Otta River Cemetery, indicates Rella's birth date is 1887, and death date 1966. Sources for Cinderella B "Rella or Stella" Barnes Birth: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Burial: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Notes for Jessie C "Jess or Jeffe" Jenkins The Cemetery Inscriptions by Putnam County Genealogy Society, Ohio; for Otta River Cemetery, indicates his name is Jessie C Jenkins, born 1885. The obituary in the Putnam County Sentinel, for his son, Donald, indicates Jessie's name is Jess C Jenkins. The obituray in the Putnam County Sentinel for himself, indicates his name is Jeffe C. Jenkins, and that he was born 17 Sep 1885. Sources for Jessie C "Jess or Jeffe" Jenkins Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth: Birth Announcement, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 24 Sep 1885, Thursday. Occupation: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Religion: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Residence: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Death: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 18 Jun 1964, Thursday. Burial: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Children of Cinderella B "Rella or Stella" Barnes and Jessie C "Jess or Jeffe" Jenkins were as follows: + 312 i Donald Gaylord5 Jenkins, born 19 May 1906 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Rushmore, Ohio; died 31 Oct 1990 in At home, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section B, Row 4). He married Glenna A Steinman. Birth Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Birth Record 3, Vol 4, page 131. Death Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 7 Nov 1990, Wednesday. Burial Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . + 313 ii Ruth5 Jenkins, born 8 Mar 1908; died 24 Nov 1992 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married Donald Weldon "Don" English. 123. Norris Blaine4 Holycross (Robert C3, Hester (or Ester) Ann2 Dunlap, Joseph1), born 1884; died 1966; buried in Middleburg Cemetery, Logan County, Zane Township, Ohio. He married Irma Hazel Sidesinger, born 1886; died 1964; buried in Middleburg Cemetery, Logan County, Zane Township, Ohio. Children of Norris Blaine Holycross and Irma Hazel Sidesinger were as follows: 314 i Esther L5 Holycross, born 1908; died 1976. She married Paul F Spain, born 1908. 135. E. C.4 Dunlap (Samuel "Sam"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 12 Mar 1871 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 20 Aug 1963 in Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio; buried 23 Aug 1963 in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section A, Row 25). He married Mary Ann "Annie" Kelly, born 20 Oct 1873 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 10 Jul 1961 in At home, Putnam County, Rimer, Ohio; buried 13 Jul 1961 in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section A, Row 25), daughter of Thomas Kelly and Lydia Patterson. Other events for E. C. Dunlap Religion: Ottawa River Congregational Christian Church, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio. Occupation: Farmer. Residence RR #1, Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio (20 Aug 1963). Other events for Mary Ann "Annie" Kelly Religion: Ottawa River Congregational Christian Church, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio. Occupation: Domestic. Residence 2 miles south west of Putnam County, Rimer, Ohio (10 Jul 1961). Notes for E. C. Dunlap See name referenced as E.C. Dunlap everywhere, except on V. Jean's birth record, born 7 May 1919, name is listed as Earl C. Dunlap, and Eunice Dunlap's marriage record indicates father is Earl Dunlap. On his brother's, John James Dunlap obiturary he is referenced as Eli. On his son's, Lawrence L Dunlap, obituary, it indicates his name is Eli C. Dunlap. On Irttie I. Lee's death certificate, her father is listed as Eliah C. Dunlap. On Wilma's marriage record, her father is listed as Eli Dunlap. Sources for E. C. Dunlap Birth: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth: Certificate of Death . Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Religion: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Occupation: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Residence: Burials, Permit Stubs, 10-28-1959 to 9-25-1993, Putnam County, Ohio , Book 12, Permit 95. Residence: Certificate of Death . Death: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death: Burials, Permit Stubs, 10-28-1959 to 9-25-1993, Putnam County, Ohio , Book 12, Permit 95. Death: Certificate of Death , Death Record 3, Roll 146, Section 3, page 71. Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 22 Aug 1963, Thursday. Burial: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial: Certificate of Death . Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Notes for Mary Ann "Annie" Kelly Seen name as Mary, Ann, Anna, Anne, but mostly Annie. Seen name spelled Kelley. Sources for Mary Ann "Annie" Kelly Birth: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth: Certificate of Death . Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Religion: Obituary . Occupation: Certificate of Death . Residence: Certificate of Death . Death: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death: Burials, Permit Stubs, 10-28-1959 to 9-25-1993, Putnam County, Ohio , Book 5, Permit 52. Death: Certificate of Death , Death Record 3, Roll 146, Section 2, page 341. Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 21 Jul 1961, Friday. Burial: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial: Certificate of Death . Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . + Children of E. C. Dunlap and Mary Ann "Annie" Kelly were as follows: 315 i Irttie I5 Dunlap, born 28 Dec 1895 in Paulding County, Ohio; died 13 + 316 ii + 317 iii + 318 iv Apr 1994 in Mennonite Memorial Home, Allen County, Bluffton, Ohio; buried 16 Apr 1994 in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section Chapel). She married Garvin C Lee. Birth Source: Certificate of Death . Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 11, page 288. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 11, page 288. Death Source: Certificate of Death . Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Certificate of Death . Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Lawrence L5 Dunlap, born 11 Jul 1898 in Paulding County, Ohio; died 13 Jan 1972 in Indian River Memorial Hospital, Vero Beach, Florida; buried in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section A, Row 25). He married Estella "Stella" Friend. Birth Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 11, page 539. Birth Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 11, page 539. Death Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 20 Jan 1972, Thursday. Death Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Burial Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Wilma Mildred5 Dunlap, born 25 Dec 1900 in Paulding County, Melrose, Ohio; died 1978; buried in Vaughnsville Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio (Section A, Row 82). She married Lawrence A Stephens. Birth Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 , Vol 25, page 171, Birth Registration 12, Case No 4605. Birth Source: Birth Registration or Correction of Birth Record Application, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio . Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 13, page 94. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 13, page 94. Death Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Eunice5 Dunlap, born 2 Apr 1903 in Grover Hill, Ohio; died bef Dec 2004. She married William M Stephens. Birth Source: Marriage + 319 v 320 vi 321 vii 322 viii Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 12, page 405. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 12, page 405. Clarence Alton5 Dunlap, born 21 Nov 1906 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 19 Jan 1964 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried 21 Jan 1964 in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Row 25). Other events: Occupation: Farmer. Residence RR #1, Putnam County, Rimer West, Ohio (19 Jan 1964). Notes: Per the Birth Record, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio, Vol 4, page 55, Birth Record 3, Clarence Alton Dunlap was born 21 Nov 1906. The Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12, indicate Clarence A Dunlap was born 1905. The Certificate of Death indicates he was born 11 Nov 1905. The obituray in the Putnam County Sentinel indicates he was born 11 Nov 1905, and never married. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 4, page 55, Birth Record 3. Death Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death Source: Burials, Permit Stubs, 10-28-1959 to 9-25-1993, Putnam County, Ohio , Book 15, Permit 13. Death Source: Certificate of Death , Death Record 3, Roll 146, Section 3, page 134. Burial Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial Source: Certificate of Death . Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Mary Evelyn "Evelyn"5 Dunlap, born 4 Jul 1909 in Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Fort Jennings, Ohio; died 12 Aug 1993 in Mennonite Memorial Home, Allen County, Bluffton, Ohio; buried 14 Aug 1993 in Ebenezer Mennonite Cemetery, Allen County, Bluffton, Ohio (Row 13, Lot 17). She married Otis B Basinger. Birth Source: Ohio Deaths 1993-1998 , Vol 25, page 170, Birth Registration 12, Case No 4604. Birth Source: Birth Registration or Correction of Birth Record Application, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio . Birth Source: Certificate of Death . Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death Source: Ohio Deaths 1993-1998 , Volume 29481, Certificate 057129. Death Source: Certificate of Death . Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Certificate of Death . Grace Lucil5 Dunlap, died 13 Sep 1971. She married Leonard B Klausing, born 29 Oct 1909 in Allen County, Ohio; died 20 Sep 2004 in Van Crest Health Care Center, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio; buried 23 Sep 2004 in Carmen Cemetery, Ohio, son of Anthony John Klausing and Myrtle Askins. Death Source: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 21 Sep 2004, Tuesday. V. Jean5 Dunlap, born 7 May 1919 in Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio. She married on 5 Aug 1939 in Putnam County, Kalida Ohio Richard S Vonder Embse, born 27 May 1915 in Putnam County, Kalida Ohio. Notes: Birth Record 3, Vol 4, Page 64, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court, indicates a "Female" Dunlap was born 7 May 1919, does not list the name; whereas the Marriage record lists the name as V. Jean Dunlap, born 7 May 1919. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Birth Record 3, Vol 4, Page 64. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 16, page 423. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 16, page 423. 136. Joseph P "Joe"4 Dunlap (Samuel "Sam"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 12 Oct 1873 in Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, near Rimer, Ohio; died 16 Jul 1959 in At home, Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio; buried in Carmen Cemetery, Allen County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio. He married on 24 Dec 1895 in Putnam County, Ohio Iona Hunt, born 26 Aug 1875 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died Nov 1947 in At home, Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio; buried in Carmen Cemetery, Allen County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio, daughter of David Hunt and Welthia Babcock. Other events for Joseph P "Joe" Dunlap Occupation: Farmer, Laborer. Residence Route 2, Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio. Other events for Iona Hunt Religion: Rimer Methodist Church, Putnam County, Rimer, Ohio. Probate. Notes for Joseph P "Joe" Dunlap The Birth Record 2, Vol 1, page 49, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court indicates his birth date is 12 Oct 1873. Dunlap Biography by Grace I. Dunlap, published by Biography Press, Aransas Pass, Texas 78336, indicates his birth date is 1875, and death date as 1943. LDS indicates birth year as 1873. The obituary in the Putnam County Sentinel, indicates Joseph Dunlap was born 6 Oct 1873. The Delphos Daily Herald, 3 May 1897, reads: STRUCK IN THE EYE: Saturday afternoon, Jos. Dunlap, a son of Samuel Dunlap, met with a painful accident in the blacksmith shop of his father-in-law David Hunt, in Rushmore. Dunlap was shaping a red hot harrow tooth on an anvil and struck it with a hammer when the iron flew from the tongs and struck him in the left eye. There is fear that the sight will be destroyed. Sources for Joseph P "Joe" Dunlap Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 1, page 49, Birth Record 2. Birth: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 5, page 286, Marriage Record 6. Occupation: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Occupation: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Residence: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 17 Jul 1959, Friday. Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Notes for Iona Hunt Per the Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio, her birth date is Aug 1876, and she was 23 years old. Sources for Iona Hunt Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Birth Record 2, Vol 1, page 84. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 5, page 286, Marriage Record 6. Religion: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 14 Nov 1947, Friday. Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Children of Joseph P "Joe" Dunlap and Iona Hunt were as follows: 323 i Clara Leoida5 Dunlap, born 15 May 1893 in Ohio; died 11 Dec 1943 in Putnam County, Vaughnsville, Ohio; buried 13 Dec 1943 in Carmen Cemetery, Allen County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio. Other events: Occupation: Music teacher. Residence Allen County, Monroe Township, Rural, Ohio (11 Dec 1943). Notes: Per the obituray in the Putnam County Sentinel, Miss Clara Dunlap, well known and prominent private music teacher of Columbus Grove, was killed instantly shortly after eight o-clock Saturday morning when the automobile she was driving was struck by a westbound freight of the Akron, Canton, and Youngstown railroad at the Pearl street crossing in Vaughnsville. Miss Dunlap was enroute to Vaughnsville to give a music lesson at the home of H.D. Fleming when the car was struck. The locomotive dragged the car approximately two blocks down the tracks where the car became lodged against a bridge over Sugar Creek. Miss Dunlap's body was thrown clear of the wreckage at the bridge adn into the creek. Coroner W. C. Miller of Belmore and Sheriff Arnold Potts investigated the accident. The coroner returned a verdict of accidental death and stated that Miss Dunlap was dead before her body was thrown into the creek. A railroad section hand working near the scene informed officials that Miss Dunlap stopped her car at the crossing and then started it up again and drove into the path of the oncoming train. It is believed that for some reason she did not notice the freight or that she miss gauged the speed at which it was travelling. Miss Dunlap who was fifty years of age, spent + 324 325 ii iii practically all of her life in the Columbus Grove vicinity. She gave private music instructions for a number of years and was widely known throughout the county. The Certificate of death indicates she was single, so I'm assuming she never married. Per the Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio, her name is listed as Lelora L. Dunlap, birth date is May 1892, and she was 8 years old. Birth Source: Certificate of Death . Birth Source: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Death Source: Certificate of Death , Death Record 2, Roll 145, Section 1, page 388. Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 17 Dec 1943. Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Burial Source: Certificate of Death . Ethelbert5 Dunlap, born 1903; died 1922. Alvin H5 Dunlap, born 26 Aug 1914 in Putnam County, Rushmore, Ohio; died 8 May 1986 in Hilty Memorial Home, Putnam County, Pandora, Ohio; buried 10 May 1986 in Truro Cemetery - North Side, Putnam County, Pleasant Township, Columbus, Grove, Ohio (Row 7, Grave 25). He married Grace E Welty. Birth Source: Certificate of Death . Birth Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 16, page 163. Birth Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Truro Cemetery - North Side, Putnam County, Pleasant Township, Ohio . Birth Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Birth Source: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 . Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 16, page 163. Death Source: Certificate of Death . Death Source: Burials, Permit Stubs, 10-28-1959 to 9-251993, Putnam County, Ohio , Book 111, Permit 72. Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 14 May 1986, Wednesday. Death Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Truro Cemetery - North Side, Putnam County, Pleasant Township, Ohio . Death Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death Source: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 , Vol 26471, Cert 039521. Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Burial Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Truro Cemetery - North Side, Putnam County, Pleasant Township, Ohio . 137. John James4 Dunlap (Samuel "Sam"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 11 Jul 1874 in Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio; died 4 Jul 1951 in At home, near Gomer, Ohio; buried in Carmen Cemetery, Allen County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio. He married Huldah M "Hulda" Baber, born 17 Feb 1882 in Allen County, Ohio; died 17 Feb 1977 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried 20 Feb 1977 in Carmen Cemetery, Allen County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio, daughter of John C Baber and Sarah Pierson. Other events for Huldah M "Hulda" Baber Social Security Number: 301-46-9497, Ohio. Occupation: Housewife. Sources for John James Dunlap Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 1, page 73, Birth Record 2. Death: Liberty Chapel Cemetery (Carmen Cemetery, Sugar Creek Twsp), Ohio . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 13 Jul 1951, Friday, Section Two. Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Notes for Huldah M "Hulda" Baber Dunlap Biography by Grace I. Dunlap, published by Biography Press, Aransas Pass, Texas 78336, indicates her death year is 1957. The Certificate of Death indicates 17 Feb 1977. Sources for Huldah M "Hulda" Baber Social Security Number: Certificate of Death . Occupation: Certificate of Death . Death: Certificate of Death . Burial: Certificate of Death . Children of John James Dunlap and Huldah M "Hulda" Baber were as follows: 326 i Ethel5 Dunlap. She married Harold Zimmerman. Other events: Residence Napolean Road, Lima, Ohio 45801 (17 Feb 1977). 327 ii William5 Dunlap. 139. Richard Edward4 Dunlap (Samuel "Sam"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 15 Nov 1878 in Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Near Rimer, Ohio; died 1950; buried in Carmen Cemetery, Allen County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio. He married (1) on 29 Aug 1907 in Putnam County, Ohio Minnie Holmes or Whirley, born 6 Dec 1878 in Ohio; died 3 Jan 1958 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried in Carmen Cemetery, Allen County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio; (2) Cora Rager, born 1880; died 1905. Other events for Richard Edward Dunlap Occupation. Occupation: Farmer. Other events for Minnie Holmes or Whirley Occupation. Religion: Congregational Christian Church of Cairo, Cairo, Ohio. Occupation: Housewife. Notes for Richard Edward Dunlap Dunlap Biography by Grace I. Dunlap, published by Biography Press, Aransas Pass, Texas 78336, indicates his birth year as 1879. A birth registration, Case No 3045, was filed with Putnam County, Ohio, to correct his name that was listed as Dunbar (Vol 2, page 13), to be Dunlap. Also, his birth registration indicates he may be a twin or triplet. Sources for Richard Edward Dunlap Birth: Birth Registration or Correction of Birth Record Application, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 16, page 117, Birth Registration 8, Case No 3045. Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 468, Marriage Record 7. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 468, Marriage Record 7. Occupation: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 468, Marriage Record 7. Death: Liberty Chapel Cemetery (Carmen Cemetery, Sugar Creek Twsp), Ohio . Notes for Minnie Holmes or Whirley Carmen Cemetery has name as Minnie, year of birth as 1878, and death 1957. Sister went by Minnie. Per the Marriage Record 7, Vol 7, page 468, Richard E Dunlap married Minnie Whirley, and it does not list her parents on the record. Per her obituary in the Putnam County Sentinel, 3 Jan 1958, Minnie died at the home of her daughter, Henrietta Dunlap, and indicates she died 3 Jan 1958, Friday. Sources for Minnie Holmes or Whirley Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 468, Marriage Record 7. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 468, Marriage Record 7. Religion: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Occupation: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 468, Marriage Record 7. Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 3 Jan 1958, Friday. Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Children of Richard Edward Dunlap and Minnie Holmes or Whirley were as follows: 328 i Isaac Richard5 Dunlap, born 13 Jun 1908 in Putnam County, Near Vaughnsville, Ohio; died Jul 1973. Other events: Social Security Number: 287-07-0347 , Ohio (bef 1951). Residence 22824 Edinburg County, Shenandoah, Virginia 22824 (Jul 1973). Birth Source: Birth Registration or Correction of Birth Record Application, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 4, page 105, Birth Registration 3, Case No 536. Birth Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . 329 ii Henrietta5 Dunlap. She married Unknown McCormick. 140. Thomas Asa "Asa"4 Dunlap (Samuel "Sam"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 29 Nov 1880 in Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio; died 1974. She married on 4 Jan 1905 in Putnam County, Ohio Claudie MaGill, born 4 Jan 1885 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died 1951, son of Eli C MaGill and Mary E Chamberlain. Other events for Thomas Asa "Asa" Dunlap Occupation: Farmer. Other events for Claudie MaGill Occupation: Housekeeper. Notes for Thomas Asa "Asa" Dunlap Dunlap Biography by Grace I. Dunlap, published by Biography Press, Aransas Pass, Texas 78336, indicates name as Ace (Asa B). LDS indicates name as Thomas Asa Dunlap. Per the Birth Record 2, Vol 2, page 42, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio indicates his name is Thomas Asa Dunlap. Sources for Thomas Asa "Asa" Dunlap Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 2, page 42, Birth Record 2. Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 199, Marriage Record 7. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 199, Marriage Record 7. Occupation: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 199, Marriage Record 7. Sources for Claudie MaGill Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 199, Marriage Record 7. Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Birth Record 2, Vol 2, page 110. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 199, Marriage Record 7. Occupation: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 199, Marriage Record 7. Children of Thomas Asa "Asa" Dunlap and Claudie MaGill were as follows: 330 i Unknown5 MaGill, born 9 May 1912 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court . 143. Samuel C "Sam"4 Dunlap (Samuel "Sam"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 2 Oct 1885 in Allen County, Ohio. He married on 24 Oct 1906 in Putnam County, Ohio Rosa Belle Jones, born 18 Dec 1887 in Putnam County, Pleasant Township, Ohio, daughter of Albert Jones and Sarah Osburn. Other events for Samuel C "Sam" Dunlap Occupation: Farmer. Other events for Rosa Belle Jones Occupation: Housekeeper. Sources for Samuel C "Sam" Dunlap Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 374, Marriage Record 7. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 374, Marriage Record 7. Occupation: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 374, Marriage Record 7. Sources for Rosa Belle Jones Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 374, Marriage Record 7. Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Birth Record 2, Vol 2, page 168. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 374, Marriage Record 7. Occupation: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 374, Marriage Record 7. Children of Samuel C "Sam" Dunlap and Rosa Belle Jones were as follows: 331 i Mary L5 Dunlap, born 5 Feb 1911 in Putnam County, Pleasant, Ohio; died 24 Feb 1911 in Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 4, page 58, Birth Record 3. Death Source: Death Records in Putnam County, Ohio , Death Record 1, Vol 3, page 52. 144. Arthur Lee "Artie"4 Dunlap (Samuel "Sam"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 11 Dec 1889 in Ohio; died 7 Feb 1970 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried 10 Feb 1970 in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section A, Row 24). He married on 31 Mar 1909 Clara M VanDemark, born 27 Jan 1887 in Putnam County, near Columbus Grove, Ohio; died 8 Mar 1970 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried 11 Mar 1970 in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section A, Row 24), daughter of James VanDemark and Dorcas Jane Myers. Other events for Arthur Lee "Artie" Dunlap Social Security Number: 527-28-4524, Arizona. Occupation: Retail Merchant, Retail Grocer. Residence 609 West Main Street, Allen County, Cairo, Ohio (7 Feb 1970). Other events for Clara M VanDemark Social Security Number: 527-28-4524. Religion: Cairo United Methodist Church, Cairo, Ohio. Occupation: Domestic. Residence 609 West Main Street, Allen County, Cairo, Ohio (8 Mar 1970). Sources for Arthur Lee "Artie" Dunlap Birth: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth: Certificate of Death . Social Security Number: Certificate of Death . Occupation: Certificate of Death . Residence: Certificate of Death . Death: Ohio Deaths 1970-1988 , Volume 19962, Certificate 007984. Death: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death: Certificate of Death . Burial: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial: Certificate of Death . Notes for Clara M VanDemark The Cemetery Inscriptions by Putnam County Genealogy Society, Ohio, indicates the birth date for Clara to be 1887. Sources for Clara M VanDemark Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth: Certificate of Death . Social Security Number: Certificate of Death . Religion: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Occupation: Certificate of Death . Residence: Certificate of Death . Death: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 12 Mar 1970, Thursday. Death: Certificate of Death . Burial: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Burial: Certificate of Death . Children of Arthur Lee "Artie" Dunlap and Clara M VanDemark were as follows: 332 i Nellie5 Dunlap. She married Marvin Nearing. 333 ii Leola M5 Dunlap, born 27 Oct 1914 in Allen County, Elida, Ohio; died 1 May 1993 in At home, Auglaize County, Uniopolis, Ohio; buried 5 May 1993 in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section A, Row 24). She married Raymond H "Ray" Heffner, born 1904; died 1977; buried in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section A, Row 24). Other events: Social Security Number: 291-280674, Ohio. Residence 15508 St. Rt. 65, Auglaize County, Uniopolis, Ohio 45895 (1 May 1993). Birth Source: Ohio Deaths 1993-1998 . Birth Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth Source: Certificate of Death . Death Source: Ohio Deaths 1993-1998 , Volume 29383, Certificate 032651. Death Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death Source: Certificate of Death . Burial Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . 334 iii Ray5 Dunlap. 335 iv Arthur5 Dunlap. 146. Ida Viole4 Dunlap (Samuel "Sam"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 6 Sep 1894. She married in Ada, Ohio Forest Baber, born 10 Jan 1892; died Mar 1978. Other events for Forest Baber Social Security Number: 275-09-8636, Ohio. Notes for Ida Viole Dunlap Dunlap Biography by Grace I. Dunlap, published by Biography Press, Aransas Pass, Texas 78336, indicates name is Florence. LDS indicates name is Ida Viole Dunlap. Children of Ida Viole Dunlap and Forest Baber were as follows: 336 i Virgil E5 Baber, born 21 Apr 1922 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio; died 4 Dec 1994 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried 8 Dec 1994 in Memorial Park Mausoleum, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Other events: Social Security Number: 283-18-3733. Occupation: Electrical Technician, Westinghouse Corporation. Residence 27 Lakeside Drive, Allen County, Lima, Ohio 45804 (4 Dec 1994). Notes: Certificate of Death indicates he is divorced. Birth Source: Certificate of Death . Death Source: Certificate of Death . Burial Source: Certificate of Death . 148. Alfred Frederick "Albert or Frederick"4 Dunlap (James Henry3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 4 Nov 1879 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died 1 Nov 1948 in Morenci, Michigan. He married on 14 Jul 1903 in Putnam County, Ohio Elizabeth "Lizzie" Boberg, born 23 Aug 1880 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Fort Jennings, Ohio; died 22 Mar 1939 in Hudson, Michigan, daughter of Martin Boberg and Blem Klekamp. Other events for Alfred Frederick "Albert or Frederick" Dunlap Occupation: Farmer. Other events for Elizabeth "Lizzie" Boberg Naturalization Housekeeper. Notes for Alfred Frederick "Albert or Frederick" Dunlap Per Birth Record 2, Vol 2, page 30, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio, his name is Alfred F Dunlap. Per the Marriage Record 7, Vol 7, page 33, Putnam County, Ohio, his name appears as Albert Dunlap marries Lizzie (Elizabeth) Boberg, and the parents name match to Albert's on the marriage record. Sources for Alfred Frederick "Albert or Frederick" Dunlap Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 2, page 30, Birth Record 2. Birth: Census, 1880, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 33, Marriage Record 7. Sources for Elizabeth "Lizzie" Boberg Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 33, Marriage Record 7. Children of Alfred Frederick "Albert or Frederick" Dunlap and Elizabeth "Lizzie" Boberg were as follows: 337 i Loretta May5 Dunlap, born 22 Mar 1908 in Putnam County, Jackson Township, Ohio. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 4, page 56, Birth Record 3. 149. Clinton Sylvester "Clint"4 Dunlap (James Henry3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 1 Jan 1882 in Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio; died 22 Nov 1958 in Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio. He married on 24 May 1905 in Putnam County, Ohio Thresia M "Teresa or Tracy" Boberg, born 8 May 1886 in Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio; died 30 Nov 1967 in Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio; buried in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio, daughter of Mart Boberg and Pauline Klecamp. Other events for Clinton Sylvester "Clint" Dunlap Occupation: Farmer. Other events for Thresia M "Teresa or Tracy" Boberg Social Security Number: 290-44-3812, Ohio (1964/65). Residence Van Wert County, Middle Point, Ohio 45863 (Nov 1967). Sources for Clinton Sylvester "Clint" Dunlap Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 234, Marriage Record 7. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 234, Marriage Record 7. Occupation: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 234, Marriage Record 7. Notes for Thresia M "Teresa or Tracy" Boberg Seen name as Theresia, Theresa, and Tracy. Seen last name as Bolberg. Sources for Thresia M "Teresa or Tracy" Boberg Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 234, Marriage Record 7. Birth: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 234, Marriage Record 7. Social Security Number: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Residence: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Residence: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 . Death: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 , Vol 19070, Cert 88824. Children of Clinton Sylvester "Clint" Dunlap and Thresia M "Teresa or Tracy" Boberg were as follows: + 338 i Selma F5 Dunlap, born 17 Jul 1905 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 6 Nov 1987 in Van Wert County Hospital, Van Wert, Ohio; buried in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Ohio. She married Vaughn W Adams. Birth Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 11 Nov 1987, Wednesday. Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, + 339 ii 340 iii 341 342 iv v 343 vi Ohio . Freeda5 Dunlap, born 13 May 1907 in Putnam County, Ottoville, Ohio; died bef Mar 2002. She married Unknown Adams. Notes: Seen name spelled Freda. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 4, page 56, Birth Record 3. Norbert Sylvester5 Dunlap, born 31 Mar 1912 in Putnam County, Monterey Township, Ohio; died 21 Mar 2002 in Lincolnway Home, Middle Point, Ohio; buried in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Hoaglin Township, Ohio. He married Kathryn M Blythe. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 4, page 59, Birth Record 3. Birth Source: Obituary . Birth Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death Source: Obituary . Burial Source: Obituary . Robert5 Dunlap. Delta5 Dunlap. She married Homer Ross. Notes: Seen name spelled Della. Loma Elinor5 Dunlap, born 28 Jul 1915 in Putnam County, Jackson vii viii Township, Ohio. She married in 1935 Burton L Hoy , born 17 Apr 1915 in Paulding County, Ohio; died 14 Apr 2005 in Lincolnway Nurshing Home, Middlepoint, Ohio, son of Eladore Hoy and Freeda Hoffman. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 4, page 61, Birth Record 3. Olive5 Dunlap. She married John Neiford. Marjorie "Margie"5 Dunlap. She married Von Taylor. 344 345 150. Bertha4 Dunlap (James Henry3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 9 Dec 1884 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died bef 1924. She married Will Redman, born 1870; died 1953. Sources for Bertha Dunlap Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 2, page 110, Birth Record 2. Death: Will of James Dunlap, found in his probate packet, Putnam County, Ohio (pages 199 - 202, signed 12 May 1924). Children of Bertha Dunlap and Will Redman were as follows: 346 i Orville5 Redman, born abt 1906. Birth Source: Will of James Dunlap, found in his probate packet, Putnam County, Ohio (pages 199 - 202, signed 12 May 1924). 347 ii Leo5 Redman, born abt 1923. Birth Source: Will of James Dunlap, found in his probate packet, Putnam County, Ohio (pages 199 - 202, signed 12 May 1924). 153. Harry Russell "Russell"4 Dunlap (James Henry3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 8 Feb 1890 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 25 Jul 1921 in At home, Putnam County, east of Ottoville, Ohio. He married on 2 May 1914 in Putnam County, Ohio Edith Matilda Miller, born 4 Jan 1899 in Putnam County, Monterey Township, Ohio, daughter of Andrew Miller and Ora Bell Lalonde. Other events for Harry Russell "Russell" Dunlap Occupation: Farmer. Other events for Edith Matilda Miller Occupation: Housekeeper. Notes for Harry Russell "Russell" Dunlap Per the obituary in the Putnam County Sentinel, Russell Dunlap, 31, a farmer living east of Ottoville, shot himself on Monday about nine o'clock with a .22 caliber rifle. Dr Ockuly of Ottoville, was summoned but death resulted from the self inflected wound shortly after twelve o'clock. For sometime Mr Dunlap had been worrying over financial affairs and was considered to be mentally deranged. It is said that he had several times threatened to shoot his wife and four children, but Mrs. Dunlap was successful in taking the firearms from him and hiding them in the house. On Monday he found the rifle and went to the barn. Mrs. Dunlap followed intending to take the rifle from him, but as she opened the barn door, the report of the rifle sounded and she found him shot through the head. Sources for Harry Russell "Russell" Dunlap Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 10, page 192, Marriage Record 8. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 10, page 192, Marriage Record 8. Occupation: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 10, page 192, Marriage Record 8. Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 29 Jul 1921, Friday. Notes for Edith Matilda Miller Per the Marriage Record, Putnam County, Vol 13, page 244, to Joseph Ellerbrock, Edith was age 26 on 4 Jan 1925, which would make her birth date 4 Jan 1899. Per the Marriage Record 8, Vol 10, page 192, Putnam County, to Harry Dunlap, her birth date calculates to 4 Jan 1898. Per her birth record, her birth date is 4 Jan 1899, Monterey Township. Sources for Edith Matilda Miller Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 10, page 192, Marriage Record 8. Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 13, page 244. Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Birth Record 3, Vol3, page 179. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 10, page 192, Marriage Record 8. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 13, page 244. Occupation: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 10, page 192, Marriage Record 8. + Children of Harry Russell "Russell" Dunlap and Edith Matilda Miller were as follows: 348 i Viola5 Dunlap, born 11 Sep 1914 in Van Wert, Ohio. She married on 12 Aug 1932 in Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio Manford Wallace, born 8 Mar 1914 in Shiloh, Ohio, son of Walter Wallace and Freda Grove. Birth Source: Will of James Dunlap, found in his probate packet, Putnam County, Ohio (pages 199 - 202, signed 12 May 1924). Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 15, page 1. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 15, page 1. 349 ii Ethel J5 Dunlap, born 22 Jul 1916 in Van Wert, Ohio. She married on 3 Nov 1932 in Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio Robert Blythe, born 22 Jul 1914 in Grover Hill, Ohio, son of A. W. Blythe and Mary Elston. Notes: Seen name as Ethyl. Birth Source: Will of James Dunlap, found in his probate packet, Putnam County, Ohio (pages 199 - 202, signed 12 May 1924). Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio . 350 iii Dorthy B5 Dunlap, born abt 1919. She married (1) Walter F Richardson; (2) Unknown Tayler. Birth Source: Will of James Dunlap, found in his probate packet, Putnam County, Ohio (pages 199 - 202, signed 12 May 1924). 351 iv Betty Jane5 Dunlap, born abt 1921. Birth Source: Will of James Dunlap, found in his probate packet, Putnam County, Ohio (pages 199 - 202, signed 12 May 1924). 154. Clark R4 Dunlap (James Henry3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 23 Dec 1892 in Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio; died 7 May 1965 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Ohio. He married (1) on 10 Apr 1915 Emma Jane Robey, born 19 Oct 1896 in Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio; died 12 Apr 1965 in Allen County, Ohio; (2) Unknown Unknown. Notes for Clark R Dunlap Per the obituary in the Putnam County Sentinel, Clark died as a result of severe injuries received on Palm Sunday, when a tornado demolished their farm home. His wife, Emma Jane, 68, with him in the home at the time, was killed. Sources for Clark R Dunlap Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 13 May 1965, Thursday. Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Notes for Emma Jane Robey Seen name as Roby. She died on Palm Sunday, when a tornado demolished their farm home. + + + Children of Clark R Dunlap and Emma Jane Robey were as follows: 352 i Winfred R5 Dunlap, born 14 Apr 1916 in Van Wert County, Ohio; died 11 Oct 1988 in At home, Allen County, Rockport, Ohio; buried 14 Oct 1988 in Rockport Cemetery, Allen County, Rockport, Ohio. He married Edna L Struble. Birth Source: Certificate of Death . Birth Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Death Source: Certificate of Death . Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 12 and 19 Oct 1988, Wednesday. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Certificate of Death . Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. 353 ii Harold Clayton5 Dunlap, born 24 Jun 1918 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died bef 5 Dec 1922. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 4, page 63, Birth Record 3. 354 iii Ralph C5 Dunlap, born 26 Oct 1920 in Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio; died 25 Oct 1999 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried in Cairo East Side Cemetery, Allen County, Cairo, Ohio. He married Doris Marie Matson. Birth Source: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . Birth Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Birth Source: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 . Death Source: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 3 Nov 1999, Wednesday. Death Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death Source: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 , Vol 32126, Cert 079344. Burial Source: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . 355 iv Delmer J5 Dunlap, born 5 Dec 1922 in Putnam County, Miller City, Ohio; died 2 Mar 2003 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried 6 Mar 2003 in Cairo Eastside Cemetery, Allen County, Cairo, Ohio. He married Imogene Stover. Birth Source: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . Birth Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 12 Mar 2003. Death Source: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, + 356 v + 357 vi 358 vii 359 viii Ottawa, Ohio , 12 Mar 2003. Burial Source: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 12 Mar 2003. Donald E5 Dunlap, born 2 Apr 1925 in Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio. He married Ida B Sneary. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 18, page 337. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 18, page 337. Lloyd5 Dunlap, born 18 May 1930 in Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio; died Feb 1982. He married Norma Jean Myers. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 20, page 130. Birth Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 20, page 130. Death Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Nolan Eugene5 Dunlap, born 6 Feb 1933 in Allen County, Ohio. He married on 1 Jun 1952 in Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio Hulda Catherine Rogers, born 29 Dec 1934 in Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio, daughter of Charles L Rogers and Lelia Eggleston. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 21, page 189. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 21, page 189. Wilma Jean5 Dunlap. She married Donald "Don" Thompson. Children of Clark R Dunlap and Unknown Unknown were as follows: 360 i Doris5 Dunlap. 158. Ora Ray4 Dunlap (James Henry3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 23 Aug 1897 in Van Wert County, Centinental, Ohio; died 1 Jun 1965 in Defiance Hospital, Defiance County, Defiance, Ohio; buried in East Monroe Cemetery, Putnam County, Continental, Ohio (124, 4). He married on 30 Aug 1917 Ella Arleen Byrd, born 2 Nov 1898 in Pickaway County, Circleville, Ohio; died 6 Jan 1983 in Paradise Oaks Nursing Home, Cloverdale, Ohio; buried in East Monroe Cemetery, Putnam County, Continental, Ohio (124, 5), daughter of Sherman Byrd and Lutha Cliffton. Other events for Ora Ray Dunlap Occupation. Occupation: Farmer, Laborer. Religion: Methodist Church, Putnam County, Continental, Ohio. Social Security Number: 289-22-0310, Ohio (bef 1951). Residence Putnam County, Continental, Ohio 45831 (Jun 1965). Other events for Ella Arleen Byrd Social Security Number: 289-22-0334, Ohio (bef 1951). Residence Putnam County, Cloverdale, Ohio 45827 (Jan 1983). Residence R #2, Putnam County, Continental, Ohio (6 Jan 1983). Notes for Ora Ray Dunlap East Monroe Cemetery inscriptions (124, 4) indicate Ora Ray's dates are 1897- 4 Jun 1965. Sources for Ora Ray Dunlap Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth: Cemetery Inscriptions, East Monroe Cemetery, Putnam County, Monroe Township, Continental, Ohio . Birth: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Occupation: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Religion: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Social Security Number: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Residence: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Residence: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 3 June 1965, Thursday. Death: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 , Vol 18097, Cert 44012. Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Burial: Cemetery Inscriptions, East Monroe Cemetery, Putnam County, Monroe Township, Continental, Ohio . Notes for Ella Arleen Byrd Seen name as Bird and Baird. Sources for Ella Arleen Byrd Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth: Cemetery Inscriptions, East Monroe Cemetery, Putnam County, Monroe Township, Continental, Ohio . Birth: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Social Security Number: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Residence: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Residence: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 12 Jan 1983, Wednesday. Death: Cemetery Inscriptions, East Monroe Cemetery, Putnam County, Monroe Township, Continental, Ohio . Death: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Burial: Cemetery Inscriptions, East Monroe Cemetery, Putnam County, Monroe Township, Continental, Ohio . + Children of Ora Ray Dunlap and Ella Arleen Byrd were as follows: 361 i Ray5 Dunlap, died 28 Aug 1947 in near Defiance, Ohio. Other events: Military Service: Discharged in 1945, WWII. Notes: Per the obituary in the Putnam County Sentinel, many friends of this community were sorry to learn of the accidental death of Ray Dunlap, 39, Thursday of near Defiance, who was electrocuted while assisting his father, Ora Dunlap do repair work on a tractor and using a drop cord. Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 29 Aug 1947, Friday. 362 ii Violet J5 Dunlap, born 1 Sep 1922 in Paulding County, Ohio. She married on 22 Nov 1939 in Putnam County, Ohio Lauren (or Laverne) B Wagner, born 4 Oct 1917 in Defiance County, Ohio. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 16, page 481. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 16, page 481. 363 iii Glenn Sherman5 Dunlap, born 12 Mar 1930 in Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio; died 7 Feb 1986 in Fulton County Health Center, Fulton County, Wauseon, Ohio; buried 10 Feb 1986 in Monroe Cemetery, Putnam County, Continental, Ohio. He married Rosemary Otto. Birth Source: Certificate of Death . Birth Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Birth Source: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 . Death Source: Certificate of Death . Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 12 Feb 1986, Wednesday. Death Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death Source: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 , Vol 26353, Cert 010167. Burial Source: Certificate of Death . Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . 364 iv Margaret Eileen5 Dunlap, born 17 Aug 1933 in Putnam County, Palmer Township, Contiental, Ohio. She married on 26 Jul 1952 in Putnam County, Continental, Ohio Edwin K "Ed" Wagner, born 19 Oct 1931 in Putnam County, Continental, Ohio. Notes: Birth record indicates Margaret was born 17 Aug 1951, but the Marriage record, Putnam County, Vol 21, page 230, indicates she was born 15 Aug 1933. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 5, page 59, Birth Record 4. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 21, page 230. 365 v Darwin Ora5 Dunlap, born 3 Jan 1938 in Putnam County, Continental, Ohio. He married (1), divorced Helen L Unknown; (2) Anna Marie Jones, died Deceased. Other events: Divorce Defiance County, Ohio (19 Nov 1970). Notes: Per the Birth Record, Putnam 366 vi County, Ohio, Probate Court, his name is spelled Darvin, but is referenced as Darwin in obits, etc. Darwin requested a marriage license, to marry Marvel L McDougle, but was voided, due to not marrying within 60 days (Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Vol 32, page 271). Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 6, page 32, Birth Record 4. Grace5 Dunlap. She married Paul Buckmaster. 159. Edward Earl "Earl"4 Dunlap (James Henry3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 11 Sep 1901 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 18 May 1936 in Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio; buried in Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Ottoville, Ohio. He married on 14 May 1923 Hazel Mason, born in Paulding County, Ohio. Other events for Edward Earl "Earl" Dunlap Occupation: Farmer. Other events for Hazel Mason Occupation: Housewife. Notes for Edward Earl "Earl" Dunlap Per the obituary in the Putnam County Sentinel, Edward Earl dunlap farmer of two miles southeast of Ottawa died Monday afternoon three hours after he was found in a bed room of his home suffering from a bullet wound in the head. He was found by his wife who had been out of the house when the shooting took place. Mr Dunlap had been in poor health for several months. It is believed that his physical condition prompted the act. The bullet from the .22 calibre rifle entered the forehead between the eyes. The shooting was done from close range as powder burns appeared around the wound. Sources for Edward Earl "Earl" Dunlap Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Occupation: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 22 May 1936, Friday. Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Children of Edward Earl "Earl" Dunlap and Hazel Mason were as follows: 367 i Edward5 Dunlap, born 2 Nov 1933 in Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio. Notes: Per the obituary in the Putnam County Sentinel, there was a son born to Edward Earl and Hazel Mason, named Edward, so I'm assuming this is Edward ??? Birth record just indicates "Male". Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 5, page 59, Birth Record 4. 368 ii Zelma5 Dunlap, born 5 Sep 1934 in Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio. Notes: Twin to Thelma. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 6, page 27, Birth Record 4. 369 iii 370 iv 371 372 373 374 v vi vii viii Thelma5 Dunlap, born 5 Sep 1934 in Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio. Notes: Twin to Zelma. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 6, page 27, Birth Record 4. James Earl5 Dunlap, born 5 Jan 1937 in Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio; died bef 1936. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 6, page 30, Birth Record 4. Edna5 Dunlap. Este5 Dunlap. Helen5 Dunlap. Ruby5 Dunlap. 162. Lawrence W4 Dunlap (Alfred "Alf or Alph"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 8 May 1883 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Kalida, Ohio; died 1 Feb 1953 in Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio; buried 4 Feb 1953 in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section B, Row 10). He married on 21 Dec 1904 in Putnam County, Ohio Frances Elnor Rohrer, born 15 Jun 1883 in Putnam County, Jennings Tonwship, Rushmore, Ohio; died 17 May 1959 in At home, Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio; buried 20 May 1959 in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section B, Row 10), daughter of William J Rohrer and Mary Elizabeth Benson. Other events for Lawrence W Dunlap Occupation: Farmer, Retired from Westinghaus. Religion: Ottawa River Christian Church, Putnam County, Ohio . Other events for Frances Elnor Rohrer Occupation: Housekeeper. Residence R.R. #3, Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio (17 May 1959). Notes for Lawrence W Dunlap Seen name as Laurence and seen middle initial as D. Sources for Lawrence W Dunlap Birth: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 191, Marriage Record 7. Birth: Certificate of Death . Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 2, page 95, Birth Record 2. Birth: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 191, Marriage Record 7. Occupation: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 191, Marriage Record 7. Occupation: Certificate of Death . Religion: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Death: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 , Death Record 2, Roll 145, Section 3, page 267. Death: Certificate of Death . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 6 Feb 1953, Friday. Burial: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial: Certificate of Death . Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Sources for Frances Elnor Rohrer Birth: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 191, Marriage Record 7. Birth: Certificate of Death . Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Birth Record 2, Vol 2, page 97. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 191, Marriage Record 7. Occupation: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 7, page 191, Marriage Record 7. Occupation: Certificate of Death . Residence: Certificate of Death . Death: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death: Certificate of Death . Burial: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial: Certificate of Death , Death Record 3, Roll 146, Section 2, page 49. + + Children of Lawrence W Dunlap and Frances Elnor Rohrer were as follows: 375 i Roy Oscar5 Dunlap, born 29 May 1905 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died 7 Nov 1970 in At home, Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio; buried 10 Nov 1970 in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section B, Row 10). He married Bessie Bernice Marvin. Birth Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 4, page 54, Birth Record 3. Birth Source: Certificate of Death . Birth Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death Source: Ohio Deaths 1970-1988 , Volume 20280, Certificate 087430. Death Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death Source: Certificate of Death , Death Record 3, Roll 146, Section 4, page 286. Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 12 Nov 1970, Thursday. Death Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death Source: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 , Vol 20280, Cert 087430. Burial Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial Source: Certificate of Death . Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . 376 ii Grace Elenore5 Dunlap, born 12 Jan 1907 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died 17 Jun 1908; buried in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section B, Row 10). Birth Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 4, page 55, Birth Record 3. Death Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . 377 iii Mildred L5 Dunlap, born 6 Mar 1910 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 29 Jan 1987 in At home, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried in Memorial Park Cemetery, Allen County, Ohio. She married Onard R Ebling. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 4, page 56, Birth Record 3. Birth Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 4 Feb 1987, Wednesday. Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . + + 378 iv 379 v 380 vi David L5 Dunlap, born 15 May 1912 in Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio; died 10 May 1981 in At home, Putnam County, Ohio; buried in Immaculate Conception Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, near Ottoville, Ohio (Section S, Row 4, Grave 7). He married (1) Lucille Leiser; (2) Marjoie E Shilling. Birth Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 19, page 508. Birth Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Birth Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Immaculate Conception Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 19, page 508. Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 13 May 1981, Wednesday. Death Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Immaculate Conception Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Burial Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Immaculate Conception Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Mabel E5 Dunlap, born 27 Feb 1915 in Putnam County, Rimer, Ohio; died 1967; buried in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section A, Row 6, Grave1). She married on 6 Sep 1943 in Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio Richard A Bockrath, born 12 Aug 1902 in Putnam County, Greensburg Township, Ohio; died 1989; buried in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section A, Row 6, Grave1), son of J. Christ Bockrath and M. Elizabeth Unverferth. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 17, page 562. Birth Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 17, page 562. Death Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Marguerite Mae "Margaret"5 Dunlap, born 28 Aug 1917 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 21 Jan 1982 in Paradise Oaks Nursing Home, Cloverdale, Ohio; buried in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section A, Row 20). She married Howard Russell Pitney. Birth Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 16, page 171. Death Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 27 Jan 1982, Wednesday. Burial Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery + 381 vii Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Ray W5 Dunlap, born 6 Apr 1920 in Allen County, Ohio; died 24 Jan 1979 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried 27 Jan 1979 in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section A, Row 19). He married Helen I Flory. Birth Source: Ohio Deaths 1970-1988 . Birth Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Birth Source: Certificate of Death . Birth Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Death Source: Ohio Deaths 1970-1988 , Volume 23526, Certificate 000081. Death Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death Source: Certificate of Death . Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 31 Jan 1979, Wednesday. Death Source: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 , Vol 23526, Cert 000081. Burial Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial Source: Certificate of Death . Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . 163. Bessie L4 Dunlap (Alfred "Alf or Alph"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 3 May 1888 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died 1978 in Lima Manor Nursing Home, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried in Vaughnsville Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio (Section A, Row 80). She married on 10 Jun 1908 in Putnam County, Ohio William J "Will" Clevenger, born 23 Jan 1887 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 19 Jan 1972 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried in Vaughnsville Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio (Section A, Row 80), son of George W Clevenger and Lizzie Swancott. Other events for Bessie L Dunlap Social Security Number: 274-62-8779, Ohio. Occupation: Housekeeper. Religion: Vaughnsville United Methodist Church, Putnam County, Vaughnsville, Ohio. Other events for William J "Will" Clevenger Occupation: Farmer. Religion: Trinity United Methodist Church, Putnam County, Vaughnsville, Ohio. Notes for Bessie L Dunlap Her Wedding Announcement in the Putnam County Sentinel, indicates the wedding took place at the residence of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alf Dunlap, one mile west of Rimer, Ohio. Sources for Bessie L Dunlap Birth: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 3, page 52, Birth Record 3. Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 8, page 81, Marriage Record 7. Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 8, page 81, Marriage Record 7. Occupation: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 8, page 81, Marriage Record 7. Religion: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Death: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 21 Jun 1978 Wednesday. Burial: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Sources for William J "Will" Clevenger Birth: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 8, page 81, Marriage Record 7. Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 8, page 81, Marriage Record 7. Occupation: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 8, page 81, Marriage Record 7. Occupation: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Religion: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Death: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 20 Jan 1972, Thursday. Burial: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Children of Bessie L Dunlap and William J "Will" Clevenger were as follows: 382 i Dorothy M5 Clevenger, born 1910. She married Francis E Busch, born 1905; died 1997; buried in Vaughnsville Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio (Section A, Row 80). Notes: Dorothy has a cemetery plot in her name at Vaughnsville Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio (Section A, Row 80), per the Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12, Putnam County Genealogy Society, 2002. 383 ii Donald R5 Clevenger, born 1910; died 2002; buried in Vaughnsville Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio (Section A, Row 79). Birth Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . 164. Wilbur E4 Dunlap (Alfred "Alf or Alph"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 13 Jul 1895 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died 21 Apr 1940; buried in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section B, Row 10). He married on 29 Jun 1922 in Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio Dottie "Dot" Miley, born 8 Aug 1896 in Henry County, Ohio, daughter of Charles Miley and Della Turner. Other events for Wilbur E Dunlap Occupation: Teacher, County Recorder. Other events for Dottie "Dot" Miley Occupation: Housewife. Notes for Wilbur E Dunlap Per the Birth Record, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio, Vol 3, page 57, Birth Record 3, his name is listed as Wilber Dunlap. The Cemetery Inscriptions of Putnam County indicates his name is Wilbur E. Dunlap. Per the Marriage Record, Putnam County, Vol 12, page 367, his name is listed as Wilber E. Dunlap. Per the Putnam County Sentinel (12 Feb 1932 and 29 Apr 1932) , Wilbur ran for Recorder (Democrat) in 1932. Sources for Wilbur E Dunlap Birth: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 3, page 57, Birth Record 3. Birth: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 12, page 367. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 12, page 367. Occupation: Newspaper, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Death: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Notes for Dottie "Dot" Miley Dottie's marriage record to Wilber Dunlap indicates she was a widow, and her name was Winner, so I wonder if her married name was Winner (before marring Wilber) ? Sources for Dottie "Dot" Miley Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 12, page 367. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 12, page 367. Children of Wilbur E Dunlap and Dottie "Dot" Miley were as follows: 384 i Victor Royal5 Dunlap, born 25 Apr 1925. Birth Source: Newspaper, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 8 May 1925, Friday. 385 ii Helen Jean5 Dunlap, born 17 Dec 1932 in Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 5, page 58, Birth Record 4. 165. Ellia "Ella" B4 Dunlap (Godfrey Chamberlain3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born Mar 1890; died 1922; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section I). She married Harvey A Claypool, born 30 Jan 1887 in Putnam County, Jackson Township, Ohio; died 2 Mar 1976 in Lima Manor Nurshing Home, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section A, Row 18, Grave 7), son of Rev. James O Claypool and Veronica R Stirn. Other events for Harvey A Claypool Religion: Ottawa River United Church of Christ, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio. Occupation: Marathon Oil Distributor. Sources for Ellia "Ella" B Dunlap Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Sources for Harvey A Claypool Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Birth Record 2, Vol 2, page 138. Birth: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Monterey Township, Ohio . Religion: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Occupation: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 3 Mar 1976, Wednesday. Death: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Children of Ellia "Ella" B Dunlap and Harvey A Claypool were as follows: 386 i Vera F5 Claypool, born 6 Jun 1911 in Paulding County, Ohio; died 9 Nov 1997 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried 12 Nov 1997 in Vaughnsville Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Vaughnsville, Ohio (Section B, Row 82). She married Robert P Davies, born 6 Feb 1910; died 8 Oct 1991; buried in Vaughnsville Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Vaughnsville, Ohio (Section B, Row 82). Other events: Occupation: Accountant, Banking. Social Security Number: 297-26-9060, Ohio. Residence 237 N. Center St., Putnam County, Vaughnsville, Ohio 45893 (9 Nov 1997). Birth Source: Ohio Deaths 1993-1998 . Birth 387 ii Source: Certificate of Death . Birth Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death Source: Ohio Deaths 1993-1998 , Volume 31296, Certificate 084838. Death Source: Certificate of Death . Death Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial Source: Certificate of Death . Rev. Kenneth5 Claypool. Other events: Residence Seattle, Washington (3 Mar 1976). 170. Velma4 Pangle (Mary Agnes "Aggie"3 Dunlap, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born abt 1895 in Ohio. She married Unknown Allemeier. Notes for Velma Pangle I think her middle initial is either A or H, per Census 1910-Population. Sources for Velma Pangle Birth: Census, 1910-Population, Thirteenth Census of the United States, Van Wert County, Washington Township, Ohio . + Children of Velma Pangle and Unknown Allemeier were as follows: 388 i Luella5 Allemeier. She married Unknown Fuller. 174. Alta P4 Pangle (Mary Agnes "Aggie"3 Dunlap, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 5 Aug 1910 in Washington Township, Ohio; died 15 Oct 2007 in Vancrest Health Care Center, Lima, Ohio; buried 18 Oct 2007 in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section Highway). She married Guy H Matson, born 4 Aug 1902; died 3 May 1969; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section Highway). Other events for Alta P Pangle Religion Christian Union Church. Occupation DWG Cigar Factory. Sources for Alta P Pangle Birth: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 17 Oct 2007, Wednesday. Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Religion: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 17 Oct 2007, Wednesday. Occupation: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 17 Oct 2007, Wednesday. Death: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 17 Oct 2007, Wednesday. Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 17 Oct 2007, Wednesday. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Sources for Guy H Matson Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. + Children of Alta P Pangle and Guy H Matson were as follows: 389 i Mike5 Matson. 390 ii Ruth E5 Matson, born 29 Nov 1929. She married Jimmie Lee Moreo 391 392 393 iii iv v . Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Marriage Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 16 Jan 2006, Monday. Jimmie Lee Moreo obituary. Marjorie5 Matson. She married John Eiterman. Dale5 Matson, died bef 15 Oct 2007. Infant5 Matson, born 14 May 1936; died 14 May 1936; buried in Westside Cemetery, Van Wert County, Delphos, Ohio (Section S). Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. 175. Emma Iona "Iona"4 Hetrick (Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, 1 Joseph ), born 18 Feb 1903; died 10 Mar 1959. She married on 17 Mar 1926 in Lima, Ohio Robert B Hole, born 24 Oct 1897; died 27 May 1951. Notes for Emma Iona "Iona" Hetrick When Katie married Alex Dunlap, Iona was a small baby. Shortly after the marriage, Alex's father had a stroke and Kate and Alex had to move in with them to care for the farm and for the father-in-law. Iona went to live with her grandparents, George and Emma Semer Hetrick. She is listed living with them in the 1910 census of Allen County. She of course lived with them when they were tenant farmers in Indiana. After her marriage she lived in Lima, Ohio. Emma's biological father's name is ? + Children of Emma Iona "Iona" Hetrick and Robert B Hole were as follows: 394 i Billy Gene "Bill"5 Hole, born 20 Aug 1928; died 15 Feb 2002. He married (1) on 25 Jun 1950, divorced Mary Jeannine Cumback, daughter of Preston Cumback and Pauline Unknown; (2) on 29 Dec 1979 Joanne Riordan. Other events: Occupation: Transmission Mechanic. Divorce (1968). 395 ii Dorothy Lou5 Hole, born 20 Jun 1930. She married Robert Lee McGuire. + 396 iii + 397 iv + 398 v + 399 vi Barbara Ann "Barb"5 Hole , born 16 May 1932. She married William Hobart "Bill" Siegenthaler. Darrell Robert5 Hole, born 11 Mar 1934; died 4 Jan 1992; buried in Memorial Park, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married Betty Ann Barrett. Daniel Benjamin "Danny"5 Hole, born 28 Aug 1936; died 3 Feb 1969. He married Beverly Jo Yoakam. Mary Ellen5 Hole, born 24 Apr 1938 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio; died 28 Nov 1998 in Lima Health & Rehab, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried 2 Dec 1998 in Cairo East Cemetery, Allen County, Cairo, Ohio. She married Cleon Cornelius II "Click" Converse. Birth Source: Ohio Deaths 1993-1998 . Birth Source: Certificate of Death . Death Source: Ohio Deaths 1993-1998 , Volume 31728, Certificate 085005. Death Source: Certificate of Death . Burial Source: Certificate of Death . 178. Patricia (was Zella) Alberta "Pat"4 Dunlap (Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph 2 1 "Jos" , Joseph ), born 7 Jun 1912 in On a farm in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Rimer, Ohio; died 28 May 1970 in Ft. Wayne, Indiana; buried 30 May 1970 in Catholic Cemetery, Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio. She married (1) in St. John's Catholic Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio, divorced Vernon Mumaw; (2) on 1 Jul 1967 in Sacred Heart Church, Ft. Wayne, Indiana Meletus Henry "Dick" Dickman , born 27 Feb 1919; died 20 Mar 1975 in Steuben County, Hudson, Indiana; buried 24 Mar 1975 in St. Joseph's Catholic Cemetery, Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio, son of Benjamin Dickman and Lena Underferth. Other events for Patricia (was Zella) Alberta "Pat" Dunlap Religion United Brothern, then converted to Catholic. Religion. Occupation: Cake decorator, owned her own business, Allen County, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Religion Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Allen County, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Other events for Meletus Henry "Dick" Dickman Occupation: Steamfitter, Fruehauf, Allen County, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Religion Catholic. Social Security Number: 269-18-9609, Ohio. Religion St. John's Catholic Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section V). Sources for Patricia (was Zella) Alberta "Pat" Dunlap Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 4, page 59, Birth Record 3. Birth: Funeral Prayer Card . Religion: Funeral Prayer Card . Death: Funeral Prayer Card . Burial: Funeral Prayer Card . Notes for Meletus Henry "Dick" Dickman Later married Nellie Erma Dunlap Vogt. Sources for Meletus Henry "Dick" Dickman Birth: Funeral Prayer Card . Religion: Funeral Prayer Card . Death: Funeral Prayer Card . Burial: Funeral Prayer Card . Children of Patricia (was Zella) Alberta "Pat" Dunlap and Meletus Henry "Dick" Dickman were as follows: + 400 i Sheila Mae5 Dickman, born 21 Jul 1947 in Wabash, Indiana. She married Michael Gene "Mike" Kracium. (Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, 179. Ruth Vatula "Tula"4 Dunlap Joseph1), born 2 Sep 1914 in Putnam County, West of Rimer, Ohio. She married (1) on 22 Oct 1932 in Fort Wayne, Indiana Gilbert John "Gyp" Schulte , born 10 Apr 1910 in Putnam County, Ottoville, Ohio; died 13 Dec 1935 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio; buried 17 Dec 1935 in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section R), son of John Gerhard Schulte and Maria Anna "Anna" Hilvers; (2) on 20 Jun 1942 in Dayton, Ohio Charles Louis "Chuck" Kleman , born 24 Nov 1906 in Putnam County, Ottoville, Ohio; died 31 Jan 1970 in Putnam County, Ottoville, Ohio; buried 4 Feb 1970 in Immaculate Conception Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, Ottoville, Ohio (facing south, Section E, Grave 53), son of Bernard Kleman and Christine M Niedert. Other events for Ruth Vatula "Tula" Dunlap Occupation Worked on farm, Cigar factory, and Dry cleaners. Religion Catholic. Baptism St. John's Catholic Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. Other events for Gilbert John "Gyp" Schulte Occupation: Truck Driver. Baptism Ottoville, Ohio. Other events for Charles Louis "Chuck" Kleman Social Security Number: 287-07-7280, Ohio. Occupation: Delphos Builders (Salesman), Dayton Rubber Company, and worked for Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio . Baptism Putnam County, Ottoville, Ohio. Notes for Ruth Vatula "Tula" Dunlap Per Cemetery Inscriptions, Immaculate Conception Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, Ottoville, Ohio, Ruth Vatula Dunlap has a cemetery plot at Immaculate Conception Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, Ottoville, Ohio (facing south, Section E, Grave 53). Sources for Ruth Vatula "Tula" Dunlap Birth: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Birth: Cemetery Inscriptions, Immaculate Conception Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Marriage: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Occupation: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Notes for Gilbert John "Gyp" Schulte The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, March 1996, indicates Gilbert's birth date is 4 Apr 1910. Sources for Gilbert John "Gyp" Schulte Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Marriage: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Occupation: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Sources for Charles Louis "Chuck" Kleman Birth: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Birth: Cemetery Inscriptions, Immaculate Conception Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Marriage: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Occupation: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Death: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Death: Cemetery Inscriptions, Immaculate Conception Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Burial: Cemetery Inscriptions, Immaculate Conception Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Children of Ruth Vatula "Tula" Dunlap and Gilbert John "Gyp" Schulte were as follows: + 401 i , born 23 Jan 1933 in At home, Raylene June5 Schulte Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. She married Elmer Arnold Fischer. Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . + 402 ii Gilbert Gene "Gyp"5 Schulte , born 26 May 1935 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio; died 10 Apr 2006 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried 15 Apr 2006 in St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery, Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio. He married Joan Marie "Joannie" Siefker. Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Birth Source: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 13 Apr 2006, Thursday. Birth Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 11 Apr 2006, Tuesday. Birth Source: Funeral Prayer Card . Marriage Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage Source: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 13 Apr 2006, Thursday. Gilbert Gene Schulte obituary. Marriage Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 11 Apr 2006, Tuesday. Gilbert G Schulte obituary . Death Source: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 13 Apr 2006, Thursday. Death Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 11 Apr 2006, Tuesday. Death Source: Funeral Prayer Card . Burial Source: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 13 Apr 2006, Thursday. Burial Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 11 Apr 2006, Tuesday. Burial Source: Funeral Prayer Card . Children of Ruth Vatula "Tula" Dunlap and Charles Louis "Chuck" Kleman were as follows: + 403 i Charlotte Louise5 Kleman , born 3 Nov 1945 in Van Wert County, Ohio. She married on 10 Nov 1990 in St. Charles Church, Allen County, Lima, Ohio Carl Eugene Smith, born 8 Jan 1929; died in Burleson, Texas. Other events: Occupation: Respiratory Therapist, Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Baptism Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. Notes: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, March 1996, indicates Charlotte was born at home (327 South Clay Street), Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . 404 ii Jerome Arthur "Rome"5 Kleman , born 27 Jan 1948 in At home, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. He married Wilma Jean Hunt . Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . + 405 iii Keith Leroy5 Kleman , born 15 Apr 1953 in At home, Putnam County, Ottoville, Ohio. He married Julia Lynn Ricker . Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . + 406 iv George Edward5 Kleman , born 25 Feb 1956 in At home, Putnam County, Ottoville, Ohio. He married Joyce Marie Ellerbrock . Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court . Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . 180. Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie"4 Dunlap (Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 15 Mar 1917 in Allen County, Monroe Township, Ohio; died 1 Sep 1984 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried in St. John's Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section V). She married on 19 Nov 1932 in Allen County, Fort Wayne, Indiana Alfred John "Pat" Fetzer, born 17 Mar 1911 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio; died 30 Apr 1967 in St. Rita's Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried in St. John's Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section V), son of William Peter "Peter" Fetzer and Anna Mary Veronica "Veronica" Krebs. Other events for Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie" Dunlap Religion St. John's Catholic Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. Occupation Cigar Factory. Residence 633 North Washington Street, Delphos, Ohio. Social Security Number: 302-03-1099, Ohio. Occupation Retired from Myers Cleaners. Other events for Alfred John "Pat" Fetzer Social Security Number: 288-01-3246. Baptism St. John's Catholic Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (19 Mar 1911). Notes for Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie" Dunlap The marriage license reads Afred Fetzer and Jane Dunlap. Sources for Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie" Dunlap Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . Birth: Funeral Prayer Card . Religion: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . Religion: Funeral Prayer Card . Residence: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . Occupation: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . Death: Funeral Prayer Card . Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . Burial: Funeral Prayer Card . Notes for Alfred John "Pat" Fetzer Funeral card and death certificate indicates birth date as 17 Nov 1911 and name is Alfred L. Birth certificate indicates birth date is 17 Mar 1911 and name is Alfred John. Sources for Alfred John "Pat" Fetzer Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Children of Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie" Dunlap and Alfred John "Pat" Fetzer were as follows: + 407 i Kenneth Wayne "Wayne"5 Fetzer , born 29 Apr 1933 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. He married Doris A Hayden. + 408 ii Carlene Marie5 Fetzer , born 5 Jun 1934 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio; died 17 Dec 2006 in At home, Van Wert, Ohio; buried 20 Dec 2006 in Woodland Cemetery, Van Wert, Ohio. She married LeVerne Francis Sr. "Vern" Schulte . Birth Source: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 18 Dec 2006, Monday. Birth Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 18 Dec 2006, Monday. Birth Source: Funeral Prayer Card . Marriage Source: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 18 Dec 2006, Monday. Carlene M Schulte obituary . Marriage Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 18 Dec 2006, Monday. Marriage Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 4 Jan 2008, Friday. Death Source: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 18 Dec 2006, Monday. Death Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 18 Dec 2006, Monday. Death Source: Funeral Prayer Card . Burial Source: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 18 Dec 2006, Monday. Burial Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 18 Dec 2006, Monday. Burial Source: Funeral Prayer Card . + 409 iii Orby Gordon5 Fetzer , born 5 Nov 1935 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. He married Rose Mary "Rosie" Koenig . Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Marriage Source: Newspaper, Delphos Herald, Delphos, Ohio , 13 Nov 2006, Monday. + 410 iv Philip Dean "Phil or Philboy"5 Fetzer , born 3 Apr 1941 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. He married Sheryl Sue "Sherry" Moore. + 411 v Phyllis Jean5 Fetzer , born 3 Apr 1941 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. She married (1) Ronald Joseph "Ronnie or Ron or Mouse" Schimmoller ; (2) Richard David "Dick" Burkholder . Paul Justin5 Fetzer, born 22 Aug 1944 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married Diana Jean "Diane" Cooley. + 412 vi + 413 vii Ronald John "Ronnie"5 Fetzer , born 24 Apr 1946 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married Monica Lynn "Lynn" Kraft. + 414 viii William Louis "Woody"5 Fetzer , born 24 Sep 1948 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married (1) Debra "Debbie" Renner; (2) Cathleene A "Cathy" Krugh . + 415 ix Terry Lee5 Fetzer , born 29 Nov 1950 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married Rebecca "Becky" Lucas. + 416 x Gary Lee5 Fetzer , born 29 Nov 1950 in St. Rita's Medical + 417 xi Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married (1) Susan Sexton; (2) Sherry Meeks; (3) Barb Sexton. Herbert Anthony "Herb or Herbie"5 Fetzer, born 29 Sep 1954 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married Andrea Rose Chavarria. 181. Nellie Erma "Nell"4 Dunlap (Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 25 May 1919 in At home, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio; died 2 May 2002 in Defiance County, Defiance, Ohio; buried 8 May 2002 in St. John's Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section V). She married (1) on 30 Sep 1937 in St. John's , Catholic Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio Leon Theodore "Lee" Vogt born 15 Jun 1905 in Wood County, Liberty Township, Cygnet, Ohio; died 22 Jun 1962 in Van Wert County, Delphos, Ohio; buried 26 Jun 1962 in St. John's Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section V), son of Frank Anthony "Frank" Vogt Mary E Moreo and ; (2) on 3 Jul 1971 in St. John's Catholic Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio Meletus Henry "Dick" Dickman , born 27 Feb 1919; died 20 Mar 1975 in Steuben County, Hudson, Indiana; buried 24 Mar 1975 in St. Joseph's Catholic Cemetery, Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio, son of Benjamin Dickman and Lena Underferth. Other events for Nellie Erma "Nell" Dunlap Occupation Co-Owner of the House of Vogts Restaurant, Miller's Optometrist, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (St. John's Catholic School study hall monitor). Religion: Former member of Defiance St. John Catholic Church and Delphos St. John's Catholic Church, Trinity United Methodist, but converted to Catholic. Baptism St. John's Catholic Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (1937). Residence 159 Wilson Street, Defiance County, Defiance, Ohio 43512 (May 2002). Other events for Leon Theodore "Lee" Vogt Religion St. John's Catholic Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. Occupation: Restaurant Proprietor, Owner, Pop Room. Residence 609 N. Main Street, Delphos, Ohio (14 Mar 1938). Social Security Number: 300-30-0228, Ohio (1951/53). Residence 229 W. 5th Street, Van Wert County, Delphos, Ohio (22 Jun 1962). Other events for Meletus Henry "Dick" Dickman Occupation: Steamfitter, Fruehauf, Allen County, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Religion Catholic. Social Security Number: 269-18-9609, Ohio. Religion St. John's Catholic Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section V). Notes for Nellie Erma "Nell" Dunlap Nellie was born at home near Lincoln Highway on a farm in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. Sources for Nellie Erma "Nell" Dunlap Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . Occupation: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . Religion: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . Notes for Leon Theodore "Lee" Vogt Per his obituary, Mr Vogt began his business career with a shoe repair shop at E. 2nd St, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio, and later his brother added a confectionary store and in 1932 converted their place of business to a restaurant on E. 2nd St. The restaurant was destroyed by fire Aug 4, 1961. Later Mr. Vogt started the modern restaurant known as the House of Vogts at his residence on 229 W. 5th St, Van Wert County, Delphos, Ohio. His wife and son Richard were associated with him in this restaurant. Sources for Leon Theodore "Lee" Vogt Birth: Birth Record, Wood County, Ohio, 189, Probate Court , Volume 4, Page 268. Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth: Census, 1910, Allen County, Spencer Township, Ohio, ED 46, page 207. . Birth: Census, 1920, Allen County, Marion Township, living on South Street, Delphos, Ohio, ED 12, microfilm roll # T625 1344). Birth: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . Birth: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Birth: Funeral Prayer Card . Religion: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . Occupation: Certificate of Death . Residence: Certificate of Birth for Mary Catherine Vogt. Social Security Number: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Residence: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . Residence: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 . Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . Death: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 , Vol 16951, Cert 48079. Death: Funeral Prayer Card . Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Funeral Prayer Card . Notes for Meletus Henry "Dick" Dickman Later married Nellie Erma Dunlap Vogt. Sources for Meletus Henry "Dick" Dickman Birth: Funeral Prayer Card . Religion: Funeral Prayer Card . Death: Funeral Prayer Card . Burial: Funeral Prayer Card . Children of Nellie Erma "Nell" Dunlap and Leon Theodore "Lee" Vogt were as follows: + 418 i Mary Catherine "Toodles"5 Vogt , born 14 Mar 1938 in At home on North Main Street, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. She married William Craig "Bill" Buschor . Birth Source: Certificate of Birth . Marriage Source: Marriage License , Probate Court, Van Wert County, Ohio, No. 219. 419 ii Richard Leon "Dick"5 Vogt , born 11 Mar 1939 in At home on North Main Street, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. He married on 3 Feb 1968 in St. Marys Catholic Church, Van Wert, Ohio, Van , born 8 Mar 1942 in Wert County Nancy Lee Ridenour Ball Memorial Hospital, Muncie, Indiana, daughter of John Francis II "Bud" Ridenour and Alice Marie Davis. Other events: Baptism St. John's Catholic Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. Religion Catholic. Occupation: Retired Motel Owner. Residence Ridgeway Motor Inn, P.O. Box 1086, Blowing Rock, North Carolina 28605 (bef 2007). Residence 4176 Skeffington Court, Southport, North Carolina 28461 (May 2008). + 420 iii LaDonna Marie "Donna"5 Vogt , born 28 Dec 1951 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married John Thomas Sanders . 182. Robert Herbert Isadore "Herb or Bud"4 Dunlap (Alexander "Alex"3, 2 1 Joseph "Jos" , Joseph ), born 7 Jun 1921 in At Home, Putnam County, Delphos, Ohio; died 11 Aug 1986 in Delphos Memorial Nursing Home, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio; buried 14 Aug 1986 in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section U). He married on 8 Jun 1942 Edith Mildred Ditto , born 1 Dec 1919 in Allen County, Ohio; died 1 Aug 1989; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section U), daughter of Fred Ditto and Sylvia Sunderland. Other events for Robert Herbert Isadore "Herb or Bud" Dunlap Religion: Trinity United Methodist Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio, Member and Treasurer. Military Service: Served in U.S. Army medical corps during WWII. Occupation: Clerk of Courts, County Office, Allen County, Ohio, President of the Fraternal Order of Police. Social Security Number: 290-14-7068, Ohio (bef 1951). Residence R. R. #2, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio 45833 (11 Aug 1986). Other events for Edith Mildred Ditto Religion: Trinity United Methodist Church, Delphos, Ohio. Social Security Number: 27912-6700, Ohio. Notes for Robert Herbert Isadore "Herb or Bud" Dunlap The obituary in the Lima News, 12 Aug 1986, Tuesday, indicates Robert (Herb) died at Delphos Memorial Nursing Home. The obituary also indicates that Mr. Dunlap was reelected to his sixth term as clerk of courts in November 1984, a position he held for 22 years. Prior to becoming clerk, he had been an employee of City Loan and Savings of Troy, Peoples National Bank of Delphos, and Bindel's Furniture and Appliance of Lima. He had served as secretary of the Allen County Fair Board, had served on the fair advisory committee and was presently serving on the race committee. Sources for Robert Herbert Isadore "Herb or Bud" Dunlap Birth: Ohio Deaths 1970-1988 . Birth: Certificate of Death . Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 12 Aug 1986, Tuesday. Birth: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Birth: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 . Birth: Funeral Prayer Card . Religion: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Military Service: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Occupation: Certificate of Death . Occupation: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Occupation: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 12 Aug 1986, Tuesday. Social Security Number: Certificate of Death . Social Security Number: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 . Residence: Certificate of Death . Residence: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death: Ohio Deaths 1970-1988 , Volume 26541, Certificate 057159. Death: Certificate of Death . Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 13 Aug 1986, Wednesday. Death: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 12 Aug 1986, Tuesday. Death: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 , Vol 26541, Cert 057159. Death: Funeral Prayer Card . Burial: Certificate of Death . Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Burial: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 12 Aug 1986, Tuesday. Burial: Funeral Prayer Card . Notes for Edith Mildred Ditto Her obituary indicates that Edith died at the residence of her daughter, Carolyn Dunlap, of Delphos. Sources for Edith Mildred Ditto Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth: Obituary . Religion: Obituary . Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death: Obituary . Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Obituary . Children of Robert Herbert Isadore "Herb or Bud" Dunlap and Edith Mildred Ditto were as follows: + 421 i Ruth Ann "Ruthie"5 Dunlap , born 2 Sep 1943 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married Ronald P "Ronnie" Wittler . + 422 ii Carolyn Jean5 Dunlap , born 26 Jun 1947. 423 iii James Robert "Jim"5 Dunlap married Anita Kathleen Chiles. 424 iv Paul Alexander "Butch"5 Dunlap , born 20 Sep 1954 in Troy, Ohio. He married on 23 Apr 1977 in Zion Lutheran Church, Auglaize County, St. Marys, Ohio Diann Carol Hoverman, born 11 Nov 1954 in Charleston, South Carolina, daughter of Richard Wesley Hoverman and Arlene Marjoie Thielk. Other events: Baptism Wesleyan Gospel Centre, St. Marys, Ohio (as an adult). , born 12 Oct 1948. He 183. Leah Catherine4 Dunlap (Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 1 Feb 1923 in Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio; died 5 Nov 2006 in Lutheran Hospital, Fort Wayne, Indiana; buried 8 Nov 2006 in Covington Memorial Gardens, Fort Wayne, Indiana. She married on 24 Nov 1945 in St. Rose Church, Allen County, Lima, Ohio Robert Louis "Bob" Fetzer , born 2 Jul 1918 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio; died 17 Jul 1989 in Allen County, Fort Wayne, Indiana, son of William Peter "Peter" Fetzer and Anna Mary Veronica "Veronica" Krebs. Other events for Leah Catherine Dunlap Occupation: Homemaker. Other events for Robert Louis "Bob" Fetzer Social Security Number: 301-03-3045, Ohio. Sources for Leah Catherine Dunlap Birth: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 6 Nov 2006, Monday. Birth: Funeral Prayer Card . Occupation: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 6 Nov 2006, Monday. Death: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 6 Nov 2006, Monday. Death: Funeral Prayer Card . Burial: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 6 Nov 2006, Monday. Sources for Robert Louis "Bob" Fetzer Birth: Funeral Prayer Card . Death: Funeral Prayer Card . Children of Leah Catherine Dunlap and Robert Louis "Bob" Fetzer were as follows: + 425 i Steven Lynn "Steve"5 Fetzer , born 25 Sep 1945 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married Judith Ann "Judy" Widmer. + 426 ii , born 21 Nov 1947 in Roxanna Louise "Roxie"5 Fetzer St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married Richard Rolland "Dick" Shank + 427 iii + 428 iv . Vickie Lee5 Fetzer , born 8 Dec 1951 in St. Joseph Hospital, Fort Wayne, Indiana. She married Patrick Elvin "Pat" Winchester. Robert Louis "Bobbie"5 Fetzer, born 5 Aug 1953. He married Amy Jean Castellana. + 429 v Tina Marie5 Fetzer Ignatius Tusa. 430 vi Harold John "Ki"5 Fetzer Hospital, Fort Wayne, Indiana. , born 13 Jan 1956. She married Roy , born 13 Feb 1957 in St. Joseph 184. Paul Lavern "Bill"4 Dunlap (Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 23 Dec 1926 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. He married on 31 Dec 1948 in Trinity Methodist Church, Delphos, Ohio Beatrice Kathryn "Bea" Benson , born 10 Jul 1930 in Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio, daughter of Cloyd C Benson and Alvera M Unknown. Other events for Paul Lavern "Bill" Dunlap Occupation Retired from General Dynamics, Lima, Ohio. Other events for Beatrice Kathryn "Bea" Benson Occupation Retired from Home Service Dry-Cleaning, Lima, Ohio. Notes for Paul Lavern "Bill" Dunlap Has a cemetery plot in his name at Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Marion Township, Delphos, Ohio (Section J), per the Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio. Sources for Paul Lavern "Bill" Dunlap Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Notes for Beatrice Kathryn "Bea" Benson Bea was born in her great grandparent's house, George and Sophie Hoffstetter. Has a cemetery plot in her name at Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Marion Township, Delphos, Ohio (Section J), per the Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio. Sources for Beatrice Kathryn "Bea" Benson Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Children of Paul Lavern "Bill" Dunlap and Beatrice Kathryn "Bea" Benson were as follows: + 431 i + 432 ii + 433 iii , born 23 Jan 1951 in St. Rita's Paula Kay5 Dunlap Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married Jerry Edwin McComas . Susan Marie "Suzie"5 Dunlap, born 21 Mar 1953 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married (1) Terry Paul Fair; (2) William Roosevelt "Bill" Jordan. Claudia Jean "Jeannie"5 Dunlap , born 3 May 1956 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married (1) Ronald Lee "Ron" Casebolt; (2) Terry Lynn Place. 185. Kenneth Alexander "Kenny"4 Dunlap (Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph 2 1 "Jos" , Joseph ), born 5 Aug 1928 in Delphos, Ohio; died 4 Jun 2005 in James Cancer Center, Community Hospital, Springfield, Ohio; buried 8 Jun 2005 in Ferncliff Cemetery, Springfield, Ohio. He married on 19 Apr 1952 Joyceann Martin , born 11 Mar 1931, daughter of Unknown Martin and Unknown Unknown. Other events for Kenneth Alexander "Kenny" Dunlap Religion Central United Methodist Church, Springfield, Ohio. Occupation: Teacher, retired 1988, Springfield North High School, Hayward Junior High, and Northwestern Middle School, Springfield, Oh. Military Service U.S. Army, during Korean War. Other events for Joyceann Martin Occupation: Kindergarten Teacher, retired 1988. Sources for Kenneth Alexander "Kenny" Dunlap Birth: Obituary, Springfield News-Sun, Clark County, Springfield, Ohio , 5 Jun 2005 - 7 Jun 2005. Birth: Funeral Prayer Card . Religion: Obituary, Springfield News-Sun, Clark County, Springfield, Ohio , 5 Jun 2005 7 Jun 2005. Occupation: Obituary, Springfield News-Sun, Clark County, Springfield, Ohio , 5 Jun 2005 - 7 Jun 2005. Military Service: Obituary, Springfield News-Sun, Clark County, Springfield, Ohio , 5 Jun 2005 - 7 Jun 2005. Death: Obituary, Springfield News-Sun, Clark County, Springfield, Ohio , 5 Jun 2005 - 7 Jun 2005. Death: Funeral Prayer Card . Burial: Obituary, Springfield News-Sun, Clark County, Springfield, Ohio , 5 Jun 2005 - 7 Jun 2005. Burial: Funeral Prayer Card . Children of Kenneth Alexander "Kenny" Dunlap and Joyceann Martin were as follows: + 434 i , born 5 Oct 1953 in Deborah Lynette "Debbie"5 Dunlap Fort Sill Oklahoma Military Hospital, Oklahoma. She married Jamie Lee Haycox. + 435 ii Chrisanne Elaine "Chrissy"5 Dunlap She married Jeffery Lee Mowell. , born 14 Oct 1955. + 436 iii Kenneth Brent "Brent"5 Dunlap , born 28 Sep 1960 in Community Hospital, Springfield, Ohio. He married Carol Jean Poland. 188. Hiram Leroy "Lee"4 Schindler (Martha3 Dunlap, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 20 Jun 1896; died 4 Jun 1972. He married Leah Unknown. Other events for Hiram Leroy "Lee" Schindler Social Security Number: 371-03-4820, Michigan. Children of Hiram Leroy "Lee" Schindler and Leah Unknown were as follows: 437 i Roland5 Schindler. 438 ii Gertrude5 Schindler. 439 iii Helen5 Schindler. 440 iv Dorothy5 Schindler. 441 v Luella5 Schindler. 189. Joseph Elmer "Elmer"4 Schindler (Martha3 Dunlap, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 23 Sep 1899; died 21 Oct 1932. He married Cora Unknown. Children of Joseph Elmer "Elmer" Schindler and Cora Unknown were as follows: 442 i Leonard5 Schindler. 443 ii Viola5 Schindler. 444 iii Betty5 Schindler. 445 iv Margie5 Schindler. 191. Sarah Lucille "Lucille"4 Schindler (Martha3 Dunlap, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 31 Aug 1906; died 22 Jun 1940. She married Unknown Unknown. Notes for Sarah Lucille "Lucille" Schindler One of her daughters is married to a Ramsey. Children of Sarah Lucille "Lucille" Schindler and Unknown Unknown were as follows: 446 i Jean5 Schindler?. 447 ii Eileen5 Schindler?. 195. Lloyd Edwin "Buss"4 Schindler (Martha3 Dunlap, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 26 May 1913; died Mar 1984. He married Mildred Unknown. Other events for Lloyd Edwin "Buss" Schindler Social Security Number: 283-14-3337, Ohio. Children of Lloyd Edwin "Buss" Schindler and Mildred Unknown were as follows: 448 i Butch5 Schindler. 198. Lulu Geraldine "Jerry"4 Schindler (Martha3 Dunlap, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 28 Jun 1919 in Saline, Michigan; died 27 Apr 2004 in Weaverville, North Carolina; buried 1 May 2004 in Truro Cemetery, Columbus Grove, Ohio. She married on 4 Jul 1941 Carlyle "Slim" Kundert, born 21 Jun 1919; died 17 Jun 1983. Other events for Carlyle "Slim" Kundert Social Security Number: 289-12-2042, Ohio. Notes for Lulu Geraldine "Jerry" Schindler Per her obituary, Lima News on 29 Apr 2004, Thursday, Mrs. Kundert had lived in Columbus Grove, Ohio, until her marriage in 1941, and then moved to Van Wert, Ohio. She moved to Weaverville, N.C., in April 2002. Sources for Lulu Geraldine "Jerry" Schindler Birth: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 29 Apr 2004, Thursday. Birth: Funeral Prayer Card . Death: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 29 Apr 2004, Thursday. Death: Funeral Prayer Card . Burial: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 29 Apr 2004, Thursday. Burial: Funeral Prayer Card . Children of Lulu Geraldine "Jerry" Schindler and Carlyle "Slim" Kundert were as follows: + 449 i Alice Jane "Jane"5 Kundert , born 22 Feb 1943 in Van Wert County, Ohio. She married (1) Frederick Eugene "Buddy" Sargent; (2) John Flinchum; (3) Harlon Elliott Boone. 199. Laura May4 Dunlap (Edward3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 20 May 1902 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Rushmore, Ohio. She married on 9 Oct 1919 in Presbyterian Church, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio Charles M Hunt, born 1 Jul 1890, son of Sam Hunt and Jane Moyer. Notes for Laura May Dunlap Per the Marriage Record, Putnam County, Vol 11, page 527, Laura was age 18, on 20 May 1919, which would make her birth date 20 May 1901. Sources for Laura May Dunlap Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 4, page 51, Birth Record 3. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 11, page 527. Sources for Charles M Hunt Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 11, page 527. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 11, page 527. Children of Laura May Dunlap and Charles M Hunt were as follows: 450 i Opal Juanita5 Hunt, born 5 Jul 1925 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 14 Apr 1993 in At home, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried 15 Apr 1993 in Cridersville Crematory, Cridersville, Ohio. She married Unknown Snyder. Other events: Social Security Number: 289-22-2526, Ohio. Residence 414 W. McKibben St., Allen County, Lima, Ohio 45801 (14 Apr 1993). Birth Source: Certificate of Death . Birth Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death Source: Certificate of Death . Death Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Burial Source: Certificate of Death . 451 ii Edward Samuel5 Hunt, born 31 Jul 1927 in Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio; died 2 Aug 1995 in At home, Sandusky County, Elmore, Ohio; buried 4 Aug 1995 in Restlawn Cemetery, Perrysburg, Ohio. He married Joyce Kern. Other events: Social Security Number: 27222-9333. Occupation: Mechanic, Teamsters. Residence 3825 St. Rt. 51, Sandusky County, Elmore, Ohio 43416 (2 Aug 1995). Birth Source: Certificate of Death . Death Source: Certificate of Death . Burial Source: Certificate of Death . 201. Opal Helena4 Dunlap (Edward3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 12 Nov 1905 in Allen County, Beaverdam, Ohio. She married in Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio Edward Hale Buettner, born 1 Jul 1906 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio; died 16 Jan 1987; buried in Carmen Cemetery, son of John Ludwig Buettner and Katherine Huysman. Sources for Opal Helena Dunlap Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 13, page 579. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 13, page 579. Notes for Edward Hale Buettner Twin brother to Everett. Sources for Edward Hale Buettner Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 13, page 579. Birth: Funeral Prayer Card . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 13, page 579. Death: Funeral Prayer Card . Burial: Funeral Prayer Card . Children of Opal Helena Dunlap and Edward Hale Buettner were as follows: + 452 i + 453 ii + 454 iii 455 iv 456 v + Lois Jean5 Buettner , born 1 Apr 1929 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. She married Donald Ver "Don" Barth. Robert Edward5 Buettner, born 29 May 1930 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. He married Eloise Adams. Wanda Lou5 Buettner, born 3 Aug 1934 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. She married (1) James Michel; (2) Roger Heffner. Carolyn Sue5 Buettner, born 9 Sep 1938 in Williams County, Bryan, Ohio. She married on 24 Nov 1986, divorced Dean Adam, born 3 Feb 1936. Darrel Lee5 Buettner, born 22 May 1947 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married Nancy Cummins. 203. Wava P4 Dunlap (Edward3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 6 May 1909 in Allen County, Ohio; died 13 Nov 1978. She married (1) on 11 May 1930 in Putnam County, Ohio Carl Hayes, born 3 Mar 1904 in Allen County, Ohio, son of J. W. Hayes and Cornelia Jennings; (2) Herschell "Curly" Buettner, born 12 Mar 1914; died Oct 1992, son of John Ludwig Buettner and Katherine Huysman. Other events for Wava P Dunlap Social Security Number: 275-09-4167, Ohio. Sources for Wava P Dunlap Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 14, page 329. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 14, page 329. Sources for Carl Hayes Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 14, page 329. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 14, page 329. + Children of Wava P Dunlap and Herschell "Curly" Buettner were as follows: 457 i James5 Buettner. He married JoAnn Schmidt. 458 ii 459 460 461 iii iv v Kenneth "Kenny"5 Buettner . He married Josephine A "Jo" Sander, born 20 Sep 1934; died 16 Jul 2007; buried in Resurrection Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section L-1). Mary5 Buettner. She married Charles Wauben. Sue5 Buettner. She married Rick Mewhorr. Darla5 Buettner. 204. Carl Edward4 Dunlap (Edward3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 21 Apr 1915 in Beaverdam, Ohio; died 2 May 1968 in St. Rita's Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried in Carmen Cemetery, Allen County, Sugar Creek Township, near Gomer, Ohio. He married Olive Fruchey, born 8 Oct 1917; died Apr 1969 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried in Carmen Cemetery, Allen County, Sugar Creek Township, near Gomer, Ohio. Other events for Carl Edward Dunlap Social Security Number: 300-30-1986, Ohio (1951/53). Residence Allen County, Cairo, Ohio 45820 (May 1968). Other events for Olive Fruchey Social Security Number: 290-01-3718, Ohio. Sources for Carl Edward Dunlap Birth: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Social Security Number: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Residence: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death: Liberty Chapel Cemetery (Carmen Cemetery, Sugar Creek Twsp), Ohio . Death: Burials, Permit Stubs, 10-28-1959 to 9-25-1993, Putnam County, Ohio , Book 34, Permit 106. Death: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Sources for Olive Fruchey Death: Liberty Chapel Cemetery (Carmen Cemetery, Sugar Creek Twsp), Ohio . Children of Carl Edward Dunlap and Olive Fruchey were as follows: 462 i Steven5 Dunlap. 463 ii Ronald D5 Dunlap, born 25 Oct 1946 in Allen County, Ohio; died 1 Nov 1977 in Franklin County, Columbus, Ohio; buried in Carmen Cemetery, Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio. He married Sophia Moran, died aft Nov 1977. Other events: Occupation: Manager, Washington Distributors, Columbus, Ohio. Social Security Number: 280-46-2179, Ohio (1964). Residence Franklin County, Ohio (1 Nov 1977). Notes: Per the obituary in the Putnam County Sentinel, Ronald D. Dunlap, 31, Westerville, was found dead in his pickup truck at approximately 10:15 pm that evening (1 Nov 1977) in the middle of an intersection on Columbus' east side. Police said he was shot in the head and had been robbed. Three men were arrested in connection with the incident the next day. Although details were not released, it was reported that Dunlap had stopped to help motorists who apparently were having car trouble and was then shot. Birth Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 9 Nov 1977, Wednesday. Birth Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 9 Nov 1977, Wednesday. Death Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death Source: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 , Vol 23058, Cert 080702. Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 9 Nov 1977, Wednesday. 464 iii Polly5 Dunlap. 465 iv Sally J5 Dunlap, born 3 Aug 1952 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married (1) on 4 Jul 1971 in Grace United Methodist Church, Putnam County, Vaughnsville, Ohio, divorced Michael Lee Litten, born 22 Mar 1953 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio, son of Robert L Litten and Marilyn R Johnson; (2) on 17 Nov 1973 in Putnam County, Ohio Donald R "Don" Moore, born 1 Dec 1951 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio, son of Harold Wilhelm and Mary Jane Schwab. Other events: Divorce (23 May 1972). Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 28, page 14. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 29, page 84. Marriage Source: Marriage 466 v Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 28, page 14. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 29, page 84. Larry5 Dunlap. 208. Simeon (or Samuel)4 Wells (Samuel3, Nancy2 Dunlap, Joseph1), born abt 1878. He married Elizabeth Bryan. Notes for Simeon (or Samuel) Wells LDS indicates birth date about 1878. Per Daniel W Wells Marriage Record 6, Vol 6, page 51, his father's name is Simeon Wells. Children of Simeon (or Samuel) Wells and Elizabeth Bryan were as follows: 467 i Daniel W "Dan"5 Wells, born 1 Aug 1872 in Putnam County, Rushmore, Ohio; died 7 Apr 1955 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried 9 Apr 1955 in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section D). He married on 24 May 1899 in Putnam County, Ohio Anna "Ann" Dunlap, born 28 Apr 1874 in Putnam County, Rushmore, Ohio; died 11 Aug 1962 in At home, Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio; buried 14 Aug 1962 in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section D), daughter + + 468 469 ii iii of Lester Adam Dunlap and Rebecca Huffer . Other events: Occupation: Laborer, Machinist, Oil Well Driller. Residence R.F.D., Putnam County, Rushmore, Ohio (7 Apr 1955). Notes: Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988, Dan spent most of his years in the oil fields of Oklahoma; Ann remained at the family farm in Rushmore, Ohio, until her death. Per the Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio, he was born Aug 1872, and was 27 years old. Per the Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Walnut Grove cemetery, Daniel was born 1872, died 1955. Per the Marriage Record 6, Vol 6, page 51, Putnam County, Ohio, his bith date would calculate to 1 Aug 1871. Per the Certificate of Death, his birth date is 1 Aug 1872. Birth Source: Certificate of Death . Birth Source: Census, 1900, Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio . Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 6, page 51, Marriage Record 6. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death Source: Certificate of Death . Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Certificate of Death . Samuel5 Wells. He married Rena Hunt. Frank5 Wells. He married Etta Magill. 211. Cora Lucinda4 Dunlap (William Heron3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 1 Aug 1877 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 24 Mar 1957. She married on 3 Nov 1896 in Putnam County, Ohio Albert Sybert. Sources for Cora Lucinda Dunlap Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 5, page 361, Marriage Record 6. Sources for Albert Sybert Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 5, page 361, Marriage Record 6. Children of Cora Lucinda Dunlap and Albert Sybert were as follows: 470 i Elda Virda5 Sybert. 471 ii Charles Ray5 Sybert. 472 iii Delsea5 Sybert. She married Peter Baker. 212. Clara J4 Dunlap (William Heron3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 16 Sep 1879; died 13 Jun 1927 in Putnam County, Ohio; buried in Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, Ottoville, Ohio (Row 14, Grave 8). She married on 11 Oct 1897 in Putnam County, Ohio John M Keller , born 23 Mar 1875 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 1947; buried in Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, Ottoville, Ohio (Row 14, Grave 8), son of Robert Keller and Susanna Harris. Notes for Clara J Dunlap Per Lindsey Sue Kennedy, she thinks Clara and John both may be buried in Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Ohio. Sources for Clara J Dunlap Birth: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 5, page 451, Marriage Record 6. Death: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Burial: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Sources for John M Keller Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 15, page 554. Birth: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 5, page 451, Marriage Record 6. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 15, page 554. Death: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Burial: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Children of Clara J Dunlap and John M Keller were as follows: 473 i Rolly5 Keller. 474 ii Harley5 Keller. 475 iii Lelus5 Keller. 213. Charles Ray4 Dunlap (William Heron3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 16 Jan 1882; died 23 Oct 1932 in Paulding County, Jackson Township, Ohio; buried in Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, near Ottoville, Ohio (Old Part - West Side, Row 24, Grave 3). He married Rebecca "Becky" Walker. Sources for Charles Ray Dunlap Birth: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Death: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Burial: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Children of Charles Ray Dunlap and Rebecca "Becky" Walker were as follows: 476 i Arlo Melvin5 Dunlap, born 22 Apr 1916 in Putnam County, Jackson Township, Ohio; died 10 Apr 1949 in Lake Erie, Ohio; buried in Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, near Ottoville, Ohio (Old Part - West Side, Row 24, Grave 5). He married Amy Unknown. Other events: Military Service WWII, Tech Sgt, 3053 Engr Combat BN (AM Legion). Notes: Per the Putnam County Sentinel, the body of Arlo Dunlap, was recovered Friday, 13 May 1949, afternoon near Catawba Island in Lake Erie. Mr. Dunlap 33, had been missing since April 10th when the boat in which he and two companions had been fishing was found capsized off South Bass Island. The body of Clarence Puls, another of the missing trio, was recovered last Thursday. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 4, page 62, Birth Record 3. Birth Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 13 May 1949, Friday. Death Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Burial Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . 215. Nelly Edna Bly4 Dunlap (William Heron3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 9 Mar 1893 in Putnam County, Jackson Township, Ohio; died 11 Apr 1972 in Lucas County, Ohio; buried in Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, Ottoville, Ohio (New Part - East Side, Row 5, Grave 5). She married on 21 Sep 1912 in Putnam County, Ohio Leroy "Roy" Windle, born 26 Feb 1889 in Putnam County, Jackson Township, Ohio; died 1948; buried in Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, Ottoville, Ohio (New Part - East Side, Row 5, Grave 5), son of J. H. Windle and Amanda Unknown. Other events for Nelly Edna Bly Dunlap Occupation: Housekeeper. Other events for Leroy "Roy" Windle Occupation: Laborer. Notes for Nelly Edna Bly Dunlap Per Birth Record 3, Vol 3, page 55, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio, her name is listed as Nelly Bly Dunlap. Per Marriage Record 8, Vol 9, page 368, Putnam County, Ohio, her name is spelled Nellie Dunlap. Per Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14, her name is listed as Nellie Windle. Sources for Nelly Edna Bly Dunlap Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 3, page 55, Birth Record 3. Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 9, page 368, Marriage Record 8. Birth: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 9, page 368, Marriage Record 8. Occupation: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 9, page 368, Marriage Record 8. Death: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Burial: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Notes for Leroy "Roy" Windle Per Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14, his name is listed as Roy Windle. Sources for Leroy "Roy" Windle Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 9, page 368, Marriage Record 8. Birth: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 9, page 368, Marriage Record 8. Occupation: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 9, page 368, Marriage Record 8. Death: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Burial: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Children of Nelly Edna Bly Dunlap and Leroy "Roy" Windle were as follows: 477 i Leo5 Windle. 478 ii Waldo5 Windle. 479 iii Marvin5 Windle. 480 iv Alice5 Windle. 216. Stella Bell4 Dunlap (William Heron3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 15 Feb 1895 in Putnam County, Jackson Township, Ohio; died 3 Jul 1980 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio; buried in Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, Ottoville, Ohio (New Part - East Side, Row 2, Grave 7). She married Miller Kennedy, son of John Kennedy and Lillie Miller Unknown. Other events for Stella Bell Dunlap Occupation: Retired from the Goodyear Corp., Akron, Ohio. Sources for Stella Bell Dunlap Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 3, page 57, Birth Record 3. Birth: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Death: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Burial: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . + Children of Stella Bell Dunlap and Miller Kennedy were as follows: 481 i Stanley "Stan"5 Kennedy. Notes: Per Lindsey Sue Kennedy, Stanley lived in Fort Jennings, Ohio. 482 ii Annabell "Ann"5 Kennedy. She married William Rose. Notes: Per Lindsey Sue Kennedy, Annabell last lived in Tennessee. 483 iii Robert E5 Kennedy, born 1920. He married Vera June Nagle. 484 iv Paul Dunlap5 Kennedy, born 1923; died 1937; buried in Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, near Ottoville, Ohio (Old Part - West Side, Row 24, Grave 4). Notes: Per Lindsey Sue Kennedy, Paul died at the age of 13. Birth Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Death Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Burial Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Antioch Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, North of Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . 218. James Franklin "Frank"4 Dunlap (John Wesley3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 7 Jun 1879 in Van Wert County, Ohio; died 2 Aug 1959. He married (1) Delta Belle Thatcher, born 18 Nov 1891 in Van Wert County, Ohio; died 7 Sep 1981 in Van Wert Manor, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio; buried 10 Sep 1981 in Ridge Cemetery, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio, daughter of Perry Thatcher and Jane Stricker; (2) on 5 Feb 1901 in Putnam County, Ohio, divorced Grace M Hammons, born 5 Sep 1882 in Putnam County, Monterey Township, Ohio, daughter of William Allen Hammons and Margaret "Maggie" Duvall; (3) on 7 Jun 1901 Daisy M Wisher, born 22 Sep 1880 in Van Wert County, Jackson Township, Ohio; died 12 Oct 1970 in At home, Van Wert County, Fort Jennings, Ohio; buried 14 Oct 1970 in Middle Creek Cemetery, Paulding County, Ohio, daughter of Thomas Wisher and Sarah Ann Breneman. Other events for James Franklin "Frank" Dunlap Occupation: Farmer. Other events for Delta Belle Thatcher Social Security Number: 269-24-2779. Occupation: Retired Cook, Hoaglin Jackson School. Other events for Grace M Hammons Occupation: Housekeeper. Other events for Daisy M Wisher Occupation: Housekeeper. Social Security Number: 299-36-4162. Residence RFD #1, Van Wert County, Fort Jennings, Ohio (12 Oct 1970). Sources for James Franklin "Frank" Dunlap Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 6, page 265, Marriage Record 6. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 6, page 265, Marriage Record 6. Occupation: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 6, page 265, Marriage Record 6. Sources for Delta Belle Thatcher Birth: Certificate of Death . Social Security Number: Certificate of Death . Occupation: Certificate of Death . Death: Certificate of Death . Burial: Certificate of Death . Notes for Grace M Hammons She signed her daughter's, Erdine, marriage record as Grace Dolson. The Delphos Daily Herald, 8 Mar 1902, reads: Grace Dunlap, of near Ottoville, has filed suit in common pleas court for divorce. She claims in her petition that her husband, James Dunlap, deserted her a month after their marriage, which occurred a year ago last February. Sources for Grace M Hammons Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 6, page 265, Marriage Record 6. Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Birth Record 2, Vol 2, page 73. Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Marriage Record 6, Vol 6, page 521. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 6, page 265, Marriage Record 6. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Marriage Record 6, Vol 6, page 521. Occupation: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 6, page 265, Marriage Record 6. Sources for Daisy M Wisher Birth: Certificate of Death . Occupation: Certificate of Death . Social Security Number: Certificate of Death . Residence: Certificate of Death . Death: Certificate of Death . Burial: Certificate of Death . + + + Children of James Franklin "Frank" Dunlap and Grace M Hammons were as follows: 485 i Erdine M5 Dunlap, born 18 Jun 1901 in Putnam County, Monterey Township, Ohio. She married Columbus Bowersock. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Birth Record 3, Vol 4, page 51. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 11, page 446. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 11, page 446. 486 ii Laura May5 Dunlap, born 20 May 1902 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Rushmore, Ohio. She married on 9 Oct 1919 in Presbyterian Church, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio Charles M Hunt, born 1 Jul 1890, son of Sam Hunt and Jane Moyer. Notes: Per the Marriage Record, Putnam County, Vol 11, page 527, Laura was age 18, on 20 May 1919, which would make her birth date 20 May 1901. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 4, page 51, Birth Record 3. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 11, page 527. Children of James Franklin "Frank" Dunlap and Daisy M Wisher were as follows: 487 i David Franklin5 Dunlap, born 3 May 1902. He married Leona Ballman. 488 ii Charles Emmett5 Dunlap, born 28 Sep 1903; died 18 Sep 1975 in Van Wert County Hospital, Van Wert, Ohio; buried 20 Sep 1975 in Middlecreek Cemetery, Grover Hill, Ohio. He married Ruth N Vetter. Birth Source: Certificate of Death . Birth Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death Source: Certificate of Death . Death Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death Source: Ohio Deaths 19582000 , Vol 22226, Cert 069211. Burial Source: Certificate of Death . 489 iii Walter Alva5 Dunlap, born 20 May 1905. He married Almeda Ulrich. 490 iv Thomas Lawrence5 Dunlap, born 24 Mar 1907. He married Ida Bianchs. 491 v Edna Marie5 Dunlap, born 24 Mar 1909; died abt Jan 1911. Notes: Died at 22 months of age. 492 vi Ray Allen5 Dunlap, born 29 Oct 1910. He married Mary Edith Montague, born 11 Apr 1908 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio; died 26 Dec 1997 in Eaglewood Village Center, Clark County, Springfield, Ohio; buried 29 Dec 1997 in Rose Hill Burial Park, Clark County, Springfield, Ohio, daughter of Samuel Montague and Lida Conner. 493 vii Harry Elvin5 Dunlap, born 31 Oct 1912. 494 viii Velma Leota5 Dunlap, born 17 Oct 1914. She married Unknown Slane. Other events: Residence RFD #2, Van Wert County, Fort Jennings, Ohio 45844 (12 Oct 1970). 495 ix Mary Ruth5 Dunlap, born 19 Jan 1919. She married Clyde Bagley. 221. Emmet4 Dunlap (John Wesley3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 18 Aug 1892. He married on 26 Mar 1913 Alta M Kohn, born 9 Feb 1896 in Allen County, Jackson Township, Ohio; died Feb 1979. + + + Children of Emmet Dunlap and Alta M Kohn were as follows: 496 i Berl A5 Dunlap, born 2 Mar 1914; died 26 Aug 1994 in Lutheran Hospital, Fort Wayne, Indiana; buried in Middlecrest Cemetery, rural Grover Hill, Ohio. He married Mary Esther Caris. Birth Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 31 Aug 1994, Wednesday. Death Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . 497 ii Howard5 Dunlap, born 17 Oct 1921. He married Ruth Alspaugh. 498 iii Richard5 Dunlap, born 25 Mar 1923. He married Dorothy Irene "Irene" Sealscott. 222. Myrtle4 Dunlap (Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 6 Sep 1884; died 27 Nov 1964. She married on 3 Oct 1902 Lemuel Mosier. + + + + + + + + + Children of Myrtle Dunlap and Lemuel Mosier were as follows: 499 i Bernice5 Mosier. She married Russell Miller. 500 ii Frances5 Mosier. She married (1) Lowell Sidle; (2) John Sherrick. 501 iii Everett5 Mosier, born 23 Aug 1903; died 5 Nov 1987. He married on 15 Sep 1940 Florence Ashbaugh. 502 iv Roland5 Mosier, born 24 Nov 1908; died 15 Feb 1954. He married Oma Shivley. 503 v William Harold5 Mosier, born 14 Jul 1912 in Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio; died 20 Feb 1997 in Van Wert County Hospital, Van Wert, Ohio; buried 23 Feb 1997 in Ridge Cemetery, Van Wert County, Ridge Township, Van Wert, Ohio. He married Elnora Faye Shivley. Birth Source: Ohio Deaths 1993-1998 . Birth Source: Certificate of Death . Death Source: Ohio Deaths 1993-1998 , Volume 31024, Certificate 016824. Death Source: Certificate of Death . Burial Source: Certificate of Death . 504 vi Lawrence F5 Mosier, born 12 Aug 1914; died Nov 1973. He married Edith Shivley. 505 vii Ernest5 Mosier, born 10 May 1918. He married Ida Mae Myers. 506 viii Margaret5 Mosier, born 12 Aug 1922. She married Wilbur Clay. 507 ix Lemuel5 Mosier, born 15 Nov 1923. He married (1) Nellie Steman; (2) Carol Sutton. 508 x Emma Jean5 Mosier, born 25 May 1925. She married William Anderson. 223. William A4 Dunlap (Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 5 Jan 1890 in Van Wert County, Ohio; died 3 Mar 1965 in Paulding County, Ohio. He married on 4 Nov 1927 Agnes Ellen Dotson, born 11 Sep 1906 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 8 Oct 1987 in At home, Paulding County, Grover Hill, Ohio; buried 11 Oct 1987 in Ridge Cemetery, Van Wert County, Ridge Township, Ohio, daughter of Samuel B Dotson and Ilo Currrie. Other events for William A Dunlap Social Security Number: 273-34-2286, Ohio (1954/55). Residence Paulding County, Ohio (Mar 1965). Other events for Agnes Ellen Dotson Occupation: Factory Employee, Retired, Continental Forest Industries Fibre Drum Div, Van Wert, Ohio. Religion: Mount Pleasant Church, near Grover Hill, Ohio. Residence RFD #1, Paulding County, Grover Hill, Ohio 45849 (8 Oct 1987). Sources for William A Dunlap Birth: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Social Security Number: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Residence: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Residence: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 . Death: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 , Vol 18014, Cert 23342. Sources for Agnes Ellen Dotson Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth: Certificate of Death . Occupation: Certificate of Death . Religion: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Residence: Certificate of Death . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 14 Oct 1987, Wednesday. Death: Certificate of Death . Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Burial: Certificate of Death . Children of William A Dunlap and Agnes Ellen Dotson were as follows: 509 i Dorothy5 Dunlap, born 29 Sep 1935; died 29 Sep 1935. + 510 ii 511 iii Delores5 Dunlap, born 29 Sep 1935. She married Kenneth Gruetman. Delmar5 Dunlap, born 19 Mar 1937; died 1957. 224. Fred Lawrence4 Dunlap (Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 30 Sep 1894; died May 1982 in Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio. He married on 22 Aug 1914 Loma Kohn, born 12 Nov 1897; died 2 Jul 1991 in Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio. Other events for Fred Lawrence Dunlap Social Security Number: 301-28-2439, Ohio (1951). Residence Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio 45891 (May 1982). Other events for Loma Kohn Social Security Number: 271-62-1468, Ohio. Sources for Fred Lawrence Dunlap Birth: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Social Security Number: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Residence: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death: U.S. Social Security Death Index . + + + Children of Fred Lawrence Dunlap and Loma Kohn were as follows: 512 i Elnora Gynell5 Dunlap, born 2 May 1915. She married Forrest Perrott. 513 ii Charles Kohn5 Dunlap, born 6 Jul 1919. He married LaDonna Bebout. 514 iii Leota Marie5 Dunlap, born 6 Jan 1922. She married Willard Dougal. 225. Delbert F4 Dunlap (Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 23 Jun 1899 in Ohio; died 10 Apr 1979 in Van Wert County Hospital, Van Wert, Ohio; buried 12 Apr 1979 in Ridge Cemetery, Van Wert County, Ohio. He married on 29 Mar 1919 Mary C Ferris. Other events for Delbert F Dunlap Social Security Number. Occupation: Watch Repairman. Social Security Number: 28914-3797, Ohio (bef 1951). Residence 115 E Mape Ave, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio 45891 (10 Apr 1979). Notes for Delbert F Dunlap Seen name spelled as Dilbert. Sources for Delbert F Dunlap Birth: Ohio Deaths 1970-1988 . Birth: Certificate of Death . Birth: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Birth: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 . Occupation: Certificate of Death . Social Security Number: Certificate of Death . Social Security Number: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 . Residence: Certificate of Death . Residence: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Residence: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 . Death: Ohio Deaths 1970-1988 , Volume 23644, Certificate 029517. Death: Certificate of Death . Death: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 , Vol 23644, Cert 029517. Burial: Certificate of Death . + + Children of Delbert F Dunlap and Mary C Ferris were as follows: 515 i Rosemary5 Dunlap, born 8 Nov 1919. She married Doyt Galloway. 516 ii Dennis F5 Dunlap, born 22 Jan 1923. He married Francis Haines. 231. Ida Diana4 Dunlap (Joseph Presley "Jos or Presley"3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 2 Jul 1896 in Putnam County, Jackson Township, Ohio; died 11 Nov 1985 in Putnam County, Cloverdale, Ohio. She married on 20 Dec 1916 in Putnam County, Continental, Ohio Roy Spitnale, born 17 Aug 1894 in Putnam County, Perry Township, Ohio; died 10 Oct 1964 in Putnam County, Ohio; buried in Cascade Cemetery, Putnam County, Ohio, son of John Spitnale and Mary A Dalton. Other events for Ida Diana Dunlap Occupation: Housewife. Religion: United Methodist. Social Security Number: 292-224009, Ohio. Other events for Roy Spitnale Occupation: Farmer. Religion: United Methodist . Social Security Number: 292-22-2302, Ohio. Sources for Ida Diana Dunlap Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 3, page 58, Birth Record 3. Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 11, page 130. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 11, page 130. Sources for Roy Spitnale Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 11, page 130. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 11, page 130. + + + + Children of Ida Diana Dunlap and Roy Spitnale were as follows: 517 i Howard Paul Rev.5 Spitnale, born 7 Jul 1920 in Paulding County, Cloverdale, Ohio; died 23 Jun 2007 in Middletown Regional Hospital, Middletown, Ohio; buried 27 Jun 2007 in Cascade Cemetery, Perry Township, Putnam County, Ohio. He married Lura Joyce Moye. Birth Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 25 Jun 2007, Monday. Marriage Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 25 Jun 2007, Monday. Death Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 25 Jun 2007, Monday. Burial Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 25 Jun 2007, Monday. 518 ii Marvin Lee5 Spitnale, born 30 Jan 1924 in Paulding County, Ohio. He married Mildred "Millie" Teman. 519 iii Gene Franklin5 Spitnale, born 28 Jul 1930 in Putnam County, Cloverdale, Ohio; died 3 Apr 1996 in At home, Putnam County, Cloverdale, Ohio; buried 6 Apr 1996 in Cascade Cemetery, Putnam County, Cloverdale, Ohio. He married Phyllis Polhamus. Birth Source: Certificate of Death . Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Birth Record 4, Vol 5, page 244. Birth Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Death Source: Certificate of Death . Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 10 Apr 1996, Wednesday. Burial Source: Certificate of Death . Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . 520 iv Kenneth Leroy5 Spitnale, born 26 Jul 1935 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 15 Dec 1976 in Florida. He married (1) Harriet Niedert; (2) Lena Unknown. 233. Alta L4 Dunlap (Joseph Presley "Jos or Presley"3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 3 May 1904 in Putnam County, Montana, Ohio. She married on 23 Nov 1921 in Putnam County, Ohio Floyd H Salisbury, born 27 Feb 1896 in Putnam County, Continental, Ohio, son of G. W. Salisbury and Ollie Tyler. Other events for Alta L Dunlap Occupation: Housewife. Other events for Floyd H Salisbury Occupation: Farmer. Notes for Alta L Dunlap May have been born in Continental, Ohio, per Gerald Foster's birth record. Sources for Alta L Dunlap Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 12, page 295. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 12, page 295. Sources for Floyd H Salisbury Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 12, page 295. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 12, page 295. + Children of Alta L Dunlap and Floyd H Salisbury were as follows: 521 i Gerald Foster5 Salisbury, born 24 Jun 1930 in Continental, Ohio; died 17 Jan 1993 in St. Rita's Putnam County Ambulatory Care, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio; buried 20 Jan 1993 in Harman Cemetery, Putnam County, Gilboa, Ohio. He married Marjorie June "June" Tussing. Birth Source: Certificate of Death . Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Birth Record 4, Vol 5, page 243. Birth Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Death Source: Certificate of Death . Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 20 Jan 1993, Wednesday. Burial Source: Certificate of Death . Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . 522 ii Alan5 Salisbury. 523 iii Paul5 Salisbury. 524 iv Dale5 Salisbury. 525 v Sandra5 Salisbury. She married Ben Smith. 526 vi Eva Jane5 Salisbury. She married Bill Radabaugh. 527 vii Glen5 Salisbury, died bef Jan 1993. 235. Ira Robert4 Walls (Nancy Jane3 Dunlap, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 28 Aug 1888 in Putnam County, Monterey Township, Ohio; died abt 24 Apr 1952 in Defiance County, Defiance City Hospital, Defiance, Ohio; buried in Putnam County, Monroe Cemetery, Ohio. He married on 11 Dec 1913 in Putnam County, Continental, Ohio Mary Evalyn Frankart, born 10 Aug 1894 in Putnam County, Palmer Township, Ohio, daughter of William Frankart and Anna Catharine Forney. Other events for Ira Robert Walls Occupation: Clerk of Monroe Township, Associated with R.A.Walls and son funeral home, and a co-owner of R.A. Walls and son furniture stor. Other events for Mary Evalyn Frankart Occupation: Clerk. Sources for Ira Robert Walls Birth: Marriage License, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio , Marriage Record 8, Vol 10, page 108. Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 2 May 1952, Friday. Marriage: Marriage License, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio , Marriage Record 8, Vol 10, page 108. Occupation: Marriage License, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio , Marriage Record 8, Vol 10, page 108. Occupation: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 2 May 1952, Friday. Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 2 May 1952, Friday. Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 2 May 1952, Friday. Sources for Mary Evalyn Frankart Birth: Marriage License, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio , Marriage Record 8, Vol 10, page 108. Marriage: Marriage License, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio , Marriage Record 8, Vol 10, page 108. Occupation: Marriage License, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio , Marriage Record 8, Vol 10, page 108. Children of Ira Robert Walls and Mary Evalyn Frankart were as follows: 528 i Paul5 Walls. 529 ii Walter5 Walls. 530 iii Beulah J5 Walls, born 17 Apr 1918 in Ohio; died 20 Dec 1983 in Lucas County, Toledo, Ohio. She married Richard H Bansen, born 7 Jul 1913; died 24 Sep 1998 in Defiance County, Defiance, Ohio. Other events: Social Security Number: 269-05-2125, Ohio (bef 1951). Residence 43512 Defiance County, Defiance, Ohio (Dec 1983). Birth Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Birth Source: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 , Vol 25476, Certificate 092546. Death Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death Source: Ohio Deaths 1958- 2000 , Vol 25476, Certificate 092546. Generation 5 245. Cyril5 Culp (Mary Florence4 Wade, Sybil3 Dunlap, Robert2, Joseph1). He married Mabel ? Unknown. Children of Cyril Culp and Mabel ? Unknown were as follows: 531 i Carol6 Culp. 251. Arthur Hampton5 Hunt (Elizabeth Ann4 Wade, Sybil3 Dunlap, Robert2, Joseph1), born 11 Feb 1891. He married on 11 Jul 1913 Gladys Finicle, born 10 Dec 1892. Notes for Gladys Finicle Not sure if name is Finicle or Finnicle. + + Children of Arthur Hampton Hunt and Gladys Finicle were as follows: 532 i James Ira6 Hunt, born 6 Apr 1914. He married (1) Virginia Williams; (2) Virginia Williams. 533 ii Arthur Hampton II6 Hunt, born 26 Aug 1917; died 1943. Other events: Military Service: Army Pilot. Notes: Arthur Hampton Hunt, Jr. was a pilot of an army bomber and lost his life in 1943. 534 iii Lola Jane6 Hunt, born 23 May 1919. She married Phillip Hall. 535 iv Walter6 Hunt, born 27 Mar 1921. He married (1) Mildred Wolmuth; (2) Mildred Wolmuth. 253. Edna C5 Dunlap (William Edward "Ed"4, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 3 Mar 1883 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 31 Oct 1948 in Washtenaw County, Ann Arbor, Michigan. She married on 14 Apr 1900 A. Ross Caris. Notes for Edna C Dunlap Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988, Edna was born 31 Mar 1882 and died Nov 1949. Notes for A. Ross Caris Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988, the last named is spelled Carris. Children of Edna C Dunlap and A. Ross Caris were as follows: 536 i Darl6 Caris. He married Lorain Unknown. 537 ii Helen6 Caris. She married Don Thompson. 538 iii Edwin6 Caris. 539 iv Paul6 Caris. 254. Golda Mae "Goldie"5 Dunlap (William Edward "Ed"4, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 9 Nov 1886 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died 9 Feb 1956 in Allen County, Fort Wayne, Indiana. She married Chance Beck. Notes for Golda Mae "Goldie" Dunlap Per the Birth Record 2, Vol 2, page 139, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio, it appears her name is Goldie (or it could be Golda) Dunlap, very hard to read handwriting. Sources for Golda Mae "Goldie" Dunlap Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 2, page 139, Birth Record 2. + + + + + Children of Golda Mae "Goldie" Dunlap and Chance Beck were as follows: 540 i Marvin6 Beck. He married Mary Unknown. 541 ii Mary Louise6 Beck. She married (1) Unknown Brown; (2) Don Jenkins. 542 iii Alvin6 Beck. He married Evelyn Unknown. 543 iv Margaret6 Beck. She married George Townsend. 544 v Robert6 Beck. He married Marie Unknown. 545 vi Harold6 Beck, died 16 Apr 1979. He married Jean Unknown. 255. Harry Lester5 Dunlap (William Edward "Ed"4, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 18 Dec 1889; died 15 Feb 1957; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section E). He married on 18 Jan 1907 Etta O Miller, born 23 Dec 1887 in Paulding County, Ohio; died 4 Jun 1975 in Sarah Chambers Geriatric Center, Van Wert County, Delphos, Ohio; buried 7 Jun 1975 in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section E), daughter of Michael Miller and Sarah Martin. Other events for Etta O Miller Occupation: Housekeeping. Residence 416 W. Fourth Street, Van Wert County, Delphos, Ohio (4 Jun 1975). Sources for Harry Lester Dunlap Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Notes for Etta O Miller The Delphos Ohio History Cemetery website has her name listed as Etta D. or O. Dunlap. Sources for Etta O Miller Birth: Certificate of Death . Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Occupation: Certificate of Death . Residence: Certificate of Death . Death: Certificate of Death . Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Certificate of Death . Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. + + Children of Harry Lester Dunlap and Etta O Miller were as follows: 546 i Cyril E6 Dunlap, born 22 Feb 1908 in Putnam County, Grover Hill, Ohio; died Jun 1964 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. He married Marcile Unknown. 547 ii Harry L Jr.6 Dunlap, born 24 Feb 1929. He married Patricia Joan "Pat" Morgan . Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphosohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. 256. Forest William5 Dunlap (William Edward "Ed"4, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 29 Sep 1890 in Paulding County, Grover Hill, Ohio; died 13 Jul 1973 in Allen County, Fort Wayne, Indiana. He married Mabel Unknown. Other events for Forest William Dunlap Social Security Number: 706-16-9170, Railroad Board (bef 1951). Residence Allen County, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46808 (Jul 1973). Sources for Forest William Dunlap Birth: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Social Security Number: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Residence: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death: U.S. Social Security Death Index . + + Children of Forest William Dunlap and Mabel Unknown were as follows: 548 i Paul6 Dunlap. He married Annabelle Unknown. 549 ii Marjorie Ellen6 Dunlap. She married Daniel Raschke. 257. Clarence Glen "Glen"5 Dunlap (William Edward "Ed"4, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 2 Apr 1892 in Ohio; died 15 Apr 1959 in Allen County, Indiana. He married Myrtle Unknown, died 5 Jun 1950. Children of Clarence Glen "Glen" Dunlap and Myrtle Unknown were as follows: 550 i Merwood "Bud"6 Dunlap, born in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He married Dorothy Unknown. 551 ii Doris6 Dunlap. She married Unknown Guy. 552 iii Marcielle6 Dunlap. She married Unknown Albion. 553 iv Jean6 Dunlap. She married Unknown Bice. 554 v Loren6 Dunlap. 555 vi Laurence6 Dunlap, died 14 Sep 1934. 556 vii Orman6 Dunlap, died 17 Apr 1924. 557 viii Von Glen6 Dunlap, died 15 Dec 1924. 558 ix Vera6 Dunlap, died 15 Dec 1924. 559 x Normal6 Dunlap, died 15 Dec 1924. 560 xi June6 Dunlap, died 16 Dec 1924. 259. Ralph W5 Dunlap (William Edward "Ed"4, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 15 Oct 1903 in Paulding County, Grover Hill, Ohio; died 19 Jul 1966 in Allen County, Fort Wayne, Indiana. He married Alice King. Other events for Ralph W Dunlap Social Security Number: 306-05-3379, Indiana (bef 1951). Residence Allen County, Fort Wayne, Indiana (Jul 1966). Sources for Ralph W Dunlap Birth: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Social Security Number: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Residence: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death: U.S. Social Security Death Index . + Children of Ralph W Dunlap and Alice King were as follows: 561 i Betty Jane6 Dunlap, born 22 Dec 1928 in Fort Wayne, Indiana. She married Robert C Brown. 260. Margaret5 Gordon (Emma Jeanette "Nettie or Net"4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 22 Mar 1887; died 1 Feb 1983. She married John W Lofquist. Children of Margaret Gordon and John W Lofquist were as follows: 562 i William John6 Lofquist, born 18 Dec 1921; died 11 Aug 1987. He married Claire Unknown. 563 ii Vivian Jean6 Lofquist, born 24 Nov 1923. She married Mel Chesney. Notes: Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988, there was no children. 261. Fred5 Gordon (Emma Jeanette "Nettie or Net"4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 3 Sep 1888. He married Blanche Unknown. Children of Fred Gordon and Blanche Unknown were as follows: 564 i Dorothy6 Gordon. She married Harold Panker, died Deceased. 565 ii Mary Jane6 Gordon. She married Bill Polsak, died Deceased. Notes: Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988, Mary Jane remarried. 566 iii Francis6 Gordon, died Deceased. 567 iv Betty6 Gordon. She married Mike Dianics. 568 v Virginia6 Gordon. She married Francis Rylance. 262. Edward5 Gordon (Emma Jeanette "Nettie or Net"4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 25 Jun 1890. He married Edith Unknown. Children of Edward Gordon and Edith Unknown were as follows: 569 i Ned6 Gordon. 570 ii Jack6 Gordon. 571 iii Donna Ray6 Gordon. She married Art McReynolds. 263. Dello "Bake"5 Gordon (Emma Jeanette "Nettie or Net"4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 15 Oct 1892. He married Flossie Unknown. Children of Dello "Bake" Gordon and Flossie Unknown were as follows: 572 i Robert6 Gordon, born Oct 1922 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. 264. Charles R "Bob"5 Gordon (Emma Jeanette "Nettie or Net"4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 2 Feb 1895. He married (1) Mary Unknown, died Deceased; (2) Carrie Unknown. + + Children of Charles R "Bob" Gordon and Mary Unknown were as follows: 573 i Eugene6 Gordon. He married Hazel Watson. 574 ii Emma Jean6 Gordon. She married Keith Cook. 266. Lester5 Gordon (Emma Jeanette "Nettie or Net"4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 26 May 1903. He married Sue Unknown. Children of Lester Gordon and Sue Unknown were as follows: 575 i James6 Gordon. He married Connie Unknown. 576 ii Mary Katherine6 Gordon. She married Bill Young. 273. Hubert5 Dunlap (Mary Alice4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 25 Sep 1899 in Putnam County, Rimer, Ohio; died 15 Aug 1981 in At home, Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio; buried 20 Aug 1981 in Covington Memorial Gardens, Fort Wayne, Indiana. He married on 4 Dec 1920 in Eastland, Texas Grace Irene Baker, born 17 Oct 1898 in Bentonville, Arkansas; died Jun 1986 in Fort Wayne, Indiana, daughter of David Baker and Bertha Priest. Other events for Hubert Dunlap Occupation: Laborer, Fireman on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and Santa Fe Railroad; Retired from International Harvester in Ft Wayne, Ind. Social Security Number: 306-03-9116, Indiana (bef 1951). Residence RFD #2, Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio 45844 (15 Aug 1981). Notes for Hubert Dunlap In 1918, Hubert Dunlap, went to Kansas, with a friend, John Arthur, of Gomer, Ohio. They went seeking work in the western wheat fields. Before travelling westward, Hubert, was a fireman out of Lima, Ohio, on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. After working the harvest in Western and Central Kansas, we went to Newton, Kansas, and became a fireman on the Santa Fe railroad. It was there that he met his future wife, Grace Irene Baker. Hubert and Grace were married in Eastland, Texas. After living 2 months in Ranger, Texas, where Hubert worked in the oil fields, for the Gulf Pipeline Company, they moved to Ohio and lived in a small village of Rushmore. They later moved to Fort Wayne, Indiana, where Hubert started working at the International Harvester, in 1925. Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Ford, in 1988, Hubert was born 25 Sep 1899, and died in 1980. Per Ohio Deaths, 1970-1988, Hubert's birth date is listed as 24 Sep 1899. Per the Certificate of Death, Huber's birth date is 24 Sep 1899, and his father is listed as Unknown. Per the Birth Registration or Correction of Birth Record Application, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio, on 24 Mar 1959, Case No 4341, Hubert's birth date is 25 Sep 1899, and his name should be Hubert, instead of Herbert as incorrectly recorded in Vol 3, page 61, of Birth Record 3 of Putnam County, Ohio; also his father is listed as Unknown, but of race "white". Hubert's biological father's name is ? Sources for Hubert Dunlap Birth: Birth Registration or Correction of Birth Record Application, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 24, page 106, Birth Registration 12, Case No 4341. Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 3, page 61, Birth Record 3. Birth: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Birth: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 . Occupation: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Social Security Number: Certificate of Death . Social Security Number: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Social Security Number: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 . Residence: Certificate of Death . Residence: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Residence: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 . Death: Ohio Deaths 1970-1988 , Volume 24548, Certificate 060594. Death: Certificate of Death . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 19 Aug 1981, Wedsnesday. Death: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 , Vol 24548, Cert 060594. Burial: Certificate of Death . Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Notes for Grace Irene Baker Grace Irene Baker had been a country school teacher in Ellinwood, Kansas, but had given up teaching to study nursing and dietetics at Tilden Health School in Denver, Colorado, and it was that profession when she met Hubert, whose run on the Santa Fe railroad, was from Newton, Kansas, to Dodge City, Colorado. Grace also worked as a pastry baker and cateress for more than thirty years. Children of Hubert Dunlap and Grace Irene Baker were as follows: + 577 i Norman Leslie6 Dunlap , born 24 Sep 1921 in Putnam County, Rushmore, Ohio; died 9 Jul 2002 in Lutheran Hospital, Allen County, Fort Wayne, Indiana; buried in Oaklawn Cemetery, Ossian, Indiana. He married (1) Mabel Jean "Jeannie" Stoner; (2) Ella Lue "Lue" Sanxter. Birth Source: Obituary . Birth Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death Source: Obituary . Burial Source: Obituary . + 578 ii + 579 iii Troy Eugene "Bud"6 Dunlap, born 21 Nov 1922 in Great Bend, Kansas; died 2 Apr 1994. He married Rosemarie Rager. Birth Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . George Edwin6 Dunlap, born 23 Jul 1925 in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He married Easter Lillie Lewis. 275. Charles C Jr.5 Friend (Mary Alice4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 21 Apr 1910; died 1 Jul 1986 in Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio. He married on 4 Mar 1940 Eileen Kemper. Other events for Charles C Jr. Friend Occupation WWII. Children of Charles C Jr. Friend and Eileen Kemper were as follows: 580 i Stephen D6 Friend. 581 ii Christopher C6 Friend. 582 iii Delores A6 Friend. 281. Ethel Pauline "Pauline"5 Ford (Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 22 Jan 1908 in Rushmore, Ohio. She married on 13 Jun 1929 George Seymour McKibben, born 18 Sep 1905; died 2 Dec 1967 in Columbia, South Carolina; buried in South Carolina. Children of Ethel Pauline "Pauline" Ford and George Seymour McKibben were as follows: + 583 i Karen Louise6 McKibben, born 13 Dec 1937 in Dover, Ohio. She married Lloyd Albert Patterson. + 584 ii Paul Eugene6 McKibben, born 20 May 1945 in Columbia, South Carolina. He married Virginia Reeve. 282. Enola5 Ford (Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 7 May 1912 in Painesville, Ohio. She married James McKibben Wilson, born 20 Mar 1910; died 2 Jun 1989. + Children of Enola Ford and James McKibben Wilson were as follows: 585 i David Leon6 Wilson, born 1 Sep 1932 in Warren, Ohio. He married Kay Ridenour. 586 ii Joan6 Wilson, born 16 Aug 1934 in Warren, Ohio. She married Alfred Vernon. Notes: Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988, there were no children. 283. Aldyth Irene5 Ford (Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 16 Jul 1914 in Painesville, Ohio. She married on 1 Jan 1938 Lyle Raymond Graham, born 30 Jun 1913 in Ashtabula County, Hartsgrove, Ohio; died 26 Mar 1964 in Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio; buried in Truro Cemetery, Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio, son of John Graham and Dora Unknown. Other events for Lyle Raymond Graham Occupation: Assistant Manager of Heating and Cooling System, Palmer-Donovan Manufacturing Company, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Residence Route 1, Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio (26 Mar 1964). Sources for Lyle Raymond Graham Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Occupation: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Residence: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 2 Apr 1964, Thursday. Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . + + + + Children of Aldyth Irene Ford and Lyle Raymond Graham were as follows: 587 i Douglas Roger6 Graham, born 7 Oct 1938 in Lordstown, Ohio. He married on 5 Aug 1967 Carol Radabaugh, born 6 Jun 1941 in Ottawa, Ohio. 588 ii John Grover6 Graham, born 18 Feb 1940 in Warren, Ohio. He married Judy Franks. 589 iii Robert Bruce6 Graham, born 16 May 1941 in Ravenna, Ohio. He married Karen Eke. 590 iv Rebecca Ann6 Graham, born 20 Oct 1942 in Warren, Ohio. She married, divorced Dale Fuller. Notes: Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988, there were no children. 591 v Lynn Herman6 Graham, born 24 Oct 1945 in Warren, Ohio. He married Carol Louise Smith. 592 vi Gordon Leslie6 Graham, born 3 Jul 1949 in Warren, Ohio. He married Theodora "Teddi" Verhoff. 593 vii Harriet Eileen6 Graham, born 8 Sep 1950 in Warren, Ohio. She married, divorced Philip Kako. Notes: Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988, there were no children. 286. Jonathan Lester "Lester"5 Ford (Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 4 Jun 1921 in Bazetta, Ohio. He married (1) on 24 Nov 1942 Glenrose Boucher, died 19 Aug 1943; (2) Kathleen Hannon. + Children of Jonathan Lester "Lester" Ford and Glenrose Boucher were as follows: 594 i Janis Lee6 Ford, born 15 Aug 1943 in Warren, Ohio. She married Reverend James Elliott. + + + Children of Jonathan Lester "Lester" Ford and Kathleen Hannon were as follows: 595 i Kenneth James "Kenny"6 Ford, born 20 Sep 1948. He married Penelope Cleinfelter. 596 ii Jane Ann6 Ford, born 20 Apr 1950. She married Lawrence DeZort. 597 iii Jennifer Louise6 Ford, born 22 Jul 1952. She married (1) Hugh Mason; (2) James Post. 287. Marion Louise5 Ford (Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 19 Sep 1922 in Champion, Ohio. She married on 10 Aug 1949 Regis Floyd Lutz. + + + + Children of Marion Louise Ford and Regis Floyd Lutz were as follows: 598 i Elaine6 Lutz, born 14 Oct 1950 in Warren, Ohio. She married Pat Snyder. 599 ii Raymond Lester6 Lutz, born 19 Oct 1952 in Warren, Ohio. He married Carol Brown. 600 iii Norma6 Lutz, born 13 Dec 1953 in Warren, Ohio. She married Robert Harned. Notes: Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988, there were no children. 601 iv Loretta Ann6 Lutz, born 30 Mar 1955 in Warren, Ohio. She married Andre Paul Tabor. 602 v Harvey Dean6 Lutz, born 20 Jan 1957 in Warren, Ohio. He married Dolly Housel. 603 vi Margaret Louise6 Lutz, born 17 Jul 1958 in Warren, Ohio. She married, divorced Steve Poorman. Other events: Divorce (1985). Notes: Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988, there were no children. 604 vii Patricia Ann6 Lutz, born 2 Oct 1959 in Warren, Ohio. Notes: Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988, she never married. 605 viii Regina Mae6 Lutz, born 5 Mar 1962 in Warren, Ohio. She married Ronald Whitsel. Notes: Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988, there were no children. 288. Henry Edsel5 Ford (Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 12 Jan 1924 in Champion, Ohio. He married in Aug 1947, divorced Ida Mae Sipe, born 14 Dec 1927. Other events for Henry Edsel Ford Divorce (1966). Other events for Ida Mae Sipe Divorce (1966). + Children of Henry Edsel Ford and Ida Mae Sipe were as follows: 606 i Marilyn Lynn6 Ford, born 22 Oct 1948 in Cleveland, Ohio. She married Kermit Earl Freed. + 607 ii + 608 iii + 609 iv + 610 v Stephanie Ann6 Ford, born 22 Oct 1948 in Cleveland, Ohio. She married Richard B Neiderhiser. Pamela J6 Ford, born 16 Jul 1952 in Cleveland, Ohio. She married (1) Arthur F Mooney; (2) Raymond Joseph Habyan. Gail S6 Ford, born 27 Sep 1953 in Cleveland, Ohio. She married Robert J III Shuttleworth. Bryan R6 Ford, born 14 May 1958 in Cleveland, Ohio. He married Adrienne S Kapr. 289. Richard Wayne5 Ford (Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 15 Jul 1925 in Lordstown, Ohio. He married on 15 Apr 1947 Hazel Marie Lutz, born 15 Feb 1924; died 18 Dec 1979; buried in Lordstown, Ohio. + + + + + Children of Richard Wayne Ford and Hazel Marie Lutz were as follows: 611 i Phyllis Jean6 Ford, born 12 Jan 1948 in Warren, Ohio. She married John Milton Hadley. 612 ii Janet Rae6 Ford, born 9 May 1950 in Warren, Ohio. She married Jerry Rodgers. 613 iii Joyce Marie6 Ford, born 9 May 1950 in Warren, Ohio. She married Donald Paul Prokop. 614 iv Glen Edward6 Ford, born 12 Feb 1956 in Warren, Ohio. He married, divorced Unknown Unknown. Notes: Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988, there were no children. 615 v David Richard6 Ford, born 25 Aug 1957 in Warren, Ohio. He married (1) Pamela Unknown; (2) Paula Clegg. 616 vi Roger Wayne6 Ford, born 3 Feb 1959 in Warren, Ohio. He married on 9 Jun 1982 Katherine Hahner. Notes: Twin to Diane Louise Ford. 617 vii Diane Louise6 Ford, born 3 Feb 1959 in Warren, Ohio. She married Robert Orr. 290. Virginia Mae5 Ford (Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 21 Nov 1926 in Lordstown, Ohio. She married in Nov 1947 Clyde Elmo Lutz. + + Children of Virginia Mae Ford and Clyde Elmo Lutz were as follows: 618 i Barbara Carol6 Lutz, born 24 Oct 1950. She married on 18 Sep 1971 John Petroski. Notes: Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988, there were no children. 619 ii Donald Gene6 Lutz, born 17 Dec 1951; died 6 Mar 1953; buried in Paris Township. 620 iii Melvin Jay6 Lutz, born 30 Jun 1953 in Ravenna, Ohio. He married, divorced Denise Champion. Notes: Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988, there were no children. 621 iv Gary Eugene6 Lutz, born 27 Jan 1955 in Ravenna, Ohio. He married Cindy Dawson. 622 v Donald Edward6 Lutz, born 31 Dec 1956 in Ravenna, Ohio. He + 623 vi married Diane Ruppert. Laura Lee6 Lutz, born 30 Jan 1962 in Ravenna, Ohio. She married James Franklin Tarter. 298. Russell Elsley5 Barnes (William E4, Almeda (or Amelia) Jane "Jane"3 Dunlap, Robert2, Joseph1), born 9 May 1897; died 7 Sep 1982; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section F). He married on 11 Nov 1919 Viola Persis "Persis" Ford, born 26 May 1901; died 27 Sep 1981; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section F), daughter of Samuel Ford. Sources for Russell Elsley Barnes Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Sources for Viola Persis "Persis" Ford Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Children of Russell Elsley Barnes and Viola Persis "Persis" Ford were as follows: 624 i Mary Elizabeth6 Barnes, born 15 Apr 1920. 625 ii Helen Elaine6 Barnes, born 10 Aug 1921. 626 iii Marjorie Jane6 Barnes, born 10 Jul 1924. 627 iv William Howard6 Barnes, born 11 Mar 1927; died 7 Sep 1928; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section F). Notes: Per the obit in the Putnam County Sentinel, William Howard Barnes, was 16 months old and accidentally run over by a machine owned by Harry Vanscoder. It happened in the yard of the Barnes home. Mr. Vanscoder called at the Barnes home to get his children who had been playing there. He had just returned from Ottawa, where one of his children was subjected to an operation for the removal of tonsils. Vanscoder did not stop the motor of his machine, as he intended to leave in a few minutes. He was talking with Mrs. Barnes concerning the operation, when one of the Vanscoder children manipulated the machine and started it in reverse. The car backed up and ran over the Barnes child, who lived only twenty minutes after the 628 v accident. It was simply an unavoidable accident and no blame is attached to Mr. Vanscoder for the tradegy. Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 14 Sep 1928, Friday. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Dorothy Ann6 Barnes, born 30 Dec 1934. 300. Mervin5 Barnes (William E4, Almeda (or Amelia) Jane "Jane"3 Dunlap, Robert2, Joseph1), born 6 Dec 1907. He married Unknown Unknown. Children of Mervin Barnes and Unknown Unknown were as follows: 629 i John Edward6 Barnes. 301. Leo Bennet5 Westenbarger (Harriett "Hattie"4 Barnes, Almeda (or Amelia) Jane "Jane"3 Dunlap, Robert2, Joseph1), born 14 Jul 1893 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, near Fort Jennings, Rushmore, Ohio; died 16 Feb 1957 in At home, Putnam County, near Vaughnsville, Ohio; buried in Reynolds Family Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio (Section C, Row 2). He married on 25 Feb 1915 Arrah Doris Reynolds, born 2 Jun 1896 in Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio; died 31 May 1983 in Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio; buried in Reynolds Family Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio (Section C, Row 2), daughter of Richard Reynolds and Sarah Rower. Other events for Leo Bennet Westenbarger Religion: Vaughnsville Union Church, Putnam County, Vaughnsville, Ohio. Occupation: Farmer. Notes for Leo Bennet Westenbarger His birth record indicates his name is Bennie L. Westenbarger. Sources for Leo Bennet Westenbarger Birth: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Birth Record 3, Vol 3, page 294. Religion: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Occupation: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Death: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 22 Feb 1957, Friday. Burial: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Sources for Arrah Doris Reynolds Birth: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . + Children of Leo Bennet Westenbarger and Arrah Doris Reynolds were as follows: 630 i Richard D6 Westenbarger. He married (1) Doris Unknown; (2) Helen Unknown. 631 ii Rogard E "Roger"6 Westenbarger, born 20 Jul 1919; died 2 Mar 1999; buried in Reynolds Family Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio (Section C, Row 2). Other events: Military Service: U.S. Army, T Sargent , WWII. Birth Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . 632 iii Reynold Leo6 Westenbarger, born 14 Feb 1926 in Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio; died 16 Mar 1947 in Putnam County, north of Continental, Ohio; buried in Reynolds Family Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio (Section C, Row 2). Other events: Religion: Union Church, Putnam County, Vaughnsville, Ohio. Military Service: U.S. Navy Veteran, WWII. Notes: Per obituary in Putnam County Sentinel, two young men of the Vaughnsville community met instant death in an automobile accident at one-fifty Sunday morning on state route 15, two and one-half miles north of Continental. Reynold L. Westenbarger, twenty-one, and Robert E. Edwards, twenty-two, cousins and neighbors, were the victims. John Palte, a friend and neighbor of the two victims, was a passenger in the car, but escaped injury. According to information given to Sheriff Arnold Potts, the trio was enroute to Defiance with Westenbarger driving his father's car when the accident occurred. The car failed to negotiate a curve and crashed sideways into the end post of a guard rail along the highway. The dead men, the first Putnam county traffic casualties for 1947, were thrown through the door by the force of the impact. They suffered skull, arm, and leg fractures. Dr. J. R. Echelbarger, county coroner, returned a verdict of accidental death. Birth Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Birth Record 4, Vol 5, page 267. Death Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 21 Mar 1947, Friday. Burial Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . 306. Francis Reed "Reed"5 Barnes (Enoch Lorenzo4, Almeda (or Amelia) Jane "Jane"3 Dunlap, Robert2, Joseph1), born 21 Aug 1910 in Putnam County, Jackson Township, Ohio; died 21 Dec 1986 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried in Vaughnsville Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio (Section A, Row 78). He married on 25 Jul 1946 Jean M McElfresh, born 1915; died 1992; buried in Vaughnsville Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio (Section A, Row 78). Other events for Francis Reed "Reed" Barnes Occupation: Co-Owner and operator of C&B Market, Putnam County, Vaughnsville, Ohio, Ohio Department of Transportation, Retired. Military Service: U.S. Army, Sargeant , WWII. Religion: Vaughnsville United Methodist Church, Putnam County, Vaughnsville, Ohio. Sources for Francis Reed "Reed" Barnes Birth: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Birth Record 3, Vol 4, page 24. Occupation: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Military Service: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Military Service: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Religion: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Death: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 24 Dec 1986, Wednesday. Burial: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Sources for Jean M McElfresh Birth: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Children of Francis Reed "Reed" Barnes and Jean M McElfresh were as follows: 633 i Francene6 Barnes. She married Jim Benroth. 312. Donald Gaylord5 Jenkins (Cinderella B "Rella or Stella"4 Barnes, Almeda (or Amelia) Jane "Jane"3 Dunlap, Robert2, Joseph1), born 19 May 1906 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Rushmore, Ohio; died 31 Oct 1990 in At home, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section B, Row 4). He married on 17 Jun 1929 Glenna A Steinman, born 1902; died 1992; buried in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section B, Row 4). Sources for Donald Gaylord Jenkins Birth: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Birth Record 3, Vol 4, page 131. Death: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 7 Nov 1990, Wednesday. Burial: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Sources for Glenna A Steinman Birth: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Children of Donald Gaylord Jenkins and Glenna A Steinman were as follows: 634 i Marilyn Jean6 Jenkins. She married Monte Reason. 635 ii Jackie6 Jenkins. She married Donald Koenig. 313. Ruth5 Jenkins (Cinderella B "Rella or Stella"4 Barnes, Almeda (or Amelia) Jane "Jane"3 Dunlap, Robert2, Joseph1), born 8 Mar 1908; died 24 Nov 1992 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married on 16 Jul 1936 Donald Weldon "Don" English. Notes for Ruth Jenkins Seen middle name as English or Ernestine ? Children of Ruth Jenkins and Donald Weldon "Don" English were as follows: 636 i Margo6 English. 315. Irttie I5 Dunlap (E. C.4, Samuel "Sam"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 28 Dec 1895 in Paulding County, Ohio; died 13 Apr 1994 in Mennonite Memorial Home, Allen County, Bluffton, Ohio; buried 16 Apr 1994 in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section Chapel). She married on 28 Nov 1917 in Christian Church, Putnam County, Ohio Garvin C Lee, born 7 Apr 1892 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 1955; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section Chapel). Other events for Irttie I Dunlap Social Security Number: 269-24-2893. Occupation: Homemaker. Residence R. #2, Bluffton, Ohio (3 Sep 1963). Residence 410 W. Elm Street, Allen County, Bluffton, Ohio 45817 (13 Apr 1994). Notes for Irttie I Dunlap Seen name spelled as Erttie. Per Marriage record, Putnam County, Vol 11, page 288, Irttie I Dunlap was born in Allen County, Gomer, Ohio. Sources for Irttie I Dunlap Birth: Certificate of Death . Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 11, page 288. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 11, page 288. Social Security Number: Certificate of Death . Occupation: Certificate of Death . Residence: Certificate of Death . Death: Certificate of Death . Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Certificate of Death . Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Sources for Garvin C Lee Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 11, page 288. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 11, page 288. Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Children of Irttie I Dunlap and Garvin C Lee were as follows: 637 i Robert D6 Lee. Other events: Residence 209 Heather Lane, Pandora, Ohio 45877 (13 Apr 1994). 316. Lawrence L5 Dunlap (E. C.4, Samuel "Sam"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 11 Jul 1898 in Paulding County, Ohio; died 13 Jan 1972 in Indian River Memorial Hospital, Vero Beach, Florida; buried in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section A, Row 25). He married on 15 Nov 1919 in M. E. Church, Putnam County, Kalida, Ohio Estella "Stella" Friend, born 28 Nov 1900 in Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio; died 9 Sep 1969 in St. Rita's Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section A, Row 25), daughter of Lewis Friend and Agnes Viere. Other events for Lawrence L Dunlap Religion: Ottawa River United Church of Christ, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Occupation: Farmer, Trustee of the REA Electric Company, Paulding, Ohio. Social Security Number: 275-09-7455, Ohio (bef 1951). Residence R. #3, Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio (3 Sep 1963). Residence Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio 45830 (Jan 1972). Other events for Estella "Stella" Friend Religion: Ottawa River United Church of Christ, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio. Sources for Lawrence L Dunlap Birth: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 11, page 539. Birth: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 11, page 539. Religion: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Occupation: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Social Security Number: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Residence: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Residence: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 20 Jan 1972, Thursday. Death: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Burial: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Notes for Estella "Stella" Friend Seen name as Stella and Frienk. Marriage Record, Vol 11, page 539, indicates Estella Friend was age 19 on 15 Nov 1919, which would make her birth date 15 Nov 1900. Sources for Estella "Stella" Friend Birth: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Birth Record 3, Vol 3, page 82. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 11, page 539. Religion: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Death: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 2 Oct 1969, Thursday. Death: Burials, Permit Stubs, 10-28-1959 to 9-25-1993, Putnam County, Ohio , Book 37. Burial: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . + Children of Lawrence L Dunlap and Estella "Stella" Friend were as follows: 638 i Ronald O6 Dunlap, born 17 Aug 1921 in Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio; died 23 Sep 2006 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Lima, Ohio; buried 26 Sep 2006 in Ottawa River Cemetery, near Rimer, Ohio. He married Dorothy Louise Koenig. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 19, page 233. Birth Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 25 Sep 2006, Monday. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 19, page 233. Marriage Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 25 Sep 2006, Monday. Death Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 25 Sep 2006, Monday. Burial Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 25 Sep 2006, Monday. 639 ii Donald Dale "Dale"6 Dunlap, born 3 Oct 1925 in Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio; died 8 Oct 1995 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried 11 Oct 1995 in Ottawa River Cemetery, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section A, Row 24). He married, divorced Unknown Unknown. Other events: Social Security Number: 301-12-3098, Ohio. Military Service: U.S. Army, WWII. Occupation: Utilities Department, City of Lima. Residence 1050 Mackenzie Drive, Allen County, Lima, Ohio 45805 (8 Oct 1995). Birth + 640 iii Source: Ohio Deaths 1993-1998 . Birth Source: Certificate of Death . Birth Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death Source: Ohio Deaths 1993-1998 , Volume 30398, Certificate 76355. Death Source: Certificate of Death . Death Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial Source: Certificate of Death . Burial Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Delores Patsy "Pat"6 Dunlap, born 1 May 1929 in Lucas County, Ohio. She married Dennis Miller. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 20, page 533. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 20, page 533. 317. Wilma Mildred5 Dunlap (E. C.4, Samuel "Sam"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 25 Dec 1900 in Paulding County, Melrose, Ohio; died 1978; buried in Vaughnsville Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio (Section A, Row 82). She married on 19 Sep 1923 in Ottawa River Church, Putnam County, Vaughnsville, Ohio Lawrence A Stephens, born 13 Aug 1902 in Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio; died 20 Jan 1997 in Mennonite Memorial Home, Allen County, Bluffton, Ohio; buried in Vaughnsville Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio (Section A, Row 82), son of John B. Stephens and Ollie M Vandemark. Sources for Wilma Mildred Dunlap Birth: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 , Vol 25, page 171, Birth Registration 12, Case No 4605. Birth: Birth Registration or Correction of Birth Record Application, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio . Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 13, page 94. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 13, page 94. Death: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Sources for Lawrence A Stephens Birth: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 13, page 94. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 13, page 94. Death: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Burial: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Children of Wilma Mildred Dunlap and Lawrence A Stephens were as follows: 641 i Infant6 Stephens, died 1927, buried in Vaughnsville Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio (Section A, Row 54). Death Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . 318. Eunice5 Dunlap (E. C.4, Samuel "Sam"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 2 Apr 1903 in Grover Hill, Ohio; died bef Dec 2004. She married on 18 Oct 1922 in Putnam County, Ohio William M Stephens, born 26 May 1896 in Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio; died bef Dec 2004, son of John B. Stephens and Ollie M Vandemark. Sources for Eunice Dunlap Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 12, page 405. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 12, page 405. Sources for William M Stephens Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 12, page 405. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 12, page 405. Children of Eunice Dunlap and William M Stephens were as follows: 642 i Jane6 Stephens, born 25 Dec 1928 in near Rockport, Ohio; died 6 Dec 2004 in Mennonite Memorial Home, Bluffton, Ohio; buried in Rockport Cemetery, Rockport, Ohio. Other events: Religion United Methodist Church, Rockport, Ohio. Birth Source: Obituary . Death Source: Obituary . Burial Source: Obituary . 643 ii John Wayne6 Stephens, born 28 Jun 1940; died bef Dec 2004. He married on 14 Nov 1965 Karen June Welch, born 30 Jun 1946 in Hancock County, Ohio, daughter of John Dee Welch and Mary Ellen Prowant. Birth Source: The Myers, Descendants of John Myers and Mary Dillon, 1760-1999 . Marriage Source: The Myers, Descendants 644 645 646 iii iv v of John Myers and Mary Dillon, 1760-1999 . Jeannette6 Stephens. She married Wayne Kidd. George6 Stephens, died bef Dec 2004. Mary6 Stephens, died bef Dec 2004. She married Unknown Billings. 320. Mary Evelyn "Evelyn"5 Dunlap (E. C.4, Samuel "Sam"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 4 Jul 1909 in Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Fort Jennings, Ohio; died 12 Aug 1993 in Mennonite Memorial Home, Allen County, Bluffton, Ohio; buried 14 Aug 1993 in Ebenezer Mennonite Cemetery, Allen County, Bluffton, Ohio (Row 13, Lot 17). She married Otis B Basinger, born 9 Apr 1906; died 11 Nov 1992; buried in Ebenezer Mennonite Cemetery, Allen County, Bluffton, Ohio (Row 13, Lot 16). Other events for Mary Evelyn "Evelyn" Dunlap Social Security Number: 290-01-3460, Ohio. Occupation: Homemaker. Residence 115 E. College Avenue, Allen County, Bluffton, Ohio 45817 (12 Aug 1993). Notes for Mary Evelyn "Evelyn" Dunlap Mary was born at R. #1, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Fort Jennings, Ohio. Sources for Mary Evelyn "Evelyn" Dunlap Birth: Ohio Deaths 1993-1998 , Vol 25, page 170, Birth Registration 12, Case No 4604. Birth: Birth Registration or Correction of Birth Record Application, Probate Court, Putnam County, Ohio . Birth: Certificate of Death . Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Social Security Number: Ohio Deaths 1993-1998 . Social Security Number: Certificate of Death . Occupation: Certificate of Death . Residence: Certificate of Death . Death: Ohio Deaths 1993-1998 , Volume 29481, Certificate 057129. Death: Certificate of Death . Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Certificate of Death . Sources for Otis B Basinger Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Children of Mary Evelyn "Evelyn" Dunlap and Otis B Basinger were as follows: 647 i Kay Elaine6 Basinger, born 7 Nov 1943; died 15 Apr 1949; buried in Ebenezer Mennonite Cemetery, Allen County, Bluffton, Ohio (Row 13, Lot 18). Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. 325. Alvin H5 Dunlap (Joseph P "Joe"4, Samuel "Sam"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 26 Aug 1914 in Putnam County, Rushmore, Ohio; died 8 May 1986 in Hilty Memorial Home, Putnam County, Pandora, Ohio; buried 10 May 1986 in Truro Cemetery - North Side, Putnam County, Pleasant Township, Columbus, Grove, Ohio (Row 7, Grave 25). He married on 11 Sep 1937 in River Christian Church, Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio Grace E Welty, born 22 Aug 1918 in Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio; died 6 May 1993 in Richland Manor, Allen County, Beaverdam, Ohio; buried 8 May 1993 in Truro Cemetery - North Side, Putnam County, Pleasant Township, Columbus, Grove, Ohio (Row 7, Grave 25), daughter of Samuel "Sam" Welty and Fannie Pierman. Other events for Alvin H Dunlap Occupation. Occupation: Farmer, and employee of Monroe Township in Allen County, Ohio . Social Security Number: 275-22-5995, Ohio (bef 1951). Residence 3579 Hillville Road, Allen County, Columbus Grove, Ohio 45830 (8 May 1986). Other events for Grace E Welty Social Security Number: 292-22-4480. Occupation: Homemaker. Residence 2367 East Lincoln Highway, Allen County, Elida, Ohio 45807 (6 May 1993). Notes for Alvin H Dunlap The Certificate of Death indicates Alvin H. Dunlap was buried in Osborne Cemetery, Allen County, Ohio; whereas the Truro Cemetery Inscriptions, indicate he was buried on the North Side in Row 7, Grave 25, Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio. Sources for Alvin H Dunlap Birth: Certificate of Death . Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 16, page 163. Birth: Cemetery Inscriptions, Truro Cemetery - North Side, Putnam County, Pleasant Township, Ohio . Birth: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Birth: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 16, page 163. Occupation: Certificate of Death . Occupation: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Social Security Number: Certificate of Death . Social Security Number: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Social Security Number: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 . Residence: Certificate of Death . Residence: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 . Death: Certificate of Death . Death: Burials, Permit Stubs, 10-28-1959 to 9-25-1993, Putnam County, Ohio , Book 111, Permit 72. Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 14 May 1986, Wednesday. Death: Cemetery Inscriptions, Truro Cemetery - North Side, Putnam County, Pleasant Township, Ohio . Death: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 , Vol 26471, Cert 039521. Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Burial: Cemetery Inscriptions, Truro Cemetery - North Side, Putnam County, Pleasant Township, Ohio . Notes for Grace E Welty The Certificate of Death indicates Grace E. Dunlap (Welty) was buried in Osborne Cemetery, Allen County, Ohio; whereas the Truro Cemetery Inscriptions, indicate she was buried on the North Side in Row 7, Grave 25, Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio. Per the Marriage record, Putnam County, Vol 16, page 163, Grace was born in Allen County, Lima, Ohio; whereas, the Certificate of Death indicates Putnam County, Ohio. Sources for Grace E Welty Birth: Certificate of Death . Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 16, page 163. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 16, page 163. Social Security Number: Certificate of Death . Occupation: Certificate of Death . Residence: Certificate of Death . Death: Certificate of Death . Burial: Cemetery Inscriptions, Truro Cemetery - North Side, Putnam County, Pleasant Township, Ohio . + Children of Alvin H Dunlap and Grace E Welty were as follows: 648 i Larry6 Dunlap, born 6 Feb 1938 in Allen County, Ohio. He married Jacquelin J Fruchey. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 24, page 77. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 24, page 77. 649 ii Gloria6 Dunlap. She married Marlin Amstutz. 650 iii Judy6 Dunlap. She married William McKee. 338. Selma F5 Dunlap (Clinton Sylvester "Clint"4, James Henry3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 17 Jul 1905 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 6 Nov 1987 in Van Wert County Hospital, Van Wert, Ohio; buried in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Ohio. She married in Jan 1939 Vaughn W Adams, died 1952. Other events for Selma F Dunlap Occupation: Homemaker. Religion: Mount Pleasant Church. Sources for Selma F Dunlap Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Occupation: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Religion: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 11 Nov 1987, Wednesday. Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Children of Selma F Dunlap and Vaughn W Adams were as follows: 651 i Robert L6 Yoh. 652 ii Doyle R6 Adams. 653 iii Jean Ann6 Adams. She married Clyde Ford. 340. Norbert Sylvester5 Dunlap (Clinton Sylvester "Clint"4, James Henry3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 31 Mar 1912 in Putnam County, Monterey Township, Ohio; died 21 Mar 2002 in Lincolnway Home, Middle Point, Ohio; buried in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Hoaglin Township, Ohio. He married on 23 Feb 1934 Kathryn M Blythe, died 14 Feb 2001. Other events for Norbert Sylvester Dunlap Occupation: Farmer and Pioneer Seed corn salesman. Religion Mount Pleasant Church, Hoaglin Township, Ohio. Social Security Number: 301-12-4780, Ohio (bef 1951). Residence Garland County, Hot Springs Village, Arkansas 71909 (28 Mar 2002). Notes for Norbert Sylvester Dunlap The U.S. Social Security Death Index indicates Norbert's death date as 28 Mar 2002. Sources for Norbert Sylvester Dunlap Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 4, page 59, Birth Record 3. Birth: Obituary . Birth: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Occupation: Obituary . Religion: Obituary . Social Security Number: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Residence: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death: Obituary . Burial: Obituary . Children of Norbert Sylvester Dunlap and Kathryn M Blythe were as follows: 654 i Lyn Rex6 Dunlap. He married Lynn Unknown. 655 ii Linda6 Dunlap. She married Philip Nicholson. 350. Dorthy B5 Dunlap (Harry Russell "Russell"4, James Henry3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born abt 1919. She married (1) Walter F Richardson, son of Alva J Richardson and Effie May Gallespie; (2) Unknown Tayler. Sources for Dorthy B Dunlap Birth: Will of James Dunlap, found in his probate packet, Putnam County, Ohio (pages 199 - 202, signed 12 May 1924). Children of Dorthy B Dunlap and Walter F Richardson were as follows: 656 i Charles Louis6 Richardson, born 13 Sep 1950 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio; died 25 Dec 2003 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried 29 Dec 2003 in Salem Mennonite Cemetery, Elida, Ohio. He married (1) Kathy Looser; (2) Sharon Slate. Other events: Occupation: Self-employed construction worker. Notes: He had 4 sons, but not sure which wife was the mother of these children: Charles A. Richardson, Chet L. Richardson, Jamie A. Richardson, and Zack Horg. He has a granddaughter named Kesley Horg. Birth Source: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 27 Dec 2003, Saturday. Birth Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . Death Source: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 27 Dec 2003, Saturday. Death Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . Burial Source: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . Burial Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . 657 ii Shirley A6 Richardson. She married Dwaine Kimmey. 658 iii Richard J6 Richardson. He married Helen Unknown. 659 iv William H6 Richardson. He married Sally Unknown. 660 v Franklin J6 Richardson. He married Beverly Unknown. Children of Dorthy B Dunlap and Unknown Tayler were as follows: 661 i Clara Jane6 Tayler, died bef Dec 2003. She married Unknown High. 662 ii Roger L6 Tayler, died bef Dec 2003. 663 iii Forest W6 Tayler, died bef Dec 2003. 664 iv Jimmy Dean6 Tayler, died bef Dec 2003. 352. Winfred R5 Dunlap (Clark R4, James Henry3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 14 Apr 1916 in Van Wert County, Ohio; died 11 Oct 1988 in At home, Allen County, Rockport, Ohio; buried 14 Oct 1988 in Rockport Cemetery, Allen County, Rockport, Ohio. He married on 12 Jun 1937 Edna L Struble, born 6 Sep 1918; died 15 Dec 2001; buried in Rockport Cemetery, Allen County, Rockport, Ohio, daughter of Earl Struble and Flossie Elston. Other events for Winfred R Dunlap Social Security Number: 293-18-6353. Occupation: Steinman Lumber Company, Bluffton, Ohio, Rockport Stone and Gravel Company, Rockport, Ohio, Equipment Operator. Residence 9273 Bucher Rd., Allen County, Rockport, Ohio 45830 (11 Oct 1988). Notes for Winfred R Dunlap Seen name as Winferd. Allen County website for Rockport Cemetery indicates Winfred was buried on 11 Oct 1988; where as the death certificates indicates this is the date he died and he was buried on the 14 Oct 1988. Sources for Winfred R Dunlap Birth: Certificate of Death . Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Social Security Number: Certificate of Death . Occupation: Certificate of Death . Occupation: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Residence: Certificate of Death . Death: Certificate of Death . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 12 and 19 Oct 1988, Wednesday. Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Certificate of Death . Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. + Children of Winfred R Dunlap and Edna L Struble were as follows: 665 i Clyde W6 Dunlap, born 30 Mar 1942 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio; died 19 Aug 1996 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried 23 Aug 1996 in Rockport Cemetery, Allen County, Rockport, Ohio. He married Ardenia McNamara. Birth Source: Certificate of Death . Birth Source: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . Birth Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Birth Source: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 . Death Source: Certificate of Death . Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 28 Aug 1996, Wednesday. Death Source: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . Death Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death Source: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 , Vol 30765, Cert 059754. Burial Source: Certificate of Death . Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Burial Source: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . 666 ii Richard L6 Dunlap. 667 iii Virgil V6 Dunlap. 354. Ralph C5 Dunlap (Clark R4, James Henry3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 26 Oct 1920 in Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio; died 25 Oct 1999 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried in Cairo East Side Cemetery, Allen County, Cairo, Ohio. He married on 26 Jun 1945 Doris Marie Matson. Other events for Ralph C Dunlap Occupation: Farmer, Superior Coach Corporation, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Religion: Cairo United Methodist Church, Allen County, Cairo, Ohio. Military Service: U.S. Army, received a purple heart, WWII. Social Security Number: 293-12-6297, Ohio (bef 1951). Residence Allen, Ohio (25 Oct 1999). Residence Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio, 45830 (25 Oct 1999). Sources for Ralph C Dunlap Birth: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . Birth: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Birth: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 . Occupation: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . Religion: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . Military Service: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . Military Service: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 . Social Security Number: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Social Security Number: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 . Residence: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 . Residence: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 3 Nov 1999, Wednesday. Death: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 , Vol 32126, Cert 079344. Burial: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Children of Ralph C Dunlap and Doris Marie Matson were as follows: 668 i Dale6 Dunlap. He married Rosemarie Unknown. 669 ii David6 Dunlap. He married Deborah Unknown. 670 iii Earl6 Dunlap. He married Kitty Knisley. 671 iv Mary Jane6 Dunlap. She married Barry Seyer. 355. Delmer J5 Dunlap (Clark R4, James Henry3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 5 Dec 1922 in Putnam County, Miller City, Ohio; died 2 Mar 2003 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried 6 Mar 2003 in Cairo Eastside Cemetery, Allen County, Cairo, Ohio. He married on 19 Oct 1946 Imogene Stover. Other events for Delmer J Dunlap Religion: Deacon, trustie, sang in the choir and the Men's Quartet, Cairo United Church of Christ. Military Service: U.S. Army during WW2, serving in Africa and Italy. Residence Cairo, Ohio. Occupation: Retired in 1984 as a Driver Examminer, had been a dispatcher, and a Farmer, Ohio State Highway Patrol. Notes for Delmer J Dunlap There is another grandchild, named Jennifer that married a Chris Evans, but not sure which parent that Jennifer belongs to. Sources for Delmer J Dunlap Birth: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 12 Mar 2003. Religion: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . Military Service: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . Residence: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . Occupation: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . Death: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 12 Mar 2003. Burial: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 12 Mar 2003. + + + + Children of Delmer J Dunlap and Imogene Stover were as follows: 672 i Jeffrey J6 Dunlap. He married Teresa Unknown. 673 ii Cheryl A6 Dunlap. She married Darwin Boertje. 674 iii Nancy S6 Dunlap. She married Dan King. 675 iv Janice K6 Dunlap. She married Jon Basinger. 356. Donald E5 Dunlap (Clark R4, James Henry3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 2 Apr 1925 in Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio. He married on 28 Jan 1946 in Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio Ida B Sneary, born 12 Jul 1928 in Putnam County, Vaughnsville, Ohio, daughter of Lester Sneary and Burnice Gilbert. Sources for Donald E Dunlap Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 18, page 337. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 18, page 337. Sources for Ida B Sneary Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 18, page 337. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 18, page 337. + Children of Donald E Dunlap and Ida B Sneary were as follows: 676 i James E6 Dunlap, born 25 Nov 1959 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married Jane N Schroeder. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 30, page 592. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 30, page 592. 357. Lloyd5 Dunlap (Clark R4, James Henry3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 18 May 1930 in Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio; died Feb 1982. He married on 5 Feb 1949 in Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio Norma Jean Myers, born 21 Mar 1932 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio, daughter of Orphe Myers and Lona Marri Kohli. Other events for Lloyd Dunlap Social Security Number: 292-26-3598, Ohio (bef 1951). Residence Dent County, Lenox, Missouri 65541 (Feb 1982). Sources for Lloyd Dunlap Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 20, page 130. Birth: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 20, page 130. Social Security Number: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Residence: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Sources for Norma Jean Myers Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 20, page 130. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 20, page 130. Children of Lloyd Dunlap and Norma Jean Myers were as follows: 677 i Gloria Jean6 Dunlap. 678 ii Glenna Mae6 Dunlap. 679 iii Berna Dee6 Dunlap. 680 iv Roger E6 Dunlap. 681 v Ronald L6 Dunlap. 682 vi Infant6 Dunlap, born 19 Feb 1966 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; died 19 Feb 1966 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Birth Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 24 Feb 1966, Thursday. 363. Glenn Sherman5 Dunlap (Ora Ray4, James Henry3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 12 Mar 1930 in Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio; died 7 Feb 1986 in Fulton County Health Center, Fulton County, Wauseon, Ohio; buried 10 Feb 1986 in Monroe Cemetery, Putnam County, Continental, Ohio. He married on 25 Sep 1954 Rosemary Otto, born 15 Mar 1931 in Defiance, Ohio; died 15 Apr 2004 in Calvary Manor Nursing Home, Ottawa, Ohio; buried 19 Apr 2004 in Monroe Cemetery, Putnam County, Continental, Ohio, daughter of Joseph Otto and Dorothy or Dora Myer. Other events for Glenn Sherman Dunlap Occupation: Maintenance Department, Fulton County Health Center, Fulton County, Wauseon, Ohio. Religion: St. John's Catholic Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. Social Security Number: 284-28-3300, Ohio (bef 1951). Military Service: U.S. Army, (bet 3 May 1951 and 9 Apr 1953). Residence 404 S. Seventh Street, Putnam County, Continental, Ohio 45831 (7 Feb 1986). Other events for Rosemary Otto Religion: St. John the Baptist Church, Continental, Ohio. Occupation: Home Health Caregiver. Sources for Glenn Sherman Dunlap Birth: Certificate of Death . Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Birth: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 . Occupation: Certificate of Death . Occupation: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Religion: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Social Security Number: Certificate of Death . Social Security Number: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 . Social Security Number: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Military Service: Certificate of Death . Military Service: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Residence: Certificate of Death . Residence: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Residence: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 . Death: Certificate of Death . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 12 Feb 1986, Wednesday. Death: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 , Vol 26353, Cert 010167. Burial: Certificate of Death . Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Sources for Rosemary Otto Birth: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 17 Apr 2004, Saturday. Religion: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 17 Apr 2004, Saturday. Occupation: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 17 Apr 2004, Saturday. Death: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 17 Apr 2004, Saturday. Children of Glenn Sherman Dunlap and Rosemary Otto were as follows: 683 i Gary Alan6 Dunlap, born 8 Sep 1956 in Defiance County, Defiance, Ohio; died 8 Jul 1959 in At home, Putnam County, Continental, Ohio; buried 10 Jul 1959 in St. Joseph's Cemetery, Putnam County, Palmer Township, North Creek, Ohio (Lot 57). Other events: Residence W. Rice Street, Putnam County, Continental, Ohio (8 Jul 1959). Notes: The obituary indicates Gary died of leukemia, in his home at 9:45pm Wednesday, and that he had been ill almost all of his young life. Birth 684 685 ii iii 686 iv 687 688 v vi 689 vii Source: Certificate of Death . Birth Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 17 Jul 1959, Friday. Death Source: Certificate of Death , Death Record 3, Roll 146, Section 2, page 70. Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 17 Jul 1959, Friday. Burial Source: Certificate of Death . Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 17 Jul 1959, Friday. Duane O6 Dunlap. Kenneth G "Kenny"6 Dunlap, born 19 Jun 1962 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married on 12 Aug 1983 in Dupont Church of the Brethren, Putnam County, Dupont, Ohio Jennifer Ann Stauffer, born 8 Nov 1964 in Defiance County, Defiance, Ohio, daughter of Richard Stauffer and Nancy Fricke. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 31, page 376. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 31, page 376. Neil Eugene6 Dunlap, born abt 1964 in Defiance County, Ohio. He married on 9 May 1987 in Putnam County, Cloverdale, Ohio Glynis Joan Sullivan, born abt 1966 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 32, page 301. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 32, page 301. Lori6 Dunlap. She married Tim Fife. Rhonda Marie6 Dunlap, born 21 Dec 1965 in Defiance County, Ohio. She married (1) on 18 Jul 1984 in Putnam County, Pandora, Ohio Jerry Ray Brenneman, born 13 Mar 1964 in Putnam County, Riley Township, Ohio, son of Ray Brenneman and Vera Barnt; (2) Kevin Wulff. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 21, page 521. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 31, page 521. Kay L6 Dunlap. She married Bill Arico. 375. Roy Oscar5 Dunlap (Lawrence W 4, Alfred "Alf or Alph"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 29 May 1905 in Putnam County, Jennings Township, Ohio; died 7 Nov 1970 in At home, Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio; buried 10 Nov 1970 in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section B, Row 10). He married on 22 Aug 1927 Bessie Bernice Marvin, born 11 Nov 1905 in Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio; died 5 May 1995 in Richland Manor Nursing Home, Allen County, Beaverdam, Ohio; buried 8 May 1995 in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section B, Row 10), daughter of Vene Marvin and Grace Palmer. Other events for Roy Oscar Dunlap Occupation: Laborer, Maintenance Employee at Public Schools, Retired from Ohio Department of Highways. Social Security Number: 281-18-3228, Ohio (bef 1951). Residence RFD #3, Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio 45830 (7 Nov 1970). Other events for Bessie Bernice Marvin Social Security Number: 301-26-5121, Ohio. Occupation: Homemaker. Residence 631 W. Sycamore St., Apt C-1, Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio 45830 (5 May 1995). Notes for Roy Oscar Dunlap His birth record indicates it's spelled Oskar. Sources for Roy Oscar Dunlap Birth: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 4, page 54, Birth Record 3. Birth: Certificate of Death . Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Occupation: Certificate of Death . Occupation: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Social Security Number: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Residence: Certificate of Death . Residence: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Residence: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Residence: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 . Death: Ohio Deaths 1970-1988 , Volume 20280, Certificate 087430. Death: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death: Certificate of Death , Death Record 3, Roll 146, Section 4, page 286. Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 12 Nov 1970, Thursday. Death: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 , Vol 20280, Cert 087430. Burial: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial: Certificate of Death . Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Sources for Bessie Bernice Marvin Birth: Ohio Deaths 1993-1998 . Birth: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth: Certificate of Death . Social Security Number: Ohio Deaths 1993-1998 . Social Security Number: Certificate of Death . Occupation: Certificate of Death . Residence: Certificate of Death . Death: Ohio Deaths 1993-1998 , Volume 30230, Certificate 034487. Death: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death: Certificate of Death . Burial: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial: Certificate of Death . + Children of Roy Oscar Dunlap and Bessie Bernice Marvin were as follows: 690 i Roy J6 Dunlap, born 25 Apr 1928 in Allen County, Elida, Ohio; died 4 Oct 2002 in St. Rita's Ambulatory Care Center, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio; buried 7 Oct 2002 in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section W-2). He married Eleanor June "June" Ladd. Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . Birth Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . Death Source: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . 691 ii Elenore Grace6 Dunlap, died 18 Jun 1929, buried in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section B, Row 10). Notes: Not sure if 18 Jun 1929 is the birth date or death date or both. Death Source: 2002 Putnam County + 692 iii 693 iv + 694 v + 695 vi Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Oleta6 Dunlap, born 23 Jul 1930 in Allen County, Elida, Ohio. She married (1) Donald Leidy; (2) Paul Ralston. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 20, page 552. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 20, page 552. Doris Jean "Jean"6 Dunlap, born 9 Oct 1932 in Putnam County, Kalida, Ohio. She married Richard Ruebush. Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 5, page 58, Birth Record 4. , born 24 May 1934 in Putnam County, Lois Ann6 Dunlap Kalida, Ohio; died 22 Aug 2005 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section B, Row 10). She married Earl William Myers. Birth Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 6, page 27, Birth Record 4. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 23, page 258. Birth Source: The Myers, Descendants of John Myers and Mary Dillon, 1760-1999 . Birth Source: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 23 Aug 2005, Tuesday. Birth Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 23 Aug 2005, Tuesday. Marriage Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 23, page 258. Marriage Source: The Myers, Descendants of John Myers and Mary Dillon, 1760-1999 . Marriage Source: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 23 Aug 2005, Tuesday. Lois Ann Myers obituary. Marriage Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 23 Aug 2005, Tuesday. Lois Ann Myers obituary. Death Source: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 23 Aug 2005, Tuesday. Death Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 23 Aug 2005, Tuesday. Burial Source: Affidavit, State of Ohio, Allen County and letters pertaining to this affidavit. Burial Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12, Putnam County Genealogy Society, 2002 . Burial Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 23 Aug 2005, Tuesday. Eliz Marie "Marie"6 Dunlap, born 30 May 1941 in Putnam County, Kalida, Ohio. She married Richard A "Dick" Winnings. Birth Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth Source: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 7, page 26, Birth Record 4. Marriage Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . 377. Mildred L5 Dunlap (Lawrence W 4, Alfred "Alf or Alph"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 6 Mar 1910 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 29 Jan 1987 in At home, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried in Memorial Park Cemetery, Allen County, Ohio. She married Onard R Ebling, died aft Jan 1987. Other events for Mildred L Dunlap Religion: St. Mark's United Methodist Church . Sources for Mildred L Dunlap Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 4, page 56, Birth Record 3. Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Religion: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 4 Feb 1987, Wednesday. Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Notes for Onard R Ebling Seen last name as Evans. Children of Mildred L Dunlap and Onard R Ebling were as follows: 696 i Ronald6 Ebling. 697 ii Patricia6 Ebling. She married Richard Rogers. 698 iii Barbara6 Ebling. She married Jerry Acheson. 699 iv Sue6 Ebling. She married James Wright. 378. David L5 Dunlap (Lawrence W 4, Alfred "Alf or Alph"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 15 May 1912 in Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio; died 10 May 1981 in At home, Putnam County, Ohio; buried in Immaculate Conception Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, near Ottoville, Ohio (Section S, Row 4, Grave 7). He married (1) on 12 Jun 1948 in Ottawa River Christian, Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio Lucille Leiser, born 5 May 1914 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio, daughter of John Galoni and Jennie Aronhoff; (2) on 10 Jul 1954 Marjoie E Shilling, born 1920; died aft May 1981. Other events for David L Dunlap Occupation: Mechanic, Retired, Suever Contracting, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Social Security Number: 275-10-1568, Ohio (bef 1951). Residence Putnam County, Ottoville, Ohio 45876 (May 1981). Notes for David L Dunlap Seen middle initial as I on marriage record. Per his obituary in the Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio, David was buried in St. Marys Cemetery, Ottoville, Ohio. Sources for David L Dunlap Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 19, page 508. Birth: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Birth: Cemetery Inscriptions, Immaculate Conception Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 19, page 508. Occupation: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Social Security Number: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Residence: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 13 May 1981, Wednesday. Death: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death: Cemetery Inscriptions, Immaculate Conception Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Burial: Cemetery Inscriptions, Immaculate Conception Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Sources for Lucille Leiser Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 19, page 508. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 19, page 508. Sources for Marjoie E Shilling Birth: Cemetery Inscriptions, Immaculate Conception Cemetery, Putnam County, Monterey Township, Ottoville, Ohio, Volume 14 . Children of David L Dunlap and Marjoie E Shilling were as follows: 700 i Larry6 Dunlap. 380. Marguerite Mae "Margaret"5 Dunlap (Lawrence W 4, Alfred "Alf or Alph"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 28 Aug 1917 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 21 Jan 1982 in Paradise Oaks Nursing Home, Cloverdale, Ohio; buried in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section A, Row 20). She married on 25 Sep 1937 in M. E. Church, Putnam County, Kalida, Ohio Howard Russell Pitney, born 20 Sep 1918 in Putnam County, Continental, Ohio; died 24 Feb 1967 in Storm Lake, Iowa; buried in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section A, Row 20), son of Russell A Pitney and Pearl Dean Stambaugh. Other events for Marguerite Mae "Margaret" Dunlap Religion: Vaughnsville United Methodis Church, Putnam County, Vaughnsville, Ohio. Other events for Howard Russell Pitney Military Service WWII. Notes for Marguerite Mae "Margaret" Dunlap Marriage record, Putnam County, Vol 16, page 171, indicates Marguerite was born in Allen County, Ohio. Sources for Marguerite Mae "Margaret" Dunlap Birth: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 16, page 171. Religion: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Death: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 27 Jan 1982, Wednesday. Burial: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Notes for Howard Russell Pitney Marriage record, Putnam County, Vol 16, page 171, indicates Howard was age 20, on 20 Sep 1937, which would make his birth date 20 Sep 1917. Sources for Howard Russell Pitney Birth: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 16, page 171. Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Birth Record 3, Vol 4, page 219. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 16, page 171. Military Service: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Death: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 2 Mar 1967, Thursday. Burial: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Children of Marguerite Mae "Margaret" Dunlap and Howard Russell Pitney were as follows: + 701 i + 702 ii , born 29 Jan 1941 in Danny Ray "Butch"6 Pitney Cloverdale, Ohio; died 15 Jul 2004 in At home, Colon, Michigan; buried in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Rimer, Ohio. He married Unknown Unknown. Birth Source: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 20 Jul 2004, Tuesday. Death Source: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 20 Jul 2004, Tuesday. Burial Source: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 20 Jul 2004, Tuesday. Jimmie L Sr. "Jim"6 Pitney, born 19 Apr 1943 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio; died 18 Oct 1997 in At home, Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio; buried 22 Oct 1997 in Ottawa River Cemetery, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section B, Row 12). He married Lilla J Hall. Birth Source: Certificate of Death . Birth Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Marriage Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death Source: Certificate of Death . Death Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial Source: Certificate of Death . Burial Source: 2002 Putnam + 703 iii 704 iv 705 v 706 vi County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Beverly Jane6 Pitney. She married (1) Unknown Wilson; (2) Joe Schwartz. Douglas D "Doug"6 Pitney. , born 21 Dec 1950 in Lima, Ohio; Robert S "Bob"6 Pitney died 23 Mar 2004 in At home; buried in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ottawa, Ohio. He married Carol A Koch. Birth Source: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 25 Mar 2004, Thursday. Death Source: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 25 Mar 2004, Thursday. Burial Source: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 25 Mar 2004, Thursday. Gary Dean6 Pitney, died bef Mar 2004. 381. Ray W5 Dunlap (Lawrence W 4, Alfred "Alf or Alph"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 6 Apr 1920 in Allen County, Ohio; died 24 Jan 1979 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried 27 Jan 1979 in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section A, Row 19). He married Helen I Flory, born 22 Apr 1925. Other events for Ray W Dunlap Occupation: Laborer , Factory, Sheller-Globe Corporation in Lima, Ohio. Social Security Number: 279-12-6953, Ohio (bef 1951). Residence RFD #1, Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio (24 Jan 1979). Notes for Ray W Dunlap The Ohio Deaths, 1958-2000, indicate Ray's birth date is 16 Apr 1920. Sources for Ray W Dunlap Birth: Ohio Deaths 1970-1988 . Birth: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Birth: Certificate of Death . Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Occupation: Certificate of Death . Occupation: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Social Security Number: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Social Security Number: Certificate of Death . Social Security Number: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 . Residence: Certificate of Death . Residence: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 . Death: Ohio Deaths 1970-1988 , Volume 23526, Certificate 000081. Death: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death: Certificate of Death . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 31 Jan 1979, Wednesday. Death: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 , Vol 23526, Cert 000081. Burial: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial: Certificate of Death . Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Notes for Helen I Flory Helen has a cemetery plot in her name at Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section A, Row 19), per the Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12, Putnam County Genealogy Society, 2002. Sources for Helen I Flory Birth: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Children of Ray W Dunlap and Helen I Flory were as follows: 707 i Ray Wayne6 Dunlap. 708 ii Dennis David6 Dunlap, born 28 Aug 1947 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married on 23 Jul 1966 in Putnam County, Pandora, Ohio Carol Lynn Thornton, born 18 Oct 1947 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio, daughter of Richard Thornton and Mary Chamberlain. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 25, page 599. Marriage + 709 710 iii iv Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 25, page 599. Gary6 Dunlap. Phyllis6 Dunlap. She married George Lohr. 388. Luella5 Allemeier (Velma4 Pangle, Mary Agnes "Aggie"3 Dunlap, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1). She married Unknown Fuller. + Children of Luella Allemeier and Unknown Fuller were as follows: 711 i Yvonne6 Fuller. She married Unknown Oaks. 390. Ruth E5 Matson (Alta P4 Pangle, Mary Agnes "Aggie"3 Dunlap, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 29 Nov 1929. She married on 9 Sep 1952 Jimmie Lee Moreo , born 30 Mar 1931 in Fort Wayne, Indiana; died 15 Jan 2006 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried 18 Jan 2006 in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section U), son of Charles Moreo and Fern Ralston. Other events for Jimmie Lee Moreo Occupation: Served on the Board for 12 years, Delphos City School Board. Occupation: Retired after co-owning the business with his brothers and sons for more than 50 years, Moreo Brothers Roofing and Siding Company. Religion Trinity United Methodist Church. Military Service U.S. Army Reserve, active for six years. Occupation Walnut Grove Cemetery trustee. Military Service U.S. Army, Korean Conflict (bet 1951 and 1952). Notes for Ruth E Matson Per the Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Ruth E Moreo has a plot in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section U). Sources for Ruth E Matson Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Marriage: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 16 Jan 2006, Monday. Jimmie Lee Moreo obituary. Sources for Jimmie Lee Moreo Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 16 Jan 2006, Monday. Marriage: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 16 Jan 2006, Monday. Jimmie Lee Moreo obituary. Occupation: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 16 Jan 2006, Monday. Occupation: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 16 Jan 2006, Monday. Religion: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 16 Jan 2006, Monday. Military Service: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 16 Jan 2006, Monday. Occupation: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 16 Jan 2006, Monday. Military Service: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 16 Jan 2006, Monday. Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 16 Jan 2006, Monday. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 16 Jan 2006, Monday. + + Children of Ruth E Matson and Jimmie Lee Moreo were as follows: 712 i Terry6 Moreo. He married Phyllis Unknown. 713 ii Dave6 Moreo. He married Ann Unknown. 714 iii Don6 Moreo. He married Clarice Unknown. 715 iv Pam6 Moreo. She married Unknown Stratton. 395. Dorothy Lou5 Hole (Emma Iona "Iona"4 Hetrick, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 20 Jun 1930. She married on 14 Aug 1948, divorced Robert Lee McGuire, son of Lloyd McGuire and Unknown Unknown. Other events for Dorothy Lou Hole Occupation: Secretary. Divorce (Nov 1968). Other events for Robert Lee McGuire Divorce (Nov 1968). + Children of Dorothy Lou Hole and Robert Lee McGuire were as follows: 716 i Charles Alan6 McGuire, born 18 May 1949. He married Unknown Unknown. 717 718 ii iii Edward Russell6 McGuire, born 22 Oct 1950; died 30 Nov 1990. Patsy Virginia6 McGuire, born 18 Mar 1952. 396. Barbara Ann "Barb"5 Hole (Emma Iona "Iona"4 Hetrick, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 16 May 1932. She married on 18 Sep 1949 in Lima, Ohio William Hobart "Bill" Siegenthaler, son of Kenneth Siegenthaler and Esther Oleta Taylor. Other events for Barbara Ann "Barb" Hole Occupation: Day Care Provider, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Other events for William Hobart "Bill" Siegenthaler Occupation Meadow Gold Dairy, Lab Technician. Children of Barbara Ann "Barb" Hole and William Hobart "Bill" Siegenthaler were as follows: + 719 i Robert Warren "Bob"6 Siegenthaler, born 25 Aug 1951. He married (1) Laura Gwen Lutz; (2) Erma Jean Wright; (3) Rachel Jarrett. 720 ii Paula Ann6 Siegenthaler, born 10 Sep 1953; died 20 Sep 1955. + 721 iii Thomas Clarke "Tom or Hoot"6 Siegenthaler, born 25 Dec 1956. He married (1) Sherri Unknown; (2) Lisa Knight; (3) Pegeen "Packy" Barrington; (4) Marie Hernandez; (5) Laura Jo Putt. + 722 iv Beverley Jeannine "Bev"6 Siegenthaler, born 17 Oct 1960. She married (1) Michael Douglas "Mike" Crisp; (2) Michael Place. 397. Darrell Robert5 Hole (Emma Iona "Iona"4 Hetrick, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 11 Mar 1934; died 4 Jan 1992; buried in Memorial Park, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married on 16 Sep 1954 Betty Ann Barrett, daughter of Charles Barrett and Juanita Unknown. Other events for Darrell Robert Hole Occupation: Welder at Ford Motor Company, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. + + Children of Darrell Robert Hole and Betty Ann Barrett were as follows: 723 i Ronnie Lee6 Hole, born 26 Mar 1956. He married Theresa Unknown. 724 ii Kevin Charles6 Hole, born 12 Mar 1960. He married Kathy Unknown. 725 iii Katrina Camille6 Hole, born 9 Feb 1964. She married Kenneth McClintock. 726 iv Michelle Ann6 Hole, born 3 Dec 1974. 727 v Jason Alan6 Hole, born 17 Sep 1978; died 17 Sep 1978. 398. Daniel Benjamin "Danny"5 Hole (Emma Iona "Iona"4 Hetrick, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 28 Aug 1936; died 3 Feb 1969. He married on 15 Jun 1956, divorced Beverly Jo Yoakam, daughter of Gerald Yoakam and Bev Unknown. Other events for Daniel Benjamin "Danny" Hole Occupation: Neon Sign Company. Divorce (Apr 1961). Other events for Beverly Jo Yoakam Divorce (Apr 1961). Children of Daniel Benjamin "Danny" Hole and Beverly Jo Yoakam were as follows: 728 i Robert Gerald "Bobby"6 McGuire, born 28 May 1957. Notes: Robert's biological father's name is Daniel Benjamin Hole. Changed his last name to McGuire. 729 ii Barbara Ann6 McGuire, born 8 Feb 1960. Notes: Barbara's biological father's name is Daniel Benjamin Hole. Changed her last name to McGuire. 399. Mary Ellen5 Hole (Emma Iona "Iona"4 Hetrick, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 24 Apr 1938 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio; died 28 Nov 1998 in Lima Health & Rehab, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried 2 Dec 1998 in Cairo East Cemetery, Allen County, Cairo, Ohio. She married on 3 Dec 1955 Cleon Cornelius II "Click" Converse, son of James Wellington Converse and Opal Unknown. Other events for Mary Ellen Hole Social Security Number: 292-32-9881, Ohio. Occupation: Homemaker, Bar Maid. Residence 1316 McKinley, Allen County, Lima, Ohio 45801 (28 Nov 1998). Sources for Mary Ellen Hole Birth: Ohio Deaths 1993-1998 . Birth: Certificate of Death . Social Security Number: Ohio Deaths 1993-1998 . Social Security Number: Certificate of Death . Occupation: Certificate of Death . Residence: Certificate of Death . Death: Ohio Deaths 1993-1998 , Volume 31728, Certificate 085005. Death: Certificate of Death . Burial: Certificate of Death . + + Children of Mary Ellen Hole and Cleon Cornelius II "Click" Converse were as follows: 730 i James Wellington6 Converse, born 2 Jul 1956. He married Nancy Unknown. 731 ii Russell Alan "Rusty"6 Converse, born 10 Sep 1958. 732 iii Patrick Riley6 Converse, born 18 Aug 1963. He married Diane Unknown. 733 iv Cleon Cornelius III6 Converse, born 9 Dec 1964. He married Mary Jane Unknown. 734 v Valerie Ann6 Converse, born 1 Jun 1968. 400. Sheila Mae5 Dickman (Patricia (was Zella) Alberta "Pat"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 21 Jul 1947 in Wabash, Indiana. She married on 1 Jul 1967 in Sacred Heart Church, Ft. Wayne, Indiana Michael Gene "Mike" Kracium, born 22 May 1945 in Methodist Hospital, Ft. Wayne, Indiana, son of Cornelius George Kracium and Elnore Gertrude Luttman. Other events for Sheila Mae Dickman Religion Lutheran, now Catholic. Occupation: Nurse, Marble Medical Center, Bluffton, Indiana. Residence 1431 Stogdill Road, Wells County, Bluffton, Indiana. Baptism Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Ft. Wayne, Indiana (15 Feb 1948). Other events for Michael Gene "Mike" Kracium Religion Lutheran. Occupation: Social Studies Teacher, Bluffton-Harrison M.S.D., Wells County, Bluffton, Indiana. Baptism Zion Lutheran Church, Ft. Wayne, Indiana (1 Jul 1945). Notes for Sheila Mae Dickman Adopted. Children of Sheila Mae Dickman and Michael Gene "Mike" Kracium were as follows: 735 i David Michael6 Kracium , born 3 Sep 1971 in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. Other events: Religion. Baptism. Religion Lutheran. Baptism Calvary Lutheran Church, Bluffton, Indiana (28 Nov 1971). Notes: Adopted 11 Nov 1971. Adopted 11 Nov 1971. 736 ii Jeffery Allan "Jeff"6 Kracium , born 6 Aug 1974 in Caylor Nickel Clinic, Bluffton, Indiana. Other events: Religion Lutheran. Baptism Calvary Lutheran Church, Bluffton, Indiana (22 Sep 1974). 401. Raylene June5 Schulte (Ruth Vatula "Tula"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 23 Jan 1933 in At home, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. She married on 30 May 1953 in Immaculate Conception Church, Putnam County, Ottoville, Ohio Elmer Arnold Fischer, born 15 Dec 1929 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio, son of Frank Gerhard Fischer and Agnus M Warneke. Other events for Raylene June Schulte Residence 427 W. First Street, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio 45833. Occupation: Works in Office, I & K Food Company, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio, Retired in 1996. Religion Catholic. Baptism St. John's Catholic Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. Other events for Elmer Arnold Fischer Residence 427 W. First Street, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio 45833. Occupation: I & K Receiving Supervisor, Retired in 1992, O'Neill Food Market, Meat Cutter. Notes for Raylene June Schulte The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 indicates Raylene's occupation: 1995 works in the office of I & K Food, Delphos, Ohio. Per Raylene June Schulte, she retired in 1996. Sources for Raylene June Schulte Birth: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Residence: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Occupation: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Notes for Elmer Arnold Fischer The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 indicates Elmer's occupation: 1993 Meat Cutter in O'Neill Food Mkt,/ Meat Cutter, I & K Receiving Supervisor. Per Raylene June Schulte, Elmer retired in 1992, not 1993. Sources for Elmer Arnold Fischer Birth: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Residence: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Occupation: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Children of Raylene June Schulte and Elmer Arnold Fischer were as follows: + 737 i Diane Annette6 Fischer , born 19 Feb 1954 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married Dennis Paul "Denny" Steinbrenner . Marriage Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . + 738 ii Michael Elmer "Mike"6 Fischer , born 10 Jun 1955 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married Nancy Lee Ricker. Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . + 739 iii Thomas Richard "Tom"6 Fischer , born 27 Apr 1956 in St. Rita's Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married (1) Jill Ellen Gudakunst; (2) Ann Goedde. Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . + 740 iv Paul Douglas6 Fischer , born 1 Apr 1958 in St. Rita's Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married (1) Doneta J Knippen; (2) Sandra "Sandy" Beckman . Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . + 741 v Steven Arnold "Steve"6 Fischer , born 26 Mar 1961 in St. Rita's Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married (1) Cheryl Ann Lenhart; (2) Darlene Hedrick . Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . 402. Gilbert Gene "Gyp"5 Schulte (Ruth Vatula "Tula"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 26 May 1935 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio; died 10 Apr 2006 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried 15 Apr 2006 in St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery, Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio. He married on 28 Jun 1958 in St. John's Catholic Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio Joan Marie "Joannie" Siefker, born 12 Sep 1938 in At home, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio, daughter of John Henry Siefker and Wilma J Landwehr. Other events for Gilbert Gene "Gyp" Schulte Occupation Huffy Bicycle Company, Receiving Department. Military Service Air Force Korean War. Religion Catholic. Residence 290 SW 4th Street, Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio 45844. Other events for Joan Marie "Joannie" Siefker Residence 290 SW 4th Street, Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio 45844. Religion Catholic. Occupation: Shipping and Receiving, Huffy Manufacturing. Notes for Gilbert Gene "Gyp" Schulte He was buried with military rites by VFW Post 3740 and American Legion Post 715, per Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. The obituary for Gilbert G. "Gip" Schulte indicates his nickname is Gip, but according to Raylene June (Schulte) Fischer it should be spelled Gyp. Sources for Gilbert Gene "Gyp" Schulte Birth: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Birth: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 13 Apr 2006, Thursday. Birth: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 11 Apr 2006, Tuesday. Birth: Funeral Prayer Card . Marriage: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 13 Apr 2006, Thursday. Gilbert Gene Schulte obituary. Marriage: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 11 Apr 2006, Tuesday. Gilbert G Schulte obituary . Occupation: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Occupation: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 11 Apr 2006, Tuesday. Military Service: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 11 Apr 2006, Tuesday. Residence: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Death: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 13 Apr 2006, Thursday. Death: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 11 Apr 2006, Tuesday. Death: Funeral Prayer Card . Burial: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 13 Apr 2006, Thursday. Burial: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 11 Apr 2006, Tuesday. Burial: Funeral Prayer Card . Sources for Joan Marie "Joannie" Siefker Birth: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 13 Apr 2006, Thursday. Gilbert Gene Schulte obituary. Marriage: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 11 Apr 2006, Tuesday. Gilbert G Schulte obituary . Residence: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Occupation: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 13 Apr 2006, Thursday. Gilbert G. "Gip" Schulte Obituary. Children of Gilbert Gene "Gyp" Schulte and Joan Marie "Joannie" Siefker were as follows: + 742 i Janet Marie "Jan"6 Schulte, born 31 May 1959 in St. Rita's Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married (1) Karl Brotherwood; (2) Thomas Ray Norseworthy. Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . + 743 ii Mary Ann6 Schulte, born 9 Sep 1960 in St. Rita's Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married (1) Walter Kortokrax; (2) Unknown Eccard or Eckard?. Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . 744 iii Gilbert George "Gippy"6 Schulte, born 13 Nov 1963 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. He married on 20 Mar 1987 Somchai "Penny" Charlovom, born 1 Apr 1939 in Bangkok, Thailand. Other events: Religion Catholic. Occupation: Factory Worker. Residence 102 South Trout Street, Greenwood, South Carolina 29649. Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . 745 iv Roger Lee6 Schulte, born 11 Dec 1966 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. He married Amy Unknown. Other events: Residence 290 SW 4th Street, Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio 45844. Occupation Factory Worker, Willard, Ohio. Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . + 746 v William Joseph "Bill"6 Schulte, born 16 Oct 1968 in St. Rita's Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married (1) Carol Renee Rice; (2) Jenny Unknown. Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . + 747 vi Debbie Lynn6 Schulte, born 25 May 1971 in St. Rita's Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married Elzie Eugene "Butch" Baugh. Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . + 748 vii Brian Gene6 Schulte, born 6 Aug 1977 in St. Rita's Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married (1) Amy Bear; (2) Brianne Unknown. Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . 404. Jerome Arthur "Rome"5 Kleman (Ruth Vatula "Tula"4 Dunlap, 3 2 1 Alexander "Alex" , Joseph "Jos" , Joseph ), born 27 Jan 1948 in At home, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. He married on 21 Jun 1969 in St. Joseph Catholic Church, Winchester, Indiana Wilma Jean Hunt Winchester, Indiana. , born 23 Oct 1945 in Randolph County Hospital, Other events for Jerome Arthur "Rome" Kleman Occupation: Laboratory Manager, Union City Memorial Hospital, Union City, Indiana. Baptism St. John's Catholic Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (1948). Other events for Wilma Jean Hunt Religion Convert from Christian Church to Catholism. Baptism St. Joe's, Winchester, Indiana. Annulment. Sources for Jerome Arthur "Rome" Kleman Birth: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Notes for Wilma Jean Hunt Wilma's first marriage was annulled in 1968 by Pope Paul VI. Sources for Wilma Jean Hunt Marriage: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . + + Children of Jerome Arthur "Rome" Kleman and Wilma Jean Hunt were as follows: 749 i Christina Michelle6 Kleman, born 27 Aug 1970 in Union City Memorial Hospital, Union City, Indiana. She married Bob Allen Yoder. Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . 750 ii Tiffany Rene6 Kleman, born 14 Sep 1972 in Union City Memorial Hospital, Union City, Indiana. She married Roger Caron. Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . 405. Keith Leroy5 Kleman (Ruth Vatula "Tula"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, 2 1 Joseph "Jos" , Joseph ), born 15 Apr 1953 in At home, Putnam County, Ottoville, Ohio. He married on 22 Jul 1978 in Immaculate Conception Church, Ottoville, Ohio Julia Lynn , born 2 Sep 1957 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ricker Ohio, daughter of Edwin Ricker and Janet Wieging . Other events for Keith Leroy Kleman Occupation Pizza Plant Warehouse. Other events for Julia Lynn Ricker Baptism St. John's Catholic Church, Delphos, Ohio (10 Sep 1957). Sources for Keith Leroy Kleman Birth: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Occupation: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Notes for Julia Lynn Ricker The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, March 1996, indicates that her name is Julia Marie. Children of Keith Leroy Kleman and Julia Lynn Ricker were as follows: 751 i Patrick Daniel "Pat"6 Kleman , born 14 Nov 1979 in St. Rita's Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Other events: Baptism St. John's Catholic Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (10 Dec 1978). Notes: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, March 1996, indicates that Patrick was born 14 Nov 1978. 752 ii Angela Marie "Angie"6 Kleman , born 15 Apr 1981 in St. Rita's Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Other events: Baptism St. John's Catholic Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (10 May 1981). Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . 753 iii Theresa Jane6 Kleman , born 2 Aug 1984 in St. Rita's Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Birth Source: Newspaper, Delphos Herald, Delphos, Ohio , 19 May 2003, Monday. 754 iv Steven Bernard "Steve"6 Kleman , born 21 Nov 1988 in St. Rita's Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . 406. George Edward5 Kleman (Ruth Vatula "Tula"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 25 Feb 1956 in At home, Putnam County, Ottoville, Ohio. He married on 17 Oct 1981 in St. Michael's Church, Putnam County, Kalida, Ohio Joyce Marie Ellerbrock , born 19 Feb 1954 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio, daughter of Raymond William Ellerbrock and Alice Marie Ricker . Other events for George Edward Kleman Occupation: Supervisor, Bridge Maintenance, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio. Baptism Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Ottoville, Ohio. Other events for Joyce Marie Ellerbrock Baptism St. Michael's Catholic Church, Kalida, Ohio. Notes for George Edward Kleman George was born in rural Monterey 2 1/2 miles SW of Ottoville, Ohio. Sources for George Edward Kleman Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court . Birth: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Occupation: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Sources for Joyce Marie Ellerbrock Birth: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Children of George Edward Kleman and Joyce Marie Ellerbrock were as follows: 755 i Kimberly Marie "Kim"6 Kleman , born 16 Sep 1982 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married on 11 Aug 2007 in St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio Michael Scott Hewit , son of Rick Hewit and Kathy Mast. Other events: Baptism St. John's Catholic Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. Occupation Motorist Mutual Insurance Company. Occupation Westfield Insurance. Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage Source: Newspaper, Delphos Herald, Delphos, Ohio , 13 Aug 2007. 756 ii Kurt Charles6 Kleman , born 19 Mar 1987 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Other events: Baptism St. John's Catholic Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . 407. Kenneth Wayne "Wayne"5 Fetzer (Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie"4 Dunlap, 3 2 1 Alexander "Alex" , Joseph "Jos" , Joseph ), born 29 Apr 1933 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. He married on 12 Apr 1958 Doris A Hayden, born 8 Mar 1939; died 21 Jan 2000 in Allen County, Spencerville, Ohio. Sources for Doris A Hayden Death: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . + Children of Kenneth Wayne "Wayne" Fetzer and Doris A Hayden were as follows: 757 i Wesley Gene6 Fetzer, born 6 Oct 1958 in Ohio; died 10 Dec 1977 in Killed in accident serving in U.S. Army, in Germany; buried 19 Dec 1977 in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section Dienstberger). Other events: Military Service: U.S. Army, Veteran. Social Security Number: 298-66-1071. Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth Source: Funeral Prayer Card . Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death Source: Funeral Prayer Card . Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Funeral Prayer Card . 758 ii Jeffery6 Fetzer, born 21 Oct 1959. He married Kathleen Unknown. 759 iii Sherry Ann6 Fetzer, born 22 Nov 1960; died 3 Dec 1961 in Ohio; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section AA). Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. 760 iv Randy6 Fetzer, born 2 Mar 1962. Other events: Military Service: + 761 v + 762 763 vi vii 764 viii Served in the U.S. Army and is now in the U.S. Marine Corp. Byron "Barney"6 Fetzer, born 20 Jul 1963. He married Lesa Pittman. Jerry6 Fetzer, born 20 Feb 1965. He married Unknown Unknown. Jackie6 Fetzer, born 24 Apr 1968. Other events: Military Service: Served in the U.S. Army. Keri Ann6 Fetzer , born 18 Apr 1978. She married abt 22 Nov in St. John's the Evangelist Catholic Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio Lee Alan Hickman, son of Dan Hickman and Margaret Sawmiller. Other events: Occupation: Honda of America, Anna Engine Plant. 408. Carlene Marie5 Fetzer (Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie"4 Dunlap, Alexander 3 2 1 "Alex" , Joseph "Jos" , Joseph ), born 5 Jun 1934 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio; died 17 Dec 2006 in At home, Van Wert, Ohio; buried 20 Dec 2006 in Woodland Cemetery, Van Wert, Ohio. She married on 17 Sep 1955 in St. John's Catholic church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio LeVerne Francis Sr. "Vern" Schulte , born 29 Aug 1934 in Kalida, Ohio; died 3 Jan 2008 in At home, Van Wert, Ohio; buried 7 Jan 2008 in Woodland Cemetery, Van Wert, Ohio, son of Frank Schulte Edelbrock and Freda . Other events for Carlene Marie Fetzer Baptism St. John's Catholic Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. Occupation Beautician and cook at Orchard Tree and Country Kitchen Restaurant, Van Wert, Ohio. Religion: Catholic, St. Mary of the Assumption Catholic Church, Van Wert, Ohio. Other events for LeVerne Francis Sr. "Vern" Schulte Religion St. Mary of the Assumption Catholic Church, Van Wert, Ohio. Occupation: Engineering Department, retired after 33 years, West Ohio Gas, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. Baptism St. Michael's, Putnam County, Kalida, Ohio. Sources for Carlene Marie Fetzer Birth: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 18 Dec 2006, Monday. Birth: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 18 Dec 2006, Monday. Birth: Funeral Prayer Card . Marriage: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 18 Dec 2006, Monday. Carlene M Schulte obituary . Marriage: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 18 Dec 2006, Monday. Marriage: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 4 Jan 2008, Friday. Occupation: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 18 Dec 2006, Monday. Occupation: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 18 Dec 2006, Monday. Religion: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 18 Dec 2006, Monday. Religion: Funeral Prayer Card . Death: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 18 Dec 2006, Monday. Death: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 18 Dec 2006, Monday. Death: Funeral Prayer Card . Burial: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 18 Dec 2006, Monday. Burial: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 18 Dec 2006, Monday. Burial: Funeral Prayer Card . Notes for LeVerne Francis Sr. "Vern" Schulte His obituary spells his name as LeVerne, and his wife, Carlene M Schulte's obituary spells his name as LeVerne. Gwendolyn "Dodie" Fetzer's obituary spells his name as LaVerne. Sources for LeVerne Francis Sr. "Vern" Schulte Birth: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 4 Jan 2008, Friday. Marriage: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 18 Dec 2006, Monday. Carlene M Schulte obituary . Marriage: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 18 Dec 2006, Monday. Marriage: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 4 Jan 2008, Friday. Religion: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 4 Jan 2008, Friday. Occupation: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . Death: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 4 Jan 2008, Friday. Burial: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 4 Jan 2008, Friday. Children of Carlene Marie Fetzer and LeVerne Francis Sr. "Vern" Schulte were as follows: + 765 i Charles Donald6 Schulte , born 30 Mar 1956 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married Bobbi Jo Kitchenmaster + 766 ii . LeVerne Francis Jr. "Skeeter or Skets"6 Schulte , born 3 Jul 1957 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married Mary Melania Van Wynsberghe + 767 iii Dennis Eugene6 Schulte . , born 6 Jul 1958 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married Vickie Sue "Vic" Colegrove + 768 iv Mark Anthony6 Schulte , born 31 Jan 1960 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married Cathy Amy Gill + 769 v . . , born 11 Apr 1961 in St. Rita's Mary Elizabeth6 Schulte Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married (1) James Steven "Steve" Hatfield ; (2) Michael Anthony "Mike" Morris; (3) William I Jr. "Bill" Pontius. + 770 vi , born 5 Sep 1962 in St. Rita's Teresa Marie6 Schulte Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married Kenneth Kim Yoh . + 771 vii Deborah Ann "Debbie"6 Schulte , born 30 Aug 1966 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married Unknown Unknown. + 772 viii Dale Alan6 Schulte , born 10 Sep 1968 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married Amelia Ann "Amy" Beougher 409. Orby Gordon5 Fetzer (Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 5 Nov 1935 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. He married on 3 Nov 1956 in St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio Rose Mary "Rosie" Koenig , born 27 Jun 1935 in Paulding County, Paulding, Ohio, daughter of Ralph Koenig and Nina Baughman. Other events for Orby Gordon Fetzer Baptism St. John's Catholic Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. Occupation Retired from Ford Motor Company, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Other events for Rose Mary "Rosie" Koenig Baptism St. Joseph's Church, Paulding County, Paulding, Ohio. Occupation: Retired from New Delphos Mfg. Co. in 1990 . Notes for Orby Gordon Fetzer Orby has a cemetery plot in his name at St. John's Resurrection Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section B-3), per the Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio. . Sources for Orby Gordon Fetzer Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Marriage: Newspaper, Delphos Herald, Delphos, Ohio , 13 Nov 2006, Monday. Occupation: Newspaper, Delphos Herald, Delphos, Ohio , 13 Nov 2006, Monday. Notes for Rose Mary "Rosie" Koenig Rose has a cemetery plot in her name at St. John's Resurrection Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section B-3), per the Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio. Sources for Rose Mary "Rosie" Koenig Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Marriage: Newspaper, Delphos Herald, Delphos, Ohio , 13 Nov 2006, Monday. Occupation: Newspaper, Delphos Herald, Delphos, Ohio , 13 Nov 2006, Monday. Children of Orby Gordon Fetzer and Rose Mary "Rosie" Koenig were as follows: + 773 i John Theodore "Johnny"6 Fetzer , born 1 Dec 1957 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married Sheryl Anne "Sherry" Matson 774 ii . Timothy Michael "Tim"6 Fetzer , born 3 Feb 1961 in Allen County, Ohio; died 18 Jan 1980 in Wan Wert County, Delphos, Ohio; buried in Resurrection Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section B-3). Other events: Social Security Number: 299-62-0143. Notes: Died in an automobile accident on State Route 66 just outside Delphos, Ohio. Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. (Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie"4 410. Philip Dean "Phil or Philboy"5 Fetzer 3 2 1 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex" , Joseph "Jos" , Joseph ), born 3 Apr 1941 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. He married on 22 Jun 1963 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio Sheryl Sue "Sherry" Moore, born 5 Feb 1944 in Bluffton, Ohio, daughter of Victor Moore and Marcella Clark. Other events for Philip Dean "Phil or Philboy" Fetzer Occupation: Bank Courier. Occupation Retired from Ford Motor Company, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Other events for Sheryl Sue "Sherry" Moore Occupation: Delphos Public Library Worker. Children of Philip Dean "Phil or Philboy" Fetzer and Sheryl Sue "Sherry" Moore were as follows: 775 i Gregory Alan "Greg"6 Fetzer, born 21 Oct 1964 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Other events: Illness: Allergy, Hayfever, Penicillin. + 776 ii Rebecca Sue "Becky"6 Fetzer, born 17 Apr 1966 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married (1) Harry Gene Williams; (2) Samual William Geiser. + 777 iii Phillip Michael "Mike"6 Fetzer, born 16 Apr 1972 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married (1) Tara Hummer; (2) Sara Leinendecker; (3) Dawn Spychalski. 411. Phyllis Jean5 Fetzer (Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie"4 Dunlap, Alexander 3 2 1 "Alex" , Joseph "Jos" , Joseph ), born 3 Apr 1941 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. She married (1) abt 23 Apr in St. John's Catholic Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio, divorced Ronald Joseph "Ronnie or Ron or Mouse" Schimmoller , born 15 Dec 1940 in Detroit, Michigan; died 28 Oct 2005 in Putnam Acres Care Center, Ottawa, Ohio; buried in St. Joseph Cemetery, Fort Jennings, Ohio, son of Walter Schimmoller and Yolanda Flanagan; (2) on 10 Feb 1997 in Las Vegas, Nevada Richard David "Dick" Burkholder , born 23 Jul 1931 in Near Bluffton, Ohio; died 24 Apr 2004 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried 1 May 2004 in Pleasant Ridge Cemetery, Pandora, Ohio, son of Clarence Burkholder and Elvina Suter. Other events for Phyllis Jean Fetzer Occupation Phillips, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio. Other events for Ronald Joseph "Ronnie or Ron or Mouse" Schimmoller Religion: Catholic. Other events for Richard David "Dick" Burkholder Occupation: Philips Corporation, Ottawa, Ohio (44 years, retired), Farmer. Religion Grace Mennonite Church, Pandora, Ohio. Notes for Ronald Joseph "Ronnie or Ron or Mouse" Schimmoller Ronald's biological father's name is ?, and biological mother's name is ? Sources for Ronald Joseph "Ronnie or Ron or Mouse" Schimmoller Birth: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 31 Oct 2005, Monday. Death: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 31 Oct 2005, Monday. Burial: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 31 Oct 2005, Monday. Sources for Richard David "Dick" Burkholder Birth: Obituary . Birth: Funeral Prayer Card . Occupation: Obituary . Religion: Obituary . Death: Obituary . Death: Funeral Prayer Card . Burial: Obituary . Burial: Funeral Prayer Card . Children of Phyllis Jean Fetzer and Ronald Joseph "Ronnie or Ron or Mouse" Schimmoller were as follows: + 778 i Ricky Dean6 Schimmoller, died bef Oct 2005. Death Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 31 Oct 2005, Monday. Ronald J "Mouse" Schimmoller obituary. 779 ii Thomas Lee "Tom"6 Schimmoller , born 26 Feb 1962 in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He married Donna Jean Horstman + 780 iii + 781 iv + 782 v + 783 vi . Kelly Jean6 Schimmoller, born 20 Jul 1963 in Fort Wayne, Indiana. She married Anthony Joseph "Tony" Recker. Duane Edward6 Schimmoller, born 26 Aug 1964 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married JoAnn Sue Ladd. Della Marie6 Schimmoller, born 2 Oct 1965 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married Kevin Lee Wenninger. Jennifer Lynn "Jenny"6 Schimmoller 1973. She married Kirk Harold Perry. , born 4 Jan Children of Phyllis Jean Fetzer and Richard David "Dick" Burkholder were as follows: 784 i Brenda6 Burkholder. 785 ii Susan6 Burkholder. She married William Beymer. 412. Paul Justin5 Fetzer (Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 22 Aug 1944 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married on 20 May 1967 in St. John's Catholic Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio Diana Jean "Diane" Cooley, born 12 Apr 1947 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio, daughter of James W Cooley and Florentine E "Honey" Martin . Other events for Paul Justin Fetzer Occupation Retired from GM Powertrain, Defiance County, Defiance, Ohio. Notes for Diana Jean "Diane" Cooley Her father or mother's name is Honey Cooley. Children of Paul Justin Fetzer and Diana Jean "Diane" Cooley were as follows: + , born 11 Oct 1969. 786 i Douglas "Doug"6 Fetzer 787 ii Cindy Jo6 Fetzer , born 23 Jul 1979. She married Bruce Edward Troyer. Marriage Source: Newspaper, The Crescent-News, Defiance, Ohio , 19 Aug 2002, Monday. (Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie"4 Dunlap, 413. Ronald John "Ronnie"5 Fetzer Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 24 Apr 1946 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married on 16 Aug 1969 in St. John's Catholic Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio Monica Lynn "Lynn" Kraft, born 9 Jan 1951 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. Other events for Ronald John "Ronnie" Fetzer Military Service: Served with 101st Airborn as a medic in Vietnam.. Children of Ronald John "Ronnie" Fetzer and Monica Lynn "Lynn" Kraft were as follows: + 788 i Ronald Brian "Brian"6 Fetzer , born 1 Jan 1970 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married (1) Shelley Renee Woods; (2) Amanda Suzanne "Mandy" Hoehn . + 789 ii Scott Lee6 Fetzer , born 22 Mar 1971 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married Nicole Lynn "Nikki" Putt. 414. William Louis "Woody"5 Fetzer (Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 24 Sep 1948 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married (1) Debra "Debbie" Renner; (2) on 25 Aug 1979 in St. Marys Catholic Church, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio Cathleene A "Cathy" Krugh Vaske. , born 13 Sep 1949, daughter of Byron D Krugh and Bette J Other events for William Louis "Woody" Fetzer Occupation Crown, Mercer County, Celina, Ohio. Military Service: Marines with an Honorable Discharge 1968-1972. Baptism St. John's Catholic Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (1948). Other events for Cathleene A "Cathy" Krugh Occupation: Citifinancial, Inc., Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio. Baptism St. Marys Catholic Church, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio (Sep 1949). Children of William Louis "Woody" Fetzer and Debra "Debbie" Renner were as follows: + 790 i William Lee6 Fetzer, born 2 Feb 1971. He married Barbara Lee Fingerhut. 791 ii Jamie Patrick Joseph6 Fetzer, born 10 Mar 1973. + Children of William Louis "Woody" Fetzer and Cathleene A "Cathy" Krugh were as follows: 792 i Brandon Thomas6 Fetzer, born 10 Jul 1975. He married Coral Suzanne Hardeman. 415. Terry Lee5 Fetzer (Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie"4 Dunlap, Alexander 3 2 1 "Alex" , Joseph "Jos" , Joseph ), born 29 Nov 1950 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married in Jul 1974 in Van Wert, Ohio, divorced Rebecca "Becky" Lucas, born 20 Feb 1952 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; died in Allen County, Lima, Ohio, daughter of Unknown Lucas and Dora M Stuttler. Other events for Terry Lee Fetzer Marriage Van Wert, Ohio (Jun 1976). Other events for Rebecca "Becky" Lucas Marriage Van Wert, Ohio (Jun 1976). Notes for Rebecca "Becky" Lucas Rebecca Lucas was married to Terry Lee Fetzer twice and divorced twice. + Children of Terry Lee Fetzer and Rebecca "Becky" Lucas were as follows: 793 i Cory Michael6 Fetzer, born 22 May 1978. He married Amber Ann Unknown. 794 ii Kristine Nichole6 Fetzer, born 22 Aug 1980. 416. Gary Lee5 Fetzer (Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 29 Nov 1950 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married (1) on 6 May 1972, divorced Susan Sexton, daughter of Unknown Sexton and Unknown Unknown; (2) on 27 Jul 1979 Sherry Meeks; (3) on 25 Jul 1987 Barb Sexton, born 5 Jun 1951, daughter of Unknown Sexton and Unknown Unknown. Children of Gary Lee Fetzer and Susan Sexton were as follows: 795 i Shane6 Fetzer. 417. Herbert Anthony "Herb or Herbie"5 Fetzer (Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 29 Sep 1954 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married abt 28 Feb in Van Wert, Ohio, divorced Andrea Rose Chavarria, born 19 Sep 1960, daughter of Rumaldo Chavarria and Thelma Unknown. Children of Herbert Anthony "Herb or Herbie" Fetzer and Andrea Rose Chavarria were as follows: 796 i Bruce Allen "Chico"6 Fetzer, born 16 Aug 1981 in Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio; died 10 Apr 2006 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried 14 Apr 2006 in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section Z-2). Other events: Occupation: Self-employed. Graduation New Bremen High School and Miami Valley Vocational School as a machinist. Religion: Catholic, St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church. Notes: The Delphos Herald Newspaper on 10 Apr 2006, has an aritical on the "2 hospitalized after ATV-car-crash". Birth Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 11 Apr 2006, Tuesday. Birth Source: Funeral Prayer Card . Death Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 11 Apr 2006, Tuesday. Death Source: Funeral Prayer Card . Burial Source: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 11 Apr 2006, Tuesday. Burial Source: Funeral Prayer Card . Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. (Nellie Erma "Nell"4 Dunlap, 418. Mary Catherine "Toodles"5 Vogt Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 14 Mar 1938 in At home on North Main Street, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. She married on 9 Jan 1960 in St. John The Evangelist Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio William Craig "Bill" Buschor , born 26 Nov 1938 in Allen County, Marion Township, Delphos, Ohio, son of William Henry Buschor and Florence Lavone Mericle . Other events for Mary Catherine "Toodles" Vogt Occupation: Registered Nurse (RN). Religion: Catholic. Residence 609 N. Main Street, Delphos, Ohio (14 Mar 1938). Other events for William Craig "Bill" Buschor Religion: Catholic. Occupation: Architect. Military Service: Naval ROTC. Baptism St. John's Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (4 Dec 1938). Residence 701 Hyde Park Drive, Dayton, Ohio 45429 (May 2008). Sources for Mary Catherine "Toodles" Vogt Birth: Certificate of Birth . Marriage: Marriage License , Probate Court, Van Wert County, Ohio, No. 219. Residence: Certificate of Birth . Notes for William Craig "Bill" Buschor Craig Avenue in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio, was named after William Craig Buschor, and William Craig Buschor was named after Howard Ellis Criag, by Florence Lavone Buschor (Mericle). Sources for William Craig "Bill" Buschor Birth: Certificate of Birth . Marriage: Marriage License , Probate Court, Van Wert County, Ohio, No. 219. Baptism: Certificate of Baptism . Children of Mary Catherine "Toodles" Vogt and William Craig "Bill" Buschor were as follows: + 797 i Brenda Marie6 Buschor , born 24 Oct 1960 in Mt. Carmel Mercy Hospital, Wayne County, Detroit, Michigan. She married Barry Wayne Savage . Birth Source: Certificate of Birth . Marriage Source: Certificate of Marriage . + 798 ii Daniel Craig "Dan"6 Buschor , born 12 Mar 1962 in Holy Cross Hospital, Wayne County, Detroit, Michigan. He married (1) Kathryn Kay "Kathy or Katie" Andrews ; (2) Teresa Lynn Dinkins . Birth Source: Certificate of Birth . + 799 iii Yvonne Jean "Tonn"6 Buschor , born 5 Feb 1963 in Detroit, Michigan. She married (1) George Russell Jr. "Rusty" Curry; (2) Rex Cottrill. + 800 iv Douglas James "Doug"6 Buschor , born 22 Feb 1964 in St. Elizabeth Hospital, Montgomery County, Dayton, Ohio. He married Kimberly Ann "Kim" Ohmer . + 801 v Lisa Ann6 Buschor , born 15 Aug 1969 in St. Elizabeth Hospital, Montgomery County, Dayton, Ohio. She married Ralph Stewart III "Stew" Hirsch. + 802 vi Jennifer Lee "Jenny"6 Buschor , born 4 Apr 1975 in Kettering Memorial Hospital, Montgomery County, Kettering, Ohio. She married Stephen Matthew Fuchs. 420. LaDonna Marie "Donna"5 Vogt (Nellie Erma "Nell"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 28 Dec 1951 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married on 9 Oct 1971 in St. John's Catholic Church, Allen , born 27 Dec 1949 in St. County, Delphos, Ohio John Thomas Sanders Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio, son of Anthony Frank "Tony" Sanders and Dorothy Bernadine Hellman . Other events for LaDonna Marie "Donna" Vogt Religion Catholic. Occupation: Housewife & newspaper carrier for Toledo Blade. Baptism St. John's Catholic Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. Residence 159 Wilson Street, Defiance County, Defiance, Ohio 43512 (May 2008). Other events for John Thomas Sanders Baptism Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Putnam County, Ottoville, Ohio. Military Service: Army Natinal Guard, Rank - Specialist 4th Class, Support Co. 1-148th Infantry, Honorable Discharge 25 May 1976, (Enlishment 26 Feb 1970). Religion Catholic. Occupation: Factory worker, General Motors Powertrain Plant, Defiance County, Defiance, Ohio. Children of LaDonna Marie "Donna" Vogt and John Thomas Sanders were as follows: 803 i Janelle Renee6 Sanders , born 12 Aug 1979 in St. Vincent Medical Center, Lucas County, Toledo. She married on 23 Aug 2003 in St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, Butler County, West , born 3 Sep Chester, Ohio Richard John III "Rich" Smith 1974, son of Richard John Jr. Smith and Freda Mae Hudson. Other events: Occupation: Radiology. Religion Catholic. Baptism St. Mary Catholic Church, Defiance County, Defiance, Ohio (25 Nov 1979). Notes: Janelle's biological father's name is is David Truitt, and biological mother's name is Kathleen "Kat" Binder (Maiden Name is Smith). Adopted by John Thomas Sanders and LaDonna Marie Vogt on 22 Oct 1979. 804 ii David Michael "Dave"6 Sanders , born 1 Apr 1987 in Mercy Hospital, Seneca County, Tiffin, Ohio. Other events: Religion Catholic. Baptism St. John's Catholic Church, Defiance County, Defiance, Ohio (14 Jun 1987). Notes: David's biological father's name is ?, and biological mother's name is ? Adopted by John Thomas Sanders and LaDonna Marie Vogt on 8 May 1987. 421. Ruth Ann "Ruthie"5 Dunlap (Robert Herbert Isadore "Herb or Bud"4, 3 2 1 Alexander "Alex" , Joseph "Jos" , Joseph ), born 2 Sep 1943 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married on 5 Sep 1964 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio, divorced Ronald P "Ronnie" Wittler Luella C Grothouse. , born 20 Sep 1943, son of Paul Wittler and Children of Ruth Ann "Ruthie" Dunlap and Ronald P "Ronnie" Wittler were as follows: + 805 i Robert Paul "Rob"6 Wittler , born 20 May 1966 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married Patricia Ann Smith + 806 ii Richard Shawn "Rick"6 Wittler , born 30 Mar 1970 in . Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married Dee Diane Fox + 807 iii . Rana Louise6 Wittler , born 13 May 1972 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married Robert Bruce Jr. "Bruce" Komarek . 423. James Robert "Jim"5 Dunlap (Robert Herbert Isadore "Herb or Bud"4, 3 2 1 Alexander "Alex" , Joseph "Jos" , Joseph ), born 12 Oct 1948. He married in 1969 in Presbyterian Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio Anita Kathleen Chiles, born 11 Oct 1948, daughter of Harvey Chiles and Vera Roeder. Children of James Robert "Jim" Dunlap and Anita Kathleen Chiles were as follows: + + 808 809 i ii Kimberly Rene "Kim"6 Dunlap , born 7 Oct 1973 in Toledo Hospital, Lucas County, Toledo, Ohio. She married (1) Shawn James Theobald ; (2) Brian Lee Riddell. Marriage Source: Newspaper, Delphos Herald, Delphos, Ohio , 7 Aug 1996, Saturday. Bryan Thomas6 Dunlap, born 8 Mar 1977 in Toledo Hospital, Lucas County, Toledo, Ohio. He married Corrine Anne Flick. 425. Steven Lynn "Steve"5 Fetzer (Leah Catherine4 Dunlap, Alexander 3 2 1 "Alex" , Joseph "Jos" , Joseph ), born 25 Sep 1945 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married on 7 Oct 1967 in Fort Wayne, Indiana Judith Ann "Judy" Widmer, born 9 Aug 1946 in St. Joseph Hospital, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Children of Steven Lynn "Steve" Fetzer and Judith Ann "Judy" Widmer were as follows: + 810 i Catherine Elizabeth6 Fetzer, born 15 May 1968. She married Unknown Unknown. + 811 ii Julia Ann6 Fetzer, born 21 Feb 1971. She married Michael Lee Csuhta. 812 iii Steven Lynn Jr.6 Fetzer, born 25 Oct 1974. 426. Roxanna Louise "Roxie"5 Fetzer (Leah Catherine4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 21 Nov 1947 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married on 28 Sep 1968 Richard Rolland "Dick" Shank , born 4 Oct 1946 in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Children of Roxanna Louise "Roxie" Fetzer and Richard Rolland "Dick" Shank were as follows: + 813 i LeAnn Marie6 Shank Scott Donald Hantz. , born 29 Jul 1969. She married + 814 ii Richard Robert "Dick or Tuffy or Rich"6 Shank Mar 1972. He married Unknown Unknown. , born 4 + 815 iii Dawn Renee6 Shank married Aaron Michael Steffel. , born 20 Mar 1975. She 427. Vickie Lee5 Fetzer (Leah Catherine4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 8 Dec 1951 in St. Joseph Hospital, Fort Wayne, Indiana. She married on 18 Dec 1971 in Fort Wayne Cathedral, Fort Wayne, Indiana Patrick Elvin "Pat" Winchester, born 11 Dec 1950 in Fort Wayne, Indiana. + Children of Vickie Lee Fetzer and Patrick Elvin "Pat" Winchester were as follows: 816 i Brian Christopher6 Winchester, born 23 Nov 1973. He married Felicia Ann Fuentes. 817 ii Laura Kay6 Winchester, born 1 Nov 1976. She married on 17 Jul 1999 in St. Thomas the Apostle Church, Elkhart, Indiana Christopher Richard Webber, born 27 Dec 1972. 818 iii Chad Michael6 Winchester, born 18 May 1978. 428. Robert Louis "Bobbie"5 Fetzer (Leah Catherine4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 5 Aug 1953. He married on 13 May 1978 Amy Jean Castellana, born 4 Dec 1956. Children of Robert Louis "Bobbie" Fetzer and Amy Jean Castellana were as follows: 819 i Nicholas Robert6 Fetzer, born 30 Jul 1983. 820 ii Zachary Cain6 Fetzer, born 10 Jan 1987. 429. Tina Marie5 Fetzer (Leah Catherine4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph 2 1 "Jos" , Joseph ), born 13 Jan 1956. She married on 25 Jun 1988 Roy Ignatius Tusa, born 14 Dec 1959. Children of Tina Marie Fetzer and Roy Ignatius Tusa were as follows: 821 i , born 8 Dec 1989. Angela Marie6 Tusa 431. Paula Kay5 Dunlap (Paul Lavern "Bill"4, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 23 Jan 1951 in St. Rita's Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married on 16 Sep 1972 in Westview United Methodist Church, Cridersville, Ohio Jerry Edwin McComas County, Lima, Ohio. , born 14 Nov 1950 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen Children of Paula Kay Dunlap and Jerry Edwin McComas were as follows: + 822 i Misty Dawn6 McComas , born 23 Apr 1975 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married Matthew Wayne Kishbaugh . 823 ii Brandy Michelle6 McComas , born 26 Jun 1979 in San Angelo Community Hospital, San Angelo, Texas. 824 iii Rachel Elizabeth "Elizabeth"6 McComas , born 28 Mar 1986 in Wesley Community Hospital, Wichita, Kansas. 432. Susan Marie "Suzie"5 Dunlap (Paul Lavern "Bill"4, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 21 Mar 1953 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married (1) on 21 Oct 1972, divorced Terry Paul Fair, born 22 Jul 1953 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; (2) on 29 Aug 1981 William Roosevelt "Bill" Jordan, born 7 May 1953 in Nashville, Tennessee. + Children of Susan Marie "Suzie" Dunlap and Terry Paul Fair were as follows: 825 i Melissa Marie6 Fair, born 30 Nov 1974 in Puerto Rico. 826 ii Terry Paul6 Fair, born 27 Mar 1977 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married April Shrider. 433. Claudia Jean "Jeannie"5 Dunlap (Paul Lavern "Bill"4, Alexander "Alex"3, 2 1 Joseph "Jos" , Joseph ), born 3 May 1956 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married (1) in Nov 1976, divorced Ronald Lee "Ron" Casebolt, born 9 Apr 1948 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio; (2) in Nov 1972, divorced Terry Lynn Place, born 19 Jan 1955. Other events for Claudia Jean "Jeannie" Dunlap Religion Church Methodist Chuch, Auglaize County, Cridersville, Ohio. Divorce (Sep 1975). Divorce (Mar 1983). Other events for Ronald Lee "Ron" Casebolt Military Service Army (1967). Divorce (Mar 1983). Other events for Terry Lynn Place Divorce (Sep 1975). Children of Claudia Jean "Jeannie" Dunlap and Ronald Lee "Ron" Casebolt were as follows: + 827 i Angela Nicole "Angie"6 Casebolt , born 24 Feb 1978 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married (1) Jason Damian Fyffe; (2) Tim Herman; (3) Mike William. + 828 ii Kevin Paul6 Casebolt , born 24 Sep 1980 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married Cortney Moorman . Children of Claudia Jean "Jeannie" Dunlap and Terry Lynn Place were as follows: 829 i , born 23 May 1973 in Lima Kathryn Marie "Kathy"6 Place Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. 434. Deborah Lynette "Debbie"5 Dunlap (Kenneth Alexander "Kenny"4, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 5 Oct 1953 in Fort Sill Oklahoma Military Hospital, Oklahoma. She married in Jul 1975 in Weaver Chapel, Wittenberg University, Springfield, Ohio Jamie Lee Haycox, born 13 Apr 1953. Other events for Deborah Lynette "Debbie" Dunlap Occupation: Teacher, Clark/Shawnee. Other events for Jamie Lee Haycox Occupation: Computer Programmer Specialist. Children of Deborah Lynette "Debbie" Dunlap and Jamie Lee Haycox were as follows: 830 i 831 ii Brandon Michael6 Haycox , born 9 Dec 1979 in Community Hospital, Springfield, Ohio. Andrew Ryan6 Haycox, born 16 Sep 1983 in Community Hospital, Springfield, Ohio. 832 iii Christopher Blake6 Haycox, born 6 Feb 1986 in Community Hospital, Springfield, Ohio. (Kenneth Alexander "Kenny"4, 435. Chrisanne Elaine "Chrissy"5 Dunlap 3 2 1 Alexander "Alex" , Joseph "Jos" , Joseph ), born 14 Oct 1955. She married on 17 May 1986 in Weaver Chapel, Wittenberg University, Springfield, Ohio Jeffery Lee Mowell, born 2 Jun 1962. Other events for Chrisanne Elaine "Chrissy" Dunlap Occupation: Teacher, Springfield City Schools, Springfield, Ohio. Other events for Jeffery Lee Mowell Occupation: Traffic Technician. Children of Chrisanne Elaine "Chrissy" Dunlap and Jeffery Lee Mowell were as follows: 833 i Jillian Kristine6 Mowell , born 10 May 1988 in Community Hospital, Springfield, Ohio. 834 ii Philip Martin Robert6 Mowell Community Hospital, Springfield, Ohio. , born 14 Apr 1992 in 436. Kenneth Brent "Brent"5 Dunlap (Kenneth Alexander "Kenny"4, 3 2 1 Alexander "Alex" , Joseph "Jos" , Joseph ), born 28 Sep 1960 in Community Hospital, Springfield, Ohio. He married on 18 Jun 1983 in Weaver Chapel, Wittenberg University, Springfield, Ohio Carol Jean Poland. Other events for Kenneth Brent "Brent" Dunlap Occupation: Engineer, General Motors Delco. Other events for Carol Jean Poland Occupation: Teacher, Springfield City Schools, Springfield, Ohio. Children of Kenneth Brent "Brent" Dunlap and Carol Jean Poland were as follows: 835 i Craig Tyler6 Dunlap, born 13 Sep 1984 in University of Tennessee Hospital, Knoxville, Tennessee. 836 ii Molly Elizabeth6 Dunlap, born 3 Apr 1989 in Cincinnati Jewish Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio. 837 iii Mitchell Thomas6 Dunlap, born 3 Oct 1995 in Cincinnati Jewish Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio. 449. Alice Jane "Jane"5 Kundert (Lulu Geraldine "Jerry"4 Schindler, Martha3 Dunlap, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 22 Feb 1943 in Van Wert County, Ohio. She married (1) Frederick Eugene "Buddy" Sargent; (2) John Flinchum, died 1987; (3) Harlon Elliott Boone. Children of Alice Jane "Jane" Kundert and Frederick Eugene "Buddy" Sargent were as follows: + 838 i Frederick Eugene Jr. "Buddy or Bud"6 Sargent Dec 1960. He married Beth Perry. 839 ii Kelly Paul Sr6 Sargent Karen Brown. , born 29 , born 26 Dec 1961. He married Children of Alice Jane "Jane" Kundert and John Flinchum were as follows: + 840 i Johnnie Carlyle6 Flinchum married Teresa Powell. , born 14 Aug 1964. He 841 ii Adam Jay6 Flinchum , born 11 Jan 1968. 452. Lois Jean5 Buettner (Opal Helena4 Dunlap, Edward3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 1 Apr 1929 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. She married on 23 May 1953 in Westside United Methodist Church, Columbus, Ohio Donald Ver "Don" Barth, born 20 Feb 1929 in Washington County, Marietta, Ohio, son of Clarence Barth and Vergie Shaw. Other events for Lois Jean Buettner Occupation: Stuttgart Country Club, Stuttgart, Arkansas, Retired. Other events for Donald Ver "Don" Barth Occupation: Lennox Industries, Stuttgart, Arkansas, Retired. + Children of Lois Jean Buettner and Donald Ver "Don" Barth were as follows: 842 i Jeanne Renae6 Barth, born 30 Jan 1959 in University Hospital, Columbus, Ohio. She married (1) Lester Cole; (2) Alan Green. 453. Robert Edward5 Buettner (Opal Helena4 Dunlap, Edward3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 29 May 1930 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. He married on 3 Sep 1950 Eloise Adams, born 4 Mar 1931 in Allen County, Ohio, daughter of Ernest Adams and Mary Unknown. + + + Children of Robert Edward Buettner and Eloise Adams were as follows: 843 i Janice Elaine6 Buettner, born 22 Jan 1952 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married Jeffrey Pheneger. 844 ii Dennis Wayne6 Buettner, born 19 Sep 1954 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married Cynthia Mullenour. 845 iii Mary Beth6 Buettner, born 10 Feb 1966 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married (1) Joe Ogle; (2) Jeffrey Weis. 454. Wanda Lou5 Buettner (Opal Helena4 Dunlap, Edward3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 3 Aug 1934 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. She married (1), divorced James Michel; (2) Roger Heffner. Children of Wanda Lou Buettner and James Michel were as follows: 846 i + 847 ii + 848 iii + 849 iv Timothy James6 Michel, born 8 May 1955 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married (1) in Aug 1974, divorced Roxie Morrison; (2), divorced Sue Unknown; (3) June Unknown, born 29 Sep 1957. Notes: Has 2 children, Joshua Beau Michel (born 17 Sep 1982) and Amber Tanent Michel (born 27 May 1987), but don't know whom the mother is ? Joyce Gloria6 Michel, born 7 Jun 1956 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married Gary Haunstein. John Joe Fredrick6 Michel, born 5 Feb 1958 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married Deanna Montgomery. Charity Luann6 Michel, born 9 Jun 1961 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married (1) James J "Jay" Follas; (2) Ward Guinther. 456. Darrel Lee5 Buettner (Opal Helena4 Dunlap, Edward3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 22 May 1947 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married on 15 Jul 1983, divorced Nancy Cummins, born 24 Aug 1950 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio, daughter of Byron Cummins and Dorothy Unknown. + + Children of Darrel Lee Buettner and Nancy Cummins were as follows: 850 i Monica Lynn6 Buettner, born 3 Jul 1967 in Charleton, South Carolina. She married Eric Erickson. 851 ii Wesley Allen6 Buettner, born 19 Oct 1969 in Charleton, South Carolina. He married Linda Miller. 457. James5 Buettner (Wava P4 Dunlap, Edward3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1). He married JoAnn Schmidt. Children of James Buettner and JoAnn Schmidt were as follows: 852 i Todd6 Buettner, born 20 Jan 1969; died 25 Jul 1992; buried in Resurrection Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section L-1). Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. + 853 ii David "Dave"6 Buettner . He married Molly Drerup. 468. Samuel5 Wells (Simeon (or Samuel)4, Samuel3, Nancy2 Dunlap, Joseph1). He married Rena Hunt. Children of Samuel Wells and Rena Hunt were as follows: 854 i Milton6 Wells. 855 ii Florence6 Wells. 856 iii Lena6 Wells. 857 iv Charles6 Wells. 858 v Everett6 Wells. 859 vi Bryan6 Wells. 469. Frank5 Wells (Simeon (or Samuel)4, Samuel3, Nancy2 Dunlap, Joseph1). He married Etta Magill. Children of Frank Wells and Etta Magill were as follows: 860 i Helen6 Wells. 861 ii Vetulla6 Wells. 483. Robert E5 Kennedy (Stella Bell4 Dunlap, William Heron3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 1920. He married Vera June Nagle. Notes for Robert E Kennedy Per Lindsey Sue Kennedy, Robert lived in Akron, Ohio. Children of Robert E Kennedy and Vera June Nagle were as follows: 862 i Susan Kay "Sue"6 Kennedy, born 1956. She married George F Lindsey. 485. Erdine M5 Dunlap (James Franklin "Frank"4, John Wesley3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 18 Jun 1901 in Putnam County, Monterey Township, Ohio. She married on 29 Mar 1919 in M. E. Church, Putnam County, Kalida, Ohio Columbus Bowersock, born 17 Feb 1901 in Van Wert, Ohio, son of John Bowersock and Jennie Adams. Sources for Erdine M Dunlap Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Birth Record 3, Vol 4, page 51. Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 11, page 446. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 11, page 446. Sources for Columbus Bowersock Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 11, page 446. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 11, page 446. Children of Erdine M Dunlap and Columbus Bowersock were as follows: 863 i Lorenzo Marvin6 Bowersock, born 26 Feb 1920 in Van Wert County, Ohio; died 6 Feb 1994 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried 9 Feb 1994 in Buckland Cemetery, Buckland, Ohio. He married Mary E Wilson. Other events: Occupation: Construction, Heavy Equipment Operator. Social Security Number: 281-18-3508. Residence 803 Daisy Drive, Auglaize County, Wapakoneta, Ohio 45895 (6 Feb 1994). Birth Source: Certificate of Death . Death Source: Certificate of Death . Burial Source: Certificate of Death . 487. David Franklin5 Dunlap (James Franklin "Frank"4, John Wesley3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 3 May 1902. He married Leona Ballman. Children of David Franklin Dunlap and Leona Ballman were as follows: 864 i Richard Eugene6 Dunlap. 865 ii Charles David6 Dunlap. 488. Charles Emmett5 Dunlap (James Franklin "Frank"4, John Wesley3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 28 Sep 1903; died 18 Sep 1975 in Van Wert County Hospital, Van Wert, Ohio; buried 20 Sep 1975 in Middlecreek Cemetery, Grover Hill, Ohio. He married, divorced Ruth N Vetter, born 11 Jun 1908; died 4 Dec 1977 in Van Wert County Hospital, Van Wert, Ohio; buried 7 Dec 1977 in Woodland Cemetery, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio, daughter of Martin Vetter and Sophia Shaffner. Other events for Charles Emmett Dunlap Social Security Number: 310-09-2334, Indiana (bef 1951). Residence Zimmerman Ave, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio 45891 (18 Sep 1975). Other events for Ruth N Vetter Social Security Number: 208-18-6065. Occupation: Production Employee, National Seal. Residence 490 Shaffer Street, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio (4 Dec 1977). Sources for Charles Emmett Dunlap Birth: Certificate of Death . Birth: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Social Security Number: Certificate of Death . Residence: Certificate of Death . Residence: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Residence: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 . Death: Certificate of Death . Death: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 , Vol 22226, Cert 069211. Burial: Certificate of Death . Sources for Ruth N Vetter Birth: Certificate of Death . Social Security Number: Certificate of Death . Occupation: Certificate of Death . Residence: Certificate of Death . Death: Certificate of Death . Burial: Certificate of Death . Children of Charles Emmett Dunlap and Ruth N Vetter were as follows: 866 i Robert Eugene6 Dunlap. Other events: Residence 1301 Dakota, Bellefontaine, Ohio 43311 (4 Dec 1977). 496. Berl A5 Dunlap (Emmet4, John Wesley3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 2 Mar 1914; died 26 Aug 1994 in Lutheran Hospital, Fort Wayne, Indiana; buried in Middlecrest Cemetery, rural Grover Hill, Ohio. He married on 24 Dec 1931 Mary Esther Caris, born 25 Apr 1911 in Ohio; died 17 May 1971 in Van Wert County Hospital, Van Wert, Ohio; buried 20 May 1971 in Middle Creek Cemetery, Paulding County, Ohio, daughter of Clark Caris and Ella Glaze. Other events for Berl A Dunlap Social Security Number: 299-07-2228, Ohio (bef 1951). Residence Allen County, Fort Wayne, Indiana, 46818 (26 Aug 1994). Other events for Mary Esther Caris Occupation: Cook, Hoaglin Jackson School. Residence 504 E. Third St., Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio 45891 (17 May 1971). Sources for Berl A Dunlap Birth: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Social Security Number: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Residence: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 31 Aug 1994, Wednesday. Death: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Sources for Mary Esther Caris Birth: Certificate of Death . Occupation: Certificate of Death . Residence: Certificate of Death . Death: Certificate of Death . Burial: Certificate of Death . + + Children of Berl A Dunlap and Mary Esther Caris were as follows: 867 i Margaret6 Dunlap, born 11 Jul 1932. She married (1) Unknown Flanagan; (2) Unknown Nutt; (3) Carl Beards. 868 ii Glenn Dean6 Dunlap, born 2 Jun 1937. He married Bonnie Parks. 869 iii Janet6 Dunlap, born 15 Jun 1939. She married on 9 Jun 1957 David Myers. 497. Howard5 Dunlap (Emmet4, John Wesley3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 17 Oct 1921. He married on 18 Oct 1942 Ruth Alspaugh. + Children of Howard Dunlap and Ruth Alspaugh were as follows: 870 i Judith Kay6 Dunlap, born 22 Aug 1943. She married on 2 Jul 1966 David Barr. 871 ii Jerry6 Dunlap, born 27 Jan 1946. He married Ellen Browning. 872 iii Joyce6 Dunlap, born 27 Jan 1946. 873 iv Jean Ann6 Dunlap, born 23 May 1951. 874 v James Howard6 Dunlap, born 11 Jan 1953. 498. Richard5 Dunlap (Emmet4, John Wesley3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 25 Mar 1923. He married on 22 Jun 1947 Dorothy Irene "Irene" Sealscott, born 26 Jun 1927 in Ohio; died 14 Jan 1986 in Van Wert County Hospital, Van Wert, Ohio; buried 17 Jan 1986 in Ridge Cemetery, Van Wert County, Ohio, daughter of Lester Sealscott and Hazel Rogers. Other events for Richard Dunlap Residence Rt. 2, Van Wert County, Fort Jennings, Ohio 45844 (14 Jan 1986). Other events for Dorothy Irene "Irene" Sealscott Social Security Number: 292-22-2078. Occupation: Beautician, Beauty Shop. Residence Rt. 2, Van Wert County, Fort Jennings, Ohio 45844 (14 Jan 1986). Sources for Dorothy Irene "Irene" Sealscott Birth: Certificate of Death . Social Security Number: Certificate of Death . Occupation: Certificate of Death . Residence: Certificate of Death . Death: Certificate of Death . Burial: Certificate of Death . + Children of Richard Dunlap and Dorothy Irene "Irene" Sealscott were as follows: 875 i Vicky6 Dunlap, born 18 Jun 1948. She married Ed Bailey. 876 ii Susan6 Dunlap, born 29 Jun 1953. 499. Bernice5 Mosier (Myrtle4 Dunlap, Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1). She married Russell Miller. + + Children of Bernice Mosier and Russell Miller were as follows: 877 i Eugene6 Miller. He married Irene Unknown. 878 ii Clayton6 Miller. 879 iii Phyllis6 Miller. 880 iv Phillip6 Miller. 881 v Kenneth6 Miller. He married Unknown Unknown. 500. Frances5 Mosier (Myrtle4 Dunlap, Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1). She married (1) Lowell Sidle; (2) John Sherrick. + Children of Frances Mosier and Lowell Sidle were as follows: 882 i Larry6 Sidle. 883 ii Janet6 Sidle. She married Charles Minyoung. 884 iii Nancy6 Sidle. She married Walter Roehm. Children of Frances Mosier and John Sherrick were as follows: 885 i Barbara6 Sherrick. 502. Roland5 Mosier (Myrtle4 Dunlap, Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 24 Nov 1908; died 15 Feb 1954. He married on 7 Nov 1928 Oma Shivley. + + + Children of Roland Mosier and Oma Shivley were as follows: 886 i Carl W6 Mosier, born 30 Mar 1929. He married Dorothy Crow. 887 ii Donnabelle6 Mosier, born 31 Dec 1935. She married Melvin Davis. 888 iii Carolyn Jean6 Mosier, born 13 Oct 1941. She married Royce High. 503. William Harold5 Mosier (Myrtle4 Dunlap, Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 14 Jul 1912 in Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio; died 20 Feb 1997 in Van Wert County Hospital, Van Wert, Ohio; buried 23 Feb 1997 in Ridge Cemetery, Van Wert County, Ridge Township, Van Wert, Ohio. He married on 26 Oct 1940 Elnora Faye Shivley. Other events for William Harold Mosier Occupation: General Laborer, Tool Box Manufacturing. Social Security Number: 273-121077, Ohio. Residence 15442 St. Rt. 116, Van Wert County, Ridge Township, Van Wert, Ohio 45891 (20 Feb 1997). Sources for William Harold Mosier Birth: Ohio Deaths 1993-1998 . Birth: Certificate of Death . Occupation: Certificate of Death . Social Security Number: Ohio Deaths 1993-1998 . Social Security Number: Certificate of Death . Residence: Certificate of Death . Death: Ohio Deaths 1993-1998 , Volume 31024, Certificate 016824. Death: Certificate of Death . Burial: Certificate of Death . + + Children of William Harold Mosier and Elnora Faye Shivley were as follows: 889 i Linda Kay6 Mosier, born 18 Feb 1942. She married Max LeRoy Gamble. 890 ii Thomas William6 Mosier, born 17 Jul 1943. He married (1) Carolyn Johns; (2) Pat Shivley Anderson. 891 iii Steven Brent6 Mosier, born 27 Jul 1947. He married on 5 Sep 1970 Roberta Cox. 892 iv Claude Dean6 Mosier, born 23 Aug 1953. 893 v Colette Jean6 Mosier, born 23 Aug 1953. She married on 3 Mar 1972 James Schsprigeon. 504. Lawrence F5 Mosier (Myrtle4 Dunlap, Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 12 Aug 1914; died Nov 1973. He married on 19 Nov 1934 Edith Shivley. + + + Children of Lawrence F Mosier and Edith Shivley were as follows: 894 i Lowell Dean6 Mosier, born 16 Jun 1938. He married Judy Sanders. 895 ii Garry Dee6 Mosier, born 6 Jul 1941. He married Phyllis Kelly. 896 iii Audrey Louise6 Mosier, born 7 Feb 1943. She married Lou Schlesser. 505. Ernest5 Mosier (Myrtle4 Dunlap, Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 10 May 1918. He married on 26 Jun 1946 Ida Mae Myers. + + + Children of Ernest Mosier and Ida Mae Myers were as follows: 897 i Paulette6 Mosier, born 28 Oct 1946. She married Ron Ross. 898 ii Joan6 Mosier, born 10 Jul 1948. She married Ron Rank. 899 iii Susan Jane6 Mosier, born 23 Jul 1949. She married Mike McClure. 900 iv Connie Hart6 Mosier, born 10 Aug 1951. She married on 7 Aug 1971 Mike Hart. 901 v Donald6 Mosier, born 6 Jun 1958. 506. Margaret5 Mosier (Myrtle4 Dunlap, Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 12 Aug 1922. She married on 9 Nov 1946 Wilbur Clay. Children of Margaret Mosier and Wilbur Clay were as follows: 902 i Richard6 Clay, born 8 Sep 1954. 903 ii James6 Clay, born 24 Oct 1955. 904 iii Scot6 Clay, born 3 Jul 1962. 507. Lemuel5 Mosier (Myrtle4 Dunlap, Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 15 Nov 1923. He married (1) in 1948 Nellie Steman; (2) on 30 Aug 1957 Carol Sutton. Children of Lemuel Mosier and Nellie Steman were as follows: 905 i David6 Mosier, born 28 Mar 1949. He married on 7 Aug 1971 Sue Ringwald. 906 ii Daniel6 Mosier, born 29 Jul 1950. He married Debra Hurless. Children of Lemuel Mosier and Carol Sutton were as follows: 907 i Sarah6 Mosier, born 3 Nov 1958. 908 ii Craig6 Mosier, born 16 May 1961. 909 iii Keith6 Mosier, born 30 Sep 1971. 508. Emma Jean5 Mosier (Myrtle4 Dunlap, Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 25 May 1925. She married on 9 Aug 1942 William Anderson. + + Children of Emma Jean Mosier and William Anderson were as follows: 910 i Judy6 Anderson, born 21 Nov 1942. She married Ed Plate. 911 ii William6 Anderson, born 30 Nov 1943. He married Linda Hammons. 912 iii Sandra6 Anderson, born 21 Dec 1945. She married on 19 Apr 1964 Gary Foley. 913 iv Cindy6 Anderson, born 12 Jan 1957. 510. Delores5 Dunlap (William A4, Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 29 Sep 1935. She married on 2 Mar 1956 Kenneth Gruetman. Notes for Kenneth Gruetman Seen name spelled as Greutman. Children of Delores Dunlap and Kenneth Gruetman were as follows: 914 i Gregory6 Guetman, born 2 May 1959. 915 ii Elaine6 Gruetman, born 27 Nov 1964. 512. Elnora Gynell5 Dunlap (Fred Lawrence4, Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 2 May 1915. She married on 14 Apr 1935 Forrest Perrott, born 23 Jun 1915; died Dec 1982. + Children of Elnora Gynell Dunlap and Forrest Perrott were as follows: 916 i Dale Eugene6 Perrott, born 8 Jul 1940. He married Patricia Krischer. 917 ii James Lawrence6 Perrott, born 20 Aug 1953. 513. Charles Kohn5 Dunlap (Fred Lawrence4, Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 6 Jul 1919. He married on 15 Sep 1940 LaDonna Bebout. + + Children of Charles Kohn Dunlap and LaDonna Bebout were as follows: 918 i Roger Dean6 Dunlap, born 14 Jul 1941. He married Karen Anderson. 919 ii Phyllis Ann6 Dunlap, born 30 Aug 1942. She married James Adams. 920 iii Robert Eugene6 Dunlap, born 27 Jan 1946. He married on 23 May 1970 Suzanne Henschen, daughter of Chalmer V Henschen and Edith Beatrice Kinerk. 921 iv Nancy Sue6 Dunlap, born 25 Oct 1950. 922 v Ruth Ellen6 Dunlap, born 5 Nov 1952. 923 vi Charles Kohn Jr.6 Dunlap, born 7 Apr 1959. 924 vii Jerry Lee6 Dunlap, born 23 Nov 1964. 514. Leota Marie5 Dunlap (Fred Lawrence4, Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 6 Jan 1922. She married on 17 Jan 1940 Willard Dougal. + + Children of Leota Marie Dunlap and Willard Dougal were as follows: 925 i Monty Kay6 Dougal, born 14 Mar 1940. She married Rodney Orsbon. 926 ii Marlene Marie6 Dougal, born 30 Aug 1948. She married James Bruce Fleenor. 927 iii Kathleen Jo6 Dougal, born 15 Mar 1952. She married on 1 Jul 1972 Robert Brotherwood. 515. Rosemary5 Dunlap (Delbert F4, Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 8 Nov 1919. She married on 25 Jun 1938 Doyt Galloway. + Children of Rosemary Dunlap and Doyt Galloway were as follows: 928 i Robert6 Galloway, born 11 Aug 1939. He married Jean Ockerman. 929 ii Alice Jayne6 Galloway, born 8 Feb 1942. She married on 16 Jul 1968 Paul Hodge. 516. Dennis F5 Dunlap (Delbert F4, Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 22 Jan 1923. He married on 5 Mar 1944 Francis Haines. Children of Dennis F Dunlap and Francis Haines were as follows: 930 i Lori6 Dunlap, born 16 Jan 1953. 517. Howard Paul Rev.5 Spitnale (Ida Diana4 Dunlap, Joseph Presley "Jos or Presley"3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 7 Jul 1920 in Paulding County, Cloverdale, Ohio; died 23 Jun 2007 in Middletown Regional Hospital, Middletown, Ohio; buried 27 Jun 2007 in Cascade Cemetery, Perry Township, Putnam County, Ohio. He married on 23 Jul 1942 in Wayne County, Whitewater, Indiana Lura Joyce Moye, born 15 Jun 1921 in Vigo County, Indiana, daughter of Ermal Lloyd Moye and Marian Elsie Boyle. Other events for Howard Paul Rev. Spitnale Religion: United Methodist. Occupation: Pastor, Assoc. Director of Fund Development . Other events for Lura Joyce Moye Occupation: Activity Director Certified. Religion: United Methodist. Sources for Howard Paul Rev. Spitnale Birth: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 25 Jun 2007, Monday. Marriage: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 25 Jun 2007, Monday. Death: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 25 Jun 2007, Monday. Burial: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 25 Jun 2007, Monday. Sources for Lura Joyce Moye Marriage: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 25 Jun 2007, Monday. + Children of Howard Paul Rev. Spitnale and Lura Joyce Moye were as follows: 931 i Diana Joyce6 Spitnale, born 1 May 1945 in St. Clair County, Michigan. She married Duane Eugene Rev. Miller. + 932 ii Nelson Roy6 Spitnale, born 25 Oct 1947 in Frederick County, Maryland. He married (1) Sue Helen Lilly; (2) Dona Lynn Morris. 518. Marvin Lee5 Spitnale (Ida Diana4 Dunlap, Joseph Presley "Jos or Presley"3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 30 Jan 1924 in Paulding County, Ohio. He married on 26 Jun 1949 in Allen County, Ohio Mildred "Millie" Teman, born 5 Mar 1926 in Allen County, Ohio, daughter of Alex Teman and Myrtle Cleves. Other events for Marvin Lee Spitnale Occupation: Fruehauf Trucking, Retired. Religion: Presbyterian. Other events for Mildred "Millie" Teman Religion: Presbyterian. Occupation: Homemaker. + + + + Children of Marvin Lee Spitnale and Mildred "Millie" Teman were as follows: 933 i Laura Lee6 Spitnale, born 14 Sep 1950 in Allen County, Ohio. She married Steven Dr. Emura. 934 ii Lana Sue6 Spitnale, born 16 Sep 1953 in Allen County, Ohio. She married Gerard "Jerry" Johnson. 935 iii Mark Wayne6 Spitnale, born 27 Sep 1962 in Allen County, Ohio. He married LeAnn Marie Tatman. 936 iv LeAnn Michelle6 Spitnale, born 24 Aug 1963 in Allen County, Ohio. She married David Eugene Huffer. 519. Gene Franklin5 Spitnale (Ida Diana4 Dunlap, Joseph Presley "Jos or Presley"3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 28 Jul 1930 in Putnam County, Cloverdale, Ohio; died 3 Apr 1996 in At home, Putnam County, Cloverdale, Ohio; buried 6 Apr 1996 in Cascade Cemetery, Putnam County, Cloverdale, Ohio. He married on 27 May 1950 in Putnam County, Ohio Phyllis Polhamus, died aft Apr 1996, daughter of Clarence Polhamus and Inez Grace Denison. Other events for Gene Franklin Spitnale Occupation: Farmer and Agricultural Loan Officer, Retired, State Bank & Trust and later Defiance PCA, Defiance County, Defiance, Ohio. Social Security Number: 284-28-2804. Religion: Continental United Methodist Church, Putnam County, Continental, Ohio. Residence 21748 Rd. J, Putnam County, Cloverdale, Ohio 45827 (3 Apr 1996). Sources for Gene Franklin Spitnale Birth: Certificate of Death . Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Birth Record 4, Vol 5, page 244. Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Occupation: Certificate of Death . Occupation: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Social Security Number: Certificate of Death . Religion: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Residence: Certificate of Death . Death: Certificate of Death . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 10 Apr 1996, Wednesday. Burial: Certificate of Death . Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . + + + Children of Gene Franklin Spitnale and Phyllis Polhamus were as follows: 937 i Gregory Gene "Greg"6 Spitnale, born 14 Oct 1955 in Defiance County, Ohio. He married Sandra Williams. 938 ii Bradley Dean "Brad"6 Spitnale, born 17 Mar 1958 in Defiance, Ohio. He married Rebecca Cromly. 939 iii Douglas Kean "Doug"6 Spitnale, born 11 Oct 1960 in Defiance, Ohio. He married (1) Trinka Warren; (2) Patricia Anne Doherty. 520. Kenneth Leroy5 Spitnale (Ida Diana4 Dunlap, Joseph Presley "Jos or Presley"3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 26 Jul 1935 in Putnam County, Ohio; died 15 Dec 1976 in Florida. He married (1) on 20 Dec 1953, divorced Harriet Niedert, born 31 May 1936; (2) in Florida Lena Unknown. Other events for Kenneth Leroy Spitnale Occupation: Carpenter. Divorce (1968). Other events for Harriet Niedert Divorce (1968). + + Children of Kenneth Leroy Spitnale and Harriet Niedert were as follows: 940 i Gary Dean6 Spitnale, born 5 Jul 1954. He married (1) Cynthia S Roepke; (2) Pat Unknown. 941 ii Larry Allen6 Spitnale, born 23 Jun 1957. He married (1) Kathy Ann Wheeler; (2) Cheryl Unknown; (3) Teri A Maxwell; (4) Eva Gray. 942 iii Brian6 Spitnale, born 18 May 1959 in Allen County, Ohio; died 10 Dec 1977 in Allen County, Ohio. 521. Gerald Foster5 Salisbury (Alta L4 Dunlap, Joseph Presley "Jos or Presley"3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 24 Jun 1930 in Continental, Ohio; died 17 Jan 1993 in St. Rita's Putnam County Ambulatory Care, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio; buried 20 Jan 1993 in Harman Cemetery, Putnam County, Gilboa, Ohio. He married on 3 Jul 1955 Marjorie June "June" Tussing, died aft Jan 1993. Other events for Gerald Foster Salisbury Occupation: Laborer, Manufacturing, Retired, Philips Display Components, formerly GTE-Sylvania, Putnam County, Ohio. Military Service U. S. Army, Korean War. Residence 929 E. 4th St., Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio 45875 (17 Jan 1993). Notes for Gerald Foster Salisbury Certificate of Death and obit in Putnam County Sentinel, Ohio, indicates Gerald was born in Kieferville, Ohio; whereas, his birth record indicates Continental, Ohio. Sources for Gerald Foster Salisbury Birth: Certificate of Death . Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Birth Record 4, Vol 5, page 243. Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Occupation: Certificate of Death . Occupation: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Military Service: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Residence: Certificate of Death . Death: Certificate of Death . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 20 Jan 1993, Wednesday. Burial: Certificate of Death . Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Children of Gerald Foster Salisbury and Marjorie June "June" Tussing were as follows: 943 i Roger6 Salisbury. 944 ii Debra6 Salisbury. She married Dave Bingley. Generation 6 532. James Ira6 Hunt (Arthur Hampton5, Elizabeth Ann4 Wade, Sybil3 Dunlap, Robert2, Joseph1), born 6 Apr 1914. He married (1) Virginia Williams; (2) Virginia Williams. Children of James Ira Hunt and Virginia Williams were as follows: 945 i Sarah7 Hunt. 946 ii Ruth7 Hunt. 947 iii Amy Jane7 Hunt. Children of James Ira Hunt and Virginia Williams were as follows: 948 i Sarah7 Hunt. 949 ii Ruth7 Hunt. 950 iii Amy Jane7 Hunt. 534. Lola Jane6 Hunt (Arthur Hampton5, Elizabeth Ann4 Wade, Sybil3 Dunlap, Robert2, Joseph1), born 23 May 1919. She married Phillip Hall. Children of Lola Jane Hunt and Phillip Hall were as follows: 951 i Jeffrie7 Hall. 952 ii Ann7 Hall. 953 iii Ned7 Hall. 540. Marvin6 Beck (Golda Mae "Goldie"5 Dunlap, William Edward "Ed"4, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1). He married Mary Unknown. Children of Marvin Beck and Mary Unknown were as follows: 954 i David7 Beck. 955 ii Marilyn7 Beck. 956 iii Carolyn7 Beck. 957 iv Gary7 Beck. 541. Mary Louise6 Beck (Golda Mae "Goldie"5 Dunlap, William Edward "Ed"4, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1). She married (1) Unknown Brown, died Deceased; (2) Don Jenkins. Children of Mary Louise Beck and Don Jenkins were as follows: 958 i Carol Ann7 Jenkins. 959 ii Robert7 Jenkins, born in Fort Wayne, Indiana; died Deceased. 960 iii Daniel7 Jenkins, born in Fort Wayne, Indiana. 542. Alvin6 Beck (Golda Mae "Goldie"5 Dunlap, William Edward "Ed"4, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1). He married Evelyn Unknown. Children of Alvin Beck and Evelyn Unknown were as follows: 961 i Elaine7 Beck. 962 ii Chancey7 Beck. 963 iii Lewis7 Beck. 543. Margaret6 Beck (Golda Mae "Goldie"5 Dunlap, William Edward "Ed"4, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1). She married George Townsend. Children of Margaret Beck and George Townsend were as follows: 964 i Susan7 Townsend. 965 ii Nancy7 Townsend. 966 iii Rick7 Townsend. 967 iv Joe7 Townsend. 545. Harold6 Beck (Golda Mae "Goldie"5 Dunlap, William Edward "Ed"4, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), died 16 Apr 1979. He married Jean Unknown. Children of Harold Beck and Jean Unknown were as follows: 968 i Teresa7 Beck. 969 ii Barbara7 Beck. 970 iii Terrey7 Beck. 971 iv Nanette7 Beck. 546. Cyril E6 Dunlap (Harry Lester5, William Edward "Ed"4, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 22 Feb 1908 in Putnam County, Grover Hill, Ohio; died Jun 1964 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. He married on 24 Dec 1933 Marcile Unknown. Children of Cyril E Dunlap and Marcile Unknown were as follows: 972 i Danny7 Dunlap. 973 ii Patty7 Dunlap. She married Donald Johnson. 547. Harry L Jr.6 Dunlap (Harry Lester5, William Edward "Ed"4, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 24 Feb 1929. He married on 24 Feb 1954 Patricia Joan "Pat" Morgan , born 28 May 1936 in Columbus, Indiana; died 25 Jul 2002 in Columbus, Indiana; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section Veterans), daughter of Floyd Morgan and Alice Sweeney. Other events for Patricia Joan "Pat" Morgan Religion: St. Peter Lutheran Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. Occupation: Office Manager, Retired, U.S. Metalcraft, retired in 1998. Notes for Harry L Jr. Dunlap Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988, he had no children, and married Pat (Delphos). Per the Delphos Ohio History Cemetery website, Harry L Dunlap has a plot in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section Veterans). Sources for Harry L Jr. Dunlap Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Notes for Patricia Joan "Pat" Morgan Her obituary indicates she has 2 grandchildren that I can't place whom they belong to: Dionna (Cory) Noonan and Derek Daulbaugh. Sources for Patricia Joan "Pat" Morgan Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . Religion: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . Occupation: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . + + Children of Harry L Jr. Dunlap and Patricia Joan "Pat" Morgan were as follows: 974 i Jeffrey7 Dunlap. He married Cheryl Unknown. 975 ii Denise7 Dunlap. She married Robert Kloeppel. 976 iii Kelly7 Dunlap. She married Christopher Cotton. 548. Paul6 Dunlap (Forest William5, William Edward "Ed"4, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1). He married Annabelle Unknown. Children of Paul Dunlap and Annabelle Unknown were as follows: 977 i Denny7 Dunlap. He married, divorced Pamela Unknown. 978 ii Marilyn7 Dunlap. She married Ronald Butts. Notes: Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988, there is no record of children. 549. Marjorie Ellen6 Dunlap (Forest William5, William Edward "Ed"4, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1). She married Daniel Raschke. Children of Marjorie Ellen Dunlap and Daniel Raschke were as follows: 979 i Daniel7 Raschke. He married Gretchen Unknown. 980 ii Kay7 Raschke. She married Benny Smith. Notes: Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988, there is no record of children. 561. Betty Jane6 Dunlap (Ralph W 5, William Edward "Ed"4, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 22 Dec 1928 in Fort Wayne, Indiana. She married Robert C Brown. + Children of Betty Jane Dunlap and Robert C Brown were as follows: 981 i Ricki7 Brown, born 19 Jul 1948 in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Notes: Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988, Ricki was married, but then divorced. 982 ii Denise7 Brown, born 2 Jan 1950 in Auburn, Indiana; died 29 Oct 1965. 983 iii Karlene7 Brown, born 3 Apr 1953 in Auburn, Indiana. She married Unknown Dick. 984 iv Kenneth7 Brown, born 19 Apr 1954 in Saginaw, Michigan. 985 v Lisa Rae7 Brown, born 5 May 1968 in Pomona, California. Notes: Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988, Lisa's biological father's name is Solomon. 573. Eugene6 Gordon (Charles R "Bob"5, Emma Jeanette "Nettie or Net"4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1). He married Hazel Watson. + + + + Children of Eugene Gordon and Hazel Watson were as follows: 986 i Linda7 Gordon. She married Gerald Schlussman. 987 ii Barbara7 Gordon. She married (1) Unknown Holloway; (2) Unknown Corrales. 988 iii Michael7 Gordon. He married (1) Betty Jo Newburn; (2) Virginia Unknown. 989 iv Darrell7 Gordon. He married Unknown Unknown. 574. Emma Jean6 Gordon (Charles R "Bob"5, Emma Jeanette "Nettie or Net"4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1). She married Keith Cook. Children of Emma Jean Gordon and Keith Cook were as follows: 990 i Matthew7 Cook. 991 ii Mark7 Cook. 577. Norman Leslie6 Dunlap (Hubert5, Mary Alice4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, 2 1 Robert , Joseph ), born 24 Sep 1921 in Putnam County, Rushmore, Ohio; died 9 Jul 2002 in Lutheran Hospital, Allen County, Fort Wayne, Indiana; buried in Oaklawn Cemetery, Ossian, Indiana. He married (1) on 2 Feb 1940 in New Haven Methodist Church, New Haven, Indiana Mabel Jean "Jeannie" Stoner, born 19 Nov 1922 in Fort Wayne, Indiana; died 27 Feb 1986, daughter of Thomas Stoner and Vera Hamilton; (2) on 11 Apr 1987 Ella Lue "Lue" Sanxter, born 4 Jul 1927. Other events for Norman Leslie Dunlap Occupation: Consultant in machine tool industry for Minister Machine, and engineer at International Harvester and Ohio Steel. Social Security Number: 310-14-3122, Indiana (bef 1951). Residence Allen County, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46809 (27 Mar 2001). Notes for Norman Leslie Dunlap Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988, Norman was born in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The U.S. Social Security Index indicates Norman died 27 Mar 2001. Sources for Norman Leslie Dunlap Birth: Obituary . Birth: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Occupation: Obituary . Social Security Number: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Residence: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death: Obituary . Burial: Obituary . Notes for Ella Lue "Lue" Sanxter Not sure if her maiden name is Sanxter or Feighner? + + + Children of Norman Leslie Dunlap and Mabel Jean "Jeannie" Stoner were as follows: 992 i Norman David "Dave"7 Dunlap, born 23 May 1942 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married Mary Holtzapple. 993 ii Danny Lee "Dan"7 Dunlap, born 21 May 1945. He married Mary Jo Herkinhoff. 994 iii Scott Thomas7 Dunlap, born 25 Jun 1955 in Auglaize County, St. Marys, Ohio. He married Alyson Hill. 578. Troy Eugene "Bud"6 Dunlap (Hubert5, Mary Alice4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 21 Nov 1922 in Great Bend, Kansas; died 2 Apr 1994. He married on 13 Feb 1943 in Church of the Most Precious Blood, Fort Wayne, Indiana Rosemarie Rager, born 11 Nov 1922 in Fort Wayne, Indiana, daughter of John Rager and Kathryn Stock. Other events for Troy Eugene "Bud" Dunlap Military Service: World Warr II, in Medical Corp, and also in the Phillipines during the liberation of Manilla.. Social Security Number: 311-18-5500, Indiana (bef 1951). Residence Allen County, New Haven, Indiana 46774 (2 Apr 1994). Notes for Troy Eugene "Bud" Dunlap Born at the home of Grace Irene Baker's parents. Sources for Troy Eugene "Bud" Dunlap Birth: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Social Security Number: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Residence: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Notes for Rosemarie Rager Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988, her last name is spelled Roger. + + Children of Troy Eugene "Bud" Dunlap and Rosemarie Rager were as follows: 995 i Stephen Michael "Steve"7 Dunlap, born 24 Feb 1945. He married Rea Hannum. 996 ii John Charles7 Dunlap, born 19 Feb 1948. He married Judy Peak. 997 iii Barbara7 Dunlap, born 11 Mar 1953. Other events: Occupation: Professional Roller Skater. 998 iv Thomas7 Dunlap, born 18 Jun 1954 in Allen County, Fort Wayne, Indiana. 579. George Edwin6 Dunlap (Hubert5, Mary Alice4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 23 Jul 1925 in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He married on 4 Mar 1950 Easter Lillie Lewis, daughter of Ralph Lewis and Ethel Osborn. Other events for George Edwin Dunlap Military Service: U.S. Navy on th U.S. Pyrope in the South Pacific. + + + Children of George Edwin Dunlap and Easter Lillie Lewis were as follows: 999 i Herbert Wayne7 Dunlap, born 1 Mar 1948 in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He married Lynette Hess. 1000 ii Debra Ann7 Dunlap, born 11 Nov 1950. She married Larry Lee Bechdolt. 1001 iii Joyce Ann7 Dunlap, born 12 Feb 1956 in Fort Wayne, Indiana. She married Richard Ellison. 583. Karen Louise6 McKibben (Ethel Pauline "Pauline"5 Ford, Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 13 Dec 1937 in Dover, Ohio. She married on 18 Jun 1960 Lloyd Albert Patterson, born 27 Jan 1933. + Children of Karen Louise McKibben and Lloyd Albert Patterson were as follows: 1002 i Karen Michele "Michele"7 Patterson, born 7 Feb 1961. She married John Woodard. 1003 ii Jonathan Russell "Russell"7 Patterson, born 28 Mar 1964. 584. Paul Eugene6 McKibben (Ethel Pauline "Pauline"5 Ford, Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 20 May 1945 in Columbia, South Carolina. He married on 26 Sep 1969 Virginia Reeve, born 9 Sep 1945. Children of Paul Eugene McKibben and Virginia Reeve were as follows: 1004 i Paul Jr.7 McKibben, born 16 Sep 1970 in Jamaica. 1005 ii George Allen7 McKibben, born 26 Jun 1973 in Charlotte, North Carolina. 585. David Leon6 Wilson (Enola5 Ford, Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 1 Sep 1932 in Warren, Ohio. He married Kay Ridenour. + Children of David Leon Wilson and Kay Ridenour were as follows: 1006 i Leslie Kay7 Wilson, born 17 Oct 1958 in Youngstown, Ohio. She married Paul Hancock. 1007 ii Julianne7 Wilson, born 24 Aug 1960 in Youngstown, Ohio. 1008 iii Rhonda Leigh7 Wilson, born 14 Apr 1965 in Youngstown, Ohio. 588. John Grover6 Graham (Aldyth Irene5 Ford, Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 18 Feb 1940 in Warren, Ohio. He married in 1968 Judy Franks, born 20 Dec 1947. Other events for John Grover Graham Military Service U.S. Navy, Norfolk, Virginia. Children of John Grover Graham and Judy Franks were as follows: 1009 i John Paul7 Graham, born 14 Feb 1969 in Findlay, Ohio. 1010 ii Jodi Lynne7 Graham, born 3 Mar 1970 in Findlay, Ohio. 1011 iii Julie Marie7 Graham, born 10 Feb 1971 in Findlay, Ohio. 1012 iv James Allen7 Graham, born 19 Dec 1972 in Findlay, Ohio. 589. Robert Bruce6 Graham (Aldyth Irene5 Ford, Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 16 May 1941 in Ravenna, Ohio. He married on 18 Dec 1971 Karen Eke, born 18 Dec 1944 in Cleveland, Ohio. Other events for Robert Bruce Graham Military Service U.S. Navy, Key West, Florida. Children of Robert Bruce Graham and Karen Eke were as follows: 1013 i Ronald Edward7 Graham, born 15 Nov 1964 in Lakewood, Ohio. Notes: Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988, Ronald was adopted by Robert, so we don't know what his biological father's name is? 1014 ii Jeffrey Scott7 Graham, born 23 Apr 1967 in Lakewood, Ohio. Notes: Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988, Ronald was adopted by Robert, so we don't know what his biological father's name is? 1015 iii Robert Lyle "Lyle"7 Graham, born 10 Apr 1974 in Lakewood, Ohio. 1016 iv Gordon Philip7 Graham, born 16 Sep 1977 in Lakewood, Ohio. 591. Lynn Herman6 Graham (Aldyth Irene5 Ford, Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 24 Oct 1945 in Warren, Ohio. He married in 1966, divorced Carol Louise Smith. Children of Lynn Herman Graham and Carol Louise Smith were as follows: 1017 i Michael Lynn7 Graham, born 1 Apr 1969 in Bluffton, Ohio. 1018 ii Amy Jo7 Graham, born 9 Jan 1971 in Bluffton, Ohio. 592. Gordon Leslie6 Graham (Aldyth Irene5 Ford, Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 3 Jul 1949 in Warren, Ohio. He married on 6 Jun 1970 Theodora "Teddi" Verhoff, born 1 Oct 1950 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Children of Gordon Leslie Graham and Theodora "Teddi" Verhoff were as follows: 1019 i Kristin Kay7 Graham, born 26 Feb 1972 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. 1020 ii Kara Renee7 Graham, born 10 Jul 1973 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. 1021 iii Kimberly Denise7 Graham, born 22 Oct 1976 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. 594. Janis Lee6 Ford (Jonathan Lester "Lester"5, Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 15 Aug 1943 in Warren, Ohio. She married in 1981 Reverend James Elliott. + Children of Janis Lee Ford and Reverend James Elliott were as follows: 1022 i Sidra Ann7 Elliott, born 21 Mar 1951 in Coshocton, Ohio. She married Lynn Westphal. 1023 ii Geoffrey Linn7 Elliott, born 22 Dec 1960 in Toledo, Ohio. 595. Kenneth James "Kenny"6 Ford (Jonathan Lester "Lester"5, Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 20 Sep 1948. He married, divorced Penelope Cleinfelter. + Children of Kenneth James "Kenny" Ford and Penelope Cleinfelter were as follows: 1024 i Donnie7 Ford, born 3 Apr 1967. He married Unknown Unknown. 1025 ii Leslie Kay7 Ford, born 1 Aug 1968. She married on 11 Apr 1987 in Niles, Ohio Kenneth Lude. 596. Jane Ann6 Ford (Jonathan Lester "Lester"5, Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 20 Apr 1950. She married on 9 Sep 1967, divorced Lawrence DeZort. Children of Jane Ann Ford and Lawrence DeZort were as follows: 1026 i Kevin Lawrence7 DeZort, born 24 Oct 1968. 1027 ii Randal Todd7 DeZort, born 22 Jun 1972. 597. Jennifer Louise6 Ford (Jonathan Lester "Lester"5, Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 22 Jul 1952. She married (1), divorced Hugh Mason; (2) James Post. Children of Jennifer Louise Ford and Hugh Mason were as follows: 1028 i Anthony Hugh7 Mason, born 11 Jul 1971. 1029 ii Shawna Michele7 Mason, born 17 Apr 1973. Children of Jennifer Louise Ford and James Post were as follows: 1030 i James Jr.7 Post. Notes: Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988, James was adopted by Jennifer, so we don't know whom his biological mother is ? 1031 ii Janet7 Post. Notes: Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988, James was adopted by Jennifer, so we don't know whom his biological mother is ? 1032 iii Julie7 Post. Notes: Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988, James was adopted by Jennifer, so we don't know whom his biological mother is ? 1033 iv Kathleen7 Post, born 10 Dec 1981. 598. Elaine6 Lutz (Marion Louise5 Ford, Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 14 Oct 1950 in Warren, Ohio. She married, divorced Pat Snyder. Other events for Elaine Lutz Divorce (1985). Other events for Pat Snyder Divorce (1985). Children of Elaine Lutz and Pat Snyder were as follows: 1034 i Carl Michael7 Snyder, born 24 Feb 1975 in Warren, Ohio. 599. Raymond Lester6 Lutz (Marion Louise5 Ford, Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 19 Oct 1952 in Warren, Ohio. He married Carol Brown. Children of Raymond Lester Lutz and Carol Brown were as follows: 1035 i David Lee7 Lutz, born 17 Mar 1981 in Warren, Ohio. 1036 ii Brian Daniel7 Lutz, born 22 Mar 1983 in Warren, Ohio. 601. Loretta Ann6 Lutz (Marion Louise5 Ford, Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 30 Mar 1955 in Warren, Ohio. She married Andre Paul Tabor. Children of Loretta Ann Lutz and Andre Paul Tabor were as follows: 1037 i Aaron Mathew7 Tabor, born 27 Jun 1983 in Omaha, Nebraska. 1038 ii Andrew James7 Tabor, born 15 Dec 1985 in Omaha, Nebraska. Notes: Twin to Jason Daniel Tabor. 1039 iii Jason Daniel7 Tabor, born 15 Dec 1985 in Omaha, Nebraska. Notes: Twin to Andrew James Tabor. 1040 iv Nicholas Lee7 Tabor, born 27 Jan 1988 in Omaha, Nebraska. 602. Harvey Dean6 Lutz (Marion Louise5 Ford, Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 20 Jan 1957 in Warren, Ohio. He married Dolly Housel. Children of Harvey Dean Lutz and Dolly Housel were as follows: 1041 i John Harvey7 Lutz, born 30 Sep 1986 in Warren, Ohio. 606. Marilyn Lynn6 Ford (Henry Edsel5, Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 22 Oct 1948 in Cleveland, Ohio. She married Kermit Earl Freed. Notes for Marilyn Lynn Ford Twin to Stephanie Ann Ford. Children of Marilyn Lynn Ford and Kermit Earl Freed were as follows: 1042 i Elizabeth Joy7 Freed, born 10 Aug 1980. 607. Stephanie Ann6 Ford (Henry Edsel5, Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 22 Oct 1948 in Cleveland, Ohio. She married on 27 Jun 1970 Richard B Neiderhiser, born 31 May 1947. Notes for Stephanie Ann Ford Twin to Marilyn Lynn Ford. Children of Stephanie Ann Ford and Richard B Neiderhiser were as follows: 1043 i Benjamin Avery7 Neiderhiser, born 3 Jun 1975 in Ligonier, Pennsylvania. 1044 ii Nathan Rory7 Neiderhiser, born 6 May 1980 in Ligonier, Pennsylvania. 1045 iii Jacob Morgan7 Neiderhiser, born 27 Nov 1982 in Ligonier, Pennsylvania. 1046 iv Aaron7 Neiderhiser, born 16 Jun 1987 in Ligonier, Pennsylvania. 608. Pamela J6 Ford (Henry Edsel5, Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 16 Jul 1952 in Cleveland, Ohio. She married (1) in 1969 in Akron, Ohio, divorced Arthur F Mooney; (2) Raymond Joseph Habyan. Children of Pamela J Ford and Arthur F Mooney were as follows: 1047 i Michael R7 Mooney, born 2 Feb 1970. 1048 ii Michelle Renee7 Mooney, born 8 Jul 1973. Children of Pamela J Ford and Raymond Joseph Habyan were as follows: 1049 i Joseph Andrew7 Habyan, born 10 Nov 1976. 609. Gail S6 Ford (Henry Edsel5, Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 27 Sep 1953 in Cleveland, Ohio. She married in Sep 1970 in Lordstown, Ohio, divorced Robert J III Shuttleworth. Children of Gail S Ford and Robert J III Shuttleworth were as follows: 1050 i Robert J IV7 Shuttleworth, born 10 Apr 1971 in Tennessee. 1051 ii Renee S7 Shuttleworth, born 23 Jan 1973 in Florida. 610. Bryan R6 Ford (Henry Edsel5, Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 14 May 1958 in Cleveland, Ohio. He married in 1983 Adrienne S Kapr. Children of Bryan R Ford and Adrienne S Kapr were as follows: 1052 i Justin Kapr7 Ford, born 29 Dec 1987 in Diamond, Ohio. 611. Phyllis Jean6 Ford (Richard Wayne5, Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 12 Jan 1948 in Warren, Ohio. She married on 12 Aug 1965 John Milton Hadley. Children of Phyllis Jean Ford and John Milton Hadley were as follows: 1053 i John Richard7 Hadley, born 4 Jan 1968 in Ashtabula, Ohio. 1054 ii Melissa Lynn7 Hadley, born 23 Mar 1973 in Ashtabula, Ohio. 612. Janet Rae6 Ford (Richard Wayne5, Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 9 May 1950 in Warren, Ohio. She married on 24 Mar 1971 Jerry Rodgers. Notes for Janet Rae Ford Twin to Joyce Marie Ford. Children of Janet Rae Ford and Jerry Rodgers were as follows: 1055 i Jerry7 Rodgers, born 4 Mar 1975 in Warren, Ohio. 1056 ii Mark7 Rodgers, born 2 Aug 1976 in Cuba. 1057 iii Kenny7 Rodgers, born 11 Jun 1981 in Youngstown, Ohio. 613. Joyce Marie6 Ford (Richard Wayne5, Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 9 May 1950 in Warren, Ohio. She married on 17 Jul 1972 in Warren, Ohio Donald Paul Prokop. Notes for Joyce Marie Ford Twin to Janet Rae Ford. Children of Joyce Marie Ford and Donald Paul Prokop were as follows: 1058 i Richard Paul7 Prokop, born 24 May 1972 in Warren, Ohio. 615. David Richard6 Ford (Richard Wayne5, Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 25 Aug 1957 in Warren, Ohio. He married (1), divorced Pamela Unknown; (2), divorced Paula Clegg. Other events for David Richard Ford Divorce (Sep 1987). Other events for Paula Clegg Divorce (Sep 1987). Children of David Richard Ford and Pamela Unknown were as follows: 1059 i David7 Ford, born 29 Mar 1976 in Warren, Ohio. Children of David Richard Ford and Paula Clegg were as follows: 1060 i Chad7 Ford, born 20 Apr 1980 in Warren, Ohio. 617. Diane Louise6 Ford (Richard Wayne5, Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 3 Feb 1959 in Warren, Ohio. She married on 26 Jun 1979 Robert Orr. Notes for Diane Louise Ford Twin to Roger Wayne Ford. Children of Diane Louise Ford and Robert Orr were as follows: 1061 i Jennifer Marie7 Orr, born 27 Apr 1988 in Warren, Ohio. 621. Gary Eugene6 Lutz (Virginia Mae5 Ford, Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 27 Jan 1955 in Ravenna, Ohio. He married Cindy Dawson. Children of Gary Eugene Lutz and Cindy Dawson were as follows: 1062 i Ruth Ann7 Lutz, born 1 Jun 1984 in Alaska. 1063 ii Kyle Allen7 Lutz, born 11 Mar 1987 in Alaska. 622. Donald Edward6 Lutz (Virginia Mae5 Ford, Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 31 Dec 1956 in Ravenna, Ohio. He married, divorced Diane Ruppert. Children of Donald Edward Lutz and Diane Ruppert were as follows: 1064 i Jason7 Lutz. Notes: Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988, Jason is adopted, so I'm not sure whom the biological parents are ? 623. Laura Lee6 Lutz (Virginia Mae5 Ford, Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 30 Jan 1962 in Ravenna, Ohio. She married James Franklin Tarter, born 10 Oct 1983. Children of Laura Lee Lutz and James Franklin Tarter were as follows: 1065 i Janelle Renee7 Tarter, born 10 Apr 1987 in Akron, Ohio. 630. Richard D6 Westenbarger (Leo Bennet5, Harriett "Hattie"4 Barnes, Almeda (or Amelia) Jane "Jane"3 Dunlap, Robert2, Joseph1). He married (1) Doris Unknown; (2) Helen Unknown. Children of Richard D Westenbarger and Doris Unknown were as follows: 1066 i William7 Westenbarger. 1067 ii Richard7 Westenbarger. 638. Ronald O6 Dunlap (Lawrence L5, E. C.4, Samuel "Sam"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 17 Aug 1921 in Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ohio; died 23 Sep 2006 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Lima, Ohio; buried 26 Sep 2006 in Ottawa River Cemetery, near Rimer, Ohio. He married on 24 Aug 1947 in Putnam County, New Bavaria, Ohio Dorothy Louise Koenig, born 8 Feb 1924 in New Bremen, Ohio, daughter of Fred Koenig and Frieda Dickman. Other events for Ronald O Dunlap Occupation Farmer, Fruehauf Corp, and Osting Construction. Military Service U.S. Army, World War II. Sources for Ronald O Dunlap Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 19, page 233. Birth: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 25 Sep 2006, Monday. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 19, page 233. Marriage: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 25 Sep 2006, Monday. Occupation: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 25 Sep 2006, Monday. Military Service: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 25 Sep 2006, Monday. Death: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 25 Sep 2006, Monday. Burial: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 25 Sep 2006, Monday. Sources for Dorothy Louise Koenig Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 19, page 233. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 19, page 233. Marriage: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 25 Sep 2006, Monday. + + Children of Ronald O Dunlap and Dorothy Louise Koenig were as follows: 1068 i Michael Gene7 Dunlap, born 18 Aug 1949 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married Jewelie Annette Trask. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 27, page 303. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 27, page 303. 1069 ii Thomas L7 Dunlap. He married Janet Kramer. 1070 iii James K7 Dunlap. 1071 iv Max F7 Dunlap. 640. Delores Patsy "Pat"6 Dunlap (Lawrence L5, E. C.4, Samuel "Sam"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 1 May 1929 in Lucas County, Ohio. She married on 22 Oct 1950 in Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio Dennis Miller, born 2 Dec 1926 in Allen County, Ohio, son of E. S. Miller and Reva Rone. Notes for Delores Patsy "Pat" Dunlap There is a Nancy Lee Miller, daughter of Dennis and Patsy, buried in Ottawa River Cemetery, Row 25, grave 2, died 8 May 1952. Sources for Delores Patsy "Pat" Dunlap Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 20, page 533. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 20, page 533. Sources for Dennis Miller Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 20, page 522. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 20, page 533. Children of Delores Patsy "Pat" Dunlap and Dennis Miller were as follows: 1072 i Nancy Lee7 Miller, died 8 May 1952, buried in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ottawa, Ohio (Section A, Row 25). Death Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial Source: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . 648. Larry6 Dunlap (Alvin H5, Joseph P "Joe"4, Samuel "Sam"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 6 Feb 1938 in Allen County, Ohio. He married on 20 Nov 1960 in Cong. Christian Church, Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio, divorced Jacquelin J Fruchey, born 18 Feb 1939 in Allen County, Bluffton, Ohio; died 17 Nov 1988 in Allen County, North Cairo, Ohio; buried 21 Nov 1988 in Truro Cemetery - North Side, Putnam County, Pleasant Township, Columbus Grove, Ohio (Row 17, Grave 8), daughter of George D Fruchey and Clarice I Hilty. Other events for Jacquelin J Fruchey Occupation: Clerk, Elder Beerman. Social Security Number: 286-36-7478. Religion: Columbus Grove United Church of Christ, Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio. Residence 5715 Ottawa Road, Allen County, Elida, Ohio 45807 (17 Nov 1988). Sources for Larry Dunlap Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 24, page 77. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 24, page 77. Sources for Jacquelin J Fruchey Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 24, page 77. Birth: Cemetery Inscriptions, Truro Cemetery - North Side, Putnam County, Pleasant Township, Ohio . Birth: Certificate of Death . Birth: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 24, page 77. Occupation: Certificate of Death . Social Security Number: Certificate of Death . Religion: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Residence: Certificate of Death . Death: Cemetery Inscriptions, Truro Cemetery - North Side, Putnam County, Pleasant Township, Ohio . Death: Burials, Permit Stubs, 10-28-1959 to 9-25-1993, Putnam County, Ohio , Book 120, Permit Number 109. Death: Certificate of Death . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 23 Nov 1988, Wednesday. Burial: Cemetery Inscriptions, Truro Cemetery - North Side, Putnam County, Pleasant Township, Ohio . Burial: Certificate of Death . Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Children of Larry Dunlap and Jacquelin J Fruchey were as follows: 1073 i Robin7 Dunlap. She married Mike Lane. 1074 ii Becky7 Dunlap. She married Randy Dancer. 665. Clyde W6 Dunlap (Winfred R5, Clark R4, James Henry3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 30 Mar 1942 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio; died 19 Aug 1996 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried 23 Aug 1996 in Rockport Cemetery, Allen County, Rockport, Ohio. He married Ardenia McNamara, died aft Aug 1996. Other events for Clyde W Dunlap Religion: Van Wert Christian Center, Ohio. Occupation: Stationary Steam Engineer, Lima Correctional Institution, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Social Security Number: 292-388676, Ohio (1960/61). Residence 4825 Finch Rd., Allen County, Lima, Ohio 45807 (19 Aug 1996). Sources for Clyde W Dunlap Birth: Certificate of Death . Birth: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . Birth: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Birth: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 . Religion: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . Occupation: Certificate of Death . Occupation: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . Social Security Number: Certificate of Death . Social Security Number: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Social Security Number: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 . Residence: Certificate of Death . Residence: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death: Certificate of Death . Death: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 28 Aug 1996, Wednesday. Death: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . Death: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death: Ohio Deaths 1958-2000 , Vol 30765, Cert 059754. Burial: Certificate of Death . Burial: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Burial: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . Children of Clyde W Dunlap and Ardenia McNamara were as follows: 1075 i Ardenia A7 Dunlap. Other events: Residence 4825 Finch Rd., Allen County, Lima, Ohio 45807 (19 Aug 1996). 1076 ii Clyde A7 Dunlap. He married Carole Unknown. 1077 iii Lenore7 Dunlap. She married Greg Myers. 1078 iv Karen7 Dunlap. She married Thomas Giambattista. 672. Jeffrey J6 Dunlap (Delmer J5, Clark R4, James Henry3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1). He married Teresa Unknown. Children of Jeffrey J Dunlap and Teresa Unknown were as follows: 1079 i Cherise7 Dunlap. 1080 ii Kendra7 Dunlap. 1081 iii Kellie7 Dunlap. 1082 iv Lauren7 Dunlap. 673. Cheryl A6 Dunlap (Delmer J5, Clark R4, James Henry3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1). She married Darwin Boertje. Children of Cheryl A Dunlap and Darwin Boertje were as follows: 1083 i Mark7 Boertje. 1084 ii Julie7 Boertje. 674. Nancy S6 Dunlap (Delmer J5, Clark R4, James Henry3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1). She married Dan King. Children of Nancy S Dunlap and Dan King were as follows: 1085 i Jason7 King. He married Patty Unknown. 675. Janice K6 Dunlap (Delmer J5, Clark R4, James Henry3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1). She married Jon Basinger. Children of Janice K Dunlap and Jon Basinger were as follows: 1086 i Jeremy7 Basinger. 1087 ii Jessica7 Basinger. 1088 iii Janelle7 Basinger. 676. James E6 Dunlap (Donald E5, Clark R4, James Henry3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 25 Nov 1959 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married on 19 Dec 1980 in St. Anthony Catholic Church, Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio Jane N Schroeder, born 17 Feb 1960 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio, daughter of Alvin "Dick" Schroeder and Dolores "Dort" Niese. Sources for James E Dunlap Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 30, page 592. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 30, page 592. Sources for Jane N Schroeder Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 30, page 592. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 30, page 592. Children of James E Dunlap and Jane N Schroeder were as follows: 1089 i Daniel Allen7 Dunlap, born 23 Apr 1983; died 23 Apr 1983 in St. Rita's Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried in St. Anthony Catholic Cemetery, Putnam County, Pleasant Township, Columbus Grove, Ohio (Row 9, Grave 42). Death Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, St. Anthony Catholic Cemetery, Putnam County, Pleasant Township, Columbus Grove, Ohio . Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 27 Apr 1983, Wednesday. Burial Source: Cemetery Inscriptions, St. Anthony Catholic Cemetery, Putnam County, Pleasant Township, Columbus Grove, Ohio . 690. Roy J6 Dunlap (Roy Oscar5, Lawrence W 4, Alfred "Alf or Alph"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 25 Apr 1928 in Allen County, Elida, Ohio; died 4 Oct 2002 in St. Rita's Ambulatory Care Center, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio; buried 7 Oct 2002 in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section W-2). He married on 13 Jun 1948 Eleanor June "June" Ladd, born 27 Dec 1929 or 1931, daughter of Lawrence Ladd and Velma May. Other events for Roy J Dunlap Religion St. Paul United Methodist Church, Ohio. Occupation: Worked part-time for Harter and Son Funeral Home, Dispatcher for the Delphos Police Department , Gramm Trailer, managed the Sohio gas station, owned Phillips 66 gas station. Social Security Number: 283-24-8014, Ohio (bef 1951). Residence 809 N. Pierce St., Allen County, Delphos, Ohio 45833 (5 May 1995). Residence Allen County, Delphos, Ohio 45833 (4 Oct 2002). Notes for Roy J Dunlap Was not born in Delphos, Ohio, as the obituary said; but rather, Elida, Ohio. Sources for Roy J Dunlap Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . Birth: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Religion: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . Occupation: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . Social Security Number: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Residence: Certificate of Death . Residence: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . Death: U.S. Social Security Death Index . Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio . Notes for Eleanor June "June" Ladd The Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site indicates her birth date is 27 Dec 1929, and that a cemetery plot exists in Eleanor June Dunlap's name, in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section W-2). + + + + Children of Roy J Dunlap and Eleanor June "June" Ladd were as follows: 1090 i Rick Duane7 Dunlap, born 30 Mar 1950 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married Edith Adele Barns. 1091 ii Timothy Allen "Tim"7 Dunlap, born 16 Sep 1952 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio; died aft Aug 1997; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section W). He married Susan Marie Dunifon. Birth Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial Source: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. 1092 iii Rebecca JoAnn7 Dunlap, born 14 Oct 1957 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. She married (1) Richard A Kern; (2) Chuck H Fitzwater. 1093 iv Beth Ellen7 Dunlap, born 8 Sep 1959 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married Robin L "Rob" Kriegel. 692. Oleta6 Dunlap (Roy Oscar5, Lawrence W 4, Alfred "Alf or Alph"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 23 Jul 1930 in Allen County, Elida, Ohio. She married (1) Donald Leidy; (2) on 11 Nov 1950 in Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio Paul Ralston, born 13 Dec 1928 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio, son of Saul Ralston and Goldie Ellen Hunsaker. Notes for Oleta Dunlap Had 3 girls, not boys ??? Sources for Oleta Dunlap Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 20, page 552. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 20, page 552. Sources for Paul Ralston Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 20, page 552. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 20, page 552. Children of Oleta Dunlap and Donald Leidy were as follows: 1094 i Mervin7 Leidy. 1095 ii Mark7 Leidy. 694. Lois Ann6 Dunlap (Roy Oscar5, Lawrence W4, Alfred "Alf or Alph"3, 2 1 Joseph "Jos" , Joseph ), born 24 May 1934 in Putnam County, Kalida, Ohio; died 22 Aug 2005 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; buried in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section B, Row 10). She married on 6 Sep 1958 in Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio Earl William Myers, born 30 Mar 1934 in Putnam County, Perry Township, Ohio. Other events for Lois Ann Dunlap Occupation: Seamstress, Homemaker, and Babysitter. Religion Ottawa River Church of God, Rimer, Ohio. Sources for Lois Ann Dunlap Birth: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 6, page 27, Birth Record 4. Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 23, page 258. Birth: The Myers, Descendants of John Myers and Mary Dillon, 1760-1999 . Birth: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 23 Aug 2005, Tuesday. Birth: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 23 Aug 2005, Tuesday. Marriage: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 23, page 258. Marriage: The Myers, Descendants of John Myers and Mary Dillon, 1760-1999 . Marriage: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 23 Aug 2005, Tuesday. Lois Ann Myers obituary. Marriage: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 23 Aug 2005, Tuesday. Lois Ann Myers obituary. Occupation: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 23 Aug 2005, Tuesday. Occupation: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 23 Aug 2005, Tuesday. Religion: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 23 Aug 2005, Tuesday. Death: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 23 Aug 2005, Tuesday. Death: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 23 Aug 2005, Tuesday. Burial: Affidavit, State of Ohio, Allen County and letters pertaining to this affidavit. Burial: Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12, Putnam County Genealogy Society, 2002 . Burial: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 23 Aug 2005, Tuesday. Notes for Earl William Myers The Myers, Descendants of John Myers and Mary Dillon, 1760-1999, indicates that Earl was born 30 Mar 1935. Earl has a cemetery plot in his name at Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section B, Row 10), per the Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12, Putnam County Genealogy Society, 2002. Sources for Earl William Myers Birth: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 23, page 258. Marriage: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 23, page 258. Marriage: The Myers, Descendants of John Myers and Mary Dillon, 1760-1999 . Marriage: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 23 Aug 2005, Tuesday. Lois Ann Myers obituary. Marriage: Obituary, Delphos Herald, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio , 23 Aug 2005, Tuesday. Lois Ann Myers obituary. Children of Lois Ann Dunlap and Earl William Myers were as follows: 1096 i Patricia Ann7 Myers, born 23 Dec 1959. She married Unknown Spicer. Birth Source: The Myers, Descendants of John Myers and Mary Dillon, 1760-1999 . 1097 ii William Roy "Bill"7 Myers, born 25 Oct 1960. He married (1) Regina Unknown; (2) on 9 Oct 1993 Kathleen "Kathy" Belcher, born 22 Sep 1957. Birth Source: The Myers, Descendants of John Myers and Mary Dillon, 1760-1999 . Marriage Source: The Myers, Descendants of John Myers and Mary Dillon, 1760-1999 . 1098 iii Robert Earl7 Myers, born 29 Aug 1964. He married Michele 1099 iv Unknown. Birth Source: The Myers, Descendants of John Myers and Mary Dillon, 1760-1999 . Rhonda Gay7 Myers, born 16 Feb 1967. She married Steve Reed. Birth Source: The Myers, Descendants of John Myers and Mary Dillon, 1760-1999 . 695. Eliz Marie "Marie"6 Dunlap (Roy Oscar5, Lawrence W 4, Alfred "Alf or Alph"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 30 May 1941 in Putnam County, Kalida, Ohio. She married on 10 Aug 1968 Richard A "Dick" Winnings, born 23 Apr 1932; died 14 Feb 2000; buried in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section C, Row 10). Other events for Richard A "Dick" Winnings Military Service: U.S. Army, Pfc, Korea. Notes for Eliz Marie "Marie" Dunlap Eliz has a cemetery plot in her name at Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section C, Row 10), per the Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12, Putnam County Genealogy Society, 2002. Sources for Eliz Marie "Marie" Dunlap Birth: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Birth: Birth Record, Putnam County, Ohio, Probate Court , Vol 7, page 26, Birth Record 4. Marriage: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Sources for Richard A "Dick" Winnings Birth: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Marriage: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Military Service: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Death: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Children of Eliz Marie "Marie" Dunlap and Richard A "Dick" Winnings were as follows: 1100 i Troy7 Winnings. 701. Danny Ray "Butch"6 Pitney (Marguerite Mae "Margaret"5 Dunlap, Lawrence W 4, Alfred "Alf or Alph"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 29 Jan 1941 in Cloverdale, Ohio; died 15 Jul 2004 in At home, Colon, Michigan; buried in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Rimer, Ohio. He married Unknown Unknown. Other events for Danny Ray "Butch" Pitney Military Service Navy. Occupation: Truck Driver, Northwest Truck Leasing, Kalinda, Ohio. Notes for Danny Ray "Butch" Pitney Seen name spelled Dannie, on his father's obituary. Sources for Danny Ray "Butch" Pitney Birth: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 20 Jul 2004, Tuesday. Military Service: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 20 Jul 2004, Tuesday. Occupation: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 20 Jul 2004, Tuesday. Death: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 20 Jul 2004, Tuesday. Burial: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 20 Jul 2004, Tuesday. + Children of Danny Ray "Butch" Pitney and Unknown Unknown were as follows: 1101 i Russell H7 Pitney. He married Erica Unknown. 1102 ii Tamara7 Pitney. 702. Jimmie L Sr. "Jim"6 Pitney (Marguerite Mae "Margaret"5 Dunlap, Lawrence W 4, Alfred "Alf or Alph"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 19 Apr 1943 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio; died 18 Oct 1997 in At home, Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio; buried 22 Oct 1997 in Ottawa River Cemetery, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section B, Row 12). He married on 20 Jun 1964 Lilla J Hall, born 2 Oct 1944. Other events for Jimmie L Sr. "Jim" Pitney Social Security Number: 279-40-2952. Occupation: Manager, Retail. Residence 424-1 E. Sycamore St., Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio 45830 (18 Oct 1997). Sources for Jimmie L Sr. "Jim" Pitney Birth: Certificate of Death . Birth: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Marriage: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Social Security Number: Certificate of Death . Occupation: Certificate of Death . Residence: Certificate of Death . Death: Certificate of Death . Death: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Burial: Certificate of Death . Burial: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Notes for Lilla J Hall Per Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 from the Putnam County Genealogy Society, 2002, Lilla Hall has a cemetery plot at Ottawa River Cemetery, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio (Section B, Row 12). Sources for Lilla J Hall Birth: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Marriage: 2002 Putnam County Genealogy Society, Cemetery Inscriptions, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Rimer, Ohio, Volume 12 . Children of Jimmie L Sr. "Jim" Pitney and Lilla J Hall were as follows: 1103 i Lisa7 Pitney. 1104 ii Lori7 Pitney. 1105 iii Jimmie7 Pitney. 1106 iv Melanie7 Pitney. 705. Robert S "Bob"6 Pitney (Marguerite Mae "Margaret"5 Dunlap, Lawrence 4 3 2 W , Alfred "Alf or Alph" , Joseph "Jos" , Joseph1), born 21 Dec 1950 in Lima, Ohio; died 23 Mar 2004 in At home; buried in Ottawa River Cemetery, Putnam County, Sugar Creek Township, Ottawa, Ohio. He married on 25 Jul 1970 Carol A Koch. Other events for Robert S "Bob" Pitney Occupation: Truck Driver. Notes for Robert S "Bob" Pitney His obituary indicates he has seven grandchildren: Cory, T.J., Autumn, Conner, Aidan, Matthew, and Caleb. Sources for Robert S "Bob" Pitney Birth: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 25 Mar 2004, Thursday. Occupation: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 25 Mar 2004, Thursday. Death: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 25 Mar 2004, Thursday. Burial: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio , 25 Mar 2004, Thursday. Children of Robert S "Bob" Pitney and Carol A Koch were as follows: 1107 i Lee H7 Pitney. 1108 ii Aaron R7 Pitney. 1109 iii Kathrn A7 Pitney. 710. Phyllis6 Dunlap (Ray W 5, Lawrence W 4, Alfred "Alf or Alph"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1). She married George Lohr. Children of Phyllis Dunlap and George Lohr were as follows: 1110 i Tonya7 Lohr. 711. Yvonne6 Fuller (Luella5 Allemeier, Velma4 Pangle, Mary Agnes "Aggie"3 Dunlap, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1). She married Unknown Oaks. Children of Yvonne Fuller and Unknown Oaks were as follows: 1111 i Stephanie7 Oaks. 712. Terry6 Moreo (Ruth E5 Matson, Alta P4 Pangle, Mary Agnes "Aggie"3 Dunlap, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1). He married Phyllis Unknown. Children of Terry Moreo and Phyllis Unknown were as follows: + 1112 i Christine Marie7 Moreo Yenser Newspaper . . She married Geoffrey Thomas . Marriage Source: Engagement Record in 715. Pam6 Moreo (Ruth E5 Matson, Alta P4 Pangle, Mary Agnes "Aggie"3 Dunlap, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1). She married Unknown Stratton. Children of Pam Moreo and Unknown Stratton were as follows: 1113 i Jesse7 Stratton. 716. Charles Alan6 McGuire (Dorothy Lou5 Hole, Emma Iona "Iona"4 Hetrick, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 18 May 1949. He married Unknown Unknown. + + + Children of Charles Alan McGuire and Unknown Unknown were as follows: 1114 i Cynthia7 McGuire. She married Unknown Conner. 1115 ii Nicole7 McGuire. She married Unknown Unknown. 1116 iii Travis7 McGuire. 1117 iv Patsy7 McGuire. She married Craig McGill. 719. Robert Warren "Bob"6 Siegenthaler (Barbara Ann "Barb"5 Hole, Emma Iona "Iona"4 Hetrick, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 25 Aug 1951. He married (1) on 28 Jul 1969, divorced Laura Gwen Lutz; (2) on 17 Feb 1979, divorced Erma Jean Wright; (3) on 27 Nov 1998 Rachel Jarrett. Other events for Robert Warren "Bob" Siegenthaler Occupation: Semi driver. Divorce (1978). Divorce (1998). Other events for Laura Gwen Lutz Divorce (1978). Other events for Erma Jean Wright Divorce (1998). Children of Robert Warren "Bob" Siegenthaler and Erma Jean Wright were as follows: + 1118 i + 1119 1120 ii iii Tracy Annette7 Siegenthaler, born 22 Aug 1973. She married (1) Eric Brown; (2) John McFarland. Nicole Renee7 Siegenthaler, born 5 Feb 1980. Angela Marie "Angie"7 Siegenthaler, born 4 Jan 1981. She married David Neff. 721. Thomas Clarke "Tom or Hoot"6 Siegenthaler (Barbara Ann "Barb"5 Hole, Emma Iona "Iona"4 Hetrick, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 25 Dec 1956. He married (1) Sherri Unknown; (2), divorced Lisa Knight; (3), divorced Pegeen "Packy" Barrington; (4), divorced Marie Hernandez; (5), divorced Laura Jo Putt. Other events for Thomas Clarke "Tom or Hoot" Siegenthaler Occupation Titan Scan. Children of Thomas Clarke "Tom or Hoot" Siegenthaler and Sherri Unknown were as follows: 1121 i Rodney7 Siegenthaler. 722. Beverley Jeannine "Bev"6 Siegenthaler (Barbara Ann "Barb"5 Hole, Emma Iona "Iona"4 Hetrick, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 17 Oct 1960. She married (1) on 1 Aug 1981, divorced Michael Douglas "Mike" Crisp; (2) on 16 Dec 1990 Michael Place. Other events for Beverley Jeannine "Bev" Siegenthaler Occupation: Retired from Proctor/Gamble. Divorce (1987). Other events for Michael Douglas "Mike" Crisp Divorce (1987). Children of Beverley Jeannine "Bev" Siegenthaler and Michael Douglas "Mike" Crisp were as follows: 1122 i Michael Douglas II7 Crisp, born 14 Aug 1983. 1123 ii Sarah Jeannine7 Crisp, born 4 Aug 1986. 723. Ronnie Lee6 Hole (Darrell Robert5, Emma Iona "Iona"4 Hetrick, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 26 Mar 1956. He married Theresa Unknown. Children of Ronnie Lee Hole and Theresa Unknown were as follows: 1124 i Joshua7 Hole. 1125 ii Kendra7 Hole. 725. Katrina Camille6 Hole (Darrell Robert5, Emma Iona "Iona"4 Hetrick, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 9 Feb 1964. She married Kenneth McClintock. Children of Katrina Camille Hole and Kenneth McClintock were as follows: 1126 1127 1128 i ii iii Chrystal7 McClintock. Heather7 McClintock. Travis7 McClintock. 730. James Wellington6 Converse (Mary Ellen5 Hole, Emma Iona "Iona"4 Hetrick, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 2 Jul 1956. He married Nancy Unknown. Children of James Wellington Converse and Nancy Unknown were as follows: 1129 i James7 Converse. 1130 ii Justin7 Converse. 1131 iii Jordan7 Converse. 733. Cleon Cornelius III6 Converse (Mary Ellen5 Hole, Emma Iona "Iona"4 Hetrick, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 9 Dec 1964. He married Mary Jane Unknown. Children of Cleon Cornelius III Converse and Mary Jane Unknown were as follows: 1132 i Jessica7 Converse. 737. Diane Annette6 Fischer (Raylene June5 Schulte, Ruth Vatula "Tula"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 19 Feb 1954 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married on 2 Aug 1975 in St. John's Catholic Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio Dennis Paul "Denny" Steinbrenner , born 3 Jul 1949 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio, son of Eugene "Gene" Steinbrenner and Rita Mary Ricker. Other events for Diane Annette Fischer Baptism St. John's Catholic Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. Occupation: Clerk, Val's Store, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. Residence 686 E. 6th Street, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio 45833. Other events for Dennis Paul "Denny" Steinbrenner Residence 686 E. 6th Street, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio 45833. Occupation Delphos City Street Worker, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. Sources for Diane Annette Fischer Marriage: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Occupation: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Residence: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Sources for Dennis Paul "Denny" Steinbrenner Birth: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Residence: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Occupation: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Children of Diane Annette Fischer and Dennis Paul "Denny" Steinbrenner were as follows: 1133 i Dana Matthew7 Steinbrenner , born 4 Feb 1979 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Other events: Baptism St. John's Catholic Church, Delphos, Ohio. Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . 1134 ii , born 29 Jan 1981 in St. Rita's Keri Marie7 Steinbrenner Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Other events: Baptism St. John's Catholic Church, Delphos, Ohio. Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . 738. Michael Elmer "Mike"6 Fischer (Raylene June5 Schulte, Ruth Vatula "Tula"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 10 Jun 1955 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married on 2 Jul 1977 in St. John's Catholic Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio Nancy Lee Ricker, born 28 Mar 1958 in California, daughter of Unknown Ricker and Mary Stuber. Other events for Michael Elmer "Mike" Fischer Occupation Buckeye Rubber, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Residence 11050 Datch Road, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio 45833. Other events for Nancy Lee Ricker Occupation: Writer of Children's Books, Mall Tuxedo Shop, Allen County, Lima, Ohio, Sales Manager. Residence 11050 Datch Road, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio 45833. Sources for Michael Elmer "Mike" Fischer Birth: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Occupation: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Residence: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Sources for Nancy Lee Ricker Birth: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Occupation: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Residence: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . + Children of Michael Elmer "Mike" Fischer and Nancy Lee Ricker were as follows: 1135 i Cheri Kay7 Fischer, born 10 May 1978 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married Scott Patrick Slattery. Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . 1136 ii Janel Marie7 Fischer, born 23 Dec 1980 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married on 25 Aug 2007 Peter James Calogides. Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . 1137 iii Michael Elmer II7 Fischer, born 17 Apr 1982 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . 739. Thomas Richard "Tom"6 Fischer (Raylene June5 Schulte, Ruth 4 3 Vatula "Tula" Dunlap, Alexander "Alex" , Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 27 Apr 1956 in St. Rita's Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married (1) on 7 Aug 1976 in St. Paul Methodist Chuch, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio, divorced Jill Ellen Gudakunst, born 5 May 1960 in St. Rita's Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio; (2) on 3 Jul 1993 in St. Rose Catholic Church, Allen County, Lima, Ohio Ann Goedde, born 7 Apr 1969. Other events for Thomas Richard "Tom" Fischer Residence 1729 N. Metcalf, Allen County, Lima, Ohio 45801. Occupation Nicholas' Bakery, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Divorce (1990). Other events for Jill Ellen Gudakunst Divorce (1990). Other events for Ann Goedde Occupation: Bank Teller, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Sources for Thomas Richard "Tom" Fischer Birth: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Divorce: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Residence: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Occupation: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Sources for Jill Ellen Gudakunst Birth: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Divorce: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Sources for Ann Goedde Birth: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Occupation: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . + + Children of Thomas Richard "Tom" Fischer and Jill Ellen Gudakunst were as follows: 1138 i Dawn Marie7 Fischer, born 20 Feb 1977 in St. Rita's Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married Unknown Unknown. Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . 1139 ii Shawn Thomas7 Fischer, born 11 Mar 1978 in St. Rita's Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married Unknown Unknown. Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Children of Thomas Richard "Tom" Fischer and Ann Goedde were as follows: 1140 i Emma Ann7 Fischer, born 22 Jan 1999. 1141 ii Hunter Thomas7 Fischer, born 22 Nov 2000. 740. Paul Douglas6 Fischer (Raylene June5 Schulte, Ruth Vatula "Tula"4 3 2 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex" , Joseph "Jos" , Joseph1), born 1 Apr 1958 in St. Rita's Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married (1) on 30 Jul 1983 in Putnam County, Ottoville, Ohio, divorced Doneta J Knippen, born 9 Dec 1959 in St. Rita's Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio, daughter of George Knippen and Janette Schmitt; (2) on 17 Apr 1993 in Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio Sandra "Sandy" Beckman 23 Jul 1964. , born Other events for Paul Douglas Fischer Residence 411 W. 1st Street, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio 45833. Baptism St. John's Catholic Church, Delphos, Ohio. Occupation: Order Clerk, I & K Food Company, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. Divorce (1988). Other events for Doneta J Knippen Occupation: Homemaker, Factory Office, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. Divorce (1988). Other events for Sandra "Sandy" Beckman Residence 411 W. 1st Street, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio 45833. Sources for Paul Douglas Fischer Birth: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Residence: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Occupation: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Sources for Doneta J Knippen Birth: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Occupation: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Sources for Sandra "Sandy" Beckman Birth: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Residence: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Children of Paul Douglas Fischer and Sandra "Sandy" Beckman were as follows: 1142 i Zachary7 Fischer. 741. Steven Arnold "Steve"6 Fischer (Raylene June5 Schulte, Ruth Vatula "Tula"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 26 Mar 1961 in St. Rita's Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married (1) on 27 Mar 1982 in St. John's Catholic Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio, divorced Cheryl Ann Lenhart, born 18 Jun 1962, daughter of Unknown Lenhart and Helen McDough; (2) 1 May 1992 or 15 May 1993 in Catholic Church, Landeck, Ohio Darlene Hedrick , born 19 Sep 1967. Other events for Steven Arnold "Steve" Fischer Occupation Mechanic in Chevy Garage. Residence 614 W. 3rd Street, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio 45887. Divorce (1989). Other events for Cheryl Ann Lenhart Residence 2630 Berentlinger, Harrod, Ohio 45850. Occupation: Homemaker. Divorce (1989). Other events for Darlene Hedrick Residence 614 W. 3rd Street, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio 45887. Occupation: Homemaker. Notes for Steven Arnold "Steve" Fischer The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, March 1996, indicates that Steven married Darlene on 15 May 1993, civil 1 May 1992. Sources for Steven Arnold "Steve" Fischer Birth: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Divorce: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Occupation: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Residence: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Sources for Cheryl Ann Lenhart Birth: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Divorce: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Residence: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Occupation: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Sources for Darlene Hedrick Birth: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Residence: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Occupation: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Children of Steven Arnold "Steve" Fischer and Cheryl Ann Lenhart were as follows: 1143 i Ryan Steven7 Fischer, born 6 Mar 1985 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . 1144 ii Amber Sharon7 Fischer, born 9 Mar 1988 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Children of Steven Arnold "Steve" Fischer and Darlene Hedrick were as follows: 1145 i Chelsey Lynn7 Fischer , born 29 Jul 1992 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . 742. Janet Marie "Jan"6 Schulte (Gilbert Gene "Gyp"5, Ruth Vatula "Tula"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 31 May 1959 in St. Rita's Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married (1) on 28 Sep 1980 in Lakeview, Ohio, divorced Karl Brotherwood, born 29 Dec 1956 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio, son of Francis F "Bud" Brotherwood and Myrtle M Carder; (2) on 24 May 1989 in El Paso, Texas Thomas Ray Norseworthy, born 19 May 1959 in Arlington, Texas. Other events for Janet Marie "Jan" Schulte Residence 4544 Dee Lane, Haltom City, Texas 76117 (Mar 1996). Residence 107B Syble Jean Drive, Burleson, Texas 76028 (May 2008). Divorce (9 Nov 1988). Other events for Karl Brotherwood Occupation: Truck Driver. Divorce (9 Nov 1988). Other events for Thomas Ray Norseworthy Residence 4544 Dee Lane, Haltom City, Texas 76117. Occupation Telephone Company, Fort Worth, Texas. Sources for Janet Marie "Jan" Schulte Birth: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Divorce: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Residence: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Sources for Karl Brotherwood Birth: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Divorce: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Occupation: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Sources for Thomas Ray Norseworthy Birth: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Residence: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Occupation: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Children of Janet Marie "Jan" Schulte and Karl Brotherwood were as follows: 1146 i Bradley M7 Brotherwood, born 18 May 1980 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . 1147 ii 1148 iii Joshua Alan7 Brotherwood , born 12 Aug 1981 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married on 24 Jun 2006 in St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, Delphos, Ohio Audrey Rose Richardson, daughter of Randy Richardson and Casey Unknown. Other events: Occupation Dispatcher, U.S. Xpress Global Systems. Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage Source: Newspaper, Delphos Herald, Delphos, Ohio , 24 Jan 2005, 24 Jan 2005. Marriage Source: Newspaper, Delphos Herald, Delphos, Ohio , 11 Dec 2006, Monday. Jodie M7 Brotherwood, born 7 Dec 1983 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . 743. Mary Ann6 Schulte (Gilbert Gene "Gyp"5, Ruth Vatula "Tula"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 9 Sep 1960 in St. Rita's Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married (1) Walter Kortokrax, born abt 1967; (2) Unknown Eccard or Eckard?. Other events for Mary Ann Schulte Baptism St. John's Catholic Church, Delphos, Ohio. Residence 405 N. Bredieck Street, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio 45833 (Mar 1996). Residence 744 N. Main Street, Lima, Ohio 45801 (May 2008). Other events for Walter Kortokrax Residence 405 N. Bredieck Street, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio 45833. Sources for Mary Ann Schulte Birth: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Residence: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Sources for Walter Kortokrax Birth: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Residence: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Children of Mary Ann Schulte and Walter Kortokrax were as follows: 1149 i Stacey Marie7 Schulte, born 31 Dec 1984. Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . 1150 ii Jessica Lea7 Schulte, born 18 Jun 1988. Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . 1151 iii Kristy Ann7 Schulte, born 30 Sep 1989. Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . 746. William Joseph "Bill"6 Schulte (Gilbert Gene "Gyp"5, Ruth Vatula "Tula"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 16 Oct 1968 in St. Rita's Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married (1) on 14 Feb 1991 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio, divorced Carol Renee Rice, born 13 Jul 1964 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio; (2) Jenny Unknown. Other events for William Joseph "Bill" Schulte Occupation: Garage Mechanic. Residence 290 SW 4th Street, Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio 45844 (Mar 1996). Residence 15833 CR 23M, Fort Jennings, Ohio (May 2008). Other events for Carol Renee Rice Occupation: Homemaker. Sources for William Joseph "Bill" Schulte Birth: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Occupation: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Residence: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Sources for Carol Renee Rice Birth: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Occupation: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Children of William Joseph "Bill" Schulte and Carol Renee Rice were as follows: 1152 i Dane Stose7 Schulte ?, born 9 Feb 1985. 1153 ii Taylor Joseph7 Schulte, born 5 Aug 1991. Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . 747. Debbie Lynn6 Schulte (Gilbert Gene "Gyp"5, Ruth Vatula "Tula"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 25 May 1971 in St. Rita's Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married on 28 Jun 1991 in Willard, Ohio Elzie Eugene "Butch" Baugh, born 2 May 1954 in Willard, Ohio. Other events for Debbie Lynn Schulte Occupation: Homemaker. Residence 290 SW 4th Street, Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio 45844 (Mar 1996). Residence 4280 Broad Street, Willard, Ohio 44890 (May 2008). Other events for Elzie Eugene "Butch" Baugh Occupation: Auto Mechanic. Sources for Debbie Lynn Schulte Birth: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Occupation: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Residence: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Sources for Elzie Eugene "Butch" Baugh Birth: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Marriage: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Occupation: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Children of Debbie Lynn Schulte and Elzie Eugene "Butch" Baugh were as follows: 1154 i Kory Eugene7 Baugh, born 26 Apr 1990. Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . 1155 ii Charity Lynn7 Baugh, born 14 Feb 1992. Birth Source: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . 748. Brian Gene6 Schulte (Gilbert Gene "Gyp"5, Ruth Vatula "Tula"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 6 Aug 1977 in St. Rita's Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married (1) on 9 Jul 1999 Amy Bear, born 17 Apr 1979, daughter of Art Bear and Arlene Unknown; (2) Brianne Unknown. Other events for Brian Gene Schulte Residence 290 SW 4th Street, Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio 45844. Sources for Brian Gene Schulte Birth: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Residence: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Children of Brian Gene Schulte and Amy Bear were as follows: 1156 i Keyaira Anne Marie Love7 Schulte, born 19 Jun 1999 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio; died 7 Jan 2000 in St. Rita's Ambulatory Care Center, Putnam County, Glandorf, Ohio; buried in St. Joseph's Catholic Cemetery, Putnam County, Fort Jennings, Ohio. Birth Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . Death Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 12 Jan 2000, Wednesday. Burial Source: Obituary, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio . 1157 ii Dilyn Warnimont7 Schulte ?. 1158 iii Alexis7 Schulte, born 8 Jun 2000. 749. Christina Michelle6 Kleman (Jerome Arthur "Rome"5, Ruth Vatula "Tula"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 27 Aug 1970 in Union City Memorial Hospital, Union City, Indiana. She married on 6 Aug 1994 Bob Allen Yoder, born 25 Apr 1967 in Eaton, Ohio. Other events for Christina Michelle Kleman Baptism St. Mary's, Union City, Indiana (1970). Sources for Christina Michelle Kleman Birth: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Notes for Bob Allen Yoder His name is Bob, not Robert. Children of Christina Michelle Kleman and Bob Allen Yoder were as follows: 1159 i Margarita Elaine7 Yoder, born 31 Jan 1997. 1160 ii Daria Nicole7 Yoder, born 29 Jul 1998 in Oxford, Ohio. 1161 iii Kyra Terese7 Yoder, born 22 Jul 2000 in Oxford, Ohio. 1162 iv Arianna Camille7 Yoder, born 25 Feb 2002 in Oxford, Ohio. 750. Tiffany Rene6 Kleman (Jerome Arthur "Rome"5, Ruth Vatula "Tula"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 14 Sep 1972 in Union City Memorial Hospital, Union City, Indiana. She married on 4 Jul 1991 Roger Caron, born 21 Nov 1969. Other events for Tiffany Rene Kleman Baptism St. Mary's, Union City, Indiana (1972). Sources for Tiffany Rene Kleman Birth: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Children of Tiffany Rene Kleman and Roger Caron were as follows: 1163 1164 i ii Michael Taylor7 Caron, born 24 Jul 1992 in Easton, Maryland. Zakery Allen7 Caron, born 11 Jul 1995 in Easton, Maryland. 758. Jeffery6 Fetzer (Kenneth Wayne "Wayne"5, Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 21 Oct 1959. He married on 8 May 1987 Kathleen Unknown, born 16 Jul 1962. Other events for Jeffery Fetzer Military Service: Served in the U.S. Army. Children of Jeffery Fetzer and Kathleen Unknown were as follows: 1165 i Taylor7 Fetzer, born 8 Aug 1990. 1166 ii Michael7 Fetzer, born 9 Aug 1991. 1167 iii Eric7 Fetzer, born 5 Jun 1993. 761. Byron "Barney"6 Fetzer (Kenneth Wayne "Wayne"5, Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 20 Jul 1963. He married on 10 Jun 1991 Lesa Pittman, born 23 Jun 1968, daughter of Oliver Pittman and Lorene Unknown. Other events for Byron "Barney" Fetzer Military Service: Served in the U.S. Army. Children of Byron "Barney" Fetzer and Lesa Pittman were as follows: 1168 i 1169 ii Brittany Sue Ann7 Thomas , born 25 Jun 1987. She married Unknown Thomas. Notes: Her grandfather is Marvel Thomas. Spencer7 Fetzer, born 21 Aug 1992. 1170 iii Rachel Renee7 Fetzer , born 30 Sep 2002. 762. Jerry6 Fetzer (Kenneth Wayne "Wayne"5, Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 20 Feb 1965. He married Unknown Unknown. Children of Jerry Fetzer and Unknown Unknown were as follows: 1171 i Joshua7 Fetzer, born 16 Feb 1992. 1172 ii Jason7 Fetzer, born 16 Feb 1992. 765. Charles Donald6 Schulte (Carlene Marie5 Fetzer, Gwendolyn Jane 4 3 "Dodie" Dunlap, Alexander "Alex" , Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 30 Mar 1956 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married on 30 Aug 1975 in Van , born 19 Jul 1952 Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio Bobbi Jo Kitchenmaster in Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio. Children of Charles Donald Schulte and Bobbi Jo Kitchenmaster were as follows: + 1173 i Mandy Jo7 Schulte , born 9 Aug 1977 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married (1) Jim Grubb Boroff; (3) Nick James Decker ; (2) Barry James . 766. LeVerne Francis Jr. "Skeeter or Skets"6 Schulte (Carlene Marie5 4 3 Fetzer, Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie" Dunlap, Alexander "Alex" , Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 3 Jul 1957 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married on 24 Jul 1976 in St. Marys Catholic Church, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio Mary Melania Van Wynsberghe , born 20 Jan 1957 in Van Wert Hospital, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio, daughter of Ray Van Wynsberghe and Patti Gillispie. Children of LeVerne Francis Jr. "Skeeter or Skets" Schulte and Mary Melania Van Wynsberghe were as follows: 1174 i Dawn Michelle7 Schulte, born 24 Nov 1978 in Van Wert, Ohio. 1175 ii Jason Wayne7 Schulte, born 8 Jan 1981 in Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio. 1176 iii Tiffany Lynne7 Schulte Ohio. , born 7 Aug 1984 in Van Wert, 767. Dennis Eugene6 Schulte (Carlene Marie5 Fetzer, Gwendolyn Jane 4 3 "Dodie" Dunlap, Alexander "Alex" , Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 6 Jul 1958 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married on 7 Oct 1977 in St. Marys Catholic Church, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio Vickie Sue "Vic" Colegrove , born 30 Jan 1959 in Harlan Hospital, Harlan, Kentucky, daughter of Orby Colegrove and Opal Wilson. Children of Dennis Eugene Schulte and Vickie Sue "Vic" Colegrove were as follows: 1177 i Denae Linn7 Schulte , born 24 Mar 1980 in Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio. She married on 26 Jul 2004 in Sugarland Chapel, Gatlinburg, Tennessee Steven Douglas II Bishop, son of Steven Douglas I Bishop and Diana Jean Bernard. 1178 ii Nicholas Adam7 Schulte County, Van Wert, Ohio. , born 7 Aug 1984 in Van Wert 768. Mark Anthony6 Schulte (Carlene Marie5 Fetzer, Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 31 Jan 1960 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married on 1 Jun 1979 in Van Wert, Ohio Cathy Amy Gill Lucas County, Toledo, Ohio. , born 28 Sep 1961 in St. Vincent Medical Center, Children of Mark Anthony Schulte and Cathy Amy Gill were as follows: + 1179 i Aimee Nichole7 Schulte County, Van Wert, Ohio. 1180 ii , born 23 Apr 1982 in Allen Leah Colleen7 Schulte County, Lima, Ohio. She married Matt Charles Mowery. , born 27 Sep 1979 in Van Wert 769. Mary Elizabeth6 Schulte (Carlene Marie5 Fetzer, Gwendolyn Jane 4 3 "Dodie" Dunlap, Alexander "Alex" , Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 11 Apr 1961 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married (1) on 29 Jan 1979 in Van Wert County Courthouse, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio, divorced James Steven "Steve" Hatfield , born 25 Jan 1957 in Franklin County, Columbus, Ohio; (2) on 17 Oct 1990 in Zephryhills Park, Florida, divorced Michael Anthony "Mike" Morris, born 7 Oct 1959 in Zephryhills Hospital, Florida, son of Ralph Morris and Ellen Unknown; (3) on 24 Nov 1998 in Wesley United Methodist Church, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio, divorced William I Jr. "Bill" Pontius, born 7 Oct 1957 in Van Wert Hospital, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio, son of William Sr. Pontius and Margaret Unknown. Other events for Mary Elizabeth Schulte Divorce (Apr 1984). Divorce (Oct 1992). Divorce (Oct 2001). Other events for James Steven "Steve" Hatfield Divorce (Apr 1984). Other events for Michael Anthony "Mike" Morris Divorce (Oct 1992). Other events for William I Jr. "Bill" Pontius Divorce (Oct 2001). Children of Mary Elizabeth Schulte and James Steven "Steve" Hatfield were as follows: + 1181 i Steven Michael7 Hatfield , born 26 Mar 1979 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married Angela Lou "Angie" George 1182 ii . Stacie Marie7 Hatfield , born 13 Mar 1981 in Van Wert Hospital, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio. 1183 iii Shane Michael7 Hatfield , born 23 Sep 1984 in Van Wert Hospital, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio. Children of Mary Elizabeth Schulte and Michael Anthony "Mike" Morris were as follows: 1184 i Shannon Nicole7 Morris , born 6 Jul 1991 in Van Wert Hospital, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio. 770. Teresa Marie6 Schulte (Carlene Marie5 Fetzer, Gwendolyn Jane 4 3 "Dodie" Dunlap, Alexander "Alex" , Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 5 Sep 1962 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married in Aug 1985 in St. Marys Catholic Church, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio, divorced Kenneth Kim Yoh , born in Van Wert, Ohio. Other events for Teresa Marie Schulte Divorce (19 Nov 1997). Other events for Kenneth Kim Yoh Divorce (19 Nov 1997). Children of Teresa Marie Schulte and Kenneth Kim Yoh were as follows: + 1185 i Kimberly Marie7 Yoh , born 3 Oct 1981 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married Justin David . Breece 1186 ii , born 10 Nov 1983 in Van Wert Kenneth Kim Jr.7 Yoh County, Van Wert, Ohio. (Carlene Marie5 Fetzer, Gwendolyn 771. Deborah Ann "Debbie"6 Schulte 4 3 Jane "Dodie" Dunlap, Alexander "Alex" , Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 30 Aug 1966 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married in NEVER MARRIED Unknown Unknown. Notes for Deborah Ann "Debbie" Schulte Deborah Ann Schulte never married, but the PAF (ancestry) tool prints indicating she was married, because it's the only way to list her child. Children of Deborah Ann "Debbie" Schulte and Unknown Unknown were as follows: + 1187 i Randi Rene7 Schulte , born 28 Jun 1985 in Van Wert Hospital, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio. She married Jason Christopher Caudill 772. Dale Alan6 Schulte . (Carlene Marie5 Fetzer, Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 10 Sep 1968 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married on 11 Apr 1992 in Convoy United Methodist Church, Van Wert , born 19 Aug 1967 in County, Convoy, Ohio Amelia Ann "Amy" Beougher Van Wert Hospital, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio, daughter of Jerry Beougher and Mariam Meyers. Children of Dale Alan Schulte and Amelia Ann "Amy" Beougher were as follows: 1188 i Seth Andrew7 Schulte , born 21 Jan 1988 in Parkview Hospital, Allen County, Fort Wayne, Indiana. 1189 ii Sarah Elizabeth7 Schulte , born 21 Jan 1988 in Parkview Hospital, Allen County, Fort Wayne, Indiana. 773. John Theodore "Johnny"6 Fetzer (Orby Gordon5, Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 1 Dec 1957 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married on 12 Jun 1982 in Trinity United Methodist Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio Sheryl Anne "Sherry" Matson , born 31 Aug 1958 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio, daughter of Guy Dale "Dale" Matson and Wanda "Sue" Moreo. Other events for John Theodore "Johnny" Fetzer Baptism St. John's Catholic Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. Other events for Sheryl Anne "Sherry" Matson Baptism Methodist Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. Occupation: Proprietor of Fetzer's Fine Jewelry, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. Children of John Theodore "Johnny" Fetzer and Sheryl Anne "Sherry" Matson were as follows: 1190 i Kristy Sue Rose7 Fetzer , born 14 Nov 1983 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. 1191 ii Danielle Marie "Dani"7 Fetzer , born 10 May 1985 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Other events: Occupation Manager of Cougar girls basketball team, and worked at East of Chicago. 776. Rebecca Sue "Becky"6 Fetzer (Philip Dean "Phil or Philboy"5, Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 17 Apr 1966 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married (1) on 21 Jul 1984 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio, divorced Harry Gene Williams, born 21 Jan 1964 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio, son of Gene Williams and Cecil Wright; (2) on 31 Mar 1989 in Spencerville, Ohio Samual William Geiser, born 11 Jan 1964 in Sandusky, Ohio, son of William Geiser and June Bailey. Other events for Rebecca Sue "Becky" Fetzer Illness: Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery Dissection during 7th Month of 5th Pregnancy.. Occupation: Secretary. Other events for Samual William Geiser Occupation: City of Toledo Police Officer. Children of Rebecca Sue "Becky" Fetzer and Harry Gene Williams were as follows: 1192 i Matthew Jacob "Matt"7 Williams, born 1 Nov 1984 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married Angelica Michaels, born 10 Sep 1976. Other events: Illness: Asthma. Children of Rebecca Sue "Becky" Fetzer and Samual William Geiser were as follows: 1193 i Samantha Rebecca7 Geiser, born 13 Aug 1989 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. 1194 ii Shoshana Renee7 Geiser, born 9 Feb 1993 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. 1195 iii Elijah William7 Geiser, born 11 Apr 1994 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. 1196 iv Yitzhak Samuel7 Geiser, born 5 Mar 1997 in Lucas County, Toledo, Ohio. 777. Phillip Michael "Mike"6 Fetzer (Philip Dean "Phil or Philboy"5, Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 16 Apr 1972 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married (1) in NEVER MARRIED Tara Hummer, born in Allen County, Lima, Ohio, daughter of Daniel J "Dan" Hummer and Marjorie M Dray; (2) Sara Leinendecker; (3) on 25 Apr 1998 in Toledo, Ohio Dawn Spychalski, born in Lucas County, Toledo, Ohio. Notes for Phillip Michael "Mike" Fetzer Tara Hummer never married Phillip Michael Fetzer, but the PAF (ancestry) tool prints indicating he was married, because it's the only way to list their child. Notes for Tara Hummer Tara Hummer never married Phillip Michael Fetzer, but the PAF (ancestry) tool prints indicating she was married, because it's the only way to list their child. Children of Phillip Michael "Mike" Fetzer and Tara Hummer were as follows: 1197 i Alex Michael7 Fetzer, born 2 May 1993. He married Unknown Unknown. Children of Phillip Michael "Mike" Fetzer and Dawn Spychalski were as follows: 1198 i Patrick Thomas7 Fetzer, born 23 Jan 1998 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. 779. Thomas Lee "Tom"6 Schimmoller (Phyllis Jean5 Fetzer, Gwendolyn 4 3 Jane "Dodie" Dunlap, Alexander "Alex" , Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 26 Feb 1962 in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He married on 16 Nov 1985 in Ottoville, Ohio Donna Jean , born 16 Nov 1958, daughter of Elmer A Horstman and Ruth M Horstman Unknown. Children of Thomas Lee "Tom" Schimmoller and Donna Jean Horstman were as follows: 1199 i Amanda Jean7 Schimmoller , born 23 May 1987. 1200 ii Ronald Anthony "Ron"7 Schimmoller , born 18 Aug 1989. 780. Kelly Jean6 Schimmoller (Phyllis Jean5 Fetzer, Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 20 Jul 1963 in Fort Wayne, Indiana. She married on 3 Dec 1983 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio Anthony Joseph "Tony" Recker, born 4 Mar 1963, son of Leonard C "Len" Recker Leist. and Priscilla "Pat" Children of Kelly Jean Schimmoller and Anthony Joseph "Tony" Recker were as follows: , born 13 Feb 1985 in Palm 1201 i Craig Anthony7 Recker Springs, California. 1202 ii 1203 iii 1204 iv Brian Anthony7 Recker , born 4 Mar 1987 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Kyle Anthony7 Recker, born 15 Aug 1990 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Chad Anthony7 Recker, born 30 Mar 1995 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. 781. Duane Edward6 Schimmoller (Phyllis Jean5 Fetzer, Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 26 Aug 1964 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married JoAnn Sue Ladd. Children of Duane Edward Schimmoller and JoAnn Sue Ladd were as follows: 1205 i Marie Hilda7 Schimmoller, born 19 Nov 1992. 1206 ii Jeramy Edward7 Schimmoller, born 20 Nov 1994. 782. Della Marie6 Schimmoller (Phyllis Jean5 Fetzer, Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 2 Oct 1965 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married on 21 Mar 1987 in Latty, Ohio Kevin Lee Wenninger, born 8 Nov 1965 in Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio, son of Donald Wenninger and Josephine Unknown. Children of Della Marie Schimmoller and Kevin Lee Wenninger were as follows: 1207 i Kimberly Marie7 Wenninger, born 21 Mar 1988 in Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio. 1208 ii Kristi Jean7 Wenninger, born 14 Dec 1990 in Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio. 1209 iii Kylee Rae7 Wenninger, born 4 Jun 1994 in Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio. 783. Jennifer Lynn "Jenny"6 Schimmoller (Phyllis Jean5 Fetzer, 4 3 Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie" Dunlap, Alexander "Alex" , Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 4 Jan 1973. She married on 21 Mar 1992 Kirk Harold Perry, born abt 27 Aug, son of Dale Perry and Carol Kroeger. Other events for Jennifer Lynn "Jenny" Schimmoller Occupation Findlay Industries, Ohio City, Ohio. Other events for Kirk Harold Perry Occupation Kraner Construction. Notes for Jennifer Lynn "Jenny" Schimmoller A newspaper article announcing their engagement, indicates they'll exchange vows June 19 at Pleasant Chapel United Methodist Church. Children of Jennifer Lynn "Jenny" Schimmoller and Kirk Harold Perry were as follows: 1210 i Rodney Daniel7 Perry, born 21 Mar 1992. 1211 ii Kaitlin Rose7 Perry, born 26 Aug 1994. 787. Cindy Jo6 Fetzer (Paul Justin5, Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 23 Jul 1979. She married on 14 Sep 2002 in St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio Bruce Edward Troyer, son of DeWayne Troyer and Linda Zeigler. Other events for Cindy Jo Fetzer Occupation: Accounts Payable, Rhodes State College. Other events for Bruce Edward Troyer Occupation Ted Verhoff Builders and Cabinetry. Sources for Cindy Jo Fetzer Marriage: Newspaper, The Crescent-News, Defiance, Ohio , 19 Aug 2002, Monday. Sources for Bruce Edward Troyer Marriage: Newspaper, The Crescent-News, Defiance, Ohio , 19 Aug 2002, Monday. Children of Cindy Jo Fetzer and Bruce Edward Troyer were as follows: 1212 i , born 17 Aug 1997 in St. Rita's Ashlyn Jae7 Troyer Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Notes: Ashlyn's biological father's name is ? She was adopted by Bruce Troyer. 1213 ii Aidan Jacob7 Troyer , born 18 Feb 2004 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. 788. Ronald Brian "Brian"6 Fetzer (Ronald John "Ronnie"5, Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 1 Jan 1970 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married (1), divorced Shelley Renee Woods; (2) on 26 Aug 1995 Amanda Suzanne "Mandy" Hoehn County, Lima, Ohio. , born 13 Jan 1976 in Allen Notes for Ronald Brian "Brian" Fetzer Brian Fetzer hand-paints replicas of the genie bottles used in the 1960s TV sitcom "I Dream of Jeannie". Children of Ronald Brian "Brian" Fetzer and Shelley Renee Woods were as follows: 1214 i Christine Renee7 Fetzer , born 28 Jun 1988. Children of Ronald Brian "Brian" Fetzer and Amanda Suzanne "Mandy" Hoehn were as follows: 1215 i Alyssa Lynn7 Fetzer 1216 ii Tristan Lee7 Fetzer Illness: Pyloric Stenosis. 1217 iii Jared Michael7 Fetzer Illness: Pyloric Stenosis. , born 21 Jun 1996. , born 6 Feb 1998. Other events: , born 9 Feb 1999. Other events: 789. Scott Lee6 Fetzer (Ronald John "Ronnie"5, Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 22 Mar 1971 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married on 27 Sep 1997 in Christian Life Assembly of God, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio Nicole Lynn "Nikki" Putt, born 3 Jan 1972 in Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio, daughter of Don Putt and Karen Unknown. Other events for Scott Lee Fetzer Military Service: U.S. Army Reserves, Sergeant. Occupation Cooper Tire, Bowling Green, Ohio. Sources for Scott Lee Fetzer Military Service: Newspaper, Delphos Herald, Delphos, Ohio , 21 Aug 2004, Saturday. Children of Scott Lee Fetzer and Nicole Lynn "Nikki" Putt were as follows: 1218 i Hailey Marie7 Fetzer 1219 ii Jordan Taylor7 Fetzer , born 19 Feb 1998. , born 29 Jun 1999. 790. William Lee6 Fetzer (William Louis "Woody"5, Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 2 Feb 1971. He married Barbara Lee Fingerhut. Children of William Lee Fetzer and Barbara Lee Fingerhut were as follows: 1220 i Isaiah William7 Fetzer, born 18 Dec 1990. 1221 ii Leanna Marie7 Fetzer, born 25 Nov 1994. 792. Brandon Thomas6 Fetzer (William Louis "Woody"5, Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 10 Jul 1975. He married on 19 May 2001 in St. Marys Catholic Church, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio Coral Suzanne Hardeman, born 18 Feb 1980, daughter of Daniel Hardeman and Debra Jewel. Other events for Brandon Thomas Fetzer Baptism St. Marys Church, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio (17 Aug 1975). Notes for Brandon Thomas Fetzer Born to Cathleene A Krugh, but don't know whom the biological father is. Adopted by William Louis Fetzer. Children of Brandon Thomas Fetzer and Coral Suzanne Hardeman were as follows: 1222 i Caleb Jordan7 Fetzer, born 23 Jan 1999. Other events: Baptism St. Marys Church, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio (Apr 1999). 1223 ii Natalie Elizabeth7 Fetzer, born 28 Jun 2001. 793. Cory Michael6 Fetzer (Terry Lee5, Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 22 May 1978. He married Amber Ann Unknown. Children of Cory Michael Fetzer and Amber Ann Unknown were as follows: 1224 i Jordon Lee7 Fetzer. 797. Brenda Marie6 Buschor (Mary Catherine "Toodles"5 Vogt, Nellie Erma "Nell"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 24 Oct 1960 in Mt. Carmel Mercy Hospital, Wayne County, Detroit, Michigan. She married on 25 Aug 1990 in United Methodist Church, Montgomery County, Dayton, Ohio, divorced Barry Wayne Savage , born 28 Jan 1957 in St. Margaret Hospital, Montgomery County, Montgomery, Alabama, son of James Ernest "Jim" Savage Armstrong and Audrey Louise . Other events for Brenda Marie Buschor Occupation: Computer Programmer/Analyst. Religion: Catholic. Baptism St. John's Catholic Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (20 Nov 1960). Residence 1616 Shroyer Road, Dayton, Ohio 45419 (May 2008). Divorce Travis County Courthouse Complex, Austin, Texas (11 Jan 2007). Other events for Barry Wayne Savage Baptism First Methodist Church, Elmore County, Millbrook, Alabama. Religion: United Methodist. Divorce (8 Jan 1986). Divorce Travis County Courthouse Complex, Austin, Texas (11 Jan 2007). Sources for Brenda Marie Buschor Birth: Certificate of Birth . Marriage: Certificate of Marriage . Divorce: Divorce Decree . Sources for Barry Wayne Savage Divorce: Divorce Decree . Marriage: Certificate of Marriage . Divorce: Divorce Decree . Children of Brenda Marie Buschor and Barry Wayne Savage were as follows: 1225 i Jessica Renee7 Savage , born 11 Jun 1992 in Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas, Dallas County, Dallas, Texas. Other events: Religion: United Methodist. Illness: Muscle-Eye-Brain Disease = Hydrocephalus, Lissencephaly, Retina/Eye abnormalities, and Muscle Disease, (11 Jun 1992). Baptism Custer United Methodist Church, Collin County, Plano, Texas (5 Jul 1992). Birth Source: Certificate of Birth . 1226 ii Chelsea Lynn7 Savage , born 8 Mar 1994 in Medical City Dallas Hospital, Dallas County, Dallas, Texas. Other events: Religion: United Methodist. Illness: Muscle-Eye-Brain Disease = Hydrocephalus, Lissencephaly, Retina/Eye abnormalities, and a Muscle Disease, (8 Mar 1994). Baptism First United Methodist Church, Bay County, Panama City, Florida (26 May 1994). Birth Source: Certificate of Birth . 798. Daniel Craig "Dan"6 Buschor (Mary Catherine "Toodles"5 Vogt, Nellie Erma "Nell"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 12 Mar 1962 in Holy Cross Hospital, Wayne County, Detroit, Michigan. He married (1) on 18 Jun 1988 in First Baptist Church, Montgomery County, Dayton, Ohio, divorced Kathryn Kay "Kathy or Katie" Andrews , born 7 Oct 1964 in Memorial Hospital, Sarasota County, Sarasota, Florida, daughter of Larry Louis Andrews and Carol Diane Todd; (2) on 2 Jul 2006 in Royal Plantation Resort, Ocho Rios, Jamaica Teresa Lynn Dinkins , born 23 Nov 1960. Other events for Daniel Craig "Dan" Buschor Religion (Catholic). Residence 6815 Eleven Mile Road, Macomb County, Warren, Michigan (12 Mar 1962). Baptism St John's Catholic Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Apr 1962). Military Service: F-16 Pilot, U.S. Air Force, Commissioned Lieutenant Col. (28 Aug 1984). Marriage License First Baptist Church of Dayton, Montgomery County, Dayton, Ohio (18 Jun 1988). Residence 202 Barefoot Court, Sumter, South Carolina 29150 (May 2008). Divorce Recorded in court house on 18 Jun 2004, Sumter County, Sumter, South Carolina (16 Jun 2004). Other events for Kathryn Kay "Kathy or Katie" Andrews Religion: Baptist. Occupation: Teacher (Elementary Education). Baptism First Baptist Church of Riverview, Hillsborough County, Riverview, Florida (11 Jun 1976). Divorce Recorded in court house on 18 Jun 2004, Sumter County, Sumter, South Carolina (16 Jun 2004). Sources for Daniel Craig "Dan" Buschor Birth: Certificate of Birth . Residence: Certificate of Birth . Children of Daniel Craig "Dan" Buschor and Kathryn Kay "Kathy or Katie" Andrews were as follows: 1227 i Dexter Craig "Dex"7 Buschor , born 12 Feb 1997 in Wright-Patterson AFB Hospital, Greene County, Dayton, Ohio. Other events: Religion: Catholic/Baptist. Baptism Wright-Patterson AFB Chapel, Greene County, Dayton, Ohio (1 Jun 1997). 799. Yvonne Jean "Tonn"6 Buschor (Mary Catherine "Toodles"5 Vogt, Nellie Erma "Nell"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 5 Feb 1963 in Detroit, Michigan. She married (1) in NEVER MARRIED George Russell Jr. "Rusty" Curry, born abt 1961, son of George Russell Sr. Curry; (2) on 5 Oct 1996 in Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Green County, Beavercreek, Ohio Rex Cottrill, born 5 Nov 1962. Notes for Yvonne Jean "Tonn" Buschor Yvonne Jean Buschor never married George Russell Curry, but the PAF (ancestry) tool prints indicating she was married, because it's the only way to list their child. Notes for George Russell Jr. "Rusty" Curry Yvonne Jean Buschor never married George Russell Curry, but the PAF (ancestry) tool prints indicating he was married, because it's the only way to list their child. Children of Yvonne Jean "Tonn" Buschor and George Russell Jr. "Rusty" Curry were as follows: 1228 i , born 28 Sep 1985 in William Michael "Mike"7 Buschor Good Samaritan Hospital, Hamilton County, Cincinnati, Ohio. He married on 11 Nov 2007 in St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church, Montgomery County, Kettering, Ohio Maryann Whitney Bown , born 14 Aug 1985 in Riverside Memorial Hospital, Franklin County, Columbus, Ohio, daughter of William Lee Bown and Patricia Jean Smith. Other events: Religion St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church, Montgomery County, Kettering, Ohio. Baptism St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church, Montgomery County, Kettering, Ohio (Nov 1985). Occupation: Customer Service Representative, Pizza Hut, Centerville, Ohio (Apr 2008). Notes: Michael's name is Buschor on his birth certificate. He was never given the last name of his biological father (Curry). His mother never married George Russell (Rusty) Curry. 800. Douglas James "Doug"6 Buschor (Mary Catherine "Toodles"5 Vogt, 4 3 Nellie Erma "Nell" Dunlap, Alexander "Alex" , Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 22 Feb 1964 in St. Elizabeth Hospital, Montgomery County, Dayton, Ohio. He married on 2 Oct 1993 in St. Mary Church, Montgomery County, Dayton, Ohio, divorced Kimberly Ann "Kim" Ohmer , born 20 Jan 1963 in Good Samaritan Hospital, Hamilton County, Cincinnati, Ohio, daughter of Thomas A Ohmer and Eileen M Rehkamp. Other events for Douglas James "Doug" Buschor Religion Catholic. Baptism St. Peter Church, Montgomery County, Huber Heights, Ohio. Occupation: Electrical Engineer. Residence 55 Terradyne Trace, Springboro, Ohio 45066 (May 2008). Divorce (23 Jul 2007). Other events for Kimberly Ann "Kim" Ohmer Religion Catholic. Baptism. Occupation: Office Manager, Franklin, Ohio. Baptism Corpus Christi Church, Hamilton County, Cincinnati, Ohio (3 Feb 1963). Divorce (23 Jul 2007). Children of Douglas James "Doug" Buschor and Kimberly Ann "Kim" Ohmer were as follows: 1229 i , born 14 Aug 1996 in Bethesda Kristina Nicole7 Buschor North Hospital, Hamilton County, Cincinnati, Ohio. Other events: Religion Catholic. Baptism St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, Clermont County, Milford, Ohio (3 Nov 1996). 1230 ii Kassidy Rene7 Buschor , born 11 Feb 1998 in Bethesda North Hospital, Hamilton County, Cincinnati, Ohio. Other events: Religion Catholic. Baptism St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, Clermont County, Milford, Ohio (17 May 1998). 801. Lisa Ann6 Buschor (Mary Catherine "Toodles"5 Vogt, Nellie 4 3 Erma "Nell" Dunlap, Alexander "Alex" , Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 15 Aug 1969 in St. Elizabeth Hospital, Montgomery County, Dayton, Ohio. She married on 20 Nov 1994 in Summit United Methodist Church, Franklin County, Columbus, Ohio Ralph Stewart III "Stew" Hirsch, born 30 Sep 1965 in Riverside Methodist Hospital, Frnanklin County, Coumbus, Ohio, son of Ralph Stewart "Tony" II Hirsch and Gretchen Silbernagel. Other events for Lisa Ann Buschor Baptism St. Charles Borromeo Church, Montgomery County, Kettering, Ohio. Religion: Catholic. Residence 324 Holly Springs Drive, Madison, Alabama 35758 (May 2008). Other events for Ralph Stewart III "Stew" Hirsch Baptism St. Mark Episcopal Church, Franklin County, Upper Arlington, Ohio. Religion: Epescopalian. Divorce (3 Jul 1992). Children of Lisa Ann Buschor and Ralph Stewart III "Stew" Hirsch were as follows: 1231 i Thomas Matthew "Tom"7 Hirsch , born 29 Jun 1995 in Doctor's North Hospital, Franklin County, Columbus, Ohio. Other events: Baptism St. Joan of Arc Church, Franklin County, Columbus, Ohio (Jun 1996). 1232 ii Tyler Chirstopher7 Hirsch , born 12 Apr 1997 in Doctor's West Hospital, Franklin County, Columbus, Ohio. Other events: Baptism St. Joan of Arc Church, Franklin County, Powell, Ohio. 1233 iii Trevor Alexander7 Hirsch , born 20 Aug 2001 in Doctor's West Hospital, Franklin County, Columbus, Ohio. Other events: Baptism St. Agatha Church, Franklin County, Upper Arlington, Ohio (23 Dec 2001). 1234 iv Amanda Marie7 Hirsch , born 6 Sep 2006 in Wake Med Hospital, Wake County, Cary, North Carolina. Other events: Baptism St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church, Montgomery County, Kettering, Ohio (9 Nov 2007). 802. Jennifer Lee "Jenny"6 Buschor (Mary Catherine "Toodles"5 4 3 Vogt, Nellie Erma "Nell" Dunlap, Alexander "Alex" , Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 4 Apr 1975 in Kettering Memorial Hospital, Montgomery County, Kettering, Ohio. She married on 11 Oct 1997 in St Charles Borromeo Church, Montgomery County, Kettering, Ohio Stephen Matthew Fuchs, born 21 Nov 1973 in St. Elizabeth Hospital, Montgomery County, Dayton, Ohio, son of Gordon Edward Fuchs and Joanne Pfister. Other events for Jennifer Lee "Jenny" Buschor Occupation: Teacher. Religion Catholic. Baptism St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church, Montgomery County, Kettering, Ohio (May 1975). Residence 4518 Parklawn Drive, Kettering, Ohio 45440 (May 2008). Other events for Stephen Matthew Fuchs Occupation: Teacher, Chaminade Julienne High School, Montgomery County, Datyon, Ohio. Religion St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church, Montgomery County, Kettering, Ohio. Baptism Holy Angels Church, Montgomery County, Dayton, Ohio (Dec 1973). Children of Jennifer Lee "Jenny" Buschor and Stephen Matthew Fuchs were as follows: 1235 i Austin Christopher7 Fuchs , born 22 Sep 1998 in Kettering Memorial Hospital, Montgomery County, Kettering, Ohio. Other events: Baptism St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church, Montgomery County, Kettering, Ohio (22 Nov 1998). 1236 ii Nicole Catherine7 Fuchs , born 30 Sep 1999 in Kettering Memorial Hospital, Montgomery County, Kettering, Ohio. Other events: Baptism St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church, Montgomery County, Kettering, Ohio (12 Dec 1999). 1237 iii Lindsey Marie7 Fuchs , born 3 May 2001 in Kettering Memorial Hospital, Mongtgomery County, Kettering, Ohio. Other events: Baptism St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church, Montgomery County, Kettering, Ohio (22 Jul 2001). 805. Robert Paul "Rob"6 Wittler (Ruth Ann "Ruthie"5 Dunlap, Robert Herbert Isadore "Herb or Bud"4, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 20 May 1966 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married in NEVER MARRIED Patricia Ann , born 17 Nov 1963 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Smith Notes for Robert Paul "Rob" Wittler Robert Paul Wittler never married Patricia Ann Smith, but the PAF (ancestry) tool prints indicating he was married, because it's the only way to list their child. Notes for Patricia Ann Smith Robert Paul Wittler never married Patricia Ann Smith, but the PAF (ancestry) tool prints indicating she was married, because it's the only way to list their child. Children of Robert Paul "Rob" Wittler and Patricia Ann Smith were as follows: 1238 i Jessica Sarah7 Wittler , born 12 Nov 1985 in Coldwater Hospital, Michigan. Notes: Jessica's biological father's name is ? Adopted by Robert "Rob" Paul Wittler. 806. Richard Shawn "Rick"6 Wittler (Ruth Ann "Ruthie"5 Dunlap, Robert 4 3 Herbert Isadore "Herb or Bud" , Alexander "Alex" , Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 30 Mar 1970 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married in NEVER MARRIED Dee Diane Fox . Notes for Richard Shawn "Rick" Wittler Richard Shawn Wittler never married Dee Diane Fox, but the PAF (ancestry) tool prints indicating he was married, because it's the only way to list their children. Notes for Dee Diane Fox Richard Shawn Wittler never married Dee Diane Fox, but the PAF (ancestry) tool prints indicating she was married, because it's the only way to list their children. Children of Richard Shawn "Rick" Wittler and Dee Diane Fox were as follows: 1239 i Kristal7 Fox , born 20 May 1986. Notes: Kristal's biological father's name is ? 1240 ii Eric7 Fox . Notes: Eric's biological father's name is ? 807. Rana Louise6 Wittler (Ruth Ann "Ruthie"5 Dunlap, Robert Herbert 4 Isadore "Herb or Bud" , Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 13 May 1972 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married on 2 Mar 1996 in Southside Christan Church, Allen County, Lima, Ohio, divorced Robert Bruce Jr. "Bruce" Komarek , born 6 Jan 1971 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio, son of Robert Komarek and Patricia Betz. Other events for Rana Louise Wittler Divorce (15 Apr 2002). Other events for Robert Bruce Jr. "Bruce" Komarek Occupation Wonder Bread-Hostess Cakes, Sales Route Driver and at Ford, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Divorce (15 Apr 2002). Children of Rana Louise Wittler and Robert Bruce Jr. "Bruce" Komarek were as follows: 1241 i Claire Ann7 Komarek , born 12 Dec 1998 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. 808. Kimberly Rene "Kim"6 Dunlap (James Robert "Jim"5, Robert Herbert Isadore "Herb or Bud"4, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 7 Oct 1973 in Toledo Hospital, Lucas County, Toledo, Ohio. She married (1) on 5 Oct 1996 in Trinity United Methodist Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio, divorced Shawn James , born 29 Apr 1976, son of Joe Theobald and Cheryl Klaus; (2) on 5 Theobald May 2001 in Trinity United Methodist Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio Brian Lee Riddell, born 8 Sep 1973 in Indianapolis, Indiana, son of Lonnie David Riddell and Faye Ann Witte. Other events for Kimberly Rene "Kim" Dunlap Occupation: Wastewater Treatment Plant Superintendent, City of Delphos, Delphos, Ohio. Divorce (Mar 2000). Other events for Shawn James Theobald Divorce (Mar 2000). Other events for Brian Lee Riddell Occupation: Engineer, Eaton Corporation, Van Wert, Ohio. Sources for Kimberly Rene "Kim" Dunlap Marriage: Newspaper, Delphos Herald, Delphos, Ohio , 7 Aug 1996, Saturday. Sources for Shawn James Theobald Marriage: Newspaper, Delphos Herald, Delphos, Ohio , 7 Aug 1996, Saturday. Children of Kimberly Rene "Kim" Dunlap and Shawn James Theobald were as follows: 1242 i Alexander James7 Theobald, born 27 Feb 1999 in St. Rita's Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Children of Kimberly Rene "Kim" Dunlap and Brian Lee Riddell were as follows: 1243 i Emmalee Rebecca7 Riddell, born 10 Jun 2002 in St. Rita's Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. 809. Bryan Thomas6 Dunlap (James Robert "Jim"5, Robert Herbert Isadore "Herb or Bud"4, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 8 Mar 1977 in Toledo Hospital, Lucas County, Toledo, Ohio. He married on 18 Jul 1998 in First United Methodist Church, Wapakoneta, Ohio Corrine Anne Flick, born 6 Mar 1976, daughter of Eric Flick and Pamela Lester. Children of Bryan Thomas Dunlap and Corrine Anne Flick were as follows: 1244 i Jenna Corrine7 Dunlap, born 26 Jun 1999 in Memorial Hospital, Lima, Ohio. 1245 ii Ethan James7 Dunlap, born 18 Nov 2003 in Memorial Hospital, Lima, Ohio. 810. Catherine Elizabeth6 Fetzer (Steven Lynn "Steve"5, Leah Catherine4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 15 May 1968. She married Unknown Unknown. Children of Catherine Elizabeth Fetzer and Unknown Unknown were as follows: 1246 i Christopher Allen7 Fetzer, born 4 Nov 1987. Notes: Christopher's biological father's name is ? 811. Julia Ann6 Fetzer (Steven Lynn "Steve"5, Leah Catherine4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 21 Feb 1971. She married on 17 Jul 1993 Michael Lee Csuhta, born 26 Apr 1971. Children of Julia Ann Fetzer and Michael Lee Csuhta were as follows: 1247 i Darryin Renee7 Csuhta, born 29 Mar 1994. 1248 ii Zane Michael7 Csuhta, born 8 Oct 1996. 813. LeAnn Marie6 Shank (Roxanna Louise "Roxie"5 Fetzer, Leah 4 3 Catherine Dunlap, Alexander "Alex" , Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 29 Jul 1969. She married on 15 Sep 1990 Scott Donald Hantz, born 27 Jul 1963. Children of LeAnn Marie Shank and Scott Donald Hantz were as follows: 1249 i Nicole Marie7 Hantz, born 20 Apr 1992. 1250 ii Brady Scott7 Hantz, born 21 Apr 1994. 814. Richard Robert "Dick or Tuffy or Rich"6 Shank (Roxanna Louise "Roxie"5 Fetzer, Leah Catherine4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 4 Mar 1972. He married, divorced Unknown Unknown. Children of Richard Robert "Dick or Tuffy or Rich" Shank and Unknown Unknown were as follows: 1251 i Richard Christopher7 Shank, born 6 Jun 1991. 815. Dawn Renee6 Shank (Roxanna Louise "Roxie"5 Fetzer, Leah Catherine4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 20 Mar 1975. She married on 20 Sep 1997 Aaron Michael Steffel, born 18 Oct 1974, son of Glen Steffel and Diana Meyer. Children of Dawn Renee Shank and Aaron Michael Steffel were as follows: 1252 i Andrew John7 Steffel, born 18 Jan 1999. 1253 ii Stacey Ann7 Steffel, born 23 Sep 2001 in Defiance, Ohio. 816. Brian Christopher6 Winchester (Vickie Lee5 Fetzer, Leah Catherine4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 23 Nov 1973. He married on 8 Aug 1995 Felicia Ann Fuentes, born 27 Nov 1975. Children of Brian Christopher Winchester and Felicia Ann Fuentes were as follows: 1254 i Meranda Kristine7 Winchester, born 21 Sep 1995. 1255 ii Cecilia Ann7 Winchester, born 9 Feb 1998. 822. Misty Dawn6 McComas (Paula Kay5 Dunlap, Paul Lavern "Bill"4, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 23 Apr 1975 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married on 21 Jul 2001 in St. Thomas Aquinas, Maricopa County, Litchfield Park, Arizona Matthew Wayne Kishbaugh , born 10 Jan 1975 in California, son of Richard Wayne "Wayne" Kishbaugh and LeRyne De Petri. Other events for Matthew Wayne Kishbaugh Military Service: Air Force. Children of Misty Dawn McComas and Matthew Wayne Kishbaugh were as follows: 1256 i Atlanta Marie7 Kishbaugh Thunderbird Samaritan? Hospital. , born 4 May 2002 in 826. Terry Paul6 Fair (Susan Marie "Suzie"5 Dunlap, Paul Lavern "Bill"4, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 27 Mar 1977 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married on 29 Apr 1999 in Court House, Allen County, Lima, Ohio April Shrider. Children of Terry Paul Fair and April Shrider were as follows: 1257 i Tre Jordan7 Fair, born 3 Apr 1998 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. 1258 ii Caitlynn Marie7 Fair, born 22 Jul 1999 in St. Rita's Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. 827. Angela Nicole "Angie"6 Casebolt (Claudia Jean "Jeannie"5 Dunlap, Paul Lavern "Bill"4, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 24 Feb 1978 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married (1) on 29 Jun 1995 in Delphos, Ohio, divorced Jason Damian Fyffe; (2) Tim Herman; (3) on 25 Apr 2003 in Wapakoneta Courthouse, Auglaize County, Wapakoneta, Ohio Mike William. Other events for Angela Nicole "Angie" Casebolt Divorce (Jun 1997). Other events for Jason Damian Fyffe Divorce (Jun 1997). Notes for Angela Nicole "Angie" Casebolt Angela never married Tim Herman. Children of Angela Nicole "Angie" Casebolt and Jason Damian Fyffe were as follows: 1259 i , born 24 Oct 1997 in St. Rita's Amber Jean7 Fyffe Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Children of Angela Nicole "Angie" Casebolt and Tim Herman were as follows: 1260 i Abby Marie7 Herman , born 2 May 2000 in St. Rita's Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. 828. Kevin Paul6 Casebolt (Claudia Jean "Jeannie"5 Dunlap, Paul Lavern "Bill"4, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 24 Sep 1980 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married on 31 Oct 2001 Cortney Moorman . Children of Kevin Paul Casebolt and Cortney Moorman were as follows: 1261 i Kolby Dean7 Casebolt , born 2 Oct 1997 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. 839. Kelly Paul Sr6 Sargent (Alice Jane "Jane"5 Kundert, Lulu Geraldine 4 3 "Jerry" Schindler, Martha Dunlap, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 26 Dec 1961. He married Karen Brown. Children of Kelly Paul Sr Sargent and Karen Brown were as follows: 1262 i Kelly Paul Jr7 Sargent , born 5 Sep 1980. (Alice Jane "Jane"5 Kundert, Lulu Geraldine 840. Johnnie Carlyle6 Flinchum "Jerry"4 Schindler, Martha3 Dunlap, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 14 Aug 1964. He married Teresa Powell. Children of Johnnie Carlyle Flinchum and Teresa Powell were as follows: 1263 i Brittany Nicole7 Flinchum , born 17 Mar 1988. 842. Jeanne Renae6 Barth (Lois Jean5 Buettner, Opal Helena4 Dunlap, Edward3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 30 Jan 1959 in University Hospital, Columbus, Ohio. She married (1) on 11 Jun 1993, divorced Lester Cole; (2) on 11 Dec 1999, divorced Alan Green. Children of Jeanne Renae Barth and Lester Cole were as follows: 1264 i Randi Lynn7 Cole, born 13 Oct 1986 in Stuttgart Memorial Hospital, Stuttgart, Arkansas. 843. Janice Elaine6 Buettner (Robert Edward5, Opal Helena4 Dunlap, Edward3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 22 Jan 1952 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married on 25 May 1979 Jeffrey Pheneger, born 27 Jan 1950. Children of Janice Elaine Buettner and Jeffrey Pheneger were as follows: + 1265 1266 i ii + 1267 iii Craig7 Pheneger, born 26 Aug 1971. He married Michelle Smith. David "Shock"7 Pheneger, born 19 Dec 1971. He married on 2 Sep 2000 in Murfreesboro, Tennessee Teresa Cook. Kimberly7 Pheneger, born 7 Nov 1974. She married Danny Althaus. 844. Dennis Wayne6 Buettner (Robert Edward5, Opal Helena4 Dunlap, Edward3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 19 Sep 1954 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married on 28 Dec 1974 Cynthia Mullenour. Children of Dennis Wayne Buettner and Cynthia Mullenour were as follows: 1268 i Daniel7 Buettner, born 14 Jan 1981. 1269 ii Matthew7 Buettner, born 29 Dec 1984. 845. Mary Beth6 Buettner (Robert Edward5, Opal Helena4 Dunlap, Edward3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 10 Feb 1966 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married (1) on 11 Apr 1987, divorced Joe Ogle; (2) on 14 Sep 1996 Jeffrey Weis. Children of Mary Beth Buettner and Joe Ogle were as follows: 1270 i Chelsea Ann7 Ogle, born 31 Dec 1988 in Germany. 1271 ii Eric Joseph7 Ogle, born 27 Nov 1992 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Children of Mary Beth Buettner and Jeffrey Weis were as follows: 1272 i Jenna7 Weis, born 11 Aug 1984. 847. Joyce Gloria6 Michel (Wanda Lou5 Buettner, Opal Helena4 Dunlap, Edward3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 7 Jun 1956 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married on 26 Jun 1976 Gary Haunstein, born 21 Nov 1950. + Children of Joyce Gloria Michel and Gary Haunstein were as follows: 1273 i Eugene7 Haunstein, born 17 Apr 1978. He married on 24 Jul 2004 Dawn Snavley. 1274 ii Barbara Rose7 Haunstein, born 10 Oct 1981. She married Justin Pearson. 848. John Joe Fredrick6 Michel (Wanda Lou5 Buettner, Opal Helena4 Dunlap, Edward3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 5 Feb 1958 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married on 20 Jun 1984 in Boken Arrow, Oklahoma Deanna Montgomery, born 14 Jun 1960. Children of John Joe Fredrick Michel and Deanna Montgomery were as follows: 1275 i Angie7 Michel, born 29 Aug 1987. 1276 ii Jessica7 Michel, born 18 Mar 1990. 1277 iii Stacy7 Michel, born 16 Jan 1993. 1278 iv Ashley Christine7 Michel, born 15 Jan 1995. 849. Charity Luann6 Michel (Wanda Lou5 Buettner, Opal Helena4 Dunlap, Edward3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 9 Jun 1961 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married (1) on 26 Jan 1980, divorced James J "Jay" Follas; (2) Ward Guinther. + Children of Charity Luann Michel and James J "Jay" Follas were as follows: 1279 i Jo Ellen7 Follas, born 27 Jul 1980 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married Dustin Lehman. 1280 ii Sarah Jean7 Follas, born 27 May 1986. 850. Monica Lynn6 Buettner (Darrel Lee5, Opal Helena4 Dunlap, Edward3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 3 Jul 1967 in Charleton, South Carolina. She married in Wilmar, Minnesota Eric Erickson. Children of Monica Lynn Buettner and Eric Erickson were as follows: 1281 i Nicholas7 Erickson, born 21 Mar 1989. 1282 ii Kelsie Rose7 Erickson, born 11 Aug 1994. 1283 iii Karlee7 Erickson, born Mar 2001. 851. Wesley Allen6 Buettner (Darrel Lee5, Opal Helena4 Dunlap, Edward3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 19 Oct 1969 in Charleton, South Carolina. He married in Oct 1993 Linda Miller. Children of Wesley Allen Buettner and Linda Miller were as follows: 1284 i Kelsie Marie7 Buettner, born 21 Jan 1993 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. 1285 ii Lindsay Rene7 Buettner, born 11 Dec 1993 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. 853. David "Dave"6 Buettner (James5, Wava P4 Dunlap, Edward3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1). He married Molly Drerup. Children of David "Dave" Buettner and Molly Drerup were as follows: 1286 1287 i ii Abigail "Abby"7 Buettner Kelsey7 Buettner. , born 10 Aug 1988. 867. Margaret6 Dunlap (Berl A5, Emmet4, John Wesley3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 11 Jul 1932. She married (1) Unknown Flanagan; (2) Unknown Nutt; (3) on 30 Nov 1962 Carl Beards. Children of Margaret Dunlap and Unknown Flanagan were as follows: 1288 i Pamela7 Flanagan, born 14 Mar 1953. Children of Margaret Dunlap and Unknown Nutt were as follows: 1289 i John7 Nutt, born 31 Oct 1956. Children of Margaret Dunlap and Carl Beards were as follows: 1290 i Penny7 Beards, born 23 Oct 1963. 868. Glenn Dean6 Dunlap (Berl A5, Emmet4, John Wesley3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 2 Jun 1937. He married on 31 Aug 1958 Bonnie Parks. Children of Glenn Dean Dunlap and Bonnie Parks were as follows: 1291 i Denny7 Dunlap, born 30 Dec 1959. 1292 ii Jeff7 Dunlap, born 26 Jun 1962. 1293 iii Jill Lynn7 Dunlap, born 22 Oct 1971. 871. Jerry6 Dunlap (Howard5, Emmet4, John Wesley3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 27 Jan 1946. He married on 12 Aug 1967 Ellen Browning. Children of Jerry Dunlap and Ellen Browning were as follows: 1294 i Jon Eugene7 Dunlap, born 4 Jun 1969. 875. Vicky6 Dunlap (Richard5, Emmet4, John Wesley3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 18 Jun 1948. She married on 25 May 1968 Ed Bailey. Children of Vicky Dunlap and Ed Bailey were as follows: 1295 i Jamie7 Bailey, born 19 Feb 1970. 877. Eugene6 Miller (Bernice5 Mosier, Myrtle4 Dunlap, Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1). He married Irene Unknown. Children of Eugene Miller and Irene Unknown were as follows: 1296 i Burl7 Miller. 1297 ii Kathy7 Miller. 1298 iii Ethel7 Miller. 881. Kenneth6 Miller (Bernice5 Mosier, Myrtle4 Dunlap, Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1). He married Unknown Unknown. Children of Kenneth Miller and Unknown Unknown were as follows: 1299 i Debra7 Miller. 884. Nancy6 Sidle (Frances5 Mosier, Myrtle4 Dunlap, Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1). She married on 14 Jan 1961 Walter Roehm. Children of Nancy Sidle and Walter Roehm were as follows: 1300 i Jeff7 Roehm. 1301 ii David7 Roehm. 1302 iii Melvin7 Roehm. 1303 iv Lynette7 Roehm. 886. Carl W6 Mosier (Roland5, Myrtle4 Dunlap, Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 30 Mar 1929. He married on 27 Nov 1947 Dorothy Crow. + Children of Carl W Mosier and Dorothy Crow were as follows: 1304 i Jay Dean7 Mosier, born 10 Oct 1948. He married on 14 Jan 1972 Debra Shull. 1305 ii Michael Carl7 Mosier, born 4 Jan 1950. He married on 24 Sep 1971 Roxann Dusinger. 1306 iii Bruce DeWayne7 Mosier, born 20 Feb 1953. He married Elizabeth Hart. 1307 iv Jim Scott7 Mosier, born 23 Mar 1965. 1308 v Jeffrey Allen7 Mosier, born 15 Sep 1968. 887. Donnabelle6 Mosier (Roland5, Myrtle4 Dunlap, Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 31 Dec 1935. She married on 23 Jan 1955 Melvin Davis. Children of Donnabelle Mosier and Melvin Davis were as follows: 1309 i Debra Kay7 Davis, born 27 Mar 1957. 1310 ii Dennise Elaine7 Davis, born 20 Dec 1958. 1311 iii Brent Allen7 Davis, born 24 Jun 1960. 1312 iv Michael Wayne7 Davis, born 29 Jan 1962. 888. Carolyn Jean6 Mosier (Roland5, Myrtle4 Dunlap, Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 13 Oct 1941. She married on 9 Aug 1959 Royce High. Children of Carolyn Jean Mosier and Royce High were as follows: 1313 i Kimberly Kay7 High, born 4 Oct 1961. 1314 ii Erick Scott7 High, born 24 Nov 1963. 1315 iii Charity Lynn7 High, born 12 Oct 1967. 1316 iv Angela Rose7 High, born 9 Jan 1970. 889. Linda Kay6 Mosier (William Harold5, Myrtle4 Dunlap, Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 18 Feb 1942. She married on 22 Jun 1963 Max LeRoy Gamble. Children of Linda Kay Mosier and Max LeRoy Gamble were as follows: 1317 i Gregory Leroy7 Gamble, born 30 Aug 1964. 1318 ii Spencer Lynn7 Gamble, born 13 Oct 1965. 1319 iii William Lindsay7 Gamble, born 13 Jul 1967. 1320 iv Jameson Leigh7 Gamble, born 2 Apr 1969. 890. Thomas William6 Mosier (William Harold5, Myrtle4 Dunlap, Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 17 Jul 1943. He married (1) on 9 Jan 1965 Carolyn Johns; (2) on 29 Mar 1969 Pat Shivley Anderson. Children of Thomas William Mosier and Carolyn Johns were as follows: 1321 i Edward Michael7 Mosier, born 16 Apr 1966. 894. Lowell Dean6 Mosier (Lawrence F5, Myrtle4 Dunlap, Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 16 Jun 1938. He married on 19 Mar 1960 Judy Sanders. Children of Lowell Dean Mosier and Judy Sanders were as follows: 1322 i Lynette Kay7 Mosier, born 13 Aug 1961. 1323 ii Lawrence Dean7 Mosier, born 23 Oct 1963. 895. Garry Dee6 Mosier (Lawrence F5, Myrtle4 Dunlap, Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 6 Jul 1941. He married on 23 Apr 1967 Phyllis Kelly. Children of Garry Dee Mosier and Phyllis Kelly were as follows: 1324 i Garry Dee7 Mosier, born 29 Nov 1967. 896. Audrey Louise6 Mosier (Lawrence F5, Myrtle4 Dunlap, Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 7 Feb 1943. She married on 3 Nov 1965 Lou Schlesser. Children of Audrey Louise Mosier and Lou Schlesser were as follows: 1325 i Phil Allen7 Schlesser, born 31 May 1967. 897. Paulette6 Mosier (Ernest5, Myrtle4 Dunlap, Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 28 Oct 1946. She married on 3 May 1966 Ron Ross. Children of Paulette Mosier and Ron Ross were as follows: 1326 i Lora Ann7 Ross, born 14 Apr 1970. 898. Joan6 Mosier (Ernest5, Myrtle4 Dunlap, Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 10 Jul 1948. She married on 23 Dec 1967 Ron Rank. Children of Joan Mosier and Ron Rank were as follows: 1327 i Rhonda7 Rank, born 7 Nov 1968. 899. Susan Jane6 Mosier (Ernest5, Myrtle4 Dunlap, Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 23 Jul 1949. She married on 27 Aug 1966 Mike McClure. Children of Susan Jane Mosier and Mike McClure were as follows: 1328 i Michelle7 McClure, born 21 Feb 1967. 1329 ii Kelly7 McClure, born 6 Aug 1970. 910. Judy6 Anderson (Emma Jean5 Mosier, Myrtle4 Dunlap, Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 21 Nov 1942. She married on 22 Jul 1960 Ed Plate. Children of Judy Anderson and Ed Plate were as follows: 1330 i Edward H7 Plate, born 14 Jun 1961. 1331 ii Rodney T7 Plate, born 11 Oct 1962. 1332 iii Timothy R7 Plate, born 12 Jan 1965. 1333 iv Millisa M7 Plate, born 1 Nov 1968. 911. William6 Anderson (Emma Jean5 Mosier, Myrtle4 Dunlap, Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 30 Nov 1943. He married on 12 Feb 1966 Linda Hammons. Children of William Anderson and Linda Hammons were as follows: 1334 i Kimberly S7 Anderson, born 3 Sep 1966. 1335 ii Shelly Lynn7 Anderson, born 22 Aug 1969. 916. Dale Eugene6 Perrott (Elnora Gynell5 Dunlap, Fred Lawrence4, Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 8 Jul 1940. He married on 20 Nov 1960 Patricia Krischer. Children of Dale Eugene Perrott and Patricia Krischer were as follows: 1336 i Lori Ann7 Perrott, born 28 Jan 1962. 1337 ii Brenda Jean7 Perrott, born 20 Aug 1964. 1338 iii Bradley Dale7 Perrott, born 8 Sep 1965. 1339 iv Robert Eugene7 Perrott, born 21 Dec 1968. 918. Roger Dean6 Dunlap (Charles Kohn5, Fred Lawrence4, Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 14 Jul 1941. He married on 1 Oct 1963 Karen Anderson. Children of Roger Dean Dunlap and Karen Anderson were as follows: 1340 i Todd Andrew7 Dunlap, born 1 Jul 1965. 1341 ii Cynthia Lynn7 Dunlap, born 31 Dec 1970. 919. Phyllis Ann6 Dunlap (Charles Kohn5, Fred Lawrence4, Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 30 Aug 1942. She married on 29 Sep 1962 James Adams. Children of Phyllis Ann Dunlap and James Adams were as follows: 1342 i James Mark7 Adams, born 24 May 1963. 1343 ii Richard Darwin7 Adams, born 25 Sep 1964. 925. Monty Kay6 Dougal (Leota Marie5 Dunlap, Fred Lawrence4, Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 14 Mar 1940. She married on 30 May 1959 Rodney Orsbon. Children of Monty Kay Dougal and Rodney Orsbon were as follows: 1344 i Kalin Ranay7 Orsbon, born 25 Apr 1960. 1345 ii Neal Cola7 Orsbon, born 12 May 1964. 926. Marlene Marie6 Dougal (Leota Marie5 Dunlap, Fred Lawrence4, Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 30 Aug 1948. She married on 5 May 1966 James Bruce Fleenor. Children of Marlene Marie Dougal and James Bruce Fleenor were as follows: 1346 i Jeffrey Robert7 Fleenor, born 2 Jan 1968. 1347 ii Amy Jo7 Fleener, born 5 Aug 1971. 928. Robert6 Galloway (Rosemary5 Dunlap, Delbert F4, Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 11 Aug 1939. He married on 16 Sep 1961 Jean Ockerman. Children of Robert Galloway and Jean Ockerman were as follows: 1348 i Nanette7 Galloway, born 17 Jun 1962. 1349 ii Aaron7 Galloway, born 29 Aug 1966. 1350 iii Erik7 Galloway, born 24 Mar 1968. 931. Diana Joyce6 Spitnale (Howard Paul Rev.5, Ida Diana4 Dunlap, Joseph Presley "Jos or Presley"3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 1 May 1945 in St. Clair County, Michigan. She married on 27 May 1967 in Henry County, Ohio Duane Eugene Rev. Miller, born 11 Oct 1945 in Alcona County, Michigan, son of Carter Harrison Rev. Miller and Helen Elaine Clayton. Other events for Diana Joyce Spitnale Occupation: Music Teacher. Religion: United Methodist. Other events for Duane Eugene Rev. Miller Religion: United Methodist. Occupation: Pastor, Caro United Methodist Church. + Children of Diana Joyce Spitnale and Duane Eugene Rev. Miller were as follows: 1351 i David Duane7 Miller, born 9 Nov 1972 in St. Clair County, Michigan. He married Loreen Jennifer Hollar. 1352 ii Elizabeth Diana7 Miller, born 9 Oct 1974 in St. Clair County, Michigan. She married on 25 May 2003 in Chicago, Illinois Wright Anderson "Andy" Williams, born 4 Feb 1975 in Alabama, son of John Williams and Linda Hudson. Other events: Occupation: Social Security Agency. Religion: United Methodist. 932. Nelson Roy6 Spitnale (Howard Paul Rev.5, Ida Diana4 Dunlap, Joseph Presley "Jos or Presley"3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 25 Oct 1947 in Frederick County, Maryland. He married (1) on 21 Jun 1969 in Zanesville, Ohio, divorced Sue Helen Lilly, born 14 Jul 1948 in Mercer, West Virginia, daughter of Thomas French Lilly and Gladys White; (2) on 30 Nov 1991 in Springfield, Virginia Dona Lynn Morris, born 25 Nov 1948, daughter of John Obbie Morris and Hazel Marie Emory. Other events for Nelson Roy Spitnale Occupation: Chief Applications Officer/Software Company. Divorce (1990). Other events for Sue Helen Lilly Occupation: Software Trainer. Religion: United Methodist. Divorce (1990). Other events for Dona Lynn Morris Occupation: Interior Designer. + Children of Nelson Roy Spitnale and Sue Helen Lilly were as follows: 1353 i Thomas Howard7 Spitnale, born 20 Jul 1972. He married Cortney Michelle Smith. 1354 ii Carrie Renee7 Spitnale, born 1 Jul 1975 in Columbus, Ohio. She married on 23 Jun 2001 in Springfield, Virginia Joshua Leo Nowell, born 19 Feb 1971, son of Raney Nowell and Sherri Leo. Other events: Occupation: Mental Health Counselor. Religion: United Methodist. 933. Laura Lee6 Spitnale (Marvin Lee5, Ida Diana4 Dunlap, Joseph Presley "Jos or Presley"3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 14 Sep 1950 in Allen County, Ohio. She married on 22 Sep 1979 in St. Louis, MO Steven Dr. Emura, born 2 Apr 1952 in Cincinnati, Ohio, son of Edward Emura and Jean Ono. Other events for Laura Lee Spitnale Occupation: Nurse. Other events for Steven Dr. Emura Occupation: Doctor. Children of Laura Lee Spitnale and Steven Dr. Emura were as follows: 1355 i Kristen Kaori7 Emura, born 15 Jul 1981 in St. Louis, MO. 1356 ii Kevin Kinichi7 Emura, born 3 May 1985 in Hawaii. 934. Lana Sue6 Spitnale (Marvin Lee5, Ida Diana4 Dunlap, Joseph Presley "Jos or Presley"3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 16 Sep 1953 in Allen County, Ohio. She married on 24 Feb 1973 in Allen County, Ohio Gerard "Jerry" Johnson, born 1 Jun 1954. Other events for Lana Sue Spitnale Occupation: Factor Worker. Religion: Presbyterian. Other events for Gerard "Jerry" Johnson Religion: Presbyterian. + Children of Lana Sue Spitnale and Gerard "Jerry" Johnson were as follows: 1357 i Jerry Lee7 Johnson, born 26 Mar 1974 in Allen County, Ohio. He married Sherry Fawcett. 935. Mark Wayne6 Spitnale (Marvin Lee5, Ida Diana4 Dunlap, Joseph Presley "Jos or Presley"3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 27 Sep 1962 in Allen County, Ohio. He married on 19 Sep 1987 in Allen County, Indiana LeAnn Marie Tatman, born 5 Nov 1965, daughter of William Tatman and Sandra Ottenweller. Other events for Mark Wayne Spitnale Occupation: Engineer. Children of Mark Wayne Spitnale and LeAnn Marie Tatman were as follows: 1358 i Brooke Marie7 Spitnale, born 26 Mar 1992 in Allen County, Indiana. 1359 ii Joshua Lee7 Spitnale, born 23 Oct 1994 in Allen County, Indiana. 936. LeAnn Michelle6 Spitnale (Marvin Lee5, Ida Diana4 Dunlap, Joseph Presley "Jos or Presley"3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 24 Aug 1963 in Allen County, Ohio. She married on 16 Oct 1982 in Allen County, Ohio, divorced David Eugene Huffer, born 9 May 1961. Other events for LeAnn Michelle Spitnale Occupation: Store Clerk. Religion: Presbyterian. Divorce (1999). Other events for David Eugene Huffer Occupation: Restaurant Manager. Religion: Presbyterian. Divorce (1999). Children of LeAnn Michelle Spitnale and David Eugene Huffer were as follows: 1360 i Melanie Anne7 Huffer, born 26 Nov 1984 in Allen County, Ohio. 1361 ii Christopher7 Huffer, born 14 Jul 1987 in Lima, Ohio. 937. Gregory Gene "Greg"6 Spitnale (Gene Franklin5, Ida Diana4 Dunlap, Joseph Presley "Jos or Presley"3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 14 Oct 1955 in Defiance County, Ohio. He married on 30 Jul 1983 in Putnam County, Ohio Sandra Williams, born 21 Nov 1954, daughter of Carl Wayne Williams and Alverda Marie Collet. Other events for Gregory Gene "Greg" Spitnale Occupation: Chemist. Religion: United Methodist. Other events for Sandra Williams Occupation: Teacher. Religion: United Methodist. Children of Gregory Gene "Greg" Spitnale and Sandra Williams were as follows: 1362 i Lindsay Anna7 Spitnale, born 22 Jan 1985 in Hillsdale, Michigan. 1363 ii Andrea Marie7 Spitnale, born 9 Jan 1988 in Defiance, Ohio. 1364 iii Sarah Elizabeth7 Spitnale, born 13 Apr 1990 in Defiance, Ohio. 1365 iv Johnathan Gene7 Spitnale, born 24 Jul 1992 in Defiance, Ohio. 938. Bradley Dean "Brad"6 Spitnale (Gene Franklin5, Ida Diana4 Dunlap, Joseph Presley "Jos or Presley"3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 17 Mar 1958 in Defiance, Ohio. He married on 27 Aug 1983 in Defiance, Ohio Rebecca Cromly, born 4 Nov 1960, daughter of Donald Cromly and Pauline Culler. Other events for Bradley Dean "Brad" Spitnale Occupation: Farmer, Banker. Religion: United Methodist. Other events for Rebecca Cromly Occupation: Teacher. Religion: United Methodist. Children of Bradley Dean "Brad" Spitnale and Rebecca Cromly were as follows: 1366 i Casey Gene7 Spitnale, born 1 Nov 1984 in Allen County, Ohio. 1367 ii Amanda Rebecca7 Spitnale, born 5 May 1986 in Allen County, Ohio. 1368 iii Stephanie Phyline7 Spitnale, born 1 Oct 1988 in Lima, Ohio. 1369 iv Travis Dean7 Spitnale, born 17 Sep 1990 in Lima, Ohio. 939. Douglas Kean "Doug"6 Spitnale (Gene Franklin5, Ida Diana4 Dunlap, Joseph Presley "Jos or Presley"3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 11 Oct 1960 in Defiance, Ohio. He married (1) on 18 Aug 1984 in Putnam County, Ohio Trinka Warren; (2) on 31 Aug 1991 in Alexandria, Virginia Patricia Anne Doherty, born 16 Oct 1964, daughter of Daniel Francis Doherty and Anne Marie Talty. Other events for Douglas Kean "Doug" Spitnale Occupation: Carpenter. Religion: United Methodist. Annulment Annulled. Other events for Trinka Warren Annulment Annulled. Other events for Patricia Anne Doherty Occupation: Certification Administrator Health Services . Religion: United Methodist. Children of Douglas Kean "Doug" Spitnale and Patricia Anne Doherty were as follows: 1370 i Brian Douglas7 Spitnale, born 5 Jan 1996 in Alexandria, Virginia. Notes: Twin to Clare Marie Spitnale. 1371 ii Clare Marie7 Spitnale, born 5 Jan 1996 in Alexandria, Virginia. Notes: Twin to Brian Douglas Spitnale. 940. Gary Dean6 Spitnale (Kenneth Leroy5, Ida Diana4 Dunlap, Joseph Presley "Jos or Presley"3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 5 Jul 1954. He married (1) on 18 Jun 1978, divorced Cynthia S Roepke; (2) Pat Unknown, born 11 Sep 1941; died 11 Oct 1997 in Hamilton, Tennesee. Other events for Gary Dean Spitnale Occupation: Chef. Children of Gary Dean Spitnale and Cynthia S Roepke were as follows: 1372 i Carolyn Ruth7 Spitnale, born 1 Jun 1979. 941. Larry Allen6 Spitnale (Kenneth Leroy5, Ida Diana4 Dunlap, Joseph Presley "Jos or Presley"3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 23 Jun 1957. He married (1) on 17 Jul 1976, divorced Kathy Ann Wheeler, daughter of John R Wheeler; (2) in 1990, divorced Cheryl Unknown; (3) on 25 Feb 1995 Teri A Maxwell, born 12 Nov 1963; died 15 Apr 1999 in Ada, Michigan, daughter of Ted Maxwell and Alene S Unknown; (4) on 30 Mar 2002 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio Eva Gray. Other events for Larry Allen Spitnale Divorce (1984). Divorce (1993). Other events for Kathy Ann Wheeler Divorce (1984). Other events for Cheryl Unknown Divorce (1993). Children of Larry Allen Spitnale and Kathy Ann Wheeler were as follows: 1373 i Kenneth John7 Spitnale, born 3 Oct 1978. 1374 ii Craig Michael7 Spitnale, born 6 Feb 1981. Generation 7 974. Jeffrey7 Dunlap (Harry L Jr.6, Harry Lester5, William Edward "Ed"4, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1). He married Cheryl Unknown. Children of Jeffrey Dunlap and Cheryl Unknown were as follows: 1375 i Whitney8 Dunlap. 1376 ii Brittany8 Dunlap. 976. Kelly7 Dunlap (Harry L Jr.6, Harry Lester5, William Edward "Ed"4, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1). She married Christopher Cotton. Children of Kelly Dunlap and Christopher Cotton were as follows: 1377 i Emily8 Cotton. 1378 ii Alexander8 Cotton. 1379 iii Andrew8 Cotton. 983. Karlene7 Brown (Betty Jane6 Dunlap, Ralph W 5, William Edward "Ed"4, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 3 Apr 1953 in Auburn, Indiana. She married Unknown Dick. Children of Karlene Brown and Unknown Dick were as follows: 1380 i Jennifer8 Dick, born 3 Jun 1982 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 1381 ii Kevin8 Dick, born 30 Jul 1983 in Denver, Colorado. 1382 iii Callie Mae8 Dick, born 21 May 1985 in Denver, Colorado. 986. Linda7 Gordon (Eugene6, Charles R "Bob"5, Emma Jeanette "Nettie or Net"4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1). She married Gerald Schlussman. Children of Linda Gordon and Gerald Schlussman were as follows: 1383 i Zachary8 Schlussman. 1384 ii Jennifer8 Schlussman. 1385 iii Holly8 Schlussman. 987. Barbara7 Gordon (Eugene6, Charles R "Bob"5, Emma Jeanette "Nettie or Net"4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1). She married (1) Unknown Holloway; (2) Unknown Corrales. Children of Barbara Gordon and Unknown Holloway were as follows: 1386 i Melissa8 Holloway. 988. Michael7 Gordon (Eugene6, Charles R "Bob"5, Emma Jeanette "Nettie or Net"4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1). He married (1) Betty Jo Newburn; (2) Virginia Unknown. Children of Michael Gordon and Betty Jo Newburn were as follows: 1387 i Tammy Diane8 Gordon. 989. Darrell7 Gordon (Eugene6, Charles R "Bob"5, Emma Jeanette "Nettie or Net"4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1). He married, divorced Unknown Unknown. Children of Darrell Gordon and Unknown Unknown were as follows: 1388 i Rebecca8 Gordon. 1389 ii Rachel8 Gordon. 992. Norman David "Dave"7 Dunlap (Norman Leslie6, Hubert5, Mary Alice4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 23 May 1942 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married in 1963 in St. Paul's United Methodist Church, St. Marys, Ohio Mary Holtzapple, daughter of John Holtzapple and Lillian Neusmeyer. Children of Norman David "Dave" Dunlap and Mary Holtzapple were as follows: 1390 i Rachelle8 Dunlap, born 16 Feb 1964 in Montgomery County, Dayton, Ohio. Notes: Per The Dunlap Family History, written by Aldyth Graham (Ford), in 1988, her name is spelled Rochelle. 1391 ii Lexa Erin8 Dunlap, born 29 Apr 1967 in Auglaize County, St. Marys, Ohio. 993. Danny Lee "Dan"7 Dunlap (Norman Leslie6, Hubert5, Mary Alice4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 21 May 1945. He married in Jun 1969 in St. Augustine's Church, Minster, Ohio Mary Jo Herkinhoff, daughter of Wilbur Herkinhoff and Unknown Unknown. Children of Danny Lee "Dan" Dunlap and Mary Jo Herkinhoff were as follows: 1392 i Matthew8 Dunlap, born 22 May 1970 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. 1393 ii Paul8 Dunlap, born 29 Oct 1976 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. 994. Scott Thomas7 Dunlap (Norman Leslie6, Hubert5, Mary Alice4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 25 Jun 1955 in Auglaize County, St. Marys, Ohio. He married Alyson Hill. Children of Scott Thomas Dunlap and Alyson Hill were as follows: 1394 i Dan8 Dunlap. 995. Stephen Michael "Steve"7 Dunlap (Troy Eugene "Bud"6, Hubert5, Mary Alice4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 24 Feb 1945. He married on 24 Aug 1968 in St. Jude's Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana Rea Hannum, daughter of Lawrence Hannum and Juanita Unknown. Other events for Stephen Michael "Steve" Dunlap Military Service: Air Force Reserves in Vietnam. Children of Stephen Michael "Steve" Dunlap and Rea Hannum were as follows: 1395 i Christopher8 Dunlap. 996. John Charles7 Dunlap (Troy Eugene "Bud"6, Hubert5, Mary Alice4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 19 Feb 1948. He married in Aug 1972 Judy Peak. Other events for John Charles Dunlap Military Service: Served in the 101st Airborn in Vietnam. Notes for Judy Peak Judy's first 2 children, Julie and Terressa, may be from a first marriage. Eric John was born to John Charles Dunlap and Judy. Children of John Charles Dunlap and Judy Peak were as follows: 1396 i Eric John8 Dunlap, born Aug 1973. 1397 ii Julie8 Dunlap. Notes: Julie's biological father's name is ? 1398 iii Terressa8 Dunlap. Notes: Terressa's biological father's name is ? 999. Herbert Wayne7 Dunlap (George Edwin6, Hubert5, Mary Alice4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 1 Mar 1948 in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He married on 28 Dec 1970 in Bethany Presbyterian Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana Lynette Hess. Other events for Herbert Wayne Dunlap Military Service: Navy on the L.S.T. 819 Hampshire County, and spent 2 years in Vietnam. Notes for Herbert Wayne Dunlap Herbert's biological father is ? Children of Herbert Wayne Dunlap and Lynette Hess were as follows: 1399 i Adam James8 Dunlap, born 29 Jul 1971 in Fort Wayne, Indiana. 1400 ii Tonja Ann8 Dunlap, born 3 Sep 1972 in Fort Wayne, Indiana. 1000. Debra Ann7 Dunlap (George Edwin6, Hubert5, Mary Alice4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 11 Nov 1950. She married on 4 Aug 1973 in Bethany Presbyterian Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana Larry Lee Bechdolt, born 14 Feb 1945. Children of Debra Ann Dunlap and Larry Lee Bechdolt were as follows: 1401 i Nathan Scott8 Bechdolt, born 20 Oct 1974 in Fort Wayne, Indiana. 1402 ii Kara Delee8 Bechdolt, born 20 May 1976 in Fort Wayne, Indiana. 1403 iii Anne Marie8 Bechdolt, born 21 Oct 1978 in Fort Wayne, Indiana. 1001. Joyce Ann7 Dunlap (George Edwin6, Hubert5, Mary Alice4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 12 Feb 1956 in Fort Wayne, Indiana. She married Richard Ellison, born 2 May 1950. Children of Joyce Ann Dunlap and Richard Ellison were as follows: 1404 i Sabrina Michelle8 Ellison, born 15 Jan 1978 in Bluffton, Indiana. 1405 ii Chad Michael8 Ellison, born 25 Apr 1980 in Brazil, Indiana. 1002. Karen Michele "Michele"7 Patterson (Karen Louise6 McKibben, Ethel Pauline "Pauline"5 Ford, Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 7 Feb 1961. She married on 17 Dec 1983 John Woodard, born 13 Jan 1956. Children of Karen Michele "Michele" Patterson and John Woodard were as follows: 1406 i George Martin8 Woodard, born 6 Jun 1985. 1006. Leslie Kay7 Wilson (David Leon6, Enola5 Ford, Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 17 Oct 1958 in Youngstown, Ohio. She married on 22 Oct 1983 Paul Hancock. Children of Leslie Kay Wilson and Paul Hancock were as follows: 1407 i Neil David8 Hancock, born 16 Jan 1987 in Columbus, Ohio. 1022. Sidra Ann7 Elliott (Janis Lee6 Ford, Jonathan Lester "Lester"5, Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 21 Mar 1951 in Coshocton, Ohio. She married Lynn Westphal. Children of Sidra Ann Elliott and Lynn Westphal were as follows: 1408 i Jennifer8 Westphal, born 31 Jan 1975 in Cleveland, Ohio. 1409 ii Jason Thompson8 Westphal, born 17 Feb 1977 in Cleveland, Ohio. 1024. Donnie7 Ford (Kenneth James "Kenny"6, Jonathan Lester "Lester"5, Huldah4 Dunlap, Lester Adam3, Robert2, Joseph1), born 3 Apr 1967. He married Unknown Unknown. Children of Donnie Ford and Unknown Unknown were as follows: 1410 i Steven Michael8 Ford, born 18 Sep 1985. 1068. Michael Gene7 Dunlap (Ronald O6, Lawrence L5, E. C.4, Samuel "Sam"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 18 Aug 1949 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married on 7 Jun 1970 in St. John's United Methodist Church, Putnam County, Columbus Grove, Ohio Jewelie Annette Trask, born 8 Oct 1951 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio, daughter of John Trask and Geneva Eastman. Sources for Michael Gene Dunlap Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 27, page 303. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 27, page 303. Notes for Jewelie Annette Trask Seen middle name as Anne. Sources for Jewelie Annette Trask Birth: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 27, page 303. Marriage: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 27, page 303. Children of Michael Gene Dunlap and Jewelie Annette Trask were as follows: 1411 i Athenia Michelle8 Dunlap, born 16 Sep 1973 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married on 3 Jun 1995 in Putnam County, Bowling Green, Ohio Dean Allen Eversole, born 16 Dec 1971 in Duluth, Minnesota. Birth Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 36, page 145. Marriage Source: Marriage Record, Putnam County, Ohio , Vol 36, page 145. 1069. Thomas L7 Dunlap (Ronald O6, Lawrence L5, E. C.4, Samuel "Sam"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1). He married Janet Kramer, daughter of Ralph W "Pete" Kramer and Rosemary E Gasser. Children of Thomas L Dunlap and Janet Kramer were as follows: 1412 i Denise Ann8 Dunlap. She married on 17 Apr 2004 in St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church, Columbus Grove, Ohio Eric Joseph Dunn, son of Gary Dunn and Rose Unknown. Other events: Occupation: Interface Analyst, St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Marriage Source: Newspaper, Putnam County Sentinel, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio , 7 Jul 2004. Marriage Source: Newspaper, Delphos Herald, Delphos, Ohio , 21 Jun 2004. 1413 ii Christina8 Dunlap. 1414 iii Brenda8 Dunlap. 1090. Rick Duane7 Dunlap (Roy J6, Roy Oscar5, Lawrence W 4, Alfred "Alf or Alph"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 30 Mar 1950 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married on 2 Aug 1969 in Ransom, Michigan Edith Adele Barns, born 22 Mar 1950 in Hillsdale, Michigan, daughter of Paul Barns and Vera Mae Clark. + Children of Rick Duane Dunlap and Edith Adele Barns were as follows: 1415 i Michelle Lee8 Dunlap, born 15 Nov 1975 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married Christopher J Meyer. 1416 ii Tracy Lynn8 Dunlap, born 10 Mar 1978 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. 1417 iii Sarah Jo8 Dunlap, born 30 Sep 1982 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. 1091. Timothy Allen "Tim"7 Dunlap (Roy J6, Roy Oscar5, Lawrence W 4, Alfred "Alf or Alph"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 16 Sep 1952 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio; died aft Aug 1997; buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section W). He married on 15 Jan 1972 Susan Marie Dunifon, born 11 Jan 1952 in Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio; died 10 Aug 1997 in Roselawn Manor, Allen County, Spencerville, Ohio; buried 13 Aug 1997 in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio (Section W), daughter of Harold Dunifon and Mildred Evans. Other events for Susan Marie Dunifon Social Security Number: 300-42-3447, Ohio. Occupation: Homemaker. Religion: St. Paul United Methodist Church, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. Residence 407 E. Eighth Street, Allen County, Delphos, Ohio 45833 (10 Aug 1997). Sources for Timothy Allen "Tim" Dunlap Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Sources for Susan Marie Dunifon Birth: Ohio Deaths 1993-1998 . Birth: Certificate of Death . Birth: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Birth: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . Social Security Number: Ohio Deaths 1993-1998 . Social Security Number: Certificate of Death . Occupation: Certificate of Death . Occupation: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . Religion: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . Residence: Certificate of Death . Death: Ohio Deaths 1993-1998 , Volume 31195, Certificate 059501. Death: Certificate of Death . Death: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Death: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . Burial: Certificate of Death . Burial: Delphos Ohio History Cemetery web site, Allen County, Ohio . http://www.delphos-ohio.com/ by Ronald Kunz. Burial: Obituary, Lima News, Allen County, Lima, Ohio . + Children of Timothy Allen "Tim" Dunlap and Susan Marie Dunifon were as follows: 1418 i Craig A8 Dunlap, born 16 Jul 1972. He married Angela K Bakle. 1419 ii Travis8 Dunlap, born 23 Mar 1984. 1092. Rebecca JoAnn7 Dunlap (Roy J6, Roy Oscar5, Lawrence W 4, Alfred "Alf or Alph"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 14 Oct 1957 in Allen County, Delphos, Ohio. She married (1) on 24 May 1974, divorced Richard A Kern, born 8 Feb 1957; (2) on 30 Dec 1989 Chuck H Fitzwater. Other events for Rebecca JoAnn Dunlap Divorce (Nov 1987). Other events for Richard A Kern Divorce (Nov 1987). + + Children of Rebecca JoAnn Dunlap and Richard A Kern were as follows: 1420 i Trina J8 Kern, born 31 Dec 1974. She married Ned J Wixson. 1421 ii Stephanie L8 Kern, born 18 Jun 1976. She married Christopher G Graham. 1422 iii Chad A8 Kern, born 19 Dec 1978. 1423 iv Eric D8 Kern, born 19 Aug 1982. 1093. Beth Ellen7 Dunlap (Roy J6, Roy Oscar5, Lawrence W 4, Alfred "Alf or Alph"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 8 Sep 1959 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married on 11 Jun 1977 Robin L "Rob" Kriegel, born 18 Aug 1957, son of Robert Kriegel and Mildred Unknown. Children of Beth Ellen Dunlap and Robin L "Rob" Kriegel were as follows: 1424 i Valerie C8 Kriegel, born 11 Nov 1980. 1425 ii Rayan M8 Kriegel, born 30 Nov 1982. 1426 iii Braden L8 Kriegel , born 28 Nov 1984. Birth Source: Newspaper, Delphos Herald, Delphos, Ohio , 19 May 2003, Monday. 1427 iv Brittany Nicole8 Kriegel 1428 v Colin M8 Kriegel , born 30 Jan 1987. , born 19 Jun 1989. 1101. Russell H7 Pitney (Danny Ray "Butch"6, Marguerite Mae "Margaret"5 Dunlap, Lawrence W 4, Alfred "Alf or Alph"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1). He married Erica Unknown. Children of Russell H Pitney and Erica Unknown were as follows: 1429 i Kristen8 Pitney. 1430 ii Joseph8 Pitney. 1431 iii Daniel8 Pitney. 1432 iv Krystal8 Pitney. 1112. Christine Marie7 Moreo (Terry6, Ruth E5 Matson, Alta P4 Pangle, Mary 3 2 Agnes "Aggie" Dunlap, Joseph "Jos" , Joseph1). She married abt 22 Jul in St. John the Baptist Church, Landeck, Ohio Geoffrey Thomas Yenser Yenser and Dorothy Unknown. Other events for Christine Marie Moreo Occupation: Substitute Teacher. Other events for Geoffrey Thomas Yenser Occupation Defiance Stamping. Sources for Christine Marie Moreo Marriage: Engagement Record in Newspaper . Occupation: Engagement Record in Newspaper . , son of Steve Sources for Geoffrey Thomas Yenser Marriage: Engagement Record in Newspaper . Occupation: Engagement Record in Newspaper . Children of Christine Marie Moreo and Geoffrey Thomas Yenser were as follows: 1433 i Chris8 Yenser. 1114. Cynthia7 McGuire (Charles Alan6, Dorothy Lou5 Hole, Emma Iona "Iona"4 Hetrick, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1). She married Unknown Conner. Children of Cynthia McGuire and Unknown Conner were as follows: 1434 i Hali8 Conner. 1435 ii Sabra8 Conner. 1115. Nicole7 McGuire (Charles Alan6, Dorothy Lou5 Hole, Emma Iona "Iona"4 Hetrick, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1). She married Unknown Unknown. Children of Nicole McGuire and Unknown Unknown were as follows: 1436 i Corey8 McGuire. 1117. Patsy7 McGuire (Charles Alan6, Dorothy Lou5 Hole, Emma Iona "Iona"4 Hetrick, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1). She married Craig McGill. Children of Patsy McGuire and Craig McGill were as follows: 1437 i Bart8 McGill. 1118. Tracy Annette7 Siegenthaler (Robert Warren "Bob"6, Barbara Ann "Barb"5 Hole, Emma Iona "Iona"4 Hetrick, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 22 Aug 1973. She married (1), divorced Eric Brown; (2) on 16 Oct 1999 John McFarland. Other events for Tracy Annette Siegenthaler Occupation: Secretary, Housewife. Notes for Tracy Annette Siegenthaler Tracy's biological father's name is ?, and biological mother's name is ? + Children of Tracy Annette Siegenthaler and John McFarland were as follows: 1438 i Nicole Renee8 McFarland, born 5 Feb 1980. 1439 ii Angela Marie8 McFarland, born 4 Jan 1981. She married David Neff. 1440 iii Max Anthony8 McFarland, born 28 Feb 2001. 1120. Angela Marie "Angie"7 Siegenthaler (Robert Warren "Bob"6, Barbara Ann "Barb"5 Hole, Emma Iona "Iona"4 Hetrick, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 4 Jan 1981. She married on 29 Jul 2000 David Neff. Other events for Angela Marie "Angie" Siegenthaler Occupation: Secretary, Home Cleaning Service. Children of Angela Marie "Angie" Siegenthaler and David Neff were as follows: 1441 i Aidan William8 Neff, born 22 Apr 2001. 1135. Cheri Kay7 Fischer (Michael Elmer "Mike"6, Raylene June5 Schulte, Ruth Vatula "Tula"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 10 May 1978 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married Scott Patrick Slattery, son of Patrick Slattery and Rickey Unknown. Sources for Cheri Kay Fischer Birth: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Children of Cheri Kay Fischer and Scott Patrick Slattery were as follows: 1442 i Karlie Kay8 Slattery, born 17 Jan 2006. 1138. Dawn Marie7 Fischer (Thomas Richard "Tom"6, Raylene June5 Schulte, Ruth Vatula "Tula"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 20 Feb 1977 in St. Rita's Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married Unknown Unknown. Sources for Dawn Marie Fischer Birth: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Children of Dawn Marie Fischer and Unknown Unknown were as follows: 1443 i Andrea Nicole8 Fischer, born 23 May 1996. 1139. Shawn Thomas7 Fischer (Thomas Richard "Tom"6, Raylene June5 Schulte, Ruth Vatula "Tula"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 11 Mar 1978 in St. Rita's Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married Unknown Unknown. Sources for Shawn Thomas Fischer Birth: The Schulte Family Tree, by Louis Oren Schulte, Volume I, March 1996 . Children of Shawn Thomas Fischer and Unknown Unknown were as follows: 1444 i Candice Raylene8 Fischer, born 10 Nov 2000. 1445 ii Austin Tyler8 Fischer, born 25 Oct 2001. 1173. Mandy Jo7 Schulte (Charles Donald6, Carlene Marie5 Fetzer, Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 9 Aug 1977 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married (1) in NEVER MARRIED Jim Grubb ; (2) on 15 Nov 1997 in Van Wert, Ohio, divorced Barry James Boroff, born 24 Nov 1971; (3) on 31 Oct 2002 in Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio Nick James Decker Ohio. , born in Van Wert Hospital, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Notes for Mandy Jo Schulte Mandy Jo Schulte never married Jim Grubb, but the PAF (ancestry) tool prints indicating she was married, because it's the only way to list their child. Notes for Jim Grubb Mandy Jo Schulte never married Jim Grubb, but the PAF (ancestry) tool prints indicating he was married, because it's the only way to list their child. Children of Mandy Jo Schulte and Jim Grubb were as follows: 1446 i Corban James Allen8 Grubb , born 13 Feb 1996 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Notes: Corban's biological's father's name is ? Children of Mandy Jo Schulte and Barry James Boroff were as follows: 1447 i Alexandra Nichole "Alex"8 Boroff , born 9 Jul 1998 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. Children of Mandy Jo Schulte and Nick James Decker were as follows: 1448 i Jordan Marie8 Decker , born 15 Feb 2001 in Van Wert Hospital, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio. 1180. Leah Colleen7 Schulte (Mark Anthony6, Carlene Marie5 Fetzer, Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 23 Apr 1982 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married in NEVER MARRIED Matt Charles Mowery, born 26 Sep 1977 in Van Wert Hospital, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio, son of Mike Mowery and Rose Koenig. Notes for Leah Colleen Schulte Leah Colleen Schulte never married Matt Charles Mowery, but the PAF (ancestry) tool prints indicating she was married, because it's the only way to list their child. Notes for Matt Charles Mowery Leah Colleen Schulte never married Matt Charles Mowery, but the PAF (ancestry) tool prints indicating he was married, because it's the only way to list their child. Children of Leah Colleen Schulte and Matt Charles Mowery were as follows: 1449 i Chance Anthony8 Mowery , born 30 Jan 2003 in Van Wert Hospital, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio. 1181. Steven Michael7 Hatfield (Mary Elizabeth6 Schulte, Carlene Marie5 Fetzer, Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 26 Mar 1979 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. He married on 25 Sep 1999 in Bethel United Methodist Church, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio Angela Lou "Angie" George , born 19 Jul 1976 in Van Wert Hospital, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio, daughter of Dan Jr George and Rogana Bair. Children of Steven Michael Hatfield and Angela Lou "Angie" George were as follows: 1450 i Daegan Brady8 Hatfield , born 23 Sep 2003 in Van Wert Hospital, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio. 1185. Kimberly Marie7 Yoh (Teresa Marie6 Schulte, Carlene Marie5 Fetzer, Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 3 Oct 1981 in St. Rita's Medical Center, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married in NEVER MARRIED Justin David Breece Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio. , born 3 Mar 1980 in Van Wert Hospital, Notes for Kimberly Marie Yoh Kimberly Marie Yoh never married Justin David Breece, but the PAF (ancestry) tool prints indicating she was married, because it's the only way to list their child. Notes for Justin David Breece Kimberly Marie Yoh never married Justin David Breece, but the PAF (ancestry) tool prints indicating he was married, because it's the only way to list their child. Children of Kimberly Marie Yoh and Justin David Breece were as follows: 1451 i Kerstin MaKennah8 Breece , born 11 Mar 2000 in Van Wert Hospital, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio. 1187. Randi Rene7 Schulte (Deborah Ann "Debbie"6 Schulte, Carlene Marie5 Fetzer, Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie"4 Dunlap, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 28 Jun 1985 in Van Wert Hospital, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio. She married abt 2006 in NEVER MARRIED Jason Christopher Caudill , born 9 Apr 1980 in Van Wert Hospital, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio, son of Danal Caudill and Christine Nedderman. Notes for Randi Rene Schulte Randi Rene Schulte never married Jason Christopher Caudill, but the PAF (ancestry) tool prints indicating she was married, because it's the only way to list their child. Randi's biological father's name is ? Notes for Jason Christopher Caudill Randi Rene Schulte never married Jason Christopher Caudill, but the PAF (ancestry) tool prints indicating he was married, because it's the only way to list their child. Children of Randi Rene Schulte and Jason Christopher Caudill were as follows: 1452 i , born 11 Feb 2003 in Van Jayden Christopher8 Caudill Wert Hospital, Van Wert County, Van Wert, Ohio. 1265. Craig7 Pheneger (Janice Elaine6 Buettner, Robert Edward5, Opal Helena4 Dunlap, Edward3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 26 Aug 1971. He married on 18 Dec 1999 Michelle Smith. Children of Craig Pheneger and Michelle Smith were as follows: 1453 i Allyson Michelle8 Pheneger, born 24 Jun 2004. 1267. Kimberly7 Pheneger (Janice Elaine6 Buettner, Robert Edward5, Opal Helena4 Dunlap, Edward3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 7 Nov 1974. She married, divorced Danny Althaus. Children of Kimberly Pheneger and Danny Althaus were as follows: 1454 1455 i ii Steven8 Althaus, born 14 Oct 1999. Caleb8 Althaus, born 9 May 2001. 1274. Barbara Rose7 Haunstein (Joyce Gloria6 Michel, Wanda Lou5 Buettner, Opal Helena4 Dunlap, Edward3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 10 Oct 1981. She married on 29 Sep 2001 Justin Pearson, born 7 Jan 1980. Children of Barbara Rose Haunstein and Justin Pearson were as follows: 1456 i Clayton Lane8 Pearson, born 1 Feb 2002; died 27 Feb 2002. 1457 ii Trent Michael8 Pearson, born 28 Mar 2003. 1458 iii Riley Lynn8 Pearson, born 22 Aug 2004. 1279. Jo Ellen7 Follas (Charity Luann6 Michel, Wanda Lou5 Buettner, Opal Helena4 Dunlap, Edward3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 27 Jul 1980 in Lima Memorial Hospital, Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married, divorced Dustin Lehman. Children of Jo Ellen Follas and Dustin Lehman were as follows: 1459 i Alexis Brook8 Lehman, born 9 Nov 2000. 1306. Bruce DeWayne7 Mosier (Carl W 6, Roland5, Myrtle4 Dunlap, Robert F3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 20 Feb 1953. He married in Aug 1970 Elizabeth Hart. Children of Bruce DeWayne Mosier and Elizabeth Hart were as follows: 1460 i Jennifer Lynn8 Mosier, born 28 Mar 1971. 1351. David Duane7 Miller (Diana Joyce6 Spitnale, Howard Paul Rev.5, Ida Diana4 Dunlap, Joseph Presley "Jos or Presley"3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 9 Nov 1972 in St. Clair County, Michigan. He married on 4 Jun 1994 in Ottawa County, Michigan Loreen Jennifer Hollar, born 8 Oct 1971 in Kalamazoo, Michigan, daughter of Kenneth Hollar and Esther Guajardo. Other events for David Duane Miller Occupation: IT Helpdesk Analyst, System Administrator, Programmer. Religion: United Methodist. Other events for Loreen Jennifer Hollar Occupation: Housewife. Religion: United Methodist. Children of David Duane Miller and Loreen Jennifer Hollar were as follows: 1461 i Brendan David8 Miller, born 1998. 1462 ii Makenzie Rose8 Miller, born 2001. 1353. Thomas Howard7 Spitnale (Nelson Roy6, Howard Paul Rev.5, Ida Diana4 Dunlap, Joseph Presley "Jos or Presley"3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 20 Jul 1972. He married on 28 Mar 1998 in Roanoke, Virginia Cortney Michelle Smith, born 6 Nov 1975. Other events for Thomas Howard Spitnale Occupation: Writer. Religion: United Methodist. Other events for Cortney Michelle Smith Occupation: Nurse. Children of Thomas Howard Spitnale and Cortney Michelle Smith were as follows: 1463 i Riley Elizabeth8 Spitnale, born 2000. 1464 ii Isabella Faith8 Spitnale, born 2003; died 2003. 1465 iii Tate Alexander8 Spitnale, born 2003. 1357. Jerry Lee7 Johnson (Lana Sue6 Spitnale, Marvin Lee5, Ida Diana4 Dunlap, Joseph Presley "Jos or Presley"3, Thomas2, Joseph1), born 26 Mar 1974 in Allen County, Ohio. He married on 25 Oct 1996 in Lima, Ohio Sherry Fawcett, born 31 Oct 1969. Other events for Jerry Lee Johnson Religion: Presbyterian. Children of Jerry Lee Johnson and Sherry Fawcett were as follows: 1466 i Zachery Lee8 Johnson, born 1996. Generation 8 1415. Michelle Lee8 Dunlap (Rick Duane7, Roy J6, Roy Oscar5, Lawrence W 4, Alfred "Alf or Alph"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 15 Nov 1975 in Allen County, Lima, Ohio. She married on 5 Oct 1996 in Newport News, Virginia Christopher J Meyer. Children of Michelle Lee Dunlap and Christopher J Meyer were as follows: 1467 i Cory T9 Meyer, born 1 Jun 1996 in Hampton, Virginia. 1468 ii Brandon J9 Meyer, born 13 May 2002 in Portsmouth, Virginia; died 13 May 2002 in Portsmouth, Virginia. 1418. Craig A8 Dunlap (Timothy Allen "Tim"7, Roy J6, Roy Oscar5, Lawrence W 4, Alfred "Alf or Alph"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 16 Jul 1972. He married Angela K Bakle, born 22 May 1975. Children of Craig A Dunlap and Angela K Bakle were as follows: 1469 i Marcus A9 Dunlap, born 5 May 1998. 1470 ii Alexander J9 Dunlap, born 8 Aug 2001. 1420. Trina J8 Kern (Rebecca JoAnn7 Dunlap, Roy J6, Roy Oscar5, Lawrence W 4, Alfred "Alf or Alph"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 31 Dec 1974. She married on 27 Aug 1993 Ned J Wixson, born 27 Aug 1974. Children of Trina J Kern and Ned J Wixson were as follows: 1471 i Ned Z9 Wixson, born 22 Jul 1994. 1472 ii Nicklas9 Wixson, born 12 Mar 1998. 1473 iii Mackenzie9 Wixson, born 8 Mar 2000. 1421. Stephanie L8 Kern (Rebecca JoAnn7 Dunlap, Roy J6, Roy Oscar5, Lawrence W 4, Alfred "Alf or Alph"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 18 Jun 1976. She married on 24 Jan 1997 Christopher G Graham, born 18 Mar 1978. Children of Stephanie L Kern and Christopher G Graham were as follows: 1474 i Caleb A9 Graham, born 9 Nov 1997. 1475 ii Adrianna L9 Graham, born 26 Sep 2001. 1439. Angela Marie8 McFarland (Tracy Annette7 Siegenthaler, Robert Warren "Bob"6, Barbara Ann "Barb"5 Hole, Emma Iona "Iona"4 Hetrick, Alexander "Alex"3, Joseph "Jos"2, Joseph1), born 4 Jan 1981. She married on 29 Jul 2000 David Neff. Children of Angela Marie McFarland and David Neff were as follows: 1476 i Aidan William9 Neff, born 22 Apr 2001. Prepared by: Brenda Savage, 1616 Shroyer Road, Dayton, Ohio 45419, email: savage@consultant.com Index Paragraph # Acheson Barbara (Ebling) Jerry Adam Carolyn Sue (Buettner) (1938-) Dean (1936-) Sarah Adams Catherine Doyle R Eloise (1931-) Ernest Freeda (Dunlap) (1907-2002) James James Mark (1963-) Jean Ann Jennie Mary (Unknown) Phyllis Ann (Dunlap) (1942-) Richard Darwin (1964-) Selma F (Dunlap) (1905-1987) Unknown Vaughn W (-1952) Airhart Dorotha Ardena (Ford) (1918-1970) John C Alberta Mary Albion Marcielle (Dunlap) Unknown Allemeier Luella Unknown Velma (Pangle) (1895-) Allen Albert M Charles R (1884-) Lydia (Mericle) Maude B "Maudie" (Walls) (1890-) Alspaugh Ruth Althaus Caleb (2001-) Danny Kimberly (Pheneger) (1974-) Steven (1999-) Amstutz Gloria (Dunlap) 698 698 455 455 45 44 652 453 453 339 919 1342 653 485 453 919 1343 338 339 338 285 285 98 552 552 388 170 170 236 236 236 236 497 1455 1267 1267 1454 649 Marlin Anderson Cindy (1957-) Emma Jean (Mosier) (1925-) Judy (1942-) Karen Kimberly S (1966-) Linda (Hammons) Pat Shivley Sandra (1945-) Shelly Lynn (1969-) William William (1943-) Andrews Carol Diane (Todd) (1953-) Kathryn Kay "Kathy or Katie" (1964-) Larry Louis (1934-2005) Arico Bill Kay L (Dunlap) Armstrong Audrey Louise (1924-) Aronhoff Jennie Ashbaugh Florence Askins Myrtle Babcock Welthia (1849-1879) Baber Forest (1892-1978) Huldah M "Hulda" (1882-1977) Ida Viole (Dunlap) (1894-) John C Sarah (Pierson) Virgil E (1922-1994) Bagley Clyde Mary Ruth (Dunlap) (1919-) Bailey Ed Jamie (1970-) June Vicky (Dunlap) (1948-) Bair Rogana Baker Bertha (Priest) David Delsea (Sybert) 649 913 508 910 918 1334 911 890 912 1335 508 911 798 798 798 689 689 797 378 501 321 136 146 137 146 137 137 336 495 495 875 1295 776 875 1181 273 273 472 Grace Irene (1898-1986) Peter Bakle Angela K (1975-) Ballinger Edith Gertrude Rebecca Ballman Leona Bansen Beulah J (Walls) (1918-1983) Richard H (1913-1998) Barnes Aaron L (1884-1960) Almeda (or Amelia) Jane "Jane" (Dunlap) (1845-1928) Anna Almeda (1908-) Arnold (1889-) Augusta Geneva (Thurston) (1870-1901) Catherine Vatula "Vatula" (1909-) Cinderella B "Rella or Stella" (1887-1968) Cora (1874-) David Bernard (1916-) Delsa (or Delca) Glenora (1893-1988) Dora E "Birdie" (McOwen) (1872-1954) Dorothy Ann (1934-) Ellis Ray (1898-1987) Emaline (1918-) Enoch Lorenzo (1880-1946) Eunice E (Unknown) (1900-1989) Francene Francis Reed "Reed" (1910-1986) Harriett "Hattie" (1872-1942) Helen Elaine (1921-) Isaac Hoopman (1840-1922) Isaac Howard "Howard" (1915-) Jean M (McElfresh) (1915-1992) Jemieviola Ann "Jennie" (Derickson) John Edward John Wesley (1877-1964) Kenneth L (1908-1968) Levi (-1846) Lola Laura "Laura" (1867-1895) Louisa Rachel "Rachel" (1861-) Marjorie Jane (1924-) Mary Elizabeth (1920-) Matilda D "Tillie" (Hedrick) (1880-1965) Maude Ida (Unknown) (1894-1961) Mervin (1907-) Oral B or R or E (Reynolds) (1884-1960) Otto N (1882-1950) Robert Lester "Lester" (1865-1895) 273 472 1418 116 117 487 530 530 88 13 308 90 80 309 89 84 307 295 82 628 299 311 86 299 633 306 83 625 13 310 306 87 629 85 305 13 81 79 626 624 85 88 300 86 87 80 Russell Elsley (1897-1982) Susanna (Rogers) (-1867) Unknown (Unknown) Viola Persis "Persis" (Ford) (1901-1981) William E (1869-1915) William Howard (1927-1928) Barns Edith Adele (1950-) Paul Vera Mae (Clark) Barnt Vera Barr David Judith Kay (Dunlap) (1943-) Barrett Betty Ann Charles Juanita (Unknown) Barrington Pegeen "Packy" Barth Clarence Donald Ver "Don" (1929-) Jeanne Renae (1959-) Lois Jean (Buettner) (1929-) Ruth Vergie (Shaw) Basinger Janelle Janice K (Dunlap) Jeremy Jessica Jon Kay Elaine (1943-1949) Mary Evelyn "Evelyn" (Dunlap) (1909-1993) Otis B (1906-1992) Baugh Charity Lynn (1992-) Debbie Lynn (Schulte) (1971-) Elzie Eugene "Butch" (1954-) Kory Eugene (1990-) Baughman Nina Bear Amy (1979-) Arlene (Unknown) Art Beards Carl Margaret (Dunlap) (1932-) 298 13 300 298 82 627 1090 1090 1090 688 870 870 397 397 397 721 452 452 842 452 232 452 1088 675 1086 1087 675 647 320 320 1155 747 747 1154 409 748 748 748 867 867 Penny (1963-) Bebout LaDonna Bechdolt Anne Marie (1978-) Debra Ann (Dunlap) (1950-) Kara Delee (1976-) Larry Lee (1945-) Nathan Scott (1974-) Beck Alvin Barbara Carolyn Chance Chancey David Elaine Evelyn (Unknown) Gary Golda Mae "Goldie" (Dunlap) (1886-1956) Harold (-1979) Jean (Unknown) Lewis Margaret Marie (Unknown) Marilyn Marvin Mary (Unknown) Mary Louise Nanette Robert Teresa Terrey Beckman Sandra "Sandy" (1964-) Beery Susannah "Susan" (1805-1863) Belcher Kathleen "Kathy" (1957-) Benroth Francene (Barnes) Jim Benson Alvera M (Unknown) (1911-1987) Beatrice Kathryn "Bea" (1930-) Cloyd C (1908-1949) Mary Elizabeth (1862-1922) Beougher Amelia Ann "Amy" (1967-) Jerry Mariam (Meyers) 1290 513 1403 1000 1402 1000 1401 542 969 956 254 962 954 961 542 957 254 545 545 963 543 544 955 540 540 541 971 544 968 970 740 12 1097 633 633 184 184 184 162 772 772 772 Bergandine Calbert Florence Myrtle (Burroughs) (1878-1956) Jesse (1870-1930) Mary Ann (Jordan) Bernard Diana Jean Berry Carl Leo Claude Lillie Mae "Lil" (Dunlap) (1910-1994) Mame (Murray) Betz Patricia Beymer Susan (Burkholder) William Bianchs Ida Bice Jean (Dunlap) Unknown Billings Mary (Stephens) (-2004) Unknown Bingley Dave Debra (Salisbury) Bishop Denae Linn (Schulte) (1980-) Diana Jean (Bernard) Steven Douglas I Steven Douglas II Blythe A. W. Ethel J (Dunlap) (1916-) Kathryn M (-2001) Mary (Elston) Robert (1914-) Boberg Blem (Klekamp) Elizabeth "Lizzie" (1880-1939) Mart Martin Pauline (Klecamp) Thresia M "Teresa or Tracy" (1886-1967) Bockrath J. Christ M. Elizabeth (Unverferth) Mabel E (Dunlap) (1915-1967) Richard A (1902-1989) 112 112 112 112 1177 177 177 177 177 807 785 785 490 553 553 646 646 944 944 1177 1177 1177 1177 349 349 340 349 349 148 148 149 148 149 149 379 379 379 379 Boertje Cheryl A (Dunlap) Darwin Julie Mark Boone Alice Jane "Jane" (Kundert) (1943-) Harlon Elliott Borneman Carl (-1959) Helen Marie (Cowan) (1899-1987) Boroff Alexandra Nichole "Alex" (1998-) Barry James (1971-) Mandy Jo (Schulte) (1977-) Boucher Glenrose (-1943) Bowersock Columbus (1901-) Erdine M (Dunlap) (1901-) Jennie (Adams) John Lorenzo Marvin (1920-1994) Mary E (Wilson) Bowlings Alphor Alphor Bown Maryann Whitney (1985-) Patricia Jean (Smith) (1946-) William Lee (1946-) Boyle Marian Elsie Braun Clara Breece Justin David (1980-) Kerstin MaKennah (2000-) Kimberly Marie (Yoh) (1981-) Breneman Sarah Ann (1849-1937) Brenneman Jerry Ray (1964-) Ray Rhonda Marie (Dunlap) (1965-) Vera (Barnt) Brotherwood Audrey Rose (Richardson) Bradley M (1980-) Francis F "Bud" (1918-1979) Janet Marie "Jan" (Schulte) (1959-) 673 673 1084 1083 449 449 270 270 1447 1173 1173 286 485 485 485 485 863 863 72 73 1228 1228 1228 517 115 1185 1451 1185 218 688 688 688 688 1147 1146 742 742 Jodie M (1983-) Joshua Alan (1981-) Karl (1956-) Kathleen Jo (Dougal) (1952-) Myrtle M (Carder) (1921-2002) Robert Brown Betty Jane (Dunlap) (1928-) Carol Denise (1950-1965) Eric Karen Karlene (1953-) Kenneth (1954-) Lisa Rae (1968-) Mary Louise (Beck) Ricki (1948-) Robert C Tracy Annette (Siegenthaler) (1973-) Unknown Browning Ellen Bryan Elizabeth Elizabeth Emmaline E "Emma" (1852-1919) Josephine (Patton) (1863-1945) Lagora Nancy Amanda (1890-1976) Nelson (1854-1916) Buckmaster Grace (Dunlap) Paul Buettner Abigail "Abby" (1988-) Carolyn Sue (1938-) Cynthia (Mullenour) Daniel (1981-) Darla Darrel Lee (1947-) David "Dave" Dennis Wayne (1954-) Edward Hale (1906-1987) Eloise (Adams) (1931-) Herschell "Curly" (1914-1992) James Janice Elaine (1952-) JoAnn (Schmidt) John Ludwig (1860-1930) John Ludwig (1860-1930) Josephine A "Jo" (Sander) (1934-2007) 1148 1147 742 927 742 927 561 599 982 1118 839 983 984 985 541 981 561 1118 541 871 71 208 42 76 278 76 76 366 366 1286 455 844 1268 461 456 853 844 201 453 203 457 843 457 201 203 458 Katherine (Huysman) (1880-1966) Katherine (Huysman) (1880-1966) Kelsey Kelsie Marie (1993-) Kenneth "Kenny" Linda (Miller) Lindsay Rene (1993-) Lois Jean (1929-) Mary Mary Beth (1966-) Matthew (1984-) Molly (Drerup) Monica Lynn (1967-) Nancy (Cummins) (1950-) Opal Helena (Dunlap) (1905-) Robert Edward (1930-) Sue Todd (1969-1992) Wanda Lou (1934-) Wava P (Dunlap) (1909-1978) Wesley Allen (1969-) Burkholder Brenda Clarence Elvina (Suter) Phyllis Jean (Fetzer) (1941-) Richard David "Dick" (1931-2004) Susan Burroughs Allen Albert (1835-1921) Bertha Blanche (Yeazle) (1882-1920) Clara Ann (1861-1944) Eddie Ward (1884-) Ezra McHugh (1867-1962) Florence Myrtle (1878-1956) George Bay (1881-1943) Infant Male (1877-1877) Ira Clement (1858-1909) Mary (Draper) Nancy Elizabeth (1874-) Phoebe Ellen (Spain) (1862-1935) Rosetta (Epps) (1871-1951) Tabitha Jane (Holycross) (1840-1920) Busch Dorothy M (Clevenger) (1910-) Francis E (1905-1997) Buschor Brenda Marie (1960-) Daniel Craig "Dan" (1962-) Dexter Craig "Dex" (1997-) Douglas James "Doug" (1964-) 201 203 1287 1284 458 851 1285 452 459 845 1269 853 850 456 201 453 460 852 454 203 851 784 411 411 411 411 785 17 113 108 114 109 112 113 111 107 114 110 107 109 17 382 382 797 798 1227 800 Florence Lavone (Mericle) (1905-2002) Jennifer Lee "Jenny" (1975-) Kassidy Rene (1998-) Kathryn Kay "Kathy or Katie" (Andrews) (1964-) Kimberly Ann "Kim" (Ohmer) (1963-) Kristina Nicole (1996-) Lisa Ann (1969-) Mary Catherine "Toodles" (Vogt) (1938-) Maryann Whitney (Bown) (1985-) Teresa Lynn (Dinkins) (1960-) William Craig "Bill" (1938-) William Henry (1903-1960) William Michael "Mike" (1985-) Yvonne Jean "Tonn" (1963-) Butts Marilyn (Dunlap) Ronald Byrd Ella Arleen (1898-1983) Lutha (Cliffton) Sherman Calhoun Cynthia (Dunlap) Frank Calogides Janel Marie (Fischer) (1980-) Peter James Carder Myrtle M (1921-2002) Caris A. Ross Clark Darl Edna C (Dunlap) (1883-1948) Edwin Ella (Glaze) Helen Lorain (Unknown) Mary Esther (1911-1971) Paul Carmen Abigail Susan (1851-1941) Caron Michael Taylor (1992-) Roger (1969-) Tiffany Rene (Kleman) (1972-) Zakery Allen (1995-) Carpenter Charlie Coral Emma Jane (Wade) 418 802 1230 798 800 1229 801 418 1228 798 418 418 1228 799 978 978 158 158 158 50 50 1136 1136 742 253 496 536 253 538 496 537 536 496 539 24 1163 750 750 1164 243 241 62 Lewis Roy Zoe Casebolt Angela Nicole "Angie" (1978-) Claudia Jean "Jeannie" (Dunlap) (1956-) Cortney (Moorman) Kevin Paul (1980-) Kolby Dean (1997-) Ronald Lee "Ron" (1948-) Casner Elizabeth Castellana Amy Jean (1956-) Castle Elizabeth (or Rebecca) (Patterson) Myrtle S (1881-) Robert "Dick" Caudill Christine (Nedderman) Danal Jason Christopher (1980-) Jayden Christopher (2003-) Randi Rene (Schulte) (1985-) Chamberlain Ebenezer Elizabeth Catherine (1834-1914) Godfrey (1819-1879) Harley V (1891-1938) Jessie Louisa Rachel "Rachel" (Barnes) (1861-) Margaret (Weller) (-1879) Marie Mary Mary Mary A (-1870) Mary E (1857-1936) Champion Denise Charlovom Somchai "Penny" (1939-) Chavarria Andrea Rose (1960-) Rumaldo Thelma (Unknown) Chesney Mel Vivian Jean (Lofquist) (1923-) Chiles Anita Kathleen (1948-) Harvey 62 242 240 827 433 828 828 1261 433 41 428 52 52 52 1187 1187 1187 1452 1187 79 6 6 292 291 79 6 294 293 708 6 140 620 744 417 417 417 563 563 423 423 Vera (Roeder) Clark Marcella Vera Mae Clay James (1955-) Margaret (Mosier) (1922-) Richard (1954-) Scot (1962-) Wilbur Claypool Ellia "Ella" B (Dunlap) (1890-1922) Harvey A (1887-1976) Rev. James O (1862-1939) Rev. Kenneth Vera F (1911-1997) Veronica R (Stirn) (1864-1941) Clayton Helen Elaine (1907-1997) Clegg Paula Cleinfelter Penelope Clevenger Bessie L (Dunlap) (1888-1978) Donald R (1910-2002) Dorothy M (1910-) George W (1858-1927) Lizzie (Swancott) (1856-1903) William J "Will" (1887-1972) Cleves Myrtle Cliffton Lutha Cline Clara Ann (Burroughs) (1861-1944) John Wesley (1856-1912) Cole Jeanne Renae (Barth) (1959-) Lester Mary (1793-1876) Randi Lynn (1986-) Colegrove Opal (Wilson) Orby Vickie Sue "Vic" (1959-) Collet Alverda Marie Colton Vivian Lucile "Bee" (1900-1974) Conner 423 410 1090 903 506 902 904 506 165 165 165 387 386 165 931 615 595 163 383 382 163 163 163 518 158 108 108 842 842 4 1264 767 767 767 937 265 Cynthia (McGuire) Hali Lida Sabra Unknown Converse Cleon Cornelius II "Click" Cleon Cornelius III (1964-) Diane (Unknown) James James Wellington James Wellington (1956-) Jessica Jordan Justin Mary Ellen (Hole) (1938-1998) Mary Jane (Unknown) Nancy (Unknown) Opal (Unknown) Patrick Riley (1963-) Russell Alan "Rusty" (1958-) Valerie Ann (1968-) Cook Emma Jean (Gordon) Keith Mark Matthew Teresa Cooksey Mary Estella (1856-1945) Cooley Diana Jean "Diane" (1947-) Florentine E "Honey" (Martin) (1924-2005) James W (-1988) Corrales Barbara (Gordon) Unknown Cotton Alexander Andrew Christopher Emily Kelly (Dunlap) Cottrill Rex (1962-) Yvonne Jean "Tonn" (Buschor) (1963-) Cowan Chloe J (1891-1978) Grace C (1895-1900) Helen Marie (1899-1987) Jack 1114 1434 492 1435 1114 399 733 732 1129 399 730 1132 1131 1130 399 733 730 399 732 731 734 574 574 991 990 1266 20 412 412 412 987 987 1378 1379 976 1377 976 799 799 268 269 270 272 John (1861-1936) Marie (Sourwine) (1898-) Moses C (1837-1874) Rachel Jane "Jane or Jennie" (Dunlap) (1869-1958) Raymond Moses "Jack" (-1970) Watreena M "Treena" (1889-1974) Wotrema (Kortier) (1822-1874) Cox Roberta Cox? Sarah Elizabeth "Elizabeth" Crary Lawrence M Martha (Holycross) Crisp Beverley Jeannine "Bev" (Siegenthaler) (1960-) Michael Douglas "Mike" Michael Douglas II (1983-) Sarah Jeannine (1986-) Cromly Donald Pauline (Culler) Rebecca (1960-) Crow Dorothy Csuhta Darryin Renee (1994-) Julia Ann (Fetzer) (1971-) Michael Lee (1971-) Zane Michael (1996-) Culler Pauline Culp Asa (or Ace ?) Carol Cyril Mabel ? (Unknown) Mary Florence (Wade) Cumback Mary Jeannine Pauline (Unknown) Preston Cummins Byron Dorothy (Unknown) Nancy (1950-) Currrie Ilo Curry George Russell Jr. "Rusty" (1961-) George Russell Sr. 70 271 70 70 271 267 70 891 34 14 14 722 722 1122 1123 938 938 938 886 1247 811 811 1248 938 65 531 245 245 65 394 394 394 456 456 456 223 799 799 Yvonne Jean "Tonn" (Buschor) (1963-) Curtis Anna (Unknown) Chauncey Adams Miriah (or Maria) "Mina" (1844-1914) Dalton Mary A Dancer Becky (Dunlap) Randy Davies Robert P (1910-1991) Vera F (Claypool) (1911-1997) Davis Alice Marie (1918-1996) Brent Allen (1960-) Debra Kay (1957-) Dennise Elaine (1958-) Donnabelle (Mosier) (1935-) Melvin Michael Wayne (1962-) Dawson Cindy De Petri LeRyne Decker Jordan Marie (2001-) Mandy Jo (Schulte) (1977-) Nick James Denison Inez Grace (1931-) Derickson Jemieviola Ann "Jennie" DeZort Jane Ann (Ford) (1950-) Kevin Lawrence (1968-) Lawrence Randal Todd (1972-) Dianics Betty (Gordon) Mike Dick Callie Mae (1985-) Jennifer (1982-) Karlene (Brown) (1953-) Kevin (1983-) Unknown Dickman Benjamin Benjamin Frieda 799 9 9 9 231 1074 1074 386 386 419 1311 1309 1310 887 887 1312 621 822 1448 1173 1173 519 87 596 1026 596 1027 567 567 1382 1380 983 1381 983 178 181 638 Lena (Underferth) (1898-1974) Lena (Underferth) (1898-1974) Meletus Henry "Dick" (1919-1975) Meletus Henry "Dick" (1919-1975) Nellie Erma "Nell" (Dunlap) (1919-2002) Patricia (was Zella) Alberta "Pat" (Dunlap) (1912-1970) Sheila Mae (1947-) Dinkins Teresa Lynn (1960-) Ditto Edith Mildred (1919-1989) Fred Sylvia (Sunderland) Dixon Hazel Marie Doherty Anne Marie (Talty) Daniel Francis Patricia Anne (1964-) Dotson Agnes Ellen (1906-1987) Ilo (Currrie) Samuel B Dougal Kathleen Jo (1952-) Leota Marie (Dunlap) (1922-) Marlene Marie (1948-) Monty Kay (1940-) Willard Draper Mary Dray Marjorie M (1934-) Drerup Molly Dunifon Harold Mildred (Evans) (-1997) Susan Marie (1952-1997) Dunlap Abigail Susan (Carmen) (1851-1941) Adam James (1971-) Agnes Ellen (Dotson) (1906-1987) Albertis (1879-1882) Alexander "Alex" (1872-1929) Alexander J (2001-) Alfred "Alf or Alph" (1860-1916) Alfred "Alf or Alph" (1860-1916) Alfred Frederick "Albert or Frederick" (1879-1948) Alice (King) Allen Jo 178 181 178 181 181 178 400 798 182 182 182 125 939 939 939 223 223 223 927 514 926 925 514 114 777 853 1091 1091 1091 24 1399 223 132 33 1470 28 97 148 259 147 Almeda (Ulrich) Almeda (or Amelia) Jane "Jane" (1845-1928) Alphor (Bowlings) Alphor (Bowlings) Alta L (1904-) Alta M (Kohn) (1896-1979) Alvin H (1914-1986) Alyson (Hill) Amy (Unknown) Angela K (Bakle) (1975-) Anita Kathleen (Chiles) (1948-) Anna "Ann" (1874-1962) Anna "Ann" (1874-1962) Anna Marie (Jones) Annabelle (Unknown) Archie (1900-) Archie S (1900-1994) Ardenia (McNamara) (-1996) Ardenia A Arlo Melvin (1916-1949) Arthur Arthur Lee "Artie" (1889-1970) Athenia Michelle (1973-) Barbara (1953-) Beatrice Kathryn "Bea" (Benson) (1930-) Becky Berl A (1914-1994) Berna Dee Bertha (1884-1924) Bessie Bernice (Marvin) (1905-1995) Bessie L (1888-1978) Beth Ellen (1959-) Betty Jane (1921-) Betty Jane (1928-) Betty Lou (1927-) Beulah Fay (1904-1908) Bonnie (Parks) Brenda Brittany Bryan Thomas (1977-) Burrett H (1895-1895) Carl Edward (1915-1968) Carol Jean (Poland) Carol Lynn (Thornton) (1947-) Carole (Unknown) Carolyn Jean (1947-) Cassie (or Cassiah) (Semer) (1859-) Catherine (Adams) Catherine Alice "Alice" (John) (1878-1918) Catherine Alice "Alice" (John) (1878-1918) Charles "Charl" (1885-1970) 489 13 72 73 233 221 325 994 476 1418 423 71 467 365 548 239 58 665 1075 476 335 144 1411 997 184 1074 496 679 150 375 163 1093 351 561 207 59 868 1414 1376 809 155 204 436 708 1076 422 43 44 75 214 77 Charles David Charles Emmett (1903-1975) Charles Kohn (1919-) Charles Kohn Jr. (1959-) Charles Ray (1882-1932) Cherise Cheryl (Unknown) Cheryl A Chrisanne Elaine "Chrissy" (1955-) Christina Christopher Clara J (1879-1927) Clara Leoida (1893-1943) Clara M (VanDemark) (1887-1970) Clarence (1884-1885) Clarence Alton (1906-1964) Clarence Glen "Glen" (1892-1959) Clark R (1892-1965) Claudia Jean "Jeannie" (1956-) Clinton Sylvester "Clint" (1882-1958) Clyde A Clyde W (1942-1996) Cora (1880-1905) Cora (Rager) (1880-1905) Cora Lucinda (1877-1957) Cora M (1897-1899) Corrine Anne (Flick) (1976-) Craig A (1972-) Craig Tyler (1984-) Cynthia Cynthia (Jenkins) (1824-1874) Cynthia Lynn (1970-) Cyril E (1908-1964) Daisy M (Wisher) (1880-1970) Dale Dan Daniel Allen (1983-1983) Danny Danny Lee "Dan" (1945-) Darwin Ora (1938-) David David Franklin (1902-) David L (1912-1981) Deborah (Unknown) Deborah Lynette "Debbie" (1953-) Debra Ann (1950-) Delbert F (1899-1979) Delmar (1937-1957) Delmer J (1922-2003) Delores (1935-) Delores Patsy "Pat" (1929-) 865 488 513 923 213 1079 974 673 435 1413 1395 212 323 144 166 319 257 154 433 149 1076 665 141 139 211 157 809 1418 835 50 9 1341 546 218 668 1394 1089 972 993 365 669 487 378 669 434 1000 225 511 355 510 640 Delta Delta Belle (Thatcher) (1891-1981) Delta Belle (Thatcher) (1891-1981) Denise Denise Ann Dennis David (1947-) Dennis F (1923-) Denny Denny (1959-) Diann Carol (Hoverman) (1954-) Donald Dale "Dale" (1925-1995) Donald E (1925-) Doris Doris Doris Jean "Jean" (1932-) Doris Marie (Matson) Dorothy (1935-1935) Dorothy (Unknown) Dorothy Irene "Irene" (Sealscott) (1927-1986) Dorothy Louise (Koenig) (1924-) Dorthy B (1919-) Dottie "Dot" (Miley) (1896-) Duane O E. C. (1871-1963) Earl Easter Lillie (Lewis) Edith Adele (Barns) (1950-) Edith Matilda (Miller) (1899-) Edith Mildred (Ditto) (1919-1989) Edna Edna C (1883-1948) Edna L (Struble) (1918-2001) Edna Marie (1909-1911) Edward (1878-1956) Edward (1933-) Edward Earl "Earl" (1901-1936) Effie G (Leach) (1882-) Effie Mae (Evans) (1886-1982) Eleanor June "June" (Ladd) Elenore Grace (-1929) Eliz Ann (1874-) Eliz Marie "Marie" (1941-) Elizabeth "Lizzie" (Boberg) (1880-1939) Elizabeth Catherine (Chamberlain) (1834-1914) Elizabeth Jane (Jenkings) (-1861) Elizabeth Jane (Jenkings) (-1861) Ella Arleen (Byrd) (1898-1983) Ella Lue "Lue" (Sanxter) (1927-) Ellen (Browning) Ellia "Ella" B (1890-1922) Elmer 342 218 219 975 1412 708 516 977 1291 424 639 356 360 551 693 354 509 550 498 638 350 164 684 135 670 579 1090 153 182 371 253 352 491 37 367 159 57 75 690 691 35 695 148 6 6 97 158 577 871 165 60 Elmer L (1884-1885) Elnora Gynell (1915-) Emma (1880-) Emma (1906-) Emma Jane (1864-1873) Emma Jane (Robey) (1896-1965) Emma Jeanette "Nettie or Net" (1866-1966) Emmaline E "Emma" (Bryan) (1852-1919) Emmet (1892-) Erdine M (1901-) Eric John (1973-) Este Estella "Stella" (Friend) (1900-1969) Ethan James (2003-) Ethel Ethel J (1916-) Ethelbert (1903-1922) Etta O (Miller) (1887-1975) Eugene "Gene" (1902-1970) Eunice (1903-2004) Evaline "Eva" (Harris) (1864-1947) Ezra H (1895-1895) Florence (1904-) Florence Ginnette "Nettie" (Stemen) (1875-1962) Forest William (1890-1973) Frances Elnor (Rohrer) (1883-1959) Francis (Haines) Fred Lawrence (1894-1982) Freeda (1907-2002) Gary Gary Alan (1956-1959) George Edwin (1925-) George Elzey (1877-1953) George W (1884-) Gertrude Bell "Gert" (1908-1976) Glenn Dean (1937-) Glenn Harvey (1898-1935) Glenn Sherman (1930-1986) Glenna Mae Gloria Gloria Jean Glynis Joan (Sullivan) (1966-) Godfrey Chamberlain (1863-1950) Golda Mae "Goldie" (1886-1956) Goldie G (1898-1978) Grace Grace E (Welty) (1918-1993) Grace Elenore (1907-1908) Grace Irene (Baker) (1898-1986) Grace Lucil (-1971) Grace M (Hammons) (1882-) 151 512 53 202 49 154 69 42 221 485 1396 372 316 1245 326 349 324 255 274 318 46 156 200 34 256 162 516 224 339 709 683 579 73 55 176 868 232 363 678 649 677 686 30 254 186 366 325 376 273 321 218 Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie" (1917-1984) Harold Clayton (1918-1922) Harry Elvin (1912-) Harry L Jr. (1929-) Harry Lester (1889-1957) Harry Russell "Russell" (1890-1921) Hazel (Mason) Hazel A (1901-1989) Helen Helen (Unknown) Helen I (Flory) (1925-) Helen Jean (1932-) Helen L (Unknown) Henrietta Herbert Wayne (1948-) Hester (or Ester) Ann (1813-1892) Howard (1921-) Hubert (1899-1981) Hulda Catherine (Rogers) (1934-) Huldah (1886-1972) Huldah M "Hulda" (Baber) (1882-1977) Ida (Bianchs) Ida B (Sneary) (1928-) Ida Diana (1896-1985) Ida Viole (1894-) Imogene (Stover) Infant (-1873) Infant (1917-1917) Infant (1966-1966) Iona (Hunt) (1875-1947) Ira Charles (1851-1925) Irttie I (1895-1994) Isaac Richard (1908-1973) Jacquelin J (Fruchey) (1939-1988) James A (1875-1876) James E (1959-) James Earl (1937-1936) James Franklin "Frank" (1879-1959) James Henry (1855-1924) James Howard (1953-) James K James Robert "Jim" (1948-) Jane (or Jennie) (1808-1894) Jane N (Schroeder) (1960-) Janet (1939-) Janet (Kramer) Janice K Jean Jean Ann (1951-) Jeff (1962-) Jeffrey 180 353 493 547 255 153 159 187 373 274 381 385 365 329 999 5 497 273 358 78 137 490 356 231 146 355 209 205 682 136 42 315 328 648 130 676 370 218 27 874 1070 423 2 676 869 1069 675 553 873 1292 974 Jeffrey J Jenna Corrine (1999-) Jennie Luciell (Parsons) (1895-1923) Jennie Myrtle (1882-1973) Jennifer Ann (Stauffer) (1964-) Jerry (1946-) Jerry Lee (1964-) Jewelie Annette (Trask) (1951-) Jill Lynn (1971-) John John Charles (1948-) John James (1874-1951) John W (1874-1892) John Wesley (1857-1931) John Will (1847-1941) Jon Eugene (1969-) Jonas M (1877-1890) Joseph "Jos" (1815-1908) Joseph "Jos" (1815-1908) Joseph (1783-1872) Joseph H (1869-) Joseph Oscar (-1858) Joseph P "Joe" (1873-1959) Joseph Presley "Jos or Presley" (1862-1941) Joseph Presley (1844-) Josephine (Morrison) (1860-1920) Joyce (1946-) Joyce Ann (1956-) Joyceann (Martin) (1931-) Judith Kay (1943-) Judy Judy (Peak) Julia (1886-) Julie June (-1924) Karen Karen (Anderson) Kathryn M (Blythe) (-2001) Katie Ellen "Kate" (Hetrick) (1887-1959) Kay L Kellie Kelly Kendra Kenneth Alexander "Kenny" (1928-2005) Kenneth Brent "Brent" (1960-) Kenneth G "Kenny" (1962-) Kimberly Rene "Kim" (1973-) Kitty (Knisley) LaDonna (Bebout) Larry Larry 672 1244 76 142 685 871 924 1068 1293 219 996 137 210 44 23 1294 131 6 97 1 127 21 136 46 22 27 872 1001 185 870 650 996 56 1397 560 1078 918 340 33 689 1081 976 1080 185 436 685 808 670 513 466 700 Larry (1938-) Laura Elvira (1892-1892) Laura May (1902-) Laura May (1902-) Lauren Laurence (-1934) Lawrence L (1898-1972) Lawrence W (1883-1953) Leah Catherine (1923-2006) Lenore Leola M (1914-1993) Leona (Ballman) Leora May Leota B (1891-1892) Leota Marie (1922-) Lester Adam (1842-1925) Lester Adam (1842-1925) Lester Adam (1842-1925) Lexa Erin (1967-) Lillie Mae "Lil" (1910-1994) Lilly Viola "Billy" (1884-) Linda Lloyd (1930-1982) Lois Ann (1934-2005) Loma (Kohn) (1897-1991) Loma Elinor (1915-) Loren Loretta May (1908-) Lori Lori (1953-) Louis (or Lewis) W "Lew" (1880-1963) Louisa (Spain) (1815-1896) Lucille (Leiser) (1914-) Lydia A "Liddie" (Jenkins) (1858-1950) Lydia A "Liddie" (Jenkins) (1858-1950) Lyn Rex Lynette (Hess) Lynn (Unknown) Mabel (Unknown) Mabel E (1915-1967) Mabel Jean "Jeannie" (Stoner) (1922-1986) Mammie A (-1901) Marcielle Marcile (Unknown) Marcus A (1998-) Margaret Margaret (1932-) Margaret Eileen (1933-) Margaret F (Ferguson) (1850-1929) Margaret M (1868-) Marguerite Mae "Margaret" (1917-1982) 648 230 199 486 1082 555 316 162 183 1077 333 487 238 145 514 12 99 467 1391 177 227 655 357 694 224 343 554 337 687 930 75 4 378 28 97 654 999 654 256 379 577 226 552 546 1469 160 867 364 23 32 380 Marilyn Marion Clark "Clark" (1882-1978) Marjoie E (Shilling) (1920-1981) Marjorie "Margie" Marjorie Ellen Martha Martha (1810-) Martha (1875-1958) Mary (1824-) Mary (Holtzapple) Mary (Young) (1842-1871) Mary (Young) (1842-1871) Mary A (Chamberlain) (-1870) Mary Agnes "Aggie" (1866-1932) Mary Alice (1878-1968) Mary Ann "Annie" (Kelly) (1873-1961) Mary Ann (Hetrick) (1885-1960) Mary C (Ferris) Mary E "Minnie" (1876-1966) Mary E (Myers) (1868-1955) Mary Edith (Montague) (1908-1997) Mary Ella (1886-) Mary Esther (Caris) (1911-1971) Mary Evelyn "Evelyn" (1909-1993) Mary Jane Mary Jo (Herkinhoff) Mary L (1911-1911) Mary Ruth (1919-) Matthew (1970-) Max F Merwood "Bud" Michael Gene (1949-) Michelle Lee (1975-) Mildred L (1910-1987) Minnie (Holmes or Whirley) (1878-1958) Miriah (or Maria) "Mina" (Curtis) (1844-1914) Mitchell Thomas (1995-) Molly Elizabeth (1989-) Myrtle (1884-1964) Myrtle (Unknown) (-1950) Myrtle S (Castle) (1881-) Nancy (1820-1904) Nancy Agnes (Gory) (1783-1867) Nancy Amanda (Bryan) (1890-1976) Nancy Belle (1889-1985) Nancy Jane (1861-1879) Nancy Jane (1863-1953) Nancy S Nancy Sue (1950-) Neil Eugene (1964-) Nellie 978 76 378 345 549 206 3 36 10 992 12 99 6 31 74 135 37 225 138 30 492 228 496 320 671 993 331 495 1392 1071 550 1068 1415 377 139 9 837 836 222 257 52 7 1 76 229 29 47 674 921 686 332 Nellie Erma "Nell" (1919-2002) Nelly Edna Bly (1893-1972) Nolan Eugene (1933-) Norbert Sylvester (1912-2002) Norma Jean (Myers) (1932-) Normal (-1924) Norman David "Dave" (1942-) Norman Leslie (1921-2002) Oleta (1930-) Olive Olive (Fruchey) (1917-1969) Opal Helena (1905-) Ora Ray (1897-1965) Orman (-1924) Oscar C (1882-) Pamela (Unknown) Patricia (was Zella) Alberta "Pat" (1912-1970) Patricia Joan "Pat" (Morgan) (1936-2002) Patty Paul Paul (1976-) Paul Alexander "Butch" (1954-) Paul Lavern "Bill" (1926-) Paula Kay (1951-) Phyllis Phyllis Ann (1942-) Polly Rachel Jane "Jane or Jennie" (1869-1958) Rachelle (1964-) Ralph C (1920-1999) Ralph W (1903-1966) Ray Ray (-1947) Ray Allen (1910-) Ray W (1920-1979) Ray Wayne Rea (Hannum) Rebecca "Becky" (Walker) Rebecca (Huffer) (1852-1909) Rebecca (Huffer) (1852-1909) Rebecca JoAnn (1957-) Rhonda Marie (1965-) Richard (1923-) Richard Edward (1878-1950) Richard Eugene Richard L Rick Duane (1950-) Robert Robert (1748-1834) Robert (1811-1886) Robert (1853-1856) 181 215 358 340 357 559 992 577 692 344 204 201 158 556 54 977 178 547 973 548 1393 424 184 431 710 919 464 70 1390 354 259 334 361 492 381 707 995 213 12 467 1092 688 498 139 864 666 1090 341 1 4 26 Robert Eugene Robert Eugene (1946-) Robert F (1860-1939) Robert Herbert Isadore "Herb or Bud" (1921-1986) Robert Wesley "Rob" (1875-1915) Robin Roger Dean (1941-) Roger E Ronald D (1946-1977) Ronald L Ronald O (1921-2006) Rosa Belle (Jones) (1887-) Rosemarie (Rager) (1922-) Rosemarie (Unknown) Rosemary (1919-) Rosemary (Otto) (1931-2004) Roy (1893-1894) Roy J (1928-2002) Roy Oscar (1905-1970) Ruby Russel (-1924) Ruth (Alspaugh) Ruth (Barth) Ruth Ann "Ruthie" (1943-) Ruth Ellen (1952-) Ruth Musette (1920-2000) Ruth N (Vetter) (1908-1977) Ruth Vatula "Tula" (1914-) Sally J (1952-) Samuel "Sam" (1849-1924) Samuel C "Sam" (1885-) Sara G (1872-) Sarah Sarah (Adam) Sarah (Hood) (1752-) Sarah Ann (1887-1888) Sarah Jo (1982-) Scott Thomas (1955-) Selma F (1905-1987) Simeon (1880-) Simon (1880-) Sondra (-1888) Sophia (Moran) (-1977) Stella Bell (1895-1980) Stephen Michael "Steve" (1945-) Steven Susan (1953-) Susan Marie "Suzie" (1953-) Susan Marie (Dunifon) (1952-1997) Suzanne (Henschen) Sybil (1840-1907) 866 920 45 182 72 1073 918 680 463 681 638 143 578 668 515 363 258 690 375 374 161 497 232 421 922 277 488 179 465 24 143 129 220 45 1 152 1417 994 338 51 57 252 463 216 995 462 876 432 1091 920 11 Tabitha Jane "Jane or Jennie" (Jenkins) (1862-1943) Tabitha Jane "Jane or Jennie" (Jenkins) (1862-1943) Teresa (Unknown) Terressa Thelma (1934-) Thomas Thomas (1822-1909) Thomas (1850-1873) Thomas (1886-1950) Thomas (1954-) Thomas Asa "Asa" (1880-1974) Thomas L Thomas Lawrence (1907-) Thresia M "Teresa or Tracy" (Boberg) (1886-1967) Timothy Allen "Tim" (1952-1997) Todd Andrew (1965-) Tonja Ann (1972-) Tracy Lynn (1978-) Travis (1984-) Troy Eugene "Bud" (1922-1994) Unknown (Unknown) Unknown (Unknown) Unknown (Unknown) V. Jean (1919-) Velma Leota (1914-) Vera (-1924) Verda Alma (1897-1898) Vicky (1948-) Victor Royal (1925-) Vinora M (1886-) Viola (1914-) Violet J (1922-) Virgil V Von Glen (-1924) Walter Alva (1905-) Wava P (1909-1978) Wesley (1873-1923) Whitney Wilbur E (1895-1940) William William A (1890-1965) William B (1869-1891) William Edward "Ed" (1863-1932) William Edward "Ed" (1863-1932) William H (1821-) William Henry (1864-1913) William Heron (1855-1914) William V (-1890) Wilma Jean Wilma Mildred (1900-1978) Winfred R (1916-1988) 68 99 672 1398 369 52 9 25 214 998 140 1069 490 149 1091 1340 1400 1416 1419 578 55 154 639 322 494 558 217 875 384 133 348 362 667 557 489 203 34 1375 164 327 223 134 68 99 8 48 43 128 359 317 352 Zelma (1934-) Dunn Denise Ann (Dunlap) Eric Joseph Gary Rose (Unknown) Dusinger Roxann Duvall Margaret "Maggie" (1856-1927) Eastman Geneva Ebling Barbara Mildred L (Dunlap) (1910-1987) Onard R (-1987) Patricia Ronald Sue Eccard or Eckard? Mary Ann (Schulte) (1960-) Unknown Edelbrock Freda Eggleston Lelia Eiterman John Marjorie (Matson) Eke Karen (1944-) Ellerbrock Alice Marie (Ricker) (1922-2007) Joyce Marie (1954-) Raymond William (-1972) Elliott Geoffrey Linn (1960-) Janis Lee (Ford) (1943-) Reverend James Sidra Ann (1951-) Ellison Chad Michael (1980-) Joyce Ann (Dunlap) (1956-) Richard (1950-) Sabrina Michelle (1978-) Elston Flossie Mary Emory Hazel Marie Emura 368 1412 1412 1412 1412 1305 218 1068 698 377 377 697 696 699 743 743 408 358 391 391 589 406 406 406 1023 594 594 1022 1405 1001 1001 1404 352 349 932 Edward Jean (Ono) Kevin Kinichi (1985-) Kristen Kaori (1981-) Laura Lee (Spitnale) (1950-) Steven Dr. (1952-) English Donald Weldon "Don" Margo Ruth (Jenkins) (1908-1992) Epps Hamilton Martha (Dunlap) (1810-) Rosetta (1871-1951) Rosetta (or Rosella) (1846-1908) Erickson Eric Karlee (2001-) Kelsie Rose (1994-) Monica Lynn (Buettner) (1967-) Nicholas (1989-) Evans Effie Mae (1886-1982) Emma (Hunt) Mark Mildred (-1997) Eversole Athenia Michelle (Dunlap) (1973-) Dean Allen (1971-) Fair April (Shrider) Caitlynn Marie (1999-) Melissa Marie (1974-) Susan Marie "Suzie" (Dunlap) (1953-) Terry Paul (1953-) Terry Paul (1977-) Tre Jordan (1998-) Faustnaught Ravina Fawcett Sherry (1969-) Ferguson Margaret F (1850-1929) Ferris Mary C Fetzer Alex Michael (1993-) Alfred John "Pat" (1911-1967) Alyssa Lynn (1996-) Amanda Suzanne "Mandy" (Hoehn) (1976-) Amber Ann (Unknown) 933 933 1356 1355 933 933 313 636 313 3 3 109 19 850 1283 1282 850 1281 75 246 246 1091 1411 1411 826 1258 825 432 432 826 1257 74 1357 23 225 1197 180 1215 788 793 Amy Jean (Castellana) (1956-) Andrea Rose (Chavarria) (1960-) Anna Mary Veronica "Veronica" (Krebs) (1884-1973) Anna Mary Veronica "Veronica" (Krebs) (1884-1973) Anna Mary Veronica "Veronica" (Krebs) (1884-1973) Barb (Sexton) (1951-) Barbara Lee (Fingerhut) Brandon Thomas (1975-) Bruce Allen "Chico" (1981-2006) Byron "Barney" (1963-) Caleb Jordan (1999-) Carlene Marie (1934-2006) Catherine Elizabeth (1968-) Cathleene A "Cathy" (Krugh) (1949-) Christine Renee (1988-) Christopher Allen (1987-) Cindy Jo (1979-) Coral Suzanne (Hardeman) (1980-) Cory Michael (1978-) Danielle Marie "Dani" (1985-) Dawn (Spychalski) Debra "Debbie" (Renner) Diana Jean "Diane" (Cooley) (1947-) Doris A (Hayden) (1939-2000) Douglas "Doug" (1969-) Eric (1993-) Gary Lee (1950-) Gertrude Bell "Gert" (Dunlap) (1908-1976) Gregory Alan "Greg" (1964-) Gwendolyn Jane "Dodie" (Dunlap) (1917-1984) Hailey Marie (1998-) Harold John "Ki" (1957-) Harold Justin "Ki" (1916-1985) Herbert Anthony "Herb or Herbie" (1954-) Isaiah William (1990-) Jackie (1968-) Jamie Patrick Joseph (1973-) Jared Michael (1999-) Jason (1992-) Jeffery (1959-) Jerry (1965-) John Theodore "Johnny" (1957-) Jordan Taylor (1999-) Jordon Lee Joshua (1992-) Judith Ann "Judy" (Widmer) (1946-) Julia Ann (1971-) Kathleen (Unknown) (1962-) Kenneth Wayne "Wayne" (1933-) Keri Ann (1978-) Kristine Nichole (1980-) 428 417 176 180 183 416 790 792 796 761 1222 408 810 414 1214 1246 787 792 793 1191 777 414 412 407 786 1167 416 176 775 180 1218 430 176 417 1220 763 791 1217 1172 758 762 773 1219 1224 1171 425 811 758 407 764 794 Kristy Sue Rose (1983-) Leah Catherine (Dunlap) (1923-2006) Leanna Marie (1994-) Lesa (Pittman) (1968-) Michael (1991-) Monica Lynn "Lynn" (Kraft) (1951-) Natalie Elizabeth (2001-) Nicholas Robert (1983-) Nicole Lynn "Nikki" (Putt) (1972-) Orby Gordon (1935-) Patrick Thomas (1998-) Paul Justin (1944-) Philip Dean "Phil or Philboy" (1941-) Phillip Michael "Mike" (1972-) Phyllis Jean (1941-) Rachel Renee (2002-) Randy (1962-) Rebecca "Becky" (Lucas) (1952-) Rebecca Sue "Becky" (1966-) Robert Louis "Bob" (1918-1989) Robert Louis "Bobbie" (1953-) Ronald Brian "Brian" (1970-) Ronald John "Ronnie" (1946-) Rose Mary "Rosie" (Koenig) (1935-) Roxanna Louise "Roxie" (1947-) Sara (Leinendecker) Scott Lee (1971-) Shane Shelley Renee (Woods) Sherry (Meeks) Sherry Ann (1960-1961) Sheryl Anne "Sherry" (Matson) (1958-) Sheryl Sue "Sherry" (Moore) (1944-) Spencer (1992-) Steven Lynn "Steve" (1945-) Steven Lynn Jr. (1974-) Susan (Sexton) Tara (Hummer) Taylor (1990-) Terry Lee (1950-) Timothy Michael "Tim" (1961-1980) Tina Marie (1956-) Tristan Lee (1998-) Unknown (Unknown) Unknown (Unknown) Vickie Lee (1951-) Wesley Gene (1958-1977) William Lee (1971-) William Louis "Woody" (1948-) William Peter "Peter" (1876-1948) William Peter "Peter" (1876-1948) 1190 183 1221 761 1166 413 1223 819 789 409 1198 412 410 777 411 1170 760 415 776 183 428 788 413 409 426 777 789 795 788 416 759 773 410 1169 425 812 416 777 1165 415 774 429 1216 762 1197 427 757 790 414 176 180 William Peter "Peter" (1876-1948) Zachary Cain (1987-) Fife Lori (Dunlap) Tim Fingerhut Barbara Lee Finicle Gladys (1892-) Fischer Agnus M (Warneke) (1893-1993) Amber Sharon (1988-) Andrea Nicole (1996-) Ann (Goedde) (1969-) Austin Tyler (2001-) Candice Raylene (2000-) Chelsey Lynn (1992-) Cheri Kay (1978-) Cheryl Ann (Lenhart) (1962-) Darlene (Hedrick) (1967-) Dawn Marie (1977-) Diane Annette (1954-) Doneta J (Knippen) (1959-) Elmer Arnold (1929-) Emma Ann (1999-) Frank Gerhard (1896-1964) Hunter Thomas (2000-) Janel Marie (1980-) Jill Ellen (Gudakunst) (1960-) Michael Elmer "Mike" (1955-) Michael Elmer II (1982-) Nancy Lee (Ricker) (1958-) Paul Douglas (1958-) Raylene June (Schulte) (1933-) Ryan Steven (1985-) Sandra "Sandy" (Beckman) (1964-) Shawn Thomas (1978-) Steven Arnold "Steve" (1961-) Thomas Richard "Tom" (1956-) Unknown (Unknown) Zachary Fitzwater Chuck H Rebecca JoAnn (Dunlap) (1957-) Flanagan Margaret (Dunlap) (1932-) Pamela (1953-) Unknown Yolanda Fleener Amy Jo (1971-) 183 820 687 687 790 251 401 1144 1443 739 1445 1444 1145 1135 741 741 1138 737 740 401 1140 401 1141 1136 739 738 1137 738 740 401 1143 740 1139 741 739 1139 1142 1092 1092 867 1288 867 411 1347 Fleenor James Bruce Jeffrey Robert (1968-) Marlene Marie (Dougal) (1948-) Flick Corrine Anne (1976-) Eric Pamela (Lester) Flinchum Adam Jay (1968-) Alice Jane "Jane" (Kundert) (1943-) Brittany Nicole (1988-) John (-1987) Johnnie Carlyle (1964-) Teresa (Powell) Flory Helen I (1925-) Foley Gary Sandra (Anderson) (1945-) Follas Charity Luann (Michel) (1961-) James J "Jay" Jo Ellen (1980-) Sarah Jean (1986-) Ford Adrienne S (Kapr) Aldyth Irene (1914-) Bryan R (1958-) Chad (1980-) Clyde David (1976-) David Richard (1957-) Diane Louise (1959-) Donnie (1967-) Dorotha Ardena (1918-1970) Enola (1912-) Ethel Pauline "Pauline" (1908-) Gail S (1953-) Gladys Leota (1916-1916) Glen Edward (1956-) Glenrose (Boucher) (-1943) Grover C (1884-) Hazel Marie (Lutz) (1924-1979) Henry Edsel (1924-) Huldah (Dunlap) (1886-1972) Ida Mae (Sipe) (1927-) Jane Ann (1950-) Janet Rae (1950-) Janis Lee (1943-) Jean Ann (Adams) 926 1346 926 809 809 809 841 449 1263 449 840 840 381 912 912 849 849 1279 1280 610 283 610 1060 653 1059 615 617 1024 285 282 281 609 284 614 286 78 289 288 78 288 596 612 594 653 Jennie Myrtle (Dunlap) (1882-1973) Jennifer Louise (1952-) Jonathan G (1823-1910) Jonathan Lester "Lester" (1921-) Jonathan M "John" (-1953) Joyce Marie (1950-) Justin Kapr (1987-) Katherine (Hahner) Kathleen (Hannon) Kenneth James "Kenny" (1948-) Leslie Kay (1968-) Marilyn Lynn (1948-) Marion Louise (1922-) Pamela (Unknown) Pamela J (1952-) Paula (Clegg) Penelope (Cleinfelter) Phyllis Jean (1948-) Richard Wayne (1925-) Robert Raymond (1906-1982) Roger Wayne (1959-) Samuel Sarah Anna (Rohrer) (1846-1920) Stephanie Ann (1948-) Steven Michael (1985-) Unknown (Unknown) Unknown (Unknown) Viola Persis "Persis" (1901-1981) Virginia Mae (1926-) Forney Anna Catharine Fox Dee Diane Eric Kristal (1986-) Frankart Anna Catharine (Forney) Mary Evalyn (1894-) William Franks Judy (1947-) Freed Elizabeth Joy (1980-) Kermit Earl Marilyn Lynn (Ford) (1948-) Fricke Nancy Friend Agnes (Viere) (1879-1939) Charles (1871-1941) Charles C Jr. (1910-1986) 142 597 78 286 142 613 1052 616 286 595 1025 606 287 615 608 615 595 611 289 280 616 298 78 607 1410 614 1024 298 290 235 806 1240 1239 235 235 235 588 1042 606 606 685 316 74 275 Christopher C Daniel Delores A Eileen (Kemper) Estella "Stella" (1900-1969) Lewis (1871-1936) Mary Alice (Dunlap) (1878-1968) Ravina (Faustnaught) Ruth (1912-1914) Stephen D Fruchey Betty Lou (Dunlap) (1927-) Clarice I (Hilty) (1916-) Donald George D (1911-1966) Jacquelin J (1939-1988) Olive (1917-1969) Fuchs Austin Christopher (1998-) Gordon Edward (1934-) Jennifer Lee "Jenny" (Buschor) (1975-) Joanne (Pfister) (1944-) Lindsey Marie (2001-) Nicole Catherine (1999-) Stephen Matthew (1973-) Fuentes Felicia Ann (1975-) Fuller Dale Luella (Allemeier) Rebecca Ann (Graham) (1942-) Unknown Yvonne Fyffe Amber Jean (1997-) Angela Nicole "Angie" (Casebolt) (1978-) Jason Damian Gallespie Effie May Galloway Aaron (1966-) Alice Jayne (1942-) Doyt Erik (1968-) Jean (Ockerman) Nanette (1962-) Robert (1939-) Rosemary (Dunlap) (1919-) Galoni Jennie (Aronhoff) John 581 74 582 275 316 316 74 74 276 580 207 648 207 648 648 204 1235 802 802 802 1237 1236 802 816 590 388 590 388 711 1259 827 827 350 1349 929 515 1350 928 1348 928 515 378 378 Gamble Gregory Leroy (1964-) Jameson Leigh (1969-) Linda Kay (Mosier) (1942-) Max LeRoy Spencer Lynn (1965-) William Lindsay (1967-) Gasser Rosemary E (1922-) Geiser Elijah William (1994-) June (Bailey) Rebecca Sue "Becky" (Fetzer) (1966-) Samantha Rebecca (1989-) Samual William (1964-) Shoshana Renee (1993-) William Yitzhak Samuel (1997-) Gensel or Gansle Nellie W (Jenkins) (1876-) William George Angela Lou "Angie" (1976-) Dan Jr Rogana (Bair) Giambattista Karen (Dunlap) Thomas Gilbert Burnice Gill Cathy Amy (1961-) Gillispie Patti Girod John A Mattie Belle (Jenkins) (1873-) Glaze Ella Goedde Ann (1969-) Gordon Barbara Betty Betty Jo (Newburn) Blanche (Unknown) Carrie (Unknown) Charles R "Bob" (1895-) Connie (Unknown) Darrell Dello "Bake" (1892-) 1317 1320 889 889 1318 1319 1069 1195 776 776 1193 776 1194 776 1196 105 105 1181 1181 1181 1078 1078 356 768 766 104 104 496 739 987 567 988 261 264 264 575 989 263 Donna Ray Dorothy Edith (Unknown) Edward (1890-) Emma Jean Emma Jeanette "Nettie or Net" (Dunlap) (1866-1966) Eugene Flossie (Unknown) Francis Fred (1888-) Hazel (Watson) Jack James Jane (Houston) (1830-1893) Lester (1903-) Levi W (1825-1902) Lewis "Lew or Doc" (1862-1938) Linda Margaret (1887-1983) Mary (Unknown) Mary Jane Mary Katherine Michael Ned Rachel Rebecca Robert (1922-) Sue (Unknown) Tammy Diane Unknown (Unknown) Virgil "Jake" (1897-) Virginia Virginia (Unknown) Vivian Lucile "Bee" (Colton) (1900-1974) Gory Margaret (Unknown) Nancy Agnes (1783-1867) Robert Graham Adrianna L (2001-) Aldyth Irene (Ford) (1914-) Amy Jo (1971-) Caleb A (1997-) Carol (Radabaugh) (1941-) Carol Louise (Smith) Christopher G (1978-) Dora (Unknown) Douglas Roger (1938-) Gordon Leslie (1949-) Gordon Philip (1977-) Harriet Eileen (1950-) 571 564 262 262 574 69 573 263 566 261 573 570 575 69 266 69 69 986 260 264 565 576 988 569 1389 1388 572 266 1387 989 265 568 988 265 1 1 1 1475 283 1018 1474 587 591 1421 283 587 592 1016 593 James Allen (1972-) Jeffrey Scott (1967-) Jodi Lynne (1970-) John John Grover (1940-) John Paul (1969-) Judy (Franks) (1947-) Julie Marie (1971-) Kara Renee (1973-) Karen (Eke) (1944-) Kimberly Denise (1976-) Kristin Kay (1972-) Lyle Raymond (1913-1964) Lynn Herman (1945-) Michael Lynn (1969-) Rebecca Ann (1942-) Robert Bruce (1941-) Robert Lyle "Lyle" (1974-) Ronald Edward (1964-) Stephanie L (Kern) (1976-) Theodora "Teddi" (Verhoff) (1950-) Gray Eva Green Alan Jeanne Renae (Barth) (1959-) Grothouse Luella C (1919-1987) Grove Freda Grubb Corban James Allen (1996-) Jim Mandy Jo (Schulte) (1977-) Gruetman Delores (Dunlap) (1935-) Elaine (1964-) Kenneth Guajardo Esther Gudakunst Jill Ellen (1960-) Guetman Gregory (1959-) Guinther Charity Luann (Michel) (1961-) Ward Guy Doris (Dunlap) Unknown Habyan 1012 1014 1010 283 588 1009 588 1011 1020 589 1021 1019 283 591 1017 590 589 1015 1013 1421 592 941 842 842 421 348 1446 1173 1173 510 915 510 1351 739 914 849 849 551 551 Joseph Andrew (1976-) Pamela J (Ford) (1952-) Raymond Joseph Hadley John Milton John Richard (1968-) Melissa Lynn (1973-) Phyllis Jean (Ford) (1948-) Hahner Katherine Haines Francis Hall Ann Jeffrie Lilla J (1944-) Lola Jane (Hunt) (1919-) Ned Phillip Hamilton Vera Hammons Al Frank Grace M (1882-) Harvey E (1881-) Linda Margaret "Maggie" (Duvall) (1856-1927) Mary Ella (Dunlap) (1886-) Mena (Henry) Sarah (Dunlap) William Allen (1848-1899) Hancock Leslie Kay (Wilson) (1958-) Neil David (1987-) Paul Hannon Kathleen Hannum Juanita (Unknown) Lawrence Rea Hantz Brady Scott (1994-) LeAnn Marie (Shank) (1969-) Nicole Marie (1992-) Scott Donald (1963-) Hardeman Coral Suzanne (1980-) Daniel Debra (Jewel) 1049 608 608 611 1053 1054 611 616 516 952 951 702 534 953 534 577 220 228 218 228 911 218 228 228 220 218 1006 1407 1006 286 995 995 995 1250 813 1249 813 792 792 792 Harned Norma (Lutz) (1953-) Robert Harpster George Cleve "Cleve" (1884-1925) Lilly Viola "Billy" (Dunlap) (1884-) Harris Arthur (-1907) Evaline "Eva" (1864-1947) Mary (Unknown) (-1898) Susanna Hart Connie Hart (Mosier) (1951-) Elizabeth Mike Harter Emma Hatfield Angela Lou "Angie" (George) (1976-) Daegan Brady (2003-) James Steven "Steve" (1957-) Mary Elizabeth (Schulte) (1961-) Shane Michael (1984-) Stacie Marie (1981-) Steven Michael (1979-) Haunstein Barbara Rose (1981-) Dawn (Snavley) Eugene (1978-) Gary (1950-) Joyce Gloria (Michel) (1956-) Haycox Andrew Ryan (1983-) Brandon Michael (1979-) Christopher Blake (1986-) Deborah Lynette "Debbie" (Dunlap) (1953-) Jamie Lee (1953-) Hayden Doris A (1939-2000) Hayes Carl (1904-) Cornelia (Jennings) J. W. Wava P (Dunlap) (1909-1978) Hedrick Darlene (1967-) Matilda D "Tillie" (1880-1965) Heffner Leola M (Dunlap) (1914-1993) Raymond H "Ray" (1904-1977) Roger 600 600 227 227 46 46 46 212 900 1306 900 200 1181 1450 769 769 1183 1182 1181 1274 1273 1273 847 847 831 830 832 434 434 407 203 203 203 203 741 85 333 333 454 Wanda Lou (Buettner) (1934-) Hellman Dorothy Bernadine (1924-) Henes Chloe J (Cowan) (1891-1978) Robert Henry Mena Henschen Chalmer V (1906-2002) Edith Beatrice (Kinerk) (-1990) Suzanne Herkinhoff Mary Jo Unknown (Unknown) Wilbur Herman Abby Marie (2000-) Angela Nicole "Angie" (Casebolt) (1978-) Tim Hernandez Marie Hess Lynette Hetrick Emaline Elizabeth "Emma" (Semer) (1850-1934) Emaline Elizabeth "Emma" (Semer) (1850-1934) Emma Iona "Iona" (1903-1959) George (1853-1910) George (1853-1910) Katie Ellen "Kate" (1887-1959) Mary Ann (1885-1960) Hewit Kathy (Mast) Kimberly Marie "Kim" (Kleman) (1982-) Michael Scott Rick Hickman Dan Keri Ann (Fetzer) (1978-) Lee Alan Margaret (Sawmiller) High Angela Rose (1970-) Carolyn Jean (Mosier) (1941-) Charity Lynn (1967-) Clara Jane (Tayler) (-2003) Erick Scott (1963-) Kimberly Kay (1961-) Royce Unknown 454 420 268 268 228 920 920 920 993 993 993 1260 827 827 721 999 33 37 175 33 37 33 37 755 755 755 755 764 764 764 764 1316 888 1315 661 1314 1313 888 661 Hill Alyson Hillard Everett G Hilty Clarice I (1916-) Hilvers Maria Anna "Anna" (-1933) Hirsch Amanda Marie (2006-) Gretchen (Silbernagel) Lisa Ann (Buschor) (1969-) Ralph Stewart "Tony" II Ralph Stewart III "Stew" (1965-) Thomas Matthew "Tom" (1995-) Trevor Alexander (2001-) Tyler Chirstopher (1997-) Hiueline? Anna Hodge Alice Jayne (Galloway) (1942-) Paul Hoehn Amanda Suzanne "Mandy" (1976-) Hoffman Freeda Hole Barbara Ann "Barb" (1932-) Betty Ann (Barrett) Beverly Jo (Yoakam) Billy Gene "Bill" (1928-2002) Daniel Benjamin "Danny" (1936-1969) Darrell Robert (1934-1992) Dorothy Lou (1930-) Emma Iona "Iona" (Hetrick) (1903-1959) Jason Alan (1978-1978) Joanne (Riordan) Joshua Kathy (Unknown) Katrina Camille (1964-) Kendra Kevin Charles (1960-) Mary Ellen (1938-1998) Mary Jeannine (Cumback) Michelle Ann (1974-) Robert B (1897-1951) Ronnie Lee (1956-) Theresa (Unknown) Hollar Esther (Guajardo) Kenneth 994 279 648 179 1234 801 801 801 801 1231 1233 1232 56 929 929 788 343 396 397 398 394 398 397 395 175 727 394 1124 724 725 1125 724 399 394 726 175 723 723 1351 1351 Loreen Jennifer (1971-) Holloway Barbara (Gordon) Melissa Unknown Holmes or Whirley Minnie (1878-1958) Holtzapple John Lillian (Neusmeyer) Mary Holycross Abraham (1805-1880) Alice Gertrude (Yeazle) Anna Lucille (Patten) (1897-1972) Arthur L (1875-1963) Clement (or Clemens) Beamer (1845-1896) Dale C (1895-1971) Edgar Abraham (1878-1973) Elbert R (1856-1871) Eliza W Emma (Krouskop) Emma Jeanette (1856-) Esther L (1908-1976) Evah R (McAllister) (1887-1978) Frank Roy (1888-) Grace B (1880-1963) Harmon Hazel Marie (Dixon) Hester (or Ester) Ann (Dunlap) (1813-1892) Hester A Irma Hazel (Sidesinger) (1886-1964) Jane S (Wilson) (1841-1907) Lucinda Walker (1836-1900) Lucinda Walker (1836-1900) Lucinda Walker (1836-1900) Martha Mary Estella (Cooksey) (1856-1945) Nancy C (1842-1928) Norris Blaine (1884-1966) Orrie B (1873-1891) Pearson F (1834-1927) Ralph A (1894-1982) Robert C (1854-1925) Rosetta (or Rosella) (Epps) (1846-1908) Tabitha Jane (1840-1920) Hood Sarah (1752-) Horstman Donna Jean (1958-) Elmer A (1924-) 1351 987 1386 987 139 992 992 992 5 124 126 120 19 126 121 94 91 120 95 314 121 124 122 93 125 5 92 123 15 16 28 68 14 20 18 123 119 15 125 20 19 17 1 779 779 Ruth M (Unknown) (1924-1988) Housel Dolly Houston Jane (1830-1893) Hoverman Arlene Marjoie (Thielk) Diann Carol (1954-) Richard Wesley Hoy Burton L (1915-2005) Eladore Freeda (Hoffman) Loma Elinor (Dunlap) (1915-) Hudson Freda Mae Linda (1940-) Huffer Christopher (1987-) David Eugene (1961-) George Keziah (Neihizer) (-1908) LeAnn Michelle (Spitnale) (1963-) Melanie Anne (1984-) Rebecca (1852-1909) Rebecca (1852-1909) Hummer Daniel J "Dan" (1929-2006) Marjorie M (Dray) (1934-) Tara Hunsaker Goldie Ellen Hunt Alpha (Mayberry) Amy Jane Amy Jane Arthur Hampton (1891-) Arthur Hampton II (1917-1943) Charles M (1890-) Charles M (1890-) David (1850-1932) Edward Samuel (1927-1995) Effie E (1886-1936) Elizabeth Ann (Wade) (1860-1937) Emma Gladys (Finicle) (1892-) Hattie M (1883-1906) Iona (1875-1947) James Henry (1852-1932) James Ira (1914-) Jane (Moyer) 779 602 69 424 424 424 343 343 343 343 803 1352 1361 936 12 12 936 1360 12 467 777 777 777 692 247 947 950 251 533 199 486 136 451 250 67 246 251 249 136 67 532 199 Jane (Moyer) Joyce (Kern) Laura May (Dunlap) (1902-) Laura May (Dunlap) (1902-) Lola Jane (1919-) Mildred (Wolmuth) Ned (-1932) Opal Juanita (1925-1993) Rena Ruth Ruth Sam Sam Sarah Sarah Virginia (Williams) Walter (1921-) Welthia (Babcock) (1849-1879) Wilma Jean (1945-) Winfred Lewis (1882-1939) Hurless Debra Huysman Katherine (1880-1966) Katherine (1880-1966) Jarrett Rachel Jenkings Elizabeth Jane (-1861) Elizabeth Jane (-1861) Presley Unknown (Unknown) Jenkins Abraham M (1857-) Carol Ann Cassie Maud (1879-) Cinderella B "Rella or Stella" (Barnes) (1887-1968) Cynthia (1824-1874) Daniel Don Donald Gaylord (1906-1990) Earl P (1872-) Eli Clemens (1869-) Glenna A (Steinman) (1902-1992) Henry Jackie Jessie C "Jess or Jeffe" (1885-1964) John A (1864-) Lillie B (1867-) Lucinda Walker (Holycross) (1836-1900) Lucinda Walker (Holycross) (1836-1900) 486 451 199 486 534 535 247 450 468 946 949 199 486 945 948 532 535 136 404 248 906 201 203 719 6 97 6 6 96 958 106 89 9 960 541 312 103 102 312 89 635 89 100 101 16 28 Lucinda Walker (Holycross) (1836-1900) Lydia A "Liddie" (1858-1950) Lydia A "Liddie" (1858-1950) Marilyn Jean Mary (Alberta) Mary Louise (Beck) Mattie Belle (1873-) Nellie W (1876-) Robert Ruth (1908-1992) Susan (Unknown) Tabitha Jane "Jane or Jennie" (1862-1943) Tabitha Jane "Jane or Jennie" (1862-1943) William (1836-1905) William (1836-1905) William (1836-1905) William Lawrence (1861-) Jennings Cornelia Jewel Debra John Catherine Alice "Alice" (1878-1918) Catherine Alice "Alice" (1878-1918) Magdalena (Leininger) Magdalena (Leininger) Peter Peter Johns Carolyn Johnson Carl (1906-) Donald Emma (Dunlap) (1906-) Ethel (Sours) Gerard "Jerry" (1954-) Jerry Lee (1974-) Lana Sue (Spitnale) (1953-) Marilyn R (1932-1998) Patty (Dunlap) Sherry (Fawcett) (1969-) Willard Zachery Lee (1996-) Jones Albert Anna Marie Rosa Belle (1887-) Sarah (Osburn) Jordan Clara (Braun) Delmar Norton (1866-1950) 68 28 97 634 98 541 104 105 959 313 89 68 99 16 28 68 98 203 792 75 214 75 214 75 214 890 202 973 202 202 934 1357 934 465 973 1357 202 1466 143 365 143 143 115 115 Edith (Ballinger) Frank A (1871-1976) George I (1843-1919) Gertrude Rebecca (Ballinger) Mary Ann Nancy C (Holycross) (1842-1928) Samuel W (1867-1958) Susan Marie "Suzie" (Dunlap) (1953-) William Forest (1879-1956) William Roosevelt "Bill" (1953-) Kako Harriet Eileen (Graham) (1950-) Philip Kapr Adrienne S Keller Clara J (Dunlap) (1879-1927) Harley John M (1875-1947) Lelus Robert Rolly Susanna (Harris) Kelley Amos (1872-) Mary E "Minnie" (Dunlap) (1876-1966) Kelly Lydia (Patterson) Mary Ann "Annie" (1873-1961) Phyllis Thomas Kemper Eileen Kennedy Annabell "Ann" John Lillie Miller (Unknown) Miller Paul Dunlap (1923-1937) Robert E (1920-) Stanley "Stan" Stella Bell (Dunlap) (1895-1980) Susan Kay "Sue" (1956-) Vera June (Nagle) Kern Chad A (1978-) Eric D (1982-) Joyce Rebecca JoAnn (Dunlap) (1957-) Richard A (1957-) Stephanie L (1976-) 116 117 18 117 112 18 116 432 118 432 593 593 610 212 474 212 475 212 473 212 138 138 135 135 895 135 275 482 216 216 216 484 483 481 216 862 483 1422 1423 451 1092 1092 1421 Trina J (1974-) Kidd Jeannette (Stephens) Wayne Kies Adam Emma (Harter) Florence (Dunlap) (1904-) William M (1900-) Kimmey Dwaine Shirley A (Richardson) Kinerk Edith Beatrice (-1990) King Alice Dan Jason Nancy S (Dunlap) Patty (Unknown) Kishbaugh Atlanta Marie (2002-) LeRyne (De Petri) Matthew Wayne (1975-) Misty Dawn (McComas) (1975-) Richard Wayne "Wayne" Kitchenmaster Bobbi Jo (1952-) Klaus Cheryl Klausing Anthony John Grace Lucil (Dunlap) (-1971) Leonard B (1909-2004) Myrtle (Askins) Klecamp Pauline Klekamp Blem Kleman Angela Marie "Angie" (1981-) Bernard (1867-1932) Charles Louis "Chuck" (1906-1970) Charlotte Louise (1945-) Christina Michelle (1970-) Christine M (Niedert) (1872-1934) George Edward (1956-) Jerome Arthur "Rome" (1948-) Joyce Marie (Ellerbrock) (1954-) Julia Lynn (Ricker) (1957-) Keith Leroy (1953-) 1420 644 644 200 200 200 200 657 657 920 259 674 1085 674 1085 1256 822 822 822 822 765 808 321 321 321 321 149 148 752 179 179 403 749 179 406 404 406 405 405 Kimberly Marie "Kim" (1982-) Kurt Charles (1987-) Patrick Daniel "Pat" (1979-) Ruth Vatula "Tula" (Dunlap) (1914-) Steven Bernard "Steve" (1988-) Theresa Jane (1984-) Tiffany Rene (1972-) Wilma Jean (Hunt) (1945-) Klinger Cassie Maud (Jenkins) (1879-) William "Will" Kloeppel Denise (Dunlap) Robert Knapp Matilda (1851-1939) Knight Lisa Knippen Doneta J (1959-) George Janette (Schmitt) Knisley Kitty Koch Carol A Koenig Donald Dorothy Louise (1924-) Fred Frieda (Dickman) Jackie (Jenkins) Nina (Baughman) Ralph Rose Rose Mary "Rosie" (1935-) Kohli Lona Marri Kohn Alta M (1896-1979) Loma (1897-1991) Komarek Claire Ann (1998-) Patricia (Betz) Rana Louise (Wittler) (1972-) Robert Robert Bruce Jr. "Bruce" (1971-) Kortier Wotrema (1822-1874) Kortokrax Mary Ann (Schulte) (1960-) 755 756 751 179 754 753 750 404 106 106 975 975 57 721 740 740 740 670 705 635 638 638 638 635 409 409 1180 409 357 221 224 1241 807 807 807 807 70 743 Walter (1967-) Kr?affer Lucetta (1856-1925) Kracium Cornelius George David Michael (1971-) Elnore Gertrude (Luttman) Jeffery Allan "Jeff" (1974-) Michael Gene "Mike" (1945-) Sheila Mae (Dickman) (1947-) Kraft Monica Lynn "Lynn" (1951-) Kramer Janet Ralph W "Pete" (1910-1982) Rosemary E (Gasser) (1922-) Krebs Anna Mary Veronica "Veronica" (1884-1973) Anna Mary Veronica "Veronica" (1884-1973) Anna Mary Veronica "Veronica" (1884-1973) Kriegel Beth Ellen (Dunlap) (1959-) Braden L (1984-) Brittany Nicole (1987-) Colin M (1989-) Mildred (Unknown) Rayan M (1982-) Robert Robin L "Rob" (1957-) Valerie C (1980-) Krischer Patricia Kroeger Carol Krouskop Emma Krugh Bette J (Vaske) Byron D Cathleene A "Cathy" (1949-) Kundert Alice Jane "Jane" (1943-) Carlyle "Slim" (1919-1983) Lulu Geraldine "Jerry" (Schindler) (1919-2004) Ladd Eleanor June "June" JoAnn Sue Lawrence Velma (May) Lalonde Ora Bell (1876-1952) 743 86 400 735 400 736 400 400 413 1069 1069 1069 176 180 183 1093 1426 1427 1428 1093 1425 1093 1093 1424 916 783 120 414 414 414 449 198 198 690 781 690 690 153 Landwehr Wilma J (1909-1984) Lane Mike Robin (Dunlap) Leach Effie G (1882-) Matilda (Knapp) (1851-1939) Walter James (1853-1918) Lee Garvin C (1892-1955) Irttie I (Dunlap) (1895-1994) Robert D Lehman Alexis Brook (2000-) Dustin Jo Ellen (Follas) (1980-) Leidy Donald Mark Mervin Oleta (Dunlap) (1930-) Leinendecker Sara Leininger Magdalena Magdalena Leiser Lucille (1914-) Leist Priscilla "Pat" (1939-) Lenhart Cheryl Ann (1962-) Helen (McDough) Unknown Leo Sherri Leonhart Nancy Elizabeth (Burroughs) (1874-) Unknown Lester Pamela Lewis Easter Lillie Ethel (Osborn) Martha (Dunlap) Morris Ralph Lilly Gladys (White) Sue Helen (1948-) 402 1073 1073 57 57 57 315 315 637 1459 1279 1279 692 1095 1094 692 777 75 214 378 780 741 741 741 1354 110 110 809 579 579 206 206 579 932 932 Thomas French Lindsey George F Susan Kay "Sue" (Kennedy) (1956-) Litten Marilyn R (Johnson) (1932-1998) Michael Lee (1953-) Robert L (1928-) Sally J (Dunlap) (1952-) Lofquist Claire (Unknown) John W Margaret (Gordon) (1887-1983) Vivian Jean (1923-) William John (1921-1987) Lohr George Phyllis (Dunlap) Tonya Looser Kathy Loy Julia Lucas Dora M (Stuttler) (1929-2004) Rebecca "Becky" (1952-) Unknown Lude Kenneth Leslie Kay (Ford) (1968-) Luttman Elnore Gertrude Lutz Barbara Carol (1950-) Brian Daniel (1983-) Carol (Brown) Cindy (Dawson) Clyde Elmo David Lee (1981-) Denise (Champion) Diane (Ruppert) Dolly (Housel) Donald Edward (1956-) Donald Gene (1951-1953) Elaine (1950-) Gary Eugene (1955-) Harvey Dean (1957-) Hazel Marie (1924-1979) Jason John Harvey (1986-) Kyle Allen (1987-) 932 862 862 465 465 465 465 562 260 260 563 562 710 710 1110 656 229 415 415 415 1025 1025 400 618 1036 599 621 290 1035 620 622 602 622 619 598 621 602 289 1064 1041 1063 Laura Gwen Laura Lee (1962-) Loretta Ann (1955-) Margaret Louise (1958-) Marion Louise (Ford) (1922-) Melvin Jay (1953-) Norma (1953-) Patricia Ann (1959-) Raymond Lester (1952-) Regina Mae (1962-) Regis Floyd Ruth Ann (1984-) Virginia Mae (Ford) (1926-) MaGill Claudie (1885-1951) Eli C (1854-1920) Magill Etta MaGill Mary E (Chamberlain) (1857-1936) Thomas Asa "Asa" (Dunlap) (1880-1974) Unknown (1912-) Marshall Glenwood Mary Alice (Dunlap) (1878-1968) Martin Florentine E "Honey" (1924-2005) Joyceann (1931-) Sarah Unknown Unknown (Unknown) Marvin Bessie Bernice (1905-1995) Grace (Palmer) Vene Mason Anthony Hugh (1971-) Hazel Hugh Jennifer Louise (Ford) (1952-) Shawna Michele (1973-) Mast Kathy Matson Alta P (Pangle) (1910-2007) Dale (-2007) Doris Marie Guy Dale "Dale" (1931-1997) Guy H (1902-1969) Infant (1936-1936) Marjorie 719 623 601 603 287 620 600 604 599 605 287 1062 290 140 140 469 140 140 330 74 74 412 185 255 185 185 375 375 375 1028 159 597 597 1029 755 174 392 354 773 174 393 391 Mike Ruth E (1929-) Sheryl Anne "Sherry" (1958-) Wanda "Sue" (Moreo) (1937-) Matz Catherine (or Cassie or Kassiah?) (-1895) Maurer Anna (Hiueline?) J. Wesley (1881-) Julia (Dunlap) (1886-) Noah Maxwell Alene S (Unknown) Ted Teri A (1963-1999) May Velma Mayberry Alpha McAllister Evah R (1887-1978) McClintock Chrystal Heather Katrina Camille (Hole) (1964-) Kenneth Travis McClure Kelly (1970-) Michelle (1967-) Mike Susan Jane (Mosier) (1949-) McComas Brandy Michelle (1979-) Jerry Edwin (1950-) Misty Dawn (1975-) Paula Kay (Dunlap) (1951-) Rachel Elizabeth "Elizabeth" (1986-) McCormick Henrietta (Dunlap) Unknown McDough Helen McElfresh Jean M (1915-1992) McFarland Angela Marie (1981-) John Max Anthony (2001-) Nicole Renee (1980-) Tracy Annette (Siegenthaler) (1973-) 389 390 773 773 43 56 56 56 56 941 941 941 690 247 121 1126 1127 725 725 1128 1329 1328 899 899 823 431 822 431 824 329 329 741 306 1439 1118 1440 1438 1118 McGill Bart Craig Patsy (McGuire) McGuire Barbara Ann (1960-) Charles Alan (1949-) Corey Cynthia Dorothy Lou (Hole) (1930-) Edward Russell (1950-1990) Lloyd Nicole Patsy Patsy Virginia (1952-) Robert Gerald "Bobby" (1957-) Robert Lee Travis Unknown (Unknown) Unknown (Unknown) McKee Judy (Dunlap) William McKibben Ethel Pauline "Pauline" (Ford) (1908-) George Allen (1973-) George Seymour (1905-1967) Karen Louise (1937-) Paul Eugene (1945-) Paul Jr. (1970-) Virginia (Reeve) (1945-) McNamara Ardenia (-1996) McOwen Dora E "Birdie" (1872-1954) McReynolds Art Donna Ray (Gordon) Meeks Sherry Mericle Florence Lavone (1905-2002) Lydia Mewhorr Rick Sue (Buettner) Meyer Brandon J (2002-2002) Christopher J Cory T (1996-) Diana 1437 1117 1117 729 716 1436 1114 395 717 395 1115 1117 718 728 395 1116 395 716 650 650 281 1005 281 583 584 1004 584 665 82 571 571 416 418 236 460 460 1468 1415 1467 815 Michelle Lee (Dunlap) (1975-) Meyers Mariam Michaels Angelica (1976-) Michel Angie (1987-) Ashley Christine (1995-) Charity Luann (1961-) Deanna (Montgomery) (1960-) James Jessica (1990-) John Joe Fredrick (1958-) Joyce Gloria (1956-) June (Unknown) (1957-) Roxie (Morrison) Stacy (1993-) Sue (Unknown) Timothy James (1955-) Wanda Lou (Buettner) (1934-) Miley Charles Della (Turner) Dottie "Dot" (1896-) Miller Andrew (1870-1949) Bernice (Mosier) Brendan David (1998-) Burl Carter Harrison Rev. (1903-1993) Clayton David Duane (1972-) Debra Delores Patsy "Pat" (Dunlap) (1929-) Dennis (1926-) Diana Joyce (Spitnale) (1945-) Duane Eugene Rev. (1945-) E. S. Edith Matilda (1899-) Elizabeth Diana (1974-) Ella Ethel Etta O (1887-1975) Eugene Helen Elaine (Clayton) (1907-1997) Irene (Unknown) Kathy Kenneth Linda Loreen Jennifer (Hollar) (1971-) Makenzie Rose (2001-) 1415 772 1192 1275 1278 849 848 454 1276 848 847 846 846 1277 846 846 454 164 164 164 153 499 1461 1296 931 878 1351 1299 640 640 931 931 640 153 1352 234 1298 255 877 931 877 1297 881 851 1351 1462 Michael Nancy Lee (-1952) Ora Bell (Lalonde) (1876-1952) Phillip Phyllis Reva (Rone) Russell Sarah (Martin) Unknown (Unknown) Minyoung Charles Janet (Sidle) Montague Lida (Conner) Mary Edith (1908-1997) Samuel Montgomery Deanna (1960-) Mooney Arthur F Michael R (1970-) Michelle Renee (1973-) Pamela J (Ford) (1952-) Moore Donald R "Don" (1951-) Marcella (Clark) Sally J (Dunlap) (1952-) Sheryl Sue "Sherry" (1944-) Victor Moorman Cortney Moran Sophia (-1977) Moreo Ann (Unknown) Charles Christine Marie Clarice (Unknown) Dave Don Fern (Ralston) Jimmie Lee (1931-2006) Mary E (1880-1967) Pam Phyllis (Unknown) Ruth E (Matson) (1929-) Terry Wanda "Sue" (1937-) Morgan Alice (Sweeney) Floyd 255 1072 153 880 879 640 499 255 881 883 883 492 492 492 848 608 1047 1048 608 465 410 465 410 410 828 463 713 390 1112 714 713 714 390 390 181 715 712 390 712 773 547 547 Patricia Joan "Pat" (1936-2002) Morris Dona Lynn (1948-) Ellen (Unknown) Hazel Marie (Emory) John Obbie Mary Elizabeth (Schulte) (1961-) Michael Anthony "Mike" (1959-) Ralph Shannon Nicole (1991-) Morrison Josephine (1860-1920) Roxie Mosier Audrey Louise (1943-) Bernice Bruce DeWayne (1953-) Carl W (1929-) Carol (Sutton) Carolyn (Johns) Carolyn Jean (1941-) Claude Dean (1953-) Colette Jean (1953-) Connie Hart (1951-) Craig (1961-) Daniel (1950-) David (1949-) Debra (Hurless) Debra (Shull) Donald (1958-) Donnabelle (1935-) Dorothy (Crow) Edith (Shivley) Edward Michael (1966-) Elizabeth (Hart) Elnora Faye (Shivley) Emma Jean (1925-) Ernest (1918-) Everett (1903-1987) Florence (Ashbaugh) Frances Garry Dee (1941-) Garry Dee (1967-) Ida Mae (Myers) Jay Dean (1948-) Jeffrey Allen (1968-) Jennifer Lynn (1971-) Jim Scott (1965-) Joan (1948-) Judy (Sanders) Keith (1971-) 547 932 769 932 932 769 769 769 1184 27 846 896 499 1306 886 507 890 888 892 893 900 908 906 905 906 1304 901 887 886 504 1321 1306 503 508 505 501 501 500 895 1324 505 1304 1308 1460 1307 898 894 909 Lawrence Dean (1963-) Lawrence F (1914-1973) Lemuel Lemuel (1923-) Linda Kay (1942-) Lowell Dean (1938-) Lynette Kay (1961-) Margaret (1922-) Michael Carl (1950-) Myrtle (Dunlap) (1884-1964) Nellie (Steman) Oma (Shivley) Pat Shivley (Anderson) Paulette (1946-) Phyllis (Kelly) Roberta (Cox) Roland (1908-1954) Roxann (Dusinger) Sarah (1958-) Steven Brent (1947-) Sue (Ringwald) Susan Jane (1949-) Thomas William (1943-) William Harold (1912-1997) Mowell Chrisanne Elaine "Chrissy" (Dunlap) (1955-) Jeffery Lee (1962-) Jillian Kristine (1988-) Philip Martin Robert (1992-) Mowery Chance Anthony (2003-) Leah Colleen (Schulte) (1982-) Matt Charles (1977-) Mike Rose (Koenig) Moye Ermal Lloyd Lura Joyce (1921-) Marian Elsie (Boyle) Moyer Jane Jane Mull Ella (Miller) H. E. Zella (1885-) Mullenour Cynthia Mumaw Patricia (was Zella) Alberta "Pat" (Dunlap) (1912-1970) Vernon 1323 504 222 507 889 894 1322 506 1305 222 507 502 890 897 895 891 502 1305 907 891 905 899 890 503 435 435 833 834 1449 1180 1180 1180 1180 517 517 517 199 486 234 234 234 844 178 178 Murray Mame Myer Dorothy or Dora Myers David Dorcas Jane Earl William (1934-) Greg Ida Mae Janet (Dunlap) (1939-) Kathleen "Kathy" (Belcher) (1957-) Lenore (Dunlap) Lois Ann (Dunlap) (1934-2005) Lona Marri (Kohli) Mary E (1868-1955) Michele (Unknown) Norma Jean (1932-) Orphe Patricia Ann (1959-) Regina (Unknown) Rhonda Gay (1967-) Robert Earl (1964-) William Roy "Bill" (1960-) Nagle Vera June Nearing Marvin Nellie (Dunlap) Nedderman Christine Neff Aidan William (2001-) Aidan William (2001-) Angela Marie "Angie" (Siegenthaler) (1981-) Angela Marie (McFarland) (1981-) David David Neiderhiser Aaron (1987-) Benjamin Avery (1975-) Jacob Morgan (1982-) Nathan Rory (1980-) Richard B (1947-) Stephanie Ann (Ford) (1948-) Neiford John Olive (Dunlap) Neihizer Keziah (-1908) Neusmeyer 177 363 869 144 694 1077 505 869 1097 1077 694 357 30 1098 357 357 1096 1097 1099 1098 1097 483 332 332 1187 1441 1476 1120 1439 1120 1439 1046 1043 1045 1044 607 607 344 344 12 Lillian Newburn Betty Jo Nicholson Linda (Dunlap) Philip Niedert Christine M (1872-1934) Harriet (1936-) Niel Ellen Niese Dolores "Dort" Norseworthy Janet Marie "Jan" (Schulte) (1959-) Thomas Ray (1959-) Nowell Carrie Renee (Spitnale) (1975-) Joshua Leo (1971-) Raney Sherri (Leo) Nutt John (1956-) Margaret (Dunlap) (1932-) Unknown Oaks Stephanie Unknown Yvonne (Fuller) Ockerman Jean Ogle Chelsea Ann (1988-) Eric Joseph (1992-) Joe Mary Beth (Buettner) (1966-) Ohmer Eileen M (Rehkamp) (1940-) Kimberly Ann "Kim" (1963-) Thomas A (1941-) Ono Jean Orr Diane Louise (Ford) (1959-) Jennifer Marie (1988-) Robert Orsbon Kalin Ranay (1960-) Monty Kay (Dougal) (1940-) Neal Cola (1964-) Rodney 992 988 655 655 179 520 277 676 742 742 1354 1354 1354 1354 1289 867 867 1111 711 711 928 1270 1271 845 845 800 800 800 933 617 1061 617 1344 925 1345 925 Osborn Ethel Osburn Sarah Ottenweller Sandra Otto Dorothy or Dora (Myer) Joseph Rosemary (1931-2004) Palmer Grace Pangle Alta P (1910-2007) Alva A (1903-) Bessie J (1900-) Earl (Carl) B (1892-1915) George (1889-) James C (1857-1934) Lee P (1897-) Margaret M (Dunlap) (1868-) Mary Agnes "Aggie" (Dunlap) (1866-1932) Unknown Velma (1895-) William V (1890-1924) Panker Dorothy (Gordon) Harold Parks Bonnie Parsons Jennie Luciell (1895-1923) Patten Anna Lucille (1897-1972) Patterson Elizabeth (or Rebecca) Jonathan Russell "Russell" (1964-) Karen Louise (McKibben) (1937-) Karen Michele "Michele" (1961-) Lloyd Albert (1933-) Lydia Patton Josephine (1863-1945) Pavel Ellen (Niel) Frank Lawrence (1920-) Ruth Musette (Dunlap) (1920-2000) Peak Judy Pearson 579 143 935 363 363 363 375 174 173 172 169 167 31 171 32 31 32 170 168 564 564 868 76 126 52 1003 583 1002 583 135 76 277 277 277 277 996 Barbara Rose (Haunstein) (1981-) Clayton Lane (2002-2002) Justin (1980-) Riley Lynn (2004-) Trent Michael (2003-) Perrott Bradley Dale (1965-) Brenda Jean (1964-) Dale Eugene (1940-) Elnora Gynell (Dunlap) (1915-) Forrest (1915-1982) James Lawrence (1953-) Lori Ann (1962-) Patricia (Krischer) Robert Eugene (1968-) Perry Beth Carol (Kroeger) Dale Jennifer Lynn "Jenny" (Schimmoller) (1973-) Kaitlin Rose (1994-) Kirk Harold Rodney Daniel (1992-) Petroski Barbara Carol (Lutz) (1950-) John Pfister Joanne (1944-) Pheneger Allyson Michelle (2004-) Craig (1971-) David "Shock" (1971-) Janice Elaine (Buettner) (1952-) Jeffrey (1950-) Kimberly (1974-) Michelle (Smith) Teresa (Cook) Pierman Fannie Pierson Sarah Pitney Aaron R Beverly Jane Carol A (Koch) Daniel Danny Ray "Butch" (1941-2004) Douglas D "Doug" Erica (Unknown) Gary Dean (-2004) Howard Russell (1918-1967) 1274 1456 1274 1458 1457 1338 1337 916 512 512 917 1336 916 1339 838 783 783 783 1211 783 1210 618 618 802 1453 1265 1266 843 843 1267 1265 1266 325 137 1108 703 705 1431 701 704 1101 706 380 Jimmie Jimmie L Sr. "Jim" (1943-1997) Joseph Kathrn A Kristen Krystal Lee H Lilla J (Hall) (1944-) Lisa Lori Marguerite Mae "Margaret" (Dunlap) (1917-1982) Melanie Pearl Dean (Stambaugh) Robert S "Bob" (1950-2004) Russell A Russell H Tamara Unknown (Unknown) Pittman Lesa (1968-) Lorene (Unknown) Oliver Place Beverley Jeannine "Bev" (Siegenthaler) (1960-) Claudia Jean "Jeannie" (Dunlap) (1956-) Kathryn Marie "Kathy" (1973-) Michael Terry Lynn (1955-) Plate Ed Edward H (1961-) Judy (Anderson) (1942-) Millisa M (1968-) Rodney T (1962-) Timothy R (1965-) Poland Carol Jean Polhamus Clarence Inez Grace (Denison) (1931-) Phyllis (-1996) Polsak Bill Mary Jane (Gordon) Pontius Margaret (Unknown) Mary Elizabeth (Schulte) (1961-) William I Jr. "Bill" (1957-) William Sr. Poorman Margaret Louise (Lutz) (1958-) 1105 702 1430 1109 1429 1432 1107 702 1103 1104 380 1106 380 705 380 1101 1102 701 761 761 761 722 433 829 722 433 910 1330 910 1333 1331 1332 436 519 519 519 565 565 769 769 769 769 603 Steve Post James James Jr. Janet Jennifer Louise (Ford) (1952-) Julie Kathleen (1981-) Powell Teresa Priest Bertha Prokop Donald Paul Joyce Marie (Ford) (1950-) Richard Paul (1972-) Prowant Mary Ellen (1905-) Putt Don Karen (Unknown) Laura Jo Nicole Lynn "Nikki" (1972-) Radabaugh Bill Carol (1941-) Eva Jane (Salisbury) Rager Cora (1880-1905) John Kathryn (Stock) Rosemarie (1922-) Ralston Fern Goldie Ellen (Hunsaker) Oleta (Dunlap) (1930-) Paul (1928-) Saul Rank Joan (Mosier) (1948-) Rhonda (1968-) Ron Raschke Daniel Daniel Gretchen (Unknown) Kay Marjorie Ellen (Dunlap) Reason Marilyn Jean (Jenkins) Monte 603 597 1030 1031 597 1032 1033 840 273 613 613 1058 643 789 789 721 789 526 587 526 139 578 578 578 390 692 692 692 692 898 1327 898 549 979 979 980 549 634 634 Recker Anthony Joseph "Tony" (1963-) Brian Anthony (1987-) Chad Anthony (1995-) Craig Anthony (1985-) Kelly Jean (Schimmoller) (1963-) Kyle Anthony (1990-) Leonard C "Len" (1933-2000) Priscilla "Pat" (Leist) (1939-) Redman Bertha (Dunlap) (1884-1924) Leo (1923-) Orville (1906-) Will (1870-1953) Reed Rhonda Gay (Myers) (1967-) Steve Reeve Virginia (1945-) Rehkamp Eileen M (1940-) Renner Debra "Debbie" Reynolds Arrah Doris (1896-1983) David S (1856-1917) Delsa (or Delca) Glenora (Barnes) (1893-1988) Harry Tallman (1892-1971) Lucetta (Kr?affer) (1856-1925) Oral B or R or E (1884-1960) Richard Richard Sarah (Rower) Sarah (Rower) Rice Carol Renee (1964-) Richardson Alva J Audrey Rose Beverly (Unknown) Casey (Unknown) Charles Louis (1950-2003) Dorthy B (Dunlap) (1919-) Effie May (Gallespie) Franklin J Helen (Unknown) Kathy (Looser) Randy Richard J Sally (Unknown) Sharon (Slate) 780 1202 1204 1201 780 1203 780 780 150 347 346 150 1099 1099 584 800 414 301 86 295 295 86 86 295 301 295 301 746 350 1147 660 1147 656 350 350 660 658 656 1147 658 659 656 Shirley A Walter F William H Ricker Alice Marie (1922-2007) Edwin (-2004) Janet (Wieging) (1933-2005) Julia Lynn (1957-) Mary (Stuber) Nancy Lee (1958-) Rita Mary Unknown Riddell Brian Lee (1973-) Emmalee Rebecca (2002-) Faye Ann (Witte) Kimberly Rene "Kim" (Dunlap) (1973-) Lonnie David Ridenour Alice Marie (Davis) (1918-1996) John Francis II "Bud" Kay Nancy Lee (1942-) Ringwald Sue Riordan Joanne Roberts Ralph Ruth Musette (Dunlap) (1920-2000) Robey Emma Jane (1896-1965) Rodgers Janet Rae (Ford) (1950-) Jerry Jerry (1975-) Kenny (1981-) Mark (1976-) Roeder Vera Roehm David Jeff Lynette Melvin Nancy (Sidle) Walter Roepke Cynthia S Rogers Charles L 657 350 659 406 405 405 405 738 738 737 738 808 1243 808 808 808 419 419 585 419 905 394 277 277 154 612 612 1055 1057 1056 423 1301 1300 1303 1302 884 884 940 358 Hazel Hulda Catherine (1934-) Lelia (Eggleston) Patricia (Ebling) Richard Susanna (-1867) Rohrer Frances Elnor (1883-1959) Mary Elizabeth (Benson) (1862-1922) Sarah Anna (1846-1920) William J (1851-1933) Rone Reva Rose Annabell "Ann" (Kennedy) William Ross Delta (Dunlap) Homer Lora Ann (1970-) Paulette (Mosier) (1946-) Ron Rower Lola Laura "Laura" (Barnes) (1867-1895) Sarah Sarah Valandingham Ruebush Doris Jean "Jean" (Dunlap) (1932-) Richard Ruppert Diane Rylance Francis Virginia (Gordon) Salisbury Alan Alta L (Dunlap) (1904-) Dale Debra Eva Jane Floyd H (1896-) G. W. Gerald Foster (1930-1993) Glen (-1993) Marjorie June "June" (Tussing) (-1993) Ollie (Tyler) Paul Roger Sandra Sander 498 358 358 697 697 13 162 162 78 162 640 482 482 342 342 1326 897 897 81 295 301 81 693 693 622 568 568 522 233 524 944 526 233 233 521 527 521 233 523 943 525 Josephine A "Jo" (1934-2007) Sanders Anthony Frank "Tony" (1914-1987) David Michael "Dave" (1987-) Dorothy Bernadine (Hellman) (1924-) Janelle Renee (1979-) John Thomas (1949-) Judy LaDonna Marie "Donna" (Vogt) (1951-) Sanxter Ella Lue "Lue" (1927-) Sargent Alice Jane "Jane" (Kundert) (1943-) Beth (Perry) Frederick Eugene "Buddy" Frederick Eugene Jr. "Buddy or Bud" (1960-) Karen (Brown) Kelly Paul Jr (1980-) Kelly Paul Sr (1961-) Savage Audrey Louise (Armstrong) (1924-) Barry Wayne (1957-) Brenda Marie (Buschor) (1960-) Chelsea Lynn (1994-) James Ernest "Jim" (1923-) Jessica Renee (1992-) Sawmiller Hazel A (Dunlap) (1901-1989) Margaret Oris Zeal (1903-1994) Schimmoller Amanda Jean (1987-) Della Marie (1965-) Donna Jean (Horstman) (1958-) Duane Edward (1964-) Jennifer Lynn "Jenny" (1973-) Jeramy Edward (1994-) JoAnn Sue (Ladd) Kelly Jean (1963-) Marie Hilda (1992-) Phyllis Jean (Fetzer) (1941-) Ricky Dean (-2005) Ronald Anthony "Ron" (1989-) Ronald Joseph "Ronnie or Ron or Mouse" (1940-2005) Thomas Lee "Tom" (1962-) Walter Yolanda (Flanagan) Schindler Albert Ronnel "Ronnel" (1918-1918) Betty Butch 458 420 804 420 803 420 894 420 577 449 838 449 838 839 1262 839 797 797 797 1226 797 1225 187 764 187 1199 782 779 781 783 1206 781 780 1205 411 778 1200 411 779 411 411 197 444 448 Cora (Unknown) Dorothy Floyd Edgar (1913-1972) Gertrude Harold Gilson (1904-1980) Helen Hiram Leroy "Lee" (1896-1972) Infant (1911-1911) Johnie Eugene (1915-1918) Joseph Elmer "Elmer" (1899-1932) Leah (Unknown) Leonard Lloyd Edwin "Buss" (1913-1984) Luella Lulu Geraldine "Jerry" (1919-2004) Margie Martha (Dunlap) (1875-1958) Mildred (Unknown) Nellie Loretta (1912-2002) Roland Samuel (1874-1963) Sarah Lucille "Lucille" (1906-1940) Viola Schindler? Eileen Jean Schlesser Audrey Louise (Mosier) (1943-) Lou Phil Allen (1967-) Schlussman Gerald Holly Jennifer Linda (Gordon) Zachary Schmidt JoAnn Schmitt Janette Schroeder Alvin "Dick" Dolores "Dort" (Niese) Jane N (1960-) Schsprigeon Colette Jean (Mosier) (1953-) James Schulte Aimee Nichole (1979-) Alexis (2000-) Amelia Ann "Amy" (Beougher) (1967-) 189 440 194 438 190 439 188 192 196 189 188 442 195 441 198 445 36 195 193 437 36 191 443 447 446 896 896 1325 986 1385 1384 986 1383 457 740 676 676 676 893 893 1179 1158 772 Amy (Bear) (1979-) Amy (Unknown) Bobbi Jo (Kitchenmaster) (1952-) Brian Gene (1977-) Brianne (Unknown) Carlene Marie (Fetzer) (1934-2006) Carol Renee (Rice) (1964-) Cathy Amy (Gill) (1961-) Charles Donald (1956-) Dale Alan (1968-) Dawn Michelle (1978-) Debbie Lynn (1971-) Deborah Ann "Debbie" (1966-) Denae Linn (1980-) Dennis Eugene (1958-) Frank Freda (Edelbrock) Gilbert Gene "Gyp" (1935-2006) Gilbert George "Gippy" (1963-) Gilbert John "Gyp" (1910-1935) Janet Marie "Jan" (1959-) Jason Wayne (1981-) Jenny (Unknown) Jessica Lea (1988-) Joan Marie "Joannie" (Siefker) (1938-) John Gerhard (-1941) Keyaira Anne Marie Love (1999-2000) Kristy Ann (1989-) LeVerne Francis Jr. "Skeeter or Skets" (1957-) LeVerne Francis Sr. "Vern" (1934-2008) Leah Colleen (1982-) Mandy Jo (1977-) Maria Anna "Anna" (Hilvers) (-1933) Mark Anthony (1960-) Mary Ann (1960-) Mary Elizabeth (1961-) Mary Melania (Van Wynsberghe) (1957-) Nicholas Adam (1984-) Randi Rene (1985-) Raylene June (1933-) Roger Lee (1966-) Ruth Vatula "Tula" (Dunlap) (1914-) Sarah Elizabeth (1988-) Seth Andrew (1988-) Somchai "Penny" (Charlovom) (1939-) Stacey Marie (1984-) Taylor Joseph (1991-) Teresa Marie (1962-) Tiffany Lynne (1984-) Vickie Sue "Vic" (Colegrove) (1959-) William Joseph "Bill" (1968-) 748 745 765 748 748 408 746 768 765 772 1174 747 771 1177 767 408 408 402 744 179 742 1175 746 1150 402 179 1156 1151 766 408 1180 1173 179 768 743 769 766 1178 1187 401 745 179 1189 1188 744 1149 1153 770 1176 767 746 Schulte ? Dane Stose (1985-) Dilyn Warnimont Schwab Mary Jane Schwartz Beverly Jane (Pitney) Joe Sealscott Dorothy Irene "Irene" (1927-1986) Hazel (Rogers) Lester Semer Cassie (or Cassiah) (1859-) Emaline Elizabeth "Emma" (1850-1934) Emaline Elizabeth "Emma" (1850-1934) Semer (or Ziemer) Catherine (or Cassie or Kassiah?) (Matz) (-1895) John Henry (-1859) Sexton Barb (1951-) Susan Unknown Unknown (Unknown) Seyer Barry Mary Jane (Dunlap) Shaffner Sophia Shank Dawn Renee (1975-) LeAnn Marie (1969-) Richard Christopher (1991-) Richard Robert "Dick or Tuffy or Rich" (1972-) Richard Rolland "Dick" (1946-) Roxanna Louise "Roxie" (Fetzer) (1947-) Unknown (Unknown) Shaw Vergie Sherrick Barbara Frances (Mosier) John Shilling Marjoie E (1920-1981) Shivley Edith Elnora Faye Oma Shrider April 1152 1157 465 703 703 498 498 498 43 33 37 43 43 416 416 416 416 671 671 488 815 813 1251 814 426 426 814 452 885 500 500 378 504 503 502 826 Shull Debra Shuttleworth Gail S (Ford) (1953-) Renee S (1973-) Robert J III Robert J IV (1971-) Sidesinger Irma Hazel (1886-1964) Sidle Frances (Mosier) Janet Larry Lowell Nancy Siefker Joan Marie "Joannie" (1938-) John Henry (1901-1940) Wilma J (Landwehr) (1909-1984) Siegenthaler Angela Marie "Angie" (1981-) Barbara Ann "Barb" (Hole) (1932-) Beverley Jeannine "Bev" (1960-) Erma Jean (Wright) Esther Oleta (Taylor) (-1980) Kenneth (-1935) Laura Gwen (Lutz) Laura Jo (Putt) Lisa (Knight) Marie (Hernandez) Nicole Renee (1980-) Paula Ann (1953-1955) Pegeen "Packy" (Barrington) Rachel (Jarrett) Robert Warren "Bob" (1951-) Rodney Sherri (Unknown) Thomas Clarke "Tom or Hoot" (1956-) Tracy Annette (1973-) William Hobart "Bill" Silbernagel Gretchen Sipe Ida Mae (1927-) Slane Unknown Velma Leota (Dunlap) (1914-) Slate Sharon Slattery Cheri Kay (Fischer) (1978-) 1304 609 1051 609 1050 123 500 883 882 500 884 402 402 402 1120 396 722 719 396 396 719 721 721 721 1119 720 721 719 719 1121 721 721 1118 396 801 288 494 494 656 1135 Karlie Kay (2006-) Patrick Rickey (Unknown) Scott Patrick Smith Ben Benny Carl Eugene (1929-) Carol Louise Charlotte Louise (Kleman) (1945-) Cortney Michelle (1975-) Fred Freda Mae (Hudson) Janelle Renee (Sanders) (1979-) Kay (Raschke) Lillie B (Jenkins) (1867-) Michelle Myrtle (Westenbarger) (1895-) Patricia Ann (1963-) Patricia Jean (1946-) Richard John III "Rich" (1974-) Richard John Jr. Sandra (Salisbury) Unknown Snavley Dawn Sneary Burnice (Gilbert) Ida B (1928-) Lester Snyder Carl Michael (1975-) Elaine (Lutz) (1950-) Opal Juanita (Hunt) (1925-1993) Pat Unknown Sours Ethel Sourwine Marie (1898-) Spain Esther L (Holycross) (1908-1976) Louisa (1815-1896) Mary (Cole) (1793-1876) Paul F (1908-) Phoebe Ellen (1862-1935) William (1784-1875) Spicer Patricia Ann (Myers) (1959-) Unknown Spitnale 1442 1135 1135 1135 525 980 403 591 403 1353 302 803 803 980 101 1265 302 805 1228 803 803 525 101 1273 356 356 356 1034 598 450 598 450 202 271 314 4 4 314 107 4 1096 1096 Amanda Rebecca (1986-) Andrea Marie (1988-) Bradley Dean "Brad" (1958-) Brian (1959-1977) Brian Douglas (1996-) Brooke Marie (1992-) Carolyn Ruth (1979-) Carrie Renee (1975-) Casey Gene (1984-) Cheryl (Unknown) Clare Marie (1996-) Cortney Michelle (Smith) (1975-) Craig Michael (1981-) Cynthia S (Roepke) Diana Joyce (1945-) Dona Lynn (Morris) (1948-) Douglas Kean "Doug" (1960-) Eva (Gray) Gary Dean (1954-) Gene Franklin (1930-1996) Gregory Gene "Greg" (1955-) Harriet (Niedert) (1936-) Howard Paul Rev. (1920-2007) Ida Diana (Dunlap) (1896-1985) Isabella Faith (2003-2003) John Johnathan Gene (1992-) Joshua Lee (1994-) Kathy Ann (Wheeler) Kenneth John (1978-) Kenneth Leroy (1935-1976) Lana Sue (1953-) Larry Allen (1957-) Laura Lee (1950-) LeAnn Marie (Tatman) (1965-) LeAnn Michelle (1963-) Lena (Unknown) Lindsay Anna (1985-) Lura Joyce (Moye) (1921-) Mark Wayne (1962-) Marvin Lee (1924-) Mary A (Dalton) Mildred "Millie" (Teman) (1926-) Nelson Roy (1947-) Pat (Unknown) (1941-1997) Patricia Anne (Doherty) (1964-) Phyllis (Polhamus) (-1996) Rebecca (Cromly) (1960-) Riley Elizabeth (2000-) Roy (1894-1964) Sandra (Williams) (1954-) 1367 1363 938 942 1370 1358 1372 1354 1366 941 1371 1353 1374 940 931 932 939 941 940 519 937 520 517 231 1464 231 1365 1359 941 1373 520 934 941 933 935 936 520 1362 517 935 518 231 518 932 940 939 519 938 1463 231 937 Sarah Elizabeth (1990-) Stephanie Phyline (1988-) Sue Helen (Lilly) (1948-) Tate Alexander (2003-) Teri A (Maxwell) (1963-1999) Thomas Howard (1972-) Travis Dean (1990-) Trinka (Warren) Spychalski Dawn Stambaugh Pearl Dean Stauffer Jennifer Ann (1964-) Nancy (Fricke) Richard Steffel Aaron Michael (1974-) Andrew John (1999-) Dawn Renee (Shank) (1975-) Diana (Meyer) Glen Stacey Ann (2001-) Steinbrenner Dana Matthew (1979-) Dennis Paul "Denny" (1949-) Diane Annette (Fischer) (1954-) Eugene "Gene" Keri Marie (1981-) Rita Mary (Ricker) Steinman Glenna A (1902-1992) Steman Nellie Stemen David Florence Ginnette "Nettie" (1875-1962) Sarah Elizabeth "Elizabeth" (Cox?) Stephens Eunice (Dunlap) (1903-2004) George (-2004) Infant (-1927) Jane (1928-2004) Jeannette John B. (1868-1956) John B. (1868-1956) John Wayne (1940-2004) Karen June (Welch) (1946-) Lawrence A (1902-1997) Mary (-2004) Ollie M (Vandemark) (1872-1944) 1364 1368 932 1465 941 1353 1369 939 777 380 685 685 685 815 1252 815 815 815 1253 1133 737 737 737 1134 737 312 507 34 34 34 318 645 641 642 644 317 318 643 643 317 646 317 Ollie M (Vandemark) (1872-1944) William M (1896-2004) Wilma Mildred (Dunlap) (1900-1978) Stirn John F (1888-) Julia (Loy) Nancy Belle (Dunlap) (1889-1985) Philip Veronica R (1864-1941) Stock Kathryn Stoner Mabel Jean "Jeannie" (1922-1986) Thomas Vera (Hamilton) Stover Imogene Stratton Jesse Pam (Moreo) Unknown Stricker Jane Jane Struble Earl Edna L (1918-2001) Flossie (Elston) Stuber Mary Stuttler Dora M (1929-2004) Sullivan Glynis Joan (1966-) Sunderland Sylvia Suter Elvina Sutton Carol Swancott Lizzie (1856-1903) Sweeney Alice Swihart Almeda (1900-) Arnold Buelah (1897-) Cora (Barnes) (1874-) Doyt A Lola Laura "Laura" (Barnes) (1867-1895) 318 318 317 229 229 229 229 165 578 577 577 577 355 1113 715 715 218 219 352 352 352 738 415 686 182 411 507 163 547 304 296 303 84 297 81 Samuel "Sam" Samuel "Sam" Sybert Albert Charles Ray Cora Lucinda (Dunlap) (1877-1957) Delsea Elda Virda Tabor Aaron Mathew (1983-) Andre Paul Andrew James (1985-) Jason Daniel (1985-) Loretta Ann (Lutz) (1955-) Nicholas Lee (1988-) Talty Anne Marie Tarter James Franklin (1983-) Janelle Renee (1987-) Laura Lee (Lutz) (1962-) Tatman LeAnn Marie (1965-) Sandra (Ottenweller) William Tayler Clara Jane (-2003) Dorthy B (Dunlap) (1919-) Forest W (-2003) Jimmy Dean (-2003) Roger L (-2003) Unknown Taylor Elizabeth Esther Oleta (-1980) Marjorie "Margie" (Dunlap) Von Teman Alex Mildred "Millie" (1926-) Myrtle (Cleves) Thatcher Delta Belle (1891-1981) Delta Belle (1891-1981) Jane (Stricker) Jane (Stricker) Perry Perry Theobald Alexander James (1999-) Cheryl (Klaus) 81 84 211 471 211 472 470 1037 601 1038 1039 601 1040 939 623 1065 623 935 935 935 661 350 663 664 662 350 11 396 345 345 518 518 518 218 219 218 219 218 219 1242 808 Joe Kimberly Rene "Kim" (Dunlap) (1973-) Shawn James (1976-) Thielk Arlene Marjoie Thomas Brittany Sue Ann (1987-) Unknown Thompson Don Donald "Don" Helen (Caris) Wilma Jean (Dunlap) Thornton Carol Lynn (1947-) Mary (Chamberlain) Richard Thurston Augusta Geneva (1870-1901) Titler Emma (Dunlap) (1880-) George W Oscar (1880-) Sarah E. (Unknown) Todd Carol Diane (1953-) Townsend George Joe Margaret (Beck) Nancy Rick Susan Trask Geneva (Eastman) Jewelie Annette (1951-) John Troyer Aidan Jacob (2004-) Ashlyn Jae (1997-) Bruce Edward Cindy Jo (Fetzer) (1979-) DeWayne Linda (Zeigler) Turner Della Tusa Angela Marie (1989-) Roy Ignatius (1959-) Tina Marie (Fetzer) (1956-) Tussing 808 808 808 424 1168 1168 537 359 537 359 708 708 708 80 53 53 53 53 798 543 967 543 965 966 964 1068 1068 1068 1213 1212 787 787 787 787 164 821 429 429 Marjorie June "June" (-1993) Tyler Ollie Ulrich Almeda Underferth Lena (1898-1974) Lena (1898-1974) Unknown Alene S Alvera M (1911-1987) Amanda Amber Ann Amy Amy Angeline Ann Anna Annabelle Arlene Bertha Bev Beverly Blanche Brianne Carole Carrie Casey Catherine Elizabeth (Fetzer) (1968-) Cheryl Cheryl Claire Clarice Connie Cora Dawn Marie (Fischer) (1977-) Deborah Deborah Ann "Debbie" (Schulte) (1966-) Diane Dora Doris Dorothy Dorothy Dorothy Edith Elizabeth (1843-) Ellen Erica Eunice E (1900-1989) Evelyn Flossie 521 233 489 178 181 941 184 215 793 476 745 47 713 9 548 748 66 398 660 261 748 1076 264 1147 810 941 974 562 714 575 189 1138 669 771 732 283 630 456 550 1112 262 38 769 1101 299 542 263 Gretchen Helen Helen Helen Helen L Irene Jean Jenny Josephine Juanita Juanita June (1957-) Karen Kathleen (1962-) Kathy Leah Lena Lillie Miller Lorain Lorene Lynn Mabel Mabel ? Marcile Margaret Margaret Marie Mary Mary Mary Mary (-1898) Mary Jane Maude Ida (1894-1961) Michele Mildred Mildred Myrtle (-1950) Nancy Nicole (McGuire) Opal Pamela Pamela Pat (1941-1997) Patty Pauline Phyllis Regina Rickey Rose Rosemarie Ruth M (1924-1988) 979 274 630 658 365 877 545 746 782 397 995 846 789 758 724 188 520 216 536 761 654 256 245 546 1 769 544 264 453 540 46 733 88 1098 195 1093 257 730 1115 399 615 977 940 1085 394 712 1097 1135 1412 668 779 Sally Sarah E. Sarah Lucille "Lucille" (Schindler) (1906-1940) Sherri Sue Sue Susan Susanna (1794-) Teresa Thelma Theresa Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Virginia Unverferth M. Elizabeth Van Meter Clark Forest (1896-) Goldie G (Dunlap) (1898-1978) Van Wynsberghe Mary Melania (1957-) Patti (Gillispie) Ray VanDemark Clara M (1887-1970) Dorcas Jane (Myers) James Vandemark 659 53 191 721 266 846 89 7 672 417 723 6 55 63 154 185 191 300 395 416 614 639 701 716 762 771 810 814 881 989 993 1024 1115 1138 1139 1197 988 379 186 186 766 766 766 144 144 144 Ollie M (1872-1944) Ollie M (1872-1944) Vany (or Van Wey) Isaac (or Israel) (-1905) Mary (Dunlap) (1824-) Vaske Bette J Verhoff Theodora "Teddi" (1950-) Vernier Edna (Walls) (-1952) Edward Vernon Alfred Joan (Wilson) (1934-) Vetter Martin Ruth N (1908-1977) Sophia (Shaffner) Viere Agnes (1879-1939) Vogt Frank Anthony "Frank" (1874-1919) LaDonna Marie "Donna" (1951-) Leon Theodore "Lee" (1905-1962) Mary Catherine "Toodles" (1938-) Mary E (Moreo) (1880-1967) Nancy Lee (Ridenour) (1942-) Nellie Erma "Nell" (Dunlap) (1919-2002) Richard Leon "Dick" (1939-) Vonder Embse Richard S (1915-) V. Jean (Dunlap) (1919-) Wade Aaron Robert Bertha (Unknown) Cassius Edward Edward Hampton Jr. Edward Hampton Sr. (1836-1918) Elizabeth (Taylor) Elizabeth Ann (1860-1937) Emma Jane Mary Florence Sybil (Dunlap) (1840-1907) Unknown (Unknown) William William Sylvester Wagner Edwin K "Ed" (1931-) Lauren (or Laverne) B (1917-) 317 318 10 10 414 592 237 237 586 586 488 488 488 316 181 420 181 418 181 419 181 419 322 322 61 66 64 244 66 11 11 67 62 65 11 63 11 63 364 362 Margaret Eileen (Dunlap) (1933-) Violet J (Dunlap) (1922-) Walker Rebecca "Becky" Wallace Freda (Grove) Manford (1914-) Viola (Dunlap) (1914-) Walter Walls Angeline (Unknown) Beulah J (1918-1983) Edna (-1952) Ira Robert (1888-1952) Jacob Mary Evalyn (Frankart) (1894-) Maude B "Maudie" (1890-) Nancy Jane (Dunlap) (1863-1953) Paul Robert A. (1861-1952) Thomas J. "T.J." (1885-) Walter Zella (Mull) (1885-) Warneke Agnus M (1893-1993) Warren Trinka Watson Hazel Wauben Charles Mary (Buettner) Webber Christopher Richard (1972-) Laura Kay (Winchester) (1976-) Weis Jeffrey Jenna (1984-) Mary Beth (Buettner) (1966-) Welch John Dee (1903-) Karen June (1946-) Mary Ellen (Prowant) (1905-) Weller Margaret (-1879) Wells Anna "Ann" (Dunlap) (1874-1962) Anna "Ann" (Dunlap) (1874-1962) Bryan Charles Daniel W "Dan" (1872-1955) 364 362 213 348 348 348 348 47 530 237 235 47 235 236 47 528 47 234 529 234 401 939 573 459 459 817 817 845 1272 845 643 643 643 6 71 467 859 857 71 Daniel W "Dan" (1872-1955) Elizabeth (Bryan) Elizabeth (Bryan) Elizabeth (Casner) Elizabeth (Unknown) (1843-) Etta (Magill) Everett Florence Frank Helen Lena Mary Elizabeth "Elizabeth" (1850-) Milton Nancy (Dunlap) (1820-1904) Rena (Hunt) Samuel Samuel (1820-1909) Samuel (1852-1930) Simeon (1845-1905) Simeon (or Samuel) (1878-) Simeon (or Samuel) (1878-) Susanah (1852-) Susanna (Unknown) (1794-) Unknown Vetulla Welty Fannie (Pierman) Grace E (1918-1993) Samuel "Sam" Wenninger Della Marie (Schimmoller) (1965-) Donald Josephine (Unknown) Kevin Lee (1965-) Kimberly Marie (1988-) Kristi Jean (1990-) Kylee Rae (1994-) Westenbarger Arrah Doris (Reynolds) (1896-1983) Asa D (1871-1932) Doris (Unknown) Harriett "Hattie" (Barnes) (1872-1942) Helen (Unknown) Leo Bennet (1893-1957) Myrtle (1895-) Reynold Leo (1926-1947) Richard Richard D Rogard E "Roger" (1919-1999) William Westphal 467 71 208 41 38 469 858 855 469 860 856 39 854 7 468 468 7 41 38 71 208 40 7 7 861 325 325 325 782 782 782 782 1207 1208 1209 301 83 630 83 630 301 302 632 1067 630 631 1066 Jason Thompson (1977-) Jennifer (1975-) Lynn Sidra Ann (Elliott) (1951-) Wheeler John R Kathy Ann White Gladys Whitsel Regina Mae (Lutz) (1962-) Ronald Widmer Judith Ann "Judy" (1946-) Wieging Janet (1933-2005) Wilhelm Harold Mary Jane (Schwab) William Angela Nicole "Angie" (Casebolt) (1978-) Mike Williams Alverda Marie (Collet) Angelica (Michaels) (1976-) Carl Wayne Cecil (Wright) Elizabeth Diana (Miller) (1974-) Gene Harry Gene (1964-) John (1940-) Linda (Hudson) (1940-) Matthew Jacob "Matt" (1984-) Rebecca Sue "Becky" (Fetzer) (1966-) Sandra (1954-) Virginia Wright Anderson "Andy" (1975-) Wilson Beverly Jane (Pitney) David Leon (1932-) Enola (Ford) (1912-) James McKibben (1910-1989) Jane S (1841-1907) Joan (1934-) Julianne (1960-) Kay (Ridenour) Leslie Kay (1958-) Mary E Opal Rhonda Leigh (1965-) Unknown 1409 1408 1022 1022 941 941 932 605 605 425 405 465 465 827 827 937 1192 937 776 1352 776 776 1352 1352 1192 776 937 532 1352 703 585 282 282 15 586 1007 585 1006 863 767 1008 703 Winchester Brian Christopher (1973-) Cecilia Ann (1998-) Chad Michael (1978-) Felicia Ann (Fuentes) (1975-) Laura Kay (1976-) Meranda Kristine (1995-) Patrick Elvin "Pat" (1950-) Vickie Lee (Fetzer) (1951-) Windle Alice Amanda (Unknown) J. H. Leo Leroy "Roy" (1889-1948) Marvin Nelly Edna Bly (Dunlap) (1893-1972) Waldo Winnings Eliz Marie "Marie" (Dunlap) (1941-) Richard A "Dick" (1932-2000) Troy Wisher Daisy M (1880-1970) Sarah Ann (Breneman) (1849-1937) Thomas Witte Faye Ann Wittler Dee Diane (Fox) Jessica Sarah (1985-) Luella C (Grothouse) (1919-1987) Patricia Ann (Smith) (1963-) Paul (1916-2007) Rana Louise (1972-) Richard Shawn "Rick" (1970-) Robert Paul "Rob" (1966-) Ronald P "Ronnie" (1943-) Ruth Ann "Ruthie" (Dunlap) (1943-) Wixson Mackenzie (2000-) Ned J (1974-) Ned Z (1994-) Nicklas (1998-) Trina J (Kern) (1974-) Wolmuth Mildred Wood Eliza W (Holycross) Luther A Woodard 816 1255 818 816 817 1254 427 427 480 215 215 477 215 479 215 478 695 695 1100 218 218 218 808 806 1238 421 805 421 807 806 805 421 421 1473 1420 1471 1472 1420 535 91 91 George Martin (1985-) John (1956-) Karen Michele "Michele" (Patterson) (1961-) Woods Shelley Renee Wooley Chester E (1882-1943) Grace B (Holycross) (1880-1963) Wright Cecil Erma Jean James Sue (Ebling) Wulff Kevin Rhonda Marie (Dunlap) (1965-) Yeazle Alice Gertrude Bertha Blanche (1882-1920) Yenser Chris Christine Marie (Moreo) Dorothy (Unknown) Geoffrey Thomas Steve Yoakam Bev (Unknown) Beverly Jo Gerald Yoder Arianna Camille (2002-) Bob Allen (1967-) Christina Michelle (Kleman) (1970-) Daria Nicole (1998-) Kyra Terese (2000-) Margarita Elaine (1997-) Yoh Kenneth Kim Kenneth Kim Jr. (1983-) Kimberly Marie (1981-) Robert L Teresa Marie (Schulte) (1962-) Young Bill David (1804-1872) Mary (1842-1871) Mary (1842-1871) Mary Katherine (Gordon) Susannah "Susan" (Beery) (1805-1863) Zeigler Linda 1406 1002 1002 788 122 122 776 719 699 699 688 688 124 113 1433 1112 1112 1112 1112 398 398 398 1162 749 749 1160 1161 1159 770 1186 1185 651 770 576 12 12 99 576 12 787 Zimmerman Ethel (Dunlap) Harold 326 326