March 2014 - Beaverton School District
March 2014 - Beaverton School District
March 2014 What does “Multiple Opportunities” Look Like in a Standards Based Learning System Conclusions drawn from multiple pieces of evidence tend to be better than those based on a single piece of evidence. Just like a photo album gives you a better sense of the family than a single snapshot, a grade book with multiple tasks recorded around a single concept or skill will give any teacher a much better sense of the student’s actual level of understanding. This is why the idea of multiple opportunities is such a central part of the standards-‐based practices we are implementing in the Beaverton School District and at Westview High. As teachers from across all of our high schools continue to work towards consensus around key learning targets or major concepts and skills to be taught in our courses, many have begun to adjust the way they conduct their classes. Teachers are rethinking some of the assignments they require from students and working to ensure that all of their instruction and assessment is aligned to these targets. Through this process, teachers are trying to verify that students have multiple opportunities to demonstrate their level of understanding or proficiency with each major concepts or skill being taught. This makes the grade book more like the photo album and provides the teacher with multiple pieces of evidence so they have the ability to see a student’s growth over time. There are many ways a teacher may choose to provide multiple opportunities for identified instructional targets. To “retake” a quiz or exam is one way, but certainly not the only option a teacher can chose. As another example, a teacher may also know that social studies learning target #1 will be assessed in the first and third quizzes, the first essay and the final exam. The teacher may be able to communicate these four opportunities from the first day of class. In this scenario, if a student fails to submit their work or does poorly on one of the early opportunities, the teacher has the option of simply reminding the student that it was one of several opportunities for the student to demonstrate their understanding of learning target #1 and begin a conversation around what should be done prior to the next opportunity to ensure success. There is no intention of tying the hands of our teachers and developing required practices concerning multiple opportunities. There are many effective ways a teacher may choose to obtain multiple pieces of evidence and we encourage our teachers to try various methods in order to determine which is most effective for their Mike Chamberlain, Principal content area and their classrooms. 4200 NW 185th Avenue Portland, OR 97229-3050 Mike Phone: (503) 259-5218 Fax: (503) 259-5230 March 2014 Mar 3 – First day of spring sports Mar 6-8 – Spring Musical “Footloose” 7:30pm Mar 8 – SATs at Westview Mar 9 – Daylight Savings Time begins Mar 10 – Budget Reduction Day – School Closed Mar 14 – Staff Development Day – No Students Mar 17 – March Grading Day (Grades due by 8:00am) Mar 18 – Jaime Nared celebration at McDonalds 5pm Cornelius Pass and West Union Mar 19 – Choir Concert 7pm and 8:15pm Mar 20 – Band Concert 7:00pm Mar 24-28 – Spring Break Mar 31- School resumes “A” Day From the Business Office Please remit payment to the business office with checks made payable to Westview High School. Thank you for your prompt payment. Photo 1 Digital Imaging Ceramics Robotics Industrial Arts Foods 1,2 Culinary Arts 1 Culinary Arts 2 Early Childhood Child Development $20 $20 $15 $25 $15 $25 $50 $40 $10 $10 Senior Inquiry Parking Permit - Juniors/Seniors Only ASB Sticker Activity Participation Fee: Cheer Concert Choir Dance Team Drama Flag Team Marching Band Speech/Debate $720 $10 $20 $85 FROM THE DISTRICT Beaverton School District School Bus Drivers Needed Training Provided Benefits Available Starting wage $14.49 For information call 503-‐672-‐3721 WESTVIEW SUMMER SCHOOL Kacey Farrens and Greg Therrien, Advisors Westview will again this year have summer school for Westview students. This is an amazing opportunity and our hope is that students will be able to take advantage of the course offerings. This summer school will be an acceleration/enrichment program where students are offered classes to accelerate through our math sequence, prepare for SAT/ACT exams, and/or learn about college essay writing in preparation for what is next on their academic horizon. These courses are designed to meet State of Oregon Common Core Learning Targets as well as Beaverton School District Learning Targets. The math courses are specifically designed to prepare students for success in the next math class sequence at Westview and will be taught by a Westview High math instructor to ensure continuity. The following classes will be offered for acceleration/enrichment this summer: Geometry Advanced Algebra II SAT/ACT Test Prep College Essay Writing This program must be financially self-‐ sufficient so the dates and timelines we have outlined are critically important. Our Westview website has information about this program, including an informational letter and a registration form. Check it out! We will also be offering credit recovery options for students that have previously failed courses at Westview. Our credit recovery courses will focus on giving students an opportunity to work on missed skills as well as gaining skills needed for success in future courses. Registration information will be available on the Westview website after Spring Break. WORK EXPERIENCE BUSINESS This year Westview started a new screen-‐printing business through the Work Experience program. Students participating in this program learn relevant work skills and gain valuable work experience as they prepare to transition into life after high school. We are opening our orders to the Westview community this semester and would love to make your group’s next t-‐shirt or sweatshirt. Please consider partnering with us to prepare our Westview students for success. Please contact for more information. WESTVIEW LIFE HISTORY BOWL TEAM Westview High School JV History Bowl team won 1st place at Western Washington Regional in Lacey, WA with a perfect 7-‐0 record. JV team of Shouvik Deb, Nishit Mishra, Priyansh Sharma and Jonathan Tran qualified to go to High School National Bowl Championship in Washington, DC. In individual History Bee, Shouvik, Jonathan placed 1st and 2nd respective while Nishit made final round. All three qualified for High School National Bee Championship also held in DC. Team photo with tournament director David Madden HEADING FOR WASHINGTON DC Congratulation to Sooly Vazques Hernandez and Melissa Chacon Lopez, were selected to participate in the Close UP program. Close Up informs, inspires, and empowers young people to exercise the rights and accept the responsibilities of citizens in a democracy. Since 1971, nearly 800,000 participants have participated in Close Up programs. WESTVIEW VOLUNTEERS – NEED YOUR HELP! Stacey Bellwood and Kimberley Oliver, Coordinators Calling all Freshman and Sophomore Parents. We are in need of NEW VOLUNTEER COORDINATORS! Please contact if you are interested in being trained for this position or would like more info. The Volunteer Coordinators send out email requests to volunteers as needed through the school Help Counter System. It can be done from the comfort of your own home! Access it at: AP TEST REGISTRATION Tom Puterbaugh, Advisor Registration closes THIS FRIDAY, March 7th at 3:00pm. Registration takes place in the Business Office or the Athletics Office. Tests are $89.00 and checks can be made out to Westview High School. Fee reductions are available for students who qualify for Free and Reduced Lunch. See Tom Puterbaugh for more details. YEARBOOK Natalie Stamm, Advisor Order your yearbook at to guarantee your copy today! WILDCAT PRESCHOOL Lisa Weisenfluh, Advisor Former W estview graduate and now Child Development Teacher Lisa Weisenfluh, will open the Wildcats Preschool for the 2014-‐2015 school year. This preschool is open to staff and community children between the ages of 3-‐5. The main objective of this early childhood program is to provide a positive atmosphere, which encourages children to develop intellectually, creatively, physically, socially, and emotionally. High school students who enroll in child development classes will act as the “teachers” and will plan, prepare and lead preschool activities. Wildcats Preschool will be two days a week from 8:30 -‐11:45. If you are interested in enrollment please visit our website at: MEDAL CLUB SHIRTS Jonathan Hughes, Advisor T-‐shirts: $15 per shirt, double-‐sided, white ink, black shirt (cash preferred, checks made out to Jonathan Hughes). Help support the Medal Club! Contact Jonathan at SENIOR NEWS Graduation – Sunday, June 8, 2014 7:30pm at the Chile Center University of Portland Campus GRAD COMMITTEE MARCH 2014 UPDATE Happy March Families! We have just a few short months remaining in the school year before our seniors graduate. Can you believe it? Where has the time gone? We hope to have the luck of the Irish on our side this month by having you help support the events listed below. Need more information? Want to get more involved with the celebration? We enjoy meeting new parents and encourage you to stop in at any of our monthly committee meetings. We meet the second Tuesday of every month. Our next meeting is Tuesday March 11 -‐ –we'll meet at 6:30pm in the student counseling center. You can also follow us on Facebook at Or checkout our website at Here is what we have going on this month: Basketball Concession Stand Help Needed: The Grad Night Committee will be running the concession stand for both girls and boys home basketball games during the playoff season. We need volunteers to staff the INDOOR stand. This is a great way to help your senior end their last year with celebrating accomplishments and having fun with friends. Please sign up at: Grad Night Celebration Ticket Sales: Tickets are $60 each and can be ordered with a completed waiver form (both sides) and your payment. This month, we’re back in the cafeteria during both lunches on Wednesday March 19 to accept ticket orders. We will also be at school on April 9 and 16. NOTE: Make sure to order your ticket soon. The ticket price increases to $70 after April 16. SENIOR NEWS cont’d. Dine Out Night: This month, we’ll be dining on Thursday, March 20 at Five Guys Burgers and Fries at Tanasbourne between 11 am – 10 pm. Attached is the flyer that you’ll need to print and present when you make your purchase for our school to receive 15% credit on your sales total. The flyer will also be posted on our Facebook page and WHS Grad Night website in case you forget to bring the flyer with you. Be sure to share this opportunity and flyer with friends, family and neighbors—the more sales we present with the flyer, the more money we earn for the Grad party. Fitness Fundraiser: Now’s your chance to pick up an extra Zumba class or try one with friends if you have never been! Beginners are welcome and no experience is needed. Two classes will be offered with different themes and levels of intensity to satisfy your level of comfort and fun. Be sure to invite family and friends—the more the merrier! Saturday March 15 at BOOM Fitness 2200 NW Amberbrook Drive, Beaverton, OR 97006 (Across from Macy’s at Streets of Tanasbourne) 1. 3:30 -‐ 4:20 PM Zumba-‐ Led by Diana Steffens and Nancy Korf Moderate intensity workout is great for beginners with no hip hop 2. 4:30 – 5:20 PM U-‐Jam-‐World Dance with an urban edge led by Nancy Korf Higher intensity workout with some hip-‐hop music Classes are limited to 90 spots each and will be available with pre-‐sale tickets at WHS during both lunches on Tuesday, February 11, 25 and March 4 and 11. Classes are $10 each. Don’t delay—purchase your ticket soon to reserve your spot and help support the Grad Night Party! Questions? Contact Katie at COLLEGE CAREER CENTER Melanie Schloff, Advisor The first progress reports of the second semester will be sent home the week of March 17. This will be the first progress report that includes a grade for Career Ed. Students that have all their career ed activities up-‐to-‐date will receive a 'P' (Pass) on their progress report. If an activity is missing, students will receive an 'I' (Incomplete) grade. On Tuesday, February 25 all students received a printout listing the activities we had received until that date. Any missing activities were noted. Please check with your student about their career ed status and ask to see this print out. Missing work that is turned in by March 7 should be able to be included the next progress report. FAFSA URBAN LEGENDS Calling all seniors and their families!! Going to any type of school or 2/4 year college next year? Completing the FAFSA is one of the most important steps in the financial aid arena. Unfortunately, there are several FAFSA ‘Urban Legends’ that surface every year. The following are three of the most commonly heard: “…my parents make too much money, so I won’t qualify for aid” Reality: There is no income cut-‐off to qualify for federal student aid. Many factors besides income are taken into account, such as size of family, age of oldest parent, or siblings that are attending college. Eligibility is determined by a mathematical formula, not by your parents’ income alone. When you complete the FAFSA, you are also automatically applying for funds from your state, and possibly from your school as well. Some schools won’t even consider you for any of their scholarships (including academic scholarships) until you have submitted your FAFSA. “…only students with good grades get financial aid” Reality: Most of the federal student aid programs do not take a student’s grades into consideration. Provided a student maintains satisfactory academic progress in their program of study, federal student aid will help a student with an average academic record complete their education. “ the form is too hard to fill out.” Reality: Completing the FAFSA on-‐line is easier than it has ever been. The form has detailed instructions for every question, and will walk you through step by step. If you need help, you can call a FAFSA customer service representative and talk with a live person who is trained to help. Call toll free at 1-‐800-‐433-‐3243. You may also email for more information at: or go to their informational web site: Don’t make assumptions about what you’ll get -‐-‐-‐ fill out the application and find out. Go to, fill out the application, and see what you get!! Aditya, Neal J. Afoa-‐Tuia, Jodeci Miracle Larrena M. Agarwal, Ananth Aimonetto, Michael C. Ajjarapu, Ramya S. Akmal, Shyan S. Aldous, Stephen R. Allee, Joshua W. Almadova, Isabella M. Alonso, Cesar Alto, Kylie D. Alvarez, Luis P. Anand, Nikhil Ancell, Lucas A. Anderson, Glen N. Anderson, Kelvin J. Apte, Vineet V. Asbury, Benjamin C. Ashok, Arjun B. Aspandiar, Zeeya R. Atack, Brooklyn K. Atack, Cody M. Auld, Maya A. Aundhe, Shruti Ayyagari, Apoorva Babcock, Ashley Bajracharya, Aeijan Bajracharya, Surjendra Baldwin, Alyssa M. Balleza, Angelica C. Bandi, Sai S. Banerjee, Hiya Banskota, Sandesh Barber, Laterrica M. Barbon, Maya A. Barker, Anna G. Barker, Grant P. Barr, Kiana A. Barrett, Anna M. Batchelor, Cameron J. Beall, Allison E. Bell, Harrison W. Bellwood, Makenzy C. Bemis, David J. Benner, Kathleen C. Benner, Parker W. Benner, Rachel E. Bentz, Andrew D. Berry, Allison R. Bhalerao, Atharva Bhatt, Adarsh S. Bhattacharjee, Kunal Bidleman, Hailey J. Biggi, Jacob P. Bishnu, Deven A. Bishop, Kevin W. Bishop, Ryan W. Bodart, Michelle M. Bodart, Renee F. Bodart, Teresa M. Bonder, Zachary S. Boone, Kristin N. Borges, Amanda M. Borkar, Aalok A. Bovero, Trevor A. Bowie, Akasia T. Boyd, Benjamin M. Brady, Dylan E. Braukmann, Brianna E. Breslin, Jarod W. Breslin, Patrick M. Briar, Rupinderjit K. Brock, Megan N. Brock, Rachel M. Brummitt, Claire R. Bryan, Jonathan J. Bryan, Thomas P. Bryant, Andrew E. Burgess, Elizabeth F. Bustamante, Galo C. Butler, Austin Butler, Benjamin R. Byun, Hanna H. Cahalane, Andrew J. Cahalane, Ashley E. Calder, Kailee A. Camp, Laura A. Cao, Ankhuong T. Cao, Linh T. Caplan, Nina Carlson, Stephanie Carroll, Lindsay L. Carter, Molly R. Carver, Lillian R. Casteel, Caitlin C. Casten, Sara E. Castro, Julieta Castro, Paulina S. Cauvel, Daniel C. Cen, Stanley J. Cen, Steven R. Chan, Cassey Chan, William C. Chanchaleune, Danievone C. Chandra, Daisy Chandwani, Rahul Chang, Alexander M. Chang, Audrey Lydia L. Chao, Kuan Yun Charles, Samantha Chau, Trisha J. Chaudhary, Rohit Chavez-‐Maciel, Yuridia E. Che, Daisy Chedester, Gabriella M. Chen, Cheng Chen, Edward Chen, Fred Chen, Kathryn P. Chen, Tarra Y. Chen, Zhuofan Cheng, Sally Cheng, Stacey Cheren, Kendra C. Chikarmane, Akaash V. Childersmith, Jacob C. Chin, Jamie Cho, Raydon U. Choi, Christina C. Choi, Julianna J. Chopra, Diksha Chung, Eujene Chung, Sam T. Chung, Ssera Y. Clarke, Chase C. Clarke, Ryan T. Colwell, Rachael J. Comia, Mark I. Comia, Morris C. Comoda, Mel Matthew E. Conduff, Carly A. Conduff, Nicole M. Conrad, Benjamin C. Conrad, Curtis L. Crane, Hannah C. Crimin, Asa G. Crump, Justin R. Cuellar, Payton E. Cummins, Brooke P. Dang, Sabrina Dannehl, Gillian A. Davis, Corbin C. Day, Stephani J. Despain, Savannah R. Devulapalli, Pramith S. Dilla, Marsuk J. Dillon, Keegan J. Dindukurthi, Chetan Disney, McKenna N. Doherty, Taylor A. Donithorne, Janelle L. Donnell, Alyssa J. Dotter, Caroline R. Du, Yanzhi Dudley, Simon J. Dumbrow, Jaren T. Duru, Richwill A. Duyck, Madelyn R. Eapen, Naomi R. Easterday, Rina M. Eastwood, Jaydon Y. Eden, Erika A. Ehlen, Grace M. Elliott, Alessandra C. Ellsworth, Andrew M. Erickson, Aunders W. Evans, Samuel S. Even, Connor E. Fabian, Katelyn S. Fabrega, Keita B. Fan, Connie Fandel, Jennifer E. Fang, Danielle Fang, Karen Farhaj, Nikita Farris, Jordan M. Fernandez, Carmen L. Fillmore, Kayana R. Finkelnburg, Mark E. Firstman, Erin K. Flaig, Joshua R. Flaig, Josiah R. Flynn, Olivia B. Fodrea, Megan A. Foster, Reed T. Fruscella, Emma K. Gabel, Andrew B. Gabriel, Truman J. Galluzzo, Christopher A. Gantz, Chloe' A. Garcia, Brandon Garg, Swati P. Garrett, Christina R. Garrity, Hannah M. Gayet, Heloise Gayet, Oscar A. Gentry, Alexandria K. Gerig, Cole J. Gerth, Kethry L. Gibson, Vanessa L. Gill, Harnoor K. Gill, Marissa F. Giobetti, Ryan A. Godse, Hersh S. Gonzales, Shaunee R. Gordon, Allison A. Gordon, Jonathan A. Gore, Rachael S. Gorman, Kaley L. Gouw, Elina Gouw, Michelle D. Graalum, Elizabeth A. Graumann, Oliver W. Green, Jade A. Greer, Abigail F. Grey, Megan N. Gross, Ellisabeth M. Grover, Kira M. Gubba, Vaishnav Guo, Eileen C. Guo, Kathy H. Guo, Kevin H. Guo, Matthew D. Gupta, Bhavin Gustafson, Benjamin A. Gustafson, Corinne A. Guthrie, Ryan T. Gwo, Pam Pam Hackley, Riley N. Hahn, Erik V. Halim, Arvin Halversen, Jake R. Halversen, Rachel M. Ham, Caleb C. Ham, Kyle T. Hamilton, Larissa L. Han, Benson Han, Nicholas Hanken, Chloe O. Haque, Afsara J. Harder, Katherine Harder, Magdalene D. Hare, Kevin N. Haren, Joshua N. Hartup, Madeline M. Hathaway, Evan P. Hathaway, Meagan K. Hauth, Crystal A. Haycock, Dallin A. Heffernan, Meghan C. Henry, Jennifer M. Hensley, Emma L. Henstrom, Cecilee J. Henstrom, Emily C. Henstrom, Nathan W. Herder, David S. Herinckx, Molly A. Herrera, Tristan K. Heussner, Helen E. Hicks, Dana Hill, Rachel A. Hill, Sarah J. Hioki, Kaito A. Hoang, Lee V. Holcomb, Jennifer M. Holt, Isabelle L. Hong, Brandon C. Hou, Philip T. Hua, Vivian Huang, Chien-‐Hsiang Huang, Emily T. Huang, Ruoqing Hughes, Daniel H. Hughes, Heidi L. Huiskes, Katherine A. Hutchinson, Robert R. Huynh, Kelli Ilavarasan, Uma M. Ingram, Tyler Innes, Kaelyn R. Irtifa, Isabella S. Isaak, Graham D. Ivanoff, Annika K. Jackson, Austin J. Jacobson, Elisa J. Jacobson, Hannah K. Jain, Mehak Janardhan, Nitya Jang, Jong Hwa Jang, Lewis M. Jankovsky, Makoto K. Javed, Ifrah Jensen, Courtney L. Jensen, Kylie L. Jensen, Mary F. Jensen, Riley A. Jeon, Andrew Jeong, Hae Eun Johnson, Alyssa M. Johnson, Andrew T. Johnson, Benjamin E. Johnson, Bryce J. Jolie, Zack A. Jones, Christopher M. Jones, John P Jones, Keegan A. Jones, Mai Q. Joseph, Daniel G. Jung, Raymond C. Juson, Jeremiah I. Kam, Joshua C. Kamalahasan, Saakshi Kambhatla, Gauri M. Kanadibhotla, Snigdha Kang, Esther A. Kennedy, Ian P. Kent, Ashley D. Kerprich, Alexa S. Kerr, Alexis N. Kiley, Nicole M. Kim, Austin D. Kim, Brian Y. Kim, Daniel Kim, Heewon Kim, Jinwon Kim, Julia H. Kim, Jung H. Kim, Jung Kyu Kim, Junik Kim, Justin J. Kim, Sophia H. Kimball, Shannon K. Kinsman, Elizabeth M. Kious, Blake A. Kister, Ryan D. Kleinsmith, Casey J. Klumpp, Gavin J. Ko, Hye Bin Kochanowski, Kiersten A. Kolady, Rishi V. Krabill, Karmah C. Kramer, Katherine Y. Krishna Kumaran, Sahana Krishnagiri, Divya S. Kuah, Manju Kuhns, Kelsey L. Kunz, Monet N. Kunz, Pearson R. Kurczewski, Melany A. Kurse, Aakash S. Kwon, Eric Y. Kwong, Emily J. LaCoss, Chloe J. Ladeau, Anmei C. Lagnion, Eleanor K. Lagrow, Virginia E. Lane, Connor M. Larimer, Cassandra A. Larison, Zachary J. Larsen, Benjamin A. LaRue, Heather M. Le, Rio K. Le, Van N. Leavitt, Madeline J. Lee, Bryan Y. Lee, Erica Lee, JaeHoon Lee, Janet G. Lee, Jee Yun Lee, Jisu Lee, Michael W. Lee, Shanon D. Lee, Ye Jin H. Lei, Hao Chuan Leitner, Sarah E. Leturno, Ashley C. Lev, Lianne Lewis, Kendrick H. Li, Angela C. Li, Dennis H. Li, Ingrid Li, Sophie M. Liang, Vicki Liao, Austin Lim, Suzy Lind, Teagan A. Lindert, Natasha G. Liu, Biying Liu, Jolene Llorens, Amanda E. Llorens, Kaitlyn A. Locascio, Jessica L. Loescher, Alaina L. Looi, Peter H. Loveless, Kala C. Lowman, Jordin T. Loza, Valentina A. Lu, Cynfor C. Lu, Justin Y. Lu, Tam Lu, Vivian J. Luty, Zachary J. Ly, Laikana M. Lyda, Alyson M. Mack, Ian C. Maclay, Joshua S. Maddox, Jessica S. Magoon, Madeline K. Mahar, McKenzie Mahler, Thomas J. Mahuna, Marc K. Malineni, Sneha S. Malladi, Snigdha Mallela, Prahaladha Mallidi, Ajitha Maple, Laura A. Marcantuono, Daniel J. Martin, Veronica E. Mason, Heather S. Mason, Shannon Masukawa, Gabriel T. Masukawa, Jordan T. Matlapudi, Susmitha Maxwell, Kyle A. Mayer, Mason J. McAdams, Margaret R. McBride, Connor E. McCanta, Ethan J. McConnell, Katherine R. McDougald, Luke D. McDougald, Sarah K. McEwen, Megan K. McGale, Dylan A. McGlone, Madison L. McGruer, Andrew L. McGruer, Jonathan C. McGuire, Dillan C. McHugh, Allison M. McIntyre, Riley J. McKay, Catriona C. McNamee, Claire M. McNulty, Reilly P. McNulty, Zachary J. Medina, Alex M. Mehan, Jeramie A. Mellott, Kiana L. Menashe, Sarina J. Mendoza, Casey E. Mercer, Grace J. Micic, Ognjen Mikami, Anna Y. Minter, Nolan R. Mishra, Nishit Mobray, Kyle A. Mohangowda, Mahathi Mohapatra, Arnesh Mokalla, Kristina A. Monson, Emma J. Morales-‐Galeana, Liset Morales, Lauren A. Moshinsky, Peter A. III Mostales, Joshua C. Motsiff, Daria A. Mudigonda, Abhijit S. Mui, Francis Mukhin, Michael G. Mulagada, Ashika Muller, Michael Murray, Anna Murray, Esther Mysore, Aneesh Nagaoka, Alec Y. Nagappan, Aroon O. Nagasaka, Cocoro A. Nakajima, Rika Nathan, Anish Neal, Quincy B. Neelam, Shailaja Nefcy, Christian M. Nelson, Asher J. Nema, Akshat S. Neville, Kyle K. Newton, Alexia A. Ngo, Tommy M. Nguyen, Katelyn M. Nguyen, Khai-‐Minh Nguyen, Mimi H. Nguyen, Ngoc U. Nguyen, Steven Nichols, Genevieve E. Nishida, Rebekah M. Nonamaker, Evelyn M. Norstrom, Gabriel A. Novoa, Julia R. O'Connor, Brady D. O'Neil, Jonathan D. Ogadhoh, Jaelen O. Oh, Haeh Lynn Oh, Jeremy E. Oh, Stephen E. Oliver, Joshua D. Olopade, Iremayowa J. Ong, Cindy D. Oordt, Scott W. Orcino, Katelyn R. Overman, Alexys A. Padala, Saishiva Vamsee R. Padbury, Arianna Pai Asnodkar, Anusha J. Pak, Alexandria H. Pandharpurkar, Tejal H. Pandit, Rima B. Pandruvada, Swati Pang, Dennis C. Panikar, Geethanjali D. Parepalli, Akhila Park, Ji Min Park, Junha Patel, Rushil K. Patel, Vishwa M. Pelot, Elise N. Peng, Tsewei Perez Franco, Roberto C. Perry, Gabriel M. Peters, Ashley S. Peters, Duane G. III Peters, Taylor M. Peterson, Carli E. Petrowsky, Jacob D. Pham, Bethany Pham, Diem-‐Thu N. Pham, Samantha V. Pilat, Luke T. Ping, Juliann M. Pinson, Hunter L. Podhajny, Tatiana R. Poff, Jason W. Polis, Haley A. Prakash, Anushna Prakash, Raghav Pranav, Srinivasa Preston, James A. Prins, Noah M. Proebstel, Allison A. Pulavarty, Akshay N. Pyo, Jonathan S. Radhakrishnan, Aditya Radhakrishnan, Anshuman Rahat, Guy Rahman, Fariha R. Ramanujam, Roopa Rao, Pavithra K. Rebaum, Marlisa M. Reid, Marisa J. Reintjes, Rachel T. Rendsland, Garison M. Rengarajan, Dhruv S. Resnick, Reilly B. Roach, Justin T. Roche, Jordan T. Rodak, Katarina J. Rodela, Nadia E. Rodgers, Dante A. Rogers, Tyler C. Roisland, Sarah M. Rojo, Brianna Rollo, Andrew C. Romadka, Jennifer N. Rosas Gordillo, Cintiha K. Rosas Gordillo, Mitxi S. Rouse, Jennifer K. Roy, Preeyam Ruka, Katelyn A. Ruka, Matthew D. Ruppa, Suvedha J. Russon, Allison Sadek, Jarrett C. Saffat, Tahsin Sah, Rachit Sakuma, Sandra M. Salisbury, Lauren Salzinger, Jacqueline N. Sam, Jimmy Sanabria-‐Garcia, Dulce B. Sanka, Sai Anusha Sannecy, Prathik Santa, Andrew M. Santhil, Pravallika Santizo, Carlos J. Santizo, Sebastian Santos, Evita T. Sasakawa, Emi Sassaman, Natalie C. Schaefer, Madeline S. Scheer, Rebecca E. Schenk, Megan M. Schipper, Ian H. Schlegel, David M. Schmerber, Zachariah B. Schmidt, Madeline O. Schmidt, Margo E. Schmidt, Sarah C. Schnebly, Risa A. Schnepfe, Cosima Schulte, Veronica D. Sears, Cheney S. Seiler, Nicholas J. Semic, Arijana Seog, Julianne J. Setayesh, Ali R. Shackelford, Isabella J. Shah, Karina A. Shah, Karishma A. Shah, Sneha N. Shannon, Sydney L. Shao, Yijun Sharma, Akash Sharma, Aman Sharma, Priyansh Sharma, Suyash K. Shaw, Teresa Shearer, Jacob W. Shen, Jesse W. Shen, Myron L. Shiue, Brittney A. Siems, Conner L. Silva, Christian J. Simon, Joshua A. Simons, Din Sinha, Rudrajit Sipe, Emily J. Slail, Younis F. Smith, Dante M. Smith, Janelle T. Smith, Madeleine C. Smithers, Jeremy T. Snyder, Mackenzie L. Sokalski, Han G. Solis, Maria Lorienes O. Somayajula, Geetha Somayajula, Rama Sponsel, Michayla E. Srikanth, Janani Srinivasan, Arvind Stanley, Ian J. Steffens, Kyle J. Stober, Olivia D. Stocks, Brian H. Stofiel, Tyler J. Stoltz, Cody A. Sudeora, Alex Sullivan, Moira C. Sun, Stanley S. Suresh, Sharanya Suzuki, Miko A. Ta, Hieu C. Taber, Gianna J. Tabor, Katrina M. Taha, Rawan Taher, Raeesah Tai, Jason M. Takashima, Ryan W. Talebannejad, Alireza Taylor, Emma M. Te, Kayley Tellez, Veronica Tep, Allison P. Tep, Tiffany A. Thames, Bria D. Thapliyal, Mrinal Thompson, Chaitanya P. Thompson, Kyle J. Timmons, Joel P. Timmons, Ryan G. Tlelo Gonzaga, Maria To, Vinh H. Tomishima, Haruka Tomishima, Takumi Tonges, Mikala M. Tonges, Miranda N. Tornblad, McKenna K. Tovinkere, Mahita G. Tran, Jonathan D. Tran, Linh M. Trieu, Andy H. Triman, Josef M. Truong, Linh H. Truong, Nancy P. Trusley, Kyle G. Trusley, Megan K. Tung, Tiffany T. Turpin, Kayla E. Tye, Taryn L. Tythcott, Christopher A. Uhl, Christina N. Van Andel, Delaney N. Vankudre, Sudarshan S. Vemuri, Avinash S. Venkatesh, Abhishek Vo, Chi-‐Nhan M. Vo, Thien-‐Kim M. Vogler, Lauren K. Volchok, Bailey A. Vorderstrasse, McKenna F. Vosseler, Jennifer C. Voytko, Andrew J. IV Vreeken, Kristen R. Vu, Khoi M. Vu, Lamson T. Vu, Mindy Wai, Karina J. Walker, Courtney D. Walker, Emily V. Wall, Madison M. Wallace, Tyrel W. Walters, Aidan S. Waltman, Alexander D. Wang, Alec K. Wang, Eddie H. Wang, Jennie Y. Wang, Valerie Wang, Yuankun Wang, Zhiyun Ward, Alexia M. Warren, Jackie W. Weber, Kalea A. Weligodapola, Chethiya Werekeitzen, Jennifer A. Werts, Addie West, Dyllon T. White, Laura M. White, Trisha N. Whiting, Wyatt D. Whitmore, Jason M. Wiechelman, Joseph Wilkerson, Vanessa M. Williams, Taylor M. Willins, Anthony J. Winters, Kelsie S. Witt, Andrew T. Witt, Taylor N. Wood, Addyson S. Woods, Samuel L. Woodworth, Aiden S. Wright, Alex D. Wu, Emily Wu, Madeline Xia, Xiling Xiao, Que Yun Xu, Kenneth Y. Yan, Allen H. Yan, Sarah S. Yang, Andrew T. Yang, Katherine J. Yao, Alexander X. Yao, Eileen S. Yasuhara, Kanon Yatsu, Bryce K. Yee, Jina E. Yoon, Andrew H. York, Arthur H. Young, Andrew J. Younkins, Andrew J. Younkins, Christopher A. Zatezalo, Bryan P. Zavala, Bianca N. Zeng, James Zhang, Bertina Zhang, Yuan Zhao, Tiffany A. Zheng, Anthony Q. Zhou, Allison M. Zhou, Sophia Zhu, Angela Z. Zhu, Enya R. Zhuang, Vincent Zou, Sophia W. METAL CLUB T-SHIRTS 2014 T-shirts: $15 per shirt, double-sided, white ink, black shirt (cash preferred, checks made out to Jonathan Hughes) Here is your chance to get the new Metal Club t-shirt! This year’s shirt features a new “Listen to Heavy Metal” design on the front, with our classic logo on the back. The sale ends Wednesday March 19th. Show your support for Metal Club! Shirts will be delivered to you, in person, by April 16th. You can also order a shirt, shipping and handling included, online at: 2XL and 3XL are available men’s sizes. They are $18 per shirt. 1 First Name: ____________________ Last Name: ____________________ MENS Small: Medium: Large: XL: WOMENS Small: Medium: Large: XL: YOUTH Small: Medium: Large: XL: (2XL & 3XL SHIRTS ARE $18) 2XL: MENS 3XL: TOTAL PRICE: __________ PAID: __________ First Name: ____________________ Last Name: ____________________ MENS Small: Medium: Large: XL: WOMENS Small: Medium: Large: XL: YOUTH Small: Medium: Large: XL: (2XL & 3XL SHIRTS ARE $18) MENS 2XL: TOTAL PRICE: __________ 3XL: PAID: __________ 2 BEAVERTON EDUCATION FOUNDATION BENEFIT NIGHT at the Moda Center Portland Trail Blazers vs. Los Angeles Clippers Wednesday, April 16th at 7:30pm White 100-Level # of Tickets ______@ $142 = $________ Forest 100-Level # of Tickets ______ @ $98 = $________ Yellow 200-Level # of Tickets ______ @ $74 = $________ Purple 300-Level # of Tickets ______ @ $37 = $________ (upper white corner) Processing Fee + $5.00 Total = $_________ Easiest way to order is online: Website: Promo Code: BEF Name __________________________________________________________ Order deadline: March 14th After deadline, please call for availability Address ________________________________________________________ City _______________________________ State ________ Zip ___________ Phone _________________________________________________________ Email __________________________________________________________ Select Method of Payment: Check enclosed Visa/MC/Disc/AMEX Cash Fax completed form to 503.736.2178 Make checks payable to: Portland Trail Blazers Attn: Mike North 1 N. Center Court, Suite 200 Portland, OR 97227 Name on card ___________________________________________________ Card # _______________________________________ Exp.Date _________ Signature ______________________________________ Date ____________ For more information contact: Mike North 503.963.3978 Orders received more than 30 days prior to the game date will be mailed to the above address. Orders are filled on a first-come first-served basis and are subject to availability. No refunds or exchanges.
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