riders guide - Yuma County Intergovernmental Public Transportation
riders guide - Yuma County Intergovernmental Public Transportation
95 Weekda 6 30 6 34 6 44 6 50 6 53 7 03 7 10 7 20 7 25 7 36 8 45 9 15 Un 9 45 7 15 7 19 7 29 7 35 7 38 7 48 7 55 8 05 8 10 8 21 10 15 10 45 Un 11 15 Ro Y m >C >S m >G >S w w On ope a e when 8 00 8 04 8 14 8 20 8 23 8 33 8 40 8 50 8 55 9 06 D C M M C W R State St & 7th St El Centro w Blue Route 5 service AWC NAU UA n e on C M @ m C @ @ m D @ D w w C 8 45 8 49 8 59 9 05 9 08 9 18 9 25 9 35 9 40 9 51 Transfer Terminal m m north of Arnold Road on @ C R @ @ m 1, 2, 3, 4, Blue, Green PM D w w m C C Q m request by asking the bus Adams Ave 9 30 m 9 34 9 44 9 53 10 03 10 10 10 20 10 25 10 36 C W m 9 50 H m C D O Purple Route 6/6A on Ross Rd T m R M C R W operator or by calling: C H O G @ 10 W C m El Centro 10 15 10 19 10 29 10 35 10 38 10 48 10 55 11 05 11 10 11 21 request to Cocopah W W m G 5 (928) 783-2235 N City Hall H C C C w RV Resort by asking W m W Main St U U State St PASS 11 00 11 04 11 14 11 20 11 23 11 33 11 40 11 50 11 55 12 06 10 Q C R M W PM R the bus operator or T Quechan TRAX D 394 387 028 034 122 126 130 136 454 145 11 45 11 49 11 59 12 05 12 08 12 18 12 25 12 35 12 40 12 51 Quechan Casino Resort C N m 7 15 7 45 Un 8 15 by calling: Community T Weekda Red | Central12Yuma Circulator via 4th Avenue M m W 10 (928) 783-2235 Center/ Light = AM Bold = PM 12 44 12 50 12 53 1 03 1 10 1 20 1 25 1 36 5 10 NightCAT PASS 6 30 6 34 6 44 6 50 6 53 7 03 307 1012 34 7 20 7 25 7 36 8 45 9 15 Un 9 45 San Pasqual PM C R w Social Counter Clockwise Loop Route from Downtown Yuma Transit Center Weekdays Hub Purple | Avenues A and C Violet | Cocopah Shuttle Indian Rock Rd Unified California Pacific Time N 15 C 157 551Hub 198 051 298 101 35 8 21 1 38 1 48 1 55 2 05 2 10 2 21 7 15 7 19 7 29 7 35 to 7 West 38 Yuma 7 48 1Transfer 10 15 10 45 Un 11 To: Services School Liquor South/West to West Yuma Transfer Hub or West CocopahArnold Reservation via East to Cocopah Casino Arizona Mountain Time Rd El Centro T Avenue C w w Superior 2 23 2 33 2 40 2 50 2 55 3 06 8 00 8 04 8Route: 14 8 20Yuma8 --> 23 Fort 8 33 2->00 8 402 048 502 148 552 20 9 06 District Schedules are subject to change 5 Yuma Yuma 8 w C T El Centro T Winterhaven/Hub Liquor Court/ Cocopah -> Mesa Verde -> Cocopah Ross Ave 10 2 459 252 499 352 599 403 05 9 51 3 08 3 18 3 25 3 35 3 40 3m 51 Route: Cocopah -------------> Yuma ----------------------------------------> -> Somerton -> Pasqual CocopahSchool Rd Route: Cocopah > Somerton > Mesa Verde > Cocopah 8 45 8 49 8 59 9 05Leave9 08 Paradise 9 184th without notice. San m 10 Regional Sheriff Arrive Catalina Yuma Castle Ave 24th St West 5 5 California Turquoise | Yuma and9El30Centro via Interstate 8 5 C10Avenue A 24th Street West Yuma Cocopah US Highway East Cocopah Main Street Arrive West Main County 16th Arrive Leave 10 Cocopah Avenue Leave PM D w w m C C Q m 10 Medical @ 10 International Dome 6th34 3 3010 @ 3 4410Drive 3Red 50 3 53 Yuma 4 03Ave 4Downtown 10 4via 204th 4Avenue 25 4 36 9 34 9 44 9 50Downtown 9 53 Casino 10 03@ 103 10 Yuma 20 25 36 | Central Circulator Ironwood Dr Cocopah Light = AM Bold = PM Street @ Street @ Cocopah Times are approximate and may Quechan T North RV Park @ 8th @ 16th @ Sonora Transfer Casino 95 @ Quechan Reservation @ @ State Cocopah m R M C R W Center Yuma @ Yuma 10th St Avenue Transfer Catalina Airport Arizona Yuma West to El Centro West To: Route Aurora Dr 4 on 2911Square 4Counter 35 11 21 4 Clockwise 38 4 48Loop 55 from 5 05Downtown 5 10 GYuma 5 21 Transit Center across Avenue B Casino 10 15 10 19 10 29 10 35Transit 10 38 10 484 1510 (Fry’s 554 19 11 Hub 05 10 EAvenue St Senior Casino Cocopah Street Street Sunset near Hub Resort C Cottonwood Reservation Palms Pkwy 4Transit W W m ➊ Post Pipa Avenue Quechan Reservation State vary depending on traffic conditions, Yuma Resort Wi Center to20West5Yuma Transfer Hub Cocopah Reservation T Housing Center (Yuma St Apts. Food & 26th Center Avenue C 10on Office 26th Loop & Market (Somerton Admin.Dept. Resort Paradise Casino PASS H C C C w Admin. 5 00 5 04 5 14 5 23 5 33 5 40 5 50 5 55 6 06 11 00 11 04 11 14 11 20 11 23 11 33 11 40 11 50 11 55 12 06 Route: Yuma --------------> Fort Yuma -> Winterhaven -> Fort Yuma -----------------> El Centro Avenue (3rd St @ Palms near Drug) (3rd St @ RV Resort @ Chapay Offices @ Street near Cottonwood City Hall) Offices @ weather and other conditions. Schedules are subject t The “Q” Q C R M W PM R T 8 10 10 1 5 10 NightCAT Route: Yuma -> Veterans Dr Regional Walmart St) 08 Imperial T St & Quail Depart Downtown Paradise 11Winterhaven Arrive 5 5912Yuma 6 05--> 6 08 6Yuma 18 Ctr)6Gila 25St) 6 35 6 40 6 51 Walmart Park Veterans 5 PASS 45 11 49 Quechan 11 59 12 05Gila 12 12 185 45Imperial 12 255 49 12 35 40 12Fort 51 C N m T Loop Castle Yuma Casino Drive @ Railroad Casino Valley Mall @ Avenue State without notice. Run Loop (Head Start) Drive Not all YCAT bus stops are shown. M W Arrive Catalina Yuma 7 36mCastle Paradise 4th7Ave 24th 7 St 10West 7 20 Leave Turquoise Route 10 6 30 6 34 6 44 6 50 6 53 03 7 25 12 30 12 34 12 44 12 50 12 53 1 03 1 10 1 20 1 25 1 36 T W Levee catTRAX ID# Quechan Tribe Dome Transit Avenue Resort @ El Centro @ Downtown 261 157 266 126 ➊ ID# 008 Dillard’s catTRAX 014 ➋ 021 028 Street034 045 Casino 048 @ 001 008 PM C R w Drive @ International Dome Ave Downtown Yuma @ 6th service to Imperial Valley Rd All routes will stop at all YCAT busTimes are approximate catTRAX ID# W 229 231 422 425 429 034 126 127 257 131 261 Ave @ Center (Hub Liquor) Regional 7th Street Administration Chapay St Yuma Catalina Airport @ Yuma Transfer 10th St Avenue Yuma N C 1 15 1 19 1 29 1 35 1 38 1 48 1 55 2 05 2 10 2 21 9 30 9 34 9 44 9 50 9 53 10 03 10 10 10 20 10 25 10 36 Mall on request by asking Shaw 7:38 7:48 7:55 7:58 Walkway to Yuma (3rd Street Medical6:49 ➌ 6:55 Transit 6:30 6:35 6:43 7:04 7:10 7:16 7:25 Sa u day Palms Pkwy Transit Hub on Square (Fry’s Quechan Indian stops along the route. Levee R Bus Operator or by calling Danenberg Dr Imperial vary depending on traffic Weekdays 7:45 7:49Industries 7:53 8:01 d 2 00 2 04 2 14 2 20 2 23 2 3310 30 2 4010 34 2 50 10 442 55 10 50 3 06 10 53 11 03Food11 11 36(Yuma Algodones Palms @ Gila Center Valley Center Apts.11 25 26th 11 St 20 & 10 Health Clinic W 1st St 8:38 8:48 8:55 8:58 (928) 783-2235. 6 Weekdays 7:30 7:35 7:43 7:49 7:55 Center 8:04 8:10 8:16 8:25 T 1.5 miles Parkway Street) Mall (3rd St @ Drug) (3rd St @ weather and other condi No transit service on: 8:15 8:17 Dr 8:25 8:29Main St8:33 W 3rd 8:41 2 45 2 49 2 59 3 05 3 08 3 1811 303 2511 34 3 35 40 11 443 Gila 11St)50 3 51 11 53 12 03 12 10near 12 20 12 25 12 36Palms St Giss Pkwy Gila St) Regional Ctr) Walmart W 9:38 9:48 9:55 9:58 ide 8:30 Red 8:35| Central 8:43 Yuma 8:49 Circulator 8:55 9:04 9:10 9:16 via 4th 9:25Avenue W Rivers TT Downtown Yuma 4 Red via 4th Yuma Avenue Circulator Sunday, New Years Bold Day, Light Dr. Martin catTRAX ID# 001 008 014 3 30 016 365 469 445 44644|4Central T 9:15 9:17 9:25 9:29 9:33 T 9:41 3 34 3 44 3 50 3 53 4 03 4 10 4 20 25 4 36 Castle 12 30 12 34 12 12 50 12 53 1 03 1 10 1 20 1 25 1 36 Not all YCAT bus stops 6A Light = AM = PM = AM Bold = PM 6 S Transit Center 5 10:38 10:48 10:55 10:58 9:30 Counter 9:35 9:43 9:49Loop 9:55 10:04 10:10 10:16from 10:25 Counter Clockwise from Loop 021 Route Transit Downtown Center Yuma Center ID# 008 034 048 001 008 Luther King Jr.WDay, Presidents Day, W W 5th St10:33 8 10:15 10:17 10:25 10:29 10:41 4 Dome Ave 4 19 49:12 29 4 35 4 38 by4request 48 1 Clockwise 5 101 21 304 551 catTRAX 345 05 1 Route 44 50 5Downtown 1014 53 2Yuma 03 028 2 10 2 20 045 2 25Transit 2 36 T 8:5095 8:55 8:59 4 15 9:03 9:26 All routes will stop at all Y Monday & 1 2 2A 4 5 8 10 95 NightCAT 11:38 11:48 11:55 11:58 West10:43 Yuma9:23 Transfer Hub West 11:04 Yuma Transfer Port of Bus 10:35 10:49 to 10:55 11:10 Hub11:16 11:25 nia Pacific Time MST10:30 PST ➜ to lifor Ca 4 Memorial Day, Independence Day,stops along the route. 1 Wednesday 2:50 2:15 2:17 2:25 2:29 2:33 2:41 7:25 5 04 53:12 14 5 20 5 23 by 5request 33 2 305 3:13 402 345 50 2 445 5526:30 50 6 06 26:35 53 6:43 3 03 6:49 3 10 6:55 3 20 7:04 3 25 7:10 3 36 7:16 Entry 3:16 2:55 2:59 5 00 3:03 Stop Time UNITED STATES 1 95 12:38 12:48 12:55 12:58 subject Schedules to change are subject to change County 8th St 11:35 11:43 11:49 11:55 12:16 12:25 Arizona Mountain W 8th St Route: 11:30Yuma --> Fort Route: Yuma -> Yuma Yuma --> Fort12:04 Yuma -> 12:10 Yuma University F da On 3 00 Schedules 7 00 areDay, Orange Route 2/2A on Labor Day, Veterans E 8th St 8 3:15 3:17 3:25 T 3:29 3:33 6A 3:41 8:25 5 49 510:42 59 6 05 6 08 by6request 18 3 30610:53 253 346 35 3 446 4037:30 50 6 51 37:35 53 7:43 4 03 7:49 4 10 7:55 4 20 8:04 4 25 8:10 4 36 8:16 6 Effective October 21, 2013 without notice. 10:20 10:25 10:29 5 45 10:33 10:56 MEXICO of Arizona No transit service on: 1:38 1:48 1:55 1:58 without notice. request to YCAT Office 12:30 12:35 12:43 12:49 12:55 1:04 1:10 1:16 1:25 MST PST ➜ Arrive Arrive Catalina Yuma Castle Catalina Yuma Castle West West Paradise 4th Ave 24th St Paradise 4th Ave 24th St Leave Leave Saturday d Thanksgiving Day & Christmas Day E 12th St Tickets 8:30 8:35 8:43 8:49 8:55 9:04 9:10 9:16 9:25 4:15 4:17 4:25 Family 4:29 4:33 4:41 4 30 4 34 4 44 4 50 4 53 5 03 5 10 5 20 5 25 5 36 6 30 6 34 6 44 6 50 6 53 7 03 7 10 7 20 7 25 7 36 Northern by asking the bus by request 3:30 3:35 3:39 3:43 3:52 4:06 Yuma Drive @ @International Dome Drive Ave @Downtown International Dome Ave Downtown Yuma Casino 4:03 @ 6th Casino @ 6th Downtown Sunday, New Years Day, p 2:38 2:48 2:55 2:58 T 95 Dollar 1:30Downtown 1:43 @ 1:49 1:55 Transfer 2:04 10th 2:10 2:16 2:25Yuma T Times pare approximate Times and are may approximate and ma Arizona Airport @ Yuma Catalina Yuma Transfer St Yuma St Avenue Yuma1:35 operator or by calling: 9:43 9:49 9:55 10:10 10:16 10:25 10:00 10:02 10:08 10:12 10:16 10:21 10:31 10:33 10:42 10:52 11:00 5 4410 25 59:30 50 Catalina 59:35 53(Fry’s 6 03 6 10 6Airport 2010:04 6 25@ 6 36 Yuma 9 30 9 34 9 44 9 50 9 53 10 035 3010 10th 105 34 10Avenue 20 36 AWC/NAU/UA Luther Jr. Day, Pres Square Pkwy Palms Pkwy Transit on 10 HubPalms on Square (Fry’s 3:38 3:48 3:55 3:58 University T (928) 783-2235 T T 2:35 2:43 2:49Transit 2:55 Hub3:04 3:10 3:16 3:25Transit 6A Saturday W o CAT mdepending on traffic w WKing Sa| Yuma u day and El Centro via Interstate 8 2:30Transit vary vary depending conditions, on traffic conditio YCAT Turquoise Transfer Hub Center Center Apts. (Yuma Apts. (Yuma 26th St 26th St Food & Food & Center Center Yuma 10:30 10:35 10:43 10:49 10:55 11:04 11:10 11:16 11:25 10 12:00 12:02 12:08 12:12 12:16 12:21 12:31 12:33 12:42 12:52 1:00 MST 10 30 10 34 10 44 10 50 10 53 11 03 11 10 11 20 11 25 11 36 mm w =mMountain Standard Time Memorial N & Day, S Arizona Independ Office 4:38 4:48 4:55 4:58 3:30(3rd St3:35 3:43 3:49(3rd 3:55 4:10 4:16 El Prado (3rd St @ Palms nearPalms 4:25(3rd St @ Drug) Drug) @ St @ near4:04 East to Yuma Palms and other conditions. weather and Wother 2 2A 3 8 8A 9 NightCAT R w Aweather m conditions. E 14th St West2:00 Yuma 2:02 PASS Western 11:3012 36 11:35 11:43 11:49 11:55 12:10Ctr) Gila12:16 12:25 2:08 2:12 2:16 2:21 2:31 2:33 2:42 2:52 11 30 11 34 11 44 11 50 11 53 12 10 12 25 PST = Pacific StandardB Time 2A T Gila St)12:04 Regional St) Regional Ctr) Walmart Walmart 23:00 Gila St)12 03 Gila20 St) 12 Estates Regional Labor Day, Veterans Day 5:38 5:48 5:55 5:58 4:30 4:35 4:43 4:49 4:55 5:04 5:10 5:16 5:25 Transfer Hub College W o CAT m Not all YCAT bus stops w bus stops are sh Not allare YCAT shown. E 16th St Center 12:301 36 12:35 12:43 12:49 12:55 1:04 1:10 1:16 1:25 4:00 4:02 4:08 T YPIC 4:12 4:16 T 4:21 4:31 4:33 4:42 4:52 5:00 ➊ Route: El Centro ------------------------------------------> Fort Yuma -> Winterhaven -> Fort Yuma ->1Yuma 12 30 12 34 12 44 12 50 12 53 1 03 10 1 20 1 25 Thanksgiving Day & Chri S T w m w YCA B w R 2 1 2 4 6 6A 8A 95 W 16th St T 95 W 16th St 5:35 catTRAX 5:43 021 5:49 5:55 014 6:04 021 6:10 028 6:25 2 2A catTRAX5:30 ID# 008 ID# 008 95 T 014 028 034 045 0486:16 034 001 045 008048 001 008 AWC Castle All routes will stop at Allallroutes YCATwill busstop at all YCAT bu Depart 4th Street Imperial Downtown W 2:10 2:16 W 2:25 Violet | Cocopah Shuttle Sierra Pacific 1 30 1 34 Quechan 1 44 1Winterhaven 50 1 53 Paradise 2 03 2 10 2Arrive 20 2 251:30 2 361:35 1:43 1:49 1:55 2:04 Yuma 95 Loop Rd NightCAT Purple | Avenues A and C El Centro @ Brighton Valley Mall @ Casino Drive @ 2nd Casino 6:35 Yuma 6:43 Castle Dome 95 6 Mobile Home 6:30 6:30 6:49 6:35 6:55 6:43 7:04 6:49 7:10 6:55 7:16 7:04 7:25 7:10 7:16 7:25 Palms West to Cocopah East and West Reservations C B w R stops m along the route. stops along the route. 3:10 3:16 3:25 2 34 Resort 2 44 ➊ 2Avenue 50 2 53 3 03 3 10 3Dome 20 3 252:30 3 362:35 2:43 2:49 2:55 3:04 Transfer Avenue Dillard’s ➋ 2 30 Transit Middle Gila Desert 4 Cocopah Reservation via Avenue Park W CA R m Pkwy Yuma East/North to North 1 MST = Mountain Standa 6AA Yuma 7:30 7:35 7:30 7:49 7:35 7:55 7:43 8:04 7:49 8:10 7:558:168:04 8:25 8:10 8:16 F da On8:25 7 00 Terminal Center7:43 Ave School Ridge Mesa 4:10 4:16 3 004:25 3 30 3 34 3 44 3(Gonzo’s 50 Super 3 53 4 03 4 10 4 20@ 4 253:30 4 363:35 3:43 3:49 3:55 4:04 No transit on:mtransit service on: 8 Community P m m serviceNo > Cocopah Fun Route: Cocopah > Mesa Verde > Cocopah > Somerton (State Save USA) (3rd Street @ Yuma 95 2A High PST = Pacific Standard T Elementary d 8:30 8:35 8:43 Palms 8:30 8:49 8:35 8:55 8:43 9:04 8:49 9:10 8:55 9:169:04 9:25 9:10 9:16 9:25 m Food Route: Cocopah -> Somerton -> Mesa Verde -> Cocopah -> Yuma ---------------------------------------> Cocopah 4:30 4:35 4:43 4:49 4:55 5:04 5:10 5:16 5:25 Factory 8 Yuma Street @ Gila Street) 4 30 4 34 4 44 4 50 4 53 5 03 5 10 5 20 5 25 5 36 Sunday, New Years Sunday, Day, Dr. New Martin Years Day, Dr. Mart Gold Route 8 service Main St Arrive Leave US Cocopah School School Walmart p p T E Gila Ridg Bank 24th Avenue St West Sm w YCA P 7th Street) Education @ Cocopah Highway East 9:30 to9:35 9:43 Parkway 9:30 9:49 9:35 9:55 10:04 9:43 9:49 10:10 9:55 10:16 10:04 10:25 10:10 10:16 10:25 Leave West Main St County Cocopah West Yuma 24thW Street A Avenue Ligurta Station is e Rd T C @ Arrive 5:30 5:35 5:43 5:49 5:55 6:04 6:10 6:16 6:25 Luther King Jr. Day,Luther Presidents King Day, Jr. Day, Presidents D T 5 30 5 34 5 44 5 50 5 53 6 03 6 10 by asking 6 20 6 25 6 36 Cocopah T State Ave Casino 95 @ Reservation @ 9 E County 10th St Consortium Cocopah @ Across 16th St @ Casino Transfer @ Yuma @ 16th 8th Street North Cocopah on request E 24th St Love’s W o CAT m w W T 10:3001410:35 008 10:43 10:30 10:49 10:35 10:55 10:43 11:04 10:49 11:1010:55 11:16 11:04 11:25 11:10 11:16 11:25 ADOT/ 24t 2 2AReservation catTRAX ID# 446 2AResort 451 469 365 368 Avenue C Cottonwood (Somerton 3 Bus Yard Reservation State Avenue B Resort Hub Regional Street Reservation @ 8 8A 95 W 24th St Memorial Day, Day,Independence Da the bus operator or001 Admin. T hS T mm w m Welton N & S Memorial Day, Independence T Superior MVD/ City Hall) Park & t E 24thOffiStces @ Tamarack Admin. Avenue on 26th Medical Chapay Street Los Angeles 11:43 11:30 11:49 11:55Ligurta 11:43 12:04 11:49 12:1011:55 12:16 12:04 12:25 12:10 12:16 R12:25 w by11:35 calling: 28th St A B W mand Labor Day, VeteransLabor Sonora 9:30 9:35 by request 11:46 11:55 11:30 11:59 12:03 12:08 11:35 Cottonwood Day, Day, Veterans Day, Court Public 2A 2 Town Hall/ Veterans Dr Monday & 8 Offices @ Street Near Center & Quail Run Ave MST PST ➜ (928) 783-2235 T Center Park Loop Sunset Station Senior Safety 12:30 12:35 12:43 12:30 12:49 12:35 12:55 12:43 1:04 12:49 1:10 12:55 1:16 1:04 1:25 1:10 1:16 1:25 Ron Watson Welton W o CAT m w W 26th St Wednesday T Veterans Dr Walmart Loop* 5:36 5:45 5:49 5:53 5:58 3:20 3:25 by request Thanksgiving Day &Thanksgiving Christmas Day Day & Christmas D 8 Center Middle w m Police w YCA B w R Yuma Ave 1 Yuma 8 | Fry’s 1:30 1:43 /1:30 1:49 1:35 1:55 1:43 2:04 1:49 2:10 1:552:162:04 2:25 2:10 2:16 2:25 Orange East Yuma Brown | Fortuna Foothills Ohio Shuttle 1 Cata 229 catTRAX ID# St 126 127 257 131 261 1 Bus Rou e catTRAX ID# PASS 8A Circle K 261 157 266 Aztec 126 W 28th 034 038 274 439 School 11:00 11:05 by request 1:16 1:25 1:29 1:35Colleges 1:33 1:38 Ave 8 E T Regional Pa k T County Yuma Food & Post MST PST ➜ High Saturday Future Clockwise Loop Route from Downtown Yuma Transit Center to Colleges Serving Fortuna Foothills & Mesa Del Sol 2:30 2:35 2:43 2:30 2:49 2:35 2:55 2:43 3:04 2:49 3:10 2:55 3:16 3:04 3:25 3:10 3:16 3:25 Southgate Medical Dollar C m B w R Auto direction Fairgrounds 8:00 8:03 8:15 9 8:26 8:38 Drug ay 80 4:10 4:15 by request Park & Ride 6:26 6:35 6:39 6:43 6:48 Office This trip continues in southbound School 7:25 7:34 Mall MST = Mountain Standard MST =hw Mountain Time Standard Time T7:30 8 280 CA R m Center Weekdays E 32nd St General West North Frontage Road Old Hig 40th St Leave Mall 6 Weekdays 32nd St Fortuna Yuma Leave 3:30 3:35 3:43 3:30 3:49 3:35 3:55 3:43 4:04 3:49 4:10 3:554:164:04 4:25 4:10 4:16 W 4:25 Lot 8A 9:00 9:03 9:15 9:26 9:38 T Old US Hwy 80 Bus Rou e T Route: Yuma -----------------> County --> Yuma 1 8:50Yuma 8:54 9:03 9:13 Hosp a P m m m T County Time Arizona 2 2A PST =@ PacifiRoad c Standard PST = @PacificArizona Standard Time T W 32nd8:45 St | Avenues 8A and C E 32nd St 8 8 Purple Violet | Cocopah Shuttle 4:30 8 Arizona Ave 4 T 8 8A 0 4:35 4:43 4:30 4:49 4:35 4:55 4:43 5:04 4:49 5:10 4:555:165:04 5:25 5:10 5:16 5:25 8 8A Yuma 8 Transfer m Foothills Western Library Ave 8E @ Western 8A 8 Se ec ed se v ce on y y 10:00 10:03 10:15 10:26 10:38 a East 32nd East 24th Atlantic Leave Transfer US Hwy 95 Arrive 16th St @ County Redondo Arrive Leave 16th St South Frontage Road C 9:45 9:50Hub 9:54 10:03 10:13 Frontage Road T South/West to West Yuma Transfer Hub or West Cocopah Reservation via Avenue East to Cocopah Casino Yuma hw 8w County College/ @ South Blvd (Walmart) South Green Route 4 on Po n o n e es Sm YCA P College/ Walmart Street @6:04 Street @6:10 Avenue 6:16 Arizona 10th St @ Sunridge 5:35 Downtown Downtown 5:30 @ Yuma 6:25 5:43@ Sierra 5:30 5:49 Arizona 5:35 5:55 to/from 5:43 6:04 5:49 6:10 5:55 6:16 6:25 T See Schedu e Hig Center 8 Yuma 11:03 11:15195 11:26 11:38 Auto Northern Frontage Frontage Sunset Northern Library T | Colleges Old 1:45 1:50 1:54 2:03 2:13 Orange / East Yuma Brown | Fortuna Fo request to Yuma 11:00 Avenue 4E Avenue 3E @ 14th St Palms Western Brown across from Pacific Western Drive Yuma Yuma Foothills Drive @ County Arizona Rd Road Arizona Mall Community District Route: Cocopah -------------> Yuma ----------------------------------------> Cocopah -> Mesa Verde -> Cocopah -> Somerton -> Cocopah Route: Cocopah > Somerton > Mesa Verde > Cocopah (near College/ Route 3 at Yuma Fun Mobile College/ (Yuma Transit Transit Parkway D ec on o Bus Rou e International Airport by Plaza Marine P Pa k & R de Lo 12:00 12:03 12:15 12:26 12:38 Social Clockwise Loop Route from Downtown Yuma Transit Center to Colleges Serving Fortuna Foo 8 2:45 2:50 3:03 3:13 Sheriff Library Yuma Yuma 2:54 Univ/ Health Univ/ YCAT/ Northern Factory Home Park Northern Arizona Palms Center Center (Yuma asking the bus operatorLeave Main County 16th Arrive Cocopah Avenue C Avenue A 24th Street West Yuma Cocopah US Highway East Cocopah Main Street Arrive West Leave Corps Security 8 UA UA Walgreens District County International 1:00 1:03 1:26 1:38 Greyhound Palms Arizona Western Arizona Regional (3rd Street (3rd CenterShuttle T Cocopah viaStreet T T mepo n 32nd St Fortuna Leave 3:45 3:50 3:54 4:03 4:13 @ |Street Cocopah or by calling: North RV Park 1:15 @ 8th @ 16th @ Sonora Transfer Casino 95 @ Reservation @ @ State Cocopah 35th Pl Avenues and C Purple Violet | Cocopah Air Station Office Interstate 8@ @ GilaA Turquoise | Yuma and El Centro mpe a Va ey T ans Library Airport Route: Yuma -----------------> County --> Yuma West Offi ce) Univ/UA College Univ/UA Center) @ Gila St) Streets) Rgnl. Ctr.) ➊ 8 Alarcon Road Arizona across Avenue B Casino Jack Cocopah 2:03 Street To:2:26 Street Sunset near Hub Resort Avenue C Cottonwood AvenuePost Reservation catTRAXCasino ID# 008 (928) 783-2235 014 021 028 034 045 @ ➊ Yuma 2:00 2:15 2:38 South/West to WestResort Yuma Transfer Hub or West Cocopah Reservation via Avenue C East to Cocopah Reservation State District 4:54 4:45 4:50 5:03 5:13 8 West to El Centro Bus S op @ Western Ave 8E T Center Reservation Avenue C on 26th Loop & (Somerton Admin. East 32nd 008 East 24th Atlantic in the Leave Transfer US Hwy 95 413 Arrive 16th St @ County Redondo Arrive Leave 16th St Admin. Office catTRAX ID# 008 378 060 062 068 068 408 058 004 006 San G eyhound W 40th St Dollar (Walmart) South College/ Avenue 3:00 3:15 3:26 3:38 5:52 6:00 6:12 6:22 6:32 6:51 Offices @ @ Chapay3:03 Street near Cottonwood City Hall) Offices @ Street @ Street @ Avenue Box@ Yuma Arizona to/from Arizona Downtown Downtown Sunridge 10th St @ @ Sierra Center 11:00 11:10 11:20 11:23 11:33 11:38 11:42 11:51 11:59 IGA > Somerton > Mesa Verde > Cocopah Luis Pass Ou e Frontage Northern General/ Yuma --------------> Fort Route: Cocopah -------------> ----------------------------------------> Cocopah -> MesaDrive Verde -> across Cocopah Somerton -> Cocopah Route: Veterans Dr->Fort Route: Yuma -> Winterhaven Yuma ->Yuma El Centro 6A Saturday Avenue 4E7:26 Avenue 3E @ 14th St Cocopah Western 7:22 Brown from-> Pacifi c Western Yuma Yuma Palms St & Quail4:03 Walmart Park Loop Veterans Drive @ Route 2 6:30 6:37 6:43 6:51 6:52 6:53 7:05 7:10 7:15 7:18 4:00 4:15 4:26 4:38 Market 6:52 7:00 7:12 7:22 7:32 7:51 Road Arizona Am ak Family Depart Downtown Paradise 1:00 1:10 1:20 1:23 1:33 1:38 1:42 1:51 1:59 (near Route 3 at College/ Yuma Fun Mobile (Yuma East Transit Transit US Highway Parkway Main County 16th Arrive Leave Quechan CocopahImperial Avenue C Avenue Street Cocopah Main StreetCollege/ Arrive West Leave Run Loop (Head Start) Drive Social Winterhaven ImperialA 24th Arrive El West Yuma Cocopah 40th St T Univ/ Dollar Castle Yuma Cocopah 2 7:30 7:37 7:43 7:51 7:52 7:53 8:05 8:10 8:15 8:18 8:22 8:26 YCAT/ Northern Arizona Factory Home Park Northern Palms Center Center (Yuma catTRAX ID# Street @ Street @ Cocopah 5:00 5:03 5:15 5:26 5:38 261 157 266 126 North RV Park @ 8th @ 16th @ Sonora Transfer Casino 95 @ Reservation @ @ State Cocopah 7:52 8:00 8:12 8:22 8:32 8:51 Security Casino Drive @ Casino Valley Mall @ Avenue Centro 3:00 3:10 3:20 3:23 3:33 3:38 3:42 3:51 3:59 UA West Greyhound Arizona Western Arizona Regional (3rd Street (3rd @ Gila Palms YCAT OnCa Se v ce A ea catTRAX ID# across Avenue B Casino 229 231 422 425 429 034 126 127 257 131 261 CocopahResort Street➋ near Hub 8:43 Resort C Cottonwood Avenue 9:10 Reservation ➊➊ 2 Dillard’s Office Dome Transit Railroad @ El Centro Transfer Reservation 8:30Street 8:37Sunset 8:51 Avenue 8:52 8:53 9:05 9:15 9:18 9:26 6:00 6:03 6:15Quechan 6:26 6:38 T 5 9:12 9:22 9:32 9:51 014 Office) ➊ Rgnl. Univ/UA 9:22 Center) Loop @ Gila St) 8:52Resort9:00 Streets) Ctr.) State 7:38 7:48 7:55 7:58 Reservation Avenue C on 26th & (Somerton Univ/UA Admin. College Community ➊ On Request - Call (928) 783-2235 at least 30 minutes prior or ask Bus Operator. catTRAX ID# 008 021 Admin. Ave @ Center Avenue Regional Terminal Red | Central Yuma Circulator via 4th Avenue 2A Weekdays 5 7:53 8:01 Avenue Fort Yuma 7:45 Offices @ 9:30 Medical 9:37 (State 9:43 9:52 9:53 10:05 10:15 10:22 10:26 |catTRAX | Colleges | Fortuna |10:51 Light10:18 = AM Bold = PM Chapay near ID#/ 9:51 Cottonwood City Hall) 10:10 Offices @ Orange Colleges East Orange Yuma / East Yuma Brown 10:12 Foothills Brown Fortuna Foothills S Center 7:49 Yuma (3rd Street (Hub@Liquor) St Street 9:52 10:00 10:22 10:32Shuttle 8:38 8:48 Transit 8:55 8:58 0 1m e 2 m es 008 378 060 062 068 068 408 413 058 004 006 008 6 Weekdays San Pasqual School Rd Veterans Dr Counter Clockwise Loop Route from Downtown Yuma Center 5:52 6:00 6:12 Rou e Dev a on Zone St & Quail Loop from Veterans 95 Palms @ Gila Center @Clockwise 7th St) Walmart 8:15 8:17 8:25 8:29 8:33 8:41 Loop Route Clockwise from Downtown LoopPark Route Yuma Transit Downtown Center toYuma Colleges Transit11:18 Center to Colleges Serving Fortuna Foothills Serving & Mesa Fortuna Del Sol Foothills & Me 2 10:30 10:37 10:43 10:51 10:52 10:53 11:05 11:10 11:15 11:22 11:26 Reservation 9:38 9:48 9:55 9:58 ➌ to West Yuma Street) Transfer Hub Run Loop Drive Parkway Route 2 6:30 6:37 (Head Start) 6:43 6:51 6:52 6:53 7:05 7:10 7:15 7:18 7:22 7:26 10:52 11:00 11:12 11:22 11:32 11:51 See ou es 3 6 6A 7 8 o 6:52 7:00 7:12 9:15Hub 9:17 9:25 9:29 Quechan 9:33 9:41 catTRAX ID# 1 km 2 km 10 261 157 26611:52Leave 126 To: 2 10:55 11:30 10:58 11:37 11:43 11:51 11:52 11:53 12:05 12:10 12:15 12:18 are 12:22 12:26to change 40th Leave Yuma 4 Yuma 32nd St Fortuna 32nd StSt Fortuna Leave 12:00 12:12 12:22 12:32 12:51 8A o mo e de a s 10:38 10:48 Housing Dept. Schedules subject Route: Yuma -----------------> Route: County Yuma --> -----------------> Yuma County --> Yuma Route: Yuma --> Fort Yuma -> Yuma catTRAX ID# 2 7:30 7:37 7:43 7:51 7:52 7:53 8:05 8:10 8:15 8:18 8:22 8:26 231 422 425 429 034 126 127 257 131 261 catTRAX ID# 001 5 008 014 016229 365 469 445 446 Arizona County @ @ 7:52 Road Road Arizona Arizona @ 8:00 County 8:12 @ El Centro Liquor 10:17 10:25 10:29 10:33 10:41 E St 10:15 2A 12:30 11:58 12:37 12:43 12:51 12:52 12:53 1:05 1:10 1:15 1:18 1:22 1:26 7:38 7:48 7:55 7:58 1:00 Ave 1:12 1:32AveFoothills 1:51@Western Library F Library 8E @ 1:22 8E Western without notice. 11:38 San Pasqual East 32nd East 24th Atlantic East8:53 32nd East9:05 24th Atlantic Leave Leave Transfer Transfer 95 US Hwy 95 Arrive 16th St @ County 16th StArrive @ County Redondo Arrive Redondo Leave Leave 2US Hwy 16th St 16th9:15 St T Win Arrive Catalina Yuma 11:48Castle11:55 Paradise 4th Ave 24th St West Leave 8:30 8:37 8:43 8:51 8:52 9:10 9:18 Arrive9:22 9:26 12:52Western Weekdays 7:45 7:49 7:53 8:01 8:52 9:00 9:12 by request 7:50 7:55 7:59 8:03 8:12 9:23 9:26 Blvd College/ B @ South @ South (Walmart) South (Walmart) South College/ College/ te 2:15 2:17 2:25 2:29 2:33 2:41 Monday & Unified 10 rhav Pipa 1:37 Sunridge 10th Downtown 1:51 Arizona 1:52 1:53 2:05Streetto/from 2:10 2:18 @ Yuma 2:22 @ Street2:15 @ Avenue Street StreetCenter @ 2:26 Avenue Arizona Arizona St1:43 @ @ Sierra 10th Stto/from @ @ Sierra Arizona Sunridge Downtown Downtown @ Yuma Center Downtown Drive12:38 @ International Ave1:30 @ 6th 6 Yuma Downtown Casino @ 8:38 Downtown 8:48 8:55 8:58 Weekdays 2:00 2:12 Frontage 2:22Northern 2:32 2:51Frontage 12:482Dome12:55 12:58 en Northern Frontage 2APacificDrive 9:30 9:37 9:43 9:53 10:05 10:10 10:15 10:22 10:26 1:52 Northern 5 Times may Drive10:18 School Wednesday Avenue 4E9:51 Avenue 3E9:52 @ 14thAvenue Stare 4Eapproximate Avenue 3E @ 14th Stand Western Brown Brown from Western across from Pacifi cWestern Western Drive Yuma Yuma Yuma Yuma Palms Palms Airport2:02 Yuma Transfer Catalina St Avenue 1:49 Yuma 8:17@by 8:25 Yuma 8:29 8:33 8:41 9:52 Road 10:00Frontage 10:12 @ 3:13 3:16 across 1:40 10th1:45 1:538:15 3:15 3:17Dr 3:25 3:33 Market 3:41 Arizona Rd Rd 3:32 Road Arizona Arizona 2Palmsrequest 2:30 2:37 (Yuma 2:43Mobile(Yuma 2:51 College/ 2:52Fun 2:53 3:05 3:10 3 at 3:15 3:18 Parkway 3:22 Drive 3:26 Agne 3:295 9:38 9:48 9:55 9:58 Gonzo’s 3:00 3:12 3:22 3:51 2:52 (near (near College/ College/ Route 3 at Route YumaTransit Fun Yuma Mobile College/ Transit Transit Transit Parkway District Transit Pkwy Hub on Square (Fry’s Transit 1:38 1:48 1:55 1:58 Social 2 10:30 Factory 10:37 10:43 Arizona 10:51 Northern 10:52 10:53 11:05 11:10 11:15 Social 11:18 Center 11:22 11:26 s Rd vary depending on traffic conditions, Ye ow H ghway 95 Sou h S ve San Lu s – AWC Connec o Univ/ Univ/ 9:15 10:42 9:17(Yuma 9:25 Center 9:29 9:33 Factory 9:41 10:52 Univ/ 11:00 11:12 YCAT/Center (Yuma Park Northern Park Northern Center HomePalms 26th St Apts. Center 10:20 10:25Food & 10:29 10:33 11:53 11:56 Super 4:15Save 4:17 Ind4:25 4:33 Quechan 4:41 Security 2A by request 3:30Center 3:37 Palms 3:43 3:51 3:52ArizonaHome 3:53 Northern 4:05 4:10 4:15YCAT/4:18 (Yuma4:22 Security 4:26 10:38(3rd Street 10:48 10:55 10:58 UA UA Senior On Request ian H 4:29 2:38 2:48 2:55 2:58 Saturday Greyhound Greyhound No h o Down own Yuma T an Cen e No h o A ona We e n Co ege Arizona Western Arizona 11:37 Arizona (3rd Street (3rd @ (3rd @2Gila Regional Palmsother Palms (3rd St @ Gila Regional Palms 10:25 near Drug) (3rd St @ 11:52 11:53 12:05 12:10 12:15 Offi12:18 12:22 12:26 2:52 UA 11:30 11:43 Western 11:51 Arizona weather and conditions. Quechan Tribe USA PASS R 8 Office ce 10:15 4:32 10:17 10:29 10:33 10:41 11:52 12:00 12:12 ill 10:12 by request 4:10 4:15 4:19 4:23 5:46 Cocopah Reservation only 10:00 10:02 d10:08East 10:16Center 10:21 10:31 10:33 10:42 10:52 11:00 Purple Route 6/6A Office)5:18 Office)@➊ Univ/UA Univ/UA College College Univ/UA Univ/UA Center) Center) Gila Rgnl. St) Ctr.) @ Gila11:48 St) Streets) Streets) Rgnl. 5:22 Ctr.) Gila St)5:43 Regional Ctr) Walmart Gila St) T 2 4:30 4:37 4:43 4:51 4:52 4:53 5:05 5:10 5:15 5:26 ➊ 11:38 11:55 11:58 Administrative 3:52 4:00 4:12 4:22 4:32 4:51 catTRAX ID# 008 catTRAX021 ID# 008 014 028 014 034 021 045 028 3:38 3:48 3:55 3:58 6A Saturday 12:30 12:37 12:43 12:51 12:52 12:53 1:05 stops 1:10 1:15 1:18 1:22 1:26 Quechan T Violet Route 7 2:15 2:17 2:25 2:29 2:33 2:412A 12:52 1:00 1:12 in the westbound direction. Not058 all YCAT bus Office/Indian R S >G >S m >C >Y m Ro S >Y m 12:00 12:02 Police 12:08served 12:12 12:16 Paradise 12:21 12:31 12:33 12:42 12:52 1:00 5:30 5:37 catTRAX 5:43 5:51 5:52 6:05 6:10 413 6:15 6:18 6:22 6:26 catTRAX ID# 12:38 008 12:48 12:55 12:58 008 378 ID#060 008 062 378 068 060 5:53 062 068 068 408 068 408 004 413 006 058are 008 shown. 004 006 Request Within the Cocopah Reservations, 4:38via048 4:482 4:55 4:58 Casino catTRAX ID# 008 5:52 6:22 6:00 6:32 6:51 8 Turquoise Health Clinic 014 021 | Yuma 028 and 034El Centro 045 008 1:30 1:37 1:43 1:51 1:52 1:53 2:05at all2:10 2:15 2:18 2:22 2:26 4:52 5:52 6:00 On 6:12 6A for 3:15 Interstate 3:17 001 3:25 3:29 3:33 3:41 2 1:52 6:12 2:00 6:22 2:12 U M M C D W All routes will stop YCAT bus 2:00 2:02 Federal 2:08 Use Purple 2:12 Route 2:16 2:21 2:31 2:33 2:42 2:52 3:00 these routes can flex off route. PASS 2A 6:30 6:37 6:43 6:51 6:52 6:53 7:05 7:10 7:15 95 1:38 1:48 1:55 1:58 2 6:30 6:37 2 6:30 7:05 7:10 7:22 7:15 7:22 East to Yuma6:49 6:55 7:04 5:38 7:10 5:48 Route 5:55 5:58 Route @ @ D w w M Hw @ @ C @ m M 10 @ 6:52 7:00 7:12 6:52 7:22 7:00 7:32 7:51 Saturday Service to West and 2 6:436:37 2:30 6:51 2:376:526:43 6:536:51 2:437:056:52 2:517:106:53 2:527:15along 2:537:18 3:05 3:107:26 7:18 3:15 3:18 7:26 3:22 3:26 6:30 6:35 6:43 7:16 10 2:52 7:12 3:00 7:22 3:12 4:15 ➊ On 4:17 4:25(928)7:25 4:29 at least 4:3330 minutes 4:41 Passengers may request the bus thetrip route. m @C @ R m @C WC W Additional trips may be added to stopsWhen the last ends at 4:00Heritage 4:02 Courthouse 4:08 East 4:12 4:16 4:31 4:33 4:42 4:52 5:00 ➊ Requestvia - Call 783-2235 prior or ask Bus Operator. Yuma 4:21 2:38 8:26 2:48 2:55 2:58 Turquoise | Yuma and El Centro Center 2Interstate 7:308 7:37 2 7:30 7:437:37 7:51 3:377:527:43 7:53 7:51 8:05 7:52 8:10 7:53 8:15 8:05 8:18 8:10 8:22 8:15 8:26 8:18 8:22 Cocopah Reservations and E 1st St operator to flex off route, up to 3/4 7:52 8:00 8:12 7:52 8:22 8:00 8:32 8:12 8:51 8:22 W m C H C 2A 3:30 3:43 3:51 3:52 3:53 4:05 4:10 4:15 4:18 4:22 4:26 Orange Route 2 at 7:30 AM and Avenue 3E @ East 24th Street, W 7:30 El 7:35 7:43 7:49 7:55Fort Yuma 8:04 8:10 8:25 County 1 2:52 On 5 10:00 10:02 ->8:16 10:08 10:12 10:16 10:21 10:31 10:33 10:52 11:00 Senior Route: Centro -------------------------> -> Winterhaven Fort Yuma -> Yuma - ends | Cocopah Shuttle Last trip on Friday at Avenue 3E8:30 @ East 24th Street at 6:108:52 PM10:42 No9:15 transit service on: Shaw Yuma Crossing C D w C N 3:38 9:26 3:48 3:55 3:58 West6A toSaturday El CentroViolet of a mile on either side of the route Cocopah Casino. Admin. 5 8:30 AM8:51 to address any overcrowding service west of9:10 that point is9:159:26 9:18 2 8:30 8:37 2 8:43 8:37 8:51 8:43 8:53 9:05 8:52 9:10 8:53 9:05 9:18 9:22 9:22 ➊ Center 8:52 9:00 9:12 8:52 9:22 9:00 9:32 9:12 9:51 9:22 4:30 12:33 4:37 12:42 4:43 4:51 4:52 available 4:53upon request 5:05 to the 5:10 5:15 5:18 5:22 5:26 Street 8:49 Imperial 8:55 Quechan Winterhaven Downtown Arrive 8:30 Depart 8:35 4th 8:43 9:04 9:16 G @ 3:52 4:00 4:12 NHC & Visitor Purple | Avenues A and C West to9:10 Cocopah East and 9:25 West Reservations E County 14th St 12:00 12:02Paradise 12:08 12:12 12:16 12:212 12:31 12:52 Yuma 1:00 Industries by asking the bus operator or calling between Downtown Transit Sunday, New Years Day, Dr. Martin St No service at this time 4:38 10:26 4:48 4:55 4:58 Main St. t El Centro @ Brighton Valley Mall @ Casino Drive @ Casino Yuma Castle E 2nd St W m H U a 2A 9:30 9:37 2A 9:43 9:30 9:37 9:51 9:43 9:52 9:53 9:51 10:05 9:52 10:10 9:53 10:15 10:05 10:18 10:10 10:22 10:15 10:26 10:18 10:22 Bureau o East/North to North Cocopah Reservation via Avenue A 9:52 10:00 10:12 9:52 10:22 10:00 10:32 10:51 10:22On Center & 5:43 AWC/NAU/UA. bus5:53 operator. 6:05 b 5:37 6:10 6:15 6:18 6:22 6:26 928.783.2235 - 60 minutes in Route:Avenue --------------> Fort Yuma -> Winterhaven ->2:08 Fort Yuma -----------------> Cocopah 9:30 Transfer 9:35 9:43Yuma 9:49 9:55 Resort 10:04 10:10 10:25 6A 4:52 10:12 W 1st St 2:02 10:16 2:12 2:16 El Centro 2:21 2 2:315:30 2:33 2:42 2:52 5:51 3:00 5:52 Cinemas W 1st St Cocopah U Dillard’s ➋ 2nd Avenue Transit Dome 1 team ➊2:00 Luther King11:18 Jr. Day, Presidents Day, 5:38 5:48 5:55 5:58 Route: Cocopah > Mesa Verde > Cocopah > Somerton Cocopah advance. Deviations requests are 2Quechan 10:30 >Ave 10:37 10:30 10:43 10:3710:516:3710:52 10:43 10:5111:05 10:52 11:10 10:53 11:15 11:05 11:22 11:15 11:2611:18 Vocational TRAX D 145 S 150 152 Community 157 126 165 465 168 380 394 Winterhaven Imperial Courthouse 10:52 11:00 11:12 10:52 11:22 11:00 11:32 11:12 11:51 11:22 6:4310:53 6:53 11:10 7:05 7:10 7:15 11:22 11:26 Center @ 2Imperial 10:30 Terminal 10:35 10:43Depart 10:49Downtown 10:55 Paradise 11:04 11:10 11:16 11:25 4:00(Gonzo’s 4:02 4:08 4:12 4:16 4:212A 4:316:30Arrive 4:33 4:42 4:52 6:51 5:00 ➊6:52 Route: Yuma Cocopah -> Somerton -> Mesa Verde -> Cocopah -> Yuma ---------------------------------------> Cocopah limited to the first four (4) requests per Center Memorial Day, Independence Day, 12:22 12:26 TRAX D Castle Yuma Casino Drive @ Railroad Casino(3rd Valley Mall @ Avenue State Main St Arrive Leave US Cocopah 145 322 399 068 Center (State St Super Save Street Yuma County 10 11:52 11:53 12:05 12:10 12:15 12:18 12:22 12:26 2 11:30 11:37 2 11:30 11:43 11:37 11:51 11:43 11:51 11:52 11:53 12:05 12:10 12:15 12:18 Additional trips may be added to When the last trip ends at 12:22 12:00 12:32 12:12 12:51 12:22 Call (928) 783-2235 at least 30 minutes prior or ask Bus Operator. 6 13 6 17 6 22 6 32 6 39 6 49 6 52 6 59 7 06 7 10 ➊ On➋Request West 11:30 @11:35 11:49Transit 11:55 12:04 12:10 12:16Resort12:25 @ Cocopah USA) Highway one-way trip. Avenue East Dillard’s @ El-Centro Street @ Leave West Main St County Cocopah Violet3E| @ Cocopah Shuttle 11:52 12:00 12:12 11:52 ➊ 7th St) 11:43Dome @ Palms T West Yuma 24th Street Avenue A Avenue C @ Arrive Library District Giss Pkw Cocopah iverside Dr R Labor Day, Veterans Day, 2 Wild River Weekdays W T Veterans Dr Orange Route 2 at 7:30 AM and Avenue East 24th Street, Cocopah T W 3rd St y 5 50 6 00 6 05 6 40 6 State Ave Casino 95 @ Reservation @ 2A 12:37 12:53 1:15PM 2A 12:43 12:30 12:37 12:4312:52 12:51 12:53 1:05 1:181:101:22 1:151:26 1:18 1:22 | Avenues Monday o @ Center (Hub Liquor) Regional 7th Cocopah Transfer @ Yuma @ 16th 8th Street North Cocopah Purple A12:30 and C Reservation Gila Street) Parkway 12:52 1:00 1:12 12:52 1:22 1:00 1:32 1:12 1:51 1:22 Last trip12:51 onStreet Friday - ends at Avenue 3E @1:05 East12:52 24th1:10 Street at 6:10 6 Veterans 58 7 St 02 7 07 7 17 7 24 7 34 7 37 7 44 7 51 7 55 West west to1:26 Cocopah Reservations Police T 4 T @ Across 16th9StT @ Casino Cocopah 12:30 12:35 12:43Ave 12:49 12:55 1:04 1:10 1:16 1:25 Entertainment 8:30 AM to address any overcrowding service of that pointEast is and West (Somerton Admin. Avenue C Cottonwood 3rd St Reservation @ Yuma (3rd Street Resort Medical Thanksgiving Day & Christmas Day Reservation State Avenue B Resort Hub Regional Street 6A E ➌ Thu sday East/North to Cocopah via Avenue A 1:51 7 00 7 10Center 7 15 7 50 Sol 1:30 1:37 1:43 1:521:43 1:531:51 2:051:522:101:53 2:152:05 2:18 2:22 2:15 2:26Transit 1:30 2:10 2:18 2:22 2:26request to the Speedway between Downtown Yuma available upon City Hall) OffiReservation Park &2North 4 1:52 2:00 2:12 1:52 2:22 2:00 2:32 2:12 2:51 2:22 7 43 7 47 7 52 W8 County 02 815th 09 St 8 19 8 22 8 29 8 36 8 40 4th St Del No1:37 service at this time ces 4 catTRAX @ Gila Center 446 1:43 451Palms 365 368 014 008 001@ 2 Admin. Avenue on 26th Medical Chapay Street 1:30ID# 1:35 1:49 469 1:55 2:04 2:10 2:16 2:25 Market 1 Center & AWC/NAU/UA. bus operator. Cottonwood Route: Cocopah > Mesa Verde > Cocopah > Somerton > Cocopah Veterans Dr G 4 Center Parkway Street) 8 30 8 40 8 E45County9 15th 20 St Offices @ Street Near & Quail Run8 2 2:30 2:37 2 2:522:43 2:532:51 3:052:523:102:53 3:153:05 3:183:103:22 3:153:26 3:18 2:30 2:432:37 2:51 3:22 3:26 95 iss W County 15th St 6A 2:52 3:00 3:12 2:52 3:22 3:00 3:32 3:12 3:51 3:22 8 28 8 32 8 37 89 47 8 754 9 04 9 07 9 14 9 21 9 25 Park Loop Yuma Pkwy Loop* 2:30 2:35 2:55 10:46 3:04 3:10 3:16 3:25 Route: Cocopah -> Somerton -> Mesa Verde -> Cocopah -> Yuma ---------------------------------------> Cocopah This route can flex off route. Passen9:30 2:43 9:35 2:49 by request 10:55 10:59 11:03 11:08 Cocopah Main St Arrive Leave US Cocopah 10 Monday & Veterans Dr Walmart MST =4:05 Mountain Standard Time High 2A 365 3:30 West3:37 3:43 3:51 3:533:51 4:053:524:103:53 4:15 4:184:10 4:22 4:154:26 2A 24th 3:30Avenue 3:37 3:43 4:18 Cocopah 4:22 4:26 catTRAX3:43 ID# 001 2 2A may request the bus operator to flex 008 014West4:10 016 4:16 469 445 446 @ 2:52 West Highway East On2:52 Request On Reques Leave Main St County Cocopah Yuma Street A Avenue C @ 3:52 Arrive Gold | Interstate 8 / 32nd Food Street / Wellton 9 13 9 17 9 22 Cocopah 9 32 9 39 9 49 9 52 9 59 10 06 10 10 Wednesday 3:30 3:35 3:49 3:55 4:04 4:25 S ve San LuConference s –gers AWC Connec o 95 3:20 3:25 by request 4:36 4:45 4:49 4:53 4:58 catTRAX ID# Downtown Yuma d 126 127 257 131 261 Cocopah School catTRAX ID# AWC Somerton Tribe Administration 261 157 266 126 034 038 274 439 229 Somerton 95 @ Reservation @ State Ave off route, up to 1 1/2 mile on either side Cocopah @ Across 16th2St @ Casino @ Yuma4:30@4:43 16th 4:378th Street North4:43 Cocopah T Center PST5:15 = 5:05 Pacifi c Standard Time 4:30 Transfer 4:37 2 by 4:534:51 5:054:525:104:53 5:18 5:26 5:18 Casino 5:105:22 5:15 5:22 5:26 y R Yuma Transfer Hub West to Downtown Yuma Transit West C R m Transit Center 3:52 Reservation 4:00 4:12 3:52 4:22 4:00 4:32 4:12 4:51 4:22 City/ Center or 9 58 10 02 10 07 Office 10 17 10 24 10 34 10 37 Center/Somerton 10 44 10 51 10 55 City Hall request Street 9:23 4:51 9:26 4:52 8:50 8:55 8:59 5:10 9:035:16 9:12 Resort Avenue C Cottonwood (Somerton 4:30 4:35 4:49 4:55 1:16 5:04 5:25 Monday4:43 & of the route by asking the bus operator ab 95 Reservation State Avenue B Resort Hub Regional Reservation @ 12:00 12:05 by request 1:25 1:29 1:33 1:38 r Admin. 8:00 8:03 8:15 8:26MST PST 8:38 ➜ Cocopah 7:25 7:30 7:34 This trip continues in southbound direction Walgreens A City 4:52 Hall) Offices @ Park & Saturday 2 3:12 5:30 5:37 5:535:51 6:055:526:105:53 6:156:05 6:186:106:22 6:156:26 6:18 2by 5:30 5:43 5:37 5:51 5:43 6:22 6:26 or calling (928) 783-2235 - 60 minutes in Wednesday 2:50 Admin. Avenue on 26th Medical Chapay Street On4:52 Request On Reques 10 43 10 47 10 52 Cocopah 11 02 11 09 11 19 11 22 Middle 11 29 School/ 11 36 11 40 PASS request 3:13 3:16 5:52 2:55 2:59 6:10 3:03 7:19 Arrive Castle Leave Castle Arrive Leave 95 6 Valley Weekdays 5:30 5:35 5:55 7:06 6:04 6:25 Orange Route 2/2A on 95 Cottonwood 5:50 5:43 5:55 5:49 byWeekdays request 7:15 7:23 Street 7:28 Route: Wellton Dome -> Fortuna Foothills --> Yuma Veterans Dr W 8th ---------------------------> St 7 Casino Ro Y m >S >S m C limited to 9:03 6:16 9:15 9:26 9:38 Yuma County Somerton advance. Deviations requests >are Post Dome Ave @ Dome Offi9:00 ces @ Near Center & Quail Run6:536:51 7:056:527:106:53 7:157:05 Tribe 8:45 8:50 E 8th 8:54St 9:03 request9:13 Ave @ Arizona Arizona Family 2A 10:426:30 6:37 6:43 2A by 6:30 10:53 6:37 6:51 6:43 6:52 7:10 7:15 T Park Loop to YCAT Office 6 6ALeave 11 28 11 32 11 37 Museum 11 47 11 54 12 04 12 07 Library 12 14 District 12 21 12 25 request 10:20 10:25 10:29 10:33 10:56 the first four (4) requestsMper one-way trip Arrive South 32nd St @ Arizona West Los Jack in Ligurta Yuma Office Yuma Palms YumaAirport Veterans Dr Walmart Loop* 6A 95 NightCAT 7 @ Palms Western Western Dollar Western Dept of | 10:26 6A Blue- Call Quechan Shuttle 10:00 10:03➊ On10:15 10:38 MST PST ➜ Saturday by asking the bus 9:45 9:50 9:54 10:03 10:13 The Home Yuma Additional trips may be added Additional to trips When may the be last added trip to ends at When the last trip ends at Orange 7 Request (928) 783-2235 On Request at least 30 Call minutes (928) 783-2235 prior or ask at Bus least Operator. 30 minutes prior or ask Bus Operator. Downtown Frontage Ave 8E Yuma Arizona Angeles The Box County for $2.00 for all passengers. Gold Route Station* M @ C ➊ College/ Pkwy Pkwy O D Family Brown 3 offers convenient mini-bus service throughout Economic 12 13 12 17 12 22 12 32 12 39 12 95 49 12 52 12 59 1 06 1 ID# by request 127 257 Route 131 261 3:30 catTRAX 3:35 ID# 3:39 3:43 266 3:52 126 T 10 6A College/ College/95Transfer 261 11:03 157 034Loop 038 from4:03 274 439 229 via Downtown or by calling: Orange Route 2 at 7:30 AM and Orange Avenue 2 at 7:30 3E @AM Eastand 24th catTRAX Street,Avenue 3E @ 126 East 24th Street, Counter Clockwise Route Paradise4:06 Casino Resort Yuma Transit CenterRoute W @ Cnot m R @ Yuma (across Avenue @ Street @ @ Library @ Road @ 8A does (Old E WC County 16th Stflex off route. (Yuma Palms (Yuma Palms Northern Grove Northern 11:00 11:15 11:26 11:38 most of Fortuna Foothills and Mesa Del Sol outside our standard O Dollar 1:45Depot/ 1:50 1:54 Palms 2:03 operator2:13 Security 91 37 Somerton Last trip on Friday - ends atLast Avenue trip on 3EFriday @ East- ends 24th Street at Avenue at 6:10 3E @ PM East 24th Street at 6:10any PMovercrowding Northern C C w Transit Fortuna from on William William Ave 29E Hwy 80) South 8:30 AM to address 8:30 AM to address service west any overcrowding of that point is service west of that point is Furniture Regional (928) 783-2235 12 58 1 02 1 07 1 17 1 24 1 34 1 44 1 51 1 55 Family Arizona Somerton U/ Regional Ctr) Regional Ctr) Arizona U/ service 10th St TArizona Hub ➊ T 8:00 8:03 8:15 area.8:26 8:38 Gold Route 8A only operates when YPIC N Mesa C This trip continues in southbound direction 7:25 7:30 7:34 12:00 12:03 12:15 12:26 12:38 Pool Center Road Walmart) 26th St Street Street Frontage Public W County between Downtown Yuma Transit between Downtown available Yuma upon Transit request to the available upon request to the Row Center UA W 16th St UA 2:45 2:50 2:54 3:03 3:13 | 9 Bus Yuma and El Centro via 8Reservation Turquoise Weekdays ➊ Route: FortInterstate Yuma -> Fort Yuma -------> Winterhaven -> Yuma -> Ft. Yuma Resvtn. No service at thisWinterhaven time NoIndian service at this time-----------------------> Social (Gila @ O and Aztec C 6 Weekdays Brown Route 3 is custom-fit to your schedule and your neighCharter High School High D 1 43 1 47 1 52 2 02 2 09 2 19 2 22 2 29 2 36 2 40 Dollar Road Goodwill Univ/UA T near Safety Tickets & AWC/NAU/UA. Center & AWC/NAU/UA. bus operator. bus operator. 9:00 1 Stop 9:03 9:15 It will 9:26 8:45 8:50 Arnold 8:54 Winterhaven 9:03 Quechan 9:13AndradeCenter U Verde H O (928) 783-2235 Del Sol 1:00Lu s 1:03 1:15 Quechan 1:26 1:38 Ross borhood. take you9:38 anywhere in the route zone or to a timed Security East to Yuma School is in session. Call Winterhaven Downtown Indian Hill Arrive 3:45 3:50 3:54 4:03 4:13 St) Walmart 12:00 4:00 4:15 Ye ow H Ye ghway Sou h 95 Sou S ve San AWC ow 95 H3rd ghway h S ve –San LuConnec sLeave – AWCo ConnecIronwood o Dept 12:15 U O 2 28 2 32 2 37 2 47 2 54 3 04 3 07 Market 3 14 3 21 3 25 transfer with10:26 YCAT Orange Route 2/2A at Arizona Western Road @ Paradise @ Rd9:50 (Bard) Road Yuma Paradise Community Drive @ Drive 10:03 @ Port of Drive @ Casino for more details. 10:00 10:03 10:15 10:38 9:45 9:54 10:13 E 12th St 2:00 2:03 2:15 2:26 2:38 University O Service operates only on Dr. Reservations must be o Down own Yuma T an Yuma Cen No via h oPacifi A No ona We n Co egee nCenter 4:45 4:50 4:54 eT 5:03 5:13 PASS T No 034 h o Down own Tean Cen hAvenue o A e ona We Co @ ege Ironwood @ 12th 091 St No 8h 068 connects with@IVT 2nd College. ➊ This timepoint is the closest To deboard at Imperial ➌ This timepoint is subject to Quechan➋ Casino Transit Casino Picacho Railroad Ave *Also Entry Avenue | catTRAX ID# | Resort Central Yuma Circulator c Green 301 306 300 118 299 316 394 Blue Quechan Shuttle 3 13 3 17 3 22 3 32 3 39 3 49 3 52 King 3 59 4 06 4 10 Route: El Centro ------------------------------------------> Fort Yuma -> Winterhaven -> Fort Yuma -> Yuma Martin Luther King Jr. Day, made in advance by Friday of Phoenix 11:15 It’s as easy 11:26 as 1-2-3. 11:38 Routes 3/4 T point to Algodones, Baja Valley Mall, simply ask the relocate 11:00 to El Centro 11:03 TransTribe Terrace Center San3:26 (Hub Liquor) SR 186 (Gonzo’s Brown Route 3 offers convenie 1:45 1:50 Road1:54Counter 2:03 2:13 9 3:00 3:15 Yuma 3:38 Baseline Presidents Day, Memorial Day, 6Aon the day before the holidayD Clockwise Loop Route from Downtown Yuma Transit 3:03 Center to West Transfer Hub Market 11:00 11:10 11:20 11:23 11:33 11:38 11:42 11:51 11:59 YCAT TRAX Clockwise Loop Route from Paradise Casino Resort via Downtown Yuma Transit Center 068 400 322 145 160 259 Yuma Depart 4th Street Imperial Quechan Winterhaven Paradise Downtown Arrive Admin. (mailboxes) Rd (3rd St @ Pasqual (Algodones) Super Save 7 ofbus Fortuna California. It is a 1.5 mile bus operator. To be picked fer Terminal at State Street ➊ 3 58 4 02 4 07 4 17 4 24 4 34 4 37 4 44 4 51 4 55 Weekdays 8A --------- 6A Saturday 7:16 R 7:22 7:28 7:38 7:51>>SG m --- > SC m SR >G >> YC m Ro S >Y m 1. Call (928)12:26 783-2235 12:38 at least 30 minutes priormost to the de- Foothills and M S >Y m Ro S >Y m Independence Day, Labor Day & @12 noon by contacting Yuma 12:00 12:03 12:15 Office 2:45 2:50 Yuma 2:54 Castle 3:03 3:13 4:00 4:03 4:15 4:26 4:38 Casino El Centro @ Brighton Valley Mall @ CasinoSchool Drive Public E 14th 1:59 St Rd@ 2nd USA)walk fromGila 4 service area. If on the St) bus stopOffi toce up at Imperial Valley Mall, @ 7th Street sometime after E County 17th St parting the above timepoints or be at the above timepoints. 1:00 1:10 1:20 1:23 1:33 1:38 1:42 1:51 Yuma Veterans Day Only. AWC Campus Life in the 3C Leave 12th St Yuma 32nd St 24th St West Ave B 3rd St 3rd St Arrive Cemetery U M M C D W 3 50 3 55 4 05 4 25 4 35 U M M C D W Monday o 3 15 4 43 4 47 4 52 5 02 5 09 5 19 5Main 22 Street 5 29@ 5 36 5 40 8 7:00 7:06 7:13 7:21 7:31 7:37 7:43 7:53 -8:05 Transfer@ 4th Avenue Dillard’s ➋ Resort @ Avenue Transit Dome Works ➊ 14th St T Route: Fort Yuma Indian Reservation -----------------------> Winterhaven -> Fort Yuma -------> Winterhaven -> Yuma -> Ft. Yuma Resvtn. 1:00 1:03 1:15 1:26 1:38 the Border crossing. call (928) 783-2235 30 December 2013. Orange Route 2/2A, ask the driver to call for Brown Route 3. 2 2A Building. | | Downtown @ Yuma Ave @ across Yuma @ @ Downtown Brown Route 3 is custom-fit to OrangeInternational Colleges /MEast Yuma Brown014 Fortuna Foothills Shuttle Private 3:45 3:50 3:54 Ave 4:03 4:13 470 5:00 @ catTRAX 5:03 @ 5:15 5:38 @ D w@ w @ 3:23 @ C @ D w w M Hw @ @ @ m @ 3:59 M Service is subject to change. ID# 014 6th5:26 344 347 352 Center 358 016 365 368 008 374 3:00AWCM3:10 Hw 3:20 3:33C @ 3:38 3:42m 3:51 Terminal(near (Gonzo’s Super @ Thu sday 5 15 The bus will come directly to your door for an additional fee you anywhe Yuma Palms St 24th Ave Yuma minutes prior Winterhaven to the bus 5 50 5 55 6 05 6 25 6 35 Industry borhood. $2.00 It will take Airport 5 28 5 32 5 37 5 47 5 54 6 04 6State 07 Avenue 6 14 6 21 6 25 MCAS Food T CVS Hill Arrive Ironwood Ross ➊ Sears@ &Cfromfrom Leave Quechan Arnold Winterhaven Quechan Andrade m @C @ @C mR WC@ C Transfer W m @ m4 WC 16th W 2R Clockwise Loop Downtown Yuma Transit Colleges Serving Fortuna Foothills &Downtown Mesa DelIndian Sol 2:00 2:03 2:15 2:26will direct 2:38 (State Route Save USA) (3rd4:54 Street @ Yuma Transit Regional Yuma Hub on AveCenter to Transit 4:45 4:50 5:03 5:13 or the dispatcher you to a safe intersection near your 6:00 6:03 6:15 6:26 6:38 Family departing El Centro TransferYuma transfer with YCAT Orange Ro | Inca Gold Interstate 8 / 32nd Street / Wellton Paradise 6A 7 9 95 Road @ Drive @ Rd (Bard) Paradise Community Road @ Drive @ Port of Drive @ Entrepreneur W m C H C Yuma Council Housing City Casino W m C H C On Request Call (928) 783-2235 at least 30 minutes prior or ask Bus Operator. 7:15 7:19 7:24 7:28 7:30 7:35 7:43 7:46 7:56 8:01 8:06 8:12 W ➊ W 9 35 9 55 10 05 8 45 9 20 9 25 Center Ctr behind 26th Center Street @Southgate Regional Gila Casino Street) Palms location you can 3:38 board the bus. Reservations can be made 6 13 6 17 6 22 6 32 6 39 6 49 6 52 6 59 7 06 7 6A 10 E 16th St C College. Terminal be2nd picked up. Transit Ironwood @ Center @ Picacho Railroad Ave Leave EntrySt@ toFortuna Avenue 3:00 Casino 3:03 3:15 where 3:26 D w Police C N 2A Lanes Center C D Dollar w C 11:10 N 11:23 (3rd11:33 Resort 32nd 40th St Quechan Leave Yuma (3rd St -----------------> @ Harkins Mall) Medical St➊ near St @ 11:00 11:20 11:38 11:42 11:51 11:59 East to Wellton or Fortuna Foothills W 16th St ➊ up to 24 hours in advance. 7th Street) Parkway m NightCAT WC W Route: Yuma County --> Yuma It’s as easy as 1-2-3. 7 8G 2 2A 8:15 8:19 Gila St)8:24 8:28 8:30 8:35 8:43 8:46 8:56 (Hub9:01 9:06 @SR 9:12 Tribe Terrace Baseline Road San Liquor) Arizona 186 Road (Gonzo’s @ T 95 T G @ 95 @ Arizona CountyCenter Saturday 6A T Gila St) Theaters Ctr Walmart 9 38 9 42 959 47 9 57 10 02 10 12 10 14 10 19 10 24 10 28 Salt Cedar Ave C ➊ 4:00 4:03 4:15 4:26 4:38the vehicle may arrive m w N U (mailboxes) Rd ➊ St @ Admin. Pasqual (Algodones) W m H U 2. Please keep in mind that up to 5 minutes 1:00 1:20 1:33 1:38 1:42 1:51 1:59 9:46 W m H 1:10 U 1:23 Yuma Western Library (3rdFoothills 8E @ Super Save 1. Call (928) 783-2235 at least 3 Sa u day East365 East 24th Atlantic Transfer St @ County Redondo Arrive 16th St 9:30 m 9:15 9:19 9:28 9:35 9:56 10:01 Western 10:06 Ave 10:12 catTRAX ID# 446US Hwy451 Yuma 3689:24 014 008 001 Rd 9:43 O R A U 6A Foothills --> Dome Valley Route: Yuma -----------------------------------------------> Fortuna Offi ce Gila Blvd St) School USA) @ South U before your scheduled catTRAX ID# Leave 10 38 10 42 10 47 10 57 11 02 11 12 11 14 11 19 11 24 11 28 Co 18th St S 008 16th 014 02895 Arrive 034469 045 Leave 048 001U32nd 006 College/ College/ (Walmart) South Mesa-> Wellton 5:00 5:03 5:15 or after 5:26 5:38 pick-up time. parting the above timepoints or Street @ 3:23 Street @ 008 Avenue Arizona to/from 10th021 St @ @ Sierra Arizona Sunridge Downtown Downtown @ Yuma 3:42 Center B Palms165 B w R 3:00 3:10 3:20 3:33 3:38 3:51 10:43 3:59 10:46 TRAX D 145 Jack 150 157152 126157 DShopping 145 126 465 165 168465 380168 394 380 394 * Also connects Northernwith Frontage Frontage Northern OrangeorRoute 2/2A, ask the d 7 LigurtaTRAX Arizona 32nd St @ South Yuma West Leave in Los 152150 Arrive 10:15 10:19 10:24 10:28 10:30 10:35 10:56 11:01 11:06 11:12 3. Simply board, pay your $2.00 fare ($1.00 discount) show Avenue 4E Avenue 3E @ 14th St Western Brown across from Pacifi c Western Drive Yuma Yuma Palms by request 9:30 9:35 11:46 11:55 11:59 12:03 12:08 Parkway WC N U U Drive @ O catTRAX ID# 11 38 11 42 11 47 11 57 12 02 12 12 12 14 12 19 12 24 12 28 014 344 347 352 358 016 Arizona 365 470 Road 368 008 374 014 Monday & 6:44 TRAX D 6:52 322 399 068 6:00 6:03 6:15YCATPass. 6:26If the bus 6:38 6:30 (Yuma 6:36 Yuma 6:58 7:03 7:11 7:16 068 7:21 7:26 TRAX D 6A IVT Routes 3/4 Arizona Rd 145 322 399 Western Ave 8E will come directly to yo Las 6 39 Frontage County Downtown Yuma Box Angeles MST ➜ Station* your comes to your door,The an bus additional Center (nearOperator. Request - Call (928) at PST least 30 minutes prior or| Quechan ask 11:24 Bus College/ Route783-2235 3 at Fun Mobile College/ Transit Transit Parkway ➊ On145 Cibola wR |Social Blue Shuttle Blue11:30 Quechan Shuttle 6 13 The 6 17 6 22 Arizona 6 32 6 13 6@22 6 32 6 49 6 39 6 52 6 49 6 52 7 06 6 59 7 10 7 06 7 10 11:15 11:19 11:28 11:35 11:43 11:46 11:56 12:01 Univ/ 12:06 12:12 TY Wednesday Univ/ is 1 6 59 the dispatcher will direct you Road @ Weekdays Library Transfer College/ (across Yuma @ Street @ 6 17 AvenuePalmillos by request 5:36 8:21 5:45 5:49 5:53 5:58 3:20Home 3:25 $2.00 fare will apply on 3top of the base faremini-bus andorany pass used. (Old 12 38 12 42 12 47 12 57 1 02 1 12 1 14 1 19 1 24 1 28 ➊ This timepoint YCAT/ Northern Arizona Factory Park Northern Palms Center Center (Yuma Brown Route offers convenient Brown Route 3 service offers convenient throughout mini-bus Weekdays High 7:15 7:19 7:24 7:28 7:30 7:35 7:43 7:46 7:56 8:01 8:06 8:12 7:30 7:36 7:44 7:52 7:58 8:03 8:11 8:16 8:26 Security Head Northern 5 50 6 00 6 05 6 40 5 50 6 00 6 05 6 40 Monday o UA UA location where you can board Counter Clockwise Loop Counter Route Clockwise from12:35 Paradise Loop12:43 Casino Route Resort from Paradise via Downtown Casino1:01 Yuma ResortTransit via Downtown Center Monday o from Fortuna @6South Hwy 80) Hub on Transit William William Shopping Cottonwood Loop 6 58 Ave 29E 7 02 7 07 7 17 Greyhound12:28 Arizona 12:15 Western Arizona (3rd Street (3rd @ Gila Regional Palms most of Fortuna Foothills most Mesa of the Fortuna Delweekday Sol Foothills outside and standard Mesa Del Solth 6 58 7 02 7 07 7 24 7 17 7 34 7 24 7 37 7 34 7 44 7 37 7 51 7 44 7 55 7 51 7 55 12:19 12:24 12:30 12:46 12:56 1:06 1:12 Yuma Transit Centerthe closest point 4. Last allowable reserved pick upand time for 4:52our PM School Offi ce Start by request 11:00 11:05 1:16 9:21 1:25 1:29 1:33 1:38 1 38 2 02 2 12 2 14 2 19 2 24 2 28 up to 24 hours in advance. 1st Ave1 42 1 47 1 57 Walmart) Road Frontage ➊ 26th St Arizona Center Street Street Center 8:15 8:19 8:24 8:28 8:30 8:35 8:43 8:46 8:56 9:01 9:06 9:12 8:30 8:36 8:44 8:52 8:58 9:03 9:11 9:16 9:26 Offi ce) Univ/UA College Univ/UA Center) @ Gila St) Streets) Rgnl. Ctr.) Thu sday service area. service area. ➊ Thu sday to Algodones, Baja 7 00 7 10 7 15 7 50 Univ/UA on request trip isSan 5:20 Lu PM.s – AWC Connec o MST PST ➜ 7 00 7 10 7 15 7 50 Saturday 7 catTRAX ID# 2:06 008 014 021 028 034 045 7 95 43 7 47 Ye1:28 owYuma H 1:30 ghway 951:35 Sou h-----------------------> S ve Rd near (Gila @ 7 43 7 52 7 478 027 52 8 09 8 02 8 19 8 09 8 22 8 19 8 29 8 22 8 8 29 8 40 8 36 8 40 9 Cottonwood Park Loop 1:15 1:24 1:43-> Fort1:46 1:56Winterhaven 2:01 2:12 2. Please keep intmind that the 8 36 Post 2 38 Route:10:16 Fort1:19 Yuma 6:35 Indian Route: Reservation Fort-----------------------> Indian Reservation Winterhaven Yuma Winterhaven Fort Yuma -> Yuma -------> -> Ft.Winterhaven Yuma -> 9:56 Yuma -> Ft.10:01 Yuma Resvtn. California. It is a 10:12 by request 4:10 9:52 4:15 6:26 6:39 6:43 6:48 2 42 2 47 2 57 3 02 3 12 3 14 3 19 3 24 3 28 Pete 9 Brown Route 3 ispick custom-fi Brown t tofor your Route schedule 3 is custom-fi and your neighto your sched 9:15 9:19 9:28 -------> 9:30 -> 9:35 9:43 9:46Resvtn. 10:06 9:36 9:44 9:58 5. LastNo allowable reserved upetime the Saturday 2:52 PM Walmart 3rd St) catTRAX ID# 9:30 8 30 068 8 40 8 45 9 20 008 378 060 062 068 408910:21 41310:26058No h 004 006 Yuma 008T an 9:24 8 3010:03 8 4010:11 8 45 20 before after o Down Cen e2:46 h oA n Co ege Office T 1.5 Arrive mile walk 8 32 07 14 borhood. It willona takeWe you anywhere borhood. in Itthe willroute takeorzone you anywhere oryour to ascheduled timed in the rop 5:52 6:00 6:12 6:22 6:51from 8 28 8 37 8 328 478 37 8 54 8 47 9 04 8 54 995 9 04 9 9 07 9 21 9 14 9 25 9 21 9 25 Woodard 8 28 2:15 Leave 2:19Quechan 2:24Ironwood 2:28 2:30own 2:35Winterhaven 2:43 2:56Winterhaven 3:01Downtown 3:06 Indian 3:12 Hill Arrive Indian 6:32 Hill Ross Downtown LeaveRossQuechan ArnoldIronwood Quechan Arnold Andrade Winterhaven Quechan Andrade Winterhaven on request trip is 1:20 PM. 95 ADOT/ 34th 38 Ave 3 42 3 47 3 57 4 02 4 12 4 14 4 19 4 24 4 28 10:15 10:19 10:24 10:28 10:30 10:35 10:43 10:46 10:56 11:01 11:06 11:12 10:30 10:36 10:44 10:52 10:58 11:03 11:11 11:16 11:21 11:26 East Cocopah Reservation only the bus stop to the Purple Route 6/6A transfer with YCAT Orange transfer Route with 2/2A 3. YCAT at Simply Arizona Orange board, Western Route pay your 2/2A $2.00 at Junior @ @ Paradise Road @ Paradise Drive @Paradise Rd (Bard) Drive @ @ Rd (Bard) Yuma Paradise 7:10 Community7:15 Community Road @ Drive Road @PortDrive of @ Drive @ Port of Road Drive Casino Casino Yuma Albertsons/ catTRAX ID# 394 034 068 075 081 299 118 300 Route 6:30 6:37 6:43S ve6:51 6:52 AWC 6:53 7:05 7:18 7:22 7:26 West Oli’s 9 13 Post 9 17 9 22 329 22 9 39 59 1006 10 MVD/ 6:52 7:00 7:12 7:22 7:32 7:51 9 13 306 9 179310 9 32 9 49 9 39 9 52 9 49 9 9 52 10 06 9 59 1010 10 2 3:19 3:28 3:30 3:35 3:43 3:46 3:56Ave 4:01 Entry 4:06 4:12 SanS Lu oserved your YCATPass. If the bus com Border crossing. ves –San LuConnec s 12:16 –3:15 AWC Connec o3:24 Vista Casino Casino @ Transit Casino @ S Ironwood Casino Picacho @ > SIronwood Railroad>@ Ave Picacho @11:30 2nd Avenue @ Quechan 2nd Avenue Office R Center > GCenter m C11:24 >11:28 Y Entry m Railroad Ro S College. >College. Y m 4 42 4 47 4 57 5 02 5 12 5 14 5 19 5 24 5 28 in the westbound direction. Resort Resort Savon 2A YumaViolet Route 7 High 11:15 11:19 11:35Transit 11:43 11:46 11:56 Quechan 12:01 12:06 12:12 11:30 11:36 11:44 11:52 11:58 12:03 12:11 12:21 12:26 Market 4 38 Dept of10 51 2 10 It’s as easy as 1-2-3. It’s as easy $2.00 as 1-2-3. fare will apply on top of th C R m 2 7:30 7:37 7:43 7:51 7:52 7:53 8:05 8:10 8:15 8:18 8:22 8:26 C R m Tribe Tribe Terrace Baseline Terrace Baseline Center Center San San Road (Hub Liquor) Road SR 186 (Hub Liquor) (Gonzo’s SR 186 (Gonzo’s High Within the Cocopah Reservations, 9 58 10 02 10 07 10 17 10 24 10 34 10 37 10 44 55 Weekdays 8 3:30 --3:45 3:53 3:59 4:05 4:13 4:23 4:30 4:35 School 7:52 8:00 8:12 8:22 8:32 8:51 9 58 10 02 10 07 10 17 10 24 10 34 Public 10 37 10 44 10 51 10 55 Co 19th St S 4:15 Use 4:19 4:24 6A for 4:28 4:30 4:35 4:46 5:01 5:06 5:12 ➋ To deboard at U M M C4:43 D W 4:56 7th Ave Walgreens/ Purple Route 5 38 5 42 5 47 5 57 6 02 6 12 6 14 6 19 6 24 6 28 195 Transfer (mailboxes) Rd12:24 (3rd(Algodones) St12:43 @ D Admin. St @ Admin. Pasqual Pasqual (Algodones) Super Save (3rd BlueMRoute 5 (928) 783-2235 ➊ @ 12:28 4 12:15 12:30 12:35 12:56 1:01 12:30 12:36 12:44 12:52 12:58 1:03 1:16 1:21 1:26 these routes can flex off route. Fry’s Food School 1. Call at least 1. Call 30 (928) minutes 4.783-2235 Last prior allowable to at theleast bus reserved 30 de-minutes pick @ Save @ w Super w12:46 M(mailboxes) HwRd ➊ @ @12:19 m Imperial 1:06 Valley Mall,1:12 @ Walmart 8:30 8:37 8:43 8:51 8:52 1:11 8:53 5:15 9:05Saturday 9:10 9:18 9:22 9:26 C5:43 Safety 10 43 &--10 474310 11--02 09 021111 1909 1111 2219 11 29 2211 11 36 291111 4036 11 40 2 8A --3:45 4:00 Hub 4:08Passengers 4:14 may4:20 -----52 9:00 9:51 10 10 47 10 5211 11 11 ce Office 9:32 Gila St) 9:22 School Rd 9:15 School Rd 5:35 USA) Service toCWest5:28 and 5:19 5:24 5:30 5:46 5:56USA) 6:01Gila St)8:52 6:06 Offi 6:12 9:12 Times inparting Winterhaven/ W 24th St the above timepoints parting or be the at the above on above request timepoints timepoints. trip is 5:20 or be If PM. on at the ab Drug m @ @ R m @ C WC W request the bus simply ask the bus Ro Y m > S > S m > C T Ro Y m 2:03 >S >C T 1:15 10:26 1:19 1:24 C 1:28 H 1:30 1:35 1:43 1:46 1:56 2:01 2:06 2:12 1:30 1:36 1:44 1:52 1:58 2:16 2:21 S m2:2610:15 24th Yuma Ye ow H ghway 95 Sou h Fort Yuma Indian RouteW2/2A, askCthe T 3/4 Orange Orange driverRoute to 5. call for 2/2A, Brown ask the Route driver 3.topick call 9:30 9:37 9:43 9:51 9:52 2:11 9:53 6:15 10:05014 10:18 10:22 T W East 10:10 Cocopah Reservations andm352 28 1111 322811 37 11St 47 54 471211 0495 0704 12 12 14 0712 21 141212 2521 12 25 2A or ask Bus to Operator. flex off route, to Last allowable reserved operator. To be 9:52 10:00 10:1200810:22 374 10:32 10:51 ➊ On Request - Call (928) 783-2235 at least 30 minutes prioroperator 11 32 11 3711 11 54 1212 12 6:24 6:28 6:30 6:35 6:46 7:06 7:12 ID# ID# 9 344 347 014 344 358 347 0166:43 352 365 358 4706:56 016 3687:01 365 008 470 374 368 014 014 @ M 6:19 catTRAX @ catTRAX M 1 up 11 Community only TheEast busCocopah will comeReservation directlyNto The your busdoor willon for come an directly additional your door fee for a Purple 6/6A Reservation area are T C D w C Silver Route 9 Service to 2:15 11:26 2:19 2:24 2:28 2:30 2:35 2:43 2:46 2:56 3:01 3:06 3:12 2:30 2:36 2:44 Turquoise 2:52 Route 3:03 3:11 3:16 3:21 Sou h o San Lu |O2:58 request trip to is $2.00 1:20 PM. Yuma and El Centro via Interstate picked up at Imperial ➊ will of a mile T on either side of the12 route Casino. Sonora M @ C 8Indian M Cocopah @3:2611:15 C 2 10:30 10:37 10:43 10:51 10:53 11:05 11:10 11:18 11:22 O orMountain the dispatcher direct or you thetodispatcher a safe intersection will directnear you your to a safe in 13 1212 171312 22 12 32 12 12 39 321212 4939 1212 5249 12 12 59 52 1Food 06 1 10 Bank TimesDin Winterhaven/Fort Yuma Reservation area are based on Mountain Standard Time (MST) November-March only. 10:52 Violet Route 7 D 10:52 11:00 11:12 11:22 11:32 11:51 12 17 12 22 12 59 1 06 1 10 based on G Interstate @ 7:568:12 | Turquoise Yuma and El Centro via 8 served in the westbound direction. County 24th St and Avenue Yuma W WC @ C m R @ Valley Mall, call (928) 7:15 7:19 7:24 7:15 7:28 7:19 7:30 7:24 7:35 7:28 7:43 7:30 7:46 7:35 7:56 7:43 8:01 7:46 8:06 8:01 8:06 8:12 W WC 4:16@ C 4:21 m R @ Sunset by asking the bus operator or calling O3:58 to El Centro 1 Main Street @ 3:15 12:26 3:19 3:24 3:28 W m3:30 3:35 3:43 3:46 3:56 4:01 4:06 4:12 3:30 3:36 3:44 West 3:52 4:03 4:11 O where you can board the bus. where Reservations you can board can be themade bus. Res H (MST) U location 8 1 02 1 07 1 17 Within the Cocopah Reservations, Standardlocation Time C C at4:26 w 12:15 95 F is available on request by 11:30 11:37 11:43 11:51 11:52 11:53- Call 12:05 12:10 C C w12:18 Request (928) 783-2235 least 30 minutes prior or ask12:22 Bus Operator. Regional - 60 minutes in12 58 ➊ 783-2235 - 30 minWest 8:30 to El Centro 11:52 12:00 12:129:01 12:229:06 12:32 12:51 12 58 Vista 1 02 1 07 1 24 1 17 1 34 1 24 1 37 1 34 1 44 1 37 1 51 1 44 1 55 1 51 1 55 2 Purple Route 6A Ufor 928.783.2235 up Use to 24 hours up to 24 hours in advance. ➊4:58 Yuma C Street ➊ On Ro Y m >C > S mthe bus >G 8:15 8:19 8:248:15 8:288:19 8:30 8:24 8:358:28 8:35 8:56 8:43 9:01 8:46 9:06 8:569:12 9:12 N Wroutes C5:03 November-March only. in advance. N flex C these can off route. W T asking operator >orS 4:15 4:19 4:24 8:43 4:28 8:46 4:30 4:35 4:43 394 4:46 4:56 5:01 5:06 5:12 4:30 4:36 4:44 4:52 5:11 5:211:10 5:26 Medical utes prior to the bus On ope a e when TRAX High 150 1:22 152 1:26 157 126 165 465 168 380 County advance. Deviations requests1are 2A 12:30 12:37 12:43 12:51 12:52 12:53 5:16 O1:05 C D D 1:15 Saturday Service to West and OEl Centro C145 D 1:18 Blue Route 5 2. Please keep in mind that 2. the Please vehicle keep may in arrive mind up that to the 5 minutes vehicle may 43 1 47 1 52 2 02 2 09 2 19 2 22 2 29 2 36 2 40 Route: Yuma --------------> Fort Yuma -> Winterhaven ->Fort Yuma -> 12:52 1:00 1:12 1:22 1:32 1:51 1 43 1 47 1 52 2 02 2 09 2 19 2 22 2 29 2 36 2 40 D C M C W R Passengers may request the bus 9 95 NightCAT callM(928) 783-2235. 4 departing El Centro Center 9:19 9:249:15 9:289:19 9:24 9:28 9:43 9:30 9:35 9:43 10:01 9:46 10:06 9:56-----------------> 10:1210:01 10:12 U H6:03 O9:15 School U H O 399 068 Development Route: Fort Yuma9:56 -> 5:35 Winterhaven -> Fort Yuma Centro AWC NAU UA n e on 5:159:30 5:199:35Yuma 5:24--------------> 5:28 9:46 5:30 5:43 5:46 5:56 El10:06 6:01 6:06 to6:12TRAX D 145 5:30 5:36 5:44Depart operator 5:52 5:58 6:11 6:16 6:26 limited to the fi4rst four (4) requests per before or after your scheduled before pick-up time. yourinscheduled pick-up time Times Winterhaven/ M @ m C @ @ m D @ D w w C East322 Cocopah Reservations andor after Paradise Imperial Imperial Arrive to1:51 flex upWinterhaven to 3/4 Transfer Terminal 1:30 1:37 1:43 1:52 1:53 Quechan 2:05 6:21 2:10 2:15 95 6 13 2:18 6 17El 2:22 6 22 2:26 6 32 6 39 6 49 6 52 6 59 7 06 10 UDowntown O 2 28 2 32 Uoff route, O 1:52 7Quechan 2:00 2:1211:01 2:22Imperial 2:32 2:51 2 28 2 37 2 322 472 37 2 54 2 47 3 04 2 54 3 07 3 04 3 14 3 07 3 21 3 14 3 25 3 21 3 25 2 Services Fort Yuma Indian @ C R @ @ m one-way trip. Depart Downtown Paradise Winterhaven Imperial Arrive 10:15 10:24 10:28 10:19 10:3010:24 10:35 10:28 10:43 10:30 10:46 10:35 10:56 10:43 11:01 10:46 11:06 10:56 11:12 11:06 11:12 3. Simply board, pay your $2.00 3.6Simply fare board, ($1.00 pay discount) your $2.00 or show fare ($1.00 Weekdays Castle of Yuma Casino Drive @ Casino Valley 10:19 Mall Centro O @ Avenue be picked up. Ray O10:15 a mile on either side of the route Cocopah Casino. 6:15 6:19 6:24 6:28 6:30 6:35 6:43 6:46 6:56 7:01 7:06 7:12 6:30 6:36 6:44 6:52 6:58 7:03 7:11 7:16 7:21 7:26 5 50 6 00 6 05 40 Monday o 28th St C m W m m 2:30 2:37 2:43 2:51 2:52 Railroad 2:53 Resort 3:05 3:10➋ 3:15 Reservation are D O 6Centro 58 3:18 7 02 3:22 7 07 3:26 7 17 7Castle 24 7 34 7Casino 37 7 44 51 55 Yuma Drive @7Railroad Mall @ Avenue State your YCATPass. If the busyour comes YCATPass. to your door, If theanarea bus additional comes to your d 3 13 3 17 3 22 CoH22nd St S 2:52 7Casino 3:00 3:1212:01 3:22Valley 3:51is 3 13VA 3 173 323 22 3 39 3 32 3 49 3 39 3 52 3 49 3 59 3 52 4 06 3 59 4 10 4 06 4 10 2 Dome by Transit Dillard’s Transfer T C Smucker ➊11:15 Clinic asking the bus operator or calling 11:19 @ El11:24 11:15 11:19 11:3011:24 11:35 11:28 11:43 11:30 11:46 11:35 11:56 11:43 12:01 11:46 12:06 11:56 12:12 12:06 12:12 ➌3:32 This Aztec C H O G @ Times in 11:28 Winterhaven/Fort Yuma Indian Reservation are based on Mountain Standard Time (MST) November-March only. (928) 783-2235 at least 30 minutes prior or ask Bus Operator. W C m based on on Mountain ➊ On Request - Call3:30 Thu @ sday 7 00 $2.00 fare on top$2.00 of base will fare apply and any top pass of the used. base fare Transit area Avenue Resort Dillard’s @ El Centro Street 7 10will apply 7 15 7 the 50fare ➋ timepoint TRAX Walmart Ave @D928.783.2235 Center Avenue Regional Terminal 068 322 145 160 TRAX 3:51 D 400 Park San Luis AWC 068 400 322 4:05 145 4:10259 160 4:15 2594:18 3:37 3:43 3:52 7 43 7 47 4:22 7 52 4:26 8 02 8Dome 09 8 19 8 22 8 29 8 36 40 ➊ - 60 minutes in 3:53 subject Regional to relocate 7th Street 3 58 4 02 4 07 34 High 2:52 8 1:06 On Request 3 58Albertsons 4 024 174 07 4 24 4 17 4Walmart 4 24 4 37 4 34 4 44 4 37 4 51 4 44 4 55 4 51 4 55 2A N Standard Time (MST) Ave @ Centerprior (Hub Liquor) 12:15 12:19 12:24 12:15 12:28 12:19 12:30 12:24 12:35 12:28 12:43 12:30 12:46 12:35 12:56 12:43 1:01 12:46 12:56 1:12 1:01 1:06 1:12 On Request Call (928) 783-2235 at least 30 minutes or ask Bus Operator. San Luis Yuma (3rd Street (Hub Liquor) Medical (State St 4. Last allowable reserved pick 4. Last up allowable time for the reserved weekday pick 4:52 up PM time for ➊ Big Curve High to El Centro Transfer W m 8 30 8 40 8 45 9 20 School advance. requests are4:53 Piceno Dr T U U (3rd Street 9 07 Medical 4:30 4:37 Monday 4:51 4:52 Yuma 15 Deviations 3 50 3 55 4 05 4 25 4435 ➌ 84 28355:18 32St) 5:22 8 37 5:26 8 47 8Yuma 54 9 04 9 14 9 21 9 25 3 15 3 50 3 55 5:05 4 05 5:10 25 5:15 on request trip is 5:20 PM. on requestNovember-March trip is 5:20 PM. only. 4 43 4 47 4 52 5 09 19 22 5 29 Palms o4:43 @3Gila @87th 4:122:014:22 2:06 4:32 4:51 3:52 4:00 Monday o 4 43Catalina 4 475 024 52 5 02 5This 5 route 09 5can 5 fl19 5 22 5 36 5 29 5 40 5 36 5 40 2 Shopping School Center Terminal at State ido S 1:15 1:19 Center 1:241:15 1:28 1:191:30 1:241:35Palms 1:28 1:43 1:30 1:35 1:561:43 2:01 1:46 2:06 1:562:12 2:12 limited to the first four (4) requests per ex off route. Passen@ Gila 1:46 Center Auto Yuma Juvenile nd 387San Luis Parkway Street) Yuma TRAX D ➌ 394 028 034 122 126 130 136 454 145 8A Center 5. Last allowable reserved pick 5. Last up allowable time for the reserved Saturday pick 2:52 up PM time for o Thu sday 2 5:30 5:37 5:43 5:51 5:52 5:53 6:05 6:10 6:15 6:18 6:22 6:26 Street @ 7th Street 7 15 7 45 Un 8 15 Thu sday 5 15 5 50 5 55 6 05 6 25 6 35 96 1335 9 17 9 22 9 32 9 39 9 49 9 52 9 59 10 06 10 10 5 15 595 50South 5 55 6 05 6 25 5 28 5 32 5 37 5 54 04 6 07 6 14 6 to21 the bus operator c 4:52 On Request 5 28Square 5 325 475 37 5 47 6gers 5 may 54 request 6 04 6 07 County 6flex14 6 25 6 21 6 25 trip. To: | Highway Sonve San s – AWC Gold | Interstate 8one-way / 32nd Street / Wellton Street) Yellow S2:56 ve 3:12 San Lu s – AWC Connec Yuma County Mall Justice Kofa T County 2:15 2:19 2:242:15 2:282:192:30 2:242:35Parkway 2:28 2:43 2:30 2:462:35 2:562:43 3:01 2:46 3:06 3:01 3:06sometime 3:12after o Weekda request tripLu is 1:20 PM. on Connec request tripois 1:20 PM. Family City Hall/ Community T Apartments off route, up to 1 1/2 mile on either side C R m catTRAX ID# District 008 014 016 365 469 446 Fairgrounds Center 2A 6:30 6:37 6:43 001 Yuma 6:51 6:53 7:05 7:10 6 30 6 34Police 6 44 6950 6Library 53 7 03 7 10 7 20 7 25 7 36 8 45 9 15 AWC/Un 9 45 High 8North 45 20 9 or 25 9Yuma 35 9 55 109 05 9445 5805 10 02 10 07catTRAX 10 17 ID#10 24 10 34 10 37 10 44 10 51 10 55 Library West to Downtown Transit Center West 8 456:52 9 20 9 25 Transfer 9 35 Hub 55 7:15 10 to9 Downtown Yuma Transit Center No h 4:12 o A 4:01 ona We4:06 e469 n Co4:12 ege 6 13 6 17 6 22 6 326 22 6 E 39 6 49 6 52 6 59 7 06 7 10 Dollar 6 13 6 17 6 32 6 39 6 49 6 52 6 59 7 06 7 10 Dept Southgate & Senior December 2013. 95 of the route by asking the bus operator 001 008 014 016 365 445 446 3:15 3:19 3:24 3:15 3:28 3:19 3:30 3:24 3:35 3:28 3:43 3:30 3:46 3:35 3:56 3:43 4:01 3:46 4:06 3:56 32nd St Weekdays NAU School District 6A m orWask Bus mOperator. WC 8:03 Additional trips may be added to 10 the last ends11 at 02 11 09 W Mall 9 38 Center On Request - Call (928) 783-2235 at least 30 minutes 7 15 7 19PASS7 29 7 35 7Del 38 Sol 7 48 7Juan 55 Sanchez 8 05 Blvd 8 10 8 21 ➊ 28 10 15 10 45 Un 11 15 43 When 10 47 10trip52 11 19 11 22 11 29 11 36 11 40 195 St by request or 10 calling 783-2235 -19 6014 minutes 7:50 prior 7:55 WC 7:59 9:23 9:26 19 579 4710 02 9 42 1202(928) 1010 14 10 10 24in 1010 2824 10 Monday & 9 C 9 38 9 47 9 42 9 57 10 12 10 10 ➊ C8:12 Arrive Arrive Castle Leave Leave Market w ➊ 4 Castle W 32nd m 195 w 4:244:15 N U Foothills 4:15 4:19 4:28 4:30 4:24 4:35 4:30 5:01 4:46 5:06 4:565:12 5:01 5:06 Ro9:26 Y m >S >S m >C Orange Route 2 at 7:30 AM and Avenue 3E4:19 @ East 24th Street, U Yuma N --> T 8A 19 Post by request Route: Wellton ---------------------------> Dome Valley -> Fortuna 8:504:43 8:554:464:35 8:594:564:43Ro9:03 Route: SanmLuis -----> Gadsden -> Somerton -> Cocopah -> Yuma S9:12 > Y m5:129:23 Sa u Monday & 4:28 to 195 Sa uAve day 8 advance. Deviations requests are limited Blue Route 5 Blue Route 5 w w m 9 Wednesday Arizona @ 10 Dome Aveday @ Dome Arizona Last trip on Friday - ends 3E @A1:45 East at 6:10 PM mby request O at Avenue R 8 04 8 14 8 20 8 23 8 33 8 40 8 50 8 559 9 06 O A MST PST ➜ 11 28 11 32 11 37 11 11 54 12 04 12 07 12 14 12 21 12 25 UR 24th Street 3:13 3:16 1:40 1:49 1:53 2:02 8:30 AM to address any overcrowding service west of that point is47 U 10 38 42 10 47 10 57 11 02 11 12 11 14 11 19 11 24 11 28 Office 8 00 10 38 10 42 10 47 10 57 11 02 11 12 11 14 11 19 11 24 11 28 This route can fl ex off route. @ M the first four (4) requests per one-way trip Arrive South StSt @ Arizona West Leave Los Jack in 4th Ave 1st Ave Arrive US Main St32nd Main 21stB Dr 5:19 West Wednesday Municipal 5:24 5:15 5:28 5:19request 5:30 5:24 5:35Passen5:28 5:43 5:30 6:01 5:46 6:06 5:566:12 6:01 by 6:06 6:123:13 Times in Winterhaven/ Times in Winterhaven/ BCocopah5:15 Palms Western Yuma Palms Yuma Western C w B wLigurta R Leave request 3:16 2:50 2:555:465:35 2:595:565:43 3:03 3:12 B Yuma w R Lowe’s Barnes & between Downtown Yuma Transit available upon to the M @ C Western gers may request the12 bus32 operator to flex 12 49 O D T45 Downtown Frontage 8E Yuma Arizona | @13 @17 Downtown Main StCounty Hwy 95 @ 5th Ave @ Casino @ across Yuma 12 MGold 8 8 49 8 59 9 05 9 08 9 18 9 25 9 35 9 40 9 51 for12 $2.00 for all passengers. Gold Route No service atAngeles this timeThe BoxWC Station* Interstate @ 8 / 32nd Street / Wellton 12 12 22 12 39 12 52 12 59 1 06 1 10 Court/ College/ Pkwy Pkwy College/ N U U St Fort Yuma Indian Fort Yuma Indian C by request O 10:20 10:25 10:29 10:33 10:42 11:53 11:56 m m T 11 38 11 42 11 47 11 57 12 02 12 12 12 14 12 19 12 24 12 28 WC N U U O 11 38 11 42 11 47 11 57 02 12 12 12 14 12 19 12 24 12 28 Noble W WC @C m R @ Del Sol operator. College/ 6:15 6:19 6:28 6:19 6:30 6:35 6:28 6:30 6:466:35 6:566:4310:33 7:01 6:46 @7:06 7:12 7:01 7:06 7:1210:53 Green Route 4 on O Yuma @ (across Transfer off10th route, up to 1 1/2 6:24 mile on either side 6:43 Avenue @ Street @ @ Y 24th 6:15 Stbus St Yuma across Center Resort& AWC/NAU/UA. Yuma Transfer 6:24 C 6:56WC W San Luis Saturday by request 10:20 10:25 10:29 10:42 8A does not flex off route. (Yuma Palms (Yuma Palms Northern Northern w (Old R @ YC StLibrary Chamber Reservation area are Reservation area are C w R @ @ RoadAvenue C Q m PM D w w m C C Transfer w to Downtown Transit Center or 10:56 West Yuma Terminal 9 34 9 44 9 50 9 53of 10 03 10 10 10 20Correctional 10 25 10 36 R Arizona Market9 30 Toys Us 12 58 15:46 02route 1byare 07 1the 17 1 24area 1 34 1 37 1 44 1 51 1 West 55November-March MST PST ➜Yuma Saturday by 4:19 4:23 4:32 Hub Transit Fortuna from onrequest William William Ave 29E 4:10 SouthWalmart Transit State St Northern County Hub onIndian C 12 38 4238 12request 57 02 12 1 14 1 19 1 24 of the asking bus operator 12 12 42 12 471 to 12Yuma 57 1Gold 1 02 1 only 12 1 14when 1 19 1 28 1 24 1 28 ➊onHub U/12 47 Ctr) 12 Arizona U/ Regional Ctr) Regional Hwy 80) 4:15 W only. T Times in Winterhaven/Fort Times Yuma in 5:43 Winterhaven/Fort Reservation area Yuma Indian based Reservation on Mountain Standard are 3:35 based Timeon(MST) Mountain November-March Standard Time only. (MST) Urtuzua N based C Commerce Mountain based on Mountain R W m R M C W Arizona Route 8A operates YPIC by request County 24th St 3:30 3:39 3:43 3:52 4:03 4:06 95 Center Road Walmart) 26th St Street Street Frontage Center Driveway Library 26th St C N UA or calling (928) 783-2235 - 60 minutes in 2 19 UA tegui International Airport O C D ➊ 10 15 10 19 s10 29St10 35 10 38 10 48 10 55 11 05Facility 11 10 11 21 ➊ Univ/UA 1 43 1 47 1 52 2 02 2 09 2 22 2 29 2 36 2 40 Standard Time (MST) Standard Time (MST) G W W m Arrive Leave Castle Arrive Castle Leave 1 38 1 42 12 14 2 19 2 24 Aztec (928) 783-2235 On@Request at least 30 - Call minutes (928) 783-2235 prior or(Gila askatBus least 30 minutes prior or ask Bus Operator. 1 38 1 47 1 421 571 47 2 02 1 57 2Charter 2 02High2 School 2 12 and 2 14High 2 19 2 28 2 24 2 28 ➊ On Request - Call ➊(Gila near Road St @Operator. near Route: Wellton ---------------------------> Dome Valley -> Fortuna Foothills --> YumaU UNIT H only. O advance. Deviations requests are limited to by asking the bus |Dome Ave @ Arizona Ave and @ Dome Arizona The4:15 November-March November-March only.O Yuma El Centro via Interstate Turquoise w H C C C School is in session. Call (928) 783-2235 is backed up 11 50 11 55 12 06 St) 2 28 Walmart 8 3rd 3rd St) 2 47 Walmart HJack in UYuma 12:00 12:15 4:00 U 11 00 11 23If traffic 11 33 11 40 ED11 14 11 20 Note: Port of 11 04 2 32 37requests 2 54Turquoise 3 07 and 3 14 3Leave 21 via 3 25 Yuma the first four2(4) per one-way trip 3 04 | Yuma 2 38 Village 2 42 572 47 3 02 3 14 3 19 Arrive South 32nd St @ Arizona West Los Ligurta El Centro Interstate 8 2 38 2 47 2 422 operator 2 57 3more 02 details. 3 12 3 14 3 24 3 19 3 28 3 24 3 28 Yuma Yuma Palms Yuma Palms Western Western or by 3for12 W PM R Q C R M STA O on Urtuzuastegui St, buses East to Yuma Entry Western Yuma Civic Service operates onlyYuma on Dr. Reservations must be Downtown Frontage Ave 8E Arizona Angeles The Box Station* UCounty for $2.00 for all passengers. Gold Route T College/ Pkwy Pkwy College/ International 11 45 Food 11 49 11 59 12 05 12 08 12 18 12 25 12 35 12 40 12 51 catTRAX ID# E calling: 145 150 152 157 126 165 465 168 380 394 C N m 3 17 3 22 3 32 3 39East 3 3 59 4Avenue 06 @ 4Street 10 @ @ to49 Yuma 3 52 catTRAX ID# 301 306 300 118 299 316(Yuma Palms 091 Northern 068 034 394 3 13 3 38 3by42 4 19 4 24 4 28 MEX S may turn on C Street. College/ Transfer 3Friday 38 3 47 3 423 573 47 4 02 3 57 4 12 4 02 4 14 4 12 4 14 4 19 4 24 4 28 Municipal Martin Luther King Jr. Day, made in advance City Yuma Road @ (across Library @ Center Design: linepointpath.com & reineckandreineck.com 8A does not fl ex off route. (Old (Yuma Palms Northern Airport IC m W M TRAX D (928) 783-2235 145 322 399 068 Northern TRAX D 068 400 322 145 160 259 Presidents Day, Memorial Day, on the day before the holiday O Golf Transit Fortuna from Hub on William William Ave 29E South 12 30 12 34 12 44 12 50 12 53 1 03 1 10 1 20 1 25 1 36 586:59Gold 4 02 4 07only 4 17 4 24YPIC 4 34 4 37 4 44 4 51 4 55 U/ Regional Ctr) ->Arizona Regional Arizona U/ 7:16 Route: --- El Centro Fort Yuma Winterhaven -> Fort Yuma Hwy 80) 4 38 4Johnson 42 6:13 6:17Ctr) 6:22 6:32 6:39 6:49 6:52 7:06 4 38 4 47 4 424 574 47 5 02 4 57 5 12 5 02 5 14 5 12 5 19 5 14 5 24 5 19 5 28 5 24 5Weekdays 28 8A --------------------------------> 7:22 7:28 7:38 7:51 ---->3Yuma Route 8A 7:10 operates when C R w PM Independence Day, Labor Day & @12 noon by contacting Center Road Walmart) Arizona 26th St Street FortStreet Frontage Route: El Centro ------------------------------------------> Yuma -> Winterhaven Yuma -> Yuma Course Weekdays DepartUA 4th Street Imperial Quechan UA Paradise Downtown 5 50 6 00 ➊6 -> 05Fort Road 6 40 4 05 4 25 4 35 Charter High Aztec High N C 1 15 1 19 1 29 1 35 1 38 1 48 1 55 2 05 2 10 2 21 Veterans Day Only. AWC Campus Life in Monday Univ/UA o 3 15 near3 50 (Gila3@55 4 437:44Arrive 4 47 4 School 527:55and 5 02 5Depart 09 5 19 5 22 5 29 Monday 5 36 o5Quechan 40 5 38 5Controls 42 6:58 7:31 7:02Mall 7:07 7:17 Winterhaven 7:24 7:34 7:37 7:51 5the 383C5 47 5 425 575 47 6 02 5 57 6 12 6 02 6 14 6 12 6 19 6 14 6 24 6 19 6 28 6 24 6 28 8 7:00 7:06 7:13El Centro 7:21 7:37 7:43 7:53 -8:05 4th Street Imperial Winterhaven Paradise Downtown Arrive @ Brighton Valley @ Casino Drive @ Casino Yuma Castle Building. School is in session. Call (928) 783-2235 12:00 12:15 4:00 4:15 Thu sday Service is subject to change. Thu sday 5 15 Walmart 7 00 Drive 7 10 5 50 3rd5St)55 6 05 6 25 6 35 2 00 2 04 2 14 2 20 2 23 2 33 2 40 2 50 2 55 3 06 Centro @ @ 2nd 7 15 Casino 7 50 Yuma Castle 5 288:29Dome 5 32 5 378:405 47 5El54 6 Brighton 04 6Valley 07 Mall6@ 14 6 21 6Casino 25 Transfer Avenue Dillard’s 2nd Avenue 8:19 Transit 7:43 7:47 ➋7:52Resort8:02 8:09 8:22 8:36 ➊ for more details. Ye ow H Ye ghway Sou h 95 Sou h Service operates only on Dr. Reservations must be ow 95 H ghway Transfer Avenue Dillard’s Resort Avenue Transit Dome Ye ow H ghway 95 Sou h S ve San Lu s – AWC Connec o Avenues A and C Pu p e V o e Cocopah Shu e Pu p e Avenues A and 2C45 V o e Cocopah Shu e ➋ ➊ Terminal (Gonzo’s Center Ave @ Gold | Interstate 8 / 32nd Street / Wellton 8306 30 8300 40 8118 45 9299 20 301 7 10 316 Ave @091 068 034 394 8 45 9 20 9 25 9 35 9 55 10 05 2 49 2 59 3 05 3 08 3 18 3 25 3 35 3 40 3 51 6 139:14 6 17 6 229:256 32 6Terminal 39 6 49 6 52catTRAX 6 59ID# 7 06 Martin Luther King Jr. Day, made in8:47 advance by8:54 Friday 8:32 8:37 9:07 (Gonzo’s Super Center Sou h o San Luh o San Lu (State Presidents St 8:28Day, Memorial Super Save 9:04 (3rd Street Yuma 9:21 Sou No h o Down own Yuma T an Cen e No h o A ona We e n Co ege Yuma T anRee e Hub o We Cocopah Ea o Cocopah Ca no Sou h We o We Yuma TSou an he We Hub oo We Cocopah a on a A enue C Re e a on a A enue C Ea o Cocopah Ca no Day, on the day before the holiday m East to Wellton or Fortuna Foothills WC W (State Save--USA) (3rd Street @ Yuma7:28 3 30 3 34 3 44 3 50 3 53 4 03 4 10 4 20 4 25 4 36 @ 7th St) USA) @ 9 389:59Palms Weekdays --- 10 28 --7:22 7:38 7:51N U --9 42 9 57 10 02 10 12 10 14 10 19 8A10 24 9:13 Day,9:17 9:32 9:39 9:49 9:52 10:069 4710:10 ➊ C Independence Labor Day9:22 & @12 noon by contacting m w S ve San Lu s--– AWC7:16 Connec o Palms Street @ Gila Street) Day Only. AWC Campus Life in the 3C Sa u day Gila Street) Parkway m R A U Blue | Quechan Shuttle Veterans 4 15 4 19 4>48 >G >S m >C >Y m Ro > C S R m7:43 Ro C > Y m4 29 >C Ro C >C >S m >M R >CS >Y m > C 4 35 > M4 38 C > C4 55 > S m>5M05 > C5 10> C 5 21 > S m Ro C >S m >M Ro Y m >>SCm >>GS m >>SG> Y m > S 7:00 7:06 7:13 7:21C service 7:31 7:37 OParkway 7:53 -8:05 42 10 47 10 57 11 11 14 11 19 8 11 24 11 28 Ro Y m 9:58 10:02 10:17 10:24 10:34 10:3710 38 10:4410 10:51 10:55 7th02 Street)11 12 Route: Yuma -----------------------------------------------> Fortuna 10:07 Foothills --> Dome Valley -> Wellton Brown Route 3 offers convenient mini-bus throughout Building. B B w R On ope a e when On ope a e when Service is subject to change. CounterWest Clockwise Loop446 Route@from Paradise Casino ResortJack via368 Downtown Yuma Transit Center U M M C D W catTRAX ID# M C C C 5 20 U 5 H23 w W5 33Cm 5C 40M C6 06 M W M C C C W W C M M C M W R 451 46910:52 365 014 008 001 D MC C WD R most of Fortuna Foothills and Mesa Del Sol outside our standard 5 00C 5 04 5 m14 5U50H w5 55 Ligurta Arizona 32nd St10:43 South 10:47 Yuma Leave in Los Arrive WC N U U O 42 11 47 11 57 ID#12 02 12 24 12 365 28 11:02 11:09 11:22 11:2911 11:36 11:40 catTRAX CC AWC NAU AWC UA n Angeles e11:19 C 446 12 12 451 12 1446912 19 Ro 368 8 / 32nd 014Street UAon nArizona e 11 on 38 @ @ D w w M Hw @ @ C @ m @ @ C @ @ M @ mm C @ M @ @ @ @ C D w w C D wD w N @ @C @ @ C@ @ @ C R @ @ C R @ @ @R R M m @C @ Dm @ service area.Y Gold Western Ave 8E m >| Interstate S > S 008 >Y001 C wR Frontage County Downtown Yuma The BoxNAU Station* /mWellton W 5 45➊ 5 49 5 59 R 6 05 6 08 C H6C18 w 6R 25 6 35 R C6 40C 6w 51 m @C @ R m WC W@ @ B C 9:30 9:35 by request 10:55Street 10:59 11:03 11:08 B WC C R C @C R @ @ m College/ 12 38 42Resvtn. 12 47 12 57 1 02 1 12 1 14 1 19 Brown 1 24 Route 1 28 C R @ Route: @ m H Monday & -----------------------> ➊ 11:37(Old 11:47 12:04 12:07 12:14 12:21 12:25 (across11:28 Road @11:32 Library Transfer Yuma @ 11:54 @ Avenue @ Fort Yuma Indian Reservation Winterhaven ->10:46 Fort Yuma -------> Winterhaven -> Yuma -> Ft.12 Yuma R R 3 is custom-fi your schedule and your neigh@t to or M 9:30 9:35 by request 11:46 11:55 11:59 12:03 12:08 East to Wellton Fortuna Foothills W m C H R Rm Northern from m m C Monday & C m H m H C D29E O WilliamD W W m CC W m R C m m C m m O Fortuna @ South Hub on Transit Ave William m Wednesday MST PST ➜ Hwy 80) borhood. It will take you anywhere in the route zone or to a timed M @ C 6 30 6 34 6 44 6 50 6 53 7 03 7 10 7 20 7 25 7 36 Arrive Indian Hill Ironwood Ross 12:13 Downtown Leave Quechan Arnold 12:17 Winterhaven 3:25 request 4:36 4:45 Street 4:49 O D 14:53 38 14:58 42 1 471:10 1 57 2 02 2 12 2 14 2 19 2 24 2 28 Arizona 3:20 C D w N 12:22 12:32 Andrade 12:39 12:49 12:52 12:59 1:06 C HC G @ C ➊ H O O G @ W CbyWinterhaven m Quechan O @ Wednesday O @ W C m @C C w C H O @ Walmart) Road Frontage 26th St Center Street C w C H O @ WC @ C m transfer with W YCAT Route 2/2A at5:49 Arizona Western 5:36Orange 5:45 5:53 5:58R @ 3:20 3:25 by request Road @ Paradise @ Rd (Bard) NRoad @ Drive @ Yuma Paradise Community Drive Drive @ ➊Casino Port of Univ/UA O G @ D D N Rd near@ (Gila @ Center Route: Fortuna Foothills Dome Valley -> Wellton C --> w Q 9 30 W m 9 44 9 34 9 50 9 53 W 10m03 10 10 10 20 10 25 10 36 12:05 by request 1:16 1:25 1:29 1:37 1:33 381:44 21:38 42 2 471:552 57 3 02 3 12 3 14 3 19 College. 3Yuma 24 -----------------------------------------------> 3C28 12:58 1:02 1:07 1:17 Entry 1:24 1:34 1:51 Casino Quechan Ironwood 12:00 @ Transit2 Casino Railroad Ave Resort @ 2nd Avenue W m H U ➊ 1:25C W m W m UPicacho U U Liquor) U N 1:16 Saturday Sa u day 3rd St) SanWalmart 11:00 11:05 by request 1:33 1:38 Was easy as R H D H D It’s 1-2-3. Arizona Tribe Terrace Baseline Road Center (Hub SR 186 (Gonzo’s Ligurta 32nd St @ 1:29 South Yuma Leave Los Arrive U MST PST ➜4West Saturday 10 30 10 34 10 44 10 50 10 53 11 03 11 10 11 20 11 25 11 36 O C D Jack in 5:50 5:55 by request 7:06 7:15 7:19 7:23 7:28 3 38 3 42 3 47 3 57 4 02 4 12 4 14 4 19 4 24 28 1:43 1:47 1:52 2:02 2:09 2:19 2:22 2:29 2:36 2:40 TRAX D 261 157 266TRAX D126 145 261 157 TRAX 266D 126 Western (mailboxes) Rd ➊ Pasqual (Algodones) Super Save (3rd St @ Admin. Ave 8E Frontage County Yuma The Box Angeles Arizona Station* 150 152 157 126 165 465 168 380 TRAX 394 D TRAX 394 028 034 122 126 130 136 454 145 D 387 1.Downtown Call (928) 783-2235 at least 30 minutes prior to the bus deby request 4:10 4:15 6:26 6:35 6:39 6:43 6:48 394 387 028 034 122 126 130 136 454 145 U H O 7 15 7 45 Un 8 15 7 15 7 45 Un 8 15 catTRAX ID# TRAX D 394 034 068 075 081 299 118 300 306 310 22911 30429 231 422 425 126 131 131 261 231 422 425 126 127 College/or be Office Gila St) School Rd USA) (across Roadtimepoints. @ LibraryIf on (Old Transfer Yuma @ Street @ Avenue @ 11 34 034 11 44 11 50 11429 53 12 034 0325712 10 12 2012712261 25 257 12 36 4 38 4 42 4 47 4 57 5 02 5 12 5 14 5 19 5 24 5 28 parting the above timepoints at the above U O TRAX D Weekda 145 322 399 068 2:28 2:32 2:37 2:47 2:54 3:04 3:07 3:14 3:21 3:25 Weekda 7738 7 48 7 55 7 58 6 13 7 38 7 48 7 55 58 Northern from Fortuna @ South3. Hwy 80) Hub2/2A, on ask Transit Route Ave 29E William William 6 17 6 22 6 32 6 39 6 49 6 52 6 59 7 06 7 10 6 30 6 34 O 8 45 4:058 4594:13 15 45 Un 4:35 Orange the driver to call for Brown Route 6 30 6 44 6 346 506 44 6 53 6 50 7 03 6 53 7 10 7 03 7 20 7 10 7 25 7 20 7 36 7 25 7catTRAX 36 9Un 15 94:30 9 008 45 Weekdays Weekdays Weekdays 8 3:30 --3:45 3:53 3:59 4:23 Arizona 712 4544 7 7 53 8 01 1 10 7 45 7 4912 307 5312 34 8 01 ID# 1249 50 12 1 03 1 20 1 25 1 36 014 344 347 352 358 016 365 470 368 374 014 5 38 5 42 5 47 5 57 6 02 6 12 6 14 6 19 6 24 6 28 Weekdays Weekdays Walmart) Road Frontage 26th St Center Street Street 3:13 3:17 3:22 3:32 3:39 3:49 3:52 3:59 4:06 4:10 Weekdays The bus will come directly to your door for an additional $2.00 fee➊ 5 50 6 00 6 05 68 4021 8838 8 48 8 55 8 58 6 58 Monday o 8 38 8 S48 8 55 58 Univ/UA 6W d 7 02 7 07 7 17 7 24 7 34 7 37 7 44 7 51 7 55 7 15 7 19 7 29 7 35 7 38 7 48 7 55 8 05 8 10 10 15 10 45 Un 11 15 7 15 7 19 7 29 7 35 7 38 7 48 7 55 8 05 8 10 8 21 10 15 --10 45 --- Un --11 15 Rd 160 near (Gila W W orTRAX the @ dispatcher will direct you to a322 safe intersection near your D 8A --3:45 4:00 4:08 4:14 4:20 --068 400 145 259 151 308833 17 2544 8129 33 8 41 2 10 8 17 8 25 8829 41 1 34 8 1 50 18 53 2 03 2 20 2 25 2 36 3:587:30 4:02 7:35 4:07 7:43 4:17 4:24 4:34 4:44 4:51 4:55 7:15 7:19 7:24 7:28 7:46 7:56 4:37 8:01 8:06 8:12 95 Thu sday 7 00 7 10 7 15 7 50 Walmart 3rd St) where 9938 9 48 9 55 9 58 7 43 9 38 9 48 9 55 58 location you can board the bus. Reservations can be made Ye ow H ghway Sou h w w w w 7 47 7 52 8 02 8 09 8 19 8 22 8 29 8 36 8 40 8 00 8 04 8 00 8 14 8 048 208 14 8 23 8 20 8 33 8 23 8 40 8 33 8 50 8 40 8 55 8 50 9 06 8 55 9 On Request - Call (928) 783-2235 at least 30 minutes prior or Bus Operator. 152 309933 17 2544 9229 33 9 41 3 10 ➊06 9 17 9 25 9929 41 2 34 9 2 50 29 53 3 03 3 20 3 25 3 36 up to 24 hours advance. 3 50 3 55 4 05 4 25 4 35 C ask Monday o 3in15 4:47 4:52 w 8:43 5:02 5:09 5:19 5:36 8:15 8:19 8:24 8:284:43 8:30 8:46 8:56 5:22 9:01 9:12 5:40 w C8:35 8 30 8 40 8 45 9 20 Sou5:29 h 9:06 o San Lu 10 55 10 588 28 10 58 catTRAX ID# 394 034 068 075 081 299 118 300 306 310 8 32 8 37 8 47 8 54 9 04 9 07 9 14 9 21 9 25 8 45 8 49 8 45 8 59 8 499 058 59 9 08 9 05 9 18 9 08 9 25 9 18 9 35 9 25 9 40 9 35 9 51 9 40 9 51 F10da38 On 10 483 0010 55 10 738 00 10 48 m 2. Please mind that the vehicle mm m 1029 15 1033 17 25 10 33 4 10 10 17 10 25 10 Thu sdaykeep5in15 3 3010 3 34 10341 44 10 3 29 50 3 53 03 41 4 10 4 20 4 25 4 36 5 50 5 55may arrive 6 05up to 56minutes 25 6 35 5:28 5:32 5:37 5:47 5:54 6:04 6:07 6:14 6:21 6:25 9:15 9:19 9:24 9:28 9:30 9:35 9:43 9:46 9:56 10:01 10:06 10:12 11 55 11 589 13 11 38 11 48 11 55 11 1138 58 11d48 *Also connects with IVT PM D w w m C C Q m before or after your scheduled pick-up time. ➊ This timepoint is the closest ➋ To deboard at Imperial ➌ This timepoint PM D w Avenue w m C C Q Circulatormvia Pacifi | Central 9 17 9 22 9 32 9 39 9 49 9 52 9 59 10 06 10 10 Yuma 9 30 9 34 0353 S10ve 1003San 10 10 20 25 2010 3625 o 10 36 Green 9 30 9 44 9 349 509 44 9 53 9 50 10 9 10 10 10 3:30via Interstate --3:45 3:53 3:59 4:05 4:13 is subject 4:23 to 4:30 4:35 Lu10 s10 – AWC Connec Yuma and Centro 8 Valley |10:24 Yuma El6:13 Centro via 10:35 Interstate 8 Mm Rc10:46 154 302233 17 2544 2429 33 2 41 5 10 2 17 2 25 2229 41 Ro Y m 6:59 >Turquoise C > S|3/4 m Weekdays > G El 8 >S 4 34 2 4 50 42 53 5 03 5 20 5 25 5 36 Routes 8 45 9 $2.00 20 9 25 9 35 55relocate10to 05 R C R and W to Algodones, Mall, simply ask the El Centro TransM 6:49 CWest Yuma R10:30 W m 6:17 6:22 6:32 6:39 6:52 7:06 10:15 Turquoise 10:19 Clockwise 10:28 10:43 10:56 11:01 11:06 11:127:10 3.point Simply board, payBaja your fare ($1.00 discount) or 9 show p 38 12 55 12 589 58 10 02 10 07 10 17 10 24 10 34 10 37 10 44 10 51 10 55 12 38 12 48 12 55 12 12 58p 12 48 Ontoope a eth when Loop Route from Downtown Yuma Transit Center to Transfer Hub C R m use s map 10 15 1010 191510 29 10 35 38 351010 4838 1010 5548 11 10 05 5511 11 10 051111 2110 11 21 10 19 10 2910 10 8A --- Itmis a3:45 4:00 4:08 4:20fer Terminal --- at State----- How --to ElMCentro M W WW m G California. 1.5 milebus busto operator. To4:14 be Street West to El Centro D West C Cyour W R W m G WC YCATPass. IfWthe comes your door, anpicked additional 155 303333 17 2544 3529 33 3 41 6 10 3 17 3 25 3329 41 5 34 3 5 50 53 53 6 03 6 20 6 25 6 36 11:15 11:19 11:24 11:289:38 11:309:4211:35 11:46C C 10:12 11:56 10:14 12:01 12:06 9:47 9:57 C 10:02 10:19 10:24 10:28 AWC NAU UA n e on C and 1 48 1 55 w 1 58 M will @ m C @ @ @ m C D 12:12 walk from the m bus stop to at➊ Imperial Valley Mall, @w 7th Street sometime after 1 55 m 1138 58 fare apply onleast top 30 of the fare pass used. w 24th11:43 Uupbase N minutes W1 38o CAT1 48 W 10 43 10 47 10 52 11 02 11 09 11 19 LeaveSaturday 12th St Yuma w 32ndHSt C StHC West Ave B 3rd St C D 3rdwSt w Arrive 11 22 11 29 11 36 11 40 11 00 11 04 11 14 11 20 11 23 11 33 11 40 11 50 11 55 12 06 On Request $2.00 - Call (928) 783-2235 at prior or ask any Bus Operator. 11 00 11 04 11 14 11 20 11 23 11 33 11 40 11 50 11 55 12 06 ➊ m- 30 C R --------------> Fort Yuma -> O @ the Border @ m 11:19 15 17 25 4 29 4 33 4 41 4 17 4 25 4429 4433 4 41 R @ ->Fort A Yuma crossing. calltime (928)for 783-2235 December 2013. Ro Y m >S >S m > CRoute: 12:15 Q Ave C M 12:56 WFort Yuma PM R 10:42 Q R Yuma C El @ R 11:12 M@ W PM R Downtown @ Yuma @ 4th @ across @ Downtown U International mm w m N & S Route: Yuma Winterhaven -> El Centro 12:19 12:24 12:28 12:30 12:35 12:43 12:46 1:01 1:06 1:12 10:38 10:47 10:57 11:02 11:14 11:24 11:28 Yuma --------------> -> Winterhaven -> Fort Yuma -----------------> Centro 4. Last allowable reserved pick up the weekday 4:52 PM 2238 2 48 2 55 2 5811 28 11 32 11 37 11 47 11 54 12 04 12 07 12 14 12 21 12 25 2 38 2 48 2 55 58 m W Bm w C mRed | CentralHYuma Circulator via 4th Avenue B R 11 45 1111 494511 59 12 05 08 051212 1808 1212 2518 12 35 2512 12 40 351212 5140 M12 51 Yuma Palms St 24th 6th AveC Yuma minutes prior to the bus Cfrom N Transfer 11 49 11 5912 12 C N16th m m Airport ➊ (near R w A B W m @ 12 on request trip is 5:20 PM. Light = AM Bold =D PMO 1012 00 10 1016 02 10 21 08 10 2142 10 31 10 52 11 00 Depart Downtown Winterhaven Quechan Imperial departing Imperial Arrive El 10 02 10 08 10 1012 31 10 1016 33 1010 10 5210 33 11 00 10 42 Depart 1:19 Downtown Paradise Winterhaven Quechan Imperial Imperial C HParadise OCenter G Arrive @ Transit Transit1:24 Regional Sears on Ave WC N U U OEl Centro 1:15 1:30 1:35 1:43 1:46 1:56 2:01 2:06 2:12 W C m 11:38 11:57 12:12 12:14 12:19 12:24 12:28 Loop Route Transfer M&11:47 m 1:28 W 11:42 @ 3338 3 48 3 55 3w 5812 13 12 17 12 22 12 32 12 39 12 49 12 52 12 59 1 06 3 38 3 48 m 3 55 58 Counter Clockwise from Yuma Downtown Yuma Transit M Hub12:02 m W Yuma d 6A S 1 10 12 30 1212 343012 44 12 50 53 50 1 12 03W53 1 10 Castle Casino Drive @ w allowable Valley Mallup @ time Avenue Centro 5. pick for thepicked Saturday Center Casino Ctr behindDrive @ Railroad Southgate 12 34 12 4412 12 1O03 1D 20 1 WC 10 1 25 1M 20C 1 36 1 25m 1 36C R @ W o CAT Castle Yuma Casino Regional 26th ValleyPM Mall @ Avenue StateCenter Y Last R Casino reserved N @ Terminal to be up. 2:52 PM C R w 1212 00 12 1216 02 12 21 08 12 2142 12 31 12 52 1 00 12 02 12 08 12 1212 31 12 1216 33 1212 12 5212 331 00 12 42 to West Yuma Transfer Hub PM C R w O 2:15 2:28Avenue 2:3012:42 2:35 2:43 St near 2:46 2:56@ El 1:14 3:01Street 3:06 3:12 1:28 (3rd St2:24 @ Harkins Mall)Resort (3rd St @1:24 12:38 12:47 12:57 1:02 1:19 on requestResort trip is ➊ 1:20 PM. Dome Transit Railroad Dillard’s ➋ @ El Centro Transfer W m w4 38 m w YCA Dome 2:19 Transit Dillard’s1:12 Centro @ 4438 4 48B w 4R 55 4 5812 58 1 02 1 07 1 17 4 48 4 55 58 U U ➊Medical ➋ w 1 24 1 34 1 37 1 44 1 51 1 55 N C 1 15 1 19 N C 1 15 1 29 1 191 351 29 1 38 1W 35 1 48 1C 38 1 55 1➊48 2 05 1C55 2 10 2 05 2 21 2 10 2 21C Gila St) Theaters Ctr Walmart Gila St) Schedules are subject to change Ave @ Center Avenue Regional Terminal N Ave @ 3:19 Center Liquor) Regional 7th2:19 Street 00 02 08 2212 2216 2 21 2 52 3 00 2 02 2 08 2212 2216 2 21 31 33 2 42 2 312 52 2 333 00 2 42 Route: Yuma --> Fort Yuma -> Yuma 3:15 3:24 3:28(Hub 3:30 1:42 3:35 3:46 3:56 4:01 4:06 1:38 1:47 3:43 1:57 2:02 2:12 2:14 5538 5 48 5 55 5 58 1 43 5 38 5 48 5 55 58 TRAX D 394 3872:244:12 0282:28034 122 136 (Hub454 O D Yuma 126 (3rd Street130 Liquor) 145 Medical (State St 7 15 7 45 Un 8 15 1 47 1 52 2 02 2 09 2 19 2 22 2 29 2 36 2 40 Yuma (3rd Street Medical 2 00 2 04 ➌ Leave 2 00 2 14 2 042 202 14 2 23 2 20 2 33 2U 23 2 40 2 33 2 50 2H40 2 55 2 50 3 06 2 55 3 06C without notice. catTRAX ID# C m B w R 008 014 021 028 034 045 048 001 006 008 Arrive Catalina Yuma Castle West Paradise 4th Ave 24th St O 00 02 08 4412 4416 4 21 4 52 4 02 4 08 4412 4416 4 21 31 33 4 42 4 314 52 4 335 00 ➊4 42 5 00 ➊ Weekda Palms @ Gila Center @ 7th St) 4:15 4:24 4:282:384:30 2:42 4:35 4:46 4:56Center 5:01 3:19 5:06 3:24 5:12 3:28 2:47 4:43 2:57 3:02 3:12 3:14 Palms 4:19 @ Gila W CA R m * Also connects with Downtown Drive @ International Dome Ave Yuma Casino @ @ 6th Downtown U O 6 30 6 34 6 44 6 50 6 53 7 Street) 03 7 10 7 20 Blue 7 25 8 45 9 15 Un 9 45 2 28 2 32 2 37 2 47 2 54 3 04 3 07 3 14 3 21 3 25 Route 7 5 36 2 45 2 49 2 45 2 59 2 493 052 59 3 08 3 05 3 18 3 08 3 25 3 18 3 35 3 25 3 40 3 35 3 51 3 40 3 51 Parkway Parkway Street) ➌ Times are approximate and may V o e Cocopah Shu e VPo e Cocopah Shu e 6:30 6:36 6:44 6:52 6:58 7:03 7:11 7:16 7:21 7:26 IVT Routes 3/4 Yuma @ Yuma Times 10th St Avenue Transfer Catalina Airport Yuma O 5:15 5:19 5:24 5:283:385:30 3:42 5:35 5:46 Weekdays 5:56 4:14 6:01 4:19 6:06 4:246:12 4:28 3:47 5:43 3:57 4:02 4:12 m m m 7 15 Transit 7 19 7 29 7 35(Fry’s 7 38 48 7 55 8Palms 05 Pkwy8 Transit 10in Winterhaven/ 8 21 Hub on 7 Square 10 15 10 45on traffic Un conditions, 11 15 3 39 3 49 3 52 3 59 4 06 4 10 Pu p e Avenues A and C Pu p e Avenues A and C 3 30 3 34 3 30 3 44 3 343 503 44 3 53 3 50 4 03 3 53 4 10 4 03 4 20 4 10 4 25 4 20 4 36 4 25 4 36 catTRAX ID# nd W R 3 13 on3 17 3 22 3 32 W o Co op hm E nd WW R o Co op on h E vary depending ➊ This timepoint is Yuma Indian catTRAX 7:36 7:44 7:58 8:03 8:11 8:16 8:215:19 8:265:247:12 5:28 001 014(Yuma Fort016 365 469 445 446 001 6:19 0087:30 014 016 4:427:52 365 469 445 446 Center St Apts.008 FoodID# & 26th Center 6:15 6:24 6:28 6:30 6:35 6:43 6:46 6:56 7:01 7:06 4:38 4:47 4:57 5:02 5:12 5:14 TRAX D 068 400 322 145 160 259 w EaRe No o No Cocopah Ea No h o No h Cocopah e ah on a Ah enue A Re e a on a A enue A the closest pointw 8 00 (3rd8St04 8 14 8 20Drug) 8 23 8 33 8 40 8Palms 50 Reservation 8 (3rd 55St @ area 9 06are 4 02 4 07 4 17 4 24 4 34 4 37 4 44 4 51 4 55 4 15 4 19 near @ Sm w YCA P 3 58 4 15 4 29 4 194 354 29 4 38 4 35 4 48 4 38 4 55 4 48 5 05 4 55 5 10 5 05 5 21 5 10 5 21 weather and other conditions. 8:30Reservation 8:36 area 8:44 8:52 8:58 9:03 9:11 9:16 9:21 9:26 w Times in Winterhaven/Fort Yuma Indian are based on Mountain Standard Time (MST) November-March only. to Algodones, Baja C by request 9:23 7:50 7:55 7:59 8:03 8:12 9:26 Gilaon St) Mountain Regionalbased Ctr) Walmart Gila St) 6:24 by request 8:50 8:55 8:59 9:03 9:12 9:23 9:26 5:38 5:42 5:47 5:57 6:02 6:12 6:14 6:19 6:28 Monday & Ro C>S m>M >C >C >S m >C Ro C >M >C Monday & 3 50 3 55 0506 4 35 8 45 8 49 8 59 9 05 9 08 9 18 9 25 9 35 Standard 9 40 Time 9 51 4 43 4 47 4 52 5 02 5 09 5 19 5 22 5 29 5 36 5 40 5 00 5 04 23 5 40 5 50 5 55 MST PST ➜ 5 00 5 14 5 045 205 14 5Monday 5 20 5 33 5o 233 15 5 33 5 40 5 504 6 5 55 4 256➊06 m It is a m California. (MST) Not all YCAT bus stops are shown. C >C >Y m >C >C > S m Ro > M > C > S m > Y m> M Wednesday 1:40 OnWednesday Request - Call (928) 783-2235 at9:30 least 30 2:59 minutes ask Bus Operator. 9:36prior or9:44 9:52 10:213:16 10:26 M U C M U C by request 3:13 3:16 1:45 0481:49 001November-March 1:53008 2:02 request10:16 3:13 2:50 2:55 3:03 3:12 9:58 10:03by10:11 PM D w w m C C mile walkQfrom m 1.5 catTRAX 045 5 50 5 55 0551 9 30ID# 9008 34 9014 44 021 9 50 028 9 53 03410 03 10 10 10 20 10 25 10 36only. 5W 28 5 32 5 37 5 47 5 54 6 04 6 07 6 14 6 21 6 25 Yellow | Highway 95 South W w 5 45 5 49 08 6 18 6 25 6 35 6 40 @ C@ H 5 45 5 59 5 496 055 59 6Thu 6 05sday 6 085 15 6 18 6 25 6 356 6 6 40 6 256 51 6 35 C H w All routes will stop atCall YCAT bus W WM C C W mC @ C@ M C C m 10:30 10:36 10:44 10:52 10:58 11:03 11:11 11:16 11:21 11:26 m R M R W the bus stop to the C C by request 10:20 10:25 10:29 10:33 10:42 11:53 11:56 by request 10:5310 15 10:20 10:25 10:29 10:33 10:5610 C @ R @ C @ R @ @ @N m C @ N C @ @ CC @ m @ C@ South to San 10:42 Luis 8 45 9 20 9 25 97 3536 9 557 36 Saturday 10 05 6:30 6:35 6:43 6:49 6:5510 48 7:04 10 7:10 7:16 11 10 7:25 11 21 19 10 29 10 35 10 38 55 11 05 R 6 13 6 17 6 22 6 32 6 39 6 49 6 52 6 59 7 06 7 10 R stops alongW the route. 6 30 6 34 6 44 6 50 6 53 7 03 7 10 7 20 7 25 Border crossing. W m G Saturday MST PST ➜ 6 30 6 34 6 44 6 50 6 53 7 03 7 10 7 20 7 25 m R w m R C C w 11:30 11:36 11:44 11:52 11:58 12:03 12:11 12:16 12:21 12:26 B R H RR R @ B RR H R @ m m C C by request 5:43 4:1511 8:10 4:23 5:46 m by request 4:03 11 00 3:30 3:35 3:39 3:43 3:52 4:0611 WC W H C C C w 7:30 7:35 7:5511 33 8:04 8:16 11 8:25 124:32 C H 9O C H 04 11 14 7:43 11 20 7:49 11 234:10 40 4:19 11 50 55 06 ➋ To deboard at O @ 38 @9 42 9 47 9 57 10 02 10 12 10 14 10 19 10 24 10 28 m MC C M 9 30 9 34 0353m 1010 1003 10 20 10 C10 25 201010 3625 10 w36 NoQtransitC service on: 9 30 9 44 9 349 509 44 9 53 9 50 10 9 U 10➊ N 10 R M W PM R 12:30 12:52 12:58 1:03 Cocopah 1:11 1:16 1:21 1:26 w u day C w D Route: 12:36Yuma12:44 ----------------------------------------------> > Somerton > Gadsden > San Luis 8:43 8:49 D C Sa Sa u day Sa u day Valley Mall, O @ N C Q Q R N C R 8:30 8:35 9:04 12 9:10 9:16 12 40 9:25 12 51 m On ope a e when Imperial 11M45 11 49 11 59 12 05 12 088:55 12 18 25 and 12 35 U 11 N m Sunday,CNew Years Day, Dr. Martin 10 38 10 42 10 47 10 57 11 02 11 12 11 14 11 19 11 24 11 28 10 30 1010 343010 44 10 50 53B50wR11R10 0353A11 1003 11 11 20 1011 11 25 2011 36 10 34 10 4410O10 11 11 36 | Yuma El Centro via Interstate 8 Turquoise | Yuma and simply ask the bus El Centro Turquoise1:30 M C W8 DW m W m B 25 1:36Leave 1:44R via Interstate 1:52 1:58 2:03D C2:11 2:16 2:21 2:26 9:30 9:35 9:43 9:49 9:55 10:04 10:10 10:16 10:25 M mTo be W AWC NAU UA n e on operator. M @ m C @ @ @ m C D Downtown Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents Day, 12 30 12 34 12 44 12 50 12 53 East 1 03 1 10 1 20 1 25 1 36 N 11 U to Yuma 11 30 1111 343011 44 11 50 53 WC 03U53 1212 1003 12 12 20 1012O12 25 201212 3625 12 36 East to Yuma 11 34 11 4411 11 5012 TRAX D 126 127 257 13111 3826111 42 11 47 11 57 12 02 12 12 12 14 12 19 12 24 12 28 126 127 TRAX 257D 131 261 PM C 2:30 2:36Yuma 2:44@ 2:52 2:58 3:11 3:16 3:21 3:26 261 157 266 126 034 038 439 229 157 TRAX 266 D 126 034 038 274 439 229 274 @ C3:03 R @ 10:30 10:35 10:43 10:49 10:55 11:04 11:10 11:16 11:25 picked up R at Imperial w Y wR Memorial Day, Independence Day, Ncall (928) C 1 15 1 W19m 1 C29 1 35 1 38 1 48 1 55 2 05 2 10 2 21 12 38 12 42 12 47 12 57 1 02 1 12 1 14 1 19 1 24 1 28 12 30 12 34 12 44 12 50 12 53 1 03 1 10 1 20 1 25 1 36 m H m C Valley Mall, 12 30 12 34 12 44 12 50 12 53 1 03 1 10 1 20 1 25 1 36 D O S 3:30 3:36G 3:44 SFort 3:52 4:03 4:21 4:26 8800 8803 8 15 8 26 8 38 11:30 11:35 11:43 12:04 12:10 12:16 12:25 8 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08 3@ 18 3 25 3@ 35 3 402:25 Drive 3 51 El Centro Brighton Valley Mall Casino @ Yuma Castle 2 38 2 42 2 47 2 57 3 02 3 12 3 14 3 19 3 24 3 28 El Centro @ Brighton Valley Mall @ Casino Drive Casino Yuma departing El Centro 2 30 2 34 2 44 2 50 2 53 3 03 3 10 3 20 3 25 3 36 2 30 2 34 2 44 2 50 2 53 3 03 3 10 3 20 3 25 3 36 1:55 2:04 2:10 2:16 5:30 5:36 5:44 5:52 ➊ Avenue 5:58 6:03 6:11 6:16 6:21 6:26 10 26 10 38 10 00 10 03 10 15 10 1000 26 10 1003 38 10 15 9104503 9 50 10 03 10 13 9 45 9 50 9 54 10 13 9 54 Transfer Avenue Dillard’s ➋ Resort ➊ 2nd Avenue Transit Dome Transfer Avenue F Dillard’s Transfer Terminal to ➋ da On 3 00 7 00 034 7 00122 On 387 Resort 3 00028 TRAX D F da 394 126 Transit 130 3 Dome 30136 32:30 34454 32:35 44145 3 50 2:49 3 53 4 03 4 10 4 20 4 25 4 36 3 38 3 42 3 47 3 57 4 02 4 12 4 14 4 19 4 24 4 28 3 30 3 34 3 44 3 50 3 53 4 03 4 10 4 20 4 25 4 36 2:43 2:55 3:04 3:10 3:16 3:25 7 15 7 45 Un 8 15 3 30 3 34 3 44 3 50 3 53 4 03 4 10 4 20 4 25 4 36 Terminal (Gonzo’s Center Ave @ Terminal (Gonzo’s Center 7:21 Ave @ 7:26 be picked up. 6:30 6:36 6:44 6:52 6:58 d Super 7:03 7:11 7:16 11 26 11 38 11 00 11 03 11 15 11 1100 26 11 1103 38 11 15 MST = Mountain Standard Time 1245 1 50 2 03 2 13 1 45 1 50 1 54 03 2 13 1 54 Weekda Super (State St4 48 (3rd Street (State Save USA) Street 157 20 43:30 19 297 36 4 35 3:49 4 38 3:43 3:55 4:04 4 55 4:10 5 05 4:16 5 10 4:25 5 21Save 8 45 4 38 4 42 4 47 4 57 5 02 5 12 5 14 5 19 5 24 5 28 4 30 4 34 3030 minutes 6 34 prior6por44 6 Operator. 50 6 53 d 7 03 (3rd 7 10 4@ Yuma 7 25 43:35 9 15 Yuma Un ➌ 9This 45timepoint is 4 30 4 44 4 344 504 44 4 53 4 50 5 03 4 53 5 10 5 03 5 20 5 10 5 25 5 20 5 36 5 25 5 36 On Request - Call (928) 783-2235 at6least ask p Bus ➊Street 12 26 12 38 12 00 12 03 12 15 12 1200 26 12 1203 38 12 15 p p @ 7th St) USA) @ Palms PST = Pacific Standard Time 2345 2 50 3 03 3 13 @ Gila Street) Palms 2 45 2 50 2 54 03 3 13 2 54 Weekdays subject to relocate 4:30 4:35 4:43 4:49 4:55 5:04 5:10 5:16 5:25 5 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Saturdays Saturdays Saturdays ➜ ➜ ➜ 5 5 5 Saturdays 5 95 Saturdays 9 Saturdays 95 Winter 10 HolidayCAT 10 8/8A 5 3 10 Saturdays 10 9 9 9 9 8/8A 10 9 8/8A NightCAT NightCAT ➜ WelltonCAT 95 95 Summer Saturdays WelltonCAT WelltonCAT Oct 21 to Nov 3, 2013 & Mar 9 to Nov 2, 2014 Saturdays 10 Saturdays Nov 3, 2013 to Mar 9, 2014 7 1 ➜ 10 NightCAT ➜ ➜ 10 NightCAT ➜ ➜ NightCAT ➜ 7 10 4 ➜ 6/6A Winter ➜ 9 95 WelltonCAT Saturdays 7 Saturdays 6/6A Saturdays Saturdays 7 Saturdays Summer ➜ Wellton Nov 3, 2013 to Mar 9, 2014 95 95 7 Saturdays Winter Saturdays Oct 21 to Nov 3, 2013 & Mar 9 to Nov 2, 2014 95 3➜ Foothills 9 9 Saturdays Ave E 7 S Arizona Ave S Ave A 7 10 8/8A BUSINESS LOOP Ave F 8th Ave HolidayCAT ARIZONA S Foothills Blvd Fortuna Rd Summer Oct 21 to Nov 3, 2013 & Mar 9 to Nov 2, 2014 Baseline Rd Quechan D r Quechan D r Nov 3, 2013 to Mar 9, 2014 S Avenue B 4th Ave Saturdays Sality Can al Rd Es S Pacific Ave S 4th Ave 21st Dr 23rd Ave t 6/6A 10 LOOP ARIZONA Ligurta 2/2A 2/2A BUSINESS NightCAT 6/6A Fortuna Atlantic Ave S Sunridge Dr S Arizona Ave S Ave B San Lu uis 10 4 2/2A East Cocopah Reservation 95 Saturdays Winter S Ave 9 E S Avenue A S Avenue C S Avenue D Somerton Ave Pacific Ave S Ave A S Avenue G Picacho Rd Railroad Ave 1st Ave S Avenue G Centre Ave Veterans Way S Redondo Center Dr S Avenue I MEX I UNIT CO S Gila St en Ln S Maid S Main St LOOP S Castle Dome Ave r Redondo Center D BUSINESS ➜ ➜ ➜ WelltonCAT Dome 2/2A Valley 1 S S 4th Ave S 1st Ave S 2nd Ave S 10th Ave S 25th Ave 95 95 8/8A Gadsden a en Downtown Yuma S Madison St S 1st Ave S Gila S Magnolia Ave 8/8A 9 S Ave B S May Ave S Vaughn Ave HolidayCAT 6/6A 2/2A 7 ARIZONA Araby Rd S Avenue 4 E LOOP N 16th Ave ED Sa lity ST Ca AT na ES lR d 9 Somerton omerton to Nov 3, 2013 to Mar 9, 2014 Araby Rd S Avenue 3 E S 4th Ave S Avenue A BUSINESS LOOP Winterhaven N 19th Ave West Cocop pah Reserrvation S Ave 11 E Atlantic Ave S Pacific Ave S 21St Ave Ave 8 E Pacific Ave S 1st Ave S 4th Ave Baseline Rd First Rd Railroad Ave 1st Ave S Avenue A S Avenue C S Avenue D Somerton Ave S Avenue B 23rd Ave 21st Dr Calle Agua Salada Chapay Ln Alg od on es Rd S Strand Ave Hope Way S Avenue B Dogwood Rd S 4th St S 8th St S 7th St S 14th St S Imperial Ave S Avenue C BUSINESS See Inset 95 Mesa del Sol ➜ Dr lina 6/6A LOOP ➜ ➜ ➜ ARIZONA BUSINESS WelltonCAT ➜ LOOP 1 ➜ ➜ ➜ 7 BUSINESS ➜ Yuma a 1 Call (928) 783-2235 for details on advertising. 1 10 ➜ 6/6A RIDERS GUIDE YOUR AD HERE ➜ North o orth Cocopah o Reservation Re on 10 Call (928) 783-2235 for details on advertising. ➜ ➜ ➜ S Redondo Center Dr LOOP 1 YOUR AD HERE t S Gila S North rhaven Dr nte Algodones do o BUSINESS 7 ➜ 6/6A ➜ Winterhaven n ➜ Fort Yuma Reservation Picacho Rd NightCAT the bus? Learn how to ride YCAT and plan your trip. We will provide you with an YCAT Rider’s Guide and upon completion; you will receive a free 10-Ride YCATPass. Call (928) 539-7076 or e-mail info@ycipta.az.gov for more information. catTRAX: All YCAT routes are catTRAX enabled. To find out when the Bicycles: Bicycle racks are located on the front of all YCAT buses. Racks Express are available on a first come-first served basis. Riders are responsible for loading and unloading bicycles. Bus operators cannot assist with the loading or unloading of bicycles. Bicycles may be brought on board buses on a space available basis. Please tell the bus operator before you load the bicycle. When you get off the bus, ask the bus operator to wait while you remove your bicycle. After you remove your bicycle, please lift the rack up and step away from the bus. Passengers use the bicycle racks at their own risk. YCIPTA or its contractors assumes no responsibility for damage or loss to the bicycle. Night Owl: As a safety measure, when the sun goes down, upon Basic: All passengers ages 19-64 years old and youth ages 5-18 without student ID. Discount: Students ages 5-18 years old with student ID, seniors age 65 and older, persons with disabilities and Medic are Card Holders. Express: Express routes – for all fare categories. Discount One Way (Cash) $ 2.00 $ 1.00 $ One Way using YCATPass $ 5.00 $ 2.50 $ 12.50 Day Pass (Cash) $ 1.75 $ 0.75 $ 4.00 request, a bus operator can stop at a location that is closer to your final destination rather than the regular stop when and where the bus operator feels it is safe to pull over. Day Pass using YCATPass $ 3.50 $ 1.75 $ 10.00 HolidayCAT: Each December, YCAT offers a tour of holiday lights 10-Ride Pass $ 17.50 $ 7.50 $ 45.00 10-Day Pass $ 35.00 $ 17.50 $ 45.00 31-Day Pass $ 60.00 $ 30.00 $ 150.00 around Yuma for one hour. Buses depart from Downtown Yuma Transit Center at 7:00 p.m. Normal fares apply. Call (928) 783-2235 for more details on this fun and festive service. + $2.00 + $2.00 5.00 n/a YCAT OnCall Fares Passengers must be ADA certified or a companion to ride YCAT OnCall. Fare Type One Way Eligible Riders Only $4.00 10-RidePass $35.00 Upgrade Using Day YCATPass, 10-Ride YCATPass or Monthly YCATPass from YCAT to YCAT OnCall + $2.00 Buddy Fare (5 or more passengers traveling from/to same location) $2.00 per person Not paying the established fare or misuse of transfers, passes, tokens or tickets with the intent to evade fare payment are illegal. Free Rides: Tribal members from Cocopah Indian Tribe and students, employees and/or facility from Arizona Western College, Northern Arizona University, University of Arizona, Yuma Private Industry Council Charter High School and Aztec High School and employees and volunteers from Yuma Regional Medical Center may ride free on YCAT unrestricted by showing an ID card with a current YCAT sticker. Children: Up to four small children (ages 4 years old or under) may ride free with an adult. Additional children pay discount fare. Children under the age of 9 must be accompanied by a fare paying passenger age 16 years old or older in order to ride YCAT. Seniors, Persons with Disabilities and Medicare Card Holders: Seniors and Persons with Disabilities: All YCAT vehicles are fully equipped with mobility device lifts and a mobility device securement area with space for up to two to four mobility devices. The bus operator will provide assistance with normal boarding or exiting, mobility device securement and operation of the lift/ramp. Any other additional assistance will require the use of a personal care attendant (PCA). A PCA can accompany a person with disability at no additional charge. YCAT bus operators are required to secure all mobility devices before the bus can leave the bus stop. If you need a PCA, call (928) 783-2235 one day in advance. The rate is $10.00 per hour. Mobility devices are welcome on YCAT. Passengers using a scooter may be asked to transfer to a seat on the bus. All mobility aids must be able to fit within the allocated space, have working brakes and cannot exceed the capacity of the lift/ramp with the passenger and mobility aid). If the mobility aid cannot fit the lift/ramp platform, the passenger will not be able to ride. Mobility devices with leaking batteries or fluids will not be allowed to ride. All mobility devices must be secured to the bus in order to ride. If you are sitting in one of the front seats, be prepared to give up your seat as a courtesy to seniors and persons with disabilities. Most YCAT vehicles kneel by lowering the front steps for easier boarding for passengers with mobility limitations. Please let the bus operator know if you need to use the bus kneeling feature upon boarding or exiting. If an YCAT bus without a working wheelchair lift arrives at your bus stop, YCAT will send a road supervisor or YCAT OnCall bus within 30 minutes to take the passenger direct to their destination free of charge. Ride and Read! Yuma Sun or Imperial Valley Press newspapers for sale for 50 cents. Mini libraries with free books and magazines to read, courtesy of Yuma County Library District are available onboard all YCAT buses. YCAT Discount Card, other transit agency discount cards, state issued ID cards or Medicare card with photo ID are accepted for senior and persons with disabilities fares. To obtain an YCAT Discount Card, please call (928) 783-2235 for additional details. Jury Duty: YCAT provides bus service from all cities and towns in Transfers: YCAT’s main transfer points are at the Downtown Yuma Weather - Stay Cool in the Heat: YCAT wants you to stay safe and Transit Center at the corner of 3rd Street & Gila Street, Cocopah Casino Resort, Paradise Casino, El Centro Transfer Terminal at State Street & 7th Street, Arizona Western College, Main Street & C Street, San Luis, Main Street & State Avenue, Somerton and West Yuma Transfer Hub @ Walmart on West 26th Street & Avenue B. Sometimes you may need to use more than one bus to get to your destination. Transfers are not issued by YCAT. Passengers riding three or more times a day are encouraged to purchase a Day YCATPass. This will allow you unlimited rides on YCAT until the end of service day. Transfers are issued to/from YCAT OnCall to YCAT fixed and flex routes only for one trip within a 60 minute period. YCAT accepts Greyhound tickets at Yuma Palms Regional Center. You can also purchase Greyhound tickets and ship packages at the YCAT Bus Facility, 2715 East 14th Street in Yuma. Visit www.greyhound.com or call 1-800-231-2222 for more details. YCATPasses: YCATPasses utilize a smart card technology which allows you to store money and passes on the card. YCATPasses initial costs are $2.00. A lost YCATPass is $5.00. YCATPasses can store e-cash up to $300 and use of e-cash provides a discount off oneway and Day YCATPass fares. e-cash, 31-Day, 10-Day and 10-Ride YCATPasses can be purchased at the YCAT Bus Facility, APS, Circle K, El Centro, San Luis & Somerton City Halls, Wellton Town Hall, Paradise and Quechan Casinos and Gonzo’s Super Save USA. You can also order passes through the mail by sending a letter with the specific pass needed and a check or money order payable to YCIPTA, 2715 East 14th Street, Yuma, AZ 85365. Additionally, YCATPasses can be purchased with a credit card by faxing the order from to YCIPTA – (928) 783-0309, calling (928) 783-2235 or online by visiting www.ycat.az.gov. YCATPasses are not available for sale on the buses. YCATPasses are nonrefundable, non-replaceable (unless registered) and non-transferable. Yuma County to the Yuma County Courthouse in downtown Yuma. Your mileage reimbursement can actually reimburse your travel on YCAT at 44.5 cents per mile traveled! keep your cool as you travel to your destination. Please take care as we reach extreme temperatures in the summer months. • Passengers waiting at bus stops should prepare for the excessive temperatures, especially since routes generally operate every 60 minutes. • Bring water, wear a hat or use an umbrella, dress for summer—lightcolored clothing, and slow down, take your time. • Remember to board the bus quickly as heat escapes inside the bus from the doors when they open. • Have your fare ready. YCAT provides free water on buses when temperature exceeds 115 degrees. YCIPTA or its transit operations contractor reserve the right to refuse service to passengers and/or suspend passengers who demonstrate disruptive and unsafe behavior or violate any of the rules and regulations presented above. Connections YCAT has great connections to other transportation services. An additional fare may be required to transfer to another transportation service. Amtrak: 1-800-USA-RAIL – www.amtrak.com. Intercity train service from Yuma to Los Angeles, New Orleans and Chicago via the Sunset Limited and Texas Eagle. Train departs from 281 Gila Street, Yuma three days a week. 1st Class Shuttle Express: 1-877-373-2572 www.shuttleyuma.com Shuttle service to/from Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, seven days a week. Buffalo Express Shuttle: (928) 345-4615 www.buffaloexpressshuttle.com Shuttle service to/from Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, seven days a week. Imperial Valley Transit (IVT): (760) 482-2900 – www.ivtransit.com Bus service in central Imperial County. Imperial and El Centro Dial-A-Ride: (760) 337-8002 www.arciv.org. Demand responsive service in El Centro and between El Centro and Imperial for seniors and persons with disabilities. Greyhound: (800) 231-2222, en Espanol (800) 531-5332 www.greyhound.com Intercity bus service to over 3,100 destinations in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Buses depart from the Yuma Palms Regional Center at 1245 Castle Dome Avenue, Yuma and tickets are sold at the YCAT Bus Facility, 2715 East 14th Street, Yuma. For local information call (928) 783-4403. Numero Uno Shuttle: (760) 357-2021 www.numerounoshuttle.com Shuttle service from El Centro Greyhound Agency to Calexico Greyhound Agency. Somerton Parks and Recreation Department: (928) 627-2058 –www.cityofsomerton.com Senior bus service within Somerton. San Luis Seniors On The Go: (928) 341-8540 www.cityofsanluis.org Senior bus service within San Luis. Saguaro Transportation Service/SARA Rides: (928) 783-6069 or (928) 372-SARA www.saguarofoundation.org Special needs bus service and mobility manager in southwest Yuma County. Quartzsite Transit Services: (928) 927-4333 www.ci.quartzsite.az.us Bus service provided on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month. Call for reservations. 511 Regional Travelers Information: 511 – www.az511.org Regional transit information source throughout Arizona. Transporte Suprermo: (928) 627-0341 www.transportesupremo.com Shuttle service to Phoenix, Tucson, Nogales, AZ and Sonora, MX. YCAT OnCall Demand Responsive Service This door to door demand responsive bus service is available the same service hours as YCAT non-express fixed routes which is generally between 5:50 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., Monday-Friday and 9:10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, excluding holidays. To use YCAT OnCall, you must be certified and board, travel and alight within 3/4 mile of an operating YCAT route. As the YCAT routes goes out of service for the day, so does YCAT OnCall service in that area. Please see the reverse side for the YCAT OnCall service boundary. YCAT OnCall is reserved for persons with disabilities unable to board YCAT buses or access a bus stop. Passengers need to be Americans for Disabilities Act (ADA) certified to ride through filling out an ADA Certification Application. For more information about YCAT OnCall, including trip reservations & cancellations and certification, call (928) 783-2235 or 511 or TDD/TTY 711 through the relay service, visit www.ycat.az.gov or read the YCAT OnCall Information Guide. YCAT Vanpool Vanpooling can be a great option for larger groups of commuters. YCAT Vanpool provides clearly marked vans to qualifying groups of 7-15 commuters, driven by one of the vanpool members. Passengers share the cost of operating the van by paying a monthly fee to the primary driver. The fee covers gas, insurance, and vehicle maintenance costs. YCIPTA provides a $300 subsidy to vans on a first come, first served basis through Enterprise Rideshare and vRide. The van must originate, terminate or travel through Yuma County to be eligible for the subsidy. For more information about YCAT Vanpool call (928) 783-2235 or 511 or TDD/TTY 711 through the relay service, visit www.ycat.az.gov or read the YCAT Vanpool brochure. Basic: Todos los pasajeros edades 19-64 años y los jóvenes de 5-18 y sin carné de estudiante. Descuento: Estudiantes edades de 5-18 años de edad con identificación de estudiante, los ancianos mayores de 65 años de edad, personas con discapacidad y de los titulares de tarjetas de Medicare. Express: Rutas Express - para todas las categorías de tarifas. YCAT OnCall Tarifas: Los pasajeros deben estar ADA certificado o un compañero de montar YCAT OnCall. No pagar la tarifa o mal uso de las transferencias, bonos, vales o tickets con la intención de evadir el pago de la tarifa establecida es ilegal. Viajes gratis: Miembros de la tribu de Cocopah Indian Tribe y los estudiantes, los empleados y/o instalación de Arizona Western College, Universidad del Norte de Arizona, Universidad de Arizona, Yuma Private Industry Charter High School Consejo y Aztec High School y los empleados y voluntarios de Yuma Regional Medical Center pueden viajar gratis en YCAT sin restricciones al mostrar una tarjeta de identificación con una pegatina YCAT actual. Niños: Hasta cuatro niños pequeños (de 4 años de edad o menos) pueden viajar gratis con un adulto. Los niños adicionales pagan tarifa de descuento. Los niños menores de 9 años deben estar acompañados por un pasajero que paga la tarifa edad de 16 años o más con el fin de montar YCAT. Personas Mayores, Personas con Discapacidad y de titulares de tarjetas Medicare: Tarjeta de Descuento YCAT, otras agencias de tarjetas de descuento de tránsito, estatales emitieron tarjetas de identificación o tarjetas de Medicare con identificación con foto son aceptados por mayor y las personas con discapacidad tarifas. Para obtener una tarjeta de descuento YCAT, por favor llame al (928) 7832235 para más detalles. Traslados: Principales puntos de transferencia de YCAT están en el Centro de Tránsito de Yuma centro a la esquina de la calle 3 y Gila Street, Cocopah Casino Resort, Paradise Casino, El Terminal de Transferencia Centro en la Calle State y la 7th Street, Arizona Western College, la calle principal y la calle C, San Luis, Main Street y Avenue Estado, Somerton y Yuma West Transfer Hub @ Walmart en West 26th Street y Avenue B. A veces puede que tenga que utilizar más de un bus para llegar a su destino. Las transferencias no son emitidas por YCAT . Se alienta a los pasajeros que viajaban tres o más veces al día para comprar un YCATPass día. Esto le permitirá viajes ilimitados en YCAT hasta el final del día el servicio. Las transferencias se emiten desde / hasta YCAT OnCall a YCAT rutas fijas y flexibles sólo para un viaje dentro de un período de 60 minutos. YCAT acepta entradas del galgo en Yuma Palms Center Regional. También puede comprar boletos de Greyhound y paquetes buque en la instalación Bus YCAT, 2715 East 14th Street en Yuma. Visita www.greyhound.com o llame 1-800-231-2222 para obtener más detalles. YCATPasses: YCATPasses utilizan una tecnología de tarjeta inteligente que permite almacenar dinero y pasa la tarjeta. YCATPasses costo inicial es de $2.00. A YCATPass perdido es de $5.00. YCATPasses pueden almacenar direcciones de efectivo de hasta $300 y el uso de dinero electrónico ofrece un descuento en un solo sentido y tarifas YCATPass día. e-cash, 31 días, 10 días y 10 viajes YCATPasses se pueden comprar en el Centro YCAT Bus, APS, Circle K, El Centro, San Luis y Somerton Ayuntamientos, Wellton Town Hall, Paraíso y Casinos Quechan y de Gonzo Super Save USA. También puedes pedir que pasa a través del correo enviando una carta con el pase específica necesaria y un cheque o giro postal a nombre YCIPTA, 2715 East 14th Street, Yuma, AZ 85365. Además, YCATPasses se pueden comprar con tarjeta de crédito por fax la orden de a YCIPTA - (928) 783-0309, llamada (928) 783-2235 o en línea visitando www.ycat.az.gov. YCATPasses no están disponibles a la venta en los autobuses. YCATPasses no son reembolsables, no se puede sustituir (a menos registrado) y no transferibles. Bordando YCAT Lectura de la Horarios: Los tiempos de viaje en el calendario (en el lado opuesto) se muestran de izquierda a derecha. El punto de tiempo en la tabla se refieren a los puntos de la hoja de ruta correspondiente (“T” en el mapa). Tienen la finalidad de ayudarle a calcular cuando el bus llegará a su parada. Hay muchas paradas de autobús entre cada punto de tiempo. Las horas indicadas en los horarios son aproximados debido a las variaciones en el tráfico, el clima y otras condiciones. Favor de presentarse en la parada cinco (5) minutos antes de que el autobús está prevista la llegada. Los horarios son aproximados y no están garantizadas. Los pasajeros deben disponer de tiempo extra para los retrasos. Abordar el autobús: YCAT sólo se detiene en las paradas de autobús con un signo YCAT blanco y azul. Una lista de la parada de autobús está disponible en un folleto aparte. No se permiten paradas bandera. Cuando se acerque el autobús, de pie cerca de la señal de parada de autobús y asegurarse de que el operador del autobús puede verte. Algunas líneas de autobús son atendidos por más de una ruta, comprobar el signo del parabrisas o de destino para obtener información sobre la ruta que atiende a su parada de autobús. Tenga el dinero exacto, pasar o transferir listo cuando aborde el autobús. El conductor del autobús no puede dar cambio si paga más de la tarifa publicada. Al salir del autobús: Cuando vea a su destino o punto de transferencia, indicar al operador del autobús, tirando del cable cerca de la ventana, empujando la franja amarilla o llamando a “la próxima parada“. Proporcione suficiente antelación, para que el operador del autobús puede hacer una parada suave. Si usted no está familiarizado con el área, pregunte al conductor del autobús para obtener ayuda. solicitud, un operador de bus puede parar en un lugar que está más cerca de su destino final, en lugar de la parada regular cuando y donde el operador del autobús se siente que es seguro para detenerse. HolidayCAT: Cada diciembre YCAT ofrece un recorrido de luces de Navidad alrededor de Yuma durante una hora. Los autobuses salen desde el centro de Centro de Tránsito de Yuma a las 7:00 pm se aplican las tarifas normales. Llame al (928) 783-2235 para más información sobre este servicio divertido y festivo. Personas Mayores y Personas con Discapacidad: Todos los vehículos YCAT están completamente equipadas con ascensores dispositivo de movilidad y una zona de fijación dispositivo de movilidad con capacidad para dos a cuatro dispositivos de movilidad. El operador del autobús prestará asistencia con normalidad subir o bajar, la movilidad dispositivo de fijación y el funcionamiento del ascensor / rampa. Cualquier otro tipo de asistencia adicional que requerirá el uso de un asistente de cuidado personal (PCA). Un PCA puede acompañar a una persona con discapacidad , sin costo adicional. Operadores de autobuses YCAT están obligados a asegurar todos los dispositivos de movilidad antes de que el bus puede salir de la parada de autobús. Si usted necesita un PCA, llame al (928) 783-2235 con un día de antelación. La tarifa es de $10.00 por hora. Los dispositivos de movilidad son bienvenidos en YCAT. Los viajeros que utilicen un scooter puede pedir la transferencia a un asiento en el autobús. Todas las ayudas para la movilidad deben ser capaces de encajar en el espacio asignado, tienen frenos de trabajo y no puede exceder la capacidad de la elevación / rampa con el pasajero y ayuda a la movilidad. Si la ayuda a la movilidad no puede adaptarse a la plataforma elevadora / rampa, el pasajero no será capaz de montar. Los dispositivos de movilidad con baterías o secreciones no se les permitirá viajar. Todos los dispositivos de movilidad deberán colocarse en el autobús con el fin de montar. Si usted está sentado en uno de los asientos delanteros, estar dispuestos a renunciar a su escaño como una cortesía a las personas mayores y personas con discapacidad. La mayoría de los vehículos YCAT arrodillan al bajar las escaleras para facilitar el embarque a los pasajeros con limitaciones de movilidad. Informe al operador del autobús si necesita utilizar la función de arrodillamiento bus al subir o bajar. Si un bus YCAT sin ascensor para sillas de ruedas de trabajo llega a su parada de autobús, YCAT enviará un inspector de caminos o autobús OnCall YCAT un plazo de 30 minutos para tomar el pasajero directamente a su destino de forma gratuita. Ride y leer! Yuma Sun o el Imperial Valley Press periódicos a la venta por 50 centavos. Mini bibliotecas con libros y revistas gratuitas para leer, cortesía de la Biblioteca del Distrito del Condado de Yuma están disponibles a bordo de los autobuses YCAT. Jury Duty: YCAT proporciona servicio de autobuses desde todas las ciudades y pueblos en el condado de Yuma a Yuma County Courthouse en el centro de Yuma. Su reembolso de millaje en realidad puede reembolsar su viaje en YCAT a 44.5 centavos por milla recorrida! El tiempo - Manténgase fresco en el calor: YCAT quiere que permanezca seguro y mantener la calma a medida que viajan a su destino. Por favor tenga cuidado cuando estamos llegando a temperaturas extremas en los meses de verano. • Los pasajeros que esperan en las paradas de autobús deben prepararse para las temperaturas excesivas, sobre todo porque las rutas generalmente operan cada 60 minutos. • Lleve el agua, use un sombrero o usar un paraguas, vestirse para la ropa de color claro - verano, y reducir la velocidad, tómese su tiempo. • Recuerde que debe abordar el autobús antes escapes de calor en el interior del autobús desde las puertas cuando se abren. • Haga que su comida preparada. YCAT ofrece agua gratis en los autobuses cuando la temperatura supera los 115 grados. Reglas de la carretera! Reglas de garantizar la seguridad y comodidad para todos los pasajeros y al conductor del autobús. Tenga en cuenta las siguientes reglas cuando viajan en los autobuses YCAT o usar YCAT tránsito (paradas de autobús, de las instalaciones de autobuses y centros de tránsito): • No fumar en los autobuses, en el interior de las instalaciones de tránsito o dentro de 20 pies de la entrada de una puerta o ventana en las instalaciones de tránsito por ARS 36-601.01. • Comer y beber está permitido siempre y cuando se deshaga de los desechos de comida y bebida. • Sin sellar o consumo de bebidas alcohólicas no están permitidas en los vehículos de transporte público bajo la ley federal. • No se coloca delante de la línea de “espectador de pie“ de color blanco o amarillo, en las puertas o cajas de escalera, mientras el autobús está en el movimiento. • Ninguna conversación o interferencias innecesarias con el conductor del autobús por razones de seguridad. • No pelear, usar lenguaje vulgar u ofensivo , empujar, gritar o participar en un comportamiento áspero en el autobús o en las instalaciones de tránsito. •Todos los dispositivos electrónicos en uso requieren el uso de auriculares. Música amplificada no está permitido en los autobuses o en las instalaciones de tránsito. • No inflamables, materiales o armas de tipo (salvo que se permita legalmente en virtud de un permiso para portar armas o de un oficial de la ley) peligrosos se permiten a bordo del autobús (salvo el oxígeno). • No hay objetos grandes que no se llevará a cabo por parte del pasajero, colocado debajo del asiento o de la forma de pasillo se permite a bordo del autobús. Hasta cinco bolsas de la compra, maletas o paquetes están permitidos. Los operadores de autobuses YCAT OnCall Demand Responsive Servicio Esta puerta a la demanda del servicio de autobuses de respuesta puerta está disponible el mismo horario de servicio como YCAT rutas fijas no expresa lo que es generalmente entre 5:50 am y 7:30 pm, de lunes a viernes y de 9:10 am a 6:30 pm el sábado , excepto festivos. Para utilizar YCAT OnCall , debe ser certificada y comida, viajes y baje a menos de 3/4 de milla de una ruta YCAT operativo. Como las rutas YCAT va fuera de servicio durante el día, también lo hace el servicio YCAT OnCall en esa zona. Por favor vea el reverso para la OnCall límite del servicio YCAT. YCAT OnCall está reservado para las personas con discapacidad que no pueden abordar los autobuses YCAT o acceder a una parada de autobús. Los pasajeros deben ser Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades (ADA) para los certificados para viajar a través de llenar una Solicitud de Certificación ADA. Para obtener más información acerca de YCAT OnCall, incluyendo reservaciones de viaje y cancelaciones y certificación, llame al (928) 7832235 o 511 o TDD/TTY 711 a través del servicio de retransmisión, visite www.ycat.az.gov o leer la Guía de información YCAT OnCall. YCAT Vanpool Vanpool puede ser una gran opción para grupos de viajeros. YCAT Vanpool ofrece camionetas claramente identificados con los grupos de clasificación para 7-15 pasajeros, impulsado por uno de los miembros del vanpool. Los pasajeros que comparten el costo de operar el vehículo mediante el pago de una cuota mensual para el conductor principal . La cuota cubre el gas , los costos de mantenimiento de vehículos de seguro, y. YCIPTA proporciona un subsidio de $300 a furgonetas en un primer llegado, primer servido base través Empresa Rideshare y vRide. La furgoneta se debe originar, terminar o viajar a través del Condado de Yuma para ser elegible para el subsidio. Para obtener más información acerca de YCAT Vanpool llamada (928) 783-2235 o 511 o TDD/TTY 711 a través del servicio de retransmisión, visite www.ycat.az.gov o leer el folleto YCAT Vanpool. This is Your Bus System! Mobility Training: New to transit? Do you want to learn how to ride Night Owl: Como medida de seguridad, cuando el sol se oculta, previa YCIPTA is a public transportation authority accountable for the delivery of transit services in Yuma County. We invite you to come to the Board of Directors Meeting which is held on the 4th Monday of each month at 1:30 pm at Yuma County Development Services Building, 2351 West 26th Street, in Yuma across from the West Yuma Transfer Hub. Agendas and reports are available online at www.ycipta.az.gov or by contacting us. YCIPTA member agencies include Yuma, San Luis, Somerton, Wellton, Yuma County, Arizona Western College, Northern Arizona University, Cocopah and Quechan Indian Tribes. may travel on the bus if secured in a cage or muzzle. Call Us...We’ll Be Around! Animals on YCAT: Service animals are welcome. Non-service animals Tarifas y Pases - A partir del 09 de enero 2012 • Tarifas YCAT se pagan por cada viaje de ida • Los operadores de autobuses sólo aceptan dinero en efectivo o cheque (ventas de tarjetas de crédito en breve) • Se requiere la tarifa exacta - No se da el cambio! • Las tarifas están sujetas a cambios. todos los autobuses YCAT. Bastidores están disponibles en un primer llegado, primer servido base. Corredores son responsables de la carga y descarga de las bicicletas. Los conductores de autobuses no pueden asistir en la carga y descarga de las bicicletas. Las bicicletas se pueden traer en los autobuses en función del espacio disponible. Por favor, dígale al conductor del autobús antes de cargar la bicicleta. Al bajar del autobús, pregunte al operador del autobús que esperar mientras se quita la bicicleta. Después de quitar su bicicleta, por favor levante la rejilla hacia arriba y alejarse del autobús. Los pasajeros que utilizan los bastidores de bicicleta bajo su propio riesgo. YCIPTA o sus contratistas no asume ninguna responsabilidad por daños o pérdida de la bicicleta. We hope to hear from you! We want your bus ride to be perfect every time. We welcome your comments, compliments, complaints or suggestions. regularly scheduled bus stops on the entire Brown Route 3 and Gold Route 8, Purple Route 6/6A and Violet Route 7 within the Cocopah Reservations or on Turquoise Route 10 in El Centro, just ask your bus operator or call (928) 783-2235, at least one hour prior to the bus coming by your location to request a deviation. Deviations are limited to the first four (4) requests per one way trip. Please call ahead to cancel if the deviation is no longer needed to allow another person the opportunity to ride. Bicicletas: Bastidores de bicicletas se encuentran en el frente de • Call us at (928) 539-7076 • Visit or write to us at: John Andoh, YCAT Transit Director, YCIPTA, 2715 East 14th Street, Yuma, AZ 85365 (Orange Route 2/2A comes to facility) • Email us at: jandoh@ycipta.az.gov or visit our website at: www.ycat.az.gov. Flex Route Deviations: For pick up and drop off locations between cuando el próximo autobús llegará en tiempo real , visite www.ycat. az.gov, text: yuma # # # (que está disponible en la Guía de la parada de autobús, en el reverso o publicados en la muestra de la parada de autobús) para 41111 o llame al (928) 304-7537. Lost and Found If you lose an item or forget on an YCAT vehicle, please call (928) 783-2235. YCIPTA or its contractors are not responsible for lost or stolen items on board its vehicles. signal the bus operator, by pulling the cord near the window, pushing the yellow strip or calling out “next stop”. Please provide enough notice, so that the bus operator can make a smooth stop. If you are not familiar with the area, ask the bus operator for assistance. catTRAX: Todas las rutas son YCAT catTRAX habilitados. Para saber This rider’s guide and all transit Information is available in alternative and/or accessible formats. Please call (928) 783-2235 or 711 through the relay service for TDD & TTY to request for these formats. Exiting the Bus: When you see your destination or transfer point, Bienvenido a Bordo! YCAT ofrece rutas fijas, vanpool y autobús paratránsito complementarios en todo el suroeste del Condado de Yuma y el Condado de Imperial oriental. Área de servicio incluye: Yuma, San Luis, Somerton, Wellton, Cocopah y Fort Yuma Reservas Indígenas, Winterhaven , El Centro y las comunidades no incorporadas del Condado de Yuma, incluidos Gadsden, Tacna, Ligurta y Fortuna colinas. Usted puede contar con YCAT para proporcionar servicios de tránsito de lunes a viernes de 5:50 am a 7:30 pm, con servicio nocturno limitado hasta las 11:30 pm y sábados de 9:10 am a 6:30 pm cada 60 minutos la mayoría de las rutas. Ningún servicio se proporciona en Año Nuevo, el Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Día de los Presidentes, Día de los Caídos , Día de la Independencia , Día del Trabajo, Día de los Veteranos, Día de Acción de Gracias y Navidad. YCIPTA o el contratista de las operaciones de tránsito se reservan el derecho de rechazar prestar el servicio a los pasajeros y / o suspender los pasajeros que demuestran un comportamiento perjudicial y peligrosa o viola alguna de las reglas y reglamentos presentados anteriormente. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 YCIPTA is committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from participating in, or denied the benefits of, its services or programs on the basis of race, color or national origin as afforded under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. If you believe you have been subjected to discrimination under Title VI, you may file a written complaint with YCIPTA. Contact information is listed above. 524 Formación Movilidad: Nuevo de tránsito? ¿Quieres aprender a montar en el autobús? Aprender a montar YCAT y planificar su viaje. Le proveeremos con la guía de un jinete YCAT y una vez terminada, usted recibirá un YCATPass 10 viajes gratis. Llame al (928) 539-7076 o por e-mail info@ycipta.az.gov para más información. http://www.facebook.com/TheYCAT catTRAX www.ycat.az.gov Animales no - servicio pueden viajar en el autobús si asegurado en una jaula o bozal. twitter.com/YCAT_Yuma Central Yuma Animales en YCAT: Los animales de servicio son bienvenidos. flickr.com/photos/ycat/ Fortuna Foothills Rules ensure safety and comfort for all passengers and the bus operator. Please observe the following rules when riding YCAT buses or using YCAT transit facilities (bus stops, Bus Facility and transit centers): • No smoking on buses, inside transit facilities or within 20 feet of the opening of a window or door at transit facilities per A.R.S. 36-601.01. • Eating and drinking is permitted provided that you dispose of the waste from eating or drinking. • Unsealed or consumption of alcoholic beverages are not permitted on public transit vehicles under Federal law. • No standing in front of the white or yellow “standee” line, in doorways or stepwells while the bus is in motion. • No unnecessary conversation or interference with bus operator for safety reasons. • No fighting, using vulgar or offensive language, pushing, shouting or participating in rough behavior on the bus or at transit facilities. • All electronic devices in use require the use of headphones. Amplified music is not allowed on buses or at transit facilities. • No flammable, hazardous materials or weapons of kind (unless legally allowed under a concealed weapons permit or a law enforcement officer) shall be allowed on board the bus (except oxygen). • No large object that cannot be held by the passenger, placed under seat or out of the aisle way is allowed onboard the bus. Up to five shopping bags, luggage or packages are allowed. Bus Operators may assist in carrying packages less than 25 pounds. •Any behavior which annoys, disturbs, injures or endangers the comfort, health, peace and safety of others properly utilizing the transit facility or riding a bus is illegal. • A person who commits an assault or battery upon a transit operator with a deadly weapon or presents the ability to use a deadly weapon is subject to a class 6 felony per A.R.S. 13-1204. •Passengers must have a destination when riding YCAT buses. Passengers will be allowed two complete round trips on YCAT routes to allow for a passenger to access their appropriate destination. Passengers that do not have a destination or exceed the two round trips may be requested to leave the bus by the Bus Operator at the nearest transit center or major transfer point. youtube.com/channel/UCti_4FOoNOtBq502nDrEtTg East Yuma Central Yuma eM a te ri als pueden ayudar a llevar los paquetes de menos de 25 libras. • Cualquier comportamiento que molesta, molesta, daña o pone en peligro la comodidad, la salud, la paz y la seguridad de los demás utilizando adecuadamente las instalaciones de tránsito o de andar en bus es ilegal. • Una persona que comete un asalto o agresión a un operador de tránsito con un arma mortal o presenta la posibilidad de utilizar un arma mortal está sujeto a un delito grave de clase 6 por ARS 13-1204. • Los pasajeros deben tener un destino al conducir autobuses YCAT. Los pasajeros serán permitidos dos idas y vueltas completas sobre rutas YCAT para permitir a un pasajero para acceder a su destino apropiado. Los pasajeros que no tienen un destino o superen los dos viajes redondos pueden ser solicitadas para bajar del autobús por el Operador de autobús en el centro de tránsito más cercano o importante punto de transferencia. plus.google.com/112964068217293530515 a white & blue YCAT sign. A bus stop list is available in a 2 1 separate pamphlet. Flag stops are not permitted. When the bus approaches, stand near the bus stop sign and 3 4 make su re that the bus operator can see you. Some bus routes are served by more than one route, check the (928) 783-2235 windshield or destination sign for information on the route serving your bus stop. Have exact fare, pass or transfer ready when you board the bus. The bus operator can not provide change if you pay more than the posted fare. next bus will come in real time, visit www.ycat.az.gov, text: yuma ### (which is available in the Bus Stop Guide, on the reverse or posted on the bus stop sign) to 41111 or call (928) 304-7537. • YCAT fares are paid for each one-way trip • Bus operators only accept cash or check (credit card sales coming soon) • Exact fare is required — No change is given! • Fares are subject to change. Basic BUS STOP bl a Fares and Passes – Effective October 21, 2013 Boarding the Bus: YCAT only stops at bus stops with Fla m m Welcome Aboard! YCAT provides fixed route, vanpool and complementary paratransit bus service throughout southwestern Yuma County and eastern Imperial County. Service area includes: Yuma, San Luis, Somerton, Wellton, Cocopah and Fort Yuma Indian Reservations, Winterhaven, El Centro and unincorporated communities of Yuma County, including Gadsden, Tacna, Ligurta and Fortuna Foothills. You can count on YCAT to provide transit services Monday through Friday from 5:50 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., with limited evening service until 11:30 p.m. and Saturday from 9:10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. every 60 minutes on most routes. No service is provided on New Years Day, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. side) are shown from left to right. The timepoint in the table refer to points on the corresponding route map (“T” on the map). They are intended to help you estimate when the bus will arrive at your stop. There are many bus stops between each time point. Times shown on the timetables are approximate due to variations in traffic, weather and other conditions. Please be at your stop five (5) minutes before the bus is due to arrive. Timetables shown are approximate and not guaranteed. Passengers should allow extra time for delays. No John Andoh YCIPTA Transit Director YCAT is now 15 years old! From the start of Valley Transit in 1998 to YCAT today, I hope you as our passenger has found your ride to be enjoyable and best yet, YCAT continues to get better! The Yuma County Intergovernmental Public Transportation Authority (YCIPTA) is pleased to provide starting with this Fall service change, YCAT will now go to Algodones on Blue Route 5, Yuma Palms Regional Center and Imperial Valley Mall on Turquoise Route 10 and Paradise Casino on Red Route 1, catTRAX is being expanded to all YCAT routes so you can track your bus in real time, NightCAT is being expanded to include more pickups from various areas in Yuma and eastern Imperial Counties, YCATPass is in an electronic form and can now be purchased as APS, Circle K and other locations throughout Yuma County, and YCAT Vanpool for those wanting to share the ride has been implemented. Thank you for being a loyal YCAT rider and I hope you will continue to See Where It Takes You! Route Deviation Fare for Routes 3, 6/6A, 7, 8 & 10 entre el bus regular paradas en toda la Ruta 3 Brown and Gold Ruta 8, Ruta 6/6A púrpura y violeta Ruta 7 dentro de las Reservas Cocopah o en la ruta Turquoise 10 en El Centro, sólo pregunte a su operador de autobuses o llame al (928) 783-2235, por lo menos una hora antes del autobús que viene por su ubicación para solicitar una desviación. Las desviaciones se limitan a los primeros cuatro (4) solicitudes por viaje de ida. Por favor llame con anticipación para cancelar si ya no es necesaria la desviación para permitir que otra persona la oportunidad de montar. Reading the Timetable: Travel times on the timetable (on the opposite Robert Pickels Jr Chairman, YCIPTA Board of Directors YCAT Fares Flex desviaciones de ruta: Para recoger y dejar fuera de la ubicación linkedin.com/company/2891885 15 Rules of the Road! Transit services are provided by Parking Concepts, Inc and vanpool services are provided by vRide and Enterprise Holdings, Inc under contract to Yuma County Intergovernmental Public Transportation Authority. Riding YCAT Este es el sistema de autobuses! YCIPTA es una autoridad de transporte público responsable de la prestación de los servicios de tránsito en el condado de Yuma. Te invitamos a venir a la Reunión del Consejo de Administración que se celebra el cuarto lunes de cada mes a las 1:30 pm en Yuma County Development Services Building, 2351 West 26th Street, en Yuma frente al West Yuma Transfer Hub. Agendas y reportes están disponibles en línea en www.ycipta.az.gov o poniéndose en contacto con nosotros. Organismos miembros YCIPTA incluyen Yuma, San Luis, Somerton, Wellton, Condado de Yuma, Arizona Western College, Universidad del Norte de Arizona, Cocopah y Quechan tribus indias. Llámanos ... Vamos a estar alrededor! Esperamos saber de usted! Queremos que su viaje en autobús para estar perfecta en todo momento. Agradecemos sus comentarios, elogios, quejas o sugerencias. • Llámenos al (928) 539-7076 • Visite o escríbanos a: John Andoh, YCAT Tránsito Director YCIPTA, 2715 East 14th Street, Yuma, AZ 85365 (Naranja Ruta 2 trata de las instalaciones) • Envíanos un email a: jandoh@ycipta.az.gov o visite nuestro sitio web en: www.ycat.az.gov. RIDER’S GUIDE Effective October 21, 2013 50¢ Pay in farebox FREE if picked up at selected locations Perdidos: Si pierde u olvida un elemento en un vehículo YCAT, por favor llame al (928) 783-2235 . YCIPTA o sus contratistas no son responsables de artículos perdidos o robados a bordo de sus vehículos. Esta guía del usuario y toda la información está disponible en tránsito alternativos y / o formatos accesibles. Por favor llame al (928) 783-2235 o al 711 a través del servicio de retransmisión de TTY y TDD para solicitar para estos formatos. Título VI del Acta de Derechos Civiles de 1964 YCIPTA se compromete a garantizar que ninguna persona sea excluida de participar en, o negado los beneficios de, sus servicios o programas sobre la base de raza , color u origen nacional, produjo en el Título VI del Acta de Derechos Civiles de 1964. Si usted cree que ha sido discriminado en el Título VI , usted puede presentar una queja por escrito ante YCIPTA. La información de contacto está en la lista anterior. YOUR AD HERE www.ycat.az.gov Call (928) 783-2235 for details on advertising. (928)783-2235 TDD/TTY: 711