Frame size 63-45055 II 2 G EExd(e) IIC(B) T455
Frame size 63-45055 II 2 G EExd(e) IIC(B) T455
ELECTRICAL MACHINES, DRIVE SYSTEMS AND SYSTEM ENGINEERING IP55 Frame size 63-45055 II 2 G EExd(e) IIC(B) T455 Explosion-protected Three-Phase Low-Voltage Squirrel-Cage Motors, flameproof enclosure from 0.12 to 630 kW M1.23e · 2001 Seite 1 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:51 09 Three-phase low-voltage squirrel-cage motors, IP55 II 2 G EExd(e) IIC(B) T4 Flameproof enclosure “d“ Shaft centre heights 63-450 ■ Single speed motors ■ Change pole motors ■ Motors for frequency converter supply Technical Catalouge M1.23 e ✦ 2001 Supersedes: ■ Technische Liste M1.23 e ✦ 2000 Revisions All technical data, outputs, dimensions and weights, stated in this catalogue, are subject to change without notice. Illustrations do not purport to show constructional details. 08.01 INHALT_G.FM Seite 1 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:41 09 1 Contents Explosion protection 2 4 Explosion protection types of electrical machines 4 Validity of European standards EN 50... 7 Design Types Construction types 8 Materials, plates and labelling 9 Installation at normal and low temperatures 10 Protection types, paintwork 11 Terminal boxes 12 Connecting cables 14 Bearings 15 Permissible radial bearing load 16 Permissible axial bearing load 17 Lubrication, shaft ends, running smoothness, operating noise levels Special-purpose motors 18 19 Low-noise motors 19 On-deck installation by shipping classification 20 Special attachments, special flanges 22 Electrical Design Electrical design for motors up to 690 V Terminal boxes up to 690 V 23 Connection diagram 24 Protective devices, anti-condensation heater 25 Operating characteristics Operating characteristics of motors up to 690 V Inverter operation 50 Hz, ns = 750 rpm, 2p = 8 Mains operation 60 Hz, ns = 3600 rpm, 2p = 2 Mains operation 60 Hz, ns = 1800 rpm, 2p = 4 Mains operation 60 Hz, ns = 1200 rpm, 2p = 6 Mains operation 60 Hz, ns = 900 rpm, 2p = 8 Mains operation, increased output 50 Hz, ns = 3000 rpm, 2p = 2 Mains operation, increased output 50 Hz, ns = 1500 rpm, 2p = 4 Mains operation, increased output 60 Hz, ns = 3600 rpm, 2p = 2 Mains operation, increased output 60 Hz, ns = 1800 rpm, 2p = 4 Mains operation, power assignment Temperature class T6 50 Hz/60 Hz Mains operation, pole-changing motors 50 Hz, ns = 1500/3000 rpm, 2p = 4/2 Mains operation, pole-changing motors 50 Hz, ns = 1000/1500 rpm, 2p = 6/4 Mains operation, pole-changing motors 50 Hz, ns = 750/1500 rpm, 2p = 8/4 Dimensions Surface-cooled motors, self-cooling with radial-flow fan, foot-mounted Surface-cooled motors, self-cooling with radial-flow fan, flange-mounted Surface-cooled motors, self-cooling with axial-flow fan noise classes 2 and 3 Surface-cooled motors, external axial-flow fan 26 Permissible starting times 27 Frequency inverter operation 29 Mains operation 50 Hz, ns = 3000 rpm, 2p = 2 Inverter operation 50 Hz, ns = 3000 rpm, 2p = 2 Mains operation 50 Hz, ns = 1500 rpm, 2p = 4 Inverter operation 50 Hz, ns = 1500 rpm, 2p = 4 Mains operation 50 Hz, ns = 1000 rpm, 2p = 6 Inverter operation 50 Hz, ns = 1000 rpm, 2p = 6 Mains operation 50 Hz, ns = 750 rpm, 2p = 8 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Page 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 54 58 62 66 General information Page General Information Standards of several EU and non-EU countries Seite 2 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:41 09 2 General Information Standards Of Several EU and Non-EU Countries Country Title International IEC – International Electrotechnical Commission Europe EN – CENELEC European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation Germany DIN/VDE – German Industrial Standard/Association of German Electrotechnicians Great Britain BS – British Standards Electrical rotating machines Rated operation and technical data IEC 60 034-1, IEC 60 085 EN 60 034-1 DIN EN 60 034-1/ VDE 0530 Part 1 BS 4999: P1 BS 4999: P69 Protection types of rotating electrical machines IEC 60 034-5 EN 60 034-5 DIN IEC 34 Part 5/ VDE 0530 Part 5 BS 4999: P20 Cooling methods of rotating electrical machines IEC 60 034-6 EN 60 034-6 DIN EN 60 034-6/ VDE 0530 Part 6 BS 4999: P21 Construction types of rotating electrical machines IEC 60 034-7 EN 60 034-7 DIN EN 60 034-7/ VDE 0530 Part 7 BS 4999: P22 Terminal markings and direction of rotation for electrical machines IEC 60 034-8 – DIN/VDE 0530 Part 8 BS 4999: P3 Noise emission, limit values IEC 60 034-9 EN 60 034-9 DIN EN 60 034-9/ VDE 0530 Part 9 BS 4999: P51 Startup behaviour of squirrel-cage motors at 50 Hz up to 690 V IEC 60 034-12 EN 60 034-12 DIN EN 60 034-12 VDE 0530 Part 12 – Vibration severity of rotating electrical machines IEC 60 034-14 EN 60 034-14 DIN EN 60 034-14 VDE 0530 Part 14 BS4999: P50 Mounting dimensions and ratings assignment for IM B3 IEC 60 0721) – DIN 42 673 Sh. 32) BS 4999: P101) Mounting dimensions and ratings assignment for IM B5, IM B10 and IM B14 IEC 60 0721) – DIN 42 677 Sh. 32) BS 4999: P101) Cylindrical shaft ends for electric machines IEC 60 0721) – DIN 748 Part 3 BS 4999: P101) Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres, general provisions IEC 60 079-0 EN 50 014 DIN EN 50 014/ VDE 0170/0171 Part 1 BS EN 50 014 Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres, flameproof enclosure “d” IEC 60 079-1 EN 50 018 DIN EN 50 018/ VDE 0170/0171 Part 5 BS EN 50 018 Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres, increased safety “e” IEC 60 079-7 EN 50 019 DIN EN 50 019/ VDE 0171 Part 6 BS EN 50 019 Designation of explosion-proof electrical equipment IIA – IIC Part 1 – Part 4 II 2 G EEx d(e) IIA – IIC T1 – T6 m m Certificate, including symbol of inspection authority – – PTB ...ATEX...3) BVS ...ATEX... AS No. Ex...3) Symbol of inspection authority – – PTB BVS BASEEFA Notes Due to compliance with the IEC publications mentioned above, special adaptation to foreign regulations is not required in many cases. 1) Applies only to dimensions and frame sizes only to single-speed motors of frame sizes 90L to 315M for temperature class T4 3) EU-approved inspection authorities, whose certification is valid and recognized in all EU countries. 2) Applies Seite 3 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:41 09 France NF – Norme Français Italy CEI – Comitato Elettrat tecnico Italiano Belgium NBN – Norme Belge Switzerland SEV – Schweizerischer Electrotechnical Board Austria ÖVE – Austrian Association for Electrotechnology USA NEMA/NEC – National MG.... Electric Code NF C 51-100 NF C 51-111 CEI 2-3355 NBN C 51-101 NBN C 51-102 SEV 3009, 1978 ÖVE-M 10, Part 1 ÖVE-M 10, Part 2 MG 1-1.65 MG 10-10.37 NF C 51-115 CEI 70-1519 NBN C 51-105 UNEL 05515 SEV 3009-6 IEC-34, Part 6 CEI 2-/No. 454 NBN C 51-106 SEV 3009-6 - MG 1-1.25 MG 1-1.26 NF C 51-117 CEI-UNEL 05513 NBN C 51-107 SEV 3009-7 - MG 1-4.03 NF C 51-118 CEI 2-8V1 No 5628 NBN C 51-002 SEV 3009-8 ÖVE-M 1, Part 1 MG 1-2.61 NF C 51-119 Italian Standard draft P 288 NBN C 51-101 M 10, Part 1 SEV 3009-9 ÖVE-M 10, Part 1 MG 3-... (complete units) MG 1-1.25 MG 1-1.26 MG 10-2.6.1 MG 1-10.30-10.36 NF C 51-111 addd1 Italian Standard draft P 288 IEC 721) CEI-UNEL 13113 NBN 636 VSM 15281; 15285 ÖNORM E 4620 MG1-11...1) MG 13-1974 IEC 721) CEI-UNEL 13117 NBN C 23-001 SEV-EN 50014 ÖVE EX/EN 50 014 MG-11...1) NBN C 23-001 SEV-EN 50014 ÖVE EX/EN 50 014 MG-11...1) NF C 51-1111) IEC 34-14 NF EN 50 014 CEI EN 50 014 NBN EN 50 014 SEV-EN 50014 ÖVE EX/EN 50 014 NEC 500; 500-2 NF EN 50 018 CEI EN 50 018 NBN EN 50 018 SEV-EN 50018 ÖVE EX/EN 50 018 NEC 501; 502 ANSI/UL-698 NF EN 50 019 CEI EN 50 019 NBN EN 50 019 SEV-EN 50019 ÖVE EX/EN 50 019 m m m m m CI.I Div. I GP.B.C.D. CI.II Div. II GP.E.F.G CERCHAR...3) LCIEE3) CESI-AD3) INIEX...3) SEV.../ASEV... ASE... TÜV VIENNA EX... OM 1 A 3... UL... CERCHAR LCIE CESI INIEX SEV TÜV/ETVA FM UL General Information 3 Seite 4 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:41 09 4 General Information Explosion Protection Explosion Protection Types of Electrical Machines to DIN EN 50 014, VDE 0170/0171 Part 1 Protection type letter symbol Constructional requirements Protection concept Application for type of electrical machine Flameproof enclosure “d” DIN EN 50 018 VDE 0170/0171 Part 5 All potential ignition sources are housed inside a flameproof enclosure. Unavoidable sealing surfaces are therefore designed as flameproof joints, so that, in case of ignition of an explosive atmosphere inside the enclosure, the explosive atmosphere is not transferred to the potentially explosive atmosphere surrounding the enclosure. All types of motors, e.g. • squirrel-cage motors • slipring motors • commutator motors For all modes of operation (S1 to S9) for severe starting conditions and variable-speed drive units, e.g. by means of frequency inverters. Here, steps must be taken to ensure that the creation of sparks, electric arcs and inadmissible heating processes is prevented during proper operation of the apparatus. Only squirrel-cage motors with adapted motor protection switch. tE-time is a requirement. Under normal operating conditions, no sparks, electric arcs or inadmissible temperatures occur. Squirrel-cage motors of protection type IP20 for enclosed areas. For installation outdoors, protection type IP44 or IPW24 motor protection switch. All types of motors, e.g. • slipring motors • commutator motors with motor protection switches and overpressure monitoring. Apparatus for zones 1 and 21) Increased safety “e” DIN EN 50 014, VDE 0170/0171 Part 6 Apparatus for zones 1 and 21) Non-sparking “n” IEC 60 079-15 DIN EN 50 021, VDE 0170/0171 Part 16 Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres. Protection type “n” Apparatus for zone 21) (zone 2 – apparatus) Notes If sparks, electric arcs or inadmissible temperatures occur during normal operation, the enclosures, including the terminal box, must either be constructed to protection type IP54 (i.e. at an excess pressure of 4 mbar they must take more than 30 seconds to drop to 2 mbar [restricted breathing]) or both housing and terminal box must be pressurized by simple means. Prevention of discharge of sparks created under normal operating conditions. Manufacturers’ information about these measures. 1) DIN EN 60 079-14, VDE 165 Part 1, Electrical Equipment for Hazardous Areas (except for mines) Explosion protection of flameproof motors The motors have been tested and certified in accordance with the new European Directive 94/9/ EC (ATEX 100a) by the German Federal Institute of Physics and Metrology (PTB). They therefore already comply with the latest European regulations that will continue to be valid after the year 2003. The Directive regulates the type of devices and protective systems suitable for use in hazardous areas and will be applicable from the 30.06.2003 throughout Europe for the marketing of apparatus. The three-phase motors are housed in a flameproof enclosure to DIN EN 50 014 VDE 0170/ 0171 for all explosion protection groups and temperature classes. The standard version of shaft centre heights 63-400 complies with the requirements of the highest explosion protection group (IIC) and temperature class (T4), which also cover all lower groups and temperature classes. Motors with shaft centre height 450 comply with the requirements of explosion protection group IIB and temperature class T4. • Use with inverter feed and temperature sensor protection The issued test certification does not contain electrical data for the tested motor. It merely confirms that the motor is inherently protected against explosion due to its flameproof construction. The specification of electrical data is the sole responsibility of the manufacturer. The observation of temperature limits is certified by means of appropriate tests. The certification also covers design features that differ from the basic versions: Motors of temperature class T4 have the same output as standard, non-explosion-proof motors of the same size. The rated output of temperature class T5 and T6 motors must be adapted, taking into account the permissible enclosure temperatures. • Maximum coolant temperature ranging from –20 °C to +60 °C • Different maximum altitude of installation • Different rated voltage and rated frequency • Motor protection through the use of temperature sensors • Use for operating modes S2 to S9 with temperature sensor protection The protection rating of the standard terminal box is “Increased safety” (motor designation e.g. EEx de IIC T4). To cater for the various installation methods used in different countries, motors can also be supplied with a terminal box with a flameproof enclosure (motor designation e.g. EEx d IIC T4). This terminal box is of the same explosion group as the motor. Seite 5 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:41 09 5 Explosion Protection Explosion Protection Types of Electrical Machines to DIN EN 50 014, VDE 0170/0171 Part 1 Due to their high degree of protection, the motors can be used under all operating conditions in all zone 1, 2 and 22 hazardous areas. They can be used in hazardous areas in which the local and operational conditions can cause gases and vapours to accumulate and mix with air to form a flammable mixture. Due to their construction, the motors are protected against ingress of water and against electrical, chemical, thermal and mechanical influences to the extent that their explosion protection remains intact under normal use. Information on the introduction of the 94/9/EC (ATEX 100a) Directive The regulations concerning the construction and operation of electrical equipment in hazardous areas have been laid down for many years in European standards under the Directive 76/117/EC and several supplements. The transition to the two new Directives 94/9/EC (ATEX 100a) and 99/92/EC (ATEX 118a) has involved a thorough revision and harmonising of the European regulations. Directive 94/9/EC harmonizes the regulations of the individual member states with regard to the previously differing requirements of apparatus and protective systems. Through these measures the aims to remove commercial barriers within the EC and to standardise basic safety features have been achieved. In specialist circles, the Directive is often referred to by the abbreviation “ATEX 100a” (abbreviation of the French name for the Directive). In future the construction requirements for operation in hazardous areas will be specified by the Directive 99/92/EC (ATEX 118a). This was implemented into German national regulations in 1996 with the same two-part structure: the Device Safety Law with the explosion protection law (ExVO) for ATEX 100a, and the revision of the draft for electrical equipment in hazardous areas (ElexV) for Atex 118a. The latter regulations therefore directly apply to the user. An essential feature of ATEX 100a is its additional classification and identification of devices and protective systems in categories. These categories were defined according to the zone divisions of operating areas based on the likelihood of explosive atmospheres. In this way, equipment can be more easily assigned for use in the appropriate zones of operating areas. Permissible temperatures for electrical apparatus DIN EN 50 014; VDE 0170/0171 Explosion protection groups IIA, IIB, IIC Ignition temperature of medium relative to temperature limit Temperature class Permissible surface temperature of apparatus incl. ambient temperature of 40 °C (temperature limit) above 450 °C T1 450 °C above 300 – 450 °C above 200 – 300 °C T2 T3 300 °C 200 °C above 135 – 200 °C T4 135 °C 100 – 135 °C 85 – 100 °C T5 T6 100 °C 85 °C The external CE mark and the device group specified on the rating plate, such as “II 2G” for Zone 1 apparatus in explosive atmospheres consisting of gases, indicate that the motors are compliant with the requirements of the new Directive. The affixing of the CE mark and the issuing of the relevant declaration of conformity by the manufacturer are subject to the following requirements: • The manufacturer must have a certified quality assurance system in accordance with ISO 9000 with an additional certificate for quality assurance in the production of explosion-proof apparatus in accordance with ATEX 100a. • The apparatus concerned must have an EC type testing certificate from an accredited test authority (not required for Category 3 apparatus). During the transition period (up to 30.06.2003) the manufacturer and the user have the right to proceed in accordance with both the old and the new regulations. From July 1 2003 all new products that are brought onto the market must comply with the new ATEX 100a Directive. The supply of spares for the old designs must be ensured for at least a further ten years. Existing equipment may still be operated. However, this must be upgraded by 30.06.2006 to comply with the minimum requirements of ATEX 118a. Permissible use of motors according to their classification by zone division Group Category Zone classification Definition acc. to ElexV Certification compulsory Flammable gases, vapours and mists II 1G* 0 II 2G 1 II 3G 2 Zone 0 covers areas in which an explosive atmosphere Yes consisting of a mixture of air and gases, vapours or mist is present frequently, for long periods of time, or permanently. Zone 1 covers areas in which an explosive atmosphere Yes consisting of gases, vapours or mist is likely to occur from time to time. Zone 2 covers areas in which an explosive atmosphere No consisting of gases, vapours or mist is not likely to occur, and if it does, is likely to occur only rarely and for short periods of time. Combustible dust II 1D* 20 Zone 20 covers areas in which an explosive atmosphere consisting of a mixture of dust and air is present frequently, for long periods of time, or permanently. Yes II 2D 21 Zone 21 covers areas in which an explosive atmosphere consisting of a mixture of dust and air is likely to occur from time to time. Yes II 3D 22 Zone 22 covers areas in which an explosive atmosphere consisting of airborne dust is not likely to occur, and if it does, is likely to occur only rarely and for short periods of time. No * Not common for electric motors General Information The motor chamber and the terminal compartment of both versions are isolated from each other to prevent explosion. The winding end leads are fed into the terminal compartment through flameproof cable entries. Seite 6 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:41 09 6 General Information Explosion Protection Explosion Protection Types of Electrical Machines to DIN EN 50 014, VDE 0170/0171 Part 1 Flammable gases and vapours are classified by groups and temperature classes which are designated using short alphanumeric codes. Codes IIA to IIC refer to the group that defines the nature of the gap in the machines. Codes T1 to T6 indicate the temperature class, i.e. the machine’s permissible external temperature. The groups and temperature classes assigned to various gases and vapours are summarized in the table on the right. Note about the table: Additional examples are provided in the publication “Safety engineering characteristics of combustible gases and vapours” by Nabert/Schön, Deutscher Eichverlag, Berlin. Examples of the classification of flammable gases and vapours according to temperature class and explosion group to DIN VDE 0165 Group T3 T4 Firedamp protection I Methane (firedamp) Explosion protection IIA Acetone Ammonia Benzol Acetic acid Ethane Ethyl acetate Ethyl chloride Carbon monoxide Methane Methanol Methyl chloride Propane Toluene I amyl acetate n butane n butyl alcohol Cyclohexanon Acetic anhydride Natural gas Liquefied gas Hexane Petrol Diesel fuels Aviation fuel Domestic oil Petroleum1) Acetaldehyde Ether IIB Coke-oven gas Water gas (carburetted) 1.3-butadiene Ethyl alcohol Ethylene Ethylene oxide Petroleum1) Isoprene Hydrogen sulphide Ethyl ether IIC Hydrogen Acetylene Conformity certificate for protection type “Flameproof enclosure” and temperature classes T3 to T6 Motors are EU type approved in accordance with Directive 94/9/EC (ATEX 100a). This certification for temperature classes up to T6, covering three-phase asynchronous motors of protection type “d”, do not contain motor ratings for the tested motor type. They merely confirm that the motor is explosion protected due to its tested flameproof construction. In addition, the following ratings, which differ from the standard versions, are certified. These figures must be stated on the motor’s rating plate: • Rated voltages up to 1000 V • Rated frequency below or above 50 Hz e.g. 60 Hz • Pole-changing motors e.g. 4/2 or 6/4 poles • Ambient temperatures from –20 °C to 60 °C • Installation above 1000 m m.s.l. • Installation of temperature sensors for protection in addition to the motor protection switch required by VDE 0165 for operating modes S1, S2, S3 or S6. • Installation of temperature sensors as sole protection against unacceptable temperatures for operating modes S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9 or S10. Only combinations of temperature sensors tested by the PTB (thermistors to DIN 44081) and tripping devices with conformity mark PTB 3.53-PTC A are approved as sole protection. • Where built-in temperature sensors are the only means of protection, power supply via variable frequency inverter for motor speed control. Operating mode S8 or S9. Motors can be configured for several of the above variations (e.g. for operating mode S2 and ambient temperature 60 °C). Temperature classes T1 T2 Notes 1) depending on composition List of conformity certificates Height of axle ATEX 63 99 ATEX 1143 71 99 ATEX 1143 80 90 99 ATEX 1143 99 ATEX 1143 100 99 ATEX 1143 112 132 99 ATEX 1143 99 ATEX 1143 160 99 ATEX 1143 180 200 99 ATEX 1143 99 ATEX 1143 225 99 ATEX 1143 250 99 ATEX 1143 280 315-450 99 ATEX 1143 on request T5 T6 Carbon disulfide Seite 7 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:41 09 7 Explosion Protection Validity of European Standard EN 50 014 and Others by Country No separate certification from the respective national testing authorities in addition to the conformity certificate is required. Because the European standard is based on IEC publication 60 079, motors designed in accordance with EN requirements can also be used in many non-European countries, although some changes may be necessary, e.g. adaptation of the terminal box to specific installation methods. EU Countries Approved EU Ex testing authorities Germany PTB/BVS/IBExU/... Greece Luxembourg SEE Portugal Iceland Great Britain & Northern Ireland Belgium EECS/SCS ISSEP France INERIS/LCIE Ireland The Netherlands KEMA Italy CESI Denmark Spain DEMKO LOM Finland VTT Norway Austria NEMKO TÜV-A/BVFA Sweden SP CENELEC countries National testing authority Switzerland SEV See also the table of standards and regulations on page 2, 3. According to the Treaty of Rome and the Maastricht Treaty, EN regulations must be valid in all EU member states, and the conformity certificates issued by EU-approved testing authorities must therefore be recognized by all EU members. Accordingly, electrical apparatus approved for use on the basis of conformity and EC type testing certificates can be supplied without restriction to the countries mentioned in the first column. The national regulations of the non-EU CENELEC countries are based on EN specifications so that the level of explosion protection of EN-compliant equipment is known in those countries. In many cases, the national testing authorities recognize the conformity certification and will issue national certification on its basis. In some cases, additional national requirements may have to be met, for example adaptation of the terminal box. Type approval certification based on Directive 94/9/EC is accepted without retesting. General Information Explosion protection to international specifications. The European standards EN 50 014 to 50 020 are accepted without any changes as a CENELEC standard by all CENELEC member countries. Conformity certificates awarded by the approved testing authorities (in accordance with the EU general guideline for Ex apparatus) in the EU member states are mutually recognized by all other member countries in accordance with the provisions of the Treaty of Rome and the Maastricht treaty. Seite 8 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:44 09 8 Construction Types Up to frame size 355 – any number of poles – the motor bearings are designed so that they can be used as described below without modification. IM B3 as IM B6, IM B7, IM B8, IM V5*, IM V6* IM B5 as IM V1*, IM V3* IM B35 as IM V15*, IM V36* IM B14 as IM V18, IM V19 Exception: For the vertical design types marked *, protective devices must be fitted to provide protection against dripping water and to prevent foreign bodies from falling into the units. Design Types H.V. (high-voltage) motors are available only in construction types IM B3, B35 and V1. Available construction types to DIN IEC 34, Part 7 (replaces DIN 42950,04.64) Other construction types are available on request IEC Code I IM B3 IM B35 IM B5 IM B6 IM B7 IEC Code II Explanation IM1001 Foot mounting, feet at bottom IM2001 Foot mounting, feet at bottom, with additional flange mounting; access from housing side IM3001 Flange bearing plate on drive side, access from housing side IM1051 Foot mounting, feet on left side (viewed from drive side) IM1061 Foot mounting, feet on right side (viewed from drive side) IEC Code I IEC Code II IM B8 IM1071 IM V1 IM3011 IM V3 IM3031 IM V5 IM1011 IM V6 IM1031 Explanation Foot mounting, feet on top Flange mounting on drive end of flange; access from housing side, drive shaft at bottom Flange mounting on drive Foot mounting, drive shaft Foot mounting, drive shaft at top end of flange; access from at bottom housing side, drive shaft at top IEC Code I IEC Code II IM B14 IM3601 IM V19 IM3631 IM B34 IM2101 IM V15/IM V36 IM2111/2131 Explanation Flange mounting on drive Flange mounting on drive end of flange; no access end of flange; no access from housing side, drive from housing side shaft at bottom Flange mounting on drive end of flange; no access from housing side, drive shaft at top Foot mounting, feet at bottom, with additional flange mounting on drive end of flange. No access from housing side Foot mounting with additional flange mounting on drive end of flange. Drive shaft at bottom or top. With or without access from housing side. IM V18 IM3611 Seite 9 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:44 09 9 Design Types Materials, Plates and Labelling For Casings, End Shields, Terminal Boxes and Fans Materials for casings, end shields, terminal boxes and fans Frame size 63 Housing type Material Grey cast iron 71 End shield Feet Grey cast iron, bolted Grey cast iron Terminal box EEx e EEx d Grey cast iron, bolted Grey cast iron, bolted Fan cowl Radial-flow fan 2-pole 4, 6, 8-pole n/a n/a n/a Sheet steel Plastic1) Plastic1) Axial-flow fan 80 90 100 112 132 Plastic 160 180 200 225 Cast aluminium alloy Hub in grey cast iron 20 250 280 Cast aluminium alloy Hub in grey cast iron 20 315 355 Steel, welded 400 Steel, welded Steel, welded Steel, welded Steel, welded 450 Notes 1) For special operating conditions (e.g. low temperatures) fans made of cast aluminium alloy can also be supplied for frame sizes 63 to 200. Plates and labels Rating and test information is contained on a single plate attached to the housing. A duplicate is attached to the inside of the EEx e terminal box lid. The plates are made of stainless steel (material 1.4300). Seite 10 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:44 09 10 Design Types Installation at Normal and Low Temperatures The standard motors are suitable for installation outdoors, in humid and dusty atmospheres (industrial climate) at temperatures of –20 °C to +40 °C. Use at low temperatures Motors suitable for use at extremely low temperatures are designed in accordance with the table on the right. Component –20 °C –40 °C –55 °C Bearing Normal Normal Normal Bearing grease Shaft seal SRI2 Normal SRI2 Normal SRI2 Special Fan Normal Aluminium fan Aluminium fan Stator winding Anti-condensation heater Normal No Normal Required Normal Required Cast parts Grey cast iron 20 Grey cast iron 20 Grey cast iron 20 Fastening screws Paintwork 8.8 Normal 8.8 Normal 8.8 Special The test certification from the German Federal Institute of Physics and Metrology (PTB) is a valid for below-zero temperatures down to –20 °C. At lower temperatures, anti-condensation heaters must be used, for example to heat the motors from –40 °C to –20 °C. Designs up to –55 °C without anti-condensation heating on request. Motors intended for on-board or offshore installation conform to the regulations of the respective classification authorities. To ensure safe on-deck installation, the motors have a series of additional design features (see page 20). These motors are prototype test certified by Germanischer Lloyd. Seite 11 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:44 09 11 Protection Types, Paintwork Temperature class T4 T4 T6 Frame size RT F 40 °C RT > 40 F 60 °C RT F 40 °C 63 – 450 IP55 IP552) IP55 63 – 450 63 – 1603) IP56 IP651) – – – – ...X 63 – 315 IP55 IP552) – Notes 1) 2) 3) Design Types Available protection types to DIN IEC 34 Part 5 IP65 is not specified by DIN IEC 34, Part 5 Output adaptation required Larger motors available on request Paintwork Standard paintwork Paintwork for normal requirements in special colours to RAL specifications Acid protection paintwork for heavyduty applications Pretreatment All parts cleaned and degreased, steel cast parts and grey cast iron parts sandblasted in accordance with DIN 18 364 Primer for cast parts Primer for steel parts Topcoat 1. Synthetic alkyd resin primer, from construction type 160 onwards. 2. Polyvinyl butyral primer, zinc chromate free One-part polyvinyl butyral metal primer, zinc chromate free 1. As for standard paintwork Two-part acrylic lacquer Coat thickness Two-part polyurethane based Percotex structure lacquer approx. 70 mm 2. Two-part polyacrylate/polyester primer Two-part acrylic lacquer approx. 70 mm approx. 90 mm Colour RAL 5009 azure blue All colours to RAL RAL 7031 blue-grey RAL 7032 pebble-grey Mechanical strength Corrosion resistance Non-abrasive, elastic, scratch-resistant, impact-resistant Resistant to water, steam and saltwater Resistant to water, steam and saltwater Temperature range –40 °C to 130 °C Notes Other special finishes available on request. –40 °C to 130 °C Highly resistant to water, steam and saltwater –50 °C to 130 °C Seite 12 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:44 09 12 Design Types Terminal Boxes Protection type Power line bushings and terminals Terminal box – standard EEx e version The terminal boxes are protected to EEx d IIC as defined by EN 50 018 or to EEx e II (Increased safety) as defined by EN 50 019 and to IP56 as defined by DIN EN 60 034 Part 5. The winding end leads are fed into the terminal compartment through flameproof cable entries. the terminal boxes of the L.V. motors have metric threads to DIN 42 925 with cable entries to DIN EN 50 262. The cable entries used on the terminal boxes conform to the respective protection type and are fitted with an oil-resistant cover seal. The cover fixing screws are corrosion-protected and captive (except on H.V. motors). Position and rotatability The terminal box is fitted to the top of the machine. From frame size 63, they can be rotated by 4 x 90 degrees to enable connection from all directions. From frame size 132, this can be achieved without rotating the connection plate. For L.V. motors, a multiple penetration or single penetration systems are used for AC voltages up to at least 690 V. Special versions for 1000 V are also available at extra cost. H.V. motors are fitted with single penetration systems according to the rated voltage. For frame sizes 315 – 450, the terminals for connection without cable lugs are placed directly on the penetration bolts. Where built-in temperature sensors are fitted, additional terminals are available in the terminal box. H.V. motors have an additional terminal compartment. The terminal boxes with version 8 cable glands are an exception, and can be rotated by 180°. For frame size 180 and above, the terminal boxes are equipped with a screw-on plate for optional installation of screw glands, cable glands or a split cable entry gland. From frame size 250, longitudinally split terminal boxes are also available. An additional terminal box for thermal monitoring or anti-condensation heaters is also available from frame size 180. It is bolted to the motor connection box or, on frame sizes 355 to 450, fitted to the housing. The H.V. motor terminal boxes conform to DIN 42 962. On request, the star point can be located in a second terminal box. The terminal box is protected to EEx e II (Increased safety), as defined by EN 50 019 and are supplied in version 9. The various cable entry components (extra-cost option) and their thread sizes are listed in the table on page 13. Frame sizes 63 – 112 Frame sizes 132 – 160 Frame sizes 180 – 280 Frame size 315 with bolt-type gland Frame sizes 250 – 450 Frame sizes 250 and 280 with connection plate, as for frame sizes 180 – 280 Version 1 Cable entry to DIN EN 50 014 (screw gland) for fixed cables Version 3 Cable entry glands to EN 50 014, with strain relief, anti-rotation and anti-kink devices for cable of mobile apparatus Version 8 Split cable entry with internal strain relief clamp Version 9 Split terminal box with the internal strain relief clamp Seite 13 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:44 09 13 Terminal Boxes Mains cable entry for EEx e terminal boxes Frame size 1 Threaded version For cable external o mm Threaded version 3 63 71 9 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 355 400 – 450 Highvoltage 1XM32X1.5 M40X1.5 1XM50X1.5 1XM63X1.5 not available 12 – 21 17 – 28 21 – 35 27 – 48 not available 1XM25X1.5 1XM32X1.5 M40X1.5 1XM50X1.5 1XM63X1.5 1X M80X2 1X M95X2 11 – 16 15 – 20 19 – 27 26 – 34 35 – 46 62 – 68 74 – 80 13 – 19 8 – 17 For cable external o mm For cable external o mm Notes 90 1XM25X1.5 For cable external o mm 8 80 1Xo 31 – 48 not available 1X o 48 – 70 On request not available 1X o 48 – 70 2X o 26 – 48 not available Design Types Version 1X o 48 – 70 2X o 48 – 70 1X o 26 – 48 = Standard version For thermal monitoring with all versions, 1 x screw gland M25 x 1.5. Possible cross-sections with EEx e for low-voltage motors Frame size Rated cross-section, max. [mm2] Rated current, max. [A] Terminal type Number of terminals Thread size 63–112 4 25 U-clamp terminal 6 M5 132, 160 180–225 10 (r) 70 63 100 U-clamp terminal Saddle terminal 6 6 M6 M8 250–280 120 250 Saddle terminal 6 M12 315 150 250/3151) Round terminal 6 M12 355–450 300 315/4001) Round terminal 6 M16 Notes 1) Material: Cu A threaded bore to ISO DIN 13 is standard on all terminal boxes. On request, the thread types listed in the table below can also be supplied. Please specify the required thread dimensions when placing your order. Terminal box EEx d IIC The terminal boxes are protected to EEx d IIC as defined by EN 50 014 and EN 50 018 and protection type IP56 as defined by EN 60 034 Part 5. Note: Cable entry parts in protection type EEx d IIC housings must also conform and be certified to EN 50 018. These components are not part of the package content. Flameproof terminal boxes for H.V. motors are available on request. Cable entry threads for EEx d terminal boxes for L.V. motors Frame size 63 71 80 90 100 112 Thread type ISO DIN 13 M25X1.5 1XM32X1.5 NEMA type NPT Mj Oj Notes 132 160 180 1XM40X1.5 1j 1Kj For thermal monitoring on all versions in addition 1xM25x1.5 or 1xMj 200 225 1XM50X1.5 1Mj 2j 250 280 1XM63X1.5 3j 315 355 – 450 1XM80X2 1XM95X2 3Mj Seite 14 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:45 09 14 Connection Cables For Motors With Direct Cable Connection 3 ends 400 V, 6 ends 400/690 V – NSSHöu cable Design Types Three winding end leads and earth lead – direct switching system Frame size Number of poles Without temperature monitoring With temperature monitoring Six winding end leads and earth lead – Y/D startup – pole-changing Without temperature With temperature monitoring monitoring 63 2–4 71 2–8 80 90 2–8 2–8 1 cable 4 strands Cross-section 1.5 mm2 max. 20 A Outer o approx. 13 mm 100 2–8 1 cable 7 strands Cross-section 1.5 mm2 max. 20 A Outer o approx. 17.5 mm 1 cable 7 strands Cross-section 1.5 mm2 max. 20 A Outer o approx. 17.5 mm 1 cable 10 strands Cross-section 1.5 mm2 max. 20 A Outer o approx. 19.5 mm 112 132 2–8 2–8 160 2–8 1 cable 4 strands Cross-section 4 mm2 max. 36 A Outer o approx. 18 mm Second additional cable with 4 strands Cross-section 1.5 mm2 max. 20 A Outer o approx. 13 mm 2 cables 4 strands each Cross-section 4 mm2 max. 36 A Outer o approx. 18 mm Third additional cable with 4 strands Cross-section 1.5 mm2 max. 20 A Outer o approx. 13 mm 180 2–8 200 L1–2 4–8 L2–2 1 cable 4 strands Cross-section 10 mm2 max. 65 A Outer o approx. 24 mm 1 cable 4 strands Cross-section 16 mm2 max. 87 A Outer o approx. 28 mm 2 cables 4 strands each Cross-section 16 mm2 max. 87 A Outer o approx. 28 mm 225 2–4 250 2–4 6–8 280 2–8 Notes Cables included in package content. Cable length 2 m. Please specify any special length requirements in your order. for 660 V only 1 cable 4 strands Cross-section 16 mm2 max. 87 A Outer o approx. 28 mm Seite 15 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:45 09 15 Bearings Bearing classification, frame sizes 63 – 450 63 2, 4 6202 2ZR – – 6004 2ZR 71 2, 4, 6, 8 6202 2ZR – – 6004 2ZR The motors are fitted with external radial or axial seals. Vertical construction types with upward-facing shaft are fitted with a combined radial and axial seal. The seals prevent ingress of water along the shaft into the bearing housing. They have good abrasion resistance and thermal stability and are also resistant to mineral oils, saline solutions and diluted acids. Seals for media not listed above are available on request. 80 90 2, 4, 6, 8 2, 4, 6, 8 6204 2ZR 6205 2ZR – – – – 6204 2ZR 6205 2ZR 100 2, 4, 6, 8 6206 2ZR C3 – – 6206 2ZR C3 Lubrication 112 132 2, 4, 6, 8 2, 4, 6, 8 6306 2ZR C3 6308 2ZR C3 21306 CC/C3 21308 CC/C3 1050 1580 6206 2ZR C3 6308 2ZR C3 160 2, 4, 6, 8 6309 2ZR C3 21309 E/C3 1880 6309 2ZR C3 180 2, 4, 6, 8 6310 2ZR C3 21310 E/C3 Explorer 2660 6310 2ZR C3 200 225 2, 4, 6, 8 2, 4, 6, 8 6312 2ZR C3 6313 2ZR C3 21312 E/C3 Explorer 21313 E/C3 Explorer 3310 3770 6312 2ZR C3 6313 2ZR C3 250 2, 4, 6, 8 6315 2ZR C3 21315 E/C3 Explorer 4860 6313 2ZR C3 280 315 2, 4, 6, 8 2 4, 6, 8 6316 2ZR C4 6316 C4 6318 C4 21316 E/C3 Explorer 21316 E/C3 Explorer 21318 E/C3 Explorer 5470 5450 7470 6315 2ZR C3 6316 C4 6316 C4 355 2 6318 C4 NU 318 C3 3710 6318 C4 355 4, 6, 8 6320 C3 NU 320 4440 6320 C3 Type Drive-end bearings All construction types Non-drive-end bearing Standard Reinforced bearings Min. load [N] All construction types Number of poles Relubrication device, relubrication intervals ConstrucB3, B5 Construction type V1, V3 7316 B + 6316 C4 7322 B + 6322 C3 400 2 6318 C4 NU 318 C3 4570 6318 C4 400 4, 6, 8 6322 C3 NU 322 6420 6322 C3 450 4, 6, 8 6324 C3 NU 324 7560 6322 C3 Bearing-type codes: The bearings of motors up to frame size 280 have lifetime lubrication. The deep-groove ball bearings, which are sealed on both sides, are pre-packed with polyurea fibre grease by the bearing manufacturer. They are therefore maintenance-free for the time specified in the upper table on page 18. 7322 B + 6322 C3 Nominal service life Example: 6315.2ZR.L12.C3 6315 = Bearing size 2 ZR = Non-rubbing double seal L12 = Polyurea fibre grease C3 = Bearing clearance Up to frame size 315, a locating bearing is used at the drive-end. In pure coupling operation, the theoretical service life is more than 50,000 operating hours. In the maximum permissible radial and axial loads are given in the tables on pages 16 and 17. The calculations are based on roller bearings with a service life of 20,000 hours. Drives with a higher radial load such as belt drives can be supplied with roller bearings for an additional charge. The minimum radial load specified must be maintained in order to ensure that the bearings roll correctly. For higher axial bearing loads such as occurring with helical gear, special solutions are available on request. From frame size 315, motors are equipped with relubrication devices with grease distributors. Relubrication devices are also fitted to motors from frame size 225 that are equipped with roller bearings for heavy loads. Bearings with relubrication devices are packed with lithium-saponified grease. The relubrication intervals are listed in the middle table on page 18. For vertical construction types (V type), halve the relubrication times. Always regrease bearings with the same grease type, i.e. grease with the same saponification component and the same consistency. We uses a lithium-saponified anti-friction roller bearing grease with a drop point above 185 °C (e.g. Esso Unirex N 3). See also information plate on motor. The collecting chamber in the bearing cover is large enough to contain the used grease accumulating during normal service life. Flat grease nipples to DIN 3404 with thread size M10 X 1 are used for lubrication. Design Types Bearing seals Seite 16 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:45 09 16 Permissible Radial Bearing Load Permissible radial bearing load FR [N] (Standard) Design Types Frame size The distance of the point of application of force FR from the shaft collar should be no greater than the length of the shaft end. max. radial axle load (e.g. overhung FR = belt load + weight of belt pulley) [N] F= 2×K×M Belt pull [N] = ----------------------D M= 9550 × P Torque [Nm] = -------------------n P= n= D= K= Rated motor output [kW] Rated motor speed [rpm] Pulley diameter [m] Pretension factor, dependent on belt type and approximated as follows: K=3 for normal flat belts without tensioning pulley K = 2 for normal flat belts with tensioning K = 2.2 for V-belts or special-purpose flat belts The specified values apply to operation at 50 Hz mains. Details for 2-pole motors of frame size 400 apply only to horizontal shafts. No. poles 2p = Permissible radial force FR [N] at x0 x1 x2 63 2 4 300 370 280 350 260 260 71 2 4 6 8 470 600 680 750 440 550 630 690 400 400 400 400 80 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8 730 930 1060 1160 800 1010 1150 1270 1120 1410 1610 1770 670 850 960 1060 730 920 1050 1150 1010 1270 1450 1600 620 620 620 620 660 660 660 660 920 920 920 920 112 2 4 6 8 1620 2030 2320 2560 1460 1840 2100 2320 1340 1340 1340 1340 132 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8 2330 2920 3340 3700 2790 3520 4020 4430 3810 4750 5450 6000 2100 2630 3010 3010 2490 3150 3600 3600 3380 4220 4840 4840 1910 1910 1910 1910 2260 2260 2260 2260 3040 3040 3040 3040 200 2 4 6 8 4600 5800 6600 7300 4100 5200 6000 6000 3780 3780 3780 3780 225 2 4 6 8 5000 6200 7100 7800 4600 5600 6300 7000 4200 5000 5700 6300 250 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8 6200 7700 8900 9700 6100 8200 9500 9600 5600 7000 8000 8800 5500 7500 8700 8400 5100 6400 7300 8000 5100 7000 8000 7400 315 2 4 6 8 6100 8900 10100 11200 5700 8200 9200 10300 5400 7600 8500 9500 355 2 4 6 8 6300 9800 11400 12900 6000 9200 10600 12100 5700 8600 10000 11300 400 2 4 6 8 4 6 8 5400 10700 11700 13400 9800 11100 12900 5100 9900 10700 12400 9000 10200 11900 4800 9100 10000 11500 8400 9500 11100 90 100 160 180 280 450 Seite 17 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:45 09 17 Permissible Axial Bearing Load For construction types IM B3, IM B5, IM B35 IM V1, IM V5, IM V15 IM V3, IM V6, IM V36 Frame size 3000 rpm Load to mN lN 1500 rpm Load to mN lN 1000 rpm Load to mN lN 750 rpm Load to mN lN 63 170 300 200 350 – – – – 71 160 320 200 400 250 500 320 560 80 700 500 900 700 1000 800 1100 1000 90 700 500 900 800 1100 900 1200 1000 100 900 800 1200 1100 1400 1300 1600 1500 112 1300 1200 1800 1600 2100 1900 2300 2200 132 2100 1600 2600 2200 3100 2700 3500 3000 160 2600 2000 3400 2800 3900 3400 4400 3800 180 1900 2600 2330 3210 2900 3780 3340 4220 200 2500 3300 3150 4100 3850 4800 4350 5350 225 4000 2650 5000 3200 5650 3950 6300 4600 250 4100 5600 5700 7200 6800 8300 7700 9300 280 4700 6500 7100 8900 7200 9000 8100 9900 315 4900 6900 6400 8400 7600 9600 8800 10800 355 8100 4500 10200 6600 11700 8100 13200 9600 400 5000 1800 4700 4700 5400 5400 6300 6300 450 – – 4500 4500 4800 4800 5500 5500 LN MN LN MN LN MN LN MN 63 170 320 220 400 – – – – 71 240 360 190 460 250 530 300 570 80 600 500 800 700 1000 900 1100 1000 90 700 600 900 800 1000 1000 1200 1100 100 900 900 1200 1200 1400 1400 1500 1600 112 1300 1300 1600 1800 1900 2100 2200 2300 132 1900 1800 2400 2500 2900 3000 3300 3300 160 2300 2400 3000 3300 3500 3900 3900 4400 180 1650 2900 1890 3780 2390 4410 2840 4930 200 2100 3800 2500 4900 3150 5600 3600 6350 225 3500 3250 4050 4200 4700 5150 5300 5800 250 3200 6700 4500 8800 5500 10100 6200 11300 280 3600 8200 5300 11300 5400 11400 6000 12900 315 2700 9900 2900 13000 3400 15400 4300 16800 355 4000 10200 3900 15000 4900 17400 6300 18800 400 6800 1390 6600 20700 6500 24900 8200 26700 450 – – 5400 22700 3700 26500 4500 29100 LN MN LN MN LN MN LN MN 63 300 180 380 230 – – – – 71 340 170 430 220 490 290 540 340 80 500 700 700 900 800 1100 900 1200 90 500 800 700 1000 800 1200 1000 1300 100 800 1000 1000 1300 1200 1600 1400 1700 112 1100 1400 1500 1900 1800 2200 2100 2500 132 1500 2200 2000 2900 2400 3400 2800 3700 160 1800 3000 2500 3800 3000 4500 3400 4900 180 1650 2200 2770 2900 3280 3530 3660 4030 200 2850 3000 3450 3900 4150 4650 4600 5350 225 2100 4650 2250 5600 2950 7050 3600 7550 250 4800 5200 6000 7200 7000 8600 7800 9800 280 5400 6400 7100 9500 7200 9600 7800 11100 315 4700 7900 4900 11000 5400 13400 6300 14800 355 400 13800 300 18600 1300 21000 2700 22400 400 3600 13900 6600 20700 6500 24900 8200 26700 450 – – 5400 22700 3700 26600 4500 29100 Design Types Permissible axial bearing load FA [N] (Standard) Seite 18 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:45 09 18 Lubrication, Shaft Ends, Running Smoothness, Operating Noise Levels Design Types Maintenance-free service life with relubrication and coupling operation Motors with standard output coupling operation Frame size Number of poles RT 40 °C Motors with increased output coupling operation Frame size Number of poles RT 40 °C 63 – 71 2 20000 h 63 – 71 2 20000 h 4, 6, 8 2 40000 h 20000 h 80 – 90 4, 6, 8 2 80 – 90 40000 h 15000 h 4, 6, 8 40000 h 4, 6, 8 30000 h 100 – 132 2 4, 6, 8 20000 h 40000 h 100 – 132 2 4, 6, 8 10000 h 20000 h 160 – 280 2 20000 h 160 – 280 2 4, 6, 8 40000 h 4, 6, 8 7500 h 15000 h Relubrication intervals for horizontal construction type Motors with standard output Relubrication interval Room temperature Speed up to 1800 rpm up to 3600 rpm Motors with increased output Relubrication interval Speed up to 1800 rpm 40 °C 5000 h 2500 h 5000 h 2500 h 50 °C 60 °C 2500 h 2000 h 1000 h 500 h 2500 h - 1000 h - up to 3600 rpm Shaft ends Balancing, running smoothness Operating noise levels The motors normally have a free shaft end whose dimensions conform to DIN 748 Part 3, DIN 42 672 and DIN 42 673. The motors are dynamically balanced to vibration intensity level “N” (normal) with half featherkeys to DIN VDE 0530 Part 14. Noise measurements are performed in a dead room to DIN 45 635. From frame size 63, the shaft ends have an internal thread to DIN 332 Form “D”. The featherkeys are designed to DIN 6885 Sh. 1. Special variants, balanced with a full featherkey are an extra-cost option. Motors with special shafts and/or a second shaft end are available on request at extra cost (does not apply to motors with axial fan and motors with attachments at the non-drive end, e.g. tachometer). In conformance with DIN ISO 8821, the motors’ shaft end faces are marked as follows: H = Half-featherkey balancing F = Full-featherkey balancing Frame size Level N 63 – 132 160 – 225 250 – 450 veff [mm/s] 1.8 2.8 4.5 For applications requiring exceptional mechanical running smoothness, a low-vibration variant “R” (reduced) or vibration intensity level “S” (special) is available at extra cost. The sound pressure level Lp and the sound power level Lw in dB(A) for each frame size are listed on the operating data sheets. These readings conform to DIN EN 21 680-1 and were taken at nominal load at 50 Hz plus the +3 dB(A) tolerance permitted by VDE 0530. For available variants of low-noise motors, see page 19. Seite 19 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:45 09 19 Low-noise motors Noise class 1 Standard version Noise class 2 Axial-flow fans, low-noise As result of extensive experience and intensive development work in the field of noise reduction for electrical machines, we have developed motors that contribute significantly to reducing noise levels. Focusing on low sound radiation, this aim has been achieved with design features such as a solid, low-vibration construction, an optimized magnetic layout, an effective cooling system and tight machining tolerances. In the standard version, bi-directional radialflow fans with broad, shallow blades are used. They are capable of conveying large volumes of air efficiently and at low noise levels. For more exacting requirements, we recommend the low-noise variant with its unidirectional axial-flow fan. These fans can be fitted to 2-pole motors of frame size 132 and above and 4-pole motors of frame size 180 and above. For 2-pole motors, the aerodynamic shape and optimized angle of attack of the fan blades results in a noise reduction of up to 10 dB(A) compared to the standard version. At the same time, the motor’s efficiency is increased due to the fan’s reduced power consumption. Design Types Special-Purpose Motors Low-Noise Motors Seite 20 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:45 09 20 Special-Purpose Motors On-Deck Installation by Shipping Classification Design Types Electrical machines installed on ships – especially on the top deck, on oil rigs, in port facilities and in sewage treatment plants, must be able to withstand a high level of corrosive attack from the humid, saline atmosphere and occasional flooding. The same applies to fan motors in cooling systems and cooling towers. Humidity is especially damaging to motors where extreme temperature changes occur, for example direct sunshine in the day followed by low temperatures at night. For these applications, we have developed a corrosion-protected special-purpose variant. In addition to the many features of F&G’s industrial motors, such as Special variants for on-deck installation Components Measures Protection type of motor Protection type of terminal box IP56 tested to DIN EN 60 034, Part 5, VDE 530, Part 5. Shafts The motor shafts are made from high-grade steel. Shaft area seals, drive end and non-drive end For frame sizes up to 160, radial shaft seals to DIN 3760 are used From frame size 180, motors are fitted with a combined sealing system, consisting of a radial and an axial seal Frame sizes 71 to 160 have reinforced fan cowls, Material thickness f 2 mm. From frame size 180 for all construction types Fan cowls with canopy and baffle plate, Material thickness F 3 mm. Fan cowl, canopy • long service life, • long maintenance intervals, • high efficiency and performance, Fan Saltwater-resistant aluminium alloy fan with grey-cast iron cowl • low noise levels, Fastening screws Stainless steel screws (A 2-70) used throughout these motors incorporate a series of measures designed to protect the surface, the seals and the ventilation system from the effects of water and chemical attack. Cable entry Where provided, metal cable entry certified to DIN EN 50 014 are used. Motors intended for on-board or offshore installation are supplied with the required acceptance certificates as specified by the relevant classification authorities. They also comply with the specifications of oil companies (e.g. Shell, Esso, Elf). These special-purpose motors are certified for use in maritime applications by Germanischer Lloyd. At standstill, the motors can also be heated by applying a reduced voltage to the stator winding via two terminals. An anti-condensation heater can be fitted to the motors in order to prevent excessive condensation on the stator winding due to high temperature fluctuations and load changes (e.g. during intermittent use). In addition, the windings can be protected by encapsulating them. This method can be used instead of an anti-condensation heater. This heater takes the form of heating strips attached to the winding heads. Seite 21 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:45 09 21 1. Saltwater-resistant double seals 2. Corrosion-resistant shaft bushings 3. High-grade steel fastening screws 4. Saltwater-resistant multi-layer special coating 5. Reinforced fan cowl with canopy and baffle plate to protect fan in high seas Bearing seals Flameproof shaft bushings Reinforced fan cowl Effective outer bearing seals made from saltwater-resistant materials prevent penetration of water into the bearing area during downtime and operation. From frame size 180, a double seal is used, which consists of a radial seal and an axial seal. The space between the roller bearing and the outer seal provides additional protection against ingress of dirt and moisture. The shaft is made from high-grade steel. This prevents corrosion of the shaft in the gap areas which are a key to maintaining the motor’s flameproof properties. The fan cowls are reinforced from frame size 71. From frame size 180, a canopy and a labyrinth plate arranged around the air intake are also fitted to protect the fan from sudden ingress of large amounts of water, e.g. during high seas. Screw connections All screws used on the housing, bearing covers and the terminal box are made from stainless steel. Teflon-coated screws are available on request. A special-purpose anti-corrosion grease is applied to all screws before they are fitted. Design Types Special-Purpose Motors On-Deck Installation by Shipping Classification Seite 22 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:45 09 22 Design Types Special-Purpose Motors Special Attachments, Special Flanges Motors with special attachments and flanges Available flanges Motors are designed to cover a wide range of applications. To meet the special requirements associated with each of these uses, a series of special attachments has been developed. Frame size These attachments allow inexpensive fitting of brakes, tachometers, pulse generators and reverse running locks. Special-purpose flanges x = Standard k = Special flange (extra cost option) All other versions require an intermediate ring (extra cost option). 250 300 350 C flanges, o in mm 80 90 105 120 k 63 k x k k k k k 71 80 k k k k x k k x k k k k k k k k x k k k k k k x x k k k k k x k k x 90 100 112 132 To ensure that its motors are suitable for a wide range of applications, we have a range of special flanges that goes far beyond of the mounting dimensions for construction types IM B5 and IM B14 as defined by DIN 42 677. The flanges listed can be supplied without any additional modifications of the motor. See table on the right. From frame size 180, the standard flanges (see page 54) are available. Intermediate rings are used for special mounting dimensions (on request). A flanges, o in mm 120 140 160 200 160 140 160 200 x k x k k k k x k x x k k x k k x x k x k x x k Seite 23 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:46 09 23 Electrical Design For Motors up to 690 V The explosion-proof, flameproof three-phase asynchronous motors are generally available for standard voltages to DIN IEC 38 (5.87) with the following rated voltages: Rated voltage 50 Hz 230/400 V 400/690 V 500 V 500 V 60 Hz 266/460 V 460 V Voltage tolerance ± 10 % The high-grade materials used for the insulation system provide optimum protection against the influence of aggressive gases, vapours, dust, oil and air humidity. Winding end leads Delta/star (< 11 kW) Delta/star Star Delta Delta/star Delta Special voltages on request Each motor has six winding end leads U1, V1, W1, U2, V2 and W2. Because the connection terminals have a current limit, motors with high output, delta circuit connection and a rated current of 400 A or higher, require two parallel mains supply lines each. For delta connection from 690 A and star connection from 400 A rated current, duplicate winding ends are provided. The three motor connections to the six terminals are U, U; V, V; and W, W. Here also, two parallel mains connections are needed in each case. Pole-changing motors Insulation All materials used for insulation of the winding and the winding end leads comply with insulation class F. Utilization of the overtemperature limit in continuous operation S1 corresponds to thermal class B for constant-speed motors. Motors with increased performance and poleswitching motors are utilized in accordance with thermal class F. The limit temperature thermal class F to VDE 0530 is 105 °C. Pole-changing motors have the same design and dimensions as the constant-speed three-phase asynchronous motors. The special features of the pole-changing motors are listed below. Frame sizes 80 – 355 4/2-pole 90 – 355 8/4-pole 90 – 355 6/4-pole Other pole combinations are available on request. The limit overtemperature for the winding insulated to thermal class F, according to VDE 0530 is 105 K at an ambient temperature of RT 40 °C. At utilization to thermal class B, the permissible winding temperature increase according to VDE 0530 is 80 K at an ambient temperature of RT 40 °C. Insulation system Frame size Thermal class to VDE 0530 Insulation system Wire/surface insulation Impregnation 63 – 450 F Enamelled wires to DIN 46 416 Part 5 grade 2, temperature index 180, polyester and aromatic polyamide surface insulation. Thermal class F impregnating resins to VDE 0360 Part 2, applied in continuous impregnating process, from frame size 225 hardened by rolling. Power, voltage, frequency The standard versions of the pole-changing motors are configured for roughly the same torque ratings (see pp. 49). For motors with a Dahlander circuit, this corresponds to the circuit D/YY. These motors are supplied for the standard rated voltages 400, 500 and 690 volts for a rated frequency of 50 Hz. With special windings, these motors can also be rated for any voltage within the voltage range 400 to 690 volts (additional certification may be required). Other voltages and frequencies are available on request. The thermal utilization of the motors corresponds to thermal class F. Electrical Layout Rated voltage Seite 24 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:46 09 24 Connection Diagram Electrical Layout Single-speed ∆ connection Y-connection Pole-changing Low-speed High-speed Dahlander pole-changing circuit, normal operation Low-speed High-speed Dahlander pole-changing circuit, fan version Low-speed High-speed 10 – 11 PTC thermistor, switch-off1) 12 – 13 PTC thermistor, advance warning PTC thermistor, switch-off1) 70 – 71 Anti-condensation heater 5– 6 20 Tacho-generator 21 Pt100 RTD For further information, refer to circuit diagram enclosed with motor 22 23 Note 1) Tripping device requires PTB number Seite 25 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:46 09 25 Protective Devices, Anti-Condensation Heater According to DIN EN 60 079-14 VDE 0165, all poles of the motors must be protected with motor protection switches or equivalent protective equipment against excess heat buildup caused by overload. “Equivalent protective equipment” means a winding temperature monitoring system using PTC thermistor temperature sensors. All motors from frame size 63 can be equipped with this protective facility as only or additional motor protection. This protection method is especially recommended in operating modes other than S1, such as intermittent operation, switching operation, longs starting times, etc. It also provides protection in case of reduced cooling airflow and excessive ambient temperature. Motors certified for operating modes S1 to S7 with PTC thermistor temperature sensors as only protection are therefore approved for use with the frequency inverters (see pages 33-39). Temperature sensor protection consists of three series-connected PTC thermistors fitted to the winding head (warmest point) of the three phases of the stator winding. In motors with up to three separate windings, three temperature sensors – all connected in series – are used on each winding. In the terminal box, the PTC thermistors are connected to terminals 10 and 11. Versions with additional temperature sensors, e.g. for temperature alarms, are available on request. must be used as the transformer rating. For precise matching, the transformer must contain voltage taps of ± 10 %. Provisions must be made to ensure that motor voltage and heating voltage cannot be applied at the same time. Optionally, anti-condensation heating can be implemented in the form of strip-type heaters fitted to the winding heads (extra cost). Supply voltage 230 V ± 10 %. Frequency 45 – 65 Hz. Supply terminals 70 and 71. The heating power is shown in the table below. Anti-condensation heating The anti-condensation heating consists of an AC voltage applied via terminals U1 and V1 to the motor winding. The heating voltage in the table below applies to 50 and 60 Hz in star or delta circuit layout and to all frame lengths of the respective frame sizes for pole numbers 2p = 2 to 2p = 8. The stated apparent output is a minimum value, i.e. the next highest-rated output Anti-condensation heater specifications Frame size For prevention of condensation For protection at temperatures below –20 °C (down to –50 °C) with striptype heater Output Through motor winding with striptype heater Output Through motor winding [W] [VA] 230 V [V] 400 V [V] 460 V [V] 500 V [V] 690 V [V] [W] [VA] 230 V [V] 400 V [V] 460 V [V] 500 V [V] 690 V [V] 63 20 25 45 75 90 100 130 35 65 70 120 140 160 210 71 20 40 35 65 75 85 110 35 100 60 100 120 135 175 80 90 24 24 50 70 30 25 55 45 65 50 75 60 100 80 46 46 125 175 50 40 90 70 100 80 115 95 155 125 100 24 100 25 40 50 55 70 76 250 40 65 75 85 115 112 132 24 46 150 200 20 20 40 35 45 40 50 45 65 60 76 120 375 500 35 30 60 55 70 65 80 70 105 90 160 46 300 17 30 35 40 50 120 750 25 45 55 60 80 180 200 76 76 400 500 15 13 25 20 30 25 35 30 45 40 240 240 1000 1250 25 20 40 35 50 40 55 45 70 60 225 120 650 13 20 25 30 40 350 1650 20 35 40 45 60 250 280 120 240 800 1200 20 20 25 20 30 25 35 30 350 700 2000 3000 35 30 40 35 45 40 60 50 315 240 1600 17 20 25 30 700 4000 30 35 40 50 355 350 2300 15 18 20 25 1000 5700 25 28 30 40 400 450 480 700 3000 4000 12 10 14 12 16 13 20 17 1) 7500 10000 20 15 22 18 25 20 30 25 Notes Output Heating voltage Rated motor voltage 1) On request 1) Output Heating voltage Rated motor voltage Electrical Layout Protective devices Seite 26 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:46 09 26 Operating Characteristics For Motors up to 690 V Operating Characteristics Voltage, frequency Normally motors are supplied for the rated voltages listed on page 23 and for rated frequency of 50 Hz or 60 Hz. The rated output values are listed in the technical data tables. The motors can be operated at their rated output in three-phase systems whose voltage deviates by ± 10 % from the rated voltage of the motor during operation, in accordance with IEC 38 and VDE 0530. Efficiency, power factor The efficiency values and power factors listed in the tables apply to operation at rated output, rated voltage and rated frequency. The efficiency values have been determined in accordance with VDE 0530 Part 2, Section 9 (lost-summation method), and the tolerances in accordance with VDE 0530 Part 1, table 8. Output, operating mode The output values in the tables apply at rated voltage and rated speed in continuous operation S1, a coolant temperature up to 40 °C and an altitude of up to 1000 m above m.s.l. If, for installation above 1000 m above m.s.l., the coolant temperature is reduced to the values shown in the table below (from VDE 0530 Part 1 Section 16.3.5 table 4), no power reduction is necessary. Height above m.s.l. [m] 0 1000 1500 to Max. coolant temperature [°C] 1000 1500 2000 40 35 30 Additional testing is required (incurring testing costs) for motors with a coolant temperature deviating from 40 °C, at an installation altitude other than 1000 m above sea level and whose outputs differ from the standard version. Special acceptance tests are also required for operating modes other than S1 according to VDE 0530 Part 1. When making an inquiry, please provide the relevant information as required by paragraphs 4 and 11 of these regulations. A winding temperature monitoring system ensures optimum utilization of the motor as well as overload protection (see page 25). For higher ambient temperatures and altitudes above 1000 metres, output reductions become necessary. These are listed in the tables below: Overload, startup Coolant temperature [°C] Reduction of rated output to about 40 45 50 55 60 100 % 95 % 90 % 85 % 80 % The motors can be overloaded in accordance with the requirements of VDE 0530. At operating temperature, they can run for two minutes at 1.5 times their rated current without incurring damage and can take 1.6 times their rated torque for 15 seconds. Height above m.s.l. [m] Reduction of rated output to about 1000 1500 2000 100 % 97 % 94 % see “Operating data” see “Operating data” Starting current, Apparent starting output The starting current values given as multiples of rated current in the operating data were obtained from a type test sample. The relationship between apparent starting power and the motor’s rated output is derived from the starting current relationship according to the following equation: S 1 ----A- = I A /I N --------------------η × cos ϕ P2 Torque The motors have squirrel-cage rotors. On frame sizes 63 to 315, the cages are die-cast aluminium constructions with 2 to 8 poles; on larger sizes, they are hard-soldered copper deep bar constructions for direct actuation. The starting and stalling torques, expressed as multiples of the rated torques, are listed in the technical data tables. The figures are type sample readings. If the voltage deviates from the rated value, the torques (starting torque, acceleration torque and stalling torque) change approximately as a square function of voltage. Direction of rotation The overcurrent relays that must be fitted according to the code of practice for electrical apparatus in hazardous areas allow only limited acceleration times. The resulting limited mass inertia moments are listed in the table on page 27. This means that up to two consecutive startups are possible up to frame size 315 and one startup from frame size 355. Motors with PTC thermistor winding temperature monitoring can reach the starting times listed on page 27. In general, the motors can rotate in both directions. Only motors with self-driven axialflow fans are unidirectional, the direction of rotation being indicated by an arrow on the fan cowl. Certified circuit diagrams are supplied with the motors. Seite 27 Donnerstag, 20. September 2001 11:42 11 27 Permissible Startup Times for Air-Cooled Motors Without Brake Temperature Class T4 – Protection By PTC Thermistor Sensors Permissible startup times P2 [kW] 2p = 2 Permissible starting time1) Cold Warm t t [s] [s] 2p = 4 Permissible starting time1) Cold Warm t t [s] [s] 2p = 6 Permissible starting time1) Cold Warm t t [s] [s] 2p = 8 Permissible starting time1) Cold Warm t t [s] [s] 0.12 – – 90 62 – – 100 59 0.18 60 40 90 62 – – 100 59 0.25 0.37 60 60 40 40 90 90 62 62 80 79 63 62 100 100 59 59 0.55 60 40 90 62 55 40 100 59 0.75 1.1 50 47 36 31 75 60 50 38 85 80 55 50 95 108 56 69 1.5 45 27 46 26 73 42 108 81 2.2 3.0 45 42 20 20 46 46 25 22 65 51 46 39 104 80 72 50 4.0 35 19 39 23 46 34 85 55 5.5 30 19 43 25 45 29 84 54 7.5 11 35 35 19 19 42 39 22 23 35 38 22 19 87 81 58 45 15 41 21 46 24 43 22 59 41 18.5 22 39 39 20 20 46 52 23 24 46 43 27 21 46 59 29 40 30 39 20 52 25 60 31 57 33 37 45 53 69 21 32 56 62 28 26 57 75 28 45 66 74 45 44 55 74 29 45 25 80 56 77 48 75 90 85 84 39 42 56 59 23 25 64 49 36 22 61 60 40 30 110 97 45 62 23 60 30 60 30 132 103 48 63 26 60 30 60 30 160 200 100 100 50 50 60 60 30 30 60 60 30 30 60 60 30 30 250 100 50 60 30 60 30 60 30 315 355 100 100 50 50 60 60 30 30 60 60 30 30 60 60 30 30 400 100 50 60 30 60 30 60 30 450 – – 60 30 60 30 – – Notes 1) Rated output These times can be achieved only with winding temperature monitoring using PTC thermistor temperature sensors. Operating Characteristics l Seite 28 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:46 09 28 Permissible Startups Per Hour for Air-Cooled Motors without Brake Temperature Class T4 Operating Characteristics Operating frequency The number of permissible starts for the standard motor versions (temperature class T4), at thermal class F and with PC thermistor winding temperature monitoring are shown in the table on the right. A distinction is made between: 1. Number of starts against constant load torque. Starts per hour 2p = 2 Rated output Starts per hour, FI = 1 Load torque P2 const. squared [S/h] [S/h] [kW] 2p = 4 Starts per hour, FI = 1 Load torque const. squared [S/h] [S/h] 0.12 2p = 6 Starts per hour, FI = 1 Load torque const. squared [S/h] [S/h] 2p = 8 Starts per hour, FI = 1 Load torque const. squared [S/h] [S/h] 11000 12000 6000 10200 0.18 0.25 8000 8000 11000 11000 11000 11000 12000 12000 10800 11450 6000 6000 10200 10200 0.37 8000 11000 11000 12000 10800 11450 5000 8500 0.55 8000 11000 10800 11550 10800 11450 5000 8500 0.75 1.1 7850 5700 10500 7560 10800 6200 11550 9550 6300 5900 10590 8880 4000 6100 6800 9900 1.5 3260 4410 3420 6480 2950 4580 9200 10500 2.2 3.0 1410 980 1960 1260 2960 1930 4400 2690 2800 2600 4100 3780 4500 3900 6930 5500 4.0 820 1200 2600 3490 2400 3460 2750 4530 5.5 7.5 610 780 880 1040 1520 1000 2050 1360 2300 1340 3150 1800 2420 2190 3480 3180 11 300 400 990 1360 720 1000 1100 1640 15 18.5 240 180 320 240 510 460 750 620 630 540 860 820 1330 770 1850 1040 22 130 170 130 180 400 540 1080 1430 30 65 100 300 400 290 380 410 560 37 45 55 50 75 65 230 110 310 170 170 200 240 280 370 205 560 305 55 40 55 95 130 220 310 270 305 75 90 30 25 45 35 70 40 100 65 100 90 170 150 220 120 330 180 110 18 27 23 30 80 125 170 230 132 160 16 12 25 22 30 30 55 45 70 55 100 85 150 150 190 190 The resulting relationship is: 200 8 20 22 35 50 75 150 190 8 8 18 18 18 18 30 30 40 60 S Liste [S/h] S = --------------------Fl × K 250 315 Notes 2. Number of starts against load torque rising to rated torque as a square of the speed. The values given apply to inertia factor Fl = 1, i.e. they do not take the external moment of inertia into account. External moments of inertia can be included using the Fl factor according to the equation S Liste S = ------------ [S/h] Fl J Zus. + J Mot. mit Fl = -------------------------J Mot. The operating frequencies listed for motors under load are only accelerations, in contrast to the no-load operating frequencies. If the motors are decelerated with reverse current, these values must be divided by the K factor. This K-factor is: K = 2.5 for constant load torque K = 3.2 for quadratic rising load torque [S/h] Operations per hour Frame sizes 355 to 450 available on request Operating duty is possible only with winding temperature monitoring using PTC thermistor temperature sensors. Seite 29 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:46 09 29 Frequency Inverter Operation Noise generation of three-phase motors in frequency inverter operation If the frequency continues to increase beyond the drive’s rated value, the speed increases accordingly. Due to the harmonic oscillations, noise levels are higher in frequency inverter operation than they are at mains frequency. Without the use of a sinusoidal phase filter, the increase on the U-type inverter is about 7 – 15 dB(A); on the I-type inverter, it is about 3 dB(A). The speeds corresponding with the maximum frequencies must not exceed the motor’s speed limit. If a motor is operated above its rated frequency, its noise generation will increase. To prevent excessive noise generation, the use of a motor with a separately driven external fan is recommended. Two basic operating methods can be used for operation above the rated frequency (50 Hz): If a filter is used with the U-type inverter, the noise levels at frequencies at or below 50 Hz do not exceed the values at mains operation. The noise increase from self-ventilated motors at frequencies above 50 Hz is: Three-phase motors, operated with a frequency inverter at constant flux up to 87 Hz f [Hz] D LP If the motor is operated above its rated frequency at a voltage that increases in linear proportion with frequency, the magnetic flux remains constant. 50 60 70 80 87 0 F5 F9 F 12 F 15 Because the iron losses increase out of proportion to the frequency, the maximum torque is lower than it is at 50 Hz (figure 1, page 30). The technical data tables list the output at 87 Hz or at the maximum frequency for 2-pole motors. If voltage increase with frequency is linear, make sure that the voltage limits are not exceeded (see maximum permissible voltage load). Three-phase motors, operated with a frequency inverter at constant voltage above 50 Hz If the motor is operated above mains frequency at a constant voltage, the magnetic field is weakened. The motor’s flux drops in inverse proportion to the frequency. In the range above the rated frequency (50 Hz to 87 Hz), the motor’s output remains approximately constant, i.e. the torque drops in inverse proportion to the frequency (figure 2, page 30). The maximum frequency for two-pole motors is listed in the technical data tables. [dB(A)] Guideline values for noise level increase due to increased fan noise. Special motors are available for low-noise drives with inverter. These are listed on page 19. Motors with separately driven external fans Motors with separately driven external fans are recommended for drives with larger control ranges and constant load torque. These motors are also well-suited to operation above 50 Hz due to their low increase in noise generation at this frequency range. The fan motor is housed in a flameproof enclosure. The motor’s electrical control system must ensure that the main motor can only operate while the external fan is running. Installation note If the current-limited inverter power output is not isolated from the mains, one of the following measures must be implemented to protect the earth conductor from overload as specified in DIN EN 50178, VDE 0160 (equipment of heavycurrent installations with electrical apparatus). The dimensioning of the protective device in the main poles must take into account that, in the event of a fault, the PE conductor current can be greater than the main pole current. The protective conductor must therefore be dimensioned for the fault current accordingly. All the specifications of the inverter manufacturer with regard to this fault must be observed. Operating Characteristics Frequencies above the rated frequency 50 Hz Seite 30 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:46 09 30 Frequency Inverter Operation Operating Characteristics Maximum permissible voltage load During operation with a static frequency inverter, periodic voltage peaks are created by the switching operations. This can require values that are twice the link voltage of the inverter. The winding insulation can absorb 1600 V without incurring damage. Flameproof cable bushings for the winding end leads and power terminals are dimensioned for a mains voltage of 750 V on the standard Ex d motors. Taking into account a voltage tolerance of 10 %, the permissible peak voltage is 1160 V. Operating point on power system Higher voltage peaks require the use of cable bushings and supply terminals for 1000 V with an appropriate Ex approval (extra charge). The maximum permissible peak voltage level is then 1600 V (additional charge incurred). If periodic voltage peaks above 1600 V occur, high-voltage insulation systems must be used (extra charge). Figure 1 Power and torque values The output values for inverter operation listed in the tables apply to continuous S1 operation at an ambient temperature of up to 40 °C and an altitude of up to 1000 metres. (Values for higher room temperatures and altitudes available on request.) The output figures apply for an inverter with Operating point on power system • a direct-current intermediate circuit (I-type inverter) • a direct-voltage intermediate circuit with block or pulsed voltage (U-type inverter) The thermal utilization of the motors corresponds to thermal class F. Figure 2 Seite 31 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:46 09 31 Notes Seite 32 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:46 09 32 Mains Operation; Operating Data, 50 Hz Temperature Class T4, ns = 3000 rpm, 2p = 2 Operating Characteristics Type3) Speed Efficiency Power factor Torque Starting torque Starting current Stalling torque Mass inertia moment Weight2) Noise values with radial-flow fan Noise values with axialflow fan Type ...A 500 V I [A] n [rpm] η [%] cos ϕ M [Nm] MA/ MN IA/IN MK/MN J [kgm2] m [kg] Lp [dB( A)] Lw [dB( A)] Lp [dB( A)] Lw [dB( A)] 0.58 0.67 0.46 0.54 2905 2860 66 70 0.68 0.77 0.59 0.83 4.6 3.4 6.8 5.8 6.5 4.7 0.00028 0.00028 16 16 49 49 61 61 0.37 0.89 0.71 2800 71.5 0.84 1.26 2.7 5.2 3.5 0.00028 16 51 63 0.55 1.29 1.04 2810 73 0.84 1.87 2.8 5.5 3.6 0.00039 17 51 63 087N-AA4.. 0.75 1.74 1.39 2790 74 0.84 2.57 2.7 4.8 3.3 0.00058 24 55 67 080N-AA4.. 1.1 2.4 1.92 2820 78 2 0.85 3.73 2.8 5.5 3.5 0.0008 25 55 67 097L-AA4.. 1.5 3.2 2.55 2840 79 2 0.86 5 2.7 5.5 3.2 0.0013 31 60 72 090L-AA4.. 2.2 4.5 3.6 2850 82 2 0.86 7.4 2.7 5.6 3.3 0.0018 35 60 72 100L-AA4.. 3 6.0 4.8 2850 83 2 0.87 10.1 2.7 6.8 3.3 0.0029 45 63 75 112M-AA4.. 4 7.7 6.2 2880 85 2 0.88 13.3 2.3 6.5 3.1 0.0051 53 63 75 137S-AA4.. 132S-AA4.. 5.5 7.5 10.7 14.4 8.6 11.5 2880 2910 85 86.5 3 3 0.87 0.87 18.2 24.6 2.5 2.7 6 6.8 3.3 3.5 0.0089 0.0125 95 100 63 63 76 76 55 55 68 68 167M-AA4.. 11 20 16.1 2925 88.5 2 0.89 36 2.8 6.6 3.2 0.032 163 66 79 56 69 160M-AA4.. 160L-AA4.. 15 18.5 26.5 32 21 25.5 2920 2925 89.5 91 2 2 0.92 0.92 49 60 2.8 2.6 6.8 6.8 3.2 3.1 0.043 0.052 173 188 66 66 79 79 56 56 69 69 180M-AA4.. 22 37.5 30 2925 91.7 2 0.92 72 2.5 6.9 3 0.075 196 69 82 58 71 207L-AA4.. 200L-AA4.. 30 37 52 64 41.5 51 2955 2955 92.5 93 2 2 0.9 0.9 97 120 2.6 2.7 7.2 7.2 2.9 3 0.13 0.16 254 278 71 71 85 85 60 60 74 74 225M-AA4.. 45 78 63 2960 93 2 0.89 145 2.5 7.1 3 0.24 400 72 86 60 74 250M-AA4.. 55 95 76 2970 93.8 2 0.89 177 2.4 7.1 2.8 0.4 545 75 89 64 78 280S-AA4.. 280M-AA4.. 75 90 127 153 102 122 2970 2970 94.5 94.5 2 2 0.9 0.9 241 289 2.2 2.4 6.8 6.6 2.7 2.8 0.65 0.78 700 762 76 76 90 90 66 66 80 80 315S-AA4.. 110 186 149 2975 95 0.9 353 2 6.3 2.4 1.4 960 79 94 66 81 315M-AA4.. 317L-AA4.. 132 160 220 270 177 215 2975 2975 95.5 95.7 0.9 0.9 424 514 2.1 2.4 6.8 6.9 2.5 2.7 1.6 1.7 1025 1065 79 79 94 94 66 66 81 81 315L-AA4.. 200 335 270 2980 95.8 0.9 641 2.3 6.9 2.6 2.2 1270 79 94 66 81 318L-AA4.. 250 4151) 330 2980 96.0 0.91 801 1.7 7.2 2.7 2.8 1420 79 94 66 81 357L-AA4.. 315 5101) 4101) 2980 96.6 0.92 1009 1.5 6.7 2.8 4.5 1900 81 97 68 84 355L-AA4.. 355 5701) 4551) 2985 96.8 0.93 1136 1.4 6.9 2.7 5 2050 81 97 68 84 400M-AA4.. 400 6351) 5051) 2990 96.9 0.94 1278 1.1 6.7 2.8 7.5 2500 81 97 Notes 1) Two Output Rated current at KD1 P2 [kW] 400 V I [A] 067N-AA4.. 063N-AA4.. 0.18 0.25 077N-AA4.. 071N-AA4.. parallel supply lines are required for each phase type B3 with terminal box order the type of construction and the nominal voltage are to be given in clear. 2) Construction 3) For Classeff Seite 33 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:46 09 33 Inverter Operation; Operating Data, 50 Hz Temperature Class T4 ns = 3000 rpm, 2p = 2 Operation on the Ventilation Mains Inverter Self-ventilation Torque character. Frequency Control range Speed range Output/mom. – 50 Hz – – P2[kW] drop by square val. 5 – 50 Hz 1:10 5 300 – 3000 rpm Pu[kW] Mu[Nm] 50 Hz constant 20 – 50 Hz 1:2.5 1200 – 3000 rpm Pu[kW] Mu[Nm] 50 Hz constant 10 – 50 Hz 1:5 600 – 3000 rpm Pu[kW] Mu[Nm] 50 Hz constant 5 – 50 Hz 1:10 300 – 3000 rpm Pu[kW] Mu[Nm] 50 Hz constant 50 – 87 Hz1) constant 5 – 87 Hz1) 3000 – 5220 rpm Pu[kW] Mu[Nm] 87 Hz 300 – 5220 rpm Pu[kW] Pu[kW] 50 Hz 87 Hz KD1 067N-AA4.. KD1 063N-AA4.. 0.18 0.25 0.18 0.25 0.61 0.86 0.18 0.25 0.61 0.86 0.17 0.23 0.57 0.78 0.16 0.22 0.54 0.74 0.23 0.32 0.42 0.6 – – – – KD1 077N-AA4.. 0.37 0.37 1.25 0.35 1.2 0.3 1 0.22 0.74 0.55 1 – – KD1 071N-AA4.. 0.55 0.55 1.9 0.52 1.8 0.45 1.5 0.33 1.1 0.8 1.5 – – KD1 087N-AA4.. 0.75 0.75 2.6 0.7 2.4 0.6 2 0.5 1.7 1.1 2 – – KD1 080N-AA4.. 1.1 1.1 3.7 1 3.4 0.9 3 0.75 2.5 1.6 2.9 – – KD1 097L-AA4.. 1.5 1.5 5 1.4 4.7 1.2 4 1 3.3 2.2 4 – – KD1 090L-AA4.. 2.2 2.2 7.4 2 6.7 1.7 5.7 1.4 4.7 3.3 6 – – KD1 100L-AA4.. 3 3 10 2.7 8.9 2.2 7.2 1.8 5.9 4.5 8.2 – – KD1 112M-AA4.. 4 4 13 3.7 12 3.2 11 2.5 8.2 6 11 – – KD1 137S-AA4.. KD1 132S-AA4.. 5.5 7.5 5.5 7.5 18 25 5 7 16 23 4.5 6 15 20 3.7 5 12 16 8 11 15 20 5.5 7.5 8 10.5 KD1 167M-AA4.. 11 11 36 10 32 9 29 7.5 24 16 29 11 15 KD1 160M-AA4.. KD1 160L-AA4.. 15 18.5 14.52) 17.52) 47 57 13 16 42 52 12 15 39 49 10 12.5 32 41 21 26 38 48 14.5 17.5 20 25 KD1 180M-AA4.. 22 212) 68 20 65 18 58 15 49 30 55 21 29 KD1 207L-AA4.. KD1 200L-AA4.. 30 37 282) 322) 90 103 27 31 87 100 24 28 77 90 22 27 71 87 40 49 73 90 28 32 38 45 KD1 225M-AA4.. 45 382) 123 37 119 34 110 32 103 60 110 38 55 Frequency Speed range KD1 250M-AA4.. 50 – 60 Hz1) 5 – 60 Hz1) 3000 – 600 rpm 300 – 3600 rpm 55 472) 151 45 145 43 138 41 132 55 146 47 55 KD1 280S-AA4.. 75 622) 199 60 193 58 186 55 177 75 200 62 75 KD1 280M-AA4.. 90 752) 241 73 234 70 225 67 215 90 240 75 90 KD1 315S-AA4.. 110 952) 304 90 288 88 282 85 272 115 305 95 115 KD1 315M-AA4.. 132 115 369 110 353 105 336 100 320 135 358 115 135 KD1 317L-AA4.. KD1 315L-AA4.. 160 200 140 175 449 560 135 165 433 528 128 160 410 512 120 150 385 480 165 210 438 557 140 175 165 210 KD1 318L-AA4.. 250 215 688 205 656 200 640 185 592 260 690 215 260 KD1 357L-AA4.. KD1 355L-AA4.. 315 355 270 305 865 976 260 295 832 944 250 285 800 912 235 265 752 848 325 365 862 968 270 305 325 365 KD1 400M-AA4.. 400 345 1104 335 1072 320 1024 300 960 415 1100 345 415 Notes 1) 2) Higher frequencies available on request For inverter operation with output filter and virtually sinusoidal output voltage, output as for P2 Output for operation with inverter (reference values) Overload protection through temperature sensors Operating Characteristics Separate Seite 34 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:46 09 34 Mains Operation; Operating Data, 50 Hz Temperature Class T4 ns = 1500 rpm, 2p = 4 Operating Characteristics Type3) Speed Efficiency Power factor Torqu e Starting torque Starting current Stalling torque Mass inertia moment Weight2) 500 V I [A] n [rpm] η [%] cos ϕ M [Nm] MA/MN IA/IN MK/MN J [kgm2] m [kg] Noise values with radial-flow fan Lp Lw [dB [dB (A)] (A)] 0.43 0.53 0.34 0.42 1445 1415 67 70 0.6 0.7 0.79 1.2 3.9 2.7 5.6 4.7 3.9 2.7 0.00046 0.00046 16 16 44 44 56 56 0.25 0.68 0.55 1370 66 0.8 1.74 2 3.9 2.5 0.00046 16 45 57 0.37 0.95 0.76 1380 70 0.8 2.56 2.2 3.9 2.6 0.00063 17 45 57 087N-BA4.. 0.55 1.36 1.09 1380 73 0.8 3.8 2 3.8 2.3 0.00092 24 46 58 080N-BA4.. 0.75 1.83 1.46 1400 75 0.79 5.1 2.1 4.2 2.5 0.0013 25 46 58 097L-BA4.. 1.1 2.5 2.0 1400 76 2 0.84 7.5 2.1 4.8 2.5 0.0021 31 49 61 090L-BA4.. 1.5 3.3 2.65 1405 79 2 0.83 10.2 2.3 5 2.7 0.0029 35 49 61 107L-BA4.. 2.2 4.95 3.95 1420 80 3 0.8 14.8 2.4 5.4 2.8 0.0046 44 52 64 100L-BA4.. 3 6.6 5.2 1415 80.5 3 0.82 20.2 2.3 5.5 2.7 0.0056 46 52 64 112M-BA4.. 4 8.1 6.5 1435 85 2 0.84 26.6 2.7 6.8 3.2 0.011 59 54 66 132S-BA4.. 5.5 10.7 8.5 1440 86.5 2 0.86 36.5 2.5 6.2 2.7 0.022 100 57 70 132M-BA4.. 7.5 14.3 11.4 1440 88 2 0.86 50 2.7 6.5 2.8 0.03 110 57 70 160M-BA4.. 160L-BA4.. 11 15 21 28 16.7 22.5 1460 1455 89.5 90 2 2 0.85 0.86 72 98 2.5 2.8 6.6 6.5 2.8 3.1 0.057 0.079 168 184 62 62 75 75 180M-BA4.. 18.5 35 28 1460 91 2 0.84 121 2.9 6.6 3 0.13 198 60 73 57 70 180L-BA4.. 22 41 32.5 1460 91.5 2 0.85 144 3 6.9 3 0.155 217 60 75 57 70 200L-BA4.. 30 53 42.5 1460 92.5 2 0.88 196 2.6 6.8 2.9 0.25 274 61 75 58 72 225S-BA4.. 37 65 52 1465 93 2 0.89 241 2.7 6.7 2.6 0.4 372 63 77 59 73 225M-BA4.. 45 78 63 1470 93 2 0.89 292 2.7 6.5 2.6 0.48 402 63 77 59 73 250M-BA4.. 55 95 76 1470 93.8 2 0.89 357 2.9 7.1 2.9 0.75 573 65 79 64 78 280S-BA4.. 75 133 107 1480 94.5 2 0.86 484 2.6 6.8 2.5 1.25 740 68 82 66 80 280M-BA4.. 90 160 128 1480 94.5 2 0.86 581 2.8 6.9 2.6 1.48 820 68 82 66 80 315S-BA4.. 315M-BA4.. 110 132 194 230 155 186 1485 1485 95.1 95.3 0.86 0.86 707 849 2.5 2.5 6.7 6.8 2.6 2.7 2.2 2.7 1040 1120 70 70 85 85 66 66 81 81 317L-BA4.. 160 280 220 1485 95.6 0.87 1029 2.6 6.9 2.6 3.1 1210 70 85 66 81 315L-BA4.. 318L-BA4.. 200 250 345 4201) 275 340 1485 1490 95.8 96.2 0.87 0.89 1286 1602 2.6 1.7 6.9 7.3 2.6 2.7 3.9 4.6 1430 1565 70 70 85 85 66 66 81 81 357L-BA4.. 315 5301) 4251) 1490 96.3 0.89 2019 1.5 6.9 2.7 6.1 2050 72 88 68 84 355L-BA4.. 355 5951) 4751) 1490 96.6 0.89 2275 1.6 6.9 2.8 6.7 2200 72 88 68 84 400S-BA4.. 400 6601) 5301) 1495 97 0.9 2555 1.3 6.7 2.8 16 2650 78 94 400M-BA4.. 450 7351) 5901) 1495 97 0.91 2875 1.1 6.5 2.7 18 2850 78 94 450S-BA4.. 500 8151) 6551) 1495 97.2 0.91 3194 1 6.9 2.7 23 3300 79 95 450M-BA4.. 450L-BA4.. 560 630 7301) 8201) 1495 1495 97.4 97.4 0.91 0.91 3577 4024 1 1 6.8 6.8 2.7 2.7 26 31 3500 3800 79 79 95 95 500 On request Notes 1) Two Output Rated current at KD1 P2 [kW] 400 V I [A] 067N-BA4.. 063N-BA4.. 0.12 0.18 077N-BA4.. 071N-BA4.. Classeff parallel supply lines are required for each phase type B3 with terminal box 3) For order the type of construction and the nominal voltage are to be given in clear. 2) Construction Noise values with axialflow fan Type ...A Lp Lw [dB( [dB A)] (A)] Seite 35 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:46 09 35 Inverter Operation; Operating Data, 50 Hz Temperature Class T4 ns = 1500 rpm, 2p = 4 Operation on the Ventilation Mains Inverter Self-ventilation Torque character. Frequency Control range Speed range Output/mom. – 50 Hz – – P2[kW] drop by square val. 5 – 50 Hz 1:10 150 – 1500 rpm Pu[kW] Mu[Nm] 50 Hz constant 20 – 50 Hz 1:2.5 600 – 1500 rpm Pu[kW] Mu[Nm] 50 Hz constant 10 – 50 Hz 1:5 300 – 1500 rpm Pu[kW] Mu[Nm] 50 Hz constant 5 – 50 Hz 1:10 150 – 1500 rpm Pu[kW] Mu[Nm] 50 Hz constant 50 – 87 Hz1) constant 5 – 87 Hz1) 1500 – 2610 rpm Pu[kW] Mu[Nm] 87 Hz 150 – 2610 rpm Pu[kW] Pu[kW] 50 Hz 87 Hz KD1 067N-BA4.. KD1 063N-BA4.. 0.12 0.18 0.12 0.18 0.83 1.25 0.12 0.18 0.83 1.25 0.11 0.17 0.75 1.18 0.11 0.16 0.75 1.1 0.16 0.23 0.59 0.84 – – – – KD1 077N-BA4.. 0.25 0.25 1.7 0.22 1.5 0.19 1.25 0.15 1 0.37 1.4 – – KD1 071N-BA4.. 0.37 0.37 2.5 0.33 2.2 0.28 1.9 0.22 1.5 0.55 2 – – KD1 087N-BA4.. 0.55 0.55 3.8 0.52 3.5 0.45 3 0.33 2.2 0.8 2.9 – – KD1 080N-BA4.. 0.75 0.75 5.2 0.7 4.8 0.6 4 0.5 3.3 1.1 4 – – KD1 097L-BA4.. 1.1 1.1 7.5 1 6.7 0.9 6 0.75 5 1.6 5.9 – – KD1 090L-BA4.. 1.5 1.5 10 1.4 9.5 1.2 8 1 6.7 2.2 8 – – KD1 107L-BA4.. 2.2 2.2 15 2 13 1.7 11 1.4 9.3 3.3 12 – – KD1 100L-BA4.. 31) 3 20 2.8 19 2.2 15 1.8 12 4.5 16 – – KD1 112M-BA4.. 4 4 27 3.6 24 3 20 2.5 16 6 22 – – KD1 132S-BA4.. 5.5 5.5 37 5 33 4.4 29 3.7 24 8 29 5.5 8 KD1 132M-BA4.. 7.5 7.5 50 7 46 6 39 5 33 11 40 7.5 10.5 KD1 160M-BA4.. KD1 160L-BA4.. 11 15 11 15 72 98 10 13.5 65 88 9 12 58 78 7.5 10 49 65 16 21 59 79 11 15 15 20 KD1 180M-BA4.. 18.5 182) 118 17 111 15 97 12.5 81 26 95 18 25 KD1 180L-BA4.. 22 212) 137 20 130 18 117 15 97 30 110 21 29 KD1 200L-BA4.. 30 282) 183 27 176 24 156 21 136 40 146 28 37 KD1 225S-BA4.. 37 322) 208 31 201 29 188 26 168 49 179 32 45 KD1 225M-BA4.. 45 382) 247 37 240 35 227 32 207 60 220 38 55 KD1 250M-BA4.. 55 462) 298 45 291 43 278 41 265 70 256 46 65 KD1 280S-BA4.. 75 622) 400 60 386 58 373 55 354 95 348 62 88 KD1 280M-BA4.. 90 752) 482 73 470 70 450 66 424 110 402 75 105 KD1 315S-BA4.. KD1 315M-BA4.. 110 132 952) 115 610 737 90 110 577 705 88 105 564 673 83 100 532 641 140 165 512 604 95 115 130 157 KD1 317L-BA4.. 160 140 897 135 865 128 820 120 769 200 732 140 190 KD1 315L-BA4.. KD1 318L-BA4.. 200 250 175 215 1122 1378 165 205 1058 1314 160 200 1026 1282 150 185 961 1186 250 310 915 1134 175 215 240 305 KD1 357L-BA4.. 315 270 1731 260 1666 250 1602 235 1506 395 1445 270 385 KD1 355L-BA4.. 355 305 1955 295 1891 285 1827 265 1698 440 1610 305 425 KD1 400S-BA4.. KD1 400M-BA4.. 400 450 345 390 2211 2500 335 375 2147 2405 320 360 2051 2307 300 340 1923 2179 495 560 1811 2050 345 390 480 540 Notes 1) 2) Higher frequencies available on request For inverter operation with output filter and virtually sinusoidal output voltage, output as for P2 Output for operation with inverter (reference values) Overload protection through temperature sensors Operating Characteristics Separate Seite 36 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:46 09 36 Operating Characteristics Mains Operation; Operating Data, 50 Hz Temperature Class T4 ns = 1000 rpm, 2p = 6 Type3) Output Rated current at Speed Efficiency Power factor Torque Starting torque Starting current Stalling torque Mass inertia moment Weight2) Noise values with radial-flow fan KD1 P2 [kW] 400 V I [A] 500 V I [A] n [rpm] η [%] cos ϕ M [Nm] MA/MN IA/IN M K/ M N J [kgm2] m [kg] Lp [dB(A)] Lw [dB(A)] 071N-CA4.. 0.25 0.8 0.64 920 63.5 0.71 2.6 2.2 3.5 2.6 0.0012 17 44 56 087N-CA4.. 0.37 1.11 0.88 925 68 0.72 3.8 2.5 4.1 2.8 0.0019 24 44 56 080N-CA4.. 0.55 1.58 1.26 925 70 0.72 5.7 2.4 4 2.7 0.0025 25 44 56 097L-CA4.. 0.75 2.15 1.72 910 67 0.75 7.9 1.8 3.4 2.1 0.0033 31 47 59 090L-CA4.. 1.1 3.05 2.45 920 71 0.73 11.4 2 3.7 2.2 0.0046 35 47 59 100L-CA4.. 1.5 3.75 3 945 77 0.75 15.2 2.5 4.9 3 0.0095 46 50 62 112M-CA4.. 2.2 5.2 4.2 950 81 0.75 22.1 2.7 5.6 3.1 0.017 59 53 65 132S-CA4.. 3 6.6 5.3 965 84 0.78 29.7 2.7 6.3 3.1 0.031 100 56 69 137M-CA4.. 132M-CA4.. 4 5.5 8.6 11.3 6.9 9.1 960 960 84.5 85.5 0.79 0.82 40 55 2.6 2.6 6 6.4 3 3 0.037 0.043 104 112 56 56 69 69 160M-CA4.. 7.5 14.7 11.8 960 86.5 0.85 75 2.5 6.8 3.3 0.087 170 58 71 160L-CA4.. 11 21.5 17.1 965 87.5 0.85 109 2.5 6.7 3.2 0.12 190 58 71 180L-CA4.. 15 28.5 23 965 90 0.84 148 2.4 6.9 3.2 0.19 215 58 71 207L-CA4.. 18.5 35.0 28 975 90.5 0.84 181 1.9 6.2 2.7 0.28 270 58 71 200L-CA4.. 22 41.5 33 970 91 0.84 217 2.2 6.8 3 0.31 280 58 72 225M-CA4.. 30 56 45 975 92 0.84 294 2.8 6.6 2.5 0.69 404 58 72 250M-CA4.. 37 68 54 980 92.5 0.85 361 2.8 6.6 2.6 1.03 570 62 76 280S-CA4.. 45 85 68 985 93.3 0.82 436 2.8 5.8 2.4 1.35 720 63 77 280M-CA4.. 55 104 83 985 93.5 0.82 533 2.7 5.8 2.3 1.7 770 65 79 315S-CA4.. 75 132 106 990 94 0.87 723 2.6 6.4 2.4 4.3 995 65 79 315M-CA4.. 90 157 125 990 94.2 0.88 868 2.6 6.5 2.4 5.0 1050 69 84 317L-CA4.. 315L-CA4.. 110 132 191 230 153 183 990 990 94.5 94.7 0.88 0.88 1061 1273 2.7 2.7 6.5 6.7 2.5 2.5 6.0 7.3 1145 1265 69 69 84 84 355S-CA4.. 160 275 220 990 95 0.88 1543 2.6 6.8 2.5 8.3 1440 69 84 355M-CA4.. 200 345 275 990 95.6 0.88 1929 1.8 6.7 2.7 11.3 1750 74 90 355L-CA4.. 250 4301) 345 990 95.9 0.88 2411 1.8 6.7 2.7 13.8 1950 74 90 400S-CA4.. 315 5301) 4251) 993 96.3 0.89 3029 1 6.5 2.6 23 2650 78 94 400M-CA4.. 355 5951) 4751) 994 96.6 0.89 3411 1.1 6.6 2.7 27 2850 78 94 450S-CA4.. 450M-CA4.. 400 450 6651) 5301) 7551) 6051) 995 995 96.8 96.6 0.9 0.89 3839 4319 1 1.2 6.9 6.8 2.6 2.8 41 46 3300 3600 78 78 94 94 450L-CA4.. 500 6701) 995 97 0.89 4799 1.1 6.8 2.7 51 3800 78 94 500... On request Notes 1) Two parallel supply lines are required for each phase type B3 with terminal box 3) For order the type of construction and the nominal voltage are to be given in clear. 2) Construction Seite 37 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:46 09 37 Inverter Operation; Operating Data, 50 Hz Temperature Class T4 ns = 1000 rpm, 2p = 6 Operation on the Ventilation Mains Inverter Self-ventilation Torque character. Frequency Control range Speed range Output/mom. – 50 Hz – – P2[kW] drop by square val. 5 – 50 Hz 1:10 100 – 1000 rpm Pu[kW] Mu[Nm] 50 Hz constant 20 – 50 Hz 1:2.5 400 – 1000 rpm Pu[kW] Mu[Nm] 50 Hz constant 10 – 50 Hz 1:5 200 – 1000 rpm Pu[kW] Mu[Nm] 50 Hz constant 5 – 50 Hz 1:10 100 – 1000 rpm Pu[kW] Mu[Nm] 50 Hz constant 50 – 87 Hz1) constant 5 – 87 Hz1) 1000 – 1740 rpm Pu[kW] Mu[Nm] 87 Hz 100 – 1740 rpm Pu[kW] Pu[kW] 50 Hz 87 Hz KD1 071N -CA4.. 0.25 0.25 2.6 0.22 2.2 0.18 1.8 0.16 1.6 0.37 2 – – KD1 087N-CA4.. 0.37 0.37 3.8 0.33 3.4 0.27 2.7 0.22 2.2 0.55 3 – – KD1 080N-CA4.. 0.55 0.55 5.7 0.5 5.1 0.4 4 0.33 3.3 0.8 4.4 – – KD1 097L-CA4.. KD1 090L-CA4.. 0.75 1.1 0.75 1.1 7.8 11.4 0.65 0.9 6.7 9.2 0.55 0.8 5.5 8 0.42 0.6 4.2 6 1.1 1.6 6 8.8 – – – – KD1 100L-CA4.. 1.5 1.5 15 1.4 14 1.1 11 0.9 9 2.2 12 – – KD1 112M-CA4.. 2.2 2.2 22 2 20 1.7 17 1.3 13 3.3 18 – – KD1 132S-CA4.. KD1 137M-CA4.. 3 4 3 4 30 40 2.7 3.5 27 35 2.2 3 22 30 1.8 2.5 18 25 4.5 6 25 33 3 4 4.2 5.5 KD1 132M-CA4.. 5.5 5.5 55 4.8 48 4 40 3.3 33 8 44 5.5 7.6 KD1 160M-CA4.. KD1 160L-CA4.. 7.5 11 7.5 11 74 110 7 10 69 98 6 9 59 88 5 7.5 49 73 11 16 60 88 7.5 11 10.5 15 KD1 180L-CA4.. 15 15 149 13 128 12 118 10 98 21 115 15 20 KD1 207L-CA4.. KD1 200L-CA4.. 18.5 22 17.52) 202) 171 196 16 19 157 186 14 17 137 167 12 15 118 147 26 30 143 165 17.5 20 24 28 KD1 225M-CA4.. 30 272) 262 25 242 23 223 21 204 40 220 27 37 37 332) 320 31 301 29 281 26 252 49 269 33 45 KD1 280S-CA4.. KD1 280M-CA4.. 45 55 402) 472) 386 453 37 45 357 434 35 43 338 415 32 41 309 396 60 70 329 384 40 47 55 65 KD1 250M-CA4.. KD1 315S-CA4.. 75 652) 627 62 598 58 559 56 540 95 521 65 88 KD1 315M-CA4.. KD1 317L-CA4.. 90 110 782) 952) 752 916 73 90 704 868 70 88 675 849 68 85 656 820 110 140 604 768 78 95 105 130 KD1 315L-CA4.. 132 115 1109 110 1061 105 1013 100 965 165 906 115 157 KD1 355S-CA4.. 160 140 1351 135 1302 128 1235 120 1158 200 1098 140 190 KD1 355M-CA4.. 200 170 1640 165 1592 160 1543 150 1447 250 1372 170 240 KD1 355L-CA4.. 250 215 2074 205 1978 200 1929 190 1833 310 1701 215 305 KD1 400S-CA4.. KD1 400M-CA4.. 315 355 270 305 2605 2942 260 295 2508 2846 250 285 2412 2749 235 265 2267 2556 395 440 2168 2415 270 305 385 425 KD1 450S-CA4.. 400 345 3328 335 3232 320 3087 300 2894 495 2717 345 480 KD1 450M-CA4.. 450 390 3762 375 3617 360 3473 340 3280 560 3074 390 540 KD1 450L-CA4.. 500 435 4196 415 4003 400 3859 375 3618 620 3404 435 600 Notes 1) 2) Higher frequencies available on request For inverter operation with output filter and virtually sinusoidal output voltage, output as for P2 Output for operation with inverter (reference values) Overload protection through temperature sensors Operating Characteristics Separate Seite 38 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:46 09 38 Operating Characteristics Mains Operation; Operating Data, 50 Hz Temperature Class T4 ns = 750 rpm, 2p = 8 Type3) Output Speed Efficiency Power factor Torque Starting torque Starting current Stalling torque Mass inertia moment Weight2) Noise values with radial-flow fan KD1 P2 [kW] 400 V I [A] 500 V I [A] n [rpm] η [%] cos ϕ M [Nm] MA/MN IA / IN MK/MN J [kgm2] m [kg] Lp [dB(A)] Lw [dB(A)] 071N-DA4.. 0.12 0.50 0.40 680 52 0.67 1.7 1.9 2.4 2.4 0.0012 17 41 53 087N-DA4.. 080N-DA4.. 0.18 0.66 0.52 690 61 0.65 2.5 2.2 3.2 2.6 0.0019 24 42 54 0.25 0.91 0.73 690 62 0.64 3.5 2.2 3.2 2.5 0.0025 25 42 54 097L-DA4.. 0.37 1.32 1.06 690 64 0.63 5.1 1.8 3 2.2 0.0033 31 46 58 090L-DA4.. 0.55 1.88 1.50 690 65 0.65 7.6 1.8 3.1 2.2 0.0046 35 46 58 107L-DA4.. 0.75 2.3 1.82 710 71 0.67 10.1 2.4 4 2.6 0.008 44 49 61 100L-DA4.. 1.1 3.1 2.5 695 70 0.73 15.1 2 3.8 2.4 0.0095 46 49 61 112M-DA4.. 1.5 4.15 3.3 710 78 0.67 20.2 2.2 4.6 2.8 0.017 59 52 64 132S-DA4.. 2.2 4.95 3.95 695 81 0.79 30 2 4.1 2.3 0.029 97 53 66 132M-DA4.. 3 6.9 5.5 705 81.5 0.77 41 2.4 4.6 2.7 0.036 113 53 66 167M-DA4.. 160M-DA4.. 4 5.5 8.8 12.0 7.0 9.6 715 720 84 86 0.78 0.77 53 73 1.8 2.1 4.6 5.4 2.3 2.8 0.071 0.105 157 170 54 54 67 67 160L-DA4.. 7.5 16.3 13 720 86.5 0.77 99 2.2 5.6 2.9 0.136 190 54 67 180L-DA4.. 11 22.5 17.9 725 88.5 0.80 145 2.4 6.4 3 0.22 215 56 69 200L-DA4.. 15 31.0 24.5 730 89 0.79 196 2.7 6.9 3.2 0.4 280 56 70 225S-DA4.. 18.5 37.5 30.0 730 90.2 0.79 242 2.2 6.3 3 0.56 372 57 71 225M-DA4.. 22 44.0 35.0 730 90.5 0.80 288 2.2 6.6 3 0.69 404 57 71 250M-DA4.. 30 59 47 735 92.1 0.80 390 2 6.8 3 1.2 550 58 72 280S-DA4.. 37 70 56 735 92.8 0.82 481 2.1 6.2 2.8 1.9 740 61 75 280M-DA4.. 45 84 67 735 92.8 0.82 585 2 6.3 2.6 2.3 800 61 75 315S-DA4.. 315M-DA4.. 55 75 103 140 82 112 740 740 92.8 93 0.83 0.83 710 968 2.5 2.5 6 6.3 2.6 2.5 4.3 5.0 995 1050 68 68 83 83 317L-DA4.. 90 170 136 740 93.2 0.82 1161 2.6 6.6 2.6 6.0 1145 68 83 315L-DA4.. 355S-DA4.. 110 132 210 250 166 199 740 735 93.2 93.4 0.82 0.82 1420 1715 2.7 2.5 6.8 6.3 2.7 2.5 7.3 8.3 1265 1440 68 68 83 83 355M-DA4.. 160 295 235 740 95.1 0.83 2065 1.9 6.4 2.4 11.4 1750 70 86 355L-DA4.. 200 365 290 745 95.5 0.83 2564 1.7 6.6 2.5 13.9 1950 70 86 400S-DA4.. 250 4551) 360 745 96 0.83 3205 1.2 6.1 2.4 23 2650 73 89 400M-DA4.. 315 5651) 4501) 745 96.2 0.84 4038 1.2 6.2 2.4 30 3100 73 89 450S-DA4.. 355 6301) 5051) 745 96.5 0.84 4551 1 6.1 2.3 46 3450 74 90 450M-DA4.. 450L-DA4.. 400 450 7101) 8001) 5701) 6401) 745 745 96.6 96.7 0.84 0.84 5128 5768 1 1 6.1 6.1 2.2 2.2 51 57 3750 4050 74 74 90 90 500... On request Notes 1) Two Rated current at parallel supply lines are required for each phase type B3 with terminal box 3) For order the type of construction and the nominal voltage are to be given in clear. 2) Construction Seite 39 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:46 09 39 Inverter Operation; Operating Data Temperature Class T4 ns = 750 rpm, 2p = 8 Operation on the Ventilation Mains Inverter Self-ventilation Torque character. Frequency Control range Speed range Output/mom. – 50 Hz – – P2[kW] drop by square val. 5 – 50 Hz 1:10 75 – 7500 rpm Pu[kW] Mu[Nm] 50 Hz constant 20 – 50 Hz 1:2.5 300 – 750 rpm Pu[kW] Mu[Nm] 50 Hz constant 10 – 50 Hz 1:5 150 – 750 rpm Pu[kW] Mu[Nm] 50 Hz constant 5 – 50 Hz 1:10 75 – 750 rpm Pu[kW] Mu[Nm] 50 Hz constant 50 – 87 Hz1) constant 5 – 87 Hz1) 750 – 1305 rpm Pu[kW] Mu[Nm] 87 Hz 75 – 1305 rpm Pu[kW] Pu[kW] 50 Hz 87 Hz KD1 071N-DA4.. 0.12 0.12 1.7 0.11 1.5 0.1 1.4 0.08 1.1 0.18 1.3 – – KD1 087N-DA4.. 0.18 0.18 2.5 0.16 2.2 0.13 1.7 0.11 1.5 0.25 1.8 – – KD1 080N-DA4.. 0.25 0.25 3.4 0.22 3 0.18 2.4 0.16 2.2 0.37 2.7 – – KD1 097L-DA4.. KD1 090L-DA4.. 0.37 0.55 0.37 0.55 5.1 7.5 0.33 0.5 4.4 6.7 0.27 0.4 3.6 5.4 0.22 0.33 3 4.4 0.55 0.8 4 5.9 – – – – KD1 107L-DA4.. 0.75 0.75 10.2 0.65 8.7 0.55 7.4 0.42 5.6 1.1 8 – – KD1 100L-DA4.. 1.1 1.1 15.1 0.9 12 0.8 11 0.6 8.1 1.6 12 – – KD1 112M-DA4.. 1.5 1.5 20.2 1.4 19 1.1 15 0.9 12 2.2 16 – – KD1 132S-DA4.. 2.2 2.2 30 2 27 1.7 23 1.3 17 3.3 24 2.2 3.1 KD1 132M-DA4.. 3 3 40.5 2.7 36 2.2 29 1.8 24 4.5 33 3 4.2 KD1 167M-DA4.. KD1 160M-DA4.. 4 5.5 4 5.5 53.5 73 3.5 4.8 46 64 3 4 40 53 2.5 3.3 33 44 6 8 44 59 4 5.5 5.5 7.6 KD1 160L-DA4.. 7.5 7.5 100 7 92 5.5 72 4.5 59 11 80 7.5 10.5 KD1 180L-DA4.. 11 11 146 10 131 8 104 7 91 16 117 11 15 KD1 200L-DA4.. 15 15 195 13 170 11 143 10 130 21 154 15 20 KD1 225S-DA4.. 18.5 18.5 240 16 208 14 181 12 155 26 190 18.5 25 KD1 225M-DA4.. 22 22 286 19 245 17 219 15 194 30 220 22 29 30 272) 348 25 323 23 297 21 271 40 293 27 37 KD1 250M-DA4.. KD1 280S-DA4.. 37 332) 426 31 400 29 374 26 336 49 359 33 45 KD1 280M-DA4.. 45 402) 516 37 478 35 452 32 413 60 439 40 55 KD1 315S-DA4.. KD1 315M-DA4.. 55 75 482) 652) 619 839 45 62 581 800 43 58 555 749 41 56 529 723 70 95 512 695 48 65 65 88 KD1 317L-DA4.. 90 782) 1007 73 942 70 903 68 878 110 805 78 105 KD1 315L-DA4.. KD1 355S-DA4.. 110 132 952) 115 1226 1484 90 110 1161 1420 88 105 1136 1309 85 100 1097 1247 140 165 1025 1027 95 115 130 157 KD1 355M-DA4.. 160 140 1807 135 1743 128 1596 120 1496 200 1464 140 190 KD1 355L-DA4.. 200 170 2194 165 2129 160 1994 150 1870 250 1830 170 240 KD1 400S-DA4.. 250 215 2775 205 2646 200 2493 190 2368 310 2269 215 305 KD1 400M-DA4.. 315 270 3484 260 3355 250 3116 235 2929 395 2891 270 385 KD1 450S-DA4.. 355 305 3935 295 3807 285 3553 265 3303 440 3220 305 425 KD1 450M-DA4.. KD1 450L-DA4.. 400 450 345 390 4452 5033 335 375 4323 4839 320 360 3989 4488 300 340 3740 4239 495 560 3622 4098 345 390 480 540 Notes 1) 2) Higher frequencies available on request For inverter operation with output filter and virtually sinusoidal output voltage, output as for P2 Output for operation with inverter (reference values) Overload protection through temperature sensors Operating Characteristics Separate Seite 40 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:47 09 40 Mains Operation; Operating Data, 60 Hz Temperature Class T4, ns = 3600 rpm, 2p = 2 Operating Characteristics Type2) Output Rated current at Speed Efficiency Power factor Torque Starting torque Starting current Stalling torque Mass inertia moment Weight1) Noise values with radial-flow fan Noise values with axial-flow fan Type ...A Lp [dB(A)] KD1 P2 [kW] 460 V I [A] n [rpm] η [%] cos ϕ M [Nm] MA/MN IA / IN MK/MN J [kgm2] m [kg] Lp [dB(A)] Lw [dB(A)] 067N-PA4.. 063N-PA4.. 0.21 0.29 0.59 0.68 3485 3430 66 70 0.68 0.77 0.58 0.81 4.6 3.4 6.8 5.8 6.5 4.7 0.00028 0.00028 16 16 53 53 65 65 077N-PA4.. 0.44 0.92 3360 71.5 0.84 1.25 2.7 5.2 3.5 0.00028 16 56 68 071N-PA4.. 0.65 1.33 3370 73 0.84 1.83 2.8 5.5 3.6 0.00039 17 56 68 087N-PA4.. 0.86 1.74 3350 74 0.84 2.45 2.7 4.8 3.3 0.00058 24 60 72 080N-PA4.. 1.26 2.4 3385 78 0.85 3.55 2.8 5.5 3.5 0.0008 25 60 72 097L-PA4.. 1.8 3.35 3410 79 0.86 5 2.7 5.5 3.2 0.0013 31 65 77 090L-PA4.. 2.5 4.45 3420 82 0.86 7 2.7 5.6 3.3 0.0018 35 65 77 100L-PA4.. 3.6 6.3 3420 83 0.87 10.1 2.7 6.8 3.3 0.0029 45 68 80 112M-PA4.. 4.8 8.1 3455 85 0.88 13.3 2.3 6.5 3.1 0.0051 53 68 80 137S-PA4.. 132S-PA4.. 6.6 9 11.2 15.0 3470 3490 85 86.5 0.87 0.87 18.2 24.6 2.5 2.7 6 6.8 3.3 3.5 0.0089 0.0125 95 100 68 68 81 81 167M-PA4.. 12.8 20.5 3510 88.5 0.89 34.8 2.8 6.6 3.2 0.032 163 71 84 160M-PA4.. 160L-PA4.. 17.5 22 26.5 33 3505 3510 89.5 91 0.92 0.92 48 60 2.8 2.6 6.7 6.7 3.2 3.1 0.043 0.052 173 188 71 71 84 84 180M-PA4.. 26 39 3510 91.5 0.92 71 2.5 6.9 3 0.075 196 75 88 207L-PA4.. 200L-PA4.. 36 43 54 65 3545 3545 92.2 92.7 0.9 0.9 97 116 2.6 2.7 7.2 7.2 2.9 3 0.13 0.16 254 278 77 77 91 91 225M-PA4.. 52 79 3550 92.7 0.89 140 2.5 7.1 3 0.24 400 78 92 250M-PA4.. 64 97 3565 93.5 0.89 171 2.4 7.1 2.8 0.4 545 81 95 280S-PA4.. 280M-PA4.. 87 105 129 156 3565 3565 94 94 0.9 0.9 233 281 2.2 2.4 6.8 6.6 2.7 2.8 0.65 0.78 700 762 82 82 96 96 315S-PA4.. 121 179 3570 94.5 0.9 324 2.1 6.6 2.5 1.4 960 85 100 315M-PA4.. 317L-PA4.. 145 176 215 260 3570 3570 95 95.2 0.9 0.9 388 471 2.2 2.5 7.2 7.3 2.6 2.8 1.6 1.7 1025 1065 85 85 100 100 315L-PA4.. 220 320 3575 95.4 0.9 588 2.4 7.3 2.7 2.2 1270 85 100 318L-PA4.. 275 395 3575 95.5 0.91 735 1.8 7.6 2.8 2.8 1420 85 100 357L-PA4.. 345 On request 355L-PA4.. 390 400M-PA4.. 440 Notes 1) On request Construction type B3 with terminal box order the type of construction and the nominal voltage are to be given in clear. 2) For Lw [dB(A)] On request Seite 41 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:47 09 41 Type3) Output Rated current at Speed Efficiency Power factor Torque Starting torque Starting current Stalling torque Mass inertia moment Weight2) Noise values with radial-flow fan Noise values with axial-flow fan Type ...A Lp [dB(A)] KD1 P2 [kW] 460 V I [A] n [rpm] η [%] cos ϕ M [Nm] MA/MN IA / IN MK/MN J [kgm2] m [kg] Lp [dB(A)] Lw [dB(A)] 067N-QA4.. 063N-QA4.. 0.14 0.21 0.44 0.54 1735 1700 67 70 0.60 0.70 0.77 1.18 3.9 2.7 5.6 4.7 3.9 2.7 0.0002 0.00025 13 14 48 48 60 60 077N-QA4.. 0.3 0.71 1645 66 0.80 1.74 2 3.9 2.5 0.00046 16 49 61 071N-QA4.. 0.44 0.99 1655 70 0.80 2.54 2.2 3.9 2.6 0.00063 17 49 61 087N-QA4.. 0.63 1.35 1655 73 0.80 3.6 2 3.8 2.3 0.00092 24 50 62 080N-QA4.. 0.86 1.85 1680 75 0.78 4.9 2.1 4.2 2.5 0.0013 25 50 62 097L-QA4.. 1.3 2.55 1680 76 0.84 7.4 2.1 4.8 2.5 0.0021 31 53 65 090L-QA4.. 1.8 3.45 1685 79 0.83 10.2 2.3 5 2.7 0.0029 35 53 65 107L-QA4.. 2.6 5.1 1705 80 0.80 14.6 2.4 5.4 2.8 0.0046 44 57 69 100L-QA4.. 3.6 6.8 1700 80.5 0.82 20.2 2.3 5.5 2.7 0.0056 46 57 69 112M-QA4.. 4.8 8.4 1720 85 0.84 26.7 2.7 6.8 3.2 0.011 59 59 71 132S-QA4.. 6.6 11.1 1730 86.5 0.86 36.4 2.5 6.2 2.7 0.022 100 62 75 132M-QA4.. 8.5 14.1 1730 88 0.86 47 2.7 6.5 2.8 0.03 110 62 75 160M-QA4.. 160L-QA4.. 12.6 17.2 21 28 1750 1745 89.5 90 0.85 0.86 69 94 2.5 2.8 6.6 6.5 2.8 3.1 0.057 0.079 168 184 67 67 80 80 180M-QA4.. 22 36 1750 91 0.84 120 2.9 6.6 3 0.13 198 65 78 180L-QA4.. 26 42 1750 91.5 0.85 142 3 6.9 3 0.155 217 65 78 200L-QA4.. 34.5 53 1750 92.5 0.88 188 2.6 6.8 2.9 0.25 274 66 80 225S-QA4.. 43 65 1760 93 0.89 233 2.7 6.7 2.6 0.4 372 68 82 225M-QA4.. 52 79 1765 93 0.89 281 2.7 6.5 2.6 0.48 402 68 82 250M-QA4.. 64 96 1765 93.8 0.89 346 2.9 7.1 2.9 0.75 573 70 84 280S-QA4.. 87 134 1775 94.5 0.86 468 2.6 6.8 2.5 1.25 740 74 88 280M-QA4.. 105 162 1775 94.5 0.86 565 2.8 6.9 2.6 1.48 820 74 88 315S-QA4.. 315M-QA4.. 121 145 186 220 1780 1780 95.1 95.3 0.86 0.86 649 778 2.6 2.6 7.1 7.2 2.7 2.8 2.2 2.7 1040 1120 76 76 91 91 317L-QA4.. 176 265 1780 95.6 0.87 944 2.7 7.3 2.7 3.1 1210 76 91 315L-QA4.. 318L-QA4.. 220 275 330 4051) 1780 1785 95.8 96.0 0.87 0.89 1180 1471 2.7 1.8 7.3 7.7 2.7 2.8 3.9 4.6 1430 1565 76 76 91 91 357L-QA4.. 345 5051) 1790 96.3 0.89 1841 1.6 7.3 2.8 6.1 2050 78 94 355L-QA4.. 390 5701) 1790 96.6 0.89 2081 1.7 7.3 3 6.7 2200 78 94 400S-QA4.. 440 6351) 1794 97 0.90 2342 1.4 7.1 3 16 2650 84 100 400M-QA4.. 495 7051) 1794 97 0.91 2635 1.15 6.9 2.8 18 2850 84 100 450S-QA4.. 550 7801) 1794 97.2 0.91 2928 1.05 7.3 2.8 23 3300 85 101 450M-QA4.. 450L-QA4.. 610 690 1794 1794 97.4 97.4 0.91 0.91 3247 3673 1.05 1.05 7.2 7.2 2.8 2.8 26 26 3500 3800 85 85 101 101 500... On request Notes 1) Two parallel supply lines are required for each phase Construction type B3 with terminal box 3) For order the type of construction and the nominal voltage are to be given in clear. 2) On request Lw [dB(A)] Operating Characteristics Mains Operation; Operating Data, 50 Hz Temperature Class T4, ns = 1800 rpm, 2p = 4 Seite 42 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:47 09 42 Operating Characteristics Mains Operation; Operating Data, 60 Hz Temperature Class T4, ns = 1200 rpm, 2p = 6 Type3) Output Speed Efficiency Power factor Torque Starting torque Starting current Stalling torque Mass inertia moment Weight2) Noise values with radial-flow fan KD1 P2 [kW] 460 V I [A] n [rpm] η [%] cos ϕ M [Nm] MA/MN IA/IN MK/MN J [kgm2] m [kg] Lp [dB(A)] Lw [dB(A)] 071N-RA4.. 0.3 0.84 1105 63.5 0.71 2.6 2.2 3.5 2.6 0.0012 17 48 60 Rated current at 087N-RA4.. 0.42 1.12 1110 68 0.71 3.7 2.5 4.1 2.8 0.0019 24 48 60 080N-RA4.. 0.64 1.59 1110 70 0.72 5.5 2.4 4 2.7 0.0025 25 48 60 097L-RA4.. 090L-RA4.. 0.9 1.3 2.25 3.15 1090 1105 67 71 0.75 0.73 7.9 11.2 1.8 2 3.4 3.7 2.1 2.2 0.0033 0.0046 31 35 51 51 63 63 100L-RA4.. 1.8 3.9 1135 77 0.75 15.1 2.54 4.9 3 0.0095 46 54 66 112M-RA4.. 2.6 5.4 1140 81 0.75 21.8 2.7 5.6 3.1 0.017 59 58 70 132S-RA4.. 137M-RA4.. 3.6 4.8 6.9 9.0 1160 1150 84 84.5 0.78 0.79 29.6 40 2.7 2.6 6.3 6 3.1 3 0.031 0.037 100 104 61 61 74 74 132M-RA4.. 6.6 11.8 1150 85.5 0.82 55 2.6 6.4 3 0.043 112 61 74 160M-RA4.. 160L-RA4.. 8.6 12.6 14.7 21.5 1150 1160 86.5 87.5 0.85 0.85 71 104 2.5 2.5 6.8 6.7 3.3 3.2 0.087 0.12 170 190 63 63 76 76 180L-RA4.. 18 30.0 1160 90 0.84 148 2.4 6.9 3.2 0.19 215 63 76 207L-RA4.. 200L-RA4.. 21.3 26 35 42.5 1170 1165 90.5 91 0.84 0.84 174 213 1.9 2.2 6.2 6.8 2.7 3 0.28 0.31 270 280 63 63 77 77 225M-RA4.. 35 57 1170 92 0.84 286 2.8 6.6 2.5 0.69 404 67 81 250M-RA4.. 44 70 1175 92.5 0.85 358 2.8 6.6 2.6 1.03 570 68 82 280S-RA4.. 52 85 1180 93.3 0.82 421 2.8 5.8 2.4 1.35 720 70 84 280M-RA4.. 64 105 1180 93.5 0.82 518 2.7 5.8 2.3 1.7 770 70 84 315S-RA4.. 87 134 1190 94 0.87 698 2.6 6.4 2.4 4.3 995 75 90 315M-RA4.. 317L-RA4.. 105 121 159 183 1190 1190 94.2 94.5 0.88 0.88 842 971 2.6 2.8 6.5 6.9 2.4 2.6 5.0 6.0 1050 1145 75 75 90 90 315L-RA4.. 145 220 1190 94.7 0.88 1164 2.8 7.1 2.6 7.3 1265 75 90 355S-RA4.. 176 265 1190 95 0.88 1412 2.7 7.2 2.6 8.3 1440 75 90 355M-RA4.. 220 330 1190 95.6 0.88 1766 1.9 7.1 2.8 11.3 1750 80 96 355L-RA4.. 275 4101) 1190 95.9 0.88 2207 1.9 7.1 2.8 13.8 1950 80 96 400S-RA4.. 400M-RA4.. 345 390 5051) 5701) 1192 1193 96.3 96.6 0.89 0.89 2764 3122 1.05 1.15 6.9 7 2.7 2.8 23 27 2650 2850 84 84 100 100 450S-RA4.. 440 6401) 1194 96.8 0.89 3519 1.05 7.3 2.7 41 3300 84 100 450M-RA4.. 450L-RA4.. 495 550 7251) 8001) 1194 1194 96.6 97 0.89 0.89 3959 4399 1.3 1.15 7.2 7.2 3 2.8 46 51 3500 3800 84 84 100 100 500... On request Notes 1) Two 2) parallel supply lines are required for each phase Construction type B3 with terminal box order the type of construction and the nominal voltage are to be given in clear. 3) For Seite 43 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:47 09 43 Type3) Output Speed Efficiency Power factor Torque Starting torque Starting current Stalling torque Mass inertia moment Weight2) Noise values with radial-flow fan KD1 P2 [kW] 460 V I [A] n [rpm] η [%] cos ϕ M [Nm] MA/MN IA/IN MK/MN J [kgm2] m [kg] Lp [dB(A)] Lw [dB(A)] 071N-SA4.. 0.14 0.50 815 52 0.67 1.64 1.9 2.4 2.4 0.0012 17 45 57 Rated current at 087N-SA4.. 0.21 0.66 830 61 0.65 2.4 2.2 3.2 2.6 0.0019 24 46 58 080N-SA4.. 0.3 0.95 830 62 0.64 3.45 2.2 3.2 2.5 0.0025 25 46 58 097L-SA4.. 090L-SA4.. 0.44 0.64 1.37 1.90 850 835 64 65 0.63 0.65 4.9 7.3 1.8 1.8 3 3.1 2.2 2.2 0.0033 0.0046 31 35 50 50 62 62 107L-SA4.. 0.9 2.35 850 71 0.67 10.1 2.4 4 2.6 0.008 44 53 65 100L-SA4.. 1.3 3.2 835 70 0.73 14.9 2 3.8 2.4 0.0095 46 53 65 112M-SA4.. 1.8 4.3 850 78 0.67 20.2 2.2 4.6 2.8 0.017 59 57 69 132S-SA4.. 2.6 5.1 835 81 0.79 29.7 2 4.1 2.3 0.029 97 58 71 132M-SA4.. 3.6 7.2 845 81.5 0.77 41 2.4 4.6 2.7 0.036 113 58 71 167M-SA4.. 160M-SA4.. 4.6 6.5 8.8 12.3 860 865 84 86 0.78 0.77 51 72 1.8 2.1 4.6 5.4 2.3 2.8 0.071 0.105 157 170 59 59 72 72 160L-SA4.. 9 17 865 86.5 0.77 99 2.2 5.6 2.9 0.136 190 59 72 180L-SA4.. 13.2 23.5 870 88.5 0.80 145 2.4 6.4 3 0.22 215 61 74 200L-SA4.. 18 32.0 875 89 0.79 196 2.7 9.9 3.2 0.4 280 61 75 225S-SA4.. 22 38.5 875 90.2 0.79 240 2.2 6.3 3 0.56 372 62 76 225M-SA4.. 26 45.0 875 90.5 0.80 284 2.2 6.3 3 0.69 404 62 76 250M-SA4.. 36 61 880 92.1 0.80 391 2 6.8 3 1.2 550 63 77 280S-SA4.. 44 73 880 92.8 0.82 478 2.1 6.2 2.8 1.9 740 66 80 280M-SA4.. 52 85 880 92.8 0.83 564 2 6.3 2.6 2.3 800 66 80 315S-SA4.. 315M-SA4.. 61 87 99 141 885 885 92.8 93 0.83 0.83 658 939 2.5 2.5 6 6.3 2.6 2.5 4.3 5 995 1050 74 74 89 89 317L-SA4.. 105 172 885 93.2 0.82 1133 2.6 6.6 2.6 6 1145 74 89 315L-SA4.. 355S-SA4.. 121 145 199 240 885 880 93.2 93.4 0.82 0.82 1306 1574 2.8 2.6 7.2 6.6 2.8 2.6 7.3 8.3 1265 1440 74 74 89 89 355M-SA4.. 176 280 890 95.1 0.83 1889 2 6.5 2.5 11.4 1750 76 92 355L-SA4.. 220 350 895 95.5 0.83 2347 1.8 7 2.5 13.9 1950 76 92 400S-SA4.. 275 4351) 895 96 0.83 2934 1.3 6.4 2.5 23 2650 79 95 400M-SA4.. 345 5351) 895 96.2 0.84 3681 1.3 6.5 2.5 30 3100 79 95 450S-SA4.. 450M-SA4.. 390 440 605 6801) 895 895 96.5 96.6 0.84 0.84 4161 4695 1.05 1.05 6.4 6.4 2.4 2.3 46 51 3450 3750 80 80 96 96 450L-SA4.. 495 7651) 895 96.7 0.84 5282 1.05 6.4 2.3 7 400 80 96 500... On request Notes 1) Two 2) parallel supply lines are required for each phase Construction type B3 with terminal box order the type of construction and the nominal voltage are to be given in clear. 3) For Operating Characteristics Mains Operation; Operating Data, 60 Hz Temperature Class T4, ns = 900 rpm, 2p = 8 Seite 44 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:47 09 44 Mains Operation; Operating Data, 50 Hz Increased Output Temperature Class T4, ns = 3000 rpm, 2p = 2 Operating Characteristics Ambient temperature 40 °C, increased winding temperature within thermal class F Type2) Output Speed Efficiency Power factor Torque Starting moment Starting current Stalling torque Mass inertia moment Weight1) Noise values with radial-flow fan KD1 P2 [kW] 400 V I [A] 500 V I [A] n [rpm] h [%] cos v M [Nm] MA/MN IA/IN MK/MN J [kgm2] m [kg] Lp [dB(A)] Lw [dB(A)] 067N-AA4.. 0.25 063N-AA4.. 0.37 0.78 0.62 2650 58 0.80 0.90 2 3 3.5 0.00028 16 54 66 1.09 0.87 2660 60 0.82 1.33 2 3.1 3.5 0.00028 16 54 66 077N-AA4.. 071N-AA4.. 0.46 0.75 1.43 1.91 1.15 1.53 2720 2730 66 70 0.84 0.81 1.93 2.62 2.1 2.7 4.2 4.7 2.5 3.2 0.00028 0.00039 16 17 57 57 69 69 087N-AA4.. 1.0 2.65 2.1 2750 68 0.80 3.47 2.4 4.2 3 0.00058 24 59 71 080N-AA4.. 1.4 3.75 3.0 2790 72 0.75 4.8 2.8 4.7 3.4 0.0008 25 59 71 097L-AA4.. 1.9 4.2 3.35 2830 77.8 0.84 6.4 2.2 5.8 3.1 0.0013 31 60 72 090L-AA4.. 2.7 6.2 4.95 2830 78 0.81 9.1 2.5 5.5 3.5 0.0018 35 60 72 100L-AA4.. 3.4 7.5 6.0 2845 80 0.82 11.4 2.8 5.8 3.5 0.0029 45 64 76 112M-AA4.. 5.0 10.4 8.3 2875 82 0.85 16.6 2.7 6 2.9 0.0051 53 66 78 137S-AA4.. 6.6 14.3 11.4 2880 81.5 0.82 21.9 2.4 6 3.1 0.0089 95 69 82 132S-AA4.. 9.0 19.4 15.6 2900 83.5 0.80 29.6 2.7 6.5 3.5 0.0125 100 69 82 167M-AA4.. 160M-AA4.. 13.5 18.5 26 34.5 21 27.5 2920 2910 86 87.5 0.87 0.89 44 61 2.5 2.5 6.5 6.5 3.2 3.2 0.032 0.043 163 173 80 80 93 93 160L-AA4.. 22 39.5 31.5 2915 89 0.90 72 2.8 6.9 3.4 0.052 188 80 93 180M-AA4.. 30 55 44 2915 89.5 0.88 98 2.7 6.9 3.1 0.075 196 83 96 207L-AA4.. 37 66 53 2955 91.4 0.89 120 3 7.2 3.3 0.13 254 85 99 200L-AA4.. 45 81 65 2955 92 0.87 145 2.8 7.2 3.3 0.16 278 85 99 225M-AA4.. 55 103 83 2965 91.5 0.84 177 2.9 7.1 3.7 0.24 400 87 101 250M-AA4.. 70 134 107 2975 92.2 0.82 225 2.7 6.9 3.5 0.4 545 87 101 280S-AA4.. 90 159 127 2970 92 0.89 289 2 6.6 3 0.65 700 89 103 280M-AA4.. 110 195 156 2970 92.4 0.88 354 2.1 6.9 3.1 0.78 762 89 103 315S-AA4.. 315M-AA4.. 132 160 235 280 187 225 2975 2975 92.5 93 0.88 0.89 424 514 1.9 1.8 6.3 6.7 2.5 2.4 1.4 1.6 960 1025 90 90 105 105 317L-AA4.. 200 320 255 2975 93.5 0.89 594 2 6.9 2.6 1.9 1065 90 105 315L-AA4.. 230 400 320 2975 93.5 0.89 738 2 6.9 2.6 2.2 1270 90 105 Notes 1) Rated current at Construction type B3 with terminal box order the type of construction and the nominal voltage are to be given in clear. 2) For Seite 45 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:47 09 45 Mains Operation; Operating Data, 50 Hz Increased Output Temperature Class T4 ns = 1500 rpm, 2p = 4 Type3) Output Speed Efficiency Power factor Torque Starting moment Starting current Stalling torque Mass inertia moment Weight2) Noise values with radial-flow fan KD1 P2 [kW] 400 V I [A] 500 V I [A] n [rpm] h [%] cos v M [Nm] MA/MN IA/IN MK/MN J [kgm2] m [kg] Lp [dB(A)] Lw [dB(A)] 067N-BA4.. 0.18 063N-BA4.. 0.25 0.62 0.50 1250 54 0.77 1.38 1.7 2.5 2.2 0.00046 16 45 57 0.80 0.64 1280 58 0.78 1.87 1.7 2.8 2.5 0.00046 16 45 57 077N-BA4.. 071N-BA4.. 0.37 0.5 1.17 1.57 0.93 1.25 1325 1310 61 65 0.75 0.78 2.67 4.0 1.7 1.7 3 3.3 2.3 2.3 0.00046 0.00063 16 17 46 46 58 58 Rated current at 087N-BA4.. 0.7 1.99 1.59 1310 65 0.78 5.1 2 3.5 2.2 0.00092 24 47 59 080N-BA4.. 1.0 2.7 2.15 1350 70 0.77 7.1 2.3 4.1 2.5 0.0013 25 47 59 097L-BA4.. 1.4 3.35 2.7 1350 73.5 0.82 9.9 1.9 4.2 2.2 0.0021 31 49 61 090L-BA4.. 2.0 4.7 3.75 1360 74 0.83 14 2 4.2 2.2 0.0029 35 49 61 107L-BA4.. 100L-BA4.. 2.5 3.4 6.2 7.4 4.9 5.9 1415 1400 76 78.8 0.77 0.85 16.9 23.2 2.3 2.1 5.3 5.1 2.7 2.8 0.0046 0.0056 44 46 52 52 64 64 112M-BA4.. 5.0 11.1 8.9 1420 81 0.80 33.6 2.6 6.4 3 0.011 59 54 66 132S-BA4.. 6.6 13.3 10.5 1445 85.1 0.84 44 2.6 6.3 2.9 0.022 100 59 72 132M-BA4.. 9.0 18.3 14.6 1435 85.7 0.83 60 2.7 6.3 3 0.03 110 59 72 160M-BA4.. 13.5 29.5 23.5 1450 86.5 0.77 89 2.6 6.1 3 0.057 168 67 80 160L-BA4.. 17.5 34.0 27.0 1450 88.5 0.84 115 2.5 6.2 2.9 0.079 184 67 80 180M-BA4.. 180L-BA4.. 22 27 43.5 52 35.0 42.0 1460 1460 90 91 0.81 0.82 144 177 3.1 3 6.7 7.2 3.2 3.1 0.13 0.155 198 217 73 73 86 86 200L-BA4.. 37 68 55 1460 91 0.86 242 2.9 6.9 3 0.25 274 76 90 225S-BA4.. 225M-BA4.. 45 55 81 100 65 80 1465 1475 92 92.5 0.87 0.86 293 356 2.6 2.6 6.1 6.3 2.6 2.8 0.4 0.48 372 402 79 79 93 93 250M-BA4.. 70 127 102 1475 92.5 0.86 453 2.9 7.2 3.4 0.75 573 80 94 280S-BA4.. 280M-BA4.. 90 110 164 200 131 161 1480 1480 93.2 93.7 0.85 0.84 581 710 2.7 2.9 6.8 6.9 2.8 3.1 1.25 1.48 740 820 82 82 96 96 315S-BA4.. 132 235 190 1485 94.6 0.85 849 2.2 6.5 2.4 2.2 1040 84 99 315M-BA4.. 160 285 225 1485 94.5 0.86 1029 2.4 6.8 2.6 2.7 1120 84 99 317L-BA4.. 315L-BA4.. 200 230 330 4101) 260 325 1485 1485 94.7 94.7 0.86 0.86 1190 1479 2.5 2.5 6.9 6.9 2.6 2.7 3.3 3.9 1210 1430 84 84 99 99 Notes 1) 2) Two parallel supply lines are required for each phase Construction type B3 with terminal box order the type of construction and the nominal voltage are to be given in clear. 3) For Operating Characteristics Ambient temperature 40 °C, increased winding temperature within thermal class F Seite 46 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:47 09 46 Mains Operation; Operating Data, 60 Hz Increased Output Temperature Class T4, ns = 3600 rpm, 2p = 2 Operating Characteristics Ambient temperature 40 °C, increased winding temperature within thermal class F Type2) Output Speed Efficiency Power factor Torque Starting moment Starting current Stalling torque Mass inertia moment Weight1) Noise values with radial-flow fan KD1 P2 [kW] 460 V I [A] n [rpm] h [%] cos v M [Nm] MA/MN IA/IN MK/MN J [kgm2] m [kg] Lp [dB(A)] Lw [dB(A)] 067N-PA4.. 063N-PA4.. 0.29 0.78 3180 58 0.80 0.87 2 3 3.5 0.00028 16 57 69 0.43 1.09 3190 60 0.82 1.29 2 3.1 3.5 0.00028 16 57 69 077N-PA4.. 071N-PA4.. 0.53 0.87 1.45 1.93 3265 3375 66 70 0.84 0.81 1.87 2.46 2.1 2.7 4.2 4.7 2.5 3.2 0.00028 0.00039 16 17 61 61 73 73 Rated current at 087N-PA4.. 1.16 2.7 3300 68 0.80 3.36 2.4 4.2 3 0.00058 24 63 75 080N-PA4.. 1.6 3.7 3350 72 0.75 4.6 2.8 4.7 3.4 0.0008 25 63 75 097L-PA4.. 2.2 4.25 3395 77.5 0.84 6.3 2.2 5.8 3.1 0.0013 31 64 76 090L-PA4.. 3.1 6.2 3395 78 0.81 8.7 2.5 5.5 3.5 0.0018 35 64 76 100L-PA4.. 3.9 7.5 3415 80 0.82 10.9 2.8 5.8 3.5 0.0029 45 68 80 112M-PA4.. 5.8 10.4 3450 82 0.85 16.1 2.7 6 2.9 0.0051 53 70 82 137S-PA4.. 7.6 14.3 3455 81.5 0.82 21 2.4 6 3.1 0.0089 95 73 86 132S-PA4.. 10.4 18.1 3505 84.5 0.86 28.5 2.7 6.5 3.5 0.0125 100 73 86 167M-PA4.. 160M-PA4.. 15.5 22 26 35.5 3505 3490 86 87.5 0.87 0.89 42 60 2.5 2.5 6.5 6.5 3.2 3.2 0.034 0.043 163 173 85 85 98 98 160L-PA4.. 26 41 3500 89 0.90 71 2.8 6.9 3.4 0.052 188 85 98 180M-PA4.. 35 56 3500 89.5 0.88 96 2.7 6.9 3.1 0.075 196 88 101 207L-PA4.. 43 67 3545 91 0.88 116 3 7.2 3.3 0.13 254 90 104 200L-PA4.. 52 82 3545 92 0.87 140 2.8 7.2 3.3 0.16 278 90 104 225M-PA4.. 64 105 3560 91.5 0.84 172 2.9 7.1 3.7 0.24 400 92 106 250M-PA4.. 81 135 3570 92 0.82 217 2.7 6.9 3.5 0.4 545 92 106 280S-PA4.. 105 161 3565 92 0.89 281 2 6.6 3 0.65 700 95 109 280M-PA4.. 121 187 3565 92.2 0.88 324 2 7.3 3.3 0.78 762 95 109 315S-PA4.. 315M-PA4.. 145 176 225 265 3570 3570 92.3 92.8 0.88 0.89 388 471 1.9 1.8 6.6 7.1 2.6 2.5 1.4 1.6 960 1025 96 96 111 111 317L-PA4.. 220 310 3570 93.2 0.89 548 2 7.3 2.7 1.9 1065 96 111 315L-PA4.. 255 385 3570 93.2 0.89 682 2 7.3 2.7 2.2 1270 96 111 Notes 1) Construction type B3 with terminal box order the type of construction and the nominal voltage are to be given in clear. 2) For Seite 47 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:47 09 47 Mains Operation; Operating Data, 60 Hz Increased Output Temperature Class T4, ns = 1800 rpm, 2p = 4 Type2) Output Speed Efficiency Power factor Torque Starting moment Starting current Stalling torque Mass inertia moment Weight1) Noise values with radial-flow fan KD1 P2 [kW] 460 V I [A] n [rpm] h [%] cos v M [Nm] MA/MN IA/IN MK/MN J [kgm2] m [kg] Lp [dB(A)] Lw [dB(A)] 067N-QA4.. 063N-QA4.. 0.21 0.63 1500 54 0.77 1.34 1.7 2.5 2.2 0.00046 16 48 60 0.29 0.80 1535 58 0.78 1.8 1.7 2.8 2.5 0.00046 16 48 60 077N-QA4.. 071N-QA4.. 0.43 0.58 1.18 1.58 1590 1570 61 65 0.75 0.78 2.58 3.9 1.7 1.7 3 3.3 2.3 2.3 0.00046 0.00063 16 17 49 49 61 61 Rated current at 087N-QA4.. 0.81 2.0 1570 65 0.78 4.9 2 3.5 2.2 0.00092 24 50 62 080N-QA4.. 1.16 2.7 1620 70 0.77 6.8 2.3 4.1 2.5 0.0013 25 50 62 097L-QA4.. 1.6 3.35 1620 73.5 0.82 9.4 1.9 4.2 2.2 0.0021 31 52 64 090L-QA4.. 2.3 4.7 1630 74 0.83 13.5 2 4.2 2.2 0.0029 35 52 64 107L-QA4.. 100L-QA4.. 2.9 3.9 6.2 7.3 1700 1680 76 78.8 0.77 0.85 16.3 22.2 2.3 2.1 5.3 5.1 2.7 2.8 0.0046 0.0056 44 46 55 55 67 67 112M-QA4.. 5.8 11.2 1705 81 0.80 32.5 2.6 6.4 3 0.011 59 57 69 132S-QA4.. 7.6 13.3 1735 85.1 0.84 42 2.6 6.3 2.9 0.022 100 63 76 132M-QA4.. 10.4 18.4 1720 85.7 0.83 58 2.7 6.3 3 0.03 110 63 76 160M-QA4.. 15.5 29 1740 86.5 0.77 85 2.6 6.1 3 0.057 168 71 84 160L-QA4.. 20 34 1740 88.5 0.84 110 2.5 6.2 2.9 0.079 184 71 84 180M-QA4.. 180L-QA4.. 26 31 45 52 1750 1755 90 90.8 0.81 0.83 142 169 3.1 3 7 7.2 3.2 3.1 0.13 0.155 198 217 76 76 89 89 200L-QA4.. 43 69 1750 91 0.86 235 2.9 6.9 3 0.25 274 81 95 225S-QA4.. 225M-QA4.. 52 64 82 102 1760 1770 92 92 0.87 0.86 282 345 2.6 2.6 6.1 6.3 2.6 2.8 0.4 0.48 372 402 84 84 98 98 250M-QA4.. 81 128 1770 92.5 0.86 437 2.9 7.2 3.4 0.75 573 85 99 280S-QA4.. 280M-QA4.. 105 121 167 193 1775 1775 93 93.5 0.85 0.84 565 651 2.7 3.1 6.8 7.3 2.8 3.3 1.25 1.48 740 820 87 87 101 101 315S-QA4.. 145 235 1780 94.4 0.85 778 2.3 6.9 2.5 2.2 1040 89 104 315M-QA4.. 176 285 1780 94.3 0.86 944 2.5 7.2 2.7 2.7 1120 89 104 317L-QA4.. 315L-QA4.. 220 255 315 395 1780 1780 94.5 94.5 0.86 0.86 1100 1368 2.6 2.6 7.3 7.3 2.7 2.8 3.3 3.9 1210 1430 89 89 104 104 Notes 1) Construction type B3 with terminal box order the type of construction and the nominal voltage are to be given in clear. 2) For Operating Characteristics Ambient temperature 40 °C, increased winding temperature within thermal class F Seite 48 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:47 09 48 Mains Operation; Power Assignment, 50 Hz/60 Hz Temperature Class T6 KD1 50 Hz 2p = 2 3000 rpm P2[kW] 2p = 4 1500 rpm P2[kW] 60 Hz 2p = 2 3600 rpm P2[kW] 2p = 4 1800 rpm P2[kW] 067N-..6.. 0.18 063N-..6.. 0.25 0.12 0.21 0.14 0.18 0.29 077N-..6.. 071N-..6.. 0.21 0.37 0.55 0.25 0.37 0.25 0.12 0.44 0.65 087N-..6.. 0.75 0.55 0.37 0.18 080N-..6.. 1.1 0.75 0.55 0.25 097L-..6.. 1.5 1.1 0.65 090L-..6.. 2.2 1.4 0.85 107L-..6.. 100L-..6.. 2.5 1.8 2.2 112M-..6.. 3.5 137S-..6.. 132S-..6.. 5.5 6 Operating Characteristics Type 137M-..6.. 2p = 6 1200 rpm P2[kW] 2p = 8 900 rpm P2[kW] 0.3 0.44 0.25 0.14 0.86 0.63 0.42 0.21 1.26 0.86 0.64 0.29 0.37 1.8 1.3 0.75 0.43 0.55 2.5 1.6 1 0.64 1.3 0.75 0.95 2.9 2.1 2.3 1.5 0.87 1.1 3.5 2 1.3 4 4 2.3 1.5 5 3 1.9 5.8 7 5.5 3.5 2.2 6 4 2.5 6.5 4.6 2.9 132M-..6.. 2p = 6 1000 rpm P2[kW] 2p = 8 750 rpm P2[kW] 4.7 5.4 167M-..6.. 160M-..6.. 9 12 9.5 6.5 3.5 5 10.5 14 11 7.5 4 5.8 8.5 6.5 15 12.5 9.8 7.5 19 16 17.5 11.5 11 25.5 17.5 14 160L-..6.. 13 11 180M-..6.. 180L-..6.. 16.5 14 15 10 9.5 207L-..6.. 22 22 15 12 200L-..6.. 27 225S-..6.. 18 30 25.5 31 15 21 34 17.5 225M-..6.. 35 35 22 19 40 40 29 22 250M-..6.. 39 39 33 27 45 45 38 31 280S-..6.. 60 60 40 33 69 69 46 38 280M-..6.. 75 70 45 40 87 81 52 46 315S-..6.. On request On request On request On request 315M-..6.. 317L-..6.. 315L-..6.. 318L-..6.. 355M-..6.. 357L-..6.. 355L-..6.. Seite 49 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:47 09 49 Mains Operation; Operating Data, 50 Hz Pole-Changing Motors Temperature class T4, ns = 1500/3000 rpm, 2p = 4/2 Type3) Output Mass inertia moment J [kgm2] Weight2) Noise values with radial-flow fan KD1 m [kg] Lp [dB(A)] Lw [dB(A)] 2.6 3 2.7 3.2 0.00111 23 0.00148 24 47 65 47 65 59 77 59 77 4.2 4.9 4.7 5.4 2.2 3 2.3 3 0.00238 27 0.00318 30 52 69 52 69 64 81 64 81 2 2.1 4.8 5.8 2.7 3 0.00608 37 55 75 67 87 24.7 14.5 2.2 2.5 6 6.7 3 3.3 0.0122 53 56 76 68 88 0.84 0.91 0.85 0.92 33 19.7 46 29.5 2.1 2.5 2.6 2.5 5 6.4 5.8 6.8 2.9 2.9 2.8 3 0.0238 100 0.0323 110 62 80 62 80 75 93 75 93 87.5 87 88.5 87.5 0.84 0.92 0.84 0.92 62 36 85 52 2.5 2.7 2.3 2.6 6 6.8 6 6.8 2.8 3.1 2.8 3.2 0.0625 153 0.085 168 57 68 57 68 70 81 70 81 1460 2930 1465 2940 89.5 88 90 88.5 0.83 0.90 0.83 0.90 108 65 124 81 2.8 2.8 3.1 3.1 6.5 6.9 6.5 6.8 2.7 3 2.9 3.2 0.13 185 0.155 195 58 69 58 69 71 82 71 82 37.5 43.0 1470 2955 91.5 90 0.87 0.93 169 100 2.8 2.7 6.6 7.1 3 3.5 0.25 270 60 73 74 87 59 66 69 79 47.0 53 55 63 1470 2955 1470 2955 91.5 90 92.5 91.5 0.86 0.92 0.86 0.92 208 123 247 149 2.6 2.6 2.8 2.8 6.5 7 6.5 7 2.5 3 2.7 3.2 0.4 369 0.48 400 61 74 61 74 75 88 75 88 46 82 65 1470 92.5 0.88 299 2.7 6.5 2.8 0.75 570 63 77 55 94 75 2955 91 0.93 178 2.9 7.1 3.3 76 90 63 75 73 87 113 129 131 150 90 103 105 120 1480 2475 1485 2970 93.5 92 93.5 92 0.86 0.91 0.86 0.91 407 241 469 280 2.8 2.6 2.8 2.4 6.5 7 6.5 7.1 2.5 3.1 2.6 3.2 1.25 730 1.48 800 65 78 65 78 79 92 79 92 85 100 100 125 120 150 145 175 155 174 179 215 215 260 260 300 124 139 143 172 172 205 205 240 1485 2975 1485 2975 1485 2975 1485 2975 94 92 95 92 95 92 95 92 0.84 0.90 0.85 0.91 0.85 0.91 0.85 0.91 547 321 643 401 772 482 932 562 2.5 2.1 2.6 2.3 2.6 2.3 2.6 2.3 6.5 7 6.6 7.1 6.5 7 6.5 7 2.4 2.8 2.6 3 2.4 2.9 2.4 2.9 2.2 996 2.7 1096 3.3 1221 3.8 1290 67 80 67 80 67 80 67 80 82 95 82 95 82 95 82 95 160 200 180 220 200 250 220 280 280 330 315 365 345 415 380 4601) 220 265 250 290 280 330 305 370 1485 2980 1485 2980 1485 2985 1485 2985 95.5 94 95.5 94 95.5 94 96 94.5 0.87 0.93 0.87 0.93 0.87 0.93 0.87 0.93 1029 641 1158 705 1286 800 1415 896 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 6.4 6.9 6.6 7.1 6.5 7 6.5 7 2.4 2.7 2.3 2.6 2.3 2.6 2.3 2.6 5.1 1800 5.6 1900 6 2050 6.7 2200 70 82 70 82 70 82 70 82 86 98 86 98 86 98 86 98 Speed Efficiency Power factor Torque Starting moment Starting current Stalling torque P2 [kW] Rated current at 400 V 500 V I I [A] [A] n [rpm] h [%] cos v M [Nm] MA/MN IA/IN MK/MN 0.5 0.65 0.7 0.85 1.43 1.66 1.92 2.15 1.14 1.33 1.54 1.71 1400 2810 1400 2820 67.5 63.5 70 66 0.75 0.89 0.75 0.87 3.4 2.2 4.8 2.9 2 2.2 2.1 2.4 3.9 4.2 4 4.8 1.1 1.4 1.5 1.9 2.7 3.15 3.55 4.1 2.15 2.5 2.8 3.25 1395 2820 1400 2830 70 70 74 73 0.84 0.92 0.83 0.92 7.5 4.7 10.2 6.4 1.8 1.9 2 2.2 100L-GA4.. 2.6 3.2 5.9 6.5 4.7 5.2 1410 2870 78 78 0.82 0.91 17.6 10.6 112M-GA4.. 3.7 4.4 7.6 8.9 6.1 7.1 1430 2895 82.5 78.5 0.85 0.91 132S-GA4.. 5 6 7 9 10.4 12.0 14.2 17.3 8.3 9.6 11.3 13.6 1440 2910 1440 2910 83 79 84 83 9.5 11 13 16 18.7 19.8 25.0 28.5 14.9 15.9 20.0 23.0 1455 2930 1455 2930 16.5 20 19 25 32.0 36.5 36.5 45.5 25.5 29.0 29.5 36.0 200L-GA4.. 26 31 47.0 53 225S-GA4.. 32 38 38 46 087N-GA4.. 080N-GA4.. 097L-GA4.. 090L-GA4.. 132M-GA4.. 160M-GA4.. 160L-GA4.. 180M-GA4.. 180L-GA4.. 225M-GA4.. 250M-GA4.. 280S-GA4.. 280M-GA4.. 315S-GA4.. 315M-GA4.. 317L-GA4.. 315L-GA4.. 355S-GA4.. 357M-GA4.. 355M-GA4.. 355L-GA4.. Notes 1) Two parallel supply lines are required for each phase Construction type B3 with terminal box 3) For order the type of construction and the nominal voltage are to be given in clear. 2) Operating Characteristics Ambient temperature 40°C, increased winding temperature within thermal class F Seite 50 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:47 09 50 Mains Operation; Operating Data, 50 Hz Pole-Changing Motors Temperature Class T4, ns = 1000/1500 rpm, 2p = 6/4 Operating Characteristics Ambient temperature 40 °C, increased winding temperature within thermal class F Type2) Output Mass inertia moment J [kgm2] Weight1) Noise values with radial-flow fan KD1 m [kg] Lp [dB(A)] Lw [dB(A)] 2.3 2.4 0.0038 27 52 55 64 67 3.1 2.1 0.0051 30 52 64 4.2 2.3 55 67 1.7 1.8 3.9 5.9 2.2 2.8 0.008 39 53 57 65 69 11.3 1.9 4 2.3 0.0105 41 53 65 11.3 1.9 5.5 2.4 57 69 0.8 15.1 2 4.6 2.3 54 66 0.88 15.8 1.8 4.8 2.4 59 71 75 78 0.81 0.86 21.9 21.7 1.6 1.7 4.6 5.9 2.1 2.3 0.033 97 59 62 72 75 960 78 0.81 29.8 1.8 4.5 2.4 0.046 107 59 72 1445 81.5 0.88 29.4 1.6 5.8 2.7 62 75 7.9 970 80.5 0.82 44.5 2.1 6.5 2.9 64 77 12.8 10.2 1445 82 0.91 43 1.8 6.4 2.7 70 83 6.5 13.2 10.5 960 81 0.88 64 1.6 5.2 2.5 64 77 9.5 17.7 14.2 1465 86 0.90 62 2.1 6.9 2.7 70 83 11 22.5 18.0 975 86 0.82 102 2.4 7 3.2 56 69 16 29.0 23.5 1465 88 0.90 104 2 6.9 2.6 63 76 200L-JA4.. 16 24 32.5 43.5 26 35 975 1475 86.5 89 0.82 0.89 157 156 1.8 1.6 7 7 2.8 3.1 0.338 275 56 63 70 77 225S-JA4.. 21 39.5 31.5 975 89 0.86 206 2.6 6.1 2.3 0.4 380 60 74 225M-JA4.. 31 25 54 46.5 43.0 37.0 1470 975 90 89.5 0.92 0.87 201 245 2.1 2.8 6.6 6 2.8 2.4 400 67 60 81 74 37 64 51 147 91 0.92 240 2.2 6.8 2.9 67 81 250M-JA4.. 32 47 59 81 47.0 65 975 1475 90 91 0.87 0.92 313 304 2.7 2.2 6 6.4 2.5 2 0.75 570 61 68 75 82 280S-JA4.. 45 88 70 980 91 0.81 439 2.8 6.3 2.7 1.02 730 62 76 66 108 86 1480 92.5 0.87 426 2.6 6.9 2.7 70 84 280M-JA4.. 54 80 107 142 86 113 980 1475 91 92.5 0.80 0.88 526 516 2.8 2.6 6.7 7 2.7 3 1.27 800 62 70 76 84 315S-JA4.. 60 112 90 985 92 0.84 582 2 6.5 2.3 2.2 996 63 78 315M-6/4 85 70 147 130 117 104 1480 985 93 92.5 0.90 0.84 547 679 2.3 2 6.9 6.5 2.1 2.3 2.7 1096 71 63 86 78 Speed Efficiency Power factor Torque Starting moment Starting current Stalling torque P2 [kW] Rated current at 400 V 500 V I I [A] [A] n [rpm] h [%] cos v M [Nm] MA/MN IA/IN MK/MN 097L-JA4.. 0.45 0.65 1.40 1.56 1.12 1.25 930 1430 62 75 0.75 0.80 4.6 4.3 1.6 1.8 3 4 090L-JA4.. 0.6 1.83 1.47 940 63 0.75 6.1 1.6 0.9 2.15 1.72 1430 75.5 0.80 6 1.9 107L-JA4.. 0.9 1.3 2.55 3.05 2.05 2.45 945 1450 67.5 76.5 0.76 0.8 9.2 8.7 100L-JA4.. 1.1 3.10 2.5 950 69 0.74 1.7 4.0 3.2 1445 76 0.81 1.5 3.5 2.8 950 77.6 2.4 5.0 4.0 1430 79 132S-JA4.. 2.2 3.3 5.2 7.1 4.2 5.7 960 1450 132M-JA4.. 3 6.9 5.5 4.5 9.1 7.2 4.5 9.8 6.6 112M-JA4.. 160M-JA4.. 160L-JA4.. 180L-JA4.. 0.019 0.095 0.13 0.155 0.48 53 143 163 190 100 172 138 1480 93 0.90 643 2.3 6.9 2.2 71 86 317L-JA4.. 85 120 157 205 126 164 985 1480 93 94 0.84 0.90 824 772 2.2 2.4 6.8 7 2.4 2.2 3.3 1221 63 71 78 86 315L-JA4.. 100 182 145 985 93.5 0.85 970 2.2 6.8 2.4 3.9 1290 63 78 140 235 189 1485 95 0.90 900 2.4 7 2.2 71 86 110 192 154 985 94 0.88 1067 1.7 6.5 2.2 67 83 160 265 215 1485 95 0.91 1029 1.6 6.8 2 76 92 355M-JA4.. 130 225 181 985 94 0.88 1260 1.7 6.8 2.3 1950 67 83 355L-JA4.. 180 150 300 260 240 210 1485 990 95 94.5 0.91 0.88 1152 1454 1.6 1.6 7 6.5 2.1 2.2 2200 76 67 92 83 210 350 280 1485 95 0.91 1351 1.6 6.9 2.1 76 92 355S-JA4.. Notes 1) Construction type B3 with terminal box order the type of construction and the nominal voltage are to be given in clear. 2) For 8.9 10.9 12.6 1750 Seite 51 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:47 09 51 Mains Operation; Operating Data, 50 Hz Pole-Changing Motors Temperature Class T4 ns = 750/1500 rpm, 2p = 8/4 Type3) Output Mass inertia moment J [kgm2] Weight2) Noise values with radial-flow fan KD1 m [kg] Lp [dB(A)] Lw [dB(A)] 2 2.5 0.0038 27 49 52 61 64 3.3 2.2 0.0051 30 49 61 4.2 2.6 52 64 1.6 1.6 3.1 4.2 2.1 2.2 0.008 36 52 5 64 17 13.6 1.7 3.5 2.2 0.011 39 52 64 10.9 1.7 4.5 2.4 55 67 0.65 20.2 2.1 4.2 2.2 52 64 0.9 16.8 1.8 5.2 2.3 56 68 74 80.5 0.66 0.89 30.7 24 1.7 1.8 4.2 5.3 2.6 2.5 0.0325 92 53 62 66 75 720 80 0.67 40 1.9 4.6 2.7 0.046 102 53 66 1435 84.5 0.90 33.3 1.9 5.8 2.6 62 75 9.2 720 81 0.73 62 1.7 4.7 2.5 54 67 12.1 9.7 1445 76.5 0.86 36.3 2.1 5.7 3 66 79 5.5 12.1 9.7 715 83 0.79 73 1.7 4.6 2.2 153 54 67 7.5 7 14.8 16.3 11.9 13.0 1440 720 81 84 0.90 0.74 50 93 2 2 6.1 5.5 2.8 2.7 140 66 54 79 67 11 22.0 17.5 1445 81.5 0.89 73 2 6.6 3 66 79 180L-HA4.. 11 18 25.0 32.0 19.8 25.5 725 1460 86.5 88.5 0.74 0.92 145 118 2.2 2.1 6 6.9 2.8 3.2 0.243 185 53 63 66 76 200L-HA4.. 17 39.5 31.5 730 88.5 0.70 222 2.2 6.4 3.5 0.438 275 53 67 27 47.0 37.5 1470 91 0.91 175 2.2 7.1 3.8 63 77 22 47.5 38.0 735 89.5 0.75 286 2.3 6.4 3.3 56 70 32 56 45.0 1475 90.5 0.91 207 2.1 7.2 3.5 67 81 225M-HA4.. 26 38 53 65 43.0 52 730 1470 90 91 0.78 0.93 340 247 2.4 2.5 6.5 7.2 3.4 3.6 0.75 390 56 67 70 81 250M-HA4.. 32 64 51 735 90.5 0.80 415 1.9 6.4 2.9 1.28 570 55 69 47 79 63 1475 92 0.93 304 2 7.1 3.3 68 82 280S-HA4.. 42 60 85 101 68 81 735 1475 91.5 92.5 0.78 0.93 546 388 2.1 2.1 6.4 6.8 2.5 3.1 2.0 740 58 70 72 84 280M-HA4.. 50 98 78 735 92 0.80 650 2.1 6.5 2.4 2.4 810 58 72 72 120 96 1475 93 0.93 466 2 6.9 3 70 84 60 114 91 740 92.5 0.82 774 2.6 6.5 2.5 67 82 90 150 120 1480 93 0.93 581 2.5 7 2.7 79 94 315M-HA4.. 75 110 143 184 114 147 740 1480 92.5 93 0.82 0.93 968 710 2.6 2.5 6.3 6.8 2.5 2.7 5.4 1096 67 79 82 94 317L-HA4.. 90 170 136 740 93 0.82 1161 2.7 6.6 2.6 6.6 1221 67 82 315L-HA4.. 132 115 220 215 175 173 1480 740 93.5 92.5 0.93 0.83 852 1484 2.5 2.7 7.1 6.6 3 2.6 8.0 1320 79 67 94 82 79 94 8.9 1750 69 85 10.9 1950 76 69 92 85 76 92 12.6 2200 69 76 85 92 Speed Efficiency Power factor Torque Starting moment Starting current Stalling torque P2 [kW] Rated current at 400 V 500 V I I [A] [A] n [rpm] h [%] cos v M [Nm] MA/MN IA/IN MK/MN 097L-HA4.. 0.4 0.6 1.48 1.40 1.18 1.12 675 1400 56.5 70.5 0.69 0.88 5.7 4.1 1.5 2 2.7 4.4 090L-HA4.. 0.55 2.0 1.61 680 58 0.68 7.7 1.7 0.8 1.87 1.50 1410 71 0.87 5.4 2 107L-HA4.. 0.9 1.3 3.05 3.1 2.45 2.45 690 1395 60 67.5 0.71 0.90 12.5 8.9 100L-HA4.. 1 3.1 2.5 700 65.5 0.71 1.6 3.5 2.8 1400 72 0.91 1.5 4.6 3.65 710 72.6 2.5 4.85 3.85 1420 83 132S-HA4.. 2.3 3.6 6.8 7.3 5.4 5.8 715 1435 132M-HA4.. 3 8.1 6.5 5 9.5 7.6 4.7 11.5 5.5 160M-HA4.. 160L-HA4.. 112M-HA4.. 167M-HA4.. 225S-HA4.. 315S-HA4.. 160 265 215 1480 93 0.93 1032 2.6 7.1 3 355M-HA4.. 120 245 195 745 94 0.82 1666 1.3 6 2.2 357L-HA4.. 175 140 320 300 255 240 1485 745 94.5 94 0.93 0.82 1254 2051 1.4 1.2 6.9 6.1 2.6 2 215 395 315 1485 94.5 0.93 1543 1.3 7 2.5 355L-HA4.. 165 250 345 4551) 275 360 745 1490 94.5 95 0.82 0.94 2371 1795 1.2 1.3 6 6.9 2 2.5 Notes 1) Two 2) parallel supply lines are required for each phase Construction type B3 with terminal box order the type of construction and the nominal voltage are to be given in clear. 3) For 0.019 0.081 0.108 0.145 0.625 4.4 53 133 379 996 Operating Characteristics Ambient temperature 40 °C, increased winding temperature within thermal class F Seite 52 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:49 09 52 Surface-Cooled Low-Voltage Motors, Self-Cooling With Radial Flow Fan Construction type IM B3, IM B6, IM B7, IM B8, IM V51), IM V6 Eye bolts from frame size 90 Dimension AC measured across bolt heads Terminal box rotatable 4 x 90° LC DA EA K BA C GC H E HA AC oD GA 1) HD O F Dimensions LD Internal thread in accordance with DIN 322 D o DB FA Internal thread in accordance with DIN 322 D o DC L K' AA B BB A AB Canopy required for construction type IM V5. See dimension LE, page 55. Dimension LC increases by LE Type KD1 A AA AB AC B BA BB C H-0.5 HA HD K K' 06.N- 100 20 120 134 80 25 100 40 63 6 224 7 10 07.N- 112 30 139 145 90 25 110 45 71 10 232 7 10 08.N- 125 35 160 163 100 35 130 50 80 12 255 9.5 12 09.L- 140 40 180 183 125 40 155 56 90 12 268 9.5 12 10.L- 160 45 200 201 140 45 175 63 100 15 298 12 15 112M- 190 50 235 225 140 50 175 70 112 17 308 12 15 13.S13.M- 216 60 266 265 140 178 60 187 225 89 132 20 411 12 15 16.M16.L- 254 65 310 318 210 254 100 300 108 160 25 477 15 20 180M180L- 279 75 350 353 241 279 100 340 121 180 25 548 15 20 20.L- 318 80 390 393 305 90 365 133 200 30 583 20 26 Type KD1 A AA AB AC B BA BB C H HA HD K K' 225S225M- 356 85 450 455 286 311 90 370 149 225-0.5 35 633 20 26 250M- 406 105 510 493 349 110 420 168 250-0.5 40 725 26 35 280S280M- 457 110 570 548 368 419 120 500 190 280-1 45 793 26 35 315S315M317L315L318L- 508 150 630 635 406 457 508 210 615 216 315-1 40 899 39 30 355M357L355L- 610 130 720 725 560 630 150 650 720 254 355-1 30 1055 30 30 400S400M- 686 130 800 810 560 630 150 700 770 280 400-1 35 1095 35 35 Type KD1 A AA AB AC B BA BB C H HA HD K K' 450S450M450L- 760 150 900 910 630 710 840 180 790 870 1000 280 450-1 36 1180 35 35 Seite 53 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:49 09 Dimensions 53 Type KD1 L No. poles 2 4 6.8 LC No. poles 2 4 06.N- 240 240 07.N- 276 08.N09.L- 6.8 240 274 274 276 276 334 313 313 313 364 364 364 10.L- 415 415 112M- 423 423 13.S13.M- 529 16.M16.L180M180L- O D, DA E, EA GA, GC F, FA DB, DC 274 104 2xM25x1.5 11k6 23 12.5 4 M4 334 334 111 2xM25x1.5 14k6 30 16 5 M5 387 387 387 116 2xM25x1.5 19k6 40 21.5 6 M6 445 445 445 137 2xM25x1.5 24k6 50 27 8 M8 415 510 510 510 149 2xM32x1.5 28k6 60 31 8 M10 423 526 526 526 154 2xM32x1.5 28k6 60 31 8 M10 529 529 645 645 645 226 2xM32x1.5 38k6 80 41 10 M12 709 677 677 864 864 864 261 2xM40x1.5 42k6 110 45 12 M16 726 – 726 – 726 909 – 909 – 909 369 2xM40x1.5 48k6 110 51.5 14 M16 390 2xM50x1.5 55m6 110 59 16 M20 20.L- 789 983 Type KD1 L1) No. poles 2 4 6 8 225S225M- – 910 940 – 890 890 – 1115 250M- 1000 1000 934 934 280S280M- 1110 315S315M317L315L318L355M357L355L- – 1655 – 1470 1470 1685 1620 1620 400S 400M – 1610 1680 1680 1680 1760 1760 1760 Type KD1 L1) No. poles 4 6.8 10.12 450S 450M 450L 1730 1805 1840 1685 1765 1880 Notes Shaft end LD LC1) No. poles 2 4 LD Shaft end D, DA2) 2 4,6,8 GA, GC2) 2 4,6, 8 – 64 59 F, FA2) 2 4,6, 8 – 18 16 DB, DC2) 2 4,6,8 – 60m6 55m6 E, EA2) 2 4,6, 8 – 140 110 – M20 M20 2xM63x1.5 60m6 65m6 140 140 64 69 18 18 M20 M20 483 483 2xM63x1.5 65m6 75m6 140 140 69 79.5 18 20 M20 M20 496 526 2xM63x1.5 65m6 80m6 140 170 69 85 18 22 M20 M20 526 556 2xM80x2 75m6 90m6 140 170 79.5 95 20 25 M20 M24 640 710 2xM95x2 75m6 100m6 140 210 79.5 106 20 28 M20 M24 O 6, 8 2 1175 1175 – 347 4,6, 8 377 2xM50x1.5 1250 1250 1250 482 482 1110 1110 1110 1375 1375 1375 1268 1298 1218 1218 1543 1573 1573 1468 1498 1743 1773 – 1815 – 1665 1865 1815 1298 1418 1498 1730 1805 1840 1773 LC1) No. poles 1) 2) LD 730 O 2xM95x2 Shaft end D 4 6 – 12 E GA 4 6 – 12 F DB 100m6 210 10 28 M24 110m6 116 For V construction types: Type 400-4, 6, 8 size L, LC plus 40 mm; Type 450-4 to 12 size L, LC plus 40 mm For type 250 to 315-4, 6, 8, dimension DA, EA, GC, FA, DC, figures for two poles apply, from type 355 on request Seite 54 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:49 09 54 Surface-Cooled Motors, Self-Cooling With Radial-Flow Fan Construction type IM B5, IM V11), IM V3 Eye bolts from frame size 90 Dimension AC measured across bolt heads Terminal box 4 x 90° Frame sizes 400 – 450 only available in construction type V1. LC LE L LD AD FA AC F P N D oM 22.5° EA E GA GC Construction type IM V1 only 1) ° oM 45 DA S S T AD Internal thread in accordance with DIN 322 D o DC O LA 45° Dimensions Internal thread in accordance with DIN 322 D o DB Location of flange holes Frame size 63 – 200 Location of flange holes Frame size 225 – 450 Canopy required for type IM V1. See dimension LE, page 55. Dimension LC increases by LE L No. poles 2 4 6, 8 161 240 240 240 145 161 276 276 276 3.5 163 175 313 313 313 3.5 183 178 364 364 364 13.5 4 201 198 415 415 415 250 13.5 4 225 196 423 423 423 230j6 300 13.5 4 265 279 529 529 529 250h6 350 18 5 318 317 709 677 677 250h6 350 18 5 353 368 726 726 – – 726 726 789 789 789 Type KD1 Mounting flange LA M AC AD N P S T 06.N- 9 115 95j6 140 9.5 3 134 07.N- 9 130 110j6 160 9.5 3.5 08.N- 12 165 130j6 200 11.5 09.L- 12 165 130j6 200 11.5 10.L- 16 215 180j6 250 112M- 16 215 180j6 13..- 16 265 16..- 20 300 180M- 20 300 180L20.L- 20 350 Type KD1 Mounting flange LA M N P S T 225S- 22 350h6 450 17.5 5 400 300h6 400 18 5 AC 455 393 AD 408 383 L No. poles 2 4 6 – – 940 910 225M- 8 LC No. poles 2 4 6.8 890 – 1175 1175 890 1115 250M- 18 500 450h6 550 17.5 5 493 475 1000 1000 934 934 1250 1250 1250 280S- 18 500 450h6 550 17.5 5 548 513 1110 1110 1110 1110 1375 1375 1375 22 600 550h6 660 22 6 635 584 1268 1298 1218 1218 1543 1573 1573 1468 1498 1743 1773 280M315S315M317L- 1298 315L318L355M- 22 740 680h6 800 22 6 725 700 357L355L400S- 28 940 880h6 1000 23 6 810 695 400M- Type KD1 Mounting flange LA M N P S T 450S- 28 880h6 1000 23 6 450M450L- 940 AC 910 AD 730 1418 1498 1773 – – 1470 1470 – – 1665 1655 1685 1620 1620 1815 1865 1815 – 1720 1720 1720 1650 1800 1800 1800 L No. 4 6, 8 10.12 1770 1770 1725 1845 1880 1845 1880 1805 1920 Seite 55 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:49 09 Dimensions 55 Type KD1 LC No. poles 2 4 LD LE No. poles 2 4 6.8 06.N- 274 274 274 07.N- 310 310 08.N- 387 09.L- 445 10.L- 0 6.8 104 – – – 310 111 25 25 387 387 116 25 445 445 137 25 510 510 510 149 112M- 526 526 526 13..- 645 645 16..- 864 864 909 Shaft ends D, DA E, EA GA, GC F, FA DB, DC 2xM25x1.5 11k6 23 12.5 4 M4 25 2xM25x1.5 14k6 30 16 5 M5 25 25 2xM25x1.5 19k6 40 21.5 6 M6 25 25 2xM25x1.5 24k6 50 27 8 M8 30 30 30 2xM32x1.5 28k6 60 31 8 M10 154 30 30 30 2xM32x1.5 28k6 60 31 8 M10 645 226 30 30 30 2xM32x1.5 38k6 80 41 10 M12 864 261 35 35 35 2xM40x1.5 42k6 110 45 12 M16 – 369 63 63 – 2xM40x1.5 48k6 110 51.5 14 M16 2xM50x1.5 55m6 110 59 16 M20 180M- 909 180L- – 20.L- 983 Type KD1 LD No. poles 2 4,6,8 LE No. poles 2 4 6.8 225S- – – 85 225M- 347 250M- 482 482 94 94 94 2xM63x1.5 60m6 65m6 140 140 64 69 18 18 M20 M20 280S- 483 483 110 110 110 2xM63x1.5 65m6 75m6 140 140 69 79.5 18 20 M20 M20 496 526 115 115 115 2xM63x1.5 65m6 80m6 140 170 69 85 18 22 M20 M20 496 526 125 125 125 2xM80x2 75m6 90m6 140 170 79.5 95 20 25 M20 M24 640 710 125 125 125 2xM 95x2 75m6 100m6 140 210 79.5 106 20 28 M20 M24 0 Shaft ends D 4 6 – 12 E G 4 6 – 12 100m6 210 106 116 909 983 377 983 85 – 396 74 63 74 0 2xM50x1.5 85 74 Shaft ends D, DA1) 2 4,6,8 E, EA1) 2 4,6,8 GA, GC1) 2 4,6,8 F, FA1) 2 4,6,8 DB, DC1) 2 4,6,8 – – – – 18 – 60m6 55m6 140 110 64 59 16 M20 M20 280M315S315M317L315L318L355M357L355L400S400M- Type KD1 LD No. poles 2 4,6,8 LE No. poles 2 4 6.8 450S- 730 125 125 730 125 2xM95x2 110m6 F DB 28 M24 450M450LNotes 1) For Type 250 to 315-4, 6, 8, dimension DA, EA, GC, FA, DC, figures for two poles apply, from type 355 on request Seite 56 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:49 09 56 Surface-Cooled Motors, Self-Cooling With Radial-Flow Fan Construction type IM B14, IM V181), IM V19, IM B34, IM V151), IM V36 Eye bolts from frame size 90 Dimension AC measured across bolt heads Terminal box rotatable 4 x 90° LC L LE LD o DC Internal thread in accordance with DIN 322 D H-0.5 HA AC oD BA C 1) FA DA k6 F oP o Nj6 EA E oM GC AA K B BB Construction type IM V15, IM V18 only Construction type IM B14, IM V18, IM V19 without feet 4 x 90° GA S HD O LA T 45° Dimensions Internal thread in accordance with DIN 322 D o DB K' A AB Canopy required for construction types IM V18 and IM V15 Type A AA AB AC B BA BB C H-0.5 HA HD K K' 06.N- 100 20 120 134 80 25 100 40 63 6 224 7 10 07.N- 112 30 140 145 90 30 110 45 71 10 232 7 10 08.N- 125 35 160 163 100 35 130 50 80 12 255 9.5 12 09.L 140 40 180 183 125 40 155 56 90 12 268 9.5 12 10.L- 160 45 200 201 140 45 175 63 100 15 298 12 15 KD1 Type Shaft end L LC LE LD O KD1 D, DA E, EA GA, GC F, FA DB, DC 06.N- 240 274 – 104 2xM25x1.5 11k6 23 12.5 4 M4 07.N- 276 334 25 111 2xM25x1.5 14k6 30 16 5 M5 08.N- 313 387 25 116 2xM25x1.5 19k6 40 21.5 6 M6 09.L 364 445 25 137 2xM25x1.5 24k6 50 27 8 M8 10.L- 415 510 30 149 2xM32x1.5 28k6 60 31 8 M10 Type KD1 Mounting flange LA M N P S T 06.N- 8 9 75 100 60j6 80j6 90 120 M5 M6 2.5 3 07.N- 8 85 115 70j6 95j6 105 140 M6 M8 2.5 3 08.N- 10 100 130 80j6 110j6 120 160 M6 M8 3 3.5 09.L 10 115 130 95j6 110j6 140 160 M8 3 3.5 10.L- 12 130 165 110j6 130j6 160 200 M8 M10 3.5 Seite 57 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:49 09 57 Notes Seite 58 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:49 09 58 Surface-Cooled Motors, Self-Cooling With Axial Flow Fan Noise Class 2 and 3 Construction type IM B3, IM B6, IM B7, IM B8, IM V51), IM V6 L All motors fitted with eye bolts. Dimension AC measured across bolt heads. Terminal box rotatable 4 x 90° LE LD HA H -0.5 E o DB Internal thread in accordance with DIN 322 D 1) HD AC GA oD F Dimensions O BA C K Construction type IM V15, IM V18 only B BB AA K' A AB Canopy required for construction type IM V5. See dimension LE, page 61 Type KD1 A AA AB AC B BA BB C H-0.5 HA HD K K' 13.S- 216 60 266 265 140 60 187 89 132 20 411 12 15 13.M- 178 225 16.M16.L- 254 65 310 318 210 254 100 300 108 160 25 477 15 20 180M- 279 75 350 353 241 100 340 121 180 25 548 15 20 180L- 279 20.L- 318 80 390 393 305 90 365 133 200 30 583 20 26 Type KD1 A AA AB AC B BA BB C H HA HD K K' 225S225M- 356 85 450 455 286 311 90 370 149 225-0.5 35 633 20 26 250M- 406 105 510 493 349 110 420 168 250-0.5 40 725 26 35 280S 280M 457 110 570 548 368 419 120 500 190 280-1 45 793 26 35 315S- 508 150 630 635 406 210 615 216 315-1 40 899 39 30 150 650 720 254 355-1 30 1055 30 30 315M- 457 317L315L- 508 318L355M357L355L- 610 130 720 725 560 630 Seite 59 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:49 09 Dimensions 59 Type KD1 L No. poles 2 4 LD Shaft end 580 – 226 16.M16.L- 733 – 180M- 725 20.L- 801 Type KD1 O D E GA F DB 2xM32x1.5 38k6 80 41 10 M12 261 2xM40x1.5 42k6 110 45 12 M16 757 369 2xM40x1.5 48k6 110 51.5 14 M16 811 396 2xM50x1.5 55m6 110 59 16 M20 L No. poles 2 4 LD No. poles 2 4 O Shaft end D 2 4 E 2 225S225M- – 890 920 – 347 377 2xM50x1.5 – 55m6 60m6 – 110 140 – 59 64 – 16 18 – M20 M20 250M- 1000 1000 482 482 2xM63x1.5 60m6 65m6 140 140 64 69 18 18 M20 M20 280S 1100 1100 483 483 2xM63x1.5 65m6 75m6 140 140 69 79.5 18 20 M20 M20 1239 1294 496 526 2xM63x1.5 65m6 80m6 140 170 69 85 18 22 M20 M20 1439 1494 1620 1665 526 556 2xM80x2 75m6 90m6 140 170 79.5 95 20 25 M20 M24 13.S13.M- 180L- 4 GA 2 4 F 2 4 DB 2 4 280M 315S315M317L315L318L355M357L355L- Seite 60 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:49 09 60 Surface-Cooled Motors, Self-Cooling With Axial Flow Fan Noise Class 2 and 3 Construction type IM B5, IM V11), IM V3 L All motors fitted with eye bolts. Dimension AC measured across bolt heads. Terminal box rotatable 4 x 90° LE LD O LA Type KD1 AD AC oD oP oN F Construction type IM V1 only S oM 22.5° E ° 45 oM 4 x 90° GA 8x S Location of flange holes Frame size 132 – 200 Location of flange holes Frame size 225 – 355 L No. poles 2 4 279 580 – 226 318 317 733 – 261 5 353 368 725 757 369 5 493 383 801 811 396 Mounting flange LA M N P S T 16 265 230j6 300 13.5 4 265 16.M16.L- 20 300 250h6 350 18 5 180M- 20 300 250h6 350 18 20 350 300h6 400 18 13.S- AD T 45° Dimensions Internal thread in accordance with DIN 322 D o DB AC AD LD 13.M- 180L20.L- Type KD1 225S- Mounting flange LA M N P S T 22 350h6 450 17.5 5 400 AC 455 AD 408 225M- L1) No. poles 2 – 4 LD No. poles 2 4 920 – 377 890 347 250M- 18 500 450h6 550 17.5 5 480 475 1000 1000 483 482 280S- 18 500 450h6 550 17.5 5 550 513 1100 1000 483 483 22 600 550h6 660 23 6 635 584 1239 1294 496 526 1439 1494 1620 1665 526 556 280M315S315M317L315L318L355M 25 740 680h6 800 357L355LNotes 1) Canopy required for construction type IM V1 23 6 725 700 Seite 61 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:49 09 Dimensions 61 Type KD1 LE 0 Shaft ends D E GA F DB 30 2xM32x1.5 38k6 80 41 10 M12 16.M16.L- 35 2xM40x1.5 42k6 110 45 12 M16 180M- 63 2xM40x1.5 48k6 110 51.5 14 M16 20.L- 74 2xM50x1.5 55m6 110 59 16 M20 Type KD1 LE 0 Shaft ends D 2 4 E 2 4 GA, 2 4 F 2 4 DB 2 4 – – 140 – 64 – 18 – M20 13.S13.M- 180L- 225S- 85 2xM50x1.5 60m6 55m6 225M- 110 59 16 M20 250M- 95 2xM63x1.5 60m6 65m6 140 140 64 69 18 18 M20 M20 280S- 110 2xM63x1.5 65m6 75m6 140 140 69 79.5 18 20 M20 M20 125 2xM63x1.5 65m6 80m6 140 170 69 85 18 22 M20 M20 125 2xM80x2 75m6 90m6 140 170 79.5 95 20 25 M20 M24 280M315S315M317L315L318L355M 357L355L- Seite 62 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:50 09 62 Surface-Cooled Motors, External Axial-Flow Fan Construction type IM B3, IM B6, IM B7, IM B8, IM V51), IM V6 Q All motors fitted with eye bolts. Dimension AC measured across bolt heads Terminal box rotatable 4 x 90° 6 and 8-pole version on request LE AC LD Internal thread in accordance with DIN 322 D o DB HD O BA C 1) HA E H GA oD F Dimensions L AA K B BB Construction type IM V5 only K' A AB Canopy required for construction type IM V5. See dimension LE, page 65 Type Fan motor KD1 KD1 13.S- 067N-BA4 A AA AB AC B BA BB C H-0.5 HA HD K K' 216 60 266 265 140 60 187 89 132 20 411 12 15 13.M- 178 225 16.M16.L 067N-BA4 254 65 310 318 210 254 100 300 108 160 25 477 15 20 180.M- 067N-BA4 279 75 350 358 241 100 340 121 180 25 548 15 20 279 180.L20.L- 067N-BA4 Type Fan motor KD1 KD1 225S- 067N-BA4 318 80 390 400 305 90 365 133 200 30 583 20 26 A AA AB AC B BA BB C H HA HD K K' 356 85 450 455 286 90 370 149 225-0.5 35 633 20 26 225M- 311 250M- 067N-BA4 406 105 510 493 349 110 420 168 250-0.5 40 725 26 35 280S280M- 071N-BA4 457 110 570 548 368 419 120 450 500 190 280-1 45 793 26 35 315S- 071N-BA4 508 150 630 635 406 210 615 216 315-1 40 899 39 30 150 650 254 355-1 30 1055 30 30 280 400-1 35 1065 35 35 315M317L- 457 508 315L318L355M- 071N-BA4 610 130 720 725 560 630 357L- 720 355L400S- 080N-BA4 686 130 800 810 400M- 150 630 Type Fan motor KD1 KD1 450S- 080N-BA4 450M450L- 560 700 770 A AA AB AC B BA BB C H HA HD K K' 760 150 900 910 630 180 790 280 450-1 36 1180 35 35 710 840 870 1000 Seite 63 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:50 09 Dimensions 63 Type Q No. poles 2, 4 LD KD1 L No. poles 2, 4 13.S- 599 820 226 16.M16.L 763 984 180.M 748 20.L- Type O Shaft end D E GA F DB 2xM32x1.5 38k6 80 41 10 M12 261 2xM40x1.5 42k6 110 45 12 M16 964 369 2xM40x1.5 48k6 110 51.5 14 M16 802 1018 390 2xM50x1.5 55m6 110 59 16 M20 L1) No. poles Q1) No. poles LD No. poles O Shaft ends D E KD1 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 225S- – 931 – 1151 – 377 – 60m6 – 140 – 64 – 18 – M20 225M- 901 250M- 1000 1000 1237 1237 482 482 2xM63x1.5 60m6 65m6 140 140 64 69 18 18 M20 M20 280S280M- 1100 1100 1386 1386 483 482 2xM63x1.5 65m6 75m6 140 140 69 79.5 18 20 M20 M20 315S- 1268 1298 1520 1550 496 526 2xM63x1.5 65m6 80m6 140 170 69 85 18 22 M20 M20 1468 1498 1720 1750 1400 1430 1672 1702 526 556 2xM80x2 75m6 90m6 140 170 79.5 95 20 25 M20 M24 355L- 1600 1630 1872 1902 640 710 2xM95x2 75m6 100m6 140 210 79.5 106 20 28 M20 M24 O Shaft ends D 13.M- 180.L- 1121 2xM50x1.5 347 55m6 GA 110 F 59 DB 16 M20 315M317L315L318L355M357L400S- – 1665 – 1940 400M- 1595 1745 1870 2020 Type L1) No. poles Q1) No. poles KD1 4 – 12 4 – 12 450S- 1695 1970 450M450L- 1770 1885 2045 2160 Notes 1) LD 730 2xM95x2 4 6 – 12 100m6 110m6 E 210 GA 4 6 – 12 106 116 For V construction types: Type 400-4 to 12, size L, Q plus 40 mm; Type 450-4 to 12 size L, Q plus 40 mm F DB 28 M24 Seite 64 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:50 09 64 Surface-Cooled Motors, External Axial-Flow Fan Construction type IM B5, IM V11), IM V3 Q L LE LD O LA AC F oD AD S All motors fitted with eye bolts. Mounting flange to DIN 42 948 form A. Dimension AC measured across bolt heads. Terminal box rotatable 4 x 90° 6 and 8-pole version on request Frame sizes 400 – 450 only available in construction type V1. oM 22.5° oP oN ° 45 45° 1) oM E GA 8x S AD T 4 x 90° Dimensions Internal thread in accordance with DIN 322 D o DB Construction type IM V1 only Location of flange holes Frame size 132 – 200 Location of flange holes Frame size 225 – 450 Canopy required for construction type IM V1 Fan motor Mounting flange Type KD1 AC AD L No. 2, 4 Q No. poles 2, 4 KD1 LA M N P S T 13.S- 067N-BA4 16 265 230j6 300 13.5 4 265 279 599 820 16.M16.L- 067N-BA4 20 300 250j6 350 18 5 318 317 763 984 180M- 067N-BA4 20 300 250h6 350 18 5 358 368 748 964 067N-BA4 20 350 300h6 400 18 5 400 383 802 1018 AC AD L No. 2 4 Q No. poles 2 4 – 931 – 1151 13.M- 180L20.L- Fan motor Type KD1 225S- KD1 Mounting flange LA M N P S T 067N-BA4 22 350h6 450 17.5 5 400 455 408 225M- 901 1121 250M- 067N-BA4 18 500 450h6 550 17.5 5 493 475 1000 1000 1237 1237 280S 280M- 071N-BA4 18 500 450h6 550 17.5 5 548 513 1100 1100 1368 1368 315S- 071N-BA4 22 600 550h6 660 23 6 635 584 1268 1298 1520 1550 1468 1498 1720 1750 1400 1430 1672 1702 1600 1630 1872 1902 – 1705 – 1980 1635 1785 1910 2060 315M317L315L318L 355M- 071N-BA4 25 740 680h6 800 23 6 725 700 357L355L400S- 080N-BA4 28 940 880h6 1000 23 6 810 665 400M- Fan motor Type KD1 450S450M450L- KD1 Mounting flange LA M N P S T 080N-BA4 28 880h6 1000 23 6 940 AC AD L No. poles 4 – 12 Q No. poles 4 – 12 910 730 1735 2010 1810 1925 2085 2200 Seite 65 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:50 09 Dimensions 65 LD LE O Type KD1 Shaft end D E GA F DB 226 27 2xM32x1.5 38k6 80 41 10 M12 16.M16.L- 261 27 2xM40x1.5 42k6 110 45 12 M16 180M- 369 27 2xM40x1.5 48k6 110 51.5 14 M16 390 27 2xM50x1.5 55m6 110 59 16 M20 LD LE O Shaft end D 2 4 E 2 4 GA 2 4 F 2 4 DB 2 4 – – 140 – 64 – 18 – M20 13.S13.M- 180L20.L- Type KD1 2 4 225S- – 377 225M- 347 250M- 482 482 27 2xM63x1.5 60m6 65m6 140 140 64 69 18 18 M20 M20 280S 280M- 483 483 30 2xM63x1.5 65m6 75m6 140 140 69 79.5 18 20 M20 M20 315S- 501 531 30 2xM63x1.5 65m6 80m6 140 170 69 85 18 22 M20 M20 523 553 35 2xM80x2 75m6 90m6 140 170 79.5 95 20 25 M20 M24 640 710 35 2xM95x2 75m6 100m6 140 210 79.5 106 20 28 M20 M24 LE O Shaft end D 27 2xM50x1.5 60m6 55m6 110 59 16 M20 315M317L315L318L 355M357L355L400S400M- LD Type KD1 450S450M450L- E No. poles 4 6 – 12 730 35 2xM95x2 100m6 110m6 210 GA 4 6 – 12 106 116 F DB 28 M24 Seite 66 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:50 09 66 Terminal Boxes to 690 V Versions 1, 3 Version 8 Version 9 g Type 3 Type 1 Version EEx d b r c c c i k b a a Motor axis a Dimensions b d d d Box type Cable entry EEx e Versions 1, 3 EEx e Version 8 Frame size a b c d r g a b c d i k 63 145 145 88 53 179 185 – – – – – – 71 145 145 88 53 179 185 – – – – – – 80 145 145 88 53 179 185 – – – – – – 90 100 145 145 145 145 88 88 53 53 179 185 185 200 – – – – – – – – – – – – 112 145 145 88 53 185 200 – – – – – – 132 160 220 220 220 220 117 117 110 110 260 265 275 281 – – – – – – – – – – – – 180 280 340 152 140 385 401 280 340 152 140 351 140 200 225 280 280 340 340 152 154 140 140 390 390 420 420 280 280 340 340 152 154 140 140 351 351 156 188 250 340 422 196 155 474 512 340 422 196 155 459 185 280 315 340 340 422 422 196 198 155 155 474 474 512 512 340 340 422 422 196 198 155 155 459 458 225 216 355 472 512 245 216 – 617 – – – – – – 400 472 512 218 216 – 630 – – – – – – 450 472 512 218 216 – 630 – – – – – – Box type Cable entry EEx e Version 9 Frame size a b c d r k a b c d 63 – – – – – – 145 145 70 53 71 – – – – – – 145 145 70 53 80 – – – – – – 145 145 70 53 90 100 – – – – – – – – – – – – 145 145 145 145 70 70 53 53 112 – – – – – – 145 145 70 53 132 160 – – – – – – – – – – – – 220 220 220 220 110 110 110 110 180 – – – – – – 265 270 162 133 200 225 – – – – – – – – – – – – 265 380 270 380 162 202 133 190 250 354 500 172 174 326 318 380 380 202 190 280 315 354 354 500 500 172 172 174 174 326 326 358 423 380 380 380 380 202 202 190 190 355 415 606 220 210 396 485 583 489 253 242 400 415 606 220 210 396 505 583 489 253 242 450 415 606 220 210 396 570 583 489 253 242 EEx d Without cable entry Seite 67 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:50 09 67 Notes Seite 68 Montag, 17. September 2001 9:51 09 68 Range of Supplies and Services Electrical Machines, Drive Systems and System Engineering Range of Supplies and Services Low-voltage asynchronous machines • Three-phase motors, 0.18 to 1,500 kW to relevant standards IEC, VDE, DIN, ISO. Degrees of protection IP23, IP55 and above, air- or watercooled. • Three-phase change-pole motors for constant torque and as fan drives • Explosion-protected three-phase motors, types of protection EEx e, EEx de, and Ex n (IEC 79-15) • Three-phase brake motors, 0.18 to 18.5 kW • Single-phase motors, 0.25 to 2.0 kW • High-speed motors for speeds up to 12,000 rpm and outputs up to 500 kW • Energy-saving motors (optimized efficiency) • Three-phase motors for marine applications • Converter-controlled three-phase motors • Three-phase generators for windpower, small hydropower, and combined heat and power stations • Built-in motors, motors for tunnel boring machines and fanducts, and other special designs High-voltage asynchronous machines Squirrel-cage or slipring motors, internally or surface-ventilated, for outputs up to 25,000 kW, horizontal and vertical types of construction, with roller and sleeve bearings, for indoor, semi-outdoor and outdoor installation, and for severe site conditions. Explosionprotected motors to types of protection EEx e, EEx de, EEx p. Synchronous Maschines up to 75,000 kW DC Motors up to 15,000 kW Drive Systems and System Engineering • Complete drive systems consisting of transformer, converter, motor (Asynchronous, Synchronous), drive-related monitoring equipment Service • • • • • • • 24-hour service Problem analysis at site, project assessment and planning Advice/diagnosis concerning our own and other products Preparation of repair/inspection schedules General repair and inspection service Erection supervision of projects abroad Assignment of service personnel for modifications, new installation, repair, etc. • Operator training ELECTRICAL MACHINES, DRIVE SYSTEMS AND SYSTEM ENGINEERING Branch Offices and Agencies in G e r m a n y Sales region north Schorch Elektrische Maschinen und Antriebe GmbH Vertriebsregion Nord Mattentwiete 6 D-20457 Hamburg Tel. (+49) 40-35 76 69 - 0 Fax (+49) 40-35 76 69 - 10 Sales region east Schorch Elektrische Maschinen und Antriebe GmbH Vertriebsregion Ost Zur Wetterwarte 50 Gebäude 337 D-01109 Dresden Tel. (03 51) 8 87 11 - 0 Fax (03 51) 8 87 11 - 40 Sales region west Schorch Elektrische Maschinen und Antriebe GmbH Vertriebsregion West Breite Straße 131 D-41238 Mönchengladbach Sales region south-east Schorch Elektrische Maschinen und Antriebe GmbH Vertriebsregion Südost Friedrichshafener Straße 1 D-88131 Lindau B Sales region south Schorch Elektrische Maschinen und Antriebe GmbH Vertriebsregion Süd Hanns-Klemm-Straße 5 D-71034 Böblingen Tel. (0 21 66) 9 25 - 5 63 Fax (0 21 66) 9 25 -1 47 Tel. (0 83 82) 28 01 43 Fax (0 83 82) 28 01 45 Tel. (0 70 31 } 46 26 - 30 Fax (0 70 31 } 46 26 - 40 Agency Fritz Husemann Elektroindustriebedarf & Antriebstechnik Dieselstraße 48 33334 Gütersloh Tel. (0 52 41) 9 63-01 Fax (0 52 41) 9 63-162 Subsidiaries and Agencies in E u r o p e Belgium Schorch Representative Office Quartum Center Hütte 79 B-4700 Eupen Belgium Tel. (+32) 87-74 31 94 Fax. (+32) 87-74 46 85 Czech Republic Schmachtl CZ s.r.o. Videnska 185 CZ-252 42 Vestec- Prahy Czech Republic Denmark Schorch Representative Office Kirketoften 2 DK-2700 Brönshöj Denmark Finland Schorch Representative Office Karlshovsvägen 75 S-60213 Norrköping Sweden Tel. (+4 20) 2-44 00 15 00 Fax (+4 20) 2-44 91 07 00 Tel. (+45) 38 -28 28 84 Fax (+45) 38 - 28 29 55 Tel. (+46)11 - 13 30 56 Fax (+46)11 - 13 30 37 Great Britain Schorch Representative Office 8, Duncans Drive Fareham Hants, PO 14 3AY Great Britain Tel. (+44) 13 29-84 20 39 Fax (+44) 13 29-84 20 39 Greece Timoleon Kouvelis Ltd. Anastaseos street 23 GR-15561 Holargos-Athens Greece Hungary Aerzen Hungária Kft. H-1036 Budapest Bécsi út 52. III./4. Hungary Italy Mazzeri S.R.L. Via Teodosio 65 I-20131 Milano Italy Tel. (+30) 210-3 62 44 31 Fax (+30) 210-3 64 12 52 Tel. (+36) 1- 4 39 22 00 Fax (+36) 1- 4 39 19 22 Tel. (+39) 02-2 87 11 61 Fax (+39) 02-2 82 86 36 Norway Hallvard Slettevoll N-6083 Gjerdsvika Norway Poland SPIN S. A. ul.Dziadoszańska 10 PL-61-248 Poznań Poland Slovakia SCHMACHTL SK s.r.o. Dumbierska 10/A SK-83101 Bratislava 37 Slovakia Switzerland Elektron AG Riedhofstraße 11 CH-8804 Au/Zürich Switzerland Tel. (+47) 7 00 - 2 88 84 Fax (+47) 7 00 - 2 88 85 Tel. (+48) 61-8 76 73 63 Fax (+48) 61-8 79 03 05 bí Tel. (+4 21) 7-54 77 74 84 Fax (+4 21) 7-54 77 74 91 Sweden Schorch Representative Office Karlshovsvägen 75 S-60213 Norrköping Sweden Tel. (+46) 11-13 30 56 Fax (+46) 11-13 30 37 The Netherlands Schorch Representative Office De Porterstraat 16 NL-2597 CS The Hague Netherlands The Netherlands Schorch Representative Office Vendelier 3 NL-3905 PB Veenendaal Netherlands Tel. (+31) 70 -3 28 25 58 Fax (+31) 70 -3 24 91 39 Tel. (+31) 3 18 - 54 68 80 Fax (+31) 3 18 - 51 68 99 Turkey CEFIP-MAKINA & ENDÜSTRIYEL ÜRÜNLER SAN. ve DIŞ TIC.LTD.ŞTI. Perpa Ticaret Mrk. A Blok Kat: 10-11-12, No: 1474 TR-80270 Okmeydani/Istanbul Turkey Tel. (+90) 2 12 - 2 10 18 90 (pbx) Fax (+90) 2 12 - 2 10 15 97 France Helmke S.à.r.l. B.P.17 Z.I. Rue d´Ensisheim F-68840 Pulversheim France Tel. (+33) 3-89 83 25 25 Fax (+33) 3-89 48 89 47 Non European Subsidiaries and Agencies see overleaf Schorch Elektrische Maschinen und Antriebe GmbH Breite Straße 131 D-41238 Mönchengladbach Tel.: (+49) 21 66 - 9 25 - 0 Fax: (+49) 21 66 - 9 25 - 1 00 E-mail: Internet: Tel. (+41) 1-7 81 01 11 Fax (+41) 1-7 81 02 02 Larghi Werbeagentur, Korschenbroich Tel. (+43) 7 32-7 64 60 Fax (+43) 7 32-78 50 36 Order No. XX.X Austria Schmachtl KG Pummererstraße 36 A-4021 Linz Austria Subsidiaries and Agencies w o r l d w i d e Australia Western Electric Head Office Unit 1, 78 Ferndell St. Granville N.S.W. P.O. Box 900, Granville, N.S.W. 2142 Sydney (New South Wales) Australia Tel. (+61) 2 - 97 21 88 88 Fax (+61) 2 - 97 21 88 00 Egypt System Engineering The Eastern Engineering & Trading Co. Sharco 22 Haron St Mesaha Sq. Cairo Egypt Tel. (+20) 2 - 3 38 56 47 Fax (+20) 2 - 3 38 56 49 Egypt Mechanical Engineering Tabouk Engineering and Commercial Agencies 28 Sayria St. El Mahandseen Giza/Cairo Egypt Tel. (+20) 2-7 49 35 65 Fax (+20) 2-7 49 35 63 Iraq S. Al-Ayoubi P.O. Box 13093 Jadrya Karadah - Al-Nadhmiah Mahalah 925 St. No. 35 House No. 16 Baghdad Iraq Tel. (+96 4) 1-7 78 42 43 Fax (+96 4) 1-7 76 01 33 Malaysia Western Electric Motors SDN. BHD Lot 25 Jalan Delima 1/3 Subang Hi-Tech Industrial Park 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor P.O. Box 10369 50712 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Tel. (+60) 3-56 36 38 10 Fax (+60) 3-56 36 40 22 Oman Oman Mechanical Services Co. Ltd. LLC P.O.B. 1199 Ruwi Postal Code 112 Sultanate of Oman Singapore Western Electric Asia Pte Ltd. 238 A Thomson Road #24-06/08 Novena Square Office Tower A SINGAPORE 307684 South Korea Techno-Korea Co., Ltd. # 1807 Hanil O/T, 815 Munhyun 4 Dong Nam-Ku, Pusan Korea Syria WSM Contracting General Trading Co. P.O.Box 1330 Homs-Syria Tel. (+9 68) 56 38 53 Fax (+9 68) 56 26 91 Tel. (+ 65) 383 42 48 Fax (+ 65) 383 40 68 Tel. (+ 82) 51 - 6 33 - 23 53 Fax (+ 82) 51 - 6 47 - 42 61 Tel. (+ 9 63) 31-22 91 25 Fax (+ 9 63) 31-48 02 33 Thailand ENSYS CO. LTD. 636/4 Soi Ramkhamhaeng 39 (Thepleela 1) Pracha Uthit Road, Khwang Wangthonglang Khet Wangthonlang, Bangkok 10310 Thailand Tel. (+ 66) 2 - 9 35-68 50-3 Fax (+ 66) 2 - 9 35-68 54 U.A.E. Al Mazroui Trading and General Services L.L.C. P.O.B. 97 Al Yasat Tower Najda Street Abu Dhabi U.A.E. Tel. (+ 9 71) 2 - 6 72 44 22 Fax (+ 9 71) 2 - 6 74 23 42 USA Schorch USA The Rosekrans Group, LLC 2516 Bermuda Lane Longanville, Georgia 30052 USA Tel. (+ 1) 7 70 - 5 54 - 37 77 Fax (+ 1) 8 01 - 3 40 - 83 11 Branch Offices, Agencies in G e r m a n y and Subsidiaries and Agencies in E u r o p e see overleaf
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