gcm-chocolate resource guide
gcm-chocolate resource guide
RESOURCE GUIDE TO ONLINE CHOCOLATE VENDORS AMAZON (SEARCH MULTIPLE VENDORS ) http://www.amazon.com ADAGIO CHOCOLATES http://www.adagiochocolates.com ASKINOSIE CHOCOLATE http://www.askinosie.com BAKERS C&C http://www.bakerscandc.com JAMISON’S http://chocolatebyjamieson.com http://www.chocolateman.com CHOCOLATES EL REY http://www.chocolateselrey.com CHOCOLATIERS UK CHOCOLEY CHOCOPOLIS http://www.chocolatiers.co.uk http://www.chocoley.com http://www.chocopolis.com CHOCOLATE SOURCE http://www.chocolatesource.com COCOA OUTLET http://www.cocoaoutlet.com CHOCOLATE RUNNERS http://cocoarunners.com COCOA SUPPLY http://www.cocoasupply.com GOURMAIL http://www.gourmail.com CHOCOLATE MAN GOURMET CANDY MAKER (AMAZON STORE) http://gourmetcandymaker.com/products GUITTARD CHOCOLAT CO. https://www.guittard.com HOME CHOCOLATE FACTORY http://homechocolatefactory.com MR CHOCOLATE-‐ JACQUES TORRES http://mrchocolate.com MELTING CHOCOLATE http://wholesalemeltingchocolate.com OLIVIA CHOCOLAT http://www.oliviachocolatiers.com GCM-‐ CHOCOLATE RESOURCE GUIDE Page 2 THE ORIGINAL HAWAIIAN CHOCOLATE FACTORY http://www.ohcf.us QZINA https://qzina.com SANTA BARBARA CHOCOLATE http://santabarbarachocolate.com SURFAS CULINARY http://www.culinarydistrict.com KING ARTHURS FLOUR http://www.kingarthurflour.com THE MEADOWS https://www.atthemeadow.com THEO CHOCOLATE http://www.theochocolate.com VALRHONA http://www.valrhona-‐chocolate.com VANTAGE HOUSE https://www.vantagehouse.com VINTAGE PLANTATIONS http://www.vintageplantations.com VIVANI CHOCOLATE BARS http://www.vivani-‐chocolate.de WORLDWIDE CHOCOLATE http://worldwidechocolate.com This resource guide has been complied as a courtesy to our customers and members of THE GOURMET CANDY MAKER online courses. We sincerely hope you find the information helpful but cannot guarantee product quality, delivery, pricing, or online accuracy of any content on any vendors website. If you find a vendor to be of superior quality and service standards, we would love to hear about your experience. Conversely, should you have an experience less than exceptional, please share that with us in strictest confidence. IF you discover a fabulous vendor that is not on our list … please DO SHARE! Thank you and happy chocolate buying ☺ Lynn Gourmet Candy Maker Lynn@GourmetCandyMaker.com