Safe Kids
Safe Kids
Safe Kids NEWZ Fall/Winterr 2007 7 Safety Around the Holidays The holiday season is a time for celebrations. With decorating the home, visiting family and friends, playing with new toys, and trying new foods, there are important steps to remember to ensure a safe and happy holiday. Att Home Att Play On n the e Way • Carefully select an appropriate spot in your home for a tree. • • Use an appropriate child restraint for all children. • Use only tested and approved lighting. Select toys suitable to your child’s age, abilities, and skill level. • All decorations should be nonflammable or flame-retardant. Avoid toys with small removable parts. • If buying a bike, scooter, in-line skates or skateboard, remember to purchase an age appropriate helmet. • Be sure to read the labels on all toys before allowing your children to play with them. • Have all adults buckle up. • Never leave children unattended in the vehicle. • In case of delays while on the road or at the airport, be prepared with snacks, soft toys, and games for your child. • Walk around your vehicle before backing up to ensure all children are at a safe distance. • Once at “grandma’s house,” be sure all medications are out of reach of children. • • • Keep sharp or breakable glass ornaments away from children. • Do not leave candles unattended. • • Holidays bring all ages together in the kitchen, active supervision of children is key to reduce the chance of injury. Be aware of poisonous plants such as poinsettias, holly, and mistletoe. • Watch for any recalled toys due to lead paint, magnets, or small parts. Visit for issued recalls. Wear an appropriate winter sports helmet when skiing, sledding, or snowboarding. The Importance of Recalls The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risks of serious injury or death from more than 15,000 types of consumer products. You can find information on over 4,000 product recalls and recall alerts using the various searches on Several key recalls focusing on children’s items have been announced in the past two months. They include: • Britax Decathlon Convertible Car Seat • Netto Collection Cribs • Stokke Sleepi Crib Foam Mattress • Graco Comfort Sport Child Seat • Life is Good Inc. Zippity Children’s Hoodie with Drawstrings These recalls are just a small sampling of the various products you will find on Please note that recalls are typically limited to certain model numbers and manufacture dates, so please check your products’ labels carefully. Safe Kids Mini-grants And d the e awardeess are.... Safe Kids Pennsylvania provides three grant opportunities each year to Safe Kids Affiliates. New Prevention grants target a specific injury risk area and provide funding for new program development. The Bike Helmet grant awards 150 helmets to be used in conjunction with a bike safety program. The Smoke Alarm grant awards 100 smoke alarms for home installation. The Start Up grant provides new affiliates funding to start building support and programming. All of these grants are awarded based on a competitive review system. We thank all who applied this year and encourage all affiliates to apply for future opportunities. CONFERENCES & TRAINING • Safe e Kidss Pennsylvania a Statewide e Meeting g November 8, 2007; Camp Hill, PA for more information • Child d Passengerr Safetyy Certification n and d Renewall Classess Various Dates and Locations for more information Safe e Kidss PA A Directorr named d Outstanding g State e Coordinatorr off the e Yearr During the Safe Kids Worldwide Conference in Washington D.C., Safe Kids PA Director Anne Franchak was presented the award for Outstanding State Coordinator of the Year. After accepting her award, Anne’s remarks concluded with “I have the best job in the world.” New w Prevention n Mini-grants Safe Kids Bedford County Safe Kids Cambria County Safe Kids Greene County Safe Kids Southeastern PA Safe Kids Wyoming County Safe Kids York County Bike e Helmetss Mini-grants Safe Kids Allentown-Bethlehem Area Safe Kids Cambria County Safe Kids Clarion County Safe Kids Lycoming County Safe Kids Southeastern PA Safe Kids Wyoming County Smoke e Alarmss Mini-grants Safe Kids Butler County Safe Kids Carbon County Safe Kids Clinton County Safe Kids Erie Area Safe Kids Fulton County Safe Kids McKean County Pictured above is Anne Franchak, left, with Rosemary Suggs-Evans Anne’s efforts have increased support for Pennsylvania’s children by providing $100,000 in grant funding to Safe Kids Affiliates for bicycle helmets, smoke alarms, and fall prevention programs. Anne was nominated by Rosemary Suggs-Evans, Safe Kids Worldwide Regional Manager, for this prestigious award. Other nominees for the award were Jeanne Bietz, Safe Kids Nebraska; Mary Borges, Safe Kids Washington State; and Elaine Frank, Safe Kids New Hampshire. Congrats to Anne on this well deserved award! Safe Kids Susquehanna Valley Safe Kids Tioga County Startt Up p Mini-grants Safe Kids Jefferson County Safe Kids McKean County Safe Kids Perry County Congratulations to all awardees! Bicycle Safety Mini-grants The purpose of the bicycle mini-grant project is to increase bicycle safety and reduce bicycle-related injuries. The primary target audience is children and youth ages five to18 with a secondary focus on adults. During 2004, 14 bicyclists died and another 1,542 were injured in bicycle crashes. Children ages five to 14 represented almost half of all of the injuries. Adults ages 15 to 34 accounted for 36 percent of the total deaths and over 30 percent of the total injuries from riding bicycles. (2004 Pennsylvania Crash Facts and Statistics) The factors that increase the risk of bicycle injuries include lack of helmet use, poor visibility of the bicycle and bicyclist, age, inexperience of the rider, lacking an understanding of the rules of the road for bicyclists, and sharing-the-road ability of adult drivers. Coordinator’s Corner Safe Kids Pennsylvania is happy to announce the formation of a new affiliate, Safe Kids Jefferson County. Susan Alexander is the coordinator and can be reached at the Cooperative Extension of Jefferson County Office in Brookville. Susan can be contacted at 814-849-7361 or Welcome Susan and Jefferson County! We also welcome Shawn Vovericz as the new coordinator of Safe Kids Chester County. Shawn has been involved in Safe Kids for several years as the “Most Valuable Volunteer.” Shawn works at the Department of Children and Youth in Chester County. Shawn can be contacted at 610-344-5763 or A fond farewell is extended to Carolyn Best who has retired from Chester County Highway Safety and Safe Kids to devote more time to her triplets as they begin their high school careers. Thank you Carolyn for your many efforts to keep kids safe in Chester County and best wishes for the future. Holly Sloan has assumed the duties of coordinator for Safe Kids Allegheny County. Holly comes to Safe Kids from the Injury Free Coalition. She is a staff member at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh which is the new lead agency for Safe Kids Allegheny County. Welcome Children’s Hospital and welcome Holly. Holly can be contacted at 412-692-5931 or 2007-2008 8 Mini-grantt Recipientss City of Allentown Emergency Medical Service Indiana Regional Medical Center Neighborhood Bike Works Office of Community Health, Memorial Medical Center Safe Kids Butler County Safe Kids Clarion County Safe Kids Erie Area Safe Kids Franklin County Tioga County Department of Human Services Tri State Foundation for Safety and Education York County Sheriff’s Office Congratulations to the 2007-2008 Bicycle Safety Mini-grant Recipients! Online Learning Opportunity On August 21, 2007 Safe Kids Pennsylvania offered an Affiliate Spotlight session entitled, "Back to School Safety". This online training focused on both pedestrian safety and school bus safety. Presenters were Cheryl Gouker, Safe Kids Berks County/AAA Reading Berks; Fritzi Schreffler, PennDOT District 8-0 Safety Press Officer; and Barbara Zortman, Center for Traffic Safety. To learn more about this session and to view the recording, please visit The next Affiliate Spotlight session will focus on Poison Prevention and is being planned for November. If there are any additional topics that you think would make for a valuable session, please email your ideas to VOLUNTEER R OPPORTUNITY Y - PENNSYLVANIA A FARM M SHOW W 2008 The Pennsylvania Farm Show will be here shortly and Safe Kids Pennsylvania will once again be part of the excitement. This year the event will be held January 5 - 12, 2008. As in years past, we are in need of volunteers to help staff an information booth and distribute literature. The work is simple, the shift is short, and it is lots of fun. We schedule three shifts each day: Morning:: 9:00AM - 1:00PM Afternoon:: 12:00PM - 5:00PM Evening:: 4:00PM - 8:00PM If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Kristen Urso at 1-800-683-5100.. SAFETY Y OBSERVANCES SAFE E KIDSS PENNSYLVANIA A STAFF Safe Toys and Gifts Month - December, 2007 Anne Franchak National Handwashing Awareness Week - December 2-8, 2007 Birth Defects Prevention Month - January, 2008 National Blood Donor Month - January, 2008 American Heart Month - February, 2008 National Burn Awareness Week - February 3-9, 2008 Allyson Fulton Kristen Urso Carmen Gonzalez 275 Grandview Ave., Suite 200 Camp Hill, PA 17011 Safe Kids Pennsylvania 275 Grandview Avenue Suite 200 Camp Hill, PA 17011 This publication is supported by the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant. 1-800-683-5100 717-763-1890 Fax 717-763-2083 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Lewisburg, PA Permit NO. 27