ironhead xl - GUTSCHROME
ironhead xl - GUTSCHROME
ironhead xl seAts & sissY bArs For complete protection, improved performance and continued long-life, Drag Specialties’ full line of lubricants is unmatched. Our special additives provide increased wear resistance and power gains for classic engines, transmissions and drivelines. See the GENERAL SECTION for a complete selection. heaVY-dUTY ConneCTinG rod SeTS •Heavy-duty replacements, perfect for stock motors •Meet or exceed OEM specifications •Come completely fitted and ready to install •Complete set includes a two-hole crankpin, aluminum retainers, bearings, nuts and forged heat-treated steel rods PART # DS-194663 DS-194665 DS-194028 NOTE: Installation of rod sets may require additional clearancing of flywheels and cases. DESCRIPTION For L81-85 XL (.791” wrist pin) For 57-E81 XL (.791” wrist pin) CArburetors & Air filters engine DESCRIPTION For L81-85 XL; repl. OEM #24275-80A For 57-E81 XL; repl. OEM #24275-57 SUG. RETAIL $334.95 334.95 trAnsmission & DriVeline •High-quality, heavy-duty rod sets come complete and ready to install •Set includes front and rear rods, crankpin and nuts, steel cages and roller bearings •Rods are deep-forged and heat-treated, .120” wider than stock in the I-beam section and feature rod-to-rod clearance to accommodate strokes up to and including 5” •Crankpin has two oil holes and four slots ground on each side of the throw ends to help maintain the oil film on thrust faces PART # DS-194654 DS-194028 eXhAust rod SeTS gAskets & seAls WriST Pin BUShinGS •Machined from solid bronze bar stock •Hold concentricity to less than .0002” •Lead-in edge for easy installation •Sold in pairs PART # DS-198825 DESCRIPTION For 54-85 XL; repl. OEM #24331-36 SUG. RETAIL $32.95 eleCtriCAl & lighting hAnDlebArs, Controls & mirrors SUG. RETAIL $449.95 421.95 CAbles CranKPin nUT/ loCK KiT WriST Pin BUShinGS •Constructed of SAE660 bearing bronze •Made to exact tolerances and will meet or exceed 0922-0104 fitment and wearability DESCRIPTION of all other replacement PART # 0922-0104 For 84-85 XL std.; bushings available repl. OEM #24334-36 •Sold each 0922-0105 For 84-85 XL +.002” •Made in the U.S.A. brAkes •Includes nuts, locks and screws SUG. RETAIL PART # DS-194013 DESCRIPTION For 57-E81 XL; repl. OEM #23967-79 SUG. RETAIL $26.95 oil tAnks, filters & gAs tAnks $8.95 8.95 DAshes & gAuges DS-194006 0921-0163 •Quality replacements that equal or exceed OEM specifications •Sold individually •Made in the U.S.A. PART # DS-194006 DS-194002 ChAssis, suspension, fenDers & wheels CranKPin aSSeMBlieS CranKPinS •Include crankpin, nuts and key •Made in the U.S.A. DS-194002 DESCRIPTION For L81-85 XL; repl. OEM #23960-80A (three-hole) For 54-E81 XL; repl. OEM #23960-54 SUG. RETAIL $84.95 73.95 PART # DESCRIPTION SUG. RETAIL CRANKPIN ASSEMBLIES 0921-0164 0921-0163 For L81-85 XL For 57-E81 XL $114.95 114.95 floorboArDs & pegs hArDwAre CranKPin nUTS DS-198831 •CNC-machined to within .002” tolerance •Nuts have 1”-20 threads •Sold in pairs PART # DS-198831 DS-198832 DESCRIPTION For L81-85 XL; repl. OEM #23901-81 For 54-E81 XL; repl. OEM #23967-54A SUG. RETAIL $42.95 38.95 rod BearinG reTainerS •Replacement roller-type for Harley connecting rods •Quality equal to OEM •Sold in sets of three PART # DS-194017 DESCRIPTION SUG. RETAIL For 52-85 K, XL; repl. OEM #s 24362-54A, 24364-54A $27.95 All pArt numbers in blue Are new for 2014. generAl 557 ironhead xl seAts & sissY bArs eXhAust CArburetors & Air filters engine ConneCTinG rod roller SeTS ConneCTinG rod raCeS •Includes short and long rollers •Sold in sets •Made in the U.S.A. •Set of three •Made in the U.S.A. PART # 0923-0270 DESCRIPTION For 57-85 XL; repl. OEM #24352-52A, 24341-52A SUG. RETAIL $31.95 •Replacement-type made from top-quality bronze and designed to meet or exceed OEM specifications •Sold in pairs DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION SUG. RETAIL FOR 54-85 XL 0924-0201 0924-0202 0924-0203 0924-0204 0924-0205 0924-0206 0924-0207 0924-0208 FlYWheel ThrUST WaSherS PART # PART # Std.; repl. OEM #9441A, 9150A +.0002”; repl. OEM #9442A, 9151A +.0004”; repl. OEM #9443A, 9152A +.0006”; repl. OEM #9444A, 9156A +.0008”; repl. OEM #9445A, 9158A +.001”; repl. OEM #9446A, 9160A +.002”; repl. OEM #9417, 9418 +.003” $13.95 13.95 13.95 13.95 13.95 13.95 13.95 13.95 SUG. RETAIL FOR L79-85 XL DS-194043 Std.; repl. OEM #6506 +.005”; repl. OEM #6506A trAnsmission 0922-0110 & DriVeline gAskets & seAls $15.95 17.95 Pinion ShaFT BearinG PART # 0921-0171 •All assemblies include shaft, nut and keys •Made in the U.S.A. •OEM replacement •Sold each •Made in the U.S.A. eleCtriCAl 0924-0217 & lighting Pinion ShaFT aSSeMBlieS PART # DESCRIPTION SUG. RETAIL DESCRIPTION For XL 77-84; repl. OEM #24648-77 SUG. RETAIL $79.95 0921-0171 For L81-85 XL PART # DESCRIPTION SUG. RETAIL PINION SHAFT ASSEMBLIES (CONT) PINION SHAFT ASSEMBLIES $176.95 0921-0169 For 57-76 XL $201.95 Pinion ShaFT roller BearinG reTainer hAnDlebArs, •Sold each Controls & •Made in the U.S.A. mirrors PART # DESCRIPTION 0950-0344 For 54-76 XL; repl. OEM #24718-54 SUG. RETAIL $41.95 DS-194139 MoTor SProCKeT ShaFTS CAbles brAkes oil tAnks, filters & gAs tAnks DAshes & gAuges PART # DS-194139 DS-198834 •Includes short and long rollers •Sold in sets PART # DESCRIPTION SUG. RETAIL FOR 57-76 XL RIGHT SIDE (13-PK) 0924-0187 0924-0188 0924-0189 0924-0190 0924-0191 0924-0192 Std., repl. OEM #9421 +.0002, repl. OEM #9422 +.0004, repl. OEM #9423 +.0006, repl. OEM #9424 +.0008, repl. OEM #9425 +.001, repl. OEM #9426 $11.95 11.95 11.95 11.95 11.95 11.95 Gear ShaFT BearinG ChAssis, suspension, rollerS and fenDers reTainerS & wheels •Sold as a complete floorboArDs & pegs hArDwAre DESCRIPTION For 57-76 XL; repl. OEM #24650-55 558 CranKCaSe Main BearinGS •High-quality original Timken bearing assemblies •Made in the U.S.A. PART # 0924-0270 0924-0110 0924-0270 DESCRIPTION For 77-85 XL models; repl. OEM #24729-74 For 54-76 XL and KH models; repl. OEM #24729-52 (set) 0924-0110 SUG. RETAIL $72.95 93.95 SUG. RETAIL $39.95 PART # DESCRIPTION 0950-0334 For 57-76 XL; repl. OEM #24585-57 SUG. RETAIL $87.95 0921-0143 WoodrUFF KeYS •All meet or exceed OEM specifications •Sold in 10-pk. •Available in standard •Sold each •Made in the U.S.A. PART # DS-194236 SUG. RETAIL $92.95 92.95 •Standard size •Sold each •Made in the U.S.A. riGhT-Side CranKCaSe BearinG raCe generAl DESCRIPTION For L81-85 XL; repl. OEM #24000-80 For 77-E81 XL; repl. OEM #24000-75 riGhT Side CranKCaSe BUShinG assembly with 13 rollers and bearing retainer in standard size •Includes retainer (OEM #24718-54) and rollers (OEM #9421) •Made in the U.S.A. PART # 0950-0333 DS-198834 •Made in the U.S.A. CranKCaSe roller BearinGS DESCRIPTION Standard for 54-76 XL and K models; repl. OEM #24585-57 SUG. RETAIL $100.95 PART # 0921-0143 0925-0287 DESCRIPTION Crankpin key for 81-85 XL; repl. OEM #11218 Rear intake cam gear key for 80-85 XL; repl. OEM #11204 All pArt numbers in blue Are new for 2014. 0925-0287 SUG. RETAIL $.75 (ea.) 1.95 (ea.) ironhead xl seAts & sissY bArs hiGh-PerForManCe PiSTonS •Forged from a high‑silicone aluminum alloy to deliver long life and consistent dimensions •Wiseco’s high‑tech manufacturing ensures greater operating strength and lower expansion at high temperatures •Sold in kits that include two pistons, rings, piston pins and circlips •Include forged pistons with coated skirts, rings, retainer clips and chrome piston pins •Piston kits are available with Hastings‑style X‑Ring package (.062 top ring, .062 compression ring and .158 oil ring) NOTE: Replacement rings include rings for one piston only. PISTON KIT DESCRIPTION REPL. RINGS REPL. WRIST PIN (EA.) REPL. CIRCLIP (PR.) Std. .010” .020” .030” .040” K1600 K1601 K1602 K1603 K1604 3188X 3198X 3208X 3218X ‑ S‑521 S‑521 S‑521 S‑521 S‑521 •Pistons come complete with wrist pins and keepers (sold in pairs) •Available in various compression ratios •Rings are not included (suggest using Hastings rings) SUG. DESCRIPTION RETAIL 1000CC HIGH COMPRESSION FOR 72‑85 XL (9:1 RATIO, 3.1875” BORE) DS‑750750 DS‑750751 DS‑750752 DS‑750753 DS‑750754 DS‑750755 DS‑750756 Std. .010 .020 .030 .040 .050 .060 $58.95 58.95 58.95 58.95 58.95 58.95 58.95 1000CC LOW COMPRESSION FOR 72‑85 XL (8:1 RATIO, 3.1875” BORE) DS‑750761 DS‑750762 DS‑750763 .010 .020 .030 58.95 58.95 58.95 PART # DESCRIPTION SUG. RETAIL 1000CC LOW COMPRESSION FOR 72‑85 XL (8:1 RATIO, 3.1875” BORE) (CONT) DS‑750764 .040 $58.95 900CC FOR 57‑71 XL (9:1 RATIO, 3” BORE) DS‑750772 DS‑750773 DS‑750774 DS‑750775 DS‑750776 DS‑750778 .010 .020 .030 .040 .050 .070 58.95 58.95 58.95 58.95 58.95 58.95 SUG. RETAIL CAST SUG. RETAIL FOR 72‑E85 1000CC XL DS‑750810 DS‑750811 DS‑750812 DS‑750813 DS‑750814 DS‑750815 DS‑750816 DS‑750817 $44.95 44.95 44.95 44.95 44.95 44.95 44.95 44.95 DS‑750610 DS‑750611 DS‑750612 DS‑750613 DS‑750614 DS‑750615 DS‑750616 DS‑750617 $40.95 40.95 40.95 40.95 40.95 40.95 40.95 40.95 61.95 61.95 61.95 61.95 61.95 61.95 61.95 61.95 DS‑750645 DS‑750646 DS‑750647 DS‑750648 DS‑750649 DS‑750650 DS‑750651 DS‑750652 44.95 44.95 44.95 44.95 44.95 44.95 44.95 44.95 FOR 57‑71 900CC XL Standard +.010 +.020 +.030 +.040 +.050 +.060 +.070 DS‑750800 DS‑750801 DS‑750802 DS‑750803 DS‑750804 DS‑750805 DS‑750806 DS‑750807 SUG. RETAIL REPLACEMENT WRIST PINS $33.95 33.95 33.95 33.95 S‑521 engine $18.95 REPLACEMENT CIRCLIPS CW20 2.95 NOTE: KB pistons can be installed tighter than other pistons. This results in less piston rock and better ring seal. Please read instructions included with piston for correct piston clearance. NOTE: Due to the thermal conductivity and design of KB pistons, special attention is required to the top ring end gap. Please read instructions furnished with piston for correct ring installation. 8.2:1 COMP. PISTON PART # REPL. RINGS # BORE 8.2:1 COMP. PISTON PART # FOR 72‑85 1000 XL FOR 72‑85 1000 XL (CONT) DS‑750810 DS‑750811 DS‑750812 +.030 +.040 +.050 PART # PART # SUG. RETAIL DS‑751220 DS‑751221 DS‑751222 SUG. RETAIL REPLACEMENT RINGS DS‑751218 DS‑751219 DS‑751220 DS‑751221 DS‑751222 $231.95 231.95 231.95 231.95 231.95 DS‑750810 DS‑750811 DS‑750812 DS‑750813 DS‑750814 $44.95 44.95 44.95 44.95 44.95 eleCtriCAl & lighting hAnDlebArs, Controls & mirrors CAbles brAkes oil tAnks, filters & gAs tAnks REPL. RINGS # Std. (3.188”) ‑ +.010 DS‑751218 +.020 DS‑751219 PISTONS trAnsmission & DriVeline gAskets & seAls •Manufactured from high‑strength, T‑5, heat‑treated, 390 hypereutectic aluminum alloy •Allow a tighter fit and longer piston and ring life •Diamond‑machined pistons are held to plus or minus one gram weight and less than one‑half‑ thousandth‑inch (.0005”) tolerances from piston to piston •Each kit contains two pistons, pins, spiral‑lock pin clips and Hastings moly rings •Replacement piston rings and pin lock rings available separately BORE NOTE: Each PART # includes enough rings for two pistons. Standard +.010 +.020 +.030 +.040 +.050 +.060 +.070 3188X 3198X 3208X 3218X PART # NOTE: Use lock rings PART #0913-0001 (4-pk.) •Available in standard and oversize versions •Feature a cast or moly top ring (chrome 900cc XL) •Reverse torsional taper face second ring and easy “spiral on” three‑piece oil rings MOLY SUG. RETAIL REPLACEMENT RING SETS NOTE: Each replacement ring PART # denotes rings for two pistons. rePlaCeMenT PiSTon rinGS DESCRIPTION $264.95 264.95 264.95 264.95 264.95 PART # KB PerForManCe hYPereUTeCTiC PiSTon KiTS rePlaCeMenT PiSTonS PART # SUG. RETAIL K1600 K1601 K1602 K1603 K1604 CW20 CW20 CW20 CW20 CW20 CArburetors & Air filters PriCe liST PART # PISTON KITS FOR 72‑85 XL 1000CC (10:1 COMP.) X‑RING PACKAGE eXhAust DS‑750813 DS‑750814 DS‑750815 DAshes & gAuges ChAssis, suspension, PART # SUG. RETAIL fenDers REPLACEMENT RINGS & wheels (CONT) DS‑750815 $44.95 PISTON LOCK RINGS 0913‑0001 5.95 DS‑750598 floorboArDs & pegs hArDwAre PiSTon Pin CliPS •Quality equals or exceeds OEM specifications •Made in the U.S.A. PART # DS‑750598 DS‑750599 generAl DS‑750599 DESCRIPTION For L77‑82 XL; repl. OEM #22588‑78 (10‑pk.) For 57‑E77 XL; repl. OEM #22582‑52 (10‑pk.) All pArt numbers in blue Are new for 2014. SUG. RETAIL $.55 (ea.) .95 (ea.) 559 ironhead xl niTrided ValVeS seAts & sissY bArs eXhAust •One-piece stainless-steel, stellite-tipped valves impregnated by a special nitrided process with .002” depth and .0002” surface buildup to improve wear properties and reduce friction •This process provides resistance to corrosion; wears superior to hard chromium and electrolysis nickel-plating •Lightweight with profiles that provide excellent flow characteristics •Compatible with leaded and unleaded fuels and can be run in cast iron- and bronze-type guides at close tolerances for maximum oil control and heat dissipation •Sold each •Made in the U.S.A. PART # CArburetors INTAKE & Air filters DS-198975 0926-0788 0926-0787 DS-198962 engine trAnsmission & DriVeline YEAR HEAD DIA. STEM DIA. TULIP LENGTH NOTES OEM # SUG. RETAIL 70-85 70-85 70-85 57-69 1.935” 1.950” 2.000” 1.825” .3090” .3090” .3090” .3090” 23° 23° 23° 23° 3.615” 3.690” 3.615” 3.565” Std. Std. Oversize Std. 18070-70 18069-65 (Racing) 18071-58 70-85 70-85 70-85 57-69 57-69 1.570” 1.750” 1.630” 1.570” 1.630” .3384” .3384” .3384” .3384” .3384” 29° 29° 29° 29° 29° 3.510” 3.620” 3.510” 3.510” 3.510” Std. Std. Oversize Std. Oversize 18080-58R 18080-70R 18080-58A - $26.95 31.95 31.95 33.95 EXHAUST DS-198976 0926-0783 0926-0780 DS-198976 0926-0780 26.95 31.95 31.95 26.95 31.95 gAskets & seAls STainleSS STeel hard ChroMe ValVeS •Designed to out flow and out perform all others, even in the most severe environments eleCtriCAl •One-piece forgings manufactured from high-temperature materials & lighting •Feature swirl-polished, performance-oriented shapes and durable chrome-plated stems •Up to 30% weight reduction over stock ensures a stable valve train, even at high rpm •Sold in pairs hAnDlebArs, NOTE: PART #DS-199032 is the stock length of the valve supplied by the factory. Controls & FOR 58-85 XL mirrors PART # YEAR STYLE HEAD DIA. STEM DIA. OEM # SUG. RETAIL INTAKE CAbles DS-199032 DS-199034 oil tAnks, filters & gAs tAnks ChAssis, suspension, fenDers & wheels 1.9375” 1.8125” .309” .309” 18070-70 18070-58 58-85 Chrome 1.5625” .3385” 18080-58A •Precision-machined from Ampco-45 •Compatible with no-lead fuel and accept any type of valve-stem material •Provide maximum service with chromed valve stems •Overall length of both intake and exhaust is 1.77” •Sold each •Made in the U.S.A. AMPCO-45 INTAKE SUG. RETAIL hArDwAre generAl Std. +.001” +.002” +.010 0926-0696 0926-0700 0926-0704 0926-2024 $23.95 23.95 23.95 23.95 AMPCO-45 EXHAUST 0926-2026 SUG. RETAIL 0926-0697 0926-0701 0926-0705 0926-2026 $23.95 23.95 23.95 23.95 DS-198911 GUIDE O.D. GUIDE I.D. IN. GUIDE I.D. EX. .5650” .5660” .5670” .5750” .3085” .3085” .3085” .3745” .3375” .3375” .3375” .3735” 0926-0702 BronZe ValVe GUideS •Available in bronze; for race applications only •Silicon aluminum bronze valve guides are precision-machined from solid bar stock •Provide proper self-lubrication at high temps •Chrome or nitride valves are compatible with these guides •I.D. is honed, o.d. is ground to ensure tight tolerances •Sold each PART # DESCRIPTION DS-198911 DS-198913 Std. intake Std. exhaust 0926-0703 CaST iron ValVe GUideS oeM STYle GUideS SUG. RETAIL FOR 57-E83 XL 560 78.95 FOR 57-E83 XL DS-198913 floorboArDs & pegs $81.95 81.95 0926-2024 aMPCo-45 ValVe GUideS SIZE DAshes & gAuges Chrome Chrome EXHAUST DS-199000 brAkes 70-85 58-69 $18.95 18.95 •Precision-machined from cast iron •Compatible with no-lead fuel and accept any type of valve-stem material •Overall length of both intake and exhaust is 1.77” •Sold each •Made in the U.S.A. SUG. SUG. SIZE INTAKE RETAIL EXHAUST RETAIL GUIDE O.D. GUIDE I.D. IN. EX. .5650” .5660” .5670” .5680” .5690” .5750” .3085” .3085” .3085” .3085” .3085” .3085” .3375” .3375” .3375” .3375” .3375” .3375” FOR 57-E83 XL Std. +.001” +.002” +.003” +.004” +.010” 0926-0698 0926-0702 0926-0706 0926-2025 $9.95 9.95 9.95 8.95 0926-0699 0926-0703 0926-0707 0926-0711 0926-0715 0926-2027 All pArt numbers in blue Are new for 2014. $9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 8.95 IRONHEAD XL 0926-2044 SEATS & SISSY BARS 3801-0229 EXHAUST 3801-0232 VALVE GUIDE SEALS 3801-0233 CARBURETORS & AIR FILTERS •Seals sold each, in 25 packs and 100 packs •Seal driver and sleeves sold separately •Made in the U.S.A. FITS MODEL EACH SUG. RETAIL 25-PK. SUG. RETAIL 100-PK. SUG. RETAIL STEM O.D. GUIDE O.D. 5/16” .531” .531” VALVE GUIDE SEALS FOR 57-85 XL Intake Exhaust 0926-2044 0926-2047 PART # $2.95 2.95 DESCRIPTION 0926-2045 0926-2048 SUG. RETAIL 0926-2046 0926-2049 PART # $190.95 190.95 11/32” DESCRIPTION ENGINE SUG. RETAIL SLEEVES CAPSULE FOR VALVE STEM (PR.) SEAL DRIVER (EA.) 3801-0229 $47.95 47.95 White $2.95 3801-0232 3801-0233 5/16” green 11/32” yellow $1.95 1.95 TRANSMISSION & DRIVELINE GASKETS & SEALS .490” VALVE SPRING KIT ELECTRICAL & LIGHTING •Features stock (o.d.) springs, interference fit to reduce harmonics and control spring surge •Springs have 20% more pressure than stock •For use with cams up to .490” lift •No machining required for installation •.750” coil bind PART # DS-199047 VALVE SPRING KIT •Interference-wound, double-chrome silicone OEM style stock replacement springs •Accepts stock and aftermarket spring collars •Sold as a set of four •Made in the U.S.A. DESCRIPTION For 57-85 XL, w/ steel collars (stock stem valves) SUG. RETAIL $142.95 PART # 0926-0807 DESCRIPTION For 57-83 XL HANDLEBARS, CONTROLS & MIRRORS SUG. RETAIL $50.95 CABLES 0926-0799 BRAKES LOWER VALVE SPRING COLLARS •Made from heat-treated chromoly material and black oxided •Work well with OEM and aftermarket spring kits •Sold as a set of four PART # DS-198896 DESCRIPTION For 57-85 XL, stock spring travel; repl. OEM #18220-57 OIL TANKS, FILTERS & GAS TANKS SUG. RETAIL $29.95 DASHES & GAUGES 0926-1444 CHASSIS, SUSPENSION, FENDERS & WHEELS LOW-PROFILE LOWER SPRING COLLARS •Similar to the late H-D collars •Will provide .060” more spring travel than stock collars •Sold in sets of four •Made in the U.S.A. COMPLETE VALVE SPRING KITS •Designed for maximum performance •Feature interference-wound, double-chrome silicone springs and heat-treated steel base washers •Available in a complete set for one engine •Include steel retainers •Made in the U.S.A. NOTE: Require machining of valve guides. NOTE: May required “R” style valves to achieve correct install height. PART # DESCRIPTION SUG. RETAIL FOR 57-83 XL 0926-0799 .480” lift (seat pressure 155-165 lb.) $212.95 FOR 57-69 XL 0926-1444 .400” lift (seat pressure 90-100 lb.) 148.95 PART # DS-199727 DESCRIPTION For 57-85 XL SUG. RETAIL $24.95 FLOORBOARDS & PEGS HARDWARE VALVE KEYS •Made of a special chromoly material •Hardened and coated with black oxide for durability and longer wear •Made in the U.S.A. GENERAL NOTE: Not for use with thin-stem valves. PART # DS-199089 DESCRIPTION For 57-85 XL; repl. OEM #18228-30 (4 pr.) ALL PART NUMBERS IN BLUE ARE NEW FOR 2014. SUG. RETAIL $31.95 561 ironhead xl seAts & sissY bArs eXhAust DS-193818 rePlaCeMenT roCKer arMS WiTh BUShinGS DS-193420 •OEM style rocker arms CArburetors •Sold each & Air filters PART # DESCRIPTION DS-193422 SUG. RETAIL FOR 57-85 XL engine DS-193420 DS-193421 DS-193422 DS-193423 Front exhaust; repl. OEM #17394-57A Rear exhaust; repl. OEM #17395-57A Front intake; repl. OEM #17396-57A Rear intake; repl. OEM #17397-57A $59.95 59.95 59.95 59.95 DS-193821 roCKer arM ShaFTS and BUShinGS •Quality, American-made rocker arm shafts and bushings PART # DESCRIPTION SUG. RETAIL FOR 57-85 XL DS-193818 DS-193821 Shaft; repl. OEM #17435-57B (ea.) Bushings; repl. OEM #17428-57 (8-pk.) $69.95 45.95 trAnsmission & DriVeline gAskets & seAls roCKer arM ShaFT roCKer arM ShaFT WaSherS •Sold each •Made in the U.S.A. eleCtriCAl PART # & lighting 0950-0355 •Sold in 10-pack •Made in the U.S.A. DESCRIPTION For 57-85 XL; repl. OEM #17435-57B SUG. RETAIL $50.95 PART # 0927-0013 DESCRIPTION For 73-81 XL; repl. OEM #17450-73 SUG. RETAIL $1.55 (ea.) hAnDlebArs, Controls & mirrors CAbles roCKer arM ShaFT SPaCerS roCKer arM ShaFT SPrinGS •Sold in 10-pack •Made in the U.S.A. •Sold in 10-pack •Made in the U.S.A. brAkes PART # 0927-0012 DESCRIPTION For 57-85 XL; repl. OEM #17483-57 SUG. RETAIL $1.55 (ea.) PART # 0927-0011 DESCRIPTION For 57-85 XL; repl. OEM #17451-57 SUG. RETAIL $1.55 (ea.) 0950-0341 oil tAnks, filters & gAs tAnks DAshes & gAuges roCKer arM ShiMS •Sold in a 10-pack •Made in the U.S.A. PART # DESCRIPTION SUG. RETAIL FOR 57-85 XL 0927-0007 ChAssis, suspension, 0927-0006 0927-0008 fenDers & wheels .005” thick .007” thick .015” thick $.95 (ea.) .95 (ea.) .95 (ea.) roCKer ShaFT nUTS 0950-0340 •7/16”-20 nuts are available with red or black seals •Sold in 10-pack •Made in the U.S.A. PART # DESCRIPTION SUG. RETAIL FOR 57-85 XL; REPL. OEM # 7872 floorboArDs & pegs DS-190773 0950-0341 0950-0340 Nuts w/ red seals Nuts w/ black seals $1.95 (ea.) 1.95 (ea.) DS-189931 hArDwAre generAl 562 ChroMe DS-190774 rePlaCeMenT roCKer ShaFT end PlUGS and nUTS ChroMe-PlaTed roCKer ShaFT end PlUGS •Complete sets of beautifully chrome-plated stock-style replacement rocker shaft end plugs, nuts, and washers •Made in the U.S.A. •Hex-head design makes installation or removal easier than stock slotted style •Sold in a set of four •Made in the U.S.A. PART # DS-190773 DS-190774 PART # DS-189930 DS-189931 DESCRIPTION For 71-85 XL For 57-70 XL SUG. RETAIL $39.95 39.95 DESCRIPTION For 57-70 XL; 5/16”-24 For 71-85 XL; 1/2”-20 All pArt numbers in blue Are new for 2014. SUG. RETAIL $30.95 30.95 ironhead xl seAts & sissY bArs eXhAust DS-190779 DS-190777 DS-193117 CArburetors & Air filters PUShrod SeTS SoCKeT-head roCKer arM ShaFT end PlUG •Chrome •Sold in a set of 4 PART # DS-190779 DS-190777 DESCRIPTION For 71-85 XL (1/2”-20); repl. OEM 17448-71A For 57-70 XL (5/16”-24); repl. OEM 17448-57 SUG. RETAIL •3/8” nonadjustable pushrod sets in either a chromoly style, for high performance and racing applications where maximum strength is required, or an aluminum style, for street use where quiet operation is desired •Made in the U.S.A.; set of four PART # $41.95 37.95 DESCRIPTION SUG. RETAIL FOR 57-85 XL DS-193116 DS-193117 Chromoly Aluminum $76.95 76.95 rePlaCeMenT alUMinUM PUShrodS engine •Aircraft-grade aluminum tubing •Heat-treated steel tips •Fits stock stroke lengths •Made in the U.S.A. PART # DS-189846 DESCRIPTION For 57-85 XL SUG. RETAIL $49.95 gAskets & seAls TaPPeT •Sold each •Made in the U.S.A. DS-194276 TaPPeTS PART # 0929-0021 •Standard solid rollers are designed around three working parts •The outer wheel/roller has a 27% greater wall size – less harmonic distortion for better tracking of cam lobe •Pin bearings are decreased in size by 12%, which increases rpm for more precise tracking •Axle size is increased 36% and doubles as the inner race, so the pin bearing and complete roller assembly now rotates around the axle instead of an inner race, eliminating all possible movement in and around the axle •Sold each •Made in the U.S.A. PART # SIZE SUG. RETAIL FOR 57-85 XL; REPL. OEM #18509-52B DS-194276 DS-194384 DS-194277 Std. (.730”) +.002” +.005” $81.95 93.95 93.95 DESCRIPTION For 57-85 XL; repl. OEM #18534-29A SUG. RETAIL $74.95 TaPPeT adJUSTer loCKnUTS eleCtriCAl & lighting TaPPeT rollerS •4-pack of tappet rollers PART # DS-194029 DESCRIPTION For 57-85 XL; repl. OEM #18534-29A SUG. RETAIL $55.95 TaPPeT roller KiT CAbles brAkes •Made from 52100 bearing material •Includes 4340 chromoly axle •Sold each •Made in the U.S.A. DESCRIPTION For 57-85 XL; repl. OEM #18534-29A SUG. RETAIL $30.95 BilleT TaPPeT GUideS •Made from 7075 T-651 aluminum •Precision machined with helical-style grooves for better lubrication •Available polished or chrome-plated •Sold each •Made in the U.S.A. PART # •Split locknuts with 9/32”-32 thread •Sold in four-pack •Made in the U.S.A. oil tAnks, filters & gAs tAnks DESCRIPTION ChAssis, suspension, fenDers & wheels DS-194034 floorboArDs & pegs SUG. RETAIL FOR 57-85 XL; REPL. OEM #18607-57 DESCRIPTION For 57-85 XL; repl. OEM #18570-38 SUG. RETAIL $8.95 DS-194077 DS-194034 Chrome Polished $89.95 74.95 hArDwAre TaPPeT adJUSTinG SCreW loCK nUTS TaPPeT adJUSTinG SCreWS •High-quality steel construction •9/32”-32 threads •Sold in 10-pack •Made in the U.S.A. •Sold in 4-pack •Made in the U.S.A. PART # DS-193142 SUG. RETAIL $61.95 DAshes & gAuges •Made from 52100 bearing material •Include 4340 chromoly axles •Sold in a four-pack •Made in the U.S.A. PART # DS-189844 DESCRIPTION Std. for 57-85 XL, repl. OEM #18508-52B hAnDlebArs, Controls & mirrors PART # DS-197020 hiGh-QUaliTY TaPPeT roller KiTS PART # DS-194041 trAnsmission & DriVeline DESCRIPTION For 57-85 XL; repl. OEM #18555-57 SUG. RETAIL $7.95 (ea.) PART # DS-193143 DESCRIPTION For 57-85 XL models; repl. OEM #18570-38 All pArt numbers in blue Are new for 2014. generAl SUG. RETAIL $2.95 (ea.) 563 ironhead xl seAts & sissY bArs “Y” CaMS •Biggest available four‑cam set that does not require head work; however, some 82 engines may require spring spacing •Uses stock springs and provides CArburetors great mid‑range and upper‑end power & Air filters •Use with 9.0:1 to 10.0:1 compression ratios for best power gain •Made in the U.S.A. “r5” CaMS eXhAust engine trAnsmission & DriVeline •A complete four cam set of intake and exhaust cams designed for modified 1000cc engines and mild strokers for the street or the strip •A big boost in torque over stock P cams through entire rpm range, up to 7,500 •Can use stock springs, but spacing is required •Made in the U.S.A. NOTE: 81-E84 cam gear kits (with generators) do not have tachometer drive gears. L84-85 cam gear kits (with alternators) do not have generator. PART # 0925‑0596 0925‑0595 SUG. RETAIL $407.95 407.95 DESCRIPTION For L84‑85 XL For 81‑E84 XL PART # DS‑199356 0925‑0594 DESCRIPTION For 71‑80 XL For 57‑70 XL SUG. RETAIL $437.95 427.95 NOTE: Cam lobe clearance must be checked on 77 and later models; tach drive gear must be removed from #4 cam on 81-E84 models. PART # DS‑199355 DESCRIPTION For 71‑E84 XL SUG. RETAIL $419.95 gAskets & seAls “PB+” CaMS “PB+” exhaUST CaMS eleCtriCAl •”PB+” exhaust cams only (#s 1 and 4) & lighting •Use with stock P intake cams for bolt‑in power with stock 1000cc engines; stock springs are okay and no head work is required •Made in the U.S.A. hAnDlebArs, NOTE: 81-E84 cam gear kits (with generators) do not have tachometer drive gears. Controls & PART # DESCRIPTION SUG. RETAIL mirrors CAbles 0925‑0589 0925‑0588 DS‑199345 0925‑0587 GRIND For For For For OPEN CLOSE L84‑85 XL 81‑E84 XL 71‑80 XL 57‑70 XL DURATION @ .053 $213.95 213.95 213.95 213.95 DURATION @ .020 VALVE LIFT LIFT @ TDC Intake Exhaust oil tAnks, filters & gAs tAnks DAshes & gAuges 262° 262° ‑ ‑ .425 .425 .206 .182 Intake Exhaust 33° 43° 41° 31° 254° 254° ‑ ‑ .445 .445 .209 .200 Intake Exhaust DESCRIPTION For L84‑85 XL For 81‑E84 XL For 71‑80 XL For 57‑70 XL OPEN SUG. RETAIL $407.95 407.95 437.95 427.95 CLOSE DURATION @ .053 DURATION @ .020 VALVE LIFT LIFT @ TDC 34° 43° 40° 31° 254° 254° ‑ ‑ .410 .410 .208 .192 254° 254° ‑ ‑ .400 .410 .200 .192 PB+ EXHAUST CAMS ChroMe PUShrod TUBe aSSeMBlieS 34° 43° 40° 31° PUShrod TUBe WaSherS PUShrod CUP KiT •Made in the U.S.A. •Kit includes four chrome cups, clips, hArDwAre GRIND 47° 29° ChAssis, springs, cork washers and metal washers suspension, PART # DESCRIPTION fenDers DS‑193849 For 57‑85 XL & wheels floorboArDs & pegs PART # 0925‑0593 0925‑0592 0925‑0591 0925‑0590 35° 53° R5 Intake Exhaust NOTE: Installer must check coil bind, valve-to-valve clearance, valveto-piston clearance and cam lobe to case clearance. PB+ CAMS Y brAkes •Bolt‑in four‑cam set •More horsepower and torque •Stock springs OK to 7000 rpm, requires no headwork •Made in the U.S.A. SUG. RETAIL $29.95 PART # 0950‑0369 DESCRIPTION SUG. RETAIL For 57‑85 XL; repl. OEM #6762B (10‑pk.) $.95 (ea.) CaM BUShinG doWel PinS •.125” x .250” long •Made in the U.S.A. DS‑193787 PART # 0925‑0531 •Original‑style replacement for XL models; includes everything needed DESCRIPTION SUG. RETAIL For 52‑85 XL; repl. OEM #275 (25‑pk.) $.95 (ea.) NOTE: Each motor requires four tube assemblies. PART # DESCRIPTION SUG. RETAIL FOR 57‑E79 XL DS‑193787 DS‑193792 generAl $22.95 11.95 REPLACEMENT PUSHROD CORKS DS‑174190 DS‑174390 564 Chrome pushrod tube assembly Retainer clip only; repl. OEM #17950‑48 (4‑pk.) James Gasket corks for pushrods, small; repl. OEM #17955‑36 (10‑pk.) James Gasket corks for pushrods, large; repl. OEM #17955‑48 (10‑pk.) enGine CaSe doWel Pin .95 (ea.) •Measures .308” x .690” long •Made in the U.S.A. .95 (ea.) PART # 0950‑0337 DESCRIPTION For 52‑85 XL; repl. OEM #375 (25‑pk.) All pArt numbers in blue Are new for 2014. SUG. RETAIL $1.55 (ea.) ironhead xl seAts & sissY bArs 0924-0010 0924-0262 eXhAust CaM BUShinG KiTS DS-194171 DS-194174 CaM BearinGS/BUShinGS PART # DESCRIPTION SUG. RETAIL CAM BEARINGS 0924-0010 Needle bearing for L58-85 XL; repl. OEM #9057 (Timken) (ea.) Needle bearing for L58-85 XL; repl. OEM #9057 (ea.) 0924-0262 $8.95 •Kits include all cam and gear shaft bushings/ bearings, along with lock pins and shims •Made in the U.S.A. PART # DS-194197 DS-194196 CArburetors & Air filters DS-194197 DESCRIPTION For 77-85 XL; repl. OEM #s 275, 6769, 9057, 25551-58, 25586-37, 25588-57, 25597-57, 25593-74 For 57-76 XL; repl. OEM #s 275, 6769, 9057, 25551-58, 25586-37, 25588-57, 25597-57, 25593-57 SUG. RETAIL engine $102.95 102.95 8.95 trAnsmission & DriVeline CAM COVER BUSHINGS DS-194171 For 57-85 XL (#s 1, 3, 4); 45” (#4); repl. OEM #25586-37 (ea.) For 57-85 XL (#2); repl. OEM #25588-57 (ea.) DS-194174 21.95 19.95 CaM CoVer BUShinGS gAskets & seAls Pinion ShaFT BUShinGS •Quality pinion shaft bushings; sold individually •Made in the U.S.A. •Bushings are made from solid bronze bar stock •Machined in one operation with a tolerance of .0002” •Feature a lead-in for ease of installation •Sold each •Made in the U.S.A. PART # DS-197070 DS-197071 DS-194232 PART # DS-194232 DS-194231 SUG. RETAIL $25.95 25.95 DS-194349 DS-197070 DESCRIPTION For 54-85 XL; repl. OEM #25586-37 (.9405” o.d.) For 57-85 XL rear intake; repl. OEM #25588-57 (1.3775” o.d.) DESCRIPTION For 77-85 XL; repl. OEM #25593-74 For 57-76 XL; repl. OEM #25593-57 eleCtriCAl & lighting hAnDlebArs, Controls & mirrors SUG. RETAIL $27.95 28.95 CAbles CaM ShiMS DS-194070 PART # brAkes 0932-0076 •A must when setting up new cams DESCRIPTION oil tAnks, filters & gAs tAnks SUG. RETAIL FOR 52-56 K, KH AND KHK; 57-85 XL DS-194070 DS-194071 DS-194072 0925-0284 0925-0285 0925-0286 .005” for cam gears #1, 3 and 4; repl. OEM #6770 (10-pk.) .007” for cam gears #1, 3 and 4; repl. OEM #6769 (10-pk.) .015” for cam gears #1, 3 and 4 (10-pk.) .005” for cam gear #2 (10-pk.) .010” for cam gear #2 (10-pk.) .015” for cam gear #2 (10-pk.) $.95 (ea.) .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 (ea.) (ea.) (ea.) (ea.) (ea.) oil PUMP CoMPonenTS •Miscellaneous hardware, check balls, retainers, etc. are available for various oil pumps PART # DS-194349 DS-194206 •Sold in pairs DESCRIPTION ChAssis, SUG. RETAIL suspension, Oil pump shaft key for 60-71 XL, replaces OEM #26340-36 (10-pk.) Oil pump key, 72-76 XL; replaces OEM #26348-15 (10-pk.) fenDers & wheels $1.95 (ea.) .95 (ea.) CHECK VALVE SPRINGS AND BALLS DESCRIPTION For 58-85 XL; repl. OEM #25551-58 DS-194228 SUG. RETAIL $19.95 0932-0076 idler Gear and CirCUiT BreaKer BUShinGS/STUdS DS-173404 Check valve spring for L72-76 XL (10-pk.); repl. OEM #26364-72 Check valve spring for 57-E72 XL (10-pk.); repl. OEM #26364-57 Repl. check ball for 54-76 XL; repl. OEM #8873 (10-pk.) floorboArDs & pegs 1.55 (ea.) 1.55 (ea.) hArDwAre .95 (ea.) SNAP RINGS DS-188050 •Idler gear bushings/studs •Made in the U.S.A. PART # DS-195008 DAshes & gAuges DS-173404 WOODRUFF KEYS CaM Gear ThrUST PlaTeS PART # 0925-0290 DS-188052 DS-188052 DS-173403 DESCRIPTION Idler gear stud and bushing kit for 57-85 XL; repl. OEM #s 25787-57, 25597-57, 25811-11 SUG. RETAIL DS-174433 $24.95 Half – oil pump breather gear for 52-76 XL; repl. OEM #26341-37 (10-pk.) Oil pump shaft for 70-85 XL; repl. OEM #26497-75 (10-pk.) Repl. retainer clip for 54-76 XL models oil pump; repl. OEM #11002 (10-pk.) Oil pump shaft end C-clip for 54-85 XL; repl. OEM #26348-36 (10-pk.) All pArt numbers in blue Are new for 2014. 1.95 .55 (ea.) generAl .55 (ea.) 1.95 (ea.) 565 ironhead xl DS-194202 seAts & sissY bArs oil PUMP rePair KiTS eXhAust •Comes with new components that allow you to totally rebuild/rebush most oil pumps •Gasket/seal kits are available to complete the job •Made in the U.S.A. CArburetors PART # & Air filters DS-194202 DS-194201 engine DS-173406 DS-173407 DESCRIPTION Gasket/bushing kit for 83-85 XL; repl. OEM #s 12036A, 26431-76, 26434-76A, 26489-75, 26495-75, 26797-75 Gasket/bushing kit for 77-82 XL; repl. OEM #s 12036, 26431-76, 26434-76A, 46489-75, 26497-75 Gasket/seal kit for 77-85 XL Gasket/seal kit for 54-76 XL trAnsmission & DriVeline CaM CoVer doWel Pin gAskets & seAls PART # DESCRIPTION 0950-0337 For 54-76 XL; repl. OEM #375 eleCtriCAl & lighting oil STrainer doWel PinS •Sold in 25-pack •Made in the U.S.A. PART # 0950-0338 MFG. Eastern $9.95 Eastern James James 9.95 10.95 10.95 DAshes & gAuges $1.55 (ea.) •Kit includes oil strainer; gasket and dowel pin •Made in the U.S.A. CYlinder BaSe STUdS PART # 0950-0362 PART # 0931-0317 DESCRIPTION For 54-71 XL; repl. OEM #16830-54 DESCRIPTION For 52-76 XL; repl. OEM #s 24975-37, 24978-57, 333 SUG. RETAIL $9.95 SUG. RETAIL $10.95 ChroMe CYlinder BaSe nUT •3/8”-24, high-torque style •For use on specific applications •Made in the U.S.A. PART # DS-189966 •Steel mount plates with a polished chrome finish •Sold in pairs PART # DS-243516 DESCRIPTION For 57-84 XL SUG. RETAIL $31.95 DESCRIPTION SUG. RETAIL For L84-85 XL; repl. OEM #s 16210-84A and 16212-84A $41.95 FronT UPPer and loWer MoTor MoUnT hardWare xl rear MoTor MoUnT PART # DS-243617 DESCRIPTION For 52-81 XL PART # 2401-0631 DESCRIPTION For 57-85 XL SUG. RETAIL $40.95 ChroMe xl MoTor MoUnTS •High-quality steel construction with a chrome finish •Set includes both motor support brackets •No mounting hardware included PART # 0933-0079 •Chrome-plated •Includes two 3/8”-24 x 613/16” bolts, OEM #16237-57; one 3/8”-24 x 57/16” bolt, OEM #16236-52; one 3/8”-24 x 53/16” bolt, OEM #16235-52; three 3/8”-24 nylock nuts, OEM #7775; four 3/8” serrated washers, seven 23/32” OD x 3/8” ID thick flat washers, OEM #6388HB; two 7/16”-20 x 7/8” bolts, OEM #4618W and two 15/16” OD x 1/7” thick flat washers •Made in the U.S.A. SUG. RETAIL $171.95 MoTor SUPPorT BraCKeT SeT 566 SUG. RETAIL $11.95 oil STrainer KiT that tend to crack •Replaces two-bolt and four-bolt floorboArDs top case OEM mounts •Slips over studs and starter shaft on completely assembled motors & pegs •Gusseted on top rather than bottom as on stock mount •Made in the U.S.A. generAl DESCRIPTION For 52-76 XL; repl. OEM #26327-52 SUG. RETAIL •Heavy-duty – made of ChAssis, suspension, super-high-tensile alloy that is virtually indestructible fenDers •Heavily reinforced in all areas & wheels hArDwAre •Replacement idler gear shaft •Made in the U.S.A. •Sold in 25-pack •Made in the U.S.A. xl enGine MoUnT PlaTeS oil tAnks, filters & gAs tAnks oil PUMP idler Gear ShaFT PART # 0932-0039 CAbles brAkes SUG. RETAIL $.55 (ea.) SUG. RETAIL •25/16” long •Sold in a set of four for one cylinder hAnDlebArs, •Made in the U.S.A. Controls & mirrors DESCRIPTION For 52-76 XL; repl. OEM #333 •Front lower mounts sold in pairs •Made in the U.S.A. DESCRIPTION For 57-76 XL; repl. OEM #s 16250-57/16251-58 SUG. RETAIL $41.95 PART # 0933-0028 DESCRIPTION Front for 54-85 XL and 54-78 KH, XL, XLH and XLCH when using Paughco XL frames All pArt numbers in blue Are new for 2014. SUG. RETAIL $ 54.95 ironhead xl 0940-1195 riPPle STYle PoinTS CoVerS PoinTS CoVerS •CNC-machined, cross-cut design from 6061 billet aluminum •Available with show-chrome or black anodized finishes •Made in the U.S.A. PART # 0940-1176 0940-1177 DESCRIPTION SUG. RETAIL FOR 71-85 XL 0940-1176 0940-1177 Black anodized Chrome-plated $101.95 101.95 MalTeSe CroSS PoinTS CoVer •Available in CNC machined 6061 T-6 billet aluminum that is hand polished and gloss black powder-coated or in CNC-machined stainless with a hand polished raw finish •Feature the DESCRIPTION popular rippled- PART # FOR 71-85 XL water-droplet look; a classic styling element 0940-1195 0940-1197 eXhAust 0940-1197 SUG. RETAIL Black powder coat aluminum Polished stainless steel DESCRIPTION For 71-85 XL engine •Chrome-plated and anodized billet aluminum •Includes mounting screws •Made in the U.S.A. SUG. PART # DESCRIPTION 0940-0282 For 71-85 XL SUG. RETAIL $60.95 CArburetors & Air filters $29.95 59.95 PoinTS CoVer •Black-anodized 6061 T-6 billet aluminum •Available in Maltese Cross design •Mounting hardware included •Made in the U.S.A. PART # 0940-0481 seAts & sissY bArs trAnsmission & DriVeline RETAIL $39.95 gAskets & seAls 0940-1099 eleCtriCAl & lighting 0940-1096 1902-0186 0940-1088 aCCenT STYle PoinTS CoVerS 0940-1091 3-d SKUll PoinTS CoVerS •Available in chrome or wrinkle black with a contrasting screen insert •Die-cast construction •Skull protrudes outward approximately .750” •Available in multiple finishes PART # PART # DESCRIPTION SUG. RETAIL FOR 71-85 XL 1902-0186 0940-1088 0940-1091 hAnDlebArs, Controls & mirrors Chrome Black w/ chrome skull Black w/ gold skull $29.95 32.95 39.95 DESCRIPTION SUG. RETAIL FOR 71-85 XL 0940-1095 0940-1096 0940-1099 0940-1092 Slotted, chrome Slotted, wrinkle black 5-spoke, chrome 5-spoke, wrinkle black $19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 CAbles brAkes 0940-0843 0940-0844 •Die-cast aluminum construction •Feature detailed eagle with banner and script •Sold each PART # DESCRIPTION SUG. RETAIL FOR 71-85 XL 0940-0843 0940-0844 oil tAnks, filters & gAs tAnks STraiGhT CUT PoinTS CoVerS liVe To ride PoinTS CoVerS Chrome Gold $15.95 25.95 •Billet aluminum construction with 0940-1046 machined highlights •Available in chrome or with a gloss black powder coat finish with re-machined highlights •Include gasket and mounting hardware •Design matches other Drag Specialties/Carl Brouhard design products PART # DESCRIPTION SUG. RETAIL FOR 71-85 XL 0940-1046 0940-1047 Chrome Gloss black/re-machined $52.95 52.95 DAshes & gAuges ChAssis, suspension, fenDers & wheels 0940-1047 floorboArDs & pegs PoinTS CoVer •Chromed, heavy-gauge steel replacement point cover 0940-0292 0940-0758 0940-0757 PoinTS CoVerS •Machined billet aluminum, brilliantly chrome-plated or black wrinkle finish •Both styles have matching derby covers, inspection covers and gas caps; sold separately PART # DESCRIPTION SUG. RETAIL FOR 71-85 XL 0940-0292 0940-0757 0940-0758 Crusader Maltese cross Smoothie, chrome Smoothie, black wrinkle $34.95 35.95 35.95 PART # DS-373917 DESCRIPTION For 71-85 XL SUG. RETAIL $6.95 hArDwAre ChroMe SPheriCal radiUS PoinTS CoVer •Beautiful radiused chrome points cover matches our brake caliper inserts and fork tube cap covers DESCRIPTION •Comes complete with PART # DS-373919 For 71-85 XL screws and gasket All pArt numbers in blue Are new for 2014. generAl SUG. RETAIL $13.95 567
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