glassware - Steelite International
glassware - Steelite International
G L A S S WA R E glassware Pe o ple wit h a p assion f or wine k now h ow c r u cia l t h e r ig ht g l as s e s c a n b e t o t h e ove ra ll dinin g e x p e r ie n c e. From defining the tabletop to enhancing a vintage bouquet, the impor tance of stemware cannot be underestimated. Cr yst alline glass f or t he p e r f e c t finish Wid e se le c tion of f or ms and shap e s S p e cialist glass Improve d re sist ance t o imp ac t d ama g e Co mbine s wit h all e le me nt s of t he St e e lit e Int e r national rang e 221 222 G L A S S WA R E 223 SPIEGELAU SPIEGELAU spiegelau St e e lit e Int e r national share s a p assion f or p e r f e c tion wit h S pie g e lau, a co mp any e st ablishe d ne arly 50 0 ye ars a g o, d e dicat e d t o pro ducing t he ve r y b e st in fine cr yst al st e mware. Their co mbination of cut ting e d g e d e sign and tra ditional craf t smanship has cre at e d a st unning se le c tion of glasse s, d e cant e rs and caraf e s, ble nding b ot h f or m and f unc tion. 224 T +44(0)1782 821000 F +44(0)1782 819926 headof 225 SPIEGELAU SALUTE SALUTE SPIEGELAU Salute TM NEW RANGE A timeless design with a high stem The Salute wine glass collection accompanies wine enjoyment with NEW Bordeaux N072 71.0cl (25oz) style. With high brilliance and durability, the Salute glasses add an elegant accent to any kind of table setting. NEW Red Wine N073 55.0cl (19½oz) NEW White Wine N074 46.0cl (16½oz) NEW Champagne N075 21.0cl (7½oz) 226 PATTERN CODE: 4115 227 SPIEGELAU STYLE STYLE SPIEGELAU Style TM NEW RANGE Style is classy and elegant. With it’s modern shape, NEW Burgundy N076 64.0cl (22½oz) it’s the perfect choice for every dining occasion. NEW Red Wine N077 63.0cl (22¼oz) NEW White Wine N078 44.0cl (15½oz) NEW Champagne N079 24.0cl (8½oz) 228 PATTERN CODE: 4116 229 SPIEGELAU WILLSBERGER ANNIVERSARY pu re elega nt style TM NEW Burgundy NP175 72.5cl (25½oz) NEW Bordeaux NP176 63.5cl (23.3oz) NEW White Wine NP177 36.5cl (12.8oz) NEW Champagne NP178 23.8cl (8.4oz) SPIEGELAU NEW RANGE The successful hand-blown Willsberger range, designed by produced at Willsberger Johann Willsberger, Spiegelau Anniversary for over represents has 30 the WILLSBERGER ANNIVERSARY Willsberger An niversary been years. first successful attempt to reproduce these very complex forms in automatic production, which delivers a stunningly competitively priced range. NEW Decanter N179 1 litre (35.2oz) Whisky Glass NEW NP185 34.0cl (12oz) Martini/Cocktail NEW NP187 26.0cl (9.2oz) NEW Beer/Pilsner NP186 35.0cl (12.3oz) Cognac/Brandy NEW NP189 19.0cl (6.7oz) 230 PATTERN CODE: 4217 ADINA PRESTIGE SPIEGELAU 231 stylish so phisticated su perb ADINA PRESTIGE TM Burgundy NP04061.0cl (21½oz) Bordeaux NP04165.0cl (23oz) Red Wine NP042 43.0cl (15oz) White Wine NP04337.0cl (13oz) Champagne Flute NP044 16.0cl (5½oz) Champagne Flute NP40724.5cl (8oz) Mineral Water NEW NP183 34.0cl (12oz) NEW Pilsner Glass NP18444.0cl (15½oz) NEW ADDITIONS SPIEGELAU Adina Prestige Hand made from superb crystalline glass, the hand made Adina design exudes an aura of stylish elegance, with a long stem and distinctive shape to the base of the bowl. 232 PATTERN CODE: 4199 HYBRID SPIEGELAU cult classics co mbi ned 233 HYBRID The Hybrid designs draw on the famous Willsberger collection glasses, a cult favourite SPIEGELAU Hybrid TM Burgundy NP41084.0cl (33oz) since the eighties. The essence of Hybrid is to take a variety of elements, each already designed for a particular purpose, and combine them to create a new set of qualities. Bordeaux NP41168.0cl (22oz) Red/White Wine NP41238.0cl (13¼oz) Champagne NP41328.0cl (9oz) 234 PATTERN CODE: 4108 AUTHENTIS SPIEGELAU 235 co nte m po rary charismatic charmi ng A contemporary design combining the quality and AUTHENTIS Flute NP007 19.2cl (6¾oz) Champagne Flute NP02927.0cl (9½oz) Water Glass NP011 34.2cl (12oz) Small White Wine NP00336.3cl (12¾oz) White Wine NP00242.0cl (14¾oz) Red Wine NP00148.5cl (17oz) Red Wine Magnum NP03565.6cl (23oz) Burgundy NP00075.5cl (26½oz) Digestif NP03017.0cl (6oz) Tasting Glass NP03132.2cl (111 ⁄3oz) refinement that one would only expect to find in a SPIEGELAU Authentis TM hand blown glass. This range is truly one for the connoisseur. Black Blind Tasting Glass NP01232.0cl (102 ⁄5oz) 236 PATTERN CODE: 4204 AUTHENTIS CASUAL SPIEGELAU 237 su perb stylish stemless AUTHENTIS CASUAL TM Bordeaux N93363.0cl (22oz) A stemless wine glass using the Authentis bowl shape, this casual range offers a unique wine drinking experience. Hand blown to deliver the SPIEGELAU Authentis Casual quality one would expect from the Authentis range, this glass is a true delight. Burgundy N93262.0cl (22oz) Red Wine NP93146.0cl (16oz) White Wine N930 42.0cl (14½oz) 238 PATTERN CODE: 4204 VINO GRANDE SPIEGELAU 239 po pular pre miu m polished Port NP304 19.2cl (6¾oz) Martini Cocktail NP325 19.2cl (6¾oz) Small White Wine NP303 31.3cl (11oz) White Wine NP302 34.2cl (12oz) Red Wine NP30142.7cl (15oz) Brandy Glass NP31856.2cl (19¾oz) Red Wine Magnum NP33562.7cl (22oz) Burgundy NP30071.2cl (25oz) A popular range within the UK premium quality glass sector, this extensive range includes celebration lines and wine tasting event glasses. Beer Glass NP35030.3cl (102 ⁄3oz) Juice Glass NP00933.0cl (11½oz) VINO GRANDE Champagne Flute NP307 18.5cl (6½oz) SPIEGELAU Vino G rande TM Glass VG Shot Glass NP3206.0cl (2oz) Whiskey Glass NP31630.0cl (10½oz) Champagne Flute NP32924.2cl (8½oz) PATTERN CODE: 4304 Long Drinks Tumbler NP31238.0cl (13oz) 240 CANTINA SPIEGELAU 241 desirable du rable affo rdable Cantina offers elegant design CANTINA and durable construction at an affordable price. Specifically Burgundy N200 68.0cl (24oz) SPIEGELAU Cantina TM designed for use in restaurants and hotels, Cantina boasts crystalline glass with excellent clarity. This beautiful range has a fine rim and pulled stem for perfect presentation and balance. Bordeaux N835 62.0cl (22oz) Red Wine N401 46.0cl (16½oz) White Wine N40234.0cl (12oz) Champagne N24921.0cl (7½oz) 242 PATTERN CODE: 4106 WINELOVERS SPIEGELAU 243 soft sere ne style NEW RANGE WINELOVERS NEW Bordeaux NP171 58.0cl (20.4oz) Spiegelau’s Wine Lovers Collection embraces SPIEGELAU Winelovers TM simplicity, without sacrificing style or quality. The glasses in this collection are available in three specially designed shapes for White, Red and Sparkling Wine. Each type of glass delivers the wine’s fullest aromatics and flavours whilst also lending an air of sophistication to the dining presentation. NEW Red Wine NP172 46.0cl (16oz) NEW White Wine NP173 38.0cl (13.4oz) NEW Champagne NP174 19.0cl (6.7oz) 244 PATTERN CODE: 4216 SOIREE SPIEGELAU 245 smooth seamless style SOIREE Sherry NP72210.7cl (3¾oz) Martini NP725 17.1cl (6oz) Champagne Flute NP707 19.2cl (6¾oz) Small Wine NP70324.2cl (8½oz) Large Wine NP702 28.5cl (10oz) Water Goblet NP701 36.3cl (12¾oz) Brandy Glass NP71845.6cl (16oz) Burgundy NP70050.3cl (172 ⁄3oz) Bordeaux NP735 52.0cl (18¼oz) Tumbler NP70933.4cl (11¾oz) Longdrinks Tumbler NP712 41.3cl (14½oz) Highball Tumbler NP71334.2cl (12oz) Juice Tumbler NP714 22.0cl (7¾oz) Whiskey Tumbler NP71527.7cl (9¾oz) Large Whiskey Tumbler NP71631.3cl (11oz) Shot Glass NP7205.0cl (1¾oz) Elegant design and robust construction have SPIEGELAU Soiree TM made the Soiree range a favourite with those who demand both style and durability. Pilsner Glass NP724 37.5cl (12¾oz) 246 PATTERN CODE: 4404 F E S T I VA L SPIEGELAU 247 pu rposeful practical playful A thicker bowl and stem combined with Spiegelau’s crystalline glass gives the Festival selection an F E S T I VA L Champagne Flute NP20717.1cl (6oz) White Wine NP22924.2cl (8½oz) Small Wine NP20330.6cl (10¾oz) Brandy Glass NP21832.8cl (11½oz) Large Wine NP20235.6cl (12½oz) Water Goblet NP20141.3cl (14½oz) Bordeaux NP23545.6cl (16oz) Digestif/Chianti NP23236.0cl (23oz) Water Glass NP21127.8cl (9¼oz) Burgundy NP40964.0cl (21oz) SPIEGELAU Festival TM excellent reputation for toughness and longevity at a competitive price. 248 PATTERN CODE: 4504 cool crisp cal m 249 SPIEGELAU BEER GLASSES NEW ADDITIONS BEER GLASSES NEW Wheat Glass 4100N191 75.0cl (25½oz) Using their 500 years of experience in producing SPIEGELAU Beer Glasses TM fine crystal glass, Spiegelau have set-out to improve the enjoyment of beer drinking and have introduced a range of beer glasses that provide the solution. The huge trend of Craft and Artisan beers and ales is now met with the perfect glassware to suit. NEW IPA Glass 4100NP180 54.0cl (19oz) NEW Stout Glass 4100NP181 60.0cl (21oz) Beer Glass 4304NP350 30.3cl (102 ⁄3oz) Wheat Beer 4100NP4180.5 Litre (17oz) Tulip Beer 4100NP41744.0cl (14½oz) Soiree Pilsner Glass 4404NP72437.5cl (12¾oz) 250 TUMBLERS SPIEGELAU 251 stro ng solid style TUMBLERS NEW NEW ADDITIONS Classic Mini Drink 4102NP14618.0cl (6¼oz) Classic Bar XL Long Drinks Tumbler 4102NP11051.3cl (18oz) SPIEGELAU Tumblers TM Three ranges made from crystalline glass for excellent clarity. With the emphasis on quality, all feature a solid glass base, strong sides and edge bevelled rims for perfect presentation and balance. Classic Bar Long Drinks Tumbler 4102NP11236.3cl (12¾oz) Soiree Tumbler 4404NP70933.4cl (11¾oz) Classic Bar Whiskey Tumbler 4102NP11528.5cl (10oz) Soiree Highball Tumbler 4404NP71334.2cl (12oz) Classic Bar Shot Glass 4102NP1206.4cl (2¼oz) Soiree Long Drinks Tumbler 4404NP71241.3cl (14½oz) Soiree Large Whiskey Tumbler 4404NP71631.3cl (11oz) Soiree Shot Glass 4404NP7205.0cl (1¾oz) Soiree Juice Tumbler 4404NP71422.0cl (7¾oz) Soiree Whiskey Tumbler 4404NP71527.7cl (9¾oz) 252 breathe flavou r savou r 253 SPIEGELAU CARAFES & DECANTERS TM Authentis Decanter 4204NP0061 litre (34oz) Vino Grande Decanter 4304NP3541 litre (34oz) SPIEGELAU The best way to present wine is in a specially CARAFES & DECANTERS Carafes & Decanters designed vessel, which will enhance both its colour and flavour. The renowned glass quality of Spiegelau offers exceptional brilliance across a broad range of beautifully designed carafes and decanters for superb tabletop presentation. Pisa Decanter 4207NP0061 litre (34oz) tainless Steel Decanter Drainage Stand S 4208N010 Soiree Decanter 4404NP0571 litre (34oz) Red & White Wine Decanter 4104N4081 litre (34oz) 254 255 M I N N E R S C L A S S I C C O C K TA I L S M I N N E R S C L A S S I C C O C K TA I L S MinnerS For ove r 60 ye ars, Minne rs has b e e n me eting t he ne e ds of t he fine st f o o dse r vice est ablishme nt s, sp e cialising in cust o m glassware, cutle r y and dinne r ware, ma d e t o exac t re quire me nt s wit h ex p e r t craf t smanship. The Minne rs Classic Co ck t ail rang e of glassware has b e e n re cre at e d using t he original glass m oulds t hat manuf ac t ure d t he glasse s use d in t he 1930 ’s M anhat t an co ck t ail sce ne and ma d e f am ous in ve nue s suc h as t he Rainb ow Ro o m. The se classic shap e s ha ve st o o d t he t e st of time and ha ve re g aine d a re levance t o t o d a ys growing mixolo g y sce ne. St e e lit e Int e r national ha ve o bt aine d exclusive glo b al distribution right s t o t his exciting rang e and are ple ase d t o bring a unique o p p or t unit y in fine le a d-f re e cr yst al glasse s. 256 T +44(0)1782 821000 F +44(0)1782 819926 headof cool classic cocktails 257 M I N N E R S C L A S S I C C O C K TA I L S TM Nick & Nora R351 17.75cl (5½oz) M I N N E R S C L A S S I C C O C K TA I L S M in ners Classic Cocktails Steelite International recaptures classic cocktail service from a bygone era with the Minners Classic Cocktail Collection. Featuring popular shapes including the saucer champagne, Minners Classic Cocktails offers the ultimate in vintage charm and design. What’s old is new once again. Coupe Champagne R352 23.6cl (8oz) Champagne Flute R353 17.75cl (6oz) Martini/Champagne R354 23.6cl (8oz) 258 PATTERN CODE: 4854 259 DRINIQUE DRINIQUE Drinique Shat t e r your p e rce ptions of glass. What if your glassware didn’t bre ak? What if it didn’t crack? A nd w hat if t hat glassware was guarant e e d f or lif e*? Drinique drink ware is ma d e f ro m ex tra ordinar y Trit an TM Co p olye st e r, eve n at 50 0 trips t hrough a dishwashe r t his revolutionar y mat e rial st a ys cle ar. St ack t he m wit hout sticking, wash t he m wit hout cracking, and eve n dro p t he m wit hout bre aking; no mat t e r t he distre ss t hey continue lo oking g o o d. All Drinique glasses are BPA f re e and ma d e in t he USA. *LIFE TIME BRE AK AGE GUAR ANTEE If any pie ce of Drinique drink ware eve r bre aks, cracks, or shat t e rs und e r nor mal use, Drinique will re place t hat pro duct f re e of c harg e, up on cust o me r ret ur ning t he pro duc t at t heir ex p e nse. 260 T +44(0)1782 821000 F +44(0)1782 819926 headof 261 DRINIQUE ELITE ELITE DRINIQUE Elite TM NEW RANGE Drinique drinkware is made from extraordinary Tritan Copolyester which is very clear and durable. NEW Elite Champagne Flute 7030DR008 17.0cl (6oz) Elite Stemmed Wine 7030DR009 34.2cl (12oz) NEW The collection’s carafe is a sleek and beautiful thick-walled wonder, with a removable base for thorough cleaning. Drinique is practically indestructible making it a perfect match for the hospitality industry. Elite HiBall Tumbler 7030DR005 41.5cl (14oz) Elite Tumbler 7030DR002 21.0cl (7oz) NEW NEW Elite Rocks Tumbler 7030DR003 28.5cl (10oz) Elite Shot Glass 7030DR001 6.0cl (2oz) NEW Elite Carafe 7030DR007 85.0cl (28oz) NEW NEW 262 263 BODUM BODUM BODUM B o dum was f ound e d by Pet e r B o dum in 194 4 f ollowing World War II. The co mp any, in Co p e nha g e n D e nmark e st ablishe d t he brand’s core philos o phy t hat f or m should f ollow f unction. In 1958 B o dum intro duce d t heir first pro duc t, t he S ant os Vacuum Cof f e e M ake r. Int e r nationally acclaime d f or it s unique d e sign, t he S ant os re mains a p o pular cof f e e make r. In 1974 J org e n B o dum, t he f ound e r ’s s on t o ok ove r as CEO of t he co mp any. That same ye ar he intro duce d B o dum’s first Fre nc h pre ss cof f e e make r, t he Bistro. Since 1974 B o dum has pro duce d m ore t han 120 million Fre nc h pre ss cof f e e make rs and 30 million t e ap ot s, and continue t o bro a d e n t heir colle c tion of b e autif ully d e signe d pro duc t s. 264 T +44(0)1782 821000 F +44(0)1782 819926 headof 265 BODUM COFFEE COFFEE NEW RANGE NEW Brazil Coffee Press 4135B102 Black 0.35ltr (12oz) 4135B105 Black 1.0ltr (34oz) NEW Brazil Coffee Press 4185B102 White 0.35ltr (12oz) 4185B105 White 1.0ltr (34oz) Chambord Coffee Press NEW 4140B103 0.35ltr (12oz) 4140B106 1.0ltr (34oz) 4140B108 1.5ltr (51oz) NEW Chambord Coffee Press With Locking Lid 4140B110 0.35ltr (12oz) 4140B111 1.0ltr (34oz) BODUM Coffee TM Whether it’s a traditional coffee press, an iconic and stylish French press or an elegant double wall coffee maker that you’re looking for, we’ve got the perfect collection for you to choose from. Our new collection of Bodum pieces have been specially chosen to fit the commercial sector perfectly. Columbia Coffee Press NEW 4145B104 0.35ltr (12oz) 4145B107 1.0ltr (34oz) 4145B109 1.5ltr (51oz) Spare Glass For Coffee NEW Press With Spout 4151B123 0.35ltr (12oz) 4151B124 1.0ltr (34oz) 4151B125 1.5ltr (51oz) 4151B121 0.35ltr (12oz) 4151B122 1.0ltr (34oz) Columbia Milk Jug NEW 4145B126 0.7ltr (24oz) NEW Filter Plate For Coffee Press 4150B118 0.35ltr (12oz 4150B119 1.0ltr (34oz) 4150B120 1.5ltr (51oz) 266 267 BODUM TEA TEA BODUM Tea TM NEW RANGE NEW Assam Tea Press 4181B131 Black 1.0ltr (34oz) NEW Assam Tea Press 4186B131 White 1.0ltr (34oz) With the trend for tea as popular as ever, we’ve got a collection of tea presses that are perfect for tea service in pubs, cafes, restaurants or hotels. Whether it’s the iconic tea press, or something more elegant you’re looking for, our Bodum pieces are perfect for your needs. NEW Assam Tea Press 4180B132 0.5ltr (17oz) 4180B133 1.0ltr (37oz) NEW Infuser For Assam Tea Press Plastic 4152B127 NEW Columbia Tea Press 4145B129 Double wall 1.2ltr (41oz) 4145B130 Single Wall 1.5ltr (51oz) 268 269 BODUM GLASSES & JUGS Pavina Double Wall Glass 4155B117 8.0cl (2.5oz) GLASSES & JUGS TM NEW NEW Bistro Coffee Mug 4130B101 35.0cl (12oz) BODUM Glasses & Jugs NEW RANGE These double wall glasses are the perfect vessel for showcasing the beauty of coffee. With their double NEW Pavina Double Wall Glass 4155B114 25.0cl (8oz) NEW Pavina Double Wall Glass 4155B116 35.0cl (12oz) wall glass construction, drinks are guaranteed to stay hotter for longer. Perfect for both hot and cold drinks, these glasses are also perfect for serving desserts. Thermo jugs are a must have for all commercial environments. Their vacuum sealed, double wall construction offers the ability to keep batches of liquid or soup hot or cold for an extended period of time. Ideal for contract catering or outdoor NEW Assam Double Wall Glass 4179B112 10.0cl (3oz) NEW Assam Double Wall Glass 4179B113 18.0cl (6oz) dining. NEW NEW Assam Double Wall Glass 4179B115 25.0cl (8oz) Assam Tea Glass With Steel Handle 4180B100 30.0cl (10oz) NEW Bistro Thermal Jug 4131B134 Black 1.0ltr (37oz) NEW Bistro Thermal Jug 4184B134 White 1.0ltr (37oz) 270
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glassware - Steelite International
will enhance both its colour and flavour. The renowned glass quality of
Spiegelau offers exceptional brilliance across a broad range of beautifully