he greatest good we can do for our community and the world is to


he greatest good we can do for our community and the world is to
4 OES Students
6 Student Profiles
8 Students & Faculty
10 School Leadership
12 Financials, Philanthropy
Philanthropic Highlights:
14 • Capital Campaign
16 • OES Fund
he greatest good
we can do for our community
and the world is to give our children a
mind-opening education.
hank you for making that
possible at OES.
18 •Auction
20 •AASK
22 • Bell Society
26 Vision, Mission, Identity &
28 Committee Listings
30 Donor Listings
Opening young minds to their potential is the
we have been educating students for
145 years. In the 2013–14 academic year, Director
of Studies John Holloran shepherded faculty and
administration through the second year of a four-year plan
toward refining our PK-12 integrated curriculum, summarized as
the “Essential Competencies.” This commitment to being on the
vanguard of education was matched only by the commitment
of our students as they EXPLORED new realms, CREATED
solutions, CONNECTED with new ideas, and COMMITTED
to using their power for good throughout the school year.
OES is committed to furthering diversity and
nurturing a community that recognizes and
celebrates the differences among us. Last year,
OES continued the focus on building intercultural
competence for staff and faculty that began in
2012. By April 2013, 208 faculty and staff
completed “Day 1” of intercultural competence
training and by October 2013, 148 faculty
and staff had completed “Day 2.” Day 3 is
scheduled for development in the fall of 2014.
Reid K., 1st grader
My favorite subject: Math.
What I’m proud of: My reading.
What I loved about OES last year: I love
teachers best, because they’re nice.
Last year I EXPLORED…birds, nature, and
bird habitats.
Piper B., 4th grader
What I’m proud of: Holding a garage sale with my
friends. We gathered items from our homes to sell. We
were able to donate $1,020 to a children’s cancer center.
What I loved about OES last year: Pioneer Days.
Last year, I CREATED…joy by doing good things for
other people.
Rebecca B., 7th grader
My favorite subjects: Spanish and Science.
What I’m proud of: Improving my academic skills.
What I loved about OES last year: Middle School has
many new students and it’s a great opportunity to
expand friendships. Having a variety of teachers also
provides more opportunities for learning.
Last year, I CONNECTED…to children and families in
need that we can support.
Vinay Iyengar ’14
My favorite subjects: Math and Science.
What I’m proud of: My proudest moment was giving the
keynote address at the 2014 Google Global Partners
Summit in front of one thousand people. I conquered
my fear of public speaking and for that I owe a lot to my
experiences at OES.
What I loved about OES: Looking back on what I’ll
remember most, it’s the conversations I had with teachers
and friends. Close relationships that last a lifetime are well
cultivated in this community.
Last year, I COMMITTED…to using my passion for math
and science to make a difference in the world.
CONFERENCE in d.c. InspireS Students
TO Challenge Faculty
Last April, four OES students — Elizabeth K., Mira R.,
Lisa L., and Holly L. — and five faculty members attended
the National Service Learning Conference in Washington, D.C.
The students returned with a challenge for the US faculty.
“The reason we are here today is to emphasize the
importance of incorporating service learning into our
school curriculum,” they said at a US faculty meeting,
“and hopefully inspire you with some ways to do that.”
The bond between faculty and students is essential to
learning, and OES students are taught to have a voice in
that education. Philanthropy provides support for attending
conferences and other transformative opportunities
for students as they develop that voice. Thank you!
They challenged the faculty to redefine service learning.
“Instead of ‘giving back by doing our service hours,’ we
need to expand the definition to show how service
learning deeply enhances education in every subject,”
they explained. “Service learning should be a priority
of education because it lends relevance and realworld application to what you learn in school.”
Faculty brainstormed ideas as they took up the challenge
to better incorporate service learning into their curricula.
As a final challenge, the students asked them to tie their
new service learning ideas to the Essential Competencies.
Chairman of the Board
The Rt. Rev. Michael Hanley
Kate Lieber
Vice President
Elizabeth Gewecke
Vice President
Mark Kemball
Heike von der Heyden
Nate Schwalbach
St. John the Baptist Church
The Rev. Robert Bryant
Moira Buckley
The Rev. Alcena Boozer
The Rev. Canon Sara Fischer
Elizabeth Highet ’86
Scott Keeney
Estelle Kelley ’78
Adam Kobos ’91
Malcolm McIver ’82
Todd Prendergast
Evan Roberts ’88
Tim Stout
Patricia Trunzo
Liam Thornton
Catherine Willmott
Head of School
Head of Middle School
Head of School
Mo Copeland
Chair of Endowment Investment Committee
Lawrence W. Harris, III
Chair of Parent Community Link
Alicia Morissette
President of the Alumnae/i Council
Dan Drinkward '95
Mo Copeland
Chief Financial Off icer
Andrea Bride
Director of Development
Randa Cleaves
Head Chaplain
Phillip Craig
Head of Upper School
Jordan Elliot ’97
Director of Admissions
Susie Gundle
Scott Hardister
Director of Marketing and Communications
Martin C. Jones
Head of Lower School
David Lowell
Director of Facilities Management
Jon von Behren
Executive Assistant to the Head of School
Anne Weston
“ Working with Kate has been a
high point of my career. Big vision
requires complete congruence,
drive, and direction from the
board president, and we are
fortunate to have that in Kate. Her
support, powerful leadership, and
commitment to the school and our
big vision are extraordinary. We
are lucky to have her capacity,
capabilities, natural flair and, most
importantly, her sense of humor.
— Mo Copeland
Head of School
Visionary Leadership
for a Visionary School
The OES Board of Trustees, Head of School,
and Administrative Team work together to
align OES strategy, operations, and resources
toward the best possible learning environment
for students. They take our mission to heart.
The results of this Annual Report are a
testament to their committed leadership, wise
guidance, and financial generosity.
“ Mo is the real deal. She hit the
ground running and hasn’t stopped
yet! Her ability to lead the school
with grace and dignity has allowed
the Board to govern at the right
‘hover height’ so that we are able
to think strategically about the
school. Our partnership with Mo
moves the vision forward. I am
consistently amazed and humbled
at the time and talents that the
Board and Mo dedicate to our
school. It is truly a wonderful
— K ate Lieber
President, Board of Trustees
Excellence Grows From a
Culture of Philanthropy
Philanthropy provides essential support for the operating budget as
well as for the school’s long-term vision. OES relies on the continued
generosity of donors to help accomplish our mission of preparing
students to realize their power for good.
The OES community raised over $4 million
for our students, programs, and campus.
Thank you to everyone who participated in
supporting the following critical funds:
The OES Fund
$ 897,793
2014 Auction (before expenses) $ 432,850
—— Annual giving through the OES Fund, the Auction, and
AASK support the programs of the school today.
New Gifts to the Endowment
$ 130,586
Capital Gifts
—— Capital Gifts develop campus facilities and
resources for the school of tomorrow.
Special Purpose Gifts:
—— Gifts to the OES Endowment and Planned Gifts
provide stable funding for generations to come.
$ 43,544
Other Designated Giving
$ 14,024
“ Donors make a difference at OES.
The community of parents, alumnae/i,
grandparents, faculty, staff, and other friends
generously steps up each year to support the
programs that make an outstanding student
experience. Donors recognize the importance
of philanthropy in many forms and our
culture of philanthropy is strong. It has made
this campus what it is today and it will create
the campus of the future.
anda Cleaves
Director of Development
AASK Other
The OES Fund
Capital Gifts
2014 Auction
New Gifts
to the Endowment
Endowment Size:
2013 Enrollment: 2,346
as of June 30, 2014
2014 Enrollment: 3,367
Return Rate:
5 year annualized rate of 12.7%
Increase of 43% with 275
different classes offered.
Endowment Draw:
$845,329 was disbursed
— Andrea Bride
Chief Financial Officer
toward funding areas specified
by donors.
Beginning & Lower School: 337
OES provided over $1.7 million
Middle School: 204
in awards to 129 deserving
Upper School: 316
students qualifying for need-
Boarding: 56
*Total represents students
enrolled at the start of school.
health has never been stronger.
We are fortunate to have robust
enrollment, strong and growing
giving trends, and great stewardship
and oversight of our resources from
our Finance, Endowment, and Audit
Committees as well as from our
excellent staff.
From a 4.25% spending rate,
“ Oregon Episcopal School’s financial
based financial aid.
Interest from the OES
Endowment supports this
important program.
“ OES has earned a reputation for
excellence. With enrollment in both
our day and boarding programs at
capacity, OES is home to students
who demonstrate their competencies
in and out of the classroom.
Admission at OES is increasingly
competitive each year; the yield
of accepted students continues
to rise, and our retention rates
remain stronger than ever. These
positive trends indicate families are
recognizing the value of an OES
— Susie Gundle
Director of Admissions
The New OES Master Plan Moves Boldly Forward
With Its First Capital Project
The Beginning and Lower School is a critical component
of an OES education. Our Beginning and Lower School has
served us well for the past 50 years, but it is time to give
our teachers and our students open, flexible space where
sprawling projects can unfold, students can collaborate, and
classes can gather as one.
After two years of research and careful planning by the
Board of Trustees, Head of School Mo Copeland, the
Capital Campaign Committee, and the OES Development
Department, 2013–14 ushered in a year of tremendous
philanthropic leadership. Generous members of our
community helped us meet fundraising benchmarks to move
this important project forward into 2014–15.
Campaign Chair
Estelle Kelley ’78
Vice Chair
Evan Roberts ’88
“We are going to match our world-class education
with additional world-class facilities. To remain the
gold standard, we simply must have both.”
— K ate Lieber
President, Board of Trustees
We’re All In This Together
Simply put, the OES Fund ensures that we can provide the
opportunities and resources that our students deserve.
Unrestricted donations provide critical support for arts,
science, athletics, and libraries. Every student scientist, athlete,
actor, writer, musician, reader, and artist benefitted from your
donations to the OES Fund.
Last year, 796 donors contributed $897,793. This was an
increase in annual fund revenue of 11%. Full-time OES faculty
yet again achieved 100% participation in giving to the OES
Fund. Participation is key and donations of all sizes allowed us
to surpass our goal.
the OES Fund. Leadership gifts from the 1869 Society
Co-chairs Elizabeth Gewecke and Michelle Tubbs, along with
their volunteer team of 26 dedicated parents, grandparents,
faculty, staff, alumnae/i, and parents of alumnae/i, spent
countless hours advocating for the OES Fund.
Thank you to our volunteers and to all who gave so
Total members: 173
Number of first-time 1869 Society donors: 42
Named in honor of the year in which the school was
founded, the 1869 Society recognizes the philanthropic
leadership of donors who contribute $1,869 or more to
are critical each year, providing over 80% of the total
funds raised.
200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 1,000,000
—— State-of-the-art research labs
—— Subscriptions to 23 online databases supporting student research
—— Discoveries across the woods and wetlands “lab” of our campus
—— Seven author and illustrator visits including Lemony Snicket
—— One of the best PK-12 science programs in the country
—— Crowd-wowing theatrical productions
—— Over 60 athletic teams with 86% of US students participating
—— 16 musical groups
—— Resources to mow 2.5 acres of sports fields twice a week
—— A comprehensive arts education for every grade
—— A no-cut policy program that achieves excellence
—— The addition of more than 1,500 books to three libraries
A Par ty with a Purpose
Of all the fundraising events during the year, the OES Auction
commands the biggest guest list and the loudest celebration.
Our “Roaring 20s” gala in March welcomed 400-plus guests
and raised $432,850.
Chair Mari Schwalbach and Co-Chair Lisa Kellogg led a
committee of 46 members and an army of volunteers.
Following the motto of the St. Helen’s Hall Class of ’24,
Non Nobis Solum, the committee created a “party with a
purpose” that met school needs while providing a fantastic
gathering for the OES community. All told, hundreds of hours
were spent organizing this banner event.
Auction proceeds support faculty professional development,
AASK, and other special projects that enhance our campus.
Projects funded by the 2014 auction include:
—— New 6th and 7th grade Science Labs with
separate lab and lecture areas.
—— The US Theatre Arts Lab was equipped with theatre
lights and control board, green screen, pipe and drape
and mirrors, and dance and video production.
—— Repairs to SPARC including painting and ceiling repairs.
—— New scoreboards in the OES gym and SPARC.
Thank you, donors!
Non Nobis Solum
(Not for Ourselves Alone)
Aardvarks Advocate Skills & Knowledge
AASK has been the only program in the local area running
for 16 consecutive years to provide after-school tutoring
and a literacy-based summer program for middle school
English Language Learners. Dedicated to the idea that every
person deserves educational opportunities to fulfill his or her
potential, last year AASK:
—— Provided tutoring to 39 English Language Learners
from Whitford Middle School, extending their school
days by 2 hours every week for about 28 weeks.
—— Strengthened the reading skills of 142 students
in the AASK Summer Day Camp, extending
their school year by four weeks.
—— AASK alumnae/i were accepted to USC, Brown
University, the Art Institute of Chicago, PSU, and OSU.
AASK is successful because of the commitment of OES, the
Beaverton School District, and you. Thank you!
From left to right: AASK student and tutor Manuel Romero, Director Myra
Clark, and tutor Grace Hashiguchi ’14.
“I am continuously realizing the vast impact that AASK has on all
aspects of my life. More than anything, being involved in AASK
has given me a new perspective with which to appreciate my
experiences, my capacity to serve others, and the meaning of
diversity. Being a part of the program has challenged me to
be a leader.
race Hashiguchi ’14
ASAC Co-Chair, AASK tutor, AASK Day Camp Counselor
Catalysts for Change
In the 1980s, Norman and Dolores Winningstad
established The Winningstad Endowed Chair in the
Physical Sciences. They made possible the establishment
of the first endowed chair in the school’s history
and led to the hiring of Dr. Bill Lamb. A beloved
and influential teacher, he retired in 2012.
Inspired by his work and the impact it had on their
daughter, Laurie Rumker ’11, Susan Phillips and Dave
Rumker established the Dr. William G. Lamb Science
Endowment in the Spring of 2013. Six months later,
former trustee Ed Clark and his wife Janet spoke
to their children Brinton ’86 and Matt ’88 about
contributing to the Lamb Endowment with a family
challenge to the community. By the spring of 2014,
the Lamb Endowment had quadrupled in size.
From the catalyst of the Winningstad’s generosity
and vision came three decades of remarkable
philanthropy toward the OES science program,
now one of the best in the nation.
•The Fritz Hayes Memorial
Scholarship Fund
•Bequest from the Estate of
Nanette Moore Gerba ’36
•Bequest from the Estate of
Marion B. & Philip B. Janney
The Bell Society honors and
recognizes individuals who have
established an endowment
during their lifetime and/or
provided for OES through their
estate plans. Endowment
funders, planned givers, and
donors contributing to an
endowed fund are instrumental
to building the OES Endowment,
providing stable funding for the
school and supporting an array
of needs such as student
financial aid, faculty salaries,
and enrichment programs.
US faculty member Dr. Catherine Molloseau
explains Dr. Lamb’s famous “bowling ball
drop” to endowment donors. Those pictured
include Janet and Ed Clark (fifth and sixth
clockwise from left) and Susan Phillips and Dave
Rumker (eleventh and twelfth). Dr. Lamb (below).
The Philanthropy of Time and Talent
Philanthropy is about so much more than the resources
it provides. It is about the generosity of spirit to support
an endeavor that is meaningful to the donor. The support
provided by volunteerism — gifts of time and talent — is
critical to OES’s ability to fulfill its mission.
In 2013–14, the financial value of volunteer hours was
$854,000 (based on the Independent Sector’s Value of
Volunteer Time in Oregon). The intangible value goes
much deeper. It is a symbiosis, where the skills, interests,
and experience of our volunteers influence the growth and
direction of the school toward the best possible education for
our children.
Thank you to all of our volunteers in 2013 –14. We simply
couldn’t have done it without you.
2013–14 Total Volunteer Hours: 40,000
2012–13 Total Volunteer Hours: 36,600
2013–14 Number of Volunteers: 788
2012–13 Number of Volunteers: 765
“It is hard to put into words the
impact that volunteerism has at
OES. The skills and experience of
our parents and their willingness
to volunteer are astounding.
Whether working alongside Jane
Kenney-Norberg during a science
lesson, driving middle and upper
school students out into the
community for a day of service,
or planning one of the many
all-school events, volunteerism is
critical to making our school the
best it can be for our children.
licia Morissette
Trustee, parent of four OES
students, and PCL Chair
Among the more demanding volunteer roles across the school year are chairing the OES Fund and
the Auction. OES was fortunate to have the passion and expertise of four extraordinary women who
brought the OES Fund and Auction to new heights of success, all the while keeping their sense of
humor. Thank you to our Auction Chair Mari Schwalbach, Co-Chair Lisa Kellogg, OES Fund Co-Chair
Michelle Tubbs, and Chair Elizabeth Gewecke for your expert leadership.
prepares students for higher education and
lifelong learning by inspiring intellectual,
physical, social, emotional, artistic, and
spiritual growth so that they may realize
their power for good as citizens of local and
world communities.
Perched on the Pacific Rim, nestled
between the ocean and the mountains,
bordered by both natural wetlands and
urban development, we nurture intrinsic
curiosity about complex environments and
people of diverse backgrounds, creating
intentional connections and collaborative,
sustainable solutions.
AWARENESS: Human differences matter.
Recognizing and engaging the range of
human thought, experience, and identity are
essential to this school community.
Connecting people, ideas, and cultures to
advance knowledge, create solutions, and
enhance meaning.
MATTERS: Rooted in a rhythm of gathering
and reflection, we educate toward a larger
purpose—toward inclusion and respect,
understanding and compassion, service
and social justice, toward meaning and
commitment beyond ourselves.
MATTERS: Grounded in the belief that
the advancement of knowledge flows from
open and rigorous inquiry, we cultivate the
life of the mind and the whole person by
connecting questions with exploration and
discovery, theories with scrutiny, expression
with art, and self with subject.
DIALOGUE: The extent to which the
school commits to ongoing dialogue and
effort towards inclusion will determine our
ability to wholly fulfill the school’s Mission
and realize its Vision.
COURAGE: OES recognizes that
conversations about inclusive community
require courage. Mistakes and times of
discomfort are a part of the learning
Trustees recognizes its leadership role in
creating an engaged community that:
and celebrates a diversity of
• Embraces
people, voices, and perspectives.
intercultural communication skills
• Develops
for local and global understanding and
historical privilege and power
• Understands
inequities, and challenges norms and
systems that perpetuate exclusion.
evaluates and strengthens the
• Regularly
school’s practices of equity and inclusion.
Dan Drinkward ’95
Laura Cook Axon ’86
Ben Chessar ’95
Carrie Cool ’80
Eric Gebbie ’94
Chuck Reynolds ’69
Grade Representatives
12th Julie Fiene-Yeager
PCL Chair
11th Jan Massaro
10th Jan Halsey
Alicia Morissette
Community Building Coordinator
Kim Bissell
Communications Coordinator
Jana Reddoch
All School Volunteer Coordinator
Ruchi Prakash
40,000 hours
for the school.
Upper School Volunteer Coordinator
Sally LeFeber
Middle School Volunteer Coordinator
Jackie Waller
Lower School PAL Chair
Clare Rathbone
9th Jane Langley
Estelle M. Kelley ’78
Evan Roberts ’88
Susan Bankowski
Moira Buckley
Mo Copeland
Elizabeth Gewecke
Elizabeth Highet ’86
Margueritte Kim
Kate Lieber
David Lowell
Todd Prendergast
Leslie Spencer
Michelle Tubbs
8th Michele Ackerman
Grade Representatives
7th Nancy Collins
11th Lynn Ogden
6th Courtney Fitzloff
10th Jana Reddoch
5th Kristin Bradley
9th Jan Huston
4th Ann Perry
8th Agi Mottern
3rd April Gilster
6th Diane Engelhard Jones
2nd Michelle Tubbs
5th Carol Timm
Kristina Davis
4th Kim Bissell
Sara Berglund
3rd Deb Pajor
Kristin Barnett
2nd Sarah Raymond
Julie Kuni
Stephanie Knight
Sara Berglund
Scott Doenecke ’84
Eric Gabrielson
April Gilster
Lower School PAL Co-Chair
Elizabeth Gewecke
Mary Lou Green
The OES Fund
Madeleine Menashe
supported Peter Pan,
OES Auction Chair
Twelfth Night, High
Mari Schwalbach
School Musical 2, and
OES Auction Co-Chair
the One Act Plays.
Lisa Kellogg
Community Diversity Link Co-Chair
Agi Mottern
Community Diversity Link Co-Chair
Jen Knudsen
FOESL Co-Chair
Diane Polscer
FOESL Co-Chair
Jan Massaro
OES Homecoming Chair
Moira Buckley
Thank you.
Community Representatives
US Faculty
Chris Myers
MS Faculty
Karen Seder
LS Faculty
Natasha Busick
Brad Baugher
Nancy Lematta
Parent of Alum Holly Hady
Mari Schwalbach
Lisa Kellogg
Past Chair
Rebecca Roberts
Sohee Anderson
Volunteer Coordinator
Chris Gong
Board Liaisons
Evan Roberts ’88
Nate Schwalbach
Catalog Coordinators
Karen Hsu
David Jacobson
Michelle Levis
Tricia Sipowicz
Class Projects Coordinator
Ruchi Prakash
Tracy Arensberg
Data Entry
Division Liaisons
LS Jenny Futrell
MS Karen Seder
US & Staff Gisela Walitzki
Can’t find your name? In the case of a donor couple, we
alphabetize by the last name of the first member of the couple
Sandra Cost
listed. Please let us know if you would prefer to be listed
Kristina Durant
otherwise; we are happy to accommodate your request!
Easel Parties
Jennifer Gabrielson
Michelle Tubbs
Karen Hsu
David Jacobson
Job Shadows
Carey Killian
Whitney Snyder
Carol Timm
Live Auction
Lisa Casalino
Silent Auction Chairs
Jan Halsey
Diana Lavery
Wall of Wine
Jan Massaro
Diane Polscer
Barbara Bakken
Diane Jones
Evan Roberts ’88
Kim Bissell
Brian Lockyear
Rebecca Roberts
Lien Vu-Brenner
Rick Waldron
Mo Copeland
Will-Call Chair
Patrick Fuller
Procurement Chair
Margueritte Kim
Procurement Committee
Kelly Hatler
Nora Semonsen
Other Committee Members
Lara Ingham
Martin C. Jones
Becky Holzman
Kristin Barnett
Chris Myers
Betty Inscore
Margaret Hite
Keith Packard
Deb Pajor
Nina Kapur
Amy Lieberman
Julie Solomon
Ruchi Prakash
Maureen Lematta
Jamie Sales
Gisela Walitzki
Heather Peizner
Jen Shiley
Michael Ward
Sally Waddell
Data Entry Committee
Amanda Reveno
* Deceased www.oes.edu/giving
Spencer R. Collins Scholarship Fund
St. Helens Hall Endowment Fund
Auction 2000 & 2009 Financial Aid Endowment
Barbara Hirschi Neely Memorial Scholarship Fund
Barclay Ball-McCall Scholarship Fund
Alexander Family Fund
Betty Lou Roberts ’36 Endowment Fund
Beatrice L. Gerlinger Endowed Chair in Mathematics
David Sellers ’78 Memorial Scholarship Fund
Benjamin D. Dagwell Endowment Fund
Edith M. Landry Endowment Fund
Bernice Bean ’72 Endowment Fund
Elizabeth Reeves ’32, JC ’35, and Margaret Reeves Yick ’30, JC ’35
Cynthia Coats Railton ’53 Endowment Fund
Scholarship Fund
Dr. William G. Lamb Science Endowment
Edward E. Ford Scholarship Fund
Edward E. Ford Endowment for Faculty Professional Growth and Development
Frances Watzek Warren ’33 Endowment Fund
Edward E. Ford Music and Economics Faculty Endowment Funds
Fritz Hayes Memorial Scholarship Fund
Eola Richards Keller ’12 and Henry P. Keller Endowment Fund
Gertrude Houk Fariss & Chris Fariss Scholarship Fund
Experiential Education Scholarship Fund
Helen Curtis Hyde ’29 Endowment Fund
Faculty Enrichment Endowment Fund
Jack S. Howard Scholarship Fund
Frances Spaulding Charlton ’22 Endowment Fund
Jake Stults Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Harriet Banfield Endowed Fund for English
James W. F. and Phyllis Carman Trust
Harriet Patricia Banfield Endowment Fund
Jane L. Hiller ’17 Endowed Scholarship Fund
as of
Helen Van de Water ’22 Endowment Fund
Joanna Jenkins Mitchell Hall ’25 Endowed Scholarship Fund
June 30, 2014.
Henry Failing Endowment Fund
John C. Bechen Memorial Scholarship Fund
J. Milne Manson Fund
Katherine Graham Barbey ’13 Scholarship Fund
Leland Ammerman & Jane Mount Ammerman ’35 Fund
Lenore Lavanture Klink ’35 Endowment Fund
Margaret M. Swanson Endowment Fund
Louise Donaldson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Margueritte Emerson Jones ’13 and Family Endowment Fund
Louise Savier Washburn Trust Fund
Lyon Family Fund
Margaret Johnson Hanson ’27 Scholarship
Dylan Coulter ’89
photographed soccer’s
Matt Lyon Memorial Scholarship Fund
Melba Byrom Hess Scholarship Fund
greatest stars
at the World Cup.
Endowment was
$25.7 million
Mary G. Stephenson Memorial Endowment Fund
Mt. Hood Memorial Endowment Fund
OES Memorial Endowment Fund
Patty Jeanne Semura ’99 Endowment Fund
Peter and Margaret Sipple Endowment Fund
Mollie McCrea Scholarship Fund
Philip, Elizabeth, Amy and Terry Fields Family Endowment Fund
OES Endowment Scholarship Fund
R. J. Grover Fund for Learning Skills Development
Paul Gerhardt Jr. ’74 Memorial Endowment Fund
Ruth Rose Richardson ’36 Memorial Fund
Peter Stott & Julie Neupert-Stott Scholarship Fund
Sarah Inskeep and Children Endowment Fund
Reader's Digest Endowed Scholarship Fund
Susan Elizabeth McClave Endowment
Rebecca and Wm. Evan Roberts III Family Endowment Fund
Susan Lake Howell ’39 Endowment Fund
Roberta Angeline Hughes Memorial Scholarship Fund
T.J. Kempton Endowment Fund
Samuel S. Johnson Scholarship Fund
Winningstad Endowed Chair for Science and Engineering
$25,000 – $49,999
OES extends a special thank you
Peggy Harris & Tige Harris
to the following donors for their
Maggie Hayes
generous philanthropic support
Elizabeth Highet ’86
during the 2013–14 fiscal year.
Leslie Spencer & Jim Huffman
Edmund L. Devereaux III
Cumulative giving includes gifts
Mari Schwalbach &
Martha Godfrey Dixon ’58
to the Capital Campaign, the OES
Nate Schwalbach
Rhonda Schwartz & Steve Slovic
the Auction, in-kind, and other
Heike von der Heyden &
Eric von der Heyden
you for your leadership.
Pledges to the Capital Campaign are
Anonymous (2)
reflected in the Capital Campaign
Susan Bankowski &
Giving list immediately following.
SooLynn Chang & Tabon Chang
Truman W. Collins, Jr.
Fund, AASK, the Endowment,
temporarily restricted gifts. Thank
Moira Buckley & Mike Buckley
Brandon Bankowski
Missy Bechen & Peter Bechen
Bridlemile Soccer Club
Elinor Highet & Ron Highet
Marlee Brown & Dan Musser
Moira Buckley & Mike Buckley
$100,000 – $249,999
Janet Clark & Ed Clark
Anonymous (2)
Kristin Collins
Estelle M. Kelley ’78
Ramya Ramraj & Shaan Devaraj
worth of labor.
Nichols Foundation, Inc.
Hilary O’Hollaren & Sean O’Hollaren
Tanya Steele & Jeremy Pitts
Mariniah Prendergast &
Todd Prendergast
The Robert D. & Marcia H. Randall
Charitable Trust
Rebecca Roberts &
Evan Roberts ’88
Jaime Sales & Rafe Sales
Ann Stout & Tim Stout
Felicia Thornton & Liam Thornton
Catherine Willmott & David Willmott
Josie Cheng & Raymond Cheng
Kristin Collins
Truman W. Collins, Jr.
Mo Copeland & Chris Copeland
Mary Dolich ’86 & Scott Dolich
Kathleen Drinkward &
Dan Drinkward ’95
Episcopal Diocese of Oregon
The Rev. Canon Sara Fischer &
Mark Faust
Michelle Fitzhenry & Jim Fitzhenry
Jennifer Gabrielson &
Eric Gabrielson
Elizabeth Gewecke &
Thomas Gewecke
Pamela Grant & Steve Grant
Marla Hanley &
The Rt. Rev. Michael Hanley
Peggy Harris & Tige Harris
Elinor Highet & Ron Highet
Michelle Fitzhenry & Jim Fitzhenry
$50,000 – $99,999
Nanette Moore Gerba ’36*
OES is grateful for the early gifts
Barbara Hochgesang &
Elizabeth Gewecke &
Lisa Handley & J. B. Handley
and pledges we have received to
Betty Inscore & Pat Inscore
date from the following donors who
Becky Holzman & Lee Holzman
Pamela Grant & Steve Grant
Lisa Kellogg & Jordi Kellogg
are making our new Beginning and
Betty Inscore & Pat Inscore
Donna Knight & Travis Knight
Carey Killian & Lance Killian ’89
Lower School a reality.
Janet Keeney & Scott Keeney
The Gerald & Susan Schwalbach
Margueritte Kim & Gene Kim
Thomas Gewecke
Elizabeth Highet ’86
Mark Hochgesang
Estelle M. Kelley ’78
Nancy Lematta
Alice Kemball & Mark Kemball
Patricia Trunzo & Tony Trunzo
Kate Lieber & Monique Matheson
Susan Bankowski &
Carey Killian & Lance Killian ’89
Susan Urzaa & Juan Urzaa
Alicia Morissette & Don Morissette
Family Foundation
Tamara Selfridge Musser ’74 &
Peter Musser
Brandon Bankowski
Margueritte Kim & Gene Kim
The Rev. Alcena Boozer
The Rev. Canon Robert H. Bryant
* Deceased 31
Frances Phillips and Jack Phillips
Robert N. Donaldson*
In lieu of tickets, many attendees of OES drama
Mary Forbush Failing* &
productions last year made contributions that supported
Henry Failing*
OES performing arts. Thank you!
Gertrude Houk Fariss* &
Chris Fariss*
Edward E. Ford Foundation
Donna Knight & Travis Knight
Felicia Thornton & Liam Thornton
Betty Kobos & Adam Kobos ’91
Patricia Trunzo & Tony Trunzo
Marietta Lind Kuykendall ’55
Susan Urzaa & Juan Urzaa
Carrie Lawliss & Brad Lawliss
Heike von der Heyden &
Kate Lieber & Monique Matheson
Eric von der Heyden
Yan Mai & Mychael Mai
Elizabeth Wood-Hull &
Judy Matthies & Bill Hale
L.D. Wood-Hull
Alicia Morissette & Don Morissette
Outright Gift or Bequest Used to
Frances Phillips & Jack Phillips
Establish a Named Endowment
Mariniah Prendergast &
Todd Prendergast
Ramya Ramraj & Shaan Devaraj
Jana Reddoch & Steve Spindel
Sharon Richardson &
Clent Richardson ’79*
Rebecca Roberts &
Evan Roberts ’88
Carilyn M. Alexander &
Dick Alexander*
Grace Ball* & Ned Barclay Ball*
James W. F. Carman* &
Family Foundation
Nate Schwalbach
Rhonda Schwartz & Steve Slovic
Leslie Spencer & Jim Huffman
Margaret Johnson Hanson ’27*
Ken Sims
Margaret Sipple &
The Rev. Peter Sipple
Maggie Hayes
Rhoda Stephenson*
Melba Hess* & John Hess*
Kathleen Stephenson-Kuhn, Leigh
Jack S. Howard*
Stephenson-Kuhn & Family
Molly Stults, Bud Stults & Family
Margaret Swanson*
Susan L. Howell ’39*
Pat Timberlake & Family
Helen Curtis Hyde ’29*
Helen M. Van De Water ’22*
Sarah Inskeep
Frances Watzek Warren ’33*
Samuel Johnson*
Louise Savier Washburn*
Susan Jones & Bill Jones
Donna Welsh & Ted Welsh
Eola Richards Keller ’12*
Dolores Winningstad &
Lenore Lavanture Klink ’35* &
Warren Bean ’72
Missy Bechen & Peter Bechen
Tricia Workman Sims ’74 &
Elizabeth Crommelin Kerr*
Bernice Stevenson Bean ’72 &
The Gerald & Susan Schwalbach
Pat Semura & Jack Semura
Dei Kempton & Alan Kempton*
Katharine Graham Barbey ’13*
Jaime Sales & Rafe Sales
Mari Schwalbach &
Anonymous (5)
Evan Roberts ’88
Robert J. Grover*
Dorothy Howard* &
Rico McIver & Malcolm McIver ’82
Rebecca Roberts &
Beatrice L. Gerlinger*
Jane Lowe Hiller ’17*
Marilyn McIver
Betty Lou Roberts ’36*
B. H. Sellers
Gordan Hall*
Catherine Willmott & David Willmott
Margaret Reeves Yick ’30*
Ruth R. Richardson ’36*
Nancy Gerhardt & Paul Gerhardt*
Joanna Hall Jenkins Hall ’25* &
Susan Lowell & Jim Lowell
Elizabeth Reeves ’32* &
Chester Klink*
Edith Landry*
Norm Winningstad*
Harriet Banfield Workman* &
Norman Workman*
Leslie Workman &
Mark Workman ’69
Chris McClave, Donald McClave, &
Phyllis Carman*
Alfred Carpenter* & Helen Bundy
Frances Spaulding Charlton ’22* &
David Charlton*
Andrew McClave
Tamara Selfridge Musser ’74 &
Peter Musser
Barbara Hirschi Neely*
Julie Neupert-Stott & Peter Stott
Ann Stout & Tim Stout
Spencer Collins*
Connie Sullivan & Steve Lovett
DeWitt Wallace-Reader’s Digest Fund
Susan Phillips & Dave Rumker
Cynthia Coats Railton ’53*
Thank you.
Other Realized Bequests
to the School
Betty B. Allen*
Jane Mount Ammerman ’35* &
Leland Ammerman*
Elbertine Adams Armstrong ’25* &
Grant Armstrong*
Shirley Barton ’48*
Martha Cake ’40*
Doris Lincoln Trepp ’36 &
Libby Merwin & Miles Merwin
Martin Trepp*
Heather Michet ’74
Betty Chew & Norman Chew*
Ruth Simmonds Tunturi ’34*
Nancy Chipman ’26*
Bettybelle Tubbs Watzek ’33*
to the Girls’ and Boys’
Craig Murphy
Tennis Teams for being
Sue Nicol & Scott Nicol
Mary Helen Spaulding Clair ’19*
2014 State Champs!
Anne Munro & Dave Munro
Ellen Thielsen Dewitt*
OES Named as Beneficiary
Eleanor Simpson Dolf ’20*
in Estate Plans
Lynn Paff & Lou Paff
Ruth Foland*
Ken Parksion & Kar-Yee Wu ’90
Dorothy Foote*
Tony Adams
Geraldine Kirby French ’27*
Elizabeth Ash & David Morganstern
Nanette Moore Gerba* ’36 &
Sheila Maley Bates ’66
Steven Gerba*
Pam Boston & Jim Boston
Kathy Brault & Jean Brault
Audra Braun ’41
OES was fully
enrolled with
857 students
last year.
Jean Bullwinkle ’37
Sharon Cade & Joe Cade
Kristin Collins
The Very Rev. Roy Coulter
Jo de Bruin
Nancy Draper & Philip Draper
Julie Drinkward & Wayne Drinkward
Jonathan Glenn ’73*
Guin Hall ’38*
Frieda Hanny*
Lolita Holmes ’17*
Marion Janney* & Gordon Janney*
Marian Jenkins ’20*
Ruth Jenkins ’20*
Frances Taylor Lundberg ’29*
Charlotte Ohle 1899*
Matilda Bowman O’Leary ’25*
Katharine O’Reilly ’30*
Nancy Reed*
Irene Soehren ’32*
Jeannette Christensen Eaton ’39* &
Susan Emmons
Ella Essieh & Matt Essieh
Amy Fields ’62
William Findlay
Jim & Michelle Fitzhenry
Mary Foltz & Craig Foltz
Julie Frantz
Julie Hallenbeck & Carla Heckrodt
Susan Halton
Jeri Haskins & Sandy Haskins
Barbara Herbold & Jim Herbold*
Ann B. Highet ’82
Elizabeth Highet ’86
Sherrie Holliday & Bruce Holliday
James Hutchison
Caroline Isaacs
Sue Jensen
Janelle Johnson Jimerson ’76 &
Lee Jimerson
Betsy Johnson ’69 & John Helm
Katherine Karafotias ’66
Pat Karamanos
Susie E. Kasper ’65
Harriett Kazzimir
Christine Kitchel & Jan Kitchel
Mariann Koop-McMahon &
Hale McMahon
Sean Kuni ’81
Patti Kuni & Wayne Kuni*
Liza Lilley ’74
The Rev. Caroline Litzenberger
Sandy Manson &
The Rev. Malcolm Manson
Sylvia Rawlinson Mathews ’55 &
John Matthews
Patricia Simmons Maulbetsch ’41 &
Jean Maulbetsch
Mignon Mazique & James W. Rue
Jeanne Pace & David Pace
June Dunbar Phillips ’51 &
John Phillips
Linda Pope & Gary Pope
Elenora Purdy* & Ellsworth Purdy
Debbie Rischitelli & Gary Rischitelli
Geraldine Hanny Sargent ’35 &
Howard Sargent*
Paul Schlesinger ’70
Jill Stanford ’57
Carolyn Stanley & Nick Stanley ’83
Lani Thornton
Michelle Trumbo & Peter Trumbo
Fran von Schlegell &
John von Schlegell
Rebecca Williams & Allen Williams
Jinny Euwer Wolff ’55
Christina Workman ’02
Leslie Workman &
Mark Workman ’69
Jennifer Workman-Burkett ’00 &
Kyle Burkett
Betty Jo Wright
Susan Yamanaka &
Masatoshi Yamanaka
Emily Zell ’67
Mary McCarter & Jim McCarter
Kathi McCoy
* Deceased 33
Tamara Selfridge Musser ’74 &
Peter Musser
Margueritte Kim & Gene Kim
Lucy Shanno & George Shanno
Donna Knight & Travis Knight
Michelle Tubbs & Warren Tubbs
Nichols Foundation, Inc.
Kate Lieber & Monique Matheson
Kim Tong & Qing Wei
Named in honor of the year in which
Tanya Steele & Jeremy Pitts
Alicia Morissette & Don Morissette
Amy White & Christopher White
the School was founded, The 1869
Felicia Thornton & Liam Thornton
Hilary O’Hollaren & Sean O’Hollaren
Karole Wilson & David Wilson
Society recognizes the leadership of
Catherine Willmott & David Willmott
Deb Pajor & Scott Pajor
donors who contributed $1,869 or
more to the OES Fund during the
fiscal year.
Gifts of $25,000 and above
Elinor Highet & Ron Highet
Xiaolan Qin & Jun Liu
Jenny Shiley & Sam Shiley
Gifts of $1,869 to $3,737
Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
Jan Singer & David Singer
Erica Andree & Mark Little
Anonymous (2)
Cornie Stevens & Bill Stevens
Kim Bissell & Dan Bissell
Prabha Ananthanarayana &
Ann Stout & Tim Stout
Sandy Burner & Dave Burner
Patricia Trunzo & Tony Trunzo
Nancy Campbell & Ralph Campbell
Susan Urzaa & Juan Urzaa
Diane Carter & Chris Carter
Kysa Vassily & Kevin Vassily
Mo Copeland & Chris Copeland
Heike von der Heyden &
Kimberly Crouch & Steve Brown
Eric von der Heyden
Kristina Davis & Kevin Lawrence
Kay Pinkava & Jan Pinkava
Shankar Viswanathan
Susan Bankowski &
Brandon Bankowski
Elizabeth Highet ’86
Annie Borus & Todd Borus
The Gerald and Susan Schwalbach
Moira Buckley & Mike Buckley
Family Foundation
Julie Drinkward & Wayne Drinkward
Gosia Gramstad &
Stephanie Dreyfuss & William Good
Jen Edman & Jim Chan
Pamela Grant & Steve Grant
Gifts of $3,738 to $4,999
Hillary Day Ehrlich & Paul Ehrlich
Gifts of $15,000 to $24,999
Ron Graybeal & Jane Graybeal
(A gift at this level ‘bridges the
Moe Elliott & Lou Elliott
Missy Bechen & Peter Bechen
Becky Holzman & Lee Holzman
Elizabeth Gewecke &
Edward Hutchins
Elsa Colleran
Betty Inscore & Pat Inscore
Bob Colleran
Rico McIver & Malcolm McIver ’82
Estelle M. Kelley ’78
Kathy Drinkward &
Leslie Spencer & Jim Huffman
Lisa Kellogg & Jordi Kellogg
Thomas Gewecke
Gregory Gramstad
tuition gap.’)
Bill Drinkward ’85
Susan Dussault & Mark Seneker
Gifts of $10,000 to $14,999
Jenny Finley & Paul Finley
The 1869 Society
leadership gifts provide
over 80% of the total
Episcopal Diocese of Oregon
Leyan Fernandes-Schweinfurth &
Ralph Schweinfurth
Cathy Filgas & Shoaib Tareen
Courtney Fitzloff & Mark Fitzloff
Michelle Fliman &
Aaron Schoenkerman
Michelle Fitzhenry & Jim Fitzhenry
Karen Fox & Tom Fox
Nicole Flinterman-Rogers &
Farnosh Ghasemi & Mazi Azadpour
Gerry Rogers
Mary Lou Green & Trent Green
Elizabeth Hutchins & Paul Hutchins
Holly Hady & Frank Hady
Truman W. Collins, Jr.
Stephanie Kjar & Adam Roth
Jan Halsey & Dave Halsey
Lisa Handley & J.B. Handley
Linda Rullman & Charles Rullman
Marla Hanley &
Marlee Brown & Dan Musser
funds raised.
Jaime Sales & Rafe Sales
Bronwen Edwards-Denney
Thank you.
The Rt. Reverend Michael Hanley
Nan Hanson & Declan O’Hare
Connie Sullivan & Steve Lovett
Sandy Patrick & Shawn Patrick
Andrea Herzka & Josh Schindler
Sharon Toncray & Dave Hasson
Kerry Pioske & Mark Crislip
Julie Tsai & Curtis Tsai
Laurie Price & Vince Price
Rick Waldron
Amy Regan & Jay Regan
Sandy Wang ’80
Penny Serrurier & Peter Serrurier
Andrea Wetsel & Jess Wetsel
Amy Simpson & Eric Simpson
Wendy Weyerhaeuser &
John S. Solomon
The OES Fund
Xiaoyan Huang & Jingke Li
Pammie Hummelt & Fritz Hummelt
$897,793 from
Jan Huston & Jim Huston
796 donors.
Kim Jensen & Ron Benton
Diane Engelhard Jones &
Randy Jones
George Weyerhaeuser
Nina Kapur & Sid Bhardwaj
Shannon O’Brien & David O’Brien
Jodi Wilkins & Steve Wilkins
Janet Keeney & Scott Keeney
Darcy Orin & José Juarez
Traci Williams & Scott Williams
Carey Killian & Lance Killian ’89
Mariniah Prendergast &
Mary Kilo & Chuck Kilo
Todd Prendergast
Kristen Stein & Kevin Stein
Haleh Vossoughi &
Sohrab Vossoughi
Jennifer Young & Rich Young
Ping Zou
Betty Kim & Edsel Kim
Susi Proudman & Nick Proudman
Gifts of $1,000 to $1,868
Wanda King & Michael King
Ellsworth Purdy
Anonymous (2)
Sandra Kitaoka & Edward Kitaoka
Sahra Rahimtoola & Aly Rahimtoola
Polly Bass & Kirk Bass
Gifts of $500 to $999
Stephanie Knight & John Knight
Ellen Recko & Michael Goldsmith
The Rev. Alcena Boozer
Sandra Antonovic & Tim Liem
Betty Kobos & Adam Kobos ’91
Jana Reddoch & Steve Spindel
Heather Bratt & Jason Bratt
Angela Au & Ying-Hao Au
Sandhya Koppula &
Rebecca Roberts & Evan Roberts ’88
Andrea Bride
Lucy Barrett & John Barrett
Alejandra Rotolo & Daniel Pantuso
Randa Cleaves &
Sara Berglund & Tim Berglund
Srinivasa Nagalla
Jonathan Abramson
John Berman
Carin Korros & Mark Korros
Barbara Russell & Thor Bresemann
Cathy Kubik & Scott Hendrickson
Kelly Saito
Bindu Lalitha & Dhananjay Keskar
Melissa Takasumi Saito
Carrie Lawliss & Brad Lawliss
Adajean Samson & Bruce Samson
Kendall Crosby & Andrew Crosby
Martin Brok
Grace Lee & Chung Lee
Geraldine Hanny Sargent ’35
RayAnn DuBose & Robert DuBose
Lisa Casalino & John Casalino
Hun Lee & Don Lee
Julie Schlendorf & John Schlendorf
Hiromi Elleman & Dan Elleman
Linda Chun & Collier Chun
Sally LeFeber & Bob LeFeber
Mari Schwalbach &
Annie English & Woody English
Nancy Collins & Bill Collins
Marcia Freed & Martin Schwartz
Kristen Conwell & Bill Conwell
Aishu Deenadayalu &
Janet Healey Leon & Jeff Leon
Nate Schwalbach
Jennifer Craig &
The Rev. Phillip Craig
Pam Cornell Bless ’83 & Mike Bless
Liatt Braun & Mat Braun
Amy Lieberman & Karl Lieberman
Wendy Scott & Peter Scott
Julie Friesen-Solomon
Whitney Malkiel & Jon Malkiel
Janine Segal & David Segal
Jennifer Gabrielson &
Marilyn McIver
Luisa Sermol
Georgina Miltenberger &
Savi Sharma & Rajiv Sharma
In Ja Jung & Jae Hyuk Im
Rhonda Schwartz & Steve Slovic
Alice Kemball & Mark Kemball
Janet Duffie & C.R. Duffie ’71
Laura Murphy & Kevin Murphy
Tricia Sipowicz & Steven Sipowicz
Ali McClaskey & Tod McClaskey
Ranya Edupuganti &
Cheryl Nenow & Mark Nenow
Elizabeth Smith & Tim Smith
Regan Mornhinweg &
Lai Wa Ng & Alvin Chow
Maggie Solti & Imre Solti
Jen Nicolazzo & Jon Nicolazzo
Polly Spencer & Jim Spencer
Doug Miltenberger
Eric Gabrielson
Viju Deenadayalu
Tanya Doubleday &
Stephen Doubleday
Sriram Edupuganti
Shanon Mornhinweg
Donna Morrow
* Deceased 35
Chloe Elliott & Jordan Elliott ’97
Jan Massaro & Peter Massaro
Melissa Thomas & Steve Thomas
Betty Barton & George Barton
Mary Elliott & Mark Friedman
Sylvia Rawlinson Mathews ’55 &
Carol Timm & Geoff Owen
Jen Bash & Deri Bash
Barbara Toncray & Jim Toncray
Sheila Maley Bates ’66
Jennifer Baumann &
Brandie Ettinger & Christian Ettinger
John Mathews
Andrea Farley & Mark Farley
Carol McCoog & Phil McCoog
Sarah Ulbrich & Tim Ulbrich
Kay Fernandez
Marilyn McGuire & Tim McGuire
Lee Diane Collins Vest ’67
Mary Fugate & Frank Fugate
Jessica McVay & John Trojanowicz
Jon von Behren
Betsy Parker Belles ’44
Jeanine Fukuda & Kevin Walkush
Amy McVee & Mark McVee
Katherine Witteman &
Marge Benedict & Art Ward
Paula Gerber-Gore & Pankaj Gore
Madeleine Menashe &
April Gilster & Jason Gilster
Jack Menashe
Cecilia Benting & Scott Benting
Yang Xia & Lu Gao
Dara Berger & Joe Berger
Lisa Goldberg & Yeng Chen
Adrienne Miller & Michael Miller
Yao Yuan & Kevin Zhang
Sharon Bergseth
Donna Green & Paul Green
Eileen Moriwaki & Mike Ninkovich
Jin Zhang & Feng Chen
Libby Hoagland Berridge &
Seana Hannah & Rich Hannah
Agi Mottern & Scott Mottern
Molly Harris & Chip Harris
Tina Napetian & Allen Napetian
Shanda Bhasker & Narjala Bhasker
Janis Harrison & Bob Harrison
Kannes Noack ’73
Gifts up to $499
Kelly Bishop & Brian Bishop ’82
Nellie Hester & Eric Hester
Cathrine Olander & Stefan Olander
Anonymous (9)
David Blackall
Libby Hill & Win Hill
Patrick Lumber Company
Colleen Acres & Bill Rabiega
Jackie Blake & Russ Blake
Ruth Hiraki & Gary Hiraki
Holly Pittman ’66 & Gary Hatfield
Tina Akehurst
Kristin Bloom & Randy Bloom
Barbara Hochgesang &
Ryan Radecki ’96
Stephanie Allderdice &
Brenda Bloom-Anajovich &
Mark Hochgesang
Tom Berridge
Dave Allderdice
Namrata Ragade & Jag Ragade
Dan Anajovich
Debbie Horgan & Tom Horgan
Amanda Reveno & Eric Reveno
Philip Allen
Christian Boatsman ’83
Li-Chin Hsiung & Tony Lin
Verna Schauffler &
Emma Amerson & Herbert Amerson
Maureen Bolton & Rob Bolton
Julie Anderson & Guy Anderson
Linda Bonder & Dave Garten
June Huang & Jeff Schultz
Manvel Schauffler*
Will Ilcisin & Kevin Ilcisin
Lishiana Shaffer & Brian Shaffer
Raymond Anderson
Tom Boon ’69
Kathy Reynolds Janssen ’71 &
Joyce Shin & Dae-Soo Choi
Sohee Anderson & Scott Anderson
Carolyn Borus & Joe Borus
Dao Sophonpanich ’97
Tammy Armstrong &
Robin Bowerfind & Bill Bowerfind
Larry Janssen
Mike Armstrong
David Johnson
Sharon Stillwell & Paul Stillwell
Clayton Jones
Dawn Swanson & Chuck Swanson
Carmen Boyle & Tom Boyle
Andrea Arnot & Steve Arnot
Leondra Brackett & Charley Adams
Teresa Jones & Martin Jones
Mary Ann Asaph & James Asaph
Ruth Brain
Joan Kritschgau &
Jan Atwill & Larry Reichman
Wendy Brauchler & Rolf Brauchler
Dana Atwood & Jim Atwood
Bonnie Brennan & Steve Brennan
Laura Cook Axon ’86
Deborah Bridgnell & Neal Bridgnell
Mary Bachvarova & Greg Anderson
Sandra Botello & Cesar Castro
subscriptions to 23
Nive Filipo Bailey ’88 & Tim Bailey
Tammy Brooks ’86 & Jose Morales
Erin Dunn Baker
Courtney Brown ’92 & Scott Fogarty
Luke Lu ’16
Mary Ellen Baker & Jeff Baker
Lori Brown
Jennifer Lutfiyya & Waleed Lutfiyya
Ruth Baker & Warren Baker
The Rev. Robert Bryant
Juergen Kritschgau
Julie A. Kuni
Jane Langley & Steve Langley
Fonda Lee & Nathan Stein
Shenglan Liu & Zheng Huang
Mike Witteman
Brian Baumann
The OES Fund
online databases.
Thank you.
Cheryl Connall & Tim Connall
Full-time faculty
again achieved 100%
participation in giving
to the OES Fund.
Mercedes Corey & Jeremy Corey
Marty Eastman-Brown &
Gary Eastman-Brown
Jenny Futrell
Kimberly Gadette & Jeff Gadette
Scott Corris
Gabriel Edge
Katie Gaetjens & Mary Williams
Todd Crawford ’94
Ruthan Eliades & Homer Eliades
Garden Home Thriftway
Diane Critchlow &
Elaine Elliott & Mark Elliott
Deborah Garvey
Lakeitha Elliott
Mary Waite Garvey ’89 &
George Critchlow ’67
Laurie Crossman & Gary Crossman
Lynn Ellwood & Sutherland Ellwood
Bevin Daglen & Michael Daglen
Lauren Erickson
Robbi Garvin & Richard Garvin
Cindy Buker
Barry Daigle ’80
Kristin Gaston & Brooks Gaston
Steven Buker ’10
Eric Dams
Susan Felstiner & Paul Felstiner
Kristine Gebbie
Carole Burton & Steve Burton
Tessa Daniel
Dorie Lynn Ferguson &
Leslee Gemmill & Bill Gemmill
Elizabeth Button & Morris Button
Coleen Davis & Scott Davis
Marci Calegari & Tom Handel
Yvonne de Potter Scott
Ma’Carry Butler Cairo ’61 &
Diane DeAutremont &
Jim Mustola
Kathy Finn-Brennan &
Terry Brennan
Dan DeAutremont
Irene Calder & Bruce Berkoff
Luanne DeAutremont & Javier Mena
Cynthia Caraballo-Hunt &
Lisa DeGrace & Stephen Miller
Steve Hunt
Matt Ferguson
Tim Dellit
George Garvey
Susan Gerber & Henry Gerber
Karen Getz & John Getz
Margaret Gewecke & Tom Gewecke
Micheline Ghattas &
Raymond Ghattas
The OES Fund
supported 7 author
David Gillespie
Linda Gipe & Dan Gipe
Barbara Carey
Sunita Deshmukh & Ujwal Shinde
Tammy Carpenter & Scott Carpenter
Jean Dewberry
Carole Cassio
Deanne Do & Thomas Tieu
Gwynne Cecere & Ed Cecere
Mary Dobson ’61
Joel Gray
Hannah Chandler & Tracy Arensberg
Kristin Doenecke &
Susan Grayson
Tania Chandler & John Chandler
Scott Doenecke ’84
Renee Chang & Dennis Chang
Barbara Doody & Alan Doody
Richard Charlton & Joan Charlton
Cynthia Doran
Shannon Chawla &
Carla Dorsey & William Dorsey
Veerinder Chawla
Raju Doshi & Ashesh Doshi
Juliet Ching & Jerome Schiller
Nancy Doulis & Tom Doulis
Brinton Clark ’88 & Craig Hubbard
Nancy Drebes & Larry Drebes
Melanie Clark & Dan Clark
Natasha Dudley-Busick
Myra Clark & The Rev. Corbet Clark
Norma Dulin ’79
Kelsey Cleveland & Dan Bosshardt
Jan Dunn & Steve Dunn
Jennifer Cleveland & Stewart Stout
Caroline Dye ’67
Sarah Cleveland & Ron Narode
Tricia Eargle
Charlotte Cloutier & Rene Cloutier
and illustrator visits
to the LS.
The Rev. Canon Sara Fischer &
Mark Faust
Ruth Fisher
Brooke Fitzgerald & Nathan Fasold
Amy Higgins Fleming ’89 &
Geoffrey Fleming
Geeta Fogarty & Shane Fogarty
Zoe Foster & Charles Foster
Laura Foster-Flynn & Colin Flynn
Pat Freeman & John Freeman
Sara Fromme & Erik Fromme
Patrick Fuller
Chris Gong & Mitch Tracy
Sue Graham & Glenn Graham
Eeva Gray
Ronald Green
Bettina Staudigl Gregg ’92 &
Hunter Gregg ’92
Sarah Grenert-Funk & Joe Funk
Tonya Griffin & Pat Griffin
Carrie Grove-Fanning &
William Grove-Fanning
Megan Gundle & Kenny Gundle ’01
Susie Gundle & John Gundle
Mike Gwaltney
Heidi Hackenjos & Joey Hackenjos
* Deceased 37
Kristen Haferbecker &
Joseph Haferbecker
Sharon Hajny & Bob Hajny
Julie Kashiwagi &
Tanja Vasiljevic Horvat ’74 &
Stephen Kashiwagi
Nino Horvat
Mike Levis
Michele Levis
Susie Kasper ’65
Karen Lewis
Julie Hallenbeck & Carla Heckrodt
Paula Hunger
Nicole Kelso
Dana Mosher Lewis & Tom Lewis
Angela Hancock & David Gomes
Carol Hutchison & Bill Hutchison
Jane Kenney-Norberg &
Rui Li
Merrily Pittman Hansen ’62 &
Tracy Brod Hyland ’91 &
Jeffrey Hansen
Peter Hyland
Eric Norberg
Debbie Rath Kennison ’86 &
Xue Li & Mingshu Dong
Sandi Lillevik & Sig Lillevik
Liz Harlan-Ferlo
Brandon Iles ’01
Margaret Harriff
Lara Ingham & Todd Ingham
Justin Kerr
Kayla Lin ’13
Seth Harriff
James Isaak ’85
Kathie Kimmy
Amy Lindholm & Chuck Lindholm
Roma Hartman
Nancy Pickering Jack ’97 &
Sonya King & Edward King
Jean Linscott & Ken Ruoff
Dori King & Maurice King
The Rev. Caroline Litzenberger
Izumi Harukuni
Cameron Jack
Kendall Kennison
Liza Lilley ’74
Jeri Haskins & Sandy Haskins
Linda Jenkins & Richard Jenkins
Malle Kollom
Patti Lolich-Beyer & Andrew Beyer
Kelly Hatler & Neil Hatler
Madeleine Jennings
Jonathan Kowolik ’97
Julie Ann Lovestrand &
Randy Hawkins
Jean Jensen
Val Kress & Matt Kress
Ann Butterfield Hayes ’51
Sue Jensen
Cathy Krieger & Wally Krieger
Joan Lowe & Eric Lowe
Maggie Hayes
Avery Johnson ’11
Claire Kucera
Anne Lowell
Nathan Hayes ’09
Marianne Johnson &
Lorena Kuhns & Brad Kuhns
Jennifer Lushenko
Patrick Kennedy
Divya Kumar & Ajay Kumar
Judy Lynch & Gene Lynch
Thom Hayes ’84
Jim Lovestrand
Christie Heinonen & Larry Heinonen
Susan Johnson & Jeff Johnson
Patti Kuni
Vanessa Lyon & Benno Lyon
Rosa Hemphill & Del Hemphill
Mercedes Johnston &
Marietta Lind Kuykendall ’55
Baker Lyon ’02
Betty Charlton Labadie ’49 &
Tay MacIntyre
Polly Heninger
Andy Johnston
Judi Henkle & Tom Henkle
Jean Jones & Ken Jones
C.T. Henry & Kara Cerveny
Alana Kaholokula
Eli Lamb
Diane Herschleb & Kent Herschleb
Maura Kanuri & Rupert Kanuri
Banthoon Lamsam
Chris Mader
Margo Haygood & Brad Tebo
Katherine Karafotias ’66
Joe Labadie
Alka MacLennan &
David MacLennan
K.C. Landauer & Mark Landauer
Laura Maeda ’74
Linda Hill & David Lowell
Kathy Langley & Peter Langley
Melanie Magee & Ed Magee
Marty Hite & Imran Mohamedy
Margaret Keiter Lapic ’57 &
Atiya Mansoor & Atiq Bajwa
Anne Hoagland & King Hoagland
Chantal Hodges & Fletcher Hodges
Carolyn Holland & Ryan Holland
John Holloran & Rick Rees
Toni Holmberg & Brad Baugher
Katie Horton
The OES Fund
over 60
athletic teams.
Greg Lapic
Carolee Larsen ’82
Diana Lavery & Dan Lavery
Joelle Marr & Crockett Marr
Kathleen Dehen Martin ’89 &
John Martin
Maggie Lawliss & Bill Lawliss
Sarah Martin & David Martin
Julie Sikkink Lee & Daniel Lee
Kirstin McAuley & Amy McAuley
Laurine Homestead
Charlotte Lee ’09
Diane McBratney ’78 &
Lois Horgan & John Horgan
Roy Lee ’13
Kim Horner & Nick Horner
Grace Lee-Park & Eric Park
Thank you.
Tim McBratney
Arleene McCabe
Kathleen McCarthy & Steve Scherr
Katharine Murphy & Tom Murphy
Cindy Plummer & Karl Plummer
Kelola McCrary & Bran Bond
Nancy Murphy-Chapman &
Erika Pollock
Cindy McEnroe & Joe Coletto
Richard Chapman
Jeff Pollock
The OES Fund
provided for
Tanya McGee & Michael McGee
Jennifer Murray & Jeff Murray
Betsy Pope & Chris Pope
Maria McIvor & Peter Wogan
Kristen Myers & Richard Myers
Barbara Ports & Michael Moser
Suzanne McNulty
Lyn Nabors
Ruchi Prakash & Manish Mehta
Bob McVay
Raji Nagalla ’10
Rob Prater
Bina Mehta & Ray Moreno
Kathy Narramore & Craig Ryan
Becky Pratt & Lauran Pratt
Larisa Meisenheimer ’95
Heidi Nelson & Don Comer
Emily Pritchard & Scott Hardister
Lynne Sadler & Dick Sadler
Susan Meredith & Frank Mitchell
Peggy Smith Newhall ’36
Greer Rabiega ’99
Cat Samson & Stephen Gindling
Tna Meyerhoff & Jeff Meyerhoff
Natalie Giustina Newlove ’65 &
Marge Ragland & Terry Ragland
Katie Sandilands & John Sandilands
Stephanie Rankin
Asha Sathyaraj & VJ Sathyaraj
Kirsten Midura ’04
Robin Newlove
research labs.
Lori Miller & Max Miller ’74
Tuan Anh Nguyen & Samu Talkarri
Michael Rasko
Debby Schauffler
Eseye Moges & Samson Amaha
BJ Noles
Randi Ray & Jared Ray
Ken Schiller ’11
Catherine Molloseau &
Sandy Norcross & Steve Norcross
Sarah Bechen Raymond ’91 &
Janet Schilling
Julie Nye
The 1869 Society
comprised 173
members in
Bryan Molloseau
Elinor Moore
Lilly Moore & Hunter Moore
Mia Hervin Moore ’68 &
Jonathon Moore
Kari Morando
Lisa Morgan & Kylo Ginsberg
Ken Moriyasu ’94
Marcy Morris & Ron Morris
Kiah Johnson Mounsey &
AJ Mounsey
Kevin Raymond
Julia Obadiah & Joe Obadiah
Amy Remick & Josh Remick
Jim Oberholtzer
Chris Reynolds &
Katherine Oberholtzer
Ashleigh Asaph O’Brien ’90 &
Edward O’Brien
Chuck Reynolds ’69
Amy Rheingans &
Thomas Rheingans
Jen Schmidt & Chad Gilton
Maureen Schroeder &
Bob Schroeder
Osa Arnold Schultz ’74 &
Ric Schultz
Mary Schunk & Jack Schunk
Lynn Ogden & Ralph Weary
Catherine Riffe & Tom Page
Diana Scoggins & Hal Scoggins
Blythe Olson
Sara Ritter & Tripp Ritter
Bonnie Scott
Lisset O’Neill
Julie Robison & Scott Robison
Mary Seabright & Mark Seabright
Holly Orr & Rob Orr
Bradi Ross
Karen Seder & Phil Seder
Jodie Ostrovsky & Brian Ostrovsky
Sarah Ross-Bailly & Devin Bailly
Gail Seidel-O’Gorman
Chris O’Toole & John O’Toole
Andrea Rosselle & David Goodwin
Nora Semonsen & Kevin Semonsen
Jeannine Pappin
Nicola Rotberg & Rob Cloutier
Dipta Seshadri & Vivek De
Boksoon Pattamanuch &
Kathleen Rottiers & Russ Rottiers
Lauren Shaw & Adam Shaw
Anna Rozzi & Brian Ricci
Colleen Shoemaker &
Chavalit Pattamanuch
Jacquelyn Pawela-Crew & Bill Crew
Nan Butler Perrott ’63 &
Patrick Perrott
Katrina Perry & Steve Freer
Natasha Ellis Ruess ’86 &
Brian Ruess
Margaret Rusmore &
Scott Bogue ’70
Jennifer Person & James Jackson
Susan Russell & Scott Russell
Stacey Philipps & Ben Hickman
Sonia Sachdev & Eric Walters
Jay Shoemaker
Bev Shue & John Shue*
Sarah Shute & Will Urban
Margaret Sipple &
The Rev. Peter Sipple
* Deceased 39
Katherine Tanoto ’11
Laurie White-Dugoni & Jay Dugoni
Mary Tarbox & Bruce Tarbox
Dede Honeyman Wilhelm ’44
Auction sponsors contributed a cash
Cynthia Smith ’90 & Yoko Ekarashi
Malia Jones Wilkins & Burt Wilkins
gift, item, or service valued at $500
Matt Smith
Lynn Terwilliger & Terry Farrell
Judy Wilkinson & John Wilkinson
or higher. Thank you to all of those
Missy Smith & Tami Cayton
Nancy Teskey & Mike Teskey
Alysa Williams & Rob Waters
who contributed their gifts of time,
Laura Smoyer & Chris Myers
Colesie Tharp & Peter Buonincontro
Nick Williams
treasure, and talent to the auction.
Sa Sophonpanich ’99
Charlotte Thomas & Anil Thomas
Rebecca Williams & Allen Williams
Heather Laird Spain ’94 &
Debra Thomas & Andy Thomas
Leslie Wilson & Akira Ueno
Anonymous (2)
Cordie Tilghman & Henry Tilghman
Khin Win & Maung Myint
Sohee Anderson & Scott Anderson
Jody Sprando & Mark Sprando
Nobu Tomiuga ’10
Jinny Euwer Wolff ’55
Angela Au & Ying-Hao Au
St. John the Baptist
Becky Tooley & Day Tooley
Lisa Dobbin Wong ’79 &
Baker Tax & Accounting, PC
Carolyn Stanley & Nick Stanley ’83
Helen Kirschner Townes ’85 &
Autumn Alexander Skeen ’74 &
Tom Skeen
David Spain
Frey Stearns & Doug Stearns
John Townes
Elizabeth Wood-Hull &
Wendy Steele & Adam Steele
Sabrina Trembley & John Trembley
Mary Steinberg &
Karen Van Hatcher &
Lance Steinberg ’88
L.D. Wood-Hull
Betty Wright
Kris Van Hatcher ’70
Beecher Carlson/Brown & Brown NW
The Bent Brick
Bon Appetit
The Rev. Alcena Boozer
Mischa Wright & John Wright
Karen Steingart
Artie Russell Veira ’87
Elsa Wu & Zhaogang Chai
Pam Stendahl
Revati Venkatesh & Prashant Shah
Kar-Yee Wu ’90
Ari Sternberg & Mary Darin
Ann von Ofenheim
Bette Yada & Mike Loy
Committee was
Phyllis Stott
Gisela Walitzki & Hans Walitzki
Yvonne Yamanaka ’04
composed of 46
Vassie Stoumbos & Zach Stoumbos
Deb Walsh & Ben Walsh
Patty Yao
members of the
Jo Su & Ed Frank
Kyle Walters ’13
Belaynesh Yehualashet &
Keri Sullivan & Dennis Sullivan
Alaine Warfield & Mike Warfield
Ann Sulzer & Teddy Keizer
Wendy Watson & Randy Watson
Connie Young & Sid Young
Rossana Sutherland &
Heidi Weber & Jim Weber ’74
Lyn Zenisek & Joe Zenisek
Percival Webster ’86
Hui Zhao & Chunfu Dai
Paula Sutton & Mike Chapman
Theresa Webster ’87
Ann Zukauskas
Dottie Swanson & Bud Swanson
Wendy Weidong & Li Weidong
Shannon Dooley Swanson ’92 &
Shelley Weiller
Anthony Sutherland
Jeffrey Swanson
Robin Weitzer & Philip McCarty
Margaret Synan-Russell &
Elaine Wells
Lanning Russell
Bob Tambellini
Kara Tambellini & John McConnell
The OES Auction
Mulugeta Ameha
Heather Bratt & Jason Bratt
Andrea Bride
Irene Brodsky
Marlee Brown & Dan Musser
Cindy Buker
Valerie Weiss & Gavin Button
Kate Swindell & Chris Swindell
Gretchen Tambellini &
Patrick Wong
Randa Cleaves &
Jonathan Abramson
Robert Colleran
Anne Weston
Mo Copeland & Chris Copeland
Marilee Wetten & John Wetten
Merrill Weyerhaeuser & Pat Welly
Gwen Whitmore & Doug Whitmore
Thank you.
Commerce Investment, Inc.
Mercedes Corey & Jeremy Corey
¡Oba! Restaurante
Kathe Oliver & Neal Oliver
Anonymous (2)
The Original Pancake House
Sohee Anderson & Scott Anderson
Park Kitchen
Angela Au & Ying-Hao Au
Grace Lee Park & Eric Park
Jen Bash & Deri Bash
Trina Denson & Charlie Denson
Piece of Cake Bakery
Sara Berglund & Tim Berglund
Marilyn DeVault ’67
Emily Pritchard & Scott Hardister
Puja Bhutani & Nitin Bhutani
Jennifer Craig &
The OES Auction
The Rev. Phillip Craig
funded new
Crowley Wines
6th and 7th grade
Dennis Uniform Manufacturing
Science Labs.
Disneyland Resort
Elizabeth Highet ’86
Clare Rathbone & Todd Ulmer
Kim Bissell & Dan Bissell
Hedy Frye Donnelly ’97 &
Linda Hill & David Lowell
Red Ridge Farms
Kristin Bloom & Randy Bloom
Becky Holzman & Lee Holzman
Reviance Portland, Dr. James Chan
Annie Borus & Todd Borus
Karen Hsu & David Jacobson
Rebecca Roberts and
Andrea Bride
Kevin Donnelly
Kathy Drinkward &
Bill Drinkward ’85
Durant Vineyards
Tracy Brod Hyland ’91 &
Peter Hyland
Evan Roberts ’88
The Rev. Robert Bryant
The Rosch Families
Moira Buckley & Mike Buckley
Kristina Durant & Paul Durant
Intel Foundation
Sammy’s Flowers
SooLynn Chang & Tabon Chang
El Gaucho
Teresa Jones & Martin Jones
Gerald & Susan Schwalbach
Myra Clark & The Rev. Corbet Clark
Chloe Elliott & Jordan Elliott ’97
Estelle M. Kelley ’78
Mari Schwalbach &
Mo Copeland & Chris Copeland
Epic Imaging PC
Lisa Kellogg & Jordi Kellogg
First Republic Bank
Margueritte Kim & Gene Kim
Sammy Schwartz & Adam Murray
Nurgul Dogan & Aclan Dogan
Jim & Michelle Fitzhenry
Sandhya Koppula &
Wendy Scott & Peter Scott
Mary McIver Dolich ’86 &
Courtney Fitzloff & Mark Fitzloff
Srinivasa Nagalla
Nate Schwalbach
Tom Secolo
Kristina Davis & Kevin Lawrence
Scott Dolich
Karen Fox & Tom Fox
Kathy Langley & Peter Langley
Jan Singer & David Singer
Barbara Gaines & Peter Gaines
Jane Langley & Steve Langley
Tricia Sipowicz & Steven Sipowicz
Garvey Schubert Barer
Maggie Solti & Imre Solti
Kristina Geary & Frank Geary
Kate Lieber & Monique Matheson
Tanya Steele & Jeremy Pitts
Elizabeth Gewecke &
Erin Livengood & Ben Kaiser
Jenny Strode
RayAnn DuBose & Robert DuBose
Thomas Gewecke
Tanya Doubleday &
Stephen Doubleday
Kathleen Drinkward &
Dan Drinkward ’95
Liz Lund & Jim Lund
Sunset Imports
Susan Dussault & Mark Seneker
David Giff
Vanessa Lyon & Benno Lyon
Switch Company
Chloe Elliott & Jordan Elliott ’97
Kelly Goodrich & Dave Goodrich
Courtney MacMillan &
Patricia Trunzo & Tony Trunzo
Ingrid Ensing & Mike Ensing
US Bank
Episcopal Diocese of Oregon
Sue Graham & Glenn Graham
Terry MacMillan
The Grand Hotel
Kieley Malueg & Ken Malueg
Jon von Behren
Andrea Farley & Mark Farley
Susie Gundle & John Gundle
Manor Fine Wares
Sally Waddell & Kevin Waddell
Dorie Lynn Ferguson &
Jean Hall
Rico McIver & Malcolm McIver ’82
Walnut Village, LLC
Hammer & Hand
Megan Henson Photography
Anne Weston
Jenny Finley & Paul Finley
Seana Hannah & Richard Hannah
Alicia Morissette & Don Morissette
WHH Foundation
Michelle Fitzhenry & Jim Fitzhenry
Peggy Harris & Tige Harris
New Leaf Design
Joy Heinecke & David Heinecke
Lai Wa Ng & Alvin Chow
Jodi Wilkins & Steve Wilkins
Matt Ferguson
* Deceased 41
Courtney Fitzloff & Mark Fitzloff
Michelle Fliman &
Aaron Schoenkerman
Regan Mornhinweg &
Shanon Mornhinweg
The OES Auction
funded new
Joan Flora & Tom O’Connor
Jeanine Fukuda & Kevin Walkush
in the gym
Leslie Gabrio & Sean Gabrio
and SPARC.
Kristina Geary & Frank Geary
Karen Getz & John Getz
Elizabeth Gewecke &
Thomas Gewecke
Linda Girard
Chris Gong & Mitch Tracy
Kelly Goodrich & Dave Goodrich
Yasodha Gopal & Todd Caulfield
John Grant
Mary Lou Green & Trent Green
Jan Halsey & Dave Halsey
Lisa Handley & J.B. Handley
Marla Hanley &
The Rt. Reverend Michael Hanley
Nan Hanson & Declan O’Hare
Peggy Harris & Tige Harris
Elizabeth Highet ’86
Linda Hill & David Lowell
John Holloran & Rick Rees
Becky Holzman & Lee Holzman
Karen Hsu & David Jacobson
Pammie Hummelt & Fritz Hummelt
Betty Inscore & Pat Inscore
Kim Jensen & Ron Benton
Jan Johnson & Rick Johnson
Diane Engelhard Jones &
Randy Jones
Teresa Jones & Martin Jones
Janet Keeney & Scott Keeney
Estelle M. Kelley ’78
Lisa Kellogg & Jordi Kellogg
Alice Kemball & Mark Kemball
Carey Killian & Lance Killian ’89
Lucy Shanno & George Shanno
Jen Nicolazzo & Jon Nicolazzo
Amy Simpson & Eric Simpson
Karen Norgaard & Steve Norgaard
Rhonda Schwartz & Steve Slovic
Hilary O’Hollaren & Sean O’Hollaren
Leslie Spencer & Jim Huffman
Kara Oringdulph-Hale &
Carolyn Stanley & Nick Stanley ’83
Keri Sullivan & Dennis Sullivan
Barbara Palmer
Felicia Thornton & Liam Thornton
Tiffany Patrella & Jim Blumenthal
Patricia Trunzo & Tony Trunzo
Heather Peizner & David Peizner
Michelle Tubbs & Warren Tubbs
Frances Phillips & Jack Phillips
Jon von Behren
Linda Pope & Gary Pope
Heike von der Heyden &
Mariniah Prendergast &
Sonya King & Edward King
Todd Prendergast
Betty Kobos & Adam Kobos ’91
Sally LeFeber & Bob LeFeber
Nancy Lematta
Mike Levis
Michele Levis
Kate Lieber & Monique Matheson
Vanessa Lyon & Benno Lyon
Sharon Stillwell & Paul Stillwell
Deb Pajor & Scott Pajor
Ruchi Prakash & Manish Mehta
Margueritte Kim & Gene Kim
Nate Schwalbach
Laura Murphy & Kevin Murphy
George Hale
Nina Kapur & Sid Bhardwaj
Mari Schwalbach &
Eric von der Heyden
Sally Waddell & Kevin Waddell
Beth Warner & Bob Warner
Laurie Price & Vince Price
Andrea Wetsel & Jess Wetsel
Emily Pritchard & Scott Hardister
Jodi Wilkins & Steve Wilkins
Susi Proudman & Nick Proudman
Traci Williams & Scott Williams
Sahra Rahimtoola & Aly Rahimtoola
Catherine Willmott & David Willmott
Sarah Bechen Raymond ’91 &
Jennifer Young & Rich Young
Kevin Raymond
Julie Reekie & Ian Reekie
Jan Massaro & Peter Massaro
Sara Ritter & Tripp Ritter
Diane McBratney ’78 &
Rebecca Roberts &
Tim McBratney
Evan Roberts ’88
Cindy McEnroe & Joe Coletto
Rico McIver & Malcolm McIver ’82
Madeleine Menashe &
Alison Rose-Ped & Bruce Ped
Nicola Rotberg & Rob Cloutier
Kelly Saito
Jack Menashe
Melissa Takasumi Saito
Georgina Miltenberger &
Jaime Sales & Rafe Sales
Doug Miltenberger
Alicia Morissette & Don Morissette
Cat Samson & Stephen Gindling
Julie Schlendorf & John Schlendorf
Thank you.
The OES Auction
funded the
Theatre Arts Lab
located in the US.
The Law Office of George E. Foote,
P.D. for the Leonard F. Milgate
AASK provided
K.T. Adams ’02
tutoring to 39 English
Mary Schunk & Jack Schunk
Mari Schwalbach &
Nate Schwalbach
Sally LeFeber & Bob LeFeber
Julie Sheppard & Brett Sheppard
Language Learners
Sean Leverty
Joan Snyder & Phil VanderWeele
from Whitford MS.
Michele Levis
Jody Sprando & Mark Sprando
Susan Baillet & Herman Asarnow
Mike Levis
Carolyn Stanley & Nick Stanley ’83
Jennifer Baumann &
Kate Lieber & Monique Matheson
Cornie Stevens & Bill Stevens
Brian Baumann
Amy Lindholm & Chuck Lindholm
Herbert Templeton Foundation
Julie Ann Lovestrand &
Tikun Olam Fund
Carilyn Alexander
Sohee Anderson & Scott Anderson
Jan Atwill & Larry Reichman
Janet Bean
Alice Bergman & Ralph Cohen
Margaret Stevens Blake ’77 &
Larry Blake
Andrea Bride
Gale Castillo
Aruna Chittor & Suresh Chittor
Myra Clark & The Rev. Corbet Clark
Meg Clark ’04
Kelsey Cleveland & Dan Bosshardt
Randa Cleaves &
Jonathan Abramson
Julia Cohen ’08
Kristin Collins
Mo Copeland & Chris Copeland
Jennifer Craig &
The Rev. Phillip Craig
Karen Cunningham &
Howard Cunningham
Lisa DeGrace & Stephen Miller
Cynthia Doran
Pam Dreisin & Bob Dreisin
Kathy Drinkward &
Bill Drinkward ’85
Janet Duffie & C.R. Duffie ’71
Ranya Edupuganti &
Sriram Edupuganti
Chloe Elliott & Jordan Elliott ’97
Courtney Fitzloff & Mark Fitzloff
Suzy Gates
Leslee Gemmill & Bill Gemmill
Elizabeth Gewecke &
Thomas Gewecke
Claire Gilbert & Bruce Gilbert
Sidney Gold
Helen Han
Brenda Henderson
Carol Hibbs & Jim Hibbs
Barbara Hochgesang &
Mark Hochgesang
June Huang & Jeff Schultz
Sibyl Jarrett
Julia Jensen & Charles Jensen
Jan Johnson & Rick Johnson
Marianne Johnson &
Patrick Kennedy
Juan Young Trust
Lisa Kellogg & Jordi Kellogg
Alice Kemball & Mark Kemball
Jim Lovestrand
Patricia Trunzo & Tony Trunzo
Gerry Maffett
Kysa Vassily & Kevin Vassily
Rico McIver & Malcolm McIver ’82
Claire Vlach ’00
Suzanne McNulty
Jon von Behren
Georgina Miltenberger &
Heike von der Heyden &
Doug Miltenberger
Eric von der Heyden
Sandy Norcross & Steve Norcross
Gisela Walitzki & Hans Walitzki
Kara Oringdulph-Hale &
Maureen Wheeler & Patrick Wheeler
George Hale
Holly Orr & Rob Orr
Lyn Zenisek & Joe Zenisek
Sergio Zenisek ’06
Lynn Paff & Lou Paff
Deb Pajor & Scott Pajor
Jennifer Person & James Jackson
Aaron Persons
Susan Phillips & Dave Rumker
Ruchi Prakash & Manish Mehta
Laurie Price & Vince Price
AASK summer
day camp welcomed
142 students —
extending their school
year by four weeks.
The Robert D. & Marcia H. Randall
Charitable Trust
Amanda Reveno & Eric Reveno
Sara Ritter & Tripp Ritter
Rose E Tucker Charitable Trust
Robin Schauffler & Peter Samson
* Deceased www.oes.edu/giving
The OES boarding program educated 56 students from X countries
Sandra Cost & Greg Cost
Austin Goldsmith ’14
Francesca F., 2022
Jack Halsey ’14
Bleacher Signs
Shirley Fox & Chuck Gitomer
The OES boarding
Ryan Harms ’14
Amy Lieberman & Karl Lieberman
program educated
Matthew Harris ’14
Edie L., 2026
56 students from
Grace Hashiguchi ’14
Donna Knight & Travis Knight
Boarding Program
Deog Im An & Young Goo Kang
Deb Pajor & Scott Pajor
10 countries.
Steffan Hawkins ’14
Counseling Department/
Maggie P., 2023
Harper Hayes ’14
Faculty Excellence
Anna Blake P., 2022
Marcia Freed & Martin Schwartz
Financial Aid
Toni Lehman ’66 & James Pedginski
Lacrosse Wall
Robert Inskeep ’07
LS Discretionary Fund
Box Tops for Education — General
Patty Jeanne Semura ’99
Sandy Patrick & Shawn Patrick
Carolyn Stanley & Nick Stanley ’83
John S., 2023
Luke S., 2021
MS & US Science Department/
Faculty Excellence
1500 new books
to three libraries.
Doug Ackerman
Anne Cost
Josie C., 2025
Rogina Hsia ’14
Scholarship Fund
Vinay Iyengar ’14
Casey Jensen ’14
Hayley Jones ’14
Hannah Judge ’14
Andrea Boorse ’14
Molly Kemball ’14
McKay Borbon ’14
Ajay Krishnan ’14
Lauren Brenner ’14
Janine Kritschgau ’14
Michael Brock ’14
Otto Lamsam ’14
Jacquelyn Busick ’14
Natalie Lerner ’14
Liz Chen ’14
David Li ’14
John Connall ’14
Sophie Louaillier ’14
Sawyer Crosby ’14
Tobias Macedo ’14
Abbie Daigle ’14
Connor MacMillan ’14
Hiawatha Davis ’14
Clare McClellan ’14
ACUMED, Incorporated
Claire Dunn ’14
Alex Ostrovsky ’14
Vijay Edupuganti ’14
Sangjin Park ’14
Elliott Friedman ’14
Arjun Ratnam ’14
Lauren Gabrio ’14
Katie Reinders ’14
Dylan Garner ’14
Isabel Riddick ’14
The Rosch Families
US Lacrosse
Karen Parker & Frank Parker
US Science Department
Michele Ackerman &
Erin Howell ’14
Roberta Angeline Hughes Memorial
Robby Benton ’14
Anne Richards & John Richards
Emily A., 2021
Ji Soo Hong ’14
Matt Johnson ’14
US Library
LS Library - Birthday Book
Harry Hiraki ’14
Clara Beaumont ’14
Joan Snyder & Phil VanderWeele
US Drama
provided for
Kate Loggan & Warren Hirsch
Allison Heinonen ’14
Matt Baker ’14
Bridlemile Soccer Club
The OES Fund
Senior Class Gift:
US Athletics
Kevin Haugh ’14
Holden P., 2025
OES Endowment
Juliet Ching & Jerome Schiller
Marion Janney* & Gordon Janney*
Thank you.
Isabel Robertson ’14
Nick Robinson ’14
Jack Rottiers ’14
John Sandbo ’14
Spencer Slovic ’14
Lucy Stevens ’14
Cha Suaysom ’14
Copter Takham ’14
Georgia Thomas ’14
Dan Vibhagool ’14
Amanda Wei ’14
Janice Swanson Wallenstein ’64 &
George Wallenstein
Ruth Rose Richardson ’36
Memorial Fund
Judy Agather ’64
Becky Weissert Jones ’64
Barbara Lancaster ’64
The Fritz Hayes Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Maggie Hayes
Susan Bankowski &
Brandon Bankowski
Elyse Hope
Daniela Brod ’89
Jan Jacobsen & Peter Jacobsen
Dena Brown & Larry Brown
Betsy Johnson ’69 & John Helm
Ethelwyn Bowler &
Paige Parker Johnson ’84 &
William Den Beste
Patti Johnson-Nelson ’71
Sarojini Budden & Moir Budden
Edward Johnston ’11
Trina Chen
Mercedes Johnston &
Aruna Chittor & Suresh Chittor
Janet Clark & Ed Clark
Zachary Wogan ’14
Scholarship Fund
Melanie Clark & Dan Clark
Sydney Young ’14
Roberta Angeline Hughes Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Additional Gifts:
Tamara Selfridge Musser ’74 &
Peter Musser
Laura Smoyer & Chris Myers
The St. Helen's Hall Class of ’64–’65
Alumnae Scholarship Fund
Barbara Shank Aleskus ’64
Robbie Rogers Davis ’64
Julie Krause Harriman ’64 &
Laurence Harriman
Sandi Dobson Klingman ’64 &
Charles Klingman
Joan Lasselle ’64 & Stanley Shell
Robin Paisley ’64
OES provided
over $1.7 million
in need-based
financial aid.
Susan Ramsey ’64 & Linda Ramsey
Nancy Reynolds ’64 & Jack Webb
The Dr. William G. Lamb Science
Leslie Aaron & Stephen Aaron
Ayden Adler ’88
Mary Ann Asaph & James Asaph
Jeff Johnson
Provash Budden ’90
The Jake Stults Memorial
Molly Stults & Bud Stults
Jacqueline Higgins & Walter Higgins
John Berman
Matthew Winchester-Arlow ’14
Brooks Yeager ’14
Anne Hendren & John Coulter
Andy Johnston
Will J. ’18
Julie Drinkward & Wayne Drinkward
Sally Drinkward & Cecil Drinkward
Ranya Edupuganti &
Sriram Edupuganti
Elizabeth F. Eklund & G.W. Eklund
Chelsea Emery ’87 &
Stephen Swalsky
68 seniors
completed more than
the required service
learning hours.
Kyla Fiske & Mike Fiske ’90
Julie Frantz
Barbara Gaines & Michael Gaines
Cindy Gaines ’88
Nanette Moore Gerba ’36*
Suzanne Greenberg &
Bob Greenberg
Kris Gregg & Steve Gregg
Angela Hancock & David Gomes
Gerri Hayes
Margo Haygood & Brad Tebo
Rosa Hemphill & Del Hemphill
Kathleen Kemalyan &
Nathan Kemalyan
Jane Kenney-Norberg &
Eric Norberg
Susan Kobos & David Kobos
Sally Kolbe & Gene Kolbe
Shakuntala Krishnamurthy &
G.T. Krishnamurthy
Diana Laird ’90 & David Zapol
Mary Laird & Bob Laird
* Deceased www.oes.edu/giving
Pat Landye & Tom Landye
Ellsworth Purdy
Kathy Langley & Peter Langley
Mara Rabin & Kevin Shilling ’86
OES is grateful for the numerous
Sally LeFeber & Bob LeFeber
Jan Rippey & Tim Rippey
gifts-in-kind offered to the 2014
Vanessa Lyon & Benno Lyon
Anna Rozzi & Brian Ricci
Auction. Gifts valued at $500 or
Anonymous (3)
Chris Mader
Laurie Rumker ’11
more are reflected in the Auction
ACUMED, Incorporated
Britt Martens & Henrik Martens
Abby Sarmac & Matt Clark ’90
Sponsors listing on pages 40–41.
American Endowment Foundation
Jen Schmidt & Chad Gilton
The OES Fund
16 musical groups
on campus.
Pam Matheson & Bob Matheson
Chiara McPhee ’04
Thuy Le Minsberg ’02 &
Evan Minsberg
Susan Nelson & Ralph Nelson
Griffith Owen ’92
Tucker Page ’04
Karen Parker & Frank Parker
Susan Phillips & Dave Rumker
Kelley Platt & Chris Platt
Bank of America
Pat Semura & Jack Semura
BankAmerica Foundation
Alice Simpson & John Hammond
Deog Im An & Young Goo Kang
Bechen Family Foundation
Joan Snyder & Phil VanderWeele
Barbara Bakken & Brent Bakken
Bon Appetit
Maggie Solti & Imre Solti
Randa Cleaves &
Box Tops for Education—General
Hope Stevens
Jonathan Abramson
Julie Stevens & Curt Stevens
Janet Duffie & C.R. Duffie ’71
Bridlemile Soccer Club
Tiffany Talbott & Nick Talbott
Michelle Fitzhenry & Jim Fitzhenry
Button Joint Trust
Amy Tanne & Emanuel Tanne
Joan Flora & Tom O’Connor
Cambia Health Foundation
Gene Trautmann ’85
Marcia Freed & Martin Schwartz
The Campbell Group, LLC
Jalaja Uppili & Sudarsan Uppili
Leslee Gemmill & Bill Gemmill
Commerce Investment, Inc.
Colin Williams ’00
Nanette Moore Gerba ’36*
Community Foundation of SW
Rebecca Wirfs-Brock &
Margueritte Kim & Gene Kim
Allen Wirfs-Brock
Dwayne Prather
Dennis Uniform Manufacturing
Tara Sorensen Witt ’92 & Troy Witt
Rebecca Roberts & Evan Roberts ’88
Lynda Wood & David Hayes
Kim Tong & Qing Wei
Margaret Watt Edwards Foundation
Bette Yada & Mike Loy
Walnut Village, LLC
Epic Imaging PC
Lyn Zenisek & Joe Zenisek
Sergio Zenisek ’06
First Republic Bank
Fitzhenry Family Foundation
Ula Polsky & Phil Polsky ’90
Linda Pope & Gary Pope
OES provided
financial aid
to 129 deserving
Thank you.
Wes and Nancy Lematta Fund of the
Oregon Community Foundation
The OES Fund
supported scientific
discoveries across the
“lab” of our campus.
Matheson-Lieber Family Giving Fund
Gift Fund
Gaines Family Charitable Gift Fund
Bank of America
BankAmerica Foundation
The Shutterbug, Inc.
Cambia Health Foundation
Don Morissette Charitable Fund of
Solomon Family Charitable Fund
Global Impact
The Standard
Intel Foundation
Walter E. Nelson Co.
Sunset Imports
Jensen Investment Management
Nichols Foundation, Inc.
Switch Company
Kaiser Permanente
Nike, Inc.
Symantec Corp.
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Orthopedics Northwest
Nike, Inc.
Tektronix Foundation
Patrick Lumber Company
Herbert Templeton Foundation
Prudential Insurance Company of
Garvey Schubert Barer
Tikum Olum Fund
Global Impact
The OES Summer
Time Warner
The Standard
Program offered
Rose E. Tucker Charitable Trust
Tektronix Foundation
Trunzo Family Charitable Gift Fund
Time Warner
United Way of the Columbia-
Google, Inc.
275 classes.
The Grand Hotel
Great Cheer (America) Inc.
Heron Oaks Foundation
Wells Fargo Bank
US Bank
Hoagland Family Foundation
Hopworks Urban Brewery
Pajor Family Foundation
Huston Family Trust
Frank Parker Trust & Karen Parker
Jensen Investment Management
Patrick Lumber Company
Johnson Family Foundation
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Samuel S. Johnson Foundation
Kaiser Permanente
The Robert D. & Marcia H. Randall
Don W. Lee Family Foundation
The Gerald and Susan Schwalbach
Leonard F. Milgate Trust
Garden Home Thriftway
Intel Foundation
Living Trust
Family Foundation
the Oregon Community Foundation
Marcia Freed & Martin Schwartz
Joseph and Bohunka Rosch
Charitable Trust
Walnut Village, LLC
Wells Fargo Bank
West Portland Physical Therapy
to the Varsity Boys
Clinic LLC
Soccer Team for being
(W)here Inc.
2013 State Champs!
WHH Foundation
The Virginia Euwer Wolff Family
Juan Young Trust
Ziba Design
* Deceased www.oes.edu/giving
In Honor of Myra Clark
The following donors made gifts in
Margaret Stevens Blake ’77 &
honor or memory of someone of
In Honor of the
Korean Parent Association
Larry Blake
788 volunteers
significance in their lives. These
Susan Phillips & Dave Rumker
gifts are especially meaningful
Maureen Wheeler & Patrick Wheeler
contributions to the vitality and
well-being of our school, supporting
all endeavors that keep the OES
mission thriving.
Ranya Edupuganti &
In Honor of Marcotte Anderson ’93
In Honor of Mia F., 2023
Raymond Anderson
Courtney Fitzloff & Mark Fitzloff
In Honor of Nicole A., 2022
In Honor of Mick G’s Birthday
Sohee Anderson & Scott Anderson
Theresa Webster
In Honor of Jackie Blake
In Honor of Anna Gebbie ’88
Savi Sharma & Rajiv Sharma
Kristine Gebbie
In Honor of Peter Buonincontro
In Honor of Eric Gebbie ’94
Luke L. ’16
Kristine Gebbie
In Honor of Vaunda Carter
In Honor of
Sharon Eileen Gebbie ’91
In Honor of Rivalee Gitomer
Shirley Fox & Chuck Gitomer
Sriram Edupuganti
Courtney Fitzloff & Mark Fitzloff
Gerry Maffett
In Honor of Chris Mader
In Honor of Vijay Edupuganti ’14
Trish Brown & Cleve Abbe
In Honor of Lenka Ilcisin ’07
Will Ilcisin & Kevin Ilcisin
Anna Rozzi & Brian Ricci
In Honor of
Margaret L. Smith Newhall ’36
Polly Heninger
In Honor of OES Finance Committee
In Honor of Misja Ilcisin ’12
Andrea Bride
Will Ilcisin & Kevin Ilcisin
Kristine Gebbie
In Honor of Saskia Ilcisin ’10
In Honor of OES Middle School
Teachers and Staff
Will Ilcisin & Kevin Ilcisin
Linda Bonder & Dave Garten
In Honor of Harriett Kazzimir
In Honor of Greer Rabiega ’99
Suzy Gates
Colleen Acres & Bill Rabiega
In Honor of Bella K., 2023
In Honor of Brady R., 2027
Lisa Kellogg & Jordi Kellogg
Amy Remick & Josh Remick
In Honor of Sebi K., 2025
In Honor of Joe S., 2025
Lisa Kellogg & Jordi Kellogg
Mari Schwalbach &
In Honor of Jane Kenney-Norberg
In Honor of the
Students of Whitford Middle School
Susan Phillips & Dave Rumker
Nate Schwalbach
In Honor of Sam S., 2023
Mari Schwalbach &
Nate Schwalbach
Janet Bean
In Honor of
Lisa L. ’15
Sally LeFeber & Bob LeFeber
Andrea Bride
In Honor of Max F., 2023
In Honor of Layth Cheffan
last year.
In Honor of Mo Copeland
In Honor of Cory Abbe ’09
Susie Kasper ’65
gave to OES
Deog Im An & Young Goo Kang
Thank you.
In Honor of Sana S., 2025
Revati Venkatesh & Prashant Shah
In Honor of
Leslie Spencer & Jim Huffman’s
20th Wedding Anniversary
Maudie Samiee & Parviz Samiee
In Memory of
Richard C. Alexander
Carilyn Alexander
In Memory of
Patricia Kelley ’55
Edmund L. Devereaux III
Martha Godfrey Dixon ’58
Estelle M. Kelley ’78
Alice Kemball & Mark Kemball
In Memory of Paul G. Buker
Marietta Lind Kuykendall ’55
In Honor of Alex V., 2022
Laurie White-Dugoni & Jay Dugoni
Judy Matthies & Bill Hale
Barbara Russell & Thor Bresemann
Susie Gundle & John Gundle
Jinny Euwer Wolff ’55
Artie Russell Veira ’87
Tricia Sipowicz & Steven Sipowicz
In Honor of Gisela Walitzki
In Memory of Don Crawford
Margaret Stevens Blake ’77 &
Todd Crawford ’94
Larry Blake
In Honor of Megan W., 2020
Sharon Bergseth
In Memory of Louis F. Fernandez
Tricia Sipowicz & Steven Sipowicz
In Memory of
Arthur A. Kemalyan, M.D.
In Memory of
Ruth R. Richardson ’36
Baker Lyon ’02
In Memory of
Frederick “Fritz” Hayes, Jr.
Anne Richards & John Richards
Susan Meredith & Frank Mitchell
Maggie Hayes
In Memory of Koppula Naguriah
In Memory of
Lela B. Coe Meyer ’30 &
Dr. Myers
Sandhya Koppula &
In Memory of
Roberta A. Hughes
Srinivasa Nagalla
Janice Swanson Wallenstein ’64 &
In Memory of Tom Owen
George Wallenstein
Griffith Owen ’92
In Memory of
John M. Kahl, Sr.
In Memory of Caroline T. Paige
Juliet Ching & Jerome Schiller
Richard Charlton & Joan Charlton
In Memory of Matthew Lyon
In Honor of
Alexander W., 2016
twice a week.
In Memory of
Clent Richardson ’79
Tricia Sipowicz & Steven Sipowicz
Liza Lilley ’74
of sports fields
Betty Kobos & Adam Kobos ’91
Savi Sharma & Rajiv Sharma
to mow 2.5 acres
service learning
Nathan Kemalyan
In Memory of
Paul Gerhardt, Jr. ’74
supported resources
than the required two
Kathleen Kemalyan &
In Honor of Doug Whitmore
The OES Fund
21 seniors
completed more
Ma’Carry Butler Cairo ’61 &
Jim Mustola
Judy Agather ’64
Becky Weissert Jones ’64
Barbara Lancaster ’64
In Memory of
Hila May Scott ’74
Liza Lilley ’74
Tamara Selfridge Musser ’74 &
Peter Musser
Bonnie Scott
In Memory of
Patricia Jeanne Semura ’99
Kate Loggan & Warren Hirsch
In Memory of Don Simon
Janet Duffie & C.R. Duffie ’71
All gifts made to the Dr. William G.
Lamb Science Endowment are
reflected in the Restricted Giving
section on pages 45–46.
In Memory of Jacob Stults
Molly Stults & Bud Stults
Gifts are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please consult your tax
advisor as individual situations may vary.
This Annual Report recognizes gifts given to Oregon Episcopal School from
July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014, as well as all pledges and gifts made
to the Beginning & Lower School Building Project since the inception of the
campaign. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy. If you do find an
error, please accept our sincere apology and contact the Development Office
at (503) 768-3153 or send an email to development@oes.edu.
Thank you.
Oregon Episcopal School
6300 SW Nicol Road
Portland, OR 97223
(503) 246-7771
Graphic Design: Anne Marie Snyder
Photos: Tom Berridge, John Holloran, and the OES community.
Printed on recycled paper using vegetable-based inks.
Copyright © 2014 Oregon Episcopal School
Thank You