September 13, 2015 - Markham Woods Presbyterian
September 13, 2015 - Markham Woods Presbyterian
September 13, 2015 11:00 a.m. It is our expressed hope that in this time we might offer worship which celebrates Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior in a format which is both Biblically-based and contextually relevant. We invite you to join us in God-directed, life-giving praise and worship of our God! The Guide for Today: 5 B4 Five minutes before worship is when we start to center ourselves for worship. Consider reading the meditative reflection on the next panel. We encourage those fully engaged in this community of faith and those just looking, to gather for worship. We begin by setting the frame of our vision and welcome all in song. The words to the songs are always on the screens. children’s message greeting in the name of our Lord music Feel free to stand, sit, kneel, dance or sing. We encourage you to participate in today’s worship. Because of You—Eddie James All The People Said Amen—Matt Maher Great I Am by Phillips—Craig & Dean He Loves Us—Kim Walker We Respond to God’s Love The Church Gathers MEDITATIVE PREPARATION FOR WORSHIPPING GOD “All men dream but not equally, those men that dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, awaken to find that it was but vanity. But those who dream by day, these are the dangerous men, for they dream with their eyes open to make sure that their dreams come true.” T.E. Lawrence PRELUDE Bob Joyner, Piano During the prelude, we invite you to quiet your heart in preparation to worship God. Praise The Lord Who Reigns Above —Dan Forrest WELCOME AND LIFE IN OUR CHURCH All hymn lyrics and liturgy will appear on the screens. GIVING OF OUR TITHES & OFFERINGS Offertory In The Garden *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH (Unison) “The Apostles Creed” (No. 137) (“Holy Catholic Church” Means Church Universal) PRAYER OF INVOCATION HYMN OF MEDITATION No. 486 “Open My Eyes That I May See” (Vs. 1 & 2) We Hear God’s Message to Us People: We are here to receive God’s Spirit, to see visions with the eagerness of youth, to dream dreams with the confidence of age, to hear the word of the Lord through all the people of God. healing. Place your intercessory prayer request on the communion table and we will pray for it in worship. at MWPC is to give from our financial blessings to support our mission and God’s work through our church. This is collected during the last song before the sermon. sermon This is a teaching from the Bible. We study scripture, its historic themes, and interpret God’s powerful word and its relevance for today. Rev. Joe Wendorph SERMON SERIES– Living Vision Life Part I “What’s In Your Vision?” Acts 16: 7-12 (NT pg. 135 in blue pew Bible) life in our church blessing It is good to be reminded of our ever-present God. This affirmation is made so we can take comfort and direction as we leave after our Sending Song. fellowship join us for refreshments after worship. Participate in Judy Williams Bob Joyner, Piano —Bill Wolaver *DOXOLOGY AND OFFERTORY PRAYER Judy Williams CALL TO WORSHIP prayer We believe in the power of God through prayer for THE MESSAGE CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE (Unison) Lord, have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy on us. *PASSING OF THE PEACE “The peace of Christ be with you.” Surely the Presence (Please stand if you are able and pass the Peace of Christ to each other.) Leader: Why are we here? offering God invites us to join in His work. One way we do this OUR PASTORAL CONCERNS Intercessory Prayers Leader: Come, then, expecting the wind of the Spirit to open closed windows, to make fresh breezes blow. Seek and you will find. Listen and you will hear, sing and you will feel! FIRST SCRIPTURE LESSON Ezekiel 12: 21-28 (OT pg. 778 in blue pew Bible) ANTHEM Chancel Choir directed by Alisa Johnson SECOND SCRIPTURE LESSONS Acts 16: 7-12 (NT pg.135 in blue pew Bible) THE MESSAGE *GATHERING HYMN No. 376 “Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken” Rev. Joe Wendorph SERMON SERIES– Living Vision Life Part I CALL TO CONFESSION PRAYER OF CONFESSION (Unison) Disturb us, O Lord, when we are too well pleased with ourselves; When our dreams come true only because we have dreamed too little; When we arrive safely only because we sailed too close to the shore; When with the abundance of things, we are losing our thirst for more of God; When in loving time, we have ceased to dream of eternity; When in our desire to build on this earth we have lost our vision of a new heaven. Forgive us, and disturb us. (We now pause to offer our silent confessions) ASSURANCE OF GOD’S FORGIVENESS We Leave with God *HYMN OF RESPONSE No. 107 ”Amazing Grace! How Sweet The Sound” (Vs. 1-4) *BENEDICTION AND RESPONSE (See Screens) “Go To the World” POSTLUDE Shine, Jesus, Shine *RESPONSE OF THANKSGIVING “Gloria Patri ” (No. 142) CHILDREN’S MESSAGE “What’s In Your Vision?” Bob Joyner, Piano —Carol Tornquist Gerri Weldon G.O.D. time to deepen your relationship with the church. Feel free to sign the fellowship pad and pass to another as a way to communicate with those nearby. *Those who are able, please stand in body or in spirit. Parents with restless infants are welcome to come into the nursery. Large print song sheets of the hymns are available in the Narthex. **Hymns taken from Glory to God Hymnal CLASSIC WORSHIP MODERN WORSHIP September 13, 2015 9:00 a.m. 9:00 AM Contemporary Worship 10:00 AM Prayer Time (Prayer Room) 10:10 AM G.O.D. Time TODAY Fellowship Time (Anderson Hall) 11:00 AM Traditional Worship 12:00 PM Prayer Time (Prayer Room) Fellowship Time (Anderson Hall) 1:00 PM Bridge Club 6:00 PM Connect (Check Facebook for location) 4:30 PM Middle School Group 5:45 PM Dinner & Worship for Middle/High School Groups 6:45 PM High School Group G.O.D. Time Locations: Children’s—Education Center High School (Rm 2) Middle School (Rm 3) Adult Bible Discussion —Doshi Room 101 Monday, September 14 8:30 AM Men’s Small Group (Conference Room 102) 10:00 AM Faith Circle (Doshi Room) 7:00 PM Boy Scouts (Anderson Hall) 7:00 PM Open Arms Prayer Night (Prayer Room 6) Bridge Lessons—will resume TODAY in the library. Times: beginner bridge lessons 12:30 p.m. and regular bridge 1:00 p.m. There is no charge for bridge at MWPC and everyone is welcome. Contact Dolores Kellam at 407-322-0340. Financial Peace University with Dave Ramsey– September 15, 2015—6:30 p.m. (9 week class). This isn’t your typical “money class.” FPU is practical, entertaining and fun. Sign up at For more information, contact Patti Lovette at or 321-277-4323. Decision Dynamic Consulting—Join Dr. Julia Buckey on Sunday, September 27th at 4:00 p.m. as she discusses her personal journey of guiding her mother’s medical treatment. This informative session will guide you to be better informed in making medical decisions for your loved ones. Castanet Lessons—will resume on Sunday, October 4. Beginner lessons will begin at 10:00 a.m. and intermediate castanet lessons will commence at Noon —room 10. All new students are welcome. Contact Dolores Kellam at 407-322-0340. Disciple 1 Bible Study Course—If We have a new class starting on September 22 at 6:30 p.m. in Anderson Hall room 2. The cost for the workbook is $40.00. Cara Wendorph will be the facilitator of the class. Contact Cara Wendorph at by September 16th to reserve your spot and give us time to order your book. Meet and Greet—If you are moved to make a deeper commitment to Christ and the MWPC church join us on October 11th from 10:10 a.m. -10:50 a.m. in Anderson Hall Room 1. Share some goodies first in Anderson Hall and meet us there for a time to learn more about how to grow deeper in your faith, discipleship and your commitment to the church. Chancel flowers are given today in celebration of Rosemary Robinson and April Anderson’s birthdays. Also, in celebration of Dave and Cindy Anderson’s 17th wedding anniversary. Tuesday, September 15 Tithes and Offerings Status THIS WEEK 6:30 PM Alpha Course (Anderson Hall—Room 1) 6:30 PM Choir Practice Wednesday, September 16 4:45 PM Choir Club 6:30 PM Community Night Dinner (Anderson Hall) 2015 Operating Budget: $667,543 2015 Budget Remaining to Cross the Finish Line: $175,390.00 Weekly Operating Expenses: $12,900 Head Ushers 9:00 Kathy Rewis ~11:00 Frank and Marge Stenstrom Thursday, September 17 9:30 AM Women’s Bible Study (Doshi Room 101) 6:30 PM Band Practice 5:00 PM Praise Team Practice (Sanctuary) Friday, September 18 Women’s Annual Retreat— September 18-20, Fruitland Park Our Prayers for Congregational Concern Saturday, September 19 8:00 AM Men’s Prayer Breakfast (Cracker Barrel— Sanford, FL ) Members: Mavis Miller, Dan Spellman, Barbara Holt, André DeGraaf, Carlos Jordan, Bernie & Joyce Fitzgerald, Randy Simpson, Ruth Ann Conklin, David Kellam, Carol Dennison, Brian Holt, Walter Smith Friends: Olivia Simmons, Elaine Pasternack, Debbie Mize Dickens, Debeuoise Family, Ann Boyles, Tom Paone, Officer Casey Smith, Kevin McCarthy, Paul Fisher, Stella Smith, Scott Hiss, Wilma Dewey, Leila Lefler, Clint Smith, Paul Fisher, Robyn Nix, Sally Reis, Margaret Hayes, Wilma Dewey, Kay Visser, Richard Sutherland, John & Laura Swanakee, Ed Nix, Grayson Zrelak, Austin Kemp All Serving in the Military & Missionaries : Airman, Nat Williams (Tyndall AFB), SSG Kyle Taylor (Army, KW), Capt. Price Harris (Ft. Bragg, NC.), Sgt. Aaron Burleson (USMC, Meridian MS), Captain Catherine Schaeffer (Offutt AFB Omaha, NE), Airman 1st Class Joseph Rinaldi, Jr. (Tyndall AFB, FL), Airman 1st Class Jeff Baez (Robins AFB, GA) Dr. Laura Layer, Mark Adams & Miriam Maldonado Escobar CHURCH STAFF Choir Director Contemporary Worship Leader Director of Preschool & Children’s Ministry Director of Adult Ministry/Wedding Coordinator Director of Millennial Ministry Director of Youth Ministry Office Manager Organist Chef Receptionist Clerk of Session: Charlotte Smith Class of 2015 David Kellam Bob O’Brien Joe Mack Bryan Southard SESSION Assistant Clerk of Session: Karen Hawkins Class of 2016 Class of 2017 Michael Baltzell Deborah Emmert John Gutekunst Moderator of Deacons: Patti Lovette Alisa Johnson Terry O’Neal, Jr. Cheryl Beck Chris Leinenkugel Cara Wendorph Shelby Lovette Dawn Pedersen Bob Joyner Kevin Grant Nancy Sullivan DEACONS Scott Beaton Emilie Beck Tiffany Thornton Associate Moderator: Ann Kos Class of 2015 Class of 2016 Class of 2017 Joyce Fitzgerald Jeff Kemp Geoff Nanton Betty Powers Anna Wilcox Karen Hawkins Ann Kos Patti Lovette Shanna Posey Linda Tharpe Suzanne Burleson Susan Greenhut Jennifer O’Brien Judy Southard Julie Thompson SERMON NOTES AVAILABLE IN THE NARTHEX Welcome to MWPC Where Our Vision Is “Growing the Faith of the Whole Family of God Inwardly Strong, Outwardly Focused” We are delighted that you have found our church and invite you to enjoy the warmth, worship, and wonderful spirit that resides here. We’ve been drawn together in this moment of Worship. You will discover many opportunities to grow in your journey of faith at our Narthex Visitors’ Table. Then join with fellow Welcome to MWPC sojourners as we enjoy food and conversation in Anderson Hall, Wheremore OurofVision Is and warmth of where you can experience the activities our church family. “Growing the Faith We encourage you to visit our website for a more of the Whole Family ofcomplete God look at our mission and offerings. If you still have questions, contact one ofInwardly our pastors at theStrong, church office. Outwardly Focused” Nursery is provided for both services with parent pagers. Hearing assistance devices are available from an usher. Nursery is provided for both services with parent pagers. Hearing assistance devices are available from an usher. Pastoral Staff Pastoral Staff ________________________________________________________________________ Lead Pastor: Rev. Joe Wendorph Lead Pastor: Wendorph Associate Pastor:Rev. Rev.Joe Karen Greenawalt Associate Pastor: Rev. Karen Greenawalt ________________________________________________________________________ 5210 Markham Woods Road Lake Mary, FL 32746 5210 Markham Woods Road Lake Mary, FL 32746 407.333.2030 407.333.2030