12 Dec 06 issue.pub - Valley Forge Homestead Quilters


12 Dec 06 issue.pub - Valley Forge Homestead Quilters
Valley Forge Homestead Quilters
Guild Newsletter
December 2006
Lines from Lou
Valley Forge Homestead
Quilt Guild
PO Box 62463
King Of Prussia, PA 19460
NQA member # 451
In this issue
Presidents Note
Next Guild Meeting
Have You Taken the Survey 2
Block of the Month
Comfort quilts
December Birthdays
Don’t Forget
Fall Retreat
Get Away Weekend
Fat Quarter Raffle
Viewers Choice
Meeting Minutes
New Additions to Library
What’s New at Steves
The Singing Quilter
Guild Workshops
Guild Committee Liasons
Quilt Shows
Hate to Make Binding?
Great Quilt Weekend
Get Creative w/ Quilt Quest 7
20th Anniversary stuff
January Meeting Preview
VF Night of Nativities
Among the things I felt grateful for at Thanksgiving time was my association with all of you. You’re participation, your service, and your friendship. And as we move into the holiday
season, with all it’s busy requirements,
my wish for you, my friends (and for
myself), is that we’ll all be able to find
the time—a few moments of serenity—in
which to reflect on the meaning behind
our respective holiday celebrations and
traditions. And also that we’ll find the
time to enjoy those celebrations (despite
all the hustle and bustle).
Best wishes for an excellent holiday season!
December Guild Meeting Information – 12/19
You won’t want to miss our Holiday Party. There’ll be games, prizes,
gifts, surprises, terrific food, and
great fun for all. Bring a Quilting/Sewing related gift costing between $7 to $10 as part of our traditional gift exchange. Also bring a
treat to share with the group (per
the specs to the right...
If your last name begins with a
letter between A-to-H, bring a
dessert. If you’re between J-to-Z,
bring an hors d’oeuvre.
Bees Bees Bees Bees Bees
Afternoon Bee—2nd Tuesday
Evening Bee—4th Tuesday
The Afternoon Bee will take
place on December 12, 2006,
12:30 – 3:30, at the home of
Lou Chandler, 4 Ferry Lane,
Phoenixville, PA, 610-9339373. Everyone is welcome.
Bring whatever project(s) you’re
working on. We’ll sew, eat, and
Lou Chandler will also will
host the December Evening
Bee, on December 28,
2006 from 6:30 – 9:00
PM. Work on your own
projects, get help and advice and refreshments, and enjoy
the company. Hope to see you
There’s plenty of room in the driveway, but in the event that it’s full,
there’s more parking at the G-Lodge next door on Rt 23.
Have you taken the Survey?
Block of the Month
If you were unable to attend the October 17
guild meeting, or if you didn’t complete
the survey at that time, please take a moment to complete our survey on-line.
It’s quick and easy. Please visit
5042720578 and enter your
information electronically. If
you filled in a paper survey,
please do not do it electronically. We would like to
have survey information
from all members. Thanks
for your participation and
assistance to help us make
our guild better.
The block for December is Double Sawtooth Star
or North Star. Bring your December block to
the guild meeting and you could win a prize.
This concludes this year’s BOM from the Underground Railroad. Thank you for your participation!
BOM Quilt for 2007 is called Dimensional
Whimsy. This quilt can be made with scrap fabric. If you are making a two-color quilt, and you
buy 2 ½ yds. of one color and 2 ½ yds. of a second color; you will have enough fabric for the
sashing and the borders. Buy several fat quarters and you're ready to make Dimensional
Whimsy. Block #1 is available on the website
and will be presented at the December meeting. Instructions for the Block will also be
We welcome Lisa Hudode to our Valley Forge
Homestead Quilt guild. Lisa is a neighbor of
Marebeth Conard who invited Lisa to a recent
meeting as a guest. Lisa has little sewing background but became interested in quilting when
she bought an old quilt at an auction. She is yet
to discover what types of projects she enjoys
most, and is looking forward to completing her
first bed-size quilt. She gets pleasure from working on her home and searching for and collecting
antiques. She works in project management and
has two cats. While Her family hails from Central PA Lisa currently lives in Phoenixville.
December Birthdays
December 1
Karen Anderson
Ally Howell
December 2 Joan C. Gunder
December 3 Ethel Hutchinson
December 5 Ann Palmer
December 7 Carol A. Divis
December 8 Gerry Fontaine
Joan Lendacky
December 9 Adel Herge
December 19 Becky Weiland
December 20 Elizabeth Bullwinkle
JoAnn Thomas
Comfort Quilts
On November 20, 2006, I delivered eight of
our adult quilts to the Abramson Cancer Center
at the University of Pa Hospital. As usual, they
were extremely appreciative of our continuing
support. Thanks to all members who have
helped in this worthwhile effort. Mark your
calendar for our next workshop on Saturday,
February 10, 2007. This will be our big workshop being held at the church where we meet
each month. So mark your calendar and plan to
join us if you can.
Thanks again!
- Shirley Horning
Don’t Forget …
The guild is still collecting Acme
store tapes. Please remember to bring
them to the meetings and deposit them in
the can on the Welcome Table. This is an
easy way to raise money for the guild.
Thanks for your help.
Fall Retreat Highlights
Fall Retreat 2006 was great per Sally’s usual
wonderful ability to coordinate having a
wonderful resort type facility with lots of
time to meet old and new friends, shop, eat
and do what ever one desires....(simply sit
and read). And imagine it is not that far
from home. We all usually pre-plan our
projects prior to retreat but then those that
get distracted after shopping usually return
to retreat with something new to do. (I can't
imagine who would do that, realizing so few of us have a stash!) One of
the many nice things we find is the friendship and generosity of our fellow quilters. Patti was so
kind to tutor a few beginner appliquers while there were a few of us who
were able to help our dear friend, Norma, in a time of need. Besides all
this, there are those sharing fabric, patterns, and
much more. What better
time to enjoy the country, good company and
food than at our wonderful retreats. I look
forward to many more
and hope to see many
more of us join in the
great time.
-Chris Candello
Getaway Weekend
Fat Quarter Raffle
May 3-6, 2007 is the next Quilters Retreat Weekend at Kline Lodge, Mensch
Mill Retreat Center, Berks Co. Cost is
$130 per person for Friday-Sunday. The
extended weekend beginning Thursday
afternoon is $180 per person. To reserve
your space give a $20 non-refundable deposit to Sally Rapp. An information sheet
giving more details is available from Sally.
If you cannot come in May, plan now for
the November 1-4 weekend.
We all need more fabric - right? Perhaps the newly
initiated Fat Quarter Raffle may bring more fabric
your way. Simply bring a fat quarter, place it in the
designated basket and your name will then be entered to win them all! You will receive one chance
to win for each fat quarter you contribute. The
guidelines are simple:
1. The fabric must be a fat quarter measuring
18" X 22".
2. It should be washed and ironed
3. It must keep to the announced theme
We will begin the first raffle in January and 3 more
will follow throughout the next year. For our January drawing the theme is Thimbleberries fabric by
RJR Fabrics, which is widely available at all the quilt
shops. The basket will be available beginning in December and then again in January, so bring your fat
quarter whenever you can. Any questions, contact
Linda Hamel.
Viewers Choice
The winning quilts are as follows: 1st prize—”Woven in
Time,” made by Shellie Blake;
2nd prize—“Flower Rhapsody
in Felted Wool,” made by Joan
Gunder, and 3rd prize—“Snowflakes That
Stay on My Nose and Eyelashes.” made by
Linda Hamel. Congratulations to our winners!
At November’s meeting prizes were also given to the three top sellers of raffle tickets, congratulations to Kathy Graff, 3rd highest seller, Cathy Fennell, 2nd highest seller, and Laura Chaplar who
sold the most tickets.
Meeting Minutes– November 21, 2006
• Lou Chandler welcomed all including 2 new members and 1 guest
• BOM winner—Donna Raymond -- December BOM is double saw
tooth star or north star
Door Prize winners—Ruth Heslin and Ethel Hutchinson
Show & Tell was held before the night’s activity
Gloria showed and told about the BOM for next year. The dimensional whimsy quilt will be explained in detail next month by the
new BOM chairman, Shellie Blake. We need a count of the members interested in making the quilt so materials can be prepared.
Gloria reviewed the programs for the year. They are listed in the
November newsletter.
• Starting in January, Steve’s will have a new club –
Thimbleberries which will meet on the first Thurs. of each
• Guild members can receive a discount on Fons and Porter
magazine. See Chris Candello for details.
• There are about 4 seats remaining for the Paducah trip in
April. Cost is around $600 including flight, room and
breakfast. Talk to Chris Candello to sign up.
• The guild budget is available on the back table for review.
Linda Hamel talked about our first time fat quarter raffle, which
will take place in January. The fabric must be a fat quarter
Thimbleberries by RJR, washed and ironed. You will get one
chance for each fat quarter. Fabrics may be brought to the Dec. or
Jan. meeting. Drawing will be held in Jan.
New books will be available next month in our library. Look for
25 Classic Quilts, Bundles of Fun, and Fat Quarters.
Jean Hayden thanked all for working at the successful quilt show.
Awards from the quilt show were announced and ribbons and
prizes awarded.
• Viewers choice awards: 3rd Linda Hamel—
“Snowflakes That Stay on My Nose and Eyelashes”, 2nd Joan Gunder – “Flower Rhapsody in Felted Wool”, 1st Shellie Blake –
“Woven in Time”. Members who sold the
most tickets included: 3rd Patti McLain Fulton, 2nd Cathy Fennell and 1st Laura
Chaplar who sold 294 tickets.
• Members enjoyed the iron on Santa and Menorah activity while socializing. Refreshments were available .
• 48 surveys have been completed. There is still time to complete one
on the web.
• Adjourned: as members completed the activity.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Hannum, Recording Secretary
New Additions to the Library
The Singing Quilter
Borders, Bindings & Edges by Sally Collins, 2004
The Singing Quilter, Cathy Miller,
and husband John, will give a 2-set
performance on Friday, April 20,
2007 at 7:30 p.m. At the
Community Music
School, 775 W. Main
Street, Trappe, PA. Tickets will cost $12 and will
be available beginning in January
from Sally Rapp.
Not just afterthoughts, the finishing elements of a quilt
can enrich and complement the central design. Give
your borders and bindings the attention they deserve
with inspiration and ideas from this comprehensive reference guide.
Two--Block Appliqué Quilts by Claudia Olson, 2004
Get the best of both worlds in this collection of 10 twoblock quilts which pair up pieced and appliquéd blocks
for stunning one-of-a-kind designs. Combine and alter
pieced blocks to create dramatic secondary designs and
out of the ordinary spaces for appliqué.
Appliqué Takes Wing by Jane Townswick, 2005
Includes 12 original appliqué block patterns featuring
butterflies, hummingbirds and dragonflies. Techniques
reveal Jane's secrets for invisible stitching, no-template
leaves and free-form branches.
Quilting by Hand by Jinny Beyer, 2004
Jinny Beyer, an exceptionally skilled quilter, shares her
master techniques. Richly illustrated and elegantly written, this book guides you through every step of hand
piecing and hand quilting. Includes 10 original handpieced quilt patterns.
Thimbleberries, Collection of Classic Quilts by Lynette
Jensen, 2005
Includes 26 classic quilts ranging in size from small to medium and to large featuring the best of Thimbleberries
enduring patterns and fabric collections.
Coloring with Thread by Ann Fahl, 2005
Threads, needles and stabilizers are demystified with Ann
Fahl's expert guidance to help you express yourself
through elegant embroidery. Start with easy practice
studies, and then quickly move on to creating freemotion designs.
Show Me How to Create Quilting Designs by Kathy
Sandbach, 2004
Whether you want to tackle your stack of UFOs or design the quilting as you plan your quilts, Kathy Sandbach's free-form quilting methods will give you the skills
and confidence you need. You'll learn how to decide
what to quilt and where to quilt it and have fun in the
Fat Quarter - Small Quilts by Darlene Zimmerman, 2005
Darlene Zimmerman presents 25 small projects created
from a variety of fat quarters. Use your imagination and
display these projects as place mats, doll quilts, wall
hangings or framed pieces of art.
Bundles of Fun: Quilts from Fat Quarters by Karen Snyder, 2006
If you can't resist a fat-quarter bundle and a comfy quilt,
this book is for you. Cutting diagrams and quilt designs
make the most of each fat quarter, while step-by-step
instructions make the process easy.
New ...
New Thimbleberries Club!!! Starting January 4, 2007,, we will begin
a year-long adventure featuring the
"House and Garden Big Club Quilt".
Meetings will be the first Thursday of
each month from 7 - 8pm, and will
be a lecture / demo with Mindy Williams and Liz Bedell. You will get a
kit each month to complete your
block, and be able to choose from a
light or dark colorway. It is only
$15.00 for the year, kit fees are
$10.00 per kit. Come and join the
fun! Registration deadline is December 22, 2006. For more information
call Liz at 610-768-9453.
We have a lot of great gift ideas for
your holiday giving, or maybe you
would like a gift card for yourself!
All of us at Steve's want to thank you
for your patronage and wish all of
you a very Happy Holidays!
December 1st we had our UFO Party
(UnFininshed Objects), We sewed
from 6pm - midnight, finishing up
those projects that tend accumulate
over time. Jenni and Pamela Were
on hand to assist, and provided
pizza, salad, and drinks. Those who
came brought their projects, a goodie
or appetizer to share.
Guild Workshops – Mark Your Calendars!
Comfort Quilt WorkshopWorkshop- Shirley Horning
DATE: February 10, 2007
TIME: 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM
PLACE: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, King
of Prussia, PA
BRING: Your sewing machine, normal sewing
supplies, and your lunch. We will also
need extra mats, rotary cutters, Irons
and ironing boards and power
strips/extension cords.
Turning Twenty – Chris Candello – Two days to
choose from
DATE: March 30, 2007
TIME: 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM
PLACE: Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day
Saints, Trooper, PA
COST: Free
BRING: Basic sewing supplies, your sewing machine, 20 fat quarters, rotary cutter,
mat and your lunch.
DATE: March 31, 2007
TIME: 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM
PLACE: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, King
of Prussia, PA
COST: Free
BRING: Basic sewing supplies, your sewing machine, 20 fat quarters, rotary cutter,
mat and your lunch.
Braided Quilt As You Go – Rosemary Geisler
and Judy Snook
DATE: April 21, 2007
TIME: 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM
PLACE: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, King
of Prussia, PA
COST: $10.00
BRING: Supply list will be provided upon payment to Jean Hayden
Stars by Magic – Nancy Johnson
May 16, 2007
TIME: 9:30 AM – 1:00 PM
PLACE: Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day
Saints, Trooper, PA
COST: $25.00
BRING: Supply list to be provided upon payment of deposit to Jean Hayden.
Christmas in July – Beth Quigley
PLACE: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, King
of Prussia, PA
PRICE: $10.00
BRING: Supply list will be provided upon payment to Jean Hayden
Guild Committees & Board Liaisons
Ours is a highly dynamic guild with a great many committees and activities. So, to help ensure
smooth running of our many guild endeavors, the various committees have been paired with a liaison on the board. The board members are responsible for representing—at board meetings—the
interests or concerns of the committees, with whom they serve as liaisons. And when a committee
question, concern, or problem arises that should be escalated, the related committee head should
contact their appropriate board liaison.
Block--ofRefreshment Block
Corresponding Secretary
Past pres
AQS books
Raffle Quilt
member &
Quilt show
Secret pal
Quilt Shows
The West Campus Art Gallery at Montgomery County
Community College, 16 High Street in Pottstown, is
pleased to exhibit the Loose Threads Quilt Guild’s “Quilts:
Tradition meets Imagination.” The exhibit will be on display from Nov. 15, 2006 - Jan. 29, 2007, The exhibit is
free of charge and open to the public. The quilt guild, located in Spring City, is comprised of women from Montgomery, Chester and Berks counties, who share an interest
and enthusiasm for quilting. This exhibit will feature over
30 quilts showing the diversity of design and technique in
the contemporary quilting world. For information on upcoming art exhibits at Montgomery County Community
College, contact Gallery Director Holly Cairns at 215-6197349 or hcairns@mc3.edu.
Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival XVIII all under one
roof at the Hampton
Roads Convention Center, Greater Chesapeake
Bay/Williamsburg Area,
Hampton, VA. The largest Quilt Festival on the
Eastern Seaboard held
February 22-25, 2007.
For more information
visit www.quiltfest.com.
Great Quilt
Visit this website:
www.this-n-thatfabrics.com. This-n-That Fabrics is located in nearby Exton, PA but there is
no actual shop, it is an Internet Quilt Shop. It
has lots of free patterns. They always have a
sale going on and other helpful quilting information. Enjoy. Website recommended by
Vickie Lopresti.
As Our 20th Anniversary
Approaches …
As we move towards our 20th anniversary,
we are seeking out the history books and/or
any pictures that past historians may have. If
you have these, please contact Cathy Fennell
and she will take them off your hands. The
books will then be archived in the library at
Rosemont College.
Hate to make
Lollipops Designer Binding: Lollipops® are pre-folded double wide
bias bindings made from the finest
designer fabrics available today.
We use fabrics designed by Laurel
Burch, Loralie, Kaffe Fassett, Amy
Butler, Debbie Mumm, Mary
Engebreit and many more as well
as fabrics from the best design
houses such as Timeless Treasures,
Moda, Princess Mirah Batiks, Hoffman Batiks. Bias is 1/2 inch
finished size once sewn to
your quilt. Take a moment to search the site
and find the Lollipops®
just for your quilt project.
They can be used on quilts,
quilt art, quilted wearables
as well as any sewing project that calls for bias binding. Remember, these
bindings are quick methods
to help you finish your
quilt and sewing projects
faster with professional
style coordinating fabrics!
Get Creative with Quilt
Quest 2007
2007 Quilt Quest featuring Tuscan Wildflower,
think outside the Block! Take your favorite
traditional quilt block or blocks and give them
an exciting new look using color, texture, and
fabric to create an original and innovative quilt
design. Quilts may be pieced, appliquéd, or a
combination of both. Winners will receive
cash and fabric prizes, sewing machines, and
quilting products from some of your favorite
resources. For contest details and entry form,
visit www.robertkaufman.com. Entry deadline
is August 3, 2007.
Guild Meetings
DAY: Third Tuesday of each month
TIME: 7 p.m.
PLACE: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
King of Prussia, PA
January Meeting Preview
– January 16, 2007
Join us in January as Robert Cannell, massage therapist, presents
Ergonomics and Quilting. Ergonomics is “an applied
science concerned with designing and arranging
things people use so that the people and things
interact most efficiently and safely.” Robert
will show us how to incorporate ergonomics
into our quilting habits.
Rt 23
e Fre
orge Sh
Valley F
Several members of our guild
exhibited nativity wall-hangings
and other nativities at the Valley Forge Night of Nativities.
And several visited the event
that was held at The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
just off Trooper Road (where
we hold some of our workshops). All are welcome to exhibit next year. The event is
always held the 2nd weekend in
December. So if you plan to
work on a nativity wall-hanging
Shep h
Goodran Churc
Valley Forge Night of Nativities
r s on
Rt 202
Guild Officers
PRESIDENT – Lou Chandler
TREASURER – Linda Hamel
Committee Chairs
PROGRAM CHAIR – Gloria Clark
WORKSHOPS – Jean Hayden
NEWSLETTER – Cathy Fennell
& Lou Chandler
WEB MASTER – Susan Glaser
REFRESHMENTS – Paula Pettyjohn
SET-UP – Mary Beth Bullwinkle
& Nancy Dietch
BLOCK OF THE MONTH – Cathy Fennell
Shellie Blake
QUILT SHOW – Jean Hayden
QUILT BEES – Jean Hayden (day)
Beth Quigley (night)
RAFFLE QUILT – Gloria Clark
Chris Candello
Newsletter Submissions
Inclusions for the next newsletter must be received by the 1st
day of the month. (If e-mailing
your article, an MS Word file as an attachment is preferred, Articles embedded in emails are acceptable, of course, but require
more work on our end.)
Cathy Fennell
fennell@rosemont.edu (preferred)
32 Clearfield Avenue
Eagleville, PA 19430
610-630-8645 (home)
610-526-2973 (work)
CHALLENGE – Linda Hamel
ADVENTURE – Sally Rapp
COMFORT QUILTS – Shirley Horning
PUBLICITY – Nancy Hannum
SECRET PAL – Joan Gunder
HISTORIAN – Patti Fulton
LIBRARY – Art & Ethel Hutchison
AQS BOOK SALES – Kathy Graff
SUNSHINE – Norma Brechbiel