Empowering Women - The PRASAD Project


Empowering Women - The PRASAD Project
Winter Newsletter 2014
Empowering Women
…Self Help Groups in the Tansa Valley
Through your generous donations,
PRASAD Chikitsa’s programs
are empowering hundreds of women.
Since 2001, PRASAD Chikitsa has helped establish
more than 300 Self Help Groups throughout the
Tansa Valley in India. More than 200 of these
women’s groups, of 10 to 20 members from a village.
The groups tackle local problems such as illiteracy,
improving road conditions and waste disposal.
They may also serve as micro banks that manage
member monthly dues and invest in small
businesses, such as buying large cooking pots for hire
for weddings, a sewing machine to start a tailoring
business, or a tractor to rent to farmers.
PRASAD provides motivational and leadership
training, accounting and record keeping support at
monthly meetings, and also helps them deal with
banks. Villagers are trained as motivators to visit
other groups, to learn from each other and create a
community network.
The Women’s Self-Help Group in the village of
Kusapur wanted to free their community from the
terrible effects of alcoholism.
“We can understand after we stand on our own feet,
how beautiful our life really is.”
Watch the video at
Many women are earning money, speaking out,
and being heard for the first time.
Some men in the village were spending most of their income
on alcohol, which caused domestic violence, road accidents,
health problems and robbery.
The women worked with PRASAD Chikitsa to assess the
severity of the problem. With the support of village elders,
they decided on a radical plan - to make the village alcohol
free. They wrote to sellers and buyers of alcohol, visited those
who were addicted and watched closely to prevent the sale of
alcohol. Many opposed the campaign, but the women’s resolve
and the value of the plan convinced them.
Six months afterwards, the alcohol problem is under control.
One of the women said,
“Our elders are praising us and we feel very proud.
This is the greatest movement in our village history.”
For $140, or $12 per month, you could support
a Self-Help Group for one year.
Will you join us? Donate today at
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“I wanted to make a difference”
Anne Gorman is one of our long time supporters. She celebrated her 80th birthday
on 22 February, surrounded by family and friends at Sydney’s Royal Golf Club. A
delicious lunch led to an afternoon of love and laughter, slide shows and stories.
“No presents please,” the invitation read, “but you are welcome to make a
donation to my favourite charity, PRASAD Australia.”
Anne loves to help people grow strong and self reliant. “From a very early age,” she
says, “I knew I wanted to make a difference, that I had to make a difference.”
The theme of service and generosity runs deeply in her life. One of 13 children,
Anne trained as a social worker, married a grazier near Wagga, had five children
and was widowed at 38. Always a social activist and reformer, she became Director of the International Year of the Child in NSW;
a consultant and business woman, serving on not-for-profit boards, coaching senior executives and teaching meditation. Until this
year she was Chair of the Catholic Commission on Employment Relations.
Anne’s memoir, A Country Wife, will be released by Random House in 2015.
Honour someone special
Donating to PRASAD can be a meaningful way to honour
someone’s birthday, anniversary, or to make a memorial
gift on their passing.
Simply visit our website, click DONATE NOW and
complete the option: “I would like to make my donation in
honour of ….”
For more on how to invite and coordinate such gifts,
please contact prasadau@internode.on.net
Gifts will be acknowledged and we can advise you of the
total donations received for the occasion.
Donations are tax deductible.
They will make a vital difference to the families in
India’s Tansa Valley who are greatly in need.
Are you a PRASAD Australia sponsor?
Sponsorship by regular contributions - from just $10 per
month, tax deductible - helps us sustain, plan and grow
this work.
Donations go a long way:
Prenatal / HIV blood test $4
Eye surgery
Extra nutrition for 30 children a month $45
Extra nutrition for 75 pregnant women a month $75
Support a Self Help Group for a year
Vocational / professional education for one $1000
To donate by credit card, transfer or PAYPAL
visit www.prasadaustralia.org
Every contribution, whatever the amount,
is received with heartfelt gratitude.
The PRASAD Project was initiated in 1992 by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda, the spiritual head of the Siddha Yoga path. PRASAD is a philanthropic expression of the SYDA
Foundation—the central organization for the Siddha Yoga path. PRASAD’s humanitarian work is based on the core values of Siddha Yoga: selfless service, enduring
commitment, and respect for all people, regardless of their race or belief.
© 2014 PRASAD Australia & The PRASAD Project. All rights reserved.
(Swami) CHIDVILASANANDA, GURUMAYI, SIDDHA YOGA are registered trademarks of the SYDA Foundation.
PRASAD Australia - PO 366, Leichardt NSW 2040 • prasadau@internode.on.net • prasadaustralia.org • ACN 099 466 654
The PRASAD Project NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations
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