TECNOLOGÍA DE ALIMENTOS ELEMENTAL. MÓDULO AVANZADO Ref: 1212 ITEM 1 1 / 3 REFERENCIA DESCRIPCIÓN CANT. EDLC ENVASADORA DE LIQUIDOS DIDACTICA, CONTROLADA DESDE COMPUTADOR (PC), COMPUESTA POR: 1 EDLC.Unit ENVASADORA DE LIQUIDOS DIDÁCTICA 1 EDLC/CIB CAJA-INTERFACE DE CONTROL ELECTRÓNICA PARA ENVASADORA DE LIQUIDOS DIDACTICA 1 DAB TARJETA DE ADQUISICION DE DATOS 1 EDLC/CCSOF SOFTWARE DE CONTROL DESDE COMPUTADOR + ADQUISICIÓN DE DATOS + MANEJO DE DATOS PARA ENVASADORA DE LIQUIDOS DIDACTICA 1 2 EDLC/CAL SOFTWARE DE APRENDIZAJE ASISTIDO DESDE COMPUTADOR PARA ENVASADORA DE LIQUIDOS DIDÁCTICA (CÁLCULO Y ANÁLISIS DE RESULTADOS) 1 3 EDSC ENVASADORA DE SOLIDOS DIDACTICA, CONTROLADA DESDE COMPUTADOR (PC), COMPUESTA POR: 1 EDSC.Unit ENVASADORA DE SÓLIDOS DIDÁCTICA 1 EDSC/CIB CAJA-INTERFACE DE CONTROL ELECTRÓNICA PARA ENVASADORA DE SOLIDOS DIDACTICA 1 DAB TARJETA DE ADQUISICION DE DATOS 1 EDSC/CCSOF SOFTWARE DE CONTROL DESDE COMPUTADOR + ADQUISICIÓN DE DATOS + MANEJO DE DATOS PARA ENVASADORA DE SOLIDOS DIDACTICA 1 4 EDSC/CAL SOFWARE DE APRENDIZAJE ASISTIDO DESDE COMPUTADOR PARA ENVASADORA DE SÓLIDOS DIDÁCTICA (CÁLCULO Y ANÁLISIS DE RESULTADOS) 1 5 VPMC RECIPIENTE DE PROCESADO POLIVALENTE, CONTROLADO DESDE COMPUTADOR (PC), FORMADO POR: 1 VPMC.Unit RECIPIENTE DE PROCESADO POLIVALENTE 1 VPMC/CIB CAJA-INTERFACE CONTROL ELECTRONICA PARA RECIPIENTE DE PROCESADO POLIVALENTE 1 DAB TARJETA DE ADQUISICION DE DATOS 1 VPMC/CCSOF SOFTWARE DE CONTROL DESDE COMPUTADOR + ADQUISICIÓN DE DATOS + MANEJO DE DATOS PARA RECIPIENTE DE PROCESADO POLIVALENTE 1 6 VPMC/CAL SOFWARE DE APRENDIZAJE ASISTIDO DESDE COMPUTADOR PARA RECIPIENTE DE PROCESADO POLIVALENTE 1 7 MINI-LAB HOMOGENEIZADOR DE LABORATORIO 1 8 QRQC SISTEMA DE ENTRENAMIENTO DE REACTORES QUIMICOS, CONTROLADO DESDE COMPUTADOR (PC), COMPUESTO POR: QRUBI UNIDAD BASE PARA SISTEMA DE ENTRENAMIENTO DE REACTORES QUÍMICOS 1 QRQC/CIB CAJA-INTERFACE DE CONTROL ELECTRÓNICA PARA EL SISTEMA DE ENTRENAMIENTO DE REACTORES QUÍMICOS 1 DAB TARJETA DE ADQUISICION DE DATOS 1 Ref: 1212 ITEM 8 2 / 3 REFERENCIA DESCRIPCIÓN CANT. QRQC/CCSOF SOFTWARE DE CONTROL + ADQUISICIÓN DE DATOS + MANEJO DE DATOS PARA EL SISTEMA DE ENTRENAMIENTO DE REACTORES QUÍMICOS 1 QRIA REACTOR ISOTERMO CON AGITADOR 1 QRFT REACTOR DE FLUJO TUBULAR 1 QRAD REACTOR ADIABATICO E ISOTERMO 1 QRSA REACTORES CON AGITADOR EN SERIE 1 QRQC/CAL SOFTWARE DE APRENDIZAJE ASISTIDO DESDE COMPUTADOR PARA SISTEMA DE ENTRAMIENTO DE REACTORES QUIMICOS (CÁLCULO Y ANÁLISIS DE RESULTADOS) DE LOS REACTORES: ISOTERMO CON AGITACIÓN,FLUJO TUBULAR, ADIABATICO E ISOTERMO Y CON AGITADOR EN SERIE 1 ROUC EQUIPO DE ULTRAFILTRACIÓN Y OSMOSIS INVERSA/ ULTRAFILTRACIÓN , CONTROLADA DESDE COMPUTADOR, COMPUESTO POR: 1 ROUC.Unit EQUIPO DE ULTRAFILTRACIÓN Y OSMOSIS INVERSA 1 ROUC/CIB CAJA-INTERFACE DE CONTROL ELECTRÓNICA PARA EL EQUIPO DE ULTRAFILTRACIÓN Y OSMOSIS INVERSA 1 DAB TARJETA DE ADQUISICION DE DATOS 1 ROUC/CCSOF SOFTWARE DE CONTROL DESDE COMPUTADOR + ADQUISICIÓN DE DATOS + MANEJO DE DATOS DEL EQUIPO DE ULTRAFILTRACIÓN Y OSMOSIS INVERSA 1 11 ROUC/CAL SOFTWARE DE APRENDIZAJE ASISTIDO DESDE COMPUTADOR PARA EQUIPO DE ULTRAFILTRACIÓN Y OSMOSIS INVERSA (CÁLCULO Y ANÁLISIS DE RESULTADOS) 1 12 AFPMC FILTRO-PRENSA DE PLACAS Y MARCOS,CONTROLADO DESDE COMPUTADOR (PC), COMPUESTO POR: 1 AFPMC.Unit FILTRO-PRENSA DE PLACAS Y MARCOS 1 AFPMC/CIB CAJA-INTERFACE ELECTRONICA PARA FILTROPRENSA DE PLACAS Y MARCOS 1 DAB TARJETA DE ADQUISICION DE DATOS 1 AFPMC/CCSOF SOFTWARE DE CONTROL DESDE COMPUTADOR + ADQUISICION DE DATOS + MANEJO DE DATOS PARA FILTRO-PRENSA DE PLACAS Y MARCOS 1 13 AFPMC/CAL SOFTWARE DE APRENDIZAJE ASISTIDO DESDE COMPUTADOR PARA FILTRO-PRENSA DE PLACAS Y MARCOS 1 14 TPCC CONGELADOR DE PLACA DE CONTACTO, CONTROLADO DESDE COMPUTADOR (PC), COMPUESTO POR: 1 TPCC.Unit CONGELADOR DE PLACA DE CONTACTO 1 TPCC/CIB CAJA-INTERFACE DE CONTROL ELECTRONICA PARA CONGELADOR DE PLACA DE CONTACTO 1 DAB TARJETA DE ADQUISICION DE DATOS 1 TPCC/CCSOF SOFTWARE DE CONTROL DESDE COMPUTADOR + ADQUISICION DE DATOS + MANEJO DE DATOS PARA CONGELADOR DE PLACA DE CONTACTO 1 15 TPCC/CAL SOFTWARE DE APRENDIZAJE ASISTIDO DESDE COMPUTADOR PARA CONGELADOR DE PLACA DE CONTACTO (CÁLCULO Y ANÁLISIS DE RESULTADOS) 1 16 1212PARTS COMPONENTES Y REPUESTOS 1 9 10 Ref: 1212 ITEM 3 / 3 REFERENCIA DESCRIPCIÓN CANT. 17 1212PA PARTIDA ALZADA 1 18 1212IYPM INSTALACIÓN Y PUESTA EN MARCHA 1 19 1212CAPRO CAPACITACIÓN Y ACTUALIZACIÓN DE PROFESORES 1 20 1212TD TÉCNICAS DIDÁCTICAS "KNOW-HOW" 1 21 1212MANU DOCUMENTACIÓN Y MANUALES 1 Notas: a)Opción de multipuesto: * Este módulo tiene una unidad solamente en cada item, nosotros podemos recomendar el número de unidades para que 10 o 30 estudiantes puedan trabajar simultáneamente. b)Condiciones de suministro: * Condiciones técnicas: - Adaptación de los laboratorios. - Instalación de todos los equipos. - Puesta en marcha de todos los equipos. - Entrenamiento de cada uno de los ejercicios a ser realizados con cada uno de los equipos. - Formación de profesores, relacionada con cada equipo didáctico y cada una de las técnicas de enseñanza aplicada. - Transferencia de tecnología. * Condiciones comerciales: - Embalaje. - Gastos de financiación. - Gastos C.I.F. * Otras condiciones: - 8 Manuales para cada uno de los equipos didácticos de EDIBON: . Manual de servicios requeridos. . Manual de montaje e instalación. . Manual de la interface y del software/consola de control. . Manual de puesta en marcha. . Manual de normas de seguridad. . Manual de prácticas. . Manual de mantenimiento. . Manual de calibración. Ver catálogos en las páginas siguientes 11.3- Chemical Reactors 11 QRQC. Computer Controlled Chemical Reactors Training System: Always included in the supply: Teaching Technique used SCADA. EDIBON Computer Control System 2 1 QRUBI. Base Service Unit Control Interface Box 11.Chemical Engineering 5 Cables and Accessories 3 ( ) Data Acquisition Board Computer Control Sotfware for each Chemical Reactor 6 Manuals 4 Chemical Reactors available to be used with the Base Service Unit: 4.1 QRIA. Isothermal Reactor with Stirrer ( ) 4.2 QRIA/D. Isothermal Reactor with Distillation ( ) 4.3 QRFT. Tubular Flow Reactor ( ) 4.4 QRAD. Adiabatic and Isothermal Reactor ( SPECIFICATIONS SUMMARY 1 2 3 4 Common items for Chemical Reactors type “QR”: QRQC Unit: This unit is common for Chemical Reactors type “QR” and can work with one or several reactors. It supplies all the services for the operation of each reactor. 2 dosing pumps. 3 tanks of 10 l.: two for the reagents and the other for the products. 2 flow meters for liquids, flow range : 0.7-7 and 0.54-5.4 l/h. Flow meter for gas, max. flow of 1440N l/h and max. pressure of 0.5 Kg cm-2O. Thermostatic bath of 9 l. that regulates the temperature between Tenvironment+ 5 and 200OC. Level switch. A magnetic-creep pump to impeller the water that comes from the thermostatic bath and goes to the reactor module.Temperature sensor to get the temperature of the reactor in a continuos way. Control system of the reaction. Conductivity cell and conductimeter, connected to the control interface. Dimensions (approx.) =Unit: 1100x1000x980 mm. Weight: 75 Kg. QRQC/CIB. Control Interface Box : This is common for Chemical Reactors type “QR” and can work with one or several reactors. It has a process diagram in the front panel. The unit control elements are permanently computer controlled. Simultaneous visualization in the PC of all parameters involved in the process. Calibration of all sensors involved in the process. Real time curves representation. All the actuators’ values can be changed at any time from the keyboard. Shield and filtered signals to avoid external interferences. Real time PID control with flexibility of modifications from the PC keyboard of the PID parameters, at any moment during the process. Open control allowing modifications, at any time and in a real time, of parameters involved in the process. 3 safety levels:one mechanical in the unit, electronic in control interface, and the third one in the control software. Dimensions (approx.): 490x330x310 mm. Weight: 10 Kg. DAB. Data Acquisition Board: PCI Data acquisition National Instruments board . 16 Analog inputs. Sampling rate up to: 250 KS/s . 2 Analog outputs. 24 Digital Inputs / Outputs. Chemical Reactors available to be used with the Base Service Unit: QRIA. Isothermal Reactor with Stirrer: Reactor insulated made of Pyrex-glass, with a max. volume of 2 l. Agitation system with speed control and indication from 0 to 2000 rpm. Temperature sensor. This unit is supplied with 8 manuals. Computer Control Software for Isothermal Reactor with Stirrer (QRIA): (#) Flexible, open and multicontrol software. Management, processing, comparison and storage of data. Sampling velocity up to 250,000 data per second. It allows the registration of the alarms state and the graphic representation in real time. Dimensions (approx.) = Unit: 750x500x700mm. Weight: 50 Kg. 4.2 QRIA/D. Isothermal Reactor with Distillation: Reactor insulated made of Pyrex-glass, with a max. volume of 2l. Agitation system with speed control and indication from 0 to 2000 rpm. Distillation column. Balls coolant. Coil coolant. Vacuum pump and tramp. Funnel. Temperature sensors. This unit is supplied with 8 manuals manuals. Computer Control Software for Isothermal Reactor with Distillation (QRIA/D).(#) Dimensions (approx.) = Unit: 750x500x700 mm. Weight: 70 Kg. 4.3 QRFT. Tubular Flow Reactor: Temperature controlled by a jacket of water, through a temperature sensor. Electrical preheater of 265 W for both feeding lines. Reactor with inner coil made of teflon of 6mm of interior dia., length 14.5 m, volume: 0.393 l. Temperature sensor, that controls the preheating temperature. This unit is supplied with 8 manuals. Computer Control Software for Tubular Flow Reactor (QRFT).(#) Dimensions (approx.) =700x500x500 mm. Weight: 75 Kg. 4.4 QRAD. Adiabatic and Isothermal Reactor: Reactor insulated made of Pyrex-glass, with a max. volume of 2l. Nickel-plated cooper coil of 2500mm long, outer dia. of 6.7mm and inner one of 4.1 mm. Stirrer. Water flow control of 0-6 l/min. Outer jacket made of anodised aluminium and inner jacket made of expanded polyurethane foam rubber. 3 Temperature sensors. This unit is supplied with 8 manuals. Computer Control Software for Adiabatic and Isothermal Reactor (QRAD).(#). Dimensions (approx.) = Unit: 1000x600x400 mm. Weight: 100 Kg. 4.5 QRSA. Reactors with Stirrer in Series: 3 Reactors insulated made of Pyrex-glass, with a max. volume of 1 l. Each one. Agitation system with speed control and indication from 0 to 2000 rpm. 3 Temperature sensors.This unit is supplied with 8 manuals. Computer Control Software for Reactors with Stirrer in Series (QRSA). (#) Dimensions (approx.) = Unit: 1000x1000x1000 mm. Weight: 100 Kg. 4.1 More information in: chemicalengineering/reactors/QRQC.pdf Non computer controlled version available. ) 4.5 QRSA. Reactors with Stirrer in Series ( ) PRACTICAL POSSIBILITIES Isothermal Reactor with Stirrer (QRIA): 1.- Calibration of the temperature sensors. 2.- Calibration of the conductivity cell. 3.- D e t e r m i n a t i o n o f t h e i o n i c conductivities. 4.- Discontinuous operation. Obtaining of the reaction order respect to ethylacetate.Initial velocity method. 5.- Discontinuous operation. Obtaining of the reaction order respect to sodium hydroxide. Initial velocity method. 6.- Discontinuous operation. Velocity Constant Computation. Constant sodium hydroxide initial concentration. 7.- Discontinuous Operation. Velocity Constant Computation. Constant ethyl-acetate initial concentration. 8.- Velocity equation formulation. 9.- Discontinuous Operation. Variation of the kinetic constant with temperature. Arrhenius Equation. 10.- Discontinuous Operation. Theoretical and experimental conversion comparative. Deviation from ideality. 11.- Discontinuous Operation. Mixture effects. 12.- Continuous Operation. 13.- Continuous Operation. Mixture effects. 14.-Measurement conductivity system: conductimeter. 15-33.- Practices with PLC. Isothermal Reactor with Distillation (QRIA/D): 34.-Calibration of the temperature sensors. 35.- Calibration of the conductivity cell. 36.- Determination of the ionic conductivities. 37.-Discontinuous operation. Obtaining of the reaction order respect to ethylacetate.Initial velocity method. 38.-Discontinuous operation. Obtaining of the reaction order respect to sodium hydroxide. Initial velocity method. 39.-Discontinuous operation. Velocity Constant Computation. Constant sodium hydroxide initial concentration. 40.-Discontinuous Operation. Velocity Constant Computation. Constant ethyl-acetate initial concentration. 41.- Velocity equation formulation. 42.- Discontinuous Operation. Variation of the kinetic constant with temperature. Arrhenius Equation. 43.- Discontinuous Operation. Theoretical and experimental conversion comparative. Deviation from ideality. 44.- Discontinuous Operation. Mixture effects. 45.- Continuous Operation. 46.- Continuous Operation. Mixture effects. 47.-Measurement conductivity system: conductimeter. 48.-Study of the reactive distillation. 49.-Study of alcohols condensation. 50.-Study of the organic anhydrides. 51.-Synthesis of esters. 52-70.- Practices with PLC. Page 18 Tubular Flow Reactor (QRFT): 71.- Calibration of the temperature sensors. 72.- Analysis of reagents and products. 73.- Ionic conductivities determination. 74.- Theoretical conversion of the tubular reactor. 75.- Experimental determination of the conversion of the tubular reactor. 76.- Dependence in the residence time. 77.- Determination of the reaction order. 78.- Dependence of the speed constant and the conversion with the temperature. 79.- Measurement conductivity system: conductimeter. 80.- Complete emptying of the unit. 81-99.- Practices with PLC. Adiabatic and Isothermal Reactor (QRAD): 100.-Calibration of the temperature Sensors. 101.-Calibration of the flow sensor. 102.-Calibration of the conductivity sensor. 103.-Determination of the ionic conductivities. 104.-Discontinuous work. Calculation of the order of the reaction referred to the ethyl-acetate. Initial velocity method. 105.-Discontinuous operation. Determination of the order of the reaction referred to t h e s o d i u m hydroxide. Initial velocity method. 106.-Discontinuous operation. Determination of the speed constant, the initial concentration of the sodium hydroxide is constant. 107.-Discontinuous operation. Determination of the speed constant, the initial concentration of the ethyl acetate is constant. 108.-Formulation of the speed equation. 109.-Discontinuous operation. Variation of the kinetic constant when the temperature is not constant: Arrhenius equation. 110.-Discontinuous operation. Comparison of the theoretical and the experimental conversion: Deviation from the ideality. 111.-Calculation of the heat transference coefficient of the coil. 112.-Calculation of the hydrolysis reaction enthalpy. 113.-Discontinuous operation. Mixture effects. 114.-Continuous operation. 115.-Measurement conductivity system: conductimeter. 116-134.- Practices with PLC. Practices to be done with the Reactors with Stirrer in Series (QRSA): 135.-Calibration of the temperature sensors. 136.-Calibration of the conductivity cell. 137.-Determination of the ionic conductivities. 138.-Work with just one reactor in continuous. 139.-Work with just one reactor in continuous with mixture effects. 140.-Work with 3 reactors in continuous. 141-159.- Practices with PLC. 12.110 Food Technology (Basic) (continuation) EDSC. Computer Controlled Teaching Machine for Putting into a container Solids Always included in the supply: Teaching Technique used SCADA. EDIBON Computer Control System 3 2 4 Data EDIBON Software for: Acquisition - Computer Control Board - Data Acquisition - Data Management 5 Cables and Accessories 6 Manuals Control Interface Box OPEN CONTROL + MULTICONTROL + REAL TIME CONTROL Unit: EDSC. Teaching Machine for Putting into a container Solids 1 2 3 4 5 6 PRACTICAL POSSIBILITIES SPECIFICATIONS SUMMARY Items supplied as standard EDSC Unit: Main metallic elements in stainless steel. Diagram in the front panel with similar distribution that the elements in the real unit. Dose time programming. With possibility of creating a small aspiration after each dose, to avoid leakages. Possibility of adjusting the doses directly on the front keyboard. Possibility of working in continuous. Possibility of working in automatic way with regulation of the time of stop among almost dose. Cadence settles down. Possibility of working in manual, by means of switch of button. Possibility of programming certain quantity of dose with systematic counts of the doses. Dose accountant. Capability of 10 memories to establish the parameters of the doses or memorization of the regulations of the doser for 10 products and different volumes. Visualization of the dosage memories. Possibility of dosing liquids, and mash products of different densities, auxiliary coupling and discoupling elements as the product needs (Yoghurt, butter, sauces patés, juices, etc.). EDSC/CIB. Control Interface Box : With process diagram in the front panel. The unit control elements are permanently computer controlled. Simultaneous visualization in the PC of all parameters involved in the process. Calibration of all sensors involved in the process. Real time curves representation. All the actuators’ values can be changed at any time from the keyboard. Shield and filtered signals to avoid external interferences. Real time control with flexibility of modifications from the PC keyboard of the parameters, at any moment during the process. Open control allowing modifications, at any time and in a real time, of parameters involved in the process. 3 safety levels: mechanical in the unit, electronic in control interface, and the third one in the control software. DAB. Data Acquisition Board: PCI Data acquisition National Instruments board to be placed in a computer slot. 16 Analog inputs. Sampling rate up to: 250 KS/s. 2 Analog outputs. 24 Digital Inputs/Outputs. EDSC/CCSOF.Computer Control+Data Acquisition+Data Management Software: Flexible, open and multicontrol software. Management, processing, comparison and storage of data. Sampling velocity up to 250,000 data per second. It allows the registration of the alarms state and the graphic representation in real time. Cables and Accessories, for normal operation. Manuals: This unit is supplied with 8 manuals. 12. Food & Water Technologies 1 More information in: EDSC.pdf ROUC. Computer Controlled Reverse Osmosis/Ultrafiltration Unit Always included in the supply: Teaching Technique used SCADA. EDIBON Computer Control System 3 2 Control Interface Box 5 Cables and Accessories Computer 4 Data Software for: Acquisition - Computer Control Board - Data Acquisition - Data Management (not included in the supply) 6 Manuals OPEN CONTROL + MULTICONTROL + REAL TIME CONTROL 1 Unit: ROUC. Reverse Osmosis/Ultrafiltration Unit SPECIFICATIONS SUMMARY Items supplied as standard ROUC Unit: Laboratory Scale Computer Controlled Reverse Osmosis/Ultrafiltration Unit designed to study and to provide practical training in these downstream processing techniques. It enables separation of whey protein from lactose (ultrafiltration) and subsequent concentration of dilute lactose (reverse osmosis) .This unit is supplied with membranes for these particular processes but may also be used for other food materials. As well as the processing of the whey the membranes can also used to demonstrate, for example: classification and concentration of fruit juices, desalination of water, pre-concentration of milk for cheese manufacturing, etc. Main metallic elements in stainless steel. It consists of: Feed tank (15 l. approx. capacity). High pressure feed piston pumps to feed product to the membrane module. Flow and pressure adjustable. High or low flow rate through the pumps can be selected. Variable speed control. Membrane module containing two different membranes, one used for reverse osmosis and the other for ultrafiltration. Permeate volume: approx. 50 ml. Back pressure control valve. Valves. Plate heat exchanger. Permeate collecting tank (15 l. approx. Capacity). Temperature sensors. Pressure sensors. Flow sensor. Dual operation, Reverse Osmosis/Ultrafiltration. 2 ROUC/CIB. Control Interface Box : With process diagram in the front panel. The unit control elements are permanently computer controlled. Simultaneous visualization in the PC of all parameters involved in the process. Calibration of all sensors involved in the process. Real time curves representation. All the actuators’ values can be changed at any time from the keyboard. Shield and filtered signals to avoid external interferences. Real time PID control with flexibility of modifications from the PC keyboard of the PID parameters, at any moment during the process. Open control allowing modifications, at any time and in a real time, of parameters involved in the process. 3 safety levels: mechanical in the unit, electronic in control interface, and the third one in the control software. 3 DAB. Data Acquisition Board: PCI Data acquisition National Instruments board to be placed in a computer slot. 16 Analog inputs. Sampling rate up to: 250 KS/s. 2 Analog outputs. 24 Digital Inputs/Outputs. 4 ROUC/CCSOF.Computer Control+Data Acquisition+Data Management Software: Flexible, open and multicontrol software. Management, processing, comparison and storage of data. Sampling velocity up to 250,000 data per second. It allows the registration of the alarms state and the graphic representation in real time. 5 Cables and Accessories, for normal operation. 6 Manuals: This unit is supplied with 8 manuals. Dimensions (approx.) =Unit: 700 x 700 x 1250 mm. Weight: 180 Kg. Control Interface: 490 x 330 x 310 mm. Weight: 10 Kg. 1 More information in: PRACTICAL POSSIBILITIES 1.- Practical training in ultrafiltration an reverse osmosis processing techniques. 2.- Protein standardisation in the production of fermented milk products such as concentration of skimmed milk for yoghurt production. 3.- Pre-concentration of milk for cheese manufacture. 4.- Concentration of fruit juices. 5.- Clarification of fruit juices. 6.- Desalination of water. 7.- Demonstration of the effect of varying the following process parameters on separation performance: - Product pressure. - Process flow rate. - Process temperature. 8.- Applications of concentration, clarification, fractionation and standardization of milk, fruit juices, vegetables juices, etc. 9.- Treatment of effluent. 10.- Sensors calibration. 11-29.- Practices with PLC. ROUC.pdf Page 27 12.1- Food Technology (Basic) (continuation) VPMC. Computer Controlled Multipurpose Processing Vessel Always included in the supply: Teaching Technique used SCADA. EDIBON Computer Control System 3 2 4 Data EDIBON Software for: Acquisition - Computer Control Board - Data Acquisition - Data Management 5 Cables and Accessories 6 Manuals Control Interface Box OPEN CONTROL + MULTICONTROL + REAL TIME CONTROL 1 Unit:VPMC. Multipurpose Processing Vessel PRACTICAL POSSIBILITIES SPECIFICATIONS SUMMARY Items supplied as standard VPMC Unit: This unit is designed to provide practical teaching and training in batch heating and cooling processes in food technology and to work as a process service facility for the production of different liquid foods. Main metallic elements in stainless steel. Diagram in the front panel with similar distribution that the elements in the real unit. Stainless steel jacketed vessel fitted with emulsifying mixer and with heating and chiller capabilites. Jacketed vessel capacity: 20 litres. Processing vessel capacity: 10-20 litres. Max. vessel contents temperature: 85º C. Emulsifier unit can be raised or lowered to suit, variable speed operation (50-6000 rpm). Surfaces which may come into contact with the process fluid are constructed from food grade materials. The vessel contents are heated by a water jacket heated by a controlled electrical heating element (2kW). Product temperature of 85ºC can be reached. Product set-point temperature is maintained in the heating circuit. Control of temperature. Cold water from an external source may be circulated through the jacket to provide quick cooling of the vessel contents before using the chilled water circulator. Chilled water circulation system: chilled water circulator=0.25kW compressor motor. Chilled water is circulated through the vessel jacket and returned to the reservoir by a centrifugal pump. Flow rate of cold or chilled water is controlled. Flow sensors. Temperature sensors. 2 VPMC/CIB. Control Interface Box : With process diagram in the front panel. The unit control elements are permanently computer controlled. Simultaneous visualization in the PC of all parameters involved in the process. Calibration of all sensors involved in the process. Real time curves representation. All the actuators’ values can be changed at any time from the keyboard. Shield and filtered signals to avoid external interferences. Real time PID control with flexibility of modifications from the PC keyboard of the PID parameters, at any moment during the process. Open control allowing modifications, at any time and in a real time, of parameters involved in the process. 3 safety levels: mechanical in the unit, electronic in control interface, and the third one in the control software. 3 DAB. Data Acquisition Board: PCI Data acquisition National Instruments board to be placed in a computer slot. 16 Analog inputs. Sampling rate up to: 250 KS/s. 2 Analog outputs. 24 Digital Inputs/Outputs. 4 VPMC/CCSOF. Computer Control+Data Acquisition+Data Management Software: Flexible, open and multicontrol software. Management, processing, comparison and storage of data. Sampling velocity up to 250,000 data per second. It allows the registration of the alarms state and the graphic representation in real time. 5 Manuals: This unit is supplied with 8 manuals. 6 Cables and Accessories, for normal operation. Dimensions (approx.) =Unit: 700x700x1250 mm. Weight: 150 Kg. Control Interface: 490x330x310 mm. Weight: 10 Kg. 12. Food & Water Technologies 1 1.- Batch pasteurization. 2.- Processing of fermented milk products. 3.- Yogurt production (stirred). 4.- Ice cream mix production and storage. 5.- Heat transfer measurement. 6.- Heat transfer calculations. Other possible practices: 7.- Sensors calibration. 8-26.- Practices with PLC. More information in: VPMC.pdf TPCC. Computer Controlled Contact Plate Freezer Always included in the supply: Teaching Technique used SCADA. EDIBON Computer Control System 2 3 4 Data Software for: Acquisition - Computer Control Board - Data Acquisition - Data Management 5 Cables and Accessories 6 Manuals Control Interface Box 1 Unit: TPCC. Contact Plate Freezer OPEN CONTROL + MULTICONTROL + REAL TIME CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS SUMMARY Items supplied as standard TPCC Unit: Basically, this quick freezing unit is made up of refrigeration circuit. The unit has been designed to observe the thermodynamic changes made during the process, for given coolant, allowing the study of the refrigeration cycle. Anodized aluminium structure. Diagram in the front panel with similar distribution that the elements in the real unit. 2 Manometers. Coolant compressor. Air condenser. High pressure control. Coolant accumulation tank. Expansion valve. Four-way valve. Evaporator-freezer, with two freezing plates of 180 mm x 280 mm. One freezing plate is fixed and the other one is height adjustable. Plate temperature (both plates): <-35ºC. 8 Temperature sensors: 2 Temperature sensors (temperature measurement of the coolant). 6 Temperature sensors, (temperature measurement of the food). Enthalpy diagram of the coolant R404a. 2 TPCC/CIB. Control Interface Box : With process diagram in the front panel. The unit control elements are permanently computer controlled. Simultaneous visualization in the PC of all parameters involved in the process. Calibration of all sensors involved in the process. Real time curves representation. All the actuators’ values can be changed at any time from the keyboard. Shield and filtered signals to avoid external interferences. Real time control with flexibility of modifications from the PC keyboard of the parameters, at any moment during the process. Open control allowing modifications, at any time and in a real time, of parameters involved in the process. 3 safety levels: mechanical in the unit, electronic in control interface, and the third one in the control software. 3 DAB. Data Acquisition Board: PCI Data acquisition National Instruments board to be placed in a computer slot. 16 Analog inputs. Sampling rate up to: 250 KS/s. 2 Analog outputs. 24 Digital Inputs/Outputs. 4 TPCC/CCSOF.Computer Control+Data Acquisition+Data Management Software: Flexible, open and multicontrol software. Management, processing, comparison and storage of data. Sampling velocity up to 250,000 data per second. It allows the registration of the alarms state and the graphic representation in real time. 5 Cables and Accessories, for normal operation. 6 Manuals: This unit is supplied with 8 manuals. Dimensions (approx.) = Unit: 900x600x500 mm. Weight: 100 Kg. Control Interface: 490x330x310 mm. Weight: 10 Kg. 1 More information in: TPCC.pdf Page 28 PRACTICAL POSSIBILITIES Study of industrial freezing process. Study of food preservation. Study the effect of freezing on food. Investigate the effect on the freezing process of parameters such as the shape of the product, portion size, the packaging, etc. 5.- To evaluate the difference between fast freezing and domestic freezing. 6.- Freezing rates. 7.- Study of fast freezing vs slow freezing. 8.- Temperature sensing. 9.- Taste and texture assessments. 10.- Study of the deep-freezing process effect: structural. 11.- Study of the deep-freezing process effect: compositional. 12.- Study of the deep-freezing process effect: sensorial. 13.- Study of the thermal process. 14.- Study the effect of the temperature on bacteria. 15.- Quality control. 16.- Quality assurance. 17.- Freezing curves analysis. 18.- Links with Physics (refrigeration) and with Biology(food structure). Other possible practices: 19.- Sensors calibration. 20-38.- Practices with PLC.
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