Fujita Kanko| 9722 |
Fujita Kanko| 9722 |
R LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Research Report by Shared Research Inc. Shared Research Inc. has produced this report by request from the company discussed in the report. The aim is to provide an “owner’s manual” to investors. We at Shared Research Inc. make every effort to provide an accurate, objective, and neutral analysis. In order to highlight any biases, we clearly attribute our data and findings. We will always present opinions from company management as such. Our views are ours where stated. We do not try to convince or influence, only inform. We appreciate your suggestions and feedback. Write to us at sr_inquiries@sharedresearch.jp or find us on Bloomberg. R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 INDEX Executive Summary --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Key financial data ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Recent updates --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Highlights ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Trends and outlook --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Quarterly trends and results----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Full-year company forecasts --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 Outlook ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17 Business ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 Business overview ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 Overview by segment ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 Market and value chain --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37 Strengths and weaknesses ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43 Historical performance --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44 Income statement ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48 Balance sheet ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49 News and topics------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53 Other information---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55 History -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55 Major shareholders --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56 Returns to shareholders--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56 Corporate governance and top management -------------------------------------------------------------------- 56 Employees -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57 Profile --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 58 www.sharedresearch.jp 02/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Executive Summary LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Executive Summary Hospitality company operating hotel, wedding, and resort businesses Fujita Kanko Inc. was established in 1955 as a spin-off of the tourism division of Fujita Kogyo (currently Dowa Holdings). Its segments are WHG (hotels; 44% of FY12/15 sales); Resort (10% of sales); and Luxury & Banquet (mainly weddings and banquets; 41% of sales). In the core WHG segment the company operates the Washington Hotel brand, which targets business travelers, and the Hotel Gracery brand, which caters to tourists. Most of the 30 plus hotels under the WHG umbrella are operated using either leasing or franchise models. In Tokyo’s 23 wards and designated city centers, Fujita Kanko adopts the leasing model, where it operates hotels but does not own the land or buildings. This allows for low upfront expenses and a flexible location strategy. In all other areas it uses the franchise model, where it licenses its brand to local operators and provides hotel operational guidance. In the Resort segment the company operates resorts and leisure facilities, including Hakone Hotel Kowakien and Hakone Kowakien Yunessun, a hot spring theme park. In the Luxury & Banquet segment, the company operates wedding and banquet facilities, luxury hotels, and golf courses, with Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo and Taikoen in Osaka positioned as key assets. WHG’s hotel business to drive growth, accelerating development In February 2015, the company released a five-year plan through FY12/19. In the plan, it aims to accelerate development through new hotel openings and renovations in the hotel business of the WHG segment. In FY12/19, the final year of the plan, Fujita Kanko targets recurring profit of JPY4.8bn (JPY1.4bn in FY12/14), ROA of at least 4% (1.4% in FY12/14), and ROE of at least 10% (1.9% in FY12/14). In FY12/15, profits fell year-on-year due to major renovation and rebuilding work, as well as new project launches, but the company aims to grow earnings through sales growth and improved margins. In Q1 FY12/16 sales were JPY14.9bn (+3.6% YoY), operating loss was JPY953mn (operating loss of JPY784mn in Q1 FY12/15), recurring loss was JPY1.1bn (loss of JPY927mn), and net loss attributable to the parent’s shareholders was JPY1.2bn (loss of JPY897mn). Operating profit before depreciation, the company’s preferred management benchmark, was JPY370mn, up JPY51mn from a year earlier. Overall sales increased YoY due to a sharp rise in the average price per room in the accommodation division though the wedding division incurred a fall in sales due to a decrease in customers. The main reason for the operating loss was lower occupancy levels accompanying major renovations at the Shinjuku Washington Hotel. Strengths and weaknesses Shared Research thinks that the company’s strengths are the brand name and expertise stemming from the Chinzanso Hotel, which received a five star rating from Michelin Japan; a high ratio of rooms in Greater Tokyo, where inbound tourist demand is growing; and its holdings of historic buildings. In our view the company’s weaknesses are relationships with asset owners, which makes renovations difficult; the slumping wedding business, a core business for the company; and a weak balance sheet. (See Strengths and weaknesses section.) www.sharedresearch.jp 03/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Key financial data LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Key financial data Income Statement (JPYmn) Total Sales YoY FY12/06 FY12/07 FY12/08 FY12/09 FY12/10 FY12/11 FY12/12 FY12/13 FY12/14 FY12/15 Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Est. 70,786 71,171 67,394 61,295 64,249 57,371 60,498 62,109 64,250 63,981 70,000 -0.4% 9.4% - 0.5% -10.7% 5.5% 2.7% 3.4% 7,460 8,196 5,710 4,414 5,651 4,522 4,598 5,275 5,576 4,446 YoY - 9.9% -30.3% -22.7% 28.0% -20.0% 1.7% 14.7% 5.7% -20.3% GPM 10.5% 11.5% 8.5% 7.2% 8.8% 7.9% 7.6% 8.5% 8.7% 6.9% 4,301 5,245 2,549 1,380 2,140 1,318 877 1,205 1,365 39 1,000 - 21.9% -51.4% -45.9% 55.1% -38.4% -33.5% 37.4% 13.3% -97.1% 2464.1% Gross Profit Operating Profit YoY OPM Recurring Profit YoY RPM Net Income YoY Net Margin -5.3% -9.0% 4.8% FY12/16 6.1% 7.4% 3.8% 2.3% 3.3% 2.3% 1.4% 1.9% 2.1% 0.1% 1.4% 3,690 5,018 2,485 1,395 1,828 1,042 630 1,169 1,390 -172 800 - 36.0% -50.5% -43.9% 31.0% -43.0% -39.5% 85.6% 18.9% - - - - - 2.3% 2.8% 1.8% 1.0% 1.9% 2.2% -0.3% 1.1% 3,709 2,280 1,810 579 227 -3,544 368 878 531 32 300 - -38.5% -20.6% -68.0% -60.8% - - 138.6% -39.5% -94.0% 837.5% 5.2% 3.2% 2.7% 0.9% 0.4% -6.2% 0.6% 1.4% 0.8% 0.1% 0.4% 122,074.24 122,074.24 122,074.24 122,074.24 122,074.24 122,074.24 122,074.24 122,074.24 122,074.24 122,074.24 32 19.60 15.56 4.98 1.96 -29.84 3.07 7.33 4.43 0.27 2.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 248.32 237.71 192.99 207.06 200.58 167.75 176.82 231.17 230.04 223.85 Per Share Data Number of Shares EPS Dividend Per Share Book Value Per Share Balance Sheet (JPYmn) Cash and Equivalents Total Current Assets 2,700 3,502 6,620 7,375 8,265 6,961 5,071 5,044 5,944 4,142 10,147 10,378 12,616 13,089 13,973 12,277 10,672 10,911 12,051 11,722 Tangible Fixed Assets, net 61,484 59,774 59,125 60,429 58,107 59,054 58,933 59,189 55,112 58,805 Other Fixed Assets 32,083 28,202 22,769 23,966 24,739 23,947 26,679 33,626 32,778 33,049 340 265 338 417 384 640 741 1,060 939 1,154 104,055 98,620 94,850 97,903 97,204 95,918 97,027 104,787 100,881 104,732 19,294 18,478 21,032 15,596 13,012 13,232 12,298 13,019 11,321 12,656 21,356 Intangible Assets Total Assets Short-Term Debt Total Current Liabilities 28,899 28,236 30,001 23,491 21,136 21,201 21,717 22,038 22,288 Long-Term Debt 20,647 17,560 17,771 25,852 28,458 28,432 28,544 28,594 26,141 32,157 Total Fixed Liabilities 45,937 42,390 42,081 50,030 52,413 54,463 53,950 54,855 50,817 56,363 Total Liabilities 74,836 70,627 72,082 73,521 73,549 75,665 75,668 76,893 73,106 77,719 Net Assets 29,218 27,993 22,767 24,381 23,654 20,253 21,358 27,894 27,774 27,012 39,941 36,038 38,803 41,448 41,470 41,664 40,842 41,613 37,462 44,813 Operating Cash Flow 6,145 7,112 4,263 3,487 4,317 3,158 3,886 4,367 3,663 -415 Investment Cash Flow 4,610 -1,802 -3,359 -4,786 -2,827 -5,015 -4,407 -4,643 1,901 -8,184 -10,732 -4,510 2,212 2,027 -601 552 -1,371 220 -4,671 6,748 ROA 3.4% 5.0% 2.6% 1.4% 1.9% 1.1% 0.7% 1.2% 1.4% -0.2% ROE 13.1% 8.1% 7.2% 2.5% 1.0% - 1.8% 3.6% 1.9% 0.1% Equity Ratio 27.8% 28.1% 23.7% 24.6% 24.0% 21.0% 21.8% 26.4% 27.3% 25.6% Interest-Bearing Debt Cash Flow Statement (JPYmn) Financing Cash Flow Financial Ratios Source: Shared Research based on company data Figures may differ from company data due to differences in rounding methods www.sharedresearch.jp 04/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Recent updates LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Recent updates Highlights On June 8, 2016, Shared Research updated the report following interviews with Fujita Kanko Inc. On May 9, 2016, the company announced earnings results for Q1 FY12/16; see the results section for details. On April 21, 2016, the company announced the closure of Hotel Toba Kowakien, managed by consolidated subsidiary Toba Resort Services Co. Ltd., and resulting extraordinary losses. Reasons of closure The facilities of Hotel Toba Kowakien have become outdated after 50 years in operation. As a result, sales and profits from the hotel operation have been sluggish in recent years. The company has decided to terminate operations at the facilities. It will evaluate plans for new openings in the Toba area, including renovating the property of this hotel. Schedule: Resolution at the board meeting: April 21, 2016 Planned hotel closing: September 30, 2016 Accounting measures: Based on the decision, the company will book extraordinary losses of JPY462mn including impairment and other losses in Q1 FY12/16. The company will announce any necessary revisions to full-year consolidated company forecasts. On the same day, the company announced opening of a hotel in Taipei, Taiwan, in 2019. It will be its second directly managed hotel in Asia, following one scheduled to open in 2018 in Seoul, South Korea. Outline of the newly planned hotel: Location: Da’an district, Taipei, Taiwan Planned opening: 2019 Facility outline: 19 ground floors, of which the hotel will occupy the 3rd floor and above, 248 guest rooms (26sqm), one restaurant For previous corporate releases and developments, see the News and topics section. www.sharedresearch.jp 05/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Trends and outlook LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Trends and outlook Quarterly trends and results Quarterly earnings (JPYmn) Sales YoY FY12/14 Q2 Q3 16,152 15,216 3.1% 2.1% Q4 18,208 1.8% Q1 14,337 -2.3% FY12/15 Q2 Q3 15,912 15,594 -1.5% 2.5% Q4 18,138 -0.4% Q1 14,860 3.6% 465 229.8% 3.2% 1,030 6.3% 7.0% -564 - 1,644 -2.4% 10.2% 1,153 14.3% 7.1% 491 -27.3% 1,046 6.3% 6.9% 1,130 10.8% 7.4% -84 - 2,421 -1.8% 13.3% 897 -16.3% 4.9% 1,522 9.3% 377 -18.9% 2.6% 1,162 12.8% 8.1% -784 - 1,031 -37.3% 6.5% 1,092 -5.3% 6.9% -61 - 888 -15.1% 5.7% 1,069 -5.4% 6.9% -182 - 2,150 -11.2% 11.9% 1,084 20.8% 6.0% 1,066 -30.0% 233 -38.2% 1.6% 1,186 2.1% 8.0% -953 - -726 -593 - 3.0% 634 -17.7% 3.9% 338 - -99 -829 - 8.4% 1,581 17.6% 8.7% 1,615 26.6% -927 -897 - 89 -86.0% 0.6% 73 -78.4% -345 -213 - 5.9% 1,011 -36.1% 5.6% 1,069 -33.8% NPM Cumulative Sales YoY Q1 14,674 7.5% 2.1% Q2 30,826 5.2% Q3 46,042 4.1% 8.9% Q4 64,250 3.4% Q1 14,337 -2.3% 0.5% Q2 30,249 -1.9% Q3 45,843 -0.4% Gross Profit YoY 465 229.8% 2,109 15.6% 3,155 12.3% 5,576 5.7% 377 -18.9% 1,408 -33.2% GPM SG&A Expenses YoY 3.2% 1,030 6.3% 6.8% 2,183 10.4% 6.9% 3,313 10.5% 8.7% 4,210 3.4% 2.6% 1,162 12.8% SG&A / Sales Operating Profit YoY 7.0% -564 - 7.1% -73 - 7.2% -157 - 6.6% 1,365 13.3% OPM Recurring Profit YoY -726 - -92 - -191 - RPM Net Income YoY -593 - -255 - - - Gross Profit YoY GPM SG&A Expenses YoY SG&A / Sales Operating Profit YoY Q1 14,674 7.5% OPM Recurring Profit YoY RPM Net Income YoY NPM FY12/16 Q2 - # FY12/16 % of 1H 1H Est. 45.7% 32,500 Q3 - Q4 - - - - -1,121 -1,165 - - - - 5.9% Q4 63,981 -0.4% Q1 14,860 3.6% Q2 - Q3 - Q4 - 2,296 -27.2% 4,446 -20.3% 233 -38.2% - - - 4.7% 2,254 3.3% 5.0% 3,323 0.3% 6.9% 4,407 4.7% 1.6% 1,186 2.1% - - - 8.1% -784 - 7.5% -845 - 7.2% -1,027 - 6.9% 39 -97.1% 8.0% -953 - - - - - 1,000 2.1% 1,390 18.9% -927 - -838 - -1,183 - 0.1% -172 - -1,121 - - - - - 2464.1% 1.4% 800 -1,084 - 2.2% 531 -39.5% -897 - -824 - -1,037 - 32 -94.0% -1,165 - - - - - -565.1% 1.1% 300 - 0.8% - - - 0.1% - - - - 7.4% - -1,200 - -1,200 -1,000 % of FY 21.2% FY Est. 70,000 - 9.4% 837.5% 0.4% Source: Shared Research based on company data Figures may differ from company data due to differences in rounding methods www.sharedresearch.jp 06/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Trends and outlook LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Quarterly earnings by segment Quarterly earnings Quarterly (JPYmn) Sales YoY WHG Business YoY Resort Business YoY Luxury & Banquet Business YoY Other Elimination/Other Operating profit YoY WHG Business YoY Resort Business YoY Luxury & Banquet Business YoY Other Elimination/Other Cumulative (JPYmn) External sales YoY WHG Business YoY Resort Business YoY Luxury & Banquet Business YoY Other Elimination/Other Operating profit YoY WHG Business YoY Resort Business YoY Luxury & Banquet Business YoY Other Elimination/Other % of total Quarterly % of sales WHG Business Resort Business Luxury & Banquet Business Other % of OP WHG Business Resort Business Luxury & Banquet Business Other Cumulative % of sales WHG Business Resort Business Luxury & Banquet Business Other % of OP WHG Business Resort Business Luxury & Banquet Business Other Q1 14,674 7.5% 6,032 1,702 6,162 1,479 -701 -564 -82 -64 -348 -79 9 Q1 14,674 7.5% 6,032 1,702 6,162 1,479 -701 -564 -82 -64 -348 -79 9 Q1 FY12/14 Q2 Q3 16,152 15,216 3.1% 2.1% 6,308 6,671 1,599 2,585 7,483 5,091 1,488 1,588 -726 -719 491 -84 -27.3% 217 429 -113 640 450 -1,095 -66 -63 3 5 Q2 Q3 30,826 46,042 5.2% 4.1% 12,340 19,011 3,301 5,886 13,645 18,736 2,967 4,555 -1,427 -2,146 -73 -157 135 564 -177 463 102 -993 -145 -208 12 17 FY12/14 Q2 Q3 Q4 18,208 1.8% 6,856 1,707 8,849 1,585 -789 1,522 9.3% 537 -87 1,161 -113 24 Q4 64,250 3.4% 25,867 7,593 27,585 6,140 -2,935 1,365 13.3% 1,101 376 168 -321 41 Q1 14,337 -2.3% 6,315 4.7% 1,665 -2.2% 5,521 -10.4% 1,501 -665 -784 72 -160 -618 -81 3 Q1 14,337 -2.3% 6,315 4.7% 1,665 -2.2% 5,521 -10.4% 1,501 -665 -784 72 -160 -618 -81 2 Q4 Q1 FY12/15 Q2 Q3 15,912 15,594 -1.5% 2.5% 6,567 7,571 4.1% 13.5% 1,394 1,942 -12.8% -24.9% 7,152 5,209 -4.4% 2.3% 1,419 1,540 -620 -668 -61 -182 -105 507 18.2% -233 246 -61.6% 497 -847 10.4% -220 -93 0 5 Q2 Q3 30,249 45,843 -1.9% -0.4% 12,882 20,453 4.4% 7.6% 3,059 5,001 -7.3% -15.0% 12,673 17,882 -7.1% -4.6% 2,920 4,460 -1,285 -1,953 -845 -1,027 -33 474 -16.0% -393 -147 -121 -968 -301 -394 3 8 FY12/15 Q2 Q3 FY12/16 Q1 14,860 3.6% 7,024 11.2% 1,603 -3.7% 5,466 -1.0% 1,430 -663 -953 -168 -182 -493 -106 -1 Q1 14,860 3.6% 7,024 11.2% 1,603 -3.7% 5,466 -1.0% 1,430 -663 -953 -168 -182 -493 -106 -1 FY12/16 Q4 Q1 Q4 18,138 -0.4% 7,526 9.8% 1,493 -12.5% 8,359 -5.5% 1,443 -683 1,066 -30.0% 337 -37.2% -154 1,075 -7.4% -193 1 Q4 63,981 -0.4% 27,979 8.2% 6,494 -14.5% 26,241 -4.9% 5,903 -2,636 39 -97.1% 811 -26.3% -301 107 -36.3% -587 9 41% 12% 42% 10% 39% 10% 46% 9% 44% 17% 33% 10% 38% 9% 49% 9% 44% 12% 39% 10% 41% 9% 45% 9% 49% 12% 33% 10% 41% 8% 46% 8% 47% 11% 37% 10% 15% 11% 62% 14% Q1 44% -23% 92% -13% Q2 -511% -762% 1304% 75% Q3 35% -6% 76% -7% Q4 -9% 20% 79% 10% Q1 172% 382% -815% 361% Q2 -279% -135% 465% 51% Q3 32% -14% 101% -18% Q4 18% 19% 52% 11% Q1 41% 12% 42% 10% 40% 11% 44% 10% 41% 13% 41% 10% 40% 12% 43% 10% 44% 12% 39% 10% 43% 10% 42% 10% 45% 11% 39% 10% 44% 10% 41% 9% 47% 11% 37% 10% 15% 11% 62% 14% -185% 242% -140% 199% -359% -295% 632% 132% 81% 28% 12% -24% -9% 20% 79% 10% 4% 47% 14% 36% -46% 14% 94% 38% 2079% -772% 274% -1505% 18% 19% 52% 11% Source: Shared Research based on company data Figures may differ from company data due to differences in rounding methods Business segments reclassified in FY12/15. FY12/14 figures under new classification show retrospectively adjusted figures www.sharedresearch.jp 07/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Trends and outlook LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Q1 FY12/16 results ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ Sales: JPY14.9bn (+3.6% YoY) Operating loss: JPY953mn (loss of JPY784mn in Q1 FY12/15) Recurring loss: JPY1.1bn (loss of JPY927mn) Net loss attributable to parent’s shareholders: JPY1.2bn (loss of JPY897mn) Operating profit before depreciation, the company’s preferred management benchmark, was JPY370mn, up JPY51mn from a year earlier. Overall sales increased YoY due to a sharp rise in the average price per room in the accommodation division in the WHG segment though the wedding division incurred a fall in sales due to a decrease in customers. The main reason for the operating loss was lower occupancy levels accompanying major renovations at the Shinjuku Washington Hotel. The company planned for a temporary decline in earnings as it aggressively stepped up investments in FY12/16. Specifically, in Q1, it had expected the decrease in profits because of the impact from renovating the Shinjuku Washington Hotel. Despite decreased profits in Q1, however, the company stated both sales and profits exceeded projections in all segments. The accommodation division in the WHG segment in particular outperformed. In April 21, 2016, the company announced its decision to open a new hotel in Taipei, Taiwan, in 2019. As a result, the company will increase guestrooms by 2,126 rooms (1,168 rooms already in business; 958 rooms on schedule to be opened). This means the company will achieve more than 70 % of the 3,000 guestrooms to be added under its medium-term plan, leaving just 874 rooms to be added for it to achieve its target. WHG segment WHG Business (JPYmn) Sales Operating profit OPM Sales breakdown Accommodation Restaurant・banquet・other Q1 FY12/15 6,315 72 1.1% Q1 FY12/16 7,024 -168 -2.4% Diff 709 -241 - 4,826 1,489 5,711 1,313 885 -175 Source: Shared Research based on company data Sales were JPY7.0bn (up JPY709mn YoY), but the segment incurred operating loss of JPY168mn (deterioration of JPY241mn YoY) affected by the major renovations at the Shinjuku Washington Hotel. In the WHG segment, the company has Washington Hotels in Asahikawa, Sendai, Urawa, Akihabara, Shinjuku, Tokyo Bay Ariake, Isezakicho Yokohama, Sakuragicho Yokohama, Kansai Airport, Hiroshima, Canal City Fukuoka, and Nagasaki. It has Hotel Gracery locations in Sapporo, Ginza, Tamachi and Shinjuku, and Hotel Fuijta properties in Fukui and Nara. Fujita Kanko plans to accelerate development in the WHG segment to drive growth. It also aims to make its existing properties more competitive. During Q1, in addition to the ongoing renovations at the Shinjuku Washington Hotel, the company replaced interior decoration and furniture in guestrooms mainly at high floors of the Sakuragicho Yokohama Washington Hotel. As a way to enhance the quality of the hotel to meet customer needs, the hotel increased 12 family www.sharedresearch.jp 08/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Trends and outlook LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 rooms at the bayside, where guests can overlook the seascape of the Yokohama Minatomirai area. The Hotel Gracery in Ginza and in Tamachi, and the Tokyo Bay Ariake Washington Hotel also refurbished guestrooms and replaced furnishings. As a new service of the company group’s member organization card, “Fujita Kanko Group Members’ Card WAON,” the company started the point payment service at its WHG facilities, in a bid to improve customer convenience. In May 2016, it will roll out a priority reservation service for members for bookings up to 72 hours before arrival as part of measures to lock in customers. Although the company plans to announce the service in May 2016, a preliminary offering of the service in March and April 2016 resulted in a roughly 30% YoY increase in member reservations. With regards to earnings by division, the accommodation division saw the average price per room sharply surpass the year-before figure, as overseas guest count stayed at high levels mainly at the Hotel Gracery Shinjuku. As a result, sales in the division were JPY5.7bn, up JPY885mn YoY. In the restaurant and banquet division, however, the company reported decreased sales due to business restructuring at the Hotel Fujita Fukui. In this segment, Fujita Kanko presented a cautious plan in light of the renovation of all rooms at its core hotel, Shinjuku Washington Hotel (from April 2015 to March 2016). In the Shinjuku area, however, in addition to Shinjuku Washington Hotel, in April 24, 2015 the company opened Hotel Gracery Shinjuku, whose performance exceeded its projections. The average daily rate (ADR) in regional hotels also significantly outperformed the company’s projections, with its hotels in Sapporo, Urawa, Ariake, Kansai airport, Nara, Fukuoka and Nagasaki recording a more than 10% YoY increase in ADR. ADR and occupancy rate in accommodation division in WHG segment ADR Accommodation Occupancy rate YoY diff. vs plan diff. 18.4% 5.4% 19.2% 3.6% 7.0% 0.8% 16.2% 8.9% Total Capital area (incl. two hotels in Shinjuku) Capital area (excl. two hotels in Shinjuku) Local area YoY diff. vs plan diff. -3.0% 0.6% -3.4% 1.2% -3.7% -0.9% -2.5% -0.4% Source: Shared Research based on company data Renovations at the Shinjuku Washington Hotel were completed on schedule in March 2016; therefore, the number of available guestrooms has sharply increased since April 1, 2016, and the company expects a profit improvement starting in Q2. The renovations enhanced the sense of quality at the Shinjuku Washington Hotel, and the company will focus on increasing the average price per room rather than the occupancy rate. As such, it expects a 14% YoY increase in ADR in full-year FY12/16. Annual number of guestrooms available at Shinjuku Washington Hotel’s main building vs. last year FY12/15 FY12/16 Q1 Full-year Q1 Full-year Approx. 110,000 rooms Approx. 280,000 rooms Approx. 40,000 rooms Approx. 400,000 rooms Source: Shared Research based on company data In Kyushu area, Fujita Kanko operates three properties: two Washington Hotels in Fukuoka (423 rooms) and Nagasaki (300 rooms) as well as an inn, Yufuin Ryokuyu, in Oita (10 rooms). Although the Yufuin Ryokuyu was damaged by earthquakes in the Kumamoto, Kyushu, region, in April 2016, it reopened at the end of the same month. The Yufuin Ryokuyu and the Nagasaki Washington Hotel were negatively impacted as they are located in tourist spots, but the Washington Hotel in www.sharedresearch.jp 09/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Trends and outlook LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Fukuoka appears to be seeing increased demand associated with post-disaster restoration efforts. Resort segment Resort Business (JPYmn) Sales Operating profit OPM Sales breakdown Accommodation Day trip・leisure Other Q1 FY12/15 1,665 -160 -9.6% Q1 FY12/16 1,603 -182 -11.4% Diff. -62 -21 - 1,179 419 67 1,182 350 70 3 -68 3 Source: Shared Research based on company data Segment sales JPY1.6bn (down JPY62mn YoY) and operating loss was JPY182mn (deterioration of JPY21mn from a year before), due to a rise in costs to prepare for a redevelopment project in the Hakone area. Properties in the segment include Hakone Hotel Kowakien, Hakone Kowakien Yunessun, B&B Pension Hakone, Ito Kowakien, Hotel Toba Kowakien, Shimoda Aquarium, and Yufuin Ryokuyu. In the accommodation division, sales were JPY1.2bn, up JPY3mn YoY. The division is recovering from a series of volcanic warnings for Hakone Owakudani in 2015. The average price per room at core property Hakone Hotel Kowakien surpassed the year-before level as it attracted many individual tourists. In February 2016, Ito Kowakien (Shizuoka) refurbished some guestroom floors to integrate them under a mixture of classic Japanese and modern tastes. In March 2016, Ito Ryokuyu renewed guestroom equipment in a bid to attract more individual tourists by enhancing the quality of the rooms. In the Resort segment, sales were JPY350mn, down JPY68mn YoY. There were continuing effects of a partial suspension of the Hakone Ropeway, a main tourist route in Hakone. (The Ropeway operations were entirely resumed on April 23, 2016.) At Hakone Kowakien Yunessun, mainly family users decreased. In the resort segment, the company had expected a weak performance at the accommodation division due to the impact of volcanic warnings in Hakone in 2015, but the division performed steadily. In the day trip and leisure division, weekend demand continued to recover although weekday demand remained weak. Pricing measures to stimulate demand led to higher-than-expected sales, but profits underperformed because of the significant cost burden. That said, owing to the stronger-than-expected performance at the accommodation division, the overall segment saw both sales and profits surpass the company’s plans. Main data in accommodation division and day trip division in resort segment Accommodation Hakone Hotel Kowakien Day trip Hakone Kowakien Yunessun ADR YoY diff. vs plan diff. 3.2% 4.9% Number of visitors YoY diff. vs plan diff. -19.2% 8.0% Occupancy rate YoY diff. vs plan diff. -2.7% 7.2% Average amount per visitor YoY diff. vs plan diff. 9.1% -3.2% Source: Shared Research based on company data Fujita Kanko announced the closure of the Hotel Toba Kowakien as of September 30, 2016, due to aging facilities. The www.sharedresearch.jp 10/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Trends and outlook LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 company posted an extraordinary loss of JPY462mn in Q1, resulting from impairment losses following the closure of the hotel. According to the company, while it is expecting a slight decline in sales owing to the closure of hotels, there will be almost no profit impact. Luxury & Banquet (L&B) segment Luxury & Banquet Business (JPYmn) Sales Operating profit OPM Sales breakdown Wedding Accommodations Restaurants Banquet・Golf・other Q1 FY12/15 5,521 -618 -11.2% Q1 FY12/16 5,466 -493 -9.0% Diff. -55 124 - 2,227 544 985 1,764 2,120 577 951 1,817 -107 32 -33 53 Source: Shared Research based on company data Sales were JPY5.5bn (a drop of JPY55mn YoY) and operating loss was JPY493mn (improvement of JPY124mn). Properties in the Luxury & Banquet segment include Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo, Taiko-en, Hotel Azur Takeshiba, The South Harbor Resort, Remercier Motoujina, Marryaid, Camellia Hills Country Club, Noto Country Club, Fujita Kanko Koei, and Visualife. In the wedding division, sales were JPY2.1bn (down JPY107mn). Sales fared well at Taikoen (Osaka), where Hoseiden, a Shinto wedding hall, was opened in October 2015. But overall sales decreased partly because Convivion Minami Aoyama, a complex of an apartment and wedding hall in Tokyo, was closed in December 2015. In the banquet division, sales were JPY1.4bn, up JPY42mn YoY. Both the number of users and average unit price exceeded the year-before levels as parties of companies and various events performed favorably. In the accommodation division, sales were JPY577mn, up JPY32mn YoY. At Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo, the average price per room sharply increased due to ongoing renovations (started in October 2014 as part of a four-year plan to renovate a total of 260 guestrooms). Sales and profits exceeded the company’s projections in the L&B segment. The wedding division in Taikoen in Osaka helped to boost in sales. At the Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo, meanwhile, ADR at the accommodation division saw a 5% YoY increase, below the company’s projections. The wedding division also experienced a 7.5% YoY decline in users. With regards to costs, the company took successful cost control measures centering on the Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo, which helped boost overall segment profits. www.sharedresearch.jp 11/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Trends and outlook LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Main data at Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo Accommodation Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo Wedding Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo ADR Occupancy rate YoY diff. vs plan diff. 5.0% -5.2% YoY diff. vs plan diff. -1.7% -0.7% Number of weddings Number of customers YoY diff. vs plan diff. -5.7% -1.8% YoY diff. vs plan diff. -7.5% -1.1% Source: Shared Research based on company data For previous historical results, see the Historical performance section. www.sharedresearch.jp 12/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Trends and outlook LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Full-year company forecasts Consolidated earnings (JPYmn) Sales YoY CoGS Gross Profit YoY GPM SG&A SG&A / Sales Operating Profit YoY OPM Recurring Profit YoY RPM Net Income YoY FY12/14 Act. 1H 30,826 5.2% 28,717 2,109 15.6% 6.8% 2,183 7.1% -73 -0.2% -92 -0.3% -255 - 2H 33,424 1.9% 29,957 3,467 252.3% 10.4% 2,029 6.1% 1,438 5.9% 4.3% 1,482 10.1% 4.4% 786 -38.8% FY 64,250 3.4% 58,674 5,576 98.5% 8.7% 4,210 6.6% 1,365 13.3% 2.1% 1,390 18.9% 2.2% 531 -39.5% FY12/15 Act. 1H 30,249 -1.9% 28,841 1,408 -33.2% 4.7% 2,254 7.5% -845 -2.8% -838 -2.8% -824 - 2H 33,732 0.9% 30,694 3,038 -12.4% 9.0% 2,154 6.4% 884 -38.5% 2.6% 666 -55.1% 2.0% 856 8.9% FY 63,981 -0.4% 59,535 4,446 -20.3% 6.9% 4,407 6.9% 39 7.7% 0.1% -172 -0.3% 32 9.2% FY12/16 Est. 1H 32,500 7.4% -1,200 -3.7% -1,200 -3.7% -1,000 - 2H 37,500 11.2% FY 70,000 9.4% 2,200 148.9% 5.9% 2,000 200.3% 5.3% 1,300 51.9% 1,000 2464.1% 1.4% 800 1.1% 300 837.5% Source: Shared Research based on company data Figures may differ from company data due to differences in rounding methods Earnings by segment (JPYmn) Sales WHG Business Resort Business Luxury & Banquet Business Other Adjustment Total Operating Profit WHG Business Resort Business Luxury & Banquet Business Other Adjustment Total Recurring Profit Net Income FY12/14 Act. FY12/15 Act. FY12/16 Est. FY12/15 Act. (YoY) FY12/16 Est. (YoY) 25,867 7,593 27,585 6,140 -2,935 64,250 27,979 6,494 26,241 5,903 -2,636 63,981 32,800 7,200 26,800 3,200 70,000 8.2% -14.5% -4.9% -3.9% -0.4% 17.2% 10.9% 2.1% -45.8% 9.4% 1,101 376 168 -321 41 1,365 811 -301 107 -587 9 39 1,450 -50 300 -700 1,000 -26.3% -36.3% -97.1% 78.8% 180.1% 2464.1% 1,390 531 -172 32 800 300 -94.0% 837.5% Source: Shared Research based on company data Figures may differ from company data due to differences in rounding methods ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ Sales: JPY70.0bn (+9.4% YoY) Operating profit: JPY1.0bn Recurring profit: JPY800mn (loss of JPY172mn in FY12/15) Net income: JPY300mn (+9.4x FY12/15) (+25.6x FY12/15) Fujita Kanko expects every segment to post increased sales and profits due to the favorable market environment, and increased contributions from new buildings and renovations. In FY12/16, the second year of Fujita Kanko’s medium-term plan, the company plans on aggressive investments, similar to FY12/15. The company also aims to enter the next phase of stabilizing profits and expansion. In FY12/16 Fujita Kanko expects a tailwind of continued increase in foreign visitors to Japan. It also projects risks including shifts in the Chinese economy, a rise in US interest rates, political tensions with neighboring countries, and increased www.sharedresearch.jp 13/59 R Shared Research Report Fujita Kanko| 9722 | FUJITA KANKO > Trends and outlook LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 concerns of terrorism, which could discourage travel. In order to continue attracting customers, the company sees increasing the quality of its facilities, food, and services as a key management priority. It aims to increase the value added in its existing businesses to address diverse customer needs in line with its medium-term plan. WHG segment forecasts The company forecasts sales of JPY32.8bn (+17.2% YoY), and operating profit of JPY1.5bn (+78.8%). It expects average price per room to increase by 9.6% YoY (actual values not released) (area breakdown: +10.0% in Greater Tokyo and +5.5% in regional hotels). The company also expects an increase in the number of guestrooms available due to year-round contribution from Hotel Gracery Shinjuku, opened in the previous year, and completed renovations of all rooms in the Shinjuku Washington Hotel’s main building by spring 2016. The company planned to resume operations of the Shinjuku Washington Hotel main building in April 2016, following the major renovation work launched in April 2015. As a result, the hotel’s annual number of guests are expected to rise to 400,000 (280,000 in the previous year), and average price per room is anticipated to rise 14% YoY (actual values not released). In addition, the full-year operation of Hotel Gracery Shinjuku (opened in April 2015) should become a key contributor to consolidated earnings from FY12/16, giving the company roughly 2,600 rooms in the Shinjuku area. The company aims to expand the WHG network, with the April 2016 opening of Hotel Gracery Naha (198 rooms) and the July 2016 opening of Hotel Gracery Kyoto Sanjo (97 rooms; scheduled to expand by128 rooms in May 2017). The company will operate the Washington Hotel and Hotel Gracery brands under the name “WHG Hotel” from April 2016. The company aims to boost customer satisfaction by offering cooked-to-order breakfasts at hotels under the Washington Hotel and Hotel Gracery brands. It also plans to make its group membership card more user-friendly. It aims to roll out a priority reservation service for members to strengthen customer loyalty. Resort segment forecasts The company forecast segment sales of JPY7.2bn (+10.9% YoY), and an operating loss of JPY50mn (operating loss of JPY301mn in FY12/15). The company expects the adverse impact of volcanic warnings at Hakone, the main earnings drag in the previous year, to persist through Q1. The company plans to enhance the customer drawing power of Hakone Kowakien and raise room prices. It plans to raise room prices at its core Hakone Hotel Kowakien by 4.0% YoY (actual amount not released) assuming occupancy rates on par with the previous year, at 80%. It anticipates 20.2% YoY growth in guest numbers (actual amount not released) at Yunessun and Mori No Yu hot spring properties. In winter 2015 seismic activity at Hakone Owakudani quieted, so the company expects a gradual recovery in domestic tourists visiting the Hakone region in FY12/16. The area is the largest tourism destination in Greater Tokyo, and is popular with visitors from both Japan and overseas. The company began rebuilding on the former site of the Hakone Kowakien Yunessun Inn in October 2014, and expects to open the new accommodation facility, Hakone Kowakien Tenyu (150 rooms), in spring 2017. At the same time the company is working to draw customers with seasonal Western and Japanese foods and diverse attractions. The company is also developing its Ryokuyu line of luxury ryokans, or Japanese-style inns, at Ito (Shizuoka) and Yufuin (Oita). The company has positioned the Ryokuyu brand to drive quality of the Resort business, and is considering rolling out more Ryokuyu resorts. The company plans to develop a variety of formats to capture demand from the growing number of foreign visitors and older domestic tourists. www.sharedresearch.jp 14/59 R Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Trends and outlook Fujita Kanko| 9722 | LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Luxury & Banquet (L&B) segment forecasts The company expects segment sales of JPY26.8bn (+2.1% YoY) and operating profit of JPY300mn (+180.1%). The decline in the number of young people and changing lifestyles are leading to a sluggish wedding market. The company aims for the banquet and accommodation divisions to offset this, and is boosting the appeal of Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo. Through room renovations, it aims to increase average price per room by 7.0% from the previous year, and occupancy rates by 1.0pp. In the wedding division, the company plans to increase competitiveness by refurbishing its medium and large halls, and boost margins by expanding beverage and service income. FY12/16 is the third year of the company’s four-year room renovation program for Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo. In FY12/15, the company added seven rooms by converting wedding halls to guestrooms, bringing the total to 267 rooms. In the wedding division, the company renovated wedding facilities to further increase customer appeal. It also collaborated with digital art organization teamLab to offer a new style of civil ceremonies. The hotel was awarded five Red Pavilions by the Michelin Guide Tokyo 2016, retaining its top rating from the previous year. It also plans to further expand its food and service offerings. At Taiko-en, Shinto weddings account for around 40% of all weddings. To strengthen its offerings of Japanese style weddings, the company renovated the banquet room to allow ceremonies to be held in the temple garden (Hoseiden). The company has also entered the restaurant business, including opening a Japanese restaurant in Taipei, Taiwan in January 2016. Drawing visitors to Japan, overseas development The number of visitors to Japan continues to rise. To capture this demand, the company plans to continue inviting travel agents to overseas workshops and boosting visibility through marketing initiatives (such as the Japanese restaurant opened in Taipei). Fujita Kanko also aims to expand overseas. In FY12/18 it plans to open a hotel in Seoul, Korea, and search for potential business locations, primarily in Asia. Cultivating diverse personnel, improving employee satisfaction Customer needs are evolving as society ages, inbound visitors to Japan increase, and labor laws change. In response to these shifting needs, company is working to improve workplace environments and training programs. Shareholder returns In line with its basic policy of maintaining stable dividends, the company forecast a dividend of JPY4.0 in FY12/16 (JPY4.0 in FY12/15). www.sharedresearch.jp 15/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Trends and outlook LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Company forecasts versus results Initial CE vs. Results (JPYmn) Sales (Initial CE) Sales (Results) Initial CE vs. Results Operating Profit (Initial CE) Operating Profit (Results) Initial CE vs. Results Recurring Profit (Initial CE) Recurring Profit (Results) Initial CE vs. Results Net Profit (Initial CE) Net Profit (Results) Initial CE vs. Results FY12/10 Cons. 67,500 64,249 -4.8% 3,200 2,140 -33.1% 2,800 1,828 -34.7% 1,200 227 -81.1% FY12/11 Cons. 64,500 57,371 -11.1% 2,500 1,318 -47.3% 2,100 1,042 -50.4% 600 -3,544 -690.7% FY12/12 Cons. 63,000 60,498 -4.0% 2,000 877 -56.2% 1,700 630 -62.9% 800 368 -54.0% FY12/13 Cons. 62,000 62,109 0.2% 1,300 1,205 -7.3% 1,000 1,169 16.9% 500 878 75.6% FY12/14 Cons. 64,500 64,250 -0.4% 1,300 1,365 5.0% 1,100 1,390 26.4% 500 531 6.2% FY12/15 Cons. 64,200 FY12/16 Est. 70,000 -0.3% -1,300 1,000 -1,500 800 -500 300 - - 63,981 39 - -172 32 - Source: Shared Research based on company data Figures may differ from company data due to differences in rounding methods www.sharedresearch.jp 16/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Trends and outlook LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Outlook Medium-term plan (released February 2015) In February 2015, Fujita Kanko released its medium-term plan for the five years through FY12/19. In the plan, the company aimed to accelerate development through new hotel openings and renovations in WHG’s hotel business. It aims to strengthen the foundation and place the group on a growth path while responding to the changing environment. Through steady progress in rolling out the plan, the company aims for recurring profit of JPY4.8bn (JPY1.4bn in FY12/14), ROA of at least 4% (1.4%), and ROE of at least 10% (1.9%) in FY12/19. In FY12/15, profits fell YoY due to major renovation and rebuilding programs, and new project launches, but the company expects to grow earnings through sales growth and improved profitability. The company has used operating profit before depreciation as a key indicator since FY12/14, as most of its investment is upfront costs. The target FY12/19 operating profit before depreciation is JPY12.0bn, roughly double FY12/14 levels. Numerical targets in medium-term plan FY12/14 Act. 64.3 6.0 1.4 1.4 FY12/15 Est. 64.2 4.0 -1.3 -1.5 FY12/17 Target 75.5 9.0 2.8 2.3 FY12/19 Target 88.0 12.0 5.3 4.8 ROA ROE Capital investment (cash basis) Depreciation 1.4% 1.9% 3.6 3.8 14.0 4.0 7.5 5.0 More than 4% More than 10% 5.4 5.8 Interest-bearing debt 37.5 - - Less than 50.0 (JPYbn) Sales Operating profit before depreciation Operating profit Recurring profit Source: Shared Research based on company data Strategy The number of foreign visitors to Japan rises every year. Major events including the 2019 Rugby World Cup and the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics should lead to further increases in domestic accommodation demand. Fujita Kanko aims to capture this demand, and is engaged in aggressive investment: It is accelerating openings of accommodation facilities and restaurants, and working to boost the quality of its existing businesses. In FY12/15, the company marked its 60th year since founding. Fujita Kanko plans for further growth through steadily rolling out strategies under its medium-term plan. It plans to become a leading tourism company, as Japan increases its presence on international tourism. Its three key strategies: ▶ ▶ ▶ Increase and expand added value of existing businesses by addressing diverse needs Increase its appeal to foreign visitors and develop overseas business Train diverse personnel and improve workplace environment www.sharedresearch.jp 17/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Trends and outlook LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Schedule toward new growth phase in medium-term plan FY12/15 2014 Plan Upfront investment Aggressive investment frontloading Recovery Stabilization and expansion of revenue Re-growth Making the new core profitable Current medium-term management plan FY12/17 2015 FY12/19 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020~ Capital investment (Medium-term management plan),(Cashbased) * Announced 14.0 - 7.5 - 5.4 5 year total 50.0 Capital investment (Actual and forecast) (Cash-based) 8.1 14.5 - - - 5 year total 50.0 Recurring profit (Medium-term management plan, planned amount)* Announced -1.5 - 2.3 - 4.8 Recurring profit (Actual and forecast) -0.1 0.8 - - - (JPYbn) Source: Shared Research based on company data Numerical targets by segment FY12/14 FY12/15 FY12/17 FY12/19 Act. Est. Target Target (JPYbn) WHG Business Resort Business Sales 25.9 26.3 31.9 Operating profit 1.1 -1.0 1.4 2.3 Sales 7.6 7.4 8.3 10.6 Operating profit 0.4 0.1 0.7 1.3 27.6 27.6 31.3 3.4 Operating profit 0.2 0.4 1.2 1.9 Sales 3.2 2.9 4.0 5.8 Operating profit -0.3 -0.8 -0.6 -0.3 Sales 64.3 64.2 75.0 88.0 1.4 -1.3 2.8 5.3 Luxury & Banquet Business Sales Other and adjustments Total 37.6 Operating profit Source: Shared Research based on company data WHG segment strategy FY12/19 forecasts: sales, JPY37.6bn (+45% versus FY12/14) and operating profit, JPY2.3bn (2x FY12/14). The company plans to accelerate development of this segment, positioned as the growth driver. In FY12/15, earnings temporarily declined due to upfront expenses. However, the company planned to accelerate growth through increasing competitiveness at existing facilities and aggressively developing new facilities. It targets FY12/19 operating profit to be around double FY12/14 levels. Accelerating new hotel openings The company aims to increase guest rooms from FY12/14 levels by 3,000 in FY12/19 (+30% versus FY12/14). Already on the opening schedule: Hotel Gracery Shinjuku (970 rooms, April 2015), Hotel Gracery Naha (198 rooms, spring 2016), Hotel Gracery Kyoto Teramachi (tentative name; 97 rooms, fall 2016), Seoul Namdaemun New Hotel Gracery (335 rooms, summer 2018). Of the 3,000 rooms to be added under the plan, 1,600 rooms in four hotels are already confirmed. The company prioritizes cities with potential tourism demand, as well as those with potential demand from business travelers. The company intends to open hotels in areas with potential domestic tourism, targeting leisure travelers and foreign visitors. It is also considering operating models other than its core leasing model, and aims to open 10 hotels in Japan and abroad (including those already scheduled to open). The previous statements are from February 2015, when the medium-term plan was announced. The Hotel Gracery Kyoto Sanjyo (expanded) is scheduled to open in May 2017. In January 2016, the company decided to develop the Kisarazu Washington Hotel (tentative name, 150 rooms, franchise). Hotel Gracery Shinjuku opened on schedule in April 2015. www.sharedresearch.jp 18/59 R Shared Research Report Fujita Kanko| 9722 | FUJITA KANKO > Trends and outlook LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Boosting competitiveness ▶ ▶ ▶ Renovate guestrooms at existing hotels in Greater Tokyo, starting with Shinjuku Washington Hotel Further penetration of WHG brand Recruit and train staff for overseas markets Resort segment strategy FY12/19 forecasts: sales, JPY10.6bn (+40% versus FY12/14), and operating profit, JPY1.3bn (3.5x FY12/14). In this segment, the company is focusing on the redevelopment of the Hakone district and the upper-middle to high-end demographic. The company expects profits to fall temporarily due to major investments in key property Hakone Kowakien, but then to expand following the launch of new accommodation facilities in Hakone in FY12/17. Large-scale investment in Hakone Kowakien ▶ ▶ Opening accommodation facilities, with open-air baths at all rooms in 2017 Considering additional construction of facilities within the garden Additional launches in resort locations ▶ ▶ Opening more small and medium luxury Japanese inns, after Yufuin Ryokuyu Looking to open at locations other than at its asset properties; aiming to launch five accommodation facilities during period of medium-term plan Luxury & Banquet (L&B) segment strategy FY12/19 forecasts: sales, JPY34.0bn (+23% versus FY12/14) and operating profit, JPY1.9bn (12x). In this segment, the company aims to develop the luxury business using the Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo brand. It aims to improve earnings by raising prices (by improving product quality), and growing sales (by expanding its business areas). Transforming Chinzanso from a wedding to a hotel brand The company aims to distinguish itself from leading international luxury hotels by leveraging the traditional Japanese atmosphere of Chinzanso. Aggressively rollout restaurant business ▶ ▶ Open Japanese restaurants overseas under the Chinzanso brand Explore opening restaurants in Japan (medium-term plan calls for five restaurant openings in Japan and overseas) Expanding the wedding business The company aims to bolster wedding-related businesses. It purchased all shares in Kawano, a company which conducts wedding ceremonies in Hiroshima, and has guesthouses in two locations (medium-term plan calls for five wedding facility locations, including those of Kawano). Overseas strategy The company plans to leverage its hotels in Asia to strengthen its offerings to inbound tourists to Japan. The company plans to open more hotels overseas to bolster its network. www.sharedresearch.jp 19/59 R Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Trends and outlook Fujita Kanko| 9722 | LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Bolster offerings to inbound tourists ▶ ▶ ▶ Establish bases in Asia, where inbound tourism to Japan is expected to increase Maximize diverse domestic hotel portfolio to appeal to individual travelers Boost customer appeal, primarily in resorts, to stabilize occupancy rates Opening properties overseas ▶ ▶ ▶ Open hotel in Namdaemun, Seoul in summer 2018 Consider opening accommodation facilities in Asia, such as Bangkok and Jakarta Open Japanese restaurants overseas Personnel strategy Overview Fujita Kanko sees staff as key to distinguishing itself from competitors. It is working to bolster training, promote work-life balance, and encourage diversity to improve employee satisfaction. It hopes this will increase employee retention rates and service quality, leading to increased sales, productivity, and customer satisfaction. In October 2015, the company set up a training center inside the Yokohama Isezakicho Washington Hotel, to standardize development and training. It says this is also helping when launching operation of new hotels. Bolstering training Improved training is occurring at both the head office and each business. Initiatives at headquarters: ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ Middle management training Employee exchange training for new recruits and young employees Self-development support for sub-managers Increased leadership personnel and through review of new recruits Improved teaching materials for foreign employees Technical training Skill competitions such as for cooking, customer service, bed-making, sign language, and flower arranging Fostering a work-life balance In each division the company is working to foster a work-life balance to improve employee retention. This includes reducing overtime and opening childcare communities. Promoting diversity The company is working to create a healthy corporate culture by holding diversity talks, promoting women, and employing persons with disabilities and senior citizens. www.sharedresearch.jp 20/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Business LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Business Business overview Hospitality company operating hotel, wedding, and resort businesses Fujita Kanko Inc. was established in 1955 as a spin-off of the tourism division of Fujita Kogyo (currently Dowa Holdings). It operates hotel, wedding, and resort businesses. The Fujita Kanko group is made up of the company, 25 consolidated subsidiaries, two affiliates, and one associated company. The company is a pioneer in the hospitality industry. Under its corporate umbrella are Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo (famous for its Japanese garden), Kowakien (a large hot springs and hotel facility in Hakone), and the Washington Hotel Group (major chain of hotels for business travelers). The tourism division of the company’s forerunner Fujita Kogyo started operating Hakone Kowakien in 1949. The Washington Hotel was started in 1973, the dawn of the era of hotels for business travelers. In 1992, the company became a Four Seasons Hotel franchisee, and opened the Four Seasons Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo, the first foreign-affiliated luxury hotel in Japan. At end 2012, the company terminated the contract with the Four Seasons Hotel group due to differences in management direction. In 2013, it was relaunched as Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo, which is renowned for its luxury service and is the only Japanese hotel with five Michelin stars. WHG (Washington Hotel and Hotel Gracery) segment drives earnings Segments Business segments are WHG (hotels; 44% of FY12/15 sales), Resort (10%; of sales), and Luxury & Banquet (mainly weddings; 41% of sales). WHG: core segment In the core WHG business, the company operates two hotel brands: Washington Hotels for business travelers, and Hotel Gracery hotels for tourists. There are more than 30 hotels under WHG; these are operated primarily under the leasing or the franchise models. Generally, hotels can be operated under direct management, where the operator owns the land and buildings; the leasing model, where the operator leases land and buildings; the management contract model, where management is out-sourced; and the franchise model, where the operator licenses its brand to local franchisees and provides operational guidance. In Tokyo’s 23 wards and the centers of major cities, Fujita Kanko uses the leasing model, which allows for low upfront expenses and a flexible location strategy. In other areas it uses the franchise model. Resort segment and Luxury & Banquet segment In Resort the company operates resort hotels and leisure facilities. Key assets are Hakone Hotel Kowakien and hot spring theme park Hakone Kowakien Yunessun. In the Luxury & Banquet business, the company offers wedding and banquet facilities, luxury hotels, and golf courses. Key assets are Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo and Taiko-en in Osaka, which both have large Japanese gardens. www.sharedresearch.jp 21/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Business LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Fujita Kanko facilities by segment WHG Business Group Rooms Hotel【10,381 rooms(scheduled to open+908 rooms)】 1 Fujita Kanko Washington Hotel Asahikawa 260 2 Sendai Washington Hotel 223 3 Iwaki Washington Hotel(MC) 148 4 Urawa Washington Hotel 140 5 Akihabara Washington Hotel 369 6 Shinjuku Washington Hotel Main Building 1,279 7 Shinjuku Washington Hotel Annex Building(MC) 337 8 Tokyo Bay Ariake Washington Hotel 830 181 9 Chiba Washington Hotel(MC) 10 Yokohama Sakuragicho Washington Hotel 553 11 Yokohama Isezakicho Washington 399 12 Kansai Airport Washington Hotel 504 13 Hiroshima Washington Hotel 266 423 14 Canal City FukuokaWashington Hotel 15 Nagasaki Washington Hotel 300 16 Aomori Washington Hotel(FC) 228 17 Hachinohe Washington Hotel(FC) 215 18 Tsuruoka Washington Hotel(FC) 110 19 Yamagata Nanokamachi Washington Hotel(FC) 213 20 Yamagataeki Nishiguchi Washington Hotel(FC) 100 21 Aizu Wakamatsu Washington Hotel(FC) 154 22 Koriyama Washington Hotel(FC) 184 23 Tsubame Sanjo Washington Hotel(FC) 103 24 Tachikawa Washington Hotel(FC) 170 25 Takaraduka Washington Hotel(FC) 135 26 Sasebo Washington Hotel(FC) 190 27 Hotel Fujita Fukui 354 28 Hotel Fujita Nara 117 29 Hotel Gracery Sapporo 440 30 Hotel Gracery Shinjuku 970 31 Hotel Gracery Ginza 270 32 Hotel Gracery Tamachi 216 33 Hotel Gracery Naha (opens on 7 Apr. 2016) 198 34 Hotel Gracery Kyoto Sanjyo(opens on 1 July. 2016) 97 128 35 Hotel Gracery Kyoto Sanjyo(Annex)(opens in May. 2017) 36 Kisarazu Washington Hotel(tentative)(FC)(opens in December. 2017) 150 335 37 Korea Seoul Namdaemun Sin Hotel(opens in Summer 2018) Resort Business Group Hotel 【755 rooms(scheduled to open+ 150 rooms)】 1 Hakone Hotel Kowakien 2 B&B Pension Hakone 3 Hakone Kowakien Miyama Furin 4 Ito Kowakien 5 Hotel Toba Kowakien 6 Yufuin Ryokuyu 7 Hotel Yamanami 8 Towada Hotel 9 Yugawara Onsen Chitose 10 Green Pal yugawara 11 Hakone Kowakien Ten-yu(opens in Spring. 2017) Restaurants� 1 Akashia-Tei 2 Soba-Kihinkan(opens on 1 March. 2016) Leisure 1 Hakone Kowakien Yunessun 2 Hakone Kowakien Mori No Yu 3 Shimoda Aquarium Members-Only Resort Hotel Hotel【460 rooms】 1 Wisterian Life Club Verde no Mori 2 Wisterian Life Club Hakone 3 Wisterian Life Club Atami 4 Wisterian Life Club Usami 5 Wisterian Life Club Toba 6 Wisterian Life Club(Nojiriko) 7 Wisterian Life Club(Prominent Kurumayama Kougen) Luxury & Banquet Business Group Rooms Hotel【389 rooms】 224 1 Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo 224 2 Hotel Azur Takeshiba 13 55 Wedding/Banquet 107 1 Taikoen 10 2 ouen 26 3 The South Harbor Resort 50 4 Remercier Motoujina 38 5 Marryaid 19 150 Restaurants 1 Civic Sky Restaurant Chinzanso 2 University of Tokyo Ito International Research Center Restaurant 3 Shikonkan Chinzanso 4 JET STREAM 5 CORNET 6 Kinsui TAIPEI by HOTEL CHINZANSO TOKYO Rooms 267 122 Leisure 1 Camellia Hills Country Club 2 Noto Country Club Overseas branch 1 Shanghai 2 Seoul 3 Taipei 4 Bangkok 5 Jakarta Source: Shared Research based on company data Note: in the WHG business, FC denotes franchise; MC, management contract; others are leased www.sharedresearch.jp 22/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Business LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Overview by segment Segment data under old and new classifications Old segment (JPYmn) External sales YoY Washington Hotel Business YoY % of sales Kowakien Business YoY % of sales Chinzanso and Taiko-en Business YoY % of sales Other Operating sales YoY Washington Hotel Business YoY % of sales Kowakien Business YoY % of sales Chinzanso and Taiko-en Business YoY % of sales Other OPM Washington Hotel Business Kowakien Business Chinzanso and Taiko-en Business FY12/12 FY12/13 FY12/14 60,498 5.5% 24,107 9.2% 39.8% 7,233 11.6% 12.0% 25,867 1.5% 42.8% 3,291 877 -33.5% 417 47.5% 230 215.1% 26.2% 250 -83.0% 28.5% -20 1.4% 1.7% 3.2% 1.0% 62,109 2.7% 25,346 5.1% 40.8% 7,691 6.3% 12.4% 25,632 -0.9% 41.3% 3,440 1,205 37.4% 589 41.2% 48.9% 535 132.6% 44.4% 276 10.4% 22.9% -195 1.9% 2.3% 7.0% 1.1% 64,250 3.4% 27,383 8.0% 42.6% 7,593 -1.3% 11.8% 25,754 0.5% 40.1% 3,520 1,365 13.3% 1,056 79.3% 77.4% 376 -29.7% 27.5% 99 -64.1% 7.3% -166 2.1% 3.9% 5.0% 0.4% New segment (JPYmn) External sales YoY WHG Business YoY % of sales Resort Business YoY % of sales Luxury & Banquet Business YoY % of sales Other Operating sales YoY WHG Business YoY % of sales Resort Business YoY % of sales Luxury & Banquet Business YoY % of sales Other OPM WHG Business Resort Business Luxury & Banquet Business FY12/14 FY12/15 64,250 3.4% 25,867 40.3% 7,593 11.8% 27,585 42.9% 3,205 1,365 13.3% 1,101 80.7% 376 27.5% 168 12.3% -280 2.1% 4.3% 5.0% 0.6% 63,981 -0.4% 27,979 8.2% 43.7% 6,494 -14.5% 10.1% 26,241 -4.9% 41.0% 3,267 39 -97.1% 811 -26.3% 2079.5% -301 -771.8% 107 -36.3% 274.4% -578 0.1% 2.9% -4.6% 0.4% Source: Shared Research based on company data Figures may differ from company data due to differences in rounding methods Business segments reclassified in FY12/15. FY12/14 figures for new classifications show retrospectively adjusted figures. Overview Fujita Kanko has three business segments: WHG (hotels), Resort, and Luxury & Banquet (L&B; weddings and banquets). It is aggressively investing in all three segments with the aim of raising room prices. Sales are increasing in the WHG business due to rising occupancy rates and room charges against the backdrop of burgeoning inbound tourist demand. In FY12/15, earnings declined due to large-scale renovations at flagship Shinjuku Washington Hotel, and costs related to preparations for the launch of major hotel, Hotel Gracery Shinjuku. The renovation work at the Shinjuku Washington Hotel is scheduled for completion in spring 2016, which should set the stage for earnings growth. After WHG, the Resort segment had been the second earnings driver through FY12/14. However, occupancy rates dropped due to heightened volcanic alerts in Hakone and rebuilding hotels in the Kowakien area. In FY12/15 the segment posted a loss. Customers were returning following the volcanic activity subsiding, and earnings should recover with the opening of a new hotel in FY12/17. In the Luxury & Banquet business, conditions remain difficult. As people wait to get married, and the declining birthrate lowers the youth population, ceremonies are becoming smaller. The company is reviewing its cost structure as well as ways to capture wedding demand in local regions to revamp this segment. Under its medium-term plan released in February 2015, Fujita Kanko implemented a company-wide restructuring in line with its strategy. As a result, it changed its segmentation from FY12/15. The former Washington Hotel business became the WHG business; the Kowakien business became the Resort business; and the Chinzanso and Taiko-en business became the Luxury & Banquet (L&B) business. There were no major changes, but some hotels were assigned to different segments. www.sharedresearch.jp 23/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Business LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 WHG segment Old segment (JPYmn) Washington Hotel Business Sales YoY % of sales Operating profit YoY % of sales OPM Sales breakdown Accommodations YoY % of sales Other (elimination) YoY % of sales Number of guest ('000) FY12/12 FY12/13 FY12/14 24,107 9.2% 39.8% 7,233 11.6% 12.0% 1.7% 25,346 5.1% 40.8% 7,691 6.3% 12.4% 2.3% 27,383 8.0% 42.6% 7,593 -1.3% 11.8% 3.9% 17,258 71.6% 6,849 28.4% 2,803 17,416 0.9% 68.7% 7,930 15.8% 31.3% 2,888 19,484 11.9% 71.2% 7,899 -0.4% 28.8% 3,052 New segment (JPYmn) WHG Business Sales YoY % of sales Operating profit YoY % of sales OPM Sales breakdown Accommodations YoY % of sales Other (elimination) YoY % of sales FY12/14 FY12/15 25,867 40.3% 7,593 11.8% 4.3% 27,979 8.2% 43.7% 6,494 -14.5% 10.1% 2.9% 19,448 75.2% 6,419 24.8% 3,052 22,344 14.9% 79.9% 5,635 -12.2% 20.1% 3,201 Source: Shared Research based on company data WHG segment drives sales and profits WHG segment overview The WHG segment (hotel business operations) is the largest contributor to Fujita Kanko’s sales and profits. It accounted for 43.7% of sales in FY12/15. Segment operating profit exceeded Fujita Kanko’s total operating profit, because the Resort business booked losses due to the eruption of Mt. Hakone. In the WHG segment the company has Washington Hotels in Asahikawa, Sendai, Urawa, Akihabara, Shinjuku, Tokyo Bay Ariake, Isezakicho Yokohama, Sakuragicho Yokohama, Kansai Airport, Hiroshima, Canal City Fukuoka, and Nagasaki. The company also has Hotel Gracery hotels in Sapporo, Ginza, Tamachi, and Shinjuku, and Hotel Fujita hotels in Fukui and Nara. In FY12/15 there were 10,399 guestrooms in this segment. WHG segment brands: Washington Hotel (business travelers) and Hotel Gracery (tourists) In the WHG segment the company operates two hotel brands: Washington Hotels for business travelers, and Hotel Gracery, aimed at tourists. The WHG brand, established in FY12/14, combines the Washington Hotel (WH) and Hotel Gracery (HG) brands. Washington Hotels are hotels for business travelers based primarily in Greater Tokyo and expanding properties nationwide. Fujita Kanko was the first to enter this “business hotel” industry, and developed the business model for running such hotels. Fujita Kanko was one of the top three business hotel operators, along with the Sunroute Hotel and Tokyu Inn. Hotel Gracery is an upmarket brand launched in 2008 to capture demand in the tourism and leisure market. Aiming to differentiate with Washington Hotels, these hotels have a higher proportion of twin rooms and enhanced concierge functions. As of end FY12/15, there were 32 WHG hotels. Of these, 26 were Washington Hotels, four were Hotel Gracery properties, and two were Hotel Fujita hotels. In addition, two partner hotels shared membership cards and reservation systems (Makuhari, Chiba and Kanazawa, Ishikawa). www.sharedresearch.jp 24/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Business LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Washington Hotel and Hotel Gracery overview Brand Overview Washington Hotel Hotel chain for business travelers established in 1973. Operates primarily under the leasing model in urban areas where demand is strong, and the franchise model in regional areas. 26 hotels as of end FY12/15. Plans to open one more hotel by FY12/17. Hotel Gracery Upmarket hotel brand launched in 2008 aimed at capturing tourist demand. Aims to differentiate from the Washington Hotel brand with a higher proportion of twin rooms and strengthened concierge functions. Four hotels as of end FY12/15. Plans to open three more by 2017. Source: Shared Research based on company data WHG segment: earnings In FY12/15, 80% of segment sales were from accommodation, with the remaining 20% from restaurants and banquets. In FY12/15, the company renovated all rooms of flagship hotel Shinjuku Washington Hotel, and in April 2015 it opened the second-largest property in its portfolio in terms of number of rooms, Hotel Gracery Shinjuku. As a result, occupancy rates were level with the year before due to strong accommodation demand, and average price per room increased due to renovations and the new hotel opening. The breakdown of costs was not released, but the company’s main costs are large investments in properties, and personnel costs are generally fixed. As a result sales growth is key to profit growth. In FY12/09 following the global financial crisis, average price per room fell, but with the tailwind of rising inbound tourism demand, in FY12/12 occupancy rates recovered to levels from before the financial crisis, and price per room also turned around. In FY12/15 WHG segment results exceeded company forecasts. WHG business: Occupancy rates and average price per room Source: Company data Leasing model in major cities; franchise in regional areas Hotels in WHG segment In the hotel industry there are several business models: direct management, where the operator owns the land and building; the leasing model, where the land and building are leased; the management contract model, where management is out-sourced; and the franchise model, where it licenses its brand to local operators and provides hotel operational guidance. Of the 32 hotels in WHG’s portfolio as of end FY12/15, 3 were under management contract, 11 were franchisees and the remaining 18 were run under the leasing model. www.sharedresearch.jp 25/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Business LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Characteristics of key hotel operating formats Real estate Manager Operator Brand owner Direct Hotelier Key characteristics/ Examples hotel company earnings Hotelier Hotelier Hotelier management Company owns land and Classic Japanese hotels such as buildings and Hotel Okura, Hotel New Otani, manages/operates Imperial Hotel and railroad affiliated hotels Leasing Landowner Hotelier Hotelier Hotelier Land and buildings leased Many Greater Tokyo hotels. In from owner and hotel some cases subsidiaries and managed and operated. Initial affiliates lease parent company investment is limited, but lease assets to operate hotel business payments to owner necessary Management Landowner contract Operating Hotelier Hotelier company Only involved in operating Many international hotels hotel. Revenue is commission on sales. Franchise Landowner Landown Landowner Hotelier er Franchise joining fees from Companies linked up with franchisee hotels and royalties international brands and regional based on sales hotels Source: Shared Research Regional characteristics of operating model The company operates under the leasing model in Tokyo’s 23 wards and the centers of major cities, where it expects sustainable demand. In other areas it uses the franchise model. Under the leasing model, the company usually opens hotels with a basic twenty-year leasing contract, expecting to recoup its investment in 7-10 years. Under the leasing model, it does not own land or buildings, allowing for flexible location strategy. For franchises in regional areas, the local owner is often a prominent individual; a benefit when promotion and hiring. In major cities is becoming difficult to obtain land so the company does not plan to exclusively use the leasing model. Fujita Kanko may consider long-term lease interests and REITs in addition to property purchases. High occupancy rates and average price per room for Hotel Gracery Shinjuku (opened April 2015) Opening Hotel Gracery Hotel Gracery Shinjuku (opened in April 2015; operated by Fujita Kanko), has performed better than expected due to burgeoning demand. In this hotel 70% of rooms can accommodate two or more guests. Further, the company was able to launch operations quickly by using staff from the Shinjuku Washington Hotel (when it was under renovation), and make all rooms available for occupancy from July 2015. Installing specialized reception desks for foreign tourists, and a concierge desk, meant that the company was able to attract individual foreign tourists, who generally pay higher room charges than tour groups. Concierge training has leveraged expertise from Chinzanso, the luxury hotel. This appears to be part of the group’s strategy to increase value added. www.sharedresearch.jp 26/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Business LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Occupancy rates at Hotel Gracery Shinjuku Share of inbound tourists: April-December 2015 Average price per room versus forecasts (2015) Source: Company data 55% of guestrooms in Greater Tokyo, with potential for high room charges and occupancy rates WHG segment: share of rooms by region and brand Shared Research estimates that 55.0% of WHG segment guestrooms are in the Greater Tokyo region, which includes Chiba, Saitama, Tokyo, and Kanagawa, and 45.0% are in the rest of the country. The Washington Hotel brand accounts for 82% of guestrooms, and Hotel Gracery 18%. By FY12/17, following a series of hotel openings, Hotel Gracery properties should account for over 20% of guestrooms. WHG segment: prices for rooms in Greater Tokyo versus other regions Shared Research calculates that WHG’s standard room prices in Greater Tokyo are much higher than in other regions: around 40% higher for single rooms and nearly 30% for twin rooms (single: JPY13,205 in Greater Tokyo, JPY9,439 in other regions; twin: JPY22,035 in Greater Tokyo, JPY17,371 in other regions). The company does not release average market room rates, but the price differences between rooms in Greater Tokyo and those in other regions can be seen to be at similar levels. According to the company, its new hotels offer more added value (such as larger guest rooms) than its existing properties. Hotel Gracery has more new hotels than its other brands, so average room prices are higher at Hotel Gracery than Hotel Washington for single and twin rooms. Also, Hotel Gracery has a higher percentage of twin rooms than Washington Hotel, leading to a disparity between Hotel Gracery and Washington Hotel when using weighted average prices of the two hotels’ single and twin rooms. Breakdown of guestrooms (FY12/15) and standard price per room By area Greater Tokyo Other areas By hotel brand Washington Hotel Hotel Gracery Nationwide total Total rooms % of total 5,714 4,667 55.0% 45.0% 8,485 1,896 - 81.7% 18.3% - Sales per room (JPY) Single Twin 13,205 22,035 9,439 17,371 Single Twin 10,164 18,408 17,543 26,786 11,512 19,938 Source: Shared Research based on company materials Note: standard price per room are based on the company’s published rates (FY12/15). The standard single and twin price per room are weighted averages made by multiplying total number of guestrooms for each hotel. The data does not take into account the share of single and twin rooms in individual hotels, and is published for reference purposes only. WHG segment: ratio of WHG hotels in Greater Tokyo vs nationwide figures According to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare’s fiscal 2014 Report on Public Health Administration and Services, www.sharedresearch.jp 27/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Business LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Japan had a total of roughly 3.1mn guestrooms in hotels and ryokans (traditional Japanese inns). Of these, approximately 265,000, or 8.6%, were in Greater Tokyo (which includes Chiba, Saitama, Tokyo, and Kanagawa). For hotels alone, there were roughly 1.7mn rooms, with 174,000 in Greater Tokyo, or 10.4% of the total. In Greater Tokyo, accommodation demand is strong so price per room are higher than in other regions. As 55% of its rooms are in Greater Tokyo, Fujita Kanko can benefit from an increase in average price per room and occupancy rates in line with burgeoning inbound tourist demand. Standard room rate schedule Rooms Hotel Fujita Kanko Washington Hotel Asahikawa Sendai Washington Hotel Iwaki Washington Hotel(MC) Urawa Washington Hotel Akihabara Washington Hotel Shinjuku Washington Hotel Main Building Shinjuku Washington Hotel Annex Building(MC) Tokyo Bay Ariake Washington Hotel Chiba Washington Hotel(MC) Yokohama Sakuragicho Washington Hotel Yokohama Isezakicho Washington Kansai Airport Washington Hotel Hiroshima Washington Hotel Canal City FukuokaWashington Hotel Nagasaki Washington Hotel Aomori Washington Hotel(FC) Hachinohe Washington Hotel(FC) Tsuruoka Washington Hotel(FC) Yamagata Nanokamachi Washington Hotel(FC) Yamagataeki Nishiguchi Washington Hotel(FC) Aizu Wakamatsu Washington Hotel(FC) Koriyama Washington Hotel(FC) Tsubame Sanjo Washington Hotel(FC) Tachikawa Washington Hotel(FC) Takaraduka Washington Hotel(FC) Sasebo Washington Hotel(FC) Hotel Fujita Fukui Hotel Fujita Nara Hotel Gracery Sapporo Hotel Gracery Shinjuku Hotel Gracery Ginza Hotel Gracery Tamachi National average By area Metropolitan area Other area By brand Washington Hotel Hotel Gracery Standard room rate (JPY) 260 223 148 140 369 1,279 337 830 181 553 399 504 266 423 300 228 215 110 213 100 154 184 103 170 135 190 354 117 440 970 270 216 10,381 Single 8,316 13,392 7,800 9,720 13,824 11,880 11,880 13,500 7,100 9,828 7,020 12,000 11,880 10,152 8,100 8,316 6,200 7,128 7,800 8,300 8,392 6,588 6,696 10,260 8,208 7,776 7,344 8,500 13,500 20,520 15,984 14,361 11,512 Twin 16,200 21,600 15,200 19,980 24,624 18,360 21,600 22,680 14,400 21,600 15,984 20,000 23,760 18,576 14,040 15,444 13,400 11,880 14,500 18,000 16,443 14,256 12,971 17,280 17,712 14,256 14,580 15,000 23,220 30,240 24,732 21,108 19,938 5,714 4,667 13,205 9,439 22,035 17,371 8,485 1,896 10,164 17,543 18,408 26,786 Source: Shared Research based on company data Note: Standard price per room are based on the company’s published rates (FY12/15). The standard single and twin price per room are weighted averages made by multiplying total number of guestrooms for each hotel. The data does not take into account the share of single and twin rooms in individual hotels, and is published for reference purposes only. The shaded portion shows hotels in the Greater Tokyo region. Strategy: theme rooms appealing to the five senses to strengthen branding WHG segment: initiatives to spread brand image The company put Washington Hotel (WH) and Hotel Gracery (HG) under the single WHG brand in FY12/14. It aims to enhance the brand and accelerate hotel openings under WHG. It has set its sights not only on Japan but also overseas. Fujita Kanko has developed many business hotel chains under the Washington Hotel brand, but it did not have a unified branding strategy. With the launch of WHG, the company aims to highlight the differences in Washington Hotel and Hotel Gracery brands, and improve customer satisfaction. www.sharedresearch.jp 28/59 R Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Business Fujita Kanko| 9722 | LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Washington Hotel and Hotel Gracery: target customers The company aims for Washington Hotels to be the top choice for business travelers. It aims for Hotel Gracery to particularly cater to women, both on and off the job. To this end, Washington Hotels are equipped with technology to improve convenience and comfort. Fujita Kanko is accelerating the rollout of hotels in major cities nationwide and in the Greater Tokyo area, where it expects solid demand from business travelers. For Hotel Gracery the company is expanding services such as providing tourist information through concierges and accelerating hotel openings where it projects tourism demand growth. The largest property in the WHG business is the recently renovated 1,279-room Shinjuku Washington Hotel, followed by newly constructed 970-room Hotel Gracery Shinjuku. The company is working to standardize interiors and furnishings of both the Shinjuku Washington Hotel (targeting businesspeople) and the Hotel Gracery Shinjuku (targeting tourists) brands. According to the company, Hotel Gracery is introducing the same aroma in all of its lobbies, and the company plans to offer the same breakfast menu at all of its hotels. In these ways, it aims to facilitate penetration of the WHG brand and increase added value. Original room designs The company aims to create original rooms when building new hotels. The Akihabara Washington Hotel, which Fujita Kanko relaunched in FY12/10, was a hit with train fans due to its location, as the company could offer rooms with views of the railroad. “Railroad rooms” with model railroad displays are proving extremely popular. In Hotel Gracery Shinjuku, opened in April 2015, the company collaborated with building owner Toho Co., Ltd. (TSE1: 9602) to create Godzilla-themed rooms with Godzilla models, as well as “Godzilla View” rooms where windows look out on a life-sized Godzilla head. These rooms are proving extremely popular and the company says it is hoping to boost the hotel’s occupancy rates. The company intends to include local flavors when developing new hotels. www.sharedresearch.jp 29/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Business LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Railroad room of Akihabara Washington Hotel “Kuhane 1304” Hiroshima Washington Hotel “Hiroshima room” Hotel Gracery Shinjuku, opened in April 2015 View from Godzilla room Source: Company data www.sharedresearch.jp 30/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Business LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Resort segment Old segment (JPYmn) Kowakien Business Sales YoY % of sales Operating profit YoY % of sales OPM Sales breakdown Resort Hotels YoY % of sales Leisure YoY % of sales Other (elimination) YoY % of sales FY12/12 FY12/13 FY12/14 7,233 11.6% 12.0% 230 215.1% 26.2% 3.2% 7,691 6.3% 12.4% 535 132.6% 44.4% 7.0% 7,593 -1.3% 11.8% 376 -29.7% 27.5% 5.0% 4,880 5,320 9.0% 69.2% 2,079 1.9% 27.0% 291 -6.8% 3.8% 5,138 -3.4% 67.7% 2,152 3.5% 28.3% 302 3.8% 4.0% 67.5% 2,040 28.2% 312 4.3% New segment (JPYmn) Resort Business Sales YoY % of sales Operating profit YoY % of sales OPM Sales breakdown Accommodations YoY % of sales Leisure YoY % of sales Other (elimination) YoY % of sales FY12/14 FY12/15 7,593 6,494 -14.5% 10.1% (301) -771.8% -4.6% 11.8% 376 27.5% 5.0% 5,137 67.7% 2,152 28.3% 304 4.0% 4,587 -10.7% 70.6% 1,614 -25.0% 24.9% 293 -3.6% 4.5% Source: Shared Research based on company data Relatively high margins, contributing to consolidated earnings (excluding one-time drag on profits) Resort segment overview In the Resort segment the company operates resort hotels and leisure facilities, including Hakone Hotel Kowakien and hot spring theme park Hakone Kowakien Yunessun. Properties include Hakone Hotel Kowakien, Hakone Kowakien Yunessun, B&B Pension Hakone, Ito Kowakien, Hotel Toba Kowakien, Shimoda Aquarium, and Yufuin Ryokuyu. Resort segment earnings Of the three segments the Resort segment contributed least to sales. In FY12/15, the segment’s contribution to sales fell to 10.1% due to rebuilding facilities from FY12/14 (Kowakien area, slated for completion in spring 2017), as well as volcanic alerts raised for Mt. Hakone. The Resort segment booked an operating loss. Excluding these one-off factors, OPM was relatively high. Per the company, customers have started to return since volcanic alerts were lifted in winter 2015. Hakone Kowakien FY12/15 sales: vs. previous year and forecast Hakone Kowakien sales: vs. previous year and forecast Source: Company data www.sharedresearch.jp 31/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Business Hakone Hotel Kowakien LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Hakone Kowakien Yunessun (hot spring theme park) Source: Company data Redevelopment of Kowakien area: target affluent demographic with open-air baths in all rooms, opening spring 2017 The company launched the Resort business in Hakone in 1948, centered on Hakone Hotel Kowakien and Hakone Kowakien Yunessun. Domestic and international customer needs are diversifying amid shifts in the tourism and leisure markets and an increase in visitors to Japan. In light of these changes, Fujita Kanko embarked on a redevelopment program for its Hakone properties from FY12/14. As part of these initiatives, in fall 2014, the company closed Hakone Kowakien Yunessun (opened in 1963) and the neighboring Keikoku Area (Yuutopia), and was constructing new accommodation facilities on the site with completion slated for spring 2017 (Hakone Kowakien Tenyu). The new facilities, 2.5x the size of Yunessun Inn, will feature two large baths, all of the 150 rooms will have open-air baths attached. The facilities will also focus on providing luxury services to add value to the hotel. The company purchased property adjoining Hakone Kowakien in April 2015 called Horaien. It is apparently considering building another accommodation facility within Kowakien. Hakone Kowakien is popular with the families and tour groups. Through the current redevelopment plans, the company intends to increase value added at Hakone Kowakien and target the upper-middle to high-end demographic. Artist’s impression of Hakone Kowakien Tenyu and construction site HakoneKowakien Tenyu Hakone Kowakien Yunessun B&B Pantheon Hakone Mori No Yu Soba-Kihinkan Hakone Hotel Kowakien Miyama Furin Horaien Source: Company data www.sharedresearch.jp 32/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Business LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Luxury & Banquet segment Old segment (JPYmn) FY12/12 Chinzanso and Taiko-en Business Sales YoY % of sales Operating profit YoY % of sales FY12/13 FY12/14 25,867 1.5% 42.8% 250 -83.0% 28.5% 25,632 -0.9% 41.3% 276 10.4% 22.9% 25,754 0.5% 40.1% 99 -64.1% 7.3% 1.0% 1.1% 0.4% OPM Sales breakdown Wedding YoY % of sales Restaurants YoY % of sales Accommodations YoY % of sales Other (elimination) YoY % of sales New segment (JPYmn) Luxury & Banquet Business Sales YoY % of sales Operating profit YoY % of sales FY12/14 FY12/15 27,585 42.9% 168 12.3% 26,241 -4.9% 41.0% 107 -36.3% 274.4% 0.6% 0.4% 11,903 43.2% 5,526 20.0% 4,938 17.9% 3,146 11.4% 1,273 4.6% 794 2.9% 12,384 4.0% 47.2% 5,174 -6.4% 19.7% 4,186 -15.2% 16.0% 2,439 -22.5% 9.3% 1,333 4.7% 5.1% 721 -9.2% 2.7% OPM Sales breakdown 11,135 43.0% - 4,486 17.3% 3,014 11.7% - 7,231 28.0% 10,787 -3.1% 42.1% - 11,161 3.5% 43.3% - 4,654 3.7% 18.2% 3,044 1.0% 11.9% - 4,631 -0.5% 18.0% 3,111 2.2% 12.1% - 7,146 -1.2% 27.9% 6,850 -4.1% 26.6% Wedding YoY % of sales Banquet YoY % of sales Restaurants YoY % of sales Accommodations YoY % of sales Golf YoY % of sales Other (elimination) YoY % of sales Source: Shared Research Responding to the shrinking wedding market: cost cuts and regional expansion Luxury & Banquet segment overview In the Luxury & Banquet segment, the company offers wedding and banquet facilities, luxury hotels and golf courses, with the flagship assets of Tokyo’s Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo and Taiko-en in Osaka. Segment sales contribute the most after the WHG segment, but contribution to profits is languishing due to the shrinking wedding market. Segment properties include Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo, Taiko-en, Hotel Azur Takeshiba, The South Harbor Resort, Remercier Motoujina, Marryaid, Camellia Hills Country Club, Noto Country Club, Fujita Kanko Koei, and Visualife. The breakdown of segment sales in FY12/15 was weddings, 47%; banquets, 20%; restaurants, 16%; accommodation, 9% and golf, 5%. Luxury & Banquet (L&B) segment: wedding division The wedding division accounts for half of segment sales, Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo and Taiko-en, but it is shrinking due to a decline in the number of weddings (fewer young people) and the trend toward smaller ceremonies (increased focus on nuclear family). In January 2015, the company purchased 100% of the shares in Kawano (Hiroshima), which handles weddings and operates two guest houses. Through the consolidation of Kawano, the company was able to post 4% YoY growth in the division. While Kawano is a local business, it also books sales commissions on referrals for furniture for newlyweds, and its average revenue per ceremony is in line with Chinzanso. Fujita Kanko sees a need for guest houses in regional towns and cities, and plans to capture wedding demand in these regions utilizing Kawano’s business model. In key Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo, the company aims to reduce operating costs by reviewing the size and layout of its banquet halls and increase per-guest charges. www.sharedresearch.jp 33/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Business LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Luxury & Banquet segment: accommodation division In FY12/15, sales in the accommodation division fell 22.5% YoY. The main reason was the December 2014 closure and sale of the aging Kyoto Kokusai Hotel. Excluding this impact, sales were up by JPY263mn from the year before. The core asset in this division is Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo. In FY12/92 the company opened a Four Seasons franchise hotel in Chinzanso. It extended a ten-year contract once, but due to differences in management approaches Fujita Kanko terminated the franchise agreement in FY12/12. The company opened Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo under direct management following the termination of the contract. The company is renovating the rooms in stages. The company said it has been able to raise average rates thanks to the renovations. Many customers are from Europe and the US, and the company aims to increase value added to accommodate the burgeoning demand from foreign visitors. When it was a franchisee of the Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, despite sharing a location, there was not much coordination due to differences in management policies. The company aims to improve coordination between the divisions. Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo Newly renovated room: Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo Source: Company data Source: Company data Taiko-en Taiko-en: Japanese style banquet hall on the banks of the Yadogawa Source: Company data Source: Company data Overseas The company has five offices in Asia (Seoul, Shanghai, Taipei, Bangkok, and Jakarta). The Singapore office previously covered Bangkok and Jakarta, but the company opened regional offices in spring 2015 anticipating an increase in visitors from these countries due to relaxed visa requirements. The main goal of overseas offices is to promote branding (attract inbound tourists, particularly FIT* or individual travelers) www.sharedresearch.jp 34/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Business LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 and expand the network, including accommodation facilities. In FY12/15, overseas visitors accounted for 1.1mn overnight guests at Fujita Kanko facilities (29% of all guests), and the company plans to boost this share further. FIT (Foreign Individual Tourist): Travel where individuals arrange everything from tickets to hotels. As group rates are not applicable, accommodation rates for individual travelers tend to be relatively higher. Fujita Kanko’s overseas locations Five bases in Asia Source: Company data Factors influencing earnings Profit Margins (Thousand Yen) Sales CoGS CoGS-to-sales Gross profit GPM SG&A SG&A-to-sales Operating Profit OPM EBITDA EBIDTA margin Net margin Financial Ratios ROA ROE Total Asset Turnover Working Capital(JPY‘000) Current Ratio Quick Ratio OCF / Current Liabilities Net Debt / Equity OCF / Total Liabilities Cash Cycle (days) Changes in Working Capital FY12/06 Cons. 70,786 63,326 89.5% 7,460 10.5% 3,159 4.5% 4,301 6.1% 7,486 10.6% 5.2% FY12/07 Cons. 71,171 62,975 88.5% 8,196 11.5% 2,951 4.1% 5,245 7.4% 8,463 11.9% 3.2% FY12/08 Cons. 67,394 61,684 91.5% 5,710 8.5% 3,161 4.7% 2,549 3.8% 5,898 8.8% 2.7% FY12/09 Cons. 61,295 56,881 92.8% 4,414 7.2% 3,034 4.9% 1,380 2.3% 4,851 7.9% 0.9% FY12/10 Cons. 64,249 58,598 91.2% 5,651 8.8% 3,511 5.5% 2,140 3.3% 5,556 8.6% 0.4% FY12/11 Cons. 57,371 52,849 92.1% 4,522 7.9% 3,204 5.6% 1,318 2.3% 4,727 8.2% -6.2% FY12/12 Cons. 60,498 55,900 92.4% 4,598 7.6% 3,721 6.2% 877 1.4% 4,441 7.3% 0.6% FY12/13 Cons. 62,109 56,834 91.5% 5,275 8.5% 4,070 6.6% 1,205 1.9% 4,700 7.6% 1.4% FY12/14 Cons. 64,250 58,674 91.3% 5,576 8.7% 4,211 6.6% 1,365 2.1% 5,138 8.0% 0.8% FY12/15 Cons. 63,981 59,535 93.1% 4,446 6.9% 4,407 6.9% 39 0.1% 4,077 6.4% 0.1% 3.4% 13.1% 0.65 2,829 35.1% 22.2% 0.19 127.5% 0.1 15.5 -386 5.0% 8.1% 0.70 2,899 36.8% 23.1% 0.25 116.2% 0.1 13.9 70 2.6% 7.2% 0.70 2,499 42.1% 37.0% 0.15 141.4% 0.1 14.1 -400 1.4% 2.5% 0.64 2,317 55.7% 48.9% 0.13 139.8% 0.0 13.9 -182 1.9% 1.0% 0.66 1,940 66.1% 58.2% 0.19 140.4% 0.1 11.5 -377 1.1% 0.59 1,919 57.9% 51.2% 0.15 171.3% 0.0 11.6 -21 0.7% 1.8% 0.63 1,937 49.1% 41.9% 0.18 167.5% 0.1 11.0 18 1.2% 3.6% 0.62 2,297 49.5% 42.5% 0.20 131.1% 0.1 11.7 360 1.4% 1.9% 0.62 2,484 54.1% 47.4% 0.17 113.5% 0.1 12.9 187 -0.2% 0.1% 0.62 2,850 54.9% 45.4% -0.02 150.6% 0.0 14.7 366 Source: Shared Research based on company data Figures may differ from company data due to differences in rounding method Until FY12/14 The company’s earnings and financial position are strongly influenced by market developments. In the core hotel business main expenses are upfront investments in properties, and personnel costs are largely fixed, so sales growth is key to earnings growth. The global financial crisis in September 2008 triggered falling occupancy and average price per room in the company’s www.sharedresearch.jp 35/59 R Shared Research Report Fujita Kanko| 9722 | FUJITA KANKO > Business LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 core hotel business, leading to a slump in sales and earnings. In FY12/11, the March 2011 Great East Japan earthquake sparked a further slump in sales. As a result, the company’s medium-term plan from FY12/12 to FY12/14 focused on selection and concentration in its businesses and bolstering its product. The company avoided major investments. Instead it worked to strengthen earnings in its existing businesses via a hotel scrap-and-build program. Due to the tailwind from rising inbound tourist demand, sales are rising. Occupancy rates have been above pre-global financial crisis levels since FY12/12, and average price per room have also turned up after bottoming in FY12/12. In addition, Tokyo will host the 2019 Rugby World Cup and the 2020 Summer Olympics, boosting tourism. In view of these factors, the company expects the market environment to remain solid in the lead-up to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, and has been working to renovate existing facilities and build new ones. FY12/15 and FY12/16 onward In FY12/15, sales were flat YoY, and operating profit declined by 97%. This was due to one-time factors: a decline in occupancy rates at Hakone Kowakien (key property in the leisure business) due to volcanic alerts raised for Mt. Hakone, and upfront costs for the WHG segment under the company’s medium-term plan. However, occupancy rates at Hakone Kowakien are recovering as volcanic activity returns to normal levels. Also, the upfront investment program in the WHG segment is drawing to a close. As a result, from FY12/16 company’s finances are set to improve. www.sharedresearch.jp 36/59 R Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Business Fujita Kanko| 9722 | LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Market and value chain Market overview Domestic guest numbers continue to increase Domestic guest numbers According to the Japan Tourism Agency, domestic guest numbers are in an uptrend. According to preliminary figures for 2015, guest numbers were up 22.4% from 2010, when new statistical standards were introduced, to 505mn. The YoY growth rate was 6.7% in 2015, significantly outpacing the 2014 YoY growth of 1.6%. This breaks down to 439mn by Japanese guests (+2.4% YoY) and 66mn by non-Japanese (+48.1%). Further, foreign guests accounted for 13.1% of the total number, +3.7pp YoY. Note that accommodation charges tend to be lower the nearer the accommodation date. Meanwhile, foreign visitors who have to travel a long distance tend to make reservations at an early stage, so they are contributing to rising average price per room. Therefore, the increase in foreign guests is a factor helping the Japanese accommodation market to expand. Annual number of guests Source: Japan Tourism Agency materials Note: Establishments with fewer than 10 employees also surveyed from April 2010 Note: 2015 figures are preliminary Inbound tourists boost growth in accommodation demand Inbound tourist numbers An increase in the number of overseas visitors to Japan is boosting non-Japanese guests. In 2015, there were 19.7mn inbound tourists to Japan, +47.1% YoY. This growth rate was an historical record, eclipsing the previous record of 40.4% growth in 1970, the year of the Osaka Expo. The Japan Tourism Agency points to a mixture of factors that have started paying off in the past two or three years: relaxed visa requirements, continuous promotional activities, growth in the middle-class demographic in nearby countries, and yen depreciation. The Japan Tourism Agency expects the number of inbound visitors to be over 20mn in 2016. However, the agency thinks that the unprecedented growth rate seen in 2015 is unlikely to continue indefinitely, and expects the growth rate to taper off somewhat. Still, cumulative January and February 2016 figures released in March 2016 show an estimated 43.7% YoY growth to 3.7mn, so the boom remains intact. www.sharedresearch.jp 37/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Business LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Number of foreign visitors to Japan (mn people) 20.0 18.0 16.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 19.7 8.0 13.4 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 5.2 6.1 6.7 7.3 8.4 8.4 6.8 8.6 6.2 8.4 10.4 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Source: Shared Research based on Japan Tourism Agency materials Asia driving visitor numbers, with solid growth from Europe and Asia as well Trends in foreign visitors to Japan by country A breakdown of foreign visitors to Japan by country shows a 107.3% YoY increase in visitors from China to 5mn. Also, Korea breached the 4mn milestone for the first time and Taiwanese visitors topped 3mn. Visitors from other Asian countries are also in an uptrend; growth in foreign visitors to Japan is coming primarily from Asia. Furthermore visitors from the US exceeded 1mn for the first time ever and the aggregate of North America and Europe broke through 2mn, so the number of visitors to Japan from relatively far-off regions is showing solid growth. There was a good balance of visitors to Japan from all around the world. Fujita Kanko has offices in five countries in Asia and is working hard to attract foreign visitors. According to the company there is a relatively high proportion of Asian guests in its Washington Hotel, Hotel Gracery, and Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo brands, although the number of European and American visitors has risen in recent years. As a result, whichever area shows an increase, the company stands to benefit. www.sharedresearch.jp 38/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Business LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Visitors to Japan by country in December 2015 (estimates) Country/Area ('000 people) Total Dec. 2014 Total Total Dec. 2015 Growth rate Jan. to Dec. 2014 Jan. to Dec. 2015 Growth rate 1,236.1 1,773.1 43.4% 13,413.5 19,737.4 47.1% South Korea 270.9 415.7 53.4% 2,755.3 4,002.1 45.3% China 190.0 347.1 82.7% 2,409.2 4,993.8 107.3% Taiwan 212.0 265.8 25.4% 2,829.8 3,677.1 29.9% Hong Kong 106.2 157.4 48.2% 926.0 1,524.3 64.6% Thailand 76.3 93.5 22.6% 657.6 796.7 21.2% Singapore 47.8 67.0 40.1% 228.0 308.8 35.5% Malaysia 39.3 50.3 28.0% 249.5 305.5 22.4% Indonesia 23.7 29.3 23.5% 158.7 205.1 29.2% Philippines 21.8 32.7 50.0% 184.2 268.3 45.7% Vietnam 7.9 10.3 29.7% 124.3 185.4 49.2% India 6.0 6.7 10.8% 88.0 103.2 17.3% Australia 37.6 49.4 31.4% 302.7 376.2 24.3% US 73.5 89.9 22.2% 891.7 1,033.2 15.9% Canada 17.7 22.0 24.3% 182.9 231.4 26.5% UK 16.9 19.4 14.7% 220.1 258.5 17.5% France 13.0 14.3 10.2% 178.6 214.3 20.0% Germany 8.9 10.2 14.2% 140.3 162.6 15.9% Italy 6.8 8.4 23.7% 80.5 103.2 28.1% Russia 3.9 3.9 -0.6% 64.1 54.4 -15.1% 3.3 4.9 46.8% 60.5 77.2 27.5% 52.4 74.9 43.1% 681.7 856.1 25.6% Spain Others Source: Shared Research based on Japan Tourism Agency materials 2020 Tokyo Olympics should further drive market expansion In 2020 Tokyo will host the Summer Olympics and Paralympics. The Japan Tourism Agency expects these athletic meetings to have economic ripple effects as shown below. Estimates of economic impact Calculated by Economic impact (influence on production) Employees created Tourism Tokyo 2020 Bid Committee (June 2012) Approx. JPY2.96tn Approx. 152,000 people (Tokyo: approx.84,000, other areas: approx.68,000) Mizuho Research Institute Ltd. (September 2013) Approx. JPY2.5tn Approx. 210,000 people ①Consumption by spectators: JPY207.4bn ②Number of tourists (including 800,000 foreign tourists): 5,050,000 tourists The Mori Memorial Foundation Institute for Urban strategies (January 2014) Approx. JPY19.4tn Approx. 1,210,000 people ①Increase in foreign visitors to Japan (rise in consumption): JPY157bn ②Increase in construction of lodging (rise in investment in construction): JPY395bn - Source: Shared Research based on Japan Tourism Agency materials The Japan Tourism Agency has released analysis of inbound tourist trends following previous Olympic events. According to the agency, there is a tendency for inbound tourism demand to keep rising in countries that host the Olympics and Paralympics for some years after the announcement of the host city. While Japanese price per room are on an uptrend, they are still inexpensive compared to major countries overseas. For example, according to TripAdvisor, New York price per room are 1.5x those in Tokyo and those in London are 1.2x. The increase in foreign tourists will help close this gap and is likely to lift the floor of price per room. www.sharedresearch.jp 39/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Business LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Trends in inbound tourism after announcements of host cities for Olympics and Paralympics Source: Shared Research based on Japan Tourism Agency materials Price per room in major countries ranked from most expensive Ranking 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Country US UK Switzerland France Canada Japan Hong Kong Denmark Sweden Norway City New York London Zurich Paris Toronto Tokyo Hong Kong Copenhagen Stockholm Oslo Room rate (JPY) Rate of divergence 53.3% 43,105 34,025 21.0% 33,717 19.9% 30,270 7.7% 3.1% 28,997 28,116 0.0% -11.8% 24,787 -13.9% 24,194 23,245 -17.3% 22,381 -20.4% Source: Shared Research based on TripAdvisor rankings, “TripIndex World Hotel Stays 2015” Note: average room charges for 10 most popular four-star and five star hotels in TripAdvisor’s popularity index in 48 world cities www.sharedresearch.jp 40/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Business LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Competition Major domestic hotel groups Group Hotel group name Characteristics Big three business hotel operators Okura Hotels Holdings company, largest shareholder in JAL Hotels. New Otani Boasts domestic hotel with highest number of rooms (Tokyo). Imperial Hotel Trailblazer for Japanese hotels. Also has a steady source of earnings in leasing buildings. Hilton Worldwide Under umbrella of Blackstone Fund (America). Arrived in Japan in 1963, has expanded to over 90 countries. InterContinental Hotels Group Parent company based in UK. Mainly deals in franchise and management contracts, has expanded to around 100 countries. Accor Hotels Parent company based in Paris, France. Has expanded to 92 countries. Marriott International Hotel chain boasting the highest amount of sales in the US; also owns the Ritz Carlton chain. Has expanded to 80 countries. Hyatt Hotels and Resorts Parent company based in Chicago, Illinois. Came to Japan in the 1980s. Has expanded to 50 countries. Starwood Hotels and Resorts Worldwide Large-scale US hotel chain. Has expanded to around 100 countries. The Peninsula Hotels Owned by Hong Kong capital. Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group Owned by Hong Kong capital. Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts Owned by Hong Kong capital. Prince Hotels & Resorts Largest domestic hotel chain; merged with Kokudo in 2006. Absorbed Seibu Railway's hotel industry. Keio Plaza Hotels Hotel chain run by Keio Corporation. Established Japan's first superhigh-rise hotel in Nishi-Shinjuku. Tokyu Hotels Part of the Tokyu Group. Operates six chains, including the high-end Capitol Hotel Tokyu and the Tokyu Inn business hotel chain. Hankyuu-Hanshin-Daiichi Hotel Group Absorbed the bankrupt Daiichi Hotel and expanded into Tokyo. Also developed Remm, a new specialized hotel brand. International brands Railroad affiliated companies Airline affiliated companies Developer companies Business hotel operators JR Hotel Group Runs the Metropolitan and Metts chains in Eastern Japan, the Associa chain in Tokai, and the Granvia and Viainn chains in Western Japan. Kintetsu Miyako Hotels Fully-consolidated subsidiary of Kintetsu. Business focused on Miyako Hotel brand and on management outsourcing. Sotetsu Holdings Manages Sotetsu Hotel and Sotetsu Inn chains. Acquired Sunroute in September 2014. JAL Hotels Solely operates Nikko Hotels International and Hotel JAL City. Okura Hotels is its largest shareholder. IHG ANA Hotels Group Japan Joint venture company between IHG and ANA. Runs the InterContinental, ANA Crowne Plaza, and ANA Hotel chains. Fujita Kanko Operates high-end hotels and banquet halls, leisure facilities, and business hotels. Main branches include Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo, Taiko-en, Washington Hotel, Hakone Kowakien. Mitsui Fudosan Hotel Management Manages Mitsui Garden Hotels. Royal Park Hotels and Resorts Part of Mitsubishi Estate. Focusing on developing its specialized hotel brand THE. Palace Hotel A prestigious hotel located in front of the Imperial Palace, aiming to attract high-end customers. Jointly manages office buildings. Hoshino Resort Developed Hoshinoya, Kai, and Risonare resort hotels. Participated in management of IHG ANA City Hotels in July 2015. Royal Hotels Developed Rihga Royal Hotel, etc. Kansai Zaikai holds a stake, and Mori Trust is a major shareholder. APA Group Developed APA Hotels chain, found across Japan. Also opererates condominium and resort businesses. Route Inn Hotels Expanding via opening of new hotels and M&A activities. Also operates city hotels (high-end hotels) and resorts. Toyoko Inn Has hotels across Japan. Built around the concept of a train station inn. Source: Shared Research based on the Japan Company Handbook industry map and others Among those operating domestic hotels are international brands, railroad affiliated companies and independents. At the top of the domestic luxury hotel sales rank are the railroad affiliated hotels, the Imperial Hotel, Hotel Okura and Hotel New Otani. Fuijta Kanko ranks among the top 10, at number eight. Under the company’s umbrella is the Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo, the only Japanese hotel with a five star rating from Michelin. Under the WHG brand it operates the Washington Hotel business hotel chain and the leisure/tourism oriented Hotel Gracery as well as resort hotels. It appears that the WHG brand competes on price and facilities with Domiin (operated by Kyoritsu Maintenance Co., Ltd., TSE1: 9616), Mitsui Garden Hotel (Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd., TSE1: 8801) and the Richmond Hotel brand. Meanwhile Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo, which has historic buildings and an extensive Japanese garden, is conscious of the price points of international luxury hotels, but argues that it has a unique presence. For the resort hotels, the company says that competitive conditions vary according to the resort area. Sales rankings in hotel industry 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Ticker 9024 4681 9005 9008 9042 9722 9708 9713 9616 6097 9723 6076 9704 9720 9695 Company Seibu Holdings (Hotel/leisure) Resorttrust TOKYU CORPORATION (Hotel/leisure) Hotel Okura Keio Corporation (Leisure/service) New Otani Hankyu Hanshin Holdings (Hotel) Fujita Kanko Imperial Hotel RIHGA ROYAL HOTELS Kyoritsu Maintenance (Hotel) Palace Hotel Nippon View Hotel THE KYOTO HOTEL Amaze AGORA Hospitality Group Hotel New Grand Hotel New Akao Kumamoto Hotel Castle THE KAMOGAWA GRAND HOTEL Fiscal Year-End March March March March March March March December March March March December April December November December November December March March FY2013 162.5 116.8 91.9 68.2 63.6 63.1 63.0 62.1 53.1 45.3 43.3 25.6 17.6 10.4 9.3 7.0 5.5 3.9 3.7 3.6 FY2014 167.3 120.4 95.5 71.2 66.3 63.5 62.3 64.2 53.7 44.6 46.8 27.1 18.1 10.5 10.6 7.5 4.9 4.0 3.5 3.7 YoY 3.0% 3.1% 3.9% 4.4% 4.2% 0.6% -1.1% 3.4% 1.1% -1.5% 8.1% 5.9% 2.8% 1.0% 14.0% 7.1% -10.9% 2.6% -5.4% 2.8% Source: Shared Research www.sharedresearch.jp 41/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Business LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Comparison with competitors (JPYmn) Segment Sales Operating profit OPM Segment asset Depreciation Amortization of goodwill Impairment loss Increase in tangible/intangible fixed assets Consolidated Sales Operating profit OPM Segment asset Depreciation Amortization of goodwill Impairment loss Increase in tangible/intangible fixed assets Borrowings from other banks Cash and deposits Current ratio Current assets Current Liabilities Kyoritsu Maintenance (9616) 13/3 14/3 15/3 3 year average 13/12* Hotel Business WHG Business 39,143 43,475 46,929 43,182 25,346 2,842 3,830 4,736 3,803 589 7.3% 8.8% 10.1% 8.8% 2.3% 45,655 48,613 57,084 50,451 16,226 2,000 1,778 1,873 1,884 478 3 2 11 5 51 1,461 3,285 99,472 6,521 6.6% 122,259 2,986 4 184 105,216 7,490 7.1% 131,995 2,850 4 123 5,736 6,277 57,650 17,622 79.3% 30,852 38,892 67,550 24,707 91.8% 37,473 40,819 Fujita Kanko (9722) 14/12 15/12 3 year average 25,867 1,101 4.3% 17,252 633 187 27,979 811 2.9% 21,475 857 2 26,397 834 3.2% 18,318 656 80 2,373 1,209 898 3,757 1,955 110,212 8,217 7.5% 139,750 3,128 75 104,967 7,409 7.1% 131,335 2,988 4 127 62,109 1,205 1.9% 104,787 3,495 165 64,250 1,365 2.1% 100,881 3,773 1,248 63,981 39 0.1% 104,732 3,998 40 36 63,447 870 1.4% 103,467 3,755 40 483 6,007 4,323 4,055 8,050 5,476 56,825 16,115 66.1% 31,457 47,590 60,675 19,481 79.1% 33,261 42,434 41,613 5,044 49.5% 10,911 22,038 37,462 5,944 54.1% 12,051 22,288 44,813 4,142 54.9% 11,722 21,356 41,296 5,043 52.8% 11,561 21,894 Source: Shared Research based on company data Note: FY12/13 figures for Fujita Kanko are for the Washington Hotel segment www.sharedresearch.jp 42/59 R Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Business Fujita Kanko| 9722 | LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Strengths and weaknesses Strengths ◤ Chinzanso brand name and expertise: The company’s Chinzanso Hotel used to be a franchisee of Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts. It is the only Japanese hotel to have been awarded five stars by Michelin and has the expertise to provide luxury services. The company is working to boost added value of its WHG hotels, and for this we believe that the brand name and expertise of Chinzanso will be an advantage. ◤ High ratio of rooms in Greater Tokyo, where demand from inbound tourists is expected: In FY12/15, over 55% of guest rooms in the main WHG segment were in Greater Tokyo. This compares to the nationwide share of hotel rooms in Greater Tokyo of just over 10%. Tokyo and other major cities stand to see inbound tourism demand grow. As a result, having a large share of rooms in Greater Tokyo is an advantage for Fujita Kanko. ◤ Holdings of historic buildings: On the grounds of the company’s Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo, Taiko-en, and Hakone Kowakien, there are many historic buildings. Hotel Chinzanso has a three-story pagoda built in the Muromachi period (14th to 16th century), as well as a residence that is a registered tangible cultural property. In the hotel and leisure industry, where differentiation is difficult, historic buildings can attract guests and make a hotel stand out. Weaknesses ◤ Relationships with asset owners under the leasing model: As the company operates hotels mainly under the leasing model in the WHG segment, it generally does not own assets but leases them from other companies (with one exception). This improves asset efficiency and reduces risks, but for major building renovations the company needs the agreement of the asset owner, which requires time. ◤ Sluggish core wedding business: The wedding business, which accounts for nearly half of Luxury & Banquet sales (and some 20% of overall company sales) is struggling. Wedding demand is shrinking due to a decline in the number of young people due to a falling birthrate, later marriages, and a trend toward smaller ceremonies resulting from lifestyle changes, such as more focus on the nuclear family. The company aims to improve earnings by raising prices through expanded ancillary services, expanding to regional areas, and reviewing its cost structure. However, the segment appears vulnerable to this shrinking market in the long term. ◤ Weak balance sheet: While the company appears to have hidden assets on its books, in FY12/15 the company’s capital adequacy ratio was only 25.6%. The current ratio was 54.9% and it averaged just 52.8% over the past three years. www.sharedresearch.jp 43/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Historical performance LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Historical performance FY12/15 results ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ Sales: JPY64.0bn (-0.4% YoY) Operating profit: JPY39mn (-97.1% YoY) Recurring loss: JPY172mn (profit of JPY1.4bn in FY12/14) Net income: JPY32mn (profit of JPY531mn in FY12/14) Operating profit before depreciation, the company’s preferred management benchmark, was JPY5.1bn, down JPY853mn from the previous year. The WHG segment drove overall group results. Average price per room increased by more than JPY1,000 due to the opening of Hotel Gracery Shinjuku, as well as investments to renovate guestrooms at existing hotels, and the number of overseas guests increased. However overall consolidated sales declined partly because major renovation work at the Shinjuku Washington Hotel reduced occupancy levels. The drop in consolidated sales also stemmed from a sharp decline in the number of guests at Hakone Hotel Kowakien and Hakone Kowakien Yunessun, as the volcanic alerts for Hakone Owakudani were raised. Sales also declined given the closure of the Kyoto Kokusai Hotel the previous year. Profits fell sharply year-on-year. Earnings were pulled down by renovations at the Shinjuku Washington Hotel, expenses from new initiatives including set-up costs prior to the opening Hotel Gracery Shinjuku, and investment related to buying shares in Kawano Co., Ltd. Note: FY12/15 was the first year of the company’s new medium-term plan. The plan projected a temporary profit decline during the investment period. Operating profit and recurring loss recovered by JPY1.3bn each, more than initially expected. WHG segment WHG Business (JPYmn) Sales Operating profit OPM Visitors ('000 people) FY12/14 25,867 7,593 4.3% 3052 FY12/15 27,979 6,494 2.9% 3201 Dif. 2,112 -1,099 149 YoY 8.2% -14.5% 4.9% Source: Shared Research based on company data Sales were JPY28.0bn (+2.1bn YoY), and operating profit was JPY811mn (-JPY290mn YoY). There were temporary expenses including set-up costs prior to the opening of Hotel Gracery Shinjuku and lower occupancy rates at the Shinjuku Washington Hotel due to major repair work. In the WHG segment, the company has Washington Hotels in Asahikawa, Sendai, Urawa, Akihabara, Shinjuku, Tokyo Bay Ariake, Isezakicho Yokohama, Sakuragicho Yokohama, Kansai Airport, Hiroshima, Canal City Fukuoka, and Nagasaki. It has Hotel Gracery hotels in Sapporo, Ginza, Tamachi and Shinjuku, and Hotel Fuijta properties in Fukui and Nara. Fujita Kanko plans to accelerate development in the WHG segment to drive growth. It also aims to make its existing properties more competitive. In April 2015, it opened the 970-room Hotel Gracery Shinjuku. Also in April 2015, the company began major renovations of Shinjuku Washington Hotel, renovating all of the 1,297 rooms in the main hotel building in phases over the course of one year. Fujita Kanko made rooms available to guests as soon as each room www.sharedresearch.jp 44/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Historical performance LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 renovation was complete. In October 2015, the company opened a training center inside the Yokohama Isezakicho Washington Hotel, which has reproductions of reception desks and guest rooms. The company plans to train all staff at this center (previously done separately at each hotel) under a uniform program to increase training quality and speed, leading improved service quality and customer satisfaction. In the accommodation division, sales declined due to renovation work at the Shinjuku Washington Hotel. Still, division results were firm, as the company continued to attract overseas guests, primarily from Asia. In addition to an increase in average price per room, guestroom occupancy rates also remained high. As a result, the number of guests was 3.2mn, up 149,000 YoY. Resort segment Resort Business (JPYmn) Sales Operating profit OPM Sales breakdown Accommodation Leisure Other (including elimination) FY12/14 7,593 376 5.0% FY12/15 6,494 -301 -4.6% Dif. -1,099 -677 - YoY -14.5% - 5,137 2,152 304 4,587 1,614 293 -550 -538 -11 -10.7% -25.0% -3.6% Source: Shared Research based on company data Segment sales were JPY6.5bn (down JPY1.1bn YoY) due to the volcanic alerts raised for Hakone Owakudani. The company booked a segment loss of JPY301mn, down JPY678mn YoY. Properties in the segment include Hakone Hotel Kowakien, Hakone Kowakien Yunessun, B&B Pension Hakone, Ito Kowakien, Hotel Toba Kowakien, Shimoda Aquarium, and Yufuin Ryokuyu. In the accommodation division, sales at core property Hakone Hotel Kowakien posted year-on-year growth from January to April 2015. From May 2015, however, a series of volcanic warnings for Hakone Owakudani resulted in a sharp drop in guest numbers. Warning levels returned to normal in November 2015 and performance was on a recovery trend, but the business was significantly affected, especially during the peak summer season. The construction of the new accommodation facility, Hakone Kowakien Tenyu, scheduled to open in spring 2017, and the closure of Hakone Kowakien Yunessun Inn in October 2014 also affected earnings, and sales were down JPY550mn YoY to JPY4.6bn. In the Resort segment, Hakone Kowakien Yunessun was also affected by the increased volcanic alerts for Hakone Owakudani, and there was a sharp drop-off in guests, particularly for the families. Sales were down JPY538mn YoY to JPY1.6bn. Luxury & Banquet (L&B) segment Luxury & Banquet Business (JPYmn) Sales Operating profit OPM Sales breakdown Wedding Banquet Restaurants Accommodations Golf Other (including elimination) FY12/14 27,585 168 0.6% FY12/15 26,241 107 0.4% 11,903 5,526 4,938 3,146 1,273 794 12,384 5,174 4,186 2,439 1,333 721 Dif. -1,344 -61 - YoY -4.9% -36.3% - 481 -352 -752 -707 60 -73 4.0% -6.4% -15.2% -22.5% 4.7% -9.2% Source: Shared Research based on company data Sales were JPY26.2bn (a drop of JPY1.3bn YoY) partly due to the closure of the Kyoto Kokusai Hotel. Segment operating www.sharedresearch.jp 45/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Historical performance LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 profit was JPY107mn (a fall of JPY61mn). Properties in the Luxury & Banquet segment include Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo, Taiko-en, Hotel Azur Takeshiba, The South Harbor Resort, Remercier Motoujina, Marryaid, Camellia Hills Country Club, Noto Country Club, Fujita Kanko Koei, and Visualife. In the wedding division, sales were JPY12.4bn (+JPY481mn). Sales fell at Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo and Taikoen due to fewer ceremonies, but the consolidation of Kawano (shares purchased in January 2015), led to consolidated sales growth. In July 2015, the company opened “Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo For Wedding Ginza,” its first wedding facility not in a hotel, in Ginza (Tokyo). The company said it aimed to meet customers’ needs with the enhanced convenience and services available at the salon. In the accommodation division, at Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo the first phase of renovations (started in October 2014 as part of a four-year plan to renovate a total of 260 guestrooms) was finished. Average price per room rose due to the renovations, but the closure of the Kyoto Kokusai Hotel in December 2014 weighed on sales, which fell JPY707mn YoY to JPY2.4bn. Excluding the impact of the Kyoto Kokusai Hotel closure, sales in the accommodation division increased JPY262mn YoY. Sales in the restaurant division were down JPY752mn YoY to JPY4.2bn, pulled down by the Kyoto Kokusai Hotel closure. FY12/14 results ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ Sales: JPY64.3bn (+3.4% YoY) Operating profit: JPY1.4bn (+13.3%) Recurring profit: JPY1.4bn (+18.9%) Net income: JPY531mn (-39.6%) In FY12/14, accommodation demand increased in the Greater Tokyo area in particular due to rising numbers of foreign visitors. The company renovated and refurbished over 1,200 guestrooms across the group, including at Tokyo Bay Ariake Washington Hotel, Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo, and Hakone Hotel Kowakien. Sales grew on the back of full-year operation of new properties opened the previous year and increased room charges. On the operating expense front, depreciation expenses rose due to investment in guestroom renovations, as did removal expenses. There were also startup costs related to the setup of the new Hotel Gracery Shinjuku. Yen depreciation and inclement weather led to increased raw material prices and utilities charges rose, but the company worked to control costs by operating more efficiently. Both operating and recurring profit rose as a result. The company adopted a new management benchmark, operating profit before depreciation, from FY12/14. This came in at JPY6.0bn, +10.4% YoY. The company booked JPY1.8bn in extraordinary profit from the transfer of the site of the Kyoto Kokusai Hotel and sale of investment securities. The company also booked extraordinary losses of JPY1.7bn, including losses related to the closure of Hakone Kowakien Yunessun Inn. As a result, net income declined YoY. FY12/13 results ▶ ▶ Sales: JPY62.1bn (+2.7%YoY) Operating profit: JPY1.2bn (+37.3%) www.sharedresearch.jp 46/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Historical performance ▶ ▶ LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Recurring profit: JPY1.2bn (+85.4%) Net income: JPY878mn (+138.2%) FY12/13 featured an active investment program as the company laid the groundwork for future growth. In January 2013 it launched Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo; in September it opened a guest house (Oen) at its Taiko-en Osaka property; it opened Washington Hotels in Hiroshima (October), and Sendai (December). Sales rose due to brisk business in the accommodation and restaurant divisions as well as the impact of new hotel openings. Operating expenses included capex and advertising costs related to integrating operations of Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo, and opening expenses for the Hiroshima and Sendai Washington Hotels. In order to enhance service quality, the company spent more on hiring personnel and training, but operating and recurring profits grew thanks to higher sales. The company posted extraordinary profits of JPY1.6bn resulting from a consolidated subsidiary settling a rent dispute with a landlord. The company made provisions for a loss on discontinued operations accompanying its transfer of a water supply business in the Toba district to the city of Toba, leading to extraordinary losses of JPY2.0bn. As a result, net income declined. www.sharedresearch.jp 47/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Historical performance LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Income statement Income Statement (JPYmn) Total Sales YoY CoGS Gross Profit YoY GPM SG&A SG&A / Sales FY12/08 FY12/09 FY12/10 FY12/11 FY12/12 FY12/13 FY12/14 Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. 67,394 61,295 64,249 57,371 60,498 62,109 64,250 63,981 -5.3% 61,684 -9.0% 56,881 4.8% 58,597 -10.7% 55,900 4,598 5,710 4,414 5,651 4,522 -30.3% -22.7% 28.0% -20.0% 8.5% 3,161 4.7% 7.2% 3,032 4.9% 8.8% 3,510 5.5% 5.5% 52,848 7.9% 3,203 5.6% 1.7% 7.6% 3,720 6.1% 2.7% 58,674 5,275 5,576 14.7% 8.5% 4,070 6.6% Operating Profit before Depreciation Balance Operating Profit 3.4% 56,833 5.7% 8.7% 4,210 FY12/15 -0.4% 59,534 4,446 -20.3% 6.9% 4,407 6.6% 6.9% 5,995 5,141 4,630 5,102 2,549 1,380 2,140 1,318 877 1,205 1,365 39 YoY -51.4% -45.9% 55.1% -38.4% -33.5% 37.4% 13.3% -97.1% OPM 3.8% 2.3% 3.3% 2.3% 1.4% 1.9% 2.1% 0.1% Non-Operating Income 750 895 628 585 639 725 853 771 Non-Operating Expenses 814 880 940 861 887 761 828 983 2,485 1,395 1,828 1,042 630 1,169 1,390 -172 YoY -50.5% -43.9% 31.0% -43.0% -39.5% 85.6% 18.9% RPM 3.7% 2.3% 2.8% 1.8% 1.0% 1.9% 2.2% -47 -150 79 Recurring Profit Extraordinary Income (loss) -857 63 Pre-tax Profits 1,628 Income Taxes -164 - -866 -4,648 681 1,458 962 -3,606 583 1,019 1,469 509 892 696 100 187 110 911 450 Implied Tax Rate -10.1% 61.2% 72.3% -2.8% 32.1% 10.8% 62.0% Minority Interests -17 -13 37 -162 27 30 27 26 1,810 579 227 -3,544 368 878 531 32 -20.6% -68.0% -60.8% - - 138.6% -39.5% -94.0% 2.7% 0.9% 0.4% -6.2% 0.6% 1.4% 0.8% 0.1% Net Income YoY Net Margin 88.4% Sales 【Old segment 1】 Bridal & Luxury Hotel Business 27,537 24,726 27,362 25,260 - - - - Hotel Gracery and Washington Hotel Business 25,526 22,819 23,674 22,037 - - - - Resort Business 14,399 13,701 13,361 10,230 - - - - 2,295 1,977 1,772 1,658 - - - - -2,364 -1,929 -1,920 -1,816 - - - - Other Businesses Whole company/elimination 【Old segment 2】 Chinzanso and Taiko-en Business - - - 25,476 25,867 25,632 25,754 - WHG Hotel Business - - - 22,068 24,107 25,346 27,383 - Kowakien Business - - - 6,483 7,233 7,691 7,593 - Service Expertise Business - - - 7,225 7,408 7,477 7,519 - Other Businesses - - - 221 196 216 324 - Whole company/elimination - - - -4,105 -4,314 -4,255 -4,324 27,979 【Current segment】 WHG Business - - - - - - 25,867 Resort Business - - - - - - 7,593 6,494 Luxury & Banquet Business - - - - - - 27,585 26,241 Other Businesses - - - - - - 6,140 5,903 Adjustment - - - - - - -2,936 -2,636 1,397 1,274 1,631 1,418 - - - - 762 -408 -77 -480 - - - - Operating Profit 【Old segment 1】 Bridal & Luxury Hotel Business Hotel Gracery and Washington Hotel Business Resort Business 512 666 744 448 - - - - -173 -197 -185 -96 - - - - 50 46 26 28 - - - - Chinzanso and Taiko-en Business - - - 1,476 250 276 99 - WHG Hotel Business - - - -477 417 589 1,056 - Kowakien Business - - - 73 230 535 376 - Service Expertise Business - - - 470 291 182 166 - Other Businesses - - - -269 -347 -405 -366 - Whole company/elimination - - - 45 34 27 34 - WHG Business - - - - - - 1,101 811 Resort Business - - - - - - 376 -301 Luxury & Banquet Business - - - - - - 168 107 Other Businesses - - - - - - -321 -587 Adjustment - - - - - - 40 10 Other Businesses Whole company/elimination 【Old segment 2】 【Current segment】 Source: Shared Research based on company data Figures may differ from company data due to differences in rounding methods Note: When releasing its medium-term plans in FY12/12 and FY12/15, the company announced changes to its segmentation. The initial segmentation applies to FY12/11 and before. The second segmentation applies to figures until FY12/14 (FY12/11 figures are retroactively adjusted). The current segmentation applies to figures from FY12/15 (FY12/14 figures are retroactively adjusted). www.sharedresearch.jp 48/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Historical performance LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Balance sheet FY12/08 FY12/09 FY12/10 FY12/11 FY12/12 FY12/13 FY12/14 FY12/15 Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cash and Equivalents 6,620 7,375 8,265 6,961 5,071 5,044 5,944 4,142 Accounts Receivable 3,528 3,254 3,202 3,159 3,283 3,494 3,651 3,875 Inventories 632 593 563 517 544 574 570 558 Deferred Tax Assets 346 332 321 245 243 275 436 1,178 1,529 1,599 1,679 1,429 1,563 1,554 1,486 2,016 -39 -64 -57 -34 -32 -30 -36 -47 12,616 13,089 13,973 12,277 10,672 10,911 12,051 11,722 Buildings and structures 91,883 93,278 92,780 92,648 93,368 94,751 93,315 92,219 Accumulated depreciation 49,591 51,692 53,507 54,284 55,646 57,463 58,279 56,907 42,292 41,586 39,273 38,364 37,722 37,288 35,036 35,312 12,480 12,707 13,148 13,379 14,267 15,438 16,304 17,254 Accumulated depreciation 9,490 10,151 10,706 11,175 11,650 12,201 12,643 11,740 Tools, furniture and fixtures (net) 2,990 2,556 2,442 2,204 2,617 3,237 3,661 5,513 10,029 12,571 12,576 14,745 14,686 14,688 12,302 12,983 27 27 69 1,151 Balance Sheet (JPYmn) ASSETS Other Current Assets Allowance for Doubtful Accounts Total Current Assets Buildings Buildings and structures Land Construction in progress Golf courses Other Total Tangible Fixed Assets 9 69 133 242 2,773 2,773 2,773 2,773 2,773 3,787 3,689 3,747 959 1,066 1,070 1,098 17,980 59,125 60,429 58,107 59,054 58,933 59,189 55,112 58,805 Software 201 158 119 203 576 889 802 667 Other 137 259 265 437 165 171 137 487 338 417 384 640 741 1,060 939 1,154 Investment Securities 10,772 12,596 12,287 11,337 13,655 22,627 21,942 21,472 Deferred Tax Assets 4,481 3,899 3,507 3,766 3,733 1,077 716 1,134 Other 7,516 7,471 8,945 8,844 9,291 9,922 10,120 10,443 Total Investments and Other Assets 22,769 23,966 24,739 23,947 26,679 33,626 32,778 33,049 Total Fixed Assets 82,234 84,814 83,231 83,641 86,355 93,876 88,830 93,010 Total Assets 94,850 97,903 97,204 95,918 97,027 104,787 100,881 104,732 Total Intangible Fixed Assets LIABILITIES Accounts Payable 1,661 1,530 1,825 1,757 1,890 1,771 1,737 1,583 Short-Term Debt 21,032 15,596 13,012 13,232 12,298 13,019 11,321 12,656 7,308 6,365 6,299 6,212 7,529 7,248 9,230 7,117 30,001 23,491 21,136 21,201 21,717 22,038 22,288 21,356 Long-Term Debt 17,771 25,852 28,458 28,432 28,544 28,594 26,141 32,157 Other 24,310 24,178 23,955 26,031 25,406 26,261 24,676 24,206 42,081 50,030 52,413 54,463 53,950 54,855 50,817 56,363 38,803 41,448 41,470 41,664 40,842 41,613 37,462 44,813 72,082 73,521 73,549 75,665 75,668 76,893 73,106 77,719 Other Current Liabilities Total Current Liabilities Total Long-Term Liabilities Total Interest-Bearing Debt Total Liabilities NET ASSETS 12,081 12,081 12,081 12,081 12,081 12,081 12,081 12,081 Reserves 5,874 5,873 5,873 5,431 5,431 5,431 5,431 5,432 Retained Earnings Brought Forward 9,449 9,447 9,092 4,965 4,854 5,253 5,305 4,356 Treasury shares -2,347 -2,348 -2,351 -910 -912 -914 -916 -921 Total Shareholder Equity 25,058 25,053 24,695 21,568 21,455 21,852 21,902 20,949 Valuation difference on available-for-sale securities -2,601 -960 -1,358 -1,460 -265 5,842 5,728 5,952 3 12 Issued Capital Subscription rights to shares Foreign currency translation adjustment Other Minority interests Total Net Assets 17 6 -77 -82 310 289 317 146 165 187 204 186 22,767 24,381 23,654 20,253 21,358 27,894 27,774 27,012 2,499 2,317 1,940 1,919 1,937 2,297 2,484 2,850 Interest-Bearing Debt 38,803 41,448 41,470 41,664 40,842 41,613 37,462 44,813 Net Debt 32,183 34,073 33,205 34,703 35,771 36,569 31,518 40,671 Working Capital Source: Shared Research based on company data Figures may differ from company data due to differences in rounding methods Asset characteristics In the company’s key hotel business, operated by the WHG segment, main investments are in properties. Still, Fujita Kanko mainly operates hotels under a leasing model, so assets in the WHG segment comprise just over 20% of the total, versus roughly 44% of sales. www.sharedresearch.jp 49/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Historical performance LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Segment composition by assets and sales (FY12/15) (JPYmn) Assets % of total Sales % of total WHG 21,475 20.5% 27,979 43.7% Resort Luxury&Banquet 43,325 12,338 41.4% 11.8% 26,241 6,494 41.0% 10.1% Other 27,594 26.3% 3,267 5.1% Total 104,732 100.0% 63,981 100.0% Source: Shared Research based on company data Hidden assets The company’s FY12/14 financial statements list key assets as Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo and Taiko-en in the Luxury & Banquet segment, and Hakone Kowakien in the Resort segment. The company has owned these historic gardens and buildings since its founding. Further, as the assets are used as part of operations, there is a minimal likelihood of their sale, but because they were purchased long ago, book values of the land are low. Shared Research calculates that there is roughly JPY50bn in unrealized profits. Fujita Kanko’s land assets (as of end FY12/14) Properties Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo Taiko-en Hakone Kowaki-en Camellia Hills CC Noto CC Other Total Book value of land Golf course Land area Book value per sqm* Estimated unit price** JPYmn JPYmn '000 sqm JPY '000 JPY '000 49 49 1.0 641 4,131 25 165.2 434 676 584 1.2 20 3,844 2,450 585 6.6 940 357 1,277 0.7 5,435 15,075 Estimated land market value Estimated unrealized gain JPYmn JPYmn 31,409 31,360 10,850 6,719 11,446 10,770 48,849 Note: Land book value includes value of golf courses. Average book value also includes value of golf courses. Estimates employ real estate transaction data from Ministry of Land Infrastructure Transport and Tourism in neighboring areas (official prices and prefectural land prices). However, because there was no land price information available for areas adjoining the Camellia Hills Country Club and Noto Country Club they were excluded from unrealized profit calculations. Source: Shared Research based on company data Fujita Kanko’s cultural and historic properties Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo Hakone Kowakien The garden contains historic properties and tangible The site has two registered tangible cultural properties, cultural properties such as the Three-Story Pagoda, said Kihinkan and Geihinkan. Kihinkan was built in 1918 as a to have been constructed in the Muromachi Period, traditional Japanese-style villa for Baron Heitaro Fujita. Zangetsu, the former villa of Baron Fujita, the Hannyaji temple stone lantern and a stone statue of Rakan. Taiko-en Fujita Museum (Public Interest Incorporated Foundation) Taiko-en can trace its history back to the Amijima palace The Fujita Museum features Oriental antiquities collected built along the banks of the Yodogawa by Denzaburo by Meiji-period business tycoon Denzaburo Fujita and his Fujita, a leader in business community in the Kansai sons Heitaro and Tokujiro in the Meiji and Taisho periods. region in the Meiji era. Rare and unusual stones were Although there is no capital relationship between Fujita used to decorate the tsukiyama-shiki kaiyu style garden Kanko and the museum, the company contributes (featuring artificial hill and pond) built on a large block of financially to the foundation that operates the museum roughly 7,000 tsubo (about 23,000sqm). The historic and supports its publicity in the interest of highlighting lanterns and pagodas in the garden were collected from the Fujita family’s roots and fostering cultural all over Japan. preservation. www.sharedresearch.jp 50/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Historical performance LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Registered tangible cultural property: Three-Story Pagoda Registered tangible cultural property: Kihinkan (Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo) (Hakone Kowakien) Source: Company data Source: Company data Yodogawa House (Taiko-en) Source: Company data Liabilities Following the global financial crisis (since FY12/09), the company refrained from major capital investments, so liabilities have trended around the JPY35bn level. In FY12/14, net debt declined to JPY31.5bn, partly due to the sale of the Kyoto Kokusai Hotel. In FY12/15, net debt rose to JPY40.7bn due to major new hotel investments such as Hotel Gracery. www.sharedresearch.jp 51/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Historical performance LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Cash flow statement Cash Flow Statement (JPYmn) Operating Cash Flow (1) Investment Cash Flow (2) Free Cash Flow (1+2) Financial Cash Flow Depreciation & Amortization (A) Capital Expenditures (B) Working Capital Changes (C) Simple FCF (NI + A + B - C) FY12/08 Cons. 4,263 -3,359 904 2,212 3,349 3,096 -400 8,655 FY12/09 Cons. 3,487 -4,786 -1,299 2,027 3,471 5,040 -182 9,272 FY12/10 Cons. 4,317 -2,827 1,490 -601 3,416 FY12/11 Cons. 3,158 -5,015 -1,857 552 3,409 FY12/12 Cons. 3,886 -4,407 -521 -1,371 3,564 FY12/13 Cons. 4,367 -4,643 -276 220 3,495 1,295 5,284 2,947 5,068 -377 5,315 -21 5,170 18 6,861 360 9,081 FY12/14 Cons. 3,663 1,901 5,564 -4,671 3,773 3,609 187 7,726 FY12/15 Cons. -415 -8,184 -8,599 6,748 4,038 8,160 366 11,864 Source: Shared Research based on company data Figures may differ from company data due to differences in rounding methods Cash flows from operating activities The company’s operating cash flow levels vary before and after the Global Financial Crisis. In FY12/08, operating cash flow fell by 40% YoY as earnings slumped due to the GFC. Subsequently operating cash inflows have been around the JPY4bn level. In FY12/15 however, due to a temporary drop in earnings accompanying upfront investments and a decline in occupancy rates at Hakone Kowakien amid a heightened volcanic alerts, operating cash flows turned negative. Cash flows from investing activities The company’s investing cash outflows have hovered around JPY5bn since FY12/09, in the wake of the GFC. In FY12/14, there were inflows of JPY1.9bn due to the sale of the Kyoto Kokusai Hotel. In FY12/15 there were investing cash outflows of JPY8.6bn due to investments in its new Hotel Gracery property. Cash flows from financing activities The main items in financing cash flows are dividend payments and changes in borrowings. Since FY12/11, the company has paid a steady dividend per share of JPY4. Total annual dividend payments are JPY487mn. www.sharedresearch.jp 52/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > News and topics LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 News and topics On January 28, 2016, the company revised its full-year forecasts. Revised FY12/15 forecasts ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ Sales: JPY63.9bn (JPY63.8bn in previous forecast) Operating profit: JPY0 (loss of JPY300mn) Recurring loss: JPY200mn (loss of JPY500mn) Net income: JPY0 (loss of JPY500mn) EPS: JPY0 (loss of JPY4.17) Reasons for revisions In the previous forecast revision (released on November 9, 2015) consolidated operating profit and recurring profit forecasts were revised up by JPY1.0bn each. Subsequently the company increased room prices in the accommodation division, primarily in the WHG segment. Further, in the Resort segment Hakone Hotel Kowakien recovered, leading to a further JPY300mn improvement in operating profit and recurring profit, so the company revised its consolidated operating profit forecast to roughly breakeven. Fujita Kanko expects consolidated recurring loss of JPY200mn, but for net income to roughly breakeven due to booking income on the sale of investment securities and deferred tax assets. On the same day, the company announced the dissolution and liquidation of a consolidated subsidiary and the booking of deferred tax assets. As of January 1, 2016, the group implemented internal restructuring to integrate management. It consolidated multiple offices and companies in the Kansai area (primarily Kyoto and Osaka) to facilitate the flow of staff and attract new employees, as well as increase efficiency. As a result of the restructuring, all businesses of former consolidated subsidiary Kansai Airport Washington Hotel Co., Ltd. were transferred to the post-restructuring company, WHG Kansai Co., Ltd. Kansai Airport Washington Hotel was dissolved on January 28, 2016, and complete liquidation has been targeted for June 2016. On the same day, the company announced that it had reached a basic franchise agreement with Shinshowa Corp. to open the Kisarazu Washington Hotel (tentative name) in December 2017. On November 9, 2015, the company revised its full-year forecasts. ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ Sales: JPY63.8bn (JPY64.2bn previously) Operating loss: JPY300mn (loss of JPY1.3bn) Recurring loss: JPY500mn (loss of JPY1.5bn) Net loss: JPY500mn (loss of JPY500mn) EPS: loss of JPY4.17 (loss of JPY4.17) www.sharedresearch.jp 53/59 R Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > News and topics Fujita Kanko| 9722 | LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Reasons for the revisions As of end Q2 FY12/15, the company had expected a large decline in sales and profits in the Resort segment, but the downturn was less severe than expected. In the WHG segment, the accommodation division continued to show solid performance due to a sharp increase in foreign visitors to Japan. In particular, since its opening in April 2015 and full operation in July, Hotel Gracery Shinjuku (970 rooms; Kabukicho, Shinjuku) has performed well. As a result, an increase in average room prices in the accommodation division and a reduction in fixed costs in the Resort segment boosted margins. Fujita Kanko narrowed operating and recurring loss forecasts by JPY1.0bn each from previous forecasts. On November 2, 2015, the company made an announcement regarding group restructuring (involving mergers, company splits, and business transfers). . On February 13, 2015, the company made an announcement regarding its medium-term management plan titled Fujita Premium Value Creation 2015. www.sharedresearch.jp 54/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Other information LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Other information History The company traces its history back to 1869, when Denzaburo Fujita (a native of Hagi, Choshu (now Yamaguchi)) founded Denzaburo Fujita Trading Company. Denzaburo had a strong entrepreneurial spirit and launched a series of cutting-edge businesses in the fields of mining, civil engineering & construction, textiles and chemicals. In 1881 he reorganized the trading company and created Fujita Gumi (Group). The group obtained the Kosaka Mine in a government selloff, propelling the mining business to a new level. In 1937 Fujita Gumi became a joint stock corporation, which grew in stature to rival the zaibatsu (industrial conglomerates). After the war, four key mines which were under the Fujita Gumi umbrella including the Kosaka Mine were transferred to Dowa Mining (changed name from Fujita Gumi in December 1945). The other mines and the Kojima Bay reclamation project were transferred to Fujita Mining (established in May 1945). In 1948, Fujita Mining spun off its mining division, establishing a new company which also translates as Fujita Mining and simultaneously reduced capital and changed its name to Fujita Kogyo. This company was involved primarily in the real estate, railway, and tourism businesses. Fujita Kogyo launched a series of new tourism businesses including Hakone Kowakien and Chinzanso (currently Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo). As the tourism division had a solid foundation for future development, Fujita Kogyo decided to spin out this division. On November 7, 1955, Fujita Kanko was established as a 100% subsidiary of Fujita Kogyo. Fujita Kogyo merged with Dowa Corporation, which changed its name to Dowa Holdings Co., Ltd., in 2006. As a result, Dowa Holdings became Fujita Kanko’s leading shareholder. In 1918 Eiichi Ogawa, the then president of Fujita Kogyo, took over a Japanese-style villa built by Denzaburo Fujita’s son, Heitaro Fujita, in Hakone Kowakidani and opened a ryokan. Ogawa thought that opening up the gardens and mansions that had been occupied by members of the zaibatsu and nobility as a haven for the public was socially responsible, and launched Hakone Kowakien. The spirit of the company’s foundation — creating an enriched society — has become the company’s basic management philosophy. Year Event 1869 Denzaburo Fujita founds Denzaburo Fujita Trading Company. 1881 Reorganized into Fujita Gumi. 1893 Establish Fujita Gumi incorporated. 1945 Fujita Mining established. Company name changed from Fujita Gumi to Dowa Mining. 1948 Hakone Kowakien opened. Fujita Mining changes name to Fujita Kogyo (merges with Dowa Mining in 1957). 1952 Chinzanso opens. 1955 Fujita Kogyo spins off tourism division. Fujita Kanko established. 1959 Taiko-en opens. Hakone Hotel Kowakien opens. 1964 Lists on TSE Second Section (transfers to First Section next year). Shimabara Kanko Hotel Kowakien opens. 1973 Company’s first directly managed hotel Washington Hotel opens in Sapporo. (First Washington Hotel was opened in 1969 by Washington Hotel Co., Ltd.) Lists on Osaka Securities Exchange First Section. 1992 Four Seasons Hotel Chinzanso (now Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo) opens. 2013 Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo launched. Hiroshima Washington Hotel opens. Sendai Washington Hotel opens. www.sharedresearch.jp 55/59 R Fujita Kanko| 9722 | Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Other information 2014 Yufuin Ryokuyu opens. 2015 Hotel Gracery Shinjuku opens in April. LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Source: Shared Research based on company materials Major shareholders Top Shareholders (as of Dec 31, 2015) DOWA HOLDINGS Co., Ltd Amount held 31.81% The Master Trust Bank of Japan , Ltd. (trust account) 7.37% Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd. (trust account) 5.11% UNIZO Holdings Company, Limited 2.93% Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company 2.50% Nippon Life Insurance Company 1.82% Shimizu Corporation 1.53% ASAHI BREWERIES, LTD. 1.51% Mizuho Bank, Ltd. 1.50% The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. Total 1.50% 57.58% Source: Shared Research based on company data Returns to shareholders The company’s basic policy is to distribute earnings to shareholders in line with results, while strengthening the corporate structure and retaining enough earnings to grow the business. Based on this policy, since FY12/11 the company has paid a steady annual dividend per share of JPY4. Corporate governance and top management Corporate governance Organization and capital structure Controlling interests None Parent company ticker N/A Directors Organizational type Company with corporate auditors Number of directors under Articles of Association 12 Directors' terms under Articles of Association 1 year Number of external (independent) directors 2 Voluntary committee equivalent to Nomination Committee or Compensation Committee In place Number of auditors under Articles of Association 5 Number of external (independent) auditors 1 Independent officers (external directors/auditors) 3 Other Disclosure of directors' compensation Full disclosure Policy on determining amount of compensation and calculation methodology In place Corporate takeover defenses None Source: Shared Research based on company data Top management The company’s representative directors are Akira Sasaki and Akira Segawa. Chairman Akira Sasaki (born in 1950) joined Fujita Kanko in 1970. In 1998 he was appointed general manager of Washington Hotel Asahikawa. He has subsequently served as general manager and president of many Washington Hotels nationwide. In 2011 he was appointed executive officer and general manager of the head office, and in 2012 a director and executive officer of Fujita Kanko. Sasaki was appointed deputy CEO and COO in March 2013. He was appointed www.sharedresearch.jp 56/59 R Shared Research Report FUJITA KANKO > Other information Fujita Kanko| 9722 | LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 chairman of Fujita Kanko in March 2015. President and CEO Akira Segawa (born in 1955) joined Industrial Bank of Japan (now Mizuho Bank) in 1977. In 2005 he was appointed executive officer in charge of the Nagoya sales division. In 2008 he was appointed managing executive officer in charge of sales. In 2010 he was appointed a full-time auditor at Dowa Holdings. In 2011 he became a director of Fujita Kanko. After being appointed as an adviser to Fujita Kanko in March 2012 and serving as vice president, he was appointed to his current post of president and CEO in March 2013. Employees As of end December 2015 the company had 1,270 employees on a consolidated basis and an annual average of 3,580 temporary employees. On an unconsolidated basis, the company had 886 employees and an annual average of 1,611 temporary employees. Employee statistics as of end December 2014 (unconsolidated): ▶ ▶ ▶ Average age: 41.3 Average tenure of employment: 18.6 years Average salary: JPY5.8mn www.sharedresearch.jp 57/59 R Shared Research Report Fujita Kanko| 9722 | FUJITA KANKO > Other information LAST UPDATE【2016/6/8】 Profile Company FUJITA KANKO INC. Head office 2-10-8 Sekiguchi, Bunkyo-ku Tokyo 112-8664 Phone Listed on + (81) 3-5981-7700 Tokyo Stock Exchange 1st Section Established Exchange listing November 7, 1955 (officially, June 12, 1946) March 19 1963 Website Fiscal year-end http://fujita-kanko.com/ December IR contact IR web Public relations officer, planning group http://fujita-kanko.com/investor-relations/ IR e-mail IR Phone h-koho@fujita-kanko.co.jp +(81)-3-5981-7703 www.sharedresearch.jp 58/59 R Shared Research Report About Shared Research Inc. We offer corporate clients comprehensive report coverage, a service that allows them to better inform investors and other stakeholders by presenting a continuously updated third-party view of business fundamentals, independent of investment biases. Shared Research can be found on the web at http://www.sharedresearch.jp. Current Client Coverage of Shared Research Inc. Accretive Co., Ltd. FreeBit Co., Ltd. Nichi-Iko Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Adastria Co., Ltd. FUJITA KANKO INC. 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