April 20, 2014 - St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church


April 20, 2014 - St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
206 West Main ~ P.O. Box 670 Fort Pierre, S.D. 57532- 0670
Office: 605-223-2176 fax: 605-223-2805
Easter Sunday ~ April 20th, 2014
Rectory (605) 223 - 2176
(605) 223 - 2805
Hours Monday - Friday 10am - 5 pm
Website www.stjohnsfortpierre.org
Pastor, Rev. Mark McCormick
Emergencies: 605-484-2161
Parish Secretary, Sherri Stoeser
Faith Formation, Josie Huck Tardiff
CSS Counseling, Tracy Palecek 222-4398
Parish Support, Mary Welsh
Parish Council, Katherine Schmidt
Finance Council, Pat Durkin
Altar Society, Deanne Booth, Kathleen Slocum
Grand Knight, John Schweigerdt
Small Group Studies, Shirley Gross
Mass Times:
Saint John’s Lord’s Day Masses
Saturday - 5:30 PM
Sunday - 7:30 & 10:00 AM
Sunday Evenings - Adoration of the Blessed
5:00 - 6:00 PM
Saturday 4:00 - 5:00 PM or appointment
Daily Mass (check bulletin weekly schedule)
6:45 AM Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
Tuesday 5:30 PM
Saturday - 8 AM
Ss. Peter and Paul - Pierre Lord’s Day Masses:
Saturday - 5:00 PM
Sunday - 8:00 &10:00 AM, 5:00 PM
Marriage - Notify your Priest 6 months in advance.
Baptism - Call Father Mark for information.
Anointing - If a hospital stay or surgical procedure is
scheduled, please call to schedule the celebration of
the Sacrament.
On the first day of the week, Mary of Magdala came to the tomb early
in the morning, while it was still dark, and saw the stone removed from
the tomb.
So she ran and went to Simon Peter and to the other disciple whom
Jesus loved, and told them, “They have taken the Lord from the tomb,
and we don’t know where they put him.”
So Peter and the other disciple went out and came to the tomb. They
both ran, but the other disciple ran faster than Peter and arrived at the
tomb first; he bent down and saw the burial cloths there, but did not go
When Simon Peter arrived after him, he went into the tomb and saw
the burial cloths there, and the cloth that had covered his head, not
with the burial cloths but rolled up in a separate place.
Then the other disciple also went in, the one who had arrived at the
tomb first, and he saw and believed. For they did not yet understand
the Scripture that he had to rise from the dead. John 20: 1-9
St. John’s Calendar
Sunday, 20th No Classes-Easter Sunday
5:00—6:00 pm Adoration and Evening Prayer which concludes the Triduum.
Tuesday, April 21st
6:00 am That Man is You
6:30 pm RCIA
Wednesday, April 23rd
4:30-5:30 pm Atrium 3rd class
6:30-7:45 pm 9-12 grade class
Thursday, April 24th
6:30 pm Maranatha Prayer Group
Sunday, April 27th
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Class 8:45-9:45
Grades 1-8 Classes: 8:45-9:45 (last class)
Divine Mercy Holy Hour 2-3pm
Adoration with Divine Mercy at 3pm.
Media Advisory: Messenger of the Truth documentary to air in SD
WHAT – MESSENGER OF THE TRUTH, the award-winning documentary on the
story of Blessed Father Jerzy Popieluszko, a Polish martyr and 21 st century hero of
human rights, who was the chaplain of the Solidarity movement in Poland.
WHEN – The documentary will air at 2 p.m. CT Sunday, April 20, 2014.
WHERE – SD Broadcasting will broadcast MESSENGER OF THE TRUTH. Narrated by
Catholic activist and actor Martin Sheen, MESSENGER OF THE TRUTH chronicles
Father Jerzy’s opposition to Poland’s oppressive Communist leaders, who harassed, arrested, threatened, imprisoned and, eventually, murdered him for speaking the truth in a country full of propaganda, oppression and social injustice. “A
must-see documentary for all who believe in the rights of religious liberty, the
dignity of the human person, and those who are lovers of freedom and defenders
of the truth,” says His Eminence, Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York.
Messenger of the Truth was awarded first place in the documentary category at
the 28th International Catholic Film Festival in Warsaw, Poland, and will be awarded the Christopher Award for the category of TV documentary on May 15 from
The Christophers at their 65th annual award gala in New York City.
We would appreciate your help in bringing this hero’s story to life on social
media. Please use the hashtag #FatherJerzy anytime you post/tweet about his life.
Click here to like the Messenger of the Truth Facebook page and follow us on
twitter @FatherJerzy.
ABOUT FATHER JERZY – Father Jerzy was an ordinary priest, whose strong faith,
conviction and courage mobilized a nation to believe that they were indeed free in
their hearts. His pursuit of the truth stood against the Soviet-backed Poland
regime’s pursuit of power. They were willing to kill, he was willing to die. The
Soviets saw this one man speaking the truth in a country full of lies as a threat.
The truth Father Jerzy spoke of gave the people strength and courage. This truth
was the source of faith, hope and love that united the people and gave rise to the
spiritual fortitude that would ultimately destroy the communist regime. This truth
was revolutionary. Father Jerzy’s example and message of human rights, justice,
truth and freedom ignited a faithful nation to not only dream of freedom, but
have the courage to make it a reality. At Father Jerzy’s funeral, an estimated 1
million people surrounded his church in Warsaw and as one, they promised to
continue his struggle for freedom through non-violence. Blessed Pope John Paul II
admired Fr. Jerzy’s courageous stand for freedom and truth, and prayed at his
grave. Fr. Jerzy was beatified on June 6, 2010, in Warsaw and is expected to be
canonized in the near future.
Sunday, April 20th
Acts 10: 43a, 37-43
Colossians 3: 1-4
John 20: 1-9
Monday, April 21st
Acts 2: 14, 22-33
Matthew 28: 8-15
Tuesday, April 22nd
Acts 2: 36-41
John 20: 11-18
Mass Readings
Wednesday, April 23rd
Acts 3: 1– 10
Luke 24: 13-35
Thursday, April 24th
Acts 3: 11-26
Luke 24: 35-48
Friday, April 25th
Acts 4: 1-12
John 21: 1-14
Saturday, April 26th
Acts 4: 13-21
Mark 16: 9-15
Sunday, April 27th
Acts 2: 42-47
1 Peter 1: 3-9
John 20: 19-31
Thank-you John Moisan for painting our Paschal Candle. It is so
special and beautiful to have a talented artist from our parish give of
his talent and time to create this work of art for his church!
Sparks from Father Mark
As you came to Church this Easter Sunday you hopefully noticed a change in our
worship space and environment with the addition of our temporary Baptismal Font,
which will stay in the Sanctuary until June 8, the Feast of Pentecost.
At the Easter Vigil, on Saturday, April 19, we baptized five children. During this
Easter season our parish community will probably baptize another three or four
infants, incorporating them too, into the Body of Christ, being adopted by God the
Father and becoming heirs to the Kingdom of God, eternal life.
The next several weeks in my Sparks column we will reflect together on the Sacrament of Baptism and the Baptistery/Baptismal Font in our Catholic Faith.
In the Sacrament of Baptism water is the key symbol of baptism and the focal point
of the font. In this water believers die to original sin and are reborn to new life in
Christ. The font is a beautiful symbol of both the “tomb” and “womb” that promises
eternal life where Christ will reign forever and ever without end.
I would to share a brief reflection by Fr. Paul Tuner on Immersion. Baptism in the
Catholic Church may be administered either by immersion or pouring. The two
options are always listed in that order, indicating a preference for baptism by immersion, even though pouring is more commonly practiced. Christian Initiation:
General Introduction says, “As the rite for baptizing, either immersion, which is
more suitable as a symbol of participation in the death and resurrection of Christ, or
pouring may lawfully be used” (22). The Catechism of the Catholic Church says,
“Baptism is performed in the most expressive way by triple immersion in the baptismal water” (1239). The National Statutes for the Catechumenate approved by the
National Conference of Catholic Bishops in 1986 say, “Baptism by immersion is the
fuller and more expressive sign of the sacrament and, therefore, is preferred. . . .
Provision should be made for its more frequent use in the baptism of adults” (17).
For many centuries, Catholic churches were equipped with baptismal fonts suitable
for pouring water three times over the head of an infant. Since the Second Vatican
Council, many parishes have erected larger fonts for the immersion of infants and
Copyright © 2006 Resource Publications, Inc., 160 E. Virginia St. #290, San Jose, CA 95112, (408)
286-8505, Paul Turner, pastor of St. Munchin Parish in Cameron, Mo. License Number: 105488
Baptism by immersion indicates complete abandonment of oneself to God in Christ.
It was almost certainly the method of the apostolic church. The very word comes
from the Greek baptizo, a verb meaning “dip”.
Here are some scriptures passages that I courage you to meditate on the Sacrament
of Baptism through the images of death and burial, birth, new clothing and the
In Paul’s Letter to the Romans, proclaimed at every Easter Vigil, he compares
baptism to burial: “Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into
Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? Therefore we have been buried with him
by baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory
of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life” (6:3-4).
The Letter to the Colossians makes a similar point: “When you were buried with him
in baptism, you were also raised with him through faith in the power of God, who
raised him from the dead” (2:12).
Jesus answered [Nicodemus], “Very truly, I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom
of God without being born of water and Spirit” (John 3:5).
As many of you as were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.
There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer
male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:27-28).
And baptism, which [the saving of Noah] prefigured, now saves you—not as a
removal of dirt from the body, but as an appeal to God for a good conscience,
through the resurrection of Jesus Christ (1 Peter 3:21).
All these images suggest that a large quantity of water was used to baptize well.
Saturday, April 19th
9:30 PM SI Elect: Jazmin, Juan, Mecedes Flores, Ridge, Camrie Leimbach
Sunday, April 20th
7:30 AM Intentions of the Parish
10:00 AM SI RCIA Candidates: Bill Lemibach, Cody Burtman
Monday, April 21st
6:45 AM SI Jon and Jody LeFaive By: Tom and Irma LeFaive
Tuesday, April 22nd
5:30 PM + Helen Schneiderhan By: Dan and Carol Schneiderhan Family
Wednesday, April 23rd
6:45 AM SI Father Mark McCormick By: Frank and Diane Larson
Thursday, April 24th
6:45 AM SI Curt and Ivy Langeberg Family By: Tom and Irma LeFaive
Friday, April 25th
6:45 AM Morning Prayer
Saturday, April 26th
8:00 AM Morning Prayer
5:30 PM + Larry DeJean By: Don and Mary O’Connor
Sunday, April 27th
7:30 AM Intentions of the Parish
10:00 AM + Gus and Candace Walti By: Kourtney, Karson & Kaden Walti
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday 4 - 5pm and Sunday 5 - 6pm
with Adoration or by appointment
Regular Collection
$ 3449.00
Online Giving
$ 3020.00
$ 6,848.21
Building Fund: $237.00 Adopt a Seminarian: $40.00
Our building repair loan payment is $2,494.28 a month.
Our loan balance is $93,952.35
Our building renovation monthly loan payment is for
 New hall furnaces and air conditioning: $40,000
 Parking lot maintenance: $16,600
 Hall roof: $12,500,
 Tuck pointing: $17,700
 Ran line from eave downspout to storm sewer: $7500
 Purchase of adjacent property: $55,000.
 Cost of tearing down house and filling lot $19,780
We are grateful for the stewardship of our parish family!
“Give and it shall be given to you.
For the measure you measure with will be measured back to you.” Luke 6:38
Thank-you to all who continue to honor their building renovation
pledge balance with payments and to those who continue to give to the
building fund to fulfill your loan payment each month Please use your weekly envelopes—
it makes much shorter and accurate work for those who count the collections!
Will you be a disciple?
Ushers, Greeters, Readers and Eucharistic Ministers: Your help is needed
in these ministries at all Masses. If you are willing to help (usually once a
month or 6 weeks depending on which Mass) please call Father Mark.
LAST WEEK: 40 days and 40 nights—40,000 pounds of food. Community Food
Drive March 5-April 27th. The communities of Pierre and Fort Pierre are coming
together to participate in a community wide food drive to help collect 40,000
pounds of food. Monetary donations are accepted too with $1=1 lb. of food.
Monetary Donations made out to PARS. St. John’s has donated 148 pounds
thus far!
Sat.19 Tyler Leiferman, Sherry Martin, Jonathan Rapp,
Bob Ricketts, Dylan Ryckman, Abigail Schweigerdt
Sun.20 Aleeyah Schilling
Mon.21 Darron Busch, Pat Jesso, Christine Olson, Abbie
Rathbun, Barb Rose
Wed.23 Shannon Pitlick
Thu.24 Michelle Hand, Irma LeFaive, Chad Wieczorek
Sat.26 LaDonna Geuther, Cindy Gross, Meg Maher
Sun.27 Ben Hughes, Lavin Stoeser
Wed.23 Bruce and Mary Hunt
Fri.25 Mike and Lisa Kenzy
Roger and Marcia Knight
5:30 pm
Mary Welsh
7:30 am
10:00 pm
Pat Storms
Ryan Fowler
Patty Lihs
Sydney Roberts
Troy and
Misty Roberts
Diane Smith
Christine Olson
Irma LeFaive
Austin, Adam
and Courtney
Barry and
Diane Smith
Kim Dowling
Mike and Judy
Deb Gates
Pat Storms
Liz and Cormac
JC Byer
Please pray for the sick and suffering: Eric Buchmann, Grady Jacobson,
Maddox Rowland, Kelsey Spurlin, Eileen Hofer, Barb Brown, Cindy
Foreman, Cindy Hogman, Stella Nagel, Alice Gannon, Terry Hughes,
Kroix Larson, Beth Flagstad, Addie Nickolas, Kathryn Schlechter, Keri
Hendrickson, Kathy Mueller, Maryls Fratzke, Heidi Alban, Yvonne Ehlers, Delores
Melvin, Steeley Moore, Gary Campbell, Ray Shepherd, Ted Schlechter, Sharon
Hoelscher, Ron Heckenliable, Dick Biegger, Eleanor Unterbrunner, Leanne Goff,
Cassie Miller, Max Roberts, Steve Kokesh, Colleen Schwanz, Skinner Larson, Leon
Etzkorn, Bernie Duffy, Patty Fawcett, Nathan O’Dea, Jerry Wethor, Adam Walter,
Mary Beth Moser, June Wheeler, David Gross, Karen Taylor, Richard Abernathy,
Freda Lawhon, Mona Lierly, Kathy Fenwick, Joe Gruman, John Nickolas, Marcia and
Roger Knight, Richard Runge, Megan Meier, Brock Young, Jaken Kasper, Mike
Fahey, Shirley Weisler, Shirley Barber, Doris Bolken and all who have asked for our
special prayers. Please call church office 223-2176 with prayer requests.
VBS: Vacation Bible School - June 16-20,
We need all of you to make this years VBS another success!!!
Things we will need:
*save your baby wipe/or other like containers to make treasure boxes. (we
need 45 more so please ask friends).
*striped and plain sheets to make the sides of the tents and light blue or
white sheets to dye blue for the water and sky. (if you find some at a thrift
store we can reimburse you the cost).
*EIGHT free standing tent canopy’s. 8x10 or less in size.
*We need to borrow 10: 5x7 or 8x10 rugs for kids to sit on.
We will have a work day in April/May and will need everyone's help building
the props. Call Church office if you can help or if you have any questions.
Thank-you to those women who gave of their time to clean the
Lord’s house for Easter. It looks so nice and we are grateful to those
who worked so hard.
Diocesan Events: Silent Retreats at Terra Sancta: Come away and rest in God at
Terra Sancta Retreat Center. Consider making a spiritual resolution by registering to
attend a Silent Retreat at Terra Sancta Retreat Center. Private Silent Retreats and
Private Directed Retreats: can be scheduled through the Retreat Center Office by
calling 605-716-0925 to ensure space is available. Find out more information and
register on-line at http://terrasancta.org/retreats. Upcoming silent retreats for 2014
include: July 13-20: for adults, directed by Sr. Marie Schwan, CSJ
July 26-29: for adults, directed by Fr. Tim Hoag and Susan Safford
In Memory of:
In Memory Of :
Frank McCormick
Frederick & Marie Ackley
Anna & Edward Grey
Patty Rokusek, Hazel Meyers
Agnes & Gordon Weber
Father Kutil & Father Fawcett
Harrold & Irene Meyers
Stanley Roseland
Bill & Liz Bartholomew
George & Bessie Bartholomew
Larry Huss
Father Dale Kutil
Floyd & Ada Fansler
Lester, Lorraine & Lyle Bisson
Penny Booth
Ray Brooks, Harry Cowan
Frank & Elnora Delvaux
John & Betty Palmer
Jack, Grace & Leona Chaussee
Idell & Darlene Dozark
Shane Cronin
Anne Mitchell
Edward Duffy
Bill & Ruby Kleinheksel
Marjorie & Leo Schmutz
Norby & Minnie Fahey
Father Brian Fawcett
William & Marie VanCamp
Carl & Florence Fischer
Frank & Louise Fischer
Flax Family
Clifford Fravel, BJ Stoeser
Father Mark
Pete & Judy Ackley
Pete & Judy Ackley
Pete & Judy Ackley
Pete & Judy Ackley
Pete & Judy Ackley
Pete & Judy Ackley
Ken & Twyla Bartholomew
Ken & Twyla Bartholomew
Ken & Twyla Bartholonew
Ken & Twyla Bartholomew
Ken & Twyla Bartholonew
Dale & Mary Bisson
Dale & Mary Bisson
Eric & Deanne Booth Family
Jim & Linda Brooks
Jim & Linda Brooks
Jim & Linda Brooks
Glen & Mary Dozark
Glen & Mary Dozark
Glen & Mary Dozark
John and Patti Duffy
John and Patti Duffy
Mike & Deb Fahey
Mike & Deb Fahey
Mike & Deb Fahey
Delmar & Patty Fawcett
Bill Fischer
Bill Fischer
Bill Fischer
Evonne Flax
Lynn & Mary Beth Fravel
Clifford Fravel, Randy Boyd
Phyllis Fravel & Family
Marisa and Kevin Gross
Derald Gross Family
Charles & Frances Taggart
Derald Gross Family
Henry & Tillie Klindt
Derald Gross Family
Laton Gross
Derald Gross Family
Fr. Dale & Fr. Brian
Derald Gross Family
Bob Marso
Kathy Harford
Hughes & Barr Families
Terry & Bev Hughes
Iversen Family
Shirley Iversen
Laurence & Delores Reinhard
Lyle & Phyllis Kenzy
Don & Marj Kenzy
Lyle & Phyllis Kenzy
Laurence Reinhard Jr.
Lyle & Phyllis Kenzy
Elzie & Agnes Rathbun
Lyle & Phyllis Kenzy
Father Brian Fawcett
Lyle & Phyllis Kenzy
Mitchell Davis
Mike & Lisa Kenzy
Raymond & Sheila Davis
Mike & Lisa Kenzy
Mike & Lisa Kenzy
Andrew & Blanche Kleinsasser
Jerry & Barbara Kleinsasser
Russel & Rosalie Waggener
Jerry & Barbara Kleinsasser
Floyd & Marion Abernathy
Roger & Marcia Knight
Irving & Bernice Knight
Roger & Marcia Knight
Richard Jacobsen Jr.
Roger & Marcia Knight
Eric O’Day
Roger & Marcia Knight
Bill Kleinheksel, Wilma Knudson Gary & Lois Knudson
Leo & Marjorie Schmutz
Gary & Lois Knudson
Mel Koenecke, Hope Konald
Todd & Rita Koenecke & Sam
Louis & Laura Lavin
Todd & Rita Koenecke & Sam
Janell Jean Kramer
Bob & Eileen Kramer
Joe & Irene Spielmann
Bob & Eileen Kramer
Bennie & Sue Kramer
Bob & Eileen Kramer
Denny & Marie Dargen
Bob & Eileen Kramer
Marilyn Wethor, Maria Mews
Bob & Eileen Kramer
Tom Spielmann
Bob & Eileen Kramer
Father Dale & Father Brian
Bob & Eileen Kramer
Tom Sluti, Shaun Davis
Bob & Eileen Kramer
Kevyn and Andrew Kramer
Bob & Eileen Kramer
Angie & Betty Kramer
Bob & Eileen Kramer
Ray Lawhon, Ken Lawhon
Freda Lawhon
GE “Bud” LaRoche
Jo LaRoche
LaRoche & Doyle Family
Jo LaRoche
Lester Peterson
Lou Ann Leischer
Lacey Jean Peterson
Lou Ann Leischer
Father Brian Fawcett
Lou Ann Leischer
Amaya Larson
Frank & Diane Larson
Robert, Rex Unterbrunner
Frank & Diane Larson
Delores & Merritt Larson
Frank & Diane Larson
Darrell Feistner
Frank & Diane Larson
Father Brian Fawcett
Frank & Diane Larson
Katie Rikansrud Jerry Anderson Jerry & Patty Lihs Family
Father Brian Fawcett
Jerry & Patty Lihs Family
Lilian Lihs, Kenneth Olson
Jerry & Patty Lihs Family
Cindy Keithch
Jerry & Patty Lihs Family
Joe LeFaive
Tom & Irma LeFaive Family
Leonard & Arnold Nagel
Tom & Irma LeFaive Family
Diamonte Williams
Tom & Irma LeFaive Family
Adam & Rose Nagel
Tom & Irma LeFaive Family
LaVerne & Rose Meyers
Tom & Irma LeFaive Family
Lloyd, Clara & Bertha LeFaive
Tom & Irma LeFaive Family
Don London
Diane London
London & LeClaire Family
Diane London
Bill & Joan Roscoe
Kelly & Teresa Madsen Family
Walt Ehlers, Ed Marks
Ken, Glenda & Kara Marks
Alfred Urban
Ken, Glenda & Kara Marks
Glen Peters, deceased relatives Rose Moore & Peggy Hartman
Lloyd & Mary Moore
Rose Moore & Peggy Hartman
Alvin & Maggie O’Conner
Don & Mary O’Conner
Raymond, Adeline, Larry, Kathy DeJean Don & Mary O’Conner
Pete Petersen, Bob Marso
Patti Petersen
Orgene & Frieda Petersen
Patti Petersen
Ann Patterson
Joe & Velda Pitlick
Angie Redden, Bryan Pogany
Wade & Karen Pogany Family
Don & Regina Iversen
Sid & Carol Pond
Bill & Adelaide Pond
Sid & Carol Pond
My Lovely Grandparents
Mike & Jill Richardson
Angie Redden
Ollie Redden
Jane Riter, Alice Farke
Bob & Carolyn Riter
Frank & Shawn Sack
Lexie & Frank Sack Jr.
Father Dale Kutil
Lexie & Frank Sack Jr.
Florian Lunders
Lexie & Frank Sack Jr.
Frank J. & Blanche Sack
Lexie & Frank Sack Jr.
Joe & Bob Shay, Betty Steffen
Lorraine Shay
Tom, Irene & Kathy Fennell
Ray & Maureen Shepherd
Bob & Liam Shepherd
Ray & Maureen Shepherd
Fr. Dale Kutil & Fr. Brian Fawcett Ray & Maureen Shepherd
Mary, Corinne, Sherry Polak
Bob & Sandy Spencer
Agnes Spencer
Bob & Sandy Spencer
Cora & Gertrude Kemme
Bob & Sandy Spencer
John & Florence Pitlick
Phyllis Squires
Kayla & Mathew Stewart
Kathryn Stewart
Clifford Fravel, Thelma Kelly
Kathryn Stewart
B.J. Stoeser, Megan Jo Keyser
Ben & Phyllis Stoeser
Albert, Hatta & Mike Stoeser
Ben & Phyllis Stoeser
Clinton and Sybil Alleman
Ben & Phyllis Stoeser
Gene & Regina Stoeser
Clayton & Bev Stoeser
Gene & Regina Stoeser
Rod & Pat Stoeser
Linus, Leo & Ruth Storms
Pat Storms
Pat & Earl Haslam, Bill Haslam Pat Storms
Ralph & Katie Huck
Dean & Josie Tardiff
Richard, Johnny Huck
Dean & Josie Tardiff
Austin Bowman
Dean & Josie Tardiff
Robert & Edith Schliessmann
Terry & Mary Turman
Shirley & Gordon Turman
Terry & Mary Turman
George, Jim & Marie Welsh
Mary Welsh
Leo & Gert Scheich
Mary Welsh
Joann McCormick - Mother
Father Mark
Pat & Mike McCormick - Brother Father Mark
Joe McCormick Family - Brother Father Mark
Jim McCormick Family - Brother Father Mark
Dan McCormick Family - Brother Father Mark
Jeanette Hughes Family - Sister Father Mark
Jeanine Lie Family - Sister
Father Mark
Grandma June
Ken & Twyla Bartholomew
Brian, Brooke, Aiden, Grace,
Easton & Bauer Dozark
Glen & Mary Dozark
Kristopher Dozark
Glen & Mary Dozark
Bernard & Peggy Duffy
John & Patty Duffy
David Mitchell
John & Patty Duffy
Jackie Marso
Patti Petersen Kathy Harford
David & Laura Hand
Jeremy & Julie Hand
David Gross
Derald & Shirley Gross
Daniel Gross& AliFha
Derald & Shirley Gross
Tarilynn Gerlach family
Derald & Shirley Gross
Jackie Cross Family
Derald & Shirley Gross
Derald Gross Jr. Family
Derald & Shirley Gross
Jeff, Teri & Kolter Kramer
Bob & Eileen Kramer
Ben, Andrea, Connor, Jaida Kramer Bob & Eileen Kramer
Christy Kramer
Bob & Eileen Kramer
Pope Francis, Father Mark
Bob & Eileen Kramer
Bill, Camrie & Ridge Leimbach
Bob & Eileen Kramer
Eleanor Unterbrunner
Frank & Diane Larson
Jon & Jody LeFaive
Tom & Irma LeFaive
Mike & Vicki Frye
Tom & Irma LeFaive
Curt & Ivy Langeberg Family
Tom & Irma LeFaive
Amber & Christina LeFaive
Tom & Irma LeFaive
Burton & Eva Weaver
Jerry & Patty Lihs Family
Father Mark Mcormick
Lexie & Frank Jr. Sack
Father Mark McCormick
Ray & Maureen Shepherd
Father Brian Christensen
Ray & Maureen Shepherd
Pat & Bernard Stoeser
Steve Stoeser Family
Terry & Pat Tardiff & Family
Dean & Josie Tardiff
In honor of Father Mark
by your parish family