Hiperstation Messages and Codes
Hiperstation Messages and Codes
Hiperstation Messages and Codes Hiperstation for VTAM Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers Hiperstation for WebSphere MQ Release 16.05 ii Hiperstation Messages and Codes Please direct questions about Hiperstation or comments on this document to: Compuware Customer Support http://go.compuware.com This document and the product referenced in it are subject to the following legends: Copyright 1994-2016 Compuware Corporation. All rights reserved. Unpublished rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States. U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS-Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in Compuware Corporation license agreement and as provided in DFARS 227.7202-1(a) and 227.7202-3(a) (1995), DFARS 252.227-7013(c)(1)(ii) (OCT 1988), FAR 12.212(a) (1995), FAR 52.227-19, or FAR 52.227-14 (ALT III), as applicable. Compuware Corporation. This product contains confidential information and trade secrets of Compuware Corporation. 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JAN2016 January 4, 2016 iii Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii Accessing Hiperstation Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii HTML Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .viii Using this Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .viii Accessibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .viii Installing Windows Accessibility Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix Selecting Font and Font Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix Changing Color and Contrast. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix Setting Cursor Blink Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix Using Keyboard Shortcuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix Accessibility Exceptions Work Arounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x Known Exceptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x Getting Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi FrontLine Support Web Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi Contacting Customer Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi Phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi Web . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi Corporate Web Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi Chapter 1. Hiperstation User-Abend Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Chapter 2. Hiperstation Messages: ARCHV through EHSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 ARCHV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-1 ATVCHKIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 ATVDBUTL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 ATV-PC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-5 ATV-PJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-5 ATV-PS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-8 ATVR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9 ATV-RC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11 ATV-RP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-12 ATVRV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-13 ATV-SM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13 ATV-SR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-14 ATVSU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-15 ATVTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-19 CLOGGEN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-24 E62ALTMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-29 E62CPFIL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-29 E62DSINF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-31 E62EVALP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-32 E62FILCL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-32 E62PF5PI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-33 E62PFMH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-33 E62PRMFA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-34 E62PRMFS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-34 E62PRUDT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-34 E62WLOGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-35 ECVSAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-35 iv Hiperstation Messages and Codes EHS3COPY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-35 EHSB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-38 EHSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-49 Chapter 3. Hiperstation Messages: EHSD through ETTERM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 EHSD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 EHSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6 EHSP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8 EHSTF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9 EMALC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-16 EMCAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17 EMFIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17 EMGSL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18 EML62 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18 EMLO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-28 EMOB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-29 EMSCR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-29 EMSRT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-29 EMTCP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-29 EMTRG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-30 EMTRM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-30 ET32LG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-42 ETGRCR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-44 ETGRDA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-44 ETGREC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-45 ETGRFR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-46 ETGRMN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-46 ETGRPX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-48 ETGRSP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-51 ETGRST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-51 ETIN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-52 ETPO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-52 ETPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-54 ETPRTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-54 ETRM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-54 ETRMF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-54 ETRMGRPX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-55 ETRMI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-56 ETRMO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-56 ETRMRACF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-56 ETRMRR1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-56 ETRMT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-59 ETRMVTAM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-59 ETTERM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-59 Chapter 4. Hiperstation Messages: HSPFE through RGSTRYGN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 HSPFE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 ICMSG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4 MCSREPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15 MQIO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-19 MQQMGR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-19 MQROLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-20 MQSSEVNT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-20 QQFDCI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-21 QQFHCI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-30 QQFHCIIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-31 QQFHDATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-33 v QQFHPICM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-33 QQFHPIHC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-35 QQFHPIMQ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-36 QQFHPITP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-40 QQFHPIUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-43 QQFHPIVT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-43 QQFVCONV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-47 QQFVDATA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-48 RGSTRYGN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-48 Chapter 5. Hiperstation Messages: SCRTCP through SYSPLEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 SCRTCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 SCRWMQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9 SPBTCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-17 SPCHG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-18 SPCNTL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-19 SPCPW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-32 SPGMF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-32 SPHPR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-35 SPMSG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-38 SPPARM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-44 SVABN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-45 SVACF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-45 SVATH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-45 SVDEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-46 SVMAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-46 SVMANTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-52 SVMAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-52 SVMNANET. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-53 SVMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-53 SVNET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-54 SVNETC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-56 SVNETCP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-56 SVNETREC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-57 SVPEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-57 SVRAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-58 SVSY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-58 SVTSK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-58 SVUSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-58 SVXX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-58 SYSPLEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-59 Chapter 6. Hiperstation Messages: TCPAR through VTCSUTIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1 TCPAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-1 TCPASYNC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3 TCPC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3 TCPCNCTN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6 TCPCNNLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6 TCPIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7 TCPMSSGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7 TCPPBCC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7 TCPPBMN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8 TCPPBPLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10 TCPPBRC1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10 TCPPBPRT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10 TCPPBRPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-12 TCPPBST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-22 vi Hiperstation Messages and Codes TCPPBUTL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TCPPROT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TCPRC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TCPREVNT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TCPRPLWK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TCPRPTC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TCPSCRS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TCPSCSET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TCPSEVNT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TCPSOCKT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TCPSRPL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TCPSRVR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TCPSSL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VPCI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VPES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VTCSINTF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VTCSMAIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VTCSREAD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VTCSSRCH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VTCSUTIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-23 6-24 6-24 6-26 6-29 6-29 6-31 6-34 6-34 6-37 6-37 6-39 6-40 6-40 6-41 6-44 6-44 6-46 6-46 6-50 vii Introduction Intro Compuware is committed to providing user-friendly documentation in a variety of electronic formats. This section describes the available formats and how to access them, provides an overview of this manual and describes the conventions used within, and describes the resources available to help you. Accessing Hiperstation Documentation The Hiperstation documentation is available on the Compuware Go (FrontLine) customer support website at http://go.compuware.com. Release Notes are provided in HTML format and manuals in Portable Document Format (PDF): • Release Notes — Provides recent information for the Hiperstation product. In this file, you can quickly access system requirements, technical notes, customer support contact information, and a list of the new features available in the release. The Release Notes may be updated throughout the life cycle of a release with the most current version located on FrontLine for easy access to the latest product information. • Hiperstation Installation and Configuration Guide — Provides installation and configuration procedures. • Hiperstation for VTAM User Guide — Explains how to use Hiperstation for VTAM to test 3270 and LU0 applications. • Hiperstation for WebSphere MQ User Guide— Explains how to use Hiperstation for WebSphere MQ to test WebSphere MQ applications. • Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers User Guide — Explains how to use Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers to test APPC and TCP/IP applications. • Hiperstation Auditor Guide — Explains how to use the Hiperstation Archive Function. • Hiperstation Automated Testing Vehicle (ATV) Manager User Guide — Explains how to use the Hiperstation ATV Manager to manage your testing environment and test cases. • Hiperstation Messages and Codes — Explains the messages and codes that Hiperstation produces. • Hiperstation Scripting Reference — Introduces advanced script editing concepts and provides reference information for technical users. • Hiperstation Reference Summary — Summarizes the commands used in Hiperstation for VTAM’s Domain Traveler and Session Demo features. • Master Index — This file contains an indexed list of the contents of the entire manual set. To use this file, all of the book files and the master index file must be located in the same directory. Open the master index file and search for the desired term. Clicking on a search result will open the appropriate book at the desired page. View and print PDF files with Adobe Reader. Download a free copy of the latest version of the reader from Adobe’s web site: http://www.adobe.com. Note: With a few minor exceptions, PDF files comply with the requirements of section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Refer to the Accessibility preface in any of the user guides for information. viii Hiperstation Messages and Codes For your convenience, Compuware also provides the Hiperstation manuals in the following formats: • Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) Access these formats on FrontLine, Compuware’s Customer Support Web site at http://frontline.compuware.com. 1. Log-in. 2. Select the desired product. 3. Click the Documentation link on the left selection bar. 4. Select the desired release. FrontLine presents a documentation index containing links to each of the product’s manuals in all of the available formats. HTML Files View HTML files with any standard Web browser. Simply click the HTML link on the selected FrontLine documentation page. Note: As you review the HTML content, you may encounter the known issue regarding screens and other graphic figures in which the image may be cropped along the left or bottom edge. Using this Manual The manual explains all messages and codes that the Hiperstation products may present during operation and, if applicable, provides response instructions. The first chapter details user-abend codes. Subsequent chapters contain message information listed in alpha-numeric order and organized by prefix. Use the “Table of Contents” to help you find the message information you need. Accessibility In accordance with section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Compuware has committed to making its products and services easier to use for everyone including people with disabilities. Hiperstation is a mainframe application that runs on IBM’s OS/390 and z/OS operating systems. It has an ISPF interface that is accessed with IBM 327x-type terminals or with 3270 terminal emulator software. Since the mainframe environment offers few accessibility features, Compuware has focused its attention, with regard to accessibility, on 3270 terminal emulator software running on personal computers (PCs) with Microsoft Windows 2000 or more current. Hiperstation supports, with a few exceptions, Microsoft Windows accessibility features and Window-based Assistive Technology (AT) software and devices, such as Braille devices, screen readers, magnifiers, etc. Note: Hiperstation is intended for use by mainframe software developers, programmers, and testers. Much of the input and output used or produced by Hiperstation, such as Job Control Language (JCL) and hexadecimal contents or dumps of memory, are not easily understood by the general public. Unfortunately, as in the case of hexadecimal dumps, data in these formats can be confusing to screen readers and therefore confusing to the people who use them. Effective use of this application requires the specialized knowledge of a mainframe systems software developer or programmer. Hiperstation accessibility was evaluated using: Introduction ix • Freedom Scientifics’ JAWS screen reader • Attachmate Corporation’s myExtra Presentation Services tn3270 emulator • Microsoft’s Windows accessibility features • Adobe Reader using the “Read Out Loud” function This evaluation not only identified accessibility exceptions, but revealed emulator and screen reader compatibility issues that in some cases can be remedied through appropriate configuration. Installing Windows Accessibility Features Microsoft Windows operating systems offer several accessibility features to aid individuals who have difficulty typing or using a mouse, who are blind or have low vision, or who are deaf or are hard-of-hearing. Install these features during setup or later using the Windows installation disks. Refer to the “accessibility” topics in the Windows Help system for information on installing and using these features. Visit the Microsoft Web site, http://www.microsoft.com/enable, for additional information and tutorials. Selecting Font and Font Size Microsoft Windows and emulator software packages offer font and font size settings to accommodate users with low vision. The emulator software’s tool bars and dialog boxes typically use the font specified in the operating system, while the terminal presentation uses the font and font size specified in the emulator. To change the font or font size: • Presented on the toolbars and dialog boxes, refer to the Windows Help system. • Presented in the terminal window, refer to the emulator’s documentation or Help. Some screen readers recommend certain fonts and font sizes for compatibility. For example, Freedom Scientifics recommends setting the font to a common or “plain” font such as Lucida, Courier, or Times New Roman, and setting the font size to 10 points or smaller. Refer to the screen reader’s documentation or Help for these recommendations. Changing Color and Contrast Color and contrast settings can assist users with low vision. ISPF and most emulator software packages offer color and contrast settings. If you are accessing Hiperstation with a terminal, use ISPF settings. Otherwise, adjust the color and contrast in the emulator software. Refer to ISPF Help or the emulator’s documentation or Help. Setting Cursor Blink Rate The blink rate of the cursor can affect users with photosensitive epilepsy. Additionally, some screen readers require a specific blink rate. Some readers automatically adjust the blink rate while others expect you to adjust the rate. Refer to: • The Microsoft Windows Help to find out how to set the cursor blink rate. • The screen reader’s documentation or Help to find out the recommended blink rate. Using Keyboard Shortcuts Keyboard access to application functions support users who cannot use a mouse. Microsoft Windows provides keyboard access to all functions within the operating system, such as: • Displaying or hiding the Windows Start Menu • Showing the Desktop x Hiperstation Messages and Codes • Minimizing all windows • Searching for files • Accessing the help system • Controlling the behavior of the Windows accessibility features, for example, toggling the listening status to the microphone, or cycling focus backward and forward. Most Windows-based applications also provide keyboard access to their functions. The combination of keys required to execute a given function is called a keyboard shortcut. Refer to the “Keyboard Shortcuts” topics in the Windows Help system for a complete list of Windows shortcuts. For a list of the shortcuts that are available in the emulator software or any third-party accessibility tool, such as the JAWS screen reader, refer to the software’s documentation or Help. Accessibility Exceptions Work Arounds During Hiperstation accessibility evaluation, some exceptions were encountered where some accessibility features or AT were not fully supported. The causes of and solutions for these exceptions are currently under investigation by Compuware Corporation. Known Exceptions Accessibility exceptions include: • Function Key (F Key) information at the bottom of the screen is not read by the screen reader on some screens. This is believed to be caused by an external interface. See “Solutions” for a viable work-around. • Some system error and warning messages are not read by the screen reader when issued. Believed to be caused by an external interface. See “Solutions” for a viable work-around. • Some pop-up dialog boxes or windows do not capture exclusive focus and are not read correctly by the screen reader. This is believed to be caused by an external interface. No known solution is currently available. • System error and warning messages do not capture visual focus for the screen magnifier. This is believed to be caused by an external interface. No known solution is currently available. • Some entry and display fields lack individual labels. When entry fields are accessed using the Tab key, the entire individual line is read. • Current Web-based reports are not easily navigated using the keyboard and lack table element coordinate tags. Additionally, some of these reports contain color-coded elements — for example, the color of some elements conveys meaning. Solutions When the screen reader fails to read the F Key information upon entry to a new screen, do one of the following: • Use the arrow keys to move the cursor down to the lines with the F Key information. The screen reader reads each line as the cursor is placed on it. • Press the Page Up key for the screen reader to reread the entire screen. When the screen reader fails to read an error or warning message, an audio alert occurs if this feature is enabled on your system. Press the Up key to place the cursor on the line containing the error message, usually on the top or title line. The screen reader reads the line and its error message individually. Introduction xi Getting Help Compuware provides a variety of support resources to make it easy for you to find the information you need. FrontLine Support Web Site You can access online information for Compuware products via our FrontLine support site at http://frontline.compuware.com. FrontLine provides access to critical information about your Compuware products. You can review frequently asked questions, read or download documentation, access product fixes, or e-mail your questions or comments. The first time you access FrontLine, you are required to register and obtain a password. Registration is free. Compuware now offers User Communities, online forums to collaborate, network, and exchange best practices with other Compuware solution users worldwide. Go to http://groups.compuware.com to join. Contacting Customer Support If you have difficulty with Hiperstation, refer to the information in the appropriate user’s guide for help or consult with the Hiperstation technical representative at your site. If the problem persists, please obtain the following information before calling Compuware: 1. The release number of the product being used 2. The release number of the transaction processing utility (such as CICS, IMS/DC, or ISPF) being used 3. The operating system being used to help determine operating system dependencies 4. If an abend occurs, note the displacement and the module in which it occurs, and if possible, obtain a copy of the system dump. 5. The sequence of issued transactions and/or commands that resulted in the problem and the data type involved. Phone • USA and Canada: 1-800-538-7822 or 1-313-227-5444. • All other countries: Contact your local Compuware office. Contact information is available at http://frontline.compuware.com. Web You can report issues via the Report and Track Calls tab on the FrontLine home page. Note: Please report all high-priority issues by phone. Mail Hiperstation Customer Support Compuware Corporation One Campus Martius Detroit, MI 48226-5099 Corporate Web Site To access Compuware’s site on the Web, go to http://www.compuware.com. The Compuware site provides a variety of product and support information. xii Hiperstation Messages and Codes 1-1 Chapter 1. Hiperstation User-Abend Codes Chap 1 The following table lists all Hiperstation mainframe user abend codes in decimal and hexadecimal. It explains each code and the appropriate action to take for resolution. Table 1-1. Hiperstation User-Abend Codes Dec Hex Explanation User Response 200 C8 Unknown VTAM request was made to the Hiperstation SCIP exit. If the error persists, contact Compuware Customer Support for assistance. 123 7B Hiperstation cannot support your z/OS release. Refer to the Hiperstation Release Notes for supported releases of z/OS. If you have recently installed a new version of z/OS, contact Compuware Customer Support for assistance. 100 64 During program execution, the corruption of a program save area was detected. Contact Compuware Customer Support for assistance. 345 159 An unexpected error occurred while processing the attributes of a dataset. If the error persists, contact Compuware Customer Support for assistance. 769 301 During program execution, a stack underflow Contact Compuware Customer Support for assistance. condition was detected, or an internal subroutine was not entered properly. 770 302 During program execution, a stack overflow condition was detected or an internal subroutine was not exited properly. 777 309 The release of a user-generated default parameter You must apply the values of the previous default table to table does not agree with the current Hiperstation the current version of Hiperstation. Do not copy the old release. table — it must be regenerated. Also, ensure that the correct table is being used. If you have further problems, contact Compuware Customer Support for assistance. 817 331 Hiperstation has detected a problem based on your module and its displacement. If the error persists, contact Compuware Customer Support for assistance. Contact Compuware Customer Support for assistance. 1009 3F1 This is an unexpected return code from the VTAM If the VTAM subsystem was still active at the time of the CHECK macro. The VTAM subsystem may have abend, report the problem to Compuware Customer terminated unexpectedly. Support. If the VTAM subsystem was not active, repeat the test while it is active. 4094 FFE An unknown VTAM request was made to the Hiperstation SYNAD exit. This may be caused by the VTAM subsystem terminating unexpectedly. If the VTAM subsystem was still active at the time of the abend, report the problem to Compuware Customer Support. If the VTAM subsystem was not active, repeat the test while it is active. 1-2 Hiperstation Messages and Codes 2-1 Chapter 2. Hiperstation Messages: ARCHV through EHSC The chapter explains messages with the prefix ARCHV through the prefix EHSC and, if applicable, provides response actions you can take to resolve the issue causing the message. Messages are listed in alpha-numeric order and grouped by prefix. Use the “Contents” to find the message information you need. ARCHV ARCHV000 INVALID DATASET NAME Explanation: the prefix. ARCHV001 NAME IS NOT UNIQUE Explanation: ARCHV002 Description cannot contain the following characters: ` ~ [ $ % _ + } ! ¦ DATASET CONFLICT Explanation: ARCHV004 The name specified for the archive record request is already being used. INVALID CHARACTER Explanation: ARCHV003 The repository registry dataset must be 1 - 35 characters in length, including Datasets exist that match <repository_registry_dsn>.#* ALREADY EXITS Explanation: A dataset already exists with the dataset name specified on the repository registry dataset. ARCHV005 NOT UNIQUE Explanation: This request would create repository datasets (based off registry name) that would conflict with datasets created by an existing Global or Archive Record Request. ARCHV006 ARCHIVE CONFLICT Explanation: The repository dataset specified conflicts with repositories created by an Archive Record Request (which must be unique). ARCHV007 NO MORE SEGMENTS Explanation: Cannot restart this archive request because all repository dataset segments have been used. System Action: All segments have been used so this archive request cannot be restarted. User Response: Create a new archive request using another dataset name. ARCHV008 CONTROL ERROR Explanation: ARCHV009 Unable to read control record for this archive repository set. DATASET CONFLICT Explanation: Archive request cannot restart since datasets exist that match our repository dataset specification. The repository dataset specification is the <registry name>.#* ARCHV010 DELETE FAILURE Explanation: IDCAMS request to delete the existing dataset failed. Chap 2 2-2 Hiperstation Messages and Codes ARCHV011 ENTER 1 OR 2. THE ONLY VALID OPTIONS ARE 1 (DELETE) OR 2 (TERMINATE) AND YOU MUST SPECIFY ONE OF THESE TO CONTINUE. Explanation: This occurs when the user enters an invalid option or no option and presses the Enter key on the Delete or Terminate pop-up window. ATVCHKIN ATVCHKIN-0358W Script <script_name> in Dataset <dsn> not available. Explanation: The desired script could not be located in the supplied script dataset referenced by the SQQFBASE or SQQFDUB DD names. These DD names are set by the ATV. System Action: The named script is ignored for remediation purposes. User Response: Determine whether the named script should be involved in the remediation process i.e. are both the base and dubbed scripts available for remediation comparison. If the script is an ATV-supplied signon or signoff script then it should not be involved in remediation. ATVCHKIN-0359E Comparison Log <dataset_name> not available. Explanation: The named comparison log containing the results of an ATV test case execution was not available for processing via the SQQFCLOG DD name. The SQQFCLOG DD name is set by the ATV. System Action: Remediation processing terminates. User Response: Determine whether the named comparison log dataset is allocated and/or why the named dataset cannot be opened. ATVCHKIN-0360E Mismatch Log <dataset_name> not available. Explanation: The named sequential log designated to contain the mismatches found by the remediation process cannot be opened. The mismatch log is attached to the SQQFMISL DD name, which is set by the ATV. System Action: Remediation processing terminates. User Response: Determine whether the named mismatch log dataset is allocated and/or why the named dataset cannot be opened. ATVCHKIN-0361E Explanation: message. Storage could not be allocated for <area_name>. Working storage could not be obtained for the control block named in the System Action: Remediation processing terminates. User Response: parameter. Allocate additional storage to the remediation job, via the REGION ATVCHKIN-0362E Explanation: System Action: Creation of the Global Hash Table failed. The C hcreate() function used to establish the Global Hash Table failed. Remediation processing terminates. User Response: Allocate additional storage to the remediation job, via the REGION parameter. If this fails to correct the problem contact Compuware Customer Support. ATVCHKIN-0363E code=<info_code> Explanation: dataset. System Action: Dynalloc of Script dataset failed, DSN: <dataset_name> - code=<rc>, info The C dynalloc() function could not allocate a script in the named script Scripts in the named dataset are ignored for remediation purposes. User Response: Use the returned code (__errcode) and information code (__infocode) to identify the dataset allocation problem. Hiperstation Messages: ARCHV through EHSC ATVCHKIN-0364E 2-3 fwrite() wrote a partial record, <nn> of <mm> characters. Explanation: The C fwrite() function failed to write a complete logical record to the mismatch log, writing only <nn> of <mm> bytes in the record. System Action: Data not written by the partial fwrite() is lost. User Response: Determine why data cannot be written to the SQQFMISL mismatch log file. If the problem persists contact Compuware Customer Support. ATVDBUTL ATVDBUTL-0001W Processing <db_request> request failed, rc = . Explanation: Database server encountered an error processing a <db_request> request. The database server issued a return code of rc. System Action: Database request is terminated. User Response: See adjacent error messages for more information. ATVDBUTL-0002E info code=<ic> Dynalloc of ATV Database file failed, DSN(<datasetname>) return code= <rc>, Explanation: Database server encountered an error allocating the dataset <datasetname>. The operating system replied with return code of rc and an information code of ic. System Action: Database request is terminated. User Response: See adjacent error messages for more information. Refer to the IBM publication z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide for more information on the return code of rc and an information code of ic. ATVDBUTL-0003E Open of file (<datasetname>) failed, return code = rc Explanation: Database server encountered an error opening the dataset <datasetname>. The operating system replied with return code of rc. System Action: Database request is terminated. User Response: See adjacent error messages for more information. Refer to the IBM publication z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide for more information on the return code of rc and an information code of ic. ATVDBUTL-0004E Explanation: ATV Database name not found in request An invalid request was sent to the ATV database server program. System Action: Database request is terminated. User Response: Internal product error. Contact Compuware Customer Support. ATVDBUTL-0005W Read error (<datasetname>) Explanation: The ATV database server program received an error condition when reading the ATV Database. System Action: Database request is terminated. User Response: See adjacent error messages for more information. ATVDBUTL-0006E Record not found Explanation: The ATV database server program could not find an expected record on the ATV Database. The ATV database could be corrupted. System Action: Database request is terminated. User Response: See adjacent error messages for more information. Contact Compuware Customer Support if unable to resolve. ATVDBUTL-0007I Record not found Explanation: The ATV database server program received a not found condition while reading the ATV Database. This can be a normal condition. 2-4 Hiperstation Messages and Codes System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. ATVDBUTL-0008E Unable to allocate storage for <datastructure>, cannot continue. Explanation: The ATV database server program was unable to allocate required memory. Explanation: Database request is terminated. System Action: ATVDBUTL-0009E Explanation: Run this request with a larger region size. DB request (<db_request>) missing required tags. An invalid request was sent to the ATV database server program. System Action: Database request is terminated. User Response: Internal product error. Contact Compuware Customer Support. ATVDBUTL-0010E Explanation: Invalid length (<length>) for tag <tag> An invalid request was sent to the ATV database server program. System Action: Database request is terminated. User Response: Internal product error. Contact Compuware Customer Support. ATVDBUTL-0011W Explanation: Duplicate record found An invalid request was sent to the ATV database server program. System Action: Database request is terminated. User Response: Retry request. If unable to resolve, contact Compuware Customer Support. ATVDBUTL-0012I Error opening file (<dsn>) Explanation: The ATV database server program was unable to open the script <dsn> to import the requested script into the vehicle. System Action: Database request is terminated. User Response: Ensure you are selecting a valid Hiperstation script. If unable to resolve, contact Compuware Customer Support. ATVDBUTL-0020I Explanation: Unexpected tag (<tag>) encountered processing (<request>) An invalid request was sent to the ATV database server program. System Action: Database request is terminated. User Response: Retry request. If unable to resolve, contact Compuware Customer Support. ATVDBUTL-0021E Explanation: case. Test case save failed. The ATV database server program encountered an error saving the current test System Action: Database request is terminated. User Response: Retry request. If unable to resolve, contact Compuware Customer Support. ATVDBUTL-0024E Dynalloc failed with error code = rc, info code DSN: <datasetname> Explanation: Database server encountered an error allocating the dataset <datasetname>. The operating system replied with return code of rc. System Action: Database request is terminated. User Response: See adjacent error messages for more information. Refer to the IBM publication z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide for more information on the return code of rc. ATVDBUTL-0025I Deallocate failed, error code = rc, info code = ic, DSN: <datasetname> Explanation: Database server encountered an error deallocating the dataset <datasetname>. The operating system replied with return code of rc and an information code of ic. Hiperstation Messages: ARCHV through EHSC System Action: 2-5 Database request is terminated. User Response: See adjacent error messages for more information. Refer to the IBM publication z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide for more information on the return code and information code. ATV-PC ATV-PC105I Processing For Strobe Performance Complete. Explanation: User Response: ATV-PC106I User Response: Informational. None. ATV Performance Execution Completed. Explanation: User Response: ATV-PC117E None. Strobe report written to dataset_name. Explanation: ATV-PC107I Informational. Informational. None. ATV Performance Measurement Not Found. Return Code is rc. Explanation: The attempted STOP of the Strobe Measurement failed because the specified Measurement Number was not located. User Response: Use the Measurement number specified in the Performance Vehicle JESLOG with message ATV-SM104I to check the status of the Measurement in Strobe. ATV-PC118E ATV Performance Report Creation Return Code exceeded allowable value. RC = rc. Explanation: Code. User Response: Manual. ATV-PC119E The Strobe Measurement Add command returned an unacceptable Return Look up the Return Code to determine the failure cause in the Strobe ATV Performance Measurement Not Found. Return Code is rc. Explanation: The attempted STOP of the Strobe Measurement failed because the specified Measurement Number was not located. User Response: Use the Measurement number specified in the Performance Vehicle JESLOG with message ATV-SM104I to check the status of the Measurement in Strobe. ATV-PC120E ATV Sample Dataset Allocation Error. Message is allocation_error. Explanation: The Sample Dataset allocation attempted by Strobe failed. User Response: Use the error message to identify why the allocation attempt by Strobe failed. ATV-PJ ATV-PJ101E Jeslog/JCL Report Allocation Failed, RC = nn Explanation: User Response: the cause. ATV-PJ101I The attempted allocation for the JESLOG Report dataset failed. Use the supplied Return Code to identify the cause of the failure and correct Processing Jeslog Dataset dataset_name. Explanation: User Response: Informational. None. 2-6 Hiperstation Messages and Codes ATV-PJ101W Processing. The Passed Report dataset_name is not a JESLOG Report. Skipping JESLOG Explanation: The report passed for JESLOG processing is not an actual JESLOG. The JESLOG Report Processing function is being bypassed. User Response: Verify that the passed dataset, dataset_name, is actually a JESLOG. If it is, contact Compuware Customer Support for assistance. Be prepared to submit the JESLOG in question for examination. ATV-PJ102E The Specified Dataset dataset_name is not catalogued Explanation: The JESLOG/JCL dataset, dataset_name, was not found on the MVS catalogue. User Response: Verify that the dataset referenced, dataset_name, exists. If it does, contact Customer Support. ATV-PJ102I Processing Service Unit Record. Explanation: User Response: ATV-PJ102W 999999. Informational. None. Service Units were not found in Jeslog dataset_name. Setting Service Units to Explanation: The Service Unit value was not found in the JESLOG dataset_name. The JESLOG Report Process will use the value 999999 instead. User Response: Verify that the passed dataset, dataset_name, is a JESLOG that does not contain the Service Units value. ATV-PJ103I Processing CPU Usage Record. Explanation: User Response: ATV-PJ103W Informational. None. Baseline Jeslog Report Recall Failed, RC = nn. Explanation: The System recall for the Baseline JESLOG Performance Report failed. User Response: Verify that the Baseline JESLOG report exists, was on non-DASD storage, and was available for SMS recall processing. ATV-PJ104E Unknown Error Occurred While Checking Dataset dataset_name. RC = nn Reason Code = nnnn Explanation: User Response: ATV-PJ104I Use the Return Code and Reason Code to identify the error and correct it. Writing Performance Vehicle Jeslog Validation Report. Explanation: User Response: ATV-PJ104W An unknown error was encountered when validating the dataset_name. Informational. None. Using Baseline Values from the Test Case Record. Explanation: Related to message ATV-PJ103W and ATV-PJ105W. The JESLOG Report Process will use the values from the Test Case record to validate JESLOG pass/fail status. User Response: If the Baseline JESLOG Performance Report exists, was on non-DASD storage, was available for SMS recall processing, and the Baseline values in the Test Case Record are not sufficient, contact Compuware Customer Support. ATV-PJ105E Allocation Error for Dataset dataset_name. RC = nn. Explanation: User Response: the cause. ATV-PJ105I The attempted allocation for the JESLOG dataset failed. Use the supplied Return Code to identify the cause of the failure and correct Processing For Jeslog Report dataset_name Complete. Explanation: Informational. Hiperstation Messages: ARCHV through EHSC User Response: ATV-PJ105W 2-7 None. Baseline Jeslog Report Does Not Exist. Explanation: The Test Case Record specifies the use of a Baseline JESLOG Performance Report when determining JESLOG pass/fail status and the Baseline Report could not be located in the MVS Catalogue. User Response: Verify that the Baseline JESLOG Performance Report exists for the Test Case in question. If it does, contact Compuware Customer Support. ATV-PJ106E Read Error for Dataset dataset_name. RC = nn. Explanation: User Response: the cause. The attempted read for the JESLOG dataset failed. Use the supplied Return Code to identify the cause of the failure and correct ATV-PJ107E Jeslog Dataset dataset_name does not contain all of the necessary information to create the Jeslog Performance Vehicle Report. Halting Jeslog Processing. Explanation: The JESLOG dataset did not contain the Service Unit value. User Response: Verify that the passed dataset, dataset_name, is a JESLOG that does not contain the Service Units value. If it does, contact Compuware Customer Support for assistance. Be prepared to submit the JESLOG in question for examination ATV-PJ107I Jeslog Report Validation Complete. Explanation: User Response: Informational. None. ATV-PJ108E Jeslog Dataset dataset_name does not contain all of the necessary information to create the Jeslog Performance Vehicle Report. Halting Jeslog Processing. Explanation: The JESLOG dataset did not contain the CPU value. User Response: Verify that the passed dataset, dataset_name, is a JESLOG that does not contain the CPU value. If it does, contact Compuware Customer Support for assistance. Be prepared to submit the JESLOG in question for examination ATV-PJ108I Baseline Jeslog Report is Being Recalled from non-DASD Storage. Explanation: User Response: Informational. None. ATV-PJ109E Jeslog Dataset dataset_name does not contain all of the necessary information to create the Jeslog Performance Vehicle Report. Halting Jeslog Processing. Explanation: The JESLOG dataset did not contain the SRB value. User Response: Verify that the passed dataset, dataset_name, is a JESLOG that does not contain the SRB value. If it does, contact Compuware Customer Support for assistance. Be prepared to submit the JESLOG in question for examination ATV-PJ118E Jeslog/JCL Report Validation Ended with Errors. Return Code = nn Explanation: There was an error during JESLOG/JCL validation execution. User Response: Use the Return Code to identify the error and correct if possible. Contact Customer Support with the Return Code and be prepared to submit the JESLOG and or JCL Output for examination, if needed. ATV-PJ119E Write Error to Dataset dataset_name Return Code = nn. Explanation: User Response: the cause. The attempted write to the JESLOG/JCL Report dataset failed. Use the supplied Return Code to identify the cause of the failure and correct 2-8 Hiperstation Messages and Codes ATV-PS ATV-PS101E Summary Report Allocation Failed. RC = rc. Explanation: User Response: the cause. ATV-PS101I Use the supplied Return Code to identify the cause of the failure and correct Processing Summary Dataset dataset_name. Explanation: User Response: ATV-PS102E The attempted allocation of the Summary dataset failed. Informational. None. The Specified Dataset dataset_name is not Cataloged. Explanation: The Summary dataset, dataset_name, was not found on the MVS catalogue. User Response: Verify that the dataset referenced, dataset_name, exists. If it does, contact Compuware Customer Support ATV-PS102I Baseline Summary Report is Being Recalled from non-DASD Storage. Explanation: User Response: ATV-PS102W Informational. None. Baseline Summary Report Does Not Exist. Explanation: The Test Case Record specifies the use of a Baseline Summary Performance Report when determining Summary pass/fail status and a Baseline Report could not be located in the MVS Catalogue. User Response: Verify that the Baseline Summary Performance Report exists for the Test Case in question. If it does, contact Compuware Customer Support. ATV-PS103E The Specified Dataset dataset_name is an Unsupported VSAM File. Explanation: The Summary dataset, dataset_name, is a VSAM file. User Response: Verify that the dataset referenced, dataset_name, is a VSAM file. If it is not, contact Compuware Customer Support ATV-PS103W Using Baseline Values from the Test Case Record. Explanation: Related to message ATV-PS102W and ATV-PS104W. The Summary Report Process will use the values from the Test Case record to validate the Summary pass/fail status. User Response: If the Baseline Summary Performance Report exists, was on non-DASD storage, was available for SMS recall processing, and the Baseline values in the Test Case Record are not sufficient, contact Compuware Customer Support. ATV-PS104E Code = nn Unknown Error Occurred While Checking Dataset dataset_name. RC = rc Reason Explanation: User Response: ATV-PS104I Use the Return Code and Reason Code to identify the error and correct it. Writing Performance Vehicle Summary Validation Report. Explanation: User Response: ATV-PS104W An unknown error was encountered when validating dataset_name. Informational. None. Baseline Summary Report Recall Failed, RC = rc. Explanation: The System recall for the Baseline Summary Performance Report failed. User Response: Verify that the Baseline Summary report exists, was on non-DASD storage, and was available for SMS recall processing. ATV-PS105E Allocation Error for Dataset dataset_name. RC = rc. Explanation: The attempted allocation for the Summary dataset failed. Hiperstation Messages: ARCHV through EHSC User Response: the cause. ATV-PS105I User Response: Informational. None. Read Error for Dataset dataset_name. RC = rc. Explanation: User Response: the cause. ATV-PS106I Use the supplied Return Code to identify the cause of the failure and correct Processing For Summary Report dataset_name Complete. Explanation: ATV-PS106E 2-9 The attempted read of the Summary dataset failed. Use the supplied Return Code to identify the cause of the failure and correct The Total Number of Members Processed is: nn Explanation: User Response: Informational. None. ATV-PS107E Summary Dataset dataset_name does not contain all of the necessary information to create the Summary Performance Vehicle Report. Halting Summary Processing. Explanation: User Response: ATV-PS107I Informational None. Summary Report Validation Complete. Explanation: User Response: Informational. None. ATV-PS108E Summary Dataset dataset_name does not contain all of the necessary information to create the Summary Performance Vehicle Report. Halting Summary Processing. Explanation: User Response: ATV-PS109E None. Write Error to Dataset dataset_name. Return Code = rc. Explanation: User Response: the cause. ATV-PS110E Informational The attempted write to the Summary Performance Report dataset failed. Use the supplied Return Code to identify the cause of the failure and correct Summary Report Validation Ended with Errors. Return Code = rc. Explanation: There was an error during Summary validation execution. User Response: Use the Return Code to identify the error and correct if possible. Contact Compuware Customer Support with the Return Code and be prepared to submit the JESLOG for examination, if needed. ATV-PS111E Processing. The Passed Report dataset_name is not a Summary Report. Skipping Summary Explanation: The report passed for Summary processing is not an actual Summary. The Summary Report Processing function is being bypassed. User Response: Verify that the passed dataset, dataset_name, is actually a Summary Report from Hiperstation's Unattended Batch Playback Process. If it is, contact Compuware Customer Support for assistance. Be prepared to submit the Summary Report in question for examination ATVR ATVR0200 Invalid dataset: <dataset_name> Explanation: Dataset information for the mismatch log passed into remediation by the ATV could not be determined. 2-10 Hiperstation Messages and Codes System Action: Remediation processing terminates. User Response: Contact Compuware Customer Support. ATVR0201 Invalid dataset: <dataset_name> Explanation: The mismatch log passed into remediation by the ATV was not a sequential dataset/member. System Action: Remediation processing terminates. User Response: Contact Compuware Customer Support. ATVR0202 Allocation of <dataset_name> failed. Explanation: System Action: The named mismatch log could not be allocated for use. Remediation processing terminates. User Response: Determine why the named dataset could not be allocated. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. ATVR0203 Mismatch file <dataset_name> is empty. Explanation: No mismatches were discovered during the remediation processing for the execution of this ATV test case. System Action: Remediation processing terminates. User Response: None. ATVR0204 Invalid Base(<linelength1>) or Dubbed(<linelength2>) Line Lengths Explanation: The line lengths supplied to this routine were non-numeric. System Action: Remediation processing terminates. User Response: Contact Compuware Customer Support. ATVR0205 Dubbed script: <script_dsn> Member: <member_name> returned <status_text> on existence test. Explanation: The dubbed or actual script named could not be located, so mismatched remediation is not possible. System Action: Remediation processing terminates. User Response: dataset. Determine why the named script member is not in the named dub script ATVR0206 Base script: <script_dsn> Member: <member_name> returned <status_text> on existence test. Explanation: The base or expected script named could not be located, so mismatched remediation is not possible. System Action: Remediation processing terminates. User Response: dataset. Determine why the named script member is not in the named base script ATVR0207 Allocation of base script: <script_dsn_&_member> failed. Explanation: allocated. The base or expected script to which remediation would be applied cannot be System Action: Remediation processing terminates. User Response: Determine why the named script member cannot be allocated. ATVR0208 Severe in TBDISPL Service: <RC> Explanation: The ISPF function used to display the remediation mismatch panel has failed. System Action: Remediation processing terminates. User Response: Use the return code to determine why the display failed. Hiperstation Messages: ARCHV through EHSC ATVR0209 Script: <dataset_name> returned <RC> Explanation: The REXX SYSDSN() function failed for the named dataset. System Action: Remediation processing terminates. User Response: Use the return code to determine why the sysdsn() function failed. ATVR0210 <TSO_Service> RETURN CODE(<RC>) Explanation: The named TSO function executed with the displayed return code. System Action: Information only. User Response: None. ATVR0211 2-11 <ISPF_Service> rc(<RC>) Explanation: The named ISPF function executed with the displayed return code. System Action: Information only. User Response: None. ATV-RC ATV-RC101E Input Dataset Allocation Error. Explanation: The Input file used for domain control could not be allocated. User Response: Inspect the Supervisor Job Log for related messages and correct the cause of the allocation error. ATV-RC101I CICS Region Stop Command Issued Successfully. Explanation: User Response: ATV-RC101W None. Dataset FREE Command Not Accepted. Explanation: User Response: ATV-RC102E Informational The command to free the dataset used for domain control was rejected. None. JESLOG Processing Unavailable. Explanation: Related to messages ATV-RC101E, ATV-RC103E, ATV-RC104E, and ATV-RC105E. Because of one of these previous errors, JESLOG Performance Report Processing will not be available. User Response: Inspect the Supervisor Job Log for messages related to ATV-RC101E, ATVRC013E, ATV-RC104E, and ATV-RC105E to identify and correct the cause of the original error. ATV-RC102I Region domain_name Shutdown Processing Complete. Explanation: User Response: ATV-RC102W Informational None. JESLOG Validation May Not Be Available. Explanation: Related to message ATV-RC101W. As a result of this message, JESLOG Performance Report Processing may not be available, but report processing will still be attempted. User Response: Inspect the Supervisor Job Log for other messages if the JESLOG Performance Report Processing does not succeed. ATV-RC103E Output Dataset Allocation Error. Explanation: The Output file used for domain control could not be allocated. User Response: Inspect the Supervisor Job Log for related messages and correct the cause of the allocation error. 2-12 Hiperstation Messages and Codes ATV-RC104E Region Stop Command Not Accepted. Explanation: The STOP command was not accepted for the domain in this test case. User Response: Inspect the Supervisor Job Log for related messages and correct the cause of the command refusal. ATV-RC105E Region domain_name is not currently active. Explanation: The domain listed was not found to be active on the system at the time of domain shutdown processing. User Response: Inspect the System Log for related messages to identify the cause of the specified domain to be inactive. If it is active, contact Compuware Customer Support. ATV-RC106E Security Package Refused the Shutdown Request. Explanation: Your system's security package (RACF, ACF2, TopSecret, etc.) refused the request to shutdown the domain in use. User Response: The most likely cause is the user's lack of security authority to the MVS modify command. This is needed for domain control within the test execution. See message ATV-RC107E for additional information. ATV-RC107E See dataset dataset_name for details. Explanation: Related to messages ATV-RC106E, ATV-RC108E, and ATV-RC109E. The dataset named contains the portion of the system log used for processing. User Response: Inspect the specified dataset for additional messages relating the specific error and correct where possible. If no additional errors are located, contact Compuware Customer Support and be prepared to submit the specified dataset for examination. ATV-RC108E Region domain_name is already Shutdown. Explanation: The identified domain has already been shutdown and isn't currently active. User Response: See message ATV-RC107E for the portion of the system log used for processing and inspect it for additional messages relating to this one. ATV-RC109E An Unknown Error occurred during the Shutdown request. Explanation: processing. An unknown error was encountered during domain shutdown request User Response: See message ATV-RC107E for the portion of the system log used for processing and inspect it for additional messages relating to this one. ATV-RP ATV-RP101I time. ATV Jeslog Report Unavailable for Target Region in test case test_case_name at this Explanation: The JESLOG for the target domain in this test case is not available. The most likely cause is that the Test Supervisor did not execute the domain. User Response: ATV-RP102I None. Target Region may not be under ATV Operational Control Explanation: Related to message ATV-RP101I. This is the most likely reason for the JESLOG not to be available for processing. User Response: ATV-RP107I None. ATV Performance Report Completed. Explanation: User Response: Informational None. Hiperstation Messages: ARCHV through EHSC ATV-RP118E 2-13 ATV Performance Report Creation Ended with Errors. Return Code = rc. Explanation: An error and/or an unacceptable return code was encountered during JESLOG Performance Report or Summary Performance Report Processing. The Return Code is listed. User Response: Review the JESLOG for additional messages relating to the JESLOG or Summary Performance Report processing. If these do not identify the cause, contact Compuware Customer Support. ATV-RP108I JCL Performance Report Completed. Explanation: User Response: Informational None. ATVRV ATVRV010I Symbolic substitution information Explanation: Indicates the symbolic substitution data used for the current test case JCL asset. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. ATV-SM ATV-SM101I Return Code from Strobe call is: rc. Explanation: User Response: ATV-SM101W Informational None. ATV Strobe Measurement Number is unavailable. Explanation: The Strobe Measurement Number could not be found in the return data from the Strobe Measurement request. User Response: ATV-SM102I Processing For Strobe Measurement Initialization Complete Explanation: User Response: ATV-SM102W None. Informational None. ATV Strobe Measurement for Region domain_name may not be available. Explanation: Related to messages ATV-SM101W, ATV-SM103W, and ATV-SM104W. Due to any of these circumstances, Strobe Reporting may not be available, but Strobe Report Creation will be attempted. User Response: ATV-SM103I Process Completed. Explanation: User Response: ATV-SM103W None. Informational None. ATV Strobe Return Code is unavailable. Explanation: The Return Code could not be found in the return data from the Strobe Measurement Request User Response: ATV-SM104I None. ATV Strobe Measurement Number is: nnnn Explanation: User Response: Informational None. 2-14 Hiperstation Messages and Codes ATV-SM104W The Strobe Session Manager is not active or available. Explanation: The Strobe Session Manager is not active or available on the System where the ATV is running. User Response: Contact the System Administrator to have the Strobe Session Manager Started Task activated if Strobe Measurements are needed. ATV-SM108E Strobe Measurement Initialization for region domain_name failed. Explanation: User Response: ATV-SM109E The Strobe Measurement initialization request for the specified domain failed. None. See dataset dataset_name for details. Explanation: Related to messages ATV-SM108E and ATV-SM110E. Due to either of these circumstances, the Strobe Measurement and Report will not be available. User Response: Review the dataset dataset_name to identify the specific Strobe messages in question to identify the reason for the Strobe Measurement failure. ATV-SM110E Strobe Execution for region domain_name failed. Explanation: User Response: The Strobe execution process for the specified domain failed. None. ATV-SR ATV-SR101E Return Code from Strobe Sample DSN validation call is: rc Explanation: User Response: ATV-SR101I None. Strobe Delete Command Successfully Processed. Explanation: User Response: ATV-SR101W The Strobe Sample dataset name returned is not a valid Sample dataset. Informational None. Return Code from Strobe call is: rc. Explanation: The Return Code from the Strobe Command execution is rc. This is the Return Code generated by Strobe. User Response: Check the Strobe Error Code Manual to identify the meaning behind the Return Code rc. ATV-SR102E Report Processing Halted. Explanation: User Response: ATV-SR102W The Strobe Report Processing has been halted. None. ATV Strobe Report for Region domain_name may not be available. Explanation: Related to message ATV-SR101W. The Return Code for message ATV-SR101W indicates that the Strobe Report for region domain_name may not be available. User Response: Check the Strobe Error Code Manual to identify the meaning behind the Return Code rc. ATV-SR103W Strobe Measurement Session Not Active At Stop Time. Explanation: The Strobe Command execution returned a value identifying that the specified Strobe Measurement Session was not active, thus it could not be stopped. User Response: ATV-SR104W None. Strobe Report Generation Proceeding. Explanation: Related to message ATV-SR103W. If the Measurement's Sample dataset can be determined by the Performance Vehicle, the Strobe Report generation will be attempted. Hiperstation Messages: ARCHV through EHSC User Response: ATV-SR105I User Response: Informational None. Strobe Delete Command Not Processed Successfully. Explanation: User Response: ATV-SR106W None. Processing For Strobe Performance Report Complete. Explanation: ATV-SR105W 2-15 The Strobe Command execution of the DELETE command was not successful. None. See dataset dataset_name for details. Explanation: Related to message ATV-SR105W. Identifies the dataset name the SYSOUT from the Strobe Command execution was written into. User Response: Review the dataset dataset_name to identify the specific Strobe messages in question to identify the reason for the Delete Command failure. ATV-SR107E Strobe Measurement Cancellation for region domain_name failed. Explanation: User Response: ATV-SR107I None. Strobe Report Creation Completed. Explanation: User Response: ATV-SR108E The Strobe Measurement cancellation request for region domain_name failed. Informational None. See dataset dataset_name for details. Explanation: Related to messages ATV-SR101E, ATV-SR102E, and ATV-SR107E. The dataset dataset_name contains the SYSOUT output from the results of the previous message command actions. User Response: Review the dataset dataset_name to identify the specific Strobe messages in question to identify the reason for the previous errors. ATV-SR109E Return Code from Hiperstation Sample DSN validation call is: return_code Explanation: Related to messages ATV-SR110E and ATV-SR111E. Due to the previous error(s), Strobe Report generation may not be executed. User Response: Review the dataset name from message ATV-SR110E with the supplied return code to determine the cause of this error and correct it. ATV-SR110E Dataset validated is: dataset_name. Explanation: Related to messages ATV-SR109E and ATV-SR111E. Due to the previous error(s), Strobe Report generation may not be executed. User Response: Review the Return Code from message ATV-SR109E with the supplied dataset name to determine the cause of this error and correct it. ATV-SR111E Strobe Report generation may not be available. Explanation: Related to messages ATV-SR110E and ATV-SR109E. Due to the previous error(s), Strobe Report generation may not be executed. User Response: Review the Return Code from message ATV-SR109E to determine the error cause and correct it. The related messages provide the return code and specific dataset name for which this message applies. ATVSU ATVSU100I Test Run starting on dd mmm yyyy Explanation: Documents the date and time the test run request began executing. 2-16 Hiperstation Messages and Codes System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. ATVSU101I Test Run ending on dd mmm yyyy Explanation: Documents the date and time the test run request finished executing. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. ATVSU510E Control card read error Explanation: incorrect. Indicates that required test run request control cards were either missing or System Action: Test run processing terminates. User Response: Contact Compuware Customer Support. ATVSU511E Error reading vehicle(vclname) rc = n Explanation: An error was encountered reading the vehicle information from the dataset specified on the INDEX_DSN control card. The database access program finished with returned code n. System Action: Test run processing terminates. User Response: Inspect the JCLLOG messages, JESMSGLG, and SYSTSPRT from the test run job for associated messages explaining the specific error encountered. ATVSU512W Initialization setup error Explanation: Detection of the current SYSNAME failed. Displays & reports may indicate invalid data as the system name. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: If this problem repeats, contact Compuware Customer Support. ATVSU513E Test case list setup error: n Explanation: An error was encountered reading the vehicle information from the ATVDBASE dataset. The database access program finished with returned code n. System Action: Test run processing terminates. User Response: Inspect the JCLLOG messages, JESMSGLG, and SYSTSPRT from the test run job for associated messages explaining the specific error encountered. If unable to resolve, contact Compuware Customer Support. ATVSU518I Reading control cards Explanation: Indicates control card processing has started. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. ATVSU519I Input (aaa) Explanation: Documents the text of a control card being processed. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. ATVSU520E Runlog initialization error: n Explanation: An error was encountered writing run data to the ATVDBASE dataset. The database access program finished with returned code n. System Action: Test run processing terminates. User Response: Inspect the JCLLOG messages, JESMSGLG, and SYSTSPRT from the test run job for associated messages explaining the specific error encountered. If unable to resolve, contact Compuware Customer Support. Hiperstation Messages: ARCHV through EHSC ATVSU521E 2-17 Test execution failure Explanation: case. System Action: An unrecoverable error was encountered while executing an individual test Test run processing terminates. User Response: Inspect the JCLLOG messages, JESMSGLG, and SYSTSPRT from the test run job for associated messages explaining the specific error encountered. If unable to resolve, contact Compuware Customer Support. ATVSU522E Test execution reporting error Explanation: System Action: An error was encountered producing the test run report. Processing continues. User Response: Inspect the JCLLOG messages, JESMSGLG, and SYSTSPRT from the test run job for associated messages explaining the specific error encountered. If unable to resolve, contact Compuware Customer Support. ATVSU523E Email distribution error Explanation: System Action: An error was encountered distributing the test run report via email. Processing continues. User Response: Inspect the JCLLOG messages, JESMSGLG, and SYSTSPRT from the test run job for associated messages explaining the specific error encountered. If unable to resolve, contact Compuware Customer Support. ATVSU524I No email contacts defined to this vehicle Explanation: Indicates no email contacts have been defined to this ATV. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. ATVSU525I Email distribution disabled via profile setting Explanation: Indicates report distribution has been disabled for this ATV. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. ATVSU526I Email distribution suppressed by user request Explanation: Indicates report distribution has been disabled via selection on the test run confirmation panel for this individual test run. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. ATVSU528W No email address found for contact aaa Explanation: Indicates a report distribution assignment was found for contact name aaa but contact information for aaa was not found. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Add contact information for contact aaa using the Email Contacts facility on the Automated Testing Vehicle main menu panel. ATVSU529I No contacts assigned to email distribution list Explanation: Indicates no email contacts have been assigned to receive reports for the requested test run. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. 2-18 Hiperstation Messages and Codes ATVSU530I Waiting for aaa Explanation: Test run execution is serialized within an automate testing vehicle using the MVS enqueue facility. The minor node used for this serialization is aaa. System Action: Processing waits for the enqueue of aaa to be satisfied. User Response: None. ATVSU531I Obtained aaa Explanation: Test run execution is serialized within an automate testing vehicle using the MVS enqueue facility. The minor node used for this serialization is aaa. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. ATVSU560I Detail Dataset Name: aaa Explanation: Documents the name of the dataset, aaa, that contains the detail run report for this test request. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. ATVSU565I Summary Dataset Name: aaa Explanation: Documents the name of the dataset, aaa, that contains the summary run report for this test request. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. ATVSU566I Joblog Dataset Name: aaa Explanation: Documents the name of the dataset, aaa, that contains the job execution log messages for this test request. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. ATVSU570I Test cases selected: n Explanation: Documents the number of test cases that belong to the item requested to run. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. ATVSU575I Test cases passed: n Explanation: Documents the number of test cases that have been determined to have passed for the test run requested. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. ATVSU580I Test cases failed: n Explanation: Documents the number of test cases that have been determined to have failed for the test run requested. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. ATVSU585I Test cases skipped: n Explanation: Documents the number of test cases that belong to the item requested to run, but are in a status that does not allow it to run for production requests, that is a full vehicle or playlist. System Action: Processing continues. Hiperstation Messages: ARCHV through EHSC User Response: 2-19 None. ATVTE ATVRV010I Symbolic substitution information Explanation: Indicates the symbolic substitution data used for the current test case JCL asset. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. ATVTE100I Submitted job dsn as jobident Explanation: Documents a replay job was submitted while running a test case. The JCL was in dataset dsn and the job identity is jobident System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. ATVTE101W Could not pre-delete output dsn Explanation: Test executor was preparing to send job output to dataset dsn, but was unable to delete the dataset. System Action: System retries delete. User Response: None. ATVTE102E Unable to pre-delete output dsn Explanation: Test executor failed to delete dataset dsn. Job output is not available to determine results. System Action: Test case fails. User Response: Review the test run joblog for additional details. If unable to resolve the error, contact Customer Support. ATVTE103E Error rc saving job output for test case step n jobident jobident Explanation: Test executor failed to print output for job jobident. "TSO OUTPUT" command returned code rc. Job output is not available to determine results. The job was submitted for the nth step in the current test case. System Action: Test case fails. User Response: Review the test run joblog for additional details. Insure the MSGCLASS on the JOBCARD for job jobident will send the job output to the JES HELD queue. If unable to resolve the error, contact Customer Support. ATVTE104E JCL Error, see dsn for detail Explanation: System Action: Test executor detected a failure of a test case step. Test case fails. User Response: View contents of dsn to identify the detected error. If unable to resolve error, contact Compuware Customer Support. ATVTE104W Possible problem getting output, retry in 3 seconds Explanation: System Action: Test executor failed to print output. Processing continues. User Response: Review the test run joblog for additional messages. Insure the MSGCLASS on the JOBCARD for job jobident will send the job output to the JES HELD queue. ATVTE105E Unable to allocate dsn, compare analysis skipped. Explanation: Test executor was unable to allocate dataset dsn during compare analysis for remediation data. 2-20 Hiperstation Messages and Codes System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Note: Script remediation may not be available for this test case following this test case run. ATVTE107E Non-numeric RC= rc in dsn. Explanation: System Action: ATV job result scan found a non-numeric value, rc, as a job step return code. Test case fails. User Response: View contents of dsn to determine the reason. If your site has non-standard JES message log or JES system messages you may need to code a site specific JCL return code detection exit, RCDETECT. If unable to resolve the error, contact Compuware Customer Support. ATVTE108E No jobsteps completed. Explanation: System Action: ATV job result scan did not find a job step return code. Test case fails. User Response: View contents of dsn to determine the reason. If your site has non-standard JES message log or JES system messages you may need to code a site specific JCL return code detection exit, RCDETECT. If unable to resolve the error, contact Compuware Customer Support. ATVTE110I Running test case (tcsname) Explanation: Indicates the test case executor has started running test case tcsname. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. ATVTE111I Test case ended (tcsname) Explanation: Indicates the test case executor has finished running test case tcsname. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. ATVTE120W Unable to update output dataset name in the iSTROBE JCL. Explanation: Related to Messages ATVTE121W and ATVTE122W. The iStrobe Output dataset name was not created in the standard format; that being the same as the standard Strobe Sample dataset name substituting 'S' with an 'X' in the low lever qualifier. System Action: iStrobe Report Creation processing is halted; however other Test Case Processing continues. User Response: ATVTE121W See Message ATVTE122W for steps to take in determining what happened. Input STROBE sample dataset is not in the standard format. Explanation: Related to Messages ATVTE120W and ATVTE122W. The iStrobe Output dataset name was not properly created in the standard format; that is based on the input Strobe Sample dataset name. System Action: iStrobe Report Creation processing is halted; however other Test Case Processing continues. User Response: ATVTE122W See Message ATVTE122W for steps to take in determining what happened. Strobe Sample dataset does not exist Explanation: Related to Messages ATVTE120W and ATVTE121W. The Strobe Sample Dataset identified by the Strobe Measurement session does not exist. System Action: iStrobe Report Creation processing is halted; however other Test Case Processing continues. User Response: Validate that the Strobe Sample dataset identified by the Strobe Measurement session exists, is catalogued, and can be accessed from the system on which the Test Case executioner is operating. Hiperstation Messages: ARCHV through EHSC ATVTE123W 2-21 Strobe Sample dataset is dsn Explanation: Related to Messages ATVTE120W, ATVTE121W and ATVTE122W. The Strobe Sample dataset name is displayed, if it exists. System Action: iStrobe Report Creation processing is halted; however other Test Case Processing continues. User Response: The dataset name is used in determining the cause for the previous messages. ATVTE124W Test case tcsname has no elements. Explanation: No test steps are defined to test case tcsname. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Add test steps to test case tcsname to accomplish its test requirements. ATVTE130E Unable to save region log to dataset Explanation: Allocation of the dataset to contain the region log failed, causing the retrieval of the Region log from JES to fail. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Examine the System Log to determine the cause of the Allocation failure and correct it. ATVTE131E Unable to allocate tempdsn for log Explanation: Allocation of the temporary dataset to contain the region log failed, causing the Region Job ID to be unavailable. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Examine the System Log to determine the cause of the Allocation failure and correct it. ATVTE150I Asset Executed - Jobname: jobname Jobid: jobid Explanation: Identifies a job that has been submitted during a test case run System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. ATVTE155I Strobe Measurement Disabled per Settings. Explanation: The execution of a Strobe Measurement for the current Region Asset has been halted per User settings specified in the Test Case Region Asset details. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: If a Strobe Measurement is required, update the Test Case Region Asset details otherwise no action is needed. ATVTE160I Unable to determine CICS Region Initiator Status, or Startup JCL condition. Explanation: Related to message ATVTE161I. The ATV is unable to determine how the CICS Region was started or if the Startup JCL specified in the Region Asset is valid. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. ATVTE161I Attempting Strobe Measurement. Explanation: Related to message ATVTE160I. The ATV is attempting to initiate a Strobe Measurement. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. ATVTE162I Indeterminate CICS Region Status. Attempting Strobe Measurement. Explanation: The ATV is unable to determine the Execution status of the CICS Region. A Strobe Measurement will be attempted. 2-22 Hiperstation Messages and Codes System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. ATVTE201I ATV options directive {a} Explanation: An ATV option directive was found in a JCL asset. The directive found is a. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. ATVTE202I JCL dsn ATV option set WAIT to v Explanation: case run. The wait value was set to v for a JCL asset, show in dataset dsn, during the test System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. ATVTE410E ABEND a in dsn Explanation: A system abend, with the code a, was detected during the test case run. System Action: Test case fails. User Response: Review results to determine cause. ATVTE411E ABEND a in dsn Explanation: A user abend, with the code a, was detected during the test case run. System Action: Test case fails. User Response: Review results to determine cause. ATVTE500E Unable to Allocate Strobe Load Library Explanation: System Action: Allocation of strobe load library failed. Test case fails. User Response: Verify the proper load library is specified. Associated message ATVA510E indicates the expected library DSN. ATVTE501I Testcase tcsname failed. Explanation: Indicates the test run result for test case tcsname is Fail. System Action: Processing continues User Response: Review test case results to determine cause. ATVTE502E Unable to Allocate Strobe Hist Library Explanation: System Action: Allocation of strobe History library failed. Test case fails. User Response: Verify the proper library is specified. Associated message ATVA503E indicates the expected library DSN. ATVTE503E Specified HIST Library is: dsn Explanation: Indicates the library defined as the strobe HIST is dsn System Action: Test case fails. User Response: None. ATVTE504E Unable to Allocate Strobe Path Library Explanation: System Action: Allocation of strobe path failed. Test case fails. User Response: Verify the proper library is specified. Associated message ATVA505E indicates the expected library DSN. Hiperstation Messages: ARCHV through EHSC ATVTE505E Specified Path Library is: dsn Explanation: Indicates the library defined as the strobe Path is dsn. System Action: Test case fails. User Response: None. ATVTE506E 2-23 Unable to Allocate Strobe Log Library Explanation: System Action: Allocation of strobe log failed. Test case fails. User Response: Verify the proper library is specified. Associated message ATVA507E indicates the expected library DSN. ATVTE507E Specified Log Library is: dsn Explanation: Indicates the library defined as the strobe Log is dsn. System Action: Test case fails. User Response: None. ATVTE510E Specified Load Library is: dsn Explanation: Indicates the library defined as the strobe Load lib is dsn System Action: Test case fails. User Response: None. ATVTE524I No contacts specified for function a failure notification. Explanation: A test case assigned to function a failed. Because no contact has been assigned to function a, no failure notice can be sent System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. ATVTE525I Email distribution disabled via profile setting. Explanation: All email functions are disabled via the profile setting for disabling email report distribution. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. ATVTE526I Email distribution suppressed by user request. Explanation: All email functions are disabled by user request entered on the test run confirmation panel. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. ATVTE527I No email contacts defined to vehicle. Explanation: The vehicle has no email report distribution defined. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. ATVTE528W No email address found for contact a Explanation: An email distribution assignment was found for contact a, but no email contact information was found for contact a. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Add contact a as a new contact via the ATV Email user interface. ATVTE580I Email sent to a b Explanation: An email was sent to contact a using email address b. 2-24 Hiperstation Messages and Codes System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. CLOGGEN CLOGGEN-0001E ERROR MAKING ROOT DIRECTORY: <root> RC = <return code> Explanation: The CLOGGEN program could not create the root directory specified on the CLOGDIR parameter. System Action: Report conversion is terminated. User Response: Verify that a valid HFS Directory was specified on the CLOGDIR parameter and that all of the directories in the specified path exist. Also, be sure you have authority to write to the location specified on the CLOGDIR parameter. Refer to the IBM UNIX System Services Manual for information regarding MKDIR command. CLOGGEN-0002I PROCESSING COMPLETE FOR: <clog> Explanation: This message notifies you when the specified Compare Log, Exception Log, or Onelog has been converted. CLOGGEN-0003I READING INPUT PARAMETERS Explanation: message. This message appears at the beginning of the conversion job. It is a status CLOGGEN-0004E CLOG PARM NOT DETECTED, PROCESSING TERMINATED. Explanation: Either a CLOG parameter is not specified in the job, or the syntax of the parameter is incorrect. System Action: Report conversion terminated. User Response: Ensure that the CLOG parameter exists and is syntactically correct. Refer to the Hiperstation for VTAM User Guide for information regarding conversion job parameters. CLOGGEN-0005E INPUT DATASET: <clog> IS NOT IN SEQUENTIAL OR PARTITIONED FORMAT. Explanation: PDSE. The dataset specified on the CLOG parameter is not a sequential dataset or System Action: Processing for the specified dataset or PDSE member is terminated. User Response: Ensure the CLOG parameter points to a sequential dataset or a PDSE. CLOGGEN-0006I READING COMPARE LOG INTO MEMORY: <clog> Explanation: CLOGGEN-0007E This message appears during conversion. It is a status message. ERROR OPENING INPUT COMPARE LOG DATASET, RC: <return code> <clog> Explanation: The CLOGGEN program could not ALLOCATE the specified Compare Log, Exception Log, or Onelog dataset for opening. System Action: Report conversion terminated. User Response: Ensure the dataset specified on the CLOG parameter exists, is a Compare Log, Exception Log, or Onelog, and is proprerly qualified. Refer to IBM’s documentation for TSO ALLOCATE command return codes. CLOGGEN-0008E ERROR READING INPUT COMPARE LOG DATASET, RC: <return code> <clog> Explanation: The EXECIO DISKR command used to read the specified Compare Log, Exception Log, or Onelog dataset failed. System Action: Report conversion terminated. User Response: information. Refer to IBM REXX documentation for EXECIO DISKR return code Hiperstation Messages: ARCHV through EHSC CLOGGEN-0009E 2-25 INPUT DATASET - <clog> IS NOT A VALID LOG. Explanation: The dataset specified on the CLOG parameter does not contain a correctly formatted Compare Log, Exception Log, or Onelog. System Action: Report conversion terminated. User Response: Ensure the CLOG parameter points to an unedited Compare Log, Exception Log, or Onelog dataset. If the specified dataset is a Compare Log, Exception Log, or Onelog that has been edited, regenerate the log and try again. If it has not been edited, call Compuware Customer Support. CLOGGEN-0010I INPUT DATASET - <clog> SKIPPED FOR PROCESSING. Explanation: The specified dataset does not contain Compare Log, Exception Log, or Onelog information, and therefore it will not be processed. CLOGGEN-0011I ONELOG DETECTED FOR: <clog> Explanation: This is an informational message indicating that the dataset specified on the CLOG parameter is a Onelog. CLOGGEN-0012E ERROR MAKING CLOG DIRECTORY: <path> RC: <return code> Explanation: HFS directory creation failed. System Action: Report conversion terminates. User Response: Verify that the HFS directory specified on the CLOGDIR parameter is valid and that the necessary security authorization for the MKDIR command is in place. Refer to IBM UNIX System Server documentation regarding return codes associated with the MKDIR command. CLOGGEN-0013I PROCESSING COMPARE LOG SCREENS FOR TERMINAL# <terminal-number> Explanation: CLOGGEN-0014I Status message to inform you of conversion progress for the specified Onelog. PROCESSING COMPARE LOG SCREENS Explanation: Status message to inform you of conversion progress. CLOGGEN-0015E ERROR WRITING ACTUAL/EXPECTED PAGE: <file> RC: <return code> Explanation: The WRITEFILE command could not write the generated HTML page containing an Actual/Expected screen pair to the specified file. System Action: Report conversion is terminated. User Response: Refer to IBM UNIX System Server documentation regarding return codes associated with the WRITEFILE command. CLOGGEN-0016I CREATING SCREEN SUMMARIES Explanation: CLOGGEN-0017E Explanation: specified file. System Action: Status message to inform you of conversion progress. ERROR WRITING LISTINGS PAGE: <listfile> RC: <return code> The WRITEFILE command could not write the generated HTML page to the Report conversion is terminated. User Response: Refer to IBM UNIX System Server documentation regarding return codes associated with the WRITEFILE command. CLOGGEN-0018E Explanation: specified file. System Action: ERROR WRITING FIND PAGE: <writefile> RC: <return code> The WRITEFILE command could not write the generated HTML page to the Report conversion is terminated. User Response: Refer to IBM UNIX System Server documentation regarding return codes associated with the WRITEFILE command 2-26 Hiperstation Messages and Codes CLOGGEN-0019E ERROR WRITING STATISTICS FILE: <statfile> RC: <return code> Explanation: specified file. The WRITEFILE command could not write the generated HTML page to the System Action: Report conversion is terminated. User Response: Refer to IBM UNIX System Server documentation regarding return codes associated with the WRITEFILE command. CLOGGEN-0020I CREATING MAIN PAGES Explanation: Status message to inform you of conversion progress. CLOGGEN-0021E ERROR WRITING MAIN PAGE: <mainfile> RC: <return code> Explanation: specified file. The WRITEFILE command could not write the generated HTML page to the System Action: Report conversion is terminated. User Response: Refer to IBM UNIX System Server documentation regarding return codes associated with the WRITEFILE command. CLOGGEN-0022I CREATING/UPDATING HOME PAGE Explanation: Status message to inform you of conversion progress. CLOGGEN-0023E ERROR READING DIRECTORY: <rootpath> RC: <return code> Explanation: The directory specified on the CLOGDIR parameter could not be accessed by the READDIR command. System Action: Report conversion is terminated. User Response: Ensure that the CLOGDIR parameter is correctly specified. If necessary, refer to IBM UNIX System Server documentation regarding return codes associated with the READDIR command. CLOGGEN-0024E ERROR READING STATISTICS FILE: <stats> RC: <return code> Explanation: The READFILE command could not access the named file (<stats>). System Action: Report conversion is terminated. User Response: Ensure that the named file exists. If necessary, refer to IBM UNIX System Server documentation regarding return codes associated with the READFILE command. CLOGGEN-0025E ERROR WRITING HOME PAGE: <home_page> RC: <return code> Explanation: The WRITEFILE command could not write the generated HTML page to the specified file (<home_page>). System Action: Report conversion is terminated. User Response: Refer to IBM UNIX System Server documentation regarding return codes associated with the WRITEFILE command. CLOGGEN-0026I CREATING COMPARE LOG SUMMARY PAGE Explanation: CLOGGEN-0027E Status message to inform you of conversion progress. ERROR WRITING SUMMARY PAGE: <summary> RC: <return code> Explanation: The WRITEFILE command could not write the generated HTML page to the specified file (<summary>). System Action: Report conversion is terminated. User Response: Refer to IBM UNIX System Server documentation regarding return codes associated with the WRITEFILE command. CLOGGEN-0028E ERROR WRITING SETCOLORS PAGE: <setcolors> RC: <return code> Explanation: The WRITEFILE command could not write the generated HTML page to the specified file (<setcolors>). System Action: Report conversion is terminated. Hiperstation Messages: ARCHV through EHSC 2-27 User Response: Refer to IBM UNIX System Server documentation regarding return codes associated with the WRITEFILE command. CLOGGEN-0029W WILDCARDING THE LOG DATASET FOR DELETE NOT SUPPORTED. DELETE REQUIRES A FULLY QUALIFIED LOG DATASET. Explanation: The dataset specified on the CLOG parameter contains a wildcard character (*), which is not supported by the DELETE option. System Action: Files are not deleted. User Response: Either remove the DELETE parameter or the wildcard character from the CLOG parameter. CLOGGEN-0030E ERROR READING DIRECTORY FOR DELETION: <path> RC: <return code> Explanation: The READDIR command could not access the specified directory (<path>). System Action: Report conversion is terminated. User Response: Verify that the named directory exists. If necessary, refer to IBM UNIX System Server documentation regarding return codes associated with the READDIR command. CLOGGEN-0031E ERROR DELETING DIRECTORY: <dir-entry> RC: <return code> Explanation: The RMDIR command could not delete the named directory (<dir-entry>). System Action: Report conversion is terminated. User Response: Verify that the named directory exists. If necessary refer to IBM UNIX System Server documentation regarding return codes associated with the RMDIR command. CLOGGEN-0032E ERROR DELETING FILES IN: <dir-entry> RC: <return code> Explanation: (<dir-entry>). The UNLINK command could not release the files in the specified directory System Action: Report conversion is terminated. User Response: Verify that the named directory exists. If necessary, refer to IBM UNIX System Server documentation regarding return codes associated with the UNLINK command. CLOGGEN-0033E ERROR DELETING LOG DIRECTORY: <path> RC: <return code> Explanation: The RMDIR command could not delete the named directory (<path>). System Action: Report conversion is terminated. User Response: Verify that the named directory exists. If necessary, refer to IBM UNIX System Server documentation regarding return codes associated with the RMDIR command. CLOGGEN-0034I LOG <clog> DELETED FROM WEBSITE <path> Explanation: Information message reporting the successful deletion of the named Comparison, Exception, or Onelog report (<clog>) from the named HFS directory (<path>). CLOGGEN-0035I NO MATCHING LOG DATASETS FOUND BY LISTCAT, RC: <return code> Explanation: Information message explaining that no log datasets were found. User Response: Ensure the CLOG parameter points to a Compare Log, Exception Log, Onelog dataset. CLOGGEN-0036E INPUT DATASET: <clog> FAILED LISTDSI. RC: <listdsi_return code> Explanation: The LISTDSI command could not access the named Compare Log, Exception Log, or Onelog (<clog>). System Action: Report conversion is terminated. User Response: Verify that the named dataset exists and is either a sequential dataset or PDS(E) member. CLOGGEN-0037E INPUT DATASET: <clog> FAILED SYSDSN. RC:<sysdsn_return code> Explanation: The SYSDSN command could not access the named Compare Log, Exception Log, or Onelog dataset (<clog>). 2-28 Hiperstation Messages and Codes System Action: Report conversion is terminated. User Response: Verify that the named dataset exists and is either a sequential dataset or PDS(E) member. CLOGGEN-0038E ERROR WRITING LOAD PAGE: <loadfile> RC: <return code> Explanation: The WRITEFILE command could not write the generated HTML page to the named file (<loadfile>). System Action: Report conversion is terminated. User Response: Refer to IBM UNIX System Server documentation regarding return codes associated with the WRITEFILE command. CLOGGEN-0039E ERROR WRITING JS JAVASCRIPT FILE: <js_file> RC: <return code> Explanation: The WRITEFILE command could not write the generated JavaScript to the named file (<js_file>). System Action: Report conversion is terminated. User Response: Refer to IBM UNIX System Server documentation regarding return codes associated with the WRITEFILE command. CLOGGEN-0040E ERROR MAKING COMMON DIRECTORY: <common> RC: <return code> Explanation: The MKDIR command could not create the named HFS directory (<common>). System Action: Report conversion is terminated. User Response: Verify that the CLOGDIR parameter specifies a valid HFS directory name and that the necessary security authorization for the MKDIR command is in place. If necessary, refer to IBM UNIX System Server documentation regarding return codes associated with the MKDIR command. CLOGGEN-0041E TRANS PARAMETERS MUST BE INTEGERS. Explanation: integers. One or more of the TRANS parameter values (row,column,length) are not System Action: Report conversion is terminated. User Response: Change the TRANS parameter values to integers. CLOGGEN-0042E CLOGDIR PARM NOT DETECTED, PROCESSING TERMINATED. Explanation: The conversion job does not contain a CLOGDIR parameter. System Action: Processing is terminated. User Response: Add the CLOGDIR parameter to the job. Refer to the Hiperstation for VTAM User Guide for more information on CLOGGEN parameters. CLOGGEN-0043E LISTMAX PARAMETER MUST BE AN INTEGER. Explanation: The LISTMAX parameter value is not an integer. System Action: Report conversion is terminated. User Response: Change the LISTMAX value to an integer. CLOGGEN-0044I BUILD' XX HIPERSTATION WEB COMPARE LOG VIEWING PROCESSOR RELEASE 'XX.XX.XX' Explanation: Information message to inform the user of the Hiperstation product release and build number. CLOGGEN-0045E Explanation: ERROR SETTING UP USS COMMAND ENVIRONMENT An error has occurred establishing USS command environment. System Action: Processing Terminated. User Response: available. Check with system's programmer to ensure USS command environment is Hiperstation Messages: ARCHV through EHSC 2-29 E62ALTMP E62ALTMP1E DATASET LRECL(lllll) FOR dddddddd IS TOO SMALL Explanation: The dataset dddddddd has a logical record length (LRECL) of lllll. This LRECL is too small to support the data that Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers is trying to write. User Response: Supply a dataset that has a larger LRECL for your conversation log, script, or detail. Datasets used by Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers for APPC data must have an LRECL of at least 72. E62ALTMP2E THE dddddddd DATASET MUST HAVE AN LRECL OF AT LEAST lllll Explanation: The dataset dddddddd is allocated with a logical record length (LRECL) that is insufficient for the data that Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers is trying to write. User Response: E62ALTMP3E Delete and reallocate the dataset with an LRECL of at least lllll. DATASET INFO NOT AVAILABLE FOR dddddddd Explanation: Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers could not obtain information, such as record format and logical record length, for dataset dddddddd. User Response: Verify that dataset dddddddd exists and is cataloged. If the dataset exists and is cataloged, an internal processing error may have occurred. Contact Compuware Customer Support for assistance. E62ALTMP4E PROBLEM ENCOUNTERED ALLOCATING THE TEMPORARY tttttttt DATASET: Explanation: Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers could not allocate (create) a temporary dataset needed during script creation. It uses temporary datasets for the conversation log, script, and detail datasets. User Response: A probable cause of this failure is insufficient space on the DASD volume Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers is using for temporary datasets. See the accompanying message E62ALTMP5E for this failure’s dynamic allocation codes. IBM’s z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide describes these codes. E62ALTMP5E R15 rr, S99ERROR eeee, S99INFO iiii, S99ERSN ssss Explanation: Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers could not allocate (create) a temporary dataset needed during script creation. • Value rr was found in R15 on completion of the MVS DYNALLOC macro. • Value eeee was found in the S99ERROR field on completion of the MVS DYNALLOC macro. • Value iiii was found in the S99INFO field on completion of the MVS DYNALLOC macro. • Value ssss was found in the S99ERSN field on completion of the MVS DYNALLOC macro. A description of these codes can be found in IBM’s MVS/ESA Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide. User Response: Take whatever corrective action is indicated by the MVS DYNALLOC return codes. Temporary dataset allocation failure is typically due to insufficient space on the DASD volume Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers is using. E62CPFIL E62CPFILAI OUTBOUND DETAIL: mmmmmmmm, CREATED IN: dddddddd Explanation: Dataset member mmmmmmmm was written to dataset dddddddd. The member contains outbound detail data for an APPC conversation. User Response: An informational message only. Can be suppressed by setting different notification options when creating the recording request under ISPF. E62CPFILBI PLU: pppppppp, SLU: ssssssss, LOGMODE: llllllll Explanation: This message is part of a set produced when a log, script, or detail data is written to a user’s dataset. The APPC conversation being recorded was between a primary 2-30 Hiperstation Messages and Codes logical unit (PLU) named pppppppp and a secondary logical unit (SLU) named ssssssss. The logon mode name (LOGMODE) used by the VTAM session is llllllll. User Response: Informational message. Can be suppressed by setting different notification options when creating the recording request under ISPF. E62CPFILCI TP: tttttttt Explanation: This message is part of a set produced when a log, script, or detail data is written to a user’s dataset. The APPC conversation being recorded was for a transaction program (TP) named tttttttt. The TP will be shown in hexadecimal format if it contains nonprintable characters. A TP can be from 1 to 64 characters long. User Response: Informational message. Can be suppressed by setting different notification options when creating the recording request under ISPF. E62CPFILDI Explanation: This is a separator line written before messages describing a script, detail, or log that is being written to a user’s dataset. User Response: Informational message. Can be suppressed by setting different notification options when creating the recording request under ISPF. E62CPFILEI LOG CREATED IN: dddddddd Explanation: A conversation log was written to sequential dataset dddddddd. User Response: Informational message. Can be suppressed by setting different notification options when creating the recording request under ISPF. E62CPFILFI DSNAME(dddddddd) RC(cc) Explanation: A user’s dataset, dddddddd, could not be allocated. User Response: Ensure that the dataset exists, is cataloged, and is not allocated with DISP=OLD by another job or user. E62CPFIL1E PERMANENT tttttttt WRITE FAILURE: Explanation: Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers could not successfully write all data to a user’s dataset. tttttttt indicates the type of data that was being written, which includes the conversation log, recording script, combined detail, inbound detail, and outbound detail. User Response: The dataset or the DASD volume containing the dataset may be full. Ensure that there is available space in the dataset, the dataset directory, and the DASD volume. E62CPFIL2I DDNAME(ffffffff) DSNAME(dddddddd) RC(cc) Explanation: Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers could not successfully open or write to dataset dddddddd. System Action: ensure that: Check for previous messages that describe the problem with the dataset and • The dataset exists, is cataloged, and is not allocated with DISP=OLD by another job or user • There is available space in the dataset, the dataset directory, and the DASD volume • The global recording job (usually a started task) has authority to read from and write to the dataset. E62CPFIL3E PERMANENT tttttttt FAILED TO OPEN Explanation: Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers could not successfully open a user’s dataset. tttttttt indicates the type of data being processed, which includes the conversation log, recording script, combined detail, inbound detail, and outbound detail. User Response: Check for messages before this one that describe the problem with the dataset and ensure that: • The dataset exists, is cataloged, and is not allocated with DISP=OLD by another job or user • The global recording job (usually a started task) has authority to read from and write to the dataset. Hiperstation Messages: ARCHV through EHSC E62CPFIL4E 2-31 PERMANENT tttttttt FAILED TO ALLOCATE Explanation: Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers could not successfully allocate a user’s dataset. tttttttt indicates the type of data being processed, which includes the conversation log, recording script, combined detail, inbound detail, and outbound detail. User Response: Check for messages before this one that describe the problem with the dataset. Ensure that the dataset exists, is cataloged, and is not allocated with DISP=OLD by another job or user. E62CPFIL5E TEMPORARY tttttttt FAILED TO OPEN DDNAME(dddddddd), RC(return code) Explanation: Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers could not successfully open a temporary work dataset that it had previously written to. tttttttt indicates the type of data being processed and includes the conversation log, recording script, combined detail, inbound detail, and outbound detail. User Response: This message could indicate a DASD problem or an internal error in Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers. Contact Compuware Customer Support if this message occurs. E62CPFIL6I LOG: mmmmmmmm, CREATED IN: dddddddd Explanation: Dataset member mmmmmmmm was written to dataset dddddddd. The member contains the conversation log for one or more APPC conversations. User Response: Informational message. Can be suppressed by setting different notification options when creating the recording request under ISPF. E62CPFIL7I SCRIPT: mmmmmmmm, CREATED IN: dddddddd Explanation: Dataset member mmmmmmmm was written to dataset dddddddd. The member contains a script for a single APPC conversation. User Response: Informational message. Can be suppressed by setting different notification options when creating the recording request under ISPF. E62CPFIL8I COMBINED DETAIL: mmmmmmmm, CREATED IN: dddddddd Explanation: Dataset member mmmmmmmm was written to dataset dddddddd. The member contains all of the detail data for a single APPC conversation. User Response: Informational message. Can be suppressed by setting different notification options when creating the recording request under ISPF. E62CPFIL9I INBOUND DETAIL: mmmmmmmm, CREATED IN: dddddddd Explanation: Dataset member mmmmmmmm was written to dataset dddddddd. The member contains the inbound detail data for a single APPC conversation. User Response: Informational message. Can be suppressed by setting different notification options when creating the recording request under ISPF. E62DSINF E62DSINF1E COULD NOT OBTAIN INFORMATION FOR dddddddd Explanation: Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers could not obtain dataset information (record format, record length, and so forth) for dddddddd. User Response: Ensure that the dataset exists, is cataloged, and is not allocated with DISP=OLD by another job or user. E62DSINF2E DATASET LOCATE/OBTAIN RC(cc) Explanation: Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers could not locate a user’s dataset or could not obtain information about the dataset. User Response: Ensure that the dataset exists, is cataloged, and is not allocated with DISP=OLD by another job or user. 2-32 Hiperstation Messages and Codes E62DSINF3E COULD NOT LOCATE DATASET dddddddd Explanation: Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers could not locate dataset dddddddd. User Response: Ensure that the dataset exists, is cataloged, and is not allocated with DISP=OLD by another job or user. E62EVALP E62EVALP1E SEGMENTED DATA IS NOT MARKED REQ AND FMD, PIUTOD(tttttttt) RH(rrrrrr) Explanation: Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers was interpreting an APPC data stream and found data that was not valid. The data was segmented into multiple Path Information Units (PIUs) and did not form a complete APPC logical record. User Response: Ensure that the APPC application is sending valid APPC data streams. If you believe the data streams are valid, contact Compuware Customer Support. E62EVALP2E E62EVALP: UNEXPECTED RESULT FROM tttttttt, RC=cc Explanation: Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers encountered an internal error while interpreting APPC data. User Response: E62EVALP3E Contact Compuware Customer Support. UNPROCESSED DATA REMAINING, FLAG(ff) Explanation: Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers was interpreting APPC data and came to the end of the data stream while expecting more data. User Response: Ensure that the APPC application is sending valid APPC data streams. If the APPC application ended abnormally, it may have sent an incomplete data stream. If you believe the data streams are valid, contact Compuware Customer Support. E62FILCL E62FILCL1E COULD NOT CREATE MEMBER WITH STOW, DDNAME(dddddddd) R15(cccc) Explanation: Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers attempted to create a member in a user’s PDS but failed. This message is not issued if the dataset directory is full; message E62FILCL3E is issued. User Response: Ensure that the dataset exists, is cataloged, and is not allocated with DISP=OLD by another job or user. Ensure that the dataset is not full (occupies all 16 extents) and that the DASD volume containing the dataset is not full. E62FILCL2E FILE CLOSE FOR DDNAME=dddddddd, RC=cc Explanation: dataset. Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers could not successfully close the user’s User Response: Ensure that the dataset exists, is cataloged, and is not allocated with DISP=OLD by another job or user. E62FILCL3E PDS DIRECTORY FOR dddddddd IS FULL Explanation: Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers could not create a member in the user’s dataset, dddddddd, because the dataset directory is full. User Response: Remove members from the dataset or record the data into a different dataset. E62FILCL51E UNRECOGNIZED FMH5 DATA REMAIN(rr) RU(dddddddd) Explanation: Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers was interpreting a Function Management Header type 5 (FMH5), which represents an APPC ALLOCATE verb, and found more data than what was expected. The number of extra bytes is rr. The first sixteen bytes (at most) of the extra data is shown in dddddddd. User Response: Ensure that the APPC application is sending valid APPC data streams. Ensure that the FMH5 is valid. Hiperstation Messages: ARCHV through EHSC 2-33 E62PF5PI E62PF5PI1E INVALID PIP SUBFIELD HEADER PIP #(nn) GDS ID(gggg) Explanation: A Program Initialization Parameter (PIP) subfield sent after an FMH5 contains an invalid Generalized Data Stream (GDS) ID. The incorrect GDS ID that was found is gggg. The nn indicates which of several subfields was in error (1, 2, etc.). User Response: The correct value for a PIP subfield GDS ID is ‘12E2’x. Ensure that the APPC application is sending valid APPC data streams. Ensure that the PIP subfield GDS ID is correct. E62PF5PI2E INVALID PIP VARIABLE HEADER GDS ID(gggg) Explanation: The Program Initialization Parameter (PIP) variable sent after an FMH5 contains an invalid Generalized Data Stream (GDS) ID. The incorrect GDS ID that was found is gggg. User Response: The correct value for a PIP variable GDS ID is ‘12F5’x. Ensure that the APPC application is sending valid APPC data streams. Ensure that the PIP variable GDS ID is correct. E62PFMH E62PFMH53E INVALID PIP VALUE LENGTH(ll) Explanation: The length field describing all of the Program Initialization Parameters (PIP) sent after a Function Management Header type 5 (FMH5) has a value of less than four. Its detected value is ll. User Response: Ensure that the APPC application is sending valid APPC data streams. Ensure that the FMH5 and PIP data are valid. E62PFMH54E INVALID FMH5: TPNAME LENGTH Explanation: The Transaction Program name (TPNAME) contained in a Function Management Header type 5 (FMH5) has a length of zero or a length greater than sixty-four. User Response: Ensure that the APPC application is sending valid APPC data streams. Ensure that the FMH5 is valid. The TPNAME in an APPC ALLOCATE verb must be from 1 to 64 bytes long. E62PFMH55E INVALID FMH5: LUW LENGTH Explanation: The Logical Unit of Work (LUW) field contained in a Function Management Header type 5 (FMH5) has a length of more than twenty-six (26) bytes. User Response: Ensure that the APPC application is sending valid APPC data streams. Ensure that the LUW fields in the FMH5 are valid. The LUW length field identifies the total length of the following: • • • • A one-byte field identifying the LUW name length Up to seventeen bytes for the LUW name Six bytes for the LUW instance number Two bytes for the LUW sequence number. E62PFMH56E INVALID FMH5: LUWNAME LENGTH Explanation: The Logical Unit of Work (LUW) name field contained in a Function Management Header type 5 (FMH5) has a length of more than seventeen (17) bytes. User Response: Ensure that the APPC application is sending valid APPC data streams. Ensure that the LUW name field in the FMH5 is valid. 2-34 Hiperstation Messages and Codes E62PRMFA E62PRMFA1E DSORG oo NOT SUPPORTED, DSN(dddddddd) Explanation: Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers found that the dataset organization (DSORG) of a user’s dataset dddddddd was not one of the supported values. User Response: The conversation log may be physical sequential (PS) or partitioned (PO). The script and detail datasets must be partitioned. E62PRMFA3E DATASET dddddddd MUST NOT BE SEQUENTIAL Explanation: Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers found that the dataset organization (DSORG) of a user’s dataset dddddddd was physical sequential (PS) when it needs to be partitioned (PO). User Response: E62PRMFA4E The script and detail datasets must be partitioned datasets (PDS). PROBLEM ENCOUNTERED ALLOCATING THE tttttttt DATASET, RC(cc) Explanation: Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers could not allocate a user’s dataset. tttttttt indicates the type of data being processed and includes the conversation log, recording script, combined detail, inbound detail, and outbound detail. User Response: Ensure that the dataset exists, is cataloged, and is not allocated with DISP=OLD by another job or user. E62PRMFS E62PRMFS1E LRECL FOR dddddddd IS TOO SMALL Explanation: Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers found that the logical record length (LRECL) of a user’s dataset dddddddd is too small to be successfully used for recorded data. User Response: E62PRMFS2E Use datasets that have an LRECL of at least 72. THE tttttttt DATASET MUST HAVE AN LRECL OF AT LEAST 72 Explanation: Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers found that the logical record length (LRECL) of a user’s dataset is too small to be successfully used for recorded data. tttttttt indicates the type of data being processed and includes the conversation log, recording script, combined detail, inbound detail, and outbound detail. User Response: E62PRMFS3E Use datasets that have an LRECL of at least 72. FILE ALLOCATION FAILED FOR tttttttt Explanation: Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers could not allocate a user’s dataset. tttttttt indicates the type of data being processed and includes the conversation log, recording script, combined detail, inbound detail, and outbound detail. User Response: Ensure that the dataset exists, is cataloged, and is not allocated with DISP=OLD by another job or user. E62PRUDT E62PRUDT1E UNEXPECTED DATA LENGTH OF ll Explanation: Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers found a two-byte length field in the APPC data stream that has an invalid value of ll. User Response: The length field that precedes all application data in an APPC data stream must have a value of two or greater. Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers found either a length of zero or one. A length of one is valid if the following data was a valid Presentation Services (PS) data stream, but a PS data stream was not found. Hiperstation Messages: ARCHV through EHSC E62PRUDT2E 2-35 UNEXPECTED GDS ID(gggg) Explanation: Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers found an invalid or unrecognized Generalized Data Stream (GDS) ID in the APPC data stream for a mapped conversation. User Response: Ensure that the APPC application is sending valid APPC data streams. GDS IDs in data for a mapped APPC conversation must be: • • • • • ‘12F1’x (null data) ‘12F2’x (user control data) ‘12F3’x (map name) ‘12F4’x (error data) ‘12FF’x (application data). E62PRUDT3E EXPECTED ERROR LOG DATA BUT SAW GDS ID(gggg) INSTEAD Explanation: Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers has first seen a Function Management Header type 7 (FMH7) that indicated APPC error log data was forthcoming and then saw other data rather than the error log data. User Response: Ensure that the APPC application is sending valid APPC data streams. Ensure that error log data is sent after an FMH7. E62WLOGE E62WLOGE1E UNRECOGNIZED CONVERSATION LOG ITEM (tt) Explanation: Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers found an internal error while producing a conversation log. User Response: Contact Compuware Customer Support to help resolve this error. ECVSAM ECVSAMIO01 REQUEST=ccccc, RETURN CODE=xxx, FDBK=yy Explanation: An error occurred while processing the specified VSAM request. If you receive the following message, the request file was never initialized: REQUEST=GET, RETURN CODE=008, FDBK=74 User Response: See IBM’s Macro Instructions for VSAM Datasets for an explanation of the return code (xxx) and feedback code (yy) for the request, or call Compuware Customer Support. ECVSAMIO02 REQUEST=ccccc, RETURN CODE=xxx, ACB ERROR=yy Explanation: An error occurred while processing the specified VSAM request. User Response: See IBM’s Macro Instructions for VSAM Datasets for an explanation of the return code (xxx) and reason code (yy) for the request, or call Compuware Customer Support. EHS3COPY EHS3COPY-0001I Explanation: User Response: EHS3COPY-0002E xxxxxxxx Explanation: User Response: SCANNING RECORD: CONTROL OR COPY STATEMENT Displays user supplied statement. Informational message. No user action necessary. STATEMENT #nnnn MUST BEGIN WITH 'CONTROL' OR 'COPY', BEGINS WITH: User supplied statement is not CONTROL or COPY statement. Correct statement supplied in SYSIN datastream and re-run. 2-36 Hiperstation Messages and Codes EHS3COPY-0003E Explanation: User Response: EHS3COPY-0004E Explanation: User Response: EHS3COPY-0005E Explanation: User Response: EHS3COPY-0006E Explanation: User Response: EHS3COPY-0007I Explanation: User Response: EHS3COPY-0008E Explanation: User Response: EHS3COPY-0009E Explanation: User Response: EHS3COPY-0010E Explanation: User Response: EHS3COPY-0012E Explanation: User Response: EHS3COPY-0013E REC = nn. Explanation: UNABLE TO OPEN SYSIN Cannot open SYSIN file. Correct the error and re-run. STATEMENT #nnnn INVALID PARAMETER WITHIN 'CONTROL' STATEMENT Invalid parameter on CONTROL statement. Correct the statement and re-run. 'EXIT' MUST BE A VALID PROGRAM NAME OR NO Invalid program specified in EXIT parameter. Correct the error and re-run. 'COPY' MUST BE EITHER YES OR NO COPY parameter in CONTROL statement must be YES or NO. Correct the error and re-run. MAIN WORK AREA OBTAINED. SIZE = nnnn. Informational message. No user action necessary. STATEMENT #nnnn INVALID PARAMETER WITHIN 'COPY' STATEMENT. Invalid parameter on COPY statement. Correct the parameter and re-run. SYNTAX ERROR WITHIN xxxxxxxx PARAMETER Invalid value specified on parameter xxxxxxxx. Correct the value and re-run. PROGRAM LOAD FAILURE - PROCESSING WILL BE TERMINATED. Cannot load program specified on EXIT parameter in CONTROL statement. Correct the error and re-run. TIMEZONE PAREMETER MSUST BE BETWEEN -24 AND 24 TIMEZONE must be between -24 and 24. Correct the value and re-run. REPOS REC INVALID AND DISCARDED (RC=32) AT AROUND REPOS SEG= nn Invalid repository record. RC could be either 32 or 36. User Response: If user modified the repository record, it could be damaged. Contact Compuware Customer Support. EHS3COPY-0014E Explanation: User Response: EHS3COPY-0015E Explanation: User Response: EHS3COPY-0016E Explanation: User Response: MULTIPLE CONTROL STATEMENTS SPECIFIED. TERMINATING. More than on CONTROL statement specified. Correct the error and re-run. COPY STATEMENT #nnnn BYPASSED DUE TO ERROR NOTED ABOVE Informational message Check the error noted above and re-run. CONTROL STATEMENT #nnnn BYPASSED DUE TO ERROR NOTED ABOVE Informational message Check the error noted above and re-run. Hiperstation Messages: ARCHV through EHSC EHS3COPY-0017I Explanation: User Response: EHS3COPY-0018I Explanation: User Response: EHS3COPY-0019I Explanation: User Response: EHS3COPY-0020I Explanation: User Response: EHS3COPY-0021E Explanation: User Response: EHS3COPY-0022I Explanation: User Response: EHS3COPY-0023I Explanation: User Response: EHS3COPY-0024I Explanation: User Response: EHS3COPY-0025I Explanation: User Response: EHS3COPY-0026E Explanation: 2-37 CONTROL STATEMENT #nnnn ACCEPTED Informational message. No user action necessary. COPY STATEMENT #nnnn ACCEPTED Informational message. No user action necessary. COPY STATEMENT #nnnn PARSING COMPLETED Informational message. No user action necessary. CONTROL STATEMENT #nnnn PARSING COMPLETED Informational message. No user action necessary. USER EXIT PROGRAM RETURNED NON ZERO RC = rc. Informational message. If return code is not zero, program terminates. Check why the non-zero return code occurred, correct the error, and re-run. REPOSITORY FILE : REC-IN = nn REC-OUT = nn Informational message. No user action necessary. GLOBAL RECORDS IN : 3270 = nn LU62 = nn TCP/MQ = nn TOTAL = nn Informational message. No user action necessary. GLOBAL RECORDS OUT: 3270 = nn LU62 = nn TCP/MQ = nn TOTAL = nn Informational message. No user action necessary. TOTAL USER EXIT CALLS = nn Informational message. No user action necessary. FILE OPEN ERROR - DDN: INDD Cannot open the file specified by the indicated DD statement (DDN). User Response: Ensure that the DD name in the JCL matches the DDN shown in the error message and that the specified dataset is a sequential dataset. EHS3COPY-0028E EXPECTED CONTINUATION FOR CONTROL CARD=CONTROL OR COPY STATEMENT NOT FOUND. Explanation: User Response: EHS3COPY-0031E Explanation: User Response: EHS3COPY-0032E Explanation: User Response: The last character of the last statement was ‘-’ (a continuation character). Correct the error and re-run. EHS3COPY TERMINATED WITH ERRORS. Informational message. Correct the error and re-run. MAXIMUM RETURN CODE=rc Informational message - displays maximum return code. None. If return code is not zero, the job had an error. 2-38 Hiperstation Messages and Codes EHS3COPY-0033I Explanation: User Response: EHS3COPY-0034I Explanation: User Response: EHS3COPY-0035E Explanation: User Response: EHS3COPY-0036E Explanation: User Response: EHS3COPY-0037E Explanation: User Response: EHS3COPY-0039E Explanation: User Response: EHS3COPY-0040E Explanation: User Response: EHS3COPY-0041E Explanation: User Response: EHS3COPY-0042E Explanation: User Response: EHS3COPY-0043E Explanation: User Response: EHS3COPY COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY. Informational message. No user action necessary. READING CONTROL CARDS(SYSIN) Informational message. No user action necessary. INVALID TOKEN FOUND: xxxxxxxx Unknown parameter specified in CONTROL or COPY statement. Correct the parameter and re-run. INVALID STATEMENT FOUND: xxxxxxxx Value of a parameter on the CONTROL or COPY statement is incorrect. Correct the error and re-run. NO CONTROL STATEMENT. TERMINATING. SYSIN file has no CONTROL statement. Add CONTROL statement and re-run. NO OF COPY STATEMENTS EXCEEDS 999. TERMINATING. Number of COPY statements exceeds more than allowed. Correct the error and re-run. PARTIAL REPOS SEGMENT(S) BEFORE THE EOF IGNORED. Repository file did not have last segment record at the end. Concatenate previous segment repository file and re-run. MISSING BEGINNING SEGMENT RECORD AT repo_rec=n Repository file did not have first segment at the beginning. Concatenate previous segment repository file and re-run. MISSING ENDING SEGMENT RECORD AT repo_rec=nnnnn Repository file did not have last segment record in the middle of the file. Repository file was not created properly. Recovery impossible. nn REPOS RECORD(S) HAVE BEEN DISCARDED Informational message. Correct the error and re-run. EHSB EHSB000I ALL PORTS ATTACHED Explanation: EHSB001W All LUs have been initiated. EXPECTED CONTINUATION NOT FOUND Explanation: The last statement in the conversation log indicated a continuation but ‘end of file’ was found. User Response: Remove the continuation indication from the last statement or provide the continued statements. Hiperstation Messages: ARCHV through EHSC EHSB002E 2-39 DUE TO THE ABOVE ERRORS, THE ABOVE STATEMENT HAS BEEN IGNORED Explanation: One or more errors have been detected for the above statement and it is impossible to accept it. This statement is ignored. User Response: EHSB003I PORT TERMINATED Explanation: EHSB004I User Response: A port that was to control an LU2 or LU6.2 playback could not be started. Call Compuware Customer Support for an explanation. PORT TASK STARTED Explanation: EHSB007I All ports for the xxxx group have completed. ATTACH FAILED FOR PORT TASK, CALL PRODUCT SUPPORT Explanation: EHSB006I The port controlling the LU2 or LU6.2 playback has ended. GROUP xxxx TERMINATED Explanation: EHSB005E Remove or correct the invalid statement. A port that will control an LU2 or LU6.2 playback has started. SKIPPING TO NEXT VALID KEYWORD OR STATEMENT Explanation: A statement’s keyword was found to be invalid. This keyword is ignored and the next keyword or statement is processed. User Response: EHSB008E INVALID KEYWORD ON SETUP STATEMENT Explanation: User Response: EHSB009I Call Compuware Customer Support for an explanation. The port has requested synchronization with other ports. NEW SCRIPT STARTED Explanation: EHSB011I An internal error has occurred. REQUESTS SYNCHRONIZATION Explanation: EHSB010I Correct the statement in the conversation log. A new script has been started. BEGINNING SCRIPT xxxxxxxx PLAY yyyyyyyy Explanation: The script xxxxxxxx has started. If this is an LU6.2 script, the PLAY indicates whether INBOUND or OUTBOUND will be sent to the partner. EHSB012E STATEMENT(xxxxxxxx) INVALID KEYWORD(xxxxxxxx) - KEYWORD IGNORED Explanation: The keyword xxxxxxxx is not valid for the statement, or the JCL for an unattended mode of a script contains numbers in columns 73-80. User Response: EHSB013E ATTACHED FAILED FOR AL62 TASK, CALL PRODUCT SUPPORT Explanation: User Response: EHSB014E Correct or remove the keyword and resubmit the playback The AL62 subtask was unable to start. Call Compuware Customer Support for an explanation. STATEMENT(xxxxxxxx) KEYWORD(xxxxxxxx), VALID VALUE - KEYWORD IGNORED Explanation: The keyword xxxxxxxx value is not valid. User Response: Correct the keyword value or remove the keyword and its value and resubmit the playback. EHSB015I LU6.2 CONTROL TASK STARTED Explanation: EHSB016I The AL62 subtask was started. READING INPUT CONTROL STATEMENTS Explanation: The input control statements are about to be read from SYSIN. 2-40 Hiperstation Messages and Codes EHSB017E INVALID STATEMENT TYPE(xxxxxxxx) DETECTED Explanation: User Response: EHSB018I The script xxxxxxxx has finished. ALL PORTS TERMINATED Explanation: EHSB022I All input control statements have been processed. COMPLETED SCRIPT xxxxxxxx Explanation: EHSB020I Correct the operation and resubmit the playback. INPUT CONTROL STATEMENT SCAN COMPLETE Explanation: EHSB019I The operation xxxxxxxx on the previous statement is not valid. All ports have been stopped. ELAPSED TIME mm:ss.tht TRANSACTIONS: tttttt PER SECOND: nnnn Explanation: Unattended playback has completed. The elapsed time between the earliest and latest session is shown by mm:ss.tht, the number of transactions executed was tttttt, and the rate per second was nnnn. A transaction to Hiperstation is defined as the user’s input followed by the domain destination’s output. EHSB021I SYNCHRONIZATION RESTART Explanation: EHSB023I INPUT STATEMENT: xx--xx Explanation: EHSB024I A port requesting synchronization has been started. The xx-xx statement has been read from input. BEING TERMINATED Explanation: This message is issued each time the GROUP statement cycles through a REPEAT variable. EHSB025I CONTINUED STATEMENT: xx--xx Explanation: The xx-xx statement has been determined to be a continuation of the previous statement. User Response: If this is not true, then remove the continuation character from the previous statement. EHSB026I ‘ACTUAL’ SCRIPT HAS NO INPUT - COMPARE NOT DONE Explanation: compare. User Response: User may have inadvertently entered playback mode when meaning to do a Remove control card from unattended job stream. EHSB027I TASK ACTIVATION TIME - MINIMUM: mm:ss.ddd AVERAGE: mm.ss.ddd MAXIMUM: mm.ss.ddd Explanation: This is the minimum, average and maximum time it takes to activate the subtasks controlling each port. These values are an indication of the load on the MVS system. These values should all be under 1 second. User Response: If the average is greater than 3 seconds, the region may need to be dispatched at a higher priority, or an occurring resource contention should be reduced or eliminated. EHSB028I REXX PROCESSING DISABLED VIA REXXOFF Explanation: The CONTROL statement has set the REXXOFF keyword. User Response: If REXX processing is needed, remove this keyword. If REXX processing is not required, use the REXXOFF keyword to reduce the potential for considerable resource utilization. EHSB029I SCRIPT CACHING FACILITY DISABLED VIA CACHEOFF Explanation: The CONTROL statement has set the CACHEOFF keyword. User Response: If caching is needed, remove this keyword. Caching improves script processing by loading in-use scripts into memory to reduce I/O. Hiperstation Messages: ARCHV through EHSC EHSB030I MAXIMUM CONCURRENT ACTIVE TASKS: NNNNN Explanation: EHSB031E 2-41 The is the number of tasks active at any one time. NO TERMINALS FOUND TO REPLAY Explanation: Either because of direct omission of GROUP, ALLOCATE, or ACCEPT statements, or because of errors found with these statements, no terminals exist to perform the playback. User Response: Examine the conversation log and provide the necessary GROUP, ALLOCATE, or ACCEPT statements. Or, correct the ones with errors. EHSB033I AVERAGE TRANSACTION RESPONSE TIME: mm:ss.tht (MM:SS.THT) Explanation: Unattended playback has completed. The average transaction response time is shown by mm:ss.tht. EHSB034I SCRIPT CACHING STORAGE UTILIZATION -- <16M:nnnnnnnn >16M:nnnnnnnn DSPC:nnnnnnnn Explanation: This message shows how much storage was used for script CACHING. <16M is for below the line storage (usually DBCs); >16M is for above the line storage (control blocks/buffers); and DSPC is for dataspace usage. EHSB035E <cmd> failed: DD(dddddddd) SCRIPT(ssssssss) - <text> Explanation: The STOW or WRITE macro failed. If the <cmd> is WRITE, <text> is an error message. If the <cmd> is STOW, <text> contains the reason and return codes for the STOW macro. User Response: EHSB036E SCRIPT(ssssssss) created in DD(dddddddd) Explanation: EHSB037E The script member (ssssssss) was written to DD(dddddddd). GROUP STATEMENT(S) PRECEDED COMPARE STATEMENT Explanation: User Response: EHSB038E Correct the error and rerun the job. The COMPARE statement must be before the first GROUP statement. Correct and rerun. COMPARE INCOMPATIBLE WITH THIS STATEMENT Explanation: Either an ALLOCATE or an ACCEPT statement has been found. These statements cannot be used during an unattended comparison. User Response: EHSB039I Remove those statements and rerun. KEYWORD(………) IGNORED - THIS IS A COMPARE Explanation: Informational message. The execution of EHSBATCH will proceed, but the keyword mentioned in the message will be ignored. Keywords that are ignored include TERM (when the value is greater than one), LOGD, DSYNCH, ALLSYNCH, TIMESYNC, THOPT, THPCT, THINK, REPEAT, and VTAMTRCE. EHSB040I KEYWORD(xxxxxxxx) IGNORED - DUBBING NOT ACTIVE Explanation: The DUB keyword was not specified on the CONTROL or GROUP statement. Since dubbing was not activated, Hiperstation ignores dubbing keywords DUBMEM and NODUB. System Action: EHSBATCH proceeds. User Response: If you need to dub the script, add the DUB keyword to the CONTROL or GROUP statement and run the playback again. EHSB041E NO CLOSING QUOTE FOUND Explanation: The statement has been continued or ended without having matched quotes. Quoted text cannot be continued onto the next line — both the beginning and ending quote must be on the same statement line. User Response: Correct the quote omission. If the text is too long to be contained on one line, the concatenation operation can be used to break up the text. 2-42 Hiperstation Messages and Codes EHSB042E UNMATCHED OR MISPLACED PARENTHESIS FOUND Explanation: parentheses. User Response: EHSB043E The statement end has been found but there are too many opening or closing Correct the unbalanced parentheses. CONCATENATION NOTATION ERROR Explanation: The statement contains at least one vertical bar ( | ) character outside quoted text. However, it is not paired with another or there are too many together. User Response: EHSB044E Correct the notation error. The concatenation operation is two bars (||). NO GROUP/ALLOCATE/ACCEPT BEFORE SCRIPT STATEMENT Explanation: A SCRIPT statement was found but no previous GROUP, ALLOCATE, or ACCEPT statement was found. User Response: Provide the GROUP, ALLOCATE, or ACCEPT statement or remove the SCRIPT statement. EHSB045I CPU TIME PROCESSING TRANSACTIONS: mm:ss.tht (MM:SS.THT) Explanation: Unattended playback has completed. The amount of CPU time used by Hiperstation to feed the transactions to the domain destination is shown by mm:ss.tht. Note: EHSB046I This is NOT the amount of CPU used by the domain destination. TIME SYNC DISPATCH FOR INPUT WITH DATE/TIME: Explanation: The script has been dispatched after waiting for synchronization with one or more other scripts. EHSB047I PREVIOUS STATEMENT REJECTED, SKIPPING TO NEXT STATEMENT Explanation: An invalid statement has been found. This statement will be ignored and the next will be verified. User Response: EHSB048I EHSB049I Correct or remove the incorrect statement. DUE TO THE ABOVE ERRORS(S) OR WARNING(S), THE DESIRED RESULTS MAY NOT BE ACHIEVABLE Explanation: Errors have been found with the conversation log statements. Since those statements or keywords that are not understood are ignored, the resulting accepted statements and their keywords may not be sufficient to create the playback exactly as intended. User Response: Examine the statements and keywords in error. Determine if they will affect the playback. If they will have a negative affect, correct the errors. EHSB050E TERM OR REPEAT COUNT MUST BE 1 FOR DUBBING Explanation: System Action: When dubbing is active, the terminal or repeat count cannot exceed one. Playback terminates. User Response: Set the TERM and/or REPEAT values on the CONTROL or GROUP statements to one and run the playback again. EHSB051E Script(xxxxxxxx) is a duplicate dubbing member Explanation: User Response: script name. EHSB052E Hiperstation found that a script already exists with the indicated name. Change the name of the dubbing script, or enter (R) next to the dubbing CONCATENATION OPERATION PLACEMENT ERROR Explanation: The concatenation operation can be performed only within the parenthetical keyword value. If this operation appears outside the parentheses, it is a placement error. User Response: Examine the concatenation operation placement and correct. Hiperstation Messages: ARCHV through EHSC EHSB053E 2-43 NESTED QUOTES NOT PERMITTED DURING CONCATENATION Explanation: The concatenation operation is used to join together quoted text. However, the quoted text contained additional quote characters. This is not allowed. If these quotes are needed, use hex notation to express them. User Response: Examine the quoted text and remove the inside quotes or express the quoted text in hex notation. EHSB054I START SYNCHRONIZATION AND/OR DELAY REQUESTED Explanation: The STARTDLY or LOGD keyword has been found and the starting of the port has been delayed. EHSB055I APP PROFILING ETRMMOPL ERROR. PORT xxxx Explanation: User Response: EHSB056W Application profiling detected an internal error. Contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRIPT (xxxxxxxx) NOT FOUND Explanation: The requested script was not found during Hiperstation playback initialization. Processing continues. User Response: Correct the script (xxxxxxxx) statement or ensure that the script is a member in the dataset referenced by the SYSLIB DD statement. EHSB057E DDNAME(xxxxxxxx) SCRIPT(xxxxxxxx) IN USE BY ANOTHER JOB Explanation: Hiperstation found that the chosen script is in use by another Hiperstation online user or batch job. User Response: EHSB058E DDNAME(xxxxxxxx) OPEN FAILED Explanation: User Response: EHSB059E Change the name of the dubbing script or wait until the job completes. The open failed for the chosen DDNAME. Correct the DDNAME and/or control statements and rerun the job. (xxxxxxxx) KEYWORD(xxxxxxxx), NOT VALID FOR LU2 - REPLAY TO BE TERMINATED Explanation: The indicated xxxxxxxx keyword is not valid for an LU2 script. The playback will be terminated. User Response: EHSB060I Correct or remove the keyword and retry the playback. PREMATURE COMPARE TERMINATION, UNEQUAL SCRIPTS Explanation: This informational message occurs when two scripts with a different number of output screens are being processed by unattended comparison (for example, one script reaches end of file (EOF) while the other script still has screens left to compare). User Response: Examine the two scripts being compared to determine if this early termination was expected. EHSB061E FMH-5 RECEIVED BUT NO MATCH FOUND FOR THE FOLLOWING -- Explanation: The remote (sending) network ID and LU name along with the local LU name, logmode, and TP name appear with this message. An FMH5 header was received by the local LU, but no matching accept statement was found. User Response: Ensure that: • All ACCEPT statements contain the correct sender, receiver, logmode, and TP name. All of these fields are mandatory on ACCEPT statements. • A sufficient NOFMH5TO value is listed on the CONTROl statement. This error message results if any FMH5 headers are received after the expiration of this time. • You have sufficient ACCEPT statements to receive all of the expected FMH5 headers to be received for a given local LU name. 2-44 Hiperstation Messages and Codes EHSB061I FMH-5 RECEIVED BUT NO MATCH FOR THE FOLLOWING -- EHSB062I SENDER(net): netname SENDER(LU): luname RECEIVER: name LOGMODE: mode EHSB064I TPNAME(CHR(01-64)): xxx…xx EHSB065I TPNAME(HEX(01-32)): xxx…xx EHSB066I TPNAME(HEX(33-64)): xxx…xx Explanation: An FMH5 has been received but using the SENDER, RECEIVER, LOGMODE, and TPNAME no match could be found for them as ACCEPT arguments. The matching criterion follows. The TPNAME is shown in character (CHR) and in hexadecimal (HEX). The character form has been “translated” to show only printable characters. All others have been replaced with the period character (.). User Response: If this data indicates an FMH5 that should be handled by Hiperstation, then matching ACCEPT data should be provided in the conversation log to activate the appropriate scripts. EHSB070I PORT xxxx ATTACHED Explanation: EHSB071I GROUP xxxx WAITING FOR TIME RELEASE Explanation: EHSB072I The indicated group is waiting until its time to release has expired. PORT xxxx WAITING FOR FMH-5 Explanation: EHSB074I The indicated port subtask has been attached. The indicated port is waiting until the correct FMH5 is received. GROUP xxxx REMOVED FROM PROCESSING BECAUSE TPNAME IS ‘06F1’X Explanation: The designated group has a TPNAME of ‘06F1’x. This cannot be played back due to VTAM restrictions. The group has been removed from processing. User Response: To prevent this message in future playbacks, remove the designated group and its associated scripts from the conversation log. EHSB075I GROUP xxxx REMOVED FROM PROCESSING BECAUSE IT HAS NO SCRIPT(S) Explanation: The designated group has no associated scripts. The group has been removed from processing. User Response: To prevent this message in future playbacks, remove the designated group from the conversation log. EHSB077I READY FOR LU6.2 SLU COMMUNICATIONS Explanation: Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers has reached the point when it is possible to receive an allocate from the partners. This message is issued to the system console. User Response: EHSB096E Start any partners sending an allocate to Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers. TOO MANY TIMESYNCHED GROUPS Explanation: The playback job contains more than 8000 GROUPs, which exceeds the TIMSYNC parameter limit. User Response: EHSB098I Use fewer than 8000 GROUPs, or do not use the TIMESYNC parameter. MAXIMUM SCRIPT RC=ssss, INTERNAL RC=iiii Value ssss is the largest value set by a REXX RETURN or EXIT statement in any of the scripts executed during playback. Only a value set in the final script within a GROUP statement is used. Value iiii is the largest value set internally by Hiperstation to indicate an informational or error condition. The larger of ssss and iiii is returned as the MVS job step return code and is available for testing with the MVS JCL COND parameter. Both ssss and iiii are decimal values, not hexadecimal. The Hiperstation scripts you are playing back produce the ssss value, typically by issuing a RETURN or EXIT statement. Only numeric values from 0 through 4095 should be supplied on the RETURN or EXIT statement for use as a job step return code. All other values have their last 12 bits used. Scripts without a RETURN or EXIT statement produce an ssss value of 0. The ssss value can also be Hiperstation Messages: ARCHV through EHSC 2-45 set if a script abnormally ends (ABENDs). For example, a script that caused an S0C4 abend produces an ssss value of 196 (x‘0C4’ = decimal 196). The iiii value is documented in Unattended Mode Return Codes. In addition to the EHSB098I message, Hiperstation writes status, error, and warning messages to SYSPRINT. If the playback job step returns a non-zero code, review the return code description provided in Table 2-1. Then review the warning and error messages to determine the cause of the problem. Table 2-1. Hiperstation for VTAM Unattended Playback Return Codes RC Description 0 All scripts ran successfully. 8 Occurs when the COPT option setting flags a mismatch and LOG or XLOG is specified. Error: LU6.2 or LU2 unattended mode process contains exceptions at the record level. For example: 12 16 • One or more corresponding record lengths are not equal • Sense data is not equal on one or more records • Log data is not the same length for corresponding records. Error: Invalid script statement found Serious Error: • Port could not be started because LU2 application is not valid or not active • Port started, but could not be initialized • REXX EXEC/script not found. 20 24 Serious Error: The first port to be started could not start — the unattended mode process is terminated. If other ports are started, unattended mode continues. SEVERE ERROR: Port subtask could not be started. • SYSPRINT could not be opened or error occurred processing SYSPRINT • SYSIN could not be opened or error occurred processing SYSIN • SYSCNTL could not be opened or error occurred processing SYSCNTL • User failed security authorization • Either LU2 or LU6.2 pool names could not be built from the provided prefix and suffix values. • Product is not licensed for LU6.2 (APPC) unattended mode processing • LU6.2 is not supported for LU6.2 scripts • Trace could not be initialized • No terminals found to be played back • VTAM initialization error. • A syntax error exists on the JOURNAL, LOG, XLOG, RLOG, AUTODOC, SUMMARY, or TRACE keywords on the CONTROL, GROUP, ALLOCATE, or COMPARE statements. 28 32 SERIOUS ERROR: A print file is full or could not be processed. The print files are the JOURNAL, LOG, XLOG, RLOG, AUTODOC, SUMMARY, and TRACE files. 40 SEVERE ERROR: Hiperstation is about to expire or has expired. Contact Hiperstation Customer Support for a date extension and new release availability information. 2-46 Hiperstation Messages and Codes Table 2-1. Hiperstation for VTAM Unattended Playback Return Codes RC 44 Description SECURITY ERROR: Hiperstation detected an unauthorized default parameter table. Contact your systems programmer. The most common cause of the RC=44 is a non-authorized SQQFLOAD. Informational message. No user action necessary. For more information about unattended mode return codes, see the Hiperstation for VTAM User Guide in the chapter on unattended playback, dubbing, and comparison for 3270 and LU0 scripts. EHSB100E DATASET NAME MISSING ON kkkkkkkk Explanation: The kkkkkkkk keyword requires a dataset name or a SYSOUT class as the destination for “print” output. The value of kkkkkkkk can be JOURNAL, LOG, XLOG, RLOG, TRACE, AUTODOC, or SUMMARY. User Response: Supply a dataset name (more than 1 character) with an optional member name, or a SYSOUT class (exactly 1 character) as the value of the kkkkkkkk keyword. EHSB101E DATASET NAME TOO LONG ON kkkkkkkk Explanation: The dataset name supplied on the kkkkkkkk keyword is not valid because it consists of more than 44 characters. The value of kkkkkkkk can be JOURNAL, LOG, XLOG, RLOG, TRACE, AUTODOC, or SUMMARY. User Response: EHSB102E Supply a dataset name consisting of 2 through 44 characters. MANY WILDCARDS ON kkkkkkkk VALUE (7 MAX) Explanation: The dataset or member name supplied on the kkkkkkkk keyword contains more than 7 wildcard characters (the wildcard characters are * and ?). The value of kkkkkkkk can be JOURNAL, LOG, XLOG, RLOG, TRACE, AUTODOC, or SUMMARY. Wildcard characters identify the point in a dataset and/or member name where a PORT or GROUP number will be substituted. Because a member name and a segment (the characters between dots) in a dataset name can be at most eight characters and because the first character cannot be a number, only 7 positions are available for wildcard substitution. User Response: name. EHSB103E Supply at most 7 wildcard characters on a dataset name and on a member MIX OF * AND ? NOT ALLOWED ON kkkkkkkk Explanation: Both ‘*’ and ‘?’ have been supplied, more than one ‘*’ has been supplied, or several ‘?’ have been supplied separated by other characters. The value of kkkkkkkk can be JOURNAL, LOG, XLOG, RLOG, TRACE, AUTODOC, or SUMMARY. Wildcard characters used in dataset and member names must follow these rules: – If an ‘*’ is supplied, it can be used only once. – If an ‘*’ is supplied, a ‘?’ cannot also be used. – Several ‘?’ can be supplied, but they cannot be separated from each other by any other characters. – A wildcard cannot appear as the first character in a dataset segment (the part between the dots) or as the first character in a member name. – These rules apply independently to dataset and member names, (for example, wildcards can appear in either, neither, or both dataset and member names. User Response: EHSB104E Remove one or more of the incorrect wildcard characters. MAY NOT BE 1ST CHAR ON kkkkkkkk Explanation: A wildcard cannot appear as the first character in a dataset segment (the part between the dots) or as the first character in a member name. The value of kkkkkkkk can be JOURNAL, LOG, XLOG, RLOG, TRACE, AUTODOC, or SUMMARY. User Response: Remove the wildcard character from the first position. Hiperstation Messages: ARCHV through EHSC EHSB105E 2-47 SEGMENT TOO LONG ON kkkkkkkk Explanation: A dataset segment (the part between the dots) can be at most eight characters long. The value of kkkkkkkk can be JOURNAL, LOG, XLOG, RLOG, TRACE, AUTODOC, or SUMMARY. User Response: EHSB106E Shorten the incorrect dataset segment. MEMBER MUST BE IN PARENTHESES ON kkkkkkkk Explanation: A value after a dataset name has been supplied but it is not enclosed in parentheses. The value of kkkkkkkk can be JOURNAL, LOG, XLOG, RLOG, TRACE, AUTODOC, or SUMMARY. User Response: If you want to supply a member name, enclose it in parentheses immediately after the dataset name. EHSB107E MEMBER NAME TOO LONG ON kkkkkkkk Explanation: A member name can be at most eight characters long. The value of kkkkkkkk can be JOURNAL, LOG, XLOG, RLOG, TRACE, AUTODOC, or SUMMARY. User Response: EHSB108E Shorten the incorrect member name. DATASET NAME TOO LONG TO ADD SUFFIX ON kkkkkkkk Explanation: A dataset name and no member or wildcards have been supplied and the dataset name is longer than 38 characters. Unattended playback needs room to add the ‘.P0000’ suffix to the dataset name. The value of kkkkkkkk can be JOURNAL, LOG, XLOG, RLOG, TRACE, or AUTODOC. User Response: Reduce the length of the dataset name you supply or use wildcards to identify where the PORT or GROUP number should be substituted. EHSB109E WILDCARDS NOT ALLOWED ON TRACE Explanation: The TRACE keyword value on the CONTROL statement cannot contain any wildcard characters because no PORT or GROUP number needs to be substituted into the name. User Response: Remove any wildcards from the dataset and/or member name on the CONTROL TRACE keyword. EHSB110E MEMBER WHEN SYSOUT CLASS ON kkkkkkkk Explanation: A member name has been supplied even though a SYSOUT class is in use. A value is interpreted as a SYSOUT class if it is exactly 1 character long. The value of kkkkkkkk can be JOURNAL, LOG, XLOG, RLOG, TRACE, AUTODOC, or SUMMARY. User Response: If you want to supply a member name, you must also supply a dataset name. Either remove the member name or change the SYSOUT class to a dataset name. EHSB111E (dddd), MEMBER(mmmm) Explanation: An error has occurred with dataset dddd on keyword kkkkkkkk, possibly with a member name of mmmm. The error is listed in an earlier message for the same PORT and GROUP number. User Response: Find the associated error message earlier in the message log and correct the problem that it describes. Look for an error message labeled with the same GROUP and PORT numbers as this message. The EHSB111E message simply identifies the keyword, dataset, and member that has the problem. EHSB143E INVALID KEYWORD ON PAUSE STATEMENT Explanation: During script processing, an invalid keyword was detected on a <PAUSE> or <WAIT> script tag. User Response: EHSB144I Correct the script tag and playback the script again. KEYWORD(xxxxxxxx) IGNORED - DUB MEMBER SPECIFIED AT GROUP LEVEL Explanation: You specified a member name on both the DUB keyword on the GROUP statement and the DUBMEM keyword on the subsequent SCRIPT statements. System Action: EHSBATCH proceeds, but ignores the keyword specified in the error message. 2-48 Hiperstation Messages and Codes User Response: Either remove the member name from the DUB keyword on the GROUP statement or remove the DUBMEM keyword from the SCRIPT statements and run playback job again. EHSB201E SYSPRINT DD STATEMENT FAILED TO OPEN, EXECUTION TERMINATED Explanation: User Response: EHSB202E Unattended mode execution requires a SYSPRINT DD statement for messages. Insert a SYSPRINT DD statement in your JCL and re-submit the job. SYSIN DD STATEMENT NOT ALLOCATED, EXECUTION TERMINATED Explanation: statements. Unattended mode execution requires a SYSIN DD statement for control User Response: Insert a SYSIN DD statement in your JCL and re-submit the job. The SYSIN DD should reference control statements that instruct Hiperstation as to what to do. EHSB203E SYSLIB DD STATEMENT NOT ALLOCATED, EXECUTION TERMINATED Explanation: Unattended mode execution requires a SYSLIB DD statement for scripts. User Response: Insert a SYSLIB DD statement in your JCL and re-submit the job. The SYSLIB DD should reference a PDS script dataset from which the script will be read. EHSB900I HIPERSTATION UNATTENDED MODE - LEVEL vv.rr.mm Explanation: This is the Hiperstation version information. EHSB901I COPYRIGHT(C) 1994, 1999 COMPUWARE CORPORATION EHSB902I UNPUBLISHED_RIGHTS RESERVED UNDER THE COPYRIGHT EHSB903I LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. EHSB904I Explanation: EHSB910I REPLAY STARTING: xx/xx/xx at xx:xx:xx Explanation: EHSB912E This copyright notice appears at the start of every batch listing. Date and time the playback function has started. SECURITY DENIED ACCESS TO THE UNATTENDED MODE FACILITY Explanation: Your system security has rejected your use of the unattended mode function (unattended playback, dubbing, or comparison). User Response: situation. EHSB913E Contact your security administrator for an explanation or correction of this SECURITY DENIED ACCESS TO PLAY SCRIPTS AGAINST TPF xxxxxxxx Explanation: Your system security has rejected your access to the domain destination named xxxxxxxx. User Response: situation. EHSB914E Contact your security administrator for an explanation or correction of this SECURITY DENIED ACCESS TO TRACE OPTION Explanation: User Response: situation. Your system security has rejected your access to the trace option. Contact your security administrator for an explanation or correction of this EHSB997T CONVERSATION LOG CONTAINS LU6.2 STATEMENTS, BUT YOU ARE RUNNING UNDER THE CPI - REPLAY TERMINATED Explanation: While running under the CPI, LU6.2 statements were found. LU6.2 is not supported under the CPI. User Response: Remove the LU6.2 statements. Hiperstation Messages: ARCHV through EHSC 2-49 EHSB998T CONVERSATION LOG CONTAINS LU6.2 STATEMENTS, BUT YOU ARE NOT LICENSED FOR LU6.2 - REPLAY TERMINATED Explanation: The conversation log contains LU6.2 statements but Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers is not licensed for it at your site. User Response: Remove the LU6.2 statements and submit again. If your site is licensed for LU6.2 support, call Compuware Customer Support. EHSC EHSC001 ALL EHSQUEUE ENTRIES CURRENTLY IN USE - TRY AGAIN, LATER Explanation: User Response: EHSC002 User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Increase file space and rerun. File capture log message. Open file and rerun. INVALID TEMP STORAGE REQUEST ERROR ENCOUNTERED Explanation: User Response: EHSC012 File capture log message. FILE IS NOT OPENED Explanation: EHSC011 Informational message. No user action necessary. NO SPACE IN FILE Explanation: EHSC010 File capture log message. I/O ERROR ENCOUNTERED ON FILE Explanation: EHSC009 Informational message. No user action necessary. INVALID REQUEST FOR FILE ENCOUNTERED Explanation: EHSC008 File capture log message. VSAM ILLOGIC ERROR ENCOUNTERED Explanation: EHSC007 Informational message. No user action necessary. FILE NOT IN FCT Explanation: EHSC006 File capture log message. TEMP STORAGE QUEUE ITEM NOT FOUND Explanation: EHSC005 Try the activity at a later time. TEMP STORAGE QUEUE ID ERROR Explanation: EHSC004 File capture log message. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. TEMP STORAGE I/O ERROR ENCOUNTERED Explanation: User Response: File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. 2-50 Hiperstation Messages and Codes EHSC013 NO SPACE IN TEMP STORAGE Explanation: User Response: EHSC014 User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. EXIT PROGRAM NOT ENABLED Explanation: User Response: EHSC025 File capture log message. PROGRAM ALREADY ACTIVE FOR EXIT Explanation: EHSC024 Informational message. No user action necessary. EXIT PROGRAM ALREADY ENABLED Explanation: EHSC023 File capture log message. INVALID EXIT ID Explanation: EHSC022 Informational message. No user action necessary. EXIT PROGRAM NOT IN PPT Explanation: EHSC021 File capture log message. LOCAL TASK COULD NOT GET BUFFER SPACE Explanation: EHSC020 Informational message. No user action necessary. LOCAL TASK COULD NOT READ REQUEST RECORD Explanation: EHSC019 File capture log message. LOCAL TASK TERMINATED WITH AN UNKNOWN ERROR Explanation: EHSC018 Informational message. No user action necessary. ATTACH FAILED FOR FILE RECORDING LOCAL TASK Explanation: EHSC017 File capture log message. FILE RECORDING LOCAL TASK DID NOT INITIATE Explanation: EHSC016 Increase size of temporary storage and rerun. OPTIONS RECORD IS CURRENTLY IN USE Explanation: EHSC015 File capture log message. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. EXIT PROGRAM HAS NO WORK AREA Explanation: User Response: File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. Hiperstation Messages: ARCHV through EHSC EHSC026 EXIT PROGRAM NOT ENABLED (DISABLE REQ) Explanation: User Response: EHSC027 User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. DB2 CICS ATTACH FACILITY NOT ACTIVE Explanation: User Response: EHSC038 File capture log message. DB2 BACKGROUND TASK DID NOT START Explanation: EHSC037 Informational message. No user action necessary. DB2 INSUFFICIENT STORAGE TO INITIALIZE Explanation: EHSC036 File capture log message. DB2 INSTALLATION ERROR Explanation: EHSC035 Informational message. No user action necessary. FILE FRONT ENDS COULD NOT BE LOADED Explanation: EHSC034 File capture log message. UNEXPECTED ERROR, EIBFN: X‘NNNN’, EIBRCODE: X‘NN’ Explanation: EHSC033 Informational message. No user action necessary. FILE RECORDING REQUEST LIMIT REACHED Explanation: EHSC032 File capture log message. UNKNOWN EXIT ERROR Explanation: EHSC031 Informational message. No user action necessary. EXIT INTERFACE NOT ENABLED Explanation: EHSC030 File capture log message. EXIT INVOKED BY ANOTHER TASK Explanation: EHSC029 Informational message. No user action necessary. PROGRAM NOT ACTIVE FOR EXIT (DISABLE) Explanation: EHSC028 File capture log message. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. DB2 STATEMENT LOAD IN PROGRESS Explanation: User Response: File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. 2-51 2-52 Hiperstation Messages and Codes EHSC039 FILE ERROR ENCOUNTERED ON: XXXXXXXX, ERR: XXXXXXXX Explanation: User Response: EHSC040 User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. FILE RECORDING FILE ERROR, EIBRCODE: X‘NNNN’ FILE: XXX Explanation: User Response: EHSC107 File capture log message. *WARNING* - DELETED/BROWSED RECS LOGGING TRANS ATTACH FAILED Explanation: EHSC106 Informational message. No user action necessary. *WARNING* - DELETED/BROWSED RECS LOGGING TRANS "POST" FAILED Explanation: EHSC105 File capture log message. *WARNING* - DELETED/BROWSED RECS LOGGING TRANS DID NOT COMPLETE Explanation: EHSC104 Informational message. No user action necessary. *WARNING* - DELETED/BROWSED RECS LOGGING TRANS FAILED Explanation: EHSC103 File capture log message. FILE RECORDING ENDED RETURN CODE RRRR Explanation: EHSC102 Informational message. No user action necessary. FILE RECORDING PDS= XXX PREFIX= YYY Explanation: EHSC101 File capture log message. LOCAL TASK COULD NOT READ CONTROL RECORD Explanation: EHSC100 Informational message. No user action necessary. ATTACH FAILED FOR FILE REROUTE LOCAL TASK Explanation: EHSC043 File capture log message. FILE REROUTE LOCAL TASK DID NOT INITIATE Explanation: EHSC042 Informational message. No user action necessary. FILE REROUTE HAS BEEN CANCELLED Explanation: EHSC041 File capture log message. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. FILE RECORDING UNEXPECTED ERROR, EIBFN: X‘NN’ EIBRCODE: X‘NNNN’ Explanation: User Response: File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. Hiperstation Messages: ARCHV through EHSC EHSC108 *WARNING* - FILE ARCHIVE IS FULL Explanation: User Response: EHSC109 User Response: User Response: User Response: Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. INFORMATION FOR REMOTE FILE XXX ON SYSID CCCC COULD NOT BE OBTAINED Explanation: User Response: EHSC113 File capture log message. *WARNING* - THE REMOTE FILE INFORMATION TABLE HAS OVERFLOWED Explanation: EHSC112 DUE TO: Increase size of file archive and rerun. *WARNING* - 500,001ST RECORD LOST BECAUSE 500,000 IS MAX Explanation: EHSC111 File capture log message. *WARNING* - 257TH FILE LOST BECAUSE 256 IS MAX Explanation: EHSC110 File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. TEMP STORAGE ERROR ENCOUNTERED, ERROR: NNN Explanation: User Response: File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. EHSC114 *WARNING* - ONE OR MORE TD TRIGGERED OR IC STARTED TASKS WERE NOT RECORDED Explanation: User Response: EHSC115 User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. NO REMOTE FILE ACTIVITY WILL BE RECORDED Explanation: User Response: EHSC120 Informational message. No user action necessary. NO REMOTE SYSIDS DEFINED ON THIS SYSTEM (OR ALL WERE EXCLUDED) Explanation: EHSC119 File capture log message. FILE RECORDING START - SYSID STATUS FOLLOWS: Explanation: EHSC118 Informational message. No user action necessary. REMOTE SYSTEM: SSSS FAILED TO STOP WITHIN THE ALLOTED TIME Explanation: EHSC117 File capture log message. STOP UNSUCCESSFUL FOR REMOTE SYSID: SSSS Explanation: EHSC116 2-53 File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. COMMUNICATION ERROR WITH SYSID: SSSS Explanation: User Response: File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. 2-54 Hiperstation Messages and Codes EHSC121 REMOTE CONTROL TASK WOULD NOT START ON SYSID: SSSS Explanation: User Response: EHSC122 Informational message. No user action necessary. INTERVAL CONTROL ERROR ENCOUNTERED, ERROR: XXX Explanation: User Response: EHSC123 File capture log message. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. DB2 IS NOT ACTIVE, DB2 ACTIVITY WILL NOT BE RECORDED IN THIS REGION Explanation: User Response: File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. EHSC130 SQL ERROR ENCOUNTERED RETRIEVING DB2 CATALOG INFORMATION FOR TABLE: XXXXXXXX Explanation: User Response: EHSC131 User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. FILE RECORDING REMOTE TASK STARTING ON SYSID: CCCC, ORIGINATING SYSID: Explanation: User Response: EHSC201 Informational message. No user action necessary. FILE CAPTURE LIMIT EXCEEDED Explanation: EHSC200 XXXX File capture log message. UNABLE TO OBTAIN TABLE INFO FOR TABLE XXX.XXXXXXX Explanation: EHSC184 Informational message. No user action necessary. UNABLE TO LOCATE DB2 STATEMENT FOR PLAN PPPP DBRM DDDD STMT SSSS SECT Explanation: EHSC166 File capture log message. UNABLE TO WRITE DB2 CALL RECORD Explanation: EHSC161 TTTT Informational message. No user action necessary. UNABLE TO OBTAIN STORAGE FOR HOST VARIABLES Explanation: EHSC160 File capture log message. ERROR ENCOUNTERED WRITING DB2 INFO RECORD, EIBRCODE: X‘NN’ Explanation: EHSC157 Informational message. No user action necessary. DB2 CATALOG INFORMATION WAS NOT FOUND FOR TABLE: XXXXXXXX Explanation: EHSC135 File capture log message. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. FILE RECORDING REMOTE TASK ENDING RETURN CODE: RRRR Explanation: File capture log message. Hiperstation Messages: ARCHV through EHSC User Response: EHSC204 REMOTE TASK COULD NOT GET BUFFER SPACE Explanation: User Response: EHSC205 User Response: User Response: File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. ALLOCATE SESSION TO ORIGINATING SYSTEM TIMED OUT Explanation: User Response: EHSC208 Informational message. No user action necessary. ALLOCATE SESSION TO ORIGINATING SYSTEM FAILED, EIBRCODE: X‘NN’ Explanation: EHSC207 File capture log message. START ERROR ENCOUNTERED SENDING TERMINATION STATS, EIBRCODE: X‘NN’ Explanation: EHSC206 Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. SEND TO ORIGINATION SYSTEM FAILED, EIBRCODE: X‘NN’ Explanation: User Response: File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. EHSC209 CANNOT CHECK BUFFER SEND/RECEIVE COUNTS, ORIGINATION SYSTEM UNAVAILABLE Explanation: User Response: EHSC210 User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. TEMP STG Q ERROR (EIBRESP X‘NN’) Explanation: User Response: EHSC233 Informational message. No user action necessary. VSAM STATEMENT DATASET BUILD TERMINATED Explanation: EHSC232 File capture log message. VSAM STATEMENT DATASET BUILD ENDED NORMALLY Explanation: EHSC231 Informational message. No user action necessary. BUFFER COUNT MISMATCH - SENT: XXX, RECEIVED: YYY Explanation: EHSC230 File capture log message. * LOGIC ERROR * BUFFER RECEIVE COUNT > SEND COUNT Explanation: EHSC212 Informational message. No user action necessary. START ERROR ENCOUNTERED FOR FILE INFO PROGRAM, EIBRCODE: X‘NN’ Explanation: EHSC211 File capture log message. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. DBRM(XXXXXXXX) STMT = 0 FOUND - RESULTS MAY VARY Explanation: User Response: File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. 2-55 2-56 Hiperstation Messages and Codes EHSC236 CANNOT OPEN DB2 SYSTEM TABLES Explanation: User Response: EHSC237 User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. CANNOT OBTAIN WRITE AUTHORITY FOR THE STATEMENT FILE Explanation: User Response: EHSC293 File capture log message. NO VALID PLAN, DBRM AND STATEMENT AT THIS POINT Explanation: EHSC292 Informational message. No user action necessary. XXX,XXX,XXX STATEMENTS PROCESSED Explanation: EHSC291 File capture log message. EHSD2STL MAY NOT BE ENTERED VIA A TRANID Explanation: EHSC289 Informational message. No user action necessary. VSAM WRITE ERROR (EIBRESP X‘NN’) Explanation: EHSC287 File capture log message. PLAN PPPPPPPP, DBRM DDDDDDDD, STATEMENT SSSSS Explanation: EHSC286 Informational message. No user action necessary. FILE ERROR ENCOUNTERED WRITING INFORMATION RECORD, EIBRCODE: X‘NN’ Explanation: EHSC285 File capture log message. XXX,XXX,XXX INVALID STATEMENTS DROPPED Explanation: EHSC267 Informational message. No user action necessary. WAITING FOR DB2 CALL ATTACH FACILITY TO START Explanation: EHSC246 File capture log message. DB2 CALL ATTACH FACILITY IS NOT ACTIVE Explanation: EHSC241 Informational message. No user action necessary. VSAM READ ERROR (EIBRESP X‘NN’) Explanation: EHSC240 File capture log message. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. CANNOT OBTAIN READ AUTHORITY FOR THE STATEMENT FILE Explanation: User Response: File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. Hiperstation Messages: ARCHV through EHSC EHSC294 VSAM DELETE ERROR (EIBRESP X‘NN’) EHSC295 FULL LOAD IS CURRENTLY EXECUTING Explanation: User Response: EHSC296 User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. DYNAMIC STATEMENT LOAD DISABLED - DB2 CAPTURE TERMINATING Explanation: User Response: EHSC364 File capture log message. CANNOT BE EXECUTED FROM A TERMINAL Explanation: EHSC359 Informational message. No user action necessary. NEXT FUNCTION NOT SPECIFIED Explanation: EHSC321 File capture log message. ERROR DURING CONVERSE REQUEST, EIBRCODE: X‘NN’ Explanation: EHSC307 Informational message. No user action necessary. ERROR DURING RECEIVE REQUEST, EIBRCODE: X‘NN’ Explanation: EHSC305 File capture log message. ABEND RECOVERY HAS BEEN ENTERED Explanation: EHSC304 Informational message. No user action necessary. UNKNOWN DATA SHIPPED TO EHSFMBFR Explanation: EHSC303 File capture log message. FILE ERROR ENCOUNTERED WRITING INFORMATION RECORD, EIBRCODE: X‘NN’ Explanation: EHSC302 Informational message. No user action necessary. UNABLE TO CREATE INFORMATION RECORD FOR FILE NNNN DUE TO: Explanation: EHSC301 File capture log message. LOAD COMPLETE FOR PLAN PPPPPPPP DBRM DDDDDDDD Explanation: EHSC300 Informational message. No user action necessary. XXX,XXX,XXX DBRMS PROCESSED Explanation: EHSC298 File capture log message. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. GETMAIN FAILED IN EHSD2STG Explanation: User Response: File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. 2-57 2-58 Hiperstation Messages and Codes EHSC365 ERROR ENCOUNTERED WRITING DB2 TABLE NAME RECORD, EIBRCODE: X‘NN’ Explanation: User Response: EHSC366 User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. *WARNING* FILE TABLE OVERFLOW, XXX FROM SYSID CCCC WILL BE LOST Explanation: User Response: EHSC403 File capture log message. ABEND DETECTED - DB2 RECORDING TERMINATING Explanation: EHSC402 Informational message. No user action necessary. STATEMENT LOAD WARNING: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Explanation: EHSC376 File capture log message. SQL ERROR Explanation: EHSC375 Informational message. No user action necessary. INVALID STATEMENT REQUEST Explanation: EHSC373 File capture log message. ERROR ENCOUNTERED WRITING DB2 TABLE INFORMATION RECORDS, EIBRCODE: Explanation: EHSC372 Informational message. No user action necessary. ERROR ENCOUNTERED READING DB2 TABLE INFORMATION RECORDS, EIBRCODE: Explanation: EHSC371 X‘NN’ File capture log message. ERROR ENCOUNTERED READING DB2 STMT RECORDS, EIBRCODE: X‘NN’ Explanation: EHSC370 X‘NN’ Informational message. No user action necessary. UNABLE TO OBTAIN ALL STMT RECORD SEGMENTS, EIBRCODE: X‘NN’ Explanation: EHSC369 File capture log message. CURSOR TABLE ERROR Explanation: EHSC368 Informational message. No user action necessary. STATEMENT REQUEST QUEUE ERROR Explanation: EHSC367 File capture log message. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. TERMINATTION NOTIFY FOR REMOTE SYSTEM: CCCC HAS FAILED Explanation: User Response: File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. Hiperstation Messages: ARCHV through EHSC EHSC411 COMMUNICATION ERROR ENCOUNTERED WITH SYSID: CCCC Explanation: User Response: EHSC424 2-59 File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. PARSE ERROR. RETURN CODE XXXX FOR STMT # NNNN IN DBRM DDDD Explanation: User Response: File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. EHSC425 ERROR IN SQL SQUISH. RETURN CODE IS XXXX FOR STATEMENT NUMBER NNNN IN DBRM DDDD Explanation: User Response: EHSC445 User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. GETMAIN ERROR SAVING STATEMENTS Explanation: User Response: EHSC451 Informational message. No user action necessary. ERROR EXTRACTING TABLE NAME Explanation: EHSC450 File capture log message. GETMAIN ERROR BUILDING STATEMENT TABLES Explanation: EHSC449 Informational message. No user action necessary. SQL STATEMENT CONTROL BLOCK CREATE ERROR Explanation: EHSC448 File capture log message. SQL STATEMENT CONTROL BLOCK LOCATE ERROR Explanation: EHSC447 Informational message. No user action necessary. UNABLE TO FIND STATEMENT NUMBER NNNNN IN DBRM DDDD Explanation: EHSC446 File capture log message. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. TABLE NAME ADD ERROR Explanation: User Response: File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. EHSC452 DBRM TIMESTAMP IS LATER THAN LOAD MODULE TIMESTAMP FOR PLAN PPPPPP DBRM DDDDDD Explanation: User Response: File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. EHSC453 LOAD MODULE TIMESTAMP IS LATER THAN DBRM TIMESTAMP FOR PLAN PPPPPP DBRM DDDDDD Explanation: User Response: EHSC464 File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. ERROR WRITING DB2 STATEMENT RECORDS Explanation: File capture log message. 2-60 Hiperstation Messages and Codes User Response: EHSC467 ERROR WRITING TS QUEUE FOR DB2 CATALOG INFORMATION, EIBRCODE: X‘NN’ Explanation: User Response: EHSC468 User Response: User Response: User Response: Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. WAITING FOR TABLE INFORMATION COLLECTION TO COMPLETE Explanation: User Response: EHSC500E File capture log message. RESOLUTION TIMEOUT - DATA MAY BE MISSING FOR TABLE Explanation: EHSC499 Informational message. No user action necessary. GETMAIN ERROR SAVING COLUMN INFO Explanation: EHSC498 File capture log message. ERROR STARTING DB2 CATALOG INFORMATION TASK, EIBRCODE: X‘NN’ Explanation: EHSC469 Informational message. No user action necessary. File capture log message. Informational message. No user action necessary. BACKOUT FAILED, FILE=xxxxxxxx SEQ=nnnnnnnn Explanation: File backout processing; a record on the CICS archive file which should exist was not found. User Response: Support. EHSC501E Save (IDCAMS backup) the archive file and notify Compuware Customer BACKOUT CANNOT FIND A RECORD KEY, FILE=xxxxxxxx SEQ=nnnnnnnn Explanation: File backout processing; a record on the CICS archive file which contains data to be acted upon has no RID (Record Identification) data. User Response: Support. EHSC502E Save (IDCAMS backup) the archive file and notify Compuware Customer BACKOUT INVALID OPERATION, FILE=xxxxxxxx SEQ=nnnnnnnn Explanation: File backout processing; a record on the CICS archive file which contains data to be acted upon has no valid action (DELETE, WRITE, REWRITE). User Response: Support. EHSC503E Save (IDCAMS backup) the archive file and notify Compuware Customer BACKOUT FAILED, FILE=xxxxxxxx SEQ=xxxxxxxx EIBRCODE=xxxxxxxxxx Explanation: File backout processing error. User Response: Save (IDCAMS backup) the archive file and notify Compuware Customer Support. Look up the EIBRCODE for a description of this error. 3-1 Chapter 3. Hiperstation Messages: EHSD through ETTERM The chapter explains messages with prefix EHSD through prefix ETTERM and, if applicable, provides response actions you can take to resolve the issue causing the message. Messages are listed in alpha-numeric order and grouped by prefix. Use the “Contents” to help you find the message information you need. EHSD EHSD001 SORT FAILED Explanation: User Response: EHSD004 User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: Correct and rerun. DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. Correct and rerun, if this was not expected. DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. Correct and rerun. DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. Reduce and rerun. CONTROL CARD DATASET COULD NOT BE OPENED, A FULL LOAD WILL BE DONE Explanation: User Response: EHSD186 DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. MORE THAN 30 XXX SUPPLIED - ERROR Explanation: EHSD185 Informational message. No user action necessary. INVALID CONTROL CARD SYNTAX Explanation: EHSD184 DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. INVALID CONTROL CARD - IGNORED Explanation: EHSD183 Informational message. No user action necessary. I/O ERROR ENCOUNTERED ON FILE ‘SYSIN’ Explanation: EHSD182 DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. PARM OPTIONS: DB2 RELEASE - X.X, SUPPRESS - X Explanation: EHSD035 Correct and rerun. END OF DBRM PROCESSING Explanation: EHSD010 DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. Correct and rerun, if this was not expected. CONTROL CARD PROCESSING ENDED Explanation: User Response: DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. Informational message. No user action necessary. Chap 3 3-2 Hiperstation Messages and Codes EHSD188 THE PLAN NAME LIST PROVIDED ENCOMPASSES MORE THAN 5000 COLLECTION IDS RUN CANCELLED Explanation: User Response: EHSD281 User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: Informational message. No user action necessary. DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. Informational message. No user action necessary. DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. Informational message. No user action necessary. DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. Informational message. No user action necessary. DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. Correct and rerun, if this was not expected. DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. Informational message. No user action necessary. XXX,XXX,XXX TABLES PROCESSED Explanation: User Response: EHSD305 DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. XXX,XXX,XXX DBRMS PROCESSED Explanation: EHSD304 Informational message. No user action necessary. NO VALID PLAN, DBRM, AND STATEMENT AT THIS POINT Explanation: EHSD296 DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. XXX,XXX VSAM RECORDS WRITTEN Explanation: EHSD291 Informational message. No user action necessary. XXX,XXX,XXX STATEMENTS PROCESSED Explanation: EHSD290 DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. XXX,XXX,XXX PACKAGES PROCESSED Explanation: EHSD289 Informational message. No user action necessary. DBRM DDDDDDD, STATEMENT SSSSS Explanation: EHSD288 DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. XXX,XXX,XXX DUPLICATE SYSPACKSTMTS DROPPED IN E35S Explanation: EHSD285 Informational message. No user action necessary. XXX,XXX,XXX DUPLICATE SYSPACKSTMTS DROPPED Explanation: EHSD284 DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. XXX,XXX,XXX DUPLICATE SYSSTMTS DROPPED Explanation: EHSD283 Reduce and rerun. XXX,XXX,XXX SYSPACKAGES PROCESSED Explanation: EHSD282 DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. Informational message. No user action necessary. XXX,XXX,XXX INDEXES PROCESSED Explanation: User Response: DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. Informational message. No user action necessary. Hiperstation Messages: EHSD through ETTERM EHSD306 TABLE XXXX INDEX YYYY Explanation: User Response: EHSD307 User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: Informational message. No user action necessary. DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. Informational message. No user action necessary. DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. Informational message. No user action necessary. DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. Informational message. No user action necessary. DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. Informational message. No user action necessary. DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. Informational message. No user action necessary. XXX,XXX,XXX SYNONYMS PROCESSED Explanation: User Response: EHSD330 DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. XXX,XXX,XXX VIEWS PROCESSED Explanation: EHSD320 Informational message. No user action necessary. XXX,XXX,XXX ALIASES PROCESSED Explanation: EHSD319 DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. CATALOG DETAIL LOAD HAS ENDED Explanation: EHSD318 Informational message. No user action necessary. CATALOG DETAIL LOAD STARTING Explanation: EHSD315 DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. TOO SOON TO LOAD INDEX RECORDS Explanation: EHSD314 Informational message. No user action necessary. CATALOG DATA LOAD BYPASSED BY USER REQUEST Explanation: EHSD313 DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. TOO SOON TO LOAD STATEMENT RECORDS Explanation: EHSD312 Correct and rerun, if this was not expected. STATEMENT RECORD LOAD BYPASSED BY USER REQUEST Explanation: EHSD311 DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. BEGINNING CATALOG RECORD PROCESSING Explanation: EHSD310 Informational message. No user action necessary. NO VALID TABLE AND INDEX AT THIS POINT Explanation: EHSD309 DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. Informational message. No user action necessary. VSAM STATEMENT DATASET BUILD ENDED NORMALLY Explanation: User Response: DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. Informational message. No user action necessary. 3-3 3-4 Hiperstation Messages and Codes EHSD331 VSAM STATEMENT DATASET BUILD TERMINATED Explanation: User Response: EHSD336 User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: Correct and rerun. DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. Correct and rerun. DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. Correct and rerun. DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. Correct and rerun. DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. Correct and rerun. DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. Correct and rerun. DBRMLIB COULD NOT BE OPENED Explanation: User Response: EHSD379 DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. VSAM ERROR ENCOUNTERED ON VP0STMT, RPL FEEDBACK: FFF Explanation: EHSD378 Informational message. No user action necessary. VP0STMT FILE OUT OF SPACE Explanation: EHSD377 DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. MEMBER NAME NOT FOUND ON DBRMLIB Explanation: EHSD376 Informational message. No user action necessary. DB2 SYSTEM ID NOT SUPPLIED ON DSN COMMAND Explanation: EHSD375 DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. STATEMENT NOT TERMINATED CORRECTLY Explanation: EHSD374 Correct and rerun. INVALID KEYWORD VALUE - COMMAND IGNORED Explanation: EHSD373 DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. BLANK CARD ENCOUNTERED, IGNORED Explanation: EHSD372 Correct and rerun LOAD IS SELECTIVE BASED ON SAVED DEFAULT OPTIONS Explanation: EHSD371 DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. XXX,XXX,XXX INVALID STATEMENTS DROPPED Explanation: EHSD348 Review earlier error messages; correct them and rerun. CANNOT OPEN DB2 SYSTEM TABLES Explanation: EHSD346 DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. Correct and rerun. INVALID DBRM ENCOUNTERED Explanation: User Response: DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. Correct and rerun. Hiperstation Messages: EHSD through ETTERM EHSD380 OPEN ERROR ON VP0STMT Explanation: User Response: EHSD381 User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. Correct and rerun. DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. Correct and rerun. DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. Correct and rerun. DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. Correct and rerun. DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. Correct and rerun. DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. Correct and rerun. PLAN NAME NOT BOUND IN THIS DB2 SYSTEM Explanation: User Response: EHSD392 Correct and rerun. DB2 ERROR ENCOUNTERED, ERROR TEXT: Explanation: EHSD391 DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. COULD NOT DETERMINE DBRM AUTHORIZATION ID Explanation: EHSD390 Correct and rerun. LOAD PARM MUST BE: "ALL", "STMTS" OR "CATINFO" Explanation: EHSD389 DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. DB2REL PARM IS MISSING OR INVALID Explanation: EHSD388 Correct and rerun. DB2 SYSTEM PARM IS MISSING OR INVALID Explanation: EHSD387 DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. PARM IS MISSING OR INVALID Explanation: EHSD386 Correct and rerun. THE VP0STMT FILE FOR DB2 SYSTEM XXXX MUST BE INITIALIZED Explanation: EHSD385 DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. NO PLANNAME OR PACKAGE COLLECTION ID FOUND, COMMAND IGNORED Explanation: EHSD384 Correct and rerun. LOCATION NOT SUPPORTED IN PACKAGE PARAMETER, BIND COMMAND IGNORED Explanation: EHSD383 DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. SUPPRESS PARM IS INVALID Explanation: EHSD382 3-5 DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. Correct and rerun. COULD NOT OBTAIN EXCLUSIVE CONTROL OF THE VP0STMT FILE Explanation: User Response: DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. Correct and rerun. 3-6 Hiperstation Messages and Codes EHSD533 BIND HAS NO DBRM OR PACKAGE LIST, STATEMENT IGNORED Explanation: User Response: DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. Correct and rerun. EHSD534 * WARNING * CONTROL INFORMATION FOR PLAN: XXXXXXX (WHICH CONTAINS PACKAGE: PPPPPPPP) IS MISSING, THE "BIND PLAN" SUBCOMMAND MUST BE RUN THROUGH THIS PROGRAM (EHSD2BTL) TO SUPPLY THE REQUIRED INFORMATION Explanation: User Response: EHSD535 DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. Correct and rerun. COLLECTION NAME: CCCCCCCC NOT FOUND IN THIS DB2 SYSTEM Explanation: User Response: DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. Correct and rerun. EHSD536 * WARNING * DB2 STATEMENT = 0 FOUND FOR DBRM: DDDD - RESULTS MAY BE UNPREDICTABLE Explanation: User Response: DB2 batch load of Statement Look-Aside dataset. Correct and rerun. EHSE EHSE099E DEALPIPE ERROR Explanation: User Response: situation. EHSE201E User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: Compare Report. Correct and rerun. Compare Report. Correct and rerun, if this was not expected. Compare Report. Correct and rerun, if this was not expected. COMPARE TERMINATED, INPUT FILE A ALLOCATION ERROR Explanation: User Response: EHSE207E Correct and rerun. COMPARE TERMINATED, NO RECORDS ON FILE B Explanation: EHSE206E Compare Report. COMPARE TERMINATED, NO RECORDS ON FILE A Explanation: EHSE205W Correct and rerun. COMPARE TERMINATED, WORKFILE B ALLOCATION ERROR Explanation: EHSE204W Compare Report. COMPARE TERMINATED, WORKFILE A ALLOCATION ERROR Explanation: EHSE203E Contact your security administrator for an explanation or correction of this COMPARE TERMINATED DUE TO SORT ERROR Explanation: EHSE202E Deallocate transaction failed due to security violation. Compare Report. Correct and rerun. COMPARE TERMINATED, INPUT FILE B ALLOCATION ERROR Explanation: Compare Report. Hiperstation Messages: EHSD through ETTERM User Response: EHSE208E COMPARE TERMINATED, REPORT FILE ALLOCATION/OPEN ERROR Explanation: User Response: EHSE211I User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: Compare Report. Informational message. No user action necessary. Compare Report. Informational message. No user action necessary. Compare Report. Informational message. No user action necessary. Compare Report. Correct and rerun. Compare Report. Correct and rerun. Compare Report. Correct and rerun. ERROR FINDING INPUT FILE A LOG MEMBER Explanation: User Response: EHSE245E Informational message. No user action necessary. ERROR OPENING INPUT FILE B Explanation: EHSE244E Compare Report. ERROR OPENING INPUT FILE A Explanation: EHSE243E Correct and rerun, if this was not expected. ERROR OPENING TEMPORARY WORK FILE Explanation: EHSE242E Compare Report. END OF FILE ENCOUNTERED ON FILE A WHILE SEARCHING FOR NEXT FILEID Explanation: EHSE241E Informational message. No user action necessary. END OF FILE ENCOUNTERED ON FILE B WHILE SEARCHING FOR NEXT FILEID Explanation: EHSE231I Compare Report. FILE ID SYNCHRONIZATION REQUIRED - RECORDS WILL BE BYPASSED Explanation: EHSE230I Informational message. No user action necessary. COMPARE PROCESSING COMPLETED Explanation: EHSE229I Compare Report. COMPARE ERROR LIMIT EXCEEDED - PROCESSING TERMINATED Explanation: EHSE228I Correct and rerun. END OF FILE ENCOUNTERED ON FILE B - BYPASSING REMAINING FILE A RECORDS Explanation: EHSE227W Compare Report. END OF FILE ENCOUNTERED ON FILE A - BYPASSING REMAINING FILE B RECORDS Explanation: EHSE212I Correct and rerun. Compare Report. Correct and rerun. ERROR FINDING INPUT FILE B LOG MEMBER Explanation: User Response: Compare Report. Correct and rerun. 3-7 3-8 Hiperstation Messages and Codes EHSE246E SORT ERROR - REVIEW SYSOUT FOR DETAILS Explanation: An error occurred in the sort program invoked by the script compare process. User Response: Review the SYSOUT dataset or class specified on the CICS File Script Compare screen, correct the error, and rerun. EHSE247E INVALID RECORD IN FILE A MEMBER Explanation: User Response: EHSE248E Correct and rerun. INVALID RECORD IN FILE B MEMBER Explanation: User Response: EHSE286I Compare Report. Compare Report. Correct and rerun. DIFFERENCES FOUND, BUT RECORDS ARE ENCRYPTED - NOT SHOWN Explanation: User Response: Compare Report. Informational message. No user action necessary. EHSP EHSP023E EXPECTED PREPARE-TO-RECEIVE FROM PARTNER NOT RECEIVED, STATUS FOLLOWS - Explanation: User Response: EHSP024E User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: During an expedited receive where no errors were expected, an error was Inspect the script and make the appropriate correction. The partner was to send a deallocate, but it was not received. Inspect the script and make correction. The partner was to send a deallocate, but data was received. Inspect the script and make the appropriate correction. EXPECTED RECEIVE, BUT DEALLOCATE PRESENT, STATUS FOLLOWS -- Explanation: User Response: EHSP030E Inspect the script and make the appropriate correction. EXPECTED DEALLOCATE BUT RECEIVED DATA, STATUS FOLLOWS -- Explanation: EHSP029E During a normal receive where no errors were expected, an error was received. EXPECTED DEALLOCATE NOT FOUND, STATUS FOLLOWS -- Explanation: EHSP028E Inspect the script and make the appropriate correction. ERROR DURING EXPEDITED RECEIVE COMPLETED, STATUS FOLLOWS -- Explanation: received. EHSP027E During a normal receive where no errors were expected, an error was received. ERROR DURING RECEIVE ERROR COMPLETED, STATUS FOLLOWS -- Explanation: EHSP026E Inspect the script and make correction. ERROR DURING RECEIVE COMPLETED, STATUS FOLLOWS -- Explanation: EHSP025E A prepare-to-receive was expected from the partner but was not received. The partner was to send data, but a deallocate was received. Inspect the script and make the appropriate correction. EXPECTED CONFIRM FROM PARTNER NOT RECEIVED, STATUS FOLLOWS - Explanation: User Response: A Confirm was expected from the partner but was not received. Inspect the script and make correction. Hiperstation Messages: EHSD through ETTERM EHSP031E DEALLOCATE LOCATED, BUT OTHER THAN LOG DATA FOUND, STATUS FOLLOWS -- Explanation: User Response: EHSP032E 3-9 The deallocate was expected, but the log data is not correct. Inspect the script and make the appropriate correction. EXPECTED LOG DATA MISSING FOR DEALLOCATE, STATUS FOLLOWS -- Explanation: User Response: The deallocate was expected with log data, but none was found. Inspect the script and make the appropriate correction. EHSP041I ALLOCATE FOUND WHEN HIPERSTATION FOR MAINFRAME SERVERS WAS TO RECEIVE ALLOCATE, ALLOCATE IGNORED Explanation: The conversation log indicates the LU was to receive an allocate, but an ALLOCATE was found in the script. User Response: EHSP042I Inspect the script and make the appropriate correction. ALLOCATE STATEMENT IN SCRIPT FOUND DURING CONVERSATION - IGNORED Explanation: After a conversation started, another ALLOCATE statement was found in the script. This second ALLOCATE is ignored. User Response: EHSP051I Inspect the script and remove the incorrect ALLOCATE. INVALID SCRIPT RECORD TYPE FOUND Explanation: The script contains record types that are not compatible with the type of conversation or LU. User Response: EHSP055I Inspect the script and make the appropriate correction. REPLAYING SCRIPT xxxxxxxx COMPARE EXCEPTIONS: xxxx/tttt Explanation: During the playback of a 3270 script, xxxx compare exceptions were encountered out of a total of tttt screens. This message applies to 3270 terminals only. EHSTF EHSTF001 Script mmmmmmmm already exists in OUTPUT dataset and will not be replaced. Explanation: The mmmmmmmm script being processed already exists in your OUTPUT dataset and you have not set CONTROL REPLACE=YES. User Response: If you want existing scripts to be replaced in your OUTPUT script dataset, you must supply the CONTROL REPLACE=YES statement. EHSTF002 Problem with script mmmmmmmm in OUTPUT dataset: EHSTF003 dddd Explanation: The message filter program could not access script mmmmmmmm in the OUTPUT dataset. Message EHST003 gives details of why the script dataset could not be accessed. User Response: Ensure that the script dataset is a PDS or PDSE, that you have authorization to access the dataset (via your site’s security product), and that the dataset is not in use by another job or user. Correct the problem outlined in dddd. EHSTF004 Script mmmmmmmm does not exist in iiiiiiii dataset. Explanation: dataset. User Response: statement. You entered script mmmmmmmm, which does not exist in your INPUT Correct or remove the incorrect member name on the SELECT SCRIPT 3-10 Hiperstation Messages and Codes EHSTF005 Problem with script mmmmmmmm in INPUT dataset: EHSTF006 dddd Explanation: The message filter program could not access script mmmmmmmm in the INPUT dataset. Message EHST006 gives details of why the script dataset could not be accessed. User Response: Ensure that the script dataset is a PDS or PDSE, that you have authorization to access the dataset (via your site’s security product), and that the dataset is not in use by another job or user. Correct the problem outlined in dddd. EHSTF007 Could not close file oooooooo for script mmmmmmmm. Explanation: User Response: EHSTF008 A problem occurred attempting to finish processing script mmmmmmmm. See preceding messages EHSTF031 and EHSTF032 for details. Script mmmmmmmm does not contain any <INPUT> or <OUTPUT> statements. Explanation: There are no <INPUT> or <OUTPUT> script tags in mmmmmmmm. User Response: Informational message. You may be processing data that is not a Hiperstation script. The script is copied unchanged to the OUTPUT dataset. EHSTF009 Could not open file iiiiiiii for script mmmmmmmm. Explanation: A problem was encountered attempting to start processing script mmmmmmmm. User Response: EHSTF010 See preceding messages EHSTF029 and EHSTF030 for details. In script mmmmmmmm, <INPUT> tag out of place on line llllllll. Explanation: An <INPUT> tag was found while still processing a previous <INPUT> or <OUTPUT> group. User Response: Correct the script so that no <INPUT> or <OUTPUT> tags appear between other <INPUT>…</INPUT> and <OUTPUT>…</OUTPUT> groups. EHSTF011 In script mmmmmmmm, <OUTPUT> tag out of place on line llllllll. Explanation: An <OUTPUT> tag was found while still processing a previous <INPUT> or <OUTPUT> group. User Response: Correct the script so that no <INPUT> or <OUTPUT> tags appear between other <INPUT>…</INPUT> and <OUTPUT>…</OUTPUT> groups. EHSTF012 In script mmmmmmmm, </INPUT> tag out of place on line llllllll. Explanation: An </INPUT> tag was found while still processing a previous <OUTPUT> group or before an <INPUT> tag had been seen. User Response: Correct the script so that no </INPUT> tag appears before a corresponding <INPUT> tag or within an <OUTPUT>…</OUTPUT> group. EHSTF013 In script mmmmmmmm, </OUTPUT> tag out of place on line llllllll. Explanation: An </OUTPUT> tag was found while still processing a previous <INPUT> group or before an <OUTPUT> tag had been seen. User Response: Correct the script so that no </OUTPUT> tag appears before a corresponding <OUTPUT> tag or within an <INPUT>…</INPUT> group. EHSTF014 Script mmmmmmmm does not end with a </gggggggg> tag. Explanation: still in effect. User Response: The end of the script was reached while an <INPUT> or <OUTPUT> group was Correct the script by adding the necessary </INPUT> or </OUTPUT> tag. EHSTF015 Problem reading file iiiiiiii for script mmmmmmmm. EHSTF016 INPUT record number(llllllll). Explanation: A problem was encountered while reading data from script mmmmmmmm. Message EHSTF016 shows the relative record number in the member that was being processed. Hiperstation Messages: EHSD through ETTERM User Response: EHSTF017 3-11 See preceding messages EHSTF025 and EHSTF026 for details. Could not open file dddddddd for script mmmmmmmm. Explanation: A problem was encountered attempting to start processing script mmmmmmmm. The problem is with the OUTPUT dataset. User Response: See preceding messages EHSTF029 and EHSTF030 for details. EHSTF018 Problem writing file dddddddd for script mmmmmmmm. EHSTF019 OUTPUT record number(llllllll). Explanation: A problem was encountered while writing data to script mmmmmmmm in the OUTPUT dataset. Message EHSTF019 shows the relative record number in the member that was being processed. User Response: EHSTF020 See preceding messages EHSTF027 and EHSTF028 for details. Could not open file dddddddd for script mmmmmmmm. Explanation: A problem was encountered attempting to start processing script mmmmmmmm. The problem is with the OUTPUT dataset. User Response: See preceding messages EHSTF029 and EHSTF030 for details. EHSTF021 Problem writing file dddddddd for script mmmmmmmm. EHSTF022 OUTPUT record number(llllllll). Explanation: A problem was encountered while writing data to script mmmmmmmm in the OUTPUT dataset. Message EHSTF022 shows the relative record number in the member that was being processed. User Response: See preceding messages EHSTF027 and EHSTF028 for details. EHSTF023 Problem writing file dddddddd for script mmmmmmmm. EHSTF024 OUTPUT record number(llllllll). Explanation: A problem was encountered while writing data to script mmmmmmmm in the OUTPUT dataset. Message EHSTF024 shows the relative record number in the member that was being processed. User Response: See preceding messages EHSTF027 and EHSTF028 for details. EHSTF025 For member mmmmmmmm, problem in READ_FILE routine: EHSTF026 dddd Explanation: A problem was encountered while reading data from the INPUT dataset. Message EHSTF026 shows the details of the problem. User Response: Take the corrective action indicated by the detail messages. EHSTF027 For member mmmmmmmm, problem in WRITE_FILE routine: EHSTF028 dddd Explanation: A problem was encountered while writing data to the OUTPUT dataset. Message EHSTF028 shows the details of the problem. User Response: Take the corrective action indicated by the detail messages. EHSTF029 For member mmmmmmmm, problem in OPEN_FILE routine: EHSTF030 dddd Explanation: A problem was encountered while starting to process either the INPUT or OUTPUT dataset. Message EHSTF030 shows the details of the problem. User Response: Take the corrective action indicated by the detail messages. 3-12 Hiperstation Messages and Codes EHSTF031 For member mmmmmmmm, problem in CLOSE_FILE routine: EHSTF032 dddd Explanation: A problem was encountered while finishing processing either the INPUT or OUTPUT dataset. Message EHSTF032 shows the details of the problem. User Response: Take the corrective action indicated by the detail messages. EHSTF033 For member mmmmmmmm, problem in ALLOCATE_FILE routine: EHSTF034 dddd Explanation: A problem was encountered while starting to process either the INPUT or OUTPUT dataset. Message EHSTF034 shows the details of the problem. User Response: Take the corrective action indicated by the detail messages. EHSTF035 For member mmmmmmmm, problem in FREE_FILE routine: EHSTF036 dddd Explanation: A problem was encountered while finishing processing either the INPUT or OUTPUT dataset. Message EHSTF036 shows the details of the problem. User Response: EHSTF037 Take the corrective action indicated by the detail messages. No scripts in dddddddd to process. Explanation: User Response: There are no scripts in the INPUT dataset. Enter a different INPUT dataset that contains scripts to process. EHSTF038 The dddddddd file must be a PDS or PDSE. EHSTF039 The dddddddd file is DSORG=oo. Explanation: The INPUT dataset is not a partitioned dataset. Message EHSTF039 shows the dataset’s organization (DSORG). User Response: EHSTF040 Enter a different INPUT dataset that is a PDS or PDSE. Problem allocating dddddddd file, RC(rr), SYSREASON(ss). Explanation: The INPUT dataset could not be accessed. User Response: See the LISTDSI reason codes in IBM’s TSO/E Version 2 Procedures Language MVS/REXX Reference for more information. EHSTF041 Internal error in Arrange_Parms_1 Explanation: program. User Response: EHSTF042 User Response: An internal processing error occurred while running the message filter Contact Compuware Customer Support for assistance. Internal error in Arrange_Parms_3 Explanation: program. User Response: EHSTF044 Contact Compuware Customer Support for assistance. Internal error in Arrange_Parms_2 Explanation: program. EHSTF043 An internal processing error occurred while running the message filter An internal processing error occurred while running the message filter Contact Compuware Customer Support for assistance. Internal error in Arrange_Parms_4 Explanation: program. User Response: An internal processing error occurred while running the message filter Contact Compuware Customer Support for assistance. Hiperstation Messages: EHSD through ETTERM EHSTF045 3-13 You must supply at least one INCLUDE or EXCLUDE statement. Explanation: You have not supplied an INCLUDE or EXCLUDE statement in your JCL for the message filter program. The INCLUDE and EXCLUDE statements identify REXX programs that select important screens from your scripts. User Response: EHSTF046 dddddddd file contained no records. Explanation: program. User Response: EHSTF047 Supply at least one INCLUDE or EXCLUDE statement. Your JCL does not contain any control statements for the message filter Supply control statements under the SYSIN DD JCL statement. Problem allocating dddddddd file, RC(rr), SYSREASON(ss). Explanation: The SYSIN file (or the file you have substituted for SYSIN via the PARM keyword in your JCL) cannot be accessed. User Response: Make sure that you have a DD statement for SYSIN in your JCL. If you have entered a substitute name on the EXC PGM=IKJEFT01,PARM= statement, make sure that name is used instead of SYSIN in your JCL. EHSTF048 File dddddddd is not allocated. Explanation: The SYSIN, INPUT, OUTPUT, or REXX DD statements are missing from the JCL or cannot be accessed. User Response: EHSTF049 Line nnnn: Unknown SYSIN control statement: ssssssss Explanation: User Response: EHSTF060 Verify that a dddddddd DD statement appears in the message filter JCL. A statement was found in the SYSIN data that was not recognized. Valid control statements are CONTROL, SELECT, INCLUDE, and EXCLUDE. Line nnnn: Unknown ssssssss keyword: kkkkkkkk Explanation: A keyword was found on the ssssssss statement that was not recognized. User Response: For the CONTROL statement, the valid keywords are DEFAULT, REPLACE, COMMENT, INDD, OUTDD, REXXDD, and REPORTDD. For the SELECT statement, the valid keyword is SCRIPT. For the INCLUDE and EXCLUDE statements, the valid keywords are TRAN and PARM. EHSTF061 Problem with EXEC mmmmmmmm in REXX dataset: EHSTF062 dddd Explanation: The message filter program was unable to access your REXX dataset. Message EHSTF062 shows the details of the problem. User Response: Take the corrective action indicated by the detail messages. EHSTF063 XEC mmmmmmmm, problem in BUILD_USER_EXITS routine: EHSTF064 dddd Explanation: The message filter program was unable to access your REXX dataset. Message EHSTF064 shows the details of the problem. User Response: Take the corrective action indicated by the detail messages. EHSTF065 For script mmmmmmmm, exit xxxxxxxx set HS_WHICH to (vvvvvvvv), it must be null, Previous, Current, or Next. Explanation: variable. User Response: above. Your REXX exit program passed back an invalid value in the HS_WHICH Correct your REXX exit program to pass back one of the valid values listed 3-14 Hiperstation Messages and Codes EHSTF066 1. For script mmmmmmmm, exit xxxxxxxx set HS_MATCH to (vvvvvvvv), it must be 0 or Explanation: variable. User Response: above. Your REXX exit program passed back an invalid value in the HS_MATCH Correct your REXX exit program to pass back one of the valid values listed EHSTF067 The iiiiiiii file must be a PDS/PDSE. EHSTF068 The iiiiiiii file is DSORG=oo. Explanation: The INPUT dataset is not a partitioned dataset. Message EHSTF068 shows the dataset’s organization (DSORG). User Response: Enter a different dataset that is a PDS or PDSE. EHSTF069 The oooooooo file must be a PDS/PDSE. EHSTF070 The oooooooo file is DSORG=oo. Explanation: The OUTPUT dataset is not a partitioned dataset. Message EHSTF070 shows the dataset’s organization (DSORG). User Response: Enter a different dataset that is a PDS or PDSE. EHSTF071 The rrrrrrrr file must be a PDS/PDSE. EHSTF072 The rrrrrrrr file is DSORG=oo. Explanation: The REXX dataset is not a partitioned dataset. Message EHSTF072 shows the dataset organization (DSORG) of the REXX dataset. User Response: EHSTF073 Enter a different dataset that is a PDS or PDSE. The iiiiiiii file has a larger record length than the oooooooo file. Explanation: Your INPUT script dataset may contain records longer than your OUTPUT script dataset allows. User Response: Enter an OUTPUT script dataset that has a record length (LRECL) at least as large as your INPUT dataset. EHSTF087 Line nnnn: Only one ssssssss statement is allowed. Explanation: Your SYSIN data contains a statement that is repeated; this particular statement is allowed only once. User Response: EHSTF088 Remove all but one occurrence of the statement. Line nnnn: On the ssssssss statement, the kkkkkkkk keyword is required. Explanation: Your SYSIN data has not supplied a required keyword for one of the statements. User Response: EHSTF089 Add the keyword to your SYSIN statement. Line nnnn: On the ssssssss statement, only one kkkkkkkk keyword is allowed. Explanation: Your SYSIN data contains a statement with a keyword that is repeated; this particular keyword is allowed only once. User Response: EHSTF090 Line nnnn: On the ssssssss statement and the kkkkkkkk keyword, the value is missing. Explanation: User Response: EHSTF091 allowed. Remove all but one occurrence of the keyword. You have supplied a keyword on a statement but no value for the keyword. The keyword and value must be in the form: ‘KEYWORD=value’. Line nnnn: On the ssssssss statement and the kkkkkkkk keyword, only one value is Explanation: Your SYSIN data contains a statement with a keyword that has multiple values; this particular keyword allows only a single value. User Response: Remove all but one occurrence of the value for this keyword. Hiperstation Messages: EHSD through ETTERM EHSTF092 not valid. 3-15 Line nnnn: On the ssssssss statement and the kkkkkkkk keyword, the vvvvvvvv value is Explanation: Your SYSIN data contains a statement with a keyword that has an invalid value. User Response: On the CONTROL statement, the DEFAULT keyword values must be INCLUDE or EXCLUDE, the REPLACE keyword values must be NO or YES, and the COMMENT keyword values must be NO or YES. EHSTF093 dddddddd must be a PDS or PDSE. EHSTF094 It is DSORG=oo. Explanation: Either the INPUT or OUTPUT dataset is not a PDS. Message EHSTF094 shows the dataset organization (DSORG) of the INPUT or OUTPUT dataset. User Response: EHSTF095 Supply a PDS or PDSE for both the INPUT and OUTPUT datasets. Problem allocating dddddddd, RC(rr), SYSREASON(ss). Explanation: The INPUT or OUTPUT dataset could not be accessed. User Response: See the LISTDSI reason codes in IBM’s TSO/E Version 2 Procedures Language MVS/REXX Reference for more information. EHSTF096 NOVALUE condition raised on line(llll): EHSTF097 SourceLine(nnnnnnnn)) EHSTF098 Variable(rrrrrrrr) Explanation: An internal error occurred in the message filter program. Messages EHSTF097 and EHSTF098 provide more information. User Response: Contact Compuware Customer Support for assistance. EHSTF099 Script mmmmmmmm contains invalid <I00> tag. EHSTF100 You should correct this script. Explanation: The script contains an <I00> tag, which is not valid. User Response: If you manually entered the <I00> tag, change it to a valid value. If this tag was created by Hiperstation for VTAM, contact Compuware Customer Support for assistance. EHSTF101 Abend code(ccc) Explanation: A system abend of hex ccc occurred when message filter tried to open a dataset. User Response: If the abend code is 913, your security system denied access to the dataset. In this case, shut down the global recording started task, change your security access rules to allow the global recording jobname to access the dataset, and restart the global recording started task. For other abend codes, check the MVS or OS/390 System Codes manual for an explanation of the problem. EHSTF102 Unknown request(nn), hex(xx) Explanation: User Response: EHSTF103 Contact Compuware Customer Support for help. <mmmmmmm> Explanation: User Response: EHSTF104 An internal error has occurred in the message filter. Diagnostic output was requested and appears in this message. Report the information to Compuware Customer Support. Starting the ETRMMSGF exec, MSGF(xxxxxxxx) Explanation: Message filter started successfully. EHSTF105 Free: S99ERROR(xxxx) Free: S99INFO (xxxx) Free: S99ERSN (xxxx) Allocate: S99ERROR(xxxx) 3-16 Hiperstation Messages and Codes Allocate: S99INFO (xxxx) Allocate: S99ERSN (xxxx) Explanation: The dynamic de-allocation for (for Free messages) or allocation (for Allocate messages) of a dataset has failed. For a description of xxxx, see the appropriate (S99…) Error Reason Codes section of the IBM Authorized Assembler Services Guide. User Response: For Free messages, contact Compuware Customer Support for help. For Allocate messages, likely causes are that the dataset does not exist, or the global recording started task does not have security access to the dataset. EHSTF106 Generate_report: INFO RC(nn) Generate_report: ALLOCATE RC(nn) Explanation: Hiperstation for VTAM could not obtains dataset information via an INFO request or dynamically allocate the report dataset via an ALLOCATE request. This message displays with message EHSTF109, which shows the name of the dataset with which a problem occurred. User Response: dataset. EHSTF107 Ensure that the dataset exists and the script create task has access to the Generate_report: OPEN RC(nn) Explanation: The report dataset could not be opened for output. Refer to message EHSTF109 for the name of the dataset. User Response: dataset. EHSTF108 Ensure the dataset exists and the script create task has write access to the Generate_report: WRITE RC(nn) Explanation: The report dataset could not be written to. Refer to message EHSTF109 for the name of the dataset. User Response: The likely cause is that the dataset characteristics are incorrect. Ensure that the report dataset is sequential or partitioned, and has a record format of F, FB, V, or VB. EHSTF109 Could not write report dataset ‘dddddddd’ Explanation: EHSTF108. This message reports the dataset causing messages EHSTF106, EHSTF107, or EHSTF110 Report dataset ‘dddddddd’ is neither sequential nor partitioned, DSORG=‘xx’x Report dataset ‘dddddddd’ is neither fixed nor variable, RECFM=‘xx’x Explanation: The dataset organization (for the DSORG message) or record format (for the RECFM message) for the report dataset is incorrect. User Response: Ensure that the report dataset is sequential or partitioned, and has a record format of F, FB, V, or VB. EMALC EMALC000 DATASET IN USE - DATASET IS BEING USED BY ANOTHER USER OR JOB Explanation: User Response: EMALC001 TOO LONG The dataset you specified is currently in use. Wait for the other user or job to finish, then try again. INVALID MEMBER NAME - MEMBER NAME CONTAINS INVALID CHARATERS OR IS Explanation: The member name you specified contains either more than 8 characters or characters that the system doe s not accept. User Response: Shorten the name to eight characters or less, or remove or change the offending characters. EMALC002 INVALID DATASET NAME Explanation: The dataset name you specified is invalid. Hiperstation Messages: EHSD through ETTERM User Response: then try again. EMALC003 Make sure the name is not too long and does not have invalid characters, DATASET NOT A PDS Explanation: User Response: EMALC004 3-17 The dataset you specified is sequential. Use a partitioned dataset. DATASET NOT FOUND - NOT ON VOLUME AS INDICATED IN CATALOG Explanation: User Response: The dataset you specified could not be found. Make sure the name is typed correctly and that the dataset does exist. EMALC012 DATASET ALREADY EXISTS - THE DATASET TO BE CREATED FOR THIS OPERATION ALREADY EXISTS Explanation: User Response: The dataset you specified already exists. Use a name that does not exist so it can be created for this operation. EMCAT EMCAT001 DATASET HAS BEEN MIGRATED Explanation: User Response: EMCAT002 The dataset you specified is now backed up as an archive. Recall the dataset and retry. ENTER A DATASET NAME Explanation: User Response: You have not entered a dataset name. Enter a dataset name and retry. EMFIN EMFIN000 INVALID OPERAND - VALID FIND COMMAND OPERANDS ARE ‘FIRST’, ‘LAST, ‘NEXT’, AND ‘PREV’ Explanation: User Response: You have not entered a valid find command. Retry using either ‘FIRST’, ‘LAST’, ‘NEXT’, or ‘PREV’. EMFIN001 REQUIRED STRING MISSING - THE FIND COMMAND REQUIRES SPECIFICATION OF A TARGET STRING Explanation: User Response: You have used the find command without specifying a target string. Specify the target string and retry. EMFIN005 CHARACTERS NOT FOUND - THE CHARACTERS SPECIFIED INT HE FIND COMMAND ARE NOT IN THIS LIST Explanation: User Response: The characters you specified as a target string were not found in the list. Retry search with a different target string, if desired. EMFIN008 ENTER A FIND COMMAND - THE RFIND KEY WORKS ONLY AFTER A FIND CHARACTER STRING IS ENTERED Explanation: with. User Response: The RFIND command requires a previously set target string to retry the find Use FIND with a target string, then repeat the find using the RFIND key. 3-18 Hiperstation Messages and Codes EMGSL EMGSL000 INVALID COMMAND - THE COMMAND ON THE COMMAND LINE IS NOT VALID FOR THIS APPLICATION Explanation: User Response: The command you typed is not recognized by the application. Make sure the command is spelled correctly, or try another command. EMGSL002 INVALID LINE COMMAND - THE COMMAND ON THE COMMAND LINE IS NOT VALID FOR THIS APPLICATION Explanation: User Response: The command you typed is not recognized by the application. Make sure the command is spelled correctly, or try another command. EML62 EML62001 ALLOCATION FAILURE, NO RETRY Explanation: The conversation cannot be allocated because of a permanent condition. User Response: The mode may have been closed, setting the session limit to zero. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0004 RCSEC=0000. EML62002 ALLOCATION FAILURE, RETRY Explanation: The conversation cannot be allocated because of a temporary condition. User Response: A temporary lack of resources may be the cause. A rerun of the playback may correct the problem. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0004 RCSEC=0001. EML62003 ALLOCATION ERROR, CONVERSATION TYPE MISMATCH Explanation: The partner LU rejected the allocation request because the remote transaction program does not support the chosen mapped or basic conversation. User Response: Check that you are attempting to play back to the correct LU and TPNAME. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0004 RCSEC=0002. EML62004 ALLOCATION ERROR, PIP NOT ALLOWED Explanation: The partner LU rejected the allocation request because the partner LU does not support PIP data or the remote transaction program does not contain PIP variables. User Response: Check that you are attempting to play back to the correct LU and TPNAME. If PIP data is not actually desired, remove it from the allocation statement. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0004 RCSEC=0003. EML62005 ALLOCATION ERROR, PIP NOT SPECIFIED CORRECTLY Explanation: The partner LU rejected the allocation request because the local application had no PIP data and the remote transaction program expects PIP data or the local application listed a different number of PIP variables than is expected by the remote transaction program. User Response: Check that you are attempting to play back to the correct LU and TPNAME. Also check that PIP data is correct in the allocation statement. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0004 RCSEC=0004. EML62006 ALLOCATION ERROR, SECURITY NOT VALID Explanation: The partner LU rejected the allocation request because the local application listed invalid access security data. Hiperstation Messages: EHSD through ETTERM 3-19 User Response: Check that the entered user ID and password are correct. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0004 RCSEC=0005. EML62007 ALLOCATION ERROR, SYNCLEVEL NOT SUPPORTED BY LU Explanation: The partner LU rejected the allocation request because the synchronization level set in the allocation request is not supported by both LUs. User Response: Check that the specific SYNCLVL is supported on both the local and partner LU. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0004 RCSEC=0006. EML62008 ALLOCATION ERROR, SYNCLEVEL NOT SUPPORTED BY PGM Explanation: The partner LU rejected the allocation request because the synchronization level set in the allocation request is not supported by the remote transaction program. User Response: Check that the specific SYNCLVL is supported by the remote application program. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0004 RCSEC=0007. EML62009 ALLOCATION ERROR, TPN NOT RECOGNIZED Explanation: The partner LU rejected the allocation request because the chosen transaction program name is unknown to the partner LU. User Response: Check that the TPNAME exists on the partner LU. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference2 for information on return code RCPRI=0004 RCSEC=0008. EML62010 ALLOCATION ERROR, TPN NOT AVAILABLE, NO RETRY Explanation: The partner LU rejected the allocation request. The listed transaction program name is recognized by the partner LU, but it cannot be started. User Response: The condition is permanent. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0004 RCSEC=0009. EML62011 ALLOCATION ERROR, TPN NOT AVAILABLE, RETRY Explanation: The partner LU rejected the allocation request. The listed transaction program name is recognized by the partner LU, but it cannot be started. User Response: The condition is temporary. Rerunning the playback may correct the problem. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0004 RCSEC=000A. EML62015 ALLOCATION ERROR, MODE MUST BE RESTORED BEFORE USING Explanation: The allocation request is rejected because the listed mode name is pending recovery for persistent LU-LU sessions. User Response: See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0004 RCSEC=000E. EML62017 ALLOCATION ERROR, SYNCLEVEL INVALID FOR FULL DUPLEX Explanation: The allocation request is rejected because it lists a synchronization level that is not supported by full duplex. User Response: Verify the specific SYNCLVL and TYPE. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0004 RCSEC=0010. EML62018 ALLOCATION ERROR, FULL DUPLEX NOT SUPPORTED BY LU PAIR Explanation: The allocation request is rejected because it lists a full duplex conversation and the LU pair does not support it. User Response: Verify the specific TYPE and that both LUs support full duplex conversations. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0004 RCSEC=0011. 3-20 Hiperstation Messages and Codes EML62031 CNOS ERROR, ALLOCATION FAILURE, NO RETRY Explanation: The control operator conversation could not be started because of a condition that is not temporary. User Response: See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0008 RCSEC=0000. EML62032 CNOS ERROR, ALLOCATION FAILURE, RETRY Explanation: condition. The control operator conversation could not be started due to a temporary User Response: A rerun of the playback may correct the problem. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0008 RCSEC=0001. EML62033 CNOS ERROR, TPN NOT AVAILABLE, RETRY Explanation: The partner LU is unable to start the x‘06F1’ SNA service transaction program because of a temporary condition such as a lack of resources. User Response: A rerun of the playback may correct the problem. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0008 RCSEC=0002. EML62034 CNOS ERROR, TPN NOT AVAILABLE, NO RETRY Explanation: The partner LU is unable to start the x‘06F1’ SNA service transaction program because of a permanent condition. User Response: See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0008 RCSEC=0003. EML62035 CNOS ERROR, CONVERSATION TYPE MISMATCH Explanation: The partner LU rejected the CNOS conversation allocation because the remote transaction program does not support the chosen mapped or basic conversation type. User Response: Check that you are attempting to play back to the correct LU and TPNAME. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0008 RCSEC=0004. EML62036 CNOS ERROR, SECURITY NOT VALID Explanation: The partner LU rejected the CNOS conversation allocation because the access security information supplied by VTAM is invalid. User Response: Check that you are attempting to play back to the correct LU and TPNAME. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information about return code RCPRI=0008 RCSEC=0005. EML62037 CNOS ERROR, MODE MUST BE RESTORED BEFORE USING Explanation: The partner LU rejected the CNOS conversation allocation because the listed mode name is pending recovery for persistent LU-LU sessions. User Response: Check that you are attempting to play back to the correct LU and TPNAME. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0008 RCSEC=0006. EML62039 CNOS ERROR, RESOURCE FAILURE, NO RETRY Explanation: The APPCCMD CONTROL=OPRCNTL,QUALIFY=CNOS macro did not execute because a failure caused the control operator conversation to be deallocated prematurely. This is probably caused by a session outage. User Response: See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=000C RCSEC=0000. EML62060 THE PARTNER LU ISSUED DEALLOCATE ABEND PROGRAM Explanation: An unexpected DEALLOCATE TYPE(ABEND_PROG) was received from the partner LU. An application error is the probable cause of the abend. Program changes on the partner LU may have made the script obsolete. Hiperstation Messages: EHSD through ETTERM 3-21 User Response: Check that the script being played back is compatible with the remote transaction program. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0014 RCSEC=0000. EML62061 THE PARTNER LU ISSUED DEALLOCATE ABEND SERVICE Explanation: An unexpected DEALLOCATE TYPE(ABEND_SVC) was received from the partner LU. An application error is the probable cause of the abend. Program changes on the partner LU may have made the script obsolete. User Response: Check that the script being played back is compatible with the remote transaction program. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0018 RCSEC=0000. EML62062 THE PARTNER LU ISSUED DEALLOCATE ABEND TIMER Explanation: An unexpected DEALLOCATE TYPE(ABEND_TIMER) was received from the partner LU. An application error is the probable cause of the abend. Program changes on the partner LU may have made the script obsolete. User Response: Check that the script being played back is compatible with the remote transaction program. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=001C RCSEC=0000. EML62070 CNOS FAILURE, RETRY Explanation: A conversation was started with the partner LU. However, a failure occurred that caused the conversation to be prematurely terminated. This could be caused by a session outage such as a line or modem failure. User Response: A rerun of the playback may correct the problem. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0020 RCSEC=0000. EML62080 LOGICAL RECORD BOUNDARY ERROR Explanation: The application program began sending a logical record before the previous logical record was sent in its entirety. This may be caused by an error in the CONTENT records in the script. User Response: Check that any script editing was done correctly. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0024 RCSEC=0000. EML62090 LU MODE SESSION LIMIT CLOSED Explanation: The APPCCMD CONTROL=OPRCNTL,QUALIFY=CNOS macro did not execute successfully because the partner LU will not allow the session limit for the chosen mode to be set above zero. Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers has attempted to issue a CNOS request before allocating a conversation with the chosen partner LU. However, the partner LU has already set the session limits to zero for this mode. User Response: Check that this action by the remote transaction program is appropriate. The requested playback scenario may not be compatible with the application design. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0028 RCSEC=0000. EML62101 PARAMETER ERROR, INVALID LU NAME OR NETWORK ID Explanation: The listed LU name or network identifier is unknown. User Response: Check that the correct LU name or network identifier has been entered, defined, and enabled. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=002C RCSEC=0000. EML62102 PARAMETER ERROR, INVALID MODE Explanation: pair. The chosen mode name is unknown or is not allowed for the chosen LU-LU User Response: Check that the correct mode name is listed for the LU-LU pair. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=002C RCSEC=0001. 3-22 Hiperstation Messages and Codes EML62103 PARAMETER ERROR, INVALID CONVERSATION Explanation: An invalid conversation ID was listed on the APPCCMD. This may be caused by the partner application issuing a REJECT. User Response: Check that the script being played back is compatible with the remote transaction program. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=002C RCSEC=0002. EML62104 PARAMETER ERROR, INVALID LOGICAL RECORD LENGTH Explanation: The supplied data record contains an invalid logical record length. This may be caused by an error in the CONTENT records in the script. The record contains a length value of X‘0000’, X‘0001’, X‘8000’, or X‘8001’. A length of X‘0001’ indicates a presentation services header and is allowed only for conversations with a synchpoint synchronization level. User Response: Check that any script editing was done correctly. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=002C RCSEC=0003. EML62111 PARAMETER ERROR, INCOMPLETE FMH5 SUPPLIED Explanation: The supplied FMH5 header is incomplete. User Response: Call Compuware Customer Support. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=002C RCSEC=000A. EML62112 PARAMETER ERROR, INCOMPLETE GDS VARIABLE SUPPLIED Explanation: An abnormal termination deallocate was issued but the supplied GDS variable was incomplete. This may be caused by an error in the LOGDATA CONTENT record for the deallocate in the script. User Response: Check that any script editing was done correctly. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=002C RCSEC=000B. EML62117 PARAMETER ERROR, INVALID DATA ADDRESS OR LENGTH Explanation: The supplied APPCCMD work area address is invalid. User Response: Call Compuware Customer Support. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=002C RCSEC=0010. EML62118 PARAMETER ERROR, PREVIOUS MACRO OUTSTANDING Explanation: An APPCCMD was issued that processes on the same queue as another outstanding request. User Response: Call Compuware Customer Support. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=002C RCSEC=0011. EML62122 PARAMETER ERROR, INVALID TPN Explanation: An allocation request with an invalid or reserved transaction program name (such as x‘06F1’) was rejected. It is not permissible to use the SNA service transaction program x‘06F1’. User Response: Check the conversation log or script for the correct transaction program name. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=002C RCSEC=0015. EML62125 PARAMETER ERROR, INVALID LIMIT SPECIFIED Explanation: An APPCCMD CONTROL=OPRCNTL,QUALIFY=CNOS request contained an incorrect session limit value. User Response: Call Compuware Customer Support. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=002C RCSEC=0018. EML62129 PARAMETER ERROR, SINGLE SESS, MODE ALREADY INIT Explanation: An APPCCMD CONTROL=OPRCNTL,QUALIFY=CNOS request was issued to a single session LU that already has a mode name initialized to a non-zero value. User Response: Check that the conversation log does not have multiple allocate statements for playing back to the single session LU. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=002C RCSEC=001C. Hiperstation Messages: EHSD through ETTERM EML62133 3-23 PARAMETER ERROR, ABNORMAL DEALLOCATE REJECTED, RETRY Explanation: An APPCCMD CONTROL=DEALLOC,QUALIFY=ABNDPROG/ABNDSERV/ABNDTIME/ABNDUSER was issued while a request that cannot be cancelled is outstanding. Or, the conversation is in RECEIVE state and no data has been received. The script is probably in error. User Response: Check that any script editing was done correctly. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=002C RCSEC=0021. EML62136 PARAMETER ERROR, PS HEADER NOT SUPPLIED Explanation: VTAM rejected the send request because the supplied PS header was incomplete. This is probably caused by incorrect data in a script’s send CONTENT statement. User Response: Check that any script editing was done correctly. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=002C RCSEC=0024. EML62137 PARAMETER ERROR, PS HEADER LENGTH IS INSUFFICIENT Explanation: VTAM rejected the send request because the supplied PS header length was insufficient (the length is zero). This is probably caused by incorrect data in a script’s send CONTENT statement. User Response: Check that any script editing was done correctly. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=002C RCSEC=0025. EML62140 PARAMETER ERROR, CRYPTOGRAPHY NOT ALLOWED ON MODE Explanation: A SEND was issued that set encryption, but the mode does not support it. User Response: Check that the correct mode name has been listed in the conversation log or script allocation statement. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=002C RCSEC=0028. EML62144 PARAMETER ERROR, INVALID EXPEDITED DATA LENGTH Explanation: A SENDEXPD was issued that set a data length of zero, or greater than the maximum allowable size of 86 bytes. This is probably caused by incorrect data in a sendexpedited CONTENT statement in the script. User Response: Check that any script editing was done correctly and that the length of any expedited data is at least one and no more than 86 bytes. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=002C RCSEC=002C. EML62145 PARAMETER ERROR, INVALID SENSE CODE VALUE SPECIFIED Explanation: An APPCCMD CONTROL=DEALLOC,QUALIFY=ABNDUSER was issued that set an invalid sense code value. This is probably caused by incorrect data in the SENSE operand of the CMDEAL statement in the script. User Response: Check that any SENSE operand sets a valid sense code. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=002C RCSEC=002D. EML62200 PROGRAM ERROR NO TRUNCATION Explanation: The remote transaction program issued an unexpected SEND_ERROR TYPE(PROG) but the data that has been received (if any) is a complete logical record. This may be caused by changes to the remote transaction program that have rendered it incompatible with the script. It may also be caused by incorrect changes being made to the script. User Response: Check that the correct partner LU and remote transaction program are set, and that the program is not changed in a way that affects the conversation. The script may need to be re-recorded. Also, check that any script editing has been done correctly. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0030 RCSEC=0000. EML62201 PROGRAM ERROR PURGING Explanation: The remote transaction program issued an unexpected SEND_ERROR TYPE(PROG) and may have purged data. This may be caused by changes to the remote transaction program that have rendered it incompatible with the script. It may also be caused by incorrect changes being made to the script. 3-24 Hiperstation Messages and Codes User Response: Check that the correct partner LU and remote transaction program are set and that the program is not changed in a way that affects the conversation. The script may need to be re-recorded. Also, check that any script editing has been done correctly. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0034 RCSEC=0000. EML62202 PROGRAM ERROR TRUNCATING Explanation: The remote transaction program issued an unexpected SEND_ERROR TYPE(PROG) but the data that has been received (if any) is a truncated logical record. This may be caused by changes to the remote transaction program that have rendered it incompatible with the script. It may also be caused by incorrect changes being made to the script. User Response: Check that the correct partner LU and remote transaction program are set and that the program is not changed in a way that affects the conversation. The script may need to be re-recorded. Also, check that any script editing has been done correctly. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0038 RCSEC=0000. EML62203 SERVICE ERROR NO TRUNCATION Explanation: The remote transaction program issued an unexpected SEND_ERROR TYPE(SVC) but the data that has been received (if any) is a complete logical record. This may be caused by changes to the remote transaction program that have rendered it incompatible with the script. It may also be caused by incorrect changes being made to the script. User Response: Check that the correct partner LU and remote transaction program are set and that the program is not changed in a way that affects the conversation. The script may need to be re-recorded. Also, check that any script editing has been done correctly. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=003C RCSEC=0000. EML62204 SERVICE ERROR PURGING Explanation: The remote transaction program issued an unexpected SEND_ERROR TYPE(SVC) and may have purged data. This may be caused by changes to the remote transaction program that have rendered it incompatible with the script. It may also be caused by incorrect changes being made to the script. User Response: Check that the correct partner LU and remote transaction program are set and that the program is not changed in a way that affects the conversation. The script may need to be re-recorded. Also, check that any script editing has been done correctly. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0040 RCSEC=0000. EML62205 SERVICE ERROR TRUNCATING Explanation: The remote transaction program issued an unexpected SEND_ERROR TYPE(SVC) but the data that has been received (if any) is a truncated logical record. This may be caused by changes to the remote transaction program that have rendered it incompatible with the script. It may also be caused by incorrect changes being made to the script. User Response: Check that the correct partner LU and remote transaction program are set and that the program is not changed in a way that affects the conversation. The script may need to be re-recorded. Also, check that any script editing has been done correctly. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0044 RCSEC=0000. EML62206 RESOURCE FAILURE, NO RETRY Explanation: The conversation has been prematurely terminated by a permanent resource failure. This has probably been caused by a failure at the partner LU. This may also be caused by a protocol violation by the local LU. User Response: Determine the reason for the failure on the partner LU. Check that any script editing has been done correctly. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0048 RCSEC=0000. EML62207 RESOURCE FAILURE, RETRY Explanation: The conversation has been prematurely terminated by a temporary resource failure. This may be caused by a session outage such as a modem or line failure. Hiperstation Messages: EHSD through ETTERM 3-25 User Response: A rerun of the playback function may correct the problem. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=004C RCSEC=0000. EML62208 STATE ERROR Explanation: A request was issued that is inappropriate in the current conversation state. This may be caused by a change in the remote transaction program or by an incorrect change being made to the script. User Response: Check that any script editing has been done correctly and that the script is compatible with the remote transaction program. If changes have been made, it may be necessary to re-record the script. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0050 RCSEC=0000. EML62209 UNRECOGNIZED MODE NAME Explanation: A CNOS request failed because the listed mode name is unknown. User Response: Check that the mode name entered in the conversation log or script is correct and defined. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0054 RCSEC=0000. EML62220 USER ERROR CODE RECEIVED FOLLOWING A NEGATIVE RESPONSE Explanation: A sense code not interpreted by VTAM was received following a negative response. The SEND_ERROR from the partner LU was unexpected. User Response: Check that any script editing has been done correctly and that the script is compatible with the remote transaction program. If changes have been made, it may be necessary to re-record the script. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=005C RCSEC=0000. EML62221 USER ERROR CODE RECEIVED WITHOUT NEGATIVE RESPONSE Explanation: A sense code not interpreted by VTAM was received but was not preceded by a negative response. User Response: Check that any script editing has been done correctly and that the script is compatible with the remote transaction program. If changes have been made, it may be necessary to re-record the script. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=005C RCSEC=0001. EML62234 TEMPORARY STORAGE OR RESOURCE SHORTAGE Explanation: VTAM was unable to process a request because of a temporary storage or resource shortage. User Response: A rerun of the playback may correct the problem. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0070 RCSEC=0000. EML62235 HALT ISSUED Explanation: The operator has issued a HALT command. User Response: The playback must be rerun at a later time. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0074 RCSEC=0000. EML62236 VTAM INACTIVE FOR YOUR ACB Explanation: The ACB for the application is in the process of being closed because VTAM has become inactive or the operator has issued a VARY NET,INACT for the LU. User Response: The playback must be rerun at a later time. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0078 RCSEC=0000. EML62237 REQUEST ABORTED Explanation: VTAM has rejected the request because of an error detected during processing or an error in the session, task, or address space. This could result from an abend. User Response: The reason for the error must be determined. Check the job log. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=007C RCSEC=0000. 3-26 Hiperstation Messages and Codes EML62238 DEALLOCATE NORMAL Explanation: The remote transaction program issued an unexpected DEALLOCATE. This is reported when a SEND_ERROR is requested in RECEIVE state and the partner has deallocated the conversation. User Response: Check that any script editing has been done correctly and that the script is compatible with the remote transaction program. If changes have been made, the script may need to be re-recorded. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0080 RCSEC=0000. EML62239 STORAGE SHORTAGE Explanation: VTAM has encountered a storage shortage while attempting to complete a RECEIVE request. User Response: A rerun of the playback may correct the problem. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0084 RCSEC=0000. EML62240 CANCELED BY REJECT OR ABNORMAL DEALLOCATE Explanation: An in-progress request was cancelled by the partner LU with a REJECT or abnormal deallocate. User Response: Check that any script editing has been done correctly and that the script is compatible with the remote transaction program. If changes have been made, the script may need to be re-recorded. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0088 RCSEC=0000. EML62241 PARTNER COMMITTED PROTOCOL VIOLATION Explanation: The partner LU has violated conversation protocols. User Response: Check for errors at the partner LU. The cause of the problem is probably there. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=008C RCSEC=0000. EML62242 APPLICATION NOT APPC CAPABLE Explanation: The local LU being used for the playback has been defined as APPC=NO on the APPL definition statement. User Response: Use a different LU name or correct the LU definition. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0090 RCSEC=0000. EML62244 TEMPORARY STORAGE SHORTAGE WHILE SENDING DATA Explanation: A storage shortage occurred while attempting to send data. User Response: Ensure that storage requirements can be met and rerun the playback. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=0098 RCSEC=0000. EML62300 REQUEST N/A, LU PAIR DOES NOT SUPPORT EXPEDITED DATA Explanation: One or both of the LUs does not support expedited data. User Response: Rerun the playback using an LU pair that supports expedited data. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=00A0 RCSEC=0001. EML62301 REQUEST N/A, REQUEST BLOCKED Explanation: VTAM rejected the request because the conversation is in the process of being deallocated or terminated. User Response: Check that any script editing has been done correctly and that the script is compatible with the remote transaction program. If changes have been made, the script may need to be re-recorded. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=00A0 RCSEC=0002. Hiperstation Messages: EHSD through ETTERM EML62302 3-27 REQUEST N/A, EXECUTION OF REQUEST TERMINATED Explanation: VTAM rejected a RECEIVE_EXPEDITED request because the partner LU is waiting for a change-direction before sending error data. User Response: Check that any script editing has been done correctly and that the script is compatible with the remote transaction program. If changes have been made, the script may need to be re-recorded. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=00A0 RCSEC=0003. EML62303 REQUEST N/A, CONTROL/QUALIFY VALUE INVALID FOR FULL DUPLEX Explanation: A request that is not valid in a full duplex conversation was issued and rejected. This may be caused by incorrectly listing a full duplex conversation on the allocation or by incorrectly adding statements to the script. User Response: Check that any script editing has been done correctly and that the script is compatible with the remote transaction program. If changes have been made, the script may need to be re-recorded. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=00A0 RCSEC=0004. EML62304 REQUEST N/A, RSP NOT RECEIVED FOR PREVIOUS SENDEXPD Explanation: The local application has sent a SENDEXPD before the partner application has received a previous SENDEXPD. User Response: Check that the script being played back is compatible with the remote transaction program. The script should be able to receive all expedited data that is sent to it. Also check that any script modifications were done correctly. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=00A0 RCSEC=0005. EML62320 MODE MUST BE RESTORED BEFORE USING Explanation: The request is rejected because the listed mode name is pending recovery for persistent LU-LU sessions. User Response: See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=00A4 RCSEC=0000. EML62350 ERROR INDICATION RECEIVED, DEALLOCATE ABEND PROGRAM Explanation: An unexpected DEALLOCATE TYPE(ABEND_PROG) was received from the partner LU. An application error is the probable cause of the abend. Program changes on the partner LU may have made the script obsolete. User Response: Check that the script being played back is compatible with the remote transaction program. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=00AC RCSEC=0003. EML62351 ERROR INDICATION RECEIVED, DEALLOCATE ABEND SERVICE Explanation: An unexpected DEALLOCATE TYPE(ABEND_SVC) was received from the partner LU. An application error is the probable cause of the abend. Program changes on the partner LU may have made the script obsolete. User Response: Check that the script being played back is compatible with the remote transaction program. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=00AC RCSEC=0003. EML62352 ERROR INDICATION RECEIVED, DEALLOCATE ABEND TIME Explanation: An unexpected DEALLOCATE TYPE(ABEND_TIMER) was received from the partner LU. An application error is the probable cause of the abend. Program changes on the partner LU may have made the script obsolete. User Response: Check that the script being played back is compatible with the remote transaction program. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=00AC RCSEC=0003. EML62353 ERROR INDICATION RECEIVED, ALLOCATION ERROR Explanation: An unexpected DEALLOCATE TYPE(ABEND) was issued by the partner LU. The sense code indicated that an allocation request was rejected. An application error is the 3-28 Hiperstation Messages and Codes probable cause of the abend. Program changes on the partner LU may have made the script obsolete. User Response: Check that the script being played back is compatible with the remote transaction program. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=00AC RCSEC=0004. EML62354 ERROR INDICATION RECEIVED, UNKNOWN ERROR CODE Explanation: An unexpected DEALLOCATE TYPE(ABEND) was issued by the partner LU. The returned sense code is unknown. An application error is the probable cause of the abend. Program changes on the partner LU may have made the script obsolete. User Response: Check that the script being played back is compatible with the remote transaction program. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=00AC RCSEC=0005. EML62355 ERROR INDICATION RECEIVED, RESOURCE FAILURE, RETRY Explanation: The conversation has been prematurely terminated by a temporary resource failure. This has probably been caused by a failure at the partner LU. User Response: Determine the reason for the failure on the partner LU. Check that any script editing has been done correctly. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information on return code RCPRI=00AC RCSEC=0006. EML62356 ERROR INDICATION RECEIVED, RESOURCE FAILURE, NO RETRY Explanation: The conversation has been prematurely terminated by a permanent resource failure. This has probably been caused by a failure at the partner LU. User Response: Determine the reason for the failure on the partner LU. Check that any script editing has been done correctly. See Communications Server SNA Programmer’s LU6.2 Reference for information about return code RCPRI=00AC RCSEC=0007. EML62901 UNKNOWN APPC ERROR Explanation: An unknown error condition has been received. A second message, ETPO629I, follows. This message contains return code information pertinent to the problem. User Response: Call Compuware Customer Support. EMLO EMLOC000 INVALID OPERAND - VALID FIND COMMAND OPERANDS ARE "FIRST", "LAST", "NEXT", AND "PREV" Explanation: User Response: You have entered an invalid find command operand. Use ‘FIRST’, ‘LAST’, ‘NEXT’, or ‘PREV’. EMLOC001 REQUIRED LABEL MISSING - THE LOCATE COMMAND REQUIRES A NUMBER OR LABEL AS AN OPERAND Explanation: User Response: EMLOC002 DEFINED You did not specify a label with the locate command. Enter a number or label with the locate command. LABEL NOT DEFINED - THE LABEL ON THE LOCATE COMMAND HAS NOT BEEN Explanation: User Response: The command you typed is not recognized by the application. Make sure the label is typed correctly, or specify another label. EMLOC003 INVALID DECIMAL NUMBER - OPERAND MUST BE A VALID DECIMAL NUMBER, OR PREDEFINED LABEL Explanation: User Response: The operand you used is invalid. Use a valid decimal number or a defined label. Hiperstation Messages: EHSD through ETTERM 3-29 EMOB EMOBT000 DATASET NOT FOUND - DATASET NOT FOUND ON THE VOLUME SPECIFIED Explanation: User Response: The dataset you specified could not be found. Make sure the name is typed correctly and the dataset exists. EMOBT002 DATASET IS MIGRATED - PLEASE CONTACT YOUR INSTALLATION OR PRODUCT SUPPORT PERSONNEL Explanation: User Response: The dataset you specified is now backed up as an archive. Recall the dataset and retry. EMSCR EMSCR000 DATASET IS IN USE - PLEASE CONTACT YOUR INSTALLATION OR PRODUCT SUPPORT PERSONNEL Explanation: User Response: The dataset you specified is currently in use. Wait for the other user/job to finish, then retry. EMSRT EMSRT001 PARAMETER MISSING - COLUMN NAME OR OFFSET MUST BE SPECIFIED SLU Explanation: User Response: EMSRT002 Specify a column name or offset along with the command. INVALID COLUMN NAME - COLUMN NAME UNKNOWN OR EXCEEDS 25 CHARS SLU Explanation: User Response: EMSRT004 SLU You have omitted a parameter with the command. The column name you specified is invalid. Make sure the name is spelled correctly and is fewer than 25 characters long. PARM LENGTH ERROR - SORT PARAMETER LENGTH CANNOT EXCEED 67 POSITIONS Explanation: User Response: The parameter length you specified has exceeded 67 positions. Try again using a smaller number of parameters. EMTCP EMTCP000 &TF2CL8 ADDRESS SEGMENTS ONLY THREE POSNS EACH, ROW &TF2CL5 Explanation: User Response: EMTCP001 Try again using address segments that are three positions long. &TF2CL8 ADDRESS SEGMENTS MUST BE WILDCARD OR NUMERIC, ROW &TF2CL5 Explanation: User Response: EMTCP002 The address segments you specified were more than three positions each. The address segments you specified are invalid. Retry using either numeric or wildcard segments. &TF2CL8 ADDRESS SEGMENTS MUST BE 000-255, ROW &TF2CL5 SLU Explanation: User Response: The address segments you specified are invalid. Retry using segment values between 000 and 255. 3-30 Hiperstation Messages and Codes EMTCP003 &TF2CL8 PORT MUST BE EITHER WILDCARD OR NUMERIC, ROW &TF2CL5 Explanation: User Response: EMTCP004 User Response: User Response: Retry using port values between 0 and 65535. You have specified an invalid protocol. Retry using either TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS. FIRST GT LAST - FIRST NUMBER CANNOT BE GREATER THAN LAST NUMBER Explanation: User Response: EMTCP013 The port you specified is invalid. PROTOCOL MUST BE TCP OR HTTP OR HTTPS, ROW &TF2CL5 Explanation: EMTCP012 Retry using either a numeric or wildcard port. &TF2CL8 PORT NUMBER MUST BE 0-65535, ROW &TF2CL5 Explanation: EMTCP005 The port you specified is invalid. The first number is greater than the last number. Make sure the first number is not greater than the last number. SYNTAX ERROR IN DATASET NAME Explanation: User Response: The dataset name you specified is invalid. Retry verifying that the dataset exists and is spelled correctly. EMTCP014 USE FORCE BEFORE UPDATE - YOU MAY NOT UPDATE AN ACTIVE TCP/IP REQUEST. ISSUE FORCE (F), FIRST Explanation: User Response: EMTCP015 Issue the FORCE command before attempting to update the request. WHEN MONTH/DAY ARE PRESENT, YEAR MUST BE 1999-2040 Explanation: User Response: EMTCP016 You have attempted to update an active TCP/IP request. The year you have entered is out of range. Make sure the YEAR is between 1999 and 2040. MULTIPLE WILDCARDS SCATTERED THROUGH DATASET NAME ARE INVALID Explanation: User Response: You have used multiple wildcards in the dataset name. Retry using only one wildcard in the name. EMTRG EMTRG001 Invalid Chars Entered - Enter Numeric and/or Alphabetic Characters (0-9, A-Z, a-z, #, $, @, !, or %) Explanation: User Response: The character you specified is invalid. Enter a valid character from the displayed list. EMTRM EMTRM004 COMMAND NOT RECOGNIZED - THE COMMAND ENTERED ON THE COMMAND LINE IS NOT A VALID COMMAND NAME Explanation: User Response: EMTRM005 The command you entered is invalid. Make sure the command is spelled correctly and is a valid command name. INVALID PFK NUMBER - THE PFK NUMBER ENTERED MUST BE BETWEEN 1 AND 24 Explanation: User Response: The PFK number you entered is invalid. Retry using a PFK number between 1 and 24. Hiperstation Messages: EHSD through ETTERM 3-31 EMTRM006 INCOMPLETE PFK COMMAND - THE PFK COMMAND MUST BE FOLLOWED BY ONE OR TWO DECIMAL DIGITS FROM 1 TO 24 Explanation: User Response: The PFK command must be followed by a numeric parameter. Retry using a PFK number between 1 and 24. EMTRM007 PFK ZERO DOES NOT EXIST - THE PFK COMMAND MUST BE FOLLOWED BY ONE OR TWO DECIMAL DIGITS FROM 1 TO 24 Explanation: User Response: The PFK number you specified is invalid. Retry using a PFK number between 1 and 24. EMTRM011 OPEN OF &ETRMMEM FAILED - DATASET CANNOT BE OPENED/ALLOCATED, DCB INCORRECT OR NO UPDATE AUTH Explanation: User Response: EMTRM016 The dataset you specified cannot be opened. Make sure you have the correct DCB and that you have update authority. SCRIPT SPECIFIED DOES NOT EXIST Explanation: The script listed on the SCRIPT statement was not found. User Response: Correct the SCRIPT statement or ensure that the script is a member in the dataset referenced by the SYSLIB DD statement. EMTRM021 INVALID FIELD NUMBER - ETRMRPLA FOUND AN INPUT FIELD RECORD WITH AN INVALID FIELD NUMBER Explanation: User Response: EMTRM026 There is an input field record with an invalid field number. Retry using a valid field number. TPF IS NOT ACTIVE, CALL OPERATIONS Explanation: The domain destination listed after the GROUP statement is not active. User Response: Verify that the domain destination after the GROUP statement is correct and that the domain destination is active. EMTRM027 TPF IS NOT KNOWN OR HAS NOT BEEN ACTIVATED Explanation: The domain destination listed after the GROUP statement is not known. User Response: Verify that the domain destination after the GROUP statement is correct and that the domain destination has been verified active to VTAM. EMTRM029 9999 INVALID PARAMETER - PARAMETER IS NOT A NUMERIC VALUE BETWEEN 0 AND Explanation: User Response: The parameter you specified is not valid. Retry using a numeric parameter between 0 and 9999. EMTRM030 INVALID PFK NAME - PF KEYS MUST BE CHARACTERS "PF" FOLLOWED BY 1 THROUGH 24 Explanation: User Response: The PFK name you specified is invalid. Retry using characters PF followed by 1 through 24. EMTRM033 PFK ZERO DOES NOT EXIST - ONLY PF KEY NUMBERS ONE THROUGH TWENTY-FOUR ARE SUPPORTED Explanation: User Response: You specified a PFK of zero, which is invalid. Retry using a PFK value between 1 and 24. EMTRM034 NUMBER MUST BE 1 TO 24 - ONLY PF KEY NUMBERS ONE THROUGH TWENTY-FOUR ARE SUPPORTED Explanation: User Response: The PFK value you specified is invalid. Retry using a PFK value between 1 and 24. 3-32 Hiperstation Messages and Codes EMTRM036 DATASET IS OPEN - THE DATASET SPECIFIED IS IN USE IN ANOTHER APPLICATION Explanation: User Response: The dataset you specified is currently in use. Wait for the other user/job to finish, then try again. EMTRM038 NOT VALID HERE - THE COMMAND ENTERED CANNOT BE ENTERED UNTIL THE CONTINUE COMMAND IS ENTERED Explanation: User Response: The command you specified cannot be entered at this time. Issue the CONTINUE command first. EMTRM039 EXCESSIVE NNNN AMOUNT - THE NNNN AMOUNT ON THE COMMAND EXCEEDED THE LIMIT OF 9999 Explanation: User Response: EMTRM040 The amount you specified is larger than 9999. Retry using a number not greater than 9999. NODE NOT DEFINED TO VTAM OR HAS NOT BEEN ACTIVATED Explanation: The virtual terminal (node) listed on the TERM() parameter is not defined to VTAM or has not been activated. User Response: Verify that the TERM() parameter is correct and that the node has been verified active to VTAM. EMTRM041 OPEN MACRO RETURN CODE ffff . . . CALL SUPPORT Explanation: An error was detected when connecting the Hiperstation for VTAM Virtual Terminal ACB. ffff is the returned feedback code. User Response: Review the section of IBM’s VTAM Programming Guide that describes the Open Macro instruction for an explanation of the feedback code (ffff), or contact Compuware Customer Support. EMTRM042 NO VIRTUAL TERMINALS ARE AVAILABLE Explanation: A session could not be established because all of the defined virtual terminals are currently in use. User Response: Verify that the TERM(n) parameter on the GROUP statement lists the total number of terminals you have defined or define more terminals. EMTRM045 DATASET BUSY - A RECORDING ON THAT DATASET IS ALREADY BEING MADE BY ANOTHER USER Explanation: User Response: EMTRM047 The dataset you specified is currently in use. Wait for the user/job to finish, then try again. VTAM INITIALIZATION ERROR Explanation: User Response: logmode name. The logmode listed on the GROUP statement was not found. Check the LOGMODE table for the virtual terminal definition for the EMTRM048 END HAS NO EFFECT - USE THE CANCEL COMMAND FOR AN EMERGENCY EXIT FROM HIPERSTATION Explanation: User Response: EMTRM050 OPERATION Use the CANCEL command instead. SPECIFY A MEMBER NAME - A MEMBER NAME MUST BE SPECIFIED FOR THIS Explanation: User Response: EMTRM051 The END command has no effect at this time. You did not specify a member name. Retry specifying a valid member name. APPLICATION DID NOT RESPOND - PORT TIMED OUT Explanation: The application’s response time reached the time limit set by the XTRMUTIM parameter in ISPPLIB member ETRMSPAR, or by the MAXWAIT parameter in a unattended Hiperstation Messages: EHSD through ETTERM 3-33 mode function. Can also be caused during use of Application Profiling. Application Profiling makes the assumption that unless the previous input was a CLEAR key, that the application will respond with an OUTPUT after the user enters some form of INPUT. This causes Application Profiling to wait for the OUTPUT up to the time specified on the MAXWAIT parameter. If Hiperstation for VTAM does not get a response, it issues a time out message, such as EMTRM051, and continues the playback. User Response: Increase the time limit of the XTRMUTIM parameter if you are operating in online mode. If you are in unattended mode, increase the time limit of the MAXWAIT parameter. Check also to see if Application Profiling is on or off. If it is on, turning it off may correct the problem. EMTRM052 THE RECORD FORMAT OF THIS DATASET MUST BE VARIABLE Explanation: User Response: EMTRM053 Specify a dataset which has RECFM=VB. MUST BE A PDS Explanation: User Response: EMTRM054 The dataset name specified is not variable. The dataset you entered is not partitioned. Enter the name of a partitioned dataset. IMS TIME OUT OCCURRED Explanation: The application did not respond within your installation-specified time limit. The PORT is timed out. User Response: You set this time limit in different ways for interactive sessions and unattended playbacks. For unattended playback, enter the time in hundredths of seconds on the CONTROl statement in parameter KEY2. For interactive sessions, enter the time in hundredths of seconds on XTRMKTIM in ISPF panel ETRMSPAR. The default value is 2500. EMTRM059 MEMBER ALREADY EXISTS - EITHER CHANGE THE MEMBER NAME, OR SELECT REPLACE LIKE MEMBER(S) Explanation: The member you specified already exists. User Response: Retry using a different member name, or select replace like members if you want to replace it. EMTRM060 UNEXPECTED DROP BY VTAM. NODE NAME = &ETRMSLU RETURN CODE = &XTRMGCH1 SENSE CODE = &XTRMGCH2. Explanation: by VTAM. The Hiperstation Virtual Terminal's connection was unexpectedly terminated User Response: Determine the reason for the session drop by VTAM of terminal &ETRMSLU. The return code &XTRMGCH1 and sense code &XTRMGCH2 can be found in the IBM z/OS Communication Server IP and SNA Codes manual. EMTRM064 TPF DID NOT RESPOND TO THE BIND REQUEST Explanation: VTAM. The domain destination did not acknowledge the bind from Hiperstation for User Response: Verify that the domain destination is active. Check the log of the domain destination for related error messages. Investigate using the LOGD() parameter on the GROUP statement. EMTRM069 MODE TABLE FOR &ETRMLGMD NOT FOUND IN VTAMLIB, PLU=&ETRMREQS, SLU=&ETRMSLU Explanation: The Mode Table for the specified Logmode (&ETRMLGMD) cannot be found. 7ETRMREQS is the Primary Logical Unit, &ETRMSLU is the Secondary Logical Unit. User Response: system in use. Make sure the Logmode specified exists in a VTAM Mode Table within the 3-34 Hiperstation Messages and Codes EMTRM071 TERMINAL IS NOT NON-SNA Explanation: User Response: EMTRM072 NOT SAVED. Contact Compuware Customer Support. NO SPACE IN DIRECTORY - SCRIPT PDS DIRECTORY IS FULL, THE RECORDING WAS Explanation: User Response: EMTRM074 "S"-SELECT Attempting to communicate with an unsupported device. Your script PDS has run out of space. Retry after you free up some space or point to another PDS. INVALID SELECT CODE - VALID LINE COMMANDS ARE: "B"-BROWSE, "E"-EDIT, AND Explanation: User Response: You specified an invalid line command. Retry using B, E, or S. EMTRM081 INVALID CURSOR POSITION - THE CURSOR POSITION IS NOT WITHIN THE SCREEN AND IS NOT USED Explanation: User Response: EMTRM087 The current cursor position is not within the screen and is invalid. Move the cursor to a position within the screen and try again. THE SCRIPT BEGINS WITH AN INPUT SCREEN - UNKNOWN SCREEN SIZE Explanation: The script to be demonstrated begins with an input screen; the number of screen rows and columns are unknown. The screen cannot be correctly displayed. User Response: Determine: (1) if the script has output screens recorded; (2) if the script has been edited; and (3) if the script is valid. Press Enter to display the next screen in session demo. Press the End key to end the session demo. EMTRM088 SCRIPT INPUT SCREEN HAS NO ASSOCIATED OUTPUT SCREEN Explanation: The script to be demonstrated has consecutive input screens; the number of screen rows and columns cannot be determined. The screen cannot be correctly displayed. User Response: Determine: (1) if the script has output screens recorded; (2) if the script has been edited; and (3) if the script is valid. Press Enter to display the next screen in session demo. Press the End key to end the session demo. EMTRM092 DATABASE RECORD NOT FOUND - THE SELECTED RECORD COULD NOT BE FOUND IN THE Explanation: User Response: The record you selected could not be found. Make sure the record is spelled correctly and exists, then retry. EMTRM100 RECORDING ERROR - RECORDING FILE USED ALL OF ITS EXTENTS OR NO MORE SPACE AVAILABLE ON VOLUME Explanation: User Response: The recording file is full, or you have run out of space. Free up some space, or use another dataset. EMTRM101 RECORDING ERROR - SYSTEM SECURITY DENIED ACCESS TO THE SPECIFIED RECORDING FILE Explanation: User Response: EMTRM102 ACTIVE You do not have access to the recording file. Use another recording file or contact your security administrator for access. NOT VALID HERE - THIS COMMAND REQUIRES THAT EITHER PLAY OR RECORD IS Explanation: User Response: The command you entered is not valid at this time. Make sure you are PLAYing or RECORDing, then retry. EMTRM104 SECURITY DENIES REQUEST - SYSTEM SECURITY INTERFACE (RACF OR OTHER) DECIDED USER ID IS RESTRICTED Explanation: Your request was denied because your user ID is restricted. Hiperstation Messages: EHSD through ETTERM User Response: EMTRM106 3-35 Contact your security administrator for access. DATASET IS FULL - DATASET &ETRMXDSN IS FULL. FUTURE UPDATES WILL BE LOST Explanation: User Response: The dataset you are using is now full. Make dataset attributes larger or use another dataset. EMTRM107 SECURITY DENIES REQUEST - SYSTEM SECURITY INTERFACE (RACF OR OTHER) DENIED ACCESS TO UNFORMATTED RECORD Explanation: User Response: Your request was denied because your user ID is restricted. Contact your security administrator for access. EMTRM108 SECURITY DENIES REQUEST - SYSTEM SECURITY INTERFACE (RACF OR OTHER) DENIED ACCESS TO DEBUG OPTION Explanation: User Response: EMTRM110 DATE/TIME Your request was denied because your user ID is restricted. Contact your security administrator for access. INVALID DATE/TIME - THE START DATE/TIME MUST BE LESS THAN THE STOP Explanation: The start date/time needs to be earlier than the end date/time. User Response: Change the date/times so that the start date/time is earlier than the stop date/time and retry. EMTRM111 MISSING DATE - A DATE MUST BE PROVIDED IF THE TIME IS SPECIFIED Explanation: User Response: EMTRM113 MEMBERS You need to enter a date if you specified a time. Either enter a date, or remove the time. NO MATCHES - THE SPECIFIED PARTITIONED DATASET CONTAINS NO MATCHING Explanation: User Response: The PDS you specified contains no matching members. Make sure everything is spelled correctly and retry. EMTRM115 SECURITY DENIES REQUEST - ACCESS TO DOMAIN DESTINATION RESTRICTED BY SYSTEM SECURITY (RACF OR OTHER) Explanation: User Response: Your request was denied because your user ID is restricted. Contact your security administrator for access. EMTRM116 SECURITY DENIES REQUEST - SYSTEM SECURITY INTERFACE (RACF OR OTHER) DECIDED LU NAME IS RESTRICTED Explanation: User Response: Your request was denied because your user ID is restricted. Contact your security administrator for access. EMTRM117 SECURITY DENIES REQUEST - SYSTEM SECURITY INTERFACE (RACF OR OTHER) DECIDED THIS FUNCTION IS RESTRICTED Explanation: User Response: EMTRM118 Your request was denied because your user ID is restricted. Contact your security administrator for access. INVALID SCRIPT RECORD Explanation: An invalid script item was found in the script. This could be encountered when trying to playback a script on a release less than that on which it was recorded, or if the script was incorrectly altered. User Response: Play back the script on the same release (or greater) as the release on which it was recorded, or correct the editing error. EMTRM120 RECORDING ALREADY ACTIVE - RECORDING HAS ALREADY BEEN ACTIVATED. ONLY ONE RECORD OPERATION MAY BE ACTIVE Explanation: Recording is already in progress. 3-36 Hiperstation Messages and Codes User Response: EMTRM124 Stop recording, then retry. THE VALUES SPECIFIED BY XTRMPRFX AND XTRMSUFX ARE NOT COMPATIBLE Explanation: The combined length of Virtual Terminal Prefix (&XTRMPRFX for Domain Traveler of PREFIX for Unattended Playback) and Virtual Terminal Suffix (&XTRMSUFX for Domain Traveler or SUFFIX for Unattended Playback) is greater than eight characters. User Response: Verify the defined Virtual Terminal names on your system and correct the appropriate parameter setting. EMTRM127 REXX LOG IS IN USE - THE REXX LOG CANNOT BE CHANGED WHILE PLAY IS ACTIVE Explanation: User Response: You cannot modify the REXX log while PLAYing a script. Wait until you are finished PLAYing the script, then retry. EMTRM128 ISSUE FORCE (F), THEN UPDATE (U) USE FORCE BEFORE UPDATE. YOU MAY NOT UPDATE AN ACTIVE APPC REQUEST. Explanation: This message appears on the Global Recording Monitor Requests scree n under ISPF if you attempt to update an APPC request that is still active. User Response: To update an APPC request you must either: (1) force the request with the F line command; or (2) stop the request with the P line command and wait until all active conversations have completed. You can then update the request with the U line command. EMTRM129 DATASET LRECL TOO SMALL. SCRIPT DATASET MUST HAVE AN LRECL LARGER THAN SCREEN WIDTH PLUS 8 Explanation: This message appears if you attempt to record a 3270 session to a dataset with a logical record length (LRECL) that is too small. User Response: You must enter the name of a partitioned dataset (PDS) with a record format of variable blocked (VB) and an LRECL of at least 88 for 3270 sessions. EMTRM130 OPERATION SPECIFY A MEMBER NAME - A MEMBER NAME MUST BE SPECIFIED FOR THIS Explanation: User Response: No member name was specified. Specify a member name, and retry. EMTRM131 MUST BE A SEQ DS - THE DATASET SPECIFIED IS NOT SEQUENTIAL. THIS OPERATION REQUIRES DSORG=PS Explanation: User Response: EMTRM134 The dataset you specify needs to be sequential. Use a sequential dataset with DSORG=PS. NO LOGMODE BIND TIME OUT Explanation: The domain destination requires a VTAM LOGMODE to run successfully User Response: When using unattended playback, define the LOGM parameter within the GROUP statement. When using online playback, complete the Node name field. The Hiperstation for VTAM panel library ETRMSPAR member lists the valid LOGMODES. EMTRM136 USER IS NOT AUTHORIZED - YOUR USERID MUST MATCH THE USERID IN THE SCRIPT YOU ARE PLAYING Explanation: User Response: EMTRM137 Your user ID does not match the user ID in the script. Play the script from the script user IDs session. 0229 INVALID NOT LEAP YR - THE YEAR ENTERED WITH FEB 29 IS NOT A LEAP YEAR Explanation: User Response: The year you entered is not a leap year, it does not have Feb. 29. Change the year to a leap year, or change the 0229. EMTRM138 LIST OF ANOTHER USER - MUST BE ADMIN MODE TO EDIT/DELETE LIST CREATED BY ANOTHER USER Explanation: User Response: You cannot edit/delete another users list unless you are in ADMIN mode. Retry while in ADMIN mode. Hiperstation Messages: EHSD through ETTERM 3-37 EMTRM139 SPECIFY A VALID LIST NAME - THE NAME OF AN EXISTING IN/EXCLUDE LIST MUST BE SPECIFIED Explanation: User Response: The list name you specified is invalid. Make sure the name you specify exists and is spelled correctly, then retry. EMTRM152 MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE - CANNOT SPECIFY A LIST AS WELL AS TERMINAL/APPLICATION/USERID Explanation: User Response: EMTRM153 DATASET User Response: The list name you specified cannot be found. Make sure the list name is spelled correctly and that the list exists. LIST HAS NO ENTRIES - THE SPECIFIED LIST CONTAINS NO TERM/APPL/USERID Explanation: User Response: EMTRM155 EXCLUDE Specify just the list, or just a terminal/application/user ID. LIST DOES NOT EXIST - THE SPECIFIED LIST NAME DOES NOT EXIST ON THE VGBL Explanation: EMTRM154 ENTRIES You cannot specify both a list and a terminal/application/user ID. The list you specified has no term/appl/user ID entries. Specify a list that contains term/appl/user ID entries. INVALID TYPE VALUE - THE VALUE IN THE TYPE COLUMN MUST BE INCLUDE OR Explanation: User Response: The TYPE value you specified is invalid. Use either INCLUDE or EXCLUDE. EMTRM156 INVALID NAME VALUE - THE VALUE IN THE NAME COLUMN MUST BE PRESENT AND BE 8 CHARS OR LESS Explanation: User Response: EMTRM157 EXCLUDE The NAME value you specified is invalid. Specify a NAME that is 1 to 8 characters. INVALID DEFAULT VALUE - THE VALUE IN THE DEFAULT FIELD MUST BE INCLUDE OR Explanation: User Response: The DEFAULT value you specified is invalid. Use either INCLUDE or EXCLUDE. EMTRM158 INVALID COMMENT VALUE - THE VALUE IN THE COMMENT FIELD MUST BE YES, NO, OR CLEAR Explanation: User Response: The COMMENT value you specified is invalid. Use either YES, NO or CLEAR. EMTRM159 MISSING REXX DATASET - THE REXX DATASET IS REQUIRED. ENTER A PDS NAME WITHOUT A MEMBER. Explanation: User Response: EMTRM160 You have not specified a REXX dataset. Enter a PDS name without a member. MEMBER WITH REXX - DO NOT SUPPLY A MEMBER NAME WITH THE REXX DATASET Explanation: User Response: You have specified a member name with the REXX dataset. Remove the member name and retry. EMTRM161 INVALID LOG DATASET - SUPPLY A SEQUENTIAL DATASET OR A PDS WITH A MEMBER NAME FOR THE LOG Explanation: User Response: The dataset name you specified is not valid. Check the spelling and make sure the dataset exists. 3-38 Hiperstation Messages and Codes EMTRM166 DUPLICATE ENTRY - The list name used already exists Explanation: User Response: EMTRM167 The list name you specified already exists. Use a list name that does not currently exist. Cannot Access GR Req DS - Global Recording Dataset Allocation Failed Explanation: Hiperstation was unable to allocate the Global Recording Request File. User Response: Verify the dataset specified by the &XTRMGRDS parameter in the SQQFPENU member ETRMGPAR. If the dataset is correct and exists, verify that your user ID has update authority to the dataset. EMTRM168 LIST NAME MISSING - SUPPLY A LIST NAME Explanation: User Response: EMTRM169 User Response: The list type you specified is invalid. Retry using a list type of IN or EX. INVALID SELECTION - CHOOSE ONE OF THE ITEMS LISTED ON THE PANEL. Explanation: User Response: EMTRM176 Enter a list name in the required field. LIST TYPE INVALID - SUPPLY A LIST TYPE OF IN OR EX Explanation: EMTRM170 You have not specified a required list name. The selection you specified is invalid. Retry specifying one of the items listed on the panel. SUPPLY A SEQUENTIAL DATASET WITH NO MEMBER OR A PDSE WITH A MEMBER Explanation: An existing sequential dataset has been supplied with a member name or an existing partitioned dataset (PDSE) has been supplied without a member name for the JOURNAL, LOG, XLOG, RLOG, AUTODOC, SUMMARY, or TRACE print files. This is incorrect, because a sequential dataset must not have a member and a partitioned dataset must have a member. User Response: For a sequential dataset, remove the member name or choose a new dataset. For a partitioned dataset, add a member name or choose a new dataset. EMTRM177 WARNING: THIS IS A PDS! - DATASET IS A PARTITIONED DATASET (PDS), IT MUST BE A PDSE INSTEAD Explanation: User Response: EMTRM179 The dataset you specified is a PDS, not a PDSE. Retry using a PDSE. COULD NOT ALLOCATE DATASET OR OBTAIN DSCB INFORMATION Explanation: An existing dataset is migrated and could not be recalled or information about a dataset could not be obtained from the system catalog. This message appears for the JOURNAL, LOG, XLOG, RLOG, AUTODOC, SUMMARY, or TRACE print files. User Response: EMTRM180 Choose another dataset to use or contact Compuware Customer Support. RECORD FORMAT (RECFM) MUST BE VARIABLE Explanation: An existing dataset being used for the JOURNAL, LOG, XLOG, RLOG, AUTODOC, SUMMARY, or TRACE is not the correct record format. The record format for print files must be V, VB, VA, or VBA. User Response: EMTRM181 Choose a new dataset to use for the print file. LOGICAL RECORD LENGTH (LRECL) IS TOO SMALL, USE LRECL=143 Explanation: An existing dataset being used for the JOURNAL, LOG, XLOG, RLOG, AUTODOC, SUMMARY, or TRACE has a logical record length that is too small. The logical record length for print files must be at least 143. User Response: Choose a new dataset to use for the print file. Hiperstation Messages: EHSD through ETTERM EMTRM183 5,7,8 INVALID RANGE SPECIFIED - PLEASE ENTER RANGE OF NUMBERS. FOR EXAMPLE: 1- Explanation: User Response: EMTRM184 User Response: Use a range like 1-5,7,8,etc. The timing option you entered is invalid. Retry using a numeric option. INVALID VALUE - WHEN HOUR IS 24, THIS VALUE MUST BE 00 Explanation: User Response: EMTRM189 The range you specified is invalid. TIMING OPTION INVALID - TIMING OPTIONS MUST BE NUMERIC Explanation: EMTRM187 3-39 The value 24 is not valid. Retry using 00 instead. PREMATURE SCRIPT TERMINATION, PORT TERMINATED Explanation: Hiperstation for VTAM finished reading all of the script statements before the session between the Hiperstation for VTAM virtual terminal and the domain destination had ended. User Response: Verify that the scripts for the GROUP contained a logoff sequence. Verify that the scripts for the group contained a logoff sequence or the scripts for the allocate/accept contained a deallocate sequence. Alternatively, check the transaction journal for an out-ofsynch condition or the system log the APPC script connected to for additional messages. EMTRM203 THE VALUE SPECIFIED BY LU62PFX IS NOT VALID Explanation: blank. User Response: EMTRM204 User Response: eight. User Response: Reduce the length of one or both so that the total length is no more than When the second filter is specified, the first filter must be a list. Retry with the valid Global Record Manager List. LU NAME FOR HIPERSTATION IS ALREADY IN USE ELSEWHERE Explanation: User Response: EMTRM208 The length of the prefix and suffix are too long. 1ST FILTER MUST BE LIST - THE FIRST FILTER MUST BE A LIST IF THE SECOND FILTER Explanation: EMTRM207 Correct the length or make it a useful name. THE VALUES SPECIFIED BY LU62PFX AND LU62SFX ARE NOT COMPATIBLE Explanation: EMTRM205 SPECIFIED The value set must have a length of between one and seven and must not be The LU name listed for the port is in use elsewhere. Use a different name that is defined to VTAM. LU6.2 OPEN NO RESPONSE FAILURE Explanation: While waiting for the FMH5, a time-out occurred. User Response: If there was a forthcoming FMH5, then increase the NORESPTO parameter to a more acceptable value. EMTRM209 LU6.2 CLOSE FAILURE Explanation: User Response: EMTRM214 During the close an error was encountered. Refer to the status that follows for more error information. UNABLE TO OPEN INDEX.XML FOR PROCESSING Explanation: The HFS File INDEX.XML was not found or is unavailable for your userid. User Response: If you have never run a Search Report, this message is normal and is purely informational. If you have run a Search Report, verify with your installer that the HFSPATH is 3-40 Hiperstation Messages and Codes specified correctly and confirm that you have write and execute permissions to the 'archive' directory on this system. EMTRM215 UNABLE TO READ DATA FROM INDEX.XML Explanation: There was a problem reading the INDEX.XML for your userid. User Response: Confirm that you have read, write, and execute permissions to your useridspecific archive directory. EMTRM216 UNABLE TO OPEN TEMP_INDEX.XML FOR PROCESSING Explanation: userid. There was a problem creating a temporary copy of the INDEX.XML for your User Response: Confirm that you have read, write, and execute permissions to your useridspecific archive directory. EMTRM217 HFSPATH VALUE IS MISSING, CONTACT YOUR INSTALLER Explanation: The HFSPATH is not defined. User Response: Contact your installer to verify that the HFSPATH has been properly defined in the ETRMGPAR member. EMTRM218 HFSPATH IS NOT DEFINED PROPERLY, CONTACT YOUR INSTALLER Explanation: The HFSPATH is not in a valid format. User Response: Contact your installer to verify that the HFSPATH has been properly defined in the ETRMGPAR member. Reference the Mainframe Installation Guide for additional information on defining the HFSPATH parameter. EMTRM219 VALID SELECTION CHARACTERS ARE Y, S, X, OR / Explanation: An invalid character was entered on the Delete Confirmation pop-up window for Search Report Management. User Response: If you wish to turn off delete confirmations, select the 'Permanently set delete confirmation off' option by entering a '/' next to it. EMTRM221 UNKNOWN RECORD DATA TYPE FOUND Explanation: EMTRM230 The data type received by Hiperstation is not known. SCRIPT IS NOT VERSION 8 OR HIGHER Explanation: A LU6.2 script is not a version 8 or higher. User Response: Record the script using Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers at release 5.2 or higher. Do not attempt to just change the version number to 8. This can cause unpredictable results. EMTRM231 SECOND "ALLOCATE" FOUND AFTER SCRIPT STARTED Explanation: User Response: EMTRM232 Remove the ALLOCATE statement. "UNKNOWN" RECORD TYPE FOUND IN SCRIPT Explanation: statement. User Response: EMTRM233 During playback, an ALLOCATE statement was found within the script. During playback, a record type was encountered that was not a valid LU6.2 Remove the statement. OUTBOUND OR INBOUND NOT FOUND IN SCRIPT Explanation: For LU6.2 ACCEPT processing, the script does not contain an OUTBOUND or INBOUND statement. User Response: EMTRM234 Inspect the script and ensure that it is the correct one. SUCCESSFUL ALLOCATE NOT PROCESSED BEFORE VERB FOUND Explanation: An APPC verb was found before a successful ALLOCATE has been processed. Hiperstation Messages: EHSD through ETTERM User Response: EMTRM236 3-41 Inspect the script and correct. ALLOCATE/ACCEPT FOUND WITH TPNAME X‘06F1’ Explanation: An ALLOCATE or ACCEPT statement was found with a TPNAME of x‘06F1’. This ALLOCATE or ACCEPT is ignored for the playback. User Response: EMTRM241 ERROR OPENING DETAIL FILE(S) Explanation: User Response: EMTRM251 User Response: User Response: User Response: Correct the condition and resubmit the playback. The expected record type does not match the actual record type received. Correct the condition and resubmit the playback. The expected map name length does not match the actual map name length Correct the condition and resubmit the playback. MAP NAMES ARE NOT THE SAME Explanation: received. User Response: EMTRM261 The expected record length does not equal the actual record length received. MAP NAMES ARE NOT THE SAME LENGTH Explanation: received. EMTRM254 Correct the condition and resubmit the playback. RECORD TYPES ARE NOT THE SAME Explanation: EMTRM253 During playback, an error was detected while opening the detail file. NORMAL RECORD LENGTHS NOT EQUAL Explanation: EMTRM252 Although not necessary, remove the ALLOCATE or ACCEPT. The expected map name value does not match the actual map name value Correct the condition and resubmit the playback. EXPEDITED RECORD LENGTHS ARE NOT EQUAL Explanation: The expected record length does not match the actual record length received for expedited data. User Response: EMTRM264 DEALLOCATE SENSE DATA NOT THE SAME Explanation: deallocate. User Response: EMTRM265 Correct the condition and resubmit the playback. The expected sense data does not match the actual sense data received for a Correct the condition and resubmit the playback. DEALLOCATE LOG DATA NOT EQUAL LENGTH Explanation: The expected log data length does not match the actual log data length received for a deallocate. User Response: EMTRM266 DEALLOCATE TYPE NOT THE SAME Explanation: deallocate. User Response: EMTRM267 Correct the condition and resubmit the playback. The expected data type does not match the actual data type received for a Correct the condition and resubmit the playback. SEND ERROR LOG DATA TYPES NOT THE SAME Explanation: The expected log data type does not match the actual log data type received for a send error. User Response: Correct the condition and resubmit the playback. 3-42 Hiperstation Messages and Codes EMTRM268 SEND ERROR LOG DATA LENGTHS NOT EQUAL Explanation: The expected log data length does not match the actual log data length received for a send error. User Response: EMTRM269 SEND ERROR SENSE DATA NOT EQUAL Explanation: send error. User Response: EMTRM270 Correct the condition and resubmit the playback. The expected sense data does not match the actual sense data received for a Correct the condition and resubmit the playback. EXPECTED: xxxxxxxx ACTUAL: xxxxxxxx Explanation: The expected and actual sense data is shown here for the previous message. The values are in hex. EMTRM271 EXPECTED: xxxxx ACTUAL: xxxxx Explanation: EMTRM272 EXPECTED: xxxxxxxx ACTUAL: xxxxxxxx Explanation: EMTRM278 The expected data is shown here for the previous message. ACTUAL: xx--xx Explanation: EMTRM280 The expected and actual data type is shown here for the previous message. EXPECTED: xx--xx Explanation: EMTRM279 The expected and actual length is shown here for the previous message. The actual data is shown here for the previous message. ETRMTRAI: TRACE TERMINATED - LOC(xx) Explanation: Trace terminated due to a critical error detected by the system. The location of the error is indicated by the value of xx. All data up to the time of the error is written to the output datasets. The trace remains inactive for the duration of the batch run, or if the processing is online, until the user exits Hiperstation for VTAM and re-selects it via TSO. User Response: Contact Compuware Customer Support and provide them with the location code and other pertinent information. ET32LG ET32LG101E CANNOT ALLOCATE DATASET dddd Explanation: Dataset dddd is needed for the 3270 session log but either does not exist or is allocated to another user. User Response: Ensure that the dataset exists and is not in use by others. See message ET32LG103E, which accompanies this message, for details on why the dataset could not be allocated. ET32LG102E CANNOT FREE DATASET dddd Explanation: Dataset dddd was used for the 3270 session log but now cannot be deallocated. User Response: See message ET32LG103E, which accompanies this message, for details on why the dataset could not be deallocated. ET32LG103E S99ERROR(eeee) S99INFO(iiii) S99ERSN(rrrr) Explanation: A dynamic allocation failure occurred while allocating or freeing the 3270 session log dataset. This is typically because the dataset does not exist or is in use by another user. User Response: Ensure that the dataset exists and is not in use by others. The meaning of eeee can be found in the IBM Authorized Assembler Services Guide in the S99ERROR Error Reason Codes section. The meaning of iiii can be found in the S99INFO Information Reason Codes Hiperstation Messages: EHSD through ETTERM 3-43 section. The meaning of rrrr can be found in the S99ERSN Setting Up the Request Block Extension section. ET32LG104E CANNOT OPEN DATASET dddd Explanation: Dataset dddd is needed for the 3270 session log but cannot be opened. This is typically caused by Hiperstation not having security access to the dataset. User Response: Check the Hiperstation script creation job log for any messages immediately preceding this message. ET32LG106E BAD RECORD FORMAT FOR dddd, MUST BE V OR VB Explanation: Dataset dddd is needed for the 3270 session log but cannot be used because its record format is not valid. User Response: The dataset used for the 3270 session log must have a record format (RECFM) of V or VB (variable or variable-blocked). ET32LG107E BAD RECORD LENGTH FOR dddd, MUST BE AT LEAST 80 Explanation: Dataset dddd is needed for the 3270 session log but cannot be used because its record length is not valid. User Response: The dataset used for the 3270 session log must have a logical record length (LRECL) of at least 80. ET32LG110E PDS DIRECTORY FOR dddd IS FULL Explanation: Dataset dddd is being used for the 3270 session log but cannot be updated because its directory is full. User Response: members. ET32LG111E Ensure that the dataset being used has available space for additional CANNOT UPDATE dddd(mmmmmmmm) Explanation: Dataset dddd and member mmmmmmmm is being used for the 3270 session log but cannot be updated. This is typically caused by the dataset running out of space. User Response: See message ET32LG112E or ET32LG113, which accompanies this message, for details on why the dataset could not be updated. ET32LG112E STOW MACRO RETURN AND REASON CODES(aaaa,bbbb) Explanation: The member being used for the 3270 session log could not be saved in the dataset. This is typically caused by the dataset running out of space. User Response: If the reason code, bbbb, is of the form xx37, there was not enough space available for the 3270 session log. ET32LG113E ABEND CODE(xxxx) Explanation: The 3270 session log could not written and saved in the dataset. This is typically caused by the dataset running out of space. User Response: If the abend code, xxxx, is of the form xx37, there was not enough space available for the 3270 session log. Otherwise, check the IBM MVS or OS/390 System Codes manual for an explanation of the abend. ET32LG114I SESSION LOG CREATED IN dddd(mmmm) Explanation: This is an informational message indicating the successful creation of the 3270 session log. ET32LG115E CANNOT ENQUEUE DATASET dddd Explanation: The dataset needed for the 3270 session log cannot be used because it is in use by another user. User Response: Ensure that the dataset is not in use by others. 3-44 Hiperstation Messages and Codes ETGRCR ETGRCR101E GET UNIQUE MEMBER NAME FAILED Explanation: An attempt to create a unique member name in the script dataset was not successful. A script will not be created. User Response: Using the member prefix and suffix in the global recording request, a unique member name could not be created. Either choose member REPLACE, change the prefix, change the suffix, or delete or rename current members in the script dataset. ETGRCR102E RECORDING DATASET IS NOT PARTITIONED Explanation: An attempt to create a script was not successful because the script dataset is not partitioned. A script will not be created. User Response: ETGRCR103E Update the script dataset name in the global recording request to list a PDS. RECORDING DATASET IS NOT VARIABLE BLOCKED Explanation: An attempt to create a script was not successful because the script dataset is not variable blocked. A script will not be created. User Response: Update the script dataset name in the global recording request to list a variable blocked dataset. ETGRCR104E OPEN FAILED FOR RECORDING DATASET Explanation: An attempt to create a script was not successful because the script dataset could not be opened. A script will not be created. User Response: Check the job log for the started task for related messages and contact Compuware Customer Support. ETGRCR105E SECURITY DENIED ACCESS TO SCRIPT DATASET Explanation: An attempt to create a script was not successful because the global recording started task did not have write access to the script dataset. A script will not be created. User Response: ETGRCR106E Make the appropriate security changes. RECORDING DATASET LRECL MUST BE LARGER THAN SCREEN WIDTH PLUS 8 Explanation: This message appears if you attempt to record a 3270 session to a dataset with a logical record length (LRECL) that is too small. User Response: You must list a PDS with a variable-blocked (VB) record format and an LRECL of at least 88 for 3270 sessions. ETGRDA ETGRDA101I GR REQUEST #00007 DEACTIVATED Explanation: This message indicates that a recording request has been deactivated. A deactivated request will not record any new 3270 sessions or APPC conversations. User Response: A recording request is deactivated when a user issues the Stop or Force commands from the Global Recording Monitor Requests screen under ISPF. A request is also deactivated automatically if a security limitation prevents global recording from accessing a user’s dataset. ETGRDA102I LU: llllllll APPL: aaaaaaaa USERID: uuuuuuuu Explanation: Shows what logical unit (llllllll), application (aaaaaaaa), and user ID (uuuuuuuu) filters are associated with a 3270 recording request that is being deactivated. User Response: Informational message. No user action necessary. Hiperstation Messages: EHSD through ETTERM ETGRDA103I 3-45 SIDE A: netida.lunamea SIDE B: netidb.lunameb Explanation: Shows the two application program (logical unit name) filters associated with an APPC recording request that is being deactivated. User Response: ETGRDA104I Informational message. No user action necessary. LOGMODE: llllllll USERID: uuuuuuuu Explanation: Shows the logon mode name and user ID filters associated with an APPC recording request that is being deactivated. User Response: ETGRDA105I Informational message. No user action necessary. TP: tttttttt Explanation: Shows the transaction program name filter that is associated with an APPC recording request that is being deactivated. User Response: Informational message. No user action necessary. ETGRDA106I Explanation: This is a separator line displayed at the start of a group of deactivation messages for a recording request. ETGRDA107I REPOSITORY: repository dataset name OWNER: user-ID Explanation: REPOSITORY is the dataset associated with the request. Network traffic captured for this request was stored in this dataset. OWNER is the logon ID of the user who created or last updated this request. User Response: Informational message. No user action necessary. ETGREC ETGREC101I SCRIPT ssssssss CREATED FOR LU cccccccc APPL aaaaaaaa Explanation: The session between LU cccccccc and application aaaaaaaa has ended. Script ssssssss has been created and is located in the PDS listed on the global recording request. ETGREC102E SCRIPT ssssssss CREATED FROM AN ABORTED GLOBAL RECORDING SESSION Explanation: Script ssssssss has been created and is located in the PDS listed on the global recording request. The script is not complete due to lost recording buffers. User Response: ETGREC103E Contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRIPT ssssssss FAILED FOR LU cccccccc APPL aaaaaaaa RC=nnnn Explanation: The session between LU cccccccc and application aaaaaaaa has ended. The script ssssssss could not be created due to an error condition. The error condition is indicated by RC=nnnn, where nnnn is: Error User Response 04 - STOW macro failure. Contact Compuware Customer Support. 08 - No directory space in the PDS. Increase the size of the directory for the PDS. 12 - Not enough space in the PDS. Compress or enlarge the PDS. 16 - Enqueue failure. Contact the user who has control of the PDS. 20 - Member replace was set to no and a unique member name could not be created. Change the member prefix in the request or delete existing members. 24 - Zero records recorded in script. Message ETGREC103I will be issued. 28 - The script creation task did not have write access Add the appropriate security rules to your to the script dataset. site security system (RACF, ACF2, etc.) 3-46 Hiperstation Messages and Codes Error User Response 32 - An unexpected abend was encountered in the DCB abend exit. Contact Compuware Customer Support. 36 - Data stream error. Contact Compuware Customer Support. 40 - A PDS allocation error occurred. The PDS could be allocated when the global recording request was added or last updated. However, during the global recording process, an unknown event prevented the allocation. Look for an application using the dataset as OLD instead of SHARE. 44 - Bad script; not a PDS, not correct RECFM, or LRECL is too short. ETGREC104I SCRIPT ssssssss SKIPPED FOR LU cccccccc APPL aaaaaaaa Explanation: The session between LU cccccccc and application aaaaaaaa has ended. The script ssssssss was not saved because the session consisted of control information only. This is normal for LUs connecting to TSO. ETGREC106W ATTEMPT TO ARCHIVE SESSION FROM SCRIPT FAILURE WAS NOT SUCCESSFUL Explanation: Script creation failed for the session. Refer to message ETGREC103E for a complete explanation. The session has been deleted. User Response: Check the log for messages indicating the status of the archive file. ETGRFR ETGRFR106E FIX OR CHANGE DATASET, THEN ISSUE STOP(P) COMMAND Explanation: An earlier error prevented the 3270 session log from being created. To prevent loss of the session logging data, it is kept in memory until it is successfully written to a dataset or until the CANCEL command is issued for the associated recording request. User Response: Correct the problem with the 3270 session log dataset, which was identified by an earlier ET32LGxxx message, then issue the STOP command for the associated recording request. ETGRMN ETGRMN001I HIPERSTATION GLOBAL RECORDING ACTIVATED Explanation: ETGRMN011E The global recording subtask has been activated. UNKNOWN FAILURE IN ETRMGRST Explanation: An attempt to activate a global recording request has failed. All segments in a repository may be full, and wrap was not selected. User Response: ETGRMN012E UNKNOWN FAILURE IN ETRMGRSP Explanation: User Response: ETGRMN015E Allocate a new or larger repository if they wish the request to be activated. An attempt to stop a global recording request has failed. Contact Compuware Customer Support. MQSERIES OR TCP/IP TASK INACTIVE Explanation: The started task did not activate the MQSeries and/or TCP/IP recording tasks, but an MQSeries and/or TCP/IP record request has tried to activate. User Response: Make sure that the TCP/IP and/or MQ tasks are specified in GRPARMS and were successfully activated. To do this, check the started task sysout for message SVMAN391I to identify the capture types requested and message SVATH001I to identify which capture types were successfully activated. Hiperstation Messages: EHSD through ETTERM 3-47 ETGRMN016E START REQUEST NOT IN G/R REQ FILE. FROM:userid TYPE:type KEY=TIME STAMPREPOSITORY FILE NAME* Explanation: Because the GR request file defined to the ISPF interface is different than the GR request file defined to the Global Record started task, Global Recording was unable to add or restart the indicated recording request. • FROM shows the TSO user ID that attempted to add or restart the request. • TYPE shows the type of the recording request: 3=3270, A=APPC, T=TCP/IP, and M=MQ. • KEY shows the time and date that the ADD or RESTART command was issued along with the repository dataset name indicated in the request. System Action: The ADD or RESTART command is ignored. User Response: Ensure that the dataset name specified on the ATTACH,ETRMGRMN statement in the GRPARMS member your site is using, typically located in the samples library SQQFSAMP, is the same as the dataset name specified on the &XTRMGRDS parameter in the ETRMGPAR member of the panel library (SQQFPENU). Refer to the Hiperstation Installation and Configuration Guide for more information. • If you modify the ATTACH statement, restart the Global Recorded started task to make the update take effect. • If you modify the &XTRMGRDS parameter, exit Hiperstation to make the update take effect. ETGRMN020E POST FR DATABASE UPDATE WITH NO REQUEST IGNORED Explanation: The global recording subtask was posted by a user to perform a request, but the request chain was empty. User Response: ETGRMN028E Contact Compuware Customer Support. SVRQ REQUEST CODE IS NOT VALID Explanation: The global recording subtask was posted by a user to perform a request, but the request was invalid. User Response: ETGRMN029E Contact Compuware Customer Support. SWITCH REQUEST FAILED. STOPPING THE REQUEST Explanation: The last segment of the repository has been used, and wrap was not specified for the segmented repository. User Response: ETGRMN030E No user action required. SWITCH REQUEST FAILED. CURRENT REPOSITORY HAS NOT BEEN OPENED Explanation: The current repository has not been opened and cannot be switched. This can happen if no new data has been written to the current repository since the global record request was activated. User Response: ETGRMN031E SWITCH REQUEST FAILED. RECORDING TASK IS NOT ACTIVE Explanation: User Response: ETGRMN032E Global recording is not active Start the global recording task. SWITCH REQUEST FAILED. REQUEST COULD NOT BE FOUND Explanation: active. User Response: ETGRMN040E Retry after session data is written to the repository. The global recording request associated with the segmented repository is not Activate the global recording request. MQ FILTER VALUES NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USERID: &USERID Explanation: When global recording is restarted, security is rechecked. The owner is no longer authorized to make the request. System Action: The global recording request is not started. User Response: Ensure you have the proper authorization for your request. 3-48 Hiperstation Messages and Codes ETGRMN102E REQUIRED PARAMETER: GLOBAL RECORDING REQUEST FILE MISSING Explanation: The global recording request file was not listed on the ATTACH command. User Response: Message ETGRMN104I will be issued to the system console prompting the operator to reply with the global recording request file name. ETGRMN103E ALLOCATION FAILED FOR HIPERSTATION GLOBAL RECORDING REQUEST FILE Explanation: The global recording request listed could not be allocated. User Response: Verify that the request file name was entered correctly or that the file exists and is cataloged. ETGRMN104I ENTER GLOBAL RECORDING REQUEST FILE NAME OR CANCEL Explanation: The global recording request file was not listed on the ATTACH command. User Response: Reply with the global recording request file name or enter cancel to terminate the global recording subtask. ETGRMN201I GLOBAL RECORDING IS SUSPENDED Explanation: The Suspend recording option on the Administration Control Options screen has been selected. No new VTAM data will be recorded by the global recording address space until the selection character is removed from this option. User Response: ETGRMN203I Informational message that appears in the global recording job log. SCRIPT WRITING IS SUSPENDED Explanation: The Suspend script creation option on the Administration Control Options screen has been selected. No new Hiperstation scripts will be created by the global recording address space until the selection character is removed from this option. Scripts will still be created on demand for a particular recording request if the Force command is selected from the Global Recording Monitor Requests screen. Scripts will also be created for recording requests that list an “End time” if the request also specifies a “Record at end time” option. User Response: ETGRMN204I Informational message that appears in the global recording job log. SCRIPT WRITING IS RESUMED Explanation: The Suspend script creation option on the Administration Control Options screen has been deselected. Hiperstation scripts will now be created for data that has already been recorded. User Response: ETGRMN998I Informational message that appears in the global recording job log. HIPERSTATION GLOBAL RECORDING SHUTDOWN ACKNOWLEDGED Explanation: Either the global recording started task is being shutdown or the DETACH command was issued for the global recording subtask. The subtask is in termination processing. ETGRMN999I HIPERSTATION GLOBAL RECORDING SHUTDOWN COMPLETE Explanation: Either the global recording started task is being shutdown or the DETACH command was issued for the global recording subtask. The subtask is terminated. ETGRPX ETGRPX101I PIU EXIT CALLED FOR INITIALIZATION Explanation: ETGRPX102I The global recording PIU exit has been activated. PIU EXIT CALLED FOR TERMINATION Explanation: The global recording PIU exit has been deactivated. Hiperstation Messages: EHSD through ETTERM ETGRPX103I 3-49 GR INITIATED FOR REQUEST 00007 Explanation: The PIU exit has received the first PIU for an LU listed on an active Global Recording request. The LU is listed as cccccccc. ETGRPX1041 SIDE A: netida.lunamea SIDE B: netidb.lunameb Explanation: Informational message. Shows the two application programs (logical unit names) for which APPC recording has begun. ETGRPX1051 LOGMODE: llllllll Explanation: Informational message. Shows the logon mode name for which APPC recording has begun. ETGRPX1061 TP: tttttttt Explanation: Informational message. Shows the transaction program name for which APPC recording has begun. ETGRPX1071 Explanation: This is a separator line displayed at the start of a group of initiation messages for a recording request. ETGRPX108E NO CINIT/BIND INFORMATION FOR LU: XXXXXXXX MSG: XXXXXXXX Explanation: For 3270 recording, certain information is required from the CINIT and BIND. The PIUs flow at the time the 3270 session begins. Either the session began prior to starting Hiperstation’s started task, or the checkpoint file (where the Hiperstation started task stores CINIT/BIND PIUs) has wrapped around. Note: Session recording cannot be accomplished without the CINIT/BIND data. User Response: If you suspect that the checkpoint file has wrapped around, reallocate the checkpoint file — increasing the space allocation in SAMPLIB member GRCKDEF. ETGRPX109E NO CINIT/BIND INFORMATION FOR LU: XXXXXXXXXXXX MSG: XXXXXXXXXXXX Explanation: For APPC recording, certain information is required from the CINIT and BIND. The PIUs flow at the time the APPC session begins. Either the session began prior to starting Hiperstation’s started task, or the checkpoint file (where the Hiperstation started task stores CINIT/BIND PIUs) has wrapped around. Note: Session recording cannot be accomplished without the CINIT/BIND data. The ORIGIN and DEST information displayed are the VTAM LU6.2 subarea and element numbers for each partner. User Response: If you suspect that the checkpoint file has wrapped around, reallocate the checkpoint file — increasing the space allocation in SAMPLIB member GRCKDEF. ETGRPX111I BUILDING SESSION TRACKING TABLE STARTED User Response: ETGRPX112I X'00000000' BUILDING SESSION TRACKING TABLE COMPLETED TOTAL VLUI CREATED: User Response: ETGRPX113W X'xxxxxxxx' Informational message. No user action necessary. Informational message. No user action necessary. ADDING VLUI ENTRY FAILED (CPOOL SHORTAGE) TOTAL VLUI IN CPOOL: Explanation: The SESSCNT parameter defined in the Global Record Start Up Parameter list is too small. A new VTAM session could not be registered. The current VLUI count is displayed in Hex. User Response: Recording. Increase the value in the SESSCNT parameter, and then restart Global 3-50 Hiperstation Messages and Codes ETGRPX114W X'xxxxxxxx' ADDING VLUI ENTRY FAILED (HASH ADD ERROR) TOTAL VLUI IN CPOOL: Explanation: The SESSCNT parameter defined in the Global Record Start Up Parameter list is too small or HASHLOAD parameter is too high, if it is specified. The new VTAM session could not be registered. The current VLUI count is displayed in Hex. User Response: ETGRPX118W Contact Compuware Customer Support if the problem persists. SENDING A REQUEST TO ETRMGRMN FAILED. Explanation: An internal error occurred between global recording subtasks. An SVCDUMP will be produced and then Global Recording operation will be resumed. User Response: Contact Compuware Customer Support if the problem persists and be prepared to submit the SVCDUMP for diagnosis, if requested. ETGRPX119W INTERNAL ERROR FREEING A VSSS. Explanation: An internal error occurred when freeing a VSSS. An SVCDUMP will be produced and then Global Recording operation will be resumed. User Response: Contact Compuware Customer Support if the problem persists, and be prepared to submit the SVCDUMP for diagnosis, if requested. ETGRPX120I BACKUP OF USERID TRACKING INFORMATION IN PROGRESS User Response: ETGRPX121I BACKUP OF USERID TRACKING INFORMATION COMPLETE User Response: ETGRPX122I Informational message. No user action necessary. RESTORE OF USERID TRACKING INFORMATION COMPLETE User Response: ETGRPX124E Informational message. No user action necessary. RESTORE OF USERID TRACKING INFORMATION IN PROGRESS User Response: ETGRPX123I Informational message. No user action necessary. Informational message. No user action necessary. ALLOCATION FAILED FOR HIPERSTATION GLOBAL RECORDING DATASET Explanation: The Global Record started task could not allocate the request file. User Response: Refer to the GRPARMS used to bring up the started task and verify that the dataset name defined by the ATTACH ETRMGRMN statement is correct. ETGRPX125E UNABLE TO OBTAIN STORAGE FOR USERID TBL Explanation: Not enough storage defined to use the MVS cell pool storage. User Response: Increase the size of the MVS subpool. Refer to the MVS system log to find the associated GETMAIN error message, which contains the MVS subpool number. ETGRPX126W TERMINATING OLD VSSS/VSBE/VLUI/VSSS Explanation: An internal error occurred when processing a VSSS/VLUI. User Response: Contact Compuware Customer Support if the problem persists and be prepared to submit the Global Record Started Task Log for diagnosis, if requested. ETGRPX127W BUFFER SIZE MISCALCULATION Explanation: An internal error occurred in Global Record buffer processing. An SVCDUMP will be produced and then Global Recording operation will resume. User Response: Contact Compuware Customer Support if problem persists and be prepared to submit the SVCDUMP for diagnosis, if requested. ETGRPX903 $QIO CALL FAILED Explanation: A failure from a call to an I/O routine in the 3270 and APPC PIU exit occurred. One possible cause is that the ATTACH,TCPRCQIO statement in the GRPARMS initialization parameters for the Global Record started task may be missing. This statement was optional in releases 7.0 and 7.1, but is required in releases 7.2 and more current. Hiperstation Messages: EHSD through ETTERM 3-51 User Response: Contact your systems programmer to add the ATTACH,TCPRCQIO statement to the GRPARMS initialization parameters for the Global Record started task. If the statement is already there, contact Compuware Customer Support. ETGRSP ETGRSP101I GR REQUEST 00007 TERMINATED Explanation: A request is terminated after it has been de-activated and no sessions are still active for the request. User Response: ETGRSP102I No new sessions with this LU will be recorded. SIDE A: netida.lunamea SIDE B: netidb.lunameb Explanation: Informational message. Shows the two application program (logical unit name) filters associated with an APPC recording request that is being terminated. ETGRSP105I Explanation: This is a separator line displayed at the start of a group of termination messages for a recording request. ETGRSP106E FIX OR CHANGE DATASET, THEN REISSUE STOP(P) COMMAND Explanation: An earlier error prevented the 3270 session log from being created. To prevent loss of the session logging data, it is kept in memory until it is successfully written to a dataset or until the CANCEL command is issued for the associated recording request. User Response: Correct the problem with the 3270 session log dataset, which was identified by an earlier ET32LGxxx message, then issue the STOP command for the associated recording request. ETGRSP107I REPOSITORY: repository dataset name OWNER: user-ID Explanation: REPOSITORY is the dataset associated with the request. Network traffic captured for this request was stored in this dataset. OWNER is the logon ID of the user who created or last updated this request. User Response: Informational message. No user action necessary. ETGRST ETGRST101I GR REQUEST 00009 ACTIVATED Explanation: User Response: ETGRST102I The global recording request for the chosen LU is activated. New sessions with this LU will be recorded. SIDE A: netida.lunamea SIDE B: netidb.lunameb Explanation: Informational message. Shows the two application program (logical unit name) filters associated with an APPC recording request that is being activated. ETGRST103I LOGMODE: llllllll USERID: uuuuuuuu Explanation: Informational message. Shows the logon mode name and user ID filters associated with an APPC recording request that is being activated. ETGRST104I TP: tttttttt Explanation: Informational message. Shows the transaction program name filter that is associated with an APPC recording request that is being activated. ETGRST105I Explanation: This is a separator line displayed at the start of a group of activation messages for a recording request. 3-52 Hiperstation Messages and Codes ETGRST106I REQUEST OWNER: user-ID REPOSITORY: repository dataset name Explanation: REQUEST OWNER is the logon ID of the user who created or last updated this request. REPOSITORY is the dataset associated with the request. Network traffic captured for this request was stored in this dataset. User Response: Informational message. No user action necessary. ETGRST106W WHEN "LOGON ONLY = N", SUPPLY FULL TERMINAL LU NAME AND EITHER FULL APPLICATION NAME OR * BY ITSELF: cccccccc Explanation: A global recording request listed “Record from logon only ===> N” exists and one of the following is true: • The Terminal LU field is blank or contains the wildcard character (*) • The Terminal LU or application is not a logical unit in this VTAM system • More than one application field contains a partial name followed by the wildcard character (*). The cccccccc value shows the field value that will prevent an existing 3270 session from being recorded. User Response: Recording requests that list “Record from logon only ===> N” will always be activated by global recording, but will only record data for an existing session if the terminal LU name is a full logical unit name (no wildcard character) and the application name is either a full name, a blank, or a single wildcard character. When this message is present, existing 3270 sessions that appear to match the field values will not be recorded. New 3270 sessions that begin after this time will be recorded. To record an existing session, supply a full Terminal LU name and either a full name, a blank, or a single wildcard character for the application name. ETGRST107W NAU ADDRESS CANNOT BE DETERMINED WHEN “term, appl, userid list” USED Explanation: NAU stands for Network Accessible Unit. This error occurs on returning from the Global Recording ADD/UPDATE Requests screen when the “Record from logon only ===> N” is true. If this message appears, the recording request may or may not be activated. If the user is currently logged on, or recently logged on and then logged off, the request is activated even if the warning message appears. User Response: If the request activates correctly, then ignore the message. If the request does not activate, cancel the request and specify a new request with out the listname option by specifying a single userid at the top of the panel only (no listname). ETIN ETINIT101E REXX INITIALIZATION FAILED, RC=xxxx REASON=yyyy Explanation: Initialization of a REXX environment was not successful. The return code (xxxx) and the reason code (yyyy) are from IRXINIT in hexadecimal format. User Response: See IBM’s REXX Reference Manual for an explanation of the return code (xxxx) and reason code (yyyy) or call Compuware Customer Support. ETPO ETPO621E PROCESSING ERROR: xxxxxxxx Explanation: An error has been detected during the APPC (LU6.2) script playback. xxxxxxxx is another Hiperstation message ID. User Response: Refer to message xxxxxxxx in the Hiperstation Messages and Codes guide, correct the error, and rerun the playback job. ETPO622E ACB OPEN ERROR, RC: cccc FBK2: ffff LU: xxxxxxxx ACB CLOSE ERROR, RC: cccc FBK2: ffff LU: xxxxxxxx SETLOGON1 ERROR, RC: cccc FBK2: ffff LU: xxxxxxxx Hiperstation Messages: EHSD through ETTERM 3-53 SETLOGON2 ERROR, RC: cccc FBK2: ffff LU: xxxxxxxx USERVAR ERROR, RC: cccc FBK2: ffff LU: xxxxxxxx Explanation: An error was detected during the open or close of an LU6.2 APPL. If the message indicates SETLOGON1, there was a failure defining the generic LU name via the SETLOGON OPTCD=GNAMEADD. If the message indicates SETLOGON2, there was a failure during the SETLOGON OPTCD=START. If the message indicates USERVAR, there was a failure issuing the SENDCMD macro to VTAM to modify the USERVAR. The command issued was "F xxx,USERVAR,APPC=YES,ID=yyy,VALUE=zzz", where xxx is the job name of VTAM, yyy is the alias LU name and zzz is the real LU name. User Response: The return and feedback codes are hex values. Review section of IBM’s VTAM Programming that describes the Open Macro instruction for an explanation of the return code (cccc) and feedback code (ffff), or call Compuware Customer Support. ETPO623E AL62 REQUEST ERROR, STATUS: ssss Explanation: User Response: ETPO624E An undocumented ETRMAL62 request code (ssss) has been detected. Call Compuware Customer Support for an explanation of this code. CNOS ERROR, R15: aa R0: bb RTNCD: cc FDB2: dd RCPRI: eeee RCSEC: ffff Explanation: During the open process, a CNOS error was detected. The R15, R0, RTNCD, FDB2, RCPRI, and RCSEC data is provided to help determine the error. User Response: Refer to the appropriate VTAM manuals and make necessary corrections for the ALLOCATE. ETPO625I LU FOR HIPERSTATION IS BUSY ELSEWHERE: xxxxxxxx Explanation: User Response: ETPO626E The designated LU is busy and cannot be used at this time. Wait for the LU to become available or use another LU. DATA NOT FOUND FOR OPERATION: oo--oo Explanation: A script record type code has been encountered that requires data but no data has been found. User Response: Inspect the script and provide data for the record type via the LABEL or CONTENT keyword. ETPO627E PROCESSING SCRIPT: xxxxxxx STATEMENT: xxxxx Explanation: An error has been found during script processing. This is the statement number that caused the error. This number may not be exact. It may point to a CONTENT statement. If it does, the statement in error is the one associated with the CONTENT statement. ETPO628E xxxxxxx not responsive for operation: oo--oo Explanation: The xxxxxxxx is either ‘request’ or ‘partner’. The operation oo--oo is the type of request made. If it is a request, then a request was made to the LU62 component of Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers and no response was received. If it is a partner, no response was received from the LU62 partner. The response period is determined from the NORESPTO keyword. User Response: If the partner was active at the time of this message, consider increasing the NORESPTO value to one more representative of the time it could take to receive a response from the partner. ETPO629I LU62 STATUS, R15: aa R0: bb RTNCD: cc FDB2: dd RCPRI: eeee RCSEC: ffff Explanation: During processing, a situation was encountered where the R15, R0, RTNCD, FDB2, RCPRI and RCSEC data may help to determine the error. User Response: Refer to the appropriate VTAM manuals and make necessary corrections for the ALLOCATE. 3-54 Hiperstation Messages and Codes ETPORT ETPORT1E VTAM INITIALIZATION ERROR: cccccccc Explanation: Hiperstation could not establish a session with a virtual terminal. The message cccccccc can be found in the Hiperstation message library (ISPMLIB). User Response: In unattended playback mode, the message cccccccc detail is not issued. Execute script playback using Domain Traveler to get further diagnostics. The message cccccccc can be found in the Hiperstation Messages and Codes guide. Ensure that the virtual terminal major node has been active. Also, ensure that the prefix statement on the control parameter has the correct prefix for the virtual terminals. ETPRTS ETPRTS101E DYNAMIC ALLOCATION ERROR RC= Explanation: User Response: ETPRTS102E Error allocating print dataset during batch processing. Correct dataset error and rerun. DYNAMIC ALLOCATION ERROR RC= Explanation: User Response: Error allocating print dataset during online processing. Correct dataset error and rerun. ETRM ETRM32IS UNKNOWN COMMAND DETECTED Explanation: This message is displayed on the Job log if LU0 data is attempted to be created into a formatted script. It occurs due to a format conflict between LU0 commands and 3270 commands. User Response: Script Create. ETRM9000 LU0 scripts must be created as Unformatted. Change this setting and rerun SHORT ON STORAGE PROCESSING Explanation: User Response: Hiperstation ran out of cache space during processing. Increase cache size in EHSDFLT. ETRMF ETRMF000 BE ENTERED ENTRIES REQUIRED - IF ONE OF THE LUW ENTRIES ARE REQUIRED, THEN ALL MUST Explanation: User Response: ETRMF004 You must enter all LUW entries. INVALID MEMBER NAME Explanation: User Response: ETRMF006 You have not specified all LUW entries. The member name you entered is invalid. Make sure the member name is spelled correctly and exists. INVALID DSN Explanation: User Response: The dataset name you entered is invalid. Make sure the dataset name is spelled correctly and exists. Hiperstation Messages: EHSD through ETTERM ETRMF008 SCRIPT DATASET NOT FOUND Explanation: User Response: ETRMF009 User Response: Make sure the dataset name is spelled correctly and exists. The value you entered is not numeric. Retry using a numeric value. VALUE MUST BE < 8 - THE SUFFIX MUST BE A NUMBER FROM 1 TO 7 Explanation: User Response: ETRMF011 The script dataset name you entered could not be found. VALUE MUST BE NUMERIC Explanation: ETRMF010 3-55 The value you entered was too large. Use a number from 1 to 7. VALUE MUST BE "Y" OR "N" Explanation: User Response: The value you specified is invalid. Use either Y or N. ETRMF012 INVALID NETWORK NAME - NETWORK NAMES MUST BE OF THE FORM LUname OR netid.LUname Explanation: User Response: The network name you specified is invalid. Use the form LUname or netid.LUname. ETRMF014 MEMBER NAME IS REQUIRED - WHEN THE STATEMENT DATASET IS A PDS, A MEMBER MUST BE SPECIFIED Explanation: User Response: You have not specified a member name for the PDS. Enter a member name in the field. ETRMF017 INVALID TIMESTAMP - TIMESTAMP MUST BE IN THE FORM YYYY/MM/DD_HH:MM:SS.nnnnnn Explanation: User Response: The timestamp you specified is invalid. Use the form YYYY/MM/DD_HH:MM:SS.nnnnnn. ETRMF027 REPEAT AND TERM MUST = 1 - DUBBING IS VALID ONLY WHEN THE NUMBER OF TERMinals AND REPEAT ARE 1 Explanation: User Response: ETRMF029 You cannot dub with your current REPEAT and TERM values. Change the REPEAT and TERM values to 1 and retry. PDS IS REQUIRED - THE SCRIPT DATASET MUST BE A PDS Explanation: User Response: You have not specified a PDS for the script dataset. Specify a PDS and try again. ETRMF033 CONFLICTING ENTRIES - THINK TIME MINUTES AND SECONDS, AND PERCENT MAY NOT BOTH BE ENTERED Explanation: User Response: You are using a think time AND a percent, which is not allowed. Use either a think time in minutes and seconds, OR a percent value. ETRMGRPX ETRMGRPX20 aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb cccccccc dddddddd Explanation: This is a diagnostic message produced when Hiperstation is unable to locate VTAM session information for a 3270 or APPC datastream. The information displayed is the contents of an internal Hiperstation control block. User Response: If you are not recording the 3270 sessions or APPC conversations that you believe you should be recording, based on your active recording requests, contact Compuware 3-56 Hiperstation Messages and Codes Customer Support. In many cases, the appearance of this message does not indicate a problem. ETRMI ETRMI002I EHSDFLT NOT FOUND Explanation: ISPLLIB. EHSDFLT was not found in a load library defined as JOBLIB, STEPLIB, or System Action: Follow Hiperstation Installation and Configuration Guide instructions on generating the EHSDFLT load module. Ensure it is placed in a load library defined as JOBLIB, STEPLIB, or ISPLLIB, then rerun. ETRMI003I EHSDFLT NOT AUTHORIZED Explanation: EHSDFLT is not authorized, or the library is not authorized System Action: Follow Hiperstation Installation and Configuration Guide instructions on generating the EHSDFLT load module. Ensure it is placed in a load library defined as JOBLIB, STEPLIB, or ISPLLIB, then rerun. ETRMO ETRMO620 INVALID SPACE UNITS - MUST BE BLKS, TRKS, CYLS, KB, MB OR BYTES Explanation: The space units you specified are invalid. User Response: ETRMO621 Retry using BLKS, TRKS, CYLS, KB, MB or BYTES. INVALID UNIT - GENERIC UNIT MUST BE BLANK IF VOLUME SERIAL IS SPECIFIED Explanation: The unit you have specified is invalid. User Response: Take out the unit if you have a volume serial already specified. ETRMRACF ETRMRACF-001E XTRMDFLT(EFHDFLT TABLE ADDRESS) IS ZERO, PROGAM WILL BE TERMINATED WITH ABEND CODE 100 Explanation: 100. EHSDFLT table was not loaded properly. Program will abend with abend code User Response: Contact Compuware Customer Support. ETRMRR1 ETRMRR1-0001E <Errnojr>. Error Making Root Directory: <root> RC: <rc> 'Errno:' <Errno> 'Errnojr:' Explanation: created. The root directory required to store the Search criteria HFS files could not be System Action: Creation of Archive Search request terminates. User Response: Use the returned codes to investigate why the named HFS root directory could not be created. ETRMRR1-0002E Error on Allocate of Filter PDSE <PDSE_name> Return code: <rc> Explanation: System Action: The PDSE required to hold the Search Criteria files cannot be allocated. Creation of Archive Search request terminates. Hiperstation Messages: EHSD through ETTERM 3-57 User Response: Use the returned code to investigate why the named PDSE could not be allocated. Examine the TEMP* dataset definition parameters and the SRCHPRF dataset name prefix defined in the ETRMGPAR panel member. Compare these values with local site standards. ETRMRR1-0003E <Errnojr>. Error Reading Directory: <rootpath> RC: <rc> 'Errno:' <Errno> 'Errnojr:' Explanation: The HFS directory containing any previously created Search Criteria files cannot be read. System Action: Creation of Archive Search request terminates. User Response: Use the returned codes to investigate why the named HFS directory could not be accessed. ETRMRR1-0004E <Errnojr>. Error Reading Search Criteria File: <filepath> RC: <rc> 'Errno:' <Errno> 'Errnojr:' Explanation: The named HFS file, which contains a previously entered set of Search criteria, cannot be read. System Action: Creation of Archive Search request terminates. User Response: accessed. Use the returned codes to investigate why the named HFS file could not be ETRMRR1-0005E <DD_name> Error Getting Load Dataset name, Reason(<reason_code>). Load DD Name: Explanation: The passed DD name for the Hiperstation for VTAM load library could not be utilized by the LISTDSI function. System Action: Creation of Archive Search request terminates. User Response: Contact Compuware Customer Support. ETRMRR1-0006E <DD_name> Error Getting EXEC Dataset name, Reason(<reason_code>). Load DD Name: Explanation: The passed DD name for the Hiperstation for VTAM REXX EXEC library could not be utilized by the LISTDSI function. System Action: Creation of Archive Search request terminates. User Response: Contact Compuware Customer Support. ETRMRR1-0007E Error on SYSDSN of Filter PDSE: <PDSE_name> Explanation: The Script Criteria PDSE name caused an error in the REXX SYSDSN function. System Action: Creation of Archive Search request terminates. User Response: Contact Compuware Customer Support. ETRMRR1-0008E Archive directory does not exist in path: <archive_path> RC: <rc> Errno: <errno> Errnojr: <errnojr> Explanation: The archive directory used to store HFS files and reports for Archive Search has not been defined. System Action: Creation of Archive Search request terminates. User Response: Contact the local product installer and reference the Hiperstation Installation and Configuration Guide for details on how to create the archive directory appropriately. ETRMRR1-0011E <Errnojr>. Error Making Global Root Directory: <root> RC: <rc> Errno: <Errno> Errnojr: Explanation: The global root directory required to store the shared Search criteria HFS files could not be created. System Action: Creation of Archive Search request terminates. User Response: Use the returned codes to investigate why the named HFS global root directory could not be created. 3-58 Hiperstation Messages and Codes ETRMRR1-0012E <Errnojr>. Error Reading Global Directory: <rootpath> RC: <rc> Errno: <Errno> Errnojr: Explanation: The HFS directory containing any previously created Global Search Criteria files cannot be read. System Action: Creation of Archive Search request terminates. User Response: Use the returned codes to investigate why the named HFS directory could not be accessed. ETRMRR1-0013E <Errnojr>. Error Reading Global Criteria File: <filepath> RC: <rc> Errno: <Errno> Errnojr: Explanation: The HFS file containing the Global Search Criteria could not be read. System Action: Creation of Archive Search request terminates. User Response: accessed. Use the returned codes to investigate why the named HFS file could not be ETRMRR1-0014E Error Unlinking Filter File: <filepath> RC: <rc> Errno: <Errno> Errnojr: <Errnojr>. Explanation: The named HFS file containing the Global Search Criteria could not be deleted. System Action: Processing of Archive Search filter member request terminates. User Response: deleted. Use the returned codes to investigate why the named HFS file could not be ETRMRR1-0015E Error Unlinking Filter File: <filepath> RC: <rc> Errno: <Errno> Errnojr: <Errnojr>. Explanation: The named HFS file containing Local Search Criteria could not be deleted. System Action: Processing of Archive Search filter member request terminates. User Response: deleted. Use the returned codes to investigate why the named HFS file could not be ETRMRR1-0016E <Errnojr>. Error Opening Search Criteria File: <filepath> RC: <rc> Errno: <Errno> Errnojr: Explanation: The named HFS file could not be opened for member statistics calculation. System Action: Processing of HFS file statistics terminates. User Response: opened. Use the returned codes to investigate why the named HFS file could not be ETRMRR1-0017E <Errnojr>. Error Reading Search Criteria fstat: <filepath> RC: <rc> Errno: <Errno> Errnojr: Explanation: The named HFS file could not be read for member statistics calculation. System Action: Processing of HFS file statistics terminates. User Response: read. Use the returned codes to investigate why the named HFS file could not be ETRMRR1-0018E <Errnojr>. Error in gmtime for Create Time: <filepath> RC: <rc> Errno: <Errno> Errnojr: Explanation: The USS C function gmtime() failed in filter member statistics function. System Action: Processing of HFS file statistics terminates. User Response: Use the returned codes to investigate why the gmtime() command failed. If the problem persists contact Compuware Customer Support. ETRMRR1-0019E <Errnojr>. Error in gmtime for Modified Time: <filepath> RC: <rc> Errno: <Errno> Errnojr: Explanation: System Action: The USS C function gmtime() failed in filter member statistics function. Processing of HFS file statistics terminates. User Response: Use the returned codes to investigate why the gmtime() command failed. If the problem persists contact Compuware Customer Support. Hiperstation Messages: EHSD through ETTERM ETRMRR1-0020E 3-59 Error in getpwuid: <filepath> RC: <rc> Errno: <Errno> Errnojr: <Errnojr>. Explanation: System Action: The USS C function getpwuid() failed in filter member statistics function. Processing of HFS file statistics terminates. User Response: Use the returned codes to investigate why the getpwuid() command failed. If the problem persists contact Compuware Customer Support. ETRMT ETRMTRXA ATTRIBUTE TRANSLATION ERROR ATTR: xxxxxxxx Explanation: User Response: ETRMTS0I The attributes represented by xxxxxxxx could not be translated. Contact Compuware Customer Support. UNKNOWN AID DETECTED Explanation: User Response: The attention identifier on the inbound data stream was not valid. Contact Compuware Customer Support. ETRMVTAM ETRMVTAM SYNAD ENTERED RETURN CODE=xxx, FDBK=yy ETRMVTAM LERAD Entered Return Code=xx, FDBK2=yy Explanation: User Response: The SYNAD or LERAD exit for the Hiperstation ACB was entered. Contact Compuware Customer Support. ETTERM ETTERM101E REXX TERMINATION FAILED, RC=xxxx Explanation: Termination of a REXX environment was not successful. User Response: See IBM’s REXX Reference Manual for an explanation of the Return Code (xxxx) or call Compuware Customer Support. 3-60 Hiperstation Messages and Codes 4-1 Chapter 4. Hiperstation Messages: HSPFE through RGSTRYGN The chapter explains messages with prefix HSPFE through prefix RGSTRYGN and, if applicable, provides response actions you can take to resolve the issue causing the message. Messages are listed in alpha-numeric order and grouped by prefix. Use the “Contents” to help you find the message information you need. HSPFE HSPFE800 Unable to allocate the tables dataset userid.HIPER.TABLES Explanation: User Response: HSPFE801 User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: The specified filter line has been moved to the requested location. Informational message. No user action necessary. The program could not start ISPLINK. Ensure the program has proper security permissions. The profile dataset and member names cannot be found. Enter an existing dataset/member combination. The specified filer line has been copied. Informational message. No user action necessary. The profile has been copied Explanation: User Response: HSPFE810 Informational message. No user action necessary. The filter line has been copied Explanation: HSPFE808 The Default Profile is in use because a personal one was not specified. Profile dataset &HSDSN or member HSMEM does not exist Explanation: HSPFE807 Contact the Product Installer to correct the parameter setting. The fetch for ISPLINK failed Explanation: HSPFE806 The parameter QFPRFDSN in panel ETRMGPAR has not been properly set. The filter line has been moved Explanation: HSPFE805 Informational message. No user action necessary. The Default Profile from the Site Profile dataset is being used Explanation: HSPFE804 The profile has been saved into the Profile Dataset. The Site Profile dataset is not specified in ETRMGPAR. Explanation: HSPFE803 Ensure permissions allow userid.HIPER.TABLES to be allocated. The Profile has been saved. Explanation: HSPFE802 The tables dataset does not exist. The specified profile has been copied into the new name. Informational message. No user action necessary. Only one line command at a time is supported Explanation: Multiple line commands are not supported. Chap 4 4-2 Hiperstation Messages and Codes User Response: HSPFE811 Select another Profile dataset Explanation: User Response: HSPFE812 User Response: Choose another name for your profile dataset. The previously used Profile is being used for this session. Informational message. No user action necessary. Error creating a USER Profile PDS - it already exists Explanation: User Response: HSPFE814 The selected dataset is the same as the site profile name. You did not select a profile. Reverting to previous one. Explanation: HSPFE813 Specify one line command at a time. The system is trying to allocate a dataset that already exists. Choose another name to allocate a fresh dataset. Error creating your new Profile dataset. Explanation: There was an error in creating a new Profile dataset. User Response: Make sure the value specified for the Site Profile Dataset in parameter QFPRFDSN and the value specified for the default profile member in parameter QFPRFDEF are valid. Also, make sure the user has the proper security authority to access the Site Profile Dataset. HSPFE815 Value must be in the range specified. Explanation: User Response: HSPFE816 User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: The profile XML file could not be opened. If the problem persists, contact Customer Support. A read error occurred during a copy request. If the problem persists, contact Customer Support. A system error occurred during a close request. If the problem persists, contact Customer Support. The requested action is cancelled Explanation: User Response: HSPFE822 If the problem persists, contact Customer Support. An error occurred when closing the Profile XML file Explanation: HSPFE821 The profile XML file could not be allocated. The COPY request failed. Cannot read source Profile Explanation: HSPFE820 Informational message. No user action necessary. An error occurred when opening the Profile XML file Explanation: HSPFE819 The profile has been saved into the Profile Dataset. An error occurred when allocating the Profile XML file Explanation: HSPFE818 Specify a value that is within the acceptable range. The profile member name is already in the Profile dataset. Explanation: HSPFE817 The value specified in outside of the allowable range. The requested action has been cancelled. Informational message. No user action necessary. The request failed; The file may be in use by another user Explanation: User Response: The request attempted to access a file which is currently in use. Attempt the request after the file has been freed. Hiperstation Messages: HSPFE through RGSTRYGN HSPFE823 Table &FILTABLE is in use or is not allocated Explanation: User Response: HSPFE824 4-3 The table file could not be accessed. Ensure the file is not in use and that it exists. The requested new name already exists, or the file is in use. Explanation: The new name specified already exists in the Profile Dataset or the Profile Dataset is in use by another user. User Response: another user. HSPFE825 The Profile was successfully renamed Explanation: User Response: HSPFE826 User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: The profile has been deleted. Informational message. No user action necessary. The specified character is invalid. Do not use the "<" character in this situation. A closing XML tag was found with no matching open tag. The tables file could be corrupted. Contact Customer Support. The profile dataset specified is invalid. Enter a valid profile dataset name. The primary command is invalid. Use one of the listed primary commands. Line Commands B, A, C, M, D, I and R are valid on this screen. Explanation: User Response: HSPFE835 If the error persists, contact Customer Support. Primary command is invalid Explanation: HSPFE834 A skip request could not be completed. The &HSTYPE profile dataset does not exist or cannot be opened Explanation: HSPFE833 If the error persists, contact Customer Support. No match was found for tag &TAG in table &TABLE Explanation: HSPFE832 The ISPF table could not be opened. The ''<'' character is not allowed. Explanation: HSPFE831 If the problem persists, contact Customer Support. The requested Profile has been deleted Explanation: HSPFE830 A system error occurred during a status request. An error occurred on table SKIP instruction Explanation: HSPFE829 Informational message. No user action necessary. An error occurred while opening ISPF table Explanation: HSPFE828 The profile has been renamed. An error occurred while obtaining status of table Explanation: HSPFE827 Specify a different profile name and make sure the dataset is not in use by Only the listed line commands are valid. Use one of the listed Line Commands. The Profile has NOT been modified due to a RACF violation Explanation: User Response: You do not have RACF permission to modify the profile dataset. Contact your RACF administrator to get modify permissions. 4-4 Hiperstation Messages and Codes HSPFE836 Your Profile PDS/E dataset has been created and populated. Explanation: User Response: HSPFE837 User Response: User Response: User Response: The profile name is blank. Enter a valid profile name. The dataset and member names are blank. Enter a valid dataset/member combination to edit. An attempt to read the profile directory has failed Explanation: User Response: HSPFE843 Try again once the other job has completed and the dataset is free. You must specify a valid profile name and dataset to edit' Explanation: HSPFE840 A COPY could not be completed because the dataset is in use. You must specify a Profile name Explanation: HSPFE839 Informational message. No user action necessary. The COPY request failed. Dataset allocated to another job Explanation: HSPFE838 The profile dataset has been created. A system error occurred during a directory read attempt. If the error persists, contact Customer Support. Use only the line commands listed on the panel Explanation: User Response: You have used an invalid line command Select one of the line commands listed on the panel to execute. ICMSG ICMSG000 Entries required Explanation: User Response: ICMSG001 User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: Make sure the dataset name is spelled correctly and the dataset exists. The Install log library dataset name is not a valid dataset name. Make sure the dataset name is spelled correctly and the dataset exists. The Global SMP log dataset name is not a valid dataset name. Make sure the dataset name is spelled correctly and the dataset exists. Invalid Dataset Name Explanation: User Response: ICMSG006 The Install library dataset name is not a valid dataset name. Invalid Dataset Name Explanation: ICMSG005 Enter a valid primary command. Invalid Dataset Name Explanation: ICMSG004 The command entered is not a valid primary command. Invalid Dataset Name Explanation: ICMSG003 Make sure all LUW entries have been entered. Invalid command Explanation: ICMSG002 If one of the LUW entries are required, then all must be entered. The Global SMPPTS dataset name is not a valid dataset name. Make sure the dataset name is spelled correctly and the dataset exists. Invalid Dataset Name Explanation: The Distribution zone log dataset name is not a valid dataset name. Hiperstation Messages: HSPFE through RGSTRYGN User Response: ICMSG007 User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: Make sure the dataset name is spelled correctly and the dataset exists. The Target zone SMSCDS dataset name is not a valid dataset name. Make sure the dataset name is spelled correctly and the dataset exists. The Target zone SMSSTS dataset name is not a valid dataset name. Make sure the dataset name is spelled correctly and the dataset exists. Invalid Dataset Name Explanation: User Response: ICMSG012 The Target zone SMPMTS dataset name is not a valid dataset name. Invalid Dataset Name Explanation: ICMSG011 Make sure the dataset name is spelled correctly and the dataset exists. Invalid Dataset Name Explanation: ICMSG010 The Target zone log dataset name is not a valid dataset name. Invalid Dataset Name Explanation: ICMSG009 Make sure the dataset name is spelled correctly and the dataset exists. Invalid Dataset Name Explanation: ICMSG008 4-5 The Target zone SMSLTS dataset name is not a valid dataset name. Make sure the dataset name is spelled correctly and the dataset exists. Invalid HLQ Explanation: Invalid high-level qualifier specification for Language Environment datasets. User Response: Make sure the high-level qualifier for these datasets is spelled correctly and the high-level qualifier exists. ICMSG013 Invalid Directory Explanation: User Response: is used. ICMSG014 A valid HFS path name was not specified. Make sure the HFS path name is spelled correctly and the correct path name LE dataset not found Explanation: Language environment dataset was not found. User Response: Make sure the language environment dataset name is spelled correctly and the dataset exists. ICMSG015 Dataset not found Explanation: Install Library dataset not found. User Response: Make sure the install library dataset name is spelled correctly and the dataset exists. ICMSG016 Allocate error Explanation: Error allocating the install log library. User Response: Make sure the install log library name is spelled correctly and/or allocate the library again. ICMSG017 Update error Explanation: User Response: ICMSG018 An update error occurred. Call Help Desk with message. Option disabled Explanation: User Response: option. Option disabled. This option was not selected to be installed. Return to Select Products & Features to install panel and select desired 4-6 Hiperstation Messages and Codes ICMSG019 Environment not built Explanation: The environment has not been build. User Response: You must complete Option 1, "Build Environment" before performing Installation and Customization tasks. ICMSG020 The install jobs and sample members have been generated into the listed file. Explanation: User Response: ICMSG021 Informational message. No user action necessary. Error generating install members Explanation: User Response: details. ICMSG022 Guided install members have been generated. 'The install job generator encountered an error. Review the messages in the listed install log file, member INSTLOG, for &qfmemnam not found Explanation: Install job &qfmemnam not found in install dataset &qfinstlb. The actual job and member names will appear in the message on your screen. User Response: Ensure that Option 1 (Create JCL Members) or submit installation jobs panel has been executed. ICMSG023 &qfmemnam submitted Explanation: User Response: ICMSG024 &qfsubmsg Informational message. No user action necessary. LE dataset not found Explanation: Language environment dataset not found. User Response: Make sure the language environment dataset name is spelled correctly and the dataset exists. ICMSG025 Dataset not found Explanation: User Response: dataset exists. ICMSG026 Make sure the install library dataset name is spelled correctly and/or the Dataset not found Explanation: User Response: ICMSG028 Install Library dataset not found. The listed dataset is not found Make sure the dataset name is spelled correctly and the dataset exists. &qfmemnam not found Explanation: Install checker output member not found in install dataset. User Response: Make sure the install checker output member and the install dataset names are spelled correctly and the member and dataset exist. ICMSG029 &aplmemnm submitted Explanation: &qfsubmsg has been submitted. The actual job name will appear in the message on your screen. User Response: ICMSG030 Informational message. No user action necessary. Error opening database Explanation: Error opening ISPF table TBATOTSK. User Response: Make sure the TBATOTSK database table exists in your install PDS and ensure that it is not being accessed by another user. ICMSG031 Error generating install members Explanation: The install job generator encountered an error. Hiperstation Messages: HSPFE through RGSTRYGN User Response: details ICMSG032 4-7 Review the messages in the listed install log file, member INSTLOG, for &qfmemnam not found Explanation: Install job not found in install dataset. The actual job name will appear in the message on your screen. User Response: they exist. ICMSG033 Make sure the install job name and dataset name are spelled correctly and &qfmemnam submitted Explanation: &qfsubmsg has been submitted. The actual job name will appear in the message on your screen. User Response: ICMSG034 Informational message. No user action necessary. LE dataset not found Explanation: Language environment dataset not found. User Response: Make sure the language environment dataset name is spelled correctly and the dataset exists. ICMSG035 Dataset not found Explanation: User Response: dataset exists. ICMSG036 User Response: The specified proclib must be partitioned. Partition the specified proclib. Invalid member Explanation: User Response: ICMSG038 Make sure the system proclib dataset name is spelled correctly and the Invalid DSORG Explanation: ICMSG037 System Proclib dataset not found. The member name is not valid. Make sure the member name is spelled correctly and the member exists. Generate error Explanation: QQFINSTN encountered an error creating $qfclstnm. The actual CLIST name will appear in the message on your screen. User Response: Check for messages in &qfinstll member HISTORY. The actual member name will appear in the message on your screen. ICMSG039 LMCOPY ERROR Explanation: LMCOPY of member &qfclstnm from file &qfinstlb to file &qfuprclb failed. The actual member and file names will appear in the message on your screen. User Response: Retry LMCOPY. ICMSG040 Make sure the file and member names are spelled correctly and they exist. Clist created Explanation: CLIST &qfclstnm created in &qfuprclb. The actual user proclib name will appear in the message on your screen. User Response: ICMSG041 Informational message. No user action necessary. Installation processing error &qfsrtmsg Explanation: Installation processing error &qflngmsg. The actual installation processing error will appear in the message on your screen. User Response: Note: Contact Hiperstation customer support. If return code (RC) ERRNO or ERRNOJR appears, see IBM Codes and Messages manual for details. 4-8 Hiperstation Messages and Codes ICMSG042 Invalid Dataset Name Explanation: User Response: ICMSG043 The listed dataset name is invalid. Make sure the dataset name is spelled correctly and the dataset exists. Environment not built Explanation: The listed environment was not build. User Response: You must complete Option 1, "Build Environment", before performing Installation and Customization tasks. ICMSG044 Load not found Explanation: User Response: ICMSG045 User Response: User Response: Informational message. No user action necessary. HFS path created and subelements copied. Informational message. No user action necessary. Member created Explanation: User Response: ICMSG048 Global record startup proc created. Elements generated Explanation: ICMSG047 Make sure the SQQFLOAD PDS has been allocated. Member created Explanation: ICMSG046 Error allocating the listed loadlib. Vtam script create proc created. Informational message. No user action necessary. Command processed Explanation: Generate processing complete. Dataset &qfgrrqfl &qffldfst, sysid association for &qfgrrsys &qfsyasst. The actual dataset names will appear in the message on your screen. User Response: ICMSG049 Invalid Dataset Name Explanation: User Response: ICMSG050 Derived repository name is an invalid dataset name. Make sure the dataset name is spelled correctly and the dataset exists. Invalid combination Explanation: User Response: ICMSG051 Informational message. No user action necessary. Number of prefix characters + suffix length value must be <= 8. Re-enter the prefix and suffix characters. Invalid combination Explanation: Number of terminals to generate is larger than the suffix length allows. User Response: Ensure that the number of terminals to generate is not greater than the terminal suffix allows. ICMSG052 &qfsampnm Generated Explanation: User Response: ICMSG053 Informational message. No user action necessary. Macros moved Explanation: User Response: ICMSG056 Definitions generated into member &qfinstlb(&qfsampnm). Edit macros move to the listed proclib. Informational message. No user action necessary. Assets Generated Explanation: Playback and reporting assets have been created. Hiperstation Messages: HSPFE through RGSTRYGN User Response: ICMSG057 After exiting this panel, see member &qfinstll(HISTORY) for details. Assets Generated Explanation: User Response: ICMSG058 4-9 Reporting assets have been created. After exiting this panel, see member &qfinstll(HISTORY) for details. The Site Profile dataset already exists Explanation: Rename the old site profile dataset or change the new site profile dataset name. User Response: ICMSG060 No entries found Explanation: User Response: ICMSG061 User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: Informational message. No user action necessary. Entry for the listed screen ID was updated. Informational message. No user action necessary. Entry for the listed screen ID was added. Informational message. No user action necessary. Entry for the listed screen id was deleted. Informational message. No user action necessary. Entry not found Explanation: User Response: ICMSG070 No previous custom signon entries were found. Entry deleted Explanation: ICMSG066 Informational message. No user action necessary. Entry added Explanation: ICMSG065 No subsequent custom signon entries were found. Entry updated Explanation: ICMSG064 Informational message. No user action necessary. No more entries Explanation: ICMSG063 No custom signon entries exist. No more entries Explanation: ICMSG062 Informational message. No user action necessary. Entry for the listed screen id was deleted. Informational message. No user action necessary. Installation processing error Explanation: "&QFERRVAL" is not a valid value for parameter &QFERRPRM. The actual parameter value name will appear in the message on your screen. User Response: ICMSG071 Invalid sort argument Explanation: Location. User Response: ICMSG072 An invalid sort argument was used. Valid SORT arguments are Parameter and Reissue the sort using a valid argument. Parameter not found Explanation: User Response: ICMSG073 Contact Compuware customer support. The listed parameter was not found. Ensure that TBPRDPRM exists in the installation library. Location not found Explanation: The listed parameter location was not found. 4-10 Hiperstation Messages and Codes User Response: ICMSG074 Call help desk. Find failed Explanation: Table scan for "&QFERRPRM" failed. The actual parameter name will appear in the message on your screen. User Response: ICMSG075 Informational message. No user action necessary. Update failed Explanation: Table update (TBMOD) for parameter "&QFERRPRM" failed. The actual parameter name will appear in the message on your screen. User Response: ICMSG076 Specify new SYSID Explanation: User Response: ICMSG077 User Response: Specify a new MVS SYSID. Association of sysid &grrsysid to &grrdsn saved. Informational message. No user action necessary. Assignment(s) deleted Explanation: User Response: ICMSG079 Copy requires a new MVS SYSID. Assignment saved Explanation: ICMSG078 Informational message. No user action necessary. Sysid association(s) have been deleted. Informational message. No user action necessary. Delete failed Explanation: Table delete (TBDELETE) for sysid "&QFERRPRM" failed. The actual parameter name will appear in the message on your screen. User Response: ICMSG080 Fields VOLSER and GENUNIT are mutually exclusive Explanation: User Response: ICMSG081 Contact help desk. VOLSER and GENUNIT cannot both be selected. Leave one blank. Table update error Explanation: Error updating ISPF table TBFLALOC, fileid &QFALFILE. The actual fileid will appear in the message on your screen. User Response: Ensure the table exists in the installation library. If the problem persists, contact the help desk. ICMSG082 Table Open error Explanation: User Response: ICMSG085 User Response: A definition for the listed term already exists, copy not done. Informational message. No user action necessary. Specify new DSN Explanation: User Response: ICMSG087 Make sure the table name is spelled correctly and the table exists. Entry already exists Explanation: ICMSG086 Error opening ISPF table TBFLALOC, return code &QFERRVAL. Update requires a new dataset name. Enter a unique dataset name. Definition saved Explanation: User Response: Terminal/applid definition for saved. Informational message. No user action necessary. Hiperstation Messages: HSPFE through RGSTRYGN ICMSG088 4-11 Not allowed Explanation: Copy not allowed for &vttype definition. The actual terminal definition will appear in the message on your screen. User Response: ICMSG089 Select COPY for DB2CS or LU2 types. SMS parameters and VOLSER are mutually exclusive. Leave one blank. Explanation: SMS parameters and non-SMS parameters cannot be selected for the same product installation. User Response: User must select to install the product utilizing SMS or non-SMS and deselect the other parameters. ICMSG091 Invalid sort argument Explanation: User Response: ICMSG092 Valid SORT arguments are Status and Task. Reissue the SORT using a valid argument. Member not found Explanation: User Response: Tasklist member not found. Informational message. No user action necessary. ICMSG093 Tasklists members TSKCICS, TSKIMS, TSKMVS, TSKSECUR, TSKVTAM generated into file &qfinstlb. Explanation: User Response: ICMSG094 User Response: User Response: User Response: Generating usermod. Informational message. No user action necessary. Automod generation error. Informational message. No user action necessary. Member submitted to RECEIVE and APPLY usermod "AUTOMOD" Explanation: User Response: ICMSG098 Informational message. No user action necessary. Error generating usermod "AUTOMOD". Review member &qfinstll(HISTORY) for Explanation: ICMSG097 Task list member generation error. Generating usermod Explanation: ICMSG096 details. Informational message. No user action necessary. Error generating tasklist members. Review member &qfinstll(HISTORY) for details. Explanation: ICMSG095 Install task list generated. AUTOMOD job executed. Informational message. No user action necessary. Error running install checker Explanation: Install checker error occurred. User Response: Review member &qfinstll(HISTORY) for details. The actual member name will appear in the message on your screen. ICMSG099 Install checker output can be reviewed in &qfinstll(&qfmemnam) Explanation: User Response: ICMSG100 Install checker output in specified member. Informational message. No user action necessary. Running install checker Explanation: User Response: Product install check being conducted. Informational message. No user action necessary. 4-12 Hiperstation Messages and Codes ICMSG103 Tasklists members TSKCICS, TSKIMS, TSKMVS, TSKSECUR, TSKVTAM generated into file &qfinstlb. Explanation: User Response: ICMSG104 Install task list generated. Informational message. No user action necessary. Error generating tasklist members Explanation: Error generating tasklist members. User Response: Review member &qfinstll(HISTORY) for details. The actual member name will appear in the message on your screen. ICMSG105 Generating “AUTOMOD” Explanation: User Response: ICMSG106 AUTOMOD being generated. Informational message. No user action necessary. Error generating “AUTOMOD” Explanation: Error generating usermod "AUTOMOD". User Response: Review member &qfinstll(HISTORY) for details. The actual member name will appear in the message on your screen. ICMSG107 Member &qfmemnam submitted to RECEIVE and APPLY usermod "AUTOMOD" Explanation: User Response: ICMSG110 Informational message. No user action necessary. Dataset not found Explanation: User Response: ICMSG111 Receive and apply member generated. Old INSTALL dataset not found. Make sure the dataset name is spelled correctly and dataset exists. Table &QFERRPRM not found Explanation: Installation database table &qferrprm not found in dataset &qfoldins. The actual table and dataset names will appear in the message on your screen. User Response: Make sure the database table name and dataset name are spelled correctly and they both exist. ICMSG112 LIBDEF error Explanation: Error allocating old install &qfoldins. The actual old installation file name will appear in the message on your screen. User Response: ICMSG113 Ensure that the old import dataset exists and is not in use. TBOPEN error Explanation: Error allocating old install table &qferrprm. The actual table name will appear in the message on your screen. User Response: is not in use. ICMSG114 TBOPEN error Explanation: User Response: is not in use. ICMSG115 Ensure that the &qferrprm member exists in the old installation library and Error allocating install table &qferrprm. Ensure that the &qferrprm member exists in the old installation library and Database imported Explanation: Database imported from &qfoldins into &qfinstlb. The actual installation file names will appear in the message on your screen. User Response: Informational message. No user action necessary. Hiperstation Messages: HSPFE through RGSTRYGN ICMSG116 4-13 Member not found Explanation: Member &qfinstlb(APLYAUTO) not found. Unable to submit SMP/E RECEIVE and APPLY JCL. The actual member name will appear in the message on your screen. User Response: Make sure the member name is spelled correctly and member exists. Resubmit SMP/E RECEIVE and APPLY JCL. ICMSG120 Fields VOLSER and GENUNIT are mutually exclusive Explanation: User Response: VOLSER and GENUNIT cannot both be selected. Enter only one input source for the maintenance file. ICMSG121 SMS Storage class and NONSMS Unit are mutually exclusive. Please select SMS NONSMS parameters for Dataset allocation. Explanation: SMS parameters and non-SMS parameters cannot be selected for the same product installation. System Action: None. User Response: User must select to install the product utilizing SMS or non-SMS and deselect the other parameters. ICMSG122 Work Unit cannot be input for NONSMS Dataset allocations. Please clear the Work unit field to proceed with the NONSMS allocation. Explanation: SMS parameters and non-SMS parameters cannot be selected for the same product installation. System Action: None. User Response: User must select to install the product utilizing SMS or non-SMS and deselect the other parameters. ICMSG123 Volume can only be utilized when the Unit parameter has been input. Please define the Unit for the Dataset allocation. Explanation: Non-SMS Hiperstation for VTAM install allows the user to define a Unit (i.e., DASD) device where pooled resources can be utilized. Additionally, a Volume Serial number can be defined to specify a specific Tape or DASD location. System Action: None. User Response: Enter Unit parameter if Volume Serial Number needs to be specified. ICMSG124 Product not found in the TBATOTSK please contact System Support Explanation: One of the three products Hiperstation for VTAM, Hiperstation for WebSphere MQ or Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers required for Product installation was not selected. System Action: None. User Response: Contact Compuware Customer Support. ICMSG125 NONSMS Volume Serial and SMS Management, Storage, and Data class are mutually exclusive parameters. Please select one. Explanation: SMS parameters and non-SMS parameters cannot be selected for the same product installation. System Action: None. User Response: User must select to install the product utilizing SMS or non-SMS and deselect the other parameters. ICMSG126 Member created. Archive Repository Registry Install proc &<Procedure name> created in <Install library>. Explanation: Alerts the installer that the Archive Repository Registry procedure has been created successfully and where it is located. System Action: Creates Archive Repository Registry automated task procedure. User Response: None. 4-14 Hiperstation Messages and Codes ICMSG127 Custom Signon Security was selected but the Custom Signon Security Table is empty Either deselect Custom Signon Security on the “Select Products & Features to Install” panel or use the “Enable Custom Signon Security” panel to enter the appropriate Custom Signon Security entries. Explanation: When selecting the Custom Signon Security, Signon definition entries must be added. System Action: Terminates “Apply Parameter settings” function and utilizes Custom Signon Security entries to execute User security checking. User Response: Use “Enable Custom Signon Security” panel to define Custom Signon Security entries, or deselect “Custom Signon Security” feature on “Select Products and Features to Install” screen. ICMSG128 Invalid Server. The HTTP Server name <URL definition> must be < 40 characters. Explanation: System Action: Defines Path to Archive Search Reports on the Mainframe. None. User Response: Utilize “Specify Other Dataset Information” (Option 1) to define the Archive Search Reports HTTP Sever name. ICMSG129 No products have been selected to be installed. Please select “Install & Customize” (Option-3) to define desired Product base. Explanation: System Action: No products were selected during the Installation process. None. User Response: Installer must use “Select Products & Features to Install” panel and select the desired Hiperstation for VTAM products to install. ICMSG130 Please enter Product Cart VOLSER or the Maintenance file dataset name to execute the Receive and Apply Product Maintenance procedure. Explanation: A Volume Serial number or Dataset name must be entered to define the location of the Product Maintenance file. System Action: None. User Response: Enter the correct Maintenance file Volume Serial number or Dataset name. ICMSG131 Maintenance file dataset name is invalid. Please re-enter. Explanation: Maintenance file dataset name is invalid (i.e., Not found). System Action: None. User Response: Enter correct Maintenance file dataset name. ICMSG132 Product Cart Volser is invalid. Please reenter. Explanation: Product Cart Volume Serial number is invalid (i.e., invalid character). System Action: None. User Response: Enter correct Product Cart Product Cart Volume Serial number. ICMSG133 Invalid field input Explanation: ICMSG134 Invalid field input Explanation: ICMSG135 BYPASS Holdsystem indicator must be Y or N. Please re-enter. Apply Check indicator must be Y or N. Please re-enter. Dataset not found Explanation: The entered Maintenance file dataset is not found. ICMSG136 Storage and Management class must contain a 1 to 8 character value when utilizing SMS for an install Explanation: Storage and Management class must contain a 1 to 8 character value when utilizing SMS for an install. Hiperstation Messages: HSPFE through RGSTRYGN 4-15 ICMSG137 A valid Storage and Management class (SMS) or Unit (Non-SMS) must be entered to continue the install Explanation: A valid Storage and Management class (SMS) or Unit (Non-SMS) must be entered to continue the install. ICMSG140 Dataset not found Explanation: ICMSG141 Strobe Load Library &qfinddsn not found. Dataset not found Explanation: ICMSG142 Strobe History Library &qfinddsn not found. Dataset not found Explanation: ICMSG143 Strobe Path Library &qfinddsn not found. Dataset not found Explanation: Strobe Log Library &qfinddsn not found. MCSREPT MCSREPT-0200I Hiperstation Capture Segment Summary report processing started. Explanation: Informational message indicating program execution. MCSREPT-0201W Unable to obtain file information from file dsn. Explanation: The report program was unable to obtain the file definition details for the indicated dataset (dsn). System Action: Processing for the indicated dataset terminates. Processing continues with the next dataset. User Response: Ensure that the dataset information is specified correctly on the DSN input parameter and run the job again. MCSREPT-0202E Storage could not be allocated for ccc structure. Explanation: The report program was unable to obtain storage for the specified internal control structure. System Action: Processing terminates. User Response: Increase the region size for the batch job and run the job again. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. MCSREPT-0203E Unable to open report file: DD CAPSUM Reason: ccc Explanation: The report program was unable to open the reporting dataset specified on the CAPSUM DD statement due to the indicated reason. ccc is the system error message. System Action: Processing terminates. User Response: Resolve the indicated reason and run the job again. MCSREPT-0204W Explanation: (dsn). Dataset dsn contains non-repository data, timeframe analysis stopped. The report program found invalid data in the indicated repository dataset System Action: Timeframe analysis for the indicated dataset terminates. Processing continues with the next repository dataset. User Response: Ensure specified repositories contain only repository data captured by Global Recording. MCSREPT-0205W Explanation: Repository dataset dsn not found. The specified repository dataset (dsn) was not found. 4-16 Hiperstation Messages and Codes System Action: Timeframe analysis for the indicated dataset terminates. Processing continues with the next repository dataset. User Response: parameters. MCSREPT-0206E Make sure the repository dataset name is specified correctly on the SYSIN SYSIN file of input parameters could not be opened. Explanation: statement. The reporting program could not open the file specified on the SYSIN DD System Action: Processing terminates. User Response: Ensure the dataset is correctly specified on the SYSIN DD, that the file is not currently in use, and that you have authority to access the dataset. MCSREPT-0207I SYSIN ccc Explanation: MCSREPT-0208E Informational messages indicating that the text ccc was read from file SYSIN. SYSIN parameter ccc must be specified before first DSN. Explanation: The indicated SYSIN parameter (ccc) was encountered after dataset processing. System Action: The reporting program ignores the parameter. User Response: Edit the SYSIN parameters. Place the indicated parameter before the first DSN parameter. Note: NORECALL and GMT must precede the first DSN parameter. MCSREPT-0209E Cannot open any segment of repository dsn Explanation: The reporting program was unable to open any of the datasets belonging to the indicated repository (dsn). System Action: Processing continues with the next DSN specified in SYSIN. User Response: Ensure that the repository name is specified correctly on the DSN, FIRST and LAST parameters in SYSIN, that the repository is not currently in use, and that you have the proper authority to access the specified repository datasets. MCSREPT-0210I Datasets for repository dsn with wildcard(s) segments m through n not found. Explanation: The reporting program was unable to locate the indicated repository segments. It resolves the wildcard characters in the dataset name with the FIRST and LAST values specified in the job input (SYSIN). m and n denote the range of values that did not resolve to existing datasets. System Action: Processing continues. If the reporting program finds a qualifying dataset, it produces message MCSREPT_0211I which indicates the first dataset processed for reporting. User Response: are correct. MCSREPT-0211I To avoid this message, ensure the values of the FIRST and LAST parameters The first dataset processed is dsn Explanation: This is an informational message that indicates the first dataset, within the specified range, that was found for report processing. MCSREPT-0212W SYSIN parameter name is missing from input line n. Explanation: The reporting program encountered a SYSIN control card without a parameter name on the indicated line. System Action: Processing continues with the next control card specified in SYSIN. User Response: Correct the SYSIN card and run the job again. MCSREPT-0213E Unknown SYSIN parameter name parm located. Explanation: The reporting program encountered a SYSIN control card with an invalid parameter name. System Action: Processing continues with the next control card specified in SYSIN. User Response: Correct the SYSIN card and run the job again. Hiperstation Messages: HSPFE through RGSTRYGN MCSREPT-0214E No value for SYSIN parameter parm detected on line n. Explanation: no value. The reporting program encountered a SYSIN parameter (parm), on line n, with System Action: Processing continues with the next control card specified in SYSIN. User Response: Correct the SYSIN card and run the job again. MCSREPT-0215E parm value ccc not a valid dataset name Explanation: The indicated dataset name is invalid. System Action: Processing continues with the next control card specified in SYSIN. User Response: Correct the SYSIN card and run the job again. MCSREPT-0216E 4-17 The parm value ccc is greater than the n characters long Explanation: Value ccc is too long for the indicated parameter (parm). System Action: Processing continues with the next control card specified in SYSIN. User Response: Change the indicated parameter’s value to a value that is n or fewer characters and run the job again. MSCREPT-0217E Invalid parm parameter integer value n Explanation: A non-integer value (n) was supplied for the indicated parameter (parm). System Action: Processing continues with the next control card specified in SYSIN. User Response: job again. Change the value of the indicated parameter to an integer value and run the MCSREPT-0223E Parameter parm dataset dsn has a ccc character period Explanation: The indicated dataset (dsn), which was specified on the indicated parameter (parm), is invalid because the first or final (ccc) character is a period. System Action: Processing continues with the next control card specified in SYSIN. User Response: Correct the SYSIN and run the job again. MCSREPT-0224E Parameter parm dataset dsn has consecutive periods Explanation: The indicated dataset (dsn), specified on the indicated parameter (parm) is invalid because it contains two or more consecutive periods. System Action: Processing continues with the next control card specified in SYSIN. User Response: Correct the SYSIN and run the job again. MCSREPT-0225E Parameter parm dataset dsn is of invalid length Explanation: The length of the indicated dataset name (dsn), specified on the indicated parameter (parm), is invalid because it exceeds 44 characters. System Action: Processing continues with the next control card specified in SYSIN. User Response: Correct the SYSIN and run the job again. MCSREPT-0226E Parameter parm dataset dsn has invalid segment ccc Explanation: The qualifier ccc of the indicated dataset (dsn), which was specified on the indicated parameter (parm), is invalid. System Action: Processing continues with the next control card specified in SYSIN. User Response: Correct the SYSIN and run the job again. MCSREPT-0227E Parameter parm integer n has a non-numeric character c Explanation: The value of the indicated parameter (parm), which requires an integer value, is invalid because it contains the indicated non-numeric character (c). System Action: Processing continues with the next control card specified in SYSIN. User Response: Correct the SYSIN and run the job again. 4-18 Hiperstation Messages and Codes MCSREPT-0228E A Repository set must be specified Explanation: The SYSIN contains a DSN parameter with no value. System Action: Processing continues with the next SYSIN control card. User Response: Correct the SYSIN and run the job again. MCSREPT-0229E Fully expanded repository set specification dsn is > 44 characters Explanation: The indicated repository dataset (dsn) containing wildcard characters is invalid because it will exceed 44 characters once the wildcards are resolved. System Action: Processing continues with the next SYSIN control card. User Response: Review the values supplied on the DSN parameter and the FIRST and LAST parameters. Correct the erroneous parameter and run the job again. MCSREPT-0230E Only one asterisk is allowed in a REPOSITORY name dsn Explanation: The indicated dataset (dsn) contains more than one asterisk wildcard. System Action: Processing continues with the next SYSIN control card. User Response: Correct the DSN parameter value and run the job again. MCSREPT-0231E Asterisks and Question Marks cannot be mixed. dsn Explanation: The indicated dataset (dsn) contains asterisks and question marks, which are mutually exclusive wildcards. System Action: Processing continues with the next SYSIN control card. User Response: Change the DSN parameter value to contain one or more question marks or a single asterisk wildcard. MCSREPT-0232E Question Marks must be contiguous. dsn Explanation: The indicated dataset (dsn) contains question marks separated by other characters. Question marks must be used consecutively. System Action: Processing continues with the next SYSIN control card. User Response: Correct the DSN parameter value and run the job again. MCSREPT-0233E Too many consecutive question marks. dsn Explanation: The indicated dataset (dsn) contains more than seven question marks. Seven is the maximum number of question mark wildcard characters allowed. System Action: Processing continues with the next SYSIN control card. User Response: Correct the DSN parameter in the SYSIN and run the job again. MCSREPT-0234E FIRST value (n) must be less than the LAST value (m) Explanation: The values specified on the FIRST parameter is greater than the value specified on the LAST parameter. System Action: Processing continues with the next SYSIN control card. User Response: Correct the FIRST and LAST parameter values and run the job again. Make sure that FIRST is less than LAST. MCSREPT-0235E FIRST/LAST n/m too long to fit in wildcard area dsn Explanation: The FIRST parameter value, LAST parameter value, or both parameter values contain more digits than the wildcard characters specified on the indicated dataset (dsn) allow. System Action: Processing continues with the next SYSIN control card. User Response: Correct the values of the FIRST and LAST parameters or change the wildcard specification on the indicated DSN and run the job again. - If the DSN contains question marks, the FIRST and LAST values should contain the same number or fewer digits than the number of question marks. - If the DSN contains an asterisk, then number of digits in the FIRST/LAST value plus the number of characters specified in the segment containing the asterisk must be eight or less. Hiperstation Messages: HSPFE through RGSTRYGN 4-19 MQIO MQIO024E REPLAY=r OBJECT=i NO OPTIONS SELECTED ON MQOPEN.SCRIPT RECORD: rid Explanation: Code Description r The number associated with script replay. Hiperstation for WebSphere MQ assigns this number serially, in the order in which the script replay starts. i OBJECT_ID on the MQ_OPEN statement rid The script record identifier for the MQ_OPEN statement. In the example below, 123 is the rid: <MQ_OPEN OBJECT_ID - 3,...>123 User Response: MQIO106W queue_name Ensure that the MQOO options have been specified for script record rid. REPLAY=r OBJECT=obj_id MQGET FAILED. NO SUITABLE RECORD ON QUEUE: Explanation: An MQ_GET was found in the script, but no record on queue_name satisfied the match options on the MQ_GET request, or no messages are in the queue. User Response: MQIO211E REPLAY=r, OBJECT=obj_id, MQOPEN FAILED. REASON=rc Explanation: The MQOPEN function has failed. User Response: MQIO214E Informational message. No user action necessary. Check reason code, correct error, and rerun. REPLAY=r, OBJECT=obj_id, MQSET FAILED. REASON=rc Explanation: The MQSET function has failed. User Response: Check reason code, correct error, and rerun. MQIO215E REPLAY=r, OBJECT=obj_id, MQ_PUT FAILED. ATTEMPTED TO PUT TO QUEUE: queue_name. EXP=script_rsn ACT=rsn. Explanation: The MQPUT function has failed. User Response: Check reason code, correct error, and rerun. MQIO216E REPLAY=r, OBJECT=obj_id, MQ_PUT1 FAILED. ATTEMPTED TO PUT TO QUEUE: queue_name. EXP=script_rsn ACT=rsn. Explanation: The MQPUT1 function has failed. User Response: Check reason code, correct error, and rerun. MQQMGR MQQMGR020E REASON: rsn Explanation: provided. REPLAY=rid REQUEST_TYPE FAILED FOR QMANAGER: qmgr RETCODE: rc The request_type for QMANAGER failed. The return code and reason are User Response: Correct associated errors and run the playback again. Refer to IBM’s MQSeries API Error Codes documentation for reason codes and corrective actions. 4-20 Hiperstation Messages and Codes MQROLE MQROLE204E INVALID QUEUE NAME FOUND: queue_name Explanation: The PLAY_TO or PLAY_AS control statement has an invalid queue specification. User Response: MQROLE207E queue_name Correct the queue_name and re-run the playback. QUEUE NAME IS NOT PROPERLY ENCLOSED IN QUOTES OR PARENTHESIS QUEUE: Explanation: The PLAY_TO or PLAY_AS control statement has an invalid queue specification and/or unbalanced parenthesis. User Response: Correct the error and re-run the playback. MQSSEVNT MQSSEVNT041E QMGR_NAME DEFINED FOR MQ_CONNECT STATEMENT User Response: Include a QUEUE_MANAGER control card on the SCRIPT, MQGROUP or CONTROL statement, or locate the MQ_CONNECT statement that is in error and add a QMGR_NAME parameter. MQSSEVNT094I REPLAY=r OBJECT=y SCRIPT RECORD=rid SKIPPED. REASON=sssss Explanation: Playback status information. User Response: MQSSEVNT201E REQUIRED. Informational message. No user action necessary. REPLAY=r SCRIPT RECORD: rid BOTH OBJECT_ID AND CONNECTION_ID ARE Explanation: The MQ_OPEN requested via script record rid requires both a CONNECTION_ID and OBJECT_ID. User Response: MQSSEVNT202E Include both a CONNECTION_ID and OBJECT_ID. REPLAY: r INVALID OR MISSING QMGR NAME ON SCRIPT RECORD: rid Explanation: The MQ_CONNECT statement on script record rid has a missing or invalid QMGR_NAME parameter. User Response: Correct the MQ_CONNECT statement and re-run the playback. MQSSEVNT203E REPLAY: r MQ_CONNECT STATEMENT: rid HAS INVALID OR MISSING CONNECTION_ID TAG Explanation: User Response: Verify that a valid CONNECTION_ID is present within the MQ_CONNECT tag. Correct the MQ_CONNECT statement rid and re-run the playback. MQSSEVNT205E REPLAY: r UNABLE TO PROCESS MQ_CONNECT. SCRIPT RECORD=rid CONNECTION_ID=qmgr_id QMGR=qmgr Explanation: User Response: The MQ_CONNECT statement failed for script record rid. Review prior error messages for details. MQSSEVNT206E REPLAY: r MQ_CONNECT request failed. SCRIPT RECORD=rid CONNECTION_ID=qmgr_id QMGR=qmgr Explanation: User Response: The MQ_CONNECT statement failed for script record rid. Review prior error messages for details. Hiperstation Messages: HSPFE through RGSTRYGN QQFDCI QQFDCIIP-0001I HIPERSTATION GLOBAL RECORDING BATCH INTERFACE User Response: QQFDCIIP-0002E ERROR DEFINING XTRMGRDS Explanation: An internal VDEFINE failed. User Response: QQFDCIIP-0003E Contact Hiperstation technical support. ERROR DEFINING XTRMPTFL Explanation: An internal VDEFINE failed. User Response: QQFDCIIP-0004E Contact Hiperstation technical support. ERROR SETTING CONTROL TO NON-DISPLAY Explanation: Loading variables internally failed. User Response: QQFDCIIP-0005E Contact Hiperstation technical support. ERROR SETTING XTRMGRDS Explanation: Loading variables internally failed. User Response: QQFDCIIP-0006E Contact Hiperstation technical support. ERROR SETTING XTRMPTFL Explanation: Loading variables internally failed. User Response: QQFDCIIP-0007I xxxxxxxx Global Recording status information. No action necessary. Contact Hiperstation technical support. HIPERSTATION GLOBAL RECORDING BATCH INTERFACE RETURN CODE= User Response: Global Recording status information. No action necessary. For non-zero return codes, contact Hiperstation technical support. QQFDCIIP-0008E THE GLOBAL RECORDING SUBSYSTEM IS NOT ACTIVE Explanation: The Global Record started task is not running on the system. User Response: QQFDCIIP-0009I Execute the started task on the system. THE GLOBAL RECORDING SUBSYSTEM IS RUNNING VERSION xxxxxxxx User Response: QQFDCIIP-0010E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0011E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0012E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0013E Explanation: User Response: Global Recording status information. No action necessary. SPACES NOT ALLOWED IN DATA Parsing user data found spaces in the submit job. Remove the offending spaces and resubmit. DATE xxxxxxxx FOR TAG <yyyyyyyy> - INVALID SYNTAX The date value for the above xml tag is invalid. Enter a valid date format and resubmit. INVALID MONTH The month value in the xml is not valid. Enter a valid month value and resubmit. INVALID DAY The day value in the xml is not valid. Enter a valid day value and resubmit. 4-21 4-22 Hiperstation Messages and Codes QQFDCIIP-0014E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0015E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0016E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0017E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0018E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0019E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0020E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0021E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0022E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0023E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0024E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0025E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0026E Explanation: User Response: INVALID YEAR The year value in the xml is not valid. Enter a valid year value and resubmit. DATE SPECIFIED NOT LEAP YEAR The date value in the xml contains leap year values for a non-leap year. Enter a valid date value and resubmit. FORMAT FOR DATE IS DD/MM/YYYY The date format in the xml is not valid. Enter the date using the above format and resubmit. FORMAT FOR TIME IS HH:MM:SS The time format in the xml is not valid. Enter the time using the above format and resubmit. INVALID TAG FOR THIS PROTOCOL The xml contains a tag that is not valid. Remove invalid tag and resubmit. DATA CAN CONTAIN NO SPACES Parsing user data found spaces in the submit job. Remove the offending spaces and resubmit. INPUT NOT NUMERIC Parsing user input found non-numeric data in the submit job. Enter numeric data and resubmit. TAG OUT OF SEQUENCE Parsing user data found xml tags in the wrong order in the submit job. Reorder the xml tags, making sure they match up and resubmit. INPUT REQUIRED Parsing user data found missing data in the submit job. Enter missing data and resubmit. INPUT INVALID FOR THIS TAG Parsing user data found invalid data in the submit job. Enter valid data and resubmit. AMOUNT MUST BE "ALL" OR NUMERIC Parsing user data found invalid data in the submit job. Enter a numeric value or the word ALL and resubmit. REQUEST IS DISABLED The action cannot be performed on a disabled request. Enable the request first and resubmit. REQUEST IS NOT ACTIVE The action cannot be performed on an inactive request. Activate the request first and resubmit. Hiperstation Messages: HSPFE through RGSTRYGN QQFDCIIP-0027E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0028E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0029E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0030E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0031E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0032E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0033E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0034E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0035E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0036E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0037E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0038E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0039E Explanation: User Response: DATA TOO SHORT Parsing user data found data that is too short in the submit job. Enter a proper value and resubmit. DATA TOO LONG Parsing user data found data that is too long in the submit job. Enter a proper value and resubmit. TAG <I-AM-SB1> INVALID FOR SELECTED PROTOCOL Parsing user data found an xml tag which is invalid in the submit job. Remove the invalid xml tag and resubmit. END TAG </xxxxxxxx> DOES NOT MATCH START TAG <yyyyyyyy> Parsing user data found invalid matching xml tags in the submit job. Ensure xml tags are matching and resubmit. NO START TAG FOUND FOR DATA -> xxxxxxxx Parsing user xml found data without a start tag in the submit job. Ensure xml tags are present and matching and resubmit. NO CORRESPONDING END TAG FOUND FOR START TAG <xxxxxxxx> Parsing user data found invalid matching xml tags in the submit job. Ensure xml tags are matching and resubmit. INVALID XML FORMAT FOR COMMENT-> xxxxxxxx Parsing user data found invalid xml comment data in the submit job. Ensure xml is properly formatted and resubmit. INVALID TOKEN FOUND -> xxxxxxxx Parsing user data found invalid data in the submit job. Ensure data is valid and resubmit. NO START TAG FOUND FOR END TAG xxxxxxxx Parsing user data found invalid matching xml tags in the submit job. Ensure xml tags are matching and resubmit. THE START DATE/TIME MUST BE LESS THAN THE STOP DATE/TIME Parsing user data found invalid date/time values in the submit job. Ensure start time/date is earlier than the end time/date and resubmit. DATA 'xxxxxxxx' FOR TAG <yyyyyyyy> - LENGTH ERROR Parsing user data found an invalid data length in the submit job. Ensure the data is the proper length and resubmit. DATA 'xxxxxxxx' FOR TAG <yyyyyyyy> - INVALID Parsing user data found invalid data in the submit job. Ensure the data is valid and resubmit. DATA 'xxxxxxxx' FOR TAG <yyyyyyyy> - DUPLICATE TAG FOUND Parsing user data found a duplicate xml tag in the submit job. Remove the duplicate xml tag and resubmit. 4-23 4-24 Hiperstation Messages and Codes QQFDCIIP-0040E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0041E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0042E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0043E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0044E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0045E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0046E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0047E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0048E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0049E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0050E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0051E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0052E Explanation: User Response: TIME NOT VALID Parsing user data found an invalid time value in the submit job. Ensure the time value is valid and resubmit. BOTH START DATE AND END DATE MUST BE SPECIFIED Parsing user data found a missing date value in the submit job. Ensure there are values for both start and end dates and resubmit. NO DATE SPECIFIED Parsing user data found a missing date value in the submit job. Specify a valid date and resubmit. NO RECORD CRITERIA SPECIFIED Parsing user data found missing criteria in the submit job. Ensure there are record criteria present and resubmit. ADDRESS MUST BE 4 SEGMENTS Parsing user data found an invalid IP address in the submit job. Ensure the IP address is valid and resubmit. TOO MANY POSITIONS BETWEEN PERIODS Parsing user data found an invalid IP address in the submit job. Ensure the IP address is valid and resubmit. INVALID SYNTAX Parsing user data found some invalid data in the submit job. Ensure the data is valid and resubmit. ADDRESS SEGMENT VALUE HIGHER THAN 255 Parsing user data found an invalid IP address in the submit job. Ensure the IP address is valid and resubmit. SEGMENT NOT NUMERIC Parsing user data found an invalid IP address in the submit job. Ensure the IP address is valid and resubmit. SEGMENTS MUST BE WILDCARD OR NUMERIC Parsing user data found an invalid IP address in the submit job. Ensure the IP address is valid and resubmit. UNABLE TO ALLOCATE REQUEST FILE xxxxxxxx RC=yyyy The request file could not be allocated. Ensure you have access to create the filename specified. INPUT SHOULD BE Y OR N Parsing user data found invalid input in the submit job. Ensure the input is Y or N and resubmit. INPUT NOT NUMERIC Parsing user data found non-numeric input in the submit job. Ensure the input is numeric and resubmit. Hiperstation Messages: HSPFE through RGSTRYGN QQFDCIIP-0053E INVALID FILTER TYPE Explanation: Parsing user data found an invalid filter type in the submit job. User Response: QQFDCIIP-0054E Ensure the filter type is valid and resubmit. INVALID DATASET NAME Explanation: Parsing user data found an invalid dataset name in the submit job. User Response: QQFDCIIP-0055E Ensure the dataset name is valid and resubmit. PORT HIGHER THAN 64K Explanation: Parsing user data found an invalid port number in the submit job. User Response: QQFDCIIP-0056E Ensure the port number is less than 64000 and resubmit. XML TAG NOT CLOSED FOR xxxxxxxx Explanation: Parsing user data found non-matching xml tags in the submit job. User Response: QQFDCIIP-0057E Ensure the xml tags are closed and resubmit. SPECIFIED MANAGER LIST NOT FOUND Explanation: The submit job contains a manager list that does not exist. User Response: QQFDCIIP-0058E WILDCARDS Ensure the manager list exists and resubmit. YOU MUST SUPPLY FIRST AND LAST NUMBERS WHEN YOU SUPPLY Explanation: Parsing user data found invalid data in the submit job. User Response: QQFDCIIP-0059E NAME Ensure that first and last numbers are specified and resubmit. FIRST OR LAST NUMBER IS TOO LARGE FOR INDICATED SPACE IN DATASET Explanation: Parsing user data found invalid data in the submit job. User Response: QQFDCIIP-0060E Ensure the first/last numbers are valid and resubmit. ERROR READING REQUEST RECORD Explanation: The request record could not be read into the program. User Response: QQFDCIIP-0061E Contact Hiperstation technical support. INVALID FUNCTION Explanation: Parsing user data found invalid data in the submit job. User Response: QQFDCIIP-0062I 4-25 Ensure the function name is valid and resubmit. SCRIPT CREATE COMPLETED WITHOUT ERRORS User Response: QQFDCIIP-0063E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0064E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0065E Explanation: User Response: Script Create status information. No action necessary. SCRIPT CREATE COMPLETED WITH ERRORS Errors were encountered during the script creation process. Check the job log for further details. A DATASET NAME MUST BE A-Z, 0-9, OR NATIONAL CHARACTERS Parsing user data found an invalid dataset name in the submit job. Ensure the dataset name is valid and resubmit. ONLY ONE * IS ALLOWED IN A DATASET NAME Parsing user data found an invalid dataset name in the submit job. Ensure the dataset contains at most one * and resubmit. 4-26 Hiperstation Messages and Codes QQFDCIIP-0066E EITHER * OR ? MAY APPEAR, BUT NOT BOTH Explanation: Parsing user data found an invalid dataset name in the submit job. User Response: QQFDCIIP-0067E A NODE IN A DATASET NAME MUST BE FROM 1 TO 8 CHARACTERS Explanation: Parsing user data found an invalid dataset name in the submit job. User Response: QQFDCIIP-0068E Parsing user data found an invalid dataset name in the submit job. User Response: QQFDCIIP-0069E Parsing user data found an invalid dataset name in the submit job. User Response: Global Recording status information. No action necessary. FORCE REQUEST SCHEDULED User Response: Global Recording status information. No action necessary. RESTART SCHEDULED User Response: QQFDCIIP-0077I Global Recording status information. No action necessary. CANCEL REQUEST SCHEDULED User Response: QQFDCIIP-0076I Global Recording status information. No action necessary. STOP REQUEST SCHEDULED User Response: QQFDCIIP-0075I Global Recording status information. No action necessary. REQUEST ADDED User Response: QQFDCIIP-0074I Global Recording status information. No action necessary. REQUEST DISABLED User Response: QQFDCIIP-0073I Ensure the dataset name is valid and resubmit. REQUEST SCHEDULED User Response: QQFDCIIP-0072I Ensure the dataset name is valid and resubmit. NO OTHER CHARACTERS ALLOWED BETWEEN ? CHARACTERS Explanation: QQFDCIIP-0071I Ensure the dataset name is valid and resubmit. THE 1ST CHARACTER IN A DSN SEGMENT MUST BE A-Z OR @#$ Explanation: QQFDCIIP-0070I Ensure the dataset name is valid and resubmit. Global Recording status information. No action necessary. SWITCH SCHEDULED User Response: QQFDCIIP-0078E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0079E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0084E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0085E Explanation: User Response: Global Recording status information. No action necessary. REQUEST FAILED The Global Recording request failed to execute. Check the job log for further details. THE FIRST NUMBER MUST BE LESS THAN THE LAST NUMBER Parsing user data found invalid data in the submit job. Ensure the value of the first field is less than the value for last and resubmit. INVALID KEYWORD Parsing user data found an invalid keyword in the submit job. Check the job log for further details. SUPPLIED VALUE OUT OF RANGE Parsing user data found invalid data in the submit job. Ensure the value is within the valid range and resubmit. Hiperstation Messages: HSPFE through RGSTRYGN QQFDCIIP-0086E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0087E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0092E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0093E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0094E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0095E AND <USER_ID> Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0096E RESTRICTED Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0097E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0098E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0099E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0100E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0101E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0102E Explanation: User Response: 4-27 REQUEST RECORD ALREADY EXISTS The supplied record already exists in the request file. Use the existing record, or cancel it and resubmit a new one. PARM FIELD KEYWORD INVALID Parsing user data found an invalid keyword in the submit job. Ensure the parm field keyword is valid and resubmit. THE FIRST CHARACTER MUST BE ALPHABETIC (A-Z, $, @, OR #) Parsing user data found an invalid character in the submit job. Ensure the name uses valid characters and resubmit. REQUEST RECORD NOT FOUND, REQUEST FAILED The record could not be found in the request file. Submit a new request job. DATASET 'xxxxxxxx' LRECL/BLOCKSIZE MISMATCH The specified dataset has an invalid LRECL/BLOCKSIZE defined. Ensure the dataset stats match and resubmit. MANAGER LIST MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE WITH <TERMINAL>, <APPLICATION>, A Manager List is used in place of Terminal/Application/Userid. Remove either the List or the Terminal/Application/Userid and resubmit. SYSTEM SECURITY INTERFACE (RACF OR OTHER) DECIDED THIS FUNCTION IS Your system security package restricts you from using this function. Contact your system security administrator. FATAL INTERNAL ERROR IN xxxxxxxx. An internal error has occurred. Contact Hiperstation technical support. UNABLE TO ACQUIRE LICENSE INFORMATION Hiperstation was unable to find a valid license. Contact Hiperstation technical support. I/O ERROR A system error has occurred. Contact Hiperstation technical support. CONVERSATION LOG REQUESTED WITH NO DSN SPECIFIED No dataset name was specified for the conversation log. Specify a dataset name and resubmit. SCRIPT REQUESTED WITH NO DSN SPECIFIED No dataset name was specified for the script dataset. Specify a dataset name and resubmit. COMBINED DETAIL REQUESTED WITH NO DSN SPECIFIED No dataset name was specified for the combined detail dataset. Specify a dataset name and resubmit. 4-28 Hiperstation Messages and Codes QQFDCIIP-0103E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0104E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0105E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0106E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0107E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0108E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0109E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0110E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0111E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0112E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0113E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0114E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0115E Explanation: User Response: INBOUND DETAIL REQUESTED WITH NO DSN SPECIFIED No dataset name was specified for the inbound detail dataset. Specify a dataset name and resubmit. OUTBOUND DETAIL REQUESTED WITH NO DSN SPECIFIED No dataset name was specified for the outbound detail dataset. Specify a dataset name and resubmit. NO INBOUND DDNAME SPECIFIED The submit job contains no inbound ddname. Specify a ddname and resubmit. NO OUTBOUND DDNAME SPECIFIED The submit job contains no outbound ddname. Specify a ddname and resubmit. NO MEMBER PREFIX/SUFFIX SPECIFIED FOR SCRIPT DATASET The script dataset has no member prefix or suffix specified. Specify a prefix/suffix and resubmit. NO MEMBER PREFIX/SUFFIX SPECIFIED FOR INBOUND DETAIL DATASET The inbound detail dataset has no member prefix or suffix specified. Specify a prefix/suffix and resubmit. NO MEMBER PREFIX/SUFFIX SPECIFIED FOR OUTBOUND DETAIL DATASET The outbound detail dataset has no member prefix or suffix specified. Specify a prefix/suffix and resubmit. NO MEMBER PREFIX/SUFFIX SPECIFIED FOR COMBINED DETAIL DATASET The combined detail dataset has no member prefix or suffix specified. Specify a prefix/suffix and resubmit. NO MEMBER PREFIX/SUFFIX SPECIFIED FOR CONVERSATION LOG The conversation log dataset has no member prefix or suffix specified. Specify a prefix/suffix and resubmit. SCRIPTS REQUESTED BUT NO SCRIPT CRITERIA SPECIFIED The submit job contains no script criteria. Specify some script criteria or do not request a script and resubmit. NO COMBINED DDNAME SPECIFIED The submit job contains no combined ddname. Specify a combined ddname and resubmit. VALID END TIME REQUIRED WHEN FORCE REQUEST AT END TIME SPECIFIED The submit job contains an invalid end time. Specify a valid end time or do not force at end time and resubmit. USE MESSAGE FILTERS SPECIFIED WITH NO REXX DATASET The submit job contains no rexx dataset name. Specify a rexx dataset name or do not use message filters and resubmit. Hiperstation Messages: HSPFE through RGSTRYGN QQFDCIIP-0116E Explanation: User Response: 4-29 NO WILDCARD SPECIFIED WITH RE-USE REPOSITORIES The re-use repository option requires a wildcard for the dataset. Specify a wildcard for the repository dataset and resubmit. QQFDCIIP-0117E TERMINAL/APPLICATION/USERID FIELDS ARE MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE WITH GLOBAL RECORD MANAGER LISTS Explanation: User Response: A Manager List is used in place of Terminal/Application/Userid. Remove either the List or the Terminal/Application/Userid and resubmit. QQFDCIIP-0118E ONLY ONE TOP LEVEL ELEMENT IS ALLOWED IN AN XML DOCUMENT, TAG <xxxxxxxx> INVALID Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0119E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0120E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0121E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0122E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0123E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0124E TAG <xxxxxxxx> Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0125E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0126E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0127E Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0128E Explanation: The submit job contains more than one top level xml tag. Remove the invalid xml tag and resubmit. TERMINAL, USERID, OR GLOBAL RECORD MANAGER LIST ARE REQUIRED. Either a Manager List or Terminal/Userid are required in the submit job. Specify either a List or the Terminal/Userid and resubmit. ERROR ALLOCATING 'xxxxxxxx' xxxxxxxx could not be allocated on the system. Ensure system security permissions allow allocations using specified name. NO MATCHING REQUEST RECORD FOUND A matching request record could not be found in the request file. Create a new request to use. ROW/COLUMN FORMAT ONLY VALID WITH FORMATTED SCRIPTS row/column format cannot be used with unformatted scripts. Use formatted scripts or do not use row/column format and resubmit. TAG <xxxxxxxx> - WHITESPACE IS NOT ALLOWED IN THIS LOCATION Spaces cannot exist in this xml tag value. Remove white space from value and resubmit. EITHER NO CORRESPONDING END TAG, OR INVALID DATA FOUND FOR START The submit job contains invalid xml. Ensure that xxxxxxxx has an end tag and the values are valid and resubmit. SCRIPTS COMMAND ONLY AVAILABLE FOR 3270/APPC The scripts command cannot be used with the specified protocol. Remove the scripts command or use 3270/APPC protocols and resubmit. CAPTURE FILE DATASET REQUIRED No capture file dataset was specified in the submit job. Specify a capture file dataset and resubmit. REQUEST ID REQUIRED No request id was specified in the submit job. Specify a request id dataset and resubmit. THE REQUEST MUST BE ACTIVE IN ORDER TO SWITCH SEGMENTS Inactive requests cannot switch segments. 4-30 Hiperstation Messages and Codes User Response: QQFDCIIP-0129E Activate the request and resubmit. THE RECORDING TASK MUST BE ACTIVE IN ORDER TO SWITCH SEGMENTS Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0130E The global recording task is not running. Execute the started task job and resubmit. SWITCH REQUEST IS ONLY AVAILABLE FOR SEGMENTED REPOSITORIES Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0131E Switch cannot be used with a single repository. Use segmented repositories and resubmit. EMPTY CONTROL CARD OR NO SYSIN DD SPECIFIED Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0132E No control card or sysin dd was specified in the submit job. Specify a control card or sysin dd and resubmit. UNABLE TO OPEN REQUEST FILE xxxxxxxx RC=yyyy Explanation: The request file could not be accessed to be read. User Response: Check system security permissions or contact Hiperstation technical support. QQFDCIIP-0133E START DATE REQUIRED WITH START TIME Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0134E Start time cannot be used without start date in the submit job. Specify a start date and resubmit. END DATE REQUIRED WITH END TIME Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0135E End time cannot be used without end date in the submit job. Specify an end date and resubmit. 1ST FILTER MUST BE A LIST IF 2ND FILTER SPECIFIED Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0136E Second filter cannot be used unless first filter is a list in the submit job. Specify a list for the first filter and resubmit. NON-UNIQUE ARCHIVE REQUEST SPECIFIED Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0137E The archive request already exists in the request file. Specify a unique request and resubmit. INVALID DESCRIPTION - CANNOT CONTAIN ¦{}[]`~¢ Explanation: User Response: QQFDCIIP-0138E The description contains invalid characters in the submit job. Specify a valid description and resubmit. INVALID DATASET SPECIFICATION FOR ARCHIVE REQUEST SPECIFIED Explanation: User Response: The archive request in the submit job contains invalid dataset parameters. Specify valid dataset parameters and resubmit. QQFHCI QQFHCI-0001I <system-id> Initializing the Hiperstation Server which is communicating with HCI subsystem Explanation: id>. User Response: The Hiperstation Server was started by the HCI system designated by <systemInformational message. No user action necessary. Hiperstation Messages: HSPFE through RGSTRYGN QQFHCI-0002E 4-31 HCI initialization failed, RC=<return-code> Explanation: The HCI interface failed to initialize. <return-code> is either an 8, which reflects a failure to obtain heap storage, or <return-code> reflects the return code from a previous error message. User Response: For RC=8, ensure that the Hiperstation Server task has an adequate REGION size associated with it. QQFHCI-0022I Terminating the Hiperstation Server Explanation: Indicates that the Hiperstation Server job has completed. User Response: Informational message. No user action necessary. QQFHCIIN QQFHCIIN-0003E Could not get <client | server> codepage (<function>) Explanation: The code page for the client or server could not be determined. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: For server code pages, check the &CODEPAGE parameter in panel library member, ETRMGPAR. For client code pages, check the client code page value in the Hiperstation default and user's profiles. QQFHCIIN-0004E (<function>) Could not open converter from <from-codepage> to <to-codepage> Explanation: The attempt to open a converter with IBM's iconv utility failed using the <from-codepage> and <to-codepage>. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: Check the IBM documentation for the iconv utility to ensure that the conversion between the specified <from-codepage> and <to-codepage> code pages is supported. If not, change either the &CODEPAGE parameter in panel library member, ETRMGPAR, for the server code page or the client code page value in the Hiperstation default and user's profile. QQFHCIIN-0005E Error in converting characters: <errno> - <errno-text> (<function>) Explanation: IBM's iconv utility encountered an error when converting data. <errno> is the POSIX error number and <errno-text> is the text associated with <errno>. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: Ensure that the &CODEPAGE parameter in the panel library ETRMGPAR for the server code page and the client code page used in Hiperstation profiling are valid for the environment. Consult the IBM UNIX System Services manuals for more information on errno. QQFHCIIN-0006I <Client | Server> Code Page = <codepage> Explanation: Specifies the codepage that is being used for the client or server. This message is generated because of a QQFHCIIN-0005E message. User Response: QQFHCIIN-0007I Informational message. No user action necessary. <number> bytes converted Explanation: Indicates the number of bytes successfully converted by IBM's iconv utility. This message is generated because of a QQFHCIIN-0005E message. User Response: QQFHCIIN-0008I Informational message. No user action necessary. <number> bytes remaining to be converted from source Explanation: Indicates the remaining number of bytes that were not converted. This message is generated because of a QQFHCIIN-0005E message. User Response: Informational message. No user action necessary. 4-32 Hiperstation Messages and Codes QQFHCIIN-0009E Unable to allocate <control-block> (<function>) Explanation: An attempt to allocate storage for internal control block <control-block> failed. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: Ensure that the Hiperstation Server task has an adequate REGION size associated with it. QQFHCIIN-0010E Call <HCI-call> failed, RC=<return-code> (<function>) Explanation: <HCI-call> failed with <return-code>. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: Check message QQFHCIIN-0011I immediately following this message for further information. Contact Hiperstation Customer Support. QQFHCIIN-0011I Call=<call>) Detailed info: <error-text> (<type-rc>=<return-code> Function=<function> Explanation: <error-text> displays detailed text regarding an HCI error. <return-code> indicates the internal HCI return code. <type-rc> indicates the what type of error the <returncode> is. <function> indicates the function where the error occurred. <call> indicates the name of the internal HCI call where the error occurred. User Response: QQFHCIIN-0012I Write the return code and contact Hiperstation Customer Support. Initialization completed, RC=<return-code> (<function>) Explanation: Indicates the HCI initialization routine has completed. <return-code> indicates whether the HCI initialization was successful. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: QQFHCIIN-0013I Check previous messages for errors if RC is not 0. Attempting to logon as <userid> (<function>) Explanation: Indicates that the client is attempting to logon to the HCI as <userid>. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: QQFHCIIN-0014I Informational message. No user action necessary. Attempting to change the password for <userid> (<function>) Explanation: Indicates that the client is attempting to change the password for <userid>. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: QQFHCIIN-0015I Informational message. No user action necessary. Logon of <userid> was successful (<function>) Explanation: Indicates that the client successfully logged in as <userid>. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: QQFHCIIN-0016I Informational message. No user action necessary. Termination completed, RC=%i (<function>) Explanation: The Hiperstation Server successfully terminated from the HCI task. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: QQFHCIIN-0017E Check for previous error messages if RC is not 0. Invalid control data: <reason> (<function>) Explanation: The header data passed from the client application to the Hiperstation Server job contains invalid data. <reason> indicates which header field is invalid. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: Ensure that the client application is compatible with the version of the Hiperstation Server job. Also, ensure that the client and server code pages are correct. The server code page is specified by the &CODEPAGE parameter in panel library member ETRMGPAR. The client code page is specified in the Hiperstation default and user's profile. Hiperstation Messages: HSPFE through RGSTRYGN QQFHCIIN-0018E 4-33 Conversation error, RC=<return-code> (<function>) Explanation: An error occurred during the conversation with the client application and the Hiperstation Server job. <return-code> is an internal HCI value. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: QQFHCIIN-0019I Contact Hiperstation Customer Support. Receive message completed, RC=<return-code> (<function>) Explanation: Indicates the success or failure of the function receiving data from the client application. <return-code> reflects return code from HCI functions. This message is only produced when running under diagnostic mode. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: QQFHCIIN-0020E Informational message. No user action necessary. Bad control data received, RC=<return-code> (<function>) Explanation: Validation of header data passed from the application failed. This message should be preceded by a QQFHCIIN-0017E message. <return-code> reflects which field of the header failed. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: QQFHCIIN-0021I See “User Response” for QQFHCIIN-0017E. Send message completed, RC=<return-code> (<function>) Explanation: Indicates the success or failure of the function sending data to the client application. <return-code> reflects return code from HCI functions. This message is only produced when running under diagnostic mode. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: Informational message. No user action necessary. QQFHDATA QQFHDATA-0006W Unknown field <field-name> found Explanation: A field called <field-name> was found on the Vantage hdata file's Field description record that is not recognized by the conversion program. This can happen if the version of the hdata file is not supported by Hiperstation's Vantage conversion program. User Response: QQFHDATA-0007E Ensure the conversion ran without error. Field number <field-number> is undefined Explanation: A record was read that contains more fields than the Vantage hdata file's Field description record. User Response: Contact Vantage Agentless Customer Support. QQFHPICM QQFHPICM-0026E Error parsing XML file, RC=<return-code> (<function>) Explanation: The data passed from the client is not a valid XML document. <return-code> indicates the reason for the failure. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: QQFHPICM-0027E Contact Hiperstation Customer Support. Error in function <Api-call>, RC=<Api-return-code> (<function>) Explanation: <Api-call> failed with <Api-return-code>. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: There may be no required action since a non-zero <Api-return-code> may not indicate an error, only an exception in processing the <Api-call>. See previous messages in log for further information. 4-34 Hiperstation Messages and Codes QQFHPICM-0028E <tag-name> tag is missing from request (<function>) Explanation: Hiperstation API call being processed requires <tag-name> present in the XML request. The client application did not include this <tag-name> in the API request. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: Ensure that the client application is compatible with the version of the Hiperstation Server job. QQFHPICM-0029E Invalid function tag: <tag-name> Explanation: The XML request received from a client application contains function <tagname> which is not supported. User Response: Ensure that the client application is compatible with the version of the Hiperstation Server job. QQFHPICM-0030E Open of <file> failed (<function>) Explanation: An attempt to open <file> failed. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: Ensure that <file> exists and that the user has read authority on the file. If <file> is an MVS dataset, ensure that it is either a sequential dataset or a PDS member. QQFHPICM-0031E (<function>) Allocation of <file> failed with error code=<err>, info code=<info> Explanation: Dynamic allocation of <file> failed. <err> and <info> contain the error code and reason code generated by the dynamic allocation function. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: DYNALLOC. Check the error code and info code values from the MVS authorized service QQFHPICM-0032E Open of <file> failed, RC=<errno>: <ernno-text> lastop=<last-operation> info code=<info> error=<err> (<function>) Explanation: An attempt to open file <file> for write access failed. <errno> give the POSIX errno and <errno-text> the string value of the error. <last-op> refers to the last I/O operation that was performed as defined in the __last_op field of the __amrc. <err> and <info> contain the error code and reason code generated. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: Ensure that the user has write or update authority on the file. Consult the IBM UNIX System Services manuals for more information on errno. QQFHPICM-0033E Version mismatch, Client Version=<client-version> Server Version=<serverversion> (<function>) Explanation: The <client-version> in the client application is not compatible with the <server-version> in the Hiperstation Server job. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: Install either an updated client application on the client machine or an update server on the mainframe. On the mainframe, ensure that the Hiperstation Server job is using up-to-date libraries. QQFHPICM-0054I Starting API function <function> Explanation: Indicates that an XML request from a client application has been received for API function <function>. User Response: QQFHPICM-0057I Informational message. No user action necessary. API function <function> completed, RC=<Api-return-code> Explanation: The API call <function> has completed. <Api-return-code> indicates an internal return code for the call. Non-zero <Api-return-code> values do not necessarily indicate an error, but just information to the client application. User Response: Informational message. No user action necessary. Hiperstation Messages: HSPFE through RGSTRYGN 4-35 QQFHPICM-0070E Call to internal function <QQFHPIDL | QQFHPIML> failed for <filter | dataset>, RC = <return-code> (<function>) Explanation: For internal function QQFHPIDL, the <return-code> will be 8 for the <filter> specified on a dataset listing. The job did not have sufficient storage to do a dataset listing. For internal function, QQFHPIML, the return code for the member listing of <dataset> has the following meaning: 1: Dataset not found 2: Dataset is not a PDS or PDSE 3: User is not authorized to use this dataset 4: Internal Error - Build 5: Internal Error - Close 6: Unknown Error <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: For internal function QQFHPIDL, run Hiperstation Server job with a larger REGION size or specify a more specific filter. For internal function QQFHPIML, do the following based on the return code: 1: Ensure that the client application no longer considers that the dataset exists. 2: Call support for the client application since it should not request a member listing on a non PDS or PDSE file. 3: If the user should be authorized for the dataset, have the security administrator give the user access. 4: Call Hiperstation Customer Support. QQFHPICM-0073W (<function>) Tag <sub-tag> is not valid for the <super-tag> tag. It will be ignored Explanation: The XML request received from a client application contains an XML tag <subtag> that is not valid for tag <super-tag>. This may be due to running out-of-synch versions of the client and server applications. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: This should be alright, but it may indicate that the Hiperstation Server job has not been upgraded while the client application has been. Contact the Hiperstation installer to ensure that the Hiperstation Server job is current. QQFHPIHC QQFHPIHC-0034E Error parsing XML file, RC=<return-code> (<function>) Explanation: The data passed from the client is not a valid XML document. <return-code> indicates the reason for the failure. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: Contact Hiperstation Customer Support. QQFHPIHC-0035E Version mismatch, Client Version=<client-version> Server Version=<serverversion> (<function>) Explanation: The <client-version> in the client application is not compatible with the <server-version> in the Hiperstation Server job. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: Install either an updated client application on the client machine or an update server on the mainframe. On the mainframe, ensure that the Hiperstation Server job is using up-to-date libraries. QQFHPIHC-0036E Error in function <Api-call>, RC=<Api-return-code> (<function>) Explanation: <Api-call> failed with <Api-return-code>. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. 4-36 Hiperstation Messages and Codes User Response: Informational There may be no required action since a non-zero <Api-returncode> may not indicate an error, only an exception in processing the <Api-call>. See previous messages in log for further information. QQFHPIHC-0037E <tag-name> tag is missing from request (<function>) Explanation: Hiperstation API call being processed requires <tag-name> present in the XML request. The client application did not include this <tag-name> in the API request. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: Ensure that the client application is compatible with the version of the Hiperstation Server job. QQFHPIHC-0038E Invalid function tag: <tag-name> Explanation: The XML request received from a client application contains function <tagname> which is not supported. User Response: Ensure that the client application is compatible with the version of the Hiperstation Server job. QQFHPIHC-0040E Write to <file> failed, RC=<errno>: <errno-text> (<function>) Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to write to <file>. <errno> give the POSIX errno and <errno-text> the string value of the error. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: errno. QQFHPIHC-0055I Consult the IBM UNIX System Services manuals for more information on Starting API function <function> Explanation: Indicates that an XML request from a client application has been received for API function <function>. User Response: QQFHPIHC-0058I Informational message. No user action necessary. API function <function> completed, RC=<Api-return-code> Explanation: The API call <function> has completed. <Api-return-code> indicates an internal return code for the call. Non-zero <Api-return-code> values do not necessarily indicate an error. User Response: QQFHPIHC-0072W (<function>) Informational message. No user action necessary. Tag <sub-tag> is not valid for the <super-tag> tag. It will be ignored Explanation: The XML request received from a client application contains an XML tag <subtag> that is not valid for tag <super-tag>. This may be due to running out-of-synch versions of the client and server applications. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: This should be alright, but it may indicate that the Hiperstation Server job has not been upgraded while the client application has been. Contact the Hiperstation installer to ensure that the Hiperstation Server job is current. QQFHPIMQ QQFHPIMQ-0099E Error parsing XML file, RC=<return-code> (<function>) Explanation: The data passed from the client is not a valid XML document. <return-code> indicates the reason for the failure. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: Contact Hiperstation Customer Support. Hiperstation Messages: HSPFE through RGSTRYGN 4-37 QQFHPIMQ-0100E Version mismatch, Client Version=<client-version> Server Version=<serverversion> (<function>) Explanation: The <client-version> in the client application is not compatible with the <server-version> in the Hiperstation Server job. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: QQFHPIMQ-0101E Informational message. No user action necessary. Error in function <Api-call>, RC=<Api-return-code> (<function>) Explanation: <Api-call> failed with <Api-return-code>. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: Informational message. There may be no required action since a non-zero <Api-returncode> may not indicate an error, only an exception in processing the <Api-call>. See previous messages in log for further information. QQFHPIMQ-0102E <tag-name> tag is missing from request (<function>) Explanation: Hiperstation API call being processed requires <tag-name> present in the XML request. The client application did not include this <tag-name> in the API request. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: Ensure that the client application is compatible with the version of the Hiperstation Server job. QQFHPIMQ-0103E Invalid function tag: <tag-name> Explanation: The XML request received from a client application contains function <tagname> which is not supported. User Response: Ensure that the client application is compatible with the version of the Hiperstation Server job. QQFHPIMQ-0104E Missing or invalid search criteria (<function>) Explanation: The XML request received from a client application has one or more incomplete search criteria. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: QQFHPIMQ-0105E (<function>) Contact Hiperstation Customer Support. Open of <ddname | file | directory> failed, RC=<errno> <errno-text> Explanation: An attempt to open file <ddname>, <file>, or <directory> for read access failed. <errno> give the POSIX errno and <errno-text> the string value of the error. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: Ensure that entity exists and that the user has read authority. Consult the IBM UNIX System Services manuals for more information on errno. QQFHPIMQ-0106E <tag> tag has an invalid value of <tag-value> Explanation: The <tag-value> specified in the XML request from a client application is invalid for <tag>. User Response: QQFHPIMQ-0107E Contact Hiperstation Customer Support. <tag> tag has an unmatched <left | right> parenthesis Explanation: The XML request received from a client application contains unbalanced parenthesis for a search request. User Response: QQFHPIMQ-0108W Contact Hiperstation Customer Support. <directory> does not exist (<function>) Explanation: <directory> does not currently exist. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: Informational message. No user action necessary. 4-38 Hiperstation Messages and Codes QQFHPIMQ-0109I Creating search directory <directory> (<function>) Explanation: A search <directory> will be created for the user. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: QQFHPIMQ-0110E Informational message. No user action necessary. Creation of <directory> failed, RC=<errno>: <errno-text> (<function>) Explanation: The creation of <directory> failed. <errno> give the POSIX errno and <errnotext> the string value of the error. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: Ensure that the user has write and execute authority for the parent directory for which the new directory is being created. Consult the IBM UNIX System Services manuals for more information on errno. QQFHPIMQ-0111E Open of <file> failed, RC=<errno>: <ernno-text> lastop=<last-operation> info code=<info> error=<err> (<function>) Explanation: An attempt to open file <file> for write access failed. <errno> give the POSIX errno and <errno-text> the string value of the error. <last-op> refers to the last I/O operation that was performed as defined in the __last_op field of the __amrc. <err> and <info> contain the error code and reason code generated. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: Ensure that the user has write or update authority on the file. Consult the IBM UNIX System Services manuals for more information on errno. QQFHPIMQ-0112I Starting API function <function> Explanation: Indicates that an XML request from a client application has been received for API function <function>. User Response: QQFHPIMQ-0113I Informational message. No user action necessary. API function <function> completed, RC=<Api-return-code> Explanation: The API call <function> has completed. <Api-return-code> indicates an internal return code for the call. Non-zero <Api-return-code> values do not necessarily indicate an error, but just information to the client application. User Response: QQFHPIMQ-0114E Informational message. No user action necessary. User does not have <GRUSER | GRADMIN> authorization (<function>) Explanation: A user has made a Hiperstation request that requires either GRUSER or GRADMIN authority. See the Hiperstation Installation Guide for more information regarding GRUSER and GRADMIN. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: If the user should be authorized for the function they are attempting to perform, they should be given authority GRADMIN or GRUSER authorization by the security administrator. If not, no action is required. QQFHPIMQ-0115E Hiperstation MQ is not licensed to run on this machine (<function>) Explanation: Hiperstation for WebSphere MQ is not licensed on this machine. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: QQFHPIMQ-0116E Contact your Compuware Sales Representative. Could not get ETRMGPAR variable <parameter> (<function>) Explanation: A required <parameter> does not exist in the Hiperstation panel library member ETRMGPAR. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: QQFHPIMQ-0117W Add the parameter to the Hiperstation panel library member ETRMGPAR. <parameter> was not found in ETRMGPAR, default value used (<function>) Explanation: An optional <parameter> does not exist in the Hiperstation panel library member ETRMGPAR. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only Hiperstation Messages: HSPFE through RGSTRYGN 4-39 for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: No user action is required unless the default value for the parameter is not sufficient. If such is the case, add the parameter to the Hiperstation panel library member ETRMGPAR. QQFHPIMQ-0118E Explanation: • • • • • • • Job submission failed: <reason> (<function>) Job submission failed. Possible <reason> values are as follows: Invalid start or end date/time Error allocating temporary PDSE Error allocating global record request file Error opening global record request file Error allocating the internal reader Error opening the internal reader Error closing the internal reader <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: Following are the user's responses based on the reason: • Invalid start or end date/time: Correct the start date, start time, end date, and/or end time to valid value. This issue is most likely a problem with the client application. • Error allocating temporary PDSE: Ensure that the parameters for file allocation in Hiperstation panel library member ETRMGPAR are correct. • Error allocating global record request file: Ensure that the user has write access to the global record request file. • Error opening global record request file: Ensure that the user has write access to the global record request file. • Error allocating the internal reader: Ensure that the user has write access to the internal reader. • Error opening the internal reader: Ensure that the user has write access to the internal reader. • Error closing the internal reader: None, the job should have submitted. QQFHPIMQ-0119I Job <jobname>(<jobnumber>) submitted (<function>) Explanation: A job has been submitted. <jobname> and <jobnumber> refer to the JES job name and job number that the job may be found. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: QQFHPIMQ-0120E Informational message. No user action necessary. Invalid <start | end> <date | time> specified (<function>) Explanation: This message indicates that a start date, start time, end date, or end time is correctly specified in the XML request received from a client application. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: This is most likely an issue with the client application. Call Hiperstation Customer Support. QQFHPIMQ-0121E Unable to find <VGBL | VGBE> record <archive-name> (<function>) Explanation: While processing a search request, the VGBL or VGBE record for the archive <archive-name> could not be found on the global record request file. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: Ensure that archive request still exists in the global record request file (perhaps the request was cancelled and the archive repository set deleted just before search request started). QQFHPIMQ-0122 E Creation of dataset <dataset-name> failed with error code = <err>, info code = <info> (<function>) Explanation: Unable to create temporary REXX filter dataset. <err> and <info> refer to the error code and info code from the dynamic allocation function. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: DYNALLOC. Check the error code and info code values from the MVS authorized service 4-40 Hiperstation Messages and Codes QQFHPIMQ-0123W (<function>) Tag <sub-tag> is not valid for the <super-tag> tag. It will be ignored Explanation: The XML request received from a client application contains an XML tag <subtag> that is not valid for tag <super-tag>. This may be due to running out-of-synch versions of the client and server applications. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: This should be alright, but it may indicate that the Hiperstation Server job has not been upgraded while the client application has been. Contact the Hiperstation installer to ensure that the Hiperstation Server job is current. QQFHPIMQ-0124E Invalid filters (<filter-flag>) Explanation: While saving the Websphere MQ search criteria, one of the elements of an MQ Filter is missing. <filter-flag> indicates which filter elements are present. User Response: Call Hiperstation Customer Support. QQFHPITP QQFHPITP-0074E Error parsing XML file, RC=<return-code> (<function>) Explanation: The data passed from the client is not a valid XML document. <return-code> indicates the reason for the failure. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: Contact Hiperstation Customer Support. QQFHPITP-0075E Version mismatch, Client Version=<client-version> Server Version=<serverversion> (<function>) Explanation: The <client-version> in the client application is not compatible with the <server-version> in the Hiperstation Server job. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: QQFHPITP-0076E Informational message. No user action necessary. Error in function <Api-call>, RC=<Api-return-code> (<function>) Explanation: <Api-call> failed with <Api-return-code>. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: Informational There may be no required action since a non-zero <Apireturncode> may not indicate an error, only an exception in processing the <Api-call>. See previous messages in log for further information. QQFHPITP-0077E <tag-name> tag is missing from request (<function>) Explanation: Hiperstation API call being processed requires <tag-name> present in the XML request. The client application did not include this <tag-name> in the API request. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: Ensure that the client application is compatible with the version of the Hiperstation Server job. QQFHPITP-0078E Invalid function tag: <tag-name> Explanation: The XML request received from a client application contains function <tagname> which is not supported. User Response: Ensure that the client application is compatible with the version of the Hiperstation Server job. QQFHPITP-0079E Missing or invalid search criteria (<function>) Explanation: The XML request received from a client application has one or more incomplete search criteria. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: Contact Hiperstation Customer Support. Hiperstation Messages: HSPFE through RGSTRYGN QQFHPITP-0080E (<function>) 4-41 Open of <ddname | file | directory> failed, RC=<errno> <errno-text> Explanation: An attempt to open file <ddname>, <file>, or <directory> for read access failed. <errno> give the POSIX errno and <errno-text> the string value of the error. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: Ensure that entity exists and that the user has read authority. Consult the IBM UNIX System Services manuals for more information on errno. QQFHPITP-0081E <tag> tag has an invalid value of <tag-value> Explanation: The <tag-value> specified in the XML request from a client application is invalid for <tag>. User Response: QQFHPITP-0082E Contact Hiperstation Customer Support. <tag> tag has an unmatched <left | right> parenthesis Explanation: The XML request received from a client application contains unbalanced parenthesis for a search request. User Response: QQFHPITP-0083W Contact Hiperstation Customer Support. <directory> does not exist (<function>) Explanation: <directory> does not currently exist. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: QQFHPITP-0084I Informational message. No user action necessary. Creating search directory <directory> (<function>) Explanation: A search <directory> will be created for the user. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: QQFHPITP-0085E Informational message. No user action necessary. Creation of <directory> failed, RC=<errno>: <errno-text> (<function>) Explanation: The creation of <directory> failed. <errno> give the POSIX errno and <errnotext> the string value of the error. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: Ensure that the user has write and execute authority for the parent directory for which the new directory is being created. Consult the IBM UNIX System Services manuals for more information on errno. QQFHPITP-0086E Open of <file> failed, RC=<errno>: <ernno-text> lastop=<last-operation> info code=<info> error=<err> (<function>) Explanation: An attempt to open file <file> for write access failed. <errno> give the POSIX errno and <errno-text> the string value of the error. <last-op> refers to the last I/O operation that was performed as defined in the __last_op field of the __amrc. <err> and <info> contain the error code and reason code generated. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: Ensure that the user has write or update authority on the file. Consult the IBM UNIX System Services manuals for more information on errno. QQFHPITP-0087I Starting API function <function> Explanation: Indicates that an XML request from a client application has been received for API function <function>. User Response: QQFHPITP-0088I Informational message. No user action necessary. API function <function> completed, RC=<Api-return-code> Explanation: The API call <function> has completed. <Api-return-code> indicates an internal return code for the call. Non-zero <Api-return-code> values do not necessarily indicate an error, but just information to the client application. User Response: Informational message. No user action necessary. 4-42 Hiperstation Messages and Codes QQFHPITP-0089E User does not have <GRUSER | GRADMIN> authorization (<function>) Explanation: A user has made a Hiperstation request that requires either GRUSER or GRADMIN authority. See the Hiperstation Installation Guide for more information regarding GRUSER and GRADMIN. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: If the user should be authorized for the function they are attempting to perform, they should be given authority GRADMIN or GRUSER authorization by the security administrator. If not, no action is required. QQFHPITP-0090E Hiperstation TCP is not licensed to run on this machine (<function>) Explanation: Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers is not licensed on this machine. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: QQFHPITP-0091E Contact your Compuware Sales Representative. Could not get ETRMGPAR variable <parameter> (<function>) Explanation: A required <parameter> does not exist in the Hiperstation panel library member ETRMGPAR. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: QQFHPITP-0092W Add the parameter to the Hiperstation panel library member ETRMGPAR. <parameter> was not found in ETRMGPAR, default value used (<function>) Explanation: An optional <parameter> does not exist in the Hiperstation panel library member ETRMGPAR. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: No user action is required unless the default value for the parameter is not sufficient. If such is the case, add the parameter to the Hiperstation panel library member ETRMGPAR. QQFHPITP-0093E Job submission failed: <reason> (<function>) Explanation: • • • • • • • Job submission failed. Possible <reason> values are as follows: Invalid start or end date/time Error allocating temporary PDSE Error allocating global record request file Error opening global record request file Error allocating the internal reader Error opening the internal reader Error closing the internal reader <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: Following are the user's responses based on the reason: • Invalid start or end date/time: Correct the start date, start time, end date, and/or end time to valid value. This issue is most likely a problem with the client application. • Error allocating temporary PDSE: Ensure that the parameters for file allocation in Hiperstation panel library member ETRMGPAR are correct. • Error allocating global record request file: Ensure that the user has write access to the global record request file. • Error opening global record request file: Ensure that the user has write access to the global record request file. • Error allocating the internal reader: Ensure that the user has write access to the internal reader. • Error opening the internal reader: Ensure that the user has write access to the internal reader. • Error closing the internal reader: None, the job should have submitted. QQFHPITP-0094I Job <jobname>(<jobnumber>) submitted (<function>) Explanation: A job has been submitted. <jobname> and <jobnumber> refer to the JES job name and job number that the job may be found. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. Hiperstation Messages: HSPFE through RGSTRYGN User Response: QQFHPITP-0095E 4-43 Informational message. No user action necessary. Invalid <start | end> <date | time> specified (<function>) Explanation: This message indicates that a start date, start time, end date, or end time is correctly specified in the XML request received from a client application. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: This is most likely an issue with the client application. Call Hiperstation Customer Support. QQFHPITP-0096E Unable to find <VGBL | VGBE> record <archive-name> (<function>) Explanation: While processing a search request, the VGBL or VGBE record for the archive <archive-name> could not be found on the global record request file. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: Ensure that archive request still exists in the global record request file (perhaps the request was cancelled and the archive repository set deleted just before search request started). QQFHPITP-0097E Creation of dataset <dataset-name> failed with error code = <err>, info code = <info> (<function>) Explanation: Unable to create temporary REXX filter dataset. <err> and <info> refer to the error code and info code from the dynamic allocation function. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: DYNALLOC. QQFHPITP-0098W (<function>) Check the error code and info code values from the MVS authorized service Tag <sub-tag> is not valid for the <super-tag> tag. It will be ignored Explanation: The XML request received from a client application contains an XML tag <subtag> that is not valid for tag <super-tag>. This may be due to running out-of-synch versions of the client and server applications. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: This should be alright, but it may indicate that the Hiperstation Server job has not been upgraded while the client application has been. Contact the Hiperstation installer to ensure that the Hiperstation Server job is current. QQFHPIUT QQFHPIUT-0025E <parameter> not found in ETRMGPAR (<function>) Explanation: Unable to find <parameter> in ETRMGPAR. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: QQFHPIUT-0062E Explanation: User Response: Need to add <parameter> to ETRMGPAR with an appropriate value. Call to ETRMDCPS failed Unable to perform Compuware license validation. Contact Hiperstation Customer Support. QQFHPIVT QQFHPIVT-0042E Version mismatch, Client Version=<client-version> Server Version=<serverversion> (<function>) Explanation: The <client-version> in the client application is not compatible with the <server-version> in the Hiperstation Server job. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: Informational message. No user action necessary. 4-44 Hiperstation Messages and Codes QQFHPIVT-0043E Error in function <Api-call>, RC=<Api-return-code> (<function>) Explanation: <Api-call> failed with <Api-return-code>. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: There may be no required action since a non-zero <Api-return-code> may not indicate an error, only an exception in processing the <Api-call>. See previous messages in log for further information. QQFHPIVT-0044E <tag-name> tag is missing from request (<function>) Explanation: The Hiperstation API call being processed requires <tag-name> present in the XML request. The client application did not include this <tag-name> in the API request. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: Ensure that the client application is compatible with the version of the Hiperstation Server job. QQFHPIVT-0045E Invalid function tag: <tag-name> Explanation: The XML request received from a client application contains function <tagname> which is not supported. User Response: Ensure that the client application is compatible with the version of the Hiperstation Server job. QQFHPIVT-0046E Missing or invalid search criteria (<function>) Explanation: The XML request received from a client application has one or more incomplete search criteria. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: QQFHPIVT-0047E (<function>) Contact Hiperstation Customer Support. Open of <ddname | file | directory> failed, RC=<errno> <errno-text> Explanation: An attempt to open file <ddname>, <file>, or <directory> for read access failed. <errno> give the POSIX errno and <errno-text> the string value of the error. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: Ensure that entity exists and that the user has read authority. Consult the IBM UNIX System Services manuals for more information on errno. QQFHPIVT-0048E <tag> tag has an invalid value of <tag-value> Explanation: The <tag-value> specified in the XML request from a client application is invalid for <tag>. User Response: QQFHPIVT-0049E Contact Hiperstation Customer Support. <tag> tag has an unmatched <left | right> parenthesis Explanation: The XML request received from a client application contains unbalanced parenthesis for a search request. User Response: QQFHPIVT-0050W Contact Hiperstation Customer Support <directory> does not exist (<function>) Explanation: <directory> does not currently exist. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: QQFHPIVT-0051I Informational message. No user action necessary. Creating search directory <directory> (<function>) Explanation: A search <directory> will be created for the user. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: Informational message. No user action necessary. Hiperstation Messages: HSPFE through RGSTRYGN QQFHPIVT-0052E 4-45 Creation of <directory> failed, RC=<errno>: <errno-text> (<function>) Explanation: The creation of <directory> failed. <errno> give the POSIX errno and <errnotext> the string value of the error. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: Ensure that the user has write and execute authority for the parent directory for which the new directory is being created. Consult the IBM UNIX System Services manuals for more information on errno. QQFHPIVT-0053E Open of <file> failed, RC=<errno>: <ernno-text> lastop=<last-operation> info code=<info> error=<err> (<function>) Explanation: An attempt to open file <file> for write access failed. <errno> give the POSIX errno and <errno-text> the string value of the error. <last-op> refers to the last I/O operation that was performed as defined in the __last_op field of the __amrc. <err> and <info> contain the error code and reason code generated. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: Ensure that the user has write or update authority on the file. Consult the IBM UNIX System Services manuals for more information on errno. QQFHPIVT-0056I Starting API function <function> Explanation: Indicates that an XML request from a client application has been received for API function <function>. User Response: QQFHPIVT-0059I Informational message. No user action necessary. API function <function> completed, RC=<Api-return-code> Explanation: The API call <function> has completed. <Api-return-code> indicates an internal return code for the call. Non-zero <Api-return-code> values do not necessarily indicate an error. User Response: QQFHPIVT-0060E Informational message. No user action necessary. User does not have <GRUSER | GRADMIN> authorization (<function>) Explanation: A user has made a Hiperstation request that requires either GRUSER or GRADMIN authority. See the Hiperstation Installation Guide for more information regarding GRUSER and GRADMIN. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: If the user should be authorized for the function they are attempting to perform, they should be given authority GRADMIN or GRUSER authorization by the security administrator. If not, no action is required. QQFHPIVT-0061E <Hiperstation VTAM> is not licensed to run on this machine (<function>) Explanation: Hiperstation for VTAM is not licensed on this machine. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: QQFHPIVT-0063E Contact your Compuware Sales Representative. Could not get ETRMGPAR variable <parameter> (<function>) Explanation: A required <parameter> does not exist in the Hiperstation panel library member ETRMGPAR. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: QQFHPIVT-0064W Add the parameter to the Hiperstation panel library member ETRMGPAR. <parameter> was not found in ETRMGPAR, default value used (<function>) Explanation: An optional <parameter> does not exist in the Hiperstation panel library member ETRMGPAR. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: No user action is required unless the default value for the parameter is not sufficient. If such is the case, add the parameter to the Hiperstation panel library member ETRMGPAR. 4-46 Hiperstation Messages and Codes QQFHPIVT-0065E Job submission failed: <reason> (<function>) Explanation: • • • • • • • • Job submission failed. Possible <reason> values are as follows: Invalid start or end date/time Error allocating temporary PDSE Error allocating global record request file Error opening global record request file Error allocating the internal reader Error opening the internal reader Error closing the internal reader <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: Following are the user's responses based on the reason: • Invalid start or end date/time: Correct the start date, start time, end date, and/or end time to valid value. This issue is most likely a problem with the client application. • Error allocating temporary PDSE: Ensure that the parameters for file allocation in Hiperstation panel library member ETRMGPAR are correct. • Error allocating global record request file: Ensure that the user has write access to the global record request file. • Error opening global record request file: Ensure that the user has write access to the global record request file. • Error allocating the internal reader: Ensure that the user has write access to the internal reader. • Error opening the internal reader: Ensure that the user has write access to the internal reader. • Error closing the internal reader: None, the job should have submitted. QQFHPIVT-0066I Job <jobname>(<jobnumber>) submitted (<function>) Explanation: A job has been submitted. <jobname> and <jobnumber> refer to the JES job name and job number that the job may be found. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: QQFHPIVT-0067E Informational message. No user action necessary. Invalid <start | end> <date | time> specified (<function>) Explanation: This message indicates that a start date, start time, end date, or end time is correctly specified in the XML request received from a client application. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: This is most likely an issue with the client application. Call Hiperstation Customer Support. QQFHPIVT-0068E Unable to find <VGBL | VGBE> record <archive-name> (<function>) Explanation: While processing a search request, the VGBL or VGBE record for the archive <archive-name> could not be found on the global record request file. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: Ensure that archive request still exists in the global record request file (perhaps the request was cancelled and the archive repository set deleted just before search request started). QQFHPIVT-0069E Creation of dataset <dataset-name> failed with error code = <err>, info code = <info> (<function>) Explanation: Unable to create temporary REXX filter dataset. <err> and <info> refer to the error code and info code from the dynamic allocation function. <function> refers to the function that generated the message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: DYNALLOC. QQFHPIVT-0071W (<function>) Check the error code and info code values from the MVS authorized service Tag <sub-tag> is not valid for the <super-tag> tag. It will be ignored Explanation: The XML request received from a client application contains an XML tag <subtag> that is not valid for tag <super-tag>. This may be due to running out-of-synch versions of the client and server applications. <function> refers to the function that generated the Hiperstation Messages: HSPFE through RGSTRYGN 4-47 message and is only for Hiperstation diagnostic purposes. User Response: This should be alright, but it may indicate that the Hiperstation Server job has not been upgraded while the client application has been. Contact the Hiperstation installer to ensure that the Hiperstation Server job is current. QQFVCONV QQFVCONV-0001I Vantage data conversion initiated Explanation: The conversion of Vantage Agentless vdata and hdata files into a Hiperstation repository has begun. User Response: QQFVCONV-0002I Informational message. No user action necessary. Ignore data from IP Address <ip-address> Explanation: The user specified on the PARM parameter of the QQFVCONV program to ignore all activity from IP Address <ip-address>. User Response: QQFVCONV-0003I Informational message. No user action necessary. <total-records> Records read from vData file Explanation: <total-records> indicates how many records were read from the Vantage Agentless vdata file. User Response: QQFVCONV-0004E Informational message. No user action necessary. Unable to open <repository | hdata | vdata> file Explanation: While attempting to open either the Hiperstation repository dataset or the Vantage hdata or vdata file, an open error occurred. User Response: Some common problems are the file/dataset does not have proper authority for the access required or the dataset is in use by another program. QQFVCONV-0005I Vantage data conversion completed. RC=<return-code> Explanation: The XML request received from a client application contains function <tagname> which is not supported. User Response: Informational message. No user action necessary. QQFVCONV-0012W <vdata | hdata> version <version> not supported Explanation: The version of the vdata/hdata file is not supported by the HiperstationVantage Agentless conversion program. The conversion will be attempted. User Response: QQFVCONV-0013I Ensure the conversion ran without error. <total-records> records written to the repository file Explanation: <total-records> indicates the number of converted records written to the Hiperstation repository dataset. User Response: Informational message. No user action necessary. QQFVCONV-0017E vdata record out of sequence (repository="<gmt_time1>" vdata="<gmt_time2>") Explanation: The first record on the vdata file has a timestamp that is earlier than the last timestamp for the Archive Record request (based on the name of the repository dataset) to which you are adding. <gmt_time1> represents the end time of the last segment added to the Archive Record request. <gmt_time2> represents the time on the vdata record. The conversion will terminate. User Response: Only add repositories in time order sequence. This repository cannot be added to the Archive Record request. QQFVCONV-0018E Explanation: The repository dataset must end with .IMPORTDS The repository dataset does not end with .IMPORTDS and it should. 4-48 Hiperstation Messages and Codes User Response: Rename the repository dataset so that it ends with .IMPORTDS. QQFVDATA QQFVDATA-0008W Unknown field <filed-name> found Explanation: A field called <field-name> was found on the Vantage vdata file's Field description record that is not recognized by the conversion program. This can happen if the version of the vdata file is not supported by Hiperstation's Vantage conversion program. User Response: QQFVDATA-0009E Ensure the conversion ran without error. Field number <field-number> is undefined Explanation: A record was read that contains more fields than the Vantage vdata file's Field description record. User Response: QQFVDATA-0010E Contact Vantage Agentless Customer Support. Unable to open codepage converters (<to-codepage>:<from-codepage>) Explanation: Unable to establish the code page conversion between the Vantage Agentless files from <from-codepage> (EBCDIC - because of being FTPed from Vantage AMD to the mainframe as text) and the Hiperstation repository dataset to <to-codepage>(ASCII) using the iconv_open function in IBM's iconv utility. User Response: Ensure that the ETRMGPAR dataset on the SQQFPENU DD contains the proper <from-codepage> codepage as well the <to-codepage> codepage in profiling (check the site profile for the user's userid and then the default profile if the userid profile is not present). Also ensure that IBM's iconv utility supports the specified conversion. QQFVDATA-0011E Codepage conversion failed Explanation: IBM's iconv utility generated a failure when attempting to convert data from the Vantage Agentless files. User Response: QQFVDATA-0014W Contact Hiperstation Customer Support. Matching headerdata record not found (<hitId>) Explanation: The ClientVantage Agentless vdata record with the value of <hitId> in the hitId field does not have a matching record in the ClientVantage Agentless headerdata file. This record will not be written to the Hiperstation repository dataset. User Response: Check to see if there were any records written to the Hiperstation repository. If no records were written the repository, this could signify that the vdata and headerdata files are not for the same sessions. QQFVDATA-0015E Required vdata field <field> not present Explanation: The ClientVantage Agentless vdata file is missing a field required to perform the conversion. User Response: Check the ClientVantage Agentless AMD to ensure it is configured to include this field in its vdata files. QQFHDATA-0016E Required headerdata field <field> not present Explanation: The ClientVantage Agentless headerdata file is missing a field required to perform the conversion. User Response: Check the ClientVantage Agentless AMD to ensure it is configured to include this field in its headerdata files. RGSTRYGN RGSTRYGN-0047I Explanation: Registry dataset is out of space The Registry dataset has become full and has used all available extents. Hiperstation Messages: HSPFE through RGSTRYGN User Response: RGSTRYGN-0048I 4-49 None. Informational only. Attempting to create a larger dataset Explanation: The Registry Generator program is going to create a new Registry dataset and copy the contents of the original to the new one. User Response: RGSTRYGN-0049I Explanation: User Response: RGSTRYGN-0050I Explanation: complete. User Response: RGSTRYGN-0051E Explanation: User Response: RGSTRYGN-0054E None. Informational only. Copying Registry data to new dataset The above copy process is in progress. None. Informational only. Registry dataset successfully enlarged The creation of a new dataset and the copying of the original to the new is None. Informational only. xxxxxx not a valid Registry name. The first parameter on the EXEC statement is not a valid dataset name. None. Informational only. Registry dataset already exists. Explanation: An attempt to create a new Registry dataset failed. See the IDCAMS messages for more information. User Response: Increase the space parameters in the ETRMGPAR parameter member and manually resubmit the job. RGSTRYGN-0055E Explanation: User Response: parameter of 0. RGSTRYGN-0056E Explanation: User Response: RGSTRYGN-0058E Explanation: User Response: RGSTRYGN-0059E Explanation: code. User Response: RGSTRYGN-0060E Explanation: User Response: use. RGSTRYGN-0061E Explanation: RGSTRYGN-0062W Explanation: xxxxxx registry not found. The Registry dataset does not exist or is not in the catalog. Re-create the Registry dataset by submitting the job manually with a second Registry RC = nnnnn, errcode = nnnnn This is the return code and errcode from an I/O operation. See accompanying messages for more information. Repository segment xxxxxx Identifies the Registry dataset for subsequent messages. See accompanying messages for more information. Repository open failure RC = nnnnn, errcode = nnnnn The Repository dataset cannot be opened. Above is the return code and error See accompanying messages for more information. The Registry is in use by another task. The Registry dataset is opened and in use by another task. Rerun the Registry Generation program when the Registry dataset is not in Registry Update cancelled The Registry Generation is terminated. See additional error information. Repository Segment xxxxxx is already in the Registry The above Repository segment is already in the Registry. 4-50 Hiperstation Messages and Codes RGSTRYGN-0063E Explanation: User Response: RGSTRYGN-0064I Error creating the Registry file. See IDCAMS messages An error occurred in the IDCAMS program. See IDCAMS messages for further information. Previous segment number nnnnn missing from the Registry Explanation: Before adding the requested Repository segment information to the Registry, a check is made to ensure that the previous 5 Repository segments are in the Repository. If any are missing an attempt to add them is performed. User Response: RGSTRYGN-0065I Explanation: Registry. User Response: RGSTRYGN-0066E Explanation: User Response: RGSTRYGN-0067W None. Informational only. Adding missing segment to the Registry A Repository segment was found to be missing. It is will be added to the None. Informational only. Existing Registry dataset cannot be deleted An error has occurred when attempting to delete an existing Registry dataset. See the IDCAMS messages for more information. Error renaming the Registry file. See IDCAMS messages Explanation: While copying the Registry file to a larger one, an error occurred when attempting to rename the new Registry file to the original name. The new Registry file is complete. It's name is the original Registry name with a suffix of .TEMP. User Response: You can rename the dataset to the original name after correcting the error. See the IDCAMS messages for more information. RGSTRYGN-0068I Add missing segment to the Registry failed Explanation: While attempting to add a missing Repository segment to the Registry, an I/O error occurred. User Response: RGSTRYGN-0069I Run the RGSTRYGN job for the missing segment. Repository Segment XXXXXXXX contains no complete record Explanation: The specified Repository dataset does not have any complete transactions and is, most likely, empty. User Response: Registry. RGSTRYGN-0083I Explanation: System Action: RGSTRYGN-0563E Explanation: User Response: RGSTRYGN-0564E Explanation: User Response: RGSTRYGN-0565E Explanation: User Response: Information only. The specified Repository Segment is not added to the Repository dataset <segment number> not found. The Repository dataset cannot be located. The Repository Segment is not added to the Registry. Too many parameters xxxxxx. Only 2 allowed. Only one or two parameters can be provided. Correct and manually resubmit. Invalid VSAM allocation space units. The information in the parameter member ETRMGPAR is invalid. Correct and manually resubmit. Registry DSN PARM is missing. The first parameter is missing. Correct and manually resubmit. 5-1 Chapter 5. Hiperstation Messages: SCRTCP through SYSPLEX Chap 5 The chapter explains messages with prefix SCRTCP through prefix SVXX and, if applicable, provides response actions you can take to resolve the issue causing the message. Messages are listed in alpha-numeric order and grouped by prefix. Use the “Contents” to help you find the message information you need. SCRTCP SCRTCP-0400I Hiperstation TCP/IP Script Creation <version> <build> Explanation: SCRTCP-0401I Executed with <product> Version <num> Release <num> Modification <num> Explanation: SCRTCP-0402E Informational message. Informational message. Storage could not be allocated for <structure name> structure. Explanation: System Action: The storage required to create the named structure was not available. Script Create terminates. User Response: Increase region size and execute script creation again. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRTCP-0403E Creation of the Global Hash Table failed. Explanation: System Action: The C hcreate() function failed to define the Global Hash Table. Script Create terminates. User Response: Increase region size and execute script creation again. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRTCP-0404I Input Parameters being read from DDname: <ddname> Explanation: SCRTCP-0405E Informational message <ddname> file of input parameters could not be opened. Explanation: System Action: Script Create could not open the file containing the input parameters. Script Create terminates. User Response: Ensure that dataset name was correctly specified on the SYSIN DD. Verify that it is a fixed block dataset with an LRECL of 80. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRTCP-0406E Open of initial segment in repository set <dataset_name> failed. Explanation: Script Create could not open the first or only dataset in the input repository set specification. System Action: Script Create terminates. User Response: Ensure that the SYSIN TCPCSODN parameter is entered correctly and is a valid Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers repository. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. 5-2 Hiperstation Messages and Codes SCRTCP-0407I Return code = <RC> Explanation: Informational message. RC Description and User Response 0 Scripts were created successfully. 4 A warning or error occurred that warrants further investigation. To determine the cause of this return code, review the messages that were issues prior to this message. This return code typically indicates that Script Create had to synthesize events that were not captured in the repository. Browse the scripts to ensure that they correct. 8 An error was encountered that must be corrected to have reliable scripts. To determine the cause of this return code, review the messages that were issues prior to this message. 12 A severe error was encountered that must be corrected to have reliable scripts. To determine the cause of this return code, review the messages that were issues prior to this message. For further assistance, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRTCP-0408I Subset Repository successfully created. Explanation: SCRTCP-0409W Informational message No Scripts were created. Explanation: Warning message. User Response: Review the filtering criteria and input repository to ensure that they were specified correctly. SCRTCP-0410I Created <n> PDSE members. Explanation: SCRTCP-0411W Informational message. No repository records matched filter criteria. Explanation: Warning message. User Response: Review the filtering criteria and input repository to ensure that they were specified correctly. SCRTCP-0412W The repository is empty. Explanation: Warning message User Response: Verify that the input repository was specified correctly. If so, browse the repository dataset to determine whether it contains records from a TCP script capture. SCRTCP-0413E Invalid Grouping option, exiting(<num>) Explanation: System Action: Script Create SYSIN parameter TCPCSGRP contained an invalid value. Script Create terminates. User Response: Correct the TCPCSGRP parameter value and run Script Create again. Valid values are: 1 one script containing all of the activity, 2 one script for each connection, or 3 one script for each combination of specified criteria. Refer to Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers User Guide for more information on script grouping. If the value is valid, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRTCP-0414E Invalid Grouping option, exiting(<num>) Explanation: System Action: Script Create SYSIN parameter TCPCSGRP contained an invalid value. Script Create terminates. User Response: Verify that the SYSIN TCPCSGRP parameter was entered correctly and is valid. If TCPCSGRP is valid, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRTCP-0415E A valid capture file name must be specified. Explanation: An unallocated dataset name must be provided, via the TCPCSODN SYSIN card, for use as the dynamically created subset repository specification. Hiperstation Messages: SCRTCP through SYSPLEX System Action: 5-3 Script Create terminates. User Response: Verify the TCPCSODN SYSIN parameter. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRTCP-0416E Output repository segment <repository_segment> already exists. Explanation: Script create could not create the specified output repository segment/dataset because it already exists. System Action: Script Create terminates. User Response: Specify a TCPCSODN SYSIN parameter for an output repository set where the segments do not already exist. SCRTCP-0417E Dynalloc() failed. rc: <value>, error: <value>, info: <value> Explanation: The dynamic allocation of the capture file failed. The rc (return code), error (error code) and info (information code) values can be looked up in the IBM z/OS MVS Programming Authorized Services Assembler Guide manual. System Action: Script Create terminates. User Response: Verify that the dataset named on the TCPCSODN SYSIN parameter does not already exist. Verify that all of the other dataset allocation parameters are valid and do not contradict each other. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRTCP-0418E Fwrite() to output subset repository <dataset_name> failed. Explanation: A write to an output repository dataset failed without being at end-of-file. System Action: Script Create terminates. User Response: Contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRTCP-0419E Dataset <dataset> failed to open. Explanation: System Action: Script create could not open the named dataset for validation. Script Create terminates. User Response: Verify that the dataset name is correct and is available for opening. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRTCP-0420E Dataset <dataset> has invalid characteristic for a Script Create PDSE Explanation: Script create datasets for script and log members must be PDSEs with a Variable record formant (recfm) and a record length (lrecl) of at least 76 characters. System Action: Script Create terminates. User Response: Verify that the dataset name is correct and that the dataset has the required characteristics. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRTCP-0421E Fldata() for dataset <dataset> failed with return code <number>. Explanation: Script create could not examine the named dataset's characteristics with the supplied fldata() function. System Action: Script Create terminates. User Response: Verify that the dataset name is correct and is available for examination. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRTCP-0422E Fwrite() wrote a partial record, <num> of <num> characters requested. Explanation: System Action: Script create failed to completely write a record to a PDSE member. Script Create terminates. User Response: Verify that the script and/or log PDSE datasets are not full. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRTCP-0423I Log member <member> created in dataset <dataset> Explanation: System Action: Informational message. None. 5-4 Hiperstation Messages and Codes User Response: SCRTCP-0424E None. Log statistics could not be written to member <member> in dataset <dataset>. Explanation: The fclose and/or STOW macro failed to write out statistics to the log member in the named dataset. System Action: Script Create terminates. User Response: Verify that the log dataset name is correct and is available for output. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRTCP-0425E Invalid Repository record ignored, type(<num>, rec#(<num>) Explanation: Script create discovered an input repository record with an unknown type. For script create purposes, this record is ignored. System Action: Script Create proceeds. User Response: Note the events surrounding the message and contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRTCP-0426E Output repository set <repository_set> is full. Explanation: Script create has filled up the output repository set. Remaining input repository records eligible for output will not be written. System Action: Script Create terminates. User Response: Specify a larger output repository set, either by increasing the FIRST..LAST range, increasing the primary and/or secondary space values or by altering the space unit value.c SCRTCP-0427E <number>. First write to output repository segment <repository_set> failed, return code: Explanation: code. The first fwrite() to an output repository segment failed with the noted return System Action: Script Create terminates. User Response: Validate the subset/output repository set specification, particularly the dataset naming convention, to ensure that the correct names and dataset characteristics are used. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRTCP-0428E Could not obtain unique member name after <num> tries. Explanation: Script create could not obtain a member name in the target dataset for scripts, details or log after the noted number of attempts. System Action: Script Create terminates. User Response: Review the specification of the prefix and suffix values on required datasets for generated scripts, details or log members. Ensure there is available name space in the specified datasets for member names synthesized by Script Create. SCRTCP-0429E Output <dataset_member> member could not be opened by fopen(). Explanation: The named dataset and member combination could not be opened. System Action: Script Create terminates. User Response: Determine why members in the named dataset cannot be opened. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRTCP-0430W Missing data for Connection: Close seen. Explanation: Script Create encountered a TCP CLOSE datastream before it encountered a TCP CONNECT datastream. This typically occurs when TCP global recording begins after the application being recorded has already transmitted some data. System Action: Start the recording session before the application being captured begins transmitting data. User Response: Start the recording session before the application being captured begins transmitting data. Hiperstation Messages: SCRTCP through SYSPLEX SCRTCP-0431W 5-5 No SSL data in repository for HTTPS Connection, ID=<num> Script <member> Explanation: The script creation request is for the HTTPS protocol, but there is no HTTPS data (HTTP plus SSL) for this connection. This can occur if the global recording started task is not configured to capture SSL data (the SSL parameter in the JCL SYSIN file is absent, if the IBM system SSL routines are not preloaded into the MVS link pack area, if the UNIX “sticky” bit is not set on the IBM SKIT.DLL module, or if the web server was started before any of the previous configuration settings were established. This message can also occur, of course, if no HTTPS data actually flowed for this connection. System Action: Code Description 0 Scripts were created successfully. 4 Something occurred that warrants further investigation. See earlier messages that were issued for details causing this return code. Scripts may or may not have been created as expected. 8 An error was encountered that must be corrected to have reliable scripts. See earlier messages that were issued for details causing this return code. Scripts will probably not have been created as expected. A return code of 8 usually indicates a problem that can be corrected by the user. 12 A severe error was encountered that must be corrected to have reliable scripts. See earlier messages that were issued for details causing this return code. Scripts will probably not have been created as expected. A return code of 12 usually indicates an unexpected problem that cannot be corrected by the user. User Response: Verify that you have requested HTTPS connections in the script creation request that truly use SSL and verify that the necessary global recording and OS/390 configuration settings are established in the correct order. Refer to the Hiperstation Installation and Configuration Guide for detailed instructions on configuring Global Record and your OS/390 system for the capture and playback of HTTPS (SSL) datastreams. SCRTCP-0432W Missing Data for Connection: Data seen. Explanation: Script Create encountered a TCP DATA datastream before it encountered a TCP connect datastream. This typically occurs when TCP global recording begins after the application being recorded has already transmitted some data. System Action: Start the recording session before the application being captured begins transmitting data. User Response: Start the recording session before the application being captured begins transmitting data. SCRTCP-0433E Cannot retrieve control block representing new connection. Explanation: The creation or location of the internal control block representing a new connection has failed. System Action: Script Create terminates. User Response: Contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRTCP-0434E Cannot locate Script control block from associated connection control block. Explanation: failed. The creation or location of the internal control block representing a script has System Action: Script Create terminates. User Response: Contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRTCP-0435E Cannot retrieve control block representing new connection flags. Explanation: The creation or location of the internal control block representing the status flags for a new connection has failed. System Action: Script Create terminates. User Response: Contact Compuware Customer Support. 5-6 Hiperstation Messages and Codes SCRTCP-0436I Script member <member> created in dataset <dataset> Explanation: Informational message. System Action: None. User Response: None. SCRTCP-0437E Script statistics could not be written to member <member> in dataset <dataset>. Explanation: The fclose and/or STOW macro failed to write out statistics to the script member in the named dataset. System Action: Script Create terminates. User Response: Verify that the script dataset name is correct and is available for output. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRTCP-0438I Combined detail member <member> created in dataset <dataset> Explanation: Informational message. System Action: None. User Response: None. SCRTCP-0439E <dataset>. Combined detail statistics could not be written to member <member> in dataset Explanation: The fclose and/or STOW macro failed to write out statistics to the combined detail member in the named dataset. System Action: Script Create terminates. User Response: Verify that the combined detail dataset name is correct and is available for output. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRTCP-0440I Client detail member <member> created in dataset <dataset> Explanation: Informational message. System Action: None. User Response: None. SCRTCP-0441E <dataset>. Client detail statistics could not be written to member <member> in dataset Explanation: The fclose and/or STOW macro failed to write out statistics to the client detail member in the named dataset. System Action: Script Create terminates. User Response: Verify that the client detail dataset name is correct and is available for output. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRTCP-0442I Server detail member <member> created in dataset <dataset> Explanation: Informational message. System Action: None. User Response: None. SCRTCP-0443E <dataset>. Server detail statistics could not be written to member <member> in dataset Explanation: The fclose and/or STOW macro failed to write out statistics to the server detail member in the named dataset. System Action: Script Create terminates. User Response: Verify that the server detail dataset name is correct and is available for output. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. Hiperstation Messages: SCRTCP through SYSPLEX SCRTCP-0444E 5-7 Invalid TCPCSDS SYSIN parameter value: <number> Explanation: inclusive. The TCPCSDS SYSIN parameter has a value outside its normal range of 1 to 3, System Action: Script Create terminates. User Response: Verify that the TCPCSDS SYSIN parameter has a value within the specified range. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRTCP-0445E Output repository segment <dataset_name> dynamic allocation failed. Explanation: Script Create could not dynamically create the output repository dataset. System Action: Script Create terminates. User Response: Verify that the SYSIN repository set allocation parameters are valid and meet local site standards. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRTCP-0446W Parameter name is missing from SYSIN input line <input_line> Explanation: Script create cannot locate a valid SYSIN parameter name from the data in the displayed line of SYSIN input. System Action: Script Create ignores this SYSIN line. User Response: Correct or remove the referenced SYSIN input line. SCRTCP-0447E Unknown SYSIN parameter name <name> located. Explanation: Script Create terminates. System Action: None. User Response: Correct or remove the referenced SYSIN input line. SCRTCP-0448E Parameter <parm_name> dataset <value> has a first or final character period. Explanation: The named parameter is a dataset name and it is illegal for a dataset to have a period (.) as the first or last character. System Action: Script Create terminates. User Response: Correct or remove the referenced SYSIN input line. SCRTCP-0449E Parameter <parm_name> dataset <value> has consecutive periods. Explanation: The named parameter is a dataset name and it is illegal for a dataset to have a period (.) in consecutive positions. System Action: Script Create terminates. User Response: Correct or remove the referenced SYSIN input line. SCRTCP-0450E Parameter <parm_name> dataset <value> is of invalid length. Explanation: The named parameter is a dataset name and a dataset name must be between 1 and 44 characters long. System Action: Script Create terminates. User Response: Correct or remove the referenced SYSIN input line. SCRTCP-0451E Parameter <parm_name> dataset <value> has invalid segment <segment_name>. Explanation: The named parameter is a dataset name. A dataset name is made up of one or more “segments”, delimited by periods. Each segment must be 1 to 8 characters long. Also, each segment must start with an alphabetic character (A..Z,@,#,$). The rest of a segment can contain alphabetic and numeric characters, plus @,#,$,-,(. System Action: Script Create terminates. User Response: Correct or remove the referenced SYSIN input line. SCRTCP-0452E Parameter <parm_name> integer <value> has a non-numeric character. Explanation: System Action: Integers must consist solely of digits. Script Create terminates. 5-8 Hiperstation Messages and Codes User Response: SCRTCP-0453E Correct or remove the referenced SYSIN input line. A repository set must be specified. Explanation: A repository set, consisting of one or more Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers datasets, must be provided to the converter. System Action: Script Create terminates. User Response: Provide an appropriate repository value in the SYSIN control cards. SCRTCP-0454E Only one asterisk is allowed in a repository name. <dataset_name>. Explanation: A repository set specification can contain only a single asterisk and it must be the final character. System Action: Script Create terminates. User Response: Correct the appropriate SYSIN control card. SCRTCP-0455E long Fully expanded repository set specification <dataset_name> is > 44 characters Explanation: A dataset generated from a repository set specification can be a maximum of 44 characters long. When padded out for the asterisk wildcard, this dataset is too long. System Action: Script Create terminates. User Response: Correct the repository set specification in the appropriate SYSIN control card. SCRTCP-0456E Asterisks and Question Marks cannot be mixed. <dataset_name>. Explanation: A repository set specification can contain either a single asterisk or multiple (1..7), consecutive question marks as the final characters. System Action: Script Create terminates. User Response: Correct the repository set specification in the appropriate SYSIN control card. SCRTCP-0457E Question Marks must be contiguous. <dataset_name>. Explanation: A repository set specification can contain either a single asterisk or multiple (1..7), consecutive question marks as the final characters. System Action: Script Create terminates. User Response: Correct the repository set specification in the appropriate SYSIN control card. SCRTCP-0458E Too many consecutive question marks. <dataset_name>. Explanation: A repository set specification can contain either a single asterisk or multiple (1..7), consecutive question marks as the final characters. System Action: Script Create terminates. User Response: Correct the repository set specification in the appropriate SYSIN control card. SCRTCP-0459E First: <value> must be less than Last: <value>. Explanation: A repository set specification defines a range of wildcarded integer values, from First to Last. First must be lower than last to provide a valid range. System Action: Script Create terminates. User Response: appropriate. Correct the TCPCSI1/2 and/or TCPCSO1/2 SYSIN control cards as SCRTCP-0460E First/Last: <first_val>/<last_val> too long to fit in wildcarded area <dataset_name>. Explanation: The wildcarded area in the last segment is too short to contain either the FIRST or LAST value provided. System Action: Script Create terminates. User Response: Correct the appropriate SYSIN control cards. Hiperstation Messages: SCRTCP through SYSPLEX 5-9 SCRTCP-0461E Repository message size so far (<current_msgsize>) is greater than maximum: <max_msg_size>. Explanation: Script Create reads a message from the input repository set that is larger than the maximum message size, as defined by the greater of the 32K default and the SYSIN TCPCSMSG parameter. The size of the portion of the input message retrieved so far is <current_msgsize>. The total size of this input message may be larger. System Action: Script Create terminates. User Response: To increase the size of the message buffer, add or modify the SYSIN TCPCSMSG parameter to make it larger. TCPCSMSG is defined in units of 1K and must be specified in single quotes. SCRTCP-462W Invalid RO 'ro' specified. Related criterion will be ignored. Explanation: record. An invalid relational operator was detected on a protocol CONTENT filter User Response: Correct the relational operator value in the SYSIN parameters or rebuild the Script Create job using the Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers panels. SCRTCP-463E Invalid filter# specified: # (of #) for protocol filter# #. Explanation: In the SYSIN parms, a protocol CONTENT filter was specified with a filter number greater than the filter count associated with the protocol filter. User Response: In the SYSIN parms, correct the protocol filter count (FILTERS._CONTENT value) or delete all records associated with the flagged protocol CONTENT filter. Alternatively, rebuild the Script Create job using the Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers panels. SCRTCP-464W Invalid filter action 'aaaa' specified. Related filter will be ignored. Explanation: A filter action other than INCL or EXCL was specified on a protocol CONTENT filter record in the SYSIN parms. User Response: In the SYSIN parms, change the filter action (FILTERS._ACTION) to INCL (include) or EXCL (exclude). Alternatively, rebuild the Script Create job using the Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers panels. SCRTCP-0465I Expanded repository message buffer, new size is <new_size>. Explanation: Archive Search read a message from the input repository set that was larger than the maximum message size as defined my &MAXMSG in ETRMGPAR. A new buffer was successfully allocated that was able to contain the complete message. System Action: Archive Search continues processing. User Response: None required. Optionally, to increase the size of the message buffer, add or modify the &MAXMSG value in ETRMGPAR. SCRWMQ SCRWMQ-0500I Hiperstation for WebSphere MQ Script Creation <version> <build>. Explanation: Informational message. System Action: None. User Response: None. SCRWMQ-0501I Executed with <product> Version <num> Release <num> Modification <num>. Explanation: Informational message. System Action: None. User Response: None. SCRWMQ-0502E Storage could not be allocated for <structure_name> structure. Explanation: System Action: The storage required to create the named structure was not available. Script Create terminates. 5-10 Hiperstation Messages and Codes User Response: Increase region size and rerun the script create job. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRWMQ-0503E Creation of the Global Hash Table failed. Explanation: The C hcreate() function failed to define the global hash table. System Action: Script Create terminates. User Response: Increase region size and rerun the script create job. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRWMQ-0504I Input Parameters being read from DDname: <ddname>. Explanation: Informational message. System Action: None. User Response: None. SCRWMQ-0505E <ddname> file of input parameters could not be opened. Explanation: Script Create could not open the file containing the input parameters. System Action: Script Create terminates. User Response: Verify that the parameter input dataset is properly defined as a fixed byte, 80 character record length file and is defined in the Script Create JCL correctly. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRWMQ-0506E Open of initial segment in repository set <dataset_name> failed. Explanation: Script Create could not open the first or only dataset in the input repository set specification. System Action: Script Create terminates. User Response: Verify that the SYSIN MQSCSODN parameter was entered correctly and is a valid Hiperstation for WebSphere MQ repository. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRWMQ-0507I Return code = <retcode>. Explanation: Informational message. Code Description 0 Scripts were created successfully. 4 Something occurred that warrants further investigation. See earlier messages that were issued for details causing this return code. Scripts may or may not have been created as expected. 8 An error was encountered that must be corrected to have reliable scripts. See earlier messages that were issued for details causing this return code. Scripts will probably not have been created as expected. A return code of 8 usually indicates a problem that can be corrected by the user. 12 A severe error was encountered that must be corrected to have reliable scripts. See earlier messages that were issued for details causing this return code. Scripts will probably not have been created as expected. A return code of 12 usually indicates an unexpected problem that cannot be corrected by the user. System Action: None. User Response: None. SCRWMQ-0508W Explanation: System Action: No scripts were created. Warning message. None. User Response: Verify that both the input repository sets and the provided filter criteria were specified correctly. Hiperstation Messages: SCRTCP through SYSPLEX SCRWMQ-0509W 5-11 No CSV event summary was created. Explanation: Informational message. System Action: None. User Response: Verify that both the input repository sets and the provided filter criteria were specified correctly. SCRWMQ-0510I Created <count> PDSE members. Explanation: Informational message. System Action: None. User Response: None. SCRWMQ-0511W No repository records matched filter criteria. Explanation: Warning message. System Action: None. User Response: Verify that both the input repository sets and the provided filter criteria were specified correctly. SCRWMQ-0512W The repository is empty. Explanation: Warning message. System Action: None. User Response: Verify that the input repository sets were specified correctly. SCRWMQ-0513E HFS file delete failed for dataset <dataset>. rc: <rc>. Explanation: Internal failure. System Action: Script create terminates. User Response: Verify that the HTML Event Summary dataset parameters were specified correctly. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRWMQ-0514E Failed to create HTML or directory. Path: <path> prefix: <prefix> suffix: <suffix> replace: <replace_flag> rc: <rc>. Explanation: Internal failure. System Action: Script create terminates. User Response: Verify that the HTML Event Summary dataset parameters were specified correctly. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRWMQ-0515W No events match the specified filters. Explanation: Warning message. System Action: None. User Response: Verify that any filters specified were entered correctly. SCRWMQ-0516E Global hash table add entry failed for object type: <id>, object: <id_str>. Explanation: Internal failure. System Action: Script create terminates. User Response: Contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRWMQ-0517E Unhandled event <event_no> in repository, record <rec_no>. Explanation: System Action: Script Create encountered an MQ record type that is not recognized. Script create terminates. User Response: Verify the data captured in the input repository set. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. 5-12 Hiperstation Messages and Codes SCRWMQ-0518E Routine <routine_name> could not locate connection summary block <id_str>. Explanation: Internal failure. System Action: Script create terminates. User Response: If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRWMQ-0519E Routine <routine_name> could not locate object summary block <id_str>. Explanation: Internal failure. System Action: Script create terminates. User Response: If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRWMQ-0520W MQ_CLOSE found in repository without corresponding MQ_OPEN. Explanation: Warning message. System Action: None. User Response: events. Verify that the input repository set has captured all of the required MQ SCRWMQ-0521W MQ_DISCONNECT found in repository without corresponding MQ_CONNECT. Explanation: Warning message. System Action: None. User Response: Verify that the input repository set contains all of the required MQ events. SCRWMQ-0522W Unable to determine queue name for <event_name>. Explanation: Warning message. System Action: None. User Response: None. SCRWMQ-0523I Connection Id('<id_num>') Object Id('<id_num>'). Explanation: Informational message. System Action: None. User Response: None. SCRWMQ-0524E Routine <routine_name> could not locate connection block <id_str>. Explanation: Internal failure. System Action: Script create terminates. User Response: If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRWMQ-0525E Routine <routine_name> could not locate object block <id_str>. Explanation: Internal failure. System Action: Script create terminates. User Response: If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRWMQ-0526W Data found in repository without corresponding <event_name>. Explanation: Warning message. System Action: None. User Response: Verify that the input repository set contains all of the MQ events required. SCRWMQ-0527E Invalid detail data processing selection <select_no>. Explanation: System Action: Internal failure. Script create terminates. Hiperstation Messages: SCRTCP through SYSPLEX 5-13 User Response: Validate the script create detail processing SYSIN parameter MQSCCNTA, which should be in the range 1..3. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRWMQ-0528E Output repository segment <dataset_name> dynamic allocation failed. Explanation: Script creation could not dynamically create the output repository dataset. System Action: Script create terminates. User Response: Validate that the SYSIN repository set allocation parameters are valid and meet local site standards. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRWMQ-0529E A valid repository dataset name must be specified. Explanation: An unallocated dataset name must be provided, via the MQSCSODN SYSIN card, for use as the dynamically created subset repository set specification. System Action: Script create terminates. User Response: Validate the SYSIN subset repository parameter MQSCSODN. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRWMQ-0530E Output repository segment <segment_name> already exists. Explanation: Script create attempted to create the named output repository set segment/dataset, but that dataset already exists. System Action: Script create terminates rather than overwrite an existing dataset. User Response: Specify a value for SYSIN subset repository parameter MQSCSODN that does not already exist. SCRWMQ-0531E Dynalloc() failed. rc: <value>, error: <value>, info: <value> Explanation: The dynamic allocation of the file failed. The rc (return code), error (error code) and info (information code) values can be looked up in the IBM z/OS MVS programming Authorized Services Assembler Guide manual. System Action: Script create terminates. User Response: Validate that the SYSIN subset repository parameter MQSCSODN specifies a dataset that does not exist. Verify that all of the other dataset allocation parameters are valid, obey local sit standards, and do not contradict each other. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRWMQ-0532E Repository message size so far (<current_msgsize>) is greater than maximum: <max_msg_size>. Explanation: Script Create reads a message from the input repository set that is larger than the maximum message size, as defined by the greater of the 32K default and the SYSIN MQSCSMSG parameter. The size of the portion of the input message retrieved so far is <current_msgsize>. The total size of this input message may be larger. System Action: Script create terminates. User Response: To increase the size of the message buffer, add or modify the SYSIN MQSCSMSG parameter to make it larger. MQCSMSG is defined in units of 1K with a default of 32. SCRWMQ-0533E Invalid Repository record ignored, type (<num>, rec#(<num>) Explanation: Script create discovered an input repository record with an unknown type. For script create purposes, this record is ignored. System Action: Script create proceeds. User Response: Note the events surrounding the message and contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRWMQ-0534E Output repository set <repository set> is full. Explanation: Script create has filled up the output repository set. Remaining input repository records eligible for output will not be written. System Action: Script create terminates. 5-14 Hiperstation Messages and Codes User Response: Specify a larger output repository set, either by increasing the FIRST..LAST range, increasing the primary and/or secondary space values or by altering the space unit value. SCRWMQ-0535E <number>. First write to output repository segment <repository set> failed, return code: Explanation: code. The first fwrite() to an output repository segment failed with the noted return System Action: Script create terminates. User Response: Validate the subset/output repository set specification, particularly the dataset naming convention, to ensure that the correct names and dataset characteristics are used. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRWMQ-0536E Fwrite() to output subset repository <dataset_namet> failed. Explanation: (EOF). A write to an output repository dataset failed without being an end-of-file System Action: Script create terminates. User Response: If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRWMQ-0537I Log member <member> created in dataset <dataset>. Explanation: Informational message. System Action: None. User Response: None. SCRWMQ-0538E Log statistics could not be written to member <member> in dataset <dataset>. Explanation: The fclose and/or STOW macro failed to write out statistics to the log member in the named dataset. System Action: Script create terminates. User Response: Verify that the log dataset name is correct and is available for output. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRWMQ-0539I Event report <name> created in dataset <dataset>. Explanation: Informational message. System Action: None. User Response: None. SCRWMQ-0540E Event <name> could not be written to dataset <dataset>. Explanation: The fclose and/or STOW macro failed to write out statistics to the log member in the named dataset. System Action: Script create terminates. User Response: Verify that the log dataset name is correct and is available for output. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRWMQ-0541E Cannot open for append to HFS file <path>. Explanation: The fopen() function will not open the named HFS file for appending data. System Action: Script create terminates. User Response: Verify that the HTML Event Summary path parameters are specified correctly. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRWMQ-0542E Event control block is required for a non-synthesized XML <event>. Explanation: Internal error. System Action: Script create terminates. User Response: If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. Hiperstation Messages: SCRTCP through SYSPLEX SCRWMQ-0543E Routine <name> failed with return code: <rc>. Explanation: code. Internal error - the named routine was invoked and returned the named error System Action: Script create terminates. User Response: If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRWMQ-0544I Unknown repmf2 value: <number>. Explanation: Informational message. System Action: None. User Response: None. SCRWMQ-0545W Invalid MQRPL FLOPTIONS key: <key_str> value: <hex_str> Explanation: Unknown MQRPL FLOPTIONS key and value found in repository record. System Action: Script create proceeds. User Response: If the situation persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRWMQ-0546E 5-15 Invalid <CB_name> encountered, writing as hexadecimal. Explanation: The return code for the current MQ event/verb indicates that the named control block has an invalid structure. This control block will be generated, if requested, in the script and HTML event summary as raw hexadecimal data, without interpretation. System Action: Script create terminates. User Response: If the situation persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRWMQ-0547E tries. Could not obtain a unique member name in dataset <dsname> after <number> Explanation: Script create could not obtain a member name in the target dataset for scripts, details or log after the noted number of attempts. System Action: Script create terminates. User Response: Examine the prefix and suffix values specified for the named dataset and alter them to create an unused namespace for script create to use. If the situation persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRWMQ-0548E Output <dataset_member> member could not be opened by fopen(). Explanation: The named dataset and member combination could not be opened. System Action: Script create terminates. User Response: Determine why members in the named dataset cannot be opened. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRWMQ-0549I Script member <member> created in dataset <dataset>. Explanation: Informational message. System Action: None. User Response: None. SCRWMQ-0550E <dataset>. Script statistics could not be written to member <member> in dataset Explanation: The fclose and/or STOW macro failed to write out statistics to the script member in the named dataset. System Action: Script create terminates. User Response: Verify that the script dataset name is correct and is available for output. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRWMQ-0551I Explanation: Combined detail member <member> created in dataset <dataset>. Informational message. 5-16 Hiperstation Messages and Codes System Action: None. User Response: None. SCRWMQ-0552E Combined detail statistics could not be written to member <member> in dataset <dataset>. Explanation: The fclose and/or STOW macro failed to write out statistics to the combined detail member in the named dataset. System Action: Script create terminates. User Response: Verify that the combined detail dataset name is correct and is available for output. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRWMQ-0553I GET member <member> created in dataset <dataset>. Explanation: Informational message. System Action: None. User Response: None. SCRWMQ-0554E GET statistics could not be written to member <member> in dataset <dataset>. Explanation: The fclose and/or STOW macro failed to write out statistics to the GET member in the named dataset. System Action: Script create terminates. User Response: Verify that the GET dataset name is correct and is available for output. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRWMQ-0555I PUT member <member> created in dataset <dataset>. Explanation: Informational message. System Action: None. User Response: None. SCRWMQ-0556E PUT statistics could not be written to member <member> in dataset <dataset>. Explanation: The fclose and/or STOW macro failed to write out statistics to the PUT member in the named dataset. System Action: Script create terminates. User Response: Verify that the PUT dataset name is correct and is available for output. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SCRWMQ-0557W Parameter name is missing from SYSIN input line <input_line> Explanation: Script create cannot locate a valid SYSIN parameter name from the data in the displayed line of SYSIN input. System Action: Script create ignores this SYSIN line. User Response: Correct or remove the referenced SYSIN input card. SCRWMQ-0558E Unknown SYSIN parameter name <name> located. Explanation: Script create extracts an undefined SYSIN input parameter name. System Action: Script create terminates. User Response: Correct or remove the referenced SYSIN input card. SCRWMQ-0559W Error in parsing for filter <filter_name>. Filter will be ignored. Explanation: Script create has discovered an inconsistency or error in the named filter. This filter will not be used in MQ event filtering. System Action: Script create proceeds. User Response: Correct or remove the named filter from the SYIN input. Hiperstation Messages: SCRTCP through SYSPLEX SCRWMQ-0560I Maximum content record size is <number>. Explanation: Informational message. System Action: None. User Response: Can be used to assist user in setting the MQSCSMSG SYSIN parameter. SCRWMQ-0561W Unable to determine queue manager for <event_name>. Explanation: Warning message. System Action: None. User Response: None. SCRWMQ-0562I 5-17 Subset repository successfully created. Explanation: Informational message. System Action: None. User Response: None. SPBTCH SPBTCH010 ERROR IN READING HIPERIN DD STATEMENT Explanation: During batch processing, the script processor attempted an EXECIO DISKR operation to read the data pointed to by the HIPERIN DD statement. The HIPERIN DD contains INFILE, OUTFILE, ISCRIPT, and OSCRIPT statements that identify the scripts to the batch processor. Additional messages may appear describing why the EXECIO failed. The EXECIO return codes are explained below: RC Explanation 0 Normal completion of requested operation. 1 Data was truncated during DISKW operation. 2 End-of-file reached before the set number of lines were read during a DISKR or DISKRU operation. This does not occur if * (asterisk) is used for number of lines because the remainder of the file is always read. 4 During a DISKR or DISKRU operation, an empty dataset was found in a concatenation of datasets. The file was not successfully opened and no data was returned. 20 Severe error. EXECIO completed unsuccessfully and a message is issued. SPBTCH020 INFILE/OUTFILE STATEMENT MISSING OR INCORRECT Explanation: During batch processing, the INFILE and/or OUTFILE statement was not found or was invalid. SPBTCH030 INVALID FORMAT ON INFILE STATEMENT Explanation: During batch processing, the INFILE statement was being analyzed and was found to be invalid. SPBTCH040 INVALID FORMAT ON OUTFILE STATEMENT Explanation: During batch processing, the OUTFILE statement was being analyzed and was found to be invalid. SPBTCH050 ISCRIPT STATEMENT MISSING Explanation: not found. SPBTCH060 During batch processing, the ISCRIPT statement was being analyzed and was INVALID FORMAT ON ISCRIPT STATEMENT Explanation: During batch processing, the ISCRIPT statement was being analyzed and was found to be incorrect. 5-18 Hiperstation Messages and Codes SPBTCH070 INVALID FORMAT ON OSCRIPT STATEMENT Explanation: During batch processing, the OSCRIPT statement was being analyzed and was found to be incorrect. SPBTCH080 OSCRIPT STATEMENT MISSING Explanation: not found. SPBTCH090 During batch processing, the OSCRIPT statement was being analyzed and was ERROR IN ALLOCATION OF INFILE DATASET Explanation: During batch processing, an attempt was made to allocate the input script dataset, but an error was encountered. Additional messages may be included to detail the cause of the failed allocation. SPBTCH100 ERROR IN ALLOCATION OF OUTFILE DATASET Explanation: During batch processing, an attempt was made to allocate the output script dataset, but an error was encountered. Additional messages may be included to detail the cause of the failed allocation. SPCHG SPCHG001 SELECT AN OPTION OR END - "GO" TO INITIATE PROCESSING, THE END KEY TO EXIT, OR ENTER TO UPDATE REQUESTS Explanation: User Response: You have not selected an option. Use “GO”, the END key, or the ENTER key. SPCHG002 PLEASE ENTER "F" or "B" - ENTER AN "F" TO PROCESS UNDER TSO, OR "B" TO CREATE A BATCH JOB Explanation: User Response: SPCHG004 User Response: The dataset name you specified is invalid. Make sure the dataset exists and is spelled correctly. DATASET NOT FOUND Explanation: User Response: SPCHG010 Use either “F” or “B”. INVALID DATASET NAME Explanation: SPCHG007 You have not specified a command. The dataset you specified is invalid. Make sure the dataset exists and is spelled correctly. MEMBER NOT FOUND - THE REQUESTED MEMBER IS NOT A MEMBER OF THE PDS Explanation: User Response: The member you specified was not found. Check the spelling and make sure the member exists. SPCHG011 MEMBER ALREADY EXISTS - THE HIGHLIGHTED SCRIPT EXISTS AND "do not replace" IS SELECTED Explanation: User Response: The member name you specified already exists. Use another name, or select replace member. SPCHG025 ENTER "B","U","D" - "B"rowse, "U"pdate and "D"elete ARE THE VALID LINE COMMANDS Explanation: User Response: SPCHG026 The command you specified is invalid. Use “B”, “U”, or “D”. MEMBER NAME IS REQUIRED - ENTER A MEMBER NAME IN THE HIGHLIGHTED FIELD Explanation: You did not specify a member name. Hiperstation Messages: SCRTCP through SYSPLEX User Response: SPCHG028 User Response: User Response: Use a number from 1 to 43. The column number you specified is invalid. Use a number from 1 to 133. LIBRARY NOT FOUND - THE SELECTED SCRIPT PROCESSOR LIBRARY CANNOT BE Explanation: User Response: SPCHG033 The row number you specified is invalid. INVALID COLUMN NUMBER - THE COLUMN NUMBER MUST BE BETWEEN 1 AND 133 Explanation: SPCHG032 FOUND Specify a member name in the highlighted field. INVALID ROW NUMBER - THE ROW NUMBER MUST BE BETWEEN 1 AND 43 Explanation: SPCHG029 5-19 The library you specified cannot be found. Check the spelling, and make sure the library exists. PDS IS REQUIRED - THE SELECTED SCRIPT PROCESSOR CONTROL DS MUST BE A PDS Explanation: User Response: The dataset you specified is not a PDS. Use a PDS for your control dataset. SPCHG036 MEMBER NOT ALLOWED - SPECIFY A MEMBER NAME ONLY WHEN USING A PDS AS THE CONTROL FILE Explanation: User Response: A member name is not required here. Use a sequential dataset name. SPCHG037 DIRECTORY BLOCKS REQUIRED - WHEN ALLOCATING A SCRIPT DATASET THE DIRECTORY BLOCKS ENTRY IS REQUIRED Explanation: User Response: SPCHG043 Enter a directory blocks value. INVALID SELECTION - PLEASE SELECT ONE OF THE LISTED VALUES BELOW Explanation: User Response: SPCHG045 You have not specified a directory blocks entry. The selection you specified is invalid. Select one of the values listed below. INVALID COMMAND - COMMAND ENTERED IS NOT VALID ON THIS PANEL Explanation: User Response: The command you entered is not valid. Make sure the spelling was correct, or use another command. SPCNTL SPCNTL010 ERROR IN READING CNTLIN DD STATEMENT Explanation: An error was encountered during an EXECIO DISKR operation to read the control file. EXECIO return codes are listed under message SPBTCH010. Additional messages may be included to detail the cause of the failed EXECIO. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL020 UNRECOGNIZED OR MISSING LABEL IN CONTROL FILE Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of the control file, it expected to find an entry label such as <DATAREP>, <DATEREC>, <LISTPROC>, or <SYNCHRONIZE>, but a label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. 5-20 Hiperstation Messages and Codes SPCNTL030 EXPECTED ADESCR PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a data replacement entry in the control file, it expected to find the description record. However, the <ADESCR> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL040 EXPECTED ASCRNIDF PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a data replacement entry in the control file, it expected to find the screen ID record. However, the <ASCRNIDF> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL050 EXPECTED ASCRROWF PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a data replacement entry in the control file, it expected to find the ID row record. However, the <ASCRROWF> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL060 ASCRROWF PARAMETER NOT NUMERIC OR ** Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a data replacement entry in the control file, it analyzed the row number of the screen ID. The row was found to be neither numeric nor asterisks (**), which are the only valid values. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL070 EXPECTED ASCRCOLF PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a data replacement entry in the control file, it expected to find the screen ID column record. However, the <ASCRCOLF> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL080 ASCRCOLF PARAMETER NOT NUMERIC OR ** Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a data replacement entry in the control file, it analyzed the column number of the screen ID. It was found to be neither numeric nor asterisks (**), which are the only valid values. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL090 EXPECTED AROWF PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a data replacement entry in the control file, it expected to find the row number of the system generated field. However, the <AROWF> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL100 AROWF PARAMETER NOT NUMERIC Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a data replacement entry in the control file, it analyzed the row number of the system generated field. The value was not numeric. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. Hiperstation Messages: SCRTCP through SYSPLEX SPCNTL110 5-21 EXPECTED ACOLUMNF PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a data replacement entry in the control file, it expected to find the column number of the system generated field. However, the <ACOLUMNF> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL120 ACOLUMNF PARAMETER NOT NUMERIC Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a data replacement entry in the control file, it analyzed the column number of the system generated field. The value was not numeric. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL130 EXPECTED ALENGTHF PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a data replacement entry in the control file, it expected to find the length of the system generated field. However, the <ALENGTHF> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL140 ALENGTHF PARAMETER NOT NUMERIC Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a data replacement entry in the control file, it analyzed the length of the system generated field. The value was not numeric. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL150 EXPECTED AMATCH PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a data replacement entry in the control file, it expected to find the exact match record. However, the <AMATCH> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL160 AMATCH PARAMETER NOT Y OR N Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a data replacement entry in the control file, it analyzed the exact match record. The value was not Y or N. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL170 EXPECTED </DATAREP> LABEL NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a data replacement entry in the control file, it expected to find the ending label for the entry. However, the </DATAREP> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL180 EXPECTED EDESCR PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a date recalculation entry in the control file, it expected to find the description record. However, the <EDESCR> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL190 EXPECTED ESCRNID PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a date recalculation entry in the control file, it expected to find the screen ID record. However, the <ESCRNID> label was not found. 5-22 Hiperstation Messages and Codes User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL200 EXPECTED ESCRROW PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a date recalculation entry in the control file, it expected to find the screen ID row record. However, the <ESCRROW> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL210 ESCRROW PARAMETER NOT NUMERIC OR ** Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a date recalculation entry in the control file, it analyzed the screen ID row number. The value was not numeric or asterisks (**), which are the only valid values. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL220 EXPECTED ESCRCOL PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a date recalculation entry in the control file, it expected to find the screen ID column record. However, the <ESCRCOL> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL230 ESCRCOL PARAMETER NOT NUMERIC OR *** Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a date recalculation entry in the control file, it analyzed the screen ID column number. The value was not numeric or asterisks (***), which are the only valid values. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL240 EXPECTED EFIELD PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a date recalculation entry in the control file, it expected to find the input field number record. However, the <ESCRCOL> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL250 EFIELD PARAMETER NOT NUMERIC OR *** Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a date recalculation entry in the control file, it analyzed the input field number. The value was not numeric or asterisks (***). User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL260 EXPECTED EDSEP PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a date recalculation entry in the control file, it expected to find the date separator record. However, the <EDSEP> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL270 EDSEP CAN ONLY BE 1 CHARACTER LONG Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a date recalculation entry in the control file, it analyzed the date separator. The value was longer than 1 character. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. Hiperstation Messages: SCRTCP through SYSPLEX SPCNTL280 5-23 EXPECTED EFORMAT PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a date recalculation entry in the control file, it expected to find the input date format record. However, the <EFORMAT> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL285 EXPECTED EOFORMAT PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a date recalculation entry in the control file, it expected to find the output date format record. However, the <EFORMAT> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL290 EFORMAT PARAMETER NOT 1-14 Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a date recalculation entry in the control file, it analyzed the input date format. The value was not valid. Valid values are 1 through 14. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL295 EOFORMAT PARAMETER NOT 1-14 Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a date recalculation entry in the control file, it analyzed the output date format. The value was not valid. Valid values are 1 through 14. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL300 EXPECTED EWKDAY PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a date recalculation entry in the control file, it expected to find the weekday only record. However, the <EWKDAY> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL310 EWKDAY PARAMETER NOT Y OR N Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a date recalculation entry in the control file, it analyzed the weekday only field. The value was not Y or N. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL320 EXPECTED </DATEREC> LABEL NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a date recalculation entry in the control file, it expected to find the ending label for the entry. However, the </DATEREC> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL322 EXPECTED EODTROW PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor reads the contents of a date recalculation entry in the control file, it expected to find the output date row record. However, the <EODTROW> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. 5-24 Hiperstation Messages and Codes SPCNTL324 EODTROW NOT NUMERIC OR ** Explanation: As the script processor reads the contents of a date recalculation entry in the control file, it analyzed the output date row number. The value was not numeric or asterisk (**), which are the only valid values. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL326 EXPECTED EODTCOL PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor reads the contents of a date recalculation entry in the control file, it expected to find the output date column record. However, the <EODTCOL> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL328 EODTCOL NOT NUMERIC OR *** Explanation: As the script processor reads the contents of a date recalculation entry in the control file, it analyzed the output date column number. The value was not numeric or asterisk (***), which are the only valid values. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL329 EXPECTED EOVRLAY PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor reads the contents of a date recalculation entry in the control file, it expected to find the overlay output area record. However, the <EOVRLAY> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL329A EOVRLAY PARAMETER NOT Y OR N Explanation: As the script processor reads the contents of a date recalculation entry in the control file, it analyzed the overlay output area field. The value was not Y or N, which are the only valid values. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL330 EXPECTED SDESCR PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a synchronization entry in the control file, it expected to find the description record. However, the <SDESCR> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL330A EXPECTED MFDESCR PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor reads the contents of a multi-date recalculation entry in the control file, it expected to find the description record. However, the <MFDESCR> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL340 EXPECTED SSCRNID PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a synchronization entry in the control file, it expected to find the screen ID record. However, the <SSCRNID> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. Hiperstation Messages: SCRTCP through SYSPLEX SPCNTL340A 5-25 EXPECTED MFSCRNID PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor reads the contents of a multi-date recalculation entry in the control file, it expected to find the screen ID record. However, the <MFSCRNID> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL350 EXPECTED SSCRROW PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a synchronization entry in the control file, it expected to find the screen ID row record. However, the <SSCRROW> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL350A EXPECTED MFSCRROW PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor reads the contents of a multi-date recalculation entry in the control file, it expected to find the screen ID row record. However, the <MFSCRROW> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL360 SSCRROW PARAMETER NOT NUMERIC OR ** Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a synchronization entry in the control file, it analyzed the screen ID row number. The value was not numeric or asterisks (**), which are the only valid values. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL360A MFSCRROW PARAMETER NOT NUMERIC OR ** Explanation: As the script processor reads the contents of a multi-date recalculation entry in the control file, it analyzed the screen ID record number. The value was not numeric or asterisks (**), which are the only valid values. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL370 EXPECTED SSCRCOL PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a synchronization entry in the control file, it expected to find the screen ID column record. However, the <SSCRCOL> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL370A EXPECTED MFSCRCOL PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor reads the contents of a multi-date recalculation entry in the control file, it expected to find the screen ID column record. However, the <MFSCRCOL> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL370B EXPECTED MONTHI PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor reads the contents of a multi-date recalculation entry in the control file, it expected to find the input month field record. However, the <MONTHI> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. 5-26 Hiperstation Messages and Codes SPCNTL370C EXPECTED DAYI PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor reads the contents of a multi-date recalculation entry in the control file, it expected to find the day input field record. However, the <DAYI> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL370D EXPECTED YEARI PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor reads the contents of a multi-date recalculation entry in the control file, it expected to find the year input field record. However, the <YEARI> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL370E EXPECTED MKWKDAY PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor reads the contents of a multi-date recalculation entry in the control file, it expected to find the weekday only record. However, <MKWKDAY> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL370F EXPECTED MONTHO PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor reads the contents of a multi-date recalculation entry in the control file, it expected to find the output month field. However, the <MONTHO> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL370G Expected DAYO parameter not found Explanation: As the script processor reads the contents of a multi-date recalculation entry in the control file, it expected to find the output day field. However, the <DAYO> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL370H EXPECTED </MFDATE> LABEL NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor reads the contents of a multi-date recalculation entry in the control file, it expected to find the ending label for the entry. However, the </MFDATE> was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL370I EXPECTED YEARO PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor reads the contents of a multi-date recalculation entry in the control file, it expected to find the output year field. However, the <YEARO> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL380 SSCRCOL PARAMETER NOT NUMERIC OR ** Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a synchronization entry in the control file, it analyzed the screen ID column number. The value was not numeric or asterisks (**), which are the only valid values. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. Hiperstation Messages: SCRTCP through SYSPLEX SPCNTL380A 5-27 MFSCRCOL PARAMETER NOT NUMERIC OR *** Explanation: As the script processor reads the contents of a multi-date recalculation entry in the control file, it analyzed the screen ID column number. The value was not numeric or asterisks (***), which are the only valid values. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL380B MONTHI PARAMETER NOT NUMERIC Explanation: As the script processor reads the contents of a multi-date recalculation entry in the control file, it analyzed the input month field. The value was not numeric. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL380D DAYI PARAMETER NOT NUMERIC Explanation: As the script processor reads the contents of a multi-date recalculation entry in the control file, it analyzed the input day field. The value was not numeric. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL380F YEARI PARAMETER NOT NUMERIC Explanation: As the script processor reads the contents of a multi-date recalculation entry in the control file, it analyzed the input year field. The value was not numeric. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL380H PARAMETER NOT NUMERIC Explanation: As the script processor reads the contents of a multi-date recalculation entry in the control file, it analyzed the output month field. The value was not numeric. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL380I PARAMETER NOT NUMERIC Explanation: As the script processor reads the contents of a multi-date recalculation entry in the control file, it analyzed the output day field. The value was not numeric. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL380J YEARO PARAMETER NOT NUMERIC Explanation: As the script processor reads the contents of a multi-date recalculation entry in the control file, it analyzed the output year field. The value was not numeric. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL390 EXPECTED SMSGTXT PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a synchronization entry in the control file, it expected to find the message text record. However, the <SMSGTXT> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL400 EXPECTED SMSGROW PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a synchronization entry in the control file, it expected to find the message row record. However, the <SMSGROW> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. 5-28 Hiperstation Messages and Codes SPCNTL410 SMSGROW PARAMETER NOT NUMERIC OR ** Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a synchronization entry in the control file, it analyzed the message row number. The value was not numeric or asterisks (**), which are the only valid values. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL420 EXPECTED SMSGCOL PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a synchronization entry in the control file, it expected to find the message column record. However, the <SMSGCOL> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL430 SMSGCOL PARAMETER NOT NUMERIC OR ** Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a synchronization entry in the control file, it analyzed the message column number. The value was not numeric or asterisks (**), which are the only valid values. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL440 EXPECTED SACTION PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a synchronization entry in the control file, it expected to find the action to take record. However, the <SACTION> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL450 EXPECTED SDLYMIN PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a synchronization entry in the control file, it expected to find the delay minute record. However, the <SDLYMIN> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL460 SDLYMIN PARAMETER NOT NUMERIC Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a synchronization entry in the control file, it analyzed the delay minute number. The value was not numeric. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL470 EXPECTED SDLYSEC PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a synchronization entry in the control file, it expected to find the delay second record. However, the <SDLYSEC> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL480 SDLYSEC PARAMETER NOT NUMERIC Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a synchronization entry in the control file, it analyzed the delay second number. The value was not numeric. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL490 EXPECTED SRPTMAX PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a synchronization entry in the control file, it expected to find the max repeat record. However, the <SRPTMAX> label was not found. Hiperstation Messages: SCRTCP through SYSPLEX 5-29 User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL500 SRPTMAX PARAMETER NOT NUMERIC Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a synchronization entry in the control file, it analyzed the max repeat number. The value was not numeric. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL510 EXPECTED </SYNCHRONIZE> LABEL NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a synchronization entry in the control file, it expected to find the ending label for the entry. However, the </SYNCHRONIZE> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL530 EXPECTED LDESCR PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a list processing entry in the control file, it expected to find the description record. However, the <LDESCR> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL540 EXPECTED LSCRNID PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a list processing entry in the control file, it expected to find the screen ID record. However, the <LSCRNID> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL550 EXPECTED LSCRROW PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a list processing entry in the control file, it expected to find the screen ID row record. However, the <LSCRROW> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL560 LSCRROW PARAMETER NOT NUMERIC OR ** Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a list processing entry in the control file, it analyzed the screen ID row number. The value was not numeric or asterisks (**), which are the only valid values. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL570 EXPECTED LSCRCOL PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a list processing entry in the control file, it expected to find the screen ID column record. However, the <LSCRCOL> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL580 LSCRCOL PARAMETER NOT NUMERIC OR ** Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a list processing entry in the control file, it analyzed the screen ID column number. The value was not numeric or asterisks (**), which are the only valid values. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. 5-30 Hiperstation Messages and Codes SPCNTL590 EXPECTED LTOPROW PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a list processing entry in the control file, it expected to find the list top row number. However, the <LTOPROW> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL600 LTOPROW PARAMETER NOT NUMERIC Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a list processing entry in the control file, it analyzed the list top row number. The value was not numeric. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL610 EXPECTED LBOTROW PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a list processing entry in the control file, it expected to find the list bottom row number. However, the <LBOTROW> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL620 LBOTROW PARAMETER NOT NUMERIC Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a list processing entry in the control file, it analyzed the list bottom row number. The value was not numeric. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL630 EXPECTED LUPKEY PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a list processing entry in the control file, it expected to find the up scroll key record. However, the <LUPKEY> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL640 EXPECTED LDOWNKEY PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a list processing entry in the control file, it expected to find the down scroll key record. However, the <LDOWNKEY> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL650 EXPECTED LKEYCOL PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a list processing entry in the control file, it expected to find the key column record. However, the <LKEYCOL> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL660 LKEYCOL PARAMETER NOT NUMERIC Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a list processing entry in the control file, it analyzed the key column record. The value was not numeric. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL670 EXPECTED LKEYLEN PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a list processing entry in the control file, it expected to find the key length record. However, the <LKEYLEN> label was not found. Hiperstation Messages: SCRTCP through SYSPLEX 5-31 User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL680 LKEYLEN PARAMETER NOT NUMERIC Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a list processing entry in the control file, it analyzed the key length record. The value was not numeric. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL690 EXPECTED LEND PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a list processing entry in the control file, it expected to find the end of list ID record. However, the <LEND> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL700 LEND PARAMETER NOT 1-4 Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a list processing entry in the control file, it analyzed the end of list ID record. The value was not 1-4. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL710 EXPECTED LENDTEXT PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a list processing entry in the control file, it expected to find the end of list row text record. However, the <LENDTEXT> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL720 LENDTEXT PARAMETER VALUE REQUIRED Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a list processing entry in the control file, it analyzed the end of list row text. The value was empty. The end of list row text is required when the end of list ID field is set to option 3. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL730 EXPECTED LTYPE PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a list processing entry in the control file, it expected to find the list type record. However, the <LTYPE> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL740 LTYPE PARAMETER MUST BE CURSOR OR LINECMD Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a list processing entry in the control file, it analyzed the list type and found an invalid value. The list type must be either CURSOR or LINECMD. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCNTL750 EXPECTED LSELKEY PARAMETER NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a list processing entry in the control file, it expected to find the list selection PF-key record. However, the <LSELKEY> label was not found. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. 5-32 Hiperstation Messages and Codes SPCNTL760 EXPECTED </LISTPROC> LABEL NOT FOUND Explanation: As the script processor read the contents of a list processing entry in the control file, it expected to find the record label which marks the end of the list processing entry. User Response: The listed control file was corrupted. Delete and re-create the entry, then rerun the script processor. SPCPW SPCPW001 ENTRIES MUST MATCH - NEW PASSWORD AND VERIFY NEW PASSWORD ENTRIES MUST MATCH Explanation: User Response: The New password and Verify password entries do not match. Make sure both entries are spelled the same. SPCPW002 PROCESSING OPTION IS REQUIRED - PLEASE ENTER "F" FOR FOREGROUND OR "B" FOR BACKGROUND PROCESSING Explanation: User Response: SPCPW005 You have omitted the processing option. Use either “F” or “B”. SCRIPT NOT FOUND Explanation: User Response: The script you specified was not found. Make sure the script name is spelled correctly and that it exists. SPCPW006 PLEASE SELECT A SCRIPT(S) - PLEASE ENTER AN "S" OR "/" TO IDENTIFY THE SCRIPTS TO PROCESS Explanation: User Response: SPCPW008 You have not selected a script to process. Use an “S” or “/” to select a script. INVALID VALUE - VALID VALUES FOR THIS FIELD ARE (blank), "/", AND "S" Explanation: User Response: The value you specified is invalid. Use either “S”, “/”, or a blank. SPGMF SPGMF001 DIRECTORY BLOCKS REQUIRED - WHEN ALLOCATING A REXX DATASET, THE DIRECTORY BLOCKS ENTRY IS REQUIRED Explanation: User Response: SPGMF002 User Response: The value you specified is invalid. Use either EQ or NE. VALUE MUST BE AND/OR - THE VALUE MUST BE EITHER AND OR OR Explanation: User Response: SPGMF004 Enter a value for directory blocks. THE VALUE MUST BE EQ/NE - THE VALUE MUST BE EITHER EQ OR NE Explanation: SPGMF003 You have omitted the directory blocks value. The value you specified is invalid. Use either AND or OR. INVALID VALUE - REPLACE SHOULD BE Y OR N Explanation: User Response: The value you specified is invalid. Use either Y or N. Hiperstation Messages: SCRTCP through SYSPLEX SPGMF005 INVALID CASE SENSITIVE - THE VALUE OF CASE SENSITIVE SHOULD BE Y OR N Explanation: User Response: SPGMF006 5-33 The value you specified is invalid. Use either Y or N. INVALID ATTR SENSITIVE - THE VALUE OF ATTR SENSITIVE SHOULD BE Y OR N Explanation: User Response: The value you specified is invalid. Use either Y or N. SPGMF007 VALUE MUST BE NUMERIC. - THE ROW, COLUMN, INPUT FIELD NUMBER OR OFFSET SHOULD BE NUMERIC IF SPECIFIED Explanation: User Response: SPGMF008 User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: Make sure the dataset exists and is spelled correctly. The message name you specified is invalid. Make sure you are using a valid PDS member name. The dataset name you specified is invalid. Make sure the dataset name is a valid MVS PDS name. The Start Cursor Row value you specified is invalid. Retry using a numeric value. The Start Cursor Column value you specified is invalid. Retry using a numeric value. INVALID END CURSOR ROW - CURSOR MUST BE NUMERIC IF SPECIFIED Explanation: User Response: SPGMF029 The dataset you specified could not be found. INVALID START CURSOR COL - CURSOR MUST BE NUMERIC IF SPECIFIED Explanation: SPGMF028 Specify a PDS with a member name instead. INVALID START CURSOR ROW - CURSOR MUST BE NUMERIC IF SPECIFIED Explanation: SPGMF027 The dataset you specified is not a PDS. INVALID REXX DATASET - REXX DATASET MUST BE A VALID MVS PDS NAME Explanation: SPGMF026 Enter a value for the input field number. INVALID MESSAGE NAME - MESSAGE NAME MUST BE A VALID PDS MEMBER NAME Explanation: SPGMF021 You have omitted the input field number. REXX DATASET NOT FOUND - THE SPECIFIED REXX DATASET DOES NOT EXIST Explanation: SPGMF020 Enter a value for the row and column. REXX DATASET IS NOT PDS - THE SPECIFIED REXX DATASET IS NOT A PDS Explanation: SPGMF017 You have omitted a row/col value. INPUT FIELD # NEEDED. - THE INPUT FIELD NUMBER MUST BE SPECIFIED Explanation: SPGMF016 Use a numeric value. ROW, COL NEEDED. - THE VALUE FOR ROW COL MUST BE SPECIFIED Explanation: SPGMF009 The value you specified is invalid. The End Cursor Row value you specified is invalid. Retry using a numeric value. INVALID END CURSOR COL - CURSOR MUST BE NUMERIC IF SPECIFIED Explanation: User Response: The End Cursor Column value you specified is invalid. Retry using a numeric value. 5-34 Hiperstation Messages and Codes SPGMF030 INVALID OFFSET - IF OFFSET SPECIFIED, IT MUST BE NUMERIC Explanation: User Response: SPGMF031 User Response: The Offset value you specified is invalid. Retry using a numeric value. INVALID OFFSET - IF OFFSET SPECIFIED, IT MUST BE NUMERIC Explanation: User Response: SPGMF033 Retry using a numeric value. INVALID OFFSET - IF OFFSET SPECIFIED, IT MUST BE NUMERIC Explanation: SPGMF032 The Offset value you specified is invalid. The Offset value you specified is invalid. Retry using a numeric value. INVALID OFFSET - IF OFFSET SPECIFIED, IT MUST BE NUMERIC Explanation: User Response: The Offset value you specified is invalid. Retry using a numeric value. SPGMF034 THE REPORT FILE ERROR - THE REPORT FILE SPECIFIED IS A PDS AND THE MEMBER NAME DOES NOT EXIST Explanation: User Response: SPGMF035 User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: If you specify the Input Key or Cursor, then change your value to EQ. The value you specified is invalid. Use either INCLUDE or EXCLUDE. The value you specified is invalid. Use either YES or NO. There was an error in the filter dataset. Correct the error and rerun. DATASET IS NOT PDS Explanation: User Response: SPGMF047 The value you specified is invalid. FILTER DATASET ERROR Explanation: SPGMF046 Use either PREVIOUS, CURRENT, or NEXT. INVALID VALUE - VALID VALUE IS EITHER YES OR NO Explanation: SPGMF045 The value you specified is incorrect. INVALID VALUE - VALID VALUE IS EITHER INCLUDE OR EXCLUDE Explanation: SPGMF044 Make sure the dataset exists and is spelled correctly. VALUE MUST BE EQ - VALUE MUST BE EQ IF INPUT KEY OR CURSOR SPECIFIED Explanation: SPGMF042 The dataset you specified was not found. INCORRECT VALUE. - VALUE MUST BE PREVIOUS, CURRENT OR NEXT Explanation: SPGMF037 Make sure the member exists and is spelled correctly. THE REPORT NOT FOUND - SPECIFIED DATASET DOES NOT EXIST Explanation: SPGMF036 The member name of the PDS you specified was not found. The specified dataset is not a PDS. Specify a different dataset that is a PDS. DATASET NOT FOUND Explanation: User Response: The specified dataset was not found or does not exist. Specify a dataset that exists. Hiperstation Messages: SCRTCP through SYSPLEX 5-35 SPHPR SPHPR010 BEGINNING DATA REPLACEMENT PROCESSING Explanation: Informational message. No user action necessary. The script processor has begun the data replacement work for the script being processed. SPHPR020 TOTAL DATA REPLACEMENTS MADE: nn Explanation: Informational message. No user action necessary. Shows the number of input fields that were replaced with REXX variables in the script being processed. SPHPR030 DATA REPLACEMENT PROCESSING COMPLETE Explanation: Informational message. No user action necessary.The data replacement work is finished for the script being processed. SPHPR040 BEGINNING DATE RECALCULATION PROCESSING Explanation: Informational message. No user action necessary. The script processor has begun the date recalculation work for the script being processed. SPHPR050 TOTAL DATES RECALCULATED: nn Explanation: Informational message. No user action necessary. Shows the number of input fields that were replaced with REXX variables in the script being processed. SPHPR060 DATE RECALCULATION PROCESSING COMPLETE Explanation: Informational message. No user action necessary. The date recalculation work is finished for the script being processed. SPHPR070 BEGINNING SYNCHRONIZATION PROCESSING Explanation: Informational message. No user action necessary. The script processor has begun the synchronization work for the script being processed. SPHPR080 SYNCHRONIZATION PROCESSING COMPLETE Explanation: Informational message. No user action necessary. The synchronization work is finished for the script being processed. SPHPR090 READING INPUT SCRIPT Explanation: Informational message. No user action necessary. The script processor is now reading in the current input script. SPHPR100 INPUT SCRIPT READ COMPLETE Explanation: Informational message. No user action necessary.The script processor has finished reading the current input script. SPHPR110 SCREEN ID ‘????’ FOUND, BUT SYSTEM FIELD HAS NO VALUE Explanation: Warning message. The script processor was looking for a system generated field for data replacement. It found the screen where the field should be, but the field was empty or was 0. The script processor will skip this field for use in data replacement and continue. SPHPR120 DATE FIELD FOUND, BUT IT WAS NOT A DATE Explanation: Warning message. The script processor was told that a particular input field number on a specific screen was a date to be recalculated. The field was found, but it was not a date. The script processor will skip this field for date recalculation and continue. SPHPR130 DATE FIELD FOUND, BUT IT DID NOT MATCH DATE FORMAT Explanation: Warning message. The script processor was told that a particular input field number on a specific screen was a date to be recalculated. The field was found, but the format did not match the date format listed in the control file entry. The script processor will skip this field for date recalculation and continue. 5-36 Hiperstation Messages and Codes SPHPR140 WRITING OUTPUT SCRIPT Explanation: Informational message. No user action necessary.The script processor is creating the current output script. SPHPR150 OUTPUT SCRIPT WRITE COMPLETE Explanation: Informational message. No user action necessary.The script processor finished creating the current output script. SPHPR160 SCRIPT PROCESSING FINISHED Explanation: Informational message. No user action necessary. The script processor completed processing the input script. SPHPR170 ERROR IN READING SCRPTIN DD FILE Explanation: An error was encountered during an EXECIO DISKR operation to read the input script. EXECIO return codes are listed under message SPBTCH010. Additional messages may be included to detail the cause of the failed EXECIO. SPHPR172 <INPUT> SECTION NOT FOUND IN INPUT SCRIPT <OUTPUT> SECTION NOT FOUND IN INPUT SCRIPT Explanation: The input script did not contain any <INPUT> script statements. The input script is probably not a Hiperstation script. User Response: SPHPR180 Check your script to ensure that it is a Hiperstation script. SCRIPT CREATION DATE NOT FOUND IN SCRIPT HEADER Explanation: An error was encountered during date recalculation processing for the current input script. The script processor was attempting to locate the date that the input script was recorded. It looks for this information in the script header. This message is generated if that date is not found. SPHPR190 ERROR IN WRITING OUT TO SCRPTOUT DD FILE Explanation: An error was encountered during an EXECIO DISKW operation to write the output script. EXECIO return codes are listed under message SPBTCH010. Additional messages may be included to detail the cause of the failed EXECIO. SPHPR200 TOTAL DATES CHANGED: nnn Explanation: Informational message. No user action necessary. Shows the number of date input fields that were changed from a two-digit to four-digit year. SPHPR210 YEAR NOT 2 DIGITS Explanation: Warning message. The date change script processor found a date input field that was not two digits. The date field is set in the message text. The date field shown will be skipped and not changed. SPHPR220 YEAR IS 19 OR 20 Explanation: Warning message. The date change script processor found a date input field had a year equal to 19 or 20. The script processor assumes this is not a valid year because it is probably a century value. The date field is displayed in the message text. This could happen if the date field does not have a date separator and the year is a actually a four-digit year. The date change script processor changes two-digit year date fields to four-digit year date fields. The date listed is skipped and not changed. SPHPR230 BEGINNING DATE CHANGE PROCESSING Explanation: Informational message. No user action necessary. The script processor has begun date change processing. SPHPR240 BEGINNING DATE FIND PROCESSING Explanation: Informational message. No user action necessary. The script processor has begun date find processing. Hiperstation Messages: SCRTCP through SYSPLEX SPHPR250 5-37 ERROR IN ALLOCATING INPUT SCRIPT FILE Explanation: The script processor attempted to open the input script file. The script in error is displayed with the message text. SPHPR260 ERROR IN WRITING TO RPTOUT DD FILE Explanation: The script processor attempted to write data to the date find report file. The error occurred during an EXECIO DISKW operation. More messages may accompany this one to explain the EXECIO failure. EXECIO return codes are listed under message SPBTCH010. SPHPR270 INVALID DATE FORMAT Explanation: The date find script processor was passed an invalid date format. Valid formats are 1-10. User Response: SPHPR280 Enter a valid format and rerun. BEGINNING CURSOR POSITION PROCESSING Explanation: Informational message. No user action necessary. The input script is being processed. The input-field position numbers are being converted to row-column format. SPHPR290E INVALID <Inn> FIELD NUMBER IN INPUT SCRIPT RECORD xxx Explanation: Record number xxx in the input script has an input-field position number that is invalid. The position number is either: • Too short: <I> • Too long: <I00000001> • Not within the preceding output screen: <I9999> SPHPR340 BEGINNING LIST PROCESSING EXECUTION Explanation: Informational message. No user action necessary. The REXX script processor has begun working on a list processing entry. SPHPR350 TOTAL LIST SCREENS HANDLED: Explanation: Informational message. No user action necessary. Shows the number of list screens in the script which required list processing REXX. SPHPR360 LIST PROCESSING EXECUTION COMPLETE Explanation: Informational message. No user action necessary. Indicates that the REXX script processor has finished writing list processing routines into the script. SPHPR370 <INPUT> nnnnnnn SKIPPED FOR PROCESSING Explanation: Warning message. The input field reformat script processor was attempting to reformat an <INPUT> message, but it could not because an <OUTPUT> message was not located prior to it in the script being processed. SPHPR380 <OUTPUT> nnnnnnn HAS NO MATCHING </OUTPUT> Explanation: Warning message. The input field reformat script processor was attempting to read through an <OUTPUT> message to gather input field locations, but a </OUTPUT> was not found. The <INPUT> following the <OUTPUT> that had the error will not be reformatted. User Response: Correct the script so that each <OUTPUT> record type has a a corresponding </OUTPUT>, then rerun the script processor. SPHPR390 TOTAL INPUT FIELDS CHANGED: nnn Explanation: Informational message. No user action necessary. Shows the number of input fields in the script that were reformatted by the input field reformat script processor. 5-38 Hiperstation Messages and Codes SPMSG SPMSG002 OUTPUT SCRIPT EXISTS - EITHER CHANGE THE MEMBER NAME, OR SPECIFY REPLACE = Y Explanation: User Response: SPMSG003 User Response: User Response: User Response: The value you specified is invalid. Use either a 1 or 2 for field format. The month value you entered is invalid. Use a value from 1 to 12. INVALID DAY - THE DAY MUST BE BETWEEN 1 AND 31 Explanation: User Response: SPMSG014 NUMBER Use either U or D for a line command. INVALID MONTH - THE MONTH WHICH WAS ENTERED IS NOT VALID Explanation: SPMSG011 The command you specified is invalid. INVALID FORMAT - THE FIELD FORMAT MUST BE 1 OR 2 Explanation: SPMSG010 Either specify a new member name, or specify REPLACE=Y. INVALID COMMAND - VALID LINE COMMANDS ARE U AND D Explanation: SPMSG008 The output script you specified already exists. The day value you entered is invalid. Use a value from 1 to 31. ENTRY REQUIRED - PLEASE SUPPLY A DAY INPUT NUMBER OR A YEAR INPUT Explanation: User Response: An entry is still required on this screen. Specify a day or year input number. SPMSG015 ENTRY NOT ALLOWED - THE ENTRY IS VALID ONLY WHEN AN INPUT NUMBER FIELD IS SUPPLIED Explanation: User Response: SPMSG016 User Response: User Response: User Response: The LENGTH (FOR) field needs a value when the POSITION (AT) field > 1. Specify a value for the LENGTH (FOR) field. An entry is still required on this screen. Specify a valid input number for the year. INPUT SCRIPT MISSING - PLEASE ENTER THE MISSING INPUT SCRIPT NAME Explanation: User Response: SPMSG200 Specify a month input value. ENTRY REQUIRED - PLEASE ENTER A VALID INPUT NUMBER FOR THE YEAR Explanation: SPMSG109 An entry is still required on this screen. FIELD REQUIRED - THE LENGTH (FOR) FIELD IS REQUIRED WHEN THE POSITION (AT) Explanation: SPMSG020 Use this entry only when an input number field is supplied. ENTRY REQUIRED - THE MONTH INPUT INFORMATION IS REQUIRED Explanation: SPMSG018 FIELD IS > 1 The entry you specified is not allowed at this time. The input script name has not been specified. Specify an input script name. SCRIPT FIELD MISSING - PLEASE ENTER THE MISSING SCRIPT NAME Explanation: User Response: The script name has not been specified. Specify a script name. Hiperstation Messages: SCRTCP through SYSPLEX SPMSG204 MUST BE ** OR NUM - FIELD MUST BE NUMERIC OR ** Explanation: User Response: SPMSG205 User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: The value you specified was not numeric. Specify a numeric value. You have omitted a required field. Specify a day and/or year value. The field needs to be either numeric or ***. Specify either a numeric value or ***. The row and column fields must match if one of them is ***. Specify *** for both row and column. Row and column fields must both be ** if date screen id is **. Specify ** for both row and column. The screen id field cannot be blank. Enter a value in the screen id field. MUST BE NON BLANK - DATE ID FIELD MUST BE NON BLANK Explanation: User Response: SPMSG219 Enter one of the listed options. MUST BE NON BLANK - SCREEN ID FIELD MUST BE NON BLANK Explanation: SPMSG218 You did not specify one of the listed options. MUST BE ** - IF DATE SCREEN ID IS **, ID LOCATION ROW & COL MUST BE ** Explanation: SPMSG217 Remove the wildcard and try again. MUST BE *** - ROW AND COLUMN FIELDS MUST MATCH IF *** IS SPECIFIED FOR Explanation: SPMSG216 You cannot specify a wildcard for this field. MUST BE *** OR NUM - FIELD MUST BE NUMERIC OR *** Explanation: SPMSG215 COLS Specify ** for both row and column. ENTER REQUIRED FIELD. TYPE=ACTION - ENTER DAY AND/OR YEAR FIELD(S) Explanation: SPMSG214 Row and column fields must both be ** if date screen id is *. MUST BE NUMERIC. TYPE=ACTION - FIELD MUST BE NUMERIC Explanation: SPMSG211 Specify ** for both row and column. ENTER OPTION - ENTER ONE OF THE LISTED OPTIONS Explanation: SPMSG210 The row and column fields must match if one of them is **. INVALID WILDCARD - WILDCARDING IS NOT ALLOWED FOR THIS FIELD Explanation: SPMSG209 Specify either a numeric value or **. MUST BE ** - IF DATE SCREEN ID IS *, ID LOCATION ROW & COL MUST BE ** Explanation: SPMSG208 The field needs to be either numeric or **. MUST BE ** - ROW AND COLUMN FIELDS MUST MATCH IF ** IS SPECIFIED FOR ONE Explanation: SPMSG206 5-39 The date id field cannot be blank. Enter a value in the date id field. MUST BE Y OR N - WEEKDAY FIELD MUST BE Y OR N Explanation: User Response: The weekday field must be Y or N. Specify either Y or N in the weekday field. 5-40 Hiperstation Messages and Codes SPMSG220 DATE DAY & YEAR REQUIRED - DAY AND YEAR FIELDS MUST BE ENTERED FOR JULIAN Explanation: User Response: SPMSG230 User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: Use either *** or a numeric from 1 to 132. The values you specified are invalid. Change the row and column values to wither numerics or all *. The value you specified is invalid. Change the value to a numeric form 0 to 43. The value you specified is invalid. Change the value to a numeric form 0 to 132. The value you specified is invalid. Change the value to a numeric form 1 to 43. The value you specified is invalid. Change the value to a numeric form 1 to 132. DAY AND MONTH MUST BE ENTERED FOR JULIAN DATE Explanation: User Response: SPMSG246 The value you specified is invalid. MUST BE NUMERIC IN THE RANGE OF 1 THRU 132 Explanation: SPMSG245 Use either ** or a numeric from 1 to 43. MUST BE NUMERIC IN THE RANGE OF 1 THRU 43 Explanation: SPMSG244 The value you specified is invalid. MUST BE NUMERIC IN THE RANGE OF 0 THRU 132 Explanation: SPMSG243 Specify either the Input Field Number, or the Location. MUST BE NUMERIC IN THE RANGE OF 0 THRU 43 Explanation: SPMSG242 You have specified two mutually exclusive values, which is invalid. ROW AND COLUMN MUST BE BOTH NUMERIC OR ALL * Explanation: SPMSG241 Change the value to Y as well. MUST BE *** OR NUMERIC IN THE RANGE 1 THRU 132 Explanation: SPMSG238 The value you specified is invalid when AUTOSKIP=Y. MUST BE ** OR NUMERIC IN THE RANGE 1 THRU 43 Explanation: SPMSG237 Change the TO value to something other than the FROM value. INPUT FIELD NUMBER AND LOCATION ARE MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE, SPECIFY ONLY Explanation: SPMSG236 The TO value you specified cannot match the FROM value. THIS FIELD MUST BE Y WHEN AUTOSKIP = Y Explanation: SPMSG235 ONE. Enter day and year fields in Julian form. TO VALUE CANNOT BE SAME AS FROM VALUE Explanation: SPMSG233 You have not specified the required day and year fields. You have omitted the day and month values. Enter day and month values, in Julian format. DAY AND/OR YEAR MUST BE ENTERED Explanation: User Response: You have omitted the day and/or year values. Enter the missing day and/or year values. Hiperstation Messages: SCRTCP through SYSPLEX SPMSG248 BOTH ROW AND COLUMN MUST BE ENTERED Explanation: User Response: SPMSG250 User Response: 132). User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: The value you specified is invalid. Use *** or a numeric from 1 to 132. The row and column values you specified are invalid. Use either numerics or all *. The value you specified is invalid. Use either ** or numerics from 1 to 43. The value you specified is invalid. Use either Y or N. The value you specified is invalid. Use a numeric from 1 to 14. The value you specified is invalid. Use a numeric from 0 to 43. MUST BE NUMERIC IN THE RANGE 0 THRU 132 Explanation: User Response: SPMSG265 Use EITHER logical OR row,col format. MUST BE NUMERIC IN THE RANGE 0 THRU 43 Explanation: SPMSG264 You have used inconsistent input formats, which is invalid. MUST BE NUMERIC IN THE RANGE 1 THRU 14 Explanation: SPMSG263 Specify row,col (1 to 43, 1 to 132). MUST BE Y OR N Explanation: SPMSG262 You have not specified an input field location. MUST BE ** OR NUMERIC IN THE RANGE 1 THRU 43 Explanation: SPMSG261 Specify an input field number from 1 to 999. BOTH ROW AND COLUMN MUST BE NUMERIC OR ALL * Explanation: SPMSG259 You did not specify an input field number. MUST BE *** OR NUMERIC IN THE RANGE 1 THRU 132 Explanation: SPMSG258 Use an input field number from 1 to 999, or location row,col (1 to 43, 1 to INCONSISTENT INPUT FORMATS. USE EITHER LOGICAL OR ROW,COL FORMAT (NOT Explanation: SPMSG257 You have omitted a input field number or location value. ENTER INPUT FIELD LOCATION ROW,COL (1-43, 1-132) Explanation: SPMSG253 BOTH). Enter row and/or column values. ENTER INPUT FIELD NUMBER (1-999) Explanation: SPMSG252 You have omitted row and/or column values. ENTER INPUT FIELD NUMBER (1-999) OR LOCATION ROW,COL (1-43,1-132) Explanation: SPMSG251 5-41 The value you specified is invalid. Use a numeric from 0 to 132. MUST BE NUMERIC IN THE RANGE 1 THRU 43 Explanation: User Response: The value you specified is invalid. Use a numeric from 1 to 43. 5-42 Hiperstation Messages and Codes SPMSG266 MUST BE NUMERIC IN THE RANGE 1 THRU 132 Explanation: User Response: SPMSG267 User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: Specify the input and/or the output file information. A value you specified is invalid at this time. Change the column number to zero. A value you specified is invalid at this time. Change the row number to zero. A month value is required on this screen. Specify a value for month when the day and/or year is present. The date location you specified is not valid at this time. Blank out the date location. The value you specified is invalid. Use either Y or N. THIS FIELD IS INVALID WHEN PROCESSING OUTPUT DATES, PLEASE SPACE IT OUT Explanation: User Response: SPMSG280 You have omitted a value. MUST BE Y(YES) OR N(NO) Explanation: SPMSG279 Specify an input location and/or an output location. DATE LOCATION IS VALID ONLY WHEN PROCESSING OUTPUT DATES, PLEASE BLANK Explanation: SPMSG276 You have omitted a location value. MONTH IS REQUIRED WHEN DAY AND/OR YEAR IS ENTERED Explanation: SPMSG275 OUT Use ** for row and *** for column when screen ID is *. IF COLUMN NUMBER IS ZERO, ROW NUMBER MUST BE ZERO Explanation: SPMSG274 The values you specified are invalid. IF ROW NUMBER IS ZERO, COLUMN NUMBER MUST BE ZERO Explanation: SPMSG273 Specify day and year values in Julian format. BOTH INPUT AND OUTPUT FILE INFORMATION CANNOT BE BLANK Explanation: SPMSG272 You have omitted the day and year values. BOTH INPUT AND OUTPUT LOCATION CANNOT BE BLANK. ENTER AT LEAST ONE OF Explanation: SPMSG271 Specify day and/or year values. WHEN SCREENID IS *, ROW MUST BE ** AND COL *** Explanation: SPMSG270 THEM You have omitted the day and/or year. DAY AND YEAR IS REQUIRED FOR JULIAN DATE Explanation: SPMSG269 Use a numeric from 1 to 132. DAY AND/OR YEAR IS REQUIRED Explanation: SPMSG268 The value you specified is invalid. The value you specified is invalid at this time. Space out the field when processing output dates. MUST ENTER EITHER OR BOTH INPUT AND OUTPUT DATE CHANGE INFORMATION Explanation: User Response: You have omitted an entry on this screen. Enter input and/or output date change information. Hiperstation Messages: SCRTCP through SYSPLEX SPMSG281 MUST BE NUMERIC IN THE RANGE 1 THRU 43 Explanation: User Response: SPMSG282 User Response: User Response: User Response: Use a number from 1 to 132. The value you specified is invalid. Use a number from 1 to 60. The value you specified has exceeded its maximum length. Keep the length under the CONSTANT LENGTH parameter value. SCREENID IS REQUIRED (WILDCARDING IS NOT ALLOWED) Explanation: User Response: SPMSG286 OR N The value you specified is invalid. LENGTH OF THE DATA ENTERED CANNOT EXCEED CONSTANT LENGTH PARAMETER Explanation: SPMSG285 Use a number from 1 to 43. MUST BE NUMERIC IN THE RANGE 1 THRU 60 Explanation: SPMSG284 VALUE The value you specified is invalid. MUST BE NUMERIC IN THE RANGE 1 THRU 132 Explanation: SPMSG283 5-43 You have omitted the screen ID. Replace your wildcard with a valid screen ID. THIS FIELD IS REQUIRED WHEN PROCESSING OUTPUT DATES. VALID VALUES ARE Y Explanation: User Response: You have omitted a required field when processing output dates. Use Y or N in the required field. SPMSG288 THIS PARAMETER IS VALID ONLY WHEN PROCESSING OUTPUT DATES, PLEASE BLANK IT OUT Explanation: User Response: You have specified a parameter which is invalid at this time. Blank out this parameter and try again. SPMSG289 WHEN PROCESSING OUTPUT DATE WITH OVERLAY=N, THIS FORMAT IS INVALID. ENTER ANOTHER FORMAT OR SPECIFY OVERLAY=Y Explanation: User Response: SPMSG305 User Response: User Response: User Response: You have omitted the member name for the control file. Specify a member name for the PDS. The file you specified is not a PDS. Specify a PDS with a member name. OUTPUT SCRIPT EXISTS - &FILENAME ALREADY EXISTS Explanation: User Response: SPMSG309 Make sure the control file has a DSORG of PO or PS. INVALID FILE TYPE - &FILENAME IS NOT A PARTITIONED DATASET (PDS) Explanation: SPMSG308 The file type you specified is invalid. MISSING MEMBER NAME - THE CONTROL FILE IS A PDS, MEMBER NAME REQUIRED Explanation: SPMSG307 Use another format, or specify OVERLAY=Y. INVALID FILE TYPE - THE CONTROL FILE MUST HAVE DSORG OF PO OR PS Explanation: SPMSG306 The format you specified is invalid with OVERLAY=N. The filename you specified already exists. Either specify a new filename, or delete the existing file and try again. DELAY TIME REQUIRED - IF ACTION IS WAIT< THEN DELAY TIME IS REQUIRED Explanation: You have omitted a required value. 5-44 Hiperstation Messages and Codes User Response: SPMSG404 USE / TO SELECT - THE SELECTION CHARACTER IS A / Explanation: User Response: SPMSG405 User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: You have omitted a member name for the report file. Specify a PDS with a member name. The value you specified for the LIST field is invalid. Use Y or N for the LIST field. The value you specified is invalid. Specify a numeric value. The value you specified is invalid. Specify a numeric value. MUST BE NUMERIC - MUST BE NUMERIC VALUE Explanation: User Response: SPMSG504 Use a DSORG of PO or PS for the report file. MUST BE NUMERIC - MUST BE NUMERIC VALUE Explanation: SPMSG503 The file type you specified is invalid. MUST SPECIFY NUMERIC - MUST SPECIFY NUMERIC VALUE Explanation: SPMSG502 Select only one of the choices. MUST BE Y OR N - LIST FIELD MUST BE Y OR N Explanation: SPMSG501 You have selected more than one choice. MISSING MEMBER NAME - THE REPORT FILE IS A PDS, MEMBER NAME REQUIRED Explanation: SPMSG500 Use / to select. INVALID FILE TYPE - THE REPORT FILE MUST HAVE DSORG OF PO OR PS Explanation: SPMSG407 The selection character you specified is invalid. SELECT ONLY 1 - PLEASE SELECT JUST ONE OF THE CHOICES Explanation: SPMSG406 Specify the delay time when ACTION is WAIT. The value you specified is invalid. Specify a numeric value. MUST SPECIFY NUMERIC - MUST SPECIFY NUMERIC VALUE Explanation: User Response: The value you specified is invalid. Specify a numeric value. SPPARM SPPARM005 EXEC_PDS ERROR Explanation: The parameter EXEC_PDS in the SPPARMS program is in error. The error description should be included in the text of this message. SPPARMS is the parameter table for the script processor. It is a member of the EXEC library. User Response: SPPARM010 Change the value of LOW_YEAR appropriately. LOW_YEAR FIELD NOT NUMERIC Explanation: The parameter LOW_YEAR in the SPPARMS program is not numeric. SPPARMS is the parameter table for the script processor. It is a member of the EXEC library. User Response: Change the value of LOW_YEAR appropriately. Hiperstation Messages: SCRTCP through SYSPLEX SPPARM020 5-45 HIGH_YEAR FIELD NOT NUMERIC Explanation: The parameter HIGH_YEAR in the SPPARMS program is not numeric. SPPARMS is the parameter table for the script processor. It is a member of the EXEC library. User Response: Change the value of HIGH_YEAR appropriately. SVABN SVABN100E ABEND COUNT EXCEEDED, WITHDRAWAL RECOMMENDED Explanation: The SessionView ABEND Monitor has detected that the ABEND count has exceeded its limit. User Response: Shut down the process. SVACF SVACF912I EXIT NOT FREED XXXX A:YYYYYYYY L:ZZZZZZZZ RC:NNNN Explanation: Global Recording was unable to release storage for a User ID Tracking exit. A is the address where the exit is located. L is the length. RC is the FREEMAIN return code. User Response: SVACF913I Contact Compuware Customer Support. EXIT CHANGED XXXX E:YYYYYYYY A:ZZZZZZZZ Explanation: Global Recording detected another ACF2 exit that was installed after User ID Tracking was installed. E is the expected address of the exit. A is the actual address in the ACCVT. System Action: To preserve system integrity, the exit Global Recording installed is left in place, but disabled. User Response: SVACF990I ACF2 RELIEF PROCESSING STARTED Explanation: User Response: SVACF991I This is an informational message. No action required. User ID Tracking has acknowledged the Global Recording shutdown request. This is an informational message. No action required. ACF2 RELIEF PROCESSING COMPLETE Explanation: User Response: Shutdown of User ID Tracking is complete. This is an informational message. No action required. SVATH SVATH001I TASK ATTACHED - XXXXXXXX Explanation: User Response: SVATH002E A module (XXXXXXXX) has been invoked and is currently processing. Informational message. No user action necessary. PROGRAM NOT FOUND Explanation: A subtask specified on an ATTACH statement in the GRPARMS member was not found within the load library. User Response: Verify that the correct subtask name is specified on the ATTACH statements within the GRPARMS member. Reference the Hiperstation Installation and Configuration Guide for a list of valid subtasks. 5-46 Hiperstation Messages and Codes SVATH003W TASK taskname NOT ATTACHED (NOVTAM SPECIFIED) Explanation: An ATTACH for SVNETREC or SVUSEREC was specified in the GRPARMS member, but the NOVTAM parameter was also present. These values are mutually exclusive since SVNETREC is the subtask that collects VTAM traffic. The Attach request will be ignored. User Response: If capture of VTAM traffic is intended, remove or comment out the NOVTAM parameter in the GRPARMS member. If capture of VTAM traffic is not required, remove or comment out the ATTACH statement for SVNETREC. In addition to SVNETREC, subtask SVUSEREC (logon/logoff activity) is also related to VTAM traffic, and the need for an associated ATTACH statement should be reviewed. SVATH004W TASK taskname NOT ATTACHED (ALREADY ATTACHED) Explanation: An ATTACH was specified in the GRPARMS member, but the same ATTACH had been already executed. The duplicate attach request will be ignored. User Response: Remove the duplicated ATTACH parameter in the GRPARMS member. SVDEL SVDEL101E DELETE OPER FAILED - RC=return code Explanation: An error occurred during a delete from the Global Record archive file. All records up until the error occurred were deleted, and the process stopped. User Response: Reissue the delete command. You may receive this error code again; continue to reissue the command until all files are deleted. It may take several tries to delete a large number of records. SVMAN SVMAN101I xxxx RELOCATION COMPLETE yyyyyyyy Explanation: User Response: SVMAN105I Informational message. No user action necessary. HIPERSTATION SUBSYSTEM ACTIVATION COMPLETE, VERSION CCCCCCCC Explanation: SVMAN206I Program xxxx was internally relocated. yyyyyyy is an internal address. The global recording task was started. SVMAIN20 NOT APF AUTHORIZED, INITIALIZATION ABANDONED Explanation: The global recording task was started and the task detected that the Hiperstation load modules do not reside in an authorized library. The task is terminated. User Response: Authorize the Hiperstation load library via the methods outlined in the Hiperstation Installation and Configuration Guide. SVMAN211I HIPERSTATION SUBSYSTEM IS NOT ACTIVE Explanation: SVMAN218I Informational message displayed during Global Record shutdown. TASK cccccccc WAS ATTACHED AT mm/dd/yy hh/mm/ss xxxxxxxx Explanation: This message is issued when the TASKS command is processed. The subtask (cccccccc) was attached at the chosen date and time. Its internal control block address is xxxxxxxx. SVMAN219I TASK XXXXXXXX DETACHED, RETURN CODE=nnnnnnnn Explanation: The subtask XXXXXXXX was detached with a return code of nnnnnnnn. User Response: Informational message. No user action necessary. This message appears when the TASKS command is processed. Hiperstation Messages: SCRTCP through SYSPLEX SVMAN231W 5-47 GLOBAL RECORDING BUFFER ALLOCATION 80.0% OF AVAILABLE ECSA Explanation: Over 80% of available ECSA is about to be allocated to Hiperstation capture buffers. Note: Available ECSA may be so fragmented that Hiperstation fails to allocate its ECSA buffers and therefore fails to initialize; no warning message may appear. User Response: To resolve this issue, either increase the size of ECSA or reduce ECSA usage. For information on increasing ECSA size, review IBM’s MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference regarding the CSA parameter in SYS1.PARMLIB member IEASYSxx. Note: Increasing ECSA generally reduces the size of EPVT (Extended Private) storage. To reduce ECSA usage, review the Hiperstation started task initialization parameters that set the size of ECSA capture buffers. Refer to the Hiperstation Installation and Configuration Guide. • VTAM/AllNet parameters: Reduce the product of number of buffers (ALLNBUFS) and size (ALLNBUFL). If these are set too low, lost PIU message SVNET304W appears. • TCP/IP and MQSeries parameters: Reduce the product of number of buffers (TCPBUFS) and size (TCPBUFL). If these are set too low, lost buffer message TCPRC100W appears. SVMAN232I ALLNET ALLOCATION (nnnnnnK) TCP+MQ ALLOCATION (nnnnnnK) ECSA AVAILABLE (nnnnnnK) Explanation: Related to SVMAN321W, describes allocation in Kilobytes of ALLNET, TCP/IP, MQSeries, and ECSA. Note: Available ECSA may be so fragmented that Hiperstation fails to allocate its ECSA buffers and therefore fails to initialize; no warning message may appear. User Response: SVMAN352E Informational message. No user action necessary. UNABLE TO LOCATE TSEB Explanation: Hiperstation was unable to locate a TCP/IP region that was specified on the TCPIP(jobname) SYSIN parameter. User Response: Verify that all TCP/IP jobnames specified for monitoring are up and running or remove them from the TCP/IP SYSIN parameter. SVMAN353E TCP/IP HOOKING ERROR Explanation: Hiperstation was unable to initialize TCP/IP support. User Response: Look for other Hiperstation messages in the console log. Be sure that all TCP/IP regions are running and that the correct Open Edition jobname is specified on the OMVS SYSIN parameter. SVMAN354E SRB COULD NOT LOCATE MTBL Explanation: support. User Response: SVMAN355E User Response: Hiperstation could not locate the information necessary to initialize TCP/IP Contact Compuware Customer Support. UNKNOWN SRB ERROR XXXXXXXX Explanation: support. User Response: SVMAN357E Contact Compuware Customer Support. SRB COULD NOT LOCATE HOOK MODULE Explanation: support. SVMAN356E Hiperstation could not locate the information necessary to initialize TCP/IP Hiperstation could not locate the information necessary to initialize TCP/IP Contact Compuware Customer Support. CANNOT FIND OMVS ASCB Explanation: support. Hiperstation could not locate the information necessary to initialize TCP/IP User Response: Verify that the correct jobname for the Open Edition address space is in the OMVS(jobname) SYSIN parameter. 5-48 Hiperstation Messages and Codes SVMAN359E SRB UNRECOGNIZED CODE IN MODULE Explanation: support. User Response: SVMAN360I Contact Compuware Customer Support. USER KEY CSA IS DISABLED Explanation: User Response: SVMAN374I Hiperstation could not locate the information necessary to initialize TCP/IP The NOUSERKEYCSA diagnostic bit is set on your system. Informational message. No user action necessary. MODULE XXXXXXXX NOT FOUND IN LPA Explanation: Hiperstation could not locate the modules necessary to initialize Secure Sockets Layer support. Compuware will continue to run without SSL support. User Response: Verify that the correct modules required for SSL support have been loaded into the LPA as specified in the Hiperstation Installation and Configuration Guide. If SSL is not desired remove the SSL SYSIN parameter to avoid this message in the future. This message can be ignored if no SSL is desired. SVMAN376I ERROR MODIFYING LPA Explanation: Hiperstation could not locate the correct information necessary to initialize Secure Sockets Layer support. Hiperstation will continue to run without SSL support. User Response: Verify that the correct version of the modules required for SSL support have been loaded into the LPA as specified in the Hiperstation Installation and Configuration Guide. If SSL is not desired remove the SSL SYSIN parameter to avoid this message in the future. If it appears that the correct version of the required modules are in the LPA, contact Compuware Customer Support. SVMAN377E UNABLE TO LOCATE TSDB Explanation: support. User Response: SVMAN378E Hiperstation was unable to locate information necessary to initialize TCP/IP Contact Compuware Customer Support. UNABLE TO INITIALIZE TCP/IP Explanation: Hiperstation was unable to initialize TCP/IP support. User Response: Look for other Hiperstation messages in the console log. Be sure that all TCP/IP regions are running and that the correct Open Edition jobname has been specified on the OMVS SYSIN parameter. SVMAN379E INITAPI ERROR XXXXXXXX Explanation: Hiperstation was unable to initialize TCP/IP support. User Response: Look for other Hiperstation messages in the console log. Be sure that all TCP/IP regions are running and that the correct Open Edition jobname has been specified on the OMVS SYSIN parameter. SVMAN380E GETHOSTID FAILED Explanation: Hiperstation was unable to initialize TCP/IP support. User Response: Look for other Hiperstation messages in the console log. Be sure that all TCP/IP regions are running and that the correct Open Edition jobname has been specified on the OMVS SYSIN parameter. SVMAN381I OPTIONAL HOOK POINT XXXXXXXX BYPASSED Explanation: Hiperstation was unable to locate the information necessary for the specified function. This is probably caused by an older version of TCP/IP that has less functionality than is supported. User Response: This message can be ignored. Hiperstation Messages: SCRTCP through SYSPLEX SVMAN382E 5-49 REQUIRED HOOK POINT XXXXXXXX NOT FOUND Explanation: Hiperstation was unable to locate the necessary information to initialize TCP/IP support. User Response: SVMAN384E ERROR MODIFYING CSA Explanation: support. User Response: SVMAN386E Contact Compuware Customer Support. Hiperstation could not locate the information required to initialize MQSeries Contact Compuware Customer Support. MQSERIES HOOKING ERROR Explanation: Hiperstation was unable to initialize MQSeries support. User Response: Check console log for additional informational messages. Verify that the startup parameters in the appropriate GRPARMS member are correct. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. Note: Your site may be using GRPARMS, GRPARMS1, GRPARMS2, or GRPARMS3. SVMAN387E MQSERIES QUEUE MANAGER NOT FOUND Explanation: The subsystem specified in the MQSeries parameter in GRPARMS was not found in the subsystem table. User Response: Verify that the subsystem specified is valid. If it appears the subsystem is valid and defined in the MVS subsystem control table, contact Compuware Customer Support. SVMAN388E NOT LICENSED FOR MQSERIES SUPPORT Explanation: The MQSERIES() parameter is present in GRPARMS, but your site is not licensed for MQSeries support. Hiperstation ignores the parameter. User Response: Remove the MQSeries parameter from GRPARMS, or contact your sales representative about licensing this product option. SVMAN389E NOT LICENSED FOR TCP/IP SUPPORT Explanation: The TCPIP() parameter is present in GRPARMS, but your site is not licensed for TCP/IP support. Hiperstation ignores the parameter. User Response: Remove the TCPIP parameter from GRPARMS, or contact your sales representative about licensing this product option. SVMAN391I type CAPTURE REQUESTED Explanation: User Response: SVMAN392W The control card is being processed. Type is either MQSERIES, TCPIP, or VTAM. Informational message. No user action necessary. SSL MODULE NOT FOUND, SSL RECORDING MAY NOT BE ACTIVE Explanation: Hiperstation could not locate the correct information necessary to initialize Secure Sockets Layer support. Hiperstation will continue to run without SSL support. User Response: Verify that the correct version of the modules required for SSL support have been loaded into the LPA as specified in the Hiperstation Installation and Configuration Guide. If SSL is not desired remove the SSL SYSIN parameter to avoid this message in the future. If it appears that the correct version of the required modules are in the LPA, contact Compuware Customer Support. SVMAN393E TCPNBUF/TCPBUFL REQUIRED FOR TCPIP Explanation: Either TCPNBUF or TCPBUFL has been set to zero. Each parameter must have a valid value to initialize TCP/IP. User Response: SVMAN394E Set TCPNBUF and TCPBUFL to valid values. TCPNBUF/TCPBUFL REQUIRED FOR MQSERIES Explanation: Either TCPNBUF or TCPBUFL has been set to zero. Each parameter must have a valid value to initialize MQSeries. User Response: Set TCPNBUF and TCPBUFL to valid values. 5-50 Hiperstation Messages and Codes SVMAN395E ALLNBUF/ALLBUFL REQUIRED FOR VTAM Explanation: Either ALLNBUF or ALLBUFL has been set to zero. Each parameter must have a valid value to initialize VTAM. User Response: SVMAN396E NO CAPTURE SUBSYSTEMS STARTED Explanation: requested. User Response: SVMAN397E User Response: Review prior messages and correct the invalid or missing control statements. Global recording is stopping due to prior errors. Review prior messages and correct the invalid or missing control statements. HIPERSTATION WITHDRAWN FROM ACTIVE MONITORING Explanation: SVMAN502I None of the capture subsystems (VTAM, TCP/IP, or MQSeries) have been GLOBAL RECORD IS STOPPING Explanation: SVMAN501I Set ALLNBUF and ALLBUFL to valid values. Hiperstation’s VTAM monitor program has been removed from the system. HIPERSTATION ALREADY WITHDRAWN Explanation: Hiperstation tried to remove its VTAM monitor program from the system, but found that it has already been withdrawn. SVMAN601I HIPERSTATION SUBSYSTEM IS ALREADY ACTIVE Explanation: User Response: SVMAN602I It must be shutdown for a startup to take place. Shut the subsystem down or ignore the message. IT MUST BE SHUTDOWN FOR A STARTUP TO TAKE PLACE Explanation: This informational message accompanies SVMAN601I. SVMAN603I START HIPERSTATION USING SHUTDOWN AS THE EXEC PARAMETER SVMAN604I WHEN SHUTDOWN COMPLETES, RESTART NORMALLY Explanation: An attempt was made to start the global recording task. The task determined that another global recording task was already active in another address space. User Response: Verify that global recording is active in another address space. If it is not active, then the original task has terminated abnormally or withdrawn incorrectly. Check the system log for error messages. To restart global recording, you must start the task with the SHUTDOWN parameter. After the shutdown is complete, restart normally. The SHUTDOWN parameter is described in the Hiperstation Installation and Configuration Guide. SVMAN610I HIPERSTATION SUBSYSTEM IS STILL ACTIVE IN ANOTHER ADDRESS SPACE Explanation: Hiperstation Global Record is already running in another address space. Only one instance of Hiperstation Global Record can execute within an MVS LPAR. SVMAN611I PLEASE USE THE MVS STAP (P) COMMAND TO TERMINATE HIPERSTATION Explanation: User Response: SVMAN702I Hiperstation Global Record is already running in another address space. Use the MVS STOP (P) command to terminate it. HIPERSTATION TERMINATING Explanation: Hiperstation Global Record is shutting down. SVMAN703I NEXT TIME, PLEASE USE THE MVS STOP (P) COMMAND TO TERMINATE HIPERSTATION Explanation: The Global Record task ended due to an x22 abend, for example, an address space was cancelled. SVMAN800I STATISTICS PROCESSING ACTIVATED Explanation: A "STATSON" command has been issued and statistics processing has started. Hiperstation Messages: SCRTCP through SYSPLEX 5-51 SVMAN801I STATISTICS PROCESSING TERMINATED Explanation: terminated. A "STATSOFF" command has been issued and statistics processing has SVMAN802E STATISTICS PROCESSING ALREADY ACTIVE Explanation: started. A "STATSON" command has been issued when statistics processing is already SVMAN803E STATISTICS PROCESSING NOT ACTIVE Explanation: A "STATSOFF" command has been issued but statistics processing is not active. SVMAN805I STATISTICS DATASET OPENED Explanation: A "STATSON" or "STATOPEN" command has been issued to open the statistics dataset or SYSOUT. SVMAN806E STATISTICS DATASET NOT CLOSED Explanation: A "STATOPEN" command has been issued but the statistics dataset/SYSOUT is already opened. SVMAN807E STATISTICS DATASET OPEN FAILED Explanation: A "STATSON" or "STATOPEN" command has been issued but the OPEN failed. User Response: Check the dataset name entered on the STATSON or STATOPEN command and/or check for a STATDD in the JCL. Re-issue the command. SVMAN810I STATISTICS DATASET CLOSED Explanation: A "STATSOFF" or "STATCLOS" command has been issued and statistics dataset has been closed. SVMAN811E STATISTICS DATASET NOT OPEN Explanation: open. A "STATCLOS" command has been issued but the statistics dataset was not SVMAN815I STATISTICS FREQUENCY ALTERED Explanation: frequency. A "STATFREQ" command has been issued to change the statistics output SVMAN816E STATISTICS FREQUENCY NOT VALID Explanation: User Response: A "STATFREQ" command has been issued with an invalid frequency. Reenter the command with a numeric frequency. SVMAN820I STATISTICS MONITOR STARTED Explanation: A "MONON" command has been issued and statistics monitoring has started. SVMAN821I STATISTICS MONITOR TERMINATED Explanation: terminated. A "MONOFF" command has been issued and statistics monitoring has SVMAN822E STATISTICS MONITOR ALREADY ACTIVE Explanation: A "MONON" command has been issued but statistics monitoring is active. SVMAN823E STATISTICS MONITOR NOT ACTIVE Explanation: SVMAN999I A "MONOFF" command has been issued but statistics monitoring is not active. HIPERSTATION SUBSYSTEM SHUTDOWN COMPLETE Explanation: The Hiperstation Global Recording shutdown process had completed. 5-52 Hiperstation Messages and Codes SVMANTS SVMANTS1I UNABLE TO FIND ROUT Explanation: Hiperstation was able to locate the module necessary to initialize Secure Sockets Layer support but could not locate one of the necessary routines. User Response: Verify that the correct version of the modules required for SSL support have been loaded into the LPA as specified in the Hiperstation Installation and Configuration Guide. If SSL is not desired remove the SSL SYSIN parameter to avoid this message in the future. If it appears that the correct version of the required modules are in the LPA, contact Compuware Customer Support. SVMAP SVMAP001I SCANNING SYSIN CONTROL STATEMENTS Explanation: User Response: SVMAP002I Informational message. No user action necessary. SYSIN CONTROL STATEMENT SCAN COMPLETE Explanation: User Response: SVMAP003E The SYSIN control statements are being scanned and parsed for validity. The SYSIN control statements have been scanned and parsed. Informational message. No user action necessary. INVALID NUMERIC VALUE Explanation: A non-numeric value was provided for the keyword specified in the preceding SVMAP101I message. System Action: Hiperstation uses the default value until the offending value is corrected. User Response: Correct the value of the keyword in the GRPARMS member your site is using. Refer to the Hiperstation Installation and Configuration Guide for help with determining the correct value. SVMAP004E NUMERIC KEYWORD VALUE IS TOO SMALL, DEFAULT ASSUMED Explanation: The numeric value for the keyword specified in the preceding SVMAP101I message is below the valid range. System Action: Hiperstation uses the default until the offending value is corrected. User Response: Correct the value of the keyword in the GRPARMS member your site is using. Refer to the Hiperstation Installation and Configuration Guide for help with determining the correct value. SVMAP005E NUMERIC KEYWORD VALUE IS TOO LARGE, DEFAULT ASSUMED Explanation: The numeric value for the keyword specified in the preceding SVMAP101I message is above the valid range. System Action: Hiperstation uses the default until the offending value is corrected. User Response: Correct the value of the keyword in the GRPARMS member your site is using. Refer to the Hiperstation Installation and Configuration Guide for help with determining the correct value. SVMAP006E KEYWORD VALUE TOO LONG, VALUE TRUNCATED Explanation: The value supplied for the keyword specified in the preceding SVMAP101I message exceeds the maximum allowable length. System Action: Hiperstation uses the truncated value until the offending value is corrected. User Response: Correct the value of the keyword in the GRPARMS member your site is using. Refer to the Hiperstation Installation and Configuration Guide for help with determining the correct value. Hiperstation Messages: SCRTCP through SYSPLEX SVMAP007W 5-53 MISSING KEYWORD VALUE Explanation: The keyword specified in the preceding SVMAP101I message is missing a required parameter. System Action: When possible, Hiperstation uses the default value. Otherwise, the Global Recorded started task terminates. User Response: Correct the value of the keyword in the GRPARMS member your site is using and if necessary restart the Global Recording started task. Refer to the Hiperstation Installation and Configuration Guide for help with both of these tasks. SVMAP008E SECSYS VALUE INVALID. MUST BE RACF, ACF2, OR TOPSEC Explanation: An invalid security package value was specified for the SECSYS keyword. System Action: Hiperstation attempts to use RACF. If RACF is not your security package, Hiperstation produces the SVRAC999E error message and terminates the Global Recording started task. User Response: Correct the value of the keyword in the GRPARMS member your site is using. Valid values are RACF, ACF2, or TOPSEC. If necessary, restart the Global Recording started task. SVMAP009W USERCNT IS NO LONGER USED. PLEASE REMOVE IT FROM GRPARMS Explanation: USERCNT is no longer used. System Action: The USERCNT keyword is ignored. User Response: Remove the keyword in the GRPARMS member your site is using. SVMAP010W USERBUF IS NO LONGER USED. PLEASE REMOVE IT FROM GRPARMS. Explanation: USERBUF is no longer used. System Action: The USERBUF keyword is ignored. User Response: Remove the keyword in the GRPARMS member your site is using. SVMAP101I xxxxx(yyy) Explanation: User Response: The SYSIN parameter xxxxx and its parameter yyy has been parsed. Informational message. No user action necessary. SVMNANET SVMNANET GETTING VSBF... ADDR:XXXXXXXX KEY:XX LEN:XXXXXXXX SP:XX RC:XXXX Explanation: Global Recording could not allocate ECSA storage for recording buffers. ADDR: is the storage address. KEY: is the storage key requested. LEN: is the amount of storage, in HEX. SP: is the subpool ID. RC: is the return code from GETMAIN. System Action: Global Recording terminates. User Response: For return code 0008, reduce ALLNBUFL in GRPARMS and restart Global Recording. For return code 000C, contact your MVS System Programmer. For all other return codes, contact Compuware Customer Support. SVMS SVMS022 SSCP SESSION INVALID - THE SELECT COMMAND IS NOT VALID WITH SSCP SESSIONS, USE BROWSE OR TRACE Explanation: User Response: SVMS037 The SELECT command is not valid at this time. Use BROWSE or TRACE instead. PRINT NOT ENABLED. USE THE PRT COMMAND TO ENABLE PRINTING Explanation: Printing is not enabled at this time. 5-54 Hiperstation Messages and Codes User Response: SVMS049 Use PRT to enable printing. NO HOSTS SELECTED - ONE OR MORE HOSTS MUST BE SELECTED WITH A "/" Explanation: User Response: No hosts have been selected. Use a / to select one or more hosts. SVNET SVNET000I ALL-NET RECORDER ACTIVATED Explanation: The ALL-NET recorder has been invoked and is now processing. System Action: Informational message. User Response: None. SVNET001I INVALID KEYWORD, IGNORE Explanation: The option specified is invalid and ignored. System Action: None. User Response: Correct error and rerun. SVNET002I NORECORD OPTION SET Explanation: The option, NORECORD specified has been set. System Action: Informational message. User Response: None. SVNET003I NODATA OPTION SET Explanation: The NODATA option is in effect. System Action: Informational message. User Response: None. SVNET004I DEBUG OPTION SET Explanation: The option, DEBUG specified has been set. System Action: Informational message. User Response: None. SVNET005I TEST OPTION SET Explanation: The option, TEST specified has been set. System Action: Informational message. User Response: None. SVNET006I SPIKES OPTION SET Explanation: The VTAM ECSA spike simulator option has been set. System Action: Informational message. User Response: None. SVNET008I RESETTING ALL NADRS Explanation: The NADR data structure is used internally by Hiperstation to keep track of active VTAM sessions in the MVS system. This structure contains PIU discard flag. This flag is used when there was no Global Recording Request satisfying the capture of the session and the subsequent messages will not be examined any further. When new Global Recording Request is added or restated, this flag has to be reset. If the request contains wild-carded filter, we have to reset all NADRs and this message will be sent to the Global Recording tasks log. System Action: Informational message. Hiperstation Messages: SCRTCP through SYSPLEX User Response: SVNET009I None. ALL-NET RECORDER SHUTDOWN ACKNOWLEDGED Explanation: Received a shutdown request and start shutting down VTAM ECSA copier. System Action: Informational message. User Response: None. SVNET304W 5-55 ECSA BUFFERS NOT LARGE ENOUGH, nnnnnnnn PIUS Lost SO FAR Explanation: The PIU collection buffers are full and no empty buffers were available. nnnnnnnn represents the number of data streams lost. User Response: If this message occurs only at Global Record startup, and no 3270 or APPC requests are active, ignore this message. Otherwise, complete the following steps: • Ensure the started task dispatch priority is below VTAM, but above all VTAM applications on the system. If WLM goal mode is active, dispatch rate is determined by the VELOCITY of the performance group. The IBM default group, SYSSTC, is a good starting point for most systems. • Access the Statistics panel from the Hiperstation Product Menu panel by issuing the primary command STATS; then access the VTAM panel by issuing VTAM on the command line. Use the information displayed on this panel to determine how to modify the ECSA buffer settings. If your traffic volumes vary throughout the day, turn on the statistics function to evaluate volume trends. Refer to the Hiperstation Installation and Configuration Guide to learn more about monitoring traffic volume and optimizing Global Recording performance. • If you do not capture APPC traffic, specify NOAPPC in GRPARMS to reduce buffer utilization. • If you do not capture LU1/LU3 traffic, specify GRLU1CAP=NO in EHSDFLT to reduce buffer utilization. • If you do not capture LU0 traffic, specify NOLU0 in GRPARMS to reduce buffer utilization. • If capture is on a production system, specify NONFLS in GRPARMS to enhance buffer utilization and CPU usage. SVNET401E BUFFER OVERRUN, PLEASE CALL HIPERSTATION CUSTOMER SUPPORT Explanation: An error was detected in a PIU collection buffer. User Response: Contact Compuware Customer Support. If possible, do not stop the started task; Compuware Customer Support may be able to gather important debugging information. SVNET410I PIU EXIT xxxxxxxx INITIALIZED AT yyyyyyyy Explanation: User Response: SVNET910I The module xxxxxxxx was initialized at yyyyyyyy. Informational message. No user action necessary. MORE NADRS NEEDED Explanation: The NADR data structure is used internally by Hiperstation to keep track of active VTAM sessions in the MVS system. The initial number of NADRs obtained is controlled by the SESSCNT parameter in the Global Recording startup parameters. This message appears if Hiperstation has to keep track of more VTAM sessions than are specified on the SESSCNT parameter. System Action: Hiperstation tries to obtain additional NADRs. User Response: Eliminate this message by setting a SESSCNT value larger than the maximum number of simultaneous VTAM sessions on your system. For each occurrence of this message, increase the existing SESSCNT value by minimally 25%. For example, if the existing SESSCNT is 1000 and you receive three of these messages, increase the SESSCNT to 1750. Setting an appropriate SESSCNT value improves performance. SVNET911I MORE NADRS OBTAINED Explanation: The NADR data structure is used internally by Hiperstation to keep track of active VTAM sessions in the MVS system. The initial number of NADRs obtained is controlled by the SESSCNT parameter in the Global Recording startup parameters. This message appears if Hiperstation has obtained additional NADRS to keep track of more VTAM sessions than are specified on the SESSCNT parameter. If Hiperstation is not successful in obtaining more NADRs, this message does not appear. 5-56 Hiperstation Messages and Codes User Response: This message appears after message SVNET910I, providing the system is able to obtain more NADRs. The action required to eliminate SVNET910I also eliminates this message. SVNET930W NULL VSBE DETECTED, BYPASSED Explanation: System Action: During processing of a PIU collection buffer, an invalid PIU was encountered. Processing of the related PIU collection buffer was halted. User Response: Regular occurrence of this warning may indicate a serious issue and loss of PIUs. Contact Hiperstation Customer Support. SVNET931W AN ECSA BUFFER HAS NOT BEEN FILLED UP YET. Explanation: When an ECSA buffer becomes full, the Global Recording task empties the ECSA buffer. However, if the individual VSBE has not yet been completely copied, the Global Recording task displays this message. Then, it waits 1/100th second and re-examine whether the copy of VSBE has completed. If it fails after 100 attempts (approximately 1 sec), the SVNET932W message is displayed and processing continues. If the SVNET932W message does not appear, the copy of all VSBE completed successfully. SVNET932W AN ECSA BUFFER MAY CONTAIN BAD VSBE(S). Explanation: After checking for the completion of VSBE copy 100 times, VSBE copy had not completed. SVNETC SVNETC99I ALL-NET COPIER SHUTDOWN COMPLETE Explanation: The shutdown for VTAM ECSA copier has been completed. System Action: Informational message. User Response: None. SVNETCP SVNETCP0I ALL-NET COPIER ACTIVATED Explanation: The VTAM ECSA buffer copy program started. System Action: Informational message. User Response: None. SVNETCP1I INVALID KEYWORD, IGNORE Explanation: The option specified is invalid and ignored. System Action: None. User Response: Correct error and rerun. SVNETCP2I NORECORD OPTION SET Explanation: The option, NORECORD specified has been set. System Action: Informational message. User Response: None. SVNETCP3I NODATA OPTION SET Explanation: The option, NODATA specified has been set. System Action: Informational message. User Response: None. Hiperstation Messages: SCRTCP through SYSPLEX SVNETCP4I DEBUG OPTION SET Explanation: The option, DEBUG specified has been set. System Action: Informational message. User Response: None. SVNETCP5I TEST OPTION SET Explanation: The option, TEST specified has been set. System Action: Informational message. User Response: None. SVNETCP6I NONFLS OPTION SET Explanation: The option, NONFLS specified has been set. System Action: Informational message. User Response: None. SVNETCP8I 5-57 RESETTING ALL NADRS Explanation: The NADR data structure is used internally by Hiperstation to keep track of active VTAM sessions in the MVS system. This structure contains PIU discard flag. This flag is used when no Global Recording Request satisfies the capture of the session and the subsequent messages will not be examined any further. When a new Global Recording Request is added or restated, this flag must be reset. If the request contains wild-carded filter, we have to reset all NADRs and this message will be sent to the Global Recording tasks log. System Action: Informational message. User Response: None. SVNETCP9I ALL-NET COPIER SHUTDOWN ACKNOWLEDGED Explanation: Received a shutdown request and start shutting down VTAM ECSA copier. System Action: Informational message. User Response: None. SVNETREC SVNETREC-DIAG ECSA BUFFER CONTAINS WRONG TH4DCF Explanation: While capturing data, Global Recording detected an inconsistency between the SNA segment length (TH4DCF) and its own length field. System Action: Global Recording uses its own length field when processing the data. User Response: Check scripts created from any sessions that were recorded at the time this message was issued. If the scripts are incorrect, contact Compuware Customer Support. SVPEX SVPEX100I LOAD MODULE xxxxxxxx ADDED TO EXIT LIST Explanation: User Response: The module xxxxxxxx is now on the list of PIU exits. Informational message. No user action necessary. 5-58 Hiperstation Messages and Codes SVRAC SVRAC102I BUFFER SIZE CHOSE: xxxxxxxx NUMBER OF ENTRIES: yy Explanation: User Response: SVRAC999E The size of the buffer is xxxxxxxx with yy entries. Informational message. No user action necessary. RACF IS NOT INSTALLED ON THIS SYSTEM Explanation: system. System Action: The Global Recording Started Task did not detect RACF active on the current The Global Recording Started Task terminates. User Response: IF RACF is not your security package, check the value of the SECSYS parameter in the GRPARMS member your site is using. If RACF is your security package, contact Compuware Customer Support SVSY SVSY100E VTAM LEVEL NOT SUPPORTED BY HIPERSTATION, LEVEL=vtam level Explanation: This release of Hiperstation does not support the VTAM LEVEL you are using. User Response: Check Hiperstation system requirements for currently supported VTAM levels; install compatible version of Hiperstation. SVTSK SVTSK001I TASK xxxxxxxx WAS ATTACHED AT xx/xx/xx xx:xx:xx 000 Explanation: User Response: This is a time stamp indicating when task xxxxxxxx was attached. Informational message. No user action necessary. SVUSE SVUSE005I USER-ID TRACKING READY FOR OPERATION Explanation: This is an informational message indicating that user ID tracking has been initiated and is ready for use. This message is produced when the Global Record started task is brought up providing Global Record is set up to capture VTAM traffic. SVUSE901I SHUTDOWN ACKNOWLEDGED Explanation: This is an informational message indicating that the Global Record started task has acknowledged the shutdown command. System Action: Begins processing shutdown. SVXX SVXX104E HIPERSTATION SUBSYSTEM MUST BE RUNNING TO PERFORM THIS ACTION Explanation: Your last action requires support from the Hiperstation address space. The address space is not currently running. User Response: Start the Hiperstation address space. Hiperstation Messages: SCRTCP through SYSPLEX 5-59 SYSPLEX SYSPLEX-0348E Repository specifications <dataset_name> and <dataset_name> overlap. Explanation: The indicated repository set specifications overlap. That is, they both include the one or more of the same repository segments. System Action: Merging terminates. User Response: Correct the dataset name, or the first or last values supplied on the REPIN DD statement. SYSPLEX-0349E No timestamp in first dataset of specification <dataset_name>. Explanation: The first segment in the indicated repository set does not contain a timestamp and therefore cannot be a valid Hiperstation repository. System Action: Merging terminates. User Response: Correct the repository set specification on the REPIN DD statement to include only valid Hiperstation repository datasets. SYSPLEX-0350I Merging of repository sets is complete. Explanation: SYSPLEX-0351E Informational message No input repository sets were specified. Explanation: There is no repository specification on the REPIN DD statement. System Action: Merging terminates. System Action: Provide minimally two repository specifications on the REPIN DD statement. SYSPLEX-0352E REPIN file of input parameters could not be opened. Explanation: The utility could not open the dataset specified on the REPIN DD statement. System Action: Merging terminates. User Response: Verify that the dataset name was specified correctly. If so, check to make sure that it is a fixed block dataset with an LRECL of 80. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. SYSPLEX-0353E No REPIN repository sets with expected protocol records found. Explanation: None of the logical records contained in the datasets specified on the REPIN DD statement match the record selection parameter supplied on the SYSIN DD. System Action: Merging terminates. User Response: Ensure that the correct record selection parameter is specified for the type of repositories supplied on the REPIN DD. Record selection parameters include TCP, APPC, and MQ. If none of the record selection parameters are specified in the SYSIN DD, the merger uses the default value of MQ. SYSPLEX-0354E Output repository segment <repository_segment> already exists. Explanation: The merger was unable to allocate the indicated output dataset because it already exists. System Action: Merging terminates to preserve the existing dataset. User Response: Make sure that the REP_MERGE, FIRST, and LAST parameters do not result in a dataset name that already exists. SYSPLEX-0355W Input repository segment <repository_segment> does not exist. Explanation: The merge utility attempted to open the indicated input repository dataset, but that dataset does not exist. System Action: The utility continues processing with the next segment in the repository set or the next dataset specified on the REPIN DD. User Response: None. 5-60 Hiperstation Messages and Codes SYSPLEX-0356E merged. Output repository set <repository_set> is full. Remaining REPIN records not Explanation: The merge utility has filled the indicated output dataset or range of datasets. System Action: Remaining input repository records are not merged and merging terminates. User Response: Specify a larger output repository by doing any or all of the following: • Segment the repository — insert a wildcard character into the repository name specified on the SYSIN REPOSITORY parameter and add FIRST and LAST parameters. • Increase the number of segments — modify the range specified by the FIRST and LAST SYSIN parameters. • Increase the primary and secondary storage values (REP_PRI and REP_SEC). • Change the space units value specified on the REP_SPACE parameter from TRK to CYL. SYSPLEX-0357E REP_SPACE value <value> not TRK or CYL. Explanation: The space unit value specified on the REP_SPACE parameter is not valid. System Action: Merging terminates. User Response: Change the REP_SPACE value to TRK for tracks or CYL for cylinders. 6-1 Chapter 6. Hiperstation Messages: TCPAR through VTCSUTIL Chap 6 The chapter explains messages with prefix TCPAR through prefix VTCSUTIL and, if applicable, provides response actions you can take to resolve the issue causing the message. Messages are listed in alpha-numeric order and grouped by prefix. Use the “Contents” to help you find the message information you need. TCPAR TCPAR-0101I DATASET FULL - dataset name Explanation: A recording repository has been filled. If more repositories are available for the recording request the next repository will be allocated and opened. Message TCPAR102I will also be issued. If no more repositories are available for the recording request message TCPAR103W will be issued and recording will be stopped. User Response: If insufficient data has been recorded, specify more and/or larger repositories in the recording request. TCPAR-0102I NEXT DATASET - dataset name Explanation: opened. User Response: TCPAR-0103W Informational message. No user action necessary. RECORDING TERMINATED Explanation: User Response: TCPAR-0104I The next repository specified in the recording request is being allocated and See the explanation for message TCPAR101I. See the explanation for message TCPAR101I. CLOSING repository dataset Explanation: User Response: TCPAR-0105I The switch request is being processed. repository dataset has been closed. Informational message. No user action necessary. NEXT SEGMENT - repository dataset Explanation: User Response: TCPAR-0106I The switch request is complete. repository dataset is now the active repository. Informational message. No user action necessary. SWITCH COMPLETED RC: xxxx Explanation: Code Description 0 Switch was successful. 4 Repository is closed. Switch was not attempted. 8 Switch failed. User Response: TCPAR-0200E Informational message. No user action necessary. I/O ERROR - dataset name Explanation: An I/O error has been detected in a recording dataset. A second error message will follow that gives specific error information. 6-2 Hiperstation Messages and Codes User Response: TCPAR-0201E I/O ERROR - DATASET IN USE Explanation: User Response: TCPAR-0202E User Response: User Response: Insufficient DASD space was available to allocate the repository. Specify a smaller allocation for the repository or find more space. An invalid dataset name was specified in the recording request. Correct the dataset name in the recording request. I/O ERROR - INVALID BLOCK SIZE Explanation: User Response: TCPAR-0206E Specify a different dataset name in the recording request. I/O ERROR - INVALID DATASET NAME Explanation: TCPAR-0205E The specified repository is already in use. I/O ERROR - NO SPACE Explanation: TCPAR-0204E Correct the error specified in the message that follows this error message. An invalid block size was specified for the repository. Specify a valid block size for the repository. I/O ERROR - ACCESS DENIED BY SECURITY Explanation: The installation’s security system has denied access to the repository. User Response: You must specify the name of a repository that the Hiperstation started task address space has access to. TCPAR-0207E ALL SEGMENTS FULL: repository dataset Explanation: User Response: TCPAR-0299E The segmented repository is full and wrap was not specified. Informational message. No user action necessary. I/O ERROR - UNKNOWN Explanation: An unknown I/O error has occurred in the specified repository. User Response: Examine the system log for other messages to aid in determining the cause of the I/O error. TCPAR-0310W NEXT REPOSITORY xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ALREADY EXISTS. NEXT CHANGE WILL FAIL Explanation: When it's time to change to a new repository dataset, the name we will use already exists in the catalog. It must be deleted by that time or the repository change will fail. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is the name of the dataset. User Response: TCPAR-0320E TERMINATED Delete the existing dataset before changing to the new repository dataset. REPOSITORY DSN xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx IS ALREADY IN CATALOG - REQUEST Explanation: A dataset with the same name as the one we are trying to change to already exists in the catalog. The option is set to not delete this dataset. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is the name of the dataset. System Action: The request to change repository datasets fails. User Response: Delete the existing dataset before changing to the new repository dataset. TCPAR-0330E COULD NOT DELETE xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Explanation: A dataset with the same name as the one we are trying to change to already exists in the catalog. The attempt to delete it failed. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is the name of the dataset. System Action: The request to change repository datasets fails. User Response: Delete the existing dataset before changing to the new repository dataset. Hiperstation Messages: TCPAR through VTCSUTIL 6-3 TCPASYNC TCPASYNC-0184I Explanation: User Response: Replay=nn Connection=nn Timeout for EVID=nn. During TCP playback read timeout occurred at EVID=nn. Informational message. No user action necessary. TCPC TCPC100A INVALID PANEL NUMBER Explanation: An internal error has occurred while displaying the script creation panels. User Response: Note the events surrounding this message and contact Compuware Customer Support. TCPC100B DATASET NAME TOO LONG Explanation: User Response: length. TCPC100C Full dataset name must be 44 characters or less. Supply a dataset name that, with wildcards, is at most 44 characters in MORE THAN ONE * Explanation: Only one * is allowed in a dataset name. User Response: When using the * wildcard, supply only one in a dataset name. Correct any dataset names with more than one *. TCPC100D INVALID MIX OF * AND ? Explanation: Either * or ? can appear, but not both. User Response: When using wildcards, supply either a single * or one or more ?. Correct any dataset names that use * or ? incorrectly. TCPC100E DSN NODE MUST BE 1-8 Explanation: User Response: TCPC100F User Response: The 1st character in a dsn name or node must not be *?-, or 0-9. Supply a dataset name node that starts with A-Z, @, #, or $. INVALID CHARS IN DSN Explanation: User Response: TCPC100H Supply a dataset name node that is at most 8 characters in length. 1ST CHAR INVALID Explanation: TCPC100G Dataset name node length must be from 1 to 8 characters. A dataset name must be A-Z, 0-9, or national characters. Supply a dataset name that contains only A-Z, 0-9, @, #, and $. NO GAPS BETWEEN ? Explanation: No other characters allowed between ? characters. User Response: Supply more than one ? wildcard character with no other characters between the ? characters. TCPC100I FEBRUARY 29 NOT VALID Explanation: User Response: TCPC100J February 29 is valid only for a leap year. Change the day, month, or year to create a valid date. BAD PROTOCOL Explanation: TCP. Line llll: The valid protocols are: HTTP, HTTPS, CTG, DB2C, ECI, IMSC and 6-4 Hiperstation Messages and Codes User Response: TCPC100K NO FILTERS PRESENT Explanation: User Response: TCPC100L User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: Filter# llll: A segment of an IP address must be one to three digits. Supply a valid IP address with each segment ranging from 0 through 255. Filter# llll: In an IP address, a single * must be alone in a segment. Supply only a single * wildcard character in the IP address segment. Filter# llll: Each segment value of an IP address must be 255 or less. Supply a valid IP address with each segment ranging from 0 through 255. Filter# llll: Extra data in IP address, must be nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn only. Supply a valid IP address with exactly 4 segments. INVALID URL CHARACTERS Explanation: User Response: TCPC100S Supply a valid number for the port number field. EXTRA DATA IN URL Explanation: TCPC100R Filter# llll: The port number must consist only of digits 0-9. URL VALUE TOO LARGE Explanation: TCPC100Q Supply a port number from 0 through 65535. BAD URL WILDCARDS Explanation: TCPC100P Filter# llll: The port number must be less than or equal to 65535. BAD URL SEGMENT LENGTH Explanation: TCPC100O Supply at least one line in the scrollable area of the panel to act as a filter. PORT MUST BE A NUMBER Explanation: TCPC100N You must supply at least one TCP/IP filter line. PORT MUST BE <=65535 Explanation: TCPC100M Supply one of the indicated protocol values. Filter# llll: An IP address must be digits, periods, and *. Supply only the indicated characters in the IP address. FIRST MUST BE LOWER Explanation: The first number must be less than or equal to the last number. User Response: When using wildcards in a repository dataset name, the range of numbers used to generate the final dataset names must be in low to high order. TCPC100T DATASET PROBLEM Explanation: User Response: TCPC100U Dataset dddd could not be accessed, SYSREASON(rrrr). Ensure that the dataset is not already allocated by another user or batch job. JCL CREATION PROBLEM Explanation: Verify that LIBDEF ISPSLIB is correct in your Hiperstation CLIST. User Response: If the TSO CLIST used to access the Hiperstation panels does not contain a LIBDEF statement for the name 'ISPSLIB', change the CLIST so that it does. TCPC100V NO ROOM FOR VALUE Explanation: First or last number is too large for indicated space in dataset name. User Response: Supply first and last numbers for substitution into the repository dataset name that will fit within the space you have reserved with the wildcard characters. Hiperstation Messages: TCPAR through VTCSUTIL TCPC100W 6-5 SUPPLY VALUES Explanation: You must supply first and last numbers when you supply wildcards. User Response: Since you have supplied wildcard characters in the repository dataset name, you must also supply numeric values that will be substituted into that name during script creation. TCPC100X SUPPLY VALUE Explanation: User Response: TCPC100Y You must select at least one of: Log, Script, or Details. Type a slash (/) next to one or more of the options on this panel. SUPPLY UNIQUE DSN/PREFIX Explanation: Each dataset name and prefix combination must be unique. User Response: Supply a member prefix with each dataset so that the combination of dataset name plus member prefix is not the same as any other line on the panel. TCPC110D SQL Code not numeric Explanation: User Response: TCPC110E The SQL Code must be numeric. Supply a valid number for the SQL Code field. Cannot Filter pppp Explanation: No additional filtering is available for the protocol: pppp. User Response: The selected protocol does not have any additional filtering available. If additional filtering is required for the combination of IP addresses and ports selected, change the Protocol Name on this filter to a protocol with additional filtering available TCPC110F SQL Code invalid value Explanation: User Response: TCPC110G The SQL Code must be between -32768 and 32767. Supply an SQL code between the specified ranges. RO invalid for numeric Explanation: ‘ro’ is an invalid Relational Operator for numeric fields. User Response: Contains (CO) and Not Contains (NC) cannot be used against a numeric field. Supply a different relational operator for this field. TCPC110H SQL State invalid value Explanation: SQL State must be five characters or end with a wild card. User Response: Supply a complete SQL State value (five characters) or supply up to four characters plus the wild card character (asterisk). TCPC110I SQL State invalid value Explanation: Filter# llll: SQL State must be five characters or end with a wild card User Response: Supply a complete SQL State value (five characters) or supply up to four characters plus the wild card character (asterisk) for the specified filter number. TCPC110J Incorrect Hexadecimal Explanation: User Response: necessary. TCPC110K Verify the hexadecimal value entered on the specified filter and correct as Incorrect Hexadecimal Explanation: User Response: TCPC110L Filter# llll: an even number of hexadecimal digits (0..9,A..F) must be specified. An even number of hexadecimal digits (0..9,A..F) must be specified. Verify the hexadecimal value and correct as necessary. Review default ROs Explanation: Some RO fields were assigned default values, verify assignments. 6-6 Hiperstation Messages and Codes User Response: Some filter criteria did not have relational operators specified and exit from the panel was requested. Default values have been provided for these relational operators. Verify that the defaulted values are correct before exiting the panel. TCPCNCTN TCPCNCTN-0025E REPLAY=r CONNECTION=i CONNECT REQUEST FAILED TO SERVER =IP address PORT=port number (module) Explanation: Hiperstation was unable to connect to the indicated server IP address and port for the indicated connection (i) on the indicated replay (r). The replay value indicates the thread of playback. It is a serial value, assigned by Hiperstation, that correlates to the start of replay for each SOCKETS. System Action: Playback terminates for the specific connection. User Response: Review the subsequent error messages to determine the cause of failure. TCPCNCTN-0089I REPLAY=r CONNECTION/OBJECT=y WRITES=rwts READS=rds BYTES SENT=snt BYTES RECEIVED=rcvd Explanation: Describes the input/output requests on the connection or queue as well as the volume of data exchanged. User Response: TCPCNCTN-0094I Explanation: User Response: TCPCNCTN-0120W Explanation: User Response: TCPCNCTN-0177W Informational message. No user action necessary. REPLAY=r CONNECTION=y DISCONNECTED Playback status information. Informational message. No user action necessary. REPLAY=r CONNECTION=cid I-O IN PROGRESS. DISCONNECT DELAYED. Informational message. No user action necessary. Replay=r Connection=i ECI(CPMI) playback without CCIN transaction. Explanation: Playback failed for the indicated connection (i) and replay (r). Although Hiperstation was able to connect, playback failed due to a missing CCIN transaction. System Action: Play back terminates for the specified connection. User Response: Record the activity again to capture the CCIN transaction. While recording, cycle the CTG to ensure the CCIN transaction is captured. TCPCNCTN-0179W Actual=a. Replay=r Connection=i terminated, DB2 Release mismatch - Expected=e Explanation: Playback for the indicated connection (i) and replay (r) was stopped. Although Hiperstation was able to connect, playback terminated due to incompatible releases of DB2. (e) represents the DB2 release specified in the script and (a) represents the DB2 release used during the playback. The DB2 release can be indirectly altered by the DB2_RDBNAM parameter specified as an override in either the script or the playback control cards. System Action: Playback terminates for the specified connection. User Response: Ensure that the playback is done against the same release of DB2 specified in the script. TCPCNNLS TCPCNNLS-0064E Explanation: REPLAY=r UNABLE TO BUILD CONN_LIST CONTROL BLOCK Be sure that REGION=0M is specified on the EXEC card. Hiperstation Messages: TCPAR through VTCSUTIL TCPCNNLS-0065E 6-7 REPLAY=r UNABLE TO BUILD CONNECTION CONTROL BLOCK Explanation: Be sure that REGION=0M is specified on the EXEC card. TCPIO TCPIO-0120I REPLAY=r CONNECTION/OBJECT=id I-O IN PROGRESS DISCONNECT DELAYED Explanation: A request to close a queue or disconnect for a TCP/IP connection has been issued but there is an outstanding I-O on the connection/object. The disconnect request is postponed. User Response: Informational message. No user action necessary. TCPMSSGE TCPMSSGE-0105E REPLAY=r CONNECTION=x MESSAGE TOO LARGE TO PROCESS. Explanation: Hiperstation will process messages up to 256k. User Response: Support. TCPMSSGE-0118E If your messages are larger than 256k, contact Compuware Customer STORAGE REQUEST FAILED FOR len=%i Explanation: A large message was being built but there is insufficient available storage to build the message. The playback is terminated. User Response: playback. TCPMSSGE-0119E Increase the storage available via the REGION parameter and re-run the STORAGE REQUEST FAILED FOR len=x Explanation: The storage request failed for len=x. User Response: Ensure that REGION=OM is specified on the EXEC card. TCPPBCC TCPPBCC-0001E MULTIPLE CONTROL STATEMENTS FOUND Explanation: TCPPBCC-0002E Remove the extra CONTROL statements or place it as the first control card. SYNTAX ERRORS FOUND User Response: TCPPBCC-0003E A SCRIPTSTATEMENT IS OUT OF SEQUENCE User Response: statement. TCPPBCC-0087I Review the associated message and make the appropriate corrections. Ensure that a SOCKETS or MQGROUP statement occurs prior to any SCRIPT SKIPPING SCRIPT STATEMENT: %s... DUE TO PRIOR ERROR(S) User Response: TCPPBCC-0255W Correct the prior errors and retry the playback. COLLECT statement is invalid for a server playback Explanation: Server playback does not support the collection of information into the database. The statement is ignored. User Response: Remove the COLLECT statement from the control cards. 6-8 Hiperstation Messages and Codes TCPPBMN TCPPBMN-0004I PLAYBACK IS BEGINNING Explanation: Playback status information. User Response: TCPPBMN-0005I EXAMINING CONTROL CARDS Explanation: Playback status information. User Response: TCPPBMN-0006I Informational message. No user action necessary. Informational message. No user action necessary. PLAYBACK TERMINATED WITH sssssss Explanation: sssssss can be either “warning” or “error”. A warning is an informative statement; it does not stop the job from running. An error means that the job will not run until the error is corrected. User Response: Review prior messages to determine the type of warning or error, and correct. TCPPBMN-0007E MAXIMUM RETURN CODE=xx Explanation: The playback ended with return code xx. Code Description xx=0 No errors detected. xx=4 Playback completed with warnings or errors which applied to a single connection or replay, not the full playback. xx=8 Playback terminated with errors which affected the full playback. Usually these errors are due to invalid control cards. xx=12 The playback could not continue and the actions necessary to correct the errors are beyond the scope of the individual playback. Usually this return code is the result of attempting to run the playback from a library that does not have APF authorization. User Response: For non-zero return codes, see the accompanying warnings or error messages. TCPPBMN-0008I TCP/IP PLAYBACK COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY Explanation: Playback status information. User Response: TCPPBMN-0009I READING CONTROL CARDS (SYSIN) Explanation: Playback status information. User Response: TCPPBMN-0010I Playback status information. User Response: User Response: TCPPBMN-0053E User Response: Explanation: error occurs. Informational message. No user action necessary. BEGINNING PLAY Explanation: TCPPBMN-0096E Informational message. No user action necessary. SCANNING RECORD: control card Explanation: TCPPBMN-0011I Informational message. No user action necessary. Playback status information. Informational message. No user action necessary. EXPECTED CONTINUATION FOR CONTROL CARD=statement_text NOT FOUND Correct the error and re-run the playback. SYSIN FILE OPEN FAILURE - PLAYBACK TERMINATED. The playback will normally terminate with condition code 3000 when this Hiperstation Messages: TCPAR through VTCSUTIL User Response: TCPPBMN-0104E LIBRARY 6-9 Include a SYSIN file. If using a PDS a valid member name must be included. PLAYBACK TERMINATED - TCPPBMN MUST RUN FROM AN AUTHORIZED Explanation: TCP/IP or WebSphere MQ playback was terminated because the Hiperstation load library was not APF authorized. User Response: Authorize the Hiperstation load library. Refer to the Hiperstation Installation and Configuration Guide. TCPPBMN-0114I TCP/IP RESOURCE LIMIT 9rlimit0 VALUES ARE: (curr max). ERRNO: err. Explanation: Hiperstation could not increase the number of simultaneous sockets that it can open. User Response: TCPPBMN-0212E Explanation: User Response: TCPPBMN-0218E Explanation: Informational message. No user action necessary. No OMVS Available. No OMVS segment was found. Define a RACF OMVS segment. See your MVS administrator. ERRORLOG DD required. Your playback job is missing the ERRORLOG DD statement. User Response: Add an ERRORLOG DD statement to you playback JCL before the Playback Log SYSOUT DD. Refer to the Hiperstation for WebSphere MQ User Guide for more details. TCPPBMN-0219E Explanation: User Response: TCPPBMN-0220E Explanation: User Response: path is valid. TCPPBMN-0221E Explanation: Error opening ERRORLOG DD. There was an error while opening the ERRORLOG DD. Make sure the output described by the DD is available to the program. Invalid HFS file specification. (HTM/HTML) The program was unable to open the HFS file specified. Make sure the specified file has an .htm or .html extension and that the HFS Unable to create HFS directory. The program was unable to create the HFS directory. User Response: Make sure you have access to an OMVS segment and permission to create files and directories there. See your MVS administrator. TCPPBMN -0250W <parameter> option is invalid on <statement> for a <type> playback Explanation: The <parameter> parameter specified on the Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers playback statement <statement> is not valid for a <type> playback. • <parameter> is a client or server playback specific option. • <statement> indicates which statement in the control cards this error was found. If the error is on the CONTROL statement, <statement> will be “the CONTROL statement”. If the error is on a SOCKETS statement, <statement> will be “SOCKETS statement=n”, where n indicates which SOCKETS statement is in error. If the error is on a SCRIPT statement, <statement> will be “SOCKETS statement=m SCRIPT statement=n” where m indicates which SOCKETS statement and n indicates which SCRIPT statement under the SOCKETS statement. • <type> is either “client” or “server”. User Response: Change the Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers playback statement so that the parameter specified is appropriate for the type of playback being done (either client playback or server playback) or change the type of playback being done. 6-10 Hiperstation Messages and Codes TCPPBPLY TCPPBPLY-0061E UNEXPECTED CONTROL CARD FOUND: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx User Response: Be sure that there is a valid CONTROL statement in the control card deck. Remove the statement in error. TCPPBPLY-0083E INVALID STATEMENT FOUND: ssssssss User Response: TCPPBPLY-0084E REPLAY=r IO FAILURE FOR CONNECTION=y AFTER n RETRIES Explanation: TCPPBPLY-0208E The TCP request was attempted n times. NO SCRIPT GROUPS (SOCKETS OR MQGROUP) FOUND TO PLAYBACK Explanation: No valid SOCKETS/MQGROUP are found to playback. User Response: TCPPBPLY-0252E statement. Correct the control card. Define the appropriate MQGROUP and/or SOCKETS and retry the playback. OFFLINE and PLAY(SERVER) are ambiguous options on the CONTROL Explanation: An offline playback is used to create a reporting database while server playback does not support reporting. Therefore, these two options are not compatible. User Response: Either remove OFFLINE or PLAY(SERVER) from the CONTROL statement. TCPPBRC1 TCPPBRC1-0176E Invalid Keyword in COLLECT Statement Explanation: The statement being parsed contains an invalid keyword. System Action: Playback terminates with return code of 8. User Response: Review the next TCPPBUTL-0052I message to identify which COLLECT statement is in error. Correct the statement and resubmit the job. Refer to the user guide for more information on Playback and Reporting statements. TCPPBPRT TCPPBPRT-0013E PLAYBACK INIT ERROR Explanation: This error can occur if PARM=POSIX(ON)/ is specified on the EXEC card or if REGION=0M is not specified on the EXEC card. User Response: TCPPBPRT-0016E Ensure that REGION=0M. ERROR LOADING SCRIPTS FOR SOCKETS/MQGROUP=n Explanation: The scripts for the indicated SOCKETS/MQGROUP statement (n) could not be loaded into the cache. Hiperstation assigns a serial value n to the SOCKETS/MQGROUP statements for identification purposes. User Response: TCPPBPRT-0018I PROCESSING COMPLETE FOR SOCKETS/MQGROUP=n Explanation: Playback status information. User Response: TCPPBPRT-0019I Ensure that REGION=0M. Informational message. No user action necessary. SETTING UP ACCESS TO SCRIPTS Explanation: User Response: Playback status information. Informational message. No user action necessary. Hiperstation Messages: TCPAR through VTCSUTIL TCPPBPRT-0020E Explanation: 6-11 ERROR LOADING SCRIPTS FOR SOCKETS STATEMENT=n An error occurred while loading scripts for SOCKETS statement=n. User Response: Correct the associated errors and retry the playback. Be sure that PARM=POSIX(ON)/” is NOT specified, and that REGION=0M is specified on the EXEC card. TCPPBPRT-0056E UNABLE TO START PLAYBACK. REASON CODE=rc Explanation: This error may be caused by “PARM=POSIX(ON)/” is specified on the EXEC card, or because REGION=0M is not specified on the EXEC card. Code Description rc 1 Insufficient storage or invalid request for storage. rc 2 Insufficient storage to set up signalling process. rc 3 Insufficient storage to set up dispatching process. rc 4 Insufficient storage to set up serialization processing. rc 5 Insufficient storage to set up locking processing. rc 6 Insufficient storage to set up SOCKETS/MQGROUP termination processing. User Response: TCPPBPRT-0057E PLAYBACK. Explanation: User Response: TCPPBPRT-0119E Explanation: Ensure that REGION=0M. REXX INITIALIZATION FAILED. REXX HAS BEEN TURNED OFF FOR THIS REXX initialization has failed. Review earlier error messages for information about REXX initialization. SSL INITIALIZATION FAILED RETURN CODE: rc A playback requiring SSL was requested but the SSL initialization failed. User Response: Ensure the SSLINFO DD statement is in the playback PROC and points to the dataset containing the key information. See your installer if the statement is missing or points to DUMMY. You may also want the installer to verify that the information within the dataset is set up properly. If you receive a return code of: – 4, verify that the SSLINFO dataset is fixed block. – 11, ensure that access to the SSLINFO dataset is granted to the user. – 15, ensure that the server is using a standard signing authority. If the server is using a selfsigned certificate, ensure that it is imported into the Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers keyring database. TCPPBPRT-0123E YOUR SYSTEM CANNOT SUPPORT THIS PLAYBACK REQUESTED TASKS: rt MAXIMUM TASKS: mt Explanation: The number of SOCKETS/MQGROUP statements (including COUNT parameters) is larger than the system can support. User Response: playback. TCPPBPRT-0124E Increase the OMVS max tasks and max threads or reduce the size of the INSUFFICIENT RESOURCES AVAILABLE TO SUPPORT THIS PLAYBACK Explanation: There is insufficient storage to start the number of SOCKETS/MQGROUPs requested (including the COUNT parameter). User Response: Reduce the size of the playback (increasing the size of the REGION size will normally have no effect). 6-12 Hiperstation Messages and Codes TCPPBRPT TCPPBRPT-0001I SCANNING RECORD:...input statement... System Action: Displays each input statement - message contents are the input statement. User Response: Informational message. No user action necessary. TCPPBRPT-0002E STATEMENT #nnnn MUST BEGIN WITH ‘CONTROL’ OR ‘REPORT’, BEGINS WITH: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx System Action: Hiperstation bypasses the statement in error. Processing continues with the next statement, if any. User Response: TCPPBRPT-0003E Correct the error and resubmit the job. UNABLE TO OPEN SYSIN System Action: Program execution terminates. User Response: Correct the error and resubmit the job. TCPPBRPT-0004E xxxxxxxxxxxx STATEMENT #nnnn INVALID PARAMETER WITHIN ‘CONTROL’ STATEMENT: System Action: Program execution terminates. User Response: Correct the error and resubmit the job. TCPPBRPT-0005E ‘DATABASE’ MUST BE A VALID DDNAME System Action: Program execution terminates. User Response: Correct the error and resubmit the job. TCPPBRPT-0006E ‘LAYOUT’ MUST BE EITHER TABLE OR FORM System Action: Program execution terminates. User Response: Correct the error and resubmit the job. TCPPBRPT-0007E ‘TYPE’ MUST BE EITHER TEXT OR HTML System Action: Program execution terminates. User Response: Correct the error and resubmit the job. TCPPBRPT-0008E xxxxxxxxxxxx STATEMENT #nnnn INVALID PARAMETER WITHIN ‘REPORT’ STATEMENT: System Action: Hiperstation bypasses the statement in error. Processing continues with the next statement, if any. User Response: TCPPBRPT-0009E Correct the error and resubmit the job. SYNTAX ERROR WITHIN ‘FIELDS’ PARAMETER System Action: Hiperstation bypasses the statement in error. Processing continues with the next statement, if any. User Response: TCPPBRPT-0010E Correct the error and resubmit the job. SYNTAX ERROR WITHIN ‘WHERE’ PARAMETER System Action: Hiperstation bypasses the statement in error. Processing continues with the next statement, if any. User Response: TCPPBRPT-0011E Correct the error and resubmit the job. SYNTAX ERROR WITHIN ‘FROM’ PARAMETER System Action: Hiperstation bypasses the statement in error. Processing continues with the next statement, if any. User Response: Correct the error and resubmit the job. Hiperstation Messages: TCPAR through VTCSUTIL TCPPBRPT-0012E 6-13 ‘INTO’ MUST BE A VALID DDNAME System Action: Hiperstation bypasses the statement in error. Processing continues with the next statement, if any. User Response: TCPPBRPT-0013E Correct the error and resubmit the job. FROM PARAMETER IS MISSING - REQUIRED System Action: Hiperstation bypasses the statement in error. Processing continues with the next statement, if any. User Response: TCPPBRPT-0014E Correct the error and resubmit the job. FIELDS PARAMETER IS MISSING - REQUIRED System Action: Hiperstation bypasses the statement in error. Processing continues with the next statement, if any. User Response: TCPPBRPT-0015E Correct the error and resubmit the job. REPORT STATEMENT #nnnn BYPASSED DUE TO ERROR NOTED ABOVE System Action: Hiperstation bypasses the statement in error. Processing continues with the next statement, if any. User Response: TCPPBRPT-0016E Correct the error and resubmit the job. CONTROL STATEMENT #nnnn BYPASSED DUE TO ERROR NOTED ABOVE System Action: Program execution terminates. User Response: Correct the error and resubmit the job. TCPPBRPT-0017I CONTROL STATEMENT #nnnn ACCEPTED Explanation: Informational message. User Response: TCPPBRPT-0018I REPORT STATEMENT #nnnn ACCEPTED Explanation: Informational message. User Response: TCPPBRPT-0019I No user action necessary. No user action necessary. REPORT STATEMENT #nnnn PROCESSING COMPLETED Explanation: User Response: TCPPBRPT-0020E Informational message. No user action necessary. NOT A VALID FIELD NAME FOR THIS TABLE: xxxxxxxxxxxx System Action: Hiperstation bypasses the statement in error. Processing continues with the next statement, if any. User Response: TCPPBRPT-0021E Correct the error and resubmit the job. CANNOT DO AVGxx ON THIS FIELD, THIS TABLE: xxxxxxxxxxxx System Action: Hiperstation bypasses the statement in error. Processing continues with the next statement, if any. User Response: TCPPBRPT-0022E Correct the error and resubmit the job. REPORT STATEMENT #nnnn ERROR OPENING ‘INTO’ DDNAME: xxxxxxxx System Action: Hiperstation bypasses the statement in error. Processing continues with the next statement, if any. User Response: TCPPBRPT-0023E Correct the error and resubmit the job. REPORT STATEMENT #nnnn ERROR OPENING INPUT DDNAME: xxxxxxxx System Action: Hiperstation bypasses the statement in error. Processing continues with the next statement, if any. 6-14 Hiperstation Messages and Codes User Response: TCPPBRPT-0024E Correct the error and resubmit the job. NO FIELD SELECTED (OR DERIVED) TO REPORT System Action: Hiperstation bypasses the statement in error. Processing continues with the next statement, if any. User Response: TCPPBRPT-0025E PRINTED. Correct the error and resubmit the job. TOO MANY FIELDS FOR TABLE FORMAT. ONLY THE FIRST nn FIELDS WILL BE System Action: the report. Reporting continues. Fields beyond the maximum number do not appear in User Response: Correct the error and resubmit the job. TCPPBRPT-0026E REPORT STATEMENT #nnnn TABLE NAME NOT RECOGNIZED: xxxxxxxxxxxx System Action: Hiperstation bypasses the statement in error. Processing continues with the next statement, if any. User Response: TCPPBRPT-0027E Correct the error and resubmit the job. REPORT STATEMENT #nnnn MULTIPLE ‘FROM’ PARAMETERS ARE INVALID System Action: Hiperstation bypasses the statement in error. Processing continues with the next statement, if any. User Response: TCPPBRPT-0028I Correct the error and resubmit the job. CONTROL STATEMENT #nnnn PROCESSING COMPLETED User Response: TCPPBRPT-0029E Informational message. No user action necessary. ALLOCATION OF TEMPORARY DATASET FAILED. THIS REPORT TERMINATED. System Action: Hiperstation could not dynamically allocate a temporary dataset to hold large-field (such as Response Body) data. APPC temporary dataset allocation parameters from EHSDFLT are used for volume and space. User Response: Notify your MVS Systems Administrator. Allocation can fail if insufficient space exists. Review the EHSDFLT entry for APPC temporary datasets to determine which volume will be used and how much space will be allocated fro each temporary dataset. Adjust as necessary, then assemble and link-edit EHSDFLT. When that is complete, resubmit job. TCPPBRPT-0030E TERMINATED. LOGIC ERROR - DATA IN CORE, BUT MORE DATA HAS ARRIVED. THIS REPORT System Action: REPORT in progress terminates. Processing continues with the next statement, if any. User Response: This is an internal logic error. Contact Compuware Customer Support. Include all control statements and a copy of the SORTED INPUT DATA with your problem documentation. TCPPBRPT-0031E ‘BREAK’ MUST BE EITHER EJECT OR NEXT System Action: Hiperstation bypasses the statement in error. Processing continues with the next statement, if any. User Response: TCPPBRPT-0032E Correct the error and resubmit the job. ‘MAXLINES’ MUST BE NUMERIC, BETWEEN 30 AND 9999 System Action: Hiperstation bypasses the statement in error. Processing continues with the next statement, if any. User Response: TCPPBRPT-0033E Correct the error and resubmit the job. DD STATEMENT xxxxxxxx DOES NOT CONTAIN A VALID PATHNAME System Action: Hiperstation bypasses the statement in error. Processing continues with the next statement, if any. User Response: Correct the error and resubmit the job. Hiperstation Messages: TCPAR through VTCSUTIL TCPPBRPT-0034E 6-15 DD STATEMENT xxxxxxxx DYNALLOC FOR PATH INFORMATION FAILED System Action: Hiperstation could not dynamically obtain PATH information. User Response: Notify your MVS Systems Administrator. The most likely reason for this error is a conflict with a security product. Correct this error and resubmit the job. TCPPBRPT-0035E DD STATEMENT xxxxxxxx CANNOT FIND END OF DIRECTORIES IN PATH System Action: Hiperstation bypasses the statement in error. Processing continues with the next statement, if any. User Response: Your DD statement’s PATH parameter has an invalid syntax. Correct error and resubmit job. DD STATEMENT xxxxxxxx NOT ENOUGH ROOM TO PLACE FILENAME IN TCPPBRPT-0036E PATHNAME System Action: Hiperstation bypasses the statement in error. Processing continues with the next statement, if any. Explanation: Your DD statement PATH contains over 247 bytes of directories. The maximum length for a PATH name is 256. You have specified a LINK in your REPORT statement. Hiperstation requires 8 positions for a dynamically-created filename. User Response: Insufficient positions remain. Shorten your PATH or remove the specified LINKs and resubmit the job. TCPPBRPT-0037E DD STATEMENT xxxxxxxx DYNALLOC FOR LINK FAILED. R15=nnnn ERROR= nnnn ERROR2=nnnn System Action: Hiperstation could not dynamically allocate a PATH. User Response: Notify your MVS Systems Administrator. The most likely reason for this error is a conflict with a security product. Insufficient space is another possibility. Correct this error and resubmit the job. TCPPBRPT-0038E STATEMENT xxxxxxxx OPEN FOR LINKED FIELD FAILED System Action: Hiperstation could not OPEN a dynamically-allocated PATH. User Response: Notify your MVS Systems Administrator. The most likely reason for this error is a conflict with a security product. Correct this error and resubmit the job. TCPPBRPT-0039E SOME! DD STATEMENT xxxxxxxx ALL LINKED FIELD NAMES USED UP - DELETE Explanation: For each LINK, Hiperstation creates a unique filename. The names are constructed with four lower-case English letters, a dot, and a three position file type. Using this formula, over 500,000 unique names are possible (26x26x26x26). To receive this error message, all 500,000+ unique names have been tried and found to already exist. System Action: Hiperstation could not dynamically allocate a PATH for a LINK field. User Response: Delete some of these named files, then resubmit the job. TCPPBRPT-0040I This abend is likely caused by incorrect or missing parameters on the DD card TCPPBRPT-0041I for the PATH, PATHOPTS, and/or PATHMODE keywords. Explanation: TCPPBRPT041I is a continuation of TCPPRPT040I. This message further explains a previous message (one of the following: TCPPBRPT022, TCPPBRPT029, TCPPBRPT034, TCPPBRPT037, or TCPPBRPT038). TCPPBRPT-0042I datasets. Consult IBM doc for further information about this abend on OS/390 HFS Explanation: This message further explains a previous message (one of the following: TCPPBRPT022, TCPPBRPT029, TCPPBRPT034, TCPPBRPT037, or TCPPBRPT038). TCPPBRPT-0043I Notify Compuware Support. Include the JCL with the documentation. Explanation: This message further explains a previous message (one of the following: TCPPBRPT022, TCPPBRPT029, TCPPBRPT034, TCPPBRPT037, or TCPPBRPT038). 6-16 Hiperstation Messages and Codes TCPPBRPT-0044I dataset. Your corporate SECURITY product has denied us access to the OS/390 HFS Explanation: This message further explains a previous message (one of the following: TCPPBRPT022, TCPPBRPT029, TCPPBRPT034, TCPPBRPT037, or TCPPBRPT038). TCPPBRPT-0045I Contact your Security Administrator Explanation: This message further explains a previous message (one of the following: TCPPBRPT022, TCPPBRPT029, TCPPBRPT034, TCPPBRPT037, or TCPPBRPT038). TCPPBRPT-0046E START VALUE WITHIN SUBSTR MUST BE NUMERIC Explanation: The SUBSTR build-in function format is SUBSTR(field name, start, length). The start value is required, and must be numeric. Hiperstation detected a non-numeric start value. System Action: The entire REPORT statement is bypassed. User Response: Correct and rerun. TCPPBRPT-0047E LENGTH VALUE WITHIN SUBSTR MUST BE NUMERIC Explanation: The SUBSTR build-in function format is SUBSTR(field name, start, length). The length value is optional, and when present must be numeric. Hiperstation detected a nonnumeric start value. System Action: The entire REPORT statement is bypassed. User Response: Correct and rerun. TCPPBRPT-0048E INVALID BUILT-IN FUNCTION WITHIN LINK OR DIFF Explanation: Built-in functions AVG, MIN, MAX, SUM, and COUNT cannot be used within LINK or DIFFERENCE clauses; only built-in function SUBSTR can be used within LINK and DIFFERENCE. One of the invalid built-in functions was detected. System Action: The entire REPORT statement is bypassed. User Response: Correct and rerun. TCPPBRPT-0049E INVALID DDNAME Explanation: A qualified field name was detected(ddname.fieldname), however, the ddname does not conform to MVS standards. Either it is too long (MVS allows a maximum of 8 characters), or it begins with a number. System Action: The entire REPORT statement is bypassed. User Response: Correct and rerun. TCPPBRPT-0050E LINK BUILT-IN FUNCTION IS INVALID AT THIS TIME Explanation: The LINK built-in function can be specified only within a FIELDS clause (not within another LINK or DIFFERENCE function) when the reporting type is HTML (not TEXT). LINK has been detected at an invalid point in time. System Action: The entire REPORT statement is bypassed. User Response: Correct and rerun. TCPPBRPT-0051E DIFFERENCE BUILT-IN FUNCTION IS INVALID AT THIS TIME Explanation: The DIFFERENCE built-in function can be specified only within a FIELDS clause (not within another LINK or DIFFERENCE function) when the reporting type is HTML (not TEXT). DIFFERENCE has been detected at an invalid point in time. System Action: The entire REPORT statement is bypassed. User Response: Correct and rerun. TCPPBRPT-0052E BUT NOT A CHARACTER-TYPE FIELD Explanation: The SUBSTR built-in function is not valid in conjunction with fields that are timestamps, return codes, status codes, lengths, and counts. It is valid only with characterbased fields such as response header and response body. System Action: The entire REPORT statement is bypassed. Hiperstation Messages: TCPAR through VTCSUTIL User Response: 6-17 Correct and rerun. TCPPBRPT-0053E REPORT STATEMENT #nnnn ‘INTO’ DDNAME dddddddd IS A LIBRARY - NO MEMBERNAME PROVIDED Explanation: On a REPORT statement, the user provided a (required) ddname via the INTO parameter. The file type of this dataset was a library (PDS or PDSE). However the dataset name provided did not also contain a member name, so Hiperstation could not open this DD for output without destroying the entire library contents. User Response: Change the DSN JCL parameter, either by adding a member name after the existing DSN or by changing the DSN to that of a non-library dataset. TCPPBRPT-0054E LITERAL VALUE IN ‘WHERE’ PARAMETER IS INVALID FOR xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Explanation: During validation of a REPORT statement WHERE clause, the field on the left side was determined to be one with specific valid values. However the value on the right side of the WHERE clause was not one of those specific valid values. User Response: TCPPBRPT-0055E Correct the statement and resubmit the job. ‘FIELDDEPTH’ MUST BE A NUMERIC, BETWEEN 1 AND 99 Explanation: During validation of a CONTROL statement FIELDDEPTH clause, either a syntax error was found (no closing parenthesis), a non-numeric value was found, or the numeric value found was out of the acceptable range (1-9999). User Response: TCPPBRPT-0056E Correct the statement and resubmit the job. FILE OPEN ERROR - DDN: ddname Explanation: The dataset specified by DDNAME in the JCL cannot be opened. User Response: TCPPBRPT-0057E Ensure that there is a valid value for DDNAME in the JCL. SYNTAX ERRORS FOUND User Response: TCPPBRPT-0058E Correct the syntax errors and retry. EXPECTED CONTINUATION FOR CONTROL CARD=xxxxxxxx NOT FOUND Explanation: Can occur when the last card in the control input stream contains a continuation symbol (-) or no control cards are supplied. xxxxxxxx is the last control card image. User Response: Ensure that the last control card does not end with a continuation symbol and that valid control cards are specified. TCPPBRPT-0059E STORAGE REQUEST INVALID FOR len=nnnnnnnn (>256k) User Response: TCPPBRPT-0060W AREAS=nnnnnnnn STORAGE LEAKS DETECTED FOR xxxxxxxx at=xxxxxxxx REMAINING STORAGE Explanation: Used in debugging. User Response: TCPPBRPT-0061E Contact Compuware Customer Support. PLAYBACK REPORT JOB TERMINATED WITH ERRORS Explanation: The report job has ended with an error documented in other error messages. User Response: TCPPBRPT-0062E Review the other error messages. MAXIMUM RETURN CODE=nnnn Explanation: The return code associated with previous error message. User Response: TCPPBRPT-0063I Correct the storage request and retry. Informational message. No user action necessary. TCP/IP REPORTING COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY Explanation: User Response: Informational. Informational message. No user action necessary. 6-18 Hiperstation Messages and Codes TCPPBRPT-0064I READING CONTROL CARDS (SYSIN) Explanation: User Response: TCPPBRPT-0065E User Response: TCPPBRPT-0066E User Response: TCPPBRPT-0068E User Response: TCPPBRPT-0069E Informational. Informational message. No user action necessary. INVALID TOKEN FOUND: xxxxxxxx Correct the invalid token and retry. INVALID STATEMENT FOUND: xxxxxxxx Correct the invalid statement and retry. REPORT DATABASET HAS NOT BEEN SORTED FOR DDNAME:ddname Sort the database using program TCPPBSRT. 'STOPON' must be numeric, between 1 and 9999 Explanation: The value specified for the STOPON parameter of the REPORT COMPARE statement was not between 1 and 9999. User Response: TCPPBRPT-0070E Change the value to a number between 1 and 9999 and re-run reporting job. 'BASELINE' must be a valid DDNAME Explanation: An invalid DD name was specified on the BASELINE parameter of the REPORT COMPARE statement. User Response: Change the value to a valid DD name and re-run reporting job. Refer to IBM’s documentation for DD name specifications. TCPPBRPT-0071E Error(s) occurred while processing masking statements Explanation: One or more errors occurred while processing the masking statements that are located in the dataset specified on the MASK parameter of the REPORT COMPARE statement. All errors are listed before this message. User Response: reporting job. TCPPBRPT-0072E previous keyword Examine previous errors in the job output, correct the errors, and re-run the Keyword <keyword> cannot be specified because it is incompatible with a Explanation: Mutually exclusive keywords were specified on the REPORT statement. The message indicates the offending keyword where <keyword> is shown. User Response: TCPPBRPT-0073E Correct the REPORT statement and re-run the reporting job. Unable to determine report type Explanation: Hiperstation determines whether the database that is specified contains TCP/IP or WebSphere MQ data for basic reporting. The data collected in the database does not provide adequate information to make this determination. User Response: Re-run the playback with COLLECT statements that collect all available information. Consult either the Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers User Guide or Hiperstation for WebSphere MQ User Guide. TCPPBRPT-0074E report Field <field name> in <ddname> was not collected and is required for this Explanation: <field name> was not found in either the database or baseline database and is required for this report. User Response: Re-run the playback with COLLECT statements that collect all available information. Consult either the Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers User Guide or Hiperstation for WebSphere MQ User Guide. TCPPBRPT-0075E Missing <relational operator | compare value | position> parameter on WHEN clause (<when-clause>) Explanation: The WHEN clause in the masking dataset has three required fields - position, relational operator, or compare value. The error indicates the missing field. Hiperstation Messages: TCPAR through VTCSUTIL 6-19 User Response: Correct the WHEN clause in the masking statement to include the specified field and re-run the reporting job. TCPPBRPT-0076E Explanation: Non-numeric position (<position>) in WHEN clause The value <position> contains one or more non-numeric characters. User Response: Correct the WHEN clause in the masking statement with a numeric value for position and re-run the reporting job. TCPPBRPT-0077E Explanation: Invalid relational operator (<rel-op>) on WHEN clause <rel-op> is not a valid relational operator. User Response: Correct the WHEN clause in the masking statement with a valid relational operator and re-run the reporting job. Refer to either the Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers User Guide or the Hiperstation for WebSphere MQ User Guide for a list of valid relational operators. TCPPBRPT-0078E value> Invalid single quote in position <position> found in compare value C'<compare Explanation: Standalone single quotes are not valid for a character compare value. In order to include a single quote as part of the compare value string it should be followed immediately by another single quote. Together, both single quotes are treated as one single quote. User Response: Correct the WHEN clause in the masking statement with a valid compare value and re-run the reporting job. TCPPBRPT-0079E Explanation: Missing <WHEN | MASK> clause from masking statement Masking statement is missing the WHEN or MASK clause. User Response: Correct the masking statement to contain both the WHEN and MASK clauses and re-run the reporting job. TCPPBRPT-0080E Explanation: Only one <WHEN | MASK> clause can be on a single masking statement Masking statement has more than one WHEN or MASK clause. User Response: Remove one of the WHEN or MASK clauses from the masking statement and re-run the reporting job. TCPPBRPT-0081E clause Non-numeric <position | length> (<number>) specified in the <WHEN | MASK> Explanation: The WHEN or MASK clause contains a position or length value (<number>) with one or more non-numeric characters. User Response: reporting job. Correct the position or length in the WHEN or MASK clause and re-run the TCPPBRPT-0082E Position <position> contains an invalid <binary | packed decimal | hexadecimal> character in compare value <M | P | X>'<value>' Explanation: The WHEN clause of the masking statement specifies an invalid masked, packed decimal, or hexadecimal <value> at the specified position. User Response: Correct the compare value in the WHEN clause of the masking statement and re-run the reporting job. TCPPBRPT-0083E <M | P | X>'<value>' contains an invalid number of characters for a <masked | packed decimal | hexadecimal> value in the WHEN clause Explanation: The compare value specified in the WHEN clause of the masking statement is not the correct length for the type of data it represents. Masked values contain only eight binary characters, Packed decimal values must be less than 32 characters, and hexadecimal values must contain an even number of characters. User Response: Correct the compare value in the WHEN clause of the masking statement and re-run the reporting job. TCPPBRPT-0084E Missing starting or ending single quote in <compare-value> Explanation: The compare value on the WHEN clause of the masking statement must begin and end with a single quote. 6-20 Hiperstation Messages and Codes User Response: Correct the compare value in the WHEN clause of the masking statement and re-run the reporting job. TCPPBRPT-0085E Invalid position:length entry (pos-len) specified in the MASK clause Explanation: colon. An entry in the MASK clause is missing a position, a length, or the separating User Response: Correct the masking position:length entry in the MASK clause of the masking statement and re-run the reporting job. TCPPBRPT-0086E <rel-op> is not a valid relational operator for a <character | hexadecimal | masked | packed decimal> compare value Explanation: The relational operator <rel-op> specified is not valid for the specified compare value type. User Response: Correct the WHEN clause in the masking statement with a valid relational operator for the compare value type and re-run the reporting job. Refer to either the Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers User Guide or the Hiperstation for WebSphere MQ User Guide for a list of valid relational operators. TCPPBRPT-0087E Invalid data in position <position> in compare value (<compare-value>) Explanation: The compare value contains a standalone single quote in the middle of the compare value. User Response: Remove the single quote from the compare value in the WHEN clause of the masking statement and re-run the reporting job. TCPPBRPT-0088E Missing position:length parameter in MASK clause Explanation: commas. The MASK clause either ends with a comma or contains two consecutive User Response: TCPPBRPT-0089I Delete the additional comma and re-run the reporting job. Reading of masking statements from DDName <ddname> initiated Explanation: Informational message to indicate that the masking statements are being read from <ddname>. TCPPBRPT-0090I Reading of masking statements from DDName <ddname> completed Explanation: Informational message to indicate that the masking statements are done being read from <ddname>. TCPPBRPT-0091I reported STOPON limit (<mismatch-limit>) reached - subsequent mismatches will not be Explanation: was met. System Action: The STOPON parameter value specified on the REPORT COMPARE statement Hiperstation stops reporting. User Response: If you wish to report more exceptions, increase the STOPON value and re-run the reporting job. TCPPBRPT-0092E Explanation: User Response: allocation. TCPPBRPT-0093E Explanation: User Response: TCPPBRPT-0094E Unable to allocate HFS file: <file> The allocation of HFS file <file> failed. Check preceding messages for a description of the problem with the Unable to open HFS file <file> on DDName <ddname> The opening of HFS file <file> on <ddname> failed. Check preceding messages for a description of the problem with the open. Invalid single quote in position nn found in TITLE argument (aaa) Explanation: A single apostrophe was found within the title argument. nn indicates the position of invalid data and aaa is the title on the report statement. Hiperstation Messages: TCPAR through VTCSUTIL 6-21 System Action: The report is not produced and processing continues for the next report statement in the reporting member. User Response: To produce a title containing an apostrophe, the argument must have two consecutive apostrophes specified. Correct the TITLE argument and re-run the reporting job. TCPPBRPT-0095E Invalid data at position nn in TITLE argument (aaa) Explanation: An invalid character was found in the title. nn indicates the position of invalid data and aaa is the title on the report statement. System Action: The report is not produced and processing continues for the next report statement in the reporting member. User Response: TCPPBRPT-0096I Correct the TITLE argument and re-run the reporting step. TITLE length must be 1 to 80 characters, keyword ignored. Explanation: The title specified was either too long or too sort. System Action: The report is produced using the default title. User Response: Specify a valid character string for the TITLE keyword and re-run the reporting step to produce a report with the desired title. TCPPBRPT-0097I <m> mismatches were found, <n> messages compared Explanation: There were <m> exceptions to report. <n> indicates the number of messages that were compared. TCPPBRPT-0098I <n> messages were bypassed Explanation: Indicates that <n> messages from either the database or a baseline database were not compared because their was nothing to compare the message against. User Response: Refer to message TCPPBRPT-0099I in the report creation job output to find out which messages were bypassed. TCPPBRPT-0099I Message for <GROUP | SOCKET>=<socket #> SCRIPT=<script #> <CONNECTION | MESSAGESET>=<connection #> MESSAGE=<message #> from <ddname> bypassed Explanation: Indicates that the given message from <ddname> was not compared because there was no corresponding message to compare against. <socket #> indicates the SOCKET (TCP/IP) or GROUP (WebSphere MQ) containing the bypassed message. <script #> indicates the script containing the bypassed message. <connection #> indicates the CONNECTION (TCP/IP) or MESSAGESET (WebSphere MQ) of the bypassed message. <message #> indicates the number of bypassed message. User Response: Run a MESSAGE or MQMESSAGE report for the database; and if applicable, run one for the baseline database to see which messages are being bypassed. TCPPBPRT-0100E Database and baseline database are not the same Explanation: The database and baseline are of different types. This indicates that one database is for TCP/IP data and the other is for WebSphere MQ data. This data cannot be compared. User Response: Re-run the job with a different database or baseline database and ensure that they are of the same type. TCPPBRPT-0101E '<type>' is an invalid compare value type Explanation: The mask command contains an invalid data type. Valid values are 'C' Character, 'P' - Packed Decimal, 'M' - Masked, and 'X' - Hexadecimal. User Response: Changed the compare value type to a valid type and re-run the reporting job. TCPPBRPT-0102E Report type CSV is unavailable for Script Timing reports Explanation: A RESPONSETIME or SCRIPTTIME report was requested in CSV format. CSV format is not supported for these basic reports. User Response: statement. Specify either HTML or TEXT format on the REPORT or reporting CONTROL 6-22 Hiperstation Messages and Codes TCPPBRPT-0103E Required data from aaa table not found. Explanation: A RESPONSETIME or SCRIPTTIME report was requested but required data from table aaa is not in the database. User Response: Re-run the playback with COLLECT statements that collect all available information. Consult either the Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers User Guide or Hiperstation for WebSphere MQ User Guide. TCPPBST TCPPBST-0021E UNABLE TO PLAY STATEMENT: statement_text DUE TO PRIOR ERRORS Explanation: Previous errors made it impossible to play the specified statement. User Response: TCPPBST-0022I Correct associated errors and retry. ERRORS FOUND IN STATEMENT statement_nbr RETURN CODE=rc Explanation: The SOCKETS or MQGROUP statement identified by statement_nbr did not pass the syntax check. Hiperstation assigns a statement_nbr sequentially to the SOCKETS or MQGROUP statements as they appear in the control card deck. User Response: TCPPBST-0023E CODE=rc Correct the errors and retry the playback. SOCKETS/MQGROUP=n VALIDATED SCRIPT=scrpt VALIDATED. RETURN Explanation: Playback status information. Code Description n Hiperstation assigns this number serially, in the order in which the SOCKETS/MQGROUP statements occur. scrpt The name of the SCRIPT statement. When rc=0, the SCRIPT statement was valid. When rc=8, errors were found in the SCRIPT statement. User Response: TCPPBST-0047E INVALID TOKEN FOUND: iiiiiiii Explanation: The token iiiiiiii identified by this message is not valid. User Response: TCPPBST-0058E Explanation: Increase MAXWAIT value to more than 15 seconds. object_name IS NOT A VALID OBJECTNAME User Response: TCPPBST-0251W be used instead. Correct the invalid token and re-run. MAXWAIT MUST BE GREATER THAN 15 SECONDS User Response: TCPPBST-0209E Informational message. No user action necessary. Correct the error in object_name and re-run the playback. Server playback only supports DB2C and TCP protocols. PROTOCOL(TCP) will The only protocols supported by server playback are DB2C or TCP. User Response: Specify either DB2C or TCP as the protocol in either the CONTROL or SOCKETS statement. TCPPBST-0253E invalid. SOCKETS statement=<socket-number> SCRIPT statement=<script-number> is Explanation: This error and TCPPBST - 0254I which follows immediately after this message indicate that script <script-number> for socket <socket-number> is not valid because server playback supports only one SCRIPT statement per SOCKETS statement. Hiperstation Messages: TCPAR through VTCSUTIL 6-23 User Response: Correct the control cards so that each SOCKETS statement has only one SCRIPT statement. TCPPBST-0254I playback. A SOCKETS statement must only have one SCRIPT statement for a server Explanation: This error immediately follows TCPPBST - 253E and indicates that server playback supports only one SCRIPT statement per SOCKETS statement. User Response: Correct the control cards so that each SOCKETS statement has only one SCRIPT statement. TCPPBST-0256E PLAY(SERVER) is invalid for a Websphere MQ Playback Explanation: The PLAY(SERVER) parameter is valid only for TCP/IP playback. User Response: Remove the PLAY(SERVER) parameter from the CONTROL statement. TCPPBST-0266E <option> is a required option on the <statement-type> statement when doing a <type> playback. Explanation: <type> can be either client or server. <statement-type> is either CONTROL or SOCKETS. <option> is required for the type of playback being done. User Response: being done. Either specify the <option> on the statement or change the type of playback TCPPBUTL TCPPBUTL-0052I CURRENT CONTROL CARD=sssssss Explanation: Playback status information. User Response: TCPPBUTL-0054E STORAGE REQUEST INVALID FOR LEN=xxxxx Explanation: Playback fails. User Response: TCPPBUTL-0077I Informational message. No user action necessary. Contact Compuware Customer Support. FILE ALLOCATION ERROR - DDN: dddddddd, DSN: ssssssss RETURN CODE=rc-ec Explanation: Hiperstation could not allocate the DSN to the DDN. User Response: Return code information can be found in the SVC 99 (DYNALLOC) description in the MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide, IBM Document Number GC28-1763-07. TCPPBUTL-0078E FILE OPEN ERROR - DDN: dddddddd Explanation: Hiperstation could not open DDNAME dddddddd. This message is followed by another message describing the script record in error. User Response: TCPPBUTL-0097E Explanation: User Response: TCPPBUTL-0116E Explanation: User Response: playback. Informational message. No user action necessary. COULD NOT IDENTIFY OBJECT TYPE AT: addr-objid. Internal message, possibly due to a storage shortage. Be sure that REGION=0M is specified on the EXEC statement. UNABLE TO SATISFY REQUEST FOR STORAGE. REQUESTED LENGTH: len There is insufficient storage in the playback job to satisfy the storage request. Increase the storage available via the REGION parameter and re-run the 6-24 Hiperstation Messages and Codes TCPPROT TCPPROT-0183I PPPP xxxxxxx message length(nnnn) differ from protocol length(nnnn) for EVID=nn. where PPPP is one of ECI, CTG, DB2C; xxxxxxx is either Outbound or Expected; nnnn and nn are a numeric value Explanation: During TCP playback for protocol PPPP, the discrepancy in the message length had been found. EVID=nn is the value in the script where <CLIENT ID=k>nn or <SERVER ID=k>nn. For online playback, protocol length will be replaced with actual message length. User Response: This is an informational message. If online playback fails, correct script where EVID=nn applies and replay. TCPPROT-0213W LOAD FOR PROTOCOL:xxxx FAILED Explanation: A request to a partner application using protocol xxxx was found in the script. To use protocol xxxx the DLL xxxx must be a member in the STEPLIB execution library. User Response: This is most likely a control card or script specification error. Change the PROTOCOL to HTTP or HTTPS and rerun the job. TCPRC TCPRC-0000I DATA RECORD ACTIVATED Explanation: TCPRC-0009I TCP/IP RECORDER SHUTDOWN ACKNOWLEDGED Explanation: User Response: TCPRC-0010I The Hiperstation TCP/IP data recorder is terminating. Informational message. No user action necessary. TCP/IP RECORDER SHUTDOWN COMPLETE Explanation: User Response: TCPRC-0100W The token iiiiiiii identified by this message is not valid. The Hiperstation TCP/IP data recorder has terminated. Informational message. No user action necessary. ECSA BUFFERS NOT LARGE ENOUGH, XXXXXXXX RECORDS LOST SO FAR Explanation: There were more TCP or MQ events than the ECSA buffers could handle. XXXXXXXX indicates the number of events lost. System Action: Hiperstation presents this message when the first event is lost and again after each 100 events are lost. It also presents message TCPRC915I to aid you with troubleshooting. User Response: If this message occurs only at Global Record startup, and no TCP or MQ Global Recording Requests are active, ignore this message. Otherwise, complete the following steps. • Ensure the started task dispatch priority is above all TCP/IP generating address spaces. If WLM goal mode is active, dispatch rate is determined by the VELOCITY of the performance group. The IBM default group, SYSSTC, is a good starting point for most systems. • Access the Statistics panel from the HIPERSTATION Product Menu panel by issuing the primary command STATS and then access the TCP/IP specific panel by issuing the command TCP on the STATS primary command line. Evaluate the ECSA Max Used and the Volume and Count fields and set TCPBUFL and TCPBUFS accordingly. If activity varies throughout the day, turn on statistics by issuing the MVS MODIFY command “STATSON” for the Global Record address space. Monitor the ECSA and Volume and Count fields for during the increased activity periods and increase TCPBUFS and TCPBUFL to create additional ECSA buffers to handle the activity spikes. Refer to the Hiperstation Installation and Configuration Guide for more information. Hiperstation Messages: TCPAR through VTCSUTIL TCPRC-0101E 6-25 nnnnnnnn RECORDS TOO LONG. INCREASE TCPBUFS*TCPBUFL VALUE Explanation: Hiperstation has rejected nnnnnnnn records because they exceeded the size specified in the TCPRECLM SYSIN parameter or TCPBUFS*TCPBUFL if TCPRECLM is not specified. TCPBUFS is the number of ECSA buffers to allocate for TCPIP and MQ, and TCPBUFL is each ECSA buffer size in kilobytes. User Response: If you need to capture larger records specify a larger value in TCPRECLM (refer to the Hiperstation Installation and Configuration Guide). Otherwise, this message is informational and can be ignored. If TCPRECLM is specified, it should be less than TCPBUFS*TCPBUFL. TCPRC-0200W RECORDING TERMINATED DUE TO FULL REPOSITORY Explanation: A recording request has been terminated because the specified repository has been filled. A message will also be issued to the TSO user ID that started the request. User Response: TCPRC-0201E Use a larger repository if needed. RECORDING TERMINATED DUE TO REPOSITORY I/O ERROR Explanation: A recording request has been terminated because the specified repository has received an I/O error. A message will also be issued to the TSO user ID that started the request. User Response: error. TCPRC-0900E Check the system log for more messages that may indicate the specific I/O TCP/IP RECORDER ESTAE ENTERED Explanation: terminate. The Hiperstation TCP/IP data recorder has abended. Hiperstation will User Response: Collect all messages in the system log, save the dump and contact Compuware Customer Support. TCPRC-0901E NO RETRY, WILL NEED RESTART Explanation: terminate. The Hiperstation TCP/IP data recorder has abended. Hiperstation will User Response: Collect all messages in the system log, save the dump and contact Compuware Customer Support. TCPRC-0904E BUFFER OVERRUN. PLEASE CALL HIPERSTATION SUPPORT Explanation: An internal buffer error has occurred. User Response: Collect all messages in the system log, save the dump and contact Compuware Customer Support. TCPRC-0905E NOT ENOUGH MEMORY FOR BUFFERS Explanation: Hiperstation was unable to initialize the TCP/IP data recorder because there was not enough memory. Hiperstation will terminate. TCPRC-0910I MORE TADRS NEEDED Explanation: The TADR data structure is used internally by Hiperstation to keep track of active TCP connections in the MVS system. The initial number of QADRs obtained is controlled by the CONNCNT parameter in the Global Recording startup parameters. This message appears if Hiperstation has to keep track of more TCP connections than are specified on the CONNCNT parameter. System Action: Hiperstation tries to obtain additional QADRs. User Response: Eliminate this message by setting a CONNCNT value larger than the maximum number of simultaneous TCP connections on your system. For each occurrence of this message, increase the existing CONNCNT value by minimally 25%. For example, if the existing CONNCNT is 1000 and you receive three of these messages, increase the CONNCNT to 1750. Setting an appropriate CONNCNT value improves performance. TCPRC-0912I MORE QARDS NEEDED Explanation: The QADR data structure is used internally by Hiperstation to keep track of active MQ sessions in the MVS system. The initial number of QADRs obtained is controlled by 6-26 Hiperstation Messages and Codes the MQSESCNT parameter in the Global Recording startup parameters. This message appears if Hiperstation has to keep track of more MQ sessions than are specified on the MQSESCNT parameter. System Action: Hiperstation tries to obtain additional QADRs. User Response: Eliminate this message by setting an MQSESCNT value larger than the maximum number of simultaneous MQ sessions on your system. For each occurrence of this message, increase the existing MQSESCNT value by minimally 25%. For example, if the existing MQSESCNT is 100 and you receive three of these messages, increase the MQSESCNT to 175. Setting an appropriate MQSESCNT value improves performance. TCPRC-0915I B=AAAAAAAA/BBBBBBBBBB R=CCCCCCCCCC/DDDDDDDDDD C=EE% Explanation: This message accompanies message TCPRC100W. It provides statistics to help you troubleshoot the warning. AAAAAAAA = Bytes processed on current pass. BBBBBBBBBB = Bytes processed since Global Record startup CCCCCCCCCC = Bytes per CPU second on current pass DDDDDDDDDD = Bytes per CPU second send Global Record startup EE = Percentage of CPU used in last pass. User Response: If EE seems high, review the CONNCNT (TCP) or MQSESCNT (MQ) values to ensure they are set appropriately. If AAAAAAAA is much larger than the TCP buffer length (TCPBUFL), Hiperstation may be falling behind. Either increase the value of TCPBUFL or the dispatch priority of the started task. Note: If WLM goal mode is active, dispatch rate is determined by the VELOCITY of the performance group. The IBM default group, SYSSTC, is a good starting point for most systems. If this message occurs only during times of peak TCP/IP and MQ activity, increase the value of TCPBUFS. Note: CONNECT, MQSESCNT, TCPBUFL, and TCPBUFS reside in SQQFSAMP member GRPARMS. TCPREVNT TCPREVNT-0001W REPLAY=r REQUEST_TYPE REQUEST: STORAGE_ADDR STILL ACTIVE TERMINATION REQUEST DELAYED Explanation: A request to free storage at storage_addr has been delayed. The storage is still in use. User Response: Informational message. No user action necessary. TCPREVNT-0015W REPLAY=r CONNECTION=y CONNECTION WITH PARTNER WAS UNEXPECTEDLY LOST Explanation: be normal. The partner disconnected the connection for the replay. This may or may not Code Description x The number associated with the replay of the script. It is assigned by Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers serially in the order in which the script replay starts. y The connection ID or number found on the ID= parameter of the <CONNECT> statement on the script. User Response: Review the script actions for connection y for CLIENT-SERVER tag pairs to ensure that a response was expected from the partner. Hiperstation Messages: TCPAR through VTCSUTIL 6-27 TCPREVNT-0072W REPLAY=r INVALID CONNECTION STATUS FOR CONNECT/MQOPEN REQUEST ON CONNECTION/OBJECT=y STATUS=st Explanation: The CONNECT/MQOPEN request could not be processed. The connection/queue must be IDLE, CONNECTING, or DISCONNECTED. Valid connection states are: Connection State Code CONNECTION_IDLE 1 CONNECTION_AVAILABLE 2 CONNECTION_BUSY 3 CONNECTION_CONNECTING 4 CONNECTION_READING 5 CONNECTION_WRITING 6 CONNECTION_DISCONN 7 CONNECTION_PLAY_SYNC 8 CONNECTION_CONN_RETRY 9 User Response: TCPREVNT-0080E Explanation: User Response: Correct the connection status and re-run. REPLAY=r SERVER_PORT NUMBER WAS INVALID SERVER_PORT must be numeric. Ensure that the value for SERVER_PORT is numeric. TCPREVNT-0081E REPLAY=r CONNECTION/OBJECT=y IO ERROR PLAYING SCRIPT RECORD=rid TYPE=type RV=rv RC=rc RSN=reason Explanation: An input/output operation was requested but did not complete successfully. Code Description rid The script record of the request. TYPE The operation requested (e.g. MQ_PUT_CONTENT). RV The return value from the request. Often this will be a -1 for unsuccessful I-O requests. RC The return code of the request. RSN The reason code for the failure. This normally is the Reason returned by either the sockets interface or MQ. System Action: The connection was refused by the server. User Response: The connection was refused due to your system security package. Probably, the Jobname did not have authority to make the TCP/IP connection. Notify your MVS system administrator. TCPREVNT-0086W Explanation: User Response: TCPREVNT-0088E Explanation: User Response: REPLAY=r statement_type: statement_nbr - UNKNOWN EVENT TYPE=type An invalid script record was found and ignored. Informational message. No user action necessary. REPLAY=r CONNECTION/OBJECT=y UNKNOWN I-0 REQUEST TYPE = z Internal processing error. Contact Compuware Customer Support. 6-28 Hiperstation Messages and Codes TCPREVNT-0090W REPLAY=r CONNECTION: id PARTNER DID NOT RESPOND TO CLIENT REQUEST. SCRIPT RECORD=rid User Response: TCPREVNT-0091W CODE=rc Explanation: User Response: TCPREVNT-0099W RECORD=rid Explanation: User Response: Informational message. No user action necessary. REPLAY=r CONNECTION REQUEST FAILED FOR CONNECTION=y RETURN The connection request failed. Warning message. Informational message. No user action necessary. REPLAY=r ATTEMPTING ZERO LENGTH WRITE CONNECTION=y - SCRIPT The script record (rid) had no associated data. Informational message. No user action necessary. TCPREVNT-0107E REPLAY=r CONNECTION=cn LAST SCRIPT RECORD=rid UNEXPECTED RESPONSE FROM THE SERVER: ssssss Explanation: In response to the last send, Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers received a data stream not supported by the message type (HTTP). For HTTP connections this may result in a connection termination. User Response: TCPREVNT-0108W RETURN CODE=rc Informational message. No user action necessary. REPLAY=r CONNECTION=cn CONNECTION WITH PARTERNER WAS LOST. Explanation: An I-O request was rejected by TCP. This is normally due to an unexpected termination of the connection by the partner. User Response: TCPREVNT-0116E Explanation: User Response: Informational message. No user action necessary. UNABLE TO SATISFY REQUEST FOR STORAGE. REQUESTED LENGTH=I Hiperstation could not allocate storage during run time. Contact Compuware Customer Support. TCPREVNT-0117W REPLAY=1 CONNECTION=1 - NO DATA AVAILABLE FROM PARTNER FOR EVID=nnn. SETTING RC=4. Explanation: There is insufficient data on the queue or TCP/IP connection to satisfy a read request. This may or may not be an error. When EVID=0 for TCPREVNT-0117W, refer to TCPASYNC-0184I for correct EVID. TCPREVNT-0217E REPLAY=(N) CONNECTION=(N) (HTTP/1.1) (CLIENT/SERVER) ERROR RC=(NNN) REASON: (HTTP TEXT) Explanation: error. An HTTP response was received containing either a 4xx client or a 5xx server User Response: For information on these errors, refer to the W3 Consortium Web site: http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html. TCPREVNT-0264W Replay=<replay-number> %s=%i - Read timeout on server playback Explanation: The STDWAIT value specified either the SOCKETS statement or the CONTROL statement has been exceeded. The playback of the socket is terminated. System Action: None. User Response: Specify a larger value for the STDWAIT parameter or ensure that client applications reply within the specified STDWAIT period specified. Hiperstation Messages: TCPAR through VTCSUTIL 6-29 TCPRPLWK TCPRPLWK-0112E REPLAY=r REPLACE: rpl IN SCRIPT:sssss NOT EXECUTED REASON: rsn - LAST SCRIPT RECORD=rid Explanation: rid is the last script record read. User Response: Correct the error on the REPLACE tag. TCPRPTC TCPRPTC-1125E REPORT FILE OPEN FAILED User Response: Add or correct DDName specified in the JCL which are used in the DATABASE(ddname) of the playback control card. TCPRPTC-1126E REPORT FILE NOT VARIABLE LENGTH User Response: TCPRPTC-1127E INVALID CONTROL STATEMENT User Response: TCPRPTC-1128E Correct the invalid syntax and retry. SUBSTR START VALUE MUST BE NUMERIC > 0 User Response: TCPRPTC-1139E Correct the invalid token or syntax and retry. INVALID SYNTAX FOUND WITHIN TOKEN ROUTINE User Response: TCPRPTC-1138E Add the missing fields and retry. INVALID TOKEN/SYNTAX WITHIN - FIELDS (.(.).) User Response: TCPRPTC-1137E Add WHERE and retry. INVALID SYNTAX - MISSING FIELDS ( User Response: TCPRPTC-1136E Correct the unbalance and retry. INVALID SYNTAX - MISSING WHERE ( User Response: TCPRPTC-1135E Correct the invalid field name and retry. UNBALANCED OPEN_PAREN - FIELDS (.(.).) User Response: TCPRPTC-1134E Eliminate or change the duplicate table name and retry. FIELDNAME INVALID FOR THE SPECIFIED TABLE. User Response: TCPRPTC-1133E Correct the invalid table name and retry. DUPLICATE TABLE NAME User Response: TCPRPTC-1132E The COLLECTION control card is not complete. Correct and retry. INVALID TABLE NAME User Response: TCPRPTC-1131E Correct the invalid syntax and retry. PREMATURE END OF STATEMENT User Response: TCPRPTC-1130E Correct the invalid control statement and retry. INVALID SYNTAX - MISSING FROM ( User Response: TCPRPTC-1129E Ensure that the report file is of variable length and retry. Ensure that the start value is numeric and greater than zero and retry. SUBSTR LENGTH VALUE MUST BE NUMERIC > 0 User Response: Ensure that the length value is numeric and greater than zero and retry. 6-30 Hiperstation Messages and Codes TCPRPTC-1140E VALID FIELDNAME BUT FROM INCORRECT TABLE User Response: TCPRPTC-1141E LITERAL IN QUOTES NOT CHAR, HEX User Response: TCPRPTC-1142E Correct to an even number of positions and retry. HEX LITERAL CONTAINS DATA NOT 0-9, A-F User Response: TCPRPTC-1147E Correct the literal to a numeric or hex value, or add quotes and retry. HEX LITERAL NOT AN EVEN NUMBER OF POSNS User Response: TCPRPTC-1146E Add a non-zero length character literal and retry. LITERAL NOT NUMERIC, HEX, OR IN QUOTES User Response: TCPRPTC-1145E Add ending quote and retry. CHARACTER LITERAL OF ZERO LENGTH IS INVALID User Response: TCPRPTC-1144E Ensure that the literal is either in char or hex form and retry. LITERAL IN QUOTES NO ENDING QUOTE User Response: TCPRPTC-1143E Correct table and retry. Correct the data and retry. NUMERIC LITERAL GREATER THAN MAXIMUM Explanation: The number you specified on the COLLECT statement is too large for Hiperstation to parse. User Response: Change the number to a lower value. The maximum value allowed is approximately 10 38. TCPRPTC-1148E INVALID COMPARE OPERATOR IN WHERE CLAUSE User Response: TCPRPTC-1149E NUMERIC LITERAL CONTAINS NON-NUMERICS User Response: TCPRPTC-1150E Correct the error in the MINUTE field and retry. SECOND GREATER THAN 59 User Response: TCPRPTC-1157E Correct the error in the HOUR field and retry. MINUTE GREATER THAN 59 User Response: TCPRPTC-1156E Correct the error in the DAY field and retry. HOUR GREATER THAN 24 User Response: TCPRPTC-1155E Correct the error in the MONTH field and retry. DAY GREATER THAN 31 User Response: TCPRPTC-1154E Correct invalid SUBSTR and retry. MONTH GREATER THAN 12 User Response: TCPRPTC-1153E Eliminate multiple decimal points in the floating point literal and retry. SUBSTR INVALID WITH NON-CHARACTER DATA User Response: TCPRPTC-1152E Correct the non-numerics and retry. MULTIPLE DECIMAL POINTS IN FLOATING POINT LITERAL User Response: TCPRPTC-1151E Correct the invalid compare operator and retry. Correct the error in the SECOND field and retry. YEAR NOT NUMERIC User Response: Correct the error in the YEAR field and retry. Hiperstation Messages: TCPAR through VTCSUTIL TCPRPTC-1158E MONTH NOT NUMERIC User Response: TCPRPTC-1159E Correct the error in the MONTH field and retry. DAY NOT NUMERIC User Response: TCPRPTC-1160E Correct the error in the DAY field and retry. HOUR NOT NUMERIC User Response: TCPRPTC-1161E Correct the error in the HOUR field and retry. MIN NOT NUMERIC User Response: TCPRPTC-1162E Correct the error in the MINUTE field and retry. SEC NOT NUMERIC User Response: TCPRPTC-1163E Correct the error in the SECONDS field and retry. FRACTION NOT NUMERIC User Response: TCPRPTC-1174 6-31 Correct the error in the FRACTION field and retry. HOUR=24 NO MINUTE, SECOND, FRACTION ALLOWED. Explanation: When a timestamp is referenced within a WHERE clause and the compare-to value specifies an hour of 24, then no minutes, seconds, or fractions of seconds is valid. User Response: TCPRPTC-2122E To reference a time past midnight, change the compare-to value hour to 00. REPORTING DATABASE FULL. TERMINATING PLAYBACK. Explanation: The reporting database is full. User Response: Increase the size of the reporting database. TCPSCRS TCPSCRS-0035E SCRIPT NOT FOUND=ssssssss Explanation: This error is most likely due to an invalid script name, or the script is not a member of the dataset associated with the SYSLIB DD. User Response: Ensure that the SYSLIB DD points to the correct script dataset, or correct your SCRIPT statement. TCPSCRS-0036E OPEN FAILED FOR SCRIPT=xxxxxxxx Explanation: This error is most likely due to an invalid script name, or the script is not in the dataset associated with the SYSLIB DD. User Response: Ensure that the SYSLIB DD points to the correct script dataset, or correct your SCRIPT statement. TCPSCRS-0037E CODE=ic SCRIPT ALLOCATION FAILURE SCRIPT name=xxxxxx - ERROR CODE=ec - INFO Explanation: While attempting to load script xxxxxx into cache, Hiperstation could not allocate the temporary DDNAME TCPSCRS. User Response: Ensure that no TCPSCRS DD statement is in your batch JCL. Also ensure that the script xxxxxx is a member of the dataset associated with your SYSLIB DD. For more information on the error code and information code, see MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide, IBM document number GC28-1763-07. TCPSCRS-0038E READ FAILED FOR SCRIPT=xxxxxxx Explanation: User Response: An error occurred loading script xxxxxxx into cache. Remove the CACHE parameter from the CONTROL statement and re-run. 6-32 Hiperstation Messages and Codes TCPSCRS-0039E UNABLE TO OPEN CACHE FOR SCRIPT=xxxxxxx Explanation: An error occurred opening the memory cache for script xxxxxxx. User Response: TCPSCRS-0040E Remove the CACHE parameter from the CONTROL statement and re-run. UNABLE TO CACHE SCRIPT=xxxxxxx Explanation: An error occurred putting a script record from script xxxxxxx into cache. User Response: TCPSCRS-0041E Remove the CACHE parameter from the CONTROL statement and re-run. INVALID SCRIPT STATEMENT SOCKETS STATEMENT=n SCRIPT=y System Action: Code Description x Assigned by Hiperstation serially, in the order in which the SOCKETS or MQGroup statements occur. y Assigned by Hiperstation serially, in the order in which the SCRIPT statement occurs under the SOCKETS statement. User Response: TCPSCRS-0042E SCRIPT=script_id Correct associated errors and re-run. NO SCRIPT NAME FOUND FOR SOCKETS/MQGROUP STATEMENT=group_id Explanation: Code Description group_id The sequential number of the SOCKETS/MQGROPU statement in the control card deck. script_id The script statement number underneath the SOCKETS/MQGROUP statement. User Response: TCPSCRS-0043E Include a script name on the SCRIPT statement. SCRIPT NAME TOO LONG FOR SOCKETS/MQGROUP=n SCRIPT=y Explanation: Code Description n Assigned by Hiperstation serially, in the order in which the SOCKETS/MQGROUP statements occur. y Assigned by Hiperstation serially, in the order in which the SCRIPT statement occurs under the SOCKETS/MQGROUP statement. User Response: TCPSCRS-0044E Correct associated errors and re-run. REPEAT PARAMETER ERROR FOR SOCKETS/MQGROUP=n SCRIPT=y Explanation: Code Description n Assigned by Hiperstation serially, in the order in which the SOCKETS/MQGROUP statements occur. y Assigned by Hiperstation serially, in the order in which the SCRIPT statement occurs under the SOCKETS/MQGROUP statement. User Response: Correct associated errors and re-run. Hiperstation Messages: TCPAR through VTCSUTIL TCPSCRS-0045E 6-33 REPEAT PARAMETER ERROR FOR SOCKETS/MQGROUP=n SCRIPT=y Explanation: Code Description n Assigned by Hiperstation serially, in the order in which the SOCKETS/MQGROUP statements occur. y Assigned by Hiperstation serially, in the order in which the SCRIPT statement occurs under the SOCKETS/MQGROUP statement. User Response: TCPSCRS-0046E Correct associated errors and re-run. iiiiiiii FIELD MUST BE NUMERIC Explanation: The parameter iiiiiiii identified by this message must be numeric. User Response: TCPSCRS-0048E Correct associated errors and re-run. iiiiiiii FIELD IS INVALID IN SOCKETS/MQGROUP=n SCRIPT=scrpt Explanation: The parameter iiiiiiii identified by this message must be numeric. Code Description iiiiiiii Name of the invalid field n Assigned by Hiperstation serially, in the order in which the SOCKETS/MQGROUP statements occur. scrpt Name of the script. User Response: Correct associated errors and re-run. TCPSCRS-0049E UNBALANCED PARENTHESIS AT pppppppp IN SCRIPT=ssssssss -SOCKETS/MQGROUP=n SCRIPT=y Explanation: Code Description pppppppp The parameter in error. ssssssss Name of the script identified by SCRIPT(ssssssss). n Assigned by Hiperstation serially, in the order in which the SOCKETS statements occur. y Assigned by Hiperstation serially, in the order in which the SCRIPT statement occurs under the SOCKETS statement. User Response: TCPSCRS-0062W REPLAY=r INVALID SCRIPT RECORD FOUND DATA=xxxxxxxxxx Explanation: Warning message. User Response: TCPSCRS-0180I Correct associated errors and re-run. Informational message. No user action necessary. SQL record value has invalid REXX string format Explanation: strings. User Response: The SQL value you supplied does not meet the syntax requirements for REXX Refer to playback user guide for correct syntax. 6-34 Hiperstation Messages and Codes TCPSCSET TCPSCSET-0026E SOCKETS/MQGROUP=n UNABLE TO SET UP INTRA-TASK MESSAGING User Response: TCPSCSET-0027E SOCKETS/MQGROUP=n UNABLE TO SET UP RESOURCE LOCKING User Response: TCPSCSET-0028I Playback status information. User Response: Playback status information. User Response: Playback status information. User Response: TCPSCSET-0033E Informational message. No user action necessary. REPLAY INITIALIZATION FAILED FOR SOCKETS/MQGROUP=n User Response: Ensure that the playback job is run with POSIX(ON) and REGION=0M. SOCKETS/MQGROUP=n TERMINATING REPLAY=r Explanation: Playback status information. User Response: TCPSCSET-0085I Informational message. No user action necessary. SOCKETS/MQGROUP=n PUTTING SCRIPTS INTO CACHE Explanation: TCPSCSET-0034I Correct the errors and rerun the playback. PLAY COMPLETE FOR SOCKETS/MQGROUP=n - RETURN CODE=rc Explanation: TCPSCSET-0032I Informational message. No user action necessary. BYPASSING PROCESSING FOR SCRIPT=scrpt SOCKETS/MQGROUP=n, DUE TO User Response: TCPSCSET-0031I Ensure that the playback job is run with POSIX(ON) and REGION=0M. SOCKETS/MQGROUP=n BEGINNING REPLAY Explanation: TCPSCSET-0030I PRIOR ERRORS Ensure that the playback job is run with POSIX(ON) and REGION=0M. Informational message. No user action necessary. SOCKETS/MQGROUP=n - x OUT OF y REPLAYS COMPLETE Explanation: When the COUNT parameter is included on the SOCKETS/MQGROUP statement, this status information appears, showing how many (x) out of the COUNT (y) have completed. TCPSCSET-0092E SOCKETS/MQGROUP STATEMENT=statement_nbr REPLAY=r CANCELLED DUE TO INACTIVITY. NO I-0 FOR max_wait SECONDS. Explanation: A COUNT parameter was included on a SOCKETS/MQGROUP statement but Hiperstation could not start one of the requested COUNT parameters. TCPSCSET-0095E UNABLE TO START REPLAY FOR SOCKETS/MQGROUP=n REASON: sssss Explanation: A COUNT parameter was included on a SOCKETS/MQGROUP statement but Hiperstation could not start on n of the requested COUNT. User Response: Ensure that REGION=0M. If it is, then the requested playback is too large for your system. Decrease the number of simultaneous users requested. TCPSEVNT TCPSEVNT-0063W Explanation: User Response: REPLAY=r UNABLE TO DETERMINE RECORD TYPE. SCRIPT RECORD=rid Warning message. Informational message. No user action necessary. Hiperstation Messages: TCPAR through VTCSUTIL TCPSEVNT-0066E 6-35 REPLAY=r UNABLE TO DETERMINE TYPE FOR SCRIPT RECORD: xxxxxx Explanation: The script record found could not be played. User Response: TCPSEVNT-0067E Remove or correct the script record. REPLAY=r Object=y QUEUE IS NOT AVAILABLE Explanation: TCP/IP - A duplicate CONNECT statement exists for connection y. MQSeries - a duplicate OBJECT exists, therefore the queue is not available. User Response: TCPSEVNT-0068E Correct the duplicate statement and re-run. REPLAY=r CONNECTION=y HAS NOT BEEN ESTABLISHED. SCRIPT RECORD=rid Explanation: A CLIENT or SERVER tag has been found for an ID=y, but there was no prior CONNECT ID=y statement or the CONNECT statement for ID=y was invalid. User Response: Correct the CONNECT statement and re-run. TCPSEVNT-0073W CODE=rc REPLAY=r UNABLE TO PLAY - TYPE=type SCRIPT RECORD=rid - RETURN Explanation: The script record could not be played due to prior errors. Script record types are Code Description 1 NON_IO 2 CONNECT 3 CLIENT 4 SERVER 5 CLIENT_CONTENT 6 SERVER_CONTENT 7 DISCONNECT 8 SSLCLIENT 9 SSLSERVER 10 LISTEN 11 COMMENT 12 CONTENT 13 TIME_CARD 14 EndOFFile (internal) 15 DETAIL 16 REPLACE User Response: TCPSEVNT-0074E REPLAY=r INVALID SCRIPT RECORD FOUND DATA=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Explanation: TCPSEVNT-0076I Review prior messages for errors. Script record parameter error found in the data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. REPLAY=r PLAY COMPLETE FOR SCRIPT=ssssssss. Explanation: User Response: TCPSEVNT-0084W Explanation: User Response: Playback status information. Informational message. No user action necessary. REPLAY=r IO FAILURE FOR CONNECTION=y AFTER n RETRIES The TCP request was attempted n times. Informational message. No user action necessary. 6-36 Hiperstation Messages and Codes TCPSEVNT-0098E REPLAY=r - ERROR ACCESSING SCRIPT:ssssss FROM RECORD: frm TO RECORD: torec - REASON=rsn Explanation: The CONTENT data could not be retrieved from an external file. The script and the script content data are in separate datasets. This error occurs when the script points to content records that are not in the content dataset. User Response: TCPSEVNT-0105E Ensure that the script matches the content data. ERRORS FOUND IN SCRIPT RECORD=rid RECORD: dddddddddd. Explanation: This message is often associated with other messages detailing the type of error or the parameter in error. User Response: TCPSEVNT-0106E Locate the script record and correct the errors. REPLAY=r INCOMPLETE CLIENT MESSAGE=y ON CONNECTION=cn Explanation: A SERVER record was found before Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers had built a complete CLIENT message. For HTTP connections, this will likely result in connection termination. TCPSEVNT-0109E REPLAY=r INVALID PROTOCOL FOUND: xxx User Response: statement. TCPSEVNT-0110E RECORD=rid Correct the PROTOCOL statement or remove the invalid CONNECT REPLAY=r REPLACE FIELD: fld IN SCRIPT: sssss IS INVALID. LAST SCRIPT Explanation: The REPLACE field is invalid. User Response: Correct the REPLACE field. TCPSEVNT-0111E REPLACE FIELD: rpl IN SCRIPT: sssss NOT EXECUTED. REASON: rsn LAST SCRIPT RECORD:rid Explanation: rid is the last script record read. User Response: Correct the error on the REPLACE tag. TCPSEVNT-0121W REPLAY=r CONNECTION=cid RECORD=rid CONSECUTIVE SERVER TAGS WITHOUT INTERVENING CLIENT. Explanation: A script sequencing problem was found. A <CLIENT..> tag was expected but a <SERVER..> tag was found. The <SERVER..> tag is skipped. User Response: TCPSEVNT-0181I Data value missing hex indicator Explanation: The keyword specified is expecting its data in hexadecimal format. User Response: TCPSEVNT-0182I Informational message. No user action necessary. Place an “X” after the data. Example: DB2_NPASS = '40C1417853453798'X. Data value should be enclosed in single quotes Explanation: The keyword specified required data to be enclosed in single quotes. User Response: Ensure data is preceded and followed by a single quote. TCPSEVNT-0270I Replay=1 Conn=1 CTG Ping_Pong skipped SCRIPT=SCTGAS00 EVID=9 <SERVER> Replay=1 Conn=1 CTG Ping_Pong skipped SCRIPT=SCTGAS00 EVID=10 <CLIENT> Explanation: TCPSEVNT-0271I Explanation: pong. Ping-pong entries exist in the script and are being skipped. Replay=1 Conn=1 TCPPB handled CTG Ping SCRIPT=SCTGAS00 for EVID=11 Later in the playback, we received a ping from the server and replied with Hiperstation Messages: TCPAR through VTCSUTIL TCPSEVNT-0272I <SERVER> Replay=1 Conn=2 CTG Async msg skipped SCRIPT=SCTGAS00 EVID=26 Explanation: message. TCPSEVNT-0273I EVID=27 6-37 We found an async confirm message (ECI type) and ignored this server Replay=1 Conn=2 TCPPB handled CTG Async msg SCRIPT=SCTGAS00 for Explanation: Later in the playback, we received an async confirm message from the server and ignored it. TCPSOCKT TCPSOCKT-0017E REPLAY=R CONNECTION=ID UNABLE TO OBTAIN TCP SOCKET. REASON: rc Explanation: An attempt was made to open a TCP/IP socket to implement the connection ID in the script. The sockets call failed with reason code rc. Most likely the maximum number of open sockets defined by OMVS was reached. User Response: Increase the maximum number of open sockets allowed by OMVS or decrease the size of the playback. TCPSOCK-0265I Server playback stopped listening on port <port-number> Explanation: All SOCKETS statements have been connected to on the specified port and the playback listener has been terminated. System Action: None. User Response: None. TCPSRPL TCPSRPL-0012E PROCESS FOUND COMPLETED I-0 ON INCOMPLETE QUEUE - WAITING FOR COMPLETION Explanation: Playback status information. User Response: TCPSRPL-0050I Informational message. No user action necessary. SOCKETS/MQGROUP=n STARTING REPLAY=r Explanation: Playback status information. Code Description n Assigned by Hiperstation serially, in the order in which the SOCKETS statements occur. r The number associated with the replay of the script. It is assigned serially in the order in which the script replay is started. User Response: TCPSRPL-0051I Informational message. No user action necessary. PLAY COMPLETE FOR REPLAY=r RETURN CODE=rc Explanation: Playback status information. Code Description r The number associated with the replay of the script. It is assigned serially in the order in which the script replay is started. rc The highest return code associated with that replay. User Response: Informational message. No user action necessary. 6-38 Hiperstation Messages and Codes TCPSRPL-0059W DISPATCH FAILURE REPLAY=r RETURN CODE=rc Explanation: The dispatching task could not start processing for replay number r. The task will try dispatching this task later. Code Description rc112 Resource shortage. Hiperstation will wait 90 seconds and retry. This condition is due to a shortage of available threads. The number of threads can be increased by increasing the value on the USS parameter MAXTHREADTASKS. rc132 Storage shortage. Hiperstation will wait 180 seconds and retry. After three attempts, Hiperstation will skip the replay. User Response: TCPSRPL-0060E REPLAY=r ERROR OPENING SCRIPT=ssssssss Explanation: Hiperstation could not access the script in CACHE. User Response: TCPSRPL-0069W Remove the CACHE parameter on the CONTROL statement and retry. REPLAY=r REXX FAILED TO INITIALIZE RETURN CODE=x Explanation: An invalid response was received from the REXX initialization. User Response: TCPSRPL-0070I Informational message. No user action necessary. Ensure that you are running with REGION=0M. REPLAY=r TERMINATING DUE TO ERROR ON THIS SCRIPT/SOCKET Explanation: The ERROR_ACTION control card requested that the script replay be stopped when an error occurred. User Response: Informational message. No user action necessary. TCPSRPL-0071I REPLAY=r TERMINATING DUE TO ERROR ON A SEPARATE SCRIPT/SOCKET/MQGROUP Explanation: An error occurred playing back one of the scripts. The ERROR_ACTION control card requested that due to the error, termination be propagated over all scripts played under each of the SOCKETS/MQGROUPs. User Response: TCPSRPL-0075I REPLAY=r PLAYING SCRIPT=ssssssss Explanation: Playback status information. User Response: TCPSRPL-0079E Informational message. No user action necessary. REPLAY=r INVALID STATUS - TERMINATING Explanation: An internal processing error occurred. User Response: TCPSRPL-0093W Informational message. No user action necessary. Contact Compuware Customer Support. REPLAY=r NO I-O ACTIVITY IN (stdwait) SECONDS. Explanation: This message is usually due to a non-responsive partner. Hiperstation will normally retry the request 3 times. STDWAIT defaults to 15 and can be specified using the STDWAIT on the CONTROL statement. User Response: TCPSRPL-0100W REPLAY=r RETRYING ATTACH - REASON=rsn. Explanation: Hiperstation will retry starting replay(r) multiple times. User Response: TCPSRPL-0101E Informational message. No user action necessary. Informational message. No user action necessary. REPLAY=r INVALID PTR FOUND IN COMPLETED I-O QUEUE AT: ADR Explanation: User Response: Severe error. Contact Compuware Customer Support. Hiperstation Messages: TCPAR through VTCSUTIL TCPSRPL-0102E - REASON=sss 6-39 REPLAY=r ERROR OCCURRED MERGING SCRIPT MESSAGES. SCRIPT RECORD=rid Explanation: The expected data buffer could not be built. Hiperstation will continue processing but the reporting information may be incomplete. User Response: TCPSRPL-0103W REPLAY=r CONNECTION=y SCRIPT RECORD=rid SKIPPED REASON: rsn Explanation: Processing of script record (rid) was bypassed for reason rsn. User Response: TCPSRPL-0113W Informational message. No user action necessary. Informational message. No user action necessary. REPLAY=r CONNECTION/OBJECT=i TIMEOUT OCCURRED Explanation: An input operation was requested on connection or object i. The standard wait period elapsed before the data on the connection or queue was available. TCPSRPL-0115E REPLAY=r CONNECTION=i NON ZERO SRB STATUS=st FOUND IN THE COMPLETED I-O QUEUE Explanation: An asynchronous I-O failed with an internal return code of st. The playback is terminated. This is most likely due to a storage shortage. User Response: playback. Increase the storage available via the REGION parameter and re-run the TCPSRPL-0115W REPLAY=r CONNECTION=cid NON ZERO SRB STATUS FOUND IN THE COMPLETED I-O QUEUE. Explanation: Services. TCPSRPL-00263I server playback Indicates that at least one I-O was not successfully processed by Unix System Ignoring Connection=<connection-number> for Replay=<replay-number> for Explanation: The script being played back and contains multiple connections. Either the first script is being played back or the connection specified by the ID parameter of the SOCKETS statement. System Action: None. TCPSRVR TCPSRVR -0257E Playback server initialization failed: <reason>. Explanation: An internal playback server occurred. The playback server failed to initiated for the specified reason. User Response: TCPSRVR -0258E Contact Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers Customer Support. Server playback unable to connect: <reason>. Explanation: An internal playback server occurred. The playback server failed to connect or disconnect for the specified reason. User Response: Contact Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers Customer Support. TCPSRVR -0259W Client (<ip-address>) attempted to connect to the server, but no matching entries were found Explanation: The playback server listener is still active and is expecting connections only from specific client addresses. The <ip-address> indicates which client tried to connect to the server. User Response: server. TCPSRVR -0260I There may be a need to determine who is trying to connect to the playback Playback server initializing for port <port-number> Explanation: Indicates that the playback server is attempting to bring up the playback server listener on port <port-number>. 6-40 Hiperstation Messages and Codes User Response: TCPSRVR -0261I Playback server successfully initialized on port <port-number> Explanation: Indicates that the playback server listener has been successfully started. User Response: started. TCPSRVR -0262E None. Client applications that the playback server will serve can now be safely Playback server connection timed out Explanation: The LISTENWAIT value specified on the CONTROL statement has been exceeded. The playback job is terminated. User Response: Specify a larger value for the LISTENWAIT parameter of the CONTROL statement or initiate client applications connections within the LISTENWAIT period specified. TCPSRVR -0267E Playback server is unable to establish a listener on port <port-number> Explanation: The playback server was unable to do a listen on the port specified on SERVER_PORT option of the CONTROL statement. The port is probably already in use. User Response: different port. Either try again later when the specified port becomes available or specify a TCPSRVR -0268E Playback server is unable to allocate the listening socket on port <portnumber> (<socket-descriptor>) Explanation: Creation of the listening socket for the server playback failed. User Response: Ensure that the userid submitting the job has adequate permission to create AF_INET sockets, that resources are available, or that the network is functioning properly. TCPSRVR -0269E Playback server failed to accept a connection on port <port-number>(<errno>) Explanation: While trying to accept a connection from a client, the accept failed on the listener port specified. User Response: Check <errno> in the IBM UNIX System Services Message and Codes manual to determine the cause of the failure. If you are not able to determine what caused the error, contact Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers Customer Support. TCPSSL TCPSSL-0082E REPLAY=r UNABLE TO PERFORM SSL HANDSHAKE WITH SERVER CONNECTION=y - STATUS=st Explanation: On an HTTPS connection Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers could not complete the SSL handshake processing with the server. Probable causes include: • The server certificate is from an unknown certificate authority. Correct this by importing the appropriated certificate from the server. • The key data base which Hiperstation for Mainframe Servers uses is not set up properly. • The SSLINFO DD statement, which contains the key data base name, and password is not playback JCL. User Response: Correct server certificate by importing the appropriate certificate from the server. For information on status (st), refer to the OS/390 System SSL Programing Guide and Reference. VPCI VPCI204 MEMBER NOT FOUND Explanation: User Response: The member name you specified was not found. Check the spelling, and make sure the member exists. Hiperstation Messages: TCPAR through VTCSUTIL VPCI233 PDS AND/OR MEMBER DOES NOT EXIST Explanation: User Response: VPCI241 User Response: Check the spelling, and make sure the PDS and member exists. The redirect file you specified is in use. Wait for the user/job to finish and try again. LOG MEMBERNAME EXISTS, REPLACE=NO Explanation: User Response: VPCI342 The PDS and/or member name you specified was not found. THAT REDIRECT FILE IS CURRENTLY IN USE Explanation: VPCI341 6-41 The member name you specified already exists, but you have REPLACE=NO. Either specify REPLACE=YES, or use a different member name. MEMBERNAME INVALID IN OTHER DSN FIELD Explanation: User Response: You have specified a member name in the OTHER DSN field, which is invalid. Specify a sequential DSN. VPES VPES000 PLEASE ENTER A VALID DATASET NAME Explanation: User Response: VPES001 User Response: The dataset name you specified was not found. Make sure the spelling is correct and the dataset exists. DATASET IS NOT A PDS DATASET Explanation: User Response: VPES003 Enter a valid DSN to continue. DATASET NAME NOT FOUND Explanation: VPES002 You have not specified a valid DSN. The dataset you specified is not a PDS. Specify a PDS and retry. PLEASE ENTER A VALID PDS MEMBER NAME Explanation: User Response: You have not entered a valid PDS member name. Specify a member name that exists and is spelled correctly. VPES004 CONTROL MEMBER NOT FOUND; PLEASE MAKE ANY CHANGES AND PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE Explanation: User Response: The control member you specified was not found. Check the spelling and make sure the member exists. VPES005 CONTROL FILE NOT FOUND - CONTROL DATA WILL NOT BE SAVED. PLEASE MAKE ANY CHANGES AND PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE Explanation: User Response: The control file you specified was not found. Check the spelling and make sure the file exists. VPES006 ENTER NEW OUTPUT SCRIPT DATASET NAME. INPUT AND OUTPUT SCRIPT DATASET NAME MUST BE DIFFERENT Explanation: User Response: VPES007 You need to specify a valid output script DSN. Specify a valid DSN that is different from the input DSN. NO SCRIPT MEMBERS SELECTED Explanation: User Response: You have not selected any script members. Select one or more script members to continue. 6-42 Hiperstation Messages and Codes VPES008 LINE COMMANDS ARE: S(SELECT) OR R(RENAME) Explanation: User Response: VPES010 User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: User Response: Use INPUT, OUTPUT, or BOTH. The requested item could not be found. Make sure the spelling is correct and that the item exists. You need to enter a valid currency name. Make sure the name contains 1 to 3 characters. You need to enter a valid currency symbol. Make sure the symbol contains 1 to 3 characters. A valid value is required. Use a P for Prefix or an S for Suffix. A valid value of decimal positions is required. Use a number from 0 to 10. PLEASE ENTER A VALID ROW (1-43) OR COLUMN (1-132) Explanation: User Response: VPES028 The message type you specified is invalid at this time. PLEASE ENTER THE NUMBER OF DECIMAL POSITIONS (0-10) Explanation: VPES027 Use 3270 or ALL for all scripts. PLEASE ENTER A "P"(PREFIX POSITION) OR A "S"(SUFFIX POSITION) Explanation: VPES024 The script type you specified is invalid. PLEASE ENTER A VALID CURRENCY SYMBOL; 1 TO 3 CHARACTERS Explanation: VPES022 Use ADD. PLEASE ENTER A VALID CURRENCY NAME; 1 TO 3 CHARACTERS Explanation: VPES021 The command you specified is invalid at this time. REQUESTED ITEM NOT FOUND Explanation: VPES020 Use ADD or CURRENCY. INVALID MESSAGE TYPE ENTERED. VALID MESSAGE TYPES ARE: INPUT, OUTPUT, OR Explanation: VPES018 The command you specified is invalid at this time. INVALID SCRIPT TYPE ENTERED. VALID SCRIPT TYPES ARE: 3270 OR ALL FOR ALL Explanation: VPES016 BOTH Enter a new member name that does not already exist. INVALID COMMAND ENTERED. VALID COMMANDS ARE: ADD Explanation: VPES015 SCRIPTS The member you specified already exists. INVALID COMMAND ENTERED. VALID COMMANDS ARE: ADD OR CURRENCY Explanation: VPES014 Enter S to Select or R to rename. DUPLICATE MEMBER NAME FOUND - PLEASE ENTER A VALID PDS MEMBER NAME. Explanation: VPES013 The line command you entered is invalid. Valid row and column values are required. Use 1 to 43 for row and 1 to 132 for column numbers. PLEASE ENTER A VALID (ROW/COLUMN) Explanation: User Response: Valid row and column values are required. Enter valid row and column numbers. Hiperstation Messages: TCPAR through VTCSUTIL VPES030 PLEASE ENTER A VALID CURRENCY NAME TO PERFORM THE ACTION AGAINST Explanation: User Response: VPES033 User Response: User Response: The dataset you specified is currently in use. Try again when the user/job is finished. The dataset you specified is currently in use. Try again when the user/job is finished. DSN(&EUROCDSN) NOT ALLOCATED: DATASET IS IN-USE BY ANOTHER USER Explanation: User Response: VPES041 Enter a valid currency name. DSN(&EUROODSN) NOT ALLOCATED: DATASET IS IN-USE BY ANOTHER USER Explanation: VPES040 A valid currency name is required to perform the action against. DSN(&EUROIDSN) NOT ALLOCATED: DATASET IS IN-USE BY ANOTHER USER Explanation: VPES034 6-43 The dataset you specified is currently in use. Try again when the user/job is finished. DSN(&EUROMDSN) NOT ALLOCATED: DATASET IS IN-USE BY ANOTHER USER Explanation: User Response: The dataset you specified is currently in use. Try again when the user/job is finished. VPES044 INVALID REPORT DATASET SPECIFIED. THE DATASET MUST BE DSORG=PS, RECFM=VBA, LRECL=133 Explanation: User Response: VPES049 The report dataset you specified is invalid. Make sure the dataset has DSORG=PS, RECFM=VBA, and LRECL=133. PLEASE ENTER A VALID HEX OFFSET. THE VALID RANGE IS 1 TO 8000.+ Explanation: User Response: A hex offset is required. Use a number from 1 to 8000. VPES050 THE CONTROL DATASET IS INVALID. THE DATASET MUST HAVE A MINIMUM LRECL=80 FOR A RECFM=F DATASET OR A MINIMUM LRECL=84 FOR A RECFM=V DATASET Explanation: The control dataset you specified is invalid. User Response: Use a dataset with at least LRECL=80 for RECFM=F and at least LRECL=84 for RECFM=V. VPES051 THE CURRENCY DATASET IS INVALID. THE DATASET MUST HAVE A MINIMUM LRECL=80 FOR A RECFM=F DATASET OR A MINIMUM LRECL=84 FOR A RECFM=V DATASET Explanation: The currency dataset you specified is invalid. User Response: Use a dataset with at least LRECL=80 for RECFM=F and at least LRECL=84 for RECFM=V. VPES052 VALID SPACE UNITS ARE: BLKS (BLOCKS), TRKS (TRACKS), CYLS (CYLINDERS), KB (KILOBYTES), MB (MEGABYTES), OR BYTES Explanation: User Response: VPES055 Use BLKS, TRKS, CYLS, KB, MB, or BYTES. INVALID COMMAND ENTERED. VALID COMMANDS ARE: LOCATE, TOP, OR BOTTOM Explanation: User Response: VPES059 The space units you specified are invalid. The command you specified is invalid. Use LOCATE, TOP, or BOTTOM. THE &EALCFTYP FILE MUST BE ALLOCATED AS A PDS OR PDSE FILE Explanation: User Response: The file cannot be allocated as specified. Make sure the file is allocated as a PDS or PDSE file. 6-44 Hiperstation Messages and Codes VPES060 THE RECORD FORMAT MUST BE "FB" OR "VB" Explanation: The record format is invalid. User Response: VPES066 &SPI2MNME ALREADY EXISTS; PLEASE USE R(RENAME) WITH NEW MEMBER NAME. Explanation: The member you specified already exists. User Response: VPES067 Use FB or VB. Enter a member name that does not already exist. NEW NAME MUST BE PROVIDED WITH R(RENAME). Explanation: A new member name was not provided with the rename line-command. User Response: Enter a name for the new member. VTCSINTF VTCSINTF-0015W handle Cannot write create script for LU:luname without a valid Hiperspace file Explanation: Internal error. User Response: VTCSINTF-0016E Error rewinding hiperspace file n for LU:luname, rc = x Explanation: Internal error. User Response: VTCSINTF-0017E Contact Compuware Customer Support. Contact Compuware Customer Support. Error closing hiperspace file n for LU:luname rc = x Explanation: Internal error. User Response: Contact Compuware Customer Support. VTCSMAIN VTCSMAIN-0001E Dynalloc of Request file failed, DSN: dataset name code=x, info code=y Explanation: Dynamic allocation for the global record request file (dataset name) failed. Refer to IBM publications for dynamic allocate return and info codes. VTCSMAIN-0002I Dynalloc of repository file failed, DSN: dataset name code=x, info code=y Explanation: Dynamic allocation for the repository file (dataset name) failed. Refer to IBM publications for dynamic allocate return and info codes. VTCSMAIN-0003E Open of repository file failed, DSN: dataset name code=x Explanation: Open of the repository file (dataset name) failed. Refer to IBM publications for dynamic allocate return code. VTCSMAIN-0006E Error allocating Hiperspace file rc = x Explanation: Internal error. User Response: VTCSMAIN-0007W Error writing to the Hiperspace file rc = x Explanation: Internal error. User Response: VTCSMAIN-008E Explanation: Contact Compuware Customer Support. Contact Compuware Customer Support. Unable to allocate storage for control block, cannot continue. A request to allocate storage failed. Hiperstation Messages: TCPAR through VTCSUTIL 6-45 User Response: Increase region size and rerun the script create request. If problem persists, contact Compuware Customer Support. VTCSMAIN-0013I No start of session found for LU:luname Explanation: Indicates no start of session record was found for LU luname in the input repository. Script is created with data available. User Response: For multi-segment repositories, ensure all segments are processed in the script create request. If “Re-use repositories” was selected at record time, the beginning of the session may have been overwritten. VTCSMAIN-0014I No end of session found for LU:luname Explanation: Indicates no end of session record was found for LU luname in the input repository. Script is created with data available. User Response: For multi-segment repositories, ensure all segments are processed in the script create request. VTCSMAIN-0030I Script dataset: dataset name Explanation: Indicates the script dataset (dataset name) specified in the global record request record specified for this script create request. VTCSMAIN-0031I Conversation log dataset: dataset name Explanation: Indicates the conversation log dataset (dataset name) specified in the global record request record specified this script create request. VTCSMAIN-0032I Combined Detail dataset: dataset name Explanation: Indicates the combined detail dataset (dataset name) specified in the global record request record specified this script create request. VTCSMAIN-0033I Inbound Detail dataset: dataset name Explanation: Indicates the inbound detail dataset (dataset name) specified in the global record request record specified this script create request. VTCSMAIN-0034I Outbound Detail dataset: dataset name Explanation: Indicates the outbound detail dataset (dataset name) specified in the global record request record specified this script create request. VTCSMAIN-0035E Explanation: User Response: VTCSMAIN-0036I Explanation: sessions. VTCSMAIN-0037I Explanation: Script Creation failed Script create did not complete. Look for other messages to determine reason. Script creation finished, n sessions processed The script creation request finished processing. The request processed n No script dataset specified, cannot create scripts. No script dataset was specified in the global record request record. User Response: Update the script create criteria in the global record request record and reexecute script create. VTCSMAIN-0038E Unable to write script member, script create terminating. Explanation: An error was encountered while writing a script member to the script PDS. Processing is discontinued. User Response: create request. VTCSMAIN-0041E REASON: <reason> Explanation: Check other messages for reasons. Make corrections and re-run the script SCRIPT CREATE FAILED FOR LU=<luname> APPL=<applid> USERID=<userid> The script create job failed for the reason specified. Possible reasons are: 6-46 Hiperstation Messages and Codes • • • • • • • • • • • STOW macro failure No directory space x37 abend Enqueue failure Replace Members=no, and no unique members No records recorded 913 security abend Unknown DCB abend exit abend Datastream error Could not allocate script dataset Bad script characteristics. VTCSMAIN-0042E INITIAL REPOSITORY FAILED TO OPEN >> JOB <jobname> (<jobnumber>) Explanation: The script create job was unable to open the repository (the first repository if segmented). The repository file may be allocated to another job. User Response: Create the script at a later time using Review Repository. VTCSMAIN-0043I FOR MORE INFORMATION SEE JOB >> JOB <jobname> (<jobnumber>) Explanation: An error occurred during script create that has already appeared on-screen. This message allows the user to refer to the actual script create job that failed. User Response: View the specified job to diagnose the problem. VTCSREAD VTCSREAD-0009E While attempting to read file n for LU: luname the Hiperspace File Management array was fount not to be initialized Explanation: User Response: VTCSREAD-0010E Explanation: User Response: VTCSREAD-0011E Explanation: User Response: VTCSREAD-0012E Explanation: User Response: Internal error. Contact Compuware Customer Support. Invalid file handle for Hiperspace File n for LU: luname Internal error. Contact Compuware Customer Support. Hiperspace File n for LU:luname is marked as not in use Internal error. Contact Compuware Customer Support. Hiperspace file n for LU: luname is not opened Internal error. Contact Compuware Customer Support. VTCSSRCH VTCSSRCH-0070W Explanation: User Response: VTCSSRCH-0071E Explanation: User Response: VTCSSRCH-0072E Explanation: No data found for specified Date/Time range The archive has no data within the time range specified. Correct the time range and try again. Error processing repository segment, no VSBE found A control block in the archive cannot be found. Call Hiperstation for VTAM Customer Support. Dynalloc of Registry file failed, DSN: xxx -code=xxx, info code=xxx A registry file could not be allocated. Hiperstation Messages: TCPAR through VTCSUTIL User Response: VTCSSRCH-0073E Explanation: User Response: VTCSSRCH-0074E Explanation: User Response: VTCSSRCH-0075E Explanation: User Response: VTCSSRCH-0076E Explanation: User Response: VTCSSRCH-0077E Explanation: User Response: VTCSSRCH-0078E Explanation: User Response: VTCSSRCH-0079E Explanation: User Response: VTCSSRCH-0080E Explanation: User Response: VTCSSRCH-0081E Explanation: User Response: VTCSSRCH-0082E Explanation: User Response: VTCSSRCH-0088I terminals. 6-47 Check security permissions and disk space and retry. Invalid repository set specification: xxx, must end with .#* The archive set does not adhere to naming standards. Correct and retry. Unable to create message log member The log member could not be allocated. Check security permissions and disk space and retry. Error reading from xxx hiperspace, rc=xxx The hiperspace file could not be accessed. Call Hiperstation for VTAM Customer Support. Unable to open xxx dataset The specified dataset could not be accessed. Check security permissions and disk space and retry. Locate within Registry failed, rc=xxx (type=xxx) The time range within the registry could not be located. Call Hiperstation for VTAM Customer Support. Error reading from xxx dataset, rc=xxx The specified dataset could not be accessed. Check security permissions and retry. Error reading from xxx dataset, unexpected End-of-File The specified dataset appears to be incomplete. Call Hiperstation for VTAM Customer Support. Global Record Request Record (Filtering) not found The filter information could not be located within the request. Call Hiperstation for VTAM Customer Support. Error removing temp dataset xxx Temporary file cleanup could not be completed. Check security permissions and retry. Error creating pathname xxx, rc=xxx Error text: <errno_explanation by peror() function> The specified pathname could not be accessed. Check security permissions and disk space and retry. Parm SSKIPLU0 indicates to not attempt formatted search on LU type 0 Explanation: Informs user that no attempt will be made to format and search any LU type 0 sessions found in the archive within the search timeframe. This behavior is controlled by installation parameter SSKIPLU0. User Response: VTCSSRCH-0089I None. Session for LU type 0 terminal(aaaaaaaa) not searched. Explanation: Informs user that an LU type 0 sessions was found within the archive, but no attempt was made to format and search that sessions data. User Response: None. 6-48 Hiperstation Messages and Codes VTCSSRCH-0090E Error on attempted write to file xxx Explanation: There was an error writing the indicated file to HFS. This message can indicate a full HFS volume or a security violation. This message will be accompanied by a VTCSSRCH0091I message, which contains the complete path of the file that failed. User Response: Determine the cause of the error on the HFS file. If the search is generating a large number of hits, search criteria may need to revised. VTCSSRCH-0091I /xxx/ ... /xxx Explanation: This message appears along with a VTCSSRCH-0090E or VTCSSRCH-0095E error message and provides the complete path to the file associated with these error messages. User Response: VTCSSRCH-0092E Explanation: Informational message, see associated error message for more details. Unable to rename xxx to xxx An attempt to rename an HFS file failed. User Response: Verify that the HFS volume is not full and the user attempting to rename the related file has the proper authority. VTCSSRCH-0093E Explanation: Unable to restore xxx from xxx An attempt to restore index.xml was unsuccessful. User Response: The related archive search index.xml file may be empty, missing, or corrupted. Determine the cause of the error on the HFS file and restore index.xml from index.back. VTCSSRCH-0094I Successfully restored xxx from xxx Explanation: An error occurred while working with the index.xml, file but it was successfully restored from the backup. User Response: VTCSSRCH-0095E None. Recovery was successful. Error on attempted creation of file xxx Explanation: An attempt to allocate an HFS file failed. This message will be accompanied by a VTCSSRCH-0091I message, which contains the complete path of the file that failed. User Response: Determine the cause of the error on the HFS file. If the search is generating a large number of hits, search criteria may need to revised. VTCSSRCH-0096E Error writing one or more files related to the report Explanation: The archive search was unable to write one or more files related to the search. The search has been terminated. User Response: VTCSSRCH-0097I Check previous error messages for additional details. Removing directory: xxx Explanation: An HFS error occurred while creating the report, and the report was in an incomplete state. The incomplete report was removed. User Response: VTCSSRCH-0100S port> Explanation: Check previous error messages for additional details. Cannot connect to SIEM tool at address=<siem-ip-address> and port=<siemHiperstation cannot connect to the SIEM tool. User Response: Ensure that the IP address and port are accurate and that the SIEM tool is able to accept TCP connections. VTCSSRCH-0101S Unable to send data to SMF because records of SMF type <smf-recordnumber> and subtype <smf-record-number-subtype> are not being captured. Explanation: Hiperstation is unable to write SMF records with data for SIEM tool. User Response: Ensure that the correct SMF record number was specified or that SMF is configured to write SMF records of the record number specified. Also, the Hiperstation load library needs to be APF authorized. Hiperstation Messages: TCPAR through VTCSUTIL 6-49 VTCSSRCH-0102I <hiperstation-data-type> data will be written to SMF type <smf-recordnumber> and subtype <smf-record-number-subtype> records. Explanation: Hiperstation is writing SMF records with SIEM data of the specified SMF record number and subtype. User Response: None. VTCSSRCH-0103I <hiperstation-data-type> data will be sent to address=<siem-ip-address> and port=<siem-port>. Explanation: User Response: VTCSSRCH-0104S Reason: <reason> Explanation: Hiperstation is writing records to the SIEM tool. None. Unable to write <hiperstation-data-type> data to dataset <siem-dataset>. Hiperstation is unable to write SIEM data for the reason specified. User Response: Based on the reason specified, make the appropriate correction to the dataset. VTCSSRCH-0105I Explanation: User Response: VTCSSRCH-0106S Explanation: User Response: Writing <hiperstation-data-type> data to dataset <siem-dataset>. Hiperstation is writing SIEM data to the specified dataset. None. Cannot write SMF records. Reason: <reason> Hiperstation is unable to an write SMF record. Based on the reason, make the appropriate correction. VTCSSRCH-0107S Unable to write <siem-destination> record. Return Code: <return-code> Reason Code: <reason-code>. Explanation: Hiperstation was unable write the SIEM data. User Response: Consult IBM’s UNIX System Services Messages and Codes for an explanation of the return code and reason code. Make the appropriate corrections based on those values. VTCSSRCH-0108E Explanation: User Response: Connection to SIEM tool failed. Error Code: <return-code> Hiperstation failed to connect to the SIEM tool. Based on the reason specified, correct the issue. VTCSSRCH-0109S Invalid value of <value> for SIEM Destination specified. Valid values are 1 (TCP), 2 (SMF), or 3 (dataset). Explanation: User Response: VTCSSRCH-0110S Explanation: User Response: VTCSSRCH-0111I SMF records An invalid value was specified for the Hiperstation parameter. In Hiperstation customization, correct the value. Value of [<value>] is invalid for ETRMGPAR parameter <etrmgpar-parameter> An invalid value was specified for the Hiperstation parameter. In Hiperstation customization, correct the value. Writing Type <smf-record-number> subtype <smf-record-number-subtype> Explanation: Hiperstation is writing SMF records with SIEM data of the specified SMF record number and subtype. User Response: VTCSSRCH-0112E Explanation: User Response: VTCSSRCH-0113E Explanation: None. An error occurred write to TCP socket. Reason: <reason> Hiperstation failed to write to the TCP socket to connect to the SIEM tool. Based on the reason specified, correct the issue. An error occurred trying to create TCP socket Reason: <reason> Hiperstation failed to create the TCP socket to connect to the SIEM tool. 6-50 Hiperstation Messages and Codes User Response: VTCSSRCH-0114W Based on the reason specified, correct the issue. Failed to load SIEM exit program <siem-exit-program>. Explanation: The exit program specified during Hiperstation customization was not found. The SIEM data will still be sent to the SIEM tool with Hiperstation’s default information. User Response: Ensure the program name specified in Hiperstation customization is correct and that the program was link-edited into the Hiperstation load library. VTCSSRCH-0115I Exit program <siem-exit-program> has been loaded. Explanation: loaded. The exit program specified during Hiperstation customization was found and User Response: None. VTCSSRCH-0116E The XML returned by exit program <siem-exit-program> failed XML verification Return Code: <return-code> Reason Code: <reason-code> Returned XML: <xml> Explanation: The XML returned by the user exit program is invalid XML. Hiperstation will not send the data to the SIEM tool. User Response: Consult IBM’s XML System Services User’s Guide and Reference manual for an explanation of the return code and reason code. Make the appropriate corrections to the specified user exit. VTCSUTIL VTCSUTIL-0018E Request record type = "a" is not a VTAM type. Cannot create VTAM scripts Explanation: Global record request record specified is not for 3270 or APPC activity. User Response: VTCSUTIL-0019I Allocated repository file dataset name Explanation: VTCSUTIL-0020I Contact Compuware Customer Support. Indicates name of dataset opened for repository. Starting pass # n through repository Explanation: Indicates current number of passes through the repository. Multiple passes may be needed to process large numbers of sessions. To reduce or eliminate excess passes in Script Create or Audit Search, review the MXHIPRFL parameter in the Hiperstation Installation and Configuration Guide. VTCSUTIL-0022E Global record request record not found Explanation: The Global record request record specified for script creation was not found on the global record request file. User Response: VTCSUTIL-0023E Unable to open global record request file DSN = dataset name Explanation: The script creation task could not open the Global record request file. User Response: VTCSUTIL-0024E Ensure the script creation task is using the correct global record request file. Ensure the script creation task is using the correct global record request file. Dynalloc failed with error code = x, info code = y, DSN: dataset name Explanation: Dynamic allocation for (dataset name) failed. Refer to IBM publications for dynamic allocate return and info codes. VTCSUTIL-0025I Deallocate failed with error code = x, info code = y DSN: dataset name Explanation: User Response: codes. Deallocation for the specified dataset (DSN) failed. Refer to IBM publications for dynamic deallocate return and information
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