1923 buick "moxie" car - Kalamazoo Antique Auto Restorers Club
1923 buick "moxie" car - Kalamazoo Antique Auto Restorers Club
LAMAZOO KA03 Michiga ® w CL UB U TIQ AN E n S 19 AU ww.kaarc.org ER R TO R ES T O 1903 Kalamazoo by Michigan Buggy Logo Designed by Norm Knight VOLUME XLVII; NO. 10 October 15, 2013 1923 BUICK "MOXIE" CAR Visit us at www.kaarc.org PRESIDENT Stan Rakowski 269 375-3669 SDRAKOW2@aol.com VICE-PRESIDENT Ben Barber 269 567-9336 w2barber@yahoo.com TREASURER Gary Hawkins • 269-496-9596 • ghawk8066@aol.com SECRETARY Sue Forrester • 269-349-4442 • susan.k.forrester@gmail.com WINTER SWAP MEET Stan Rakowski 269 375-3669 sdrakow2@aol.com RED BARNS SPECTACULAR Stan Rakowski 269 375-3669 Jim Holland, Jr. 269 377-7756 Paul Van Stratton 269 344-5714 Pvanstratton@yahoo.com Gary Willoughby 269-323-9532 MEMBERSHIP REGISTRAR David Long 269 649-4494 longdavejudy@ecybermind.net MEMBERS OF THE BOARD - 2010 PAST PRESIDENT Cody Sarenius 269 720-8616 firesole12@hotmail.com Newsletter Editor: John McLellan jmclellan75@comcast.net John Lacko 269-344-4764 jalacko@aol.com Bill Binning 269 -345-7837 wbinning@gmail.com INSIGNIA & APPAREL Steve & Kalli Inman 8980 East EF Ave. Richland, MI 49083 269-629-5383 THE KAARC MEETS AT 7:00 PM THE THIRD TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH AT THE PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH 1747 W MILHAM AVE, PORTAGE, MI EXCEPT FOR THE JUNE MEETING/CLUB PICNIC WHICH IS HELD AT THE GILMORE CAR MUSEUM, HICKORY CORNERS, MI. COVER CAR: David Lyon captured this photo of the Moxie Car built by John Wissink of Spring Lake, Michigan at the Red Barn Spectacular in August. The story is on page 4 NOTES FROM THE PRESIDENT: AS OF NOVEMBER 19TH, 2013, WE WILL BE AT A NEW LOCATION ZION EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH • 2122 BRONSON BLVD., SOUTH OF HOWARD STREET. SAME TIME AS IN THE PAST---7 PM - REMEMBER!! We will now meet in the PRINCE OF PEACE GYMNASIUM--same place where the Christmas pot luck was held. The room is bigger, but still no a/c. - MURRAY AWARD MEETING Dave Lyon has scheduled the Murray Award meeting for 6:00 pm on Wednesday, October 30, 2013 at the Main Street Pub north of Mattawan. - BUS TOUR TO CHICAGO, December 7th, 2013, Leave from McDonalds on M-43, east of 131 at 8 AM. Cost: $15.00 per person-----Contact Bob Williams--269-383-7868 for more details. -TO ALL MEMBERS I received a letter from Hagerty Insurance, dated September 30, 2013, and it stated that vehicles with historic/authentic plates pay only 20% of the standard Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association (MCCA) assessment According to an Assessment Bulletin by the MCCA in April 2013, for each vehicle reported as a historic vehicle, insurance companies must obtain and maintain proof that the vehicle is registered as a HISTORIC VEHICLE ( my caps).The letter futher explained that if Hagerty did not receive a copy of the State of Michigan historic vehicle registration within 60 days from the receipt of this letter, your vehicle(s) must be assigned standard registration assessment on your current policy term and you will receive a bill for the difference. Hagerty insurance is requiring a copy of my State of Michigan historic/authentic registration for my vehicles insured by them. Hagerty has provided information regarding sending the material to them by mail, fax,or email. Hagerty insurance is open seven days a week. Page 2 KAARC MEETING MINUTES Meeting brought to order at 7:00pm by President, Stan Rakowski GUEST - Guy Bowen from Bloomingdale was welcomed. He has a 1933 Chevy Master 4 door and a 1936 Chevy Master 2 door modified. At the end of the meeting, Guy filled out a membership form. Welcome to Barb & Guy, our newest KAARC members. MINUTES of the August meeting were approved as written and published in the Arc & Spark. TREASURER’S REPORT was given by Gary Hawkins and approved. PAST ACTIVITIES TW Lane attended an auction near Martin area. He spoke about a 1967 GTO 4 speed that was not sold, a 1963 Chevy Impala for $1000, a 1963 Eldorado that sold for $6200, and a farm with pole barn and work garage and 3 acres that sold for $85,800. Metro Cruise in GR. Jim Holland thanked club members that attended. Car City provided a very nice spot for the club. Doug McFarlen and Bob Toothman attended a Tractor Show in South Haven and found a couple good buys on auto parts. NSRA Nationals North at Kalamazoo Fairgrounds hosted 2500 cars according to Doug McFarlen. Doug was very happy to find Chandler literature. The Garage Works at Gilmores Museum is doing a project on Chandlers. Fred Bierlein was in Frankenmuth for Auto Fest. This week-end event started 30 years ago. This year there were over 2000 cars 1978 or older…..and Polka in the streets. Gary Willoughby attended a car event in the Ozarks. The Ferrari and Lamborghini Clubs were there. UPCOMING ACTIVITIES OCTOBER COLOR TOUR – The Club will provid pastries and cider at Birch Park in Schoolcraft beginning at 9:30 am. Departure will be at 10:15 SHARP! This is a special event for our Color Tour this year. We will tour for approximately 2 hours then a buffet lunch will be served at our destination in Indianan. After lunch we will embark on the SS Lilly Pad for a 2 hour Cruise on beautiful Lake Wawasee. After our Cruise we will tour through the county side and back to Michigan. We should arrive in our area at about 5:30 - 6:00 pm. The cost is $10 per family and $5 for singles. Payment due by October 15, 2013 Page 3 FOOD COLLECTION – Sue Forrester, Chair We will be doing our semi-annual food collection again for Loaves and Fishes. In June, the club delivered 367 lbs. of non-perishable food items. Bring items December Pot Luck. If you cannot attend the Potluck, give to Sue or George Forrester at the October or November meeting. OCTOBER & NOVEMBER – The Nomination of 2014 Officers. Election in DECEMBER. DECEMBER HOLIDAY POTLUCK – Donna and Gary Willoughby. To be held again the third Tuesday in December. KAARC may be moving our meeting location, so pay attention to your newsletters for time and location. Also – we are voting for2014 officers at this meeting. KAARC WINTER BANQUET – To be held in Plainwell at Easley’s Mill Restaurant – Cody Sarenius and Ted McFarland, Co-Chairmen. KAARC WINTER SWAP MEET - February 1 & 2, 2014. Stan reports that we have vendor applications already arriving. New this year – Gold Wings Parts Distributor, Motorcycle helmets, Mopeds, and bike leather attire. OLD BUSINESS If anyone did not get a 25 year award, please speak up. CLOISSONNE Stan displayed cloisonné medallions that we purchased many years ago. The motion was made and passed to explore ordering the lollipop style without the tail, metal, but not cloisonne. Perhaps spending something like $5 each. We would like to add KAARC web address to the design, as well as the words “1903 Michigan”. EMERITI MEMBERSHIP GONE – NORM KNIGHT AWARD to be added. Section 10 in By-Laws regarding Emerti members has been deleted by the By-Law Committee. David Lyon to write a description of characteristics or requirements for Norm Knight Achievement Award. Phil Weinrich looking for information on a car that sold at RBS. NEW BUSINESS A Model A That Gets Around. A Model A that has traveled all the way to Colorado is coming home to visit this week-end. It's a car that the club gave aaway in 1968. Originally sold to a man in Indiana, it was sold to someone in Colorado. RED BARN SPECTACULAR 2014 – The President of a Station Wagon Car Club has contacted Stan for a special spot for their 30-40 cars next August. COFFEE POT HONORS - GARY WILLOUGHBY October Cover Car 1923 BUICK "MOXIE" CAR by David Lyon The Red Barns Spectacular always attracts a surprise vehicle, and this year that car was the Moxie horse car, built by John Wissink of Spring Lake, Michigan, where Marshall McCleur reportedly, and documentation is lacking, built a motor buggy in 1891. If true, it would have been the first gasoline powered buggy built in America. John Wissink, however, selected a 1923 Buick chassis for his project and mounted a fiberglass horse on it according to the original design of the Moxie car. Moxie is a bitter soft drink, a taste combination of Coca Cola and cough syrup according to some, which was first bottled in 1876 as Moxie Nerve Food. The name was changed to Moxie in 1906 after Congress passed the Pure Food and Drug Act, which demanded truth in advertising. The drink was successfully promoted at sporting events, dance halls and amusement parks, and soon became associated with these activities and was established as a vibrant part of popular culture. The name, by definition in the dictionary, is synonymous with the definition of “spunk,” and sportscasters were fond of referring to star players as having “moxie.” If you’ve got moxie then you’ve got taste,” was the company’s slogan, and it was a general social compliment to be considered as having “moxie.” The first promotional Moxie horse car was built in 1916, and subsequent advertising models, using various cars as the platform, including a Rolls Royce, were built into the 1930's. The lone survivor of these cars was built in 1929 on a LaSalle chassis, and that car is on exhibit at Clark’s Trading Post in Lincoln, New Hampshire. Moxie sales fell precipitously during the Great Depression and the company simply could not afford the national advertising campaigns that were necessary to keep the name in front of the consumer. Interestingly, other companies invested in custom built trucks, such as the Wienermobile or an attractive streamline vehicle, such as the Futurliner or the numerous gasoline tankers, during this period in an effort to promote sales. Moxie is still being bottled by a subsidiary of Coca Cola and each year in the second week of July, the history of this soft drink is celebrated at the Moxie Festival in Lisbon, Maine. While the car was not a part of the Red Barns judged show, this interesting re-creation of a vintage promotional vehicle was a very special treat and a perfect complement to the show. Page 4 THE TOOTHMAN'S RETIRE! To all KAARC members: Please wish Bob & Peggy Toothman a well deserved retirement. They have printed the Arc & Spark for well over 45 years. Bob has worked in the printing industry for over 60 years. Peggy was the manager (boss, Bob thought he was) of the office of Toothman Printing. Together they would print, attach labels, and postage for the Arc & Spark, then deliver the Arc & Spark to the Post Office. Many times this was done under a mailing deadline, but the Arc & Spark was always mailed on time before the monthly meetings. If there were errors in the Arc & Spark, Bob would always tell me, they were the printers not the proof readers. Many, many times information needed to be mailed at a certain dead line. This included the Dust Off, Picnic, Red Barns, Color Tour, Overnighter, Winter Banquet, February Swap Meet or any other event. I am sure I have missed some things also. At times Peggy would send a letter to a new member and welcome him/her to the club and list the officers of the club. Bob has been an active member since June of 1968. He was the first to promote the Arcadia Daze event and has had other club members join him on the 3rd weekend of July. So when you see Bob and Peggy, tell them THANK YOU. They are now retired and Andy Sweet, Peggy's son, is now managing Toothman Printing. THANKS BOB and PEGGY, enjoy your retirement !!! Stan Rakowski, President, Kalamazoo Antique Auto Restorers Club, and all Officers of the Board. 2013 HEBER SPRINGS ARKANSAS SPRINGFEST Photos by Clayton Myers The Heber Springs Area Chamber of Commerce hosted the 26th Annual Springfest Arts and Crafts Festival on Fri. April 26 and end at 7 p.m. on Saturday, April 27. Springfest continues to grow as a festival and has taken on a new look as far as quality of events. Various activities included Spring Fling with the Downtown Merchants in Spring Park, the Butterfly Pavilion Springfest Beauty Pageant, Arkansas Children’s Theatre, Heber Theatre, Cupcake Contest, Amusements, Crafters, Food Vendors along with two great car shows. The Downtown Car Show was held around the Cleburne County Courthouse and the VW Car Show was held in Spring Park. Clayton sent photos from both events. Page 5 JOHN LACKO PRESENTS "MOPARS AT THE RED BARN" Page 6 SELL AND SWAP For Sale: 1929 Chevrolet Coupe, mostly restored, needs some interior work. Always stored indoors. For sale by owner's widow. Call Judy Fuessel 269 434-6426 For Sale: 1956 Packard Patrician. Allen Forrester, 269 327-8594 For Sale: Four American Racing Torque-Thrust 14x7 wheels. $500.00. John Lacko 269 344-5588 For Sale: 1992 Jaguar Soubrigay 4 Dr., British Racing Green, Biscuit interior 67,000 miles, $5,800.00 T.W. Lane 269 344-5555 For Sale: Two G-78x15 tires with 3" wide white sidewalls. $30.00 pr. Bob Anderson 269 375-9619 For Sale: 1966 Dodge Charger, 383-4bbl, Torqueflite, white, black interior. $8,500.00 John McLellan 269 580-2770 For Sale: Four BF Goodrich 225x70-14 tires 500 miles, $125.00. John Lacko 269 344-5588 For Sale: Ford V8 60 engine and transmission, $800.00; 1949 Whizzer, Schwinn with heavy duty wheels, twist grips, chrome belt guard and chrome exhaust, $3,500.00 Call Mel Taylor 269 673-2578 For Sale: 1948 Buick Super Convertible $20,000; 1983 Imperial, $3,200.00; 1977 Cadillac 2-Seater Convertible, $13,500. Call Bob Toothman 269 6858434 out of 400. The 10 points in question had to do with the ignition wires. Soon to be fixed. Just replaced the valve cover gaskets. ($200.00). Still priced at $4,500 to club members.Includes shop manual, some extra parts, and lit. specific to the car. We will also purchase you a membership to the Buick Club. It is the best club of its type. For Sale: My 1940 Chevy. Car runs and drives good. Includes about a PU load of parts including good used frame, rebuilt "warmed up" '54 235 engine, and good used '54 235 engine. Members price $7,000. Doug McFarlen 1-269-345-5667 before 9 PM. For Sale 1931 Chevy 2 Dr. sedan,many new parts and lots of spares. Ken Maxam 269 330-5362 For Sale:1981 Lincoln Mark VI, 2 dr. $1,800OBO; 1990 Chevy G20 Van conversion, 200,000+ miles,but runs good, rusty but trusty. $700.00. Fran VanderRoest 269 382-4573 For Sale: 1965 Chevrolet Impala SS, original, 327, automatic transmission, air, vinyl, needs restoration. $5,000. Call Jeff Maile, 269 521-4203 Wanted: Parts for 1930 Model A 4 Door, Mike Wolthuis 269 254-6078 For Sale: 1984 Trans Am, bad motor, bad interior, good body, $500.00 John Van Lierop, 269 621-4226 For Sale: 1962 Thunderbird, 390, 4 bbl., 9” rear end, new exhaust, new carpet, runs good, needs brakes, project car, interior stripped. $1,000, Rich McCracken 269 207-4765 For Sale: 1953-54 Chevy instrument cluster. Roger Meekhof 269 268-0356 For Sale: 1955 Chevy Bel Air, 4 door 6 cyl., power-glide. Restored, rebuilt engine asking $12000. Jerry Anderson 269 383 3959 For Sale: 1969 Mercury Comet, gold exterior, 150-200,000 miles, has been sitting in a barn near Mattawan since 1992. Call Frank 372-3299 For Sale: 1959 Ford Fairlane 2 dr hardtop,paint, everything like new, very nice, show car, or drive $14,500. Call Ray at 377-8582 For Sale by Lew Clark: 1967 Chevelle Sport Coupe, 283, PG/ PS/PB, air, restored in 2001, $27,000 1946 Cushman Tep-Thru, 4 HP, never run 1953 Cushman Allstate Step=Thru, 5 HP 1930 Ford Air Compressor w/"B" engine, Car Caddy, ready to go Speedway Mini-Bike, new engine, rims and tires, 1929 Chevy mechanical parts, Cushman parts, Shophand Tools - Align boring bar, Cylinder boring machine, 8 HP Wheel Horse. Call Lew at 269 327-5522 For Sale: 1953 Chevy passenger car bumpers. (Briz Bumpers). They are new! $400.00 Call Dave Hayes (269) 659-4164 For Sale: 1986 Buick Regal V/8 coupe . This car got awarded Elite Status in the Archival Class at the National Buick Club Show in July. Scored 390 points Page 7 Wanted: Model T Ford wire wheels and hubs, also accessory wire wheels for Model T. Al Rohrstaff 3444571 Wanted: Two Model AA 5-Hole 20" wheels. Will Pugsley 269 539-0149 For Sale: 1965 Commer Bluebird Highwayman motor home van conversion. 269 621-3249 LOOKING FOR A RED 1955-56 PICK-UP If you know of one, contact Jim Holland. HOMETOWN AUTOMOTIVE, LLC 5317 E. MICHIGAN AVENUE KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN 49048 269 343-7533 Servicing All Makes & Models Specializing in Classic Cars Carl Meisel - Phil Weinreich Owners/Operators www.Hometownautomotivellc.com KALAMAZOO ANTIQUE AUTO RESTORERS CLUB P.O. BOX 532 OSHTEMO, MICHIGAN 49077 bers m e M e of th C R KAA