Davis Lak e Commun iqué
Davis Lak e Commun iqué
May 2006 9000 Davis Lake Parkway 704-596-6958 In and Around Davis Lake DLCA Election Returns Davis Lake Communiqué DAVIS LAKE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Here are the OFFICIAL results of the 2006 DLCA Board of Directors election that was completed on April 12. Jeff Dail and Terry Potts were the two candidates with the most votes and thereby elected. Congratulations to both winners, and thanks to all four candidates for volunteering to serve our community. The final vote tabulation can be seen on Page 6, Table 1. The votes were tallied and verified by Hope Hunt, (election official) and Pat Patterson (Carolina Association Mgmt). There were a total of 255 votes cast, with 2 technically rejected; the final vote total was 253. This number exceeds both the quorum minimum of 124 for the re-scheduled election and the original minimum of 248. scheduled election. To return to the previous open meeting/closed meeting cycle, the June meeting will be closed and the July, September and November meetings open. For a detailed explanation of the counting procedure, please contact Doug King, DLCA Board. A special board meeting was held on April 25 to elect officers for 2006. All five board members were present and voted. The results and office responsibilities are as follows: Scheduled DLCA Board Meetings The board has agreed that the May DLCA board meeting will be closed and re-scheduled for Monday, May 8. The April Meeting was open due to the re- New DLCA Board Officers • Doug King, President ⇒ Preside over all board meetings Continued on Page 6 Welcome to Carolina Association Management (CAM) by Pat Patterson, Owner Carolina Association Management (CAM), Inc. is pleased to announce that we have been selected by the Davis Lake HOA Board to serve your community. CAM is a full-service homeowner association management company with a focus on customer service and the protection and enhancement of the association's assets. We look forward to getting to know and work with the Board and homeowners in the months ahead. For your information we have a website, www.camhoa.com, designed to assist our associations with more information about the company and our services to homeowners. Please take a moment to view our site; we would appreciate any feedback you might have to offer. Our website allows you to direct your email requests to the appropriate staff member. This increased flexibility to direct your requests to the staff will help us generate a prompt response. Please be sure to include your association’s name in the subject line of your emails. Our physical location is 4957 Albemarle Road. We are located on the corner of Albemarle Rd. (4900 block) and Greenbrook Drive From the Association's per- spective, our primary goal is to maintain, protect and enhance the value of your homes and the Association property. As the Board, CAM, and homeowners work together to improve the quality of the community, our collective goal is to insure that the resale value of every homeowner’s property will continue to increase. Inside This Issue: Swim and Tennis Club 4 Davis Lake Events Calendar 5 In Memoriam—Bill Joseph 9 Davis Lake Women’s Club 10 Personal Ads 11 Davis Lake Community Association Davis Lake Community Association Questions, concerns and issues may be directed to: 704-596-6958 DLCA@davislake.org DLCA Board Members 2006 Doug King, President 9222 Heritage Woods Place dougking@davislake.org Alex Mones, Vice President 5124 Chestnut Knoll Lane alexmones@davislake.org David Comer, Treasurer 8911 Shorehaven Court davidcomer@davislake.org Jeff Dail, Secretary 4737 Beech Crest Place jeffdail@davislake.org Terry Potts, Asst. Secretary 9117 Chimney Ridge Trail terrypotts@davislake.org Legacy HOA Claire Fallon, President 8879 Legacy Lake Lane woodcroft@davislake.org Architectural Review Board The Davis Lake Architectural Review Board is a volunteer group that meets frequently to insure all modifications to residences conform to Davis Lake convenants and restrictions. Information and forms may be found at www.davislake.org/arb.htm. • Open Crofton Springs/Chestnut Knoll • Lee Worsham Legacy 704-596-2478 • Debbie Tlusty Geske, (Secretary) Old Fox Trail/Bridle Ridge Currently, several neighborhoods 704-596-5049 are open, and need representation. If • Alex Mones interested in serving on this vital comDLCA VP, Board Liaison mittee, please contact Elizabeth AlexMones@davislake.org Parker, President, at 704-596-9175. • Michael Orzech ARB Members Woodbridge Cmns/Woodbridge Pl. • Elizabeth Parker, (President) To contact all members by email, Winterberry Ridge write to ARB@davislake.org. 704-596-9175 For a specific neighborhood, di• Jeff Dail, (Vice President) rect your email to ARB Deer Cross/Poplar Grove (neighborhood)@davislake.org 704-597-6745 For example, if you want to send email to the Deer Cross rep, the ad• Open dress would be Downing Creek/Nuttree Bluff ARBDeerCross@davislake.org • Open Harris Glen/Fortunes Ridge Woodcroft HOA Susan Becknell, President 4716 Morning Dew Court legacy@davislake.org DLCA Employees Rhonda Arneson, Club Mgr. 704-596-6958 club@davislake.org Carolina Association Management 4957 Albemarle Road Charlotte, NC 28205 Jane E. Crock Attorney at Law Wills and Estate Planning Evening and Weekend Appointments Available 704-597-7374 Pat Patterson, Owner 704-891-9500 (cell) Pat@cam-hoa.com Barb Cook, Property Mgr. Barb@cam-hoa.com 704-531-6822 Amy Milton, Accounting Amy@cam-hoa.com Excellent References Available from Davis Lake Residents Davis Lake Website Page 2 D AV I S L A KE C O M M U NIQ U É Fun at Davis Lake! Even our littlest residents join in! The race is on! Indiana Jones couldn’t beat these two at treasure hunting! Ride ‘Em, Cowboy! M AY 20 0 6 Page 3 Club and Court News Items from DLSTC Manager, Rhonda Arneson Please pick up your pool passes on Saturday, May 7th from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM at the clubhouse. Be aware that if you have not paid your Club or DLCA dues by May 3rd, you will not be issued passes! Thursday, May 18th at 6:30. This will be the last meeting until the fall. Come meet some new friends and enjoy a meal together. The clubhouse will provide the main course. Please RSVP by May 15th. Any resident is welcome to attend. Pool Opening May 12th Community Day at the Pool Come to the pool opening on Friday, May 12th. You can call the clubhouse at 704-596-6958 to order a pizza from Pizza Hut—cheese or pepperoni. They will deliver the pizza at 6:30 PM. The price of the medium pizza will be $9.00 for the first and $7.00 for the second. The entire neighborhood is invited to the pool on Saturday May 20th. The charge is $2.00 for nonmembers. There will be snow cones, popcorn and a whole lot of fun. Come see what the fuss is all about; we have one of the best pools in the area! Pool hours will begin on May 12th as follows: Volley Ball Tournament Pool Passes • Friday: 4:00 PM – 9:00 PM. • Saturday:10:00 AM – 9:00 PM. • Sunday: 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM. Tennis Courts Please do not let your children play on or get water from the tennis courts. We need to keep our tennis courts pristine and have water for the tennis players. Also, please do not throw your trash in the trash cans on the tennis courts; there are trash cans at the playground. Empty Nesters Empty Nesters will meet on The volley ball tournament will take place on May 20st and 21nd. The fee for members is $10.00 and nonmembers $15.00. The tournament will start at 9:00 AM. Participants must be there at 8:30 AM for the blind draw for teams. We will provide food, drinks and a lot of fun! Women’s Club Meeting On Wednesday, May 24th at 7:30 PM, the last meeting of the women’s club will be held at the clubhouse. We are trying to form a social committee. If you would like to volunteer your time, contact me at 704596-6958 or club@davislake.org with your name, phone # and e-mail address. I will put you on the list Memorial Day Celebration The Memorial Day Celebration will be on Saturday, May 27th at the clubhouse. We will be serving a barbeque menu catered by SMS Catering. The food will be served from noon – 2:00 PM. We will have plenty of activities, including a band. Come join a very fun celebration. RSVP BY MAY 22! Pot Luck Dinner at the Pool It’s always fun to try someone else’s cooking! Sign up to bring a dish and join in the sharing on Monday, May 29th at 5:30 PM. The clubhouse will provide the paper goods. There will be a sign up sheet at the lifeguard stand. Fence Around the Pool Hope that you noticed our fence around the pool has a fresh coat of paint. Davis Lake is looking good!! Tennis Margarita Social Get some exercise and taste some margaritas on Saturday, May 13th from 6:00 – 9:00. Bring your best recipe for a margarita contest. Prizes will be awarded for most original recipe and presentation. RSVP by May 10th. Davis Lake welcomes our new management company! Our Mission: To be the premier association management firm in our marketplace, providing high quality management services representing the best value available to our clients. Page 4 D AV I S L A KE C O M M U NIQ U É Around the Davis Lake and the Clubhouse: May Calendar of Events Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 29 Note: The events listed in this calendar will be held at the DLS&T Clubhouse at 9000 Davis Lake Parkway (unless noted otherwise). Events are open to all Davis Lake residents unless noted as Members Only (MO). For more details or updates, check Page 4, the www.davislake.org Calendar of Events, or call the DLST Clubhouse at 704-596-6958. 30 1 2 3 4 Saturday 5 6 Neighborhood Garage Sale 8:00 AM—noon 7 8 9 DLCA Board Meeting (Closed) 14 15 10 11 12 RSVP deadline for Tennis Margarita Social 16 17 Pool Season Opens 4:00—9:00 PM (MO) 18 19 13 Tennis Margarita Social 6:00—9:00 PM RSVP 5/10 20 Empty Nesters 6:30 PM Volleyball Tournament 8:30 AM Pool Community Day 10:00 AM Open to all DL residents ($2 for nonmembers) 21 22 23 Swim Team Practice Begins 5:30— 8:00 PM 24 25 26 27 DL Women’s Club Final Meeting 7:30 AM Memorial Day Bash Food Served Noon—2:00 PM RSVP by 5/22 RSVP deadline for Memorial Day Bash 28 29 Volleyball 3:00 PM M AY 20 0 6 Pot Luck at the Pool Games at 3:00 PM Food at 5:30 PM 30 31 1 June 2 3 Volleyball 6:00 PM Page 5 In and Around Davis Lake (cont. from Page 1) ⇒ Representative to NE Coali- books - in cooperation with Carolina Association Management ⇒ Liaison to Communiqué editor, Karen Belciglio • Terry Potts, Assistant Secretary ⇒ Assist Secretary in duties ⇒ Assume duties as necessary this time. tion of Homeowners AssoNew Online Calendar ciations There is a new Davis Lake Cal⇒ Liaison to DLCA website endar, created by the WebMaster, manager, Hope Hunt Hope Hunt. It is available on the ⇒ Assumption of duties as necDLCA website, and is the most upessary dated calendar for any event in our • Alex Mones, Vice President neighborhood. You may access the ⇒ Assumption of duties in the calendar at absence of the President www.davislake.org/calendar. “...the board has committed to having a ⇒ Liaison to DLCA Archi- decision no later than June 1 on whether to Parkway Speed Limit tectural Review Board place a formal proposal (on HOA assessment The parkway speed limit has (ARB) changes) before the homeowners. Be aware been...and still is...30 miles• David Comer, Treasurer that no official proposal has been authorized per-hour. Many homeown⇒ Custodian of all funds by the board at this time.” ers have observed drivers and securities of the using excessive speed in the DLCA Corporation past months despite the addiPlease welcome your new DLCA tion of the bike lanes and center ⇒ Preparation of accurate acBoard officers! counts and statements of the striping. financial activities of the HOA Assessment Proposals With urging from the board, the DLCA - in cooperation with CMPD will be placing a speed moniOver the last month, several town Carolina Association Manhall meetings presented by two ad-hoc toring device on the parkway soon. agement Speed will be monitored for about a committees have suggested HOA as⇒ Liaison to Davis Lake Swim sessment changes to the DLCA Board week and citations will be issued & Tennis Club Operations after that time. of Directors and the community. To • Jeff Dail, Secretary implement any of those suggested Be respectful of your fellow changes would call for a formal pro⇒ Maintain accurate records of Davis Lake residents by adhering to posal to be placed before the associa- the parkway and neighborhood speed all acts & proceedings of all tion (homeowners) for a vote. meetings of the members limits and always keep safety para⇒ General charge of all corpoConsequently, the board has com- mount in your mind while driving within your own community. rate books, records and the mitted to having a decision no later corporate seal than June 1 on whether to place a for- Let's Battle Crime! mal proposal before the homeowners. ⇒ General charge of MemberIt is unfortunate, but there has Be aware that no official proposal ship records and transfer been an increase in crime in Davis has been authorized by the board at Continued on Page 7 Candidate Table 1 DLCA Board Election Returns Page 6 Online Proxy Paper Proxy Duplicate Total Jeff Dail 103 74 -1 176 Terry Potts 67 63 -1 129 Tom Morrison 56 59 -2 113 Tim Zygmont 41 31 0 72 D AV I S L A KE C O M M U NIQ U É Are you ready to get On The Move? In and Around Davis Lake (con’t. from Page 6) Lake in the recent past. However, you can help! Always, always call 9-1-1 anytime you see suspicious activity or people in our community. Our walking trails are private property with "No Trespassing" signs prominently posted. As such, it is totally appropriate to call the police (91-1) when you know a non-Davis Lake resident is using them as a shortcut, cutthrough, or as a means to case our residences. Why use Beth? • #1 agent in her office. • Top 6% of ERA agents nationally out of 25,000 +. • Selling success rate is 30% above area average. • Sells homes faster and nets sellers more money. Call Beth Pihl to get On The Move. Also, any teen or child observed roaming in the community when school is in session, (no matter how innocentlooking they may appear), should be immediately reported to the police. They should be in school— not walking our streets and pathways. 704-408-8371 www.bethknowsrealestate.com E-mail: bethpihl@earthlink.net Outdoor Services Notice Douglas Pitkin, the manager of Southern Outdoor Services, LLC, has notified us that they have begun spraying the turf grass around the pool house. For more information, the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for the chemical being used can be found at: www.davislake.org/issues/msds.pdf Signs will be posted in the area where spraying will occur; these will be left up for a twenty-four hour period. All residents who suffer from severe or acute health problems, specifically respiratory, should avoid the area when the signs are posted for twenty-four hours. Neighborhood Fellowship Forming: Attention ladies! Going through transformations in your life? Need your faith renewed? Come to our weekly gathering on Tuesdays at 7 pm. Care, share, prayer and devotional discussion. For more details, call B.J. Miller at 704494-4981. Left Turn Traffic Signal As reported by Brian Kelly of the M AY 20 0 6 CDOT up far enough, they can see. Other than this occasional impediment, the “The Traffic Signals staff has sight distance is actually very good unfortunately decided not to add a because the opposing traffic is comleft-turn phase to the signal at ing slightly downhill toward the inHarris Blvd/Davis Lake Pkwy at tersection. this time. In their observations, there is more than sufficient opWe realize that the high speed portunity (breaks in oncoming makes it slightly more difficult for traffic) for eastbound left-turners left-turners to identify an acceptable to make the turn. In fact, even in gap. However, this condition exists the PM peak hour, some lefteverywhere there are left turns alturners were observed arriving at lowed across Harris, and this locathe tion is no different. intersection and making the turn When considering the option of without any wait at all. putting in a left-turn phase for this When an opposing U-turner movement as a safety measure, here does not pull up as far as they are some negative things that would should, or in the limited instances happen. It would be a protected-only where there are more than one, left-turn phase (traffic can only turn and they are large vehicles, it can on the green arrow), and we would be difficult to see. But in general, also install one for the westbound Uif the eastbound left-turners pull turns. Continued on Page 8 Page 7 In and Around Davis Lake (cont. from Page 7) We would provide timing for these turns to accommodate most waiting cars, but because of the high volumes and traffic speed on Harris, we could not provide enough green time for all cars. Therefore, occasionally (mostly during PM peak), all vehicles waiting to make the left-turn would not be served. Even when vehicles are served by the first green, they would likely have on average a longer wait than they do now (or might have after we coordinate this signal with Sugar Creek). So it will be common for the eastbound left and westbound U-turners to wait 1 2 minutes to turn, (occasionally longer in peaks). We believe that many drivers would be quite frustrated by this change. Adding left-turn phases would also result in increased stops for traffic, which would likely increase rear-end accidents. As staff continues the process of developing timings, we will further investigate the impact that we think coordinated timings will have, and let you know if this changes our thoughts with regard to the issue.” Important News from www.charmeck.org Police Team with CMS for Prom Safety The Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department is teaming with local CMS and other agencies to promote a safe Prom season. Among the things Police are doing: • Be aware that adults who supply alcohol may be held civilly responsible, as well as criminally charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor. For more details, go to http:// www.charmeck.org/_News/ City/060427Prom.htm • Off and On-duty officers will be patrolling Prom parking lots. • Various Police divisions have been made aware of upcoming Proms in their areas. • Police are reaching out to the community and parents to inform them of the dangers. • The Police ABC Unit is working with local liquor/grocery stores and convenience stores to educate clerks that more teens may attempt to purchase alcohol during the Prom/Graduation season. Police are asking parents or other citizens to: MALLARD CREEK GREENWAY: NEW SECTION MAKES IT LONGEST IN THE COUNTY The addition of this new and picturesque 1.6 miles of gracefully curving paved trail marks an important milestone for the entire greenway system. It makes the Mallard Creek/ Clarks Creek Greenway the longest continuous greenway in Mecklenburg County, stretching more than seven miles. It also includes a privately owned gravel section running through University Research Park. The new greenway section links many neighborhoods in the university area and links them to the athletic fields. The next leg of this greenway, due to open in a year or so, will actually run along Toby Creek to and across the UNCC campus. The official opening of this greenway section also coincides with Bike The Mecklenburg County Park Week, May 6 – 13, in Charlotte. The and Recreation Department will cele- Bike Charlotte group is highlighting brate the opening of a new section of the greenway in its activities all week. the Mallard Creek Greenway with a After the short opening ceremony special ceremony on Sunday, May 7, there will be bike tours, guided hikes, 2006. The celebration will take place and a scavenger hunt for items along • Talk to their children about NOT at 2 p.m. at the greenway entrance the greenway. Anyone present may beside the UNCC athletic fields. The participate. The parks department exdrinking. fields are located at 210 East Mallard pects groups of cyclers and many • Call 911 and make an anonyCreek Church Road (corner of High- greenway users for the opening ceremous complaint if you know way 29 and Mallard Creek Church mony. there is a party where underage Road behind the Citgo convenience drinking is taking place. store). Page 8 D AV I S L A KE C O M M U NIQ U É In Memory of Bill Joseph Mr. Bill Joseph, a resident of Davis Lake, died at home on March 10, 2006. He had suffered from Parkinson’s disease for 10 years. Mr. Joseph was a native of Cleveland before moving to Charlotte with his wife in 2003. Bill served his country in the US Army in WWII. He was deployed in Germany where he was wounded by friendly fire. He received an honorable discharge in 1945 Bill married his high school sweetheart after the war, and they became the proud parents of five children: Sally Branch of New Zealand, Debby Swanson and Mary Craig of San Diego, and Bill Joseph, Jr of Vail. His son, Guy Joseph, passed away in 2002. Bill was a loving grandfather to his 10 children and 2 grandchildren. In 1978, Bill became an accredited psychotherapy counselor. He founded the Center for Creative Change and had a busy practice serving families and conducting business and industry seminars. He made a positive impact on the work and personal lives of his clients. Additionally, Bill became a 32nd degree Mason, serving as the Master of his lodge in Lakewood, Ohio in 1965. Bill and his wife, Maggie, were married for 25 years. During that time, he was a loved and treasured step-father to Maggie’s children: Abby Tropiano, Peter Andrews, and Amy Holmes and Philip Andrews of Davis Lake. Maggie Joseph sent a note, and asked the Communiqué to convey the following: “My heartfelt thanks to all my neighbors and friends here in Davis Lake for their kindnesses. The many cards, phone calls, flowers and food warmed my heart. I take comfort in knowing that Bill was loved and appreciated by many.” In memory of Bill Joseph, the family is asking for donations to the DLCA for a memorial bench in his name. It will be placed near the pool. Shopping for Mom? Try These Websites. Looking for some fun and unique gift ideas for Mothers’ Day? Check out these sites! We have ordered many products from them, and were very pleased. Order quickly, though; Mothers’ Day is about two weeks away! with a description of the artist. You can look up other items by that artist and review comments of customers about their products. Most items come gift wrapped, with a card signed by the artist. Novica.com It’s a win-win site: lovely, oneof-a-kind gifts that also support the global art community! Makes you feel good about shopping. Novica, in association with the National Geographic Society, offers beautiful clothing, painting, jewelry, sculptures, household items, and art of many other types. The goods come from seven different regions: the Andes, Bali and Java, Brazil, India, Mexico, Thailand, and West Africa. The goal of Novica is to offer quality items created by international artists at reasonable prices, with more of the proceeds going to the artists themselves. On the website, each item is shown M AY 20 0 6 shirt, mug, hat, or bumper sticker with that topic in mind. Cafepress.com If Mom is a fan of Mystery Science Theater 3000, Firefly, the Three Stooges, Spongebob, or even Tinkerbell, you can find something to please her. One of our favorites is a bumper sticker from the Mythbusters show. It says “Come to the Dark Side. We have cookies.” Cafepress is a truly original site, where the products are jumping with creativity, ideas, favorite causes and every imaginable interest - all designed by people like you. Find products that speak to you, or create your own products to sell for profit or fun. Search on anything imaginable, and you can bet you’ll find a You can also find more generic products; a search for birds turned up over 215,000 items! Or, if you have the time, design something just for Mom, and have Cafepress create it. You can also offer your item for sale on the site, just in case someone else has Mom’s sense of taste—or humor. Page 9 Davis Lake Women’s Club News by the DLWC Board hunting for eggs. They especially enjoyed riding the ponies and petting the goats! Look at Page 3 of this issue of the Communiqué for some lovely pictures! Baby Signs Do you have a friend or neighbor in Davis Lake who is expecting? How about surprising them with an adorable sign, announcing the birth of their baby. The cost is only $5. The recipient gets to keep the wooden heart with their baby’s information on it. If you are interested in purchasing one for a friend, call Maryellen Magee 704/5096645 or Melissa Fisher 704/5099908. Art Auction Our next and final DLWC meeting is Wednesday evening, May 24th at 7:30 PM at the clubhouse. All Davis Lake women are welcome to attend. We hope you can join us! Easter Egg Hunt The Easter Egg Hunt last month was a huge success. Many thanks to Rhonda Arneson for all her help. Thanks goes out to Maggie Joseph and Anne Freeburn for manning the snack and drink tables. All the kids loved The Art Auction is going to take place in early November. Please look to the Communiqué for all the details. It’s going to be a great night, full of food, fun and art! For more details, please call co-chairs Melissa Whipple at 704/921-9634 or Sandy Shafran at 704/599-2554. Lawn of the Month Keep your eyes open for the new and improved Davis Lake Lawn of the Month signs. One will be popping up in a yard near you soon! Standing Committees • Art Auction Melissa Whipple 704/921-9634 Sandy Shafran 704/599-2554 • Baby Signs Maryellen Magee 704/509-6645 Melissa Fisher 704/509-9908 • Lawn of the Month Robin Beasley 704/599-6654 Janel Daley 704/599-6422 Andrea Hobbs 704/921-9163 Board Contacts • Amy Holmes/President 704/596-7956 amyeholmes@aol.com • Wendy Andrews/Vice President 704/921-7695 philsfam@bellsouth.net • Carol Palillo/Treasurer 704/598-0418 cpalillo@aol.com • Sandy Comer/Secretary 704/509-0540 comerzoo@bellsouth.net FAQs of Davis Lake Can I place signs in my yard or on the parkway? Advertising, campaign, or announcement signs of any type are prohibited on the parkway unless first approved by the Davis Lake Community Association Board. The only sign that does not require approval is one real estate "For Sale" sign, the “baby sign” offered by the DLWC, or a “Lawn of the Month” sign. Page 10 Spring is here, and many of you are having work done to renovate or update your homes. If you are using a contractor, they may ask if they can place a sign in your yard advertising their presence. They also may place a sign without asking your permission. At this time, signs advertising contractors’ work are not allowed. If contractors wish to advertise their work they can apply for an ad in the Communiqué, or apply for approval to the DLCA Board. Contractors should be directed to the www.davislake.org website, where they may contact the Board or the Communique through any of the methods listed in the masthead on Page 2. D AV I S L A KE C O M M U NIQ U É Personal Items for Sale/Announcements This area is available for free postings by any Davis Lake resident. All ads must be for personal items to be sold, and items or services wanted. To place an ad, either call 704-4424566 or email communique@davislake.org • WANTED: I am looking to buy the following items: gas or electric weed eater, garden tools, 20" girls' bike, small bike w/training wheels, coffee table with wooden top, push reel mower, 8X10 area rug ~ neutral color, pop up trundle bed frame, pine TV armoire. Please call 704597-9304. • WANTED: Curves, World's Largest Fitness Franchise, looking for a selfmotivated, high energetic, and positive individual interested in helping women achieve their fitness goals! Part-time position available, schedule flexibility is a must! Sound like you? Please call Christy @ 704-6070592. • FOR SALE: Blowing Rock Condo for sale - $239,000. This is a spacious 2 bedroom and 2 bath condo (built in 2000) with vaulted ceilings, neutral paint, granite counter tops, approx.1240 square feet. It offers windows on all sides, huge closets, a laundry room and is located 2.8 miles from Blowing Rock's Main Street. Contact Maria Owens 828295-0776 or cell 828-773-1625, email: mariaowens@bellsouth.net • WANTED: Nanny needed starting September to care for our 1 year old baby girl. Must have reliable car and be nonsmoker. Looking for someone who loves children with CPR certification, experiences and references. Background check. Days would be at least Tuesdays and Thursdays evening (4pm-9pm) mandatory + flexibility for other days. Please call 704906-2258 or 704-905-3414. M AY 20 0 6 • WANTED: English teacher (as a foreign language) for an adult. At least 1 hour conversation and grammar needed once a week. Flexible. Please call 704-906-2258. • WANTED: DEEP FREEZER. We need a small chest freezer (preferably less than 10 years old) for our garage. We really don't need anything larger than 5-8 cubic feet. If you have one to sell, please call "B" or Melissa Hoover at 704509-5233 • FOR SALE: White Whirlpool 19 cu ft refrigerator. 7 years old. Good Condition. $100.00. Call 704-5979304. Ad Prices The DLCA Communiqué is produced monthly, and distributed by volunteers to each residence in Davis Lake and available at www.davislake.org. Ad prices are: Business Card $30.00 Quarter Page $60.00 Half Page $125.00 Full Page $250.00 Discounts given for ad renewals. Contact the editor at 704-442-4566 or communique@davislake.org. Page 11 Babysitting Co-ops Davis Lake has a lot of neighborhood clubs that are available to the residents. You may hear from your fellow residents about these informal settings that include bunco groups, bridge clubs, dinner clubs, or teen clubs. Two of the neighborhood clubs, however, offer not only social interaction but services! These are the Babysitting Co-ops. Babysitting co-ops allow you to earn babysitting hours by doing babysitting, no money involved. Some Davis Lake families are even members of both co-ops, allowing them more flexibility and choices when they need a sitter. Call the co-ops listed below for a membership packet or more details if you are interested! DL Babysitting Co-op - Contact Cheryl Nowak or Jody Whittington (see DL Directory for contact information) Kidswap Co-Op - Contact Bonnie Holmes & Betsy Breen (see DL Directory for contact information) Ever need a baby sitter during the day when all the teenagers are in school? Do you want to go out on a Friday night, but can’t pay $40 for a sitter? Do you prefer to have an experienced adult care for your infant while you are out? Do you want to meet other Moms in the neighborhood or find other children the same age as yours? A babysitting co-op has the answer to all those problems! M AY 20 0 6 Page 12