- St. Mark`s Mar Thoma Church
- St. Mark`s Mar Thoma Church
St. Mark’s Bulletin Volume 12, Issue 2 April-June 2016 FromtheVicar’sDesk Dearly beloved in Christ, Greetings to you all in the precious name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, it is our prayer that our Parish community will always be a place where we can gather to worship, celebrate our beliefs, and share the living experience of the body of the Christ through our various ministries of service. As followers of Christ, we are called to serve and evangelize the world through living the Word of God. Our parish invites everyone to share in this relationship. During the last quarter, we observed the Great Lent and the passion of our Lord. During this period, devotions and services, based on the cross of our Lord, helped to give all of us a renewed meaning and experience in our life. The passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is intimately connected with the essence of who God is…and consequently…who we are. The death of the Lord is more than just a demonstration of how much God loves us. I am very glad that all parish organizations and their activities are going well. I request all your participation and prayers for the Silver Jubilee programs. We have planned to conduct these programs both at the parish and organizational levels. The office bearers of all our organizations have taken the initiative to conduct these events. Mr. Sam John, from Dallas, Texas, led the classes of Youth Retreat for the first three months. Our Sunday School arranged the Southern Regional Sunday School Retreat on Saturday, March 19th. I appreciate those who attended from the parishes of our region. We all know our Diocesan Bishop Rt. Rev. Dr. Geevarghese Mar Theodosius Episcopa will transfer on April 1st to the Mumbai Diocese. Let us thank God for his fruitful ministry. The new Bishop Rt. Rev. Dr. Isaac Mar Philoxenos Episcopa will take the charge of our Diocese starting April 1st. We plan to conduct the regional meeting of both Sevika Sangham and Edavaka mission on May 21st, 2016. I welcome all your cooperation and participation in the upcoming conferences both at the regional and diocesan levels. I wish all the best and offer my prayers for those who are preparing for the annual examination. I remind all the students “the fear of Lord is the beginning of wisdom”. Let’s pray for those who prepare to enter the family life. For those who are celebrating their birthday and wedding anniversary in the coming months, I wish them all the best and offer my prayers. At the same time, I remember those who are sick among us and pray for their speedy recovery. Please know that you are remembered and lifted up in the prayer each day. I pray that God will bless you with the ability to stand before Him and say ‘yes’ to being a disciple. We may not see each other each day, but may we meet each day in our prayers. May God bless you. In Christ service Rev. Joykutty D (Vicar) St. Mark’s Mar Thoma Church 11029 Davis Road, Tampa, FL 33637 www.stmarksmtctampa.org Rt.Rev.Dr.IsaacMarPhiloxenosEpiscopa Welcome to our new Diocesan Bishop. Born: December 5th, 1951 Ordained Deacon: May 29th, 1976 Ordained Kassissa: June 9th, 1976 Ordained Ramban: August 31st, 1993 Consecrated Episcopa: October 2nd, 1993 Last Diocese: Chennai – Bangalore Thank you Rt. Rev. Dr. Geevarghese Mar Theodosius Episcopa for your guidance and vision over the last 7 years. Thirumeni will be moving to the Mumbai Diocese and continue the Ministry that God has entrusted him with. PrayerMeetingsfortheQuarter nd April2 ,2016@6:30PM Geevarghese&AnnammaSamuel May7th,2016 Bijou&SibyGeorge June4th,2016 Chacko&JessyAbraham(Moni&Betsy) NewMembers TheJohnfamily: JoeJohn,BinduMaryJoe,AzelJohnJoe,Amzi ThankamJoe,E.C.John,ThankammaJohn TheMathewFamily: GracyMathew,SathyamNatarajan,InduS. Mathew SilverJubilee–YouthRetreatmeetings Saturday,April23rd n Leadertobedeclared Saturday,May28th n BenAbraham Saturday,June25th n Leadertobedeclared BIRTHDAYSFORTHEQUARTER 3-Apr JacobVValliyil 18-May ThomasJoseph 30-May ShajiMahew 3-Apr CyrilJohn 18-May LeyahSusanGeorge 30-May AndrewAbraham 3-Apr AbieEliasSamuel 18-May JaydenThomasJoseph 30-May AbuSKoruth 5-Apr BobinAbraham 18-May BabuMathai 31-May RaniMathai 7-Apr SibyGeorge 19-May ShaneAlexander 31-May JacobThampi 8-Apr MaryAbraham 19-May GeevargheseSamuel 31-May BinduMathew 10-Apr SonelPothen 19-May BeenaGeorge 31-May AbrahamChacko 12-Apr MeeraCherian 20-May SimiMariamThompson 31-May AbrahamAbraham 13-AprThankammaJohn 20-May MathewSkariah 1-Jun JadonMathai 15-Apr RejiAlexMulayara 20-MayJoeJohn 2-Jun MathewsThomas 15-Apr JacobPhilipGeorge 22-May RenuSusanRoy 4-Jun MunnaSimon 15-Apr HannahThomas 22-May JerryJGeorge 4-Jun AbrahamPChacko 15-Apr AngelaSaraAlex 24-May StanleyThomas 5-Jun ShounSamuel 17-Apr ShibuIttyPothen 24-May Dr.NishaPaul 10-Jun AlbyJacob 18-Apr ShineyJThomas 25-May SusammaPhilips 13-Jun AniammaCherian 20-Apr AbrahamAChacko 25-May SallyJacob 20-Jun CelinaSaraJohn 21-Apr SalomyShaji 25-May Rev.JoykuttyDaniel 25-Jun AkshayMathews 21-Apr BeenaAbraham 25-May MathewMathew 27-Jun AbiyaSusanKoruthu 23-Apr ManjushaMathew 25-May MariammaAlexander 30-Jun AbrahamDaniel 24-Apr JyothisMathew 26-May VarghesePJoseph 25-Apr SmithaJose 27-May SankeerthKoshy 25-Apr AleyammaCherian 29-May ThankammaAbraham 26-Apr AnnieStanley WEDDINGANNIVERSARIESDURINGTHEQUARTER 28-Apr MiniEapen 28-Apr AnnammaSamuel 2-Apr Thomas T Koshy & Lena Koshy 29-Apr SundeepRoy JoelJohn 1-May 3-Apr Varghese K Abraham & Beena Abraham 2-May MariammaValliyil 3-May Dr.BessyEapen 12-Apr Thomas Joseph & Teena Thomas Joseph 4-May SamuelMathai 16-Apr Geevarghese Samuel & Annamma Samuel 4-May RachelAlexanderJoseph 19-Apr Oommen P George & Sicily George 5-May StewartShaji 19-Apr George Alexander & Jyothis Mathew 5-May ElizabethKoshy 22-Apr Dr. Philip K Thomas & Elizabeth Koshy 6-May PreenaThomas 29-Apr Daniel Abraham & Saly Daniel 6-May AnoopEipeKovoor 29-Apr Bijou George & Siby George 7-May JasmineEapen 10-May K C Cherian & Aniamma Cherian 8-May DeenammaAbraham 9-May ThomasKarakkad 10-May Jacob Simon & Munna Simon 9-May MariammaAbraham 12-May Samuel J Thattamannil & Saramma Samuel 10-May AleyammaAbraham 17-May Shinu Cherian Sam & Sara Shinu Sam 12-May VinnyOommenSamuel 24-May Ben Stephen & Maria Stephen 12-May RebeccaSaraSam 29-May Abraham P Chacko & Aleyamma Abraham 14-May AlinaMathai 15-May AniammaPhilipose 29-May Stanley Mathew & Simi Rachel Mathew 7-Jun Abraham A Chacko & Jessy Abraham 12-May RebeccaSaraSam 14-May AlinaMathai 8-Jun Abraham Abraham & Mariamma Abraham 15-May AniammaPhilipose 11-Jun Jogy Mathew & Bindu Mathew 16-May SmithaSaji 14-Jun Sam P Alexander & Elizabeth Alexander 16-May JogyMathew 28-Jun Dr. C T Thomas & Elizabeth Thomas 16-May AlexVChandy 17-May JoshuaPaul 29-Jun Dr. Lindsay M John & Alice Kurian 30-Jun Sathyam Natarajan & Indu S. Mathew St. Mark’s Mar Thoma Church 11029 Davis Road, Tampa, FL 33637 www.stmarksmtctampa.org LECTIONARYFORTHEQUARTER Date Title Lessons Epistle-Gospel Gen.28:10-22 1Thes.1:2-10 Acts.20:7-12 St.John20:24-29 2Chro.34:29-33 Phili.1:12-17 Acts8:26-40 St.Luke24:13-27 3-Apr EmpoweredbytheRisenLord 10-Apr ScripturewiththeRisenLord 17-Apr CommissioningbytheRisenLord Jer.1:1-10 1Tim.4:6-16 24-Apr Believingin‘ChristtheTruth’ 1-May MissioninChrist’sSpirit 8-May LedbytheSpirit 15-May 2Tim2:1-8 St.John.20:19-23 Exo.34:1-9 2John7-11 Eph.4:11-16 St.John17:1-6 Lev.25:1-17 Gal4:1-7 Acts.7:54-60 St.Mat.28:16-20 Ezek.36:24-36 Acts.1:12-14 Rom.8:12-17 St.John14:25-31 TheFeastofPentecost-Come HolySpiritSetusFree’ Isa6:1-11 Rom8:26-30 Acts.2:1-13 St.John16:6-16 22-May TrinitySunday–Trinity CommunityofLove Gen.18:1-15 2Cor.13:11-14 1John.5:6-12 St.Mark1:1-11 29-May DivineRevelationinWorship 1King8:26-43 Acts.16:19-31 Rev.14:1-7 St.Mark1:21-28 5-Jun 1King.3:3-14 StudentsSunday–Fearofthe LordistheBeginningofWisdom 1Cor.1:18-25 12-Jun NurturingGod’screation- EnvironmentalSunday 19-Jun “Calledtobesent” 26-Jun PeopleofGod-FlockofChrist 1John5:18-21 St.Luke.2:41-52 Gen2:1-17 Col.1:15-20 Rev.22:1-7 St.Mat6:25-34 1King19:15-21 Rom.12:3-8 Rom.15:22-29 St.Luke5:1-11 Gen.35:1-7 1Pet.5:1-11 1John4:1-6 St.John10:1-6 LessonReading AbrahamA.Chacko (Moni/Betsy) BertyMathew AbrahamAbraham JohnV.Abraham SusyGeorge Mary(Gracy)Philip JogyMathew JacobSimon ThomasMathew (Saji) MathewCherian SamuelMathai RejiAlex ThomasAngail SundeepRoy THIRUSANNIDHIYIL ‘THIRUSANNIDHIYIL’ISAPRAYERCHANNELOFTHEEDAVAKAMISSIONSOUTHERNREGION HELDFOURTHMONDAYOFEVERYMONTHAT9:00P.M DIAL(857)232-0300fromanyphone Sendyourprayerrequeststoedavakamission@yahoo.comsowecanincludeitinourintercessoryprayer
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