NIOSH Course Schedule 2016
NIOSH Course Schedule 2016
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health COURSE SCHEDULE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFET Y AND HEALTH INSTITUT KESEL AMATAN DAN KESIHATAN PEKERJAAN NEGARA MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES KEMENTERIAN SUMBER MANUSIA E-mail : / Operating Hours : 8.00 am - 5.15 pm, Monday - Friday NIOSH Malaysia Headquarters Lot 1, Jalan 15/1, Jalan 15, 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor Tel : 03-8769 2100 | Fax : 03-8926 2900 | Email : Contact Person : Nur Hidayah Masri, Nurazim Mohd Yusof, Normalenny Omar, Nor Azlina Abdul Karim, Ibrahim Mohd Yunus, Rosila Nodin, Muhammad Farhan Hashim, Dinie Iqbal Minhat, Mohd Nazif Zaidan, Izan Shukrizal Shukor, Wahidah Othman Senior Manager : Mejar Hanif Maidin (B) NIOSH HEADQUARTERS HQ NO COURSE TITLE DURATION TITLE FEE (RM) INC GST COURSE CODE HRDF SCHEME SMIDEC SCHEME COMPETENCY PROGRAMMES OSH MANAGEMENT PROGRAMMES 1 Safety and Health Officer (Full Time)* 22 4240.00 SHO SBL SME 2 Safety and Health Officer (Part Time)* (Weekend Class - Saturday & Sunday) 22 4240.00 SHOP SBL SME 22 6 5 6 5 4240.00 SHOM SBL SME 11 3 3 5 5 5194.00 CHRA SBL SME 3180.00 IHT1 SBL SME 5 3180.00 IHT2 SBL SME 5 4 3180.00 1696.00 IAQ MNE SBL SBL SME SME 2 4 9 3 3 3 10 5 5 901.00 1060.00 4134.00 BOFA OSFA OHD SBL SBL SBL SME 3 Safety and Health Officer (Modular)* Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 OCCUPATIONAL HYGIENE PROGRAMMES 4 Chemical Health Risk Assessor* Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 5 Industrial Hygiene Technician (Chemical Monitoring)* 6 Industrial Hygiene Technician (Inspection, Testing and Examination of Engineering Control Equipment )* 7 Indoor Air Quality Assessor* 8 Monitoring of Noise Exposure* OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH PROGRAMMES 9 Basic Occupational First Aid 10 Basic Offshore Occupational First Aid 11 Occupational Health Doctor * OHD Module 1 OHD Module 2 OHD Module 3 12 Occupational Health Nurse* OHN Module 1 OHN Module 2 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY PROGRAMMES JAN OHN 07-09 10-12 14-18 901.00 AESP SBL SME 14 Authorised Entrant and Standby Person For Confined Space Refresher 1 530.00 AESPR N/A SME 15 Authorised Gas Tester and Entry Supervisor For Confined Space 3 1590.00 AGTES SBL SME 16 Authorised Gas Tester and Entry Supervisor For Confined Space Refresher 17 Authorised Entrant and Standby Person For Confined Space - TM Staff 18 Authorised Entrant and Standby Person For Confined Space - TM Contractor 19 Confined Space Rescue and First Response 20 Inert Space Entry 21 Safe Handling of Forklift Truck 22 Safe Handling of Forklift Truck Refresher 2 N/A SME 4 5 3 1 1590.00 2650.00 1325.00 318.00 23 Working Safely at Height 2 848.00 689.00 AGTESR 2 768.50 AESP-TM SBL SME 2 795.00 AESP-TM SBL SME CSR IET SHFT SHFTR SBL SBL SBL N/A SME SME SME WAH SBL SME MAY JUN 04-08 09-13 15-16 26-27 12-14 22-26 2 APR 18-22 SBL 13 Authorised Entrant and Standby Person For Confined Space MAR JUL AUG 11/01-05/02 14/03-08/04 09/05-03/06 25/01-26/02 04-29 13/06-29/07 01/02-04/03 18/04-20/05 15/02-11/03 29/02 -25/03 16/04-31/07 16/01- 10/03 13/02-24/04 14/05-21/08 05/03-29/05 11/06-04/09 21-26 16-20 18-22 18-22 20-25 15-19 14-19 16-20 25-30 11-15 13-17 22-26 08-10 3816.00 FEB 04-06 18-22 06-08 10-12 23-27 17,24 03 - 05 10 - 12 17 - 19 24 - 26 18 - 19 25 - 26 15 - 16 29 - 01 04 - 05 03 - 04 07 - 08 07 - 08 11 - 12 10 - 11 14 - 15 14 - 15 16 - 17 17 - 18 21 - 22 19 - 20 23 - 24 24 - 25 25 - 26 26 - 27 28 - 29 02, 16 06, 20 02 - 04 06 - 08 09 - 11 13 - 15 16 18 20 - 22 23 - 25 27 - 29 03 - 04 07 - 08 17 - 18 21 - 22 14 - 15 18 - 19 05 - 06 02 - 03 09 - 10 09 - 10 12 - 13 11 - 12 14 - 15 16 - 17 16 - 17 18 - 19 1 9 - 20 23 - 24 23 - 24 27 - 28 26 - 27 30 - 01 28 - 29 18, 25 15, 29 04 - 06 01 - 03 11 - 13 08 - 10 18 - 20 15 - 17 25 - 27 29 - 01 19 - 20 16 - 17 26 - 27 30 - 01 16 - 17 13 - 14 13 - 14 16 - 17 11 - 12 11 - 12 14 - 15 16 - 17 18 - 19 21 - 22 25 - 26 28 - 29 30 - 31 01 - 02 04 - 05 15 - 16 18 - 19 20 - 21 22 - 23 25 - 26 27 - 28 13,20 13 - 15 20 - 21 27 - 29 14 - 15 21 - 22 18 - 19 17-18 01-03 21-25 23-26 25 - 28 25 - 27 01 - 03 22 - 24 04 15 - 16 14 - 15 17 - 18 16 - 17 19 - 20 11 - 13 14 11 - 12 13 - 14 23 - 27 09 - 11 13 - 15 16 14 - 15 01 - 02 16 - 17 20 - 21 18 - 19 SEP E-mail : / HRDF SCHEME SMIDEC SCHEME 1 689.00 WAHR N/A SME 5 6 4 5 1590.00 2703.00 2438.00 4240.00 TTT1 TTT2 SICW CST SBL SBL SBL SBL SME SME 10 10 2120.00 2120.00 SSS SSSP SBL SBL SME SME 2 848.00 CRO SBL SME 2 1 848.00 424.00 CFMA OSHA SBL SBL SME 3 2 2 2 9 2 1272.00 IRAT 848.00 EPRP 848.00 OSHE 848.00 FOSH-SV 1908.00 SHIP 848.00 ESHC SBL SBL SBL SBL SBL SBL JAN FEB MAR 11 - 15 01 - 05 07 - 11 21 - 26 15 - 18 3 1272.00 UIH SBL 3 1272.00 PSM SBL 2 848.00 H2S SBL SME 3 1272.00 OCP SBL SME 2 2 5 2 848.00 848.00 2120.00 848.00 STUC TDGR BPIH CLASS SBL SBL SBL SME 2 1 848.00 604.20 HLPAP LFTA SBL SBL 2 2 2 848.00 848.00 848.00 BPM EMHW OSHO SBL SBL SBL 2 2 1 318.00 OHDW 318.00 OHNW 106.00 SHOW N/A N/A N/A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 265.00 NTMSP 265.00 NTSP1 265.00 NTSP2 265.00 OGSP1 265.00 OGSP2 265.00 NMSP 190.80 NNSP 78.00 CSPS SBL SBL SBL SBL SBL SBL N/A N/A MAY JUN 11 - 22 01 04 - 08 09 - 13 23 - 28 14 - 25 13/02-20/03 SME SEP HQ 06 - 10 03 - 04 07 - 08 30 - 31 18 13 15 - 17 28 - 29 12 - 28 22 - 23 16 - 18 AUG 16 - 27 03 - 04 19 - 21 11 - 12 13 - 14 06 - 07 JUL 13 - 16 18 - 22 29 SME SME APR 21 NIOSH Malaysia Headquarters Lot 1, Jalan 15/1, Jalan 15, 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor Tel : 03-8769 2100 | Fax : 03-8926 2900 | Email : COURSE CODE NIOSH HEADQUARTERS COURSE TITLE 24 Working Safely at Height Refresher TRAINER’S COMPETENCY PROGRAMMES 25 Train the Trainer 26 Training Management for Business 27 Safety Induction For Construction Workers (Trainer’s Program) 28 Confined Space Safety (Trainer’s Program) CONSTRUCTION SAFETY PROGRAMMES 29 Site Safety Supervisor 30 Site Safety Supervisor (Part Time) - Saturday & Sunday NON-COMPETENCY PROGRAMMES OSH LEGISLATION PROGRAMMES 31 Compliance To Regulations Under Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 32 Compliance To Factories and Machinery Act 1967 and Its Regulations 33 Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 OSH MANAGEMENT PROGRAMMES 34 Incident Reporting and Analysis Technique 35 Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan 36 Occupational Safety, Health And Environment Management 37 Fundamental Occupational Safety and Health for Supervisor 38 Safety and Health Officer Improvement Programme (Fri, Sat, Sun) 39 Effective Safety and Health Committee 40 Understanding, Evaluating and Implementing Effective HIRARC at The Workplace 41 Process Safety Management OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY PROGRAMMES 42 Safe Working in The Hydrogent Sulphide Environment CONSTRUCTION SAFETY PROGRAMMES 43 Occupational Safety And Health For Construction Personnel OCCUPATIONAL HYGIENE PROGRAMMES 44 Safety in the Use of Chemicals 45 Transportation of Dangerous Goods By Road 46 Basic Principle of Industrial Hygiene 47 CLASS Regulation 2013 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH PROGRAMMES 48 Hearing Loss Prevention and Audiometric Testing 49 Lung Function Testing and Analysis ERGONOMICS PROGRAMMES 50 Back Protection 51 Ergonomics and Manual Handling in the Workplace 52 Occupational Safety and Health in the Office EXAMINATION WORKSHOP PROGRAMMES 53 Occupational Health Doctor Examination Workshop 54 Occupational Health Nurse Examination Workshop 55 Safety and Health Officer Examination Workshop NIOSH SAFETY PASSPORT PROGRAMMES 56 NIOSH -TM Safety Passport 57 NIOSH -TNB Safety Passport - Level 1 58 NIOSH -TNB Safety Passport - Level 2 59 Oil and Gas Safety Passport - Level 1 60 Oil and Gas Safety Passport - Level 2 61 NIOSH – Maybank Safety Passport 62 NIOSH - Nestle Safety Passport 63 Contractor Safety Passport System FEE (RM) INC GST Contact Person : Nur Hidayah Masri, Nurazim Mohd Yusof, Normalenny Omar, Nor Azlina Abdul Karim, Ibrahim Mohd Yunus, Rosila Nodin, Muhammad Farhan Hashim, Dinie Iqbal Minhat, Mohd Nazif Zaidan, Izan Shukrizal Shukor, Wahidah Othman NO DURATION TITLE Senior Manager : Mejar Hanif Maidin (B) Operating Hours : 8.00 am - 5.15 pm, Monday - Friday 30 - 31 17 - 19 25 - 26 04 - 05 01 - 17 06 - 07 19 - 21 11 - 12 06 - 07 01 - 02 14 - 16 26 - 28 26 - 28 09 - 10 25 - 27 09 - 10 01 - 02 SME SME SME 11 - 12 21 - 22 01 24 - 25 10 SME SME SME SME SME 14 - 18 23 - 24 23 - 24 02 - 03 16 20 - 21 27 - 28 08 - 09 29 - 30 13 - 14 TBA TBA 06 01 Every Monday Every Tuesday Every Monday Every Wednesday Every Wednesday Every Thursday Every Saturday Every Saturday REMARKS: 1) All Scheduled Programmes are available to be conducted as In-house Programmes. PLEASE CONTACT US FOR QUOTATIONS. 2) Examination/Assessment Fee is included for Certificate & Competency Programmes (except for *) . Please refer to Examinations & Assessments Schedule. 3) All informations are correct at the time of printing. They are, however, subject to changes by the Management of NIOSH. Participants will be notified of changes. No. 10, Jalan Persiaran Teknologi, Taman Teknologi Johor, 81400, Senai, Johor Tel : 07-599 1200 | Fax: 07-599 1400/07-599 0200/07-598 0802 / 07-598 0746 Contact Person : Mohd Norasraf Mohd Noh, Ismail Abdul Rahman Syed Muhammad Syed Idros (JBU), Ummu Sufiah Ibrahim (JBU), Nizwan Shah Ngarib (JBU), En Mohamad Fierdauos Kosman (JBU), Shahrulnizam Jamen (MLK), Mohd Razman Ismail (MLK) SOUTHERN REGIONAL OFFICE (MALACCA) Ergonomics Excellence Centre : Mr. Raemy Md Zein, Roseni Abdul Aziz, Senior Manager/Manager : En. Khairunnizam bin Mustapa No. 1-1-7, Ground Floor, World Youth Foundation Complex, Ayer Keroh, 75450, Melaka Tel : 06-232 6855 | Fax: 06-232 6805 SOUTHERN REGIONAL OFFICE (JOHOR) SROJBU E-mail : / / NO COURSE TITLE COMPETENCY PROGRAMMES OSH MANAGEMENT PROGRAMMES DURATION TITLE FEE (RM) INC GST COURSE CODE HRDF SCHEME SMIDEC SCHEME 1 Safety and Health Officer (Full Time)* 22 4240.00 SHO SBL SME 2 Safety and Health Officer (Part Time)* (Weekend Class - Saturday & Sunday) 22 4240.00 SHOP SBL SME OCCUPATIONAL HYGIENE PROGRAMMES 3 Chemical Health Risk Assessor * Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 4 Indoor Air Quality Assessor* 5 Monitoring of Noise Exposure* FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL 10/01-15/02(JBU) 06/03- 05/04(JBU) 15/05- 16/06(JBU) 24/01- 29/02(JBU) 10/04-10/05(JBU) 05/01-03/02(MLK) 27/03-25/04(JBU) 03/05-01/06(MLK) 01-30(MLK) 24/04-25/05(JBU) 09/01-03/04(JBU) 20/02- 08/05(JBU) 05/03-29/05(JBU) 13/02-24/04(MLK) 11 3 3 5 5 4 5194.00 CHRA SBL 09/04-17/07(JBU) SME 03-14(JBU) 3180.00 1696.00 IAQ MNE SBL SBL SME SME 901.00 4134.00 BOFA OHD SBL SBL SME OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH PROGRAMMES 6 Basic Occupational First Aid 7 Occupational Health Doctor * OHD Module 1 OHD Module 2 OHD Module 3 8 Occupational Health Nurse* OHN Module 1 OHN Module 2 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY PROGRAMMES 2 9 3 3 3 10 5 5 9 Authorised Entrant and Standby Person For Confined Space 2 901.00 AESP SBL SME 10 Authorised Entrant and Standby Person For Confined Space Refresher 1 530.00 AESPR N/A SME 11 Authorised Gas Tester and Entry Supervisor For Confined Space 3 1590.00 AGTES SBL SME 12 Authorised Gas Tester and Entry Supervisor For Confined Space Refresher 13 Authorised Entrant and Standby Person For Confined Space TM Staff 14 Authorised Entrant and Standby Person For Confined Space - TM Contractor 15 Confined Space Rescue and First Response 16 Inert Space Entry 2 689.00 AGTESR N/A SME 2 768.50 AESP-TM SBL SME 2 795.00 AESP-TM SBL SME 08-12(JBU) 14-17(JBU) 01-02(JBU) 11-12(MLK) 17-19(JBU) 3816.00 OHN SBL TBA 4 5 1590.00 2650.00 CSR IET SBL SBL SME 17 Safe Handling of Forklift Truck 18 Safe Handling of Forklift Truck Refresher 19 Working Safely at Height 20 Working Safely at Height Refresher TRAINER’S COMPETENCY PROGRAMMES 21 Train the Trainer 22 Training Management for Business 3 1 2 1 1325.00 318.00 848.00 689.00 SHFT SHFTR WAH WAHR SBL N/A SBL N/A SME SME SME SME 5 6 1590.00 2703.00 TTT1 TTT2 SBL SBL SME SME CONSTRUCTION SAFETY PROGRAMMES 23 Site Safety Supervisor 10 2120.00 SSS SBL SME 10 2120.00 SSSP SBL SME 2 848.00 CRO SBL SME 24 Site Safety Supervisor (Part Time) - Saturday & Sunday NON-COMPETENCY PROGRAMMES OSH LEGISLATION PROGRAMMES 25 Compliance To Regulations Under Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 JAN 05-06, 10-11, 14-15(JBU) 08-09, 16-17, 12-13, 07-08, 24-25, 26-27(JBU) 23-24(JBU) 21-22(JBU) 12-13, 08-09, 19-20(JBU) 30-31(JBU) 21-22(MLK) 02-03, 05-06, 10-11, 19-20(MLK) 23-24(MLK) 22-23(MLK) 05-06, 19-20(MLK) 24-25(MLK) 16(JBU) 10(JBU) 7,21(JBU) 12(JBU) 25(JBU) 28(JBU) 15(MLK) 13(MLK) 18(MLK) 16(MLK) 10(MLK) 13(MLK) 19-21(JBU) 16-18(JBU) 15-17(JBU) 26-28(JBU) 07-19(JBU) 26-28(MLK) 26-28(MLK) 02-03(JBU) 01-02(JBU) 12-13(JBU) 25-26(JBU) 25-26(MLK) 17-18(MLK) 23-24(MLK) 08-09(MLK) TBA 18-20(JBU) 05-07(MLK) 03-04(JBU) 22-23(JBU) 29-30(JBU) TBA 15-19(MLK) 17-21(JBU) 09-14(MLK) 17-28(JBU) 17-28(JBU) 18-29(MLK) 12/03-10/04(JBU) TBA AUG SEP 848.00 CFMA SBL 424.00 OSHA SBL 3 1272.00 IRAT SBL 29 Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan 2 848.00 EPRP SBL SME 30 31 32 33 34 2 2 9 2 3 848.00 OSHE 848.00 FOSH-SV 1908.00 SHIP 848.00 ESHC 1272.00 UIH SBL SBL SBL SBL SBL SME 3 1272.00 PSM SBL 848.00 H2S SBL SME 3 1272.00 OCP SBL SME 38 Basic Rigging & Slinging 2 850.00 BRS SBL 2 2 5 848.00 848.00 2120.00 STUC TDGR BPIH SBL SBL SBL SME 2 1 848.00 604.20 HLPAP LFTA SBL SBL SME 2 2 2 848.00 848.00 848.00 BPM EMHW OSHO SBL SBL SBL 1 106.00 SHOW N/A 48 NIOSH -TM Safety Passport 1 265.00 NTMSP SBL SME 49 NIOSH -TNB Safety Passport - Level 1 1 265.00 NTSP1 SBL SME 50 NIOSH -TNB Safety Passport - Level 2 1 265.00 NTSP1 SBL SME 51 Oil and Gas Safety Passport - Level 1 1 265.00 OGSP1 SBL SME 52 Oil and Gas Safety Passport - Level 2 1 265.00 OGSP2 SBL SME 54 Safety Induction Scheme for Oleochemical Industry 55 Propel Safety Passport ADDITIONAL PROGRAMMES 56 Understanding and Implementing Permit To Work at Workplace 57 Kiken Yochi Training 0.5 78.00 CSPS N/A MAY JUN JUL AUG TBA 04-05(JBU) 04-05(MLK) 30-31(JBU) 24-25(JBU) 22-24(JBU) SME 17-19(JBU) TBA TBA SEP SROJBU TBA 13-14 (MLK) 18-19 (MLK) 20-21(JBU) TBA 25-26(JBU) TBA TBA SME SME 08-09(MLK) 16-17(JBU) 16(JBU), 01(JBU), 04(MLK) 31(MLK) NIOSH SAFETY PASSPORT PROGRAMMES 53 Contractor Safety Passport System APR 26-28(JBU) 2 47 Safety and Health Officer Examination Workshop MAR 04(JBU) Occupational Safety, Health And Environment Management Fundamental Occupational Safety and Health for Supervisor Safety and Health Officer Improvement Programme (Fri, Sat, Sun) Effective Safety and Health Committee Understanding, Evaluating and Implementing Effective HIRARC at The Workplace 35 Process Safety Management OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY PROGRAMMES 36 Safe Working in The Hydrogent Sulphide Environment CONSTRUCTION SAFETY PROGRAMMES 37 Occupational Safety And Health For Construction Personnel OCCUPATIONAL HYGIENE PROGRAMMES 39 Safety in the Use of Chemicals 40 Transportation of Dangerous Goods By Road 41 Basic Principle of Industrial Hygiene OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH PROGRAMMES 42 Hearing Loss Prevention and Audiometric Testing 43 Lung Function Testing and Analysis ERGONOMICS PROGRAMMES 44 Back Protection 45 Ergonomics and Manual Handling in the Workplace 46 Occupational Safety and Health in the Office EXAMINATION WORKSHOP PROGRAMMES FEB No. 10, Jalan Persiaran Teknologi, Taman Teknologi Johor, 81400, Senai, Johor Tel : 07-599 1200 | Fax: 07-599 1400/07-599 0200/07-598 0802 / 07-598 0746 2 1 JAN SOUTHERN REGIONAL OFFICE (JOHOR) SME 26 Compliance To Factories and Machinery Act 1967 and Its Regulations 27 Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 OSH MANAGEMENT PROGRAMMES 28 Incident Reporting and Analysis Technique No. 1-1-7, Ground Floor, World Youth Foundation Complex, Ayer Keroh, 75450, Melaka Tel : 06-232 6855 | Fax: 06-232 6805 SMIDEC SCHEME 06,09, 26(JBU) 11, 14, 11, 17(JBU) 26(JBU) 02(MLK) Every Wednesday(JBU) 06,20(MLK) 17(MLK) 02,23(MLK) 27(MLK) 04,25(MLK) 01,22(MLK) Every Monday(JBU) 13(MLK) 03,24(MLK) 09,30(MLK) 06,22(MLK) 25(MLK) 08,29(MLK) Every Tuesday - Every 2nd and 4th Week (JBU) 27(MLK) 10(MLK) 16(MLK) 13(MLK) 18(MLK) 15(MLK) Every Monday(JBU) 04, 11, 18, 01, 15, 22, 07, 14, 21, 04, 11, 18, 9, 16, 23, 13, 20, 25(MLK) 29(MLK) 28(MLK) 25(MLK) 30(MLK) 27(MLK) Every Tuesday - Every 2nd and 4th Week (JBU) 07, 14, 21, 04, 11, 18, 03, 10,17, 07, 14, 21, 05, 12, 19, 02, 09,16, 28(MLK) 25(MLK) 24, 31(MLK) 28(MLK) 26(MLK) 23, 30(MLK) Every Thursday - Every 1st and 3rd Week (JBU) 28(MLK) 25(MLK) 24(MLK) 28(MLK) 26(MLK) 23(MLK) Upon Client’s Request. Kindly contact us for details. 1 265.00 SISO N/A 1.0 190.00 PSP N/A Upon Client’s Request. Kindly contact us for details. 2 2 848.00 848.00 PTW KYT N/A N/A Upon Client’s Request. Kindly contact us for details. Upon Client’s Request. Kindly contact us for details. REMARKS: 1) All Scheduled Programmes are available to be conducted as In-house Programmes. PLEASE CONTACT US FOR QUOTATIONS. 2) Examination/Assessment Fee is included for Certificate & Competency Programmes (except for *) . Please refer to Examinations & Assessments Schedule. 3) All informations are correct at the time of printing. They are, however, subject to changes by the Management of NIOSH. Participants will be notified of changes. Contact Person : Mohd Norasraf Mohd Noh, Ismail Abdul Rahman Syed Muhammad Syed Idros (JBU), Ummu Sufiah Ibrahim (JBU), Nizwan Shah Ngarib (JBU), En Mohamad Fierdauos Kosman (JBU), Shahrulnizam Jamen (MLK), Mohd Razman Ismail (MLK) HRDF SCHEME Ergonomics Excellence Centre : Mr. Raemy Md Zein, Roseni Abdul Aziz, COURSE TITLE COURSE CODE Senior Manager/Manager : En. Khairunnizam bin Mustapa NO FEE (RM) INC GST SOUTHERN REGIONAL OFFICE (MALACCA) E-mail : / / DURATION TITLE E-mail Northern Regional Office (NRO), Unit 4, Tingkat 3 Kompleks Sempilai Jaya, Jalan Sempilai, 13700 Seberang Jaya, Pulau Pinang Tel : 04-380 1200 | Fax : 04-397 3977 | Email : Manager : Mr. Sham@Zahary bin Sudin Person-in-Charge: Mr. Khairul Anuar Yahya, Ms. Roseyanti Ahmad Tajuddin, Mr. Norazlan Nordin, Mr. Ahmad Fahmi Osman NORTHERN REGIONAL OFFICE (PENANG) NRO NO COURSE TITLE COMPETENCY PROGRAMMES OSH MANAGEMENT PROGRAMMES 1 Safety and Health Officer (Full Time)* 2 Safety and Health Officer (Part Time)* (Weekend Class - Saturday & Sunday) OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH PROGRAMMES 3 Occupational Health Doctor* OHD Module 1 OHD Module 2 OHD Module 3 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY PROGRAMMES 4 Authorised Entrant and Standby Person For Confined Space Authorised Entrant and Standby Person For Confined Space Refresher 6 Authorised Gas Tester and Entry Supervisor For Confined Space 7 Authorised Gas Tester and Entry Supervisor For Confined Space Refresher 8 Authorised Entrant and Standby Person For Confined Space - TM Contractor 9 Authorised Entrant and Standby Person For Confined Space Refresher - TM Contractor TRAINER’S COMPETENCY PROGRAMMES 10 Train the Trainer 11 Safety Induction For Construction Workers (Trainer’s Program) CONSTRUCTION SAFETY PROGRAMMES 12 Site Safety Supervisor 13 Site Safety Supervisor (Part Time) - Saturday & Sunday NON-COMPETENCY PROGRAMMES OSH MANAGEMENT PROGRAMMES 14 Incident Reporting and Analysis Technique 15 Understanding, Evaluating and Implementing Effective HIRARC at The Workplace 16 Effective Safety and Health Committee OCCUPATIONAL HYGIENE PROGRAMMES 17 Safety in the Use of Chemicals ERGONOMICS PROGRAMMES 18 Ergonomics and Manual Handling in the Workplace NIOSH SAFETY PASSPORT PROGRAMMES 19 NIOSH -TM Safety Passport 20 NIOSH -TNB Safety Passport - Level 1 21 NIOSH -TNB Safety Passport - Level 2 22 Oil and Gas Safety Passport - Level 1 23 Oil and Gas Safety Passport - Level 2 24 Contractor Safety Passport System DURATION TITLE 22 22 FEE (RM) INC GST COURSE CODE HRDF SCHEME SMIDEC SCHEME 4240.00 4240.00 SHO SHOP SBL SBL SME SME JAN FEB MAR APR 04/01-03/02 01-31 09/01-27/03 MAY JUN 03/05-02/06 07/05-14/08 05/03 - 29/05 9 3 3 3 4134.00 OHD 2 901.00 AESP SBL SME SBL 1 3 530.00 1590.00 AESPR AGTES N/A SBL SME SME 25-27 15-17 5 2 689.00 AGTESR N/A SME 2 795.00 AESP-TM SBL SME 1 530.00 AESPR-TM N/A SME 5 4 1590.00 2438.00 TTT1 SICW SBL SBL SME 10 10 2120.00 2120.00 SSS SSSP SBL SBL SME SME 3 1272.00 IRAT SBL 27-29 05-06 19-20 02-03 16-17 01-02 15-16 05-06 19-20 03-04 17-18 01-02 14-15 07 18 17 21 19 16 26-28 22-24 29-31 25-27 24-26 24-25 27-28 15-16 12-13 27-28 22 25-29 29 18-22 14-17 15-26 02/04-07/05 05-07 08-10 3 2 1272.00 848.00 UIH ESHC SBL SBL SME SME 2 848.00 STUC SBL SME 30-31 2 848.00 EMHW SBL SME 10-11 265.00 NTMSP 265.00 NTSP1 265.00 NTSP1 265.00 OGSP1 265.00 OGSP2 78.00 CSPS SBL SBL SBL SBL SBL N/A SME SME SME SME SME 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 JUL 13-14 TBA REMARKS: 1) All Scheduled Programmes are available to be conducted as In-house Programmes. PLEASE CONTACT US FOR QUOTATIONS. 2) Examination/Assessment Fee is included for Certificate & Competency Programmes (except for *) . Please refer to Examinations & Assessments Schedule. 3) All informations are correct at the time of printing. They are, however, subject to changes by the Management of NIOSH. Participants will be notified of changes. AUG SEP Email : NO COURSE TITLE DURATION TITLE FEE (RM) INC GST COURSE CODE HRDF SCHEME SMIDEC SCHEME JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL COMPETENCY PROGRAMMES AUG SEP ECRO OSH MANAGEMENT PROGRAMMES 22/05-16/06 28/02-24/03 4240.00 SHO SBL SME 10/06-21/08 05/02-24/04 2 Safety and Health Officer (Part Time)* 22 4240.00 SHOP SBL SME 22 4240.00 SHOM SBL SME (Weekend Class - Saturday & Sunday) 3 4 Safety and Health Officer (Modular KB)* Module 1 6 Module 2 5 Module 3 6 Module 4 5 Safety and Health Officer (Modular KEMAMAN)* 22 Module 1 6 Module 2 5 Module 3 6 Module 4 5 21-26 13-17 03-08 08-12 4240.00 SHOM SBL SME TBA OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH PROGRAMMES 5 Basic Occupational First Aid 2 901.00 BOFA SBL SME 2 901.00 AESP SBL SME Every Monday to Saturday ( EXCEPT for Public Holiday) 1 530.00 AESPR N/A SME Every Sunday ( EXCEPT for Public Holiday) 3 1590.00 AGTES SBL SME 06-08 & 20-22 10-12 & 24-26 09-11 & 23-25 06-08 & 20-22 11-13 & 25-27 08-10 & 22-24 28-29 02-03 30-31 13-14 30-31 02-03 24-25 Authorised Entrant and Standby Person For Confined Space 7 Authorised Entrant and Standby Person For Confined Space Refresher 8 Authorised Gas Tester and Entry Supervisor For Confined Space 9 Authorised Gas Tester and Entry Supervisor For Confined Space Refresher 10 Authorised Entrant and Standby Person For Confined Space - TM Staff 11 Authorised Entrant and Standby Person For Confined Space - TM Contractor 12 Confined Space Rescue and First Response 2 689.00 AGTESR N/A SME 2 768.50 AESP-TM SBL SME Upon client’s request. Kindly contact us for details 2 795.00 AESP-TM SBL SME Upon client’s request. Kindly contact us for details SBL SME TBA 4 1590.00 CSR 13 High Pressure Water Jetting 5 1356.00 HPWJ SBL SME 13-15 14 Safe Handling of Forklift Truck 3 1325.00 SHFT SBL SME 17-19 15 Safe Handling of Forklift Truck Refresher 1 318.00 SHFTR N/A SME 16 Working Safely at Height 2 848.00 WAH SBL SME 17 Working Safely at Height Refresher 1 689.00 WAHR N/A SME 16-18 15-17 27-29 26 15-16 13-14 24 Manager :En Hisyamuddin bin Mohamad OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY PROGRAMMES 6 East Coast Regional Office (ECRO), PT 10719, Taman Cukai Utama, 24000 Kemaman, Terengganu Darul Iman Tel : 09-859 9961 / 62 | Fax : 09-859 9960 22 EAST COAST REGIONAL OFFICE (TERENGGANU) Safety and Health Officer (Full Time)* Contact Person : Wan Mohd Haikal,Mohd Norzaide, Alfie Syahreen, Muhd Amin Alamin,Hairul Azam, Mohamad Shariff, Che Ku Ahmad Zulkifli, Raja Nurul Syuhada,Mohd Shah Hirwan and Faidullah Wafalillah 1 E-mail : / / Operating Hours : 8.00 am - 5.15 pm, Monday - Friday ECRO NO COURSE TITLE DURATION TITLE FEE (RM) INC GST COURSE CODE HRDF SCHEME SMIDEC SCHEME JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG TRAINER’S COMPETENCY PROGRAMMES 18 Train the Trainer 5 1590.00 TTT1 SBL SME 19 Site Safety Supervisor 10 2120.00 SSS SBL SME 20 Site Safety Supervisor (Part Time) - Friday & Saturday 10 2120.00 SSSP SBL SME 21 Site Safety Supervisor (Modular KB ) - Friday & Saturday 10 2120.00 SSSP SBL SME 2 848.00 CRO SBL SME 2 848.00 CFMA SBL SME 1 424.00 OSHA SBL 25 Incident Reporting and Analysis Technique 3 1272.00 IRAT SBL 26 Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan 2 848.00 EPRP SBL SME OSHE SBL SME TBA East Coast Regional Office (ECRO), PT 10719, Taman Cukai Utama, 24000 Kemaman, Terengganu Darul Iman Tel : 09-859 9961 / 62 | Fax : 09-859 9960 Contact Person : Wan Mohd Haikal,Mohd Norzaide, Alfie Syahreen, Muhd Amin Alamin,Hairul Azam, Mohamad Shariff, Che Ku Ahmad Zulkifli, Raja Nurul Syuhada,Mohd Shah Hirwan and Faidullah Wafalillah Manager :En Hisyamuddin bin Mohamad EAST COAST REGIONAL OFFICE (TERENGGANU) CONSTRUCTION SAFETY PROGRAMMES 17-28 03-14 05/02-05/03 06/05-18/06 TBA NON-COMPETENCY PROGRAMMES OSH LEGISLATION PROGRAMMES 22 Compliance To Regulations Under Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 23 Compliance To Factories and Machinery Act 1967 and Its Regulations 24 Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 TBA OSH MANAGEMENT PROGRAMMES 27 Occupational Safety, Health And Environment Management 2 848.00 28 Fundamental Occupational Safety and Health for Supervisor 2 848.00 FOSH-SV 29 Safety and Health Officer Improvement Programme (Fri, Sat, Sun) 9 1908.00 SHIP SBL 30 Effective Safety and Health Committee 2 848.00 ESHC SBL 3 1272.00 UIH SBL 3 1272.00 PSM SBL 2 848.00 STUC SBL 31 Understanding, Evaluating and Implementing Effective HIRARC at The Workplace 32 Process Safety Management TBA SBL 02-03 TBA SME 04-06 21-23 OCCUPATIONAL HYGIENE PROGRAMMES 33 Safety in the Use of Chemicals 29-30 SME NIOSH SAFETY PASSPORT PROGRAMMES 34 NIOSH -TM Safety Passport 1 265.00 NTMSP SBL SME Every Sunday ( EXCEPT for Public Holiday) 35 NIOSH -TNB Safety Passport - Level 1 1 265.00 NTSP1 SBL SME Every Sunday ( EXCEPT for Public Holiday) 36 NIOSH -TNB Safety Passport - Level 2 1 265.00 NTSP2 SBL SME Every Sunday - Every 2nd and 4th Week ( EXCEPT for Public Holiday) 37 Oil and Gas Safety Passport - Level 1 1 265.00 OGSP1 SBL SME Every Monday to Thursday ( EXCEPT for Public Holiday) 1 265.00 OGSP2 SBL SME Every Wednesday to Thursday ( EXCEPT for Public Holiday) 38 Oil and Gas Safety Passport - Level 2 39 Contractor Safety Passport System 0.5 78.00 CSPS N/A Upon client’s request. Kindly contacts us for details REMARKS: 1) All Scheduled Programmes are available to be conducted as In-house Programmes. PLEASE CONTACT US FOR QUOTATIONS. 2) Examination/Assessment Fee is included for Certificate & Competency Programmes (except for *) . Please refer to Examinations & Assessments Schedule. 3) All informations are correct at the time of printing. They are, however, subject to changes by the Management of NIOSH. Participants will be notified of changes. SEP Email : JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN 22 4,240.00 SHO SBL SME 10 5 2,120.00 1,590.00 SSS TTT1 SBL SME 2 901.00 AESP SBL SMIDEC 15-16, 29-30 12-13, 26-27 11-12, 25-26 08-09, 22-23 13-14, 27-28 10-11, 24-25 1 689.00 AESPR N/A N/A 12, 26 02, 16 01, 15 12 , 26 10,24 07 , 21 3 1,590.00 AGTES SBL SMIDEC 2 689.00 AGTESR N/A N/A 1 1 265.00 265.00 OGSP OGSP-R SBL SBL N/A N/A 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 SHC HIRARC BPM AIW ERP OSHA SMRW SBL SBL SBL SBL SBL N/A SBL SME SME N/A SME SME N/A N/A 2 AESP SBL SME AESP-R N/A N/A AGTES SBL SME AGTES-R N/A N/A SHFT SBL SME SHFT-R N/A N/A BOFA WAH TTT1 OSHO BRS SSS TTT2 HPWJ SBL SBL SBL SBL SBL SBL SBL SBL N/A SME SME SME N/A N/A N/A SME 1 3 2 3 1 2 2 5 2 2 10 6 3 Q U O T A T I O N JUL AUG 22/02-23/03 SEP ECRO -KTN 18-30 11-16 16-18 21-23 18-19 08, 22 15, 29 05, 19 12, 26 06-07 04, 18 03, 25 01, 15 08, 22 06, 20 13, 27 03, 17 10, 24 No. B106, Ground Floor & 1st Floor, Perkampungan Seberang Balok, Jalan Kuantan-Kemaman, 26100 Kuantan Pahang Tel : 09-580 7028 | Fax : 09-580 7029 SMIDEC SCHEME UPON CLIENT’S REQUEST Kindly Contact Us For Quotation. REMARKS: 1) All Scheduled Programmes are available to be conducted as In-house Programmes. PLEASE CONTACT US FOR QUOTATIONS. 2) Examination/Assessment Fee is included for Certificate & Competency Programmes (except for *) . Please refer to Examinations & Assessments Schedule. 3) All informations are correct at the time of printing. They are, however, subject to changes by the Management of NIOSH. Participants will be notified of changes. Contact Person : Mohamad Najmie bin Che Ali, Norfarahanim bt Muhamad @ Ramli HRDF SCHEME EAST COAST REGIONAL OFFICE (KUANTAN) COURSE CODE Head Office : Adly Azmin bin Junet COURSE TITLE OSH MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME 1 Certificate Programme for Safety & Health Officer ( Full Time ) Kuantan * 2 Site Safety Supervisor 3 Train the Trainer OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY PROGRAMME 4 Authorised Entrant and Stand-by Person For Confined Space 5 Authorised Entrant and Stand-by Person For Confined Space (Refresher) 6 Authorised Gas Tester and Entry Supervisor For Confined Space 7 Authorised Gas Tester (AGT) and Entry Supervisor For Confined Space (Refresher) NIOSH SAFETY PASSPORT PROGRAMMES 8 NIOSH - Oil and Gas Safety Passport - New 9 NIOSH - Oil and Gas Safety Passport - Renew IN-HOUSE PROGRAMMES 10 Safety and Health Committee 11 Hazard Identification , Risk Assessment and Risk Control 12 Back Protection 13 Accident Investigation and Reporting Workshop 14 Emergency Response Plan and Preparedness 15 Occupational Safety and Health ACT 1994 16 Safe Motorcycle Riding for Employee 17 Authorised Entrant and Stand-by Person For Confined Space 18 Authorised Entrant and Stand-by Person For Confined Space (Refresher) 19 Authorised Gas Tester and Entry Supervisor For Confined Space 20 Authorised Gas Tester (AGT) and Entry Supervisor For Confined Space (Refresher) 21 Safe Handling of Forklift Truck Competency Programme 22 Safe Handling of Forklift Truck Competency Programme (Refresher) 23 Basic Occupational First Aid 24 Working Safely At Height 25 Train the Trainer 26 Occupational Safety and Health in the Office 27 Basic Rigging and Slinging 28 Site Safety Supervisor 29 Training Management for Business 30 Safe Operation og High Pressure Water Jet FEE (RM) INC GST Manager : Hisyamuddin bin Mohamad NO DURATION TITLE Email : / Sabah Regional Office, 1st Floor, Lot 1 & 2, Block A, Shermadef Commercial Centre, KM 1.5, Jalan Patau-Patau, 87018 Federal Territory Labuan Tel : 087-423 254 | Fax : 087-423 255 Sabah Regional Office (SBRO), Lot 22-27, Tingkat 2, Block 2, Harbour City 88100 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Tel : 088-264 252 | Fax : 088-263 252 SABAH REGIONAL OFFICE (KOTA KINABALU) SABAH REGIONAL OFFICE (SANDAKAN) Manager : En. Mohd Hussin Bin Abd Salam Contact Person : KOTA KINABALU: En. Wan Sarman Bin Sakan (, En. Indra Bin Imus (, Pn. Hellena Lina A/K Lenggeng ( LABUAN : Cik Sarbanon binti Japar ( SANDAKAN : En Mohd Amin bin Adrah ( Institut Latihan Perindustrian Sandakan, Bahagian Pusat Sumber, Tingkat 1, Sibuga, 90000 Sandakan, Sabah Tel : 086-663 761 | Fax : 089-663 682 SABAH REGIONAL OFFICE (LABUAN) SBRO NO COURSE TITLE COMPETENCY PROGRAMMES OSH MANAGEMENT PROGRAMMES 1 Safety and Health Officer (Full Time)* DURATION TITLE 22 FEE (RM) FEE (RM) INC GST 4000.00 4240.00 COURSE CODE HRDF SCHEME SMIDEC SCHEME SHO SBL SME JAN FEB MAR 25/01-26/02(KK) APR MAY JUN JUL 04/04-05/05(KK) 27/02-15/05(KK) 2 Safety and Health Officer (Part Time)* (Weekend Class - Saturday & Sunday) 22 4000.00 4240.00 SHOP SBL 12/03-19/06(SDK) SME 14/05-14/08(TWU) 02/04-31/07(LBU) 3 Safety and Health Officer (Modular)* Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 OCCUPATIONAL HYGIENE PROGRAMMES 4 Chemical Health Risk Assessor* Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH PROGRAMMES 22 6 5 6 5 4000.00 11 3 3 5 4900.00 2 850.00 901.00 BOFA SBL SME 11 Occupational Health Doctor* OHD Module 1 OHD Module 2 OHD Module 3 12 Occupational Health Nurse* OHN Module 1 OHN Module 2 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY PROGRAMMES 9 3 3 3 10 5 5 3900.00 4134.00 OHD SBL SME 13 Authorised Entrant and Standby Person For Confined Space 2 9 Basic Occupational First Aid 14 Authorised Entrant and Standby Person For Confined Space Refresher 15 Authorised Gas Tester and Entry Supervisor For Confined Space 16 Authorised Gas Tester and Entry Supervisor For Confined Space Refresher 17 Authorised Entrant and Standby Person For Confined Space - TM Staff 18 Authorised Entrant and Standby Person For Confined Space - TM Contractor 4240.00 SHOM SBL SME 13-18(KK) 11-15(KK) 08-13(KK) 20-25(KK) 5194.00 CHRA SBL 18-20(KK) 21-23(KK) 25-29(KK) SME SME SME 18-19 (SDK) 15-16(KK) 13-15(KK) 16-20(KK) 20-22(KK) 3600.00 3816.00 OHN SBL SME 16-20(KK) 23-27(KK) 850.00 901.00 AESP SBL SME 16-17(KK) 10-11(KK) 19-20(LBU) 23-24(LBU) 22-23(LBU) 19-20(LBU) 24-25(LBU) 20-21(LD) 22-23(SDK)16-17(SDK) 25-26(LD) 16-17(SDK) 22-23(LD) 18(KK) 1 500.00 530.00 AESPR N/A SME 21(LBU) 18(LD) 12(KK) 21(LBU) 14(SDK) 20(LD) 05-07(KK) 3 1500.00 1590.00 AGTES SBL 15-17(LBU) 24-26(SDK) SME 2 650.00 689.00 AGTESR N/A SME 2 725.00 768.50 AESP-TM SBL SME 2 750.00 795.00 AESP-TM SBL SME 19-20(LD) 16-18(LBU) 27-29 (LD) 16-17(KK) 29/02-01/03(LBU) 15-16(SDK) 09-10(KK) 22-23(KK) 06-07(LBU) 21-22(LD) Upon Client’s Request 15-16(KK) TBA AUG SEP Email : / COURSE CODE HRDF SCHEME SMIDEC SCHEME 4 5 3 1 1500.00 2500.00 1250.00 300.00 1590.00 2650.00 1325.00 318.00 CSR IET SHFT SHFTR SBL SBL SBL N/A SME SME SME 23 Working Safely at Height 2 800.00 848.00 WAH SBL SME 19-20(KK) 19-20(SDK) 24 Working Safely at Height Refresher TRAINER’S COMPETENCY PROGRAMMES 1 650.00 689.00 WAHR N/A SME 21(SDK) 25 Train the Trainer 5 1500.00 1590.00 TTT1 SBL SME 26 Training Management for Business 27 Safety Induction For Construction Workers (Trainer’s Program) 28 Confined Space Safety (Trainer’s Program) CONSTRUCTION SAFETY PROGRAMMES 6 2550.00 2703.00 TTT2 SBL SME 4 2300.00 2438.00 SICW SBL SME 11-15(KK) 5 4000.00 4240.00 CST SBL SME TBA 29 Site Safety Supervisor 10 2050.00 2173.00 SSS SBL SME 30 Site Safety Supervisor (Part Time) - Saturday & Sunday NON-COMPETENCY PROGRAMMES OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY & HEALTH SEMINAR 31 Safety Policies And S.O.P Development For Government And Industries Sectors 32 Muscular-Skeletal Disorders(MSDs) Affect Productivity 33 Water Safety For Tourism And Public Sector 34 Hearing Lost Prevention: Can you hear us? 35 Stress Management: OSH Perspectives 36 Effective incident reporting and analysis technique for everyone 37 OSH & Environment Management For public and private sectors 38 Waste Management: Our Responsibility 39 Understanding Of ICOP C.L.A.S.S And Chemical Registration 40 OSH For working mothers 41 Understanding And Implementation Of Confined Space ICOP For Oil & Gas 42 Managing Training: OSH vs Cost OSH LEGISLATION PROGRAMMES 43 Compliance To Regulations Under Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 44 Compliance To Factories and Machinery Act 1967 and Its Regulations 45 Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 OSH MANAGEMENT PROGRAMMES 46 Incident Reporting and Analysis Technique 47 Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan 48 Occupational Safety, Health And Environment Management 10 2050.00 2173.00 SSSP SBL SME 2 2 2 2 2 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 212.00 212.00 212.00 212.00 212.00 SOP MSD WST HLP STM SBL SBL SBL SBL SBL SME SME SME SME SME 2 200.00 212.00 IRAT SBL SME 2 200.00 212.00 OSEM SBL SME 2 200.00 212.00 WMO SBL SME 2 200.00 212.00 UCOP SBL SME 2 200.00 212.00 OSHOW SBL SME 2 200.00 212.00 UIC SBL SME 2 200.00 212.00 MTO SBL SME 2 800.00 848.00 CRO SBL SME Upon Client’s Request 2 800.00 848.00 CFMA SBL SME Upon Client’s Request 1 400.00 424.00 OSHA SBL SME Upon Client’s Request 3 2 1200.00 800.00 1272.00 848.00 IRAT EPRP SBL SBL SME SME 05-07(LBU) 13-15(SDK) 09-10(SDK) 2 800.00 848.00 OSHE SBL SME 11-12(SDK) FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP SBRO 09-13(LBU) 13-18(KK) 18-29(LBU) 15-26(KK) 07/03-05/04(KK) 27 & 28 24 & 25 29 & 30 Sabah Regional Office (SBRO), Lot 22-27, Tingkat 2, Block 2, Harbour City 88100 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Tel : 088-264 252 | Fax : 088-263 252 07-11(KK) SABAH REGIONAL OFFICE (LABUAN) TBA SABAH REGIONAL OFFICE (KOTA KINABALU) Confined Space Rescue and First Response Inert Space Entry Safe Handling of Forklift Truck Safe Handling of Forklift Truck Refresher JAN Institut Latihan Perindustrian Sandakan, Bahagian Pusat Sumber, Tingkat 1, Sibuga, 90000 Sandakan, Sabah Tel : 086-663 761 | Fax : 089-663 682 19 20 21 22 COURSE TITLE SABAH REGIONAL OFFICE (SANDAKAN) NO Sabah Regional Office, 1st Floor, Lot 1 & 2, Block A, Shermadef Commercial Centre, KM 1.5, Jalan Patau-Patau, 87018 Federal Territory Labuan Tel : 087-423 254 | Fax : 087-423 255 FEE (RM) FEE (RM) INC GST 27 & 28 25 & 26 22 & 23 TBA Manager : En. Mohd Hussin Bin Abd Salam Contact Person : KOTA KINABALU: En. Wan Sarman Bin Sakan (, En. Indra Bin Imus (, Pn. Hellena Lina A/K Lenggeng ( LABUAN : Cik Sarbanon binti Japar ( SANDAKAN : En Mohd Amin bin Adrah ( DURATION TITLE Email : / Sabah Regional Office, 1st Floor, Lot 1 & 2, Block A, Shermadef Commercial Centre, KM 1.5, Jalan Patau-Patau, 87018 Federal Territory Labuan Tel : 087-423 254 | Fax : 087-423 255 Sabah Regional Office (SBRO), Lot 22-27, Tingkat 2, Block 2, Harbour City 88100 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Tel : 088-264 252 | Fax : 088-263 252 SABAH REGIONAL OFFICE (KOTA KINABALU) SABAH REGIONAL OFFICE (SANDAKAN) Manager : En. Mohd Hussin Bin Abd Salam Contact Person : KOTA KINABALU: En. Wan Sarman Bin Sakan (, En. Indra Bin Imus (, Pn. Hellena Lina A/K Lenggeng ( LABUAN : Cik Sarbanon binti Japar ( SANDAKAN : En Mohd Amin bin Adrah ( Institut Latihan Perindustrian Sandakan, Bahagian Pusat Sumber, Tingkat 1, Sibuga, 90000 Sandakan, Sabah Tel : 086-663 761 | Fax : 089-663 682 SABAH REGIONAL OFFICE (LABUAN) SBRO NO COURSE TITLE 49 Fundamental Occupational Safety and Health for Supervisor 50 Safety and Health Officer Improvement Programme (Fri, Sat, Sun) 51 Effective Safety and Health Committee 52 Understanding, Evaluating and Implementing Effective HIRARC at The Workplace 53 Process Safety Management OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY PROGRAMMES 54 Safe Working in The Hydrogent Sulphide Environment CONSTRUCTION SAFETY PROGRAMMES 55 Occupational Safety And Health For Construction Personnel OCCUPATIONAL HYGIENE PROGRAMMES 56 Safety in the Use of Chemicals 57 Transportation of Dangerous Goods By Road 58 Basic Principle of Industrial Hygiene *New OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH PROGRAMMES 59 Hearing Loss Prevention and Audiometric Testing 60 Lung Function Testing and Analysis ERGONOMICS PROGRAMMES 61 Back Protection 62 Ergonomics and Manual Handling in the Workplace 63 Occupational Safety and Health in the Office EXAMINATION WORKSHOP PROGRAMMES 64 Occupational Health Doctor Examination Workshop 65 Occupational Health Nurse Examination Workshop 66 Safety and Health Officer Examination Workshop NIOSH SAFETY PASSPORT PROGRAMMES DURATION TITLE FEE (RM) FEE (RM) INC GST COURSE CODE SMIDEC SCHEME SBL SME 23-24LBU) TBA JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN 2 800.00 9 1800.00 1908.00 SHIP SBL SME 2 800.00 848.00 ESHC SBL SME 3 3 1200.00 1200.00 1272.00 1272.00 UIH PSM SBL SBL SME SME 2 800.00 848.00 H2S SBL SME 3 1200.00 1272.00 OCP SBL SME Upon Client’s Request 2 2 5 800.00 800.00 2000.00 848.00 848.00 2120.00 STUC TDGR BPIH SBL SBL SBL SME SME SME Upon Client’s Request Upon Client’s Request 2 1 800.00 570.00 848.00 604.20 HLPAP LFTA SBL SBL SME SME 2 2 2 800.00 800.00 800.00 848.00 848.00 848.00 BPM EMHW OSHO SBL SBL SBL SME SME SME 2 2 1 300.00 300.00 100.00 318.00 OHDW 318.00 OHNW 106.00 SHOW N/A N/A N/A SME SME 67 NIOSH -TM Safety Passport 1 250.00 265.00 NTMSP SBL SME 68 NIOSH -TNB Safety Passport - Level 1 1 250.00 265.00 NTSP1 SBL SME 69 NIOSH -TNB Safety Passport - Level 2 70 Oil and Gas Safety Passport - Level 1 1 1 250.00 250.00 265.00 NTSP2 265.00 OGSP1 SBL SBL SME 71 Oil and Gas Safety Passport - Level 2 1 250.00 265.00 OGSP2 SBL SME 1 1 0.5 0.5 250.00 180.00 75.00 75.00 265.00 190.80 78.00 78.00 SBL N/A N/A N/A 72 73 74 75 NIOSH – Maybank Safety Passport NIOSH - Nestle Safety Passport NIOSH-NUitm Safety Passport Contractor Safety Passport System 848.00 FOSH-SV HRDF SCHEME NMSP NNSP NUITM CSPS JUL AUG SEP 22-23(SDK) 14-15(LBU) 21-23(SDK) 01-03(LBU) TBA 20-21(SDK) TBA 24-25(LBU) TBA 23-24 18-19 Every Thursday 29(SDK) Every Monday 23(SDK) Upon Client’s Request Kota Kinabalu : Every Tuesday / Labuan : Every Wednesday 06,20(KK) 03,17(KK) 02,16,30(KK) 13, 27(KK) 11, 25(KK) 08, 22(KK) 14,28(LBU) 11,25 (LBU) 17,31(LBU) 14,28 (LBU)12,26 (LBU)16,30 (LBU) TBA SME (KK : KOTA KINABALU Upon Client’s Request TBA LBU : LABUAN REMARKS: 1) All Scheduled Programmes are available to be conducted as In-house Programmes. PLEASE CONTACT US FOR QUOTATIONS. 2) Examination/Assessment Fee is included for Certificate & Competency Programmes (except for *) . Please refer to Examinations & Assessments Schedule. 3) All informations are correct at the time of printing. They are, however, subject to changes by the Management of NIOSH. Participants will be notified of changes. SDK : SANDAKAN TWU : TAWAU LD : LAHAD DATU) E-mail : / NO COURSE TITLE DURATION TITLE FEE (RM) INC GST COURSE CODE HRDF SCHEME SMIDEC SCHEME SHO SBL SME JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG COMPETENCY PROGRAMMES SEP SWRO 4240.00 25/01-24/02(K) 18/01-18/02(M) 22 4240.00 SHOP SBL 09/05-14/06(M) SME 18/06 - 04/09(M) OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH PROGRAMMES 9 Basic Occupational First Aid 2 OHD Module 1 3 OHD Module 2 3 OHD Module 3 3 12 Occupational Health Nurse* 10 OHN Module 1 5 OHN Module 2 5 901.00 BOFA SBL SME 21-22(M) 12-14(B) 09-11(B) 06-07(B) 3816.00 OHN SBL TBA OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY PROGRAMMES 04-05(B) 01-02(B) 02-03(B) 04-05(B) 09-10(B) 06-07(B) 07-08(B) 04-05(B) 07-08(B) 06-07(B) 12-13(B) 09-10(B) 11-12(B) 15-16(B) 10-11(B) 08-09(B) 16-17(B) 13-14(B) No. 285, Phase IV, Parkcity Commerce Square, Jalan Tun Ahmad Zaidi, 97000 Bintulu, Sarawak Tel : 086 - 311 500, 330 600 (B) Fax : 086 - 315 501 (B) Safety and Health Officer (Part Time)* (Weekend Class - Saturday & Sunday) 14/03-14/04(M) SARAWAK REGIONAL OFFICE (BINTULU) 2 04-30(K) No. 90, Sublot 11, Lot 324, Section 54, Jalan Petanak, 93100 Kuching, Sarawak Tel : 082-256 500, 241 800 (K) Fax: 082-253 020 (K) 22 SARAWAK REGIONAL OFFICE (KUCHING) Safety and Health Officer (Full Time)* SARAWAK REGIONAL OFFICE (MIRI) 22/02-19/03(B) 1 No. 90, Sublot 11, Lot 324, Section 54, Jalan Petanak, Miri Office Address : Lot 10620, Miri Commercial Centre, Airport Road, 98000 Miri, Sarawak Tel : 085-406 085, 406 071 (M) Fax: 085-406 086 (M) OSH MANAGEMENT PROGRAMMES 18-19(B) 22-23(B) 17-18(B) 14-15(B) 20-21(B) 20-21(B) 2 901.00 AESP SBL SME 21-22(B) 25-26(B) 21-22(B) 18-19(B) 23-24(B) 23-24(B) 25-26(B) 21-22(B) 26-27(B) 27-28(B) 28-29(B) 25-26(B) 28-29(B) 17-18(K) 10-11(K) 19-20(M) 16-17(M) 15-16(M) 19-20(M) 17-18(M) 14-15(M) 06(B) 04(B) 11(B) 03(B) 13(B) 08(B) 14 Authorised Entrant and Standby Person For Confined Space Refresher1 530.00 AESPR N/A SME 13(B) 17(B) 09(B) 20(B) 20(B) 24(B) 16(B) 27(B) 27(B) 19(K) 14(M) 18-20(B) 3 1590.00 AGTES SBL SME 08-10(K) 25-27(M) 16 Authorised Gas Tester and Entry Supervisor For Confined Space Refresher 20-21(B) 2 689.00 AGTESR N/A SME 10-11(K) 22(B) 29(B) 23(B) 14(M) 15 Authorised Gas Tester and Entry Supervisor For Confined Space 25(B) Manager : Mr. Mohamad Anizan Mohammed Amin 13 Authorised Entrant and Standby Person For Confined Space Contact Person : Mr. Azri (Bintulu), Ms. Zuria (Bintulu), Mdm. Normiza (Kuching), Mdm. Siti Zomariah (Kuching), Mdm. Nuraida (Miri), Ms. Maziah (Miri) 14-15(B) 18-19(B) 14-15(B) 11-12(B) 18-19(B) 16-17(B) E-mail : / SWRO NO COURSE TITLE DURATION TITLE FEE (RM) INC GST COURSE CODE HRDF SCHEME SMIDEC SCHEME TTT1 SBL SME JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TRAINER’S COMPETENCY PROGRAMMES SARAWAK REGIONAL OFFICE (MIRI) No. 90, Sublot 11, Lot 324, Section 54, Jalan Petanak, Miri Office Address : Lot 10620, Miri Commercial Centre, Airport Road, 98000 Miri, Sarawak Tel : 085-406 085, 406 071 (M) Fax: 085-406 086 (M) 09-14(B) 25 Train the Trainer SARAWAK REGIONAL OFFICE (BINTULU) No. 285, Phase IV, Parkcity Commerce Square, Jalan Tun Ahmad Zaidi, 97000 Bintulu, Sarawak Tel : 086 - 311 500, 330 600 (B) Fax : 086 - 315 501 (B) No. 90, Sublot 11, Lot 324, Section 54, Jalan Petanak, 93100 Kuching, Sarawak Tel : 082-256 500, 241 800 (K) Fax: 082-253 020 (K) 1590.00 07-11(M) 18-23(B) 26 Training Management for Business 6 2703.00 TTT2 SBL 27 Safety Induction For Construction Workers (Trainer’s Program) 4 2438.00 SICW SBL 28 Confined Space Safety (Trainer’s Program) 5 4240.00 CST SBL SME 08-10(K) TBA CONSTRUCTION SAFETY PROGRAMMES 15-26(B) 29 Site Safety Supervisor SARAWAK REGIONAL OFFICE (KUCHING) 5 10 2120.00 SSS SBL 06-16(B) SME 11-22 (K) 22/02 - 04/03(M) NON-COMPETENCY PROGRAMMES OSH LEGISLATION PROGRAMMES 31 Compliance To Regulations Under Occupational Safety and 2 848.00 CRO SBL 1 424.00 OSHA SBL 34 Incident Reporting and Analysis Technique 3 1272.00 IRAT SBL 35 Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan 2 848.00 EPRP SBL 39 Effective Safety and Health Committee 2 848.00 ESHC SBL 3 1272.00 UIH SBL 2 848.00 BPM SBL 55 NIOSH -TM Safety Passport 1 250.00 NTMSP SBL SME 58 Oil and Gas Safety Passport - Level 1 1 265.00 OGSP1 SBL SME Health Act 1994 33 Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 SME 05-06(B) TBA OSH MANAGEMENT PROGRAMMES 40 Understanding, Evaluating and Implementing Effective HIRARC at The Workplace TBA SME 23-24(K) 04-05(M) SME 19-20(K) 23-24(K) ERGONOMICS PROGRAMMES 49 Back Protection TBA NIOSH SAFETY PASSPORT PROGRAMMES Upon Client’s Request (B) / Once a Week (K) 02(M) 05(M) 07(M) Contact Person : Mr. Azri (Bintulu), Ms. Zuria (Bintulu), Mdm. Normiza (Kuching), Mdm. Siti Zomariah (Kuching), Mdm. Nuraida (Miri), Ms. Maziah (Miri) Manager : Mr. Mohamad Anizan Mohammed Amin Every Thuesday & Thursday (B) / 3X (Mar,June,Sept) (K) 06,13,20, 03, 11, 17, 02, 9, 16, 27 (M) 24 (M) 06, 13, 23, 30(M) 20, 27(M) 4, 11, 18, 08, 15, 22, 25(M) 29 (M) Every Wednesday (B) / 2X (Apr, Sept) (K) 59 Oil and Gas Safety Passport - Level 2 1 265.00 OGSP2 SBL SME 12, 26(M) 16(M) 01, 15(M) 12, 26(M) 10, 24(M) 14, 28(M) REMARKS: 1) All Scheduled Programmes are available to be conducted as In-house Programmes. PLEASE CONTACT US FOR QUOTATIONS. 2) Examination/Assessment Fee is included for Certificate & Competency Programmes (except for *) . Please refer to Examinations & Assessments Schedule. 3) All informations are correct at the time of printing. They are, however, subject to changes by the Management of NIOSH. Participants will be notified of changes. B = BINTULU K = KUCHING M = MIRI Website : 7 8 9 Supplier Audit Programme ISO 9001 Internal Audit Integrated Management System Training for ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 & MS 1722 10 ISO 14001 Internal Audit COMPETENCY PROGRAMME OSH Management System : MS1722 & OHSAS 18001 Auditing 11 (Module 2 of 2 OSH Lead Auditor) 12 IRCA Approved ISO 9001:2008 (QMS) Lead Auditor 13 IRCA Approved ISO 14001:2004 (EMS) Lead Auditor 14 IRCA Approved ISO 22000:2005 (FSMS) Lead Auditor INHOUSE PROGRAMMES Understanding the Requirements of OSH Management Systems 15 (OSH MS) 16 ISO 9001:2008 Awareness / Introduction 17 ISO 14001:2004 Awareness / Introduction 18 Supplier Audit Programme Food Safety Management System : ISO 22000:2005 Awareness & 19 Interpretation Intergrated Management System (ISO 9001:2008,ISO 14001:2004 20 & OHSAS 18001:2007) Internal Audit 21 OSH Management System : MS 1722 & OHSAS 18001 Internal Audit 22 ISO 9001:2008 Internal Audit 23 ISO 14001:2004 Internal Audit Understanding the Implementation of OSH Audit & Inspection 24 Training OSH Management System : MS1722 & OHSAS 18001 Interpretation 25 and Implementation (Module 1 of 2 OSH Lead Auditor) SMIDEC SCHEME 1 265.00 URO SBL 1 1 265.00 265.00 AWQ AWE SBL SBL CEP & CCD CCD CCD 1 265.00 AWF SBL N/A 3.5 1,749.00 IIMS SBL 3 1,272.00 IAO SBL 2 2 848.00 848.00 SAP IAQ SBL 2 848.00 CHI SBL CCD 2 848.00 IAE SBL CCD 5 2,120.00 LAC SBL CEP 5 5 5 3,180.00 3,180.00 3,180.00 LAQ LAE LAFS SBL SBL SBL CCD CCD CCD URO SBL CEP AWQ AWE SAP SBL SBL SBL N/A N/A N/A AWF SBL N/A CHI IAO IAQ IAE SBL SBL SBL SBL N/A CEP N/A N/A AIO SBL N/A IIMS SBL CEP 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 3.5 * PNG = Pulau Pinang MIR= Miri, Sarawak CEP & CCD CEP & CCD CCD CCD JAN FEB MAR APR 22 26 19(KMM) 12(KK) 09 21(KK) 11(JB) 02(KCH) 13(JB) 10 28 18 MAY JUN Email : JUL AUG SEP 15 09 16 23-26 19-21 KMM= Terengganu Mlk=Melaka LBU=Labuan KTN = Kuantan 23-25(JB) 19-22 14-16 15-18 (PNG) 26-29(KK) 09-12(JB) (MIRI) 24-26 (PNG) 15-17 29-30 NCSB 28-30 28-29 16-17 12-14 Lot 1, Jalan 15/1, Section 15, 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor Tel : 03-8769 2287/ 2284/ 2286 / 2289 | Fax : 03 - 8922 1929 OSH Management System : MS 1722 & OHSAS 18001 Internal Audit HRDF SCHEME NIOSH CERTIFICATION SDN. BHD. 6 COURSE CODE 14-15 22-26 18-22 09-14 25-29 09-14 Upon Client’s Request. Kindly contact us for details (Maximum number of participants : 25 pax) JB=Johor LKW = Langkawi KK= Kota Kinabalu, Sabah KCH=Kuching, Sarawak PRK =Perak BTU = Bintulu REMARKS: 1) All Scheduled Programmes are available to be conducted as In-house Programmes. PLEASE CONTACT US FOR QUOTATIONS. 2) Examination/Assessment Fee is included for Certificate & Competency Programmes (except for *) . Please refer to Examinations & Assessments Schedule. 3) All informations are correct at the time of printing. They are, however, subject to changes by the Management of NIOSH. Participants will be notified of changes. Contact Person : Nooraishah Md. Salleh | Nurul Hidayah Mohd Jamil COURSE TITLE SEMINAR 1 Understanding the Requirements of OSH Management Systems OHSAS18001 & MS1722 2 ISO 9001 Awareness / Introduction 3 ISO 14001 Awareness / Introduction 4 Food Safety Management System : ISO 22000 Awareness & Interpretation PUBLIC PROGRAMMES 5 OSH Management System : MS1722 & OHSAS 18001 Interpretation and Implementation (Module 1 of 2 OSH Lead Auditor) FEE (RM) INC GST Please contact us for further information NO DURATION TITLE 07 03 02 09 10 01 05 06 04 08 NIOSH HEADQUARTERS NIOSH Malaysia Headquarters Lot 1, Jalan 15/1, Jalan 15, 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor Tel : 03-8769 2100 | Fax : 03-8926 2900 | Email : SOUTHERN REGIONAL OFFICE (MAL ACCA) Southern Regional Office, No. 1-1-7, Ground Floor, World Youth Foundation Complex, Leboh Ayer Keroh, 75450 Ayer Keroh, Melaka Tel : 09-9961 / 62 | Fax : 09-859 9960 | Email : SOUTHERN REGIONAL OFFICE (JOHOR) Southern Regional Office (SRO), No. 10, Jalan Persiaran Teknologi, Taman Teknologi Johor, 81400 Senai, Johor Tel : 07-559 1200 | Fax : 07-559 0200 | Email : NORTHERN REGIONAL OFFICE (PENANG) Northern Regional Office (NRO), Unit 4, Tingkat 3 Kompleks Sempilai Jaya, Jalan Sempilai, 13700 Seberang Jaya, Pulau Pinang Tel : 04-380 1200 | Fax : 04-397 3977 | Email : EAST COAST REGIONAL OFFICE (TERENGGANU) East Coast Regional Office (ECRO), PT 10719, Taman Cukai Utama, 24000 Kemaman, Terengganu Darul Iman Tel : 09-859 9961 / 62 | Fax : 09-859 9960 | Email : EAST COAST REGIONAL OFFICE (KUANTAN) East Coast Regional Office (Kuantan), No. B106, Ground Floor & 1st Floor, Perkampungan Seberang Balok, Jalan Kuantan-Kemaman, 26100 Kuantan Pahang Tel : 09-580 7028 | Fax : 09-580 7029 SARAWAK REGIONAL OFFICE (KUCHING) Sarawak Regional Office (SWRO), No. 90, Sublot 11, Lot 324Section 54, Jalan Petanak, 93100 Kuching, Sarawak Tel : 082-256 500 / 241 800 | Fax : 082-253 020 | Email : SARAWAK REGIONAL OFFICE (BINTULU) Sarawak Regional Office, No. 285, Phase 4, Parkcity Commerce Square, Jalan Tun Ahmad Zaidi 97000 Bintulu, Sarawak Tel : 086-311 500 / 330 600 | Fax : 082-315 501 | Email : sarawak@ SARAWAK REGIONAL OFFICE (MIRI) Miri Office, Lot 10620, Miri Commercial Shop Lot, Airport Road, 98000 Miri, Sarawak Tel : 085-406 085 / 406 071Fax : 085-406 086Email : SABAH REGIONAL OFFICE (L ABUAN) Sabah Regional Office, 1st Floor, Lot 1 & 2, Block A, Shermadef Commercial Centre, KM 1.5, Jalan Patau-Patau, 87018 Federal Territory Labuan Tel : 087-423 254 | Fax : 087-423 255 | Email : SABAH REGIONAL OFFICE (KOTA KINABALU) Sabah Regional Office (SBRO), Lot 22-27, Tingkat 2, Block 2, Harbour City, 88100 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Tel : 088-264 252 | Fax : 088-263 252 SABAH REGIONAL OFFICE (SANDAKAN) Sabah Regional Office (SBRO), Institut Latihan Perindustrian Sandakan, Bahagian Pusat Sumber, Tingkat 1, Sibuga, 90000 Sandakan, Sabah Tel : 086-663 761 | Fax : 089-663 682
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1) All Scheduled Programmes are available to be conducted as In-house Programmes. PLEASE CONTACT US FOR QUOTATIONS.
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