Gilbert Teens
Gilbert Teens
N OVEM B E R 3O , 2O t 4 GILBERT STUDENTS IACKL T[ TEEN TABLE The Sunday Republican today debuts "Teen Table," 6 rou6d table drscu55ionin which we lind out wh. l s on the minds of the nett generation or ledders, workers and parents. Reporte. (urt Moffett recently sat down with five students at the Gilbert Schoolin Wi.sted and asted them questionson a wicle array of t opics,f r om so cia lmed ia t o s er ual educat io nto th eirfe ars a bout t he? ow n f ut!res.Ihe stu de ntswer e 17yearold seniors olivia Ortman and Rik Emery;ahd l6-year-old ju niors Jordan Jo hn so n, lleRein and 8I t(UnttotfErr Do,ou suysfeelyou communicate moreface to faceor rhroughsocial mediaandcell phones? Isabelle:Deiuritel) mote throush socjalmedia. I ve had points in my life rvbereI had so much more confidencelriheDI n) te\ting bccausepeoplecaD'l see Upperclassm€n tiomthe GllbertSchoolinWlnstedparticipat€Nov.18in T€enTable. a roundrabled with Republlcan-Amerlcan reporterKurt Moftettasthe moderator.Above,hom teft,Mottett,Olivla( RlkEmery,.Jordan John5on,lsabelleRelnandJakeW€ndel.Belowleft, Emerymakesa poantasJohn questlonby floftett. Reinlook on. Belowrlght,Ortmananswersa TH E S U N D A YR E P UBLI CAN 3: I TACKLE TEEN ISSUE UDENTS I rt.rrtedgoingthroughpuhelry because that'sreallyrvh€nbasic sexualurgesstartedhappenirg. I'm goingtobehonestI i|enr throughpubertyat a really!oung age.I hadsomanyquesrions aDd noanswersfor allthe rvayup to,I think,seventhgradebeibrewe startedsettinga linle t it of infor mationaboutit Q: Do yoowantto stayin Corfrom necticutwhenyouSraduate Cilbert and do you {,ant to find a job in Winstedandraiseafamily here? Jordan: My parentsare goingto be movins downSouthin a couple ofyearsandI planto gowith them. And Connecticut doesn'trcallydo aq,thing for thelr in-statekids for collese.DownSouth,ifyou'rea residentfor a year.yougetadvantageson collegepncessoits nftomtheGllbert SchoollnWlnstedpa.tlclpateNov 18InleenTable,aroundtablediscussion an-Ame canrepoderKurt Motfettasthe modelatorAbove,ftom lell, Moffett,ollvla ortman, dan Johnson,lsab€lleRelnlndJeke Weddel.Belowleft,Emerymakesa polnt rs Johnsonand l€low rlght,ortmrnlnswers rquestlon by l.loffett. Jake:Connecticut is boring. Isab€lle:I don'twanllostay herebecausel've beentoevery stateon theeastside,l'veseeD like everywhereelseandI'min lovewith everythingbut Connecticut....I've spentmy lvhoie life hereso I'd kind oflik€ lo stan the restofmy life somewh€re Jake:Ev€nifI wereto stayin Connecticut, I definitelywouldn't stayin winsted...a lot ofrveird olivia; I'm probablygorngto leaveConnecticut, notbecause I don'tlike it, butmorebecause of job opponunities. Rik I wantto becomeatrorthoD€dicsurs€on(and)voudonl ' Rik I don't usesocial mediaas muchandI try not to engageio it just becduseof th€ issuestbat crn com€ftom it. I lotice that soorctimes l becomemore nenous talking on the telephoneor texting or messagiDg or \{hatever thaa fac€ to faceb€causeyou misstboselitde socialcues,in just body lanSuageandalsotoneof loice, Ifab€ll€: They might not meaD the sam€thing you thiDt it means. WhenI get a text, I r€ad everything ljnd of like in my own voice andsoifl wa8sayrnSit, I put c€ltair enucietions on ever!'thng so I don'tkm{r how the other peison lhinks. Q: Do yo! tlto|( dru$ like m8dhrrra shouldbe lelllzed? Why o! rbmt? lsabellerNo.Just becaus€I ,g€w up in a farDilywhele I had family memberswbo bad problemsand my rDomalwaystauSht me,'Dont do that." Like dly dad alwaystaught me, "Dont do that." And like now I have ftiends \irho are like, "Do ttis." It's just like howI wasbrDugbtup, I guess,and I'm kind ofstubbom sometimes. SoI dobt nec€ssadlygo aloDg with wbat all of my friends do.I juit doD'tlike the way it wo*s on peopl€either, like it messeswith yourhead. Jordan:I just feel it affectspeople iDwaysthat c€n be very neSative, AI|d my mom al*ays told me that therc's a goodroad you cr.ngp dowlrand a bad mad, andyou have to choosethat. I think drugs caD leadto certain things, like to go downthat bad mad. Rik: Personally,I woutE'tus€ them. However,I do think it shouldbe legalizedjust becruseit is il€gal to usewithout a F€scriplion. It makespeoplewonder aboutit, and I think that's what makespeopletae it at ffrst, I don't think it's a goodor a badthilg beca|rsetherc are gmd aspects,it's kno$mto help people,particularly thos€who havecanceror evenme personally,I get very sever€mieraircs fr€queDdy,so I would be a candidatefor medicalmadjuana. Howeve!,there's alaothat, when you get that later high, ]ou'rc not m a true q)nsclousness,soyou don't alwaysmakethe most rational decisiols. Isab€lle:Like be8inniry of ft€shtrtanyesr, nobodyrealy did a4'rhing, but by the middle of gFONA I.oT OF KIDS,SH TODAYISI{T REALLYAN OPENTOPIC.' OLIVIAOR'iHAN GILBERTSCIiOOLSENIOR, I7 freshmanyear, a lot ofmy friends werc like, "Try $is, try this, try this," and I'm like, "Not really." Personally,I nev€r haveard I never really wantedto- But I coosidered itjust b€€awemy friends werc like so peraisteoton it that I would like. "OK. I'm different and they'r€ not goinSto like me becauseI don't do that" altd that happenedthroughoutfreshmanyearAnd then sophomorcyeer, I kind oflike gaveup on tritrg to maxe them happywith tvho I wa8.SoI just stoppedthinkiDgaboutit and it kird offaded assy. J.le I b€lievein to a cerlain exteDtwhat Rik said,like medical maaijuanacan help you out vely well, but ifyou just do it to do it, then ies defitritely a mgative. olMs: I wouldn't legalizeit. ... In my family,I'tn the onewho's very contolled. I like to makesule that everytbing I'm doinSI'm in cootrol ofit, .IEVENIF I WEIRETO STAY|l{ CODtNEcTtClrT, I DEFINITELYWOI.|LDITT STAYIN WIiISTED. - A I.O' OF WEIRD PEOPLE JAKEWENDEL GILBERT SCHOOL JUNIOR, 16 Q: Whltperce rge ofyour pa€r! would you saytale 6ome klDdof le$l druS? All fiv€ estimatedb€tween50 a 75 percent. Q: Iroes rhat relDforre whrt yo!'re ssyfugrbout Dotl€atlidtr8 mrtltuaDa? Ollvir: The salnegroup of us usedto b€ iD every cla$ together pr€tty much and you ldow 1{e spentso much time in schooltogedrcrthat we wele gr€at friends outsideof scbool.And evenwhen w€ bmwht p€opleitr from different classes,and we'djust hangout, you know,bonfires, sfiiff like that. But siDcet!eo, l've lost a decent amouDtof friends, I car talk to them in schml, but like outsideof school,I can't really talk to them or seethem becauseit's a new thing where all they wallt to do is D watch Erln covey's vldeo of the Teenrablo and s€€ . loneer ve6lon of thls partying and druCs,arfi I'm not interested. JordaD:Peoplechange. lsabell€: I feel like that happens throughouthiSh school.WhenI was like in middle school,vrehada group about like 15,20,25peopl€ wherelike every binhday party we had thosewere the 25 people tbat would be ther€. Er?ryone would go,like we'd be happy,havin8 fun, but now I havelik€ four or five peoplethat I alwayshangout with like consistendy.In high school,I havelike 6ve frieIrds. That souds prctty depr€ssiDg,but it's not. It's the only peopleI want itlound. JordrD: Peoples€parateandlike dorbet own thing ard youlsrow. haveto le€ln to acc€ptit, 'oujust Isabelle: But in a way it's kjnd of like sad.Like ofall thosep€ople, Weusedto hangout with, and now you cant- It'sjust not the sameany O Eow much ser educationdo you 8ct it Gllbert? l3abellerNone.... Wetook a health classsophomoreyear. Olivia: lfs usuallyjust aboutthe diseasesyou can get andthe proQ: IB that goodor bad?Do you rYart aexed? Isab.lle: lfa teachercameupto me atrdstartedtalkiDgto me about sex,I'd tum amund and walk away.My Frents havetalk€d to me aboutit beforc, andit's always like a "What if.i'' kiDdof situation. Jordr!: I tbink it alsodepends on your Parents,too,like if theY havean opehcommunication.Like my paEnts and I havea really bi8 opencommunicationso I'm basically able to talk to them about an,lhing. Rik ADybodythat I've talked to that's bad a sexualeducationclass, the clsss alwayshiShlightsthe bad things about sexualintercoune. But there's also goodthincrs,like cenain chemical r€leesesaswell as ... stuff like that. Ollila: I tbink that a able 6s it is to sit in a c about it,I actuallythit be beneficial for kids. defrnitely l.jds who c€ ard talk to their paren but there ar€ alsokidr ent6don't waot to talk they're confused. Jale Also,ifther€. that would preve[t rnj happeningsokids wor kDowwbat they're dol ple get pregnant, Itrbelle: I feel like : classaboutit, too,lik€ arc jusl inter€sted,lil curious,like, "What h That sort of thing. I kt my friends in the eigt stufrwith her botafrie just becauseshewas ' didn't know what was happen,shedidn't rcr what to do,shejust ki becaus€shewascuri, Rlk In the caseof r never hada full discu with either of therh.I ly at aI would be wid I think it's gettingles commonfor parents1 kids aboutthat becao aboutit thems€lvesri8ht or wrcng - and tem€t. Ollvla: I think that' prcbl€m. For a lot of day r€ally isn't an op' lot of kids can't talk a haveto hide it, which mofe questions, Jrle; If therc'sa cl wher€you c€ll getth out ofyou mind and thing up aboutit. Isabelle lt's hardI now,too,because$) jwt male jokes abou iust feel awkwat{. Qr What do yor tbi Dmpaiatea8eio 6tar €d? Jate: Maybeifit v many€ar ..,sothey I aod bow what the d Don't hold 'em out rx senioryear, or collel Rlklthinklwoul havestartedlermlq f f ilf fi l I NVln€nd3u VONnS3HI flyr*. /trtsluou oR A I.oT OF XIDS,SEXIODAY ISN'T REAILY AN OPE}I TOPICJ OLIYIAOR'HAN GILBERTSCHOOLS€NIOR,I7 I lot of my frieods bis,Iry this, tly :e,"Not€ally." ,er haveandI nevto. But I considlr3etrly friends istent on it that I , I'm different and I to like me bthat" aDdthat hapLrlfr€sbnan year. nore year, I kjnd n Eying to male r who I was.SoI *ing aboutit and rnray, 3in to a certalnexjd, lite Dedicrl €lp you out very o9l do it to do it, ly a legative. dnt l€galizeit. ... I like to makesure I'm doingI'm in ,ENETO {NEcTlctrt, YVvOtt-otft .STED- A RDPEOPLE L )LJUN|OR,16 ertaSPofyoua u 8aytake 6ome Lrug? ,ted beween 50 lelEforce whrt boul Dotl€SrllziDa rme grcup ofus 'ety classtoSether time itr schooltowereSrEatfaiends Dle h from differI we'djust hrng out, ir€s, stufr like that. I'!€ lost a decent ds. I cantalk to but like outsideof cally talk to them xuteltsanew they want to do is rr watch Enn covey's vldeo ot the T€€nLbl€ and see a lonserv.Elon of thls pdtying and drugs,andI'm not interested. Jordan PeoplechangeIsabcu.: I feel like lhat bappens thmughout high school.WhenI waslike in middle school,l'e had a gmup aboutlike 15,20,25 people wberc like every birthday party se bad th6e were the 25people that would be ther€. Everyone wodd go,like we'd be happy,havin8 fuir, but now I havelike four or fve peoplethat I alwaysbangout with like consktendy.In high school,I havelike frve fiends. Tbat souDdspEtty depr€ssin8,but itt not. lt's the only peopleI \rrant JordaD:Peoples€pErateandlike do theil own thiDgandyoujust haveto leam to acceptig youk!ow. kabell€: But iD a way it's kind of like sad.Like of all thosepeople, we usedtjohaDgout wid\ and r|ow you cant. It's just not the sameany Q: How mucb Bu €ducadondo you 8Et!t Gllb€rt? I3abelle:None....Wetook a health classsophomorcyear. Olivla: It's usuallyjust aboutdrc diseasesyou canget andthe proQ: IB that goodor brd? Do you faDt set ed? Iaabelle If a teachercam€up to me and stafted talking to me about sex,I'd tum amund and walk all,ay.My parcnt6bavetalked to me aboutit befor€,and it's always Iike a "What if?" tind of situatioD. Jordr!: I thitrk it alsodep€Dds otr your p8r€!ts, too,like if they have an opencommuDication.l,ike my par€ntsand I hav€a really big op€Dcommunication$oI'm bssically able to talk to tlrcm about anylhing. Rlk Anybodythat I've talked to that's had a sexualeducationclass, the clais alpays hiSbli€ib the bad tbiDgsaboutsexualintercouse. But thet!'s alsogoodthings,like certain chemicalr€lersesar well as ... stufflike that. Olff.: I think that asuncomfortsble asit is to sit in a classand talk about it,I actuallythink it would be beneficial for l.i&. There ale defrnitely kids wbo c€r go home and talk to their par€ntsaboutit, but therc are alsokrds whoseparents donl want to telk about it, so the],'rc confusedJate: Ako, if there wasa class that would preventmistakesfmm happenirBso kids wodd actuauy kDowwhat they'rc doirg,like people get pre8natrt. Ilabelle: I feet like if we had a classaboutit. a lot of krds arc just intelested,like they'r€ just curious,like, "What happens?" That sort of thing. I know oneof my fiends in the eighth grade did s$frwith her bMriend aDdit was iust becauseshewascurious.She didn't ktrowwhat wasgoingto happett,shedidn't r€ally know what to do,shejust kind of did it becauseshewascuriousRlk In the caseof my family, I never hada full discussionabout it with either of th€m. An''thing really at aI wouldbe with my dad.But I think it's getting lessand less commonfor parcntsto talk to their ki& aboutthat beca$e kids le{rn aboutit themselves- whether it's right or wlong - and fmm the Intemet. Olivla: I think that's part ofthe prcblem. For a lot of kids, sextoday rcally isnl an op€ntopic. Soa lot of tifu can't talk aboutit, they haveto bide it, whicb leadsto monequ€su()!rs. Jrk€: If ther€'s a class,that's whereyou canget thosequestions out of your mind andclear everything up aboutit tsabcu€:It'5 hard to ralk about now,too,becauseso manykidg just makejokesaboutit. ... People just feel awkward. Q: What do you tbibk is tbe !F pmpdate 8geto sterl ia*ing ser ed? Jaler Maybeifit waslike freshmanyear ,,. sothey knor, $hat it is and know what the dangersar€. Dont hold 'em out util jmior or senioryerr, or college. Rik I think I would'veliked to havestalted leaminSabout it once the soutb, I definrtelywouldol mind stayinain Winsted,rabing a family and lettiDgtbem go to Cilben andaI that just becau6€ I've had a very goode*perience u'ith that and I got to wherc I am now. ... But I don't think it's plausi ble just bec€useof economicoF pomrury. .rNtflE sPEctn|tr oF AWHOI.EUFEWERE STIII SO YOUNGAND WERE tlAlO]{G IHESE HUGEUFE DEClSlOfrlS THATOOUI.DIIAKE OR BREAI( OIJREIITIRE UFE' RIKE ERY GILBERT SCHOOL SENIOR, ]7 Q: Are yourYoFiedaboot tour irtur€? |rabcllq lt's all Soiogto b€ put on us - all the Drltrles. Olivi.: I think, erp€ciatlyfor senioNbut eveDfor hrghschool aDdcoU€gpkids, a bi8 of fear of mine,a I loow ftod| talking to others,we'r€ terrified of goingto college,How are we goingto pay for college?What'sgoing to happen whenwe 8et out of college? Will there be ajob? Will we make enoughmoneyor are we goinSto be in permanentdebt?What'sgoing to bapp€Dto us? JordrD: I take a p€rSooalEnancecla$ with Jakeabd we bad this scenario:we haveajob, we arc buyitrgan aparuneDt,we have a c€r and\ite 8ot to seehow much debtwe wer€ l! - lite Doteven thiDliDg abouthow much we wer€ spending,and like sorreof us wer€ thousa4b ahd thousandsof dollal3 in debt. Jele: Everyonein the classwas in debt. hadto see Jordar: Then cut backon what you hadto ''ou whatt a necessityand what is a Jale: ... which was really hard. Rlk Tuition is a hugeissue.... Evenifwe fteand his older sister) botl go to tbe samecollegeor even if I EBtlots of scholalships,it's stiu sucha Friancialburdenon all of us as a family. ... In the sp€cEumof a wholelife, we'rc still 3oyoulg aDd we'.€ oakiD8 thesehuSelife decisionsthat could makeor br€ak our entir€ life. Gr f f i r f f i ArtsIu0Urutor)